#and she's not a bad actress or anything but if we're talking about how good a show is...euphoria s2 is euphoria s2
maddy-ferguson · 1 year
Genuine question is a non-rude way, how did sadie get robbed off from a nomination? most of her nice acting happened in vol1. both sadie and millie were already eligible for vol1 nominations as far as i know, but they still did not get nominated. there is just no way for them to be nominated especially when you put them in a competitions against other actresses like Julia Garner and Patricia Arquette. ST is just not that great of a show to be nominated for anything anymore aside from editing/sound/stunt double stuff that are side-nominations rather than main. And it certainly doesnt deserve to win even in editing department with that shitty cgi, sorry not sorry.
well i said she could've been nominated not that she would've been and idk i think the piggyback is a really good episode for her acting too
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shinobicyrus · 4 months
I've seen a lot of posts about Batman using his Bruce Wayne alter ego for the good of Gotham: job programs for felons released from prison, orphanages, charities, high wages for his employees, ethical business practices...the legendary post where Bruce Wayne goes to Wal-Mart.
Thus far I've never personally seen anybody really dig into the persona of Bruce Wayne the Billionaire Playboy. A handsome, rich, powerful man who always is seen at fancy galas, art openings, charity dinners, and wild parties with at least one beautiful woman on his arm.
We know Bruce Wayne is the mask, and its Batman who has a...complex love life, depending on the iteration we're talking about. Talia, Catwoman, sometimes Wonder Woman.
Bruce Wayne's dates, on the other hand, are all "normal" people. Maybe they're an aspiring actress, a supermodel, a prima ballerina, the occasional reporter...and every time there's that bit of nervousness at the start.
Sure everyone knows Bruce Wayne. Everyone knows the story with him. Sometimes his wilder parties make the news, but there's never really been anything nasty reported about him. Never...allegations. But he's a billionaire. He's one of the most powerful people in the whole city, nevermind the country. If he did have some skeletons in his closet. Well. Men with power have a way of making those kinds of stories go away, don't they?
As time goes on the Date's fears dissipate pretty quickly. Bruce Wayne is nothing but polite, kind, and at times charmingly awkward in an 'raised by his butler in a mansion' kind of way with his dates. Some of them can tell he's holding back, of course. Maybe the more perceptive Dates notice he's smarter than he lets on - playing the himbo or hamming up the "know-nothing rich boy" act to the cameras or some of his wealthy peers.
He also listens, is the thing. He's always listening to what they're saying, is interested in hearing about their careers, their hobbies, their lives. Really listens, too. Might refer to something a Date said weeks later off-hand. Buy out the whole museum for a private dinner date with a famous painting from an obscure artist they like, or a private performance with another's favorite band.
He has anecdotes and funny stories for days that somehow says very little about his personal life. The Dates know he has kids (it's practically a running gag in the news that Bruce Wayne has adopted yet another orphan) and maybe she might spot one of them at the mansion, but Bruce seems very keen to shelter them from any intense spotlight and scrutiny, and they all seem happy if a bit weird like him.
Eventually, there's drifting. He's a very busy man, with a very busy schedule. On more than on occasion his nice old butler will call and extend apologies that Mr. Wayne will not be able to make it this evening. Sometimes it's virtually impossible to get a hold of him over the phone. After a while they stop trying. None of them feel quite surprised by that. In the end, it just doesn't work. Sure, he's a little distant and doesn't make himself emotionally available...but he's not a bad person.
Especially when the so-called "exes" of Bruce Wayne start networking. Gotham isn't a small city, but the social circles Bruce Wayne travels in aren't as big. They don't quite gossip or complain about him. More like...who else would get it?
(I touched his side once and he winced...like he'd been hurt real bad there. He laughed and said it was tackle polo. How does that even-?)
(Somehow, after two dates, he saw right through me and listened while I told him what that casting director tried to do. He nodded, gave me the contact details of a law firm, and said not to worry about the legal fees.)
(I don't know for sure it was him, but it can't be a coincidence that my building got bought out from under my shitty landlord and we were all able to buy our apartments under market value.)
(He got my brother in the best rehab program in the city after his relapse. It probably saved his life. We'd stopped dating months ago, I still don't know how he found out.)
(He gave me a card with a phone number and told me that if I was ever in trouble to call it. Said one of his cars would come to pick me up, any time, any place, no questions asked. The one time I did have to use it after a bad party, it was Alfred.)
I think any tabloid reporter digging around for salacious stories or dirt about Bruce Wayne's love life would be completely and politely stonewalled when they try asking his former Dates. Even when money is offered. Every single one of them.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 months
Via Call
Media - Doctor Who (The Lodger Episode) Character - The Doctor (11th) Couple - The Doctor X Reader Reader - Y/n (Companion) Rating - Smut Word Count - 3300
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Due to the goings-on of alien business this week, the doctor had to lay low while investigating. He had taken up a flatshare below the suspicious goings-on and was acting human. While Y/n remained in the TARDIS orbiting above where it was safe. The doctor bounced on his bed, tinkering around his room, earpiece in his ear on a call with Y/n back in the TARDIS a special dampener on the earpiece so anyone listening will only hear nonsense allowing them to talk as needed. 
"So how are you enjoying it? Pretending to be a normal human I mean?" Y/n asks
"Oh, you know, it's not so bad. I mean, the 21st century? You guys know your way around a bedroom." He laughs as he rolls over and pulls at the sheets on his bed. "Although, I think I need something to pass the time. So far it's been a few days of absolutely nothing. How is the TARDIS by the way? I hope you haven't gotten into trouble without me."
"the tardis is fine. I'm fine too thanks for asking"
He rolls his eyes playfully, "You're no fun at all. At least try and get a little bit up to trouble why I'm working." He lets out a small and frustrated sigh, "This case will be the end of me. There's almost nothing I can find... It's almost like the alien is a ghost or something..."
"Who knows what it is that's what you're meant to be figuring out. You need me to bring anything down for you?"
"Well," He hums thoughtfully, "I suppose I could use some of that jelly baby stash."
"you can just buy jelly babies, doctor"
"Yes, but the TARDIS ones are the better ones!" The Doctor sits up and crosses his legs and leans into the bed, "plus I'd like for you to come here and hang out with me. It gets lonely when I'm pretending to be human all the time. It is boring."
"And what are you going to say if that flatmate of yours happens to them up while I'm visiting?"
“You’re my companion just tell him that,”
“People don’t say that doctor,”
“Oh… Partner then? Is that better than companion?”
“Say that you're my girlfriend..." He says casually as he swings his legs over the bed, "That's what humans do nowadays, right? I'm still figuring them out..."  He looks at the mirror and rubs at the sides of his face, "I look old. Humans hate that right?"
"you look fine very handsome I'm sure" her voice chuckled "I don't know if I could pull off being your girlfriend I'm not a good actress... Besides I'm keeping the TARDIS up here we're it's safe like you told me at least till you know what It is"
"Oh, honestly don't worry about your acting. The human mind is so simple, you could probably fool them with a simple hug and a kiss on the cheek." He smiles and stands up, pushing his hair back a little. "Besides, you're very pretty. You'll have them melting as soon as you walk in the door and they get a look at your eyes."
"aww you’re sweet, only two weeks on earth and you're already losing it bouncing around the walls"
"Oh, shush. Is it so much to ask to want to see you again? I just..." He sighs, "I miss your face, I miss your voice, I've almost gotten myself in trouble at least five times without you..." He chuckles slightly, fixing his bow tie and checking himself in to mirror, "I feel... Lost, I suppose."
"well I'm only in the tardis you can call me on this earpiece thing as much as you want and you can hear my voice,"
"It's different though, I can't touch you. Your voice isn't the same as when I can feel it vibrating through your chest. I can't hear all of those thoughts you always think but don't say. The sounds of your stomach when your hungry or the little laugh you do when I'm going on and on about something that doesn't make sense to anyone but me." He lets out a small sigh, 
"well it's only for a little while" she giggled "Just till you find what's going on then you can come back to the TARDIS and we can go spend a week at the Crystal Falls okay?"
"A week?" The Doctor grins at the prospect of the idea, "You mean a week just the two of us? Alone there? With a view of those crystal waters and the falling rocks?"
He turns away from the mirror to lean back against the wardrobe in the room, "that actually doesn't sound too bad. Are you actually suggesting a holiday? For the both of us?"
"I am, a little trip as soon as you sort all this out" she smiled
The Doctor laughs and nods, "Then it's settled. We can have a holiday and relax. No aliens, no saving the world, just some time for the two of us to relax and just get away. This time together will be nice... It's almost too romantic."
"Almost?" She smiled "Hey... If your really bored I have a game for you"
"What game is this hmm? Is it a fun game?" He tilts his head as he sits down on the end of his bed, kicking his legs playfully, "is it the kind of game that involves you and me? And by that I mean it's two people who play in person and not in calls?"
"nope just via call. It's a very fun game"
"Well if it involves you I'm sure it is! I guess I'm quite lucky like that." He laughs softly, "how do you play this game hmm? What do I need to do?"
"you have to guess where in the TARDIS I am."
"A game of hide and seek on the TARDIS? Well that sounds rather fun. Give me a hint of the general area that you're in... That gives me a little bit of a chance to guess"
"left side corridor"
"Ah, the left corridor? Hmm, that narrows it down..." The Doctor hummed thoughtfully before snapping his fingers as something clicked in his mind, "I think I know where you are now. You little minx, I bet your in the library, aren't you?"
"Damn." He smiles and snaps his fingers with a click of his tongue, "hmm, well not the Library. You're too mischievous to hide in an obvious place. Maybe... The swimming pool! Is that where you're hiding?"
"Nope try again,"
"Not the swimming pool either? Hmm, what other room do we have on the left side corridor..." He hums thoughtfully as he rubs at his jawline, the cogs in his mind whirring to think of another place...
"Oh!" He snaps his fingers again, "got it! The media room! You're definitely in the media room!"
"not the media room." She giggled "Have a clue" she smiled and the sound of bedsprings come through,
He laughs quietly as he hears the springs come through his ear piece, "wait... You're on a bed now? Hmm... A bed you say... And on the left side corridor no less..." He grins and clicks his fingers again as he realises exactly where she is, "ha! I know exactly where you are now, don't think you're clever enough to trick me... You're in your room aren't you? In the bed, bouncing on the springs and making noise so I know for sure you're there. I'm right aren't I?"
"not my room"
"Not... Your room?" He huffs with a smile and shakes his head, "you're making this very difficult on purpose aren't you."
A lightbulb moments goes off in his head as the truth comes to him, "wait! You're in MY room, aren't you? That's where you are! In my room, on my bed, giggling to yourself as you wait to see how long I'm going to take to figure this out."
"maybe" she giggled 
"Bingo." He laughs and stands up again, "I knew that you were there. I'm just too good at this game aren't I? Don't think you're as clever as me now."
He leans his against the wardrobe and rolls his sleeves up, "so, tell me. What are you doing in my bed? Aside from giggling of course, hmm?"
"nothing..." She answered with a sly smile
"Oh?" He raises an eyebrow and smiles, "you're not doing anything at all in my bed, hmm? It's just you, in my bed, by yourself. That doesn't sound suspicious at all now does it?" His tone suggests he knows she's up to something, "why are you in my room? On my bed no less. Surely you're not thinking about sleeping in my sheets are you? You cheeky minx..."
"already done" she teased "Been sleeping in your bed sheets since you left"
The Doctor's jaw drops in shock and he laughs loudly, "you've been sleeping in my bed? What have you been doing in there, hmm? Anything exciting in my bed, Miss Y/n? Tell me, what are my sheets like to sleep on?"
"very soft and Cosy, silky and smooth, and they smell like your hugs"
"You've been wrapping yourself up, thinking of me at night hmm?" He takes a few steps closer to the bed, "now why would you be doing a thing like that, hmm? Getting all cosy in my sheets every night just thinking of me when I'm not there. Missing me that much?" He shakes his head with a fond smile and laughs quietly under his breath, "you really are a handful..."
"I'm not use to being here all on my own" she pouts "so I came to snuggle in your room while your gone just to keep it warm and cosy for you"
His smile softens at the adorable sight she would make just laying there pouting and wrapped up in his bed. It's almost something out right of his dreams. "Well... I do always love coming back to an even warmer and cosier room. I suppose you are keeping it warm for me, aren't you? It's very sweet of you." His voice is softer now, almost affectionate, "and you've been enjoying yourself?"
"very much" she cooed
"Good... That's really good." He nods and takes a couple more steps towards the bed, looking at the ceiling as he imagines exactly what she looks like right now, in HIS bed. His sheets wrapped around her, burying her in his scent, just wanting to be with him. His voice is quiet and low as he continues, "just lay there... Close your eyes okay?" 
she hummed through the earpiece clearly doing as he asked her even if she’s so far away
He takes a deep, slow breath and lets it out just a little too slowly to be a regular exhale. He closes his eyes as well and imagines her on his bed, wrapped tightly in his sheets, thinking of him like she said, "just imagine that your in the room. Just think it. Imagine that I'm with you, that we're together right now. Just imagine it..."
