#and now finally today they are all officially free and can get away from bbc. HALLEJUAH!!!)
infizero · 1 year
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filipinoizukuu · 3 years
Pls share about the Gospel of Judas 👀
, im SO glad someone asked because this topic is nigh always pingponging around in my head and the fact i get to ramble about it means the WORLD to me. TW ahead for canon-typical violence, gore, and other such discussions of all that fun heretical stuff!
 Now, to preface this, I just wanted to say that I’m not a licensed professional in anything related to theology nor religion nor historical artifacts. I am. as we all are deep down inside, a simple teenager with ridiculous hyper-fixations and a vast ocean of random information that will not be of any importance to my career or home life whatsoever. Easily, many of the things I talk about could either be wrong or debunked, but I will try my best to explain the Book of Judas as I understood it.
Among the many books that make up what we know as the Bible today, there were various seemingly ‘missing perspectives’ and inconsistencies that existed between gospels. One of the reasons for this was the fact that the Bible in and of itself was a compiled work that was originally recorded years after the oral tradition had passed. What is or isn’t ‘canon’ often depended on the rulings of past Popes who worked with historians to determine the authenticity of ancient artifacts that either proved or contested the canonical teachings of the Bible--one of the more popular debunked samples being The Shroud of Turin, which while being ruled as a fake by Pope Clement the VII a long time ago, still has its authenticity being debated until today.
It’s important to remember that the canon status of ancient artifacts. while somewhat reliant on Papal confirmation, can sometimes be contested and interpreted to each individual’s discretion.
And among all of these artifacts, there is my favorite one of all--The Book of Judas. Now, factually speaking, the Gospel of Judas was written in (somewhere between 2 to) 5 A.D., not actually that farfetched considering that only in 1 A.D. was the first version of the Bible we know today written. It was found somewhere in Ancient Egypt but was declared as fiction at some point in 180 A.D. by St. Iranaeus of Lyon. To understand the impact that The Book of Judas would have on the Bible (which, to put it simply, was revolutionary), you’d first have to have a quick review and understanding of who Judas Iscariot was in the gospels that we know today. 
Judas was a disciple.
He was one of the 12 disciples that were closest to Jesus and a disciple that most accounts of the story would say actually truly deeply loved him at some point. Judas was, as all memes about Christianity are fond of reminding, also the traitor that eventually chose money and greed over his love for God’s son and turned him in with a kiss in a garden that led to Jesus Christ’s death at the cross.
That is until you read the translations of the Book of Judas.
In the original books--whether it was because he was possessed by the Devil or simply a man who had fallen into greed--Judas was portrayed to be a sinner and a horrible traitor. After his betrayal and Jesus’ eventual death, Judas had then become guilt-ridden and anguished, choosing to end his own life in the Gospel of Matthew and even tarnishing a field with his blood and sins according to St. Luke in Acts. 
The Book of Judas, however, CHALLENGES these motives. Instead, it takes what brought all past Christian texts together by changing the portrayal of Judas on its head and putting the previous ‘traitor’ under the light of something else entirely.
According to the Book of Judas, Jesus had asked Judas to betray him.
The 26-page manuscript was a brief retelling of the dynamics we were lead to believe in the story told by the main four books. In the Book of Judas, we were told that the original other 12 disciples were actually quite... foolish. They were described to be sort of arrogant and clueless, constantly misinterpreting and forgetting Jesus’ words because while he was teaching them to be better and to spread the words of God, the disciples were still, at their core, human sinners. The manuscript was believed to have reported that of the disciples that were closest, or at least best tolerated by Jesus--Judas was by far the most understanding of His words.
Judas, in accordance with his book, was the only one who could understand the significance and cryptic lessons behind Jesus’ teachings. Because of this, Jesus knew he was the only capable one to serve him in what was to come.
You see, part of the prophecy was that Jesus had to die. He had to suffer and fall for humanity’s sake so that we would be able to be forgiven. As much as it sucks to even think about it, Jesus had come to expect that someone would need to cause his death and hurt him all so that he could fulfill his purpose.
In the end, he thought that death by the hand of an enemy was far worse than a death at the hands of a friend.
During the Last Supper, Jesus approached Judas and placed him into a vision. He placed Judas in a fantastical, wonderful dream where Judas sat facing the house of heaven and saw Jesus. Jesus, who looked at his beloved friend and said: “you will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me.” Judas will exceed all of them. And he will sacrifice the man that clothed Jesus.
In this interpretation, Judas was essentially told that he was the one who would finally free Jesus from his physical form. Judas, the supposed traitor disciple, would be the one to fulfill Jesus’ prophecy and thus sacrificed his beloved friend to bring about forgiveness for humanity.
And he understands.
In this manuscript, Judas Iscariot understands the will of God and what he has to do. He understands the weight of his betrayal and what he has to do in order to obey Jesus--so then it isn’t money or fear or anger or evil that motivates him to surrender Jesus to the soldiers but utter obedience and adoration for the Son of God. Judas gives his ‘yes’, knowing that for years and years he will be slandered and labeled as a traitor but at his core, Judas knows that it was not a betrayal to begin with.
So he led the soldiers to Jesus in the garden. He kissed him and let him be taken away and let him die.
This was the official translation approved by BBC and National Geographic according to the original translations done by Stephen Emmel, a Coptic studies professional.
Later on, this interpretation would be challenged by Dr. April DeConick, who claims that the mistreatment and mistranslation of the paper actually told the complete opposite, in the way that the revelation in the Last Supper was not created by Jesus but, in fact, by Judas, who had revealed himself to be the 13th demon of hell. This interpretation, while less popular, served as a direct challenge to the recharacterization BBC and NatGeo had approved of. I don’t really know too much about this debate, but I do know that this second interpretation does exist.
Of course, the original Judas text itself is currently impossible to truly translate to be sure. It was torn and shuffled, put into a freezer, and possibly even missing a few pages (which you can blame Bruce Ferinni for), ultimately making the authentic manuscript really difficult to properly restore.
The takeaway from this whole Book though--whether you accept it as canon or not--is that there were many interpretations and beliefs early Christians and Gnostics had that the time that criticized the way the four main gospels had passed down God’s teachings. People believed what they thought supported their own beliefs and at the end of the day. it's all still just a matter of who we choose to credit.
The real author to the Book of Judas remains anonymous to this day, but I am very glad to have been able to share this with you all :) 
not proofread since i did this at like 4 am    |    x   x   x
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jerseydeanne · 3 years
William is quietly winning the battle of the royal brothers - Their responses to Bashir revelations are as different as they are as people, but we knew they would be
It must frustrate Prince Harry that his own popularity has become so obviously inversely proportional to his brother’s. They had a highly competitive relationship before Harry and Meghan decided to throw a grenade under the Queen and the Royal family in favour of earning Kardashian cash in the US. It often appeared that a large part of the Sussexes’ beef with the monarchy was that they constantly felt in the Cambridges’ shadow. Yet their bid to seek “financial independence” in California has cast them completely in the shade in the minds of the majority of Brits, many of whom would prefer it if they disappeared from view altogether. The more they have accused the “racist” Royal family of “total neglect”, the more they have succeeded in encouraging the British public to throw their support behind the institution – as shown by a YouGov poll last week finding six in 10 people want them to be stripped of their titles or to stop using them. The better William and Kate perform, the worse Harry and Meghan look for breaking up the Fab Four in the first place. The Yanks might not see it like this, but we do because, unlike naive Americans prone to endless psychobabble, we were never under any illusions about the dysfunctionality at the heart of the Royal family (or any family, for that matter). In his latest outpouring for his new Apple TV documentary series, Harry voiced his resentment at being told to “play the game” to make life easier in the House of Windsor. “I’ve got a hell of a lot of my mum in me,” he boasted. “The only way to free yourself and break out is to tell the truth. ”Yet, ironically, the one person in The Firm who “played the game” better than anyone else was Diana, Princess of Wales. That was until she took the disastrous decision to pour her heart out to deceitful Martin Bashir – albeit under what we now know were false pretences. By continuing to stoke the flames of publicity with his smug, self-pitying and at times, spiteful rhetoric, Harry shows he has actually learned nothing from his mother’s experience. For in trying to emulate her doe-eyed confessionals to speak his “truth”, he is repeating her mistake of squandering popularity for the sake of evening the score. While there’s no doubting Harry’s noble intentions in wanting to raise awareness of mental health issues – let’s make no mistake here, like Diana deciding to air her dirty linen on the BBC, this is a man out for vengeance. With his team of officious LA-based PRs and unwillingness to appear on any platform that actually offers a right of reply to the people he trashes, he’s hypocritically playing his own, one-sided games. Exactly like his mother at her lowest ebb, Harry seems to think the world is out to get him. Yet far from it being personal, there is a word for what has happened to him over the years. It’s called “life”. While he was a 12-year-old walking behind his mother’s coffin in 1997, there were literally hundreds and thousands of other children also coming to terms with the loss of a parent. Around the same time, I was a teenager, scraping my alcoholic mother off the pavement. As any therapist worth their salt will tell him – you can either hold onto the past and let it dictate your future, or let go and truly “find your freedom”. William has had to endure exactly the same fate as Harry. In fact, as the elder brother and “heir” rather than “spare” it has arguably been even more difficult for him. As his dignified statement on Thursday night made clear, he vividly remembers “the fear, paranoia and isolation” of his mother’s final years. It was his shoulder upon which she cried about the breakdown of her marriage. It was he who promised her, after she lost the HRH style, that he would “give it back to you one day when I am king. ”As the child of divorced parents myself, I know all too well that while every child is adversely affected, the oldest is often at the coalface, shouldering most of the burden. Despite this, and having to come to terms with being tethered to a life mapped out at birth,
has borrowed from the best of his mother’s playbook. He has resolved to serve others, rather than himself. Instead of growing up to resent the rules of the game, he has used them to his advantage, realising – as all the best royals do – that it is never really about “them”, but about “us”. Unlike Harry, who has misinterpreted the Queen’s “never complain, never explain” mantra as a gagging clause – William has used it as it was intended, as a protection order to ensure the lines between the professional and the personal do not become too blurred. Like the mute button on Twitter, he has silenced his critics not by taking them on, but keeping calm and carrying on regardless. And in stark contrast to his brother, William has shown he understands the press as well as Diana did. By actually reading the newspapers (rather than obsessing over the online comments like Harry), the second-in-line to the throne has come to the sensible conclusion that the media, while imperfect, can be used as a considerable force for good. While his brother was using Lord Dyson’s report as a stick with which to once again beat the tabloid press, William was mature enough to acknowledge that if it wasn’t for the newspapers, Bashir would have got away with his rogue reporting for even longer. “Public service broadcasting and a free press have never been more important,” he magnanimously declared. Harry’s nonsense claim that “practices like these – and even worse – are still widespread today” only serves to highlight just how unqualified he is to act as referee on matters as serious as the First Amendment, which he described as “bonkers” on a recent podcast. Both these royal brothers are playing a game – but only one of them is winning.
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causeiwanttoandican · 3 years
The Telegraph - Camilla Tominey
William is quietly winning the battle of the royal brothers
Their responses to Bashir revelations are as different as they are as people, but we knew they would be
Camilla Tominey21 May 2021 • 8:00pm
It must frustrate Prince Harry that his own popularity has become so obviously inversely proportional to his brother’s. They had a highly competitive relationship before Harry and Meghan decided to throw a grenade under the Queen and the Royal family in favour of earning Kardashian cash in the US. It often appeared that a large part of the Sussexes’ beef with the monarchy was that they constantly felt in the Cambridges’ shadow.
Yet their bid to seek “financial independence” in California has cast them completely in the shade in the minds of the majority of Brits, many of whom would prefer it if they disappeared from view altogether.
The more they have accused the “racist” Royal family of “total neglect”, the more they have succeeded in encouraging the British public to throw their support behind the institution – as shown by a YouGov poll last week finding six in 10 people want them to be stripped of their titles or to stop using them.
The better William and Kate perform, the worse Harry and Meghan look for breaking up the Fab Four in the first place. The Yanks might not see it like this, but we do because, unlike naive Americans prone to endless psychobabble, we were never under any illusions about the dysfunctionality at the heart of the Royal family (or any family, for that matter).
In his latest outpouring for his new Apple TV documentary series, Harry voiced his resentment at being told to “play the game” to make life easier in the House of Windsor.
“I’ve got a hell of a lot of my mum in me,” he boasted. “The only way to free yourself and break out is to tell the truth.”
Yet, ironically, the one person in The Firm who “played the game” better than anyone else was Diana, Princess of Wales. That was until she took the disastrous decision to pour her heart out to deceitful Martin Bashir – albeit under what we now know were false pretences.
By continuing to stoke the flames of publicity with his smug, self-pitying and at times, spiteful rhetoric, Harry shows he has actually learned nothing from his mother’s experience.
For in trying to emulate her doe-eyed confessionals to speak his “truth”, he is repeating her mistake of squandering popularity for the sake of evening the score. While there’s no doubting Harry’s noble intentions in wanting to raise awareness of mental health issues – let’s make no mistake here, like Diana deciding to air her dirty linen on the BBC, this is a man out for vengeance.
With his team of officious LA-based PRs and unwillingness to appear on any platform that actually offers a right of reply to the people he trashes, he’s hypocritically playing his own, one-sided games.
Exactly like his mother at her lowest ebb, Harry seems to think the world is out to get him.
Yet far from it being personal, there is a word for what has happened to him over the years. It’s called “life”.
While he was a 12-year-old walking behind his mother’s coffin in 1997, there were literally hundreds and thousands of other children also coming to terms with the loss of a parent.
Around the same time, I was a teenager, scraping my alcoholic mother off the pavement. As any therapist worth their salt will tell him – you can either hold onto the past and let it dictate your future, or let go and truly “find your freedom”.
William has had to endure exactly the same fate as Harry. In fact, as the elder brother and “heir” rather than “spare” it has arguably been even more difficult for him.
As his dignified statement on Thursday night made clear, he vividly remembers “the fear, paranoia and isolation” of his mother’s final years. It was his shoulder upon which she cried about the breakdown of her marriage.
It was he who promised her, after she lost the HRH style, that he would “give it back to you one day when I am king.”
As the child of divorced parents myself, I know all too well that while every child is adversely affected, the oldest is often at the coalface, shouldering most of the burden.
Despite this, and having to come to terms with being tethered to a life mapped out at birth, William has borrowed from the best of his mother’s playbook.
He has resolved to serve others, rather than himself. Instead of growing up to resent the rules of the game, he has used them to his advantage, realising – as all the best royals do – that it is never really about “them”, but about “us”.
Unlike Harry, who has misinterpreted the Queen’s “never complain, never explain” mantra as a gagging clause – William has used it as it was intended, as a protection order to ensure the lines between the professional and the personal do not become too blurred.
Like the mute button on Twitter, he has silenced his critics not by taking them on, but keeping calm and carrying on regardless. And in stark contrast to his brother, William has shown he understands the press as well as Diana did.
By actually reading the newspapers (rather than obsessing over the online comments like Harry), the second-in-line to the throne has come to the sensible conclusion that the media, while imperfect, can be used as a considerable force for good.
While his brother was using Lord Dyson’s report as a stick with which to once again beat the tabloid press, William was mature enough to acknowledge that if it wasn’t for the newspapers, Bashir would have got away with his rogue reporting for even longer.
“Public service broadcasting and a free press have never been more important,” he magnanimously declared. Harry’s nonsense claim that “practices like these – and even worse – are still widespread today” only serves to highlight just how unqualified he is to act as referee on matters as serious as the First Amendment, which he described as “bonkers” on a recent podcast.
Both these royal brothers are playing a game – but only one of them is winning.
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mdwatchestv · 4 years
Everything I’m Going to Watch in April: *** SUPER QUARANTINE EDITION***
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I mean.... here we all are then.
Usually in these blogs I try to keep the fantasy alive of like “oooh maybe I really am going to watch all of these shows!” But, let’s just cut to the chase - you’re bored, you need to fill the yawning void of time between now and when they let us back outside (June?), you clicked on this for cold hard content recs. I hear you, I see you, I adore you, I’d love to embrace you, but most importantly: I got you. This month, I’m listing everything that could even remotely be in the realm of watchability. I do it for you.
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BUT FIRST - Let’s talk about QUIBI. Quibi (“Quick Bites”) has been a looming threat for a long time and its time is finally nigh. Designed for “people on the go” (lol remember them?), it’s tv, movies, and docs released in ten minute or less “bites” on your mobile device. I think it’s supposed to tap into the same part of your brain that wants to watch 100 Tik Toks when you are technically “in bed” but haven’t put your phone down yet. It launches April 6 and you can get a 90-day free trial! Just the length of the rest of our time indoors! And on that date Quibi is ready to absolutely blast you in the face with a shotgun of content and celebrities. Chrissy Teigen is a judge, Chance the Rapper is Ashton Kutcher, Liam Hemsworth is a dying task rabbit. We are flipping murder houses, break dancing, and learning how to become drag queens. Also turns out this is the final resting place of When the Streetlights Go On! Who knew. I can not do individual recs because I am just one girl, and Quibi is a vast, merciless ocean of bites. However you are welcome to  drown in a full list of their offerings here: GOOD LUCK 
Now in case Quibi doesn’t permanently disfigure the television industry and forever alter all of our viewing habits, here’s what’s on “real” TV:
Friday, April 3rd 
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Home Before Dark (Apple +) 
A tiny child journalist solves a cold case in a small town! This is based on a true story (?!?!?) Adorable! Gritty!
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Harley Quinn Season 2 (DC Universe)
If you want to continue the high of Birds of Prey, I have heard the animated series is actually pretty good. No idea how to get DC Universe tho, you’re on your own there.
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Money Heist Part 4 (Netflix)
La Casa De Papal! Never been a better time to learn to speak Spanish AND plan the perfect heist with your hot criminal friends!
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Tales From The Loop (Amazon Prime) 
A sci-fi show based on Simon Stålenhag’s paintings (see above). Its Swedish, its futuristic, Rebecca Hall is in it. Feels like more of a vibe than a show tbh, but the painting is cool!
Sunday, April 5th
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Kim Kardashian West: The Justice Project (7pm on Oxygen)
I KNOW some of you want to watch this.
Thursday, April 9th
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The Good Fight S4 (CBS All Access) 
PSA: This is back for those who partake, and CBS All Access is doing one month free! Sir Patrick said so!
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The Circle: France (Netflix)
Okay so I did watch all of The Circle, Netflix’s social media reality show. Am I proud? No. Am I going to watch it in French? Yes.
Sunday, April 12th AKA NATIONAL PWB DAY
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Killing Eve Season 3 (9pm on BBC America / AMC) 
Admittedly, I was underwhelmed by season 2 but that’s only because season 1 set the very highest bar imaginable. Our favorite murder girlfriends are back with a NEW lady show runner, so blank slate baby. Speaking of the perfect season 1, it is all on HULU. 
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Run (10:30pm on HBO)
After Killing Eve hop right on over to HBO where this show from PWB’s writing partner Vicky Jones premieres! What a day for us! Ex-lovers abandon their lives to RUN away together. Merritt Weaver! Phoebe is actually IN it!  Romance! Intrigue! Also I have official confirmation: Domhnall Gleeson is doing his natural accent for those of us made nervous by the teaser. 
Wednesday, April 15th 
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Mrs. America (FX but on Hulu) 
Look, I’m just going to come out and say what we’re all thinking: Rose Byrne is the most underrated actress alive, every performances is a master class, and her American accent is a work of art. Anyway she plays Gloria Steinem in this and she’s going to absolutely crush it. This miniseries about the ERA could not be more on brand for me: fabulous actresses of today, playing feminist heroes of yesterday! Thank you FX, for this gift. And thank you Australia for Rose Byrne (and Cate Blanchett!) 
