#and so because of the bastarde-ness; he become a bit of a comfort character
icarusredwings · 23 days
i *live* for your agere wade omg 😢🙏🏻 i also age regress there's just something about your favorite character being like you that makes me smile :) your writing is absolutely wonderful as well!! :3
Hi hon, Im so proud of you for doing what's good for you, and I am so happy that you've found something to enjoy that makes you feel good about yourself.
Thank you so much for the support. I've seen more people mention how excited they were to find cute, mild, and nonnsexual regressions for Wade, so I've decided to put it on A03 for more people to enjoy.
I actually was nervous about posting them in general because of the stigma around it but seeing how supportive you all have been (I dont know why im even shocked) it's made me a little more confident in my writing. I was abused quite a bit as a child, and while I don't regress, I do have a special attachment to my stuffed animals and find comfort in kids' shows. Annnddd, as someone who was working towards becoming a geneticist? It's comforting to know that some very intelligent and successful people also do.
While you're waiting for me to write more or upload to A03, have some HCs:
Depending on what's going on, he fluctuates between 5-8.
Wade has 3 caregivers, Al, Vanessa, and Logan. He loves them all so much but certian care givers are for certain things. Al (Mama) is he goes too for booboos, Ness (Mommy) is who takes him out the most, to the park and doctors (If things get too out of hand, she can pull the "He's my disabled son you bastard" card, and Logan (Kitty) is general. The one youll find when wade is casually colouring or playing tea party with.
He'll take "sippies" but hes a bit too old for them because he chews the tops off.
Cereal, mac and cheese, pizza, bassically anything he already eats as an adult, including spicy tacos.
He doesn't have a lot of toys (and if he does, they're from a give away or a dumpster) so is very possesive of them and will instantly get upset if you try to take them away or "hurt" them.
Wade is the type to just chill with you on the couch and eat snacks if you don't have the energy to play or take him to the park. Even as a child, he was very emotionally intelligent, and it shows.
Most kids would have tantrums, but he seems to either be understanding or go cry in silence while isolated (its what hes used too)
As much as people say he's a potty mouth, I don't see it. Not yet anyway. Sure he'll say "bad words" sometimes but as someone whos used to being screamed at to shut up all the time, I believe he talks so much as an adult BECAUSE he wasn't allowed as a kid so he's more of an observer unless you are unfortunately his favorite and then hes going to tell you random facts.
Oftentimes, the "perfect child" are ones that are independent, quiet, and who monitor their emotions/ actions around other kids and adults. This means being forced to act older than you actually are, walking on eggshells around adults and trying to do things by himself.
He likes to wear clothes that are too big for him rather then tight. (Bonus points if they're a hoodie or a sweater)
He likes baths and sometimes will tell you that his "Skin hurts" when really it's just itchy/peeling/ needs lotion.
He's not big on babytalk but "puppy" "mama" "mommy" "park?" "Kitty scratch bad guys" "I watch tv?" "Go home?" "Play horses?" Are common. Its either small unfinished sentneces or endless rambling with full sentences that repeat themself. Logan has once heard "Did you know-?" 30 times once all in 10 minutes
He has a stuffy of a Wolverine named Fluffy from Kitty, a unicorn named Buttercream from Mommy, and a bear shaped dog toy from Mama. In her defense she didn't know it was a dog toy (because shes blind and cant read duh) but Wade loves it more that it squeaks.
Because kidWade (He is "NOT little", he's a "Big boy") is bigger than them, he has issues playing a little... rough... with other kids. He has infact shoved a kid into the sand while playing tag.
Wade is very erm... possesive.. over his caregivers and will act out if he believes Kitty is ignoring him. Because of their history, hes even more prone to acting out with Ness and has gone as far as telling someone they looked like a burnt quesodilla that "had a baby with a wrinkled cucumber" before (and will do it again)
Flappy hands. Giggles. Screeches. That is all that needs to be said.
Wade likes music, arts, and crafts. Physical exercise is nice too but naps are needed afterwards.
Naps must be willing. If you tell him to go take a nap he'll just stomp his feet and cry that hes "being good" so "doesn't need one" bassically, naps are punishment.
Tw for sensitive topics such as mental and physical health
The worst part about having Wade isn't that he is a "brat" or "bad", no infact wade barley ever is a brat. He's very people pleasing because he just wants as much affection as possible. it's the fact that you can't trick him or keep him from doing something. He's too smart.
"Come on baby, we're going to the park"
"Yay!!- wait.... Mommy... Mommy the park is that way...Mommy this is how you go to the mean doctors! They're gonna rip my teeth out!"
It's even HARDER to care for a kid who can escape literally anything and can run all the way home if you upset him too badly. The only thing really you can do is call a different cg and double up on the reassurance. (And maybe a bribe)
Another thing is that just because he's in this headspace doesn't mean his issues are gone. Between the nightmares, the flashbacks, the scary hallucinations that he can't understand, intrusive thoughts about harming a person, impusive thoughts, and just straight up having to deal with cancer on top of it all, etc.
Do you know how hard it is to explain to a child that they're nauseous and exhausted because the cells inside of him are eating the other cells, dying, and healing all at the same time?
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maochira · 8 months
hello everything is fine? I saw that requests are open and I would like to know if you can write paternal headcanons with (noa, lavinho, snuffy and chris) with the reader who is the only girl in blue lock? (does the fem reader have a calm, balanced and analytical personality?) Thank you in advance.
Hi! I only write fem!reader if reader is a lesbian, so...
Tags: fem!lesbian!reader, dad!character, something with periods (not reader getting it), I didn't exactly stick to reader's personality like in the request I'm sorry, I got very carried away with this one
Additional characters: non-binary!afab!Kurona and Isagi (Bastard München), transmasc!Chigiri and transmasc!Reo (Manshine City), non-binary!amab!Bachira and Otoya (Barcha), transfem!Aryu and transmasc!Sendou (Ubers)
Dad!Noa + non-binary!Kurona and Isagi
Because Noa and Ego know each other, you got to join Blue Lock right at the start of the second selection. You never bothered to hide the fact that you're a girl. In the beginning, your fellow players were confused but at the end of the day, they really didn't care since all they wanted was to become the best striker. They only saw you as another obstacle to overcome. Because of your gender, they figured you'd be easier to beat than the other guys. But they were very, very wrong.
Nobody expected you to win the second selection, where you ended up in a clearing team with Shidou, Igaguri, Reo and Kurona. You and Kurona became great friends quickly, as the two of you were able to bond by sharing experiences from growing up being treated as a girl, which all of the other boys in Blue Lock could never relate to. And now in the Neo Egoist League, together with Isagi you've become an unstoppable trio that's constantly talked about on social media as "Kaiser's and Ness' biggest rivals."
In the first few weeks of your participation in Blue Lock, Noa was very unsure if he made the right choice by letting you go there. Of course, he gave you the choice, but he had the final say. He was mainly concerned about what Ego's approach to soccer might do to you, and he was worried that that might make you lose your passion for soccer. The moment your father got to see you again in the Neo Egoist League, he realized his worry was unnecessary because your new, egotistical approach to soccer didn't end up changing anything about the you he knew before.
Dad!Chris + transmasc!Chigiri and transmasc!Reo
You came along when your father travelled to Japan, but participating in the Neo Egoist League wasn't your original plan. But during your first conversation with Ego, he mentioned even though you play for a girl's team back at home, he thinks highly of your skills and would like you to participate.
Although, you found yourself regretting that decision very soon. Only being surrounded by boys you didn't know made you uncomfortable. Combined with your rather shy personality, that led to you never talking to anyone outside of soccer training and matches.
Despite Chris' attempts to get you to befriend any of your new teammates, you preferred to stay in your room whenever you could. That changed when one evening, you heard a knock on the door to your room. When you opened it, you were met with Chigiri and Reo awkwardly asking for a pad because Reo got his period. You were confused for a moment before the dots in your head connected and you realized Reo must be assigned female at birth. You didn't waste any time and quickly brought Reo an extra pack of pads. To avoid any uncomfortable silence, Chigiri laughed a bit and mentioned he would have given Reo a pad, but he only had tampons left and Reo was uncomfortable with those.
