#and rn relevant for jjk
shadowthief78 · 1 year
Heck i spelled should wrong
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lavenderjewels · 2 years
I know it’s a 50/50 on whether Nobara is coming back, but a part of me still thinks that the reason we haven’t see anything of shoko, inumaki, and nobara is that they’re being healed for an eventual nobara reveal
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
volume 0 of jjk is more important then you think
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because the idea that a burdensome level of strength is nothing but a curse, is literalised with Yuta. Rika is literally a curse that's formed out of love. this same plight is not as apparent with Gojo Satoru and Kashimo Hajime. with these two, their mannerisms say far more.
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what's noteworthy is that the resolution of Gojo's own crisis is 100% opposite of how Yuta's was resolved, and it looks to be the same for Kashimo as well. Yuta forgoes his overwhelming strength by dispelling the curse on Orimoto Rika, and prioritizes his bonds with his people.
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after all, that's the central theme of volume 0. as such, the most interesting thing about the shift between the prequel and the main series is just how COMPLETELY the main series contradicts the themes of the prequel.
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the main series, so far, has severely punished anyone that prioritizes their bonds over a robust sense of self + selfish pursuit of power. the special grades are the best example of this. Tsukumo Yuki worked with Tengen and Choso; she didn't fight with her own domain.
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only in death could he stand on an equal footing with his comrades. the framing of these demises in the main series is so deliberately opposed to how the thematic framework of JJK 0 functions. and the reason is none other than the King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna.
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Sendai, the City of Trees. established in the year 1600 by the daimyō Date Masamune. Date Masamune was a descendant of the Fujiwara. any JJK reader knows the significance of the Fujiwara clan in the series
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the emphasis JJK gives to the Fujiwara cannot be understated. lemme run through some key examples rq. the turning point of the series, the Shibuya incident, happens in the vicinity of the Meiji Jinguu, a shrine dedicated to Empress Shōken, a deified member of the Fujiwara clan.
the revival of the Heian era, which saw the supremacy of the Fujiwara clan in the political scene, also plays a part in this. Onmyōdō, or sorcery, was at its peak in the Heian era. Ashiya Dōman, one of the most prominent sorcerers in history, was a hiree of the Fujiwara.
and this specific fact is called back to in the New Shadow Style: Simple Domain, developed by Ashiya Sadatsuna, being utilised widely in the series. the relevance of all this to the topic at hand is that Yuta is a descendant of the Sugawara clan.
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symbolically, literally and meta-textually, Yuta is removed from a position of importance, and a guy from a Fujiwara-established city replaces him.
all of this is why some wouldn't feel confident about Yuta continuing to be in good health for the rest of the series 💀🚩
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all the special grades in the series have been murked, except Yuta. you can clearly see why people would think he's next. BUT NOT ME! and here's why: in the Sendai colony, i.e. in the same city established by the Fujiwara, he beats Uro Takako, a hiree of the Fujiwara.
he cyclicality that JJK is obsessed with plays out on various levels, but Yuta is the only exception. and I mean the ONLY exception. not even Gojo was exempt. Yuta, a Sugawara, beats someone that was associated with the Fujiwara. it plays out the opposite of how it's meant to.
in conclusion, i think we should put our stocks in Yuta. someone that won't be the next Gojo Satoru sounds about desirable rn. Vol-0 is a treasure trove of hints when we reread with new context. i hope i gave you new insight, or at least a fun read.
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I can’t wait for Yuta vs Sukuna, the themes of strength, loneliness, love and modernity vs history finna clash like crazy
The Queen of Curses vs The King of Curses 😤😤😤
Furthermore Yuta as the previous MC whose succeeded despite contradictory themes with Sukuna…
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kideaternomnom · 3 months
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Uhhh i currently have no terrible takes to share (because im always based /j) but you should tell me one of yours!
Hello there, thank you for the flower 🙌🏻
However it’s funny I’m seeing this rn because I just argued with someone on TikTok who said “Maki had no relevance to the story.”
Not even kidding. Read the whole manga and they came to THAT…No it was not rage bait, they were dead serious. 😭
When…Maki killed the whole ass Zenin Clan??? One of the top three clans???? 💀Holy damn this fandom is stupid….
Thanks for coming to my ramble session of JJK’s stupid fandumb
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psychewritesbs · 7 months
Unpopular opinion in the fandom right now, but I don't think Megumi becoming a villain is, if at all, plausible. It would be way too typical for Gege and very obvious.
I don't think he'll get out unscathed either and that a corruption arc is likely to happen, but in jjk's case this 'corruption' may be interpreted as the need to confront the worst version of one's self in order to reach completion. Kind of like a union of opposites (like how he got Totality after white divine dog got killed).
Don't know how Gege will do it but Megumi's upcoming arc might just make him the best character this series has to offer, and he's pretty much already on the way there.
Dear anon, I want you to know you are EVIL* for inducing the brain rot. Your cunning took you to the top of the ask queue. I have things I should be prioritizing, and yet here we are--me gladly taking the bait you so generously placed in my inbox lol.
You see, the thing is... yeah, my agenda is that I want to see Megumi go feral and do feral Megumi-things and be a menace. To whom? I'm torn 50/50 on whether I want him to be so distraught that he turns against everyone, including Sukuna, or whether I want him to shred Sukuna to pieces only. There's absolutely no denying that. But I suspect you might be right and I had already thought something similar might be the case.
I still think Megumi needs to take responsibility for himself, after all, him becoming or not becoming a "villain" and taking responsibility for himself are not mutually exclusive. But...
Evil*-induced word vomit under the cut.
... there's just something about Megumi right now that is asking for healing and self-acceptance and, yeah... other than the fact that Megumi going full on villain is an "obvious" outcome, a "cliché/obvious villain" arc feels kind of jarring rn if I'm honest. And while he could still become a "villain" and redeem himself (which is where I'd put my money--"corruption and redemption" arc)... idk anon.
I'm kind of with you actually? And at the same time I feel like being a "villain" in jjk is far more nuanced than just doing "#evil things".
Again. I want to see Megumi be selfish and go feral. But I really think right now the situation is calling for Megumi accepting everything he doesn't like about himself. Could he just loose his poop and go on a killing spree and then redeem himself? Sure.
I like the whole idea that someone you saved could hurt others. People have brought this up a lot recently.
But something that I can't quite put my finger on feels like you might be onto something.
Anyways, there's layers to your ask. Let's peel them back.
What if the corruption part of the arc was getting possessed by Sukuna?
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Notice how the parallel between Toji and Megumi and them going on a path of carnage has to do with being "unconscious".
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To be more specific, ever since Megumi got possessed I've been wondering whether the possession itself wasn't meant to be the corruption arc in question. As you say, "'corruption' may be interpreted as the need to confront the worst version of one's self in order to reach completion" and I couldn't agree more with you.