"hum ..." She hummed the sounds of her shifting in his sheets and her sweet sighs of happiness before he can just hear the small sounds of kisses and he figures out quickly in her relaxed sleepy state she began kissing his pillow and he can imagine her laid on his bed hugging his pillow like it's his chest peppering it with kisses cause she missed him so badly
He smiles and bites back a low groan at realising that she's doing exactly what he's thought, kissing and cuddling HIS pillow. Imagining it being HIM! The Doctor can see her in his mind and he imagines himself there with her, wrapped in the sheets together kissing her neck as she kisses his pillow. He lets out a shaky breath, wanting desperately to be in this moment with her. The Doctor's breathing starts to speed up a little, his cheeks start to flush as his eyes are still closed, "that's it. Just keep kissing the pillow like it's me... I'm there, with you, in the sheets. Wrapped up tight. Just imagine me..." He can't help the low groan that escapes his throat now, not when he's thinking of this beautiful woman kissing away on the pillow, wishing that it was him. He's desperately trying to hold himself back though.
her kisses and gentle giggles continue but slowly her tone shifts the kisses become longer the giggles and gasps become small moans and it's obvious even just thought sound what she's up to
The Doctor's cheeks flushing even more as his breathing gets faster and faster, more heavy with anticipation. He can picture her so perfectly in his mind and he's wanting nothing more than to be there with her, taking in each one of her sounds. He bites his bottom lip as his imagination gets away from him, "Y/n... Don't... Don't stop..." He can picture every single detail, her hair splayed out on the pillow, her flushed cheeks and flushed body as she holds onto the pillow and kisses it like it's him, like it's his "I'm... There... I'm right there with you... Holding you... Don't stop... I wanna hear you..." He manages to gasp out between breaths, every word being a struggle. The Doctor can feel his hearts racing and his breaths are coming fast now. So close to the edge that the last little imagination could tip him over.
her moans become louder and the sound of kisses disappears replaced by another sound of movement "Doctor!" 
He gasps out again as the sounds of her moans get louder and he shudders as he imagines the movement she's making as she holds onto the pillow. "Oh God, Y/n-! Mmm. Ohhh... What's that? What are... Tell me! Tell me!"
she giggled innocently "Not till you tell me"
His breath catches in his through as he hears her soft, seductive giggling, "tell you...tell you what... Oh uggh, you cheeky little minx. You really want me to say it don't you? You want me to tell you... Tell you everything don't you?"
"mhm what are you up to doctor then I'll tell you" she teased between moans
"uggh! Just hearing you moan and giggle so sweetly for me makes me want to go crazy. I can't help it, you just get me so excited." His voice is practically panting into the receiver now, he's so close to the edge just imagining her like he is. He shudders against the receiver again before talking again, "mmm. Now just tell me what you're up to! Don't be quiet now!"
she giggled and said in the most innocent of tones loud enough he could catch every word "sitting on your bed, in your sheets, in one of your shirts, riding on your pillow imagining I had company"
The Doctor gasped out and groaned loudly, practically into the mic at the sounds of her words and imagined image in his mind. That...was enough to send him over the edge. "By the stars... Y/n...." He panted out between breaths, shuddering and moaning as his eyes rolled back for a moment. "I... Want you. So badly. So, so badly..."
"and what are you doing? Surely my cute little noises aren't being listened to while you just lay on that boring bed?"
"Listening and listening again and...imagining... It's making me go a little insane, but I can't stop listening to you. Just your voice is making me feel so good. Oh god I'm-" He's cut off by his own gasp and low moan and there's the sound of him shifting a little where he sits. His breath catches and he huffs out a shaky breath as he slowly comes down again, "you make it so hard to control myself, my dear."
"I'm sure controling yourself isn't all that's hard" she teased before she moaned his name again
The sound of her moaning out his name made the Doctor shiver and he swallowed harshly before he spoke again, his already gravely voice a little bit more low and rough now, "uggh woman you're killing me. You're gonna drive me completely insane if you keep moaning my name like that you naughty minx."
"I'll stop when you admit it"
He shudders again as he hears her soft, innocent voice in his ear. uggh that voice always gets him all hot and bothered. A groan comes from low in his throat before he finally manages to answer her, "Admit what, my dear hmmm?"
She giggled before she whispered into the earpiece "that your hard doctor?"
"By the stars you really do know just how to drive me mad." He groaned again and his voice shook with his next words. uggh his voice was so wrecked and hoarse now, he's sounding just so desperate. "Y-Yes... Yes, of course I'm hard. Just... Just” He huffed out a breath and shuddered a low groan against the ear piece before continuing, "imagining...imagining you right now...imagining what you're doing and the sounds you're making...how I just want to be there with you. How I just want to hold you close...I'm desperate for you, you sweet little minx."
"well as soon as you find out what's going on down there we can take our little trip a whole week at the Crystal Falls In a cute little cabin just you and me. And I'll sleep in your bed every night" 
His breath shudders again for a second as he imagines this. Just a week with her at the crystal falls in a cozy little cabin, her all curled up in HIS bed, in HIS shirt and wrapped up in HIS sheets. Just the two of them together… "Oh, yes..." He moans again, so low and almost right into his ear piece now as his eyes shut tight again, "uggh yes I want that."
The squeal that he hears from her is almost too much for the Doctor to handle. Just imagining her and knowing that he's getting her all riled up and needy, it's almost driving him insane. All he wants is to just be there with her, wrapped up together in his sheets. "Y/n...are you...are you close, darling?"
"mhm," she whines "I want to... With you... Please"
He shudders again at her needy whine, uggh she's so adorable. "Oh, I'd love that darling. I'd love that so, so much. I'm so, so close myself just thinking about you."
"doctor!" She screamed and squealed
The sound of her reaching her peak had sent him right over the edge again as he gasped out her name with a low, guttural groan that came from deep in his chest. "Sweet...Sweet stars... Y/n-oh uggh....!" He was panting and shaking against the receiver, his eyes shut tightly as he slowly comes down from his high again, his heart racing and his breaths coming out in low moans.
Y/n giggled "I think I'm just going to miss you more now..."
He laughed weakly in response, still coming back down from his high and calming himself down from that intense rush. uggh... She definitely knows how to get him up and send him spiralling, leaving him feeling all out in the open and vulnerable. "uggh, Y/n... That was some night. You're an absolute tease you know that? I'm gonna miss you terribly. I already know that this time apart is going to feel like an age."
"Maybe I could risk the TARDIS coming in for a... Little visit" she cooed "help you pass as human and all"
“Come down. Now.” He smirked before ending the call, 
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fortheloveoffanfic · 24 days
Broken Chords: The hardest part is who we are.
Hozier x fem!reader
Author's note: okay, so in my mind, Y/N an actress BUT please feel free to imagine her however you like.
Summary: After his concert in New York and a private moment shared in his dressing room, Y/n and Andrew are confronted with the reality of their situation, and one party isn't willing to go on like that.
Warnings: SMUT/NSFW, Angst
Part 1 Part 2
He’s determined that they can never be anything more than whatever they are right now; two people that exist in each other’s orbit without ever truly meeting, wound up in something that hurts too much to be worth it but feels too good to let go of. It's like a blade in a clenched fist, splicing through flesh and grating bone. It's like a full-bodied port in the dead of winter.
Exes with benefits? He knows that its the best term to describe their state of affairs, but it makes Andrew feel so twenty-something.
They’ve unofficially adopted some sort of arrangement that involves ignoring the elephant in the room and enjoying each other's company just enough to get by; since Y/n left Ireland after the wedding – and their tryst at the hotel – they’ve seen each other exactly three times. First, it was two weeks later, when he was in Manchester for a night while she was, then again in Los Angeles when her meeting with a director coincided with his meeting with another songwriter for a collaboration. And now, tonight, in New York. He’d heard from a mutual friend she's going to be home for a few weeks – because after nearly five years of being mixed up with each other, so many of their friends are shared – asked his manager to run her tickets to his show at The Bowery.
And of course, she came.
He spots her when he’s in the middle of one of the new songs, one he wrote about her. Because even if they’re mostly over, she’s usually at the front of his mind when he puts pen to paper. A stray comment on his part has led to word getting around about how most of the upcoming album is about an ex, and now he feels a little guilty about saying that so freely after he struggled to talk about their relationship when they were still in it.
He wonders if she's heard about his little slip up, if she's as mad at him as he is at himself.
She’s standing at the railing guarding the mezzanine and there’s a plastic cup in her hand, he doesn’t even have to be there to know what’s in it. There are probably gonna be pictures tomorrow, paired with speculations, because people have been speculating for years. But he’ll play them off, and so will she. It used to be a point of contention for them; Y/n was growing tired of hiding, so much so that she said it felt like an insult. Things are different now, though;
Tight lips and dodged questions are encouraged, especially by her. It's almost as if she's ashamed, Andrew thinks, and as much as he tries to not take it personally, he can't help the way his heart does an awkward twist when she says something like; "I just don't think anyone should know what we're doing, you know?"
Would being with him again really be that bad? Andrew avoids asking himself that question, because it reminds him of their tiff in the hotel room;
"Would it really be that bad? Being married to me; would it really be that bad?"
He still isn't the marrying type, the prospect of it sickens him the way looking down the barrel of a gun might.
But he is the being with her type.
Ironically, while Y/n has been doing everything to make sure their entanglement stays hidden, he's just started wondering what it would be like if they’d never hid at all. What if everyone knew that she was there because he wanted her there? What if they knew that he was meeting her eyes when he glances at the area above the main floor?
When the set is over and he’s through with humoring the audience for a bit longer, Andrew returns to the backstage area with the intention of seeking her out. He’d asked her to meet him there, but after a quick look around he can’t seem to find her. Even when he asks his manager, a couple of the assistants and some of his bandmates, they all claim to have not seen her recently. There aren't any recent texts or missed calls from Y/n either, and that’s really all it takes for his mind to jump to the worst.
Has she changed her mind on him?
She can’t do that. Well, she can, but if she’s gonna tear his world apart, a warning would have been nice.
Andrew is so defeated by her absence that he halfheartedly dismisses Alex’s offer to have a drink with the rest of the band, mumbling a lie about having a headache just so he can retreat to his dressing room and be alone. He doesn’t even think about why the lights are on when he pushes the door open.
“Well, that took you long enough.”
Andrew jumps when he hears her voice. Y/n is sitting on the chair at the long, barren dressing table. She carelessly sets her phone down as he enters the room, and Andrew shuts the door before responding. “What the fuck, Y/n. I’ve been looking for you, I thought you left.”
“You asked me to stay,” she knits her brows.
“I asked you to meet me backstage,” he corrects.
“This is backstage,” Y/n determines, “besides,” she shrugs, “I thought it would have been weird if I hung around back there. Its…..that’s not what this is,” her voice drops an octave lower, and a pang of guilt stabs at his chest. He knows she doesn’t mean anything malicious by her words, but it does sting.
Andrew crosses the room to stand beside where she's sitting, leaning against the table. “Right,” he licks his lips, “ehm, did you have a good time?”
Y/n grins, “I did,” she takes his hand in both of her smaller ones, stroking his knuckles with her thumbs before starting to absently massage it. For a moment, Andrew almost forgets that they aren’t actually an item anymore; this is exactly what the first few minutes after a show used to look like. “You were fantastic out there….you always are. They love you.”
“I like it more when you love me,” he elicits, raising his free hand to touch the side of her face.
“Andrew,” Y/n sighs, turning away from his touch, “don’t do that.”
“Do what?” He scoffs, suddenly defensive.
“Act like….” A sound of irritation escapes her throat and she shakes her head, “like we’re something.”
“We are something,” he counters, matching her growing frustration.
Y/n doesn’t let his hand go, but her ministrations slow, “not that kind of something.”
Andrew turns his hand over in hers, holding onto one as the other drops to her lap. Gently, he urges her up, and slips his arm around to the small of her back. His fingers toy with the lace of her black blouse and he bends his head a little to search her gaze. “Can we not do this tonight? Please?” He drops his face lower just as she tips her chin a bit higher, and his forehead is almost touching hers.
Y/n’s eyes soften and she reaches up to settle her palm on his shoulder, the roughness of his jacket – the same one he wore in London the night everything started falling apart – letting it linger there for a few seconds before shifting it up to cup the side of his neck. Ther lips lock in an ardent kiss, that starts slow, only growing more impassioned when his fingers curl against her back as he presses her closer. Extracting his hand from hers, Andrew places it on Y/n’s hip so he can switch their positions, easily trapping her between his body and the table.
His hand on her hip slides downwards, skimming the length of her short skirt before he slips it between her thighs. Her skin is soft and warm, and when he brushes the lace of her underwear, Y/n shivers, the quaking breath falling past Andrew’s lips. Suddenly, he isn’t worrying about optics and nursing the ache of something just past them, he’s in the moment, right there. The lingering adrenaline from being on stage just twenty minutes earlier is being harbored by their proximity and the first traces of moisture pooling just over his fingers. Already, he can feel himself responding; the zipper of his jeans feels restricting and his breathing quickens.
It doesn’t matter if he last had her the night before or a month ago, his yearning for her never wavers. Andrew could spend the rest of his life losing himself in her.
Y/n pushes off his denim jacket, and it hits the door with a soft thud that isn’t acknowledged and then flattens her hands on his chest, gently urging him into the chair she'd been sitting in earlier. Clumsily, he stumbles backwards, pulling her into his lap as he falls into the chair.
Hastily, he reaches for her cheek again, large hand dwarfing her face. Some of her hair is caught under his palm, but Andrew doesn’t spend any effort brushing it away. Instead, he cruises his thumb along her ruby stained lips; he loves that colour on her. “You look so beautiful tonight,” he rasps, “I’m glad you came,” he adds.
