#and shows people a 'fart flower haha'? what
milfbro · 1 year
I know that it's on me for watching a show for literal babies but what is the deal with the dragon prince. Literally who is this for.
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Double Decker 12 - 13 (FINAL) | Golden Kamuy 23 - 24 (FINAL) | Merc Storia 11 - 12 (FINAL) | Zombieland Saga 12 (FINAL) | Gridman 12 (FINAL) | Cells at Work! 14 (OVA) | Shield Hero 1 | Boogiepop 1 - 2 | Egao no Daika 1
Trigger warnings for rape and slavery in the Shield Hero commentary.
Double Decker 12
Deana’s actually kinda tsundere…that’s kinda amazing to see, really.
I noticed Doug’s phone says “Dr. Apple”. Haha.
Kirill’s special. But why? You never answered that, people! Update: It’s because his antibodies are an antidote for Anthem.
There appears to be a Shell logo on one wall of Derick’s bar…LOL. Shell exists in real life. Why do we want it in an anime, now…?
I laughed so hard when I saw the landlady with what remained of Seven-O, hahaha.
Travis and Sophie, huh? Is it a ship or a working relationship? Who knows?
Oh! This didn’t make sense until Derick declared the bus was a bar. Rigggggggggght.
Kirill, believe in the Doug that believes in you…or something like that…
Kirill’s holding two guns, so when Cooper says, “Put down the gun,” which one does he mean???
“And Then There Weren’t None!” – Parodying (Agatha) Christie again, I see? (Referring to Hyouka’s Why Didn’t They Ask Evans parody, Why Didn’t She Ask Eba?.)
Golden Kamuy 23
How did “pig food” in a sentence become so terrifying???
Why is Tsurumi’s head leaking???
*Sugimoto bashes the earless twin with his prosthetic foot* - Well, that’s one way to get a leg up on someone…okay, I’ll see myself out.
Merc Storia 11
If Orthos is complaining about rain, why is he a water-element unit in the game???
This show is gorgeous. Not to mention the backgrounds look like they’ve been ripped out of the game…
Aw, Orthos is kinda cute. Kinda tsundere. I wonder if he wanted to hear “happy birthday” from Raviol…?
Every time I watch through the ED, I think Raviol’s going “Geddof me!” to Yuu.
Zombieland Saga 12 (FINAL)
The Yuugiri slap returns!
The 21st of December seems to have been the original airdate of this episode…
Karatsu-jou is Karatsu Castle, quite obviously.
Wait…does this mean Kotaro Tatsumi’s real (last) name is Inui? Or was this a “I changed my name bcause my mother/I (re)married” thing?
There’s an end of episode segment…keep watching.
That was…such a non-ending! This definitely needs a season 2 if it wants to finish its storyline! Plus, Yuugiri, Tatsumi and Tae never got their focus episodes!
Gridman 12 (FINAL)
What the heck was up with that smoke cloud? It looked so real, and yet so out of place!
Ooh, I see Anti now has the ability to transform by himself…although I should’ve figured that out last episode, since I think that happened then as well.
*Anti gets stabbed with Alexis’s sword* - What the hck just happened to my garbage son??? (refer to This Week in Anime for how that nickname came about for Anti)
Eyy. So you’re saying Gridman was a magical girl robot all along? Haha…hahahaha.
So basically, it’s Boueibu LOVE! but with less meta. With lessons of mortality instead of the Kabuki Rule. Akane’s basically female!Kinshiro, right down to the hairdo…
Wow…someone really ran out of budget. It’s literally just a slideshow, but with black and white over it.
Oh, there’s actually a nice piano song in the background. So maybe I was wrong about the budget…? I don’t really want to go and watch the slideshow again, y’know.
There’s a random live-action segment at the end of this show??? Wuh??? What do I need to expect next, a talking meteorite??? (referring to Dimension High School)
Okay, seriously??? What was up with live-action Rikka???? I don’t get it… Update: Okay, so the live-action girl was Akane, not Rikka. That’s why it was so confusing…
Double Decker 13 (FINAL)
I laughed really hard at the explosions. Probably because I Photoshopped someone into a picture of an explosion and the scene with Kirill being shoved forward by an explosion reminded me of it…
I wanted Max to slap Travis, as weird as that might be for a show like this (but not for a show like Zombieland Saga). A punch in the gut’s good too, though.
“To be continued?” – Oh. Ohh. Ooh…Heh. I already knew there were some extra episodes, but at this point, there’s no ruling out a season 2, either…hmmm. I really wouldn’t mind a season 2, y’know.
Golden Kamuy 24 (FINAL)
For some reason, I’ve ben referring to Hijikata as “old fart” for the length of this episode (meaning “not long”). He’s an impressive old fart, to be sure, and he was hella nice-looking in his heyday, but in the age of Golden Kamuy, he’s still an old fart.
I thought “Say hello to my little friend” was from Scarface, not…whatever Tsurumi’s pulling here. (commnt made in jest with straight face)
Seriously, what happened to ruin Nopperabo/Wilk’s face, anyway?
Someone make me a Civil War poster with Golden Kamuy characters, stat!
Wait, so Kiroranke, Asirpa and co. are headed north to meet up with Kiroranke’s allies, which could cause a civil/national war. Hijikata and Blockhead Dick-sensei (forgot his name) are headed south due to the info they got from Inudou’s hut (the chapel). I’m pretty sure that’s what just happened, but…I could have missed a bit and then I’d be wrong.
“Send the beloved child on a journey” is a Japanese saying, by the way. That’s (probably?) what Sugimoto’s referring to when he talks with the boat captain (the elder Koito). Oddly, the elder Koito seems to drop the last O from “-dono”, which seems to be a Satsuma thing…?
Cells at Work Special Ep (Ep 14)
Oh, you can see the effector cell amongst the other T Cells! Hello there!
I remember studying stuff about how a cell divides…man, that was at least 2 years ago! You’re making me feel old…
*Helper T Cell appears* - Gaddangit, Kazuma! (from Noragami)
Merc Storia 12 (FINAL)
There’s just something too awfully cute about a brother leaving the “nest”.
Even birds need to learn to fly. I wonder why Orthos didn’t…?
Ah! It’s one of those low-level hooting monsters! I’ve seen them in the game but I don’t know what they’re called…Update: They’re called Goldories. Spoke too soon…
Well…that’s a bit frustrating. That’s the second non-ending this season…hey! I’ve seen that elephant in the game! Plus that slime! (LOL, I’m so easily distracted…)
Ooh, that non-ending. I’ll give it a piece of its mind by giving it an average rating on my AniList!!! Rah!!! Anyways, see ya later…for 2019 anime.
Shield Hero 1
First anime of 2019 and it’s this one. Hoo boy – I’ve read one chapter of the manga, courtesy of CR. It’s gonna get nasty down in here, judging by the buzz that seems set to replicate Goblin Slayer’s…
Oh…that’s not a very favourable opening, the “It was all a dream” opening. Sure, it was gripping and showd Raphtalia (saw her name in promo material from ANN), but f*** if it weren’t overused at this point in time…
I always thought Shield Hero started out like Fushigi Yuugi…speaking of which, is that no longer on Crunchyroll?
Motoyasu’s got his own spinoff, so I’m hoping I’ll get to know him well over the next 12 weeks or so.
I find it interesting that they put the heroes together to reveal they’re from different versions of Japan so quickly. I’m pretty sure that didn’t happen in the manga.
Honestly, that “NOOOOOOOOOOOo!” could be an awesome reaction GIF. Just sayin’.
Sigh…Myne, Myne, Myne…you and your ways with Naofumi…
(Trigger warning: rape discussion) See? As I said, I knew this was going to happen. The thing is that it played out a lot more clearly in the anime than it did in the manga. As much as I don’t like the trope of “rape as accusation” enough (enough to have never encountered it before), it would be hypocritical of me to say I haven’t used it before – it appears in Half-Paid Heroes. However, one year out from having written it (due to the #MeToo movement), I can only say “rape is so not on”. I do not condone rape, but from a storytelling perspective it’s the perfect trope to make a character look like a monster and it makes a clearly false accusation have more oomph behind it, so…let’s just say Shield Hero’s doing its job here, making me despise Myne and the system in this world. Besides, I only stand on the side that does the better story.
For some reason, Naofumi’s “You can shove it all up your a***!” demand reminds me of when I’m angry and doing unreasonable demands…which means it’s won me over now.
I just realised…there hasn’t been much music until now…
(Trigger warning: slavery discussion) Oof. Now they’ve gotten to a new low of depravity in this show. Naofumi’s probably gonna buy a slave…again, I don’t condone this, but I assume Raphtalia is here.
Yep, even without knowing past ch 1, I was right on the money. That’s Raphtalia!
Poppies, huh? The symbol of bloodshed. What a perfect flower for this show, which demonstrates Naofumi’s blood, sweat and tears…
As much as I don’t condone some of the acts done in this show, I see some huge potential. Even if it’s got controversy flying around it like flies, I’ll stand with it. Are you with me?
Boogiepop 1 – 2
Double length premiere…oof, this’ll be tough on my spare time. Lately, I’ve been told to clean up the house a bunch and doing all manner of other things, so it’s just eating up time on all sides.
OP start is…for some reason, never a good start. For some reason, I just don’t like it. Maybe that might be the fact I was taught to start with a compelling opening scene when I was a fiction writer, though.
The subber got so bored they even subbed the Dengeki Bunko logo in the corner…wow. (sarcastic)
For some reason, the art style reminds me of Banana Fish (or Parasyte). Must be the chara designs.
This seems to be coated in a fine film of 90s edge. Or maybe the early 2000s, because that’s when this really comes from. C’mon, Takeda doesn’t even seem surprised when his mouth hangs open!
