#and secret anxceit in the tags
jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
Janus is the embodiment of manipulate, mansplain, manwhore good day 
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littleboy-logan · 3 years
Secrets Secrets are No Fun (1)
me: im gonna post this tomorrow
me three days later: oops
anyway, have this fanfic ive held onto for fifty years :3 its agere obviously so if you spotted this in the main tags and it makes you uncomfy then block the agere tag and the agere sides/agere sanders sides tags!
Summary: Logan lives an exceptionally ordinary life. He goes to work every morning, he pays his bills, he's a productive member of society. Just like anyone else, however, he has his secrets. He has his hobbies. If anyone found out what happens behind closed doors, they wouldn't look at him the same way again.
Characters: Logan, Remus, Roman (mentioned), Virgil (mentioned)
Pairing(s): future intrulogical & future platonic anxceit (this will be the only warning just cos, but once these ships actually come into play ill put them in the intro again)
Warnings: implied alcohol use (brief), implied toxic parents (brief), and i think thats it but lemme know if i missed anything!
Word count: 1,136
Logan had been lost in the woods for several days and he was growing tired. He had run away from his parents after they started drinking their secret juice that he wasn't allowed to have. Now he was starving and cold and afraid, but at least his parents couldn't yell at him.
His stomach growled especially loudly and he collapsed to the forest floor. He was sure he would die out here. He had run so far. He had no idea how deep these woods got.
Everything around him became blurry, but just before he fell unconscious, he saw someone in a black uniform approach him and call out to someone else.
"Sanders, do you have that paperwork done yet?" Logan's boss asked as he approached his cubicle.
"Have it right here, sir," Logan replied as he finished up the last bit of it. He handed it to his boss.
"Good work. Remember, I need that quarterly report by Monday morning."
"Of course, sir. I'm just about done with it."
"Knew I could count on you," his boss said with a grin as he headed back to his office.
Logan silently sighed as he opened up his report on his computer and began typing. His job was tedious, yes, but he could handle tedious. It's not like he had much of a choice anyway if he wanted to make a living.
The day ended soon enough, and Logan packed up his belongings and headed to the bus stop. When it arrived, he climbed aboard and had a seat near the front.
He could feel his brain going fuzzy but forced the feeling away.
The bus reached his side of town and he got off and walked toward his house. Finally, he was home, and he walked through the front door and hung his coat on the rack.
He went up to his room and set his briefcase on his desk. He had a seat in his desk chair and opened up his laptop where his draft for his report stared him in the face.
He was almost done. He could do this.
He began typing, finding that the more he wrote, the more fuzzy his brain got. He fought it off, not having time to indulge himself just yet. He had to keep working.
It wasn't long before he struggled to even read what he was writing.
He sighed heavily and leaned back in his chair. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the screen once again. The words were all jumbled and impossible to read. He couldn't possibly work like this.
He glanced in the direction of the box beneath his bed.
No, maybe he could still work. He just needed to snap out of it. He stared at his keyboard and found each individual letter and sounded them out as he typed. After a few minutes he looked at what he'd typed. It was incoherent garbage.
He threw his head back and groaned loudly. He really had no choice. He did know it was rather unhealthy to put it off for too long anyway.
He looked towards the box beneath his bed again.
He closed his laptop and went to his bed. He knelt beside it and pulled his box out from under it. Inside there was a sippy cup, colouring book, crayons, and a onesie. Not a lot, but enough for now.
He heard his roommate come home and his heart leapt into his throat. He shoved the box back under the bed and got to his feet. He wouldn't be caught dead with his age regressor gear, especially by Remus.
It sounded like he wasn't coming in, thankfully. He had a tendency to barge in without warning, which Logan had scolded him for in the past. He was lucky Remus hadn't found out about his age regression.
Logan's stomach growled, which not only brought back unfortunate memories, but made him that much closer to a fully regressed headspace. If he was being completely honest, he would rather fight back the memories than his regression.
He went to the kitchen, making sure he was still grown up. Remus was eating some ramen with cheese, a common dish for him. Logan wanted something simpler, something that would help him regress. Though, of course, he would have to remain vigilant around Remus.
"Heya, Lo!" Remus greeted, slurping up some noodles. "How's the wife?"
"I'm not married," Logan pointed out confusedly. "And I'm also gay."
"You're married to your job."
"Well... who's to say my job isn't nonbinary?"
Remus nodded. "Touché."
Logan went to find something to eat, but there wasn't much. He settled on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Crusts cut off, of course.
He got the peanut butter down from the cabinet, his Crofters out of the fridge, and the bread from the bread box. The more he made his sandwich, the smaller he felt. He didn't know if it was the smell of the food or the fact that he was making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but he knew he had to be careful.
He finished cutting off the crusts, struggling to do so, and sat at the table across from Remus. He tried not to kick his feet, but the temptation to move was strong.
"Did you cut off the crusts?" Remus asked, a slightly incredulous tone to his voice.
Logan froze. "Yeah," he murmured, trying to sound older than he felt.
"The crusts are the best part, though."
Logan frowned and shook his head. "No, the jelly is."
"Says the Crofters junkie," Remus teased.
Logan continued eating, hoping he wasn't too obvious. Perhaps he was taking too big of a risk being around Remus this close to being regressed. Thankfully, he was almost done with his sandwich and then he could leave.
"Oh, hey, Roman invited us and Virgil over to his house this weekend. Which- y'know, tomorrow. You gonna be able to go?"
Logan forced back a smile at the thought of being around Remus's brother. Whenever he was regressed he craved the company of the more fanciful twin, with his flowery language and Disney references and singing.
"Uh, yeah, I can do that. What'll we be doing?"
"Probably dinner and a Disney marathon. Typical Roman."
Logan swallowed the last bite of his sandwich and excused himself, glad he could finally go to his room. He locked the door and got his box back out from under his bed.
He went to the neighbouring bathroom and filled his sippy cup with water and then got changed into his unicorn onesie. He then began colouring in one of his colouring books. He laid in the floor on his stomach with his feet kicking in the air.
Life was more carefree like this. If only anyone could understand.
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princeanxious · 4 years
Part One; “A Wounded Snake Lies Still”
A continuation fic in the au i built from this art piece I did and this post that I’d written that inspired this whole idea. I don’t know how many parts there will be, but the plan is for it to be hurt/comfort? It’s just that the comfort comes in small increments, but I promise the ending will be happy!
Fandom: Thomas Sanders Sides
Ships: mentions of past healthy Anxceit, start of story begins w/ analogical, end goal is analoceit! Side royality, Remus is lowkey Aro.
Minor Trigger Warnings: in no particular order.. brief mentions of painful memory loss, brief food mention, Remus and Deceit as sympathetic characters in general, accidental revealing of a secret-Remus feeling awful about it and Deceit being completely forgiving on it. Deceit being sorta selfish but also being very selfless without realize it. Deceit lying when he speaks/ backwards talk.
Serious Trigger Warnings: (slight spoilers) Deceit ignores his own distress in favor of keeping up a nonchalant act around the others, and doesn’t process his inner emotions in a healthy way. Deceit repressing years of his own resurfacing emotional trauma that originally came from his separation from Virgil, Deceit also briefly relives said trauma in the fic and pretends nothing is wrong even though something Really Is. Patton has minor empath abilities in this au and accidentally gets hit with a ride of very negative emotions that Deceit is already internally feeling when he touches Deceit.
(Let me know if I need to tag something else!)
Summary: Virgil’s missing memories have always been a touchy subject. After Remus and Deceit gain their acceptance of from the Light Sides and Thomas, Deceit still seems to have a few secrets to hide. If you asked him, he’d tell you it was for the best that he kept them. Partially concealing the truth was a slippery slope, indeed. But, could you really blame him? When Virgil was dating Logan and finally seemed happy again? To him, All the repression of his own trauma was worth Virgil’s happiness. Their years of love were lost with Virgil’s memories of the past, and there was no way in hell Deceit was about to jeopardize Virgil’s current stability now, not when the only person at fault for losing was Deceit himself.(or, was it? He’s never sure anymore. Trauma is a fickle beast.) Well, one slip up from Remus is all it takes before Deceit finds himself faced with that exact dilema fast approaching, and he finds he is less than prepared to face the music..
“Ugh, gross. In front of my deodorant?? Could you guys like. Not?? Be romance-y in the living room?? You two remind me of when Dee and Virgie were dating.” Remus grumbled offhandedly, too tired to deal with his twin’s particularly loud and loving attention directed towards Thomas’s literal representation of the heart this late into the afternoon.
They’d been loudly and shamelessly flirting back and forth from across the room while everyone set up for movie night, Roman in the living room with the others and Patton in the kitchen with Deceit making snacks. It was only seconds later that the duke realized his slip up as everything and everyone around clattered to a halt, the other sides turning stare at him in confusion.
Three years. It had taken Deceit three long, painstaking years and counting to distance himself from the years of memories he’d spent in bliss, to separate his mind from the heartbreak of losing his only love. Three years to come to terms with the fact that his only love now held no memories of the time they spent together, to accept that his love now deeply loved another.
Three years to come to terms with the fact that Virgil would never know what it was like to watch helplessly as his love writhed in pain. To watch as The Line ripped the memories from his love’s very being, forcing Virgil into a clean slate. Three years to come to terms that Virgil would never remember.
Three years of patience and heartbreak and anguish and lies, telling himself that it’d be okay, telling himself that he would move on and heal eventually. Three years of painstakingly separating himself from the narrative he and Virgil used to share, and ensuring that Virgil never had any inkling to what had been of his past. It was the only secret Deceit ever asked Remus to keep.
Rest assured, he’d tried to respark Virgil’s memories many times in the first few months after Virgil crossed over The Line from Dark side to Light, having ultimately crossed for good. It’d only led to fight after fight, driving a wedge further and further between them with each escalated argument. With a bleeding heart, he’d eventually given in, and stopped any further attempts. After all, each attempt only seemed to fuel Virgil with irritation. It had been clear then, that whatever they’d had, was never going to be again.
Three years it’d been. He thought he’d nearly healed, really. Most days he found he could exist and interact with the others and not be reminded of the past, and be comforted that he himself would not be a reminder to the past. Repression had always been his strong suit, though, conciously or not.
The Line had diminished as of late, after Thomas had really begun accepting Deceit and Remus. They could cross The Line for long amounts of time now, and mostly be fine. Occasionally they suffered from a bout of fatigue when disagreements with the others briefly turned sour, feeling The Line tugging back at them insistently. It never lasted for long, but there was always that underlying worry that The Line would finally snap them back into the dark for good if one of them made a final wrong move. The Light Sides didn’t know about The Line, not even Virgil remembered stumbling away from it after all that had happened. And well, if it were up to Deceit? They would never find out about it. Too many questions, too many messy answers.
Three years later, Deceit finds his heart splintering once more, an ache sinking into his chest that he knows Patton feels as they stand nearby one another. Memories flood in harshly, a deep painful longing resurging from the depths of his mind as it always did when faced with his reoccurring trauma sinking its claws into his psyche.
It’s only been seconds, but the silence is starting to feel heavy. Instead of moving on from the previous comment, Remus glances to Deceit, eyes pleading and devastated by having made his mistake, breaking the only promise to Dee he’d ever been seriously asked to keep. And Deceit knows he must do what he does best to save face, there is still time to redirect the carnage.
“Remus, please don’t refrain from spreading lies, that’s certainly not my job, after all.” He teases lightly, keeping his tone precisely on the edge of amused confusion, though his eyes hold an understanding none of the others know to read for. “Next you won’t be telling me that your favorite animal is a squid, not an octopus. Not your worst try at shock humor, yes?”
Remus catches on after a millisecond, drawing out a full cackle. “Sorry, not sorry! You should’ve seen the looks on your faces though! Priceless!! Who knew a shitty joke falling so flat would shock everyone so good!”
Their reactions held the desired effect. Quickly, everyone around the room seemed to relax, Roman even firing back his own playful quip to further lighten the mood. In the end, it was just a bump in conversation, something Remus caused every once in a while as everyone adjusted and Remus learned. Not a single step amiss that wasn’t already expectedly out of line.
Still, he’d have to talk to Remus in private later. Remus was just as sensitive to rejection as Roman was, and paired with his inherently intrusive thoughts, it would come to no surprise if Remus already thought Deceit now hated him. He didn’t, it’d been an accident, and Remus’s first ever slip up in three years since making the promise. Even if Dee had been mad about the slip up, he wouldn’t have had any right to be. He’d be sure Remus was the first person he sought to soothe when they got a free moment alone, it wasn’t right to let those kinds of thoughts fester.
Remus first, Virgil next, as it wasn’t quite crisis averted. He could feel Virgil’s eyes on his back from the living room. He denied his bleeding heart the closure of meeting Virgil’s gaze, of sharing his expression. He was too vulnerable, even now the anxious side could read his tells far too well, often without even realizing why. There was no doubt Virgil would try and talk to him later about it, and no matter how good the terms they were on with each other now were, Deceit knew the conversation would be a rough one. Virgil knows he has missing memories, and only recently had he accepted Remus and Deceit’s vague answers when he’d asked lightly about his past. It was at least him acknowledging they had the answers to the past he doesn’t remember.
If he wasn’t careful, each and every brick in the wall that Deceit had carefully worked to build up in the past three years could crumble right before his eyes, leaving him stripped emotionally defenseless, his trauma bared for all to see. And who knew what the others would do if they knew so much? What would they think of him then? Deceit inwardly shivered at the thought. It would not come to that.
Slipping into the nonchalant act was an easy card to play, it being his strong suit and most comforting form of security, a version of his own little lie of omission to soothe the bumpy situation over.
What he didn’t account for, was Patton gently reaching to touch his arm when everyone else had settled and their attentions returned to their tasks at hand. Deceit fought against his immediate urge to pull away, knowing the moral side just preferred connection through touch when addressing another, and instead looked up to meet Patton with a questioning gaze.
Whatever Patton was about to say died on his lips as he suddenly seemed to reflect an absolutely heartbroken expression, tears welling up in his eyes. Pain and sorrow and surprise seemed to seep into the other’s expression, warring for dominance amongst the primary confusion. It was only then that Deceit realized that Patton was still touching him, his bare arm with an equally bare hand, to be exact. The memory that Patton bore minor empath abilities that were tied into his existence as the representation of Thomas’s morality and feelings sunk in two seconds too late.
Direct skin to skin contact, something Deceit sought often to avoid in general nowadays anyway, was a direct way for Patton to tune into another's current feelings through said abilities, often by accident. There were limits that Patton could control, of course, and Patton only ever seemed to struggle coping with that ability when faced with an overwhelming swell of emotions from the other side. And, well.. Deceit’s mind certainly hadn’t taken well to being reminded of his repressed past, seeping through his protective mental walls with all sorts of roiling negative emotions.
