#and seemed to me to be taking on some of the burdens boromir felt to be carrying
altschmerzes · 9 months
That Aragorn and Faramir fic idea you mentioned sounds really interesting! There's so many layers involved in those two and those around them, and it sounds like a concept you would really have fun with!
THANK YOU it’s so clear in my mind honestly. this moment in that in-between space where aragorn either comes to find him or runs into him and has the chance to talk with him for the first time - say, you know, it’s an honour to meet you. your brother spoke of you with great pride.
like. the kind of person aragorn is would be really fascinating to watch faramir figure out how to handle tbh. this is Thee Literal King, and he’s also the type of person who looks at the people around him with warmth and appreciation at all turns, who puts himself on the line beside them, who is compassionate and interested in people and like. offers people his respect. pretty much regardless of who they are, until they prove they do not deserve it.
and for faramir, who has been. well. look at all he’s been doing in pursuit of his father’s respect, his father’s love, all entirely in vain. and what came of it. he’s just narrowly survived an attempted murder/suicide, after the first time he was sent to his death for the crime of being the wrong son didn’t quite get him all the way dead. just mostly there. so he’s been suffering and bleeding and dying for the good opinion of the central authority figure in his life to absolutely no avail. and here’s the king. the literal whole king. who’s never met him before, and is now seeing him in this sorry state. who offers his good opinion freely and without hesitation.
i SIMPLY think there’s so much potential in that dynamic and i want to poke at it SO bad tbh
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janeeyreofmanderley · 3 months
Yet another Boromir lives AU
"Ouch! Son of a B.......ranch" Boromir growled, earning a critical yet approving nod of Rosi as he rubbed his head, having bumped it at the ceiling beam for ... well let's just say way too many times. More carefully now and almost bend double he made his way to follow the little Hobbits to the garden where they wanted his help hanging lanterns in the tree.
Finallly a job he could do! He had been in the Shire for almost two months now and while he loved it and found it a welcome change from the demands war torn Gondor still put on him he felt hopelessly out of place. And not only because of his size.
No, he felt out of place the same way Frodo did.
Often the two of them could be found talking in the evening. Only once they had mentioned the ring. They didn't need to talk about it further. Each of them knew what the other felt. The guilt, the shame of failure, and the fear lingering in both their minds of what they might have become, had they gained or kept the ring. These thoughts were always there, always a weight on their minds, and knowing that the other understood the burden was enough. So mostly they sat quietly, enjoying the others company or talk about some comfortably mundane topic.
Today, however, was a day of celebration and Boromir found he was almost as giddy as the little Hobbits, that were now tugging on his trousers, pulling him now here, now there.
Today not only Legolas and Gimli but also Faramir and Eowyn would join them! Faramir had some Steward business in the North to do and Aragorn had given him leave to visit the Shire while travelling. Boromir had not seen his brother in close to 6 months and was eagerly looking forward to showing him and his sister in law around!
They had just hanged the final lantern and Sam had just placed some loaves of bread fresh from the oven when Merry and Pippin came running. "They are half an hour away, come on guys, let's meet them half way! Boromir glanced at Rosi and Sam but the y both just smiled and nodded, as he scooped up three little Hobbits and started running!
It was a boisterous and joyful reuninion! Plenty of hugs, and the little Hobbits got to ride on the big Rohirric voces that the Lady of Ithilien and her husband had arrived on, The feast was one of those only Hobbits can prepare, and it was very late when Boromir finally showed Eowyn and Faramir where the guest rooms where, that held human sized beds. He managed to avoid the first half dozen beams before they got him again, and swearign profusely he noticed that neither his brother nor sister in law had yet complained though he had heard some suspicious bumping noises. As he turned around he noticed why.
"You two brought.....helmets????? "
Eowyn grinned "Faramir's idea, and it seemed a good one judging by your complaints in the letters! And honestly, I don't regret taking them along! "
Faramir smirked. "But worry not brother, we're not cruel" and he handed Boromir a helmet too.
Boromir blinked, then roared with laughter "And that's why, you are the poltician of us little brother! Always one step ahead of me!"
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Once Upon a Dream (Faramir x Fem!Reader)
Word count: 891
Requested by Anon
Warnings: none :)
A/N I really wanted to try this from Faramir’s point of view, I felt that he would have a very unique mindset of things. Anyways, I really enjoyed this prompt, and I thank you for sending it in!
I eyed the fallen towers, despair slowly creeping in. But I pushed it away, unwilling to let it take control of me. There were things I had to take care of, I could not afford to lose hope now. The battles had already been won, but what was left in its wake was hard enough to manage, even with Aragorn and I working together. I don’t know what Boromir would have done in my stead, and now I could not even have his council anymore. No, I couldn’t think about that. Not yet. That will be addressed on another day. I continued surveying the damage. I walked through the debris, climbing over fallen stone pillars. The damage left was worse than I had ever seen, worse even than Osgiliath. Every now and then, there were some people, ready to replant what had gone to waste, bring their life back before all of this. But there were very few. Even I felt the burden, and it was hard to imagine a life after this. But I must, it was my duty.
As I turned a corner, the faint sound of someone singing traveled towards me. 
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
Curious, I continued along the path, the sound growing stronger. 
I know you, that look in your eyes is so a familiar gleam
I neared a corridor that had partially collapsed and saw you.  
But if I know you, I know what you’ll do
There were three blonde halflings, one of which was Pippin, who I knew very well now. They were sitting in front of you, their mouths gaping. I recognized this song very well, and I wanted to know you very well. I had always seen you from afar, but never this close. I had always wanted to though. You have always been beautiful in my eyes, and I had always meant to say something, yet never had the courage to. But now, I felt like I had a chance. Without thinking, I joined you, walking forward. “You’ll love me at once,” You turned, your eyes widened with alarm, yet you continued singing. “The way you did once upon a dream.”
As I walked closer, you eyed me, a bit unsure of what to think. We kept on singing though, and your eyes locked with mine. You knew who I was, I could see that. But you did not know why I was here with you. And that made you a little bit wary. 
The hobbits, however, were enthralled. They watched us sing, giggling to themselves. Unbeknownst to us, they were silently plotting. They liked how we looked together and wanted us to get to know each other. Not that I would say no of course. But there were still pressing matters to address.
Your voice was perfect, the clear notes blending perfectly with mine. As we sang, I got closer to you, and with a nod of your head, tenderly held your hand. You smiled, all the tension you had felt melting away. Your hands were so warm in mine, and everything I was so worried about seemed like nothing. I felt strange until I realized that I felt unconditionally happy at that moment. It was something I had not felt in a long time, and I really did not think it would show up in this way. Yet it did, which made me wonder, who were you? Who were you to make me feel this way in only a second? I twirled you around, and you let out the loudest laugh I had heard in a long time. It was not quite what I was expecting, yet it was everything I needed. I then knew that you would play a huge part in my life, which I was more than willing. 
As the song slowly came to an end, I let go of your hands and bowed deeply. You gave a slight curtsy and then knelt next to the hobbits, whispering in their ears. I was still marveling at the fact that I had danced and sang with practically a stranger, but then all of a sudden, you walked away, smiling at me, and then turning a corner. 
“Wait!’ I called. “I did not get your name!” But you had already left, leaving me with the hobbits, all of them giving me a sly smile. “Lads, please tell me her name. She has done something to me that I can not quite understand, but I must see her again.”
Pippin looked at me and gave a gleeful grin. “Oh Faramir, you’re just going to have to figure that on your own. But one thing I can tell you, she definitely fancies you.” And then the hobbits stood up, dusting themselves off, leaving me in the ruins. 
I stood there, my mouth gaping for quite some time. I must say, out of everything I have witnessed, everything I have lived through, nothing has made me more nervous than you, just the thought of you, and what I wish I could stay. I felt as if I had known you for a long time, though I did not recollect ever talking to you before. But alas, that must be taken to another day, for I still had a lot of work to be done.  
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lilxberry · 3 years
Fool Of A Took - Peregrin ‘Pippin’ Took
Requested By: @iwazoomingouttahere​
Hola!!! I was wonderinggggggggggg if my favorite writer could write a pippin x f! reader where she’s a hobbit and his girlfriend/fiancée and she’s part of the fellowship, but she’s constantly underestimated due to the fact she’s a female so when after a battle everyone remembers she’s “a delicate female” and panic because she wasn’t with them only to turn around and see her literally standing on top of a pile of orcs they realise that they’re in the presence of a badass and there’s fluff insuing
I changed it up only slightly because of how I feel most hobbits would react in said situation. Also, I feel like the first half is a let down but definitely improves. I just wanted to mainly give a little run down of how reader joins the quest and some points as to what had happened I guess.
Overall, it still fits with what you had asked for I believe so I really do hope you enjoy it. Also, I think this is the shortest amount of time you’ve ever had to wait for your request to be finished lmao (Well done me!)
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Warnings: Mentions of battle. Mentions of blood. Mentions of injury. Mostly sweet. (LIKE ITS SO SWEET BRUH. MY FUCKING SUGAR LEVELS BE THROUGH THE ROOF WITH HOW SWEET THIS SHIT IS). Most likely, highly inaccurate to actual movie events.
Words: 2,804
Pairings: Peregrin ‘Pippin’ Took x reader (female reader) (Hobbit reader). Merry, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli (platonic)
All this happened when Merry and your long-time partner Pippin convinced you to go with them to Farmer Maggots’ field to snatch up some carrots, cabbage, potatoes, and mushrooms. You probably would have continued to wander about the Shire if that weren’t the case, and you couldn’t be happier about it. It would have driven you insane if Pippin had left without a word, without you.
