#and one of the otome games im currently playing
foxstens · 1 year
over 100 hours into this game and it still leaves me speechless
so i found out you can actually go to outskirts from outer expanse via this subarea called facility roots. the entire thing is literally like 4 screens but before you get to it there’s this long drop where pictures of the past plays. i knew it would happen since it was mentioned in the post where i even found out about this but fuck i still cried
and it leads to the one-way path and long swim section where spearmaster’s campaign starts. it was such a cool moment oh my fucking god. so then i proceeded to delete the save and restart bc i want to do a survivor run where i get all passages
then the opening cutscene played and i cried again and it got me thinking about how you go into this game thinking it’s about finding slugcat’s family but then when you talk to pebbles it turns into slugcat trying to escape the cycle BUT THEN when you dive into the lore and turns out it’s actually a story about these struggling supercomputers created by a previous civilization and slugcats are actually just their messengers.
it’s such a weird thing bc to me one of the things that makes this game so interesting and so fun to play (and probably so polarizing for everyone else) is the fact that it’s really not about the player. but then when you think about it, it kind of is? bc survivor and monk do actually have their own stories and they’re not messengers for the iterators so in their case this really is a rat-in-manhattan sim with a utopian sci-fi backdrop
whereas for every other slugcat (bar the one that doesn’t exist) their story revolves solely around what they have to do for someone else, whether that be delivering a message to pebbles or saving moon or ascending everyone - idk how to explain it but there’s a very big difference between the two and i freaking love it
ugh im so sad about saint. i wanna go back to moon and pebbles and i wanna go through rubicon and i wanna reach the ending myself so i can feel the emotions. but i do not have the patience and i literally can’t with the lag. and at this point i should be pretty much done with the game but i dont wanna be so i guess ill get all passages. and try artificer. and do gourmand’s food quest. and do smth with spearmaster bc i love him. ugh.
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aislittlesparrow · 9 months
♡ touchstarved (demo only - the alchemist origin, i have chosen all the boys) | 9 hours
favorite boys: ais and leander
ps: me to them: “você pode me ninar nos seus braços fortes e cabeludos? vem pra baixo do lençol comigo… tá tão calor… você nem precisa usar pijama”
♡ ikemen prince (chevalier, licht, sariel and clavis - all of them romantic endings) | ? hours (probably too many)
favorite boys: chevalier and licht
♡ love unholyc (jung hi - normal ending i think? can’t remember) | ? hours
favorite boys: sol
♡ mystic messenger (yoosung and jumin han - good endings) | ? hours
favorite boys: jumin han and 707
♡ date with death (i got ending 1, 3 - you win/kiss, 4 - dlc ending and 5 - wedding) | 15 hours
♡ sounds of verity (got all 13 finals) | ? hours
i’m not going to elaborate on this one, i was just bored
♡ twisted carnival (got all of jude, leon and remy endings)
favorite boys: jude
♡ salvus aries (demo only, chose all boys + chapter 1 caym) |
favorite boys: seir and orias
♡ obscura (demo only, got all keir, cirrus and francesco endings) | 8+ hours
favorite boys: cirrus, keir and francesco
otome games im currently playing:
dark nights
adopt a boyfriend (dropped)
14 days with you (favorite boy: [redacted])
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nonsensemonkey · 2 months
there's so many things to love about love and deepspace but i think overall my absolute favorite aspect of it is just HOW MUCH of the game is tailored to YOU and YOUR tastes:
-i HATED the sounds of the english voices and if that were my only option, i wouldn't have bothered but not only do you have the option to hear them speak english, they can speak chinese, japanese and korean too. anyone that knows me knows my obsession with japanese voice acting and two of my all time faves just so happen to be voicing my two in game faves! you can read it in those languages as well. anytime im given the option to play a game in a different language, i leap.
-mc is fairly customizable. she's long and slender which doesn't fit my description but i'm so used to that in these games and (i'm so old- i dont have the energy to give toward caring about shit like this) but you can modify her face, hair (more so in photobooth) and skin. and that last bit was kinda huge to me bc not only did they include darker skin tones, they looked GOOD. there's not alot of range, no, but i'm so used to the vaguely dark skin being alittle ashy options in games (especially ones made by asian companies) that this was like a massive breath of fresh air.
