#and she is said to be older than Pomni
s0ckh3adstudios · 1 year
Something I'm wondering is like. what YEAR is the Amazing Digital Circus taking place in. Because like-
Pomni got here by putting on a HEADSET, probably a virtual reality headset that I think we can see on the desk in the ending shot. But the Digital Circus is clearly a game/program more reminiscent of old computer games from like- the 90's? or early 2000's?
And you especially have to wonder, going with the Kinger Is The Creator theory, just how LONG has that dude BEEN here then????? He's been here the longest and lost his marbles just a little, but like in what span of time? Even Jax has said they've been here years.
And if it HAS been that long, then how are people entering through a headset???? Did they have headsets like that back then??
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chaoticace2005 · 5 months
Going through the character wikis with information shared by Gooseworx, here’s the order of which TADC characters presumably arrived at the circus:
1) Kinger, said to be here the longest (48 years old)
2) Ragatha, confirmed to be there the second longest (30 y/o)
3) Jax (22)
4) Gangle, as it’s been confirmed Jax is the one who named her, she likely had to have come after him (26)
5) Zooble, confirmed to have been there the shortest other than Pomni (22.5)
6) Pomni (25)
I feel like this order also explains so much about their vibes. Kinger is the kooky older uncle, Ragatha is the caring older sister, Jax is the middle child (which… yep), Gangle is one of the little siblings (despite physically being older than Jax), and Zooble is someone who’s been adopted recently and going through their angsty teenager phase.
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ghosts-u · 6 months
Chapter 2 - Previous chapter
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Upon opening her eyes Y/N was met with a luscious field filled with Apple trees and flowers. You untangle your self from the many pillows and blankest that you were tangled in. You step out of the crevice of the tree into the open moving across the veins of flowers.
You look around in aww at the Beautiful scenery around yourself. The sky unlike the deep red sky of hell, the sky was filled with hues of bright pinks and purples and a deep rich blue that seemed to persist through the sky. You had never seen a blue sky before so it was a bit odd to you but you remember daddy telling you earth's sky was blue.
So many twinkling stars where in the sky too many to count. You decided to explore this place perhaps you can even make a friend! You pass through the apple trees leading to another area that was a lake next to a large field of pretty flowers. And there they were many different animals peacefully grazing or sleeping in the field. You run up to the closest animal to you which was a baby highland cow giving it a hug startling the poor thing. It lets out a startled moo making you giggle giving it a pat on the head.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you!” Y/N says the cow nudging her with its head as if saying it forgave her giving the cow one last pet on the head you run off to keep exploring. Running down to the water you see some ducks swimming in the water,they swim over to you and you pat each of their heads.
“Having fun Y/N!”
You yelp almost falling into the water but luckily your father catches you before you get soaked. “DADDY YOU SCARED ME!” You say with a huff and he just laughs bringing you up into his arms. “I’m sorry sweetie, can’t help it sometimes.” He says patting your back. “Daddy where is this? Is this what outside looks like!” You ask practically vibrating in excitement you had never left the palace, and daddy had fired all the imps that worked there except the ones hired by your mom. You always wanted to meet other demons your own age but daddy said you couldn’t.
“Oh sweetheart of course not that is no place for you to be. Daddy made this place just for you so you can run around as much as you like! I know how bored you got in the palace.” You look up at him and get the feeling in your chest that makes it feel like your heart is sinking. The feeling you always get when your dad never tells you the exact reason you couldn’t do something like he wasn’t telling the whole truth. The feeling you get when he tells you that you don’t need any friend's. You can’t help but think that it’s the same feeling your mom got when ever she looked at you…
Your dad would never do anything to hurt you. So why would he lie to you? there’s no reason to lie about the fact you can’t have Friends or leave the palace or why you can’t see your older sister. So why would he lie about this? This world filled with so much color and wonderful things, but just to be sure you ask. “Hey daddy once where done playing here. Can we go back to lulu world I had a lot of fun there.”
Daddy makes that face, the face he makes when you ask too many questions. You know he doesn't like it when you start to questions the things around you. He smiles and snaps his fingers and all of a sudden they were in lulu world but some things were different, Everything looked like it was sparkling new there where more rides and attractions than when you had first visited.
“Tada! See we don’t need to go back there you have everything you could ever want here!” “He says lifting you in the air spinning you around. You look up at the sky still filled with the pastel colors and stars. But you always liked the red sky you would see when you looked out your window…But that was before they where all boarded up and replaced with paintings.
Why do you have a feeling your never going to see that red sky again.
Little morning star having a pomni moment realizing Luci ain’t letting her out lol.
I wrote this small chapter for you guys because the chapter I had planed was getting really long it’s gonna take a while to write.
Also I recently started a water fast and my bones feel really heavy and I can barely make it to my kitchen without feeling like I’m gonna pass out so I haven’t been writing as much as I should have. Gonna eat some food and take some iron and see if it help. I'm not the best at describing things but girl daoko was the inspo for the little garden Luci made for little morning star.
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sm-baby · 8 months
Able strikes me as… the kind of person that does things right naturally. Like for the carnival AU, I bet in real life he was just good at everything without even trying. Everyone likes him, he’s just great in his own, I bet him and Caine even look similar, like the kind where the real only difference is maybe height, and style.
Caine is the younger brother that is jealous, he is extremely jealous even if he doesn’t want to be. He wants to be content with himself, but it is so damn hard with a sibling that even unintentionally looms over you. Getting mistaken for them at places, and when people meet you it’s always “Oh you’re Able’s brother” or “oh I hope you’ll be like him” and it’s a little flattering but mostly discouraging mentally. He wants to be like Able, but he knows he can’t.
Like a couple years back when my sister graduated a year early in high school, literally a cyber expert by the time she got out, and already years in on collage work, meanwhile I was your average struggling student, so even though she’s my favorite older sibling, we look similar, sound similar, hell, some people have mistaken me for her but with shorter hair. I know that having someone loom over you like that, someone everyone likes, everyone loves, and is just better in every way, it makes you go to the darkest places at times.
And that’s just me— from what you’ve said of Caine’s family, they just seem toxic. Caine if five times better than me and even my older sister who’s amazing, he knows so many languages and is so awesome in general, yet his parents have the nerve to do his. Sometimes I feel like I’m in a fucked up yin-yang sibling story, so I can really sort of relate to what u assume Caine is going through. It’s hard when you have similar interests, looks, and so much more with someone, yet everyone just loves them, and not you, and you have no clue why. And you want to be proud, you are proud, you’re happy, but some part of you deep inside just wishes you didn’t exist, or that the person you’re always compared to didn’t exist, so then no one would be able to compare you. Sometimes it’s obvious, people saying the differences, other times it’s fully a mental thing, I never was compared to my older sister by parents, but it’s a like a part of me knew that I was insignificant.
If it’s anything like the personal relationship I have with this person in my life, Caine and Able are close, but there are moments where it just bubbles through, the destain and/or harsh thoughts finally get to the surface of the water. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an argument because Caine snapped at Able and started talking about how damn great Able is to everyone. My older sibling seems a bit like Able, and she never was forced into being perfect, it’s just natural for them. It’s a rocky relationship, when you know you love that person, that sibling means the world to you, but there’s that envy in part of you. I would sort of like it if this is expanded on more, maybe just a bit because I find it somewhat personal, you don’t have to, but I think it would be interesting if this was specifically shown somewhere. Siblings relationships are tough, but I personally know that… this particular style, the kind of sibling relationship I have with that one older sibling and the relationship Caine and Able have, is extremely hard. Because it never goes away, that spite and the small bit of hatred, but you just have to live with it, you blame yourself for your shortcomings, it never leaves, but you still stay close. They’re still your favorite person, still someone that you feel like you can share everything with, and you learn that you can’t get over those bad feeling, they just exist.
…I really need to stop writing when I’m half asleep. Might continue on how Carnival Pomni is similar to me, next time I’m half asleep and typing/j
*pat pat* it will definitely be touched upon... Im too proud of Caine's writing to leave him in the dark... Im so happy you relate to him that way, and Im sorry to hear how rocky your relationship is with your sister. Best of luck to both of you <3
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Hello! Merry Chirtmas ! İ just love your blog and can't stop thinking about it ! So, how would tadc react to a female kid reader ? That little girl is cheerful elegant little lady and wear nice Pink dress with bows! She comforted Gangle by saying "don't be sad ! İ love you !" And put some sticker on her mask ! Oh and saying i love you to them before leaving. When Jax is doing something bad she says "Don't be mean! you silly rabbit!"