I wonder if Gege isn't telling us that Sukuna is what Megumi could be if only he got out of his own way. Tons of parallels to support this idea. But I think particularly relevant to this is that when we are "unconscious" to our potential and who we are, not only do we call what happens to us "fate", our sense of self is vulnerable to corruption from outside sources.
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In Megumi's case, we're talking about Sukuna possessing his body because Megumi had a tendency to live for others and reject aspects of himself that he projected onto others. Cue that one panel showing "learned helplessness":
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So... for a very long time I've been wondering whether getting possessed by a demonic force means his soul was corrupted.
Jacob's Ladder
Here I go talking about Jacob's Ladder again. Like... don't I have something better to talk about?
Guys. Seriously. Jacob's Ladder (1990) is... just do yourself a favor and go watch it and then watch videos analyzing it because I can't do the themes in it justice if I'm honest.
What I'll say about it for now is that this movie is a bit of a metaphor about the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Now, there are archetypal similarities between the stages of death according to the Tibetan Book of the Dead and Dante's Inferno in the Divine Comedy. This is relevant because Gege gave us two references to Dante's Inferno.
The first is that the purpose of the bath is "to be near evil" in the official translation.
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But if I remember correctly, the Japanese raw uses the kanji for "beast" or something like that. Don't quote me on it. But the thing here is that at the very bottom of hell in the Divine Comedy, Dante meets the Devil.
The second reference is a little more of a leap in logic but we see it in the presence of Urizen's compass in the panel showing us Jacob's Ladder. Urizen is a character by William Blake who represents "God" and "good" as "reason". Blake is also the author of a painting depicting the Biblical "Jacob's Ladder". At the top of Biblical Jacob's Ladder and after climbing out of the Inferno, there is "God".
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Gege dropping these references is interesting because they go back to the idea of good vs. evil and jjk "villains". More on villains in a bit.
That said. I'm going to leave this here just for funsies:
Jacob: I was in hell... it's all pain. Louie: You ever read Meister Eckhart?... Ekhart saw hell too. You know what he said? He said the only thing that burns in hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life. Your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away. But they're not punishing you, he said. They're freeing your soul... so the way he sees it, if you're frightened of dying and you're holding on, you see devils tearing your life away. But if you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels freeing you from the earth. It's just a matter of how you look at it. That's all.
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What does it mean to be a "villain" in jjk?
Last thing I will say about this evil* ramble is that "villain" and "evil" are used in a very interesting way in jjk. The Jacob's Ladder reference specifically is very interesting because, according to what I shared above, going through hell can set you free from reason and attachments.
And villains and evil in jjk simply means "following your desires without regard for others." Villains have no attachments to others and are therefore freer to be themselves than others who do. This is, of course, exaggerated and blown out of proportion in jjk:
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Sukuna emphasizes why extreme individualism (lack of regard for others) as "evil" is "bad". But I think that what Gege is actually doing with his villains is criticizing the collectivistic mindset in Japan: or "there is nothing wrong with leaving your attachment to others behind, being selfish, and doing what you desire, as long as you live and let live".
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Where Sukuna says "if you're in my way I'll kill you," Megumi says "I won't kill you, so please don't kill me."
ANYWAYS. All that to say... I still want to see Megumi be selfish in the pursuit of what he desires, however that looks like. If that makes him a "villain", then so be it. He's already a more nuanced "villain" than Sukuna anyways because he is neither "good" or "evil".
And I think that's because Sukuna is missing one key ingredient...
Megumi's heart
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I think D and I had this conversation after chapter 248 dropped? Remember I mentioned Sukuna's body language and thought patterns are unequivocally Megumi? If I remember correctly this conversation is in regard to that.
I haven't seen/read HxH so I can't speak to what D is talking about, but something about it rings TRUE.
And this is when I realized that, while I want to see Megumi do the "villain" thing, it rings more true that the corruption arc is behind us and now it becomes about Megumi's healing.
Just the way I had a weird intuition about something ominous happening to Megumi way back when, I smell a blessing from a mile away. Or as you said, "Don't know how Gege will do it but Megumi's upcoming arc might just make him the best character this series has to offer, and he's pretty much already on the way there."
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ANON. YOU ARE EVIL for sending me this but I love you all the more for it. Thank you! As per usual, hope this made sense? LOL if I rambled too much and wasn't able to justify my points, I blame it on you for encouraging the brain rot before I finished cooking.
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prettyboykatsuki · 4 months
Not sure if you read the Jjk manga or see the leaks about the latest death...I'm honestly numb to them now, I guess since they've been coming from left and right. I don't think they're doing much for the plot, I guess I was just wondering your opinion on it? And deaths in general in Mangas and stories, like what do you think is is like a good way to do a death of character so it doesn't feel cheap? I will say, Katsuki's "death" made me sick to my stomach at the time but they are very diff stories. Sorry this is so long :(
with peace and love in my heart i Really do not gaf about jjk anymore at least storywise. i did try to stick with it after gojo but i just did not think it made sense anymore.some times i read leaks but rn its not looking great. no part of the stories direction rn makes me want to keep up with it lol. so in terms of the story im like. damn please just let akutami out of his contract cause he is fumbling pretty bad rn and i cant imagine how it will be resolved.
i dont actually mind manga deaths even if i act insane. i thought gojos death felt cheap and unplanned and didn't make much sense. it's not that he died but that he died so quickly into the fight and that so much was left unresolved as a part of it. that abrupt feeling was not intentional or well-exectued either. even with a story like jjk that prides itself on being gritty and hopeless, there was just nothing beyond shock value and it was wholly uninteresting. nanami had an excellent death even if it made me very very sad. it held the right amount of narrative weight and was timed appropriately for full gutwrenching impact. i did not feel that way about gojos death. and people were calling people gojo glazers for being upset about it but like. of course people are going to be like hm.. wonder if the fact his own mangaka kinda does not fw him plays into this at all. just a little loool.
the most important thing with any chara death is just intent to me. people die. but what makes that death siginficant? a premature, uneventful death just doesn't make sense for a character as monumentally lore relevant as gojo even if that's the intent. it just wasn't anticlimatic in the right way. i cant be unbiased about katsukis death so i wont pretend - but i didn't feel like his death was cheap at least. it was treated with a lot of emotional impact and fell in line well with the gravity of the story / arc. like u said they are different stories and it made sense with the way hori tells the narrative which is what matters. objectively it was a good death, even if emotionally i was ruined lol
i just. dont think gojos death made sense. at all. in any capacity. like. im truly not even that much of a gojo glazer but it felt completely nonsensical to me and still does. why is he just dead lmaooo like what. he is thee six eyes and he got beat tf up in one fight? be serious
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misstooru · 1 year
I don't keep up with the manga dunno what's going on jjk rn but I'm wondering if utahime will play a more important role in next chapters like c'mon I want to see her more! more screen time for her and backstory! her scar and more plot relevance for her ct since they reveal it so late so I'm thinking if something interesting or tragic will happen to her character like, imagine utahime as kenjaku's next victim, stitches on her forehead and it's uraume inside her assisting sukuna or kenjaku in final battle or something then gojohime angst lol
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dreamtuna · 1 year
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First of all, let's make this clear. This is an 18+ blog with plenty of spicy nsfw content, so minors dni please I will block you
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I'm dreamtuna. You can call me Dream, Tuna or any (reasonable) variation you find fun.