-you have a storyline- well now there's two from what i understand and although you can't control who you interact with in-story, you can choose how much you interact with them outside of the story. i cannot stand rafayel- and i forget the other's name atm but i dont like him much either. i hate to see either of them coming tbh and so the fact that i'm able to CHOOSE to spend my free time with zayne/rei instead (and now sylus/shin) AHHH wonderful! like you can set it to have only the ones YOU want to interact with greet you in the cafe.
-if i didn't state this clearly enough, YOU CAN CHOOSE WHO YOU WANT TO FOCUS ON!! like, yeah, sometimes you'll do stuff where you still build your intimacy with a character you may not care for but it may not be alot.
-you can choose what they wear. you can choose what you wear (this is limited but still an option).
-you can even customize your phone and most of it is interactive! they react to your changing the text bubbles. you can suggest them changing their pfp and they either agree or reject you with little quips of their own. you can change the bg of your chat with them. you can nickname them in your phone which shows up anytime they text or call. even their online profiles! you can even give them a nickname to call you!
-i got tired of the opening theme song. like, i borderline hated it and GUESS WHAT?? I COULD CHANGE IT! (with an aurum pass) and when shin got introduced they added him to the front of the original intro where it's all light and white and brightness but it's him and darkness and red and blood and the transition was jarring and not appealing to me whatsoever and guess what??? I COULD CHANGE THAT TOO!!! so now, currently my game's welcome page is now rei working quietly to the tune of soft piano. sooooo lovely. i'll switch to shin from time to time :)
like i said, there's sooooo much to love about this fucking game and this isn't even my way of trying to convince anyone else to play it. i could lol but i just know that when it first dropped so many people were shitting on it bc the ads of the boys looking like uncanny valley, creepy airbrushed dolls LMAO. idk if they still look like that now or if i've just grown fond and therefore blind but this is definitely one of those- if you like otome games, maybe don't knock it until you try it babe idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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outcastotome · 5 months
Hey Hey!!!
As the description of this blog states, this is my safe place to talk about all things Otome (mainly the Ikemen series by Cybrid)! I'm still not exactly sure what I'm going to do on here, but expect a mix of route reviews, opinion posts, memes, and other shit like that. Feel free to ask me anything or suggest games for me to check out!!!
This is an 18-plus blog!!!! I'm 99 percent sure on the app store it says that all the cybird games are 17-plus, so I just decided to round up to the legal age of adulthood in my country! Also, I know these games deal with some pretty heavy topics (some handled good, some not so much) so I will definitely try and add trigger warning to any of my posts that deal with such topics! If I miss adding a warning to something that could potentially be triggering, please reach out and tell me so that I can add it! I want this blog to be a fun place for people to discuss the games they love while also keeping it a safe place!
My history with Otome :D
I started playing otome games years ago. I'm not even joking. I remember when Arthur's English route was released and that being a big deal in the Fandom. I was also around before Ikemen Revolution was discontinued (fly high my sweet prince). What I'm basically trying to say is that I'm ancient and have been around the block a few times. I've downloaded and deleted and re-download Cybrid games since I've been in middle school (definitely too young to be exposed to that kind of content, but that's what happens when you have unrestricted access to your electronic devices). Despite the fact that I've been in the Fandom on and off again for years, I haven't actually finished that many routes. I intend to use this blog as a way to change that. If im constantly posting about it, then I can't procrastinate playing the games :D
Games I intend to post about
To be completely honest, I'm still not 100 percent sure of all of the games I want to talk about here. However, the current list is:
Ikemen Sengoku (the first Cybird game I ever played)
Ikemen Revolution (yes, I know the game was discontinued, but I prefer to live in my fantasy world and pretend that it'll get an update one day)
Ikemen Vampire (my personal favorite otome game I've ever played)
Ikemen Prince (the last time I was really into Cybird games, I'm pretty sure this one had just been released? I've never played it)
Ikemen Villians (I had no idea this game existed until yesterday when I decided to make this blog)
Mystic Messenger (probably not as much as the others, but I downloaded this game in middle school and have refused to delete it ever since despite the fact that I probably haven't played it in 3 years)
Dangerous Fellows (My favorite fever dream)
Cinderella Phenomenon (If this game has no fans, then I am dead)
Obey Me (I was developing normally as a child until I found this game. I still love it, though)
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i’ve been hesitant to really get into LnDS bc of time & idk there’s just something abt it that i’m feeling sort of ‘eh’ about…. but after reading what’s going on with li zeyan and the issues with ppl are bringing up (which i can understand why ppl are upset) i’m less inclined to invest all this time playing it… mr love has my heart so i prefer playing it for now~ i wanna play more at some point & i don’t wanna judge too prematurely but was wondering how you felt abt it.. it sometimes seems like im the only one who feels like this (sorry for the rant)
no need to say sorry haha. to be very honest with you, i’m afraid i’m under contractual obligations here, so i currently do not have the scope to be malding out in the wild. despite so, within the scope i am allowed to express, i really haven’t been anything but harsh on the game so far (and believe me you’re far from being the only one).
