#and rarity is like ‘oh no darling not you i was talking to applejack’
xbomboi · 6 months
everyone always talks about the potential Ever After High and Monster High crossover (ignoring The Legend of Shadow High for obvious reasons) but nobody is ready to hear about the inherent genius that would be an Ever After High crossover with Equestria Girls.
main characters alone, Sunset Shimmer and Raven Queen would be the best team up.
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chimchiri · 1 year
Poll Adventure: Rarijack Dinner
Index | [prev] - Part 02 - [next] Special thanks to @babydarkstar for major support with the writing
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Minutes pass and Applejack still has no idea what to say. She’s drafted a few starters, but none of them feel right, or even like something a normal person would say to initiate conversation.
[You. Me. Saturday. Dinner?-] Delete, delete, delete…  [Hey Rarity, do you have any pla-] Delete, delete, delete…  [So Big Mac’s plannin to smoke some BBQ this weeken-] Delete, delete, DELETE.
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Frustration builds—right in her chest all the way up to her ears. She can’t find the right words, and she’s usually so good at that—in her own way. 
This should be easy! It’s not a profession of undying love. 
Yet progress is a stick in the mud when it comes to her feelings for Rarity.
The legs of the chair squeak across the worn hardwood as AJ gets up and starts pacing around the kitchen, talking to herself. She takes her hat off, ruffs her fingers through her bangs, puts her hat back, runs a hand down her face. A huge, frustrated sigh escapes her when she throws her hands up.
“It’s Rarity. How goddamn hard can it be to ask her for somethin’?!”
That’s it. 
Tired of her own inaction, she slams her thumb on the call button.
With each ring the reality of her actions washes over her, and by the third ring she is fully aware of what she’s about to do. Her frustration morphs into panic and doubt, soaking her in dread. 
Is she actually doing this? Like…following through instead of letting her ideas fizzle out? 
This is happening, the phone is ringing, it’s sending the signal to Rarity’s device and she’s gonna grab it and answer and—
No, it’s too soon, they’ve only known each other for forever—
Before she can cancel the call, she hears a click—
“Applejack, darling!”
AJ’s gut leaps at the sound of that silky voice, clear elation in its tone and excitement at the chance to answer her call.
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“To what do I owe the pleasure?”
AJ can feel her heart pounding up to her throat. Why is her mouth so dry all of a sudden? 
Not her brightest greeting, but this isn’t the first time she’s acted without thinking it through. She doesn’t even know where to start.
The weight of reality makes her feel awkward, like a bull in a china shop. Too big for her britches indeed.
Silence rings in her ears.
Why is she freezing up at a time like this?
“Applejack…? Are you still there?” chimes Rarity on the other line, but she might as well be talking to a brick wall. 
It takes a few seconds of blank thought before AJ realizes it’s her turn to speak. 
“Agh! Sorry, I just—I thought I’d give you a call. See how you’re doing…make sure you—and the business o’course—make sure it’s goin’ ok and whatnot.”
She wants to smack herself upside the head. 
The business?
If she could go dig a hole outside and lay in it while the seasons change, she would; but she’s got a family to take care of and a farm to run. Surely this isn’t the worst moment of her life. Surely. But she doesn’t need to see Rarity’s face to feel the effect of her clunky greeting.
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This is not like her. This is getting worse by the second, she doesn’t have a clue what to say, and she’s kicking herself for even calling. 
Why can’t she have even an ounce of the romantic charm that her parents had? Why is she so bad at flirting, especially when it comes to Rarity? When she tries to be intentional, it’s like she doesn’t know up from down; she stutters and fumbles like a bumbling buffoon. All this romance stuff seems so easy when she doesn’t care.
After a moment she hears Rarity give a little laugh, a sound like a sparkling stream running through fields of green. It makes AJ’s knees weak, a one-two punch to her joints. Elegance, grace, poise. When Rarity laughs, it’s flower petals dancing in the breeze; it’s birds chirping after a summer rain; it’s the shimmer of quartz shining in a dusty path.
“Oh, I’m spectacular, darling. Just putting the final touches on some designs for next month. I’m confident about my next line, but as always—I have too many ideas. You know me.”
AJ grins at that. “Yeah, I do. Knowin’ you, you’ve got at least a dozen too many.”
The chaotic, unrelenting artist inside Rarity used to annoy the hell outta AJ when they first met. Now she can’t help but find it endearing.
“Quiet, you,” Rarity says coyly, and AJ can hear the smile in her voice before she switches the topic, “How’ve you been, darling? You sound positively stressed.”
There it is again. The feeling of her nerves tying themselves to knots.
“I…uh…I’m doin’ fine. I just-”
“Is everything alright, dear? Anything I can do? I’m glad to offer my assistance—though nothing that could ruin my manicure; I just got a fresh coat. It’s a new formula…supposed to be hard as diamonds. Of course, I don’t believe such ridiculous claims until I try it myself…though I’d hate to push them too hard after I just had them done—Oh, but darling, please. Do tell me if everything is okay with you…?” Despite her rambling, Rarity sounds concerned. Great. And normally AJ would roll her eyes at the manicure excuse, but her nerves are shot, and that’s NOT what this is about.
“No! I mean—yes…I’m alright. Just—you know how it is. Farm and all. Exhausted,” AJ tries to give a lame excuse, though she can hear her voice break in between, and prays Rarity won’t notice. She clears her throat.
With the way it’s pounding between her own ears, AJ’s sure everyone and their mother can hear her heart beating in her chest, running like a wild horse. But that’s just what Rarity does to her.
“Oh, I do know, darling. Work can be a chore, especially for you. Ooh, we should go to the spa—it has been far too long since you spent a day pampering yourself! They have a new treatment that I just know you’ll love...”
“Yeah…yeah, that sounds nice,” AJ says distractedly, chewing on her thumb as Rarity raves about the newest spa services.
She’s blowing it.
She’s. Blowing. It.
Partly because now, she’s thinking about all that beautiful, smooth, creamy skin put on display next to her at the spa, all while she tries not to stare too much or say something stupid. It’s hard for AJ to admit to herself that part of the reason she finally took Rarity’s initial offer of a spa day was because of the promise of seeing her in way less clothing than usual. She got used to it eventually, but—did she really? Is it ever boring to see Rarity, in all her grace and glory, wrapped in nothing more than a towel? She’s all soft curves, and smooth skin, and pretty hair piled up on her head and held together with a big clip. With her hair up like that, it’s easier to see the cute little mole on the curve of her neck, one she probably forgets she even has. If AJ could, she’d lean over and press a kiss right there, feel her tremble under her lips—
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“…but Applejack, really—are you alright? You don’t sound a bit like your usual sunny self.”
Fuck. Okay. Moment of truth. C’mon AJ. Stop stalling. Stop fantasizing when you could have it for real.
“Rarity, I’m callin’ ‘cause I—…well, I—“
AJ could ask her for a date, plain and simple. Which would almost surely be a confession. Something about dressing nice and holding doors (which she does anyways). It’s the most unambiguous choice for sure, but…is that what she wants? She’s never been in this situation before, wanting to change the dynamic between her and a close friend to something closer to the heart. She values her dynamic with Rarity, whether it’s romantic or not.
AJ could also just ask if Rarity wants to have dinner, no mention of a date in sight. There’s no obligation there, no real pressure to “get it right.” She knows she’s playing it safe this way, but maybe she should test the waters and make sure she doesn’t completely ruin her friendship with Rarity by confessing right away.
Either way, this means too much for her to blow it off again. She has to decide now.
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Tag List: @mrrrpmeow @babydarkstar
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nuggets-and-stars · 7 months
Can you do a mlp fic containing all the princesses? If you can’t it totally fine. Btw I love your work sm.
Thanks! I don't really see the princesses other than Twilight being a lee or a ler (probably because I don't think about them at all) so here's a lee! Twilight fic for you instead :) hope you still like it!!!
Lee: Twilight
Lers: Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy
Uh oh.
That was the word Twilight would use to describe her predicament right now. She slowly crept in the hallway of her massive castle, trying to see if any of her friends were around. She was mostly worried about Pinkie, she could out anywhere, at anytime.
Carefully, she rounded a corner, she froze as she heard Rarity's voice.
"Darling, where'd you go? We just want to talk."
Nope. Nopenopenopenopenope. Not today-
"Hey, Twi. How's it going?" A raspy voice interrupted her panicked thoughts.
... Oh sh-
Twilight lit up her horn, getting ready to teleport.
"Oh no you don't!" Rainbow exclaimed before barreling into the alicorn, pinning her to the floor. Rainbow didn't waste any time, immediately skittering her wings across her belly.
"Ack-! Rainbow! Wahahahahaihihit! Nohohoho!" Twilight giggled.
"Guys! I found her!" Rainbow called out, voice echoing through the halls.
"Shut uhuhuhuhup!"
"Yeah, I don't think your in the position to say that right now." Rainbow told her smugly, Twilight could practically hear the smirk in her voice.
Unfortunately, she heard hoof steps rapidly approaching them.
Applejack was the first to speak. "I gotta admit, sugarcube. I was expectin' ya ta last longer."
"Applejahahahack! Quiet!" Twilight demanded through her laughter, a slight blush dusted her cheeks.
"But why should we be quiet? It's not every day we see you laugh like this? Usually you're all stressed out!" Pinkie exclaimed as she vigorously poked Twilight all over, causing her to squirm.
"You guhuhuys are sohohoho done when I geheheht out of HEHEHEHEHRE! PINKIE NOHOHO!" Twilight yelled as Pinkie started to gently run her hoof up and down her horn.
"Well, I guess we're gonna have to keep this up for awhile then, huh." Fluttershy said with a mischievous tone. At least Twilight assumed it was mischievous, she couldn't really tell at the moment. But you probably know why.
And they did keep to their word, they had kept it up for awhile. And after what felt like a million years, they finally.
Applejack whistled. "Hey, sugarcube. Are you... alright?"
Twilight was currently panting on the floor, trying to catch her breath. "Uh, I'm... fine."
A couple minutes passed before Twilight suddenly stood up with a smirk of her own.
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airheadandco · 1 year
Okay it's been an eternity and a half since I did something like that... My writing exercises led me to writing this and someone might enjoy it sooo... here's some fanfic for y'all.
“May I ask you what you’re doing?”
Rainbow Dash stopped, her foot caught mid-way into a step. She had almost reached Rarity undetected and she cursed herself for whatever had given her away. “Talking to you, of course,” she gambled, trying her most innocent tone.
Rarity didn’t turn to face her interlocutor. She didn’t even stop working. She sat at her work table as if nothing was happening. Under her careful hands, a gorgeous purple skirt was being born and Rainbow’s presence was apparently not enough to stop this labour.
“Darling, while I find your humour amusing and your antics fascinating, I’m afraid this time they will not distract me fom the matter at hand.”
Play dumb, Rainbow told herself. “I don’t know what you mean,” Rainbow said instinctively before mentally facepalming. Not that dumb.
“Oh?” Rarity’s tone was still even and almost unemotional, which was not a good sign. “So I should not expect any surprise should I stop working on this very important commission and turn around.” Rarity left the words hanging while correcting a small mistake in her work.”None at all.”
“Well,”– Rainbow wracked her brain faster than she could run and picked the first coherent argument she could find, hoping it would work –“if there was a surprise, it would be stupid to say it don’t you think? That would ruin the surprise.”
That one worked. And the athlete sighed internally. Hopefully, that would be enough to give her some time to look for an excuse.
They stayed there silently for a while. Rarity working on her skirt and Rainbow sweating nervously less than a metre behind her.
“So if I understand correctly,” the seamstress finally said, “whether you are planning to do something unforeseen or not I can’t know unless I turn around, is that it.”
“Uh… Yeah! Exactly.”
“Okay I give up.”
While she couldn’t see it, she knew Rarity was rolling her eyes in their sockets. Maybe she even got a smile out of it. “Then what about a deal, my dear, cyan paramour.”
“Yeah?” she hesitated.
“You and I both know that Applejack cannot keep a secret. And you must certainly know by now of a certain weakness of mine she stumbled upon recently during our date.” Rainbow Dash tried to deny it, but Rarity interrupted her before she could even open her mouth. “Whether it is a testament of Applejack’s efforts or your restraint or both is irrelevant. I am very grateful for the days of respite I could enjoy.”
“Heh, think nothi–”
“Now, while we do not share our partner’s truthfulness, we are still the Elements of Loyalty and Generosity. So let me propose you a deal. A promise if you will, something I know you will abide to. I promise you that whatever this surprise of lack thereof is, I will give you something equivalent. Does that seem fair to you?”
The threat was not even veiled. It was there in the room, standing between Rarity and Rainbow and daring the prankster to act. Rainbow knew that Rarity would follow her promise and that the retribution would be served cold and unexpected like a bucket of ice water.
Honestly, she found it hot. Scary, but hot.
“Yeah! Of course! Sure! I mean psh! Of course that’s fair!”
“Excellent!” She said with a falsely jovial tone. “Now, I am going to put down the fabric and sewing needle and give you ten seconds to surprise me. Then I will resume work.”
“Wait! What if you don’t like the surprise?”
“Do I have any reason to?”