Her eyes move quickly as they search his, and Y/n cradles his face in her small hands, the prickle of his beard prodding at the soft skin. She furrowed her brows at his words, not quite knowing what to say; she doesn't want to ruin their night but she doesn't want to make things any more confusing than they already are.
If that's even possible.
“I wouldn't rather be anywhere else,” she finds herself saying it without much effort being expended to hold it back. It's the truth; she wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
Andrew looks like he's going to say something else, and she holds her breath for it – but he doesn't. Sliding his hand forward, he threads his fingers through her hair, guiding her face towards his. Under her skirt, Andrew shoves the crotch of her underwear aside and introduces two of his long fingers to her center, curling them slightly.
Stirring her hips, Y/n moans against his lips while gathering fistfuls of his printed t-shirt in a white knuckled grip. His lips are hot on her neck, leaving marks that she’ll have to cover up tomorrow and her head is tilted to the side, allowing him access. When his thumb swirls around her sensitive nub, Y/n gasps and presses her cheek to the top of his head.
“Andy….” She rasps, reaching for the hem of his t-shirt so she can slip her hands under it, cool palm's against the heat of his chest. Eager for more, she grinds against his fingers as he introduces another. “I wanna feel you….” She pleads, nails grazing his skin.
When he finally extracts his fingers in favor of tugging her underwear down her thighs. In a series of clumsy motions, the lacy thing is thrown to the floor and Y/n reaches for the buckle of his belt, hastily undoing it before opening up the button and zipper of his pants. They don’t shove it all the way down, just enough for her to ease herself down on him.
“Fuck sweetheart,” Andrew hisses, fingers digging into her ample hips. With a bruising grip, he guides her into a steady pace. The way she’s wrapped around him is dizzying, and everytime she moans his name, in that breathy way that she does, he swears he inches a little closer to heaven.
She’ll never get over the way he fills her up, they way it feels like they’re two puzzle pieces snapping together. “Andrew….” she croons, half a praise, half a desperate whine. Clutching his t-shirt in one hand and cupping his neck with the other, she tips her forehead against his. Their eyes meet, in the haze of lust blown pupils and tangled lashes and Andrew tips his chin slightly to bring his lips closer to hers, almost touching them but not quite.
“That’s it, honey. You feel so fucking good wrapped around me like this,” he praises through gritted teeth when she quickens the erotic roll of her hips. Every crude compliment is achingly familiar, music that Y/n is so used to hearing that doesn’t think she could ever go without it – the world can have the poet in him, but this is only for her.
His palm journeys up her hip, tracing the contour of her body over the thin lace of her blouse before eventually grabbing her breast, giving the flesh and eager squeeze. There’s something to be said about the way he appreciates her body; as if she were a work of art conjured up just for him.
A loud moan reverberates in the small room when his lips connect with her collar bone, and Y/n’s knees buckle. “Almost there,” Andrew gasps, heady words spilt on her skin, “come on, sweetheart,” he encourages, bucking his hips.
Her breaths are heavy and erratic, and Andrew can feel the pound of her heart against his chest, matching the excited thump of his own. Y/n’s name is like a little prayer on his lips, a mantra, as she finally crashes down. Limbs shaking, words muddled and head thrown back. His lips find her neck again, muffling a strained against her throbbing pulse as he finds his own, euphoric release. His grip on her tightens, holding her as close as possible.
“God,” Y/n heaves, head falling into the crook of his neck. Just then, Andrew’s hold slackens and he envelopes her in a loose embrace. He lolls his cheek against the top of her head and sighs softly as their breathing slowly evens out.
He knows they should probably untangle themselves after a while but holding her like this, it feels like the closest he’s been to home in a damn long time. Even his own house doesn't feel like this anymore – not since she left. And it isn’t just the familiarity of her curves, or the comfort of her voice; its the security of proximity. The way he can feel everything she holds for him coming off her, the way warmth oozes from a fire. She’s safe, she cares.
He doesn’t have to think too hard when they’re together, his mind is empty and quiet – in the best way.
He wants to tell her he misses this, he misses feeling her warmth against him as he falls asleep. Hearing her breathing so close to his ear, the proof that she's real and not just some figment of a weary artist's imagination. He misses the way they'd just lay together after they're spent, her fingers tracing circles over heartbeat, his trailing up and down her back.
The way she'd raise off his chest and use the back of her hand to brush hair away away from his face before leaning down to kiss him.
He's had it with other women – before and after Y/n – but it doesn't come close to the way it feels with her.
Because it's more than the simple pleasure of being with another, it's the great privilege of getting to love her.
“Hey, man I – oh, shit,” Alex tugs the door shut faster than he'd pulled it open.
In a series of stumbles and hasty movements, Y/n scampers from his lap, and Andew barely resists the urge to tighten his grip and pull back down onto him.
“Sorry! I didn't know you were…..” Alex trails off, “you said you had a headache and one of the assistants said she saw you go in here.”
Andrew stutters, standing to pull up his jeans while Y/n steals away to the small bathroom to get cleaned up. “Ehm….it's….” He doesn't want to say it's alright, because it would be far from the truth, but its also his fault for not locking the door.
But they shouldn't have been doing that in there anyway. Though, he and Y/n seem to have a knack for doing things they probably shouldn't.
“Gimme fifteen,” Andrew eventually manages. He doesn't catch Alex’s response, he isn't too concerned with it anyway. Andrew is more focused on what Y/n will think, what she'll say. She's been so adamant about keeping things quiet that he isn't sure if the threat of being discovered will be enough to drive her way.
He isn't sure because his Y/n wouldn't have cared; they'd been caught sneaking off way too many times for her to be phased. Hell, if they were still together, Alex wouldn't have even come looking.
But everything's different now – she's different now. She's not his Y/n.
Andrew brings his fist to the door in three short knocks. “I'm sorry,” implores when she doesn't respond, “I didn't mean for that to happen.” He sighs heavily, waiting for her to say something, “I didn't think anyone would come back here.”
And she still doesn't say anything.
Soundlessly, Andrew presses the side of his fist to the door while planting his free hand on the edge of the door frame. “Darlin’,” he breaths, hanging his head, “please come-”
“Don't call me that,” Andrew stumbles forward a little when Y/n unlocks the door and yanks the door open.
Andrew scoffs, pushing his hair out of his face with one sweep of his fingers, when she slips out from under his raised arm, “that's what you open the door for?” Y/n doesn't respond with anything more than a huff and a shake of her head as she collects her phone and purse off the table. “Come on,” he reaches for her arm, “please.”
She sighs, dropping her shoulders. “What?” Y/n turns to face him, lips pressed together and eyes sullen.
“I should've locked the-”
“Its not about that, Andrew,” she glaces away, briefly catching a glimpse of them in the mirror. His long fingers loosely gripping her arm while they stand barely a foot apart. It feels strange seeing herself like that; she's never wanted to put distance between them, ever. Even after she left him, all Y/n ever wanted to do was bridge the oceans between them, wade through whatever had ripped them from each other and find her way back to him.
Its why she opens herself up to him every time they see each other, some of him is better than none at all.
But being caught changes everything; it makes her the girl who keeps going back to a man who won't commit. Pathetic, foolish.
That's what she sees staring back at her.
A silly girl who's lovelorn for a man who keeps telling her - with his own words and his own mouth - that he will never want the same things he does. He will never return the kind of love she has for him.
That girl is staring at her, eyes brimmed with stinging tears, asking her why she's wasting the best years of her life fucking this man in a dressing room. In hotel rooms booked under an alias. In the back of her rental parked near the beach at ten pm.
He is not going to change, and neither is she. But this can end.
“Let's just talk,” Andrew begs, “or, or, come for a drink with us. You're friends with the band –”
“What is this to you?” She glances back at him, watery eyes struggling to keep years worth of heartbreak at bay.
Stunned, Andrew deserts her arm and runs his hand over her hair. “It's…..” the closet thing he has to the best three years of his life. It's the thing that's killing him slowly, whether or not he can admit.
It's a thing so undefined that he isn't sure he has a word for it, but given the alternative, he's willing to trudge on.
Beginning again, Andrew emits a frustrated sigh, “it's….doesn’t it matter. You're the one that doesn't want us to be together – you broke up with me,” his tone hardens. He doesn't want to have the fight against, not when they've finally found some steady footing, no mind it's more of a liferaft than a boat in the middle of a pitch black sea. It's still something, it's all that's keeping him from going under.
“I am not having this conversation again,” she hasn't been shouting, but for some reason her words still sound pained and raw.
“I'm just saying,” Andrew pinches the bridge of his nose, “I was good with the way things were,” he spats, forgoing every thought he'd had on stage earlier, all in the name of self preservation.
“You wouldn't tell people I was your girlfriend–”
“Our friends knew –”
“Just barely,” Y/n scoffs, “you kept telling everyone that we were “seeing where it goes,” it had been three years; what more did you need to see?”
He doesn't have an answer, and, at a loss for words, he just stands there. He wants to say something, slap another bandaid over the still-bleeding bullet hole, but nothing comes. That sort of callousness can't be excused or explained.
Andrew suddenly remembers that his brother once called him a commitment phobe, so maybe those are the words. But a reason still isn't an excuse, it still isn't an apology. It still isn't a hall pass to run someone's heart through a woodchipper.
Y/n stands in front of him, a shell of the woman he'd held in his hungry hands earlier, and Andrew figures he's something of the same. It's all forgotten now; her gentle massaging of his hands – cause she must be the only person he's ever told that they get sore after playing all night. The way her chest melted into his, her breath tickling his collar bone.
It's all gone now, a memory that feels so long past him that he isn't remembering right. Her lips must've been sweeter that he's recalling, she must've felt warmer because there's a chill hanging in the air and he hadn't been cold then.
Those people aren't them – or maybe its the other way around. He can’t get it to make sense in his head, but it doesn’t matter anyway. It doesn’t give him something useful to say; its not going to make her stay.
Surprisingly, Y/n closes the space between them with a couple steps, and she stands on her toes to kiss the corner of his lips. “You don’t have to say anything, Andy,” his heart contracts; why does it feel like the last time she’s calling him that?
Is he going to be Andrew to her from now on; entirely cold and formal? Or is she just never going to say his name?
“But um…..maybe we shouldn’t do this again,” she says, settling on her feet.
“No,” desperately, Andrew takes her hand, “please.”
He isn’t even crawling back this time; this isn’t him crawling back to her. This is him pounding down the door, begging to be let in.
But its closed – locked even.
“Not this time,” already, he misses his name on her tongue. Y/n’s hand slips out of his – centimeter by centimeter – until the barest tips of their fingers are touching. And, more than anything else he’s wanted in a damn long time, he wants to take a step forward and take her hand again.
He wants her to turn around and see the emotion threatening to spill out of his eyes as the world gives out under his feet.
Andrew wants to beg her to stay – but it won’t make a different because the defending sound of the doorknob’s click rattles in his ear as she pulls it shut, and all he’s left with is a cloud of jasmine perfume and a hollowness in his chest as he slumps against the table.
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luhafraser · 5 months
"I think Sam handles pressure better than Caitríona... As she said years ago about him being a calm center.: - Sam showed that when criticized, he's a woos. She never wrote a 3 page BS like he has, complaining how poorly he feels and including the mental affliction as excuse to make sure nobody would criticize him again. Cait is no push over and doesn't need Sam to "protect" her. He should fix his own problems as they didn't change since we've became aware of him in S1.
Maybe your problem is assuming that Sam and Cait can't be similar (although even your dear Cait said that) and not admitting how they both support each other in all these (bad) moments.
I didn't say that Sam was exemplary, but the fact is he deals with "all this shit" better than she does... Okay, Hawaiigate 2.0 wasn't his best moment, but there's no way he could have come out of it well without resorting to the role of victim. And Cait supported him and his behavior in that moment. 😜
But Cait crossed the line, gave unnecessary answers in interviews and on social media over the years... Statements that did nothing to contribute to the image of the excellent actress that she is, and encouraged people to speculate much more about her personal life. Cait did nothing to benefit herself or her family. She let her sisters and mother get involved in this circus, until it culminated in the interview fiasco with her father.
Unlike Sam, Cait has the shield of her "perfect marriage" with Tony, so why would she need to be afraid of what the "small vocal group" thinks and says about her??? To the point that she mentioned, during an Oscar campaign for Vanity Fair magazine, something silly like a comparison of bedsheets?! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Okay, I've already made fun of Tony and I think that sometimes people cross the line, but Cait herself is the one who encourages this when she publicly treats her husband so coldly. She only seems to be an interested wife (and that on a few occasions) when the camera is in their faces.
If my husband were as uncomfortable as Tony is, I would be the first person to tell him not to go to these events with me.
Supporting someone you love is not being on their side out of obligation, to merely give a good impression as a couple... Support is understanding, accepting what the other person is and respecting that. Obviously, Tony didn't want to be at several of these events over the years... And the worst part? Cait ignored him and often appeared with that unhappy face next to him. And there are people applauding this. 🤦🏻‍♀️
I'm a mother and something I can't agree with is the talk of the happy family justifying that they had a son together. A child should never have this responsibility, be the reason to say that a couple is happy. This is not right and it is not reality.