Notably, Boogiepop uses boku.
Wait, I don’t get why Boogiepop is called that. They pop the boogie(men)? That right?
I started zoning out and fiddling with my wrist in the middle of this episode. That’s another bad sign…
Wow, that ending’s really minimalist.
Currently, this episode raises more questions than it answers. Its overall impression level is trending slightly towards the negative. There must be a double premiere for a reason, though…let’s move on.
Wait - Kirima Seiichi? Is he Nagi’s father??? How did I not notice that earlier?
That manticore business seems to be correct…according to Wikipedia.
This doesn’t add up. Taniguchi. Kirima. Maybe Taniguchi is the name of the mother/father and Kirima is the name of the other parent? Update: Spoke too soon on this point and a previous one.
Kirima’s OS appears to be Windows 10 with a few adjustments.
Wait, but isn’t Suema meant to be the girl’s surname? Or is it Kinoshita? Update: It’s Suema. Kinoshita is another girl.
This white-haired man is the one from last episode, right? I didn’t really recognise him since there’s always terrible lighting plus he was wearing orange then, but yeah. Can’t believe I didn’t connect the dots there either.
White-haired man seems to be like Anti from Gridman. I presume he’s Echoes…? Update: Yup, Echoes it is.
Egao no Daika 1
This sounds like it’s outside my field of expertise, but I’ve been proven wrong before with Planet With, not to mention Toshiki Masuda is a character called Huey Malthis. It seems to be pretty standard Princess and the Pauper fare though…
There’s just a bunch of tablets with fancy-looking English on them…the heck?
Is it just me, or did the mecha game have the solitaire success sound effect…?
Ooh, I sense animosity regarding Japan’s emperor abdicating within this show (in a metaphorical sense)! I could analyse this show to bits, maybe…
The CGI in this actually ain’t that bad. Then again, we are talking about mechs here…
Oh, end of episode segment. Keep watching…
Well, I noticed the characters go off model if you’re paying attention to something you shouldn’t be, but otherwise, it’s a respectable first episode…respectable, but fairly average.
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sassysweetstories · 7 years
Rivalry //Shawn Mendes Series
Summary: You are a demigod that’s been brought to Camp-Half Blood in hopes to find yourself and learn more about your powers. In fear of being bullied, much like before, you intend to stay behind closed doors until there in no choice but to come out about who’s child you truly belong to. 
Ship: Shawn Mendes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, fighting, swearing, fluff, blood, etc. 
Notes: none of these gifs are mine. i saw another fic about demigods and i wanted to try and make it a series. the thoughts been festering in my mind forever now. i hope you like it. (also, none of the demigods and gods are really related. because of the parents fucking around, it’s not legitimate in this series. I ALSO RECOMMEND YOU TO LISTEN TO THE PERCY JACKSON SOUNDTRACK WHILE READING THIS. IT’S SO COOL) 
Your P.O.V
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Camp-Half Blood. There is was, staring back at me like some haunting horror movie scene. The outer perimeter only being lit by two burning fires alone gave me a strange mix of home despite the ominous setting. I belong here. I tell myself the same thought that I’ve been repeating the whole drive here. I belong here. This is the golden arches for the odd and weird kids, a place to feel accepted. A place where it’s okay to be different. Or, at least that’s what I was told. But I knew if there were teens here, people my age, there would still be judgement. There always is. And the trip here was nothing but ridiculous. This place seems to fall off the edge of the earth and right under the nose of humans. And yet, I feel a pull towards the location. I know in my heart that I belong. 
Despite the nerves that start to fester, I take a deep breath and walk forward. It’s dark and quiet but the second I pass through the veil, I feel a sense of comfort or warmth wash over me. You are safe here. It seems to say to me. Lugging my one suit case farther in, I find myself following the main pathway. That is until my eyes come across a centaur. He’s fucking huge, twice if not three times my height. "Mr. Brunner, I presume.” I say seriously. Everything about me screams business, not pleasure. But he ignores it and gallops up to shake my hand in mutual respect. “Please, call me, Chiron. You’ll be seeing me quite often. Might as well get on a first name basis.” I give him a hardy shake and follow him along the dark pathway, my heart beating with excitement and nerves. 
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“Welcome to Camp Half Blood, (Y/n). I realize, as you’ve said before, that you do not want to disclose your parentage to anyone, but here in Camp Half Blood, we categories and home you according to your abilities. That is, until I realized who you belonged to-” He pauses, wary of his next words. “-We don’t get many rare demigods here, so in the interest of your discretion, and for you, and the safety of others, we will not disclose that information until it becomes absolutely necessary.” The second the words leave his mouth, I feel a weight being lifted off me. If anyone knew who I belonged to.. Gods, what a nightmare that would be. Mr. D continues to educate me on what exactly I would be doing here and the longer he spoke, the more excited I became. 
“Tomorrow (Y/n), I will personally show you around the facility, but for now I will take you to your living quarters, which are located not too far from the other kids but a good distance for privacy.” I want to look up at him and thank him but I’m so in awe by everything, I can barely form words. Instead I give him a small nod and unpack, mentally preparing for the next day to arrive. My house, since I’m the only one living in it, is a lot lighter than I thought it would be. It’s an odd mix of colors but nothing like I had anticipated. In one room it is black with shades of bright purple. In the other, it’s a vibrant orange/yellow with blue and green flowers the cover the ceiling which brought an odd contrast. It’s surprisingly warm and cosy despite my first wary impression. Everything about the room alone is far much nicer than I’d ever had. I can’t help but lean against my bed headboard and smile. I was home. 
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The next morning I’m up bright and early, too excited to even hide it. I’m practically bouncing off the walls as I slip my shoes on. But the second Chiron shows up, I suppress it a little bit. I don’t wanna come off too strong, after-all. I’m not even outside before the sun is happily shinning down on us. The trees all gleam in delight under such warm and bright weather. I can’t help but smile at the sight. Birds fluttered above my head, singing their normal song. The trees around us sway against the wind and tower over my head like mountains. The longer we walk, the closer we come to the middle of the camp grounds. Kids of all ages and colors run by us in a hustle and bustle, not without giving me a once over, if not stare at me as if I had horns or something. 
For some reason, I’m something entirely new to them. It’s as if they know. Instead I stand up straighter, demanding respect and even scowl at some who dare to give me pointed looks. And instead of making the situation worse, I focus on Chiron’s words. “You will be training like the rest of the students. But before you get to that, you have a schedule with certain classes to obviously learn about your parents and the other gods here.” As we walk by, a boy with bright eyes and dirty blonde hair eyes me up and down like a piece of meat. He nudges his lacks and they look in my direction and have the audacity to howl at me. Instead of causing a scene, I clench my fists in frustration. Deep breaths. In and out. 
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Finally pulling my gaze away from them, I can’t help but stand up straighter, as if I was trying to prove something to them. I can tell behind their cocky stares that their curious about me and what I can do. Who do I belong to and what I have to offer. But I hope they never find out. But all I know is that I do, in fact, belong. But if I wanted to show that, I would have to be on the field and in the classroom. My first class is Gods & Goddess and their powers. Before I even came to Camp Half Blood, I had always been fascinated by Greek mythology. 
I use to spend hours after school reading up on all sorts of stories only to find out I was the child of one them. Chiron escorts me to the class, if that’s not awkward enough. But when I enter, more than fifty kids look directly at me. I can practically feel their judgment filled expressions pressing down on me like an anvil. I suck in a breath of air, letting Chiron speak for me. “Professor Ryan, this is your new student, (Y/n) (Y/L/N).” I give him a hardly shake and give him my signature smile. I swear I hear a group of girls in the front sigh and swoon. Aphrodite kids, I’m sure. 
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“It’s nice to meet you, Miss (Y/L/N). You can sit right next Mr. Underwood.” I glance up at the large college build lecture hall before my gaze falls on the satyr I saw early. He looks nice, giving me a warm and playful smile. I can’t help but return it because in all honesty, it’s quite contagious. When I take a seat, I pull out my hand for him to take. “(Y/n). Nice to meet you.” He grins and takes it before shaking it lightly. “Grover. Grover Underwood. Likewise!” It’s not as bad as I thought it would be. Grover whispers comments at me the entire time, practically shit talking the professor. It takes everything in me to not burst out laughing. Once class is over though, we walk out together and the conversation flows comfortably. 
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“Hey (Y/n), I wanna introduce you to my best friend, Percy Jackson.” A boy with ocean blue eyes waltz up to us, showing me an equally warm smile. I take his hand and give him a hardy shake. “Nice to meet you, Percy. Cool name. I’m (Y/n), (Y/n) (Y/L/N).” Percy is just as nice as Grover and they make me feel at home. He’s son of Poseidon apparently. Which took me by surprise. “You’ll meet the rest of the gang later. Until now, you’ll have to settle for us.” Percy says jokingly but I can already sense a slight insecurity. “I like your guys’ company just fine.” But the second the words leave my mouth, I see Percy and Grover ease up. The sight makes me chuckle. It was only the first day and I was already making friends. 
Grover has taken it upon himself to show me every nook and cranny of the camp, saying Chiron was an old fart who didn’t know any of their secrets. Pointing over to a warm pink lit dorm, he gave me a cheeky smile. “Aphrodite’s daughters. Hello ladies!” He gives them a wave and some of them giggle in response. I’d be lying if I said none of them were attractive. The art of beauty and seduction was always something they perfected apparently. Some even wink at me as we walk by. I can’t help but blush as we shuffle across the way. “Aphrodite’s daughters are nothing but wild, especially in the sheets. Stay away from them. Or don’t. I mean, I don’t stay away, haha. Not far from them is Athena, girls and boys are separated but that doesn’t stop us much. You’ll meet Annabeth later. She’s a child of Athena.”