From self-loathing, to dread. From anger, to guilt. From longing, to grief, then to depression, and finally apathy. It just couldn’t be helped that Deceit, a master of disguise and deception, had had three whole years to perfect the act that hid it from the outside and controlled it all from within.
Carefully, Deceit pulled Patton’s hand from his arm, and gently tucked it against the moral side’s chest. Still, he keeps his gloved hand there, letting Patton grasp it with both hands to ground himself after such an emotional ride.
“Deep breaths, dear Patton. Whatever isn’t the matter?” He asks gently, still playing into his act but his eyes plead a different story. ‘Not now,’ they say, ‘I will tell you, but not here,’ they beg. Patton nods slowly, and Deceit carefully wipes away Patton tears. In a move he knows he might regret later if it raises questions, he slips his hat off to gently plop onto the moral side’s head, and gently presses against the others clothed shoulder with his own in a show of comforting affection. It has the desired effect of distracting Patton and lightening his mood, Patton’s lingering upset masked by a watery smile only they can share. Deceit silently mourns the loss of his safety blanket, but accepts that a few minutes of feeling vulnerable while comforting Patton is a good trade to escape having his distress found out. He couldn’t have the other sides cornering him into explaining why Patton had suddenly begun crying without reason. It certainly wasn’t the fact that he felt guilty for Patton having experienced second hand an echo of his painfully raw emotions, no, not at all.
Thankfully their little scene goes unnoticed by the rest of the preoccupied sides, who are far too busy bickering over the movies they want to watch. Well, unnoticed by all but the one who sits to the side. Said side keeps an unconcerned but intrigued eye on the two in the kitchen, glancing over every time he adjusts his glasses to avoid suspicion. Logan says nothing, but knows he has questions for his dearest Virgil when movie night is over. He can only hope that the answers Virgil gives will not raise more questions.
(..Unfortunately, they do raise more questions than answers.. However, they now know exactly who has the answers they seek. It’s only a matter of getting those answers that is a task far harder than they’d ever expected it to be.)
To be continued..
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brandstifter-sys · 4 years
Writing Master List
Since I don’t trust tumblr’s tagging system anymore and this is a looooong list of fics
G (suitable for anyone) T (more mature themes touched on) T+ (think T, but a little heavier) M (mature themes explored in more depth, not smut) E (smut, you won’t find anything rated E here)
Consider perhaps a ko-fi if you can
“The Icky Feel” Moceit. Rating: G. Warnings: Food Mention. Patton is having an icky day, but Janus is good at making it better
“Not a Secret” Moceit. Rating G. Warnings: Food Mention. Patton is having a bad day and Janus wants to help even if Patton is initially reluctant.
”Projections” Patton, Remus, Deceit, Virgil. Rating M. Warnings: suicide attempt, self-harm, blood, stitches, self-hatred. Patton is convinced Thomas would be better off with a new Morality, and tries the unthinkable. Fortunately for him, the “dark” sides swoop in and save him in more ways than one.
“Burning Love“ - Moceit (mtf!Deceit) Rating. G. Warnings: food mention, transphobia mention. Patton wants to surprise his wife with dinner after a long day of work. She loves him but not his cooking.
”This is my Jam” - Intrulogical (feat Virgil). Rating T. Warnings: food mention, sex mention, mild violence, cannibalism mention, eating inedible things mention. Remus steals the Crofter’s and accidentally breaks the jar...in front of Logan.
“Hounding” - Intrurality. Rating G. Warnings: Violence mention. Tentacles. Patton meets Remus’ three-headed puppo!!
”Starry” -Loceit. Rating G. Warnings: none. Deceit and Logan stargaze and flirt.
”Rabbit Hole” -Anxceit. Rating G. Warnings: mild self-depreciation. strangulation mention. Deceit needs a distraction and his conspiracy theorist boyfriend is just the side to do it.
“Aries” - King Creativity (feat all the sides). Rating G. Warnings: exhaustion, crying, mild body horror, food mention, gore mention. They’re just kids, and it seems like everyone wants/needs the little king, and Marcus is tired of being dragged around constantly without a break. He needs another him.
“Okay” - Creativitwins (Platonic only). Rating T. Warnings: Crying, self-doubt, violence mention, sex mention. Roman is burnt out, but no one else needs to know that. Too bad his brother can see right through him and wants to help.
“A Merry End to Christmas” Double shot. Prinxiety and Logicality. Rated G. Chistmastime fluff. Ao3 only.
-”Bounts of Banter” Prinxiety. Flirting, emo prose, smooches on movie night. Ao3 only
”Still Dreaming” Prinxiety. Rating T. Song fic. Roman can’t sleep and is having doubts about himself. He follows some strange music and finds Virgil playing guitar and singing. They talk about what’s bugging Roman and his dreams, but that leads to a little love confession. Ao3 only
“Propaganda” Roceit (feat everyone but Remus). Rating T. Warnings: sensuality, shameless flirting. It’s too hot (temperature-wise) and Deceit finds that Roman is dressed to kill. Why wouldn’t he try and flirt with his boyfriend? Ao3 only. Inspired by this post
”Sleepless and Sassy” Platonic Sleepxiety (barely there Roceit and Logicality. pre-Dukexiety, questionable Remile) Rating T. Warnings: gossip, sexual themes, existential dread, age-gap mention. It’s all-nighter time with Remy and Virgil, and no these students are not studying. Ao3 only
”SWB ;)” Double-shot. Platonic Dukexiety, Intrulogical, Moceit, Prinxiety. Rating T. Warnings: sexual themes, game grumps references. Movie night leads to inside jokes and explanations. That leads to a certain prince confessing to his emo crush and maybe clearing up a misunderstanding from the Valentines Day episode. Ao3 only. Inspired by this
”More to Love” Moceit. creativitwins. Rating T. Warnings: fat-shaming, alcohol mention, cheating mention, a karen. Patton just wants to be a good dad and support his sons’ hobbies, but he can’t do that in peace when talking to Sharon. Luckily he has Janus around to shut her up.
”So Not the Drama” RoSleep. Rating T. Warnings: swearing. Roman misinterprets a study session with Virgil as something more, not that he’s really interested like that but it still stings, and he complains to Remy about it, and about his secret crush. Poor Remy likes Roman. It’s a good thing they both have big mouths
“Fight Not Flight” Remdy/Shorts Sleepxiety, background dukexiety. Rating T+. Warnings: violence, stabbing mention, panic mention, hospital mention, injury. Remy returns home after a night on the town only to find an unwanted guest on his couch and his boyfriend covered in bruises. Andy is just glad he’s home to cuddle after the hellish night he had!
“Dining with the Duke” Dukexiety + Patton. Rating T. Warnings: Frog!Patton, Spider!Virgil, food, bugs, eating bugs, sex mention.  Patton is just too nice sometimes, and he agreed to have dinner with Remus! At least Virgil was going to be there too, but maybe it won’t be so bad, maybe it will all work out. And maybe the duke has a few good surprises!
“Corrupted” Creativitwins, background Dukexiety. Rating T. Warnings: talk of mental corruption and insanity, spiders, unreality ife has many doors, and Roman is tired of opening so many just to find his katana. But one door shows him a little bit more than he expected to know about his brother. And he needs answers!
“MIA” Moceit, background Dukexiety. Rating T. Warning: mild gore mention Patton gets a little freaked out when he finds that his little (younger) brother snuck out and goes to Janus to find him, not because he thinks Janus is hot and charming or anything. But Janus is trying to find Remus. When they realize what both of them missing means, they team up to find them before something happens. But they find a lot more along the way than they expected
“Warts and All” Moceit. Rating G. Warnings: frog!Patton, self-doubt. Patton is feeling a little embarrassed about his frog side, luckily Janus knows how to make him feel better.
“Self-Inflicted Colorless” Creativitwins. Song fic. Rating T+. Warnings: self-harm, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, self-hatred, angst After the events of SvS, Roman is feeling horrible. And Remus takes notice.
“Mistranslation” Moceit, background Dukexiety. Rating G. Warnings: food mention Janus loves flowers, and knows how to communicate using them, he just doesn’t ever receive them, especially not on Valentine’s Day. At least up until now. Patton is so sweet but clearly he doesn’t know what different flowers mean. Janus is flattered regardless
“Tired Mornings” Moceit. Rating G. Soft moceit with gentle touches and fluff
“Dare to Dare” fem!Moceit, background fem!Dukexiety. Rating T. Warnings: genderbend, mild innuendo. Pat goes to her first sleepover, plays truth or dare, and has to reveal that she has a crush on Vi’s cousin. And the feeling is mutual
“Punkin Pie“ Moceit, background Dukexiety. Rating G. Warnings: puns, mild body horror Patton and Janus swap flirty Halloween puns
“Cheshire Callback” Moceit. Rating G. Roleswap au. Patton tries to get Janus to take a break from mulling over the choice between the wedding and the callback
“I’ll Scream for You” Creativitwins + Dad!Patton. Rating G. Warnings: injuries. Roman falls and hurts himself, and Remus helps him get help
Dukexiety One-shots (since there are too many)
“A Gift” - Dukexiety. Rated T. Warnings: spiders, mild sexual themes, gore mention. Remus gives Virgil his pet spider.
“The Slippery 4″ - Dukexiety (feat Deceit) Rated T+. Warnings: extra limbs, gore mention, heavier sexual themes. Virgil is trapped by Remus and his frisky tentacles, but he knows how to handle them.
“Unplanned” - Dukexiety. Rated T. Warnings: poison mention, drunk mention, sensuality, death mention, gore mention. Shameless flirting, that’s it.
“Der Mond ist Aufgegangen” - Dukexiety. Rated T. Warnings: Gore mention. Remus and Virgil cuddle, and Virge is hella soft.
“One Fear” - Dukexiety (feat Roman) Rated T. Warnings: sexual themes. Remus is scared of Virgil, and Virgil wants to know why.
“Too Far” - Dukexiety. Rated T+. Warnings: shirtless emo, mild body horror, spiders, sexual themes. Remus pisses off a giant spider and Virgil saves him from his own stupidity.
“Love Like Winter” - Dukexiety (feat. Roceit, ftm!Remus, mtf!Deceit) Rated T. Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, food mention, sex mention, accidental dead naming. Song Fic. Soulmate AU where your soulmate’s name is written on your body in their hand writing. Remus was sure Virgil was his soulmate since they were kids, Virgil had to disagree. A chance encounter later in life proves one of them wrong.
“Sealed and Sharpened” - Dukexiety (feat Roman) Rated T+. Warnings: Gore mention, necrophilia mention, knives, demon mention, sexual themes, gross imagery, fake dybbuk box. Virgil wants to give Remus something special along with a proposal knife, so he makes a fake dybbuk box full of gifts for Remus. 
“Just Like Old Times” Dukexiety, Rating T. Warnings: sexual themes, game grumps, food mention, eating stuff that shouldn’t be eaten. After the wedding, Virgil is tired and needs to unwind, and what better way to do that than watching youtube? Watching it with a surprisingly calm, happy Remus. The chaos outside can wait.
“Chandelier” Dukexiety, platonic anxceitmus. Rating T. Warnings: spider virgil, extra limbs, sexual themes. Janus visits Remus and finds him clinging to a chandelier in his castle. His shenanigans never with Virgil never end.
”Cherry Stems” Dukexiety. Rating T+. Warnings: sexual themes. Virgil surprises Remus by chewing a soda can tab, and then he surprises him again.
“Storms and Snuggles” Dukexiety. Rating T+. Warnings: sexual themes, monsters, food. Remus and Virgil flirt and cuddle while watching TV during a storm.
“Molting” Dukexiety. Rating T+. Warnings: Body Horror, swearing, sex mention, Gore, knife, exhaustion, grossness, spiders, spider!virgil. Virgil is a spider and he molts annually. It’s gross and unpleasant, but he has Remus to help him get through that hell.
“Spoopy Season” Dukexiety. Rating T+. Warnings:  Gore mention, Sex mention, spiders, tentacles, body horror, spider!virgil.  Virgil is decorating for the season and Remus helps!
“Grimm Day”  Dukexiety. Rating: T. Warnings: Misgendering, Food mention, attempted murder, swearing, curses.  Virgil, a magically gifted sage, has a bad day, and upon visiting eir boyfriend, find out Remus had just as much of a shitstorm to deal with
“Raid” Dukexiety. Rating: T+  Warnings: Misgendering, Violence, Death (minor character), Murder, Sword Fighting, Innuendo.  Virgil, a merchant’s son, fights the pirates raiding his ship, and gets a little more than he bargained for, including a chance to join them thanks to Captain Remus
“Kopi Luwak” Dukexiety, Royality. Rating: T.  Warnings: Food mention, violence mention, swearing, remus-grossness, sex mention.  Virgil is a tired barista, but sometimes interesting people come in. Like the wily snack who came in with a regular and friend, Roman.
“Bone Palace Ballet” Dukexiety. Rating:T  Warnings: Innuendo, mild gore.  Virgil is a little emotionally distraught and uses music to cope, too bad he’s predictable and Remus knows what certain artists mean. He just wants to know what he did to piss off his emo.
“Sharing Secrets” Dukexiety, Royaliceit. Rating: T.  Warnings: Accidental Misgendering, mentioned transphobia, fighting, innuendo, inappropriate touching, injury mention.  Virgil goes to a football game and he’s in a bad mood. The feral hottie who he definitely doesn’t have feelings for doesn’t help much at first, but he manages to comfort the emo. Feat ftm!Virgil and enby!Remus
“Their Swamp” Dukexiety. Rating: T+.  Warnings: Gore Mention, Sex Mention, Food Mention. Virgil and Remus settle in to watch a movie and banter. Feat. ftm!Remus
“The Tales of Rabidosa and Scylla Emerald” Dukexiety. Rating: T.  Warnings: Sex mention, coming out as trans, confusing pronouns, mtf!remus, ftm!virgil.  Virgil just came out to his girlfriend as trans and it could have gone better, luckily he’s got a miraculous and a crime-fighting partner who’s always got his back. But coming out to her leads to some unforseen consequences. Miraculous AU
“Smile” Dukexiety. Rating: T. Warnings: Death mention, Gore Mention. Remus is a smiley boy, Virgil is not, so when Remus catches Virgil smiling softly at him, things get Adams Family
“A Failed Plot” Dukexiety. Rating: T. Warnings: swearing. Remus wants his boyfriend to pay attention to him, but Virgil’s preoccupied...with something for Remus
“Cuddlefish” Dukexiety. Rating G. Remus and a tired Virgil cuddle before bed and banter.
“Pup” Dukexiety and Roman. Rating G. Warnings: food, sex mention, sibling banter, magical curses. The dragon witch turns Remus into a dog, and instead of hunting down his true love for a smooch he tries to raid the fridge, and gets swept up by an emo, and he can dig it. And Virgil just so happens to tell this puppy his feelings for a duke, and winds up breaking the curse. Roman shows up to coo over the pair.
