#and now at this new job i jinxed something bad happening and it was pretty bad. not like ruin the show bad. but bad.
youremyonlyhope · 2 years
My uncanny ability to accidentally specifically predict bad things now means that for the second time, a supervisor has told me to stop making predictions while at work since they keep coming true.
This has happened in two different jobs in two different fields now. Yay.
#I'm psychic#legit my old desk job my supervisor was like 'Hope you really have to stop making predictions.'#and even one of my old coworkers was like 'you know when i first started i thought you were joking... but it really is... uncanny'#because i could basically summon people at that job to either show up or call me whenever i said 'ugh i need to speak to so and so'#or worse if i said 'i don't want to speak to so and so' either way the exact person would walk in or call me minutes after i said it.#and now at this new job i jinxed something bad happening and it was pretty bad. not like ruin the show bad. but bad.#and then the next day i was joking that i had accidentally jinxed it and then i started to say something else#and i was like 'wait no let me not say that out loud' and my supervisor was like 'yes please don't say it.'#and a coworker was like 'Hope yeah shut up. don't do it.' so yeah. i gotta stop speaking things into existence.#like my first day at this job i was walking with a coworker after we ran an errand and we walked by his friend's workplace#and he was like 'i always walk by here and never see her.' and i was about to say 'maybe today is the day'#but all i could say was 'may-' and his friend came running out the door to say hi because they finally overlapped.#then i was like 'that's so weird because i was going to say that today might be the day it finally happens then it did.'#and the next day he told me that she later said to him 'it was weird. i had a feeling i needed to look outside. and there you were'#and i was like 'look this is a joke but really half a joke. i'm somewhat psychic so that doesn't shock me.'#is predicting things a symptom of my anxiety? yes. am i also legitimately somewhat psychic? possibly.#i mean i had a great-great aunt who was psychic. and my family on my mom's side (with the aunt) has weird coincidences.#my grandma who just passed had the ability to call my landline the MOMENT i walked into my apartment. without fail.#and my mom and brother many times have both texted me the same question unprompted without speaking to each other.#so while i joke that i'm psychic. it's honestly half a joke. because there are some WEIRD things on this side of the family.#and it definitely manifests in me too. so much so that i've been told to stop doing it.
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am-i-interrupting · 1 year
please could you do something for arcane where reader comes home in a sling and is like "haha funny story" and it turns out they fractured their elbow? i fell off my bike at 8am yesterday morning and biked for idk how may miles and did farm work before going to the hospital roughly 7 hours later. turns out it wasn't a bad bruise like i thought lol. now im in a sling for 6 weeks and it was kinda sus that i was losing mobility in my arm throughout the day before i went to the hospital
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She will go into protective mode immediately.
She is by your side as much as you’ll allow her, getting you everything you need and more.
She will buy you sweets and get you your favorite drink every day during your recovery.
Will be giving you a lot of face kisses when she gives you something or does something you can’t do at the moment.
If anyone gives you the pity look and starts treating you differently she is glaring at them with a stare so hard and cold they stop immediately. Don’t say anything just half, turn around, and walk away.
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He will immediately check you over for any other bruising or cuts as soon as the news is broken.
He’s extra doting during your recovery, many kisses and cuddles, will fret over whether or not you’re actually comfortable laying with him.
He’s not the tallest individual so if he can’t get something for you, he is asking the other Firelights to get it for you.
On that topic, when he’s not around he has asked several of the Firelights to not smother you but stay near in case you need something.
Just super sweet and helpful during your recovery all around.
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She is immediately asking who hurt you and when you reveal that it was your own clumsiness, she takes a breath and jokes about it.
She will try to act like it’s no big deal but always has you in the peripheral of her vision.
She’s not as good as she thinks she is at hiding her hovering habits during this time.
She is making and stealing you so many pretty things during this time just to see you smile.
She will also do your hair for you if it’s long enough to style and she is joining you in the bath to wash and brush it.
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When you explain what happened, he will act like he’s scolding you but in reality it’s simply a rouse to disguise his concern. It’s not easy at the best of times, much less when you’re injured.
He will be giving you the best medicine available for any pain.
He’s also making you teas that are supposed to help soothe pain as well. Where he got such high quality tea? He won’t tell you but it’s there.
It’s also like he can read your mind because if you even think of getting something it’s already on the table in front of you.
You’re also not going to work for the entirety of your recovery. It doesn’t matter if you work for him or someone else. If you work for someone else and they refuse to be accommodating, fine you’ve got a new job with Silco waiting for you when you’re better.
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He is absolutely worried for you but understands how annoying it can be to have people try to do things for you because you’re in pain.
He will only get things for you if you ask and he is happy to do so.
He will massage your shoulder if it starts to hurt from the sling.
Is giving you alternative pain meds to try if the ones you have aren’t working.
He will also hold ice to your elbow so you don’t have to since it can be a pain.
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whoreforsplatasha · 2 months
Jealousy (Jinx x Female r)
Part 4
series contains- smut, violence, obscene language
After what seemed like hours of constant struggle I was finally able to get some sleep until... "time to start your training, get your fucking ass up y/n" I grunted while trying to get ahold of my feet; I felt a sharp pain in my lower back, most likely from the uncomfortableness of the mattress I had to endure all night.
I glanced at the short, foggy window that was placed at the very top of the room; not a single ray of sunlight mirrored form the outside. "What time even is it?" I complained. "3:45" my jaw dropped and I felt a bit of anger boil up inside me. "YOU SAID 4! WHAT HAPPENED TO 4?" I shouted as I did some angry hand gestures. "watch your tone. and rule one of being a fighter, always submit before the due date" I stared at her in annoyance and dusted my pants off.
fuck it, she's going down with them too that heartless bitch.
at 'The Last Drop' (the bar previously owned by Vander)
                                                                     . . .
"ARGH" I wailed as I tumbled to the floor. Sevika pumped more shimmer into her robotic left arm as she readied her next punch. I struggled getting up from my current position, before I could get on my feet she pounced at me grabbing my shirt and tossing me to the wall like trash. "hm" she scoffed. She walked closer to me and provoked  "weak"
weak? the taunting voices of my mother echoed through my head. “ you are nothing you will always be nothing until you stop being so god damn weak y/n” she scoffed and muttered, “what a pathetic excuse for a daughter”
With the new found energy burning inside me I gave an unpredictable kick in her stomach causing her to stagger a little giving me enough time to knock her off her feet and pin her to the floor with my fist. I gave her a self praised looked and she nodded her head in approval . "not bad kid, not bad at all" "woohoo! bravo!" I heard a voice say from behind me. I cringed as my mind processed who that annoying but kinda hot voice belonged to.
"What do you want Jinx?" she gave me puppy eyes "What's the matter sugar? I just came to see how my partners doin'" "uh huh" I replied. Sevika got up and was about to leave when I stopped her "woah woah woah where do you think you're going?" "I'm starving I'll bring you back something but I don't have the patience to deal with that brat right now " "So you're just going to leave me with miss crazy pants?" I said while looking over at Jinx; she just smiled and waved at me enthusiastically. "Please don't leave me with her" I begged. "Sorry y/n someone's gotta deal with her and you agreed to be her friend so that's your job now, thanks". " I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE" sevika just shrugged and walked away.
great. you just earned yourself number one on my assassination list
I grudgingly walked back inside to meet a smiley Jinx
oh boy
I put on my best fake smile and sat down beside her. "How's training with SEVIKA" she said Sevika in a princess like voice. "Actually it's pretty nice, she pushes me way beyond my limits but it's actually shaping me into a good fighter" "pft I could've done that a gazzilion and a billion times better than SEVIKA" again saying her name in a princess like voice, obviously mocking her.
i don't think a gazillion is even a real number, but i'm not trying to get slaughtered right now so i'll just keep that to myself
I nodded at her statement and wiped some sweat of my forehead when she blurted out;"what's going on with you and Sevika" she bit her lip nervously looking into my eyes. I almost choked on my own saliva. "ME AND SEVIKA? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING NOTHING IS GOING ON I DO NOT AND WILL NEVER LIKE HER LIKE THAT! PLUS SHES LIKE WHAT? 40?" I laughed at my own protest and jinx smiled a bit. "So you're single, right sugar?" "uh I mean, well yeah but-" she cut me off my leaning close to my face, her lips inches away from my mine. She touched my bottom lip with her thumb "good"
She leaned back and I silently cursed myself. Did I want her to kiss me? Surely not, I don't even like her like that plus I have Jayce at home. Jinx saw that I was frustrated, "What? Did you want me to continue." I felt myself blush uncontrollably. "N-no why would I want you to" "Soo you don't want me to kiss you" "Well I didn't say that either" i mumbled under my breath. "What was that sugar?" "Nothing" I quickly replied. She smirked at me and got close, even closer than she was before. She looked at my lips and leaned in but didn't kiss me. "Alright then I'll see ya tomorrow sugar." she rerouted her position and gave me a kiss on my cheek instead.
why was i mad? why was i so frustrated. did i really want her to kiss me? maybe i did but i can't let myself get attached, i have to kill her or my mother would never think i'm good enough. i need to do this quick before my feelings get stronger.
(hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! i'll try to update more frequently) also top or bottom jinx
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prrism · 2 years
Hi! This is new for me, I’ve never done a request before (hope I’m doing it right), but do you think you can do Wilbur or BadBoyHalo for you next babysitter story? I adore a babysitter stories and I think you do a great job of having everyone in character and making them completely adorable 🥰
Awww ☺️ I’m glad you’re liking my babysitter!reader stories, they’re one of my favourites to write 😄 My mind instantly stuck to Bad with this idea. I might do Wilbur next (if I remember anyways 😅)
Shoulder Devil
Summary: A prank gone wrong leads to you watching the sweetest devil in existence…
Characters: Badboyhalo x Reader (feat. Skeppy)
Relationship: platonic
Pronouns: unspecified/kept neutral
It had been quite the day and you were hoping for a little sympathy from the world, alas you just can’t make such wishes when the door bursts open, Skeppy of all people waltzing in looking rather tense.
“Did you just kick in my door?” You look over at him unamused.
“Uhhh… no?” He gives an unconvincing smile before holding something out to you. “Here, I heard you’re good at this.” You take a step away from him.
“Whoa whoa whoa! How do I know you’re not trying to pull something on me. You have a reputation for that.” You eye him warily, he’s about to answer when whatever he was holding starts to squirm, making him lose his grip. Out of reaction you leap to catch it, looking down at the tiny, smiling devil, you then turn back to Skeppy with a raised eyebrow.
“So I may have tried pulling something on Bad while we were mining and somehow he became small.” Skeppy says nervously.
“This was intentional?” You question.
“No! This wasn’t supposed to happen I swear!”
“Explain then.”
“I was just trying to give him a scare, you know play a sound like there’s a creeper or zombie and have him panic a little, you know, the usual.” He chuckles at the memory before his expression drops a little. “One of those scares made him slip off a ledge, but he landed in this weird coloured moss so I thought he was fine. Then while we were leaving he got really quiet, I was about to make a joke about how scared he was but when I turned around he was like this!” Skeppy was on the verge of panicking by now.
“Alright, I get it. I’ll look after Bad until this wears of-”
“Thanks! You’re the best (y/n)! Bye!” And just like that Skeppy was out the door more chipper then ever, honestly you were pretty sure he just didn’t want to be on babysitting duty himself.
You sigh as you turn your attention back to the small demon that was currently playing with the sleeve of your shirt.
“I never thought I’d see the day where I’d be taller then you.” You joke getting Bad’s attention, you give him a small boop on the nose making him giggle and clap his hands happily.
Bad was extremely clingy, not that you were entirely surprised by this but you didn’t expect it to be this extreme. He’d follow, you everywhere gripping your leg when you’d take a pause or reaching up and making grabby hands for you to pick him up. Eventually you just set him on your shoulders while you moved around so you wouldn’t have to constantly pick him up and put him down again, plus you’re sure he appreciated the height. When outside, you let Bad play with one of the dogs you recently tamed, gave him something else to focus on and helped socialize your dog better too, win win. Of course you still kept a keen eye, after all past experience has taught you that the outdoors is where most of your mishaps seem to take place. Nothing goes wrong, you finish your tasks and bring Bad back inside without issue.
“It’s funny,” you start staring at him, Bad stares back with big, curious eyes. “You’d think a literal devil would be difficult to take care of and yet you’ve been the least troublesome kid I’ve had to watched. Thank you for that, by the way.” Bad gives you an adorable fanged smile in response. “You’re just a precious little thing aren’t you.” You coo at him, silently hoping you didn’t just jinx yourself.
You gave him some crayons and paper to colour with as well as a nice apple snack to peck at as he desired while you updated Skeppy on how things were going since he was constantly asking. There’s a sudden tug on your leg, you look over at Bad who’s holding up a picture of… well you weren’t exactly sure what it was, but he seemed to be proud of it so you do the natural thing and pin it up on your fridge for him. He then scurry’s back to the living room only to return a minute later with a book in hand, holding it out to you.
“Want me to read you a story?” You ask, he nods eagerly and you go to sit on the couch. It’s a small struggle but Bad manages to pull himself up and crawls onto your lap, leaning against you while you open the book and begin reading to him. “Once upon a time, there was a brave knight…”
You ended up reading quite a few stories to Bad, doing silly voices or being over dramatic to keep him entertained until he looked about ready to doze off, however, before he does the whirling sound fills your ears and you now had a sleepy, regular sized Badboyhalo leaning against you. You’re about to ask him to leave when he wraps his arms around you and places his full weight against you.
“Mmm hi.” He greets in a somewhat slurred voice.
“Hey.” You greet back awkwardly. “You mind getting off me and head ping back home?”
“No, this is fine.” He mumbles, you laugh at his still very childish behaviour.
“Come on. You normal again, you can go home and sleep.” You try getting up but his hold tightens, keeping you in place.
“Noooo… you make such a nice cuddle buddy.” He whines. “Just for 10 minutes. Please?” He did look about ready to pass out.
“Alright, 10 minutes it is.” You cave in with a sigh.
“You know, for not being a kid anymore you sure are acting childish.” You chuckle.
“But it’s fun being a kid, even as an adult.” Bad’s voice is barely above a whisper now.
“True… man Skeppy’s going to be so jealous about this.”
“Then don’t tell him…” He trails off, having finally passed out, you following suit not long after him, the both of you enjoying your short power nap.
If there’s anyone else you’d like to see in this series, don’t be shy to let me know, you can even repeat characters if you’d really like 😁
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cultgambles · 3 years
Yeah She Bad Ain’t She
Why would I wanna keep her to myself
Dabi x Reader x Hawks
Wrote this in Hawks’ POV bc try new things. Enjoy! Also got inspired by some audios on gwa lol but what’s new.
Voyeurism, exhibitionism, public, threesome, mutual masturbation, one (1) gay joke, they/them pronouns for reader, afab tho
WC: 1794
Masterlist | Requests? open
The first time you step into the dingy bar of the LOV, you scrunch your nose at the smell. Cough into your fist, and scan the room with careful eyes. You see Tomura Shigaraki nursing a whiskey at the bar, Kurogiri behind it, Spinner chatting up Twice. Dabi is laid back on the couch, his arm slung around someone you don’t recognize.
“Hawks, our newest member!” Shigaraki says to the team. “Give him every hospitality.”
“Hey-yo!” you say, saluting leisurely as a greeting. Shigaraki introduces everyone, as if you don’t already know who everyone is. Except one person, the one cozied up to Dabi. They introduce themselves as [Y/N]. Someone you’ll have to research on later before you report back to the commission, which makes you sigh silently.
“Come sit! You’re in luck because tonight is movie night!” Twice says.
“Just tonight?” you ask, watching the rest of the members find seats around the small TV.
“Every Thursday!”
“What are we watching tonight?”
“Catch Me If You Can! About that American con artist,” [Y/N] says. “Pass me that blanket, would you?”
“Sounds interesting. And sure,” you say, tossing the Christmas themed blanket at them. You watch as they fluff it out on themselves and Dabi. You push over one of those lounge chairs and flop onto it. Shigaraki queues up Netflix and hits the play button.
About thirty minutes in, you hear [Y/N]. “Dabi, stop,” they whisper, smacking him on the arm lightly.
“What, I’m not doing anything at all.”
“Don’t act all innocent.” Out of your peripheral vision, you swear you see Dabi’s hand move under the blanket, ​​[Y/N]’s hand gripping his forearm.
“But don’t I make you feel good, baby?”
“Don’t ask stupid questions. The problem is everyone is here.”
“Not like we haven’t done something like this before,” he scoffs. “Look, we even got an audience.”
Your face flushes as you listen to their conversation. You barely hear a low groan from [Y/N]’s lips.
“Can y’all shut the fuck up? I’m trying to see what Frank’s gonna do!” Shigaraki fumes, whipping around. A look at Dabi. “Oh.”
“C’mon, boss, don’t pay attention to us, watch the movie,” [Y/N] says.
“This is free entertainment right here.”
[Y/N]’s hips jolt upwards. “You perv.”
“More moaning my name, less talking,” Dabi growls, ripping the blanket off [Y/N]. [Y/N]’s wearing a yellow sundress, that by now, is hitched up above their hips. Their panties are pushed to the side, showing their glistening sex. Dabi’s middle finger and ring finger disappear inside of them, his palm pressing against the clit roughly as he fingers them.
“I-Is this a normal occurrence?” you stutter, face turning the same color as your wings.
“P-pretty normal, yeah, oh, Dabi, right there!” [Y/N] trails off, grinding up for more friction.
“What can we say, we like to have fun here.”
By now, the other league members have turned around, movie be damned.
“How are y’all so casual about this?!”
“Don’t be like that, you’re having a good time too, bird brain,” Dabi smirks, eyes drifting to your growing erection.
“Shut the fuck up,” you snap. But he’s not wrong, both of them have got you so enamored. You hear the squelch and squeaks, the quickening of breaths.
“Dabi, I need you, need your cock,” you barely hear them whisper.
“Of course, doll. Lay down,” Dabi smiles softly, planting a kiss on their lips.
You don’t know if you’d rather be him or [Y/N].
[Y/N] slips down, horizontal on the couch. You eye Dabi as he stands straighter, nimble fingers unclasping his belt and pulling his cock out. It shimmers slightly in the TV light. He drags his cock along their folds, gathering wetness. He taps it against them. Without warning, he slams into them, both letting out a guttural sound at the sensation. His pace is slow, he’s gripping [Y/N]’s hips as a smack smack smack rings out as their bodies meet.
Somewhere behind you, you hear a zipper unzipping. You’re tempted to too, but would that be too soon? Must be, since this is basically your first official day here.
But you don’t deny how good [Y/N] looks taking Dabi’s cock. Hair splayed out, breasts moving under that sundress. You want to rip the dress off of them. Tt hold, knead at the flesh, and lick at the pert nipple. Your eyes travel down their body, where [Y/N] takes him in so nicely. How would they taste, you wonder.
And what about Dabi? Just the size of him could choke you out.
Dabi’s voice snaps you out of your reverie. “C’mon, man, if you’re just gonna stare at them, why don’t you play?”
“Nothin’ wrong with lookin,’” you trail off.
You so want to. Badly.
“Hawwwwkkks,” [Y/N] moans. “Let me taste you. Taste me. Whatever.”
“You heard them,” Dabi drawls.
One beat, and suddenly you’re up, fast as lightning. “[Y/N], let me take your dress off.”
“Okay,” [Y/N] lifts their arms as you pull the dress up over their head, revealing the tantalizing and smooth skin. You toss the dress somewhere to the side of you and rip off your gloves. You kneel beside them on the floor, slotting your mouth against theirs in an open mouthed kiss. Your hands sneak up, massaging their breasts and pinching the nipples.
You feel [Y/N]’s hand snake down your chest, and whimper as their hand grips your clothed cock. You pull away to bring it out. The tip is flushed red, a bead of precum forming at the slit. You stroke your hand down once, and move so your hips are flush with [Y/N]’s face.
“Nice dick,” [Y/N] and Dabi mutter at the same time.
“Jinx!” [Y/N] barks a laugh that soon turns into a moan at a particularly hard thrust.
[Y/N]’s tongue slides on the underside of your cock, massaging the vein there. Soon enough, it’s enveloped in their mouth and you fight to suppress a moan.
“Your mouth feels so good, baby.” [Y/N] hums, taking you in deeper. Their nose nuzzles the hair at the base of your dick slightly. They barely have to do any work as Dabi basically pushes them forward with each thrust. Dabi looks up at you with lazy eyes.
“Kiss me,” you plead, leaning in.
“That’s gay,” he says as he captures your lips with his.
You’ve never kissed a man before. He tastes like old cigarettes and mint. Your tongue slides against his teeth, and finally meets his tongue.
He’s got a tongue piercing.
How many piercings does this dude even have?
You jerk away without warning as [Y/N] does a particularly hard suck.
“Wanna feel their pussy?”
“I couldn’t.”
“Just because you’re new I’ll
let you.” Is this a trick?
You so want to.
[Y/N] pops off of you. “Dabs likes watching.”
“Does that even count since I’m also partaking?”
“I think so. Just get over here, I need your fat cock in my mouth. Not that yours wasn’t also good, Hawks. Just needs to be somewhere else,” [Y/N] says.
“Do it!” you hear.
Damn. You’re so wrapped up in these two, you forgot there was an audience. However, it seems that was the push you needed. You give the a-okay. Dabi nods, clearly pleased by your decision, and pulls out.
You trade places, [Y/N]’s hole flexing against nothing. You bring two fingers down to swipe at the wetness and run your tongue along the digits. You guide your cock in, letting out a satisfied moan at the warmth. [Y/N] squeezes your cock deliciously, and you almost want to come right then and there. You tell them so.
Your pace isn’t as brutal as Dabi’s but still elicits those sounds you're beginning to love out of [Y/N]’s mouth. A sick part of you hopes you’re better than Dabi, and that they will leave him for you.
Or maybe they’ll let you in again? How often do they do this sort of stuff, you wonder to yourself.
[Y/N] and Dabi are holding hands sweetly, their fingers brushing against his charred skin rhythmically.
Your hand moves to rub tight circles on their clit and you're squeezed impossibly tighter as a response.
“You gonna come, [Y/N]?” Dabi asks. “Getting sloppy there. Don’t bite, baby.”
“I’m so close,” [Y/N]’s voice dips off info nothingness at the end, mouth agape. They throw their head back as they move their hips against yours when your body meets theirs. “I want both of you to come inside of me.”
“Wasn’t gonna do it anywhere else,” Dabi chuckles.
“You want me to?” you ask.
“Yeah, fill me up good, Hawks.”
You glance at Dabi. He shrugs. Hope he doesn’t kill you for this.
“Oh shit,” you curse, feeling [Y/N] spasm around you and shudder.
You think Dabi comes at the same time you do. You slow to a languid pace, letting [Y/N]’s walls milk you.
“Good job, doll face,” you watch him lean down and peck [Y/N] on the forehead. “You too, bird brain.”
“Uh, thanks.” You pull out of [Y/N], and they wince at the loss. You tuck yourself back into your pants and [Y/N] wraps the blanket around their shoulders.
“Good show!” Twice says.
“Now let’s finish the movie,” Shigaraki huffs out.
“You have such a one track mind, Shiggy,” [Y/N] says, ruffling his hair.
“I’m just really invested.”
“Yeah, you were invested in us, too,” they say, looking down briefly.
“Oh shut up.” You catch a glimpse of his cock as he scurried to shove it back in his pants.
“See ya round, Hawks,” [Y/N] says, blowing you a kiss. They take Dabi’s hand in theirs and walk up the stairs at the back of the bar.
“Probably gonna fuck some more,” Spinner snickers.
You’re lucky your mic on the inside of your jacket just happened to die before you got up to some frisky business. This has got to be the weirdest thing you’ve been a part of: League of Villains just fuck as bonding activity.
Maybe you’ll keep this one to yourself. You wonder if they would ever invite you again.
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akitokihojo · 3 years
Monster - Chapter 10
chapter index
Hello I have returned. Have the next chapter.
CW: grooming
Also, please note that I have officially changed the rating of the story on AO3 and FF.net regarding *future* chapter(s). And don't act like y'all don't even know why. :)
“I can’t believe that actually worked.” Kagome mentioned amusedly, walking a few feet behind her half demon companion.
“I told you it would. I can’t believe you tested out the sharpness on your thumb.” Inuyasha sarcastically sneered with an irritated roll of his eyes, his head slightly bobbing to the side.
“I didn’t test it out, and you know it.” Kagome half laughed - half sighed. “I just wanted to see the job Totosai did. It was super sharp!”
“Yeah, no fucking kidding, huh? I’m not sure if you know this, though, but you see things with your eyes.”
“It was an accident, you butt.”
“Will you hurry up and fix your tits so I can take a look at your cut already?” He pressed heatedly, intentionally keeping ahead of her.
Kagome had been wrestling with the lacing of her bodice for a few minutes now; ever since they left the inn. They were finally outside of the village and wandering through the forest, but it was a little tricky to get her breasts in order while keeping a steady pace behind Inuyasha. That, and finagling the strings with one less thumb so she wouldn’t get blood on her clothing.
“You know, now that you mention it, you haven’t looked at me since I tightened my bodice up. What’s up with that?” Kagome questioned, holding the loosened garment an inch away from her chest to try and shake her breasts down a little. No good. Not loose enough yet. She really went to town this time.
“You want me to?” He countered with a brazened tone.
“I mean, it’s not that I want you to. I don’t necessarily care one way or the other.”
