#and so shes chosen sun colour to represent how she wants to be everyones sun and make everyone else's smiles bloom!
mihotose · 5 months
sayaka: i wanted to use the idea of figure skating and include "ice". in addition, flames are mostly associated with red or orange, but actually as they get hotter they turn blue. so i have decided to name my penlight colour "hyoujou iro" (written 氷青色; a play on 氷上 "hyoujou," "on ice") to convey my desire to make everyone's feelings and everyone in the club stronger and stronger! i also wanted to honour tsuzuri-senpai's words to me when she said i was blue
tsuzuri: mine is "my red" because its mine and its red
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sneakydraws · 4 years
Well, here it is - a lengthy explanation of each card in my mdzs major arcana deck and what I meant to convey/what i would have changed in retrospect/what alternatives i considered! It’s a bit messy and my typing style is lazy but hopefully it will be an interesting read to some of you :)
And so you don’t say I didn’t warn you - jiang cheng’s section (11 justice) is absurdly long lmao
0 the fool  I elaborated on this in the post itself but yeah basically jin ling is kind of representative of all the damage and trauma caused by the past, and there’s a kind of danger there of him falling victim to the same vices as the older characters and repeating the same mistakes and perpetuating the cycle of war and misery (the cycle that we already see with how the jin sect became the new wen sect, and later with how jgy became the new wwx) and he has a lot of room to grow! He grows so much over the course of the novel, comes to realise the complexities of the past and gets a harsh life lesson in how nothing is as black and white as it seems. But ill save talking about his progress for the end, for now whats important is that he has room to grow and also a dog. I don’t really have a justification for the sun, i mostly just thought it looked sick? It made its way to the next card as well, where it makes a bit more sense, but then i realised it was a dumb motif to include 1 the magician I still very much like wwx for the role, and that illustration would have probably had him raising a corpse on his left and pointing threateningly to the sun on his right. I considered including the table as well, with some mdzs relevant items replacing the card suits. Anyway, like i said wwx got a few cards to himself already so i went with the alternative wq design, since i think she fits the card as well. Both she and wwx are highly skilled people, extremely driven once they set their mind to something. The card to me symbolises the creative mind as well as a general drive for action, which fits them both - wwx was famously a prolific inventor, and wq came up with a previously unheard of surgery, after all. This card strays pretty far from the rider-waite deck design, largely because i was still figuring out how i wanted to approach this series, but you can still see the influence. 2 the high priestess I was actually going to skip this card at first because I couldn’t think of a fitting character, but once i considered a qings character post death, it all fit pretty well. She was already a highly intuitive person in life, and in sharing her memories with wwx she is, in a way, relaying a kind of secret knowledge. Anyway she’s one of my fav characters so im glad i got a chance to include her. The coffins could be interpreted to be xxc and sl or xxc and xy 3 the empress Theres other mother figures in mdzs who got to be mothers for a longer time, but jyl definitely embodies the positive aspects of this card the best. She’s nurturing, kind, emotionally supportive, she already mothered wwx and jc quite a bit when she was young. Plus i liked that the rw card had both water and flowers, making an easy lotus connection. In retrospect the stars look kind of out of place and i should have replaced them with something more relevant... Also, i should have had her hold a lotus seed pod instead of a flower, haha 4 the emperor Like i said I considered jc for the role but hoching bullied me into admitting that nmj was better… they’re both more of an inverted emperor than an upright one but then again theres hardly any character in mdzs who would fit upright emperor so. Jgs was also considered but he’s even uglier than nmj so i couldn’t bear to draw him 5 the hierophant It was pointed out to me that lqr would have fit this card better and the truth if that statement haunts me to this day. Unfortunately I have no space in my brain for lqr so lxc got the role instead. My main reason was his role during the wen destruction of gusu lan, when he ran away with the contents of the library - this is why there’s bookshelves behind him. The keys, take, from the rider-waite deck, are meant to represent the gusu pendants that allow you to enter 6 the lovers Im sure many people would have chosen wangxian here but I uhh don’t really care abt wangxian personally? And also their love story is so convoluted that jyl and jzx seem idyllic by comparison lol. Also i didnt really have an idea for who to put in the angel’s place for wangxian… mme jin certainly did not get these two together in the end but undeniably she and mme yu did initially give them a chance to fall for each other so. Thats something i guess. Anyway the trees became their sects’ flowers and the mountain became the burial grounds - an omen of their tragic fate, basically 7 the chariot There might have been other characters who fit this card better but i couldn’t really think of another card for lwj and i thought it would be weird to not include him… anyway i don’t really care for current timeline lwj BUT i do like that he was clearly influenced by wwx to walk his own path in life based on his moral convictions rather than follow his sect’s rules blindly. The chariot is to me a card of self control, self determination and focused action, so it seemed fitting. The composition felt kind of empty without the actual chariot so i padded it out with the guqin, the cloud recess in the bg (it doesn’t look great but i tried to replicate the drama design….) and the bunnies which conveniently fit the colour scheme of the sphinxes in the rider-waite design 8 strength Like i said before, my interpretation of this card is more… morally ambiguous than the quote unquote official meaning, so i thought about manipulative or duplicitous characters more than kind characters whose strength is expressed through gentleness (though i did consider jyl briefly for the latter interpretation). As such, i considered both jgy and nhs, but ended up going with jgy largely because i couldn’t pass up the opportunity to put the nie sect’s beast as the lion. 9 the hermit My thoughts immediately went to bssr lol. It may be an overly literal interpretation but whatever, i like it just fine. And i like that i managed to echo the rider-waite silhouette in the mountain and the tree (and even in bssr herself) 10 wheel of fortune God i love the parallels between these 2… this card to me is about how you cant trust your current situation, good or bad, to last forever, and these 2 embody that perfectly imo. Wwx went from son of a well off servant and a powerful cultivator, to street rat orphan, to adopted son of sect leader jiang, to double orphan, to MIA, to terrifying but admired warrior, to terrifying and despised traitor, to dead, to, at the very end, suddenly respected and trusted again. The dishonesty and cheapness of whatever the public’s current opinion of him is is portrayed beautifully as far as im concerned. And jgy of course claws his way up to power only to instantaneously become public enemy number one, to the point that he’s probably blamed for stuff there’s no reason to believe he had a hand in. Wei wuxian’s silent astonishment at how quickly the cultivation world turns against jgy and towards him again is a delicious moment of thematic resonance.  11 justice I settled on this card for jc after he got booted from the emperor seat but i do think it fits, in a somewhat convoluted way. I turned both the sword and the scales into visual representations of the golden core transfer (can you tell im obsessed with it). According to biddy tarot, the justice card is partly about searching for the truth, and the scene where jc finds out about the transfer is of course a big deal. I was also very influenced by the reversed meaning again - which is about being reluctant or unwilling to face or accept the consequences of your actions. I feel on an intuitive level that this fits jc but I’m not sure how well i can explain it - it’s something about how he’s a little too comfortable scapegoating wwx for things that were also, if much less so, influenced by his actions, and also something about the way he keeps wwx at an arm’s length emotionally but still leans on him and accepts his support when he really needs it, and somewhat hypocritically expects wwx to put the needs of him and the jiang sect before the needs of others. And also something about the core exchange is the consequence and proof of wwx’s deep - terrifyingly deep, even - love and care for him, which is something jc doesn’t seem to let himself acknowledge. Maybe even something about how you could argue that the way all of the jiangs acted around wwx - jfm’s favouritism that left him with the feeling of a debt he needs to repay, mme yus insistence that he be a servant more than a brother to jc, prepared to give his life for jc, and jc’s own unwillingness - or inability, he was a child after all - to clearly acknowledge wwx as an equal to himself, enabling wwx’s self sacrificial and protective tendencies - that all of this was what caused wwx’s complete and unquestioning willingness to do whatever it took to protect jc, and therefore paved the way to the golden core transfer. And i don’t mean this to be scapegoating jc - especially considering how young he was when this all went down, it wouldn’t be fair to expect this level of emotional perceptiveness, awareness and maturity of him - but i think adult jc has to grapple with the fact that the chain of cause and effect was not as simple as wwx fucking everyone’s lives up to be a martyr, and that both jc and his parents had a role in that story as well. I don’t even necessarily think this is something that jc only realised in the current timeline - i think it’s something he felt on some level this whole time, and it probably led to a lot of feelings of guilt - but the suibian reveal definitely puts it in sharp focus, and i think he’s now better equipped to handle this introspection than he was as a recently orphaned, traumatised teenager, lol. ANYWAY the window with the fabric is both a nod to the rider-waite design and a reference to the destruction of lanling - i actually did some basic ass research for this, and it seems that in ancient china fabric would indeed be hanged in a window if the normally used paper was damaged. The design of the window, as well as the very idea to use it to imply the reconstruction of lanling, was taken from this great piece of jc angst by my pal moroll1! Oh yeah also the covered window kind of works as a denial of forgiveness for jc because it’s like a halo but covered up... Also I completely forgot to put a blindfold over his eyes which would be perfectttt because blind justice and the core exchange......... ok moving on 12 the hanged man I always have issues with this card because i cant find a satisfactory summary of what it’s really about. Best i can tell it symbolises a need to hit pause, surrender or let go of something… ive also seen it tied to sacrifice? So mo xuanyu doesn’t fit perfectly, but sacrifice is definitely there in a surface level reading kind of way, and the idea that you have to surrender or let go in order to achieve your goal does fit the whole deal of getting revenge but giving up your life in exchange and not being there to see it 13 death This is probably one of my favourite cards, definitely not because I have huge issues with change or anything…. I see this card as signalling the necessity of change or putting an end to something / leaving something in the past in order to start anew? At first i considered putting past wwx, mxy and current wwx here as a kind of transformation and one cycle flowing into the next... But firstly, I’d already used mxy in the very previous card, so putting him in again would feel like overkill, and secondly, the longer I thought about it the less convinced I was that this would even fit with the card’s meaning? Because coming back from the dead doesn’t like... trigger an internal transformation within wwx or anything? Anyway, fun fact: the design I ended up going with was actually originally intended for judgement! I thought I was being very clever with the whole “figure plays an instrument and the dead rise” parallel, but apparently I’d just completely forgotten that the judgement card had a completely different composition... Truly I was boo boo the fool... But yeah anyway at the end of the day I figured the design would kind of work for death as well, with Wen Ning and the theme of transformation, (since in his case coming back as a fierce corpse does actually mark a certain transformation in behaviour) and Wei Wuxian’s protection of the Wen people essentially signifying an attempt to break the cycle of oppression if that makes any sense? Like, wwx is trying to revolutionise the way the world works a bit, if you catch my drift 14 temperance  The centrist card! Again this is probably going off track from the “official” interpretation, but to me this card has a certain “don’t commit fully; do everything in moderation; don’t take either side” flavour to it that i personally find infuriating irl and that i very much assign to lxc. It’s entirely possible that I’m misinterpreting his character because i didn’t really pay him (and the 3zun in general) much mind while reading, but hell, I’m allowed to pick favourites and choose who i want to interpret deeply vs shallowly. Again, i wish id chosen lqr for hierophant because its so annoying for a character i don’t care about to get two cards…. But oh well 15 the devil My alternative idea for this was jgy as the devil and lxc plus nmj as the figures, but since all three had been featured already (multiple times, even!) i figured I’d go with xy instead, especially since he’s among my faves lol. I think the devil signifies something along the lines of unhealthy attachment, obsession or addiction, which isn’t 100% accurate in the case of xxc and a-qing, but if i stretch it a bit to cover toxic relationships in general, and especially manipulation or negative influence, i don’t think it’s half bad. My main struggle here was to choose who amongst the xxc/sl/aq trio to choose for the human figures. 16 the tower Arguably jin zixuans death and the following massacre of nightless city were the final and most direct reason for the siege of burial mounds, and the tiger seal is good shorthand for wwx’s loss of control over his powers, which led to the deaths of jzx and jyl. When reimagining major arcana i like to feature some kind of building in this card (spoilers for a possible future project but in my rose of versailles major arcana set the tower is bastille) and even if it’s not a tower, the image of wwx looming over the gathered crowd from atop a rooftop is so good i couldn’t resist 17 the star Struggled with this one - considered both jin ling and lsz for it, as symbolising a hope for the future, but that was kind of covered by the world so it wouldn’t make sense to include here as well... As usual when I struggle with interpreting a card (as opposed to understanding it but struggling with matching a character to it, like with death or moon) I went to biddy tarot and read all the details about its meaning. What i got was that this card signifies an incoming period of introspection and inner peace following a time of turmoil, as well as a general moving on into a new, better phase of one’s life or finding new meaning and purpose. The figure also suggests someone vulnerable, but possessing a keen sense of intuition as well as a good degree of practicality and common sense. Given all those, I settled for mianmian because IM LOVE HER..... I also kind of see her as a prelude to the “just one person is enough” theme present in tgcf!! And i think her decision to abandon her sect because she saw the toxicity and corruption in it is a very inspiring action - even if it didn’t make a large visible impact, i think the appearance of her and her idyllic family at the very end of the novel - paralleling and mirroring wangxian - implies that at the end of the day, it was a meaningful one 18 the moon Another card i ALWAYS fuxking struggle with - this time less because i can’t grasp its meaning and more because I can never find a character that fits it well. I usually get fixated on the “dreams and subconscious” part, but if i lean more on the “disguise, deceit, anxiety and fear” part, i eventually figured the whole yi city arc wouldn’t be a bad fit. I say the entire arc because it really does encompass all those themes if you include both the past and the present - xue yang’s disguise, his tricks with the villagers, a-qing’s lies and even xxc’s reluctance to talk about his past as well as xue yang pretending to be xxc all fit the disguise and deceit angle, and the general mystery and creepiness of the current timeline yi city work well with the anxiety and fear - the mist, the slow uncovering of the past, even a-qing being revealed to be an ally after scaring the shit out of the protags. I definitely struggled with including all the elements and characters, and even moreso with making them vaguely fit the rider-waite composition, but i think it ended up okay ish. OH and i completely forgot to draw mist swirling around them :( 19 the sun I was considering mianmian’s family for this one, but since I used her for star, I ended up with wwx and his parents instead. Once again I’m reinterpreting the card a bit - normally I think it symbolises incoming times of pure happiness and abundance, as well as a connection with the inner child, but I gave it more of a nostalgic or sentimental twist - wwx looking back at the brief glimpse of his happy childhood. 20 judgement another card that i struggle to interpret a bit... Here i actually used the tgcf tarot zine as a reference! In it judgement is summarised as “rebirth, following duty, absolution” SO i figured that nhs, mxy and wwx all together would fit pretty neatly... wwx achieving (public) absolution through clearing his own name after being reborn, and nhs sort of calling on wwx to expose jgy’s crimes... It’s a bit messy but not bad I think! 21 the world This ties very closely to my read on mdzs as a story - which is that it’s, at the end of the day, largely about cycles, and about how hard it is to break them, but how we gotta keep trying and have hope anyway. Or maybe more precisely, that the people directly involved with and influenced by the trauma of the past might not be able to get over said trauma and that the hope for healing from it will be shouldered by the new generation. Or something like that… Basically what i mean is that jc and wwx and lwj and lxc and nhs and jgy and all these people who were in the thick of the sunshot campaign and the siege are so profoundly affected by it that it genuinely feels by the end of the story like there is little hope for them to ever truly overcome that trauma and build a better future without repeating the same old mistakes - but there is a glimmer of hope in the new generation, specifically in jl and lsz. And it’s a bit paradoxical, because they have also been directly impacted by the past tragedies - lsz having his entire clan wiped out after wwx failed to protect them, jl losing both his parents to wwx’s mistakes - but despite that loss, and despite coming from arguably the two opposing sides of the past conflicts, they are both, in the end, capable of moving past that tragedy, of recognising the complicated nature of those conflicts (jl’s moment of clarity at the end is both heartbreaking and hopeful) and forging friendships between clans in the process. I honestly think that the extra where jl is struggling to assert his authority as sect leader, to treat his subjects well and to cooperate with other sects in a truly amicable way is the single hopeful ending note for the larger themes of the novel - it allows us to imagine that maybe these kids can learn from the mistakes of their elders rather than getting sucked in by resentment at those mistakes, and actually build a brighter future for the cultivation world. And sidenote, this is also why i have a soft spot for jin ling and lan sizhui as a ship... speaking of which their poses were directly referenced from the lovers card ehehe
Looking back, I’d like to add some symbol of jin ling’s trauma so that it mirrors baby wen yuan in the tree stump... maybe his father’s sword? 
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nautiscarader · 3 years
Year of the cow, or how I stopped worrying and loved the meme (BBRae)
Beast Boy's and Raven's relationship is truly one of the most subtle and emotional ones I have seen. There are lots of fantastically written fics which dive deep into characterisation and their nuanced, complicated emotions, showing complex colours of the spectrum of love.
Unfortunately, you have made a mistake clicking on one of my fics.
This is a birthday present for my buddy, ZekkKiray, and it revolves around a meme which I really found irritating... And I wondered how other characters might have reacted to it. Happy birthday, man!
yes, still half hour till midnight in my time zone, made it.
BBRae, 4k, E, (Ao3)
As the Sun slowly hid on the horizon, Jump City, just like every city and town in the world, was slowly preparing for a glorious celebration. People were ready to welcome the new year with dances, parties and optimism encouraged by copious amounts of alcohol.
But not everyone was interested in partying and throwing caution to the wind. Five superheroes traversed the town's rooftops, watching over many celebrations, and ideal breeding grounds for crime, big or small.
Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven and Beast Boy set out to patrol the city, to ensure that this momentous occasion won't be disturbed by any wrong-doer...
And quite quickly decided to join the party. Well, some of them. Robin sighed when he realised that his team has disbanded to join the crowd of onlookers, cheering and applauding the band on the colorful stage, that would soon be replaced by another group, hired just to play one or two hits for some quick cash.
Raven stayed to the side as well, keeping her eye not only at her friends, but the crowd, though her attention was suddenly caught by the dancers on the stage. Three women, dressed in black-and-white horned costumes, performing a synchronised dance, much to the delight of the audience.
- Er, and what exactly is that? Some sort of fad...?
- Oh, no, friend Raven! - Starfire was eager to explain - Robin has told me it's a Chinese calendar! And the Chinese have chosen an animal to represents each year, and...
- Oh, yeah, right. - Raven interrupted her - And lemme guess, this year's a cow?
- Ox, technically. - Robin chimed in - And it's not even started yet, it's based on a lunar one, so it will be somewhere in February.
Raven looked at the women in their silly costumes, dancing and playfully jiggling their fake udders and cow-bells to the beat of the music.
- Meh, whatever, it's gonna be over soon. Oh, by the way, this guys was pickpocketing. - Raven spoke nonchalantly, her shadow coiling around a burly man's throat.
By January fourth, however, Raven was seeing cows everywhere. Television, billboards, the internet... especially the internet. She felt as if it was a single-themed Halloween party that somehow stretched to a week.
And the boys weren't helping. While Robin remained reasonably level-headed, Cyborg and Beast Boy were having times of their lives, enjoying every single appearance of the costumes in real life, or in any media.
The worst thing was, Raven wasn't even sure why the fad irritated her so much. There were much more asinine things out there. But something about that fad was driving her nuts.
At the very least, there was Starfire, who sometimes was able to understand her.... or so Raven thought until she returned one day from the market with plastic cow-horns on her head a bell around her neck.
Raven groaned at the sight of his friend and stormed out of the common room, pushing away few streamers, still lingering after the new year's party.
She closed door to her room behind her and embraced the darkness and silence that allowed her to meditate and focus her powers...
And then she heard the faint jingling of the cowbells from behind the wall.
The purple flames on the candles around her shot up to the ceiling, as Raven tried to control her irritation.
She barked and grabbed her mirror, disappearing into her private void that extinguished the flames she ignited.
Raven walked down the floating rocks that paved her dimension, encased in darkness, illuminated by just few stars and distant galaxies. The ravens flew away in fear, as she glided forward, hoping to find some peace and quiet here...
- Hiya!
But of course, in this realm, she was never truly alone.
A woman dressed in pink jumped from behind a nearby rock, causing Raven to cease her movement just for a while, before she promptly decided to ignore her own emoticlone.
- Oh come on, you haven't been here for ages! - the jovial embodiment of happiness continued - We've been having SO much fun here!
- Great. Leave me alone.
But before she could react, Pink grabbed her and steered her off-path, flying down a different route, loudly announcing their presence.
- Hey guys. looks who's here! - she shouted, waving the arm she wasn't using to maneuver Raven between rocks.
- Oh, great, our big sister... - the Orange mumbled from behind a couch-shaped rock
- Have-have we done something wrong? - the timid Graphite pulled over her cloak
- Judging from your prolonged absence, something extraordinary must have happened. - Yellow interjected, eyeing Raven with curious stare.
Raven let out another groan.
- It's nothing. Leave me-
- Oh, is it about you-know-who?
Violet's sly and suggestive voice prompted Raven to pause mid-turn. her eye twitched.
- Ooh, very brave of you to tackle the most common problem of your visits! - Green added at once. - He can be annoying...
- I've said...
A blast of energy erupted around her, as Raven turned away, but couldn't finish her sentence. There was one emotion left, and she knew very well what can summon her, and it was already too late.
- Come on, say it.
Red spoke, gleaming with a subtle, yet unmistakeable triumph in her voice.
- I'm done with you. - Raven answered and continued her walk, before being predictably stopped again
- Oh sure, is this why you have almost brought me back? - she sneered - And for such petty reason...
- Ooh, tell us, tell us! - Pink chimed in, before being brought aside by Yellow
- Let me do it...
Red spoke and spread her arms, giving the other emoticlones chance to glimpse into what little she have seen.
- That... that is quite an insignificant reason to bring back *her* - Yellow judged - Are you sure it's adequate?
- I'm just afraid this will backfire... - Graphite meeped from behind her
- But I was right - Violet added - It is about him...
Raven burst with energy, silencing her living emotions.
- We just want you to say it, so we can... help you.
The Red emoticlone stood in her way, finally making her stop. Her presence cast a shadow of fear on the lesser creatures of this realm, and even some other emoticlones that dared not to approach her. Red's voice was strangely polite, though Raven knew she must have an ulterior motive behind it.
- And you know what the answer to your problem is.
Anger reached her arm and waited for Raven's response. She couldn't meet her eyes. She was right, of course, but at the same time, embracing the violent and unpredictable part of her nature, reminding her of her father's legacy filled her with disgust...
- But you will not be alone with it. - Violet suddenly joined.
- And while it may look odd, this might be an opportunity to broaden your horizons. - Yellow continued.
- And let's face it, you've done weirder things, but you never cowered away! - Green shouted.
- Besides, it's gonna be so much fun! - Pink smiled.
Raven lifted her hood and looked at the other emoticlones, all awaiting her decision.
Knowing she's delaying the inevitable, with a heavy sigh, Raven made her decision.
Garfield knew better not to interrupt Raven. He has made that mistake a few times in his life, and he still had his life only because Raven was his friend.
Still, seeing her angry was painful, thought not as much as the silent treatment he was getting from her. Beast Boy hesitated for a moment, and just before he was about to knock on her doors, he stopped himself.
With a sigh, he turned around and returned to his room, finding someone already inside.
At first, Garfield thought he was dreaming. But after a few blinks, he realised that the marvellous, dreamy sight in front of his eyes was real, and it made his heart skip a beat.
Raven's trademark, dark-blue attire was gone, replaced by a white costume dotted with black-and-brown spots. Her long legs were covered in fishnets with the same pattern, and as his eyes travelled up, he realised what was exerting the gravitational force that was pulling him that way...
The skin-tight costume had changed his perception, perhaps, but even then, Raven' nipples were just a fraction of an inch away from slipping, as her breast were simply too big to stay hidden in any article of clothing.
And when he looked at her horned head again, he noticed a faint smile on her face, contrasting so much with her demeanour over the past few days. She shifted her legs, spreading them slightly, giving him just a small tease of what was to come, and with her eyes fixated at him, she spoke.