Caine, Gangle, Zooble, Pomni w/ sweet!kid!reader (platonic)
doing these characters since the wheel chose it (ominously) not sure how much i'll write today but i got a little more in the inbox compared to these past few days so i plan on working that down
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basically treats you like his own kid but hes never been a dad before so hes still learning; torn between him being over protective of you or thinking you're indestructible (which... technically you are as long as youre in the digital world). i think he finds your sweetness adorable, though if theres someone in the circus being mean to you (surprisingly i dont think jax would be too mean. a little bit of a butt? yeah but its not much different than an older brother picking on their younger sibling) i think he would pipe up and not shut up until you get an apology. starts watching IHAs more now that you're here, both to see how youre doing but also to make sure its not too crazy for you.. cant help but let the big scary monster/trial pass when you run up to it being nice. literally just snaps the thing out of existence/away/wherever. loves seeing the look of triumph on your face afterwards
nice towards you and probably over time keeps a closer eye on you but in the beginning i think its more like. you following her like a duckling since shes busy trying to find an exit. honestly i think pomni would have a hard time when it sinks in that theres a little kid here in the circus. how did you get here? when did you get here? i think thats what would prompt her in trying to connect with you, thus you gain another guardian figure! sticking true my idea of pomni being uneasy around kids because they can be gross and have no filter and be unpredictable i think at first she would be a little... tense around you, but overtime becomes more comfortable when she realizes youre not like that. definitely going to take a while, though.. shrugs
definitely finds you sweet, lets you hang around in her room and mess with her art supplies. probably cries harder when you try to make her feel better after jax does something, usually something that leaves her with a broken comedy mask. i dont think she would let you confront jax about it, though... she appreciates the sentiment but shes not about to make it look like she sent a little kid to defend her, thats only going to give jax even more ammo even if you stood up for her on your own. sometimes lets you put stickers on her mask or glitter... ponders.. i think she reads stories to you too, every night
i think ive already said this before but zooble gives off such older sibling energy, and i cant really explain it other than its just the personality and looks... but i guess that doesnt explain much. shrugs. sweet younger sibling, cool but indifferent older sibling. or at least you think theyre cool. and you tell them every chance you guy. i think they would just give a weird "thaaanks.." the first few times before fully leaning into the older sibling role. dont get me wrong like before they wouldnt just leave you wandering around alone during an IHA, hell i dont think they would there wasnt one going on.. but they wouldnt go out of their way to hang out with you.. but eventually they just kind of keep a closer eye on you. check in on you. ask what youre up to. theyre not attached to you by the hip but theyre definitely present in your life as a role model. tries to make you be less nice, gives you the talk that not everyone is nice and sometimes some people fake being nice in order to get what they want. but in kid terms, obviously... well not little kid terms i still think zooble would be blunt but they wouldnt be harsh
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Hidden Mentality
"Hiya, Pomni!"
Pomni was startled by this sudden voice before realizing it's Jax. She groaned loudly.
"What do you want, Jax?"
Jax closed his eyes and had a smug expression on his face.
"I just put a centipede in Dollface's room."
"Jax! That's literally her only fear!" Pomni said.
Jax laughed.
"Yeah, that's the point. I predict she'll be screaming in three, two, one."
As Jax predicted, Ragatha screamed and sprinted out of her room. Jax laughed.
"Oh, what's the matter, Dollface? Scared of centipedes?"
"Shut up, Jax!" Ragatha hissed.
Pomni felt something was off. Jax never, ever looked anyone in the eye, and when he did, he still never noticed them until they said something.
That's odd. I'll have to ask him about that once Ragatha isn't trying to rip his stomach open.
She felt a sensation in her body. She really couldn't sit still or keep quiet any longer. Damn ADHD!
"I'm gonna go to my room!"
Before Jax or Ragatha could reply, Pomni was already gone. She locked her door behind her and she grabbed a fidget toy off the floor to stimulate herself.
Oh, it's getting so much harder to hide this! I don't know how much longer I can!
She heard a knock on her door.
"Kid, you good?"
It was Jax. He must've been questioning why she ran off. She got her s#&% together and opened the door. As always, he didn't look her in the eye. She always hated it when he called her kid, as she's older than he is.
"Why'd you run off like that? You've been doing that ever since you came here."
Pomni shrugged. She really didn't have an excuse for that. Jax sighed.
"The silent treatment, I see. Whatever, I'll leave you alone, kid."
He walked away, closing the door behind him. Pomni could see that he definitely had a look of suspicion on his face.
Oh, damn it! He's getting suspicious!
Pomni laid down on her bed, and she sighed.
How much longer can I even hide this? I don't think I can. No, I have to. I can't let anyone find out.
Her disorder made her completely restless. She absolutely couldn't sit still.
Well, I'm not getting any sleep tonight...
Sorry it's so short, I lost motivation. I DID post this on Wattpad, but I'll post it on Tumblr too.
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soulmadeart · 8 months
I haven't really had much time to sit down and make any attempts at art, so instead, I took the small moments between working to write a little something. Nothing major, just a little idea that popped into my head. Hope you enjoy
Pomni shuddered as she placed her hand on the door handle leading outside. The frigid air was leaking through and pressing into her skin, despite the large sweater and long sleeved shirt underneath covering her torso.
She wanted to just go find a secluded part of the office and just enjoy some time away from everyone, but her body craved something more than just solitude. A quick check of her pockets revealed her car keys, phone, lighter, and most importantly, a crushed pack of cigarettes.
Pomni didn't really care for the taste of them, or the sensation of nicotine burning into her system. She mostly kept up the habit simply for the sake of smoking. She enjoyed going through the motions of lighting it, then bringing up to her lips and taking a long drag before expelling the smoke from between her lips.
It was a very…satisfying feeling, much to her chagrin. The long term health issues notwithstanding, it was an expensive habit to uphold. Pomni briefly wondered how much she'd spent on cigarettes alone since she'd started smoking years ago.
She shook her head and pulled one out and held it in her lips before she pulled the lighter out and flicked it to life. The small flame connected a moments later, her vice was lit.
Pomni took a slow drag, blowing the smoke upwards before stepping out into the cold. Caine had been very adamant that she needed to keep her smoking outside, lest she face the punishment.
“Whatever the hell that means.” She mumbled to herself, clenching her jaw as the slight breeze ripped through her clothes and brushed against her skin.
She cursed silently as she drew a shaky breath, watching the smoke from the end of the cigarette be carried away by the freezing wind.
Pomni resisted the urge to let her teeth chatter every time the wind picked itself up to get acquainted with her flesh over and over.
“Damn late winter…it's February for fuck's sake! All this should've happened two months ago! Dammit!” Another puff of smoke was torn away into the wind and Pomni couldn't stop the harsh shiver that rushed through her.
“You should be a little more careful hun. If Caine hears you, he'll get mighty upset with ya.”
The sudden voice caused Pomni to jump, nearly dropping her cigarette in the process. She spun around with a frown already forming on her face.
“Sorry about that. Thought you'd heard the door open.” 
Pomni's frown softened as she made eye contact with the newcomer. A single pale blue eye looked her over, set inside a kindly face that was framed by large red curls.
“No worries Ragatha. I just wasn't expecting anyone to be dumb enough to come out in this weather. Well…apart from me of course.”
Pomni took another drag from the cigarette. A shudder rippled through her body, causing her to release the smoke in a shaky breath.
“Pomni, why are you out here? It's way too cold to just casually be having a smoke.” 
The older woman took a spot beside Pomni, resting a gloved hand on the cold metal railing. 
“It was just time for a break is all.” Pomni said, hoping she had sounded convincing enough.
“Do you want me to have a word with Jax?”
Pomni bristled at the name and took a hard drag off the cigarette, tossing the last bit of it into the snow and stomping on it.
“Who does he think he is?! So what if my idea isn't perfect? He didn't need to just pick apart every little thing about it!” 
The smaller woman balled her fists in anger and felt the urge to slam them into the bar in front of her. Ragatha seemed to pick up on her feelings and gently took Pomni's bare fists into her own gloved grasp.
“That would be a terrible idea, Pomni. Let's just calm down a bit, hmm?”
Pomni took a deep breath and held it for a few heartbeats before she released it. Ragatha was the only one who seemed to be able to pull Pomni from the depths of her anger or frustration. 
It left a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach every time it happened, as if there were something about the older woman that just soothed any of Pomni's negativity. 