“I’m trying to be respectful.”
“It was your idea for me to objectify myself, Inuyasha.”
“So? That’s different. It was Totosai objectifying you, and it served a purpose. You got your shit for free. It worked. Now put them away.”
“I’m trying! They wont work with me.” She laughed. It was honestly funny that he was so stiff ahead of her, so insistent to avoid looking at her.
“How bad is your thumb?”
“Eh, not too bad. It’s dripping down my hand, though.”
“Goddamn it, Kagome!” He ground out exasperatedly.
“Just turn around, oh my god.” Kagome laughed again, shaking her head.
“You act like you won’t have anything else to look at if you do. Like, I don’t know, my eyes? Or, maybe even my thumb?”
“Fix your tits.”
“My nipples aren’t showing. It’s just a bit of cleavage.”
“I’m serious.”
“So, am I. My nipples really aren’t showing.”
“Oh my fucking god.”
“Ah! Inuyasha, it’s going down my forearm!” Kagome commented in a panicked tone, readjusting the way she held her arm as she quickly yanked her sleeve back so her blood wouldn’t stain.
Quickly, Inuyasha spun around, but he abruptly stopped before he could even reach for her hand, amber eyes landing on her chest and then hastily shooting up to her face. She watched his cheeks change colors, three shades of red appearing just beneath his eyes before he glared and turned back around to keep walking.
“Fix ‘em.”
“Are you afraid of boobs, Inuyasha?” God, she was trying so hard not to laugh right now. She’d never seen anyone as flustered as he was now, and it was extremely difficult not to poke fun at him. “Is that what’s happening? Do my breasts intimidate you?”
“Kagome, don’t think I’m opposed to leaving you here alone until you fix your wardrobe malfunction.”
“You wouldn’t.” She stated plainly with a shrug he didn’t see.
“Oh, fuck you. Yes, I would.”
“And, leave me defenseless with a bleeding thumb and my tits out for all to take advantage of?” Obviously, that was a joke, but despite the lighthearted tone, she knew it would grind Inuyasha’s gears. He stopped walking and she heard the deep, hot inhale through his nose, literally watching his fingers furl into fists. It didn’t take a genius to know that he desperately wanted to leave her just to prove a point, but he couldn’t because there really was the possibility that she’d be an easy target.
“Go ahead,” Kagome laughed defeatedly, stopping behind him. “Say it.”
“Fuck you.” He huffed out through clenched teeth. “You’re manipulative.”
“Is there anyway I can kindly manipulate you into maybe helping me?” She almost mumbled, staring down at her chest while she struggled with one hand now.
“Kagome, what!?” Inuyasha lolled his head dramatically.
“I never realized how much I needed my thumbs for this. It was a struggle at first, but since I’m dripping now, I’m down to one hand entirely. I need help.”
“My help!?”
“Do you speak squirrel? Maybe you can get one of those guys to do it - yes, you’re help!” Kagome fired. “Stop being a sissy and just turn around. I promise my breasts wont bite you.”
“I hate you. I hate you so much right now.” He murmured, sliding his heel around in the dirt to face her. His golden eyes drifted around, never landing on her at all. They went from the right, above her, back to the right, then all the way over her and to the left.
“God, Inuyasha, I’m not asking you to grope me! Start from the bottom and pull this string.” Kagome waited a moment, observing Inuyasha’s discomfort, his blush, his tense stance. With a groan beneath her breath, she rolled her eyes again. “Would you feel better if I covered my cleavage?”
“I’m not sure.” He admitted.
“Fine, I’ll just do it, myself. But, stop for a minute. It’s even harder to do while walking.” Kagome conceded with a sigh. She turned around so Inuyasha would hopefully be more comfortable, pulling her sleeve as far back over her elbow as it would go to struggle with her lacing again with a little less risk of a mess. She continued on grumbling, “I don’t know what you’re problem is, though. I know damn well you’ve seen boobs before. Don’t act like mine aren’t nice. Mine are perfectly nice.”
With a feisty huff, Inuyasha gave in, giving her what she wanted with a little taste of her own medicine.
“Fine,” He grunted, grabbing her shoulder and yanking her around. Kagome unsuspectingly stood there, shocked, eyes wide as he flicked her hands away from her bodice. Inuyasha worked from the bottom up, yanking the strings loose as her body jostled slightly from the force of his movements. “Yes, your tits are nice. Is that what you want to hear? That’s not the problem though. You’re not someone I’m trying to hit and quit. You’re Kagome. I was being respectful. I refuse to make you feel objectified or uncomfortable.“ Finally loose enough, Inuyasha grabbed it from the top and wiggled her chest back and forth so her breasts would fall back into their proper place. Then, he went right back to tightening it up properly, going by how they usually looked as he pulled the strings taut, again her body jostling back and forth with his motions. “But, you just think it’s so funny, don’t you? You’re such a fucking brat sometimes, I swear. Well, fine. You want my help? You got it.” Inuyasha declared, quickly tying off the ends of the strings, and giving the top plush of her tits a finishing pat.
Kagome stared at him, stunned. There was a partial smile on her mouth, but it hung open, the heat of her face bubbling and bright. Inuyasha took in her blush, how it was taking forever to process what the fuck had just happened, and he cocked an arrogant smirk at the embarrassment he’d caused her to swim in.
“How’s it feel?” He asked smugly.
“I deserved that.” She remarked, trying to pinch her lips into a straight set line so she wouldn’t laugh. She hadn’t seen that coming. Not at all. “The - uh - the boob tap was a nice touch. No pun intended.”
There was a moment where he inhaled slowly, eyes blinking closed as his brows furrowed and creased deeply, but he couldn’t hold it. The both of them started laughing hysterically, his own coming out as a sort of snort from how hard he’d tried to bite the reaction back.
“Fuck, I can’t stand you!” He laughed, planting the palm of his hand on his forehead before sloppily dragging his silver bangs away.
“I’m sorry! I just didn’t expect to be manhandled by you!” Kagome had slightly doubled over from how funny it was. Anyone else, and she would have punched their lights out. But, this was Inuyasha. And, he went from zero to a hundred real freaking quick. It was both surprising and hilarious at the same time.
“How fucking old is that bodice? Why did I have to put so much effort into such a small thing?” Inuyasha stressed.
“Pretty old.” She giggled, testing the flexibility of his job. Honestly, it was nearly perfect. A smidgen tighter than she liked it, but not at all something she couldn’t live with. “I wear it all the time so it fits better to my body, but I’ve had to replace the lacing a few times already. I might be due for new strings. These ones like to stick in the holes and it makes it harder to pull loose - I know.”
“You’d better hope that thing doesn’t rip right off of you in the heat of battle.” He chuckled.
“Shh, don’t say that.” Kagome hushed. “You’ll jinx me.”
“Let me see your cut, you fucking idiot.” Inuyasha wagged his fingers to usher her hand over, taking it to inspect the small nick closely. It really was fucking tiny. How the fuck was it bleeding so much? “Turn around.”
Kagome pursed her lips and did as instructed, letting Inuyasha pull the drawstring of her bag loose and wriggle something free. With his clutch on the sack, her twisted her back to face him, opening up the canteen of water and slowly pouring some on the little laceration.
“Seriously, how did you even do this?”
“I don’t even know. I think my grip on the arrowhead just kind of slipped and I accidentally cut myself.”
“I can’t take you anywhere. You’re so fucking clumsy, it’s annoying.”
“Catch me, I’m swooning.” Kagome sarcastically remarked at his abrasive words with a playful roll of her eyes.
The corners of Inuyasha’s lips inched upward as he handed her the canteen to hold in her free hand, reaching into his pocket. The hanyou pulled out an off-white handkerchief, unfolding it before her with a little flick.
“Is that a flower on the corner? Inuyasha, I didn’t take you as a floral kind of guy.” Kagome giggled teasingly.
“Ha-ha.” He sneered. “A harlot gave it to me.”
“When?” Kagome hadn’t had the opportunity to hold back the rise in her tone before the word slipped off her tongue. It was shocked, and defensive, and almost territorial. Immediately, as she realized how she’d sounded, she fixed her expression and shut her mouth.
Inuyasha arched a brow, resisting the reflex to smirk. He didn’t take Kagome as the jealous type, but he’d caught it. No matter how quickly she’d adjusted herself and shifted her eyes away. Not to mention, there was a slightly embarrassed flush on her cheeks.
“Before I met you.” He said, finally letting himself smile, though it was smug as all hell. He could feel it. “We didn’t fuck.”
“Oh, that’s not it.” Kagome hastily reassured, giving a dramatic, one-shouldered shrug. “I was just a little surprised because I didn’t see you talk to anybody, so I was like ‘wow, when did another woman approach’, right? Because, like, I was right next to you most of the time, except for, like, when I went downstairs to the tavern to eat, but I highly doubt you would have snuck someone in then. Of course, even if you did, that’s none of my business. But, it was just, when we were shopping in the market avenue, we were right next to each other the whole time, so, like, I was just shocked because, wow, I didn’t see anything, so if it happened, it had to be super stealthy. I was just surprised, is all, but if it happened before we even met, then that makes a lot more sense. It’s actually a really pretty handkerchief.”
Good lord, she rambled when she was flustered. Inuyasha shrugged his brows, sighing deeply as he ignored her, taking the corner of the cloth between his teeth and ripping a long portion off.
“And, now it’s not.” Kagome deadpanned.
“Will you shut up already?” Inuyasha grumbled, wrapping the torn away length of cloth around her thumb to tie securely. “There. You’re gonna make it.”
“Thanks, doc.” She said with a cute pout.
Inuyasha’s ear flicked as he took the canteen to shove back in her bag, stopping for a moment to analyze the noise he’d caught. Light footsteps, small gait, single person, careful treading. Not in a stalking manner, though. It was nearby, but it didn’t seem like they were attempting to creep up in any way. With an attentive sniff, Inuyasha caught the scent of a human. One who made home more often in a forest than anywhere else. They had a woodsy scent, a fresh campfire lingering on their clothing. With how light they seemed, Inuyasha was willing to guess they were female. Though, he has been wrong before. It could also be a child. They had the tendency of ambling similarly, albeit with more frequent stumbling. Nevertheless, they were fine so long as both parties minded their own.
“You done rambling?” He asked as he came around the side of her, notching his head to signal for them to continue on.
“I wasn’t rambling.” She weakly defended with a barely audible huff from her nostrils.
“Okay,” He chuckled. “Well, if that’s the case, then keep your voice down. There’s someone nearby.”
“No one we need to worry about. Human. I just don’t want to attract attention our way.”
“Roger that.” Kagome nodded, sealing her lips and walking by his side.
Silence, talking, bantering, it was all comfortable with Inuyasha at this point. There was something that had shifted between them over the past couple of days. After he’d gone to sleep on his human night, Kagome laid there awake, listening to the peacefulness of his deep breathing. It wasn’t often that he slept, but he seemed to fall asleep pretty quickly that night. All she could hope was that he was okay and comfortable, and that he woke up well-rested.
But, she worried that maybe she’d pushed the boundaries with all the touching she’d done on him that night. She was a little more handsy than normal. Granted, it was only his hair, arm, and legs, and they’d held hands for about thirty seconds, but it was still abnormal and slightly unwarranted. Kagome got a bit in her head by overthinking the situation. She was slightly overly affectionate, which was weird on its own because this was a different sort of affection she hadn’t really understood or explored before. And, while she wanted to blame the one beer she’d consumed and Koga’s insinuation of her feelings for Inuyasha, by the next morning, she knew she couldn’t. She knew it made sense for a reason. How could she deny that she had an attraction toward him?
Thing was, Kagome was worried she’d made it too apparent. He was so close to her, they were touching like it was second nature, and she hadn’t even considered that she may have been overstepping a boundary. She’d hoped, sincerely hoped, that things wouldn’t be awkward in the morning.
Luckily and surprisingly, they weren’t. Though, things weren’t quite the same either. Inuyasha walked a few inches closer to her. They’d decided to stay in town for another day for a little rest - which she knew was because he was aware of how exhausted she was from all the extra effort she’d been putting into her training and growth. That, he wouldn’t openly admit, though. Nor, would she expect him to. It was good enough for her to be able to read him, and that was all Kagome needed to appreciate. They ate breakfast in Kaede’s tavern, and he kicked the toes of her boots a few times. It was a casual thing as they waited and conversed, but it was new. She wouldn’t necessarily call it footsies though. That was a little too cutesy of a stunt for Inuyasha to ever pull. Then, he took her around the town, discretely showing her some of the deterrents Kaede had previously mentioned. He stayed close. Always close. Especially, when he took her to the market avenue.
There was a bit of a crowd even Inuyasha seemed surprised about. Kagome could tell he wasn’t a fan of them right away. His ears swiveled unpleasantly, almost pinning down for a brief moment, and he seemed to stiffen minutely. Nothing too obvious, but she’d caught the difference. She was quick to suggest they come back later, but the hanyou shook his head, clearing his dissatisfaction.
“Stay close.” He’d instructed as he guided her through. “Don’t want to lose you.”
It might have meant nothing but basic kindness to him, but it caused a tiny flurry in her abdomen. That sensation spread out whenever people got a little too close to her and Inuyasha’s hand would unconsciously find the small of her back. Was it protective, or was it just to make sure they didn’t get separated? Or both? Kagome didn’t allow herself to read too far into it. She just decided to go along with it, enjoying the warmth and safety of his presence.
They ate dinner in the tavern, joked with Kaede in her downtime, played rock-paper-scissors - which was shockingly exciting for such a simple game, enjoyed one last, hot bath, and then went to bed. Of course, ending with Inuyasha wrestling with her and dumping her on the mattress like before. At some point in the day, Kagome had stopped thinking about the potential for awkward tension between them, she stopped thinking about accidentally overstepping boundaries the night before, she stopped thinking about incidentally making Inuyasha uncomfortable with her affection, because it felt like he was partaking in growing closer to her, as well. It felt natural. It felt like no thought needed to be applied, and whatever was happening was organic.
Whether it was in the same nature as her or not, she wasn’t sure. And, she tried to believe it didn’t matter.
So quickly, yet still not terrifying. Not to her. Kagome had thoroughly come to enjoy his company.
“So,” She spoke, keeping her voice low so it was conversational but between them. “What did you mean by, ‘you’re Kagome’?”
“You’re Kagome.” Inuyasha repeated matter-of-factly.
“You’re annoying.”
“And?” She giggled.
“You’re fishing for something I’m not going to give you.” He stated gruffly.
“Allow me to fill in the blanks.”
“Here we go.” Inuyasha muttered.
“‘You’re Kagome’, when looked up in a modern dictionary, can mean one of three things: Number one, I respect you so stinking much that I could never find it in myself to sexualize you non-consensually. Number two, I’m not attracted to you and it makes me feel uncomfortable that you have such nice breasts because I would rather not view you as a sexually appeasing woman. Number three, you’re one of the bro’s.”
“Number four, you’re an idiot I can never get to shut up, so it’s physically impossible to be attracted to someone like you.” He added.
“Hah! Says the guy who got shy at the sight of a little cleavage.” Kagome playfully teased.
“Why are you not offended when I call you ugly?” Inuyasha chuckled, his expression twisting bemusedly.
Kagome stopped, an obvious pout replacing her grin. “You think I’m ugly?”
Inuyasha turned to look at her, his face shifting seriously as he panicked at her sudden hurt. “No. No, Kagome I don’t think you’re…” He paused as he watched her lips slowly curve upward, brown eyes twinkling devilishly. “I hate you.”
She laughed, “That’s why.”
“You fucking tricked me.”
“It’s one thing to not be attracted to me, Inuyasha. Of course, my feelings wouldn’t be hurt by that. But, calling me ugly would actually hurt me, and you know it, and I’ve noticed that’s something you try to avoid.”
“Hurting your feelings? I literally call you an idiot all the time.”
“Yes, but you know that doesn’t bother me.” She smiled, shrugging as she continued walking. She heard his footsteps follow behind her, crunching leaves and the thick clumps of dirt on their path.
“What makes you think I care about hurting your feelings? It’s not something I actively try to avoid, kid. You’ve probably just got a thicker layer of skin since you grew up with two boys.” Inuyasha was pulling shit out of his ass. Kagome had sort of scattered his brain for a moment. She was reading him well. Was he obvious in his attempts at taking better care of her sensitive nature?
“Nah,” She turned around to look at him, and he froze from how happy she seemed. He knew she was joking, playing around, and there was only one thing she’d said that had bothered him. That he wasn’t attracted to her. While he would rather keep it to himself, while he would rather that not be obvious information, it was still incorrect. Because, when she smiled the way she was right now, when her cheeks tinted naturally, and when the sun touched her through the tops of the trees, his heart had a tendency to clench. It wasn’t painful, it wasn’t jolting, but it was there. Of course, he found her appealing to look at. There were so many sides to her that he’d been able to witness over the weeks, and he genuinely only disliked one. Her sadness. Her tears. It wasn’t that they were ugly. He just hated it. It had no business clouding the joyful features that he observed now. Despite all that, he genuinely wanted to see more. He wanted to see it all. He wanted to see her fierce side, her determined side, he wanted to see her scowl - pointed at others, of course - and her attitude, he wanted to see what she looked like when she danced, when she was compassionate, and at the end of the day, he wanted to see her win. Inuyasha was truly attracted to Kagome, and even though that was his business, it still didn’t sit quite well that she considered otherwise. “You’re just a big softie.”
Inuyasha deadpanned. That was the second time she’d called him that, and he was beginning to think she really believed it. “And, you’re stupid.”
“You didn’t deny it!”
“Neither did you.” The hanyou stated smugly, catching up to her side. He watched her expression flatten, and she grumpily kicked a rock out of her path. Got her.
Interestingly, the human was still nearby. He’d thought, after a while, they would have gone in some other direction, but it was almost like they were keeping up with he and Kagome. Additionally, they seemed to be walking just a bit closer. More than that. They were walking toward them now. It seemed like in a matter of minutes, they were bound to cross paths.
No. Something wasn’t right.
Inuyasha stopped, swiping his arm out in front of Kagome’s stomach to halt her as well. The girl jumped slightly at the sudden change, but she settled into place as her hands gently grabbed his forearm, attention on his hardened jaw but eventually following his gaze ahead of them.
A woman stepped out from behind a thick-trunked tree, an emotionless expression on her pale face as she gazed at the two of them with caramel eyes. Beneath, the skin was thin and dark, telling stories of her fatigue, though her shoulders were broadened energetically. She was thin, mid-height, wore fitted pants, but the beige blouse she donned seemed two sizes too large, tucked into her bottoms to keep the tail out of the way. On her right shoulder, she wore a quiver of arrows and a long bow, colored red and cracked from years of usage. It came from above, but a white, ghostly serpent slithered down and around the woman’s shoulders and chest, dropping a glowing light through her heart before circling her body to perch on her free shoulder with its insectile legs.
“Kikyo.” Kagome breathed, but when Inuyasha looked down at his companion, he noticed she didn’t appear as pleased or welcoming as he would have expected her to be. So, this was the great Kikyo, huh? He lowered his arm.
Kagome skeptically glanced at Inuyasha, and even though she was just touching him, she reached for him once more to feel his shoulder.
“This is real.” Kikyo spoke. “I’m not in your head. I’m here. And, before you react to anything dramatically, no, this is not the endgame we were intended to meet at.”
Inuyasha’s brows pinched together slightly, and he felt a tug pull down at the corners of his lips. Already, he wasn’t a huge fan of the way she spoke to Kagome.
It was a moment before Kagome could speak. All she could do was stare at the woman in front of her. Over the past year, she’d always imagined she would be some form of excited when meeting Kikyo in person, but Kagome currently felt no emotion in similarity. She was unhappy. She was growing increasingly more upset, a grudge she’d been holding against the woman rising to the surface now.
“Been a while.” She finally said, her tone level.
“Yes. It has been.” Kikyo walked closer, leaving just a few feet’s worth of a gap separating she and the opposite conjurer. “I’ll admit, I haven’t much felt like talking to you. I had nothing to say.”
“Oh, you haven’t?” Kagome shrugged her brows in minor challenge. “Well, ditto.”
“Means, the feeling’s mutual. I didn’t want to talk to you, either.”
“Are you claiming to be upset with me?”
“I am.” Kagome stated plainly.
“On what grounds?” Kikyo asked, a modest scowl appearing on her features.
“You first.”
Inuyasha swiftly grew uncomfortable as both women faced each other. At the reveal of who the person was, he hadn’t suspected Kagome to be any degree of unhappy, yet she faced the supposedly powerful conjurer with squared shoulders and a vexed look on her face. Now that he thought about it, she hadn’t mentioned Kikyo since that night they played the question game. He figured if they were in consistent, subconscious communication, as it previously seemed, she’d share any news. It made sense now. They hadn’t spoken. Still, no matter how badly he wanted to take a large step to the side, he resigned to remain at Kagome’s for the moment. He really hadn’t seen her in a confrontational state such as this, so he had no idea what to expect right now.
“You know what you did.” Kikyo replied.
“You mean, what I didn’t do?” Kagome cocked her head to the side. Again, the challenge was present.
“Yes.” Kikyo huffed.
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”
“You don’t - excuse me?” For the first time, Kagome heard a heightened inflection in Kikyo’s tone. Even when she lectured her that last time, she didn’t seem this exasperated. And, so quickly too. Kagome was sort of proud of herself. Kikyo always appeared so grounded. “This has everything to do with me, Kagome.”
“No, you think it has everything to do with you, but it really doesn’t. You voiced your opinion, I took it into account, but then I made my own decision. You and I can’t travel together, and you basically told me I’m on my own, so that means I get to call my own shots. Right? Right.”
“You’re a fool.”
“Oh my god.” Kagome’s head lolled back dramatically before finding its way to sit upright. “That again? I’m the fool, but you wanted to punish me by giving me the silent treatment for traveling with Inuyasha? Fine, I’ll take it. But, you’re immature.”
“What do you have against me?” Inuyasha inquired with a small shrug, confused. He was sidelined one moment, and then before he knew it, part of the problem.
Kikyo hissed an abrupt hushing sound at the half demon, barely looking at him before she went back to glaring at Kagome. “Tell me why you have the audacity to be mad.”
“The audacity?” Kagome guffawed, so blown away by Kikyo’s ego that she couldn’t help but back step with her jaw hanging agape. “Okay! Sure! Were you ever gonna mention that you were hanging around my village for god knows how long? That you were spotted and that was the reason Naraku’s henchmen had been visiting so frequently? Hm? Ever plan on bringing that information up, or were you just gonna sweep it under the rug?”
“Are you blaming me for -“
“No. I’m not. The girl’s death is on them. I’m blaming you for being partially responsible for making the last few months of my life hell, though! Did you watch when my mother was slapped across the face two months ago? She was hit so hard, her cheek was bruised and she spit blood. Did you sit back and relax when an old lady had her face shoved in horse shit? Her heart gave out a week later, and the doctor thinks it was from the stress. We all called her Grandma Hojo. She raised one of my friends. She was all he had left. How about the time they defiled our graveyard? Did you like that little show they put on? How I had to scoop up and bury my father’s ashes for the second time!? You really want to say that I have the ‘audacity’ to be mad at you!? Kikyo, you were right fucking there! Why did you -“
“Hey,” His voice was soothing as Inuyasha swiftly reached for her jaw with one hand, her nearest shoulder with the other, turning Kagome to face him. He bowed his head slightly, speaking only to her as he forced her eye contact. “Hey, it’s okay. Calm down, alright? Don’t visit that pain again. I don’t want you going back to that.”
The hanyou gave her a moment, and luckily Kikyo stayed stiff with silence. He didn’t let Kagome go. Truthfully, he was willing to guess even she hadn’t realized how emotional she was becoming or how the post-traumatic stress was being triggered. But, he’d seen it. He heard things he couldn’t imagine a single person having to live through, let alone this girl. This girl whose eyes brought him solace without any effort, this girl whose laughter was bubbly and sweet, this girl he was biased enough to believe deserved it all the least. Even he was slammed with the weight of the experiences she’s lived through, and these occurrences were only separated by mere weeks. But, it was at the mention of her father’s remains being disrespected that his heart wrenched painfully. If he was hurt by the thought, he knew Kagome was engulfed in that pain and anger, and that was where Inuyasha needed to reach in and yank her out. It was so easy to drown in trauma you hadn’t been able to sort through yet, and he couldn’t let it take her. She could continue arguing all she wanted. Truthfully, he loved her feisty side. This seemed like something that was waiting to come, anyway. But, she was going to stay balanced while she did it. He was there to make sure she didn’t get too overwhelmed.
Kagome took a deep breath, slightly embarrassed but thankful for her companion reeling her back to reality. She had been quickly growing so furiously heated that she wasn’t even thinking straight and her fingers had begun trembling, but his touch pulled her back to the present. She hated that she was so emotion driven, she hated that she got so passionately flustered when reliving past incidents, but none of that was important right now. Kagome nodded as she felt steadier, more level-headed, and then turned out of his grasp, looking back at Kikyo. She could feel the slant of her own eyes, though. Her glare held no forgiveness yet. She wanted to hear Kikyo’s explanation, and quite frankly, deserved it.
“You do blame me.” Kikyo stated more than questioned, a slight frown tugging at her lips.
“I blame you for what you’re responsible for, yes.” Kagome replied. “I blame you for just standing by and watching. I blame you for knowing the havoc you’d caused, but never giving any sort of warning. You had plenty of opportunities. You communicated to me in my dreams, but all you ever said was, ‘the responsibility is ours.’ Not once did you slip in a, ‘hey, I fucked up. Look out.’”
