#and now i’m like wait are they synced up??
lovelandfrogman · 11 months
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blasetober day 25: parker+megan
ok too tired 4 new stuff today. here’s some icons i made for my art fight page :]
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maruflix · 1 month
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FEATURING: Narumi Gen x f!reader x Hoshina Soshiro
SYNOPSIS: Everyone knows by now that Captain Narumi Gen has the hots for you, no matter how hard he tries to hide it. Unluckily for him, a certain Vice-Captain of the Third Division finds the whole situation very amusing.
CONTENT: [2,6k words] female reader, reader is a platoon leader in the first division, hoshina is a menace, pining narumi, manga version so hoshina has red eyes, sparring with hoshina and narumi, basically a collection of narumi and hoshina fighting over you, no beta we die like men
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You wish Narumi would just drop the act. 
Does he really think he’s being slick? He, the First Division’s resident lazy bum, who for some reason always asks you to spar with him out of all the platoon leaders? Maybe if he doesn’t act so weird about it, you’d be none the wiser — but who is he fooling when he continues to compliment your abilities and patch up your injuries, all the while flaming someone else for being a weakling?
Yeah, everyone caught on pretty fast that there’s something going on between you two.
This morning, he once again orbits around you with the excuse of “I’m also going this way!”, only to instantly be caught in his own lie when Vice-Captain Hasegawa drags him off to the opposite direction, scolding him for playing around instead of getting to the meeting room. 
Good God. All you wanted in life is a cool, steady job in the Defense Force. How the hell did you manage to catch the eye of your dashingly handsome superior?
Director General Shinomiya drones on in the background as you squirm uncomfortably in your seat. Narumi is sitting diagonally from you, his gaze burning into you as he mindlessly taps the desk with his long fingers. Out of the corner of your eye you see Hasegawa elbowing his arm for the third time that day. His head drops and he turns to glare at the man irritably before straightening his position — but before long, his eyes drift over to you once more.
In front of you, Vice-Captain Hoshina is smiling. 
Shit. Your gaze drops to your lap as you feel your cheeks warming up. In the middle of trying to steal glances at your Captain, you accidentally made the mistake of looking at the Third Division’s Vice-Captain while he’s looking at you.
Wait. He’s looking at you…? Surely not. His eyes are always narrowed into slits, it makes it hard to tell where he’s actually looking. You raise your head in uncertainty, only to see that Hoshina is now resting his chin on top of his intertwined fingers, his grin wide and his eyes still very much staring at you.  
Your heart jumps and you immediately avert your gaze elsewhere — as luck would have it, back to Captain Narumi, who seems to notice that you’re distracted.
He turns his head to follow your earlier line of sight, leaning forward in his seat to see who you were staring at. Shockingly, Vice-Captain Hoshina does the same. You watch in horror as the two men turn their heads in perfect sync and lock eyes, two sharp red orbs clashing into each other.
Narumi doesn’t even bother to hide the fact that he is fuming while Hoshina’s grin only spreads wider.
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Narumi is grumbling when he walks out of the conference room. He hates big meetings. He doesn’t need Shinomiya to talk his ear off to know that there has been a kaiju uprising in the recent months. He’s the one who’s fighting in the frontlines, god damn it.
“What are you doing?” As he leans against the wall, Hasegawa spots him and eyes at him incredulously.
Narumi shrugs, trying to act indifferent. “Nothing.”
Hasegawa shakes his head and leaves.
After having a few people salute him, Narumi finally spots you emerging from the room. He smiles and pushes himself off the wall. He’s about to make his way to you when he sees you turn your head abruptly. He pauses, watching as your figure retreat, obstructed slightly by the opened door. When you re-emerge, you’re no longer alone.
Hoshina Soshiro is folding his hands behind his back as he saunters out, walking next to you a little bit too close for comfort while smiling that creepy smile of his.
It’s cliche, but at that moment, Narumi Gen sees red. Watching you and Hoshina disappear into the corner, he stuffs his hands into his pockets and follows suit.
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Vice-Captain Hoshina is a very skilled combatant. You’ve heard the rumors, but still...
It’s amazing how you manage to narrowly dodge a slash before pivoting out the way from a kick he directs at your sides. You take a swing at him with your blade, but he’s much more skillful with weapons than you are — he deflects it with his own twin swords before bringing the hilt to your knuckles, hitting it in the hopes of disarming you.
You grit your teeth and clench your blade, jerking it his way so hard that it knocks both his left sword and your own weapon. Both fall to the ground, clattering away out of your reach. 
Hoshina smiles, throwing away his other sword and gesturing for you to come to him. You accept the invitation. Closing the distance, you bring your knee up to kick him in the stomach. It feels like you hit a brick wall as you connect with his body — but still, a hit is a hit, and landing a hit on the Hoshina Soshiro is an impressive feat.
You learn your lesson not to get distracted in a fight when he suddenly grabs your knee with his hands and pulls on it so hard that you lose your footing. The whole world spins before your eyes — (you have a sudden sinking feeling that he took that hit on purpose) — as you crash to the ground. Grimacing, you let out a shaky breath. God damn, that hurt.
Hoshina’s face appears shortly after. “Ya’ alright? Quite a tumble you took there.”
You relax against the floor, trying to catch your breath. “Uh-huh. That was…” Letting Hoshina pull you up, you almost fall forward at the sheer exhaustion but manage to stop yourself from colliding into his chest. “... that was very enlightening. Thank you, Vice-Captain Hoshina.”
“You’re welcome, Platoon Leader. It’s refreshing to fight with you.”
Receiving a praise from the Defense Force's strongest close-quarters combatant makes you blush. You force your gaze downwards, trying to avoid Hoshina’s eyes. Suddenly you realize that he is still holding your hand, causing you yelp in surprise and immediately jerk your hand away.
Hoshina merely laughs, running his now-free hand through his hair. “Say, Platoon Leader, ya’ wanna grab a bite after this?”
Before you can answer, a tornado sweeps his way into the room.
“Hoshinaaaa!!” You snap your head to the door, surprised to see Captain Narumi marching towards you, his expression twisted in anger, “Who the hell gave you permission to spar with my platoon leader?!”
“My, if it isn’t Captain Narumi.” Hoshina is unbothered even as Narumi glares at him like he’s a pesky bug, “I don’t see how I need your permission to spar against someone. It’s not against the rules or anythin’~”
Hoshina’s breezy tone only makes Narumi seethe more. “You— you— I— !” He struggles to make a comeback, finally settling his gaze on you. “You! You’re coming with me!”
With that, he’s dragging you away, leaving behind a thoroughly amused Hoshina who’s waving at you goodbye with a grin on his face.
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Eating is supposed to be a relaxing activity.
Instead, you’re squished between Captain Narumi of the First Division and Vice-Captain Hoshina of the Third Division, with everyone from different divisions gawking at your star-studded table.
There’s a blazing inferno on your left (Narumi stabbing his potatoes with his fork, fuming) and an icy chill on your right (Hoshina gulping down the remains of his green tea, unbothered by the whole thing).
Truth be told, your captain is intimidating as hell when he’s in a bad mood, so you decide to turn your attention to the lesser evil. Hoshina seems to be finished with his food as he opens his phone to play a game.
“Oh, Vice-Captain Hoshina, you play Kaiju Impact too?”
Narumi snaps his neck so instantaneously, he almost got whiplash from it.
“Ye~p! It’s fun, I just got the newest five star character.”
“Huuhh?! No way! You’re so lucky! I lost my 50/50...”
“We should play together sometime. Let me add you.”
“S-sure! I’m still new at this, though...”
Without warning, Narumi leans sideways to join the conversation, causing you to lean back in alarm.
“What level are you?” He questions, narrowing his eyes to look at Hoshina’s phone before chortling obnoxiously. “Ha! Still at Level 30?! I’m already at Level 60!” He turns his head to look at you, “You sure you want to play with this noob?! Play with me instead!”
Hoshina sighs exaggeratedly. “Your enemies are too hard for her, dumbass. She’s just gonna get 1-hit-KO’ed. Platoon Leader, you’re better off playing with me.”
Narumi sputters. “Huh?! I can carry you, you don’t need to do anything!”
“Then why play at all? You’re probably just looking for an opportunity to brag, right?”
“What?! Y-You’d rather play with me, right?! Right?!”
You massage your temples in exhaustion. Forget it. You’d rather just exterminate kaiju in real life instead.
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You liked having a new sparring partner. Hoshina doesn’t go easy on you, but he’s always careful with his movements. It makes you feel both acknowledged and taken care of.
Narumi, on the other hand...
You yelp as the full force of Narumi’s power pushes you to the ground, knocking both your weapon and your breath away. Panting to catch your breath, you can’t even bring yourself to move because everything hurts.
“Are you alright?!” Narumi is kneeling down as he studies you frantically. “You usually defeat kaiju like a pro, what’s wrong with you today?”
“Between a kaiju and you, Captain Narumi...” You cough before panting again, “You’re definitely the bigger threat.”
To your surprise, Narumi laughs. He’s delighted at your indirect praise — sure, he knows that he’s the strongest in the Defense Force, but hearing his crush say it to his face is something else.
He gently pulls you up, steadying you by holding your waist. When you look up to thank him, he has a calm face on, but his heart is actually beating 120 bpm per minute. “Careful.” He rasps out, bangs falling down to cover his eyes.
Your heart skip a beat. Narumi’s hands still rests on your waist as he gazes right at you. It’s like there is a magnetic pull between the two of you because the distance between your faces grow closer.
You have to admit that you find him attractive — who doesn’t? — and the special treatment he gives you is very endearing. Now that you really look at him, he’s very handsome. If you move forward just a little bit more, your lips will surely touch—
“Ya—hoo! Whoops, am I interruptin’ something?”
Narumi groans in frustration as Hoshina casually walks over while you jump, taken aback by his sudden appearance. You instantly break free from Narumi’s grasp, much to his dismay. “V-Vice Captain Hoshina!”
A phone comes sliding into your vision. “Gimme your ID, won’t you?”
Flustered, you reach out to take his phone and proceed to type your Kaiju Impact player ID.
Narumi glares at his rival. “Must you really stomp all over my territory, Hoshina?” His tone is hostile as he points a finger at the violet-haired man.
Hoshina only responds with a chuckle before ignoring him completely, opting to taking his phone from your hand. “There we go. Now let’s go and play, I wanna kill time before dinner~”
You can only nod as he takes you by the arm. The two of you don’t get far because you suddenly feel a hand on your other arm.
“Captain Narumi?!”
Hoshina turns back, grinning from ear to ear when he sees Narumi clutching your arm like his life depended on it. “What’s this?”
“We’re not done with training!” Narumi reasons, loosening his grip on you but not quite letting go.
“R-Respectfully, I don’t think I can go another round...” You pipe up in a small voice.
