#and see in him something he took on in boromir’s name too
altschmerzes · 9 months
That Aragorn and Faramir fic idea you mentioned sounds really interesting! There's so many layers involved in those two and those around them, and it sounds like a concept you would really have fun with!
THANK YOU it’s so clear in my mind honestly. this moment in that in-between space where aragorn either comes to find him or runs into him and has the chance to talk with him for the first time - say, you know, it’s an honour to meet you. your brother spoke of you with great pride.
like. the kind of person aragorn is would be really fascinating to watch faramir figure out how to handle tbh. this is Thee Literal King, and he’s also the type of person who looks at the people around him with warmth and appreciation at all turns, who puts himself on the line beside them, who is compassionate and interested in people and like. offers people his respect. pretty much regardless of who they are, until they prove they do not deserve it.
and for faramir, who has been. well. look at all he’s been doing in pursuit of his father’s respect, his father’s love, all entirely in vain. and what came of it. he’s just narrowly survived an attempted murder/suicide, after the first time he was sent to his death for the crime of being the wrong son didn’t quite get him all the way dead. just mostly there. so he’s been suffering and bleeding and dying for the good opinion of the central authority figure in his life to absolutely no avail. and here’s the king. the literal whole king. who’s never met him before, and is now seeing him in this sorry state. who offers his good opinion freely and without hesitation.
i SIMPLY think there’s so much potential in that dynamic and i want to poke at it SO bad tbh
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edges-of-night · 1 month
Hii! <3
I wanted to request imagines for reader taking care of the lotr characters (preferably all, but if that’s too much then at least the women and maybe Aragorn and Faramir too) when they’re sick/injured for whatever reason
(I love your imagines so much, the way you characterize them all is so perfectly amazing💜)
Thank you for your kind words! I did all of my usual characters because I love hurt/comfort and sick!fic scenarios that much haha! I hope you will enjoy your post ♡
Have a great weekend everybody!
CW: injuries and illnesses, mention of blood
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・゚✧ Aragorn.
While Aragorn’s heroic sacrifice didn’t cost him his life, it took a heavy toll on him. Lucky for him, you’ve spoken often enough about medicinal herbs and healing practices – you are able to take great care of him, bedded on his white linens. Even when he is still too weak to speak, Aragorn will hold your gentle hand.
・゚✧ Arwen.
You return so often to Arwen’s bedside that you wonder if it would be easier to just stay – but you know that privacy and rest are just as important as her wish to hold your hand. Whenever you’re with her, you tend to her wounds or read her passages from her favourite book to make her smile, which Arwen appreciates immensely. As she rests, she plans on properly kissing you as soon as she’s healthy.
・゚✧ Boromir.
Boromir hates that a common cold has him chained to the bed for over a week now. But he’d lie if he said he didn’t enjoy you taking care of him – even though you do tease him and his constantly red nose from time to time. It’s all in good fun though, and he cannot wait to hold and kiss you again!
・゚✧ Elrond.
When Lord Elrond returned to Rivendell injured, your heart skipped a beat – he is the most skilled Elvish healer around – who else could treat the gaping, magical wound in his side? The honour is bestowed on you, and you master it despite your nervous mind. Nothing is greater encouragement than finally seeing Elrond’s summer eyes greet you again ♡
・゚✧ Éomer.
The Rohirrim have all kinds of names for the strange fever that has befallen their dear Éomer – but no methods of healing. They consider it an impossible challenge for you to tame his feverish, sweaty body and nonsense mumblings. But, somehow, the horse lord calms whenever you reach his bedside, sighing when you change the wet cloths on his forehead and rest your hand on his chest.
・゚✧ Éowyn.
Initially, Éowyn thinks nothing of the cut she got during sword lessons. But days of ignoring the wound on her hand could put her in grave danger, you know that – and thus offer to take a look and do what you can. At first, Éowyn protests, but she falls silent as soon as you turn her hand in yours, unaware of how soft her expression grows… She admires your medical knowledge, too! “Is there at all something you cannot do, you marvellous creature?”
・゚✧ Faramir.
It takes days for Faramir to wake up. Many others believe him doomed and have given up on sitting by his side, trying new herbs and waters, only to see his crystal blue eyes open once more. But you have the matter-of-factly patience of a boat pushing its way through a deadly ocean. And indeed, on a moonlit night, Faramir’s gentle gaze awaits when you return to his side, whispering, “Thank you for believing in me, my love.”
・゚✧ Frodo.
Sometimes you wonder if you are the only person to have consideration for both the physical and the mental wounds Frodo has endured. You always make sure he’s fine and support him when thoughts of the big scar on his chest sends him to dark places inside his mind. You both know that those wounds take much more time to heal than the cut itself, and Frodo is more than glad to have you by his side. To soothe him, you caress the scar.
・゚✧ Galadriel.
Ever since a mysterious malady has befallen Lady Galadriel, Lothlórien is in turmoil. No one would even let you near her – until she ordered her guards away, to allow you to treat her with your medical and arcane knowledge. In fact, you become the only one she wishes to see in her elegant rooms at all. Despite her current weakness, her ethereal beauty and soft smiles make it hard for you to concentrate…
・゚✧ Gandalf.
Out of breath, you hurry to Gandalf’s beside with that one legendary flower needed to cure him. He insists you be the one to prepare the potion, too. Day and night, you try to perfect his medicine, always worried his state might get worse. When Gandalf finally drinks your potion, the wound on his chest closes magically. But it’s nothing to Gandalf, who has trusted you entirely: “I never doubted you for a moment, my dear.”
・゚✧ Gimli.
After Gimli’s accident in the mine, you were right by his side to ensure his head injury wouldn’t get much worse. His headache is hurting badly though, and your proud Dwarf is but a shadow of himself. He knows rest would be best for him, but it’s hard for him to stay away from work and banquets alike. Still, he appreciates that you pamper him with his favourite baked goods and healing kisses on his head ♡
・゚✧ Haldir.
Haldir is not an easy patient, but that doesn’t stop you from treating his catastrophic shoulder, which he has ignored for days on his way through the woods of Lórien. Spread onto linen sheets beneath you, he grunts and cringes – as much as his half-dead stone face can, that is – under both your touch and your harsh words. But deep down, he knows you were simply worried – and honestly, he doesn’t quite know how to deal with that!
・゚✧ Legolas.
It seemed inevitable that Legolas would someday break a leg because of his acrobatic archery skills, and yet you are surprised. Elves heal quickly, but Legolas suffers greatly under his involuntary immobility. You help him by recounting his favourite quest stories and eventually by supporting his first tentative steps outside, which he thanks you for with the stormiest embraces ♡
・゚✧ Merry.
Merry thinks he can walk of anything – even an injured knee. He doesn’t want you to think of him as weak or unable to take care of himself. But even Merry can only play down a limp for so long. Truth be told, he is actually relieved that he no longer has to hide the pain, and that you spreading balm on his knee is no ordeal but in fact a very sweet gesture.
・゚✧ Pippin.
Pippin has been sneezing and stumbling for days, eventually falling into bed with the biggest groan you have ever heard come out of him. He is a “suffering” patient and you know it. But while Pippin greatly enjoys you pampering him with food, tea and blankets, he secretly cannot wait to take care of you in return – no matter if you’re sick or not! “It’s you’re not actually sick, or else I couldn’ave kissed you!”
・゚✧ Sam.
Gardening involves many dangers, and although Sam has been practising it since childhood, he eventually hurts himself on his gardening knife. The cut is deep and won’t stop bleeding, but you are quick to bandage it and remind him to change the fabric once a day. But Sam has trouble keeping his thoughts straight, when all he can think about is you holding his hand in yours, all close…
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shirefantasies · 3 months
LoTR Characters Finding Out You Were in an Abusive Relationship
Sort of requested/mentioned by @autisticgenderworm and desired by yours truly, here is the other version of this reaction. I hope it brings comfort to anyone who needs it.
Warnings: mentions/implications of past abuse, but nothing graphic
Aragorn's pause sparks no concern. He is a pensive man and that is something you always loved about him, let alone any consideration the gravity of what you just shared. "And you gave your heart so freely, I have no doubt." He shakes his head. "That such a truly corrupt mind would try to take you. But that is just it: I see it in your eyes and I feel it in the way I am so lucky in your love. They can try, but they cannot break you. You are stronger than all the hate, all the avarice, in the world. You know this, do you not?" Eyes watering, you peer at him and blink. "Some days I feel so far from that." Aragorn nods. He reaches out and holds your cheek against his calloused palm and somehow it is the softest touch you've ever felt. "Our true strength is that we are never alone. You have so many who will fight for you. I will fight for you. You will be on no lead, your own person simply making our lives all the richer for it."
Brows furrowing lightly, he tilts his head, fixing you with a look of deep sorrow. You see his hand raise, lower again hesitantly, so you reach out to take it. "I don't mean to frighten you," you tell him, "I'm sorry." “You have nothing to apologize for, my love. The burden rests solely on the one who took it upon themselves to hurt you. It was nothing you did. And I am not frightened. Rather I would have you feel safe.” “I do,” you tell him, “That is why I hoped you were not afraid. The last thing I would want is for you to see me differently. To be too much for you.” “Too much for me? No such thing,” Legolas teases with a little smile, “But truly I am just grateful you shared. If there is anything I do, anything I say, allow me to apologize now.” “That alone puts me at ease,” you reply, feeling yourself relax and breathe deeply once more as Legolas takes your hand.
“Why?” “I- I don’t think there was a ‘why’,” you stuttered, “I could have done things differently, I suppose, but-” “No,” Boromir cuts you off, a hand reaching to gently caress your cheek, “Not you, my dear. Not you. Why would anyone seek to defile beauty? And kindness. Why indeed.” “I don’t know,” you answer helplessly, gaze falling from his, “I should have left sooner. I-I guess I was truly that lonely that I thought it was worth changing. It wasn’t.” A shaky, sardonic laugh escapes your lips. “Nobody should have to choose between lonely and pain,” Boromir laments, hands sliding down to take yours, “But we are here now, and I will give you everything you deserve.”
“Where is the bastard? I have a selection of choice words for such a great blight upon this earth.” Gimli’s hands ball into fists at his sides as he speaks, his voice darkening a bit more with each passing word. You cannot help but smile at that even in spite of his tone. “I would be happy to introduce you if I knew,” you replied, “But I know not and care not.” “That’s my fire!” Gimli exclaims, pride coloring his tone and his very gaze upon you. “You don’t need me- my approval or my axe! But of course you have them both with equal enthusiasm. To look upon you is to see a flame most bright and most beautiful that nobody’s rain can extinguish.” It is you who steps forward first, pulling the dwarf into your arms, but it is Gimli who asks if he might kiss your beautiful lips. Just the asking is such a difference; of course you acquiesce.
He says nothing at first, expression just softening and crumpling in pain. One fair hand extends and finds purchase upon your shoulder; Frodo’s touch melts you and he feels your relaxation beneath him. “Oh,” he speaks your name so softly, all but reverently, “For so long you have been my strength and yet you carried this.” “I didn’t know how to tell you,” you answer, “Didn’t want you to think badly of me.” “How could I? You asked for none of that. So often do these things happen against our will.” “Sometimes I wish I had never said yes when I did. So I would have never had to say no,” you tell him, crumpling into his arms. Frodo presses a kiss to the crown of your head. I often remember what Gandalf told me: ‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us’. They may have chosen to use their time to hurt and to wrestle control, but no longer. Time can only do so much healing, I know, but I will be here for you. Here for it all.”
"You can't mean... They didn't!" Anger flashes in Sam's typically docile green eyes. "I know," you reply, "I shouldn't have-" "You shouldn't have? The only person who shouldn't have was that monster! Don't you dare apologize for something you didn't do, alright? I don't want that sort of thing running through your head." Sam's last sentence emerged quietly. Trembled with an uncertain sadness. It broke you and made you whole all over again. You gave a small nod. "You're right." Sam looked up and met your eyes once more, returning the gesture with a bit more vigor. "I see that now, and that is all thanks to you. You love me like I deserve. Fight for me in all you do. When I am with you, Sam, I have the love I always thought was just a dream.” Tears rose in his eyes then even as his lips smiled. “And when I met you I thought the same: this has to be a dream.”
“They didn’t.” “Unfortunately,” you nod, gaze locked upon your feet, “They did. Sometimes I wonder what might have been different if I had-” “Don’t do that to yourself!” Merry cut you off, pausing for a moment as a look of remorseful surprise came over him. “That is to say we can’t change the past. Just like we can’t see the future. I may not have been there for your past, but I do know nothing that happened came of what you did. People like that, they have no shame. You are far too kind for someone like that. They took advantage of you. Made you feel bad and that’s all them. All right?” It was still difficult to believe sometimes, but Merry’s voice was nothing but convicted, and you trusted him. Swallowing, you nodded. “All right.” The hobbit opened his arms. “Come here.” You fell right in.
"No." Eyes wide, he shakes his head and reaches for your hands. "No. How could- How could anybody..." "I don't know," you sigh, relaxing slightly as his thumbs ran over the backs of your hands, "Perhaps I should never have-" Pippin cut you off there. "It wasn't your fault. None of it was. There isn't a thing you could do to make any of that alright. And I swear to you that I will never do anything of the like. After all, who could even think of putting a precious gem like yourself down, hm?" At those last words, the soothing touch of his hands, your tearful expression broke into a shaky smile. "What did I do to deserve you?" You asked. "Don't worry," he replied, "I ask myself the same thing every day. I love you, you know. And I want to treat you like it. If I ever don't, please help me." The longer he spoke, his words faded closer and closer to a whisper, those lovely green eyes focused solely, searchingly, upon your gaze. Tears returning alongside your smile, you nodded. "You already do, Pippin. You already do."
Brows furrowed, Faramir takes your hands at once, blue eyes gazing deeply into yours. "There are no words to lift the weight of it all. Nothing I can say but that your pain is mine and that I know how difficult it is to speak of such things. Thank you, truly, for sharing this with me. I want to be worthy of this. Of you." Worthy of you? Him? "You are more than worthy, Faramir." "And I wish to continue to live up to that for the sake of your beautiful heart. I wish for you to never feel unworthy again." His voice breaks and your heart does the same, knowing how similar your experiences were- Faramir was made to feel lesser for years. "I want the same for you," you run your hands over his gently with a tentative smile, "And I think deep down I knew you would understand. That no one else would understand like you. We can love each other more every day." "I like the sound of that," Faramir replies, his eyes shining nothing but love into yours.
Even as your words fade, you catch the way his hands tighten into fists, tense slightly at the sight. "Coward. That worm had no honor whatsoever. And you...here you stand triumphant." "It does not always feel so," you admit, gaze falling. Eomer places a hand upon your shoulder. "We all have our scars. To escape, to be free... Why, that is the greatest show of strength. Is it not what we all fight for? And fight you did! Believe me when I tell you I am nothing but proud of you." Eomer's normally stoic expression rises into a smile, his hand sliding from your shoulder gently down your arm and finally to grasp your hand and bring it to his lips. "Nobody has the right to treat you like property. They should feel ashamed trying to tame a heart like yours. I would have it tempered. Let me act as your bellows, then, to stoke your fire of resiliency." His words do indeed fuel the embers in your heart, coax fire to them as they bring a small smile to your lips. "I would like that." "And let that scoundrel hope to never come within a league of this place while I draw breath."
“So cruel this world can be!” Eowyn cries out. “How can they not see all you have to offer? This will hardly erase the hurt, but I will say this: the loss is theirs.” Leaning in, her voice lowers to a conspiratorial whisper at that last phrase, her lips raising in a tentative smile. “For your heart is strong and steadfast and your laugh is music to me. To have you by my side is naught but joy. So help me, I will never treat you as a belonging, put you in a cage. And if that is how you feel I would have you tell me." "Never," you answer her, "Nor would I do the same to you. I told you because I trust you to understand. Because I love you." She leans forward at this, connecting your foreheads; golden strands of hair tickle your cheek, but you mind not. "And I you," Eowyn breathes.
Never have you seen Haldir's eyes darken such as they are now. A part of you wants to back away, but you know that his ire is not for you. Not when he shakes his head, looking at you with...not quite pity. Rather all that swims in his eyes as he turns back to you is a new understanding, something deep in the blue. His hands hover over you as if you are spun-glass, and with your eyelids fluttering shut you take them and rest them upon your hips. "I do not mean to trouble you with this news, I just..." "Trouble me? The only trouble I have is how badly I wish to punish anybody who hurts you." At that, he smirks a bit and you feel his hands grip you a bit tighter. A shiver runs down your spine at his words. "You know, I would hardly mind that at this point. Not exactly unearned. So this is no change to you?" "Only any changes you want me to make," Haldir answers.