Kikyo’s caramel eyes fell to the forest floor, the muscles at the joint of her jaw flexing and nostrils flaring. There was the smallest quiver in her chin, but she tucked it in the hopes that it wouldn’t be noticed. A heat was rising through her chest, her neck, her face, and all too soon, her nervous ticks began to kick. Her hips swayed side-to-side, her fingers clenched and unclenched repeatedly, she gnawed on her thin, bottom lip, and she blinked profusely because she’d be damned if anyone saw a single tear from her.
“I - I didn’t know what to do.” Kikyo hesitantly admitted.
Kagome didn’t speak. In fact, she sealed her lips. The floor belonged to Kikyo.
“It took forever to find you, and when I had, I didn’t want to forget your face or your village. It was difficult to locate to begin with. I did - um - I did make a mistake, Kagome. I wasn’t paying as close attention to my surroundings as I should have been. I got too relaxed, and hadn’t realized I’d been seen at first. When it became apparent, it was too late. I tried wandering away, even going so far as to intentionally be seen elsewhere to try and drag the attention away from you and yours, but I was unsuccessful. Thing was, so long as I remained evasive, things weren’t going to be as bad as they could have been. Things were terrible, I know, but if they had caught me, that is when Naraku would have shown up. Or, could have. I don’t know how that would work or how they would gather his attention, but it wasn’t a chance I was willing to take. They could not involve him if they did not have me.”
“But, why didn’t you say anything to me?”
“I did not want you to go looking for me. Knowing I was right there, you would have come searching.”
“You could have at least warned me to expect the worst. You could have said something.” “Kagome, I am a conjurer. I am not clairvoyant. I had no idea what was coming for you once I had been seen.”
“Okay, fair.” She huffed agitatedly. “But, you never said anything to me afterward, either.”
“It was in the past.”
“Oh, screw you!” She snapped, stepping back again.
“It wasn’t something you needed to focus on, anymore!”
“I really can’t get a read on you! Are you that cold!? Are you that insensitive!?”
“No!” Kikyo was beginning to crack. She didn’t know how to properly explain herself, how to make Kagome understand that her intentions were pure and not cruel. Naturally, Kikyo had a difficult time emotionally connecting with others. Ever since she’d met Naraku, ever since her life and heart had taken a nosedive into turbulent waters, connecting grew exponentially more difficult. Throw that in with the fact that human interaction was few and far between, she was in a disposition where she legitimately felt blocked. How did she make Kagome understand? Did she overshare? It was uncomfortable to consider, but even now, where she stood, she was uncomfortable already.
“You didn’t even help! You just watched! You watched peoples’ homes get torn apart, you watched my family suffer, you watched women get thrown around and harassed, one was almost raped last month, Kikyo!”
“Kagome, I didn’t mean -“
“No! Stop it! I looked up to you! You made me look up to you! I thought you were my hope, I thought you were everyone’s hope! Lo and behold, you were five feet away the whole time, and you just watched!” Kagome’s voice cracked from her zeal, her fury. “And, you want to tell me it’s a thing of the past!? Tell that to Hojo! Tell that to my mother! No, you know what? Go ahead and tell that to any male in my village. They’ll still take it as personally as any woman who’s been at the wrath of the henchmen’s hands. Go ahead, Kikyo. Tell that to my cousin and little brother. See how they’d respond.”
“I just - I didn’t -“ Kikyo’s breathing had increased. Her pale cheeks were now painted red, her eyes were bloodshot, her lips were bitten, pressed, and sucked so hard that they finally hued pink. Her chest rose and fell heavily from the way her lungs pumped air in and out, that her breasts actually pressed against the cloth of her baggy shirt. “If I did something, there was - there was the chance that I wouldn’t get them all. They were working off of inconclusive evidence of my presence since they had nothing tangible, so if I basically confirmed I was there and failed to kill every last one of them, Naraku would come. Kagome, Naraku wouldn’t hesitate to kill you all just to find me. He would have you killed. I couldn’t - no. I didn’t know what to do.”
Kagome took the sight of the breaking conjurer in. Finally, she was expressing emotion. Finally, she was showing something relatable, she was conveying tension, and anxiety, and fear, and remorse. Finally. “Were you scared?”
“No!” Kikyo hardened hastily.
“You’d only be doing yourself a favor by admitting it.” Inuyasha spoke, his tone gruff. “You’re not fooling either of us.”
A tear fell from Kikyo’s eye, but her hand swiped across her cheek to clear it so quickly. That tear served as her breaking point, though. It was like a wall she’d forged in unbreakable steel was cracking down the middle, and the weight Kikyo carried on her shoulders was bringing it to crumble. She gasped as the emotions overpowered her, as the guilt overwhelmed her, and this sensation, the denseness in her chest, the disturbing warmth that tingled over her skin, was all so foreign now that she didn’t know how to process it all at once.
She was only human. This was a bold reminder of which. Kagome’s anger began to dissipate, the flush in her body was cooling down. Her own heart clenched at the visible pain the opposite woman was in, but she didn’t know what to do to help.
“I was. I was scared.” Kikyo cried, relentlessly wiping her face of her tears. Her head was bowed so her twisted, sorrowful expression wasn’t observable, but she spoke up, despite her broken voice, to make sure the confessions she’d kept under lock and key were heard as clearly as possible. “I didn’t mean to cause so much damage, and I didn’t know what to do to correct it. There was always the risk that there were lingering demons. They didn’t always bring everyone in their pack. Their leader was smart, and the risks hanging over your head scared the hell out of me. For a while, I thought I was helping by staying out of it.”
“Well,” Kagome sighed, trying to push the remaining resentment from her veins. “You’re definitely right about something there. Their leader was smart. He rarely brought his whole squad, and when he did, it meant they were bored and all hell was about to break loose.”
“I didn’t know that them spotting me would make things harder on you. Was everything they did from that point on abnormal?” Kikyo asked, sniffling but desperately trying to pull herself together. The skin beneath her eyes was scarlet and puffy, and the tip of her nose was bright. She blinked quickly to fight off anymore tears from falling, and any that did escape was swiftly cleared away with the wet sleeve of her shirt.
“I don’t know when, exactly, they noticed you since they never said anything, but they increased their visits. Which makes sense now since it turns out they were trying to weed you out.”
“Weed me out?”
“Yeah, they thought you might have had family in my town. And, even if you didn’t, overall, they were just trying to get you to react.”
“Wait,” Kikyo shook her head slightly, perplexed. “How do you know this? I don’t understand.”
“I had a little run-in with their leader almost three weeks ago. He spilled the beans.” Kagome grumbled, recollecting on that incident.
“Oh,” The shake of her head deepened, eyes falling for a moment as she exhaled heatedly. “I - I wasn’t aware of that.”
“It’s alright. He’s dead now. All of his lugs are. Hopefully, my home is at least a little more peaceful and they’re in recovery.”
“I want you to know, I also wasn’t aware of the grave defilement. That may have happened when I was away and trying to pull the attention off of your village. I did not know you had to… your father. Kagome, I didn’t even know your father was deceased.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Kagome resigned, pushing the memory away.
“Look, this - uh - this isn’t why I came here today. I need to speak with you.” Kikyo admitted, centering herself as she raised her chin as she normally would.
“About what?”
Kikyo regarded Inuyasha was a slight shift of her eyes before glancing back over to Kagome. “In private.”
“No.” Kagome said. It was straight, like there was no room for compromise.
“She said no.” Inuyasha said.
“You are not involved.”
“I am now.”
“Kagome -“
“Kikyo, whatever you tell me is most likely going to be relayed back to Inuyasha, anyway. He’s with me. We’re doing this together. So, you can talk to me with him around.” Kagome attested. “He’s trustworthy, I promise.”
“I do not deem him so.”
“Alright, that’s it. What’s your problem?” Inuyasha questioned, his attitude flaring. He cocked his head to the side, panning the woman with an indifferent stare.
“You have no business here.” Kikyo responded. “I tried to caution Kagome against traveling with you, but she’s as stubborn as a mule. Be that as it may, just because she finds you trustworthy, does not mean I have to agree.”
“You’re right, you don’t.” He shrugged, a hint of venom on his tongue. “But, that doesn’t change a damn thing, sweet cheeks. Kagome and I still come in a pair, and because she’s already declined to leave me out of it, it looks like you better get used to me being included. She’s already told you she’d only end up telling me everything, anyway. So, you might as well get talking.”
“You are highly infuriating.”
“Likewise. You’ve sparked a fight with both Kagome and I in the span of minutes. That takes skill.”
“I don’t much care about offending you.”
“Right back at ya.”
“You have no business here.” Kikyo repeated, more vexed that time.
The hanyou gestured to the girl at his side. “All the business I need.”
“Kikyo, stop.” Kagome tried. “Just tell me what you came here to tell me.”
“No.” She held up a hand at Kagome, her glare aimed at the half demon at her side. Kikyo squared her shoulders mightier, and he only stood a couple inches taller than she, so she barely had to look up at him to meet his amber eyes. “Why should I trust you? Why should I believe you’re a good asset to Kagome?”
“What is this, an interview? You think you call the shots or something?” Inuyasha challenged.
“I am more experienced than she is, so I know what your kind is like. It’s normal to have lapses in judgement when you’re fresh to the world outside of your home, and it’d be way too lucky to stumble upon someone valuable immediately. So, tell me, hanyou. Tell me why I should trust you.”
“Kikyo, stop.” Kagome ordered, going ignored.
“You’re missing the point. I don’t give a flying fuck if you trust me. Get your head out of your ass and understand that you have no fucking say here. I’m along for the ride whether you like it or not.”
“You shouldn’t be. Just your temper tells me you’re irrational and could get Kagome hurt.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“That Kagome needs to be as level-headed as physically possible with every step she takes, and that she can’t afford to take chances with reckless half demons such as yourself.”
“Are you implying that I would put Kagome in danger!?” Inuyasha seethed, filled with a burning heat that rose over his body.
“I am implying that even if you kept your mouth shut, who you are is a risk on its own.”
“Kikyo!” Kagome shouted.
“Fuck you!” Inuyasha growled. He hadn’t been this angry at an insult toward his hanyou state in so fucking long, this feeling was almost unnatural to him at this point. How dare she? Who the fuck did this bitch think she was? Everything from his tongue thereafter was uncontrollable and hot, it was demanding and sharp as knives. “Says the twat who refused to even help Kagome out from the beginning because you were too scared to be caught by Naraku! Yeah, I’m a fucking half demon, Kikyo! Who gives a rats ass!? Kagome doesn’t seem to mind, but I guess you’re just so fucking entitled that you’re not used to your opinion being irrelevant! Jesus fuck, but for you to think I would ever put Kagome in danger is low! You don’t know me! Don’t pretend to know me because of my genetics!”
“Would you give your life for hers?”
“Without a second thought.” He answered quickly, furiously, his tone lethal and husky. Inuyasha realized then that Kikyo was calm. She’d relented halfway through his rant, the tiniest of smug grins appearing on her lips. What was that about? Was she egging him on? Did she believe him? Or was this what she wanted all along? Either way, he wasn’t finished. He knew what he’d said, but he felt like he needed to make sure he was understood completely with no room for misinterpretation. “I don’t give a fuck who you think you are, I don’t even care what you think of me. What matters here is Kagome, and so long as she trusts me, I’m not going anywhere. She’s safe with me. I would never intentionally put her in danger. Understand?”
“Got it.” She smiled, holding her hands up to submit. “Calling me a ‘twat’ was a bit excessive, but that was all I wanted to know.”
“Were you -“ Kagome gawked incredulously. “Were you testing him?”
“I was. He wouldn’t outwardly tell me why I should trust him in the beginning, so I had to trick him into telling me.”
“Good lord, you really need to work on your social skills.” Kagome groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“I know, it’s not the greatest tactic.” Kikyo scrunched her expression remorsefully. “It’s difficult for me to properly navigate conversations; I really don’t talk to a lot of people much anymore. I’m not surprised that I’ve upset you both. I apologize, Inuyasha. I just wanted to - are you okay?”
Inuyasha had crouched down where he stood, his elbows braced on his knees as he buried his face in his hands. “You stress me the fuck out, dude.”
“I just wanted to make sure you had good intentions.” Kikyo assured, looking slightly panicked. “When a person is heated, they say their truths more passionately, and -“
“Yeah. Just talk to Kagome.” He murmured, not yet coming out of his position.
Kagome soothingly rubbed her hand over the top of his back, lightly scratching her fingers at the nape of his neck where his hairline was. “Alright, we’re all done fighting. No more of that, okay? What did you come here for?”
“Are you sure he’s okay?” Kikyo whispered concernedly to the opposite conjurer.
“He will be.” She replied in a hushed tone, as well.
“Alright, well I should - I should apologize to you, too. I should have never -“
“It’s alright, Kikyo. I understand.”
“No, you really don’t.” She confessed. “There’s a lot more that I’ve been hiding from you. I didn’t know the right time to tell you, or even how, but I fear it’s imperative knowledge.”
“What is it?” Kagome asked.
“I don’t even know where to start except to ask:” There was a brief pause as Kikyo inhaled deeply, sighing out just the same, almost in preparation. “How - how is my sister?”
Kagome didn’t take long to process her question. She pursed her lips and nodded instead, taking her hand back as her companion rose back to a standing. “I knew it. Kaede.”
Inuyasha almost instantly regretted unfurling from his ball. This chick was all over the place. One minute she’s starting fights, then she’s testing him, the next she’s admitting to withholding important information, and now she’s Kaede’s long lost sister? Holy fucking shit. This was a joke, right?
“Is she well? Healthy?” Kikyo continued, her tone substantially softer.
“Inuyasha, this is your domain.” Kagome handed over to him.
“Inuyasha?” Kikyo questioned, as if to as why Kagome couldn’t answer, herself.
“He knows her on a more personal level. I only met her because of him.”
“Wait, wait, wait. I’m gonna need a little more information here. Kaede said her sister died. Tragically.” Inuyasha stated.
“You’re her friend?” Kikyo asked hopefully.
“Yes. Focus.”
“It’s - please, just tell me she’s okay first. She has to be, right? Is that her building, or is she just working in it?”
“Kaede’s fine. She’s a fucking firecracker. The building is an inn, and yes, she owns it. Your turn.”
Kikyo cracked a small smile of relief, nodding and bowing her head as the information registered. Her sister was well. Now, came the fun part. She prefaced by taking an inconspicuous step back. With the wild energy of the two before her, and how quick they were to spring into attack mode, the last thing Kikyo wanted was to be within arm’s reach for this.
“I faked my death. It was to protect Kaede.”
Inuyasha grimaced, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned his torso down to the side toward Kagome. “Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this?”
“Because, nothing good ever comes from a statement like that.” Kagome returned, giving a slight grimace, herself.
“I’m right here. I can hear you.” Kikyo grumbled.
“Sorry. Continue.” Kagome waved dismissively.
“Look,” Kikyo sighed, her shoulders dropping an inch. “I’ve known Naraku for well over a decade. We loved each other - or, at least I thought. I - I loved him, that was for certain. Now that I’m older, I see how volatile our relationship truly was, but it changes nothing. I was a teenager when we'd met and he was eleven years older, and I was too young and naive to understand the red flags I was shrugging off. Naraku was never on our side. The side of good.”
“Sorry, to interrupt, but I need to know: Did you know Naraku while he was human? Or was he a half demon by the time you two met?” Inuyasha asked, and he observed Kikyo’s expression widen in slight dismay.
“How did you know about that?”
Inuyasha blatantly didn’t answer. His look was hard, straight, his arms still crossed and lips closed. Her inquiry was valid, but he didn’t really like his questions being answered with questions constantly. She’d get her explanation in a moment, but his came first.
“I met him while he was still human.” Kikyo relented, understanding his body language. “I had planned to mention his transformation in sequence, though I will admit, I wasn’t sure how it would have come off.”
“Fair enough.” The hanyou nodded. “I had an unfortunate run-in with his indisposed state. From my angle, it’s not hard to tell what I was looking at.”
“He was -“ Kikyo ground her jaw, eyes falling to the floor as they slanted indignantly. “I wish I had known just how insane he was beneath the surface. It was criminal just how well he hid behind smiles and polite gestures, and he was so gentle with me I would have never guessed he’d one day want to kill me. He talked a little about growing stronger, tired of being human, wanting more control. I was seventeen, I didn’t know that there were people in the world that struggled with mental sickness. That they could walk into your life with a sweet smile and leave with a wicked one. I didn’t know what he’d do for this control he spoke of, and I had no idea that once he got an actual taste of it, he’d go mad for more. I’ve never been the type to wear my heart on my sleeve, so I thank myself for being guarded in the first few years of our friendship. As we fell in love, that was when I opened up about being a conjurer. A creator of light and purity. But, as he allowed demons to consume him, trading his soul for the power they offered, gradually losing whatever humanity he had left in him, Naraku became the exact opposite. Do you understand, Kagome? Do you understand why it has to be us?”
Her mouth parted as she processed the information, her voice coming out small as the revelation became clear. “Naraku is literally darkness, and we are literally light.”
“No.” Inuyasha spoke, holding the hint of defense. “I understand why it has to be a conjurer, but why Kagome, specifically? She’s never met Naraku, never seen his face, she didn’t fuck him, wasn’t there for his transformation, so why did you bring her into this?”
Kikyo took another step back, slightly uncomfortable. “I’ll get to that. As Naraku and I grew closer, developed a relationship, and I had learned to trust him, I began to open up about things that weren’t superficial. I told him I had a sister, but they never met. I practically raised Kaede, so she was the only one I held unconditionally dear. No one I mingled with would know her on a personal level until I was certain it was a lifelong commitment and they would never bring her harm. While I had developed irrevocable feelings for Naraku, I felt something was off with him, and my intuition always stung when I considered introducing them to one another. He never seemed interested either. Actually, he hates children. So, him not asking or prying helped in the sense where I never felt guilty or obligated.
“Behind my back, he began his affairs with demons, selling his soul piece-by-piece as they joined his body. He killed like it was easy. He murdered for fun. He laughed when he felt the liberation of his newfound, despicable abilities. And, he'd told me as much as soon as he saw my own at play. I was distracted by him at one point; he was playfully encouraging me, acting the part of my kindhearted partner, and my arrow hit a demon but didn’t hold enough power to kill it. Naraku walked up to it, spoke something incomprehensible, and then absorbed the demon right into his body.
“That was the moment everything slowly began to unravel. He expressed desires I didn’t share, how we would be the definition of a power couple. A demon and a conjurer taking over the world. Nothing could stop us. If I shifted my focus to darker magic, he claimed nothing ever would. We’d be untouchable. I wanted no part in that. Power was never what I craved. After the childhood I’d endured, watching my parents ripped away from us by evil, I just wanted to craft my powers well enough to ensure a peaceful life for myself and my younger sister. So, I tried. I desperately tried to save Naraku. I reasoned with him, pleaded for him to come to his senses, even used our relationship as bait. He laughed in my face. Like, I meant nothing to him.
“It felt irresponsible of me to merely leave him. What good would that do? I break up with him and leave him as a menace for the rest of the world to deal with? Like, it wasn’t my problem anymore? He’d already confessed to joyful murder, and he was only growing stronger. I was -“ Kikyo paused, sucking in a grounding breath. Expressing emotions wasn’t her forte, especially now, but honesty was what Kagome deserved. And, she knew very well by now that if she didn’t, either she or Inuyasha would call her out on it. “I was scared. No, terrified. What was I supposed to do? Even if I did take the cowardice way out, Naraku would never let go of me that easily. I was trapped. Progressively, he grew violent toward me, making horrible threats if I didn’t abide by his wishes. He made me study with a woman named Tsubaki; a dark conjurer. A year later, I had no choice but to kill her. She was tainted, deplorable, and she would rip the heart from a person’s chest without so much as an ounce of remorse.
“That was also when I knew what I had to do. I had to stop Naraku. We were polar opposites, and it came to a point where there was no denying I was the only one capable of bringing him down. Unfortunately, he was three steps ahead of me. He knew as soon as I had killed Tsubaki that it was a statement as to what side I was on. All that mattered, all that he saw, was that I was against him. So quickly, everything crumbled.
“He planned to kill everyone I cared for. Naraku set attack to my village. Everything was on fire. People were screaming, pleading for help. I made a split-second decision then. I was going to let Naraku believe he killed my sister, and I was going to let her believe he’d killed me. It was the only way to make sure either stayed away from the other. I couldn’t take the chance that he would potentially come back for her, seek her out, so I used the dark magic Tsubaki taught me.”
Kagome could see the shame visible on Kikyo’s face. It was in the way her lips and chin crinkled, in the way her brow tensed, in the way her brown eyes shifted to the side as if there were a mirror before her and she couldn’t look straight at herself. Her pale fists clenched tight, and though she lacked color, Kagome could still notice the difference in white around her knuckles. If this was a lot for Kagome to hear, to digest, it had to be overwhelming for Kikyo to confess. Had she ever faced the full brunt of everything she’d been through and everything she’d done? Was her admittance to Kagome and Inuyasha the first time she’d laid it all out on the table? It seemed to be. Pink had returned to Kikyo’s cheeks, and her sclera were bloodshot. No tears had to be fought off, though. Alternatively, Kagome observed that the minimal light remaining in the opposite woman’s irises was fading.
“I hurt Kaede. I made it seem like it was one of the demons attacking. I took her eye. Held it in my own hands. Then, created something that looked like a demon to eat me - which actually carried me away from the village. I cut my arm deep, intentionally left behind a pool of blood for Kaede to see, and I’m sure she watched the whole, conjured thing. I remember our final glances, the way she clutched her right eye socket, the incredible amount of blood all over her sweet face. She watched me die, and when I was far enough away, I screamed for Naraku. I screamed, and I screamed, because I knew that bastard was listening. When he appeared, I presented my sister’s eye while I cried. I vowed to kill him, and he laughed before disappearing.”
Inuyasha was rigid, nearly shaking. He felt horribly hot all over, his nails biting into the flesh of his palms. For the sake of his willpower, he’d turned his attention away from Kikyo, clenching and unclenching his jaw, inhaling and exhaling searing breaths from his nostrils. Kaede had no idea the truth behind her own assault. She didn’t know it had anything to do with her own sister, Naraku, that her eye was taken as a result of which, that she was harmed as a result of which, and that Kikyo was still very much alive. Without a doubt, Inuyasha knew Kaede would forgive Kikyo, but Inuyasha found himself angry on her behalf. When she’d recounted the incident to him, he could see just how heartbroken Kaede still was over it all. The ferocious woman was reduced to false smiles, a belly full of liquor, and an eye that wouldn’t meet his anymore. She was no older than fifteen at the time.
He recognized that a lot of things were out of Kikyo’s control. He understood that Naraku was the true cause of everything that had occurred, that Kikyo acted on a whim with good intentions, and that she was doing what she felt she needed to do so they both survived. None of that took away from his unmitigated resentment, though. That was his friend. That was one of his first friends, in fact. That was someone who stuck her neck out for people without needing convincing. Inuyasha couldn’t help that he was furious for her, couldn’t help that he wanted to yell at Kikyo for hurting her own sister despite the fact that she did it to save her life, and couldn’t help his natural instinct to want to protect and defend. Kaede was a good fucking person, and it wasn’t right that he now knew more about the most traumatic event she’d ever endured than she did. And, he was willing to bet Kikyo was going to insist they kept their mouths shut.
Everything he felt was vile and conflicting, and while he knew the rationality behind it all, it was extremely difficult to remain rational on his part. He knew it would be wrong to act, but it was so hard not to. Kagome must have sensed it. Kagome always seemed to pick up on his shifts lately. She’d leaned a little closer to his side; it was so inconspicuous, even he hadn’t caught her adjustment. The back of her hand lightly grazed his thigh, as if they were walking so close they’d accidentally brushed, and she kept it there. Ever so slightly, she moved it back and forth in a tender, rubbing motion, bringing him back to her in such a subtle manner that wouldn’t put any obvious attention on him. Even as she picked up the conversation and spoke to Kikyo, she kept the light touch going, gradually grounding Inuyasha until he gathered his control again.
“Okay, that explains that.” Kagome said, breathing as evenly as possible. “So -“
“So,” Kikyo resumed, pinching her lips together and finally meeting the opposite conjurer’s gaze again. “I’ve spent the last nine years or so trying to stop Naraku. I have trained tirelessly, studied ancient texts I struggle to understand, stared at pages in foreign and dead languages hoping the context of conjurers, priestesses, witches, mages, and whatever the hell else we’ve been referred to as over the centuries would suddenly make sense and help me master my skills, but I’m still not strong enough to do it. I cannot kill Naraku. I had the opportunity multiple times before he became who he is today, and I couldn’t release my arrow.”
“You still love him.” Kagome commented quietly.
“No. I hate him.”
“But, you used to.” Inuyasha joined, his tone almost lethal. He was outraged now. Was she implying that she couldn’t kill Naraku because she used to have that connection with him, so that was why she’d recruited Kagome? To do her dirty work for her? He’d better be wrong. Kikyo had better tell him otherwise and she’d better do it fast or else he was about to lose his goddamn shit.
“Yes, I used to. And, it does hold me back. I can’t do it.” Kikyo admitted. “As well as I know how evil Naraku is, I still remember the kind person he’d fooled me into thinking he was. It’s like a blockade. It won’t budge. My heart wont let me. It’s useless and it was going to lead to the destruction of so many if I didn’t find a solution. I can see the wrath in your eyes, Inuyasha. I did not choose Kagome haphazardly.”
