#and pendulum summon also counts as special summon meaning it still allows for normal summon in the same turn
aminotvxq · 1 year
Me learning for the first time how to Pendulum Summon:
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the-sayuri-rin · 8 years
Oprah must of bought Yugioh!, because the feels level was too damn high!
Credit to :DMC3444
Last Time’s Egao Count: 292
Himika: The real fun is just getting started?
Yusho: Yeah. It’s pretty enjoyable, right?
Yusho: The way he can command his monsters as he desires, No matter how ferocious they are…
JACK: A true Duelist is one who guides himself to victory!
Yusho: This is a trial to determine whether Yuya really has what it takes to be a Pro Duelist.
JACK: Now! Show me, Yuya!
Yusho: Your resolve!
JACK: Your power!
Yusho/JACK: Show me the entertainment you believe in!
Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement.
(Opening Sequence)
Yuya: I know. You guys want to become the Supreme Dragon King! You feel that you’ll be powerless once again when Ray revives, right?
Yuya: Even so, I can’t allow you guys to become the Supreme Dragon King! I won’t let Zarc’s soul awaken inside Reira!
Yuya: I want you to fight without fusing!
Yuya: I won’t let your powers be used to hurt other people or destroy the world! I will use them to protect everyone’s smiles! (Egao Count: 292+1=293)
Yuya: I activate Starve Venom Fusion Dragon’s effect!
Yuya: It can steal all of Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight’s Monster Effects until the end of this turn!
Crow: Stealing all of its effects?
Sora: That’s not all.
Yuya: I activate its other effect! Starve Venom can add the ATKs of all Special Summoned monsters on my opponent’s Field to its own ATK!
Crow: It stole Scarlight’s 3000 ATK and Tyrant’s 3500 ATK as well!?
Sora: Yeah. This is Starve Venom’s… Yuri’s dragon’s power.
Asuka: Yuri uses its power to turn many Duelists into cards… But…
Yuya: I activate the effect that Starve Venom took from Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight! All Special Summoned monsters with ATKs equal to or lower than Starve Venom’s 9300 ATK will be destroyed. And you will receive 500 damage for each destroyed monster!
Melissa: Wow! Yuya is destroying both his own monsters and Jack’s in order to inflict heavy damage! Isn’t that a bit excessive, though?
Crow: Jack probably already saw that one coming.
JACK: That won’t be enough, Yuya!
JACK: Continuous Trap, Invalid Insensitive! During this turn, monsters on the Field can’t be destroyed by effects!
Sora: See?
JACK: Using an effect you stole from your opponent to obtain victory is simply preposterous! Go all out! Show me the four dragons’ powers by battling!
Melissa: As expected of the City’s pride, Jack Atlas! As if being able to read Yuya’s mind, he activated his Trap at the right moment and splendidly evaded the effect!
Yuya: I knew that he’d have a counter for it. And also… I can’t afford to lose and let those three down.
Yuya: Let’s do this! I will now join the powers of our dragons together! I detach all of Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon’s Overlay Units, and activate its effect! Treason Discharge!
Yuya: Until the End Phase, Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight and Tyrant’s ATKs will be halved, And Dark Rebellion will gain ATK equal to the lost amount!
Yuya: Battle! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant with Starve Venom Fusion Dragon!
Melissa: If this attack succeeds, Jack will…
JACK: Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated!
Melissa: Whoa! It’s the card Yuya set with Stargazer Magician’s effect!
Yuya: But can you survive the next one? I use the 5750 ATK Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon to attack Tyrant! Rebellious Lightning Disobey!
Melissa: If this goes through, it’ll be the end for Jack!
JACK: Action Magic, Miracle! Tyrant won’t be destroyed, and the battle damage will be halved!
Melissa: Jack protected Tyrant once again with an Action Card! But Yuya still have two monsters left! What will Jack do to evade them?
Yuya: I’ll take down Tyrant this time and cut down Jack’s Life! I attack with Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! Whirlwind Hell Dive Slasher!
JACK: Not yet! I send the Continuous Trap Invalid Insensitive into the Graveyard, And halve the battle damage! You’re commanding those dragons pretty well. However!
Himika: Reira!
Reiji: Zarc is experiencing Yuya’s Duel through the dragons?
Yuya: All right, it’s your turn! Let’s settle this, Odd-Eyes! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Spiral Strike Burst!
JACK: Action Magic, Rejuvenation! A battling monster won’t be destroyed in battle, and it will gain 800 ATK!
Yuya: Action Magic, Assault! When a monster battles, it will gain 600 ATK during that battle!
JACK: The dragon helped him!?
Yuya: Odd-Eyes’s effect! When it battles a Level-5 or above monster, the battle damage will be doubled! Reaction Force!
Shuzo: All right!
Ayu/Tatsuya: He won!
Futoshi: I’m shivering!
Melissa: Finally…It’s finally over!
Melissa: It was an intense battle that transcended the boundaries of the dimensions! The winner is… Sakaki Yuya!
Melissa: He defeated the former King once again, And delivered an exciting and thrilling experience to the residents of every dimension! Thank you, Jack! Thank you, Yuya!
Yoko: See? You can do it if you actually try.
JACK: I’ll acknowledge it, Yuya. You are the master of those four dragons. However… I still can’t hear it. I can’t hear the roar of your soul!
Yuya: Huh?
JACK: Farewell!
Yuya: What does Jack mean?
Yuya: Reiji?
(ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb)
Yuya: Did Reira…Did Reira smile? (Egao Count: 293+1=294)
Reiji: It’s just as you can see.
Reiji: When you summoned the four dragons, Zarc’s evil spirit was awakened but…
Himika: She’s back to normal for now.
Yuya: But she still didn’t smile. (294+1=295) Then Zarc’s evil spirit is still…
Reiji: It’s still inside Reira.
Yuya: Jack told me… That I still lack something. But what am I supposed to do now!?
Reiji: As you have cleared all the tasks I assigned you, I’ll approve your promotion from Junior Youth to Youth.
Reiji: A Youth Duelist is qualified to take the Pro Test.
Yuya: Pro Test?
Yuya: Can I take it right now?
Yuya: No! I can’t just sit around and wait! Let me take the Test right now, Reiji!
Reiji: Hmph. I thought you’d say that.
Reiji: Sakaki Yuya’s Pro Test shall now commence! His opponent… …Will be me!
SAW/GON: Reiji is his opponent!?
Yoko: There’s no one more fitting!
Shuzo: Oh yeah! Get fired up, Yuya!
Kids: Be hot-blooded!
Reiji: Since I’m the examiner, I’ll choose the Action Field. You’re fine with that?
Yuya: Of course.
Reiji: Well then… Action Field, Entertainment Colosseum, activate!
Tatsuya: Isn’t this…
Futoshi: The Field used in Big Bro Yuya and Akaba Reiji’s first Duel!?
Ayu: They didn’t finish that Duel, though…
Shuzo: Is Reiji-kun planning to continue that match on this big stage!?
Yuya: Back then… I still thought that Pendulum Summon is mine alone… I didn’t even think about why I’m the only one who can use it…
Yuya: But I know now. The reason behind Pendulum’s birth… And why I’m the first one to use it…
Reiji: A Pro is someone who is perfect in every aspect. If you can’t get me to see why you’re worthy of the title, You won’t be able to pass. In order to save Reira and the world… You must surpass me!
Reiji: The Duelists have gathered in the hall of battle!
Yuya: They will kick against the earth and dance in the air alongside their monsters…
Reiji: …as they storm…
Yuya: …through the Field!
Reiji/Yuya: Behold! This is the greatest evolution of Dueling! Action…
Reiji: Since you’re the challenger, I’ll let you have the first turn.
Reiji: Take your time and set up your Field as perfectly as possible.
Reiji: I will tear all of it down in an instance!
Yuya: We’ll see about that. It’s my turn! I summon Entermate Duck Dealer from my hand!
SAWATARI-SAN: Why didn’t he start with Pendulum!?
GONGENZAKA: Are you trying to play it safe, Yuya?
Yuya: When there is an Entermate on my Field, I can Special Summon Entermate Card Bird from my hand!
Yuya: Duck Dealer’s effect. When an Entermate Pendulum Monster besides this card is summoned or Special Summoned, I can draw one card from the deck!
Yuya: I activate the Magic Card, Pendulum Card Burst! I destroy two Pendulum Monsters on my Field, And draw two cards!
Yuya: Using the Scale-3 Entermate Odd-Eyes Priest and the Scale-10 Entermate Ignition Eagle, I set the Pendulum Scale! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-4 and 9!
SAWATARI-SAN: Is he going to use Pendulum now!?
GONGENZAKA: Do it, Yuya!
Yuya: Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my monsters!
Yuya: First off, the one who bears heroic and beautiful dual-colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Next up, Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver! The Tuner Monster, Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron! Now, be revived from the Extra Deck! Entermate Duck Dealer and Entermate Card Bird!
Tatsuya/Ayu: He summoned five monsters at the same time!
Yuya: There’s more! The fun has just begun!
Yuya: As long as I’m with you guys, I can do it. The Duel that will make Reira smile! (295+1=296)
Yuya: I activate Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver’s effect! I can use this card and the Entermate Odd-Eyes Priest in the Pendulum Zone as Materials for a Fusion Summon! Dual-colored eyes that illuminate the dark night! Become one with the other pair of dual-colored eyes, And show us a new path! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Starve Venom Fusion Dragon!
Yuya: Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron’s effect! I can use it and another card in the Pendulum Zone as Materials to Synchro Summon! I’m tuning the Level-5 Ignition Eagle with the Level-2 Odd-Eyes Synchron!  Spread your beautiful and majestic wings! Strike down our enemies at light speed! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!
Yuya: Finally, I overlay the Level-4 Duck Dealer and Card Bird! Raise your fangs of rebellion formed from the pitch-black darkness, and fight against the foolish oppression! Descend now! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank-4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!
Allen: You did it, Yuya! You summoned four powerful dragons on the first turn!
Yuya: Using the effect of the Entermate Card Bird that was destroyed on this turn, I can draw one card during the End Phase. I end my turn.
Reiji: You gained enough confidence to use the four dragons during your battle against Jack. And now, you’re using them to fight me? I’ll test whether that confidence is the real deal or not.
Reiji: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-1 D/D Savant Copernicus and the Scale-10 D/D Savant Newton, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 9! Immense power that shakes my very soul! Become the light that rends the darkness residing within me! Pendulum Summon! Reveal yourselves, my monsters! The three transcendental deities who rule over all kings! D/D/D Doom King Hell Armageddon!