“Psh! Of course not.”
“Then why worry?”
“But what if?”
“Well I would never be disappointed in a genuine effort to please me, darling.”
Rainbow Dash grinned. She had a potential line of defence! “Cool!”
“A purposeful effort to put me in a predicament however… there might be repercussions.”
“It would be very unadvised.”
Rainbow Dash fell silent as her last excuse faded into nothingness.
Rarity calmly and slowly put the sewing tools back on her table, stretched her muscles and started counting.
“One… two… three…”
Rainbow Dash hesitated so much. She struggled so hard against her nature. There were so many ways to get out of this quietly. It would be easy. Give her a kiss or a hug and everything would be okay. She thought it over and over until the very last second…
Unfortunately for Rarity (and for her at some point), this was an opportunity she would only get once.
Before “ten” could leave her lover’s lips, She lunged forward and firmly put her hands on Rarity's ribs.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“You will be, yes,” she sighed, resigned yet resolved.
And then, Rainbow started tickling.
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here have a little something also im queueing my posts bc lol going on a trip not gonna tumblr from my trip
“Ah ain’t saying you’re crazy, Rarity,” Applejack uncertainly assured her friend, “but ya do have to admit you can go a bit overboard at times when it comes to fashion and prettifying people.”
Rarity pulled out the most hurt-looking face she knew to make and mimed being terribly offended to the point of fainting with only her wrist, since her arms were full from carrying dozens of colors of lipsticks and lip gloss. She quickly laid them down on the table next to the salon chair where Applejack was sitting and then finally laid herself down on her zipping fainting chair with a theatrical, pained, sigh.
“Oh, darling,” she pitifully whined, “you’ll absolutely ruin my reputation in this town with these false accusations…!” She put on her best sympathy-garnering pout and looked about to shed a tear. Even the lipsticks on the table looked like they might burst into tears from secondhand exposure to Rarity’s woe.
Applejack did not look impressed. Scratching at her head, she said, “Look, all Ah’m saying is—ow!” In a flash, Rarity jumped up from her lying position with the harsh thud of heeled boots on hard wood and smacked Applejack’s hand away from her dangling golden locks.
“Don’t—!” Rarity hissed and hurriedly snagged a brush to put Applejack’s errant locks back into place before giving a relieved sigh. At Applejack’s glare she added sheepishly, “Sorry, dear. But I would be most appreciative if you wouldn’t touch your hair at all in this part of the process.”
Several sticks and vials of Rarity’s veritable lipstick collection had sadly fallen over from Rarity jumping into action—though none, thankfully, broke into tears. Picking them up to rearrange them into a more pleasing pattern with her deftly delicate fingers, she calmly explained, “Dangling hair can smudge lipstick so terribly, and I ever so want to make sure that I can model you perfectly to my creative vision for this one day I have such power over you.”
Applejack squinted suspiciously at her. “Now that there is why I want to put my foot down on this whole mess.” Rarity waited patiently for an explanation, and Applejack gave it to her. “I’ll be honest. You may have been kinda ‘fashion-crazy’ before at times, but Ah’ve never seen you so like… this. Yer like a whole different person! Mmm.”
As soon as Applejack stopped talking, Rarity got to work applying a vibrant red lipstick onto her mouth. She was done in seconds—no smudge, no mess—giving Applejack’s lips a vibrant crimson hue, not entirely similar to her choicest apples.
“Sorry, AJ, but I had to make sure you weren’t talking before I put this on. I think its color suits you to a tea!” Rarity swept all the other unused lipsticks off the table and onto the floor with many heart wrenching clatterings before taking out a red nail polish bottle from her apron. “Now hold out both hands and keep them still—oh, and make a kissy with your mouth to put the lipstick all there.”
“Mwah. Now like Ah was sayin’...” Applejack started.
“Oh, don’t worry about all that, darling. I’m just rather excited to finally have you two as my models after all this time! You two have really wonderful figures that I’ve been waiting ages to try my wardrobe on!” she gushed, swiftly brushing the scarlet nail polish perfectly onto all of AJ’s fingernails. Casting aside the nail polish bottle and taking in hand the blowdryer, Rarity then cooled over Applejack’s fingernails until they shone red, gleaming almost like the apple in the sun but with a deeper, more meaningful tone…
“Why, what a wonderful shine! Now if only I had my glittery scarlet nail polish, we could go to the red carpet later today… goodness, don’t glare at me like that, Applejack! I’d be less worried about how excited I am and more worried about how silent Rainbow Dash has been,” she threw out there to desperately throw attention off herself.
Rainbow Dash just sat there sulking and even more silently in her metal chair to the side.
Applejack looked up to the heavens and sighed. “Eeyup. ‘S a darn shame she went and died of a broken heart after losing the bet for us!” she called out.
“HEY!” Rainbow Dash jumped up, fury evident on her face.
“Ah can almost hear her now.” Applejack shook her head sadly, a smirk hidden behind her hand. Rarity also had some troubles restraining herself from tittering as she went to get some makeup brushes from a cabinet.
Rainbow Dash stomped forward. “You got something you wanna say to my—AUGH!” Rainbow Dash tripped on some of the lipsticks still scattered over the floor and fell onto her face. Getting up, she gave a dark look to the cowering lip products on the floor and kicked them away none too gently.
“Careful, darling,” Rarity worriedly remonstrated, waving a case of brushes, “be gentle with those! I don’t want any of them to break, after all.”
Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity like she was growing a unicorn horn. “You’re crazy. You know that, Rarity? You’re crazy! And you!” She turned her wrath to Applejack. “You’re the one who lost the race for us and made us have to go through all this!” she said, waving her arms to gesture to all of Rarity’s living room.
“Oh, don’t worry, it really isn’t either of your faults, dearies,” Rarity reassured. “It’s just that—well, I maaaay have been planning for the perfect eventuality to make a bet like that and win it for years now in a top secret master plan requiring the involvement of Vice Principal Luna and most of the student body,” Rarity explained with a look of bemusement.
Rarity took out an eyeshadow brush and a mascara brush from the case. “Please close your eyes and don’t flinch, AJ. Thank you! Frankly, Dash,” she muttered, focused on the task at hand, “I’m surprised that you even got so close to beating me…”
Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped, and she just stared at Rarity as she darkened the area around AJ’s eyes with the tickling mascara brush, delicate stroke by delicate stroke in a grand curving motion sweeping across AJ’s orange face. Next, Rarity added some nice purple accents to the eyelids with the feathery eyeshadow brush, adding some shading in the middle of the pools of blackness to give them some life and contrast with her natural colors delectably. Predictably, all of this caused Applejack to sneeze. Thankfully, it was after Rarity finished up the eyeshadow.
“Bless you,” Rarity said heavily, going to the counter and picking up the piercing gun, “Dear, now it’s time for you to get pierced so I can put some absolutely wonderful earrings on you. I caution you that this will indeed hurt, but I will make absolutely sure that the whole process is completely sanitary.”
Applejack winced, opened her mouth like she was gonna say something before closing it, and wavered on what extremes she would allow Rarity to go to for a few more moments before finally relenting with a sigh. “Shoot, sure, poke a few holes in me. Not gonna be anythin’ worse than what happens around the farm,” she weakly mumbled.
Rarity advanced, a case of earrings from her apron grasped firmly in her left hand and the rapidly approaching piercing gun in her right. Right before Rarity got to Applejack, Rainbow Dash snatched her right hand and arrested her from getting too close to the farmer’s ears with that piercing gun.
“Woah, woah, woah. AJ, did you even hear what Rarity just said?” Dash exclaimed, and shook her head incredulously. “She’s gonna give you a piercing! You hate piercings! You wouldn’t even get a nose ring when you lost that bet we had at the Running of the Bulls!” 
“That’s different, Rainbow,” AJ interjected lamely. “Ah just didn’t want a nose ring because… because Ah didn’t wanna look like one of them cows!” she justified.
Rarity looked uncomfortable. She struggled to get out of Rainbow Dash’s grip, but the other woman was just too strong for her. “Um, excuse me, Dash, but I need to give dear Applejack some earrings now, please,” she whined. “You know… for the bet I won against you girls fair and square,” she stated, gathering more confidence in her eyes the more she spoke.
Rainbow Dash looked between Applejack, looking torn, in the chair and Rarity, looking with fiery determination while struggling against Dash with the piercing gun in her grip.
Finally, Applejack sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, saying ”Fair and square, Dash. Fair and square. Let ‘er do it.” Rarity, for her part, restrained herself from attempting to jump on Applejack for almost disrupting the beautiful mascara and purple eyeshadow art on her face.
Rainbow Dash released Rarity and slowly backed up, careful to not trip on the devastated lipsticks and even more cautiously tracking Rarity’s every more. She backed up into the metal chair before sulkily dropping into it and taking one of the sports magazines from the coffee table to read, glancing up suspiciously at Rarity at intervals.
Applejack sighed yet again. “A’right, Rarity. Poke those holes into my ears, or whatever…”
Rarity just started in shock and then calmly swabbed at AJ’s ears with disinfectant. “I already have. Goodness, didn’t you feel the piercing gun poking through your ear. You should probably get that checked out, Applejack! It’s not healthy to not feel the pinch of getting pierced,” she sagely advised.
AJ just shrugged and Dash mumbled something.
Rarity, humming a jaunty tune, then took the earrings out of their case and set to putting them into AJ’s ears. “Now remember dear,” she said, “you’ll only need these for today, so if you don’t want to keep them you should just take them out tonight. Otherwise, you’ll have to flip them every day so the skin doesn’t grow over them.”
“Eugh,” Applejack opined. As Rarity put the left earring in, Applejack glanced to the side at the case and her eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of the earring’s shape. “A crescent moon…” she mumbled, temporarily lost in her own world as she continued to stare wistfully at the earring in remembrance of an event from her childhood…
But, that is not the story we are here to tell.
Rarity took stock of Applejack’s features as something nagged at the back of her head. Something’s missing, Rarity mused. What could it be? Let’s see… crimson nails, scarlet lipstick, quite the beautiful job of eyeshadow that really brings out her orange skin, and the crescent moon earrings— “Ah!” she exclaimed, diving into her cabinet to take out a case with a necklace in it.
Gingerly, she removed the necklace—gold with a ruby inset in the shape of a thunderbolt—and gently laced it around Applejack’s neck.
“Perfect~!” she gushed. Then, turning to Dash—”What do you think, dear? She’s absolutely stunning, isn’t she?”
Rainbow Dash boredly glanced up from an article on Soarin’s latest scores, snorted, and shortly devolved into a heap of giggles on the floor at the sight of Applejack. Collecting herself up from off the ground and brushing off a few tears, she said, “She’s hilarious! Those earrings and that necklace! Bahaha!” She took out her phone and took a few quick snaps. “I gotta post this to the groupchat next time we have a bet!”
Applejack looked miffed from her reverie being broken but was ultimately resigned to her fate. Rarity, on the other hand, was doing her best to not pop a stray lock of hair as her eyes twitched from her friend’s words.
“Why—why what’s wrong with it?!” Rarity demanded.
Dash snorted. “She looks like a punk wannabe! Applejack, a punk! And a necklace with a red thunderbolt on it! Bahahahaha! Who would wear a necklace with a red thunderbolt on it?” She laughed some more. “Apparently Applejack would! Why not an apple or something?!”
Rarity scoffed defensively. “An apple necklace would be just tacky, my dear!” Ignoring Applejack’s disappointed look downwards, she continued, “And what’s wrong with a little punk fashion? It’s so in these days! Just look at Applejack’s friend Coloratura! Such panache! Such pathos! Mark my words, punk and scene girls are gonna make a huge comeback in just a few years, and then I’ll finally be ahead of the curve!”
Dash threw a flat look at Rarity. “I really doubt that,” she said, throwing down the magazine and crossing her arms. “Anyway, you still won’t get me to put any of that purple eyeshadow on or anything...”
“Oh, don’t worry, darling, that’s most definitely not the vision I have in mind for you,” Rarity reassured, chuckling warmly. “But you’ll just have to wait and see~!”
Dash rolled up the sports mag and stuck it in her bag before standing up and walking to the door. “Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, I’m just gonna go, actually,” she said guardedly. “I appreciate the enthusiasm, Rarity, but you’re just not cut out for Team Make Rainbow Dash Look Awesome. Nuthin’ personal.”
“I beg your… mfrlgnpardon?” Rarity exclaimed, her face scrunching up in disgust.
AJ’s own response was growled out as she stood up and walked towards RD. “Woah there, Dash! You’re not thinking of just leavin’ after seein’ me getting all dollified without gettin’ made up yourself, are you? Ah mean, Rarity won the bet! Fair and square! You can’t just chicken out of it because you don’t want to do it!”
Dash thought seriously for a moment (a first for her) and cheerfully gave AJ her answer. “Hmmm… Nope! G’wan, call me chicken! I’d gladly be made fun of and called a wimp if it means I can stay true to who I am. I learned that lesson earlier this year and I’m not gonna forget it. Besides, what would my fan club think?! So I’m sorry, Rarity, but you’re off the Team,” Dash concluded gravely.