I'm 31 and use she/they pronouns. I'm from Scotland and no, I don't have a cool accent sadly. (Although I was told the other day I'm noticeably Scottish so maybe I do?)
I recently returned to tumblr after like, a decade away. It's very different, but I feel comfy, welcome and motivated for the first time, so I'm planning on sticking around.
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My main fandom rn is Attack on Titan but this is absolutely a multi fandom blog. The vast majority of the content will be AoT, with a heavy focus on Levi.
My interests very much hop around whatever I'm consuming currently, so I'll update this with whatever is relevant, but some of my other interests that you might see include (bold are my hyperfixations rn):
JJK (Naoya, Nanami, Toji, Sukuna), Wind Breaker (Sakura, Togame), Dragon Ball (Vegeta, Cell), Paradox Live (Iori), Genshin Impact (Neuvillette, Zhongli, Cyno, Tighnari), Bucchigiri?! (Marito), The Apothecary Diaries (Maomao, Jinshi), Honkai Star Rail (Aventurine, Dr Ratio, Jing Yuan, Boothill), Wuthering Waves (Aalto, Jiyan)
If you're interested, you can see my current anime/manga list here but please don't think too much about my ratings. They're inconsistent and done on feelings immediately following the finale lmao. And for games you can check here. Feel free to ask about anything, I don't mind! Also always feel free to tag me in related stuff, I love seeing my favs 💖
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I write, mostly Levi x Reader atm. It makes me smile a lot when I see people enjoying my work. I'm enjoying writing again for the first time in over a decade.
Until I have enough to be worth making a masterlist (coming soon!!), you can find my writing here. Please keep in mind there is nsfw content.
In the meantime, you can see my oneshots here and my short pieces here (drabbles, headcanons, anything like that).
These tags will be changing shortly to reflect my name change, but I'm feeling lazy tonight...
You can also see writing I particularly like if you want some recommendations right here. Again, lots of nsfw in there.
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I'm anxious and awkward but my asks are open and I'm always happy to talk to anyone. Feel free to yeet prompts/requests my way too (no guarantees I'll fulfil them though) or ask me questions about my headcanons, selfship etc or just in general. Doesn't have to be confined to AoT either, feel free to ask about whatever is on your mind.
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◆ I use dividers from saradika and Firefly Graphics ◆
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hxhhasmysoul · 11 months
Tagged by @cursedvibes
Thank you for the tag <3
Favourite colour: it's hard XD maybe teal
Last song: Everything Everything - Cold Reactor
Last movie: Silver Haze by Sacha Polak. It's very relatable (derogatory), not in any specific life event, just like my life feels kinda like that. Loved it.
Other stuff I watched this year: I don't watch stuff much nowadays. I'm all anxiety all the time. I watched Hell's Paradise but actually just half of it before Mappa exhausted me, then I read the rest and it was fun. I watched some other stuff. I recall fondly Romantic Killer, it's super silly and relaxing.
Shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: CSM, though maybe I dropped it last year already? I don't remember. It's a one gag story and I got bored. Demonslayer never was very exciting but the last season was peak of what I dislike about stories where none of the other characters apart from the main are relevant and the story happens where the main happens to be... it also introduced the precious Sailor Katsudon and I imagined a whole anime where she was the main character looking for a husband who'd be stronger than her while constantly becoming stronger herself by fighting demons. those other hashira do something cool and she gets a dokidoki moment and then it turns out she can easily body them because she powered up. so oh no they don't qualify as a husband... this tangent got away from me. so anyway, can someone make this anime for me, please?
Currently reading: some manga but mostly stuff about IT for work, I don't want to think about it.
Currently listening to: a let's play of some classic horror game. the music is creepy and the person has a nice accent and says silly stuff sometimes but it's mostly ambient noise.
Currently working on: writing anything... fuck me any amount of words would be good.
Current obsession: idk, i'm too anxious rn to be consistently obsessed. but i'm still into jjk and hxh, and kinda into bg3... the writing is fucking bad in it. like it's very entertaining for me to play mechanically and i can do it for hours but then the shittiness of the writing hits me and i need long breaks.
Tagging if you want: @subdee, @ishouldgetatumbler, @voidcat-senket, @watcher0033, @galaxynajma, @noname-nonartist
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krshush · 2 years
ANYWAYS, PUTTING ASIDE ALL THAT, I got tagged by @impossibletruths to fill out a thing, thank yaaa!!
3 ships: Vanoe (CSoV, girl help I'm thinking abt impending tragedies at the end of stories), Vashwood (Trigun, GIRL HELP I'M THINKING ABT THE IMPENDING TRAG--), special mention to my newest OC and their S/O (GIRL HELP--)
first ship ever: oh GOD. that could've been ANYTHING. the first ship I had when I knew what shipping Was is I think? Sora+Riku from Kingdom Hearts? probably. but I definitely had earlier ships.
last movie: Promare I think, when my fellow Anime Enjoyers™ and I watched it.
last song: Beast In Air, Beast in Water by Snowmine, a classic in my mind that Gets me ;w; (also is relevant to the OC mentioned prior, anyways)
currently reading: I have a backlog of manga to keep up with (CSoV, JJK, y'know) but also I got. Scum Villain's Self-Saving System a bit ago. I need to pick back up on that.
currently watching: the P5X news and screaming I had been watching Drawfee vods tonight, but in general I'm keeping up w/Trigun: Stampede and have been watching Mushishi! Both very good in. differing directions.
currently consuming: Nothing! last thing I ate was a chocolate snack cake and I should maybe drink some water, but it's almost bedtime.
currently craving: A reprieve from daily existence to just submerge into Making Art without losing time or having interruptions. But I guess sleep would be nice here shortly too!
I'm not taggin' anyone outright rn, if you wanna do this tho, do it!! lemme know!!!
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sweet-evie · 1 month
People kinda being overdramatic with the Jjk ending, I get being afraid on how it will end, but there's still more major Jjk content in the future hello?? Jjk season 3?4? The whole manga is probably gonna get animated and there are still people that are gonna make fan arts and fics about it not too mention new fans in the future, the Jjk era will probably never end since it's too iconic
I know people on Twitter are joking or being sarcastic, but I've seen some tweets that are legitimately mourning and talking about how they'll miss JJK, and I'm like...