- Moo, I guess.
- Oh, momma!
And before she knew it, Beast Boy leapt onto her with the grace and agility of a frog, diving between her enlarged breasts, and feeling the delicate, cushioning texture engulf his head almost entirely. And at the same time, with his fingers digging into the material, he freed Raven's breasts, hungrily kissing each square inch of her body as if his life depended on it.
- Gar... - Raven moans, feeling her boyfriend wriggling against her bosom
- I see someone has changed her mind...
- You can say that... - Raven replied, hiding the moan that was about to escape her lips.
- I guess you took Starfire's approach and visited the market? - Beast Boy joked, between his kisses - Or, wait, no, you ordered it online so no one will know, right?
- Let's just say I didn't have to order it...
For a moment, Beast Boy pondered the meaning of her words, until he realised that he has seen her outfit once before. Well, without the black-and-brown blots. And as the realisation dawned on him, he let out a gasp, as Raven's eyes glowed white.
Only one of the spots was brown. There was a pink, yellow, green one...
Her most powerful form, the combination of all of her emotions sat on his bed, emanating raw magical, warm energy that could easily vaporise him if she wanted to. Beast Boy suspected the horns weren't plastic either, and that he has just made a few snarky jokes to a demonic sorceress orders of magnitude more powerful than him.
And yet, she was still smiling.
- I just... - Raven swallowed - Couldn't stand you ogling all those cartoon anime girls on-line, in their stupid cow costumes. So I had to fight fire with fire.
- Aww... - Beast Boy cooed - Is my Raven jealous?
- YES. - the demon spoke in deep, rumbling voice that shook some of the objects on the shelves.
The spots on her White costumes suddenly glowed with ominous, red aura, as blood in Garfield's veins froze.
Her face was inches away from his, and only when she felt his hastened breath, she calmed down, and her spots returned to their original colours, just as the red aura disappeared from her eyes. She reached her hands and cupped his face, glad that he did not back away, as her anger overtook her. Their lips met, and Raven poured her apologies into him in a long, delicate kiss.
- And you will have to pay for it. - she smiled, giving Garfield clear sign she was everything under control, including him.
- Rae... - Garfield whined - You-you know I'd never... they... they don't mean anything...
- Then prove it.
Raven used the moment of hesitation to engulf him and with one sharp move of her hands and her magic, she ripped his clothes to shreds and brought her lover closer to her. With his shorts gone, Raven's eyes fixated on his cock, and had to restrain herself from licking her lips, as its head came closer and closer to her face. But of course neither of them would settle on just a blowjob, given the magic Raven cast upon herself.
Beast Boy jumped onto her breasts again, peppering them with plethora of hungry, ravenous kisses. Knowing already her bosom by heart, he know had a whole new territory to explore, and he did that with impeccable dedication. But as his lips closed around her nipple, he received a taste of something unexpected. His eyes widened, and met hers, as sweet substance made contact with his tongue. The sly smile on her lips remained, but as Beast Boy began lapping her milk, her face was torn with a new grimace he hasn't seen yet, and Raven was more than eager to experience.
Garfield moved from one nipple to the other, wishing he could transform into some creature with two heads. As Raven squirmed and moaned underneath him, he wondered what will happen soon, and with his hand manoeuvring between her thighs, he was determined to discovered that.
Her back arched, as his fingers reached her wet spot and slipped underneath her costume, just as his tongue coiled around her nipple again. Though she was trying to contain her emotions, the spots on her costume glowed in violet with each kiss and delicate move of his fingers against or inside her sex, and soon, Raven was thrashing underneath him, ready to burst.
And when she did, it was not with energy, but with milk that filled Beast Boy's mouth, in an act that surprised both of them.
Raven quaked for a few more minutes, coating his fingers with her juices he now lapped as eagerly as the new one she produced for him. Beast Boy made sure to wait until she was looking at him when he licked his lips, tasting both.
- Come'ere, I'm thirsty too... - she huffed, and settled herself amongst the pillows, ready to invite him.
Beast Boy let out a dreamy sigh, as his cock slid between her breasts, engulfing him completely with the delicate, heavenly texture only her breasts could provide. And when Raven gently pushed her mounds together, she added the missing part of friction, making Beast Boy throw his head back, even though he hasn't moved an inch.
But as he looked down at his girlfriend, he met her unusually frisky eyes, and with that, he flexed his muscles. Next thing she knew, his hands were on her horns, and he pushed his hips forward, diving deep into her bosom.
His action was a bit sudden and Raven's eyes opened wide when she realised that her head was pulled forward and that his twitching tip was now a fraction of an inch from her lips. And as she was about to open them, he pulled back and began his thrusts, mewling and moaning with each one, as pleasure slowly engulfed him.
He was in trance, brought by the alluring sight of his girlfriend and her magically enlarged bosom and thge reward they were leaking. And as Raven promised, she wanted one of her own: now, with every rapid thrust, her tongue lapped a drop or two of his pre-cum, in turn only generating more samples of what was to come. Raven was pretty sure what was his plan, but she opened her lips wide anyway, hoping to catch at least some of his oncoming climax.
- Rae...Rae... I LOVE YOU!
And with that proclamation, beast Boy dived balls-deep between her magically enlarged breasts, letting her warmth and size cover them as well, which only strengthened his orgasm. Raven yelped when the first stream of his seed flooded her mouth, and closed her mouth just in time to suck a bit more, even though she knew what was the sight he wanted to see.
As he pulled back, his cock was still twitching, spurting more and more of his virility in the valley between her mounds, until it slowly started to spill down, glazing her breasts with the sticky proof of his devotion.
And just as he thought he has seen it all, Raven dragged her finger across her breasts, hoping to catch as much of his cum as possible before it all drips to the bed. she parted her fingers to show the sticky strands between them before she closed her lips around them and made him collapse to his back from the simple act of tasting him.
- That was fun - she spoke, as most of his seed made it to her lips. - But you know what every cow needs, right?
Raven asked, lapping the last bit of cum from her tits. She leaned forward and with the same low, salacious tone as before, whispered the words that Beast Boy already had on his mind.
- Her bull...
His green body grew in a split of second, transforming him, but not in the form of the animal Raven expected. While his head became elongated and grew bovine horns, his torso and arms remained human, though much more muscular, and only the addition of hooves on his legs and a tail truly made her realise what he was now: a minotaur.
But of course, hooves and tail was not what piqued Raven's interest the most, as her eyes looked down at the figure towering over her.
This time, she could not stop herself and her lust; Raven licked a small droplet of drool that formed on her lips, and reached her hand to experience the enormous, throbbing organ whose glistening head was now once more inches away from her lips.
But her lover didn't want another blowjob. As steam-like cloud escaped his nostrils, Beast Boy grabbed her and effortlessly slammed her onto his cock, watching as the sorceress lets out a silent moan.
When he went down on her, Raven tried to maintain at least some dignity. But now, as her sex was filled completely with his monstrous cock, she threw all of the pretence away and babbled her lover's name, while the blots on her costume pulse violet each time his cock reached her depths, time after time, depraving her of common sense, as bliss slowly overtook her mind.
But not until she has managed to speak one last wish.
- D-Do what you are supposed to!
Raven screamed, her voice vibrating with the erratic thrusts her entire body was subjected to.
- Mate me! Breed me!
Another roar escaped his mouth, and Raven took a gasp of air just in time to expel it, as Beast Boy shoved himself deeper inside her throbbing pussy that before, firmly positioning himself as far as possible, right against her core, he now bathed in first deluge of his seed. And with his thick, monster cock forming an air-tight seal, not a drop of his virility could leak out, and was forced up into her womb. What would have been impossible for any other man became a child's play for him, letting Raven experience the impossible.
And with the flood of his warm seed filling her, came her orgasm, making Raven thrash around his cock, as if she was a puppet on his mercy. With each wave that flooded and promptly overflowed her sex, came a new sensation of being filled and claimed, and in turn, each simultaneously extinguished fire in her loins, and set it anew...
At some point, Raven fell back to the bed, feeling her pussy pulse with each after-wave of her climax, while Beast Boy's seed oozed onto the bed. She wasn't sure how long her after-glow lasted, but she knew what brought her back to her senses.
Her breasts were kissed again, with the same tender and care the minotaur would never learn. Beast Boy was his regular self, taking care of her body his monstrous form has neglected, listening to her breath slowly becoming less and less erratic.
She looked up and their eyes met, while Garfield locked his lips around her nipple again, drinking her orgasm.
- Hey.
- Hey. - she replied - I guess people were right, those cow costumes do work.
- Rae, you could dress like a platypus and you'd be sexy.
Raven smiled, and her hand reached to her lover's cheek, prompting him to leave her nipple.
Their lips met again, and though she thought she would be tired by now, she welcomed him again, especially as his hands now roamed her thighs and ass.
She let out another moan, seemingly far louder than a moment before, but maybe it was because her voice wasn't drowned by the beast's low grunts, but Garfield's borderline cute huffs.
And even though he was now much shorter and thinner than before, somehow Raven felt fuller than when a giant minotaur ravaged her. Maybe it was his kisses, dotting her breasts and lapping her milky fluid, maybe it was his delicate, but steady grip of his hands on her thighs... or maybe it was the unspoken promise they mentioned...
As they kept coming closer, the empath suddenly grabbed his cheeks and pulled him against her, not to kiss, but to find emotions raging in his mind. And she found them - those of love, protection, dedication and responsibility, which easily pushed her to the edge...
She cried out his name just as he flooded her again, this time with his essence, and even though Raven knew it was impossible, she somehow felt the difference in warmth that filled her sex.
As the two breathed in the same air, Raven gently moved her hand between her body, feeling the warmth of his body above her, and his cock and seed inside. She could undo the spell right now, and change their lives forever... And she had to admit, it would be a very apt moment... but then again, she would rob them of many, many heated moments like these.
It's a good thing she buddied up with Yellow as much as with Violet for this ride.
The two lay ion each other's arms for quite some time, savouring each other's scents and warmth, until Raven found strength and motivation to speak.
- So, got any more silly internet memes trending?
Beast Boy smiled and reached for his phone.
Winter this year was snow-less, rainy and mild, like for the past half a decade or so. But that only made the New Year's eve less cumbersome, as it meant less time traversing through mounds of snow. Plus, it meant the Titans' Tower rooftop wasn't off limits.
- I thought this place, at this time would be the worst to meditate. - Beast Boy spoke - The whole sky's gonna be on fire in five minutes.
- Yeah, but maybe I wanted to watch.
He sat next to her, listening to far-away sounds of concerts and premature celebration. He scooted a few inches closer to her, and let out a short meep when her cape covered him.
- I wonder what this year will bring us. - he spoke, ruining the quiet, charming moment.
- I do - Raven answered quickly. - This year is gonna be of the tiger.
Raven spoke and undid a button of her cape that joined the two, freeing her breasts. Beast Boy swallowed loudly, seeing the moonlight shining onto her skin, and making her bosom look bigger with no additional magic required.
- Why don't we practice, kitty?
And with that, the night's air was filled with a powerful roar of a predator cat that has just found its very willing prey.
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saetbyeol-moved · 4 years
​   things had been crazy, lately. his already busy schedule was just getting even busier as NO SPIN gained recognition across their borders, further, and further, until they were climbing charts even in places like the united states. their latest comeback had been their best one yet, millions were talking about it, in all the languages under the sun. it was invigorating, fuel to his endless need for validation and adoration.
   it also meant he had to travel more, and jiwoon had seen more places in the past few months than he’d seen in his entire lifetime. a particular one that stood out was a recent visit to the uk for an interview. the one conducting it was apparently a western social media star by the name of rosalie rutherford that was popular in english speaking regions. he had never heard of her before at the time, but that was no surprise, he didn’t really check out that sort of thing.
   he was the only one being interviewed, as the rest of NO SPIN didn’t really speak english well at all. ever since their international breakthrough, they had put him through some english classes to advance his vocabulary, so that as the lead of NO SPIN, he could represent them better. perhaps he would have felt nervous, as he was aware that despite those classes, his english wasn’t anywhere near that of a native speaker, but rosalie had an air about her that left you comfortable. the interview had felt easy, and he was given time if he needed a moment to either process the question or figure out how to say something  —  the magic of editing would take care of that. many questions passed by about their latest comeback, and even about how he had saved his bandmates from the fire, and he expected that one. it was always asked about, it was what had played a big part in them getting noticed more in the first place. his band persona had always been the tough looking guy with the soft heart, and now he had hero to tag onto that. that sold well, and young girls loved it.
   she was cute, he wasn’t blind, but there was definite chemistry between them as the interview carried on, a type of synergy he hadn’t experienced before today, and that was what really drew him in. he was certain everyone else in the room felt it too, and he hadn’t been wrong. his bandmates teased him relentlessly afterwards that he had a crush on the english girl. he let them have their fun, they weren’t wrong, but he wasn’t going to tell them that. one thing was incredibly clear to him, though: he had to have her.
   when everyone was asleep on the plane back to south korea, he had sent her a message on instagram from an alternate account. his management had access to his verified account, and he couldn’t risk that. she was confused at first, and even didn’t believe him, but after he sent her a selfie from the plane as well as an explanation why he wasn’t on his verified account; she did believe him.
   things spiralled from there. he messaged her every day. he quietly laughed at her jokes, sent her pictures and short videos of his rehearsals, dance and vocal practices, bored selfies, and she did the same thing of meals she was cooking, videos she was editing, or a cute dog she saw on the street today. sometimes he had to wait for hours because of the timezone difference, and people started to notice he looked at his phone too much. so sometimes, he would miss it when she was online, because he didn’t want to keep drawing attention to himself. sometimes, once he got home, he would spend a couple hours watching her videos and scrolling her social feeds before he would go to sleep.
   it wasn’t even that he couldn’t date, but mightee one entertainment was heavily against it, and it also usually gave idols negative press. he knew when he signed his contract, and he still knew today. single idols just make more money. but he couldn’t help it. he asked her out on a date when he knew what time he’d be back in the uk. he had researched for hours what good places to eat were in london where they let you in with casual clothing. he gave her a fair warning beforehand: he wasn’t allowed to date, so they couldn’t talk about it or walk around publicly, and that he would need to look like a douchebag wearing sunglasses in a restaurant. she still said yes.
   NO SPIN was on tour for their album, and london was their next stop. they would be there for a couple of days. it was perfect. the first night, he could barely sleep, the next night he had his first london show, and after that was a night off, and the day he had chosen for their date.
   he knew he looked silly in his black bowl cut wig, and his dark sunglasses, but it was for the best. he had even put some coloured contacts in, just in case. his natural eyes were dark brown, and right now they were a forest green. they had decided to meet at the restaurant itself, and he saw her outside when he arrived. she still looked as cute as she did the first time, if not even cuter. he had ran a little late.
   ❛ hey... sorry. ❜  he held out some flowers for her he had picked up on the way here.  ❛ I had to take the bus, and I didn’t know how it worked. the bus driver got mad at me for not having an... oyster card...? ❜  he never took public transport, he was always driven everywhere, or they put him in a private plane. he was just about familiar with how it worked in south korea, from before he debuted, but he had never had to take it outside of his home borders.
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jimlingss · 5 years
Flames and Floe
➜ Words: 8k
➜ Genres: 95% Angst, 5% Fluff, Bender!AU
➜ Summary: When the ice nation, your nation, has betrayed the kingdom, killed the king, and committed the most heinous act of treason, you will travel to the Capital with Yoongi to defeat them. Even if it means going against your own people and walking with your enemy.
➜ Warnings: Fire and death.
➜ Notes: This is loosely inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender.
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[Prequel]   The world is made up of five elements.    Ones that you’ve barely begun to understand, but that are within each of you — shaped distinctly and expelled through different abilities. As children they felt more like powers that you’ve run around playing with only to get scolded at and as adults, they feel more like responsibilities.   And for as long as you can recall, you have always felt cold.   “We’re almost there.” Haeun has pulled back the curtain that covers the small window of the carriage you both sit in. The land outside is barren and without vegetation — a sight you are accustomed to, but that doesn’t mean that the soil is infertile or that the region is poor.   The Air Nation merely likes to live simply.   “The skies are really blue here,” you comment and she nods, retracting her hand and allowing the curtain to fall back.    Haeun has been quiet throughout the whole trip thus far and as the older person, a sister not through blood but bond, you reach over to clasp your hand on top of her’s. “You don’t have to be nervous. I’ll be the one predominantly speaking.”   “I know.” She musters a smile, looking towards you. “But I still can’t help but be a little. Before we left, Sochun was telling me to be on my guard….that…”   The girl hesitates and your eyes search for her’s. “That what?”   “That they might resent us,” the innocent girl confides in you and her voice drops into a whisper despite it only being the two of you in the small carriage teetering from side to side and slowly making its way down the craggy path. “Do you think that’s true, Y/N? Do they think they still hate our people?”   “Don’t be ridiculous.” Your hand withdraws and your eyes harden. “And don’t listen to Sochun of all people. He can barely conjure snow.”   The corner of Haeun’s lips subtly quirk, but her expression still remains unsteady. “But—”   “But nothing,” you say in a low tone, looking straight ahead at the curtain that covers you from the outside. “The treaty was made half a decade ago by all the nations. The war is over and even Chief has been to this summit meeting before. He trusts them enough to send us as representatives and trusts us enough to speak on behalf of our people. We mustn’t show doubts or fear, Haeun.”   She nods and the carriage becomes silent again.   Unbeknownst to the girl, your hand clutching onto the excess fabric of your robes in your lap tightens and you try to calm the wild beating in your chest. You’ve never considered yourself a leader — anyone of any important duty or status for that matter — but the chief has always seen otherwise and as your mentor, he has sent you to the summit to meet the leaders of other nations. You were chosen to speak for them, to show fortitude and courage.   But unlike your words of conviction and strength, you know deep down inside that the hatred will always remain. As long as there are people who can remember, who have lived to see the death and calamity, there will always be resentment against your people.    After all, the war had encased the land in an endless winter.
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[Act I]   Fire.   Everything burns.   It is crimson, tangerine, gold — like the colour of the rising and falling sun. But the dancing flames spreads in an uncomfortable heat that nearly burns off your skin. You gasp for air as the smog consumes and you wheeze, mouth becoming dry from the black smoke. The sizzling inferno roars, intense and angry.   You shout for help, stumbling out of your room with your voice still hoarse from sleep, but no one comes. You dispel ice from your hands. Icicles attack the flames and you call forth a blizzard but the blaze is too strong. The light that burns your eyes blows towards you, swelling with a rumble and you are forced to retreat, forced to run outside.   There, in the midst of chaos, there is a sharp call of your name.   You whirl around and see the man you most despise.   But he holds you like he is most glad to see you are still alive.   “Yoongi!” You pull him away from you, straining your throat to shout at him. And you point to the fire consuming the tents and wooden building. The summit was in flames. “Did you do this? Did you do this?!”   “There was someone of ice here!” He shouts above the fire. “I don’t know who! I couldn’t see their face but someone from your nation was here and I had to fight them. They—They got away.”   You don’t understand, plunged into utter confusion, but as the flames crack and sputter, you know there’s no time to dwell on his explanation. “Do something then! You did this! We...we need to wake everyone up! We need to save them!”   “Y/N!” Yoongi’s hand curls over your wrist as you turn around. His warm skin meets your cold flesh and you flinch back, retracting away as if he has burnt you. “They’ve been poisoned.”   Poisoned. In the dead of the night.   Leaders and rulers. Representatives from all five nations. You were not unspared — but rather, they couldn’t get to you in time. Not when Yoongi had caught the strange shadow in the corridor, and they had run away before they were harmed, and he consumed this place in a furious fire.    Haeun.   Haeun….you can’t let her die like this.   “What are you doing?!” Yoongi shouts when you begin to run into the blaze.    Ice dispels from your fingertips, a sleet of snow that pushes through your hands, but the flames only seem to become angrier. Your feet root to the ground and the wall of ice you craft shatters before it can even be built around the inferno. You scream, mustering whatever is left inside of you.    “Haeun!”   But it is never enough.   You rush forward, but you can never step foot inside the burning building.    Not when Yoongi’s grip latches onto your arm, holding you back before you can get too close to the fire and succumb to the temperature. “Have you gone insane?! You will die!”   “Let me go, Yoongi!” You shriek at him with the insanity of a grieving sister, with the agony of someone who has only lost loved ones. “Let go of me!”   You can’t leave her behind. You can’t let her pass on alone. She would be terrified, scared without someone beside her.    “They’ve all been poisoned!” Yoongi yells and turns you around so you face the barren lands, away from the fire so you can merely feel the heat on your back. But when the man from the Fire Nation embraces you, the uncomfortable warmth returns. Your fingernails curl and you fight against his binds before your whole body is set aflame.   “T-Then I need to get her body! Our people are buried in glaciers, without it their souls won’t rise to Heaven. P-Please,” you beg with him, pleading with the man and you press your palms together as if he is someone you can pray to for mercy. “Please, Y-Yoongi.”   “I’m sorry.”   Haeun was your younger sister through bond — the few family members that you have left after the war. She is your responsibility, your loved one. You were witness to her birth, grew up with her, played with her, cared for her after her parents passed. She merely lived fourteen years of her eighty year life. And she will never find peace in a burning place like this.   How will you face your people like this. How will you face Haeun’s brothers like this.   “Let me go.” Blood-curdling shrieks tear from your broken chest, ones that you don’t recognize as your own. Your calm demeanor melts away, replaced with pain and sorrow. It’s a sight that frightens Yoongi and makes him tremble. “Since when have you cared if I lived or died?!”   “I won’t let you go.”   Heart-wrenching sobs break through your frame, icicles falling from your eyes and down your cheeks. Your legs weaken until you have fallen to the ground and you hold yourself, helplessly watching the fire engulf your world.   There’s nothing neither of you can do, but simply watch as the crimson, tangerine, and gold burn throughout the night. Until the roof has collapsed and the entrances are indistinguishable from the walls. Yoongi stands, paralyzed as you are. And when your tears run out, you remain silent.    You watch the way the smoke curls in the sky, vanishing after a distance like it never existed and a part of you inside withers with it.   The fire continues until dawn when the flames are eventually smothered, leaving mountains of ashes and destruction in its wake.   A lone hawk flies through the sky. Its piercing and dignified cry taking your attention.   Yoongi whistles for it through his fingers and it slows its descent, circling the area above your heads before landing on the arm he lifts up. He receives the scroll tied to its ankle and releases the bird to fly back to where it came from.   He reads the encryption and then the parchment perishes in his palms, burnt to a crisp like your companion hours prior.    “What did it say?” you ask while looking ahead quietly, enunciating each syllable through a raspy voice.    Yoongi remains silent as if he does not want to share, but when he is ready, he does. “The Earth Family has been killed. There is war. The Fire Nation has begun their march to the Capital.”   The royal family deceased. The throne empty. History repeats.    But you aren’t shocked or surprised, not when you feel empty like the barren land in front of you. Not when you have served witness to such devastation.   “Who is responsible?”   Yoongi remains silent.   You press on, turning towards him, stumbling on your feet to rise again. “Who is responsible?”   The man with charcoal hair and cat-like, tired eyes hesitates. “The Ice people.”   It’s impossible. You know them well, you live among them, you are them. You’ve never even heard of such a proposition, never heard of such plans being made to overthrow the kingdom. And you know they would never seek revenge. They would never attempt to rule the continent again after the destruction of the last war. The Chief, your nation has learnt their lessons. You have lost far too many people, suffered far too much for such a greedy purpose.    But maybe you are wrong. Maybe they knew how you would disagree, that you would act as the voice of dissuasion. Perhaps they let you and Haeun come to the summit on purpose as sacrifice.    You have been betrayed.   “Then we march to the Capital as well.”    You look beyond the horizon to where the rising sunlight casts its luminescence.   The man beside you furrows his brows. “They are your family.”   “Family or not, I can’t ignore what they have done wrong.” Your fist tightens as you make your vow to instill what is right. Your strong gaze meets Yoongi’s uncertain one. “I will repent for my people if I have to.”