“Corpse Groom” Dukexiety feat Janus, Roman, and Patton. Rating T.  Warnings: mild body horror, death mention, decay, zombies, crying, innuendo. Remus wants to watch a movie with his boytoy and he has to be dramatic about it. 
“Sonnets” Dukexiety feat Roman. Rating T+. Warnings: Sexual themes, brotherly angst, talk of death.  Roman finds a journal and assumes it’s Remus’ but when Remus says it’s not his Roman leaves him with it, so he has some time to read. Little does he know what will come from perusing that book.
“Kiss From a Rose” Dukexiety. Rating T.  Warning: death mention. Song fic. Virgil sneaks onto Remus’ turf, gets caught in the snow, and finds out that Remus feels the same way about him.
“Before You Know It” Dukexiety. Rating T.  Warnings: disease mention, mild gore mention, implied violence, self-depreciation, sex mention.  Remus is a lot wiser than he lets on, and he is the one side who could reach Virgil before he got accepted. And even now he’s still good at helping the emo he loves feel better
“Carry On” Dukexiety feat all sides. Rating T. Warnings: sex mention, self-doubt, mild gore mention, undertale references, dc comics references. Remus loves sweeping Virgil off his feet and coming to his rescue, even when he really doesn’t need to be rescued. Virgil is cool with it, because it makes Remus happy, but it’s silly to doubt that he can and will do the same for the duke!
”Cuddles” Dukexiety. Rating T. Warnings: death mention, sex mention, drug mention. Virgil and Remus cuddle and flirt in their own morbid way. super fluffy
”Yucky” Dukexity. Rating G. Warnings: post panic attack, post break-up, getting back together. On the day of Lee and Mary Lee’s wedding, Remus is not doing so hot for a few reasons, thanks Thomas. But he’s not alone, and when he wants to watch a movie, he runs into Virgil and they talk and cuddle. Extra fluff
 “Soft” Dukexiety. Rating G. Warnings: blood mention, injury mention. Virgil gets a little too close while bandaging up an idiot duke. 
“Tower” Dukexiety. Rating T. Warnings: sex mention, death mention.  Remus takes on his sister’s curse and gets locked in a tower guarded by a dragon until his true love kisses him and frees him from his magical restraints. The dragon, Virgil, might just have exactly what he needs to be free.
“Crisis Angel” Dukexiety. Rating T+. Warnings: blood, death mention, gore, sex mention, body horror, fire. The Dragon Witch causes Remus and Virgil to switch roles because she’s tired of listening to them whining about the other, but they manage to fix it
“Closing Hours” Dukexiety. Rating T. Warnings: food mention, mental illness mention.  Remus runs a local cafe, and he loves charming his customers, but his customer service schtick doesn’t work on everyone, including the one doctoral student who caught his eye. Fortunately he has another way to win Virgil over despite his defense mechanisms!
 “Batter Up” Dukexiety. Rating T. Warnings: mild innuendo. Virgil used to play softball before coming out and moving in with his brother. In this new school he doesn’t touch sports, except for gym class and watching the baseball team practice, for artistic reasons, and because he has a crush on one of the players, Remus. But one day after accidentally breaking a bat and Remus’ windshield in gym, Virgil gets a surprising offer from Remus, to show him a thing or two about the sport. Virgil tries to play dumb about the game and breaking the windshield just to get this kind of time with Remus, but who’s to say Remus isn’t trying the exact same thing to get closer to the shy emo?
 “Black Widow” fem!Dukexiety (mtf!virgil). Rating T. Warnings: Violence, threats, sex mention, kidnapping, genderbend.  Reina, a noblewoman, gets taken aboard a pirate ship after a raid because she’s a ruthless, skilled swordswoman, but she’s chained up for that same reason. Until she meets the captain, the infamous Black Widow, Violetta, and gets more than she ever expected!
 “Trash Bat” Dukexiety. Rating T. Warnings: innuendo, fire, spiders. Virgil is goaded into going to one of Roman’s boring galas, because Remus wants him there to help cause problems just like old times.
 “November 1st” Dukexiety. Rating T. Warnings: Innuendo, mild religion mention, nudity. Halloween is over and Virgil is not looking forward to the Christmas overload. Fortunately his crush has just the gift to give him, even if it’s early
“Kiss it Better” Dukexiety. Rating T+. Warnings: sex mention. Virgil accidentally bites his tongue and Remus is a smoothie
“Untitled Flirting” Dukexiety. Rating T+. Warnings: gore mention, sex mention. Virgil is a smooth talker and Remus can hardly keep up
“Paralysis (prompt fill)” Dukexiety (can be platonic). Rating T. Warnings: sleep paralysis, nightmares, lucid dreams, disturbing imagery. Remus goes to sleep, has a bad time, and then Virgil comes in to cuddle and save the day (without realizing it)
“Tango Macabre” Dukexiety. Rating T. Warnings: sex mention, death mention, sensuality, swearing. Remus is jealous that Roman is so close to his crush and decides to try and win Virgil over by being as princely and charming. But Virgil is not having it.
“Sleepy Siren” Dukexiety. Rating T. Warnings: sex mention, death mention. Remus admires his boyfriend while he’s sleeping
“Sealed” Dukexiety. Rating T+. Warnings: sex mention, injury, knives Selkies are valuable for their pelts and their forced companionship, so naturally Remus is conflicted about winding up on a ship with a hottie doctor who’s hiding his pelt so he can “heal from the orca attack”
“I Caught Fire” Rating T. Warnings: death mention, gore mention, sex mention Virgil plays guitar, and Remus loves when Virgil sings for him 
 “Thorns“ Rating T. Warnings: mild transphobia, sex mention, ftm!Remus, genderfluid!Virgil. Remus is an inky florist boy and he likes his tattoo artist, so when she comes in looking to  make a trade, Remus can’t help but sweeten it for both of them 
“Duchess’ Bodyguard” Rating T+. Warnings: mild transphobia, sex mentions. Virgil is a bodyguard for the pop sensation, Duchess (AKA Reina) and he has a list of reasons why he isn’t good enough to ask her out. Reina strongly disagrees. 
“Terror Time” Rating T. Warnings: smoking, mild violence, gore mention, sex mention, amputee!Remus, nonbinary!Virgil, neopronouns, accidental misgendering. Virgil loves Halloween but not haunted houses, not when ne’s quick to punch anything that jumps out at nym. Remus, an actor on break, finds that out the fun way 
“Stuffed” Rating T. Warnings: food, sex mention, gore mention, minor injury Remus and Virgil make a late dinner together and become boyfriends
“Virge’s Mannequin” Rating T. Warnings: miscommunication, sex mentionVirgil designs outfits in his spare time, and Roman just had to try one! Remus gets jealous and sulky, but Virgil can fix that! 
“Soft Secrets” Rating T+ Warnings: Injury, sexual harassment mention, partial nudity, sex mention Violetta has feelings for her roommate Remus, but she’s wary about telling him she’s trans. At least until he gets home hurt and reveals he’s trans too. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg as the past comes back to haunt them
“For the Dreamers and Nightmares” (Ao3) Complete
-Dukexiety, Moceit, and Rosleep. Rating M (not smut but damn close to it). Warnings: gnc ftm Virgil. trans pregnancy (ftm Patton). Vomiting. Food mention. Misgendering. Transphobia. Anxiety. Miscommunication. Sexual themes. Referenced/Implied sex. Blood mention. Violence mention. Threats of Violence. 
Remus needs a date to his brother’s wedding, and he doesn’t have someone to bring, so he enlists his best friend and seven-year-long crush to help him out. But the universe is not interested in things staying fake, and life pushes them together as they deal with moving in together (oh my god they were roommates) sorting out their feelings, Virgil’s cousin E and their pregnant husband, Roman and Remy’s wedding, and Remus’ family. Happily ever after is more than just a dream.
-“The Rooms” (Ao3) Complete
-Gen. No romo. All characters. Rating T+ Warnings: murder, death, abuse, domestic abuse, blood, gore, food mention, depression!Virgil, depression, executive dysfunction, mania mention, weapons, knives, fainting, sexual themes, kidnapping.
Remus is bored! Deceit can only do so much to help him, and then he gets an idea and has Remus build murder-mystery rooms that would challenge Logan. And then Remus expects Logan to solve them. Their friendship blossoms just in time for an old issue to arise again in a far more complicated setting. It’s amazing what can happen in the rooms Remus builds.
“One Jump Ahead” (Ao3) Complete (written for TS Storytime Big Bang 2019)
-Roceit, Analogical, Platonic Analogicality. Rating T. Warnings: Character death, resurrection, prostitution mention, implied sexism, slavery mention, mild horror, injury, burns, attempted murder, villain!Remy
The city of Agrabah is home to a diverse assortment of people from wealthy aristocrats to merchants to urchins, but lately the number of urchins has increased, and so has crime. It’s a mess caused by extravagance that one government official has to fix, and he’s limited. The city's most troublesome thief, Ethan, just wants a home and love, fixing the status quo and the economy are not on his to-do list. Until chance encounter with a rebellious prince makes that dream seem possible, and sparks a rebelliousness of his own. But rules are rules, and the only way this diamond in the rough can break some social bonds is with the help of the tired Royal Vizier, Logan; his possessed anxious pet lemur; and a genie named Patton. The only things neither one anticipated were the Sultan’s vehemence toward ‘Prince Eli,’ Roman’s unbridled disgust for selfish, self-righteous royals, and the fact Roman can see right through the royal guise.
“Rising Thorns” Complete Inspired by @thepastelpeach‘s OCAT au/animatic (Ao3)
-Prinxiety, Logicality. Rating T. Warnings: minor violence, antagonist!Deceit (he’s pretty sympathetic as a villain) 
It's far easier to rise above your birth status in Alexandros, especially under the Sanders' dynasty. But you can only go so far, and for Roman that was not nearly close enough to his life-long goal of becoming royalty. His best friend (and not-so-secret crush) was far more grateful to be more than a ragged orphan. But as King Thomas tries to peel back layers of unaddressed tension in his domain, Virgil learns more about his heritage and does not like what he finds. All the while, a stranger had gotten to Roman, who is tired of hearing only of royal woes. But when the knight in shining armor becomes the damsel in distress, who's left to save him?
(^ aw that’s my first sanders sides fic)
“All Star” (Ao3) Complete
-Prinxiety, LoSleep, Moceit. Rating T. Warnings: death mention, injury, murder mention, swords, fire, mild angst, chapter 1 is a meme, 
Virgil is content with being alone and feared, until his ancestral home is threatened. He teams up with a notorious thief, Patt in Boots, to save a prince in a tower for Lord Logan, who has his own set of issues aside from kicking the fae off of their property. But Prince Roman is far from what they expected. Perhaps there’s more than meets the eye for everyone.
“Livin la Vida Loca” (Ao3) Indefinite Hiatus Sequel to “All Star”
-Prinxiety, Moceit, Intrumile. Rating T. Warnings: death mention, injury, panic, sword fighting, flirting, sexual themes.
Five years later, Virgil married the man he saved from the tower, only to learn that he has a sibling who’s a menace and in trouble. Roman goes after Remus, but gets into trouble himself. It’s up to Virgil, Patton, and Ethan to find Remus and save Roman.
“Sweet and Tart” (Ao3)(Ch1)(Ch2) On Going
-Moceit. Rating T+ Warnings: Flirting, sexual themes, sexism mention, antisemetism mention, religion mention.
After trying to steal an extra cookie in the most extra way possible, Deceit keeps trying to fluster Patton with his flirting, but Patton is not some innocent bean!
“Zero to Hero” (Ao3)(Ch1)(Ch2) Indefinite Hiatus
-Roceit. Rating T. Warnings: kidnapping, death, villain remy, sexual themes,
Roman was stolen from his family as an infant and made mortal. The only way he can rejoin the gods is to become a true hero, with a little help from his friends. But Remdes is just not about that with his hostile take over on the way.
“Menders and Healers” (Ao3) Complete (Written for TS Storytime Big Bang 2020)
-Dukexiety. Roceit. Platonic dork sides. Rating T+. Warnings: Death mention, accidental misgendering. torture mention. mild gore. 
Remus is a prince in a land where magic is forbidden and witches are hunted. And then he finds out he has magical abilities and has to run away. He finds the two most wanted magickers in the kingdom, and learns about his own family history, his order, and how magic really works.
“Bipolar Bear” (Ao3)(Ch1)(Ch2)(Ch3) On going. Indefinite Hiatus
-Dukexiety. Creativitwins. Roceit. Platonic Dork Sides. Rating M. Warnings: Bipolar disorder, depression, self hatred, executive dysfunction, nudity, innuendo, mania mention, implied self-harm, suicidal thoughts, angst
Remus isn’t always as energetic and bubbly as he lets on. Only a few people know about the truly dark side of him and when it rears its ugly head, they’ll do anything to bring their duke back to his old self.
“A Scale of Discovery” (Ao3) Complete. (Written for TS Storytime Big Bang 2020)
-Roceit. Creativitwins. Dukexiety. Patmeile. Rating T+. Warnings: Unsympathetic!Logan, nudity, gore, accidental misgendering, swearing, body horror, alcohol mention, sex mention, non-human gendering.
Roman wants to be where the seafolk are. Ever since meeting a pair of mers as a child it's been his dream. As an adult he and his twin brother become sailors on a research ship captained by a cruel man who wants to study mers. But when they catch a live one, Roman can't bear to see him stuffer and frees him in exchange for becoming a mer. Janus accepts, and accepts that he'll have to teach Roman how to mer.
“Emerald Eyes” (Ao3) (Ch1)(Ch 2)(Ch 3) Complete.
-Royaliceit. Mentioned Dukexiety. Rating T. Warnings: innuendo, miscommunication, alcohol, cheating accusations, genderfluid!Janus.
Janus likes going to their favorite jazz club in the evening and they always get people’s attention, such as Patton the bartender, and the new singer, Roman. But catching Roman is harder than they thought, so they change their look and gender presentation to win him over. They do just that and find out he’s married, it hurts until Roman explains it’s a poly relationship with his husband. 
“Double Trouble” (Ao3) Complete (Written for TS Storytime Big Bang 2021)
-Dukexiety, Roceit, Shorts!Sleepxiety/Remdy. Rating T. Warnings: Misgendering, mtf!Andy, ftm!Remus, ftm!Roman, intersex Remy, sex mention, gore mention, trans pregnancy
College is rough, but having a twin who can switch places with you can make it better. Virgil and Andy Zeitler use this strategy to get by, keeping their twinliness secret for added security, and cause each other some trouble. Virgil flirts with Andy’s best friend Remus, disguised as Andy, so Andy flirts with Virgil’s best customer, Remy while covering his cafe shift. The on-and-off flirtiness drives Remy, Remus, and their venting outlet, Roman, insane until Roman figues it all out. With Janus’ help Roman cooks up a scheme to reveal the twins’ secret to the oblivious Rems, but some self-discovery on Andy’s part ruins the plan and the tricks overall
“Under Pressure” (Ao3) (Master Post) Complete.