my general advice regarding people asking me if they should play LnDS remains the same— do try it out for yourself and make up your own mind about it. everyone has their own preference, so you never know what might strike a chord with you.
don’t get me wrong, the game does have features that i think people can enjoy, e.g., the customization, battles, the little games. my biggest gripe is that the game does market itself as an “otome game”, and they’re currently lacking gravely in that department when you look at the CN otome genre + the writing for their main story or date contents so far aren’t... uhh idk how to put it nicely really. there are some good parts (the myths, anecdotes), sure, but when it comes down to it, i’m not looking for one-shots and situationships ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ though, it’s strong on the “companionship” aspects in the form of taking pics with the men, playing games, interacting on the home screen etc. but these are features that are bound to get repetitive and burdensome after the initial hype passes, and what allows an otome game to thrive or even survive in the long run is the story, the development, the emotional attachment— just look at Love and Producer/ MLQC should you need an example.
also, not to point fingers at anyone, but LnDS’ wild marketing has brought in global players who have no idea about the CN otome market, you can tell it’s the first rodeo for the major part of their global audience. as for the CN market, unless LnDS makes drastic improvements in their stories in the upcoming contents... i know the land i tread in, so we’ll know the real picture in six months when the initial craze subsides. :’<
anywho, i know many people who are still sticking with the game despite acknowledging the story is weak, so the game must be doing something right haha. so, here’s to hoping they can sort everything out and the game does make improvements. and i’m afraid that’s all i can say for now~
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orangelemonsstuff · 2 years
Okay so-- few months ago me and my friend were talking about what if DOL has an ending, bad one, since me and my friend are bad ending enthusiasts, it gave me an idea i shared to them months ago.
its pretty shit but i enjoyed writing it lmao
Neutral Bad Ending
MC comes home wet by the rain outside, they will come asking around orphans about Bailey's whereabouts, a orphan would approach them and say Bailey is currently occupying the bathroom,
There are two scenarios that might happen with this ending:
1. If PC is in High Trauma or just achieved the Whitney and Robin Park cutscene/event (which i made up in my mind), PC would ask for the orphan's hair dryer saying "needing to dry their hair because of the rain" before heading to the bathroom where Bailey is in and plugging it on the extension cord, a moment later, Bailey would notice PC's presence and would ask "what the fuck do you want brat? can't you see im in here?" PC would just give him a stare and would ask for his birthday
Defiant: "When's your birthday Bailey?"
Neutral: "i just want to know when is your birthday Bailey?"
Submissive: "W-well, i want to ask... w-when is your birthday Bailey?
At this, Bailey would respond "Why the hell would you want to know? i don't want any of your crappy gifts", PC will insist that they should just say when it is and they'll leave, Bailey would give it up and say "June 12, now get the fuck out of here." PC would smile at them saying that they'll remember it before throwing the plugged hair dryer on a extension cord at the bathub with Bailey.