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[Act II]   Air.   You cannot breathe.   The air is cold, crisp and hard to take in. You should be used to it when back at home, the frost has been embedded into the atmosphere and your lungs turn cold through the winter. But it is still difficult here. Maybe you have stayed too long around the fire.   Yoongi releases the hawk into the air and it takes flight, a scroll he wrote attached to its ankle as it flies from the direction it came from. “I received news. My clan is moving towards the Capital. They’ve fought with the Ice people, but we may be able to meet with them soon.”   You nod.   Fire and ice are natural contradictions of each other. They are equally matched in the balance of elements and you are glad that Yoongi’s nation is readily fighting against yours.   The two of you continue trekking on the mountainside, staying undetected from others who may have ill intentions.   It is tense and quiet between you both. There is nothing but the sound of the air moving through the sky and the noise of your footsteps against the gravel and rocky terrain. Never in your right mind would you have ever imagined yourself journeying through the land with Min Yoongi.   As natural opposites of each other, it is instinctive not to be fond of one another. You have seen each other since young, brief moments of time throughout the years — by visits of the Fire Nation, when he came along with members of his clan to visit your own nation, and summit meetings you had joined your father back when there was still peace among the continent.   Yet now instead of being children running through the thick forest, throwing ice at him until he’s frost bitten and him accidentally burning you with his fire, you walk in silence. You are unable to find the strength to banter, to bicker as you had as teenagers. There is nothing to say.   You are grief-ridden. Yoongi is exhausted.   But the sole sound of the air moving through the sky is interrupted when the back of your hands graze and you flinch back.   Yoongi’s touch burns you.   He notices and steals a glance of you before looking away. He clears his throat. “Why are you so cold?”   “I’ve always been like this, haven’t you noticed,” you question in a mutter. “It’s because I bend ice. All Ice people are cold, but I’m used to it.”   He says nothing more and when the sun begins to set on the horizon, the pair of you prepare to camp for the night in a damp cave. Your stomach is full of a bird that was hunted and cooked, but it does little to settle the sickly feeling inside of you.   Yoongi sits cross-legged on the ground, bending the campfire at will to make sure it stays alive throughout the night. But you stay at a distance, knees gathered together, back against the wall.   If you come too close, it will burn you, so you watch it flicker from afar. The small flames are dancing, smoke rising, and you listen to it crackle and sputter. It is crimson, tangerine, gold — like the colour of the rising and falling sun. It reminds you of last night.   And you suddenly feel a need to gasp for air, as if the smog will consume you.    It’s hard to breathe.   “We will continue on the path in the morning,” Yoongi suddenly says, hands placed back into his lap and breaking you out of your horrifying memory. You look at him across the cave and fire, where his softened features are illuminated in the golden light. “But there will be two paths we can take. Up the mountain or towards the stream.”   “What’s the difference?”   “The stream is safer, but the mountain is faster.”   “Up the mountain then,” you insist. “If it means we’ll be there quicker. There’s no time to waste.”   “Are you sure?”   “Yes.” You place your chin on top of your arms, watching the fire.   “Go to bed,” Yoongi says gently, more than what you’ve ever been used to. “There’s a long day ahead.”   “I’m not sure I can count on you to keep watch.” What was meant to be lighthearted and mischievous sounds too serious and sincere. You didn’t mean to say it in that way, but you cannot control the sadness in your voice.   “I won’t hurt you,” Yoongi says. “I have no reason to.”   You end up laying down on the ground, facing away from the fire that keeps you warm.
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[Act III]   Earth.   The ground begins to morph the farther you go upwards. The gravel becomes moist, the soil fertile and from below, it is no longer a desolate land. There are grand trees and verdant bushery, a winding forest that shifts and transforms to confuse its travelers. You begin to hear the birds — singing or crying, you’re not too sure.   Soon, the slope begins to go downwards into a clearing and you stop when you catch sight of ashes.   “Yoongi.” You halt him, but he had already seen it and began to slow.   There is no longer fire. No longer smoke. But if you closed your eyes, you could see it in front of you. You can hear the terrified screams, the cries of children, the call of one another’s names.   It is frightening but you move ahead where the fertile land has been singed.   “My people were here,” Yoongi murmurs as he crouches down, laying his hand on the soil that is still hot to the touch. “They must’ve been chasing yours….”   There is nothing left of the once lively village. All the buildings have been burnt. Bones no longer left after being charred. There are only scalded wooden frames of what were homes, where people raised their children and slept through the night. The remains of the Earth Nation’s flag flies from its post, crisp at the edges and the emblem scorched away.   It has become a town of mourning ghosts.   Yoongi looks over the horizon. “There’s nothing here.”   Yet against his words, there is rustling in a nearby bush. It puts you both on alarm, knees bent, hands raising. A path of icicles dispels from your fingertips while Yoongi whips around. His black robes with red embedded at the hem catches the air and his feet swipes against the soil, a road of fire burning from his feet.   But you hear a sharp gasp. And through a small opening of branches, you see doe eyes.   “Stop!” you scream at Yoongi and push a hand against his chest. You cry when the touch burns you, but his flames retract at once.   “Are you okay?!” He searches your expression, but you have no time to answer.   Your desperate eyes move towards the vegetation and you step forward. “Come out! I can see you.”   The bush rustles. What emerges is a little girl. Dark hair tied into two buns at the top sides of her head, smog and soot pressed on her face, a dirtied form-fitting dress of the Earth Nation hugging her frame.   “A child,” Yoongi murmurs in consternation.   “We won’t hurt you,” you tell the Earth Bender, lowering yourself and softening your expression. But the girl, no more than five years old, shakes her head and refuses to come forth. “I promise.”   There’s a crackle of flames to your left that catches your focus, small but consuming the wooden planks and your hand flies out. You extinguish it with a shower of ice crystals falling from the sky. She watches in awe and you smile gently.   “I won’t hurt you,” you repeat sternly, but gently, and this time it seems to be enough. The girl hesitantly approaches and you ask her, “What is your name?” She doesn’t respond, doesn’t utter a single word. The girl simply takes your hand and draws her name on your open palm.   Haru.   She moves to stick by your side, right by your leg and tilts to stare at Yoongi from a distance. Her eyes are empty and she blinks at him.   “We have to take her somewhere where it’s safe,” you tell him. “There’s no one here.”   He agrees.   Camp is set earlier before the sun has even gone down. While you would be opposed, wanting to make it as far as you can before it was impossible to go any further, there was a new companion on your journey and you didn’t want to push the girl any more than what she’s already been through today.   She stays by your side for the entire afternoon and evening without speaking once. But that doesn’t mean her companionship is unfelt.   While collecting water by a nearby stream, you glance at her profile that’s watching the water intently. The little girl is crouched beside you and you smile gently. “Want to see something?”   Her curious stare moves onto your face and your hand stretches towards a cluster of rocks by the river. Haru watches in astonishment as your fingers curl and uncurl, and a transparent lily grows through the little snow you create. It is transparent blue, made of icicles, but still as lovely.   The corner of her lips quirk for the first time since you’ve met her and she looks at the ice lily from all angles. Haru attempts to hold it up and she manages to pluck it from the rocks, but it eventually becomes too cold and slips from her fingers.   The flower shatters on impact, at the moment it reaches the ground.    “It’s okay,” you say. “I can make more.”   But instead of the girl looking at you to do so, she moves to the side where the grass is and whirls her tiny hand around a small patch. A red flower grows, stem pulling from the ground before petals bloom from the bud created. Once it’s spiraled to a full flower, she plucks it and leans up to put it in your hair, tucking it right behind your ear.   You smile. “Thank you.”   And when Yoongi sees it, his expression softens into a smile as well. One you’ve never seen on him.   “What do we do?” you ask him that very night over the crackle of the fire and with Haru asleep, her head laid in your lap as you stroke her. “Where do we bring her? She can’t come to the Capital with us. It’s too dangerous.”   “It’s okay,” he comforts you even if you don’t voice your concerns out loud. He knows you enough to be able to read your expressions. “We’ll find her a safe place. I know one that’s nearby.”   “Really?”   The man nods, bending the fire so the heat lessens. “A city that has remained isolated since the war. We can head towards it.”   “Thank you, Yoongi.”   “You don’t need to thank me.” He smiles across the fire. “We’re in this together.”   Yoongi is reliable, more than you have ever given him credit for. It is in the wake of calamity, that you find how soothing and dependable it is — and you are sad that you only see it now. He is strong, a comforting and safe force that you can lean against in the time of war.   Yoongi keeps you grounded.   It’s in the middle of the following day with the sweltering sun beating down your backs that you can see it in the distance — timber logs tied tightly together to create a wall, blocking the view of the town inside that’s barricaded and fortified from the threats of the outside world. You brace yourselves, approaching slowly as refugees and Haru reaches up, taking you by surprise when she grasps your hands.   But one look at the child and you squeeze her palm. She does not flinch from your cold skin.   “Stop!”   There’s a booming voice that rumbles throughout the clearing, echoing in your ears. The closed doors are in your reach, a few meters away but still far enough that the future of the girl whose hand you hold remains uncertain.   A broad man appears at the top of the barricades, dressed in furs and a hat with a feather. He stands tall with his hands behind his back.   “We mean no harm!” Yoongi steps forward. “There has been another coup! We simply seek asylum!”    But the gates remain closed. The man stares down at the three of you.    “What kind of benders are you?” he asks, timbre resounding around your bodies. “And don’t lie because we’ll know!”   “I am a Fire Bender,” Yoongi declares and glances at you hesitantly. “The girl...she’s an Earth Bender. We are of no threat to you.”   “But what about the other?” He points to you and a lie lays heavy on Yoongi’s tongue, ready to spill without a blink. But you know they’ll find out one way or another, whether it's through touching your skin or them telling you to spread your palms and bend the element you were born with.   You can’t let him lie for you. The truth remains on your shoulders, one you must accept that is inborn and ancestral. No matter where you go, you will always carry this tragedy with you.   “She is—”   “I am an Ice Bender.” Your voice pierces through the ground, loud enough that it shocks Yoongi and Haru’s hand tightens on yours. You face them with your heart laid in your hands, with pleading sincerity in your eyes. “Please—”   Yet at once, archers raise from their post, over the wall with their bows drawn and their arrows pointed at you.   You’re prepared to shut your eyes, accept your fate. But Yoongi instinctively throws himself in front of you, protecting you with his body. His arms spread, shielding you away from the danger.    “Please!” He begs and Min Yoongi, son the most important Fire clan does not beg. “We mean no harm!”   “Yoongi. Stop it.” You grab onto his arm before letting go, but he is relentless. “Don’t do this.”   “Trader!” The man shouts directly at you. “Scum of the Earth, how dare you stand before me and ask for refuge. What audacity you have after massacring my people!” His face is a vivid shade of scarlet, features twisted and the veins in his neck popped from yelling. He is one moment away from unleashing the sea of arrows before you three.   “I mean no harm.” Your voice musters composure. “Please, just let the man and girl go through.”   You need to give them the best chance.   The man shielding you turns in horror. It seems for the first time, he is looking at you clearly and he calls you softly in a way that reminds you of when you were younger and free. “Y/N.”   “They are innocent. Please, the child doesn’t have a family anymore. They were all killed. She has nowhere to go. She will die out here. I will leave. Right away. Just let them through.” You hold Haru’s hand and the man at the top of the barricades finally takes notice of the little girl by your side, hugging your leg. Her eyes hold fear, rounded tears threatened at her lashes.   There is a moment of silence. The man grunts. “Only the child and the man. You must leave. Any tricks, girl, and you will die.”   You nod and the archers never stand down, but slowly the gates begin to open. It creaks, massive wooden doors that lead a single path downwards and you push Haru forth.   Yoongi turns. “I am not leaving you behind.”   You gently smile at him — wanting to lift your hand and caress his cheek as a final farewell, but unable to do so when his skin burns yours. Yoongi has taken care of you for so long, now it’s your turn to do the same for him. “It’s too dangerous going to the Capital. They will hurt you, Yoongi. They won’t hurt me. It’s safer here. You will be able to join your people sooner.”   “I’m not leaving you.” His gaze is stern, holding your stare. Your chest aches at his refusals, making it harder than it needs to be but you feel grateful to his loyalty, knowing that he would never abandon you out of his own will.   “Yoongi, you have to. It’s okay. It’s your best chance and I have to give you that.”   “You’re not hearing me. I’m not.”   He remains steadfast and you wish he wasn’t so stubborn. That he wouldn’t be so hot-headed and passionate. That he could be as cold as you are and could desert you the way you wish he would.   “What’s going on?!” The man from the top of the barricades shouts down. Time is running out.   “The child goes.” Yoongi announces, whirling around. “I stay with her.”   The yell of his name through your lips goes ignored. The man stares down at the three of you and takes a moment before he nods. “Very well.”   Haru shuffles forward. She walks slowly ahead, feet digging against the dirt by her lonesome. And when she turns around one final time, her eyes are glossy. The child stares at both you and Yoongi. Her lips part to shout something.    But by then, the gates close with a thump with the two of you on the other side. 
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[Act IV]   Water.   The sky is blackened and the rain comes down in sheets, a cold downpour that collects in puddles and drenches anything from below. It flows in streams, flooding the area — it pounds against the cave that you have sought refuge in — it is soothing. The Heavens are crying, but it still wouldn’t be enough to extinguish the Fire Nation’s flames used to fight against your people.   You wish you were a Water Bender.   All your life you have had this plaguing thought of impossibility. It would have been an easier life to bend the force that every living entity needs. That is naturally peaceful. That is needed and loved. It would have been easier to wield the rain and not the snow. To dust flowers with morning dew and not wither them in your frost. To live in surrounding rivers and oceans, and not freezing glaciers and floes.    It would have been easier to be born into a nation that wasn’t hated — a people that wasn’t inherently evil, greedy, and cold.   “I wonder why they did it.”   Yoongi’s head shifts at your voice. He looks away from the fire he has created, the warmth he has made to shield the damp outside. You listen to the flicker of the flames, the crackle and sputter with the droplets of rain descending from above.   “Why do you think they did it?” you ask, wondering if your people did it for revenge or for their pride.   “I wish I knew,” Yoongi murmurs wistfully, eyes faraway. “Maybe because of greed. People always want more.”   If you weren’t an Ice Bender, you wouldn’t have to be so cold all the time.   “Do you think we are inherently evil?”   “No. You aren’t.”   “You don’t know that. What if—”   “But I do,” he says with such conviction that you want to believe him. If he told you that the fault of the war wasn’t solely on your people, you would believe him. If he told you that it wasn’t the fault of your nation, you would believe him.    If he told you to run away with him, you would believe him. “You aren’t evil, Y/N.”   You stare at the fire he’s bent, the flames that dance and casts your shadows against the cavern walls. “What is it like, Yoongi?”   “Hmm?”   Your eyes meet his softened ones. “What is it like to provide warmth to someone?”   He doesn’t answer. He doesn’t reply with that husky voice of his, allowing it to rumble over the noise of the rain and fire. Instead, he stands and moves to sit in front of you. He is close and you begin to shift away when he faces you, unable to handle the intensity of his gaze.    “Don’t touch me,” you whisper. “I’m cold and you’re too warm, you might kill me.”   Yoongi’s cat-like eyes pierce through you. The corners of his lips curl. “Do you trust me?”   Your reply comes in the form of meeting his irises, of not flinching when he lifts his hands. His palms press against your cheeks gently, cradling your face. The temperature of his flesh sears against yours, almost painfully, but never does it burn. He leans in close until you can feel his breath against your lips. And your eyes flutter shut.   Yoongi presses his forehead to yours.   He murmurs something beneath his breath, soft and gentle but indiscernible to you. It is an intimate gesture. One where you can feel him entirely without him needing to lay a touch on you elsewhere. Of where you feel like your chest is on fire. Where your despair seems to dissipate for a mere moment.   There is no one here but you and him.   But he pulls apart from you too soon for you to savour his affection. The warmth is gone. Yet strangely, you don’t feel as cold as before.   “It was a warmth spell for...protection,” Yoongi tells and swallows hard. He’s breathing heavily, winded from the incantation. “The Fire people, we can only ever give it to one person. We’ll be at the Capital tomorrow and I don’t know what will happen, so I need to make sure you’re safe.”   An enchantment of protection — only ever given to one person.   You don’t ask him why he has chosen you. Why he has given a part of himself to you. Why he feels a need to protect you more than himself.    You don’t ask him why, too afraid when you don’t know the outcome of tomorrow. Too afraid of voicing the feelings sweltering inside of you, only to be filled with devastation and loss.   “I wish there was something I could give to you,” you finally say after a long pause. The two of you gaze at one another, unspoken yearning lingering between the spaces. “I wish…”   “I don’t need anything,” Yoongi tells you and smiles tenderly as if to say he already has everything that he needs inside this empty cavern.   The night is restless.   Water drums down from the skies, drenching the Earth in its rain, but your soul is on fire.   Your eyes meet Yoongi’s across the dancing, flickering flames, both unable to sleep.   And when morning comes, the rain stops. There is still silence as you collect your little belongings and start the final trek to the Capital. It’s a downhill path, easier than it’s ever been when you don’t want it to be. When you want to hang onto this moment a while longer. But it inevitably comes sooner the more you wish it wouldn’t.   Although strangely, it is quiet.    The Capital is seemingly undamaged. You don’t see anyone. Any guards. Any people.   There is no devastation, no ruined homes or ravages at first sight. It has been abandoned. A ghost territory without the bustle or scurry of what makes it alive. You can see this, even as you take the outer path to avoid traps, circling around the town until the palace is in reach.   “Something’s not right,” you tell him and he only agrees, apprehension in each of his movements.   But the only way to seek the truth is in the heart of it all.    Whatever you find in the palace, you know you and Yoongi will be there together….   The pair of you enter. The grand doors are already open and you stalk the path towards the throne room. But your feet halt at the entrance, right where the carpet begins and your eyes stray to where it ends at the seat of the Emperor. They are there, gathered around the hall. As if they were waiting for you, to welcome you.   But you don’t see your people.   You don’t see the colour of blue. You don’t see ice.   You see red.   It is crimson, tangerine, gold — like the colour of the rising and falling sun. The flag on fire hangs from the top of the post, fluttering in the breeze, lit with flames that never burn the fabric.    The guards are dressed in red armour. The maids in red robes. Yoongi’s father wears red and sits at the throne. Warm. Scorching. The surrounding flames are dancing, the smoke rising, and it crackles and sputters. It burns your skin.    “No…”   You shake your head, stumbling back. When you turn around, the guards block your way. The once empty courtyard is now filled with his people, fire at their fingertips. You were watched the minute you trekked down from the mountains. You were watched the entire way here by one man….   “Yoongi!” You whirl around, shrieking his name at the top of your lungs and blood curdles at the back of your throat as his name tears from it. Just a few moments ago, you would have been content with his name being the last thing whispered from your dying breath — and now you scream it with the force of your despair. “Yoongi!”   The dark-haired man stands there, face expressionless, eyes simply pinned on yours. You are blocked by the guards, fighting against their hold as he remains motionless and an arm’s length away from you.   “Welcome to the new empire,” his father greets with a smile. “We’ve been waiting for you, Y/N.”   But you don’t listen.   You are fighting against the grief of Yoongi’s betrayal.   “You—You framed my people!” He kept you away from the towns, away from the main roads to prevent the news from reaching your ears. The Ice Nation never sought revenge. They were slaughtered. “You poisoned them! You killed Haeun! You lied to me!”    Fury and hatred blooms inside your chest. It ruptures until all you see is red — the disgusting shades of scarlet and crimson. You turn mad from your own wrath, from your own sorrow. The agony that bleeds through your body causes your sceam to be pitched and tortured. You fight helplessly against the guards’ hold as the shriek of his name is forced out your mouth, wracking throughout your entire body. It’s an unbearable pain that has set your blood aflame.    “Yoongi! You motherfucker—! I hate you! I hate you!”   It’s heartache.   “Take her away.”   You scream his name until the end.
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[Act V]   Ice.   It’s what you are made of. It’s what’s inside of you. What comes from your fingertips, what has been ingrained into your soul and blood.    And it’s what you’ve doubted — the very being of your existence, your own heritage, your own family. What he’s made you detested about yourself, about your people. You were betrayed.   Lied to. Tricked. Fooled.   He only protected you because he had to. Because they needed the blood of someone from each Nation to claim the throne for his family, because they needed someone of ice. Every act, every gesture, every promise was a part of his trickery.   Yoongi stopped you running into the fire, not because he cared, but because he needed you alive. Every word of comfort spoken from those lips of his was not to sooth your worries, but for you to confide your secrets in him. The way he stood in front of you with his arms spread wide to take on the onslaught of arrows was not a gesture to protect you, but an act to gain your undying trust.    And he held you that night to completely blind you.    Everything that Yoongi did for you, to you was part of his deception.   His shadow casts as he approaches your prison cell, holding fire in his hand and illuminating the darkness enough to see your silhouette. You turn away from the flickering flame like a wounded animal, holding your knees together, hair covering your tear-stricken cheeks. “Don’t look at me.”    You never wanted to look so weak, to be so defeated. Not in front of him, the boy you have known and fought with since young. But your plea goes unheard.   He remains standing there, the two of you separated by steel bars and his betrayal. “Don’t look at me!” Your voice raises, hoarse and unrecognizable to the ears. “Leave me alone!”   “Let me see you,” he murmurs, so gently you might have mistaken it for the man you had known for the past few weeks and not the man that reality has brought you. Yoongi begs, the flame in his hand glowing dimly, a shade of canary. “Please, Y/N. I want to see you one last time.”   You turn around, slowly, enough that your features are illuminated in his golden light. And Yoongi’s breath hitches. You are beaten. Brutalized. Bleeding. He can see the marks of the whip, of where your lip has split entirely. They didn’t even put you under the heat of their fire, simply struck you with ordinary objects to demean you further. And you look at him with bitter eyes.   “Is this what you wanted?”   “No.”   You don’t believe him.   “I despise you, Min Yoongi.”   You will be executed at the foot of the throne come dawn. It’s the only way the crown will accept the head of the new ruler. The only way a new empire can begin. This is the end — and you would have rathered died by jumping through Yoongi’s fire all those weeks ago.   “I hate you,” you tell him through clenched teeth. “From this life to the next, I will never stop detesting your very soul. I will never cease or breathe or live if I know you are still in this world. I will never stop loathing you with every fibre of my being, with every breath that I have. I will never stop cursing your name or damning you into Hell. I hate you. I hate you!”   You scream with your limbs restrained, like a wild animal being kept in a cage. Anger drives you to the brink of insanity. And the man remains standing there, looking at you with an unreadable expression until he smothers out the fire in his hand and fades away into the darkness, a meaningless apology spoken in his place.   “I’m sorry.”   You don’t sleep, not when oblivion will be inevitable. You know you won’t find rest in the afterlife, not when your body is disposed of here, not when you know the calamity that is to come. And as you torture yourself in self-hatred, knowing this has been caused because you doubted and betrayed your people — because you naively trusted a man who used his affections to fool you — morning arrives.   The sunlight is bleary in your eyes as they pull you out, marching you towards your death.   In the throne room, you see Yoongi standing in his black robes by his family’s side, but you are dragged past him. You’re made to kneel, head pushed on the ground in front of the throne.   “Ice Bender, give your blood willingly to the new empire or die trying to fight like your people have.”   Your hair is yanked back, forced to look up at the so-called Emperor.    “The Heavens will never grant you the right to rule,” you respond through a clenched jaw. “A dog has no right to be master of the household as an ordinary man does not have the right to be Emperor. Do you have no shame?”   Yoongi’s father merely laughs. “You have much irony, girl. Your people once tried to sit here themselves too, but failed. I, however, will succeed. And you have no choice. The Ice Nation has refused to join hands with me, refused to offer a droplet of their blood in front of the crown, so I’ve had them massacred. You have no reason to fight. Your family is dead. You are the last of them.”   You scream, shouting obscenities and curses, fighting against your binds.   The guards stumble as you manage to get onto your feet, mustering the strength to rip off the ropes you had loosened hours ago. But they remain undeterred. An adviser from afar conjures fire in his hands, bending it at will into a ball and he sends it barreling towards you.   But you don’t notice.   It ricochets off before if it can even hit within an arm’s distance of your form. Like a shield or a bubble has been casted over you. Like an enchantment to protect you against the fire.   Yoongi’s father is stunned and his eyes stray to where his son is watching.   Your hands clench and ice sprays from your skin. The walls of the palace bleed with ice, frost growing like the plague until the floors and the ceiling have all been consumed by it. Every fire lit is smothered, flames frozen in the midst of their dance. The shards spiral from your body, crystals that catch the light mid-air and even glisten before they attack the guards. The icicles puncture through their chests and kill them instantly before they could even draw their breaths or cry for their family.   Your eyes darken and you remain with your feet rooted in your spot, a creeping coldness sweeping into the room. It is a blizzard, the gust whipping through your hair as the orbs of ice shoot from your form and whistle in the wind as it kills. You are merciless, frost-bitten, cold.    And they yell, scream, try to defeat you to no avail. Their fire never once touches you.   Those that run, you slaughter. Those that try to fight, you slaughter. Those that remain frozen, you slaughter.   It is a massacre where you remain unscathed.   Yoongi’s father steps forward, but before fire can erupt from his fingertips, ice spirals from his feet to his knees. It grows around his torso, his neck and he becomes wrapped in ice, gaping for breath. His eyes are wide and he calls out his son’s name brokenly before he is completely sheathed in ice. A statue that only looks on in fear.   When silence befalls, you turn to the only man who remains. Who you’ve kept alive.    A shard of ice forms in your hand as you walk towards him. And as you grip it, you begin to run. You shout his name through gritted teeth, throat straining.   You can’t believe….   You can’t believe you could’ve ever loved him.   Tiny beads of ice flow from your eyes, down your cheeks, into the air. They sparkle and shimmer like jewels and Yoongi hitches his breath, watching how pretty they glisten. A tiny smile graces his lips before he is stabbed by you. Before his lungs gasp and he feels his stomach being punctured by a sudden coldness that bursts in his body, before he can feel it being driven inside of him.   Yoongi wraps his arms around your trembling frame. Around your shoulders and he forces you close, not to withdraw so quickly and deprive him of the last feeling he wants.    “I’ve always wanted to hug you like this,” Yoongi chuckles lowly.   He digs his nose into your shoulder, into your hair and inhales a shallow breath. His heart slows, chests pressed against yours, his exhale creating a cloud that emits from his parted lips.   He is no longer hot to the touch, his skin no longer burning against yours. Yoongi shivers. His feet, legs, arms are slowly encased in your ice.    “I hope...we don’t meet in the next life or the one after that. Never again,” he sighs and shuts his eyes to savour the feeling of holding you. “I want you to be free of me. T-That’s...the only way you can be…..hap...py...”   You sob, grasping at him, but Yoongi’s embrace only weakens.   And after a moment, he freezes in your grasps.    Then he shatters through your fingertips into a million shards of ice.
