#and poor poor Francis and Jane
bones-and-whatnot · 2 years
Maybe The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) is my new favorite film ever of all time ever ever.
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asparklethatisblue · 3 months
What if: Post rescue Francis gets pushed into a weird little hero niche he doesn’t like, but the public also sees him as poor Franklin’s dearest friend who valiantly brought Sir John’s men back. Lady Jane, following the public opinion, decides she must be seen to be good friends with Francis. And her entire family must too.
So? Sophie? Go and indicate that you want to marry him now, no it doesn’t matter that you are wracked by guilt and don’t feel like it. It is important that the new Sir Francis Crozier is seen to be close with the Franklins.
Francis is caught off guard by the attentions. James? Is suffering. He knows it’s in part because Lady Jane wants to keep the memory of her husband in the public consciousness with a wedding. But he also knows that Sophia cared for Francis, and clearly he loved her. Loves her? Either way, how is James to compete against the woman Francis loves, and Lady Jane’s determination?
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kleinergeist · 4 months
Some TCODC headcanons/interpretations and stuff (Mostly Jane and Cesare)
(Warnings: mentions of abuse, including starvation)
- Jane and Francis both end up in the asylum after the events of the film. Caligari is still the director. Either he somehow framed someone else to maintain his position of power, or him being caught was the only part of the story made up by Francis. Idk, I'm still figuring out how to piece the two endings together.
- Jane's delusion of being a queen manifested as a response to her very limited control over her own life. It only really became noticeable to others after her attempted abduction. Her parents begrudgingly sent her to the asylum after it became impossible to hide. She doesn't remember her previous identity for the most part, but some days are better than others.
- Cesare survives collapsing from exhaustion. I'm still working out exactly how, but he eventually ends up back in the asylum, though under a different name. Without Caligari controlling him, he spends most of his time awake now. Meanwhile, Caligari is waiting for the opportunity to bring him back under his control without making the other doctors suspicious.
- Jane befriends Cesare in the asylum. Neither of them of them fully remember the other but have a vague feeling of having met before, as if in a dream. She appoints him as her "royal advisor." Together, they try to find out what happened before they arrived here (and what exactly the asylum director's deal is.)
- Poor Francis is having an awful time. He's the only one who knows who Caligari really is and the only one of his friends who remembers Alan's murder, and no one believes him. Having to see the man who (albeit unwillingly) killed his friend every day certainly isn't helping matters. Eventually, he hesitantly joins Jane and Cesare in their quest to find out what's really going on (and hopefully escape). He's still very suspicious of Cesare, though.
- Caligari enjoys touching Cesare (as seen at various points in the film). However, he dislikes feeding him or really anything that reminds him that he's a human being. He prefers to think of Cesare as a puppet without bodily needs or functions. For this reason, he tends to put off feeding him for as long as possible.
- Cesare, consequently, has an unusual relationship with food. He eats all kinds of inedible stuff when Caligari's back is turned; paper, bugs, his fingernails, splinters of wood from his box, really anything he can get his hands on. Someone at the carnival gave him a toffee apple once, and he ate it so quickly he got sick.
- Caligari has taught himself Italian (specifically a 18th century Northern dialect) and Latin. He's tried to teach these to Cesare too, with some degree of success. Sometimes while "predicting" a future at the carnival, Cesare will randomly start muttering in Latin.
- Caligari has collected a few different outfits for Cesare, including a black and white harlequin costume and a ghostly Victorian style nightshirt. He likes to play around with his hair and makeup, too.
- Cesare has a really hard time adjusting to normal (or relatively normal) life in the asylum. He's awake now, but he has no idea how to look after himself. He forgets to eat for long periods of time if nobody reminds him. His sleep pattern is irreversibly altered. Initially, he doesn't even know how to wash or dress himself.
- Gender, sexuality and romantic attraction are foreign concepts to Cesare. Jane doesn't really experience romantic attraction either, much to Francis's dismay.
- Jane hates being touched. So does Cesare most of the time, but he's kind of like a cat; if he randomly decides that he wants affection, he's holding your sleeve or resting his head on your shoulder and there's nothing you can do about it. Of course, he only does this with people that he trusts (i.e., Jane). It takes her some time to get used to it.
- Jane has a lot of empathy for animals considered unlikable by most. She's definitely been scolded by her parents before for catching a spider in her hands to release it outside.
- She also loves collecting stuff. Rocks, porcelain, bones, flowers, really anything that strikes her fancy. She hides a lot of her treasures in drawers and under her bed because her parents don't approve. The habit continues while she's in the asylum and is picked up by Cesare. They share and exchange trinkets like a pair of crows. The flowers Cesare is holding at the end of the film are a gift from Jane.
It's a bit messy (and poor Alan hardly gets a mention) but there it is. Maybe someday I'll write a story.
@sixty-silver-wishes :)
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ksjanes · 1 year
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When I travel to places everything is seen with a fresh view, this view can be found anytime. All I need is to look around and embrace the views.