What it was though, Pomni didn't know. Once she had felt the last of her anger slip away, Pomni reluctantly pulled her hands back to her sides, shivering as her hands were reintroduced to the cold.
“Did you forget your gloves at home again?”
Pomni shook her head.
“Nah. It's just harder to smoke with gloves on. I haven't quite got the hang of smoking with gloves on yet. They're too big and bulky and just get in the way. Besides, it can't stay cold too much longer…right?”
Pomni groaned and leaned against the rail. 
“How long is this damn weather gonna last? It's been a whole week with below twenty degree days with stupidly cold wind. I fucking hate the winter.”
Pomni hissed, narrowing her eyes at the snow flurries surrounding her. Ragatha chuckled and crossed her arms.
“Unfortunately it seems we've got at least one more week.”
Pomni lowered her head with a sigh and looked down at the street below her. She contemplated pulling the other cigarette out of her pocket and lighting it.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Ragatha's phone ringing. She looked at the other woman and saw a small frown flash across her face. 
“Yes Jax?” She answered with an exasperated sigh. Pomni growled and pulled the other cigarette out of her pocket, putting it between her lips as she listened to Ragatha reply to whatever Jax had to say.
“No…No I…what do you mean you…I don't…ugh!” 
Ragatha shook her head and pocketed her phone as Pomni pulled her lighter out.
“I swear he says things just to get a rise out of people.” 
Ragatha took her place beside Pomni once more, who was quietly cursing each time she flicked her lighter. 
“I just bought this damn thing a week ago. No way is it already dead.” 
Her attempts became more and more frustrated with every failure. Eventually, Ragatha moved behind Pomni and leaned against her, using her hands to block the wind from the smaller woman's face.
Pomni hoped the sudden heat in her cheeks was from the flame of the lighter, and not from having the older woman essentially pulling her into a hug.
Ever since Pomni had started working at the office almost a year ago, Ragatha had been a constant calming presence in her work day. She'd also been an odd source of inspiration to Pomni's work, the recent idea she had pitched to everyone being born from such inspiration.
As time had gone on, she noticed herself looking or watching the other woman more and more frequently. Always getting flustered when she'd been caught or noticed.
Ragatha had told her it was cute, but for Pomni, it was…embarrassing. She hadn't ever really talked about her personal life to the others, and she was making it increasingly more obvious day by day how she felt towards the older woman.
Of course, she'd denied the feelings. Ragatha was around thirty she'd guessed, and there was no way someone so…beautiful was going home alone.
Pomni took a drag of the cigarette and blew the smoke out slowly. She'd wished her feelings for Ragatha would go with them, to take the slowly blooming heat in her body to disappear in the wind with the smoke.
“I'm not making you uncomfortable am I? I noticed you'd been shaking since I'd come out, so I thought I'd try and help you warm up.” Ragatha explained, resting her chin on Pomni's beanie.
“No, you're good. I wish I knew how we could wear the same amount of layers but I'm the only one getting cold.”
She felt Ragatha's laugh vibrate through her body and she had to resist the desire to shiver at the feeling.
“That's because I got a little more insulation than you do.”
To prove her point, Ragatha had reached down and poked Pomni's belly. 
“You're all skin and bones dear. Plus, I've got a scarf and gloves.”
Pomni rolled her eyes as a smile grew on her lips. 
“Yeah yeah. I guess I'll need to get some tomorrow if the temperature is gonna stay low for another week.”
She felt Ragatha nod against her but remained silent. The pair stood in the biting wind in silence, the only sound apart from the wind itself was the sound of Pomni exhaling smoke.
In a moment of indulgence, Pomni let herself relax into Ragatha's body. She had fully prepared herself to have to make up some flimsy excuse about why she'd done the action, but Ragatha said nothing. Instead, she fully wrapped her arms around the smaller woman and seemed to hum in approval.
Whatever heat had faded from Pomni's face returned in full force at the taller  woman's action. She opened her mouth to say something, but instead of speaking, simply took another drag of her cigarette.
Afterward, she simply watched the cigarette burn away between her fingers. Her thoughts turned once again to the woman holding her and she wondered why she had tried so hard to be Pomni's friend.
Their other co-workers, while friendly enough (besides Jax), none of them really seemed to want to get to know her outside of work. Ragatha, however, had tried almost every evening to invite Pomni to hang out or just come socialize with her and the others.
“Why are you so nice to me?”
Pomni asked suddenly, unable to stop herself from staying silent any longer.
“Hmm…well, why wouldn't I be?”
“I mean…everyone is polite, but you seem to be more than just…that. You feel like you genuinely wanna be my friend. Why?”
Ragatha laughed and gave Pomni a soft squeeze.
“Maybe because I want to be your friend.”
“Oh. I uh…guess it's just that simple.”
Another laugh came from Ragatha, and Pomni felt herself smile. 
“Well dear, we should probably get back inside. I'm sure Caine will be wondering where we are before too much longer.”
“But I'm not done with my-”
Ragatha moved her arm and wrapped her hand around Pomni's hand holding the cigarette and pulled it up to her mouth. She leaned forward and put her lips on the cigarette and took a long, slow drag.
Pomni watched, eyes wide at how close Ragatha's face was to her own. Ragatha opened her mouth and allowed the smoke to flow out and be snatched away by the wind.
“There, all done. Come along dear.” Ragatha slowly unwrapped herself from Pomni and began walking toward the door.
The cold air immediately assaulted Pomni, but she didn't notice. Her eyes had focused on the cigarette. There was a small bit of Ragatha's lipstick on the butt of the cigarette and enough left for one more small hit.
Pomni made sure Ragatha wasn't looking before she rested her lips where Ragatha had and finished it. She held the remains for a moment before dropping it into the snow and covering it up.
Pomni turned and walked to the door where Ragatha was waiting. A small smile was on her lips as the smaller woman walked up to her.
Pomni tilted her head in confusion. Ragatha simply shook her head before she pulled the door open and motioned for Pomni to step inside. The smaller woman thanked her and shuddered as the warm inside air rushed to meet her.
The pair made sure to stomp any snow off their shoes before walking back to the employee lounge. 
Ragatha tapped her lips with her finger.
“Red looks good on you.” She turned and walked down the hall, leaving Pomni to wonder what she had been talking about. She reached up and ran a finger over her lips. Her finger came away with a smudge of red lipstick and she felt her cheeks catch fire.
“O-oh…” Pomni swallowed a small lump that had built itself in her throat and worked on wiping it off as she followed after Ragatha.
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spitinsideme · 8 months
Peach blossoms and wolfsbane
By writer anon
Authors note:fun fact did you know that wolfsbane means mistrust in people or humans and that peaches mean honor,gentleness,and your beauty is unparalleled? Just thought that was worth noting! Also be warned bad writing and grammar ahead
Spitzy paced that floor of her bedroom then dramatically flops on her bed and sighs “Ugh there isn’t anything to do around here I can’t believe the dump fop that my county wants me to marry banned me from leaving the manor grounds…” “Nothing interesting happens around here anyways whats the big bloody deal if I just go into town for some fun.” Spitzy shaking her head gets up from her bed with some new found determination. “Right then no use moping about it I’m gonna get out of here and have some fun!” “I don’t need some cheeky sod telling me what I can and can’t do!” She said with vigor but right on cue the door to her room swings open and who should appear but her supposed fiancé Duke Chad Charming. “And just where in the bloody hell do you thing you are going?” He said with sour face. Spitzy huffs “ I’m leaving this manor I can’t take it being so stuffy in here I want to go outside and I will not have some man who thinks he has some sort of say in the matter stop me.” She said with a bit of bite in her tone. The duke however did not like that answer “You better watch how you speak to me or next time I’ll be sure to make you learn your place.” He snarled. With that he leaves the room filled with silence as Spitzy defeated sits on her bed her hand holding her cheek while her elbow in on her knee “wow what a charming bloke he was” she muttered “Great I’m not only gonna be stuck in a loveless marriage but I’m also stuck in this damn manor!” She throws a pillow at the door. Spitzy is at a loss but just when Spitzy was about to lament some more a knock could be herd as the door “Come in” said Spitzy feeling drained from the encounter she had with oh so lovely fiancé. Who should appear but Pomni her loyal but clumsy maid. “I have some news for you my lady.” She said in a quiet voice. “Oh and what would that be?” Spitzy asked. “Your dress is ready for the gala tonight” “Ugh that blooming thing? It’s already bad enough that I can’t just wear pants and a shirt to a stupid ball that I have to rub elbows with assholes that I hate but I also have to wear a dress?! Jolly good then just so swell!!!” Spitzy once again throws a pillow. With this the maid winces “My l-lady please this i-is unbecoming of a women of your status.I understand the duke isn’t the greatest-t and that the w-whole situation is truly dreadful and awful but there is no need to lash-h out.” She stutters. With sigh Spitzy nods and says “My apologies Pomni you are right I suppose I can at least try and look at the positives here.” “ Thats the way my lady.” Pomni says with a weak smile. “Besides who knows you might meet someone you fancy at that Ball tonight.” She says while picking up a brush. Pomni then proceeds to brush her lady’s hair. “Now lets get you all sorted out for the ball yeah?” Pomni chirps.
