#and seeing others apologising for being open and excitable hurts
psalmsofpsychosis · 1 year
Me: anyway i'm actually very very dead inside, i haven't used more than 4% of my capacity for warmth in the last 15 years, and i dont feel like i can, i feel super lethargic and beaten all the time
Fella sitting beside me: you're literally burning the stool under your ass and shooting lava from your eyeballs but okay
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enwoso · 3 months
alessia x child reader where reader gets lost and falls and hurts herself at England x ireland game and katie finds her sobbing and bleeding and alessia is panicking and all the England girls are looking for her and katie brings her back and she only settles down in alessias arms
love your writing xx
WANDERING — alessia russo x child!reader
i do apologise to whoever requested this, it’s been in there for a while! i may or may not got a little stuck in the middle part so kinda neglected but thus it’s here !!
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grumpy masterlist
"you coming lovie?" your mum called out as she watched you run around the changing room trying to catch grace who had your small ball at her feet dribbling it around the changing room. pausing once you heard your name, looking to the door where alessia was stood, foot holding open the changing room door slightly.
"where?" you asked, wondering closer to your mum to hear her better over the music that was being played on the big speaker.
"see uncle luca, nonna and gramps" she smiled as you nod quickly before she had finished. before leaving you quickly ran over to grace telling her you would be back to finish the game later as she laughed a little before nodding and ruffling your hair as you grimaced at her messing your hair up.
running back over to your mum as she held her hand out for you to hold, as you both began to walk along the corridor, there being a lot of people walking around with camera's as well as players. a few stopping to say hello to your mum.
"alessia!" someone called your mums name making her stop as she turned around to see simon at the end of the corridor, he was the one who would arrange any media appearances that the girls were needed for.
"is everything okay?" she asked as you stood looking around making sure to keep tight a hold of your mummy's hand. simon walking a bit faster to catch up to where alessia was stood.
"i was just coming to get you — itv want you for a post match interview, if that's okay?" simon asked as he noticed that you were with alessia and that she wasn't a big fan of you being there for media as she knew that you weren't a fan of all the noise.
"it'll be quick, they've only got a few questions" simon added noticing alessia looked a little hesitant as she looked down towards you, but you were in your own little world watching some of the coaching staff down the corridor it seemingly a lot more interesting to you than whatever your mummy was talking about.
"yeah that should be okay" alessia agreed as simon smiled and told the blonde to follow him as he began to walk towards the media room in the stadium. alessia shaking her arm to bring you out your trance, your eyebrows furrowing as you began to walk back the way you'd just came before being stopped.
"what bout uncle luca.." you trailed off sadly, a frown appearing on your face. you had been excited to see luca, you hadn't seen him for a few weeks and with gio being on an adventure as mummy had described it you were missing causing trouble with them.
"we'll see them in few minutes mummy's just got to talk to some people and then we can see them" your mum explained as you nodded slowly as you entered a room full of bright lights and cameras. black wires lining the floor as your mum was handed a microphone.
the one thing you had learned when mummy was talking to people is that it never lasted a few minutes, it would be several and it would get to a point where the noise would start to hurt your ears and the lights would be too bright and hurt your eyes.
you held tightly onto your mummy's hand, not wanting to let go and get lost but as the time passed you were still in the room that you felt you had been in forever. tugging on your mums hand for attention but as she looked down she whispered she wouldn't be long. lies
you were starting to get bored and mummy couldn't hear your whines so you let go of her hand and started to walk to her other side, around her legs and next to the barrier.
alessia could see you out the corner of her eye, knowing that you were beginning to get restless but she had to have these interviews and the people were only asked a few questions at a time and alessia wanted nothing more as well for the interview to be over.
walking along the barrier, that separated you from all the scary people with camera, you found the door you came in. decided you were a big girl and since mummy wasn't taking you to see uncle luca and your grandparents you would find them yourself — it couldn't be that hard.
apparently it was hard, there were so many people within the corridor. some with the familiar blue tracksuits of england on and others with dark green tracksuits most likely the irish team but you didn’t know any of them to ask which way your nonna and gramps were.
mummy always told you not to talk to people that you didn’t know. you wish mummy was with you, she would know where to go.
people rushing around was starting to make you feel overwhelmed, many of the couldn’t see you small scared figure wondering around as a lot of them were pushing into you making you loose your balance slightly.
until one person nudged you over, making your fall on your knees. a pain shooting through you as you got up, wondering and taking the next turn into a corridor which was seemingly quiet as you curled up into a ball. tears filling up your little blue eyes as you gripped your knees.
whereas with alessia she was just about on the verge of a breakdown. “has anyone seen lovie?” she quickly got out as she rushed through the door of the changing room, all the girls’ heads turning towards the frantic look on the blondes face.
“no, she was with you weren’t she?” beth spoke up as alessia explained the situation, the girls’ beginning to come up with places you may have been. the stadium wasn’t big and there was no way you could get out of the stadium as there was security on every exit and entrance. so that put the blondes head to rest a little bit.
“has she not found her way to your brother and your mum and dad?” lucy asked as alessia hummed getting her phone out of her pocket more than likely going to message her older brother, “cause she been talking about how excited she was to see luca” lucy added as some of the other girls nodded in agreement.
“right i’ve messaged luca, im gonna go and see if she’s wondering in the corridor!” alessia told the group, spinning on her heel as she reached out for the handle of the door.
“wait less, i’ll come and help!” ella called out the blonde stopping in her tracks waiting for her best friend to catch up.
now back with you, you were still sat in the dimly lit corridor, your knee still throbbing small amounts in pain.
"tiny? woah, what's happenin'?" a thick irish accent boomed along the corridor as you sat back against the wall as you clutched your knee, sobs escaping from you as tears streamed down your face. something katie noticed straight away worry consuming her as she got closer to your small frame which was balled up.
you felt the presence of someone kneel down next to you as there hand touched your knee slightly, peeling your hands from your face you saw mummy's arsenal teammate, katie.
you liked katie, she was funny and had a funny accent making some words sound funnier like the word three always sounded like tree to you and she also knew how to have fun as well as letting you get away with any trouble you caused — something mummy wouldn’t let you do.
"how you out 'ere all alone? where's your ma?" katie asked as she sat down next to you, you shrugged an answer to the irish. "me- wost her" you stutter out through sobs.
“well we can’t be havin’ that!” katie nudged you slightly hoping it would help to loosen your tenseness. “would you like me to help you find ye ma?” katie asked as you looked up to the irish girl, a timid nod coming from you.
“yes please” you said you bottom lip still wobbling, katie nodding at you as she shot you a small smile, getting herself up off the ground before she picked you up.
katie chatted to you the entire time she was with you, hoping to get you to cheer up a little. asking you about the match, how you found it.
“i see your still repping the russo name ey” katie tugged a little at your little england shirt over the top of a hoodie due to the weather being a lot colder than it was in london in april.
katie managed to get a small smile out of you as you nodded, you not your usually chatty self but the irish girl understood why. you more than likely a little shook up from being lost.
“you not like the ireland jersey?” katie laughed as you frowned, why would you want to wear an ireland jersey?
“why i want that?” you asked, keeping your arm around katie as she carried you along the corridor it being a lot less quieter than it had been.
“for when your support me obviously” katie joked, knowing that you were very picky with what football shirt you worn as she’d seen it at club level. if it wasn’t the same colour as your mummy’s you would be having a meltdown and would refuse to wear it.
“no, only england!”
“alright alright, i understand.” katie sighed dramatically putting her spare hand that wasn’t holding you up, in the air defensively. “your ma’ should be in ‘ere!” katie said softly opening a door.
“only me!” katie’s thick accent boomed through the loud music that was playing, all eyes turning and now focused on the irish standing in the doorway.
“found a little someone who i think you might have lost!” katie shouted your face around the doorway, all there tense faces relaxing at the sight of you. the team had all be worried about your whereabouts.
“tiny where you been! your mum’s frantic!” mary was the one to speak. as leah gestured for katie to come into the room instead of hovering in the doorway as the team tried to peel you from the girls arms but having no such luck. you only wanted one person — mummy.
“i’ve looked in every single corridor-“
"oh thank god lovie, there you are- where were you!" alessia breathed out a sigh of relief, her heart rate lowering the moment she saw you wrapped in katie's arms, her heart breaking a little though at the sight of your face, all tear stained and red.
you making small whines for your mummy as you held your arms out, alessia quickly taking you as you snuggled into your mum. the familiar smell of her as you began to calm down, hiccuping a few times as your mummy kissed the top of your head as she sway from side to side to try and relax you.
"she was sat in the corridor, i think she's hurt her knee- there's a little scratch on it" katie explained as alessia nodded, looking down towards your knee to see a small scratch — nothing that a plaster couldn't fix.
"the sound of all the media people must of overwhelmed her, i've honestly never felt so much worry and guilt in my life" alessia admitted as katie gave a sympathetic smile.
"it’s not your fault, your a great mother and you’ve got yourself a loyal little girl. she’s sworn she’ll never wear a ireland jersey i’ve tried, haven’t i tiny!” katie complimented the blonde before poking your side but you only squirming in your mums arms not wanting to let go.
“thank you though katie, i owe you one!” alessia said seriously, as her hand rubbed up and down your back. katie waving the blonde off, “don’t be daft, anything for my favourite little gooner!”
katie stayed a little longer chatting with alessia a little more before stopping and chatting with leah before saying her goodbyes.
you were sat with mummy in the corner of the room where alessia’s cubby was. as mummy spoke with you a little bit about how important it is you don’t wonder off and then about the game and what to do later in the night after the bus ride back to the hotel.
“so we are gonna go for dinner with nonna and gramps and then-“ alessia began but you tapped her leg to interrupt her. “and luca?” you quizzed the blonde giving you a soft smile before nodding.
“and luca” she parroted what you said before continuing what she’d initially been saying.
"and then how about me and you when we get back to the hotel, we can snuggle up in bed with your teddy's and watch any film you want with some little treats as well?" alessia whispered so only you could hear as a small nod came from you, "just between me and you, yeah?" she added, nudging you slightly as she held out her pinky finger which you joined with your own thumb and kissing your thumb to lock it in.
"we watch more than one film?" you ask, your mummy humming as if deep in thought about what you'd just said. "we'll see how we far we get with one film, yeah?”
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misslovasstuff · 5 months
Op!men with girlfriends that get excited about them being angry
paired with: Sanji, Zoro, Ace and Law.
content: kinda suggestive (nsfw)
he would NEVER get angry at you, like NEVER
Sanji didn’t know about this weird side of yours but being the sharp genius that he is, sometimes there were clues he put together when you two were being intimate
Let’s just say you got a bit too excited when he grabbed your flesh tightly and when you hear him groan, at times when you teased him at the point when you think he’d snap at you… but he didn’t
He was torn apart between ‘do I give her what she wants so she’s satisfied’ and ‘but I would never wanna hurt or disrespect a woman’.
Despite the dilemma, he especially noticed your gaze on him when he was angry or whenever he was fighting an opponent
He’d think you’d have a more worrisome look on your face but no, you’re literally melting while watching his eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched as he cusses some filthy words out of frustration
He brushes it off this time as well, thinking whether he should ask you about it.
However, when you thought that there was no way Sanji would ever get mad at you, there is a detail you ignored: he gets most angry when you’re in danger
So the day you voluntarily put yourself in harm’s way, that was the day you sat down and listened to him attentively as he ranted at your carelessness.
“You think going on your own against such a strong opponent is the right thing? You could have died if I didn’t come at the right time! What were you thinking?!”
His tone of voice is louder than usual, his eyes wide and not looking at anything else but you.
Sanji sighs and rubs his temple, closing his eyes to recollect himself.
Once he opens them and gazes at your direction, about to apologise for the way he got mad at you just now, he meets your blushing face and eyes that reflect a gaze much in awe.
Obviously you were in an effect other than what Sanji expected.
“Uhm, love? Are you alright, I’m sorry, I just… you have no idea how worried you got me and…”
You blink after a while, gulping as you cross your legs and giving a fake cough.
“No need to apologise. I acted selfishly.”
Sanji notices your flushed demeanour. Seeing you sat on that chair, legs crossed, a strong grip on the base and head lowered down as to hide your blush, it made him smirk a little bit as he approached slowly.
He presses his hands on your thighs as he parts your legs, his face only centimetres away from yours. He’s grinning, scanning your face and realising that he was right about his doubts:
“You like it when I’m mad at you, huh?”
Sanji asks and you avoid his gaze but he tilts his head to meet it nevertheless.
“You get excited by watching me so heated up, don’t you?”
Biting your lip, you finally meet his eyes and nod.
“You must be so frustrated then. It’s almost impossible to make me mad at you.”
You sigh: “Tell me about it.”
After you both chuckle, Sanji leans in and whispers in your ear:
“I can give a list of things you can do to make me mad, love. I also like it when my girl misbehaves sometimes.”
“You’re an absolute freak you know that?”
“Oh come on Zoro, say it one more time for me…”
Your boyfriend is not known for his patience.
Zoro sighs, rolling his eyes with a hidden smile: “You’re impossible. How can you be into this kind of thing? Listen to me and just-“
You pout, averting your gaze and giving up on convincing him.
But your boyfriend is known for having a weak spot for you.
Zoro notices, grabbing your hand and guides you to somewhere.
You’re confused but follow him nonetheless.
He stops and gazes around then pushes you harshly against the wall, his arms surrounding you.
“Want me to get mad at you? That’d be easy giving how much you get on my nerves.”
Of course, you let out a soft moan, undeniably making the swordsman excited on his own accord as well.
“You always wanna get your way!”
He whispers aggressively, grabbing a hold of your hair, causing you to tilt your head.
“Why you never listen to me, huh?!”
Zoro’s voice becomes louder in a breathy way as he bites your ear, then drags his lips along your jaw.
“I listen to you, Zoro… I really do…”
You moan his name as your hands press against his chest, travelling up where you put them around his neck.
With this, Zoro pulls you closer as you arch your back, leaving bite marks on your neck.
“You won’t do this again, right? - Zoro asks. It receives no response other than your loud moaning. - Right?”
He asks again, grabbing your jaw and making you look at his gaze directly which is so firm, fierce and possessive.
“I won’t… I won’t…” - you whisper, gazing at his lips before he crashes his with yours, beginning one of the hottest make out sessions you ever had.
It’s not your fault he ends up doing what you want over and over again and that’s the key that makes him mad, and that’s how you know he likes it too.
“Fucking shit!” - Ace cusses, throwing his broken log pose in the sea.
When he does so, his body catches fire a little bit but he doesn’t seem to notice or mind.
You on the other hand, you do notice of course.
The way he brushes his hair backward as he sighs, placing his hands on his hips as he tilts his head back, gazing at the sky.
“Fuck it, that was the only way we could find our way to the island. Damn it!”
Whilst his back is in front of you, Ace does not notice you biting your lip and looking at him up and down.
“Don’t get so mad, babe. I’m sure we will figure it out.” - you state, getting up and hugging him from behind, hands resting on his chest which he grabs and lets you experience the warmth.
“Right. - he calms down, turning to face you. - Now, why are you looking at me like that?”
Ace is intrigued at the expression of your face. There was obvious excitement there and the way you’re now pressing your chest against his is making the guy visibly confused.
“Does it make you mad that I’m looking at you this way?” - you ask, giggling.
“Of course not, sweet thing. How can I be mad at you?” - he puts some strands behind your ear and notices now a bit of disappointment evidently shown in your face.
“Can you say that again for me?” - you ask, tracing his chest with your finger.
“Say what?”
“The way you cussed earlier… can you…”
Ace was catching on with what you meant, but still thought is was funny to hear you say it out loud.
“Tell me, - he grabs your chin a bit harshly. - what do you want me to say to you?”
You gulp, licking your lips before claiming:
“Get mad at me like that, say ‘damnit’ and ‘fuck’ to me.
“Ohhh, - Ace smirks, pulling your lower lip down with his thumb. - I have a better idea, how about I fuck you instead? Promise I’ll get angry at you as you ride me in an agonising slow pace and make me mad at my core, aight?”
Your boyfriend acts nonchalant most of the time. It you know deep down this man is crazy for you.
He’s usually calm and collected and the few times you’ve seen him lose his marbles was around the time you traveled with the strawhats.
Now you wonder, how can you make him a bit mad, just a little bit to spice things up.
However all your efforts did not amount to anything. The way you achieved what you wanted was from a random man who approached you on the street while you were with Law.
“What a beauty! You’re free tonight, sweetheart? I’ll rock your world i prom-
Certainly he was drunk, but Law did not hesitate in teleporting that man away as you heard a scream from afar.
“Asshole.” - he cusses, grabbing your hand tightly as continuing walking.
Your heart is beating like crazy. You didn’t want to provoke him further but on the other hand…
“He said he was gonna rock my world.” - you claim, smiling at him as he turns his face to look at you, confused.
“So what? - Law asks, stoping his pace and pulling you by your hand into his arms. - You’re curious now?”
It’s hard to hide your blush as his eyes gaze into yours with a passion different from other times. His grip on your waist tightens as his hands travel up your body to your chest.
You let out a small moan: “maybe I’m curious, yes.” Trying to tease him backfire as he grins and whispers to you.
“You’re really making me mad here. - he gropes your tights aggressively. - You know damn well I can rock your world as well, don’t you?”
In attempt to keep him irritated, you say: “I might have forgotten about that.”
Man, the look in eyes is insane.
“Oh, really?” - law questions, shaking his head and clicking his jaw. - He teases your nipples with his fingers, making you suck in your teeth.
“Let me refresh your damn screwed memory then, love.”
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jenscx · 6 months
HAPPINESS — yu jimin x f!reader
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jimin made you feel like life was worth living for.
TAGS — situationship, strangers to lovers, ive member!yn, jealousy, angst, fluff, birthday fic for jimin
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it hadn’t been long since you and karina met. by luck, she was attending a fashion show and had gravitated to you during the after-party. it was an unforgettable experience; one of the most gorgeous idols constantly hovering around you, eyes lingering on the silky black, backless dress you adorned, fingers dancing across your arms… needless to say, you had immediately asked for her contact information, only to receive a cryptic smile in return.
“why not just,” she whispered, “come back to my place instead?”
you had instantly declined, “i’m sorry, i don’t do that. and don’t you live with your members anyway?” karina merely shrugged, eyes twinkling with a gleam you couldn’t name. 