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What We Do in the Shadows Season 2 (10pm FX on FX and then on Hulu) 
Season 1 also on Hulu to catch up! Maybe even I myself, your dearest blogger, will catch up. Anything is possible.
Thursday, April 23rd 
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We’re Here (9pm on HBO)
Shangela, Bob the Drag Queen, and Eureka travel the country and empower people by making them into drag queens! Like a hug for your heart (in case you never actually physically hug anyone ever again).
Friday, April 24th 
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Defending Jacob (Apple +) 
Chris Evans has to defend his son, Jacob. Look, do you want to stare at Chris Evans or not?
Sunday, April 26th
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Penny Dreadful: City of Angels (10pm on Showtime)
A sequel to the OG Penny Dreadful, the new series takes place in 1930s Los Angeles and Natalie Dormer in a leather dress, Natalie Dormer in a leather dress, Natalie Dormer in a leather dress, and um other supernatural chaos too I guess.
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Vida Season 4 (9pm on Starz)
One of the shows most recommended to me I haven’t watched. I’ll say to you what my friends say to me: “Martha it’s only 30 minutes!”
Monday, April 27th
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Never Have I Ever (Netflix) 
A teen comedy by Mindy Kaling about an Indian-American girl growing up in the valley. There will be awkwardness and growth! I love teens!!!
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I Know This Much Is True (9pm on HBO)
2 Mark Ruffalos. 
Okay if you can’t find something here to whittle away the minutes unto freedom then idk how to help you. Please stay inside and watch tv, stay safe, I love you, I’m thinking of you <3
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adorkablephil · 5 years
Fic: The Roles We Play (11/11)
Title: The Roles We Play Summary: Dan Howell and Phil Lester work together as voice actors for BBC radio dramas in the late 1930s, but slowly begin to develop “inappropriate” feelings for each other Rating: G Word Count: 4,146 (this chapter) Tags: Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Historical AU, 1930s, BBC, Radio, Actors AU, Slow Burn, Love Letters, Past Character Death, Grief, Angst Author’s Note: This fic was inspired by the @phanfichallenge 20k History Challenge. A bazillion thanks, as always, to my amazing beta, India! I’m sorry for the long delay—blame my surgery and its complications. But we are finally done!
Also on AO3
[ All Chapters Masterlist ]
Chapter 11: Kathleen
19 March 2001
Marcus left to pick up some takeaway biryani from a nearby Indian place while Kathleen continued going through her great-uncle Dan’s box of mementos. Her great-uncle. Even Marcus, who wasn’t related to him, called him “Uncle Dan.” She tried it on. “Uncle Dan,” she said out loud to the empty flat, and it felt right. She smiled.
When Marcus returned with their biryani, they sat at the small table and ate together while talking about their own spouses and children, taking a break from the emotionally loaded topic of their great-uncles’ relationship and families’ reactions.
Marcus had a rather silly sense of humor and Kathleen found herself laughing several times almost against her will. Her own parents and grandparents had always been fairly serious, some of them also quite religious, and she herself had found that her husband George brought a welcome lightness to her life that she had never realized she needed until after she’d met him. She’d never noticed that humor was lacking from her life until she found it in George.
Nodding while chewing, Marcus gestured with his fork as if asking her to wait for him to speak. After he’d swallowed, he commented, “Uncle Dan often said the same thing about Uncle Phil. Though Uncle Dan had his own sense of humor, you know. Just not as … obvious as Uncle Phil’s. Uncle Phil was a little … unusual. He got a bit more eccentric with age, but Uncle Dan just always laughed and said he’d never known someone could make him so happy.” Marcus smiled and added, “I know Uncle Phil felt the same way, even though he didn’t say it as often, in front of other people anyway.”
Kathleen was curious. “Uncle Phil didn’t…”
Shaking his head, Marcus explained immediately, “He loved Uncle Dan with his whole heart. He just expressed himself more by reaching out to hold his hand, or to touch his shoulder. Uncle Phil was a very … private person. They both were. I don’t think anyone outside the family really knew they were in love. And even with us, Uncle Phil still loved … quietly. No less deeply, but less openly. Uncle Dan was more open with his emotions.”
Kathleen laughed. “Well, he didn’t get that from the rest of the family!”
“That the impression I always got,” Marcus admitted, with a less jovial tone.
Kathleen looked down at her biryani and took another contemplative bite.
While Marcus went to look for some sign of his great-uncle’s mementos among the jumble of belongings in a particularly disorganized closet, Kathleen continued working her way through Uncle Dan’s shoebox of memories.
There were a great many devoted love letters over the next few years, as both men had apparently served much of the length of the war. Kathleen began to feel a bit uncomfortable with this voyeuristic look at intimate words that had not been meant for anyone but the two men, but she continued to read, not wanting to miss any of the other information about their lives. Not when this was the only way she could know them.
There were even some worried, loving letters from Kathryn Lester, Phil’s mother, and it was one of these that made Kathleen stop with her hand pressed to her trembling lips.
2 July 1944
My dear boy,
The Red Cross located our address among your things and wrote to tell us that you have been injured and that you must spend some significant time recovering from a serious leg wound. Why did you not write to us yourself? Surely you know how much we care for you, how I, in particular, fret for your safety just as I worry for my own sons. In fact, you are truly one of my sons, and I demand that you come to me immediately so that I may nurse you myself, rather than leaving such an intimate task to strangers who do not love you as we do.
I beseech you to come home to us, dearest, and let us help you become whole again.
With the greatest affection, Kathryn Lester, whom I hope you will call Mother
Kathleen looked up from the letter in her hands when she heard Marcus’s footsteps. “Uncle Dan … he was seriously wounded in World War II?”
Marcus dusted himself off as if he’d been excavating an archaeological site rather than simply going through two old men’s junk closet. He sat down at the table with her and reached out a friendly hand. Kathleen set the letter down on the table and took Marcus’s hand, squeezing tightly.
“Why didn’t he come home?”
Marcus gave her hand a returning squeeze and said gently, “He did.”
Kathleen nodded in sad understanding. “Did they even … did he …” She cleared her throat and let go of Marcus’s hand with a grateful pat. “Did they even contact his parents first?”
“I’m not sure,” Marcus admitted. “No one ever talked about it, and I got the impression it was a difficult topic. I don’t know if he even had any ‘next of kin’ officially listed in his records. It might have just been chance that they found our family’s contact information with his things.”
He patted her hand gently and said, “I’m going to continue sorting through the closet. I’m gathering a pile of things to be thrown out, a pile of things to go to charity, and a smaller pile of things we can look through together when you’re done with the letters.”
Kathleen nodded wordlessly and carefully folded the letter, returning it to its envelope. Knowing he was giving her space to recover her composure, she gave him a watery smile and then returned her attention to the shoebox as he walked away.
15 August 1944
My true and only love,
Mother has written to me that you have been wounded and are to convalesce with her at our home. I wish with all my heart that I could race to your side to offer you whatever solace my presence might afford, but you know that my duty will not allow it. I trust that Mother will tend to you as lovingly as I myself would, for she knows how dear you are to me. Also, you must know by now how much my family esteems and cares for you for your own sake, and not only for mine. How could they not love you? How could anyone not?
I will return to you as soon as may be, and we shall be together once more and never again parted.
Most devotedly and forever yours, Philip
8 May 1945
My dearest love,
I write this letter in haste, for today victory has been declared in Europe and the War is truly over! My regiment leaves forthwith and my heart soars with the knowledge that I shall soon hold you in my arms again. If only I could fly directly to your side on eagle’s wings! But for now I must arrange my pack for our imminent departure for home. Home! You are my only true home, and I now return to you with the happiest, most grateful of hearts. I race against this letter to you and hope that I may be upon the doorstep even before its arrival.
Await me, dearest. I come to you!
In loving and most joyous haste, Yours always, Philip
Kathleen imagined the scene. Dan, perhaps in a wheelchair, sitting in front of the family home—which she imagined as being quite grand—when a car pulled up and that tall, slim young man emerged, still in his handsome uniform, his hair slicked back beneath his cap. She imagined their eyes meeting for the first time in years, years during which each had feared not only for his own life in battle but also for the life of the other. She imagined the smiles dawning on both their faces as Phil walked slowly toward the man he loved, and then more quickly until they were in each other’s arms. She wondered if they had wept.
She thought they probably had.
When she heard Marcus returning to the kitchen, Kathleen was sitting with her chin in her hand, gazing out the window at the garden.
“Is everything all right?” he asked with some apparent concern.
She turned to look at him and smiled softly. “I just read the letter when Philip was returning home, and I couldn’t help imagining how happy they must have been to see each other again after so long. It made me think of my own husband, how much I would miss him if we were apart for years, never knowing if we would see each other again.” She felt a bit choked up, but it wasn’t sadness she felt. “I’m so glad they made it back to each other safely.”
“They did,” Marcus affirmed.
She turned to look up at him and leaned to stretch her aching back. “I’m dead on my feet. These last few letters have left me wrung out like wet laundry, and I just want to go home and see my family. Would you mind if we leave the rest until tomorrow? Or later, if tomorrow doesn’t work for you.”
“I can come tomorrow in the evening,” Marcus replied. “Feel free to look through their other things if you finish with the letters before I arrive.”
Kathleen nodded, tidying up the papers on the table before sliding her bag onto her shoulder and saying goodbye to Marcus. She just wanted to get home to feel her husband’s arms around her.
20 March 2001
There weren’t any significant letters after that in the box, which made sense when Kathleen thought about it. Why would they need to write letters if they were always together? She found the deed to this house, bought in August of 1945, along with numerous birthday and holiday cards from various family members and, sadly, a black-bordered piece of elegant parchment announcing a commemorative gathering to celebrate the life of Kathryn Eleanor Lester.
The box also contained a great number of children’s drawings and scribbled household notes. One sticky note, the adhesive having long lost its ability to stick, said simply, “Don’t forget.” Kathleen wondered what the note had referred to and what had made it important enough to keep, but soon discovered that Uncle Dan had apparently kept a great many seemingly mundane notes and reminders written in Phil’s distinctive handwriting. Even grocery lists had apparently seemed important enough to save, if they were written by a beloved hand. Kathleen smiled at her great-uncle’s apparent sentimentality.
She also found a number of thank-you cards for gifts they’d given jointly, along with a few letters asking one or the other of them to be godfather to a child, some from members of the Lester family and some from names she did not recognize.
When Marcus arrived in the evening, she was still going through the shoebox, since she’d been with her children until late afternoon.
“You said they were very introverted and private,” she said to Marcus, forgetting to even greet him, so lost in thought was she.
Marcus nodded, “Oh, they were. Not very fond of crowds, those two.”
Kathleen gestured at the shoebox. “Then how did so many people care about them so deeply? It is obvious that a lot of people loved them very much.”
He smiled. “They just had that effect on people.”
Kathleen found herself once again wishing that she’d gotten the chance to know them both.
“I have a confession to make,” Marcus said hesitantly. “When I found Uncle Dan … he had something in his hands, and I took it. I was afraid that his family might … well … might throw it away … or otherwise not respect Uncle Dan’s wishes. When he knew he didn’t have much time left, he told me he wished to be buried with it.”
Kathleen gazed at Marcus with somber curiosity. What was this object that was so important to her great-uncle? “What did you take?” she asked, doing her best to make sure that no accusation sounded in her words.
Marcus reached into his bag and pulled out a battered, dirty envelope. He held it in his own hands for a moment before reluctantly handing it to Kathleen. She carefully opened the envelope and pulled out a yellowed piece of paper, smooth and worn from years of frequent handling. It was a letter in the familiar handwriting. Before she began reading, Marcus explained quietly, “He took it with him everywhere. It went with him to the war, and it went with him to the army hospital, and it never left his side for decades. I did not want his family to see it as … shameful … I did not want them to discard it as so much rubbish.” Kathleen nodded seriously and turned her eyes to the letter.
11 August 1939
My most beloved Daniel,
I do love you. I love you most ardently, and these feelings are not new. I, too, have gazed at you with longing in my heart and wished that I might hold you close, but I did not believe you would welcome such attentions, and so I hid my emotions as best I could.
I hide them no longer. I do love you. I love you with every beat of my heart, every breath of my lungs.
I love you. I love you. I love you. Never doubt it.
Most devotedly yours, Philip
Kathleen wiped tears from her eyes and cheeks, then glanced around in search of a tissue. In the end, she went into the kitchen and blew her nose inelegantly on a piece of kitchen roll. She came back to the dining room table and looked Marcus in the eye. “I absolutely promise that this will be buried with him,” she choked out with conviction. “If Grandpa Howell gives me any problems about it, I will tell him he’ll never see me or his great-grandchildren again. Uncle Dan will be buried with this letter. I swear it.”
Marcus nodded gratefully, eyeing the letter in her hands with obvious reluctance to part with something so important and personal.
Kathleen held it out to him. “Would you like to keep it. Perhaps … bring it to the funeral yourself?”
His face melancholy, he replied, “I don’t think I would be welcome there. We’ll hold our own service for their … their other family, and for their friends. That letter belongs to your uncle, and so you should keep it. Just … please do make sure that he has it close to his heart in death as he did so long in life.”
“He will,” Kathleen promised, tucking the letter carefully into her bag. “I’m almost done with the shoebox, so I can come help you with the rest soon. Any sign of a box of mementos belonging to your uncle?”
“Not yet,” Marcus admitted. “The open areas are all quite tidy, but the closets are another story altogether. Uncle Dan cared a great deal about what he called ‘aesthetics,’ so I’m guessing he was in charge of the attractively tidy main areas. Perhaps Uncle Phil took care of the closets.” He and Kathleen both laughed.
Kathleen gestured at the nearly empty shoebox and asked, “Mind if I finish up here before joining you in your more adventurous task?” Marcus just grinned and nodded, then headed back down the hallway.
Only a few papers remained, and Kathleen suddenly realized that she’d been reading the papers in chronological order. If items had been placed in the box as time went by, shouldn’t the most recent letters and papers have been on the top?
Then, she pictured her great-uncle sitting at this table where she’d found the shoebox, pictured his wrinkled hands carefully removing each precious memory from the box and reliving them one by one before returning everything to the box again, now in reverse order. So these last few papers would have been the most recent ones, giving her a glimpse into the man she had so narrowly missed getting to meet. If only she had known…
Nothing really caught her eye, mostly just more household notes and a letter or two from friends whose names she didn’t recognize, until she caught sight of a sticky note recent enough that it still adhered to the paper beneath it. “Don’t forget Kathleen’s birthday!” it read in that familiar handwriting.
Kathleen’s birthday had been only two months ago, and the thought that this man, this amazing Philip Lester, had known of her existence, had even known the date of her birthday and had cared enough about her that he did not want her forgotten … she burst into tears, sobbing more than she had at any other item in the box.
Philip Lester, the man she might once have been able to call Uncle Phil, had known her and loved her without ever even meeting her. He had probably known her children’s birthdays as well, had probably wished a thousand times that he could sign his name alongside Dan’s when cards were sent to her and her family.
She didn’t know how long she sat there, weeping quietly with her face in her hands, until she heard Marcus come back into the room and hesitate in the doorway. She quickly dried her face as best she could and turned to smile at him.
“You said that you would be holding a service for Uncle Dan yourselves?”
Marcus nodded. “A service for the both of them, really. We didn’t want to upset Uncle Dan with a service for Uncle Phil when he was so … broken. We were waiting for the right time.” He smiled sadly. “It seems like the right time now.”
“Would you…” Kathleen hesitated, not wanting to be presumptuous. “Do you think anyone would mind a few gate-crashers?”
Marcus tilted his head in confusion. “Gate-crashers?”
Kathleen cleared her throat and forged ahead. “If we would be welcome … I mean, if it wouldn’t seem inappropriate … do you think anyone would mind if my family and I came to the service? Just my husband and my children and me.”
Marcus looked stunned. “You would want to do that?”
Kathleen gestured down at the papers in front of her. “Well, I feel like I know them a bit now, you know? And … well … love them a bit, too, even if I was never lucky enough to meet them.” She hesitated. “It may be too late for that now, I may have missed my chance … but it isn’t too late for me, and my children, to get to know the family we never knew we had.”
Marcus shifted slightly, standing up a bit straighter. “I think we would all like that very much,” he said stiffly, as if holding in strong emotion. “Very much indeed.”
Kathleen carefully placed the letters back into the shoebox and replaced the lid, letting her hand rest reverently upon it. “If you’re sure we would be welcome…”
Marcus smiled, there in the kitchen where their great-uncles had made so many memories together. He visibly relaxed as he walked forward and rested a few fingers on the shoebox beside her hand. “There’s no question,” he assured her gently. “As you said, you’re family.”
14 notes · View notes
wonwoosthetic · 6 years
Twins || Harry Styles
Your girl’s back from Prague and has a new imagine for you!!
This was my first ever request for Harry Styles and I’m extremely sorry, that it took so long, but I hope everyone enjoys it! :) I love Harry and you can’t imagine how bumped I was when I found out that he was not going to have a concert in Vienna :(
A massive ‘Thank you’ to @fangirlxslut for this lovely and fluffy ask per DM - I hope I didn’t let you down! :)
I have a lot of requests in my inbox at the moment, so I’m going to try to post more today and tomorrow, so I can keep up again and you won’t have to wait so long for your imagines :)
Request: Actually scratch that, just a plain Harry imagine😍um, one where she’s pregnant with twins and goes into labor unexpectedly and just cute baby fluff and harry fluff
Warning: Harry with babies is always a warning because he’s too cute
Pairing: Harry Styles x Female!Reader
Word Count: 3,673 words
By the way, this is like extremely long, I really hope you don’t mind :) please let me know - it is now my longest imagine!!!
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Seven months ago, you got the official statement from your gynecologist
“Congratulations, in eight months you’ll be holding two babies in your arms!”
It scarred you. Harry and you have been married for half a year at that point and you had talked about having kids, of course, but to be expecting TWO so soon, had never been the plan. But your boyfriend being the most loving man you know, assured and comforted you with everything possible and made all your worries fly away.
Six months into your pregnancy, you really started getting worried about your body and weight. Self-consciousness overcame you and the feeling of being pretty and beautiful, like Harry, always told you, you were, was gone and got replaced with hating yourself and wanting to get rid of the growing belly. But your husband did not let you live that way. It was the start of more surprises than ever and spoiling you in all kinds of way – with love, kisses, presents, et cetera.
It all led up to that point.
You were laying in bed, just got up and saw the morning sun shining onto your king-sized bed. Harry was no longer next to you, but at the BBC’s Radio One Breakfast show, doing an interview with one of his best friends, the one and only Nick Grimshaw and future godfather to one of the twins, but he had no idea, yet. Harry actually didn’t want to do the interview that day, due to you being in your eighth month and he wanted to be able to help you 24/7, but you got him to do.
--- Three Weeks Before ---
Your husband was in the shower when his phone started ringing, while you were sitting in the living room, reading a new book you had bought two days before. The thought of just letting it ring, crossed your mind, but you decided against it and got up to grab it from the dining table, where he left it. When you reached it, the name ‘Nick’ and a picture of the Breakfast Show host’s, with a goofy look on his face, appeared on the display. You smiled before accepting the call
“Hello, Nick”, you greeted.
“Oh, (Y/N), hey love, I didn’t expect you to pick up. Where’s your husband at again?”, he asked very kindly with his accent.