You started complaining and joking about your period as well, which quickly led to the three of you becoming friends. Even though you were so intimidated by everyone around you when it came to any interactions outside the field, this situation broke the ice and finally made you comfortable with at least two of your teammates.
Dad!Lavinho + non-binary!Bachira and Otoya
Lavinho took you along to Japan without even mentioning the reason. No matter how many times you asked, he would always respond by saying it'll be a surprise.
And a surprise it was. You were overjoyed when you found yourself in the Blue Lock building. You had previously seen the Blue Lock Eleven vs U-20 match and were impressed by their skills.
Unlike your father, you weren't a soccer player. You had always aspired to become a coach, though. Lavinho promised that he would let you take over as a coach in the Neo Egoist League, and that he would simply stay at your side to make sure everything was going alright and occasionally give you advice.
You and Bachira became best friends the moment you looked at each other for the first time. It was like platonic love at first sight. And as Bachira's best friend, you would spend all your free time with them, playing soccer together, despite your miserable skills on the field, and talking about anything on your mind.
Occasionally Otoya would attempt to flirt with you, despite your frequent reminders that you're only into girls. At some point, it became a running joke within the team and everyone would start flirting with Otoya, quoting the exact things he said to you.
Dad!Snuffy + transfem!Aryu and transmasc!Sendou
Being in the Ubers team is like being at a big family reunion. Just without the awkward questions about what you plan to do in your future and everything else relatives like to ask. All the dynamics within the team resemble some sort of typical family stereotype.
The dynamic between you and Aryu is the one of an older sister teaching her younger sister all sorts of things about clothes, make-up and talking about dating. Although, the roles of who's the younger and who's the older one keeps changing all the time. Sometimes it's you giving Aryu dating advice, sometimes it's her teaching you how to use make-up properly. The two of you frequently have what you would call "girls night" and stay up way too long.
Despite Sendou being a little older than you, you've become like an older sister figure to him. Sendou often gets insecure about his body, and you're always there to comfort him. With you and Aryu as the only other girls around, you've become his safe space.
Before coming to Blue Lock, Snuffy was worried about how you might handle the new environment and how it could influence you negatively. But now he's more than happy to see how well you get along with everyone.
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landfilloftrash · 4 years
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Small little Imrae + Nicodemus doodle dump for the last couple hours of 2020– here’s to a better year in 2021!!!
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
Random FAHC scenario where Gavin and Fiona meet up in the Europes before joining the FAHC AU and it’s like.
Gavin is this Cool Hacker and Fiona’s just...Fiona? Like. Fighty, but also a horribly human being/kindred spirit with Gavin and they’re like :DDDDDDDDDDDD when they realize they’re horrible human beings?
Sniper buddies on the side, too, because of course.
And they pal around for a while until there’s this Shiny they want to steal because reasons, only it’s been confiscated as evidence or is just taking up a place of pride somewhere with ridiculous amounts of security around it and they’d need all these resources and the whatnot they don’t have access to.
But then they’re vegetating somewhere and watching tv shows and on comes some detective show with the police consultant who is Super Sleuth not unlike Sherlock Holmes and they’re rolling their eyes because wow, terrible writing and worse execution of premise and the acting.
It percolates in their brains for a while until they thing about the Shiny again and one of them is like “Hey, remember that asshole from that show?”
Because police consultant and such, privy to all kinds of things other people aren’t and somehow that translates in a Brilliant Idea of them pulling a Brilliant Plan.
One in which Gavin (because British) plays the Super Sleuth with Fiona as his assistant.
(The thing where she’s younger and, you know, a woman, which hahaha, the police/authorities they’re planning to fuck with are horrible mysoginists and it works to their advantage.)
It’s a long play, this plan of theirs in which they wow the cops with Gavin’s Super Sleuth-ness, which is just him and Fiona with the computer hacking and intel gathering and also, maybe, paying off some randos to help make them look like totally legit Super Sleuth and Assistant looking to become police consultants and so on.
Gain trust and respect and all this, and working their way to getting better access to the Shiny.
Actually put some legit criminal-types behind bars, naturally making new and exciting enemies along the way. Said criminal-types were real scumbags or potential hindrances or something along those lines.
After however long they manage to steal the Shiny and the police never figure out it’s them behind it?
But England/Europe is dangerous for them with the enemies they made or maybe they’re just bored of it or there’s a new Shiny for them in America, so!
Off to America they go, leaning hard on the Super Sleuth thing they’ve got going and work their way towards Los Santos building up this reputation for themselves as they go?
Minor celebrities kind of thing while stealing all the Shiniies that catch their eye along the way.
And then Los Santos, right?
Not exactly ideal for their shenanigans in which the cops don’t want people like them sniffing out all the corruption and the whatnot, but there’s this big Thing, some special Shiny and its owner has heard ever so much about the two of them.
Wants them helping keep it secure and all that - which, okay??? - and they’re like okay???
Plan to steal the Shiny and make a run for it before anyone catches on?
But the night of the big gala/party whatever where it’s meant to be on display there are all these suspicious characters wandering around.
Gavin flirting with this one guy who waltzes up to him at the refreshment table, all southern charm and pretty blue eyes and such a gentleman?
Fiona’s off to the side like jfc, just bone already because it’s ridiculous?
And then!
The power cuts out and when the lights come back on the Shiny is missing!!1!
The owner of the Shiny lets out this shriek and ~faints and it’s up to Gavin and Fiona to Super Sleuth who the culprit is?
This totally takes place on a  cruise ship because of course it does and is basically Clue but on a big, big boat. (I know, I know, ship, but whatever.)
Gavin and Fiona are joined by Mystery Blonde Man (whoever could it be, I wonder???) as they Super Sleuth their way along.
Occasionally there’s a Murder (defs mysterious circumstances) and More Tension!!!1!
Paranoia as party-goers suspect the person next to them of being the murdered and petty disagreements and such coming to light (Also confessions of adultery and bribery and just waaaaay too much Drama for anyone’s comfort? AND YET.)
Gavin and Fiona are like jfc because this is NOT what they signed up for when they came up with this farce of a con way back when?
Because of course there are the moments in which Gavin is Investigating - alone, because seperated in the dark - and gets attacked and knocked unconscious and Mystery Blonde Man is the one to discover him, because of course he does.
(And of course there’s that moment of Staring Into One Antoher’s Eyes and Unguarded Thoughts and Fiona standing right the fuck there, you assholes, Christ.)
Shenanigans (and light murder) until Gavin figures it out.
Realizes Mystery Blonde Man was behind it the whole time along with his associates. The bald bastard posing as a waiter, and the crewman with the Jersey accent and the Flashback Of Realization as Mystery Blonde Man pulls a gun on Gavin and Fiona and does the rueful apology thing because he really did like Gavin, you know?
Meanwhile Gavin is holding Fiona back from going for the asshole’s throat, or really, his ankles because she’s goddamned vindictive like that, and trying to make it look like he’s not? (Because Assistant!Fiona is sweet like angel and would never, you know?)
Maybe one of the security guards runs up to stop Mystery Blonde Man from absconding with the Shiny and about to shoot him?
And Gavin, like the idiot he is, jumps in the way to take the bullet for him.
(Because kevlar vest under his tuxedo and all the way Fiona’s wearing one under her ensemble - gorgeous dress or incredible tux of her own, idk both work great for me.)
 Mystery Blond Man is like :O!!11! because he doesn’t know about the kevlar vest thing and Gavin’s not moving (because he still got shot and that hurts like a mofo and also Drama and Angst) but it’s too dangerous to stick around so he escapes along with his associates not realizing Gavin’s going to be fine?
Gavin and Fiona are still in the LSPD’s good books, not to mention the city at large and don’t know what to do about it just yet?