The lipsticks broke into wails of pity for a stunned Rarity at this proclamation. Rainbow Dash took a look at them with a raised eyebrow, shrugged, adjusted her bag, and put her hand on the doorknob to leave.
“Hold it!” Rarity yelled.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Human MLP AU- Rarity decides to talk to Applejack about her taking Spike out to the mall. Whether she tells her about the people ignoring Spike or not is up to you. Applejack might ask if that was a date but maybe not. However what does happen is Rarity talks about Pinkie Pie asking Spike out on a date and she doesn't like that for someone reason.
"I just don't understand darling." Ever since their little date Rarity had found herself pondering SPike's situation most of the time. "He's... actually quite sweet, but everywhere we went, he was met with nothing but disdain."
Applejack, who'd been listening to her simply gave her a shrug, "Ah don't know what to tell ya sugarcube." Taking a sip of her lemonade she continued, "Spike just kind of gives off a strange feelin, Ah know ya know it, and Ah know it. Ah'm assumin that everyone else feels the same. There ain't much we can do about it, except let things go."
She was right of course, there wasn't anyway to force everyone to like Spike. Even she wasn't sure how she felt about him.
"I understand that, but after spending time with him, well, I've found he's quite the gentleman. He's a little muted, but I can tell he really does want to meet people." She thought back to the looks he'd give others, the longing in his eyes when he saw people together, couples.
"Well it's a darn shame... Even Ah haf to admit that he's helped me out more than once..." Aj always felt bad about it, it wasn't like there was anything wrong with Spike, but she... she was still unsure. "Also, Ah wouldn' have figured Spike was your type though."
"Excuse me?" Rarity put her drink down slightly confused.
"You andd he went on a date, right?"
"Oh darling! No, it wasn't a date..." At least... that's what Spike agreed to. "And regardless, it would appear that Pinkie will be taking him on one..." She wasn't sure why that didn't sit well with her.
"Pinkie? Now that's a surprise! She's a party girl alright, but Ah've never seen her date anyone. Huh, wonder if she's simply smitten or wantin to be nice."
"Hm... I hope it's not too much, I wouldn't want Spike to become to be led on or anything... that wouldn't be any good for him... I'm sure that... he's happy though..."
Aj could tell that there was something wrong, wrong in the way that she seemed to look away.
"Rarity, areyou jealous?"
"Me jealous? No! Of course not! I'd have no reason to be... I just... I haven't known him long enough to develop feelings, and as you said he's perhaps not my time. At least not what I'm used to dating... but... I have been feelin odd about it since then."
Rarity would have to think it over... she couldn't be jealous... right?
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sup3rsexy-ax0lotl · 3 years
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I've recently started watching mlp again (despite being in my mid teens) and I swear I am going to wife up Applejack. It is my life goal.
♡ 18+ fanfic
♡ Will include smut if I feel like it y'all be patient
♡ A lot of cheesy romance ahead, you've been warned 🧍🧍
♡ This is a wlw fanfic so men go away 😌💞
♡ Mild blood warning but not too bad it's a little tiny cut
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~ Apple of my Eye ~
You'd grown familiar with the people of Ponyville, though you were very much closer to some than others, but despite that everyone loved seeing you around the town. Your closest friends were the "Main Six" of Ponyville: Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack (your best friend from the whole group).
You and Applejack had grown a bond unlike any of the rest of the people in the Ponyville. She made you feel special and always made sure you were comfortable and happy with your work. Even on her busy days tending to her farm she would spare a minute to talk to you. Of course if she ever needed help you would drop everything immediately to aid her in anything she needed; be it apple picking or repainting the barn.
As your friendship grew with Applejack, however, you couldn't help but notice a heaviness in your chest whenever the two of you were apart. But it would feel even heavier when you were together.
At first, it left you confused, but as it started to interfere with your work, you grew frustrated. Why wouldn't this feeling ever go away? Why couldn't you go a day without thinking about Applejack? It just didn't make sense to you.
Having had enough of this feeling, you consulted with the rest of your friends about your heavy heart only to be met with the four of them smiling between each other.
"Darling," Rarity spoke up, "it seems to us that you may have a certain... fondness for dear Applejack. Perhaps one that friends wouldn't normally have?"
You blinked.
"What Rarity is trying to say," Twilight spoke out, smiling at you, "is that it's clear you like Applejack as more than a friend,"
Then it hit you.
You liked Applejack.
How had you not figured that out sooner?
Finally seeking out the conclusion you were looking for, you decided to go home, hoping to get the first good night's rest you'd been missing out on for days.
The next morning, you headed straight for Sweet Apple Acres to check if the Apple family needed any help. You noticed Big Mac and Apple Bloom out on the fields tending to some newly sprouted trees, Apple Bloom jumping in excitement while Big Mac kept his usual soft smile.
You leaned against the fence and called out to them, "Hey guys! Is Applejack around?"
"Oh hey Y/N! Yeah she's just over there picking for apples. She could use some help I think,"
Apple Bloom pointed towards some trees further out and you realised you would be alone with Applejack for a while.
You swallowed hard and made your way towards her.
"Whoo, that is mighty fine work. Thanks a lot for helping me again with the pickin' sugar cube," Apple said with a slight pant to her voice as she rested a hand on your shoulder. The two of you had managed to fill two barrels with vibrant red and green apples.
"You're welcome, Apple Pie," You smiled at her, but brushed her hand off of you to pick up one of the barrels.
"How many times have I told ya not to call me that?" She questioned, but laughed as she did so, picking up the other barrel. You laughed with her but gave no response, feeling no need to. Anyways, you liked hearing her laugh.
"Oh, would you look at those beauties," Granny Smith remarked as you placed your barrel down on the kitchen floor. "You strong girlies need a rest. I'll get you both some Apple cider, how's that sound?"
She was already pushing the two of you out of the room before either of you could object, so you both shrugged at each other and sat down on the porch, watching the sky turn pink. 
Applejack sighed as she took off her hat to lean against the wall, her eyes closed, a peaceful expression on her face. You opened your mouth to speak but decided against it and kept quiet, letting her rest. Noticing Apple Bloom and Big Mac still out on the fields, you smiled and thought about how happy you might be if you were part of the Apple family. They always seem to have fun; even on busy days.
"What's wrong sweety?" Applejack interrupted your thoughts and you noticed a frown had made its way onto your face.  You looked up to meet her eyes, their green hue glowing in the golden light of the sunset, and you sighed.
"Here you go dearies, some nice cold cider," Granny Smith's voice cut in as she carefully carried the cider out onto the porch on shaky legs.
"Oh, let me take that from ya Granny." Applejack took the two drinks from Granny Smith's hands and smiled as she passed yours to you. You took it with a quiet "thank you."
"Now, what were you goin' to say there, sugar?" Applejack inquired, but you just responded by saying you remembered you had some work to do before the week ended. She offered to help you but you kindly declined, your mind racing at the thought of her being in such a close proximity to you. You sighed again and sipped on your cider, ignoring Applejack's stare.
After finishing your drink you said your goodbyes to the Apple family, offering a quick glance at Applejack before leaving. You were headed back to your home in the town, deep in thought when the shrill screech of a voice hit your ears.
You stopped dead in your tracks and turned to the voice that had scared you, recognising it as your friend Pinkie Pie. "Oh, hey Pinkie," You smiled at your excited friend, though admittedly it was forced.
"You look sad, Y/N. What happened?" She asked, concern clear in her voice. Before you could answer, she gasped and came to her own conclusion.
"DID YOU TRY TALKING TO APPLEJACK!?" You slapped your hand over her mouth and shushed her, pulling her behind a building. "Yes but shut up I don't need everyone in Ponyville knowing I like Apple, okay?" You practically begged, and she nodded, even going as far as to Pinkie promise not to tell anyone.
"Maybe, try telling her tomorrow?" She inquired and you nodded, but you felt your stomach twist into a knot.
As soon as the sun was shining through your window you stumbled out of bed and made the dreaded journey to Sweet Apple Acres. You decided doing what Pinkie insisted would be better for you in the long run, not wanting to have her hovering over your shoulder every hour of every day.
The walk was slow due to hesitation filling your body and the fear of confessing making your blood run cold. This feeling was unfamiliar to you; you'd never liked anyone this much before. And the thought of losing Applejack's friendship was even scarier.
"No. I can't think about that," You whispered to yourself, clenching your fists and continuing the journey on steady feet.
"Heya darlin'," Applejack called out from the porch as she noticed you walking up the path, "You're startin' to spoil me with all this help you're givin'," She joked with a wink, making your heart stop. Letting out a nervous laugh, you rubbed your shoulder and looked her in the eye. They were sparkling again in the warm light of the sunrise, and you felt your stomach twist tighter as you fell for her even harder.
"Well anyways, everyone's out working on the fields today, so that leaves us baking apple pies. That okay with you, Sugar?" Applejack informed and you nodded, smiling slightly.
You'd be working alone with Applejack.
Upon entering the kitchen, Applejack assigned you the role of apple preparation while she made the dough. She carefully passed you a knife to cut the apples after washing them and you began chopping. A peaceful silence washed over the two of you as you concentrated on your tasks, but of course, Pinkie's words sat at the back of your mind.
"Try telling her," echoed through your thoughts and you clenched the knife a little harder.
Just try making conversation first.
"So, how come we're making pies?"
"We're runnin' low on baked goods so Granny told me to start makin' some more. That, and, we make a pretty good team," She beamed at you and you felt the blood rising to your cheeks so you quickly looked back down to continue chopping.
"Yeah, I suppose we do..."
"Honey, you seem a little down. What's wrong, Sweety?"
You felt panic shoot through you and started to shake. 'Be honest,' was the next thing. You continued cutting with a shaking hand. 'No, if I was honest now I'd ruin everything,' you thought, so deep in your own doubts you were no longer paying attention to how you were cutting.
You felt the blade come down on your finger and you hissed, pulling away and clenching your hand tight.
"Fucking shit," You cursed in a panic.
Applejack looked over to you with wide eyes.
"Y/N!" She rushed over to you and took your hand, holding it over the sink as she ran cold water over your bleeding finger. She left you for a minute to grab a clean cloth and a bandaid and returned to you with a furrowed brow.
"That was stupid. What the hell is goin' on with you, sugar cube?"
You looked down at her hand holding yours, your cut freshly cleaned and covered. A hand met your cheek and you looked back up at Applejack, her face now more concerned than angry.
"You've been awful distracted lately, what's on your mind?"
Her hand left your cheek to rest on your shoulder, a sad smile growing on her face. You couldn't help but feel like this was going to be the end of a wonderful friendship - just the thought of Applejack avoiding you made you feel sick.
You sighed.
'Now or never.'
"Applejack I... I like you. A lot. As more than a friend."
Silence filled the room.
You started to panic.
"Fuck I messed up," You thought to yourself.
But just as you were about to pull your hand away, her grip tightend, and you looked up to see a smiling Applejack with a pink tint resting on her cheeks.
"Sweety, was that all?" She laughed softly.
"You're not uncomfortable or upset?"
"Upset? Hun, why would I be upset? I've been racking my brain trying to think of ways to tell you I... I like you too."
"I like you too."
Those words echoed in your mind and you felt your body finally relax for the first time in weeks.
"You like me too?" You spoke in awe, smiling as a wave of relief washed over you.
A soft pair of lips to your forehead were conformation enough for you and sighed a contented sigh, looking Applejack in eye.
"I do," She whispered as she leaned in closer to you until you felt her lips fall against yours. The kiss was sweet and you both very easily found a rhythm that felt natural, as if you'd already kissed a thousand times before.
Her lips were soft, and you could taste the fainted taste of apples on your tongue.
Her hand caressed your cheek, down your jaw and rested on your collar bone as she pulled away, leaving you breathless.
"Now," Applejack started, "since we've got all that mushy shit outta the way, how about we get back to bakin'," She gestured at the mess on the kitchen counter and you laughed, nodding your head.
"This time, I'll do the choppin'."
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zap-apple-cookbook · 4 years
*Movie Night with the girls at Pinkie's place, Applejack is driving with Rarity to grab some additional snacks that aren't pure sugar*
Rarity: Applejack, darling, your relationship has been going so well with Rainbow Dash.
Applejack: Eeyup.
Rarity: But I was wondering, with Rainbow Dash being the type of girl she is and you being the much slower relationship type. How far have you and Rainbow Dash gone?
Applejack: Pardon?
Rarity: You know, appreciating your girlfriend's "talents" in public tells me Rainbow Dash has gotten you to do more than just innocent hand holding and chaste pecks on each other's cheeks.
Applejack: Erm, I don't know if I should talk about this.
Rarity: Oh, Applejack. It's just a little girl talk between friends. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Applejack: I ain't ashamed of nuthin'. I just don't know if it's right to talk 'bout something like this.
Rarity: Oh come now, darling. It's completely natural for young women our age to have urges.
Applejack: I ain't talking about the biology of the situation. I'm talking about the feeling of privacy I'd be giving up for someone that ain't here to consent to losing it.
Rarity: Oh, I see. I'm sorry. I didn't know you saw it that way. I wasn't going to ask for any details (unless you wanted to provide them and I would love to hear them).
Applejack: What was that?