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We make our way over to the dueling field and the girl he was talking about, whom I believe is Annabeth, is dueling with three other opponents. I watch in awe as she beats them with ease, not a bead of sweat to cover her gorgeous features. I can’t help but gape as she strides over to us, looking nothing but powerful. “That was amazing.” I spew out before my mind could even think. Before she seemed more cold and wary, but the longer she eyes me, the more at ease she becomes. “Thank you. I’m Annabeth.” I take her hand, still gaping. “I’m (Y/n). That was incredible. Can you teach me how to do that?” She laughs at my genuine awe. “Of course, in due time. We have to meet up with the others.” 
“The others?” I can’t help but ask in curiosity. They all smile as Grover spoke. “Luke and Shawn. Luke tags along with us occasionally but he mainly sticks to the more jock type crowd, ya know? He’s more brutes than he is brains. But don’t tell him I said that. Besides, he only sticks around with us because he fancies Percy.” Percy shakes his head, chuckling lightly as we walk down a different pathway. “He’s my friend. They’re both really great. You’re gonna love Shawn. He’s super chill but can be a bit cocky at times. He’s also got a killer voice. Shawn might seem a bit off but he’s pretty down to earth-” Annabeth practically snorts. “And he’s not a dick like Luke.” I can’t help but laugh at the comments being made towards the young boy. “Is Luke the one with dirty blonde hair? I may have seen him this morning howling at me. What a douche.” They snort at my comment before nodding. 
We head over to the weapons hall and as we enter, I can’t help but gape in awe. Weapons from all shapes and sizes layer each side of the walls, some even attached to the ceiling. Running my hand over some, I can’t help but smirk at the glint of light they all give off. “Beautiful, ain’t she? You’ll start combat soon but before you get your hands dirty, you’re gonna need a weapon, eh?” Grover says to me, motioning for everyone to follow him. We do so and listen to the folk lore behind all of the swords and knives without homes. That was until a bright black shine caught my gaze. Without realizing it, I drifted away from the group to get a better look at it. Black as night, the sword stretches a good few feet with a dark red leather handle and small, thin white swirls etched across the blade. 
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I feel a pull towards the blade, like it was meant for me. I’m so enthralled by it’s treacherous beauty I almost don’t hear the manager comment, “Gorgeous, isn’t she. Five carbon steel, practically unbreakable, with a dark red handle that’s both comfortable yet firm enough to grip.” I graze the outside of the handle and smile at the sensation. That was until the manager commented, “I wouldn’t try to pick it up. It’s the heaviest weapon we’ve got and you look pretty nimble.” I could stand men trying to down grade women. Instead of listening to his warning, I take the sword with one hand and lift, expecting it to be heavy for my too “nimble body” but instead it practically floats under my touch. I twirl it around and it feels like I’m holding air. “Are you sure it’s the heaviest? It feels light to me.” 
The look on his face is nothing but priceless. Jaw dropped to the floor, face white he manages to scrape the last bit of testosterone he had and heads to the front. I take the sword with a smile, intending to check out before I came to an abrupt halt. The blonde douche I saw early, Luke, I believe, was speaking to another boy in a hushed manor behind a stack of knives. He had chocolate brown hair and equally as appealing eyes. “I don’t know Luke.. We don’t know anything about her-” He said softly, scanning over the weapons. Luke replied hastily. “She could be a great ally when we have the battle Friday.” The chocolate haired hunk scoffed. “We don’t even know if she can fight yet! Nor do we know of her abilities! What could she possibly offer for the win?!” Luke rolled his eyes and nudged the boys arm jokingly but he didn’t seem to enjoy it. “Don’t worry. With my suave persona, she’ll be confessing everything in no time. We’ll win this fight Friday, Shawn.” 
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Were they talking about me? They must be. Quickly and quietly, I slip away from them without making a peep and head to the check-out line. “Looks like you found one!” Percy exclaimed happily, eyeing my weapon of choice. Annabeth nods her head with pride. “That’s a beautiful sword. You’re sure about it though? Once you choose a weapon, it becomes like your mate.” Percy and Grover share a confused glance before shrugging at me. I look down at it with my own sense of pride, happy with my choice before nodding. “Yeah, I’m sure.” Percy’s eyes wander to someone over my shoulder. “SHAWN! LUKE!” He exclaims, smiling at the two. I don’t make eye contact with them yet. Instead I hand over my sword to pay. 
The cashier nearly drops the sword, half dragging it across the floor to scan the price-tag along with the belt attachment. “Do you need help?” I ask, trying not to smile at his struggling state. He puffs and curses under his breath, arms bulging in hopes to lift the weapon I’ve handed to him. “Nope, ugh, I- I’m f-fine-” The interaction has unfortunately caught the groups attention and Grover can’t help but ask, “(Y/n), did you get the biggest one?!” I glance over at him and nod. “Yeah, what can I say, I like big things.” The sentence was meant to be a casual response but all four of the boys turned bright red with embarrassment while Annabeth burst out laughing at their reactions. As I’m about to look back at the cashier, my gaze meets Shawn’s. 
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His eyes are bright despite being a chocolate brown. They almost have a flicker of light to them. One I can’t particularly describe. He’s different, I can feel it. I give him a small smile which he returns with a mediocre smirk. “Hun, why don’t I take that before you pull a muscle-” I wrap the holder around my waist and tie it before taking the sword from him. He sighs, almost happy to not have to carry its gargantuan weight any longer. But before I can slip my beautiful weapon into its case, Luke saunters up to me with a cocky grin. “You must be the beautiful, (Y/n). I’m Luke. Would you like me to carry that for you?” Annabeth and I exchange a knowing look. What did this boy expect from me? To just drop my panties cause he decided to be nice? Pff. 
I give him the fakest, most innocent smile I could before sighing sweetly. “Oh my gosh, that is so sweet. Thank you.” I take a step back and toss the blade at him. He lefts out an “Oof!” before falling to the ground, coughing and grunting as he attempts to hold the weight up. I walk around his immobile body and stick my hand out for Shawn to shake. “I’m (Y/n). Nice to meet you.” The moment he takes it, I feel a shock run through my body, itching up and down my spine before it dissipates. What the hell was that? “I’m Shawn. Likewise.” When he lets go of my hand, his is warmer than when we first touched. I wonder if I rubbed off on him? He glances down at me with wonder and curiosity. We duel with our eyes, examining one another before looking away.
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I strut over to Luke who is still thrashing on the floor before I lift my sword off him with one hand. He sighs in relief, taking massive breaths of fresh air to accommodate for the ones that have been taken from him. Sheathing my blade, I look back at Annabeth with an innocent smile. “Annabeth, hun. Would you like to go practice dueling?” She laces her arm through mine, waving at the boys as we walk out. “I think we’re gonna be very good friends.” I can’t help but laugh with delight at her statement, feeling the boys eyes follow us the whole way out. I can’t help but look back at Shawn and ponder. Who does he belong to? 
Annabeth and I head out to the battle arena to change and practice fighting. “So-” I say while adjusting my gear. “-who are Luke and Shawn’s parents.” Annabeth tosses me another accessory for combat before replying. “Well, Luke is Hermes kid. You wouldn’t have guessed it but he, like most kids, hate their parents. He despises his dad, which is understandable. And for some odd reason, he gets super defensive and competitive when it comes to battles. Thinks he has to prove something to someone because he thinks his parent isn’t the strongest. It’s all about titles to him.” 
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I nod along to her words but ask about the other boy, not caring much about the first. “And Shawn? What about him?” She talks while she ties her boots. “Well I think Luke just hangs out with Shawn because of his parental title-” I sheath my sword, standing up straighter. “What do you mean? Who is his parent?” When she looked back at me, I expect her to tell me the name of a small god but instead it’s someone who rattles me. “He’s the son of Zeus.” I drop my shoe in shock, nearly dropping the rest of my stuff. Annabeth laughs. “Yeah. He usually has that affect on women.” I scoff, shaking my head before resting my hands on my hips. “Pff. No! I was just surprised. Um, that’s pretty rare, isn’t it?” 
She nodded, grabbing her sword before following me out onto the battlefield. “Yeah, it is. Percy and him are the only two sons of the big three. There hasn’t been a third son but I’m hoping it’s a girl. I think Luke is using Shawn and Percy’s friendship to get ahead during the trials and fights. It’s vile.” I nod along to her voice. She was definitely Athena’s kid, brilliant and tactical. “Okay so, what are you gonna teach me so that I’ll be prepared. I want to be as good as you.” Annabeth took a few steps back, stretching her muscles. “That might take some time.” I drew my sword and grinned up at her. “I’m a good learning.” Before I knew it, she ran towards me and our swords crashed together. “Let’s get started.” 
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Annabeth is a brutal teacher but she’s nothing like Ares teachers. They’re ruthless and cruel, just like their god father. I half expect them to have sharp teeth. We practice for nearly two days straight I almost don’t notice it’s been that long. With only fruits, vegetables and water to keep us going, we keep fighting. It’s nothing but exhilarating. We’re dueling and running circles around one another so much I barely acknowledge the ever growing crowd that’s decided to make their way towards us, intrigued by our fight and what we have to offer, what I have to offer. I barrel towards her, dodging whatever attacks she intends to throw my way before slamming my sword down on her. When they clash, sparks fly. Our faces a mere few inches apart as we growl at one another before separating again. 