Gavin’s Intrigued about Mystery Blonde Man and his associates and does his hackery mcgic while Fiona goes out to gather what intel she can from their contacts.
Gavin goes out to some bar somewhere one night, dressed like the horrible little hacker gremlin he is in regular street clothes and sits down at this table in a darkened corner?
“Lovely evening, isn’t it?” he asks, because someone’s been sitting at the same table for a bit now.
Big, scary looking bastard in a leather jacket and ridiculous skull mask. (This close, Gavin can make out what looks like face paint under it??? Something like that anyway.)
Ryan, because of course it’s Ryan, freezes.
About to take a drink of his diet soda and sets it down slowly because reports about what happened on the cruise ship were way confused/conflicting and he thought Gavin died, you know?
Was out of town on a job for Geoff and the crew when the corrections were made and no one thought/knew to tell him because he’s kind of dumb about that shit and just bottled everything up, insisted on working through it. (Also, he barely knew Gavin and they were on opposite sides anyway and just. A whole slew of excuses.)
Gavin of course, doesn’t know any of that, just blithely goes on and on about the weather and the shitty band playing on stages. Kids looking to make it big and desperate for it and not really good but not terrible either, just. You know how it is.
And then he switches tracks, brings up the Shiny and the cruise ship and this whole Super Sleuth deal he put together afterwards.
Hackery magic and Fiona’s intel and the two of them with a murder board figuring everything out?
“Should ahve expected the Fake AH Crew wouldn’t be able to pass it by,” he says, referring to the Shiny, while Ryan’s just !!! because what is going on right now?
Worried he might have to kill Gavin now since he knows who Ryan is and all that? (Lol, try to, or at least look like he’s trying to, because FEELS)
And then Gavin gets onto the bit where he reveals the thing where he and Fiona are totally criminals in their own right.
Big deal, that, because it could blow up in his and Fiona’s faces so badly? But Fiona was tired of him moping around because of Mystery Blonde Man/Vagabond/Ryan and was like.
“Fucking tell him, what the hell do I care?”
So Gavin seeking Ryan out and this whole Thing and Ryan being so, so confused?
Why is Gavin telling him all this? (Why did he bother to track him down and such?)
And Gavin’s just like.
Looking at Ryan’s drink where the ice is all melted with the whole exposition dump that happened taking a bit and all.
“I’d like to buy you a drink, if you don’t object?”
At which point Ryan realizes Gavin has gone super nervous and awkward and it takes him another moment or two to realize why?
Because FEELS and weird date experience? But also criminals and weird everything anyway, and he’s just.
This little smile (because awkward nerdface) and says that would be nice, but maybe not here? If Gavin’s hungry he knows a decent place not too far away and they can get something to eat, and anyway, anyway, awkward dorks and their first date???
Which of course turns into more, with Fiona giving Gavin so much shit for his smushy feelings for Ryan???
The two of them keeping their Super Sleuth and Assistant con going and stealing Shinies here and there.
And then!
Some shenanigans in which members of the crew get caught, arrested, and taken to whatever precinct Gavin and Fiona are in good with?
Gavin and Fiona being like oh, shit when they see the Vagabond and whoever paraded past them headed to the holding cells?
Realizing nothing good can come of this because of course not, and then overhear some cops talking about planning an accident to make sure the Vagabond and whoever else is in there don’t make it to the morning?
So of course they have to break them out, almost certainly burning their Super Sleuth con in the progress, but that’s not important because FEELS? Also right thing to do, so!
They finagle their way to get access to Ryan and whoever and run into this FIB agent.
Stern woman who is all HMM when she meets them and gives them ALL the shit because of course she does.
Total asshole and Gavin is like :) and trying not to snap - Fiona is weirdly quiet about it, but whatever.
The FIB agent trying get Ryan and whoever transferred to FIB custody, but pissing contest with the LSPD and Gavin and Fiona planning a jailbreak?
FIB agent and her partner/team marching the Vagabond and whoever out through the parking garage and Gavin and Fiona about to break out the jailbreak plan, only for FIB agent to be like,
“You owe me, assholes, so fucking much,” as she unlocks the cuffs on Ryan and whoever because of coruse it’s Lindsay, you know?
Either running her own long play of being an FIB agent or just this one-time production, who knows, and Gavin and Fiona are like???
Because they kind of stumble into it, all ready with guns out and the like and Lindsay is like, “Took you guys long enough,” :DDDDDDDDDDD when she sees them, and idk, I’m losing the thread here yet again.
All of them having ot escape when the cops come down to try one more round of being assholes about things? But uh, wow, ALL the criminals and just a lot of yelling and shooting and Daring Escapes.
Gavin and Fiona being like shit because they just burned the Super Sleuth con for basically nothing? (Don’t regret the intent behind it? But wow, what a waste?)
Lindsay’s just :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD because the crew could use people like them, and what do they say to a trial run with these assholes of hers?
(Ryan is trying not to be all hearteyes over the realization of what Gavin and Fiona did for him and whoever, and failing miserably because Ryan.)
Gavin and Fiona agree to the trial run, and it’s kind of great because ALL the assholes like them and fun criminal activities?
Also, bonus for Gavin in which he makes Ryan’s life the absolute worst? (But in a loving manner, and vice versa.)
Fiona is totes hearteyes over Lindsay because why wouldn’t she be?
Michael is off to the side like , jfc, because that asshole Gavin, but also that asshole Fiona and goddammit, what is with this city?
Geoff is like oh, God, now there are more of you assholes???
And then shenanigans, I guess, idk anymore.
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zankivich · 5 years
Can’t Help Falling in Love with You: Werewolf!Shawn x Black Reader: In My Blood Universe
a/n: hiya. This is a companion piece to In My Blood which you can read HERE if you haven’t yet.  I really loved those characters and Shawn was MADE to write werewolf AUs for, and MADE for to write fall AUs for. I wrote this one day when I was really sad that I couldn’t go the apple orchard this year. She (the story) makes me feel warm and soft. I hope you like. K bye. 
*Shawn’s point of view*
Fall is her favorite season. Which means that fall quickly becomes his favorite season. And not out of blind allegiance to his mate either, but because she became actually the cutest human being in the world more than usual in the fall. It was the cozy sweaters, the leggings that were so soft and melded to the curve of her thighs with ease, the scarves that she made with her own two hands. How was he not meant to fall even deeper in love with her in the fall? It was ridiculous.
He’s sitting on the living room couch with Brian and Zeubin discussing parameter checks for the week when she plops down on one of the chairs and lets loose a dramatic sigh for the whole room to hear. He pauses and stares at her, a grin forming on his lips, but ultimately keeps speaking. When y/n doesn’t get the attention of her mate immediately she decides to plop more aggressively against her chair and sigh louder. You know, like an adult?
“Darling, is something bothering you?” He asked, pausing his conversation.
She peered over at him with what he liked to call her bambi eyes. They were as effective as they were ridiculous.
“Me? Oh nothing.” She hummed.
“You sure?”
“Oh I’m sure!”
The problem with the fact that she was lying was that once he thought about the fact that she clearly wanted something, he couldn’t really think of anything else. It was the problem with being mated to someone. He was designed to serve her. It was his moral compass of sorts. Making sure that she was happy and taken care of and satisfied. So, despite the fact that he had actual shit to do, it would all have to wait. The love of his life needed something after all.
“We’ll finish this later.” He muttered already getting up to head over to her.
“Annnnnd conversation over.” Brian chuckled.
She was in his Harvard sweatshirt and a pair of shorts so when his fingers tugged at her legs to make room for him to squish into the small space, he can marvel a little at the feel of her thighs. It helps that she immediately falls into him, throwing her legs over his lap, and her arms around his neck.
“Baby,” He cooed softly into her ear. “why don’t you just tell me what’s wrong? Maybe I can fix it.”
“Apples.” She mumbled.
“I’m sorry?”
“I want apples.”
Needless to say he was a little confused.