You joined Frodo and Samwise in delivering what you learnt was a powerful, dangerous ring to Lothlórien. As they discussed such topics as Sam, Merry, Pippin, and yourself listened in, you learned of the dangerous task they had to go through to destroy the item in question.
You knew the second that Frodo had volunteered himself as the bearer of the ring, to carry such a burden himself, you would be thrusted into such journey on your own accord. Dwarf after elf after man volunteered themselves to accompany him and the council of Elrond declared the group The Fellowship of The Ring.
The son of Thranduil was one member, the brash dwarf known as Gimli was another. Two of the race of men were the next members. Then finally, five hobbits, consisting of yourself, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin made up the whole Fellowship.
Time passed and you all faced hurdles that most would never find themselves surviving through. Poor Boromir taking three arrows to the chest, being separated from the others as Pippin and Merry get taken by the Uruk-hai where then Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and yourself pursue them into Rohan, all while Frodo and Sam continued on to Mordor to destroy the ring at Mount Doom.
You, your beloved, and his cousin reunite at the crumbling walls of Isengard where you stumbled upon them eating and smoking pipe-weed to their hearts content and after finally finishing any business in Isengard, you had all set off towards Rohan once more.
That night, you had felt Pippin shift away from you as you laid together in Meduseld but thought nought of it. Then, a strangled cry rang out through where you all slept, waking everyone. You watch in concern as Gandalf scolded Pippin who seemed frightened. Of what, you did not know.
The following morning, Gandalf had prepared to leave with Pippin to Gondor and you were adamant on going with, refusing to be left behind and be separated from Pippin once more. You were quite the stubborn hobbit.
“You nor Meriadoc will come with us! This is an important matter that must be dealt with, without either of you. It is bad enough that I must babysit one hobbit, never mind two or three of you,” Gandalf bellowed.
“Listen here, you old croon, I will not take no for an answer!” you countered. “That hobbit right there, that hobbit you plan to take from me, is the love of my life and I’ll be damned if I’ll allow you to do so! I will only follow once you leave anyways, so it would simply be easier to take me with you, you fool!”
With much hesitation and distaste, Gandalf had reluctantly allowed you to head towards Gondor with them, Pippin smiling widely at you, admiring your strong will and determination, your bravery for standing up in such a way.
Your time in Gondor passed with many complications, Denethor being a large one at that. Thinking back on it, it was now nothing but a haze, especially when you had been refused to fight alongside the others during the Battle of Gondor. The battle you were currently fighting was utterly and completely occupying your mind.
The Battle of Morannon was difficult, tiring, exhausting in all senses to each and every attended. For your small stature and femininity, you struck down enemy after enemy with strong swipes and strikes of your sword. You were panting, heavily breathing, chest heaving, sweaty and covered in dirt and blood. Your armour felt loose and heavy but protected you as intended.
The sword felt heavier with each swing and your throat began to feel hoarse due to your war cries. You lost sight of any companion you had met during this long, tiring journey, no familiar faces nearby. You prayed that Pippin was safe and still amongst the living, wishing desperately to not find his body lying on the ground, lifeless and cold.
You could only hope that any of the others were winning against the enemies they came face to face with. With a huff, you refocused on the battle surrounding you, quickly running to the defence of a man who had been outnumbered.
Before you could fight further, a deep rumble within the ground was felt below your feet. Each of those in battle turned to look towards past the Black Gate and there, they see the tower fall and Mount Doom erratically shake and erupt with flaming molten which then cascaded down its side. Frodo had done it, he had destroyed the One Ring.
The orcs wanted to retreat, now no longer under the influence of Sauron but the army of the West did not yield. The 300 hundred soldiers of Gondor and 200 of Rohirrim charged bravely towards the orcs, striking them down with no remorse, no mercy.
All too soon, it had felt as though the battle fizzled out to nothing and those who lived were surrounded by the stench of death from those orcs that litter the floor.
While you had been hunched over, trying to regulate your breathing once more, bent over with your hands on your knees, heaving deeply for oxygen to enter and fill your lungs, Pippin began to run around quite like a headless chicken, searching for you with his flittering, desperate eyes.
He called out your name, but it seemed rather fruitless. Those who survived cheered at their victory, some chatting quite loudly as they reunite with friends, brothers, fathers. He weaved through tall bodies in search of you, feeling bile rise up in his throat each time he looked to the ground, hoping he wouldn’t find you amongst the fallen.
The first person he recognised he had stumbled upon was Aragorn, who had surprisingly looked far better off than he had originally thought he would appear to be. “Aragorn!” Pippin shouted over to him, his small stature pushing past though of tall men.
Aragorn whipped around and a relieved smile reared itself. “Pippin! I am glad to see you are alright,” he exclaimed.
“Have you seen the others?” Pippin sounded hopeful, wanting nothing more to see his friends safe, to see his friends safe.
Just as Aragorn parted his lips to respond, the unmistakable boisterous laugh of Gimli sounded near them. Both Pippin and Aragon gazed over to find Gimli and Legolas speaking to one another as Merry looked up towards them with a wide smile.
Yet, you were nowhere in sight still.
“Friends!” Aragorn called, gaining the attention of the three that shout away from them instantly, all lighting up further as they see the rightful king of Gondor and the Took hobbit. Merry quickly ran over to Pippin as fast as his little hobbit legs could take him, jumping over the corpses’ of orcs and such, seemingly unfazed by the bodies that litter the ground.
Pippin was crushed within a hug by his best friend and cousin as the dwarf and the elf made their way over to join them, and as much as he was happy to see him, he couldn’t reciprocate the happiness they all exuded to the same extreme. Merry pulled back, still smiling widely, that was until he spotted Pippins’ expression. “What is it?” he asked.
“I-I can’t find Y/N,” Pippin replied, the sweet accent of his you loved dearly only making his voice sound more broken.
“We’ll find her, Pip.” Merry spoke with such resolute and determination, Pippin had almost believed him, as if his friend wasn’t being a complete fool in believing you were alright.
“Aye lad, she’s probably around here somewhere. Most likely looking for you,” Gimli chimed in, earning nods of agreement from Aragorn and Legolas. Merry hummed in approval of the dwarfs’ words.
Even though they had strong hopes for finding you alive and well, they couldn’t help but feel the concern wash over them in powerful waves. They knew of your strong will, your stubbornness, you great knack of good luck, but they also hadn’t ignored the fact that you were still a female, a hobbit, nonetheless. You were precious and delicate within their eyes, something to be kept safe and treasured. They weren’t even entirely sure how they had allowed you to join them on the battlefield.
You charmed your way, persuaded them with your powerful yet reassuring words. Most people thought you to be silver tongued, able to work others and bend them to your will with how you spoke, it seemed. It appeared you had a knack for getting things to go your way.
You had sworn to them that you would by someone’s side during the fight but of course, there was no guarantee and as soon as the battle had commenced, you all lost sight of one another, apart from the blonde elf and the red-headed dwarf who always seem to be stuck beside one another since they had first met, they claimed to be unfortunate.
Turning and spinning and still no sight of you. the land they fought on was large and open, a wide area to search. Their hoped began to dwindle, an upset, sinking feeling beginning to settle within their bellies. Pippin had been affected the most. He would be lost without you; he would become a shell of a hobbit if he had to be without you.
A small movement, or rather movement from a small thing, had caught the corner of Legolas’ peripheral vision and once he had focused more intently on the small hobbit female with his back turned to him, helplessly tossing their head from one side to the other, obviously searching like themselves, his smile reappeared, brighter and broader than before.
“I believe I have found what we have been looking for,” he called over to the group that had separated partially in efforts to quicken the searched. All heads of the people that had been searching for you quickly whipped round to look in the direction of the elf. Looking past him, they could clearly see your form, looking forward and side to side.
Tears quickly filled Pippins’ eyes and before anyone could even blink, Pippin began to run in your direction. “Y/N!” He screamed as loudly as his lungs would allow him, making you speedily turn on your heel to find the source of the sound. Spotting Pippin, tears flooded your orbs just as quickly as they had for Pippin before sprinting as fast as you could towards him to meet him halfway.
Soon, you collided, arms tightly wrapped around one another, as if you would slip away from the other, to end up torn apart once more if your hold had slackened. You cried into each other, basking in feeling of being held, of being together.
Pulling back to look at you, Pippin grasps a hold of your face in both hands, one on either cheek, cradling your jaw. Tears fell from his eyes like waterfalls of happiness and relief. “I thought I lost you,” he sobbed, hiccups soon following. “Never scare me like that again. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Probably steal more food from Farmer Maggots’ field,” you croaked, smiling widely, cheeks wet from your own salty tears. Pippin chuckled before bringing his face close to yours and quickly closing the gap to place his lips sweetly against your own, meshing together tenderly.
Parting, both of your eyes still closed, he rested his forehead against your own, still delicately holding your face between his hands as if he held the most precious, most fragile thing in the whole of Middle-Earth.
Your soft breaths mingled as you stayed close together, needing to stay touching one another, terrified that once you both open your eyes and part, you would both disappear. “Marry me,” Pippin uttered softly without thought, his words coming out on their own.