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Just because a show ends, doesn't mean the fandom dies ffs 😫
I know fandoms from the ealy 2000s that still exist today, so I don't understand why some people are like, "I don't want JJK to end.. I'm going to miss the fandom."
You don't have to leave the JJK fandom if you don't want to. 😅
JJK relevancy is going to be around for a long while tbh 😍
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
No because Aoyama is a really REALLY uh quirky? I won’t get into it much but iirc he’s half French or something so they really played into the “oui oui fromage” type stereotype with his personality SHEGSHS
Im crying the bro zone LMAOOO honestly the Karasu sibling dynamic felt soo natural to me so good job LMAO I get what you mean! Like sometimes the sibling dynamic feels a little off if it’s too like….lovey dovey for lack of a better term?? Esp compared to what most sibling dynamics are even stereotyped to be like LOL
Otoya a real one fr >>>> really an undercover wingman like bro did not even grab a shirt or pants just walked out like ok bro the rest is up to you
LMAOO omg Karasu change up?? I bet the theme would be FIRE honestly that’s me with like any wallpaper/background/pfp I switch relatively often because I get bored HAHA
LMAOOO everything comes back to Karasu he’s everywhere…it’s ok time to lock in!! No more Karasu from now on /j ok but WAITTT if you made a long series you KNOW I’ll read it the second it comes out!! I’m ngl I got second lead syndrome too reading hollyhock with Karasu HSHSKAHSKA I’m curious would it be a completely diff au/verse or a hollyhock branch?
Also pause…don’t be shy post the smaus LMAOO dw we share the same mind I can put together the context pieces
- Karasu anon
PLSSS the way i’m in france rn…maybe that’s what secretly influenced me DHDJSKSM in my mind bfb aoyama is a very square looking dude?? idk how to put it but in my mind he has a square face, short brown hair, probably not super tall but kinda wide in a muscly way 🤔 he’s def athletic but very much so gives background character energy 😔 like he INVENTED being an npc 😭😭😭 the closest i can think of for a character that resembles him is imagining what young kusakabe from jjk might look like?? idk
siblings in media either say bro and sis way too often for it to feel natural (my brother and i do call each other bro but it’s in a buddy way not a “brother please bring me my water” “okay sister” way ykwim), are way too openly affectionate, or are horribly toxic there is hardly ever any in between 😩 i wanted it to be obvious that yayoi teases tabito a ton and maybe sometimes too much but at the end of the day she’s got his back and does care abt him (and vice versa ofc!!)
okay idk if it’s funnier to think that he knew y/n was coming so he thought he should change into smth better before she got there so he could go out but she caught him at a bad time so he just to roll as he was OR if he knew she was coming and that he’d have to leave but he just thought to himself “nah wtvr this is my fit tn the world can live with it” honestly both are in character because he’s such a dumbass (affectionate)
EEK IT MAY HAVE TO HAPPEN there’s just not any panels or arts of him that scream header to me though especially not following my current theme’s layout…ig i would have to do smth similar to my nagi theme from the beginning of the summer if i did!! we will see hehe
KARASU IS INESCAPABLE FR he’s just so perfect 🥹 i think it would probably be a completely different verse!! the plot and ending i have planned for hollyhock is very dependent on y/n loving otoya specifically so now i just associate the whole sengoku period vibe with eita…also historical au’s are harder for me to put out because the writing time gets doubled due to the necessity of research!! hence why i can’t work on hollyhock on the plane 😵‍💫 i’m not quite sure what au i would go for…i’ll have to do a deep dive and listen to some audios/watch some edits to see what inspires me!!
LMAOAOAO okay be prepared for crack they’re so stupid but i’ll give a little context for the verse so yk what’s going on!! also the queen of miraverse ocs makes an appearance in them 🤩 i’ll only post the bllk ones i’ve made because those are the most recent/relevant to our convos but trust i have many
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itadore-you · 2 years
finally caught up on jjk manga !!
my thoughts:
- I hate kenjaku yeh but he's got getos face,,, mans fine
- when choso was using all the diff things he learned from his brothers I almost cried (I'm lit on a coach rn and feel v exposed in public) GOD he's so sweet
- SO IM IN LOVE WITH MAKI RIGHT,,, but WHEW yuki is on my waifi list and CLIMBING THE RANKS
- Her technique is so hot (I don't fully understand it)
- I like seeing these fights outside of the culling game, the change in tension is so exciting and I just can't properly explain it, but seeing the outside plot of how kenjaku kinda perfectly crafted it all... I love it I love it because for a while I'm ngl I got a bit bored by the constant new characters who didn't feel very relevant and were confusing for me (not meant in a bad way, I'm just a bit dumb so I had to drag my brain through it over and over)
- I'm extremely excited to see what happens in Yuki v Kenjaku battle - if Kenjaku somehow wins and gets through to Tengen ... fuck. lol.
the weird thing is like I feel like I get the plot of jjk but I don't understand. my knowledge feels surface level in comparison to the deeper workings within the plot, but the day I unlock this enlightenment I will literally never shut up. I'll write so many essays and extensive thoughts I swear. I very much admire ppl who can analyse manga and other media's. literal geniuses.
yeh I just wanted to write down how I feel so far in the series (also this marks a point in my memory so I won't forget the plot in like a week's time aha) so yeh lmk what u guys thought too.
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psychewritesbs · 11 months
Not really much for a discussion here but it's just smth that's been on my mind I need to eject it sorry 🙏 A thing I rlly rlly like about jjk is the theme of saving people as well as the fact that characters actions actually have consequences that often times are fatal if not for them for others around them. I think one of the most consistently relevant quotes from jjk, especially relating to recent chapters but we don't need to talk about them 🤕🤒🤧, is when megumi (WHERE IS HE) was like "what happens when the person you save goes on to kill someone else?" Bc like. This whole thing started because yuji saved megumi who then decided to save yuji despite knowing he was sukunas, which he later paid for. Not only that but bc of just these choices so many people like just SOOOO many people lost their lives including people they know which is the complete opposite of what yuji is striving for and then add on the fact that pretty much all the big character deaths/megumi takeover </3 happened directly in front of yuji which is brutal but also extremely effective in showing us that in this story, protagonist or not actions have consequences and plot armour isn't gonna save anyone this time. Also whenever I think abt this I'm reminded of when yujis grandpa tells him to "save people even if it's just one" which was really the motive for yujis resolve in the first place, and I'm bringing that up rn because yuji still hasn't been able to save the people he cares for most and it's just. God it's so tragic but it's so good and it's things like this that are the reason I love jjk so much and trust in gege's story telling . Idk if I have a point to this so sorry for the random word vomit but I just think that the specific theme of saving people and the different views everyone has about it, as well as characters actually having to deal with the consequences of their actions (nobara jumping in on the fight with mahito, megumi letting yuji live, just EVERYTHING with gojo tbh, etc) is just done so well done and I really do look forward to (maybe a hint of dread in there too) seeing how he ties it all up. Having said that if he doesn't return my son to me next chapter he WILL be hearing from my lawyer and I will be taking full custody 🤝
ok but... I LOVE this! I couldn't agree more!