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[Epilogue]   You are on your knees once more. But this time, you are being crowned a hero.    It is a victory. And once the grand doors open, the people are seen cheering, erupting into endless applause. They are smiling wide, gratitude etched into their expressions. You have brought honour upon your nation, restored glory to your people. But you cannot hear the celebrations, cannot hear the thunderous chants of your name. It is merely a hum in your ears.   You feel cold.
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dawnwave16 · 5 years
Frosted Bug
Marinette had always loved the snow. There was just something beautiful about seeing everything covered in a layer of white that seemed to make the world shine in the weak sun that winter brought. When she was 4-years-old her parents had told her the story of Jack Frost. From then on every time she woke up and saw the snow she would call out her thanks to him even as she ran out of the house giggling madly. When she was 6-years-old the snow started to arrive while she was standing on the balcony. Even though she knew she couldn't play in it just yet she still gave her usual thanks to Jack with a big smile on her face. You can imagine her surprise when for the first time ever she got a reply. “You're most welcome!” The voice had come from behind her so she whipped around and was startled to see a teenaged boy wearing a blue hoodie that seemed to be decorated by frost creeping down the shoulders, brown three-quarter pants with tattered hems and holding a shepherd's crook, leaning casually against the wall. What surprised her the most though was the fact that he had white hair and was barefoot.
“Jack Frost,” she breathed out in wonder. This made Jack laugh happily, this child was the first child to see him since he had been born from that frozen pond, something he had longed for ever since. “Are, are you really him?” her voice was soft, still filled with awe as she looked at him. “Well, I'm not the Tooth Fairy,” he replied with a cheeky smile. This made her laugh happily and tackle him, thanking him repeatedly. That night was the start of a tradition for the two of them. On the night of the first snow, Marinette made sure that she could be found on her balcony. As she grew she would make sure she had a gift for Jack ready and waiting for him. It was always something small, sometimes a batch of cookies other times it was a bracelet made with snowflake-shaped beads. Even if she didn't have anything for him, he was always happy to see her and give her something that he had found for her somewhere on his global travels. As she grew, the one night turned to every possible night as the two of them grew closer as friends. He would tell her stories about the Guardians, in turn, she would tell him all about what the other children in her class were doing. It was due to this friendship that she grew out of her love of pink and instead chose colours better associated with winter. Shades of blue and themes of ice decorated her clothing, no matter the season. Even her swimming costume had snowflakes on it. The other children in her class thought her a little weird but she didn't mind. She kept on designing her clothes to fit her chosen theme. By the time she was 13, she had taken to designing for everyone, not just herself. She always made sure that the design of the clothes fit the individual's style not just her own and everyone loved the designs. She had even gained the nickname of Ice Princess over the years despite her very bubbly personality due to her clothing choices. Perhaps it was due to being friends with Jack that when she found the Ladybug Miraculous in her room and Tikki appeared, she didn't have a massive freak out. When Tikki had said that no-one could know her identity, Marinette had asked if that included the Guardians. Tikki had been confused thinking that Marinette meant the Guardian of the Miraculous when Marinette explained that she meant the Guardians of Childhood she had been surprised. Even more so when Marinette had spoken so fondly of Jack Frost, but she had been willing to make an exception to the rules for Jack, which Marinette was overjoyed about. Her first attempts at being a hero were still clumsy and she wasn't fond of the colour of her suit but she dealt with it. A new kid, Adrian something-or-other, had joined her class as had a girl called Alya. Alya had seemed to attach herself to Marinette, much like Nino had attached himself to Adrian. She had been confused by Nino becoming awkward around her but passed it off as a phase when soon after she locked him in the panther enclosure during the Animan debacle, he started dating Alya and his behaviour around her returned to normal. The downside of Alya dating was that she tried to get everyone else paired off too. At first, Marinette didn't mind but by the 10th failed disaster of trying to pair her with Adrian, Marinette was over it. Sure Adrian was cute but she just didn't like him that way. When she had told all of this to Jack when he stopped over on his way to try to break into North's workshop, again, he'd laughed at her and simply offered to help her with her Ladybug duties whenever he could. She had never thought of asking the Guardians of Childhood for help with the Hawkmoth problem, so the fact that Jack had offered his help had come as a surprise, though she had declined it unless it was an emergency. This had raised the question of how to get hold of him in a hurry. They had eventually decided on a magical tattoo on their shoulders. They decided no to chose a design and to simply let magic chose for them, then Tikki, as the Kwami of Creation had talked them through applying the tattoo to each other. It turned out it was as simple as pressing their hands onto the chosen spot and wishing for a mark that best represented themselves then letting magic do the rest. Having Jack hand on her bare shoulder sent a small tremor through her as it was much colder then she thought it would be. She understood that he was the spirit of winter but she simply saw him as a friend, so she tended to forget about the spirit part. The snowflake that appeared on her shoulder was stunning. It had what appeared to be a ladybug in the centre of it and lace that stared away as though protecting it. When they looked at his mark it was also a combination of a ladybug and snowflakes. His, however, had the main part of the mark as the ladybug, and where the spots normally were, were snowflakes. When they looked closely they saw that it was the same ladybug in both marks. Jack had to leave to spread winter soon after that but they soon noticed that although the mark never changed they could feel a small echo of what the other was feeling through it. One evening, Jack could feel the pent up emotions coming from Marinette and quickly made his way to her side. He landed on her room just as Chat Noir did and had to chuckle when her annoyance grew. To try and make her smile Jack moved so that he was standing behind Chat and started making fun of him when he finally saw the amusement in her eyes he decided to kick it up a notch and made some ice slide down the back of Chat's neck and into his suit and down his spine. Chat had jumped and yelped loudly trying to get to the ice but it was useless. There were no zips on his suit and he just couldn't get to it. With all his dancing around to try to free himself from the ice in his suit, he failed to notice the ice form under his feet and went crashing down. Marinette couldn't hold her laughter in, bending almost double while holding her stomach. Chat had pouted and left saying he knew when he wasn't wanted. Being able to sense Marinette's emotions turned out to be a good thing when a girl named Lila joined Marinette's class. The longer Lila was in Marinette's class the more muted the emotions coming from her got and the more worried Jack got. Unfortunately, the Manny had directed him to New Zealand to give them a cold snap despite it being spring so he couldn't do much just then. Once he had completed his task he sped towards Paris to check on her only to find Lila pushing Marinette down a short flight of stairs. Apart from some bruises, it looked like Marinette was alright but Jack was furious. He forced himself to calm down quickly though as they weren't sure if he was immune to Akuma's and he didn't want to fight her. He helped Marinette up and made sure she got home safely, soothing the bruises as much as he could and they spoke until she dozed off. Once he was sure she was asleep, he got to work on his revenge. First, he tracked down the girl, once he found her he went looking for ways to make he life more difficult, but in a way that it couldn't be blamed on anyone else. He used his ice to destroy the washers in her private bathroom's taps, he froze her cupboards closed and then froze the outfit she had put out for the next day, even if it defrosted if time for her to be able to wear it, it would be soaking wet thus impossible for her to wear it. Jack paused for a moment in thought then decided to be spiteful. He knew that due to Marinette's long term exposure to him she could handle colder temperatures, even now that she was Ladybug, but he also knew that this was only due to their friendship. Lila didn't have that advantage. Right before he left, he set a light frost on the bed despite her being in it. The next four years past in much the same way, with Marinette fighting Hawkmoth in her superhero persona and fighting Lila in her civilian one. Jack did what he could to try to help her against Lila. Whenever he was in Paris she had terrible luck with ice, she'd slip on ice that wasn't there when someone else had walked there just seconds before, her hot coffee would be frozen solid when she tried to drink it. Jack even made sure that her locker would ice up and refuse to open. Lila had tried to blame Marinette for all her ice-related troubles, however as it only happened close to or in winter, no-one took her seriously. During this time Marinette and Jack had found themselves getting closer and eventually admitting that they loved each other. Neither knew how things would work for them so they vowed to simply enjoy each moment they had and not think of the future. Little did they know that Manny had been watching them the whole time and had added several abilities to the tattoos they had given each other.
Something that they would discover several months later. Jack had gone back to where he considered his home town to be for a visit while Marinette was writing her final exams for school. He was planning on staying there for roughly a week before he headed back to Paris to spend some time with Marinette. He couldn't wait to tell her about the sledge ride he had just created for Jamie. Sure he was a little upset that they focused on the fact that Jamie lost his tooth instead of the fun they had just had but he comforted himself with the thought that at least he had one person that could see him. He hadn't counted of being kidnapped by North and Bunny, nor had he counted on what would happen while he was there. He hadn't even known that the pain of his staff breaking had echoed through the tattoo and woken Marinette, his relief at being able to fix it had soothed her slightly but the fact that his emotions were so turbulent had kept her awake. Jack, North, Bunny and Tooth were desperately trying to protect a little boy, Jamie, when Marinette had arrived via a portal courtesy of Kaalki. As she didn't know the full situation she hung back out of sight until she knew. She was so tempted to step in when Pitch had said they were making a fuss over just one kid and that there were other ways to snuff out a light, but something told her it wasn't yet time to step in. She almost whooped with joy when Jack nailed Pitch with a snowball and again when they left to round up the rest of Jamie's friends. Something let her knew she needed to follow them as they raced down the street so she quickly followed them by racing over the rooftops. She knew it was almost time for her to step in so she dropped down from the roof and silently walked up behind everyone waiting for the cue she knew would come. “You think a few children will help you? Against this?” She heard Pitch declare and she couldn't have been prouder when Jack had said that they would protect the kids against Pitch. When the kids, who were clearly all scared said they would protect the guardians, in turn, she knew that she needed to step forward. “They won't be fighting alone.” Marinette still dressed as Ladybug, stated calmly as she joined the kids in front of the Guardians and Jack. “Mari!” She heard Jack gasp. “We'll chat later, ne?” She said throwing a wink over her shoulder at him, almost laughing when she heard North and the others trying to figure out who she was and how she got there, let alone how she knew Jack! When the nightmare sand crashed towards them, she unclipped her yoyo from around her waist and started to spin it, only for Jamie to touch the sand, which seemed to purify it. It was then the battle truly kicked off, with Jack going after Pitch, North summoning the yeti's and even Tooth zipping around helping where she could. She had to giggle when she saw Bunny dive under a car only to be pulled out by a nightmare, only this time he seemed to be back to his true form. She stayed with the kids as much as possible, using her yoyo to take out as many nightmares as she could. Either way, she was grateful when the Sandman was able to reform out of the now golden sand and laughed when he took Pitch out of the battle by first launching him in the air then slamming him back down to earth. She stood next to jack, an arm around his waist, watching as Sandy went to work giving all the children good dreams and using his gifts much as she did after an Akuma attack to set everything back to rights again. She and Jack did jump when a Dreadnoughtus* walked right in front of them making the ground shake. She then let him go talk to North as that's what he seemed to want to do. She probably shouldn't have turned her back though as the next thing she knew Tooth was right in front of her, her fingers in Marinette's mouth inspecting her teeth much to Marinette's horror. “Oh, they so shiny! I know just how much sugar you consume, how the heck do you keep them so strong?” Tooth was babbling. Marinette shot Jack a look that pleaded with him for help so he smiled and started a snowball fight. Of course, Pitch tried to interrupt everything and then they had the ceremony to make Jack a Guardian and he had to leave with them but Marinette was just happy to be away from Tooth. She was about to leave when the kids finally noticed her. “Are you one of the Guardians too?” Jamie asked. “Nope, I'm Ladybug.” She said gently before kneeling to talk to them. “I'm one of the hero's who lives in Paris and tries to protect it from a man who is trying to do something similar to Pitch. I came here because I've known Jack since I was 6 and consider him a good friend so I wanted to help out.” She didn't want to say anything about loving Jack to these kids, they had dealt with enough already. “I need to get home soon but let's get you lot home first, does that sound good?” The children all nodded and peppered her with questions as they walked. Eventually, it was just Jamie left. “How are you going to get home?” He asked innocently. “I have a friend who will take care of that for me don't worry.” He nodded accepting that, then turned and headed inside with a small yawn. Marinette watched until his light was turned off again then got Kaalki to create a portal to take her home. Upon her arrival back in Paris, she saw how much lighter it was and spared a thought to be grateful that she got dressed before she left to go help, Jack. She dropped her transformation then walked back home, passing the park as she did so. She had been about to walk through the park but she saw a number of her classmates there having a picnic and she doubted they would welcome her if she tried to join them. If it had been before Lila had arrived they might have but now they would probably politely tell her to leave. She was too tired to deal with them anyway. She had worried that her parents would have noticed that she was missing but they didn't even notice when she walked in. It looked like Lila had gotten to her parents too, she thought sadly. She was glad that she had Jack, at least. She walked into her room and pulled down the map she had of the city. Every time there was an Akuma she had tracked where it had transformed the person as best she could. While there was a disturbingly high number of dots at her school, she had noticed that the ones furthest out had formed a circle around Agreste Mansion. She knew that Hawkmoth wasn't Adrian as he had been in the same place as a person that had been Akumatised and he hadn't left and come back before the Akuma had landed. This left Mr Agreste and his assistant. As there was Hawkmoth and Mayura to consider, she would guess it was them but she wanted to investigate first. She would do that, tonight she decided unless there was an Akuma attack during the day where both Hawkmoth and Mayura were present. As luck would have it there was an attack and both of them were there. She beat the Akuma relatively quickly with Chats help and as neither of them had used their special abilities, they turned their attention to Hawkmoth and Mayura. The civilians in the area had evacuated as soon as they saw what was happening between the four holders which Marinette was thankful for. Chat had managed to grab Mayura's miraculous and had managed to store it in has batton by this stage so they were both facing hawkmoth, however, they were both tired. She'd had an early morning and the fight with Pitch and this fight had been going on for a while. However, she was determined to end the fight. She had just managed to grab Hawkmoths miraculous when she felt excruciating pain in her chest. She didn't look though she simply kept her grip on the broach and stepped away. While this was good in the way that it forced Hawkmoth's transformation to fall, it also caused the stiletto thin blade that had been in his cane to disintegrate. It didn't stop the pain however, so she finally glanced down. Where the pain originated from was a steadily forming patch of red that was darker than her suit. Although she could see what was happening it was as though her mind simply didn't grasp the full situation. She could hear Chat yelling something at her but it sounded muffled, almost as though the sound was coming from within a bubble. Suddenly her vision was filled with blue and white and it took her a while to realise that Jack was there and was also trying to speak to her. However like with Chat's voice, it was blurred and she couldn't understand it. Suddenly she coughed and was surprised to see blood on her hand. “I...” Her voice trailed off as her vision started to blur. When she went to speak again she found she didn't have the strength too. Closing her eyes she let herself relish the feel of Jacks cold hand on her cheek. She was surprised to find that his hand was feeling warmer by the second but she found she couldn't open her eyes. Unknown to her, as she had closed her eye's Manny had chosen to allow Jack to become visible to everyone, even if they didn't believe in him, for that brief moment in time. Mr Agreste and Chat had drawn back in shock as a teen with white hair had suddenly appeared holding Ladybug. Her death had forced Tikki to drop Ladybug's transformation, revealing her to be Marinette which further shocked them. They were even more shocked as he screamed out in denial and tears fell from his face. Suddenly a white light, bright enough to almost blind them, erupted from both Ladybug and the teen's shoulders. The magic that had been held within their tattoos had been released as one large wave and seeing this Manny had decided that instead of letting it all go to waste he would use it and some of his own magic to turn Marinette into a spirit. Her clothes changed from her normal pants and shirt to a pale blue, almost white high low style dress with spaghetti straps, decorated
with creamy pink and baby blue flowers interspersed with mint green leaves. Although her hair colour had stayed the same it was now loose and falling in gentle waves to her shoulders. The ladybug earrings fell from her ears as they became slightly pointed at the tips and the piercings closed over. Jack, who had closed his eyes when the light started, slowly opened them. When he saw the changes that were happening to Marinette, he couldn't help the relieved laugh that escaped his chest. “Who, who are you? And how can you laugh when she just died in front of you?” A voice from behind him said it's tone angry. Jack slowly stood up and turned to where the voice had come from. He took in the sight of the two adults that were tied up as well as the cat-themed superhero. He walked forward slowly without reaching for his staff to show he wasn't a threat. “I am Jack Frost, Spirit of Winter and Guardian of Fun. I can laugh because although my Marinette is dead to you and all the others of this world, the powers that be have made her into the Spirit of Spring, thus she is as immortal as I am.” Having said this he held out his hand to hand Chat the earrings and broach. “I believe these need to be returned to the Guardian of the Miraculous. I will take my leave with her now as she will be highly disorientated when she wakes up and I'd rather have her safely away from here to avoid her panicking.” Chat studied him for a second then nodded. “Take care of her?” “Always.” He replied with a smile. “After all, I have forever to do so.”  Having said all he was going to say, he picked up his staff then he walked over to the still unconscious Marinette, gathered her into his arms and used the wind to take them to Tooth's Palace.  He wanted to make sure she had access to her memories if she woke up without them like he had.
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@thebookwormfairy; @evil-elf16; @you-will-never-know-how-i-think; @thebananathatwrites; @zimmidragonslayer   ; @northernbluetongue; @vivilakitty; @krispydefendorpolice; @sneksnacc; @virgil-is-a-cutie; @lusicing; @nillajinx; @ash-amg-blog; @yazi-ing; @abrx2002
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Bang Chan// Sun and Moon (-light)// Chapter four
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Summary: Sun and Moon, different from another, but both unmissable in the world. The sun is warm, it provides daylight. It represents life, strength and growth. The moon, the brightest and largest object in our night sky. It makes the earth more liveable and represents admiration, change, mystery and feelings. The sun is untouchable and unreachable, but what if his ,independent, sun(-shine) becomes his world? Tropes: Enemies to Lovers Season: Spring Pairing: Bang Chan X Reader AU: | Delinquent!Female Reader | Vice President!Bang Chan | School!AU | Non!Idol AU | Genre: Fluff/ Angst Word Count: 7,4K Warnings: Themes of bullying, Themes of Abuse, swearing, insults, Requested: Yes (Reference) A/n: For the sake of the fiction, Chan is a twat in the story (his mother is very unpleasant in the story/this chapter), but only for imagines/ fiction purposes only. We all know better than that.
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Y/n groaned as she cleaned her fresh cuts. Her arms ached badly as she tried to reach for her lower back. She hisses when the cloth touched her open wound. She was used to the feeling of the damp cloth dapping her skin, making it sting in process. She missed Changbin’s help at times like these. He always helped her cleaning he wounds and wrapping her up in bandages.
If it was up to Changbin he would bubble wrap her so she would be protected at all times. As she was putting away the bloody clothes, she received a message from Chan, who had given his number to her the other day.
Chan: Hi! :] Chan: Shall we discuss our date at the tutoring sess? ^^ Y/n: Yeah sure! Chan: Ngl I have the perfect date idea (≧◡≦) Y/n: You’re not going to tell me what it is, are you? Chan: hehe nope (⁀ᗢ⁀) Chan: wear something easy/casual tomorrow! Chan: Also it will be warm, but there will be a little breeze, so bring a jacket! Chan: Don’t want you to get cold Chan: And otherwise I’m giving you my jacket Chan: Hehe (=^▽^=)
To say that Y/n was beginning to feel nervous was an understatement. She’s never been on a date before and didn’t know what to expect. Especially from Chan: someone she’s known for years, but never really hung out with.
Chan: Also, I’m taking you out tomorrow after the tutoring sess Chan: So, be prepared (/^▽^)/
She threw her phone on ‘her’ bed as she went to ‘her’ closet. She silently thank Changbin for taking her out shopping the other day before he left the country. She created a pile of clothes as she ripped everything out of the closet.
Hoodies were too boring to wear, especially on her first date she felt like. Her blouses could get dirty and she didn’t know what Chan was planning. So she had no idea what he was up to.
“Something casual.” She muttered to herself. She then came across a blue leather jacket that Changbin had to buy her, because she ‘looked so fucking good’ in it. She put a black shirt with it and black ripped years, some sneakers and she was almost good to go. Loving silver accessories, she put on a silver necklace with a small dumpling hanging off it, that Changbin also gave her, but for her last birthday.
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‘Because you’re my lil’ dumpling.’ He grinned that day. ‘I thought you were the little one-‘ ‘Hey!’
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It was Sunday and the two were back in the Library. Chan had explained to her how he would take her to the park where he had a surprise. Before she could even ask him what the surprise was, he had suddenly taken both of their stuff, put them into his bag and he then left. He told her to wait right there as he walked off to somewhere.
Y/n felt a little like she was about to be set up.