He never failed to make you smile “He’s under the shower, anything I can deliver?”, “Well, you for sure as heck will be delivering two babies very soon”, he laughed ,”but could you please ask Harry, if he would like to hop over for an interview on Monday in three weeks?”
You knew Harry would say no, due to the state you were in, so you decided to take it into your own hands “Oh, I’m sure he’ll do it. He’s always happy to come over.”
Nick wasn’t to sure about your answer “Are you sure? Doesn’t he have anything else to do?”, “No, his schedule is completely free.”
To hear that made the man on the other end of the phone call very happy “Well then, thanks, babes. Don’t forget to tall him though and stay safe”, he had always cared a lot for you – you literally were like brother and sister, due to the both of you growing up, with your houses next to each other.
“I’ll tell him right when he comes out of the shower, don’t worry”, you didn’t hear the shower being turned off and the bathroom door opening and closing again “Alright, have a good day then”, “You too, bye.”
“What will you tell me”, the low voice of your husband behind you, standing in the doorway with sweatpants on and wet hair, made you jump
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“Oh gosh, Harry! You don’t scare a pregnant lady like that”, your hand flew to your chest, where your heart was placed. He walked over to you and took you in his arms “Sorry, gorgeous”, he paused for a while “So, who was on the phone?”, Harry let go of you and went over to the couch of the living room, which was right next to the dining table.
You slowly followed him, not intending to sit down “Nick. He wanted to know if you would come onto the show on Monday in three weeks and I said yes.”
“Why did you say yes? You know I said that I wouldn’t do interviews for the time that you’re pregnant”, he wondered.
“Exactly because of that”, you pointed at him with the index finger of your right hand,”you can’t just not do interviews because I’m pregnant. I’m fine and I will be fine for an hour, or so, on my own.”
Harry was not impressed at first but gave in eventually.
After taking a seat next to him, the two of you started cuddling and watching TV. A couple minutes in a thought came to your mind, which you had been having for a while
“You know, I-I had an idea”, your voice grabbed his attention “Oh yeah? What?”, his eyes were still fixed on the telly in front of you. You rose your head from its position on Harry’s chest 
“We thought about having Gemma as the godmother of one of the babies, but we still don’t have anyone for the other one”, before you could continue, your husband cut you off
“I thought she would be the godmother of both of them.”
You shook your head “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea”, “Alright, so who do think should it be?”, his head shortly turned towards you but was then fixed on the TV again.
His gaze shot into your direction “Nick?”
You nodded “Yeah”, “Are you sure?”, he didn’t sound too convinced about your choice.
“Yeah, why not?”, the pitch of your voice rose a bit – you were slightly taken back by his reaction ,” I thought it would be a good idea. He’s like my brother and one of your best friends, I thought you’d be happy. I mean he is literally the reason why we’re now married”, that was true, because he introduced you to each other on one of his many parties.
Harry shortly thought about his answer “Mmm… yeah, I know, but… I don’t know, IF something happened to us, he would be ready to take care of a baby”, he sounded very unsure and scared of the thought – you had never heard his voice in that tone.
“But Harry, we’re not even ready probably. It was very sudden for us as well and Gemma is always travelling, but I know that she would be perfect and the same goes for Nick. He would drop everything for us and our future children or, sorry, one of our children.”
Harry kept his eyes on the floor, for the entire time of you talking, but then looked deeply into yours – his were slightly red and shimmered, making the sadness of the statement he made before, very clear now “If you think so, then I do to. Alright, then I’ll ask him after the interview.”
--- Back To Present ---
Your husband thought it would be a good idea to ask him afterwards, but yesterday he had an even better one – he would just ask him during the interview and catch his, hopefully positive, reaction on radio and camera. That’s why you had to get up quickly – it was 8.10 a.m. and Harry would ask him around 8.30, he said, so you were able to hear it as well. Your upper body rose from the bed, making you sit on the side with your feet touching the cold floor. There was a sudden stinging in your lower abdomen making you wince and grab it. It was a pain you had never felt before and it for sure was not comfortable.
“Oh no”, you thought out loud with an idea of what it could be.
‘It can’t be. It’s way too early’, your thought continued in your head.
After a couple more minutes of sitting on the bed and feeling the extreme pain, you were pretty sure that they were contractions. Your immediate thought came to calling Harry and letting him now, that you have to go to the hospital, which you did.
Your husband's voice rang through the phone after only two ringing sounds
“What’s wrong babe?”, his worry was able to be heard – ‘how on earth did he know something was wrong?’
“I think I have to go to the hospitals. Some sort of contractions started”, you winced in pain as another one hit you.
“What?! Are you sure?!”, “No Harry!! Of course, I’m not sure, for heck’s sake, I never had baby!”, your voice rose with rage.
He continued “Alright, alright, I’m coming, get ready, I’ll be right there.” And the line ended.
You knew Harry would be here in about twenty minutes if he hurried – the BBC Studios where about half an hour away from your shared house. After a couple of breaths, you got up and made your way to the closet to get some sweatpants. While changing, the packed “hospital bag” could be seen from your point of view, lying in the corner and suddenly you were happy, that your husband told you to pack it a week before “Just in case”, as he said.
You changed into sweats, and a tank top with a throw-on cardigan on top and were just about to leave the room when you forgot to take your phone from the nightstand. After grabbing it, you made your way downstairs to put some shoes on, so when Harry finally got here, you could just leave. You grabbed a pair of sneakers and took a seat on the stairs to put them on. Everything took a long time for you to do with the immense pain you were in, so shortly after you were completely dressed, the front door opened with a very quick move and a worried and stressed husband entered the hallway with his gaze immediately on your frame
“You ready, love? Where’s the bag?”, he questioned, “Upstairs”, you answered with a quiet voice while your head rested on the wall next to you. Harry quickly ran up the stairs, past you, to grab it and ran downstairs within seconds. Right when he reached the main floor again, he crouched down in front of you “Alrigh’, I’m gonna help you up and we’re gonna make our way to the car, slowly, yeah?”, which made you nod.
Still crouched down with your bag in his left hand, he came to your left side and put his right arm around your waist to support you while you tried to get up, putting your left arm around his shoulders.
The pain got worse by the minute.
You reached the car quite quickly and Harry helped you in, only to put the bag on the back seat, which already had two baby seats in it. He, as well, got in and started the car, always keeping an eye on you
“I knew it was a bad idea to do the interview today”, he muttered under his breath, but you didn’t want to answer.
He moved the car out of the driveway and speeded to the hospital.
--- About Half An Hour Later ---
You were laying in a hospital bed, which was placed inside a very pretty hospital room you got guided into by a lovely older nurse, attached by all kinds of monitors. The hospital gown already got put on you and Harry and you were waiting for the nurse to return, while he was holding your right hand and petting the top of your head, trying to comfort you in the best way possible
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“It’s all gonna be fine. You’re fine, don’t worry”, he whispered in a smooth voice. You groaned and started holding onto his hand harder because of another contraction hitting your body.
Suddenly the door opened, and the older nurse entered the room with your midwife Rebecca, who you already got to know through your gynecologist and you really wanted her to deliver the babies, and a very young one, who looked like she just came from med school
“So, (Y/N), Harry, this is Amy and Sabrina, they’re here to help me and you today, ok? We’re gonna get through this together”, she was just as kind as you remembered her, which made you smile slightly and Harry gave her a warm and welcoming smile.Your midwife started reading off the chart, which she had been holding ever since she entered the room 
“So, we have to look, how much you are dilated and why your water hasn’t broken yet”, she then looked up into your worried face “I know your only eight months in, but the contractions you’re currently having are definitely showing, that you will be delivering in a short amount of time”
You just nodded and grabbed your husband’s hand harder, due to another contraction.
Rebecca got a stool, which was at the end of the bed and rolled it over to be placed in front of you. She threw the sheets off your feet, to have a better view, and started the examination.
The young nurse, Amy, came up next to her, after the older woman made a hand gesture for her to approach her. She handed her the chart and started explaining
“OK, you’re seven, point five centimeters dilated and we will have to break your water because I don’t think it will on its own”, and Amy wrote everything down. She then got up next to you, to look at the heart-rate monitor next to the bed and wrote a lot down from there.
You got very worried and as if Harry could read your mind, he started asking the questions you had
“How much does she have to be dilated and aren’t the babies not ready yet?”, he was clearly just as worried as you were.
The midwife smiled at his question “She will have to be at ten centimeters and don’t worry, we’re keeping an eye on the twins with the monitor. Of course, they should stay in the womb for another month, but it happens every now and then, that they don’t stay for nine full months, but everything’s gonna be fine. They’ll just stay in the hospital for a little bit longer and then they're fine.”
He nodded “Thank you”, “Of course.”
--- Five Hours Later ---
You had been walking around for four hours, after getting your water broken and your contraction started to get to the point, where you physically couldn’t take it anymore. Rebecca was examing you again
“Alright everybody, we’re at ten centimeters. Ready?”, she asked excitedly.
You suddenly got very scared and shook your head “NO!”, your voice was full of fear, but Harry was right next to you and after nodding towards the nurses, to make them prepare everything for the birth, he turned to you again
“Babe, you’re ready, trust me. You’ll be great, a great mum. But before we can hold the little ones, you have to push them out, at first”, that made you both laugh “Those nurses will give their everything and it will all go perfectly fine, OK?”, you nodded very slowly.
The contractions were then coming within only a couple of seconds apart and you started to feel the urge to push but didn’t yet because no one told you to.Rebecca sat down in front you and held your feet, while Sabrina was preparing everything, and Amy was on your left side holding an oxygen mask. Harry had not left your side ever since you entered the hospital room and you were very thankful for that, but at that moment all you wanted to do, was to scratch his eyes out.
“Alright, everything’s ready. (Y/N) when you feel the next contraction coming, push!”, your midwife informed you and only shortly after you started pushing, due to another pain shooting through your body.
“Yes! Push a bit more!”, the older woman in front of you assured you.
After pushing you fell back onto the bed and Amy put the mask on your face, due to you not being able to breathe properly. Harry hated seeing you in so much pain and started kissing your temple while supporting your back because you leaned forward again and started to push again and screamed at the same time, but your husband wanted to tell you, how well you were doing
“You’re doing great gorgeous!”, but you were not having any of it
“UGH YOU WON’T EVER TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN STYLES”, your voice was full of rage and everyone, but you, laughed at your comment -  Harry knew, you didn’t actually mean it.
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“Come on (Y/N) one more push and you will have your first born!”, Rebecca tried to encourage you and it helped and within minutes you were able to hear the screams of your firstborn. Your body landed flat on the bed and you closed your eyes for a second to take everything in, while you could hear the midwife’s voice soothing the baby and Amy’s next to you
“It’s a boy, congrats!”, she cheered, and you turned your head towards Harry, only to see a tear leave his left eye. You reached out and wiped it away with your thumb – he took your hand and kissed the back of it, before leaning over to kiss your temple and whispered: “Thank you.”
Tears started to spill out of your eyes as well, but soon enough the next contraction hit you and you started pushing again.
Rebecca’s voice echoed through the room one last time during the delivery
“(Y/N) you got this, one more time! Push!”
You pushed as much as you possibly could with Harry and Amy soothing you with comforting words and a couple minutes later the second and last born’s crying could be heard, only to be followed by your husband’s cheers
“IT’S A GIRL! OH MY GOSH, A BABY GIRL!”, so many tears left his eyes and you couldn’t hold back anymore and just let them flow. Only a few seconds later Amy and Sabrina came over to the bed with each of the babies in their arms “Who wants whom?”, Sabrina asked and Harry rose his hand
“Can I hold the girl?”, he asked and got handed your baby girl while you got to hold your little boy.
The both of you were still crying and Harry was then kind of laying on the bed as well with his left arm around your body while holding the tiny baby with his right
“Hello, princess. She’s so beautiful, oh gosh, and so tiny”, he whispered very quietly.You were petting the small boy’s cheek with your index finger, making his lips curl u, which led to you spilling more tears – happy tears. Your husband leaned over to your ear and once more
“Thank you, gorgeous. You’re a true hero.”
--- The Following Day ---
Yesterday evening and today morning, a lot of phone calls were made, to your friends and family, and Nick, who got called an hour ago, immediately answered with “I’m on my way”, which made Harry and you laugh. You planned on asking Nick when he arrived and Harry was slowly getting nervous, pacing around the room
“What if he says no! What if he doesn’t want that much responsibility? What if h-“, but you cut him off, still laying in bed a bit exhausted
“He won’t say no. You and I both know that he will be more than just happy to be the godfather of one of them”, you tried to assure your anxious husband, who suddenly came to a stop and looked at you
“But of who? Darcy or Sam?” You named them yesterday, with him picking the girl’s name and you the boy’s.
“I think he should be the godfather of Darcy and Gemma should get Sam. Nick would love to have a goddaughter”, you decided, to which Harry agreed. He was about to say something when the door opened and Nick appeared with two balloons – one purple, one green, and a basket.
“Hey guys”, he tried scream-whispering, which made you laugh
“You can talk normally, they’re sleeping”, you answered him in a normal pitch and he walked in
“Oh OK, that would have been a bit annoying to talk like that the entire time”, his laugh was full of life and happiness.
The babies got brought to the room for two hours, for you to feed and friends and family to see them, only to be taken back to a special room for treatment, due to them being born too early.
Nick placed the basket and balloons on the love chair in the corner, got up to you, kissed your head, and went then to Harry, to hug him. Afterwards, he finally approached the little ones in their bed
“Oh my gosh, aren’t you the cutest things in the world”, he admired them.
Harry quickly glanced at you with raised eyebrows as if asking “Should I ask him now?” and you nodded.“Hey Nick, we…ehm thought about, you know… the kids – basically IF something happened to us, you know… Would you like to be Darcy’s godfather”, your husband stuttered – he was extremely nervous. The radio host’s head turned into your direction, then back to Harry, back to you, back to Harry, with a shocked expression
“What?! Are you serious??”, he sounded excited, and you nodded with a big smile on your face.Nick ran up to Harry and hugged him tightly
“Oh my freaking gosh, of course!”
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Harry hugged him back, showing you a thumbs-up behind the other man’s back and you just smiled looking at them. Then your head turned towards you’re the small bed on the other side of the room to your left and your lips curved, even more, thinking about the journey you were just about to start.
Wow, that was a long one - I really hope you don’t mind.
Huge thank you again to @fangirlxslut for this cute request  - I hope you and everyone else enjoyed it!! :)
Have a good day/night :)
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winglesscrows · 6 years
I’m Yours Ch. 7
AO3 I Patreon I FF.net
First I Previous I Next 
Merlin (BBC) I T I Merlin & Arthur I 37k WIP
Merlin had secrets, and Arthur knew nothing of them, until, slowly, he did.
In which Arthur slowly unravels the mystery that is Merlin, and begins to realize just how much he doesn’t know.
Read on AO3 I Patreon I FF.net or under cut
As Arthur walked back from Elyan’s chambers, he heard passing servants talk of an execution, and passed by a window to look out on the courtyard. A pyre was being built, and unless his father had caught a sorcerer in the night, Arthur was certain that the king was going to burn the man in their dungeons. And that seemed quite unfair. Arthur had always hated the pyre. The smell. The screams. Arthur couldn’t imagine what it must feel like, and though his father had long claimed that burning magic-users was the only real way of getting rid of them, Arthur had known for a long time that once he was king, a pyre would never be built again.
Currently, there was nothing Arthur could do to save sorcerers from the flames, but his father had no evidence (of that Arthur was almost certain) that the man in their dungeons was a sorcerer. He changed directions, hoping to find his father at breakfast in the dining hall.
“Arthur?” Arthur turned on his heel as he saw Merlin with a tray of what was probably his own breakfast. “You’re dressed! Wait, isn’t that what you wore yesterday?”
“And how would you know?” Arthur asked, sleep deprivation probably getting the better of him.
“Because I pick out your clothes every morning,” Merlin said as a matter-of-fact, “Why are you walking around this early and in yesterday’s clothes? You would never get up this early of your own free will.”
“You sure do think highly of me,” Arthur said sarcastically, hoping that Merlin would respond to his taunts and stop thinking about what Arthur may or may not be up to.
“Did you spend the night at Gwen’s?” Merlin speculated sharply and raised an eyebrow.
“I did not,” Arthur answered quickly, which probably made it seem like he was lying, “And please don’t suggest those kinds of things in public.”
“Don’t worry, sire,” Merlin bowed theatrically, “It’s our secret. Will you still be eating breakfast this morning?”
“Of course,” Arthur said, realizing how hungry he was, “I would also appreciate a bath.”
“Ask nicely, and I might give it to you.”
“That’s an order, Merlin.” Arthur said, and Merlin laughed as he disappeared back down the hall with Arthur’s food.
Arthur found his father exactly where he thought he would be.
“Arthur!” His father exclaimed happily, and gestured to the chair beside him, “Will you be joining me for breakfast?”
“No, I’ve already eaten,” Arthur lied easily, “I merely had a question.”
“What about?”
“The pyre.”
“Yes, well, sorcerers must burn. That’s just how it is. I know you don’t like it much, but sometimes harsh methods have to be used to ensure the peace.”
“You don’t even know if he’s a sorcerer,” Arthur said through gritted teeth, trying his hardest to suppress the anger that always seemed to bubble forth when his father spoke of magic. He remembered back when he hadn’t cared, when he had followed his father’s beliefs blindly. Now, he wasn’t so sure. Now, every time the king spoke of magic, Arthur had learned to not listen. Refusing to let his love for his father be blinded by the madness of the king.
“I have had the guards report back to me, and it would have been impossible for him to get into the courtyard without the use of magic. Gaius too believes it to be the most likely conclusion, and how else would you explain how he got into your chambers through your locked window?”
Arthur bit his lip. Nothing he could say now would sway his father. Arthur almost felt guilty for thinking everything would be better when he became king, but he wanted to learn from his father’s mistakes. He left without saying another word.
Arthur came back to his chambers to see the table set up for dinner, the tub half filled with water, and a kettle warming over the fire, suggesting that Merlin was indeed preparing that bath for him. There was also a fresh set of clothes on his bed for when he was all cleaned up, and Arthur sat back in his chair to relax and finally eat.
Merlin came back once in a while with more water, pouring in the boiling water when it was ready and filling up the kettle again, knowing that Arthur loved hot baths even if they were harder to prepare. Merlin didn’t always let Arthur have his hot baths, which in all fairness was fine, so Arthur always appreciated it when Merlin took the time to make it extra hot. He always promised himself to be extra nice to his servant on those days, and it seemed Merlin had begun to catch on because he prepared hot baths for Arthur more and more often.
“Do you want to hear your list of duties today?” Merlin asked, puring in another kettle full of boiling water and then preparing to heat up another batch. Arthur knew he would continue to warm the water until Arthur was in the bath.
“I don’t think it matters if I want to or not,” Arthur said casually, never able to escape his princely duties even if he had days where he really wanted to.
“Oh really?” Merlin responded sarcastically, “Because the last couple of days you have been very good at ignoring things. Like training with the knights. Or conducting that research on the new road you wanted to make. You have literally been doing whatever you want, which, of course, you get away, because you’re the prince.”
There was no anger in Merlin’s voice, so Arthur could only smile fondly as Merlin continued his rant about how Arthur never did what he was supposed to while he worked so hard for him.
“And what have you been doing then?” Arthur asked, “Did you finish cleaning my uncle’s chambers?”
“I did, as a matter of fact, and I also did this,” Merlin handed Arthur one of the lengthiest scrolls he had ever seen in his life, and quickly skimmed through it, slowly realizing what it was. He couldn’t even hide his proud smile.