A 5’6 woman stretched her arms and yawn sharp fang-like teeth glinting in the light while the other older women who is wearing an eye patch companying her is reading the paper while sipping on some tea.They are in a first class train car that is heading towards an area where a carriage waits them.”Are we there yet?” Asked the sharptooth woman. The older woman replied “No not yet Nona so just relax and enjoy the ride.” “Remind me why we left the South for this event? Like don’t ya hate that duke and talked all sorts of shit about him?” The toothy woman asked in her southern accent. The older woman sighed and turned the page of the newspaper”Ever heard of keeping up appearances? Trust me I would love nothing more than to go home and sit in my rockin chair but the duke personally invited us all the way out here the least you can be is grateful that I even let you tag along.” “Oh please ya love me too much to leave me behind besides your husband wouldn’t let ya go unless I come along with cha.” Said the fanged woman “Ah yes I forgot that you are supposed to be my lousy guard dog do try and not get distracted by chasing some poor sap’s tail or your own.” She snickers. With that the fanged woman ears burned bright red with both anger and embarrassment “ HEY NOW WHO YOU CALLING LOUSY.” She shouted The older woman not even looking up from her paper reached over and petted her guard’s head “There there puppy no need to get your fur in a bunch.” She laughed.
The southern woman huffs and swats her hand away “Don’t call me that and secondly I’ll have ya know I don’t chase tail the ladies just swoon and be fallin at my feet.” She said with a puffed up chest. “The older woman barely peeks over her paper and says “Sure hun whatever floats your boat.” She opens her mouth to argue but nothing comes out then in defeat she slumps in her chair “you are one rotten women Miss Agatha Ragdolin you know that.” She muttered. Once again without looking up from her paper Agatha tuts and says”Aww don’t be like Winona ya know I was just teasing ya.Don’t be such a sour puss or in your case sour mutt.” She laughs a bit at her own joke. Still a little red with embarrassment Winona huffed again “ yeah yeah let’s get this stupid ball thing over with already.” She said while crossing her arms. Winona tipped her hat down to cover eyes as she leans back into her chair on leg cross her knee “Wake me up when we get there.” Said Winona. And with that she falls back asleep to the sounds of the car swaying and clacking on the tracks.
End of chapter 1
Author’s note: I hope you like it and I hope you don’t mind I gave you an icky chad as a fiancé don’t worry you will be with your southern anon soon and ditch the gross chad I also spontaneously decided to give anon fangs maybe make them a werewolf If you are into that I also decided to incorporate your au a bit if you don’t mind let me know what you want changed and stuff!
Writer anon
i love you im kissing you throigh thr screen right now i asore you sooososmuxh youre the best ever i actyally love this so muxh ????i LOVE fangs and id get my shit absolutely fucked by a werewolf but for this one .. no werewolf .. i want my loveky southern lesboan anon as human as can be i wantto.feel the skin to skin touch .. keeo her fangs though i love sharp teeth but honestly i want.nothing changed tjats besutoudk keeo it going as it is i love itsososmuxh i will look forward tothe next chaoter with excitement ❤️❤️
31 notes · View notes
dragon-creates · 10 months
Five Times Jax and Pomni Share Dreams of Their Past Lives (And One Time Where They Remember)
Read on AO3
Hi! The last chapter of the first fic! We actually made it! I just wanted to go a huge thank you for all those who have supported me! Whether it was on AO3, twitter, tiktok, tumblr or discord. You guys have been amazing! I still can't get over the fact that my fic has over 10k hits you guys are insane and I love it! I have some other stuff that I need to work on after this (a fnaf one-shot, a funnybunny royal au for my mutual artie on twitter and discord, and a funnybunny pirate au as well) but that doesn't mean I won't be working on the sequel at the same time.
Also, I forgot to include this last week and I'm so ashamed of myself, but please go check out this art of my fic that was drawn on tumblr, it's amazing!: https://www.tumblr.com/pomni-stare/734273534847860736/more
This my pal berry also drew a reference to my fic with her art here as well: https://twitter.com/CheyennePlayz/status/1725864159139738099
Once again, thank you so much!
And now, the final chapter...
Pomni woke in a cold sweat.
That was…it couldn’t be, could it? It was her at the end of that dream! Right after Penny put on the headset! When she first got here! But how could that be?! These dreams weren’t real! They were just, well, dreams! Just made-up figments of her imagination! But then again, no one else had them here, just her. So why did she have them? What made her so special?
Penny…why did that name feel so strikingly familiar to her? Why did it feel like she walked the steps that she walked? That she spoke the words that she spoke? Every single movement and decision that Penny Reed had made, why did it feel like Pomni had done it all before? And Penny’s mother and sister, she felt as though as though she truly knew them. That she could list off everything they loved, from the music the liked, to the foods that disgusted them, all the little things that made them into the people they were. It felt as though if she reached down hard enough, she could remember every piece of information about them. But why?
And then there was Jack, the one that invaded her mind, body and soul each time he appeared, when he spoke, laughed, cried, joked and breathed. Every time she saw him was like dancing an old waltz, the steps might be fumbled and clumsy from the lack of practice, but the heart and joy of it was still there.
Especially when she was with Jax…
There was so much déjà vu with him, it kept her in within its strong grasp. Even when Jax was only a thought in her head, it was as if she were replaying the old song and dance of Jack and Penny with him.
But why?!
Her head began to pound, she immediately grabbed it as it throbbed painfully. What was going on?! Suddenly, the warm face of a girl with dark hair appeared behind her squeezed shut eyes.
“So,” Winter turned in the passenger seat to face Penny in the back, “Sorry that it was under these events how you met Jack, hopefully you were okay with him.”
“I’m not,” said Riley, focused on the road.
“Just keep driving mama bear,” Winter rolled her eyes before turning to Penny again.
Pomni gasped. Winter…she knew her. She knew so much about her. She met two months after meeting Riley, trying to sneakily ask for tips on how to ask the other girl out. Carrot cake, her favourite food was carrot cake. She loved it so much that she had it every year on her birthday and baked it whenever she could. “Oh god,” Pomni exhaled, she knew Winter. Not just from the dreams, but really knew her! She was her friend!
Her head throbbed again, a red headed girl about 4 years older than her appearing, replacing Winter.
“Penny! Oh thank God!” Riley rushed over to her, wrapping her arms around her younger sister and pressed a kiss at the side of her head, “You gave me a heart attack going into that house, and then hearing that you fainted?! Don’t ever do that again!”
She grabbed at her pyjama bottoms. Riley Reed, one of the strongest people she knew. A protector who forgets to protect herself, always putting her mother and little sister first. Had saved said younger sister many times and seen the wounded parts of her that weren’t visible to the everyday eye. There was a secret that she kept, that she never told anyone, not even to her mother. It was always for Riley’s little sister’s ears only. If she ever had a son, she would same him Percy after her youngest sibling. No one knew that, that secret was locked tight in a vault. “Why do I know this?” Pomni asked herself.
White pain flashed in her mind again. It hurt, it hurt so much. But it numbed the moment an older woman took Riley’s place.
“He really is, and you will be too my little costuming star!” Amber nuzzled her daughter’s nose with her nose, laughing at Penny’s groans.
“Mom!” Penny buried her head into Amber’s shoulder, “Stop!” She didn’t mean it and Amber knew that.
“I can’t help it if my daughter is amazingly talented,” Amber grinned, loosening up a bit as she peered down to look at Penny’s face.
Amber, mother of two girls. Divorced from her awful husband. She enjoyed cooking, spending time with her girls, always offered a shoulder to cry on. For Penny to cry on…no matter where she was she knew that her mother was her safe place. The soft feeling of familiar soothing fingers running through her hair made Pomni grasp at her chest with a pained cry, she knew who those memorable hands belonged to. “Mom,” she whispered.