Hoshina clicks his tongue in disapproval. “You’re such a mean boss, y’know?”
“Anyway, I’m not letting you go with him!”
“Who are you, her big bro or something?”
“Know your place, you’re not even in the same division!”
“What does that have to do with anything? I enjoy her company, that’s all~”
“Well I enjoy her company more!”
“Why are you so intent on one-upping me...? Are you a child?”
Neither of your superior relents, holding your arm like a tug of war. In the middle of them, you can already feel your soul slipping away.
“I’m sorry, Captain Narumi, but I did make a promise...”
Narumi looks at you like he’s been kicked. Meanwhile, Hoshina rejoices, pumping his fist victoriously.
“I’ll wait for you at the library!”
When Hoshina disappears, you glance anxiously at Narumi. There’s an indiscernible expression on his face as he hangs his head, sulking. ‘Is it okay to leave him like this...?’
You don’t know what possessed you to do it, but you lean forward and peck him on the lips. It’s a quick kiss that makes you feel like you’re a lovesick schoolgirl. When you pull away, Narumi has his eyes wide open as he stares at you in shock.
Getting the urge to kiss him again, you decide to run before you actually do it. Luckily, he doesn’t run after you — or else he’ll see what a blushing mess you’ve become.
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After morning practice, it is finally time for Hoshina to return to his own base at Nishi-Tokyo. Upon his request, you’ve come to see him off.
It’s surprising, but you’ve grown closer to the man in the span of just one day and a half, even playing games together as you chat about life and trivial things. You’re going to miss his presence.
The same can not be said for Narumi.
“Hurry up and leave already, dammit.”
“If you’re busy you can leave. It’s not like I asked you to come see me off.”
“Then why did you get my platoon leader to accompany you, huh?!”
“What’s it to you? Why’re you so intent on hogging her all to yourself? Got a crush on her or somethin’?”
“Y-You’re one to talk, you little—!”
Not this again.
Once more, Hoshina flat-out ignores Narumi. “Well, take care~ Let’s go somewhere on your day off.”
There’s a tight smile on your face as Hoshina pats your head, making Narumi seethe in anger next to you. “That would be my pleasure, but... Vice-Captain Hoshina, it’s not good to tease me so much...”
For the first time, Hoshina’s playful smile disappears. “Who says I’m just teasing you?” The mischievous glint on his eyes are absent as he peers at you, “Next time, I’ll show you just how serious I am.”
You’re pretty sure you have the dumbest expression on your face as you freeze on your spot, blushing to the tips of your ears even as Hoshina’s figure disappears into the distance. For a while, you and Narumi stand in front of the gates, engulfed in silence.
Narumi’s annoyed sigh interrupts your train of thoughts as you’re snapped back to reality. Turning your head, you see him giving you a look you’ve never seen before.
“Platoon Leader, come see me after the day ends. I need to talk to you.”
“W-What about?”
Narrowing his eyes at your feigned ignorance, Narumi bites back the urge to hoist you over his shoulders and lock you in a room away from prying eyes. “I think you know what about,” He whispers above your ear, his voice husky, “Did you really think I’ll let you steal a kiss from me and not take responsibility for it?”
Narumi leans back, grinning in satisfaction when he sees you turning red and stuttering his name. Now that a formidable challenger has appeared, he’ll need to up his game.
Let’s see who will be the one to seize victory.
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END NOTES: I give in. The Kn8 brainrot is chronic. Also, Narumi and Hoshina’s rivalry will never not be funny! Writing this is so much fun, should I make this a series?
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elliesgaythoughts · 2 months
glasses stay on
warnings: sub ellie, strap r! receiving, use of mommy, good girl, pretty girl, edging, sliiiight choking and that’s all i can remember right now💕 (proof read this at 5am. you know what to expect boo)
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your head was spinning as you did most of the work, sweat treacling down your forehead and chest as you continued lifting your hips up and slamming yourself back down onto ellies strap with a weak whine of her name. she muttered your name under her breath in response as she practically rid the base of her harness. her heels dug into the mattress and her pelvis rocked back and forth.
“fuuuck” her head lulled to the side and a pout formed onto her lips as she slowly started to space out, her walls aching as your movements only brought her more pleasure.
“aww are you gonna cum, pretty girl?” you cooed. the blush in her face and the vein protruding at the side of her neck already giving you her answer before she stuttered.
“yes, please pl-please can i cum?” she begged as you teasingly kissed down the valley of her chest, making her wait for your answer as her legs spasmed in all directions and her thrusts against the harness slowed as she tried to stop her high from taking over her.
you hummed a “good girl” at the feeling of her movements calming for you, giving you a second to recover from how harshly you fucked yourself onto her. your ability to think slowly came back as you gripped her throat gently and pulled her face closer to yours. she rested weakly onto her elbows, her eyes on yours as you swayed your hips.
only the sounds of heavy breaths and her thick strap leaving and entering your walls was heard as you both took in the view of one another, lost in the sight of eachothers bodies.
you found it adorable how she squinted her eyes behind her steamed up glasses as she tried to focus her attention on you as they slid thurther down her cute little nose with each subtle movement of your hips that made her body jerk as she whispered pathetic little pleas repeatedly. absentmindedly.
you both slowly started to rock your bodies in sync, almost like a dance as you both creeped closer to your peaks.
the moment only broke when you picked up your pace causing Ellie to mutter something angrily under her breath about her glasses as she grunted and reached up to the frames that continusly needed readjusting from how they slid down the sweaty bridge of her nose from you and her actions.
the band in your belly was so close to snapping as your hands interrupted hers. stopping her as she went to remove the frames from her face, your previously cum soaked fingertips pushing them back onto the bridge of her nose “g-” you didn’t realise just how out of it you were until you tried to speak, your speech coming out slurred. “glasses s-stay on, princess” you smirk softly as you push them back down onto her face, accidentally smearing one of her lenses.
“yes mommy” a moan leaves your lips at the name “fuuuck” ellie just hums weakly as you she pushes her head back, deeper against her pillow, her hair sprawled across its plush.
she knows she should’ve wiped them down, knowing you were too out of it to even realise what you done but it had her clit throbbing against the harness that you pushed up against her as your movement picked up again and her whimpers raised in pitch as you brought her to the edge so much quicker this time.
there was just something so disgustingly hot about watching you ride her dick through steamed up and cum stained lenses.
she had a bruising grip on your waist as she watched your blurry form. her hips bucked and her tummy caved in, her chest rising and falling as she spoke “g-gonna fuck. I’m gonna fuckin’ cum.”
your fingertips moved frantically onto your clit “me, too. me too princess.” you whined.
her pornographic sounds were cut off as her breath hitched and her abs contracted as she used everything she had left to hold off until you gave her permission. a whisper of a “please” was all that was heard from the red faced girl as you palmed her tits, your walls squeezing around the dick that slipped in and out of you “cum with me” and ellie’s fingernails dug into the flesh on your ass as she came against the back of the harness “oh my god!” she squealed, cum leaking from her as you continued to ride her.
you ran your nails down her spasming torso, sinking them so deep that you almost drew blood “im so close” you whine, promising her she’ll only need to take the overstimulation just a little longer “fuck fuck stop” she whimpered, as her legs started to shake and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
in an instant your hips stilled, your eyes scanning her to see if you hurt her in any way “you okay, baby?” her hand reached into her underwear, her fingertips slipping against the mess you made of her as she cupped her pussy and felt her clit pitter patter against her palm as she sighed “yeah, yeah” her eyes fell close “felt so good” she reminiced as she pulled her soaked fingers from her boxers, spreading them and admiring the how it webbed between her fingertips “fuck” she laughed.
her giggling stopped soon after when she noticed the subtle pout on your face as you tried to close your legs, her strap still buried deep inside you “oh shit babe you didn’t cum?” she was too lost in her own world to remember why you were even overstimulating her in the first place.
you gnawed onto the bottom of your lip as you hummed a sound that resembled a nuh uh and her eyes instantly softened “babeee-” but you interrupt her “it’s okay, baby.”
she rolls her green eyes “nuh uh” her voice was still hoarse from earlier.
your eyes mirror hers “uh huh” as you cross your arms.
“are you sure?” she asks with soft eyes. “yes, darling. now let’s get you cleaned up, okay?”
her face blushed at your words “okay, mommy” she said knowing how the name made you feel “shut upp” you giggled.
“okay mommy” she spoke as you rolled your eyes playfully.
(you both showered together and she made it up to you in the shower. happy days. i love y’all)
@williamellieslilho @yourelliewillms @moonalumi @pascals-doll @infiniteinquiries @aouiaa @radioheadfan699 @lmaoo-spiderman @quinnister @cattjull
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
In some other news, I’ve come to the conclusion that while my mom got asbestos hands (can pick up hot things and doesn’t care) and my grandma got an asbestos mouth (drinks tea that is actively boiling), I have an asbestos tummy
#reading reviews of my new heat pad that are like ‘it burned me!’ and ‘setting 3 is way too hot unless you lay material between the pad#and your body’#meanwhile i had the thing on setting three and directly against my skin and was like ‘fucking… this is not hot enough’#like don’t get me wrong it’s HOT but i’m the type of bitch who loses her hot water bottle covers because she doesn’t use them#if i don’t have red welts on my stomach has it even worked#the heat pad is fine though. i like how portable it is and how fast it warms up. i’ve got to remember to keep it charged though because#if there’s ever a time i need this and it’s dead i will also be passing away#the thing i really don’t like about hot water bottles is waiting for the kettle to boil and then worrying about scalding myself while trying#to pour (which i’ve absolutely done before when i’ve been dizzy and nauseous)#either way i’m just glad i have another option. like what if i had a friend staying with me and we were synced; or she was cold in bed#and i had a back pain. these are the things i think about#my old flatmate did actually borrow my hot water bottle for like 3 months straight and i was kind of okay because it’s not my sole pain#relief method; but then i had a really bad time and i was like ‘girl i need this back’ and she was like ‘okay :(‘#she was mostly using it because she was cold. she ended up buying a winter duvet. i don’t think anyone explained english winters to her#but that was a whole thing and i don’t want to repeat it tbh#anyway tl;dr asbestos tummy is now a real condition. i’m coining it#personal
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pucksandpower · 5 months
Fashionably Challenged
Max Verstappen x Reader
Summary: you and Max may not exactly be the paddock’s most stylish couple, but you wouldn’t want it any other way
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You wake up to the sound of Max rummaging through the closet of your shared hotel suite. Rolling over, you see him laying out two matching outfits — the Red Bull Racing team polos, skinny jeans, and sneakers you’ve grown accustomed to over the years.
One set for him, one set for you.
“Morning, liefje,” he says, catching your gaze. “I have our outfits for the day ready to go.”
You smile sleepily. “Thanks, babe. You know me too well.”