“You did the research!” He proclaimed, extremely impressed with Merlin’s findings. He looked up at his servant who looked slightly surprised to hear Arthur praise him, but Arthur was too tired to cover up his pride with snarky insults.
“Well, when Gwaine came, I kind of figured that I might use the fact that I couldn’t get anything productive done. I did all the interviews with Gwaine as my official witness, because, you know, the word of a knight means everything and all that. His signature should be at the bottom. Anyway, would you like to take the bath before the water gets cold?”
The promise of hot water made Arthur move quickly and he was soon submerged in the tub, thoughtlessly scrubbing his arms with a soaped cloth. Merlin decided to clean the table before coming back to Arthur, giving him a little bit of space before tending to him.
“Have you seen the pyre?” Merlin asked, trying to make it seem like he was picking topics at random, though Arthur knew the pyre bothered him. Merlin had always been outspoken about how he hated the fires.
“I tried to talk my father out of it,” Arthur said mindlessly, and he noticed as Merlin stopped washing his back for just a moment before continuing.
“Well, he’s a stubborn man,” Merlin said, almost as if he was comforting Arthur or himself. There wasn’t much they could do about the situation as they weren’t exactly dealing with an innocent person. If it had been an innocent person stuck in their dungeons, well, the two of them might have been discussing how to break him out without the king knowing.
“Did he talk yet? The prisoner?” Merlin continued, and Arthur bit his lip. Merlin couldn’t see his face anyway.
“No, not really. I had hoped his execution date approaching would make him more willing.”
“Good luck,” Merlin said genuinely as he put down the cloth he had been using, reaching for the soap to cleanse Arthur’s hair, rolling up his sleeves to make sure they wouldn’t get wet.
Arthur took a look at Merlin’s still bandaged wrist, “Does it still hurt?” He said, gesturing the wrist, and Merlin looked at it.
“Not really. Although it’s not as flexible as it used to be.”
“Can I see?” Arthur asked, but held out his hand to let Merlin know that he didn’t have a choice. Merlin let Arthur do as he wanted.
Removing the bandages was easy enough, but Arthur was slightly shocked to see how well the wrist had healed. Unless Arthur had played up the injury in his head (which he was sure he hadn’t), then the burn almost seemed smaller, and Arthur could have sworn that even burns that had caused less damaged would have looked redder and more damaged than what Merlin was currently displaying. It wasn’t that the scar had disappeared, it was merely less than Arthur had assumed.
“It looks better,” he merely said, as he reapplied the bandage, and Merlin shrugged.
“I don’t scar easily,” he mentioned almost as an afterthought, but seemed to regret it the moment the comment was out of his mouth, “Lean back,” he ordered instead, beginning to wash Arthur’s hair and not letting the prince say another word, unless he wanted to run the risk of getting soap in his mouth.
But the comment had been interesting. Merlin didn’t scar easily. A fact he mentioned easily and without thought, yet his body was seemingly covered in scars. There were five Arthur was aware of - two of which still had unknown origins - and Arthur was entirely certain that there were more he didn’t know of. But Arthur thought back to the scar he had seen on their way to Mercia. If Merlin didn’t scar easily, how close to death had he been then? What had happened? With Merlin’s reaction to his own blunder, Arthur doubted he would talk about it right now, so he decided not to push the topic as Merlin washed out the soap and left to get a towel so Arthur could dry off.
“You never told me what my plans for the day were,” Arthur remembered as he dried his hair, casually walking behind the screen and grabbing the clothes Merlin had laid out for him.
“Well,” Merlin began as if he was about to start an endless list of chores Arthur had to do, “Assuming that you will be interrogating the prisoner again, I can cross off the first three items on your list, and go straight to your afternoon training sessions with the knights.”
“Is that really necessary?” Arthur questioned. Training was usually great fun, but if he was as behind on his duties, as Merlin was leading him to believe, then shouldn’t he be doing that instead?
“Yes, Arthur, it is very important. As First Knight you have to conduct your little test of the aspiring knights, which was supposed to have taken place yesterday. Or did Leon forget to mention that you, when you got his report yesterday?”
Arthur vaguely remembered Leon having said something like that, but he had honestly barely listened to it.
“He might have mentioned it,” Arthur said truthfully, although Merlin would surely think he was joking.
“Then there is a council meeting of which you should probably read the scroll I gave you if you want to actually make a convincing argument. Then there is a feast for… someone or something, I don’t really remember this, but you should definitely be in the dining hall wearing something nice. Perhaps the new outfit I had made for you?”
“Yes, that would be… ideal,” Arthur said, mentally planning out his day as Merlin spoke, “Meet me in the armory an hour after noon,” Arthur ordered as he walked out from behind the screen, “And bring your research with you. You can lecture me, while you prepare my armor.”
“Lecture you?” Merlin looked at him with a raised eyebrow (he had definitely learned that from Gaius), “Are you sure you’ve had enough sleep?”
“Oh I definitely haven’t,” Arthur scoffed, as he left the room, “Not all of us have the luxury of rest, Merlin.” Arthur didn’t even have to be in the same room as Merlin to know that his servant was rolling his eyes at Arthur’s dramatic declaration.
Although noon was still some ways away, Arthur still went to the dungeons preparing for what would likely be the last time he would speak with the prisoner. As Elyan and Gwaine had yet to arrive, most probably because they were still at the training grounds, he decided to speak with some of the guards to learn more about their prisoner.
The information was nothing groundbreaking. The man was not talkative but always thanked the guards who gave him food and water, he even greeted the guards whenever the watch changed, and informed them whenever he went to sleep. He had made no attempts of escape and had shown no signs of magic, although he had seemingly sighed very loudly as he had seen the preparations for the pyre begin. Arthur could sympathize with that at least.
Elyan and Gwaine arrived shortly before noon, and Arthur ordered the guards away for the last time, as he entered the cell. Elyan had with him a single vial, which he handed to Arthur in plain view of the prisoner who followed the interaction with his eyes.
“My father has ordered your execution tomorrow morning,” Arthur said and the man nodded slowly, possibly already aware of it.
“I can see the pyre from my cell,” he confirmed.
Arthur held up the vial, “In my hand, I hold what I believe to be a truth serum. However, I cannot be certain. You claim to not have intended to take my life, but the evidence speaks against you, so I shall offer you a choice. You can drink this and if your story is indeed true, and I cannot find you guilty of any serious crime, you will not be executed. If it turns out you were indeed trying to kill me, I cannot save you, but for your cooperation I will let you choose the method with which you would like to die. I must repeat though, I cannot be certain that this is not poison.”
“I see,” the man said, possibly weighing his choices, “If I drink it and it is poison, I would like your word that you will kill me quickly. I do not wish to suffer. Likewise, if my truth is not well-received, I would like to die by your sword.”
Arthur nodded: “You have my word.”
The prisoner held out his hand. Arthur handed him the vial, and watched as he drank it without hesitation. When nothing happened within a minute’s time, Arthur assumed that the potion had done its job. He decided that he might start his questions from the beginning.
“How did you get into my chambers undetected?”
“To enter the city, I used magic to hide my presence,” the man said, proving that the potion did indeed work, as no sane man would willingly admit to having magic to the prince of Camelot, “To enter the courtyard, I used a sedative to knock the guards out. I then climbed the side of the castlewall to reach your chambers, and I unlocked you window, using magic.”
“And did you attempt to take my life?”
“No, I did not.”
“No?” Arthur repeated, almost to confirm it for himself, “There were tools for killing found on your person. Who did you attempt to kill? The king?”
“No,” the prisoner repeated again, “I was tasked with killing the prince’s servant.”
The information took Arthur aback, but he needed everything he could get out of this man. He tried his best to remain calm and not thinking about how on earth Merlin could have created enemies strong and wealthy enough to send bounty hunters after him.
“Why did you enter my chambers if I was not the target?”
“I do not know your servant,” the prisoner explained, “But if he is yours, he would come to your chambers by morning. My intentions were to sneak in under the cover of the night and wait for the arrival of your servant.”
“Then why were you standing over my bed?”
“You were a complication. I was going to put you into a deep slumber.”
“Using magic?”
“I do not have that kind of power.” He chuckled, “I was going to use a sleeping draught.”
“Why do you want my servant dead?” Arthur asked puzzled. No one should want Merlin dead.
“It is not I who wants him dead, merely the one who employed me.”
“And who might that have been?”
“I do not know. I did not see her face, she only provided me with a target, a map of the castle and half of my pay.”
“I see,” Arthur nodded slowly, “May I ask you another question?”
“I cannot lie to you.”
“Yes, but this question is somewhat personal, and since the potion does not force you to speak, you may hold your tongue if you do not wish to answer.”
The man nodded, understanding.
“You said that you would never kill someone you believed to be completely innocent, yet in your line of work, I find it difficult to believe that you have never once killed someone free of guilt. You seem honorable, yet you kill for money. Surely you must understand that what you do is not right. On what grounds does my servant deserve to die?”
“I will share with you my story, my lord,” the man said, addressing him as nobility for the first time, “My wife and I both have magic. She is an expert in the healing arts and possess much more powerful magic than someone like me. The magic I have, we used mostly to help our crops grow strong, or sometimes light a candle. The trifle tricks I used to sneak into your chambers are more or less the extent of my powers.”
Arthur nodded slowly as the man spoke, even if he knew nothing of magic. Arthur would have assumed that being able to create fire would make you powerful, but it seemed not to be the case. At least not according to the man before him. It made Arthur curious to just how much he didn’t know of this forbidden art.
“The Great Purge began not long after we had wed, and with my wife pregnant and nowhere to go, we took our few possessions and fled Camelot. Before The Purge, Camelot had been the only place safe for people like us, so we could never settle down, and we could never use our powers in fear of persecution. Yet we had to make a living somehow, we had a child on the way, and I took up bounty hunting, believing it to be the quickest way to earn money without anyone asking unnecessary questions. All I wanted to do was to protect my family
“But as you said, I do believe that there is some honor left in me. Even with magic as weak as mine, I can detect lies and truths. I always require my client to tell me how my target has wronged them, and I will take the job based on their answer.”
“My servant is a good man,” Arthur insisted, “Good and kind. He would never hurt a soul.”
The man smiled a little to himself. It was nothing malicious. It was as if Arthur had innocently asked if the sky was green. “Even in the dark cell, I can see that you believe that to be true, but my client tells a different story. A story which does not paint your servant in so kind of a light.”
Arthur could see Gwaine clench his fist in the corner of his eyes, and Arthur took a moment to compose himself, “What did she say?”
“I asked how he had wronged her. She told me that they had been friends. They had been friends and he had poisoned her. There were no lies, only a sorrowful truth.”
Arthur looked down. The air in the room had shifted. Even with the power of truth on his side, Arthur no longer had control of this situation. He would need time to think all of this over. He needed to stop the conversation about Merlin.
“Why did you drink the potion?” Arthur asked instead, “Why not tell us this from the beginning?”
“My lord, I am a magic user. The truth would have had me killed regardless of my intentions, yet when I saw the pyre, I was ready to share with you the truth. Even more so, despite my promise to my client of keeping silent, I do believe that I have made a mistake regarding your servant. You have my deepest apologies.”
“If that was your intention, why drink the potion, running the risk of being poisoned?”
“Because you gave me your word that I would not burn, and I saw that you spoke the truth. For you should know, Arthur Pendragon, that every time I, or any of my kin, step foot in this kingdom, the fire haunts our minds.”
“Thank you,” Arthur said slowly.
“What for, young prince?”
“For telling me your story,” Arthur said, “It gave me a lot to think about.”
“You have granted me a merciful death. For that I am grateful.”
“No,” Arthur said determined, “Despite everything, I believe you have a good heart, an honorable soul. I do not wish to kill good people and let your family suffer as a consequence.”
“My lord?”
“Tonight, I shall free you. You will be provided with a horse, provisions and gold enough to make up for you should have earned had your mission been successful.” Arthur took a breath. “I do this on the following conditions: You will no longer kill to provide for your family, you will not use your magic to harm this kingdom, and when I become king, you shall return to Camelot, where I can guarantee your safety. Do you accept these terms?”
“Yes, my lord. You have my word,” the man vowed and bowed his head in gratitude.
Arthur left the cell with Gwaine and Elyan, knowing full well that as soon as they were out of earshot, they were going to give him hell for this.
“Are you sure that was wise?” “How could you do that?!” They both said (or in Gwaine’s case, yelled) at the same time.
Arthur looked at them until they decided to just let Elyan speak first: “Even if everything he told you was the truth, he is still a murderer,” Elyan pointed out, “And you’re just going to let him go free? Going directly against your father, assuming that this is all something you will do behind his back?”
“He gave me his word that he would uphold his end of the deal. He couldn’t lie about that.”
“That shouldn’t matter,” Elyan pushed, “This guy works for Morgana. I can understand not wanting to burn him at the stake, but this seems to be going too far. The truth serum is just that, a truth serum. It doesn’t bind him to do anything, if he should change his mind.”
“It’s a gamble I’m willing to take,” Arthur said wanting to explain his choice, “That man wasn’t there of his own free will, he did not choose to become a murderer, that’s on us. We did this to him, to his family and to everyone like him.” Like Morgana, “I am investing in the future.”
“You let someone who was going to kill Merlin go, is what you did,” Gwaine said, sounding almost disappointed in Arthur. No, not almost, that was just what Arthur wanted to think. “This whole thing that we’re doing,” Gwaine gestured to the three of them, “Is to keep Merlin safe. Or did you forget, my lord?” Gwaine spat out the last word as he turned around and left, likely going to the tavern, where he could insult Arthur under the guise of being drunk. It was fair, Arthur thought, this decision could backfire. However, he was willing to take the chance.
“I’ll trust your decision, sire,” Elyan said slowly, as if he didn’t trust him at all, “Or at least, I’ll trust that you’ll look after Merlin. But if he gets hurt, I won’t protect you.”
“Protect me from what?”
“Gwaine,” Elyan said and gestured down the hall, “I don’t even know what Lancelot would do if he found out, but if he gets mad at you, you definitely deserve it.”
“That’s fair.”
He dismissed Elyan then, and went directly to the armory, unsurprisingly finding Merlin there with his armor laid out, ready for him to wear. Merlin was reading through his research, possibly figuring out how to best present it to Arthur, as he noticed the prince’s arrival.
“You’re early,” he remarked and folded the lengthy parchment up.
“So are you,” Arthur responded teasingly, “I was unaware that you were capable of that.”
Merlin let out a giggle as he put down the parchment and reached across the table to reveal a plate of food: “I figured you would be hungry,” he said and gave Arthur the plate. The lunch wasn’t impressive, but it was a perfect pre-training meal, so Arthur could only smile.
“Okay, I know you’ve been waiting all day to do this. Lecture away.”
And so Merlin did. While Arthur ate, Merlin told him about the various people who had expressed a desire for a new road, and how it could benefit different professions. Merlin had gotten statements from nobles and commoners alike, apparently using Arthur’s name and the presence of Gwaine to make some reluctant noblemen speak. A clever move on Merlin’s part, which Arthur would grant him no praise for whatsoever.
When Arthur was ready to go to the training grounds, Merlin had finished his (quite impressive) lecture, during which Arthur had remarked that Merlin had been rather enthusiastic about the whole thing. It had never been uncommon for Merlin to take interest in politics, Arthur’s life or anything else concerning Arthur, but Arthur hadn’t seen much of ot lately, at least not to the extent where Merlin was smiling giddily to himself as he proudly gave Arthur advice.
Arthur had always wondered why Merlin took such interest in politics. Even before Arthur had begun listening to his advice, Merlin had slowly educated himself about Camelot and how the kingdom worked. In the beginning, Arthur had thought Merlin did it to get an insight in Arthur’s life, as Arthur didn’t really open up to him that much, but over the years, it merely seemed like Merlin did it for himself. Arthur knew that between working for him and assisting Gaius, Merlin was an avid reader, and quite often ended up getting behind on his chores because he was reading up about the history of Camelot. Arthur usually forgave this, because it gave them something to talk about. And if it allowed Merlin to help him write a few speeches, well, it worked out great for both of them.
Of course, taking an interest didn’t mean being an expert. Arthur had been preparing to become king his entire life, and was not above correcting Merlin when he got something wrong, or use an entire morning lecturing his servant about the purpose of military power. But every so often, Merlin could offer insight Arthur wouldn’t normally have access to, and it made Arthur happy to have Merlin as his servant, as his friend. Because Merlin would always speak up, always question things and offer his own opinion whether Arthur asked or not, and Arthur was happy to see Merlin doing it again, having not realized when and why he had stopped. A voice in Arthur’s mind whispered that it was because Arthur was investigating Merlin, and his servant was well aware of that, but he ignored it. Right now, their friendship was back on track and it was wonderful.
It spoke of how long it had been since Arthur had been to the training grounds, when Leon was surprised to see him. They began training as usual, Arthur inviting Percival to be his sparring partner, before he would begin the tests, wanting the aspiring knights to have some idea of what they would be up against.
Before beginning the tests, Arthur let Leon run him through the nobles he would be facing and was less than impressed to hear how they’d done in sparring sessions against other knights, and even amongst themselves. Arthur didn’t expect a single one of them to last more than ten seconds against him. Fifteen if he went easy on them.
There were ten aspiring knights, and the first five of them went down as quickly as Arthur had predicted. At the sidelines, Merlin was sat, supposedly sharpening his sword, but he spent more time laughing and smiling whenever Arthur knocked down another person. More than once, Arthur thought that Merlin was handier with a sword than half of these boys, and that was a scary thought considering how awful Merlin was with any kind of weapon.
It was all over less than an hour after it had begun, and Arthur did not hide his disappointment as he left the training grounds, letting Leon know that he should continue training them until they were ready to face him again.
Merlin quickly got Arthur out of his armor, and the prince set off to the council meeting.
It was a long affair, but Arthur kept his attention and ended the meeting by doing his own presentation, which slowly started winning people over. Arthur knew his father wouldn’t back him up, not because he necessarily disagreed, but because he was (not so) subtly testing Arthur’s ability to persuade people by his own merits. But regardless of his father’s support, Arthur thought that by the next council meeting, he should half of the council on his side, which would give him enough support to get his vision through. And he had Merlin to thank for that.
By the end of the meeting, his father pulled him aside.
“You did great,” he said proudly, “Your uncle truly wasn’t wrong when he said how much you have grown.”
Arthur smiled a little at the praise, “Thank you, father, but I still have much to learn.”
“Of course,” his father agreed, although still smiling as he changed the subject, “How did the interrogation go?”
“It was unfruitful,” Arthur lied, “I suspect that he didn’t act of his own accord, but I have no proof.”
“A shame,” his father said, “He shall be executed tomorrow, and we shall worry about him no more.”
“Of course father,” Arthur dismissed himself, “I’ll see you later at the feast.”
Merlin met him again in his chambers, where he was ready with Arthur’s new clothes. It was plain as day that Guinevere had helped Merlin out with this particular task, as Merlin knew nothing about fashion. The dress shirt Merlin presented him with was particularly beautiful. It was almost all white, but golden seams lined the hem of the sleeves, and on the left chest, a golden dragon was embroidered into it.
“Do you like it?” Merlin asked cheekily, knowing that he had done a good job.
“I do,” Arthur admitted, “How much did you and Guinevere pay for this?”
“We didn’t pay anything for it, sire,” Merlin smiled, and Arthur had to resist the urge to ruffle his hair.
“Okay, how much did I pay for it?”
“Ouch,” Merlin said and fake winched, “I don’t think you want to know.”