And who are you in Sam and Cait's lives to say that Cait doesn't need Sam's protection, or that he has to solve his problems alone?!? Are you at least one of her or his family? We don't really know anything about these two actors and we're just here speculating and guessing based on the little they show us publicly. We're in the same boat, Anon. 😉
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l8rs-gat0rs · 1 year
Okay I literally just found your account with your post talking about Billie in SWARM I WEN ABSOLUTELY FERAL YOU DONT UNDERSTAND SHE IS ETHREAL
…okay anyways I have a request
So what if you end at the group’s house and you get the counseling cause like you have bad anxiety and social anxiety and you just push everyone away and run from your problems so that’s essentially how you end up at the house. And then you end up wanting to leave like Dre did but it’s because you don’t think that they can help you. BUT Eva convinces you to stay and like you slowly fall in love…or something..maybe add some smut. Literally add anything you want I am just so excited to read it♥️
Save Me From Myself
Pairing: Eva x Female reader
Wow thank you so so much for this request! I actually have social anxiety so I am excited to write about it. Also trust me, I went feral too. She is definitely ethereal. The sexual tension she had with Dre was crazyyyy and she's such a good actress, the micro expressions and everything really got me. I didn't put smut into it only because it feels more like a soft fluff story that doesn't really need any smut, so I hope you're okay with that :)
Warning(s): angst, social anxiety, general anxiety, slow burn, y/n use
summary: You have social anxiety and Eva has been helping you with it. After messing up a game of Twister, you feel like you can't be helped so you decide to leave. Eva stops you from leaving, which leads to a confession...
Word count: 2k
Disclaimer: I have never talked to a therapist abt my anxiety or social anxiety at all, so If some things aren't accurate I apologize, but I'm just writing down what I have experienced and how I interpret it.
Special thanks to @hereforthepoet for helping me with this fic :)
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~~~~Happy Reading!~~~~
You lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, replaying the story of how you ended up here over and over again in your head.
Eva had found you when you were a blushing, stuttering mess trying to speak to the waitress in a restaurant.
Were you blushing out of embarrassment? Yeah.
Anxiety? Yeah.
Because she was hot? Absolutely.
Eva smiled at you when you looked up from your head in your hands and made eye contact with her while she was sitting at a table facing you.
You groaned and shoved your face back into your hands because yet another hot woman had seen you embarrass yourself.
When you looked back up you jumped a little, seeing as Eva was now right in front of you.
The two of you had food together, Eva noticing your stuttering, rambling and fidgeting with your rings. The tell-tale signs of your anxiety.
You told her about how you managed to push everyone in your family away after your parents died, you were an only child so there weren't many people to push away, but still.
You lived by yourself in a tiny apartment, you were thinking about getting a cat, but then, Eva invited you back here with promises to help with your anxiety.
But here you were, in the bed, Eva had lent to you.
You felt like a lost cause, all the other girls in the group had shown major signs of progress over the course of a few weeks, but you were still here, holed up in your room because you could barely even talk to the girls, despite the fact it had been almost a month already and you have had numerous sessions with Eva.
You heard a knock on the door and you mustered a small "Come in."
You looked up and saw Eva walking through the door, causing your heart to race.
Come on y/n, don't embarrass yourself in front of her for the 10,000th time, please.
"Hey y/n, why aren't you out there with the rest of the girls, we're playing twister right now."
Don't stutter.
"Oh- uh, I don't know, I'm don't-
wait. I mean I don't-
I- I'm NOT feeling that great, I guess."
Jesus Christ.
She looked at you for a moment before walking closer to your bed and sitting down on the corner of it, by your thighs.
"Remember what I told you during our last session y/n?" Eva started, as she leaned over you, bracing herself up with one hand on the other side of your thighs, and using the other to check your temperature.
Your brain short-circuited as soon as you felt her skin against yours.
"I told you, the reason you stutter is that you either rehearse what you are going to say over and over in your head before saying it, or you think so fast that the words mess up when you try to say them out loud. Either way, you need to focus on what you want to say rather than thinking of all the ways you could say what you want to say."
"Yeah, I know..." Uou muttered.
"Well how can you be working on it when you don't even hang out with the rest of the girls?" Eva smiled patiently.
"I'm working on it, I just..." You trailed off, looking anywhere but Eva's eyes.
"Hey, eyes," Eva said, causing your eyes to immediately shoot to hers.
"Good girl. Now, why don't you come out of your room and join us." Eva got up from the bed and held her hand out for you to take it.
Your stomach turned at the Praise but you ignored it.
You took Eva's hand and picked yourself out of bed.
Eva didn't let go of your hand as she led you out to the living room. You willed your hand not to get sweaty.
"Hey guys, look who's here!" Eva announced to the group.
"Woooo y/n!" Cricket cheered while holding the spinner.
"Come, join us!" Isis urged, smiling at you from under Salem's arm.
You looked at Eva uncertainty, but she just gave you a patient smile and nodded, urging you to join them.
"Uhh, yeah, sure." You nodded, looking back at the pile of girls twisted around the mat.
Your heart started to beat rapidly.
Come on y/n, you cant be the one to fuck up the whole game.
Don't lose, don't lose, don't lose....
"Okay y/n, let's spin for you."
"Right leg green!"
You moved your right leg to the open green dot.
"Eva, want to join?" Cricket asked as she spun the spinner.
"Nah, I'm good. I like to watch" Eva said with a smirk.
You shivered at her words even though it was a normal comment.
Jesus Christ y/n get a grip. She's your mentor.
But she had also been the one holding your hand through the entire process of trying to get over your anxieties.
Did you have feelings for her?
"Left foot red" Cricket called out to Grace.
"Don't fuck it up!" Audrey laughed, balancing on one hand.
"Shut up!" Grace responded playfully, before carefully placing her foot down.
"Bam!" She cheered, causing the other girls to giggle.
You smiled a little but the tension would not leave your chest as the game continued.
The girls keep playing as normal, each taking their sweet time moving to their respective places while the others urge them to hurry up. You're trying to focus, to stay present, to participate...but all you can think of is the loud beating of your heart. How the girls' laughter fades and your consciousness seems to trade places with your subconscious; "They're only letting you play out of pity." "You need to leave before you embarrass yourself." "You look ridiculous standing like this and they know it, they're all thinking it." You vaguely hear directions for someone's turn being called but there's a water-like roaring in your ears and your palms are sweaty and-and-and-
"Y/n!? Right hand yellow?"
You can't think slow enough, you can't move fast enough, your body is shaking and- 
Everyone's falling. A twisted mess of loud laughing bodies and you can't breathe.
"Y/n? Are you okay? Breathe!" You hear Eva say.
You shoot up from the pile of girls and suddenly the laughter has died and they're all looking at you with concerned expressions.
They think you're pathetic.
You're so embarrassing.
"I can't do this anymore!" You suddenly shout through your heavy breathing.
"Woah, it's okay y/n-" Cricket starts, putting the twister spinner down.
"No, it's not! Look at all of you! You're getting better every day. But me? I'm hopeless. I can't even play a game of twister without fucking it up! I can't stay here any longer. I've overstayed my welcome and I can't be helped. I'm too broken." You said before turning away from them.
You heard the girls start to protest and get up but out of the corner of your eye you saw Eva shush them and make them sit back down. Tears started spilling from your eyes and you ran to your room.
When you got to your room, you took your suitcase out of your closet and opened it on your bed.
You started to pack when you heard Eva's hurried footsteps approach your door.
"Y/n, what are you doing?" She said sadly.
"I'm leaving. I can't stay here anymore" you were unable to look at her so you continued quickly packing.
"Hey. Stop." Eva said as she gently stopped you from going over to your suitcase with the clothes in your hand.
You stopped and looked down at the floor, still unable to look at her.
"Look at me. I wanna see those gorgeous eyes." She gently grabbed your chin and turned your face to look at her.
"Here, give me those," she took the clothes from your hands and put them on the other bed that was next to yours.
"Sit." She guided you to sit down next to where she left your clothes.
You sat down and took a shuddering breath in as tears continued to fall and your lip quivered as you silently cried.
"You're even gorgeous when you cry." Eva smiled, causing you to let out a choked laugh as you tried to halt your tears.
"You're just saying that" You felt your face heating up.
"No, I'm not. don't degrade yourself like that. You are truly beautiful, and I'll keep saying it till it gets through your pretty little head." She got on her knees in front of you and put her hands on your thighs.
You looked down at her hands on your thighs, hyper-aware of her touch.
"Y/n please don't leave." Eva spoke up somberly.
You looked back to her eyes before responding.
"I- I can't Eva. My thoughts are so confused a-and I can't be helped. I don't deserve to stay here." You sniffed as your tears subsided.
"That's not true! Everyone is able to be helped, some people just have a longer process than others. Also, even with all the facts considered, you're here because I want you to be, not because you're a patient or something." Eva explained.
"Yeah, I guess...but I'm still...c-confused." You internally cursed yourself for stuttering and you looked down back to her hands that were still on your thighs.
"About what?" She smiled softly.
You sighed heavily trying not to stutter.
But of course, you did.
"Y-" You sighed in annoyance as Eva looked at you expectantly.
"Y- You!" You managed to get out, causing Eva to let out a laugh.
"You're confused about me?" She asked with a smirk.
"Yes! Why is that funny!?" You huffed.
She laughed a little again before responding.
"It's not, it's not, Why are you confused about me?" She asked you curiously.
"Well, I- I don't know. Just...my feelings towards you..." You said more quietly.
Eva's hands rode a little higher on your thighs causing your eyes to widen for a second before you steeled your expression.
"And what are you currently feeling towards me?" Eva asked, staring down at your lips.
"Attraction" You breathed out, getting lost in the way she looked at your lips.
"And, that's a bad thing?" She smirked, her eyes looking back up to yours.
"I- I mean no! But like, you're my mentor or whatever. I shouldn't be feeling attracted to you. Right?" You backtracked.
"Who said that?" She laughed.
Wait, that's true...
"Uhhh, no one I guess. It just- I don't know I thought it might be wrong or something. You never dated anyone else here." You gestured to the door.
"Who says I didn't?" Eva smirked once again.
"O-Oh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to assume!" Your eyes widened.
"It's okay, don't worry about it." Eva smiled.
"S-so, who was it?" You said quietly after nodding.
"Isis, it wasn't very long though. We both decided we were better as friends" Eva shrugged.
"Oh, I see." You said, mulling over all the interaction you've seen Eva had with Isis.
"But back to your feelings?" Eva urged you to continue with her brows raised and a questioning tone.
"I guess, over my time here I've been slowly falling for you and...I've tried to suppress it, but I guess, the feelings have always been there, bubbling up,"
You sighed once again before continuing.
"I mean, I don't know... You're just so...." You started, before looking at Eva and feeling your face heat up.
"Go onnnn." Eva urged.
"Hot." You ended quietly.
"What was that? I couldn't hear you!" Eva said loudly.
"Oh shut u-"
Before you could finish your reflexive response, or even have time to be anxious about it, Eva pushed up off her knees and kissed you.
You were shocked at first but you quickly closed your eyes and melted into her lips.
You couldn't lie and say you hadn't thought of kissing her multiple times.
Once Eva pulled away she sat back onto her knees.
"I can't lie, I've thought about kissing you so many times." She let out a breathy laugh.
"Woah did you just read my mind?" You pulled back shocked.
"What?" She looked confused.
You shook your head before continuing,
"Okay, back to kissing."
"I think..." You added shyly.
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sassy-bi-latina · 2 months
Dream final thoughts
I'm calm now. I actually think I won't say as much as originally planned cause I am no longer in the heat of the moment. But I still want to write about this show. Mostly cause I remember I wanted to do the same with GAP and then I didn't. My thoughts will be a mess so I'm sorry beforehand. I don't know where they'll lead throughout the post. SO LET'S FIND OUT TOGETHER.
I'll start by saying, I have read 5 books of Chaoplanoy (GAP, Blank, Dream, Us and Mate). Against my better wishes. I do this because my brain gets anxious by not knowing what happens. So reading the books helps me because it gives me a better idea where it'll go. It sometimes gives more insight to the characters like in Dream or The Secret of Us (which isn't a Chaoplanoy book but serves as an example). It also helps me see the adaptation in a different way and sometimes it helps me appreciate it more, for example, in Blank, which the book felt like Nueng was a bit predatory but the adaptation imo was so good, it just felt like a love story with two people with an age gap and nothing else which the book failed to deliver.
Okay, that being said, I said against my better wishes because if you know me and you talk to me, you will know I do NOT like Chaoplanoy's writing whatsoever. At first I thought it might be issues with translations but as I read more stories, I started to perceive patterns in her writing style that I didn't like.
Onto her adaptations, IDF gave us the biggest GL in recent times, they weren't the first to propose doing one, they just were the fastest so I think they got lucky. And I won't take credit away from the actresses nor the team behind GAP, but I genuinely feel like whomever had taken the first step would have been a success. IDF just so happens to be the first.
I will say, IDF released an initial pilot trailer that looked promising and while the editing and some of the acting choices didn't convince me as much, I was very sold with the plot points. And I think some of the things that distance themselves from the original book were a bit more interesting, like the focus on Song's relationship and the focus on the second lead couple which was scratched till the point they were just crumbs what we were getting. At the end, they decided to change some things at the beginning and then on the second part decided to be more loyal to the book. Which for me didn't work as much. Don't get me wrong, I did like GAP, I just think they did a disservice trying to initially take a different route to the book just to do a U turn and go back to it, because it didn't feel consistent.
