#and now i think ill catch up on some things more before i play b*g3 more of finish the w*itcher or finished reading the last wish <3 !!!!
thedeadthree · 1 year
tis my birthday today !!!!!!!! 🌸💕
oh my god i am 24 today oh my GOD
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jovenshires · 9 months
You’ve probably been asked this before but what’s like your fanfic writing process?? Like how do you end up writing your fanfictions?
i actually haven't but i'd be happy to talk about it!! i'm actually writing fic right now, so here's what i've done in the past like. hour. im gonna put it under the cut bc its EXTREMELY long but if you ever wanted 'katie's guide to fic writing,' here it is!
i'm pretty easily distracted, so i've gotta make sure i'm in like. The Right Conditions. that means phone face down or away if i can (rn i've got to be on call in case my boss needs smth but you get the gist) bc i WILL just open tiktok or play a mobile game. even just now writing this answer i have picked up my phone and opened pinterest. i cannot be stopped so i try to stay off it and put it down when i catch myself!!
more and more often i cant even listen to music while i write - partly bc i tend to read my work aloud to myself to make sure it sounds right and partly bc my brain will be like "you know this song omg the words are in your brain" or "you should go look at what song this is bc you kinda like it". cannot trust myself even with sound. if i AM listening to music while i write, it's either the specific playlist for that fic, playlists with the right vibes (ex: rivals-to-lovers for iwks), OR anime openings bc. less likely to get distracted when it's not in english tbh.
(huge on all of the senses so i also usually have a candle lit. im super sensitive to smells so if there's an unpleasant smell somewhere around me i will be unable to focus <3)
all that being said about distractions, i think it's important to take breaks - dont just FORCE yourself to write. that's why i'm huge on setting goals for myself - deadlines, word count goals, timed breaks. like "okay im gonna sprint write for 10 minutes and then after that ill watch some of this danny gonzalez video" or "i'll write until 3:30 and then i should go take a break and read a book." im not always faithful to my goals but i try my best!!
as for the actual writing itself, i typically just go for it. i can usually see an image in my mind and i try my best to write that out/describe it as best i can. and then if it sounds wrong i just reword it again and again until i've got it. this is kind of where my reading aloud bit comes in - if it sounds right when you say it out loud, that generally means it sounds right in the text.
sometimes i'll just have a certain scene or just scraps of dialogue and i'll write that out and be like "okay how did they get here." i never embraced writing out of order until recently, but now that i have. no going back tbh i highly recommend it. rwylm and iwks especially had scenes WAY later down the line that i wrote first. just write what comes naturally and go from there.
occasionally i do outlines, but not super often, and when i do they're vague as hell. i think a lot of my iwks outline was just "game" and then "another game but tommy is there this time." i think outlines that go too in-depth kind of take away from the freedom of writing so. if it's for you then slay but its usually not for me
i try not to worry too hard about. the style/grammar/little things as i go. of course im guilty of this and i'll stop and edit my own works along the way sometimes but i've found it's best if you keep writing and then go back later!!
sometimes when i'm writing a new smosh cast member i'll go back and watch videos/compilations of them just to reorient my brain. i've done this a lot with chanse recently!! but i also think. it really isn't that deep too NSDKFNKNK like these are fictionalized versions of fictionalized selves and so on and so forth so don't worry about 'voice' too much im trying to kick that habit myself
EDIT: oh i've talked about this before but. as for ideas/where my fic ideas come from?? i truly try to grab from my every day life. oh i went to the grocery store today? what if smosh member a and smosh member b went to the grocery store. i watched a horror movie and you know who else could do that. otherwise i pull from music/movies/tv shows/other media and be like 'this but for smosh.' i really just be pulling from my life and repackaging it thats all. start small (haircut fic) and work your way up (homoerotic soccer epic)!
and i think that's it?? i'd like to think im pretty chill about the whole thing. (read: i am not chill in any way at all but im trying my best.) anyway, it's something i'm always happy to talk about - thank you for asking!!
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darchildre · 6 months
Gentlemen and Players
(Got distracted and so didn't get to part 1 before part 2 arrived, so I am posting about both parts at once.)
Hey everybody, get excited - it's cricket time! Everything I know about cricket, I learned from E W Hornung and Dorothy Sayers. Here is the sum total of my cricket knowledge: Raffles and Lord Peter are Good At It. That's it; that's all I've got.
Thing 1:
"Cricket," said Raffles, "like everything else, is good enough sport until you discover a better. As a source of excitement it isn't in it with other things you wot of, Bunny, and the involuntary comparison becomes a bore. What's the satisfaction of taking a man's wicket when you want his spoons?
The line about the spoons is so funny to me. I realize that fancy flatware is worth stealing and fencing or whatever but it's still so funny.
Being a gentleman thief who steals jewelry: daring, classy, dare I say, 'sexy'.
Being a gentleman thief who steals spoons: just the silliest thing.
Also very funny is Raffles pouting in his terrible straw hat about the cricket not going his way not five paragraphs after saying he doesn't care at all about it. Thank god someone properly illustrated this ridiculous moment.
Thing 2: "A young gentleman of the exquisite type," huh, Bunny? Bunny my Bunny, no matter how hard you try, you are not good at pretending to be straight.
Thing 3: Oh, poor Bunny, who is now more worried about being humiliated on the cricket field than he is about committing a crime. Let's be real - I too would much rather rob someone than be watched while miserably (and inevitably) failing at a sporting event. Bunny's a better man than I, because I would probably have faked a dire illness or an overseas trip or something to get out of playing sports in front of people, no matter how in love with Raffles I was.
Thing 4: Raffles' weird moral/ethical code is so fascinating. It would be the height of rudeness to rob one's host. But if you're invited somewhere solely because you're good at cricket, then you're practically being treated as an employee which a) is an insult and b) makes you not really a guest. And therefore it's not only acceptable (if still a bit tacky) but almost compulsory to rob said host, as revenge for the insult he's given you.
Thing 5: Aww, Bunny has decided this time not to get cranky that Raffles isn't telling him things, after Raffles rescued him last time! Very cute - let's see how long that resolution lasts.
Also extremely cute is Raffles' little training regimen of fishing and impromptu games of catch. One hopes they alleviate Bunny's anxiety about sports at least a little.
Thing 6:
...we found an enormous house-party assembled, including more persons of pomp, majesty, and dominion than I had ever encountered in one room before. I confess I felt overpowered. Our errand and my own presences combined to rob me of an address upon which I have sometimes plumed myself...
Because we only ever see Bunny with Raffles and therefore almost always at some point in the commission of a crime, we always see Bunny rattled and anxious, rather than in his element. It's interesting to imagine Bunny at his ease, who is apparently charming, personable and fun at parties. Probably, were he not worried about the police, he and Miss Melhuish might have ended up having a lot of fun gossiping about everyone else at the party. Miss Melhuish is clearly having a lot of fun imagining burglars with him and thinking about whose jewelry she would steal if she had the chance.
Also, the hilarious fear-inspired arrogance of thinking that he and Raffles are "two well-known London thieves" the presence of whom the police might have been alerted to! You have pulled at most three* whole jobs together, Bunny, and haven't run into the police on any of them. You are, as yet, the opposite of "well-known thieves". Literally no one knows about you.
Thing 7: Raffles taking his shoes off so that he can pace properly without bothering other people in the house and worrying (if only a little) if smoking inside is allowed is very cute. I love how excited he gets at the idea of both observing some 'professional' criminals and also beating both them and the police.
Also very cute is Bunny replying to his "My dear Bunny" with his own "My dear A.J.", the very first time we've seen Bunny call him that.
Thing 8:
I had still enough of the honest man in me to welcome the postponement of our actual felonies, to dread their performance, to deplore their necessity: which is merely another way of stating the too patent fact that I was an incomparably weaker man than Raffles, while every whit as wicked. I had, however, one rather strong point. I possessed the gift of dismissing unpleasant considerations, not intimately connected with the passing moment, entirely from my mind. Through the exercise of this faculty I had lately been living my frivolous life in town with as much ignoble enjoyment as I had derived from it the year before; and similarly, here at Milchester, in the long-dreaded cricket-week, I had after all a quite excellent time.
A) The idea that it would be a better and almost more noble thing to actually fully commit to being a criminal rather than the wishy-washy state that Bunny currently finds himself in is going to come up more prominently in later stories, but it's interesting that Bunny is already thinking about it, at least a little.
B) Except that we are talking about Bunny 'my greatest strength is not thinking about stuff I find unpleasant until I absolutely have to' Manders, so no conclusions will be reached at this time.
Thing 9: Awww, Bunny actually does all right at cricket! Good for him. I like that he and Miss Melhuish are continuing to be house-party friends as well and that she "said pretty things to [him]" about the cricket. (Sorry, miss, he's very cute but also very taken.)
Thing 10: Awww part 2, Bunny hearing Mackenzie grabbing someone in the hallway in the middle of the night, clearly thinking it's Raffles who's been caught, and flinging the door open to valiantly rush to the rescue! I mean, it isn't Raffles needing rescuing at all, but by god, he tried. Don't worry, Bunny - someday you will actually manage to heroically come to Raffles' rescue, I promise.
And also we get our first example of Bunny being surprisingly effective at unarmed melee combat but only when he's startled/panicking.
Thing 11: And then, our first properly happy ending, where everyone gets what they wanted: Bunny gets to feel a little heroic and like he's done something good, and Raffles gets to feel clever and to walk off with the best of the shiny things, and they both presumably get enough money to continue not having real jobs. Applause all round!
Thing 12: Raffles did not in any way need Bunny for this job. He does nothing to facilitate the robbery and any help he provides in distracting or hindering the professional criminals is purely coincidental and could have been expected of any of the other members of the house party. Bunny is not useful and it is, in fact, more work to get him to the house: Raffles has to lie to his host about Bunny's cricket skills and then scurry off to clandestinely play catch with him to get him even close to faking it.
Raffles just prefers having Bunny around, is the thing. If there's a chance of something fun/exciting happening, Bunny should be around for it. And if the party turns out to be boring and there's no opportunity for crime, at least Bunny will be there to hang out with.
It's easier to tell that Bunny is smitten, because he tells us all the time, but Raffles is totally head over heels for his rabbit as well. He's just slightly subtler about it because he's not the narrator.
Both Raffles movies from the 1930s are based loosely on this story (and its sequel, "The Return Match"). I cannot in fairness recommend either of them as good adaptations - they are both so straight that they feel they have to give Raffles a girlfriend - but the 1930 version is at least kinda fun, and Bunny gets to tackle a dude in his pajamas.** The 1939 version is a remake starring David Niven and Olivia de Havilland and I love both of them but it has been hit super hard by the Hays Code - barely has a Bunny at all, and Raffles has to turn himself in at the end, because the Code didn't allow people to be shown profiting from a crime. It's a bit depressing, really.
They're not terrible movies and are a bit worth seeing as curiosities if nothing else, but maybe just watch the 1970s tv show instead.
*Depending on where you think "Out of Paradise" fits in the chronology.
**How the dude got into Bunny's pajamas, I'll never know. /Groucho Marx impression
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shirogane-oushirou · 7 months
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gonna continue to puzzle over specifics when i'm forcing myself to go offline LMAO but. poke.mon au!!
ren started his journey in kalos with a froakie, but didn't get far because 1) he wasn't actually that interested in battling, 2) he preferred photographing and studying the things and places he saw, and 3) his parents were pressuring him to do something else because his efforts could be "put to better use" elsewhere.
now he's working alongside many others across the world to find new medicinal and therapeutic purposes for various poke.mon (his focus of course being in fungus-based poke.mon + various kinds of spores). he's also skilled at treating spore-based illnesses. his current team helps him in his studies.
i just kinda gave my s/i the team i like when i'm playing the games (aside from scolipede, though i DO have a shiny scolipede that i love hehe). my initial idea was "ro gets through most of the johto league before getting into an accident that cuts their career short" but like. lbr. i've never been the adventuring type LMAO SLAJDNKJN, i've been a gamer and art kid since i was itty bitty, and any time outside was spent looking at cool plants and sticks and shit.
so while my team here was going to have a lugia in place of scolipede, i just don't think that makes sense. nah, more likely, i can imagine starting in johto with cyndaquil as a starter, mareep and magikarp as early catches, realizing the league isn't For Me, and moving to coumarine in kalos with family. once there, i could travel to places around lumiose and catch a venipede, be rescued by a gengar (based on a dream. as usual for me lol.)...
and i'm still working out the How, but i wuv sawk and need him on the team. i do get in some kind of accident at some point, so maybe he could help me-- actually that might work out sdkjkj i played b&w (and developed a surprising affection for sawk) just a couple of years before becoming ill, so it would Kinda Work with the irl timeline??? hmmmm!
but the basic idea is just: ren's passing through coumarine while on his way to one of the surrounding routes for his research. i'm drawing some pastel landscapes by the waterside, as a way to get some fresh air. i catch his attention, he starts up a conversation, and find we have quite a bit in common! and even though he has to go, he finds excuses to pass through the area more often... :3c just kind of "what if we were both Normal (tm) but also there were poke.mon?" lmao.
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riftdancing · 7 months
Softer question this time.
Question Three! Siyoh grew up in a bakery. She helped work it. She suffered for it. Does she still bake? Does she have a favorite recipe? A favorite food?
Siyoh's life at this point revolves around food and hospitality. She's dedicated her life to becoming a passionate culinarian and trades woman.
After the revolution Rex helped her reclaim her family's business by financing her purchase of the old family Bakery, which was at least still mostly intact. Now that the occupation had passed Siyoh wanted to restore the honor her parents had fostered before her and celebrate their memory.
She considered reopening a bakery, but with it brought many ill memories of living a life under occupation. Furthermore, since living in Limsa Lominsa she'd learned a lot about both Othardian and Eorzean cooking. Too, she learned many out West were not familiar with Eastern customs nor food, and this was something she wanted to change.
Siyoh is incredibly passionate about Doman (and Thavnarian) culture. She loves spreading the wisdom both her Mother and Father passed on to her about their traditions and culture. She's excited to share Eastern food with those who have never tried it before, and since the revolution brought so many new faces to the East it cultivated the perfect opportunity for her current business, the Umbral Udon, which operates out of the building which used to be her Mother's bakery.
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A now thriving venture in the East, it serves primarily as a Ramen Shop/Noodle Bar. However, there is an RSVP only venture in which Siyoh cooks a multi-course meal for a group of up to six diners she calls 'A Taste of the East.' This is mostly for foreigners but some locals enjoy participating too. The goal of this meal is to introduce patrons to an assortment of both Hingan and Doman cuisine and educate them on the historical and cultural influences and significance of each dish.
As a trader following in her Father's footsteps and working with a lot of his pre-established contacts, Siyoh has access to a wide range of the most fresh and delicious ingredients on the Eastern roads, seas, and winds. Further more, as the Umbral Udon works hand in hand with her sister establishment, Azuma's 'The Doman Dragon', they also have a large plot of land where they work their own fresh foods and ingredients.
Her work ethic, trading know-how, and contacts are what likely originally caught Rex's eye and influenced him to finance both establishments. But also likely led to the early attractions between both Rex and Siyoh, who are now romantically involved much much later down the line.
These days, most of the labor for the Umbral Udon is worked by staff which have been carefully curated by Siyoh. Why? Because she has moved her business further West to be more involved with Firelight Trading Company leading their Hospitality division. (You know, so that she can be closer to her man and not an entire ocean apart...)
Part of her job entails things such as curating the menu and management of The Fireside. Which is why if you ever attend one of the Fireside in game roleplay events, you might catch Siyoh make an entrance in the last 20-30 minutes before close to take inventory, see what sold, make adjustments to the menu, and make sure the staff and Baristas (like Mihli and Sarrai) are happy.
So she absolutely still bakes. I don't think she bakes for sale any more, but rather more as a love language for those around her and to keep the memories of her Mother close.
When Siyoh was still spending time under As'htola's roof in Limsa Lominsa, I once wrote about how she covered her kitchen in currant tarts. She spent the entire day and night making them, desperate to perfect them because she could almost remember why they mattered so much to her. And that Starlight, she remembered it was because of her Mother.
So food and cooking, also played major parts in Siyoh regaining her memories and healing too.
Food is her love language, but also a universal language. Food brings people together.
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zodiakuroo · 4 years
Love Thy Brother
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Pairing: Dabi x Fem!Reader
Content: 18+ dubcon/noncon, dabi’s canononical dick piercings  manhandling, rough sex, corruption, degradation, humiliation, manipulation, blackmail, spit, stepcest, loss of virginity, dacryphilia, mentioned breeding, blasphemy and sacrilege : 3
Word count: 4.1k
Notes: secured my spot in hell with this one for sure anyways touya-nii go brrrrr
part 2 here!
But he that hates his brother is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and knows not whither he goes, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. – 1 John 2:11
Gaining 4 new siblings as a young adult is not something anyone expects, you think, but you’re grateful to have been accepted into Enji Todoroki’s family nonetheless.
Fuyumi was the big sister you always wanted, kind and nurturing, always happy to let you borrow her clothes and give you advice. You and Natsuo the closest in age.  He was warm and friendly and while he teased you a lot it was never mean spirited, just the kind that was typical between siblings. Shoto was quiet in nature and though it took him more time than the rest to warm up to you, eventually you two became friends as well.
And there was Touya…..
Well, Dabi as he prefers to be called.
When you first met him, you were terrified, the shock of seeing him made you hide behind your mother instinctively.  The Todoroki clan looked every bit the perfect suburban family except for Dabi. He had his hair dyed jet black, with seemingly more tattoos than clean skin. He had several cartilage piercings in his ears as well as three small studs in his nostril and a barbell through his eyebrow.  He scoffed at your scared reaction, sticking out his tongue to show you the silver ball on its surface and sending a wink your way.
Admittedly, felt guilty for judging Dabi based on his appearance, but you would soon come to find that sometimes it’s better to trust your judgement.
At first, Dabi ignored you, acted as if you didn’t exist. And the times when he was forced to acknowledge your presence in his family he acted as though you were nothing more than a nuisance. You thought that you might have offended him somehow but Fuyumi assured you that Dabi was just like that and that you shouldn’t take it personally. “He just needs to get to know you.” She said.
She was wrong though. Dabi couldn’t stand you.
Everything about you infuriates him. Prancing around in those frumpy sweaters and modest skirts like anyone would bother to lewd you anyways. Lest they attempt, you wear that gold cross necklace everywhere you like a big old “PROPERTY OF JESUS” tag. Your insistence to say a prayer every time the family dog so much as farts. The way his entire family seems to be enamored by your church girl act. Perhaps what he hates most is the way you look at him, poor delinquent Dabi, like you’re so much better than him. Sanctimonious bitch.
Then he noticed how you were with Natsuo. How you would pout and whine when he teased you and sometimes, to everyone’s shock and amusement, banter back and forth with him. Let’s be clear here, he didn’t care about you. He cared about attention. You were giving too much of your attention to his younger brother and that just wouldn’t do.
Pretty soon, Touya was in on the teasing. He started out by making fun of you for being so conservative. Low-hanging fruit. You’ve heard it all before so it didn’t wrench much of a reaction for you but that just made him more determined. Sometimes it got downright mean, earning him a scolding from Fuyumi. Not that he would listen anyways
Then it got physical. It started innocently enough, Dabi would tug on your hair, snatch food out of your hands, kick you underneath the dinner table. Albeit childish, it was incredibly annoying. You would shriek and yell for him to cut it out and after finally getting the desired reaction from you, he became hungry for more.