Arthur shook his head: “So just because I’m the prince, you think I can spend whatever I like on pretty clothes?”
“Of course not. But the king of Camelot should have nice things, and unless you get into a violent fight tonight, this shirt will last at least a couple of years. Assuming you don’t grow too fat.”
“I’ll have you know that this is pure muscle!”
“Of course it is, sire. Now off you go. You don’t want to keep your father waiting.”
“Aren’t you coming?” Arthur questioned as Merlin send him out and moved to leave in the opposite direction.
“I promised Gaius I’d help him with disposing of expired potions. I had Gwen stand in for me if it makes you happy?”
“I’ll allow it,” Arthur agreed content, “Have fun.”
The feast was almost like the calm before the storm. Despite wanting to relax, Arthur held back considerably on the wine in order to successfully execute the escape plan in the night. He knew he would have to do it alone, both Gwaine and Elyan not supporting the idea (of which he didn’t blame them), and Arthur couldn’t run the risk of telling anyone else. At the very least, he knew both knights were loyal enough to not say anything to anyone, even if they thought he was in the wrong. At multiple times during the evening, it looked like Guinevere wanted to ask him what was on his mind, but with Arthur sitting right next to his father, she could do nothing more than send him worried looks, which he merely responded to with a quick smile, trying to reassure her that everything was okay. He didn’t want to involve her in this matter. It wouldn’t be fair to burden her with the knowledge when she could do nothing with it. And it wouldn’t surprise Arthur either if she would choose to agree with Elyan over him.
Arthur excused himself early, saying that he had already had too much to drink and didn’t want to waste tomorrow with a headache. However, instead of going to his chambers, Arthur went to the stables, where he found a suitable horse, which he saddled up, and attached the small bag of coins as well as food he had taken from the feast - food he hoped would last the soon escaped prisoner all the way back to his family.
Getting the prisoner out of the cells was actually the easiest part of it all. There was a, somewhat, secret exit of which Arthur had the only key, so all Arthur had to do was enter the dungeons as he normally would, inform the guards that he wished to speak to the prisoner one last time, and have them leave the general vicinity.
Once alone by the cell, Arthur let the man go, and gave him the key to the exit, which would lead the man to the gate which lead into the lower town. There Arthur would meet him again and help him get completely out of the city.
Arthur faked having a conversation with the prisoner for about five minutes before leaving the dungeons the same way he came, hoping that in the dark of the night, the guards wouldn’t immediately realize that the prisoner was no longer there. When Arthur met up with the man and the warning bell still hadn’t rung, Arthur counted himself extremely lucky (only because he would otherwise have to deem their security lackluster at best).
Now they just had to sneak the man all the way out of Camelot… with a horse. That was the hard part.
“I made you a promise, my lord,” the man began, as Arthur had filled him in on the problem at hand, “That I would not use my magic to harm this kingdom, but I could use it to escape with. I promise no one will be harmed.”
Arthur studied the man for a bit, the sincerity still dripping off of him despite the truth serum’s effect being long gone. He nodded his approval: “Do what you can.”
The man took the horse by the reigns and put his hand on its muzzle, as he spoke a few words which Arthur could not understand, but recognized as words of the old religion. Words used for magic. The man’s eyes glowed gold for a second as the spell set in, and he repeated it once again, holding his hand to his own chest. Arthur failed to see what the spell had done.
“What did you do?” He asked curiously. Normally, when faced with sorcerers, they tried to kill him, and Arthur didn’t have much time to process and understand how their magic worked. He mostly just focused on not dying. Who could really blame him for that? But in a situation like this, Arthur let his curiosity take hold.
“A spell of discretion,” the man explained, “As long as I do not draw attention to myself, I can pass by unnoticed. It was the same way I got into the city. Although I can only hope that my ride stays silent as we pass by,” the man ran his fingers through the horse’s mane, soothing it, possibly praying that nothing would go wrong.
“Good luck,” Arthur said, not wanting to waste any time, “This is as far as I can come with you.”
“Thank you, young prince,” the sorcerer said, “It has been a pleasure getting to know you. I look forward to the day you will be king, and I shall return to your kingdom, gladly.”
The sorcerer took off, while Arthur turned back towards the castle. He had only just reached his chambers when the warning bell rang, and he could only smile victoriously, knowing that their prisoner would be long gone.
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zrtranscripts · 3 years
Home Front, Mission 3: Hope Is An Axe
The Sound of Hope
JANINE DE LUCA: Abel Township runners, this is Janine De Luca broadcasting from Abel Township. The horde continues to surround us on all sides and there is no route of escape at this time. You must take shelter and remain in a place of safety until you receive further instructions. However long this situation continues, I will do whatever I can to support your physical and mental well-being throughout this difficult time. And so, with that in mind, we will continue with ministry-approved indoor workouts designed to maintain and even improve your condition while you are unable to serve in the field.
Begin your warm-up now. Jogging on the spot, star jumps, or dancing. Anything that gets your muscles warm and your blood moving. And to assist you, I have here an audio cassette distributed by the Ministry of Recovery to accompany your exercises. I'm sure you're looking forward to hearing this carefully curated and enriching selection of music every bit as much as I am.
[cassette clicks into tape player]
[tape player button clicks]
JANINE DE LUCA: Very good, runners. I'm sure you found that musical selection as... educational as I did. By now, you should be feeling warm and limber. Ready, I trust, to raise a really good sweat. Today we will begin with the step ups which I'm sure you recall from Mr. Yao's broadcast.
To recap, you will need to position yourself by the bottom stair of your home or beside a sturdy box that can support your weight. The box must be heavy and very stable, nothing that can overbalance. Now simply step onto the step, then off it. Simple. If you have neither box nor step, you may raise yourself up on tiptoes slowly, holding as long as you are able, then lower your heels to the ground under full control, rest for a moment, and begin again. If you find this too easy, you may perform your tiptoe raises standing on one leg.
Attempt a 60 second session beginning [winds timer] now. [timer ticks] This exercise will build the quadriceps muscle of the thigh. Very useful for explosive bursts of speed while being chased by the walking dead. Very good, runners. That's halfway to completing your first set. Remember, if you feel sharp pain, stop immediately. Well done. Now change to the other leg. Remember to keep looking up. There are no crawlers under your feet, I hope. 15 seconds to go. Last few repetitions on this side, runners. Really make them count. Five, four, three, two, one, [timer rings and stops ticking] and rest.
Well done, runners. Take a moment or two to recover and I'll play the next track. Keep moving while the music plays. You don't want to stiffen up. There's plenty still to do. If you like, you can continue with your step ups, gently stretch out the thigh muscles, or go back to your warm-up exercises while the music plays.
[tape player button clicks]
[tape player button clicks]
JANINE DE LUCA: I must confess, I was expecting rather more Elgar from the ministry and less... whatever that song was. Nonetheless, we shall now move on to incline press-ups.
Begin by taking a press-up position with your hands on the second or third step of your stairs with your fingers pointing forwards, your back straight, and your hands shoulder-width apart. Bend your arms at the elbow to lower your body until your chest is close to the floor. Hold that position for a slow count of two, then return to your starting position. It is perfectly acceptable to put your knees on the ground instead of your toes. The important thing is that your back remains straight and your form perfect at all times. If you're well-versed in this exercise, feel free to do your press-ups on the flat or even reverse the incline for a more intense workout.
Once again, we shall repeat this exercise for one minute, beginning now. [timer ticks] This exercise reminds me of being locked down in the first days of the outbreak, linked to the outside world only by an old wind-up radio. 15 seconds, runners. I used to perform this exercise while listening to the World Service. One of the announcers, Annabelle McKind, had such a comforting voice. Halfway. Remember, if you're finding this too much of a challenge, you can put your knees on the ground as long as you keep your back straight. 15 seconds to go now, runners. That's excellent. Remember to breathe. There's no need for anyone to faint from holding their breath. Five seconds. Four, three, two, one, [timer rings and stops ticking] and rest.
Well done. You should be feeling that in your shoulders and upper arms. I shall play the next piece of music while you recover, then return to the warm-up exercise or continue your press-ups if you feel strong enough.
[tape player button clicks]
[tape player button clicks]
JANINE DE LUCA: I really am finding it hard to believe that this is the Ministry's idea of appropriate music to which to exercise. Let me check the cassette box again. “The Ministry of Recovery: music to inspire and energize in a time of crisis.” Well, far be it from me to criticize. One must assume they have selected these pieces of music for a reason. Very well, we shall continue with bodyweight squats.
Stand upright, arms by your sides and feet hip-width apart. Now bend your legs as though you are sitting on an invisible chair, keeping your knees above your feet and your bottom sticking out, then stand up again. You can put a hand on the wall to support yourself if you find it easier, and do ensure the floor beneath you is sturdy and intact. The last thing I want is to hear tales of runners plummeting through rotten floorboards into zombie-infested basements.
Now on my mark, begin. [timer ticks] Don't worry about speed in this exercise. It's more important to use your muscles to support you in slowly going into as deep a squat as possible for you. That's 15 seconds. If you like, you can put your hands on your head or stretch them upwards as you squat. Only 30 seconds to go. Even if you've only managed this much, you're doing well. What's important is to move a little more every day if you can. Almost finished, runners. Just imagine how good using these muscles to sprint away from zombies will feel. Five, four, three, two, one [timer rings and stops ticking] and relax. Take a moment to stretch out those hard-working legs before we start to move again.
I was just thinking of that little wind-up radio and how important it was to all of us back then. We knew that as long as the BBC was still broadcasting, life as we knew it went on. I felt I could detect in Annabelle McKind’s tones the sound of hope, that if she could still speak so calmly, then the world could be rebuilt.
And then one night, we tuned in and there was only static. It was difficult not to despair then, when we realized that the world would never again be as it was. I didn't imagine then that there could be a good future ahead of us, but Abel Township has become a new community for so many of us and the radio still connects us. That voice in the dark that reminds us though we may be apart, we are not alone, not really.
We will bring you home, runners, just as soon as we can. Now I think it's time for some music. Continue with your squats, or do some jogging on the spot or star jumps or dance, or simply rest and let your muscles recover, and I shall return shortly.
[tape player button clicks]
[tape player button clicks]
JANINE DE LUCA: Good work, runners. You've done very well. Just one final effort and you can rest. Our final exercise is the plank. Simple and rewarding. First lie on your front - again, please ensure the ground beneath you is solid - with your elbows pushed into your ribs, forearms on the floor, and your toes tucked under you. Lift up so that your weight is resting on your forearms and your toes and your body is perfectly horizontal. Now assume and hold that position for as long as you feel able to without straining yourself. If you need to, rest on your knees for a few seconds and then return to the plank position.
I believe it was Runner Eight who introduced me to the merits of this exercise for core strength. I remember she used to say, "Hope isn't some wishy-washy bluebird. It's an axe, something you can use to break down a door and stave in a zombie skull, but an axe is no use if you haven't got the strength to wield it." Oh, that's 30 seconds, runners. Well done. If you feel able, continue to hold the plank for as long as you can, or return to your star jumps, jogging, and dancing one final time.
[tape player button clicks]
[tape player button clicks]
JANINE DE LUCA: Really, there must have been some mistake. I simply cannot believe that this music has been selected by the Ministry - wait just a moment. I shall check the cassette itself. [cassette rattles] What on earth? Hmm. Yes, it may have started life as a Ministry release, but I note with interest that sticky tape has been placed over the write-protect notch! Someone has recorded over the official Ministry tape. [paper rustles] And it would appear that the culprit left this slip of paper inside the case!
[paper rustles]
“To my disco bear, these are a few songs that remind me of our first unforgettable night in Abel. Yours always, Eugene.” Well, Mr. Holden, if you can hear this, I shall keep this tape until you come home to collect it. I suppose I should be chastising you for defacing official Ministry materials in a time of crisis, but when so much thought has gone into this musical selection, such evident care, I... well, I never was all that fond of Elgar anyway. Let's say no more about it, shall we?
And runners, it's time to cool down. Move your body gently to the music and gradually stretch out those tired muscles. And yes, I do believe that there's one more song on this tape. Mr. Woods, Mr. Holden, this song is for you. I hope you're listening.
[cassette clicks into tape player, button clicks]
[tape player button clicks]
JANINE DE LUCA: Well done, runners. Take a well-deserved rest. You should be proud of your hard work today. Remember, this separation we must endure will one day come to an end and on that day, I will be waiting at the gates of Abel to shake every one of you by the hand.
You know, it is an odd thing, thinking back to those long nights in the basement listening to the World Service. I corresponded a few months ago with Annabelle McKind across Rofflenet. She runs a local radio station in the Lagos Enclave now. I was able to tell her what an inspiration her voice had been to me, and she was kind enough to say that she had read my preparedness papers and found them useful. Can there be higher praise?
She reminded me of the words of the writer Rebecca Solnit, to whose work I return again and again when the world seems a cruel and lightless place. "To hope is to give yourself to the future, and that commitment to the future is what makes the present inhabitable.” This is Janine De Luca broadcasting from Abel Township, signing off.
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Doctor Who: Twice Upon A Time - Official Press Interviews
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The BBC has released today their media pack including official press interviews for the Doctor Who Christmas special Twice Upon A Time. Cast and crew Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie, David Bradley, Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat all feature and offer some hints on what to expect.
The final chapter of the Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor’s journey sees the Time Lord team up with his former self, the first ever Doctor (David Bradley and a returning Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie), for one last adventure.
Two Doctors stranded in an arctic snowscape, refusing to face regeneration.
Enchanted Glass People, stealing their victims from frozen time. 
And a World War One Captain destined to die on the battlefield, but taken from the trenches to play his part in the Doctor's story. 
An uplifting new tale about the power of hope in humanity’s darkest hours, Twice Upon A Time marks the end of an era. But as the Doctor must face his past to decide his future, his journey is only just beginning... 
Twice Upon A Time is written by Steven Moffat, directed by Rachel Talalay, and executive produced by Brian Minchin. The 60-minute special guest stars Mark Gatiss as The Captain and Nikki Amuka-Bird as the voice of the glass woman, and will see Peter Capaldi’s Doctor regenerate into the Thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker).
Please be advised that the interviews may contain mild spoilers and can therefore be found beneath the cut.
A Message from Peter Capaldi (The Twelfth Doctor)
"Doctor Who has taken me on an amazing journey. Now that it’s coming to an end, I wish the Doctor all the very best for the future, and the past, and everything in-between. Time I was off."
Peter Capaldi
An interview with David Bradley (The First Doctor)
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How did you get the call?
Well it all started with An Adventure in Space and Time (the 2013 biopic about the start of Doctor Who) a few years ago. Mark Gatiss who wrote that tapped me on the shoulder one day at an event in London and asked me to play Hartnell in that, and I was absolutely thrilled. I said yes even before I’d seen a script! Doing that was a great experience but most of it was getting under the skin of this amazing actor and quite complicated man which Mark’s script captured beautifully I thought.
After that wrapped I thought “Well, I’ve done it now. That’s my Doctor Who adventure over” I’d sort of been the Doctor, but I couldn’t join the pantheon or lay any claim to being 'a Doctor Who'. And I never thought for a moment there was any reason for the First Doctor to come back to the main series - but it turns out there really was, because what a great story we’ve got in store for you! And the fact that it’s not only Steven’s last gig but Peter’s last performance as the Doctor, combined with the fact it’s the Christmas episode, means that it doesn’t get any better really.
What’s it like playing the First Doctor?
From my previous role as Hartnell playing the Doctor I was already familiar with that way he would look at someone uneasily - his head tilted back and to one side - with the “Do I believe you or not?” quizzical, searching look that he gives people across his face. And of course his authoritative pose with his hands on his lapels, which makes him feel in charge of things. Though of course sometimes he doesn’t, because he’s a mixture of authority and vulnerability. And together with the humour, that’s where the humanity lies. He’s got so many different aspects to his personality.
Were there any sets or locations that you particularly enjoyed working on?
Oh just all of it! Visually, I cannot wait to see the finished episode. Every set was so well crafted with real detail, so many playgrounds for the First Doctor to explore. It’s as big in scale and production values as anything I’ve ever done before. 
How would you describe the tone of this episode?
I think the message is that if there’s life, there’s hope - just keep going! 
How did it feel to be part of Peter Capaldi’s final episode at the Doctor?
I really did realise that this particular episode was a big event. Not that there was any pressure on the studio floor, but it was clear that it’s going to be a celebration of all the great work Peter has done over the last three years, and that Steven had done over the last decade or so, meaning it felt special in the sense. As well as being special because it’s this year’s big Christmas episode too!
How does the First Doctor look at the Twelfth Doctor?
I think he views the Twelfth as junior to him and his Doctorship! He thinks this new man claiming to be the Doctor has a lot to learn - he quizzes and questions him a lot on the decisions he makes and why he throws himself into certain situations. I think the First Doctor really wonders if the Twelfth has got the experience and the nous to carry him through his adventures and dangerous situations. But across he soon comes to realise that the Twelfth Doctor is himself as well, so he’s got to acknowledge that this figure who stands before him is who he becomes in the future. Which leads to a whole set of other questions, of course.
Can you explain the enduring appeal of Doctor Who?
I think it’s the fact that it takes place in so many different eras and places - the possible stories are limitless! The TARDIS can go anywhere - it can go back to ancient Rome, it can go to a World War One battlefield as it does in this episode, it and go a million years into the future at the other side of the galaxy. And of course the idea of time travel is such a fascinating and appealing one. Even now scientists are arguing if time travel is even possible. So many want it to be true. 
An interview with Mark Gatiss (The Captain)
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What have we got to look forward to in this episode?
This is not just a Christmas special, it’s also the end of Steven Moffat’s era and the end of Peter Capaldi’s era. It’s got two Doctors interacting, two TARDISes, Bill is back, and there’s a very interesting new threat. Plus there’s lots of snow, lots of laughs and lots of tears and - not only that - we get to meet the Thirteenth Doctor. Lucky for some!
How did you get the casting call?
It happened very touchingly a couple of months ago. We were at a script meeting for the series ten episode I’d written, Empress of Mars, when Steven took me aside and said “I know you get booked up quickly so will you keep June and July free?” I said yes straight away, and then asked why! He said “I’m writing a part you’d be perfect for in Peter’s last story, and I want you to be there when I go”. Which is a Doctorish line in itself and made me well up.
It’s my privilege and pleasure to be involved. It was honestly one of the happiest jobs I’ve ever had. It’s been utterly delightful with Peter, Pearl and David. Though dealing with epic themes it’s actually quite a contained, intimate story on one level - in some ways a chamber piece. We’ve had a really good laugh. It’s been delightful.
You’ve been involved with Doctor Who since it came back in 2005. What was it like to finally get to travel with the doctor?
It was heaven - I got to do it all! At one point I even come through the TARDIS doors and say in amazement “it’s bigger on the inside than it is on the outside!”. All these things I’ve always wanted to do! I did have to ask myself how I would cope with experiencing that, and actually I made sure that my character didn’t get used to it too quickly. I wanted to make sure you get a sense - which is in the script - of The Captain being overwhelmed by it all and really shocked, rather than just taking it in his stride. But at the same time he is a soldier, so he reacts to certain other situations in quite a straight forward way.
Were there any sets or locations that you particularly enjoyed working on?
I play a Captain from the First World War so there is a trench and battlefield element, which we filmed on location across a number of fields. We had one hundred extras playing German, French and British soldiers and it was really very moving to be part of. Something about the sheer amount of people in these splendid uniforms. The weather was quite drizzly, but it suited the story and it got very muddy, which of course it really would have been. There was an incredible moment when all these extras swarmed over the battlefield - at which point everyone on set was tearing up. It was moving and extraordinary to be a part of.
