#and rant about her puking specifically on the rugs and not the faux hardwood floor
jacqcrisis · 2 years
Every time Chili ruins something, I have to take a moment to calm down cause I tend to get unreasonably angry very quickly and need to logic my way back to baseline by reminding myself of two things:
A) so far, objects needing to be thrown out/intensely cleaned due to dog have mostly been involuntary ruined due to sickness: her bladder infection when I first got her to just now as she regurgitated all over three (cheap) rugs
B) she has still cost me less money with a couple of wrecked dog beds and rugs than if I had bought a puppy as was my original plan for dog ownership, who would've wrecked way more shit by now along being attached to a potential 2k price tag.
I got a great dog who came mostly pre-trained, who only destroys her stuffies and tennis balls, who never makes any noise save to cry at me when I don't let her sleep in my lap, and who only cost me 100 bucks at the shelter. She can ruin 40 fifty dollar rugs and I'd still come out on top.
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