“How long have they been going at it?” I hear Percy ask Grover. To which he responded with. “Two days straight. A few breaks here and there but I’ve never seen someone hold a fight with Annabeth and not fall over. It’s incredible.” Luke and Shawn stand near the other two boys, watching us closely. I almost feel bad for Shawn but I’m then reminded that I don’t really know him. “Getting tired yet?” Annabeth asks me with a shit-eating grin. I stand up straighter with an equally as warming smile before getting into my fighting position. “Not even close.” The sounds of our swords clashing together echoed all throughout the camp. There wasn’t one person who knew we were fighting. She slams her sword down and instead of hitting me, smashes the grass. 
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I turn over my shoulder to dodge her attack before making one of my own. When I reach my sword out, hers matches my movements. The tips threatening to cut the others throat. “You’re a fast learner.” She says, smiling up at me. We mutually sheath our weapons and examine the others sweaty state. “Gods, I need a shower.” I say, wiping off the sweat that dripped down all parts of my body. “I think the boys disagree.” Turning over my shoulder to see what she meant, Luke stares at me like I’m a prize, like I’m meat to be won over. Grover and Percy look at me as friends do, with pride. But I can’t quite pin Shawn’s facial expression. His is a mixture of things. Some I can’t read, others I can. It’s pride for a friend but with a hint of attraction, lust. “I think you’ve caught the golden boys eye.” 
I eye him up and down and watch as he does the same for me. I can’t help but take Annabeth’s previous words into consideration. If this battle is as important to Luke as she says it is, than how important is Shawn to him. What does he have to offer? What are his powers? Do they have limits? What if Shawn isn’t as innocent as people believe him to be? What if he’s just as wrapped up about the hierarchy as Luke is? Annabeth and I head over to the showers, very much in need of some soap. But the whole time I can’t help but ponder that all of this seems to dive deeper than I think. 
(I hope you guys liked it! This is just the introduction to the series. I think I’m gonna make it a 2-3 parter series. Comment below! I love suggestions and feedback!)
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letterstothelosers · 7 years
Well don't leave us in suspense, Richie! What are some of your tattoo ideas??
So, when I say covered, I mean with specfic tattoos that mean something to me. I love seeing people head to toe in tattoos but it would be way too expensive and I don’t have the funds or the patience to sit still xD 
I’d want tattoos for each loser. Something that makes me instantly think of them. So, first there’s Stan’s. Obviously it would be birds, no question, and I’d want two large magpie’s on my shoulder blade, which I know would hurt like a mother fucker but he’s my best friend and I’d put up with the pain for him. Plus, he says Magpie’s are one of his favourite birds and I think they’re cute!
Bill’s would be a paint board with flowers on it to show how artsy he is. I’d probably want it somewhere on my bicep on the opposite side of my body to Stan’s so they don’t clash too much. It would always remind me of how creative and fresh he is, he’s so original and just so..Bill.
Bev’s is easy, a line drawing of a woman’s face on my forearm. It’s a pretty popular design, just google it haha, but the woman is holding a rose above one of her eyes and it’s super pretty and simplistic and just screams Beverly. And that means she’d be right by my side no matter what!
Mike’s would be some wheat grains on my ribs, which sounds weird but it just makes me think of the farm! The farm is my home now and I can’t imagine not helping him and his grandfather every morning and grumbling over the pigs stepping on my feet and the cows farting because it’s just...routine. Mike is like the big brother I never had and I’m eternally grateful to him for taking me in, he’s the purest soul and having him on my ribs also means hes by my side, always.
Benny would have to write me a lil poem that I’d tattoo on my other forearm, so it would match Bev’s tattoo on the other arm. He’d have to write HIS BEST WORK if I’m gonna have it on me forever ;) but I trust him, and I know he’d write something that would describe our friendship better than anyone because he truly is a wordsmith!
And last, but certainly not least...Eddie’s tattoo. His is the most difficult, because there’s so many things about him that I could get tattooed. But then, I thought, why not go for the most simple yet effective option? So, one day, I’m gonna get a capital ‘E’ tattooed on the inside of my finger. More specifically, my left ring finger. I think his name belongs there, even if it’s small and no one will really see it. But that just makes it that much better. It’s private, it’s secret, it’s ours. 
- Richie
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Week Two: 1st and 2nd Graders Are Crazy (and Awesome)
First of all, it’s crazy to think it has been a week. ONLY ONE WEEK. It feels like a month and simultaneously like I just blinked and now it’s Saturday again.
My voice is gone. I just woke up about 45 minutes ago and haven’t tested it yet today because I want it to be back and I’m afraid that it won’t be. I have realized that I love to talk and laugh and sing and with my voice being gone for almost 3.5 days now it has honestly put me in a depressed mood. I just want it back!
Before I get started, I just wanted to say I miss all of you back in Arizona who might be taking the time out of the day to read this or who aren’t. Don’t forget about me! (Biggest fear)
Alright, so we started off the week being prayed over by the church that Camp Sonshine is located at. I loved it. I love seeing other churches and their communities and their worship. The whole side of worship that involves flags?? Awesome. Seriously, awesome. There was also a men’s dance worship team thing where they had these big flag lookin’ things (they were kind of like the thing that hit the Moana girl at the Oscars during her live performance). Again, really cool. A bunch of us went to Cafe Rio and Starbucks afterward.
First day of camp was hectic and crazy. Instead of being with my  regular group I was subbing for a kindergarten group in Discovery. If there’s one age group I don’t know how to handle it’s these little munchkins. I definitely became friends with some of them, but I also had a special needs student that was super unwilling at times. Love her to death, but I’ve only ever experienced working with special needs that are older kids so Monday was a struggle. There was also just craziness all over camp so it wasn’t just me (thank the LORD).
But starting the second day of camp by being with Explorers (1st and 2nd) was awesome. These kids are great. Also, all of these days blend together so I’m just writing the rest of the camp week from here.
These kids are so creative and so extreme. Some of them go from having the worst day ever to the most fun day ever in 0.2 seconds. Or some of them have been having the worst day ever for two days now and there’s no changing that kid’s mind. They’re also way smarter than I give them credit for sometimes.
A bunch of the boys made this rock shop on a log near our arrival/departure area and their form of currency is wood chips or credit cards (but it’s really just a big wood chip). Fast forward a couple days and a different group of boys who think the shop is charging too much for their rocks has made a weapons shop that they dragged a log over to make and now these two shops are at war (WHAT). They use big sticks and branches as guns. I seriously can’t even. What are boys. Most of the rest play gaga ball or hang out with their counselors.
The girls are very split. Some of them, I’ve noticed, really like to hit this tree stump nearby with sticks. WHY. Some of them, and by that I mean very few, like to join in with the boys to play gaga ball. A lot of them hang out with their counselors or play in the sand pits.
Since I don’t have a specific group I’ve also gotten to watch a few groups while their counselor is gone. So I watched the same group of girls twice this week and one group of second grade boys. The girls are pretty okay. A little crazy and whiny, but they’re cool. We’re friends. I try to say hi to them every day. The second grade boys? Oh man. Rough day. They were tired and thus cranky after a morning at the pool so they were very rude to each other and there was one fight with pushing and then one of the kids punched a different kid in the eye during gaga ball at the very end of the day. I think they were all just having a bad day. I had no voice, so it was hard to control. But it was fine in the end! They went home and they were okay. Their counselor made them say sorry to me the next day. That was kind of sweet.
But there’s this one girl who is one of my good friends now. I don’t know if I can say her name, but we’ll call her Mary. Mary is in my friend Paris’s group. She isn’t quite up to the social bar all the other kids are at so she’s just a bit argumentative at times and a little judgmental of her peers. My programmer asked me to hang out with their group earlier this week so I could hang out specifically with Mary. Mary lights up a little bit when I talk to her. She really likes talking to me and telling me a bunch of things. She will softly pat your shoulder and then kind of mumble what she wants you to know and you have to pay attention or you’ll miss it. I always want to pay the utmost attention because I want Mary to know that I think what she says is super important to me.
So on a different day, I made Mary sit by me in an activity which was a lot of coloring and face paint. She didn’t want to draw so I offered to draw for her. I drew a bunny which was pretty good but she didn’t think it was so she crumpled it up (lol). She asked me if I knew how to draw a butterfly and while I do know how, I told her I always end up drawing blobs and it never looks right. I gave her an example that kind of looked like popcorn and she said something like, “Wow. I can draw one that’s way better than your’s.” I told her to draw me one and that I would keep it in my backpack. She did it! It’s an orange butterfly, a purple flower, the sun, the sky, clouds, and the grass. It’s still in my backpack. Every now and then I show it to her so be like, “See, Mary?! I still have it!” and she smiles every time. I also got to talk about churches with her a bit. She said it was boring at church and I told her that all churches are different and she might like a different kind of church more and think it is a little more fun. I wish I could bring Cornerstone here and have another Kidz Camp and have her go to it.
Most of the time I’m just hanging out with these kids and they really like to show me tricks and tell me things. I consider myself to be an attentive person and I think they catch onto that. They know that I’m fully listening and watching. I also think most of their parents must work a lot.
SIDEBAR: “Do you have a boyfriend?” WOW these kids are so interested in my romantic life, which is nada. None. Zilch. Sorry to disappoint, kids. But literally, WHAT? There are the kids that assume the ring on my right hand (the only ring I wear) means I’m dating somebody or married. Nah, that’s the left hand, kiddos. Or they think that because I am in/have graduated college that I must be dating someone. When one boy said that I told him, “But what if I’m not dating anyone?” To which he said, “Then you just don’t want to right now.” NOT ALWAYS TRUE, KID. Haha. They’re so funny. Just yesterday these girls assumed I had a boyfriend because of my ring and i told them I don’t. They asked me how old and I was and I told them and one cried out, “But if you don’t have a boyfriend then how are you going to have babies?!” ExcUSE ME. Who said I wanted babies right now, kid? Their minds crack me up. I know I had a similar logic when I was little and now I know how funny that was other other people. But those girls also told me I could have a boyfriend anytime I want and I said, “Really? Who? Who would it be? Cause I don’t have any clue.” and Grace starts pointing at every male counselor in the room, “Him! or him! or him! or him!” and I laughed and said, “Calm down.” 