Max grins as he walks over and climbs back into bed, throwing an arm around you. “Of course I do. Can’t have my girlfriend showing up to races looking anything less than perfect.”
You laugh and playfully shove him. “Oh shut up. You know I’d show up in a potato sack if I could.”
“Don’t even joke about that,” he says with mock seriousness. “I would never let you embarrass me like that.”
“Embarrass you?” You scoff. “Please, like you even notice what I’m wearing half the time. You’re just as bad as me when it comes to fashion.”
Max opens his mouth to protest but then shuts it, shrugging in admission. “Okay, fair point. But that’s why I always get you the same thing I’m wearing. So there’s no way we can mess it up.”
You consider this for a moment. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. We make a pretty fashionably challenged couple.”
“The most fashionably challenged,” he agrees with a laugh. He pauses, gaze growing serious. “But I like it that way. I like that we match.”
Warmth blooms in your chest. “Me too.”
The morning passes quickly as you get ready for the race. True to form, you both pull on the matching outfits without a second thought. As you’re walking out to the car, Max stops you.
“Wait,” he says, taking your hand and turning you to face him. He looks you up and down appraisingly. “You look perfect, just like always.”
You can’t help but beam at the compliment. “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”
He grins. “Not nearly enough.”
“Well I do,” you say, leaning in to kiss him. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, schatje,” Max murmurs against your lips. “Now let’s go kick some ass today.”
The race goes well, Max taking the checkered flag to the roar of the crowds. As you’re waiting to congratulate him, a podcaster approaches you with a microphone.
“Hi there,” she says brightly. “I’m Lottie from The Racing Line. I was wondering if I could ask you a couple quick questions?”
“Oh, um, sure,” you’re a bit caught off guard.
“Great! So first off, you and Max always seem to be wearing matching outfits to the races. Is that something you two purposely coordinate as a cute couple thing?”
You feel your cheeks flush slightly. “Oh no, not at all actually. The truth is neither of us have much fashion sense at all. So Max just gets me the female version of whatever he’s wearing to make it easy.”
The podcaster looks disappointed. “Oh, I see. So it’s not some adorable couple tradition then?”
“Well, I mean, I guess in a way it kind of is?” You say quickly, feeling guilty. “Neither of us are really into fashion, so we end up matching by default anyway. I think it’s sweet that we always end up coordinating without even trying because we’re just so in sync.”
She perks up at that. “Aww, okay, I can see that! So even though it’s not on purpose, you’ve made your own cute little tradition out of it just by being so aligned. That’s really romantic.”
You nod, smiling softly. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
“Well thank you so much for your time,” she shakes your hand. “And congratulations to Max on another win!”
“Thank you,” you reply as she walks away.
A few minutes later Max emerges, helmet under his arm and face lit up in that way you love. You throw your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug.
“Congratulations baby, you were amazing out there as always.”
“Thank you, schatje,” he says, squeezing you close. He pauses, smile turning teasing. “Did you enjoy chatting with that podcaster earlier?”
You pull back, eyes narrowing. “You saw that, did you?”
He chuckles. “Of course I did. I always notice you.”
“Well then you also saw me have to completely backtrack and come up with some sappy story for why we match when she thought it was a cutesy couple thing,” you say dryly.
Max shrugs. “It kind of is though, isn’t it? Maybe not on purpose, but it’s become our thing.”
“I guess you’re right,” you admit. “I told her it was romantic how in sync we are, always coordinating outfits without even trying.”
“Hmm, I like that,” he says, grinning. “We really are pretty in sync, aren’t we? Two fashionably hopeless peas in a pod.”
You laugh. “That we are.” You look at him fondly. “But I love our way better than being one of those obnoxiously coordinated couples.”
“Me too,” he agrees. “Though I will admit ...” His gaze grows more serious. “Part of the reason I like matching is because it makes me happy to walk around wearing the same thing as you. Like we’re a unit, you know?”
Your heart skips a beat at the soft vulnerability in his voice. “Max Verstappen, you big old romantic,” you tease gently.
He shrugs but you can see the pleased look in his eyes. Sudden understanding washes over you.
“Wait a minute … is that why you got me the same outfit the first time? Not just because you thought it would be easier, but because you wanted us to match?”
Max stays silent for a moment before breaking into a sheepish grin. “You caught me.”
“Oh my god!” You shove his shoulder playfully. “You big sap!”
“What can I say? I like having my girl on my arm looking like the power couple we are,” Max says, pulling you close again. “Fashionably challenged or not.”
“If only everyone out there making you out to be the villain could see the cuddly teddy bear you really are. I absolutely love it,” you murmur, stretching up to kiss him. You can feel him smile against your lips.
As you break apart, Max squeezes your hand. “Come on, let’s go celebrate. In new matching outfits, of course.”
You pretend to roll your eyes exaggeratingly but allow him to lead you towards the exit, your hands intertwined. You truly wouldn’t have it any other way.
You and Max are curled up on the couch in your hotel room, his arm draped around you as you lean into his side. It’s a rare quiet moment between races and you’re savoring the feeling of Max’s fingers gently carding through your hair.
“Hey Max?” You say after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
“Hmm?” He hums in response, not looking away from the football match on the TV.
“I got an interesting offer today.”
That piques his interest and he turns his head to look at you. “Oh yeah? What kind of offer?”
You take a deep breath before answering. “A sponsorship deal, actually. From Oscar de la Renta.”
Max raises his eyebrows in surprise. “Wow, that’s … really great, liefje. I’m so happy for you.”
But something in his tone makes you frown slightly. “Are you though? You don’t sound that excited.”
He gives you a half smile. “No, no, I am! That’s a huge opportunity for your career and image. Having that kind of sponsorship deal is amazing.”
“But?” You prod knowingly.
Max lets out a breath, smile fading. “But I guess part of me is a little disappointed and maybe … worried?”
“About what?”
“Well,” he shifts uncomfortably. “I like being the one who picks out your outfits for the races. Our little unintentional matching tradition has kind of become my thing, you know? I’m worried if you get sponsored by some big designer brand you won’t wear the outfits I pick out anymore. That we won’t match.”
His tone is carefully casual but you can hear the undercurrent of vulnerability. Your heart clenches in your chest.
“Oh Max ...” you murmur, reaching up to cup his cheek. “You really like our matching outfits that much?”
He averts his eyes but nods. “Yeah. I know it sounds silly, but I just … I like how in sync we are. How happy it makes me feel when we show up to the races looking like a real team. Like we’re truly partners in everything. I don’t want to lose that.”
The softness in his voice breaks your heart a little. You take his hand and give it a squeeze.
“You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that,” you tell him gently. “Because I never would have accepted that offer anyway.”
Max blinks in surprise. “You wouldn’t?”
You shake your head. “Not a chance. First of all, they were pressuring me to only wear very high-end stuff, none of which really feels like my personal style. But more importantly ...” You lean in closer, maintaining eye contact. “They don’t have a men’s collection. So they couldn’t sponsor you too.”
Realization lights up his gaze. “Oh ...” he says softly.
You nod. “Exactly. I told them thanks but no thanks. Because no designer wardrobe is worth giving up what we have.”
Max looks stunned. “You … you turned them down? Just to keep matching with me?”
“Of course I did,” you say affectionately, poking his chest. “I would never give that up. How could I say yes to some fancy sponsorship that meant not having my fashionably challenged other half by my side, both looking like total goofballs in the one outfit the world thinks makes up the entirety of our closet?”
A slow smile spreads across his face and he pulls you into his arms, hugging you tightly. “God, I love you,” he murmurs into your hair. “So much.”
You relax into his embrace, overwhelmed by the rush of affection. “I love you too,” you whisper. You pull back slightly to look at him. “Did you really think I’d give up matching with you over that?”
“I don’t know,” he admits, looking a little sheepish. “I guess a small part of me was worried maybe you’d be tempted by the glamor and exposure of being a designer brand ambassador.”
“You know me better than that,” you affirm. “Our matching looks are too special to me. I adore everything about our little tradition — the fact that it started because neither of us cares about fashion, to you always picking out my outfits, and how happy it makes both of us to show up to races coordinating with each other.”
You take Max’s hand, intertwining your fingers. “Don’t you see, my love? It’s not really about the clothes at all, it’s about us. About how perfectly aligned we are in this little part of our lives. And I wouldn’t change that for the world.”
Max’s eyes have gone suspiciously bright, his free hand reaching up to cradle your face. “But liefje … you could have had any designer clothing you wanted.” His voice is thick with emotion. “You turned that down … for me?”
Unable to find the words, you just nod, blinking back your own tears.
“I can’t believe it,” Max breathes out shakily. “You never cease to amaze me.”
You offer him a watery smile. “Well believe it, my love. Because there’s nothing in the world more precious to me than you and our bond. I wouldn’t sacrifice that for anything.”
A single tear escapes to trail down Max’s cheek and you quickly brush it away with your thumb. Seeming at a loss for words, he pulls you into a fierce hug, tucking your head under his chin as you settle into his embrace.
“I love you,” he finally whispers into your hair. “So damn much.”
“I love you too.” You pepper kisses along his neck and jaw until you reach his lips, capturing them in a deep, slow kiss that tries to convey every unspoken word of devotion and adoration.
When you finally break apart, Max gazes at you with an intensity that makes your breath catch.
“God, you really are perfect,” he murmurs, running a hand reverently through your hair. “I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
“No,” you shake your head with a soft smile. “I’m the lucky one. To have someone who loves me so fiercely, someone I love just as much in return.”
Max lets out a watery chuckle. “I think we’re both the lucky ones then.”
You settle back against his chest as he wraps his arms securely around you. For a while neither of you speaks, lost in your own thoughts as you simply bask in each other’s presence. You let your eyes drift shut as Max’s fingers resume their gentle motions through your hair.
Eventually you break the silence.
“You know we’re going to have to get even cuter matching outfits now to make up for it,” you murmur teasingly.
Max’s chest rumbles with laughter against your cheek. “Deal. Anything you want, schatje. I’ll make sure we’re the most adorable fashionably challenged couple at every single race from now on.”
You smile at the warmth and conviction in his voice. “No one could ever call us uncoordinated.”
“Never,” Max affirms, dropping a soft kiss to the top of your head. “We’re perfectly matched in every way that matters.”
You sigh contentedly as you snuggle further into his embrace. In that moment, you know he’s absolutely right. You couldn’t imagine a better match than your Max.
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zmbiesuga · 2 months
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꒰ m. osamu x gn!reader ꒱
° sypnosis: what's osamu's favorite food?
° warning: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI!!, post-timeskip, it's gender neutral but reader has a vagina, cursing, osamu calls reader: sweet thing, pretty & baby, oral (reader receiving), munch!osamu, cunnilingus, slight overstim at the end
° notes: DON'T LOOK AT MEEEEE!!!!!