K.S. Janes
St. Francis of Assisi, one of the Catholic Church’s most venerated and beloved saints. St. Francis is known for his ministry to the poor and underprivileged, his care for nature and animals, and founding the Franciscan order.
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fideidefenswhore · 11 months
I've been wondering this for awhile, because different secondary sources give various takes on the Downfall of Anne Boleyn, but how big of a role did the Seymours (Jane and her brothers) in particular play in the downfall and judicial murder of Anne Boleyn?
I hated how Becoming Elizabeth white-washed Edward Seymour's character by portraying him as being super nice to Elizabeth when I'm 100% sure that wasn't the case in real life. He didn't defend her when the Thomas Seymour scandal broke out, didn't tell her she looked like her dad, and certainly did not apologize to her for his brother's behavior. Somerset kept her away from King Edward and refused to let her come to court when she was accused to let her speak her piece. Wasn't he also the one who refused to give Elizabeth the lands/money Henry VIII left for her in his will? Thomas abused the Princess no question about it.
The Seymours helped cause Anne's death and then abused her daughter it seems. If they were behind her downfall it makes sense that they wouldn't care about her daughter either.
Well, given you've already mentioned secondary sources, I'm assuming you're not looking for reccomendations for material on this subject, and are just asking for my opinion? I might post some excerpts later regardless in some reblog or edit of this ask, if you're interested.
I'm not too familiar with the sources on Edward VI's reign but that does sound about right? Although I'm not positive there was much improvement when Edward Seymour was disempowered and eventually executed and John Dudley took up the helm, from what I remember that's true. For more on this, I would rec From Heads of Household to Heads of State by Jeri L. Mcintosh and Word of a Prince by Maria Perry.
Yeah, I don't...even want to get into BE discourse too much (I assume the invention of their relationship shifting from begrudging antipathy to admiration and eventual apology was due to AR's sympathy for him, but fans of the show were mad he apologized to Elizabeth and not Mary, for...what? What did they want, exactly? Had he not apologized to her in the canon of the show he would have died a CSA apologist). Most of it just seemed absurd to me. For whatever reason that man seems to have had some appeal to AR during her research process, and I simply cannot fathom why. To me, he is just flop (as ruthless as Cromwell but without his genius or political acumen, of moderate intelligence but poor character, I don't think you can even make the argument that well, even if ineffectual and 'of small power' by 1538, as per one contemporary, at least he withstood every shift and endured, that would be more applicable to a figure such as William Paulet).
But, circling back to the first question:
How big of a role did the Seymours (Jane and her brothers) in particular play in the downfall and judicial murder of Anne Boleyn?
An interesting one, because they're part of this rather large faction at the time, as Chapuys reports. I don't necessarily get the impression they were actually leading said faction, however...those with the most weight to pull number as Lord Montague, Nicholas Carew, at times Francis Bryan, the Marquis and Marchioness of Exeter. What's particularly interesting to note is that Chapuys specifically alleges that these players are constantly giving Jane advice on how and in what manner to speak with Henry VIII. Often this report is stretched to farce (some authors almost writing about this in ways that veer on anachronism, suggestions of Jane almost being fed line for line by earpiece), but assuming even moderate exaggeration of Chapuys' part, what I find compelling is what this means, which is that Jane doesn't really know Henry. As in, she has some sense of him, but she's reliant on the advice of those who have known him much longer.
Why I find that compelling is that it implies the Seymours have always sort of been on the outskirts, never within Henry's inner circle up to this point, which makes sense once the evidence is considered (Jane has probably been serving the new Queen since 1534 at latest, her appearance on gift rolls notwithstanding, but doesn't show up as her intimate in the way of Margaret Douglas, Mary Howard, etc). Her 'brothers' alone is interesting, isn't it? Contemporary report at this time doesn't even place Thomas there in the ramp-up to the coup, it might even be that he's often placed there in fiction because as we recreate these scenes on screen and stage, we read things backwards. We do know that Edward is there, and presumably he might have even been at court for some time, we know he's present at Anne Boleyn's coronation feast as server to Cranmer, we know he's the Duke of Richmond's Master of the Horse. But there's no mention of Thomas Seymour in all this until he's given title once his sister becomes Queen.
So, Edward's involvement, by contemporary report, is that he's basically in attendance at these meetings of Boleyn opponents, he's promoted to the Privy Chamber in March 1536 (not, however, the Privy Council until halfway through the next year, which is interesting...basically, he's not significantly promoted to that place of trust and influence until Jane's been Queen for an entire year, which is instructive insofar as it could mean one of two things: one, Jane's lack of influence and power as Queen, or two, that she doesn't care about the promotion of her brothers enough to push on the matter), he's chaperoning meetings between Jane and Henry alongside his wife in the quarters Cromwell has granted him which connect to Henry's own, and he's present at the failed Imperial detente between Cromwell, Chapuys, and Henry VIII in April 1536.
Circling back to how Jane requiring such intensive counsel to speak with Henry, on what to say and how to say it, on how to approach him...every point this faction wants her to press with Henry is rebuffed by him. There is no honeymoon period for Jane, truly. If she can't convince him to reinstate his eldest daughter in the succession, would she have been able to convince him to repudiate his wife? It's doubtful, although I'm sure she encouraged this, it's unlikely her encouragement was what pushed him over the brink, as it were.