“Then, why?” He pressed, not easing his glare.
“Do you truly think I would spin a wheel and thrust my fate onto the random name my dart landed on, Inuyasha?”
“I don’t know you. I don’t know what to think. That’s why I’m giving you the chance to explain. Take it. Quickly.”
“Inuyasha.” Kagome whispered, but he reached down, grabbing her hand from his thigh and giving her a small tug to slightly shield her behind his frame. He couldn’t prevent it. He couldn’t silence his need to protect her right now.
“Think about it.” Kikyo argued. “It’s not like there’s documentation on every conjurer in existence. I didn’t raid confidential records and select Kagome arbitrarily. There’s no such thing. Otherwise, do you really think Naraku would bother having those mindless demons searching towns and interrogating innocent families looking for any conjurers, young or old? That would be absolutely pointless, and Naraku is not an idiot. He’s maniacal, but he is the furthest thing from an imbecile. I didn’t just happen upon Kagome, I was told about her. A long time ago, there was a conjurer - no,” She shook her head in swift correction. “A priestess. She was a priestess. Midoriko. She was formidable, and a master of her skill.”
“I’ve heard of her.” Kagome clutched Inuyasha’s hand in minor excitement. She hadn’t expected things to come around this way, but finally she didn’t feel completely clueless. “Papa mentioned her. He was a well-traveled man, and I don’t exactly know how he’d gotten his information, but after he’d first brought her up, Miroku - my cousin - and I snuck into a library and found a few things on her. She was extremely powerful, but died at the hands of demons, right?”
“Right.” Kikyo nodded. “Kagome, do you believe in reincarnation?”
“Uh oh.” She murmured, expression faltering. She hadn’t meant to react as such, but Kagome had a huge feeling she was about to have a heavy reality suggested upon her. “I’ll be honest, I haven’t put much thought into it.”
“Well, I believe we are her reincarnated soul.”
“What!? Are you shitting me!?” Inuyasha barked incredulously, only grasping Kagome tighter in result.
Kikyo released a frustrated groan, pinching the bridge of her nose for a moment before continuing. “I know it sounds unfathomable, but so is a human-turned-demon, okay?”
“Half demon.” Inuyasha corrected bluntly, feeling disgusted by the thought of that lunatic receiving credit as a pure breed. Even if it was seen as a jab toward his being, at least he knew he, himself, was organic.
“Not the point.” Kikyo stated. “Much like I began communicating with Kagome in her dream state, I too was contacted. By Midoriko.”
“But, she’s dead.” Kagome said, confused. “And, you said you couldn’t be contacted that way. I specifically asked you.”
“You asked me -“
“If I could do it to you, yes. But, you responded by saying you were too guarded so it wouldn’t work.”
“I just didn’t want you to try, Kagome. For the deceased, it’s nothing but a visit. For the living, it’s dark magic. You’re playing with fire.”
“You’re a fucking conjurer! What are you talking about!?” Inuyasha asked. Already on edge, at this point it was like he was just being prodded to react.
“Trained by Tsubaki! Have you not been listening!?” Kikyo fired. “I have a history with dark conjurings. It was brief, but it was shoved down my throat. I utilized them to fool my sister and Naraku, and now I’m utilizing them for the best possible reason I can think of. Midoriko told me to find you, Kagome. She specifically told me you were vital to the success of bringing the end of Naraku. She told me your name, she told me I already knew how to find you, she told me you and I are connected, and I haven’t seen her since. The dream was too particular to believe it was nothing more than a fabrication of my brain. She gave me your name. She spoke directly to me. At that point in time, I was at wits’ end. I was willing to try anything. So, I did. And, it wasn’t easy. Subconscious communication was never taught to me, but I had remembered reading about it in one of Tsubaki’s texts. It took months to get down since I had to go by nothing but trial and error, and even longer to find you. You do not know how difficult it is to mentally link with someone you have never met in person and have only heard of on one circumstance. I had to write your name down and carry it with me so I wouldn’t chance forgetting it.
“Midoriko did not state that we were her reincarnations, but in order to locate you and communicate, I had to first figure out how we were connected. I’d initially assumed it was by distant relation, but it wasn’t until I searched deeper that I finally got somewhere. We’re tethered at the soul. To me, it would only make sense that we must share one. That was why Midoriko came to me. She appeared because I was in need, and I was desperately trying to win a battle against evil - much like she was in her time. My soul called out to her. And, once I discovered it was your soul I was touching, it all made sense. Doesn’t it to you?”
“Not at all.” Kagome slowly shook her head. “I’ve gotta admit, this is a lot to chew. I’m a bit winded right now, Kikyo.”
“Try to keep up.”
“Believe me, I am. You’re kind of info-dumping on me, though.”
“Look, I’d considered giving you everything little-by-little, but I don’t think we have that sort of time on our side. Naraku’s only getting stronger, and sooner or later, he’s going to know about you. So long as I’m alive, his focus is on me. He has a nasty tendency to obsess, and I currently have his undivided attention. I want it to stay that way. But, you’re getting stronger, too. You’re improving at a rate I had never expected, so I can hear the clock ticking.”
“Is that bad?”
“Yes and no. You’re doing better than I had thought you would. You’re doing exactly as I asked of you. It’s attention-grabbing, though. That’s sort of inevitable; don’t think you’re doing wrong. I’m just concerned, so I decided it would be best to tell you everything at once. You deserve to understand it all; and I recognize I should have tried to trickle all this information in with each telepathic visit I made to you. It was just - it was hard. When I first connected, I didn’t understand that I had. It was sort of like an ember struggling to catch flame. You know how it’ll flicker in and out? That was my connection with you at first. Finally, when I managed to step through, I barely had enough time to say, ‘The responsibility is ours.’ For the longest time, that’s all I was ever able to get out to you. It was frustrating.”
“You mean, that wasn’t intentional?” Kagome arched a brow, frowning.
“No, of course not.”
“Why is that the first thing you’d say to her, anyway?” Inuyasha asked quizzically, unintentionally and unknowingly matching Kagome’s expression. “Have you ever tried, ‘hello’?”
“I was invading her mind, Inuyasha. If the only thing I was able to say was, ‘hello’, even I would feel creeped out.” Kikyo replied.
“Alright, but alternatively speaking, if you had enough time to say, ‘the responsibility is ours’, then you had enough time to say, ‘hey, my name’s Kikyo.’”
“Pleasantries aren’t my strong suit. I prefer to get straight to the point.”
Both Inuyasha and Kagome went silent, pursing their lips, still unconsciously wearing matching expressions.
Kikyo grimaced, reading the signal on their faces. “I am aware that I didn’t. It wasn’t exactly my fault, though.”
“No, you’re right. It makes better sense now.”
“I soon realized it was our physical distance that was making communication troubling. While I had discovered the method to slip into your mind, it wasn’t something I could become proficient at so quickly. I had to use the strength of our connection as a guide, and the closer I got to you, the stronger it all became.”
“Right. You began giving me bits and pieces of Naraku. Everything was mysteriously vague, but I understand why now.”
“I just didn’t know how much was too much. I was being overly cautious for the both of us.”
There was a reprieve of silence between the three of them for a moment. It was noticeably thick, uncomfortable. Kagome was missing a huge chunk of information that was going to nag at her brain unless she received something to go off of. “So,” She began. “Midoriko… What makes you so sure?”
“Nothing. I’m not one-hundred percent positive we are actually her reincarnated soul. I can see how it’d be farfetched, and Inuyasha’s expression is practically screaming so.” Kikyo responded.
“Well, I’ve heard of reincarnation, but I’ve never heard of a split soul.” He said, shrugging carelessly as if he didn’t care how offensive his scowl appeared.
“I have. It’s rare, but it can happen. Particularly to a wise or powerful soul. One who’s traveled through a number of vessels and is too strong to be properly contained in a single one anymore.” Kikyo stated. “Midoriko had a defined strength that wasn’t all self-taught. She was a priestess born with experience. Her soul was intended to be a savior, because it was derived from countless, brave spirits before her.”
“And, she told you this?” Inuyasha asked, cocking a brow in skepticism.
“Of course, not.” Kikyo had almost rolled her eyes. “I wish she had so that I had definitive reason, but instead I have to go off of intuition. If it is true, if my soul came from Midoriko, then this unwavering belief isn’t incorrect. This connection I feel to her makes sense. Kagome, do you feel it too?”
“Well, I’m not sure.” She half frowned. “When papa mentioned Midoriko, I felt an undeniable interest toward her, that’s for sure. I just figured it was because she was a lot like me, and I’d never met another conjurer. At the time, I was probably ten or eleven, so I couldn’t help but want to know more about her. You know, curiosity of a kid and all. It was probably the only reason Miroku entertained the idea to seek out more information, and we snuck out of our house, borrowed my friend’s demon cat to take us, and broke into a library in another town. We really didn’t find too much on her, either. It was pretty anticlimactic, to be honest. I remember being extremely disappointed that I didn’t find a well-written biography on her like you would basic philosophers, but knowing the stigma on our kind in modern days, it sort of made sense. But, ever since, Midoriko has rarely crossed my mind.”
“Kagome, I’m the same. The difference is, when I discovered I was a conjurer, it wasn’t so detrimental to keep to ourselves. I did as much research as I could, while I could, and found little mentions of her, along with a few other names I can’t remember to this day. Midoriko stood out to me just the same, but I thought of her few times between then and the time she’d come to me. It was in that moment that I felt a deep connection to her. Maybe -“ Kikyo’s brows furrowed as an idea crossed her mind. “Maybe it was because she’d touched me, in a sense. I felt engulfed by her warm spirit. Please, may I try something?”
Kagome watched Kikyo take a few steps forward. She felt no reason to deny her request so she slipped her hand from Inuyasha’s feeble grip, slowly freeing one finger at a time as she walked forward. Kikyo raised her hand before her and Kagome apprehensively pressed her palm flat against hers. Awkward, quiet moments passed, and it was nothing short of uneventful. While Kagome was initially nervous to see what would happen, everything just sort of fell short. She had even noticed Kikyo’s nose sort of wrinkle disappointedly.
“I’ve got nothing.” Kagome mentioned, pursing her lips.
“Me too. I wonder why she told me to find you, then. What could possibly be the reason for our connection?” Kikyo said, almost troubled. It was perplexing, and she absolutely hated unsolved mysteries. “Unless, it isn’t as simple as merely touching to confirm or deny.”
“I’m not sure. Maybe we aren’t meant to know.”
“That is what I fear.” The older conjurer sighed, adjusting her palm to face upward and hold Kagome’s in a minor gesture of appreciation. While she was avidly discomfited by her inconclusive hypothesis, she’d still managed to explain every crucial detail she’d been withholding from Kagome. Their meeting was coming to an end. There was nothing more to say but goodbye. Respectfully, Kikyo placed her other hand over the top of Kagome’s, enclosing it in her warmth.
Kagome smiled. She was afraid with how pale Kikyo appeared that her blood ran cold and tired. It was pleasant and reassuring to know she was wrong. Returning the kindness, she gently placed her palm on top of Kikyo’s, both of their hands now touching.
Kagome’s heart jolted. Her abdomen tensed. All external sounds were muted. And, the world immediately went dark.
Kikyo was holding her hands tighter than even she was, nearly trembling as at least a dozen women, mass amounts of demons, blazing fire, and a powerful, swirling aura of lavender appeared around them while they stood in the middle of a pitch black orb. It was like an overwhelming sequence of events were playing without pause, thrusting into their minds so quickly that if you blinked, you’d risk missing something important. It was hard to determine relevance, though. Who were these women? Kagome had never seen a single one in her life. They all fought valiantly, each of them with their own unique weapon to fend off their enemies. So desperately, Kagome wanted to ask Kikyo if she was okay, ask her if she knew what was going on, but the two of them were struck stiff, mouths hanging agape.
The demons were wild, frenzied, and furious, slithering in the dark sky, some even flying through Kagome and Kikyo as if they were transparent. The lavender aura forcefully collided with the bleak grounds like storming tidal waves, crashing, receding, rising, and flooding. Sequentially, the women fought from left to right. Each one killed their significant foe, but was brought down by them, as well. Their final move was to look to the next woman, as if passing their duties along. Always, the next woman seemed more determined, more powerful, but no matter the strength in their resolve, their enemies always succeeded in dragging them down with them.
It was by the third that Kagome realized they were conjurers. The purple cascading around she and Kikyo was the same energy she could see when she saturated her arrows with her power. This was a history of legends they were witnessing, each one stronger than the last but still brought to their knees in a puddle of blood. By the last, she faced an enemy with no fear written in her eyes. She wore a stoic expression, armor decorating her torso, a sword on her hip, a bow and arrow in her hands, redefining the meaning of what it was to be a female warrior. Her battle was gruesome, hard to watch but harder to look away from. In the end, she killed her enemy, but bled from a deep wound in her chest.
Her dark eyes turned to she and Kikyo, and in a way to communicate, Kikyo squeezed Kagome’s hands twice, her gaze widening. It was as if she knew who that was. She seemed simultaneously in awe and stunned, and the gasp she’d inadvertently reacted with was clutched captive in her inflated chest. Kagome watched the woman, the final conjurer, limp toward them, blood oozing from her rustic armor, dripping down her leather pants and along the floor. She raised her trembling hands, curling her fingers in a motion that would typically usher them forward, but instead of the two girls moving, their naked spirits stepped from their bodies.
No longer could Kagome breathe. She wasn’t even sure if she was blinking anymore. Before her, she was looking at her raw self. It was a vaporous version, glowing vibrantly white with wispy hues of red swirling about. Her spirit looked back at her with a bright, confident smile, then spun back around to the legendary woman. Kikyo’s spirit was different. It stood tall and bold, much like her current demeanor, but a kind, small smile pushed at her lips when she regarded her own vessel for a moment longer. Kagome could see the tears brimming in the real Kikyo’s eyes, she could physically feel that though the gesture so small, it was revealing a true sweetness Kikyo hadn’t felt within herself in far too long, repressed beneath rubble of heartache and resentment. It was radiant white with smokey clouds of blue tufting about, her long, translucent hair billowing around her like their spirts were held under a body of water.
The dying conjurer, shaking horribly, smiled so sincerely as her last, living act, and as her body fell backwards to the ground, her own spirit stepped out. It was pure white, so saturated it was nearly solid, with flecks of every aura color swiftly whirling around her untouchable body. She extended both hands out to each woman, patient, compassionate, and understanding of the hesitation even their spirits harbored. At the same time, Kagome’s and Kikyo’s vaporous selves reached forward and took the woman’s hands, and in the next second, she split into uneven portions and merged with their bodies, shooting their spirits back within their vessels to return to consciousness.
Kagome blinked her dry eyes, refocusing them as she tried to regain her bearings. Her sights were on their still-grasped hands, and beneath that was the forest floor, twigs and pinecones, dirt and weeds, their legs, their boots. She could hear the breeze, the rustling leaves of the treetops above them, an urgent Inuyasha calling her name. With an exhale, she looked up into Kikyo’s eyes, the both of them holding the same, baffled expression.
As soon as they’d fully registered what they’d just experienced, both women yanked their hands away from each other, hurriedly stumbling back and away from the other to prevent another potential, terrifying vision. Kagome collided with Inuyasha’s chest and his arms instantly grabbed her waist, steadying her as he spoke anxiously.
“Are you okay? What happened, kid?”
She couldn’t answer immediately. Not even Kikyo tried to speak. The both of them looked insanely bewildered, eyes directed right at each other. Inuyasha had tried to pull Kagome away, had tried to reach her, but the opposite conjurer’s creepy, flying snake got in the way and refused to let him near. As much as he wanted to kill the damn thing for stopping him from getting close to Kagome, he figured so long as she was standing, breathing, and generally okay, he’d wait out whatever the fuck was happening.
“Hey - uh - Kikyo?” Kagome finally spoke, albeit waveringly.
“Yeah?” Her tone nearly matched.
“What the fuck was that?”
“I don’t know. I hadn’t anticipated it.”
“Was that -“
“Yeah. That was Midoriko.”
Her jaw dropped just a little further, her brow crinkling, perplexed. “Oh. Okay. Alright.” She replied shakily.
“That wasn’t…” Things were progressively processing for Kikyo, her eyebrows pinching together to create lines in between. Caramel eyes shifted to the side, her teeth gnawing at her bottom lip momentarily. “That wasn’t an even division.”
“No, it wasn’t.” Kagome commented lightly.
“No wonder…” Kikyo breathed. “No wonder. It makes so much sense now. I don’t just lack the heart, but I’ve always lacked the true power. I’ve been giving it my all for so long, and while I’ve made a dent, that’s all I’ve managed. I get it now. I’m truly not strong enough in more ways than one.”
“Wait, I’m confused.” Kagome said.
“So am I.” Inuyasha joined, still holding his companion’s sides while finding it necessary to remind them that he was there. He still had no idea what had just occurred and no one had given a single context clue to inform him of a goddamn thing yet. Kagome turned her head to regard him slightly, but he could tell by her unsteady glance that she couldn’t give him an immediate recap. Not yet.
“You mean to tell me, you didn’t know?”
“Know what? That it wasn’t a fifty-fifty division?”
“No. I had no way to confirm that up until now.”
“But, you’d said you were the distraction while I was the weapon. You’d said I was meant to be stronger than you. With what we just saw, I’d assumed that’s what you were referring to.”
“Kagome, I said that simply because I could not do it. To me, that’s what it felt like. I do not have it in me to kill Naraku, and Midoriko told me you were vital to the mission. My assumption was what I’d told you. I keep his attention until you’re ready, I do everything I can to weaken him, and then you’ll complete the task.”
“I’m going to assume you guys got some sort of answer pertaining to being Midoriko’s reincarnations. So, if Kikyo was right and it’s the both of you, what the hell do you mean it isn’t fifty-fifty?” Inuyasha asked, stepping to stand at Kagome’s side as soon as she seemed stable.
“It’s more like seventy-thirty.” Kikyo stated.
“And, who got what?”
“I think you already know the answer to that.” She replied.
“But, what do you mean it makes sense to you? I don’t understand. Aren’t you extremely powerful? You’re able to pull off dark conjurings without your heart being tainted; I don’t feel any darkness coming from you.” Kagome said, sounding sort of flustered and rushed to comprehend Kikyo’s position. “You’ve gotta be stronger than you’re giving yourself credit for. Just because you lack the moral justifications to kill your ex-lover doesn’t make you weak! It makes you passionate!”
“No, Kagome. What I’m saying is, I’m not as strong as I thought I was supposed to be. I kept pushing myself to my limits time and time again but all it felt like I was doing was hurting myself. I thought if I had at least fifty percent of Midoriko’s soul in me on top of my own, then that was more than enough to take down Naraku, but my heart was never there. So, then I considered that maybe it was because I didn’t receive Midoriko’s resoluteness. Maybe it was because I was her brain and you were her heart, so together we would be unstoppable.
“It’s been so long, Kagome. I’ve been giving more of me to this mission than my body can handle. I’ve been sick for years. My shinidamachu keeps me alive with the souls of deceased women, but I can feel the thread I’m hanging on by. I am convinced that if I had not figured out how to call this spirit of the underworld to me, I would have died long ago. I am not using dark magic correctly, and it’s further taking from my light. You may not feel the darkness coming from me, and I believe that’s because that part of Midoriko mutes it, but I certainly do. It’s minimal, but with what’s left of me, it’s substantial. It’s like a congested battle raging within my chest. Do you understand now? Do you get it?” Kikyo, though tearing up sorrowfully, smiled in such a manner of relief. How long had she spent admonishing herself? How long had she cursed herself for thinking she had more in her than she could spare? How many times had she vomited the contents of her stomach out, been reduced to fevers, aches, and profuse sweating? Her expectations on herself weren’t just high because she felt that piece of Midoriko inside of her, but also because she felt the crushing weight of guilt for being partially responsible for Naraku. And, by using dark magic to call to Kagome, to save the life of her sister, to try and stay alive herself, she was unconsciously hastening the pace of her own demise.
Everything clicked. Everything was lining up now. Kagome was key because Kagome not only had the majority of Midoriko’s power, but her own soul, her compassion, her heart was not impaled by darkness. Even with the pain she’s experienced, the trauma that still eats away at her, that reappears whenever a trigger she can rarely identify beforehand causes her to quake, even with the loss, the apathy, the cold moments at night when she questioned if she even believed in a higher power anymore, Kagome avidly held tight to who she truly was. At the end of the day, there was no sense in trying to control what had happened, there was no use in attempting to reverse what had already come to fruition. While it has, in fact, fazed her, it hasn’t changed her negatively. It’s taken so much effort, so much resilience to resist the pull to let it take her, and sometimes smiling took more endeavor than she felt flowing through her veins, but she still stood up. It didn’t matter if Kagome was sobbing, was crashing and burning, was quivering and exhausted. She would cry while she maneuvered her legs beneath her body and pushed herself to stand. The darkness has touched her heart, yes. Whose heart hasn’t it touched in this day and age? What was important was that she fought it back. She physically pushed the darkness away like it was men impeding on her territory. She cried to release that anger and resentment, she yelled to release that heat and vexation, and she never gave up. Never did she leave the battlefield unscathed, but the scar tissue that had formed was what helped her become who she is right here and now. Because, her hardened heart was like a shell that protected the light within.
How could Kikyo not crumble under the pressure she’d been under? How could her eyes ever glimmer with hope when she’d had to willingly forfeit the one person she loved unconditionally all due to a person she’d mistakenly given too much of her heart to? He’d tricked her into trusting him, into caring for him, and repaid her with violence, grief, and taunting laughter. As if inflicting pain on her was an easy task. Even Kagome would be broken if someone she trusted her heart with treated it as an invaluable object, dropping it to the floor and stepping all over it with heavy boots. It was betrayal at its finest.
She was seventeen when they’d met. He’d groomed her. He’d gotten lucky with his pick of young, vulnerable women and groomed her to his liking, but when she finally resisted, he turned on her like she meant nothing. Kagome couldn’t blame Kikyo, and although she persisted, although she squared her shoulders and fought tooth and nail, Kagome understood why her brown eyes were dull and lifeless, and her skin was ghostly white.
Feeling like she was supposed to be capable of so much more, Kikyo had learned to feel unwell about herself. If Kagome were in her position, she couldn’t imagine being comfortable in her own skin. Just recently, she’d struggled with that exact thing, but it wasn’t nearly on the same level as Kikyo’s anguish. It was horrible imagining the burdens sitting on her shoulders, like cinderblocks pulling them down while she pleaded with herself to shrug it off and stand up straight. Kagome wondered if even she’d be able to overcome all that Kikyo had been through.
Everyone’s story was different. Everyone’s strengths and weaknesses were unique. It didn’t make you bigger or smaller than the person to your left. Everyone handled things their own way, and everyone had their breaking point. But, Kikyo’s smile right now was both the saddest and most joyful thing Kagome had ever witnessed from her. It was like some of that weight was finally lifting, some of those insults she’d thrown at herself were finally dissipating, some of the pressure was releasing and all it took was a little bit of clarity.
“It’s conflicting, you know?” Kikyo breathed. “I still have a long way to go. I still have to fight, and I still have to face Naraku. But, it’s liberating to see that my limitations cannot exceed what they are. I don’t have to push myself for the impossible anymore. I cannot rest, but at the same time, it feels like I already am.”
She wouldn’t have to be so forceful on herself from this point forward. Kikyo was giving this fight her all, and she could be at peace with what she had to give now. It was enough. It was more than enough.
“Naraku…” Kagome started. “When was the last time you saw him, Kikyo?”
The conjurer inhaled and exhaled slowly, sucking in her bottom lip as she pondered. “Maybe a couple of years ago. I’ve face his puppets, and some of his personal creations, but him in the flesh? It’s been a while.”
“You haven’t seen him?”
“He wont face me, himself.”
“Maybe because he can’t.” Inuyasha said. “I’m not trying to level with him, and I want to preface this with the fact that I still think he’s a fucking creep, but maybe this is a sign that, much like you, it’s difficult to be the hand that strikes.”
“That is not comforting.” Kikyo admitted, caramel eyes shying downward. “I do not want to think about him loving me. It’s disgusting.”
“That’s fine. Don’t. That doesn’t change the reality of it all. This tells me that you might be his weakness.”
“I am only his weakness because I am a conjurer.”
It wasn’t right to argue with Kikyo right now. It was clearly distressing for her to consider the plausibility of the situation, so Inuyasha shut his mouth, glancing down at Kagome as she regarded him just the same. He could see it in her eyes, too. She felt similarly. Even without knowing Naraku’s recent side of things, she was contemplating the potentiality of what Inuyasha had claimed.
“If you don’t mind, would you keep Kaede out of this?” Kikyo asked, and although she hadn’t looked up, it was clear that she was more talking to Inuyasha.
“Kikyo, I don’t know if I can make that promise.” He stated honestly. He wasn’t harsh, he wasn’t defensive, he was simply replying with honorable intentions.
“Please?” She nearly faltered, clutching her fists at her side as she bowed her head from view.
“I understand why you did it initially, but Kaede isn’t a child anymore. She should have the right to her own freewill, and that includes choosing to know the truth of what happened. I don’t believe she needs sheltering, and she’ll be the first to tell you that.”
“I don’t want her involved.”
“She already is. She was the moment your home was attacked, and the moment you took her eye.”