Her face falls, but something in its look leads you to suspect she knew already. Galadriel's gifts lie far beyond your understanding. "Do not discount the light you bring to this world," her voice cuts through your thoughts, "For you remind me of its joys every day. There will always be those who seek to rob us of our light, but that is only to fill the darkness that is in their hearts. You are more than enough despite what they say. You need not trouble yourself with the words of lesser folk." Tears flood your eyes at her words and all you can do is nod, shakily smiling. You feel Galadriel's lips against one cheek, then the other, then upon the top of your head, and finally warmly and softly upon your lips. "I'm so lucky to have you," you tell her, and at that she shakes her head. "It is I who is the lucky one," she refutes with a mischievous but loving smile.
For just a moment, his expression steels and you flinch back, but only for a moment before it’s softened like never before and falling. Pain. That is the only word to describe what crosses Elrond’s face. He feels your pain. Stepping closer, the Lord of Rivendell opens his arms, and with a tearful smile you fall into them, into the silken softness of his robe and the gentle warmth of his hold. “Healing takes time. I have time. And here I shall be to grant you peace as best I can. Please do not hesitate to ask it of me. If you ask it and it is within my power, I shall grant it.” “I’d like to stay like this,” you reply, words muffled by the cushion of your cheek to his chest, the sound of Elrond’s soothing heartbeat in your ear. “As would I,” he agrees softly.
“Meleth nîn,” she addresses you softly, brows furrowed in concern, “You endured all that?” At her words, you just nod, gripping her hands a bit tighter. She gives yours a gentle squeeze in response. “Your strength knows no bounds. Fear not, for by my side you can take all the time you need. I can wait, you know.” At that, she giggles and you smile. You are, after all, in love with not only the fairest of beings but one immortal by nearly all accounts. Her smile alone brings you so much comfort. “You are the one I have chosen and I will not take that for granted. You are a gift and that anyone would cast that aside is folly.”
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 | Reply/Message/Ask to join 💕
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sweetshire · 3 months
for @genworkjune i’ve put together some of the fics i’ve loved reading (ignore that it’s the last day of the month please). as usual, don’t forget to leave a kudos or a comment if u enjoyed them! oh also, if this formatting seems familiar — that’s because i’ve shamelessly copied it off of @emyn-arnens; i just think it’s neat XD! onward, and enjoy :)
O Wandering Winds by yet_intrepid (G, Faramir & Boromir, 3.5k):
By the time Faramir is told in his sleep of Isildur's Bane, he is already accustomed to seeing with more than his eyes.
The Darkest Lord by rhymer23 (G, Sauron, ~600 words):
Sauron sings us a summary of his nefarious deeds, in an attempt to prove that he is the ultimate Dark Lord of fantasy fiction.
Home Fires Burning by starryeyedknight (G, Hobbits, 5.2k):
The War of the Ring rages on and, in the Shire, the hobbits learn to live without those they love.
Eowyn’s New Toy by @torchwood-99 (Éowyn & Gimli, 1.1k, cw gore):
Gimli, son of Gloin, pays a visit to the White Lady of Rohan, and brings with him a very welcome gift.
Something of Home by @emyn-arnens (G, Faramir & Finduilas, ~800 words):
Faramir never stops bringing his mother flowers.
with every seed you sow, let it wash away, wash away by @afaramir (G, Faramir & Legolas, Éowyn & Faramir & Legolas, 3.9k):
In which an elf and a prince of Gondor speak of grief and death and the sea, and life and song and brothers.
Looking for Dragons by Raksha_The_Demon (G, Gandalf & Belladonna Took & Bungo Baggins, 1.3k):
Gandalf makes a new friend, in an unanticipated and fruitful meeting.
Too Burdened to Fly by @hobbitwrangler (G, Finduilas, 3k):
A look at Finduilas' thoughts during her final moments.
On Gardens and Growing Things by rhymer23 (G, Sam & Aragorn, 2.5k):
En route to Weathertop, Aragorn tries to ease Sam's distrust of him. It doesn't go quite as planned.
Bitter Was Their Parting by @dreamingthroughthenoise (G, Arwen & Elrond, 2.2k):
“You knew,” Arwen said, unable to meet her father’s gaze. “You’ve always known what path I would follow.”
On These Hither Shores by @emyn-arnens (G, Frodo & Boromir, 3.2k):
As the Fellowship travels south, Frodo and Boromir speak of their homes and families and come to understand one another, for a time.
The complexity of bachelorhood by unknownlifeform (G, Gimli & Boromir & the Hobbits, 1.5k):
Gimli explains to the Hobbits and Boromir that marriage is for Dwarves only one of the paths that can be taken.
The Horn of Gondor by @saentorine (T, Boromir, 3.5k):
Five-year-old Boromir receives the horn of Gondor, which goes about exactly how you'd expect.
Greenleaf’s Tree by @sotwk (G, Legolas & Thranduil, 2.8k):
Six-year-old Legolas goes on royal progress with Thranduil for the first time and learns more about the sort of king his father truly is.
The Fathers of Fools by Carlandrea (G, Glóin & Thranduil, 1.3k):
Gloín, on the way home to the Mountain, tells the Elvenking what has happened to his son.
The Adventures of Peregrine Took by bunn (G, Pippin & Sam & Merry, ~450 words):
A Poem by Samwise Gamgee (Mayor) and Merry Brandybuck on the occasion of Peregrine Took, Knight of Gondor, becoming Thain of the Shire.
What Keeps Us Here by @sallysavestheday (G, Celeborn & Thranduil, 1k):
Celeborn and Thranduil after the War. To sail or not to sail.
Different Ways To Light A Path by baby_bat_98 (G, Gimli & Legolas, 5.1k):
Legolas has a hard time in Khazad-dûm. Gimli helps.
For Want of a Ring by @tathrin (G, Gimli & Legolas, 4k):
The aftermath of the Battle of the Hornburg is a time for the survivors to rest and heal, a brief pause in the long march to war. The same is true of the lone Dwarf and Elf who fought there—but the members of the Fellowship of the Ring faced peril long before this bitter night, and some scars sit deeper than any mere bandage might soothe.
The Ring has gone beyond their reach now, with but one casualty from their Company to its name so far; but that does not mean its dark whispers do not linger still within the hearts that heard it.
But what could tempt an Elf of Mirkwood to look upon that terrible Shadow with aught but loathing?
the innermost life of my life by pinkmoon (G, Frodo & Sam, 1.5k):
Sam meets Frodo for the first time.
A Corner of the Hall by Zdenka (G, Aragorn & Bilbo, ~550 words):
Aragorn gives Bilbo the promised help with his song.
a red book pressed into his hands by dirgewithoutmusic (G, Bilbo & Frodo, Sam & Frodo, 2.4k):
Even on the sweet walks of the Shire, things come along that sweep you off your feet—adventures, wizards, children. Bilbo came down, a month after he’d adopted this strange, quiet boy on a whim and a wonder, and found his whole (second) living room scattered with some unholy combination of paint, jam, and mud. Frodo sat in the middle of the mess, with dirty hands and innocence plastered all over his face.
Bilbo leaned on the door because something in that bright grin had taken his balance from him. He went for a mop. He had not felt so at home since thirteen dwarves had tumbled through his round green door. He felt like Frodo had stolen something from him and then given it back better than it had left.
Thievery, perhaps, ran in the family.
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curioscurio · 10 months
The Fellowship based on their alcohol preferences:
Frodo: a wine man no question. him and bilbo are constantly being annoying about the delicate aftertones and nutty aromas of wine and whatnot. They really do have excellent taste though, and Gandalf's go-to Yuletide gift is a bottle of Hobbit Wine. Despite how he looks, Frodo isn't a lightweight, and will happily drink whatevers on tap if the wine isn't to his liking.
Sam: He's a fan of a stout ale and local brews. Most wine is too dry and sweet for him, though he'll have a glass if Frodo asks him to try it because he wants Sam's valued opinion. Also not a lightweight and handles his alcohol better than Frodo. Unfortunately has a habit of drinking whatever someone hands him as the night goes on and Merry and Pippin love to see how drunk they can get him.
Merry: Loves fruity and refreshing cocktails. Likes to get fancy with it. Probably would LOVE an espresso martini. Drinks that high quality Brandybuck distilled spirits and has spent a LOT of time researching fancy drinks and how to make them. Probably bartends occasionally and likes to show off. Alcohol Nerd. Get him drunk enough and he'll start infodumping about the difference between Shire-grown Old Toby and the stuff that grows all over Gondor.
Pippin: GARBAGE TASTE. he has college student alcohol preferences. like the guy is a Took so he can hold his liquor well but often overdoes it. vodka and fruity soda white girl wasted bull shit. He sometimes just mixes random shit with alcohol and calls it a day which infuriates Merry to no end. Someone once saw him mix together unsteeped tea, tomato juice, 4 warm olives from his pocket, and bud light. Calls it Pippin's Surprise as the olives get substituted with whatever he has in his pockets at the moment (that's what makes it a surprise). He has a tendency to get cut off and then steals other people's drinks when they're not looking. He is the one who wanderers off.
Gandalf: The man loves Hobbit Wine. Also mostly a wine guy. It's not that he can't drink, he just has a wizards constitution (lightweight) and doesn't like to get drunk often. He gets pleasantly tipsy on special occasions, though. He also has exquisite taste in fancy liquor even if he doesn't like them. Merry has for sure talked his ear off about different types of alcohol and the drinks they can make; and even though Gandalf pretends to be annoyed by it, he's always listening intently.
Aragorn: Old Fashioned. Whiskey on the rocks. Also really loves a high quality nigori sake. He travels a lot so he has a diverse pallete but forgets the names of certain drinks and spirits so he goes for what he can remember. Only let's himself get proper drunk at celebrations or occasionally by himself when he's brooding. He likes to loiter in bar corners as we know, but he's a really good listener if you give him a chance.
Legolas: In Mirkwood, Legolas has some chronic alcoholic tendencies. Being a prince is stressful and hard, and when you have access to the finest of alcohol you damn well drink it. He's used to fancy and complicated cocktails, (which he and Merry bond over) and thinks beer is piss. Shotguns beer for attention though FOR SURE but then he'll go and raid your parents expensive whiskey cabinet or something. His dad was the kind of guy to let him drink wine with dinner when he was young. Absolutely will drink you under the table. Forgets you at the bar for a one night stand.
Gimli: He enjoys the occasional sweet port wine, bourbon whiskey, Dwarven Spirits, and ale. Needless to say, Dwarven Moonshine will end you, though Gimli dislikes the taste (except for root beer flavor). He won't back down from a drinking challenge, as we know, but isn't always very good at them. He didn't like the "frou-frou" cocktails that Legolas drinks for a long time until Merry and Legolas introduced him to a Moscow Mule. A joy to drink with tbh he's the life of the party alongside Merry and Pippin.
Boromir: Doesn't drink because he dislikes the way it makes him feel. Will sip a Coors light at the bar or share a toast with his men. If he does drink, he drinks to forget. Usually the DD. Alcohol sparks his temper easily, so he avoids the flames as much as possible. He has a great time going out with the Fellowship though, and is basically the Mom friend. He makes all the Hobbits drink water and makes sure Aragorn has some food in him, and that Legolas has all his clothes on, and that Gimli is still breathing. Occasionally he has to go find Gandalf, who is in the basement, cleaning 5 bitter Rhorrim out of their entire stock of imported Hobbit pipeweed from a game of cards.
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ebaeschnbliah · 2 years
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`And what gift would a Dwarf ask of the Elves?'
`None, Lady,' answered Gimli. `It is enough for me to have seen the Lady of the Galadhrim, and to have heard her gentle words.'
`Hear all ye Elves! ' she cried to those about her. `Let none say again that Dwarves are grasping and ungracious! Yet surely, Gimli son of Glóin, you desire something that I could give? Name it, I bid you! You shall not be the only guest without a gift.'
`There is nothing, Lady Galadriel,' said Gimli, bowing low and stammering. `Nothing, unless it might be - unless it is permitted to ask, nay, to name a single strand of your hair, which surpasses the gold of the earth as the stars surpass the gems of the mine. I do not ask for such a gift. But you commanded me to name my desire.'
The Elves stirred and murmured with astonishment, and Celeborn gazed at the Dwarf in wonder, but the Lady smiled. 'It is said that the skill of the Dwarves is in their hands rather than in their tongues ' she said; `yet that is not true of Gimli. For none have ever made to me a request so bold and yet so courteous. And how shall I refuse, since I commanded him to speak? But tell me, what would you do with such a gift? '
`Treasure it, Lady,' he answered, `in memory of your words to me at our first meeting. And if ever I return to the smithies of my home, it shall be set in imperishable crystal to be an heirloom of my house, and a pledge of good will between the Mountain and the Wood until the end of days.'
Then the Lady unbraided one of her long tresses, and cut off three golden hairs, and laid them in Gimli's hand. `These words shall go with the gift,' she said. `I do not foretell, for all foretelling is now vain: on the one hand lies darkness, and on the other only hope. But if hope should not fail, then I say to you, Gimli son of Glóin, that your hands shall flow with gold, and yet over you gold shall have no dominion.’
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The travellers now turned their faces to the journey; the sun was before them, and their eyes were dazzled, for all were filled with tears. Gimli wept openly.
`I have looked the last upon that which was fairest,' he said to Legolas his companion. `Henceforward I will call nothing fair, unless it be her gift.' He put his hand to his breast.
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`Tell me, Legolas, why did I come on this Quest? Little did I know where the chief peril lay! Truly Elrond spoke, saying that we could not foresee what we might meet upon our road. Torment in the dark was the danger that I feared, and it did not hold me back. But I would not have come, had I known the danger of light and joy. Now I have taken my worst wound in this parting, even if I were to go this night straight to the Dark Lord. Alas for Gimli son of Glóin! '
`Nay! ' said Legolas. `Alas for us all! And for all that walk the world in these after-days. For such is the way of it: to find and lose, as it seems to those whose boat is on the running stream. But I count you blessed, Gimli son of Glóin: for your loss you suffer of your own free will, and you might have chosen otherwise. But you have not forsaken your companions, and the least reward that you shall have is that the memory of Lothlórien shall remain ever clear and unstained in your heart, and shall neither fade nor grow stale.'
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`Maybe,' said Gimli; `and I thank you for your words. True words doubtless; yet all such comfort is cold. Memory is not what the heart desires. That is only a mirror, be it clear as Kheled-zâram. Or so says the heart of Gimli the Dwarf. Elves may see things otherwise. Indeed I have heard that for them memory is more like to the waking world than to a dream. Not so for Dwarves.
'But let us talk no more of it. Look to the boat! She is too low in the water with all this baggage, and the Great River is swift. I do not wish to drown my grief in cold water.' He took up a paddle, and steered towards the western bank, following Aragorn's boat ahead, which had already moved out of the middle stream.
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The gifts for:  
Boromir, Legolas, Merry, Pippin, Sam: ‘I have brought in my ship gifts’
Aragorn: 'Now it is time to drink the cup of farewell.' 
Frodo: ‘In this phial is caught the light of Eärendil's star.’
JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, Farewell to Lórien  
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marietheran · 5 months
LotR reread - book 3, chapter 1 - The Departure of Boromir
The summary of Fellowship at the beginning is a nice touch. Really helped on my first read when I took a year between the books.
That title! It is... cunning, because it really does not tell you he's going to die - but when you know...
What is the... "great bird like an eagle" that Aragorn *perhaps* sees? It probably means something? But idk what.
Aragorn being uncertain what to do, saying "all I do goes amiss" etc more than once goes a long way towards humanising him -- without resorting to such tricks as the movies used, and with far better effect than the wishy-washy "oh, woe, I am the heir of Isildur, but I don't wanna be"
The death scene🥺
But it is beautiful too. And one of those Author Was Catholic™ moments.
"No! You have conquered." 🥺🥺🥺
"kissing his brow" 💗🥺
Brow kisses reign supreme. I don't know what I will do now that Lil Sis is getting to tall for me to comfortably do that. I had one thing in common with Aragorn! One thing.