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Osamu swears up and down that he does not have a favorite food.
They are all equally delicious to him, every bite of every dish he tastes dances on his tongue with a new partner each time. Whether it be an elegant waltz from the caviar served at his brother's wedding, a playful jig from a bite from the plastic dish of dippin’ dots he got for nostalgia’s sake or the quick-paced two-step from the baked mac ‘nd cheese his Ma makes for every family picnic. It’s baffling that anyone would ever expect him to pick a favorite.
This is the socially acceptable answer. This is what he tells Atsumu when he asks for reference. This is what he tells his customers if they even suggest that onigiri is his favorite. This is his go to, but the truth?
Osamu’s favorite food is the one buried deep between the apex of your thighs. 
Just like every good dish, this one has to be prepared with love and care. It starts off tender, it always does with him. Slow, messy, desperate kisses with gentle nips at your bottom lip. His hands graze up and down your sides, before ultimately landing on your hips with a soft squeeze. Your skin feels so warm, so plush and right against the skin of his own hands. Rough from volleyball, fights with Tsumu and endless days molding his rice into perfect triangles. 
His lips move down, pressing messy open-mouth kisses against your jaw. Stopping at the junction that connects your jaw to your neck, sucking a deep hickey before continuing his journey. His hands travel up your shirt, but that’s as far as they go. He’s not wasting time, not tonight. That’s not what he’s hungry for. 
He’ll nip, and suck, and bite, and kiss until you’re writhing beneath him. Not even undressed yet, but somehow you can feel him on every inch of your bare skin. He’s got you right where he wants you. 
Your skin feels so hot, you’re pulsing, throbbing with need. Your whines only spur him further as he lets out a low chuckle and a quick: “Patience sweet thing, I’m gettin’ there.” 
He fumbles with your jeans, he’s too eager now. Too impatient, he won’t wait for his food to cool down. He pulls them off with one swift movement, your underwear catching on the denim and sliding down with them. 
“You smell so fuckin’ good baby,” he purrs, his now swollen lips making quick with the way they kiss along your thighs, “Ma always told me to blow on my food if it was too hot though…” he smirks up at you, “...and I don’t wanna burn my tongue.”
He stops just short of your heat, his hand reaching out tentatively. With two fingers, he collects your slick before spreading apart your lips, putting you on full display for him. He’s practically drooling now, blowing a stream of hot air directly on your throbbing cunt, chuckling at the way you squirm from his action.
You’re cooled down enough.
Eagerly, almost animalistically, he flattens his tongue against your slit. Careful to avoid the bundle of nerves that begs for his attention so desperately. He’ll get there. He laps every inch of your folds, relishing in the way his head burns from how tightly you’re gripping his dark brown locks. His hands hold your thighs firmly in place, fingernails digging in the supple fat while he continues to eat you like a starved man.
The noises he makes are absolutely sinful. Audible slurps fill the room, his own drool coating your cunt while you plead for him to at least ghost over your clit with his mouth. But he has other plans.
He catches the bundle of nerves between his lips, and he moans, fucking moans in sync with you from your taste alone. He sucks, laps, slurps, fucking devours you whole like you’re his last meal and he’s a man on death row.
His pace doesn’t relent, he’s moaning into your pussy, he’s not even focused on himself. He’s lost, you have him hooked. He feels your thighs clamp down against his head, his tongue moves quicker inside of your tight hole before he retracts it and licks another long strip the whole way to your clit, sending you over the edge.
He gives you a moment, only a moment for you to catch your breath before he dives back in again. Laughing hoarsely against your core as you whine and try to push his head away from the overstimulation, but he won’t budge.
“Now pretty, quit squirmin’,” he groans, “I’m tryin’ ta get seconds of my favorite food.”
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peachesofteal · 10 months
Light On - single mom/neighbors fic Simon Riley/female reader
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Amends, Simon learns, are harder to make than he thought. 
At first, he tries to catch you in the hallway, or in the lobby of the building. It’s started to get cold, and you’re not out on your balcony much, so he resorts to sulking around like building like a ghost, miserable and downright creepy, waiting. Watching. 
He begins to memorize your routine. It's not intentional, just a hazard of his profession, but he can't help but work everything you do into a schedule that looms at the back of his mind. What time Emma wakes up, what time you usually take her somewhere with you on your lunch, what time the sound of your dryer buzzes to signal it's cycle complete, what time you turn the TV off and the lights go out for bed. Knowing your schedule so well relaxes him, makes him feel reassured, and he waits for every part of it with bated breath, ensuring you're home and safe with each mental check in.
He tries to sync with you, run into you in the hall or outside the building somewhere, but you're elusive, and at night, before he falls asleep, he resorts to daydreaming about a future where he didn't screw everything up, and you already lived with him. Where you shared a bed with him, where Emmaline slept in her room down the hall. Where he has his girls under one roof with him, his roof, safe and tucked away from the rest of world. He can't fall asleep without it now, this daydream, and sometimes, if he's lucky, it stays, gracing his subconscious with beautiful false memories, the kind that linger a little, in the morning when he opens his eyes.
Still, he can't have any of it, dreams or reality, without making amends.
His first real try, after the initial failure, is when he manages to catch you in the lobby. It's right before your lunch is usually over, and he strategically positions himself to enter the building around the same time as you would. Emmaline is in your arms, and when she catches sight of him, she squeaks, swinging a chubby little fist in his direction. You look over your shoulder at whatever has caught her eye, and when you see him, your face twists, smile shifting into something full of apprehension and worry.
“Hi.” You say, when he gets close, inching towards you like you might run off. Emmaline coos, arms stretched out towards his body, and he lets his hand drift, pointer finger finding the grasp of all five hers, wrapped around him.
“Hey.” I miss you, he’s desperate to say, I’m so sorry. But nothing comes out, and something sad stretches across your face when Emma smiles so big at him.
His phone rings, loudly. Johnny. When he looks back up from the screen, you’re gone.
The next time he tries, is in the supermarket.
You’re pushing Emmaline in the buggy, leaning forward to talk to her in the soft little baby voice that you make, and he stops himself at the end of the aisle, just out of sight. You look exhausted, eyes tired, moving slowly, and his heart aches.
“What about some yogurt?” She bobs in the stroller, and you smile. “Yeah! Yogurt! It’s good huh?” You're not paying attention at all, not cognizant of your surroundings, or his proximity to you. If he was someone else, someone who wanted to hurt you, take you... it'd be a non issue. The back door less than ten meters from where your back is turned, someone could have you incapacitated and vanished before you even knew what was happening. His stomach flips uncomfortably just imagining it, anxiety tossing his breakfast around, everything in him screaming at him to wrap you up in his arms and never let you go again.
You turn the corner to his position, still focused on the baby, half paying attention to where you're walking. You manage to glance up once, right before you nearly run into him, and you jerk backwards in confusion, surprise. "Hey."
"Hey, sorry. I uh... wasn't paying attention to where I was going."
"That's alright." He scrounges around in his empty fucking head for something else to say, before landing on: "How are you?"
"Oh, good. Alright, yeah. We're... we're alright."
"That's good." There's a beat of awkward silence, and you chew on your bottom lip for a second.
"How are you?"
"I'm fine." Just do it, he screams at himself. Just say it. "I've been thinkin' about you." Your eyebrows raise.
"You have?" What? Of course I have, sweetheart. You're all I ever think about now.
"Yeah. A lot, actually." He says softly, like you're not standing in the middle of a grocery store, in between the hustle and bustle of everyone else. "I ah... I know this really isn't the place but I wanted to talk to you. It's... I have something I need to tell you. Are you... free tonight? Can I make you dinner?" He practically rushes it out, like water from a spigot, flooding free, too fast and without aim. It's a cautious request, more of a hopeful thing than anything else, and when you take so, so long to respond, he prepares himself for the disappointment.
"Okay." You whisper, with a nod. "Yes. We... we're around tonight."
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bwskj · 20 days
tags: leon x fem!reader, jerking off, using you while you’re sleeping, d in p, desperate leon, re4leon
-~- <3 -~-
leon comes home at 3 am after a long day of work. his mind is exhausted, having taken the whole day figuring out a fail proof plan for an assigned mission. his steps are careful as he sneaks his way into the bathroom, creaking the shower knob just enough to use it and (hopefully) not wake you.
minutes later, leon is dressed comfortably for bed—a loose shirt and some boxers. he would’ve stayed in the steaming hot shower for longer if only he isn’t craving to feel the ever so inviting soft sheets and skin waiting for him on the bed.
leon’s eyes, now always accustomed to the dark, can make the form of your figure sleeping on your stomach. your blanket is crumpled and is barely covering any of you. he eyes your exposed legs, limbs that likely fought the blanket off, and your plump ass, which he can’t avoid, sitting high and proud though you don’t even know it.
leon sighs as he hurries to squeeze out the rest of the wetness in his hair. he’d like to get all of it out but he can’t wait to get into bed right next to the love of his life either.
he throws the towel over a random chair before walking over to your side of the bed. the closer he gets, the more his eyes linger over your bare skin. he has to huff out another sigh of frustration… because it’s been a while since he’s last had a good feel of it, and in a certain way.
he leans over. his fingers achey from writing for hours in journals almost grazes the lining of your underwear before lifting a corner of your blanket and proceeding to pull it back over your body. you squirm in your sleep, and your brain must’ve known that leon’s finally home (as he usually arrives at this time) that your eyes flutter half-awake.
“leon..?” you mumble, eyes barely open.
“mm, i’m home,” leon says, setting a loving hand over your blanketed thigh.
you roll over, stretching a bit as you try to pull apart your sleepy lids. “go back to sleep,” he says gently, “i’ll get in bed with you.”
you nod, letting your eyes fall shut. as you turn to lay on your back, leon stands upright, massages his tired neck, and shuffles over to the other side. He lets out a big sigh when he feels the cloth and mattress pressing cool on his skin, his head sinking into his pillow.
you shift again, this time reaching to grasp onto leon for a cuddle. leon’s eyes that had closed itself, open to help you with strong arms pulling you in. you keep shuffling your body close, wanting to be sticking to him as much as possible. after all, you’d snuggle to the ends of the earth if it meant finally being close enough to crawl into leon’s skin.