“But -“
“I get it, Kikyo. I do. I’m not trying to be thoughtless. But, one thing I need you to remember is I’m not on your side. We have nothing more than a mutual understanding and a mutual interest, but you and I are indifferent toward each other. Am I wrong?”
“No, but that’s my sister. That’s my baby sister, Inuyasha.” She declared powerfully, shooting her bleary gaze up at him. “I reserve the right to decide what’s best for her, because no one would know better than I.”
Inuyasha gave a simple shake of his head, and still his expression held no malice. “You gave up that right. You gave up that right the moment you faked your death and left her alone. I know that stings, and I’m really not intending to come off carelessly, but that’s the truth. The version of Kaede in your mind is still that fifteen year old girl, isn’t it? The young teenager she was just before Naraku attacked, right? Well, she’s actually in her mid twenties now. Kaede is an adult, so even if you hadn’t left, that right would still belong solely to her. I’m going to bring it up, Kikyo. I’m going to give Kaede the choice of knowing what actually happened so long ago.”
“Kagome.” She urgently tried, reaching for the opposite conjurer to convince the hanyou otherwise. Kagome’s sights had shied to the ground, hugging her arm inward as she allowed them to talk one-to-one, but she glanced upward now, a small frown marring her features. Kikyo could see it immediately. She could read the look as well as if the expression were written in text, and her chin quivered in response. “Kagome, please.”
“I’m sorry.” Kagome spoke softly, kindly. “Even if I did agree with you, Inuyasha’s right. Kaede deserves to know. She doesn’t need protection, she would be upset if we treated her that way, and truthfully, it would be inappropriate to sit on information like this. The way I see it is, out of the three of us, Inuyasha’s the closest to her -”
“That’s not true.” Kikyo interjected.
“She doesn’t know you’re alive, Kikyo. She will always love you, and you will always love her, but it is true. At this point, you have no connection to her outside of your bloodline. Inuyasha is her friend, and they trust each other. He isn’t bringing it up to disrespect you. He’s bringing it up out of respect for her.”
“You really wont budge?” Kikyo asked, and it was inconclusive as to who that question was directed to. Just in case, both Kagome and Inuyasha shook their heads in reply. “Then, will you please pass along a message? Tell her I don’t want her looking for me. Tell her I will come to her when all is done. Tell her I’m sorry.”
“I can do that.” Inuyasha agreed.
Kikyo could only manage to regard them both with small glances after that. Justifiably, she was upset, but she appeared too physically drained to outwardly react as such.
“Take care of yourself.” She quietly said to Kagome before turning around on her heel and heading off through the trees, her soul collector swirling in the air just behind her.
“You too.” Kagome whispered.
The breeze was the only sound passing around them now, filling the silence as Inuyasha and Kagome were once more alone with one another. It had been moments since Kikyo walked away, and it was sort of like they couldn’t just go back to the way things were before she’d appeared. There was too much to sort through, too many emotions had emerged in that time, and now they were left standing in dense waters.
With a synchronous and guttural sigh from the both of them, Kagome and Inuyasha made their ways down to their butts. They didn’t bother with finding a rock or log to sit on, didn’t bother finding a different location, because moving further right now was simply impossible. So, they made themselves comfortable and promptly sat where they once stood, closing their eyes in defeat as they mulled over the series of events.
“That was exhausting.” Kagome half-whined, crossing her legs and burying her face in her hands.
“Oh, she’s -“ Inuyasha rubbed his forehead, pushing the hair from his face briefly. “She’s a piece of work.”
The two looked at each other. Their tired, concerned expressions shifting to defeated smiles as they sort of just started laughing.
“So, what do you want to do?” She asked, leaning back on her hands. “You want to head back to Kaede’s? We’re not all that far.”
“I’m not sure yet. I can’t make that split-second decision considering the circumstances. Let me think on it for a moment.” He wagered. “In the meantime…”
Though there was no end to that sentence, Kagome could easily grasp what he was looking for. He wanted an explanation. She had to commend him for his patience. On his end, how did everything look? Did she just stand there motionless, or did it seem like something was wrong? If she were in his position, it would have driven her insane not knowing what was going on and then, thereafter, having to wait for any sort of detail to piece it all together.
“I saw Midoriko.” She started. “Actually, I saw all the successors before her, too. At least, that’s what I’m guessing. None of them spoke directly to us. It was more like we were watching the endings of each of their lives, how they fought, how they died, who was responsible, and then their spirit joined with the next person. There was about twelve, and they all died in battle. By the time Midoriko died, her soul was nearly solid. I saw my soul, too. It was - it was weird.”
“I can imagine.” His brows had furrowed, turning his body to fully face hers now. “You guys came out of that looking like you’d seen a ghost, so I guess that makes sense.”
“It was crazy, Inuyasha.” She exclaimed. “Demons were everywhere, it was so dark, and it was like an all out war that we were standing in the middle of. Midoriko pulled our souls from our bodies and joined them, and that’s when we came back.”
“So, seventy-thirty?”
“Yeah.” Her voice dropped. “Something like that.”
“Still shocked you can blow an entire field away now?”
“Honestly, yeah. Everything’s just so surreal right now, it’s hard to think this isn’t made up.” Kagome’s eyes fell to his legs, following the sewn pattern on the hem of his pants to distract herself. “I’m the reincarnation of someone. It doesn’t feel right to say that. Suddenly, it’s like it’s not just me in here. I watched her merge a huge portion of her soul with mine, so that tells me she’s just part of me, but thinking about it feels weird. It’s hard to explain. I just don’t know what to think or how to feel right now.”
“What, are you having an identity crisis? Kid, it doesn’t matter if you’re the reincarnation of someone. You didn’t inherit their personality traits or their thinking patterns. I’m willing to bet you didn’t even inherit their looks, because if that were true, you and Kikyo would look more similar. As far as I saw, the only thing you two had in common was hair color, and even that wasn’t an exact match. What you inherited was strength, and it’s not even a birth right. It’s more like grand potential. You still have to work your ass off to get it, but the chance is there. Your decisions, your actions, your morals, that’s all you. Your tastes, your style, your brain, your heart, that’s you too. Overall, you’re Kagome. You’ve always been Kagome, and you always will be. Now, you just have a bit more to back up your resolve. You know that your individual strength will be supported by a… generator of sorts.” Inuyasha chuckled.
He’d managed to get her to crack a smile. Kagome couldn’t tell if he was bullshitting her to make her feel better, or if he truly believed what he said. He was incredibly honest, though, so she couldn’t help but want to take his word for it and find comfort in it all. Either way, she appreciated his quick wit.
There was still something pulling on her heart. It wasn’t about Midoriko, it wasn’t the fact that she’d just witnessed the reenactment of twelve gory deaths, it was about Kikyo. She was pale with such deep under eye circles because she’d been killing herself. She’d believed for so long that she was supposed to be stronger, and for years she stretched her boundaries thin and her resources dry. All to the point where she had to rely on lost souls of dead women to keep some sort of force in her body. And, still, her battle raged on. Everything she’d said after the revelation was so depressing but seeped from her mouth as if it were relieving, and Kagome had a hard time understanding the solace behind it all.
“Kikyo,” She whispered. “Do you think she’s going to be okay?”
“I’m not worried about her.” He replied, his voice low and soothing.
“But, you heard her. She was sick.”
“Because she didn’t know her limits. Now she does.” Inuyasha leaned forward a bit. He didn’t like the sadness on Kagome’s face, and while he praised her empathy, he wanted to fight it off at the same time. It wasn’t allowed to make her head hang low, it wasn’t allowed to drain her as if the other conjurer’s ailments were her own. “Just like you have to learn your restrictions and understand how to properly use your powers, so does she. Now, she has insight she didn’t have before. Now, she knows that if she doesn’t back off, she’ll get too sick to keep going. Kikyo was under the impression that she needed to work harder to reach her maximum potential, but it was counterintuitive because she was depleting her life source. Now, if she respects her body and her abilities properly, she’ll be able to get healthy again. Then, she’ll be the force to be reckoned with that she was reaching for.”
“The dark magic she’s been using… the effects of it wont go away just like that, though.”
“That’s something she’s going to have to deal with, kid. You win some, you lose some, but she knew what she was doing when she made that choice. She didn’t look like she was having a pity party, so don’t feel like you need to feel bad for her.”
“But, I do. All of this is - it’s becoming so much more real than it was before. I didn’t know it could, but it has. It’s scary.” She locked eyes with the hanyou. “I’m scared.”
Inuyasha couldn’t stop himself. Kagome didn’t look sad or hurt, she didn’t look small or timid, she didn’t even look defeated. She neither trembled nor cried. She just spoke her truth. She told him how she felt, and fear was always a deeper emotion that was hard for anyone to come forward with. Unless it was an involuntary scream given in reaction to a jump scare or a fall, fear was something so often pushed back and hidden behind scowls and broadened shoulders. And, he appreciated being trusted with it. So, he couldn’t stop himself from reaching forward. His fingers tenderly pushed longer strands of her dark hair behind her ear, repeating the motion soothingly while he slipped in soft touches to caress her cheek before gently, so gently, cradling her jaw.
“I know you are. But, you’re safe.” He said, his tone husky.
Kagome leaned into his touch, nodding and sighing out. Her shoulders relaxed some and her brown eyes closed momentarily while she relished in the peace he provided.
“You still know I don’t expect you to protect me, right?” She mentioned quietly, glancing up at his amber eyes. He hadn’t wavered. Inuyasha didn’t pull away, didn’t look away, his expression remaining soft but noble. His fingers curled around the back of her neck and he pulled her closer an inch, his soothing scent washing over her.
“Who said anything about feeling obligated?”
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thecorruptedlovely · 2 years
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Thank you for this request! Fun fact: you requested three of my absolute FAVORITE characters from the Arcane and I am SO happy to write about them!! :D
And since they're my favorites, I've decided I'm going to do.... ALL OF THEM! :DDDD
Hope you enjoy!!
Also for Viktor I decided to do a s/o with ADHD since the term neurodivergent covers a LOT of other stuff, and for Jinx I decided to do a S/O who has PTSD since, again, there's so many things listed under mental illness and it would be difficult to include all of the mental illnesses she has (I don't wanna make this TOO long so that's why I picked one mental illness), I hope you don't mind!
Sorry if any of this isn't accurate :(
Different types of headcanons for Arcane characters (plus a short story)
Jinx and Viktor are romantic but Silco is platonic (father and child relationship)
Reader is gender neutral, pronouns used (if any) are they/them
No warnings, but just mentioning of PTSD if that counts
Not proofread, may be mistakes and misunderstandings of the request
(Viktor, Jinx, Silco)
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(My husband omfg skcbskcbskcbdjb)
Viktor 📕 with a S/O who has ADHD
He finds it amusing when you have your little bouts of energy and are just rushing all over the place, not in a mean way, but he finds it pretty cute
He always comes to you when he needs help solving something, seeing as your brain works differently to his you always come up with solutions he never would have thought of
Remembers one time you set up an entire domino-like system where if you were too lazy to open the door for someone you could just throw a teddy bear at this target and let the system do its job
Your room is set up similarly with all these different kinds of domino-like systems or projects that you use to help you with daily stuff
Don't wanna get off the couch (Viktor had it specially brought down for when you wanted to rest with him for a bit) to take something to Viktor or Jayce? You've designed a contraption that'll bring it to them for you.
He also loves how you have a set routine for mornings when you wake up, he's the kind of guy who also likes to have a schedule
Whenever he sees you tinkering with a new invention or contraption for your own personal use he can't help but feel inspired by it, sometimes he'll spend some time staring at you thoughtfully, then it's as if a lightbulb went off over his head and he's off to tinker on his own stuff
He claims that seeing you work so intensely and so determined gives him inspiration and motivation to keep working on whateve he's working on at the moment
"What are you working on now, моя любовь? A new contraption to help with your routine? You never cease to amaze me, моя жемчужина. Allow me to help you, we can get it done twice as fast if we are both working on it."
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(Jinx is so pretty and you can't tell me otherwise)
Jinx 💣 bonding with her S/O over PTSD
She is completely understanding about it (in her own kooky way)
She definitely has her share of PTSD from that night
If you're up for it she'll ask you to tell her what happened and what your PTSD is based around
She still has trouble opening up to anyone, but just maybe she'll let you in and tell you some of what happened that night
She'll try to distract you with jokes and stuff, mostly she'll act like her normal crazy self, unless it's really bad, then she'll calm down and offer to lay down for a bit with you
If you ever have moments where a loud noise or sudden movement scares you she'll be there to comfort you and get you out of the situation
Whenever she goes to blow something up she'll always make sure that you're a safe distance away and that you have something over your ears just in case
It might seem like she babies you but really she just wants to protect you, she knows what it's like to be struggling with something like this
She will be there with you through thick and thin and she knows you'll always be there for her when things get rough for her too
"Hey, hot stuff, I made a new bomb! Wanna see it?– Hey, trinket, what's wrong? Did a loud sound scare you again? Don't worry, it was prolly just one of those fat rats... You know, I bet it would make great target practice!– joking, joking!.... Kinda–"
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(This is my dad everyone)
Fatherly approval from Silco 🚬
After Silco had called you in to his office with no explanation or anything besides just a "Come to my office, I want to speak to you" had you worried. You hoped you hadn't done anything to disappoint him, he had taken you in as a child when your parents were killed in a fire and he had become like a second dad to you.
You slowly opened the door to his office, carefully peeking in, his chair was facing away from you so you announced your presence with a meek cough.
"You called for me, sir?"
He turned around halfway, currently smoking another cigar, you waited patiently as he blew out a puff of smoke.
"Yes, come here please"
You opened the door fully and stepped in, shutting the door behind you as you walked up to his desk and stood there, waiting for whatever he had to say to you.
"Come around here please" he said, placing his cigar down for a moment as he waited for you to walk around his desk to stand in front of him. Once you stepped around and in front of him he gestured for you to sit on his desk, something he never allowed unless it was you or Jinx.
As stepped closer and hopped up on his desk, leaning back some to assume a nonchalant appearance, hoping he wouldn't sense your anxiety, but surely he wasn't angry if he still allowed you to sit on his desk. He sat up straight, looking you in the eyes.
"I wanted to say, I'm proud to have you as one of my acquaintances, I am glad that I decided to take you in that day, you are an incredibly loyal and diligent worker... I've even come to see you as something close to a child of mine."
Your eyes widened at his words... He was proud of you? And he thought of you as his child? Silco was never a very open guy so something like this was incredibly rare to hear from him, he rarely ever said he was proud of anyone and he definitely never opened up like this to others. You were beyond happy to hear these things from him, so much so that your eyes began to overflow with tears of pure joy.
You suddenly hopped off of his desk before throwing yourself into his lap and hugging him tightly, he chuckled quietly as his arms came up to return your tight embrace. As you pulled back and smiled up at him, you swore you could see pride and happiness in his eyes when he looked at you.
"I swear, as long as you are under my protection, no one, and nothing, will ever hurt you. And if they do, they will pay the price for messing with you."
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I realize you probably wanted these to be in the form of short stories so I apologize for that and only doing Silco's as a short story, I feel like I completely misunderstood half the request 😞 I hope you're fine with how I did it instead, but I can always redo it if you'd like :)
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lumberwoof · 3 years
more thoughts/notes/ideas about this Arcane AU of mine:
-takes place immediately following s1
-Mel and Cassandra (Caitlyn’s mom) survive the explosion, because A) Mel’s a Medarda and no matter how much she believes in peaceful resolutions you can’t tell me she isn’t prepared for assassination attempts and that the gold thing that literally never comes off her body isn’t some kind of protection, B) I refuse to kill Mel for Jayce’s character development, and C) Cassandra can’t die because there’s already too many dead moms in this universe -Mel and Cassandra are both pretty badly injured tho, if only so there’s time for Jayce to be alone and make one or two or twelve bad decisions -Piltover and Zaun are both in bad places. Piltover has a vacuum in leadership both on the council and on the Enforcers. Zaun has a vacuum in leadership and also just got an independence that the people really had no say in, so there’s no structure in place to take over now that they aren’t getting support from Piltover, which is fucked up, to say the least. (again, Piltover making decisions for Zaun without actually consulting the people of Zaun) -god Caitlyn tries to help from topside, but guns and badges weren’t made to heal people, and helping heal is what she vowed? promised? to Ekko that she’d do, so I think she quickly realizes that she can do more good in Zaun
-I think a lot about Viktor’s quote “in the pursuit of great, we failed to do good” and that I think Caitlyn is the kind of person who, maybe somewhat inadvertently, gives up greatness so she can do good, and this AU is kind of an extension of that
-reintegrating into the Undercity/Zaun is going to be hard for Vi, especially considering the whiplash of the last few days. she’s been gone for years, and it’s not Vander’s town anymore. though I think enough of them still respect Vander to not give Vi too much trouble, there’s also a lot of folks who respected Silco and aren’t gonna like her waltzing into town after his death -Caitlyn initially helps out Vi by keeping all the paperwork and bookkeeping for the Last Drop in order while Vi tries to re-establish the Lanes, maybe initially she wants to return them to what they used to be, but eventually makes something new, something beyond what Vander and Silco could imagine -it turns out, when you have political training and you’re in control of the money, you often end up being the one talking during business meetings, and then sometimes you end up being the one placing threats because you control the money so you have the power. sometimes, you do this often enough that you start being considered the boss and sure, these might be Vi’s Lanes now, but everyone knows that if you don’t want to piss off Vi, then you better not piss off Caitlyn, because she’s the one that calls the shots -and so, yeah, ok, there’s no way Caitlyn could’ve forseen this, just a year removed from her parents getting her fired from her Enforcer job and her busting out an Undercity criminal with forged documents, and now she’s a Zaunite mob boss. but these things happen sometimes
-and if a retaliation from Piltover releases a werewolf from Singed’s labs into the streets with an eerily familiar snarl, and a confrontation between Vi and Jinx puts Vi in danger and forces Jinx to work with Caitlyn, well hey, these things also happen
-also Sevika becoming a lieutenant to her third mob boss in 10? 12? years and grumbling about the younger generation because I love her and I want her to be “right in front of my card game?” all the damn time at Vi and Caitlyn
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pinnithin-writes · 3 years
The First: Aftermath (Part 4)
A collaborative work between myself and @reneethecyborg on what happened after Lupin III: The First. Part 4 of 4, 1405 words.
The pain after a heist is nothing new to Lupin. It’s part of the job. There’s always the stab in his hips from running and jumping and climbing, the ache in his shoulders from pushing and pulling and carrying, the throb in his wrists from drawing schematics and fiddling with locks, the headache from too many all-nighters spent planning and replanning and planning some more. It’s usually not quite this extreme, but still, these things come with the territory. Besides, some broken bones and angry joints are a small price to pay if it means the entire world is no longer in jeopardy.
At least the worst is over. And now the three of them are away from that whole mess, holed up in some hideout or another. Lupin’s pretty sure it’s one of his, based on what little he’s seen of the decor since they arrived, but these places all sort of bleed together in the post-work haze of pain and exhaustion. It’s been raining on and off since they got here (a few hours ago? yesterday? the day before?), which is nice. Would be nicer if he could sit by the window and watch, but the sound of it hitting the roof is almost as good. Goemon says hearing the rain is better, because of course he does.
The bed is also nice, though Lupin’s starting to resent being trapped in it. Big enough for all of them, with the pillows Goemon likes and the thick comforter Jigen likes. Now that Jigen’s back from his outing to town, he’s seen fit to make himself comfortable in his usual spot to Lupin’s right. “So,” he says, fluffing his pillow and propping it up so he can lean against the headboard, “I went and called Zenigata like you wanted, Lupin.”
“Sounds like he’s up to his ears cleaning this up. I had to call five times before I got through.” Jigen smacks his pillow a few more times before he seems satisfied with it. “Told the receptionist I had information on the whereabouts of the Lupin gang, Zenigata’s ears only.”
Goemon goes ‘hm’ from his typical spot sitting cross-legged to Lupin’s left. “I suppose solving crimes generates a lot of paperwork.”
After several seconds of shuffling around, Jigen seems to find the most comfortable configuration of limbs and gets settled. “I told him to take a month or two off after this.”
“Wait, what? Why? That’s—” Taking a deep enough breath to get more than a few words out isn’t pleasant, but the great Lupin III won’t be silenced by a petty little thing like broken ribs. “That’s kind of unfair, isn’t it? Pops won’t be ready for our next job.”
The look Jigen aims his way would be scathing, if it weren’t coming from a guy lounging in his pajamas (who even wears nightshirts in this century?). “Hey, Lupin. Quick question. When, exactly, do you think our next job is going to be?”
Apparently that was the wrong thing to say. But he’s being given a chance to save himself! How merciful. “...Not for another month or two?”
“Alright, good. Just making sure we have an understanding. You sounded kind of confused for a second there.” Jigen’s old mob ties come out in the strangest ways sometimes. With that, he does what Lupin sometimes mentally refers to as a big ol’ stretch, holding the pose until his back cracks. “The way I see it, none of us are doing jack shit for the next while—” he throws another pointed glance Lupin’s way, which Lupin dutifully pretends not to notice— “so we might as well let Pops off the hook too. He deserves a break, what with all the hell we put him through.”
Goemon nods sagely. “We do torment him quite often.”
He does have a point. Lupin can’t deny that they hassle Pops perhaps a bit more than necessary. “Yeah, but it’s good for him. Builds character.” It’s also made him a lot more crafty, but that’s the price you pay sometimes. Jigen’s very good stretch over there is making Lupin excessively aware of how stiff he’s gotten lying here all day; he makes a tentative attempt at stretching his arms, but that one shoulder muscle he can never remember the name of seizes up on him almost instantly.
In a perfect world, nobody would notice, but Jigen and Goemon have both very obviously noticed. Jigen manages to replicate his classic look of squinting at Lupin from under his hat, but it’s distinctly less threatening from under a nightcap. “You’ve been on bedrest half a day and you’re already pushing it, huh?”
“I’m fine. Just a spasm.” Everything’s back in its proper place now—insofar as it can be—but his joints still feel like they might fall apart again at a moment’s notice, and every muscle he can think of is either unbelievably sore or drawn so taut he can barely move without hurting himself. That’s pretty much to be expected, after such a beating. It’s been a long time since someone’s pummeled him this bad. With luck, it’ll be a long time before it happens again.
Jigen doesn’t seem terribly convinced that it’s fine, judging by his expression. With some grunts befitting his status as the world’s oldest twenty-something, he shifts to prop himself up on one arm—Lupin wishes he could do that right now without breaking something—and pokes around at the muscles in Lupin’s shoulder with his free hand. Always careful, always gentle. If he weren’t so tired, Lupin would try to string together something about a sharpshooter using his hands for caring instead of killing. “Christ, man, it’s like you’re made of stone. I’d look for knots, but I think you’re all knot. Doesn’t that hurt?”
“It’s not that bad. Most of the time I don’t even notice.” He’s noticing now, but these are extenuating circumstances.
“I’m not sure I buy that. You need one of those massages where they jab you with their elbows.”
“Are you volunteering, Jigen?”
He was mostly joking, but Jigen pauses in his proddings like he’s genuinely thinking it over. “Sure, why not.” Goemon opens one eye to fix Jigen with a stern look. “Later, though. When your ribs won’t turn to dust.”
“Alright, deal. As long as you don’t poke any holes in me with those pointy elbows of yours.” Jigen goes ‘tch’, as is his wont. “Maybe I will. Might deflate your ego a bit.”
Touché. “I’m not sure you’re in any position to pass character judgments, monsieur chemise.” He takes a chance and waves a hand at Jigen’s silly little nightshirt; his wrist twinges and pops, but holds firm.
Another noise of annoyance from Jigen. His French might not be great, but he knows enough to know when he’s being insulted. “At least I don’t wear vinyl pants.”
“You leave my pants out of this!”
“You’re the one who started an argument about clothes. Not my fault you think vinyl pants and leather suit jackets are a good combo.”
Lupin loses track of his very strong and argument-winning retort when he notices Goemon chuckling quietly at the two of them bickering like children over their respective poor fashion choices. It’s nice to just sit around talking about nothing. Part of the routine, really. The work is done, and now they can relax. This time yesterday, Lupin wasn’t sure he’d be around to do this when the dust settled. “...Listen, guys. I’m sorry about how all this turned out.”
The mood shifts a little, but not in a bad way. Jigen and Goemon exchange a look for a moment before Goemon speaks. “Nobody among us is at fault. We simply need to formulate our plans more carefully in the future.”
That’s a very tactful way of putting it. “I probably should’ve let you talk me out of the Hitler thing.”
Jigen makes a noise akin to shrugging. “I think that part was alright. One of us just should’ve gone with you to kill that prick before he got violent, is all.”
He has a point. Lupin’s usually not a fan of killing anybody, but even he can admit that there was really no other way for his tussle with Geralt to end. “Yeah, well. Next time.”
“There shouldn’t be a next time,” Jigen grumbles more than says.
“Sure, but with our luck? Within the year. Calling it now.”
“Well, now you jinxed it.”
Part 3 (by Pin) < --- Part 4 (by Cosma)
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roberttchase · 4 years
A tiny 2k fic based on @farfarawaygirl‘s post talking about wanting Matt to hallucinate/dream a future with Sylvie in the upcoming episode. Enjoy my friends! 
“Do we really need to get up?” Sylvie’s voice is soft and sleepy, and it makes Matt’s stomach flip, makes him feel warm and safe. Stretching a little, only to bring his girlfriend closer, the firefighter nods, burying his face into the crook of her neck, breathing in slowly. “Can’t we just...not show up?” 