“then shouldn’t we go back to yours?”
exasperated, you shake your head, “i just said, i don’t do that. i was interested before, and you are jaw-droppingly beautiful, but i’m not intending to go anywhere tonight, karina.”
the girl hesitated for a few seconds. you raised an eyebrow. she grins, “call me jimin.”
it had only been a month since that interaction. since then, your relationship has progressed. from strangers to friends and now tethering on the edge of a relationship. or as your member yujin had described, a ‘situationship’. it was so easy to open up to jimin, her sweet talk, midnight chats and relentless insistence to annoy you had captured your attention. she was so stupidly cute. 
you had fallen. 
and jimin seemed to have as well. 
no one would stay up till midnight talking to a situationship unless they really liked them, right? 
and even though jimin had a schedule the next day, you and her were still in a heated discussion about which ice cream flavour was the superior one (it was always vanilla).
the alarm on your phone rang. in bright words read, ‘milan fashion show.’ you smile to yourself. it was another chance to see jimin after her hectic schedule. you barely had time to see her during her break, and now your schedules finally matched up. you couldn’t wait to see her.
jiminie [7.41am]:
hihihi good morning
i’ll see u ltr :))
ynie [8.20am]:
can’t wait. 
you turn your phone off with a bright grin, barely keeping your excitement under wraps. your flight was at 10 and by the time you reached milan, it would be around 11 in the evening. it was going to be a long flight, but the thought of seeing jimin again made your stomach tighten up. was this what people in relationships feel? it was so bizarre that the simple thought of someone could so easily make you feel breathless. 
unable to contain your exhilaration, you get some weird stares from your manager and assistants. meekly apologising, you close your eyes as they drive to the airport, dreaming of a certain main dancer.
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you blink. how did you get here?
jimin, was just standing a few feet away from you, but she had barely spared you a glance the whole day. she didn’t even greet you or anything. even after the crew had asked for you two to stand together, jimin was at least a metre away, not daring to stand in your vicinity. you could cry.
especially with the heart eyes every other person was sending her way. you swallow the lump in your throat, staring at the man who stood a little close for comfort next to her. and throughout the show, you could only stare longingly at the back of her head, sighing every once in a while when the two of them would pose. it was devastating.
“you good?” one of the other attendants asked. you think you recognise them from a recent drama you’ve watched.
“yeah,” you mumble, taking a sip of the champagne in your glass. at the corner of your eye, you could see jimin and that man conversing, both sharing giggles and whispers. your grip on the glass tightens. groaning, you look away, trying to hide the hurt on your face from being ignored so obviously. all your attempts at conversation had been shut down and she brushed past all your waves.
you saunter to the corner, taking a seat and pulling out your phone.
yujin [9.27pm]:
how’s it gg
yn [10.14pm]:
it’s like i don’t even exist.
i don’t know what i should do
she keeps talking to some guy
yujin [10.15pm]:
girl gtfo
you agree with yujin. if karina wanted to ignore you, so be it. there was nothing for you to do anyway. after sending a quick message to your manager, you get back up, heading back to the group of actors and idols alike that were engaged in conversation.
coincidentally, karina and her partner for the night had joined as well. it wasn’t difficult to avoid eye contact when she wouldn’t even look in your direction.
“i’ve requested for more champagne,” one of them say, “anybody wants a refill?”
a murmur of chorus emerges.
the waiter stares at your glass expectantly, the bottle in his hand waiting.
“ah… no, i’m leaving soon,” you say awkwardly, handing your glass to another waiter passing by. karina’s head shoots up.
“shame,” they all agree.
“your manager’s picking you up?” karina finally speaks. you longed for her voice, but you’re not very appreciative of it now.
you nod, barely wanting to start a conversation with the girl.
“i’ll walk you out.”
can you really refuse in front of all these people? you already had a reputation of being a bitch. refusing karina’s offer was going to severely damage your image.
you just hold your tongue.
the cold air greets you warmly, unlike karina. you relish in the gusts of wind, waiting patiently outside the gala for your manager’s distinguishable car. karina hums a gentle tune, turning to you.
“how was the show?”
“good,” you reply, curt.
karina doesn’t back down.
“you had fun?” you nod.
“i didn’t get to talk to you at all, it’s sad you’re leaving now.”
you shrug.
“why are you leaving so early?”
“hm, okay.”
you stand in silence while karina fidgets beside you, her hands constantly twirling her hair and eyes darting around. cursing yourself, you take a quick glance at her. the girl’s deep, lush and dark hair flows charmingly in the wind. her eyes draw you in, hypnotising you deeply, full of uncertainty and hesitance for the first time you’ve met her.
“do you have something to say?” you ask. karina huffs, blowing her bangs covering her eyes.
“i do, but it just depends if you’ll listen to me.”
“depends on what you’re asking for,” you reply.
karina smiles, smaller than before, “stay. just for a few more minutes. with me.”
you contemplate. just for a few minutes.
“only until my manager comes.”
she falters, it’s the first time you’ve ever subtly rejected her company, but a practised mask of indifference is put on.
there’s an uncomfortable silence, one that neither of you are willing to acknowledge. you start to regret your decision; you should have just asked her to go back in, instead of waiting out here with you like a fool.
“minjeong’s been talking about this milan cathedral, called duomo di milano, it’s really pretty,” karina looks at you expectantly, “do you have the day off tomorrow for sightseeing?”
you answer slowly, “i do have the day off...”
“where are you staying? i’ll come pick you up.”
“but i don’t want to go, karina,” you complete your sentence. shock passes her face rather quickly.
“uhm, do you want to go somewhere else?”
you shake your head, wanting her to get the hint that you weren’t exactly jumping for the opportunity to hang out.
“we could go shopping at this galleria that aeri mentioned, it has a hotel and everything.”
“no, thanks for offering.”
karina’s tethering on the edge of distress, her face showing visible distraught by now, no longer caring to hide behind a mask of impassiveness. you check your phone again. notifications line your lock screen, most of them coming from yujin.
yujin [10.29pm]:
are u out of there yet
make sure to get back safe
also call me ltr i need to tell u smth
omg jiwon js told me she left seo at home alone
you smile at yujin messages. the leader’s caring nature makes your heart warm and the mention of your other members makes you miss them.
“your manager texting you?” karina asks.
“uh, no,” you reply vaguely, not very keen on talking to her. karina frowns.
“are you sick? do you feel unwell?” she lifts a hand up to touch your neck. the fleeting touch of her fingers already caused goosebumps against your skin.
“i’m fine, karina.”
the mention of her name makes her glare at you, “didn’t i say to call me jimin?”
unable to answer coherently, you settle for silence. karina huffs, seemingly getting irritated.
she opens her mouth once again, but the honk of a car distracts you. the window rolls down and you recognise your manager.
“thanks for uhm, staying here with me,” you bow, “have a good night.” you were upset, but that wouldn’t stop you from being polite.
karina merely watches you leave.
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your manager gives you about five minutes of peace and tranquillity before unleashing an onslaught of questions onto you, like “why’d you leave?” or “did someone say something to you?” you answer truthfully to most of his questions.
unable to get a proper response, he just drives back and tells you to not get into any trouble on your day-off.
(“what trouble would i even get into?”
“i’ll actually quit if dispatch posts a photo of you drinking with your friends.”
“that would be impossible since i don’t have any friends.”)
meanwhile, yujin fills you in on the stupid shit your members get up to during your absence. like rei putting aluminium into the microwave and wonyoung just managing to stop her in time.
your phone lights up with notifications throughout the night and you hate the fact that it doesn’t bring you the same excitement like before. the morning after, a chain of messages graces your phone.
jiminie [9.17am]:
are u awake?
jiminie [9.20am]:
when are u gg back to korea?
ynie [9.31am]:
jiminie [9.31am]:
do u feel like gg out tdy?
you turn off your phone, sighing. you would have felt bad for being so distant but the mere thought of karina with that guy yesterday night made you feel unneeded. why was she texting you and asking to hang out with you when she already had someone to go to?
there was no point overthinking about her.
karina would just be another failed situationship. she didn’t mean that much to you (she did). she wasn’t the first thing you thought of once you woke up (she was). and she definitely couldn’t be a good girlfriend for you (she definitely could be).
the hotel doorbell rings. you quirk an eyebrow, not remembering ever ordering room service. maybe your manager knew you wouldn’t be going out for breakfast.
you don’t bother checking the peephole, the hotel you were staying at was very tight on security and only celebrities stayed at this floor. you open the door, stomach grumbling at the thought of food.
karina stands at your door, a small smile on her face. you feel terribly underdressed compared to her in your bathrobe and messy bed hair.
“good morning,” you greet hoarsely.
“hurry up and get dressed.”
you stop karina from entering your room.
“what are you talking about?”
“we’re going out whether you like it or not. you shouldn’t rot in your room, you should be exploring milan, before you leave, with me.”
do you really have a choice to say no? (yes, you do).
in your heart, you knew in the end, you wouldn’t ever say no to karina.
she grins and you forget why you were even upset in the first place.
karina waits patiently while you finish getting ready. she’s on the balcony admiring the view when you’re done.
“where are we going?” you grab a mask and a cap as karina puts on her shoes again.
“it’s a surprise, and you don’t need those,” karina answers, pointing at the items in your hand. you frown.
“people will recognise me. they’ll see me with you.”
karina shakes her head, “it’s fine, i don’t mind it.”
i mind it though.
you end up leaving them by your bedside table.
“where are we going?” you repeat as karina drags you out of the door. she groans, “stop asking! i already told you it’s a surprise.”
“i need to tell my manager.”
karina pouts, “i’ve already contacted him, just stop worrying about everything.”
her words seem so easy to believe now. to stop worrying about everything.
the streets of milan are filled with cafes and luxury brands. with it being one of the most visited cities, tourists and locals alike roam the area. at every corner, there’s either an art gallery or museum. you must admit that the architecture is simply amazing. quaint bookstores and coffee shops provide a sense of peace away from the bustling metropolitan city. milan was beautiful.
karina pulls you into a cafe, the strong aroma of coffee already filling your senses. there’s a quiet ambience of chatter and the soft footsteps of the waiters walking around. the girl brings you to one of the tables near the window. it gives you a view of a clothing shop adjacent to the cafe, full of customers.
“milan’s called a fashion capital,” karina remarks, “it’s one of europe’s most dynamic cities.” when you don’t reply, karina stands up, awkwardly saying, “i’ll go order our food.”
you nod.
she comes back soon, red in the face and fumbling with her wallet.
you ignore it.
“uhm, anyway, did you sleep well last night?”
“okay… uh, what time is your flight tomorrow?”
“i think it’s in the morning,” you feel pity for karina who’s been desperately trying to keep the conversation going, “what about you?”
karina’s face lights up, “it’s at one in the afternoon.”
the waiter soon arrives with your food. its mouth-watering. karina hands the waiter a note and says something in italian that you don’t understand.
“you can speak italian?” you ask, curiosity taking over you.
“yeah, a little,” karina mumbles. she doesn’t seem to want to elaborate, so you don’t bother asking any more. you gorge yourself out with the pastries that karina ordered, all while she looks a little constipated and unsure.
“you’re not going to eat?”
“i… i already ate before coming here.”
you nod, continuing to chew.
“it’s so early, who’s awake to even eat with?”
karina mutters, “i ate with jaewook.” you swallow the piece of bread in your mouth. the sweetness you tasted on your tongue is gone, just left with a bitter taste. you regret even asking her. you regret coming out of your hotel to eat pastries with her at 9 in the morning.
your head feels clouded. it’s not only gravity pulling you down. it’s a wrangling chain clutching your heart, pulling it into your stomach. the more you think about karina and that guy together, the more you feel like puking out all the sweet treats you stuffed your mouth with. you wanted to get rid of anything related to her.
“are you okay?” she asks.
no, you want to reply.
“i wanna go back,” you say instead.
lying was always better than telling her the truth.
“what? no, uhm,” karina blurts out, panicked, “you can’t go back yet, we still have a lot to sightsee.”
“please let me go back,” you beg, feeling a wave of nausea take over. between her incessant pleading to not leave and the vision of the two of them, jealousy fills your every vein.
“i planned a lot for today and oh my god, yn—” you can’t stand it anymore.
swiftly, you take out a wad of cash, placing it on the table and leaving the cafe without a second look behind. you stomp out quick, steady steps back to the hotel and you can feel karina hot on your heels. she calls out for your name, but to no avail do you turn back. you think of a plan. once you get back to your room, you’re going to block karina on everything. she’s never going to exist in your life ever again. if your job requires you to interact with her, it’s a bare minimum. you’ll break off contact with all of your mutual friends, ryujin, minjeong, maybe chaewon (but yujin and wonyoung would kill you).
it’s only when you reach a traffic light that karina catches up with you. once it flashes red, you groan. you can basically see karina’s triumphant smirk at the corner of your eye.
“are you done running now?”
you take a good look at karina. she’s panting, not more than you are, and her cheeks are flushed red.
the light flashes green.
and the chase begins again.
karina tails you until you reach the hotel lobby. you open up your purse, searching for the keycard. karina is just a few steps behind.
you hear gasps of recognition behind you, the very reason you wanted to cover up your identity.
the moment the lift reaches the ground floor, you slide in, rapidly pressing the close button. karina, however, navigates through the crowd and manages to reach the lift in time.
you groan, your attempt at running away has failed. maybe you could still convince karina to leave you alone somehow. she wouldn’t try to break into your room, right?
“this is awkward now.”
“yeah, i wasn’t expecting you to follow me,” you sneer, “if a woman says she wants to leave, just let her leave for god’s sake.”
“okay, that’s my fault but you literally left out of nowhere, and you’ve been acting weird ever since last night,” karina argues back.
the lift beeps. you exit it with karina following you closely behind, still ongoing about your sudden change in behaviour.
“like last night, you left early and we didn’t even have time to talk or anything, and when i asked you about it you didn’t even explain anything?! just brushed me off and left! can you just tell me what’s going on?”
you two reach your room.
“i don’t need to explain myself to you. i said i was tired.”
“okay, but what about today? i planned the whole day for us to hang out and you just got up and left? what the hell! are you just an asshole who plays with people’s feelings? you told me you ‘can’t wait to see me’ and then just left like that,” karina raises her voice. a elderly couple passes you two and you feel self-conscious. you were just standing outside your room letting karina yell at you.
“come in then yell, you’re getting weird looks.”
karina inhales sharply, finally calming down.
you sit down on one of the lounge chairs, taking a deep breath.
“i really don’t have anything to explain to you. i’m sorry. and i’m not the one playing with people’s feelings here.”
“what? are you insinuating that i’m the one playing with your feelings?”
“uh, if the shoe fits?”
karina slaps your arm, “are you serious right now? can you just talk to me for once?! is this your first time being friends with someone?” friends? since when were you ever just friends with karina?
“no, it isn’t,” you swallow, “it’s my first time feeling this way for someone.”
“do you know how many times i think about you in a day? it’s once, because i never stop. it hurts me every time i see you with someone else and i know i shouldn’t feel this way because while you reside in my mind, i have to hope that I cross yours once in a while to feel less pathetic of myself. do you know how that feels? to want to exist in someone’s thoughts. i feel happy just to know that you’re even acknowledging my presence. but you didn’t. you didn’t even care when i was there, so you shouldn’t care when i’m not,” the weight of unshed tears came pouring out. you let out a watery but hollow laugh. karina makes your heart ache, she makes you feel defeated and useless, she makes you feel angry and jealous.
“you make me feel that life is worth living for. that i went through all those torturous years just to meet you.”
karina, is life in itself.
“and i don’t think i’ll ever be able to find someone else that makes me feel this way. have you ever felt that way about someone?”
she stares at you, unblinking. she comes to terms with your words finally.
“i’m sorry,” she says.
“it’s fine,” you sniffle, wiping your tears.
“i’m sorry i hurt you.”
“of course you’ll hurt me. of course we’ll hurt each other, because this is the condition of living. and what’s not love, if not living for each other?”
“i didn’t know you felt that way about me.”
you sigh, “regret is a stupid thing. when you reject me, i would be better off knowing that we wouldn’t work out because you don’t like me, rather than me not telling you and wondering if we would ever work out. and you’re with that guy anyway.”
“who told you i would reject you? and who said i was with him?”
“i feel everything that you’ve just said, about you. and i’m upset that you were planning to just throw me away like that because of our inability to communicate.”
you laugh, more heartily this time, “i just didn’t want to be one of your conquests or whatever.”
“you’re more than one of my conquests. i wouldn’t dream of even letting you go. some people search their whole lives to find what i found in you. you can be assured that i won’t ever let you go.”
her sincere words draw red to your cheeks, warmth spreads from your neck to the tip of your ears. “you still like me,” you repeat, “even when i’m a jealous freak, have commitment issues and i care too much?”
“even with all those traits. if you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be the yn i like,” karina’s voice softens as does her touch. she takes your hand in hers, caressing the back of your hand with her palm.
“even if i don’t understand why you get angry and why you ignore me, i still like you. that’s what makes you, you. and love is all about understanding.”
you nod. all the crying has made you feel drowsy, and your fatigue is apparent, since karina smiles in amusement and says, “wash up and take a nap. i’ll be here.”
she’ll be here.
“thank you, jimin.”
karina, or rather, jimin, chuckles, “hurry up and shower. i hope you brought extra clothes since i’m going to change too.”
you quickly wash up and so does jimin. the two of you settle into the bed, your hands clutching at jimin for warmth and intimacy. you have her. the thought allows you to drift asleep, finally knowing that jimin’s heart beats the same for yours.
when the sun sets as you wake up from your nap, you can’t help but blurt out, “i adore you.”
jimin, pleasantly surprised, only giggles back.
“i adore you too, in ways words cannot express.”
maybe paris wasn’t the city of love. yours was milan.
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🎙️ author’s note: this is probably one of my favourite fics i’ve written. most of my own personal values have been put into this fic. regret is a stupid thing, we only live once and we have no idea if we’ll ever get to live again. find people that makes life worth living for. happy birthday yu jimin, aespa’s stupid cheese cat 🤍
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champagnefountains · 7 months
So...Alastor went missing for a while after the extermination right? Would you be open to a story where the reader is taking care of Al after he gets back? Maybe still a little mad at him for vanishing, more worried about him being hurt...just the fall out that comes from not knowing if he was alive or not? Your first Lucifer story was wonderful!! You really have a solid foundation for this and I'm excited to see more from you!!
Aw, thank you so much! I'm really, really glad you enjoyed the Lucifer story! And omg, I love this idea...I live for angst so here's some more~!
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A/N: They probably were able to rebuild the entire hotel in less than a day, but just to make it more dramatic, I made Alastor's disappearance two days long. Also, I'm not exactly too happy with the pacing here...so I apologise in advance ;-;
Word count: 2.8k+ words (I need to control myself...also unedited, sorta). Genre/other tags: Angst with good ending. OOC Alastor (I think?...sorry...). Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of blood. Talk about loss/death.
