#and perhaps.. i... smooch the demon???? đź‘€
beetled-juice · 2 years
👀👀 would love to hear those "true form" beej headcanons if youre in the mood to share.........!!
@bunnys-beetlejuice-blog I'm always in the mood to share! Though I should clarify that my true form concepts for beej can be on the graphic side, since I enjoy taking each beetlejuice canon and thinking "how can I make this into genuine horror?". So I'm going to throw this under a read more, just to be safe!
These hc's are for musical!juice specifically - I have others for toonjuice and keatlejuice. This also isn't complete by any means - I have pages upon pages of writing on google docs about this stuff, so I'm trying to condense!
Netherworld Form - Dead is the New Sexy
So to start, I should also clarify that I personally view musical!juice as a vessel of sorts, a form that allows him to exist on earth as opposed to in the netherworld. Because of this, I think there are two distinct "versions" of beej's true form - one is the vessel / form you would see upon entering the netherworld with him, while the other is the demonic eldritch horror that he crams into said form(s).
Whenever you go to the netherworld with him, he becomes like a walking corpse - more than normal, that is. Think skin rotting and sloughing off, joints twisted in unnatural positions, perhaps even internal organs trying to become external. It's not entirely clear how he can even move, or how he doesn't just disintegrate into piles of rotten 'juice with a voice, but somehow he manages to shove his mangled body around in a way that's not too dissimilar to that of a zombie movie. If you're used to the mossy and stinky demon as seen in the musical, this would be an immediate shove into a harsher reality - he looks like he's been decomposing for months, and nothing can help with the smell.
This can become even more devastating if we base his backstory for death more on movie canon than musical canon (i.e that he hung himself instead of Lydia stabbing him through the tit), because just like everyone else in the netherworld, he'll be unable to hide the evidence of how he died. In this case, you'd see the ring of bruising left behind, and the shift of the cervical vertebrae under what's left of his skin from where they broke.
The Cosmic Eldritch Horror We Know and Love
Overall, I think of him as having the keatlejuice makeup/effects, but taken to the extreme. Depending on how much I want to crank up the angst factor, I may or may not include the hanging aspect.
This is where I kind of go off the rails in terms of very specific imagery. Have you seen the posts about what depictions of biblical angels would look like, but also the fact that they would try to mate with a telephone/power line? Or the post that’s about how cosmic entities using vessels to interact with humanity is like finger painting? That's beej's true form in a nutshell.
One of the things made very evident in the musical is that the netherworld is a dark place - literally! So I think it would be infinitely more horrifying if the demon trying to give you a little smooch stalking you through the vast abyss was a brilliant, glowing white - like a spotlight turned to its maximum setting, humming with power and electricity and impossible to look at directly. This also makes the name Betelgeuse more fitting - was he named after the star, or was the star named after him?
If you can manage a glimpse of him without blinding yourself, you'll see he's very big - easily dwarfing anyone or anything around him. You'll also notice that he doesn't move quite right. He doesn't walk, but he doesn't float either, instead making a weird lurching dragging motion that sounds like knives scraping on a plate. Don’t let this fool you though, because if necessary he moves like a lightning strike: fast and deadly and gone in a flash.
One of the interesting things about beej in this form is that he can’t really speak so much as convey thoughts and ideas - he has to be very careful though, or he could quickly overload your brain and leave some damage. In your head, he sounds the same as he normally does (if not a little base boosted), but his actual voice? The stuff of nightmares. Lack of speech doesn’t mean lack of sound, and even when he’s utterly silent he gives off a headache-inducing version of the hum you hear from the fluorescent lights at a gas station in the dead of night. Sometimes he sounds like rolling thunder and rattling glass, other times it’s infernal hell-speech and a wailing that makes your bones ache.
One of the unfortunate truths of being a demon is that over the course of millennia, he’s had to fight for his place in the pecking order. There are spots where he shines a little dimmer, his form marred by the thick bands of scars left behind by demons of old (primarily, his mother). Some still weep like open wounds, pouring thick black ooze that sizzles and burns against anything it touches. Only time can heal these - time on a scale living beings could never comprehend.
Even before you could see or hear him, you’ll catch the scent of ozone and the sharp tang of frozen metal on your tongue. You’ll feel an unease blanket you, your body and mind screaming at you to run, but you won’t be able to fight the feeling of heaviness that weighs your body down and anchors your feet to the floor. Out of everything, this is the part he hates the most - even if he just wants to be near someone, his very presence in this form forces them to seek a way to escape. That’s why it’ll be a rare instance to experience Beetlejuice’s true form - he’ll do everything in his power to keep from exposing it to anyone he cares about.
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astralshipper · 5 years
Okay so early s15 spn spoilers for bel’s “arc” but. Can I just say. How absolutely hilarious it would’ve been if he’d been able to go through with his plan?
This demon was going to have the power of a literal god, but he would have to use it whilst wearing some old $5 sunglasses he found in the dirt in an old crypt and that’s the funniest god damn thing, we were robbed of alex kicking magical ass in some sick shades
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