Your breath staggered, hitching within your throat, your eyes opened, and you pulled back slightly, looking up towards your fool of a Took. As if moving the smallest distance away from him had caused realisation of his words to dawn upon him, recognising that he had just sprung that question at you out of nowhere. His heart had spoken without permission, without consulting his brain and body.
He held his breath, and his eyes were wide with worry, fear. “What?” you whispered, unsure if you had heard him correctly, your heart raced within your chest, it pounding against your ribcage. Pippins’ heart was racing twice as fast as your own, panicked by how you may react. Had you not wanted to marry him? Had he just made a fool of himself once more?
“I asked you to marry me,” he gulped. “I-I know it was quite all of the sudden, but I was so scared that I lost you. I know it sounds rather dramatic, but I think I would die if I never held you again. I couldn’t possibly live without you and for that small moment that seemed to last forever, when I couldn’t find you after the fight, it I honestly thought I would never see you again. You don’t have to marry me. Don’t even have to answer me if you don’t want to. I’ll never speak to you again if you don’t want me to, I’ll even move away from the Shire if you ask-“
You cut off his sweet rambling by throwing yourself into him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him deeply, passionately, as if it were the last kiss you would ever share. He melted into the kiss quickly, both hands quickly settling on your hips, bringing you impossibly closer to him.
When the need for oxygen became too apparent, you pulled away, keeping your arms securely wrapped around his neck. “You truly are a fool of a Took if you think I do not want to be your wife.”
He beamed at you, one of the widest smiles anyone had ever seen grace his sweet face before bringing you into one more kiss. Wild hollering and cheering accompanied with loud claps sounded from behind Pippin and you were brought back to reality, remembering where you currently were.
Merry, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli had all made their way over whilst you and Pippin reunited and watched from the side-lines, clearly not wanting to interrupt the wonderful moment yet still wanting to watch your reunion. They had clearly heard you accept his ridiculous spur of the moment proposal which you wouldn’t have any other way.
You and Pippin separated and Merry took the opportunity to scurry over to you and bring you into a bone crushing hug. Although happy, you winced and hissed at a now present stinging pain you felt in your upper right arm.
Merry pulled back, concerned he had hurt you. Pippin also seemed panic by the display of discomfort you had shown. “What is it?” Merry spoke as you looked down at your arm.
“I don’t know,” you muttered confusedly. Carefully, Merry pushed up your sleeve, rolling it way past your elbow to be bunched up at your shoulder. All eyes widened, including your own, when a deep gash was revealed, warm, deep crimson blood slowly oozing out of the wound. All the blood that had covered you of the enemies along with the adrenaline and then later overjoyed emotion you felt with Pippin moments earlier had distracted you from the injury you hadn’t even noticed you gained.
“How did you miss that?” Merry exclaimed loudly as Pippin cautiously approached you to get a better look, absolute sheer panic portrayed itself on his face.
“Hmmm, I don’t know. Must’ve not noticed it,” you nonchalantly stated as you looked down towards the offending cut. You shrugged before turning casting your eyes back towards the others. All seem to visibly relax apart from Pippin to indignantly squawked out in disbelief “HOW COULD YOU NOT NOTICE THAT?!”
The others chuckled along with yourself as Aragorn tears a piece of his clothing as material to use as a makeshift bandage for the time being. Seeing the still overly concerned features of your now betrothed, you grasp his hand and smile reassuringly towards him. “I’m quite alright. We’re both together and that is what matters, yes?” Pippin nodded and visibly relaxed before you decided to add on.
“Plus, if its worth anything, those that tried to fight certainly didn’t end up with just a sliced arm.”
Man, I really liked this one
Like I stated in the response to the request at the top, the first half seemed quite half arsed which I thoroughly hate and do apologise for
But the second half, I absolutely adore so
If you would like to be added to a taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoyed
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
LOTR / The Hobbit taglist:
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
Just something else to hate about Ironwood’s fate is that Salem didn’t even kill him herself. She killed Lionheart, but Ironwood is ignored and pathetically drops his gun as Cinder smugly taunts him. Because we can’t give Ironwood any redeeming characteristics, even being defiant in the face of death.
Yeah, tbh, I have no idea how people can look at Ironwood's story and think it fits in with RWBY's 'hopeful' narrative. I tend to think that the Good Guys Go Bad trope should be used sparingly in hopepunk, or at least used carefully, since it can really damage the overall themes of hope if some of these characters have journeys that leave audiences feeling disheartened and discouraged.
For instance, compare Ironwood to Boromir. They have a lot in common, they defend and love their kingdoms, they're stubborn but caring, their desire for power is one hundred percent tied to their desire to protect and to save people, and they prove that they can work with others and listen to and trust others. But they both wind up falling and attempting to kill the main character a young wide eyed innocent burdened with a power they didn't really want. And they both die (presumably in the case of Ironwood) after facing down the enemy they had spent so long defending others from.
But A. Boromir's fall actually took some freaking time. B. It wasn't handled in a way that was ableist. C. The other characters actually cared about Boromir, grieved for him, cried for him, and even Frodo (the one he attacked) called him a friend later. D. The writers didn't go "oh shit, people like Boromir? People think maybe he had a point when he said Gondor needed more protection? We can't have that, let's go ahead and make him try to torture Merry and Pippen and then try to bomb the Shire or something to try to get Frodo to work with him again." They didn't force Boromir into a not sympathetic place, they didn't write his character to do unspeakably bad things to try and make sure everyone was on Frodo's side.
But all of that pales in comparison to the next point, E. Boromir snapped out of it, he tried to find Frodo to apologize and help him, and then in the final battle of the Fellowship of the Ring, he showed up to protect Merry and Pippin and died trying to keep them from being captured. He and Aragorn had an incredibly meaningful and beautiful moment where Boromir says he failed them all and Aragorn assures him that it's not the case. Aragorn promises that he won't let Gondor fall and assures Boromir that all isn't lost, and he seems to embrace his role as the future king of Gondor for the first time right there, so Boromir and the audience both have some hope to cling to. It's one of the most emotional scenes I've seen still, and it still makes me cry sometimes, but not just because it's sad. It's also strangely happy, it's beautiful and impactful because there's forgiveness and love and loyalty, and for that to be the last moments of a character we know spent most of his life fighting the evils of Mordor out of care for his people and all of Middle Earth is really good.
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And don't even get me started on Faramir, omg. But yeah, the point is, it's not like you can't do a 'good guy turns bad' in a hopeful narrative, and it's not like you can't do one where said good guy gone bad stays bad, but that takes a lot of thoughtful work and care to make sure it doesn't damage the themes and messages of the story.
Boromir in Lord of the Rings isn't superior to Ironwood just because he wound up redeeming himself, the way he was done is superior to Ironwood because despite his fall being a cautionary tale and him having hurt people, and despite his death being tragic and emotional and sad... None of it was pointless, none of it was without hope, none of it felt like a blow against the themes of Lord of the Rings. Rather, those scenes are at the heart of what the Lord of Rings is about.
Contrast that with Ironwood. Following his story, it's such a hopeless one. It's a story about a man who worked for years and sacrificed a lot to try and save the world, and yet is beaten down and betrayed, and then goes off the deep end and starts committing violent acts in the name of the greater good of the world during a two day period of time after many of his allies that he trusted betrayed him. Then he's brought down by his former allies, none of them giving a crap about if there was some other thing at play that forced his hand (there was, his semblance,) none of them feeling guilty or wondering if they contributed to his downfall (they did,) and none of them are even sad at what's happened to him, none of them even seem to care at all. Then, like you said, he holds up his gun to make one final last stand against the people he's spent years trying to bring down, and they don't even give him the time of day, and he realizes that it's absolutely pointless. At that point, the message Ruby sent out should by all logic result in way more death and destruction than ever. Atlas was falling and likely thousands of soldiers had died on the battlefield, leaving Remnant with much less resources and much less protection than ever. And Salem had two Relics, half the way to her goal of destroying the entire world.
His hopelessness makes sense, because it's essentially a hopeless narrative so far. If there isn't tons of death and destruction because of Ruby's message, it won't make sense in the story. Remnant should by all logic suffer huge consequences due to the loss of one of their four kingdoms - one heavy with resources and much needed protection - especially since Vale was still recovering from the Fall and the entire continent of Anima is mostly without Huntsman and therefore open to the Grimm. This is a story that makes me say "if the world at large survives this, it won't make any sense," that still gives us heroes that refuse to recognize their flaws and mistakes and are still way overconfident in what they do.
There's nothing hopeful about Ironwood's fall, no emotional depth to be found in his story. If RWBY is meant to be hopepunk and about trust, love, and redemption, then they didn't accomplish those messages with the character of Ironwood. They more or less go against those themes they claim to be presenting.
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Destiny Calling: Chapter 5
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Aragorn didn't know why he was following Boromir, but he was. Course, Boromir had no clue because as he mentioned to Frodo, he could be practically invisible if he wished. He for the most part didn't do anything of an interest to Aragorn. He didn't do anything rude and was in fact, very respectful. He met you briefly, bowing respectfully but you stopped him, saying that you were not someone he had to bow to and wished to be seen as an equal. You said that to most of the people that made an attempt to show some sort of sign of acknowledgement that you were royalty. Aragorn though, noticed his asking of the heirlooms of Isildur. You told him where they were, seeing as when men passed through, they treated the library like a museum of sorts, looking at the remnants of history, collected over the years.