So he started taking more risks. When you were in the kitchen alone Dabi would brush his hand under your skirt making you squeal. That progressed to him flicking up your skirt to catch a glimpse of your panties which progressed to him spanking you so hard, you’d think of him every time you sat down for the rest of the day.
On the days when he was in a good mood (read: stoned out of his mind), he would pull you into his lap and hold you there, blowing smoke in your face that made you cough so that he could laugh. Sometimes he would let his hands wander, over your chest and between your thighs while you squirm in his hold. He’d say “Anyone ever touch you like this? I hope not, I’m sure it would piss off Jesus”
As if the touching wasn’t invasive enough, Dabi felt he was entitled to your room and personal artifacts. Often you’d come back from campus or church to find the contents of your underwear drawer spilled on the floor. You would notice a pair or two missing when you packed them back.
One time he vandalised your bible with drawings of penises on every single page.
“D’ya like my artwork princess?” he said when you confronted him. In a fit of rage, threw the book at his head. You missed (unfortunately) making him like laugh. “Surely there’s something condemning violence in that book of yours.”
You tried locking him out of your room but all that did was make him angrier. He threated to break your door clean off its hinges if you did it again.
Which brings you to your current predicament.
It had been a long day. You woke up late landing you in trouble with your manager. Your coworker fell ill and you had to cover a double shift, with no shortage of asshole customers on this particular day it seems. On top of all that, you just got stood up for date. You come home to a quiet house and you’re so grateful for this small blessing on a day like this. After a long, scalding hot shower, you lie on your bed wrapped in a fluffy, white towel, contemplating your next move.
You were home alone and with a family this big that hardly ever happens. You do what any person would do after having the day you had.
You smile to yourself, undoing the knot on your towel and falling back onto your pillows, hands already caressing your breasts.
You’re a Christian not a robot. Of course you masturbate. Sure you feel ashamed. You can hear your mother’s voice chide about how sinful it is but that all melts away when your little fingers slide between your wet folds. Shame can wait.
Being the menace in your life that he is, the eldest Todoroki chose that exact moment to barge into your room unannounced.
You scramble for your covers trying your best to preserve some modesty but it’s too late, you’ve been caught. You shriek in terror.
“Oh my god!” Dabi practically cackles.
“Dabi! It’s not what it looks like I swear.”
“Oh really?” He stalks over to your bed with the predatory grin on his face. “Because to me it looks like my innocent, holier than though baby sister is a nasty, little, closet pervert.” He’s now straddling you over your covers, you want to fight him off but that would mean letting go over your duvet and you know once you do that, it’s over. Dabi has the upper hand though. Soon he’s got both of your wrists in one of his hands, pinned above your head. His other hand, almost immediately, is pulling the down the covers, revealing your naked torso to him. “Huh.’ He muses as he palms one of your breasts. “Seems like it’s exactly what it looks like.”
“Dabi! Get off me!” You squirm under him but he’s too heavy so it’s no use.
“Nice tits Sis.” Dabi ignores your protests. “I don’t get why you keep them hidden.”
“I’m not your sister you creep!” you say with as much venom as you can muster.
“Aw princess,” he pouts and moves his hand up to cup your jaw, squeezing your cheeks harshly “it hurts your Nii-san’s feelings when you talk to him like that. I wonder what our parents would think. Should I tell them how filthy their sweet, little daughter really is?”
He revels in the fear in your eyes. You shake your head frantically. “No Dabi please! Please don’t tell them.” You whimper, words garbled.
“Don’t tell them what little sister? What were you doing?” He smirks. His hand goes back to your breast, this time to tweak your nipple.
The sadistic freak. Was he really going to make you say it? He answers your silent question with a sharp smack to your breast.
“I-I was masturbating.” You mumble, squeezing your eyes shut, cheeks burning from embarrassment.
“No, you weren’t”  he says as a matter of fact before pinching your already stiff nipple making your eyes shoot open and you yelp in pain. “You were playing with your little virgin cunt. Now say it.”
There is no way you could say those words. Has he not humiliated you enough? You try once again to break free but he’s got an iron grip on your wrists and he’s sitting on top of your thighs. There’s no way you’re getting out of this.
He pinches you again but harder this time, twisting your nipple and keeping it there.
“I was ah­ I was playing with my v-v-irgin c- Dabi! Cunt! There I said it! Let go!”
He snickers at your pain but let’s go of you entirely, shifting his weight off of you. You’re grateful for the reprieve, immediately pulling up the covers to cover up your body again. You will yourself not to cry until Dabi has left the room or else you’ll never hear the end of it. But he’s not finished with you yet.
“Show me.” He sits down on your desk chair facing you, his legs spread wide.
“What?” Surely you misheard him.
“Show your Nii-san how you play with that ‘little virgin cunt’” He smiles using air quotations.
“Dabi, this is wrong-“ you whimper
“Touya-nii.” You furrow your brows in confusion and he says again. “Call me Touya-nii. I’m not leaving this room until I see what I want.”
Say what you want about Dabi but he’s a man of his word. You know he means what he says. The last thing you want is for anyone in your family to come home and find you naked in your room with your step-brother. It’s just better to do what he asks demands.
You slowly peel the covers off you, exposing your naked body to your step brother. He’s eyeing you intently, palming the growing bulge under his jeans. His sister was hiding such a hot little body, right under his roof and he had no idea. You can’t bear to look at him. You clamp your thighs shut to hide your pussy from him, a weak attempt to save what’s left of your dignity. You wriggle your hand in between your legs and you try to move it as best you can without showing him more of you.
You’re wet?
You’re wet.
Well screw dignity I guess.
“Oh none of that.” Touya scoffs. “Spread your legs.”
You obey him and he rewards you with a low whistle. “What a cute little pussy.” He murmurs so low you’re not even sure he’s talking to you. You flinch, wanting to close your legs on instinct but a firm “Don’t” from Dabi stops you in your tracks. “Show me how my little sister likes to play.”
His words make your pussy throb but you’re still reeling, both physically and mentally at, the shock from your current position so when your fingers try to rub circles on your clit, they’re shaky and sloppy.
“That’s pathetic. Is this how you do it? No wonder you’re so uptight, you probably never cum huh? Put your fingers inside, I wanna see you stretch your little hole.”
“Dabi I-“
“I won’t ask you to address me properly again. Next time, you’re getting your ass beat.”
“T-Touya-nii. I’ve never… put them inside.” You mumble.
“Never?” He can’t hide the amusement in his voice.
You simply shake your head, unable to meet his gaze.
Fucking jackpot. He thinks.  This is why he loves virgins.
“Oh no. Does the poor baby want her Nii-san to show her how it’s done?” voice dripping with condescension.
You’re horribly ashamed. Disgusted by the whole situation. And yet you find yourself nodding.
Dabi crawls on to your bed, discarding his shirt in the process. Next thing he has you flipped over, ass in the air, lying across his lap.
He spanks you, hard. Like he always does, loud smack echoing through the room. You cry out like you always do but it’s different this time. It’s different because this time you’re naked, on top of him. It’s different because you can feel his hard-on poking into your stomach. It’s different because everything about the situation is making you clench.
He grips the sore, reddened flesh and pulls apart your cheeks to look right at your fluttering hole. His thumb finds your clit and he starts to rub slow circles into it. “I meant what said you know. This is the prettiest fucking cunt I’ve ever seen.” You let out a whine as you feel his warm, wet spit land right on your opening, before Touya slides a long, slender middle finger into your tight pussy. He uses his other hand to hit you again. “You’re a good girl right? What do good girl’s say when they get compliments?”
Your head is spinning from his ministrations, so much so that a verbal response escapes you. You’re too busy bucking your hips against his hand. Dabi snaps you out of your trance with another spank, even harder, so your feel the sting spread across your glute. “Hnnghh… thank you Touya-nii.” He rewards you with his ring finger finding its way inside you as well. “Shit.” You say through gritted teeth. You clench around him trying to adjust to the foreign sensation.
Whack. This time on the other cheek, both burning red by now, you’re sure. “Where’d you learn to talk like that, naughty girl?” The way he’s moving his fingers inside you feels like he’s looking for something, you have no idea what. It’s not unpleasant but uncomfortable. You turn your head back to look at his face. It’s the same face he makes when he’s rolling a joint or playing video games with his friends. He’s concentrating. “Fuck, relax for me princess.” You’re trying. You’re really trying. You take a deep breath, trying to think about anything other than the way you’re being stretched.
Then it hits you. An overwhelming ecstasy, spreading from your groin, all the way down to your toes. You figure out that’s what he’s been looking for.
You find yourself grinding down onto his bulge in an attempt to escape the onslaught of his fingers, but it’s no use, not with the way his thumb is circling your throbbing clit.
“Can’t even take two fingers in this tiny pussy huh? How are you gonna take my cock?” Dabi gives you a third finger and the stretch is officially unbearable.
You can’t do anything but pant in his lap while he holds you down, making sure that you keep still. Suddenly, you realise the gravity of the circumstances you find yourself in. Your step brother is going to fuck you and there’s nothing you can do about it.
“God, please slow down!” You cry out. He keeps hitting that spot over and over. It’s too much. You look back at him with tears in your eyes, pleading for reprieve. The satisfied smile on his face lets you know that he couldn’t care less. You feel an orgasm building, stronger than any that you’ve given yourself.
“No God here, doll. Just the Almighty Dabi. And guess what? He wants you to come for him.”
Even before he finishes his sentence, you’re already convulsing on top of him. For a moment you forget how debauched the situation is. Being debased by a man who you not only despise but are related to. All feelings of shame are replaced by pure, hot bliss that sets your nerves on fire. Dabi does not relent. Not until the please you feel is eclipsed by the pain of oversensitivity and you’re writhing in futile attempt to escape.
Dabi pulls his fingers out of you and wraps his other hand around your neck, dragging you up to face him. He holds his fingers, covered in your cream, right in front of your face. “Messy slut. Clean them.”
Before you can respond the fingers press against your lips. You have no choice but to take them inside your mouth. He grips the back of your head while you lave your tongue over his fingers, sucking off your release. He’s keeps a tension on your strands that makes your scalp sting. It’s a silent warning to keep your eyes on him. You’ve caught on by now that he wants this to be as humiliating as possible for you. As if coming on your step-brother’s fingers weren’t humiliating enough. He shoves his fingers deeper, making you gag around them drool seeping from the corner of your mouth.
“Good girl.” He growls as he wipes his saliva covered fingers dry on your face. Again, you fight back the tears of embarrassment. You won’t give him the satisfaction.
Dabi prompts you with cruel tug on your hair. “Gah! Th-thank you Touya-nii.” You whimper.
“Hmm.” His hands move to your hips and he rolls his hips to grind his hard cock into your core. “You want Nii-san to fuck you now?”
Your bottom lip quivers. Is he giving you an out? You pray to God that Dabi is giving you a way out of this. You doubt God cares about what you want right now but still, you hope he can grant you this one mercy, you’ll make it up to him somehow. You shake your head no. You probably look so pitiful right now, naked on top of Touya while he bucks up against you, your own spit streaked across your face, barely stopping the tears in your eyes from spilling.
“Liar.” He sneers. “You want your big brother to split that virgin hole right open.”
You’re stupid for thinking he would give you a way out. You realise that now. No point in trying not to cry. Nothing is gonna stop him from getting what he wants anyway. You can’t hold back the choked sobs anymore
“Such pretty tears, baby.” Dabi coos at you. “Don’t worry. Nii-san is gonna give you exactly what you want.”
He picks you up off of him and positions you exactly how he wants, on all fours, swollen cunt exposed for him. He kneels behind you and you hear the sounds of him undoing his jeans. You turn your head back, curiosity getting the better of you. Your eyes find Dabi just in time to see him free himself from his boxers, which join his jeans bunched at is knees. The sight makes your eyes go wide. It’s your first time seeing one in real life. Were they supposed to be that big? And… pierced?
He quirks a brow at you, smug look plastered on his face. He strokes himself in front of you, spreading his pre-cum along his shaft. He’s tilts it upwards to make sure you get a good look at the vertical barbell that goes through his tip and three horizontal, parallel bars along the underside. “You look scared. Don’t worry princess, Big brother Dabi’s gonna make it fit.” You feel his tip press against your opening and brace yourself.
You’ve heard stories from your friends. You know the first time hurts but God nothing could have prepared you for this .Touya makes good on his word, sliding his entirely until your pressed right against his pelvis. The scream you let out is ear shattering but you can’t help it, the stretch is excruciating. The way his piercings catch on your walls only, intensifies the burn. You crawl toward your headboard instinctively, it’s too much. Way too much.
He’s not having any of it. Dabi pulls you up to him with a hand wrapped around your throat until your back meets his front. “Shh shh shh. Don’t run baby. You’re gonna take all of it.” He groans right against your ear. Without giving you time to adjust, he begins to thrust into you at a relentless pace. You have no choice but to let him use you.
“Who’s fucking you huh? Who’s making you feel good?”
“My nii-san. Touya-nii is fucking me so good.”
“Yeah fuck. Love this holy pussy” He delivers a harsh smack directly on to your clit, making you quiver in his hold. He laughs at your reaction. “Gonna say a prayer for me babe? I wanna hear it.”
“Huh?” You’re barely lucid, there’s no way you heard him correctly.
“Well you’re a little sinner slut now. You should probably ask for forgiveness. Pray.”
You’re sure you’re beyond salvation now but you submit nonetheless. “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your unfailing love; according to Your great compassion.” You gasp as he tightens his hand around your throat. “Against You, have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight. Oh fuck Touya-nii!”
“Bad girl.” Dabi gives you another strike right on your aching clit. “Don’t think God is gonna be very happy with you.” Dabi is though. Dabi’s very happy with you. Your tight, gummy pussy sucks him back in every time he pulls back. It just makes him fuck you harder, he wants to make you scream louder for him.
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Ngggghh Shit. Do not cast me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me.” You’re sobbing outright, gasping to get air into your constricted throat.
“You gonna cum? My bad girl gonna come for her big brother?” Dabi grunts into your ear.
“Yeah close Touya-nii.”
“Hmm me too.”
“NOT INSIDE TOUYA-NII” You begin to thrash in his arms.
“S’matter princess? Don’t wanna have your big brother’s babies? That’s hurtful.” He snickers. He releases your throat in favour of pressing you into the mattress, large hand resting between your shoulder blades. “Better cum before I do then.”
The ridges of his piercings rub up against that same sweet spot, over and over again. You’re dizzy from the lack of air and absolutely drunk with pleasure on his cock. Pretty much the only thing tethering you to this existence is the unforgiving grip he has on your ass, digging his nails into your flesh. He reaches his hand around to rub your sore, puffy clit. It pushes you over the edge a second time. You feel every muscle contract and relax as the waves of your orgasm wash over you, making you cry out in bliss.
As soon as you come down from your high, Dabi has you flipped on to your back and is straddling your torso. “Keep praying.” He mutters. He furrows his brows, huffing as he jerks off on top of you, eyes focused intently on your gold necklace.
“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me. Then will I teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will turn back to You. Amen”
“Yeah, fuck that’s it take it baby.” Dabi sprays his come over your chest, aiming his load right on your cross, a symbol of your devotion to Christ, defiled. He looks absolutely euphoric watching the ropes of his hot cum slowly run down onto your nipples and down the valley of your breasts
“Don’t you fucking move.” He pants, catching his breath. He picks up his phone and you hear his camera click. He looks at the picture and smiles. You look absolutely fucked out. Hair disheveled, face red and bloated from crying and completely covered in his load. Yeah a real good, Christian girl. He thinks.
“Dabi! No!” You lunge forward, trying to grab his phone from his hand. Almost effortlessly, Touya shoves you back onto the bed.
“Relax. No one’s gonna see it. Not unless you snitch to mommy and daddy.”
“You promise?” You grab the tissues from your nightstand and wipe yourself clean. The smell lingers though, along with the grimy feeling, seemingly embedded in your skin. You look up at him, sniffling, tears still rolling down your cheeks. If he were better person, he’d take pity on you for being so fucking stupid.
“Promise, little sis.” He shoots you a wink as he tucks himself back into his jeans.
Before he’s left your room he’s already sent the picture to his friend, Shigaraki.
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leossmoonn · 3 years
can i request a fic with stefan where the reader loses her memories (like stefan did in s5) so stefan takes her out to all the places that are special to their relationship and he tells her all about how they used to date and how she loved him and all and then at the end she kisses him ❤️
if not that's okay! have a good day and make sure to drink some water ❤️❤️
okay ill be honest i dont remember anything of tvd from season 4 and on bc it was just so boring to me but YES I CAN DK THIS. and thank you! i hope you have a good day, and hydrate too <33 mwah!
warnings / includes - mild language, crying, sad stefan, kissing, eating and food, talk about sex. oh and youre a vampire and grew up w stefan and damon :)) and you’ve been dating stefan ever since you two turned into vampires and you two have been married for 50 years! (yay) . not really edited
“can’t you just do your voodoo magic and fix her?”
“that’s not how it works, damon.”
“well, it works whenever elena needs it. just admit it, you don’t like y/n.”
“i do! this is just more complicated -”
“bullshit! i know you don’t know her very well, but we’ve known her since she was born. she’s my best friend and the love of my brother’s life, who, by the way, is about to go into a frenzy if you don’t fix her!”
“i’m trying! but whatever those traveler’s did, i don’t think i can reverse it.”
“argh!” damon growled, putting his hands under a table and ripping it up.
“okay, you need to calm down,” bonnie said. “throwing a fit won’t help.”
“well, i can’t just stand here and watch her die!”
“she’s not dying, she’s just asleep. the doctor said she will wake up soon.”
“oh, as if the doctor knows anything,” damon muttered.
“she actually knows a lot, and we’ll give her the treatments the doctor recommends before we try any magic.”
damon sighed, running his hands over his face. he looked over to you, tears prickling at the corner of his eyes. he walked over to you, holding your hand in his.
“please wake up, y/n. please.”
it seemed as damon’s wishes were granted. your eyes fluttered open, a soft groan filled your throat as you tried to move your head back and forth. you peered at bonnie and damon, brows furrowing.
“who are you? and why-why are you holding my hand? get away from me!” you hissed, barring your fangs.
“well, she definitely knows she a vampire,” damon muttered.
bonnie ignored him, coming over to you tentatively. “hey, y/n. do you know who i am?”
“no. i-i want to go home. where am i? why-why does this look so strange? hospitals at home don’t look like this,” you gasped as you looked around your room.
“is she still stuck in the 1800s?” bonnie asked.
“let’s see. uh, y/n, what’s the date?” damon asked.
“1866, right?” you guessed.
“oh, shit,” damon muttered.
“what’s wrong?” you frowned. “y/n, you’re in the 21st century. it’s 2013,” bonnie explained.
your eyes bugged out of your head. “what? how-how can this be? you’re lying! you’re some witch! katherine warned me that you would try to trick me. who are you with? wha-what do you want from me?!”
“okay, crazy pants,” damon sighed. “do you know who i am?” he asked.
you took a good, hard look. “you look familiar… like you’re from a dream.”
“good, good, but do you know my name?”
your brain scrambled for the answer, but it all came up was blank.
“no, i’m sorry.”
“well, crap,” damon muttered. “what if we get stefan? he’s been her boyfriend for like, a hundred and fifty years. plus, they’ve been married for 50. she’s got to remember him,” bonnie suggested.
“yeah, okay,” damon nodded. “go and get him. i’ll stay with her.”
“why don’t i stay with her, and you go get stefan. you might irritate her enough to make her snap your neck,” bonnie snorted.
“fine. i’ll be back in a second. try to use your powers on her,” damon asked.