“Oh...well I think we might have one in the kitchen, love? Is that all you were upset about?”
She rolled her eyes and cupped his cheeks in her hands. She was really beautiful. And a little scary. HIs favorite combination of hers.
“I don’t want those sad ass apples, Shawn. I want them straight from the tree. I wanna go to an apple orchard! But your sad ass town doesn’t have one of them. I already looked.” She whined.
“Awww. Babe, I’m sorry. You’d know I move us closer to one if I could.”
He rubbed gently at her back beneath her--his--sweatshirt as he worked to console his mate.
Her eyes widened. “Wait can we do that?”
“Do what?”
He chuckled softly. “Not quite, sweetheart. It’s kinda hard to protect the town, if I don’t live in it.”
She sighed and nestled her head against his shoulder, her fingers hidden in the sleeves of his sweater. The frustration and sadness on her was difficult for him to swallow. He hated seeing her so down, and he hated more than anything that he couldn’t do anything about it. It might be as simple as an apple, but his heart didn’t know that. All his heart knew was that she was sad, and that everything in him wanted that not to be the case. And so he would fix it. Because her heart desired it.
*Y/n’s point of view*
You loved the house in the fall. Shawn’s land was all hidden, a forest of greenery and trees, so when they all began to turn it was the most beautiful array of colors that one had ever seen. On the weekends, you loved nothing more than curling up in the living room with all the windows and knitting while Shawn played guitar. Your home, though only a few miles away from the pack house felt sacred, felt like your own space, and Shawn did everything to keep it that way. All pack and general wolfy business was there. When he came home, he was yours and no one else's. The way you liked it.
He’d gotten out of bed that morning far too early for you. One moment he was wrapped around you, arms warm and solid and firm. The next moment the bastard was letting you go. Rude.
“No.” You whined rolling over to snuggled deeper into his chest. “Mine.”
He chuckled softly. “Your’s, aye? I’m no longer a person?”
“You can be a person all you want.” You mumbled, eyes still closed. “Just as long as you stay in bed while you do it.”
You felt his lips begin to press along your hairline where your skin and bonnet met. He dipped down to your neck and nibbled slightly at the skin. Just enough to piss you off.
“I need to go to the main house to check on things, love. I’ll be back. You know that.” He whispered.
You opened your eyes finally to see him looking at you. Gentle and smirking and sexy as all hell. It was ridiculous.
“I want you here.” You argued. “In bed. With me. Holding me. Don’t I deserve that?”
He nodded. “You do. You deserve the world. Which is why as soon as I’m done checking to make sure everything is okay, I’m going to come back here and make you breakfast.”
You rolled your eyes. “Shawn your breakfast sandwiches are not going to stop me from being annoyed this time.”
“No?” He asked softly. “Not even if I took you on an adventure afterwards?”
You raised an eyebrow.
“An adventure?”
“An adventure. But...you know, if you’ll still be angry with me, I could always call and cancel. Let me just--”
He went to grab his phone off the nightstand and you immediately tackled him back down into the bed. Shawn’s alpha-ness had nothing on the power of you being his mate. He fell to you immediately. And then of course quickly rolled you over to show who was still in power. At least in his mind.
“Okay, okay! Go be an alpha or whatever. And then come back. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He grinned. “I love it when you get all dominant on me. Now get that ass over here and kiss me good morning.”
Mmmm. Love.
So, while Shawn was off doing his job, you took the liberty to slide into one of his sweaters and went about making breakfast yourself. Just because home boy worked at a coffee shop didn’t mean you couldn’t throw down too. By the time Shawn came back you were pulling bacon out of the oven and toasting your english muffins for some eggs benedict. When his arms wrapped around you, it felt like home. Like you never wanted to be anywhere else. And that was how you knew he was everything.
“Did you miss me?” He hummed moving your curls out of the way to best kiss your cheek.
You shrugged. “Little bit.”
“Little bit, aye? I missed you a lot-a-bit.”
“Well then I guess I missed you too maybe.” You smiled.
“Yea, alright. Come here already.”
He kissed you silly against the kitchen counter until your english muffins burned and you had to remake them. It was worth it.
If fall was your favorite season then your favorite part of fall was the shift in Shawns’ wardrobe. Nothing made you more soft and happy than that man in a big ole sweater and tight skinny jeans. He was the epitome of warmth and softness and it just gave you everything that you needed. Despite him running 102 degrees on a cold day, he continued to implement the sweaters into his wardrobe for your own benefit, and that ladies and gentlemen is why you loved him so much.
“What are you smiling at so hard over there?” He chuckled, sliding his watch onto his wrist.
There was nothing you could do or say but to run up to him and hide your face in his sweater. When his arms wrapped around you, it was all comfort. You wondered endlessly where this man had been your entire life. It was so rude to only discover him now.
“I love you so much.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your head.
You smiled up at him, head tucked beneath his chin.
“Me too. So much.”
A ride in Shawn’s jeep was always a good way to spend the day. The rain today was more of a mist than a downpour which meant it surrounded the car on all sides cozily as he sped through the streets. You quickly passed through all of the houses and stores in town before heading out of the limits and towards the city. You peered out the window in interest, with zero idea where your mate might be taking you. Things got more confusing when instead of heading for the exit that would take you to the city, Shawn kept going farther and farther away from anything that might look like an adventure. Needless to say you were a bit confused.
“Babe, where are you taking me?” You asked peering around as the trees turned to fields of corn and grass.
“It’s a surprise, honey. Be patient.”
Patience. Not in a Black woman’s DNA.
Another thirty minutes go by. And then another fifteen. At this point your knee is bouncing in anticipation. The rain had stopped, leaving behind soft, muted grey clouds. You were just about to ask your boyfriend again where exactly the hell you were going, when finally a glimpse of life appeared. A sign. But not just any sign. A sign with a big ass apple on it.
You reach out involuntarily and grabbed his arm with all your might and shook.
“No you fucking didn’t!”
He laughed. “Surprise, sweetheart.”
“H--How! How did you find it?”
“Just took a little digging. You’re right that there’s not one in town, and there’s not on in the city. But two cities over we have: Peggy’s Orchard. You happy?”
“Yes! Yes! This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me! Let’s go!”
Without the rain around you’re free to pick your apples in peace. You take time to pull them from the trees and eat and share with Shawn. He holds your hand and picks the apples from the top of the tree when you need him to, which is often because the best apples are always at the top of the tree. Children run around with their parents, playing games between the trees. It smells like fall and feels like fall. It’s everything you wanted and more. Cause he’s there. Which makes it infinite.
“I love seeing you happy.” He admitted quietly as you tucked another full bag of apples into the back of his jeep.
You turned around only to find him standing right in front of you. He moved closer still, using his hips to press yours intimately against the back of the jeep. His hands joined your hips and you practically melted into him.
“You’re just so beautiful to me when you’re happy. I mean you’re beautiful to me always but...I just wanna make you happy for the rest of forever okay?”
You smiled and tucked your face into the warmth of his neck.
“I love you so much.” You mumbled taking a second to still yourself against him. “Ew. We’re so incredibly sappy.”
He reached to skim his fingers along the back of your neck. They were so warm that you shivered.
“It’s okay to be sappy every now and again, I think. As long as I’m with you.”
After apple picking, he takes you to this amazing little village that’s set up with different activities for kids and adults alike. There are caramel apples galore and apple cider and caramel popcorn. It’s everything you loved about fall and the person you loved most. He wrapped his arm around you as you walked and took pictures in the hay with you. It was clear that this day mattered a lot you, and knowing that Shawn cared enough to put the effort in meant a lot.
“Can we get the biggest pumpkin we can find?” You asked as you came across the pumpkin patch. “I’ve never been with someone with werewolf strength who could carry it to the car.”
Shawn laughed wide and bright and perfect. Ugh.
“‘Course we can, sweetheart. Whatever you want.”