After the cancellation of this year’s extermination and Hell's victory against Heaven’s forces, Charlie and the team had spent the next couple of days repairing the damages caused. The team’s morale was as high as ever as they busied themselves reconstructing and making significant renovations to the hotel, their spirits brightening at the prospect of the potential influx of evil-doers to their establishment. There was no doubt that the hotel’s popularity had boomed, as there wasn’t a single soul in Hell that didn’t know about their contribution towards the annual culling. 
However, there was one thing that had been plaguing your mind since the end of the bloodshed: Alastor's whereabouts. Everyone, including yourself, knew that the Radio-Demon was more than capable of looking after himself, considering his high-regarded reputation in all the Nine Circles. However, it’s been two days since the battle and there wasn’t a single trace of him anywhere. And as his significant other, it bothered you to no end. And it wasn’t like you could call him either – Alastor strictly refused to use a mobile phone or any electronic device, no matter how much you pried. He didn’t even make any attempts to reach out to you, whether it be from your own portable radio that he gifted you, or even a small note or letter. Absolutely nothing.
Currently, the hotel has just completed its final transformation with big thanks to Lucifer and Charlie's magical powers and sorcery. With your distress multiplying with every passing second, you couldn't bring yourself to be as excited as the others. You silently excused yourself from the group by the main entrance, wandering off to the furthest side of the building and turning the corner. With a trembling sigh, you leaned against the wall, covering your mouth with your hands as a sob wracks through your body.
You hadn't felt as anxious as you were, in so, so long. It must've been the build up from the months-long preparations made to fend off Heaven to now, that had you overwhelmed. Yes, there was no doubt that Alastor was powerful, but he fought Adam head on – the very first man – which you were able to only catch minor glimpses of in the midst of battle. And that was probably the last time you saw him.
You didn't want to think about the possibility of loss. Because there's no way, right? ...Right? The others were also quick to reassure you plenty of times, sensing your growing unease with each passing day. But it did little to nothing to help ease your nerves. Preoccupied in your own despair, you failed to sense an approaching figure among the shadows.
"'Cher? What are you doing, hiding all the way down here?" A static-like voice called out, causing you to stiffen, "you should be celebrating with the others! You wouldn't want to miss out on such an exciting time!" Eyes widening, you swiftly pivoted yourself to face them. Low and behold, the source of your worries stood before you, all in one piece, smiling down at you with his usual Cheshire-like grin.
"...Alastor?" You weakly called out. Your wavering tone caused the Overlord to raise a brow, mild confusion taking over him. "Yes, my dear?" He asks with a tilt of his head. But it wasn't until he took a closer look at your distressed features that his expression softened a faction. "Darling, you're upset...why are you crying?"
Despite your immense relief, you couldn't help but send him a baffled look. "Wha-Why am I crying? Are you serious, Al?" You spat back incredulously. "You've been gone for two days! Two days! And I didn't know where or-or how you were! Can’t you even imagine how I must've felt when I couldn't find you after the fight?” Alastor only blinked at your sudden outburst. “And you don't even think to tell any of us where you've gone off to! I thought...I-I thought..." Your voice died down as a sob threatened to leave your throat. "I-I thought you were gone."
"Oh, dear, don't be silly," Alastor softly chuckles, fixing his monocle, "it'll take more than those pesky, little angels to get rid of me!" His lanky legs strided towards you, his head shaking in mild amusement. He stops just before you, leaning forward to pat your head reassuringly. Sniffling, you couldn’t help but wrap your arms around his waist, burying your head into his chest. It gave you the reassurance you wanted and needed – it was proof that he was here with you, physically. However, the action unexpectedly causes Alastor to stiffen. You furrow your brows, lifting your head to send him a questioning look.
"...Al? Are you okay?" You worriedly ask, slowly unwrapping yourself to inspect him. Usually, Alastor didn't mind whether you initiated physical contact and vice versa, especially considering that you had been together for a while now. You then glanced behind him and your surroundings in caution – there didn't seem to be anyone watching either, knowing that he wasn't as fond of PDA. 
As you pan your eyes towards his face, you were surprised to see a tensed expression. "N-Nothing to worry about, darling," he says through a forced smile, waving his hand dismissively before sharply pivoting himself the other direction. "Now, shall we go join the others now? They're probably wondering where we've both gone!" Nonchalant, he begins walking off with his hands crossed behind his back. That was...strange. Something was clearly wrong, you think to yourself.
"Al, wait!" You jog towards him, passing and stopping him in his tracks. "Is...is there something wrong?" You worriedly ask. "I just...I feel like you're not telling me something. I-If I made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to–"
You felt your words die in your throat as a noticeably large, wet patch began to form against his dress shirt. You let out a startled gasp. "Wha–you're‐you're bleeding!" You cry in panic, hands raising and twitching in front of you with uncertainty. His expression darkening, Alastor stubbornly shook his head, gently pushing you aside by the shoulder, "Like I said, it's nothing to worry about. It's not but a small scratch! I'll be fine, dear–"
"No, you're not fine!" You interjected, eyes blurring in tears and wavering. Your hands shook as you gawked at the growing stain on his shirt. At that, you didn't miss the way Alastor's lips twitched in presumed pain, as small beads of sweat began to form on his forehead. Gritting your teeth, you reach out to grab his wrist, preparing to pull him towards the hotel's entrance. "Come on, Al. W-We need to get you cleaned up–" A firm squeeze in your hand stopped you in your tracks as you turned back to face him, distressed.
"[Name]. I said I'll be fine," he sternly says, his voice contorting in static. Despite the sinister grin he displayed, it left you unfazed. You pinched your brows and balled your fists in frustration, staring at him in disbelief. "...What the hell is wrong with you?" You hiss at the deer-demon, "You're clearly not fine–you wouldn't be fucking bleeding right now if you were fine!"
Alastor clicked his tongue, "Darling, you're exaggerating too much, don’t you think? You don't need to fret—"
"Shut up! I-I don't give a damn who you think you are! Strong Overlord or not, I'm worried, okay?! I-I'll always be worried about you!" Angry tears began pouring from your eyes. "I was scared for my life when I didn't hear from you the past few days! I didn't know what happened to you–if you were okay or even alive! I-I couldn't even get a single blink of sleep last night, so don't fucking tell me to not worry!" Alastor's egotistical and prideful personality was not news to you and everyone else – you knew how stubborn he could be, and now was no exception. It was absolutely infuriating.
Alastor's grim expression eased at your growing distress, his stomach twisting uncomfortably as he watched you messily wipe your face. You took a brief moment to compose yourself, your breaths shaky and uneven. "Look, just–I don't want to argue right now, okay?" You hiccup, "i-if you don't want the other's seeing you like this, just...I-I don't know, teleport us inside the hotel somewhere. Just anything, so I can stitch you up properly."
Begrudgingly, Alastor manifested his microphone from thin air. He didn't have any room to argue with you here. He then softly taps the ground with the bottom of the stand twice, casting a group of black shadows from the ground. They surrounded you both in a circular-like motion, completely filling your sights with a black void. There was a brief gust of wind and it didn't take long until they dissipated, the both of you now standing in what was assumed to be your new shared room in the hotel – it was nearly identical to your previous one before the reconstruction, save for the new wallpaper.  
"Remove your shirt. I'll get the kit," you immediately order as you point at the bed, gesturing for him to sit. You then disappear into the bathroom for a brief moment, grabbing the small first-aid kit under the sink before returning to the bedroom. Alastor had already sat himself down the edge of the bed, his dirty button-up and coat neatly folded on the floor, and his chest bare. You grimaced as you eyed the massive, fresh gash across his scarred chest, that was somewhat tended to with poor stitching.
You let out a disapproving sigh. "I expected your patching to be a little better than this,” you comment as you set the kit beside him, taking out some gauze and alcohol. Alastor rolls his eyes. "It's not everyday you get struck by an angelic weapon, dear," he shoots back sarcastically. There was a small stagger in your movement, your jaw clenching as a deep frown settled on your lips. So it was because of Adam that he's in this state, you sourly think. You try to not let the thought affect you too much as you begin disinfecting his wound.
While you were fixing him up, the both of you remained in complete silence. You actively chose to ignore his piercing gaze in the meantime, which practically burned through your skull as you maintained your focus solely on his wound. Your earlier frustrations didn't seem to simmer down either, deciding to keep quiet to prevent another one-sided shouting battle. As much as you loved Alastor, his lack of understanding towards your concerns vexed you to no end. Because, hypothetically speaking, what if he had actually died during his fight against Adam? If his body went missing, you were never going to find the closure you needed and were probably gonna go on with your life not knowing of his whereabouts. Your life would've been completely miserable with the constant grieving. And like Alastor smartly said, it wasn’t everyday that he’d be fighting a divine opponent, so definitive defeat wouldn’t be completely off of the table despite being quite powerful himself. 
The mere thought brought fresh tears to your eyes, which you were quick to blink away. ‘No…there’s no point dwelling in the past and what-if’s,’ you reprimand yourself. Alastor’s here, after all. That's the only thing that matters right now. But regardless, you still remained upset.
After a while and now satisfied with your craft, you neatly applied a bandage around his chest and waist. "...Don't put too much pressure on it for a while," you quietly advised as you began packing the equipment away. You continued to ignore his gaze, knowing that you'd lose your composure if you were to look at him. Without sparing him a glance, you lazily chucked the kit by the bedside table and made your way towards the door. Shortly after, you left the room without another word.
You found yourself aimlessly walking on the balcony facing the bar, near the main entrance. There, you saw Charlie walking up the stairs adjacent from you, who was quick to catch your approaching form. "[Name], there you are! I was just looking for you!" She cheerily says, skipping towards you with excited steps. "Everything looks so, so amazing, can you believe it?! Oh, oh! We all saw Alastor, by the way! I told you he was going to be fine–erm, [Name]?" The Princess forced her banter to a halt upon spotting your swollen, red eyes.
"Hey, hey, what happened?" She softly asks, coming forth to rub your back. You open your mouth to speak but consciously stop to think your answer through. You knew not to speak a word of Alastor’s state at the moment, knowing it would desecrate his persona. So you decide to keep it short and vague. 
"Alastor and I...we, uhm…had a small fight," you briefly explain with a tight-lipped smile. Charlie’s eyes softened in understanding. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did...do you wanna talk about it?” She kindly offers, holding your hand. You shake your head, “It’s alright, Princess. I’ll be okay in due time.” You didn’t want to dampen the overall mood and atmosphere, after all the hard work and sweat shed for this very moment. “Well, I mean, if you’re sure…” she hesitantly replies, giving you another quick look-over. “Say, how about we get you cleaned up a little and we head down and join the others? It’ll help clear your mind a little bit, yeah?”  
Bless her heart, you think with a small smile. With a nod, Charlie dragged you to the nearby restroom, where you splashed your face with water and did minor touch-ups to look somewhat decent. Shortly after, you joined the others by the main lounge, who all cheered and welcomed you with open arms. All the while, your mind automatically wandered to Alastor, who you knew was dwelling somewhere within the hotel. 
After a couple hours of celebration, you all decided to retire for the night, exhausted from the day's work. Charlie had sent you off with a small hug, wishing you luck as you slowly made your way back to your room. You felt your heart thump loudly against your ears as you spotted your room number in the distance, which only intensified as you reached for the knob and opened the door.
With a deep breath, you entered the room and to your surprise, you found Alastor where you had left him. However this time, he was already in his night-wear and was comfortably sitting upright and against the bed frame, legs under the covers and reading some book. He made no effort to acknowledge your presence as he hummed a random, sweet tune, licking a finger to flick a page of the novel he was supposedly engrossed in. You didn't know what would've irked you more – the fact that he wasn't addressing you right now or alternatively, if he were to go on about his day in his usual chirpy-self, and not bring up what had happened. Reciprocating his behaviour, you wordlessly went to the bathroom to do your usual night routine and changed into a comfortable set of pyjamas. When you were done, you beelined towards your side of the bed, stiffly slipping under the covers with your back facing him and pulling the covers close to your face. 
The tension was dripping as the room filled with an uncomfortable silence. You unconsciously found yourself pacing your own breaths, as if you were worried that you were breathing a sound wave too loud. You also didn't move a single inch from your spot, remaining stagnant like a statue. It remained that way for a short while, unable to find a single blink of sleep or tiredness, just as you did the past couple days.
“Darling, I know you’re awake…” Alastor says, finally breaking the silence as he shuts his book with a soft thud, placing it by the bedside table. There was a brief pause, as if he was waiting for you to say something, but you didn’t. You listen intently in silent anticipation as you dug yourself further into your pillow.
“I…I wanted to apologise for my behaviour earlier. It wasn’t in my intentions to upset you,” he continues, “I didn’t mean to carelessly dismiss your concerns the way I did. I understand that you’re merely worried for me. After all, if had it been you in my place instead, I would’ve acted the same way, if not more. And I’m sorry for troubling you these past few days. It was due to my carelessness that made you disregard your own health and caused you so much distress. With that, I want to express my utmost gratitude to you for looking after me despite it all. I…I hope you can forgive me, darling.” 
It was simple and straight to the point. And yet, his words struck a chord with you, causing a new onset of tears to flow and dampen the bed sheets. Alastor wasn’t one to easily admit his faults and apologise the way he did, so his words had so much of an impact on you. Though you had your own few questions to ask him, you suppose that this was enough for the time being as you didn’t want another day to go by, remaining in conflict with each other. You turn yourself to face him, sitting up and tearfully looking up at him. Silent, Alastor looked back down at you in a hopeful manner, his usual grin on his face. “O-Of course, I forgive you,” you quietly replied as you carefully hugged his side, “I-I just…I want you to look after yourself better. I-I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself if I had lost you then.” 
Huffing in relief, he softly snickers into your hair, running one of his claws through its strands. “Like I said, you won’t lose me, my dear. I’ll even wreak havoc across all of Hell to get back to you,” he cheesily coos as he nuzzles his nose into your neck. You wetly chuckle at his remark, leaning into him closer. “That’s quite a huge commitment to make, Al. You promise you gonna keep your word for it?” you jokingly reply, playfully poking at his chest. Grin widening, Alastor boops your nose with a single digit, “that’s a guarantee, darling.” 
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Hi, hope you're alright. I came up with a story idea: the reader is married to Gasly's/Daniel's close friend but their marriage is hanging by a thread. The driver invites her to a few races so she can change the environment, they spend some time together and unexpectedly become lovers. And maybe later her husband is trying to fix their marriage but she and the driver can't stop thinking about each other
His Best Man || DR3
A/N: I took some creative liberties with the plot but I think it does this request justice 💕 ps: never condone cheating, it's horrible and this is purely fictional
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, alcohol, cheating, smut WC: 7.6k F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Daniel’s Reaction
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Dinner with James was a quiet affair, though it shouldn’t have been a surprise. Why would your anniversary be any different when his indifference was the only constant at this point?
You watched as he smiled at his phone, something you hadn’t been able to elicit from him in months, before he locked the device and placed it facedown on the table. The sigh that wanted to exhale from your flared nostrils barely remained silent as you focused on shifting the food around your plate, your appetite gone like the connection to your husband. 
“Daniel sent us some passes to the race in Melbourne next month. I thought we could go, make a little holiday out of it?” 
There was no excitement in your tone, it was more a question borne out of politeness because he would have seen the paddock passes sitting on the kitchen side if he ever looked away from his phone. The blasted device vibrated again and his fork clattered on his plate in his rush to read the incoming message. 
“Well?” you asked as his thumbs flew across his screen. 
“Can’t. Work project is going to keep me busy until the deadline,” he answered without looking up. “Take one of your friends, have a girls trip.”
Friends…those people you never saw anymore because James hadn’t liked them, though he never outright said it, those friends who had warned you that you were marrying a narcissist. 
“It’s our anniversary,” you reminded him. “You know, falls on the same day each year.”
“Mhmm, yeah,” he nodded, clearly not listening. “Sounds good.”
You propped your elbow onto the glass tabletop and dropped your chin onto your palm as a familiar burn of resentment simmered in your soul. “The mailman gave me a pearl necklace.”
“That’s nice. Put it on my credit card.” He reached into his back pocket and tossed his wallet across the table, narrowly missing the glass of rosé. 
You opened it and saw the polaroid from your wedding day no longer sat in the clear card slot but was stuffed behind his drivers licence. You shouldn’t have felt hurt after months of being ignored but the pain still surprised you, almost as much as the condom that you found with his cash. He hadn’t bought a box of condoms in at least three years, not since the wedding when you started trying for a baby - something that was probably best that it didn't happen.
“He must eat a lot of pineapples because it tasted delicious,” you murmured as you took his cash and the platinum credit card too.
James nodded and pushed his empty plate away. “Yeah, tasted good, thanks. Need to finish this project.” He rose from the table with his phone and started to make his way down the hall to his office. “Don’t wait up.”
“Wasn’t planning on it.” You had a trip to plan. 
You weren’t going to have a girls weekend but you were going to Melbourne. He may have been James’ friend first, but no one had the ability to turn a bad day (or year) around like Daniel could. 
When you arrived in Perth you hadn’t expected Danny to be the one personally waiting at the airport. It was impossible to miss him with the amount of people that surrounded him, asking for pictures and autographs before he spotted you stepping out of customs. 
You didn’t need to read lips to see him apologising to everyone as he made his way towards you, holding up a large welcome sign for ‘Roo’. You rolled your eyes at the nickname he had given you after one drunken night that ended with you tangled in a hammock, your head poking out of the material like a joey in a kangaroo pouch. You were only grateful he hadn’t nicknamed you Joey since the name had stuck over the years.
Your greeting turned to a peal of laughter as he dropped the sign and swept you into a hug that lifted your feet off the ground to spin you around. 
“I’ve missed you, you beaut!” Danny’s smile was contagious and even when your feet were securely back on the ground he still kept his arms around you. “A shame James can’t come, but we can totally make his jealous as fuck for ditching us. One week, you, me, road trip to Melbourne.”
Day One - Perth to Kalgoorlie “I hope you know where we are going.”
Daniel laughed and just winked from the driver's seat of his Ford Ranger. It had been three hours of driving on the highway and you had not passed one town in the dusty landscape. 
“It’s not far, just down the road a little more,” Danny said for the third time. “We still have half a tank of gas and a crate of Vitamin B, we’ll be fine if we need to camp.”
You quirked an eyebrow up as you looked in the backseat and saw the green box of Victoria Bitter beer strapped with a seatbelt.
“You’re out of your mind if you think I’m going to camp anywhere,” you scoffed, tucking your knee up as the song changed to another country song from his endless playlist. “Spiders, snakes, dingoes, and your snoring. I think not.”
Daniel laughed and indicated to pull off the road despite there not being another soul within what felt like hundreds of kilometres. 
“I’m sorry I said you snore, please don’t leave me here.”