A fond noise rises up from his throat, and the Captain laughs a little, bringing the covers up tighter around them. It’s cold and rainy outside, clouds hanging low, the sky dark. The perfect day for staying inside and not going to shift. 
“As much as I want to, you know Boden wouldn’t be happy. His PIC and his Captain not showing up? The house would burn to the ground,” he jokes. “Okay maybe not literally, since we’re all firefighters, but…” he trails off, nose scrunching up at his lame joke. Sylvie presses a kiss to his lips, slow and sweet. 
“Sometimes it’s annoying that you’re so responsible and dependable, Matt Casey,” the paramedic huffs. “But I love you for it. Everyone does,” she adds, making Matt blush, never one to accept praise and compliments well. But coming from his girlfriend, it makes him feel warm. 
They get up reluctantly, knowing that their jobs are; whether they want to admit it or not, important and can’t be frivolously pushed to the side. Their routine is seamless, something they’ve been doing for months now- Matt works on smoothies while Sylvie gets ready, then Sylvie feeds their little black cat while he goes to do the same. It’s effortless and makes him smile every time they put it into practice. As he finishes pouring Sylvie’s blueberry smoothie into her usual to go tumbler, his own mango one already sitting on the counter, the woman comes out in a soft sweater, setting her bag down near the door. 
“Otis said he has some big news he wants to share today,” she says as she presses a kiss to Matt’s cheek, taking her smoothie happily.
The words catch him off guard, enough to make him freeze, before remembering that Otis dying was just a nightmare of his. He’d woken up three nights ago sweating and frantic, tears burning behind his eyes as Sylvie had assured him Otis was fine, he was probably up playing fortnight or some other video game even at three am. 
“Oh? Knowing him it’s probably some convention coming to town he wants us all to go to,” the Captain snorts. Making his way back to the bedroom, Matt slips on his favorite henley and dark jeans, attempting to fix his hair that’s growing longer now that it’s cold. After he brushes his teeth and looks himself over, the man grabs his bag and makes his way back to his girlfriend. A sharp pain shoots through his head but it’s gone as quickly as it’s come, and Matt brushes it off. As the lemon wallpaper comes into view; the same as the one from Sylvie’s old apartment, Matt looks at her. 
The ride to the firehouse is filled with old N’SYNC and Backstreet Boys, and Matt grins the whole time as Sylvie sings completely engrossed into the music. He’s not sure how he got so lucky to get her to date him. The way she says ‘I love you’ sticks in him every time and makes him feel more confident of himself. Pulling up to the large brick building, the couple gets out with their bags slung on their shoulders, hold hands, and walk in. 
The morning starts even before briefing, alarm blaring out for all companies to help with a large fire at a hotel downtown. As they pull up, Matt notices the smoke billowing up from the top of the building, not black, but it’s on its way to it. Hopping out, Matt looks at his team; Otis, Kidd, Gallo and Mouch, then gives a wry smile. 
“Hope you're awake guys, this one looks big.” 
They meet up with squad, engine and ambo, and Matt goes to find the person in charge- a small woman who looks only slightly panicked, more shell shocked than anything. He hears a few of 51 directing people in and out of the building. 
“We’re going to need blueprints of the hotel. Any idea where the fire is?” 
From there it’s a rescue mission. Get everyone out as quickly as possible. Locate the fire and get it under control. On level thirteen, they run into an issue. 
“Chief, floor thirteen is rolling, we’re going to need backup to get everyone out,” Matt radio’s. “Might need to call in some more ambo relief,” he adds. 
“Copy that Casey. Sending in engine, and calling it in.” 
Two hours of intense heat, getting bodies out, and going through recovery, and finally everyone’s back at the house, already beat from the roughness of the call. 
“What a morning, huh?” Herrmann sighs, rubbing his face as he sits on the couch. Ritter and Gallo are working on breakfast, when Matt looks around and then blinks. 
“Scratch breakfast, I’m too hungry for eggs and bacon. How about we order pizza from Benny’s?” 
Everyone perks up, and Matt’s aware it’s due to the rarity of him suggesting something like this. He’s one to always stick to house made food, not big on ordering things in. It seems like everyone could use the pick me up though. Fishing his wallet out from one of his pockets, the blonde grabs his card and hands it to Gallo. “Order some pizza,” he smiles. 
“You got it Captain.” 
Kidd looks at him with her eyebrows raised. 
“Nothin’ Captain, you just seem in a good mood today is all,” the firefighter shrugs with a smile, making Mouch chuckle. 
“Casey in this good of a mood means something happened.” 
Furrowing his brow, Matt crosses his arm and lets out a huff. “I can’t just want to do something nice? It was a rough call.” 
“Leave him alone guys, he’s happy. Don’t ruin it,” Sylvie walks over from where she’s been sitting with Mackey, putting a hand on his shoulder. Another jolt of pain stabs into his temple, but barely lingers. He squeezes her arm. 
“I’m going to do paperwork, come find me when the pizza’s here?” 
“Copy that.” 
The rest of the day is, for once, blissfully easy, so far. There’s no bad calls for anyone, all mild and fairly quick. The consumption of pizza is interrupted by a small grease fire in a kitchen, but they’re all back within the hour, spirits high. 
“I don’t wanna jinx anything, but today is going pretty well,” Cruz says as he takes a bite of pizza. 
“Cruz! Shut up!” Severide calls out, rolling his eyes. Matt shakes his head. Leave it to Cruz to say it outloud. They all hold their breath, but no alarm sounds. Hallelujah. Sylvie sits next to him as they all enjoy the rest of their pizza, her hand on his knee, under the table and discreet. 
As he works on paperwork in his quarters, the paramedic walks in, sitting on his bunk. “Come sit with me, you can finish paperwork in a minute,” her voice sounds tired, just having gotten back from a run. The tone makes him look over, and he can tell instantly. It was a bad one. Moving as quickly as he can, he sits next to her, one hand cupping her cheek, thumb brushing against her soft skin. His head gives an angry throb. He ignores it. Sylvie’s upset. 
“What happened?” 
“Gunshot wound to the chest...a seven year old,” her voice is thin, wavering as tears start rolling down her cheeks. “I k-kept try to get him to wake up.” He wraps his arms around her tightly, kissing her hair. His head won’t stop throbbing now. He swallows against it. 
“Sylvie...you did all you could. I know you did,” Matt tries to reassure her, though he knows it’s probably not helping much. She looks up at him, heartbreak written all over her face. “He w-wouldnt...he was lying there motionless...I needed him to wake up Matt...I c-can’t…” 
Looking down at the petite blonde, his head feels suddenly like it’s being cracked in two. The pained gasp that leaves his lips is unstoppable, and he screws his eyes shut tightly. He can feel Sylvie shift. His body is rigid, his skull feels like someone’s hit it with a hammer. 
“Matt? What’s going on? Matt…”
He’s falling. Eyes still shut, Matt feels nausea well up inside him. The pain is all consuming. He struggles to open his eyes, and when he does, he’s in a completely different room. He’s disoriented, can’t quite get a hold of what’s real and what’s not. Is he dreaming? The pain in his head is angry and out for vengeance. The room is….is…. Matt’s mind feels like it’s grasping for straws, like words are right out of reach. His eyes move around. He feels hazy and sick. The beeping that’s coming from...somewhere, is hurting his head. His eyes shut. 
Sluggishly, he blinks again, and a man with jet black hair is in front of him. “Matt, are you with me?,” the man asks, dressed in dark red scrubs. There’s a name embroidered on his shirt but it’s fuzzy. A pretty woman with curly hair is standing next to him. Choi, April, his mind supplies. He’s in the hospital. He can’t remember why. Can’t remember anything before then night prior, sitting in Molly’s with Severide. 
Head throbbing, Matt licks his lips, nodding minutely. “Mm...y-yeah…” the word dies out. “Wh-What…” The Captain’s exhausted, and his eyes slip closed again, unable to stay open. 
“Matt, I need you to stay awake, can you open your eyes?” 
He tries, but it’s no use. It hurts. Everything hurts. 
“Matt, can you tell me your full name?” 
Struggling, the blonde opens his eyes again. “Matt...Matt Casey.” 
“Good, good. And can you tell me what hurts?” 
“Head...s’gonna explode…”
“Okay, we’ll get you medicine for that.” Choi turns to April, nodding as she walks out. “And can you tell me what the last thing you remember is?” 
It takes a moment. He remembers Severide, and then...then….a car. A man driving and he was holding on...then...pain. Excruciating pain, ringing in his ears. Getting back to the firehouse, promising he was okay. Sylvie. 
“L-Locker room with Sylvie...I was dizzy.” His words sound slow even to himself. Matt swallows and brings a shaky hand to his face. A painful tug on the back of it notifies him he’s got a line in. 
Choi nods, writing something down. “You’re doing great. We’re going to get you in for a CT scan right away, but the fact you remember somewhat is good. How’s the pain? 1 to 10?” 
“10,” Matt grits out, becoming more and more aware of the sharp pains encompassing his head. April’s at his side seconds later. 
“I’m giving you some morphine, I’m doing it slowly. You should feel it in about ten seconds okay? You’ll feel warm and fuzzy, that’s normal.” He wants to tell her he’s already fuzzy, but instead he nods. Just as she’s said, he does feel almost instantly warm, and then it’s like he’s floating. His mind drifts back to Sylvie. They were dating. They were together. But no, that’s not right. Grainger.
“Is…can...wh-where’s Sylvie..” Matt’s certain she brought him in, she was the last person he can recall seeing. 
“I think she’s out in the waiting area, breaking covid protocol,” April says with a small smile. 
“I’ll get her for you, but only for a few minutes, once we get the CT room we’re taking you,” Choi adds.
They both leave and Matt’s left to his floaty thoughts. He wants to kiss Sylvie again, wants to hold her hand and call her sweetheart. He remembers, now, her telling him he was still in love with Gabby. That’s not true. It hasn’t been for over a year, more than that really. He needs her. He doesn’t want to see her with Grainger, he wants to be the one to let her know how special and loved she is. He loves her. The curtain slides, and Matt sees Sylvie walk in. Her eyes are puffy and red, and he can see wetness clinging to her cheeks telling him she’s been crying. He doesn’t want her to cry. 
The paramedics face crumples, and as she gets closer she scrubs at her eyes and face. “M-Matt.” It’s choked and distraught, and Matt slowly, lazily holds out the hand closest to her. 
Sitting in the plastic chair, Sylvie brings it as close to the hospital bed as she can and grabs his hand hesitantly.  He wishes he could hug her, comfort her more than with just a hand hold. 
“Sorry to interrupt, but we need to take him for the CT scan,” April walks back in, looking apologetic. 
“Please don’t leave,” Matt slurs, and Sylvie lets out a choked laugh. 
“I’m not going anywhere Matt Casey, I promise.” 
When he’s not in the hospital, he’s going to fight for her. Grainger be damned, Matt’s going to somehow prove to her he’s not in love with Gabby anymore, and that Sylvie isn’t a consolation prize. She does deserve to be with someone who puts her first. And that someone is going to be him.
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peterstanslizzie · 3 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 2.10 (Working Girl)
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Lizzie unintentionally breaking the fourth wall
- Have we already established the fact that Lizzie (not Hilary) is a really bad actress? She tries to butter her parents up by giving them compliments to get them to kindly raise her allowance. But of course, they are able to see right through her and give her a big fat NO. Lizzie is fuming!
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Poor Miranda!
- The natural thing for Lizzie to do after this is to then vent to her friends at the Digital Bean. Miranda spots a ‘busboy wanted’ sign in the distance and tries to tell Lizzie that she could get a job to pay for her things. Lizzie is too busy in her rant to even notice what she’s trying to tell her but for some strange reason, when Gordo points it out to her instead, she suddenly pays attention and hears him out. Weird.
- Anyways, Lizzie easily gets the job and her first day is tomorrow. She thinks it’s going to be a piece of cake. Don’t jinx it Lizzie...
- The next morning, Lizzie announces her new job to her parents and they are taken aback because they didn’t expect her to get one all of a sudden. They are also worried that she’s taking on too many responsibilities and there might be too much on her plate. I think it’s safe to say they’re probably right. 
Lizzie Starts Her Job
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- We skip to Lizzie on her first day working at the Digital Bean and she quickly realizes there’s a lot to do as the new busboy. And it doesn’t help that her manager seems to be a total nightmare to work for. She’s so bossy! I would hate having a manager like her. 
- And it doesn’t get better from then on because Lizzie is starting to get paranoid about her friends making even the smallest mess in the café because she has to be the one to clean up after them. But you know what, who could blame her? Especially when you have these two around: 
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Can these two ever get a life?
- And unsurprisingly, Lizzie’s manager demands that she cleans up the spill when it’s so obvious that Kate and Claire were the ones who purposely caused it. Lizzie is now starting to feel regrets about taking this job.
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- The next day (which I’m assuming is a Saturday?), Sam notices Lizzie looking distraught about having to go to work and tells her she can always quit if she wants to. He also lets Lizzie know that she’s just a kid and the only responsibilities she should have is being a good student, a good friend and a good daughter. Now that’s really solid advice from Sam...and Jo (because she probably told him to convince Lizzie to quit)
Lizzie Quits After....3 Days?
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Lizzie’s better than me. I would’ve thrown that spoon right at his face lol
- During her shift that day, she’s dealing with a bunch of difficult customers, which, again, includes Kate and Claire. On top of that, her supervisor (whatever her name is) is just soooo not being understanding or thoughtful towards Lizzie.  
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Also, if I were Lizzie, I would’ve popped Claire in her forehead and quit my job afterwards. Lizzie could’ve gotten really hurt thanks to her. 
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That guy totally deserved that
- Lizzie has had enough and decides to give everyone who did her wrong a piece of her mind. I’m glad she manage to get that all out of her system but because of her rant, Lizzie gets fired from her role as busboy at the Digital Bean. But you know what? Good on her!
- After getting the pink slip, Lizzie comes home and tells her friends what just happened. She actually seems relieved that she doesn’t have to deal with the stress from her job anymore. Even just watching her work makes me feel stressed out. 
B-Plot: Miranda Doesn’t Like Breaking Young Boy’s Hearts
- Matt is currently feeling down in the dumps because he thinks that Melina doesn’t want to be friends with him anymore. Well, more like doesn’t like him anymore. He expresses this to his friend, Reggie, whom I don’t think we’ve been introduced to beforehand. 
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- It’s not so much that Melina doesn’t talk to him anymore. It’s more so that she hasn’t been getting Matt into any trouble recently. I mean, we all know that this weird relationship of theirs has pretty toxic tendencies. But she’s actually now focusing her attention on this other boy named Jared.
- Reggie suggests to Matt that he ask his sister, Lizzie for some advice as to why Melina has been treating him differently these days. Matt hesitates at first but he realizes that he really has no other choice. 
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This made me laugh so much. Matt literally insinuated that Jo isn’t a girl. I mean, she is a woman but I’m sure his mom more than qualifies.  
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- Matt then shows up at Lizzie’s job to tell her about his problem. But their conversation is cut short by Lizzie’s manager. She’s beginning to really annoy me. 
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It also doesn’t help that Lizzie can be quite clumsy sometimes...
- While Lizzie is busy being a total mess at work, Matt is lucky enough to be able to ask Miranda for advice instead since she is, indeed a girl. Miranda basically tells him that it’s Melina’s problem and how she isn’t able to realize how great of a kid Matt is. She also had to add that there are others girls who would be so lucky to go out with him. See how this is going?
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Look at Matt’s face; He totally just misunderstood Miranda’s intention in everything she just told him lol
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And now he’s gone full-blown stalker mode. Yikes!
- The next day, Lizzie, Miranda and Gordo come home from school to chill at Lizzie’s place but Matt uses this opportunity to give Miranda a ‘thank-you’ card:
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Oh my word. Miranda better run for the hills hahahaha. Also, does the music have to be THAT dramatic when she opens his card? LOL
- It’s one thing to have crushes but Matt takes it to a whole other level. I get that he’s like 11/12 but still...
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He’s also now calling her and sending her a bunch of balloons with his and her face on them. 
- On their three way call, Miranda is asking Gordo for his advice on how to gently turn Matt down. To my surprise, Miranda still doesn’t want to hurt Matt’s feelings and actually agrees to go on a bike-riding date with him. To be honest, if I were Miranda, it would also be hard for me to turn him down. I’m not exactly sure why. It must be the people pleaser in me...
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By the way, is it weird that I love Miranda’s outfit here? Very Avril Lavigne circa 2002.
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His smile...
- The next day, with Gordo’s support, Miranda tries to work up enough courage to reject Matt but before she could let it out, Melina marches into the living room  and confronts Miranda for ‘stealing her man’. Yikes, Miranda just got dissed by an 11 year old lmao. 
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Melina just proved to all of us that she likes Matt back. That’s sweet...in a twisted kind of way.
- Oh and just like how Gordo pointed out, it’s quite embarrassing that Miranda just got dumped by Matt of all people. Again, poor Miranda...
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- There’s also one last surprise for Miranda. Apparently Matt had a cake made for her that Lizzie has taken out of the fridge. And because of that, she has no other choice but to act like a pig and eat the frosting of the cake with her bare hands just to prevent Lizzie from seeing what’s written on the cake. I would have done the same thing lol.
Overall Thoughts
- I found this episode to be one the funniest Lizzie Mcguire episodes so far. I felt like almost every scene either made me slightly chuckle or laugh out loud. From Lizzie’s short stint at the Digital Bean as a busboy to Matt’s sudden crush on Miranda, I was thoroughly entertained from start to finish.
- Honestly speaking, had Matt been able to dial down the craziness in terms of ‘pursuing’ someone just like he did with Miranda, he actually knows how to be a pretty romantic kid. No wonder Melina likes controlling being around him. And seeing her confronting Miranda like that and basically telling her that she’s just a rebound was hilarious to watch. 
- Lizzie’s new job as the busboy was fascinating to watch because it’s the first time we see her working a job and taking on responsibilities outside the house and school. Even though she got fired, I can’t imagine anyone being able to put up with that bossy manager. Like if the busboy turnover rate is consistently high, surely that has something to do with the work environment and the people running the internet café, right? Or can they at least hire more busboys to spread out the workload? Solutions people!
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funky-boat-zone · 3 years
can this be a “pilot episode” if it’s a fic—
(the first fic for my salty’s lighthouse au is finally done! enjoy (or don’t). also it’s not going on ao3 because there’s no tag for this show and i don’t wanna clog the tugs tag.)
It was 6:30 in the morning, with the sun just starting to cast its light over Snugboat Harbor. All twelve tugs (plus Grampus) waited in front of Captain Star’s window for their orders. No one knew what they were waiting for besides the fact that Star had specifically asked the Zero Fleet to wait at her window instead of his.
Ten Cents yawned. “Why’d Captain bring the Zeroes here instead of just waiting for Zero to come to work?”
“What, do you have a problem with us staying at your dock?” Zorran snapped, Zug glancing apologetically at Ten Cents on his behalf.
Ten Cents sputtered in irritation. “No, of course not! Sheesh, are you sure you’re not the one with a prob—“
“Have some respect! If she called all of us over, it must be something serious!” Top Hat protested.
“D’ya think somebody sunk?” ZB tactlessly wondered aloud to Zak, earning him a few horrified looks from his fellow tugs.
“Well if the Coast Guard’s not here, it probably wasn’t someone that important.” Zak replied, only to spot Zorran glaring at him. “… What?”
“Shh, here she comes!” Hercules ordered, which promptly stopped the boats’ chatter.. for the time being, anyway.
Sure enough, a blue and white-striped megaphone popped out of the window. “Star Fleet, Zeroes, Boomer’s owner wants to know if Snugboat Harbor has the right kind of jobs for him and he’s coming to assist you all with work today! Whether or not he decides to stay, I expect you all to be on your best behavior!” With that, she returned to her office, closing the window on the way and leaving the tugs to talk amongst themselves until Boomer inevitably arrived.
Ten Cents groaned. “Oh no, what’d we do?”
“What do ya mean?” Zip asked.
“He’s jinxed! Cursed! No reasonable captain would make their tugs work with Boomer unless it was some kind of punishment!” Big Stack cried.
Ten Cents’ sighed. “I remember when he wanted to ‘help us out’ with a liner.”
“How’d that go?” Sunshine asked, although she quickly realized her mistake when she saw how Ten Cents’ face fell. “… Too soon?”
“Lighten up everyone, it’s not like he means to bring bad luck.” Warrior chided.
“And it’s not like Sunshine means to run bow-first into other tugs because she can’t take two seconds to look where she’s going, what’s your point?” Zorran argued, ignoring Sunshine’s cry of “Hey!” from across the jetty.
“Can’t we at least try to be nice to him?” Sunshine suggested. “Who knows? Maybe his luck will turn if we stop acting like everything he does is bad luck, just saying.”
The dead silence from both fleets indicated that they weren’t feeling inclined to take her suggestion.
Roughly an hour later, ZB spotted a tug in an orange worker’s cap and matching livery entering the harbor. What stood out to him the most was the tape and bandages covering the vessel, no doubt covering the cracks, dents, and holes from his countless accidents. “Must be Boomer.” He thought aloud to himself, pulling his barges out of the way so he could pass by. From how far away the other tug was, there was almost no way Boomer would actually hit the barges, but better safe than sorry, right?
Almost as soon as the tug in the orange cap was out of sight, ZB heard Zero cry “Watch the dock, watch the dock— I said *watch the dock!*”, which was in turn followed by a loud thunk and Zero lamenting the damage to his newly-repaired dock.
“Yep, has to be Boomer.” ZB corrected himself.
Much to the dismay of everyone, including the captains, Boomer’s first job for the day involved helping Warrior and Big Stack transport explosives. Both fleets were ordered to give them plenty of room, which they gladly did, excessively so: Not just because it was captain’s orders, but because no one wanted to be hit with flying shrapnel in case this job went wrong.
“C’mon, I’m pretty sure we don’t need to give them that much room.” Hercules sighed, noticing how both fleets were stationed almost a liner’s length apart from each other. Despite his reassurance, no one made a move to get closer.
“Well, I may end up in a museum someday, but that day will not be today and my exhibit will not be one on shipwrecks!” Top Hat argued, earning a few eye-rolls from the rest of his fleet.
“Really, you guys need to stop assuming the worst of him! He’s not even the one towing the explosives, there’s no possible way he could—!“ Hercules was interrupted by an explosion, followed quickly by Big Stack proclaiming “I’m okay!” in the distance. He looked to his horrified fleet. “O-Okay, that was just a fluke! Besides, it doesn’t sound like all the barges exploded—!” As if on cue, there was another explosion.. And another. And another. Warrior, Big Stack, and Boomer met up with their fleet and were thankfully all still afloat and intact, albeit covered in soot and understandably shaken.
“… Did you manage to save any of the barges?” Top Hat squeaked out, looking at the smoke rapidly rising in the distance.
“Some of them! Well, I don’t know how much good they’ll be, since they’re.. kinda-sorta—well, very much on fire now.” Boomer stammered. “But we tried!” Almost immediately after Boomer stopped speaking, there was a bright orange light in the distance, with all the tugs recognizing it as a fire.
Sunshine winced as her fleet scattered and passed her to find the Fire Chief. Ten Cents sighed.
At the very least, the blaze was only the second worst fire he’d ever seen in port.
“Who needs the Star Fleet? Zero’s been looking for another tug anyway.” Zorran noted as Boomer and the rest of the Zero Fleet prepared to pull down a group of old buildings. “Now, all you have to do is secure your line to these buildings, sound your whistle to make sure everyone gets clear, and pull them down.” There’s no possible way Boomer could mess this up, it’s so easy that even Zip and Zug can do it!
Boomer did as he was instructed, sounding his whistle as soon as he got his line on the building’s superstructure. The rest of the Zero Fleet stayed back, shut their eyes, and waited for the sound of the building to come down.
… And waited. And waited.
“I’m not hearing any…” Zug stammered to try and find the right word before settling for just poorly imitating the sound of a building falling down. “Y’know, any of that.”
“Zorran?” Boomer called. “It’s— Uh, the building’s not coming down!”
“… What?” Zorran asked incredulously.
“I think I made myself pretty clear, I’ve been—“ Boomer stopped to catch his breath, “I’ve been at it for at least a few minutes and it hasn’t budged.”
Zorran steamed over to where Boomer was struggling, wondering how he could fail such a simple task. “Move over and let me see that!”
ZB cringed as soon as he saw his boss head toward Boomer. “D’ya think the building’s gonna collapse if he—“
Zak quickly wrapped his line around ZB’s towbitts, making sure he stayed put. “Nah, let Zorran figure that out for himself.” He said. ZB stayed out, failing to notice the smirk on Zak’s face.
Zorran approached the building, having pushed Boomer out of the way. “I don’t see any reason why it hasn’t fallen yet—OH NO!” Shrapnel and dust flew everywhere as the building finally collapsed as the Zeroes had hoped.. right on top of Zorran, who sunk to the bottom with a terrified yelp.
Once the dust cleared, the rest of the Zero Fleet hesitantly steamed over to check if Zorran was okay. Thankfully, he wasn’t fully sunk, since the water near the abandoned buildings was too shallow to let that happen. In fact, he seemed relatively fine for a tug who’d just had a small building collapse on top of him.
“You—“ ZB coughed, “You okay?” he asked nervously, turning carefully to avoid hitting the debris in the water and coughing from the still-lingering dust.
Zorran just shook his wheelhouse resignedly, his eyes unfocused. “At this rate, those kids will go blind if they keep talking to that lighthouse.” He muttered.