It's like one big massive hard dish of cold truth. And I think that's what's so deeply resonant about this particular theme in the story is the idea that the road to hell is paved with good intentions because there are simply so many moving parts that are beyond our control.
Of course, in this case, we're also talking about how these characters are responsible for, not just their own misfortunes, but also that of others.
So, as you say, I also love that "in this story, protagonist or not actions have consequences and plot armour isn't gonna save anyone this time".
Because ain't that the fucking truth? Like if I had plot armor going for me I'd be a millionaire by now lol. But instead I have to sit with the consequences of my choices loooool.
idk, I am going on a tangent here but I just love how Gege can write about these deep truths about the human condition that are so relatable and agree with you that he's doing a beautiful job of it.
And to me, that's the kind of storytelling I like. So I also hear you about trusting Gege's storytelling.
I'm looking forward to seeing where Gege takes this whole thing AND to more word vomit from you too! Thank you for sharing the jjk-love!
Also, I'm totally interested in joining a class-action suit against Gege for custody of Megumi LOL 🤝.
Thank youuuuuuuuu 🫶🏼.
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snnbnny · 2 years
Jealousy is an Alphabet Soup Made of Booze and Bozos.
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–Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader, (subtle) Yuji Itadori x Reader
–Genre: Mostly fluff and pinning, twinge of angst, and ofc the smut
–Word count: 4.9k
–Reader: Afab, Gender neutral for the most part although hinted to be fem-aligned, no pronouns mentioned, slightly fem nicknames, emotional, implied to be short in general and definitely is shorter than Gojo
–C/W: Alcohol consumption mentioned heavily but not actually shown, Ex fwb!Gojo Satoru, Business man!Gojo, Irl au, Bartender!Yuji Itadori, mentions of heartbreak, soft!Gojo, they’re all idiots, jealousy
–T/W: Smut near the end (where it starts and stops will be marked for your convenience), soft emotional sex, unprotected sex, oral!reader recieving, fingering, ‘master’ honorific, counter top sex,  squirting, faint overstimming, both parties are sobber for this part dw
–Notes: Hey hunny’s!!! This is the well waited first one shot of the jjk x drunk!reader/ them taking care of you drunk series! Gojo Satoru has been decided to be the first character apart of the series! Thank you the fifty four of you decided the final fate of this fic, it was selected to be a longer smut. Also, the characters Ale and Emily mentioned in the piece several times are based off of my mutuals @oikawas-milk-bread and @kaminarili who oddly have the same pfps but one more zoomed in rn. Anyhow, love you guys and hope ya like it!.
–Tag list: @multi-fandoms-stuff
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Ringing, ringing, click. “This is Satoru Gojo, leave a message~, or not.”
“Gojoooooo, hi-” You murmured in an almost guilty tone into the phone whose speaker was way too close to your mouth. “Uhm, if you g- *hiccup*- get this message c-could you please come to the uhm-’Flying Dutchman Brew-brewing Company?’... ‘m sorry I jus’, I didn’t know who else to call and and- yeah, p-please hurry.” You were on the brink of crying, sitting at a corner table of this unfamiliar bar alone and drunk.
You weren’t someone who would normally do something like this. This was the first time you had let yourself be coerced by your friends to go out and just drink and drink and drink. You honestly couldn’t recall what led up to this point and all the shenanigans that had taken place during the night, 3 A.M. in a medium-full bar and coming down from one hell of a buzz alone with no purse in sight just a phone at 34% and a minor sense of dread. You didn’t want to call him of all people, but in actuality, you didn’t have many other options- all of your friends were out with you when the night began, and where they went wasn’t of relevance to you since the traitors abandoned you. You didn’t have any family who lived close by. So the last resort your drunk mind could conjure was Satoru Gojo.
For clarification, Gojo and you had been seeing each other on and off for a couple of months- also someone above you in your company, a fact you were unaware of when you first started seeing him. You wouldn’t call it dating, hookups with random moments of tenderness, and even just hanging out sometimes, but you had quickly developed feelings for the charming man despite an agreement to keep it casual. Almost three weeks ago whatever you two had, had ended. What happened? Well, you discovered he was seeing this executive, seeing him more seriously than he was seeing you, and you couldn’t help the jealousy that bubbled in your chest. You picked a nonsensical fight over something else- Long story short, this was the first time you had any form of contact with him since you stormed out of his apartment after (well, technically during) said fight. You had actively avoided him during work and didn’t check the messages he sent you. It was hard on you though, emotionally it felt like a break up with a long-term partner after finding out they were cheating on you- heartbreaking. You had been wallowing and wallowing until you were dragged out to drink tonight, and see where it got you. Right back into the lanky man’s arms, in a way.
“Hey ma’am?” the kind bartender that was tending you that night asked, his apron was nowhere in sight instead he had a satchel hanging from his strong shoulders. “Do you have a ride home? I’m sorry to bother you, I had just noticed that the people you were with had left and you look pretty sad- hey hey don’t cry-” This poor guy was your tipping point, he was mid-sentence when a sob had escaped you. You had started to break down, sure you were an emotional person but over the year you had managed to get it under control but between the situation, exhaustion, and the lingering alcohol in your system- you were fragile at the time.
“I’-I’m sorry, I’m okay.” Despite your shaky reassurance, he sat down across the table with a soft smile. He was pretty, his most striking feature was his spiky pink hair and wide hopefully brown eyes.
“ ‘names Yuji Itadori, but please call me Yuji.” He smiled brightly.
You sniffed, a pause in the new conversation before you realized he was silently asking for your name, which you stuttered out, “ It’s nice ta meet y-you.”
“You too, pretty. You were on the phone just now, right? Is someone on their way for you?” He was talking to you almost like you were a lost child, but you honestly didn’t mind, the company was keeping your mind off of reality. How likely is it that Gojo was awake? Even if he was, would he even bother to listen to your message or come? 
You just gave Yuji a hopeless smile and shrugged, “Don’ think so. He didn’t pick up. Pro-probably won’t even get the message.” For a second you saw the man tense at the mention of a man.
The tenseness was momentary, swiftly taken over by sympathy which was taking up more and more of his handsome features, “Your boyfriend? If it is a boyfriend I’m sure he’s on his way here if he loves you as I’m sure any sane man does.”