Segues are hard. I had a really good talk with Preston recently and I just wanted to say I’m really lucky to have a really good friend from home here with me. Someone who already understands who I am as a person and I don’t have to explain everything to. Preston, you probably won’t read this, but seriously you rock.
The last thing I wanted to talk about was being on skit team.
Skit team is great. We meet up in the afternoon to talk about the skit for the next day and then we meet up in the morning to rehearse. This week was super fun getting to come up with skits about the camp rules, whining and complaining, participating, wandering off, and about how God Is Real. I got to be a hippo that played in shaving cream and I got to be that annoying friend who just doesn’t shut up. But that annoying friend ended up being the one to convince the others that God is real. And also the one that ate a burrito for breakfast and kept farting. Lol what.
But honestly skit team has such a cool impact. These kids in Explorer come up to me and ask me silly questions about how my character ate burritos and was lost in the safari for a year and two girls from the group I got to watch this week also talked to me about how the God is Real skit was their favorite and their favorite moments from it. How freaking cool is that?
Today I think we’re all just hanging out at the house before going to the cookout/bbq/thing later for camp staff. It’s bound to be fun!
P.S. We get a worship night a week and if you need a worship song to get you through your next week I highly recommend Build My Life by Housefires. It’s lit.
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lglorien · 8 years
I was tagged by this cool chick with a cool blog @harleygrenade. Thank you! :)
rules: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. when you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. have fun and enjoy!
1: are you named after someone? My parents didn’t have anyone specific in mind when they named me, they just liked the name. They did share the story of Saint Irene with me, though, who was martyred for her faith in early Christian times (and is supposedly my patron saint), and they also mentioned that my name comes from Eirene, the Greek Goddess of Peace, and I like all of that. I like my name and the fact that it means something as nice as peace, as well as that it’s been given to several strong women in history.
2: when was the last time you cried? A few weeks ago. It was a movie scene that got me going, but I can’t remember what it was, hmm.
3: do you like your handwriting? Yes, I quite do, it’s round and clear, and due to calligraphy lessons, that style has kind of crept into it, and I like that it’s a bit artistic now.
4: what is your favourite lunch meat? Turkey and beef.
5: do you have kids? No (not yet, but it might still happen, the clock’s not done ticking haha).
6: if you were another person, would you be friends with you? I’d like to think so, yes. :) I mean, I like myself.
7: do you use sarcasm? Do I use sarcasm? When don’t I use sarcasm? Like, seriously, I should tone it down a bit.
8: do you still have your tonsils? Yes.
9: would you bungee jump? Hell no. Adrenaline-filled activities are not for me.
10: what is your favourite kind of cereal? I love dark chocolare muesli, the milk has to be cold.
11: do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Mostly, I just don’t. :)
12: do you think you’re a strong person? Most of the time I am, or I try to be. When I have to be, even when I don’t feel that way, I try to pull through. I’m a big softie, really, but as I said, when a situation calls for it, I can be tough and a lot of the time, playing tough actually leads to me actually feeling like that.
13: what is your favourite ice cream? Ever, ever? :) Mint chocolate chip ice cream and stracciatella. I can’t choose between the two, I love them both. I’m also fond of walnut ice cream and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. You may have noticed that fruit flavours are not for me. :)
14: what is the first thing you notice about people? The way they shake my hand and their smile/laughter. 
16: what is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? My toes and cracked heels. The cracked heels make me feel like a grandma, I depend on  moisturizing creams so badly. And I inherited my dad’s feet, I think, so I don’t know, they look like men-feet lol. But hey, at least that can be fixed with some nail polish, so that’s okay haha.I wish I didn’t have to wear glasses, but that’s a medical thing and it doesn’t bother me that much, unless I want to watch TV lying on my side, which is impossible with glasses. :)
17: what color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Gray pants, white and pink plush slippers. Don’t judge, it’s only slippers. :)
19: what are you listening to right now? Watching Black Sails, actually, so I’ve been answering these questions during short pauses, and it’s taking a long time to finish haha.
20: if you were a crayon, what color would you be? Light blue.
21: favourite smell? Do not. How could I choose?! The smell of grass after a summer rain, the smell of early spring, the smell of chocolate, the smell of Flower by Kenzo, the smell of freshly baked cookies, the smell of an empty church, the smell of a library, the smell of popcorn at the movies ... Take a pick.
22: who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My uncle.
23: favorite sport to watch? Nah, I don’t watch sports. Occasionally, I I tune into some figure skating. I used to watch it all the time, but TV shows win.
24: hair color? Mahogany brown, it says so on the box. :)
25: eye color? Blue.
26: do you wear contacts? No, glasses.
27: favourite food to eat? PASTA. Any pasta, I love pasta.
28: scary movies or comedy? Neither is my favourite genre, but a good comedy is nice (they don’t make them anymore, you only get fart and penis jokes now).
29: last movie you watched? Shaun of the Dead was on TV, so I watched that.
30: what color of shirt are you wearing? Black.
31: summer or winter? Summer.
32: hugs or kisses? Hugs.
33: what book are you currently reading? The Tricking of Freya by Christina Sunley.
34: who do you miss right now? Nobody, really. I don’t know if that’s good or bad lol. Does missing fictional characters while waiting for a new season count? ...
35: what is on your mouse pad? Looks like a vintage-patterned wallpaper with a random bird in the middle.
36: what is the last tv program you watched? Black Sails (catching up at last, almost done with S2!).
37: what is the best sound? This is right there with the favourite-smell question, so here we go ... The sound of an orchestra warming up, the sound of soft piano music, the sounds of a summer night (crickets and shit), the humming of the freezer (don’t even ask), the sound of typing, the sound of the rustling pages of a book, the sound of crunching snow beneath my feet, the sound of pizzicato on the cello ...
38: rolling stones or the beatles? The Beatles.
39: what is the furthest you have ever traveled? London, England.
40: do you have a special talent? I don’t know about the special part, but I’m good with words (writing) and I can sing.
41: where were you born? Slovenia. Unfortunately, everybody knows us now. lol
I TAG: @she-did-a-bad-thing, @hithelleth, @charliestokers, @artislovetimeslove.
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moikoa16 · 7 years
All 100 questions
Anon you’re killing me here! Jk You gave me something to do haha
Is a kiss considered cheating? Yes
Have you ever faked orgasm? No
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Teleportation
Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? Lol probably not
Tell us some funny drunk story. Uhh I’ve only really gotten drunk like 3 times and nothing funny has happened lol
Why are you no longer together with your ex? I didn’t feel the same way
If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Umm idk but I would prefer it to be quick and painless
What are your current goals? Become a cop
Do you like someone? Maybe
Who was the last person to disappoint you? My best friend Cory
Do you like your body? ….no
Can you keep a diet? Idk
If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? …Idk
Do you work? Yes
If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? Pasta
Would you get a tattoo? Yes I want a few a actually
Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? Most of my money goes towards bills so I don’t spend much anywhere else, so idk
Can you drive? Yes
When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? Like 3 days ago maybe? Idk
What was the last thing you cried for? My friend was missing o I was freaking out (or so we thought) but she showed up eventually
Do you keep a journal? No
Is life fun? So far not for me..
Is farting in front of people irrelevant? uh it’s rude that’s for sure lol
What’s your dream car? Black four door jeep wrangler ♥
Are grades in school important? I mean they’ll help you pass lol But they don’t define you
Describe your crush. :P
What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? Idk
What was your last lie? “I can’t go I have to cook today”
Dumbest lie you ever told? I honestly don’t know
Is crying in front of people embarrassing? Yeah
Something you did and you are proud of? …nothing yet
What’s your favorite cocktail? I usually get a Long Island iced tea
Something you are good at? I’m really good at remembering numbers and patterns if that counts? lol
Do you like small kids? I love them!
How are you feeling right now? Could be better
What would you name your daughter/son? I’d name my son either Justin James (JJ) or… fuck I don’t remember any of the names besides that one…
What do you need to be happy? If I knew I would already have it 
Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? No
What was the last gift you received? Huh I don’t remember. I don’t exactly get gifts.. 
What was the last gift you gave? I gave my friend an amazon gift card and cards against humanity ‘cause she wanted them
What was the last concert you went to? HomeFree
Favorite place to shop at? Does a cafe count? lol
Who inspires you? Not sure
How old were you when you first got drunk? 21 when I got drunk, but first drink was like 13 lol
How old were you when you first got high? Never gotten high
How old were you when you first had sex? I’m still a virgin
When was your first kiss? 8th grade I think
Something you want to do until the end of this year? Lose more weight?
Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? Yeah
Post a selfie. I don’t take many so I’ll just reblog the most recent one I’ve taken
Who are you most comfortable around? Honestly.. I don’t know. I don’t think there is anyone I’m 100% comfortable with.
Name one thing that terrifies you. Not being able to have my own kid if I ever decide to have any in the future
What kind of books do you read? Romance and Sci-Fi I guess  
What would you tell your 12 year old self? “Try not to stress so much with what’s coming next year”
What is your favorite flower? White roses :)
Any bad habits you have? I don’t think so?
What kind of people are you attracted to? The wrong ones apparently
What was the last thing you cried for? I answered this at 20
Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?  Lol I don’t eat MANY things. I’m a very picky eater 
Are you in love? No
Something you find romantic? Small gestures
How long was your longest relationship? They didn’t last long. I dont even count them as relationships honestly
What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? No comment
What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? No comment
What are you saving money for? My jeep and Khaos ♥
How would you describe your bad side? Idk? lol
Are you actually a good person? Why? I am, because it’s just the type of person I am
What are you living for? Idk….