It’s a cumbersome process. The perfect pumpkin doesn’t just reveal itself easily. You have to search for it. You have to rub your fingers across the curves of the pumpkin. You have to become one with the pumpkin. The wild part is that he’s right there beside you the entire time. He knocks against the side of the pumpkins listening for the hollowness that you described to him. He rolled them over in search of that weird green stuff that sometimes appeared. He was in it with you, and he didn’t rush you or get annoyed or angry. You were having fun and so was he. And it felt like one of the most special days you’d ever had. Just you and him.
When you find the pumpkin, it’s so beautiful you could cry. It’s so big you couldn’t lift it if you used every muscle in your body. It was tall and round with a nice long stem on the end. Shawn picked it up with ease and brought it back to the car with promises of carving it together. He was again maybe the most perfect thing in the world.
“What do you say we go get some cider and sit by the bonfire before we head home?” He murmured when the pumpkin was put away. “I don't want this day to end yet.”
You smiled so hard you could feel the stretch in your cheeks.
“Yes. Absolutely.”
The bonfire at the center of the village seemed to be the beacon for couples and families. As night overtook the tiny town seemingly in the middle of nowhere, a chill set it. Shawn had wrapped a blanket from his truck around your shoulders and doubled up with his own arm. You got to lean your head against his shoulder and drink apple cider while staring at the fiery embers. It felt like home. You never knew that you could crave someone’s physical proximity so much. That you could just enjoy the essence of another being in the way that Shawn’s seemed to bring endless comfort to you. Part of it was that you were mates, sure, but you had a feeling that without it you still would have been drawn to him. He was like the sun. Just endlessly warm and kind and giving. You seemed to take up his entire line of vision, as if you were all that mattered even if you were far from it. You wondered if he knew that he was all that you saw too.
“Hey.” You murmured head nuzzling deeper into his neck.
You pressed a kiss there and love the way you could feel his body react.
“I love you.”
His arm tightened around you tugging you closer until there wasn’t an ounce of space between you. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and placed his hand on your knee.
“I love you too, pup.”
You squirmed slightly in his hold. “I hate when you call me pup.”
“How come? I like it so much. You are my little pup.” He chuckled before sobering up. “You’re my mate, you know? My everything.”
You tilted your head up and he was already there staring at you with his eyes all big and warm and brown. It’s too much and he knows it, but you’ve always been helpless to stop him.
“Fine. Pup it is then.”
You turned to look back into the fire, the smoke and the heat swaddling you like a perfect cocoon. Shawn’s arms never left you.
“Hey. I--I have something for you.”
You pulled the blanket a little tighter around your shoulders and looked on as he stuffed his hand in his pocket.
“Shawn, I really think you’ve given me more than enough today. Seriously, today’s been perfect.” You assured him.
His oversized hand settled onto your knee, fingers curled loosely in a fist as he smiled.
“I know. Today has been perfect. But, that doesn’t mean I couldn’t make it a little better, right?”
“And just how could you possibly make this day any better?”
He unfurled his hand and stared down at your knee.
“What are you--”
You may have gasped and jumped back from him a bit. It probably wasn’t exactly the response he was looking for, but how else is one meant to respond to such a thing?
“It’s my mom’s.” He breathed softly holding the ring closer to you so that the light of the fire would make the diamonds light up. “My dad gave it to her. She uh she wanted me to have it once she found out we were mates. She wanted you to have it. I wanted you to have it.”
You bit your lip and sniffled as your eyes began to dampen.
“Is it...What’s it for?”
He smiled up you, his own eyes wet as well.
“Well it’s for you. If you want. And I--I would be for you, forever, if you want.” He mumbled before chuckling nervously. “We’d be married, basically. I’m asking you to marry me. I’m just doing a shitty job of it.”
His eyes widened and he turned to you.
“Yea! Are you kidding me? YES!”
You leapt into his arms and he caught you just as you were pressing your lips to his. You could taste the salt of tears and you couldn’t tell if they were yours or his, you just knew that it was the happiest you’d ever felt in your whole life. The people around you, having caught on to the tiny proposal, clapped and cheered, but even that was hard to recognize when the greatest person you’d ever known asked you to be his forever and ever. In the realm of mates, it meant so little, but in the realm of human beings it meant a lot. It was another example of Shawn meeting you where you were at, of making life as easy as humanly possible for you. It was more than you could ever ask for.
“I love you.” He mumbled still pressing his lips over and over again to your cheeks. “Can I take you home now?”
“Yes. Let’s go home.” You smiled.
And just like that you walked hand in hand towards the car, bonfire long forgotten. He only let go of your hand for the time that it took him to walk to his side of the car and get in. But then your fingers quickly intertwined again, the smooth metal of the ring touching his skin. You held hands the whole way home, the night caressing you on all sides except for the brightness of the moon. You had never felt more at home, more safe, more loved.
The end. 
permanent tag list
@simpledomain @liliane106  @sinplisticshawn @lifeoftheparty74 @xeuphorically-moonstruck @euphoric05 @daijanicole @bruhh-whateven @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @decewill @goldiean @bitchacho25 @bruhh-whateven @justbeingoceana @loveylangdon @iloveshawnieboi  @september-lace @valedictorian65 @dimestorebieber22 @MixerMani @disaster-rose @justbeingoceana @thecurlsofgod @kamahriii @lifeoftheparty74 @sinplisticshawn
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peepingtoad · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO / 50-50 (There’s a lot of love and a lot of hate, but I think many are actually pretty neutral on him too!)
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / 50-50 (I’d say he may be an... acquired taste? Of course a lot of people I know here find him sexie so it’s hard to say for certain, heh. We may just be the weirdos of the fandom :P )
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO
Are they underrated?  YES / NO (Not in terms of ability, but underrated for just how complex and multi-layered he is, I’d say)
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO /
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL (I honestly think he’s a man of many reputations, both in canon and in fandom :’D)
How strictly do you follow canon?  —  I’m very much a ‘use the bones of what we got in canon and do my best to flesh them out’ kinda roleplayer. There are some things that can be taken too easily at face value that I see fit to build upon. For example, I think Jiraiya’s feelings on the prophecy and his relationship with Konoha is something that could be too easily played off as simplistic, or like they were immovable constants. But that’s unrealistic for a man of his years and many experiences, so I try to put myself in his emotional setting at various points in his life, and trace how his feelings and behaviours change, if that makes sense? 
I try to avoid saying that any of the writing was straight up wrong because it’s disrespectful to the creator. But especially for Jiraiya, who had such a significant role to play in the narrative that it sometimes took precedence over his actual character, I do find some of his actions, and the way some interactions were handled in the canon to be a little OOC... so I’ll work with it and try to spin it in a way that I feel fits how he was characterised.
Basically, I’d say that I follow canon, but I like to enrich it in areas that were lacking detail or a nuanced view that took in all the surrounding events of the time. After Jiraiya’s canon death, of course, that’s when more divergence comes in to my portrayal... otherwise I wouldn’t be able to play any post-war scenarios! But the essence of his character is the same, which I try to keep as close to canon as possible.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.   —  A man of many experiences! You can bet that any topic that comes up, he’ll have some sort of amusing anecdote to share, or be able simply to talk shit about it. He's seen so much, and has a sensitive soul enough that he’ll give anyone a chance; he’s very open-minded and non-judgemental, and honestly is a humanitarian that wants to help those in need. Might leave your muse a little baffled as to how he could hold the status of ‘legend’, only to show it when they least expect it. You never quite know what you’re going to get with him: he’s generous and selfless, yet has many vices that seem selfish at times; he’s both a lover and a fearsome fighter; he’s immensely resilient at the same time as incredibly vulerable and damaged; he’s a himbo and a bit of a jock with the soul of a poet. Love him with no restraint and invite his love in return, and you’ll get not only a lover, but a devotee. Wears his heart on his sleeve... or does he? Chip away at him and find out!