There was another flash. Pomni grit her teeth, trying to ease the pain. It disappeared the moment a handsome young man stepped forward in her mind’s eye, taking a pair of small hands into his one large ones. She knew those hands…
“I would tell her that I’m not a perfect person, but I am someone who’s always trying. You’ve taken over my mind and have stolen my heart, but I can’t find it in myself to care as long as it’s in your hands.” Jack took her hands in his at those words, “I just hope that she feels the same way.”
She did…no, she does. She loved Jack! She loved him so much. The idea of being with him lifted her higher than the sun and moon themselves! She loved him! She loved him because he…he…he. Jack was here.
Her mind throbbed again, it felt as though it was twisting, moulding, transforming. Not into something new, but into something that she never knew she lost.
“I know,” he nodded, bringing her in closer, “I’m always good whenever you’re here.”
She sighed, pressing her forehead against his, “Okay, just tell me if there’s anything going on if there is.”
 Penny laughed wetly, cupping both Jack’s cheeks tenderly in her hands, “I don’t deserve you.”
“No,” Jack disagreed, turning his head and kissed the palm of her hand. “It’s me who doesn’t deserve you.”
Penny let another tear fall as she brought Jack in for another kiss. The two relished the moment they had together.
“You’re so beautiful,” he knew what he said, and he wasn’t going to take it back, not when she peered up at him through her long lashes with a gasp.
“Y-you’re ridiculous,” she uttered, handing him her jacket.
“Hey, just telling the truth here,” he replied as he went to hang up her jacket on the wall, “Besides, someone’s gotta point out how pretty you are.”
Penny was about to go inside when she decided to do one more thing while she still had the courage, after all, the night was still young. “Jack, wait!”
He lifted his head at the call of his name, “What? Is everything okay?”
“Yes, it’s just, um, you f-forgot something,” Penny stammered, working herself up as much as she could, “You forgot this.”
She planted a kiss on his cheek, pulling away quickly.
He held his hand out to her.
Penny took it in her own and shook it, “I’m Penny.”
The throbbing finally passed, Pomni let her hands drop to her sides as waves and waves of anything and everything came rushing back to her.
Penny…Penny…Penny. “…My name is Penny Reed,” she was still for a moment before she jumped up and stood on her bed as she let out a thrilled holler. She had a name! “My name is Penny Reed!”
She clasped her hands over her mouth, praying that no one heard her. It was a silent as a mouse, thank goodness. She plopped herself back down, letting tears of relief flood down her cheeks. Her name was Penny Reed, she had an amazing mother and a great big sister. She wanted to be a costume designer and create amazing garments for the whole world to see. She found a friend in her sister’s wife who became a rock for her. But most importantly, she was in love with an incredible man named Jack Bloom.
That was why she put the headset on! That was how she ended up here! Jack had to be here, if the cases that Riley described was like how she got here and how he went missing, then Jack had to be here too.
But who was he? Oh god, what if he already abstracted and she was too late?! No, he’s close, I can feel it. She felt him, she felt him here. He’s close. In fact, he felt closer the more she thought about her. Could he…no.
“Can’t make any promises little lady,” Jack smirked.
Jax sighed, “You’re welcome little lady.”
Pomni’s eyes widened.
“Keep the chivalry to yourself sir,” Penny placed a hand on her hip.
“Can’t help it, I’m dreamy,” Jack was unable to keep the grin off his face at her pout. His face softened, holding out his arm, “Shall we?”
Penny raised a brow at him, grinning. “Mr Jack how thoughtful of you.”
“Just until you’re more aware of your surroundings,” Jax told her, “After all, I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Ah, right,” Pomni gave him a joking grin, “We wouldn’t want anything to happen to that.”
“See, now you’re getting it,” Jack agreed, returning her grin.
No way. It couldn’t be, they were both so different. But the similarities, they wouldn’t stop adding up.
Penny sank to the floor as she watched Jack shove David away.
There was nothing but fury in Jack’s eyes, “If you ever put your hands on her again, I’ll make sure you lose them!”
One moment Jax was at the side like everyone else, watching the whole thing go down. Next, he was in front of Pomni, staring at Caine as the AI tilted his head at Jax’s new and sudden behaviour.
Was he really…Jax was really…
“Oh Penny” Jack sighed. Tears welled up in her eyes as she all but collapsed into him, wailing as he soothingly stroked her back. “He’s never coming back here again, I’ll make sure of it. Shh, it’s okay, I got you.”
“Well, I have a proposition for you,” Jax said, she perked up, “Until you feel like you understand this place a little more, I’ll be there to make you don’t have one of your episodes. Whether you’re spiralling or hyper focusing, I’ll be here to ground you in case that happens.”    
“Jax…Jack,” she let out a gasp. He was – Jax was – he was right beside her all along and she didn’t even know! “Jack!”
She jumped off her bed and ran to her door, opening it as quick as she could as she made a beeline to Jax’s room in front of her. She swung the door open, a grin widening on her face, hoping to see a purple rabbit tangled in sheets. But he was gone, nothing but an empty made up bed with no sign of a body being in there whatsoever.
She closed the door, he wasn’t here. He couldn’t have gone far. She had to find him, she will find him. Now that she had a grasp on her life and her love again, she wouldn’t let go any time soon.
She ran down the hallway.
The lines began to blur together, the puzzles slipping back into place. Jax was Jack! She had to complete her forgotten mission. She had to get Jack!
“Penny!” Jax screamed as he awoke, the image of the girl trying to painfully claw off the headset still fresh in his mind. But then, it led to Pomni arriving in the circus. What did that have to do with Pomni being here? Could she…no its just a dream! They’ve all been dreams Jax! There’s no way that I’m allowed to be that lucky. Someone like him didn’t deserve people like Pomni or Penny. Two kind-hearted individuals who tore his heart out the minute it looked like their spirits were broken.  How could Jack do that?! Penny was amazing, kind, beautiful! How could he let her go like that?!
Jax gripped the fabric of his shirt where his heart was, who was he kidding, he sounded like a damned hypocrite. Pomni nearly drowned because of him, he would want to stay away from him too. All he did was get her hurt when he was supposed to protect her. He was just as much of a fool as Jack was…
…Actually, now that he thought about it, he had been here as long as Jack was missing in his dream. Time had its own rules here, but Jax would be damned if he didn’t try to keep track of how long he was here, scratching a line on the wall behind his wardrobe to show each night he spent here. Jack had been gone for 6 months, he was here for 6 months – 9 if you counted the three months since Pomni arrived. It was too much of a coincidence for him to not to notice it.
No, don’t! Thinking of this type of stuff never did Queenie any favours! Just stop Jax! But he couldn’t, his mind just kept rushing and rushing, but it didn’t hurt, more like the waves of an ocean gently guiding him to where he needed to be.
“Hey, are you free on Halloween?”
Jax froze. That voice, he knew that voice. He turned, spotting a dark-haired woman on a bed that wasn’t there before.
“Depends,” his mouth moved on its own, saying words against his mind’s control. Was he even trying to control it in the first place? “Why, what type of genius plan have you concocted this time?”
“Well, Riley and I are going to the Halloween festival that day and she’s bringing her sister,” said Winter, smiling coyly. “Maybe you should meet up with us and get a chance to meet her.”
“Meeting mini-Riley?” He raised an eyebrow at the woman. Why did this conversation feel so familiar? He never met Winter in his life!...Right? “If she’s related to Riley she might have ‘I’ll punch you in the face tendencies’ so I’m not so sure yet.”
“Trust me,” Winter grinned, “This girl is the total opposite from Riley, her personality is a complete 180.” She stood up and walked over to him.
He crossed his arms, an action that felt repeated in so many ways, “What are you up to?”
“Nothing…” she drawled, “I just think it would be idea to meet this girl, she’s pretty cute.”
“Mmhmm,” he wasn’t convinced in the slightest, “Spill the truth Winter.”
She sighed, he could see right through her and she knew it. “Look, Penny is a sweet girl who’s gone through a lot like you have and she’s struggling to find someone to relate with. And yeah both she and Riley have gone through shit, but Penny is really sensitive and there was some other stuff that happened that’s left her shaken up. I’m not forcing you to be friends with her, but I know that you’ve been looking to relate to someone as well. I think Penny is that someone.”
He fidgeted with his hands for a moment, “I’m getting better you know. I’ve been talking to people in my classes and Andrea has been a great help as well.”