He stuck to the shadows as he watched Boromir. He stared at the broken sword in awe. "The shards of Narsil... the blade that cut the Ring from Sauron's hand." Boromir muttered to himself as he looked at it. He brushed his fingers on the side of the broken blade. "Still sharp.." He whispered. He often wondered to himself if there was anyway he was an heir to Isildur. He knew though that the line had died out... At least that's what he was taught. He had no idea that the other man in the room shared the blood of the man who's sword he was holding. He felt eyes on him, turning to see Aragorn watching him. "But no more than a broken heirloom." He said, setting it back. It slid off, clattering to the ground as he walked off.
Aragorn rose a brow, picking up the hilt from the floor. You walked over, looking at his observant eyes. You could see visible fear in them as he looked at the blade. " You're still afraid of his past, why? You are Isildur's heir...not Isildur himself. You are not bound to his mistake." You said softly, putting your hand on his shoulder. He held the hilt with one hand, his other on top of your hand.  "The same blood flows in my veins...the same weakness..." He muttered, looking at the blade. "Your time will come. You will face the same evil...and you will defeat it. You will not be alone through this either." You said softly. He looked at you and then the blade, still uncertain. "Ni sinte -yes's frightening Aragorn. Mal enyal- sina burden does vamme sér- on your shoulders er. Ni am símen. Always indóme n-. (I know it's frightening Aragorn. But remember this burden does not rest on your shoulders alone. I am here. Always will be.)" You said softly. He looked at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead before setting the hilt down, walking with you.
You held his hand, whispering sweet little things in his ear to make sure he knew he was safe. He felt calmer around you, like he was always walking on air. He loved making you laugh, it was his favorite thing. He loved your smile, your laugh, the way you breathed... By the gods he loved everything about you. He went to bed that night, you in his arms. Elrond by no means approved of you two sleeping in the same room, much less the same bed as you but he knew for a fact that there was no separating you two. Aragorn typically went to sleep, speaking of past adventures to you. Other times he'd fall asleep just saying how his days went. On the nights he couldn't sleep, you'd tell him of your adventures of Mirkwood, how you'd sometimes try to leave, only to end up at the end Thranduil's icy gaze.
The morning sun shone through the window, you leaning up. You looked over to see a dress already laid out. You rolled your eyes, putting it on in silence. You fiddled with the back strings but felt a pair of hands tying it for you. "I see your sister has been in here." Aragorn said. You chuckled. "She does love to dress me like I'm still a child." You muttered, brushing out the red fabric. "At least she is aware that red is a beautiful color on you." He said making you smile. "And you know what colors I look best in?" you asked. "Usually blue makes you look very pale. Red however brings out your eyes. Green though... Green makes you look very regal." He said making you laugh. "And you know this all, how?" you asked, turning to him. "You wore green at your coronation." he said making you smile before you both left.
You took your seat next to your father, sitting up straight. Elrond leaned over. "Are you prepared for what's to come?" He asked. "Have hope father. We will do this." you said. "With you with them? Of course." He said making you smile as everyone sat down. Frodo looked at you, a small amount of anxiety leaving him as he looked at your little wave. "Bring forth the ring, Frodo." Elrond instructed. He nodded, getting up and setting the ring on a stone plinth before sitting back down next to Gandalf. "So it is true!" Boromir gaped. "Sauron's ring of power." Legolas gaped. "The doom of man." A dwarf said. "It is a gift...a gift to the foes of Mordor! Why not use this Ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, held the forces of Mordor at bay...by the blood of our people are your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy...let us use it against him!" Boromir exclaimed.
You and Aragorn exchanged a look.  You already had a feeling you knew how Boromir meets his fate. "This something a lot more powerful than any man can handle." you said. "What would you know of this?" He asked making Legolas grit his teeth and Aragorn resist snapping.  you said nothing, looking at him with annoyance. If you opened your mouth, you knew your wit would be too quick for your father to stop and you'd say something distasteful. "She is right. You cannot wield it. None of us can. The one ring answers to Sauron alone...it has no other master." Aragorn said calmly, though still clearly annoyed. "And what would a ranger know of this matter?" Boromir asked.
"This is no mere Ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance." Legolas snapped. You facepalmed and Frodo looked at Aragorn confused. "Aragorn... This is Isildur's heir?" Boromir asked. "And heir to Gondor." Legolas added. "Havo dad, Legolas...Sit down, Legolas.." Aragorn said. Legolas sighed, sitting back down. Boromir locked onto Aragorn. "Gondor needs no king." He muttered. "Aragorn and Y/n are right...we cannot use it." Gandalf said. "You have only one choice." Elrond said. "The Ring must be destroyed." You said, staring at the golden ring. You could feel the negative energy practically radiate off of it. "What are we waiting for?" The dwarf asked, approaching the pedestal with his axe drawn. You saw him gear up to attack.
"Wait-" But it was too late in trying to warn him. His axe broke on impact, knocking him to the ground. You noticed Frodo wince, raising  brow but getting up to assist the dwarf in standing. He waved you off and you noticed him grimace. "The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gloin by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came." Elrond said. "One of you must do this." You said. "One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. And the great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland. Riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly!" Boromir said as you sat back down. "If it was done once, it can be done again." you said. "Have you heard nothing I have said!?" Boromir asked. "Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed!" Legolas asked. "And I suppose you think you're the one to do it?!" Gimli asked. You sighed. "We've made no such claim, neither has Legolas." You halted. "And if we fail, what then?! What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?!" Boromir asked.  "I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an elf!" Gimli shouted.
You sighed. "Gimli your hatred for my people is understandable, but do not think of what is best for you but for the rest of the world." you said. "Understandable? Y/n do you hear yourself—" "Father, do not begin with me. You know my opinion." you halted. Gimli rose a brow, never hearing talk of an elf actually agreeing with him. "This is ridiculous, who is taking the ring!?" Boromir asked, the group dissolving into arguing. "Do you not understand that while we bicker amongst ourselves, Sauron's power grows?! None can escape it" Gandalf yelled. You sat in your seat, head in your hand as you looked at it. The group only argued more and more before you heard something.
"I will take it." Frodo said. You looked up, astonished at the young hobbit's choice. "I will take it!" He repeated so the rest could hear. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes. "I will take the Ring to Mordor. Though-- I do not know the way." He said. Gandalf seemed disappointed with this. Not by Frodo's choice but by the fact that this is what it had come to. A poor hobbit who's most likely had to uproot his whole life for this quest to Rivendell and now he had agreed to take it even further. "I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, so long as it is yours to bear." Gandalf said, putting his hand on Frodo's shoulder. "You have chosen a very dangerous task Mister Baggins. But I will assist you with this." you said, standing up. Boromir was shocked that a woman would even want part in this at all, much less volunteering for battle. You kneeled to Frodo. "You have my blades." you said. "If by my life or death, I can protect you, I will" Aragorn said, clearly speaking to Frodo but looking at you before he too, kneeled. "You have my sword." He said, now looking at Frodo. "And you have my bow." Legolas said, standing near you. "And my axe!" Gimli chimed in. "You carry the fates of us all little one. If this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done." Boromir said.
You heard a rustle before Sam darted out from the bushed, making you smile. "Mr. Frodo is not goin’ anywhere without me!" He said. "No indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not." Elrond said, clearly amused by the actions of Sam. You heard more footsteps. "Wait! We are coming too!" Merry and Pippin shouted. You exchanged a smile with Aragorn. "You'd have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us!" Merry said. "Anyway you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission, quest... thing." Pippin said. "That rules you out Pip." Merry muttered making you bite back a snort. "Ten companions... So be it! You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring!" Elrond announced. "Great! Where are we going?" Pippin asked making Aragorn finally crack a laugh. You chuckled, looking across at your lover with a smile. Boromir rose a brow, noticing the exchange.
You packed that night, feeling relief when you wore your armor rather than your dress. Dinner was spent with talks of roads until your brothers arrived. "Who might you be?" Pippin asked. "Pippin, those are my brothers" You said with a smile. "Elladan." you introduced as he sat next to you. "Elrohir." you introduced as he sat down on your other side. "How many siblings do you have?" Merry asked. "Just three." you answered. Arwen sipped on her drink. "I must say... It is rather peculiar for you to wish to join us on the journey." Boromir said. "Not if you know Y/n." Elladan said. "What are you like?" Boromir asked. "Curious." you said. "...Insane." "reckless" "hyperactive." Your siblings chimed in. "I'd say more... Spirited." Legolas said. " You know her personally?" Frodo asked. "My father helped raise her." He said. "I'd say she's a valuable asset." Aragorn said. "Thank you!" You huffed. "Well we all know why you think that." Elrohir teased. Aragorn hid his smile by taking a drink as you flushed pink with embarrassment. "How is she a valuable asset?" Sam asked. "She has an ability to speak with nature." Aragorn answered. "I thought all elves had that ability." Boromir said confused. "Yes, we do. But it is usually very hard to hear without focus. It sounds like whispers. Y/n can hear them without trying and she can actually make it respond." Arwen answered. "I see." Boromir muttered. "It comes from her lack of immortality." Legolas said. Everyone else looked up. "You're not immortal?" Merry asked. "No." you shook your head. "I thought all elves were." Pippin said. "We can choose not to be." You said. "Why did you choose not to be?" Frodo asked. "Which reason would you like to hear?" you asked. "Any of them?" Frodo said confused. "...I felt it to be an unfair advantage for those who were not blessed with long lives." You said. "What was the other reason Miss Y/n?" Sam asked. You looked over at Aragorn and smiled. "I wish to spend one lifetime with the one that makes me content than to spend thousands walking this plain alone." You answered.