“N-no, he’s no-ot my boyfriend. Not even close, a col-colleage of sorts. But what do ya mean by ‘if he loves you as I’m sure any sane man does’?” You couldn’t help the question, looking at him almost doe-eyed.
An awkward chuckle escaped him, one that made you shiver a little. “Just that you're pretty and really nice. I’m sure every person in your life, and in their right mind, really likes you.” A faint dusting of pink was splashed over his cheeks when he said that, scratching his chin with one finger while he looked at the wall.
It made you also blush and fidget, “I, uhm, thank you that i-is so sweet. you’re dashing yourself, Yuji.'' checking your phone to find no messages or calls from Gojo, although there was a picture of your friend Emily holding your purse apologizing for taking it. It’s been almost 15 minutes and you’ve lost most of your faint hope in the tall man you had called.
“Thanks,” he was sounding a little bashful. “But if he doesn’t show up in a bit is there a way you could get an uber or-?”
“No, my friend took my purse and-and keys. I’m totally s-stranded.” You sulked, letting your head fall into your arm on the table before coming back up. You could see the thoughts going in his concerned brain when you looked back up. You felt guilty for burdening this poor bartender, he was kind enough to check on you when you returned that nicety with your hopeless sobs.
“I’d offer to let you stay at my place,” He began, hesitation in his tone. “But that's kinda creepy, you don’t know me and I don’t know you… Stranger danger and all.”
You laughed and nodded at his statement, “Yeah, I-I meannn you seem real nice Yuji. B-but that seems like a, uh, last resort. Ya know?”
Yuji bobbed his head, his pink tufts bouncing with the movement. You noticed the faint sheen of sweat on his skin making him glimmer in the low light of the bar that was emptying slightly as you spoke with Itadori. “Let me keep you company, at least. Can’t leave a pretty thing like you alone in a bar like this.” You blushed and smiled as you nodded in agreement. The conversation fell to small talk, learning bits and pieces about each other. He loved movies and also doing impersonations. He showed you his interpretation of Tom Hanks in Castaway, which made you laugh.
Yuji was in the middle of telling you a story from when he was bit by a venomous snake on a trip to South America when your heart, which mind you was in overdrive already from the charismatic man in front of you, did a flip. A man had stormed through the bar’s entrance, an all too familiar beanpole with white hair that was messy. Gojo’s eyes flew all across the bar at lightning speed before they landed on yours, leading to him storm through the bodies in his way to reach you as quick as his gaze was before. He grabbed your face and started checking you over as soon as he was close enough.
“[y/n] are you alright, what the hell-?” Gojo started before noticing the guy across from you, dropping his hands at the sight of Itadori. “Well, hi there. So sorry was I interrupting something?”
The ice in his tone was cold enough to make you physically shiver, “Gojo, th-thank god. I had uhm, Ale took my purse and I did-didn’t have anyone else to call. Yuji was jus’ keepin me companyyy.” You couldn’t control your instincts which drove you to stand and hug Gojo, almost burying yourself in his chest. He was warm and smelt of sandalwood which was so comforting it made you wish to cry your eyes out, again. You were hurting a little inside, a dull ache in your chest. But who would it hurt to savor your chance to have sweet, wholesome contact? You, but you can blame the booze.
Gojo hesitantly reciprocated the hug, a faint sigh escaping his supple lips as his chin buried into your hair. You couldn’t see it, but Yuji had stiffed up at the sight of affection and his face had a sour expression for a second. It made Satoru want to chuckle but he held it in with the self-control he did have. 
“If it-it's not tooo much to ask uh,” You whispered up to the man, giving him puppy eyes when you pulled back a little making him smile faintly. “My keysssss, they’re in my purse, and I uh need a place to stay-”
“I figured, you can stay at my place. I've told you that before doll.” Gojo petted your head. In the past, you had the rare treat to see Satoru’s sweet and soft side but this was a whole new level. Maybe you were imagining it but he was being so delicate with you at the moment that made your heart pitter-patter more than it already was. “Common, it’s late. Don’t want you to pass out right here right now, don’t think the janitorial staff would be pleased.”
The normally jovial man started to guide you out of the bar with an arm around your shoulder before you stopped him, “Wwait, Yuji- I knowww we j-just met but, can I have your number?” You extended your phone with the contacts app open to Itadori who you were not standing right in front of. He took the phone with a glimmer in his eye at your statement. Handing it in after creating his little space on your phone. “I’ll- text you. Thank you Yuji Itadori.”
With that Gojo practically dragged you away and out of that establishment. You recognized Gojo’s new Toyota supra, colored the same blue as his eyes, parked right in front. In a no parking zone, of course. He ushered you into the passenger's seat, buckling your seatbelt for you before closing your door. You only murmured a thank you, instead of any protest for once, to which Satoru responded with a hum. Once settled in the relatively comfy seats, exhaustion hit you like a freight train. Gojo had only just pulled out of the spot when tiredness consumed you and you completely passed out.
You came too surrounded by light and a fluffy quilt wrapped haphazardly around your body. You laid there for a minute, savoring the perfect temperature and comfort level your body was at; but also the calmness in the air accompanied by only faint sounds of life outside the bedroom’s window wall. It took you a bit before the night before (and the mornings) memories flooded back to you, causing a groan to escape you and the faint headache to surface. You struggled out of your fluffy prison your sleep self had entrapped you in, when you finally surfaced, shooting upwards into a sitting position which made you slightly dizzy. You were met by the sight of a very familiar room, Gojo’s. His stylish and mostly monochrome stylings with led strips that weren’t on, the sight brought back up the faint bubbling of home but also heartbreak. You looked around the room to find him, but he wasn’t in sight. However, you did notice your phone plugged in on the nightstand which also had a glass of water and ibuprofen, also a note.
‘I’ll b back, called u out of work- went to get your purse. Donuts on the counter. - Satoru <3’
A small smile tugged on your lips, and the domestic energy warmed your heart, rereading the note before taking the ibuprofen and chugging the glass of water. Standing to stretch you caught a glimpse of yourself in the floor-length mirror Gojo had, you were disheveled at best: hair wild in an outlandish style that can never be replicated, the fancy clothes you were wearing the night prior were replaced by Gojo’s Glass Animals t-shirt and a pair of his boxers, and your makeup and the sweat were mostly cleaned off although some remnants could be seen.
You could hear the apartment door open with the jingle of keys, you made your way to the bedroom’s entrance and stood. His open concept home made it so you were directly across from him, many feet between you two. Gojo was in gray sweatpants and a black long-sleeved shirt that was form-fitting- with a pair of sunglasses on his nose bridge, of course. Your purse and his keys in hand. He froze in place for a second at the sight of you, a smile pulling the sides of his mouth as he gave you a slow once over. Satoru freed a nimble hand to pull down his sunglasses to throw them on the countertop.