“no. now go,” bonnie shooed away damon.
he left, zooming through the halls to go and find his brother. meanwhile, bonnie went to sit next to you, taking your hand in hers.
“what are you doing. i said don’t touch me,” you hissed.
“what is your name?” bonnie asked.
“y/n,” you said. “what’s your full name?” she asked.
“y/n l/n,” you answered. “why are you asking me this? do you think i do not know my name?”
“no, no. i just…” bonnie sighed. “what’s your mother’s name?”
“louise,” you said. “and your father’s?” bonnie asked.
“martin. and before you ask, my sister and brother’s names are anna and christopher. are you studying me or something? oh, my… i-i swear i’m not dangerous. i don’t feed on people. not usually, anyways. please, spare me. if you want a real vampire, catch katherine pierce. her real name is katerina petrova. or klaus mikaelson, his whole family needs to be killed. please, i -”
“i’m not going to kill you. no one is going to kill you. and katherine is already dead,” bonnie explained.
“oh, really? well, then ignore what i said about her."
bonnie smiled a little. “it’s alright. do you remember anything that’s happened in the last 24 hours?”
“no, i’m sorry. i must ask again, where am i?” you questioned.
“well, you’re in 2013. about one hundred and forty-nine years from when you were turned into a vampire. that man who was here is damon salvatore. he’s been your best friend ever since you were born. you grew up together, and he turned you into a vampire. i’m bonnie bennett. i am… i have a sort of friendship with damon. i’m a witch from the bennett line. i am here to help you. we’re friends, too, actually.”
“oh,” you pursed your lips. “i’m sorry i don’t remember you. i think i remember one of your family members, though… emma, ella, em-”
“emily, yeah,” bonnie smiled. “well, it’s good to know i’m in good company,” you sighed.
“yes, you are. oh, and there’s one more person i forgot to mention. he’s damon’s brother, stefan. he’s your -”
your head snapped to the door. a handsome young man stepped into the room, worrying filing his features.
“hello?” you frowned.
“it’s me, stefan. you’re husband,” the man said.
your eyes widened. “i-i- excuse me? my husband? i didn’t know i was-” your breath hitched as you saw the ring on your finger. it was a beautiful silver ring with a blue jewel in the middle, stefan and your name carved in the middle of it.
“oh,” you gasped.
“do you remember me?” he asked, coming closer to you.
you looked back up at him, furrowing your brows as you tried to remember. you shook your head in disappointment. “no, i’m sorry. i wish i could. what happened to me that i can’t remember my own husband?"
“travelers took your memory,” bonnie answered. “travelers? l-like the evil witches?” you guessed.
“yes, precisely,” bonnie nodded.
“well, can you get back my memories? you’re a witch, right?” you asked her.
“exactly! that’s what i was saying. i’m so glad someone gets it!” damon exclaimed.
“i-i’m sorry, who are you again?” you frowned. “damon. i’m damon salvatore. the best salvatore, and your best friend,” he grinned.
“oh, right - damon. and you’re uh, you’re bonnie, correct?” you turned to the brunette.
“i am,” bonnie nodded.
“and you’re…“ you turned to stefan.
hope was shining in his dazzling green eyes. his lips were pulled into a frown, his brows furrowed as tears clouded his eyes.
“you’re stefan! my, uh, my husband whom i can’t remember. i’m so sorry, again.”
“it’s okay,” he sighed. “you just woke up. you’ll probably remember later.”
“yes,” you nodded, “that’s probably it.”
just then, the doctor came in. she checked you out, telling you that you had to stay in the hospital one more night before you could be discharged. after she left, damon, bonnie, and stefan made up a plan.
“i can’t just put her memories back. i don’t have any access to them,” bonnie said.
“can’t you just pull them out of the air or something?” damon asked.
“magic doesn’t work like that, damon,” bonnie glared.
“what if we take her to all her favorite places? places she’s been to lots of times,” stefan suggested.
“yes! that is a great idea, except for the fact that she thinks she’s in the 1800s and most things that were there have been torn down or rebuilt!” damon seethed.
“well, then what else are we supposed to do, damon! we can’t just sit here and hope that her memories will come back. what if they never do!” stefan yelled.
“shut up you two! you’re scaring her!” bonnie hit both of them, then pointing to you.
both of the salvatore’s face softened as they saw your eyes wide with fear.
“look, she doesn’t know you two yet. she doesn’t trust you two. she literally thought we were going to capture her for being a vampire. we need to just take it easy and gain her trust, which won’t be hard, i hope. but i think that stefan’s idea is great. and stefan, you should be the one to do it. you deserve to build the strongest bond with her and to spend the most time with her,” bonnie explained.
stefan smiled at her gratefully. “thank you, bonnie.”
“of course, stefan,” she smiled back at him.
“what about me! i was her friend before you were even born!” damon poked stefan.
“she was literally a baby, damon. she didn’t even know who you were,” stefan scoffed.
“oh, she did. and she loved playing peek-a-boo with me,” damon huffed.
“well, i’ve been her actual best friend just a few months after she was born. you’ve been like the brother she’s never had,” stefan stated.
“same difference.” damon rolled his eyes.
“b-bonnie?” you stammered.
“yeah, what do you need?” bonnie came over to you immediately.
“um, i need to use the bathroom.” you whispered.
“oh, yeah, of course. gentlemen, please exit the room.” bonnie said to the two men.
“alright. hey, y/n, you hungry? we can get you something to eat,” damon asked.
“yes. i’m famished, honestly. um, can i have some meatloaf, please? with some wine?” you requested.
“um, y/n, i’m afraid to inform you that -” damon started, but stefan cut him off.
“we’ll see what we can find,” stefan said.
“thank you… stefan, was it?” you guessed.
“yeah. it’s stefan,” he smiled. “okay, c’mon, lover boy. the lady needs to use the restroom,” damon grabbed stefan, dragging him out of your room and shutting the door.
bonnie then helped you out of the bed and into the restroom, waiting behind the door until you called for help.
“thank you so much. your kindness is very much appreciated.” you smiled at her as she helped you back to bed.
“it’s not a problem.” bonnie sighed with a smile.
“will you be able to get my memories back?” you asked.
“um… no. not right now, i’m sorry,” bonnie frowned.
“oh, well, it’s alright. maybe it’s for the better. i can’t imagine all the horrible things i must have done to you and your friends,” you laughed sourly.
“what do you mean?” bonnie asked.
“well, i… i overheard you a little when i was waking up. damon said that you didn’t like me much. i don’t blame you, i mean, i can be crass and judgmental, but i’ve changed over the years. i-i think, at least. otherwise i suppose i would be dead from those travelers now. no one wants to help a horrible person,” you explained.
“well, you’re not horrible, at all. for someone who has been with damon for like, almost two hundred years, you’re very kind. you’re also very funny and you try to help people the best you can.”
“oh, thank you,” you smiled shyly. “um… what do you mean about being with damon?”
“oh, he’s just um… not my favorite person to be around is all. you’ll see,” bonnie chuckled.
“i think i have, a little,” you giggled. “but he seems to care a lot about me. i suppose he’s known me since i’ve been born.”
“no, he does. honestly, like stefan said earlier, damon is the older brother you never bad.”
“and stefan, he is supposed to be my best friend and lover?”
bonnie smiled, “yes.”
“can you tell me about stefan? do-do you know him well?” you asked.
“i do, actually. he’s so kind, always wanting to help people and be the best. i swear, he works himself to death trying to be the hero. he’s very level-headed and extremely smart. he’s more mellow than damon, definitely, but he has his funny, savage moments. he’s dealt with a lot of pain in his years, and you’ve been there to experience it all. in fact, he always tells us how you are his light. it’s really sweet. i wish someone talked about me like that.”
heat crept up your neck and you couldn’t help but smile. “well, i understand why i fell in love with him, then.”
bonnie chuckled, “yeah, he’s a great guy. he’s probably more rough around the edges now than he used to be, though.”
“well, that’s what happens when you’ve lived for so long,” you chuckled. “i personally think i’ve softened over the years. i remember when i was a little girl, i used to be so quick and temperamental. my mother always tried to reprimand me, but i had a mind of my own, i guess. or that’s what my father used to say. now that i think about it, i think stefan is the reason why i have changed. he’s seemed to rub off on me.”
“wait, are you starting to get your memory back?” bonnie asked, getting excited.
“no, i’m afraid not. well, not of current things. i just am remembering things about myself. i still don’t remember damon or stefan,” you frowned
“oh, well, it’s okay. you only woke up an hour ago. we’ll give it time.” bonnie patted your arm.
“thank you. you must forgive me, i’ve always had a horrible memory. and now with mine taken away, i probably will be a burden.”
“no, no,” bonnie shook her head. “please, you’re our friend. i’m sorry if damon made it seem like i don’t like you, but i do. we just don’t spend time with each other that much, but we definitely will now.”
“i hope you don’t mind it, then.”
“i definitely don’t, don’t worry.”
you two sat in a comfortable silence, stefan and damon coming back only a few minutes later.
“so, you can’t have any wine, so we got you the next best thing: grape juice. and we also didn’t find any meatloaf, but we did find some spaghetti and meatballs,” damon said, setting it all down on the table.
“oh, thank you two so much.” you smiled. you began to get up, your feet slipping suddenly.
stefan rushed to catch you, his hands going under your arms. your eyes met his immediately, your breath getting caught in your lungs. you fell into a sort of a daze as he lifted you back up on your feet.
“my, you’re handsome,” you muttered.
“thank you. you’re beautiful,” stefan smiled.
your jaw fell open, your eyes widening. “o-oh. did i say that out loud? i am so sorry -”
“no, it’s okay. it was really nice to hear that,” he assured you.
“alright, thank you,” you smiled. “of course. my pleasure.” he let go of you, pulling out a chair.
“so, i say we compel the doctor to let you go home now so we can get this show on the road!” damon announced.
“no, they need to monitor her-”
“she’s a freaking vampire, bonnie!” damon exclaimed in a hushed whisper. he then turned to you. “you feel fine, right?”
“yes. a lot better now that i’ve eaten,” you answered.
damon grinned, clapping his hands. “see? she’s fine. i say we get her into her room and let her sleep in her bed.”
“damon, that’s not-”
“excuse me,” you interrupted stefan, peering at him through your eyes. “if you don’t mind me interjecting, i’d quite like to go home. and damon is right, i am a vampire so besides my memories, my body has healed me completely.”
stefan looked at you for a few moments, sighing before talking again. “yeah, that makes sense. are you sure you’re okay to go home? i mean, you almost slipped -”
“i am okay, stefan,” you smiled. “these floors are quite slippery with these socks on.” you moved your feet to show them.
“right,” he nodded. “okay, well, damon? i assume i can trust you to compel the doctors?”
“on it!” damon grinned, rushing out the door.
“is he always this eager to help?” you asked. “only when it comes to you,” stefan chuckled.
“well, i suppose that’s okay, for now,” you hummed.
“yes. you are our first priority,” stefan smiled.
“oh, please don’t let me ruin your daily routine. like you said, damon likes helping me. he seems to not have anything important to do, anyways, no offense.” you lowered your head sheepishly. “but he can help me while you two go to school and such. do you go to high school still?”
“no, we don’t. well, stefan doesn’t, anyways,” bonnie chuckled. “i’m going to college in the fall.”
“oh, that’s wonderful! i see the women have made lots of improvements. what are you going to study?” you asked.
“research and analysis. it’s not really a study, but that’s what i’m majoring in.”
“wow, you must be so smart, then. good for you. i wish i went to college,” you frowned slightly. “
“you did,” stefan spoke up. “oh? what did i study?” you perked up.
“literature. you went around the world teaching english and literature. part of it was to fit in as a human, but another part was because you always had a passion for it.”
“sounds like me,” you smiled. “i loved reading so much. i remember my mother had to hide my books for when we ate dinner.”
“woah, you’re remembering things now?” damon walked into the toom
“not really. i’m only remembering things about myself and my family.”
“damn,” damon muttered. “it’s alright,” stefan said. “anyways, we good to go?”
“indeed we are. let’s roll,” damon said.
stefan helped you out of your seat. you took out your IV, damon rushing you to his car.
“wow. this is beautiful,” you admired his chevy.
“i know! she’s my pride and joy.” damon sighed happily as he opened the door for you.
“thank you,” you smiled at him. he returned the smile, getting into the passenger seat.
“i’ll drive her home, i-”
“actually, can stefan drive me? i’d like to get to know him more. he is my husband, after all,” you said.
stefan’s chest swelled with happiness, his lips upturning into a bright smile.
“i suppose. don’t total my car,” damon warned stefan.
“no promises,” stefan smirked, getting in the driver’s seat. “you know i’m kidding, right? i won’t crash the car.”
“i know, don’t worry,” you smiled. “great,” stefan breathed out as he started the car.
“this is amazing technology. so much faster than the horses.”
“yep. it’s amazing how far we’ve come.”
you nodded, turning your head to look at him. you looked down at his left hand, smiling a little as you saw a silver wedding band.
“how long have we been married for?” you asked.
“50 years. 51 this summer,” he answered. “how long did we date for?” you asked.
“well, we actually didn’t date until we turned vampires. as you probably know, your emotions are heightened once you turn. and our crushes on each other were just too much to ignore, we started dating. we helped each other out a lot, you helped more than me. i mean, i-i was a wreck. with katherine turning us into vampires and all, me killing my dad, damon abandoning me. you were the only person who stuck by me. you know, you were, and still are, my light,” he explained.
you grinned, “bonnie told me that that’s what you call me.”
“ah, she’s told you about me, then. what did she say?” he asked.
“well, she said that you’re very kind and are always wanting to help people. she also said that you are smart and serious, but that you have your breaking moments. she also said that you have experienced a lot of pain. i am sorry to hear that,” you frowned.
“bonnie is very kind. too kind, actually.”
“oh, don’t say that. i happen to think it’s all true. just from what i’ve seen today.”
“thank you. i’m glad i’ve made a good impression.”
“well, you are my husband, so i would think that what bonnie said is true.”
“makes sense,” he nodded. “so, where do i live? with you, i presume?” you questioned.
“yes, and with damon. we live in the salvatore boarding house. it was built for uh, well, boarding in mystic falls.”
“do we have separate rooms?” you asked.
“u-um, no. but, if you’re not comfortable with that, there are plenty of spare rooms-"
"no," you said quickly.
stefan glanced at you, eyes wide in surprise. you chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of your neck.
"u-um, what i mean is that it is okay. i'll get to know your quicker if we share a room. just um, let me have my privacy?" you requested.
"of course, of course," he nodded. "lovely," you exhaled deeply.
you looked out of your window, observing all the people walking around town square.
"so much has changed," you said, a little nostalgic.
"i know, it's crazy," stefan laughed. "but, i'll take you to all the old places we used to go, and the new ones you have gown accustomed to."
"sounds like a deal. you know, i'm excited. is that um… strange that i am so lively after having just woken up from my memories being taken away?" you chuckled a little.
"no, no, not at all. you were always really happy and upbeat, even on the darkest days. that's one of the reasons why i fell in love with you. you may not believe this, but, i'm kind of a debby-downer. you keep it light and fun, much like damon, actually. seems as though all that time you spent with him, as young as you were, you developed someone his behaviour."
"is that a bad thing? bonnie insinuated that damon isn't a good guy," you frowned.
"no, no. you're different. you pick and choose when to be a little um… eccentric. damon just says whatever comes out of his mouth, no matter what the situation is."
"i suppose that's another reason why you love me?" you grinned. "yes, you suppose right," he nodded.
"is this the boarding house?" you pointed to the mansion stefan was pulling in to.
"yes, it is. and, you can call it your home. that's what it is," stefan said.
"alright. it's beautiful." you admired the front.
"it's even better inside. especially our bedroom. you really know how to decorate." he got out of the car, opening the door for you.
"you're very chivalrous. i like it," you giggled. "well, anything for my girl," he flashed a warm smile.
your stomach flipped suddenly, a similar feeling to your heart hammering in your chest awakened. if your heart was still alive, then you it would be palpitating and ramming into your ribcage. you smiled back at him, getting out of the car.
you two walked together to the front, stefan opening the door without unlocking it.
"do we always keep the door unlocked?" you asked. "yeah. you know, the only people we are really worried about are vampires and well, you can't get in unless you invite them in," he answered.
"oh, right. well, that's nice. we don't have to worry so much about security," you said as you stepped inside.
he nodded in agreement, closing the door behind him once you two went inside.
"wow. you're right, it is better inside," you gasped. "mmhm. so, let me show you around. this is the grand study. it was mostly used by our nephew zach, but damon killed him as soon as he got here," stefan sighed.
"o-oh. and damon is supposed to be my best friend?"
"he's better than that, don't worry. you'll see, you'll remember," stefan patted your back.
"alright," you nodded. "anyways, right here is the library's and just out here is the grand hall. here is the dining room and the living room. back there is the kitchen, and next to it is the hearth room." stefan walked you around the house.
"it's amazing. wow, and to think this is my home," you laughed. "yep, all yours," stefan smiled as he heard your laugh.
he admired you as you walked through the living room, feeling around the bookshelves and the furniture. he missed this, seeing you back at home. before you woke up in the hospital, you had been kidnapped and tortured for two weeks before the travelers dumped you in the backyard of your house. after that, stefan rushed you to the hospital and about a day later you were awake. and now here you were, making yourself at home again. you looked so pretty in the setting sunlight. stefan almost wanted to cry at the relief of finally having you home.
"show me the upstairs?" your voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
"yeah, yeah, of course," he nodded. he reached his hand out to you, you taking it graciously.
you both smiled at each other, stefan leading you up the stairs.
"so, up here is damon's room. that's where elena, his girlfriend, and him usually are. they have so much sex, you won't be able to get much rest here," stefan snorted.
"i'll make sure to wear my earplugs," you giggled.
stefan smiled at you, walking you to the next rooms. "these are the baths. and right here is our room. every other room up here is a guest room, but uh, this is the main event, i suppose." he opened the bedroom door, letting you peer inside of it.
he was right, you were a great decorator.
the room had green walls, bookshelves on the walls, and a few plants here and there. there was a big bed in the middle with gray sheets, pictures of the two of you hanging above the bed frame. there was a desk and chair in the middle of the room, books and papers strewn all over the desk top. there were picture of you two all over the walls, making you smile whilst also crying.
"what's wrong?" stefan rushed to you.
"oh, it's nothing. i just…" you sighed, turning to him. "these pictures are so lovely. i-i wish i could remember these events."
stefan took your hand in his, giving you a small smile. "don't worry about it. it's not your fault that you can remember.”
"right," you nodded, still disappointed in yourself.
"why don't we go and walk around town? maybe that'll help get your memories back," stefan suggested.
"that sounds fun, but i don't think walking around will reverse dark magic," you joked.
stefan chuckled, nodding in agreement. "you're right, but, you're starting to remember your own childhood. we don't know what the travelers took from you, so maybe they didn't take the memories of you and i. you might just have amnesia."
"i'd love to do anything to try and remember," you said. "me, too. before we go, do you want to change clothes? you've had these clothes on for two weeks," stefan gestured to your ripped shirt and dirty jeans.
"oh, yes. i didn't even realise i was wearing these." you looked down at your legs, eyes widening at the fact you were wearing pants. "when did they invent these?"
"1873, but women still couldn't wear them until the 19th century. and even then, women didn't wear them as regular clothing until the mid-20th century," he explained.
“well, i’m glad that i’ve stayed alive this long to be able to wear these. what are they called again?” you asked.