But she sighed in relief when Chan walked back into the library. She started to burst out in laughter when she saw that Chan had changed into different clothes. He was now wearing a leather jacket, a black shirt, making his outfit unintentionally match with Y/n’s. His silver chain that dangled from his belt was now visible, since he had stuffed his shirt into his pants. Causing his features of his chest to be slightly outlined.
“I’m here to pick up a special lady to go on a special date.” Chan chirped as he magically revealed a rose into his hand that he then handed over to Y/n, who couldn’t help but blush. “Why thank you.” She said extravagantly as she batted her eyelashes, making him chuckle. “Just play along.” Chan mutters whilst shaking his head and smiling at her. “Where you taking me?” She asks him as she followed him to his car. “A surprise my love.”
She didn’t know her heart could do a somersault, but it sure felt like it did. The nickname played with her feelings and she didn’t really know how to react to it, so she turned her gaze away from him and stared out of the window. In the hope that he wouldn’t see her flustered state.
“Here we are!” Chan said with a bright smile as he held the door for her. Y/n gasped as he had taken her to Yeouido Hangang Park. 
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The trees were in bloom with beautiful cherry blossoms, it was a view you just couldn’t take your eyes off. Especially in spring when it was just too lovely to not go outside. Y/n laughed when Chan revealed a braided basket and a blanket and pillows that he, tried to, hold. She rushed to him and took half of the stuff, before Chan lead the way to the perfect spot he had chosen. They were lucky since it wasn’t too crowded.
The two sat in silence after they had settled the blankets and the pillows. When their eyes locked, they burst out in laughter, because it still felt a little awkward. He got her attention when he gasped, muttering something about a thing that he almost forgot. Suddenly there was a plate settled in the middle of the two, and she burst out in another fit of laughter when Chan dramatically revealed the chocolate covered strawberries.
“But wait, it gets even better!” Chan chirped as he reached into the basked once again and got out a couple club sandwiches, which Y/n had to hold herself from squealing. He also brought juices and some games they could play together.
The date had only just started but Y/n felt like she would have a great time.
The time went quite fast as they enjoyed their time together on their date. Chan was very different on the date then he was at school. She had to remind herself that he was only acting like this because he wanted to give her the experience of an actual date, for some reason. She still hadn’t figured out why Chan did all of this, but at the moment she didn’t wanted to worry about that. She wanted to enjoy her wonderful time with the guy who she usually called annoying and a twat.
The sandwiched he had made were delicious as well. They were richly filled with chicken, lettuce, some tomatoes and a sweet, yet a little spicy sauce that gave the sandwich a twist.
“… I don’t believe you. You must’ve bought those.” She argued after finishing her sandwich. “I actually made them.” “I still don’t believe you.” She huffed playfully. “Alright, next time we hang out, you will come to my place and I will show you how much of a great cook I am.” Chan offered, sticking his hand out for her to seal the deal, which she obviously did. She believed him for the first time, but hey. Who would turn down a good deal for food being made for you?
The two also got multiple stare from other people who would pass them. Y/n and Chan looked like an actual couple, which made other people swoon over ‘young love’. The pair would just share a glance and start laughing at each other, because this must look ridiculously cute.
‘Who doesn’t want a date with someone like Chan? He’s handsome, he’s thoughtful, he’s- since when did I start noticing that?’ She asked herself as she caught herself swooning over Chan in her mind. 
She looked at him as he was too busy reading the UNO instructions. Even when he was focused, he was still cute. His cheeks were a little puffed from eating and his lips formed a small pout as he tried to understand the rules of the game they wanted to play.
Y/n didn’t notice how Chan had been shamelessly staring at he as well. He claimed that the light made her appear more beautiful than she usually looked, that’s what he tried to convince himself at least. He knew she wasn’t ugly, she was far from that. She had a particular kind of beauty that seemed to attract him. Maybe it was the fact that she showed him a different side of herself, only to him at the moment. She opened up to him and that made him feel attracted to her. As if she was only showing her true self to him.
He couldn’t deny that he didn’t like it, because he felt quite honoured to be exact.
As she munched on one of her strawberries, she was talking and he noticed how warm she could be, whilst she spoke about her love for cherry blossom trees. It made her feel warm and fuzzy on the inside and she loved spring in general. “Me too! It’s so colourful and beautiful.” Chan exclaimed, causing Y/n to ‘flap’ her hands in excitant. “I love spring, but Autumn is also amazing. It’s nice and chilly and the perfect weather for-“ “-sweaters!’ “Exactly!” She exclaimed happily, not ever thinking that she would bond with Bang Chan. Someone she highly disliked not even a month ago.
“Let’s take some pictures!” Chan offered, making her look at him in confusion. “What? Everyone does it on their dates!” Chan chirped as he stood up, only for her too keep staring at him as he moved around. “C’mon!” He laughed as he signed for her to stand next to him. She slowly got up and shyly stood next to him. He was smiling brightly into the camera, whilst Y/n on the other hand, her face behind her hands shyly, causing Chan to smile even brighter at her cuteness. “C’mon, show your face! You look great!” He complimented, making her slowly drop her hands as she smiled towards the camera, tilting her head a little towards Chan, making it almost seem as if she was leaning onto his shoulder.
The two would look at the pictures and pick out the best ones. The pink background made the picture look even better and Y/n couldn’t help but stare at the.
Later the pair starts to talk about music they liked and eventually Chan got out his Air pods and gave one to Y/n, so they could listen together. They would sit closer together as they enjoyed Chan’s playlist, which mostly was made of Ed Sheeran songs, which she liked listening to, since they gave the mood some softness.
“Do you want to listen to something? We’ve been listening to my playlist-“ “No it’s fine, we have a similar taste in music I guess.” She giggled as the song shuffled to another love song of Ed Sheeran’s. Chan smiled to himself as he looked to the ground before he got up on his feet.
“Can I have this dance my love?” Chan asked as ‘Perfect’ was playing through the Air pods. She laughed and took Chan’s hand that was stuck out to her. He held her by her waist as he pulled her closer to his body, moving slowly in sink on the beat of the music that was softly playing. The pair didn’t dare to look each other in the eye. Instead she had her head rested on his chest, his head resting slightly on hers.
He hoped that she didn’t feel his heart racing, he was so nervous to take her out. He had been acting confident, but he was shaking in fear to be honest. She looked absolutely gorgeous and he reminded himself to compliment her more on it, because she was one of the prettiest girls he’s ever seen and known. Chan looked down at Y/n when she moved slightly away from him. His heart was beating harder in his chest as she looked him straight in the eye.
They stopped and stared at each other, feeling like the world had stopped for a moment and it was only the two of them. But in reality, they were being watched like a stalker by Sooyun. She was studying in the library as well and was planning on talking to Chan when he walked away from Y/n. But to her surprise he just passed her, whilst looking very handsome in his leather jacket and other regular clothes. She was offended that he didn’t talk to her. She turned around with a huff to see him returning to where Y/n was sitting. Sooyun couldn’t believe her eyes.
‘That’s why she’s dressed like that.’ She thought to herself as she felt jealousy taking over her.
Her jealousy intensified when she saw Y/n smile brightly at the flower she was just handed. And before Sooyun knew it she had followed them to the park. She wasn’t sure what she was doing, all she knew was that this needed to be stopped.
‘Chan shouldn’t be with a bitch like her. If she could just mind her own fucking business it would’ve been me that was taken out on a date with him.’ She said to herself as she sat behind a tree.
Sooyun: What is Chan doing with Y/n? Minho: Why do you care? Sooyun: None of your business Sooyun: I was just wondering because they were in the park Minho: In the park? Minho: What are they doing there? Sooyun: I don’t know Sooyun: Seems like they’re on a date Minho: Wtf Sooyun: same
Sooyun would smirk to herself.
‘Trap set.’
Her smirk would quickly disappear when she heard Y/n squeal as it suddenly started to downpour.
Y/n was still in Chan’s arms as they listened to the music that was playing, dancing romantically in the rain. She giggled and held Chan tighter, both of them not caring that they got soaked. She saw him smirk all of the sudden and felt his grip on her waist tighten as he twirled her around, making her squeal even louder.
“I never knew you were such a romanticist.” “There are a lot of things that you don’t know about me miss Y/n.” He said with a smirk. “Then tell me more.” She smirked back as she wrapped her arms around his neck this time. The two looked each other deeply in the eye, getting lost in their feelings as one of them started to slowly lean in. Suddenly Y/n winced in pain and jumped in shock when she felt something hitting her head.
“What happened?” He asked worried. “I don’t know, something hit my head.” “I can’t see what it is, the rain makes my vision blurry- speaking off. Want to go to my place? It’s much warmer and dryer there.” He offered with a giggle when he felt his clothes stick to his body. “I mean, I don’t have other clothes with me though-“ “Don’t worry, I got you.” He smiled.
They stuffed the basket before running back to the car, leaving Sooyun huffing and sulking in the middle of the rain.
“Nice job Sooyun, now she’s going to his place.” She whined, mentally scolding herself.
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The ride to his place was rather short. So far, she has really enjoyed her time with him and she was surprised at how well he had been playing his roll. About ten minutes later they were in front of a big flat complex that stood bigger and taller than Changbin’s. She had to take the view in for a second and let it sink in. Chan would take her by her hand and drag her basically to his apartment. Which was, unsurprisingly, huge as well. The windows were standing tall and the room was very bright, even though the storm clouded the sunlight from entering the apartment.
“I’ll go get you some towels and we can shower.” Chan said as he rushed around. “Excuse me-“ “I’m sorry that came out wrong. We have multiple bathrooms. I didn’t mean it as in showering together. Fuck no- that came out wrong as well. I didn’t mean it as in you’re bad looking, you’re far from that- maybe I should just shut up for now. I’m blaming the cold for this.” Chan sighed, making her burst out in laughter.
“The bathroom is right there, you can use the towels in the cabinets under the sink- I’ll be downstairs when you’re ready.” “Chan?” “Yes?” He said as he stopped himself from leaving the room. “Clothes?” “I really am fine, I swear. I’ll go get you something.”
Before she knew it, Chan had returned with the biggest hoodie she has ever seen in her entire life. “I think that it would almost be like a dress on you. I also put a blanket right there if you want to cover up your legs, I wouldn’t care- Uh you just go shower now, I will also be heading to a different bathroom, to shower cause I’m cold as fuck.” “Thanks Channie!” The nickname slipped from her lips, but he didn’t seem to mind it. Instead he smiled and winked to her as he exit the room, leaving Y/n to shower.
The water felt comforting and nice on her skin as it warmed her up. Shortly after she tried her hair as much as possible before brushing it and diving into the big hoodie Chan had laid out for her. She laughed as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was almost drowning in the hoodie, she looked very short as well since the hoodie came almost to her calves. She tidied up her used stuff before walking downstairs, the blanket wrapped around her waist to cover up her legs as well, since she heard more voices.
“There you are! Mom this is Y/n!” Chan suddenly cheered. His mother slapped the back of her son’s head when she saw what he had given her for clothes. “You left her like that!” “It was the best I had okay!” Chan argued back. “Don’t worry dear, I have your clothes in the washing machine and I’ll put them in the dryer later.” She said kindly before leaving her and Chan alone again. Y/n thanked her shyly as she sat down next to Chan, feeling embarrassed and timid, because of the way she looked.
Chan had yet again, never seen her like this and he couldn’t help but smile at her cuteness. “Sorry about me not offering you my sweatpants, but most of them have to be washed and the others are actually uncomfortable, not that you think that I’m a weirdo or anything.” Chan explained with a nervous chuckle. “Calm down, I get it. I don’t even know if I would fit them. Besides, I feel like a little dumpling.” She giggled as she hugged her knees to her chest, covering her legs with the bottom part of the hoodie, turning her into a blob of softness. Chan’s heart felt softer as ever and he couldn’t help but express those feelings, by throwing himself back on the couch, whilst clutching his chest dramatically.
“You’re so cute what are you doing to me.” He cried out playfully, making her throw a pillow to his head, causing him to laugh as well. “Shush. Now, tell me mister Bang. What is it that I don’t know about you?” Y/n asked in expectation. “Well, I love music.” “That I didn’t know, but I’m not really surprised.” Y/n laughed. “Oh how come?” Chan asked, now waiting in expectation for her answer. “We literally listened to music and talked about music earlier in the park!” She laughed, which intensified when his face turned to realisation.
“That’s true.” “You have to keep in mind Chan, that you have tons of fans, who love to scream and fangirl about little facts they find out about you, in the middle of the hallways, in class, anywhere. I can’t even go to the bathroom in peace, without someone yelling something inappropriate about your abs or arms.” “What?” He asked flustered. “Don’t ask, I don’t know either.” She laughed with her hands up in defence.
“Well, you seem to know a lot about me.” Chan smirked. “Trust me, I’ve heard things about you, that you don’t even want to know.” She laughed. “Are there things about you then, that I don’t know?”
‘You have no idea.’
“I also love music, as in a way of I can play loads of instruments.” “Really? Do you want to play something?” Y/n wouldn’t turn down an offer to play music, since she wasn’t able to do it back home, so she took Chan’s offer and he went to his room to get his guitar.
She started to play a song that was all too familiar to Chan. “That’s my favourite song in the world.” Chan exclaimed after she finished playing ‘Tenerife sea’. “Really? I love the song as well, I love the guitar play in it, it’s just so soothing and harmonic.” “Right!” Chan exclaimed once again.
“Is the guitar the only thing you play?” Chan’s mother, who suddenly walked back into the living room, asked. “No, I can also play the piano, bass guitar, I can drum and I also play the ukulele and the violin.” “Wow.” “Impressive- I also see that you have tattoos.” She said when noticing her arms, her sleeves were rolled up because she was playing. “Yeah.” Y/n said, out of nowhere feeling a thick atmosphere. “Do you only play pop music?” “I teach myself everything, so mostly yes.” Y/n answered. “Chan was trained in classical music, it’s a shame that he doesn’t use those skills for a better good, but I guess that’s his loss.” She said, making the atmosphere even thicker.
“Mom, I think Y/n and I will be going upstairs. I want to show her my other instruments.” Chan said before dragging his date upstairs.
“I’m sorry.” He says in embarrassment. “No it’s, okay- wow.” Y/n exclaimed when she walked into Chan’s room. The room was decorated quite simple, there two different rooms, that were apparently Chan’s. He had one where he saved his equipment and instruments, and the other one is where he had his computer set up and where he of course slept.
Y/n was just in awe as she walked in, also too scared to touch anything, because at that moment she actually realised how rich Chan was. She suddenly felt intimidated about his status. She noticed that his mom was basically inspecting her. Luckily, she wasn’t actually dating Chan, the poor girls probably had to live up to a certain standard to date the Bang Chan.
He told her to take a seat wherever and was about to close the door, when suddenly the door was stopped and pairs of little paws were running around. The dog went straight towards Y/n and Chan saw he face lit up when his dog greeted the stranger happily. “Hello! Who are you! Oh, aren’t you a pretty girl!” Y/n squealed. “’Hi, I’m Berry and you shall be my new best friend!’” Chan said in a fake voice as Y/n continued to pet Berry enthusiastically.
“Berry- come here!” They heard a young female voice in the hallways, making Berry run away from the pair again, leaving them be. “Your room is huge.” Y/n exclaimed once again when there was a period of silence. “I know, it’s pretty dramatic to be honest. I’m not complaining though.” Chan chuckled. “Chan!” A young male voice boomed through the hallway. “Yes!” “I’ll be in your music room!” “Okay Lucas!” Chan yelled back, before they heard a door shut.
“How many siblings do you have?” She asked. “Two, excluding Berry of course. That’s my baby.” Chan laughed. “Lucas is the youngest and Hannah is the middle child. In total we’re with five people. It’s a blast.” “I’ve never had siblings. I bet that there is always something happening.” “There is, the other day we had a ‘dad joke’ competition. We could only communicate with puns and dad jokes in exchange for what we actually want to say or ask.” “Really? Shoot your best shot.” She dared him with a smirk. “You know I don’t really trust trees.” “Same, they seem kind of shady-“ “You’re not supposed to finish my joke!” Chan whined, leaving Y/n in a fit of laughter.
Their laughing fit would be interrupted by Chan’s mother who had Y/n’s clothes ready for her. “Your jacket had a stain on it, so it’s still washing. I think it will be done and dry within forty-five minutes.” “Thank you, ma’am.” “You’re welcome.” She mutters before walking out again. Chan handed her now freshly washed pants and they just stood there awkwardly. “You can go to the bathroom if you want to change?” “Nah, just turn around. I don’t want to walk around in a dress of a hoodie, that makes me look like a walking potato sack through the house, that’s full of people that I don’t know.” “Fair enough.” Chan chuckled before he turned away from her.
Y/n struggled to get her pants on, that shrunk a little in the dryer, making her have to squish herself into her pants. Eventually she lost balance and fell onto the floor, shocking Chan and making him turn around worriedly. “Are you okay? What happened?” He asked whilst laughing as she was laughing her ass off as well, while her pants were up to her thighs. “Dried, shrunk pants are hard to get on, okay!” She laughed, tears streaming down her face form laughing so much. Chan helped her back on her feet and held onto her waist as she was about to fall once again. “Thanks.” She tried to say, whilst catching her breath.
She continued to lift her pants past her thighs before she told Chan to turn around again so she could wear her own shirt. Chan turned around, but he couldn’t help but notice from the corner of his eye the bruises that covered her back. He felt rude for staring, but he couldn’t seem to take her eyes off her figure. Her hands would straighten her shirt and he noticed, after a whole day being together that her knuckles were bruised as well.
“Chan?” Her voice tore him back to reality and he met her confused eyes. “S-sorry. I wasn’t staring. I-“ “It’s fine. You’re really panicky today.” She chuckles as she now looked at him, her hands on her hips, accentuating her waist, which his eyes couldn’t help but travel to. “Eyes up here Channie babe.” She jokingly waves her hand in his face, making him apologise once again. “It’s okay. If you were wondering what those bruises were, they’re from Kickboxing and Taekwondo.” “And your hands?” He asks carefully. “Also from kickboxing, I like training without gloves, so that I can feel the power that leaves my body whilst fighting. Besides, I get a thick skin because of it.” She smiles as she shrugged.
She wasn’t telling half of the truth, but it wasn’t half of a lie either.
“You must be still cold, you can leave the hoodie on if you want to.” Chan offered. “No, it’s quite big and besides I think I will be-“ She was cut off by a different hoodie, that was thrown into her face. “Wear that then.” “No-“ “Yes.” “Fine.” She sighed before throwing the hoodie on, which was still quite loose on her, but fitted way better than the ‘dress’ Chan gave her earlier.
“What do you even wear that thing for?” She asked him curiously. “I like sitting on the couch with that thing on. It’s like a big blanket you can wear around the house.” Besides, my mom and my sister usually hog the blankets when we’re with the five of us on the couch, so I better have my own then.” He explained whilst laughing.
The two would talk for some more and Y/n would end up walking home. She said the weather was still nice. Her jacket wasn’t fully cleaned yet and Chan told her to keep wearing his hoodie instead. “Are you sure I don’t have to walk you home?” “No, I’ll be fine. Thanks for the date. I really enjoyed it.” “Your welcome. It was me a pleasure to be your first date experience.” Chan bowed politely and laughed soon after at his own behaviour. “I’ll wash and return the hoodie for you later this week.” “That’s fine. See you at school then.” “See you Monday Channie!” She smiled before waving to him, without looking back.
Chan felt happy and ran straight to his room to catch a last glimpse of Y/n. He smiled like a goof as he watched her walk away, leaving him with nothing but a feeling of joy filling his body.
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“How was your day Rat Tat?” Y/n asked her best friend as she laid on his bed. “It was great. We ate at this amazing restaurant and you will not believe it, I had fries.” “You’re unbelievable.” “What? You know I can’t say no to French fries.” Changbin whined over the phone. “I know, but you’re in Japan, go eat some sushi, Udon, Yakitori or whatever!” “I know I should, but I know you love Japanese food as well, so I will just miss you even more.” “You little sap, don’t make me cry.” She whined back, moving her phone away from her face so he wouldn’t be able to look at her.
“I do miss you though.” Changbin admitted. “I miss you too. The house is so empty without you guys here.” “These people aren’t keeping me sane either, I just need you by my side.” He said as he faked to wipe away a tear. “Also, Hyunjin has hired a temporary newbie. And he has been secretly crying to me that he misses you.” Y/n said with a smirk, making her best friend burst out in laughter. “That boy can’t keep his sanity without me.” “He really can’t, the newbie sucks. So I guess you guys will be having a rough month since you’re gone.” “I guess I got to get back on track when I get back then.” Changbin sighs in disbelief.
“Honestly, I think I could do a better job than that kid Hyunjin hired.” “Oh my fuck, that just says enough about the kid.” Changbin cried out. “Excuse me.” “Hehe, you love me Dumpling.” He winked, making her roll her eyes at him. “You honestly would do a great job though, you were taught by the best, also known as me.” He added with yet another wink.
“I think I have to go, I’m tired.” Y/n mutters, making her friend laugh loudly. “Fine. I’ll stop bothering you. Go eat something and take a nap. I’ll talk to you later.” “Bye Binnie!” “Bye Dumpling!”
Y/n sighed when she hung up the phone. She missed her friend like crazy and she above-board needed Changbin by her side. She didn’t wanted to worry him with the news about her dad and the shockingly news that she was on her date with her now-less-annoying vice president.
Her thoughts were cut off by her phone, who signalled that she got a text from someone.
‘Did Changbin forget something to tell me?’ She asked herself as she reached for her phone again, but to her surprise it was Chan.
Chan: Hi (=^▽^=) Chan: Just wanted to say that I had a great time today Y/n: I had a lovely time as well Y/n: I’m glad and thankful that you did all of this for me Y/n: So thank you once again Chan: No problem! (〃⌒∇⌒)
She was smiling like an idiot and her smile turned even brighter when she received a selfie from Chan.
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He was laying on his bed, looking handsome as ever. She got why all the girls in their school were crushing one him, but she had to remind herself over and over that he was just acting like this for the experience of the date.
‘Unless- No, stop it.’ She thought to herself.
She was still laid on the couch as her thoughts ran a marathon through her head. Chan made her feel some way after this date. He really had her wrapped around his finger, with his charming looks and his sweet smile, his cute preparations and the romantic moments like dancing in the rain.
It could be maybe at that moment where Y/n realised that she could be possibly falling for Chan. And yet again, she didn’t know what to do, how to feel about it and what to think. She felt like she was malfunctioning.
She had never felt like this before. And right now, there was no one there to help her figure it out.
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Days had passed and it has been a week since Changbin had left for his cousin’s wedding-month. Y/n had washed Chan’s hoodie and had been looking all day for him. She obviously didn’t wanted to give him the bag, that contained the hoodie, in the middle of class, since they might get the wrong idea. But after class Chan seemed to be disappearing from her sight.
She felt confused since Chan acted normal again. He was back to his old self and she felt like an idiot for slightly thinking that it could had become otherwise. Y/n felt a little betrayed.
‘Did he forget about the date just like that? I guess it all was just an act then.’ She thought to herself as she sighed.
At the end of the day, she would go to the pool, where the boys were having their training session as usual. The warmth of the room was very oppressive, but so was the feeling Y/n felt in her chest when she didn’t saw Chan. She walked up to Felix, who was sitting on the edge of the pool, and asked where his friend was.
“He just walked out. He’s in the dressing room and otherwise in the coach’s office.” He informed her. To her luck she saw Chan in the office and she didn’t had to embarrass herself by asking other random boys, who were also half naked.
Chan would smile when he saw her, confusing Y/n for the umpteenth time that day. “Hey! What are you doing here?” He asked brightly. “I got you your hoodie back.” She mutters as she handed him the bag. The gesture kind of hurt Chan, since he felt the coldness coming from Y/n. “You know you could’ve kept it right?” “No, but it’s yours.” She argued back as she placed the bag in his hands. “I never wear it, so please keep it. That way the poor thing can be used at least.” He tried to joke, but he didn’t see a smile cracking from Y/n’s face.