Shuzo: Those monsters are…!
Tatsuya: That was when Akaba Reiji first Pendulum Summoned…
Futoshi: He summoned those three at the same time!
Ayu: They’re just as creepy as before!
Reiji: Battle! I attack Starve Venom Fusion Dragon with the first Hell Armageddon!
Allen: Get an Action Card! Use the skates to run around, Yuya!
Yuya: Over there, Starve Venom!
Allen: EH!?
Yuya: Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated!
Reiji: Then, I attack Clear Wing Synchro Dragon with the second Hell Armageddon!
Yuya: Over here, Clear Wing!
Yuya: I activated the Action Magic, Miracle! Due to its effect, Clear Wing won’t be destroyed, And the damage is halved.
Yoko: Well done, Yuya!
Reiji: It’s not over yet!
Reiji: Then, I attack Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon with the third Hell Armageddon!
Yuya: Action Magic, High Dive! Dark Rebellion gains 1000 ATK until the End Phase! Rebellious Lightning Disobey!
SAWATARI-SAN: Awesome! He retaliated!
GONGENZAKA:  The dragons and him are acting as one! It’s like he can communicate with the monsters!
Yuya: Thank you, Starve Venom. Clear Wing. Dark Rebellion.
Yuya: Yeah. I’m happy as well. We’re able to understand each other…
Yuya: Sorry, sorry. Of course, I haven’t forgotten about you, Odd-Eyes.
Yuya: This feeling… It seems familiar… That’s right… I’m… Zarc wanted to entertain people with Dueling! Not just the spectators, but his opponents and the monsters as well! But the spectators wanted our Duels to be more intense. They cheered even when people were getting hurt… That’s why we Dueled more violently than before. And then… we turned into a demon.
Himika: Reira is crying…
Yuya: I… Zarc didn’t really want to destroy the world. He wanted to entertain the spectators, the monsters, and his opponents with Dueling. He wanted to make people smile with Dueling! (Egao Count: 296+1=297)
Reiji: Then, why don’t you try it? Try and make me smile! (Egao Count :297+1=298)
Yuya: Reiji!
Reiji: But don’t think that it’ll be easy!
Reiji: I activate the Magic Card, Contract with Underworld Insurance! I can draw as many cards as the number of opposing monsters that were targeted for attacks but weren’t destroyed during this turn!
Tatsuya: He drew three cards in one go!?
Reiji: Behold! This is the ultimate portfolio I have prepared! I activate the Magic Card D/D/D Fusion! I can use this card and one Hell Armageddon as Materials to Fusion Summon! Fusion Summon! Reveal yourself! Level-10! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Purplish Hell Armageddon!
Reiji: Next, I activate the Magic Card, D/D/D Synchro! I can treat this card as a Level-2 Tuner Monster, And tune it with the Level-8 Hell Armageddon! Synchro Summon! Reveal yourself! Level-10! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Whitest Hell Armageddon!
Reiji: Then, I activate the Magic Card, D/D/D Xyz! I can Special Summon two Hell Armageddons from the Extra Deck! Then, I overlay the two Level-8 Hell Armageddons! Xyz Summon! Reveal yourself! Rank-8! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Darkness Hell Armageddon!
Reiji: Then, I activate that monster’s effect! The Hell Armageddon in my Extra Deck will be attached to Darkness Armageddon as an Overlay Unit!
Reiji: If you want to make me smile, (Egao Count: 298+1=299) Then try and break through this impenetrable formation that I’ve planned!
(Preview for Episode 148)
Yuya: I’ve made up my mind! I’ll definitely make everyone smile! (Egao Count: 299+1=300) So, lend me your powers one more time! Yuri! Yugo! Yuto!
Yuri: Our powers are already yours.
Yugo: We were originally one person, after all.
Yuto: If you have fun, I’m sure everyone will have fun too!
Yuya: I won’t let you guys down!
Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: The Miracle Drawn by the Pendulum The fun has just begun!
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authoratmidnight · 8 years
Arc V Episode 147 Translated Script
Script and Translation from DMC3444 on NAC
Debut of Doomy-Doom-Doom Doom King
Last Time’s Egao Count: 292
Himika: The real fun is just getting started? Yusho: Yeah. It’s pretty enjoyable, right? Yusho: The way he can command his monsters as he desires, No matter how ferocious they are… JACK: A true Duelist is one who guides himself to victory! Yusho: This is a trial to determine whether Yuya really has what it takes to be a Pro Duelist. JACK: Now! Show me, Yuya! Yusho: Your resolve! JACK: Your power! Yusho/JACK: Show me the entertainment you believe in! Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement. (Opening Sequence) Yuya: I know. You guys want to become the Supreme Dragon King! You feel that you’ll be powerless once again when Ray revives, right? Yuya: Even so, I can’t allow you guys to become the Supreme Dragon King! I won’t let Zarc’s soul awaken inside Reira! Yuya: I want you to fight without fusing! Yuya: I won’t let your powers be used to hurt other people or destroy the world! I will use them to protect everyone’s smiles! (Egao Count: 292+1=293) Yuya: I activate Starve Venom Fusion Dragon’s effect! Yuya: It can steal all of Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight’s Monster Effects until the end of this turn! Crow: Stealing all of its effects? Sora: That’s not all. Yuya: I activate its other effect! Starve Venom can add the ATKs of all Special Summoned monsters on my opponent’s Field to its own ATK! Crow: It stole Scarlight’s 3000 ATK and Tyrant’s 3500 ATK as well!? Sora: Yeah. This is Starve Venom’s… Yuri’s dragon’s power. Asuka: Yuri uses its power to turn many Duelists into cards… But… Yuya: I activate the effect that Starve Venom took from Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight! All Special Summoned monsters with ATKs equal to or lower than Starve Venom’s 9300 ATK will be destroyed. And you will receive 500 damage for each destroyed monster! Melissa: Wow! Yuya is destroying both his own monsters and Jack’s in order to inflict heavy damage! Isn’t that a bit excessive, though? Crow: Jack probably already saw that one coming. JACK: That won’t be enough, Yuya! JACK: Continuous Trap, Invalid Insensitive! During this turn, monsters on the Field can’t be destroyed by effects! Sora: See? JACK: Using an effect you stole from your opponent to obtain victory is simply preposterous! Go all out! Show me the four dragons’ powers by battling! Melissa: As expected of the City’s pride, Jack Atlas! As if being able to read Yuya’s mind, he activated his Trap at the right moment and splendidly evaded the effect! Yuya: I knew that he’d have a counter for it. And also… I can’t afford to lose and let those three down. Yuya: Let’s do this! I will now join the powers of our dragons together! I detach all of Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon’s Overlay Units, and activate its effect! Treason Discharge! Yuya: Until the End Phase, Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight and Tyrant’s ATKs will be halved, And Dark Rebellion will gain ATK equal to the lost amount! Yuya: Battle! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant with Starve Venom Fusion Dragon! Melissa: If this attack succeeds, Jack will… JACK: Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated! Melissa: Whoa! It’s the card Yuya set with Stargazer Magician’s effect! Yuya: But can you survive the next one? I use the 5750 ATK Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon to attack Tyrant! Rebellious Lightning Disobey! Melissa: If this goes through, it’ll be the end for Jack! JACK: Action Magic, Miracle! Tyrant won’t be destroyed, and the battle damage will be halved! Melissa: Jack protected Tyrant once again with an Action Card! But Yuya still have two monsters left! What will Jack do to evade them? Yuya: I’ll take down Tyrant this time and cut down Jack’s Life! I attack with Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! Whirlwind Hell Dive Slasher! JACK: Not yet! I send the Continuous Trap Invalid Insensitive into the Graveyard, And halve the battle damage! You’re commanding those dragons pretty well. However! Himika: Reira! Reiji: Zarc is experiencing Yuya’s Duel through the dragons? Yuya: All right, it’s your turn! Let’s settle this, Odd-Eyes! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Spiral Strike Burst! JACK: Action Magic, Rejuvenation! A battling monster won’t be destroyed in battle, and it will gain 800 ATK! Yuya: Action Magic, Assault! When a monster battles, it will gain 600 ATK during that battle! JACK: The dragon helped him!? Yuya: Odd-Eyes’s effect! When it battles a Level-5 or above monster, the battle damage will be doubled! Reaction Force! Shuzo: All right! Ayu/Tatsuya: He won! Futoshi: I’m shivering! Melissa: Finally…It’s finally over! Melissa: It was an intense battle that transcended the boundaries of the dimensions! The winner is… Sakaki Yuya! Melissa: He defeated the former King once again, And delivered an exciting and thrilling experience to the residents of every dimension! Thank you, Jack! Thank you, Yuya! Yoko: See? You can do it if you actually try. JACK: I’ll acknowledge it, Yuya. You are the master of those four dragons. However… I still can’t hear it. I can’t hear the roar of your soul! Yuya: Huh? JACK: Farewell! Yuya: What does Jack mean? Yuya: Reiji? (ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb) Yuya: Did Reira…Did Reira smile? (Egao Count: 293+1=294) Reiji: It’s just as you can see. Reiji: When you summoned the four dragons, Zarc’s evil spirit was awakened but… Himika: She’s back to normal for now. Yuya: But she still didn’t smile. (294+1=295) Then Zarc’s evil spirit is still… Reiji: It’s still inside Reira. Yuya: Jack told me… That I still lack something. But what am I supposed to do now!? Reiji: As you have cleared all the tasks I assigned you, I’ll approve your promotion from Junior Youth to Youth. Reiji: A Youth Duelist is qualified to take the Pro Test. Yuya: Pro Test? Yuya: Can I take it right now? Yuya: No! I can’t just sit around and wait! Let me take the Test right now, Reiji! Reiji: Hmph. I thought you’d say that. Reiji: Sakaki Yuya’s Pro Test shall now commence! His opponent… …Will be me! SAW/GON: Reiji is his opponent!? Yoko: There’s no one more fitting! Shuzo: Oh yeah! Get fired up, Yuya! Kids: Be hot-blooded! Reiji: Since I’m the examiner, I’ll choose the Action Field. You’re fine with that? Yuya: Of course. Reiji: Well then… Action Field, Entertainment Colosseum, activate! Tatsuya: Isn’t this… Futoshi: The Field used in Big Bro Yuya and Akaba Reiji’s first Duel!? Ayu: They didn’t finish that Duel, though… Shuzo: Is Reiji-kun planning to continue that match on this big stage!? Yuya: Back then… I still thought that Pendulum Summon is mine alone... I didn’t even think about why I’m the only one who can use it… Yuya: But I know now. The reason behind Pendulum’s birth… And why I’m the first one to use it… Reiji: A Pro is someone who is perfect in every aspect. If you can’t get me to see why you’re worthy of the title, You won’t be able to pass. In order to save Reira and the world… You must surpass me! Reiji: The Duelists have gathered in the hall of battle! Yuya: They will kick against the earth and dance in the air alongside their monsters... Reiji: ...as they storm… Yuya: …through the Field! Reiji/Yuya: Behold! This is the greatest evolution of Dueling! Action… DUEL! Reiji: Since you’re the challenger, I’ll let you have the first turn. Reiji: Take your time and set up your Field as perfectly as possible. Reiji: I will tear all of it down in an instance! Yuya: We’ll see about that. It’s my turn! I summon Entermate Duck Dealer from my hand! SAWATARI-SAN: Why didn’t he start with Pendulum!? GONGENZAKA: Are you trying to play it safe, Yuya? Yuya: When there is an Entermate on my Field, I can Special Summon Entermate Card Bird from my hand! Yuya: Duck Dealer’s effect. When an Entermate Pendulum Monster besides this card is summoned or Special Summoned, I can draw one card from the deck! Yuya: I activate the Magic Card, Pendulum Card Burst! I destroy two Pendulum Monsters on my Field, And draw two cards! Yuya: Using the Scale-3 Entermate Odd-Eyes Priest and the Scale-10 Entermate Ignition Eagle, I set the Pendulum Scale! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-4 and 9! SAWATARI-SAN: Is he going to use Pendulum now!? GONGENZAKA: Do it, Yuya! Yuya: Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my monsters! Yuya: First off, the one who bears heroic and beautiful dual-colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Next up, Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver! The Tuner Monster, Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron! Now, be revived from the Extra Deck! Entermate Duck Dealer and Entermate Card Bird! Tatsuya/Ayu: He summoned five monsters at the same time! Futoshi: SHIVEEERRRRS! Yuya: There’s more! The fun has just begun! Yuya: As long as I’m with you guys, I can do it. The Duel that will make Reira smile! (295+1=296) Yuya: I activate Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver’s effect! I can use this card and the Entermate Odd-Eyes Priest in the Pendulum Zone as Materials for a Fusion Summon! Dual-colored eyes that illuminate the dark night! Become one with the other pair of dual-colored eyes, And show us a new path! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Starve Venom Fusion Dragon! Yuya: Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron’s effect! I can use it and another card in the Pendulum Zone as Materials to Synchro Summon! I’m tuning the Level-5 Ignition Eagle with the Level-2 Odd-Eyes Synchron! Spread your beautiful and majestic wings! Strike down our enemies at light speed! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! Yuya: Finally, I overlay the Level-4 Duck Dealer and Card Bird! Raise your fangs of rebellion formed from the pitch-black darkness, and fight against the foolish oppression! Descend now! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank-4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon! Allen: You did it, Yuya! You summoned four powerful dragons on the first turn! Yuya: Using the effect of the Entermate Card Bird that was destroyed on this turn, I can draw one card during the End Phase. I end my turn. Reiji: You gained enough confidence to use the four dragons during your battle against Jack. And now, you’re using them to fight me? I’ll test whether that confidence is the real deal or not. Reiji: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-1 D/D Savant Copernicus and the Scale-10 D/D Savant Newton, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 9! Immense power that shakes my very soul! Become the light that rends the darkness residing within me! Pendulum Summon! Reveal yourselves, my monsters! The three transcendental deities who rule over all kings! D/D/D Doom King Hell Armageddon! Shuzo: Those monsters are…! Tatsuya: That was when Akaba Reiji first Pendulum Summoned… Futoshi: He summoned those three at the same time! Ayu: They’re just as creepy as before! Reiji: Battle! I attack Starve Venom Fusion Dragon with the first Hell Armageddon! Allen: Get an Action Card! Use the skates to run around, Yuya! Yuya: Over there, Starve Venom! Allen: EH!? Yuya: Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated! Reiji: Then, I attack Clear Wing Synchro Dragon with the second Hell Armageddon! Yuya: Over here, Clear Wing! Yuya: I activated the Action Magic, Miracle! Due to its effect, Clear Wing won’t be destroyed, And the damage is halved. Yoko: Well done, Yuya! Futoshi: SHHHHIIVERRRS! Reiji: It’s not over yet! Reiji: Then, I attack Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon with the third Hell Armageddon! Yuya: Action Magic, High Dive! Dark Rebellion gains 1000 ATK until the End Phase! Rebellious Lightning Disobey! SAWATARI-SAN: Awesome! He retaliated! GONGENZAKA:  The dragons and him are acting as one! It’s like he can communicate with the monsters! Yuya: Thank you, Starve Venom. Clear Wing. Dark Rebellion. Yuya: Yeah. I’m happy as well. We’re able to understand each other… Yuya: Sorry, sorry. Of course, I haven’t forgotten about you, Odd-Eyes. Yuya: This feeling… It seems familiar… That’s right… I’m… Zarc wanted to entertain people with Dueling! Not just the spectators, but his opponents and the monsters as well! But the spectators wanted our Duels to be more intense. They cheered even when people were getting hurt… That’s why we Dueled more violently than before. And then… we turned into a demon. Himika: Reira is crying… Yuya: I… Zarc didn’t really want to destroy the world. He wanted to entertain the spectators, the monsters, and his opponents with Dueling. He wanted to make people smile with Dueling! (Egao Count: 296+1=297) Reiji: Then, why don’t you try it? Try and make me smile! (Egao Count :297+1=298) Yuya: Reiji! Reiji: But don’t think that it’ll be easy! Reiji: I activate the Magic Card, Contract with Underworld Insurance! I can draw as many cards as the number of opposing monsters that were targeted for attacks but weren’t destroyed during this turn! Tatsuya: He drew three cards in one go!? Reiji: Behold! This is the ultimate portfolio I have prepared! I activate the Magic Card D/D/D Fusion! I can use this card and one Hell Armageddon as Materials to Fusion Summon! Fusion Summon! Reveal yourself! Level-10! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Purplish Hell Armageddon! Reiji: Next, I activate the Magic Card, D/D/D Synchro! I can treat this card as a Level-2 Tuner Monster, And tune it with the Level-8 Hell Armageddon! Synchro Summon! Reveal yourself! Level-10! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Whitest Hell Armageddon! Reiji: Then, I activate the Magic Card, D/D/D Xyz! I can Special Summon two Hell Armageddons from the Extra Deck! Then, I overlay the two Level-8 Hell Armageddons! Xyz Summon! Reveal yourself! Rank-8! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Darkness Hell Armageddon! Reiji: Then, I activate that monster’s effect! The Hell Armageddon in my Extra Deck will be attached to Darkness Armageddon as an Overlay Unit! Reiji: If you want to make me smile, (Egao Count: 298+1=299) Then try and break through this impenetrable formation that I’ve planned! (Preview for Episode 148) Yuya: I’ve made up my mind! I’ll definitely make everyone smile! (Egao Count: 299+1=300) So, lend me your powers one more time! Yuri! Yugo! Yuto! Yuri: Our powers are already yours. Yugo: We were originally one person, after all. Yuto: If you have fun, I’m sure everyone will have fun too! Yuya: I won’t let you guys down! Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: The Miracle Drawn by the Pendulum The fun has just begun!
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the-sayuri-rin · 8 years
5D's. In. Spaaaaace! (Also the En cards anow have the power to genderbend people it seems)
Credit to:DMC3444
Last Time’s Egao Count: 284
Captain Falcon: Yuya. Yuto is inside you. He is still living.
Yuya: Yuto is inside me?
Captain Falcon: There is still hope. Even if the person inside that core is Ray or Yuzu, I’m sure Ruri is still living on within her!
Yuya: I’ll definitely save Yuzu, and Ruri as well!
Yuya: Huh?
JACK: As cowardly as you are right now, you won’t be able to save a single person!
Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement.
(Opening Sequence)
Yusho: Who is he?
Reiji: Jack Atlas. A fierce battle unfolded between him and Yuya in the Synchro Dimension. He’s also an ally who fought alongside us during the battle against Zarc.
Yusho: I see. So this is part of your plan as well.
Sora: Yuya is being cowardly? Why would he be?
Captain Falcon: I knew something was off. Back then, he had two Level-4 monsters, But why didn’t he summon Dark Rebellion?
JACK: That is because you are afraid of the dragons! Your deck contains the Four Dragons, which served as materials for Supreme Dragon King Zarc.
JACK: You are afraid that they will fuse once again when you summon them! That’s why you didn’t summon all the dragons onto the Field!
Yuya: That’s…
JACK: No matter how ferocious your monsters are, If you cannot command them as you wish, You have no right to be a Duelist!
Yuya: But this is for Reira’s sake! If I assemble the dragons, Zarc, who was sealed inside Reira, will awaken… And Reira will become a demon!
Yuya: So, I’ll have to find another way. I must not use the dragons, And conduct my entertainment as best as I can, So that I can make Reira smile! (Egao Count: 284+1=285)
JACK: If you want to accomplish something, You must not falter! If you truly wish to save Reira, Fight me! Use all four dragons, and go all out!
Yuya: Against Jack!?  But…
Reiji: I have no objection.
Yuya: Reiji!
Reiji: I want to bring back Reira’s smile with your Entertainment Dueling. (Egao Count: 285+1=286) Sealing Zarc inside her has caused her to lose her smile, (Egao Count: 286+1=287) But if she can smile again, (Egao Count: 287+1=288) That means that Zarc’s wicked soul will be purified.
Reiji: Unfortunately, your battles against Dennis and Kurosaki couldn’t make Reira smile again (Egao Count: 288+1=289)
Reiji: However, there is no turning back now. You must eradicate the threat of Zarc once and for all with your Dueling! I’ll do whatever I can in order to achieve that as well. I’ve prepared a special stage for you and Jack. A Riding Course that runs through all four dimensions!
Reiji: I call it: The Dimension Highway!
Reiji: I want you to put on the best Riding Duel ever for the residents of all the dimensions. And make Reira smile this time! (Egao Count: 289+1=290)
Yuya: But I…
Crow: If you need a D-Wheel, you got one!
Yuya: Crow!
Crow: I brought the D-Wheel you used during the Friendship Cup! And of course, the suit and helmet as well! To be honest, I kinda envy you.
Yuya: Huh?
Crow: You’re able to have a Riding Duel on an awesome course like this…
Crow: Old Man Tokumatsu and the kids are looking forward to it as well. Do your best.