“jeans,” stefan answered. he walked over to your closet, opening it and presenting all your clothes. “and you have lots of jeans. so, go ahead and get changed into whatever. if you want to shower then go ahead, the bathroom is to the right.”
you nodded, “thank you. i’ll be done in a few minutes.”
“no problem. take your time,” he smiled.
you returned the expression, watching him as he left the room, shutting the door behind him.
you went to your closet, running your hands over your clothes. you had lots of grey, purple, and blue shirts. you saw lots of ripped jeans, some were their regular blue and others were white or black. you chose a light purple, short- sleeved shirt and a pair of dark-wash jeans. you found a pair of black panties and a black bra to match.
you went into the bathroom, turning the shower on and undressing. you put your dirty clothes in a near pile on the floor as you didn’t know where the hamper was. you set your clean clothes onto the bathroom sink, jumping into the shower.
the hot water felt so good, it was hard to get out, but you didn’t want to keep stefan waiting too long. you dried off quickly, looking at yourself in the mirror after you got dressed. you didn’t realize, but you were very dirty and tired-looking before showering. you looked better now. more awake, clean, and pretty.
you didn’t bother putting on makeup, not even knowing where you kept it. you went downstairs, finding stefan in the living room reading a book.
“i am ready,” you announced.
stefan looked up, jaw dropping as he looked over you.
“you look gorgeous,” he spoke.
you smiled shyly, lowering your head in bashfulness. “thank you. it’s not much, just a comfortable outfit.”
“doesn’t matter. you look amazing,” he shrugged.
“thank you, again.”
“of course,” he smiled. “let’s go ahead and go, yeah?”
you nodded, slipping on your shoes as you followed him out to the garage. you got into stefan’s car, driving back to town square.
“a lot of places have been built or torn down. i’m going to take you to the places we used to go to in this century, then go to the places from long ago that have been torn down,” he explained.
“sounds good,” you nodded.
he parked next to the strip mall, getting out and opening the door for you.
“are men still as chivalrous as you?” you jumped out of the car.
“no, not at all, but i like to be known as a gentleman. it sets a good first impression,” he answered.
“that’s sad,” you frowned. “it is. honestly, most guys nowadays are jerks and are selfish. no one teaches kindness anymore,” he sighed.
“well, i’m thankful i chose a man who still cares about those things. it really reflects on what kind of man you are.”
“i agree,” stefan nodded.
you two walked onto the side walk, stefan lacing your fingers together and guiding you into a store.
“this is your favorite store in the whole
town square. you always rave about the good deals and i’ve bought you lots of jewelry here,” he explained.
you hummed in reply, looking over the store. “it’s quaint. i see how it would appeal to me.”
“yeah, this store is the most popular one here, i’m pretty sure.”
“the owner must be rich, then.”
“probably is,” stefan nodded.
he then led you out of the store, explaining all the other stores and restaurants in the town square before stopping and showing you a specific place you liked.
“this is the grill, the most popular restaurant here. you and caroline, who you have yet to meet, love to sing karaoke here. you and bonnie and elena, who again, you have yet to meet, play pool here and get tipsy on the weekend.”
“what is karaoke and pool?” you questioned.
“karaoke is when you pick a song you like, and you sing it with a friend, or sometimes yourself. a lot of bars have karaoke, and some restaurants do, like this one. it’s just a fun activity for drunk people, honestly. and pool
is this game over there. you see those people
shooting the balls with the sticks?” he pointed across the room.
you studied them, seeing as they would curse in disappeared, or jump and clap in happiness.
“yes, it looks fun.”
“it is, and you’re quite good at it. maybe tomorrow you can meet everyone else and i’ll teach you how to play,” he suggested.
“i would like that very much,” you smiled.
“me, too,” he smiled back. “are you hungry? we can take a break from walking and get something to eat.”
“my stomach does ache a little. what kind of food do they have here?”
“burgers, fries, salad. classic american stuff, basically. i can order what you usually do.”
“sure, but i’m afraid to tell you that i have no money,” you sighed.
“it’s not a problem. this is my treat. plus, we have a joint bank account so, it doesn’t really matter who pays.””
“wow, that’s nice.”
“it definitely is.”
stefan then led you to a small booth, ordering immediately once the waiter came.
“tell me more about yourself,” you prompted.
stefan stared at you, not expecting you to want to know about him. it wasn’t completely surprising, but you just seemed a lot more interested in the town than him. he was happy that you asked, though. it reassured him that you two had a chance, even if you two had to rebuilt your relationship.
“okay, well, my birthday is november 1st, 1846. my favorite color is blue, my favorite type of alcohol is bourbon, but i do like a glass of whiskey every once in a while. one of my best friends was lexi branson. she was also your friend, too, but damon killed her for absolutely no reason.”
“oh, my - i am so sorry, stefan,” you gasped. “oh, it’s alright. damon has uh, since proved himself to be better… unfortunately,” stefan sighed.
you put your hand on his, looking him in the eyes.
“it’s not alright, stefan. i know you say damon is a lot better than people say, and that he has proven himself better, but that doesn’t justify what he did. i’m so sorry you lost lexi. i understand what it is it like to lose someone so close to you. i’m sure you remember, but i lost christopher only a few years after we became vampires. i don’t remember all of it, but i do remember terrorizing a whole village because of the anger and depression i felt. i’m sure lexi was an amazing young woman. one day, i would love it if you told me more about her.”
stefan smiled at you gratefully, eyes prickling with tears. “thank you, y/n. it means a lot to me. and yes, i’d love to tell you about her.”
“fantastic.” you squeezed his hand for support, the gesture warming his chest. “anyways, go on,” you said, keeping your hand on his.
“alright. well, i love i love lucy, which is a ‘50s sitcom that, funnily enough, you hated,” he chuckled.
“what is a sitcom and why did i hate it?” your brows knitted together in confusion.
“well, a sitcom is a comedy tv show. and a tv show is content that is broadcasted onto something that is called a television, which was the big black screen in the living room of our house. sitcom is a type of tv show. there are sitcoms, dramas, romance, horror, and lots of others. a lot of these genres bleed together, much like books. and as for why you hated the show, you just thought it was annoying because i would watch it all the time.”
“well, i do have a short temperament, so that explains it, i suppose. that tv show thing is a little confusing. can you show me how it works when we get home?”
“yes, of course. i can show you your favorite tv shows and movies,” he nodded eagerly.
“lovely,” you smiled at his enthusiasm. “so, what else do you like?”
“well, i am a fan of scorcese, who is a famous tv director. he directed taxi driver, which is a film i am a fan of. i love to cook, and i’m quite good at it, if i do say so myself. um, let’s see… what else is there…” he trailed off, looking at the table as he thought. “i am a bit or a hoarder, as you probably could see in our room. i enjoy any and all types of music, i have a rose tattoo on my right shoulder, and i am a scorpio, if that means anything to do.”
he looked back up at you, the tips of his ears turning pink as he realized you were staring and smiling at him the whole time.
“why’re you looking at me like that?” he asked.
“it’s just nice hearing all these things about you. i can piece together who you are, who the man i am married to is. it’s obvious you don’t open up to people a lot, and i appreciate you doing that with me,” you explained.
“oh, well, it’s no problem. you’ll remember all these things, anyways. but this is just surface level stuff, nothing special.”
“i think it is special and important. now that i know you a little better, i’m able to talk to you more and be more comfortable.”
“mm, that’s true,” he nodded.
you gave him a small smile, your food then arriving.
“wow, this is a lot,” you chuckled, looking at the cheeseburger and fries.
“it’s really good, too,” stefan said.
“how do i eat this?” you asked. “pick it up in your hands and take a bite, like this.” stefan took a bite of his burger and fries.
you followed in suit, groaning in pleasure.
“my, they never had this food at home. this is delicious.”
“i know, right? so glad america stopped the wine and beef soup at dinner.”
you giggled, nodding in agreement. you two ate in silence, stefan paying before you two left.
“do you want to continue going around town, or are you tired?” stefan asked.
“i want to continue,” you stated.
“alright. time to go to all the torn down places now,” he sighed, walking you back to his car.
you two drove a little ways away from town square, finding yourselves at the cemetery.
“are anna, christoper, and my mother buried here?” you asked.
“yes, they are. do you want to see their graves?” stefan asked.
you sat in the car for a few moments, holding your seatbelt in thought. you shook your head as an answer.
“no, i would hate to put a damper on this lovely evening.”
“oh, well, it’s okay. you always manage to make things bright and happy, even when we’re visiting the cemetery, but if you really don’t want to, then i’ll take you to the salvatore estate, and where your house was located.”
“mm, i am sure. we can visit some other time,” you smiled.
he returned the expression. “alright.” he got out, going to open the door for you, but you had already jumped out.
“sorry, i um, wanted to see how the door works,” you admitted sheepishly.
stefan grinned, finding your curiosity adorable. “no worries. ready to go?”
“indeed i am,” you nodded.
you took the initiative and laced your fingers with his. stefan glanced at you, his chest swelling with joy. it was almost like old times.
“so, where is the salvatore estate?” you asked.
“it’s just a mile into the woods. there’s only a singular pillar there because it got torn down, but the pillar marks the spot where the house stood.”
“why did it get torn down? it was such a beautiful home. surely someone from these days would want to live in it,” you frowned.
“you’d think that, but i guess folks these days want something more modern. but, wait, do you remember my house?” hope filled his eyes, carrying all the way through his voice.
“i think i do. it seems… familiar in my mind. i remember the front of the house, the beautiful entrance and the pretty rose bushes, the steps that led up to the door. i remember a room… it was of medium size. there was a big bed in the middle, a deep-sea blue carpet under it. there was a bug mirror across from the bed, a painting or two hung up on the walls. there was a small desk in the corner next to the closet. the room is very empty, but it brings back feelings of warmth and calmness.”
“yeah, that was my room. you spent most of your summer’s in there with me.”
“oh,” your eyes lit up. “you said that we didn’t officially get together until after we were vampires, but i remember being in the bed in lots of white, button-up shirts. did we-?” you looked to him, eyes wide and hoping he would say yes.
his cheeks were tainted pink as he nodded. “yes, we had lots of fun nights, but not all of them consisted of sex.”
“i see,” you nodded, a little smile on your face. “what else did we do besides sleep together, then?”
“well, most times we just laid there in each other’s arms. sometimes i would read to you and you would fall asleep in my arms. other times we danced, sang, talked about the future together. and let me tell you, we definitely did not imagine an eternity together, but i’m really glad it turned out that way. despite all the pain we suffered.”
your chest warmed as you imagine you two in the 1800s, doing more and being more than just friends with intimate relations.
“does damon know of this?” you questioned.
“he does, but no one else doesn’t. to make things easier, we just told everyone that we started dating after we became vampires, and that we got married in 1963, which we did.”
“and how was the wedding?” you asked.
“the best night of my life,” he grinned. “we have lots of pictures of that night in the living room and our room, which i will show you when we get back.”
“i can’t wait,” you smiled giddily.
you squeezed stefan’s hand, the gesture making both of your body’s shiver.
“here it is,” he said, taking you closer to the singular pillar.
you let go of his hand slowly, walking around the property. you closed your eyes, feeling the cool breeze fan your face. you stood in the middle, right where the living room be. lots of memories then flooded back to you, making you snap your eyes open.
“your father didn’t like us together,” you stated.
stefan furrowed his brows. “yes, how-how do you know that?”
you didn’t answer him, continuing to reminisce.
“i was meant to wed damon, yet, i fell in love with you. your mother would let us play together, knowing that the fate your father decided wasn’t going to happen. she accepted us. she actually liked us better together than damon and i. she thought damon was too wild, too untamed to settle down so young. he was like her, in that way. but you, once you saw me at our first ball at age 14, you knew i was the one. i remember you telling me this one night on my sixteenth birthday. you had taken me up to your room, sneaking up extra cake for me, and we laid together on your bed. that was both of our first time that night - it was amazing. you told me before we went to bed about your growing feelings for me. that night we both said ‘i love you’ for the first time.”
stefan stared at you, mouth agape and tears welling in his eyes.
“you-you really remember that?”
“i do,” you smiled slowly at him. “i remember the marks you left on my skin, the joy i felt as you held my hand, the way i cried when you told me that you loved me. i-i’m afraid that this is all i remember, but -“
“no, no, it’s enough. it’s more than enough,” he sniffled, coming closer to you. he slipped his hand into yours, his other hand wrapping around your waist.
you smiled, putting your free hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb up and down on his cheekbones. you looked into his eyes, studying his face as your hand went up and ran itself through his hair. you brought your hand back down to cup his cheek, your fingers dancing along his jawline.
“i also remember skipping school, playing football in the backyard, me wearing your shirt for the first time and it leading to us sleeping together again,” you giggled.
“how do you remember all of this?” he asked.
“the travelers must’ve just took all the important information about us, which we can deal with later. i want to enjoy this moment now,” you breathed out.
“thank god that they took that important stuff. it’s not that important once you think about it,” he nodded.
“i agree. i bet damon wouldn’t agree about that, though,” you joked.
“well, damon has never been madly in love until the last couple of years. but, me? i’m been in love with you forever.”
your lips spread widely and you looked deeply into his eyes, feeling yourself falling for him again.
“i love you,” you exhaled. stefan grinned, “i love you more.”
“nu-uh,” you shook your head. “mmhm,” he smirked.
you moved in closer, your nose bumping his softly. your eyes flickered down from his eyes to his lips multiple times before closing the gap. your lips met his in slow motion, immediately moving with his. his lips were soft and kissed you well, like he had done this a million times before, and couldn’t wait to do it again. he held you close against him, breathing in deeply at the taste of your lips. he felt at peace once again, whole and complete. and as for you, you felt alive.
every atom in your body was humming in pleasure. the feeling of his hands in your body, fitting right in with your curves, were like finally finishing a puzzle. it gave you butterflies, the way he tasted and smelled. the way he kissed you was delicious. it was gentle, but passionate. his lips worked against yours quickly, his tongue sliding against yours, eliciting a small moan from your throat. your teeth bumped each other gently, causing the kiss to then become fast, needy, hot.
you pulled away before anything else could commence, your chest heaving up and down. a line of spit broke off from your lips, breaking off as the breeze ran through it.
“remember anything else now?” stefan breathed out.
“just how much i’ve missed you,” you stated.
“i’ve missed you, too, baby. wanna go and see where old home was now?”
“yes, i’d love that,” you nodded. “great. come and follow me, then we can go home and i’ll make you your favorite meal, okay?” he suggested.
“that sounds amazing.”
“i’m so glad to have you back, y/n,” he squeezed your hand.
“i’m glad to be back.”
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283 notes · View notes
zegumi · 3 years
Ushijima Wakatoshi SFW alphabet
alphabet template here
fluff I sfw I gn reader I hcs
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
at first he's quite hesitant on showing affection, wondering if you're comfortable with him being that close to you. he starts off easy: holding hands, letting you rest on him... etc.
once he feels more comfortable with you, he starts placing his head in your lap and giving you little kisses here and there
his favourite forms of affection are: forehead/cheek kisses, back hugs, holding pinkies, and resting his head on your shoulder
when you’re not around he shows affection by talking to you to his closer teammates but subtly, he brings up your name once in a while and a teammate will tease "ooo somebody's in looove" and he starts blushing profusely, asking if they can go back to practice, but the thought of you never leaves
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
being best friends with ushijima seems very rare, he's pretty selective with letting people close enough to earn that title
with you it was unexpected, you weren't afraid or cautious of his stoic upfront. you sat next to him in class and tried to make conversation with him, making sure to include him in conversations and asking how he's doing once in a while. he lets his guard down a little and you guys get even closer, he even invites you over to help with some schoolwork and suddenly you guys are spending more time together outside of school
he's kind of hesitant to call you a best friend, but when he sees that you’re okay calling him yours, he adopts the same title
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
yes yes yes and yes
he is always behind you, resting your head on top of his. if not he'll be facing upwards, lying on his back, your head will be resting on his shoulder and he'll have his arm wrapped around your waist.
he's definitely 99% always the big spoon
but on the rare occasion he wants to be the little spoon, he has both his arms wrapped around your waist, with his head on your chest, your hand running through his hair while your legs are intertwined absolute bliss
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
hell yeah
he's a sucker for the domestic life, waking up with you in your sub-urban house, a train ride away from the city. making cakes with you in your green painted kitchen which took you way longer than it needed to bc you kept messing around
he can cook, oh my, he buys some cookbooks and you guys spend some time with each other
I feel like he wants kids, some mini him and you running around, if not he'll adopt some
him teaching his kids to play volleyball in the backyard, him brushing their teeth and reading them bedtime stories and them giving them a little kiss goodnight cuteness overload
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
definitely depends on the reason why you're breaking up, but in this scenario, let's say he hasn't been home enough and you guys feel like you're not with each other enough pain
he really dreads having to break up with you, but he knows you deserve more than someone who is barely home. he's not harsh about it, he sits you down at a time when you guys are both free and explains why, "maybe the time isn't right, right now"
even though he broke it off, he still thinks about it quite a lot, he really hopes that you guys will find your way back to each other one day even if he knows that it won't be possible bc right now you're happier with someone else :( i love angst
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
his volleyball career kinda gets in the way of him wanting to commit to you, but he wants to show you that you mean the world to him, so i think he proposes in his mid-late twenties
his proposal isn't really that over the top, but he takes you out first for a fancy dinner with the excuse 'can't i treat you once in a while'. it's quite dark outside and you guys are looking over the city, you turn around to ask him something and you see him down one knee lovely
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
he is very gentle... probably bc of his strict upbringing, but he makes sure not to hurt you in any way
he becomes so much more gentle with his words, careful of saying the wrong words because he can't stand the thought of losing you
physically, he tries to make sure not to accidentally knock into you bc this man is so big and if you get ill ushijima is doing anything in his power to get you better, he tries not to get sick in the process, but having you care for him doesn't seem like the worst idea
emotionally, he tries to support you, but he's not the greatest at dealing with emotions, but when supporting you he tries comforting you rather than trying to solve your problems
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
at the beginning of the relationship, i think his hugs are kind of stiff-ish, but once you guys get more comfortable he goes all in
he's such a good hugger. he doesn't do half-hugs, it's all of it or nothing, he engulfs you with his strong arms a little bit too tight but who needs air
if he feels extra clingy back hugs. he loves the feeling of having your figure pressing against his, sometimes his hands grip onto your waist and he'll sway you back and forth while humming to his favourite song
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
as I've mentioned before, you're the first one to say ily in the relationship, but he says it back straight after
i like to think this happens about 5/6 months into the relationship, just when you guys start getting really comfortable around each other
as for using the L-word, he doesn't really say it that often, he believes when something is overused it isn't as special. he only uses it when it needs to be said
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
he doesn't really get jealous easily bc he's kind of oblivious or chooses not to pay attention to it
but when he catches on to whatever's going on, his eyebrows furrow and he'll just give the stare, he'll come near you and put an arm around your waist and slyly try to join the conversation
he knows what he's doing and so does everyone else
the person you're talking to gets a bit intimidated and tries to end the conversation as quickly as possible
you'll try to tease him for his jealously and he'd just change the subject and starts blushing a little, if you try to bring it up later he'd be like 'huh what was that sorry i don't remember'
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
I'm not good with this type of stuff ahh
he's actually pretty good at kissing. he likes soft kisses and little pecks on the shoulder and forehead.