Moreover, if we go beyond Chapuys, according to contemporary reports Jane was countermanded, sometimes quite publically, on pretty much every political move she attempted (once, five times in a row on the same matter, and another reports Henry as saying he had already 'often' told her not to meddle in his affairs, and this as early as five months into their marriage, and Jane as Queen). This is instructive insofar how much they were leading this faction, versus other members of the faction leading them. Assuming she wasn't masochistic, Jane must have repeatedly been promised and told by those that 'knew Henry best' (almost all of whom, absent Bryan, are going to end up on the scaffold in two years' time) that her influence was going to equal or even surpass her predecessors' upon Henry, and that she just had to bide her time.
So, was there a Seymour 'family firm' comparable to some others, as far as the Boleyn coup? Beyond Jane & Edward, there's not much evidence for one (certainly they were united in grabbing the spoils afterwards, Henry Seymour grabbed a vacant position by one of the accused and condemned men, Edward a viscounship to equal George Boleyn's, not to mention the riches and properties of the Dissolution both Jane and Edward enjoyed, etc). Thomas is absent, as are their parents, and Elizabeth Seymour seems to have even possibly been a Boleyn supporter by dint of her husband. Jane's maternal cousin is on the jury which condemns her predecessor, but beyond that....
Circling towards your last:
The Seymours helped cause Anne's death and then abused her daughter it seems. If they were behind her downfall it makes sense that they wouldn't care about her daughter either.
Eh, I don't think it's fair to term any of them, save Thomas Seymour later on, as 'abusive' towards Elizabeth. What's more certain is that they wouldn't have wanted her to develop any sort of base of power and support. It is interesting, though, as far as memory serves, that it's after Edward Seymour's power was stripped that Elizabeth was making such public appearances of honour at her brother's court. An interesting aspect of any counterfactual of Jane's survival, Jane being the last Tudor queen (consort) of Henry VIII, would be how the relationship between Edward VI&Elizabeth might then manifest, the Seymours would not have faded into obscurity as they did for much of Henry's reign, and it's difficult to imagine that they wouldn't have been wary of the two of them developing any sort of rapport. But, they did, and it was Henry that directed the education and environment that made this possible.
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
for the fandom thing: the terror and/or chernobyl (depending on if you've received either of these already)
oh boy get ready:
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FOR THE TERROR (in which I'm certain my answers will be very predictable and basic but it's fine we move):
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) It's Francis. You know it's Francis. I know it's Francis. It's Francis.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) Again Francis BUT!!!! Jop also does make me want to pinch his cheeks like an italian grandmother. Little also brings out this instinct in me and I would were it not for his huge mutton chops getting in the way.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) Blanky probably. Like listen to me he is everything. In all honesty might be the realest dude on these two ships and I applaud him for his level-headedness while also acting like a mad bastard. My fucking king man.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) Probably Tozer if I'm honest. He's just a little manlet to me.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) James. He got a little lost in the imperialism sauce in an effort to rise above his shameful birth but he's working on it and doing his best.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) oddly enough it's Sofia. I'm not a jealous girlfriend I'm not. But she's kindof a dick to Francis (moreso in the book than in the show- and there's some interesting character work in there that I do enjoy that I think makes her a great character). but there's something to be said for how her choices are informed (both family pressure and appearances- even though I do believe she really likes francis but these things clearly outweigh any actual affection and that's a stupid decision to make for me). So like her. Also Lady Jane a little. The whole Franklin Family I would like to torment. Also it is unfortunately really fun to torment Francis and make him feel feelings with lady terror it has to be said.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) Hickey. it will always be hickey. Every time @trantors and I come up with a new au, we discuss briefly what stupid shit Hickey gets up to and fails horribly at and how he will inevitably perish under the circumstances. It is right it is correct and it is good for the little rat bitch.
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blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) VALERA MOYA OHHHHHHHH I FUCKING LOVE THAT MAN the sweetest man on television. I need to give him a hug and a blowjob. I need to hold him sweetly and gently and give him the best orgasm he's ever had. I just need to love him. I always forget how much until I look at him but I do.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) Again it's Valery and no one else like really the man is the cutest thing on the planet I'm never going to be over it.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) Ulana Khomyuk! She's a bitch she's a boss I love her she is so smart and so important and she's just everything.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) God there are honestly a few of these because the background characters are such a great feature of this show but like. Vasily Ignatenko, Toptunov, Akimov, Yuvchenko, General Pikalov and General Tarakanov. those sure are some guys, I tell you. (oh and the miner guy. every time I mention him on the discord everyone demands I rewind to where he has his whole dick and ass out and it's really beautiful I gotta say)
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) Going with Bacho (the "don't let the animals suffer" guy) he's a massive prick and maybe needs to go to therapy (a LOT of it) but he's interesting to me. also he played leo in a way out and is the director of that game's brother and he was my main when I played that and now every time I see him in anything I scream about it a little.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) Anatoly Dyatlov. that man deserves superhell too but like I definitely would want him tortured a lot more than he was for what he did first you feel me?