His laugh only intensified as he turned the engine off and turned to face you. “I wouldn’t do that to you, Roo.”
“Then why have you stopped?” You tested the window but it had powered off with the engine. “It’s a freaking sauna in here.”
“Because you haven’t been yourself all day and there’s no cell reception out here so there’s nothing to distract you.” He took the useless device from your hand and tossed it in the glove compartment. “What’s going on with you and James?”
“Nothing,” you muttered as his brown eyes narrowed. “Seriously, there’s nothing going on with him. We hardly speak anymore and he sleeps in his office when he’s not out of town on another ‘business trip’. It’s just…nothing.”
Daniel’s brows pinched together in confusion as he sucked a lungful of air through his teeth. “But…what the hell happened?”
“I don’t know,” you exclaimed as you threw your hands in the air, just as clueless. “What do you want me to say? That he’s having an affair, or that one day he just stopped caring, or both?”
You turned away as it wasn’t a bead of sweat that rolled down your cheek when you sighed in defeat. Unable to withstand the heat without the air conditioner, you tugged the door handle and checked the dirt for any unwanted animals before jumping down from the running boards. 
Daniel was already getting out his side and circling the bullbars before you could wipe the tears away but the sob you had tried to suppress clawed its way out when he pulled you against his chest. “I’m sorry,” he murmured softly as he rubbed your back and let your tears soak into his shirt. “He can be a bit of a cunt, but I never thought he could do that to you.”
“He did and it’s done,” you admitted with a raspy voice that was still strained from the emotion choking each word. “I moved my stuff out last week, not that he even noticed. I thought I could have a break to get away from it all and deal with a divorce when I get back.”
“That fucking idiot,” Daniel said as he pulled his shirt up to wipe your tears away. “He just lost the best thing in the world and he doesn’t even know it.”
Day Two - Kalgoorlie to Caiguna It was another long day of driving but after the broken sleep spent tossing and turning you weren’t much of a companion. You had eventually drifted off to sleep to the country music that Daniel loved so much and dreamt of crawling through fields of watermelons but the paddock soon turned to mud and you sank under the suffocating weight with it filling your lungs. 
“Hey, it’s alright, you’re alright,” Danny soothed as you startled awake, his quick reflexes throwing his arm out to catch you from hitting the window. You could still feel the filthy fluid on your skin and shivered as you changed the song over and took a shuddering breath. “Bad dream?”
You rolled your shoulders and twisted your stiff neck, groaning at the crick that had come from using the seatbelt as a pillow. “Just weird.”
His eyes darted away from the endless road ahead and saw you trying to massage your neck before he brushed your hand aside. There certainly were perks to his strength training because his fingers were a godsend as they erased the knots that had formed.
“Hmmm, thank you,” you sighed deeply and his lips tipped up at the sound.
“Anytime. Hope you got the rest you needed, there’s a stop ahead and these guys know how to throw down.”
You narrowed your eyes at the horizon that was blurred by heatwaves and tried to see what lay beyond but gave up after a few seconds. “Throw down what?”
“What are they throwing down?”
“Throw down,” he said slowly as if it would somehow make you understand but you were still confused. “Party, drink, dance. Throw down.”
“Oh, throw down, why didn’t you just say that?”
He laughed at your sarcasm and squeezed your knee. “You could definitely do with a drink or two and loosen up. Then I can get my old Roo back.”
“As long as I’m not expected to sleep in a hammock again.”
The motel was a little rough and run down but it had four walls and the bathroom was clean enough to last one night. Daniel had barely given you enough time to get changed into fresh clothes before he was knocking on your door ready to escort you next door to the bar. Coincidentally, the bar was also the restaurant, service station and grocery store all rolled into one.
You and Danny were by far the youngest people in the place but it didn’t stop the warm welcome from everyone. If any of the patrons knew who he was they hid it well because they treated him just like any other stranger passing through.
“Where ya from?”
“Where ya headed?”
“Watch out for ol’ Deloris, she’ll try take a bite out of ya.”
The questions came in quick succession and you looked around the room trying to figure out which of the ladies was Deloris only to find the name on a plaque beneath a huge crocodile head suspended from the rafters.
“Fuck me,” you gasped as you took a step back, bumping into Danny as he laughed along with the bartender.
“Gets ‘em every time,” he chuckled as he placed two large bottles of beer onto the well worn bartop. “Looks like ya sheila could use something a little stronger.”
Daniel’s large hands landed on your shoulders and started to massage the tense muscles. “There’s no crocs ‘round here, isn’t enough water,” he whispered to calm your nerves. “Deloris was probably a pet.”
“Who in their right mind would keep that as a pet?”
“Probably someone not in their right mind.” His warm laugh tickled your ear before he turned you back to the bartender to grab your drink. “Cheers.”
Daniel found a small table in the surprisingly busy restaurant space and it appeared as if most of the locals were keeping the economy running in the place. It was strange to think that the faded walls decorated with old photographs of the glory days gone by felt more homely than the one you had built with James.
You could easily see yourself placing a coin on the pool table to save your place in the queue or ordering the fresh market fish off the menu without questioning how it was fresh so far from the sea. You could see yourself walking in to see the same faces at the end of a long week and the barman would listen to your complaints as he poured your usual without needing to be asked.
You took a generous gulp of beer that Daniel swore was ‘the good stuff’ and hummed at the hoppy flavour as it quenched the thirst that hadn’t stopped since you stepped foot in the country. It was no wonder why they liked their beers so much, they needed whatever they could to cool their bodies down.
“I like this place,” you said with a smile that Danny returned with pride.
“Thought you might, and tomorrow’ll be even better.”
“Where are we going tomorrow?”
Daniel shook his head and occupied his lips with the bottle so he could keep you in the dark a little longer. You didn’t mind this type of surprise, knowing he wanted to make you smile and was planning everything could to make that happen on the road trip.
The doldrum tune that was playing from the corner of the bar was interrupted as a coin was slotted into the jukebox and Josh Turner’s Your Man came on the machine. Couples around the bar and restaurant left their belongings and made their way to the dance floor. Where you came from no one would do that, and if they did their belongings wouldn’t be there when they returned.
Beneath the table you could feel Daniel’s foot tapping in time to the beat and his fingers drummed on the long neck he lifted to his lips. He caught the longing in your eyes as you watched a grey haired man holding his wife, slowly swaying together like you had imagined you would with James in 40 years.
“Come on, Roo,” he invited as he pushed his chair back and held out his hand. His palm was cold and damp from the beer bottle but it was refreshing on your skin with the heat that still lingered with the setting sun. Leading you to the edge of the dance floor he pulled you close and curled an arm around your waist as he started to sing along. “I've been thinking 'bout this all day long, never felt a feeling quite this strong, I can't believe how much it turns me on, just to be your man. I know you know the words, don’t be shy.”
It was impossible to feel embarrassed with him, even if you butchered the song he would still smile like he was listening to his favourite artist live. So, you placed your hand in his and the other rested on his shoulder as you started to sway and sing along.
“There's no hurry, don't you worry, we can take our time. Come a little closer, let's go over, what I had in mind.”
Daniel let go of you and your head fell back with a laugh as he spun you away and pulled you back. You could only giggle as you returned out of step and ended with your back to his chest instead of face to face but he adapted quickly and held your waist instead.
“Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low,” his voice was deep and rich in your ear, intimate and full of promise that hit you unexpectedly. “And put some music on that's soft and slow. Baby we ain't got no place to go, I hope you understand.”
You were glad you weren’t facing him as his words affected you in a way you couldn’t remember feeling for over a year. The very air seemed to thicken in your lungs as you felt every inch of his body fitting against yours. You could feel the veins on his hands as you laced your fingers with his and guided them down to your hips.
This was the first time the lines had blurred throughout the years of friendship and you allowed yourself to feel wanted, if only for a song.
Day Three - Caiguna to Yalata The pounding in your head turned out to be banging on your door and you somehow found the strength to answer it. Bright sunlight flooded in through the crack and you groaned as you covered your eyes.
“Good morning sunshine,” Daniel greeted brightly as he stepped inside. “It’s 7am on another stunning day here in Straya.” 
You playfully shoved Danny and he rolled with it to splay across your bed, the blankets still tucked in from collapsing atop them last night. 
“7am is too early,” you complained as you climbed into the small space he left on the twin sized bed, curling onto your side and throwing your arm over your face to block out the light. “Let me sleep.”
“You can sleep in the car.” His fingers danced teasingly over your ribs and you jutted your elbow back into his hard abs before he could properly tickle you. “Ouch, you’re not very nice in the morning.”
“This isn’t morning, this is still night,” you grumbled as his arm draped over your waist instead.
“The sun is up.”
“Tell that to the people of Norway. It can be sunny at midnight there.”
You could feel him silently laughing at you as it shook the bed. “But we aren’t in Norway.”
“Shh,” you murmured as you snuggled closer to him. “Let me go back to sleep.”
“Fine,” he conceded, making some adjustments to the pillow before shoving his arm under your head, “but just because I’m comfortable now.”
The hangover was gone by the time you woke naturally and you felt refreshed as you stretched lazily. Rolling over in Daniel’s arms you found his eyes closed and his lips parted slightly with soft snores. You raised your head a little to see the alarm clock that was probably considered vintage in the 80’s and saw it was well past check out time. Luckily it didn't appear that the No Vacancy sign was ever used, so there was no rush to leave.
The small movement was enough to wake him and your stomach clenched at the smile that brightened your day more than the blistering sun outside when his honey brown eyes opened. 
“I can’t believe this,” you tutted as you let him pull you closer against his chest. “I was ready to go at 7 and you just went back to sleep…so lazy.”
“How rude of me,” he chuckled. “I’m sure I can find a way to make it up to you.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
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“Woah,” you whispered breathlessly as the truck bounced to a stop on the hard sand of the tidal line. “It’s beautiful.”
“Isn’t it just,” Daniel grinned as he opened his door and looked across at you. “Coming in?”
You bit your lip as your eyes feasted on the picturesque scene. Big barrel waves crashing out in the bay and white sand welcoming bare feet on the shore, it was a sight pretty enough to make angels cry. Hopping out, you rounded the four wheel drive ute and sat on the metal bar running across the front, distracted by the breathtaking view. “What about sharks?”
Daniel’s door shut and you turned to the sound in time to see him pulling his singlet over his head and tossing it through the backseat window before unbuckling his belt and shoving his jeans off too. It was impossible not to stare at the hard planes of his chest or the definition of his abs, and then the thick thighs that were barely covered by his boxers. 
“The chances of a shark attack are less than…” His words trailed off as he looked up and caught you blatantly staring, his teeth sparkling as a big smile grew on his face. “The view is spectacular, am I right or am I right?”
“You or the beach?”
“Spectacular is pretty high in the standards of compliments,” he said as he started to flex his arms, “but if you think I’m spectacular then I would accept that.”
You closed your eyes from the harsh sunlight and tipped your head back to feel the rays on your cheeks as you laughed. “You’ve never had to worry about your ego, have you?”
He sent you a playful pout as he walked towards you, his thongs flicking up golden sand behind him with each step. “It would take a hit if you didn’t come swim with me.”
You hadn’t realised quite how many types of heat there was until that moment. There was the heat of the bonnet from hours of driving beneath you, the heat of the sun in the sky above and the heat of his hands that landed on your knees. It was the heat of his hands that seeped into your blood and spread throughout your body, increasing to boiling point as they slowly ran up your thighs.
Your knees unconsciously parted for him and he stepped into the space so you were eye to eye and his tongue rolled across his bottom lip. “There’s nets out past the reef, you’ll be safe with me.”
You took a sharp intake of air as his fingers caught the hem of your shirt and his knuckles grazed your skin. “Well?” he asked quietly. “Trust me?”
You swallowed deeply as you nodded and he rewarded you with another of those smiles you had come to love before he lifted your shirt up and left it on the hood of the truck so he could grab you around the waist and haul you over his shoulder.
“Daniel!” you yelped as the world was suddenly upside down and he kicked his thongs off before jogging towards the water. “Don’t you dare dunk me.”
You expected the next sudden shift when the water reached his knees but as quick as he tossed you up off his shoulder he caught you again with a booming laugh. His arms were bound around your thighs and your hands planted on his shoulders as you looked down at his amused face. 
“I wouldn’t dare,” he promised as he eased his grip, your body sliding down his until you were once more eye to eye. “I just want to make you smile.”
Day Four - Yalata to Port Lincoln  As much as you had found yourself enjoying the historical rich motels in the outback, you were just as happy to find the accommodation in Port Lincoln was a five star resort on the waterfront. The sun was just starting to set when you arrived at the hotel and checked into the two bedroom suite with a gorgeous view of the harbour. 
“I never knew driving could be so exhausting,” you said as you dropped into the swing chair on the large balcony. 
“Don’t worry, tomorrow’s a rest day so you can recover from all that driving you didn’t even do,” Daniel pointed out with a smirk, taking the spot beside you and taking over the leg exercise of swinging it back and forth. “We can do whatever you want, just can’t miss the boat to Adelaide tomorrow night.”
It was nice spending so much time alone with Daniel on the road, comfortable conversations rolling like the tires on the highway, but a change of pace would be welcomed. “What is there to do?”
“Hmm,” he frowned and stood up. “Let me go see.”
Daniel disappeared out of the room and returned a few minutes later with a stack of brochures that he had taken from the tourist stands in reception and you met him on the couch inside where the pleasant offshore wind couldn’t whip them away. Together you flicked through them, separating them into three piles of yes, no and maybe. 
“Sure you don’t wanna cage dive?” he teased as you threw that particular brochure across the room. “You could get up close and personal with a Great White. Once in a lifetime opportunity right there.”
You snorted and shook your head. “Once in a lifetime because it would kill me. Not happening.”
“Here, that’s a yes for you.” 
You took the advert for a farm park where you could hand feed the animals and added it to the yes pile. “Maybe next year we can go to your farm…unless James gets you in the divorce.” Your lips turned down at the idea and you realised you had hardly thought of your husband, but now that you had he had disturbed your peace even though he was thousands of miles away.
Daniel reached over the coffee table to the stationary set, grabbing a hotel engraved pen before pulling his shoe off. “It’s just like Toy Story,” he said as he waved the pen in your face. “Put your name on me first.”
You managed a small laugh as you took the pen and clicked the nib out. “Should tattoo it so it doesn’t wash off.”
Daniel squirmed on the couch as the pen tickled his foot and you grabbed his ankle so he couldn’t move too much but he started to giggle uncontrollably as the nib ran over his instep. “How long does it take to write Roo?”
You laughed and kept going before he wretched his foot free and crossed his leg over his knee to see your full first and last name on it - maiden name, not married.
“For legal purposes,” you said as you clicked the pen nib away and tossed it on the table.
“Fair enough.” He grinned at the writing everytime he looked at his crossed leg and draped his arm over the back of the cushion as you returned to the seat. “You can come by the farm anytime, don’t have to wait for next year.”
“Except for shearing season,” you smirked as you remembered that mistake where you were roped into helping the jackaroos round the sheep up and shave them. “I have no interest in losing all feeling in my arms again.”
“Earned that beer though,” he said with a chuckle as he started to massage your neck. “I was so proud, you weren’t afraid to get stuck in and help. I kinda thought you were a bit of a princess ‘til then.”
Your nose crinkled at the endearment James used to call you. “Well I’m glad I got rid of that image. But, out of curiosity, what do you think I am now?”
The smile could only be described as devilish as his hand spread across your nape and guided you closer to him. His eyes held you captivated and his lips parted with his answer but it was silenced by the sound of ringtone breaking the tension and like a puppet whose strings were cut he fell back into his seat. The emotion in his eyes was erased with a blink and you reached blindly for your phone, answering the call without needing to see who it was from.
“Hey, isn’t it like midnight?” you asked as you lifted the device to your ear but there was no answer at the other end. “Hello? James?”
“Fuck, yeah, just like that baby. God, Laura, you’re so perfect.” The phone slipped from your grasp as you heard the muted but unmistakable sound of James’ voice.
Daniel frowned as he picked the phone up from your lap and lifted it to his ear, shock registering before it transformed into anger and he hung up the phone without breaking the screen with the force of it. He discarded the phone and pulled you into his lap in the same instance but you didn’t hear what he said as you buried your face in his neck and grappled onto him for dear life.
Day Five - Port Lincoln to Adelaide You didn’t feel like doing anything other than staying in bed and sleeping the day away but Daniel wouldn’t let you waste another minute of your time because of James. In a way you could understand the logic and as a big ‘fuck you’ to him you were going to get your shit together and go and have fun.
Daniel worked even harder to get a smile or a laugh out of you and kept his camera on hand to capture the moments he succeeded. The animal farm did make you feel a little better and holding a joey as you bottle fed it was finally enough to break through the invasive cloud that had hung over you. 
“Roo and Roo Two,” Danny commented as he moved around taking a million shots of you.
“Need a hand?” a passing couple offered after watching Daniel try and extend his arm enough to get in the shot too.
“That’d be a dream,” Daniel nodded and he handed his camera over before sitting down beside you and curling his arm around your waist. The joey was almost asleep from drinking all of the milk and Daniel grinned at you as he stroked its neck. “Looks like you when you sleep.”
You grinned back, forgetting about the camera. “Cute, right?”
“Yup, that’s, uh, exactly what I was thinking.” He cleared his throat and scratched his neck awkwardly before laughing when your elbow connected with his ribs. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. You’re a cutie-tootie when you sleep…it’s another story when you’re awake.”
His laugh was loud enough to wake the joey when you nudged him again with an offended look. “What? You’re beautiful when you’re awake.”
“That’s totally what you meant,” you said sarcastically before rolling your eyes. “Just look at the camera and smile like a normal person.”
He tipped his head to yours and smiled brightly for the camera, but he couldn’t resist whispering, “Bold of you to assume I know how to be normal.”
Day Six - Adelaide to Portland It took a moment to recollect the events from the night before and it wasn’t because of the many wine tastings you had gone to around the Port Lincoln area. Perhaps that had a little bit to do with it, but mostly it was because you had fallen asleep in the truck to the gentle rocking motion of the ferry but now you were tucked into an unfamiliar bed. 
“Danny?” you called out as you tossed the covers back and found you were still in yesterday's clothes. You could hear some sounds outside of the room but Daniel hadn't answered your call so you picked up the coat rack from the corner and quickly opened the door.
“Jesus Christ.” Daniel jumped back as you waved the long pole his way. “What the fuck?”
You sagged in the doorway and dropped the makeshift weapon to clutch your chest. “You gave me a fright.”
“I gave you a fright?” he asked incredulously. “You gave me a fucking heart attack. What were you going to do with this?” He swiped the coat rack off the floor and couldn’t stop himself from laughing at it. “Please don’t give me a concussion before the race.”