If PC with High Trauma or the Whitney and Robin event (again made up in my head which i didn't write yet) is not acquired but Robin is on the underground brothel or the Orphanage had gained Rebellious trait it would follow this scene:
2. PC would pull some furnishings from around the orphanage towards the bathroom door exclusively trapping Bailey in the bathroom, the orphans would look at them confusedly and they will just assure them that they will end all of this, the orphans will still not get it but they will help PC pushing the furnitures, it has three stages
"You cover the bathroom door with furnitures and large objects, Its barely covered. he/she could come out easy"
"You cover the bathroom door with furnitures and large objects, Most parts were covered. he/she would sturggle to come out"
"You covered the bathroom door with furnitures and large objects. the door is fully covered. he/she cannot come out."
if high skullduggery, Should PC and the orphans move the furnitures quitely through the bathroom door, if not a chair would make a screeching sound alerting Bailey making the Player choose if they should take the risk on continuing or not.
*not continuing would fail this ending even if the door is already covered fully
continuing, would have Bailey rattling the doorknob only to not being able to open it, Bailey would soon bang the door for all of them to remove the blockage at once or else they will taste their wrath, but with PC contiuing and successfully covering the door, they hurry and lead the other orphans outside as they pick up a canister of gasoline and surrounded the whole orphanage with it including the furnitures near the bathroom door, they will pick up a match on Bailey's office and lit the gasoline tracks on fire.
EH? EH? WHATCHA THINK??? tbh this is just a fun lil concept on an ending i made up in my mind since i played a lot of otome games and gained a lot of bad endings... which happened too much to be considered normal cuz normally i just fuck around with characters lmao, but i hope you enjoyed it.
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teutaranaway · 5 months
HIII I'm sure you've answered this before :'D but do you have any otome game recs ??? just like, ur faves!! I've never played one all the way through (like AT LEAST one ending) even tho I really wanna cuz they seem so fun.... I just lack commitment x(
BTW I remember you posting about a game that had characters who were like, cupids ... ?? or something?? I DON'T REMEMBER but it looked really fun if u could tell me what it was called x((
IM NOT GONNA MENTION MY FAVORITE U ALREADY KNOW but from free otomes i have been into mysme since the day it came out and no matter how people makr fun of it its such a good game. and it was revolutionary in the otome genre. im also currently playing ikevil and im liking it so far but that ones a bit heavy ^^; and theres also some storytaco games and voltage games that people recommend
THE ONE U MENTIONED IS CUPIPARA i havent finished it yet but its a romcom!! and its super funny but most of the jokes are really sexual so it gets so exhausting super fast but i still think its fun !!! the voice acting is really good too,
amnesia is 5 dollars on steam . normally i would say just pirate amnesia but. u know. its an experience
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ackee · 2 months
Feel free to delete if you've already answered this - but do you have any current otome/visual novel recommendations? I played black box lss after seeing it on your blog and really enjoyed it!
YAY YAAAAY IM GLAD YOU DID!! rn im playing a lot of (usually game jam entry) visual novels so i can to do research for my own vn ^__^
i havent finished a lot of em, so the only one id recommend rn is burrows, a gay furry vn.
though i do have a visual novel review section on my site that i actually Just updated before this ask! i reviewed mi.rage n.oir, an otome demo! next i will review black box lss or burrows.. 🤔
should be mostly mobeel compatibleee 😁🫶🏽
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screampied · 2 months
Hiii Vegas!! 🫶🫶 Sorry for bothering you again (pls tell me to stop when I'm annoying you a lot 🙏🙏). I was just playing a game and was wondering if you play games and what ur recs are! (Like otome games, horror games, or just cute ones!)
-🦩 anon
ITS ONAY DONT APOLOGIZE 💓 you’re so sweet you could never annoy me !!!! ough i love games. i’m so busy i barely have time for them anymore but i have many many recs 🙂‍↕️
it doesn’t rly matter the genre for me !!! i only play horror games w friends bc im too much of a pussy but i love decision based games like detroit become human, walking dead, until dawn 🫡
i loveeee fnaf. i’ll never play that by myself, fuck no. fnaf 4? yeah good luck. i love emily wants to play also !!! scared the blue out my jeans 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️ i also really reallyyyy love silent hill. i’m a major silent hill fan. pyramid head …. yum. ALSO DANGANRONPA I LOVE DANGANRONPA. dead by daylight, that game currently has me on a leash (help)
i love fighting games also !!! forgot to mention, but i love mortal kombat, street fighter, dead or alive, resident evil, genshin (does this even count hello), tekken 8, i love 80s / 90s games like street fighter ‘n mk. but i play shooting games too like r6s, last of us, valorant, halo I LOVE HALO
i also really love elden ring 🙂‍↕️
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bustafe · 2 months
I'm one of your newer mutuals so bear with me if you already answered this before 😔.