How would you describe the tone of this episode?
It’s a very funny and very lovely story. It’s perfect for Christmas as - for me at least - I feel that Christmas is always a mixture of happy and sad. It’s Peter’s last story and it’s obviously infused with that, but it’s a story that takes place out of time, where he has one last adventure before he goes and regenerates into the Thirteenth Doctor. And I suppose it’s about that - it’s about letting go.
The Twelfth Doctor’s encounter with the First Doctor is the central part of the story, with all the lessons that he learns from that.
How did you feel to be part of Peter’s final episode?
I know that Peter really just wanted to enjoy his last adventure. I’m sure that as he got to the last few days the sense of finality will have sunk in - you know, “that’s the last time on location, that’s the last time I’ll run down a corridor, that’s the last time I fight a monster…” etcetera, but it was a really joyous shoot to be a part of. With my old Doctor Who fan head on - Worzel Gummage style - to be a part of any Doctor’s final adventure was incredible, but particularly for Peter who I think has been magnificent. It’s the end of so many eras and you couldn’t help but feel that. It was a real pleasure.
Why should we tune in to Twice Upon A Time?
There’s always something magical about being on Christmas Day, and I think Doctor Who itself has a magic to it. Somewhere deep in its bones there’s something brilliant about this show, and the combination of the two things gives you that shiver. It’s a wonderful thing to be there as a Christmas Day treat. This episode, as it’s the end of an era, has that. Christmas is an interesting time too. There’s something special about it, something in the frosty air that always feels like it’s a good time for ghost stories or stories of enchantment; it’s happy but bittersweet. That’s what this ep has in spades.
An interview with Pearl Mackie (Bill Potts)
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What have we got to look forward to in this episode?
There’s so much! We’ve got not one but two TARDISes, and we travel in both of them which is pretty exciting. We’ve also got three Doctors - that’s pretty amazing. Obviously we’ve got the current Doctor who we all know and love, but we’ve also got the First Doctor played by David Bradley - who is phenomenal. The current Doctor, who’s dying but refusing to regenerate at the start of the story, meets him as a way of dealing with his current struggles. The interaction between those two is great - really funny, but also surprising and very moving in places. And of course there’s also the regeneration, when the Twelfth Doctor becomes the Thirteenth Doctor!
Were you excited to get the call asking you back?
Very much so - it was a total honour to be asked back and it’s even more exciting that it’s for a Christmas special! Bill is 100% back with the full Bill energy, but she’s not quite all she seems...
What else can you tell us about the episode?
We also have a new monster - a lady who’s made of glass, but you’ll have to tune in to find out what she’s up to. We’ve also got some old foes returning, to make Christmas even more exciting!
Were there any sets or locations that you particularly enjoyed working on?
It was very exciting to be on the set of the first Doctor’s TARDIS. It wasn’t something I was that familiar with, but great to get acclimatised on. And apparently there were lots of props that were actually used in the original TARDIS that were used in our set too, so it really does look and feel like the real deal from the first series of Doctor Who over fifty years ago. Some of the ice sets were really cool too, plus the huge battlefield which features during some key moments of the episode.
Why should we watch?
One of the amazing things about Doctor Who is that it’s sci-fi, but it has that humanity to it. It has human relationships and interactions, with the added excitement of the monsters, the amazing sets and the wonders of exploring all of time and space. This episode has all of that in a really big accessible adventure for all ages - plus the regeneration!
An interview with Steven Moffat - Writer and Executive Producer
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The magical final chapter of the Twelfth Doctor’s journey sees the Time Lord team up with his former self, the first ever Doctor (David Bradley - Harry Potter; Game Of Thrones) and a returning Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie), for one last adventure.
What does Twice Upon A Time have in store for us?
There are some new eerie creatures of glass haunting the Doctor and his friends throughout this story - but what their purpose and what their plan is, and what their time traveling machinations are, is going to be a big surprise to the Doctor.
Were there any sets or locations that you particularly enjoyed working on?
There’s a real range of spaces that we visit across the special. We have the inside of a giant stone spaceship full of creepy glass creatures. We’re in the first Doctor’s TARDIS - recreated and brought back from the 1960s to stand proud in the Welsh studios. We’re on a First World War battlefield. And at long last we go to a location that I mentioned in my very first episode of Doctor Who back in 2005, as we visit the ruins of Villengard.
How would you describe the tone of this episode?
This episode is somewhere between a coda and drumroll. It’s a coda to the time of the Twelfth Doctor played by Peter Capaldi, and a drumroll to usher in the Thirteenth Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker. Approaching it, one issue I had was that The Doctor Falls (this year’s series finale) was the end of Peter Capaldi’s Doctor. That episode saw the Twelfth Doctor stating what he stands for and standing on the hill on which he was prepared to die.
That was the end of his story. But - as often happens in stories and real life - it didn’t end there. He kept going, he started to regenerate, so at Christmas what we’re going to see is a man weary and tired and, having made his point and having made his stand and given his life for something that matters, he has to learn just how to carry on after that. But of course this being Doctor Who and Christmas it’s much warmer and hopeful than that, so in perfect timing walking towards him out of the snow he meets earliest incarnation. The William Hartnell version of the Doctor - played now by David Bradley in an astonishing performance - and the two of them are about to regenerate. Tonally it’s about saying “to hell with dying, let’s get on with living”. And what’s more Christmassy that that? It’s the turn of the year, a time for new beginnings, it’s the time when we start climbing back towards the light.
How does the First Doctor look at the Twelfth Doctor?
Well the Doctor never gets on with himself. Arguably he doesn’t get on with himself when it’s just him alone - we had the whole plot of Heaven Sent (in series nine) about that - so he doesn’t get on with himself even when it’s just him. But here I think we have perhaps one of the most interesting instances of the Doctors meeting, because the First Doctor as we know from the show is quite different from the Doctor we know now.
Ultimately he’s the same person - he has the same set of impulses and ideals - but he hasn’t yet become at home with what he’s becoming. If you look at the original William Hartnell series, the Doctor’s starting to fight the good fight, but he’ll arrive in a spot of trouble and generally speaking he’ll only help others out because he needs to get back to the TARDIS. So often there’d be a plot contrivance to stop William Hartnell’s Doctor getting back to his TARDIS and flying out of danger. Slowly that started changing as the Doctor developed as a character. He’d start saying “No I can’t leave yet - not because I can’t get to the TARDIS, but because these people are still in trouble and this evil is still in control. I have to help these people.”
Without noticing it, or it ever being his plan or his intent, he’s starting to engage with the universe and he’d be horrified to think that he’s starting to become its protector. Now, at the end of that lifetime when the First Doctor is facing his end, he doesn’t yet realise that’s what he already is. He’s already the man who rides to the rescue, the saviour of the oppressed, but he doesn’t own up to that. Now he meets the Twelfth doctor, and the Twelfth doctor has been doing this for so long. He’s used to the idea that he’s already Earth’s protector - an idea that completely bewilders his younger - except kind of older self. The thing to focus on this time, alongside the flourishes that distinguish the two doctors - it that they are at very different moments in their lives. The First Doctor is not quite yet the hero we are used to.
How did you feel to be writing your final episode of Doctor Who?
The truth about writing anything is that it’s always difficult. You can change the reason why it’s difficult, but the fact is it’s just always difficult! Throughout writing this I wanted to feel more about the fact it’s the last one I’ll ever write, and I wanted to feel more about it’s the last one Peter will ever play, but the truth is that the technicality and the difficulty and the demands on your creativity - all that overwhelms you to the point where you’re just trying to write a great Doctor Who story! That’s enough to contend with - you can’t have the real life drama of two old Scotsmen making their way to the door.
Once we got into shooting it, however, and especially when we approached filming Peter’s last moments as the Doctor which were done at the end of the shoot, we did talk more about how exactly he should meet his end. We were both very pleased with that final section of the script already, but as we went through piece by piece we thought there were ways to improve it so I’d be banging out new pages each night for us to discuss on set each day. That was so enjoyable and exciting to do - to really feel that we were getting his send off right - that in a way it took whatever emotions we were both having about leaving and put them on screen where they belong. By the time we got to that part of filming I think Peter and I were probably the least emotional on set because we’d put it all in the show!
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ebaeschnbliah · 7 years
Am I the current king of England ... or are we here to see the queen?
Just like Mycroft is strongly connected with the term 'QUEEN', Sherlock is more than once connected to the 'KING'. In a way, both ot them represent 'ENGLAND/LONDON' with Mycroft as the Government, Sherlock as the countly, the city, the body ...  and Baker Street 221b as the metaphorical heart of it. The voice given to that heart seems to be Mrs. Hudson but also John. 
Mrs Hudson leave Baker Street? England would fall.
Once in a while Mycroft, in his function as government (brain), turns up - spying, controlling, offering dubious cases. Then John Watson moves in and 'takes the room upstairs'. John just came back from the East - from the battlefields of Afghanistan - scarred and badly wounded. Walking at the side of Sherlock Holmes, he sets his feet now onto a different kind of 'battlefield' ... as the brain tells him.
Most people blunder round this city, and all they see are streets and shops and cars. When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield. You’ve seen it already, haven’t you?
On another day in the story Sherlock comes back from the East as well - from imprisonment and torture in Serbia - scarred and wounded himself. Most urgently summoned by his brain (Mycroft) because 'there's going to be a terror strike on London - a big one'. (terrorists=emotions)
Just put me back in London. I need to get to know the place again, breathe it in – feel every quiver of its beating heart.
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Sherlock clearly enjoys HIS big city ... London. Seems he is indeed a 'city boy' just like his mirror Edward Van Coon in TBB. It doesn't seem likely that Sherlock could bear to live somewhere else for a longer period of time.
London. It’s like a great cesspool into which all kinds of criminals, agents and drifters are irresistibly drained.
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And it looks like John Watson has very similar feelings where London is concerned ...
I returned to England with my health irretrievably ruined and my future bleak. Under such circumstances, I naturally gravitated to London, that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are drained.
But of course, this is from TAB and therefore in Sherlock's own head. What goes on in his head though? Is he considering how John might have felt upon returning from the war in Afghanistan .... or is he reliving his own return from his own 'war' back in TEH?
And then - when Sherlock, John and Mycroft encounter the 'final problem' - all three of them decide to be soldiers that day. Even Mycroft .....
JOHN: Today we have to be soldiers, Mycroft, soldiers ... 
SHERLOCK: Soldiers today.
SHERLOCK: Soldiers? JOHN: Soldiers.
MYCROFT: Today, we are soldiers.
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Playing once more with a methaphorical reading of Sherlock BBC where England/London represents Sherlock's body. It's part of a thread I decided to call 'Sherlock deducing Sherlock'. And of course, this is just one of several threads running through this story ... side by side .... every single one telling a different story.
More under the cut ... mostly vexillology and history but also lions and dragons .... beware ..... :))))
England/London  ...  the body  ...  Sherlock
The government  ...  the brain  ...  Mycroft
221b Baker Street  ...  the heart  ...  John 
How the flag of England came into being ... the Union Jack
The flag combines aspects of three older national flags. The first version dates back to 1606 when James VI of Scotland united the crowns of Engalnd, Scotland and Ireland in a personal union, although the three kingdoms remained separate states. (X)
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the white saltire on blue background of St Andrew to represent Scotland
the red saltire on white background of St Patrick to represent Ireland
the red cross on white background of St George for  the Kingdom of England,
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Saint George's cross
Its first documented use was as the ensign of the Republic of Genoa. Later it was used by cursaders. The cross ceased to be a symbol directly associated with the "taking of the cross", the resolve to fight in a crusade, after the failure of the crusades in the 14th century.
The St. George's flag, was adopted by England and the City of London in 1190 for their ships entering the Mediterranean to benefit from the protection of the Genoese fleet.
From 1348 and throughout the 15th century, the Saint George's Cross was shown in the hoist of the Royal Standards of the Plantagenet kings of England. The combined flag form 1606 was initially for maritime display, later restricted to the King's ships.
The symbol has since been adopted as the emblem of several countries and cities which have or had Saint George as a patron saint, notably the Republic of Genoa, the Duchy of Milan, England, Wales and Georgia in the Caucasus Mountains of Eastern Europe.  (X)
Georgia and Tiblisi
Regarding Sherlock BBC several important things happen in this country. In fact, Georgia is (though just for some short scenes) more heavily featured than any other country in this story appart from Great Britain itself.
That's Tiblisi. Isn't it beautiful?
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The legendary Black Pearl of the Borgias is stolen from a secret vault
The ambassador and her husband are taken hostage and killed
AGRA - the group of 'super-agents' - sent in to free the hostages - are deceived and get destroyed
One ot the important memory sticks is hidden in a Thatcher plaster bust manufactured in a workshop inside (?) or at least very close to the ambassy
A batch of those busts - including exactly the one with the hidden memory stick - is supplied to London.
The creators of Sherlock BBC could have chosen any country in the world for any of the events mentioned above. Why did they go for Georgia? Well, maybe .....
... the name, the flag, the coat of arms?
The flag of Georgia is also known as the Five Cross Flag. Originally a banner of the medieval Kingdom of Georgia, it was brought back during periods of Georgias national revival and served as one of the most recognizable symbols of the bloodless Rose Revolution. Since 2004 it is the official flag of Georgia.
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This Five Cross Flag of Georgia is a red-on-white version of the Jerusalem Cross. The four small crosses are officially described as 'Bolnisi Crosses', even though they are only slightly 'pattée' .... meaning that the arms are narrow at the center, often flared in a curve or straight line shape, to be broader at the perimeter ... like the Maltese cross.
The coat of arms of the Kingdom of Jerusalem were originally displayed in gold on silver. But the colors could be changed. Usually metal on metal, brakes the heraldic Rule of Tincture. It was justified in this case by the fact that Jerusalem was so holy, it was above ordinary rules.
The five-fold cross symbolizes either the Five Wounds of Christ, Christ and the four evangelists or Christ and the four quarters of the world.
If England represents Sherlock's body, the red cross of Saint George and the name of the saint himself connect Sherlock very closely to Georgia. And the Five Cross Flag of Georgia constitutes a connection to Jerusalem and Christ. Another Christ reference in this story it seems ....
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Georgia's coat of arms features an image of Saint George, riding a horse trampling upon a dragon, whose head is pierced by the saint's spear. Two lions are supporting the shield, which is surmounted with the royal crown of Georgia. The motto below the shield reads  "Strength is in Unity"
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Saint George's monument in front of the City Council in Tiblisi, Georgia
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The Tiblisi incident
When AGRA are storming the embassy in Tiblisi the 'Five Cross Flag' can be seen very prominently in the background .... it looks like it has been blown into the open window by a draft of air .... but the weather must have changed ... because despite the still open window and all the action in the room, neither flag nor curtains are moving one bit throughout the whole scene.
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Two life-size statues of lions are dramatically flanking the centre of the room ......
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Saint George and the dragon
According to legend, Saint George was a roman soldier of greek origin and officer in the guard of Roman empereor Diocletian. He is one of the most prominent military saints and immortalised in the myth of Saint George and the Dragon. While the veneration of Saint George as a soldier saint goes back to the 7th century at least, the earliest known surviving narrative of the dragon episode is an 11th-century Georgian text.
The town had a small lake with a plague-bearing dragon living in it and poisoning the countryside. To appease the dragon, the people fed it two sheep every day. When they ran out of sheep they started feeding it their children, chosen by lottery. One time the lot fell on the king's daughter. The king, in his grief, told the people they could have all his gold and silver and half of his kingdom if his daughter were spared; the people refused. The daughter was sent out to the lake, dressed as a bride, to be fed to the dragon.
Saint George by chance rode past the lake. The princess tried to send him away, but he vowed to remain. The dragon emerged from the lake while they were conversing. Saint George charged it on horseback, seriously wounding it with his lance. He then called to the princess to throw him her girdle, and he put it around the dragon's neck. When she did so, the dragon followed the girl like a meek beast on a leash.
Of course, the story ends like almost any dragon story does .... despite 'meek and on a leash' the dragon has to die.
A dragon living in water, a game of chance, a damsel in dirstress dressed as bride, a knight making a vow, a dragon on a leash ....  well, well .... if this doesn't sound familiar .....
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The work of an unknown artist: Saint George and the dragon from De Grey Hours (a medieval Book of Hours probably written for the De Grey family of Ruthin c.1390)  National Library of Wales
Once more unto the breach, dear friends  ....
"Once more unto the breach, dear friends ... once more! Or close the wall up ... with our English dead! ... set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide. Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit ... to his full height! On, on, you noblest English ... whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof! And you, good yeoman, whose limbs were made in England, show us here the mettle of your pasture! ... which I doubt not, for there is none of you so mean and base ... that hath not noble lustre in your eyes! I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, straining upon the start! The game’s afoot.”
In The Lying Detective Sherlock quotes William Shakespeare's HENRY V, Act 3, Scene1. Among other parts, the last two lines of the monologue are missing:
Follow your spirit: and upon this charge, cry ....
God for Harry! England and Saint George!
Saint George is the patron saint of England and the protector of the royal family. His cross forms the national flag, and features within the Union Flag of the United Kingdom. 
Again - if England indeed represents Sherlock's body, the red cross of Saint George and the saint himself connect Sherlock very closely to Georgia, Tiblisi ... AND the hostage incident in the embassy as well.
Is this maybe a supressed and coded memory? Georgia representing England at some time in the past .... in Sherlock's past? Is 'Georgia' not a different country but a different time? Dead people in Sherlock's past? Did he triy/wish to save them, but failed? Because he was just a child at that time? And was there really some foul play involved? Has Sherlock told himself another different/better story, to 'get rid' of the painful memory of the actual event?
But this isn't the end of this post yet .... there are still more connections ....
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The Royal Arms of England
It was first adopted in a fixed form round 1200 by the Plantagenet kings and depicts three identical gold lions with blue tongues and claws, walking past but facing the observer, arranged in a column on a red background.
This design has not been altered since then. Over the centuries it has been variously combined with the signs and symbols of other kings and royal houses, according to dynastic and political changes occuring in England.
The present coat of arms of the United Kingdom used by Queen Elizabeth II includes a harp for Ireland and for Scotland a rampant lion surrounded by a flowered border. The dexter supporter is a crowned English lion; the sinister supporter, a Scottish unicorn. The Motto 'Dieu et mon droit' translates to 'God and my right'  (X  X)
(dexter & sinister = right or left from the POV of the bearer of the shield)
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During the promotion for S4 the Union Jack and the crowned English lion made their appearance together with a mysterious question mark .... and the term 'sinister' showed up two times as well in tweets.
Related posts:  The mirrored question mark   Question mark and eyes   Lions  Sinister & orphans   Mark's 'sinister' tweets   The sinister hand
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The flag of the City of London
It is based on the flag of England but represets only the historical City of London .... not Greater London.  The sword symbolises the sword that beheaded Saint Paul who is the patron saint of the city. (X)
(A sword is definitely no blunt instrument but a sharp weapon which can also be 'wielded with precision and without remorse' .... like a scalpel ...   :))))
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Coat of arms of the City of London
It consists of a silver shield bearing a red cross with a red upright sword in the first quarter, combining the emblems of the patron saints of England and London: the Cross of St George with the symbol of the martyrdom of Saint Paul.
Sherlock looking out over London ... Saint Paul's Cathedral to his right.