“But any other time is good?” you quipped as your lips tipped up now that your heart rate was returning to normal. “How did I get to bed?”
He flexed his arms with a cocky grin. “I tried to wake you up but you were dead to the world. And now that sleeping beauty is awake, how about we go out for breakfast? There’s meant to be a huge market that sells a bit of everything that we could check out after.”
You held a finger up as you looked down at your clothes and heard your stomach rumble, answering the question of whether to shower or not first. “Just give me one minute to change.”
Daniel had obviously been awake for a while being an early bird so he was ready and waiting at the door when you reappeared, his hand held out and waiting for yours. The lines between friendship and more were getting blurrier each day but it no longer felt wrong as you laced your fingers with his and stepped outside.
“Are you limping?” you asked with a frown as he kept his weight on one side the entire walk to the market.
“No, just got pins and needles in my foot.”
An hour later he was still favouring his right foot so you steered him back towards the hotel so he didn’t make it worse before you got to Melbourne. “You should probably see a doctor.”
Daniel dropped onto the couch and stole the remote to choose a movie, patting the space beside him so he could kiss your temple after joining him. “You worry too much, I’ll be fine.”
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“You’re quiet,” Daniel commented as he turned off the tv. “What’s got you thinking so loud?”
You chewed your bottom lip as he called you out. He was too observant, or you were too easy to read. “It’s our last night together.”
“You’re still going to stay with me for the weekend, right?” He shifted in his seat to face you and stroked your cheek with the back of his hand as he waited for an answer.
You nodded and he relaxed a little only to freeze as you spoke, “But you’ll be busy, we don’t have time to hang out.”
“I’ll always make time for you,” he promised as he pulled you into his lap. “This week with you has been…spectacular.”
“Spectacular is pretty high in the standards of compliments,” you reminded him, much to his amusement.
His smile softened as his fingers trailed along your jaw and down your neck to trace your collarbone. “Which is why it’s reserved for very, very good things.” 
You were almost certain he could hear your heart racing like thunderous hoof beats in a quiet desert. The blood was pumping around your body carrying the oxygen you needed to replace but couldn’t seem to draw the air into your lungs as he leaned forward.
“You were his best man,” you whispered with the last of your breath as you felt the heat of his lips so close to yours.
“But I’ve always been the best man for you.”
The first kiss was softer than the wind, tentative and testing as you learned how your body responded to the caress before hunger yearned for something deeper. A deep moan rumbled from Daniel’s chest as your tongue rolled across his lips that parted for you and his arms encircled you to hold you tight, as if he were clinging to the spell so it couldn’t be broken.
“Please, Danny,” you sighed longingly as his hands slipped under the summer dress you wore and his thumbs teased you with painfully slow circles on your thighs. “You have never been a patient man, don’t start now.”
His quiet laugh heated the skin of your neck that he kissed with such tenderness you wanted to cry. It had been so long since you had been touched in such a way that you couldn’t wait any longer.
“Please,” you begged as you rolled your hips over his cock that was straining against his shorts. You moaned as the hard length brushed over your panties and a reciprocal sound came from Daniel before he stood up abruptly. 
“Fuck, I wanted to take my time with you,” he murmured against your lips as he blindly walked to the closest bedroom. 
“Later,” you promised. “Right now I need you to get me out of this goddamn dress and fuck me.”
Day Seven - Portland to Melbourne “Oh, fuck off,” you growled as your phone rang on the bedside drawers. You rolled back into Daniel’s embrace and wrapped your arms around his waist as he saw at the voicemail notification before it started to ring again. 
“He’s just going to keep calling,” Daniel said with a sigh that turned to a yawn after the late night spent getting to know each other's bodies intimately. “You’ll have to talk to him at some point.”
“I know, I just want to savour this moment before the drama starts. I can’t remember the last time I woke up like this, happy and content. I’m not ready for that to end.”
“What makes you think I’ll let this end?” he teased as he rolled you onto your back and trailed wet kisses down your neck. “I might just write my name on your foot too and call you mine.”
The warmth of the blankets disappeared as Daniel made his way down your body, kissing the entire length of you before settling between your legs as the phone rang again.
“Answer it,” Daniel ordered as his fingertips delicately traced the stretch marks across your hips, committing every inch of your body to his memory. “Or he won’t go away.”
You tried to find any hint of resentment in his face as you reached for the phone but there was only an air of smugness as he made himself comfortable, resting his head on your thigh.
“I think we have been robbed,” James said without even a hello as you answered the call on speakerphone. “Everything in the guest room is gone.”
A huff of amusement bubbled at the image of him standing in the empty room, his face crumpled in confusion as he scratched his head. “It’s at my apartment.”
“What apartment? What are you on about?”
“The apartment I rented before I moved out two weeks ago. The one I will be living in when I get back.” Daniel’s fingers traced the waistband of your panties and your breath hitched as they slipped beneath the lace.
“Bullshit,” he laughed but there was a hint of uncertainty in the sound. “Just come home and talk about this before you make any rash decisions. I know I have been busy with work lately-"
“More like busy with Laura.” The air that hissed between your teeth could have been mistaken for anger but it was entirely from the devilish look in Daniel’s eyes as he bit the soft skin along your inner thigh.
“Laura’s my assistant.”
The laugh turned to a gasp as Daniel pushed the lace aside and ran his tongue through your folds, his eyes rolling up to watch your reaction, the phone falling from your hand as you reached for his hair.  You tugged the strands as his tongue circled your clit and you couldn’t stop the moan from escaping as you arched your back at the growing pleasure.
“Fuck, yeah, just like that baby,” you begged shamelessly and he chuckled as he felt your walls flutter around the fingers he curled into your cunt. “God, Daniel, you’re so perfect.”
A round of expletives filled the air as James heard a real orgasm take over your body but they fell silent as he realised why the words seemed so familiar. You weren’t just accusing him of fucking Laura, you knew. And you were using his best friend to show him.
“Some friend you are, sack of shit,” James growled as you whimpered with the aftershocks of the orgasm.
“Some husband you were,” Daniel snickered as he tore your panties off and climbed up your body to kiss you, sharing the taste of your pleasure on his tongue before he picked up the phone. “You lost the best thing you had, mate. I won’t make the same mistake you did.”
Daniel ended the call stared down at you in wonder as a slow smile started to spread across his face. “I don’t think he will be calling back.”
It may have been the high of the orgasm, or it could have been the knowledge that after a year of enduring the decaying marriage, but you were free - either way, you were giddy with joy as you wrapped your legs around Daniel’s hips and pulled him closer. 
“I can’t believe you did that,” you giggled as you hooked your fingers into his boxers and pushed them over his hips. 
“He had to know who you belong to now, he had his chance.” His voice was pure decadence in your ear as he ran the tip of his cock through your folds before stretching you wide as he thrust forward and stilled. He gave you a moment to adjust to his size and brushed a gentle kiss across your lips before captivating you with his golden brown eyes. “Still want to know what I think you are?”
Your fingers ran softly down his back, feeling each bump on his spine right down to the twin dimples at the base. “Tell me,” you whispered as your hands grasped the firm muscles of his ass, your nails digging in to spur him into moving.
Melbourne Grand Prix - Race Day The screams of Daniel’s home crowd were intoxicating and you couldn’t help cupping your hands around your mouth and joining in as he parked front and centre of the pitlane having won his home race. Climbing out of the car, stood atop the halo and threw his fists in the air before tearing his helmet off and holding it up too, tapping his finger on the large number 3.
You couldn’t help but notice how he still favoured his right foot after he jumped off the car and rushed towards his team, grappling them into strong hugs that probably crushed the air out of their lungs - not that they cared as they ran on adrenaline after the race.
“Wow, Daniel, what a race! You were absolutely flying!” the interviewer praised after he took his microphone and joined her in front of the Sky Sports camera. “Looking at some of those high speed corners, it looked like you were fighting to keep the race line.”
“I couldn’t brake hard if I tried,” he laughed and combed his sweaty hair back through his fingers. “Got a fresh tattoo and it’s still a little tender.”
“On your foot?” Naomi asked as she pointed to his Red Bull boot. 
“Yeah, glad it wasn’t on my throttle one or I don’t think I’d be up here,” he joked.
“I’m certain I am asking on behalf of everyone when I say, can we see it?” A cheer from the crowd confirmed her statement and your fingers gripped the metal barrier as goosebumps broke over your skin.
“No way,” you mumbled under your breath as you shook your head to get rid of the ridiculous thought you had.
“Sure, I’ll need this off for my shoey anyway,” he said as he pulled the boot off along with his sock. Turning around, he bent his knee so the sole of his foot could be seen and looked over his shoulder, grinning as he found you at the barrier with his team. 
“Aww, look at that, it’s adorable,” Naomi gushed as she saw the basic outline of a kangaroo on the sole of his foot. “What a way to pay homage to your nation!”
You bit your lip from smiling too hard when he started to laugh as she completely misunderstood what the picture meant. “Of course!” 
He excused himself quickly and hopped towards you, not wanting to get the days old tattoo dirty on the ground. 
“You’re actually insane,” you gasped as you slapped his chest playfully, still in disbelief that he had the word Roo tattooed on his foot beneath the picture. 
He leaned in closer so he could talk without fear of being overheard and you inhaled the purely masculine scent of him enveloping you as his lips brushed the shell of your ear. “It was your idea, and if you didn’t sleep so much you would have been awake to come and get it done with me.”
You rolled your eyes but you couldn’t keep the smile off your face as his hot hands came to rest on top of yours. “I must admit, I’m a little disappointed that it isn’t my full name.”
“Do you know how ticklish that was? I would have wet myself trying to get your whole name.”
You smirked at him, the crinkles at the corners of his eyes deepening with his growing smile. “That sounds like a you problem.”
“Does anyone have a marker pen?” Daniel asked loudly and about half a dozen were thrust his way in an instant. 
“What are you doing?” you asked as you took a step back but the crowd was so tightly packed there was nowhere to go.
“Foot,” he said as he tapped the barrier, “up. It’s not a tattoo…yet.”
“You’re insane,” you laughed as you shook your head but instead he dropped to his knees and caught your ankle under the barrier.
“And you’re mine, I just need to…stop wriggling,” he complained as he pulled your shoe off and bit the cap off the marker before inking your sole. Twisting your foot about you saw his driver number covering the skin and bit your lip at the self-satisfied smirk on his face as he flipped the pen in his hand. “There, that’s better.”
“Is it?” you joked as you slipped your shoe back on. “I would have said spectacular.”
You were always surprised that his smile could somehow brighten, even when it seemed like it couldn’t possibly grow any more. But his smile grew as stepped closer and his hand reached for the back of your neck, pulling you to meet him as much as the barrier allowed.
“Spectacular?” he echoed before crushing his lips to yours until you were breathless and forgot where you were. “Yeah, that’s more like it.”
Daniel's Road Trip Playlist: Cruise - Florida Georgia Line Watermelon Crawl - Tracy Byrd Your Man - Josh Turner You Make It Easy - Jason Aldean Right Now the Best - Zach Bryan Over For You - Morgan Evans Live Like You Were Dying - Tim McGraw Die A Happy Man - Thomas Rhett Butterflies - Kacey Musgraves
Click here for additional part.
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The Finish Line.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here.
authors note - in honour of the london marathon being held today, and my dad running, enjoy this little blurb.
word count - 1.3k
in which, harrys wife is running the london marathon, having been signed up by her sister in law gemma as a joke and now as she is nearing the finish line, harry is determined to be there to greet her.
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As you sit in your cozy living room on your birthday, your husband Harry by your side and your one-year-old son peacefully asleep on the cushion next to him, you feel content. Gemma, your sister-in-law, suddenly interrupts the tranquil moment with a mischievous grin on her face.
"Happy birthday, sis! I've got another present for you," Gemma announces, holding out an envelope with excitement.
You accept it, exchanging puzzled glances with Harry. "Oh, Gem, you didn't have to get me anything else. You've already spoiled me enough."
Gemma shakes her head, insisting, "Trust me, you're going to love this one. Open it!"
With a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, you tear open the envelope. Your heart skips a beat as you pull out a letter. Your eyes widen in disbelief as you read the words:
"Congratulations! You've been signed up for the 2024 London Marathon."
Your jaw drops, and you stare at Gemma in shock. "What?! Are you serious?!"
Gemma's grin widens. "Absolutely! I know you've been talking about wanting to challenge yourself, and what better way than running a marathon, right?"
You can feel the panic rising within you. "But Gem, I've never even run a half-marathon before! This is insane!"
Harry chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, looks like you've got some training to do, m’love."
You shake your head, still in denial. "No, no way. I can't do this. I'm not ready for something like that.”
And now, just under halfway through,just seconds away from reaching mile ten,doubts start creeping in, and your legs feel heavier with each step.
The cheering crowds blend into a blur of noise around you.
Just when you're on the verge of giving up, a familiar voice cuts through the chaos, calling your name.
You glance up and spot Harry and your son standing behind the barricades, their faces lit up with pride and encouragement.
With a surge of determination, you veer towards them, pushing through the throngs of runners, apologising when you get in the way.
When you reach them, you're breathless and exhausted, but seeing their smiling faces fills you with a renewed sense of hope.
"H-Harry," you pant, trying to catch your breath. "I don't think I can do this. It hurts."
Harry wraps his arms around you, offering comfort and support. "Hey, hey, you've got this. You've trained so hard f’this moment. Y’stronger than you think."
Tears well up in your eyes as you lean into his embrace. "But what if I can't finish? What if I let everyone down?"
Harry gently tilts your chin up to meet his gaze. "Listen to me, m’love. You've never been a quitter, and you're not about to start now. Remember why you're doing this – for yourself, for our family, We believe in you, and we'll be right here cheering you on every step of the way."
You glance down at your sleeping son, his innocent face a poignant reminder of the love and support surrounding you.
With a determined nod, you straighten up, wiping away your tears. "Okay, I'll keep going. For us."
Harry flashes you a proud smile, planting a kiss on your forehead. "S’my girl. Now go show 'em what you're made of. We'll be waiting for you at the finish line."
It takes you around another two hours to near the finish line, every step feels like an uphill battle.
Your ankle throbs with each stride, threatening to give out beneath you, and a wave of nausea washes over you. The cheers of the crowd blend into a distant hum as you focus all your energy on putting one foot in front of the other.
Your vision blurs with tears of pain and exhaustion, but you can see the finish line looming ahead like a beacon of hope. With every ounce of determination left in you, you push forward, the crowd's encouragement spurring you on.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you limp across the finish line. Tears stream down your face as you collapse onto the ground, the rush of emotions overwhelming you. The volunteer at the finish line rushes over, their concern evident as they kneel beside you.
"Hey there, are you alright? Do you need medical attention?" the volunteer asks, their voice filled with genuine concern.
You manage to nod weakly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I-I think so. Just... just give me a moment."
The volunteer nods understandingly, offering you a bottle of water and helping you sit up. "Take your time. You did an amazing job out there. You should be really proud of yourself."
As you cling to the poor volunteer, you turn to the her with a hopeful expression. "Um, excuse me, could you... could you help me over to my husband, please?"
The volunteer nods understandingly, offering you a supportive arm. "Of course, let's get you over there."
With the volunteer's assistance, you limp over to Harry, each step feeling like a small victory. As you draw closer, Harry's eyes light up with relief and love, his arms open wide to welcome you.
"Thank you so much," you murmur to the volunteer, tears still streaming down your face.
She smiles warmly. "It's my pleasure. Congratulations on finishing the marathon. You're an inspiration."
You nod, touched by her words, before turning your attention back to Harry. His eyes are filled with love and pride as he opens his arms to you, and you melt into his embrace, feeling the warmth and safety of his love surrounding you.
"Oh, Harry," you whisper, tears of exhaustion and joy streaming down your cheeks. "I did it."
He holds you close, his embrace a comforting anchor in the midst of your overwhelming emotions.
"Yes, you did," he murmurs, his voice soft and full of admiration. "I'm so proud of you, m’love. You're incredible."
You bury your face in his chest, inhaling his familiar scent and reveling in the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. "I couldn't have done it without you," you admit, your voice muffled against his shirt.
He presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head, his touch tender and reassuring. "Y’stronger than you know, darling. And I'll always be here to support you, every step of the way."
Your heart swells with love for him, overwhelmed by the depth of his devotion.
"I love you, Harry," you whisper, your words a vow of gratitude and affection.
"I love you too, my darling," he replies, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "Now let's get you some rest. You've earned it."
Your son looks up from the stroller, his face breaking into a wide grin as he reaches out for you.
"Mama!" he exclaims, his little arms outstretched.
"Hey there, my little champion," you coo, scooping him up into your arms. His giggles fill the air as you pepper his chubby cheeks with kisses, each one a testament to the overwhelming love you feel for him.
Harry watches with a tender smile, his eyes shining with pride and adoration.
"Look at you two," he says, his voice filled with warmth. "My heart could burst with how much I love you both."
You laugh through your tears, the exhaustion and elation of the moment blending together in a whirlwind of emotion.
"I love you too, Harry," you say, your voice choked with emotion. "So much."
With trembling hands, you reach for the medal hanging around your neck, the weight of it a physical reminder of the journey you've just completed. Carefully, you drape it around your son's neck, the metal cool against his warm skin.
"There you go, my little marathoner," you say, your voice catching in your throat. "You deserve this just as much as I do."
Harry wraps his arms around you both, holding you close as you bask in the glow of this precious moment.
"I couldn't be prouder of you, love," he whispers, his breath warm against your ear.
"You're my hero."
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imtryingbuck · 8 months
Eighteen part two
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky comes from a well respected family, he falls in love with a girl who prefers the simple things in life. Follow their journey through the years.
Word count: 2,240
Warnings: fluff, angst, heavy use of pet names.
A/N: No description of reader other than she has curly hair.
A/N pt 2: when I saw the duck tattoo I screamed, no joke I screamed! Make sure you have a look it’s so bloody cute!
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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They spent the rest of the night and early hours of the morning apologising, promising to make up for their mistakes. All three guys crying when she told them how much they had broken her heart, the guilt still there front row and centre but she promised them that it was all forgiven.
Steve and Sam had begged for forgiveness for not being there for her but she reassured them that all was forgiven, that it was time to move on.
Even though all three of them had hurt her and they hadn’t done anything to help her when she needed at least one of them the most, she had forgiven them. She missed them more than anything, they were the other part of her fractured soul.
She didn’t want to hold any grudges against them.
For a whole month Y/n caught up with her boys, caused mayhem just as they did a few years ago.
It was as if nothing had changed.
They didn’t understand what was happening when they showed up to Howard’s and Maria’s house to take Y/n out for the day when she opened the door where they could see two suitcases by her side.