Rarity: I just wanted to know how serious your relationship had become. But if it's more of a private matter, I'll happily respect your boundaries.
Applejack: I wanna marry her.
Rarity: Excuse me?
Applejack: I wanna marry her.
Rarity: Well, I suppose I expected that.
Applejack: I wanna see her walking up the aisle in a pretty dress or suit or whatever. I just wanna hold her hands and tell her I wanna be with her forever. I wanna kiss her with our whole families celebrating and dancing. I wanna lift her over the threshold into our new home we built together. I wanna get old and tired with her rockin' in our chairs with hot cider keeping us goin-
Rarity: Applejack, stop light!
*Applejack pumps the breaks and manages to stop the car in time*
Applejack: Phew, thanks Rares.
Rarity: Think nothing of it, but I am going to ask a favor of you now.
Applejack: Yeah, sure.
Rarity: You must let me design your wedding dresses. Or suits. Whichever you prefer.
Applejack: Hehe, all righty. Sounds good to me.
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BoomLords weird adventure
Chapter 5 reluctant companions
Rairty spoke up."excuse me darling what is the crazy stallion saying?"Twilight was spaced out for a moment trying to process what she had just done. Apon realizing Rairty was speaking she snapped back to reality."what oh Rairty. Sorry uh he was talking about me helping him to uh shit"She blinked, wincing as she couldn't get the thought of what she had just done out of her head. She didn't intend to create Rose fire in fact in that moment she had wanted to kill him to render the flesh from his bone, it was as if another creature had entered her head for a moment and fueled her rage."I think I have to go with him."before she could explain why."WHAT ARE YOU TAKING ABOUT HE JUST MESSED WITH YOU AND THE PRINCESSES HEADS!"rainbow yelled."I merely showed them what they wanted to know however to be honest I didn't expect this to happen. I had been looking for the rose fire in every world every terrifying, every cruel, and every unforgiving place in the Omniverse. But it turns out all I had to do was accidentally induced fear and rage into a horse."the pony stared at him for a moment."He's telling the truth and now that we know what's at stake we have no choice but to help."Celestia stated her tone was dark however as if she was doing something she wasn't so sure she wanted to."h-how long until it happens?"Boom and Celestia stared at each other for a moment. It was clear Boom really didn't want to answer this."could be days could be another year time works differently for me but if I had to give a rough estimate maybe a year or two or less."Celestia took a gulp of air as she looked to her fellow ponies. She looked as if she was holding back tears."my little ponies I ask no I beg you all to go with him this is no longer a matter in my control and I cannot force you to partake in this. What he is asking is dangerous beyond anything any of you have ever faced and while he may only require Twilight I would never send my student alone into what I was shown."this time no one spoke not even dash because when princess Celestia tells you shits about to go down it's going to go fuckin down. And in unison without hesitation without regret without fear all the ponies and Spike responded"were in!"boom looked at the group of ponies a look of discontent on his face."fuckin great I'm babysitting a whole party."most of the ponies ignored what he said with the exception of rainbow dash and Applejack."hey no one asked you"dash got in his face while AJ got close next to her."yeah that's right and don't think we're going to take our eyes off you for a minute partner. Not after what you just pulled.
2 spike walked over to the stallion cautiously"so how are we leaving? I mean you said we had to leave."well you see that's why I'm going to need my notepad and Pen also my satchel if you don't mind."a look of confusion re-entered the faces of everyone."oooo are you gonna draw us amagical portal to another dimension?"pinky blurted out as a few of the others started to chuckle."actually that's a pretty accurate assessment of what I'm about to do, in fact spot on."Twilights jaw nearly dropped as BoomLord began scribbling on the paper. Boomlord had drawn a nearly perfect circle on a piece of the notepads paper and in the center of it wrote the words, °home space°as he took the pen off the paper another electric golden ring started to form, the area within beginning to blacken about 10 ft away."okay everybody we're about to leave but don't worry I can send us back to this exact point in time give or take a few minutes so while we may be gone for who knows how long to the princesses it will only be a couple minutes."Boom that hope this comment would calm them however they're confusion only broaden. 'God how are they going to react when they all change'
3 boom was the first to enter the portal then Twilight followed by Pinky, rainbow,Applejack, rarity Fluttershy, and lastly young Spike. Boomlord looked down at himself. He was human again his blue jeans and thick yellow hoodie once again with him. Pulling back the sleeve he saw that the green fur that once covered his body was gone replaced with his light taned skin. Okay I hope everybody's ready for some exposition and descriptions. Boomlord looked back at the ponies first up was Twilight she had grown into a human form unsurprisingly. Her mane or I guess her hair had stayed the same she had fairly pale white skin and a few smalls freckles adorning her face she was also fairly short compared to Boom. Boom knew his height was about 5'7 give or take so Twilight had to be about 5'4 or 5'3 she wore a purple t-shirt and a darker purple skirt with pants to go with it all put together with very nice sneakers which all the girls have with the exception of rarity and Applejack. Pinky on the overhand was definitely much taller than Twilight in fact she was about the same height as boom. She wore a striped blue and pink shirt with a polka dot skirt and light pink leggings she had average white skin no major tan or anything although she did have pink nail polish on. Dash was next she still had her rainbow hair but she was on the shorter end with Twilight only being a inch or so taller along with fairly tanned skin as if she's been spending her days at the beach. She wore a plain blue sleeveless top and jean shorts her wings were also noticeably missing the same with Fluttershy. Speaking of Fluttershy her outfit was rather green she wore a green t-shirt with a yellow peace symbol on it and long jeans. Additionally in her hair she had is a flower crown witch she probably took off, besides that her skin was also fairly tanned. Applejack definitely took the show with her outfit she was wearing thick brown leather gloves and a brown leather vest with tassels on it. Underneath the vest was a plain white shirt covered in bits of brown dirt, and long stylish cowboy print jeans and good old-fashioned cowgirl boots. Applejack skin was also the most tanned being she was definitely the one who spent the most time outdoors. Also she and rainbow dash were the only ones with noticeable er muscle growth as even through their outfits they still kept their physical physique. Applejack and Fluttershy we're definitely the tallest of the group with Fluttershy being 5'8 and Applejack being at least 6'2.Lastly of the girls we have rarity wearing a clean white shirt with stylish blue diamond print in it, and a rather long dress to accompany it. Along her neck was a rather lovely diamond necklace and alot Lower down beautiful high heels. She also had the darkness pigment of her skin when compared to everyone else. Also sorry if that's not politically correct I'm not entirely sure what the correct term is now. Do feel free to let me know. As soon as the girls walk through the portal though most of them with the exception of Twilight who seemed almost familiar with the sensation of walking on two legs fell to the ground."oh no whats happing?"Pinky yelled and she started crawling on all fours along with Fluttershy. Dash and Applejack were occupied with balancing themselves on a desk next to them and rarity had somehow crawled her way to a sofa and dramatically pose."oh darling what has happened to us?"boomlord rolled his eyes as he knew he was going to have to teach them how to be human it also occurred to him where the hell was spike.
4 Then he saw it or well him. Unlike his fellow ponies Spike didn't turn into a human and no he did not turn into a dog. This isn't Equestria girls guys turning into a dog is really dumb and I already have one in the story. Spike's body had remained reptilian however he's noticeably taller now at least about Twilights size inner current form his body seemed to get longer and his claws along with it. His face has narrowed Abit becoming far more similar to his dragon freinds with the exception that he had a much longer neck which allowed him to survey his own body. Put it simply he looks more like what a small dragon would look like in our world if they existed."woah I look really cool!"spike yelled in excitement."ponies don't talk where I'm from so the portal has adjusted your body's to something a bit more familiar to me that I have set and in Spike's case I already had something in mind for dragons." Ponies now began to look around their surroundings. They notice they seemed to be in a rather decent sized living room a few desks a television ,yellow rug, a few lamps. The room seemed mostly normal only the walls and floor and ceiling all looked the same. It looks like the inside of a treehouse and where there was a window there was no... Well anything just an empty void."welcome to my home away from home a little place I made outside of the Omniverse and what I like to call free space, basically this entire place is an extension of a thought everything here with the exception of a few items were made from nothing. No magic and no magical effects can be taken here with the exception of the notepad so sorry girls but your wings and horns are temporarily unavailable don't worry when we go to other worlds you should be able to use them."Twilight rapidly blinked as she didn't expect well boom to look rather nice. He still had rather unkempt hair and the rings under the eyes but here the black in his eyes were gone however his irises remained red and gold. He had a warm smile or a warm fake smile and while definitely wasn't the biggest guy around he still had a rather fit physique. And the rarity was the first to comment on that"oh boom darling you look um..... Better than I would have thought."boom roll his eyes."well im far more comfortable like this."the girls who were having trouble standing took a few minutes to themselves to start copying the motions of Twilight who began pacing."uh hey are we safe here."like asked while moving around the girls who were rather surprised to see him as they did not expect such a change."spike looking badass today."rainbow dash teased.spike blushed slight as Boomlord spoke."well girls work going to have to set some ground rules since it looks like you'll be staying with me for a while."
(Oh one more thing because I know you're all wondering or at least some of you are wondering.
Breasts size from largest to smallest :Applejack dd followed by pinkie and Fluttershy then Rairty.twlight has the average size and rainbow dash is flat but that doesn't make her any less of a woman)
(not sure why I felt the need to put that there but I feel like some people just had to know)
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prismy-sprout · 4 years
Apple Bloom: Ah can´t believe it, the new Daring Do movie is finally coming out this week, we´ve been waiting for months since it was announced! Scootaloo: Yeah, too bad that it´s premier is on Wednesday, everyone´s going to be talking about it on school the next day, and it will be impossible to avoid spoilers until the weekend, this sucks! Sweetie Belle: Why don´t we… just go? I mean, the show times are not that late, and we could ask Pinkie or Sunset to take us to the movie theatre, they´re the type who wouldn´t mind taking on a movie trip. Apple Bloom: No way, it´s school night and there´s quite a lot of homework to tackle down, we must act our age and be responsible teenagers, just like our big sis´. - At the Dining Room - Rainbow Dash: Really? I go to the bathroom for merely 2 minutes and you already ate a quarter of my BBQ wings, what´s wrong with you Rarity? Rarity: Darling, you know how it works, you can eat someone´s else portion as long as you offer some of yours in return. Rainbow Dash: Oh, I know, the thing is, that the only thing you ordered was a salad, and I don´t think you have realized, but I like food that actually tastes like something, you know? Rarity: It´s a Caesar Salad you ruffian! Rainbow Dash and Rarity: *angry athlete and fashionista noises* Applejack, opening the fridge: Now now girls, let´s not get all grumpy n´ nasty just for some fast… *absolute silence* Applejack: Ok, which one of you took mah Red Mix Sundae?!? *Applejack notices that there are ice cream stains on Rainbow Dash´s jacket and Rarity´s blouse* Rarity: It was Rainbow Dash´s idea! Rainbow Dash: You traitor! Both of us agreed on this. Applejack: It seems that you two are stuffed after snappin´ mah dessert from the fridge, so Ah think you won´t mind if Ah keep all this cider for mahself, dontcha? Rainbow Dash: Don´t you DARE touching my cider! Applejack: Oh yeah? MAKE ME! Rarity: Oh no Rainbow Dash: BRING IT ON COWGIRL! Applejack and Rainbow Dash: *angry cowgirl and athlete bickering* - Back at the Living Room - *The Cutiemark Crusaders after listening to everything that happened on the Dining Room between these “responsible teenagers”* Scootaloo: Yeah, we´re totally going to the movies, there´s no way we can mess up this badly.
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themarvelhorse · 4 years
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Dogtag from https://www.mylittleties.com/; badge from https://twitter.com/TJMC_art; and plushie from .... oh fuck I actually don’t know I got it from Bronycon at a booth that sold other stuff too heck here have this maybe they’re in there https://www.equestriadaily.com/2020/09/66-amazing-plushies-for-sunset-shimmer.html
In honour of this day, I'm going to go ahead and put up an introductory post about an off the cuff mini-project I've been doing.
A re-read of @marvelandponder 's fanfic Empathy for the Devil!
Now, a relatively recent post about her writing has made me realize there's so much more to her works than I initially read.
It's really unfair to NOT give such a story the appreciation it deserves. I would have liked to give it a more careful reading on the first go, but things in life deter me from doing so.
As such, I'll take the words of my high school English teacher to heart: "If you read it book, you should read it twice. Once to find out what happens, then the second time with a red pen and an extra copy of the book. Picking it apart is best done when you’re not distracted by how it ends."
Since the second part isn't here yet, I've decided to take the time to do what I have fun with: speculate.
Now, this re-read won't be a super in-depth analysis, but it'll read more like a commentary. Some jokes, some theories, some little, noticeable things. I WILL be jumping back and forth occasionally, based on major events that happen later in this first half, so SPOILERS. Also it’s a bit of a mess, because again, off the cuff, but I also want to enjoy it more than an English paper. I suppose it may read like an Equestria Daily follow-up post, if you’re familiar with that.
Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy, I know I did.
Chapter 1 - With Love, the Royal Family
Wait, she “swore in Equestrian”... does that mean Sunset speaks horse? Does that mean horses have a different language than humans?