Yuya: Looking forward to it… Then!
Melissa: The scale of this battle is unprecedented! It’s the very first of its kind! And the one who shall provide coverage for this dimension-transcending battle of the century is… ME, who provided live coverage for all the matches in the Friendship Cup! The one and only Melissa Claire!
Melissa: All right, let’s do this! Are you ready!?
Crowd: YEAH!
Yuya: So, Reiji already expected it, and prepared all of this in advance?
Melissa: Action Field, on! Cross Over Accel!
D-Wheel: Duel Mode, on. Autopilot, standby.
Yuya: However, it’s true that I haven’t made Reira smile… (Egao Count: 290+1=291) And I still haven’t been able to save Yuzu and Ruri! I must do it! In my own way, with the Dueling that I believe in, and with everything I’ve got!
JACK: If you truly wish to save Reira, Fight me! Use all four dragons, and go all out!
Melissa: Riding Duel, Acceleration!
JACK: I’ll go first! When there is no monster on my Field, I can Special Summon Red Gargoyle from my hand!
JACK: Then, I summon the Tuner Monster, Red Resonator!
JACK: At this moment, Red Gargoyle’s Monster Effect activates! Red Resonator’s Level will be doubled!
JACK: I’m tuning the Level-4 Red Gargoyle with the Level-4 Red Resonator! The king’s roar shall make the heaven and earth tremble! Let the power of the one and only supreme ruler be carved into your soul! Synchro Summon! Come forth! My savage soul! Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight!
Melissa: It’s out already! Jack’s ace monster! He’s not holding back! He’s going full throttle right off the bat!
JACK: I set one card face-down, and end my turn. Now, come at me, Yuya! Bring out your dragons!
Yuya: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-1 Stargazer and the Scale-8 Timegazer, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 7! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Entermate Drago Remora! Entermate Odd-Eyes Minotaur!
Melissa: Yuya has two Level-4 monsters on his Field! Naturally, he will… Huh? He’s just going to leave it at that!? The timing was just right, too!
JACK: What are you doing, Yuya!? Xyz Summon right now, and call forth your dragon! Have you already forgotten that I told you to use all four dragons!?
Yuya: I haven’t forgotten! But…
Yuya: I can feel it. Dark Rebellion wants to be summoned. Clear Wing and Starve Venom as well. They want to be summoned… So that Zarc can be awakened… I know it too well! I was Zarc, after all!
Yuya: I can’t allow Reira to turn into Zarc… I can’t let her become a demon! I’ll try to win without summoning the dragons!
Sayaka: Yuya is here!
Dennis: Come on! Show it to the kids! Your best entertainment!
Yuya: At this moment, I activate Drago Remora’s effect! Dragon-Type Monsters on my Field gain 500 ATK! Battle! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!
Yuya: At this moment, Due to Odd-Eyes Minotaur’s effect, Scarlight will lose 300 ATK!
Yuya: Spiral Strike Burst!
JACK: Trap, activate! Red Crystal! During this turn, Red monsters cannot be destroyed!
Yuya: But you’ll still take damage! Reaction Force! The damage will be doubled!
Yuya: At this moment, Minotaur’s effect ends, And Scarlight’s ATK returns to normal. I end my turn.
Sayaka/Allen: Good luck, Yuya!
JACK: Do you think that this kind of Dueling will satisfy me!?
JACK: It’s my turn! I activate Scarlight’s effect! I can destroy all Special Summoned monsters with ATKs equal to or lower than this card’s ATK, and inflict 500 damage for every destroyed monster to you! Absolute Power Flame!
Yuya: Drago Remora’s effect activates! Dragon-Type monsters on my Field won’t be destroyed by card effects!
JACK: Battle! Scarlight! Destroy that pesky Drago Remora! Fiery Crimson Hell Burning!
Yuya: At this moment, Drago Remora’s effect ends, And Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon’s ATK returns to normal.
JACK: I end my turn here.
Yuya! I’ll give you one more chance! You’d better summon all four dragons next time!
Yuya: I told you! I can’t do it! It’s not just for Reira’s sake. If the dragons are assembled, Something bad might happen to Ray, whom Akaba Leo is trying to save… And Yuzu and Ruri, too… That’s why I can’t do it!
Yuya: It’s my turn! Using the already set Pendulum Scales, I Pendulum Summon! Be revived from the Extra Deck! Entermate Drago Remora! And Entermate Odd-Eyes Minotaur!
Reiji: Yuya!
(ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb)
Melissa: Jack persistently demands Yuya to summon the four dragons! Now then, Yuya. What will you do?
Yuya: Due to Drago Remora’s effect, Dragon-Type Monsters on my Field gain 500 ATK!
Yuya: Battle! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!
Yuya: At this moment, Due to Odd-Eyes Minotaur’s effect, Scarlight will lose 300 ATK! Spiral Strike Burst!
JACK: The same trick won’t work twice! Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated!
Yuya: I won’t allow that! I activate Stargazer Magician’s Pendulum Effect! It negates the activation of a Magic Card, And sets it on my opponent’s Field.
JACK: How naïve! When a Magic Card is set on the Field, I can Special Summon Red Giant from my hand! And due to Red Giant’s effect, The Battle Phase will be skipped!
Yuya: I end my turn.
GONGENZAKA:  Stargazer Magician’s Pendulum Effect was able to negate the Action Magic that Jack activated, but…
SAWATARI-SAN:  He already saw it coming, and summoned a new monster. As expected from Jack.
Tatsuya: But if he brings out Dark Rebellion…
Futoshi: I want him to bring those dragons out and give me the shivers!
Ayu: No! Do you know what will happen to Reira-chan!?
Shuzo: It’s not just Reira… Yuzu as well… If Yuya assembles the four dragons, He might not be able to save Yuzu. I think…But is it really the case?
Yoko: Just like usual…
Shuzo: Yoko-san?
Yoko: Don’t be scared, Yuya! If you’re a Duelist, it shouldn’t matter whether they’re dragons or not! Just put a tight leash on ‘em and show ‘em who’s the boss!
Yoko: Ah! Looks like I went overboard again! Gosh! Stop embarrassing yourself, Yoko!
Shuzo: Shooting Star Yoko…
JACK: I’m disappointed, Yuya! If you’re not going to summon the four dragons, Then there’s no point in fighting you! I shall strike you down in this turn! I activate the Magic Card, Red Reborn, And Special Summon Red Gargoyle from the Graveyard!
JACK: Then, I summon the Tuner Monster, Double Resonator! Then, through Double Resonator’s effect, I can treat Red Giant as a Tuner Monster during this turn! I’m double tuning using the Level-4 Red Gargoyle, along with the Level-5 Red Giant and the Level-1 Double Resonator! Can you feel it? Can you feel the vigor of my life!? The king and the devil shall now merge together! Feel the soul of the Crimson Dragon, and let out a war cry that shakes all creation! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant!
JACK: Battle! I attack Drago Remora with Tyrant! Infernal Crimson Hell Tide!
Birds: Yuya!
Yuya: Since Drago Remora is destroyed, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon’s ATK will return to normal.
JACK: Next up is Minotaur! Go! Battle! Scarlight!
Melissa: The gap between Scarlight and Minotaur’s ATKs is 1800! Yuya’s remaining Life is 1400! If this attack goes through…
Captain Falcon: Yuya will lose…
JACK: Fiery Crimson Hell Burning!
Yuto: You’re fine with losing like that?
Yuya: That voice is… Yuto!
Yuri: I can’t say I like that. Neither is my Starve Venom.
Yugo: Same goes for my Clear Wing.
Yuto: My Dark Rebellion as well.
Yuto-go-ri: That’s what they’re all thinking, for sure.
Yuya: Yugo and Yuri are here, too!
Yuri: Why can’t you understand the dragons’ feelings?
Yugo: Why are you ignoring them?
Yuto: Listen to their voices, Yuya!
Yuto-go-ri: All of us… Should be able to do that.
Yuya: By negating a monster’s battle destruction and damage, I can Special Summon Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver!
Yuya: Odd-Eyes Dissolver can negate the effect of one monster! Odd-Eyes Dissolver will negate Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant!
JACK: You’ve made a foolish choice, Yuya! Scarlight can destroy all Special Summoned monsters with ATKs equal to or lower than its ATK, and inflict 500 damage for every destroyed monster! Did you forget that!?
JACK: You’ll receive 1500 damage! It’s over for you!
Yuya: Odd-Eyes Dissolver cannot be destroyed on the turn it is Special Summoned!
JACK: Hmph! You escaped by the skin of your teeth… I set one card face-down, and end my turn!
Yuya: Yuto. Yugo. Yuri. That’s right… We were originally one person… Even if evil has been purged from our heart… I, who was one of the four fragments… I am still Zarc! And Zarc can communicate with monsters!
Yuya: It’s my turn! Using the already set Pendulum Scales, I Pendulum Summon! Be revived from the Extra Deck! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Entermate Drago Remora! Entermate Odd-Eyes Minotaur!
JACK: You still don’t get it, Yuya!?
Yuya: NO! I get it! You’re telling me not to be a master who’ll get double-crossed by his monsters due to negligence, right?
JACK: Exactly. Show it to me! Show me your power, as the master who can command four ferocious dragons as you desire!
Yuya: I’ll show you, Jack! Our power!
Yuya: Sorry for making you wait, Yuto! Let’s start with you! I’ll overlay the Level-4 Entermate Drago Remora and Entermate Odd-Eyes Minotaur! Raise your fangs of rebellion formed from the pitch-black darkness, and fight against the foolish oppression! Descend now! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank-4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!
Allen: It’s here!
Sayaka: Yuto’s dragon!
Dennis: All right! Good job, Yuya!
Himika: Reira!
Reiji: The wicked spirit is reacting… As I thought, Zarc’s soul will react to the dragons…
Yuya: From my hand, I summon the Tuner Monster, Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron!
Yuya: Next up is Yugo! Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron’s effect! I can use this card and another card in the Pendulum Zone as materials to Synchro Summon! I’m tuning the Level-5 Stargazer Magician with the Level-2 Odd-Eyes Synchron!  Spread your beautiful and majestic wings! Strike down our enemies at light speed! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Level-7! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!
Yuya: Lastly, Yuri! Using Odd-Eyes Dissolver’s effect, I can fuse it and the Timegazer Magician in my Pendulum Zone! Dual-colored eyes that illuminate the dark night! Become one with the concept of time itself, And show us a new path! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Starve Venom Fusion Dragon!
Himika: Please! Stop it!
Yusho: We must bear with it. Because the real fun has just begun!