“Bun? You’re leaving again?”
“Yeah only for two months, going to travel with Nat and Wanda. Isn’t that so exciting?” She smiles.
“Yeah, yeah how come you didn’t tell us?”
“I was a bit busy catching up with you guys…”
“Is it going to be just you three?”
“No Pietro, Clint and Vis are coming too”
“Who’s Clint and Vis?”
“Clint’s Natasha’s boyfriend and Vis is Wanda’s”
“Will you be coming back?” Steve asked.
“Yeah of course, then I’ll start my new job. I can’t wait”
“What job?”
“You know Mr Stan? Well he’s given me a job as his accountant”
“I’m so proud of you Bun”
“Thanks Duck-“
“Y/n come on love we’ve got to go” Maria interrupts as she checks over the plane ticket and double checking that Y/n had enough money.
“Okay momma, give me a hug then boys”
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For the two next two months Bucky was out of his mind. He wouldn’t sit still for long periods at a time. He had gotten a taste of the happiness he had for years, went without for three years and then he got it back just for it to leave with Y/n once again.
“Buck she’ll be home in a few days”
“It’s been too long man”
“Are you going to tell her?” Sam asks.
“Tell her what?”
“That you’re madly, hopelessly in love with her?” 
“No I’m not!”
“Yeah right and I’m Captain America” Steve snorted from the kitchen.
“I’m not in love with Bunny. And plus she’s got a boyfriend and I’m seeing…shit what’s her name?”
Sam burst out laughing, nearly sliding off the chair and Steve shook his head “Lily, Bucky her names Lily”
“Yeah I’m seeing Lily”
“How’s that going Buck?” Sam says as he calms down.
“Great, it’s going great”
“Bullshit she told Sarah that when you two fucked you kept calling her Y/n.”
“No he didn’t!” Steve gasped. Between me and you he already knew.
“Yeah and it’s pretty much the same with every girl he’s slept with, he calls them Y/n’s name” okay Steve hadn’t heard that before.
“Fuck off man, it’s not been with all of them” Bucky weakly tries to defend himself, again just between me and you what he just said was a big fat lie.
“L to the I to the A right down to the R, guess what that spells Buck… liar.”
“Shut up.”
“Oh and plus you have a bunny tattoo on your chest” It was true. On Bucky’s eighteenth birthday he went to the tattoo studio to get his first ever tattoo, he saw it in the book as he flipped through it halting his movements as he saw the cute bunny. It was a lot smaller but he asked the tattooist if he could have it bigger which the guy said yeah, Bucky had him also add the small love heart.
Over the year he got a few more added to his body but his bunny that sat just over his heart was his favourite of them all.
“Don’t mean I’m in love with her”
“Yes. Yes it does.”
“No. No it doesn’t.”
“Steve help me out here man” Sam begs.
“I’m not getting involved. But Bucky your in love with Y/n/n”
Groaning Bucky stands up “fuck you both I’m going out to see Lucy”
“Yeah her, bye”
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“I’m sorry Y/n” Pietro says wiping her tears.
“No it’s okay, I understand honestly”
“I just don’t want to hurt you baby”
“I know Pieface just don’t die please and please be safe”
Laughing sadly at the nickname she had given him he nods with a promise that he’ll be safe.
“I do love you Y/n/n”
“I love you too Pietro”
Giving one final long hug they separate from one another, she watches as he walks through the doors to the airport wiping her fallen tears she smiles and waves at him as he looks back at her, giggles fall from her lips as he pulls a funny face to her.
“Won’t you be able to see him in a few months?” Wanda asks softly.
Shaking her head Y/n shrugs “h-he broke up with me”
“You what?”
“Yeah, he said he doesn’t want to hold me back and wants me to live my life whilst he’s away”
Pietro had told her a few weeks before coming back home that he signed up for the Army and had been accepted. Though he did love her he didn’t want her staying at home worrying about him, he wanted her to experience life and who knows when he got back they could rekindle their relationship, though Pietro knew it was unlikely. He knew that Y/n loved him but he also knew that she was in love with Bucky, and for him there was no way he was going to get in the way of her happiness even if that wasn’t with him and to be truthful he was okay with it.
“Y/n/n I’m sorry”
“Don’t be, it’s fine honestly. Let’s go home I’m missing my bed.”
“I still can’t believe you’re not coming to college with us” Nat says as she pulls on her seatbelt yanking it a little to hard when it gets stuck.
“I know but it’s just not for me you know”
“It’s not going to be the same” Wanda says.
“I guess but you two can’t get another me to add in to your friendship group or I’ll cry”
“Definitely not happening, if another female tries to be our friend we’ll kick them” Nat says seriously.
“Don’t kick them Jesus that’s a bit harsh, just say “no you can’t be our friend because we already have the bestest one” but please don’t kick them”
“I’m kicking them”
Saying her goodbyes as she’s dropped off at home her eyes start to sting with the amount of tears she’s cried. They all promise that they’ll meet up as soon as they can.
As she tells her parents of her adventures and shows them all the photos she had taken, she hands them their gifts.
“You didn’t have to get us anything angel” Howard says loving the pyramid paperweight she had gotten him.
“Alright I’ll take them back”
“Touch it and I’ll bite you”
Gasping she looks at her mom “momma did you just hear what he said?”
“I did sweetie but I have to agree your not taking these back” admiring the snow globe she had gotten, already knowing exactly where it was going, adding it to the collection she had been collecting since she was twenty.
“Where’s Antonio?”
“I’ve told you time and time again not to call me that, hey baby sis” hugging his sister he checks the bag for his gift.
“It’s not in there Tone, it’s outside”
“What have you gotten me?”
“A car”
“Holy shit! Really? I knew there was a reason why I kept you around”
“Yep come on” Her, Tony, Howard and Maria make their way outside.
“Whe-what the hell is this Y/n?”
“A car” she laughs along with her parents as Tony picks up a toy car off the ground. “I brought you a car”
“You’re such a little shit!” He laughs along. “Oh nice new tat”
“You got another one?” Maria asks wanting to see it.
“Yeah it’s a turtle his names Sid, isn’t he cute?”
“Sid?” Howard questions.
“Yeah, we went to a sea life centre and we got to meet Sid the turtle, so naturally I had to add him to the collection”
“Obviously” Tony rolls his eyes.
“Anyway I’m going to go to the boy’s apartment and give them their gifts see you later”
“Be careful!” Maria calls out.
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Panting as she knocks on the door she nearly collapses into Sam’s arms when he opens the door.
“Jesus Y/n, Holy shit guys Y/n’s back!”
“I can taste blood in my mouth is-is that normal?” She asks.
“Are you alright?”
“No Samuel I’m not alright I’ve just walked up a trillion stairs just to get here! Why do you have to live so far up?”
“It’s easier when the elevator works” he grins.
“Hey Y/n/n” Steve says hugging her.
“Hi Stevie”
The three of them hear hurried footsteps coming towards them and when they look they see Bucky rushing down the hallway “shit, Bunny you’re back! I nearly fell in the shower trying to rush to get out” he pants pulling her into a bone crushing hug.
“I-I-I’m sorry but…Ducky…”
“What’s up Bun?” He follows her eye line and he’s realised his mistake. In his rush he managed to pull on some shorts but no shirt.
Meaning that she can see the bunny tattoo.
And unbeknownst to either one, they don’t realise that Sam and Steve have their eyes trained on the tattoo she has on the top of her spine.
“That’s a bunny” she points of the obvious.
“Yeah, yeah it is”
“For you”
“When did you get it done?”
“On my eighteenth birthday”
“And it’s for me?” Watching as he nods “can I?” He nods again to the unspoken part of her question, his skin tingles as she reaches out and runs her fingers over the delicate lines.
“Oh Duck it’s beautiful”
“Your hiding your own little secret aren’t you Y/n” Sam smiles.
“What are they talking about Bun?”
“I-um-I got this done on my eighteenth birthday” she says turning in his hold to show him her tattoo.
“Bun, it’s us. Can I?” It’s her turn to nod at his unspoken words she gasps lightly when his cold fingers trace the lines, he’s so mesmerised by the details and polka dots that he simply couldn’t stop touching it. “Bun it’s so beautiful”
“It was my first tattoo, obviously”
“So was mine”
“I actually feel really left out” Sam admits wrapping his arms around Steve’s “Stevie they don’t love us”
“That’s not true because-“ she rolls her sleeves up to her elbows and shows them the tattoos she had gotten for them ‘♡ S.R ♡ ♡ S.W ♡’ with a love heart on the top of her forearms. Not batting an eye at the scars the two boys lean in as Bucky leans over her shoulder.
“Who’s who?” Sam grins “but Y/n you actually got our initials tattooed on you?”
“Your obviously SR idiot and yeah of course I did, these were my second tattoos”
“B-but we weren’t friends at the time” Steve says as he eyes the long jagged scars.
“Well you three were a massive parts of my life and the reason why I got the duck and bunny on my back was because Bucky was the first person to see the scars once they where heeled and he never once judged me so”
“Anyways you want your presents, I’m like Santa but less cool” she moves out of Bucky’s hold and makes her way over to her bag and started to pull out the gifts, laughing as Sam stands there with his eyes closed and hands out stretched. Steve shakes his head at the guy.
Bucky, well his eyes are trained on his Bunny.
He knew he was in love with her since he was fourteen and now he wonders if she feels the same. 
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“So how’s you and Peter doing?” Bucky asks as they wait for Steve and Sam to come back with the pizzas.
“Pietro, and he broke up with me”
“What? Why?”
“He joined the Army and he said he didn’t want me to be waiting around on him, that it wasn’t fair for him to do that to me so yeah”
“Bun I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, I actually understand why he did it you know? And there’s no hard feelings about it.”
When the boys got back laughter filled the apartment as the boys filled her in on what they had been up to during them two months she wasn’t with them and her telling them about her adventures.
It was way past midnight when Sam stretched and looked over at Y/n and Bucky curled up on the couch fast asleep.
“Steve, how long you think she’s been in love with him?” He whispered so he wouldn’t wake the pair up.
“I think just as long as he’s been with her”
And Steve was right.
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Tags: @cjand10 @unaxv @mcira @bisexualnikkisixx @kneelforloki @kandis-mom @sagebarness @sandyruston @scott-loki-barnes @nikkivillar @saltedcoffeescotch @scentedharmonymiracle @examinarei @sarcastickiddo @sadboiabby @unholyhuntress @8crazy-freak8 @ijustneedpopcorn @moonbeampillgoth @imcinnamoons @elmo-1066 @violetwinterwidow01 @suz7days @adoredire @ozwriterchick @randomrosie01 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @emerald-writes @justafangir1 @sibsteria @spencerreidisagorgman @sapphirebarnes @bruher @hawkinsavclub1983 @onlyonetifosi @parisadams @unabashedstarlightcrown @nash-dara @allofffmypeaches @loki-laufeyson68 @behindmygreyeyes @missvelvetsstuff @pigeonmama @lizslibrary @gloriouspurpose01
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highonmarvel · 9 months
Hi there! May i please request a mob!steve x reader where the reader used to be with him but when she found about his mob life she left him so like the HR he decided to ruin her life and one day he just shows up in her now downgraded apartment and manipulates and gaslights her into coming back to him, and she just goes back because she’s just in a vulnerable place
Feel free to add your own spin to it btw love your work soo much! Especially the biker!bucky 🤗
oh, i like this! and thank you so much for the love! i hope you enjoy. and i apologise for taking over a month to get back to you, shit’s been wild for me. okay, here we go:
Easy Luxury
Steve Rogers: You find out how your suspiciously wealthy boyfriend makes his money, and have to start over without it.
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content warnings here!
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It was never manipulation, it was a deep understanding that enabled him to know what you needed before you even opened your mouth, a symptom of being the blond-haired, blue-eyed boy next door type. Naturally, he knows what’s best for you, you’d never have to question him. And you didn’t.
Steve was suspiciously wealthy for such a humble and down-to-Earth guy, but you didn’t question it; his expensive car, his shiny watch, his high rise penthouse, his seemingly endless cash, you didn’t read too much into it, you just enjoyed his presence, and his luxury didn’t hurt either; anything you wanted, and things you didn’t, Steve gave to you, and you accepted gratefully. He even insisted you live closer to him until he didn’t have so many people coming in and out of his apartment for something he never quite explained, and then you could move in with him. You live in a nice ass building a block down from him, making for easy visits, curtesy Steve.
You sigh as you place your bag down in the lift on the way up to the top floor, excited to surprise Steve. You had head to see your parents for what was supposed to be two weeks, but after just one you’d had enough, and you missed Steve.
You excitedly bounce on your toes as you pick your bag up again, the elevator numbers just a few ticks from the top. With a wide grin, you stare straight ahead as the the doors open, and that smile immediately drops.
Right in the middle of your living room, Steve is ripping the teeth out of a guy tied to a chair. Even the back of his shirt is bloodied, and there’s so much blood on the floor you have to assume there have been many other people in this man’s position in the time you’ve been away.
“You fucking rat,” he grunts as he pries the man’s mouth open again and sticks an adjustable wrench into the back of his cheek. It clasps onto one of his wisdom teeth and Steve pries it out, and you can tell he’s satisfied despite his back facing you. The man lets out a bloodcurdling scream and Steve tosses the tooth onto a pile of at least five others.
“Workin’ for the Starks, huh?”
The Starks are a well known mob family in New York, and if they’re Steve’s rivals then…
You gasp out loud.
Steve whips around, and his face, though covered almost entirely in crimson, goes pale.
“Baby! You’re back early.”
You finger flies to the close button for the doors, pressing furiously as if that’s gonna make it happen faster. Steve races towards you, calling your name as you anxiously push the button at lightning speed. At the very last split second, just before Steve can stick his hand between the doors, they shut, and the lift begins to descend. You hear Steve’s frustrated “Fuck!” and banging above you as your stomach sinks with the elevator.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, what can you do? Steve had convinced you to quit your job, you pretty much lived exclusively off of him, but you can’t possibly stay with him, yet you’re rendering yourself homeless if you leave.
Once you get to the ground floor, you race out the door, leaving your bag behind and ignoring a concerned look from the doorman as you dart out. You phone buzzes in your pocket, and you know it’s Steve. You ignore the vibrating phone call and run towards your apartment. You’re sure you have some money cobbled together from Christmas cards over the years. No way in hell you can pack your things, and you know you’ll have to get rid of your phone, but you need at least a little bit of cash.
You’re sure you’re on the verge of dying from a lack of oxygen as you make it to your apartment and slam the door behind you, locking it, too, though you doubt that’ll keep him out.
You’re furiously rummaging through drawers when a gentle rap at the door makes your soul damn near leap out of your body.
“Honey?” Steve calls, voice calm as ever, as if he didn’t just commit such unspeakable violence, and who knows what fucking else he’s done that you’ve never seen? And how did he get here so quick? Is he still covered in blood and spit and flesh and evidence from his torture?
You try to tune him out as you look for the last of the envelopes to add to your small pile, but you can’t ignore his gentle voice trying to coax you into a state of relaxation he would soothe you into when your anxiety became too much to bare.
“Sweetheart, let’s talk about this.”
“Go away!” you manage to shriek through hyperventilation.
“Don’t do something stupid,” he warns, voice low in a way you’ve never heard him use before, and if you were terrified before, you were on the verge of a heart attack now.
With a few envelopes and no way to escape, you run to the window and peer down; you’re three floors up with some soft patches of grass beneath you. You don’t have time to even calculate it, surely adrenaline will get you through the pain if you’re severely hurt. You’re working up the nerve, and just as Steve busts the door in, yelling your name, you jump, luckily landing on your feet, but falling soon after, and briefly wondering if you’ve dislocated your knee as you scramble to stand and start running.
Steve shouts your name from the window but you don’t even look back, just running to God knows where. You’re sure you’ve run full speed for more than half an hour when, by such luck, you stumble across a really cheap looking motel. Just as you throw some cash to the guy to give you a key, you feel around in your pockets for your phone, panicked, and for the first time in your life, you’re glad to have lost it. He can’t find you now, at least not by tracking, you hope. Though you might have expected to be plagued by insomnia due to your stress, you pass right the fuck out as soon as your head touches the crusty pillow on the room’s stained mattress.
The sun isn’t out when you snap your eyes open, it couldn’t have been more than six hours since you ran away, then, but there’s no sign of Steve, and you let out the biggest breath of relief there ever could be. You head to the bathroom to shower and think of your next move, but it’s so filthy you wonder if you’re only making yourself dirtier by stepping in. You’re sweaty, and your body is physically tired from the sprinting. You flop onto the floor as you try to consider your next move. You’ve got an old friend living in Queens! You haven’t spoken to her in years, literally since high school, but since then she had practically been living on her own and raising herself and her sister, you can’t imagine she’s moved since then.
You have to walk a ways before you manage to get to an area you can hail a cab, and that takes a little more effort than you would have liked to exert. By some grace you manage to remember the address, and as you pull up, the house looks pretty much the same as all those years ago, giving you a glimmer of hope.
You drag yourself to the front door and manage to knock despite your weak body.
The door opens after a few moments to reveal the red hair you haven’t seen in forever, yet still, she looks virtually the same.
“Natasha!” you say as you collapse into her arms.
“Oh my God!” she cries, but she catches you with ease, “What are you doing here? What happened?”
You can barely speak, but she seems to somewhat understand as she leads to you to her living room and gently sets you down on the couch. Her blonde sister comes running into the room, eyes wide and panicked.
“Yelena!” Natasha calls, and hurriedly says words in Russian you could never understand. Yelena leaves and returns with a cup of water, which you gratefully accept, not realising just how thirsty you actually were. You gulp down the water like a dying fish and Yelena immediately leaves to get you another.
Sitting down and not on the verge of dehydration, you can speak, but your voice is still hoarse.
“I’m sorry for dropping in like this—”
“Don’t ever apologise for coming to me,” she cuts you off sternly, nearly angrily, like she’s irritated you thought you could ever bother her. She was this way in high school, but still, you haven’t spoken in years and years, and you feel bad for that. You know she can help you, or she’ll try to do everything in her power to do so, but you can’t let her get involved in mob business… like you were, unknowingly.
“I’m just in a rough spot,” you say, nodding thanks to Yelena as you take the second cup of water and down it even quicker than you did the first one. She sits down next to you, concerned, as Natasha is seated across from you on the opposite couch, leaning forward, forearms on her thighs as she listens attentively, “Don’t have a job or a place, or anyone else I can go to. I’ve got a bit of money, can you help me find a cheap place?”
“Just stay with us,” Yelena says, sitting up straight.
“Yeah,” Natasha agrees, “It’s clear there’s a lot going on, please, don’t be alone right now. You can stay here, I can help you get a job.”