The Zeroes exchanged a nervous glance with each other.
“I’ll get him to Lucky’s.” Zak sighed.
Zorran returned from Lucky’s good as new, although he looked just as irritated as usual. With the Zero Fleet done with their jobs for the day, he planned to meet up with them near a set of old docks, hoping the Star Fleet wouldn’t come by. “So, who do you think is going to be the oh-so-lucky fleet who gets stuck with Boomer?”
“Probably the Star Fleet, I’m calling it now.” Zak said. “They’ll take anything! I mean, look at Grampus! What’s Captain Star gonna do with a submarine, make him check the docks for barnacles?”
“Hey, he could check boats for barnacles too!”
“Not my point, Zug.”
Unbeknownst to the Zeroes, the Star Fleet were having a near-identical argument at their own dock.
“I don’t wanna say I don’t want him around—“ Sunshine began.
“I do.” Top Hat said snootily, causing the rest of the Stars at the dock to glare at him.
Sunshine ignored Top Hat and went on. “—But Captain just got Grampus, and I didn’t hear her talking about buying another tug.”
“Ah, so Zero wants him, then.” Big Stack sighed. “Never thought I’d say this, but I feel bad for the Zero fleet.”
Both the Stars and the Zeroes apparently had the same idea, because Warrior, Big Stack, and Zorran all found themselves gathered in front of the Star Dock in hopes that they’d get Captain Star to change her mind.
“What’s the problem, Star Fleet.. and Zorran?”
“Well, it’s not that we don’t like Boomer..” Warrior began, only for his brother to cut him off.
“We just hate working with him! I keep telling you, every time someone works with him, they end up crashing, sinking, or getting set on fire! Unless you put something into place to keep this from happening, he can work alone!”
Zorran cut in. “Or at least get someone more expendable to—“
“Zorran!” Both brothers snapped, prompting the Zero Fleet’s leader to shut up.
Captain Star sighed. “I guess now’s a good time to tell you that Boomer likely won’t be working with either of your fleets. Zero and I have thought it over and talked it out, and he doesn’t need a new harbor tug and the Star Fleet has plenty of tugs as is.”
“… Oh.” Big Stack and Warrior responded awkwardly. As much as they didn’t like working with Boomer, it wasn’t as if they wanted to drive him out of the harbor.
“Yes!” Zorran cheered quietly, though not quietly enough to keep Warrior from hearing him and shooting him a disapproving glance.
Captain Star ignored the tugs’ reactions and continued. “Star Fleet, I’d like you to say goodbye to him once you’re all done with work. Snugboat Harbor wasn’t the right fit for him, but let’s wish him luck.”
“Aye aye!” The Star Fleeters agreed before leaving to help the rest of their fleet finish work for the day. Zorran just turned around, headed for his own dock, and prepared to go to sleep.
The sun was just beginning to fall as the Stars and the Zeroes gathered to say goodbye to Boomer. The Zeroes arrived twenty minutes late, because Zorran refused to leave his dock and it took the rest of his fleet to drag him to the meeting spot.
“Goodbye Boomer! We wish you the best of luck!” Sunshine cheered.
The Zero Fleet looked to Zorran, only to realize he was falling asleep where he was floating. Hoping Boomer wouldn’t notice, ZB bumped his leader, jolting him awake.
“Uh— what she said!” Zorran shouted as his fleet sighed disappointedly behind him.
Thankfully, Boomer took no notice. “Thanks guys! I’ll be sure to write or visit or something once I find my new job!” He shouted before sailing off toward the horizon.. But not before accidentally sinking a buoy on his way out.
“Should we tell—“ Otis wondered aloud before Hercules cut him off.
“Nah, Captain doesn’t have to know.” Hercules said, wanting to just enjoy the moment.
But once Boomer passed under Snugboat Harbor’s bridge, a small piece of infrastructure came loose and crashed down onto his bow. While it wasn’t enough to collapse the bridge, it was certainly enough for Boomer to notice as he yelped in pain.
The Star Fleet froze in horror, wondering if they should go and help before Boomer’s voice broke the silence. “I’m okay!”
Realizing the rest of his fleet was staring at him with an expression that could best be described as “We told you so”, Hercules sighed and turned around to head to his dock. “I know, I know, I’ll go tell Captain.”
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wellimaginethat · 4 years
Nothing to Worry About
Pairing: Kelly Severide x (female) Reader
Requested?: Yes
Word Count: 2311
Author’s Note: I’m pretty sure I’ve said it before, but I love getting requests for Kelly.
Trigger Warning(s): Implied sex, implied consumption of alcohol, nervousness, long distance relationship, implied hooking up/casual relationship
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: Kelly has been dating a doctor from out of town for a while now, well when she gets a job at Gaffney, Kelly finally introduces her to everyone.
Y/N = Your Name
Y/LN = Your Last Name
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You met Kelly when you were in Chicago for some doctor’s convention thing that you hadn’t been too keen on going to in the first place, so you ditched and went exploring.
At first you weren’t going to give him the time of day. His entire persona screamed player and you weren’t the kind of woman to fall for the game.
But then you decided why not have a little fun while you were in Chicago, so you let the cute firefighter take you home.
You didn’t know what it was, but for some reason the two of you were just drawn to each other after that night. Before you left he had asked for your number, and that began a somewhat casual relationship.
However, casual did not last long because before you knew it, you were starting to really fall for him. And he was starting to fall for you just as hard.
It all came to a boil one night. He paid you a surprise visit at your apartment, having driven hours to get there, only for you to not be home.
You came walking down the hallway an hour later and saw him sitting there, outside your door, waiting for you.
“Kelly?” You asked quietly, confused. “What are you doing here?
He looked up at you, blue eyes locking onto yours. You could tell he was confused and hurt by the conclusions he was drawing. You were dressed nicely and had your hair and makeup done up nicely as well, you looked like you were coming back from a date.
He stood up and went to move past you. “This was a bad idea.”
You stopped him by grabbing onto his arm. “Kelly wait.”
He only partially turned to look at you and shook his head. “Nah, I get it. I’m just a fun time whenever you happen to be in Chicago, a guy you keep on the hook just so you don’t have to be lonely.”
His words cut you deeply, but you knew he was only saying them because of how the situation looked. You shook your head. “It’s not like that.”
“Oh? Then what is it like?” Kelly asked you, and just the tone of his voice showed you how much he was hurting.
“Well it’s not what you think.” You told him. “Can you just come inside so we don’t have to have this conversation in the hallway?”
“No, I think I should just go.” He replied, pulling his arm out of your grasp. Even with how hurt he was, he was still gentle when pulling away from you, he never wanted to hurt you.
“Kelly please.” You begged softly. “I just got done dealing with my family being all dramatic.”
He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at you. “You were…”
“With my family, yeah.” You nodded. “I decided to take them out to dinner and they all decided to be dramatic and make the night horrible.”
Kelly’s face fell into an expression of instant regret and embarrassment. “I...I thought…”
“That I was on a date?” You asked and shook your head.
“And now I feel like an idiot.” Kelly ran a hand over his face and looked down. “I’m sorry.”
You smiled softly and shook your head, taking his hand in yours. “It’s fine, but can we please go inside now? I have extremely nosy neighbors.”
Kelly nodded and let you lead him into your apartment after you unlocked the door.
“I don’t think I can do this anymore.” The words came out of his mouth before he realized how they sounded, it only dawning on him when he saw the look on your face. “I mean how casual it is between us.”
You immediately relaxed and nodded slowly, a soft smile finding its way onto your lips.
He walked over to you. “I know it’s long distance, but I think we could make it work. I mean, we’re already making time for each other as is.”
“Kelly.” You started softly, eyes meeting his. “What are you saying exactly?”
“I want you to be my girlfriend.” Kelly told you, placing his hands on your hips gently. “I’m not interested in seeing any other girls besides you, and I hate the idea that there could be other guys in your life.”
“There aren’t.” You assure him softly. “It’s only you and has been for a long time.”
“So does that mean we’re exclusive?” He asked with a small smile.
You nodded, smiling a bit more. “Most definitely. And yeah, I’ll be your girlfriend.”
After that, you two were completely exclusive and made the whole long distance thing work. You’d either go to see him, or he’d come see you, or you’d meet in the middle somewhere. You made it work.
And then you got offered the position at Gaffney. You immediately called him up.
“Y/N? Everything okay?” Kelly asked, worried because you seldom called him in the middle of the day like this.
“Everything’s fine.” You breathed out, trying to contain your excitement. “I was just offered a position at Gaffney.”
“Here in Chicago?” Kelly asked, surprised.
“Yeah.” You breathed out, then it dawned on you that maybe he wouldn’t want you to move to Chicago, as well as a bunch of other insecurities.
“Are you going to take it?” Kelly asked you.
“I don’t know...do you think I should?” You asked timidly.
Kelly paused. “Do you want to?”
“Do you want me to?”
“This isn’t up to me, Y/N.” Kelly told you, getting a bit frustrated.
“Would you be okay with me living in Chicago?” You asked after a moment.
There was another pause on his end and that sent a pang of fear through you. “Do I want my girl to be living in the same city as me? Of course I do. But I also want you to make sure this is what you want, I don’t want you unhappy.”
Relief flooded you and you smiled wide even though he couldn’t see it. “Then I’m going to take it.”
You could practically hear the smile in his voice when he spoke next. “That’s great. I can’t wait until you’re here.”
And within the next few weeks you were moving. Kelly was excited to introduce you to his friends, but gave you time to settle in. He helped you pack up your previous apartment, and unpack at your new place in Chicago.
You smiled and admired your new place after you had gotten everything situated so that it was just so.
Kelly wrapped his arms around your from behind and placed a few chaste kisses to the crook of your neck and shoulder, causing you to giggle softly.
He smiled at you. “So what do you think of your new place?” He asked you softly, his arms still wound around your midsection.
You turned slightly in his embrace to get a good look at him. “I love it.”
“And Chicago?”
“So far? I love it too.” You smiled at him.
Kelly smiled and looked down briefly, not meeting your eyes as he asked his next question. “Anything else you love?”
“You.” You whispered your response, causing him to look up and finally meet your eyes.
There was a small silence between you and it almost made you panic, but you somehow remained cool on the outside, waiting for him to say something.
“You serious?” He asked softly, his breath catching.
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m serious.” You whispered out again. “I love you Kelly.”
He smiled softly. “I love you too.” He breathed out, a look of relief on his face.
It was about two weeks later that you were finally settled in enough to meet his friends, and you were nervous as hell.
You were still getting ready when Kelly showed up at your place and knocked on the door.
You hurried to pull the door open and greet him. “Hey.” You kissed his cheek. “Just give me a few more minutes and I’ll be ready, promise.”
He could immediately tell you were nervous just by the way you were acting, and grabbed your hand as you went to scurry away. “Hey, babe.” He said softly, pulling you back to him and causing you to look at him.
“Kelly, I gotta get ready.” You told him.
Kelly looked you up and down and raised a brow. “This isn’t ready?”
“I haven’t even started on my makeup.” You protested.
“I don’t really think you need it.” Kelly told you, but let it go. “I just want you to take a breath, okay? They’ll love you.”
You took a deep breath and nodded. “I hope you’re right.”
“I am, trust me.” Kelly told you, kissing your forehead. “Now you can go finish getting ready.”
You smiled and scurried off to the bathroom to do your makeup.
You fidgeted in the car the entire ride to the bar, causing Kelly to place a hand on your leg in an attempt to calm you.
When you finally got to the bar, Kelly led you in with an arm wrapped around your shoulders.
You were met with a few questioning looks from people you’d only heard stories about and you immediately felt awkward, your stomach was in knots. You were well aware that the people you were about to meet were more than coworkers, more than just friends, they were Kelly’s family and that meant you had to make a good impression. You were beyond worried that they wouldn’t like you.
You realized that the questioning looks weren’t directed at you, but at Kelly, causing you to look at him.
He walked over to the group, his arm still around your shoulders. “Everyone, this is Dr. Y/N Y/LN.” He introduced you, and the looks didn’t change. “My girlfriend.”
The questioning looks then turned to a mix of surprise and confusion. A blonde man stepped up. “Girlfriend?”
Kelly nodded to him and you were left confused, had he not told them about you?
“So that’s why you haven’t exactly been friendly with the ladies lately.” Someone commented from behind, you didn’t see who.
“It’s been long distance for a while now and she just moved to Chicago.” Kelly told them.
“Why’s this the first we’re hearing about her?” A man from behind the bar asked.
“I wanted to keep her to myself.” Kelly answered him sarcastically. “I didn’t wanna jinx it, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” He looked down at you with a small smile.
“So this is where you’ve been disappearing to?” The blonde man asked.
Kelly nodded to him.
Instead of commenting, he turned to you and offered his hand out to you. “Matt Casey.”
“Ah, the best friend.” You commented, shaking his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Introductions went off without a hitch and you seemed to fit in pretty well with them, and your nervousness from earlier melted away over the course of the night.
You currently sat across from Sylvie Brett, talking to her about different things when the conversation got turned around to you and Kelly.
“So how long have the two of you been together?” She asked you before taking a sip of her drink.
“Well we started out as causal.” You told her. “And that was about a year ago, but a few months in he asked me to be his girlfriend, and we became exclusive. So we’ve officially been dating for nearly eight months.”
“Wow, I didn’t think he had it in him.” Sylvie commented.
You chuckled a bit and played with your drink nervously. “Yeah, I know he’s got a thing with the ladies.”
Sylvie noticed your unease and was quick to try to remedy it. “Hey, he seems pretty serious about you.” She spoke softly.
You looked up. “Then why didn’t he tell anyone about me?”
“You heard him, he said he didn’t wanna jinx it.” She answered, still in the same soft voice.
Your eyes went over to Kelly, he was across the bar talking to Matt and Herrmann about something, and when he noticed you looking at him, he smiled at you. You returned the smile before turning back to Sylvie. “I really hope that’s why.”
She nodded and smiled at you. “It is. He loves you, I can tell by the way he looks at you.”
Your cheeks turned pink as you smiled softly and nodded.
When you got back to your apartment, you sat on the couch and waited for Kelly to sit next to you.
“Alright, go ahead, ask me.” Kelly told you as you leaned into his side.
You raised a brow. “Ask you what?”
“Why I didn’t tell them about you.” Kelly answered, looking down at you.
“Well, why didn’t you?” You asked softly, you didn’t sound upset or hurt, because you wanted to believe what he had said, and what Slyvie had said.
“Because if I had, then they would have wanted to meet you sooner.” Kelly answered you honestly, letting out a small sigh. “And I wasn’t ready.”
You nodded slowly. “But you could’ve told them before we walked into the bar. You could’ve told them when I moved here.”
“I know.” Kelly sighed again, nodding, he knew you had a point.
You looked down at your hands. “Just tell me that the reason you didn’t tell them wasn’t because you aren’t serious about me.” You said quietly.
Kelly turned to get a better look at you. “That’s not why.” He said softly, getting you to look at him by lifting your chin gently with his fingers. “Hey, I love you.”
You smiled softly and nodded. “I love you too, I was just worried.”
He pulled you into his side again and kissed the side of your head. “You’ve got nothing to worry about.” He assured you.
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rsa241 · 3 years
The truth ( Chapter 3 of Replaced )
Author : I might get the side characters personality wrong or out of character so, I'm sorry about that. Also in this chapter, I made the removal of pacts is painful like how when we ( MC's ) first got them. My writing sucks here so, please bear it with me.
A quick note for the characters colour :
Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie. Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Luke, Solomon.
Anyways, enjoy~
After I arrived at Purgatory Hall, I saw Luke running towards me and hugged me.
" Ayumi! Your back! "
" Woah there, did something happened Luke? "
" I'm just worried, because you've been taking too long. "
" I'm sorry, something happened while I was finding my earphone. "
" Did any demons hurt you?! What happened?? "
" Nobody hurt me, I just got kicked out from HOL. "
" You got kicked out?? Why? "
" The demon brothers got someone else they like now. They don't like me anymore after I hurt Freya. "
" But your just protecting Jinx! How could they not believe you?! You have done so much for them too! "
I patted Luke's head. He seemed a bit annoyed but enjoyed it nonetheless.
" Well, it's their loss if they can't see my worth. Plus, I can spend more time with you. "
Luke's face lightened up but his smile immediately turn into a concern frown. "
" Ayumi... "
" Yes? "
" Are you okay? "
" I'm okay, don't worry. Let's go bake with Barbatos, I'm in the mood for sweets today. "
" Oh...okay! I'll go ask Simeon if he wants to come. "
" Alright, I'll bring Jinx. "
After a few minutes, Me, Luke and Simeon rode Jinx as we fly to Diavolo's castle. Soon we arrived, and went inside to greet Barbatos.
" Hello Barbatos. "
" Hello Simeon, Luke, Ayumi. "
" Barbatos you forgot Jinx. "
Barbatos chuckled and patted Jinx.
" My apologies, hello to you Jinx. "
The black feline responded with a soft meow😸.
" Follow me. "
We went inside the castle and Barbatos asked.
" What brings all of you here? "
" We want to bake some sweets. "
" I'm also craving for sweets. "
" I see, let's head to the kitchen now. "
We head to kitchen and started baking one of my favorite desserts, French macaroons. I struggled at first but, I'm able to catch up quickly. I managed to make the macaroon shells looked decent and had a small flour fight with Luke. Barbatos eventually stopped us from wasting more flour and Simeon just laughed at our actions.
After the French macaroons is fully baked, we placed the macaroons on a cake stand and served them with some cakes and tea. Soon after, Diavolo and Solomon joined us. We we're having fun chatting until, I felt my skin is burning. I didn't think removing pacts would be this painful.
I tried to hold the pain but Barbatos noticed it before I could do anything. He place his hand on my shoulder with a concern look. Diavolo took notice and proceeds to worry as well.
" Ayumi, are you okay? "
I pulled my sleeves up and watched my pact marks slowly disappearing. The others seemed pretty shocked and probably angry. I clenched my fist tightly trying to endure for a little but, it just worsen the pain.
" Well...this is painful... "
" Why are your pact marks disappearing...?! "
" I gave the brothers my full consent to remove the pact so, they could have a pact with Freya. "
" Freya? The new exchange student? "
Luke nodded while holding my hand.
" Yeah! She's also the one who hit Jinx! "
" I see... "
" Luke! You shouldn't say that. "
" But it's her fault for getting Ayumi kicked out and hated by the demon brothers! "
" Luke is not wrong, Simeon. "
" I- "
Simeon couldn't say anything and proceeds to pinch the bridge of his nose.
" How are you doing with the pain Ayumi? "
" Worse than your food. "
" Seriously. "
" Haha, Ayumi is still as optimistic as ever. "
" It'll be over soon, please endure it for a little longer. "
I nodded and let myself breathe. The pain slowly subside, as I can feel myself return to my normal state again.
" Ayumi? Does it still hurt?? 🥺"
" Don't worry, I'm okay now. Thanks for asking Luke. " I said while patting Luke's head.
" I'm not a kid you know! " Luke said while pouting like a chihuahua.
" Oh Lord Diavolo, can I go visit to the human world? "
" Of course, when? "
" Tomorrow. I want to visit my sisters. "
" Alright. "
" How long will you be away? "
" Probably for a few days or so. "
" Can you buy something while your at the human world? "
" Is it human world ingredients? "
" Yes. I prepared a list for- "
" No thank you. After being your taste tester last time, I'm not risking myself getting another food poisoning. "
" Why are you so mean 😭 "
Everyone laughed at both of our behavior. Solomon kept begging me until I gave up and ended with a long list of human ingredients in my hand.
Freya POV :
After me and the demon brothers arrive at HOL, I close the door behind me and muttered a spell under my breath. Slowly, the chains coiling them. I walked toward the demon brothers while they're struggling to escape under my spell.
" What the- What's this?! "
" Why can't we move?! "
" Ew...what's with colour of these chains? "
" Asmo! This is not the time! "
" Who did this?! "
" Haha...Finally...after centuries of failed attempts, I got all of your seven pacts at last. "
" Freya...? "
Beel eyes widened as he looked at me, confused.
" W-what... "
Belphie looked conflicted trying to process the situation.
" What is the meaning of this Freya?! "
" You still don't get it? I thought your smart enough to figure it out already. "
" Why do ya do this?! "
" Simple, pact marks. "
" What are you going to do with our pact marks?! "
" To defeat Lord Diavolo and rule the three realm. "
" You won't be able to defeat Lord Diavolo. He's stronger than you! "
" You might not know this but, I have an ability to steal powers. Once I steal Lord Diavolo's power, I'll be able to take over Devildom. "
" I can't believe it. We trusted you! "
Everyone's reaction is very amusing to watch. Their disbelief, confused and betrayal expressions are priceless!
" Nobody is going to help any of you. Not Diavolo, Not Barbatos, Not Solomon, Not Simeon. Nobody. "
I stood up and walked around them.
" I also heard that Ayumi is going to the human world tomorrow, to visit her sisters. I guess you won't be able getting any help from her either. "
As I walk in circle, I observe each of their expression. Their wrath seemed to spreading all over them. I couldn't help but cackle in amusement. I decided to tease them a little, to see their guilty faces.
" You should be VERY guilty after what all of you have done. "
I walked to Levi.
" You must be happy for wishing to break off the pacts in front of Ayumi, Levi. I'm really happy, knowing that you would make pact just for me and leave your second player afterwards. She must be really lonely after that. "
" I-I didn't mean to... " Levi muttered while looking at the floor.
I walked over to Belphie.
" You must be very lucky to be able to get away easily. She didn't fought back because she's the oldest, the one who takes all the blame, no matter what. It must be nice being the youngest. "
Belphie looked away from me, not making a single eye contact. Then, I walked over to Beel next.
" You must be satisfied to always have your stomach full. Knowing that humans need to eat to live. Ayumi always gave her food to you, because she know how you're struggling a lot to hold your sin. I feel bad for her really. "
Beel eyes started to form tears and looked away from me. I walked to Satan.
" Since I came here, you've always have been getting more impatient and irritated around Ayumi. You even trashed her room and almost destroy her earphone that was gifted from her sister. She still didn't get mad at you and apologise first instead. Aren't you embarrassed? "
" Shut up. "
Satan hissed at me annoyed. I walked at Asmo
" When you stopped paying attention to Ayumi, you've been rude to her. You say a lot of things about her looks. You forgot the fact that humans are VERY emotional. I've always seen her getting insecure and her anxiety slowly getting to her since then. Don't you feel bad? "
" That's not true! My darling won't- "
Asmo broke into tears afterwards. I walked to Mammon.
" Your supposed to protect her Mammon. She manage to get you away from trouble and took the punishment instead. She stand up for you, comfort you with her encouraging words. But, this is how you repay her kindness? "
Mammon looked down at the floor without a word. Lastly, I walked to Lucifer.
" And you. Ayumi doesn't like you the most. We all know how Ayumi has a lot similarities, when it comes comparing her to you. She always had to deal with your long ass lecture. Even though, she had helped you with works. Even in secret, she would lessen your work just to let you spend with your brother. Good job Lucifer. "
Lucifer stare at me with a death glare. He still not putting down his pride.
" Do you know why she did that? "
" She's just doing that because she hated me overworking myself. "
" True, but that's not the main reason. "
" What do you mean by that? "
I bend down on one knee and look at Lucifer.
" She did that for you not to make the same mistake as her. Ayumi always study non-stop just to meet her parents expectations. She barely had any time to spend time with her sisters. They we're very young at that too. One of them also happen to be an infant. "
Lucifer's face slowly turning guilt but manage to stay compose.
" One day, when she return from school. She saw her house on fire. She manage to get her sisters out but, they died...right in her arms with burn scars. She had always been guilty about it. She even got blame for that. Since then, she had always pretend that her sisters we're still alive. Even though she knew, they're gone. "
Lucifer's eyes widened, his face slowly become guilty. I probably remind him Lilith. I love their guilty faces. I laughed.
" HAHAHA! Look at your faces! Seven rulers of Hell, feeling guilty for that pitiful human?! HAHAHA! I'm only teasing but who knew! HAHAHA! "
" Don't call her that! "
" OH, so you finally decide to do something good for her? WELL too bad! I'm going to kill every single of you, once I steal Diavolo's power. You'll be dead before you could say sorry! "
I casted a spell where black thorny vines coiling them. They didn't struggle, they we're too guilty for what they have done. Slowly, their eyes turning lifeless grey as if they're not breathing anymore.
" Now, sleep...Let your sorrow and regrets consume you. "
The next day at Divolo's castle
Ayumi POV :
As I stood next to Barbatos, Lord Diavolo opened a portal to the human world. I picked up Jinx and looked at everyone. Luke seems sad.
" Luke? What's wrong? "
" Please come back quickly! "
" I'll try okay. I will bring back some human world desserts too. "
I patted Luke's head as his eyes brighten up.
" I'll get going now. "
As I was about to walk into the portal, a bright light flashed everywhere and loud rumbling sound. Suddenly my body is slammed to the wall, bleeding. I tried to look up with my trembling state to see someone familiar stood in front of Diavolo.
It was Freya...
" Hello there Lord Diavolo. "
She clawed her fingers in the demon prince's neck. Diavolo couldn't release himself from Freya's grasp.
" I hope you don't mind me borrowing your powers for a while. "
As her fingers dig deeper into the demon prince's neck, Diavolo's eyes slowly turning grey as if he was lifeless. Barbatos tried to attack from behind but Freya able to stop him and slowly draining his powers with her strong grasp.