And why am I saying all this about GAP when in theory it's my thoughts about Dream?
And it's simply because while IDF "failed" in GAP by maintaining too loyal to the book they have the opposite issue with Dream, in which they lead astray so much and just didn't arrive to the heart of the people as well as it could have.
Dream, from the 5 books I've read has been the best one. Not only did I not actively dislike it, I genuinely enjoyed it and I genuinely think that had the show been more like the book more people would have.
For starters, a thing I've seen people complain about a lot is the lack of backstory of Kimwan. We're just thrust into their angst and they expect us just to feel for them without previously giving us anything to make us feel for them. That doesn't happen in the book. It starts with them as teenagers. We are told about the dreams, we are told how they met, we're actually told how they didn't get along at first. We get to see their school life. We see how they genuinely met (Mali was a loyal friend to Wan, a bit too loyal, and locked Kim in cause she didn't like how she treated Wan, which wasn't bad just Mali didn't like it). We ACTUALLY get to see Pam and how Wan and her had a rivalry going even them (just because Wan couldn't take someone being as pretty and equally admired as her).
We spend a couple of chapters just getting to know them, their bond just not between them two, but also with their friends. Did you know Kim got better at drawing because of Wan? The drawing she gave her during Valentine's? She practiced until late at night, because she has ALREADY given her a drawing that wasn't very good but she promised the next one was gonna be better, also because she knew Wan was gonna pick her next partner based on gifts.
Wan didn't end up confessing for the same reason as the show with the difference that the mothers WERE together, which was something I didn't like, and I did prefer they just kissed. But it made sense in the book that Wan never confessed, the mothers were together and she knew that would have broken Kim if she found out AFTER they got together.
Imo, in the show Wan could have confessed earlier cause they never actually got together but I guess she lost her bravery.
After we spent knowing them and loving them in highschool for a couple of chapters, which I think was at least 1/3 of the book we have a time jump where their story as adults starts.
The other thing is, we spent so much time with Marwin? Props for Heng, more work supposes that there's more pay for him but not so much for us. Marwin overstayed his welcome.
In the book, he was there but it didn't feel overwhelming. For starters, we know him at the same time Wan does. He is already established as Kim's boyfriend. Wan isn't thrilled but tries because it's Kim's choice. Kim never goes to work with him either. We also hear about the beach, but it's in passing, I think this, contrary to the highschool moments could have served better as a flashback. And tbh, in the show, contrary to the book, Kim seems more interested in Marwin, in the show he's just there. While in the book they have a genuine connection. You aren't necessarily rooting for him but it's understandable why Kim feels comfortable with him, which is exactly why Wan tries.
Another important thing that I think is lacking a bit in the show is that they kind of undersold Kim. Kim is as loyal to Wan as Wan is to Kim. I think one of the moments that reflects that best is in the scene where they're alone with Marwin's parents, in which, yeah they talked bullshit about Kim and Wan jumped them like in the show but then they started attacking Wan and that is Kim's limit. Matter of fact, Wan is surprised how Kim acts, so reassure and not taking anyone's bullshit and she says it herself, she doesn't care what anyone says about her but she will never let anyone talk shit about Wan.
Also, not only are they very loyal to one another, but they are best friends. Wan is actually with Kim when she receives the news about her mother having cancer, unlike the show, she's in late stages and I had hope they would change her dying but they didn't 😔, cause I'm the book she doesn't even receive treatment cause it felt hopeless. And I think stuff like that showcases their bond. I found it odd that you are going through that struggle and your first instinct isn't to tell your best friend even if they were fighting at the time, especially considering their bond.
Next up is the matter of the actual letter and the confessing their feelings. Yay for Samorn and her nosiness for saving her friends. But I actually did prefer how it happened in the books. Samorn, actually keeps telling Wan that she better act soon but she better not do anything on the wedding day, which is understandable. My girl is smart, she knew the consequences.
Wan doesn't throw the letter, or well, she does, on the shooting she's having that same day but our boy Pat picks it up and attempts to read it aloud and Wan is like "Hey that's mine" to which Pat responds with "Not anymore, you threw it". Wan ends up snatching it back and out of her OWN will reads it. By having Samorn taking a pic and telling Wan to read it, it feels like they took away a bit of Wan's autonomy. It just made me feel a bit weird about the whole scene.
I WILL say, the little moment between the four girls and the camping scene afterwards? Impeccable. Wouldn't touch it for nothing in the world. Marvellous. Gorgeous. Lives rent free in my mind. Thank you very much.
And last but definitely not least, the decline of Marwin. I think they shouldn't have cramped it all in the last episode. I think they should have taken 1 episode and a half of a slow decline, cause that's what happened, at first what Marwin started doing wasn't perceived much by Wan, she thought it was weird that both the fathers decided to retire early but nothing much until she realized it was Marwin. Which, btw, another moment in which Kim's loyalty is shown, she met Marwin behind Wan's back because she couldn't take Wan hurting, cause she wasn't getting much jobs done. But Wan interfered, which shows Wan's maturity imo, since she was like "Don't do that on your own. Every hardship we talk about it and we see how we deal with it TOGETHER" which I think is very sweet. Anyway, they did attempt to apologize together like in the show, and his villain monologue also happened but in the show it fell flat. I think it was better established how he became the very thing he didn't want to be. You knew beforehand his dreams and aspirations and how what he did he did it out of love (regarding his businesses) and not money.
I WILL SAY, I don't necessarily think the show is horrible. The actresses are amazing and have great chemistry. I really liked the secondary couple, although I wish we would have seen more of them. I did like they DIDN'T make the fathers soulmates like in the book. I adore the bond between the four girls. I like the inclusion of Pam and Dokrak. I liked Pat and him being such a nice guy. I also think Jessie was a fun addition.
I ALSO think, that with some different editing, rearranging some scenes the show would have been better.
I also think IDF needs to learn that people like angst but different shows and stories require different formulas because angst for the sake of angst isn't fun.
If you're here, thank you for reading this long ass post.
As a treat, some fun facts
- If you've seen Blank, you know that one radio show Anueng likes, well, in the book of Blank, Wan actually calls the station and explains her story with Kim.
- The singer of the MV is Pleng from the Affair book, series coming out this month, on the 30th.
- The other MV actress in the book is a reporter that had a scandal, if I'm not mistaken a sex tape of her with another woman was leak. I think I read somewhere that she also has a book 🤔. But I don't recall her name.
ANYWAY, with that. I leave. I probably didn't say a lot of the stuff I initially wanted but that's mostly because I'm calm now.
One final thing, IDF you shall pay for your crimes. And please give me fluffy Faymay. I DESERVE it 🥺.
PS. I do not want to be tagged as one of those persons that is like "Oh the book is better" and sounds bitchy about literally any adaptation. Far from it. Matter of fact, ask my friends, they'll tell you how much I dislike that IDF has me defending Chaoplanoy's books 😔.
An addition that I forgot and it's very much necessary: I wish they would have, at ANY point, made Kim tell Wan that they IN FACT slept together at the beach, she just gaslighted her cause she got scared? THAT WAS NOT A GODDAMN DREAM AND THAT'S THE HILL I'LL DIE ON!!!
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lindszeppelin · 2 months
This is may sound weird, but stay with me. I've been re-watching some of the press tour interviews with Jodie and Austin. I feel like in some way being around Jodie has opened Austin's eyes even more to what he could have in a romantic partner. Not saying he's into Jodie or he wants to date her. We knew he was having doubts about Kaia right around the time the press tour started. But the way he was so impressed with Jodie. The way he could so easily smile and laugh with Jodie. It was such a natural chemistry. They were fun to watch.
Look, I don't pretend to know how Kaia and Austin act with each other in private. But it doesn't transfer well publicly. I've never gotten the sense of any chemistry between them. There is no passion, love, or anything really. With Vanessa even in their pap walks, you could feel the love between them. Kaia and him are just sterile.
This interview in particular https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiKQ6kbhfPY
He seems so enamored by Jodie and the work she did in the movie. I think this is what that L&S article was referring to, as someone on his level. I can see him continuing to date other actresses. But it will be someone who actually is good at their craft. Someone with maturity. Who can carry on a conversation and is smart and witty.
I think in terms of being the "supportive boyfriend" Austin probably sweet. But you know deep down he doesn't take Kaia's work in Bottoms or Palm Royale seriously. There is an entire Reddit thread dedicated to how awful Kaia was in AHS. She's not on his level. Austin wants someone on his level as his status continues to rise.
Being attached to a nepo baby isn't helping his image.
This was a great message, anon! I love when you guys go in depth with your takes and share your opinions. That's what we're here for. He has so much reverence for Jodie and people like Jodie that take acting just as seriously as he does. Austin was not born into the industry. Acting wasn't even something he thought about doing until he was put in a position when he was young to give is a go. The option was presented to him and he saw it as a way to step out of his comfort zone and explore parts of himself in the characters he plays. That's why he takes acting so seriously. He studies it like it's a true fine art, as if he's getting a Masters or PhD y'know. He's worked with Howard Fine, he took classes, he learned in his free time. That is dedication. It's not just about a paycheck for him. It's not about "I wanna be famous". For him it's clearly about telling stories, and being apart of something that will last forever.
Elvis is a perfect example of this, because he thought nobody would remember him when he died because he didn't make a movie that he thought was worth while and important. But even with the shitty scripts they gave him, he still busted his ass and did everything he could to make it a great movie. You can tell when someone is in it for the fame/connections/money versus when someone is in it for the love of acting. And it means more for someone like Austin who didn't grow up in a wealthy family in Hollywood with connected parents to the industry and whatnot. It was all grassroots hard work. And when people like that do become famous it either consumes them in a bad way, or they don't take their life for granted. Austin is one of those people that doesn't take anything for granted. You can tell he doesn't live by his fame status symbol. He lives pretty much well within his means, and he acts like a normal guy.
So, long rant short, someone like Kaia who clearly does not work on film sets with that same dedication and seriousness as compared to Austin, it's hard to find anything to talk about or any commonality between them. It's all just a means to an end for her. It's all superficial. That man is so deep and connected to feelings and emotions and the human condition. And she knows how to work her image in her favor. The incompatibility is astounding. Maybe he had hopes for her in the beginning, but as time went on he saw she was not as serious about the things that actually mattered to him.
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hooked-on-elvis · 9 months
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Pictures of Elvis as Clint Reno on "Love Me Tender" (1956) | "The Rainmaker" screen test in Hollywood (March 26-28th, 1956) + magazine article | On "Love Me Tender" production and premiere (November 15, 1956). 🎬
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He had never even been in a school play, but he loved the silver screen and dreamed of seeing himself upon it. In April of 1956*, his chance arrived when legendary Hollywood producer Hal Wallis gave him a screen test. He was asked to read a part from 'The Rainmaker' with actress Cynthia Baxter, who later confessed that her initial reaction to working with Elvis had been "Ugh!" Afterward, however, Baxter said she found him "amazing to work with." Elvis told Wallis he didn't like the Rainmaker role: The character was too "happy, jolly, lovesick." Well, Wallis asked him, what kind of part would you like to play? "One more like myself," he said, "so I won't have to do any excess acting." Four months later (after Wallis and Colonel Parker had negotiated a three-picture-deal for $400.000) he was on the set of 'Love Me Tender' playing Clint Reno (seen here) — a passionate, naive young man, destined to die young.
*Elvis' Hollywood screen test was actually held, not in April but in March 1956, between Monday, the 26th and Wednesday, the 28th. Elvis would later say he memorized every line of the script of 'The Rainmaker' (not only his lines, the whole script!) in preparation for the screen test. A couple of months later, however, he told Robert Johnson of the Memphis Press-Scimitar that he had misgivings from the start about the character he would play. “It was a good part, but I just couldn’t see it for me. A good-natured, happy teen-ager, but with nothing up here. After I read the script, I just wanted to do another kind of part,” said Presley to the reporter.
This thing the magazine wrote about Elvis wanting "not to do any excess acting" is total bullshit. EP would never say such thing once he was so happy to kick off his acting career. He dedicated himself and wanted to make it as good actor. Elvis was excellent memorizing lines even before he was an actor, when he would memorize lines from all his favorite movies (such as 'Rebel Without a Cause'). Once he was indeed on the other side of the screen, filming his first movie, Elvis didn't miss the chance and talked to many veteran actors in hopes to have hints on how to make it better in front of the camera. He dedicated himself the best he could — and as the years went by, even so his roles were less and less interesting or challenging, sometimes even silly as he feared in the beginning of his career, Elvis achieved the goal in being a natural in front of those Hollywood filming cameras, and this is something absolutely undeniable. The thing about complaining of the role he performed on his screen test in 1956, probably had something to do with the image Elvis wanted to project onto his young audience, and that was not one of a "good-natured" guy.
Elvis wanted serious roles and, besides, he liked the 'bad boy' atitude James Dean and Marlon Brando had... the menacing glances, the defiant rebel posture. Elvis mentioned this to Lloyd Shearer, in 1956 during a photo session at the Peabody Hotel, in Memphis, Tennessee. Lloyd was photographing Elvis when the Presley politely asked the photographer to promise not to snap him "not even smiling slightly". His objection was explained with:
"I've made a study of Marlon Brando. I've made a study of poor Jimmy Dean [actor James Dean had recently died in a car crash]. I've made a study of myself. And I know why girls, at least the young ones, go for us. We're sullen, we're broodin', we're something of a menace. I don't understand it exactly, but that's what girls like in men. I don't know anything about Hollywood. But I know that you can't be sexy if you smile. You can't be a rebel if you grin. If you don't mind, let me pose myself." — Elvis, 1956.