The two were interrupted by a voice that caused Y/n’s body to cringe up. Sooyun almost skipped her way to where the two were standing and she immediately hung onto Chan’s side. “Are you ready for our date Channie?” She asked whilst batting her eyes ‘seductively’. Chan just sighed and muttered for her to go ahead. Y/n nodded her head, understanding what was going on. He was about to shoot her an apologetic smile, but she had already turned her back to him, leaving him sighing in frustration once again. She didn’t notice his smile falling as she did before he walked away with Sooyun.
Chan was laid in his bed after Y/n had left. He was feeling joyful and he was sad that the date had to end. He genuinely felt so glad that he did what he did. And he was happy that he got to know Y/n a little better. Sooner enough, that happiness was cut off when he heard his dad call him down in a serious tone. He got the old-fashioned scold, where his parents would have to tell him not to hang out with girls like Y/n and hang out more with girls like Sooyun.
And not much later, her presents was added to his misery. He didn’t get why his parents loved her so much. Maybe because she was pretty and because she was also from a wealthy family. Chan never liked her like that though. He had never thought or seen Sooyun in that way. She was just a friend to him, or rather someone he knew. He didn’t hang out with her in his free time, by choice.
Here she was sitting next to him as they had dinner together. His siblings noticed the awkward behaviour of their older brother. “Channie you need to eat-“ “I’m not hungry.” He mutters as he pushed the plate in front of him away. “You need to, you could get unwell.” She whined. “She’s right Chan, at least eat your rice.” His father said, causing Chan to sigh and force the rice down his throat.
“So Sooyun, how is school going?” “It was going well, but I’ve been having some trouble lately with some classes.” She said with a pout. “Oh, maybe Chan could help you. He’s a great tutor.” “Mom, I already tutor-“ “It will be nice, you two can hang out as well that way.” She said with a smile, making Sooyun clap excitedly. “That would be great. We can also go on a date right after- let’s make it a study date! Oh how exciting!”
‘How did I end up in this mess?’
End of the flashback
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Chan would be in the middle of his study date as he texted Y/n. When she received the text from him, she looked at it in confusion.
Chan: Hi (^~^) Y/n: Hi? Y/n: aren’t you supposed to be on your little date? Chan: I know, but I’m bored Chan: How are you? ( ◠ ◡ ◠ ) Y/n: I’m fine Y/n: go focus on your date
“Channie, can you explain it again?” “Why, I know you aren’t failing this class.” Chan groaned in annoyance. “Because I don’t understand this.” She whined.
‘Sure, an A student doesn’t understand the basics of science.’ Chan thought to himself before he explained for the third time.
Later when he made Sooyun work on an exercise, he whipped out his phone and texted Y/n once again.
Chan: Let’s meet tonight? Y/n: Why? Chan: Please? Y/n: fine Y/n: What time? Chan: 11Pm okay? Y/n: sure
Chan couldn’t wait for his study date to be over and to see Y/n again as soon as he threw his phone aside, in the hope for the time to pass by faster. “Channie, why are you hanging out with Y/n so much lately?” Sooyun asks curiously. “Because I’m tutoring her.” Chan muttered absent minded. “That doesn’t surprise me, she’s an imbecile.” Chan didn’t know how to respond, he was taught to rather not say anything when you don’t have something nice to tell.
Besides that, Chan was too busy thinking about the fact that he was meeting Y/n tonight again, which made his whole day a lot brighter.
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Finally, it was eleven o’clock and he waited for five minutes in the park for Y/n to arrive. When she did, the two couldn’t help but smile when they saw each other. It kind of felt like a second date. Especially since they went out to some food truck for some early-midnight snacks.
Later they would be seated near the edge of the river and they chatted away. Chan would tell her about his life in Australia, how they moved back and fort due to his parents’ jobs. He loved it in Australia. Y/n would tell more about her adventures she had in Busan and so the night went on and time passed by rather quickly.
Their conversation would be cut off by Y/n’s phone that suddenly started to ring. She picked it up without looking, causing her to jump in shock when a heavy, booming voice started to shout at her through the other side of the line.
‘…you fucking piece of shit, just wait until you get home and I get my hands on you-‘ Y/n quickly hung up the phone and put it away.
“Who was that?” Chan asked her worried. “Probably a wrong number.” She lied before continuing to eat her food. He felt his heart soften for her as he looked at her, simply eating, making her cheeks slightly puff up.
“How was your little date?” She then asked him, sarcasm layering her tone. “Please stop.” He groaned as he laid back in the grass. “That bad?” She asked in amusement. “You don’t even know.” Chan sighed as he looked up to the stars that peaked behind the clouds.
“I don’t like her like that, you know? My parents pretty much forced me into this situation.” Chan confessed as Y/n leaned back next to him, her upper body resting on her hands that were settled behind her. “They don’t like me, do they?” She asked him bluntly. “Who?” “Your parents.” She states. “W-what do you mean?” He stuttered as he sat up to look her in the eye. “You don’t have to lie Chan, I’m used to it. The fact that people don’t like me, I mean.” She explained. “It’s the tattoos and stories that make people thing badly of me, but I wouldn’t want to change for anyone you know. I love these tattoos. My best friend set them for me. I know they are still a bit of a taboo here in Korea, but the comments still hurt you know. I’m a person too. But I guess that doesn’t matter, because we do not fit into their standards.” She added as she sighed.
Chan felt guilty for misjudging her like that as well. Those standards are so engraved into his mind, he didn’t know otherwise, until now.
“I’m sorry.” He said as he looked directly at her. “What for?” “I misjudged you like that as well in the past, but ever since I actually got to know you, I found out that you’re really cool and fun to hang out with. You’re so different from what everyone make you seem like. And I feel guilty and sad that I took other’s opinions and made them my own, without creating my own vision and view on you or anyone else.” He admitted as he looked down to the ground in embarrassment.
“I like seeing your softer side. Yes, you do have a tougher side which makes you, you. But I can’t deny that I don’t like to see you smile at the things you like, dogs per example. Just seeing you bright up by seeing Berry made me happy, I don’t know. Your soft side is very nice and it suits you well, better than you tougher one in my opinion.” Chan added. “I do have my reasons for that though.” She states in a serious manner. “And those are?” He asked. “Something I rather don’t want to talk about.” She admitted. “Maybe I can help you-“ “There is nothing you can do Chan.” “Really, maybe it can lift a weight of your shoulder.” Chan pushed. “Chan, I don’t want to talk about it-“ “You know I just want to help you right?” He sighed, feeling a little annoyed and frustrated at the same time. “And I told you that I don’t want to talk about it right. I stated it three times and you keep pushing.” Y/n snapped, making Chan realise that maybe he went too far.
“You know what, maybe coming here was a mistake. I have to go.” “Y/n please-“ “Thanks for the food Chan. See you around.” She muttered before walking off.
Leaving Chan with a heavy chest, because he knew he had fucked it up. Just when he thought that it was going to be alright.
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Gif and pictures aren’t mine.
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yellowcanna · 4 years
Brighter Than Stars
Summary: Rachel wanted to see the stars, but more than anything, she wanted to be the stars.
That was why she reached her hand out to Bam who had nothing. 
For the first time in her life, Rachel was seen by someone. She was worshipped by someone, was wanted by someone, was needed by someone. But it wasn’t enough. She wanted to be admired by all the people in this world. She wanted to be seen by every last one of them. She wanted to become a star so badly that she set off towards the Tower of Gods to have her wish granted. 
However, no one has told her that stars aren't the only thing that shines in the dark night. 
No one had told her that by becoming a star, she would become a lowly servant under the God of the Moon, Khun Aguero Agnis. 
So Rachel will kill the God of the Moon and then she will be the only one to shine in the night. 
[GOD AU: Moon God Khun, Night God Bam, Star Rachel]
Rating: T
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort, fluff, slight angst, alternate universe, mythology, romance, tooth rotting fluff
Pairing: KhunBam
Author: Canna / Yellow Canna
Available on AO3!!
Climb the tower, and everything will be yours.
At the top of the tower, exists everything in the world and all of it can be yours.
Because at the very top of the tower, exist the realm of gods.
Once a mortal passes the trials of gods, they will become a god and live amongst the god within another realm. Everything will be in the palm of their hands. 
This is the story of Rachel—an ordinary girl living in a village by the forest.
Rachel came from a very ordinary background with both parents being farmers. Their incomes weren’t high, but they had enough to get by every year with a few coins to spare.
The village she lived in was a very special one, for that it was a village blessed by a goddess.
In the mortal world, the night was always frightening and unwelcomed.
Humans feared the night for that there was no light source nor were there warmth during nighttime. Being unable to see within the pitch blackness brought them endless fear and insecurities. 
However, four hundred years ago, light appeared for the very first time in the night. It drew a line across the sky and illuminated the land.
Although it happened for only a brief second, people believed that this was the work of a god. They speculated that the light was a sign of hope from the Goddess of Stars, for that the light resembled a falling star depicted in mythologies.
The pieces of the star showered over this village and since then, those born from this village had golden hair and eyes. Believing that they had been chosen by the goddess, they named themselves the Village of Stars.
Being the only ones blessed, the villagers in the Village of Stars believed that they were the chosen ones. With the village in a remote location, they rarely get visitors from other villages.  When they do, the villagers would chase them away until travelers knew better than go near the village with blond hair and golden eyes.
For the longest time, the Village of Stars had not seen a single outsider until one morning, a young boy was found unconscious in the heart of the village. The boy looked to be around ten with hair as dark as the night and dressed rags. No one knows where the child came from. While the boy was capable of speech, he had no memory of where he came from or who he was.
Naturally, the villagers did not welcome the boy. If there was anything these villagers hated more than outsiders, it would be people with dark coloured hair. The closer the colour was towards black, the more they shun them. Black represents the night and to the villagers who worshipped the Goddess of Stars, they see people with dark coloured hair a disgrace to their goddess.
Considering how the kid mysteriously appeared after the night, they even wondered if the boy was sent to them by the devil. Despite all their hate, the villagers couldn’t do anything to the boy. As humans who were blessed by the goddess, they value purity over everything else. They believe that even the smallest crime could taint them and lose their blessing
It wasn't as if they hadn't thought of chasing the boy out, but if he died then they might be held accountable. In the end, the village had no choice but to take the boy in. To show their spite for the boy's existence, they named him Twenty-fifth Bam because he was discovered after the twenty-fifth night of the month.
Bam was given a small hut to live in. They gave him just enough food to survive and nothing else. No one would speak to him, but no one would purposely make trouble for him either. The people in the village went about their days pretending he didn’t exist.
That was when Rachel extended her hand to Bam.
Rachel didn’t like her life.
It wasn’t a stretch to say that she loathed her current lifestyle.
As a girl without anything to make her stand out, she was far from what anyone would call a beauty. No boys would ever look her way and she couldn’t fit in with other girls either.
In a sense, Rachel was another outcast but for completely different reasons.
She was an outcast because she didn’t want to blend in.
She hated this village.
She hated this ordinary life.
She wanted to become something more.
This world was a cage created by higher existences called gods.
The sky, the sea, the earth…all of these that formed their world was created by a power known as Shinsu. Shinsu was a mystical power only gods were capable of wielding. 
Many people were thankful for the gods and were content living their lives like this, but not Rachel.
Like all other villagers, Rachel was afraid of the night. She hated the feeling of being shrouded by darkness and the helplessness that came with it. Whenever it was nighttime, Rachel would hide in her room with an oil lamp, reading her favourite illustrated book telling the story of a world with stars.
She would read of a world where everything was real and not illusions like this world she was in. In the world of gods, there were dazzling lights known as stars scattered across the sky whenever the sun sets and the darkness took over.
She would always imagine the stars in their night sky with people gazing up to the night and admiring them. She would imagine how brightly these stars will shine, chasing away the shadows so that no one will ever fear the night.
She wanted to see the stars, but more than anything, she wanted to become the stars.
That was why she reached out her hand to Bam who had nothing.
She became Bam’s only light.
She became Bam’s star.
For the first time in her life, Rachel was seen by someone. She was worshipped by someone, was wanted by someone, was needed by someone.
But it wasn’t enough.
She wanted to be admired by all the people in this world. She wanted to be seen by every last one of them. She wanted to become a star so badly that she set off towards the Tower of Gods to have her wish granted. She ignored the call of her parents and ignored the pleas of Bam. She will become a star so that once night comes, everyone will see her.
She will become the stars.
But she…was not chosen.
The door to the Tower did not open for her, it opened for Bam.
Even though Bam was just a nobody…
Even though Bam was just an outcast...
Even though Bam was just chasing after her.
This was unfair.
The gods were unfair.
Rachel hated the gods. She hated Bam, but she didn't let that hatred blind her. If the doors didn’t open for her, then all she needed to do was hold onto Bam.
Bam would never leave her behind, and just as she expected, Bam carried her up the Tower and faced the gods' trials in her place. She was delighted upon knowing how much influence she had over Bam but at the same time, she became jealous of Bam’s growth.
With each floor, Bam was becoming stronger and stronger, causing Rachel to feel more and more inferior. She became scared that Bam would leave her behind, so she continued to pretend to care for the boy just so she wouldn't be tossed aside.
She hated how she needed to suck up to Bam of all people, but she knew she had to hold it in.
It was when they finally reached the very top that all these negative feelings accumulating over the years vanished. Finally, her wish could be granted. In this real world belonging to the gods, she was free. Nothing could hold her back anymore, not even Bam.
When asked what her wish was, Rachel asked to become the Goddess of Stars without any hesitation.
And so, Rachel became a star and gained the powers of a God.
Her blond hair became even brighter and her clothes transformed into lovely white robes with the materials so light they were floating. 
However, no one had ever told her that by becoming a star, she became a single star amongst thousands and even millions of other stars.
No one had told her that in the world of gods, there was no night because the God of the Night was killed four hundred years ago.
No one had told her that not all gods and goddesses could live their own lives and that in the world of gods, there was still a hierarchy. As a newly born star, Rachel was at the bottom of that hierarchy. She became the lowest ranking servant under the God of the Moon.
Rachel had seen the moon before. It was a small and insignificant thing that was barely visible in the azure blue sky. Under the blinding light of the sun, the moon sometimes couldn't even be seen!
So why?
Why did the moon get to have power over all the stars that shine in the night?
The wish that was supposed to set her free ended up being a chain binding her. She became one of the countless servants with golden hair and eyes like her in the vast palace with a massive transparent dome covering the entire place like a fancy cage. As if to rub salt over her wounds, they call this place the Moon Palace. Everything in this place was made out of moon crystals—a weird bluish material that absorbs the sunlight and shines when the sun sets…or so she was told.
She didn’t see any point.
In her eyes, this was a fake structure that can’t glow on its own.
Everything was fake—including her wish. The free world she dreamed of where she becomes the new Goddess of Stars was nonexistent.
Rachel resented the Tower that failed to grant her wish.
When she met the God of the Moon, her resentment melted into something uglier—something that hadn’t surfaced since climbing the tower with Bam.
Khun Aguero Agnis—a member of the Ten Great Family—was the God of the Moon.
He was a natural-born god and the first real god Rachel has ever met. It was also after seeing him that she realized how big of a difference a real, natural-born god was compared to her—a mortal who became a god through the Tower.
Rachel watched from the side of the hallway, her head dipped low in a bow like all the other stars that had parted ways for their god. 
He was breathtakingly beautiful and eye-catching, unlike the moon he represented. His skin was as white as milk with long celeste blue tied up in a high ponytail and flowing down his back. His eyes looked as though they were carved out from the highest quality sapphires.
His robes were gorgeous. They were white and blue with golden edges, adorned with shards of crystal that made the robe sparkly brilliantly under the sunlight. His long flowing robes split on each side of his hips, showing off his long pale legs as he walked down the hallway with his feet bare.
Each step he took, a small layer of frost was left on the blue crystal floor. Every single one of his movement was graceful and elegant. His head was held high and those sharp eyes just looked forward, not sparing any of the yellow-haired servants a look.
When Rachel first got her robe, she thought this was how gods dressed. Now that she saw what a real god's robe looked like, she realized how wrong she was. She felt that the plain robe was mocking her for being a lowly servant despite being a goddess herself.
She felt like she had returned to her old village, except she wasn’t considered ordinary amongst these other stars.
No, she was much lower.
She was the shortest of them all, the plainest of them all, the most flawed of them all because she used to be human—the only creatures with flaws.
She was an insignificant nobody.
A star no one would even realize was there—not that it mattered. In this real world where night didn’t exist, none of that mattered. She felt a wicked satisfaction and even a sense of superiority in knowing that even if these other stars were in higher ranks than her, none of them could shine.
Three months into her life as a star, Rachel got an unexpected summon from the God of the Moon. Rachel didn't know why the god suddenly summoned her, but she didn't have a choice in the matter.
When she arrived at the throne room, the blue-haired god was already sitting high up on his throne shaped like a crescent moon. The god was slouching lazily against the arc of his throne. He was sitting in a very casual manner, yet it was this lazy posture that made him all the more alluring.
“You are Rachel?” He asked, eyes narrowing and the smile on his lips faded.
Those were the first words he had ever said to her.
Before Rachel could respond something or someone appeared from behind the god's throne. 
Rachel was stupefied. She stared at Bam who had appeared behind the God of the Moon like it was perfectly normal, running down the long stairs to reach her and pulled her into a hug.
Rachel had to use everything in her power to force out a weak smile, looking at Bam, and then her eyes darting back to the god.
Later, Rachel learned that Bam had made a wish in the Tower to follow her, so he was transported into the Moon Palace where he met the God of the Moon. Because gods must grant the wish of those who reached the top of the Tower, Bam was allowed to stay within the Moon Palace, not as a servant, but as a guest.
Rachel couldn't believe it. She worked so hard to become a star yet all she ended up as was a lowly servant of an arrogant god while Bam…Bam had become a guest?
He became an honourable guest that even Rachel had to bow down to if Bam hadn't stopped her from doing so. He was given free access to every part of the palace that even the oldest stars didn't have.
Rachel even saw Bam casually talking to the Royal Guard General, Rak Wraithraiser. The Royal General who never spared them, the stars, any glances even gave a nickname to Bam out of affection. 
The Bam who only had eyes for her was now looking at other people. While she was suffering and being made to work as a servant, Bam was enjoying these privileges that he shouldn’t have.
Rachel thought it was still alright, for that despite knowing so many people, Bam would still keep his eyes on her when she was nearby. Whenever Rachel wanted something, Bam would still put her before anyone else.
To Bam, Rachel was still his star.
Rachel has confidence in that aspect of Bam...until she saw the dark-haired boy in the garden one morning.
The Moon Palace was a huge structure floating in the middle of the sky. While Rachel couldn't see the whole thing, she did learn it from the older stars that it was shaped as a semi-sphere.
All the stars lived in their chambers at the bottom of the semi-sphere, while the god and his close guards lived within the palace on the surface. The palace itself only took up two-thirds of the surface, leaving the remaining proportion being the garden.
Rachel never liked the garden. It was bland with nothing but grass and bushes of white flowers that never bloomed. Though trash in her eyes, the older stars treated these flowers preciously and even told her that they must never be picked without their god's permission.
Even though Rachel wouldn't pick these flowers in the first place, it irked her that even picking such a plain flower needed permission from that god.
That day, she had snuck out on her duty, wanting to find a quiet place without anyone bossing her around but ended up catching the sight of Bam with the blue-haired god.
The God of the Moon was sitting on the lush green grass with Bam sitting behind him, braiding his long hair.
Rachel couldn't describe the burning sensation inside him when she saw the sight.
Gods cannot be touched.
This was a common rule for low ranked servants like them because touching these higher gods would be equivalent to tainting them with their sins. But the God of the Moon who always walked with his chin pointed at everyone else was allowing Bam to touch him.
And Bam even plucked the flowers that Rachel had been told specifically over and over not to touch. The brunet plucked the flower and put it into the god's braid. The moment the flower touched the god's hair, the flower began to bloom.
Rachel watched with wide eyes at the flower that had never once bloom during her stay bloomed upon contact with the god. The flowers that were always insignificant in her eyes became a magnificent flower with pollens like gold dust flowing out.
Even from afar, Rachel could smell the sweet scent of the flower.
She felt the heat inside her twisting and twirling, especially when the Moon God turned his head to smile at Bam. Bam smiled back and stared at the beautiful god with a gaze Rachel had never seen Bam used on anyone before. Not even her.
Unable to help herself, Rachel reached for a moonflower next to her. She touched the white bud and watched it withered and turned into an ugly shade of brown.
Rachel couldn't stand being there anymore so she fled. She avoided all the servants in the palace and shut herself in her room.
Rachel hated Khun Aguero Agnis.
It wasn’t fair.
He already had so much yet he was taking away her Bam!
How could he take something away from her, who had nothing?
Time slowly passed and little by little, Bam began to know other gods. Every day, he would tell Rachel about his encounters, forcing her to listen to all these things that she would never have the chance of experiencing.
Bam was slowly leaving her behind because of that Moon God.
Rachel felt like the last thread holding her together was growing frailer each day. The snapping point came when the God of the Moon suddenly sought her out.
The god that had always ignored her existence came to her and told her to stay away from her Bam. While he didn't use any harsh language, those blue eyes regarded her as though she was a pile of dirt under his feet.
Rachel had never been so humiliated nor had she ever felt as angry.
It wasn’t fair.
Khun Aguero Agnis was only lucky he was born as a god. What gave him the right to look down on those who had to fight for their spot? What gave him the right to think he could order her what to do and take what was rightfully hers? 
It wasn’t fair.
The gods were never fair, so why should she be fair?
Rachel waited.
She waited patiently for a chance to take back the power over her life.
As if the other gods were on her side, a great war amongst the gods broke out. A group of gods banded together to rebel against the King of all Gods—as well as the God of the Day—Zahard, from his throne.
In this enormous war, the God of the Moon was part of the rebels. With the god's attention directed elsewhere, Rachel found the opportunity to escape from the Moon Palace. She ran to Zahard's army with the promise of providing them information about the God of the Moon in exchange for letting her into their ranks. Since Khun Aguero Agnis was the main strategist leading the attack on Zahard's army, they accepted her easily.
It was after being accepted by these greater and more powerful gods that Rachel learned what kind of god Khun Aguero Agnis was.
An outcast.
The God of the Moon, Khun Aguero Agnis, was an outcast of the Khun family. 
In a world where the night didn't exist and the King hating everything related to the night, granting a god the title of the moon was the same as exiling them.
Rachel nearly laughed when she heard of the news. The high and mighty god that always looked down on her was nothing but an outcast. She had never felt as alive at that moment.
Because her information had been useful, she was granted an audience with King Zahard and made a deal with him. If she could kill Khun Aguero Agnis, then Zahard will grant her any wish. Needless to say, Rachel jumped at that chance.
With the help of one of Zahard's men, Rachel disguised her appearance and slightly altered her aura. She mixed herself into the stars aiding their god in the battle. Because Rachel was a star in the first place, she was able to easily blend in and went undetected by the God of the Moon. The moment the god was critically injured by the enemies, she secretly planted a bomb in his heart while pretending to heal him.
Once she successfully planted it into the Moon God, all that was left was to wait for the signal. The moment the signal came, she activated the bomb and watched Khun Aguero Agnis crumbled onto the ground with a pained look on his face.
The God of the Moon was dead.
That despicable god—the one who took everything from her and always looked down on her—was finally gone!
Rachel laughed. She stood next to the fallen god and laughed while Zahard’s men began to slaughter the stars that fell into despair after the death of their god. Rachel watched them die with cold eyes. She didn't feel anything for them despite recognizing some familiar faces. 
She grabbed the loosely braided hair of the god and sliced it off with a dagger. The moment the hair was detached from the god, the flowers in the braid began to wilt. She admired the sight of the fallen god who was no longer the perfect being he always presented himself to be.
A wicked smile stretched across her lips.
Finally, the god had a taste of all the humiliations he had put her through.