-Creativitwins, Royaliceit, Dukexiety. Rating T+. Warnings: Innuendo, Intrusive Thoughts, Depression, Anger, Crying, Minor Violence, Injury, Imprisonment, Villain!Logan/Dark!Logan, suicide mention (no one dies)
After a certain occurance drives Logan over the edge, the rest of the sides are locked away so he can take control. But locking them away causes them to shift as well, and one duke is ready to make the mind right again, with help from the others and his brand of creativity
“Little Star” (Ao3) Complete
-Dukexiety, Moceit, background RoSleep. Rating M. Warnings: Sex mention, drunken mention, accidental misgendering, talk of serial killers, intrusive thoughts, 
Virgil had to give up a lot for his daughter, including HRT, but he would do so much more for her. That's why he works at a strip club, going gender incognito. He might not even know her other father, thanks to a mutually drunken one-night stand, or have a great relationship with his parents, but Virgil has good support with raising his little girl in Patton and Janus. It's not perfect but they make it work.
But when a rich playboy named Remus rents out the club one night and keeps coming back for him, Virgil has to contend with his heart and the possibility that he might lose his daughter to her other dad
"Puppies" (Ao3) Complete
-Dukexiety. Roceit. Shorts Sleepxiety + Emile. Rating M. Warnings: Sex mention, Misgendering, Trans Pregnancy, Death Mention, Character Death, abuse mention, suicide mention, reincarnation, Child Birth, Paranoia, Bipolar!Remus
After an eventful night under a full moon, Remus finds out that the lone wolf he "befriended" got him knocked up. He's going through with it since he has support and wants to, but he would like to know the human side of his baby daddy. Luckily his new best friend who smells like a deli, Virgil, is willing to help him find the guy and help him through the whole ordeal. Remus just wishes that Virgil was that wolf!
“Roleslaying with Remus“ (Ao3)(Ch1) On Going
- No ships. Roman of Reston and Remus. Rating T. Warnings: innuendo,
Remus goes deep into the Imagination to map out the ever-expanding kingdom since Princey is too busy. But he finds more than he bargained for in Reston: a new best friend!
“You Never Shine if You Don’t Glow” (Ao3) Complete (Written for TS Storytime Big Bang 2022)
-Dukexiety, Moceit. Rating T. Warnings: innuendo, villain!Logan, body horror, shapeshifting, mild violence, miscommunication. It’s Shrek basically
Virgil is used to being lonely, an outcast, even among the fae. It’s only when his home is threatened that he is forced to confront his solitary lifestyle and question it. With a new friend (Patton the pony) by his side, Virgil has to rescue a prince and bring him to his wedding to protect his home. If only Prince Remus didn’t get under his skin in all the best ways
Last updated September 28, 2022
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craftypeaceturtle · 4 years
Sanders Sides Fic Rec
As a heads up! It’ll be very obvious that I prefer Virgil angst and so there will be a definite bias. Just a heads up! All of these will be on AO3 because... it’s the best haha! Also, I’ve only just noticed that a lot of these aren’t necessarily shippy but hey ho! Anyway, here we go! 
What Students Teach- mt_reade, 4,000 words.
Hello! My name is Thomas Sanders, and I just finished my first year as a teacher.
I taught a grade one class this year, at a relatively small school. I’ve known that I wanted to be a teacher since I was young, and babysat for the first time. I just love kids so much, and I remembered how much my teachers had an influence on me growing up. I wanted to be able to do that for others. I’ve known for a long time that teaching is the right job for me.
But, what I didn’t know, is that the teaching goes both ways, and the lessons that my students have taught me this year are more valuable than any of the things that I taught them. I’m writing this now to share with anyone who reads this, just precious few of the things that my students teach me.
(I came across this recently but I just love how simple and sweet this idea is! I love how they characterised all the sides in the perspective of children, especially Remus. I feel like it would be easy to write as absolutely ridiculous but he feels still realistic while still being very much Remus!).
I'll Stay Awake (cause the dark's not taking prisoners tonight) - starlocked, 2,000 words, Anxceitmus
Virgil doesn't get to meet his soulmates each night. No, he has nightmares. His roommate decides to stage an intervention.
(I just love this take on the soulmate idea of meeting up in your dreams. I also like that it was no one’s true fault. It would’ve been easy to say that it was all Deceit’s and Remus’ fault for being terrifying but it’s more nuanced than that! There’s not a lot of shippy-ness but it’s still a soulmate au so there we go!)
(don’t) take this the wrong way- delimeful, unfinished, 7,000 words.
Local shark mer Roman finds a tiny mermaid tangled up in a net in his territory, and enlists his siren friend Patton's help to find a way to free the little guy. Unfortunately for Logan, they end up 'borrowing' a human to assist them in untangling the net. Virgil just wants to get out of this nightmare of a situation.
(Maybe I’m just a sucker for merpeople aus, but this is such a good story immediately. Instantly engaging and I’m keeping an eye on it for any new updates. I may also just be a sucker for misunderstandings which is the main conflict so far haha!)
Centaur AU- KieraElieson, unfinished, 10,000 words
Thomas is hired as a centaur groom very abruptly, and is just a little bit lost, but trying his best.
However, when you think of centaurs more as people with animal-like bodies, and everyone else thinks of them as animals with human-like bodies, disagreements are bound to come up.
(So far it’s pretty much setting up the context and characters but it’s done so effectively! The trauma of the characters is handled so well, hinted at and clearly effecting their behaviour, but not so obvious that you immediately know what’s happened to them. Despite being tagged as ambiguous time period, you don’t even really question when the story is set! It quickly grabs your attention and you focus on the story more than any tiny ambiguous details.)
No Longer Alone- Amydiddle, 3,000 words
Anxiety has been living in the basement of Thomas' mind space for almost two years now. A place were all the host's darkness resides. The small side has learned how to take care of himself and how to avoid the sides whenever he goes upstairs.
Tonight's midnight food run goes a bit differently.
(I am so weak for stories about how all the sides formed and first interacted! I think I just fell in love with this concept! Simple but such an interesting fun read!)
The Worst Thing in the World- Arwriter, 6,000 words
Everyone knows Virgil needs to be handled a little differently. He might not like it, but that’s the way it is, and living with the light sides won’t change that. After all, it’s common sense.
(The first part in a slowly expanding series, the entire series is sooo good so if you like this one then definitely continue reading! It’s such a well written look into their lives, how they handle conflicts and grief. I love Virgil angst where the others get a look into his previous life, no matter how small and sad that look is.)
tales of reverie- cattonsanders, 40,000 words, offscreen Logince. 
Roman loves to read bedtime stories to his kids (even if Virgil says he’s grown out of them), but soon Patton and Virgil discover that the story book their dad has been reading to them is actually a portal to the very kingdom they’ve been told about- not only that, but their dad is the prince!
What else will they find as they venture deeper into this new world they’ve found themselves in, and what other, much darker secrets are being kept from them?
(SUCH A CREATIVE IDEA! I love how the plot always kept me guessing but never in a way that felt cheap or misplaced. Characters were introduced and you were left piecing it all together to figure out if they were trustworthy, which is what the main characters are also doing! Will always recommend)
Caught Red Handed- Wholesomereader, 20,000 words
Virgil doesn't like his dad, runs away, and 'accidentally' steals from a local bakery.
Then, the owner of said bakery hires him.
He's in so much shit.
(I love how this is paced and written out. There’s a lot of themes and relationships being built but it still feels easy to keep track of everything and nothing feels swept to the side or neglected.)
Slither Into Your Heart- Jungle321jungle, 6,000 words, unfinished, Anxceit
Deceit didn’t bother to knock as he slammed the door open and glared down to where Remus sat on his bed polishing his morning star. 
“What did you do?” Deceit hissed. 
Remus gave him a large smile as he looked him up or down, “Do you have the snakes just up there or are they down below too?”
If asked by Patton later, Deceit most definitely did not try to strangle the other side in that moment. Not all.
Also known as:
Deceit is turned into a Gorgon.  And the new annoying little snakes on his head seem to have an annoying obsession with Virgil.
(Amazing idea, amazing writing, sweet scenes and just! It’s just a nice read! I love how they write Deceit to be this cool tough persona but also named all his new snakes!)
Wings of Anxiety- ShadeCrawler, 7,000 words
Virgil normally kept his wings pressed tight against his back. He never let them out to stretch when he was outside his room. Yes, they got sore after a little while and yes, it rustled his feathers to the point that it took forever to groom them.
But, he couldn’t take them out. He just couldn’t. Dark Sides didn’t have wings. Only Light Sides did.
(Love me some Virgil angst, add in some wings and I’m in! I also love this idea that Virgil was supposed to be a light side all along but circumstances weren’t as fair. Strong self hatred to make a compelling story! Just yes!)
This isn’t what I wanted, but I’ll take it- Simpleton_Cat, 17,000 words, unfinished.
Thomas didn't think he would ever get pets, much less a cat. But here he was, having four cats, Logan, Patton, Roman, and Remus. And then Remus (God, please exorcise the demon that is most definitely in his cat body) brings home two more and then suddenly he's back at the Vet.
Or in other words: Everyone is a cat and Thomas is their owner.
(Again, such a cool idea! I love how this new context for the characters allow for so many new ideas and characterisations. I love Deceit and Virgil’s relationship and how that has shaped, especially how Deceit’s link to lying is written!)
Changing Tides- LadyoftheWoods, 6,000 words.
Virgil ends up overboard of his father's boat during a storm, and expects to drown in the sea. Instead he is rescued by merpeople, in more ways than one.
(Virgil angst plus merpeople- well hello! I love the slowly forming family relationship between the characters. I also love how Virgil reacts to finding out merpeople exist, feels genuine but not too drawn out.)
A Fanciful Dream- AceDetective, 20,000 words, Prinxiety 
Virgil could say with certainty that he was no prince. Found by King Thomas’ chef, lost and with no memory of who he was, Virgil spent his childhood running errands in the halls of the castle. When a young King visits and claims Virgil is his brother, Virgil must determine if this is truth or a young King’s hopeful dream.
(While this is very fast paced, everything feels justified and well explained. The confusion between both Virgil and his brother feels so genuine and well written. The quiet slow reaching out makes sense for the both of them!)
Ten Things- LostyK, 30,000 words, unfinished, Anxceit, Royality
When Roman Prince learns that Patton Foster isn’t allowed to date until his older brother, Virgil, is, Roman is crushed. Roman’s twin brother Remus, however, comes up with a plan: find someone who is willing to date Virgil.
And who better to ask than Janus Verona, who according to rumours is willing to do anything for the right price?
(This is one where I kept a close eye to see if it updates, while a silly idea, it’s so well  written! I love how Deceit is written as slowly caring and falling in love while still maintaining his persona, just like Virgil! I also love how Virgil is characterised as his usual anxious self but a bit more persona based like before accepting anxiety) 
You Can Picani Family You Want- DramaticGarbage, 20,000 words, Analogical, Royality.
Emile finds himself in charge of two small boys who need somewhere to go. It’s going to be a learning curve for everyone.
(If you love found family stuff then this is it! It’s a series of oneshots about different parts in their lives but I love the themes and how the characters progress through each moment. It’s so sweet and rewarding. Plus it has big boi Roman which is always a plus!)
Fatherly Sides- Bright_Sea, 60,000 words, Moceit
There are good and bad days when it comes to being a father. Deceit and Patton learn all about it while raising their four boys.
(Similar to the one above, lots of found family sweet moments all connected by the larger plots and themes. The angst of the larger plot is given the seriousness and gravity that it deserves. I love how trauma is talked about and dealt with in a healthy manner. Everything feels so genuine and realistic!)
Colors- Badgermole, 49,000 words (21 works), Logicality.
A collection of stories where Logan is a young Virgil's dad. Virgil happens to be autistic and has a fascination with colors. Unless otherwise stated: Virgil is aged around early elementary school age with Roman 2 years older.
(Again, with the sweet family moments with minimal angst! I don’t have autism so I can't say whether it’s realistic or not but it’s very well written and covers a lot of autistic themes and everyday life. Actually, read pretty much everything by badgermole as their writing is so good and they tackle a lot of disabled issues!)
Powerless- patentpending, 187,000 words, Logicality, Prinxiety.
“People like us,” Logan had once remarked to Virgil. “Are statistical anomalies.”
(Almost)  Everyone in the world has powers.  As for those who don’t, well, they’re such a small part of the population - only 0.04% - why would anyone care about them?
Ever since he realized what people mean when they call him Powerless, Virgil Sanders has tried to fight back against the system that oppresses people like him, Patton, and Logan.  When Patton’s bakery is targeted in a hate crime, he finally snaps.  With the help of a mysterious sponsor, Virgil becomes a villain, ready to remake a broken society.  The only thing standing in his way is the world’s most Powerful (and infuriatingly charming) superhero: The Prince, who is hiding the fact that his gilded life isn’t as perfect as it may seem.
(So well written! While fast paced, everything feels so well balanced. Main characters and their plots balanced with new OCs that don’t feel too much and justified in being there. The plot kept me guessing while still feeling justified and interesting.)
Grounded- InstantFire, 18,000 words
No matter your age, punishments are no fun. Despite being no fun, would you be willing to do anything to avoid said punishment?
(I don't know what it is about this piece but it's just sooo good! I’ve reread it so many times, it just won’t leave my mind! I love how it’s carefully written where we don’t quite exactly know what the misunderstanding is until it’s stated out loud for all the characters. Maybe I just have a weakness for Virgil angst and misunderstandings but so worth a read!)
Snow Day- RandomSlasher, 8,000 words
Every year, the sides go to Roman’s realm and spend a few days enjoying the snow. Well…most of the sides. Set pre-Accepting Anxiety.
(SOOOO GOOD! The found family is so well written. Actually, while this is the only mention of Random Slasher because I don’t want this to be too long, read everything and anything by Random Slasher. So well written with some amazing ideas.)
Looking for the Light- OreoButter, 30,000 words
Remus, Deceit and Virgil Dark are Brothers. They had an awful home and now are in the foster system. After being passed from family to family they finally end up with Thomas. Remus is gross, Deceit is a compulsive lier and Virgil has crippling anxiety. Virgil will do anything to protect his brothers, at any cost. The family of three will have to face trial and the truth as they search for the light.
(I absolutely love found family if you couldn’t guess already! But I love how they wrote the sibling relationship between the dark sides, feels so genuine and justified. There is shipping but it feels more like a side plot so!)
Sightless- riverblujay, 9,000 words
Virgil is blind. It's not a big deal though, right? But he hides it, because if the other sides knew they would push him away again. And besides, he's pretty good at faking being sighted...
And the other sides are also more observant than he realizes.
(Again, this is another fic that I keep returning to! Also, I’m not blind or have any partial sight so I can't so whether this is realistic but the conflict and comfort feels so genuine and justified.)