Ooh, detailed descriptions of the knives from the Barrow-downs! They certainly sound very rich and splendid, I'd like to see them.
swart, slant-eyed If I don't see it, it doesn't exist
So! The eternal question. Does Sauron like the name he's known by? I'd not think a tyrant would be that bothered to be called the Abhorrent if it means people fear him, but apparently he is.
The Song *:・゚✧
And Rauros, golden Rauros-falls bore him upon its breast...
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anghraine · 1 year
I just finished the Silmarillion and Faramir and Denethor being Numenor call backs feels waaaay more significant now. Damn. I knew vaguely what happens before reading but now I have a greater appreciation for the sense of scale involved here.
It also means I encountered the first age origins of some of the Stewards names (Denethor, Boromir, Finduilas) I was wondering if you had any thoughts on any connection or relevance to their lotr namesakes? It makes Faramir an even more interesting choice in terms of departure from that tradition (and then Elboron after him, I wonder now about the choice of the El- prefix)
Another Silm finisher! Welcome :D
And yeah, I remember realizing on a first read that something important was going on with the Númenor throwback thing, but reading the Akallabêth and being like "...oh" made it more powerful and complicated in a really intriguing way. And the dream of Númenor's destruction haunting Faramir can be understood without the Silm, but it's definitely more with it.
I think the namesake thing is mostly a Dúnadan tradition that's gone on so long that later Third Age people with those names are more likely to be named after previous Third Age people with those names than directly for First Age ones (it could be both simultaneously, of course, esp if First Age names form a lot of the common "pool" of Gondorian ones). We see those kinds of namesakes in the House of Dol Amroth, too (Morwen, Finduilas, at a remove Ivriniel), and also just some random Gondorian characters (like Húrin of the Keys).
"Our" Denethor and Boromir, say, are most likely named for Steward Denethor I and his own son, the Steward Boromir. But there might have been a lost reference going on with the previous Denethor and Boromir. And I suspect the Ruling Stewards made more of a point of using First Age heroic names than they had before (though they and others did do it outside the Ruling Stewardship) to underscore their royal/heroic origins as they became the functional ruling dynasty.
I don't imagine the choices were always "random First Age name that the parents liked"—potentially some were even prophetic in meaning or in terms of future resonance with the original bearers' lives. There could be other reasons, too. I imagine that the names of Finduilas and her sister Ivriniel reflect some sort of parental or familial preoccupation with the original Finduilas, say. And generally, I think a lot of the choices would have to do with cultural stature in Gondor—which might explain why there are a lot of references to Edain heroes and some to big name Elves, but not to the Fëanorians.
I'm rambling a bit, lol, but I do find it interesting. Faramir's name, far from the insult it's often taken as, is a name of literal royalty. We know that the Stewards before the Ruling Stewardship often took Quenya names to mark their royal origins, as did other families of royal descent (the royal family themselves always did it). So a royal Quenya name is actually weirdly suited to Faramir's role as the Steward/chief counselor/regent/etc for Aragorn, but I doubt either parent knew exactly that would happen when he was born—maybe Finduilas had some flash of insight as Dúnadan mothers sometimes do, though. It's appropriate in meaning for her personally at any rate (fára means shore).
The El- prefix for Faramir and Éowyn's son is very interesting, you're right! Considering Gondorian preoccupation with legends of the past and use of their names, it's hard to think there would be no association with the El- of the royal family of Doriath, including Elros. Faramir is a descendant, if remotely, but bringing that tradition back after thousands of years would certainly be an intriguing choice on his and Éowyn's parts. If it's not an allusion to Elros et al. but chosen for meaning, that's just "star" or (more loosely) "Elf," which is also rather peculiar. The -boron is a pretty obvious reference to Boromir, of course. I'll have to think about how I headcanon that particular one, actually.
Thanks for the ask!
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 158- Enemy Within
Summary: Jace and Raven give in to their feelings. Clover is reborn. Garrett revamps. He makes another shocking discovery and faces a face he never thought he'd see again. The vampire needs aid and Josie feels it. A warlock lord is scorned and acts accordingly. Catherine and Josie clash. Bard has bad news and Josie reels over it. Unexpected visitors arrive. A man is saved. A happy reunion takes place.
*Chapter Warnings* smut, language, angst, mentions of child loss,
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Chapter characters: Raven, Jace, Garrett, Kate, Josephine, Lola, Charles, Catherine, Narcisse, Bard, Aragorn, Gimli, Boromir, Legolas
Chapter word count: 6,515
The spontaneous kiss that Raven stole from the more than willing warlock, tasted and felt just like everything the dhampir of long scarlet strands imagined it would be. Although Jace had recently devoured mounds of greasy fried food, his scent of clover, that ironically used to be Raven's name, was the only thing prominent in his teasing tongue as his mouth made meticulous love to hers and in the highly anticipated moment of mutual desire, fireworks ignited and true love could no longer be denied.
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Although Raven had recently realized she had inherited the blood rage gene from her father, the late vampire Craven, for the first time in her 20 years of locked up life, she had finally felt peace. The only fire that now burned inside of her was set by the rising arsonist concealed in Jace's black leather pants that pressed firmly into her core.
None of this was planned by either of the love struck pair. Both had been caught up in Jace's emotional moment of facing the truth that you were not his sister, but merely his cousin. Although you were still his relation, Jace felt it wasn't the same as the bond with a sibling, especially one who shared the putrid parentage of the notorious goblin King and wicked warlock, Jareth. Instead, you were truly the daughter of Jace's uncle Julian, the white warlock per se, a 7th son, now compromised by Jareth's mind conditioning to be evil like him. From what Raven informed Jace of, you had a real full blooded brother, a twin you did not know about that possibly even shared your copper locks who was also fathered by Julian and birthed of your malevolent mother Caroline, so why would you need Jace now?
It broke Jace, for he had searched for you most of his life in hopes of having a real family and when he had finally found you, although the meeting was brief, Jace had come to love you, an emotion that was forbidden by his parents, Jareth and the evil witch Queen Ravenna. An emotion he had now come to face as he released Raven's lips and gazed into her electric blue eyes. An emotion she too now faced.
"J..Jace..I...I..." Raven stuttered as he placed her hand upon his stubbly haired cheek.
Jace softly smiled at her touch and her out of character skittish demeanor, for Raven was as fiery tempered as a redhead was perceived to be, times a thousand. He then did something also out of character for himself as his mismatching orbs of blue and brown danced with hers.
"I love you Clover."
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Normally, Raven would have barked at anyone calling her by her true name, but when Jace said it, it finally felt right because he saw the her, the real woman that she was, something no one had ever seen or even cared to try and see.
"I...I love you too...Jace. I..."
Jace took her words away with another kiss and in the heat of the moment, Clover began to lift his shirt up. Jace pulled back, breathing heavily against her lips and stroked her cheek.
"Are...are you sure we should...do this? I mean...after...after what happened to you?" Jace asked with deep concern, referring to her very recent child loss, courtesy of the Elvenking.
"I...I don't want to hurt you Clover." he continued with the most sincere eyes she had ever witnessed. No one ever cared of they hurt her.
"Jace...Matthew healed me...remember? Yes...I'm sure I want to do this. You have no idea how much. I've never wanted anything...anyone so much. Please Jace...make love to me."
Clover was whisked off of her feet and carried in Jace's brawny arms to his candlelit bedroom where they both removed the other's clothing, baring their bodies and their souls to one another with not a single ounce of feeling self-conscious....and then those bodies laid upon the bed and became one.
Jace kissed Clover deeply and passionately before gently pushing his solid girth into her.
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Her gasp was rightfully incredulous, for Jace felt much larger than what he appeared to be when he stood before her moments ago, and to her, he looked quite huge then. Jace's bellowing moan upon entry was also validated, for Clover was tight, warm and soaking wet, so much so that he filled her completely in one slow slide.
Clover's fingers laced through Jace's as they began to move in perfect unison. Slowly at first, for Jace was ready to burst at the seams of his deprived cock. He always had many opportunities. Wherever he went, women practically threw themselves at him, but he would never give in to the torturous temptations. Being old fashioned at his young age of only 22, Jace remained celibate, waiting for the one he knew would come one day. He just never in his wildest dreams, imagined it would be a half witch, half vampire. Sure, he had a human nature inside of him and would occasionally pleasure himself when the ache became too much, but that is as far as it went, for Jace was a virgin until this very moment.
Even so, Clover was none the wiser because Jace certainly knew what he was doing, moving in ways that brought her to multiple orgasms, ones that snuck up on her out of nowhere which she had never experienced before, not even with the extremely well equipped Elvenking.
Clover's last climax was so intense that Jace could not contain his any longer. His pulses were vigorous and his grunts tumultuous as the two released together.
The waxing gibbous moon of Manhattan glowed through the old abandoned church's window by Jace's bed as he and Clover basked in their own afterglow, kissing and talking until eventually, the smitten warlock and dhampir drifted off to sleep, snuggled tightly in each other's arms.
In the land of middle earth, the sun still lighted the way of the cold December mid-afternoon, including Peter's old cabin where Garrett remained, replenishing himself of bad men's blood that he had tried depriving himself of and failed miserably at. The hallucinations had became too much to bear and he had made the decision that he no longer wished to die and no longer wished to stay away from you, which Amara had helped him come to that decision for her own selfish purposes that Garrett was not aware of. That and the fact that he knew Narcisse had finally had his way with you and Garrett knew the warlock lord was not what you wanted. The head over heels vampire would return to you, beg you for your forgiveness for leaving you yet once again and explain to you why he lost control on Stephane's warlock guards in such a gruesome manner.
It had only been a few days and a few days too many it was for his crazy in love un-beating heart and he needed to tap into you, to hear your voice, to see you in his mind but he couldn't do that in a drunken and starved stupor, although little did he know, you had heard him, had even dreamt of him, briefly believing him to be dead by his own hand.
Now that Garrett was feeling somewhat recharged, he began to gather his only belonging, his acoustic guitar and then he opened the box again that he found under the floorboards, now knowing it belonged to you. Ignoring the sterling silver ribbon ring and tarot cards, he focused once again on the photo of you and Sarah in your teen years. He still wasn't sure if he had hallucinated the night before when he saw the young blonde move her lips and heard her speak, asking him to help her. He sat and stared at her smiling image for a good five minutes and when nothing happened, Garrett then believed his lack of sustenance and overindulgence in whiskey brought on the creative animation.
His then found his eyes locked onto your then olive colored ones and he swore he felt a thump in the cold lifeless heart beneath the invisible protection mark Amara's faerie goon had given him on his chest. How could he be dead, yet feel so much pain? It was Garrett's undying love for you, plain and simple.
Garrett shut the box, tucked it under his arm and headed out with the guitar case swinging in his other hand. Snow had fallen in large quantities there in the open wilderness and he knew he was going to have to trek through it for the time being until he regained his full strength to fly. He stood outside of the cabin and decided he would try to reach out to you before he departed, nervously bouncing as he did so. To hear your voice again would weaken him more than any other force could.
"Josephine. Hey little one. Can you hear me?"
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"If...if you're still pissed at me, at least say so. Please. So I can hear your voice. Just let me know you're ok. Something..anything Josephine. Tell me that you hate me even. it wouldn't be the worst thing you ever said. Just don't tell me that it's over."
And then there was the sound of silence that also weakened him, making him want to die all over again. Garrett knew it was his own damn fault. He promised you so many times he would never leave you and every single time, he broke that promise so how could he blame you?
His eyes glowed yellow of sadness and pain as he lowered his head and began to walk.
"I love you my little one. Alwa.......Ugggggghhhhhh!!!!!"
Garrett was blindsided and knocked through the air by something of jet fueled force. He plowed on his back through the snow like a train at full speed, sending the white powder bursting out on each side of his fifty foot long slide, leaving a hefty trench behind him when he came to a rest.
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"What the FUCK!!!" Garrett roared as he whipped up to his feet, his eyes now a burning red as they darted to every inch of the wide open space.
All was silent, but he could smell it. A vampire, for nothing else had such strength, speed and invisibility. Normally, the scent of his kind would have been pleasant to him and most likely he would have recognized the identity as well, but this...this was nothing he had ever smelled before. It was like burning flesh as if it had risen from the gates of hell.
As he cautiously made his way back to the cabin, he found your box, shattered into splinter like pieces with the contents scattered about.
"What the fuck??" he once again recited, but in a whisper as he caught sight of a violet hue in the snow reflecting a glare from the sun.
Garrett swiped up the photo and tarot cards and placed them into his pocket. After that, he slipped the silver ribbon ring onto his pinky finger for safe keeping since it was so small and then he reached for the shiny object. Once he brushed the icy powder off of it, an amethyst pendant was revealed.
"Where the hell did you come from?" he asked as he began to look all around again at the wooden shards from the broken box. The only in tact remnant was the bottom of the box. As he picked it up, Garrett noticed the underneath side had been knocked loose in the hit and inside was an empty compartment just big enough to hold such an item.
Garrett studied the purple stone for a moment, then placed it inside his coat pocket with the other items. In his distraction, he had momentarily forgotten of the danger that lurked about him.
Turning to reclaim his guitar, that danger appeared before him, completely undetected by his senses until it was too late to react.
"Hello lover. Miss me? It's been a long time."
"K..Kate?? What the fu.."
The once truly dead vampiress and ex mate of Garrett's, bolted towards him at lightning speed. In his utter shock, he forgot about the shock she possessed as he raised his hand to stupidly grab her. His hand lit up a strobe light as a massive electric current zapped through his entire body, sending him straight to his knees, bellowing in pain.
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Garrett's scream echoed through the mountains as she clung to him, peering down with a wicked grin at his once again yellow eyes until he passed out.
"Garrett??!!!!" you shouted as you sprung from your slumber.
"Josie?? What is it? Were you dreaming of him again??" Lola asked as she rushed over to you after laying a sleeping Leean down in her cradle.
"Do you smell that???" you panted in panic as your nose whiffed the air.
Lola lifted her nose to do the same, then tilted her head at you with confused eyes.
"I don't smell anything. Well except Leean's sweet scent from when I was holding her? Was it cotton candy that you once called it?"
"Something is burning...and..and so is my left arm. and...and, what the hell? So is my...birthmark." you explained as you rubbed it.
A birthmark that consisted of three small moles on your lower back that formed a triangle. The one your mother pointed out to you when you had first saw her again at Lestat's.
"Didn't you have a dream last night that Garrett was burning and you thought he was dead?? But you said later that you knew he was alive??"
"I...yes I...did but..."
You paused and thought back on the dream. It was Garrett's left arm that you saw on fire but...it didn't make any sense because you later heard him singing to you which proved he was ok. But still, this smelled of burnt flesh.
"Something's wrong Lola. Just like I thought before and had went to look for him until I fell down that damn hole and now everything's foggy. I need to go back. I have to find him. What if Harker has found him????"
You got up and began to pace. "Garrett??? Can you hear me??? Please, tell me you're alright??"
There was only silence, until Lola spoke.
"How is it that you have this connection with a vampire to hear each other's thoughts?"
"It's...it's a long complicated story. We um...we share each other's blood. I...I drank his before and I took my shield down and invited him into my mind and then once, I let him drink my blood to save him."
"Ohhhh. You mean, like you share Thranduil's blood and could hear him too?"
The mention of your King's name was a punch to your gut. You had come to the conclusion that the feeling would never go away just as your yearning for him would not as well.
"I...I'm sorry Josie. I can see I have upset you more so than you already are."
"It's alright Lola. Yes, you are correct. Thranduil and I could hear each other and speak to each other's minds. His magic that flows through my blood is what kicked mine into gear. If only...I could hear him again. In my dreams or even if I have to hallucinate from the dark forest's poison to do it, although I still swear that was real. That he came to me from the other side to save me. I just...I feel him slipping further and further away from me Lola and I'm scared one day I will lose all sight and feeling of him permanently."
A knock on the door interrupted you conversation, which saddened you, for talking about Thranduil helped you to keep him alive.
"It's me. Charles. Can I come in please!!?" he asked in an urgent tone.
"As soon as you opened the door, Charles was pushing his way inside, seemingly quite anxious.
"Charles, what is it? Has Bash taken a turn for the worst??"
"He's fine, but my father has gone completely mad with what he's done!!
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"Ok slow down, slow down. Is Stephane alright??"
"Physically! But he needs to be in a camisole for crazy people like my mother should be. Plus he's on a war path with Haldir and.."