“my baby…” you breathe out, hands creeping up to the back of leon’s neck and into his dirty blonde and drying locks. your face goes into the crook of his collar.
leon sighs in contentment as he takes a whiff of the scent of your natural skin. your fingers scratch lightly at his scalp and his hands rub up and down your lower back.
it’s silent for a moment except for both your breathing falling in sync. that is until you take your head out and with slits for eyes, you find leon’s face, connecting your lips together. you kiss him first but leon is willingly quick to kiss back. it’s a simple and loving kiss, an expression of both ‘i’ve missed you’ and ‘sleep well’.
when the kiss ends, you pull away from leon’s hold, wanting to sleep on your own terms. you lie on your side facing away to resume your sleep not knowing that leon will be laying awake for the next couple of minutes.
leon swallows and his body tingles from losing the feeling of your skin on his. he huffs a sigh, closes his eyes, and tries to drift off, but there’s something sticking up in his boxers and his brain doesn’t seem to want to shut down for the night. in the darkness of his eyelids, he pictures the way he saw your body earlier, accidentally making up an image of your flesh flushed pink and squished between his fingers.
leon wants to go to sleep, but his body is finding itself more interested in entertaining the tent down below. “shit,” he whispers under his breath, his own hand lightly brushing over his boxers. he tugs his arm away, placing it over his eyes in hopes that he could block all of it. but then again, it’s when he closes his eyes that he can see them all the more clearly.
he pulls his limb away and stares at the empty ceiling. he turns his head to look at you, your figure is curved with the way you are lying. the blanket is somehow slipping off you again, and he can see the soft meat of your waist peeking from below your shirt that’s riding up.
leon knows he’s not going to be able to sleep with your body laying there, teasing him just by existing. his arm laying closest to you—it’s like it’s moving on it’s own—is inching towards your waist, until his fingertips finally make contact with the softness of it.
there’s a short hum that sounds out of you, but you continue sleeping peacefully. And leon can’t help it; his hands slowly wrap into and around the side of your waist. he gives it a mild squeeze. so focused in on this part of your body, he only comes to terms with the fact that he’s touching himself through his boxers seconds later.
“Ha…” he breathes out as the first legitimate sense of pleasure courses through him. he snatches his arm away from you, propping himself up on his elbows before fully grabbing onto his semi-hard dick. for a moment, he glances back and forth, down at his clothes where his member is poking out and at your unmoving body enjoying your slumber. but hesitation soon dissipates the longer he sits and thinks and leon comes to a decision.
sitting himself back against the headboard, he frees his cock from the shackles of his shorts. his hand wraps around his length, pumping up and down gently below the head. a low moan he tries to stifle with a bite of his lip rises up his throat, tired eyes on his now-standing dick occasionally looking over at you.
his strokes grow until it covers his whole length, hitting the top of his balls and squeezing at the crevice under his moist tip. sometimes, his eyes close and he imagines that his hand is actually yours, and that you’re kneeling between his legs looking all pretty and sweet. As the heat consuming his hard clit begins to intensify, he bites harder on his lower lip, muscles stiffening as he tries to stop himself from thrusting up into his (your) hand.
shaky whimpers and breaths tremble through leon’s closed mouth, and when he feels you move beside him, he freezes, eyes warily opening to take a look. you’ve rolled over again, on your back. leon can make out the features of your sleeping face, your collarbones staring at him, and your breasts sitting perky under your shirt. his eyes wander down and he notices that your blanket is straying further away, now revealing your lower half.
leon’s staring at the cloth of your thin panties. he can just imagine it flushed against the form of your folds, almost like an extra skin. it’s enough to make him resume stroking himself, now at a faster more eager pace. the scenes in his head turn from a simple hand job to you sitting leaned back in front of him, legs spread apart and giving him a good show as you gently touch yourself. “what do you want, baby?” the you in his head asks him.
“fuck..” leon moans in a whisper, shuddering as a stronger sensation of pleasure runs through him. he wants to touch your pussy with his dick. he wants to slowly push it in, feeling your wet walls suck him whole. leon’s face and neck are warm, light sweat glistening on several parts of his skin as his hand starts wrapping in a circular motion around his dick.
leon’s always looking back to your cunt. the only thing stopping him from touching it is a little distance and flimsy cloth. would it be possible if he just… leon checks your face; it’s still as a statue.
he pulls his gaze away, cursing in his mind. what the hell is he thinking. he should get this done and over with so he can finally get some sleep. but like a magnet to a fridge, his stare finds its way back to you. the flame of desire within him is far from burning out.
he lets go of his dick, still hard and quite far from cumming anytime soon. he sits still for a moment, like he’s pretending to think, though really deep inside he knows he’s made up his mind. the mattress dips softly as he carefully pushes himself up. nervously hovering, he places his fingertips on the skin below your belly button. it’s so soft that he has to restrain himself from grabbing your entire waist and squeezing it tight. he trails a straight line down over the hem of your panty and right above where your clit should be. he swallows the saliva starting to form in his mouth.
very cautiously to not disturb your sleep, he removes the rest of his boxers, and lifts himself over and above you. for a second, a thought in his head yells at him, ‘leon, what the fuck are you doing?!’ but it’s shut away when his needy head accidentally prods right on your clothed part.
a shaky exhale falls out of his lips as he lets his knees dig into the mattress on both sides of you, one hand placed right by your head to balance himself while the other takes his dick and very gently positions it against the cloth of your panty. the first rock of his hips feels heavenly and he can’t help but let out a louder moan than he should. just staring directly at your clothed pussy was making his dick throb. he checks your face again and there you are still asleep. silently, he wishes that you were awake, feeling good alongside him.
he moves back and forth, creating friction against you. his hand is hesitant but he eventually gives in to the desire for it to wander over your stomach and hips. he drags his cock over your pussy again and again until it feels so fucking good for him that he turns noisy enough to stir you in your sleep. there’s a sleepy moan from you, and leons strokes stutter, slowing down a bit but never falling into a full stop.
as you feel yourself slowly awaken, the sounds of rugged breathing enter your ears. there’s a hot feeling below you and as you try to open your eyes, you catch a glimpse of blonde hair and veined arms.
“leon,” his name slips out easily along with a gasp. “what’s… going on?” when you force your vision to clear, you meet your boyfriend’s face hanging right above you, all lewd with his mouth agape and cheeks flushing a hue of red. your stomach flips in sudden excitement, heart quickening at how handsome he looks like this.
“baby,” leon starts, but his breathing and thoughts are too all over the place to think about stringing together a sentence. instead he’s moaning, almost choking on his spit, as he continues to fuck the outside of your clit.
you feel a shiver run up your whole body as you glance down and realize what leon’s been doing. from where you’re looking, the tip of his dick pulls in and out—bigger then smaller—as he rubs up against you. you lift a hand up to cup his trembling face and leon’s eyes finally meet yours.
“baby you should’ve said…” you whisper as your hand loops around to hold the back of his neck. you pull his face in to capture his mouth with your own. it’s just so obviously begging to be kissed when it hangs open like that. leon grunts, saliva that he couldn’t swallow in time because of his growing desperation slipping on your tongue and wetting your dry lips. leon, taking this as a sign that all of this is okay, finally gives in to giving your stomach a rougher squeeze. you moan from the pressure of his big hand holding you while he pushes his tongue into your mouth, an message that tells how much he wishes to devour you.
when he pulls away for air, his gaze is clouded from all the sensation. another quivering sigh comes out as he says, “… sorry… i’m sorry, i couldn’t help it,” and his hips start to buck strong again in attempt to make his cock feel as good as it felt earlier.
“it’s okay,” your thumb gently rubs at the skin on his cheek, gasping as his dick gradually warms up your clit. “you know i’ve missed you too.”
“Mm,” leon hums, too into fucking in between your folds to say anything else.
you decide to help him, bringing your hand down and letting it graze lightly over his already sensitive member. “Ah..” leon moans, “fuck, yes baby, please touch me.”
amusement bubbles inside you as you watch the normally cold and brooding man on top of you completely change in his demeanor—vulnerable, vocal, and desperate for your touch. as he continues pleasing himself, you place your hand over the top of his long length, allowing him to fuck a sandwich made out of the skin of your panty and hand.
“baby, you can fuck me if you want,” you whisper as you try to look into leon’s eyes which are clearly avoiding your gaze. he’s shaking his head, “mph… if i do, i’ll cum.”
teasingly, your hand palms up and down his dick, “don’t you want to cum?”
your voice is almost enough to make leon reach his climax. his dick twitches under your fingers. “y-yea,” he stutters, so he can go to sleep. but truthfully, he just wants all of this to last for as long as possible.
you take his dick in your hand, causing him to stop thrusting. with your other, you lift the slit of cloth sitting between your thighs and gently pull it to the side. leon’s staring down. the sight of your bare pussy coming into view explodes another blush of heat across his face and cock.
“do whatever you want, leon,” you say. “just feel good, hm?”
leon eyes your hand as it moves his dick close to your cunt’s lips. it’s leaking with pre-cum but you don’t mind. you give it a light pet before you press it gently in, the slick you didn’t even realise dripping out of you making it easy.
leon instantly jerks forward to further push inwards, but he doesn’t let himself go all the way. his body stiffens and it surprises you a bit when he harshly grabs on to your inner thighs. you gasp, feeling leon’s girth stick tightly against the walls of your entrance. he’s always been so big.
“Haa… I can’t,” he’s almost whimpering. you can feel his grip start to pinch painfully at your skin. as you go back to look at leon’s face, there’s an expression of both pleasure and concentration. he’s obviously trying not to cum.
a few seconds pass by of him just soaking his tip in your pussy. then, he starts moving his dick in and out, still never putting the whole thing in. the slight curve of his length is just perfect enough to reach your g spot and you shiver out moans with every teasing pump.
leon isn’t going to last much longer, especially as he can’t seem to tear his eyes away from the sight of his his cock going in and out of you. he groans, strokes starting to move sloppy and irregular. you respond with moans of your own, but it’s mostly because of how perfect and beautifully messy your boyfriend looks using you to please himself.
“come on baby… cum for me?” you can’t resist asking. god, you so desperately want to see the look on his face when he finally cums. leon’s voice cracks and he whimpers, pace quickening as he chases his incoming orgasm.
“i-inside?” he asks as if worried, though his non-stop movements practically imply that he doesn’t care at all.
you hurriedly nod, hands roaming back around his neck and jaw, “mhm, if you want to, you can.”
leon’s sanity breaks as he chokes out another one of his lewd moans. his head leans to bow in your neck but you quickly scatter kisses on his jaw and tell him, “i want to see you when you cum, leon.”
leon’s a good boy. he listens immediately and puts his face back into view. his eyes lock on yours for the second time tonight and just like that, you feel his big throbbing cock filled halfway inside you jolt against your swollen muscle, warm semen shooting up your pussy. uneven moans and gasps stumble out leon’s lips, eyes closed and brows furrowed as he savors the feeling of his orgasm.
when he’s done he’s lightly panting and his head sinks straight into your shoulder. his cheek sticks moist against your skin as he breathes you in, your hypnotising scent amplifying the euphoric sensation he feels after cumming. he lays softly on your chest which rise and fall with every calm huff of a breath. his dick sits still inside you in a mixture of your juices.
your fingers intertwine back into his blonde hair, now completely dry. leon breathes you in and presses a lazy kiss to your neck. “thank you, baby,” he mumbles, “i’m so sleepy.”
you let out a short laugh. how horny did he have to be for him to do all that? “let’s sleep then hm? we can clean this up later.” leon shivers at your soothing voice and warm caresses.
he nods into you before carefully rolling off to pull his dick out and lay on the bed beside you. his eyes are already closed when you look at him again, and you let out a quiet scoff of laughter as you realise that he had already fallen fast asleep.