when he's rough or needy, he gets really handsy like hands cupping your cheeks, in your hair, hands pulling your waist in - just very intimate
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
lazy mornings bc who likes being productive all the time
he likes sleeping in on days he has nothing to do, so he’ll be behind you hugging your waist and his head resting on your back, you try to stand up so you can get breakfast done but he pulls you back and says 'come on, just a little more', you know that means another hour but you still get sucked back into his warm embrace
you end up falling asleep and wake up with noises coming from the kitchen. you walk in on him wearing just an apron and his pajama pants, dancing to the radio while making pancakes for breakfast
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
again lazy evening edition bc why not
he comes home early that day, brings home your favourite snacks and asks if you want to watch a movie with him
he grabs a few blankets from your room and you guys decide to watch 13 going on 30 one of my comfort movies
halfway through the movie, he places his head on your laps asking for you to play with his hair, he lies down and you throw some popcorn and skittles in his mouth every few minutes, you tried pouring water but he started choking and spat water all over your shirt
it gets pretty late and cold so he changes you into his hoodie and carries you over to the bedroom. you guys fall asleep to the hums of the city below
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
he's a very reserved person, and i think it's just the way he was raised, talking about feelings wasn't normal in his home growing up
i think with you it takes him some time to open up, he reveals a few things about him and his childhood here and there but nothing major
he doesn't talk about how he feels enough, so it kinda relies on you being able to notice a change in his behaviour which might I say seems extremely hard
i think if you start being more open to him, then he follows on
he gets more comfortable with his emotions around you first and then starts being more open to his team - just give him some time he gets there
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
oh he's so patient, so patient
it takes a LOT to anger him, i don't think you ever have or ever will see this man angry, tbh i don't think you would want to
if you ever lash out at him, he'd sit down and understand where you're coming from, he'd try to calm you down and give you a second to let it all out
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
he remembers everything, literally everything
you mentioned that you liked mangos yesterday, and boom you've got a lifetime supply in your kitchen /s
he keeps a little note in his notes app just making sure he doesn't forget anything, he has your favourite orders, skin/hair care products you use, and little stuff like your favourite show in there
he does this bc he loves how your eyes beam after realising he remembers the little details
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
this one hc is why this took so long, so I decided not to do bc my brain isn’t responding
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
ushijima isn't the overprotective type although he is protective
he doesn't care what you wear or how you present yourself, as long as you’re comfortable, you will have his full support
if he sees someone making you uncomfortable, he is always quick to jump in and say "you're making them uncomfortable can you please excuse yourself". if he sees a situation is making you feel uneasy he will take you and leave, to calm you down or to clear your mind, which ever one is the best choice in that moment
he doesn't feel the need to be protected, he believes that hes strong enough for the both of you sometimes he needs a little help so pls do step in
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
such a big try hard, he puts so much effort into dates, anniversaries, and even mundane everyday activities.
even far into your relationship he still pulls up at your door with a suit and a flower bouquet which he seems to never forget
he always wants everything to be perfect so you'll never forget
he enjoys surprising you with little gifts to remind you that he still cares. he seems like the type to buy you a promise ring, and oh my is it beautiful
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
this is hard bc in my eyes this man can't do any wrong, but its probably how he can't express his emotions very well
everyone gets in a bad mood once in a while, but for ushijima its different, the stress of volleyball gets to him and he just ends up shutting everyone out, including you. he was never taught how to properly talk abt how he feels so he just holds it in with never intending to let it out
if you try to ask him whats wrong then he just grunts and shrugs it off
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
he isn’t insecure for how he looks physically, he works out and maintains a healthy lifestyle, and he was blessed with that beautiful face of his *chefs' kiss
he's always hygienic (bare minimum), he cuts his hair regularly, keeps his hands nice and clean, with his nails well-trimmed
he likes to keep his appearance up and always looks like he should be on the front cover of a magazine but so effortlessly
bonus: he smells so good, he wears expensive cologne and zooweemama its so tasty, you'll hug him and never want to let go just because
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
he wouldn't necessarily feel incomplete with out you, he'd feel a bit empty
he forgets how much he misses you when he goes abroad for matches and he can't see you for a week straight. he makes sure to send videos and voice notes rather than texts so you can send some back. he video calls everyday, no matter the time difference just so he can see you in real time
if you guys take a break in the relationship, he finds his self drifting back into his stoic shell. he tries his best not to bc he knows how much he loves the person you've helped him become
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
doesn't know how to flirt hehe
he tries to use a smooth pick up line once in a while but they all end up with him in a flustered mess before he can even finish a sentence, i think we should leave the flirting to you
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
liars/dishonest people
he can't stand it when somebody lies to him, its agitating when someone he cares for feels the need to lie to him, it makes him feel like they don't trust him enough
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
he's a quite a light sleeper and wakes up pretty easily. he also looks dead when he sleeps, for example most days he sleeps pretty early bc he's worn out and you come into the bedroom and see him lying down on his back, his chest isn't even moving like it should be, but you'll get into bed with him and his first instinct is to wrap his arms around you and give you a kiss
i think he sleep talks, omg just imagine ushijima whispering about the weirdest things in his dreams. you recorded him once and showed him when he woke up and he got a bit embarrassed and started laughing
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here's the hcs for mornings with ushi
this took me so long omg >o< I really hope I portrayed his character well bc he’s such a lovely person
make sure to take care of yourselves :)
reblogs are very much appreciated <3
requests are open
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hello! I was just wondering, how long do you think it’d take for an s/o from Yandere! Dabi, Shigaraki and Aizawa to be found if they escape from their ‘home’ (i.e. a week, months) - this can either be in the BNHA universe or ABO... ;)
Both? Both sounds good uwu
Also! Anon I saw your second ask! I had already completely written this except for the Dabi A/B/O part so ill fill that out as a separate request <3
Aizawa (Canon): 
Honestly if you manage to get away from Aizawa you already must be either A. Incredibly lucky, or B. Incredibly skilled. Most likely? A bit of both. He tends to be a bit more of a lax yandere, he isn’t constantly in your face, but he definitely be on edge about you escaping. Windows and doors have several sets of locks, anything you can use to break or pick the locks will be kept out of your reach ontop of being behind yet another lock. He doesn’t mess with your safety/his ability to keep you trapped with him.
Now if you actually managed to escape? Game on. Maybe he forgot to lock a window airing out the apartment, or maybe you managed to get your hands on a key or something to break the locks. Either way you are out the door in an instant. 
Now if you are escaping at night? He’ll have you back in a few hours at the latest. He is trained to hunting villains down in the pitch black, slinking in the shadows as he stalks and hunts his pray. You have no chance beating him in his own territory. You’re a fool to even try. 
Now during the day is a completely different story. He isn’t in his element during that time, theres more people out on the streets, and lets be honest, he looks suspicious. Even with his popularity growing after being on the news a few times people wont ignore some homeless ragged looking man snatching up a screaming frightened civilian. He knows it too. Unlike at night when people turn a blind eye, people will get more involved if you fight him in broad daylight, he’ll get more attention drawn to him and thats the last thing he needs. If you play your cards right, if you’re smart and have a plan I can see you evading him for maybe a week before he finds you again. He’s smart, cunning, calculating, even if you stay in the shadows, careful to avoid using anything that he could use to track you, he’ll still find you. It’s what he’s good at after all. 
Aizawa (A/B/O):
Same scenario, he’ll find you even faster at night. Your scent will lead him right to you, his instincts pumping hard as he pumps out so much of his own scent it completely masks yours. No one will ever see a hint of you. 
During the day the scenario becomes trickier, he has to suppress his scent as to not alert anyone as he stalks you. Any chance of getting away is completely gone, he made sure to memorize your scent, ingrain it into his mind to the point he could easily pick you out even among a sea of scents. Even if you stuff yourself into the most heavily populated place you can find, disguising yourself under the mix of heavy scents of other’s, he’ll easily smell through it and find you. He’ll follow you, waiting until nightfall before he scoops you up in his arms, easily pinning you against his chest so you can’t struggle as he carries you back home. 
Shigaraki (Canon): 
Getting away from Shigaraki is hard to say the least. Not only are you running from him, but all his little friends too. You are the only thing that keeps him semi-calm, makes him tolerable to be around, when you are around, forcefully held still in his lap, or board stiff as he cuddles up to your back, fingers idly dragging across your abdomen he is much more focused. Ever since he kidnapped you his plans have been better, he’s been more down to earth, less irritable. Bottom line is you are useful to the league and its future, so they can’t let you leave, the effects would be disastrous, especially with how childish and temperamental he can be. 
Shigaraki himself can be a little careless, giving you ample opportunities to escape him but there has always been someone else to stare you down, a warning for if you ever dared try it. 
At least until there isn’t. You’ll get 1 chance and only one, where every other member of the league is off busy, even Kurogiri your normal babysitter isn’t around to keep you in check. Shigaraki isn’t watching you, he asked you to go get him food while he’s in the other room engrossed in his game, it’ll probably be hours before he realizes you didn’t come back with his gamer snacks. 
So you run out the door. 
You won’t last very long with Shigaraki either, probably a month just because the league tries to be careful, tracking you down through underground connections before blatantly hunting you. They are trying to stay under the radar. That goes out the window when one of the dozens of informants they scattered around catches you in a busy mall one day. Much to the annoyance of everyone else Shigaraki storms to the mall immediately, uncaring of making a scene or killing civilians. You would be dragged back over the dust of corpses if he had to. 
“Y/N, come here, before I have to disintegrate even more npcs. I can only get rid of so many before the main boss will show his face.”
Shigaraki (A/B/O):
Honestly I think Alpha! Shiggy would respond the same as normal!Shiggy. By the time he realizes that you’re gone, that you d a r e d try and escape him your scent is stale, impossible to track. He’ll go on a rampage. Forget waiting, trying not to draw the attention of heros, he’ll leave a trail of bodies behind him, of disintegrated buildings and burning streets on his hunt to find his mate again. 
Honestly be it your guilt causing you to return to him, rushing to his side to stop the casualties and destruction, or if he hunts you down, dragging you out of whatever little hovel you’ve hole up in I don’t see it lasting more than a day to a week at most. 
Dabi (Canon):
Honestly when Dabi comes back and finds you gone, slipped out of the apartment where he keeps you trapped, leaving you locked up tight whenever he has to leave you, he’s more amused than anything. He thinks of it as a game as he stalks out of the apartment to come after you, hunt you down. Already ideas for punishments are brewing in his head as he takes off after you.
I can see him dragging it out for months. Realistically with his connections he knows exactly where you are within about a week, but its so much fun to reveal himself and watch you scurry away, to follow you as you try to hide again. He’ll keep you on edge, terrified and paranoid until you are a quivering mess. Having your nerves rubbed raw and all the sleepless nights are catching up to you. He’ll wait until you are too weak to fight him anymore, broken down and exhausted before he scoops you up in his arms and takes you back. 
“Now wasn’t that a fun game of cat and mouse~ I can’t wait to devour my reward~” 
Dabi: (A/B/O):
Alpha Dabi will be much more aggressive, especially if he sees you as his mate. The second he realizes you’re gone he’ll burn the apartment to the ground, unable to control his flames as he rages, nearly feral as he tears the place apart. He’ll storm out to the streets, following your scent no matter how faint it is. Never underestimate an alpha whose mate has been taken from them. He’ll hunt you down, not bothering to play with you. The second he sees you you’ll be tackled to the ground, a growling pissed off alpha nearly crushing you as you are pinned to the concreate. 
If you don’t have a mating mark on the back of your neck yet, you will now. Hell, he might bite down and claim you right then and there, out in the open for everyone to see as he shows you exactly who you belong to. 
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levis-hazelnut · 4 years
Levi x Reader Smile For Me
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Summary: you were found curled up outside HQ, basically on the brink of death. However, Levi finds you and takes you to the infirmary. To his surprise, Erwin enlists you as a scout.
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Levi's POV "Levi, where's your squad?" Commander Eyebro-- I mean, Erwin asked. "I don't know. Probably picking each other's noses or some sh*t like that." "Go get them. We need to go get supplies." I sighed, walking away to look for my squad of idiots, who I didn't want to bring along since they would just mess around. I went into the castle, hearing loud chatter and laughter so I went towards the source. Opening the door to the mess hall, I find them sitting around a table. "What the hell are you guys doing? I told you to be at the stables after breakfast." "We were playing truth or dare." "Get your a*ses outside." They all followed me in silence; I'm guessing it was because they didn't want to irritate me any further. All of us got on our horses, me and Erwin at the front, and we were about to leave until we saw something the size of a human scrunched up in a ball. I jumped off of my horse and crouched down as I frowned. I scrunched my nose up in disgust, brushing the unruly hair from their face and I saw (E/C) eyes half-open, staring up at me. I was able to see the bones under her skin on her face, arms and legs, while the rest of her body was covered by a scruffy dress. She looked as if she was on the brink of death, pale and weak, and she seemed to have trouble to breathe. I didn't think she would be able to walk in this state, or maybe even stay alive for a few more days. 
When I stood up and looked at Erwin, he had just leapt off from his horse and neared me.
"What's wrong?" "This girl looks like she's going to die anytime soon." "Let's take her to the infirmary." I nodded and went back to the girl, crouching down again and scooping her up to carry her to the infirmary, which wasn't far. I asked them to take my horse back to the stables before they left to get supplies without me. Normal POV You laid on the most comfortable bed you've ever been on. Out of a window, you could see the bright, azure blanket illuminated by the radiant sun.
Before you had slept, for however long, you weren't able to breathe properly but now you were able to with ease. Though you felt a lot better than before, your stomach was still growling for some food. You brushed your hand over your stomach, feeling the soft and clean clothes you had on your body. The door opened, making your eyes to flit there and you gripped the pristine sheets, terrified to find someone walking in. He had blonde hair, blue orbs that radiated a warmth that made you feel comfortable. He gave you a smile and approached you. You've never seen him before, but he's acting so casually around you. "Do you feel better?" You stayed silent, not wanting to talk to this mysterious man even though he seems benign. "I'm guessing you're hungry after sleeping for two days." He passed you a tray of food, your eyes beaming at the amount there was. Almost immediately, you picked up the spoon and popped a bit of food into your mouth. "Do you like it?" he asked to which you shyly nodded. "One of my men made it. And I don't think he'll make it again, so you're lucky." "Thank you..." you trailed off, wanting to know his name. "Erwin." "Thank you, Erwin," you said quietly. "If you can move, there's a room for you. I'm going to let you stay here and enlist you as a scout." As you listened to what he was saying, you scoffed the food down. You had a bit of food on the corner of your mouth which Erwin wiped with a tissue as he subconsciously smiled. "What's your name?" "...I don't have one..." You stopped eating and kept your eyes on the plate. "Where's your family?" "I don't know..." The blonde had a slight crease in between his eyebrows before he asked another question. "Do you have a home?" "No." "Well, you can call this place home now," he grinned, trying to get a smile on your face, but it didn't work. "If you have any questions or uncertainties about anything, come to me." You gave a mere nod as he got up to leave, taking the tray from your lap since it appeared as if you weren't that hungry anymore.
No place has felt like a home to you, but this place does, you felt so comfortable. After a while of staring into space, a knock on the door snapped you out of your trance. A man you recognised came in, but you couldn't remember where you've seen him. "How are you feeling?" Silence. "So, you're just going to ignore the person that rescued you from death?" His tone had a bite to it, however, you seemed unfazed by his sharp character. That's where you saw him; he was the one who picked you up and brought you here before you would slowly die away. His grey orbs before were pooled with concern then, but now, they hold no emotion whatsoever. He took slow steps towards your bed. "Thank you for saving me. I'm in your debt." "Tch. I didn't save you so I could have something in return." He crossed his arms. "Anyway, Erwin asked me to take you to your room." Slowly getting up, you noticed that you weren't feeling weak anymore and you were able to stand properly without feeling dizzy. Your bare feet padded against the floor, following the raven whose name you have yet to learn. Catching up to him, you walked beside him as you fiddled with your fingers. "Why are you nervous?" he suddenly questioned. You slightly shrugged as a small blush crawled onto your cheeks. "You aren't much of a talker, are you? Well, that's a good thing because I don't want another brat giving me a headache." Brat? He's being harsh with the person he saved and someone he barely knows, and he thinks he can call you a brat? Whatever, it's not like you're going to stand up for yourself. And it’s not the worst treatment that you’ve been given. "When we get to your room, have a shower. You smell like sh*t." You understand that you would stink and you aren't in the cleanest state, but does he have to be so critical? Upon reaching your room, he fished a key out of his pocket to unlock the door, allowing you to step inside as he passed you the key, which you took from his hand, your fingers skimming his which he clicked his tongue to. "Be ready in eight minutes. I'm taking you to Erwin's office." And with that, he left. Why was he so specific about the time? ~/~ "Do you have any experience with fighting?" You shook your head meekly as you sat on a chair on the other side of Erwin's desk, fidgeting with your hands which were slightly damp with sweat. You've never seen these people until two days ago, or even an hour ago, so you were afraid of these new people. Can you trust them? "What were you doing before you stumbled across this place?" "I-I was homeless. I w-would eat the leftovers of what people threw out and people b-beat me up for no reason. I wasn't able to make any friends and I n-never knew my family. I d-d-don't even know my name." Erwin stood up with an expression of sympathy and went towards you, crouching by your chair and whispered, "You don't need to be frightened here. None of us will beat you up and you will have your own room. You won't need to eat leftovers. Don't worry. You're safe here." Not able to hold back anymore, he hugged you, leaving you and the other male in the room in surprise. "And I'll give you a name." After being in thought, he spoke, "... How about (Y/N)? Do you like it?" "Yes," you replied, almost as if you mouthed the word. "(Y/N) it is. And I don't know if you already know or not, but this is Levi. You can trust us if you don't trust anyone else." He stood back up. You nodded, getting up to leave. "And whenever you're ready to start training, let me know." "Can I start tomorrow?" "... Sure. But don't you think it's a bit too soon. You just recovered from a severe illness." "It's fine." "If that's what you want." You left his office, gently closing the door behind you as you made your way back to your room. "Erwin?" Levi uttered. "Yes?" "Why are you being so gentle with that girl? This isn't a f*cking fairytale where she gets pampered by you. This is a military base, Erwin. She's a freeloader with you treating her like that. No one here takes it easy." "That's enough, Levi. I'm not going to let her take it easy, all my soldiers are treated the same way." "Explain the way you hugged her then." "I was simply comforting her. And I don't why you're complaining, you're the one who brought her here." "It was just so she could be brought back to health. I didn't think you would enlist her as a scout. She has no experience with fighting. What potential does she have?" "A lot. You are dismissed, Levi." Levi clicked his tongue and exited the office. He didn't want another brat to look out for. He just hoped that Erwin would be in command of you instead of him. You better not cause any trouble for him. ~/~ You thrust your fist forward, attempting to punch Erwin but you never liked hurting people so it was a light blow. He let out a light chuckle, shaking his head. "(Y/N), don't be scared to punch me. This is part of your training." You went into an awkward fighting stance which he fixed for you, telling you what to do. You got ready to punch him again and this time, it was stronger but he could tell you weren't putting all your strength into it. "Again." You took a moment to fix your posture before throwing a surprise punch to his stomach. But unfortunately, he saw it coming and made a cross with his arms, nearly stumbling back but he kept his balance. You lifted your leg, kicking it into his side where he wasn't able to block it. He smirked, seeing how you were able to get a hit on him. "Okay. I'm going to attack you and you need to defend yourself now." You nodded, getting ready for any attacks that would be coming your way. He threw his fist at your jaw, knocking your head back. Straight after, he punched you a couple of times at your stomach, causing you to cough up some spit as you bent down, too weak to stand. "Get up." You got up unsteadily, complying to his order. "Defend yourself." For another hour, you trained with Erwin until you were too exhausted to carry on. By the time you stopped, the sun was setting as a wind blew over you, cooling you down after your training. Your skin was drenched in sweat and stained by mud and dirt which you were going to go wash off. "Same time tomorrow." "Okay." You reached your room, stripping your clothes off your body and stepping into the raining water, steam dispersing from the shower. You scrubbed all the grime from your body and washed out the sweat in your hair before grabbing a towel to dry all the water that remained on your flesh before slipping on a fresh uniform.