"Wait what???!! Has he done something to him???" you frantically asked of the Lorien elf who laid one hell of a kiss on you only hours earlier that Narcisse had walked in on.
"Well of course he is Josie. He's Haldir. But that's besides the point and the least of my worries. My father brought my mother into this castle!!!"
"Ok...yes, Charles, I know he said she intentionally hurt herself out in the dark dungeon and had to go deal with that, but...I...I did not know he would allow her back inside???"
"No one did. He just went and did it. She's tied to a bed in the infirmary but anyone in their right mind, which clearly he is not, knows that nothing good will come of this! He claims he did it for me because she's my mother and she will be returned to the dungeon when she is healed. Why?? So she can just do it all over again?? She may be no witch like you, but she had that black magic book of yours once upon a time and I guarantee you she recalls every evil word inside of it and he knows this!! Which makes me wonder if she's done something to him again for him to be such an arse! I told him, by God's bones he will regret this and now I am being punished for swearing. Do you see now??"
"Alright, alright. Yes. I understand why you may think he has been cursed again, but I honestly think it is something else. Where is Stephane now?"
You were referring to the kiss Narcisse witnessed with the Marchwarden that you didn't feel Charles needed to know about. It wasn't planned. Haldir instigated it in a heated argument between you and him, with it understandably being over Stephane and your relations with him the night prior, something else the young warlock didn't need to be informed of.
"I last saw him go into the infirmary. I will not go see her! She will work some kind of magic on me to fee sorry for her. She is a liar with a black heart. Look what she had done to my sister, her own daughter who just had a child! She don't care about us. We are and always have been just a pawn in her twisted games."
"Speaking of Claude, how is she doing? Is tour father really going to banish her and the baby from here? I mean, like you said, your sister was taken advantage of by Catherine, used would be a better word. A pawn just as you said."
"He better not or I will go too! How can he keep the real evil here and let a young new mother go homeless??? All for me??? I don't want my mother in this castle, let alone anywhere near me!"
"I understand your frustrations, for I feel it too. We all do. I will do my bet and try to get through to Stephane, for I am the one he is upset with. I will try and make this right Charles. I am so sorry. I hope your punishment is nothing too severe??"
"Stable duty. Shoveling horse droppings. I might as well be cleaning a shitwell way in the city for the stables are just the same as any pissing alley I've had the unpleasantry of smelling. This should be my mother's duties!"
You and Lola had to both contain your giggles, for the affluent boy certainly did not find any of it amusing. So much so, that he was swearing again, the reason for his punishment in the first place, but you would never rat him out and Charles knew it.
"I agree but your father would never allow her near the horses again after what she put Arion through and I can not blame him for that."
Charles scoffed. "Well, I better be going. The shit isn't going to shovel itself. Oh...and before I forget, the bowman...Bard is it? He wishes a visit with you when you have some free time. I spoke with him and Haldir earlier in the dining hall who luckily kept my father and the elf from going to blows."
"Ugh, so much for their too good to be true truce...thank you Charles. Yes, his name is Bard. He arrived a few hours ago with a shipment and I've asked him to stay for the time being due to the threat of Harker. Speaking of...maybe you shouldn't be out in the stables right now. Stay inside and I will go speak my concerns to Stephane."
"Yes my lady. I like your plan better." he grinned and then smiled sweetly at Lola, his crush, and quickly departed.
As you neared the infirmary door, you could hear the squabbling muffles between the warlock lord and Catherine. Your heart came up into your throat at the thought of facing either of them, but mostly Stephane, for you didn't know how you were going to make him understand what he witnessed. You didn't even know how to handle things with Haldir for that matter because the kiss was rather intense, shaking up some buried feelings of the past that you had for the Lothlorien elf.
You had become caught in another web of your own spinning and didn't know how to get out of it. If Garrett were here, or could hear you...you would tell him the code between you to come take you away, just for a little while. Just say "the word", you imagined his voice saying. Those two little words that he asked you to say at Lestat's to get you away from Caroline after finding out your mother and Thranduil had past relations. You cringed all over again at the thought of that and what Caroline had done to Haldir as well. What hadn't the wicked vampire witch done to those you loved? You were glad she was gone.
With your acquired skills of great stealth, you slowly turned the door handle and cracked it open just enough to see inside and in your clear view was a very splenetic Stephane and in his blue eyed death glare path was a very cross Catherine, chained to a bed, giving back what Narcisse was dishing out.
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"All I want is my son!!! You cannot keep him from me!" Catherine shouted in rage as she struggled against her iron shackles.
"He is MY son that YOU kept from me once or did you forget about that little tidbit?? I don't have to keep him from you. You have done a splendid job of alienating him all on your own with your wickedness. Look what you have done your daughter! I almost feel sorry for the young girl for falling victim to your evil and I may just offer her some mercy because she is very remorseful because unlike you I have a heart"
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Catherine bellowed in sarcastic laughter. "A heart??? Is that what that little girl in there that you're fucking told you? You have no heart no more than I do if you want to get technical. Yours is as dead as the bloody vampire's that your Josephine is in love with, you blind fool!"
"Oh Catherine, none of this is even about Charles. You couldn't care less about him and would be the first to use him as your pawn just as you did Claude! You used him against his faux father all to inherit his fortune and look how that turned out for you. This is alllll about your jealousy."
Just when you wanted to hear the rest of the conversation, you heard voices at the end of the hall and you didn't want to be caught eavesdropping on the warlock lord of Dorwinion in is own castle, so you scurried off to hide around the corner and decided to wait until Stephane left so you could have some words with Catherine yourself about Garrett and what she had done to him. Stephane and Haldir too.
"Jealousy??? YOU speak to me of jealousy. HA! Do not forget what I know and what exists in regards to that knowledge. It has jealousy WRITTEN all over it. All I have to do is sing like a canary and your happy little playhouse will crash and burn!"
"And you know what will happen if you do that. All bets are off and you'll either be my dinner or Blaze's and you should pray that it is the Bengal tiger to do it, for he will not waste any time ripping you limb from limb. His hunger instinct for meaty blood will supersede his hatred for you where is the white tiger will drag your death out slowly, playing with you, taunting you, torturing you just like a cat does with their prey, for the only hunger he possesses in regards to you is of pure loathing. If you sing, you die."
"If you kill me, you will never know where that letter is. It is only a matter of time before your little Queen finds it and learns the truth that her King is alive and well, or at least was, could be really dead now for all we know and she will be more than curious to know how a letter to her from Thranduil, made it's way here while in his captivity with Jareth. I may find her despicable and quite the little whore but she is far from stupid. Can you imagine what she will do to you when she knows you kept something of such magnitude from her?? You'll be eating and choking on her dust while she goes to save her King. Oh my, and if he is now dead...well, I think you can see how much worse it will be for you when she could have had the chance to save him."
"ENOUGH!! Who's to say she won't think it was you who kept it from her out of spite?? I mean, YOU did hide the letter, not me. You cannot prove that I knew and who do you think she will believe?? This ends now. I will not be blackmailed by anyone let alone the likes of you! This has gone on for far too long. You will tell me where it is or face the consequences."
"No." Catherine simply said, infuriating Narcisse more, if that were even possible. "Go ahead, kill me, lock me up, gag me. Do what you will. Yes, you could easily slither your way out of it like the snake you are BUT... it all ends the same. Josie learns the truth and she will be a gone girl. But if you kill me, you are the one who will face the consequences of losing your son too. Eventually your fairytale will come to an end because you will never know where that incriminating letter is or when it will magically turn up....and believe me...it will"
"Then you leave me no choice. I will torture it out of you." he growled through his teeth and stormed out.
You gasped at the slamming of the door and planted your body flat against the wall around the corner as Narcisse zipped by, too pissed off to even notice your scent with his extremely keen nose. Although you hadn't heard all of their words, you certainly heard Catherine's last ones. What won't he ever know and what would she take to her grave?
Once the coast was clear, you tip toed to the door and used your magic to unlock it.
"Well now, look what the cat dragged in. I told you there was a rat problem did I not?? Find any in your bath lately?" Catherine snarked as she glared you down.
"I could say the same about you regarding Blaze. Your hair alone looks something of a rat's nest and...what on earth is that god awful smell?" you riposted with a crinkled nose at the dirtied and bloodied woman.
"It's a combination of horse droppings and tiger breath, but you knew that. Don't think for one minute I have forgotten your relishing of me locked up in that wooden wagon with that wretched beast. How dare you come in here to mock me once more!"
"How dare YOU to play the victim of putting yourself right where you are! You poisoned Haldir! and you placed black magic spells on Stephane and Garrett! And why?? All to hurt me when I had never done anything to you!!"
"Have you ever once considered that YOU are the cause of all of this tragedy!??"
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"All was well here until YOU came along. Why couldn't you have just went back to where you came from?? I even offered you riches to do so but you couldn't do it. You just had to stay and take all that belonged to me! Even my son!! Tell me, are you spreading your legs for him too???"
"You are sick Catherine, beyond measure. Your jealousies and insecurities have gotten you where you are, not me! You're losing your son because he sees what you have become. I spoke to him earlier and he does not want you here. He's afraid of you. He warned me that nothing good will come of it. You're an embarrassment to him and to Claude! Even to yourself! Look at you!"
You grabbed a standing mirror and turned it to her. "You're pathetic Catherine and insane. Plunging your head into a wooden door all so you could make your way inside here where no one wants you! At least the tiger does."
"You vampire bitch!! If I get out of these restraints and I'll show you just how insane I am!!"
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"Now now Catherine. I could end you with the twinkle of my nose so I'd watch your words. I'd watch your step too because if I had my way, i would do to you what Stephane should have done a very long time ago. If you EVER try to hurt anyone I love again, I will turn you into a shrew and lock you in a room with Merlin. TTFN!"
You shut the door behind you and then relocked it, then headed to find Stephane.
"Oh it may be ta ta for now little witch, but you and I will meet again and you will rue the day you ever crossed me." Catherine snarled.
You made your way to the dining hall which was the direction Narcisse had been headed, but he was nowhere to be found. Instead, you found Bard there where Charles had said he was, standing at and peering out the window, looking rather grim.
"Bard?? Is...everything alright?"
The bowman slowly turned around and smiled, which you knew was forced, for you had come to know him quite well.
"Ahhh, Queen Josephine. You are awake and feeling better now I see?"
"I am yes, and please...just call me Josie. There's no need to be formal, for I feel like no queen anymore. If anything, I am the one who should be formal by addressing you as you are, the King of Dale."
"Yes my lady..or Josie I..I mean." he softly replied, seemingly distracted as he glanced at the window again.
"Bard...something's happened? What...what is it? Where's Haldir? Charles said he was here and you had to do damage control once again between he and Stephane."
Bard turned back to you with a somber expression and could not look you in the eyes.
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"Bard?? Tell me what's happened!"
"Lord Narcisse. He...he ordered Haldir to vacate his lands."
"WwwwwHAAT???!! Ok, no no no. Where is Haldir??? He..he wouldn't leave me. Not now. He never leaves me."
"I am sorry my lady. Haldir had no choice. He was escorted out by the guards about an hour ago and he...was not permitted to say goodbye."
"Oh my god, this is NOT happening!! He cannot be out there alone with Harker sniffing around! Did you see where Narcisse went?? I am going to give him a piece of..."
"My lady. Haldir...he asked me to tell you to let it be, for he will not be far. I assume he will go to the city, for as you said, he would not leave you."
"LET...IT...BE??? Oh I will NOT let it be! This is not acceptable. I don't care if this is his realm because this is horseshit!!"
"Josie...I have something for you."
Bard reached in his pocket and pulled out the life saving emerald pendant that Haldir had been wearing.
"He...asked me to give this to you. He said you you are the one meant to have it for what's to come."
Standing in wide eyed shock, you took the necklace into your hand.
"Why...Jesus, why would he take it off when he is out there alone?? He needs it more than I do. What am I supposed to do with it?? I don't even have the other runes or know where they are for that matter! Well, except my moonstone but...never mind."
You had to stop yourself, for you had secretly given it to Garrett to hide and no one, not even Bard could know it's whereabouts.
"Bard, I need to go find Stepha..."
A tumultuous commotion came from outside by the bay. As you ran to the window, a group of warlock guards were surrounding some small wooden boats that had arrived and then you saw a man being hoisted out and put on a cot, appearing to be injured. When the crowd parted to carry him through, you then saw Aragorn and Gimli climbing from the boats, looking like they had been through one hell of a storm.
"Oh my god! Aragorn!" you shouted and ran out with Bard quickly following.
You halted to watch the unconscious injured man be carried past you, covered in blood. A man of reddish hair that you had never seen before who was extremely pale and his injuries appeared to be quite severe.
"My lady!!" Aragorn shouted as he raced up to you. "We need your assistance quickly. Please. The man, he is my good friend. Will you heal him, for I cannot. He is dying."
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"Of course! Take him to an empty room!" you commanded the guards.
You, the King of Dale and the King of Gondor followed them inside with Gimli remaining outside, which you thought was odd. Did Narcisse not welcome dwarves in Dorwinion?
"His name is Boromir." Aragorn informed you as they placed him on a bed and then exited.
"What happened to him? To all of you? Your clothes are torn to shreds and your arm, you're hurt too. Did Harker find you?"
"No. It was not him but someone of great similarity. Do not worry for me. It is just a scratch. We were attacked by orcs on our way here. Jareth's man made orcs, a breed like no other."
"Wait...Jareth? We..we heard of the dragon invasion on his kingdom. So he...he survived? and why...were you coming here??" you asked, still believing that Lestat was responsible for the fiery attack to avenge the loss of his fortress.
"Josie, respectfully, you know Jareth cannot be killed and..."
Aragorn had to choose his words wisely, for he knew he could not relay to you that Thranduil was alive. That was Legolas's decision.
"Jareth sent the orcs to track us, most likely in his revenge for the war at Lestat's. We were coming here because Boromir has imperative information for you."
"For me? but...I..I don't even know him?"
Boromir groaned and coughed, beginning to spit up blood.
"Oh my. Lay still. You're going to be alright. I promise." you told the man you now knew as Boromir and held his clammy hand, then took out the pendant with your other hand, kissed it so he would not lose his memories and then placed it upon his chest.
"I..I thought that only healed the dead?" Aragorn asked.
"It is for the dying as well and much faster and more reliable than my powers have been lately."
The emerald began it's ear piercing hum and shone it's blinding light. Boromir gasped and shook as his back arched up, then, just like that, he was healed.
His eyes fluttered open and his peachy skin tone returned as he exhaled deeply with incredulous relief, then he looked down at your hand holding his. With a soft smile, Boromir lifted his head and spoke.
"It is you. You are the one. I can see it now. The resemblance is uncanny."
"I..I'm sorry?"
"I...I need to tell you something. I.."
"I think you sir Boromir are a bit confused from shock and need to rest for now. We can speak soon ok? I promise."
He dropped his head back down and sighed with another smile.
"Yes my lady. I...I am rather exhausted."
"Very well then. Sleep now. When you awake, I will have fresh clothing brought to you and there is bath calling your name. Then we can speak over dinner?"
"And wine? I have been craving Dorwinion's finest for some time now and I sure could use a bottle or two."
You giggled. "Indeed. There will plenty to go round."
"Thank you...I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are just as I have heard. Kind and compassionate. Just like Faramir."
"Josie...I don't mean to interrupt, but there is someone else waiting outside to see you." Aragorn said, forming a telling smile.
"Go see for yourself."
Now you were extremely curious. Had Haldir said fuck it and came back?? Off you rushed to see, although your intuition was telling you, it was not the Marchwarden.
As you ran outside, you came to a screeching halt when you saw a vision that made your knees feel like they would buckle. There, by a waterfall, stood the platinum haired Prince, or King you believed him to be known as now...Legolas.
Your stunned expression then turned into a sweet smile as your eyes locked with the moonstone orbs of your Leggy.
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No words were spoken during the long intense gaze as Legolas returned the sweet smile and then, he broke the silence with five simple words that you knew to be true.
"You knew I would come."