On his screen test in March, 1956, Presley did two scenes from 'The Rainmaker' (and also was asked, and performed against his will since he didn't wanted to sing on the screen at all, to 'Blue Sued Shoes') Later that year, Elvis recalled the dramatic tests. “I knew my script,” he said. “I got out there and just tried to put myself in the place of the character I was playing, just trying to act as naturally as I could.”
In May, Elvis told Will Jones of the Minneapolis Tribune that he favored the second of the two scenes. “I took this screen test where I came in and was real happy and jolly and I didn’t like it. I did this other one where I was mad at this girl, and I liked that better — it was me.”
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Elvis worked with veteran actor Frank Faylen in one test scene and with twenty-one-year-old actress Cynthia Baxter (later Cynthia O’Neal) in another scene.
She later told TV Guide, “When the Wallis people told me I was to make a test with him, my reaction was ‘Ugh!’ But, you know, he is a very interesting boy — kind of amazing to work with. As an actor, he has a lot of work ahead of him, but he has wonderful attributes to start with.”
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Actress Cynthia O'Neal (former Baxter). The picture (right) is the only still from 'The Rainmaker' scene she played with Elvis for his screen test on March 26th, 1956. No footage was released until today, unfortunately.
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March 27th, 1956: Elvis with veteran actor Frank Faylen. The scene Elvis did with Faylen was this one below (no footage, sadly, but there's pictures from his test on the video, following the scenes):
Allan Weiss was not as impressed with the dramatic part of Presley’s test as he was with the musical portion. “Elvis played the rebellious younger brother with amateurish conviction — like the lead in a high school play. His performance was believable, but lacked the polished subtleties of a professional.” On the other hand, after viewing the acting part of the test, Paramount dramatic coach Charlotte Clary thought Elvis might have a future as an actor. “The boy is a natural,” she judged. “There’s nothing fresh or obnoxious about him at all.” Source: http://www.elvis-history-blog.com/elvis-screen-test.html
On March 28th came Presley’s third screen test, the King lip-synched to “Blue Suede Shoes” in front of a set of rather shiny curtains. It was a wild audition, with Elvis giving his trademark gyrations and sneer. He was doing what he did majestically already, so he enchanted the screenwriter Allan Weiss.
“The transformation was incredible. We knew instantly that we were in the presence of a phenomenon; electricity bounced off the walls of the sound stage. One felt it as an awesome thing — like an earthquake in progress, only without the implicit threat. Watching this insecure country boy, who apologized when he asked for a rehearsal as though he had some something wrong, turn into absolute dynamite when he stepped into the bright lights and started lip-synching the words of his familiar hit. He believed in it, and he made you believe it, no matter how ‘sophisticated’ your musical tastes were.” — Allan Weiss, Screenwriter.
This reaction may have set Elvis' fate in Hollywood, among other things (money-seeking, as naturally any company would be bound to be), but up until then as far as EP knew he would act in a non-musical role, so this kept him thrilling. Elvis' fans, as always, were very supportive, and couldn't wait to watch the rock star on the big screen.
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(Above) August 16, 1956: Elvis left Memphis on an American Airlines flight for Los Angeles where he reported to 20th Century Fox for pre-production meetings for his first movie. The fans greeted him at the airport, holding "Presley for President" posters. 🥹
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As the production for Elvis' first movie begun, things were... different. The studio/producers eventually altered the script to include 4 songs Elvis would sing, 'Love Me Tender' being one, and they altered the title of the film too — originally entitled 'The Reno Brothers' — so it could follow the name of that one Elvis song.
This turned things bittersweet to Presley. Elvis did not want to sing on the screen and he confessed to his close friends how upset watching as they promised him one thing and ended up eventually changing plans (to profit on his music career) without him being able to do anything about it (June Juanico was one girlfriend he vented about this).Top this to the fact that Elvis indeed preferred his part to be a little more to the 'bad boy' side, and Clint Reno was everything but a bad boy, and you can imagine how Elvis felt about his first movie, not fully satisfied after all. Still he kept hopeful about his acting career could evolve and he could eventually become a serious actor. This hopeful mood followed his next films, but it did not last long.
Either way, the premiere for 'Love Me Tender' was a huge success.
Arlene Cogan, a young fan that not much after this would become friends with Elvis, shared in her book "Elvis, This One's for You" that when she went to watch the movie she spent the whole day rewatching it in the theater, over and over again. She says that no one seemed to leave the room.
"When Elvis appeared on the screen, everyone screamed so much that you couldn't hear him." — Arlene Cogan on her book "Elvis, This One's for You".
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On the day 'Love Me Tender' premiered in the theaters on November 15, 1956.
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November 21st 1956. 1413 Main Street, Columbia, S.C., Richland County. A crowd of teenagers in the lobby of the Palmetto Theater for the opening of the Elvis Presley movie Love Me Tender.
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November 16, 1956: Fans wait in line to see Elvis Presley in 'Love Me Tender'.
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Even so Elvis' start in Hollywood wasn't quite as he expected (in personal satisfaction wise), Presley did it great as a sweet country boy, Clint Reno. Some critics didn't go for him and harshly bashed his acting skills (much going with their previous opinions on Elvis as a performer and the controversial about his 'antics' on the stage in the 50s), as much as some supported his initial kick off, but one thing's for sure: the young audience adored him regardless either if he was a "bad boy" onscreen or not. ♥
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Elvis on "Love Me Tender", 1956.
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thewingedwolf · 4 months
The outrage for the gender swapping by the black community is justified in my opinion. Using a monoracial darkskin black woman as the gender swapped version of a white man is downright malicious. We have been facing constant racism if we're given some role that is desired especially on netflix. And there has been an ongoing trend (a pattern mainly us black women have noticed) to use the darkskin black woman as the queer character that's also masculine (or the sassy best friend, the mammy type, oversexualised). The actress will not only be a subject to homophobes but the not so quiet racists that plague most fandoms these days. It's quite funny when a white man is seen chasing after a 'black' woman, she is a light skinned biracial (Ruby Barker in season 1 who was still subjected to racism and was given a storyline was quickly written off the show).
i mean sure and i'm not trying to be rude here but have you actually looked at who is complaining the loudest about this? it's almost exclusively white women (mostly straight at that) who are specifically really mad because "the best guy" was taken away for "diversity." i'm not discounting that the racial politics of this show are wild and god awful but
they've been like that since season one and got significantly worse with it by treating the sharmas and young danbury Like That, this casting doesn't really change that or make it more obvious, it's just more of the same weird tone deaf shit
michael doesn't do anything particularly heinous but he is a dime a dozen rogue with a heart of gold in an incredibly typical regency romance, and i understand why they've decided to change that a bit when their whole schtick is diversity and stunt casting. the complaints are all about how michael is the best and it's silly because he literally makes several comments about baby trapping francesca, he's not any better than benedict or anthony or simon (he IS better than colin and phillip tho but that's not a high bar to clear).
i don't think fandoms being racist or queerphobic is a good enough reason to never include queer black women in these stories? it's about whether the production team and the cast stick up for her as the harassment inevitably ramps up. i do understand feeling like this poor actress is being thrown to the wolves (especially because shonda doesn't have a particularly great track record with this and ruby barker has talked about how upsetting it was to do the show) but i think if the cast and production make a good faith effort to defend her and warned her to like, turn off her comments on social media, there's no reason to bend to the complaints of racists and queerphobes if you want to tell a regency romp story with a black queer main.
cannot stress enough that the bulk of the criticism is bad faith nonsense using the word "diversity" like a slur against black women and queer women because the white women that watch this show don't want to see two women kissing and That was the backlash i was talking about. i'm sure there Are people talking about the colorist and generally annoying way they like to racebend the characters, but i also feel that acting like the bulk of the criticism is good faith when it so clearly is just straight white women having a breakdown is silly.
also.....can we not use square quotes around the word black when talking about a black biracial actress, it's weird. just say black and biracial, or black and light skinned.
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thegeminisage · 5 months
star trek update time. once again, i've fallen behind, thanks again to hades. sunday* we watched "equilibrium" and "second skin" and last night* we watched "the abandoned" and "civil defense."
im typing this at fuck o clock monday night its scheduled to go up without me tmrw morning
hi, sorry, the cold opening of them having dinner here......i could have watched a whole episode of this alone. odo learning to cook. kira thinking he's cute (HI???). bashir being precious about beets. sisko best cook ever. it was so good and i was a little wary when jadzia ruined it with a trill mood swing or whatever i was like damn this episode won't make me like dax any better unfortunately
actually though the episode was fine. the hallucinations were decently scary and i liked getting to know jadzia a little better ie about her hatred of doctors
it was also nice that 1. bashir stopped being a freak about her and 2. her hair is less big now. her falling asleep in his quarters (and her wanting the bottom bunk bc of curzon falling out of a tree) was so cute actually. i want to like her!!! i'm trying hard.
i also really liked the mystery in this episode, but if we're talking times a trill has been traumatized by going into a bad host, what about that one guy who stole her in like season 2 or whenever...?
i wish dax had gotten to apologize to kira also :( women should be kissing not fighting
i do LOVE when sisko calls jadzia old man. i think it's so fun. the gender of it all. i also really liked his little line about how he still misses curzon sometimes but would also be devastated if anything happened to jadzia. dax both is and isn't curzon, both is and isn't jadzia...where that divide is and what makes up dax vs what makes up jadzia is really fascinating to me, i wish we explored it more
scene in the pool at the end i was so afraid she was gonna get naked. thank god.
second skin:
hhhhholy fuck
so, i loved this episode right up until the very last second. firstly, every kira episode is great. she's fantastic and so well-written and such a talented actress, i'm obsessed with her. secondly, we flirted with an amnesia plot for a hot second which was so fun. thirdly, what the FUCK
i love also, hi, that kira unpacked so much of her thoughts about the missing week of her life in odo's office. he's literally her sounding board. is this thing on? they love each other
the sheer raw fucked up factor of kira waking up AS A CARDASSIAN. she looked like she wanted to tear off her own skin and who can blame her. i hardly recognized her
GARAK IS HERE. i really love whatever he's going going on with sisko. "this is extortion" "yes it is" and also "that's the first totally honest thing you've ever said to me" every single conversation they have is like. garak flirts for fun and for sport with everyone in this show (INCLUDING KIRA???) and sisko is constantly meeting him in the middle . also, him putting the fear of god into that ship that tried to board them <3
the mystery of this episode was so intriguing. i was on the edge of my seat waiting for the gang (INCLUDING ODO!!!) to rescue kira. i wanted to figure out the Truth, bc obviously she's not a fucking cardassian. but i do feel they dropped the ball a little at the end
firstly, it seems too convenient that kira happens to look SO much like the real illiana that her OWN FATHER could not tell them apart. yeah, yeah, ten years, but are we serious rn?
SECONDLY, i don't think kira getting teary when given this keepsake (which was already weird) and declaring this cardassian dissident to be a "good man" is very IC. she's only come to that kind of understanding with one cardassian before (guy who pretended to do war crimes), and given the traumatic nature of this whole ordeal, i would have expected her to have mixed feelings/have trouble expressing this aloud, even if she did believe it. so we ended on kind of a weak note there, overall though incredible experience
the abandoned:
first, when i said "give odo a baby" i did not mean it like this.
second, dad sisko. my best friend sisko. sisko holding a baby, sisko missing his own baby, sisko sisko sisko my beloved
uhhh sisko not doing good with his own son because...drummroll please...jake is still dating the dabo girl
i genuinely thought this was a throwaway line but we have a whole fucking PLOT in here
i don't understand sisko at the end of this ep being like "yeah they can keep dating." ik this show is 30 years old but JAKE IS SIXTEEN. THE DABO GIRL IS 20. she seems nice and definitely she shouldn't be judged for being a dabo girl and if this character were like 18 i'd be like, okay, that's two years, she's only technically an adult, but TWENTY? at this age, 4 years is a HUGE gap
also, her tits were pushed so far out i wasn't even sure if they were real or not...HE IS SIXTEEN. like yes he knows what tits are but she is an ADULT??? eugh.
ANYWAY, odo's quarters!!! i like that he finally has a real room and doesn't just live in a bucket at work like presumably the cardassians made him do. kira bringing him a housewarming gift and wanting a peek at what he had going on in there was genuinely so sweet i wanted to kerm. i'm glad we got that since they argued later BUT win for me bc we also ended the episode on them
rip odo's trauma :( lab specimen ptsd meets founders identity crisis for a total fucjing breakdown. he did pretty good considering
civil defense:
lots of really fun sisko moments in this. i love when he gets to save the day and i love when he hangs out with jake. jakes was extremely brave and helpful too he saved their asses a bunch of times. today he got to be one of the grown-ups
GARAK IS HERE! i love how he showed up to help and then everything became immediately worse. every time you'd think "it cannot possibly get worse than this" it does
odo and quark essentially being locked in an elevator together. odo calling him devious (honorific). quark calling odo a guy with integrity (derogatory). i still don't Love quark but he's extremely funny and his scenes with odo are always a riot
STAR OF THIS SHOW GUL DUKAT. he showed up to laugh at their predicament and generally be unhelpful which was pretty funny but also i was a little mad at him and then he threatened kira which made me REALLY mad at him (she was so solid though she didn't budge and inch hell yes girl) and then he. got trapped on the space station also which was FUCKING hilarious. like i had been just mad enough to enjoy seeing him suffer under the reverse uno and find it IMMENSELY satisfying. you thought GARAK was a cringefail loser at getting this space station to work? he has nothing on gul dukat, who managed to not only make it EVEN WORSE but lock himself out of every system on the station. incredible work
absolutely though the best part of this episode BY FAR was when gul dukat was flirting with kira and nobody realized it but garak and he called him out on it 1. humiliating him in front of his crush 2. roasting him (bc anyone could see kira would have better taste) 3. reminding him that he's married 4. propping up kira herself bc garak supports women's rights and bajorans rights and also their wrongs. garak diss track when.
anyway, this episode hit the perfect balance between tense and funny, every single character had something fun to do or say, fucking excellent television
TONIGHT: um. um the first tng movie. um. the one with. the one where. please don't make me say it
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Away from home - chapter 7
Y/N is an actress, filming for her first lead role in the film adaptation of her favourite childhood book, produced by maximum effort.