Any other context and what I said would sound like utter stupidity
"What on Earth was that?"
I find it funny that Twilight uses that phrase, considering it's very much not from Earth.
It looked like... dragon fire⁠—” Smelt like it, too. The few run-ins she and Princess Celestia had with visitors of the scaly kind left the royal draperies stinking of ash and cinders no matter what material burned. “—but I’ve never heard of dragons who can replace the postal system.”
It makes me wonder what Sunny's experiences with dragons actually were. If she didn't know what Spike was capable of, well, is he unique? Is she aware that Spike goes from dog to dragon? Do her and Celestia's past experiences with dragons have anything to do with Spike's origin? What happened with dragons that caused the royal draperies to burn every time?
I mean, considering Spike's relationship to other dragons, he DOES seem to be unique, maybe a result of being raised by ponies.
Algebra test? Foreshadowing (FS)? I vaguely remember something during the swap.
Took issue with the phrase "evil magic"
HMM... magic itself is not evil, but its use can be. FS?
Sunny describing Twi - “humble, caring, a great listener... stronger than anyone she met” (Adorbs). Maybe you're describing yourself too there Sunny.
CONSPIRACY THEORY - what if... the letter WAS evil? The evil king Sombra they fought, possibly could replicate dragon magic?
Up ahead by the base of the broken horse statue, Applejack emerged from the crowd holding Rarity bridal-style. Applejack looked at her, miffed. “I don’t think this is how firemen are supposed to carry out civilians, Rarity. I could sling ya over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes if you want me to be more accurate.”
“No, no, darling dearest, I’m quite certain this is exactly how it’s done,” Rarity informed her, arms draped around Applejack’s broad shoulders and stealing her stetson for her own.
I like how Flash talks about what's making him smile and THEN mentions the situation at hand. Just one of those things when you want to gush about someone (and how in love you are) but then remember certain social necessities and priorities.
A "fire" of curiosity still remained even though her letter had cooled.
Sunset happens to have a pocket knife... nothing wrong with that, it's a useful tool. But well you know, any sort of knife in my high-school is seen as you being a dangerous threat.
"Twilight laughed more at her overexcited friends than anything"
Right, cause she doesn't actually have the same connection to this other Twilight as a friend that her these friends do ;)
“She fainted all the way back into Equestria"
Sounds like a good new saying
CONSPIRACY THEORY - What if she did fall back just now and it's all a dream?
"Sunset lets you give her pet names?" 
Really SunShim, how did it work when the two of you were dating? Did you never get close? Even as part of the charade? How detached is Flash from how much Sunset has really changed? Even Pinkie’s been known to call her SunShim. Are you really part of the group yet, Flash? Or are you just there, supporting from a distance?
"Princess Celestia decided she was worthy..."
Yeah, Twi got the crown, but you got the girl. So who's the REAL winner here? 
Stress, that's what Twi got in reality. YOU got all the same six friends she does PLUS ONE YOU KISS. C'mon Sunny, if I were you, I'd be afraid FOR Twilight. Her (supposed) immortality (since she doesn't look like she's aging) leaving her much more alone than you will be. Twi will still have to taste the bitterness of mortality.
Whether by the sword or the slow decay of time, whoever Twi loves will die. And there will be no comfort for her. No comfort to ease the pain of their passing.
They will come to death. An image of the splendor of princesses of ponies in glory, undimmed before the breaking of the world.
But you, my dear Twilight, you will linger on in darkness and in doubt. As night falling winter has come without a star.
Here you will dwell, bound to your grief, under the fading trees, until all the world has changed and the long years of your life are utterly spent, in this Middle-Earth.
Wrong universe
While she could see some of her more perceptive friends picking up on the small shake to her voice—so cool so cool so cool so—Rainbow Dash barked a hack of a laugh. “Ha! Big news? Try biggest news ever!”
“Yeah!” Sunset agreed gratefully, nodding. Cool news! Tamping down every emotion she didn’t like with a drill-press, she took the opportunity to lay an arm around Pinkie Pie’s shoulder. “And where there’s a coronation…?”
Of course you suggested that to lighten the mood and not distract the others from how your voice was shaking, right?
Right Sunny? Right???
Maybe it was bad, but Sunset was glad for the distraction from her own insecurities
You know, the mention of 'royal family' has come up a couple of times... the "desk of the royal family"... happy for her. For the whole 'royal family'.
The role Sunset had before with Celestia, might she be considered Royal Family as well? I understand that the letter itself is signed off from “The Royal Family”, but still. Maybe it’s all just a misunderstanding that the Humane 6 (and everyone else there) are her family now, rather than the pony versions she left.
"She was surprised her friends let her wander off on her own after nearly fainting"
You just said you wished they'd learn about personal space, and you needed to get some air not a couple paragraphs ago.
I'm not afraid you probably did lose your skills in the art of deception, otherwise you probably would've pretended everything was fine a bit better. 
Just a feeling, but you're already showing signs of being a better person than you realize, my dear sweet summer child.
Poor Flash, my boy. He tries his best. 
And hey, SunShim, focus more on the "Don't be so hard on yourself," part of that yeah?
"Sunset's girlfriend could read her better than anyone... "
You mean, read her... like a BOOK? HAH. I knew Twilight liked reading but this is ridiculous *cue the laughtrack*
Skyrocketed nearly high enough to reach the crack in the sky
And that’s all I got for this chapter! Stay tuned for more to come!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go listen to My Past is Not Today on repeat for the rest of Sunset Shimmer Day.
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lwolfyanderecat · 4 years
My little scary pony (part:1 )
!{ Inspired by: The lost narrator YouTube } 
Hello, my name is Sahara. I am a pony that has brown coat, short light brown main, and grey-blue eyes. I am 23 years old. my cutie-mark is a pant-brush. I have no boy-friend or child. I live alone with just my dog, he’s name is Brownie. His fur is a dark brown, his eyes are black. He is my child but other pony’s think I’m crazy for calling him that. I live in pony-vile, sorry if I spelled that wrong but I stoped caring. This places is cursed! Do.not.live.here! everything was fine and all until a pony came here. Her name is ‘ Twilight sparkle ‘ ever since she came here things have gone down hill. Monsters and other things or pony’s have came here, they tried to make live horrible but this pony and her friend made things “better” but than something happened. That purple pony and her friend started acting...weird. This white pony with purple hair who owns a clothing store hasn’t been...out, to put it nicely. She’s been in her store for almost years. When pony’s try to talk to her she just says she’s “busy” I don’t believe it. Something is wrong, terribly wrong. Sometimes when I try to carry something, my horn doesn't work. I have to carry it on my back. That was the first red-flag for me. But many pony’s didn’t seem to noticed. I went to the purple’s pony’s place and asked what has been going on. She told me “ its nothing just go home “ .....I thought she’s the “hero” for us. Than the sky, one cloud would pour rain, the other snow and than one more with lightning. What.the.hell. By the looks of it, this ‘rainbow dash’ pony is not doing her job, than the animals. Dragons, bunny’s, bears and more would suddenly come in and out, destroying everything. No pony is doing something! it seems like I’m the only one who even cares! than, apples. When ever me or some-pony eals get apple’s, the apple family seems to not care. The apple’s were almost gone or rotten. Once again, no-pony seems to care. Than pinkie pie. she stoped throwing parties, like she didn’t try anymore. what could I do? no pony seemed to care anymore. I mean like, really! I can not be the only one who wants to know what is happening! I once again go to this purple pony. “ your twilight sparkle, right? “ I asked her “ yes, why would you care?! “ she yelled “ w-well, um, uh. Y-you see um- “ “ if you’re gonna wast my time, than leave!! “ she yelled again. “ NO! u-um. “ I sigh “ there is something, everything is strange now “ she gave him a confused “ what do you mean? “ “ the sky, the animals, the clothing store, the apple’s. Pinkie pie’s party’s....everything just kinda....went down hill. Animals were coming in and out, their eating everything. The sky, clouds are...pouring rain when it’s ‘post to be sunny. The apple family stoped caring for their farm. Pinkie stoped throwing parties. the clothing store, rarity, she hasn’t opened in a long time. Not to mention, she also stoped coming out OF her store. Are you not...censured? “ she didn’t respond. Was she just as weird out as I was? “ .....what? “ she asked “ see what I mean- “ “ no, I mean. What are you talking about? “ huh “ wha-what? “ she rolled her eyes at me “ god, are you that dumb “ d-dumb? “ everything is fine, rainbow-dash is sick, rarity is also sick, the apple family is raning out of money, fluttershy moved away, and pinkie’s sister died. “ ....why did I not know? “ wha-what about you? “ she sighed, more angry. “ I’m busy ok!? NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!!! “ she screamed. I flinched, “ I-I’m sor- “ “ JUST.... “ she sighed “ just, go. Came back when you know what to do...” she turn around. I heard her mutter “ what a bitch “ than her door slammed closed. I stood there....a-am I in the wrong? n-no, something eals is happening. I went home and watched the news. She lied, everything is fine. Fluttershy didn’t move, the apple family has plenty money, rainbow is not sick, nor is rarity “ .... “ I didn’t say anything but just stared at my computer “ ...hmm, what has been happening. “ I went side and stayed outside until it was midnight. everything was the same but still no main six. I stayed up all night, I yawned “ maybe....I should go to bed. “ but than I heard something, laughing, giggling and talking. I looked out side. The main six were outside laughing. twilight used her magic.....what was she doing “ so tell me, has any pony figured out yet? “ rainbow asked “ no, but one did. She seems smarter than the others. “ “ what should we do? “ apple jack asked “ oh oh! I should handle IT! “ pinkie pie yelled,’ handle what? ‘ “ I could turn her into a cupcake “ ...are-are they talking about...me? “ no pinkie, maybe we could handle it....differently “ they sound evil and dark “ what do you mean darling? “ rarity asked “ kill her “ “ aw~ you stole my idea “ “ no, feed her to spike “ “ spike? why him? “ fluttershy asked “ he’s growing up. He’s almost an adult. I’m trying to feed him but he only eats other pony’s. she would be a great meal for him “ “ I don’t know twie. “ Applejack said “ maybe we should wait, she’s only 23 right? maybe spike should like more...older pony’s. “ older? “ yeah, would you mind your old grandy? “ rainbow teased applejack “ HEY, you leave my grandy alone! “ apple jack glared at rainbow “ aw~ you care~ “ rainbow laughed at her “ what about scootallo? “ rainbow paused, “ o-ok, sorry. “ “ oh, now you care “ applejack said with a smirk “ no, she’s....like a sister to me. “ applejack nodded “ than my grannie alone, and I’ll leave her alone. “ rainbow nodded. “ fine “ twilight glared at them “ shut up, if she needs to be older than who should we feed spike? “ “ how about minster and missus cakes?! “ Pinkie said with a crazy smile “ don’t they have kids? “  rarity asked “ y-yeah, “ fluttershy said. “ what should we do with them? “ “ a snack for spike, he’s ok with kids now, “ twilight said “ ok than, lets go! “ I stood there...should I stop them? call someone? I need to do something but for some odd reason, I stared getting tired, without my noticed I was in bed. I slowly started forgetting what had happened. Why was I up again “ now, spike....are you hungry? “ a growl “ good....eat “ 
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demonwriterx · 6 years
My Little Pony Comic #75 Review (chaotic spoilers....duh)
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Grab a seat because this 52 page spread is going to take me a while. My little pony comic number 75. 75 comics for the past, I would say about five years, give or take. It is a great accomplishment and what way to show it then with a chaotic arc starring Discord and a new villain, Cosmos, the chaos goddess of space. 
The comic opens with a flash back. Everything is in chaos and you might think its Discord causing trouble again but this type of chaos is different. its very overwhelming and suffocating. It fills the whole page with just craziness. Its obvious it is not Discord, but the new villain, Cosmos. Cosmos is a chaotic entity like Discord, but of course, she controls “space, and the cosmos” and she is clearly more powerful than Discord, because he couldn’t handle all of the chaos she was brewing up. 
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If you would like to see a side by side comparison on how different their chaos magic is, the top picture is Cosmos and below, is the Friends Forever #20, when Discord and Luna teams up to battle his nightmares. His sleep-walking caused the chaos . There is already a clear difference and Cosmos chaotic powers shows how obsessive and suffocating she is when around Discord. 
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The threat is apparent. Discord warns them that her powers could literally destroy and tear apart reality. Cosmos seeks to destroy, Discord seeks to “improve” through chaos. He doesn't want to destroy anything and he also shows this in the show and in the comics. So when Cosmos, is getting out of control, Discord realized that his partnership with her, has to end. But Cosmos does not want her relationship to end with Discord. Obviously, Cosmos is in love with Discord, calling him darling, willing to do anything to please him except stopping herself from destroying everything. She is obsessed with Discord. She is that clingy, obsessed and abusive girlfriend. (who is now an ex)
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 And Discord wants nothing to do with her. But he can’t do it by himself. Celestia, Luna, and other royals, including Discord use all of their combined powers to send Cosmos back into Space, far away from Equestria. 