Have you ever done anything illegal? Maybe… 
Do you like your body? I already answered this, the answer is no.
Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? I would never do that
Ever sent nudes? Hahahaha
Have you ever cheated on someone? I would never. 
Favorite candy? Snickers I guess
Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! No
Do you play any computer games? What is your favorite game? I  do not
Favorite TV series? NCIS, Criminal Minds, Hawaii Five-0, GoT
Are you religious? Does God exist? I don’t go to church if that’s what you’re askin
What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? Uh I’m still reading it (I have a few that I started and just haven’t finished them). The book is alright
What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? If you enjoy it good for you, I’ll stick to meat 
How long have you been on Tumblr? I made it back in 2011, but I’ve only really been on it for the past year or so
Do you like Chinese food? Nope
McDonalds or Subway? McD’s
Vodka or whiskey? Whiskey
Alcohol or drugs? Alcohol
Ever been out of your province/state/country? Yes
Meaning behind your blog name? I’m allergic and my birthday (I didn’t know I was allergic when I made it lol)
What are you scared of? Not being happy
Last time you were insulted? Idk
Most traumatic experience ? Idk
Perfect date idea? How about I get asked on one first since I’ve never been on one
Favorite app on your phone? Tumblr?
What color are the walls in your room? Eggshell maybe
Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? Nah not really
Share your favorite quote.  “Imi Loko Ka ‘Uhane”
What is the meaning of life? Idk
Do you like horror movies? I’ve never watched one
Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? Yeah….
Do you feel lucky or special in a way? Nope
Can you keep a secret? Yes I can
Thanks for asking anon!
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gattinarubia · 7 years
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? i guess more milk than cereal
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? yeah usually
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? usually i turn the corner unless it’s a really nice book - and then just like a scrap of paper
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? cream only
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? no
6: do you keep plants? yeah! their names are cheryl and lydia
7: do you name your plants? see above question hahaha
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? usually writing
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? yes
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? side/stomach
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? farts (haha jk “inner joke”)
12: what's your favorite planet? i’ve only ever been to the one. but maybe mars because people might go there 
13: what's something that made you smile today? yuri on ice
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? messy because of me? idk. i’m picturing separate rooms and a nice view
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! venus has a volcano that’s 4000 mi long
16: what's your favorite pasta dish? mac and cheese. followed by carbonara or bolognese
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? i’m happy as a blonde, actually
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. i traded a cigarette for a handful of koala cookies once
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? yeah. it’s mostly for when i’m traveling or stressed out. there’s a lot of calligraphy practice in it, too
20: what's your favorite eye color? on someone else, i’d have to say brown
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. it’s a disgusting shit pile but i still use it because the outside looks okay
22: are you a morning person? yeah, actually
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? sit and work on projects and watch netflix
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? yeah, i guess. i don’t have terrible secrets so it’s not really an issue
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? the trip room at camp at night
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? black boots i guess. or black flats. depending on the time of year
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? juicy fruit or big red
28: sunrise or sunset? it totally depends
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? always texts me to say thank you for letting him come by after he’s already left
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? umm yes.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. none of them match, and half the time i can’t find a clean pair and just wear dirty ones. my mom loves socks and takes care of hers and struggles to understand me
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. i have no idea where to start. i rode in an ambulance with a friend in my overalls one time.
33: what's your fave pastry? croissants aux amandes
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? it was a blanket. i called it blankie, it was white with pastel animal shapes and crocheted edges. i have no idea what happened to it.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? omg YES. i’m obsessed with office supplies and pens especially.
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? no idea. i’m not good at that stuff.
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? i don’t like keeping it messy, but i do anyway
38: tell us about your pet peeves! really dumb grammar errors in scripted content (like double comparatives). also mispronouncing something really badly in one’s native language. i hate being called “little lady” (by anyone) or “sweetie” (by strangers). people who are always shushing people.
39: what color do you wear the most? black i guess. also blue.
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? i have a ring on my thumb. i told my grandma that i liked her ring and she gave it to me. i’ve only taken it off twice in 5 years
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? ooooh tough question. Maurice. definitely read it. it’s so gay and beautiful
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! the one downstairs because a cute girl works there
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? no idea. my brother, possibly.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? i feel personally victimized by this question. honestly it’s been years.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? a good bit
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. no.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? none of them? idk, people need food. kale is pretty gross and useless. i’d have to go with whale meat, tiger meat, and elephant meat. don’t eat endangered animals, friends.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? i think it was rejection and abandonment, much like now.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? no, i haven’t bought a CD since 2010, and buying records is pretentious unless you’re oldish and have a nostalgic reason to buy them.
50: what's an odd thing you collect? my birds’ feathers
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? ... i don’t really work like that.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? anything shitting on trump
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? all of them. i enjoy them usually.
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? myself in the mirror lol -- no but seriously my mom talking about her mom’s alzheimers....
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? probably had sex with someone. slapped someone. ate a cricket.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? shyness, mothering tendencies, accents, unironic enthusiasm, touchy-ness, a funny laugh, self-deprecating humor
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? i’m not going to do that. but i love that song, and i would have dramatically reenacted the lyrics
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? i’m worried that i’m both.
59: what's your favorite myth? The Devi Shakti
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? yes. i love arthur rimbaud, oscar wilde, lady ise, and shakespeare (who wouldn’t like shakespeare?)
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? gave someone a rock once. i got one of those crinkle shirts one time
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? not usually. but if i do, orange juice
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? i leave them be
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? dark brown. nightime in the city
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? plenty
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? i guess something with greenery and bleeding hearts on it
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? delightful
68: what's winter like where you live? cold and snowy (but more slushy the last couple of years)
69: what are your favorite board games? i prefer card games. but i like guess who and reversi
70: have you ever used a ouija board? yeah
71: what's your favorite kind of tea? chai
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? not necessarily
73: what are some of your worst habits? biting my nails, being late, interrupting my brother when he’s talking
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. friendly smile, worrywart, dumb jokes, caring, gregarious, anxious
75: tell us about your pets! i have two birds, a fish, and a tarantula. my birds are my beautiful angels.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? always. but it’s nighttime so nothing major.
77: pink or yellow lemonade? no preference. they taste the same.
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? i’m in the i-don’t-care club
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? a boy i used to nanny drew me a picture to make me feel better about my bird dying - he drew about her being alive and flying around.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? grey. no. i live in an apartment. i could paint the walls but i don’t really care.
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. no, this isn’t creative writing class.
82: are/were you good in school? yeah, pretty good.
83: what's some of your favorite album art? i haven’t bought an album since 2010
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? yes. triskelion, and camp symbol. i just haven’t decided where i want them.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? yeah! archie and buffy
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? no?
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? jeez idk. some documentaries probably. 
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? romanticism for some reason
89: are you close to your parents? yeah, i’d say so.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. awkwardly worded but sure. Chicago is delightful because the people are nice, the views are pretty, and we have all the best comedians.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? mexico.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? drown it. make it 90% cheese.
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? down.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? some facebook friends
95: what are your plans for this weekend? it just ended. no idea about next weekend. i might decide to drop acid.
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? procrastinate for weeks.
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? i’ve never been consistent on myer briggs, gemini, ravenpuff
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? it’s been a while. but i love it.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Bees by Laura Cantrell, Over the Sea by Bec Sandridge, More than Life by Whitley, Cooke by Modern Baseball - a bunch of others
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? past. i’d make different choices.