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afaramir · 9 months
3, 4, 7, 9 for the fic writer asks :)
hi anna thank u c: this took way too long lol i just spent days agonizing over what excerpts to pick and how i wanted to analyze them and falling asleep over my laptop keyboard but here it is finally (questions from this ask meme)
3. What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
dude the multitudes i think i could spend the character limit of this post listing them. opening the entire separate notes app on my phone where i keep them all. highlight reel: pacific rim chosen-one-as-in-sacrificial-lamb raleigh & stacker pentecost (you and i are the only ones who ever ran solo combat that's why i brought you here is CRAZY); james bond m(allory) vs the portrait of m(ansfield) that is very much not present in the halls of mi6 (until it is); lotr faramir and pippin and the ghost of boromir and the debt pippin owes to gondor which is not the debt that denethor demands of him. there are also like way too many little nickjasper oneshots that are sitting around waiting to be written. a selection: jasper leaving messages on nick's phone when he thinks he's dead, putting photos up + building a home together, couch fic, sleepy leather jacket fic, nick sending jasper on his first mission since they got together, 4x nick sweeping jasper off his feet, ambient new years day fic, nick meeting jasper's plane in the hangar, can you tell i am just holding them in my hands so tenderly. these are all such nothing concepts and yet theyre everything to me...
4. Do you prefer writing multi-chapter or oneshot fanfictions?
the day i write a chaptered fic again is the day i am dead in the damn ground. jk but like its the 20k oneshot unlimited scene breaks life for me i am afraid. putting in chapters gives me hives what if i have to go back and change something...ending a chapter gives the adhd a convenient place to sit down and refuse to move...all that
7. What's a trope you love to write?
depends on how broadly we are defining trope. actually i decided that this question just says "theme" instead of trope bc it was the middle of the night and i wanted to talk about Themes And Motifs. like.......guilt complex. the intersection between duty and desire. two people that have never had the luxury building a soft place to land together (because love is a place you could live in). uhhh. subversion of dark/light dichotomies (quiet and comfort and whispered secrets in the night and clarity and endings and unforgiving harshness in the light of day). Water Metaphors. that thing where a character sees their love interest in formalwear (or tactical gear. bc of. well the spy fiction) for the first time. i could go on but ive bastardized the prompt for long enough lol
9. What’s your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you have written?
sickos.jpg YES...YES!!! i love this one. i will try to refrain from going way overboard but also...no promises. gonna try to not do any of the ones i did for ao3 wrapped last year lol
"He wants to reach out, wants to touch, wants to find Gareth among the bones of M but he can’t. Not now."
the way i played with names and titles and forms of address in race for a hurricane (bond, the first mallorytanner i ever published) remains one of my most favourite things i've done with words ever in my life. like when i figured it out i was like oh. i Understand them now. there are at LEAST three layers of masks before you even start to get into real people down there. and here is a situation that strips them all away. like mallory has to accept the death of mi6 before he can allow himself to fight for it one last time but their work life balance is pretty much defined by "when you are m" and "when you are not/when you are tanner's." when it's no longer that clear-cut it takes tanner reaching for him and saying gareth for both of them to understand that what they have together exists outside and past the boundaries of m-and-his-chief-of-staff. ugh its crazy stuff
"He's always known exactly how to push Nick's buttons and Nick's not made it a secret how hot he is for him right now, all confident competence, smug and self-assured in the knowledge that he's done everything Nick wants of him - and he has. He's done it to perfection.  He reaches out and traces a finger across Jasper’s jaw, waits until he has his full attention before he lets his mouth curve with clean, shining approval. “Oh, Jas,” he says, “my sword.” Jasper lets out a sigh at Nick's words, pitched high enough that it could be a whine, tongue darting out to wet his lips. Nick steps back, lets Jasper sway half a step towards him, the slackness in his shoulders half want and half relief. Catches him with a hand against his chest. “Let me see you. What have you done to yourself?”"
well i had to put in this entire passage from just so long as this thing's loaded (marvel, unhinged nickjasper). i am just so fucking pleased with the build of the tension and the space of the pause before the Line Of All Time and just. i assigned myself to write Well More Things Should Be Weird And Horny and i think i pulled it off. like six paragraphs up there is pretty much straight up knifeplay in there. in my defense i didnt realize how intense it'd got until i had finished writing it. obviously the crown jewel of this excerpt and also of the whole fic is oh, jas, my sword which is a line that fucking bolt of lightning-ed into my mind exactly when i needed it and put me absolutely flat on my back. (i WILL take the "character being reduced to a deadly weapon by their love interest and liking it" trope to its most literal. Augh.) usually i see those kinds of major lines that i spend a whole scene's worth leading up to coming. I Did Not See This Coming.
man there's more but im putting a readmore in for the sake of everyone's sanity.
"This is leaping off an edge and trusting the ocean to catch her - trusting Raleigh to catch her, and when the drift comes up to cradle her and her feet come down onto the contact pedals she feels like she could eat the world whole. It makes her want to split herself open, loving hands and cold steel and take back what the kaiju have taken from her, the blood they’ve spilt over her insides[...]"
i! love! mako mori!!!!! my best girl!!!! they say when you set out on a quest for revenge dig two graves they! underestimate! me!! when i wrote tempered steel (pacific rim/mako mori-centric) i was like oh i Get her. oh her spine is literally a sword. oh the kaiju took everything from her and she will take everything from them and she will not die trying because she is the hurricane. she will open herself up with her own hands (and raleigh's hands because they are her hands and hnnnggg drift compatibility...) and draw out every drop of blood the kaiju have left inside her and. just incredible stuff
"now[...m]eans after this, after the kitchen they'd painted together, after the car rides to work, after Nick-and-Jasper becomes just Nick, and a house with Jasper's name still on the mortgage."
sorry about the blood in your mouth (marvel, the first nickjasper i ever published. life comes full circle) is the oldest fic in this set but i still think about this line regularly. just. when you are a spy and your husband is a spy and it turns out he's been a traitor all along and you fell for it hook line and sinker. and you cannot let anyone else kill him because you need it to be you, because you have done the thing you never thought or let yourself do, you have built yourself a life with him and now. now you are just nick, now you are a half of a whole and his name will always be on your mortgage and your house will always be yours, both of yours, and. Man. 2020 me was on something fuckoff crazy (quarantine blues is what).
"Dying for each other might be romantic in all the stories but in real life, it just hurts. In real life, it just leaves someone behind. They already know that Jasper will walk unflinching to the edge and let himself fall, that Nick will claw his way right out of the grave just to catch him when he hits the ground. This time, it’s their goddamn story. This time, they’ll run and they’ll get out, hand in hand. This time, they’re going to fucking live."
the whole ending paragraph of say the word and i'm already there (marvel, sneaking into the garage after the divorce to pick up my nickjasper boxes and fleeing with them). i love to subvert tropes and saw that post about instead of i will die for you try i will live because of you, for you and i finally got to do it. i love dying-for-each-other as much as the next girl but also like...let's be serious here for a minute. let's be so real character death in mainstream media is so cheap nowadays. In Real Life It Just Hurts. this is such an i will write you a thousand happy endings moment i think i cried when i wrote it like....man i love jasper sitwell. i love him so fucking much. we've really had quite enough of self-sacrifice and death and all that in my opinion. the knowledge of mcu canon jasper's fate dogs every step of my damn life. it haunts me okay I Need Them To Live.
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anemoxlys · 2 years
Part 2
Part 1:
Warnings: character death, swearing/bad language (Gimli) insecure reader
“He has never loved me, I left a long time ago.” You murmured regretfully before a smile appeared back into your face as you saw a party of dwarves walking your way. “Ada, who are they?” You asked softly, turning to face your father Elrond. “That my daughter is Gimli.” He answered, a smile also gracing his face. “Y/N.” A less welcoming voice spoke from behind you, causing your blood to run cold. “Legolas.” You returned, refusing to turn and look at the elf. “I must be off father, Arwen is looking for me.” You mutter before hastily walking away from the group.
“I choose a mortal life.” You heard your sister murmur, her hand in Aragon’s.
You were happy for her, truly. Just you recalled the same look of love and admiration on your face once as you stared at Thranduil as he too once held you in his arms. A single tear slipped down your cheek before you turned and walked away. Soon the single year was met with plenty more as you began to silently sob, walking towards the gardens you had slowly grown to love.
“My lady!” You heard your handmaiden call from below you. “Yes Almir?” You called back, wiping your eyes as you gracefully climbed down the tree. “Your father is searching for you ma'am. He wishes for you to join him during the meeting.” She explained, her eyes scanning your tear stained cheeks with a look of slight concern. Nodding slightly you quickly made your way towards your father’s balcony.
You heard faint voices coming from the balcony as you stepped into the daylight but all you could see was Legolas staring at you. Staring at the ground, you made your way slowly over to where your father sat. “Apologies for the delay father, Almir took a while to find me and I was not aware of a council meeting.” You muttered before moving to stand beside his seat. “Who’s this lovely lass?” You heard the dwarf exclaim, drawing most of the council’s attention to yourself. “This is my daughter Y/N of Rivendell.” Elrond stated before the human continued his lengthy speech.
You grew ever more cautious as the human drew closer and closer to the ring sat in the middle of the table until his fingertips nearly grazed the top and Gandalf began to speak in a foreign tongue. Glancing at your father, you saw him sigh slightly and place a hand over his temples. That was when the headache started, wincing slightly you felt your head begin to spin. Stumbling slightly, you felt a hand touch your arm, looking over you saw Thranduil. A tear escaped your eye before you murmured something and walked away only to be stopped by your father stepping in your path. “I saw him. He was here!” You whisper, your hands trembling slightly as you spoke. “It was just in your head onya, he can never hurt you again.” Elrond murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead before you both stepped back into the circle of the council.
A short speech later and you had not entirely accidentally signed yourself up to join the, newly named and formed, fellowship of the ring.
“The ring bearer is setting out on his quest for mount doom.” You heard your father announce before he turned to you. “Take care my darling child. Return to me.” He murmured, his forehead pressing against your own as you said your goodbyes. A single glance to your sister was all you managed before you were made to leave your home once more.
Smiling sadly you watched Merry and Pippin fight with the human you now knew as Boromir. “I do miss GreenWood at times like this.” You whispered to yourself before you were unwelcomely interrupted by Legolas, “we do not wish for whores to miss or return our lands.” He hissed as you once again looked at the ground in shame. “Why do you let him say such things?” You heard Aragorn’s voice ask as he came to sit beside you. “I do not wish to cause him any more pain, nor his father whom I have and will continue to love until the end of my days.” You sighed mournfully. “And why have you not told him of this?” He continued to ask. “I do not know, why do you continue to love my sister even though my father doesn’t accept it?” You questioned, making the ranger fall silent. “Love is a meddlesome creature Aragorn, I am just happy you and Arwen have found each other and you are content being with her.” You finished, a small smile appearing on your lips, not quite reaching your eyes, as you calmly walked away.
However just as you found an isolated clearing, the sounds of screaming forced you to turn back. “Quickly duck!” You heard Gandalf bellow before you ran for shelter.
Under a Boulder is where you found temporary sanctuary from the ravens of Saruman, however much to your misfortune you lay beside Legolas and Aragorn who, although for reasons much closely related to hatred, his eyes fixed on you.
“Valar please…” you began to pray, your gaze fixed on a pouch around your waist. “And what’s in that!” Legolas once again sighed angrily. When no response left your lips he hastily reached for it and, after grabbing it from your waist, immediately opened it and stared at its contents. “Letters?” He questioned before opening one of them. “This is my father’s writing. Why have you kept them?” He questioned, his voice raiding in volume as he grew more and more frustrated. “My friend, I believe you know why.” You heard Aragorn mutter as he came to stand beside Legolas. “But you…” he began before you looked up at him, “I would never. Could never, I have loved your father for years since my leaving and I will continue to do so no matter how it pains me to do so.” You murmured sadly. “But… the witness, the rumours. They saw you!” He exclaimed. “On that day I spent it in the gardens with Tauriel. I never left the palace.” You spoke, surprisingly calmly. “My lady…” Legolas murmured before he fell silent briefly, “I vow you will survive and I will make this right.” He uttered, his eyes glowing with determination. “I have no worries concerning that Legolas, I only wish your father shared the sentiment.” “I believe he still does mellen.” Came the reply. “Then I too vow that you will return safely to your father, I would hate it for you to never return.” You agreed, your hands moving to cup Legolas’s face as you brought your foreheads together.
Moria had been hard for you all. The loss of Gandalf had hit very close to home for everyone of you. Reaching shakily into your pouch and bringing out a necklace. “Gandalf gave this to me many years ago. It was an engagement present.” You sadly laughed, tears forming in your eyes. “Come we must leave.” Aragorn muttered, reaching for your hand and squeezing it slightly as you both began to walk onwards.
“Welcome Legolas son of Thranduil and Y/N daughter of Elrond, we welcome you.” You heard a strange voice murmur as arrows appeared from the bushes, all pointed at you. Choosing to remain beside Gimli as you spoke with the man in charge, you could hear the mutters and whispers of the fellow soldiers. Most were talking about the ‘evil’ they sensed with the young hobbit Frodo but naturally there was some who chose to speak of you and Legolas. They spoke, unfortunately, loudest.
“Lady Y/N.” You heard Galadriel’s voice speak to you, her voice echoing inside your head. “You are filled with such despair and sadness. It pains me to see an old friend in such agony.” She continued as she stepped out from the shadows. “My lady.” You greeted, Boeing slightly as she smiled in return. “Me lady!” You heard Gimli’s greeting as the echos of the remainders of your party copied.
Night had long since fallen but sleep did not chase after you. Seeing Galadriel walk past you stood and walked down the stairs beside her in silence. “Do you wish to see him mellen?” She asked, her voice gently breaking the silence. You simply nodded in reply and hesitantly gazed into the bowl.
Staring into the pool, you saw memories of your past love, days spent laughing in the markets of GreenWood and hours spent in pleasant silence, disturbed only by the murmurs of affection from either one of you. Then you saw an unfamiliar memory, Thranduil sat in his throne a friend gracing his still perfect features. Legolas soon walks in and speaks something so quietly you cannot hear what is being said. The expression of your lover says it all as his eyes widen in pleasant surprise as you saw someone walk through the doors towards him. All goes black as the vision comes to a sharp halt. “He is in love with another.” You quietly murmur. “Mellen…” Galadriel sighed empathetically as she brought you in for a tight hug, “all will end well for you I am certain of it.” She whispers into your cheek as she presses a soft kiss to your skin. Tears began to freely fall down your cheeks as you quietly sobbed into her arms.
Current word count: 1808
Thank you for reading please leave any questions, tips or advice in the comments have a great day/night
He’s actually so stunning
Lee Pace>>>
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
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Wrong world, Aragorn (and fellowship)
Headcanons, genderneutral pronouns
Tw: platonic, language differences
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- You had no idea how you even end up there, but one moment, you were drifting up to sleep and then you were rudely awoken by a small creature poking you with - what appeared to be - a stick.
- Said small creature was Pippin (obviously)
- You had no clue on where to go or who could help you. When explaining your problem, Gandalf had decided you stayed with them for safety. At the next village he would see to it that you were to be brought back to your reality.
- During that time, you spend a lot of time with the company. Pippin and Merry had been the first to have an actual conversation with you, asking you about your world and how it was any different from theirs.
- Next was Gimli, who had been intrigued by your clothing. He thought it was underwear at first, so the poor lad didn’t make eye contact with you for the first three days.
- Legolas eased up pretty quickly, most unexpected, and thought you how to use a bow and arrow. For the time being, it would be the most practical weapon. He had enough arrows and making a bow wouldn’t be that difficult with the time he had in hands. Besides, Gimli had been great help with his dwarven genes.
- Frodo had just been talking with you about the story Bilbo used to tell him, and about how he robbed a real dragon.
- Sam was the kindest by far. He always tried to make you laugh or have any form of interaction with the company. You learned new cooking tips from the smart hobbit, something you would certainly try when you were back home.
- Boromir had been skeptical at first, but upon noticing you had no harm in your name, he insisted on teaching you basic defense skills in need your now and arrow had no use. He had been very patient and kind, and it was by far the most useful advice you’d gotten this far into the journey.
- Aragorn had been busy doing his usual leading thing, but each night he would tell you about the creatures here and the elves. You had grown a fascination for them the minute Legolas told you about his actual age.
- Over the days, you and Aragorn grew closer. Keeping watches at night together and talking about all things that were to be discussed. The first few talks had been interesting to say the least.
- You had been talking about your family and how your parents were when they still used to date.
- There his confusion began. He had been unfamiliar with the concept of dating. He explained to you that it was called courting in this world and how it was very different then your own form of it. This was immediately followed by a heavy discussion of “what do you mean ‘courting means getting ready to get married’?” “Married?” “Yes. When two people exchange rings and sign a piece of paper.” “That’s a thing?” “It isn’t here??????”