“goodnight leon.”
a/n: thanks for reading! have been busy with school but writing this was me taking a break between requirements lol (my guilty pleasure <3) hope you enjoyed !
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songbirdseung · 7 days
you're here, baby / lee heeseung
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where you surprise visit your long-distance boyfriend after their tour finally ended genre long distance au, established relationship, fluff
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Heeseung settled onto the couch, his phone propped up on the armrest as he waited for your call. It was your usual routine—after his long, exhausting days of practice or after he’d spent hours in the studio, you would sync up over video calls, watching movies together as a way to stay connected despite the distance between you. It had become the highlight of his nights, and while nothing could replace having you right there with him, those virtual movie dates made the separation feel a little less painful.
His phone buzzed, and your face appeared on the screen. He grinned immediately, all the exhaustion he’d been feeling melting away the moment he saw you. You were still as beautiful as ever, and even through the screen, you always had a way of making him feel at ease.
"Hey, babe. What movie are we watching tonight?" he asked, trying to seem casual, though he was always giddy just to see you.
"Actually, before we start..." you said, your voice taking on that playful tone that always made him curious. Heeseung raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
“What is it this time?” He laughed softly, already used to your random little requests. You were always full of surprises, sending him gifts or packages to make him smile on the days you couldn’t be there.
"Can you do me a favor?" you asked, your smile widening as you watched his expression shift into slight confusion.
"Another package, huh? You’re spoiling me too much,” Heeseung joked, sitting up a little straighter. "What is it this time? More snacks? A hoodie?"
You giggled, biting your lip to contain the excitement bubbling inside you. "Just... step outside your house for a minute. Trust me, okay?"
"Outside? Babe, it’s late, and I was just getting comfortable," he said, pouting slightly, but he still got up from the couch. He couldn’t say no to you, even if it was something as odd as stepping outside in the middle of the night.
As he slipped on his shoes by the door, he still couldn’t shake the curiosity. “Alright, alright. I’m going, but this better be good.”
Heeseung opened the door and stepped out onto the porch, glancing around in the dim glow of the streetlights. The night air was cool, and the streets were quiet, save for the distant hum of passing cars. He scanned the area, searching for whatever surprise you had in store for him. “Okay, I’m here. Now where’s this package?”
"Are you sure you’re looking in the right place?" your voice teased through the phone, barely holding back your excitement. You knew he’d catch on any second now.
Heeseung laughed, his brow furrowed as he looked around again, but nothing was out of place. “Yeah, I’m looking. Did you hide it or something? Come on, give me a hint.”
Then, you dropped the surprise. "You wanna leave your lover outside?"
Heeseung froze, your words making his heart skip a beat. He turned slowly, his eyes landing on a figure approaching the house from the street. His breath caught in his throat, disbelief clouding his mind as he saw you, standing there in person, walking up the driveway toward him.
"No way," he breathed, the shock rendering him momentarily speechless. His phone nearly slipped from his hands as he fumbled to shove it into his pocket. In an instant, he dashed toward you, closing the distance between you in seconds.
You grinned as you saw him sprinting toward you, your own heart racing as you finally reached him. Before you could say anything, Heeseung enveloped you in his arms, lifting you off the ground in a tight embrace. His laughter filled the air, the joy and disbelief evident in the way he held you close.
“You’re here,” he gasped, his voice filled with pure elation as he pulled back slightly to look at your face, his hands cradling your cheeks like he needed to make sure you were real. "You’re actually here... How? When did you—"
You laughed softly, still catching your breath from the excitement. "Surprise, Hee."
Heeseung let out a breathy laugh, hugging you again, spinning you around slightly as if to convince himself that this moment was real. The feel of your warmth against him, the familiar scent of your perfume—it was all too good to be true.
"I can’t believe you’re here," he murmured, his face buried in the crook of your neck. "I missed you so much."
“I missed you too,” you whispered back, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding him just as tightly. "I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to come see you."
After what felt like forever in his arms, you finally nudged him gently. "Come on, let’s go inside. It’s cold out here."
Heeseung nodded, still holding onto your hand as he led you back inside the house, his heart still racing from the excitement. As you walked in, you kicked off your shoes and shrugged off your jacket, making yourself comfortable like you’d done a million times before. It felt like home, being there with him.
But Heeseung stayed by the door, his back leaning against the frame as he watched you move around the house, his eyes filled with wonder. You were really there, in front of him, not just on a screen. It felt surreal.
Noticing him standing there, you turned around and gave him a curious look. "What’s wrong?"
Heeseung didn’t respond right away. Instead, he slowly made his way over to you, his footsteps quiet as he approached. When he reached you, he stopped just a few inches away, his hands gently resting on your arms as he stared at you, his expression soft and filled with love.
“You’re really here,” he whispered, his voice quiet and full of emotion. "You’re actually here, baby."
You smiled, brushing a strand of hair out of his eyes. "I’m here. It’s real."
Heeseung leaned his forehead against yours, closing his eyes for a moment as he took a deep breath. “I can’t believe it,” he said softly. "I missed you so much. Seeing you through a screen wasn’t enough... I needed this. I needed you."
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer. "Well, I’m not going anywhere for a while. I’m all yours."
Heeseung let out a quiet laugh, his lips brushing against your forehead as he held you close. "Good. Because I’m never letting you go again."
The weight of the past months, the long nights of missing each other, melted away in that moment. It didn’t matter how far apart you’d been—right now, you were together, and that was all that mattered.
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sleepyjuice · 1 month
summary: jj can’t help himself when you wear a pretty little dress.
warnings: 18+!!!, unprotected sex, creampie, cumplay? praise kink, I think that’s it this is literally just smut lol
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jj loved it when you dressed up. it wasn’t often you two had an occasion to wear a cute, tight short little dress, but when you did, he couldn’t get enough of you.
he had splurged and made a dinner reservation on the mainland for your birthday, so you dressed up nice and pretty in a little pink dress that you had bought for the occasion. it hugged your body perfectly and you couldn’t get enough of the thought of jj ripping it off of you at the end of the night. you weren’t sure if you could wait.
jj was sat on the couch waiting for you to finish getting ready when you finally padded out of the bedroom for him to see you in all your glory.
“holy fucking shit.” fell from his lips the second he laid his eyes on you. the next decision was quick, jj checked the time on his phone and the next thing you knew, you were bent over the arm of the couch, your dress pulled up to your stomach and jj was fucking you roughly from behind.
“fuck, you’re so fuckin’ perfect, lettin’ me fuck you in this pretty little dress, baby, shit.” jj groaned, his hands squeezing your hips tightly as his cock filled your tight pussy perfectly, your own hands gripping onto one of the couch cushions to keep yourself steady.
he was fucking you good, your ass cheeks jiggling against his pelvis from the rough force of his hips as he rammed into you, the sounds of skin slapping skin alongside the wet squelches from your wet pussy filled the room like your favorite song.
“takin’ my dick so good, pretty girl, shit- i ain’t gonna last long with you hugging my cock like this,” jj panted from behind you, giving your ass a few rough slaps, concentrating on his movements so he didn’t cum before you did.
“it’s- i know, i’m close,” you whined, fully aware that you were short on time, not that you needed to rush your orgasm as it felt good enough on its own to send you over the edge in record time.
you brought a hand to your clit, your fingers circling against yourself at the perfect pace as your thighs began to shake and the task of keeping yourself up was growing more and more difficult by the second.
“fuuuck, that’s it, baby, touch yourself, you look so goddamn pretty right now, jesus.” jj groaned at the sight of you before him, his balls tightening as he was now seconds away from losing control and spilling inside of you.
it was as if your bodies were synced, because it only took a few seconds for your stomach to tighten, your fingers falling from their spot against your clit as your orgasm shook through your body, loud cries falling from your lips as your pussy clenched around jj’s cock and you fell undone completely, your body on the verge of going limp.
“oh shit, fuckin’- oh god,” jj moaned, his own release triggered by yours, thick hot spurts of his cum filling your tight pussy, his cock still buried deep in you as he fucked his cum into you. his hands slid around to your lower stomach, sensing your loss of control, holding tightly onto you to keep you upright as he rode out his own high.
your head was fuzzy as you allowed yourself to go limp, confident in jj’s hold on you to keep you upright as you worked to catch your breath. you felt his movements finally stop followed by a few soft smacks against your ass before feeling him slowly pull out of you.
you expected the next feeling to be a towel cleaning you up, but instead your panties were being pulled up your thighs and back into place, the thin fabric being the only thing keeping jj’s cum from spilling out of you.
“what’re you doin’?” you turned your head to ask, regaining some of your footing as you slowly stood up straight to turn and face jj.
“gonna keep that cum in, then when we get home i’m gonna fill ya up again.” he responded nonchalantly, his fingers reaching up to pull your dress back down to its original position.
you couldn’t argue with him if you wanted to, knowing full well that you were in for a great time tonight.
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toxscty444 · 12 days
Long smut drabble
sorry I didn’t know it was that long holy shit u can tell I’m ovulating. Hard.
It’s been a while! Anyways sorry about that didn’t mean to starve u guys. ‼️MINORS DNI‼️
Oh fuck you’re in for it.
trying to muffle your moans when your friends are in the room right next to you and your boyfriend has never ever been harder.
“Cmon baby, don’t want your friends to hear you know hm?”
Fuck his fingers are hitting just the right spots- slipping in two fingers and using his thumb to rub your clit in circles, his fingers curl inside you making you tighten around his fingers, trying desperately to stifle your moans with your hand around your mouth and one on the bathroom sink holding yourself up.
“aw look how pretty you are when you’re trying so hard to be quiet.”
he grabs your face and makes you look at yourself in the mirror, face flushed and hair messy from his hands running through it- simultaneously picking up the pace of his fingers, hitting that sweet spot over and over making you look at yourself while he ruins you with just his hand.
“fuck I’m so close-“ you pant out, trying to keep quiet still.
“cmon princess. Let go for me.”
sweet words spill from his lips, praising you and telling you how pretty you look while you’re eyes prick with tears from overstimulation from his fingers- how fast he’s moving his fingers inside you, making your legs twitch and squirm under him.
“hah- wait I don’t know if I can- hmph!”
he quickly cuts you off by slipping another finger in your tight wet heat. your juices all over his hand already- fuck how was he this good with just his hands?
“princess cmon yknow I gotta get you ready f’me”
your eyes roll back when another orgasm crashes into you from his experienced hand working your core over and over, faster and harder making your mascara run down your face.