Aguero slowly opened his eyes to the pale blue ceiling high above. He stared at it for a long time before sitting up, causing the thick blanket covering his body to slide off from his movement.
The moment he was up, the god felt something very wrong. His head felt much lighter than usual, and his neck felt exposed to the chilly air around. He raised his hand, feeling his hair and found that his hair had become incredibly short.
His long hair that should have reached his ankles was now so short that it couldn't even touch his neck.
Sapphire blue eyes narrowed dangerously. He surveyed the room carved out of blue crystals. This was undeniably his room, except Aguero never recalled putting a chair next to his bed nor the book on his nightstands.
He never had much in his room because it wasn’t needed. The only thing he needed when coming to this room was for sleep. Aside from his bed and a simple nightstand, he didn’t need anything else, so why was there a chair and book there?
Aguero climbed off his bed. He looked down at the simple white t-shirt and dark shorts he was wearing. With a wave of his hand, the clothes on his body turned back to the blue robe he usually wore in public. He glanced down at his own hands, flexing his fingers before he closed his eyes and concentrate on his own body. Immediately, Aguero felt a flow of power much larger than what he originally had.
His eyes snapped open with a sharp gasp before he turned and stormed out of his room.
He needed to find answers.
However, the moment he opened the door, Aguero was dumbfounded by the empty hallway.
There wasn’t a single servant or guard in sight.
Countless questions swirled in his mind, but the god kept clam. He tried to summon his pocket, only to find that it missing as well. Someone had taken it away, was it Rak? He briefly wondered if he should use his lighthouse to contact the overgrown reptile but decided against it. He needed to figure out the situation first.
Aguero glanced at the glowing crystals lighting up the hallway. Since his room was at the heart of the palace, there were no windows around to see what was going on in the outside.
He picked up his pace. He needed to go out and see what was happening.
Aguero froze.
He stared at the hallway in front of him, eyes wide in surprise at the arms wrapping around his body and someone pressing against his back.
“You’re awake! You’re awake, Aguero! I thought—” The man was abruptly cut off when he noticed the rapid drop of the temperature around him and felt the sharp tip of a blade brushing by the back of his head. “A…guero?”
Aguero was holding the White Heavenly Mirror over the back of the stranger’s head with hundreds of tiny ice blades forming within the air, all of them directed at the man.
"Slowly step back while keeping your hands in my sight," Aguero ordered in a cold and apathetic voice. "Try anything funny and I will kill you."
The person didn’t say anything.
He didn’t even move.
It was only when Aguero pressed his knife closer to his skull that he finally moved. The man slowly loosened his arm from his body and held his open hands within Aguero’s sight like ordered and slowly back away.
Once he had enough space to move, the God of the Moon turned around while maneuvering the
knife so that it rested against the intruder's neck.
Aguero eyed the man that was a head taller than him, wearing black robes with long brown hair tied into a ponytail. His bangs parted around his face, allowing the god to take in his handsome features as well as those golden eyes that were staring at him in a mixture of disbelieve and pain.
Aguero felt something trembled inside him when he saw the man's face, but it was gone the next second. The stranger was certainly good looking, but it was a face the bluenette was certain he had never seen before. 
“Who are you?”
The man opened his mouth, but his lips ended up trembling without making a sound.
Aguero’s gaze darkened. He didn’t like asking the same question twice. When he was debating on whether or not to capture him first, he heard footsteps coming towards them.
"Hey, black turtle! What are you doing?! We’re all waiting—”
Aguero’s eyes widened at the sight of Rak appearing around the corner behind the man he was pressing his blade against.
Except…Rak had…shrunk down.
If Aguero saw Rak in any other situation, he would definitely troll him—asking things like "where's your papa", but now wasn't the time. There were so many questions Aguero needed answers for, such as the identity of this stranger as well as the reason for his memory loss.
After feeling his power increased, Aguero became certain that he was suffering from amnesia. That was the only explanation for all these changes on him.
“Gator—” Before Aguero could even call for the head of his guards, mini-Rak was already charging at him like a cannonball.
Startled, Aguero hastily moved his blade away. Even if this man was an intruder, Aguero could already tell he wasn’t an enemy so he didn’t want to risk killing the guy before figuring out who he was. He retracted the blade back into his body before he was thrown onto the floor with Rak sitting on him, bawling his eyes out.
The ice blades in the air vanished, leaving the God of the Moon and his general on the ground…along with the stranger who was still watching them.
“Hey, get off me!” Aguero shouted, trying to detach the alligator from his body while keeping his eye on the stranger who still hadn't moved. "How about you hurry and explain what is going on? And who is that guy!!”
It was only then that Rak stopped and finally realized what Aguero had been doing to the stranger before coming across them.
“What are you talking about? That’s the black turtle!”
Which…basically told him nothing.
“Black turtle!” Rak repeated, staring at Aguero with rounded eyes. “Don’t you recognize him, blue turtle?! He’s our black turtle!”
“How am I supposed to know anything with that naming sense of yours?” Khun deadpanned. Though if Rak was acting like this, then that black turtle was most definitely a friend. But what was with that our?
From that short moment of interaction and the fact that he was capable of sneaking up to him, the man was most certainly a god. Aguero has memorized all the gods in the realm and can say for certain that his face has never appeared in any of the documents before.
Could he be a newly born god?
Exactly how many years of memories did he lose?
“Khun!!” More shouting came, this time from behind.
Aguero kicked off the miniature Rak who was still blabbering about black turtle and turned to see Shibisu and the gang running towards them.
Aguero let out a sigh of relieve, finally people competent of ordinary speech—
And then…Aguero found himself drowning in a sea of tears (mostly Shibisu) and bodies—some of which he knew, some who he had never seen before yet clearly knew about him.
In the end, Aguero had to put up a barrier with his lighthouses to push these people off of him. He grabbed Shibisu, shouting at the others to not follow before dragging the poor jersey-wearing god into his room.
After finally getting some peace and quiet, Aguero began to grill the information out of Shibisu.
It turned out his memory loss was worse than he imagined.
He had been asleep for a hundred years and had lost a hundred and twenty years’ worth of memories.
In these past hundred years, the world of gods changed dramatically.
The most important change was the end of King Zahard’s reigns.
The second most important change was the birth of the new god—the God of the Night. The god that Aguero had always longed for, the night that the moon belonged in…the God of the Night had finally appeared after four hundred years (or five hundred now).
The God of the Night was named Jyu Viole Grace, the son of the former God of the Night, V and the former Goddess of the Moon, Arlne Grace.
Ironically, the intruder Aguero had pointed his weapon against was the very same god he had been waiting for all this time. 
The god that will put an end to the unchanging sky and destroy the rule of this world—their saviours.
Aguero buried his face into his hands. To make it worst, he was apparently the one who found the young god. The boy followed his friend who wished to become a star and ended up at his palace.
When Aguero found out who that boy was, he kept him close by his side and within the Moon Palace. With Zahard being the God of the Day, everything happening in the daylight was under his watchful eyes. There were only two places where his eyes wouldn't be able to reach—the Underground world and the Moon Palace. While he was able to protect the young God of the Night from being discovered, that girl he was friends with wasn’t anything good.
She was tainted with envy, greed, and hatred. The God of the Moon knew keeping her alive was a huge risk, but didn't do anything because Jyu Viole Grace liked the girl. Aguero may have used some words to knock down her pride, but never once did he put her in any harm. He left her alone which in Aguero’s current view was ridiculous and stupid.
Now he was paying for his past self's stupidity...
To think he nearly died for such reason was unbelievable. Aguero couldn’t imagine himself to leave a ticking time bomb alone like this. It should have been obvious that this girl with so much unnecessary pride and hatred would want him dead.
Did he underestimate this girl’s capability?
Or did he become soft due to the God of the Night?
From what Shibisu told him, he and the God of the Night were close. Too close.
Shibisu even said the God of the Night was like a puppy around him.
Aguero thought back the shock and despair on the God of the Night's face. He felt extremely uncomfortable just from remembering it. He didn’t like seeing the other god make that kind of expression but didn't know why. 
After Shibisu told him everything, he left the room to explain Aguero's situation to the gods waiting outside. 
A couple of healers were called to check on the amnesiac bluenette, but the results were all the same.
There was absolutely nothing wrong with the God of the Moon. The cause of his memory loss was likely from his body expelling a large amount of Shinsu in an attempt to keep him alive. The overuse of energy created some setbacks, but these setbacks were more or less healed during his long slumber.
In other words, these memories that Aguero lost would most likely never come back.
Aguero was fine with that. It was a pity that he couldn't regain his memories, but there was nothing he could do.
After a long tiring day of examination, his friends and comrades finally left to let him rest up. It turned out that today was the day they defeated Zahard so these noisy gods decided to barge into use his home to throw a party.
The God of the Moon laid on his bed, trying to sort out the mess inside his head when a loud knocking thundered on his door. He let out a frustrated groan and buried his head under his pillow, but the knocking persisted. It grew louder and louder, to the point where the Khun descendant was certain the overgrown alligator would smash his door down if he didn’t open up soon.
He waved his hand and the moment his door opened, Rak charged in and pounced onto him, trapping him below that shrunk down form once more.
“What’s with you?!” Aguero snapped, but couldn’t get angry with his closest friend now that he knew he was out for a hundred years and had made the other worried for a hundred years.
“That’s my line! Are you seriously telling me you forgot the black turtle?!”
Aguero heaved out a sigh before raising a long, pale leg and kicked the miniature creature onto the floor.
“So? What happened to you?” He asked, looking down at the alligator who was having trouble getting up by himself.
“Shut up! I can turn myself back anytime I want! It’s just easier to move around in this form!”
“Uh-huh, I can tell.” The bluenette admired his general twisting and turning on the ground because he couldn’t get up. In Rak’s word, he was like a turtle.
“Hey Gator, that God of the Night and I…were we close?” Aguero asked once Rak finally got onto his feet.
“You two were practically everywhere together.” Rak snorted, climbing back onto the god’s bed and sat down on his mattress. “You wouldn’t even let me be alone with him because you said I would make him go bad!!” He added that last part as though he had some sort of resentment towards him.
“So what?” Aguero feinted innocence.
“When are you gonna go see him?”
“Why should I see him?”
“Are you serious?!” Rak roared, jumping up and bouncing a little on the soft mattress. His miniature form seriously lacked menace. “Do you know how much that black turtle worried about you?! He came to your room every single day waiting to see you open your eyes! He—”
“If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have been in coma, would I?” Aguero retorted and Rak went quiet. “No matter how I think about it, I wouldn’t have allowed a woman like that to live. I would have killed her the moment I sensed her hostility towards me, especially in the middle of a war against Zahard and his armies.”
The God of the Moon stared at Rak. “That’s why I can only come to one conclusion. The God of the Night asked me not to hurt her, didn’t he? If not, there was no way she would have the chance to put a bomb inside me.”
Rak didn’t say anything, but Aguero didn’t need him to. His silence meant everything.
The night meant everything to Aguero, because the moon can only exist within the night. In the era of Zahard where night didn’t exist, Aguero and all of his stars were outcasts, so Aguero longed for the appearance of the God of the Night to change this ridiculous and oppressive rule and bring back the real order to this world.
But it seemed that it wasn’t a matter of simple longing anymore.
“The black turtle has been regretting for the past hundred years.”
“Well, aren’t you lucky I didn’t die then?” Aguero jumped off his bed.
“Blue turtle—”
“Relax, I’m not blaming him.” Aguero ran his fingers through his hair only to remembered it was short now “It’s my own stupidity for allowing it to happen. I’m thankful for him. He did defeat Zahard after all.”
Without waiting for Rak to say anymore, he summoned his lighthouse and teleported into the garden.
The moment he stepped outside, Aguero was blown back by the beautiful night sky.
Aguero had only seen it in pictures back when V was alive, but experiencing it firsthand felt completely different  
The moonflowers in his gardens that never bloom—unless he willed them to—were in full bloom. The white flowers were illuminating in the dark with golden pollens sparkling in the air.
The palace itself was also glowing in a gentle blue light that Aguero could never see under the constant blazing sunlight.
Drifting in the sky around the palace were the stars of his palace. They were all shinning dazzlingly and scattering the golden pollens they collected from the moonflowers into the night breeze.
When the stars saw Aguero, the light radiating off their bodies began to blink and they began to shower the golden pollens over him as if congratulating him on his recovery. Without the permission of their gods, they weren’t allowed to casually come close or talk to Aguero, so they could only use this method to show him their affections.
Aguero smiled at them, lifting a hand to collect the pollens they scattered and formed a golden ball in his hand.
These golden pollens from the moonflowers were exclusive to the Moon Palace. Many gods would pay a hefty amount for a small bag because these just a small whiff of these pollens can make one have a pleasant dream.
Although these were useless to him, it was a present from his stars so he tucked it away in his lighthouse.
When he glanced back up, the stars that were smiling at him were suddenly gone, all of them scurried away like startled rabbits. In a matter of seconds, the area around Aguero was cleared with the stars watching him in the far distant.
Aguero looked over his shoulder to see the familiar dark-haired god standing a couple of feet away from him. A gentle breeze blew by, causing both of their robes to flutter in the wind. Aguero stared at the other’s flowing brown hair and remembered how his hair used to be like that.
Come to think of it, Shibisu didn’t explain why his hair was cut off and Aguero had too much on his mind to remember his missing hair.
“Jyu Viole Grace—”
“Bam,” Jyu Viole Grace interrupted him. “Just call me Bam, Aguero.”
Aguero paused, but quickly collected himself and allowed a small smile to grace his lips. “Viole then. I owe you a thank for returning the night to us.”
“It’s…nothing,” the brunet replied, seeming very upset at Aguero’s refusal to address him by his preferred name. “Do you like it, the night?”
“Yeah…” Aguero took in the scenery around him and tasted the air that was exclusive to the night. “It’s more beautiful than I imagined.”
“I’m glad…”
Aguero could tell the brunet was holding back many things. He could feel his own heart throbbing, anticipating…but the God of the Moon squashed down all of those emotions.
“I’m sorry about my rudeness for before,” he apologized, referring to how he had pointed his knife at the one who liberated them from the rule of Zahard. If they go by hierarchy, the God of the Night has rule over him so he was technically his god.
“No…I should be sorry. I…”
“It’s fine.” Aguero looked away from the other god. For some reason, it hurt to see the other making such miserable expression.
“I don’t know how much you know about gods since I heard from Shibisu you were raised in the mortal realm. You shouldn’t apologize so easily to another god, especially if they are a lower rank than—”
“You’re not lower than me!”
Aguero was startled by the Viole’s sudden outburst.
“You’re not lower than anyone, Aguero!”
Aguero didn’t know what happened. One moment, the God of the Night was standing in front of him, the next, he was being wrapped within those long arms. Aguero couldn’t even react until he was being held so tightly that he didn’t know what to do.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Viole wept quietly into his shoulder, his voice pleading. “Please…just let me hold you. Just a little. I’m so sorry…Aguero…”
The blunette wondered why he couldn’t get angry at the younger god. He was starting to see why he almost died. If this was how he reacted when he had no memories, then he didn’t dare to think how he behaved with memories.
It was too dangerous.
Being with this god was too dangerous.
Sooner or later, he may die for real.
Aguero put a hand between them. All it took was a simple push for the powerful god to back away. It was so easy that it made Aguero feel nothing but guilt. He didn’t dare to meet those golden eyes because he was afraid of what he might find if he did. He was afraid that if he saw those eyes, he would hesitate.
“Since I don’t remember, let’s forget about it.” Aguero’s voice came out in a hushed whisper. “Even if you apologize, I don’t know what you’re apologizing for. I can’t forgive something when I don’t remember, so why don’t we just forget about everything?”
“Aguero—!” Viole’s eyes widened upon realizing what the God of the Moon was suggesting. Aguero was suggesting for him to forget everything that ever happened between them.
He was drawing out a line to separate them
The God of the Night wanted to scream, he wanted to cry, but he knew none of those would bring back his moon. He lost that chance the moment the moon he was supposed to protect nearly died because of him.
Perhaps it was his punishment that Aguero couldn’t remember anything.
Viole’s hands were clenching and unclenching by his side before he held out his hand and summoned a pocket. Aguero didn’t have to ask to know it was his.
The God of the Night slowly set the pocket onto the ground before leaving.
The moon longed for the night, but the night was the one who lost his moon.
Since then, the God of the Night didn’t appear at the Moon Palace.
Day and night took turns in the sky, but Aguero never saw Jyu Viole Grace again. Rak had made a mess of the palace when he heard what Aguero had done, especially when the Moon Palace was as much of a home to Aguero as it was to the god who ruled over the night.
Aguero holed up in his lighthouse for five days in a row, spending his time researching on the current era and keeping himself updated to everything that happened during his slumber. He searched up on all the new gods and found quite a few familiar faces from when he first woke up.
Take the kid Ja Wangnan for example.
It turned out that the young blond boy was the new God of the Day. This God of the Day wasn’t particularly strong unlike Zahard and the God of the Night. Even Aguero could easily beat him. The only upside was that this God of the Day seemed to have great connections with everyone around him. In terms of personality, he was quite popular and with the help of the remaining former princesses of Zahard, no gods dared to voice their complaints.
As Aguero clicked away on his screen, he came upon a file without any label. Curious, he opened it up and the first thing that popped out to him was a picture.
It was a picture of a young boy with short brown hair wearing a red vest. He was holding the camera (his lighthouse) up with a bright smile on his face. Behind this boy, Aguero saw himself.
He was sitting in the garden, his skin glowing under the bright sunlight. His hair was brushed over his shoulder in a very messy braid with moonflowers stuck in them. The God of the Moon felt his eye twitched at how ridiculous his hair looked. It was something he definitely wouldn’t do, and yet he did and even had his picture taken like that.
His eyes drifted to the brown-haired kid, then back to himself. The him in the picture wore a grin on his lips. It was a very small quirk of his lips, but it was the most genuine smile he had ever seen on his face.
There was even fondness within his eyes…
“Hey!” Aguero yelped and he was jerked out of his lighthouse.
His feet were dangling off the ground with a large clawed hand fisting the back of his robe, holding him within midair.
“Is this how you treat your god, you stupid gator!” He shouted, but Rak just huffed before snapping something onto his wrist.
Aguero looked down, eyes dilating at the sight of glowing yellow chains binding wrist.
It was a Heavenly Binding Chain. Like the name, this chain was made to seal away a god’s power—something that was only used on prisoners!
“Have you lost your mind?!”
“You’re the one who lost your mind, you stupid turtle!” Rak roared back and stomped over the door he had broken to enter the god’s room.
Aguero was thrown out of his home.
The gigantic reptile dragged the god outside and hurled the bluenette with all his strength, sending him flying through the darkened sky.
That night, the gods throughout the realm were able to witness the magnificent sight of the stars flaring up in golden lights so brightly that it was alarming. The stars were panicking—a sign that something had happened to the God of the Moon.
Before any gods could rush over to see what happened, the stars settled back down.
Aguero’s pocket was blasted with calls and messages, but the bluenette didn’t pick up.
Right now, he was in his own dilemma as he stared at the God of the Night with black Shinsu wings keeping him airborne. The brunet appeared like a flash of dark lightning, zipping through the sky to catch the falling god.
Aguero couldn’t say he was surprised by this outcome. The moment that reptile locked his power and threw him out in the middle of the night, he had seen this coming. As the God of the Night, anything that happened within the night was under his watch. If anyone was to notice him falling from the sky, it would be Viole.
“I’ll take you back and talk to Rak.” The God of the Night began to fly up, but Aguero grabbed onto his arm to stop him.
“Don’t,” Aguero grumbled. “If you bring me back, that gator will just give me an earful. Just put me anywhere on the land. When that gator got tired of waiting, he’ll come and remove the chain.”
The brunet seemed to be pondering on whether or not to listen to what Aguero suggested, but in the end, he complied. His arms tightened around the now powerless god and dived down. He flew over the land until he found a small meadow with tiny green lights leisurely drifting through the air.
When he landed onto the grass, green lights fluttered, startled by the sudden appearance of the two gods. Agureo eyed these little creatures with great interest. He knew about fireflies but born into an era without the night, Aguero had never seen one glow in the darkness before.
“Is this alright?” The God of the Night asked.
“Yeah, thank you.” Aguero thanked, walking out of the god's arms the moment his feet touched the soft grass. He waited a bit, but the other god stood there, seeming to have no intention of leaving. “You don’t need to accompany me.”
“It’s dangerous for you to be alone,” Viole replied and Aguero knew that was true. Even though Zahard and the old gods were gone, that didn’t mean that they were safe. Who knows how many of Zahard’s supports were still alive. With Aguero being the strategist within the war, he was naturally the most hated by their enemies. Being alone with his power sealed was the same as asking to be kidnapped or killed.
Aguero sat down on the soft grass. He couldn’t even summon a lighthouse thanked to the stupid chain on his wrist.
“At least sit down,” Aguero patted the grass next to him. “Having you stand there makes me feel self-conscious.”
The brunet shifted a little before sitting down. He sat…a lot closer than Aguero expected. When the other god noticed this unconscious action of his, he hurriedly edged away to maintain distance between them.
“We were close, weren’t we?” Aguero couldn’t help but ask even though he already knew the answer.
“…Yeah,” the brunet answered quietly. His bangs fell over his face, hiding those bright eyes from Aguero’s sight.
“I’m sorry about before. I might have come out a bit harsh,” the bluenette apologized softly. “I don’t know if I’ll ever remember.”
“It’s fine.”
Aguero was a bit startled, not expecting such an answer.
“It’s fine if you can’t remember,” the God of the Night repeated. “I’m just glad you’re alive.”
Aguero stared at Viole who finally looked at him with a smile on his face. It was a very strained smile that looked more like he was going to cry. It wasn’t anything like that bright and warm smile Aguero saw on the picture, but it was a genuine smile nonetheless. The God of the Night was truly happy that Aguero was alive even if the cost were his memories of him.
“I was stupid,” Viole whispered so quietly that Aguero wasn’t sure if he was meant to hear it. “You told me many times that I shouldn’t trust her, but I didn’t listen. I even made you not to hurt her and I nearly lost you because of that.”
Aguero couldn’t help but agree that it was indeed stupid, but it wasn’t the brunet who was stupid.
“It’s not your fault, so don’t go around flattering yourself,” the God of the Moon snorted. “You might have asked me but if I wasn’t confident I could keep a woman like that in check, I wouldn’t have agreed no matter what you said. The only reason she was able to get the better of me was that I underestimated her. Simple as that.”
“No buts, end of conversation.” Aguero cut him off before looking up at the sky.
He stared at the palace glowing in the night with stars twinkling around it. From this distance, the dome around the palace and the palace itself formed a perfect circle, creating the image of the full moon he was looking at right now.
“Tell me, how did we met?”
“I followed…” Viole hesitated a little before continuing, “I followed Rachel after reaching the top of the tower. I wished to go to wherever she went, so the Tower brought me to the Moon Palace. I ended up being teleported to the garden where you were.”
He said that last part with a small laugh before joining in on the moon gazing.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. You were sitting in the field of moonflowers, looking up at the sky with your blue hair fanned out across the grass…” his voice trailed off, seeming to be reminiscing that moment.
Aguero could feel his heart beating unusually fast. The look on Viole’s face and the way he recalled that moment…it can’t be…
“You were surprised when I appeared…but after I told you what happened, you didn’t kick me out. You even brought me to Rachel and organized a place for me to stay even though I didn’t belong.”
“You’re the God of the Night,” Aguero pointed out. “Of course you belonged in the palace.”
“But at that time, you didn’t know,” Bam replied.
“How are you so sure? Maybe I knew who you are the moment I saw you.”
“You didn’t,” the brunet gritted out so harshly that it crushed the rest of Aguero’s argument in his throat. He glanced at the God of the Night, but the other had his head dipped down, hiding his face. Despite that, Aguero knew that the brunet was angry.
“I know what you’re trying to do, Aguero. Please…stop.”
Aguero didn’t say anything. He ripped his gaze away and stared at the fireflies dancing in the distance.