The Black Hole Group Chat- Greenninjagal, 26,000 words, LAMP.
Cat_feelings: [I just have a lot of feelings for you Logan]
Anxi_Tea: [platonic?]
Cat_feelings: [does it matter?]
Anxi_Tea: [you’ve known him for twenty five minutes.]
*** aka a text fic where Logan texts the wrong number and everything goes downhill from there.
(I know text fics can be a little hit or miss but the chemistry feels so real and fun. The characters are still very much themselves, a lot of text fics can feel out of character. I also adore the fact that Virgil is mute so the fic has a reason for why the group chat is used despite them all meeting in person. So good, will always recommend!)
April Fool’s- feduphufflepuff, 5,000 words
This is Virgil's first April Fool's Day with the FamILY, and he has no idea what to expect.
(Love me some Virgil angst and misunderstandings so here ya go! The found family vibes and the comfort and just ah! So good, just go read!)
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A Time for Secrets and a Place for Truth
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Summary: There were a million ways it could have gone and a million reasons why. Is this the one that happened or just another sweeter lie? But of the two who they knew would speak, only one had a liar’s sweet tooth. So let’s pretend for just a moment, that this is the place for truth.
AKA: Anxiety and Deceit(or is it Virgil and Janus?) have a much needed talk
Pairings: platonic anxceit, I guess you could read it as past-romantic
Characters: Virgil, Janus, all others mentioned
Genre: conflict resolution, offscreen hurt/onscreen comfort
Warnings: vague spoilers for POF
Notes: implied to have happened after POF but I’m purposefully not clear, self-repost because I found out that it won’t show up in the tags if the original has a link. Check my masterpost for AO3 links(pinned on my blog)
There were a million different ways it could have happened and a million different things that could have triggered it, but everyone knew it was coming.
Everyone knew that eventually the tension between Virgil and Janus(they knew him as Deceit when they first thought it, but eventually, even in their own minds, they started calling him Janus. Some took to it with grace, some with nonchalance, and some with scorn, but they did and it happened and that much none of them would argue with) would come to a head.
They all knew it.
If some of them had been a little bit worse, they would have bet on when and where. If some of them had been a little bit better, they wouldn’t have.
They could have considered their knowing to be speculation, but it was more than that. It was inevitable.
And since they all knew, it hardly even needed to be said.
But it was. And it went something like this:
“You told me I could never be anything other than a villain,” Virgil spat, advancing on Deceit with each accusation. “You told me I could never be anything but hated. You told me that no matter how hard I tried, the only way they would ever love me was if I was someone else. Remember that? Do you really expect me to forgive you?”
Deceit pointedly didn’t flinch. He looked at Virgil with that patronizing expression that Virgil had always hated, that had tainted the best parts of his relationship with Patton because, at their core, Morality and Deceit were far too much alike. “Because of course, I, Deceit, am a beacon of truth and honesty,” he sneered, nodding. “You should trust every word I say.” He didn’t hesitate. Hesitation was for cowards. “I don’t care about you. Why would I make up what I thought I needed to say to get you to stay?”
Virgil gaped at him, “You, better than anyone, knew how miserable I was.” It wasn’t a confession. There was very little left that Virgil could say to Deceit that would be considered a confession. After all, it wasn’t a confession if the other already knew. “Why would you want to guilt me into staying? Did you really think I would ever forgive you for that either?”
“Of course I did.” Deceit was very still. Virgil knew his physical tells, after all. “I knew you would forgive me for anything I said. I just wanted to hurt you.” He couldn’t keep his voice from softening anymore than Virgil could keep from understanding his true motivation.
“You were afraid.”
Deceit smiled, giving in to the inevitability of Virgil learning the truth. “Me? Never.”
Anxiety scoffed, “I’m Fear as much as you are Denial,” he whispered. “I know when someone’s afraid.” He let his voice grow stronger and gave away one of his last confessions. “I couldn’t tell before because I was so afraid all the time.” He thought he knew all there was and how much he should fear it. He thought he knew the truth, but Deceit always had been good at his job. “What did you have to be afraid of?”
Deceit let his voice shake and his breath catch. There was a time for secrets and a place for truth. This was not the time but it was the place. “I was absolutely not afraid of being alone,” he lied. The truth scared him, far more than he would admit and even as he gave away his secrets, Deceit clung to the security of lies. They always did taste sweeter and sound better. “I wanted you to leave and I wanted to do my job without you there to get in the way. You really did me a favor, so thanks, Anxiety.”
“Falling back into old habits?” Anxiety taunted.
Deceit scoffed. “Like you’re not.”
Virgil took a breath and burst out, “I’m sorry I hurt you, Dee, but I won’t apologize for picking myself for once and leaving.”
Deceit laughed, long, loud, and uncensored. “Selfishness is awful and unhealthy, remember, Anxiety? I really can’t forgive you for it.” He frowned. “I never could stand you and I still hate you. I don’t trust you,” he choked out. Deceit stopped and shook his head. It was the place for truth. It was time to stop relying on what kept him safe before. It was time to stop being afraid. “I should have trusted you more. Virgil, I should have trusted you. I shouldn’t have taken your name and never offered mine.”
“Deceit. Stop.” Virgil lunged forward and grabbed his wrists, pinning him but making sure that his grip stayed on top of Deceit’s gloves and didn’t brush his skin. “You trusted me in the ways that mattered as far as you could.” They had never had a healthy relationship. They had never been able to trust each other unconditionally. It would do them no good now to pretend that they had ever acted in anything other than their own self-interest. “Keep your name. I always wanted to give you mine anyway but once there was nothing you could do with it, we weren’t talking anymore.” There was no point in pretending they had been something they weren’t, but there was no point in pretending that was all they could ever be either. “Tell me when you’re ready and if you want to tell anyone or everyone else first, then do it.”
“Thank you,” Deceit breathed out. “I wish I was ready to trust you more.”
Virgil smiled a bit. “Truth,” he accused.
“I really did love you, Anxiety. Not in the way you needed or the way that Patton and the others can or even unconditionally, but I did love you.”
Virgil ducked his head, biting back a laugh. “Yeah, Dee,” he said, letting go of his final confession, “Me too.”
None of them knew exactly why it happened because the only two who were there didn’t care to share, but they all knew that it happened and (to varying degrees of accuracy) how it happened.
Patton would insist it was after that first breakfast, when Roman was still hurting and Janus was still hesitant.
Logan would think that it happened before that, that the conversation between the two former friends had been what spurred Janus to reveal his name to them in the first place.
Roman would declare that he didn’t care when or why it happened, but privately, he and Remus agreed that it probably happened after Roman and Janus mended fences because Virgil was far more loyal to Roman than he ever was to Janus. Neither of them thought that was a bad thing or a good thing, but they agreed on it.
Janus claimed it never happened at all.
Virgil would admit it happened, but nothing more, only shooting Janus a look if pressed and biting back a smile
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the-cheese-writes · 4 years
~~~ Stories masterpost ~~~
Sanders sides one-shots
Sanders sides stories:
No, nothing good starts in a getaway car ~ Anxceit (On hold atm)
Over and over again ~ Prinxiety (On hold atm)
Love can never be so easy ~ Prinxiety (W.I.P.)
Secrets should never be shared ~ Logicality (W.I.P.)
Main blog: @pehp-pehp-pehp
Wattpad: @abrecalledcheese
Header by ABD Illustrates
Tag: #brewrites
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Fic Masterpost
Gonna start posting fics here instead of the mess that is @goodjobmiranda because why not
One shots
Restart the Story: AO3 / Tumblr
Ships: None
Warnings:  Blood and Violence, Temporary Death, Implied memory loss, Loss of control, forced to kill, sword fighting, hurt no comfort
Roman is designed to win.
Remus is designed to lose.
It's a game, a test, a simulation. They're both aware of its false nature but this is how it's always been. Time doesn't move linear, it's a story that needs to be finished, it's multiple stories that continue forever no matter how Roman may try to resist it.
Ophiophobia: AO3 - Might make a part two in future.
Ships: None but some good ol platonic Anxceit near the end
Warnings: Snakes, phobia of said snakes, panic attack, Virgil being a little bit of a jerk but immediately regretting it, 
The others are trying very hard to include Deceit and want to gift him with his very own snake! It’s a very thoughtful gift that Deceit is sure he’d appreciate if wasn’t actually terrified of snakes.
Welcomed Arrangements(based on this post) AO3 / Tumblr
Ships: Roceit
Warnings: Arranged marriage, secret relationships
He’d kept his face blank when Logan regrettably informed him of his arranged marriage. He had managed to frown when Logan told him that he was betrothed to the very man he’s been sneaking away to be with. He had even rolled his eyes as the royal counsel tried to reason that this was the only way to ensure peace between two of the largest kingdoms on this side of the world-
Like Declan wasn’t already pathetically in love with Prince Roman.
Story of a Cursed Hero: AO3 - Might make a part two in future
Ships: Platonic Anxceit
Warnings: Child abuse, running away, fear of death, monsters(He’s friendly tho)
Deceit doesn’t really believe in fairy tales but despite this fact he’s clinging onto his childhood book and heading towards an abandoned town in hopes of finding the cursed here his story spoke of.
A Lovely Night: AO3 / Tumblr
Ships: Loceit
Warnings: Deceit jumps off a roof in gay panic but he’s fine.
Deceit and Logan sit up on the roof to look at the stars. It's a delicate peace that's becoming stronger.
Beautiful: AO3 / Tumblr
Ships: Logicality
Warnings: None that i can really think of
 Logan was content living in his dull colored world. Until he wasn’t anymore.
It was frustrating, irritating, infuriating, aggregating. It should have been a normal day, it should have been plain and easy as any other day. “Let’s try that new bakery this morning.” He thought. “It would save time making breakfast.” He thought.
He should have stayed in bed.
Sunflower Skirts: AO3 / Tumblr
Ships: Thomceit(Platonic or romantic, your choice)
Warnings: Janus wears a skirt, little bit of insecurity
Janus is nervous about showing off this one of his favorite pieces of clothing and Thomas shows him really has no reason to be.
Not Oneshots
The Night Fellow:
Part One: AO3 / Tumblr
Ships: Platonic Analogical
Warnings:  Body Horror, Monster Virgil(he’s a creepy friend right there), mentions of violence and shooting, descriptions of teeth, please let me know if i should tag anything else
Logan hunts down the town’s local cryptid and shoves his hands in their mouth and the thing kinda decides they like him.
A Princes Guide to Seducing Monsters: AO3 / Tumblr Tag
General warnings: sympathetic sides, Monsters, some monster prejudice, it’s mostly fluff and flirting but there will be some darker themes to some characters backstories
- Fight or Flight: AO3 / Tumblr   Ships: Prinxety   Warning: Spider!Virgil   Summary: Virgil’s just trying to live his best hermit life but a prince comes right into his life and starts flirting with him
 - Vampire Kisses: AO3 / Tumblr    Ships: Royality, Background Prinxiety    Warnings: Vampire!Patton, mentions of blood because vampire puns, so muh smooching    Summary:  Roman goes to his Vampire boyfriend to gush about his Spider crush
Fusion time: AO3 / Tumblr tag
- Lost loves: Part one: AO3 / Tumblr Part Two: AO3 / Tumblr   Ships: Past Kingceit   Warning: Sad times, Deceit slaps someone, fusion   Summary:  The King returns when Roman and Remus fuse and Deceit temporarily reunites with his long lost love but it’s not a good time for anyone.
Crowns and Treehouses: 
Chapters: Part One - Part Two -
Ships: Background Logan/Virgil/Patton probably
Warnings: Past minor character death, Loss of Parents, Hurt/Comfort, Trauma, Past child endangerment, Loss of Trust, ptsd
Janus and Virgil arrive from the kingdom's capital with the village's old scholar Logan out of nowhere.
But Roman and Remus are just excited when they hear about a new kid their age and are immediately determined to make friends with the boy no matter how different Janus's old life may have been from theirs, the three of them will become the bestest of friends and no, Janus does not get a choice on the matter.
Multi chapter fics that i’m too lazy to copy and paste onto tumblr
most of these are kinda dark and angst too so be careful
Symbiotic: AO3
Ships: None currently but this may change as I write
Warnings: Deceit is an asshole but not evil, addictions, unhealthy Anxceit(For now), Biting, Remus is a warning in himself in this one
Vampire au where Deceit is named Durus and is addicted to a certain venom that has him seeking out vampires to drink his blood.
Selfish Creatures: AO3
Warning: PTSD moments, past torture, Painful shapeshifting, Non-consensual kissing(They think it’s Patton but it’s not), Deceit is pretty hecking spooky in this one
Deceit is a shapeshifting creature that’s been trapped inside a cursed mirror for as long as he can remember, he gets his one chance at freedom by sacrifing his only friend.
Left behind: AO3
Zombie au where Virgil gets bitten and convinces the others to leave him behind so they don’t have to kill him only to find that he has a certain immunity and very much doesn’t die.
Rose-Tinted Eyes: AO3
The Dragon Deceit makes a deal with the Dragon slaying prince to spare their life. All the prince asks of them is someone who he can love who won't use him for power. Deceit knows that they will not be able to force anyone to love the prince without breaking their deal so, with the help of shapeshifting and a love potion, they volunteer themself as they figure that they can keep the Prince entertained for the rest of the human's short lifespan.
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candied-peach · 5 years
peach’s masterlist 📚
this will almost certainly be always out of date, but i’m doing my best. ♡
this is most of my one-shots. all my multi-chapters are on ao3.
“oreo”: gen, fluff, sympathetic deceit. patton has a secret.
“trapped within my skin”: gen, hurt/comfort, platonic intruanxceit, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: self harm, violence, intrusive thoughts. remus can’t help it. if only thomas would believe him.
“scared of me”: gen, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending. warnings: self harm, eating disorders, panic attacks, touch starvation, emetophobia. it was easy when they didn’t care.     -chapter one -chapter two -chapter three -chapter four
“i’ll fall apart”: solo, smut. warnings: anxiety, masturbation. virgil’s embarrassed, but he can’t help it.
“safe harbors”: platonic moxiety, hurt/comfort. warnings: anxiety attacks, implied self-harm. when virgil has a panic attack, patton’s always there.
“cozy mornings”: moxiety, fluff. when virgil can’t sleep, he likes to watch the sun rise.
“the big picture”: moxiety, fluff. warnings: anxiety mention, spiders mention. patton finds a calming activity.
“eight-legged surprises”: moxiety, fluff. warnings: spiders, arachnophobia. patton meets virgil’s pets.
“hot chocolate”: moxiety, fluff. warnings: food, pre-accepting anxiety. virgil and patton share a hot chocolate.
“soft embrace”: moxiety, fluff. warnings: food. patton and virgil share a midnight cuddle.
“night time butterflies”: prinxiety, fluff. warnings: insomnia. virgil can’t sleep.