“I know and you’re doing great!” Winter reassured him, “This is just something to think about. If you’re free, the offer’s there.”
Jax paused, as though he were thinking about it. Why was this happening, why was he talking to Winter as though he did this before? Why did it feel like he knew Winter for a lifetime? Why was he begging himself to say yes next? Winter was supposed to be a dream, Penny was supposed to be a dream, all of this was supposed to be a dream!
“You know what, sure, what not. But if she pulls a Riley and sucker punches me in the face I’m blaming you,” He pointed at her.
Winter laughed, shaking her head. “Penny would never do that. And Riley thinks you’re cool! She won’t be getting pissed at you anytime soon.”
Jax gave her an uneasy nod, “Uh huh, if that’s what you say. I’ll check my schedule and see if I’m free. Don’t make me regret this.”
“Oh please, have I ever been wrong?” Winter scoffed.
“Should I list it off right now?” Jax chortled as she punched him in the shoulder.
The second Winter made contact with him, she vanished, leaving the rabbit stunned. That moment, it happened before, didn’t it? This wasn’t some hallucination, this…this was a memory. His mind flashed, he gripped his head as it pounded with agony.
“Hey cariño, how are you doing?”
Another voice snapped him out of it as he whipped round to face a short older woman with darks curls. Her eyes remined him of Winter.
“I…I’m fine,” He sniffed, “I’m really sorry for snapping Laura.”
“Est á bien, come here,” she stepped closer, wanting to comfort him but gave him some space in case he didn’t want to be touched. “I know you’ve been through a lot, and though I’m not happy with some of the ‘colourful language’ you used, you’re a part of our family now and we’re never gonna let anyone hurt you ever again.”
Jax wiped his eyes, how could someone be so forgiving? If only she knew what type of things he did here, “I don’t deserve this Laura.”
Laura tsked at him, “Everyone deserves a chance to be happy. You, you’re just a kid who went through hell and back, you deserve one more than anyone. It’s gonna be okay.”
She opened his arms for him. Jax leapt forward, desperate for the hug she was offering. But just like Winter before, she vanished before he could get the chance.
Laura, Winter, Riley he knew these people, didn’t he? These…these weren’t dreams.
“Okay, I need a little help here. What do you think? Indoor wedding or outdoor wedding?”
That…that was…how…
He turned, only to see Pomni sitting on the bed this time, with a laptop on her knees. The stage disappeared, the rooms of an apartment bedroom replacing them, with only the jester and the rabbit looking the same as before.
“I…I don’t mind, I want this to be your dream wedding sweetie,” he said, moving to sit beside her, “Whatever your heart desires.”
Pomni blushed, gripping the laptop tighter. “Stop being charming and help! This is your wedding too, where do you want it?”
“My dream wedding is your dream wedding,” he replied suavely with a shit-eating grin.
She groaned at his teasing, closing the laptop and flung it onto the plush mattress and she flopped her back onto the bed. “I’m serious,” Pomni told him, “I need to know cause if we want it outside we need to figure out a good date so that it doesn’t rain. But if we want it inside should we rent out a hotel or get married in the church? If your family even religious? And don’t even get me started on the menu with all the dietary requirements and the types of food everyone wants. And my dress – oh god my dress I totally forgot-”
She was cut off by her own squeal when Jax’s hand shot out and tickled her belly, making her curl up and giggle. “Okay, okay, let’s keep calm,” he said, soothingly as he retreated his hand, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to cause you more stress.”
“No, it’s me,” she sighed as she hugged her knees to her chest. “I panic about everything, it’s no surprise I’m panicking over our wedding. Pathetic, huh?”
“Hey,” he gathered her in his arms and carried her over to the headboard of the bed, sitting them both down as he cradled her in his arms. “You are not pathetic, and I should’ve been more sympathetic. I know you want this to be the ‘perfect wedding’, but I don’t want you to overwork yourself.” Jax kissed his forehead, “The only reason why I suggested that you choose was because you’ve been so caught up on making sure this wedding was perfect for everyone else, you forgot to ask yourself what you wanted. I’ll help you with planning, but for now, would you rather get married inside of outside?”
Pomni smiled sweetly at him, placing an appreciative kiss on his cheek before humming in thought. “Outside, during summer. But then have dinner and the reception inside.”
“There you go,” Jax gave her a squeeze, making her laugh as she snuggled into his arms. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle the menu and all the other stuff that’s giving you grief.”
“Except for the dress,” she informed him, “I wanna handle my dress, no surprises for you mister!”
“Oh no!” he whined sarcastically, making his fiancé laugh harder. “How will I cope with not seeing the beautiful dress my future wife will wear!”
“You’ll survive,” she tapped his nose.
He took her hand, placing a kiss on the inside of her palm.
“I love you Penny,” he whispered.
“I love you too Jack,” she hushed back.
There was no longer a jester and rabbit in that room, replacing them was a young couple with rings on their fingers as they gazed into one another’s eyes with so much love.
Jax blinked and he was back on the empty stage.
“He…I…Pomni…Penny,” he inhaled, fisting his shirt. “I’m…Jack.”
The waves became stronger, suddenly everything was rushing back to him. From the fears of his childhood, his friendship with Winter, his newfound family with the Alvarez’s…and Penny. The love of his life. And she was here. She went looking for him and she’s…
“Pomni!” he gasped.
Penny was Pomni! Pomni was Penny!
She found him! He found her! And she…she went looking for him, after everything he did.
Jax let go of his shirt. He had to find her, he had to tell her how sorry he was, that he couldn’t believe she was here, that we would never let her go ever again!
He let his feet lead him, searching and scanning everywhere for the jester. He had to get to her, he had to!
“Jack! Jax!” Pomni continued to search every room. She dodged every gag thrown at her, she didn’t leave a door wasted unless a purple rabbit was inside. She called out his name, loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough to not wake anyone. Especially Caine.
“Pomni?!” Jax ran up to the first hallway, calling out the jester’s name, begging for an answer. His stomach churned when there wasn’t a response. He wouldn’t stop, he had to keep going until she was found. “Penny!”
Pomni ran up to the stage, it was the only place left. Maybe he was behind the curtain, planning some kind of prank for tomorrow. “Jax?!” she shoved the curtain aside, but there was no rabbit in sight, only the wooden floorboards and the looming height of the ceiling above her. So much space yet he still wasn’t here. He couldn’t have abstracted, it might have sounded crazy but she swore she could still feel him here. She can’t give up. “Jack!” She ran off the stage.
Jax raced up the stairs to the rooftop, where they had their late-night conversation, she had to be here! He looked everywhere so she had to be! When he arrived however, the only things that greeted him was the twinkling stars in the sky and the vast endless world of the circus grounds. But still no jester inside. Inside, she still had to be inside. And so inside he went.
Pomni sprinted back up the stairs and into another hallway, she lost count at this point, but she was determined to keep going. She was going to start checking when the door flung open at the end of the hall, revealing a panting and exasperated Jax. Pomni froze, was it really…?
Jax pushed some of his dishevelled fur back, about to continue searching when his yellow eyes made contact with Pomni’s red and blue. It was her, she was here. She was up to, did she know? There was only one way to find out. “Penny?”
Pomni felt her eyes well up with tears, for the first time, she was crying with joy here. “Jack,” she let out a relieved breath and ran up to him.
Jax let laugh-mixed cry escape from his throat as he ran to Pomni as well. The jester jumped into his arms, with him sliding an arm under to support as she gripped the fur at his neck while he grasped onto her pyjama shirt. Jax pressed kisses all over her face wherever he could reach, Pomni laughed wetly and did the same. He spun her round, nothing but carefree laughter filled the empty hall. Only two lost souls finally finding each other against all the odds thrown at them.
“It was the dreams!” she spoke between kisses, “You were in my dreams! It helped me remember!”
“Me too, I had the dreams too,” he replied, as she pressed two kisses to each of his eyelids, “You were in every one of them Penny.”
The small kisses seized and the two returned to holding each other as tightly as they could. This wasn’t a dream, it would be too cruel for them. Pomni wasn’t sure if she could bear it. “Is this real?” she barely whispered into the rabbit’s ear.
“Yeah, this is real as it can get Pen,” he buried his head into her shoulder. “I’m so sorry Penny. This is all my fault.”
“No,” she cupped his cheeks into her hands, “None of this was your fault, you didn’t know you were gonna get sucked into this.”