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) fucking. Charkov. The fucking prick.
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everdeenxmellark · 1 year
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the execution of lady jane grey (1833)
by paul delaroche
through these low grounds of sorrow, toil and strife,
as runs the troubled stream of human life,
why should the poor laborious crowd repine?
for wealth, for honour, lovely Jane were thine,
yet my sad tale examplifies in thee,
how equal are our shares of misery
or in the highest, or the humblest lot,
the king's proud palace, or the straw-roof'd cot.
- lady jane grey by francis hodgson
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wiremotherenergy · 2 years
my tiktok algorithm thinks im 16 again so here is MY ideal casting of if they ever make a movie of the secret history (which i both doubt and dont want) cause ive seen way too many wrong videos. first. richard MUST be gravely misinterpreted as the good guy actually and i demand he be played by a quirky charming hollywood ingenue. less weird than timothee chalamet and more weird than tom hollad are the example vibes, like miles teller pre-topgunification, or when logan lerman was in perks of being a wallflower. the cute preteen girlcrush vibe is so important for the whole direction of the movie, and if there are y/n fanfics about him on tumblr thats a plus. next the class which in my opinion should be a bunch of overall unknown/indie actors where maybe they were in an older a24 movie or mainly do theatre or are like an obscure nepo baby. a good vibe for francis typecast wise would be jaeden martell or even noah schnapp - former portrayals of sad gay children not required but has to believably have been a sad gay child (i want the ginger hair to specifically look too fake, think archie riverdale). this is already so long jesus. charles opinion (unpopular amongst dane dehaan fancast community) is i dont want him to look sleazy at all i want him to be an all american charm prettyguy type i want them to do the same thing they did when hbo cast ncw as jaime in got, except i unfortunately dont think the actor theyd get for charles would have the range to give the complex deep performance ncw did but the guy that played the love interest in where the crawdads sing movie that i saw begrudgingly is like, an acceptably flat boring option. with henry i think you could possibly go with making him poc (most probably asian) as either "blind casting" or "updating the source material" since im not sure if a major enough part of the people who would actually go see this movie would care enough about how its missing the point of the story. still this hypothetical movie would have bad reviews anyways. i predict he would have something a lil fucked up or quirky going on with his face. camilla i want to be a girl who is maybe a model or friends with lily rose depp predominantly, in the same category as the girls they got for the new pll, NOT mia wasikowska but the vibe of when mia wasikowska played jane eyre. and in a hotd world i would even suggest milly alcock cuz i think she could agree to that and it would be fun (mia goth could have been this but shes having her big moment now and has too much of a fanbase). in a compeltely opposite vein they literally have to get a random brashy popstar girlie to play judy, like charli xcx or bhad bhabie or even just go nuts with it and get keke palmer to do it. whats important is star factor and general chaotic messy vibe. bunny is difficult bc on one hand it would be fun to me if they made bunnys character the sweet poor little pathetic niceguy whose mean friends bully him for being fat stereotype but on the other hand a guy who has the aura of a victorian dandy meets content house fuckboy oscar wilde part time model would be absolutely perfect. maybe they could do both i want it to be both. and finally julian and now i get to the tiktok that made me think about this for over an hour straight i saw someone say richard gere and to that i say yes that absolutely makes sense. pick a former hollywood romcom guy whos old now but people still call him a daddy even though he is definitely way too old for that. hugh grant is also an option. im literally so smart
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SAINT OF THE DAY (August 12)
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"In Madame de Chantal, I have found the perfect woman, whom Solomon had difficulty finding in Jerusalem."
— St. Francis de Sales, her spiritual director
Jane Frances de Chantal was born on 28 January 1572 in Dijon, France.
She founded the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary. The religious order accepted women who were rejected by other orders because of poor health or age.
Jane (Jeanne) was born into nobility. Her father was the president of the Parliament of Burgundy.
At age 20, she was married to Baron de Chantal. They had four children.
She loved and served her young family deeply until the death of her husband in a hunting accident at age 28.
For seven years, she was forced to live in the house of her father-in-law, a trial which she was forced to bear patiently due to his ill-disposition towards her
It was during this time that she took a vow of perpetual chastity.
In all of her prayers, Jane asked God to send her a guide. 
In a vision, He showed her the spiritual director that He held in reserve for her.
During Lent, in 1604, she visited her father at Dijon, where St. Francis de Sales was preaching at the Sainte Chapelle.
She recognized in him the mysterious director who had been shown to her, and she placed herself under his guidance.
Then began the famous correspondence between the two saints, which produced volumes of letters of spiritual direction.
Some of which are available today, but most were destroyed by her upon the death of St. Francis.
She went to Annecy in 1610, where she believed God was calling her to found an order for women and girls who felt called to live the life of Christian perfection, but not practice the severe asceticism of the religious orders of the time.
Thus the Congregation of the Visitation was canonically established at Annecy on 6 June 1610, Trinity Sunday.