“sunsets”: prinxiety, hurt/comfort, remus mentioned. virgil’s hiding out in the imagination until a certain someone finds him. 
“to hold at bay”: prinxiety, fluffy hurt/comfort. warnings: panic attacks. virgil has always been scared of storms.
“sweet dreams”: prinxiety, fluff. virgil attends a sleepover.
“fight or flight”: prinxiety, hurt/comfort. warnings: panic attacks, self hatred. virgil has a panic attack.
“hold my hand”: prinxiety, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: eating disorders, anxiety. virgil has a secret.
“baby, i’ve already got your heart”: prinxiety, fluff. warnings: stalking (but not really). virgil loves roman. maybe too much.
“buttercup yellow”: prinxiety, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: poisoning, self harm, panic attacks. virgil’s curiosity leads him into trouble.
“i’ll sleep when i’m dead”: prinxiety, fluff. virgil can’t sleep. neither can roman.
“petals red as blood”: prinxiety, hurt/comfort. warnings: hanahaki disease, blood. it figures this would happen to roman. 
“noctem”: prinxiety, fluff. warnings: nightmares. virgil isn’t having a good night.
“shades of grey”: prinxiety, fluff, sympathetic remus. virgil finds roman in the imagination.
“safety blanket”: prinxiety, fluff. virgil’s hoodie is missing.
“burning like a phoenix”: prinxiety, hurt/comfort. warnings: slight touch starvation. roman gets a hug. 
“star dusted”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food, pda. deceit doesn’t always tell lies.
“into silent slumber”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: hypnosis. roman can’t sleep after a show. deceit helps him out.
“it’s called confidence”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. roman returns the favor.
“lazy afternoons”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. deceit likes to bask in roman’s room.
“fire in my chest”: roceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: depression, anxiety attacks. it’s pointless. he knows that much. (it’s not.)      -”chapter one” -”chapter two”
“falling for you”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: minor injuries. deceit has an accident.
“up on a hill”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit goes sledding for the first time.
“hold my hand”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. deceit has a present.
“see the sun”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. deceit’s never liked the holidays much. until now.
“fragile”: anxceit, fluff. virgil loves holding his boyfriend’s hand.
“tag you’re it”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: panic attacks, age regression. deceit and virgil aren’t always at odds.
“to paint a sunrise”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. virgil introduces his hobby to his boyfriend.
“auld lang syne”: anxceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit, remus mention. warnings: panic attacks. after the trial, virgil has a visitor.
“plans and portents”: anxceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. virgil is done.
“falling for you”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. deceit considers himself lucky. virgil feels the same way. 
“cold hands”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food mention. deceit is cold. again.
“the poison in my bones”: anxceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: self harm, self hatred. deceit has a bad day.
“soft breaths”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: panic attacks. deceit helps virgil calm down.
“trick or treat”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus mention. warnings: food. virgil and deceit make halloween cookies.
“baby bat”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: age regression. deceit finds virgil in the closet.
“inside your head”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: nightmares. deceit has nightmares.
“sweet as sugar”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus mention. warnings: food. deceit and virgil bake christmas cookies.
“mittened”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. virgil has something for his boyfriend.
“stargazing”: analogical, fluff. logan loves the stars.
“color coded”: analogical, fluff. logan’s not the only one who takes notes.
“cuddle fatigue”: analogical, fluff. logan’s door is always open.
“vulnerable”: analogical, fluff. virgil likes to watch the sun rise.
“here comes a thought”: analogical, fluff. logan gives virgil a present.
“i’ve come alive”: analogical, smut. warnings: hand jobs. virgil and logan have a moment.
“eye of the storm”: analogical, fluff. it’s irrational to be afraid of storms. logan knows this. it doesn’t help.
“nebulae”: analogical, fluff. virgil visits his boyfriend.
“not an ember”: analogical, fluff. virgil and logan cuddle to solve a mutual problem.
“without a spindle”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. remus plays in the imagination.
“goody two shoes”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: violent thoughts, age regression. sometimes it’s easier for remus to shut it all off.
“i know you can hear me”: dukeceit, angsty fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: kidnapping overtones at the beginning. deceit wakes up, chained up. again.
“gently with a chainsaw”: dukeceit, angsty fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: self hatred, sexual implications. deceit hates the scales on his face. remus loves him.
“on your best behavior”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts, blood, violence mention. deceit and remus have a chat post-episode.
“acceptance”: dukeceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: intrusive thoughts. deceit’s tired of his treatment by the so-called light sides. remus just wants his boyfriend to feel better.
“hours after midnight”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit has a hard time sleeping until remus helps him out.
“like a car crash”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: intrusive thoughts, crime shows, murder mention, food. deceit and remus watch tv.
“discarded”: dukeceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. remus waits. deceit waits with him.
“stitched shut”: dukeceit, angst, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: self harm, suicidal thoughts, mild gore, blood. the others don’t want him to lie? fine. but he’s choosing his own way of going about it. the others are horrified.
“snake face”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. deceit’s shedding.
“behind my face, above my throat”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: migraines, emeto maybe. deceit has a migraine. remus is surprisingly helpful.
“(lack of) self preservation”: dukeceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: suicide attempt, intrusive thoughts, unsympathetic roman/patton/virgil (mildly). remus is lucky to have deceit. he doesn’t care what the others think. he never has.
“dashing through the snow”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit hates the cold.
“do you hear what i hear”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit and remus have their own caroling tradition.
“did i say that out loud”: dukeceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: suicidal thoughts, self hatred. he knows they don’t care about him. so why does it hurt so much?
“found family”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit reflects.
“on thin ice”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit attempts ice skating.
“peppermint sticks”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. so much for a good impression.
“glass ornaments”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. who gave remus something breakable?
“coming home”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. deceit and remus join the light sides’ holidays.
“still standing”: dukeceit, angst with a happy ending, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: food, blood, cheating implication. sometimes the best present is each other. and perhaps a milkbone?
“better than jam”: intrulogical, fluffy hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts, anxiety attacks, mild unsympathetic roman. sometimes remus doesn’t feel worthy.
“class is in session”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: pda. logan gets tutored.
“oatmeal raisin surprise”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts, food. remus helps logan bake.
“lost in the stars”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. remus gives logan a present.
“domesticated bliss”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts, food. remus takes logan to the imagination.
“i’m the bad guy”: intrulogical, fluffy hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. logan is better at comfort than he thinks he is. 
“the brightest star”: intrulogical, fluffy hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: intrusive thoughts. remus doesn’t understand why logan’s in love with him.
“breakfast in bed”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. remus wants to treat his boyfriend.
“octopuses give the best hugs”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: age regression. remus has a surprise.
“alexithymia”: intrulogical, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. logan’s sad. remus knows how to fix that.
“aquarium”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. remus takes logan to the aquarium.
“everything is blue”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. remus paints logan’s nails.
“sinking paradise”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. remus and logan visit a special aquarium.
“as i whisper in your ear”: intrulogical, angst with a happy ending, sympathetic remus. warnings: unsympathetic roman/patton/virgil. remus is used to the trash. he’s not used to logan.
“not so fake happy”: intrulogical, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: sensory overload. sometimes remus needs logan.
“chocolate chip cookies”: moceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: self harm. deceit’s not as good at hiding as he thinks he is.
“sunlight”: moceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. he just wants to be warm.
“baby noodle goes blep”: moceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: age regression. in which deceit has had too much and regresses.
“movie night blues”: moceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit goes to movie night.
“bittersweet”: moceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. deceit finds patton baking.
“atop the tree”: moceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. deceit helps with last minute decorations.
“trace the galaxies”: logince, fluff. logan visits the imagination.
“ribbons of stars”: logince, fluff. roman plays with logan’s hair.
“ribbons of gold”: logince, fluff, sympathetic remus. roman and logan have a moment.
“taste test”: logicality, fluff. warnings: food. patton conducts an experiment.
“icing the galaxy”: logicality, fluff. warnings: food. patton makes brownies.
“a time for thaw”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: age regression. when logan can’t take it anymore, he regresses.
“legally binding”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. deceit wants cuddles. logan is happy to oblige.
“of snakes and stars”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. logan and deceit have a date.
“bluebells for the soul”: loceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: hanahaki disease, blood, suicide attempt. deceit wishes that he was better at lying to himself.
“mini marshmallows”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. logan and deceit spend a quiet evening in.
“gift giving”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. logan has something for deceit.
“aurora borealis”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. logan takes deceit on a date.
“silver and cold”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. logan cuddles a sleepy snek.
“burnished kaleidoscope”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. logan helps deceit take care of his scales.
“all the stars in the sky”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. logan needs a distraction.
“check my vital signs”: dukexiety, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: self harm. virgil’s having a bad night.
“ginger tea”: dukexiety, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: food, emetophobia mention, clowns mention. remus helps out.
“haunted house”: dukexiety, fluff, sympathetic remus. it’s halloween season.
“the wings of a butterfly”: dukexiety, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: implied self harm. remus finds virgil drawing butterflies.
“midnight’s reminder”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. it’s time to go to bed.
“heat seeking”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit loves to cuddle his boyfriends.
“night time routine”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: touch starvation. deceit has a message for logan.
“soft pretzels”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts, food. remus takes his boyfriends to the imagination.
“as the sun begins to rise”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. logan works too hard.
“letters by my bed”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: migraines, emetophobia. logan has a migraine. his new boyfriends are here to help.
“until midnight fades”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. logan just wants to sleep.
“icicles”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit’s cold again.
“soft whimsy”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. it’s cuddle time.
“until sundown”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: hypothermia. deceit stays in the cold too long.
“pillow forts”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit doesn’t do winter. 
“peace on earth”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. deceit spends a quiet night in with his boyfriends.
“constellations on the ceiling”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. sleepy cuddles are the best.
“if every cupcake were perfect”: wrathality, fluff. warnings: food. patton and wrath make cupcakes. it goes better than expected.
“more bitter than sweet”: wrathality, fluff. warnings: food, anger issues. patton’s the sunshine to his storm.
“nothing like the others”: wrathality, hurt/comfort. warnings: minor self harm. wrath has a moment. his boyfriend comforts him.
“everything in between”: wrathality, fluff. wrath’s not the only one who has bad days.
“morning light”: royality, fluff. roman and patton cuddle.
“rose kissed”: royality, fluff. the boys do each other’s makeup.
“star freckled”: royality, fluff. roman loves his boyfriend so much.
“sleepy time”: losleep, fluff. warnings: food. happy birthday, remy!
“kittens”: moduke, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. remus gets creative.
“to love like you”: moduke, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: self harm. remus finds out a secret.
“made with love”: moduke, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. remus has a question.
“milkshakes”: moduke, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. remus brings patton a surprise.
“cookies for the soul”: moduke, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: food, intrusive thoughts. remus has bad days. patton relates.
“follow me to sweet dreams”: anxceitmus/intruanxceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: nightmares. virgil has a nightmare.
“birthday wishes”: anxceitmus, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. blow out your candles, virgil!
“find the stars”: analoceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: self harm, panic attacks. virgil’s boyfriends help with the aftermath of a panic attack.
“put it back together”: analoceit, fluffy hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: anxiety attacks. virgil loves his boyfriends.
“the monster under my bed”: analoceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: age regression. virgil’s not scared. honest.
“hush little baby”: analoceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: age regression. virgil shouldn’t have read that.
“fairytale picnics”: roloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. roman takes his boyfriends to the imagination.
“listening”: roloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. roman, logan, and deceit have a moment after the courtroom.
“something borrowed”: royaliceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. patton’s scarf is missing.
“together breakfast”: royaliceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. happy birthday, patton!
“gingerbread houses”: moceitmus, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. deceit decorates a gingerbread house.
“christmas cookies”: moceitmus, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food, cannibalism mention. deceit decorates cookies with his boyfriends. it sort of goes to plan.
“snowed in”: analodemus, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. remus might have made a mistake.
“what you always wanted”: analodemus, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: self harm. logan’s fine. really.
“nyctophobia”: dlamp, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food mention, phobia of the dark. roman’s afraid of the dark.
“lovesick”: platonic dlamp, fluff, sickfic, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. patton has a problem.
“the best medicine”: dlamp, fluff, sickfic, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food, age regression. logan knows what to do when his caregivers are sick...right?
“turn my nightmares into dreams”: creativitwins, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. remus has a bad night.
“my brother’s keeper”: creativitwins, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings:  unsympathetic patton (he doesn’t mean to be, but he is), intrusive thoughts. once upon a time, they were one.
“safety in dangerous practices”: creativitwins, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. it’s time to go to bed. roman disagrees.
“reunited”: creativitwins, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. roman comes back.
“you should see me in a crown”: creativitwins, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: mild unsympathetic patton. roman has a secret.
“of knights and crowns”: creativitwins, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: fear of heights. roman’s not supposed to be the one who needs rescuing.
“shadows will scream”: creativitwins, background dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: migraines, emetophobia, patton is a little rude. roman has migraines. they have stuff for that.
“once upon a time”: creativitwins, platonic roceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: blood, injuries. roman and deceit watch over remus. he doesn’t appreciate it.
“the other side”: creativitwins, fluff, sympathetic remus, kid fic. roman is brave. remus is braver.
“try to wake up”: creativitwins, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. remus has nightmares.
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Coming Home pt. 2 (ldr verse)
Summary: Impatience could lead to much undesired results of getting lost in the airport, local emo discovers.
Pairings: background Intrulogical and Royality, Anxceit centric
Pt. 1
Warnings: fluff, swearing, self-doubts and miscommunications, getting lost in the airport and me apoligizing for not tagging the d**k jokes Remus made in the first one.
The plane lands, stops and Janus is out of the plane, tugging his luggage, pushing people aside looking like a rushing, late-for-class highschool kid in acid-washed jeans, black blazer and yellow shirt, his messy curly hair sticking out from under his grey beanie.
He didn’t know where he was heading, but he ran. No bothering to stop for a moment. He didn’t even care about the stares he got for having vitiligo or heterochromia.
He couldn’t be bothered to give a shit.
“There he goes…” Logan sighs. In all honesty, he somewhat hoped that Remus would be the first one he’d see getting off the plane, jumping into his arms all excited and energetic. To say he wasn’t slightly disappointed would be a lie.
He notices Patton by his side, glancing in all directions for their friend’s locations. The airport wasn’t as crowded, since it wasn’t holiday season, but it was only slightly easier to spot anyone.
Patton stood next to Logan in a white sweater and overall shorts. “Jeez! Janus sure is excited...”
“Indeed. I can only imagine the thrill he feels right now.” Logan agreed.
“Do you think the twins miss us as much as we miss them?” Patton asked.
“Roman missed you, Patton. I assure you.” Logan tried to assure his best friend, but what more could he really do?
Patton sighed. His relationship with Roman has been falling into awkwardness since the beginning of summer before college. It was no secret that their communication had faltered. He only wished he had what Janus and Virgil has.