How many vns/otome games have you've played and which one is your least favorite?
UMM so ive only recently gotten the chance to play switch games so my visual novel experience should be wider soon but ive played some classic ones like ace attorney (all games except for spirit of justice), danganronpa and fatamoru, i played dmmd when i was 14 💔 and the most recent non-otome i finished was totono which was honestly Mid, im also currently reading umineko and i want to try higurashi when im done with it ^^ ive also played tons of indie ones that i cant remember atm
my otome list is on my carrd!!! its incomplete but i did put the ones ive completely finished (aside from some mobile ones)
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steamberrystudio · 2 years
i can't stress enough how much i adore morgan. like with every route im like oh of course the love interest would fall for her like how could they not??? like when she's nerding out over history/archaeology for example even i find myself falling a little in love with her! i love how outspoken she is, how she's never afraid to call people out including the people she loves, since I feel like its rather common for otome mcs to let people get away with things, haha. she's also incredibly funny at times--visual novels and reading stuff in general doesn't often make me laugh out loud but some of her lines and the way she fires back have made me laugh quite a few times. her growth was so cool to watch as well, how though there's definitely a period of getting accustomed to things, you can sense just how powerful she could be even in the beginning. plus I love that she had the opportunity to use her powers in a kickass way at least once in every route.
ah but sorry for the ramble i finished gilded shadows in like... two days because I can't be normal about the things I like ever and I just wanted to express what a joy it was to play as Morgan. I genuinely think she's my favourite not just dating sim main character, but one of my favourite main characters period. thank you so much for her and gilded shadows in general and im so excited for reubens and yuus route. im so greedy for more content of this game haha
I think my two favourite things about writing Morgan are both her tendency to go full nerd at the expense of the current situation (causing someone to have to tell her to please focus) and the fact that she is so uninformed on Esper related things that she thinks way outside the box - and is then sometimes able to do things she's not "supposed" to be able to do.
I always imagine that Espers naturally limit themselves as a sort of innate sense of self preservation. But Morgan doesn't know what her limits are supposed to be. So she'll sometimes just try stuff because she doesn't know she shouldn't.
Of course, Morgan isn't the most powerful Esper in the game (that crown goes to Brenin) but it's still fun to play around with queen rank abilities as a story element.
Anyway! I'm looking forward to embarking on the final route soon. Reuben's route is going through its second revision - just finished Chapter 8 today. So I have six more chapters to edit before I start scripting and coding and doing art.
And then I'll be writing Yuu's route finally. And I'm really looking forward to it. ╰(*°▽°*)╯
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chisungie · 1 year
[Elysia voice] Hi~ Did you miss me? ♡
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The basic stuff about me is in my bio so I'll put other stuff down here :)
Games I play currently!
Honkai Impact 3rd (My favourite <3)
Zenless Zone Zero (New!)
Ensemble Stars (JpnMusic, Basic, Engstars, Krstars)
Honkai Star Rail (Sometimes)
Genshin Impact (Sometimes)
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Honkai ID: 100771199
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ZZZ ID: 1000736629
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Genshin ID: 604738594
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HSR ID: 600704351
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EnBasic: e8wih8gz (what the fuck)
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KrStars: 7527606407
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Engstars: 7573454007
(Lmk who you are before you add or I'll likely decline btw!)
Other things I used to be into / still like!
Uta No Prince Sama has a special place in my heart, sobs
Monster Hunter! I've played World/Iceborne, and own Rise!
Project Sekai. I played a little before Eng release but as of rn I just like the songs^^
Kpop. I stick to listening to songs only now, but I used to be a huge Ahgase, Monbebe, Nctzen, ARMY. And I love Chung Ha.
Sonic The Hedgehog. Games, Sonic X, the Movies, and I read like 1 comic bc I got it with a figure I bought.
.. Voltage Otome, but like. The old ones. Like, A Knight's Devotion. My Sweet Bodyguard. Love Letter from Thief X. Celebrity Darling. Oh, and 10DWMD! My shameful past 💀
Amnesia Anime/Otome. I did end up playing all routes, and completed most, if not all, endings. It was fun <3
Kinda got into Idolish7? Banger anime, good music. Didn't get into the series past that tho ><
My Favourite Characters!