“f-fuck they’re gonna hear me” you whine out, shutting your eyes and his hand releasing your face and slowly unbuckling his belt and letting his pants drop to the floor.
“Hm- if they didn’t hear you earlier they’ll definitely hear you now.” He smirks at your reflection in the mirror, mocking you.
he slips you out of the rest of your clothes, squeezing the soft skin on your ass and trailing his hands up to your breasts, rubbing his thumbs over your nipples, teasing you and making you whine in protest.
“please- baby I need you so bad right now.”
he smirks and scoffs at you in amusement before positioning himself behind you, feeling the tip of his cock press against your folds and slowly pushing into you, making you hiss in pain and pleasure, letting you adjust to him.
“M’baby you’re s’fuckin tight.” He moans out lowly, eyes half lidded looking down at you with a messy lust filled expression.
“ngh- slower please” you pant out earning a low chuckle from him, slowly pounding you from behind, deep and hard, but not fast. Not fast yet.
“This feel good baby?” He asks you, smirking at you before picking up his pace slowly but surely, moans slipping past your lips when he hits that spot every time, pushing in deeper and deeper.
he knows he’s making you crazy. And oh fuck it felt good.
his hand slowly trails down your body in sync with his thrusts, leading to your clit and circling his thumb in circles, pressing down hard making you whine and squirm under him, his cock pounding into you over and over.
“Aw princess cmon I just started, don’t cum yet ‘kay?” He teases you, fucking up into you faster and faster, your juices covering his cock in a sheen of white slick.
“ah! Please- fuck!” Your eyes roll back and your moans echo throughout the bathroom, squirting all over his cock finally, feeling a euphoric high cloud your mind.
“Hm, pathetic.” He mutters, his hand abandoning you clit and finding its way to your throat, tightening around it and fucking you faster and harder like there wouldn’t be any tomorrow. Your cries and moans filling the room
“huh? What was that princess? Oh right.” He lets out a low moan, fucking you deeper. You can feel his cock twitch inside you and you know he’s close too.
It’s not long before he’s pulling your hair back and fucking you dumb.
“so glad to see my pretty girl so messy finally hm?” He hums, low moans slipping past his lips and his hips slamming into your over and over when he buries his cock deep inside you and he’s cumming inside you. leaving a mess of you, both your juices trickling down your thighs, still bent over the bathroom sink.
“ready for round two?”
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a new life is born | s.r. x fem!reader
“congratulations mom and dad, it’s a healthy baby girl.” the doctor confirmed for both of you while the nurses worked to clean your new born. your skin was sweaty, baby hairs stuck to your forehead, legs were shaky from being bent for the past hour. you’ve been in the hospital since last night once your contractions started.
but you were a mom now. you birthed a babygirl and you couldn’t be happier with your life. turning your head to the left with a dazed smile, stood spencer with the widest smile you’ve seen on his face to date. “a girl. we have a little girl,” chuckling from glee.
“we have a girl,” he repeated as he leaned forward to kiss your forehead and tuck some of your hair away. “i want her to be just like you,” very confident in the chances of that happening.
spencer shook his head, “for your sake i hope not and for my heart i hope she looks like you.” a gentle finger tracing over your nose, the shape of your lips. “well i only hope she doesn’t get your puppy eyes, it’ll be her one power over both of us.” staring directly into said eyes right now.
“alright, she’s ready for you.” a nurse walked to your right side with your baby, now wearing a pink bow. “would you like to do skin to skin? helps her recognize you through touch. also good for the dad as well.” waiting for either to reply first.
“i’ll go first.” shimming your hospital gown away from your shoulder and chest so there was enough surface area, “i have a feeling i’m gonna fall asleep soon, but i’m gonna hold her until i can keep my eyes open.” holding your hands out to take her then second guessing and getting them in the cradle position but still not sure, “uh, which is better?” asking the nurse who hovered.
“i’d say hands so you can lay her to your chest. cradling is better for later.” nodded and slowly took your baby from the nurse and maneuvered her tiny self so her head was resting on your shoulder. “oh wow,” whispering to yourself. it completely sunk in now, she’s yours.
“i’m a freaking mom,” whispering over her back towards spencer. a slow palm rubbed along her back and quickly her breathing synced with yours, her tiny fists were too cute.
there was a little space on your bed and you called for spencer to join you. he sank down slowly and threw a long arms over your shoulder, his free hand caressing your forearm. “what should we name her? we can’t call her fruits anymore.” whispering beside your ear.
your mouth twisted, “i kinda want to name her after something from literature. like juliet or charlotte. do you have any ideas?” turning his way.
his eyes were focused on the sleeping babe, a little smile quirking a corner of his lips. “maybe annabeth. the combination of anna and elizabeth forms the meaning of god has favored me. and i think that works for us as well, we’ve been favored by having her. also anna can mean beautiful and it’s all because of you.” kissing your temple, his kisses have been never ending the past nine months.
“annabeth… annabeth diana reid. our beautiful gift.” pressing her first kiss of many to her head. “i think it’s your turn now. my eyes are getting heavy.”
spencer nervously started to unbutton his shirt and then slowly you traded off. you watched as spencer stood back up and kept a gently motion to his body wanting her to continue napping. he kept his voice low as he recited facts about anything, knowing she’s gonna love the sound of his voice growing up.
“can you tell us a story?” something you’ll ask spencer from time to time when you needed just a little push into dreamland. “of course, sweetheart. i’ll do my favorite book from childhood, alice in wonderland. once upon a time there was a girl named alice…”
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fanon-canon-idfk · 7 months
aftercare (if ur uncomfortable with the genre pls skip)
where like after masc reader is just too fkin tired to put le boxeres back on so he just sits there tired asf and chuuya is like dude we just finished out it back on 🧍 and ofc dazais gonna be goofy asf like “ooo look at mr show off over hereeeee”
imagine the use of “pretty boy” to m! reader ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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It was yet another day at work in the agency alongside your boyfriend, Dazai
Who was also texting your other boyfriend, Chuuya.
Meanwhile, you were focusing on finishing your work as your phone buzzed in sync with giggles from Dazai sitting in the desk beside you.
The moment you finished your paperwork you looked over to his grinning face with a lifted brow before pulling your phone out and reading your notifications:
Chu Chu 10:47 PM
What are you guys doing?
Osa 10:49 PM
Dying of boredom 💔
Chu Chu 10:49
So you’re doing nothing
Osa 10:50
Chuuya expects so little of me! I’m working very hard!!
Chu Chu 10:50
Whatever I’m going back to work
Ah so that’s why Dazai was giggling.
Such a shame though, he seems so bored again now without anything to do. (bc he refuses to do his work)
So, as the good boyfriend you are, you picked up your phone and started typing.
You 10:52
Don’t be a bully Chu
Chu Chu 10:53
Tf you mean bully???
You 10:53
Poor Osamu is crying now!!!
Right on cue, you hear Dazai giggling again with his phone in his hands. He looks up at you with a giant grin, mischief already riddling his complexion.
Dazai wheels his chair right beside yours and whispers something in your ear, causing you to nod and chuckle to yourself.
Dazai put on a sad face, a pout with some puppy eyes, (Literally this emoji 🥺) and you took a photo of him with your phone.
You 10:55
[Sent an image]
Chu Chu 10:55
Oh stfu
Osa 10:55
Chu Chu 10:55
I’m going back to work.
You 10:56
Osa 10:56
Chu Chu 10:56
Osa 10:57
You 10:57
Chu Chu 10:58
He loves you guys <3
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Chuuya and Dazai had gone off to shower together after the 3 of you had an… intimate moment. You however, decided to shower after them because you were fucking exhausted.
Having two guys in bed with you is a lotta work, who knew.
You stayed laying down on the mattress, an arm over your face as your eyes started growing heavy. Ultimately, you fell asleep for a short nap.
In, what for you felt like a few minutes, Chuuya and Dazai had exited the bathroom with a new set of outfits on.
The second they laid their eyes on you Chuuya spoke up, “Oh what the fuck? You can’t even just put on your boxers??”
You woke up at the sound of his voice, situating yourself to rest on your elbows lazily as you looked back at them both. “Yup. Too much work..” you sighed.
Dazai chuckled, “Oh no, please, do keep yourself as comfortable possible~.” He smirked, eyeing your bare body admiringly.
“Ok- you, go fuckin shower,” he ordered, pointing at you sternly before turning around to Dazai.
“And you- stop fucking looking! I’m not going another round just because you can’t relax!” He shoves his hands over Dazai’s eyes, pushing him and himself out of the bathroom doorway for you to go in.
You sighed tiredly, begrudgingly getting up and grabbing yourself some clothing from the dresser. You groggily walked into the bathroom, leaving Chuuya and Dazai alone.
As you closed the door behind you, Chuuya removed his hands from Dazai’s face, revealing a pouting expression.
“What?” Chuuya questioned,
Dazai just responded simply, “Cockblocker.”
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You were all sitting on the couch watching a movie, yourself sitting in the middle. Dazai had his head resting on your shoulder while Chuuya was locking hands with you.
It was late at night so it was normal for you to be tired, but you didn’t feel like falling asleep in the slightest quite yet, the movie holding your attention a bit too well.
That was until you felt Dazai place a soft peck on your jawline, and you just instantly internally melted.
Your eyes started growing heavy like it was magic, you suddenly didn’t have the strength to even keep your head up! You laid your head atop of Dazai’s, his soft locks not doing you any favors.
You were at war with your eyelids, fighting to keep them open so you could keep watching the movie with your boyfriends.
Chuuya then looked over to you, noticing your battle to stay awake. “Are you falling asleep?” He chuckled, you replied stubbornly “No..”
He just laughed again, sliding his hand around your head and pulling you in to use his lap as a pillow. “It’s ok, pretty boy,” he smiled softly “just get your rest, we can always watch the movie again.”
Dazai watched the scene play out between you two, deciding to join in as he laid down as well. He rested his head onto your chest as he laid on top of you.
“Get your rest, handsome,” he teased, his words accompanied by another soft kiss, this time to your neck.
With that, you accepted your fate. Within just a few seconds, you were out like a light.
“Night sleeping beauty.” Chuuya whispered softly, lulling you further into sleep with a hand in your hair.