My eyes widened, I couldn't believe what I witness. I clenched my fist in trying to hold my wrath until, Solomon came and help me stand up.
" Hey are you okay? "
" I'm okay. Where's Simeon and Luke? " I asked, worried if they're injured.
" Don't worry, they're both are hiding. I'll teleport you to them, while I distract Freya. "
I grabbed Solomon's hand immediately.
" Are you crazy?! She'll steal your powers and kill you! "
" I know, but I'd hate it more seeing you hurt. Don't worry, I'll come back. I'm an immortal after all. "
Solomon then casted a spell and teleported me to a hiding spot, where Simeon and Luke is.
" That motherfucker. "
I looked around to find Simeon hugging Luke, calming the little angel. I went to them and cup Luke's face.
" Luke! Are you okay?! Did you get hurt?! "
" I-I'm okay! "
" What happened to Solomon? "
" He's distracting Freya right now. We have to get out of here before she comes- "
Freya walked towards us dragging Solomon's body. Following with seven familiar figure behind her. It was the demon brothers. I hold Luke's shaking hand while Simeon stood in front of me.
" Just where do you think your going? "
To be continue~
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ballerinaroy · 4 years
I loved loved loved what you wrote about Ron’s promotion. Could you maybe write something romione about him telling Hermione? Either when he’s up for it and is nervous or after the fact and he’s joking about Harry thinking he was seeing someone else? Either way you’re so talented 💕💕
Part i. 
“Well, Gregory broke his silence today,” Ron announced as Hermione arrived at home.
“It’s about time,” Hermione said, divulging herself of her bag and greeting him with a kiss. “What did he say?”
“Challenged me to a rematch,” Ron told her.
“Really?” Hermione asked, sitting down next to him on the sofa and kicking off her heels. “Did you beat him?”
“Of course,” Ron said smugly. Hermione rolled her eyes fondly. “Told me I had to or he’d have me fired. Then the strangest thing happened.”  
“Told me to cut my hair and sharpen my wardrobe if I wanted to be taken seriously and then left to hand Gawain something.”
“Strange.” Hermione agreed.
Ron didn’t say anything for a moment, drawing her feet into his lap and massaging them. He considered not telling her, because he really had no basis for it, only- “I think it might have been his resignation.”
“What?” Hermione asked, startled. “Are you serious?”
Ron shrugged. “Bloody confusing day.”
But Hermione wasn’t as quick to dismiss it. She adopted an expression of deep thought and he left her to it, concentrating on helping her relax. A grin spread across her face very slowly and he raised an eyebrow at her.
“He wants you to take the job.”
“No,” Ron shook his head, “that’s barmy. I’ve only been in the department for what, five and a half years? None of the junior officials are even our age.”
“I’m our age,” Hermione reminded him.
“Yeah, but you’re brilliant,” Ron told her, giving her foot a squeeze. “Besides, your department is a lot younger, isn’t it.”
“And why couldn’t it be you?” Hermione asked stubbornly, fussing with a lock of his hair. “Oh, come on, you’ve always said it was your favorite part of the job.”
“I’m not qualified.”
“Clearly Gregory thinks you are,” Hermione pointed out.
“Maybe he’s just a sore loser,” Ron joked and Hermione laughed.
“It wouldn’t do you bad, though,” she said, twirling her finger in his hair. “Getting your hair styled.”
“I thought you liked my hair,” Ron pouted, feeling a little self-conscious.
“I like you,” Hermione said, bending forward to kiss his cheek. “You may have outgrown the unkept look though.”
“Rude,” Ron said, running a hand through his hair.
“And now that we’re settled, why not invest in new clothes?” she asked.
“I don’t need new clothes, I can mend what I have.”
“Just let me pick out a few things for you?” Hermione asked, pouting. “Oh, come on it could be fun.”
Hermione pressed her lips together and nodded. His heart rate increased a little at that look and he turned suddenly, pushing her into the sofa and stopping just before kissing her. “Every husband’s dream, getting to play dress up.”
“How’d it go?” Hermione asked as he came home.
“Good,” Ron said, grinning. “I mean, it felt good. I got everyone to laugh and we went over my old cases, asked what I would have done differently. Almost exactly what we prepped for.”
“And you feel good?”
He shrugged, not wanting to jinx it. “Gregory pulled me aside after, told me I kept my cool.”
“But that’s wonderful!” Hermione told him. “You said it yourself, he’ll be the one that decides.”
“Yeah, but I don’t even know who else they’re interviewing, and just excuse I did good doesn’t mean-“
Hermione cut him off by reaching over and placing her hand over his. “Ron, you did a good job, who cares about everyone else?”
He smiled at her and she kissed his cheek.
“Anything left for me?” he asked of her, standing and walking over to the fridge which Hermione nodded towards.
“Have you told Harry?” she asked of him and Ron pretended not to hear the question. “Oh, Ron why haven’t you?”
“Nothing’s official,” he said, shutting the fridge door and crossing his arms. “I probably won’t get it anyway.”
“Yes, but Harry would want to know either way,” Hermione argued. “You two tell each other everything.”
“Not everything,” he argued, though she was right of course. He’d felt queasy even when he’d been casual about his new shoes. “It was just an interview, I’ll tell him in a few weeks when we can have a good laugh about it.”
It was clear she wasn’t happy about this, but let it go along with a long breath out of her nose.
“Tell me about it then,” Hermione asked, leaning forward, “What did they ask? How’d you make them laugh? I want to know everything.”
It took exactly five seconds after he shut the door to her office that afternoon for Hermione to look up and say “How did he take it?”
Weeks now she’d been pestering him about telling Harry and just as he’d finally made the plan to tell him that weekend, Harry had gone and spoiled the suprise.
“Well,” Ron told her, sinking into his usual chair on the other side of her desk. “He told me that I couldn’t possibly overshadow him, he defeated You-Know-Who.”
Hermione snorted. “I told you he’d be happy for you.”
“He knew something was going on,” Ron admitted, “you’ll never believe what he accused me of though.”
“What?” she asked.
“That I was seeing someone.”
Hermione’s eyes widened and then narrowed with suspicion. “Seriously?”
Ron shrugged. “Well, that was after he accused us of leaving.”
“He thought you were having an affair?” Hermione repeated. “How could he even-?”
“I’d have to be lying about where I was half the time,” Ron told her, “It’d be exhausting.”
Hermione’s lips turned, “yes, well, if I didn’t know where you were sneaking off to then I might get a little suspicious too.”
He stood, walking around the desk and perching himself on it. “You know, pretty soon I’m going to have one of these nice private offices too.”
“Mmh,” Hermione said, setting down her quill, and pushing back her chair, crossing her legs towards him.“I suppose you will.”
“And they’ll be rumors about where you’re sneaking off to all the time.”
“All the time?” Hermione asked.
Nodding he placed his hands on either of her armrests and got so close she had to tilt her head to look at him. “That Hermione Granger-Weasley, you think she worked for the Aurors the time she spends down there.”
Hermione laughed, “Hard to call it a rumor when it’s true.”
Send me a prompt!
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jinxvrse · 4 years
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— in which the jinx dorm has a little infestation problem
characters / the jinx ensemble, han seoyeon
words / 4.1k
warnings / none — if i missed any please let me know!
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“My friend is coming over soon, she knows what to do.” Yue had finally put her phone down for perhaps the first time in the last thirty five minutes.
“How odd,” Blue commented, Yue pretended not to hear it.
“So before whoever that is comes over can we go over what exactly is happening again because I’m having some trouble really understanding this whole thing.” Jiyoon’s anger was visible in her voice, fists bunched with a face nearly a redder shade than her ginger hair.
Rosie just swallowed the heavy lump in her throat, mostly scared that that thing was going to appear over her head again and swipe her into whatever land it came from.
“Isn’t it simple? Roro summoned a demon and now our lives could possibly be endangered.” Miran’s smile told Rosie everything she needed to know about her thoughts on the situation, her happy-go-lucky tone was the bigger tell despite her grim words.
Miran was most certainly excited about the prospect of something supernatural going on in their dorm, no matter how dangerous the idea of it was. She was always a fanatic for this type of stuff so it was no surprise to Rosie or any of the others that she couldn’t care less about the ‘could possibly kill us all’ aspect of this.
“It's actually not that simple but I don’t know the acute details of what Rosie did.” Yue spoke up, her voice still as monotone as ever.
“Oh and how do you know so much about all this freaky stuff? In fact it was your ‘thing’ she was using to get it to come here in the first place.” Jiyoon was surely irritated but back talking to Yue was something many people were too afraid to do.
The other girls bit their cheeks upon the interaction, the atmosphere of the room proving far too tense for the five of them. They watched in anticipation for Yue’s next moves, wondering if she’d stay calm this time or match Jiyoon’s anger, maybe more.
“Don’t misplace your anger with me, Kim Jiyoon.” Yue’s voice never changed, although anyone could note the venom sitting behind her words. “Believe me, I know a lot more than you do and you should just trust me and my friend on this one.”
The room eased a little without the threat of a potential fight happening right there in their living room but the situation at hand was far too distracting for them to completely calm down. With Blue curled up in a corner, Rosie and Miran attached to each other by the hip and Yue and Jiyoon standing far from each other in different corners of their room a painfully long silence would be overtaking the group before the mystery friend would come and deal with the issue.
It would be another thirty five minutes before Yue’s friend buzzed into their apartment. Each girl was eager to see who this person was, sitting on the very edge of their seats to see who would walk through the door. However, it was their surprise when a woman roughly the same age as them appeared behind Yue and not some wizened old crone who knew years of ‘demonology’ there to fight the demon away.
“This is Han Seoyeon,” Yue nearly shoved the girl inside the apartment, “and she is going to solve all our problems.” The rest of them greeted her with awkward and unenthusiastic waves.
Seoyeon had bright red hair, almost redder than the t-shirt Rosie had on. Both her arms were decorated with tattoos, some in colour and some just linework, but she was illustrated like a high school desk with drawings of crystals and flowers. One tattoo stood out the most to Rosie, a detailed bright purple amethyst drawn on Seoyeon’s left arm, just looking at it calmed her down almost to a point where she worried no more about the imminent threat living under her bed.
“What does Seoyeon do?” Blue put on a smile for the girl, trying her best not to appear antsy for their house guest.
Seoyeon returned Blue’s smile with one of her own, her pearly white teeth grinning back at the girl. “Officially I’m a bartender at a place in Hongdae, unofficially I’m a witch.”
Jiyoon let out a pained laugh, clamping her hand to her mouth out of feigned politeness. “I’m sorry, you want me to believe that witches are real?”
“And you’ll believe a spirit’s living in your house? I’m used to skeptics but it’s especially funny coming from someone who appears to be haunted from the energy I’m feeling here.” Seoyeon’s smile never faltered, there was a specific confidence that she emanated and it definitely inspired Rosie in ways she never thought she could feel.
“What? Do you need to see it in action to believe it?” Seoyeon found a seat at one of the dining table chairs, taking it as though it were her throne with her legs crossed and a hand coming to lean against her chin.
“You, Jiyoon, are feeling anxious above all but you’re hiding it behind anger because what if this thing really does kill you and you can’t protect Yoonsung and Jiah, your little siblings, right?” A smirk painted her pretty face when she saw Jiyoon contort in confusion.
“H-How do you know their names?” Jiyoon could barely utter out her sentence, this was probably the first time any of them had seen her lost for words in years.
“I’m a psychic, not a powerful one but I can find out a few things about someone if I focus hard enough.” The redhead tapped at her forehead, signalling a third eye. Rosie might actually believe one would appear in a matter of seconds but her forehead remained eye-free.
Miran let out a light giggle at seeing Jiyoon so dumbstruck, immediately pulling herself together with a serious expression once she caught Jiyoon staring her down.
“Now will you let me do my job?” Seoyeon stood up again, her head held high and her eyes scanning the room around her.
The girls had no qualms about anything she had to say anymore, they had just about seen and heard everything they needed to believe they were in this predicament and there was no reason to not let her carry out her investigation. Despite this they were still seemingly surprised when they watched as Seoyeon started to do her thing.
Little tendrils of pink and green fluttered through Seoyeon’s fingers, the distinct smell of burnt sugar surrounding the girls and filling up the room. The feeling was light on her palms, like fire without the heat, ticklish against the smooth skin. She watched as the girls’ eyes followed the magic jumping from her fingerprints.
Her fingers ran through the walls of the dorm living room, tattoos and veins glowing the same bright pink and green colour, each line fading and reappearing with her heartbeat as she walked. It left Rosie in awe, she never thought magic could really be real, not until seeing everything she had witnessed in the last twenty four hours.
She glanced over to look at her other members, their faces not nearly as shocked as her own. She could get behind Miran not being entirely surprised, seeing as she was always a believer and lived in her own little land, but the other two were more grounded in real life than they were. Rosie remembered how skeptical Jiyoon was of her story when she told her earlier that night or how Blue laughed thinking it was a joke. Maybe Yue’s insistence finally made them believe her but would they have done so without the older girl’s slightly threatening presence?
“The good news is it’s not a malevolent spirit, just a tricky one.” All the girls sighed in relief upon hearing Seoyeon’s words.
“What’s the bad?” Blue questioned, hands massaging her temples like this was all some bad dream.
Seoyeon exhaled deeply, there’s no way things could possibly get worse for them, right? “It’s not leaving for a while, it’s screaming at me that it loves this place too much.”
“So we just have to deal with a literal demon living with us?” Jiyoon groaned, barely hiding her annoyance from the other girls.
Blue simply laughed, the exhaustion was getting to her. Anyone could see so with her dark circles and slouched stance, after all she had been up for so many hours doing this and that around the dorm in an attempt to fix the problem herself. Seeing how her laughter continued on creepily in the background maybe she was going hysterical with everything going on.
“There are ways to force the spirit back to wherever it came from but I am definitely not powerful enough to do that, many aren’t.” Seoyeon casts her eyes over to Yue, lazily staring at her for a second before diverting her gaze elsewhere.
“I am so going to have to move out.” Jiyoon mumbled, the disbelief settling behind her eyes.
“Well for the time being why don’t you just give ‘em a name, treat it like a nice lodger and it’ll leave eventually.” She seemed so nonchalant as she talked, like this was an everyday occurrence in Seoul or whatever witch land she came from.
“That’s all I can do for you but before I go I have to ask, how exactly did you bring this spirit here?”
Everyone’s eyes fell on Rosie, the stares causing her to recoil back into her seat on the sofa. Their stares spoke a thousand words to Rosie and it only made her feel more reluctant to actually say anything, she’d much rather run back to the safety of her bed and pretend this was one hell of a dream.
“I saw this one video on TikTok that said if you’re lonely summon this spirit to be your friend for a couple hours,” Rosie hung her head low as she spoke, avoiding the likely judgemental stares from her group mates. “It was stupid I know and I didn’t even believe it would work but...I had to try it.”
She raised her head slightly, catching a glimpse of Seoyeon with a hand to her chest, a warm smile on her face. She wasn’t outright stating it but Rosie could feel her sympathy radiating off of her like sunbeams, she’s glad Yue called her over because at least someone in that house would try to understand why she would do something like that.
“I found a bunch of witchy stuff in Yue’s room and got to work.” She shot a apologetic glance in the Chinese girl’s direction, “if you want the details, I was using this diamond necklace of mine as a pendulum to communicate with the spirit and I must’ve let it into the house as we talked because the diamond was swinging all on it’s own like crazy.”
Rosie recalled the memories of last night, she was the only one in the dorms, the other four all doing things that didn’t seem to involve her. It was the third time that week, she was just tired of being left out and the feeling of loneliness had been boiling in her blood for far too long.
Jiyoon already had a best friend and the last time they’d had a genuine conversation outside of the practice room must have been months ago. Yue and Miran had become awfully close in the last few months, often leaving the others out of their shared world, and Blue had been out doing god knows what with someone she was never going to text back. Heck, even her own brother was barely responding to her texts, probably off somewhere getting high and pretending she didn’t know about his problem.
There was no need to wiggle her way into places she wasn’t wanted so she decided she'd find someone else to talk to, despite how extreme the solution she came to must’ve seemed to others.
Even if the spell hadn’t worked, there would have always been that thought settling in the back of her mind hoping that it did so that maybe she wouldn’t have to deal with knowing the fact that no one wanted her. A fact that had become as clear as day when she watched each of her members frown in disappointment at what she’d done when they had finally come home to a teary-eyed Rosie, an oddly humanoid shadow standing behind her to confirm her story.
“Well who hasn’t accidentally summoned a spirit in their youth?” Rosie hadn’t realised a silence had formed since her last words until Seoyeon cleared her throat, the lopsided smile still on her face. “Next time I’d recommend you use salt circles, it’ll protect you a little better.”
Yue rubbed her eyes, chuckling softly at Seoyeon’s joke. She flashed a smile at her friend before retiring to her room, the rest of the girls could chat with her or show her out because, quite frankly, she was tired and just wanted to go to bed.
Closing the door behind her, Yue sighed at finally being alone, flopping onto her bed and closing her eyes. Images of Seoyeon’s magic raced through her mind, the sight of the pink and green was oddly addicting, pulling Yue up from the bed and staring into her hands in front of her.
Each vein began to run an icy blue, backlit behind her pale skin. Tiny translucent wisps prickled all around her body, congregating within her palms like an ice that burned through her veins, taking over her entire body in a wave of cold fire.
She winced upon the feeling, not because it hurt, it was more of a tension within her hands, made her eyes itch, that was all. No, the problem was that she liked it, all of it, the feeling of power in her hands, like she could do anything. She could do anything but that’s what got her here in the first place, running to Seoyeon for help because she wanted to hide all of it.
Even though she promised herself she wouldn’t practice anymore, she was always a little bit curious as to how much magic she could gather all on her own. Yue was admittedly a little rusty, mostly due to the blockage that had built up within herself from the years she had abstained from all of this. It took her several minutes to get the candles to burst aflame but it made her feel...something, something that excited her just a little bit too much.
She stared into the flame of the candle closest to her, it flickered violently with just her gaze, the red wax dripping fast into the plate it stood on.
The minute she heard the click of her bedroom door opening she turned around, the candles had blown out immediately with the whip of her head. Darkness cloaked the room again leaving Yue and her visitor alone with just the sliver of light from the window to illuminate them.
She identified the other as Seoyeon from the shine of her red hair, “Don’t scare me like that.”
“Smells like pine in here.” The witch simply chuckled, crossing her arms and leaning the door closed with her back. Yue’s grateful it was her, god knows what she would’ve done if any of her group members had come in instead. Seoyeon’s intuition probably caught her practicing through the walls, she’s smart enough to see through them after all, her eye was always working overtime when they were kids.
“You know you could’ve done that in seconds, no need to call me over here in the middle of the night.” Yue rolled her eyes, it was just like Seoyeon to bring that up. It had been a long time since they’d interacted like this and she was still doubtful as ever to her own power.
“You know why I don’t do that anymore.” Yue responded through gritted teeth, “and besides, you did do that in seconds, you’ve grown a lot since I last saw you.”
“Seokyung’s better than me, but you were always the best out of all of us.” Seoyeon walked over to Miran’s bed, sat right at the edge facing Yue. “It’s clear Jiyoon wants the spirit out, Blue too.” She chuckled, “I don’t think the other two really want that though.”
There was a beat of silence following Seoyeon’s words, neither of them really wanting to address the rather big elephant in the room at that very moment.
“You could help them, Yue, you know that.” Seoyeon spoke in Mandarin, her accent still the same as when they were kids, hearing it warmed her heart.
Yue didn’t respond, her lips pressed into a thin line and her eyes boring into the witch’s. If she wasn’t going to say anything then Seoyeon was simply going to have to press harder.
“Listen, I know what happened was bad but you can relieve your group mates of the thing that’s stressing them out, not me, not anyone else, you.” The smell of burnt sugar began to fall into the room once again, combating the fresh pine of Yue’s magic. “There’s a full moon in two days, you gotta do what you do best!”
Seoyeon knows she can’t force Yue into doing anything, being her friend for over a decade told her that, but she can at least get her to try. Maybe if she could get Yue to open herself up to her own abilities, they could repair what was left of their fragmented friendship.
Yue’s eyes never left Seoyeon, she wanted to believe her, she really did. However, all she could remember was the flames, the haunting memory of the heat coming into dangerously close contact with her as they spread. The thick, black smoke circling the house, the deafening cries of her friend, the silent tears that fell as she watched it all burn.
“Stop, Seoyeon. I just can’t! Is that not enough for you?” Yue cried out, her voice just a decibel below a scream anyone could’ve heard.
Seoyeon knows she’s struck a chord in Yue, hanging her head low. She remembers the fire too. She remembers her heart dropping to her stomach when she saw Yue standing outside in shock, the sickening feeling of relief when she caught her father dragging her mother and sister out of the pile of ash that she called her home.
They tried to move past it, all those years they’d spent with each other far away from Luoyang. Seoyeon knows she’s moved on but maybe Yue hadn’t, that’s why she refused to even talk about what happened since they had left, why Seoyeon could feel that the other hadn’t practiced in so long.
It made her mad, if she could get over losing her home, her family, over something she didn’t even do then Yue could at least try and fix her own problems without running to her and then throwing it back in her face. She threw a hand to the amethyst on her arm, pressing over the tattoo lightly to calm herself, however, it was no use as the anger seething through her caused her to speak without thinking.
“And you call yourself a witch.” She muttered under her breath.
“I don’t!” The flames lit up again, burning dangerously high above their wicks, “Now shut up or get the fuck out of my house.”
Seoyeon waved off the younger girl’s anger, calming down the candles with the flick of her hand. She walked over to the bedroom door but before she would leave she turned to face Yue again, her bright red hair shining around her like a halo.
“You can’t fool me Yue, I’m a damn psychic.” Was all she said before leaving the room, leaving the door irritatingly ajar.
The dancer heard Seoyeon’s goodbyes to the girls through the door, a guttural sigh leaving her mouth when she heard the front done close. She got up from her seat on her bed, feeling all her bones crack upon the stretch, but as she walked towards the door she caught something upon the handle.
Staring back at her was a burned in sigil carved in the wood, each line a very familiar mark that had been seared into her brain from the moment she could see. It was for protection, something to ensure nothing bad could enter the room, Seoyeon must have etched it there on purpose.
“Typical.” She muttered, eyes trained to the mark on the door. She hadn’t seen or made one of those in years, all in hopes that her supernatural past wouldn’t follow her into her new life. Yue supposed she should thank Seoyeon for thinking about her even when she was yelling at her to leave.
“Hey, are you okay? You seemed off earlier.” Yue’s eyes broke contact with the door upon Miran’s sudden entrance, a small smile painted on the girl’s face.
She cleared her throat, grumbling a bit in an attempt to clear her mind of the negative energy surrounding it. She walks back to her bed and pats at the spot beside her, inviting Miran to join her on the blanket.
“I’m okay, just stressed. Y’know, idol shit.” Her laugh is uneasy but Miran’s presence is hardly threatening to her.
Miran frowned, clearly unhappy with the answer as she shuffled closer to her roommate, head resting on the older girl’s shoulder.
Yue noticed how quick she often was to figure out something’s wrong. Maybe it was because they had become inseparable in the last few months that Miran was always able to sniff out sad feelings, or maybe she was an empath that had snuck her way into her life on purpose. Yue goes back and forth on her theories when it comes to this stuff but there’s one thing she knows for sure and it’s that Miran would always be there.
“Just bad memories resurfacing is all, nothing to worry about.” She threw a smile Miran’s way and rested her head against the pillow, the other girl joining and curling up to her in a tiny ball on the bed.
“You can talk to me you know, I might not be able to solve all of it but I can help you speak through it and that might help.” Miran looked up at Yue, eyes wide and full of sincerity.
She knows Miran only wants what’s best for her, she’d never have offered if she didn’t. Still, there’s a stain on her heart that stops her from being fully honest with her, there were far too many things Yue hadn’t fully accepted for her to even begin to think about telling anybody else about them.
“Is this about Seoyeon and the demon? Is there something I should know? I won’t judge you if there is, it’s just that there’s obviously something happening and you seem to have way more answers then you’re letting on to and I’d hate for this to get between us as a group.”
Miran would not stop talking, her words were barely permeating through Yue’s brain as she gazed off into the distance behind her. She’s sure she’s seeing things when she spots the shadowed form on Seokyung on Miran’s bed, just to be sure she blinked and shook her head but when she opened her eyes again she’s still there, staring back at her.
Yue tried to shake off the visions, pinning it to her sleep deprivation but the sight of her former friend haunts her, leaving a sick taste in her mouth. She tried listening to Miran to distract her but it was no use as the image of Seokyung began to burn, flames lighting up the bedroom, flickering around her skin and burning away her features.
“Just shut up, Miran!” Her eyes widened once she had been brought back to reality, the flames withering away as she realised what she had just said to the younger girl.
Miran stayed silent, swallowing the lump forming in her throat and pushing back the slowly growing feelings of regret. The sight of her looking so hurt made Yue want to crawl into a corner and die, like she’d just wounded a puppy.
“Shit, Miran I’m sorry, I just need a moment alone.” She didn’t want to hurt her best friend anymore but just looking at her made her insides freeze up, “please?”
She didn’t say anything, instead removing her arms from Yue and walking out of the room. Once she heard the door click shut Yue slapped her face into her hands, trying her best to erase every bad memory from the last twenty four hours. Seokyung’s appearance had to be the spirit playing it’s tricks on her, what else could it have been?
Fuck, this demon was going to be way harder to live with then she thought it would be.
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