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loveaghostking · 7 years
all the questions? :)
Is a kiss considered cheating? yesHave you ever faked orgasm? noIf you could have one superpower, what would it be? telekinesis Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? i fucking hope so but prolly notTell us some funny drunk story. i cried over the toilet is that funny? Why are you no longer together with your ex? cause he dumped me and im with my new boy 😊 If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? in my sleepWhat are your current goals? graduate college Do you like someone? yes🙈 he’s really cute and sometimes he holds my hand Who was the last person to disappoint you? my parentsDo you like your body? ehCan you keep a diet? lol noIf the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? kill the trump administration Do you work? at jcpenney If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? pizzaWould you get a tattoo? yes i have four, and want moreSomething you don’t mind spending all your money on? ash Can you drive? yesWhen was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? i actually dont remember but it was probably ash at some pointWhat was the last thing you cried for? i cried last night because of a sad dog video Do you keep a journal? noIs life fun? it can be sometimes Is farting in front of people irrelevant? yeah who cares imoWhat’s your dream car? a brand new jag would be dopeAre grades in school important? veryDescribe your crush. hes handsome, shorter than me, very cuddly, fashionable, and he sometimes holds my handWhat was the last book/movie that really impressed you? uhh idek i think wonder woman What was your last lie? i was lied to ash about his gifts lol Dumbest lie you ever told? idk but i bet it was dumbIs crying in front of people embarrassing? verySomething you did and you are proud of? got an A on my last projectWhat’s your favourite cocktail? idkSomething you are good at? sorta good at artDo you like small kids? noHow are you feeling right now? im okay What would you name your daughter/son? i wont have kids so nothingWhat do you need to be happy? sunlight Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? uhh yes actually What was the last gift you received? a beautiful watch from ash :)What was the last gift you gave? i gave ash a mini fridge and a gold chainWhat was the last concert you went to? does my friends basement show countFavourite place to shop at? forever 21Who inspires you? kabrams How old were you when you first got drunk? i think 16 How old were you when you first got high? 15How old were you when you first had sex? 18When was your first kiss? i was a freshman and it was at a movie theater Something you want to do until the end of this year? i dont think i understand this question Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? yeah a lot Post a selfie. no im ugly Who are you most comfortable around? ash kylie and kylie Name one thing that terrifies you. rapeWhat kind of books do you read? i like adventure stuffWhat would you tell your 12 year old self? dont hang out with kids that do drugs What is your favourite flower? rn its cherry blossoms Any bad habits you have? i forget to eat sometimes What kind of people are you attracted to? pretty peopleWhat was the last thing you cried for? a dog video Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? um idk actually i cant think of anythingAre you in love? very 😍 Something you find romantic? flowers, kind gestures How long was your longest relationship? its the one im in now, 2 years tomorrow! What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? theyre pretty, pretty, and pretty and im jealousWhat are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? they think they can do whatever they want, they hit on me, they are stubbornWhat are you saving money for? trying to save for college and a road trip out west How would you describe your bad side? just a lot of crying and bad impulsesAre you actually a good person? Why? id like to think so, im very supportive and caringWhat are you living for? this vague idea of a future i met get, and ash and my few friends Have you ever done anything illegal? yes Do you like your body? eh Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? yesEver sent nudes? yeah lolHave you ever cheated on someone? neverFavourite candy? sour patch kids Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! ash’s Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? no lol Favourite TV series? avatar Are you religious? Does God exist? no and no What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? i read miss perigrines and it was okay What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? go for it How long have you been on Tumblr? five or six years i think Do you like Chineese food? love it McDonalds or Subway? subway but i do love mcdonaldsVodka or whiskey? vodkaAlcohol or drugs? drugs Ever been out of your province/state/country? yes 11 times! Meaning behind your blog name? its from a song but i dont remember itWhat are you scared of? being abandoned and having no where to go, failing school again, rape, car accidents Last time you were insulted? mmm idk Most traumatic experience? none ya businessPerfect date idea? art museum Favourite app on your phone? tumblrWhat colour are the walls in your room? whiteDo you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? no but ash does and i watch with him sometimes, i like shane dawson Share your favourite quote. i dont have a favorite one What is the meaning of life? having cats Do you like horror movies? sometimes! Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? probably haha Do you feel lucky or special in a way? ash and i are usually lucky when we wanna do stuff Can you keep a secret? for sure
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germanottaisgodxo · 7 years
100 questionsIs a kiss considered cheating?YesHave you ever faked orgasm?Never been in a situation to 😂😂If you could have one superpower, what would it be?Mind readerDo you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years?Hope so Tell us some funny drunk story.I don't have anyWhy are you no longer together with your ex?I don't have any ex'sIf you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? In my sleep, I guessWhat are your current goals?Complete my current courseDo a couple more day/2 day courses Get a job in the area of work I wantBe financially stableLose weightWork on myself more so I have more confidence/hate myself lessDo you like someone?YeahWho was the last person to disappoint you?Me, probablyDo you like your body?No, I just weighed myself the other night actually; I'm more of a fat pie than I realised 😞Can you keep a diet?KindaIf the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?Buy me a McDonaldsDo you work?Nah, really wish I did thoughIf you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?Pickled onion crisps!!Would you get a tattoo?Yeah, I have a few ideasSomething you don’t mind spending all your money on?I don't spend money on anything other than food or electric with a wee bit going towards my TV/broadband billCan you drive?NahWhen was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?About a month agoWhat was the last thing you cried for?Watching a Jeremy Kyle episode where he was reuniting peopleDo you keep a journal?NahIs life fun?It can be, it's not for me currently thoughIs farting in front of people irrelevant?This is one of my pet hates when people do this!! Especially when they barely know you 😷What’s your dream car?A car ?Are grades in school important?Not necessarily, I guess it depends on the job role or goals in life you want to achieveDescribe your crush.NahWhat was the last book/movie that really impressed you?RoomWhat was your last lie?"Nothing's on my mind, I'm fine"Dumbest lie you ever told? That I didn't eat all the food in the house 😂Is crying in front of people embarrassing?Very!!Something you did and you are proud of?Ehm, ask me this again in 6 months to a year when I actually believe there's stuff I've done to be proud ofWhat’s your favourite cocktail?Fruit cocktail from a tin, obvsSomething you are good at?ComplainingDo you like small kids?Love them; they're so cute!How are you feeling right now?Tired & boredWhat would you name your daughter/son?No ideaWhat do you need to be happy?Family, Friends, Lady Gaga, food, my fave shitty TV showsIs there some you want to punch in the face right now?Yeah but that person is too much of a pathetic baby who doesn't like confrontation 😂😂What was the last gift you received?A mcflurryWhat was the last gift you gave?I sent a card at Christmas...What was the last concert you went to?Lady Gaga!!Favourite place to shop at?PrimarkWho inspires you?Family, friends, Lady GagaHow old were you when you first got drunk?20 hahahaHow old were you when you first got high?I haven'tHow old were you when you first had sex?I haven'tWhen was your first kiss?Not had itSomething you want to do until the end of this year?Stay on my current course & work on myself as a personIs there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done?So many thingsPost a selfie.Nah, go through my "me" tagWho are you most comfortable around?People I've met this yearName one thing that terrifies you.DogsWhat kind of books do you read?Mostly true life story onesWhat would you tell your 12 year old self?You're an absolute cunt, get your head out of your arse, stop treating people like shit, fix your shitty habits & help out more round the house What is your favourite flower?ThistleAny bad habits you have?I pee 627728283653 times a day 😐What kind of people are you attracted to?DependsWhat was the last thing you cried for?Was this not another question? Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?A few; I'm trying to stop being so picky though, going for weeks without food & going to a soup kitchen/getting food parcels has taught me to try new foodsAre you in love?NahSomething you find romantic?No idea reallyHow long was your longest relationship? Never had oneWhat are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?They can be so controlling/paranoid/jealous & are proud of it, put on an act and struggle to move onWhat are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? They can be so damn stupid, won't listen to you even after a million very clear explanations & get aggressive over stupid reasonsWhat are you saving money for?Can't save money with how much I get a month 😂How would you describe your bad side?I'd rather notAre you actually a good person? Why?....What are you living for?To try and become a better person so I can make up for everything I did in the past Have you ever done anything illegal?Got a tattoo before 18Do you like your body?Already a question...Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?YeahEver sent nudes?NahHave you ever cheated on someone?Never been with someone Favourite candy?Don't really think I have oneIs there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it!Yeah & I'm not tagging hahaDo you play any computer games? What is your favourite game?NahFavourite TV series?8 out of 10 cats (does countdown)Are you religious? Does God exist?No at all & no 😂What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?The missing & kinda as it was quite thrilling/loads of stuff happened but I expected it as I ruined it for myself What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism?There's better food than all that grass 😂How long have you been on Tumblr?Nearly 6 years Do you like Chinese food?Yes!!McDonalds or Subway?McDonalds! I actually have subway vouchers but my friend doesn't like subway so I won't make use of them..Vodka or whiskey?Never had eitherAlcohol or drugs?NoEver been out of your province/state/country?YeahMeaning behind your blog name?Lady Gaga's last nameWhat are you scared of?Few thingsLast time you were insulted?Today ffsMost traumatic experience ?I got stabbed in the head with a pen today 😑Perfect date idea?A date??Favourite app on your phone?ChoicesWhat colour are the walls in your room?Light purpleDo you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?I just listen to chart shite Share your favourite quote.I'm too lazy to find it to copy & paste it What is the meaning of life?FoodDo you like horror movies?No- they terrify me, I can't even watch their advertsHave you ever made your mum cry? What happened?ConstantlyDo you feel lucky or special in a way?NahCan you keep a secret?YeahThanks for asking!!