After, you went to the mess hall for dinner, getting some food and sitting down on an empty table, silently eating your meal, desiring the food that was specially made for you a few days ago. "Why don't you sit with the others?" You looked up, seeing Erwin holding a plate and a smile on his face. You faced the table again, shaking your head. The blonde sighed and sat down opposite you, joining you for dinner.
Levi looked over at you two, thinking, Why is she so special to Eyebrows? He's acting as if he's her dad or some sh*t like that. Erwin tried to get you to speak but you would only say a few words since you were shy and there wasn't really anything you could talk about - he basically already knows everything about you for your life feels like it didn't even start until you came here.
Apart from Erwin, Levi, and someone else called Hanji, you haven’t spoken to anyone else. She's a bit too energetic for your taste, but she has a friendly nature. And even though you speak to them, it's only a few words like 'yes', 'okay', 'thank you'. You don't speak to them as they would speak to each other. You try to avoid interacting with anyone but Erwin always seems to get you to talk, even if it's one word. ~/~ Pinning Erwin’s arms over his head, you straddled his legs, breathing heavily as you wiped the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand. He smiled, glad to see that you have improved significantly over the past month. You were one of the best scouts he's seen develop and you could maybe even be one of the best scouts in the regiment after you train some more. Now, he can show Levi the potential he saw in you. "Well done, (Y/N)." "Is this what you call training?" a voice inquired to which you looked up to. Blushing, you abruptly got off of Erwin, allowing him to stand up as he dusted off his clothes. You gazed at the ground as the blonde cleared his throat, facing Levi who had his arms crossed over his chest. "I never knew you were the submissive type, Eyebrows." "We were training and I can tell you that (Y/N) is better than you think." "Better at what exactly?" He arched an eyebrow. "Fighting. Stop thinking like that." "Whatever." The raven walked away with the roll of his eyes. "Have a shower and go to the mess hall." "Okay." "And you're training with me is over. I'm going to put you in a squad." You were just getting comfortable with Erwin and now, you're going to have to join a squad of new people you've never even spoken to. Oh, well, it's better than living on the streets. You gave him a nod and strolled back to your room, getting stopped by two young boys, whose names were Eren and Jean. "You've been here for nearly a month weeks, but you haven't spoken to me or anyone else." "Jean, leave her alone." "Why's she so quiet?" "It's a miracle she is," a monotone voice stated from behind you, and you knew who it was. "Both of you, go. Let her go to her room because she needs a shower." Again, he came with the usual criticism. At least, it got those boys to leave you alone as you carried on your journey to your room. ~/~ Over the year, you have become one of the best scouts, joining Levi's squad who had no objection because you still don't talk much and you won't give him a headache like the others. And maybe there's another reason... "Oh, come on, (Y/N)! Take it easy on me!" Eren complained after you had knocked him to the ground with two punches and a kick. You shook your head, putting your jacket on, which you took off to spar with Eren who thought he could beat you after he made a bet with Jean. You went off into the building, getting stopped as soon as you entered. "Cadet Smith," Levi, who was watching you spar, called. (A/N: btw I chose Smith since Erwin took you in as his daughter and you never had a surname before). You turned around and shyly saluted, avoiding eye contact. It could be true that you may have developed feelings for the Corporal over time. He might have been cruel to you at the start, but then he started to be nice to you, well, it's his version of being nice and you think he's only kind to you because Erwin told him to. "I told you that you don't need to salute. Put your arm down." You let your arm hang by your side, still standing there timidly as you could feel his gaze burn into you. When you felt an arm rest around your shoulders, you averted your eyes from the floor, soon realising who it was, relaxing your tensed shoulders. "Is Levi being rude to you again?" Erwin asked. "I was never rude to her," Levi scowled. "You always seemed to frown whenever she was around." "Tch. Why are you here?" "I need to speak to (Y/N)." "I was going to talk to her." "You can in five minutes." Levi clicked his tongue with a roll of his eyes. Why did Erwin have to ruin the opportunity for him to talk to you? All Levi wants to do is hear you say full sentences, see a smile on your face and make you happy because frankly, you aren't/don't do anything of those things and you deserve to be happy, in Levi's opinion. But that blonde man comes in and lets the chance for that to happen slip. Yeah, Erwin may be trying to get you positive as well, but Levi wants to do that before anyone else does. Somehow, it makes him upset to see you gloomy and he wants to fix that. "I'll talk to Erwin first," you softly spoke. Damn, he just wants to hear more of that delicate voice you own. "You like him, don't you?" the Commander whispered once you were out of hearing distance of Levi. "What?" "You like Levi." "W-w-why would I?" "I don't know. I'm not the one who likes him." He ruffled your hair with a smile. "You can tell me anything, I'll keep it between us. "... Yes, I do," you admitted. "Okay. You can go to him now." With a pink hue stained on your face, you made your way to Levi’s office, accidentally stepping sinde without knocking. But he didn't seem to mind when he saw it was you. "Bring me tea," was the only thing he said before dismissing you. You merely nodded, heading for the kitchen as Levi continued with the paperwork. You boiled the water and reached for a mug before pouring it inside the porcelain that had a teabag. You stirred it and let the flavours of the tea infuse the water before picking it up from the surface and went towards his office, meekly knocking on the wooden door. Upon hearing a 'come in', you opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind you. You placed the cup on his desk, where there was a space free, and stood there silently. "Why are you just standing there? Sit down." Hesitantly, you sat down in the chair opposite him as he took a sip of the tea and you noticed the slight surprise on his visage. "This tea is really good." "Thank you." You blushed and looked down at your hands. He opened a drawer and pulled out a small jar. He took the lid off, showing some cookies that looked appealing to you. "Help yourself. I made them." You were confused; why was he complimenting you? Why was he giving you his homemade cookies? Why was he making small talk which he hates so much? Why is he being so casual? What did he want to talk to you about? What's going on? "Sir?" "Levi," he corrected you. "I already told you that you don't have to address me formally when you're speaking to me alone." "Why are you doing this?" "Tch. Just appreciate that I'm treating you like this." "But why are you?" "..." Silence settled in the room. You didn't want to ask him any more questions since it may infuriate him and he'll probably kick you out, which you don't want to happen. He continued with his work, acting as if he was ignoring your presence. Tch. Why can't I just say it? It's not like she's one of those people who will shun me out of their life. Why do I hesitate? Do I fear rejection? No, of course not. What is it? I just want to see her smile. See a smile enhance her beauty. See her happy. But how the hell is that possible in this world? "(Y/N)Ilikeyou," he confessed quickly and quietly, making it difficult for you to apprehend what he said.     "Sorry?" "Damn it! I like--!" "Shorty!!!" His door slammed open. "What the f*ck do you want?" "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your date," the brunette grinned as he rolled his eyes. "It isn't a date," he growled. "What do you want?" "I have some more paperwork for you." This is what you barged in here for, you idiot? "Okay. Get out." "Have fun~!" she creepily smirked and closed the door, leaving you two alone again. "You were saying something...?" you inquired. Levi huffed, running a hand through his charcoal locks. "I've been wanting to tell you that I like you," he muttered. Did you hear him right? "Pardon?" "You heard what I f*cking said." "You... like me?" "Tch. Just get out if you have nothing to say." He never even glanced at you. "... I like you, too," you barely murmured. Slightly surprised, his orbs immediately shot to meet yours. He stood up and tipped your head up with his fingers, placing a kiss on your lips, causing you to become a blushing mess. You could taste the tea he previously had and you had to admit, it did taste pretty good. Levi pulled away and gave you the first smile you've seen. "Can you please smile for me?" he whispered, cupping your cheek and brushing his thumb on your skin. Your eyes fluttered away from his steel ones, now pooling with affection and warmth. He tilted your head so you could look at him again. "A woman like you shouldn't be so downhearted." He pressed his lips against yours again for a more passionate kiss. You lidded your eyes, moulding your lips with his as you felt a smile tug at your lips. Once your lips tore away from his, you were still smiling with gleaming orbs gazing up at him. "Thank you." He leaned his forehead against yours, feeling content to see a smile grace your beautiful features.
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ohpleaselarry · 4 years
ten larry proofs that i DARE antis to explain
hey guys, so it’s 2021 now and i’m sure i’m not the only one who feels “un-larrie” sometimes, so i decided to make this post to come back to if i ever feel off. here are the top ten proofs that literally don’t make sense unless they are/were together. there’s plenty of cute moments and receipts out there, but these ten are just openly obvious and try as i might they just don’t make sense if L&H are just friends. 
one: “always so obvious” 
this one’s pretty lOUD if i do say so myself. Liam catches the boys staring at each other and whispers to L “always so obvious”, making L smile and look away. what’s so obvious, Liam? why is the two of them staring at each other “obvious?” 
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two: “you can’t sit together”
i’m sure we’ve all seen this one. H asks L where he wants to sit, L responds “next to you”, and very clearly heard in the video someone off-cam says “you can’t sit together”. they turn back to the cameras and plaster on smiles. interesting, isn’t it? how two just friends aren’t allowed to sit together when they ask to? hmm wonder why?
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three: “mine”
as we know, all of the boys know a bit of sign language, using it to communicate to tech about mics and such, but it’s not always used for band stuff. in this clip, we have L very clearly switching hands to properly sign “mine”. they seem to use a mixture of BSL and ASL, and here he’s using ASL. notice how H nods his confirmation? 
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four: “hope”
for a long time, we thought this gif could be him just crossing for good luck, until i started actually getting into sign language myself, and learned that crossing the fingers actually means “hope” in BOTH ASL and BSL. interesting, right? 
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we have lots of sign language moments, but i decided not to include the “sweetheart” sign, as it’s been used between ALL of the boys on multiple occasions, and technically isn’t “sweetheart” unless they’re together with thumbs pressed. I also decided not to include L’s “hazza, not a big deal sad one” at the concert when H missed his note bc technically it’s not proof, it could easily be supportive friends. this post is only for legitimate proof. 
five: “you were mine”
i’m sure we all remember this one. twitter questions on tour, someone asked “what was your favourite ride at universal?” H goes to L and says “you were mine”. very platonic, yes. i can’t think of a single instance when whispering this into your friends ear just for him wouldn’t be awkward. unless you aren’t just friends. 
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six: “drop my b-”
okay, now lets get to the real shit. in an interview, they were talking about H finally getting his drivers license. they asked the first thing he did. he says he’d just used it because he “was drop my b-” then he makes the most hilarious oopsie face and finishes it off roughly “cause they brought the car to me, and i dropped them off at the pub.” this one may be the easiest in this list to dilute, because yes, he could’ve been saying ‘best mate’ but would he have stopped and re-said the sentence if that were the case? why? unless he were going to say boyfriend. 
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now this is probably the most frustrating evidence we have, but you must be out of your damn mind if you can’t hear L clearly yell “boyfriend!” just before he leans into H’s arms. sure, they’re pissed, but maybe that’s exactly why he isn’t quite so careful. watch the video and come back and tell me that isn’t what he says, because i’ve spent more time than i’d like to admit trying to hear anything else.
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eight: “sorry”
this one’s pretty clear, and pretty damn obvious. they’re asked who they’d like to take home after the brit’s in 2012, and H says “adele” multiple times, then says “maybe ill try later, who knows”. the interview goes on, and H turns to L and apologises. why apologise to a friend when talking about taking someone home? you can also hear him say it if you bump up the sound in the video, as he’s holding the mic a little too close. 
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nine: “the larry arm”
so this one was nearly number ten bc of how loud it is, and i constantly come back to this when i’m feeling off. at this concert, this girl writes “LARRY” on her arm, big and obvious, and H comes by and sends her a thumbs up TWICE. then as if it’s not enough, he comes back, POINTS at his forearm where she’s written it, and sends a third thumbs up. now this is well into the larry stuff. if they wanted the rumours to be gone, why essentially tell a fan it’s true? 
my laptop refuses to upload the gif so here’s the post with all four gifs
ten: “L wants a kiss”
now this one i like to call “the most high quality wellington”. basically they’re in an interview. Liam is talking, so i assume the boys think there’s no cameras on them. L turns to H and leans in. as you can see in the gif, it’s quite a close lean. he doesn’t smile like it’s a joke, he doesn’t move to his ear like he wants to whisper. no, he’s asking for a kiss. H moves his hand up and brushes L’s cheek to try to play it off, so L purses his lips like sending him a kiss, and turns away. H bumps him to get his attention, and says “creep” into the mic. i assume this is their signal for “there’s someone watching” or “there’s cameras on us”. L then makes a classic oopsie face and starts fiddling with a water bottle. Niall in the background laughs, watching them. 
this is probably the most damning evidence we have. do you guys lean into your friends that close? i know i don’t lmao. i love how H doesn’t move away also
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and that’s it, folks! my larry views usually change day to day, but it always comes back to these and i know deep in my heart that even if they aren’t together now, they definitely were at some point. anyone who would like to dispute these please be my guest, I’d love to hear your attempted explanations for these. 
if you have any to add, pls make sure it’s hardcore evidence that can’t be explained by anything else but larry. have a good one ;)
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loveylangdon · 4 years
Go To Town
Word Count: 4.2k
soft jj x best friend reader 
A/N: I have no idea why but 'Go To Town’ by Doja Cat reminds me of JJ (listen it if you want to), so I came up with this lil scenrio based off the song but not really? but who doesn’t love a good dance sesh to tease a cute boy. Just some cute JJ love tbh, everyone has the angsty, hard ass jj heres a lil content smol jj.  This is my first jj fic so pls be kind. truly a white mans whore so i’ll include my masterlist for my other writings Xx
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*not my gif credit to owner*
y/n p.o.v.
“If you're down, boy, really down, baby let me watch you go to town” You and Kie screamed at the top of your lungs dancing on the Pogue. It was your turn to pick the music playlist for the day out on the marsh and you had more of an open love for all music. When it was your turn to pick the playlist it was a bit of everything everyone loved but today you just wanted to let loose and have fun. You vibed heavy with the reggae and soft jazz the boys usually picked or the pop-rock JJ chose, but you wanted to have more fun before the kegger tonight. Your vibe was usually infectious and you wanted the others to be able to let loose. Hence listening to some Doja Cat in the middle of nowhere with also the slight hope of catching JJ’s attention more so than usual.
Your cousin came down from the mainland and showed you some new artists and ‘Go to Town’ by Doja Cat was on her playlist which reminded you of your little blonde hair blue eyed crush. JJ Maybank possibly royalty amongst the pogues and rightfully so with his charm, good looks, and his ability to fix basically anything he was a guy every girl wanted to sleep with. But to you he was an angel in disguise. Glancing over at him you saw him smirking behind his beer bottle and looking at you intently in your swimsuit dancing with Kie. “Go down, go down, go down, go to town” You and Kie kept screaming out “and she shave it all off Charlie Brown with it” dropping down and dancing on each other. John B laughing and throwing his head back, Pope smiling like an idiot, Sarah refusing to dance provocatively with you two trying to hold on to John B’s arm for dear life. Today was gonna be good. You had JJ’s attention from the moment you stepped on the boat and that’s all you wanted even if it was because you were currently grinding with Kie. 
Together but not together, you and JJ were in this endless cycle of teasing and flirting constantly but today you were winning. Watching him while dancing on Kie you knew you had him wrapped around your finger. Making sure your eyes were locked for most of the provocative parts of the song or when you dropped lower than normal. Watching how his eyes get a deeper shade of blue and how he was holding on tighter to the neck of the beer bottle John B handed him before you guys anchored down. Smiling to yourself you turned and gave Kie your full attention again dancing and acting foolish screaming lyrics to the wise words of Doja Cat “If he don’t eat it, he a D-bag, He can use a submarine, I’ll call him seaman” 
You were kind of this untouchable girl in the group, maybe even a better girl version of JJ easier to tame. Young, wild and free. Pretty, smart, fun always up for adventure but you had the spirit of Pope calculating and thinking things through but you knew when to let go. The perfect balance, Smart and quick on your feet, great at getting out of certain situations you became the mediator for Pogues and Kooks. Not being much of either you were what they would call a “Pookie” in the middle, not exactly a full Pogue but not much farther from being a Kook but not good enough either. However the group accepted you far quicker than they accepted Sarah Cameron, pure at heart and no ill intentions just wanting to have fun, Plus it didn’t hurt that you stopped Rafe from attacking them the first time you met them on the island. After they knew you were badass and down to earth how could the 3 boys refuse to let you in their secret club. Kie joined later which you were thankful for, loving your boys endlessly for 4 years but you couldn’t say no to another girl to help keep these boys corralled. 
While being associated with the Pogues it didn’t stop Kook guys trying to get at you. You were invited on figure 8 anytime as well as the cut. Princess of peace some would call you, you could get Kelce and Rafe to back down from a fight more often than not. Rafe not wanting to get on your bad side because you had a fire in your eyes and he wouldn’t want to hurt his chance of possibly getting laid if the “opportunity arises” you would never but it didn’t hurt to make him think so. Being Pookie came with power. Being able to control Rafe meant power over the Kooks. Hurting you could hurt Mr. Cameron’s business in some ways, you didn’t have a big mouth but you never forget what happens, you’re a more credible person to believe than the Pogues if it came to spilling some of Rafe’s secrets. And Rafe never forgot that. So he played nice-ish when you were present. Plus it didn’t hurt that he was attractive. So what if you flirted and hung out with them once in a blue moon. Young, Wild, and free. 
Again though JJ, JJ Maybank was it. You guys were without a doubt each other’s person. You weren’t going to make the first move you were gonna let JJ do it. Watching him mack on Tourons hurt but nothing your friends and some fun couldn’t fix. You and him were endgame anyways so why fret over what’s inevitable. That’s what you told yourself. You were confident and you definitely had that boy wrapped around your finger. Knowing each other’s quirks, body language, food taste, being each other’s other half you guys had mastered for a couple of years now. Up until recently the tides have shifted your guy’s love for each other grew in a way neither of you suspected but it didn’t change anything. Maybe more lingering touches, a couple more conscious forehead kisses or escorts home. Yet the blue-eyed angel still couldn’t make it official so you did what you do best tease him any chance you got. 
“D to the TF, got your bf in my DM, got him all up in my hair” You make your way over to where Popes sitting pointing your finger at him to join you and Kie. 
“No-No” Pope lets out moving to get up, you wink at Kie who is laughing at Popes wide-eyed frantic figure who finally figured out what the songs about while trying to maneuver in the small boat. You and Kie finally get pope stuck between you two “cause I can’t believe my eyes and her man between my thighs” you and Kie keep screaming. Peaking over Pope’s shoulder you see JJ watching you “And it’s clean but messy like a pizza” you sing right at him making eye contact, you see the blue-eyed boy shift uncomfortably in his seat adjusting his swim trunks, eyes locked on you. You wink at him and see pink dust his cheeks as he clears his throat. 
Turning to John B with a smile on your face makes Sarah squeal, “My boyfriend too y/n” she lets out, fake shock evident in her tone 
“Sorry Cameron I don’t have a boyfriend so I need to steal yours” you giggle holding your hand out for John B who has his hand over his heart and an awe look on his face flattered you chose him. He kisses Sarah on the forehead and stands up leading you next to Kie and Pope “If your down boy really down, Baby let me watch you go to town” you’re back is to John B’s chest dancing to the beat yelling out the lyrics, you feel John B place his hands on your waist and see Kie trying to get Sarah to join you guys. 