- or “so elves are vegans?” “What’s a vegan?” “Someone who chose to not eat animals or anything animal related.” “You can choose to become vegan?” “You have a species that is completely vegan by birth?????”
- It was a very confusing time. It took some time to get past it. Most of your speeches didn’t make sense to them.
- “Well, the cat is out of the bag now!” “The what?” “They’re saying weird stuff again. Just smile and nod Pippin.”
- “And there you go. You killed two birds with one stone!” “I DID WHAT???????”
- Eventually you taught Aragorn a bit of your language too. This just added to the confusion. (Which in your eyes was hilarious)
- “The people here are like British traffic!” “Let your hair down, Y/N. You’ll get used to it”
- [confused noises from the company]
- But in all seriousness, they love you. You and your weird little language. They really helped you along the journey. Not only in terms of company, but also in terms of protection and food. Gandalf had been awfully supportive of the whole lot and just smiled each time you said something weird.
- Definitely begged you to stay at Middle-Earth when the moment of going home came. Whether it worked or not, is completely up to you.
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fandomficsnstuff · 3 years
In Just A Second - 1
Legolas x Witch!Reader
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(Warnings: None I think, for now it follows the story pretty straight, no real fighting yet, but this will be a new series!:D Don't worry I'm working on the other ones tooXD)
You sat patiently between Frodo and Gandalf, currently conversing with Frodo, reassuring him that after this meeting, he’d go home again, see the green hills of the Shire again, “you could come too, you know, I think you’d really like it” you smiled at his sweet offer “tell you what, I’ll escort you back to The Shire after this, then you can show me all the comforts of your home” Frodo gave a sweet but nervous smile, you could sense how scared he was, and you didn’t say it, but you could sense that he already, unfortunately, had a tie to the ring, if he had put it on, you knew not.
You were one of the only ones to remain seated while everyone else argued, and when you finally noticed Frodo getting up, it was too late, your eyes widening at his words “I will take the Ring to Mordor! Although I do not know the way…” you sighed and got up, kneeling down in front of him, placing your hands on his shoulders as you faced him “my dear Frodo, you will not go on this quest alone, I promise you that” he gave you a weak smile, and you got up, keeping a reassuring hand on his shoulder as others joined in, letting out a small chuckle as the Hobbits stumbled forward and declared that they were now also coming along, something that greatly amused you and warmed your heart.
You, however, caught the eyes of a red haired man, Boromir, who sneered at you “she’s not coming along as well, is she?” you frowned “and why wouldn’t I? I may not have known Frodo long, but I already consider him a friend, a friend who I wish to help in any way possible” Boromir scoffed at your answer, and you could see Gandalf debating if he should speak up or not, but you choose to instead, letting go of your gentle grip of Frodo’s shoulder to step closer to the man “I am an immortal Istari witch, apprentice of Gandalf the Gray, Mithrandir, so yes, I am coming along” you turned around, going back to Frodo’s side and giving him a warm smile, unaware of the familiar blue eyes watching you closely, eyes you had seen sixty years ago nonetheless.
You were walking besides Merry and Pippin, laughing about their stories from the Shire, hearing of their pranks and small adventures. You felt eyes on you, but assumed it was Boromir glaring at you, unhappy with the fact that you were a woman, so you ignored it. “You’re staring, my friend” Legolas looked to Aragorn, the tip of his elven ears turning slightly pink as he looked to the ground as he walked “last I saw her, I remember thinking she was the most beautiful creature, a part of me thought I had died, or hit my head, that she wasn’t real” Aragorn smirked at Legolas, chuckling lightly “and now?” Legolas dared to look at you again before looking down “even more so” Aragorn smirked, letting out another tiny chuckle before leaving it at that, for now.
“My Lady, if I may,” you turned and saw Gimli, giving him a warm smile as you fell in his step, leaving Mary and Pippin, much to their dismay. “Yes, Gimli?” Gimli looked like he was struggling to say something, like he debated if he should say something or not, but finally settled on doing so “why are you on this quest, My Lady? It’s dangerous for a woman, perhaps-”
“Master Dwarf, I appreciate your concern, but I am quite capable of defending myself and my friends, Gandalf raised me, taught me all he knows and more, thank you for your worry, but I will be alright” you gave him another kind smile before speeding up, catching up with Mary and Pippin, who were overjoyed that you were back and willing to listen to their various pranks. As you were laughing at something Pippin said you looked behind you and caught the gaze of Legolas, your grin fading into a kind and warm small smile, Legolas forcing one in return, but it didn’t seem right, like he didn’t want to smile at you, so instead you looked ahead and continued talking with Merry and Pippin.
You sighed as you sat on a stone, closing your eyes, relaxing at your new camp, it wasn’t until you felt a presence near you that opened them, looking up and seeing none other than the blonde elf himself, you smiled at him “Prince Legolas, how long has it been?” he sat down beside you on the stone, looking over the landscape with a relaxed expression “sixty years, My Lady” you hummed low, nodding ever so slightly, not exactly knowing what else to say. “Seems like such a long time ago to me, ages. We were against each other last time” Legolas stated and you nodded in acknowledgement “yes, until Azog turned up. And I thought Elves just see time fly by, a lifetime gone in a second? And now, we are on the same side. I do hope you do not harbor any ill will against me?” Legolas looked at you confused “no, why would I? You saved my life, and perhaps, but for some reason, it felt like a lifetime to me” you shrugged “for some, that is not enough, but if it’s any comfort, it felt like a lifetime to me too” you simply said, Legolas giving you a gentle smile as you looked back over the landscape, he took the time to study you, taking in all of your beautiful features, everything from your (Y/S/C) skin to your (Y/H/C) hair and (Y/E/C) eyes, the shape of your nose, how your lips looked from this angle, you were more stunning than he remembered. “You are staring, Prince Legolas” you turned and saw a very embarrassed Legolas, mouth opening and closing in an attempt to form words, an attempt that did not succeed, which made you chuckle “do not worry, Legolas, as long as it has no harmful intent, I do not mind someone like you watching me” your words made his face turn bright red, as well as the tips of your own ears.
You and Legolas sat for a while, sometimes in silence, sometimes just talking, you enjoyed it, you enjoyed his presence, the company, even the small glances he gave you every now and then. It took all of your willpower to not glance at him back, you wanted to, that was not the problem, the problem was that last time you met him, he was a tad too arrogant, he was more cold, and, as you had heard and witnessed, he had eyes for a beautiful Ellith, named Tauriel, and you knew that Elves only loved once in their long, long lives, so you saw no point in giving in to your own desires. Too lost in thought, you barely heard Gandalf yell at you to take cover, it was only when Legolas practically tackled you and rolled under a bush with you that you were brought back to reality, your heart beating at an incredible speed as you watched Saruman’s spies through the branches on the bush, Legolas laying behind you with yours and his own weapons, you could feel his breath on the back of your neck, and you did everything to not let your eyes roll to the back of your head, feeling him behind you brought a certain warmth to places where it shouldn’t go, at least in your opinion.
You frowned as you crawled out from your hiding spot, turning to see Gandalf with a concerned look, but all it took was one nod from your side and he relaxed, or well, at least when it came to your well being. You turned to Legolas and sighed “thank you, Legolas” he nodded “returning the favour?” you laughed lightly, taking your weapons from him as he gave them to you, strapping them on “you have nothing to repay, my friend” you smiled at him before joining Gandalf, ensuring that the Hobbits were okay. Aragorn approached Legolas, smiling “my friend, well done, saving her from being spotted by those spies” Aragorn put his hand playfully on Legolas’ shoulder, seeing him scoff, half annoyed and half amused at Aragorn’s discreet teasing.
You were helping Merry and Pippin fighting through the snow, your eyes occasionally flickering to Legolas, who simply walked on top of the snow, unbothered by the cold, “damn Elf, their light feet, damn them” you mumbled as you helped Merry go forward as he got a bit stuck, “damn him and his light Elvish feet, could certainly borrow them right about now” you mumbled on, cringing as you felt another wind blow against you, seeping into your bones, but that wasn’t what made you shiver, what made you shiver was the foul, maddening voice in the air, a voice you recognized, having met Saruman. “Gandalf!” you screamed as ice fell on top of you, rocks tumbling towards you as lighting struck the mountain, seeing the grey, or well, now white, figure being buried in snow shortly before you. Once you managed to claw your way up, helping Merry and Pippin too, you scanned the area as much as possible, seeing his hat pop back up, letting out a sigh of relief at the sight. “We cannot stay here, let us make for the pass of Rohan!” Borormir shouted through the snow storm “no! It will take us too close to Isengard!” you shouted back, watching Gandalf dig his way through the snow to fight Saruman’s chanting. You quickly fought your way up over the snow as well, hearing Gandalf already chanting, and once you made it somewhat out of the snow you began as well, your eyes turning bright white, almost shining, as you chanted, but it wasn’t enough, neither you nor Gandalf was at your best, you were cold, tired, hungry and worn out, while Saruman was probably warm, well rested, full and awake.
Eventually, you made your way for the mines of Moria, a place you knew Gandalf disliked greatly, though you had never been there yourself. You grimaced as you looked over the dark pond, it seemed almost black, tar like in nature, but it was just water. You flinched as you felt a hand on your elbow, turning and seeing Legolas, giving him a warm smile “sorry, the cold is still in my bones, I’m afraid, makes me more on edge” Legolas gave a quick nod in understanding. You kept hearing Gandalf try different passwords, eventually growing tired and sitting down to think it over, “how is uh… Tauriel…?” you cleared your throat and asked, your eyes on the pebbles under your feet instead of the elf next to you “Tauriel? She’s… good, last I heard, Captain of the Guard now, I believe” you hummed in acknowledgement “let’s hope this quest isn’t too long, you can then go back to her all the quicker” you offered him a genuine smile, but were only met with confusion “why would I go back to her?” you shrugged and looked down again, biting your lower lip nervously “I-I… your father said you… and I just assumed that-... I know Elves only love once in their entire life, so I just-... I can’t begin to imagine the grief she must feel, being away from you, as you must feel now, being away from her” you finally met his eyes, but all you saw were a frown and more confusion “Tauriel and I-”
“It’s a riddle!” you turned to see Frodo, walking over to him “speak ‘friend’, and enter! Gandalf, what’s the Elvish word for ‘friend’?” he turned to Gandalf, who looked to him “‘Mellon’” the doors opened and you chuckled amazed, looking down at Frodo “well done, Master Baggins, what a clever mind you have!” you leaned down and pecked his cheek before moving to go inside, ahead of Frodo, though you turned around hearing a scream, seeing Frodo being lifted up by a monster, your eyes widening as you got out your weapons “FRODO!” you instantly ran into the water, hacking at the beast to get it to release the Hobbit, with the help of the Fellowship it eventually dropped him, and you were one of the first to practically carry him out of the water, running towards the mine, only to be trapped in it.
You cringed as the light from Gandalf’s staff blinded you, but only for a second, you, with the help of the new light, got out a tiny firebug-like thing, it was about the size of your palm, it was shaped like a firebug but was made from some form of crystal, like the stone in Gandalf’s staff, though all you had to do was gently blow on it and it lit up, it’s wings began to flap and it lifted itself into the air, just like a firebug, staying in the air above your head. Gandalf smiled at you and you smiled back, he was the one who taught you the trick, you just managed to choose to add the trick to make it fly too, instead of just lighting up. You turned and saw the Hobbits staring at it in awe, it had a slightly different gleam to it, Gandalf’s was pure white with nothing else, yours was more warm, like a candle, but still held the same white light, you giggled at their reaction, ruffling Frodo’s hair gently, making him smile awkwardly.
You were cleaning your weapons while Gandalf was thinking which tunnel to take, but you felt a presence next to you, one you recognized, so you simply smiled while focusing on your weapons, knowing who it was “Legolas, sit” you offered, not taking your attention away from your weapons, hearing him sit beside you “(Y/N)... I-... Tauriel and I are not together in any way” you frowned and looked at him, your cheeks burning with embarrassment “I-I’’m sorry I-... I just assumed, given-... I’m sorry, forgive me” your gaze went back to your weapons, desperately trying to forget everything right now, “I thought I loved her, for a long time, but… I now realize that I loved the idea of her, not her. She’s a great warrior, a great friend, but I do not love her, nor have I ever.”
You frowned even more at his words, still not looking at him out of embarrassment “I see, please, forgive me for assuming so earlier I-” you heard Legolas scoff lightly, cutting you off “there is nothing to forgive, you didn’t insult me” at his words you nodded and finally met his gaze, seeing nothing but warmth and understanding in his eyes, which made a small smile form on your lips, you were, however, cut off by Gandalf realizing which way to go, talking about following his nose, which made you giggle, you remembered him saying something like that to you once. You gave Legolas a warm smile as you got up, your little firebug still hovering over your shoulder as you sheathed your weapons and followed Gandalf.
Your eyes widened as you saw the vastness of the mines of Moria, how high up to the ceiling there were, the columns, the design, everything amazed you “Valar…” you mumbled, going over to a pillar and letting your hand fall over the curves and designs, a small amazed smile on your lips, though it was cut short hearing Gimli yell and run into a chamber, and as you followed your eyes widened at the grave in front of you, the one Gimli was sobbing in front of. As Gandalf read the words on it aloud, your eyes watered, you had traveled with the Company of Thorin Oakenshield for a long time, you were there when Gandalf met with Thorin at the Prancing Pony and gave him the key to the secret door. You traveled with Bilbo, you followed them out of Rivendell, you fought your way out of Goblin Town, you were there in lake town, you remember drinking and having fun before leaving the next morning for the mountain, you remember how sick Kili looked but that he reassured you that he would join you soon, urging you on, urging you to see the halls of Erebor. You traveled up the secret staircase, you volunteered to go into the mountain with Bilbo, though he declined, going in alone, you helped fight Smaug, you were there with Balin when Thorin had Dragon Sickness, comforting him, and now, here he lay, in a tomb.
You gently let your hand touch the grave, unaware of Gimli staring at you confused, tears spilling from his own eyes, watching you cry over someone he didn’t know you knew. “I said we’d meet again but-... not in this way, my friend, not in this way…” you wiped your eyes, letting your hand rest over the words on his tomb for a little longer before drawing your hand away, turning to see Gimli stare at you confused, you cleared your throat before sighing “I uh… I was with the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, I-... I grew close with Balin on that quest” Gimli’s eyes grew even larger “you’re… my father, Gloin… he told me of a sorceress that helped take back Erebor, told me stories when I grew up” you smiled sadly “I am pleased to hear I made an impression on the rest of the company” you smiled sadly at Gimli, receiving one in return, but it was cut short as you heard a loud noise of something falling, turning to see Pippin with a shocked and embarrassed look on his face, cringing as the rest of a dead body, and a bucket, fell down the well, your eyes widening as you waited for any other sound, hearing Gandalf scold Pippin, but nothing else, you almost breathed a sigh of relief when you heard it, drums in the deep, thunder in the dark, they were coming.
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entishramblings · 4 years
It’s Not That Bad [Legolas X Reader]
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A.N: I’m so sorry I have not been writing as often. I’ve had zero time. But anyWaYS...here is a fic that has been requested by someone who has always been into my writing so thank you for supporting me and here is a fic for you! Additionally, I did some research on herbs and stuff so I could make this at least a little accurate!
Request: @quilledinkpen — Hellooo i hope you're having a good day ^-^ I was wondering if I could request a Legolas x reader? Something like she's travelling with the fellowship and is kinda the unspoken "mom" of the group, like she's always doing her best to make sure everyone's safe, and reminding Pippin and Merry to be careful and stuff like that. Just an all-around motherly person lol (mainly to the Hobbits bc they're her babies but she looks after the other guys too) I think it'd be cute ^^ Thank you!
Pairing: Legolas X Reader
Summary: (Y/N), a healer, travels with the fellowship. She takes care of everyone and is basically “the mom friend.”
Word Count: 2, 510
Warnings: battle wounds that are kinda graphicish?
(gif not mine)
(Y/N) was a well known healer throughout all of Arda. Many traveled to her for treatment for life threatening ailments. But now, now it was her time to travel throughout the lands of Middle Earth in search of a salvation for all. A gruesome quest to destroy the evil ring of power had begun and someone well versed in natural apothecary was needed. (Y/N), of course, volunteered for this role for there was no one better suited than her. Besides, it was her duty to contribute to the survival of this world as she was one in it and relied heavily on what the earth produced. And if Sauron was to rule.....well, we all know where that would lead: no earth, no life, just darkness.