All the hobbits noticed the look that Aragorn and you exchanged. It was confirmed to everyone at the table that you and Aragorn were definitely in some sort of relationship. Gimli however was pretty much the only person at the table who had no idea to the relationship. Aragorn smiled, looking at his glass. Arwen fidgeted with her necklace in thought. "Uh... Miss..." "Arwen." She reminded Sam. "Right. Miss Arwen, what is that necklace?" He asked. "The Evenstar necklace is like a symbol to our family name." She said. "My sister wears one as well." She added, you showing it. "We have crests on our armor." Elladan said. The group seemed interested in mostly you. Not much was known about you due to your awkward start of the journey. You revealed some interesting facts to them, telling them of your abilities of foresight but keeping Boromir's death secret. The fact though they fixated on was your ringwraith visions. "You knew they were coming?" Frodo asked. "Normally I can feel them." you admitted. "What does it feel like?" Pippin asked. You pondered, a grave look coming over you. "Dread...Darkness. I... can usually smell blood too." you muttered. Aragorn frowned. He knew your visions were a burden to you. Sometimes if you spoke on a subject long enough you'd basically force yourself into having another vision. He sat there, observing your eyes as they closed.
You leaned forward, Arwen stopping your body from hitting the table. Sam rose and Aragorn got up, walking over and kneeling next to you. You opened your eyes. "Are tye alright mime mel (are you alright my love)?" He asked. You nodded slowly. Arwen handed you a glass of water. "Frodo, I'm sorry that is what you have to bare." You muttered. Frodo rose a brow. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I've seen the visions you've had." You muttered. He blinked. "You have?" He asked. "The voices... The eye... Fires..." You shook your head and put your hand to your head. "Perhaps you should lie down." He said. You shook your head. "I'm alright. I swear." You said. Elladan stood up. "I'll switch seats so you can ensure she'll be fine. " He said. You said nothing, feeling a slight headache as you heard a low hum from the ring. You looked at it, Elrohir noticing your tired eyes before Aragorn held your hand, instantly breaking the focus. Relief hit you and you cleared your throat. "My apologies. My visions can... Bombard me. Sometimes." You said softly. "it's alright your high—" "Please don't use formalities with me. I'm not above any of you. You are all my equals." You halted Sam. Pippin smiled and he nodded. "You seem like you'd make a good ruler." Pippin said. Boromir rose a brow to this comment. "I agree." Arwen said. "You do?" You asked. "We all believe this." Elladan said. "Why?" Boromir asked. "Our sister has always put our people over herself. She's also a brilliant strategist." Elrohir said. You smirked. "You say that because you're the one who trained me." You laughed. He smiled but shook his head. "You're also a good fighter." Elladan said. "Again. You two trained me." You said. "You lack a lot of the etiquette." Arwen muttered making you sigh. "Maybe if your courses weren't so annoying I might've made it a point to listen!" You said gritting your teeth. "I would say she handled herself well at the meeting." Boromir said. "See! Royalty thinks that I did fine!" You said. "I don't care what anyone else thinks, you still haven't even officially passed the dinner etiquette course!" Arwen sighed.
"Who on this earthly plain needs six different forks!?" You asked. Aragorn snorted and Arwen groaned. "It is the proper thing to know!" She said.  "It is a pointless thing to know." You huffed. She sighed. "She is, outside of etiquette, a woman who is very skilled and intelligent." Arwen finally said. You looked over at her, raising a brow. "Thank you." you said. "Course, she also has made a habit of falling out of trees." Arwen added. "HEY!"
Everyone soon retired to their rooms. Boromir stood on his balcony looking at the valley. He couldn't help but feel out of place next to you and Aragorn. Yes, you technically were his equal. But with the way Isildur's heir looked at you, the way everyone spoke of visions of the future, seeing you on a throne... Boromir knew in his heart that you were destined to be queen of Gondor. He knew that Aragorn would be king one day. One question lingered in his mind, echoing its anxious call.
The question was: were you two going to prove that you were ready for this?
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wincestisasincest · 4 years
Bob Your Head (The Fellowship x Reader)
Summary: You get stopped by a woodland spirit that inhibits you from continuing, before noticing your silky smooth hair. 
Words: 1616 (soz it got way longer than i intended)
Things literally just kept getting weirder and weirder for you. First, you’d fallen into this strange land. Then, you’d joined their crackhead quest. THEN you’d found all of these nerds oddly endearing. AND NOW you were to face to face with this mischievous tree motherfucker. Great.
“Please, I beg your pardon, but our quest is of the utmost sensitivity.” Aragorn communicated with the slender, brown-skinned sprite just as he would a political ally. Big mistake. 
“I am not some king to be courted by you greasy-haired hobo.” As the sprite convulsed, the rest of the trees began to grow around you, and you realized that you were completely trapped in the glenn. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that magic exists in this world, and then it comes back and smacks you in the head like that. 
“Are not the sprites kings of the forest?” Gandalf muttered under his breath. 
“It’s not up for you humans to decide what we are at all, actually.” 
“Okay, well that’s like half of the group, nice.” You said it sarcastically, out of instinct, but the sprite turned to look directly at you. You could feel the leaves begin to touch our arms and legs. Boromir, protector of literally everything he was, put his hand to his sword as the hobbits took a step back. 
“What was that?” His eyes flared with anger. Legolas coughed, looking at Aragorn, Gimli, and Gandalf like he was expecting them to do something, but the just stood watching you in fear. That’s enough fear for one group, though, and you took it on yourself to act at least a little brave.
“I said that’s half of the group, bro. Like, him,” you pointed to Boromir, “and him,” you pointed to Aragorn, “and me are human. Gandalf, I don’t know what he is, but it’s not human, Gimli, well, he’s a dwarf, that long haired guy is Legolas, an elf, and all of these peeps,” you gestured to the hobbits at your side, “are hobbits. So, uh, you got some of it right, I guess?” 
Aragorn facepalmed. Pippin seemed more intrigued by what you were doing, and almost opened his mouth to add something on to it before Merry nudged him aggressively. 
“Is that so?” the sprite raised an eyebrow. You nodded. 
“You’re not from here, are you?” You nodded yet again, suddenly aware of everything on your body that was modern, from your t-shirt under your tunic to your undergarments to your sneakers. 
“What gave it away?” You made eye contact with Frodo, who looked like he was about to cry. You recall that one night at the campfire he had shared stories of sprites that he’d learned back in the shire. He was shoulder to shoulder with Sam, looking utterly terrified. 
“Everything, human. What’s your name?” 
“Y/n” You flipped your hair back sassily. At this point, Boromir had put his sword away, but he still appeared very much on guard. 
“Where does one get a name like that?” You could swear that this man was writing a Wikipedia article on you.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, Mr., uh-” 
“Elmwood. Call me Elmwood.” You swallowed the urge to call his name redundant. 
“Well, Mr. Elmwood, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll tell you where I come from, and everything about me, if you let our lovely party pass.” You smiled, pleased with your own cleverness. Thus far, you felt as though you had been more of a burden to the group than anything, but now you were actually contributing. 
“Hm. No.” He put a finger to his chin, looking displeased. Even Gandalf was somewhat surprised, leaning in front of Legolas to get a better view of your conversation, almost as if he was expecting something. 
“Look, all we wanna do is-” You were not about to take his bullshit.
“I know what I want from you, human. You, you woman.” Ah yes. We have a real observant one here. Though some members managed to remain contained, the hobbits, especially Merry and Sam, visibly cringed. They were far more familiar with having unchangeable qualities about themselves being used as insults.
“Well spotted. Well, what is it? I haven’t got all day.” You wondered to yourself if they could smell fear, like dogs. Behind him, you noticed Aragorn reach for his sword and rest his hand on the hilt, while Legolas and Gimli exchanged a glance before getting into a stance that would easily allow them to grab their weapons at any time. Boromir whispered something in Gandalf’s ear, but Gandalf just shushed him. 
“That hair of yours. I want it.” Now everyone, including yourself, simply looked confused. Your hair had grown long and soft since you had come to Middle Earth, as your general lack of upkeep had allowed it to return to its natural state. To be honest, for a while, it was the least of your problems.
“My hair?” You reached up and touched your tendrils. They had dried well in the sun. 
“Stop this nonsense. Y/n, you don’t have to-” Boromir stepped forward. Aragorn placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Calm down, Boromir. Though, he is correct y/n. We can always take the long way round if you would rather not.” The hobbits nodded affirmatively. 
“No, no, it’s fine. It’s not that big a’ deal. Just sorta weird.” You fingered around on your belt before landing on a dagger, a gift from Elrond, that you had yet to use. You slid your finger across the blade. It was mighty sharp. 
“Y/n, are you sure?” Legolas stepped forward, deeply rooted with some sort of concern. 
“Lass, I wouldn’t mind takin’ the long way round.” Gimli nodded. 
“Yeah, we’re durable!” Pippin called from the hobbit group, to which Merry and Frodo affirmatively nodded, while Sam continued to look on.
“I would hate for you to lose your lovely hair, Miss Y/n.” Sam said softly.
Gandalf stayed silent, calmly waiting for you to make your decision. 
“Uh, guys, it’s not that big a deal. My hair is not that important to me, like, it’s fine.” Before any more protests, you pulled your hair back, lifted the dagger slightly under your chin, and sliced, feeling the weight vanish from the back of your head. 