She bonds with Ryan Reynolds over their share Love of the Korean pop band Stray Kids, and he has a surprise for her.
When she starts missing home and the darkness creeps upon her, her hotel neighbour comes to her rescue.
Trigger warnings- mentions of depression, self harm and anxiety.
This chapter is NSFW
Stray kids fan fic
Mainly staring 3ratcha
But the other boys do make appearances it's just easy to keep to minimum of characters lol
Chan x oc
This is my first ever fan fiction so if it's shit soz.
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It's 3pm by the time I wake up. I feel groggy. My mouth's dry and my stomach hurts from hunger, I pull out my phone and order a McDonald's meal... or two.
I hop in the shower, forgetting its broken, so i pull my pj's back on and head to Chan's. But before I exit my door i notice a piece of paper on the floor.
It's from chan. He's handwriting is adorable.
'Morning Y/N. I realised I don't have your number and you didn't answer when I knocked on your door this morning so I'm guessing you're still asleep. I really enjoyed last night, I hope I didn't come off too strong.
I just really wanted to kiss you.
I know it's only been a few days since we met, but it feels like we we're meant to be in each others lives.
If you don't feel the same that's cool, I just wanted to put all my cards on the table. I like you and I'd like to take you out on a date sometime. I'm out this weekend, staying at Hannah's, but I'll be back tomorrow night. I'll see you then. Its a date!
Chris x'
Why am I crying?...
Is this the first time anyone has ever said anything like this to me?
Fuck, my McDonald's is here.
I scran down my big mac and chicken legend and crawl back into bed. How I'm I meant to go two days without him? God I sound ridiculous! It's been 5 fucking days and I'm acting like I'm in love. I think I'm just addicted to how I feel around him, he feels like home. The comfort of walking into a warm house after being in the cold outside.
I want to know more about him. All his little intricacies and quirks. I want to know what wakes him up in the morning and what keeps him in bed. To know all about what goes on in that gorgeous head of his. I'm counting down the seconds until I can.
8 pm Sunday evening. I've legitimately just slept all weekend. I did have a video with my family back home. It felt so good to see their beautiful faces! But mostly I enjoyed seeing my cats that my mum put on the call whilst she went to the bathroom. They told me they miss me too.
No one has yet Come to fix my shower. I'll let them off since it's the weekend, but I've been stewing in my post night out smell. I should go round to Chris', but theres two problems with that idea. 1. I haven't heard him return and he hasn't knocked round here.
2. I smell like shit and look like it too. (Very reminiscent of my depressive episodes im prone to, but with out the actual sadness. )
There's no harm in just knocking to see if he's, so I grab my dressing gown and head to his.
I here him talking, but theres no reply. I wait for a moment, he's probably on the phone. He stops talking so I knock.
"One minute!!" He yelled! " I'll be back in a sec guys!" Guess he's still on the phone. He answers, a huge smile appears on his face, he looks back in the direction of his phone and slowly closes the door slightly behind him so we're both in the hallway.
"Sorry is this a bad time?" I ask, slowly heading back to my door.
"I'm just... I'm just doing a live stream." He replies, looking slightly embarrassed.
"Oh yeah your Chans room! I've seen a few" He seems to look less nervous that I'm not judging him. "I just wanted to know if I could use your shower. Mines still broken"
"Yeah of course you can, could you wait just like 40 minutes?"
"Yeah sure! I've waited over 24 hours, 40 minutes won't kill me" I laugh. He brushes his hand through his hair and I notice his bicep flex. I never really noticed it but this man is buff. No wonder I feel safe around him, he could beat up a bear a win. Well maybe not a  bear?
I turn to head back into my room, but he takes my hand stopping me.
"Did you get my letter?" He asks, his eyes shining with hope.
"Yeah I did" I say meeting his eyes with the same anticipation.
" and did you..." I cut him off, bringing his lips to mine. My hand running through his hair.
" does that answer your question?" I tease.
"And all the ones after" He answers, slightly bewildered. "I have to head back in. I'll see you soon"
"It's a date" I reply. His grin has taken over his entire face, giddy like a child.
"It is indeed" He says before closing his door.
I collapse on my bed and open up his stream. God he's gorgeous. He keeps smiling to himself, which makes me do the same. I'm literally kicking my feet and smiling over this man. The chat seems to have noticed too. All mentioning how he seems to have found something outside his room very exciting. He answers them saying a staff member just was asking what food he wanted from the shop.
He signs of with a virtual hug, and now I get to have a real life one. And a shower.
I knock the door again, he shouts that it's open in response. I walk in, naked underneath my dressing gown. I stand awkwardly in his room, not sure whether we should talk about everything now or after my shower. He turns in his chair away from his laptop, his gaze lands on me. I'm suddenly aware that if this thin belt unwraps I'll be stood here bare ass naked. I pull the belt tighter.
"You gonna shower?" He questions
"Yeah, I just didn't know if you wanted to talk about everything properly now or after my shower?" He seems taken aback from my forwardness.
"Now?" He pats on his bed for me to sit down. I follow his direction and sit down opposite him. He wheels his chair closer to me so our knees are touching. A knot beginning to form in my stomach. He puts his hands on my knees. I think I flinch in response because he removes them as soon as he places them down.
"Sorry" He stammered, backing off. I hold his hands, stopping him from backing off too far.
"I'm okay. Its just..." fuck how do I explain this without sounding like a weirdo? "I've got nothing on under here. And well." I put my head in my hands. "I've never been touched in such a gentle way there. I was just a bit taken aback." He's silent. Then his lips curl into a smirk.
"So, that reaction was because you liked it so much?" A raised brow has joined his smirk. I can tell this man loves a good tease. He's gonna be the death of me.
He pulls himself even closer, this time he gently spreads my knees apart, replacing the space between them with his knee. Each second he does this, he's locked his gaze on mine, making sure I'm okay with this. And fucking hell I am. He stops centimetres away from my vulva. I'm glad he does cause im honestly embarrassed by how wet I am from just his smallest touch.
He leans over to my ear, his lips grazing  my neck ever so slightly, inciting goosebumps and a sound from me I'm not sure I've ever made before. He giggles, savouring the state he's got me in. "You should take your shower" He whispers. I snap out of my trance
"Are you saying I smell?" I'm joking but slightly concerned. He laughs, removing his knee and standing up from his chair
"Not at all. I just know you've been waiting to have one. Plus I'm worried you feel like this is going too fast. Cause I am." Chan looked down admitting his feelings. "I don't want you to do anything you'll regret. we haven't known each other long and I know you wanna know someone before you're intimate like that with them". Fuck me. This man may be the most caring person I have ever met.
I stand up from his bed and walk over to him, kissing him on his forehead.
"Thank you. I did enjoy it, please know that." He drops his head, but I lift up his chin with my index finger, "I mean it." I kiss him, deeper than before. I do want him. Just not yet.
I walk past him and head into his shower.
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rhondafromhr · 4 months
good morning, afternoon, day or night to you!
This is a free pass for you to talk about anything you want, as much as you want! Exposit! Lore dump! Rant about your interests, or something that irks you! Whatever it is, use this as an excuse! Someone out there is interested in what you have to say (it's us. We're the someone)
Thank you <3 I’m going to take this opportunity to go more into detail about my Linda Monroe and Zoey Chambers friendship agenda, because if those two could actually get along, they’d be the most chaotic, iconic duo in Hatchetfield and make everybody absolutely miserable.
-They meet at Beanie’s. Linda needs a pick me up after an exhausting day of shopping for River’s birthday gifts and goes to get her extra hot quad shot no foam almond milk latte with exactly five and a half pumps of toffee nut syrup and not a drop more. She sees Zoey spitting in Becky Barnes’ coffee, Zoey sees her being rude to Emma and they hit it off.
-At first, Zoey sees befriending Linda as more of a means of gaining access to Linda’s wealth and connections to help her get ahead, but starts to genuinely enjoy her company and her advice (which is like 90% enabling and encouraging all of the bad things Zoey already does). She tells Linda what she did to Zach to steal his part of the inheritance and Linda completely takes her side and commends her for taking the initiative to get what she wants, although she does make fun of her when she finds out the entire inheritance is only $10,000.
-They still argue, but it’s friendlier. Linda will make fun of Zoey’s hair and clothes, but then buy her an entire new designer wardrobe and take her to a ludicrously expensive hairdresser like it’s nothing. She’ll say her tastes are trashy, then take her to the most expensive restaraunt or cocktail bar in town so she can learn to appreciate the finer things. Zoey will call her a boomer and make fun of her for not being up to date on the current slang and trends, but then take her to a concert or a hot new nightclub. Linda loves feeling young and wild again and always sends Snapchats of their adventures to Gerald once Zoey shows her how to use the app. (Do people still use Snapchat? I barely do social media outside of here, I genuinely don’t know.)
-Zoey tells her about how she sabotaged everyone in her way to become the star actress in the Hatchetfield Community Players. Linda’s impressed by her technique, but thinks Zoey should set loftier goals. (Zoey: “I didn’t get this far by being nice.” Linda: “You didn’t get very far by being conniving, either! I mean, a local community theater? Really, Zoey? Aim a little higher.”)
-Linda’s tired of Zoey not being able to go on girl’s weekend trips because she has to work and uses her connections to land her a cushy, Monday-Friday 9-5 corporate job until her acting career takes off. This cushy job just so happens to be Paul’s position at CCRP, which Linda also used her connections to get him fired from. Well, she got him transferred to Clivesdale and he quit because he’d rather die than go there. This forces the guy who doesn’t like musicals to get a job at the singing coffee shop, but hey, at least he gets to work with Emma now.
That’s all I have for now <3 I had fun rambling about this, hopefully you find it entertaining too!
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stargazing-imagines · 2 years
A&A rewrite // 01x05 // bloggers and butterflies
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Description : you and the gang run into a hater of Austin so you try to shut her down, meanwhile you figure out your feelings for Austin
Parings : mentions of reader liking Austin
Warnings : mentions of toxic friendships, mild bullying towards the reader and the gang , the use of the word snobs , if there’s anything else that should be added let me know ASAP!
It was a sunny day in Miami and Ally was working the counter at sonic boom, you on the other hand, was on the computer as she was watching something. You looked at ally before looking back at the computer.
"Umm... ally we have a problem..." said Y/N as she turned the computer around "apparently Austin showed me a website call Miami h8ter girl and she said some pretty nasty stuff and things about Austin,"
"Wait...I heard of h8ter girl," said Ally "Austin was just talking about her the other day,"
"Yeah but this one isn't pretty," you said as you clicked the space bar of your computer to play the video.
 A clip of Austin in the music store late at night eating ice cream, was on that was until it dropped it the next thing he did was make a pant sundae
In disgust you closed the laptop "I just lost my appetite," said Y/N as she push the Laptop away
"I wonder how Austin is feeling about this?" asked Ally "This has got to be hard on his uprising career," said ally, you nodded in response. 
"Guess who's got a job at Pirate Frank Fish Fry," said Trish as she walked into the Store in her pirate costume, after Trish said that, Austin walked in through the door
"well can we worry about your job later?" asked Austin "She posted another embarrassing video of me,"
"Was it the Pants-Sundae? because I'm clearly grossed out," said Y/N before flinching with disgust
"Frankly... I don't think she's that bad, She posts about everything embarrassing about a celebrity," said Trish
"well why don't we all go down to the mall and maybe you can do some nice gestures," Said Ally
"Ooh I can't Savannah is in town," said Y/N "Is it ok if i take a rain check?"
"What's up with you and Savannah?" asked Ally "I mean I thought you two wouldn't be friends anymore after what she did to you,"
"Ally she may be a Blonde Chick who does nothing else but shop she's not that bad, You just got to get to know her," said Melody "Not every blonde chick is bad, I mean look at austin.” 
"Hey N/N ready to go?" asked Savannah as she walked in through the door "There's this great sale at the beach mall and i so don't want to miss it,"
"I’ll be down there shortly, oh but first Savannah, Meet my Friends," said Y/N "You already met my sister ally, but you haven't met Trish, Dez, and Austin,"
"Wait your friends with Austin Moon?" asked Savannah "Just wait till Angelica Hears about this,"
"yeah lets keep it on the down low," said Y/N as she pushed Brooke out the door "Bye guys, Good Luck Austin,"
"Whats the deal with you and Austin?" asked Savannah as she was skimming through the racks at the Clothing Cart in the middle of the Mall, you who fiddled with the straw in your smoothie sighed.