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The crest depicts a dragon's left (sinister) wing bearing also the cross of St George, borne upon a peer's helmet. (X)
(A helmet is part of a knights armour, worn to shield the head. Broadly speaking, a helmet is rather similar to a mask ... hiding/covering head and face of a person. No one is able to recognize who's relly behind such an armour. Could be anyone. It's rather similar to ... 'putting on a facade'.  Just saying .... :))))
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Two silver dragons bearing red crosses upon their wings are supporting the arms. The latin motto of the City is Domine dirige nos, which translates to "Lord, direct (guide) us".
DIMMOCK: I go where you point me. SHERLOCK (walking away): Exactly.
(Sorry, couldn't resist this bit of dialoge from The Blind Banker. It's just too good!  And John's words from HLV 'Your way. Always your way' run exactly in the same vein as well.  :))))
There be dragons .....
In the episode The Blind Banker (S1) the Yellow Dragon Circus comes to London to retrieve something that was stolen. Not the Black Pearl of the Borgias, no .... but something almost equally small and probably equally valuable ... a jade hairpin in the shape of a snake. Or is it a tiny Chinese baby dragon? Anyway, snake or dragon, both are reptiles. And the showdown of that episode takes place at a place called ...  'Dragon Den, Black Tramway'  
And the dragon references continue .....
JIM: Sir Boast-a-lot was the bravest and cleverest knight at the Round Table, but soon the other knights began to grow tired of his stories about how brave he was and how many dragons he’d slain ...
MYCROFT: He (Magnusson) is a necessary evil – not a dragon for you to slay. SHERLOCK: A dragon slayer. Is that what you think of me? MYCROFT: No. It’s what you think of yourself.
MYCROFT:  ... but on balance you have more utility closer to home. SHERLOCK: Utility? How do I have utility? MYCROFT: “Here be dragons.”
MARY: Sherlock the dragon slayer.  
Dragon or dragon slayer ... that's the question
Or could it be both? Is Sherlock not only the dragon slayer but also the dragon?
 "... in your case, solitary confinement is locking you up with your worst enemy"
Sherlock at war with himself? Sherlock fighting parts of himself? The dragon fighting his inner dragon? And even his brain tells him 'this is a war we MUST lose'. Could Sherlock really be that dragon himself? 
Well, it is said that dragons are breathing fire .... wherever there is fire there is smoke as well ......  :))))))
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All pics not Sherlock BBC are from Wikipedia and related to the sites I used for gathering information.   Thanks @callie-ariane for the scripts.
I leave you to your own deductions.
November, 2017
@gosherlocked  @loveismyrevolution @sagestreet @sherlockshadow @raggedyblue @monikakrasnorada @possiblyimbiassed @sarahthecoat @darlingtonsubstitution @devoursjohnlock @tjlcisthenewsexy @kateis-cakeis @tendergingergirl
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newstfionline · 4 years
Friday, November 27, 2020
A growing number of Americans are going hungry (Washington Post) It was 5 a.m., not a hint of sun in the Houston sky, as Randy Young and his mom pulled into the line for a free Thanksgiving meal. They were three hours early. Hundreds of cars and trucks already idled in front of them outside NRG Stadium. This was where Young worked before the pandemic. He was a stadium cook. Now, after losing his job and struggling to get by, he and his 80-year-old mother hoped to get enough food for a holiday meal. More Americans are going hungry now than at any point during the deadly coronavirus pandemic, according to a Post analysis of new federal data—a problem created by an economic downturn that has tightened its grip on millions of Americans and compounded by government relief programs that expired or will terminate at the end of the year. Experts say it is likely that there’s more hunger in the United States today than at any point since 1998, when the Census Bureau began collecting comparable data about households’ ability to get enough food. One in 8 Americans reported they sometimes or often didn’t have enough food to eat in the past week, hitting nearly 26 million American adults, an increase several times greater than the most comparable pre-pandemic figure, according to Census Bureau survey data collected in late October and early November. That number climbed to more than 1 in 6 adults in households with children. “It’s been driven by the virus and the unpredictable government response,” said Jeremy K. Everett, executive director of the Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty in Waco, Tex.
Tweet on spare change generates big money for virus aid (AP) Andy Larsen is a sports writer, but with so many games scratched during the pandemic he has spent a lot of time digging into coronavirus data and its sobering implications. Then on Monday, while he was sorting his spare change—some from a childhood piggy bank shaped like SpongeBob SquarePants—it struck him: Other people in Utah could use the money more than he could. His composed a tweet to his nearly 27,000 followers, hoping to quickly find someone who could use the $165.84. Within a minute, someone offered to essentially double his donation with a deposit into his Venmo account. Then someone else pitched in, and another. It kept snowballing as Utah Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox retweeted it, calling the effort “very cool.” “I figured I would help a couple families with Thanksgiving, or a family with three kids buy Christmas presents,” said the 29-year-old Larsen, who covers the NBA’s Utah Jazz for the Salt Lake Tribune. By Wednesday, he had collected more than $52,000. With the pandemic keeping people from getting together in a big way for the holiday, the online effort became a chance to conjure a sense of community, a feeling of being part of something larger. “It felt like it took on a life of its own,” he said.
How College Students Are Helping Each Other Survive (NYT) At many colleges and universities, from underfunded institutions to top-tier private colleges, many students have found themselves unable to meet basic needs during the coronavirus pandemic. Financial insecurity, previously accelerated by rising tuition costs and living expenses, has become even more acute because of the closure of campuses, loss of jobs and slashing of budgets. In response, across the country, students have created mutual aid networks: raising and redistributing tens of thousands of dollars to help their peers cover housing, medical costs, food and other essentials. Generally, students send in requests for small amounts of money, and network organizers will send them the funds using payment apps like Venmo. At its core, mutual aid is a form of charity in which neighbors or peers work together to help each other out on a case-by-case basis. The aid networks are entirely student-run, operating outside of any official college administration oversight. At Georgetown University, students donate cash to a central Venmo account, according to one of the founders, Megan Huynh, 20. “Then we have a funding request form for students in need—both undergrads and graduate students—to request basically like a micro-grant of $50 to $100,” she said. “And we just send them the money, no questions asked.”
Pandemic gave locals fleeting taste of a tourist-free Hawaii (AP) Line-Noue Memea Kruse lives on Oahu’s famed North Shore, where marveling at sea turtles, epic waves and sunsets that paint the sky orange and purple are a must for many tourists in Hawaii. After the islands required a two-week quarantine for travelers amid the coronavirus pandemic, Kruse rejoiced in the little things as the number of tourists dramatically dropped. It took her 35 minutes to drive to Walmart, instead of spending hours stuck in traffic as tourists gawked at turtles on the beach. Before the pandemic, as many as 30,000 visitors arrived a day. That dropped to several thousand after the quarantine mandate. “What the pandemic did was give us all a moment to pause, a number of months, to rethink everything,” said state Sen. J. Kalani English. “What it proves for us is that old model of tourism, which is, you know, mass bring 11 million visitors a year, didn’t work and people were tired of it.”
Macron’s Rightward Tilt, Seen in New Laws, Sows Wider Alarm in France (NYT) A rightward push by the French government is alarming civil liberties advocates in France and raising questions about President Emmanuel Macron’s positioning ahead of an expected electoral challenge from the far right in 2022. Propelled by a national wave of anxiety following recent terrorist attacks by Islamist extremists, two proposed new laws underscore what critics have called an alarming drift toward repression in government policy. One bill, which passed an initial hurdle in the lower house of Parliament, the National Assembly, on Tuesday, restricts the public filming of the police, a step civic groups consider a shield for brutality at a moment when law enforcement has come under more scrutiny for aggressive tactics, often from citizens armed with cellphone cameras. The other, still to be considered by Parliament, seeks further restrictions against Islamism as the French government has defined it, reaching into some aspects of Muslim life. This bill would ban home-schooling, flag in a database those deemed to “excuse” terrorist acts, subject organizations that receive government subsidies to a test of allegiance to “the values of the republic,” and increase strictures against polygamy, which is already illegal. In tilting right, Mr. Macron, a shape-shifting centrist who came out of the Socialist Party, has placed himself largely in step with public opinion.
German restrictions to last until March? (Reuters) Germany will probably have to stick with measures to dampen the pandemic into January, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday, while her chief of staff suggested that restrictions might be needed until March. “Given the high number of infections, we assume that the restrictions which are in place before Christmas will continue to be valid until the start of January, certainly for most parts of Germany,” Merkel told parliament.
It was never easy being an interfaith couple in India. Now some states are making it harder. (Washington Post) Marrying across religious lines has always been a challenge in India, a vast multifaith democracy where the pull of family and tradition remains strong. Now politicians in India’s ruling party are contemplating laws to thwart such unions, driven by a conspiracy theory that views them as a tool for conversions. At a rally last month, the leader of the country’s largest state warned of the danger of “love jihad,” an inflammatory slur referring to an alleged plot by Muslim men to convert Hindu women through marriage. Men who “conceal their names and play with the honor of daughters and sisters” should prepare for their final journeys, thundered Yogi Adityanath, the radical Hindu monk who leads the state of Uttar Pradesh. The “love jihad” smear is baseless, but it has become common parlance among members of India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party. In recent weeks, four state governments have promised to enact new laws to combat the purported threat. The new laws will deepen concerns that under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India’s Muslim minority is increasingly subject to suspicion, discrimination and even violence.
Coronavirus: Shanghai rises to become world’s most connected city (BBC) Shanghai has dethroned London to become the world’s most connected city as the coronavirus shakes up international travel. London has seen a 67% fall in connectivity in air travel, according to airline industry body IATA. Shanghai has risen up the ranks, and the world’s four most connected cities are now all in China. IATA says the pandemic has “undone a century of progress” for connectivity between cities. “The dramatic shift demonstrates the scale at which the world’s connectivity has been re-ordered over the last months,” said Sebastian Mikosz, a spokesman for the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Large transport hubs including London, New York and Tokyo have been hit hard by the dramatic reduction in flights in and out of their cities.
Ethiopian PM says troops ordered to move on Tigray capital (AP) Ethiopia’s prime minister said Thursday the army has been ordered to move on the embattled Tigray regional capital after his 72-hour ultimatum ended for Tigray leaders to surrender, and he warned its half-million residents to stay indoors and disarm. The military offensive “has reached its final stage” after three weeks of fighting, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office said. That means tanks and other weaponry can close in on Mekele, whose residents had been warned of “no mercy” if they didn’t move away from Tigray leaders in time. Abiy’s statement asserted that thousands of Tigray militia and special forces surrendered during the 72-hour period that ended Wednesday evening. “We will take utmost care to protect civilians,” the statement said.
It’s Time for a Digital Detox (NYT) Even though the presidential election is over, we’re still doomscrolling through gloomy news about the coronavirus surge. The rest of your daily routine is probably something like mine while stuck at home in the pandemic: Divided among streaming movies on Netflix, watching home improvement videos on YouTube and playing video games. All of these activities involve staring at a screen. There has to be more to life than this. With the holiday season upon us, now is a good time to take a breather and consider a digital detox. No, that doesn’t mean quitting the internet cold turkey. Think of it as going on a diet and replacing bad habits with healthier ones to give our weary eyes some much needed downtime from tech. “There’s lots of great things to do online, but moderation is often the best rule for life, and it’s no different when it comes to screens,” said Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University and the author of “iGen,” a book about younger generations growing up in the smartphone era.
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palioannarbor · 5 years
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As they have done in the prior years, the two broadcasters both equally possess the legal rights to demonstrate a Masters live stream in the USA.
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aniallstory-blog · 7 years
Chapter Fifteen
Note: I’m so sorry! I meant to post this chapter on Thursday night before I went away for the weekend and I forgot. Here it is now though and I’ll post another tomorrow to make up for the long wait! Enjoy :)
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“So we have the invitations,” I told Niall as we Skyped the week after his BBC performance. He was in Australia doing promotions, but as he said he would he'd been very dedicated to the wedding whenever he had his free time. “The first batch said Neil so I had to get them changed, but I'll send them out tomorrow.”
Niall frowned as he sipped a can of Fosters.
“Are ya jokin'? Ya spelt my name wrong on our wedding invitations?”
“I didn't spell your name wrong!” I giggled as I shook my head, I knew how much he hated being called Neil and I had laughed a tad longer than I probably should've when I first saw the mistake. “They must have thought Niall was a typo and changed it when I sent it to the company.”
“S'disrepecful,” He mumbled to himself. “Lots of people are named Niall.”
“I know, hun, but I got it changed so it's all sorted now,” I assured him even though I had kept one of the original batch just for my own amusement. “Have you picked out your best man and groomsmen yet?”
“I have indeed,” Niall smiled. “Gonna ask Greg to be me best man even though I'd rather have Willie if m'honest.”
“Then ask him instead,” I interrupted with a frown. “It's our wedding, Ni. Greg will get over it eventually, do whatever you want.”
He shrugged.
“It's not worth the drama. Willie can still be one of my groomsmen. Deo, Martin and Eoghan too.”
“That's perfect,” I smiled. “Gemma's going to be my Maid of Honour and then Charlotte, Abby, Sarah and Lucy are going to be my bridesmaids so they can partner up evenly.”
“Everything's comin' together!” Niall grinned. “Told ya we wouldn't need more than four months.”
I stuck my tongue out playfully and rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, of course. Those people who take at least a year to spread out all the stress so they're not scrambling to get everything done on time are so lazy,” I said sarcastically, knowing it would be a very hectic few months for us.
“It'll be fine, love,” Niall insisted. “I'll handle the catering since I know all about me food and bevvies and the honeymoon 'cause I wanna surprise ya. You handle the decorations because that's more yer area of expertise and m'sure ya can find us a photographer in no time so that's all there is to it.”
“I suppose you're right,” I sighed. “We have to find someone to officiate the ceremony too. Can priests even do it if you're not at a church or official venue?”
“Don't see why not, but I can look into it if ya want,” Niall offered. “I'm sure someone in London would be happy to marry us.”
“It's okay, I can ask around and see what I can find out,” I shrugged. “I know you're pretty busy over there. I've been watching some of your interviews, what's all this about you going after Katy Perry?”
Niall laughed and rolled his eyes.
“It's just a joke,” He insisted. “She keeps tellin' everyone m'tryin' ta get her number and m'flirtin' with her, but it's all good fun. I promise m'not.”
“I know,” I laughed. “We all know she'd be powerless to resist if you did start trying to charm her.”
“Not so sure about that, love,” He chucked. “But I should probably try and get some sleep. This jet lag is killin' me, but I got an early start tomorrow.”
“I'm sorry, Ni. I wish I could curl up with you, I could use a nap today too.”
“Yeah? Mean Marge workin' ya too hard?”
“No, Niall,” I laughed at his nickname for my boss. “I was just up late editing some pictures for the orders I've been getting. There's been a lot lately.”
“Glad to hear that!” He grinned proudly. “But make sure ya take care of yerself too, alright?”
“Of course,” I smiled at his protective nature. “But I'll let you get some rest. Chat tomorrow?”
“Absolutely, I'll let ya know me schedule as soon as I wake up,” I nodded and blew him a kiss, but just as I was about to say goodnight and hang up, he stopped me. “Wait! There's another thing ya gotta do before the wedding! Ya need to pick yer dress. Me Ma was hoping you'd let her help? She'll fly in whenever ya want her to. She just wants to be a part of it all.”
I smiled at the fact that my future mother-in-law wanted to help me pick out such an important part of my wedding, but my stomach dropped at the same time. It was the part that I wasn't ready to discuss yet. I was quiet for a moment before I realized Niall was still waiting for my answer so I pushed my worries to the back of my mind.
“Of course she can, it's very sweet that she wants to,” I told him. “I'll text her soon once I figure out when I can fit that in.”
“Alright, love,” Niall smiled. “Have a good day.”
I blew him another kiss before saying goodbye and disconnecting the call.
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“Hiya, love,” Niall said cheerily when he answered my call about a week later. “Ya alright?”
“Yeah, are you?” I asked smiling proudly. “I saw that reception you got at the airport. That was insane. Just wanted to make sure you made it to your hotel alive.”
“'Course I did,” Niall chuckled. “Bas does his job well. Was wild though, definitely wasn't expectin’ it. Felt like the old days with the lads.”
“Well everyone loves the new single, Ni,” I reminded him as I curled up on the couch with my morning tea, my laptop perched on the coffee table in front of me. “You deserve all the attention you're getting. I'm so proud of you.”
“Thanks, Ava,” Niall sighed happily. “M'so grateful for it all, ya know? Never thought the response would be this big to me going out on me own.”
“I did,” I scoffed. “All four of you are talented. Being in a band together made for some really great music, but being apart really showcases your skills as individuals and I'm not even a tiny bit surprised at the success any of you have had.”
“Still very surreal when hoards of teenage girls are screamin' at me,” Niall pointed out. “Not the kind of reaction I'll ever get used ta.”
“No, I bet not,” I giggled.
The conversation moved on to how his flight there had been, his schedule for the next few days and how things were going for me in London, but it didn't take long for Niall to get back to the topic I was trying to avoid.
“I heard from me Ma yesterday by the way and she said ya still haven't gotten in touch about picking yer dress,” He told me, causing a knot form in my stomach.
“Oh yeah, sorry. I've just been really busy with everything else, I still haven't picked a time for that yet.”
It wasn't a lie, I had been busy with everything else, but I had been prioritizing those things for a reason. Something Niall copped on to faster than I had expected.
“Picking out yer dress is supposed t’be top of the list for most brides, isn't it?” He asked, his tone conveying it was more of a statement than a question. “You've found a photographer, made the invitations, finalized a guest list, started lookin' for someone to officiate, but ya haven't put any thought into yer dress yet?”
I hesitated for a moment before I answered.
My voice was quiet and questioning and I heard Niall sigh.
“The tables have turned now, haven't they, love?” He asked. “There's somethin' yer not tellin' me, some reason you don't want to talk about this. You've brushed me off every time I've asked. If ya don't want me Ma to help pick yer dress, I can just tell her. She won't be offended.”
“No, Niall! That's absolutely not the issue,” I rushed to assure him, not wanting him to think for a minute that I didn't appreciate his mum's interest in helping. “It's not a big deal, really.”
“But there is somethin'?” He questioned. I could practically hear his brain working as he tried to figure it out. “It's not what ya said about needin' to lose weight first, is it? I know ya have to try not to lose weight once ya get yer dress fitted, Denise was all stressed out about that before their wedding so is that why yer putting it off? Honestly ya don't need to lose a pound. You're beautiful just the way ya are and if anyone says otherwise they can fuck right off. No real fan of mine would say a bad thing about ya, 'specially not somethin' like that.”
That wasn't exactly true, 'real fans' of his had said horrible things about me plenty of times, but that was beside the point. I wasn't worried about my weight.
“It's not that either,” I said quietly, nervously biting my lip. He was worried and I knew I had to be honest with him, but he would probably think I was being stupid. Even I thought I was.
“Yer not still mad about the time restraint and doing it all on my schedule, are ya?” When I denied that as well, he let out a frustrated sigh. “Well then m'out of ideas, love. Yer gonna have to tell me what's going on in that head of yers if ya want me t’help ya through it.”
I felt tears prick my eyes, but I blinked them back and cleared my throat, hoping he wouldn't be able to tell how upset I was.
“I want my mum to be there,” I mumbled so quietly I wouldn't have been surprised if my laptop's microphone didn't pick it up. But once I'd made the confession everything came pouring out. “Picking out a wedding dress is something you're supposed to do with your mum, you know? She's supposed to be there to give me suggestions, tell me what suits me and what looks awful because she totally would have,” I smiled through the tears that were blurring my vision. “She had a habit of not sugarcoating anything. She wouldn't have let me walk out there in anything that was less than perfect even if it meant giving me some tough love. I want her suggestions on what style. I want to see the look on her face when I find the perfect one. I want her to be there.”