Your hands clutched a fistful of your locks, leaving you a very blunt bob cut. Though there were no mirrors to look at, you ran a hand through your hair, only to feel a wave of adrenaline run through you as you felt the emptiness behind your back. You shook your hair a little bit before making eye contact with the sprite again, who seemed awfully pleased with himself. 
“Well, here ya go,” You offered the fistful of locks to him, which he approached cautiously before snatching from you, “Now can we pass?”
“Sure, just mind where you step.” The sprite didn’t look you in the eye, but was too busy playing with the hair that was once yours. And just like that, he disappeared into who knows where, leaving a vacancy. 
You peered around. All eyes were on you, some with concern, others with pity, and only one, Gandalf, with understanding. You sheathed the dagger and put in back on your belt, before running your hand through your hair once more. 
“Are you alright, Miss Y/n?” Merry, bless him, looked at you with wide eyes. You awkwardly smiled. 
“Yeah, y’all, I’m fine, it’s really not that big of a deal. It saved us a lot of walking, that’s for sure.” You tried to ease the awkwardness as you looked forward.
“Y/n, if you require us to explain to people the situation with your hair, we would be more than glad too-” 
“Situation?” You cut Aragorn off. You didn’t mean to sound angry, but this sort of confusion was frustrating you. 
“There is no need to get angry, Y/n.” Gandalf sagely said. 
“What? No, I’m not angry, I’m just confused. Is there some hair stuff I don’t know about?” 
“I think what they mean to say,” Gimly stepped forward, “is that your hair is far more befitting of a young lad than it is a proper lady.” Everyone else nodded with agreement.
“Wait,” you paused, “Is short hair not a thing here?” Everyone looked amongst themselves awkwardly, but thankfully your own memories were there to ask you questions. Now, pretty much every man in this world, save for the hobbits, had longer hair than you, and the women all had hair down to the middle of their backs, at the very least.
“Oh, yeah, that makes sense,” you said understandingly, “though like I said, I don’t really care. You don’t need to explain it to anyone, it doesn’t bother me, short hair is very common where I come from. Besides, now it can stop getting in my face when I’m trying to do things.” You giggled, and you could see Aragorn and Gandalf adopt small traces of smiles. 
“It’s common where you come from?” Frodo inquired.
“Yeah, like we would call this a bob cut. Cause it bobs.” You shook your head to demonstrate the bobbing effect, and the small crowd of hobbits laughed. 
Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir still didn’t appear to be convinced, but Gandalf didn’t have time for their shenanigans. 
“Well, now that that’s settled, on we go!” He lead with his staff, to which the hobbits quickly trotted behind, followed by you, then a tentative Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir, and finally a patient Aragorn, holding up the back. 
Wherever you went after, you could feel eyes on your short hair, though you didn’t mind. It was the least strange thing that had happened to you so far. 
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aminiatureworld · 4 years
May I request a one-shot where Legolas is sleeping (recovering from an injury and is in Imladris) and Aragorn is sitting next to him, watching over him and like braiding a strand of his hair??? tooth rotting fluff please!!! Thank you xoxo (strictly platonic)
Sorry for the wait, I hope that this wasn’t too long coming! I tried to make this as fluffy as possible, so I hope it’s up to code! I hope that you like what I’ve wrote and thank you for following me and reading what I write.
Ao3 link in reblog
           Aragorn was born for many things, so everyone kept telling him at least, but waiting wasn’t one such thing. Whether it’d been for food, information, or even the simplest thing as waiting for the sun to rise on an autumn day, Aragorn found waiting wasn’t in his nature. Thus it should’ve been no surprise to either him, or the rest of the Fellowship, when he found himself sitting in the sickroom, his legs bouncing with unspent energy.
          It wasn’t that he wanted to be in this predicament. He didn’t even want to be in Imlandris, commonly known as Rivendell, wanted to be out on the road. But Legolas had taken an arrow in the leg, and the shaft had broken off, requiring the crooked stone arrowhead to be dug out by hand, a dangerous, nearly always fatal procedure, unless done by the kind of specialists and magic wielders as existed in the land of the elves. The surgery had gone smoothly enough, and the elf was most definitely on the mend, out of danger to the great relief of Aragorn and the other members of the Fellowship. However rest was still needed and thus Aragorn found himself sitting, weeks having already drifted past during the elf’s convalescence, wondering why Legolas took so stupidly long to heal. Not that Aragorn seriously considered dragging him out of bed early or leaving him. Legolas was a friend, more than that, a companion, one of the Fellowship, and Aragorn would have no one left behind or put into danger because of his own smothered impatience.
          Glancing over at the elf Aragorn pick up a strand of his hair. He liked the long hair of the elves, would’ve grown his own brown locks down his back if it were practical, or even possible, as Aragorn didn’t seem to have to cut his hair to keep it at length, it stayed as it was, sedate and a bit drab. Splitting Legolas’s hair into strands Aragorn was a bit too lost in his thoughts to notice the familiar pattern of crossing hair over hair. Braiding was an old practice for Aragorn, though he wasn’t quite sure where he’d picked it up. Maybe from Arwen. Either way, it was a sort of habit he’d grown into, and now he found himself back at it, braiding Legolas’s hair in all sorts of ways.
          How well Aragorn knew Legolas now. How long ago it seemed since he’d run into that young elf. There’d always been a bond of brotherhood between the two, even right at the beginning, and Aragorn now could scarcely imagine a time when he didn’t have the elf to talk to, to trade secrets, wishes, and burdens with. The grateful feeling of relief he’d felt at the news that his brother in all but blood was going to be alright was overwhelming, and had spent him spiraling in thoughts as to how much he really loved Legolas, and how Aragorn had found family in the most unexpected of places.
          “I assume my leg hasn’t turned green.” The semi sarcastic voice drew Aragorn out of his ponderings, and he looked at Legolas, who sleepily blinked his eyes. “I’d sit up and check, but I don’t want to ruin the work of art you’re turning my hair into right now.” Aragorn chuckled at this, knowing full well that Legolas didn’t really care one way or another what his hair was turning into.
          “You leg has indeed failed to turn green, I’m sorry to tell you but you’re still stuck on this quest with us.”
          “Just as well, I couldn’t imagine the frightful looks I’d get from the other elves if I was laid off, I bet even the trees would bow their heads in shame.”
          “Never about you, I promise that.” Aragorn replied, smiling, happy that he was bantering once more with Legolas. Surely that meant the elf felt much better, for Legolas only bantered in his good moods, otherwise contenting himself with cryptic musings about nature, musings he’d once admitted to Aragorn he made more incomprehensible to annoy Boromir. “I don’t think anyone could be ashamed or doubt your determination after you nearly killed yourself chasing after an orc like that, you knew it was a trap and the band was going to turn around the minute you were separated.” His expression grew more serious. “Bravado is all well and good elf, but I’d not have you die, especially not from such a foolish act.”
          “Perhaps it was a bit reckless,” Legolas admitted, not looking the least bit contrite, “but I honestly thought I could handle it, you’ve seen me take on much more than orcs after all, you know that I’m capable.”
          “Not when you’re being reckless, it clouds your judgement, I know those tricks of yours take great skills and concentration.” Aragorn shook his head. “I’m not about to forbid you anything, you’re older than I am, know the risks, but I’m only going to remind you that you’re not alone, and that many would mourn your passing… I first among them.” He admitted after a pause.
          “That’s a beautiful braid you’ve made.” Legolas smiled, before taking Aragorn’s hand in his, causing the braid to unwind a bit without the hair being fastened or tied up. “I promise I won’t forget my family, for the Valar have brought us together of that I am sure. But trust my judgement more, after all like you said I am older than you. I’ll not rush into danger like that again since it worries you so much, but you cannot stop my combat antics forever, and you know that. So trust in me, and in destiny, the gods, and in Fate. All will be well. We’ll succeed in our quest, and I’ll not be leaving anytime soon.”
          “Thank you.” Aragorn smiled, and Legolas returned the gesture in a mirrored grin.
          “Now, since it’s going to be a while, why don’t you get some ribbons and ties and finally show me how the braids you make out of rope translate to real hair. And don’t you dare mess up.” Aragorn laughed and got up to search for such ties, his heart filled with relief and love, grateful to the entire universe and everything in it that this family he found wasn’t going to shrink.
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A film fan’s reaction to reading The Lord of the Rings for the first time.
I’ve been a big fan of the Peter Jackson films (extended versions - nerd that I am) since I was about 11 and I think I know all of the big changes made in the adaptation: Arwen, Faramir, Aragorn falling off a cliff. I did read the first book around the same age (in the first of many waves of my lotr obsession) but I only really remembered Saruman of ‘Many Colours’.
However I have always wanted to properly know the book version of the story so finally started listening to an amazing full audio book reading by Steven Red Fox Garnett which I highly recommend:
And here are my silly reactions and occasional analysis of the differences between book and film that I didn’t know about.  
The Fellowship of the Ring part three, one, two, four, five, six
Many Meetings:
Frodo thinks he’s better but Gandalf can see that Frodo’s arm is transparent, not fully in the mortal world? Is this permanent? A metaphor for his ultimate depression/ptsd, I know the wound itself serves as that. Gandalf lies and says Frodo looks well. My poor sweet baby innocent Frodo.