The method of spiritual perfection of the Visitation nuns was that of St. Francis, which consisted in always keeping one's will united to the Divine will, in taking — so to speak — one's soul, heart and longings into one's hands, then giving them into God's keeping and in seeking always to do what is pleasing to Him.
There were 86 convents of the Visitation nuns at the time of her death 31 years later.
Jane Frances de Chantal's spirituality was a strong and resilient one. She did not like to see her daughters giving way to human weaknesses.
She encouraged constant battle against the passions and habits, which keep one from following God's will.
Her trials were continuous and borne bravely, and yet she was exceedingly sensitive.
She endured interior crosses which, particularly during the last nine years of her life, kept her in an agony of soul, from which she was not freed until three months before her death.
Her reputation for sanctity was widespread. Queens, princes, and princesses flocked to the reception room of the Visitation.
Wherever she went to establish foundations, the people gave her ovations.
"These people," she would say confused, "do not know me. They are mistaken."
She died at the Visitation Convent Moulins on 13 December 1641.
Her body is venerated with that of St. Francis de Sales in the Church of the Visitation at Annecy. 
She was beatified by Pope Benedict XIV on 21 November 1751. She was canonized by Pope Clement XIII on 16 July 1767.
She is invoked as the patron of forgotten people, widows, and parents who are separated from their children.
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lecameleontv · 4 months
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L'album New Echoes Of The Old West (1965) avec l'acteur baryton Harve Presnell.
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1 - They Call the Wind Maria (1965)
2 - Old Faithful (1965) Musique : Michael Carr. Paroles : Jimmy (Hamilton) Kennedy. Chanté à l'origine par Gene Autry dans le filmm "The Big Show" (1936).
"Old faithful we rode the range together Old faithful in every kind of weather When your roundup days are over There’ll be pastures white with clover For you old faithful pal of mine
Hurry up old fella cause' the moon is yellow, tonight Hurry up old fella cause' the moon is mellow and bright There’s a coyote howling to the moon above So carry me back to the one I love Hurry up old fella cause' we gotta’ get home, tonight
Yippi yip yip, Yippi yip yip, old horse There is food and rest and you've done your best, old horse Oh, carry me over the mountain ridge Down that trail (to) the old pine bridge To my gal Lilly, Bunk-house Billy and the boys
Old faithful, we rode the range together Old faithful, in every kind of weather When your roundup days is over There’ll be pastures white with clover For you old faithful pal of mine For you old faithful pal of mine"
3 - She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1965) Auteur : chanson militaire traditionnelle aux USA, populairement utilisé pour conserver la cadence des marches.
4 - A Home In The Meadow (1965) Ecriture : Sammy Cahn, pour le film How The West Was Won (1962) Chantée à l'origine par Debbie Reynolds, sa partenaire dans le film La Reine du Colorado.
"Away, Away Come away with me Where the grass grows wild, where the winds blow free Away, Away Come away with me And I'll build you a home in the meadow
Come, Come There's a wondrous land For the hopeful heart, for the willing hand Come, Come There's a wondrous land Where I'll build you a home in the meadow
The hills! The hills! Look beyond the hills, there are rivers wide, there are whip-poor-wills The hills! The hills! Look beyond the hills, To that home we will build in the meadow.
Come, Come There's a wondrous land For the hopeful heart, for the willing hand Come, Come There's a wondrous land Where I'll build you a home in the meadow
The stars, the stars Oh how bright they'll shine On a world the Lord must have helped design The stars, the stars Oh how bright they'll shine On that home we will build in the meadow
Come, Come There's a wondrous land For the hopeful heart, for the willing hand Come, Come There's a wondrous land Where I'll build you a home in the meadow."
5 - The Wagons Roll (1965)
6 - The Yellow Rose Of Texas (1965)
7 - Shenandoah (1965) Chants : Geoff Love et son Orchestra & The Lisa Grey Singers. Date : indeterminée, fait partie de la culture américaine.
"Oh Shenandoah, I long to hear you, Way you rolling river. Oh Shenandoah, I long to hear you, Away, I'm bound away 'Cross the wide Missouri.
Oh Shenandoah, I love your daughter, Way, you rolling river. Oh Shenandoah, I love your daughter, Away, I'm bound away 'Cross the wide Missouri.
Oh, who will tie your shoes ? And who will glove your hands? And who will kiss your ruby lips when I am gone? Look away, look away over Yandro
Your father will tie your shoes, Your mother will glove your hands, And I will kiss your ruby lips when I return! Look away, look away Over Yandro.
Oh Shenandoah, I'm bound to leave you, Way, you rolling river, Oh Shenandoah, I'll not deceive you, Away, I'm bound away, 'Cross the wide Mis-sou-ri."
8 - Skip To My Lou (1965) Auteur : chanson populaire pour enfants depuis 1840 environ.
9 - Friendly Persuasion (1965) Lyrics: Paul Francis Webster Music: Dimitri Tiomkin Chants : Geoff Love et son Orchestra & The Lisa Grey Singers.