(Y/N) ruffled through her dark-brown leather satchel as she sifted through her healing herbs. Little pouches filled with athelas leaves, echinacea stalks, alder bark, valerian roots, and more piled inside the confinements of the fabric.
“Sam,” She called out. “Would you mind making hot tea for Frodo while I take care of Strider’s cut?”
The little hobbit ran over instantly and she passed him a couple pouches naming each one out loud, “Valerian root, dried chamomile pedals, and sycamore bark.” She then lowered her voice and leaned it, for it wasn’t anyone else’s business to hear. “It will help him sleep and deter the anxieties the ring bestows upon him.”
Sam nodded quickly and set to work as (Y/N) moved towards Aragorn who sat upon a large rock.
“Let me have a look.”
The dunedain rolled his eyes, “(Y/N), it is not that bad. Just a scratch.”
The young women sighed in annoyance and pulled up his sleeve to reveal a slash across his bicep. He was right—to an extent—it wasn’t terrible. He would not need stitches. However, it did need to be cleaned and wrapped for infections were nasty things.
(Y/N) started by pouring some alcohol over the wound; receiving a harsh hiss from the dunedain in response. She muttered a quick apology before continuing. The young woman ground athelas leaves into a fine paste and expertly smeared it onto the cut. She then unrolled gauze and placed it upon the wound. Lastly, she pulled white dressings from her satchel. She gingerly wrapped it around his arm, yet she was careful to still pull it taught as the goal was to keep the athelas paste in and bacteria out.
She stood up and brushed her hands off before placing them firmly on her hips. “See Strider, it takes only a couple minute.”
He grumbled at her comment but thanked her for the medical attention.
(Y/N) nodded quickly and went to check on the rest of the fellowship. She made her way to Boromir who was also sitting in rest. She put a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Boromir, how are you doing? Any wounds?”
He seemed slightly startled at first for his mind had been elsewhere, but he looked up at her with a soft smile.
“I’m quite alright, My Lady.”
A light chuckled escaped her lips. “My friend, how many times must I tell you? It’s (Y/N), no lady of any sorts!”
He shook his head and grinned at her, “Well, my lady, I am doing quite fine.”
She let her eyes circle into the back of her head as the corner of her lip pulled into a smirk.
The healer turned and made her way to Gimli who was sharpening his axe.
“Gimli, I trust you are alright as I see you are already preparing for the next battle even though we just endured one.”
His gruff voice answered immediately, “Aye lassie! Those orcs can’t ensnare a dwarf that easily!!”
She laughed at his comment as Merry and Pippin came rushing up to her. As soon as she saw their faces she knew that the two mischievous hobbits wanted to claim her attention. She lowered herself down to their height as they flung themselves into her arms.
“Ahh my two hobbits! How did you fare in the battle?”
They pulled from her hug and began speaking at the same time.
“It was intensely scary but we were fierce!”
“Merry had hit one with a tree branch! It was quite magnificent!”
“Yes it was, I would have to admit! And Pip tripped another and he fell flat on his face!”
(Y/N) beamed at the two and giggled at their attempt to tell the story. As much as she was focused on caring for everyone, the hobbits cared for her—in another way that is. The four of them brought joy to her heart and glee to her spirit. Their innocence and appreciation of the simplest things brought happiness to her soul. They had offered her a welcomed visit to the shire at any time; telling her of the grand tour they would take her on. She had grown to look upon them as children for their smallness and way of perceiving life was similar so.
The two scampered off quickly, most likely to share their adrenaline filled story with Boromir, while (Y/N) did a final scan of the fellowship.
Her eyes soon rested on the elf. Legolas was off to a distance standing upon the rocky tundra. Something about his posture made her frown. His back was to her and his head seemed bowed, as if he was looking down at something. Furthermore, his one arm was pulled up at an awkward angle—strange, even for the elf. As the healer that she was, she was compelled to check on him.
(Y/N) weaved through the rocks until she was only a short distance from him.
“Legolas?” She questioned softly.
He immediately whipped around. His shirt fell to cover his form, but not before (Y/N) caught a glimpse of bright purple, red, and black. The young woman’s lips instantly parted in shock. She had seen many wounds in her life, on many people of many different races. However, it was not often that she had an elven patient with a wound like that. To state it simply, (Y/N) was worried—that looked bad, very bad. Legolas on the other hand was only flustered for he, an elf, had gotten snuck up on. He did not have great concern for the injury given that there were far more important things to worry about.
“Legolas,” (Y/N) stated firmly. “Lift your shirt.”
He sighed, “(Y/N), it’s not—“
She interrupted him, “Let me guess, ‘It’s not that bad?’” She shook her head, “You and Strider.”
She stepped forward and took the hem of his shirt in her hand. She cautiously lifted the fabric, not caring about the socially deemed scandalousness of the action—she was a healer after all.
(Y/N) sucked in a breath. A relatively large bruise stretched across his torso with a sizable cut in the center of it.
“By the Valar, Legolas!” She exclaimed with exasperation. “You should have come to me straight away!”
She cut him off again, “No. don’t ‘(Y/N)’ me. This is serious. It could be internal bleeding. I don’t care that you are an immortal elf, you can still die from this.”
The healer gently let her fingertips brush against his skin, tracing and examining the injury. He winced in pain at the contact and that did not escape (Y/N)’s attention.
“How did this happen exactly? I need every detail.”
Legolas groaned again when she grazed over the cut; and when he spoke it was with heavy breaths, “A harsh kick to the side into another orc....” (Y/N) hand pressed on the bleeding laceration and he hissed in pain before continuing to speak. “...who—who slashed downward.....with a jagged-edged blade that had a—a curved tip.
(Y/N) looked up at him with concern, his breathing was getting labored and that was not a good sign. Not a good sign at all.
“Alright, come on.” She ordered. The young woman practically dragged the reluctant elf back towards the group and pushed him down on a rock.
She knelt in front of him and, once again, ruffled through her satchel.
“Take your tunic off,” she commanded while pulling out various pouches and gauze dressings.
(Y/N) could feel all of the fellowships’ gazes on the two, which only intensified when Legolas removed his tunic. She could hear the hobbit’s hushed whispers and concerned tones for the wound was gruesome and ugly—probably the worst they have ever seen considering their simple lives.
Once she had all her supplies ready, she set to work.
(Y/N) was kneeling in-between Legolas’s legs while she studied the torn up, bloody, and bruised fresh for yet another time; it was imperative that she made a plan before starting.
During this examination, the young woman could not help but let her eyes wander across his chest and rippling muscles. The bends and curves of his form looked perfect against his pale complexion. He was incredibly toned and well built, even more so than humans. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t attracted to him.
Additionally, battle scars of various shapes and sizes littered his body—which was expected given he was over 2,000 years old. Here, she took a moment to study them for if one really looked at a warriors scars their fighting style would be revealed. Many stretched across his being—specifically on his ribcage, sides, pecs, and abs—it was clear that he was way more reckless than he would like people to think. He was fast with his moves, going for the quickest way to an oppenent’s death, but that often left him exposed. No wonder he ended up with this terrible bruising gash. He lived up to the Mirkwood elf expectation—less wise and more fierce.
As (Y/N) realized that her mind had wandered too far off task, she cleared her throat and reached for the flask of liquor.
“This will sting,” she stated before pouring it over the broken flesh. As expected, a loud groan escaped his lips and his fists clenched around nothingness.
Carefully she dabbed the area with a cloth. (Y/N) then threaded a needle and began to sew his skin back together. The elf was stiff as he clenched his jaw and flexed his muscles—a natural reflex in this kind of situation. She continued to pull his skin taught so their was no more breakthrough bleeding. It seemed that he had gotten used to the sensation as she went given he began to relax. Next, she made a paste for the wound, much like Strider’s. However, she decided to use more than athelas leaves because this cut was more severe than the Ranger’s. (Y/N) ground up echinacea stalks and mixed in alder bark to soothe inflammation and fight infection. Gently she applied the blended mixture into his torso. Lastly, she wound gauze and dressings around his midsection in order to keep everything in place.
Much time had past given stitches took long; luckily, the fellowships’ concerned glances faded.
(Y/N) stood up from her position and it was then when she released just how close the two were. She stood between his legs, their faces inches apart. If it was anyone else, she wouldn’t have cared for she often had to be in such proximities with others as she was a healer. But this wasn’t anyone else, it was him.
“You—you should be fine now,” (Y/N) whispered. She cleared her throat and stepped backwards. “I will have to check on it every day and redo the bandages. And I advise you: no sudden movements, and no lifting heavy objects—like the hobbits.”
Legolas cracked a smile at that last comment. “Thank you, (Y/N). I truly appreciate your skill.”
“That is what I’m here for, is it not?” She adverted her eyes and kept her hands busy by gathering her supplies for she feared her expression would betray her.
Legolas put his tunic back on as he spoke, “I suppose it is, but nethertheless I thank you.”
As the days went on she continued to check Legolas’s wound. (Y/N) tried to make it more private by dragging him off to the side or away from the group, given that she suspected it was uncomfortable for him to undress everyday in front of inquiring eyes (aka the hobbits).
It was dusk when she crouched down to examine it once again.
“It is healing nicely,” She said. “A lot faster than I suspected, but I suppose that is because you are elven.” Her nervousness caused her to continue speaking when she did not wish to do so. “I mainly treat men....and dwarves. It is not often that I have a wounded elf at my door. Do you know an elf named Feren? I recall he said he was of Mirkwood Kin. I treated him once years ago for a busted leg when he strayed into northern territories.”
A small smirk crossed Legolas’s face, “Ahh so you are the beautiful healer who patched him up so well?”
(Y/N) felt heat creep up her face, “I—I would not say that—“
“Nonsense! He spoke of your beauty and skill many times, and he was not mistaken. I am just surprised that I have been lucky enough to gaze upon you and have you heal me.”
These words made (Y/N)’s gauze wrapping motions falter. “It—it is my job, Legolas.”
“Yet you go beyond your assignment and duty everyday. I see how you take care of us all, especially the hobbits. You truly have a noble heart.”
(Y/N) smiled softly and spoke in a teasing tone, “Well I suppose you are right—all you boys would be lost without me.”
A deep chuckled hummed in Legolas’s chest and the healer joined in with a bright laugh.
The giggles settled soon enough and Legolas spoke, his sentence quite abrupt. “How would you feel about coming to Mirkwood and living there as a healer once the ring is destroyed?”
Shocked, (Y/N) stuttered. “I—I am unsure. I don’t know if—“
“(Y/N)...” He interrupted. “I do not wish for the end of this journey to be the end of our acquaintance.”
The young woman looked down, “As I agree, but—“
“(Y/N),” he whispered.
Something about his tone made her freeze.
Ever so gently, he lifted her chin to force her to look at him. His voice was quiet as he spoke, “I—I don’t think you understand what I am trying to convey.”
Now she understood.
The healer glanced at his lips which hovered near her own before biting her bottom one and locking gazes with him. Legolas of course noticed this and waisted no time. He pressed his mouth against hers and she instantly responded. Her hands slid up his bare chest, careful to avoid the wound on his torso, and then tangled themselves in his blonde locks. His muscular arms wrapped around her waist tightly as he focused on the taste of mint tea and fresh honey. The two moved their lips in sync and the world around them melted away. Suddenly, there was no quest, no fellowship, no responsibilities—only the two of them and the thudding of their hearts.
Everything Tag: @sokkasdarling @scxundress @quilledinkpen @hufflepuffinblr @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @wellfuckmyexistence
Legolas tag: @dark-angel-is-back
If you want to be tagged lmk!
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My Lady (Boromir x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: Fluff, fighting
Word Count: 1719
Requested: @thespiritoflife
A/N I really liked writing this, and I hope you enjoy it! I figure it was about time to write for Boromir. For some reason, my first thought went to the Rohan, I don’t know why, so yeah, enjoy a person from Rohan falling for the captain of Gondor lol. Also, screw canon, Boromir lives y'all.
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“So, this is the Captain I’ve been hearing about lately, fighting in all those battles,” I leaned over the counter, handing a mug to the rugged, handsome man across from me. He shook his dirty blond hair out of his face, smiling. 
“I suppose that would be me,” He said modestly. “But really, you should see my companion Aragorn in action, he is the best out of everyone.” I was surprised with the way he talked about this other person, rather than talking about himself. Most of the men I have talked to were like that. I looked into his eyes, searching for any hint of malice or dishonesty, but he was being truthful. He meant it. I was surprised, but after all, I should expect nothing less from a man of honor. 
I smiled cheekily. “Well, I guess I should then. Tell me, a fine man like yourself must have a sweet lady at home. She’s very lucky to have someone like you,” I blurted out without thinking.
He choked a little on his drink and wiped his mouth before smiling again. “Well my lady, you would be surprised to hear that this is not the case. I wish I had something like that, but not just one that sits at home.” He winked, and I hid a giggle, still embarrassed about what I said. 
  “Now, go enjoy your drink, Captain.” The minute he turned around, I cursed myself for being so forward. This was one of the reasons I wasn’t married yet, and my mother definitely liked to tease me about it. Very well, I went back to cleaning mugs, as the joyous noise swelled. Everyone was celebrating, for good reason, after all, these men helped to save us from ruin and despair. It was terrifying at Helm’s Deep, all of us women and children were shoved into the caves. Well, most of them...
The night began to draw to a close as the noise dwindled down. But there was still the hint of celebration in the air, and I smiled for the sake of it. A few people came back for their last drinks, and drunken steps followed. One person came back, that I had hoped to not see again. Alas, the Captain of Gondor stopped in front of me, not quite taken by drink and exhaustion. 
“Enjoyed the party?” I asked, cleaning up the last of the drinks. He grinned and nodded. “Glad to hear it,” I said, avoiding his gaze. I was still embarrassed about what happened earlier, and I really hoped it wouldn’t come up. 
Instead, he brought up something else. “I never got your name,” he said, moving his hand on top of mine. My stomach flipped over, how was his touch so intoxicating? I barely knew him. 
I swallowed the butterflies, and replied confidently, “My name is y/n. And I must admit, I have heard so much about you, but I’m not even sure as to what your name might be. It is Boromir, am I correct?”
“Yes, that would be me. Y/n, such a beautiful name.” He spoke thoughtfully, and my breath caught in my throat. We talked a bit more, but I slowed the conversation down. 
I withdrew my hand from his and went back to cleaning mugs. I couldn’t get involved with him, he was basically a prince after all. An emotion I couldn’t quite interpret flashed through his face, but he quickly stood up, understanding I wanted to be alone.
“Well, my lady y/n, I do hope we meet again.” He nodded his head and walked away. 
As soon as he turned a corner, I slumped down behind the counter. I knew that I could not be with him. I was just a woman of Rohan, nothing else. But there were so few men like him. Far too many would look down upon me, and there were only a few that would be respectful. But he was something completely different. It was such a short conversation, but I already regretted sending him away. At this point, there was nothing left I could do.
---------------------------------------Time Skip-------------------------------------
Death. Destruction. The ruins of Gondor loomed over me. Eowyn is missing. So many dead. I whirled around, trying my best to defend myself. Exhaustion wore me down. An orc hit me from behind, sinking its blade into my arm. I cried out, and with the last strength I had, I sliced its throat. I clutched my arm, trying to stop the blood from running down to my hands. I collapsed, curling up. As the world became dark, I could have sworn I heard someone yelling my name.
My head was ringing as I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting them to the light. I moved sluggishly, still trying to figure out what happened. I felt a cloth around my arm, binding it, and my face felt clean. Free of the blood and dirt that had been caked on it. But where was I? I sat up, breathing in the cool air. It looked like a healing ward, and someone else was here.
“Excuse me? Miss?” I called out to the other woman. She walked over briskly and set some pillows behind my back.
She flittered about, changing my dressings, all the while talking. “Oh I’m so sorry dear, I didn’t see that you were awake yet. I was told to give you the best treatment and to get you your own room, so here we are. I wasn’t sure when you were going to wake up, oh dear me. You should probably lay down for longer, you still have circles under your eyes. My you had a bunch of blood on you. I was so surprised to see such a young lady like yourself in such a horrid place. Bad luck I say, bad luck. Although I am so old, I have seen so much, but not something like this!” She babbled on, much to my amusement. She was a mother hen, pecking and poking into other’s business. But she was sweet. 