“Well good morning, sleepyhead.” He cooed, finally making his way further into the apartment and closing the door gently. You also made your way closer to him, almost drawn to him. “I went to Ale’s  for your purse-”
Your brow quirked upwards, “But it wasn’t Ale who had it-”
A nod came from the man, who was now only 3 feet from you and itching to be closer. “Yeah, yeah I know that now. I was bamboozled by your drunk self to think that Ale had it. Thankfully the fourth place I went, Emily’s, was correct. She was oddly so eager to give me, a man she barely knows, your purse. If I was you I wouldn’t trust her with anything until she has a refresher course on stranger danger.” 
You giggled, the fact was you only had like 4 friends that he knows of. Making Emily’s that last place he went, “Yeah well, can’t blame ‘er for being nice. Stranger danger  should be implemented in standard employee training. Can’t have everyone getting kidnaped or even worse- them give away company supplies!”
“Oh god no!” He faked being appalled. “It can’t happen, the world will CRUMBLE!”
You couldn’t hold back the laughter anymore, and neither could Gojo because you both spent a long minute laughing to the point where it was hard to breathe. When you two had calmed down a bit he handed you your purse, which you put down almost immediately. It wasn’t that it wasn’t a huge relief, but you wanted to savor this time with Satoru even for a little bit.
“Thank you,” It came out quieter than you intended, and so did the rest of your sentence. “For everything, Gojo. Truly you saved my ass when you didn’t have to. Especially after everything, which I would like to apologize for because I acted so unfairly and honestly childish-”
“[y/n], I would do anything for you in a second,” The words came out of the tall man's mouth quicker than he thought them. “Don’t beat yourself up about the past, I just want to know what I did.”
The silence was almost deafening, the only sound was your heartbeats, “Gojo-”
“How many times do I have to ask you,” His voice was gentle compared to the rigidity of the words. “Please call me Satoru.”
“Satoru,” you corrected. “You didn’t do anything really.” Bashfulness took over, could you admit to him your feelings? You couldn’t look him in the eye, instead, you looked down to the floor.
The sapphire-eyed man was quick to close the gap between you, putting a finger under your chin to force you to look at him. “Sweetness, please tell me.”
“I just, I couldn’t handle a casual relationship anymore.” You murmured, giving him a sad look. “I know about you and Ichika Hanamaki, how your relationship with her was going. And I realized I couldn’t do it anymore.”
A scoff left his mouth, “Me and Hanamaki slept together, I admit. But it was only once or twice, there was no relationship there. I can barely tolerate her most of the time. Where the hell would you have heard this bullshit?”
Embarrassment and regret seized your body, blush creeping onto your skin. “She can’t keep her mouth shut in the break room.”
He grimaced and sighed, letting go of your face and walking over to the donut box on the kitchen counter and grabbing a chocolate glazed one for him, and your favorite type of donut for you. You stood there a minute with the pastry in your hand before you mentioned, “It broke my heart ‘Toru. These past weeks I’ve been miserable-”
“I think I’m in love with you, [y/n].” He blabbered out, confidence but also vulnerability was all over his face and body language. He was now leaning his back against the butcher block while you still stood near the counter which had bar stools. Gojo could hear the swift intake of breath and saw how wide your eyes were. “This entire time, that's all I could think about. How I was so stupid to fuck it up when I finally realized my feelings for you.”
“Satoru…” You whispered. You felt faint, to be honest, but that was the least of your problems. “Please don’t be playing with me right now.”
“What? No, god no. [y/n] I joke about a lot of things, but I would never joke about this to you.” You made your way closer to him with small steps, he waited for you patiently until you were in arms reach- it was then when Satoru pressed your body to his and he kissed you like a starving man, hands bracing the side of your face. Every time you thought he was going to pull away you were wrong, you had barely any oxygen left when you finally pushed him off. Even then his face was mere inches from yours as you both breathed heavily.
“‘Toru,'' you pleaded. You were fisting his shirt like holding onto him would save you from the end of the world. “‘Toru, I love you too. Please lemme be your significant other, I don’ think I could stand to lose you again.”
“You just made my year, sweetness, I would be honored!” With another bone-breaking, air stealing kiss the relationship you had both longed for and grieved over, was sealed. This time the kiss wasn’t filled in desperation but with pure joy and affection, so much joy that little giggles escaped the both of you while you kissed passionately. He wrapped his arms around you, engulfing your smaller frame with his when he deepened the kiss- at this point the two of you were making out not just kissing. With a bite on your lip, his nimble tongue got access to your mouth; quickly gained dominance over your tongue, and then explored his territory.
You couldn’t help the moan which was quick to surface, it was a sound that made Satoru Gojo lose the last strand of composure and control he had. Picking you up by grabbing behind your thighs, he placed you on the counter the show of strength making you gasp as well as the shock of the cold marble on your bare skin.
“Please baby, let me show you how much I need you.” He asked into your ear which he started nibbling. You barely got a breathy, ‘yes, god please-’ out before he was attacking you like a starved animal. One of Gojo’s hands groped your breast while he started berating your neck with bites and sucking- trying to mark you as his. You were desperately gripping onto him, hands finding use by raking up his back, your head was thrown back to give Satoru the accessibility he wanted. Suddenly, the man’s free hand made its presence known by grabbing and squeezing your thigh all too close to your acing core which throbbed due to a certain someone.
Gojo pulled back, freeing both himself and you of your tops before picking you up to take off the boxer he had dressed you in before, “You know, changing a past out drunk person is pretty suspicious of you.” You couldn’t help the joke as it slipped past your swollen red lips.
“Would you have preferred it if I had just stripped you?” ‘Toru teased, the tone becoming more serious when he instructed: “Green means good, yellow means to slow down, red means to stop. ‘Ya ready for me angel?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, anticipation making you bite your lip. 
He lowered himself so he was on his knees, and sitting face to face with your exposed and gushing pussy. “Doll, use your words.”
“Yes, master. I-I’m ready.” You couldn’t help the honorific which fell in with the sentence, it almost sounded like a plea from the way you said it. When the last letter left your mouth, he dove for your slit- burying his face in and shaking his head for a good minute. The motion made you whine, but when he started licking and sucking on your folds was when he really made you moan. You grounded yourself by grabbing his cloud-colored locks and pulling a little, his scalp was the perfect anchor. He switched to fucking you with his tongue while playing with your clit, he wasn’t going too fast but it was fast enough that you were already worming around in his grip due to the pleasure you were feeling.
“I-I haven’t-” you stuttered. “Slept with an-anyone else.” This made Satoru groan into your cunt. You had shared this fact to try and defend why you were coming undone so quickly, more so for yourself although you knew that the small amount of time between when you had last slept with him had nothing to really do with it. He had this indescribable talent to fuck you so well even when he isn’t necessarily trying (he almost always is though).