You feel heat on your waist and it's not John B’s hands, someones staring at you, looking over to JJ you see him glaring at John B’s hands holding onto your hips, guiding you to the beat. Rolling your eyes at JJ you huff, only JJ would get jealous over a guy who has a girlfriend and still not do anything about it. Pope went to go sit next to JJ since Kie left him to drag Sarah to dance before the song ended. You leave John B and dance your way over to Kie and Sarah. 
“No, No, No” Sarah squeals when you grab her wrist and Kie grabs the other you guys get her to stand up and push her to the front of the boat for the last chorus. Squishing Sarah between you and Kie you guys are lazily grinding on each other with the three boys sitting at the front of the boat whooping and hollering at your antics “let me see you go to town, baby, go to town yeah”
Making eye contact with JJ again you notice his tensed features, his jaws clenched and he’s biting his lip, his hairs messed up and you assume from him tugging on it. His eyes snap up to your face knowing he got caught checking you out he smirks opening his legs wider as if daring you to go to him and do your worst. 
“Baby let me watch you go to town,” you say making your way over to the boys, John B’s eyes widen hitting JJ on the shoulder “Oh my god” Pope lets out 
You make grabby hands to JJ, grabbing his hand that was covering his crotch innocently grazing his chest making pope let out a whistle, JJ stands up immediately taking your hand in his smirking while a goofy smile graces his features. You walk him to the middle of the boat turning your back to his chest and wrapping his arms around your waist immediately, you can feel his breath against your ear as he holds onto you tighter. Rocking your guy’s body’s together to the beat, you lean your head back and whisper into his ear “It’s your one chance, baby, never or now yeah” you hear him groan gripping you tighter if possible. Giggling you push your ass against his crotch and hear him gasp “Okay that’s it” He lets out with a clenched jaw and you unravel yourself from him and go back to dancing with Sarah and Kie again “Go down, go down, go down, Yeah let me see you go to town” Screaming when the songs over and the next one starts to play you guys laugh turning around looking at the boys who just sit there or stand in JJ’s case with a shocked expression 
“What the hell is wrong with you guys,” Kie asks crossing her arms, “You’re killing the buzz” she whines while Sarah walks over to John B and climbs in his lap causing you to laugh 
Pope clears his throat and opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out causing you and Kiara to laugh “Look y/n you broke Pope” and Pope looks offended 
“No, she didn’t,” Pope says but his voice cracked causing everyone to laugh 
“I haven’t seen y/n dance like that since the party with Rafe” Sarah comments teasingly and suddenly everyone gets quiet. Kie rolls her eyes at Sarah for even mentioning him 
“Okay, y’all act like you’ve never heard a song like that chill” you chuckle going to the cooler to grab a beer and take a drink
“No we have but like wow that was so-” Pope starts out with hand movements and everything but Kie shoots him a look raising her eyebrow 
“So what Pope?” She asks and you go to say something but JJ cuts you off 
“That was hot, like really hot not gonna lie I liked it, I liked it a lot actually” JJ speaks up from where he’s standing on the boat looking at you. John B hits him upside the head “Bro what the fuck” JJ lets out turning to look at John B
“Stop being gross” John B states matter of factly “They’re having fun they don’t need a perv ruining it”
You give them a confused look “Okay I’m going to swim, coming Kie?” You ask as she nods. Diving into the marsh instantly cools off your body, you hear Kie jump in after you. Swimming to the other side of the boat. The boys and Sarah out of view you hear Kie next to you 
“So JJ is still a dumbass” she huffs out rolling her eyes in the direction of JJ. Giggling at her you shake your head and she goes to speak up about his failed attempt to get down with you to Doja Cat when you guys hear JJ whisper shout trying to be quiet, you shoot a look to Kie and raise a finger to your lips telling her to be quiet while she nods
“Okay I stand corrected that was hot. Pope you should be worried about Kie leaving you for y/n did you see the way Kie went in after her” JJ lets out a whistle and you and Kie giggle quietly moving your arms around to make it seem like y’all are still swimming 
“Shut up” Pope lets out exasperated
“No Pope listen I’m serious that was so hot like y/n dived flawlessly she’s perfect and the way Kie followed right after her like girl on girl action it just-” 
You snorted looking over at Kie who had an eyebrow raised, you made kissy faces at her until she splashed you. You could imagine JJ using his hands to emphasize his point 
“You’re disgusting JJ” you heard Sarah let out which caused you and Kie to start giggling until you heard a splash of water assuming it was Sarah. You and Kie swam a little ways from the boat to not give away that you two were snooping 
“Great, you pissed off Sarah great going JJ” you could faintly hear John B huff 
“What guys I’m being honest, you’re gonna tell me that wasn’t even a little bit hot,” JJ asks and you can see his arms extended out 
“Okay JJ yes but we don’t say that shit out loud” you hear Pope mumble. Your head shot straight to Kie who has a shocked expression on her face at Popes sudden small outburst and then to Sarah 
“You little snakes you heard them” Sarah gasps out 
“Sarah shut up oh my god, it’s so fun to tease them” you flick water at her and head to swim back to the boat seeing John B and Pope join the girls in the water. The water had done its job cooling you off you wanted to tan. 
Climbing back into the boat you hear a whistle coming from JJ “Take a picture it’ll last longer” you let out reaching for your towel to dry off 
“Only if you let me take pictures of the entire view and” he pauses popping the ‘and’ while pointing his finger at you “you stay wet” JJ lets out biting his lip as you shoot him a fake glare. He’s reaching for your waist and you let him pull you to sit down between his legs 
You pout “I wanted to tan” 
“To bad come keep me company” he smiles pulling you down, kissing the crown of your forehead nothing unusual but it didn't stop the butterflies from forming in the pit of your stomach 
“How you feeling,” You ask him as he wraps a towel around your figure before wrapping his arms around you. Knowing he didn’t get in the water because of his recent fight with his dad. His bruises were taking a little longer to heal than normal and he didn’t want anyone worrying about him. You helped apply cream to them but he couldn’t stay out of trouble long enough for it to heal properly. 
“I’m perfect right now” he hums in content and you move to look up at him, his chin is resting in the crook of your shoulder and his eyes are closed, his arms wrapped across your torso holding you close to his chest. The sun is hitting his face perfectly making his blonde locks glow and there’s a sense of calm he holds. He looks content, at peace and all you could ever ask for was this boy to feel all the love in the world and a part of you hoped he felt that with you. Placing a soft kiss on his chin you feel him shift, you turn your body to watch the rest of the Pogues in the water. They’re having a splash war and you can’t help but let out a giggle at the girls trying to take down John B. 
“You missed,” JJ says 
“Missed what?” You ask confused eyes still on your friends in the water
“You missed” He lets out annoyed at the lack of attention you’re paying to him
“JJ what the fuck are you-” His hand grabs your chin turning you to him quickly cutting you off and his lips are on yours. 
Your lips melt into his instantly. His hand goes to hold the side of your face in his hand, tilting your head a bit to deepen the kiss. You feel like your heart is going to fall out of your chest. His other hand goes to pinch your ass as you let out a gasp he uses that as an opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. Attempting to fight for dominance you gladly let him win. He tasted like beer and spearmint with a hint of weed he probably smoked earlier. It was addicting. 
Pulling away for a quick second he groans, his eyes still closed you can see him rolling his eyes like breaking away from him was the end of the world. You place quick pecks onto his lips while moving to straddle his lap, you feel him smirk against you. Pulling you closer to him, he has one hand on your ass holding you to him and the other holding the side of your cheek to keep you close, you pull his bottom lip into your mouth sucking on it as he groans. Pulling away reluctantly both of his hands find their way to the bottom of your ass. 
Opening your eyes looking at him he sits with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on his face, eyes closed, lips red and swollen. He looks like a kid in a candy store and you can’t help but let out a giggle. Placing your hands on either side of his neck you lean into him and place a couple of kisses on his lips he happily partakes in and you can feel his smile widening if even possible. Pulling away you’re met with blue eyes and a smirk. You lean up to place a kiss on his forehead as soon as you place it there his face nuzzles into your boobs and you can’t help but laugh and he groans “you’re so perfect, fuck” he speaks into your skin playfully biting your chest
Tangling your hand in his hair behind his neck, you gently pull him away from your boobs, he leans in planting another kiss on you quickly “I like this” he places another kiss on your lips “I like this a lot” he whispers to you as you break away for the third time. 
Trying to chase his lips with yours you nod at him “Yeah?” you smirk tugging at the hair gently on the back of his neck, tilting your head a little more back feigning innocent while he groans moving his hands to hold the side of your face to keep you from moving away any further 
Something flashes across his face you haven’t seen before causing you to furrow your eyebrows together and then his eyes go soft and the way he’s looking at you makes you want to melt into a puddle “Yeah I like this a lot actually” he breaths out in a sincere whisper placing a kiss on your nose, you scrunch it up as he places gentle kisses all over your face until you’re pushing his face away to stop him you guys are both left laughing, He plays with a few strands of your hair just looking at you as if he’s trying to remember every little detail as if he didn’t know it by heart already 
“Um what are you guys doing,” Pope asks from the side of the boat with a questionable look only Pope could make
“Pope what the fuck man” JJ lets out pinching the bridge of his nose glaring at him. You move to get up and grab JJ another beer, noticing John b climb into the boat as well. “Can’t you see I’m trying to make magic happen” JJ gestures towards your standing finger and you scoff placing a hand on your hip
“You’re gonna need a lot of magic JJ little Pookie here has a wide range of options” John B teases knowing JJ gets all defensive when your other affiliated party is mentioned the Kooks
“She’s mine and everyone knows it” JJ scoffs crossing his arms making his biceps bulge a little bit 
“My brother doesn’t” Sarah chimes in climbing into the boat next to you and you try to stifle your laugh at JJ fuming. Kie climbs aboard and starts arguing with JJ alongside Sarah about the logistics of a relationship and what that entails. You’re sure you hear something about ownership and women’s rights and you can’t help but smile at your friends being idiots
John B pats the seat next to him for you to sit down, clinking his beer with yours or was suppose to be JJ’s “Salud” he chuckles ruffling your hair “I think Pookie is finally a Poguie, we can talk about custody over him later” he jokes 
“No” you hear JJ say over the music holding his hand to Kie’s face to shush her while pointing a finger over at the two of you “actually, she had full custody the entire time” you hear JJ shout over Kie trying to shove JJ in the water 
“Whose pussy whipped now,” John B asks him raising an eyebrow making everyone burst into laughter and Pope lets out a low whistle
“I don’t know ask Rafe-” JJ started which earned a shocked expression from you that lasted 2 seconds and a knowing look from Sarah before Kie finally pushed him over the edge and into the marsh resulting in a gasp from him and a content smiley Kiara
“I’m sure Rafe would gladly go to town with y/n, he’ll take his one chance” Kie yelled towards him and a bunch of “oohs” come from everyone before she continues “Hmm actually let's put that on the playlist for the kegger tonight see what prince Kook wants to do with princess Pookie” She goes to put her hand on her chin pouting her lips earning a nod from Pope  
“That's it you’re dead” JJ pushes himself up into the boat and immediately grabs onto Kie throwing her back into the marsh, turning around he headed straight for Sarah 
“JJ no, JJ-” Sarah screams out when he nears her “John B I swear if you let him-” but it's too late JJ is holding her bridal style in his arms tossing her over into the marsh 
“Sorry Kook you’re related to the guy can’t have you spying on us revealing intel” He salutes the two girls in the water going to sit in between your legs on the floor of the boat, his back against the seat
“Yeah he’s pussy whipped” Pope states pointing a finger towards you guys, JJ fake glares at him taking off his cut tank that is now soaked due to Kie pushing him in. Hoping it'll dry before the kegger tonight, you wrap a towel around his wet figure playing with his blonde hair and placing a kiss on the top of his head 
“Jokes on you Pope” JJ starts shooting him a look “I’m about to be treated like a king” JJ leans back shaking his wet hair into your lap which causes a groan from John B who was in the splash zone “Beer me women” he shouts holding his arms out earning a smack to his chest from John B, rolling your eyes you hand him the beer that was originally intended for him. He raises the bottle as the girls climb into the boat glaring at him. A shit eating grin on his face “Salud” which earns a chorus of saluds back and a “how does he do it” from Pope causing everyone to burst into laughter while he starts the boat up to head back to the chateau.
The sun, the water, your boy and friends. Pogue style. 
A/N: this is my first jj writing and she isn’t edited v much I wanted to get it out bc this idea has been in my head and I think about it every time I listen to the song, and its on my summer playlist rip. This could be a two parter? the ending was kinda meh because I was torn between dragging it out and giving it an ending. Either way I hope you enjoyed it. Any feedback or commentary is welcomed my inbox is always open, I hope yall are staying safe Xx
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Tobin's sister
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We had just finished our mini scrimmage and coach was letting us out early since a part of the team was away training for the friendly of England and USA this coming.
I couldn't wait to see Tobin play. It's been a few months since I've seen her, since coming to Arsenal to play.
"What is a few of the USWNT doing here?" Jill asked looking behind me causing me to turn around quickly
"Checking out the field for tomorrow maybe" Viv said
I scanned the group for one particular person.
When I meet their eyes I could see, she had a wide smile on her face as I took off running towards her
"Toby!" Yelled as I jumped into her waiting arms, taking in her comforting scent that I missed
"Wait, you know her? The 16 year old, upcoming star in soccer and you didn't say anything. What is wrong with you?" Megan asked looking at Tobin like she is crazy as I moved from Tobin arms and blushed as I looked at Tobin to see she how she would address this
We had all agreed to keep me being her sister a secret for the beginning of my soccer career, in fear of media and everyone thinking I got my spot for being Tobin sister.
This include everyone on our teams beside Tobin's girlfriend Christen and Viktoria who was my guardian here.
"You never asked" Tobin casually said as several teammates looked at Tobin in disbelief as you rolled your eyes at her.
"Hey Chris"I said giving her a small wave which she just smiled fondly at before pulling me into a gentle hug
"You know her too?" Emily asked shocked again
"Yes, I know her" Christen said as she moved to stand next to Tobin
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked confused as I looked at all the player infront of me
"To play against England" Kelley said
"No, like in the stadium right now?" I asked looking a Tobin for an answer since I felt uncomfortable with all her teams just staring at me
"Well Christen and I wanted to see you and the rest just followed" Tobin said
"And attempt to convince you to play with us" Emily added causing my eyes to widen in shock that they knew as I glanced at Tobin who was glaring at Emily
"Ahh, so you guys all know I can play for England and America" I said awkwardly as I rubbed the back of my neck
"And we are here to make sure you pick the right team" Kelley said with a smirk
"It's her own choice" Tobin said appearing next to me wrapping her arm around my shoulder, probably sensing my discomfort.
The whole decision was stressing me out recently because I didn't want to choose the wrong team or disappoint people.
"Want to come hang out at the hotel with Christen and I. We can watch a movie and catch up on everything" Tobin said
"Sure, I just have to go shower and let Viktoria know. Text me your hotel and I'll have her drop me off" I said as she nodded I went to go join my teammates that were still on the field.
I ran over and jumped on Viv's back
"(Y/n)" she said gripping me to keep me from falling off
"So what are they doing here?" Jill asked looking at me
"Wouldn't you like to know" I said with a smirk
"VIKTORIA, YOUR CHILD IS BEING MEAN"  Viv yelled as she dropped me and I stumbled on me feet catching myself
"I'm not" I said as Viktoria wrapped a arm around me and pulling me into her
"I'm sure she is" she said with a playful smile before looking down at me
"I'm assuming you are going to go and hang out them?" She asked looking down at me as I nodded
"You know them?" Jill asked and I just nodded with a smirk before taking off to the shower, turning back really quickly to get another look at the USWNT team. I saw Tobin had an express that I couldn't read before giving a smile. ———————————————-
Viktoria and I had just arrived at the hotel that Tobin is staying at.
"Let me know if I'm picking you up tonight or in the morning. Don't forget, we have our run in the morning" Viktoria said as I nodded my head to let her know I understood as I saw Tobin walk our the entrance
"Goodbye!" I said as I quickly grabbed her Austrian team jacket with a smirk before taking off to Tobin while throwing it on.
"Hey Toby!" I said as with huge smile, happy to see her and I watched as her face changed from the face I couldn't read earlier to a smile
"Come on, Christen is waiting on us. We picked up food from the restaurant you are always telling us about" Tobin said as we made our way up to their room.
I walked into the room and I instantly smelt the food and rushed in quicker causing the two adults to laugh
"You act like you haven't ate in days" Christen said with a fond smile
"I don't get to eat this often. Viktoria doesn't like eating out often" I said as Christen handed me a plate which I happily took
"Why don't we invited the team over for the movie" Tobin said quickly which confused me. I thought she had wanted it to be us
"Okay" I said as I watch Christen try to catch Tobin eye, which I decided to ignore as I focused on the food.
Within minutes they were here, filling all the available spots in the room. I moved to sit closer to Tobin but saw she was taking a seat next to Christen on the edge of the bed.
Well that's weird, i thought as she didn't even look my way.
The next thing I knew, I pulled to ground and in between Emily and Mal.
"Time to get to know our potential teammate" Emily said with a smirk
"Be quiet sonny, the movie is starting" Alex said as Emily rolled her eyes.
We sat quickly for a while, watching the movie. Honestly it was kinda boring as I was starting to fall asleep when I felt someone nudge me.
"Wait, why are you wearing an Austrian team jacket. We aren't also competing with them are we?" Mal asked looking at me confused
"Or is it a special friend?" Emily said with a wink
"I thought we told you guys to be quiet" I heard as a pillows hit Emily causing her to grab it and start attacking Lindsey
"I guess we don't want to watch a movie" Ali said turning of the movie
"So are we also completing with another team?" Mal asked grabbing at the sweatshirt
"No, it's just us and England."  Tobin said with a dull voice before going her phone and it looking up, which kinda hurt but I quickly ignored it as Emily spoke
"So it is a special friend"
"Not like that no, she is my teammate and guardian here" I said as Emily pouted
"Boring" Megan booed while I just rolled eyes
"All of her team are to old for her, she is a baby" Ali said
"I'm not a baby" I tried fight back but stopped when she gave me a really look "okay, maybe I am" causing everyone to laugh as I blushed.
"Well since you haven't decided which national team to play for. Do you know what you are doing when you contract ends when your 18? Are you going to come to NWSL since you are eligible then?"  Alex said
"I don't know, I might just say in Europe. I mean Ill be the drinking age here. I'll still have a few year in the states" I said with a laugh before I felt Tobin glare on me, finally looking up from her phone."I'm kidding, I just really like my teammates and atmosphere here" I said with a laugh, trying to not feel uncomfortable and hurt  by her glare. She never seriously glares at me.
"I like you, you better choice USA. You can become Frat Daddy the Third" Kelley said sharing a smirk with Emily who was nodding.
"That would mean I would have to chose USA" I said with a smirk
"Great way to go down the path you said you wouldn't do" Tobin said  as I stared at her in shock and everyone picking up on the tense between us two as they stared awkwardly between. Not knowing our relationship not helping.
While Christen looked shocked at what she was referring to, also knowing that my birth dad wasn't in my life due to being a drunk.
"It was nice to meet you guys. I think I'm going to call it a night, I have early training in the morning. I'll see you guys at the game." I say awkwardly, leaving before anyone could stop me. Quickly pulling out my phone to text Victoria to come get me.