I interrupted her on another spiel, trying to get a straight answer. “I’m sorry, but who gave you these orders, to take care of me and such? I don’t mean to pry, I just want to know. Also, do you know how long this will take? I need to find some people.”
She smiled. “Oh dear, you have a lot in store for you. You’re fine to go walk around and find some people. However, I do suggest you take the path to the gardens, it is quite beautiful.” She winked, and exited the room, leaving the door open. I was slightly stunned, this was a lot to take in. I could not tell what she was hinting at though.
I pulled on some shoes and slowly began my way down. It was a clear path to where I was supposed to go, but I hesitated. What was with all this secrecy? I felt a knot in my stomach as I continued, wary of my surroundings. I knew there were no orcs, but something seemed off.
I turned a corner and heard a voice I did not expect. “I see your injuries have begun healing. I am glad to see it.” Boromir spoke softly, his gaze moving over me.
“Boromir?” I whispered, shocked to see him. “Wh-what is this? What’s going on?” He motioned me to sit next to him on the bench, and I did, a healthy distance away from him.
“I found you. On the field. I didn’t believe it was you at first, I thought my eyes were deceiving me, trying to give me what I wanted most. But it truly was you, and you were lying there, still, bleeding. I assumed the worst. I know we don’t know each other that well, so it must seem odd for me to care so much. But dear, you mean so much to me. More than you know. I’m not mad like the others for you being out there. I admire your bravery and the skills it must’ve taken to slay all the orcs around you. I wasn’t there, but based on the number of bodies around you, I would assume that would be your work. Well, I’m going on and on here, but what I’m really trying to say is, stay. Stay here, with me.” Boromir took a breath, his cheeks full of color. 
At this point, my stomach was exploding, I could feel that I was shaking a little. Sure, it wasn’t some love confession, but I didn’t need that from him. The fact that he wanted me to stay was enough. 
“I think I will stay, as long as we can visit Rohan often,” I said nervously. His cheeks grew even darker, and he held my hand and pressed the lightest kiss to it. I giggled, and he drew me into a warm hug. I nestled into his chest, hearing his heartbeat. Now, this is what I was missing out on this entire time.
“Wait,” I said, remembering what had happened at Helm’s Deep, what I hadn’t told anyone. “There is something you should know.”
Boromir cocked an eyebrow, obviously confused. “What do you mean?” He asked.
I looked down. “I, uh, might not have been in the caves with everyone else. In fact, do you remember the soldier that you saved from the spear? That might have been me. Possibly.” I smiled, and his face brightened.
“Oh yes, I know exactly who you’re talking abo- wait a minute. That was you? My lady, you are a brilliant warrior. The spear was a minor setback, you did amazing that night.” He gushed, and I grinned at how sweet he was being.
“Boromir, this does not bother you? That I was out fighting? That I, a woman, was part of a battle?” I questioned. 
He started laughing, his smile lighting up his eyes. He really was handsome. “No dear, not at all. In fact, it makes things even better. You are an amazing fighter and an amazing person. No, it doesn’t bother me one bit.”
The sun moved through the clouds, the rays hitting us perfectly. We sat and joked in the warmth all afternoon, forgetting the looming war for just a little bit.
Everything taglist: @hey-its-nonny 
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Dimension Jumping Pt. 5
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Comforting a grieving hobbit and time get everyone ready to go out!
Via the genius idea from katzrfsoa / Kat88
There's been mention of the reader not wanting to take the groups out, for fear of the public's reaction... so what about a cosplay convention? it would give the Reader the perfect excuse to allow them out, and they would wear their original clothes 
This morning has been uneventful for the most part.
Breakfast passed by without issue and now everyone is off doing their own things.
You looked outside and took a peek in the guest room, but you still can't find him.
Sam, Merry, and Pippin are playing a board game you showed them; Legolas is doing his meditation sleep thing; Boromir and Aragorn are discussing something; and Gimli is stacking bread on Legolas' leg to see how long it takes until he notices.
Frodo, however, is missing at the moment.
Right as you were considering telling the others of his disappearance, however, you heard some shuffling from your hall closet.
You open the door carefully and take peer inside, not wanting to startle the small hobbit, and at first you don't see him.
There's more shuffling and you hear a quiet sniff, followed by soft sobs, and you then realize he's hiding behind the shelf.
The door makes a soft clicking sound when you close it, and right away the quiet cries cease. You didn't want to alert him with the door, you wanted to do it yourself, but it's too late now, so you just go with it.
"Frodo?" You call in a gentle voice, staying by the door incase he wants you to go.
"Y-Yes?' He calls back, not moving from his spot.
His voice is thick with emotion, and the sadness in his tone makes your heart ache painfully. And when you walk closer and see him huddled up behind the shelf, your heart breaks a little for him.
He hastily rids his cheeks of any evidence of his sorrows, though the puffiness around his eyes and constant sniffles don't much help his cause, and looks at you with a false smile.
"Frodo, why are you crying?" You ask with furrowed eyebrows, kneeling down in front of him so you may look at him at eye level (mostly).
"It's nothing." He tells you quickly, looking away from your compassionate face with the same sad frown on his lips.
When you don't move to get up or leave, his gaze slides back over to you and he realizes that you're not going to leave unless he straight up tells you to go away. This makes him sigh, but truthfully, he doesn't want you to go away. Not really. For having company in a time of sorrow always mends suffering.
"I... did not have a proper time to mourn Gandalf. I've been so caught up in the oddity that is this place that I almost forgot my sorrows altogether, but then this morning is all... came rushing back." He explains with a surprisingly even voice.
While he speaks you cross your legs and listen along intently, your hands folded neatly in your lap. When he finishes, you reach forward and place your hand atop his with a gentle touch, "I didn't know him, but I can tell he was very dear to you. Honestly, I can't offer much advice, but I can tell you that keeping it all bottled up inside is not a good idea."
He looks at you with that sad face when you speak, and it prompts you to continue, "Also, I know everyone else can be pretty overwhelming or they just don't understand, and I want you to know that I'm always here to listen if you're feeling down, okay?"
Your words draw a small smile from the grieving hobbit and it elicits a similar grin from you.
"Thank you, Y/N. I... actually do feel a little better."
"I'm glad."
After your discussion with Frodo you rejoin everyone back out in the main room and let him recollect himself, going right onto your laptop to get some work done.
You're idly scrolling through a scholarly article you need to research when you see it.
An advertisement for some sort of comic book, cosplay, convention... thing in the area (no wonder you've been seeing so many oddly dressed people recently).
At first you almost scroll past it, but then you get hit with the brick of knowledge and a lightbulb goes off in your head.
"Yes!" You scream, successfully scaring everyone in the room and Penny who is sitting with you for once. "Ohh, my god. This is freaking perfect!" You exclaim, clicking on the link to get some more information.
Your eyes practically soak up everything on the information page, and, once you've skimmed through all of it, you look up with a bright smile on your face.
Literally all of them are looking at you like you've grown two heads, but you only clap your hands together a few times. "Guys, I just had a huge brain moment!"
The joke goes over their heads as per usual, but you don't let that deter you.
"Huge brain moment?" Pippin asks in confusion, looking at his cousin like he thinks he heard it wrong or something.
"Yes! I've figured out a way to take everyone out!"
That certainly gets their attention.
"You have?" Sam asks exuberantly, dropping his game piece so he can turn towards you and pay perfect attention.
"I have, yes," you start, continuing once you're 100% sure they're all paying attention, "So here's the thing, I knew that I could take out you tall boi's without issue besides having to find a hat for Legolas here, and I could explain that Gimli here has dwarfism," you pause at that and realize it may be offensive to him, but you continue once more, "but I also knew that there's no way I can explain away the hobbits, and then I found this gem."
You turn the computer so it faces all of them, but they only look more confused.
"There's a convention thing in town for the next week, and it's the perfect opportunity for me to bring everyone out! We just have to dress up the hobbits a bit and pretend that they're children."
At your explanation you receive multiple pleased smiles, and it serves to make you feel even better about your idea. "And you can all wear your normal clothes, too. And if someone asks who you are... I'll figure out a game or something you guys can use as an alias."
"Are you sure that will work?" Aragorn asks with furrowed eyebrows, sitting up from his spot in your arm chair.
"Um, like, maybe 98%." You confirm with a shrug, "It's better than 88% though."
He doesn't seem like he disagrees with you, so you look back at your laptop again and start to look for ideas to make them more believable as humans.
3 hours of research later, and you've successfully compiled a completely fool proof plan to smuggle this merry band of bizarre boys out of your house.
What you've decided is that you'll put some makeup over Legolas' pointy ears to make them look more fake since the concept of elves is not lost in this world. Boromir and Aragorn can go as themselves, and you'll put some makeup on the hobbits much like you will Legolas (they'll be children elves since there are no hobbits in your world) and tell everyone who asks how they look so good that you're a professional makeup artist.
Gimli, fortunately for you, was the easiest to come up with something for next to the other two humans of this group. You can just tell people he has dwarfism and that's why he chose to go as a dwarf character.
Everything is in order except for what you're going to do, though you suppose you should match their theme and be some sort of renaissance, maiden, lady, thing. You'll figure it out, though you do need to make sure it's convincing like theirs.
You decided to, instead of putting it off, go ahead and start working on finding a costume to match theirs.
A couple of searches later and you come across a really pretty dress that looks to fit their style, and when you show it to them they give you the thumbs up, so you order it with express shipping so it should arrive tomorrow.
It's a lovely flowy medieval dress *just look up flowy medieval dress and go to images, there are some good examples there*, and you feel excited just looking at it. Of course, there's no guarantee that it'll be the best quality, but it's got great reviews and you certainly paid a hefty sum for it.
After that's done with you head to your bathroom to see what makeup you've got, and you find that you don't really have any theatrical/special effects makeup. You're going to need skin colored wax makeup, powders, and contour stuff.
You're no makeup artist, obviously, but luckily for you, your goal is to make them look less realistic, so it should be easy enough.
It's surprisingly easy to figure out what you need to make them as convincing as possible, and pretty soon you've got a nice little list going on that outlines each thing you need.
Since you don't want to delay anymore, you head out of your bathroom and grab your bag while putting on your shoes, "Legolas, I'm leaving now if you wanna come with." You suggest since he stated his desire to join you in the one of the last chapters (:o).
When you call his name he looks over at you quickly, smiling a bit at your offer, "Yes, but you said I need a hat."
"Oh yeah! I have one, just gimme a sec." You tell him, walking over to a drawer.
When you open said drawer, you find a grey beanie with ease and toss it over to him, "Here ya go. Make sure it covers your ears... and uh, tuck your hair up into it too if you don't mind."
He does as you say with ease and, surprisingly, he looks just as good with shorter hair as he does longer hair.
It sticks kinda awkwardly at first, so you waltz on over and gesture for him to crouch down so you don't have to reach up.
Once again he does as you request and leans down so you may fix it.
You adjust it a bit to make sure it won't fall first, and then you smooth it back a bit so it'll also look stylish. And once you're done you take a step back and smile at him brightly.
"All done! Let's go!"
He seemed rather fascinated in the way your car works first and foremost, but once you got him to look out his window instead of watching you, his excitement quickly turned into awe.
When you both get to the ULTA store he follows you without hesitation and asks some hushed questions about things he sees, like the light up signs, other passing cars, stoplights, and some other things.
You, of course, answer each question happily and lead him inside, holding the door open for him while he enters and looks around the brightly lit up makeup store.
Right away you head towards the general direction of the nose and scar wax (it's multi purpose, don't judge me), forgetting to make sure that Legolas follows you.
When it does occur to you, however, that the blond elf didn't come after you, you panic.
You turn in a circle and only stop when you see him standing with some ladies who practically have hearts in their eyes.
Unconsciously you breathe a sigh of relief and head over with the wax in your little basket, immediately reaching up to wrap your arm around his, "I got the first thing on my list, come on."
The girls stop their giggles and flirting as soon as you show up and look genuinely surprised.
You give them a smile and nod in acknowledgement, not wanting to make them feel bad over something so silly before turning with your arm still around his own and walking him over to look at some contour stuff and other things.
They make some snide comments when you turn your back about you being a 'clingy girlfriend' and 'not pretty enough to be with a model like that', but you only ignore it and relish in the fact that you didn't make them feel bad over something as silly as a cute guy in a makeup store.
"Why are those women talking about you like that?" He asks in a whisper, leaning down so only you will hear his question.
You look up at him with a bit or surprise since you didn't expect him to pick up on that, before you smile, "They're attracted to you, and they think that I was being selfish with taking you away from their advances."
"Selfish? Advances?" He looks confused, but you only smile and turn back to the display case.
"Don't worry your pretty little head over it, Leggy my boy."
"Leggy?" He asks slowly, looking at you in confusion.
"Leggy." You confirm with a nod with a distracted hum.
It isn't much later that you have everything you need, and so you go to the checkout and buy everything.
"Going to the convention?" The girl at the counter asks with a smile.
You smile back and nod your head, glancing up at Legolas before looking back at her, "That obvious?"
"No of course not, just the items in your basket always fly off the shelves around convention time." She replies with a giggle, ringing up all your items.
"Well, that's fair." You muse, putting your card into the reader to pay for it.
Once everything is in order she hands you your receipt and adds, "Maybe I'll see you there."
"Maybe!" You chirp back happily, liking the nice conversation going on here.
"You and your boyfriend have a good day now!"
You elect to ignore that.
On the way home you pretend to not notice the black car following yours and make small talk with the elf, answering some more of his questions and speaking idly on different things.
"There are so many odd, interesting things here..." He comments after a while, glancing out the back window. "Are you aware that, that car has been following us for the past 10 minutes?"
You nod and hum as an answer, "Mmhm, it's just Brian. He's probably trying to figure out who you are."
The blond knits his eyebrows together and glances back to look at the car again, "Should I do something about it?"
"The only thing you can do is ignore it. He went from lowercase 's' stalker to uppercase 's' since you guys arrived, and it'll only get worse if you intervene." You mumble, trying not to look in the rearview mirror at him. "It's fine."
"You don't seem to think it's fine." He challenges in the same even tone, turning in his seat towards you.
Instead of answering his question you look at him while you stop at a light and grumble, "I told you to put your seatbelt on."
"It's uncomfortable."
"I don't care."
"I will be fine."
"Not if we get into a crash, you won't."
The two of you stare each other down before he slowly reaches up and buckles his belt, never breaking eye-contact.
"Good boy." You coo in a way-too sweet voice.
"Anyways, I know we said as much before, but you needn't worry about that man while we're here." He continues despite your obvious subject change.
"I know." Your reply is softer and less defensive this time, for you really do appreciate it, "Thank you."
He looks surprised at your sudden gratitude, and his expression shows as much "For what?"
"For being you. For looking out for me. All of you."
This time he smiles and says no more.
When you both get back to your house you immediately put everything in your bathroom and get onto your laptop to view some techniques on theatrical and movie makeup, Pippin and Merry on either side of you while they view through the pictures and videos with you.
"That one looks interesting." Merry pipes up suddenly, pointing at a person to wolf makeup transformation.
"Yep, and way past anything I can do."
This pattern of going through pictures and viewing clips goes on for a little while until they two hobbits depart to have lunch, meanwhile you continue on so that tomorrow will be a success.
You're both excited and nervous at the same time, wanting to see how it'll all turn out but also dreading it incase something goes wrong.
You know the most important thing is to have a positive mindset about it, but it's kinda hard sometimes during your more anxious moments.
Also, there's the issue of Brian possibly following all of you...
Nah, that'll be a problem to think on for tomorrow.
"What time will we leave tomorrow?" Aragorn asks from his usual spot on the rocking chair, Penny still nestled in his lap as per usual.
"Around the morning. I bought the tickets already so we won't have to stand in line for too long... Hopefully."
"Thank you for working so hard so that we may see more of your world." He comments suddenly, stroking his hand down her fluffy back.
You tilt your head to the side and smile a bit, "You don't have to thank me."
"No, I do. You have seen to our every need and we no doubt pose to be a huge burden. Thank you, really."
His words make you flush slightly, and you look away shyly.
You've grown to care about all of them, so of course you would do anything to keep them comfortable at this point. More than anything you're just glad they see how much you're trying to make things easy on them. It feels nice being recognized for your efforts.
Plus, the added protection from Brian is pretty sweet.
"Anything for you guys."
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