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  The pervy, flirty, jokey schtick could get grating, or come across as disingenuous. In romantic situations, he’ll keep quiet about putting a label on whatever it is, and beneath his overall sweetness and devotion there may be an underlying reek of commitment issues and a fear of admitting he is afraid. He also has a habit of deflecting negativity in general, and playing things off as if they don’t matter or they’re a joke, making him actually rather a difficult person to get to know the heart of. One might feel as if they’re getting nowhere with him...
... Either that, or they get the complete opposite. Yes, as equally as he can be guarded, he can overshare like crazy, and has a tendency to become codependent with those he gets attached to, which is inconsistent with his free-spirited nature, and how adept he is at keeping others at arm’s length from his less sunny side. This inconsistency might make him seem unreliable—if the fact he’s always off who-knows-where doesn’t do the trick already.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  I’ve been a big fan of the Sannin ever since I first read the Deadlock, but being a very young person at the time I perhaps couldn’t relate enough to people who had experienced so much to do them justice in my teenage fic-writing endeavours, so I remained on the sidelines enjoying content by other people (there may also have been a little bit of ‘what the fuck, why do I dig the old dude so much’ denial in there haha). I’ve picked up and dropped my obsession with the series several times over the years, and my love for those three seemed to grow each time. They really are ‘the lost generation’, and as the sole survivors—alongside having a huge impact on the plot, how the shinobi world is shaped, and the three main protagonists—there’s a lot of juicy material there, a lot of emotional background, along with decades of history that basically goes untapped in the canon. 
Anyway, I digress. Coming to the Naruto RPC for the first time around this time 2 years ago at the age of 25, I made this blog and my Deidara one on a whim, but focused on the latter at first. Villains were always comfortable territory for me in my other RP experiences, and I think it made me doubt that I could possibly do someone who is frankly a lovely guy any justice, no matter how much I loved him. I even had the intention of making him fully Akatsuki/Missing-Nin AU at first. Yeah. That’s how stuck in my villain/anti-hero zone I was! But, I think in the end, the fact he actually isn’t a two-dimensional typical ‘hero’ was something I chewed over and realised would be incredibly enriching to write, worth stepping out of my comfort zone for. And being a little more mature and less angst-ridden myself by that point, I found I could resonate with his feelings and ideals in a way that I know I couldn’t have as a teen... but I was still tentative. 
Anyway, after leaving his blog empty for a bit (with its placeholder URL ‘frogdaddy’, which sadly got hoarded by someone else), I cosplayed the old bastard, along with my partner as Orochimaru. We’d been stanning that particular ship and talking about how great the Sannin are in general for quite some time by that point, but being casually in character for fun while drunk off my tits at a boat party, was a bit of an epiphanic moment. Not long after that, I threw myself right into writing this chaotic-good old bastard with gusto, and here I still am :’)
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  Taking breaks to recharge as and when I need to. Seriously. The death of all my other blogs has been pressure (mostly from myself) to be there and force myself to put out regular content, so I went into this not thinking that way and it’s really helped! 
Of course, there’s also the fact that there simply seems to be no shortage of areas I can delve into with this guy. Again, it’s his age and all the missing years in canon... but I think it’s also how much love he has and his genuine eagerness to engage with others that makes him one of the most naturally bountiful muses I’ve played. Because honestly? Most of my villain muses wanted people to just fuck off :’D this guy is open to everything.
That aside, I guess I just gel with him more than I ever expected to. I’ve changed a lot as a person and gained more confidence since various areas of my life got better, and I really just vibed with this chill, funny, romantic, pervy, big-hearted energy. I enjoy angst, but my real love is peppering the serious and heartbreaking with romance and comedy—and isn’t that just befitting of him? Writing through his eyes also helps to keep my outlook positive, so that keeps me stuck on him as much as the seemingly limitless content potential. 
And this is without even going into my cross-fandom AU ideas I have on the back-burner. Honestly, they’re there but I want to put a real effort into them while keeping his essence the same, which for some, involves brushing up on my lore!
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO.
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO / RARELY. (depends on whether I get a flash of inspiration—which mostly comes with random asks that happen to stir up an idea for a scene, such as this one (NSFW warning))
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / 50-50 /NO. (I tend not to take things personally but am also very passionate—call it my innate Leo-ness!)
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  Hmmm. I haven’t actually had any critique on my portrayal, so I’m not sure haha! I’d say if it’s constructive, then I’ll take it into account and consider it, especially if it’s a case where it helps me realise I’ve perhaps not gotten across what I intended to very well. But I’m also quite fond of my portrayal in its essence, so I may end up just thanking the person for their opinion and carry on as usual :P
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  Absolutely! I’ve had some wonderful ones recently and it’s exactly the kick I need to get ideas out, some of which I’ve had on the back-burner but not had a framework within which to write it without it getting derailed. I definitely appreciate a question that will keep me at least a little on-topic, otherwise if I go off on my own volition I really tend to... well, go off! Even if a question is a similar topic to something I’ve already done, it’s a good exercise for me to go back to the similar headcanon and see if I can build further on it, deviate, and link it to show what past thoughts I’ve been working with. A great way of keeping some consistency in my portrayal while making improvements, I find! And then of course I’ve had some questions that are entirely new morsels for thought, and it leads me to something new and fresh, which I greatly appreciate.
Basically, any questions at all, fire away! I may take a while but I will get to them eventually!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Yeah. I mean I think it’s just polite to present a reason as to why not, instead of just being like ‘this is wrong/a bad take’ or whatever. Source material is down to personal interpretation, so if I draw different ideas from it to another person after discussion, then we can simply agree to disagree on it. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  They are welcome to disagree with me I guess? So long as they’re respectful and don’t then treat me as if my interpretation is ‘AU’ or talk about ‘canon Jiraiya’ as if he’s obviously a different entity to my own, then disagree away. But if prompted enough, know that I will most likely defend my portrayal with what I consider to be justification from the source material :P I did pay close attention to it, after all, and I do consider my portrayal to align well with it.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  Depends on the nature of it and the conduct, really? Like, people are allowed to dislike characters. I myself find a couple of characters pretty annoying or don’t particularly care for them (granted, usually it’s in a love-to-hate or simply a ‘this character doesn’t interest me’ way), but that doesn’t affect how I behave towards the RPer of a character. It’s just manners, really. People tend to RP characters because they like them, so why would you take negativity right to their doorstep, in this space they’ve made as an expression of enjoyment for, and to develop said character? 
There’s been some people who admitted to me that they didn’t care much for Jiraiya, but then began to like him more with my portrayal and that’s more than fine; I take it as the highest compliment in fact. It’s also the kind of open-minded attitude I like to have with portrayals of characters I don’t necessarily like or have much interest in, because by and large, people do tend to add more depth and nuance than the busy and character-packed canon allowed.
However, if it’s the type of hate that’s got its own devoted circle of bitter bitches, who seem to use so much energy hating a character... then please, don’t engage me. Doesn’t matter who the character is, don’t expect me to follow/keep following your negative ass if it’s constant on the dash—and if the target character is any of the Sannin then frankly I’ll have probably blocked/blacklisted in a heartbeat. The ‘critical’ views of them tend to diminish them as humans, diminish the context and events that surrounded their choices, and in a way that I find is a gross double standard compared to what people will allow other (read: young, attractive, fandom faves, ‘babies’ or ‘beans’) to get away with and excuse the behaviours of. I don’t need that kinda negative energy sullying my hobby, nor do I need moral superiority that isn’t applied consistently across the board.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  Absolutely! I meticulously fret and check, and cringe when I get a reply and happen to spot errors while rereading what I wrote before it! I edit a lot but don’t always pick up on errors, so I’m more than happy to have it pointed out. Chances are, I’ll be far more brutal to myself about it than anyone else would be!
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  Overall, yeah. I’m not possessive or clingy (I don’t think) and don’t expect the world from people, nor for them to focus on or favour me or be super fast. I just expect the same respect in return. Having said that, I will express it when I don’t like something or it makes me uncomfortable, provided we’re familiar enough, because if we’re strangers I’d feel like I was coming across as entitled to your energy and emotional labour. I do my best to be diplomatic about it though, and rest assured it doesn’t mean I’m forever mad at you or turned off in any way just because I have a small grievance. I just find that being honest with each other rather than letting things pile up and fester makes a friendship more solid, and basically more genuine and long-lasting.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by: @dokuhebi​ Tagging: Whoever hasn’t done this yet!