“But I left you,” he sniffed. “I left you and said all those awful things and got you trapped here too. I didn’t mean it, any of it! I love you so much Penny! I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, hey,” she wiped away his tears, “I’ve already forgiven you long before my mind was stolen here. I love you too.”
He rested his forehead against hers, he missed this, he missed her so much.
She missed him too, all those months of him being gone when everyone tried to look for him. Trail after trail yet still coming up empty. It was too much to bear, to scream out a name that wouldn’t answer back. But he was here, he was alive, he remembered her and she remembered him! It was her turn to cry now, letting a few stray tears fall.
Jax immediately noticed her sniffling, stroking her hair and pressing her face into her shoulder as he soothingly rubbed his hand up and down her back. Wordlessly, he carried her back to the bedroom hallways, make his way to his room. His bed was big enough for the two of them.
Once he entered, he noticed that his bed was still made – due to the fact that he decided to sleep on the stage – with a small stuffed plushie of him in the centre of the pillows. He shut the door with his foot, carrying Pomni to the bed as he laid her down. She didn’t want to let go, but he pried her fingers off him and laid down next to her, pulling a comforter over the two of them.
Pomni grabbed the plushie, squeezing it tight before latching herself onto Jax, not wanting to lose his touch for a second. He was the same, holding her as though she would disappear if he let go. “I never thought I’d get a chance like this again,” she mumbled, “When you disappeared I just-”
“Shh,” he pressed a kiss to her hair, “I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere. Never again.”
“Jax...Jack,” her mind was still processing everything, “What made you…why did you…what happened?”
He sighed, stroking her hair. She meant what made him react the way he did that day. The day he left and set of this catalyst. He had to tell her, hiding it caused all of this. He gulped and felt her small hand grip his. With the newfound reassurance, he began, “You remember when I told you about my old foster family?” He felt her nod against him, “Well, the day when I went to get the stuff you like from the coffee shop, I ran into my foster brother Luke.” He heard her gasp, she knew about everything Luke did to him when he was a kid, even the bad stuff. “Yeah, the things he said, it made me spiral a bit. I was gonna tell you and go to Andrea about what happened, but I just felt so weak to do that. There so much going in my head, so much fear and anger. I just wanted to handle it on my own so no one else could be affected by it. Heh, guess that didn’t turn out so well.”
He felt her snuggle closer. “It’s just,” Jax continued, “I was doing so well. I was happy, had a good support system, fell in love.” He ran his fingers through her hair, making her hum appreciatively, “I always thought that if something like that happened I could talk to someone about it. I relapsed pretty hard though. And I’m sorry that you were the one who had to pay for it.”
“Jack-” she started.
He pressed a finger to her lips. “Please, let me finish. You have been nothing but the most extraordinary person in my life, you were always prepared to be there for me whenever I was gonna go through something. I’m so sorry I didn’t talk to you about this. I do trust you with talking about this, I’m the problem. You didn’t deserve any of the hurt I placed onto you. I love you so much, and I’m really sorry.”
She brushed the fur on his cheeks with a smile, “Like I said, I forgive you. I know you Jack, I know how hard it’s been for you. But I also know that you’re able to overcome it as well. That’s something Luke has never been able to do. You made a life for yourself, Luke is just an insecure jerk who was jealous that you were able to be happy. If I ever see him again, I’m gonna use that move Riley taught me and use it on him.”
“You don’t mean…” Jax gaped.
Pomni gave him a sly grin, “Oh yeah, that move.”
“Oh you’re vicious, woman,” he chuckled, diving to her neck and pressed a dozen kisses to her collarbones, “I love it!”
“Jax!” she chortled, trying to shove his shoulders away. “You idiot! Get off!”
“I have to shower my little lady with all the love she deserves. I never knew she could be so wicked! I can’t believe I’m rubbing off on you short stack,” he pressed a few more to the sensitive spot behind her ear, earning him a yip from Pomni.
“Jack!” she giggled. She then dove her head to the side of his neck, taking his fur between her teeth and nipped him.
“Ow! Pomni!” he let out a laugh as he retaliated, “Okay, I yield I yield!” He fell back against his pillows as Pomni laid her head on his chest, feeling rather proud of herself. “You do realise your teeth are sharper here, right?”
“Good,” she hummed, wrapping her arms around his waist.
“Jeez,” his chest shook as he laughed, “Riley taught you well, huh?”
Her sister…Pomni’s smile faded. It had been so long since she last saw her older sister.
Jax immediately picked up on her downed mood, cupping her cheek and lifting her head to his. “Talk to me,” he said.
“I-,” Pomni sighed, “I miss Riley so much. And my mom too. I can’t imagine what they’re going through right now. I forgot about them. They matter so much to me and I just forgot about them! And now that I remember them, it just makes me miss them so much. All I want is to find a way, any way to reach out to them! To tell them that I’m okay and that I’m trying my best to get back to them! I just wanna go home.”
Jax pulled her closer, running his fingers up and down her back again. “I know, I know. I get it. I miss my family too,” he told her. “I miss Winter and her teasing, I miss Laura and her empathy, I miss Nina and Alex’s craziness. I miss everyone. But we’re gonna get back home. I know we will.”
“But it’s impossible,” Pomni interjected, “The exit doors, the void. It all leads nowhere.”
“We remember who we are, don’t we?” he remined her, “That’s a sign that there might be a way to escape this place. Those dreams, we had them for a reason, to remind us of who we are. We’ll find a way.”
“And Caine?” Pomni asked, her voice taking on a more subdued and unsure tone, “What’s gonna happen when he finds out about this.”
Jax froze, recalling that not only had Caine frightened her before with him yelling at her. But he never forgot how Caine had watched her drown, without making a move to help her. He watched Pomni tremble at the thought of the AI, the poor thing was terrified of him. He gripped her tightly and protectively, earning him a surprised squeak from the jester. “Caine isn’t gonna do anything,” he informed her, “If that pair of dentures tries to do anything to you, I will tear him apart. He won’t hurt you while I’m around.”
“He’s a force to be reckoned with Jack,” she said, “The second he catches that something is different he’ll stop at nothing to make sure it’s erased.”
“Then we’ll make sure he doesn’t find out about us,” Jax suggested, “We’ll pretend that nothing’s happened. We’re just two people who don’t know anything about our pasts and are just trying to survive here.”
There was still a bit of doubt lingering at the back of her mind. But Jax’s voice spoke nothing but honesty and safety, she couldn’t help but feel inclined to believe him. “You sure we’re able to do that?”
“Well, you’re going to have to control being head over heels in love with me, but I’m sure we can hide it pretty well,” he was cut off by a pillow whacking him in the face. “No please, not my pretty face!”
“That pretty face of yours won’t save you now bunny boy!” she snickered as she continued to pillow attack. “Besides, you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself in the maze! You picked me up and everything!”
“Only because you cuddled me in your sleep!” he retorted through another laugh, managing to grab her arms and pull her back onto his chest, caging her in his grasp.
Pomni tried to wriggle out and whack him again, but the warmth of his body and softness of his fur lulled her into a state of relaxation. Never mind, she would get him back later. “You’re the worst,” she muttered, “But I don’t mind.”
“Heh, I know…” he paused, taking both her cheeks in his hands again and raised her gaze to his. “Trust me, we’re gonna get out of here. And we’ll see our families again.”
Pomni nodded, a sweet smile gracing her features, “I believe you.”
Jax pressed another kiss to the centre of her face before she relaxed in his hold again.
The two paused, a low tension filled the room as they let their eyes linger on one another for a bit longer than they would like to admit. Slowly, Jax and Pomni came closer and let their lips touch ever so gently. It felt different – they weren’t human lips after all – but it was like all the kisses that they had shared before. Whether it was a chaste peck, a deep kiss when no one was looking, or a promise left on one another’s lips after a night tangled sheets, each one was filled with nothing but the tender and sweet love that they shared for each other.
They pulled away, both of them letting out a breath. Within the silence, they were sure they could hear their hearts racing a million miles per hour. Unable to hold back, the two let out a mirth-filled laugh and as they connected their lips again.
And again, and again, and again.
After a while, they settled back into the mattress, With Jax running his fingers through Pomni’s hair and over her back, making sure that this was real, that he finally had his memories back, that he finally had Penny back. She squeezed him, a silent telling for him that confirmed what he wanted to know. This was real.
“I love you,” Jax whispered into her hair.
“I love you too,” Pomni breathed back to him.