"I don't know, I like him but i feel like he would be better off with Ally because they have so much in common," said Melody "I'm just a girl who has a dream of being a actress and we all know that may never come true,"
"you have got to stop selling yourself short, I mean I haven't seen you act in anything but your chance will come," said Savannah as she kept her eyes on the clothes 
"Maybe your right,"
"So does this mean Damien is Out of the picture?" Smirked Savannah as she sipped on her drink, it was obvious that she liked Damien 
"We're just friends and that's all we'll ever be,"  said Melody as she fiddled with her straw but this time stirring up her smoothie
"isn't that your friend over there helping that kid out of the fountain?" asked Brooke as she pointed to where ally and Austin were standing before crossing her arms
"Yeah apparently Austin has a hater," you laughed “and he’s so freaked out about it.”
"You don't say?" asked Brooke "Who's this hater thats out to get him?"
"Miami H8ter Girl," said Melody "Have you heard about her?"
"Yeah but be careful i had this friend back in grade school who is famous now and apparently she said some nasty stuff about her," said Brooke "the drama and the name calling was so bad The girl had to become homeschooled after Freshman Year,"
"Wow she's that bad?" asked Melody
"Yep," said Brooke as she looked at her cell phone which dinged "Oh saved by the bell... my plane leaves in an hour will you be fine walking to sonic boom by yourself?"
"Yeah I'll just walk with Austin and Ally back to the music store,"
"Great see you soon Bestie," said Brooke as she left before waving
"Austin moon dunks kid in the fountain," said Austin as he stood up "Now that sounds really bad,"
"Yeah but on the bright side you didn't actually drown Nelson," said Y/N "Me and Savannah saw the whole thing,"
"Hooray That makes everything so much better," said Ally sarcastically before closing the laptop before rolling her eyes
"What's your problem with Savannah?" asked Y/N "It's not like she did something to you,"
"She uses you and Manipulates you... She's bad news N/N why can't you understand that,"
"I don't know ally i guess it's because I rather have friends who are less famous sometimes," said Y/N "If you would actually fly out to California with me on the daily Basis you wouldn't be judging them so hard,"
"Y/N, I want to get to know them but i'm telling you something is going on with that girl and I just don't want to see you getting hurt,"
"Ally's right, I mean She did ask if you and Damien are still dating," Said Austin "and I know their your friends but I've heard about a lot of people from Beverly Hills are snobs especially rich ones,” nodded austin, meanwhile you glared at him.
"Guys you don't know them like I do," said Y/N as she stormed out of the practice room as she slammed the door, Dez and Trish walked in
"What's wrong with her?" Asked Trish as she pointed to you who just stormed out the door
"Me criticizing her friends again," said Ally
"Why are you so jealous of Y/N’s other friends?" Asked Austin
"Yeah I mean we are your friends," said Dez
"You guys i’m not jealous." said Ally "it’s just, she’s been used before by Savannah and when she has I'm always the one that has to put her back together,"
"I can't believe grandma and Grandpa live in Beverly Hills, it's surreal." said 13 year old you as you jumped up for joy.
"I know how can they afford to live here? I heard a flat here costs at least 3,000 dollars,"
"Hey I love your shirt," said a girl
"Thanks I like yours," said Ally as she pointed to the girl
"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to her," said the girl "I'm Savannah and this is Angelica,"
"Hi! It's nice to meet you your really pretty," said Angelica
"Hi well I'm Melody and this is my sister ally," you smiled as you pointed to ally who waved back
"I Can tell we're going to be great friends,"
--End Of Flashback--
"And that's why I don't trust Savannah," said ally as 
"Yeah but the reason you can't trust her is because she hates you,"
"Dez not now," said Trish as she placed a hand on Dez's shoulder "anyway we need to figure out a plan to get Hater girl back,"
"Are you sure this is going to work?" Asked Y/N as you crossed your arms, clearly not wanting to be there
"Shh! You'll ruin the process," Said Dez
"Dez you do realize that we don't need to go undercover for this right?" asked Trish
"oh... that explains the weird looks i got trying to mail Austin's embarrassing Baby Photos to Hater Girl,"
"You did what!?" asked Austin
"Yeah she wanted some of your baby pictures, I couldn't say no!"
You Rolled your eyes before looking out the window, When she did she saw a Person in a fish costume
"Hey guys That fish has been staring at us for five minutes now," pointed Y/N
As melody said that The fish ran away, you stormed out of the fish shop. when you did you saw a fishing pole near by. You threw the fishing pole string to catch the person, when the fishing line caught onto the costume. You yanked the fishing pole.
"Now lets unmask the real Hater Girl," said ally as she took the fish head off the person's head and when she did you and Ally Gasps
It was a Friday night and you was with Ally and Trish as they were getting ready for a ‘performance’ that Tilly made
"Hey everyone I'm so glad you could come out, Today we have three songs that will be shared," said tilly "But two of them will be awful so feel free to boo them,"
Ally and you looked at each other before looking back at the stage
"First off we have Y/N Dawson singing the Caterpillar Song,"
Tilly glared at you, you did the same thing, but this time you tripped her making her fall off the first step
"hey everyone... Uh i don't normally sing but here's nothing i guess,"
You started Singing but in the middle of it you stopped
"What am i kidding, Here's the real talent, Ally Dawson with the butterfly song,"
everyone clapped before ally yanked you Down
"What are you doing?'
"Showing everyone how talented my sister is," Said Y/N through gritted teeth as she smiled  "Now go!"
"even though you didn't perform the song I'm glad we served justice to tilly," said Y/N as she placed an arm around Ally "I'm really lucky to have you as my sister,"
"Thanks N/N that means a lot and sorry I judged Savannah,"
"Its fine," said Y/N as you waved it off
"And Austin I know how much you wanted my dolphin, so I'm letting you have him,"
"really?" asked Austin as he jerked the Dolphin out of Ally hand as he gave it a hug
"Aww look a baby," said Melody
Austin and ally Gushed before Something happened
Austin and Ally Rewrite Masterlist
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adhd-trademark · 1 year
Do I have your attention?
This is a message to hellcheers, steddies, anti-hellcheers, anti-steddies, and anyone who attacks grace van dien online.
I might be a hellcheer myself, but trust me hellcheers, that does NOT mean you are safe from this either whatsoever.
I dont know about you guys, but I am sick and tired of all the toxicity all of us are spreading. Actually, not all of us. There are people in each of these groups (except those of you who attack grace online, I have a message for you later) who are amazing and kind and genuine pleasures to talk to and be around. I'd like to think that I'm one of them, but I'm not going to make that decision. But back to the earlier topic: there are good people in these fandoms/groups. Which brings us to my first point. We need to stop assuming the worst of each other. There are so many stereotypes of each of us, and usually they are just based off of the actions of a few people in the fandom. Example: one person who ships blahblahblah is racist/homophobic/etc, and now the people who ship lalala think all people who ship blahblahblah are racist/homophobic/etc. Now I'm not saying there arent bad people who just say genuinely terrible things in all of these fandoms. Fellow hellcheers directly, specifically the ones doing these things (you probably know who you are), you make me embarrassed to be in the fandom. Honestly. It doesnt matter who said what first or what someone's opinion is, dont be like that, period. This applies to everyone, I just wanted my fellow hellcheers to know that they arent entirely innocent either. No one is. Unless you are one of those genuinely nice people. If you are, I love you guys, no matter which ship you like. But seriously, we can all be better. We are all probably about 14 and older. We're practically adults, almost. We should act like ones. The way you SHOULD talk about an opinion in ships is with respect for the other person's opinion. It's supposed to be sharing points of view, not telling people they are crazy or weird or homophobic or racist or anything else like that if they like something you dont. If we cant act like adults, I think our best option is to simply ignore each other. Get out of each others tags for good. Stop looking for fights. To sum this first argument up, respect each others opinions, act like adults, dont assume something about someone based on what a minority (or even if it is a majority, it doesnt matter) said or did. If we cant do that, we just ignore each other. Leave each other alone. Thank you.
If you are a hellcheer, anti-hellcheer, steddie, anti-steddie, basically anyone who hasn't ever in their life harassed or said something bad publicly about grace van dien, i love you guys! You can go. Have an amazing day. 😊
If you are the people who sit on the safety of their stained futons furiously harassing and talking bad about grace online, publicly, I'm addressing you now.
It's ridiculous. Grace played a character for 14 minutes on a show where all she did in the end was die. Why do you care so much about ruining her career and hurting her? For those of you who like Joseph Quinn and are here, you realize if you said any of this crap about grace to him he would hate you, right? Hes been her number one supporter since all of you started and since the on set harassment issues. And the fact that you can find nothing better to do other than sit on your phone and try to ruin the life of an actress who never hurt you whatsoever is absurd and mildly hilarious, honestly. You guys are adults too. Grow up. The fact that a 16 y.o girl has to come on this app and tell you how to be decent human beings is really, really sad. Reflect on your actions and do better, people.
Have a nice day.
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soniccrazygal · 1 year
Is wow a new bad guy who could have guessed!! I'm really excited for this one I hope you like it
It took in a while to get away from all the people... When they had gotten back to the car where Charlie waited, Michael could tell she wasn't at full strength. She immediately Hug both of them "Oh my God I was so worried!! I'm sorry! I couldn't come to help I just can barely hold myself together right now! I'm so sorry-" "We're OK Charlie let's get in the car And find another hotel I don't think this place is gonna let us back in..." Elizabeth pointed at the hotel Michael hadn't seen it since he was running but the front entrance had Been destroyed he could also see that there was blood inside... It only took a minute for them all to get in the car Charlie drove and Michael sat with Elizabeth in the back seat as she told her story.. "When you got nabbed by that thing that looks like baby at 1st I wanted to Save you.. But then it stepped forward and its hands turned into a taser and-" Tears collected in Elizabeth's eyes "Hey Liz don't cry... it's OK... That's what I want you to do.. your safety comes 1st" Michael hugged her. the black goo was Gone now most of it had fallen off during their walk, She was still glowing slightly but Michael didn't mind. "foxy continued chasing me... he kept on tearing through cars on the way a-and people to-o it was terrible.. Then you jumped on top of me and bit me.." Elizabeth pointed to her bite mark. Her shirt was torn where it happened and It was Almost fully healed which should be impossible- "I don't know what came over me Michael I just felt something... And I just ripped off its head like it was nothing.." Elizabeth looked at Michael terrified.. "Then I-I Ripped into it right there in the middle of the road.. Couldn't stop it was like I wasn't in control.. When I finally snapped out of it I ran to where you were and ripped that thing stomach open and got you out..."
There was silence for a moment then Charlie spoke."I was right circus baby's remnant definitely affecting you... I've never seen this happen before but.." Elizabeth hugged Michael again moving as close to him as she could. "I don't think we need to talk about this Charlie... Let's just find another shady motel and stay there.. Get our bearings again" Elizabeth didn't say anything just Hugged on as tight as she could to Michael like if she didn't he would disappear...
(Somewhere else in London)
Bethany took a long ship of the "cocktail" Remnant and alcohol mixed together swimmingly.. She could already feel the rot along her body undoing itself as the remnant worked its magic.. "Honestly I liked you better when you were half decayed..." Jack the man across from her gave her a Disappointed look... Bethany gave Jack a foul look and had another large ship. Jack was from America so of course he was crass.. She didn't know too much about him other than; His full name was Jack Davis Kennedy, he what's the product of a Irish businessman father and a East Asian actress, Had inherited his father's company and his mother's good looks, And was an all around @#$#.... "I'm honestly disappointed in you Bethany you didn't just fail spectacularly you killed and somehow altered both of them.. And manage to kill yourself in the process!" Bethany rolled her eyes.. how she had miss the feeling of actually being able to feel.. only a week as a undead undead had been miserable and she hadn't even fully rotted away yet... "I mean Mr. Afton's not too happy about it! But on the other hand he never really cared for the boy much and from the news reports the girl seems to have turned out perfect.." Bethany just rolled her Hold her eyes turning her head to the tv Located on the opposite wall. Footage of the attack and the girl ripping the Fox to shreds had been caught through a shaky home video Cam and The traffic cameras so it wasn't the best footage but Anyone could recognize that bright red hair. "So what are you going to do that I can't..." Bethany said finally feeling comfortable enough to take off her gloves. the skin had regenerated perfectly it still had a slightly purple tent to it but at least it wasn't completely decayed. "I'm going to catch them, take them to the States and take them to their Dad!" Bethany rolled her eyes again again.. the shadows we're beginning to stretch as the sun was setting. (If you were judging just on that there would only be a woman on the roof..)
It didn't take long for them to find a new hotel room and for Michael to contact Damian changing the place where the package would arrive. Charlie had went out with him leaving Elizabeth alone in the room. Her veins hadn't stopped glowing but they had dimmed.. As she sat there boardly flipping through channels she could have sworn she saw the figure and a boy in the static.. (Cassidy and Evan are trying to talk to her)
There you go new villain a bit more mystery and all done I hope you like this and interested to see where you take it Signed your Person who keeps on doing this random Tumblr user!
Elizabeth was going to just turn off the tv when she noticed all the static, but then she heard a voice that she hadn’t heard in a long time attempting to talk to her. Slowly creeping loser to the tv, she asked, “Evan?”
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