Frodo knew Sam was by his side most of time rather than checking out Rivendell like he said <3
No Sam! Don’t wait on your master! Embrace being treated as an equal! Thank god he didn’t do it.
Glorfindel is sitting next to Elrond and this is enough for me to ship them.
Frodo finally meets Bilbo again, it having been 17 YEARS! This is more emotionally charged for Frodo than in the film. Bilbo does his Nosferatu impression here! Almost the first thing he says to Frodo is Sooo you have the ring? Can I see it? Can I touch it? This was SAD! That it was so soon. Then there is quite a tone shift after that, Bilbo says sorry for this burden/everything like in the film but then they keep taking, and chat to Aragorn like it never happened.
Some elves are racist jerks to Bilbo (although his song did go on quite a lot).
The Council of Elrond:
Boromir! So far he is much like in the film. Doesn’t say ‘by the blood of our people are your lands kept safe’ but says words to that effect. Including something like ‘we get praise but no help’ which I thought was a pretty good critique, it made me think of performative activism. Aragorn kind of seems petty when he says well rangers protect the north, the north’s not safe either! Like yes but also Gondor is RIGHT NEXT to Mordor. You can see it when you look out from Minas Tirith. I think there’s probably more servants of Sauron there even though there are many elsewhere. It felt like a whataboutism. I think Boromir’s point still stands. Perhaps this is meant to be read as a flaw of Aragorn’s but I don’t think so.
Aragorn says again that the sword will be remade, and says that he will go to Minas Tirith. That’s pretty much all but saying he will become king. He seems so far to accept that fate and be less reluctant to do it than in the film. At this point in the film I felt Aragorn knew in the back of his mind that he would probably have to fulfil that destiny, but there was still a part of him fighting it, or hoping against it. He also had doubts, fears that he would fail like Isildor, fears to take up power. In the book Aragorn himself says the line ‘I am Isildor’s heir, not Isildor himself.’ In the film this was given to Arwen who tries to reassure him. While book Aragorn certainly has humility and isn’t proud of his royalness he seems more comfortable with his destiny, and I so far find that less interesting, like there may be less of an arc for him. But it is early days and a lot more may be revealed about him. I’m especially interested in his interactions with Boromir, which, I find is one of the more interesting aspects of the first film.
Bilbo wrote the Aragorn Poem! And says it’s not that good, but it’s my favourite one so far. I think we’re probably meant to have that reaction.
Radagast! It makes a bit more sense here as to why Gandalf would go see Saruman, despite already being suss about him, given that Radagast unwittingly sent him there. I’d like to think the moth in the film is a nod to Radagast.
Saruman of MANY COLOURS! This is almost the singular thing I remember from reading the first book as a kid. As awesome as it sounds I’m kinda glad they didn’t put it in the films since it would look like queer-coding a villain.
Saruman has some rhetoric about maintaining ‘order’ which is never a good sign. He also seems to think that he’ll be able to take power from Sauron after they join somehow which, my dude, is never gonna happen.
Gandalf has a line about how despair is only for those who know the future, and we do not, and honestly that helps me with climate grief.
Apart from Frodo and Sam, (and Merry and Pippin) Elrond picks the other companions.
Elrond is starting to see that Bilbo isn’t so unique among hobbits, that they may all have strength of character beyond what may initially seem to. This is nice, I like this theme.
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i-writing-is-hard-i · 6 years
Journey (Legolas) part one
Warnings:Spoilers?, (if you haven’t watched LOTR), death but I think thats is
[One]  [Two]  [Three]
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It was dark in the marshes, the only light was from the moon, but you had to find them, you had to find Frodo.  You knew Gandalf hadn’t met them, and you knew that they had left Bree, guessing they would be heading to Rivendell, but for the life of you, you couldn’t locate them now.  Deciding to take a break you sat down in the dryest area you could find, under a dead tree.  You were no more than a day behind, and they were hobbits, surely they couldn’t walk too fast right?.  So why in the world could you not find them?, maybe you were lost instead?, it wouldn’t be the first time.  You inhaled deeply, gathering your thoughts, this place, it was so quiet, creepy even.  There seemed to be nothing around for miles, nothing living except for slippery moss.  Leaning on the bark, you closed your eyes, letting sleep take over, a few hours wouldn’t do any harm and the light of day would help, after all, everything looked the same in the dark.
Sure enough, the light of the early morning helped you greatly.  You had managed to find evidence that the hobbits had been there.  They couldn’t be too far now.  With that in mind, you quickened your pace.  If you weren’t mistaken, there was an old keep in this direction, it would be a good place to set up camp for the night.  
Night had begun falling again, the area darkened, it was getting harder to see where you were going, but at least you were no longer in the marshes.  Thanks to the light fading, in the distance you were able to see a light from a fire.  Hopefully, it was them.  Unfortunately, you weren’t the only to see it.  A loud unnatural screeching noise filled the air.  The Nazguls saw it too.  You ran as quickly as your legs could carry you.  The fire had gone out, but the moonlit your path, so you didn’t stop even when you spotted the black riders racing towards the ruins.  As you ran, you spotted another shadow racing towards the ruins also.  ‘Who?; didn’t matter, you would end them all if you had to, you had to save your friends.
At the bottom of the steps you could hear the hobbits crying out, you wanted to take a minute to catch your breath but you couldn’t, you didn’t have time.  You took the steps two at a time, reaching the top in time to see a blade strike something, a cry called out, then he appeared.  Frodo laid on the floor, the Morgul blade had pierced him.  You pulled out your own sword, removed your bag and charged, fending off the Nazguls.  A man you only no recognised to be Aragorn used his torch to fight back, scaring off the Nazguls long enough to run, the trees would help you stay hidden.
Aragorn lifted Frodo, while you concentrated on the other four.  You were still so far from Rivendell, but you didn’t have the luxury of stopping for a break, Frodo won’t last much longer.  Eventually, Aragorn laid the hobbit down, he looked awful, Sam was shouting something in the background, but you were too busy focused on Frodo.  You placed your hand on his forehead, he was sweating and cold at the same time.  Aragorn suddenly placed his hand on your shoulder, informing you that he and Sam were going to look for something to slow the poison.  You were to stay with the others.  The next time you looked up, Arwen was walking toward you, she had been looked for you all and after some discussion, She took Frodo, being able to travel faster than the rest of you, hopefully, Lord Elrond’s skill would be able to help him.  
With a quick break, the rest of you were off, it would be a few days to get to Rivendell.
“Y/N, why are you here?” Merry suddenly asked as you were walking across a green field
“Gandalf, he asked me to check up on you” you replied.  Gandalf happened across you as he was off to get counsel.
Finally you were just around the corner from Rivendell, it had been a long time since you had stepped foot in the elven city, but when it came into view, it all felt so familiar, there was always something about it that made you happy, even the elven residences didn’t seem to mind your presence, considering you were human.  Elrond greeted you like he was greeting an old friend, he always made you feel welcome for some reason, your only concern was Frodo.  Thankfully he would be fine, however, the scar would always remain, at least he was alive.  
You spent the next few days catching up with everyone, while Frodo remained unconscious.  You regularly checked up on him, and Gandalf rarely left the little hobbits side, mostly out of worry, but you knew he felt responsible for his injury.   It was a relief when he finally woke up.  Everyone was thrilled.  Now all you had to do was escort them back home, well after the secret counsel, that for some reason you were invited to attend.  Sitting in the circle beside Gandalf, you listened the best you could, while your eyes scanned the faces.  Humans from Gondor, Dwarves from the mountains, and Elves from Mirkwood, there were other lords present but these were the only ones you knew off, having heard Gandalf speak of them.  Your eyes lingered on one particular Elf, with long blond hair, he was beautiful even for an elf, if you weren’t mistaken, he was Legolas son of the lord of Mirkwood. Your attention was drawn away when a loud voice called out, it was the Lord from Gondor, Boromir, he insisted on using the ring for good naturally, but everyone knows how that will end,  he stood up, talking about a dream he had.  You watched as his hands slowly drifted towards the golden metal, hoving slightly above it.  You were ready to stop him from touching it, just in case, but Lord Elrond stood up first, calling out Boromir’s name.  Suddenly Gandalf stood up beside you, a loud crack of thunder filled the air, then he started chanting something.  It was black speech, you weren’t exactly well versed in it, but you knew what he spoke and the effect it had on you and everyone else was obvious.
“Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here in Imladris!” Lord Elrond pointed out, he sounded annoyed, naturally.  
Gandalf continued speaking, not apologising for his words.  You would have expected his warning to work, but Boromir continued to speak of the ring as a gift that should be used by man.  This time Aragorn interrupted him, silence came though, when Legolas had to point out that Aragorn was Isildur's heir. You had already known this, thanks to Gandalf letting it slip, but most others looked surprised.  For some reason your thoughts were on the fact Aragorn knew the Legolas, you had even considered asking if he would introduce you, it was a stupid thought that you quickly shook from your head.
The conversation was brought back to the ring, Lord Elrond explain that the ring must be destroyed.  
“Then what are we waiting for?” the Dwarven lord asked, standing up.  He approached the pedestal and swung his axe down hard, hitting the golden metal.  You jumped when Gimli was thrown back and the axe broke into shards scattering the ground.
“The ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gloin by any craft that we here possess.  The ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom, only there can it be unmade.  It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came” Lord Elrond explained.  For a moment there you thought you had heard the ring ‘whispering’ something.  That scared you a little.