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yv-sketches · 6 years
Un. Follow. Me now, this is going to be the only thing I post about for weeks.
Please, please do not read this if you haven’t been a lucky bastard of an Australian. Do not click read more on pc, go back to your blog and block the tag httyd 3 spoilers on mobile, unfollow me if you want to.
There was no assigned seat system so I sat in front of the door to go in first and get a good one, but two guys (as in, fandom age) beat me. I wonder if they have tumblr...
Things I loved (prepare for a long list):
Hiccup boards a ship to free dragons and swordfights this guard dude. Guard knocks over a lamp, setting the deck on fire and Hiccup and a blue glowing Toothless deadass walk through it. Boi that was awesome
This is Berk.
Lots of action scenes in general. Hiccup with a sword is my new aesthetic. I did not pay a lot of attention, but I think he fought left handed.
The visuals.
Thought httyd 2 Berk was impressive? I think not.
Oh boy the sand. Because there are no places like that waterfall or new Berk island it is obviously fake, but the clouds and sand... If you took a screenshot and said it was a photo I’m pretty sure 99% of the people would believe you.
All the decors. Dreamworks made So. Many. Environments. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an animated movie with this level and amount of sets and details. This beats Finding Dory, Big Hero 6, httyd 2 by far. Maybe Zootopia and Moana reached this level, but never on this scale.
The composition. Whoever did the cinematography, kudos to you. The fight scenes were awesome, actually, most of the shots were.
The music. John Powell amirite??? When Hiccup sits there with his map. When they introduce Grimmel’s fort. When they go into the waterfall. Test flight when Light Fury saves Hiccup...
Drago’s fleet was cool, but Grimmel has a freaking aircraft/helicopter thing. Who does this guy think he is? Norbert the Nutjob?
“You wish for a world where humans and dragons live as equals? That will be the end of civilization.” Or something like that. Can you hear my book fandom heart beating faster? There was even a faintly recognizable ‘history repeats itself’.
The entirety of Berk on the move. Dragons carrying bags, entire ships with stuff and lots and lots of citizens. I don’t know when Hiccup acquired all this power to make people listen to him immediately, but he’s owning it.
The gang, minus Snotlout, had an actual part in the plot, unlike httyd 1 and 2 where they were mainly background characters. Gobber had a running gag with funny round dragons. I LOVE THEM OK they are so round.
TINY HICCUP IN THE FLASHBACKS Stoick was so sweet on him, and the way he speaks about Valka.... Take notes Disney, that’s a declaration of love.
No hate on Light Fury. She was the amazing ball of feral sass that I hoped she would be. She noped out when Toothless tried to flirt and yeeted Hiccup off his back. You go girl.
Toothless being a Skrill.
Toothless being da king. I got chills. Toothless my baby you are so amazing
That scene where Grimmel symbolically rips off Hiccup’s dragon-y wings, night fury pauldron and leg... Cressida Cowell would be proud of that.
“The world if not ready for dragons. Yet”
At the last hand thing where Hiccup slowly takes his hand off Toothless, I swear I heard someone cry softly. I don’t blame them.
Have I mentioned the visuals yet?
Things that I thought were very good, but not True Perfection My Life Is Complete 10/10 level good:
The ending was kind of sudden. Grimmel is defeated and then Hiccup decides to let Toothless go free? And then the entirety of Berk unsaddles their dragons to let them go? Yes, I understand, but I thought it would have taken an ENTIRE movie for him to do that. It WAS there throughout the movie, but it was never the main focus (the way Tadashi’s death was in BH6). The attention was always on either Grimmel or the Light Fury.
This in general. The emotions were the subplots instead of the main ones.
The whole “What is Hiccup without Toothless?” was a most perfect plot that kind of.... was resolved far easier than I hoped. It was still good, just not “hero the hard way”-level good.
“Hiccup makes Toothless a self-flying tail fin while that was a major point of their soulmate-ness” was missing some emotional weight. Hiccup was clearly super distressed, it was just not addressed a lot.
The Hiccstrid wedding plot was nice and I suspect lots of shippers will have their funerals in theatre, however, I think that too was not “companions of the Dragonmark”-level good. BUT THEY ARE SO CUTE! THEY ARE SUCH A REALISTIC AND GOOD COUPLE LIKE THEY WERE IN HTTYD 2. No mushy romance, just two badass Vikings who are so comfortable around each other it can only be true love.
Random stuff:
Eret might be gay for Gobber.
Snotlout might have slapped Hiccup’s butt.
Valka beat Spitelout (voiced by David Tennant despite not having any real lines) in arm wrestling.
Ruffnut annoying Grimmel the way only she can.
Valka has bits of grey in her hair, but her face still looks super young.
The whole gang has flight suits
Things I did not like:
Toothless fell in love too fast. He ditched Hiccup’s flirting tactics and made her a drawing. Cool. He got mad when she stepped on the lines. Cool. But then she got mad as well and Toothless just.... left it at that. Apparently he was so lovestruck he let Light Fury trample his art. No.
Things I hated with every inch of my being (that is not a lot of inches by the way):
Snotlout flirting with a Valka.
Gods... He is younger than Hiccup. Valka is Hiccup’s mom. Blergh.
Things I understand and fit the movie verse but annoyed me because it killed the entire meaning of Cressida Cowell’s conclusion (yes this is very specific):
The ending.
The dragons leave. Hiccup smiles through his tears because he knows this is the best thing to do. Toothless becomes king of the dragon world. Light Fury is his queen. Hiccup and Astrid marry and have cute children. Hiccup grows a beard. So far so good. Very good ending.
But then. Then Toothless reappears and meets Hiccup’s son and daughter. -_-
I don’t know about you, but wasn’t the whole point that dragons went into the hidden world to hide from humans? Wasn’t the whole point that ‘great things are only made out of love and pain’ and that doing the good thing also meant letting Toothless go? I wanted a heartbreaking ending. The bittersweet one from book 12. And this just felt like a fairytale that was too good to be true.
Yet at the same time, I like this ending. Toothless has his own life. Hiccup is his own person without Toothless. He’s a good chief and everyone is generally happy. The world does not believe dragons exist. Except for Berk.
Berk is this special place that dragons sometimes visit before returning back to the hidden world because Berlin’s do love dragons.
And come on. Kids and parents would riot if Hiccup and Toothless did separate for good.
Things that whacked me in the face like
"There were dragons when I was a boy"
THE ENTIRE THING from ‘There were dragons when I was a boy’ TO ‘leaving not a bone, not a fang, in the earth for the men of the future to remember them by.’
I died.
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kasssiopeia · 7 years
Mynavi News x New Dangan Ronpa V3 Translation
It’s the results of the V3 characters’ popularity ranking and fans’ opinions about them from a campaign by Mynavi. You can view the original page here.
This was my first translation request and I think I flubbed at some parts (esp the mono kubs sigh) but it was a lot of fun to do! Hope it’s understandable!
(I also set up a (kinda unfinished) ko-fi page so if you’d like to buy me a coffee I’d appreciate it ♥ )
There are some minor spoilers for v3 so read at your own risk.
Results under cut (or view it on google docs here with some extra infos about the campaign as well).
Ranking results
Top 1: Ultimate Detective Saihara Shuuichi
Why he got chosen:
Even though he seemed unreliable at first glance, he acted like a proper detective and stole my heart by showing his suffering side too. Right now he’s my favorite character!
He’s good looking but can be cute too, and his deductions make him attractive. I love every part of him. His gloomy perverted side is interesting too.
The way he grew [during the game] was cool. The way he shows emotions like crying, laughing and blushing is fascinating.