Now, Janus claims to be a man of poise and sensibility in all occurring situations. And my oh my, will he never admit that at that very moment, he was severely lost in the airport.
Millions of negative thoughts rushed into his brain. Doubts, concerns, what-ifs, you name it. He was struggling to find his friends and boyfriend anywhere, and it wouldn’t be him to lie about not panicking.
Remus suddenly jumped from his seat, not being able to take it anymore. “Oh for fuck’s sake!” He yelled and ran off. “Where the fuck are they?”
This sudden out burst and burst out of his friend sent Virgil startled. He watched Remus leave and soon enough, left himself, leaving Roman sitting on the bench, already mapping out a conversation route with Patton in case things got cold.
Virgil couldn’t keep up with Remus and lost him almost instantly. He ran in all directions, apologized repeatedly to every person he bumped into.
Janus ran and ran until he spotted a familiar face among the crowd. And boy was he glad.
Immediately, he picked up his suave persona and walked to him. “Hey Roman!”
Roman perked up and stood from the bench to give Janus a man hug.
“Dude! Your emo bitch just dashed out thirty seconds ago!” Roman exclaimed.
Janus’s eyes widened.
“Go! Go get your prince!” Roman yelled and Janus ran off. Roman sighed, wishing he had even just a bit of what those two have.
Virgil wasn’t gonna lie. He was sort of panicking at that moment. He had no idea where he was and somehow his anxieties had clouded his sense of direction.
“Virgil?” A familiar voice called out to him. A wave of relief washed over him.
He rushed to Patton to give a tight squeeze. “God, Pat! How’ve you been?”
Patton smiled. “Great! Still queasy from the plane. Speaking of, Ethan dashed of the moment he got off. Remus found Logan a few seconds ago then they left me here. ”
Virgil’s eyes widened.
“I’m guessing you haven’t seen him, huh?” Patton giggled. “You don’t happen to know where Ro is, do you?”
“Ro? He’s been moping by the benches since this we got here. He’s pretty tense about seeing you again.” Virgil said, scratching his head.
Patton sighed. “He’s not the only one.”
Virgil smiled sadly. “Hey, don’t lose hope. You two will get through it. I promise.”
“Virgil! He’s still looking for you!” Patton bounced.
Virgil’s head shot up and ran off. Patton watched as he disappeared.
Person after person, excuse me after excuse me, Virgil was getting exhausted. He felt sweat dripping under his jacket.
He stopped for a moment in front of the vending machines to grab a drink. Grabbing his quarter, he suddenly lost his vision with two strong hands eclipsing over his eyes.
“Guess who?” Sang a voice that filled Virgil’s heart with so much euphoria.
The two hands left his eyes and before he could even speak, arms were wrapped around his waist.
“I missed you so much Darling.” Janus whispered in his ear.
“I missed you too, Love.” Virgil replied, sinking in the embrace.
No more counting for now.
wow after so effing long!!!
Tell me if you wanna be added or removed
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remromfantasies · 4 years
Remember that article of a man being accused of stealing because his peen was so big? Yeah, I wrote it :)
(I’m just gonna tag @secret-pro-ship-blog because I dunno it was on his account first fdkafjdakg sorry lmao you don’t gotta read it, pls no pressure)
Pairing: Anxceit (ftm deceit)
Warnings: menstruation cramps (period cramps), age gap, illusion to stealing, a policeman, embarrassment. Tell me if there’s more, please? Thank you!
Word count: 930!
Height chart in reboot cuz tumblr won’t let me fucking add it :DDDDD
Dee was having a not-so-good day. He woke up with cramps in his abdomen and a heavy feeling in his chest. The meds he took made sure he didn’t bleed, at least not much, to which he was grateful. He was also one year away from being 18, so that was also exciting because then he could finally begin testosterone. Rolling over, he expected to be met with his boyfriend, but was instead greeted by a pillow. He groaned and pushed himself to a sit, feeling the cold air slam into his bare chest.
   “Virgil!” He called, voice hoarse from no use. It took a moment, but he heard the subtle stomping of him climbing the stairs. He gently pushed open the door, ducking his head down just slightly to come in. Being a 27 year old who stood at a whopping 6’6” wasn’t always great when he was in a hurry to get out the house and ended up clocking his head on the doorframe. Thankfully, this wasn’t an emergency.
   “Morning, love.” Virgil said, coming in to sit on the bedside. Dee reached out, making grabby hands and frowning. Verge huffed and came in for a hug, already knowing the situation. “Here, we’ll go to the Sev, huh? You can pick anything you want off the selves. My treat.” Dee mumbled into his chest. Virgil wasn’t even sure if he was speaking real words. He gently pushed him off to be able to hear him clearly. “What are you saying?” He chuckled.
   “Buy me things?” He requested, this time asking Virgil to use his own money. Virgil grinned.
   “That was the plan, kitten.” He laughed. He pulled his face to his own and the two connected lips., the younger of the two relaxing into the motion, a small smile coming onto his face. Dee then pulled back, furrowing his brows once again.
   “No, no, that was so selfish, I’ll pay, I’ll pay for it.” Virgil rolled his eyes, taking his partner's hands.
   “It wasn’t. Promise. Now put on some clothes, let’s go.” Virgil patted his leg, then stood up. Dee groaned again, being dramatic. VIrgil pulled some clothes out of the closet and tossed them over. Dee got changed, took some Midol, then met his boyfriend downstairs, reaching up to take his hand, and then they were headed to 711.
   The two wandered around the store for a bit, then got the counter with a handful of goods for Dee, and a large bottle of Gatorade for Virgil. Dee watched from the side as Virgil took out his wallet and began to pay. He watched the cashier, who seemed to shift her gaze about nervously, eyeing his partner up and down. He felt defensive about where her eyes continued to wander, but let it rest because he knew she didn’t have a chance.
   “Would you like a bag?” She asked, reaching for one already. Virgil nodded with thanks. Just as the two turned to head out, someone called out to them. Virgil turned and dropped his bag back onto the counter, wearing a frightened expression, his hand grabbing tightly to his boyfriends.
   “Pardon me, sir, would you mind stepping this way with me.” Virgil reluctantly went with the officer to the back of the store, Dee following behind them as the girl from the counter rushed to the man.
   “What’s going on?” Virgil questioned. The officer simply instructed him to stand with his back to the wall and his arms out.
   “It’s just a check, sir. We got word someone was suspicious you were stealing.”
   “Stealing?” “Who said that?” Virge and Dee said, respectively. Right after Dee asked who had accused his boyfriend of stealing, his gaze instantly narrowed down on the cashier, who shrunk down slightly at his furious stare. She must’ve hit the button they keep below the register in case of trouble.    
   The officer began to pat the tall anxious man down, going across his arms and sides and back and down his legs. He then spun Virg around and repeated the process.
   “Would you mind taking whatever it is out of your pants please, sir?” Virgil blinked, then glanced at his partner.
   “Um, there, there isn’t anything in my pants.” Virgil then reached down and flipped his pockets in reverse.
   “Alright, then what is that in the front?” He felt his face go ten shades redder, disbelief at what the officer meant. Behind them, he could hear Dee laughing and blushed harder.
   “Uh, that’s my, um, that’s my junk…” he muttered, just loud enough for the stranger to hear. The police man at least had some decency and went with Virgil to the men’s room. Dee was cackling so hard, he was putting all his trust in the counter to hold him on his feet.
   A few moments later, the officer walks out of the restroom, a red faced Virgil trailing after him. Dee raced up to him. Although he was still giggling slightly, he was genuinely concerned for his love’s comfort levels.
   “Hey, baby, you okay?” He asked, cautiously taking his hands. Virgil crouched down and took his boyfriend up in a hug.
   “Ugh, I’m fine.” He muttered, grip easing just a smidge. He stood back up and ran a hand through his hair, letting out a breath. “Alright, let’s just go home, yeah?” Dee nodded and took his hand again, stopping to grab their bag, and then began their way back home.
   “So, Virge, do you think you have some big dick energy with that? Or is it just big dick?”
   “Shut up!”
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To My Heart and Soul
Summary: Roman Cygnus has been dead for nearly a year, and Logan still can’t bring himself to move on. It’s hard not to dwell when all the light has been stolen from the world, leaving it barren and dark. But he has to move on — he has to face the facts. Roman is gone.
But then a stranger in a patchwork cloak saves his life, and he’s thrown into a world of magic he could never hope to understand — a world that Roman once called home. But where there’s magic, there’s danger — and here it takes the form of Dorian, a dark wizard bent on taking over the magical world.
With Roman’s brother Patton by his side and a whole new world to explore, Logan races to find Roman’s secret weapon before Dorian attacks. But along the way, he finds himself asking a question he’d vowed to never ask again.
Is Roman really dead?
Warnings: major character death, villain/abusive deceit, blood, fighting, panic attacks, creepy imagery
Pairings: logince, hints of moxiety, a tiny smidge of remile and past abusive anxceit
Read on AO3
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Art by @cause-a-gay-has-got-to-slay is here, here, here, and here!
Aaaaand finally — after months of sleepless nights and so many plot revisions i could cry — my big bang is done! Thank you so much @cause-a-gay-has-got-to-slay for being such a wonderful artist! and thank you @vvirgils , @ruh-roh-emer-has-an-account , and @aliferous-ly for being such magnificent betas, i love yall so much
And, of course, thanks @ts-storytime for putting this whole event together. i had so much fun working on this, and i hope yall have just as much fun reading it!
aaaand @sanderssidesfanfiction asked to be tagged so!! here u go broski
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ambersky0319 · 5 years
Some random shit cause why not?
Gonna do this organized by pairing so
When I say creativitwins btw, I mean no romantic relations between these two what so ever, and only mean their sibling relationship. RemRom shippers DNI/Do NOT tag as RemRom
They have a monthly prank war, most of it taking place in the Imagination so they can go all out but sometimes they'll do more harmless pranks on the others in the mind palace
If they have partners, they're best friends with the other person's partner
Ex. Intrulogical and Roceit = Platonic!Logince and Platonic!Dukeceit
Neither of them is King, and King is neither of the twins. It took awhile for everyone in the mind palace to accept this
They celebrate the split together, for awhile it was in secret. They spend the day just at each others sides and its the one day everyone can expect them to get along
They would murder for each other
Very critical of one another's partners if they have them
They both helped in creating the Dragon Witch, and the Dragon Witch has a strong bond with the twins because of this; the Dragon Witch was the last creation they made together before feuds started between them
Remus does very minor things that annoys Roman but Roman can't get mad cause they're really petty things and he hates that Remus knows just how far to push it
They binge movies sometimes, alternating between what each of them likes
They collaborate on fanfics together
Often times it's hurt/comfort fics
Remus is scarily good at writing fluff with very interesting descriptions and Roman's amazing when it comes to angst that can punch you in the gut in so few words
They are the matchmaking royalty of the mind palace, and know within hours when someone develops a crush
They both get very loopy whenever Thomas has a crush, and around 3am if Thomas hasn't gone to bed yet
They get into a l o t of fights, and often say many things they don't mean. They make it up usually but there are some things that were never resolved
Remus taught Roman how to sew, but he's awful at designing himself so Roman helped create Remus's outfit so that it didn't look like a fashion hurricane had wrecked his brother
Sometimes Remus will waltz into Roman's room when Roman is sleeping and just flop onto Roman
On these nights(it's always in the middle of the night) everyone will be woken up by unholy screeches from Roman as Remus refuses to get off him. Except Deceit, who sleeps with headphones on and music blasting cause he knows Remus will do some random loud shit at night and he needs beauty sleep
Both the twins can't recall any memories from King, but they have a journal left by him in the center of the Imagination and sometimes they'll just sit together and go through the entries
At the end of the day they have each other's backs and would do anything to protect the other
This is obviously before the split
King just always felt a certain curiosity when it came to the dishonest side, and Deceit didn't mind Creativity's company
When Virgil first forms they take care of him together
Deceit is tiny and King is pretty tall so King just loves to carry Deceit around and Deceit just lets him after awhile
King loves hearing Deceit sing
King also adores Deceit's scales, and he loves kissing every single one in the morning and seeing Deceit's human side blush
Deceit enjoys hearing King's random stories and ideas, and often helped expand them by asking questions
For a long time Deceit had some control over the Imagination because King gave him that ability, but after the split Deceit left all the control to Remus and Roman
Deceit still can't enter the Imagination after the split occurred, no matter how much the twins beg him to visit and see what they've created
King and Deceit's relationship just kind of works, y'know? And it just sort of happened over time and it just felt right to them
King is not allowed to cook. He does not fight Deceit's decision to ban him from the kitchen, as last time King tried cooking he nearly burned most of the house
King's great at decorating cake tho so Deceit bakes the cake and King gets free reign over how it looks in the end
They go to bed super early and sleep in till around noon, often drifting back and forth between sleep and consciousness
Both are absolute saps when they're tired and say the most cheesy shit to one another
Late night conspiracies
They actually make a great team when protecting Thomas, none of the other sides realize that a lot of the things that Virgil worries over for Thomas's sake were things suggested by Remus(ex. "What if that guy drugged our drink and we end up being overcome with so much pain that it paralyzes us and we can't call out and he ends up killing us" turns into "hey lets not drink this in case someone messed with it")
Virgil loves listening to Remus's stories, and is often one of the first to read them(after Remus tells him anything that might be triggering so Virgil knows if he could take it or not)
Remus is a cuddle monster but respects when Virgil doesn't want to touch anyone and usually asks if Virgil would rather be alone or if Remus could like, hang out on Virgil's floor for a bit of something
Remus made Virgil's hoodie
They both stay up incredibly late just talking about anything
And they both get up incredibly early
Logan scolds them constantly that they should sleep more
Virgil one time made a playlist for Remus to use when writing and Remus fucking cried while almost squeezing the life out of Virgil in a hug
Virgil's also drawn fan art for Remus's work but never intended to show Remus cause Virgil never thought he was any good
Remus found his sketchbooks one day and tackled Virgil in a hug the next time he saw Virgil
Virgil loves holding hands, so if cuddling is too much they'll just hold hands and sit side by side doing their own thing
Virgil absolutely loves Remus's tentacles, they're incredibly useful and whenever Remus uses them to hug Virgil, Virgil never feels safer
Virgil is strong as hell and just carries Remus bridal style sometimes
Virgil does Remus's makeup
Remus calls Virgil his Scare-bear and his Starshine, Virgil calls Remus his Gremlin and Bastard Husband(Remus grins ear-to-ear at the nicknames)
Also common when they're both sleep deprived and sappy and shit are Hon, Love, Darling, Dearest, Honey-Bear, Light of my life, Night to my day, and Moon to my stars
They're both enthusiasts of forensic shows and murder mysteries
The show Forensic Files? They binged every episode together. They try to figure out who the culprit was before the episode ends and it's revealed. Remus has been correct 5 more times than Logan, however they both often get it right
Remus is on amazing terms with the Dragon Witch and the Dragon Witch ends up officiating at their wedding
Logan patches up Remus whenever one of Remus's creatures hurt him
Logan will edit all of Remus's works, as well as help develop ideas by giving feedback or ask questions or just listen to Remus ramble
Logan loves Remus rambling and will get comfortable wherever they are cause it can go on for hours
Not that he minds
Remus is Logan's Duke and Logan is Remus's Star
Remus is very easy to fluster
Especially when Logan says he loves Remus. Even after the thousandth time Remus turns crimson
Fucking dramatic these two are with their romantic gestures and yet still somehow keep their relationship hidden for years
Remus loves Logan's room cause it's actually very calming and it's filled with a bunch of soft chairs, piles of pillows and blankets, and an air mattress in the corner if anyone wants to sleep in Logan's room for the night
Logan was shocked that Remus's room was actually pretty organized. Still messy, but you could definitely find anything you needed by just glancing around
They both enthuse about space
Remus created a constellation in the Imagination and named it Logan
He also regularly creates new constellations there so Logan can find them and name them
Logan definitely writes fanfics based on Remus's stories
Remus breaks down the first time Logan says he loves Remus, and the night ends with him holding Remus close and uttering the words softly over and over
Remus loves hearing Logan read and sometimes if Remus can't sleep Logan will just read to him
Virgil and Deceit have many debates, they're friendly though and they both agree before the debates that they'll keep it friendly
Deceit's great at getting Virgil out of a panic or anxiety attack
Deceit uses all six of his arms when cuddling Virgil, playing with Virgil's hair or hands and holding him around the waist or stomach
They bake together a lot. Virgil has a massive sweet tooth
Will stab a bitch if you hurt the other
Virgil really loves to paint Deceit's nails
He also sometimes uses makeup to cover up Deceit's scales when Deceit gets really self conscious about them. Once the makeup comes off though Virgil will pepper kisses over the scales and run his fingers over them lightly and tell Deceit how gorgeous he looks
On the flip side Deceit loves his scales and so does Virgil cause they glimmer in the light
Virgil adores drawing Deceit
They do holidays in an anti way and do the opposite of everything you're supposed to do
They just sort of had an agreement that they'd get married and then they did, no big wedding or anything
Everyone was shook when they learned that the two were together, more so married
Both love cuddling and hold each other whenever. But they still have their different rooms cause sometimes you need a break y'know?