10 - Deadwood Stage (1965)
11 - When I Was Young (1965) Co-écriture : Dave Guard (membre fondateur du "The Kingston Trio") et Jane Bowers, Présentation musicale : "The Kingston Trio" Date : 1960.
"When I was young and dreams were new I loved a girl who looked like you I saw her face in mountains stream I lingered there and lost myself in dream
But we were young and tossed away Our precious love along the way We parted strangers, thoughtless and free And set our hearts to wander aimlessly
But looking back, somehow I see How seldom love has come to me And I confess that now and then I think of her remembering when
If I were young and dreams were new I'd love a girl who looked like you I'd hold her close if she'd agree To love perhaps a boy who looked like me"
12 - Along The Colorado Trail (1965)
"Weep, all ye little rains. Wail, winds, wail. All along, along, along the Colorado Trail. Eyes like the morning star, cheeks like the rose, Laura was a pretty girl everybody knows. (Chorus)
Laura was a laughin' girl, joyful through the day. Laura was my darling girl. Now she's gone away. (Chorus)
Sixteen years she graced the Earth and all of life was good. Now my wife lies buried 'neath a cross of wood. (Chorus)
All along, along, along the Colorado Trail."
Une référence à sa comédie musicale La Reine du Colorado est faites, avec d'ailleurs une couverture de pochette extraite du film, pour rappeler le choix des chansons.
Autre discographie : Carmina Burana (1961)
Alias M. Parker dans la série Le Caméléon (V.O. : The Pretender).
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charlesdesvoeux · 7 months
terror rewatch time!!! i'll be using this post to comment on ep. 4 "punished as a boy" block the tag terrorwatch2 if you'd like :-)
of courseeee they have portraits of franklin and fitzjames and crozier has none. of course
"pond inlet if that means anything to you" of course she's only a woman a silly woman why would she know anything about geography especially considering her husband is going on a dangerous journey within that very region???
i do love how frank lady jane is in regards to how franklin was not really. you know. the best commander maybe??? that's another pretense that falls down as the stakes are raised; she knows they could be in a life and death situation and there's no space for delusions anymore.
it really crystallizes how the empire considers human beings to be entirely expendable, that scene with them at the admiralty.
I didn't remember the bit where they cut the guys hair and sing... the humanity and warmth and affection that lingers even as they are stuck in that hell...
i DID NOT remember crozier pissing while jop tells him about the headlines of the officer's meeting.
oh my godddd James. francis is opening up to you a little bit about Sophia and then you have to be a little bitch WHYYYY
poor heather :-(
also the seeds of tozer + the marine's dissatisfaction
it looked at him!!! it looked at him and it went away!!!! it really said "you still have a part to play in this tragedy, mr. hickey, it is not yet your time"
i didn't remember jfj being so actively racist against the inuit- but fucking hell, he was.
i remember seeing in Dave Kajganich's q&a that Sophia knew the contents of his drawers and didn't remember that was also in the show lol. her points about his station are... well. but the thing she says about him just not liking the dry land, needing to be at sea- it must be very lonely, very anxiety-inducing being a sailor's wife. she should know- her aunt is one.
much like fitzjames hickey has a knack for telling stories. i probably have somewhere in my queue that gifset where somebody commented on the similarities between hickey and jfj in this moment. JFJ KNOWS A FAKER WHEN HE SEES ONEEEEE
hickey's face when crozier cites the articles..... he doesn't know shit about them!!!!
dirtiness -> hickey looks at irving. but i don't think he squealed.
also i mean yeah there are some interesting implications to the scene. obviously. his position, where exactly the whip is hitting- it's like being sodomized, and specifically sodomization as humiliation. crucially the 3 characters whose reactions are emphasized the most in the scene are gibson, tozer and irving.
"is there anything that you... need?" STANLEY IN LOVE WITH JFJ CONFIRMED
hickey: "i was given a gift for my trouble -> someone sympathizes with me -> at least someone else disagrees with crozier and probably more and I can use this"
hickey did it bc he wanted senpai crozier to notice him to prove billy wrong and well. this turned out fine didn't it.
"this is not how englishmen act" harry... free yourself from the belief that you are """civilized"""....... the truth will set you free my man. "i don't recognize this behavior" this is how they act towards the people they're colonizing, you've never been up close and personal with colonization. that's why you don't know.
"for the economy" you guys think he understood at that particular point the horror he just verbalized??? I don't think he did. but oh eventually he would.
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brother-joseph · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Defenders of the Faith,Saints of the Counter Reformation Book, Bob & Penny Lord.
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quacka-quacka · 3 years
It being unthinkable for Lennon to enjoy a privilege that McCartney didn’t, Jane Asher soon afterwards found herself invited to her first Beatles recording session in five years with Paul. As his relationship with Jane began to peter out, he took to bringing along Francie Schwartz, the New Yorker working in Apple’s press office who’d recently caught his eye.
— Paul McCartney: The Life
McCartney's response was impulsive, almost childish. Within a week he had seduced an American woman named Francie Schwartz, who was working in the Apple office, and brought her into the studio to balance Yoko Ono's presence.