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blueful · 7 years
Bored haha
100 questions Is a kiss considered cheating? Yes Have you ever faked orgasm? Haha If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Waterbend if that's a super power Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? I hope so Tell us some funny drunk story. When I was on the stairs laying down and telling everyone my name was dominque but I don't remember any of it. I was partying the day before ACTS Why are you no longer together with your ex? Bich If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Through sleep What are your current goals? To have more fun in life and worry less Do you like someone? Yes Who was the last person to disappoint you? My friend Do you like your body? No Can you keep a diet? Nope If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? Probably some positive shit haha Do you work? Yes fuck it thoo If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? Fuh... Mac n cheese? Would you get a tattoo? I WOULD LOVE ONE Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? FOOD & FRIENDS Can you drive? Yes, I am not the best tho What was the last thing you cried for? I think my crush who knows Do you keep a journal? Nah Is life fun? Yes! Is farting in front of people irrelevant? I only do it if I fuck with you What’s your dream car? Who knows Are grades in school important? Ofc! Describe your crush. Someone who jokes around a lot and makes me laugh but also makes me mad. Yeah, he coo sometimes. Just the way he is, makes me like him even more but sometimes just sometimes I don't know why I like him. I'm hoping to find someone and get over him in college. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? I actually read a book called "Wonder" and the movie is coming out soon!! What was your last lie? I casually lie but it's not like a huge ass lie haha, people know when I lie Dumbest lie you ever told? I'm not sure but I lied to this dude that tried to get in my DMS so I'd reply late and show no interest haha Is crying in front of people embarrassing? Nah, let ur feelings out fam Something you did and you are proud of? Helping others!! I'm proud of anything that I made someone smile or happy What’s your favourite cocktail? I'm not sure Something you are good at? Hmmm talking? Do you like small kids? I love kids haha How are you feeling right now? Frustrated and confused What would you name your daughter/son? Puta, jk idk What do you need to be happy? Money, Family, Friends Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? Not really What was the last gift you received? A Starbucks gift card What was the last gift you gave? Cool ass lights because I forgot to get her a present before haha What was the last concert you went to? Ying yang twins, THIS CONCERT WAS SO LIIT Favourite place to shop at? H & M or Vans Who inspires you? My family n friends, How old were you when you first got drunk? 17, got drunk to hoe around and have hella fun. Jk I just tried to have fun How old were you when you first got high? 17, probably started getting high so I'd forget I liked u How old were you when you first had sex? Nah not yet When was your first kiss? Nah wait 4 someone special Something you want to do until the end of this year? Talk to the people I love everyday Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? I regret many choices I make now, but I'm trying to stop Post a selfie. Don't take selfies haha Who are you most comfortable around? Not even sure, mostly my close friends n family Name one thing that terrifies you. The future What kind of books do you read? Don't really read, but anything that is interesting What would you tell your 12 year old self? Be more nice to people What is your favourite flower? Not sure Any bad habits you have? Eating at night What kind of people are you attracted to? The ones that make me laugh a lot What was the last thing you cried for? I just randomly cry sometimes at night. I think I cried last time cus I'm so sad I graduated high school Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? MUSHROOMS R FKIN NASTY Are you in love? Yes Something you find romantic? Anything How long was your longest relationship? Where What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? Not sure What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? Not sure What are you saving money for? I barely save money but usually for like something cool asf How would you describe your bad side? Rude & Pathetic.. I always feel bad after but don't treat me like shit Are you actually a good person? Why? I think I am, well at least I try to be. What are you living for? My family, friends, and myself. Life has been tough in this past year but all good Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes and I regret it Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? Not intentionally Ever sent nudes? Haha yeS Have you ever cheated on someone? No Favourite candy? SNICKERS Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! No? Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? I only play league of legends rn haha Favourite TV series? HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER Are you religious? Does God exist? I'm not religious but I believe so! What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? Yes shit was so sad What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? So glad they can do it, it's really something that's hard to do How long have you been on Tumblr? Like four years Do you like Chineese food? Ya McDonalds or Subway? Don't like both but prefer McDonald's Vodka or whiskey? VODka Alcohol or drugs? Alcohol Ever been out of your province/state/country? Yes Meaning behind your blog name? Love the color What are you scared of? Losing people Last time you were insulted? Today cus me and my friends roast each other Most traumatic experience ? When some bitch rear ended me and I had a panic attack and couldn't breathe Perfect date idea? Something basic with effort Favourite app on your phone? Tumblr What colour are the walls in your room? Tan Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? I don't watch as much Share your favourite quote. Don't got one What is the meaning of life? The meaning of life is so beautiful, it may be rough sometimes but at the end it is always worth to fight through. Yeah at times you want to end it, but people love you and you are here to support one another and build a better place Do you like horror movies? Sometimes but usually NO Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? Yes our little arguments and me saying something dramatic. I always feel sosos bad after and cry cus of it Do you feel lucky or special in a way? I sometimes get lucky with things that I lose, most recently I lost my phone and keys but gladly someone turned them in Can you keep a secret? Yes I honestly can. If you tell me to keep it.
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kitkasimba · 7 years
All of the odd questions for ask me stuff
Oooooh sheesh... buckle in y’all, this is gonna be long. Thanks, Anon! :)
1. Full nameAshley Nicole Flores... oooh aaah.
3. 3 FearsEnding up alone, the dark (I’m getting better about it though!), and never being good enough.
5. 4 Turn onsUhh... - a cute laugh matched with a wowza smile- not being afraid to be a goofball- singing or serenading (even if it’s not the best.. it’s the thought that counts!)- FRECKLES, ohmygod holy shit
7. My best friendThey know who they are! ♥
9. My best first dateIt’s a tie. Either between watching Tangled at a park while cuddling and then driving while singing to Northern Downpour by P!ATD or going to the beach pokehunting while jamming out in the car. Both I hold near and dear in my heart.
11. What do I missNot being an adult with many responsibilities. Like seriously.
13. Favorite colorPurple! Burgundy is a CLOSE second though.
15. Favorite quote“You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.” ~ We Bought A Zoo
17. Favorite foodTaco cupcakes!
19. What am I listening to right now?My roommate talk and Callie the Cat moving about.
21. Shoe sizeTen.
23. Hair colorBrown with red highlights when in the sun.
25. Ever done a prank call?Oh those middle school days... wow.
27. Meaning behind my urlI was playing Disney Sing It! and I wanted to use the Simba icon for my profile. I wanted my name to be kitkat but they only allowed five characters for the name, so kitka was brought into the world. So then when I was coming up with a different tumblr url I tried kitkasimba, and I liked it--I still do!
29. Favorite songThe Circle of Life from the Lion King. I’m a sap for that song forever and always.
31. How I feel right nowPretty aiight. I hope it stays that way for at least another day or two.
33. My current relationship statusSingle af, but I’m interested in a gal.
35. Favorite holidayThe 4th of July because I like the fireworks.
37. Tattoos and piercings I wantI think I’m content with the piercings I have, but I would love more tattoos. Some I have in mind include an outline of Oregon with a picture of home in it, ohana with flowers surrounding the word on my chest over my heart, a sunflower tattoo on my ankle with a corgi looking up at it, and some other things that have escaped my mind at the moment.
39. Do I and my last ex hate each other?Noooope! At least not to my knowledge.
41. Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?Nah, but I wouldn’t be opposed...
43. How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?Not too long. Maybe 15-20 minutes?
45. Where am I right now?At home on my futon.
47. Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?In the car, I like my music loud because my stereo is pretty quiet. In general, I like it at a reasonable level? Loud is okay as long as it is good music.
49. Am I excited for anything?THE DRAG SHOW. Oh, and classes I guess? haha.
51. How often do I wear a fake smile?More often than I should.
53. What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?That’d be hella awkward and I would ask what he was doing here. Shoo.
55. What is something I disliked about today?I had a brain fart while practicing one of the numbers, and that wasn’t too great. But things have been fairly decent today!
57. What do I think about most?What’s next? What if I had or hadn’t done that? How am I going to do this?
59. Do I have any strange phobias?I don’t believe so? Or at least not that I’m aware of.
61. What was the last lie I told?Good question. I can’t recall.
63. Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Yes and yes. The world and the universe are a mysterious place.
65. Do I believe in luck?Yes and no.
67. What was the last book I’ve read?Th1rteen R3asons Why, because I wanted to compare it to the Netflix series. Not too impressed thus far.
69 (hehe). Do I have any nicknames?Ash, Ashi(e), Ashree, Ash-Dawg, Achi, Nala, Boo, Seester, Pretty Kitty, and I think that’s it? Other than embarrassing nicknames given by the parentals, haha.
71. Do I spend money or save it?I’ve been spending it like I’m Beyonce... but I should really start saving it more, so.... I’m working on saving.
73. Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?Yes. 
75. What was I dong last night at 12 AM?I was watching Th1irteen R3asons Why.
77. What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Any Disney song usually, especially The Circle of Life.
79. What would I want to be written on my tombstone?¯\_(ツ)_/¯Because literally me all the time.
81. My top 5 blogs on tumblr@sass-and-chocolate, @greyspaace, @kitkatkat18, @latenitetacos, aaaaaaand @tklayman​. Just to name a few. I also know all those people, so I’m slightly biased. I love so many other blogs, too!
83. Do I have any relatives in jail?Not to my knowledge.
85. What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?Hahaha, probably anything in regards to the future or my state of being.
87. Had sex?Nope.
89. Gotten pregnant?Nah.
91. Kissed a boy?Yeeep.
93. Have I kissed somebody in the rain?Can’t say I have...
95. Left the house without my wallet?Yupperonies.
97. Had sex in public?Nooooope.
99. Smoked weed?No thanks.
101. Smoked cigarettes?Nah friend.
103. Am I vegetarian/vegan?Can’t say I am.
105. Been underweight?Can’t say I have.
107. Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?Guilty.
109. Been outside my home country?Yes I have.
111. Been to a professional sports game?Not a professional one, no.
113. Cut myself?No, but I had a close call a couple years back.
115. Been in airplane?Yes!
117. What concerts have I been to?Uhhhh... Joe Nichols, Clay Walker, Steve Azar, Smashmouth, The Oakridge Boys, Demi Lovato, Panic! At the Disco, Walk The Moon, Joe Brooks, Jojo, Twenty One Pilots, Nevershoutnever!... and I think that’s it? I’ve seen quite a few at country fairs with my family. I also saw some at Warped Tour a long time ago, but I can’t remember them.
119. Learned another language?For 6 years, but I understand it better than I can speak it.
121. Lost my virginity before I was 18?Nope.
123. Dyed my hair?Only the ends. I tried blond streaks one time, and never again.
125. Rode in an ambulance?Not that I can recall.
127. Met someone famous?Uhh... not really?
129. Peed outside?Yeah.
131. Helped with charity?I have.
133. Broken a mirror?Many... yikes.
135. How many kids do I want and what will be their names?Honestly, I don’t know if I want kids or not... so if I were to have kids, I really like the names Amelia, Quinn, and Sawyer, but I dunno!
137. Do I like my handwriting?For the most part, yes.
139. Favorite TV show?Over the Garden Wall, Pushing Daisies, Parks and Rec, aaaand... Jane the Virgin. They’re all so great.
141. Play any musical instrument?Very minimal uke, but even that isn’t too great.
143. Favorite pizza topping?Mediterranean herb chicken from Papa Murphy’s or taco pizza.
145. Am I afraid of heights?Actually, I am.
147. Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Ooh yeah.
149. What my greatest achievements areA lot of things, but making it through each day is an achievement to do all the other things.
151. What I’d do if I won in a lotteryPay off loans and any other bills that need to be taken care of myself and my family or friends.
153. My closest tumblr friendProbably my best friends on here.
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