Sometimes they'll sit together in relative silence doing their own thing but like, leaning against one another lightly as they do it
Deceit monitors Virgil's coffee intake
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nightashes · 5 years
Writing Masterlist
Ficlets (Under 1,000 words):
I’ll Be Seeing You -  Patton, who is the grim reaper, has a conversation with Logan, who is life. Patton POV. Logicality. 
All the Stuff in Our Heads - Virgil paints Remus’s nails and they talk about why they’re friends. Virgil POV. Platonic Dukexiety
Why Are You My Brother? - Remus has gone too far this time. He has dyed Roman’s hair green! Roman POV. Creativitwins.
Rainy Day -  It’s raining in the mindscape and Patton is feeling melancholy. Patton POV. Platonic Moxiety
WTIYS Draft - Prompt: “The couch is comfier with you on it.” Prinxiety
WTIYS Submitted Version - Because I felt like I could write a better version. Prinxiety
Help Me Understand - Logic doesn’t feel. So why does Logan? It’s all so confusing and he just doesn’t understand. Logan POV. Platonic LAMP
If You Believe in Me - Twisted/Frankenstein Au. A song fic based off “If I Believed”. Logan POV. Logince
I’m a Joke for You -  Roman lost a bet and now must face the consequences. Roman POV. Platonic DLAMPR
One-Shots (Over 1,000 words):
And We Were Roommates - Virgil is so very very tired. Luckily he has the best roommate in the world. Who also might have a crush on him? Virgil POV. Analogical.
The Red Glint - Virgil, Remus, and Roman try to find Mothman in the woods. Instead they find something much cooler. Virgil POV,
Let’s Play Hero - Virgil may be a criminal, but that doesn’t mean he fears the town’s newest superhero. Virgil POV. 
A Day in a Swamp -  Remus spends a day in a swamp wondering if his love of nature is a betrayal of his role as the “dark” creativity. Remus POV.
When I’m with You, I Glow -  Victorian-ish era. Logan has some big news to tell his boyfriend, Patton. They take a walk and enjoy the evening with each other. Logan POV. Logicality.
The Honey Bee and The Oak Tree - Virgil feels like he is stuck in life. His solution... time to dye his hair in the middle of the night. Virgil POV. Moxiety.
You Help Me. I Help You - Prompt:  With Virgil having stood up for Janus, Virgil got hurt, and Janus now has to help him. Janus POV. Anxceit
Painting with Ashes - Remus wants to help Roman create, but Roman doesn’t want his help. Is there a place for the “bad” creativity? Remus POV. Creativitwins and Platonic Intruality
The Storm in the Music Room -  Virgil Storm is a violent protector, snarky rebel, and talented pianist? Logan is shocked to find the school’s tough guy playing the piano. Logan POV. Analogical
Virgil’s Self-Care Day - A fluffy fic with no real plot about Virgil’s self-care day. Virgil POV. Platonic LAMP
A Kitten for Two - Roman and Virgil adopt a cat. Virgil POV. Prinxiety
Time for a Change -  Prompt: “Same time next week?” Were the four words that ruined his schedule. Virgil POV. Analogical
Long One-Shot (over 5,000 words):
The Alliance Sucks, the Rebellion’s not Much Better, but at Least We Have Each Other - Space criminals find a stowaway and go on a prison break mission. Multiple POV’s (mainly Janus and Remus).
Beside the Mountain Lies Magic - Medieval Fantasy Au where magic is being wiped out. But is magic truly evil? And what is Dee’s secret? Multiple POVs
We’re Monsters. Isn’t It Fun? (Complete) - Remus and Virgil are two dark sides being raised by Deceit. Virgil POV.
A/N: Feel free to send me prompts! Also, you have my permission to make podfics, art, or even other fics based off of my works (just tag me please so I can see it!)
Interact with this post to be added to my taglist.
Reminder: I love all my readers! XD
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quoth-the-sparrow · 5 years
Sparrow’s Masterpost of Fics
-Updated 6/13/19-
I finally made one of these! Here’s the links to all the stories I’ve written, and even some headcanons I’m rather proud of. I’ll try and update this every month or so. You can also find me here on ao3! (Speaking of, there will be some shorter stories/drabbles not linked here but are on my ao3; I ended up liking the ao3 versions better)
Chaptered Fics
Simply Meant To Be (Complete) - Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4 - Mutual Pining/Eventual Prinxiety, Background Logicality, Platonic Analogical, Platonic Moxiety - Virgil decides to start painting; he is very gay for a certain Prince; enjoy these soft fluffy famILY dynamics - Total Word Count: 6,096
Trouble (Complete) - Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3 - Eventual Analogical, Implied Past Anxceit (unhealthy past relationship), Platonic LAMP/CALM - This takes place directly after “Can LYING Be Good?”. Please heed the tags/warnings in all 3 chapters; this story gets rough before it gets better - Hurt/Comfort - Total Word Count: 5,088
Workaholic (Complete) - Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3 - Romantic Analogical, Romantic Royality - Logan works way too much and Virgil’s had about enough - Hurt/Comfort - Total Word Count: 5,039
Caught In The Rain (Ongoing) - Ch 1 - Mutual Pining/Eventual Prinxiety, Background Logicality - Roman finds out his best friend Virgil’s secret and helps him through it - Mild Hurt/Comfort - Total Word Count: 908
Coming Home (Ongoing) - Ch 1, Ch 2 , Ch 3 - Mutual Pining/Eventual LAMP/CALM - What happens when four very gay people live together in one house? We’re about to find out! - A bit of Fluff, a bit of (or a lot of) Hurt/Comfort - Total Word Count: 5,235
Sing Me To Sleep - Mutual Pining/Eventual Prinxiety, Background Logicality - Roman catches Virgil singing aloud- something the anxious side never does - Fluff - Word Count: 1,000
The Star Party - Romantic Analogical - Virgil takes Logan on a date - Pure fluff - Word Count: 568
It’s A Secret - Mutual Pining/Romantic Analogical - Logan is apparently good at video games… and flirting? - Fluff - Word Count: 545
Love Like You - Platonic Moxiety, Background/Implied Logicality, implied/mutual pining Prinxiety - Virgil thinks he isn’t good enough; Patton is there to tell him otherwise - Song Fic, Mild Hurt/Comfort - Word Count: 1,250
Flirting With Logan - Romantic Logince - Logan tries to get some work done but Roman proves to be incredibly distracting - Fluff, Slight NSFW (more implied than anything else but still) - Word Count: 383
Prom Date - Mutual Pining/Eventual Analogical, Mutual Pining/Eventual Royality, Platonic Logicality - Logan asks his crush to prom - Fluff - Word Count: 522
Last Of The Real Ones - Mutual Pining/Eventual Moxiety - Virgil is a Gay Disaster - Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort - Word Count: 1,020
The Missing Shirt - Mutual Pining Moxiety - Virgil finds his shirt in an unexpected place - Fluff - Word Count: 1,140
Out Of This Town - Mutual Pining/Eventual Analogical - Virgil is ready to leave his old life behind- but is he ready to leave Logan behind as well? - Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort - Word Count: 1,365
Cold-Blooded - Platonic/Mutual Pining DLAMP - The sides are still getting used to having Deceit around - Fluff - Word Count: 706
Sanders Sides Angst - Romantic Moxiety - Major Character Death/Unhappy Ending - Word Count: 500
Couples Costumes - Romantic Prinxiety - Roman and Virgil want to dress up for Halloween but don’t know who to go as - Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort - Word Count: 858
Noodle - Romantic DLAMP - Dee and Virgil are sassy boys - Fluff - Word Count: 230
Precipice - No Ships - One of the Sides has a nightmare - Angst - Word Count: 391
Cure - Mutual Pining Analogical - Logan has a bit of a crisis/crush; takes place directly after “Learning New Things About Ourselves” - Mild Hurt/Comfort - Word Count: 988
When Darkness Turns To Light - Mutual Pining Analogical, Romantic Royality - A certain Dark Side takes advantage of Logan’s greatest fears; takes place directly after “Learning New Things About Ourselves - Hurt/Comfort - Word Count: 5,013
The Third Date - Romantic Logince - Logan goes over to Roman’s house for dinner - Fluff - Word Count: 582
Jellyfish - Mutual Pining/Eventual Logicality, Romantic Prinxceit (Roman, Virgil + Dee) - Patton takes his crush out on a date - Fluff - Word Count: 941
How To Ask Your Crush Out (Or A Tale Of Two Disaster Gays) - Mutual Pining/Eventual Analogical - Virgil gets up the courage to ask Logan out - Fluff - Word Count: 1,081
Sweet As Candy - Romantic Moxiety - Patton is a sweet angel, surprising no one - Fluff - Word Count: 726
Friends in Unexpected Places - Mutual Pining Logince - Roman moved to a new school and is having trouble until a certain cute nerd offers to help - Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort - Word Count: 1,135
The Words You Speak - Mutual Pining/Eventual Analogical, Mutual Pining Royality - Logan says the wrong thing and it affects him more than he'd care to admit - Mild Hurt/Comfort - Word Count: 1,983
Bound Together - LAMP/CALM - Adorable Gays celebrating the completion of their junior year of high school - Fluff - Word Count: 1,260
Makeup Crisis - Platonic Prinxiety, Platonic Sleepxiety - Virgil experiences a bit of a crisis - Fluff - Word Count: 725
Two Little Words - Romantic Analogical, Mutual Pining Royality - Virgil comes out to their boyfriend - Mild Hurt/Comfort - Word Count: 1,226
Virgil Headcanons - My mindscape hc’s for the purple stormy boi
Logan Headcanons - My mindscape hc’s for the nerd boi
Analogical Headcanons - Pt 1, Pt 2 - My human!au hc’s for my all-time favorite ship (I promise I will write stories for this… at some point)
Deceit Headcanon - This is a theory/idea I’d had of why Dee is a villain
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magpiemorality · 5 years
What's your favourite character to write? Favourite ship? Is there any au you'd like to see but don't want to write yourself? What sort of fic do you like? What's your favourite character and ship to read? - loveceit
Many questions there LC!! Let’s go then :D @loveceit
Favourite character to write?
Almost certainly Remus. He has that delightful blend of total honesty, angst, and a sprinkle of chaos. He’s incredibly adaptable in stories as well, which helps! But I think I also secretly love the fancy language for Logan, and I’m always going to love a bit of Patton because he’s very soft!
Favourite ship?
Yo I hoard ships, I am a multishipper extraodinaire. If there is a good fic or headcanon or piece of art I will consume it and thank the OP for the pleasure. That being said I do lean towards anything involving Remus because y’know, he’s my boy! And I LOVE the rare ships. Polycules are also so good because the mixed dynamic is so interesting! 
Platonic ships are included here, because y e s.
AUs you’d like to see but don’t want to write?
I mean probably the angsty stuff? I’m just not super good at angst these days, I love fluff too much, but I love reading the angstier things. And any AU with clever OCs, because I am not much of an OC creator but some of the best fic out there has all these intricate, delicious OC sides and a really well written OC is like a fancy cocktail- super exciting and a real treat!
ALSO anything longer than maybe a few chapters, because HOW DO PEOPLE DO THAT (you guys with longform fic are absolute legends I swear)
What sort of fic do you like?
Wow that’s like, broad. I mean, if I’m a multishipper then I’m equally an opportunist when it comes to what I read! If it’s well written then I’m in, pretty much. Anything that makes me feel something generally also gets a big old star from me, fluff or angst or h/c or gen or big aus or short slice of life stuff... it’s all golden! I also love to read the sort of stuff that isn’t necessarily technically perfect, the odd grammatical mistake or the flow isn’t 100%, but someone is pouring love into their writing and wanting to share a story they care about, because a) that’s how you improve and b) it’s really damn beautiful to see :) 
What's your favourite character and ship to read?
Again- yes to all??? It might be easier to do a few eliminations, but even then I will still read these if the fic is right!! 
So, Logince isn’t a super big ship for me (but I have actually written some Logince and there is some bangin stuff for the ship out there that deserves lots of love)? Same with Analogical, and perhaps Moxiety and Anxceit. So huh, that makes most of the Virgil ships, I guess! I think with Virgil I just crave him getting so much platonic love that I tend not to seek out the ships, but that’s definitely not because I don’t like them!! Platonic ships get an immediate gold star though, and I love new family combinations between the sides because that can be very fun to read the dynamics of.
I love all of the characters, hands down. Remy is a secret fave that I’d love to see more of as a special mention though! 
This was fun, and I’m gonna tag it as FAQ so anyone can see it for future!! 
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