Don't follow me if you dislike/hate them and are vocal about it. I don't want to hear it, take it somewhere else.
HI3 Elysia! My favourite girl ever, you'll always be loved and remembered 🥹
HI3 Raiden Mei. My og wife material girlie I love her sm 🙏
(Tbh most of the HI3 cast has a special place in my heart.)
GI Yae Miko. Incase the pattern wasn't obvious, I adore hyv's pretty pink women <3
HSR Kafka. Good lord, she's hot.
ZZZ Nicole and Nekomataaa!! <3 Tbh I adore most of the ZZZ cast, but these are my girlies!!
Enst Undead / Oogami Koga / Sakuma Rei. We are.. Undead! <3
Enst Crazy:B / Amagi Rinne / HiMERU. Sorry, unfortunately I'm a RnHmP. Please forgive me 🙏 /j
Enst Akatsuki / Hasumi Keito. This green glasses man has had a tight grip on me since day one alongside Rei and I HATE HIM SO MUCH (affectionate.
Utapri HEAVENS / Quartet Night. QN on top bc their dynamics are so funny and their music bangs. Heavens also up there for their music <3 (dont have bias in each?🤷‍♀️)
GI Childe / Al haitham. I will not explain myself but they are my squishies.
AKD Lute / Haku. Oh my god. Also my squishies and they always fight and compete like idiots. I love them so much.
10DWMD Kamui Meguru. Babie. Love him sm 😭
MSB Sora, LLFTX Hiro, CD Sho. My type in Voltage Otome was very obvious 🤦‍♀️ Not Voltage but ToT Luke too. Unfortunately, Amnesia Toma as well.. ;;
IkeVamp Arthur Conan Doyle. I can't believe I forgot him.. He's a bad, bad man and is really disgusting at the beginning/in other routes, but once he opens up and starts acting properly? Chefs kiss.
There's more I just can't rmr rn. Whatever. Live, love, Elysia! <3
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arcaeda · 1 year
toa anniversary munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: leon!
Pronouns: he/him mainly but they/them? also sick
Birthday (no year): aug 30th whats up my fellow virgos
Where are you from? What is your time zone?: i'm from good old virginia but ive lived in a few different state. i currently live in illinois (insert peace sign hand emoji here) i'm also central time! midwesterners make some noise
Roleplay experience: my first experience rping was when i was like 12 or so. i started off doing cringe ass rp in deviantart group chats (if anyone remembers those). i didn't start doing (cringey attempts) @ legit para rp until i was 15 or 16 where i used deviantart and tumblr interchangeably. i experimented with panfandom rp for a bit and then a little while after that i found toa!
Got any pets?: my two chihuahuas who are brothers bae and skippy! i post them in gen media sometimes (bae is the white one and skippy is the one that looks like a frito)
Favorite time of year: autumun girlies rise up
Some interests and things you like: video games and animanga, mostly. i like (mostly j)rpgs, visual novels/otome games and rogue-lites. i used to bingewatch 30 episode animes in one day when i was younger LMAO. nowadays i mostly just stick to reading manga with my favorite genres being shoujo & josei. i don't stick to the new anime seasons anymore so these are some oldies, but my favorite anime of the past would probably be kaitou saint tail and nana. the newest anime i've probably enjoyed and actually remember is akatsuki no yona.
Some funfacts & trivia about you: im gonna be real with you all im terrible @ sharing fun facts about myself. uhhhh idk i guess i've swallowed whole pennies and dimes before as a child. i also ate a whole tube of toothpaste on christmas day and puked it up later..... i ate a lot of weird shit as a kid apparently
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?: uhhh most of my main interest in vidja games is fire emblem, but actively rn i play like mobage and rhythm games on the side. other big interest games for me would probably be the botw series (not neccesarily zelda overall but), persona 5, ffxiv a LOT in the past, hades…. i cannot think of anything else off the top of my head LOL
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: blaziken you are my favorite little guy. my favorite type is probably electric or ice though.