— You Never Give Me Your Money
LINDA: I stayed for a few weeks, while they were finishing the White Album. In the beginning I didn't go to the studio a lot. I didn't feel right. I went a lot when they were mixing it and took a lot of pictures.
— Paul McCartney: Many Years From Now
In the early Beatle year our girlfriends or wives would come down occasionally but it was always the four of us. But at this point, it became Linda and Yoko. I don't say this to be spiteful but that was really another straw that helped break it.
— George Harrison
Paul: Invited Linda into the car he and John were in together.
John: Brought Yoko into studio.
Paul: (Try to) bring Jane into studio.
Paul: Brought Francie into studio.
Paul: Brought Linda into studio.
George: WTF???
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beloved by toni morrison (black horror, gothic horror, historical fiction)
what’s it about?: sethe, a runaway slave woman living in exile from her community, deals with grief, trauma and loss alongside her daughter, denver, and her mysterious house guest, beloved. that is all i can say without spoiling the whole thing!
why i love it; it’s about the grief, it’s about violence and blood as a form of love, it’s about paul d looking at sethe’s back and seeing the beauty in her horrible scars, and it’s about sethe accepting that she’s her own best thing
trigger warnings: rape, violence, slavery, anti-blackness
pride & prejudice by jane austen ( classics, romance )
what’s it about; a man of means must be in want of a wife ... mr. bingley is rich and mrs. bennet wants HER daughter to marry him, but like, so does everyone else, but mr. bingley has this annoying, stuck up friend, mr. darcy, and elizabeth bennet (lizzie, as everyone knows her) does NOT like him, but yes she does. also, there’s a lot of social prejudices, like someone with only two servants is poor and weird and uncouth, and someone with a manor is the best, EVEN if he’s been known to disgrace fair ladies 😳 and it’s all complex and interesting to read
why i recommend it; it’s thee original romantic comedy, and while i get annoyed when people water down these classic plots to ‘blah blah blah short thing’, that’s literally the best way to describe it. and yes, there are tender moments, yes, there are hand-clench moments, but there’s also a lot of interesting moments that go into the social politics of the time!
sir gawain & the green knight, as translated by Burton Raffel (classics, poetry, epic fiction)
what’s it about; so imagine you’re having a christmas party, and some weird guy says ‘hey! cut off my head!’ so you do it, and then he stands back up and goes, ‘cool! in a year’s time, i’ll return the favor’, and now you have to go on an epic quest that tests your honor and chivalry and religion. also this guy is green.
why i recommend it; a) because dev patel movie, and b) it’s such an incredible piece of fiction. i read the burton raffel version, but i’ve been eyeing the j.r.r. tolkien version ... you just have to choose which one’s right for you, or! read all the versions until you settle on a favorite!
watership down by richard adams
what’s it about; the rabbits have a complex society. but, more in depth, fiver (the runt of den) sees a human-made sign and has a vision of the rabbit warren being destroyed but ALSO a vision of this promised land...watership down ... there’s power struggles, there’s two (2) rabbit cults, and so many moments that made me want to lay face down in the grass
why i recommend it; fiver is cassandra, a doomed and cursed prophet, and hazel is the chosen one with too much weight on his shoulders...there are so many moments of shock and brutality that are balanced by goodness, by love and friendship and kinship ... the rabbits befriend a bird ... prince with a thousand enemies, when they catch you, they’ll kill you...but first they must catch you
housekeeping by marilyanne robinson (domestic fiction)
what’s it about; after their mother commits suicide, two sisters go to live in a mountain town with their grandmother. when their grandmother passes, their aunt (a drifter) comes to take care of them. it’s about the family relationships, it’s about sibling bonds, it’s questioning what does it mean to be a mother? what does it mean to be a social outcast?
why i recommend it; a young lesbian grows super attached to her lesbian drifter aunt...i don’t know what else you want me to say, it’s so incredibly touching
red dragon by thomas harris
what’s it about; retired fbi profiler will graham is pulled back into the dark world of criminal investigation, and must work with hannibal lecter to catch francis dolerhyde, “the tooth fairy”
why i recommend it; it’s nothing like that show, so like ... dash that out of your head. it’s superior to the show, it surpasses the show. if you want gay shit, you will get gay shit, but the real power of this story is like, the depravity. it’s about will breaking inside because he has to bring his wife and step-child into this world, it’s about will having the potential for great violence and doing nothing with it, it’s about hannibal lecter being a full-on bitch 24/7 and coaxing/teasing that cruelty out of people for FUNSIES, it’s amazing, it’s delicious.
trigger warnings: extreme violence, mentions of cannibalism
no more descriptions underneath the cut for now! i’ll come back to this post when I have the energy! or, you can ask me specifically about the books i’ve recommended.
foundryside by robert jackson bennett
the hare with amber eyes by edmund de waal
mexican gothic by silvia moreno garcia
nothing to see here by kevin wilson
the fifth season by n.k. jemisin
severance by ling ma
oil! by upton sinclair
annihilation by jeff vandermeer
the wizard of earthsea by ursula k. le guin
the final revival of opal & nev by dawnie walton
zami: a new spelling of my name by audre lorde
ponti by sharlene tao
such a fun age by kiley reid
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cloudberry-sims · 2 years
A Decade Through Time: The Alderberg Legacy: Year 1598
Mostly a side household year! 