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yeonzzzn · 3 months
jake reader and soobin u say?? wait i’ll let u cook……….. 😵‍💫😵‍💫
no because my ult bias with a major bias wreck😵‍💫 i’m dizzy. like i’m thinking…
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they would have you on your back on the bed. your legs wrapped around jake’s head with his hands squeezing your thighs, tongue pumping in and out of your cunt as his perfect nose glides against your clit. soobin hovering over you with a lock of your hair in his hand, helping you with the movements of bobbing your head up and down his cock. one of your hands rested on soobin’s thigh while the other had a firm grip of jake’s hair.
jake’s eyebrows would crease and moans escaping his mouth sending vibrations up your body, eyes fluttering open to get a good look at you, cock twitching at the way you take soobin completely in your mouth, nose touching his pelvis. jake licked one final stripe on your sex, eyes looking now at soobin, “I think it’s time to fuck her, don’t you think?” his aussie accent coming out thick and sending chills down your body. soobin smirked and removed his cock with a pop, hand now cupping your face as he stares down at your swollen lips, “would you like that baby? want us to fuck you?” you nodded frankly, wanting nothing more to feel them deep within your walls.
you already lost count of how many times they’ve made you cum. between jake and soobin, they both have had you flipped over in many different positions as they have their way with you until you were cumming on their tongues and fingers. you came on soobin’s thigh as you rode it while jake had his cock down your throat and fingers making figure eights on your clit. and honestly, you craved more. so so much more.
soobin pressed his lips to yours and pulled your body to him as he flipped the positions with you now hovering over him. jake’s hand was now cupping your ass, massaging the plush as his other hand pumped his cock a few time. soobin’s cock rubbed gently against your clit, making you shake with anticipation, “please,” you begged, wiggling your hips, feeling both their cocks rub against you, “fuck me, please jakey, please binnie,” both males smirked at your pleading, soobin being the first one to easily glide his cock into you, the tip sitting perfectly against your cervix.
you bit down on your lips to keep from screaming out, rocking your hips a bit to adjust to soobin’s size, only to halt at his hands gripping your hips, “no no baby, can’t leave jake out, can we?” you nodded in response, too afraid to open your mouth and the sounds that would come out. “hmm,” jake moaned, continuing to massaging your asscheek as he positioned the tip of his cock at your entrance, “it’ll be a tight fit, can you take us both, babe?” jake teased, slowly easing the tip in.
you continued to nod, not caring if they rip you open with their cocks and looking forward to the stretch they will give you. and oh god the stretch was immaculate. the pain mixed with the pleasure had your eyes rolling back and arching your back. you felt so full once jake slid completely in next to soobin, both their tips kissing your cervix. you long dropped your resolve of staying quiet. the sounds that escaped your mouth when both men bucked their hips, being completely in sync with their movements.
your nails dig into soobin’s shoulders, flinging your head back onto jake’s shoulder once his hand softly cupped your neck, “fuck, doing such a good job at taking us babe, ain’t she soobin?” soobin nodded, his fingers reaching up and sliding past your lips, pressing down your tongue, “being so so good for us baby.” you were seeing stars, your brain going foggy. all you knew was their cocks and how good they felt sliding in and out of your soaking cunt. you didn’t realize how fast your orgasm was approaching until you bit down on soobin’s fingers and moaned out in pure pleasure as you came around them both. both males hissed at the way you were now squeezing them, “fuck baby, keep squeezing us like that…”
soobin couldn’t even get the words out before his warm cum was making you even more full, continuing to buck his hips to chase out his high. jake came soon after, him whimpering in your ear at how good your pussy feels when you squeeze him like that, also still moving his hips to chase after that high. both men mixing the cum from each party all together, a good amount of it leaking out your hole.
the men pulled out of you and you collapsed on soobin’s chest and jake laying on top of your back, completely sandwiching you between the two. the sounds of all your breathing filled the room. you couldn’t help but smirk at the fact you won’t be able to walk.
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wowzer-bowzer · 6 days
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Title: Breaking the Press
Summary: Paige wants to be more then teammates
Paige was already drenched in sweat, her heart pounding in sync with the squeaking sneakers on the court. Practice had been brutal, but that was nothing new. She thrived in the chaos, in the exhaustion, in the moments when the game demanded everything from her.
“Y/N, hit me on the wing!” Paige shouted, her voice cutting through the noise as she sprinted down the court.
You had the ball, your eyes scanning the defense like a hawk. You were the calm in the storm, Paige’s perfect counterpart on the court. Where Paige was fire, you were the ice, and together you burned through the defense like wildfire.
Your pass was clean, crisp, and exactly where it needed to be. Paige caught it in stride, barely breaking her momentum before rising up for a three. The ball sailed through the air, spinning in slow motion, and then – swish. Nothing but net.
“That’s what I’m talking about Paige! You yelled, grinning as you jogged back on defense. Paige gave you a quick wink, her usual way of saying ‘thanks.’
The practice continued, a blur of drills, scrimmages, and sweat-soaked jerseys. By the time Coach finally blew the whistle, the team was wiped, but satisfied. Paige wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, her eyes finding yours across the court. There was something about the way you moved, the quiet confidence that always caught Paige’s attention. It wasn’t just that you were a great player – it was the way you seemed to understand Paige without needing words.
As everyone filed into the locker room, Paige hung back, waiting for you. She needed to talk to you, about something more than basketball, something she’d been pushing down for a while.
“Hey, you got a minute?” Paige asked, trying to keep her voice casual.
You looked up, slightly surprised but nodding. “Yeah, what’s up?”
You both walked out the locker room, the noise of the team fading as you headed towards the empty bleachers. The gym was quieter now, the only sound being the faint echo of your footsteps.
Paige sat down on one of the lower bleachers, you joining her. For a moment, neither of you spoke, the silence stretching out between the two of you. Paige fiddled with the hem of her jersey, trying to find the right words.
“You ever feel like… I don’t know, like something’s missing in life?” Paige finally said, her voice quieter than usual.
You looked at her, your eyebrows raised. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, it’s just, lately, I’ve been thinking a lot. About the game, about life, about…the future.” Paige’s heart was racing now, and she could feel her palms getting sweaty. This wasn’t like her – she was usually so confident, and sure of herself. But now all she could think about was, what if everything went wrong.
You didn’t say anything, just waited, your eyes never leaving Paige’s. That was the thing about you– you were patient, always letting Paige take the lead.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is…I want you in my future. Not just as a team mate but more. You mean a lot to me. Not just on the court, but… in every way. I don’t want to mess things up, but I can’t keep pretending that I don’t feel something more.”
You blinked, your expression unreadable. For a moment, Paige thought what she dreaded the most was happening, that she’d ruined everything and made a midrange. But then, you smiled – that slow, warm smile that always made Paige’s heart skip a beat.
“I’ve been waiting for you to say that,” you said softly.
Paige felt a wave of relief wash over her, a grin spreading across her face. “So, where do we go from here?”
You chuckled, leaning back on the bleachers. “Wherever we want. We’re a team. We’ll figure it out together.”
Paige nodded, feeling the weight lift off her shoulders. She reached out her hand, it finding yours naturally. For the first time in a long time, Paige felt like everything was exactly where it was supposed to be. And the only thought in her mind now was her future… her future with you.
A/N: Not my best work 😔.
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lnfours · 1 year
gold rush | l.n
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summary: everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
warnings: fluff, implied sexual themes, first time saying i love yous , i’m so in love with him.
masterlist | ask box | listen
you laid on your back, silently debating on getting up and facing the cold air that waited for you outside of the warm blankets and sheets you had tangled yourself in. the feeling of your bladder about to burst making your mind up for you, and with a deep sigh you kicked the covers off as your bare body faced the cold. you immediately shivered, walking across the wooden floor and picking up the fluorescent yellow hoodie that laid near other scattered items of clothing.
you slipped it over your head, the hem falling to your thighs as you made your way into the bathroom. you made it quick, wanting nothing more than to join the man, who was like quite literally a personal furnace, back in your bed.
when you climbed back under the covers, he shifted in his sleep. humming quietly, he reached for you. you let him grab your hips, pulling you closer into his front. however, his bare stomach constricted when your hands met his skin.
“bloody hell,” his voice was still full of sleep and raspy, “your hands’re cold,”
you let out a soft chuckle, “why do you think my hands are where they are?”
your eyes wandered as you took in the boy in front of you, fingertips on his chest as his heart beat steadily, his cheeks flushed with warmth and covered in indentations from having his face smushed against his pillow, dark curls a mess from the night before.
he looked so pretty, it made your stomach turn at the fact that anybody would die to be you. anyone would die to feel his touch, to love him. you didn’t care if it was selfish, you wanted him all to yourself.
it was like he could hear the thoughts in your head and he grabbed your hand that sat on his cheek, placing it on his chest. a simple reminder that you were his and he was yours. you smiled softly, his water colored eyes meeting yours before be tilted his head and kissed your temple.
everytime you woke up next to him, it made you wonder what it was like to grow up that beautiful.
“want to go get breakfast?” he asked, eyes not leaving yours.
you smiled, nodding before placing your head on his chest, “can we stay like this a little longer, though?”
he hummed, chest vibrating against your ear as he pulled you as close as possible, leaving no room for gaps of air between you. he grabbed your bare thigh, throwing your leg over his as he tangled his limbs with yours.
you felt his fingers comb through the hairs at the beginning of your hairline, your fingers drawing shapes on his bare stomach absentmindedly. he smiled into your hair, feeling you draw a heart on his skin.
“i love you,”
his voice was riddled with sleep, but it made your heart stop as he said the three words neither of you had said before. you shifted your head, turning to look at him as he was already smiling down at you.
“did you just-“
he nodded, the same smile still playing at his lips, “yeah,” he brushed a hair from your face, hand cupping your face after as his eyes searched yours, “i love you.”
the second time felt just as good as the first. you didn’t realize what was going on until you felt his lips on yours. they moved in sync, his tongue slipping into your mouth with ease. your hands wrapped around his neck, his body shifting under you as he moved so you were fully laying on top of him now.
you pulled away, foreheads meeting as you tried to catch your breath. breathlessly, you reciprocated the three words back to him, “i love you, too.”
the smile that fell onto his lips was almost as bright as the sun shining through the curtains. something about the way it sounded flowing off your tongue, the way it was directed towards him, the way your pupils were so large they were swallowing the color in your eyes. everything about it made his heart constrict and shoot straight up to his throat.
he kissed you again, this time rolling the two of you over as he hovered over top of you, hands on the hem of his hoodie as he pushed it up, head dipping down to place kisses on the skin of your stomach, “say it again,”
“i love you, lando norris.” you smiled, and he swore his heart burst. your thumb brushed against his cheek as they flushed, not in an embarrassing way but in a way that made him giddy and excited and loved. the love he had been longing for. the love that he had finally found with you.
he grabbed your hand and placed it on the part of his skin where his heart was beating so fast it was a wonder it wasn’t flying out of his chest. his smile was contagious and your cheeks were starting to hurt with all the smiling. you grabbed his hand also, putting it in the spot where your heart was going a mile a minute.
your universal, silent way of telling each other that your heart is for the other. you let him lean down, kissing you sweetly.
“i love you,” you couldn’t get enough of him saying those three words.
“i love you, too, lan.”
and he definitely couldn’t get enough of you saying it back to him.
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