How did you get into Fire Emblem?: i saw fire emblem awakening at gamestop and remembering marth from smash bros decided to buy it
What Fire Emblem games have you played?: there are some i've only read the script for, but for actual games that i've played : geneaology, shadows of valentia, blazing blade, some of sacred stones, path of radiance and some of radiant dawn, awakening, conquest, three houses and engage!
First Fire Emblem game: awakening
Favorite Fire Emblem game: geneaology will stick with me in my heart until i die, but like i also really did enjoy engage. she's climbing up there boys
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays?
Awakening: chrom bc i didnt realize how s supports worked (though i did already like him when we married). my first marriage by choice was with lon'qu. i usually play f!robin, but if i do m!robin i marry cherche teehee
Three Houses: claude my beloved
Engage: alfred. hrk
Favorite Fire Emblem class: i fucking love mage knights so much. so glad engage brought them back
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class?: villager LMAOOOO but nah for real i think i would probably be a cleric, not by choice but because it would be the only thing i excel @ in universe. (my ass weak as hell)
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation?: golden deer rePRESENT WOOOOOO
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with?: sigurd for completely totally normal reasons. marth if you forced me to choose someone else
How did you find TOA?: on twitter! and i am so glad i decided to apply hehe
Current TOA muses: veyle and caeda!
Who was your first TOA muse?: sigurd! i wrote him here for around two years i think, but i also had prior experience writing him before toa teehee
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards?: i definitely think i gravitate towards the parental figure therapist type.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most?: i love writing idiots who mean well the most i think (looks at sigurd and my very old tormod muse)
Favorite TOA-related memory: everyone swapping and trading letters of their mun name in the discord server. also anything 0 days since our last food discourse related
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔: toe-uh! since the day i was born
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉: (barking and growling at you) i am thinking of bringing back timerra after i recover from top surg tho.
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inkykeiji · 8 months
Clari I'm on the fence ... do you recommend love and deepspace? is the battle system hard or the gacha crazy (bad)? I keep seeing ads and clips here and there but FHDJSKAFHDJKSA TBH I WAS JUST GONNA SKIRT BYE BUT THEN I SAW THAT YOU LIKED IT and decided to do a double take. I'm so curious but LOL what if I get sucked in? However your taste has always been immaculate so im super curious about your opinion and experience with it so far!!
AH ANON! well, first and foremost, i love the hell out of it so far, so i’m going to preface this with saying that i’m most likely biased hehe
okay so!! it’s hard to talk too much about the gacha since the game has only just come out (and i’ve only been playing for 7 days!) but at this current moment they have a ton of events going on to celebrate launch so it’s fairly easy to earn items + materials from those. i don’t know how easy it’ll be in the future, but one thing i’m really loving is the fact that you can buy wishes (pulls) from the shop using in-game currency that is also (atm) easy to earn.
there’s actually a ton of stuff you can buy using in game currency, though this is slowly revealed to you as you unlock more and more currencies (there’s diamonds, heartsand, stardust, chocolates, oracle dice) and there’s only a few outfits locked away behind actual real life money.
they make it difficult to get sucked in, because chapters are locked behind specific levels. for example, for two days i was stuck waiting to unlock chapter 6, because i was level 41, and you have to be level 42 to unlock it. this is kind of the only gripe i have with the game at the moment, because earning exp to level up can only be done through daily tasks, and you always earn the same amount of exp every day—meaning the higher level you become, the longer you have to wait to reach the required level to unlock the next chapter. i’m hoping they’ll introduce more ways to earn exp soon!
other than that, i love it so much. i love all three love interests, i think the writing is fairly good for an otome game (it isn’t super cheesy or cringe) not only in dialogue but in story and all of the other reading material they provide you with (and it’s a LOT!). i love the world building as well, i think it’s quite well done!!! you learn a lot through diegetic sources, (news articles, notes, anecdotes, etc) which i think is super cool. i think the characters are distinct from one another (especially in their texting styles, which is another thing i found super cool; i love rafayel’s absolute lack of fucking punctuation) and well developed!! all of the material you can unlock with them using memories (the cards you pull for, basically) is super super cute, and there’s a ton of that, too. honestly, in terms of material, it’s a little overwhelming especially at first. but the game unlocks features slowly with you, and the tutorials give you a good grasp on everything!