Lord Elrond had made the quest sound pretty easy, but as Boromir pointed out, it wasn’t.
“One does not simply walk into Morder.  Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs.  there is evil there that does not sleep, and the great eye is ever watchful.  It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust.  The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume.  Not with ten thousand men could you do this.  It is folly!”
Yeah that doesn’t sound so easy now.
Legolas suddenly stood up, he sounded determined when he spoke, you were a little hypnotised.  Suddenly Gimli stood up, aiming his words at Legolas and before you knew it almost everyone was on their feet arguing about who should take the ring and the method that should be used.  You remained in your seat watching the events unfold, trying to figure out who would be best suited for the job, no one had said that they would be the one to do it, you were kind of curious and even considered going yourself, but that would be crazy, suicide even not that you knew how to get there in the first place.  Eventually, though a voice called out,
“I will take it” you felt a wave of nausea fill you.  It couldn’t be, he wouldn’t.  Sure enough it was Frodo.  
You stared at him watching as he stood up.
“I will take it!” he repeated, a little louder.  The noise of the arguing died down, until there was silence.
“I will take the ring to Mordor, though, I do not know the way”
“What, no, you can’t” you stood up, the eyes that were glued to Frodo where now on you.
“I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear,” Gandalf said.  You glared at the old wizard.
How could he agree to this?, why would he?  
“Curse you” you mumbled under your breath “I promised I would keep an eye on you, so guess who’s going with you”
Aragorn was next to volunteer, then Legolas, you felt your face heat up.  Gimli was next, though part of you expected it to be because he didn’t want an elf to have all the glory.   You didn’t expect Boromir to volunteer, but he did.  
Suddenly Sam came running out, followed by Merry and Pippin, they were coming too.  You couldn’t help but let out a light giggle.  Legolas looked over to you, he quite liked the sound of your laugh.  
Elrond gave his blessing for the quest. Smiling.  You felt pretty stupid actually.   “Great!, where are we going?” Pippin suddenly asked, you couldn’t help laugh, and again Legolas looked round to you. You didn’t notice.  
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I Don’t Mean To: Part I
Here we go. This will be the very first time I have shared anything I have written. Thank you to my amazing hubs for reading, editing, and only smirking a tiny bit. (I couldn’t have handled any outright laughter...fragile ego and everything). I promise I was working on this fic before Andromeda came out. What can I say...movie night is just a great idea. Thank you to @vorchagirl for a brief, “Just keep working on it.” 
Kaidan Alenko x Commander Shepard - Pre-Romance - ME:1
Read here on: FF.net
Part I:
Sitting comfortably on a sofa, drink in hand, Kaidan pondered exactly how he came to be in this moment. Ashley lay to one side of him, hogging the couch, with her feet tucked under his thigh, fast asleep. Shepard was pressed against his side gripping the long empty popcorn bowl against her chest. The day started off the same way most did since joining the Normandy Crew. A mission briefing, gear check, suit up, ship out, hit the ground running. He took pride in the fact that Tavrien Shepard trusted him to watch her six, he was on the ground team nearly every time. Being a skilled medic, tech specialist, and decent with biotics certainly made him an asset. Garrus had, on more than one occasion, jokingly referred to him as "Commander's pet." Shepard would take a moment to stare Garrus down, but Kaidan noticed pink tinge her freckled cheeks.  He knew it was fanciful, the great Commander Shepard, military brat, savior of Elysium would never blush for the likes of him.  He was simply another marine in the midst of many. 
Kaidan could not help but admire the grace in which Shepard did everything. She turned a fire-fight into a frenzied dance only she knew the steps to. He learned quickly how to be where he was needed to provide support because he sure as hell couldn't keep up.  If her barrier wavered, he would cover her restoring shields.   If she got into a jam, he told himself that the reason his heart hammered so hard in his chest was because the Alliance could not afford to lose such an accomplished soldier. Shepard always managed to come up on top with a small smirk and some witty remark on her lips. They were an unstoppable team, and had become friends with an ease he hadn't known to this point in his life. The task of bringing in Matriarch Benezia proved to be more challenging than any assignment so far. 
Wave after wave of Asari Commandos flung attacks at Shepard, trying to keep her off balance. They were out manned, and exhausted.  His amp burned and he knew the others weren't fairing much better. Amidst the flying crates and biotics Shepard flew through the air, hitting the wall with a sickening crunch that echoed through the enclosed space. Terror gripped Kaidan, holding him tight in it's cold embrace.  Everything around him began to spin, heart plummeting into his stomach, and he saw red.  Instead of focusing on defense, as he was prone to do, he unleashed biotic attacks with a speed and intensity he could not believe were his doing.  All in an effort to reach her, to make sure that he hadn't missed his chance to do more than idolize her from afar.  The image of her lying there, eyes closed, blood streaking down her face and splattered inside her visor, would always haunt him. When she rose, fire in her eyes, he almost cried on the spot.  After everything was said and done, he couldn't believe that she only suffered a small laceration. Doctor Chackwas chuckled at his unconcealed panic, kindly reminding him that head wounds bled terribly.  
A sullen ground team removed armor, checked weapons, and watched in silent sorrow as rinse water swirled with red. Shepard had spent extra time in the med bay consoling a devastated Liara. He was ashamed at the jealousy that flared up.  He tried his best not to let his brain conjure the worst images of what was transpiring behind closed doors. Shepard with her arms around Liara, emotions getting out of hand.  He shook his head in disgust at himself.  If Shepard chose to pursue a relationship with the Asari, what right did he have to stop her?  Sure, they had flirted a time or two when he wasn't quick enough to stop compliments from escaping his lips. That certainly did not mean that he had any claim on her. Knowing this didn't stop the relieved sigh upon seeing her step into the mess.  Shepard wandered off in a mindless daze. That she didn't so much as acknowledge either marine disconcerted him.
A silent glance and a quick nod shared between him and Ash was all that was needed for each to spring into motion. Kaidan moved quickly, gathering supplies for the one thing capable of pulling Shepard out of her despair: Movie Night. Shepard loved watching old vids and gorging on snacks after missions. He witnessed her pretending not to cry when Mr. Darcy declared his ardent love for Miss Elizabeth Bennett, his proposal dashed. He got lost in the musical sound of her laughter when the Man in Black wrestled Fezik to the ground and whispered to the unconscious giant about large women.  No matter how many of these moments he was privy to, it always surprised him how real she seemed.  Gone was the crafty, analytical mind of the Engineer leading them against foe after foe. While she gazed at the screen, he could almost imagine being normal. A couple of friends enjoying each other's company, and if sometimes his mind painted a picture of them being more, well he was a man.  After her initial shock, she cracked a bright smile. "I have just the vid! You guys will love it!," she squealed. She selected Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, and though he had never seen the vid before, he was surprised at how right it felt to settle into Shepard's habit. 
Garrus was the first to bail, muttering that a good leader wouldn't let someone so inexperienced choose which path to take. It was no surprise he didn't agree with the wizard Gandalf letting the tiny hobbit decide to go under the mountains against his better, and more experienced, judgment. Kaidan smiled deciding that Garrus would make a perfect Boromir. Both brash and quick tempered, sure that their way is the only way. As time went on, others excused themselves until the couch was the only occupied place in the room. 
This close to her he could see the bruise on Shepard's temple was starting to blossom, soon to become hues of purple and blue. A ghastly reminder that he needed to be more than back up. He needed to let go, his fear of losing control hampered him. Kaidan wished he was brave enough to gently tuck an errant strand of her auburn hair behind her ear. He tried to tell himself that he didn't need to know if it was a soft as it looked. He certainly didn't need to see it freed from her severe military style bun. He would sneak a peak at her, watching as her long lashes brushed against the creamy skin of her cheek.
While Frodo stood on the river bank staring out to the distant shore, Shepard's full, perfect lips began to move. "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."  Her shoulder's sagged and he fought to keep his hands in his lap clutching his drink. He hated that so much rested on her, and wished he could do something to shoulder a portion of her burden. "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide, is what to do with the time that is given to you."
As Frodo pulled a sopping Sam from the river, and back into the boat, Kaidan knew he should turn his attention back to the screen. He felt as though he was invading a private moment Shepard was having.  This time he could barely hear her melodic and captivating voice whispering along, "I made a promise, Mr. Frodo. A promise. Don't you leave him Samwise Gamgee, and I don't mean to. I don't mean to." A silent tear streaked down her face, and Kaidan realized he was a goner.  He was in love with this wonderfully fierce woman.  A brave, determined soldier willing to fight tooth and nail for what was right.  When people told her she was too naive and idealistic, that she was living in a fantasy world, she held fast to her resolve and amazed them all. This beautiful soul protecting the innocent whenever possible, banishing the monsters from under beds and out of dark corners. A proud and inspiring woman currently dissolving at the sight of a bond of friendship so strong, the most terrible evil could not come between them.
When the vid finally ended, and sea blue eyes met copper, she gave him the wistful smile he saw at night in his favorite dreams. She leaned over touched his arm and quietly, so as not to wake Ashley, said, "Thanks for indulging me, Kaidan. I knew you wouldn't let me down."  She rested her head against his shoulder, and Kaidan swore to himself, no matter what Saren would throw at them, he would be her Sam.  The rock to anchor her, the soft place to land, the person to remind her that she was not alone. He would choose to remain at her side, always. He slipped an arm around her waist and muttered into her hair, "I don't mean to, Shepard. I don't mean to."
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