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Once Cosmos is gone, the royals decide that Discord is also involved and they try to take him away but he quickly snaps his fingers and puts them all to sleep. Not only that, he ERASES their memories! to forget they have ever seen Cosmos. He leaves a “I’m sorry” cake and leaves. This whole thing, if you want to put in a timeline, takes place before Discord is first turned to stone. 
Now, we jump in present-day! The mane 6 are shopping around and Rarity finds  a fallen star piece and wears it like a necklace. Twilight quickly notices it and tries it on and suddenly she becomes possessed. She has an overwhelming need to gather six more star pieces, not knowing that they are parts of Cosmos. (Think about Voldemort and how he separated his soul) The Mane 5 agree, thinking that it is like a scavenger hunt but Twilight is quickly being controlled, lead to Canterlot, knowing that Princess Celestia has one hidden in the castle. 
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Applejack realizes Twilight is being controlled and tried to remove the necklace off of her but Twi-”cosmos” uses her power to throw Applejack in a cage and leaves with the second piece, to find Princess Celestia next. 
Meanwhile, the rest of the cast have no idea because they are gathering the next pieces! Fluttershy goes to her cottage to get Discord. She wanted him to come with her to have something “structured and meaningful” so he can contribute. (aww) 
Warning: Fluttercord incoming. 
Discord was actually feeding her animals while she was away and was struggling to feed Angel for her. But, Angel, being the little Devil, threw his salad on Discord right when Fluttershy walked in. Discord immediately wants to get their day started, first he mentions that maybe they should go antiquing together, or go scuba diving in the barrier reef, or to walk down to the park to have a picnic and share a cheese plate. 
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But Fluttershy tells him that they have to go into the Everfree forest to find a piece of the“fallen star”. This is when Discord completely breaks down in feverish fright. He immediately takes Fluttershy to protect, wrapping her in bubble wrap of all things and giving her a hard hat.
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 Fluttershy presses him to tell her why he was so afraid and he tells her everything. He tells her that Cosmos was an “accquantice” and that she is dangerous. He tells her that the star pieces is Cosmos and that they were her prison but if they ever come together, Cosmos will come back with full power. Fluttershy tells him to help her find the star and he reluctantly agrees, finding it wise to inform Princess Celestia and to tell Twilight but when they get to Canterlot. Its too late. 
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Discord immediately knows what is wrong and informs Fluttershy that they should go but its to late Twi-Cosmos takes the piece Fluttershy had and puts it on Luna and curropted her next. Now this is where the shippers will go crazy, not just Fluttercord fans. Twilight, Luna and Celestia, all throw themselves on Discord like he is the main dude at a Harem anime! Obviously Discord is ver uncomfortable, but obviously it is not them but Cosmos. She informs him that once she is together, she and Discord will rule together, side by side. 
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But Discord tells her that he is reformed. Big Mistake. Her attitude quickly changes from flirty and loving, to abusive and manipulative as she demands what made him change and turns her attention to Fluttershy. (oh no) Discord quickly goes to Fluttershy’s defense who naively starts talking to Cosmos like they are friends! (no fluttershy no, stop talking). He presses to Fluttershy and tells Cosmos that he is leaving but Cosmos realizes that he might tell the others and stop her, so she does a horrible thing to keep him busy. 
“you can’t stop me....if you have to save some pony you “care” about.”
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She attacks Fluttershy with a ray of magic and transforms her into a hybrid of a pony and butterfly (I actually think that Fluttershy is slowly turning into a butterfly and Discord has to stop it before she full forms into one-forever.)
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She tells Discord to leave and he does. Fluttershy is first priority and it ends with Cosmos waiting in the throne room, knowing that Discord will come back when he changes his mind. Still believing that they are meant to be together. 
and so ends the comic.
Overall, this arc is coming out strong! Cosmos really is a threat and a bigger threat and power than Discord. I am really excited for this Discord centered story arc. More Discord is always a good thing to have. 
I will give the whole arc a score once I read through it all. So in this review I won’t give a score. Its better to wait and soak in all the chaos!
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magiesheartlove · 6 years
The Greatest Show (a love letter to MLP:FiM
Okay, so I was planing on writing this down sometime after the season ended but, I’m just feeling a lot of...feels, at the moment that, I just needed to get this written down.
I’m going to be frank, I am sad MLP is ending but, at the same time, I’m glad it won’t become one of those series that just keeps going and going to the point at which it overstayed it’s welcome. I have long since accepted that season 9 would be the end of MLP. When a show ends, I always accept it. If it ends on a high note, even better.
Out of all the shows I have watched in the early 2010s, MLP was one I never, in a millions years, would have imagined would gain not only such a huge and devoted following that stretched far from its intended demographic, but also was a series that, in my eyes, reflected everything I loved about storytelling and why I wanted to tell stories to begin with.
I will never forget the first time I was introduced to the series. I was watching television on an ordinary Saturday, and one day on the Hub Channel in the channel guide I read My Little Pony was on. I simply shrugged and decided to just watch a little snippet of my childhood, so “what the heck”.
I had since grown out of the MLP phase, and while I still love magically colorful equines, the cutesy, baby talking cartoon horses didn’t appeal to a high school senior like myself. Instead of seeing either some old nineties rerun of an old episode, or something meant for a pre-school audience, I saw... cute, funny, not-cheesy, modernized ponies in a stylized flash animation...and they were taking on a flipping DRAGON!
It was the episode “Dragonshy”, and when I saw Fluttershy stand up to that dragon, no joke, my jaw dropped. I’ve seen the typical “shy person gets over their fear” plot done before, but the way it was handled, and the way they portrayed the ponies (including Rainbow Dash, who I remembered being a fashionable pony who said “darling” every other word), as a rough and tumble tomboy was awesome! It had a fashionista unicorn with sass, a Pinkie Pie who was actually funny, a country pony with muscle, and a unicorn who took charge.
This... this wasn’t the MLP I grew up with. This was... modern and, updated and stylized and, thought out more.... and... I... was.... HOOKED! I couldn’t stop gushing about it to my Mom, and she was staring at me like “it’s My Little Pony”, and I was all “I know!”
Of course, when I watched “Winter Wrap up” and I saw that they were about to sing, I thought, “Oh, a cutesy song. Okay.” And then the song played.... it wasn’t annoying, the lyrics weren’t babyish, and the ponies sounded.... good. Like, star quality, Broadway good. The music, the animation, the way the song fit into the episode it.... it was..... I loved it. My jaw was to the floor at how it completely blew away my expectations. This was definitely NOT the my little pony I remember, and I just fell harder and harder for it.
I fell for the characters in a heartbeat, the world building was colorful and beautiful, and the morals. Let me tell ya, the morals sold it for me. While I had seen other educational shows that practically shove the message in your face, this one did it in a way that was tailored into each episode without feeling like it was bashing you over the head with it. Sure, there were a few times near the end, but they were minor nitpicks in my opinion.
This, this was the kind of show, the kind of story, the kind of world, the kind of characters I always dreamed of making myself. Stories about love, and friendship, and family, characters with bonds that you could feel radiating off of the screen, a world so vast and endless you wished you could enter it and live every day exploring the horizons and uncovering new mysteries within it, and all alongside the ones who would wrestle a hydra or jump from a crystal palace for you.
As I grew older, finding good quality shows I could enjoy was difficult. Shows now a days either try to be “edgy” or “mature” that they just came across as trying too hard. As much as I adore overarching stories, it was refreshing to go back to that slice of life, villain of the week format that is feels like it’s being rejected now a days in animation. Again, I don’t have a problem with overarching plots, but slice of life stories can be just as fun, and open up a lot of doors for character interactions and enough wiggle room for the morals to shine through more.
MLP continued to surprise me over the years. As I grew, so did the show. I mean, Twilight went from an awkward student who didn’t care about friends, into the flipping PRINCESS of Friendship! Rarity expanded her business, Rainbow Dash learned humility and became a Wonder Bolt. Fluttershy became more and more confident, Applejack learned to ask for help, and Pinkie Pie had her ups and down, but at the end of the day, all she really cared about was making her friends happy. Even the Cutie Mark Crusaders finally found their calling, and it completely blew me away. Like a lot of people, I cried.
Speaking of tears, I know the whole villains reforming thing has caused some controversy over the years, and while I do empathize with a lot of the criticism, I can’t not love seeing these villains change for the better. Call me a compete and total sap, but if a man who persecuted and murdered people for believing in a Savior, only to have the most earth shattering revelation and transform into a messenger of the Gospel, even at the risk of his own life, and if a man from my Church can go from a man with the heart of a murder, into a devoted and kindhearted man who sung songs to The Lord every Sunday, then yes. If someone is willing, if they WANT it enough, I believe a heart of stone can become a heart of flesh. I know, a lot of people don’t believe it, and I understand why. But like Jesus, I want those lost lambs to find their way back.
As a President Lincoln once said: If I make my enemy my friend, have I not defeated my enemy?
I love when a villain changes for the better. Even if, story wise, it can be rushed, the meaning is still there. For me, that’s enough. I know not everybody changes, but that doesn’t mean nobody will. We live in a fallen world, but there is a Light that chases away the dark, gives us His hand, and shows us there is a better way. Just like Twilight did for Sunset Shimmer, and Sunset Shimmer did for Human Twilight.
Aside from introducing me to an amazing fandom, meeting so many wonderful people, and even being the show that coaxed me into the fanfiction world which led me to discover my love fo writing, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has and will forever be my all time favorite show, surpassing all others from my childhood. It came during my transition from a child to an adult. It sparked my imagination, made me smile, made me laugh and made me cry.
This series, this world, and its characters carried something that made it stand out amongst so many other shows in my eyes, and in my heart I always knew why. To quote the minister of Shady Oak ministries on YouTube; “They took the love of God, and put it on ponies.” Yes, when I watched MLP, when I heard the messages and witnessed the strong relationships, I saw Jesus manifested in each of them. I wasn’t even trying to find it, I just... felt it in my heart.
The Magic Of Friendship brought out the best in the Mane Six, brought out the best in those around them, and came through for them even when it seemed as if all was lost. And, it didn’t just go by the motions. The characters grew and learned, but that spark, that special little something that made them who they were, it didn’t fade, it only became stronger. They became the best versions of themselves, and though they still tumble and fall, they keep getting back up, because one way or another, there will ways be somepony there to reach out their hoof and help them back up.
I am so grateful for this show, and for all the wonderful things that came with it. The good, the bad, the weird, the funny, all of it.
Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike, Celestia, Luna, Sunset Shimmer, Discord, everypony, Thank you all for these wonderful nine years, and for teaching us that Friendship truly is the most powerful magic of all. But most importantly, Thank You Jesus, for having revealed this series to me, and for speaking to me through these ponies, reminding me of Your love, Your mercy, and most of all, Your friendship.
Nothing stays the same for long, but when it changes doesn't mean it's gone. Things may come and things may go. Some go fast and some go slow. Few things last, that's all I know. But Friendship, carries on through the ages.
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stagmanparty · 6 years
So I finished watching MLP Season 8 and...
….it´s actually not bad.
Yeah, I´m the first to admit I have to eat my words and agree the show hasn´t really gone down as much as I thought after the movie. I still hate it but the show itself remains good. Yes, there are more than a few mediocre or outright horrible episodes there but the good ones more than compensate.
I do believe that Dubuc is kinda out of her element on ponies, which may explain her use for an entire new cast aside from hasbro´s orders. The friendship school thing is done better than I though tough I still think is kinda stupid at moments.
Overall the balance is...fine.
I was expecting worse but it was an okay season.
I do hate that they explicitly mention the events of the movie but they´re STILL refusing to acknowledge the Equestria Girls ones. Come on Mccarty, stop being embarrassed ot the BETTER story!
Below the cut is my personal opinions of each episode with a dose of sarcasm if u want to read them but for the season as a whole I´ll give a 7/10 it was regular to me.
701-702:  “Girls, I want you all to work on my new school!”
“We have lives, Twilight”
So this wasn´t bad. I though Twilight was gonna be more selfish but she actually makes some fair points and owns to her mistakes here. What´s funny is that she doesn't act this way the rest of the season…
I still think the students are kinda lame but I like how they interact with each other and the episode itself was well handled.
Still, Twilight isn't perfect either since she refuses to have zebras or buffaloes or talking cats on her school. Hell, there aren´t even crystal ponies so she´s almost as bad the racist snape guy.
Kinda standard but good episodes.
703: “So sis, when are you gonna leave?”
“The town?”
“The show…”
I said it once, I´ll said it again, Maud overstayed her welcome. She´s no longer funny and feels like a creator pet by now.
That said the episode itself is actually really good.
Confalone GETS pinkie and gives he an actual character and this was honestly better handled that with Twilight.
Hell for a second I thought Pinkie was gonna have to deal with her own since her meeting with the guy has all the elements of a meet cute scene =P
I could live without the stupid opening scene but it seems even Pinkie realized Maud was being offensive to her audience there…
A really fun Pinkie episode to add to the pile
804 “thank you for calling me, Rarity. I can surely help you with all my sewing knowledge”
“Oh for this episode I´ll need you to forget about all that, darling and be completely useless”
So yeah, this was a waste of time.
So the mane six can´t help Rarity with her store but have plenty of time to go yell at Fluttershy?