From the Beginning I Currently 
It was the beginning of the new year, when Abel watched his wife lay their son to rest for the night.
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It had been almost 3 years since Jasper’s birth and Abel started to wonder, is his son happy being an only child? Growing up Abel had adored his older brother and little sister, enjoying their company with games and stories when his parents were busy. 
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Even though he knew about his wife dislike of him, Abel approached her with the idea of having a second child. For Jasper to can a companion for life and to secure a spare if anything would happen to either Abel or Jasper. 
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Barbara, though inwardly disgusted, knew she had to fulfill her wifely duties. She was thankful that Abel tried to be romantic, gentle and soft in an attempt to woo her.
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It made her able to pretend that they were actually in love and happy. That everything was alright with their marriage.
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The Wolfeden family was very much unlike their Horthall cousins. They were dirt poor, yet their house was filled with much love ,  care and happiness.  
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Catherine couldn’t be more happy to watch her little girls , the 4 year old Jane and now toddler Beatrice play together outside. She noticed even though they lived far from the village that her daughters were good and friendly sims , yet Beatrice showing a inquisitive side that set her apart from her older sister. 
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Beatrice was not the only one with a birthday , as William and Rebecca’s youngest son,Philip,became 13 years old. 
Always a troubled soul , it seemed that he had returned to be to “normal”. He was once again a good lad , yet his sleepless nights plagued with nightmares had returned.  
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Yet Griffyn noticed something else: His little brother was a charmer. He always knew what to say to get what he wanted. It was unknown how long before his mood shifted once more. 
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It was actually Phil who told Griffyn to start to build a relationship his wife , Priscilla ,  more actively.
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After all they would be spending the rest of their life together , until the watcher’s dice decides otherwise. 
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At the Horthall residents at the end of 1598 , Arthur , Abel and little Jasper could breath at ease. Barbara had a difficult labor but she and the baby were recovering and resting. 
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She had delivered another Horthall boy. Little Francis fell asleep next to his mother as his other family member quietly celebrated his birth. After all , bouncing baby boys are delightful additions in every household!  
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While her brother celebrated the birth of his second son , Avigail Friswell had other reason to rejoice. 
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Her little Stephen had his 1.5 birthday , with his grandmother Eleanor’s locks and grey eyes of his father.  
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He was the apple of his parents eyes and very much loved. Avigail and Garitt adored him , yet something was missing. 
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Perhaps another baby in the nursery? Her husband had always wanted a large , bustling family -  with little ones playing in every room and a house filled with laughter. 
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Avigail shared her husbands hope for a big family , as she remembers fondly of her childhood with her brothers. She hopes for a little girl though , someone for her to pamper and spoil , she hopes Garitt feels the same way. 
Barbara and Abel have a very weird dynamic ,it just seems very unstable.  If they lived in our time I could defiantly see them getting divorced. Fun fact , my game actually did divorce them after Barbara’s “betrayal” moodlet ended. 
Still don’t know who Abel had an affair with since he has no romantic interest in his relationships. Thankfully they only got 1 more baby try in 1601. 
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laissezferre · 2 years
Hello, I need your opinion on something if you don't mind. I wanted to ask you long time ago when I first found your blog but I forgot so sorry if this feels random. feel free to ignore this
During the scene where John Franklin was dying he had flashbacks of Francis Crozier and his niece. But it was odd that during his final moment he remembered a scene between two people who loved each other instead of remembering his own wife or at least remembering something that involved him. was there a point of that scene that I simply didn't understand?
hello! thanks for your question. the great thing about the terror is that it lets you draw your own conclusions instead of giving answers outright. sir john's flashes are interesting. before his death he sees 1) the hallway where john ross berated him about his lack of a rescue plan, 2) his feet, exact time unknown, and 3) francis and sophia.
to me, sir john's last visions were about regret. he ignored ross's warning about the ships being ice-locked. in that conversation, ross said, "you'll eat your shoes again. you'll eat worse," which tied in neatly to sir john's vision of his naked feet, a callback to his previous arctic expedition where a gross lack of preparation and poor planning led him to eating his own boots.
following that reasoning, the vision of francis and sophia clandestinely holding hands was also about regret. maybe sir john regretted underestimating francis for his niece, and subsequently, underestimating francis's advice. had sir john followed francis's advice to go for broke, maybe they would never have been beset.
sir john had no such regrets with lady jane. as far as we're shown, their relationship was fond and cordial, and he went off on the voyage with her full blessing.
that's just my take. really, it could be ANYTHING. maybe he saw feet because he'd just lost his feet. maybe the white ice just reminded him of the hallway. maybe he, uh, just hated himself for not allowing his niece and his friend their happy ending. god, he's such a craic killer. the interpretation is up for grabs!
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