I made it out to the front of the hotel when I felt someone grab my shoulder to stop me. I turned around to see Tobin standing there and I could tell the guilt was already getting to her.
I glared at her waiting for her to talk, wishing Viktoria would hurry up.
"I should have never said that. That was a low blow on my half. I'm sorry" she said as she shuffled her feet.
"What's you problem? You've been act weird and mean all night" I asked with venom in my voice,  irritated at the way Tobin was acting
"It's nothing" Tobin said which only made me more irritated
"I've known you since I was little. I can read you, just like you can read me" I said holding glaring at her with my arms crossed.
"I'm your sister, not them!" Tobin said running her hand through her hair and I realized what was going, she is jealous of my relationship with my team.
I let a out sigh "Tobin, I'm close to them because they are my teammates. Then I live with Viktoria, so of course I'll be really close to her. That doesn't change our relationship. Your my family, you know me better than any of them. You can tell when I'm upset, annoyed, happy, even when I'm doing my best to hide it. you know exactly how to handle me. They don't. None of those relationships can even compare to ours" I said looking at her and hoping that helps ease her
I watched her relax at my words and saw the guilty express cross her face
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have acted this way. Let me make it up to you" as she opened her arms for a hug, which I heisted before returned. Relax in to the arms that I've trusted since I was little. Happy that we can go back to normal for the remainder of her trip.
"By the way, I've made my decision" I said with a smile as I looked up at her and she quickly pulled back to look at me as I smiled
"Well?" she said looking at me
"The suspense is killing me!" I heard causing me to turn around to see the team glaring at Emily who was blushing as I laughed
"I'm going to play with you" I said with a smile as I watched it register on her face before picking me up and spinning me around as I laughed
"Now that we know that, you two have some explaining to do" Megan said with sass but a smile on her face
"like how you two are siblings and we didn't know?" Kelley asked with her arms crossed over her chest. Causing me and Tobin to laugh as she pulled me closer to her
"I love you kid" Tobin said kissing the top of my head as I just smiled up at her.
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iwasbored777 · 3 years
First of all, don’t be a coward, we know the only person brave or stupid enough to get Kagami pregnant is Adrian, secondly let’s keep this hilarious headcanon train rolling and go for Juleka and Rose for pregnancy headcanons
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This is one of the best asks I ever got, it had me crying! 100/10
But my headcanon is in future (obviously) where Adrien and Marinette are married and already had their own kid but it happened WAY before the rest of their friends - I'm trying to tell you that Kagami would never have a kid with him cuz a) he's with her friend already and b) he knocked up her friend when she was a teenager so Kagami was like "nah this guy can't keep it in his pants and has never heard of protection, I'm not taking any chances". But maybe Kagami had sperm donor or something, maybe that makes more sense cuz I'm pretty sure she's a canon lesbian.
My friend did the Juleka headcanons before he knew you sent an ask about her and it's great:
Now it's time for our adorable girl, Rose:
- Rose also has the donor but it's some guy with a good medical condition and a good family, they don't know him personally but they know the name
- She goes from sweet to crazy all the time. No one knows why or how or when is that going to happen. Mood swings are INSANE with Rose!
- Rose is having triplets and she is panicking cuz it's too much kids but Juleka is super happy
- Uncle Luka is STILL trying to get pregnant women to like his music - apart from his sister - but Rose just smashed his guitar, poor guy can't catch a break. He's not even sad anymore, he's just offended
- In case you were wondering, yes, the baby Marinette and Adrien had is still madly in love with his music (I wonder why sjsksks)
- If you think Luka's music is annoying Rose, IMAGINE what Jagged's music is doing to her. The poor girl is running away every time he starts playing, Juleka told him that he sucks but he can't stop. Rose tried to jump off of the boat one time cuz she couldn't handle it
- Anarka is making fun of Jagged but feels sorry for Luka
- Speaking of boats, morning sickness is THE WORST on boats so Juleka and Rose had to move somewhere where it's calm, they also did it to protect Rose from Jagged's screeching
- Juleka is still worried because Rose was ill as a kid but Rose is telling her she'll be ok. Of course, Juleka is still overprotective of her
- Rose is crying like crazy all the time when mood swings hit her the hardest
- Juleka got her a puppy to play with as a gift before they get their babies - Luka will take care of the puppy once the babies come cuz these two won't have the time for it
- Rose has come up with at least forty possible baby names and she keeps getting more ideas but nothing sounds perfect for her
- You think your life is hard? Imagine being a sunshine flower kid married to a goth chick and you have to make a compromise for your kids' style. Nothing is ever good enough. Rose picks adorable pink dresses while Juleka picks ripped jeans but one thing they can agree on is that it's all cute cuz it's tiny
This is too adorable to write! Thanks, anon!
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Fics With Titles That Start With K (2) Masterlist
kairos (ao3) - uselessphillie
Summary: (greek, n.) - the perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that creates the opportune atmosphere for action, words, or movement
(a 2009 fic. sort of.)
Katie's Graduation Present (ao3) - auroraphilealis (peachrosepetals)
Summary: Phil Lester has missed the majority of his daughter's high school years because he’s spent the last four years in the military. When Dan finds out he’s going to miss her graduation, too, he throws a fit, and doesn’t even say “I love you,” before hanging up on him. So who's the military guy in blue at the bottom of the bleachers?
Keep Breathing - cocktailaunt
Summary: Phil has social anxiety.
Keeping Secrets - philipsenpai-fics
Summary: 1.6k words of fluff.
keep it or yeet it (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Phil’s armed with sticky notes, ready to keep or yeet everything in their room before the big move.
Dan just wants a break.
Keep The Time (ao3) - starwatersong
Summary: Dan, still recovering from a rough break-up, works in a coffee shop by day and plays in a band with his friend PJ at night. The problem is they've never had a gig and they need a new drummer. Dan meets Phil and finds much more than the drummer they're looking for.
Keep You Next To Me (ao3) - twoheadlights (fizzfic)
Summary: meeting for the first time in real life; filming phil is not on fire.
Key and Padlock (ao3) - Star4545
Summary: Based on the prompt: You and your soulmate share the same heart. Person A and B were born the same day and at the same time. They will have a special mark or tattoo over where their heart is. It could be a flower, a animal, a star, etc. You also can know if your soulmate is in pain thanks to their heart bond?
But here’s the catch, if Person A or B dies or gets any infection or illness in the heart, the other also dies or gets the illness.
Dan and Phil have matching soulmate marks: a key and padlock.
Keys To My Heart - thatsthepan
Summary: We’ve all wanted Dan to get his piano fixed forever. But when a cute repair guy shows up and causes trouble, can a simple song played on the piano fix things? Well, that and a long overdue discussion of the past.
Kick Me While I'm Down (ao3) - jerseker
Summary: Dan and Phil meet in an adult kickball league. Phil is just there to make friends. Dan is - not.
Kick Off (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: Dan used to play football but now he's stuck coaching a second league team thats in danger of relegation. He's fallen out of love with the game, his team hates him, and Phil Lester, the coach of their biggest rivals, is the most annoying person he's ever met.
Luckily life is a game of two halves and things are about to take a turn for the better.
Kids in the Dark (ao3) - Azure (Fancy_Ravenclaw)
Summary: Two solo artists on an American tour keep each other company during the evenings with some video games. And some more.
King And Jester (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: Phil has temporarily taken the crown while his older brother is stuck overseas. Dan thinks it's just like him to use this time to invite his favourite jester, wearing his tightest outfit, to the castle just because he can.
Kiss Cam - phanlight
Summary: teenage phan are at a football match and the kiss cam does the thing.
Kiss From a Rose (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Phil is a hawker trading from town to town and looking for an adventure, but when he is caught out in a storm, a beautiful stranger becomes his only hope.
k-i-s-s-i-n-g (ao3) - 332Roses
Summary: dan and phil are friends that always meet up in a tree, martyn thinks its only appropriate that they finally kiss.
Kiss It Better - nagirci
Summary: Based on ‘Kiss It All Better’ by He is We.
Kiss Me On The Mouth (Set Me Free) - itsmyusualphannie
Summary: Vampires and werewolves don't usually get along, much less form a pack-clan together, but Dan and Phil make it work. When one's the Primus of a massive vampire clan and the other is the Alpha of a close-knit werewolf pack, how couldn't they?
knowing the way (ao3) - watergator
Summary: dan meets phil at a party
based on the line in BIG, "trust me, i've known a lot of straight guys until a couple of drinks, some deep conversation and lingering eye contact, and suddenly they just start leaning in."
koala (ao3) - combeauferre
Summary: Dan's just trying his best to stay warm under the covers, and the last thing he wants is Phil's cold hands ruining his comfort.
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WIP... Tuesday?
Just in case anyone was wondering what useless novelty project I’m spending my time on now, may I introduce:
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Or more accurately: “Shisui Uchiha and the Saga of the Overly Complex Movie Poster that’s Taking Up all of the Author’s Writing Time.”
Or: “Shisui Uchiha and the One-off Story that Accidentally Turned Into a Trilogy, much to the Author’s Total Lack of Surprise.”
So anyway, I have 30,000 words (3/9 chapters of the first part) so far and as usual, no timeline for completing this story. But I’m definitely in too deep to back out now! My new approach to stories is to write the whole thing, then post week by week. So this one is still probably several months away at least...
But here’s a quick preview:
The list of things Shisui Uchiha regrets in his life is pretty small.
A handful of ill-considered one night stands, several embarrassing bets with members of his family, the summer he decided to turn emo, oh—and one particularly notable fuck-up early in his career that very nearly ended it prematurely. But, for the most part, it’s been smooth-sailing.
Sure, maybe the odd rival takes a pot shot at him here or there. Ancient booby traps try to kill him, or the local wildlife steps in where they’ve left off. He and spiders are categorically never going to get along. But he’s never had cause to regret his career itself. He loves everything about treasure hunting—the adventure, the danger, the intellectual challenge of it all. The way his heart races when he finds some ancient artifact supposedly lost for good.
So, all in all, his current position—perched twenty feet up a silk cotton tree in India, surrounded by about two-dozen armed thugs personally out for his blood—well, that’s just another day at the office.
Two of the men walk below Shisui’s hiding place and he holds his breath, watching. They’re thick-built meat-heads; improbable amalgams of every jackbooted thug to ever grace a movie screen, with jawlines Chuck Norris could break a fist on, and brows that would make a Neanderthal proud. Supressing the snicker that threatens to escape him at the thought, Shisui wonders where Gato keeps finding these idiots. Some sort of steroid-fuelled body building conference maybe…
Comfortable they’re far too stupid to realise he’s here, he swings his legs back and forward, checking his bag to make sure his prize is still undamaged. Thankfully, despite having beaten a hasty retreat through the crowded city streets, the jewel-encrusted golden elephant winks up at him like a winning lottery ticket. One that’s going to pay for fancy canapes, champagne and extra leg room on Shisui’s flight home. Then a lot more afterwards.
But karma, as they say, is a bitch.
And karma, for Shisui, makes itself known in the form of a fluffy grey creature that plops down onto the branch beside him, joined in short order by half a dozen other partners in crime. At first, the macaque just fixes its intelligent gaze on Shisui, as though assessing what to do with him. Then, one very pregnant pause later, after the apparent realisation that no food is immediately forthcoming, the ringleader opens its mouth and screams. Loudly.
“No, shhh…” Shisui orders in a loud whisper. “Oh come on, don’t be an asshole.”
The screaming continues, soon swelling to a cacophony as the others join in.
“Shoo!” he pleads, waving his arms around to try and scare them off. “I’ll buy you bag of bananas or something when I get down from here, just please shut up…”
But the little bastards don’t stop and, if anything, Shisui’s heated objection only seems to be pissing them off more. Which is fantastic, because truly the last thing he needs today is to catch rabies or—
From the bottom of the tree, someone clears their throat. “Ahem.”
Or that.
It’s smug, officious, and quite frankly, about the last voice Shisui wants to hear right now. Every part of him sinks. On reflection, maybe it was a bit arrogant to think he wouldn’t have been followed to the temple. To think he was just going to walk in, pilfer a several-centuries old treasure, and walk out again, a comfortable five-figure sum the richer for it.
But then, it wouldn’t be the first time.
Sighing, he looks down to see his least-favourite human approximation of a turd. “Gato.”
“Well, well, if it isn’t my favourite globe-trotting Uchiha. Fancy seeing you here,” Gato says, appearing inordinately pleased. His trademark sunglasses sit awkwardly atop his bulbous nose, straddling a pencil moustache that looks like a worm met its unfortunate end on his face some years ago, and he never bothered to wipe it off.
For reasons he can’t currently articulate, it annoys the shit out of Shisui. Possibly because if there’s anything he hates more than someone getting the better of him, it’s someone who’s as much of a fucking waste of space as Gato getting the better of him.
“Yeah well, you know how it is,” he says, glancing around for a quick exit. “Ancient treasures to find, damsels in distress to rescue…”
But unfortunately, the crowd of highly armed men around Gato is growing by the second, and Shisui’s options are looking somewhat thin on the ground. At least, all the ones that don't end with him riddled in bullet holes. Damn macaques…
Gato grins. In the pre-monsoon heat, sweat rolls down his neck and spreads like an oily stain across his collar. “Oh, I’m well aware of how you operate... You’re a businessman, just like me. Always taking jobs for the highest bidder.” Before Shisui can open his mouth to disagree, Gato holds up a hand, adding, “I know, I know… you don’t see yourself that way. Moral code or whatever it is you like to call it. But in reality, the only difference between us is that you have the air of legitimacy that comes with an academic backing, whereas I’m willing to admit what I really want.”
“And what do you want, Gato?” Shisui asks flatly, already knowing the answer. The tired old game they’re playing here.
“That trinket you have in your bag.” Gato licks his lips, as though he can taste the champagne he’s going to be drinking once he returns the statue to whoever hired him, to disappear into some private collection, never to see the light of day again.
“What do I get in return?” Shisui asks, even though it’s obvious from Gato’s expression that he’s not going to like it, whatever it is.
A mirthless laugh assaults his ears. “I’ll let you live to cross paths with me another day.”
As offers go, it’s not very believable. But as much as Shisui hates to admit when his luck’s run out, even he can see the writing on the wall. Today really isn’t his day. Sure, he might trust Gato about as far as he could throw him, but even Gato isn’t stupid enough to shoot him on a main street, in broad daylight. Probably…
Retrieving the golden elephant from his bag, Shisui tosses it carefully down.
Turning the trinket over in his hands, Gato lets out a hum of appreciation. “Very nice. My client will be pleased.” He hands it off to one of his many thugs to box up, then peers back through the branches, looking more like a slug than Shisui would ever have thought possible. Reinforcing the impression, his lips twist with a slimy smile. “Well, as always, it’s been nice doing business with you Shisui. But I think, unfortunately, you’ve caused me trouble for the last time.”
Far too pleased for Shisui’s taste, Gato steps back, raising his hand in a gesture that looks awfully like it’s intended as a final farewell. Or a smug ‘fuck you.’ Either way, the message is perfectly clear.
Shisui rolls his eyes, mentally scratching off another predictable villainous turn on his treasure hunting bingo card. “All right,” he calls after Gato’s retreating back. “Nice doing business with you too! See you next time...” Under his breath he mutters, “Asshole…”
Truly, Gato doesn't have an original bone in his body. It's like he once read The Idiots Guide to Being a B-Grade Movie Villain, then internalised it on the spot to make up for a lack of anything remotely resembling a personality. But, pathetic imitation of a villain or not, his bullets are still effective.
The leaves around him shred beneath the pop, pop of gunfire as Shisui sucks in a rushed breath, bracing himself for what he’s about to do. The branch wobbles precariously beneath his feet as he races along it, pushing off into air that rushes past, disconcerting and empty. The slender gap to the building seems to widen to the span of a gaping abyss—
He hits the rail of the apartment with thud, clambering quickly over it to fall on his back on the balcony, winded, but mercifully unharmed. A macaque peers over the guttering at him, with a leering grin that clearly threatens more screaming.
“Don’t you start,” he warns, waggling a finger at it.
But there’s barely a moment to catch his breath before the sound of splintering wood below indicates another problem. Or an extension of the same one. Bounding to his feet, Shisui scoops up his hat, settles it back on his head, and checks over the railing. A bullet clips the plaster nearby—a pretty good indication that Gato’s men have every idea where he’s gone. That, combined with the way they’re currently pushing through the lower doors to the complex probably doesn’t mean anything good for him.
“Shit,” he announces to no one in particular. It’s times like these he really wishes he carried a gun…
Forcing his way into the mercifully empty apartment off the balcony, Shisui slips quickly through it. Cracking open the door on the far side, he checks the coast is clear. It is.
Of course, it doesn’t stay that way for long. Halfway along the open air corridor, there’s a cry of discovery from his pursuers, followed by more shooting. Seriously, why are the bad guys always bringing guns to Shisui’s knife fights?
Ducking, he runs faster, bursting into another apartment filled with hazy cigarette smoke and shocked faces before finally making it to an exterior stairwell on the far side. Looking at the next building over, it’s immediately apparent the gap is way too far for him to use the same trick he did before. But with Gato’s men advancing on him from below, maybe he can just make it to street level and bypass them altogether…
A thicket of power cables criss-crosses the span between the buildings, with one nearby running almost to the level of the shop awnings below. Sending a rash of silent prayers to whatever gods take care of Indian power line maintenance, Shisui detaches a length of rope from his belt and flings it over the wire, gripping each side like a makeshift zipline. Holding his breath, he pushes off into empty space. To his surprise and considerable delight, the line holds.
It sweeps him across the street, picking up more and more speed, until the side of the other building is rushing at him like—
He impacts it with his shoulder, coming to an uncomfortable and jarring stop. Pain shoots down his arm and he lets go of the rope, crashing through a fabric awning and landing ungracefully in a huge stack of bagged flour. Dust floats down around him and Shisui groans, moving each of his limbs in turn. By some miracle, nothing seems broken. Not even his tantō in its leather holster at his back.
Oh well. Fall down seven times, stand up eight…
Apparently his exit was none too subtle though, because Gato’s men are leaning over the stairwell railing, yelling and pointing at the mess he’s made. Dragging himself to his feet, Shisui evades an angry store owner, brushes flour off of his clothes and resumes running for his life.
Never let anyone say archaeology is boring.
As he emerges back onto the main street, searching for quick and easy exit, the sound of screeching brakes and angry honking carries from the road. Cutting a wild path through traffic is an old open-top olive-drab Jeep with several gold charms dangling from its rear-view mirror. It jerks to a stop just before hitting Shisui, both side wheels riding up on the curb.
“Need a ride?” the female driver asks, grinning.
Her windswept hair hangs past the fashionable silk scarf tied at her neck. Unmanicured nails wrap around the slender metal of the steering wheel, like they couldn’t be more at home there. They’re a stark contrast with the cream suit linen she’s wearing, rolled up neatly to her elbows. Speckled with dirt, it looks like she’s probably travelled halfway across the country to be here, and been up to her elbows in the grease of the Jeep’s engine at some point to do it. She’s a walking contradiction—albeit one Shisui is delighted to see.
“Izumi!” he exclaims happily.
Eyes sparkling, she waves. “Hey.”
“I thought you were practicing on the course in Reno this weekend… What’re you doing here?”
A shot rings out, kicking up dust near one of the tyres. Glancing behind him, Izumi rolls her eyes, reaching across to throw open the door. “What am I always doing? Saving your ass, you idiot... Now get in before one of us gets shot, or I have to find out whether my rental insurance covers illegal firefight damage.”
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