And if Rarity hates the ponies of Saddle Row so much why does she enve sells them clothes?
I actually hate how they´re all portrayed cause they´re feeding the stereotype that people into fashion are shallow and petty and the whole point of Rarity´s character was to subvert that!
I only laughed at one joke in the whole episode.
So yeah another terrible fluttershy episode to add to the pile
805 The real reason Rainbow flies so fast...to escape her gay for applejack thoughts.
So a perfectly okay episode.
In other seasons it would have gone unnoticed but in this one it stands out for having solid writing.
It was fun and rainbow was very likeable here since she honestly seemed more concern about the grannies than anything.
It feels a bit stretched out but this is normal for a pony episode.
I do hope she kicks Applejack's behind the second she came back to town though…
A fun Rainbow episode.
806 “Girls, while you wasted time trying to help that kid with divorced parents I acciBURPddentally destroyed a scared statue so we better run, you bastards!” then Twilight pulls a rick an actually leaves them behind =P
SO yeah a complete waste of time.
I understand the point but it doesn't work for me since it seems like they made the problem way too simple.
I also dislike the hippogriffs on principle since i find I them really lame characters so…
Oh and this episode has the WORST song in the entire show. Hell is not even a song, is just words with music behind it.
So yeah, pretty lame episode.
807 “See Twilight, Sunset would have just told me things straight to my face! Then try to stab me in the back but the point remains…”
I already talked about this back when it aired and yeah, my opinion hasn't changed.
This isn´t a Celestia episode, is another of Twilight´s poorly made panic attacks ones.
We learned absolutely nothing about Celestia, she learns nothing at all and we wasted twenty minutes of our lives.
For a fan of the character, waiting nine years for this is nothing but an insult.
The saddest thing is knowing that the show will end without having a proper celestia episode.
So yeah, a total waste of time with only the adorable sunbutt to save some face
808 “You noticed all the wanted posters for you on the way here, Starlight?”
“No, actually not”
“yeah me neither, good thing you´re friends with a princess…”
Really, how come Starlight is NOT a wanted criminal? The episode could have dealt with her hometown disowning her but nope, is just a kinda lame sitcom situation.
Hell, it would have been better if we´re told the parents hooked up and now Starlight and Sunburst feel all kind of awkard but nope.
i suppose there´s like a moral lesson in here but the episode was so dull I don't even remember it.
It could have been a better story but it amounts to nothing.
809 “And to think this all started over a parking lot…”
“you don´t even need the parking lot, Rainbow!”
THAT would have been a better premise…
So yeah, remember season 1? Cool ,cause this is the exact same episode. Nothing new added and nothing interesting happens.
Go watch the leaf episode instead, is way better.
810 “Wait, Big Mac has a what now? How come nopony told me? Do I look like a jealous sister or something?”
“the shotgun isn't helping, AJ…”
Have they really interacted these two? I mean, don´t want a repeat of the same storyline. Infact, showing that Applejack and Sugar whatever get along well will be an interesting episode.
Far more interesting than this for sure.
I was bored the entire time and shut up, sweetie Belle. You'll be lucky to have Snips…
Another time waster.
811 “Spike, can´t you just masturbate like a regular teenager? I mean you have your own room now so it won´t be weird for me anymore…”
Again, remember season 2? Go watch that instead.
It even made more sense back then but now spike not knowing “how to dragon” has become a huge plot hole cause there´s absolutely no reason for him not to know these things so this entire conflict is pointless.
Oh and him having wings is something I don't really like.
Explain how he didn't have those during season 2 when he grew, hasbro! ANother lame Spike episode to the bad spike episodes pile.
812 “Girls, you rather go to a school where you dont´do any homework, play games all day, het to eat delicious food..actually I´m leaving too, school closed!”
So yeah do they do anything at Twilight school other than waste time? No wonder the CMC want to go there! Wasting time is their entire MO nowadays since they have their marks!
Prety standard episode, is honestly just to introduce the villain.
The only really fun thing is the “your mom” bit, I would have approved her out of that alone.
It´s okay, sadly can´t say more.
813 “Evil clones, what was I thinking? Dinosaurs, that´s a proper supervillain plan!”
MEH I mean it´s an okay episode but when you get to it is just repeating stuff from the first discord episode, nothing new. nothing gained.
That should be the motto of this season.
814 “Discord, what part of go to hell don´t you get?”
“The part where you forgot to tell me to stay there”
This episode is horrible!
What´s the moral lesson, be an asshole and get away with everything?
WHy the hell does Starlight apologizes? Why is HER problem that Discord feels bad? The idiot should take it on Twilight and she ahs a perfect reason not to let him in the school..Discord is an asshole! As this episode demonstrated!
Can he just...leave, please?
Worst episode of the season.
815 “Twilight, shouldn't we invite Zecora one of these days?”
“You wanna explain Kwanzaa to the viewers, Rainbow?”
Oh what? Oh yeah this episode.
Look I get the point and being objective there's nothing wrong with this episode but my god, tiw as boring!
Just the same bit repeated over and over and over and over…
Whatever, technically there's nothing wrong with it but I didn't like it.
816 “So mono means one and rail menas...no wait, wrong scam. Calls dismissed!”
“Slow down bro, so who´s the princess of friendship then?”
“The one with the eyepatch!”
So...a perfectly normal episode.
Again, this show always suffers from not having a b plot going on so the conflict get  a bit stretched but as an episode, it was well done.
Hey snape is right that Friendship IS a weapon in this universe, glad someone finally mentioned it.
There´s actually a good moral lesson about how no matter if the lessons are good if the methods are fraudulent which coming from Hasbro is the ultimate irony.
Flim Flam are kinda overdone at this point but it still works.
817 “Remember that time you left me in the desert with pinkie?”
“Oh sure, everything looks bad when you remember it…”
Actually a pretty good episode.
I mean the premise relies on twilight´s students being borderline sociopaths (guys, is not that complex of an idea, friends can disagree on things) but the episode itself it was really fun and the Raridash wa adorable.
I honestly liked it.
818 “I mean we could have get you a teacher and encouraged to get better through a montage but insulting you and hurting your feelings seemed like a better idea, pinkie”
Way to handle a problem, girls!
What part of this is supportive” pinkie? Your friends were assholes to you that made you feel bad so you stop bothering them and then come looking for you because is a problem for THEM?
There´s a better lesson about admitting you may not have the talent for something, which is a lesson that kids DO need to learn but since the problem is solved with a “who cares?” the moral lesson doesnt´work and nobody really learns anything here.
Who approved of this crap?
819 “I say someone must have  said a funny because your mother is in stitches hahaha! I´ll leave you to your grief, Starlight.”
Finally a good episode!
Actually an excellent one. Coupled with a catchy song and really good dialogue, my man Haber can make a really good episode when he wants.
I have zero complains this was the best episode of the season.
820 “That´s it I´m taking you to your parents or in its defect your lesbian aunts that cannot be seen in the show due to television censorship policies!”
I´m sorry but cootalo was a brat the entire episode in need of a good spanking.
Rainbow did absolutely nothing wrong and that gid set gogin around here is full of lies.
If anything she was a bit rash over the fact that yeah, the little girl she sees a sister suddenly is throwing her away...again, cause she did it with the maredowell thing also. Funny they didn´t mention it, probably to appease the fandom.
As an episode is nothing bad, Rainbow actually comes out great here so yeah, Scootaloo, you're grounded..as in put in a hole in the ground.
Good episode
821 “All me friend are long dead…”
“Yeah yeah, lovely. Fill this form here, big guy…”
What's wrong with Twilight this episode? Why is she such an insensitive idiot?
It was pretty clear the obvious solution was just giving him a classroom with no walls and guess what, that´s what she does alter on so what gives?
And why are SPike and SMoulder allowed to burns the school every day?
An dhow come Rockhoof has no job in “modern equestria”? there used to be plenty of things wanting to eat the ponies every week, did they disappear in between seasons or what?
Really stupid episode that only works by everybody bieng assholes to an actually nice guy.
822 “Look at the bright side Rainbow. We got replaced by a new cast but at least we didn't die horrible on the movie like the transformers did…”
grumble grumble this is actually a really good episode.
I mean I could argue they have already dome similar stuff but it make sense here. The tree of harmony finally gets some light on it and this actually helps make the students look less lame by giving them character so...yeah, it´s actually really good.
823 “Oh shoot we forgot to invite them to the school!”
“It's okay, Twilight forgot to invite like half of the country as well…”
grumble grumble another really good episode!
I honestly though this episode was gonna suck but it turns out to be one of the best.
It´s obviously a previously unaired episode that they managed to shove into here but is actually a really good so I have zero complains about it.
The kirin is actually really cute and I liked the song so…
824 “So kid have you seen stuart little?”
“Then this whole thing is gonna be new for you…”
So yeah...as an episode is okay but I´l argue that even the target audience could saw this coming a mile away.
My only real problem is that Spike barely apologizes to TWilight despite hurting her so much. Why is he such a brat? Twilight is nothing but a loving and supportive sister to him, look at that opening scene, si so lovely an touching!
Why does the show keep treating Twilight caring for her sibling and treating him like an equal as a bad thing? She even offers to let him go and learn more about his culture, she is supporting and loving why do they keep treating her like she´s doing a bad thing? and again kind of a big plothole nowdays  with dragons going around Equestria with no problems.
Other than that is a fine episode.
825-826 “Since we´re stuck here where the little filly´s room?”
“There is no little filly´s room in tartarus…”
Really, who built this prison Barry allen? Give them a bucket at least .
Again...actually really good episodes.
The action was good,the stakes were high, while that poor manticore shouldn't be there I still like the good detail than monsters have been kept her since past seasons and than the mane six honestly don´t hold a grudge against them, hope there´s an actual redemption arc down the line and they don't just forget about them like with the other villains,
Speaking of that, Cozy is probably the best vilian on the entire show.Hell, she´s better than Thanos cause she doesn't have an stupid justification, she just want s POWAAAAA! And she´s damn adorable and effective, she almost won.
Still They missed a chance to say that the missing magic was going to the human world to tie things up with Equestria girls for once and who the hell delivers letters to tartarus anyways?
The finally more than makes up and gives almost everyone a chance to shine so I like it. The mane six were treated with a LOT more respect than in the damn movie that's for sure.
Good solid episodes.
So that´s season 8, is not that bad honestly.. Had they had a better focus it would be better. Continuity is still a bit of a mess and just saying past stuff doesn't count but hey they´re trying.
Now I have like 40 Equestria Girls episodes to catch up though…
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earthnashes · 7 years
Diamanti e Stelle
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A wonderful fanfiction commission I got from TheSieve on DA about Twilight nearly missing the birth of Stella. I LOVED it, and I just really wanted to share it with ya’ll. ;_; 
Thank you so much again for writing this, TheSieve! ^.^
The story’s under the cut! C:
                             Diamanti e Stelle (Diamonds & Stars)
It was a perfect day for painting a nursery.
They should’ve done this weeks ago, if not months back, but they were busy mares with busy lives and better late than never, as somepony without a watch once said.
Rarity and Twilight were almost finished. With only one wall left, they were within sight of the finish line; the trophy being the unborn foal currently calling the smaller unicorn home.
Rarity was grateful for that. Pregnancies came with both highs and pitfalls, and in the last two months it seemed it was more of the latter than the former. She was more than ready to meet the bun she was baking.
Feet sore, she paused in her work to rest her swollen ankles. “Would you mind finishing up my side?” She asked Twilight, rubbing at her aching legs. Stomach growling, hot food and a cup of tea was sounding lovely right about now.
As if on cue. Spike appeared with a ‘dinner's ready’ before he went to set the table.  
Rarity sounded out a grateful ‘thank you’.
Twilight barely heard him. If she did at all.
She was leaving for Yakyakistan in the morning. It was only for a few short days, but Twilight could not shake the guilt of leaving her pregnant wife behind weeks before her due date. However, she was also a princess and that came with reposisiblities.
Soon though, she’d be tasked with an even greater responsibility and the weight of that knowledge had been heavy on her mind for months.
Tired, the alicorn put her brush down. With a deep sigh, she rubbed her hands over her face, wings low and limp at her sides.
Rarity took notice.  “Darling,” She said, taking Twilight’s hands in hers. “Talk to me.”
It was embarrassing. It was stupid. It was terrifying.
Yet Twilight was weak against those brilliant azure eyes. They were diamonds; as beautiful as they were sharp. Twilight couldn't hide the truth from them, even if she wanted to. (And she didn’t.)
She chewed her lip, calming the storm brewing in her head, picking out the threads of thought and weaving them into words. If anyone could make sense of them, it would be her Rarity.
“I’m just ...I’m unsure if I’ll be,” No, those weren't the right words.
Rarity was patient though, giving her wife’s fidgeting fingers a reassuring squeeze.
“What if,” Licking her lips, Twilight found herself picking at the yarn again. Starting was always the hardest part. She knew the moment she did, Rarity would take them and turn them into something else - something that wasn’t a mess.
All Twilight had to do was bite the bit. “...What if I’m not a good mom?”
“Twilight,” Rarity sighed, the edges of those sparkling diamond eyes softening. “My love, may I ask you a question?”