Niall was quiet for a moment.
“I'm sorry, Ava,” He sighed. “Didn't even think about that.”
“It's alright,” I sniffled, wiping my eyes. “It's silly, I know. But this whole process is making me miss her a lot. I think about her every day, Ni. I get so mad about it sometimes. It's not fair that she won't get to be there and see me get married, she'll never get to meet you and see how amazing you are and how happy you make me, she won't get to meet any kids we have or teach me how to be a good mum like she was, I'll never get to know if she's proud of who I am and what I'm doing.”
“'Course she's proud of you, love,” Niall insisted. “It isn't fair and I wish I could change that for ya, but she's watching ya and looking out for ya and she knows what an amazing woman you've turned out to be. Probably wishes ya'd fallen for someone who could be around for ya more than I am, but I like to think she knows how much I love ya and how hard I try to look after ya for her.”
I smiled, my heart swelling at his words.
“She wouldn't have wanted me to be with anyone else,” I assured him. “She would have loved you. She always had a thing for Irish accents, she probably would have been pretty jealous that I found myself such a good looking Irishman.”
“I wish I could have met her,” Niall laughed. “And I know it's not the same and no one could take her place, but me Ma will never let ya pick out a dress that doesn't suit ya either. I know she seems nice, but she can be brutally honest too. She really wants to be there for ya and help with it all.”
“I want her to, I swear,” I insisted, smiling at the thought of Maura telling me how horrible I looked in an unflattering dress. “It's just taken a bit of the excitement out of it, you know? Everything else has been fine, but doing this without my mum just won't be the same. I'll get over it though and pick a date soon.”
“Ya don't need to get over it,” Niall said gently. “Yer allowed ta be upset, yer allowed to miss her. Just don't let it ruin things yer supposed to be excited about too much, yeah? She wouldn't have wanted that. She'll be there with ya when yer picking out a dress anyway even if ya can't see her.”
“You're right,” I smiled, wiping my eyes on my sleeve. “Thanks for the pep talk, hun.”
“Anytime, Darlin'. S'what m'here for,” He assured me. “Wish I could give ya big hug though. Don't like being away from me girl when she's sad.”
“You're too sweet,” I giggled. “I wish you could give me a hug too, but I'll be alright. I'll pick a date at some point today and talk to your mum later.”
“Sounds good, love,” Niall agreed. “But I gotta run, have another interview coming up in a few minutes. I'll text ya later, alright?”
“Alright. Good luck with your interview. I love you, Niall.”
“Love you too, Ava.”
I blew him a kiss, we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. It felt good to get my sadness off my chest, but it didn't make it disappear. Nothing in the world would change the fact that my mum wouldn't be able to help me pick my wedding dress or see me on the big day.
I felt more tears well up in my eyes and before I knew it I was sobbing right there on our couch. I let it all out. All the fear of not having her guidance, the anger at the unfairness of it all and the sadness that after all those times we'd talked about what my wedding would be like when I was younger, she wouldn't get to share it with me now it was actually happening. I cried and cried until there were no more tears left before grabbing a tissue off the coffee table and blowing my nose.
Sometimes there's pain in life that you just need to feel and despite the fact that no amount of tears or tantrums would bring my mum back, this was still a pain that I had to get out of my system every once in a while even six years later.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Charlton v Cardiff, plus EFL build-up
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Charlton v Cardiff, plus EFL build-up
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Live Reporting
By Brendon Mitchell
All times stated are UK
35 mins
Post update
Charlton 1-0 Cardiff
That’s a bit more like it from Gary Madine, again running across his marker but this time actually getting his header on target. It’s straight into the arms of Dillon Phillips, however.
This is his 21st league appearance for the Bluebirds and he’s yet to score for them.
32 mins
Post update
Charlton 1-0 Cardiff
Cardiff are a bit unlucky to find themselves behind, although they’re not really turning their good possession and territory into genuine chances.
Gary Madine, a £6m signing from Bolton in January 2018, sends a near-post header well wide.
29 mins
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Charlton 1-0 Cardiff
Conor Gallagher has been one of the early stars of this Championship this season and, full of belief from his goal, very nearly creates a second for his side.
Cutting inside onto his right foot, he sends in a teasing come-and-tap-me-in delivery flashing across the six-yard box.
Unfortunately for the Chelsea loanee, nobody in a red shirt reacted quickly enough.
Could Gallagher find himself in Frank Lampard’s team next season?
26 mins
Post update
Charlton 1-0 Cardiff
Jonathan Leko can be some player on his day, full of pace and trickery, but he’s not having his finest afternoon here so far.
First he blocks a shot from Addicks team-mate Erhun Oztumer and then he fails to properly connect with a low cross when well placed about eight yards out.
23 mins
Post update
Charlton 1-0 Cardiff
You have to say, looking at that replay Callum Paterson has every right to be annoyed. He’s 100% clipped by Deji Oshilaja as he went to shoot first time and Cardiff should’ve had a penalty.
Bluebirds boss Neil Harris is fuming, still remonstrating with the fourth official. And he’s not even seen the replay I’ve just seen.
22 mins
Post update
Charlton 1-0 Cardiff
Callum Paterson’s a proper bruiser, isn’t he? The big Cardiff frontman is sporting a moustache for ‘Movember’, too, and it only serves to make him look even more intimidating than usual.
He goes shoulder to shoulder with Charlton defender Deji Oshilaja but the linesman flags for a free-kick against him.
Moments later, his frustration with the officials grows even deeper when he goes tumbling in the area only for the referee to wave away his appeals.
18 mins
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Charlton 1-0 Cardiff
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Rex FeaturesCopyright: Rex Features
The Addicks are without a win in four games, losing three of those, and in truth they’d started like a team low on confidence here too.
A sixth goal of the season for Conor Gallagher has certainly got the crowd up.
15 mins
Post update
Charlton 1-0 Cardiff
In Fantasy Football parlance Jonathan Leko gets the assist there, but it just looks funnier with every passing replay. He ended up kicking the ball against his standing foot.
What now for new Bluebirds boss Neil Harris?!
13 mins
GOAL: Charlton 1-0 Cardiff
Conor Gallagher
And, against the run of play, Charlton lead.
There’s a bit of everything in this goal. Macauley Bonne’s excellent burst of pace and low cross is then let down by a comical miskick from Jonathan Leko, but fortunately for the Addicks it drops straight toConor Gallagherand the Chelsea loanee pokes into the bottom corner.
11 mins
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Charlton 0-0 Cardiff
The away side have started to take control in the past few minutes and now they’ve created the first big chance of the game too.
After Nathaniel Mendez-Laing does brilliantly to squeeze between two Charlton defenders and get into a crossing position, Callum Paterson can only flash a near-post snapshot wide of the upright.
Should he do better? Quite probably.
10 mins
Post update
Charlton 0-0 Cardiff
There was a stat doing the rounds when Cardiff lost to Bristol City before the international break that centre-half Aden Flint had enjoyed more touches inside opposition penalty areas than any other Bluebirds player in 2019-20.
Predictably, he’s the target for the set-piece but Charlton manage to get it clear.
8 mins
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Charlton 0-0 Cardiff
Gary Madine is making his first Cardiff start of the season today and he earns an early free-kick inside the Charlton half.
The visitors play it short and eventually work the ball over to Junior Hoilett, who gets to the byline and wins the game’s first corner.
6 mins
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Charlton 0-0 Cardiff
It’s been pretty attritional stuff in the early stages, with the action almost exclusively taking place in the middle third of the field.
The Bluebirds are without an away win so far this season and they’ve made a cagey start here too.
3 mins
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Charlton 0-0 Cardiff
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Having not touched the ball at all inside the opening 60 seconds, Cardiff win a free-kick when Wales full-back Adam Matthews brings down Junior Hoilett.
What are we expecting from the new Cardiff City? Many suggest it’ll be much the same under Neil Harris as it was under Neil Warnock, but please do let us know what you think by using#bbceflon social media.
1 min
Charlton 0-0 Cardiff
The Addicks get us up and running, kicking from right to left as we watch on, towards the contingent of away supporters behind Neil Etheridge’s goal.
Posted at 12:2912:29
The teams are out…
Charlton v Cardiff (12:30 GMT)
The two teams have already made their way out onto the turf, Charlton in their usual red and white home kit and Cardiff dressed head to toe in blue.
Kick-off is just a few moments away.
Posted at 12:2712:27
Team news
Charlton v Cardiff (12:30 GMT)
Both managers have made two changes for this match, with Neil Harris naming Callum Paterson and Gary Madine in his first Cardiff City starting XI.
Charlton:Phillips, Matthews, Purrington, Oshilaja, Lockyer, Pearce, Gallagher, Leko, Bonne, Cullen, Oztumer.
Subs:Maynard-Brewer, Morgan, Solly, Sarr, Davison, Doughty.
Cardiff:Etheridge, Peltier, Nelson, Flint, Bennett, Pack, Bacuna, Mendez-Laing, Hoilett, Madine, Paterson.
Subs:Smithies, Morrison, Coxe, Vaulks, Murphy, Tomlin, Bogle.
Posted at 12:2512:25
Post update
Charlton v Cardiff (12:30 GMT)
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
As I’ve already mentioned, we begin today at The Valley, where Neil Harris will be taking charge of his first match as Cardiff City manager.
The former Millwall boss has replaced Neil Warnock, who parted company with the Bluebirds following their 1-0 home defeat by Bristol City.
Harris was in attendance as Wales beat Hungary to qualify for Euro 2020 on Wednesday – and has said this week that he hopes to tap into that feel-good factor.
“I think that’s lifted everybody in the vicinity,” he said. “Hopefully we take that goodwill and good spirit into the weekend at Charlton.”
Posted at 12:2312:23
Kamara double sees Fulham beat QPR
Friday: Fulham 2-1 QPR
This round of English Football League fixtures got under way last night, as stand-in striker Aboubakar Kamara scored twice to give Fulham victory over Queens Park Rangers to move up to fourth in the Championship table.
Kamara, brought in to replace suspended top scorer Aleksandar Mitrovic, coolly took his chances after Rangers stunned the hosts with an early goal.
You can read Andrew Aloia’s full match report by clicking the link below.
Posted at 12:2012:20
Championship fixtures
Kick-off 15:00 GMT unless stated
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PA MediaCopyright: PA Media
We start off at The Valley this afternoon asCharlton AthletichostCardiff City,with nine more Championship matches kicking-off at 15:00 GMT.
LeadersWest Bromwich AlbionhostSheffield Wednesday,as the Baggies look to stretch their unbeaten run to seven league games.
Two points behind them arePreston North End,who travel toDerby Countyin search of a fourth win in a row.
Leeds Unitedare level on points in third and head to Kenilworth Road to face a woefully out-of-formLuton Town.
At the bottom, newBarnsleyboss Gerhard Struber will get his first taste of Championship action atBlackburn Rovers.
Charlton Athletic v Cardiff City (12:30 GMT)
Blackburn Rovers v Barnsley
Brentford v Reading
Bristol City v Nottingham Forest
Derby County v Preston North End
Huddersfield Town v Birmingham City
Luton Town v Leeds United
Stoke City v Wigan Athletic
Swansea City v Millwall
West Brom v Sheffield Wednesday
Read More
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kellyzeagman · 5 years
I don’t remember at all where I left off in my last update and do not have any internet to check (hoping it was during the start of the crossing otherwise this will be repetitive). Anyways, hello, it has been a long time. I am currently writing this while in hour 29 of my 48 hours of room confinement. I thought that writing this could take up some of my free time. Basically, I have caught the flu and have to stay in my room to avoid contaminating any others. Things spread fast on a ship. I’ve literally just been watching movies/tv and scrolling through old photos to pass the time. I’m very excited to get out and breathe some fresh air and get back into the routine of things, even though this rest/recovery has been appreciated.
I have to have room service delivered to me because I can’t leave the room but it’s not that glamorous because there’s a special menu for people with the flu. Rice, bread and a banana the first day and rice and potatoes today. Not very different from what I usually eat on the ship on a regular day. Haha just KIDDING, but kind of not. I have more than just that, but rice and potatoes are definitely a part of each day.
The crossing is complete and we are now officially in Sydney/ the South Pacific and have been for 2 weeks. The crossing was great because there were only 100 kids and we got to know them and their parents really well over the two weeks and things were smooth sailing (minus this ship itself- Australian/South Pacific waters are VERY rocky). I don’t know how anyone with sea sickness could ever survive cruising through these waters. Lucky for me, I find it kind of relaxing and great to fall asleep to. During the crossing, I was able to get off In Darwin, Cairns and Airlie Beach. Darwin was perhaps the hottest place i’ve ever been to. I didn’t think things could get hotter than Malaysia, but Darwin certainly proved otherwise. After a much needed delicious vegan lunch and milkshake and a walk on the beach, we were ready to get back to the A/C and shade on the ship.
In Cairns, the opportunity to go snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef fell into my hands. I never thought it would even be possible considering our working ours, but there was an offer for a discounted crew 7 hour shore excursion to go to the reef and luckily, four friends and I all managed to make it work with our schedules. From the ship, we took another boat with 100 guests/crew and had about an hour ride until we reached the reef. It was called Arlington Reef. It was really big but soooo small in comparison to the size of the actual full reef itself. I believe I heard that the reef stretches the same distance as Vancouver to Mexico (could be completely wrong but I think that is right). It was an unbelievable and life changing experience (I’ve posted pics). Just like most people, this was a bucket list item for me, but was never one that I actually genuinely thought I would ever get to do. I still cannot believe I can say I have been there, let alone with 4 new friends from all over the world and while getting paid to travel/work here. Crazy stuff. In Airlie beach we grabbed lunch and swam at a man made lagoon by the ocean. The people here are beautiful, it’s true what they say! And great accents. I think that Australia is probably one of the greatest places to live in terms of lifestyle, how fun to live by the ocean and have such great wildlife while also being so westernized. Best of both worlds. I wasn’t able to get off in Brisbane, as I was working during the day. Aside from those 4 ports, the other 10 days were at sea and very repetitive. Great sunsets though!
Before docking in Sydney for the first time, a few of us decided to wake up early to watch the sunrise and our official entrance into the Sydney Harbour. It was so great sailing in and seeing the opera house and the bridge, it was visual proof that we had finally accomplished the 2 week long journey. Didn’t feel real seeing the opera house, still doesn’t feel right that I’m here! Especially when I was convinced I was going to be working in the caribbean! I feel so lucky.
I don’t know how much Australian news is covered back at home, but many areas around Sydney and the rest of the country are experiencing fires. The sail into Sydney was definitely smokey and when we came back to dock after the first cruise, it was even worse and you could smell the smoke in the air and even in my cabin through the vents. I was watching the news and it said the air pollution was 11x worse than what is considered dangerous and people were not advised to go outside if they didn’t need to. Really hoping they get drenched with rain soon and it can all be over.
The first cruise out of Sydney was a 2 day “booze cruise” as they say. Lots of parents drinking and dropping their wild kids off to us to get rid of them. We are all glad that is over. There is another 2 day-er in Feb, and a 1 day cruise (who does that) following that. Not looking forward to either. Until then, we are mostly doing 9/12 day cruises. I think everything would be a lot easier if they were all just 7 days, but whatever! 12 day cruises just seem like a lot to keep repeating. Aside from occasionally visiting a few places in Australia, the ship will now be mainly travelling from Sydney to various Islands in the South Pacific. Last cruise I was able to get off in Vila, Vanuatu, Lifou and Mare, New Caledonia. The water in these places is indescribable. The absolute bluest water you could ever imagine and so, so clear. Most of these ports are going to just be beach days, which is not a bad thing. They are some pretty great places to relax and recharge on.
This is going to sound crazy and insane and no hate to the Great Barrier Reef AT all, but the beach that we went to in Mare had snorkelling that was ~perhaps~ better than the GBR. HOWEVER, it is impossible to compare the two. The GBR had enormous and colourful coral and clams and rock formations that were amazing and the best I had ever seen (The coral looked so much like bikini bottom from spongebob), but the actual fish at the reef were lacking. Can’t blame the reef though!!! It’s our fault as humans and our failure to get our shi* together to get the reef back into the pristine condition that it was once in. Also, in terms of protecting the reef, the tour and the ship took measures to protect it. While sailing around the reef, they actually had a special captain come on to make sure we were never going to harm any parts of it and that we were going in safe areas. The tour company gave everyone goggles and snorkels that had no possibilities of plastic pieces falling off. They also served a buffet lunch on the boat that had no plastic or waste. $6.00 from everyones ticket also went to reef protection and the guide was saying that tourism is important for the reef to raise awareness and to create money to protect it. Part of me did feel bad going to the reef knowing how it is suffering, but they made me feel better about it. I also think that having 100 people snorkelling scared a lot of the fish away, but it really didn’t matter because the views and life forms were still amazing and there were still lots of different fish. It was an 15/10 experience and everyone should do it if they have the chance.
Mare is a very small island off of New Caledonia and it had endless amounts of fish that were some of the most unique and coolest I had ever seen. So tropical and colourful. So many nemos. So I guess what i’m trying to say is that there were more opportunities to see countless fish in Mare compared to the reef. No hate to either, they were both great for different reasons. Both locations had me feeling like I was living in my own BBC blue planet special which like I said before, is my dream. I cannot wait to explore more of the ocean at all of these ports. I have always loved the ocean/marine life, but getting to experience it at this level has made me 10x more obsessed. Also, living on the ocean for 2.5 months has made a difference as well. Hoping and praying to come across a sea turtle. When I was on a royal caribbean ship in the Bahamas as a guest in grade 12 (crazy what life throws at you), we got to swim with sea turtles and it was the best experience, so I’m now hoping to come across it naturally. When we were waiting in line to get back to the ship in Lifou and Mare, I heard people saying they saw turtles that day. Very jealous but hopeful for the future. Actually, in lifou when we were boarding our tender back to the ship, some kids were yelling that there was a turtle right beside them about 15m away from where we were standing- how ANNOYING!!
I am excited for all these upcoming beach and tropical days, but will miss Asia for all of the food opportunities. Some of these ports have nothing there but a beach, so the food will not be as exciting as it was in Asia. Thailand and its pad thai/mango sticky rice will forever be in my heart. Oh well, onto new and exciting things in new and exciting places. I’m sure there’s great fruit here.
It is crazy to me that I am travelling to these new places when 4 months ago I didn’t even know most of these countries existed. I feel a bit stupid having been to them now that I didn’t know about them before. I’m still pinching myself and asking if this is even happening. I don’t think it has still really sunk in that any of this is real. When I walk to work along the upper pool deck I ask myself if this is actually happening pretty much every morning. I don’t know if it will ever sink in. I can’t imagine coming home and going to bed in my room the first night and looking at my ceiling being like “did that even happen”.
Don’t kill me, but i’m definitely missing the snow/winter weather a little bit. It is hard to get into the holiday spirit when its 30+ degrees and sunny with palm trees, but I won’t complain :) I just know I would never be able to live in a place that is boiling hot all year round. I’m a sucker for seasons. Also, so weird that Christmas happens during an Australian’s summer! Never thought about that before.
Thats about it folks. In 1 week I will be halfway done. Where on earth has the time gone? Some days it feels like its been forever and other days it feels like time is flying by. Now I just have to get through what I have already completed until I come back home (does that make sense)?
I’m thinking of this contract like a pizza or a pie- I’ve eaten alllllmost half of it and just have the other half left to go.
Gotta take in every moment and opportunity before it flies by!
Peace out!
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