Yuya: Their voices are not angry. They are afraid of Ray. That’s why they want to stop Ray’s revival…
Yuya: Don’t be afraid! You are still strong, even if you’re not combined into the Supreme Dragon King! I’ll prove it!
(Preview for Episode 147)
JACK: Show me, Yuya! The Entertainment you believe in!
Yuya: I won’t let the dragons become the Supreme Dragon King! Their powers shouldn’t be used to hurt people or destroy the world! I will use them to protect everyone’s smile! (Egao Count: 291+1=292)
JACK: Fight with everything you’ve got! Show me the four dragons’ power through battles!
Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: The Unleashed Dragons The fun has just begun! [/spoiler]
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authoratmidnight · 8 years
Arc V Episode 146 Translated Script
Script and Translation from DMC3444 on NAC
Last Time’s Egao Count: 284
Captain Falcon: Yuya. Yuto is inside you. He is still living. Yuya: Yuto is inside me? Captain Falcon: There is still hope. Even if the person inside that core is Ray or Yuzu, I’m sure Ruri is still living on within her! Yuya: I’ll definitely save Yuzu, and Ruri as well! JACK: DON’T GET SO COCKY! Yuya: Huh? JACK: As cowardly as you are right now, you won’t be able to save a single person! Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement. (Opening Sequence) Yusho: Who is he? Reiji: Jack Atlas. A fierce battle unfolded between him and Yuya in the Synchro Dimension. He’s also an ally who fought alongside us during the battle against Zarc. Yusho: I see. So this is part of your plan as well. Sora: Yuya is being cowardly? Why would he be? Captain Falcon: I knew something was off. Back then, he had two Level-4 monsters, But why didn’t he summon Dark Rebellion? JACK: That is because you are afraid of the dragons! Your deck contains the Four Dragons, which served as materials for Supreme Dragon King Zarc. JACK: You are afraid that they will fuse once again when you summon them! That’s why you didn’t summon all the dragons onto the Field! Yuya: That’s… JACK: No matter how ferocious your monsters are, If you cannot command them as you wish, You have no right to be a Duelist! Yuya: But this is for Reira’s sake! If I assemble the dragons, Zarc, who was sealed inside Reira, will awaken… And Reira will become a demon! Yuya: So, I’ll have to find another way. I must not use the dragons, And conduct my entertainment as best as I can, So that I can make Reira smile! (Egao Count: 284+1=285) JACK: If you want to accomplish something, You must not falter! If you truly wish to save Reira, Fight me! Use all four dragons, and go all out! Yuya: Against Jack!? But… Reiji: I have no objection. Yuya: Reiji! Reiji: I want to bring back Reira’s smile with your Entertainment Dueling. (Egao Count: 285+1=286) Sealing Zarc inside her has caused her to lose her smile, (Egao Count: 286+1=287) But if she can smile again, (Egao Count: 287+1=288) That means that Zarc’s wicked soul will be purified. Reiji: Unfortunately, your battles against Dennis and Kurosaki couldn’t make Reira smile again (Egao Count: 288+1=289) Reiji: However, there is no turning back now. You must eradicate the threat of Zarc once and for all with your Dueling! I’ll do whatever I can in order to achieve that as well. I’ve prepared a special stage for you and Jack. A Riding Course that runs through all four dimensions! Reiji: I call it: The Dimension Highway! Reiji: I want you to put on the best Riding Duel ever for the residents of all the dimensions. And make Reira smile this time! (Egao Count: 289+1=290) Yuya: But I… Crow: If you need a D-Wheel, you got one! Yuya: Crow! Crow: I brought the D-Wheel you used during the Friendship Cup! And of course, the suit and helmet as well! To be honest, I kinda envy you. Yuya: Huh? Crow: You’re able to have a Riding Duel on an awesome course like this… Crow: Old Man Tokumatsu and the kids are looking forward to it as well. Do your best. Yuya: Looking forward to it… Then! Melissa: The scale of this battle is unprecedented! It’s the very first of its kind! And the one who shall provide coverage for this dimension-transcending battle of the century is… ME, who provided live coverage for all the matches in the Friendship Cup! The one and only Melissa Claire! Melissa: All right, let’s do this! Are you ready!? Crowd: YEAH! Yuya: So, Reiji already expected it, and prepared all of this in advance? Melissa: Action Field, on! Cross Over Accel! D-Wheel: Duel Mode, on. Autopilot, standby. Yuya: However, it’s true that I haven’t made Reira smile… (Egao Count: 290+1=291) And I still haven’t been able to save Yuzu and Ruri! I must do it! In my own way, with the Dueling that I believe in, and with everything I’ve got! JACK: If you truly wish to save Reira, Fight me! Use all four dragons, and go all out! Melissa: Riding Duel, Acceleration! DUEL! JACK: I’ll go first! When there is no monster on my Field, I can Special Summon Red Gargoyle from my hand! JACK: Then, I summon the Tuner Monster, Red Resonator! JACK: At this moment, Red Gargoyle’s Monster Effect activates! Red Resonator’s Level will be doubled! JACK: I’m tuning the Level-4 Red Gargoyle with the Level-4 Red Resonator! The king's roar shall make the heaven and earth tremble! Let the power of the one and only supreme ruler be carved into your soul! Synchro Summon! Come forth! My savage soul! Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight! Melissa: It’s out already! Jack’s ace monster! He’s not holding back! He’s going full throttle right off the bat! JACK: I set one card face-down, and end my turn. Now, come at me, Yuya! Bring out your dragons! Yuya: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-1 Stargazer and the Scale-8 Timegazer, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 7! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Entermate Drago Remora! Entermate Odd-Eyes Minotaur! Melissa: Yuya has two Level-4 monsters on his Field! Naturally, he will… Huh? He’s just going to leave it at that!? The timing was just right, too! JACK: What are you doing, Yuya!? Xyz Summon right now, and call forth your dragon! Have you already forgotten that I told you to use all four dragons!? Yuya: I haven’t forgotten! But… Yuya: I can feel it. Dark Rebellion wants to be summoned. Clear Wing and Starve Venom as well. They want to be summoned… So that Zarc can be awakened… I know it too well! I was Zarc, after all! Yuya: I can’t allow Reira to turn into Zarc… I can’t let her become a demon! I’ll try to win without summoning the dragons! Sayaka: Yuya is here! Dennis: Come on! Show it to the kids! Your best entertainment! Yuya: At this moment, I activate Drago Remora’s effect! Dragon-Type Monsters on my Field gain 500 ATK! Battle! I attack Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Yuya: At this moment, Due to Odd-Eyes Minotaur’s effect, Scarlight will lose 300 ATK! Yuya: Spiral Strike Burst! JACK: Trap, activate! Red Crystal! During this turn, Red monsters cannot be destroyed! Yuya: But you’ll still take damage! Reaction Force! The damage will be doubled! Yuya: At this moment, Minotaur’s effect ends, And Scarlight’s ATK returns to normal. I end my turn. Sayaka/Allen: Good luck, Yuya! JACK: Do you think that this kind of Dueling will satisfy me!? JACK: It’s my turn! I activate Scarlight’s effect! I can destroy all Special Summoned monsters with ATKs equal to or lower than this card’s ATK, and inflict 500 damage for every destroyed monster to you! Absolute Power Flame! Yuya: Drago Remora’s effect activates! Dragon-Type monsters on my Field won’t be destroyed by card effects! JACK: Battle! Scarlight! Destroy that pesky Drago Remora! Fiery Crimson Hell Burning! Yuya: At this moment, Drago Remora’s effect ends, And Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon’s ATK returns to normal. JACK: I end my turn here. Yuya! I’ll give you one more chance! You’d better summon all four dragons next time! Yuya: I told you! I can’t do it! It’s not just for Reira’s sake. If the dragons are assembled, Something bad might happen to Ray, whom Akaba Leo is trying to save… And Yuzu and Ruri, too… That’s why I can’t do it! Yuya: It’s my turn! Using the already set Pendulum Scales, I Pendulum Summon! Be revived from the Extra Deck! Entermate Drago Remora! And Entermate Odd-Eyes Minotaur! Reiji: Yuya! (ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb) Melissa: Jack persistently demands Yuya to summon the four dragons! Now then, Yuya. What will you do? Yuya: Due to Drago Remora’s effect, Dragon-Type Monsters on my Field gain 500 ATK! Yuya: Battle! I attack Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Yuya: At this moment, Due to Odd-Eyes Minotaur’s effect, Scarlight will lose 300 ATK! Spiral Strike Burst! JACK: The same trick won’t work twice! Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated! Yuya: I won’t allow that! I activate Stargazer Magician’s Pendulum Effect! It negates the activation of a Magic Card, And sets it on my opponent’s Field. JACK: How naïve! When a Magic Card is set on the Field, I can Special Summon Red Giant from my hand! And due to Red Giant’s effect, The Battle Phase will be skipped! Yuya: I end my turn. GONGENZAKA:  Stargazer Magician’s Pendulum Effect was able to negate the Action Magic that Jack activated, but… SAWATARI-SAN:  He already saw it coming, and summoned a new monster. As expected from Jack. Tatsuya: But if he brings out Dark Rebellion… Futoshi: I want him to bring those dragons out and give me the shivers! Ayu: No! Do you know what will happen to Reira-chan!? Shuzo: It’s not just Reira… Yuzu as well… If Yuya assembles the four dragons, He might not be able to save Yuzu. I think…But is it really the case? Yoko: Just like usual… Shuzo: Yoko-san? Yoko: Don’t be scared, Yuya! If you’re a Duelist, it shouldn’t matter whether they’re dragons or not! Just put a tight leash on ‘em and show ‘em who’s the boss! Yoko: Ah! Looks like I went overboard again! Gosh! Stop embarrassing yourself, Yoko! Shuzo: Shooting Star Yoko… JACK: I’m disappointed, Yuya! If you’re not going to summon the four dragons, Then there’s no point in fighting you! I shall strike you down in this turn! I activate the Magic Card, Red Reborn, And Special Summon Red Gargoyle from the Graveyard! JACK: Then, I summon the Tuner Monster, Double Resonator! Then, through Double Resonator’s effect, I can treat Red Giant as a Tuner Monster during this turn! I'm double tuning using the Level-4 Red Gargoyle, along with the Level-5 Red Giant and the Level-1 Double Resonator! Can you feel it? Can you feel the vigor of my life!? The king and the devil shall now merge together! Feel the soul of the Crimson Dragon, and let out a war cry that shakes all creation! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Red Daemon's Dragon Tyrant! JACK: Battle! I attack Drago Remora with Tyrant! Infernal Crimson Hell Tide! Birds: Yuya! Yuya: Since Drago Remora is destroyed, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon’s ATK will return to normal. JACK: Next up is Minotaur! Go! Battle! Scarlight! Melissa: The gap between Scarlight and Minotaur’s ATKs is 1800! Yuya’s remaining Life is 1400! If this attack goes through… Captain Falcon: Yuya will lose… JACK: Fiery Crimson Hell Burning! Yuto: You’re fine with losing like that? Yuya: That voice is… Yuto! Yuri: I can’t say I like that. Neither is my Starve Venom. Yugo: Same goes for my Clear Wing. Yuto: My Dark Rebellion as well. Yuto-go-ri: That’s what they’re all thinking, for sure. Yuya: Yugo and Yuri are here, too! Yuri: Why can’t you understand the dragons’ feelings? Yugo: Why are you ignoring them? Yuto: Listen to their voices, Yuya! Yuto-go-ri: All of us… Should be able to do that. Yuya: By negating a monster's battle destruction and damage, I can Special Summon Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver! Yuya: Odd-Eyes Dissolver can negate the effect of one monster! Odd-Eyes Dissolver will negate Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant! JACK: You’ve made a foolish choice, Yuya! Scarlight can destroy all Special Summoned monsters with ATKs equal to or lower than its ATK, and inflict 500 damage for every destroyed monster! Did you forget that!? JACK: You’ll receive 1500 damage! It’s over for you! Yuya: Odd-Eyes Dissolver cannot be destroyed on the turn it is Special Summoned! JACK: Hmph! You escaped by the skin of your teeth… I set one card face-down, and end my turn! Yuya: Yuto. Yugo. Yuri. That’s right… We were originally one person… Even if evil has been purged from our heart… I, who was one of the four fragments… I am still Zarc! And Zarc can communicate with monsters! Yuya: It’s my turn! Using the already set Pendulum Scales, I Pendulum Summon! Be revived from the Extra Deck! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Entermate Drago Remora! Entermate Odd-Eyes Minotaur! JACK: You still don’t get it, Yuya!? Yuya: NO! I get it! You’re telling me not to be a master who’ll get double-crossed by his monsters due to negligence, right? JACK: Exactly. Show it to me! Show me your power, as the master who can command four ferocious dragons as you desire! Yuya: I’ll show you, Jack! Our power! Yuya: Sorry for making you wait, Yuto! Let’s start with you! I’ll overlay the Level-4 Entermate Drago Remora and Entermate Odd-Eyes Minotaur! Raise your fangs of rebellion formed from the pitch-black darkness, and fight against the foolish oppression! Descend now! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank-4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon! Allen: It’s here! Sayaka: Yuto’s dragon! Dennis: All right! Good job, Yuya! Himika: Reira! Reiji: The wicked spirit is reacting… As I thought, Zarc’s soul will react to the dragons… Yuya: From my hand, I summon the Tuner Monster, Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron! Yuya: Next up is Yugo! Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron’s effect! I can use this card and another card in the Pendulum Zone as materials to Synchro Summon! I’m tuning the Level-5 Stargazer Magician with the Level-2 Odd-Eyes Synchron! Spread your beautiful and majestic wings! Strike down our enemies at light speed! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Level-7! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! Yuya: Lastly, Yuri! Using Odd-Eyes Dissolver’s effect, I can fuse it and the Timegazer Magician in my Pendulum Zone! Dual-colored eyes that illuminate the dark night! Become one with the concept of time itself, And show us a new path! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Starve Venom Fusion Dragon! Himika: Please! Stop it! Yusho: We must bear with it. Because the real fun has just begun! Yuya: Their voices are not angry. They are afraid of Ray. That’s why they want to stop Ray’s revival… Yuya: Don’t be afraid! You are still strong, even if you’re not combined into the Supreme Dragon King! I’ll prove it! (Preview for Episode 147) JACK: Show me, Yuya! The Entertainment you believe in! Yuya: I won’t let the dragons become the Supreme Dragon King! Their powers shouldn’t be used to hurt people or destroy the world! I will use them to protect everyone’s smile! (Egao Count: 291+1=292) JACK: Fight with everything you’ve got! Show me the four dragons’ power through battles! Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: The Unleashed Dragons The fun has just begun!
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authoratmidnight · 8 years
Arc V Episode 142 Translated Script
Script and Translation from DMC3444 on NAC
Last Time’s Egao Count: 263
Nico: Participant Sakaki specializes in using Action Cards to turn the tables! Shuzo: I feel like I’ve seen this before… But just what is it? A tangerine? No… It’s something else… Nico: Sawatari, Gongenzaka, and Tsukikage have not suffered any damage so far, While Sakaki Yuya’s Life Points have been whittled down to 2200 due to Tsukikage’s attack! Ayu: Hang in there, Big Bro Yuya! Reiji: Show him no mercy, Tsukikage! Give Sakaki Yuya a thorough beatdown! Himika: Reiji-san! If you do that, that child will… Yusho: If he is defeated just like that, then Yuya is still not that good as a Duelist yet. Reiji: Mother. I’m sorry to say this, but should he fail, you’ll have to give up on Reira’s smile. (Egao Count: 263+1=264) Himika: *gasps* Himika: This poor child became like this because of me…It’s all my fault. I treated this child as nothing more than a tool to enact my revenge against Akaba Leo. As a result, this child can no longer smile… (Egao Count: 264+1=265) Reira: I won’t let this happen again! I will seal Zarc away! Zarc: AAAAAHHHH! Reira: AAAAHHHHHH! Himika: I was wrong! Please forgive me, Reira! Tsukikage: My turn is still not over yet! Kagen’s Pendulum Effect activates! It gains the Pendulum Effect of the Jogen in the Pendulum Zone! Yuya: Jogen’s effect!? Piercing damage again!? Tsukikage: Battle! I attack Hippo Token with Getsuga! Yuya: Getsuga’s ATK is 2000! GONGENZAKA: Hence, the amount of piercing damage will be 2000. SAWATARI-SAN: However, Yuya’s Life Points are 2200. He could’ve done better. Tsukikage: Kagen’s second effect activates! Once per turn, when my Ninja monster attacks, it will gain 500 ATK! Yuya: What!? Nico: Whoa! If this attack goes through, his Life will hit zero! Is Yuya going to lose this early in the game!? Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement. (Opening Sequence) Yuya: Hippo! Tsukikage: How pitiful! A decoy!? Yuya: Action Magic, Miracle, activate! Hippo Token is not destroyed, and the damage is halved! SAWATARI-SAN: Interesting. I’m joining in! Trap Card, Abyss Improvisational Theater – Improv, activate! The battle damage will be increased by the ATK of a Level-4 or below Abyss Actor monster! Yuya: What!? Nico: Whoa! Sawatari is lending Tsukikage a hand!? GONGENZAKA: Hold it! When there’s no Magic or Trap Cards in my Graveyard, And damage is inflicted through a battle with a Defense Position monster, I can send Superheavy Samurai Otasu-K to the Graveyard, and activate its effect! (Notes: Otasu-K is a pun onお助け (Otasuke), which means assistance, help, etc.) GONGENZAKA: I activate Otasu-K’s effect! During damage calculation, the DEF of a Superheavy Samurai monster on my Field will be added to the DEF of another Defense Position monster! Nico: Oh! Now, Gongenzaka is lending Yuya a hand! Nico: and due to the effect of Abyss Improvisational Theater – Improv, the damage is increased by 1100! Tsukikage received a total of 1600 damage! SAWATARI-SAN: Whoops, sorry about that, Tsukikage. I was planning to help you, but it backfired instead. Tsukikage: Don’t worry about it. Tsukikage: When the Battle Phase ends, Getsuga’s ATK returns to normal. I end my turn. Yuya: Thank you! You’re a lifesaver, Gongenzaka! GONGENZAKA: Don’t get the wrong idea! It’s not like I wanted to help you. Yuya! I will be the one who will defeat you! Yuya: Hah. Okay, then. But first, we have to deal with those two! GONGENZAKA: Right! Nico: My goodness! This has turned into a Tag Duel, with Yuya and Gongenzaka teaming up against Sawatari and Tsukikage! Ayu: Big Bro Yuya and Gongenzaka are teaming up! Tatsuya: Amazing! This looks fun! Futoshi: SHIVEERRRS! Yuya: The fun… Yuya/GONGENZAKA: …has just begun! Yuya: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-1 Stargazer Magician and the Scale-8 Timegazer, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 7! Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! The one who bears heroic and beautiful dual-colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Yuya: Battle! I attack Curtain Raiser with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Spiral Strike Burst! Yuya: Ah… Riding Duel...!? Why am I riding on a bike? Wait… It’s not a bike. It’s a D-Wheel! Yuya: That’s right… We Lancers went to the Synchro Dimension! SAWATARI-SAN: Not so fast! I activate Curtain Raiser’s Monster Effect! When the only card on my Field is Curtain Raiser, During damage calculation only, its ATK will be doubled! SAWATARI-SAN: Even your ace monster, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, can only inflict 300 damage. That’s how great I am. I’m the Super Ultra Hyper Strong Duelist— Yuya: I attack Sawatari Shingo directly with Entermate Discover Hippo! SAWATARI-SAN: AAAAAHHHHH! Yuya: I end my turn! Yuya: But why did I go to the Synchro Dimension? Why exactly did I go… SAWATARI-SAN: All right! It’s time to open my magnificent entertainment theater! SAWATARI-SAN: Even the genius Duelist, Akaba Reiji, has great expectations for me and entrusted me with the task of conquering Academia! Now, I, Sawatari Shingo, shall show you the greatest Entertainment Duel ever! Yuya: We’ll see about that. You’re not the one who will perform the greatest Entertainment Duel! It will be me, the son of the pioneer of Entertainment Dueling, Sakaki Yusho! SAWATARI-SAN: Hah! Then, let’s have a match to decide who is the true Entertainment Duelist! Yuya: Sure! SAWATARI-SAN: It’s my turn! Draw! Using the Scale-3 Abyss Actor – Extras and the Scale-8 Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-4 and 7! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Abyss Actor – Big Star! Return to the stage once more! Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser! Yuya: Trap Card, activate! Entertainment Dragon's Shadow! Yuya: Ladies and gentlemen! Huh… Edo Phoenix… The torn Smile World card… (Egao Count: 265+1=266) How did it end up like that… SAWATARI-SAN: Hey, what’s up with you!? If you’re going to do entertainment, do it properly! Yuya: I release Hippo Token, And equip Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to Discover Hippo! It is now a formidable, three-story dragon! SAWATARI-SAN: Hah? So you’re just using it as a ride? Let’s go! Sawatari Theater’s Dragon Slaying Saga shall now commence! The first act! I activate Funky Comedian’s Pendulum Effect! Once per turn, I can put an Abyss Actor Pendulum Monster on my Field into the Extra Deck, And add its ATK to another monster! SAWATARI-SAN: Big Star’s Monster Effect! Once per turn, I can add a Magic Card with Abyss Script in its name to my hand! I activate the Magic Card, Abyss Script -  Amanojaku! SAWATARI-SAN: Battle! I attack Discover Hippo with Abyss Actor – Big Star! At this moment, due to the effect of Abyss Script -  Amanojaku, The ATK of the monster battling against an Abyss Actor monster will be equal to its DEF! Nico: Ah! Now, the gap between their ATKs is 2800! If this attack goes through, it will be the end of the line for Sakaki Yuya! Yuya: AH! (ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb) Yuya: Good job, Hippo! Action Magic, Encore, activate! I activate the Action Card, Evasion, from the Graveyard! Big Star’s attack will be negated! Yuya: Phew… That was close. Tsukikage: Due to the effect of Hazy Shuriken, I can send a card added to my hand to the Graveyard, And inflict 300 damage to Sakaki Yuya! Yuya: Ouch… This is why an Entertainment Duel never gets boring! Shuzo: AAAAHHHH! Get fired up! Get fired up! Get fired up! It’s not working… I can’t remember anything. But I can’t stop thinking about this thing… A tangor? AAAAHHHH! Stop! Stop! For now, I’ll just leave this thing in the storage room, And go see Yuya’s Duel! Yuzu: Don’t come in without my permission! Shuzo: Heh!? What was that voice!? This room is not a storage room! SAWATARI-SAN: It’s not over yet! Let’s start the second act! From my hand, I activate the Quick-Play Magic, Abyss Performance! I halve the ATK of an Abyss Actor monster on my Field, allowing it to attack again! Yuya: That’s right! The Lancers left the Xyz Dimension, And headed to the Duel Academia in the Fusion Dimension. I was searching for someone back then… SAWATARI-SAN: Why are you spacing out!? Battle! I attack Discover Hippo with Abyss Actor – Big Star again! Yuya: Due to the effect of the Trap Card, Entertainment Dragon's Shadow, The cards on my Field won’t be destroyed during this turn! SAWATARI-SAN: BUT YOU’LL STILL TAKE DAMAGE! GONGENZAKA: What’s wrong, Yuya!? SAWATARI-SAN: I end my turn. At this moment, Big Star’s ATK returns to normal. The effect of Abyss Script - Amanojaku will also end. Yuya: At this moment, the effect of Entertainment Dragon's Shadow also ends! Well then, next up is the turn of my partner, Gongenzaka! GONGENZAKA: It’s my turn! Draw! Using the Scale-1 Superheavy General Jade and the Scale-8 Superheavy General Coral, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 7! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Superheavy Samurai Kaku-5! (Note: Kaku-5 is based on the word 覚悟 (Kakugo), which means readiness, resolve, etc.) GONGENZAKA: Then, I Normal Summon Superheavy Samurai Soul Double Horn from my hand! Double Horn’s Monster Effect activates! Once per turn, I can equip it to one of my Superheavy Samurai monsters! Nico: This Entertainment Duel is not as exciting as I’ve expected so far, But hopefully, with Gongenzaka’s turn… Shuzo: Hey! Give me the mike! Nico: What!? What are you doing!? Shuzo: Look, just give me the mike! Yuya: Gongenzaka has equipped Double Horn to Big Benkei! Now then, what kind of Duel will he show us!? Shuzo: Yuya! Yuya: Looks like someone’s asking for me… Nico: I’m the hos-- Shuzo: Yuzu isn’t here! She’s not here! Shuzo: Yuzu is… Yuzu is gone! Ayu: Big Sis Yuzu? Futoshi: That reminds me… She’s been gone this whole time… Tatsuya: Why didn’t we notice until now? Yoko: Yuzu-chan! SAWATARI-SAN: Yuzu! GONGENZAKA: Yuzu! Yuya: Yuzu… Yuzu… Yuzu… YUZU! Reiji: He remembers now, huh? Leo: The world is breaking into four again! Reiji: Zarc will be reincarnated in the four dimensions again, and the same things will repeat! Reira: I won’t let it happen again! I will seal Zarc away! Reiji: Back then, Reira drove Ray’s soul out of himself with his own will, And sealed Zarc’s wicked soul deep within himself. Yuya: Reira? REIRAAAAAAA! Reiji: And as a result of the dimensional split, Reira was reborn as a baby, and lost his smile… (Egao Count: 266+1=267) Himika: But I still have faith… Himika: …That some day, this child will have a gentle smile on his face again… (Egao Count: 267+1=268) Reiji: Yeah… We regained our memories for that purpose. Yusho: Yuya. Your real trial starts now. GONGENZAKA: No… At this rate, Yuya will… GONGENZAKA: I’ll end this Duel on this turn! I activate Superheavy Samurai Kaku-5’s Monster Effect! I pay 1000 Life, and reduce the ATK of an opposing monster by 1000! GONGENZAKA: I choose Big Star! GONGENZAKA: I activate its effect one more time! GONGENZAKA: I activate its effect a third time! SAWATARI-SAN: W-What was that for!? Yuya: That’s right. I was travelling across the dimensions to search for Yuzu… And then, I finally met Yuzu again… Yuzu! It’s me! Yuya! Can’t you tell!? Yuzu: Yuya!? Yuya: Yeah! It’s me! You’ve returned to normal… Thank goodness! Yuzu! GONGENZAKA: Big Benkei’s Monster Effect activates! Big Benkei can attack while it is in Defense Position! SAWATARI-SAN: AAAAHHHHH! GONGENZAKA: Then, due to Double Horn’s effect, When there’s no Magic or Trap Cards in my Graveyard, The monster equipped with it can attack one more time! Yuya: And then, I… I… Yuya: Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon can attack twice during the Battle Phase! I… Yuzu: Stop it! Yuya: Yuzu… Yuzu: Please… Don’t let your anger control you! Yuzu: So, come back. Return to your true self! Smile like you always do! (Egao Count: 268+1=269) Ruri: No! Yuto: Ruri! Yuya: I attack Pendulum Ruler with Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon! Yuzu: YUYAAAAAAAAA! GONGENZAKA: Super heavy Samurai Kaku-5’s Monster Effect activates! When a Superheavy Samurai monster on my Field destroys a monster through battle, I can destroy the two cards in my Pendulum Zone, allowing to attack one more time! Tsukikage: My role is now over. Yuya: I… Yuya: And I will keep on winning! Until I destroy everything in the world! Yuya: My Astrograph Magician, who rules over space and time,! With your unfathomable power, Overlay our desires together! Yuya: I… I WAS ZARC! (Sing with us in the ending!) (Preview for Episode 143) Yuya: Zarc’s evil spirit, which was locked inside me, is now residing inside Reira. Reira can no longer smile as a result. (Egao Count: 269+1=270) If I can bring Reira’s smile back, (Egao Count: 270+1=271) The evil spirit inside him might go away… But…What am I supposed to do!? GONGENZAKA: If you’re going to keep moping around, I, the manly Gongenzaka, will save both Yuzu and Reira myself! Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: Soul of the Supreme King The fun has just begun!
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the-sayuri-rin · 8 years
Super late but that doesn't stop me from saying GIVE YUYA A BREAK, HE'S BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH 😢
Credit to :DMC3444
Last Time’s Egao Count: 263
Nico: Participant Sakaki specializes in using Action Cards to turn the tables!
Shuzo: I feel like I’ve seen this before… But just what is it? A tangerine? No… It’s something else…
Nico: Sawatari, Gongenzaka, and Tsukikage have not suffered any damage so far, While Sakaki Yuya’s Life Points have been whittled down to 2200 due to Tsukikage’s attack!
Ayu: Hang in there, Big Bro Yuya!
Reiji: Show him no mercy, Tsukikage! Give Sakaki Yuya a thorough beatdown!
Himika: Reiji-san! If you do that, that child will…
Yusho: If he is defeated just like that, then Yuya is still not that good as a Duelist yet.
Reiji: Mother. I’m sorry to say this, but should he fail, you’ll have to give up on Reira’s smile. (Egao Count: 263+1=264)
Himika: *gasps*
Himika: This poor child became like this because of me…It’s all my fault. I treated this child as nothing more than a tool to enact my revenge against Akaba Leo. As a result, this child can no longer smile… (Egao Count: 264+1=265)
Reira: I won’t let this happen again! I will seal Zarc away!
Himika: I was wrong! Please forgive me, Reira!
Tsukikage: My turn is still not over yet! Kagen’s Pendulum Effect activates! It gains the Pendulum Effect of the Jogen in the Pendulum Zone!
Yuya: Jogen’s effect!? Piercing damage again!?
Tsukikage: Battle! I attack Hippo Token with Getsuga!
Yuya: Getsuga’s ATK is 2000!
GONGENZAKA: Hence, the amount of piercing damage will be 2000.
SAWATARI-SAN: However, Yuya’s Life Points are 2200. He could’ve done better.
Tsukikage: Kagen’s second effect activates! Once per turn, when my Ninja monster attacks, it will gain 500 ATK!
Yuya: What!?
Nico: Whoa! If this attack goes through, his Life will hit zero! Is Yuya going to lose this early in the game!?
Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement.
(Opening Sequence)
Yuya: Hippo!
Tsukikage: How pitiful! A decoy!?
Yuya: Action Magic, Miracle, activate! Hippo Token is not destroyed, and the damage is halved!
SAWATARI-SAN: Interesting. I’m joining in! Trap Card, Abyss Improvisational Theater – Improv, activate! The battle damage will be increased by the ATK of a Level-4 or below Abyss Actor monster!
Yuya: What!?
Nico: Whoa! Sawatari is lending Tsukikage a hand!?
GONGENZAKA: Hold it! When there’s no Magic or Trap Cards in my Graveyard, And damage is inflicted through a battle with a Defense Position monster, I can send Superheavy Samurai Otasu-K to the Graveyard, and activate its effect!
(Notes: Otasu-K is a pun onお助け (Otasuke), which means assistance, help, etc.)
GONGENZAKA: I activate Otasu-K’s effect! During damage calculation, the DEF of a Superheavy Samurai monster on my Field will be added to the DEF of another Defense Position monster!