“A question?” Twilight parroted, heart entwined with both curistiosly and uncertainty.
“Do you think I’ll be a terrible mother?”
“Of course not!” It wasn’t even a question. “You’re going to be a wonderful mother! The BEST mother!”
With a laugh like chiming bells on a bright, mellow spring morning, Rarity blushed deep and scarlet against ivory fur. “Thank you, my love. May I ask one more question?”
Twilight nodded, ready.
“Why do you believe you’ll be any less?”
“I don’t know.” Twilight heard herself say. But she did, didn’t she?
She could play princess all she wanted.
She couldn’t play at being a mom.
Rarity’s heart twisted at the sight of those loving, passion filled violet eyes darkening with uncertainty. That look did not belong on her Twilight’s face.     
Inside her, somepony else agreed.
“Now you listen here darling,” Pulling Twilight closer, bringing their hands over her heart, Rarity squared up against the doubts and shadows plaguing her wife.“You are a powerful alicorn, a dedicated princess, a concerned and caring friend beyond compare,”
She moved their hands slowly down.
“You are the most loving wife. You listen with your heart, you smile with your soul, you laugh when my jokes aren't funny, and more importantly, when I cry you cry with me. Your strength is my strength. I lean on you, and sweetheart, I’ve also been scared,”
Twilight needed to hear the truth, and by Celestia’s sun, Rarity was going to fight every vile thought that dare make her believe otherwise.
“I’ve had my own doubts, my own fears about this -” Finally, she brought their entangled hands over her stomach, where a small and kicking life made itself known to her mothers. “Yet every morning I wake up to your beautiful face is a morning I know she is going to love you as much, if not more than I do. And sweetheart,” She stared deeply into violet pools. “I love you.”
When the tears came, they came with a smile.
Gently freeing one hand, Twilight rested her fingers against her wife’s cheek with a slow, soft caress. “How did gaia bless me with such a perfect mare?”
“Perfect, hmm?” Rarity smirked, leaning in. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing.”
Closing the distance, Twilight met those perfect lips, mapping them in all their flawless detail, and only surfacing for air when Rarity pulled away (too soon).
“Mmm?” Twilight sounded.
Rarity laughed, bright and blissful, at the note of confusion. “Greedy today, aren't we?” Picking back up a brush, she held it out to her partner playfully out of reach.“Let’s save some of that sugar for later.”   
With her height, taking the brush wasn’t even a challenge, but in the process she earned herself a sprinkle of lavender rain.
Wiping away the paint decorating her shoulders, smearing it further, Twilight paused and watched.
Watched how the light fell through the windows, the way it danced across the room and fell in halos around her wife and their unborn child, and found herself asking gaia that same familiar question.
Ponies parted like the lunar seas. When a alicorn, all horn and wings is galloping down at top speeds through a crowded airport, you make room. There is no time for arguments or questions as your life flashes before your eyes.
“What do you mean she’s in labor!” Twilight rasped, throat tight in concern. It was happening, and it was happening without her!
“I know Twilight! I have eyes, and unfortunately, ears.” Spike said through the phone, punctuated with a howl of pain that was not his own.
The sound made her blood run cold and vision blurr. It was happening and she was going to miss it; the birth of her daughter!
So much for first impressions.
“Are you at the hospital, how long has she been in labor, how far apart are the contractions? Does she have water and enough blankets? Are her feet cold? I’m sure we packed socks, we packed socks didn’t we!? What if we forgot the-”
“Give it here,” Came a different voice, Spike sighing thankfully as he handed over the phone. “Sugar cube, ya need to cool your heels. Ain’t nothing you need to be working yourself up about. Us girls got ya covered till you get your tail down here, okay.”
“But Applejack,”
“Ain’t no butts here, Twilight. Now you listen and you listen good. You have one job, and it’s making sure that the first two faces this foal sees is that of her sweet mommas.”
“I know but -”
“Now what did I just say?” And before Twilight could argue, or plead for more details the phone went silent with a loud click.
“Wasn’t that a bit - oh I don’t know - harsh?” Rainbow Dash asked, staring down the options in the hospital vending machine. They weren’t great. “Could’ve at least told her something more than ‘run Twilight run’”
Applejack agreed. It was harsh. Maybe unfairly so, but that girl was always the kind who worked better with commands. Otherwise she’d just bog herself down with the unnecessary details, like trying to put together a puzzle that was already finished. “I reckon this way, the wait will be shorter.”  
Rainbow tapped her foot, watching her bits disappear. Running a hand through her hair, she hummed. “Yeah, whatever. Just don’t pull a stunt like that on me.”
Applejack raised an eyebrow.
It took a moment, but her own words finally reached Rainbow’s ears. ”I mean - what I meant to say was,” Abandoning ship, the pegasus snatched up her snacks and drinks, shoving a bag of hot-hays into the taller, stronger, more muscular mare’s arms as she retreated into the delivery room.
In her haste, she missed the gorgeous shade of apple red blossoming on an orange, freckled face.
Canterlot in rush hour, was in many ways, worse than the infamous Manehatten tolls and bridges. In the big city ponies had a sense of time. Understood how short a day could be, and wasted none of it.
Canterlot residents on the other hand, could buy time if they needed too. They controlled the clocks, or so they believed and if they wanted to drive ten miles under the speed limit, by all accounts, they would go right ahead and do it.
This mindset was also the reason why one taxi driver was growing equals parts frustrated and concerned. Partly because today’s traffic was particularly bad,clogging up the historic streets of downtown with noise and exhaust, magic or no magic filters.
However, his bigger problem wasn’t with his environmental concerns, but with his peculiar passenger. On any other day, he’d feel blessed that THE Princess of Friendship had chosen his humble cab to ride in, but one look at the frazzled feathered, wide eyed mare sparking nervous magic and practically strangling her suitcase cast some heavy doubt oh this fare.
The fact that they had been sitting for almost twenty minutes without moving, practally parked, wasn’t helping the situation none.
“Uh, excuse me Princess?” He had to say something. The mare’s magic was burning a hole in his roof. “On behalf of the business, I thank you for choosing Black & Yellow - Cabs At Your Service, and stop me if this is out of line, but are you alright?”
Twilight snapped forward, startled from whatever line of thought that was currently trying to consume her. “How much longer!?”
“Princess…” He looked at the bumper to bumper traffic with an awkward, lopsided grin. “Heh, is that a trick question?”
That was the wrong thing to say. Obviously. If his passenger was acting odd before, her behavior was downright bizarre now.
Hyperventilating, muttering rapidly, wings twitching, Twilight looked like a unicorn with her horn trapped in the mason jar. “No, no this can’t be happening. I can’t miss this. I can’t!”
“Again, don’t mind me Princess, but what are you going to miss?” All she had said was ‘drive fast here’. The here being a small hospital in Ponyville four hours away by car.
If they were lucky. And interpreted speed limits as suggestions instead of law.
And with the train out of service for track repairs, well...
“I’m already a terrible mom,” She said, voice small and distant, eyes focused on nothing. “And she’s not even born yet.”
Oh. Oh no.
“Oh no,” He said, putting two and two together and feeling guilty for something he had no control over. “Aww Princess, I’m sorry!” Giving the wheel a good hit, he looked out the window and at the clouds floating faster then they were moving. “I’m not one of those fancy airships. Otherwise I’d fly us over this mess in a hop, skip and a - ”
The Princess was staring right at him, and he could almost see the light bulb over her head as something simple and brilliant and the tiniest bit embarrassing dawned upon her.
“Thank you!” She shouted, unbuckling. “Thank you so, so much!” Rushing out of the car in a flurry of feathers, she abandoned her luggage, tossing her entire wallet into the front seat.
Shocked, the cabby shouted out the window for her to wait. “Princess!”
In a flash of wings and purple magic that made his greying mane stand up and the cars around them shake, he watched as the Alicorn disappeared, and then reappeared as a Twilight shaped dot against the sunset.
“Do you think she’ll make it?”
Fluttershy put on her most reassuring smile. “Of course Spike, she’ll be here. Any minute now. ”She tried not to lie. She really hoped she wasn’t lying.    
The young drake huffed. He wasn’t some baby dragon that needed coddling anymore. He knew time was running short.
Fluttershy put a tentative arm around him. “Do you want Pinkie to make you another balloon animal?”
And speak of the pink party pony - Pinkie Pie appeared in the next chair, balloons ready to go. “Oooh, what about a hippopotamus this time!” She squealed, blowing up a long blue shape.
“Pinkie, I don’t think that’s a...” Fluttershy breathed, letting it go. Spike was  thoroughly distracted for the moment, trying and failing to guess at what chimera of creatures Pinkie was creating.
It was excellent timing too, Rainbow Dash exiting the delivery room again. She was on her fifth or sixth snack run, and Fluttershy had a sneaking suspicion is wasn’t because she was still hungry.
“Your turn again,” She said hooking the air with her thumb. “Warning, she’s still all drama. I swear, this is the performance of a lifetime or something.”
Fluttershy rolled her eyes before she caught herself with a meek ‘sorry’ that nopony seemed to hear.
Because of hospital rules, only two ponies other than the doctors and nurses were allowed in the room with the delivering mother at a time.
Applejack was one of them. Fluttershy was now the other. For the last eight hours or so the five of them, including Spike, had been switching on and off, taking turns at keeping Rarity company as they all waited for the arrival.
The only question now was who would arrive first - a filly or her sire.
As Rainbow had said, Rarity was putting on quite the performance. She was curled up on her side, mane hiding her face, moaning with a deathgrip around a pillow.
“C’mon sugarcube,” Applejack said, rubbing the poor unicorn’s back. “You’re doing great.”
Rarity replied with another bout of moaning. “I’m dying,” She announced. “Put me out of my misery.”
Applejack gave a bemused snort.
Fluttershy covered her mouth. She hated seeing her friend in pain like this regardless of reason, but the fact that Rarity could remain, well, Rarity while trying to deliver a foal into the world was a wee bit amusing.
The humor only lasted for a second, as Rarity asked again for Twilight. “Where is she?”
Fluttershy and Applejack shared a look. “She’s on her way.” They said in almost perfect unison. It wasn’t very convincing.
The baby was coming. With or without Twilight.
She was the one who was supposed to be here, rubbing her wife’s back, cooing sweet reassurance into her ears. Not them. Sure, they were all best friends with an unbreakable bond between them but they’re weren't this foal’s parents (even if they would spoil her twice as much as aunts.)
Looking at the clock, hearing Rarity groan, Fluttershy wished for a miracle.
“Are you ready to become a mother? ” The doctor asked with a bright, cheery grin.
“Read the room, doc.” Applejack chided with a crack of her tail.
Fluttershy’s breath caught as the doctor replaced his clipboard for a pair of surgical gloves. “I’m sorry ladies, but this foal won’t wait forever.”
“W-wait,” Rarity started to protest as another wave of pain hit her. The time between contractions was almost non-existent now. ”Five more minutes, please!”
The doctor gave a pity smile. “Your foal will be here in five minutes.”  
“Now just you wait a moment partner -”
“S-sir could you please reconsider -”
“I’m not having this child without my -”
A loud pop from outside the room, a shriek, and another smaller pop followed by cheering caught everyone’s attention.
All eyes were on the doorway as a ragged, worse for wear, magically and physically exhausted alicorn gripped the wall.
“Did I make it!?” Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, Princess of Friendship and best wife ever, panted out, wings crooked and horn practically smoking.
In the background, Pinkie could be heard saying “Boy, are your arms tired!”
The doctor stared, dumbfounded. Had she flown all the way [i]from[/i] Canterlot? He smelled the tinge of magical afterburn. Did she - did she try to teleport all the way!?
Mind sputtering with the medical implications of such a trip on a pony’s body, alicorn or no alicorn, a polite if pained firm cough brought him back to reality.
“If I may answer you now Doctor,” Rarity grinned through clenched teeth. “Yes, WE are ready.”  
If you asked Twilight what it was like watching her daughter be born, she’d say it was ‘like magic’.
Ask her how Rarity looked and she’d say ‘like a goddess’.
Ask her how her hand felt for the next week and she’d say ‘worth the price’.
When Twilight heard her child’s first cries, the spinning of the world stopped. Day and night had no meaning, Time was a lost concept, and the Universe was impossibly small when compared to the weight of being a new parent.
Rarity was the first to hold their daughter -- Stella.
Their Stella. Their little star.
A perfect name for a perfect little filly.
As her beautiful wife - covered in sweat, blood, and tears - cradled their child, Twilight was overcome with pride and gratitude for the mare who had given her this gift. This was her family. Her wife. Her daugher. Her future.
“My darlings,” Rarity sobbed happily, crying from both the residual pain and seeing the beautiful life she had brought into the world. She didn’t want to let her baby go, held on for a selfish (and who would blame her) moment more, before handing Twilight their perfect little radiant star for the first time.
Twilight hesitantly accepted the newborn foal, who had quieted since her first cries in the warmth of her birth mother's embrace. The doubts crept forward out of hiding again, searching for the spotlight, whispering lies.   
Then Stella yawned, and those doubts didn’t stand a chance.
Awashed in tears, Twilight held her daughter, and the world started spinning again.
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