That night everything was perfect. That night the storm had finally cleared. That night, two separated spirits finally found their way back to each other. That night, they would stop at nothing until freedom was granted for them and everyone else here.
That night, Jack and Penny slept in each other’s arms.
Riley sighed as she drove down the road, taking a breath to steady her nerves. She had just come back from work after another endless and failed search for her sister and Jack. Winter was at her mother’s house with their son, it was her day off and her wife desperately needed a break. It took some convincing and promising, but Winter had eventually agreed to go.
It was a hard time for them both, but after the stress of Jack being added to her pregnancy and the birth of Percy, it hit Winter hard. But it didn’t mean that Riley wasn’t affected too. Seeing her baby sister’s face plastered on a missing poster, a constant reminder that mocked her over the fact that Penny was missing. It made Riley want to scream, cry, punch someone in the face, beg to whatever entity that was out there to return her little sister.
It wasn’t fair, Penny was innocent she didn’t deserve this.
And Jack, oh how she wished she took back everything she said about Jack. Of course she was protective over her sister but hearing Winter’s cry every night over her lost brother, it just made the guilt of saying those things to him sting so much worse.
Riley groaned, rubbing a hand over her face. What she needed was a glass of wine to calm her nerves before tackling anything else.
She was coming up to her and Winter’s house when she stopped the car as quietly as she could beside her neighbour’s house. At her front door was a man, his back was facing her so she couldn’t get a good look at his face. He seemed to be looking through the window on the door, trying to get a look through the patterned glass to see if there was anyone inside. Riley reached for her belt, unhooking some pepper spray that she had on hand. Even before she became an FBI agent, she was always well equipped with it in case anyone tried something.
When the man started to move to the windows on the side of the house did she start to intervene, hopping out the car as quietly as she could and made her way up to him. He was lucky that Winter and Percy weren’t here, otherwise it would have been a lot worse for this intruder. She snuck up behind him as he tried to peer through the windows, not noticing the fuming redhead coming up.
Before he could register the glimpse of her shadow, Riley grabbed his arm and threw him over her shoulder, sending him to the ground before pressing a foot on his stomach, making sure he didn’t get up. “Who are you? What the hell are you doing loitering around my house?!” she demanded, aiming the pepper spray at him.
The man whimpered, he looked quite young. But Riley didn’t relent, he was still an intruder after all. “I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” he cried, holding his hands up in surrender, “I wasn’t trying to do anything bad! I was just wanting to see if you were in!”
“Oh really?” Riley wasn’t convinced in the slightest, “Normal people don’t try to look in the windows to see if anyone’s in!”
“Wait, wait, wait!” he begged, he was trembling now, “I swear, I didn’t mean any harm! I just need your help! Please!”
Riley slightly lowered the pepper spray. She got a proper look at his face once the guy’s arms were lowered. He looked pretty young, probably starting college but the look in his eyes made him seem more youthful than he should. Guilt twinged at her, he was probably some awkward kid who didn’t know any better. She signed, putting the pepper spray away and taking her foot off, letting the young man gather himself but still kept an eye on him in case he did anything suspicious. He was still a stranger lurking around her house.
“Talk,” she said, keeping her hand on her belt.
The boy gulped, wringing his hands anxiously. “R-right,” he cleared his throat, “You’re Riley Reed right? Your younger sister is Penny Reed?”
She stiffened at her sister’s name, each muscle in her body tightening, “My last name has been all over the news since she disappeared, if it isn’t obvious enough.”
“I k-know,” the boy nodded, noticing the woman’s unease. “My name I-is Samual, Samual Abel.”
She knew that name, back when the very first case came out, “Your Kaleb and Quinn Abel’s kid, aren’t you?”
The boy’s face lit up, “Yes! I mean, yes, that’s me. Look, I know this might be hard to believe but I think I know what happened to your sister.”
Riley froze, as though a bucket of ice had landed on her head. “You…you know what happened to Penny?”
“Well, no, kind of?” Samual told her.
“Excuse me?” she groaned, “You came all this way here to tell me that you might know what happened to Penny, only for you to say that you actually don’t. You better not be wasting my time here.”
“I’m not!” he exclaimed, “I’m not, trust me! Whatever happened to your sister, I know it has something to do with C&A!”
“And why should I believe you?” she crossed her arms. “I’m not here to entertain whatever conspiracy theory you’ve got going on. You can’t dangle the promise of me being able to see my sister again and then say you have no idea what’s going on!”
“Because whatever happened to her happened to my parents!” Samual cried, “I know they wouldn’t just leave me, I know something was going on that day and whatever it is, it’s started taking other people, including your sister! I’ve just been too afraid to investigate because Jason always told me that it’s all in my head, but I don’t think it is anymore.”
Riley paused for a moment. This kid seemed to be genuine with what he was saying. He’d been dealing with this much longer than she had, his parents were the first to go. To have to bear with that type of weight and have everyone turn you away when you wanted to look for them. The way he spoke, as if he knew something was going on. What if this was really the first step to finding Penny?
“I know it sounds crazy,” Samual admitted, “But I need your help. You’re one of the only people that I can think of who can help me with something like this. Please Riley, you’ve gotta trust me with this.”
If this was true, if C&A had something to do with her little sister going missing, if Samual was really speaking the truth, then she couldn’t turn away from this. There was an internal pull, her gut screaming at her to go through with this, to take this chance, that if she chose this then she’ll find Penny and Jack.
Riley sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and index finger before looking back at Samual, “You better know what you’re doing.”
The kid looked like a thousand fireworks went off in his brain, jumping and fist bumping the air in complete and utter joy. “Yes! Thank you!” he cheered, going in for a hug.
“Nuh uh,” she raised a hand to stop him, “No touching.”
“Right, sorry, of course,” he apologised, “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, just glad to have someone on my side.”
“Baby steps,” Riley told him, “There’s a long road ahead of us.”
“I know, trust me, you won’t regret this,” he beamed, “We might actually find them.”
Riley hummed, “I hope so kid. I hope so.”
Hang in there, Penny, I’m coming.
End of Part 1
To Be Continued...
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timelybeloved · 10 months
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so there's this boyfail prop maker /aff ANYWAY MEET WREN !!! HE'S A PROP MAKER FOR ANY AND ALL OF THE CIRCUS' SHENANIGANS !!!
more about him under read more bcs i will not. stop thinking abt him (i think i just woke up) (also its just a thought dump)
younger than jax by a month or so
he REALLY likes snacking on fruits when he works, even tho they dont need to eat
somewhat flexible ??
he has eyes yes, but usually never has them on unless he wants to
VERY expressive in terms of body language, usually tilts his head at things alot
he could float if he wanted, makes it easier to hang up props that need to be suspended
a very very bad workaholic, even if it's for the little things (if you wanna find him go in his room - but maybe put on some ear plugs first) (if you wanna get him out of SAID room, bribe him.)
always carries around his tools but theyre never seen on his person unless he wanted to - idk imaginary inventory maybe . sticks his hand out into the air and a lil portal opens up and pulls out a wholeass canvas thatd make some silly shenanigans
he likes doodling on people!!! usually when he has nothing to do and or burnt out
he has a journal too tbh, dating back to when he first came to the circus
has definitely asked caine to make another place on the grounds for him to chop up wood (yes he chops up his own wood)
he's a filipino . sorry had to
caine and wren get along, caine recommends him books to read - wren found him very unsettling when they first met, now just sees him as just a guy trying to keep everyone occupied and happy
wren hangs out with kinger in his pillow fort more than a few times when he was feeling burnt out (turns out he just needed to sleep smh) (on less sleepier days kinger tells him about insects to go to sleep) (<- it worked now he asks for insect bedtime stories)
zooble and wren also get along surprisingly well, mostly bcs both are artists, he lets her hang out at his place sometimes. she rants alot and he listens
usually the one fixing up gangle's mask, even though he has 0 idea on ceramics ("Gangle you really need to switch to a wooden one ceramics always break easily-")
has attempted to knit / crochet once, failed horribly (ragatha is patting his back as he bawls over his wonky frog) (personal hc ragatha crochets in her free time)
definitely dislikes how jax treats the others but sometimes finds them funny if it's towards him (is also allowed to stay at his place, just as long he doesnt take any of his tools with him to mess with the others) (they send eachother memes sometimes) (has attempted to teach him woodcarving - somehow worked out really well???)
when pomni arrived, safe to say he stepped up to older brother figure (despite being younger), helps her calm down during her panic attacks (made her do painting with him as a calming / bonding activity yippee)
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