i don't find the battle system difficult at all, especially if you play through all of the training they have, and it’s actually quite fun!!
honestly, i’d say give it a try before all of those events end and see if it’s something you’d be interested in!! at this current moment, you literally won’t be able to be sucked in after like, your first day playing, because the game will lock you out of the next chapter, like i said. it’s a good time to just feel it out and take it for a test-drive, so to speak!
hopefully this helps you out a lil anon, if you have any other questions feel free to ask! <3 and feel free to let me know what u think if you do give it a try!! and who ur fave guy is!! <3
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leeyanyanyaaan · 2 years
(kinda a re-intro, but i'm also looking for moots ;w;)
hi there! i've kinda been on tumblr for abt a few months now, posting writing stuff here and there, and i think i'd like to make some more friends on here :D
here's an old short intro that i did when i first arrived, but i'll share a bit about me again XD
i'm leeyanyan! but you can just call me lee or yan, or whichever you prefer :3
i use she/they and i'm biroace :D (sadly irl me gotta stay in the closet
i'm 19 and currently in uni TwT
filipino born in nz :)
the oldest of three with two younger sisters!
scorpio, slytherin and ISTP (borderline INTP, honestly idek all i know is that i'm a heroic introverted thinker lol)!
i'm mainly a writing blog, posting about all sorts of things ranging from prompts to fandoms to ocs :D
i draw too but very rarely ;w;
i'm into anime, music and video games!
for anime, my favorite is one piece, but i've recently gotten into jjk and csm, watched hxh and naruto as a kid! currently also reading bnha, sxf and oshi no ko manga, as well as currently watching the rurouni kenshin 2023 version. i don't exactly remember all the series ive seen at this point, but ur always free to ask ^-^
for music, i'm more versed in jpop, vocaloid and utaite than kpop (is mainly the more mainstream ones ^^;), but you can find my favorites in my spotify playlist here! if you've seen some of my posts, you can probably guess i'm mainly a stay XD
i'm also into some japanese music projects like hypmic, pararai and milgram! i also like riot games music groups but i dont play LoL
for video games, kingdom hearts is definitely my favorite! that's currently the main game im into but i also like genshin and star rail (very not up to date tho), idv and twst and cybird otome games :3 LOL if you ask, there's probably a bunch of other games i used to like too like fnaf, sonic, batim and ut XD
ah but i do have clinical depression tho 😓 if you don't mind that..
if you like anime, video games, jpop, stray kids, writing and oc talk, let's be friends please :D
i may not be the most talkative or active, but some company with mutual interests would be great ^-^
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oepionie · 1 year
There are so many otome games out there (though the ones officially in English can be lacking sometimes), were you looking for a free to play mobile, free to play PC, or games for console and/or PC? Since otome games also are meant for niche audiences, their fandoms tend to be small to begin with…I know that Obey Me is currently popular with a big fandom, you might have heard of it. If you haven’t heard of it, it is fun but the game can’t be considered a traditional otome due to it not actually having any actual romance routes that you can pursue. Tears of Themis is another one with a sizable following (I haven’t played it, so I can’t vouch for it). I think the cybird mobile otome games have decent sized fandoms too? (I haven’t played those either). I’m not sure if they’re still available, or if their fandoms are even active anymore, but the Shall We Date?: Wizardess Heart, Shall We Date?: Guard Me, Sherlock! (there are Easter eggs from this game in Obey Me) and Shall We Date?: Love Tangle are all old classics.
As for PC otomes, I know that Cinderella Phenomenon is pretty popular (it’s free to play, though one of the routes is sus. you’ll know what I mean if you play it). The story for it is really good, in my opinion. For consoles, Code Realize: Guardian of Rebirth is one that’s recommended a lot (very long common route, it also has an anime! Im still playing through my first route). I can’t really recommend any other console ones cuz all the ones I’ve known or played are rated M, sorry 😅 Some people have been suggesting The Arcana, which is an absolute masterpiece of a game, but that isn’t an otome, it’s a just a romance visual novel. Which has mature and suggestive scenes in all the routes at some point. Just so ya know, if you decided to check out The Arcana.
OMG TYSM!!! I've been wanting to get into otome games more<33 This was such a nice reccomendation list
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