He switched positions, two fingers started pumping in and out of your dripping hole at an even speed while his tongue played with your clit like a child playing with a light switch. You could barely take it anymore, you were on the ledge about to fall into a blissful casum of pleasure.
“Master-! M-master I’m gonna,” You couldn’t get out the words before your orgasim raked throw you body making you almost quiver. Gojo groaned so deeply and sexily that it almost made you cum again. 
He slowed his minstraitions but didn’t stop until you had completely finished your high, “Thats it pretty, thats it. Such a good little thing for me.” He pulled his digits from your weeping hole excruciatingly slow, making sure your felt it. Satoru plassed a feather light kiss to your clit, then stood back up and kissed you- forcing you to taste yourself on his tounge as he pushed it into you mouth.
“Pleaseeee!” You pleaded when he pulled away, it made Gojo grin.
“Please what? What do you want angel? Use your words.” He almost cood caressing the sides of your face with the tips of his fingers
“M-master please do me already,” You murmured at the man, lower lip quivering before you bit it. A chuckle escaped your partner as he shook his head, suddenly pulling your body to the edge of the counter top.
“Of course, doll,” he whispered into your ear seductivly. “Anything for you.” Your chests were nearly touching with the new closeness Gojo had created by bringing you closer, you wrapped your legs around his waist to ensure he wouldn’t move away which made him chuckle.
Satoru wasted no time as he lined himself up with your already abused hole and sliding in slowly but confidently. The stretch took your breathe away, mouth unintentionally gaping at the feeling. Shuttered moans from both you and Gojo filled the room, his once confident and smug expression was slightly twisted with pure pleasure. Scratching his back as you tried to grip his defined back muscle, you started leaving hickeys up the side of his neck which he gratefully accepted. He girated his hips against yours, the pace he set wall slow but he was hitting so deep inside of you it was making you see starts. 
His length twitched inside of you, causing him to vocalize. “Ya’ remember when you said that y-ou hadn’t been with anyone else? Well I-uh- I’m not that far behind. I co-ouldn’t really get into when I tried- I tried ‘cause it hurt to have you gone. Thought I could get over with fucking other people like normal- but I couldn’t- [y/n] you ruined everyone else for me, I can’t imagine if I didn’t get you back.”
Tears started leaking down your cheeks, “Satoru-UUU!!” You wished you could have been more sentimental but instead you had came again, this time some of your juices coated his length. He too was misty eyed but had a cocky expression because of your orgasim, instead of  letting you see the tears instead he kissed you tenderly. The man wrapped one long arm around you while the other hand was placed at the juncture between your ass and thigh keeping you in position as he sped up little by little. He cock still reached the same depth, but at a quicker and quicker speed until he was unraveled and you were so blissed out you were barely there. 
“MASTER PLEASE!” You screamed, back arching. “I CAN’T-”
“Yes you ca-n, You can han-dle it doll. You can cum one more time for me. Gotta make sure you feel good,” It was less of a question and more of an order, an order which drew out a sob from your chest. You were going to orgasim again soon, he could feel it in the way your hole twitched. But you realized that it was going to be intense, more intense then the previous ones- you felt like you were going to pee almost.
“Master I-I'm gonna ma-ake a mess!!" You squeeled, barely holding onto the orgasm. 
He to was so close to his presipis of pleasure, Satoru was uncaring of the location only wishing you pleasure so he said, “Then make a mess. Make a mess for me and I-I’ll make one for ya’ doll!” Before you knew it you were both shaking with pleasure and juices shot both out and into you, his warm cum filling your battered hole while your juices coated his lower torso and the surrounding area. 
The two of your breathed heavy, but still pressed your sweaty foreheads together so content to be in each others company. Before long he pulled his head back making you whine which made him gently shush you, “I’m not going anywhere, love. Don’t worry!” There was almost a laugh in his tone which made you smile as the noise often did.
“ ‘m sorry, I made a mess.” You frowned, making your now boyfriend tsk.
“No problem,” He assured. “I’ll clean it later… Want to take a shower with me?”
Despite having just had breath taking sex, you blushed at the notion, “Sure, Satoru, I would like that.”
“So you,” Your friend Ale began slowly, eyes wide at you while you shifted, sitting haphazardly on part of her desk. “You and Mr.Gojo, are together now- like actually 100% committed?”
“Heck yeah, dude thats awesome! I knew at soon as he came to my place for your purse- dude looked so in love!” Emily chimed from where she stood.
“Oh I think I know what you mean!” Ale said to Emy. “To be honest, I thought it was indigestion.” With that statement you all laughed, bellies hurting a little from how hard the three of you chuckled.
“Yeah, we’re dating- We had a long talk and he asked me to move in with him!” You explained.
“You didn’t accept it, though, right? It’s a little early-” Ale began.
“No, no I didn’t,” You shook your head at the absurdity. “I told him if we’re still going good in a month or two I’d contemplate it.
“That’s my friend!” Emily cheered, high fiving you. “Make sure you don’t forget us, even after you and the sexy executive get married and busy with your lil’ family.”
“Oh you, stawppp. I could never forget you guys!” You said, sappiness overtaking you.
Ale stood, taking you into a side hug. “Good, if you do your going to regret it!”
–You never did forget your dear friends, not after you and Gojo got pets together or got married, even if you had children you would never left your friends behind because it was them leaving you behind that led to the best part of your life with  Gojo Satoru
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chocolatina · 3 years
pretty sure all that zenin clan stuff is gonna be relevant after the culling game arc but rn it just doesn't make sense to bring up imo and also i'm p sure most of the characters don't even know that happened yet?
my answer got too long so im putting it under a read more sorry
i mean i already said it in the last ask that jjk focuses too much on yuji and megumi (yuta if you count his arc now) when there are other characters in the manga. like i said momo knows what maki did there could've been a scene of her talking to utahime etc etc
this isn't the only example of gege rushing through subplots after shibuya like yaga's death only had a single mention and it was oh right ur dad died sorry lol so its like??? what was the point of his death then..... im not saying this bcs i care abt him or anything but like i said actions should have consequences in a story otherwise why tf are you including them
like right now we could see whats kenjaku up to how is the jujutsu society faring post-shibuya what are they doing abt the culling game etc etc but no gege just focuses on a few characters to get to the next arc quickly when he could be like furthering the plot w kenjaku at the same time as showing us the main characters progresses and interactions w new characters (which also didnt really further the story like what was reggie's connection to the main arc? it was never cleared up. and i hope uro's connection to kenjaku and their whole scheme is addressed before she's killed or put away bcs otherwise again whats the point of introducing new characters)
so yeah sorry this got too long but i do think gege can split focus into several characters and situations like we saw in shibuya so the plot could move forward characters could be fleshed out more etc its just that for some reason he isnt doing it atm
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