Nico: Oh! Now, Gongenzaka is lending Yuya a hand!
Nico: and due to the effect of Abyss Improvisational Theater – Improv, the damage is increased by 1100! Tsukikage received a total of 1600 damage!
SAWATARI-SAN: Whoops, sorry about that, Tsukikage. I was planning to help you, but it backfired instead.
Tsukikage: Don’t worry about it.
Tsukikage: When the Battle Phase ends, Getsuga’s ATK returns to normal. I end my turn.
Yuya: Thank you! You’re a lifesaver, Gongenzaka!
GONGENZAKA: Don’t get the wrong idea! It’s not like I wanted to help you. Yuya! I will be the one who will defeat you!
Yuya: Hah. Okay, then. But first, we have to deal with those two!
Nico: My goodness! This has turned into a Tag Duel, with Yuya and Gongenzaka teaming up against Sawatari and Tsukikage!
Ayu: Big Bro Yuya and Gongenzaka are teaming up!
Tatsuya: Amazing! This looks fun!
Yuya: The fun…
Yuya/GONGENZAKA: …has just begun!
Yuya: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-1 Stargazer Magician and the Scale-8 Timegazer, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 7! Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! The one who bears heroic and beautiful dual-colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!
Yuya: Battle! I attack Curtain Raiser with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Spiral Strike Burst!
Yuya: Ah… Riding Duel…!? Why am I riding on a bike? Wait… It’s not a bike. It’s a D-Wheel!
Yuya: That’s right… We Lancers went to the Synchro Dimension!
SAWATARI-SAN: Not so fast! I activate Curtain Raiser’s Monster Effect! When the only card on my Field is Curtain Raiser, During damage calculation only, its ATK will be doubled!
SAWATARI-SAN: Even your ace monster, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, can only inflict 300 damage. That’s how great I am. I’m the Super Ultra Hyper Strong Duelist—
Yuya: I attack Sawatari Shingo directly with Entermate Discover Hippo!
Yuya: I end my turn!
Yuya: But why did I go to the Synchro Dimension? Why exactly did I go…
SAWATARI-SAN: All right! It’s time to open my magnificent entertainment theater!
SAWATARI-SAN: Even the genius Duelist, Akaba Reiji, has great expectations for me and entrusted me with the task of conquering Academia! Now, I, Sawatari Shingo, shall show you the greatest Entertainment Duel ever!
Yuya: We’ll see about that. You’re not the one who will perform the greatest Entertainment Duel! It will be me, the son of the pioneer of Entertainment Dueling, Sakaki Yusho!
SAWATARI-SAN: Hah! Then, let’s have a match to decide who is the true Entertainment Duelist!
Yuya: Sure!
SAWATARI-SAN: It’s my turn! Draw! Using the Scale-3 Abyss Actor – Extras and the Scale-8 Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-4 and 7! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Abyss Actor – Big Star! Return to the stage once more! Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser!
Yuya: Trap Card, activate! Entertainment Dragon’s Shadow!
Yuya: Ladies and gentlemen! Huh… Edo Phoenix… The torn Smile World card… (Egao Count: 265+1=266) How did it end up like that…
SAWATARI-SAN: Hey, what’s up with you!? If you’re going to do entertainment, do it properly!
Yuya: I release Hippo Token, And equip Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to Discover Hippo! It is now a formidable, three-story dragon!
SAWATARI-SAN: Hah? So you’re just using it as a ride? Let’s go! Sawatari Theater’s Dragon Slaying Saga shall now commence! The first act! I activate Funky Comedian’s Pendulum Effect! Once per turn, I can put an Abyss Actor Pendulum Monster on my Field into the Extra Deck, And add its ATK to another monster!
SAWATARI-SAN: Big Star’s Monster Effect! Once per turn, I can add a Magic Card with Abyss Script in its name to my hand! I activate the Magic Card, Abyss Script -  Amanojaku!
SAWATARI-SAN: Battle! I attack Discover Hippo with Abyss Actor – Big Star! At this moment, due to the effect of Abyss Script -  Amanojaku, The ATK of the monster battling against an Abyss Actor monster will be equal to its DEF!
Nico: Ah! Now, the gap between their ATKs is 2800! If this attack goes through, it will be the end of the line for Sakaki Yuya!
Yuya: AH!
(ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb)
Yuya: Good job, Hippo! Action Magic, Encore, activate! I activate the Action Card, Evasion, from the Graveyard! Big Star’s attack will be negated! 
Yuya: Phew… That was close.
Tsukikage: Due to the effect of Hazy Shuriken, I can send a card added to my hand to the Graveyard, And inflict 300 damage to Sakaki Yuya!
Yuya: Ouch… This is why an Entertainment Duel never gets boring!
Shuzo: AAAAHHHH! Get fired up! Get fired up! Get fired up! It’s not working… I can’t remember anything. But I can’t stop thinking about this thing… A tangor? AAAAHHHH! Stop! Stop! For now, I’ll just leave this thing in the storage room, And go see Yuya’s Duel!
Yuzu: Don’t come in without my permission!
Shuzo: Heh!? What was that voice!? This room is not a storage room!
SAWATARI-SAN: It’s not over yet! Let’s start the second act! From my hand, I activate the Quick-Play Magic, Abyss Performance! I halve the ATK of an Abyss Actor monster on my Field, allowing it to attack again!
Yuya: That’s right! The Lancers left the Xyz Dimension, And headed to the Duel Academia in the Fusion Dimension. I was searching for someone back then…
SAWATARI-SAN: Why are you spacing out!? Battle! I attack Discover Hippo with Abyss Actor – Big Star again!
Yuya: Due to the effect of the Trap Card, Entertainment Dragon’s Shadow, The cards on my Field won’t be destroyed during this turn!
GONGENZAKA: What’s wrong, Yuya!?
SAWATARI-SAN: I end my turn. At this moment, Big Star’s ATK returns to normal. The effect of Abyss Script - Amanojaku will also end.
Yuya: At this moment, the effect of Entertainment Dragon’s Shadow also ends! Well then, next up is the turn of my partner, Gongenzaka!
GONGENZAKA: It’s my turn! Draw! Using the Scale-1 Superheavy General Jade and the Scale-8 Superheavy General Coral, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 7! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Superheavy Samurai Kaku-5!
(Note: Kaku-5 is based on the word 覚悟 (Kakugo), which means readiness, resolve, etc.)
GONGENZAKA: Then, I Normal Summon Superheavy Samurai Soul Double Horn from my hand! Double Horn’s Monster Effect activates! Once per turn, I can equip it to one of my Superheavy Samurai monsters!
Nico: This Entertainment Duel is not as exciting as I’ve expected so far, But hopefully, with Gongenzaka’s turn…
Shuzo: Hey! Give me the mike!
Nico: What!? What are you doing!?
Shuzo: Look, just give me the mike!
Yuya: Gongenzaka has equipped Double Horn to Big Benkei! Now then, what kind of Duel will he show us!?
Shuzo: Yuya!
Yuya: Looks like someone’s asking for me…
Nico: I’m the hos–
Shuzo: Yuzu isn’t here! She’s not here!
Shuzo: Yuzu is… Yuzu is gone!
Ayu: Big Sis Yuzu?
Futoshi: That reminds me… She’s been gone this whole time…
Tatsuya: Why didn’t we notice until now?
Yoko: Yuzu-chan!
Yuya: Yuzu… Yuzu… Yuzu… YUZU!
Reiji: He remembers now, huh?
Leo: The world is breaking into four again!
Reiji: Zarc will be reincarnated in the four dimensions again, and the same things will repeat!
Reira: I won’t let it happen again! I will seal Zarc away!
Reiji: Back then, Reira drove Ray’s soul out of himself with his own will, And sealed Zarc’s wicked soul deep within himself.
Reiji: And as a result of the dimensional split, Reira was reborn as a baby, and lost his smile… (Egao Count: 266+1=267)
Himika: But I still have faith…
Himika: …That some day, this child will have a gentle smile on his face again… (Egao Count: 267+1=268)
Reiji: Yeah… We regained our memories for that purpose.
Yusho: Yuya. Your real trial starts now.
GONGENZAKA: No… At this rate, Yuya will…
GONGENZAKA: I’ll end this Duel on this turn! I activate Superheavy Samurai Kaku-5’s Monster Effect! I pay 1000 Life, and reduce the ATK of an opposing monster by 1000!
GONGENZAKA: I choose Big Star!
GONGENZAKA: I activate its effect one more time!
GONGENZAKA: I activate its effect a third time!
SAWATARI-SAN: W-What was that for!?
Yuya: That’s right. I was travelling across the dimensions to search for Yuzu… And then, I finally met Yuzu again… Yuzu! It’s me! Yuya! Can’t you tell!?
Yuzu: Yuya!?
Yuya: Yeah! It’s me! You’ve returned to normal… Thank goodness! Yuzu!
GONGENZAKA: Big Benkei’s Monster Effect activates! Big Benkei can attack while it is in Defense Position!
GONGENZAKA: Then, due to Double Horn’s effect, When there’s no Magic or Trap Cards in my Graveyard, The monster equipped with it can attack one more time!
Yuya: And then, I… I…
Yuya: Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon can attack twice during the Battle Phase! I…
Yuzu: Stop it!
Yuya: Yuzu…
Yuzu: Please… Don’t let your anger control you!
Yuzu: So, come back. Return to your true self! Smile like you always do! (Egao Count: 268+1=269)
Ruri: No!
Yuto: Ruri!
Yuya: I attack Pendulum Ruler with Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon!
GONGENZAKA: Super heavy Samurai Kaku-5’s Monster Effect activates! When a Superheavy Samurai monster on my Field destroys a monster through battle, I can destroy the two cards in my Pendulum Zone, allowing to attack one more time!
Tsukikage: My role is now over.
Yuya: I…
Yuya: And I will keep on winning! Until I destroy everything in the world!
Yuya: My Astrograph Magician, who rules over space and time,! With your unfathomable power, Overlay our desires together!
Yuya: I… I WAS ZARC!
(Sing with us in the ending!)
(Preview for Episode 143)
Yuya: Zarc’s evil spirit, which was locked inside me, is now residing inside Reira. Reira can no longer smile as a result. (Egao Count: 269+1=270) If I can bring Reira’s smile back, (Egao Count: 270+1=271) The evil spirit inside him might go away… But…What am I supposed to do!?
GONGENZAKA: If you’re going to keep moping around, I, the manly Gongenzaka, will save both Yuzu and Reira myself!
Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: Soul of the Supreme King The fun has just begun!
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