Even after all this time, she treats you so beautifully, but you can’t let her get wrapped up in this; if Steve finds you, he might hurt Nat and Yelena, and you’d never be able to live with that (and maybe you won’t have to if he kills you too).
“No!” you say, a little louder than needed, causing the pair to give you strange looks, “Please,” you say, speaking softer now, “If you want to help me, can I just use your shower and you help me get a place? I know you know a lot of people.”
You can tell she wants to protest, but Nat only presses her lips into a thin line and exhales through her nostrils, nodding before standing up.
“Okay,” she concedes, “Yelena will get you some fresh clothes and I’ll make some calls.”
“Thank you,” you say, with more sincerity than you ever have in your life. Yelena helps you up, and you want to protest, but realise you’re a lot weaker than you thought, and you can’t tell if it’s mental or physical exhaustion.
You have to sit down in the shower, rinsing the stickiness off of you and watching it float in the few centimetres of water before being whisked down the drain.
You’re steadier on your feet once you’re clean and dressed, and you pop into the kitchen just as Nat hangs up her phone.
“Okay, I’ve got somewhere $95 a month, but it’s not great.”
You shake your head, “It’s perfect, thank you.” You counted around $650 in your cash, but if you get a job you can make it work.
“But you’re not leaving before you eat.”
Eating breakfast with Nat and Yelena takes the weight of the world off your shoulders, the three of you laughing about events from a decade ago with the same vigour you did when they first happened. But you can’t shake the feeling you have to leave, quick.
You’re nearly done helping the pair clean up when Nat comes up to you.
“Hey, what’s your number? We should stay in touch, even if just for a few months, just so I know you’re okay.”
“I lost my phone,” you sigh.
“I’m drop in every once in a while then, okay? And you can’t fight me on this. I’m honestly really worried about you,” she throws her dish rag over a chair and walks up to you, holding your shoulders as she looks into your eyes, “But I’m so glad you came. I’m always here for you. So is Yelena.”
You look to the doorway Yelena’s leaning against and she gives you a smile, but it’s a little sad.
“Thank you, Nat. I love you, so much. And I’m sorry it’s been so long.”
“These things happen, it’s fine. I’m just glad you’re in one piece. Looks like you had a hell of a night.”
You laugh shakily and nod, “I did. I’m surprised I didn’t dislocate a knee.”
“Oh my God… okay, conversation for another time, let’s just get you into your place. Do you have anything we need to take?”
You literally have no earthly possession with you at this point besides the envelopes, which you tuck into the inner pockets of Nat’s biker jacket she’s lending you. You refused to take any clothes other than one other pair of pants and a t-shirt, but Yelena promised she’d wash your others and bring them back, though you’re not even sure you want them anymore.
“I’ll be back with them tomorrow,” she says as she closes the door, leaving you alone in a flat you’re sure has mould.
There’s only a couch, a mattress, and a clock you’re not sure if displays the correct time, which is more than you were expecting. You flop down onto the slightly dirty couch and run your hands over your face. Now fed, hydrated, and somewhat rested, you can’t think of anything else to distract you from thoughts of Steve…
Okay, you’ll try to find a job tomorrow, for today, there’s nothing more you can do but try to sleep, even though it’s not even midday yet.
As promised, Yelena drops off your clothes the next morning, with the tears poorly sewn up, but you thank her for the effort and encourage her to leave the building before you do, in case Steve is watching, but you don’t cite that reason.
Half an hour later, you stride out, taking a walk down the dodgy streets, and luckily, you come across a bakery with an “URGENTLY HIRING” sign in the window. Your little streaks of luck would mean much more if it wasn’t overshadowed by everything else, and your luck ends when you’re half way into the interview.
“What?!” you gasp, trying to lean over to get a better look at the computer screen the interviewer (who’s just some teenager, probably a temp) is trying to shield from you.
“Ma’am, you have a charge for robbery, we can’t hire you.”
You exit in a daze, nearly numb at the realisation Steve would go this far. Why not just kill you? If he was worried you’d go to the police (the thought had never even crossed your mind until this moment), he’d just fucking kill you, or kidnap and torture you, he wouldn’t just leave you to rot out in the real world, that’s too risky.
You sadly make your way back to your flat, and who’s there when you open the door?
Steve stands with a crisp blue shirt in the centre of the room, and what can you do about it.
You fall to your knees and sob, face in your hands as you try to take in your fate. What did he want with you? You want to say you swear you’ll never tell anyone, that you haven’t told anyone, but you can’t speak through your gasping sobs.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he coos, slowly making his way over to you, like he’s worried he’ll scare you off, “It’s okay, don’t worry, I’d never hurt you, baby, you weren’t supposed to see that, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, I didn’t want to hurt you, ever, but I have.”
He sighs, and you manage to look back up at him, a somber coat over his blue eyes.
“And look at you,” he gently raises your arm to trace a finger over scrapes and scratches you guess are from darting through narrow alleyways and through thick bushes, “Baby, and look at his,” he gestures around him to the damp flat, and you sniffle, “You can’t stay here, come back, I’ll take care of you, like I always have.”
“Th- the arrest—”
“I had to do that, baby, I’m sorry. I just had to. If you were with me that never would have happened, see? And it can all go away. Honey, I’m offering you the world, all you have to do is come with me.”
With teary eyes you look around. You can’t live here too long or you’ll get some kind of mould poisoning, you can’t get a job, you can’t endanger Nat and Yelena…
“Okay,” you sigh, defeated, and just as Steve starts to smile, there’s a knock at the door. Natasha calls your name and you tense up, Steve looks down at you with his head cocked to the side.
“I think you better answer that, sweetheart. Tell her you’re not gonna be here anymore.”
He pulls you to your feet and you gulp as you lean your head against the door.
“Yeah?” you answer.
“Let me in.”
If Steve sees Nat, he’ll know who to look for if you try anything like this again. But he’s sitting patiently on the couch, and he nods towards the door, beckoning you to open it. You take a deep breath and crack it open a bit.
“Hey, what’s up?” you think you say, but you can barely hear your words over the pounding of your heart.
“Is everything okay?” she asks, and you shoot a glance behind you, which you immediately regret when Nat bounces on her toes to get a look.
“Yeah,” you block her vision and bring her attention back to you, still trying to keep the door as close to closed as possible, “I… I have to go…”
“What?” she asks, “You just got here, what’s changed?”
“Things have worked out, it’s all good now, don’t worry—”
You freeze as you feel Steve behind you, his tall frame casting a shadow over you and Nat. You shut your eyes, willing this to be a trick of light or a hallucination due to stress, it can be anything but real.
“Hi. Steve Rogers,” he extends his hand, and Nat tentatively takes it, in only a way you know — to everyone else, she wouldn’t seem cautious, but you saw the clench in her right knee that gives away her switch to defence.
“Natasha Romanoff.”
Fuck, Nat, why did you say your name!?
“Nice to meet you. Don’t worry about her, she’s in good hands with me.”
She nods.
“Steve, could you go get my clothes for me? I think they’re in the bathroom or the bedroom, they’re the only two other rooms.”
He nods and turns away. Once he’s out of sight, Nat’s expression turns panicked as she scans your face, noticing tears welling. She doesn’t say it, but you can tell she’s pleading “Come with me.” You shake your head and quickly wipe away the tears before they fall, just as you hear Steve’s approaching footsteps again.
You shut the door just as he exits the bedroom with your neatly folded clothes from your recent run.
“Natasha washed these, I assume? Or was it Yelena?”
[taglist; @cjand10]
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horanghaeluvsinniehae · 8 months
Disclaimer:the beginning might be bad but it gets better i swear!😭
!Also please read my note at the end!
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You were so excited to see Lix because well -the obvious- that you like him a lot and you got so so happy when he said he liked you yesterday, even if he was drunk. You stand by the saying that drunken words are sober thoughts so you believe that he actually likes you and isn’t just saying it.
You cleaned up the kitchen (it was a big mess and it’s almost the first thing people see when they come through your door) and got some tea water boiling because you know that Felix likes to drink tea whenever he’s at yours.
After a while a knock was heard on your door and you excitedly went to open it. A big smile was evident on your face as you opened the door and it got even bigger when you saw him standing in the hallway with his signature brownie box in his hand.
“Hi Lix!” You greeted the boy in front of you. “Hi y/nah!” He greeted you with just as much excitement. “Brought you some brownies!” He held the box up proudly. “Aww Felix thank you so much!” You thanked him and took the box. “Come in please!” You told him and went to put the brownies on the counter.
Your heart started beating quickly as you observed the box that had a note on it that said: to lovely y/nah, i hope you’ll enjoy them!. Your heart was literally melting, this boy is so kind and just amazing.
“Is that my tea that I’m smelling?” He asked happily and already moved to the kitchen cabinet to get a mug out. You smiled and nodded your head. “Of course it is! It should be ready by now but don’t burn yourself please!” You warned him because it wouldn’t be the first time that he burned himself trying to drink his tea. “Okaay. You want me to pour you some too?” He looked back at you as he asked and and you nodded back to him gratefully.
While he got your teas ready you sat down on one of your barstools around the kitchen island. When he got ready he sat down next to you and placed your tea down in front of you carefully. You pulled the brownie box open and pulled it between the two of you.
There was a bit of silence, but it wasn’t an awkward one. You were both sipping your teas, munching the brownies and thinking about what to say next.
“Y/n…I would like to apologise for yesterday. I know that you’re not mad at me and that I was drunk but that doesn’t mean that what I did was right.” He looked at you and had a little ashamed pout on his face. “Oh Yongbokah, I told you not to be sorry! It’s all okay, you didn’t hurt anyone so please don’t feel bad!” You said then shyly added-“and i…really liked what you said Lix…” You looked at him with a soft smile and he immediately returned it.
“So you don’t mind that I like you…like a lot?” “Not at all! In fact I really like you too! A lot!!” You said happily and at that he put his hand on yours. “Y/nah, then if we like each other would you be mine?” He asked and looked at you so fondly that you thought you'd melt right then and there. “Of course!! Omg this is so amazing ahh!” You said, being so happy about what just happened.Felix kissed your cheek shyly and you both looked at each other feeling giddy.
The rest of your afternoon was filled with more brownies and tea, but also lots of cuddles and telling the boys the good news. Of course they all cheered and were so happy for you guys. They’ve been waiting for this moment and got so excited that it finally came true.
A/N: hi guys…um I’m so sorry for being inactive:( i just had no idea what to write, but then i got an idea and i think it turned out well(?) anyways! I don’t care of i sound desperate, but i really want you guys to request because i don’t have much ideas(literally like zero) but i love writing!! So please even if you have a small idea or just a thought or a big idea please write it to me in the requests!! Here’s my guide how to request so no-one will be sad that I didn’t do theirs for some reason!<3 I’m sorry again and I hope this one brings some smiles to you and thank you for reading my work!!Please take care of yourselves and be safe!❤️‍🩹
taglist: @justwonder113 (if you want to be on it either comment or write in requests please<3)
151 notes · View notes
queen-of-reptiles · 9 months
description: in which kirsty smith and her chelsea player girlfriend have to go through several interviews before the London Derby
kirsty smith x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction do not take any of this seriously !
warnings: cutenesssssssss, talks about previous injuries for the reader!
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y/n just posted on her story
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kirstysmith.11 just posted on her story
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Kirsty hummed lightly as she walked through the corridor leading to the interview room, she opened the door, smiling at her girlfriend who sat happily in her Chelsea shirt.
"There she is." y/n cooed, standing up as she ran at her girlfriend excitedly.
Kirsty chuckled catching the bouncing striker as she launched herself at her, pressing excited pecks to her cheek multiple times. The crew around laughed, finding the sweet nature of the two humorous.
"Hi Baby." Kirsty chuckled. "Can I put you down?" She then asked and y/n squeaked, as if realising she was still wrapped around her lover.
"Oh yeah, course." y/n grinned, unwrapping her legs from Kirsty and being set back on her feet. "Sorry." y/n apologised as Kirsty followed her to their seats.
The two competed in their London Derby tomorrow, Kirsty being a West Ham defender and y/n being a Chelsea striker. The two were a known couple in the WSL and an enjoyed one at that.
"Right, so y/n, of course we have to talk about it. You scored your 161st goal for Chelsea over the weekend. How did that feel?" The interviewer asked and y/n grinned.
"Oh fantastic! I mean Chelsea has been such a big part of my life, with me growing up in the academy and then coming into this team, but there is something so special about getting that number in the net." y/n smiles softly.
"And Kirsty, we saw you at the game of course, having played the day before, how did you feel?" The interviewer continued.
"Just so proud, I mean she isn't called the best striker in England for nothing. But I am still so proud because she's done so well and even though I hate the colour she does look good in Chelsea blue." Kirsty smiles.
y/n lets out a laugh at that, smiling at her lover kindly as she traces her face with her eyes, Kirsty's hand slips into y/n's under the table and her hand squeezes tightly, loving the way y/n squeezes back.
"And of course, your relationship is big among the fans how do you find that?" He asks.
"I mean, I love that they love us and have done for so long, but it can get a little intrusive at times, if they don't see us together the rumours can be so vicious and hurtful." Kirsty admits and y/n nods.
"People love to talk to, when it came out we were together, all they could talk about was the four year age gap and it was so annoying and upsetting." y/n agrees and the interviewer nods.
"And obviously this weekend you are playing against each other, how does that feel? How does it effect the relationship?" The interviewer asks.
"I don't think it does really." y/n hums, looking at her girlfriend who shakes her head in agreement.
"Yeah, like we are loyal to our teams but we would never put us on the line because of football." Kirsty nods.
"Do you think some fans may find that un-loyal?" He continues asking and y/n shrugs.
"They're welcome to. But at the end of the day, football is not forever in our lives, this relationship will be." y/n states and Kirsty's head moves so she can admire her lover.
A soft smile on the blondes face as she watches y/n answer the nest question her eyes filmed with warmth as she makes sure to also pay attention to the questions being asked.
"And Kirsty, do you find it hard to defend against her?" He asks and Kirsty looks back to the camera.
"Yeah, of course I do, she's fantastic." Kirsty says and y/n smiles softly, running her thumb over the skin of Kirsty's hand which is still intertwined with her own.
y/n lets Kirsty let go of her hand, the older blonde now placing it on y/n's thigh, squeezing at it as she continues to talk about how talented her lover is at the game.
"But then again, I know her, I know the way she thinks, the way she sees the game, and I know I can use that to try and help my team stop the little rascal." Kirsty says and y/n laughs.
"And y/n obviously you had tough time of it in 2020, with your ACL then a broken ankle, how good did it feel to get back on the pitch just before the Euros?" The interviewer asks.
"I can't quite describe it honestly." y/n admits, the pain and heartbreak flashing through her quickly as she remembers the months it took.
"Take your time." The interviewer nods kindly.
"Well, to get back after an ACL was fantastic, I knew I had time as I was only 23 when it happened. But then first game back to instantly get a broken ankle, goodness, it was just horrid." y/n admits.
The game had been rough, it was against Arsenal and in the 70th minute while they were 2-1 up, Leah Williamson, her captain of her international team, made a bad tackle and broker her ankle.
"It was worse seeing Leah as well, because I knew she felt so awful and I just wanted to hold her and promise her it was okay, but I was in so much pain." y/n continues.
Leah had almost been in tears, she knew how much y/n meant to the Lionesses and the fact the two had such a close relationship didn't help either.
"Kirsty was fantastic however, I mean, I don't think I would have stepped foot back on the pitch without the support system I had. Chelsea, the girls, and Kirsty." y/n says softly.
Kirsty smiles, squeezing y/n's thigh once more as she leans her other hand down and drags y/n's chair to connect to hers, kissing her forehead lovingly as the interviewer smiles.
"I was lucky really, because I had such history at Chelsea and lucky to have such a good fanbase because I had been in the senior team so long already. But it is something I would never wish or hope for anyone because it is very hard." y/n nods.
"Okay, thank you." The Interviewer nods kindly before sighing. "One last question, what's going to be the score?" He asks.
y/n lets out a light laugh, Kirsty following suit as y/n finds herself grateful for the interviewer's way of lightening up the mood which had become slightly sadder.
"Well, I guess they will have to watch Sunday to find out." y/n grins and the interviewer chuckles.
"I agree with that." He nods before the cameras stop rolling. "Thank you so much for that ladies, I really appreciate it." He tells them as they shake hands.
"Thank you, it was lovely to work with you." Kirsty smiles.
"Yeah, you're lovely, thank you." y/n adds and the man smiles before Kirsty and y/n head over to their bags.
"You okay baby?" Kirsty asks quietly as they put their coats on.
"Yeah, I just forget sometimes that it hurt so bad, you know?" y/n asks and Kirsty smiles kindly.
"I know baby." She promises, pressing a light peck to y/n's lips. "Come on, lets get you home pipsqueak." Kirsty adds as she offers her hand and y/n happily takes it.
y/n sighed in relief as the whistle blew, her body flopping on the ground as the Chelsea fans cheered for their win around them. The 2-0 win was hard, y/n getting the first goal just before half time and Sam getting the second barley five minutes before the end of the match.
However, West Ham had put up such a good fight, they had kept close and tight to the Chelsea girls and even had some counter attacks which were nearly a problem.
y/n was kept almost silent by her lover during the match, and while she was coming away with a goal and an assist, she felt absolutely knackered from the game her lover had done.
"You okay down there Pip?" Sam asks, standing over her team-mate and friend.
"Yeah, good cheers." y/n nods.
The nickname pip had originated from Sophie Ingle nicknaming her 'pipsqueak', years ago when y/n first joined Chelsea senior, she was only 16 and eventually Sophie started to call her pipsqueak.
The team found the name hilarious and it seemed to stick once they realised the striker wasn't going to grow above her miraculous height of 5ft 1.
Eventually, pipsqueak was shortened to pip to make it easier and quicker to say, and it was usually said more by her team than her actual name.
"Come on up you get." Sam says offering her hand and pulling y/n to her feet. y/n sighs as she nods in thanks to Sam and goes to grab her water bottle, gulping it down and listening to Emma's talk.
Once they are dismissed, two familiar arms wrap around her middle, the familiar claret and blue colour meeting y/n's eyes as she turns around to face her lover.
"Hi baby." y/n hums, the crowds cheering getting louder at the sight of the couple.
"Hi my little superstar." Kirsty smiles pressing a kiss to her forehead which y/n accepts with a happy hum.
"Pip! Pip's girlfriend! You're up for interviews!" Emma's call rings and y/n groans.
"Emma, why can't you use my name?" y/n whines as she walks past her boss.
"I did!" Emma denies and Kirsty laughs as they get to the pitch-side interview and are handed their microphones and separate to their own interviewers.