Top 2: Ultimate Supreme Leader Ôma Kokichi
Why he got chosen:
I couldn’t take my eyes off the character who literally embodied the game’s theme ‘lies’!
Even though his looks and behavior are cute, you could never tell his real intentions. I loved the creepiness and air of mystery around him.
I didn’t really like him during my first play through the game but after I beat the game, I noticed that some of his lines did have different meanings. It was a lot of fun to think about his character as whole.
Top 3: Ultimate Pianist Akamatsu Kaede
Why she got chosen:
I was charmed by the way she worked hard for everyone while staying positive, and her strong sense of justice. Her conversations with Saihara put me at ease.
Kanda Sayaka-san’s voice is wonderful. Especially her whispering in the love apartment scene was memorable!
There’s no reason why I couldn’t love Akamatsu-chan. I immediately went and rented [the CD with] Debussy’s Clair de la Lune.
Top 4: Ultimate Inventor Iruma Miu
Why she got chosen:
The way how Ishida-san as Iruma uses really dirty jokes but then turns really bashful in the next moment is really cute.
Of course I liked her character design and her two faced-ness as both really aggressive and really shy [literally doS and doM but I don’t feel comfortable with translating them to sadist and masochist since it’s a bit of a different meaning in Japan].
I’ve finally met a character in the Dangan Ronpa series who struck me[? sorry not sure what they mean with “strike character”]. Thank you Kodaka-san.
Top 5 Ultimate Magician Yumeno Himiko
Why she got chosen:
Even if there’s no Boke (character who is “simple minded” in Japanese comedy) she can act as a Tsukkomi (character who lectures the boke in Japanese comedy). Also the way she worries about and believes in the protagonist and her friends while keeping a positive attitude is great. Thanks to her spectacular growth in game she’s become my favorite characters in the series.
I fell for her choice of words and tone, and the sprite where her hat flies up, her unexpectedly high self-evaluation and many more things.
Top 6: Ultimate ??? Amami Rantarô
Why he got chosen:
He seemed to have a very frivolous tone at first glance. I’m basing this off looks but he seems very honest, intellectual, and a thoughtful person.
The enigmatic air around him, his looks and personality were really to my liking! I’m dying to read the spinoff novel.
Top 7: Ultimate Robot Kîbo
Why he got chosen:
I thought he was a very cool character when his design got first released. Even though he turned out to be an unexpectedly pitiful piece of junk of a robot, he still showed more emotions than anyone else (especially his blushing expression made my heart beat faster every time). I don’t know why but I even liked that annoying condescending attitude of his.
I love Kiibo-kun! Even though he is a robot, he feels like the most human out of everyone. His strong sense of justice is really cool! I love his dryer-function!
Top 8: Ultimate Aikido Master Chabashira Tenko
Why she got chosen:
What I liked about her was that even though she said she hated men she also worried about them. Her attentive and kind ways. I liked the ‘tough woman’ aspect of her personality.
I like her clear personality where she likes what she likes and hates what she hates. A girl who looks up to other cute girls and doesn’t realize her own girliness is cute.
Top 9: Ultimate Child Caregiver Harukawa Maki:
Why she got chosen:
Because she became softer and cuter the more the story progressed.
I think she was the one who acted closest to a highschool girl in puberty. Her conversations with other characters gave me a super life-like feeling.Her sulking face is cute.
Top 10: Ultimate Maid Tôjô Kirumi
Why she got chosen:
Seeing someone who works for the benefit of the group from a naturally withdrawn point of view whereas everyone else in the killing game had such a strong personality was wonderful.
I was drawn in by her mental strength and the way she could choose someone else’s beliefs without getting carried away by her own emotions. It’s also cute that she can’t cut konnyaku [a gelatinous food made from a starchy root].
Top 11: Ultimate Astronaut Momota Kaitô
Why he got chosen:
At first I thought he is just an impudent character who uses emotional arguments without a basis only but the way he went through with his character from beginning to end left a big impression on me.
Because he showed both the main character and the player that in a game where the theme is ‘lies’, it’s important to believe in the things you want to believe in. Also everything about him is cool.
Top 12: Ultimate Entomologist Gokuhara Gonta
Why he got chosen:
Because even though he knew that he couldn’t understand logic, he still did his best to participate in the trials. His innocent points were my favorite.
Because he’s an idiot… His single-mindedness struck my heart by the way he always sought to be an excellent gentleman despite being pessimistic sometimes.
Top 13:  Ultimate Anthropologist Shingûji Korekiyo
Why he got chosen:
His appearance, calmness, cleverness, views on love, his thoughts about life and death, the way he explained his thoughts on how various situations play together in folklore and the way he seemed to always show a lot of different emotions… I love everything about Shingûji.
How he had his own philosophy, and even if he was a bit odd, the way he could hold a conversation in his own unique and funny way made me laugh. It was too funny how they turned into lessons about folklore.
Top 14: Ultimate Artist Yonaga Angie
Why she got chosen:
Her movement, her lines, and her voice totally cured me. The power of a tight hug…
Simply because her behaviour is cute. I really love the sprites where her cheeks are super squishy and the one where she stares right into your soul <laugh>.
Top 15: Ultimate Tennis Player Hoshi Ryôma
Why he got chosen:
I fell for his character in 3 seconds after seeing his too cute visuals with that dandy voice. When I talked to him during free time, i fell in love with him in seconds.
The way the corners of his hat moved up and down was too adorable! I also liked that he loves cats.
Top 16: Ultimate Cosplayer Shirogane Tsumugi
Why she got chosen:
I’m a cosplayer myself so her talks about cosplays or otaku knowledge were super funny!
Because she’s an otaku I loved to see her smiles hit home.
Top 1: Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles Headmaster Monokuma
Why he got chosen:
He’s so hateful and yet I don’t hate him… Oh it’s Monokuma again?! When actually I’ve been waiting for him. I somehow love Monokuma the way he is. He’s also cute, right!
This time there are many jokes about how unforgivingly he used his children and I felt like this was the most appealing point.
There’s nothing that can match Monokuma! For me, Monokuma makes Dangan Ronpa to what it is. I’ll always love him!
Top 2: Mono Kubs Monotarô
Why he got chosen:
I think he’s just naturally really cute. He was such a good relief during the trials.
The brother and sister midday TV drama… was really good.
I thought it was so cute when he said “Mom!”... These proud, warm feelings inside my chest… could it be motherhood?
Top 3: Mono Kubs Monodam
Why he got chosen:
While he said “Friendship” and “Don’t fight” until you thought he’s going crazy, I was very touched by the fact that he must’ve gotten hurt too at some point…
I can’t forget the portrayal of darkness where gloominess was often mistaken for being hideous, cunning and sly.
I was surprised to hear that Monodam’s voice wasn’t edited in any way. Yama-chan [his VA] is really amazing.
Top 4: Mono Kubs Monofunny
Why she got chosen:
How she said “Bye-kuma! ♡” in such a cute way and despite speaking to you in such a nice way, she still calls you bastard [kisama is just a derogatory term for “you” so I wonder how/if they’ll handle that in the EU/US version…]
She is cute, including her sounds when she throws up [“deroderoderodero”]. The only character where even them puking makes me love them more can surely only be Monofunny.
Top 5: Mono Kubs Monosuke
Why he got chosen:
Even though he has this cold, stiff feeling around him and is repeatedly told so, I still consider him the moodmaker of the Mono Kubs
He was an amazing Tsukkomi [character who lectures the boke in Japanese comedy] with his outstanding kansai [southern Japan] dialect. Especially that one time during the nighttime announcement where he was behind the food terror [sorry tbh I don’t remember this scene very well so there may be a translation error] made me laugh a lot.
Top 6:  Mono Kubs Monokid
Why he got chosen:
I liked it when he didn’t spew garbage[?]. I couldn’t get his “Hell yeah!” out of my head.
He made the Mono Kubs’ dialogues more interesting with his violent behaviour. I loved his jokes the most. His appearance was also the best.
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