"y/n congrats on the performance today, a good win or things to work on?" She is asked.
"Thank you. Look every win is a good win really, but definitely things to work on. We were late to all the second balls, we didn't close down quick enough and we missed some really good chances." y/n nods.
"Always looking for ways to improve right?" The interviewer asks.
"Completely. We always do look for ways to get better, because that is how you stay the best and today proves that we have got a lot to work on." y/n nods.
"Even so, a great goal from you. Did you think it was going to go in?" The interviewer asks.
y/n's first goal had been from about 40 yards out, she had recieved it from Sam and while being closed down by Hawa Cissoko decided to just have a go, hammering it into the top left hand side to everyone's shock and awe.
"Not at all." y/n says honestly which causes the interviewer to laugh.
"Well, I appreciate your honesty thank you." The interviewer nods.
"Of course, any other questions?" y/n asks her.
"I think one more." The interviewer nods, eyeline behind her and y/n turns around, microphone dropping on the floor as she looks at her girlfriend on one knee.
Sam is stood next to the interviewer, clearly having tossed Kirsty the ring when y/n wasn't looking and now the teams had crowded around as Kirsty tried to not cry.
"Marry me baby?" Kirsty asks, y/n wiping a few stray tears away.
"Of course Kirsty, it will always be a yes." y/n nods, Kirsty grinning as she jumps up and presses her lips to y/n's tightly, before sliding the ring on her finger as they pull away.
Suddenly both teams jump at them cheering and screaming as the video being recorded becomes a soon viral one at the show of love one simple question caused.
kirstysmith.11 just posted
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kirstysmith.11 can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together ! xx
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a cute one for a cute woman ! xx
Queenie xo
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glyhpsrfvckincol · 2 years
Hayo! I saw your requests were open and I was wondering if you could do hunter with a s/o that has bird wings.
da B I R B >:)
Wings || Hunter Noceda
Synopsis - Hunter Noceda, being absolutely obsessed infatuated with your wings.
Warnings - Hunter being a brat.
Requests are opened; headcanons only
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↳ Mother fucker is obsessed with the function and mobility of your wings.
↳ Not to mention, the softness of your feathers.
↳ He once asked if you could dye part of your feathers red. Doesn’t matter if it was before or after Flapjack-
↳ Warp him up in your feathers, he will fall asleep.
↳ Just pull into a hug and warp your wings around him. This man will nap.
↳ Honestly prefers your wings over any blanket.
↳ If you have wings cause you’re a Harpy, mans is down on his knees.
↳ Partly because Hunter is terrified of Harpy’s. Harpy Eda scares him a lot. Mostly because “Oh my Titan! Imagine how much power and mobility you’d have in a fight! What if-“
↳ He’s excited.
↳ If you can use your feathers like actual bladed weapons, something similar to Hawks I suppose, he’d be curious as to how they cut through anything.
↳ “But they’re soft, they wrap around me and it feels like I’m lying on clouds. How do they cut through other weapons?-“
↳ Something I know happens, is if you ever take Hunter for a flight, you’d have to hold him bridal style. He acts terrified of being on your back, claiming he’d fall because of your speed and height.
↳ He probs would, but he’s really saying that so he can have another reason for you to carry him.
↳ Hunter once fell cause he was being a brat. After that, he’d cling to you in fear. He was never a brat when flying again.
↳ If Luz or Amity are bullying him, he’ll go over to you and wrap your wing around himself, while he climbs into your lap.
↳ Hunter has a feather of yours on a string that sits around his neck. He holds it when he gets nervous or shy, or he’s thinking of you while smiling and blushing cause someone brought you up in a conversation-
↳ Hunter loves watching you fight with your wings, though he still worries you might get hurt.
↳ He thinks that even though you’ve been fighting before you even met him, it’d still be his fault if you got hurt cause he promised to protect you, especially against Belos.
↳ He questions if you eat chicken. Yes, another Hawks related thing-
↳ If you don’t eat chicken because it feels weird, he’d also never eat chicken or bird related anything again.
↳ Hunter loves to cuddle with you and Flapjack. He’s also thankful you two get along great.
↳ You and Flap made a pack to pull on his noodle hair strand. You do it gently on course, but you tug enough to get his attention.
↳ Actin’ like you don’t already got that shit-
↳ Hunter definitely brags about you to Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow, Vee, and Flapjack.
↳ “My partner is cooler!” “Wow, you all need a Palisman to fly. My partner doesn’t even need one, she has super cool wings.” “My partner can fly better and faster than any of us. I don’t see why you’re all trying to compete.”
↳ It all ends when Mama Camila comes in and tells him to stop bullying his friends.
↳ Naturally, he agrees, and even apologises.
↳ Then when Mama Camila leaves, he grins and sticks his tongue out at all of them.
↳ Just smack him upside the head, he’ll listen then.<3
↳ All I can say is this boy loves your wings, any colour, any size, any added abilities, anything!
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Bard x Mermaid!Reader
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Bard could sense there was something else in the water besides the fish he intended to catch. Peering over he tried to see if he could get a look. Going from one side of his boat to the other, yet the being still was not there.
You know you shouldn’t be this close to a fisherman’s boat but you couldn’t help it. The human world always interested you so and this human was particularly handsome. Besides you were a fast swimmer, he wouldn’t see you unless you wanted him to.
“I know you’re down there.” He called smoothly; maybe just a little peek couldn’t hurt.
As he looked out into the water he saw your head peek out. Slowly your whole face came into view and once your eyes met you just stared at each other for a while. There was no way around it, he definitely was handsome.
Quickly going under water to swim away he called for you to come back, but before he could finish his sentence you were right at his boat, peering up at him with beautiful sweet eyes. His eyes scanned yours in return and seemed to widen with wonder as your tail came into view.
“Hello.” He simply breathed out, a sense of astonishment and joy in his voice.
“Hello.” You replied in return with a giggle.
“I’d heard stories of human like beings who lived in the water, told tales of them to my daughters, but I never believed they were real.” He told you, now kneeling down to be face to face with you.
“I’d heard stories of handsome fisherman who were brave enough to speak with my people and kind enough not to catch them. I’d hope such tales were real and now I see they are.” You reply with a smile, pushing yourself up a little further as your hand rises to lay on his cheek.
To Bards surprise he closes his eyes and leans into your touch, his hand coming to lay upon yours. Seeing the handsome man in such a state of relaxed joy, you brave leaning up a little further and lay a sweet kiss on his lips.
As quickly as you and your kiss came, you were gone. Bards eyes fluttered open, but to his disappointment, you had vanished into a flurry of rippling water.
“Da, look! A mermaid! Like from your stories.” Called Tilda.
Whipping his head around, Bard tried to search for you in the water. Once again you were too fast for him, but he did manage to see the shine of your tail before you ventured further into the depths. Taking a deep breath, Bards sweet eyes turned to his young daughter.
“Tilda, they’re just stories, there are no mermaids.” He told the young girl, hating lying to her.
Bard once again knowing you were near his boat, sat down and waited for you to appear.
“You miss me?” You smile up at him with mischief in your eye as he snaps his head up to look at you.
Instead of the awe and beauty that was in them before, there was hurt and a bit of anger.
“You should not have come so close to town, someone could have spotted you and you could have been hurt.” He tells you, worry laced in his voice as his eyes now fill with sadness.
Surprising himself, his hand lays lovingly on the side of your face.
Instead of apologising or feeling bad however, you continue to be cheeky and perhaps a little flirty.
“So you care for me then.” You smile at him as you kiss his palm that rests on your face.
Hearing your playful comment he can’t help but laugh and blush, taking your other cheek in his hand.
“Well it’s not every day a beautiful being of legend comes to my boat and kisses me.” He confesses, smiling down at you as he begins to lean in.
Feeling as though it was taking too long, you grab a hold of his shirt and pull him down into a hard and passionate kiss. One of Bards strong hands come down to your hip and gasps as he touches your scales. With his mouth open you slip your tongue in, turning the kiss into something less innocent.
His other hand now reaches into your hair as your tail begins to beat against the water with joy. Opening his eyes, Bard smiles at the excited sound your tail creates splashing against the water.
“If I promise to stay away from the town will you promise to kiss me like that again?” You ask breathlessly with a wide smile.
“You have my word.” Bard answers sweetly, closing his eyes and rubbing his nose against yours.
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theemporium · 1 year
Blurby thought/ask of being best friends with Danny (lots of angst and pining bc right person wrong time vibes with always one of you having a SO but being insanely in love but blind af) and being by his side supporting him through McLaren, rb reserve and then his return to alpha. Maybe just comforting and encouraging him and then when he had the news about the seat maybe something clicks and confessions happen?
thank you for requesting!🖤
The timing was never right between the two of you.
When he first joined Red Bull, he was young and eager to kickstart his career. You were new too, and you didn’t want to mess things up. You found solace in each other, in being the outcasts in a scary world. You didn’t want to let some fleeting feelings get in the way of a genuine friendship.
You had stayed in Red Bull when he went off to Renault. You were heartbroken, despite knowing you’d still see plenty of him. You were used to having him by your side almost every week, and now he would be in another garage. It was two races into the season when you realised the feelings you had for the Aussie were still going wrong, but by the time you made it to his garage, the girl underneath his arm was enough for you to turn back around and accept that friendship was enough.
You were the first person he told when he moved to McLaren. He was buzzing, eager for more race wins and to return to one of the top teams. McLaren was historical, it should have been a dream come true and he wanted to share that with you—he wanted to share so much more with you. Except, by the time he made it to your apartment, the excitement had worn off when your boyfriend had opened the door. He sheepishly apologised and told you he would come back in the morning. He spent the rest of the night kicking himself for not saying something sooner.
It hurt to watch the boy you loved crumble into a shell of who he was. You hated what McLaren were doing to him. You hated that he was blaming himself. The summer they announced his leave from the team, you were by his side no matter what.
When it was announced he would join the Red Bull team again, you could’ve sworn the light returned to his eyes and you were excited to finally be working with him again. And there was a whisper of something more between you two, something that others had picked up on.
But still nothing had happened, until tonight.
He had barely gotten out of the car after the tire test when Christian had dragged him into a separate room, the offer placed on the table and a chance to enter the sport he loved once again returning to him.
He was back on the grid. He was back in a car. He was back after everyone ever doubted he would return.
The second contracts were signed, Daniel got in his car and headed straight to your apartment. You lived close enough to commute to the factor in Milton Keynes, and he only wanted to see you.
It was later in the evening when you opened your door to insistent knocking, finding a flustered and slightly breathless Daniel grinning back at you.
“I’m back.”
You didn’t even need to ask what he meant, didn’t even need to hesitate before you threw your arms around him, squeezing him so tight he thought for a moment you’d break his ribs.
When you pulled back, you had a million and one questions on the tip of your tongue. Was he back in the Red Bull seat or with a different team? When was he starting? Was his garage near yours? Does this mean you would see him every weekend again?
But before even a single one of those questions could leave your lips, Daniel was grabbing your face and pressing his lips against yours.
Your body froze, your brain unable to compute what you were experiencing until you felt him start to pull away, an apology ready to be whispered against your lips when you pulled him back in again. The kiss was passionate and a little sloppy, but it was years in the making and it felt like a fucking relief to do it after so many years.
“I’ve wanted to do that for ages,” he whispered breathlessly, his nose playfully nudging yours and you couldn’t help the giggle that left your lips.
“Took you long enough.”
Daniel grinned. “Guess I gotta make up for lost time then.”
You pulled him deeper into your apartment, the door closed behind the two of you and years of pining finally ending.
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jhoneybees · 8 months
hi idk if ur open for requests or not, but I was wondering if you could write like elvis and reader make meals for a picnic and spend lunch at the park?
Hello! Yes my requests are always open! This idea is so sweet and I did change it up just a little bit and I hope you don't mind! I did try to experiment with describing a scenario in a different way to how I normally write them so I apologise if it's bad😅 but on a positive note, I hope you enjoy!!!
Picnic date
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Characters: Early50s!Elvis X reader
Warnings/triggers: mentions of poison(in a joking manner) and nothing else just pretty much fluff :)
Elvis has always been so sweet, loving and caring towards you, he can't help but treat you like the princess that you are. Often taking you out around town to places either secretive or well known and loves gifting you things to which he plans a surprise date for you.
He doesn't usually just plan a date without mentioning it to you, he would normally ask you if you’d like to go on a date with him but this time felt like it would be something different for the both of you so as he waits for you at the school gates, he holds a couple of boxes, one being a lunch box with food that his mama packed for you both and the other box being a little gift. he spent quite a bit of his savings for this gift and he's jumbled with excitement and nerves to give it to you.
His thoughts get interrupted when he spots you out of the corner of his eye “Y/n! Sweetie” your head turning and a soft smile grows on your face “Elvis!” he chuckles and takes a few steps closer to you “You’re comin with me doll, got a yittle surprise” you frown a little, opening your mouth as if you’re gonna say something but shake your head and sigh, you’ll just go with the flow “Alright..um what’s with the boxes?” you giggle quietly as you walk alongside Elvis. His crooked grin appears “Oh it’s a part of the surprise..” you hum as a response.
After a 15 minute walk, Elvis stops in front of the entrance of Memphis park. Giving you a cheeky smirk before he leads you in “What are you planning Mr. Presley?” you question with furrowed eyebrows and a smile filled with suspicion “Nothin that would hurt ya darlin” he teases.
You two finally arrive at a park bench that sits under a big tree “Here, mama packed us some food” Elvis says as he sits himself down and opens the lunch box. You smile gently and sit down next to Elvis.
“Good?” he asks as he watches you take a bite of your half of the sandwich, nodding enthusiastically with a small smile on your lips. Elvis chuckles whilst leaning in to peck your cheek “Good… mama didn’t poison them” he says jokingly as he takes a bite from his half, you swat his shoulder playfully earning a muffled laugh.
As Elvis finishes up with his half, he takes the time to watch you. Smiling happily as his eyes travel to your mouth, opening to consume the snack then up to your eyes that look around the quiet park. He sighs silently “Enjoying it?” His soft voice makes you shift your vision and nod “It’s delicious, please make sure to tell your mama” he smiles and nods in return.
For a while, you both just lay back and enjoy each other's company, leaning your head on Elvis’s shoulder as he occasionally kisses the top of your head.
“Honey…so about the surprise” he says quietly with a hint of nervousness, you sit up properly and watch as he lifts a red box onto your lap, you smile silently, seeing the way the big red bow sits upon the lid “Elvis…” you peer up at him with your eyebrows furrowing, he shakes his head with a small smile “I wanted ta get ya something… you’re my girl after all” your heart sighs “...You didn't have to” you whisper as your eyes float back to the box on your lap. “I wanted to, honey” he answers with a soft kiss to your cheek.
Your hands being gentle and cautious, you slowly pull on the ribbon, watching as it unravels smoothly, draping over your legs as it falls. Lifting the lid off and placing it to the side, your eyes light up. Your hand goes up to cover your mouth as a small gasp emits “Oh Elvis…” he grins “You like em?” you nod silently in slight shock, he got you gold coloured sparkle kitten heels with slightly pointed toes and delicate gold straps.
You begin to pout as you pick one of them out of the box, admiring every detail and you turn your head to look at Elvis who always looks at you with heart eyes “They’re beautiful..” you whisper which makes Elvis’ crooked grin grow “They were the last ones in stock, lucky I got em..” he explains “Wanna try them on?” You nod and move the box from your lap and as you lean down to remove your shoes, Elvis beats you to it by slipping down on one knee and carefully taking them off for you to which you giggle and wait for him to put the new ones on your feet.
When he buckles the straps on, you gasp again at how they sparkle in the sunlight “Oh Elvis, Elvis, Elvis!” you repeat with growing excitement and he takes your hand, helping you up “Stand on the bench there, hun” you oblige and excitedly spin yourself around in a circle as Elvis holds your hand, laughing delightfully in union.
Your laughing fades and you look down at Elvis with so much adoration, moving closer to the edge of the bench. His hands securely on both sides of your waist as your hands rest on his shoulders. You lean down and place the softest, loving kiss you could ever give.
“I love you so much”
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Headcanons for being Peter Parker's significant other after the death of Gwen...
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It takes him a long time to open himself up to the possibility of love again. Even when he does open himself up to it, he still guards his heart because losing Gwen took such a toll on him. It's a good few years before he even considers going on a date.
Aunt May is desperate for him to get out there and even just talk to girls. She knows the pain that he's in but she also knows that getting out there would maybe help the process of healing. She doesn't force it though but she does try and encourage whenever he'll listen.
He feels a lot of guilt for even thinking about dating again. He goes to therapy to help cope with the guilt. He knows that Gwen would want him to move on but it takes him a lot of effort to get over that hurdle.
When he meets you, a lot of that guilt comes back because he likes you and so, he ends up pushing you away at first.
He breaks down to Aunt May about it and it's her that helps him to go towards you. Her advice is simple. "Take (y/n) out, have a nice time... but tell her about Gwen. Get that out in the open straight away. Let her know."
So he does. He takes you out, you can tell he's a little reserved but the two of you sit at the park and he tells you. He tells you that his ex-girlfriend died and he still struggles and holds a lot of responsibility and guilt from it. He's terrified to know your response but you hug him and you apologise. You tell him that you're happy he felt safe enough to tell you and you're here if he needs to talk about it.
After that, the healing process begins.
Getting to know you brings a lot of excitement and happiness back into his life. Aunt May cries from sheer happiness because "Oh Peter, you've got your smile back!".
You're patient and kind with him, allowing him to speak about Gwen, asking about her. You even suggest visiting her grave on her birthday. You understand how important she was to Peter so there's never any feelings of jealousy or spite. She's important to Peter so she's important to you.
Peter thanks you a lot for being so understanding and caring. He appreciates it so much.
He soon confides in you that he's Spider-Man. You've proven how understanding and trustworthy you are so he tells you. You take it well but you worry that he's been taking on too much. You're the one who reminds him to take care of himself, reminds him to stop every so often and relax.
He's so touch starved. Even the simplest of things like brushing his hair out of his face sends him spiralling. He needs you to be touching him at all times, not in sexual way but holding hands, touching knees; he never realised how much he missed touch.
His main goal is to make you happy so whatever you need, whatever it takes; he will do it to see you smile.
His biggest fear is losing you. He doesn't want to lose you like he did Gwen, he doesn't want to end up getting you hurt so he does whatever he can to protect you and keep you safe.
Aunt May doesn't stop smiling when he brings you home for dinner to meet her. She cries a few times. "You make him so happy. I have my boy back." You get on really well and she is just beyond happy for the two of you.
He doesn't take you for granted. He knows how fast life can be taken so he lets you know every single day how much loves and appreciates you.
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