“…Rachel is in the dungeon.”
Sapphire blue eyes snapped to the man in surprise. He wasn’t surprised that this girl who almost killed her was still alive, but the fact that this god willingly gave him this information.
“…Should you be telling me this?”
Viole flinched as though he had just been slapped across the face. “Did you think I would still protect her after she almost killed you?” He asked bitterly. His hands were clenched so hard that blood was beginning to seep out. “It’s only fair for you to deal with her.”
Aguero felt like he couldn’t breathe. He can’t even look at Viole because his mind became a jumble of mess. All he knew was that he can’t stay here—not with the God of the Night.
“Take me back to the palace.”
Viole didn’t ask or say anything. He pulled Aguero into his arms and flew towards the moon in the sky.
They arrived at the palace door where Viole gently set Aguero back onto his feet. The gust of wind behind him was the only sign that the other god had left. Without looking back, Aguero ran inside. He needed answers, but he didn’t have the gut to ask the person who had all of it, so he found the next best person.
“What?!” Rak wasn’t hard to find. He was back to his small form, poking his head out of the kitchen with a bunch of bananas in his arms.
Aguero didn’t offer him any explanations and pulled the damn alligator into a random room nearby.
“Tell me right now!” Aguero shouted, grabbing onto the collar of his red t-shirt and proceeded to shake the life out of him. The beautifully ripe bananas fell from Rak's arms and scattered all over the ground. “What’s our relationship?!”
“What’s what?” Rak flailed his arms and kicked his stubby legs in a poor attempt to break free of his grasp.
“Viole and mine! What’s our relationship?!”
“Mated of course!” Rak replied like it was obvious, and it was. “Every day the two of you were attached by the tails—HEY!”
Rak squawked when Aguero slapped away the banana he was holding in his hand.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner, you stupid Gator!”
“You were going to cut off all ties with the black turtle, weren’t you? Why did it matter?!”
“I—” Aguero found himself at lost for words. His grip over Rak’s shirt went slack and he tumbled down onto a blue lighthouse that appeared behind him. “I…”
Rak didn’t move. He stood there, staring at the idiotic turtle god that always needed his leader to point out the most obvious thing.
“Since when did you turn into a damn chicken, you stupid turtle!” Rak shouted. He reached for the glowing chain on Aguero’s wrist and tore it off. “The blue turtle I know never runs from his problem! He always faces his problem head-on!”
“I…” Aguero felt something trickle down the side of his face. When he reached up and wiped his fingers over it, he realized it was tears.
He was crying?
Aguero felt extremely lost. He couldn’t even remember when was the last time he cried. He didn’t cry even when he was abandoned by Maria.
This was the worst.
“When that yellow turtle killed you, the black turtle lost it,” Rak informed him. “He went crazy and we all thought he was going to kill himself.”
With those parting words, Rak walked away—but not without collecting his bananas from the floor.  
Left alone in the empty room, Aguero used his sleeve to wipe away his tears before he went into his lighthouse. The first thing he did was to find that nameless folder with the picture he was looking at before getting interrupted.
It turned out there were hundreds of pictures within that folder and all these pictures were taken by Viole when was still a young boy.
In all of these pictures, Aguero’s hair was braided. He could tell that the god responsible was improving his skill with each picture taken. Most of the picture was him and the boy with Rak occasionally being in there.
The three of them looked extremely happy. Aguero would even go as far to say they were like a family.
He even found pictures of his gatherings with other gods when they came over. In those pictures, most of them were already wasted. Aguero could see himself sitting with his arms crossed, staring flatly at the group of drunkards surrounding him. The boy on the other hand seemed to be having fun. He was holding a glass of juice and had his picture taken with every god present. Just from the number of pictures in that one event, Aguero could tell how much he was having fun.
After going through the pictures, Aguero sat in his lighthouse, needing a moment to sort through everything summoning his pocket. He called Shibisu and asked how Bam found out about his death.
From what he gathered, there was no way the girl name Rachel would dare to hurt him when other gods were present, which meant he had to be alone for her to make any move.
Shibisu wasn’t present at the time, but he had heard of the full story from Endorsi who was.
They were nearing the final battle against Zahard and had lost contact with Aguero for two whole days after the God of the Moon gave them the final plan.
They wanted to search for him, but couldn’t spare any forces with Zahard and his army approaching—especially not Viole. After much debating, Shibisu, Ran and Hatsu formed a team to search for the missing god while rest prepared their fight against Zahard. After battling for three full days without rest, Zahard finally appeared on the battlefield and faced off against the new God of the Night.
That was when the former King of all Gods brought up the news of God of the Moon’s death.
Viole—or Bam—didn’t believe him, but Zahard took out the Aguero’s hair.
Bam was always the one braiding the god’s hair, so he instantly recognized the hair as Aguero’s even without needing to see the withered moonflower within the braid. Zahard taunted Bam with Aguero’s hair. He mocked him, mocked Aguero, and told the brunet how easy it was for them to kill Aguero.
With its purpose served, Zahard ripped apart the braid and Aguero’s hair scattered into the flaming battlefield below.
Bam had lost it.
He lost all sense of reasoning and became a monster.
Zahard planned to make Bam lose the will to fight over Aguero’s death, but it backfired and instead fueled Bam’s determination to kill him. Bam attacked the God of the Day relentlessly in rage, not caring if he got hurt in the process. The battle lasted a whole day and with all of their combined efforts, Bam was finally able to take Zahard’s head.
The war had ended, but their saviour was also on the verge of dying. Zahard had done a number on the brunet and he needed treatment immediately, but he pushed away everyone that got close to him. He walked around the battlefield like a zombie, trying to find Aguero’s hair that was scattered amongst the bodies and debris.
It was only when Shibisu called them, informing them that they found Aguero and confirmed him to be alive that brought Bam back. Had he been any later, Bam would have bled out and died.
Aguero had never felt more like a jerk. He was never a good person, but it was the first time he hated himself so much after hearing what Shibisu said. He couldn’t imagine how much pain the God of the Night was in when he spoke those thoughtless and cruel words.
Why did he run away?
If he had realized sooner…no, he noticed already. He was just afraid to confirm it.
Aguero felt like the air was getting harder and harder to breathe, so he had to stop. He teleported back into his room and fell onto his bed.
He was so tired.
Aguero thought about taking a short nap, but then he saw the chair sitting quietly by his bedside. Very slowly, Aguero sat down on that chair. He stared at the empty bed before him, then to the book by the nightstand. He picked up the book, noticing there was a bookmark and most of the book had already been read.
When Aguero looked at the title, he realized it was a book about the story of gods—or old gods now. He flipped open the pages, noticing that the page bookmarked was about Eduan, the former God of Lighting and his father who had fallen together with Zahard in the war.
Aguero couldn’t even remember his last moment…how laughable.
Blue eyes stared at the empty bed. He wondered how long Bam had sat here for, watching him…waiting for him.
“I really screwed up, didn’t I?” He chuckled weakly to himself. He looked down at the book, setting it back onto the nightstand before walking out of his room.
With the night ended, the stars returned to the palace to perform their daily duties. He walked into the garden, recalling the first picture he saw where he was sitting in the garden with his hair braided.
Aguero easily found the location of where the photo was taken. He gaze out to the sky to see dawn coming from the distance. The night was ending and his stars scattered over the realm were returning into the palace.
The bluenette ran his fingers through the grass before plucking off a moonflower closest to him. The flower bub that had just closed reopened within his hand and he brought it to his nose to get a whiff of the sweet scent.
What was he doing?
Even though he was the one who chose to push him away…
A gust of wind blew by, causing Aguero to tense up a little before relaxing.
“How long were we together for?” He asked turning around to face the brunet standing a couple of feet away with his robe and long brown hair flowing in the wind.
“During the war...” Bam replied.
“Did we kissed?” Aguero looked up to meet those golden eyes.
“No…we didn’t.”
Didn’t have the time—Aguero could hear those unsaid words. If they confessed their feelings in the middle of a war where either one of them could die any moment, then it would be before facing off against Zahard himself.
…And shortly before his death.
“I keep saying cruel things to you…”
“No,” Bam shook his head lightly. “You don’t remember. It’s only natural.”
“Yeah…I don’t remember.” Aguero laughed a little too bitterly. He looked down at the flowers and his sight started to become blurry. “I don’t remember…”
“I don’t remember anything…”
Before the first droplet could fall from his eye, his vision was suddenly obstructed and he was pulled back against a strong chest. Aguero immediately felt at ease being held and protected by those arms, but it also caused his heart to tighten up even more.
“I can’t remember how we met, what was the first thing I said to you…I can’t remember anything.”
“It’s ok…it’s ok, Aguero,” the man whispered into his ear, cradling him while keeping a hand over his eyes.
How was anything ok?
How could this man tell him it was alright when he was the one being hurt?
Just how stupid was he?
“It’s ok, Aguero.”
No, it’s not…
“Bam…” Aguero whispered with tears freely falling from his eyes. “Bam…Bam…”
“I’m here, Aguero. I’ll always be here.” Bam promised, not even noticing his own tears rolling down his face. He held onto his moon and created a layer of darkness with Shinsu around them, shielding them from the outside world. “It’s alright if you can’t remember. We can make new memories. I won’t let anyone hurt you again. I swear that this time, I will protect you properly so please...please don’t push me away.” 
Aguero raised his hands, grabbing onto the hand covering his eyes and pulled it down. Although they were shrouded in the darkness, the bluenette was able Bam perfectly. When he looked down at the hand he was holding onto, he saw a bracelet tied around the god’s wrist.
It was a pale blue bracelet—no…it was a pale blue braid made with long strands of celeste blue hair, forming into a five centimeter thick bracelet. These must be his hair Bam had collected after the battle.
Aguero didn’t know how he knew Bam would make his hair into a bracelet. He just did and this groundless certainness left a painful reminder of how much he had lost.
“Hey Bam…” He gently touched the bracelet on the man’s wrist. “Can you braid my hair?”
“Of course…” Bam spoke back in a soft voice. He pulled away from Aguero and threaded his fingers through the silky hair that didn’t lose its lustre despite the god being asleep for so long. The fingers in his hair were warm and gentle. They massaged his scalp before threading through his silky hair. Since his hair was too short to be braided, Bam settled to only braid the hair on the right side of his head.
Once he finished, Bam picked up the moonflower in Aguero’s hands and slipped it behind bluenette’s ear.
“You’re beautiful, Aguero.” Bam complimented with a wide smile and warm eyes reflecting his image.
Aguero felt something inside him trembled like a string getting plucked.
This was the one.
This was the smile he had seen in the very first picture.
He looked down at the brunet’s hand in the grass. He slowly reached out and the moment his fingers touched the back of Bam’s hand, the God of the Night turned his palm around and laced their fingers together.
Aguero leaned up to the God of the Night who dipped his head towards him at the same time.
Their lips met halfway in the gentlest and sweetest kiss.
Rachel didn’t know how long she has been imprisoned within the dungeon.
It could be decades or centuries—there was no way to keep count.
Her hands and legs were bounded by golden chained, tying her against the moist rock wall. Her cell was like a cave with rock walls surrounding her except the place where the bars should be. Gods don’t use wooden bars like mortals do in their cells. Instead, they keep their prison at the bottom of under a Shinsu lake with only a force field preventing the water from gushing into the prisoners’ cells.
The air was thin, barely enough for Rachel to get by. Despite not touching any water, the super-condensed Shinsu was greatly affecting her. Even if she miraculously undo the chains and get out, she will die within the water before the Shinheuhs swimming out there could gobble her up.
She breathed heavily, trying to get a bit more air, but failed.
Why did it become like this?
Everything went according to plan. It should have gone according to plan. She killed the God of the Moon and performed her part, so exactly went wrong? How in the world did Bam defeat Zahard?
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
She only wanted to become a star. Once Zahard won, he would make her the only star. Everyone climbed the tower to be granted a wish, what was wrong about that? Rachel knew many things she did might be considered despicable in other people’s eyes, but she wasn’t the first. Plenty of other people did the same thing, so why was she the only one suffering? Why was she the only one being blamed?
Khun Aguero Agnis—everything was his fault.
If he hadn’t existed—if he hadn’t gotten in her way—none of this would happen.
If that Khun didn’t take her Bam away, Bam wouldn’t have done this to her.
“BAM!” She shouted, but her voice came out muffled as though she was screaming in the water.
Although Bam never showed himself again after throwing her in here, Rachel knew he was watching.
He had to be.
If Bam didn’t care about her, she wouldn’t have been able to kill that cunning god so easily.
Bam will come back for her. She was certain of it. She only hoped that he will get her soon. The isolation and Shinsu were starting to drive her crazy.
“Seems like you still think you have a chance,” a voice echoed through the water barrier and into her chamber.
Rachel’s head snapped up with a startled gasp.
There was no way.
She stared at the shadowy figure walking through the water and coming towards her cell. The concentrated Shinsu parted like curtains, revealing a god she was all too familiar with. He casually strolled towards her, blue lighthouses appearing under his feet to form a path. 
Celeste blue hair, sapphire blue eyes and blue robe flowing around his body… he looked the same as when Rachel first saw him, except for his hair which she had cut off. Despite that, Khun Aguero Agnis looked gorgeous with short hair as he did with long. One side of his hair was even braided and tucked behind his ear and Rachel knew who did it.
“Why are you still alive?!” She shrieked, her movements causing the chains to rattle.
“Why wouldn’t I be alive?” Aguero questioned back, walking into her cell. A pale hand came up, grabbing Rachel firmly by the chin and twisted her head around, forcing her to face him.
The hand of the god was freezing, but Rachel didn’t show it. She wouldn’t show any weakness, not in front of him.
“I’m your god. If I had died, did you think you would still be alive?”
“What do you mean?” Rachel snarled.
“You really don’t know anything, do you?” Aguero laughed mockingly. “True, Zahard wouldn’t have told you. You were a disposable pawn, after all.”
Rachel jerked her chin away from that pale hand. Aguero didn’t mind and brushed off the frosts that had formed around his fingertips.
“Humans seemed to think that by reaching the top of the tower, they will become god, but that’s just human superstitions. You’ve seen with your own eyes what real gods are like. Do you think you are the same as them?” Aguero asked mockingly. 
“All humans gained after entering this world was a proportion of their god’s blessing. If they wanted to become part of this realm, they have to serve under the god that granted their wish. Just because they had a bit more power than ordinary humans, they thought they became god. The only reason gods can grant wishes to mortal is because these wishes are small, insignificant wishes. Turning a human into what you call a god is simple because your concept and definition of god are merely a human with fancy powers—not a real god.”
Aguero stepped back a little, eyes locking with Rachel’s and continued.
“The only way for god to be created is for them to be born. No gods have the power to create another god and gods are the only ones capable of manipulating Shinsu. If those who are not god want to use Shinsu, they will have to enter a contract with gods. Once you’ve made a contract with a god, your body will be altered to fit into this world. We call these Celestials. As long as a god wanted to, anything can become Celestials. The tree, the air, the grass—the stars in my palace—all of them who are given a new form and powers of gods are Celestials.” 
Rachel’s face turned pale and she finally realized where the God of the Moon was getting to.
“You wanted to become a star, so I reshaped you into one with my power infused in you. You are also a Celestial, Rachel. All of your power after you became a star came from your contract with me. If I died, you would have turned back into an ordinary, powerless human. The moment you do, your body won’t be able to handle the pressure of Shinsu within this realm and you’ll be crushed.”
“You’re lying!” Rachel hollered. “I became a star because the Tower granted my wish, not you!!”
“And I’m telling you that the one who granted that wish was me.” Aguero patiently corrected. “Once a mortal reaches the top of the tower, all gods have the obligation to make their wishes come true. The Tower merely sends their wishes to the appropriate god that can grant such wish. Yours was to become a star, so you fell into my jurisdiction and according to the rule of the Tower, I took you in and made you into a star.”
“No! My wish was to become the goddess, not a—”
“And you were given a proportion of my power and became the goddess by your standard.”
“You’re just an outcast of the Khun family! You’re just a moon!” She spat out that word as though it was some sort of insult. “Why would you have the power to control the stars?!”
Aguero observed the woman. He watched her scream while tugging on her chains like a madman.
Then…the God of the Moon smiled.
He smiled so brightly that Rachel snapped her mouth shut. She was afraid, but at the same time, she was confident Aguero wouldn’t do anything to her. She had Bam, after all. With Bam was around, this god can’t lay a finger on her.
“Just a moon?” Aguero repeated slowly. “So you haven’t seen a real night yet. Shall I show you?”
He raised his hand and a lighthouse appeared in his palm.
All Rachel saw was blue light engulfing her before the chains binding her vanished and she fell with a startled gasp. She caught herself with her hands and hissed when her knees and palms scrapped over the sharp rocks. The overwhelming pressure of the Shinsu was gone and when she looked up, she found herself on the edge of a cliff.
She hurriedly crawled back and was stupefied by the scenery that opened up to her.
It was night.
This wasn’t the illusion of nighttime back in the mortal realm, but the real night that wasn’t something simple like darkness. There were thousands and millions of stars scattered across the sky, creating a breathtaking sight.
This was the view Rachel had always dreamed of seeing. It was a reality beyond anything she could dream of, yet the yellow-haired girl couldn’t find herself to admire the sight. Her eyes were fixated on that gigantic orb in the sky.
It was thousands of times larger than the stars, gently shinning pale blue light over the land much like the sun during the day.  
“No…no…!” Rachel choked.
She knew what this is. She had seen it, but those were all during day time and it was barely visible.
“This is fake!” She screeched. “This isn’t the moon! This is one of your illusions!”
She frantically got up and looked around the cliff she was on. “You think you can trick me with something like this?”
“Even after coming to the world of the gods, you still think these are illusions.” Aguero’s voice echoed behind her. She whirled around to see the god sitting high above her on his lighthouse.
Khun Aguero Agnis was glowing in pale blue light similar to the moon behind him. Had there been anyone else around, their eyes would definitely be drawn to the god and not even noticing Rachel—just like how people would always notice the moon first before the stars.
Rachel ground her teeth at how this god always acted like he was above everyone else.
“What do you want?” She growled. “You think I would break if you show me this fake image? I know you can’t touch me, Bam wouldn’t let you.”
Aguero snorted, cackling quietly before breaking into a full out laughter, causing Rachel’s angry face to distort even further.
“You think Bam would still protect you?”
“The fact that you haven’t killed me proved as much, doesn’t it?” Rachel replied confidently.
“Believe what you will. I’m here to grant you your wish.”
“…What?” Rachel narrowed her eyes, body tensing. She carefully scanned her surroundings, wondering what the god was playing at.
“No need to be alarmed. After all, I’m a god,” Aguero smirked. “You wanted to become a star that people will admire, I will make you one.”
Rachel tried to summon her lighthouses, only gap upon not being able to. At first, she tried to do it secretly, but when she failed, she began waving her hands around in the air, not caring if Aguero was watching.  
“Why?” She stared at her hands before directing her glare to Aguero. “What did you do to me?!”
“What did I do?” Aguero arched a fine brow. “I merely removed you from under my name. I thought you’d be happy now that I’m no longer your god.”
“Don’t worry, you’re still a Celestial.” Aguero waved his hands. “I will make you into a star, just not my star.”
“…!” Rachel gasped when her hands flew up as if pulled by an invisible force. The cliff beneath her feet crumbled away, but Rachel did not fall. She was suspended in midair, held in place by an invisible force.
“You keep fantasizing about stars, but do you know what stars are?”
Rocks broken down from the pieces of cliff flew up, smashing into Rachel’s body as though she had become the center of gravity.
The boulders and rocks broke down, filling up the gaps while she screamed out in pain.
“I’ll spare you the details, but they are just gas burning at a high temperature. They have no physical forms. When the previous Goddess of the Moon, Arlen Grace was born, she gave these stars a form. They were reshaped and given human bodies with the ability to think and feel, but still be able to generate immense heat that makes them shine.”
The rocks had formed a ball around Rachel, trapping her inside yet she could still hear Aguero’s voice as though he was speaking directly next to her ears.
“When you made your wish, your body was reformed into a star like all the other stars under me. Now that we have severed our contract, I will return you to what stars originally were.”
“No…let me out!” Rachel shouted. Aguero snapped his fingers and the rocks vanished. In the place of the rocks were condensed layers of gas, forming a globe with the blonde girl as the core.
When Rachel looked down, she was horrified upon seeing her arms and legs becoming part of this gas. All that was left of her were her torso and head.
This wasn’t what she wanted!
This isn’t a star!
“Bam! Bam! BAM!”
She cried for Bam over and over again, but her calls were ignored.
No, Bam wouldn’t let the Khun do this!
Bam wouldn’t do this to her!
“I told you that when stars became human, they gained the power to feel. That naturally applies to heat. Since I am their god, they have the power of ice which can be used to cool them and prevent them from feeling the burn whenever they generate light.”
Rachel’s eyes widened.
No! He can’t be saying…!
Aguero didn’t continue. He just smirked at her and Rachel finally broke.
She screamed at Aguero. She shouted at him, cursed him, then screamed for Bam to save her. She yelled until her voice was hoarse, but no one was coming to save her.
“You’ll be the first star within the mortal realm. From now on, you will be positioned in the North to guide humans for thousands and even millions of years to come. They will always look up to you and be thankful for your existence.”
Rachel’s breathing was growing faster and faster as her body began to heat up.
No! No! No!
Rachel screamed before her body burst apart with blinding light shining over the land. It was so blinding that even the god had to cover his eyes. With another snap of his finger, the star was gone.
Within the mortal realm created by god—a new star was born. It was the first star to appear after the moon. Even as countless stars scattered across the sky, the first star was the only one that remained in the same position years after years despite the other stars always shifting and changing in the sky.
The human later called that star the Polaris—though that was a story centries later.
The God of the Moon stood on his lighthouse and gazed up at the night sky. He stared at the stars twinkling at him to cheer him up. Aguero couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
A pair of arms came around him from behind and Aguero was pulled against a warm body.
“Do you hate me?” He asked quietly, raising a hand to gently place it over Bam’s. On the wrist of that pale hand was a brown bracelet made from braided hair much like the one the God of the Night was wearing.
The God of the Moon turned around on his lighthouse so that he could properly embrace his night. He took in the new image of his god. After cutting his hair, Bam’s face could now be seen more clearly, showing more of his handsome feature with his hair tied back in a small little ponytail.
“I could never hate you, Aguero.” Bam sighed softly by his ear, holding onto his moon even tighter. “Rachel had done many awful things during the war and even almost killed you, yet you still granted her that wish.”
“I granted her a wish, but not the way she wanted to,” Aguero argued.
“You let her become a star.” Bam pointed out with a deep frown. “You also gave her a swift death.”
Despite what Aguero had said to scare her, he never did let Rachel feel the burn or the pain of her body being torn apart from the inside. Otherwise, she wouldn’t even have the power to scream like that. Her nerves weren’t even given the proper chance to register the pain before meeting her demise.
Bam knew Aguero did this because of him, and that knowledge made him feel sick. Reading his mind, the God of the Moon reached a hand around and thread those nimble fingers through the soft brown locks.
“You’re overestimating me,” Aguero muttered and patted his lover’s back. “Do I look like someone so kind?”
“…You’re kind, Aguero,” Bam stated seriously. “You’re the kindest person I’ve ever known.”
“Oh?” Aguero glanced up at his lover with mischief sparkling in those gem-like eyes. “You should announce that at the next gathering. I’ll be sure to record the looks of their faces.”
Bam chuckled and kissed his moon on his temple.
Gathering the bluenette into his arms, he flew towards the palace in the distance. The stars they passed by waved and showered golden pollens to create a path. When they arrived at the garden, Bam picked the largest moonflower near them and slipped it behind the bluenette’s ear.
“I love you, Aguero,” Bam whispered lovingly and held those slightly colder hands tightly within his own.
Aguero smiled. He leaned forward and kissed his god on the corner of his lips, enjoying the way his cheeks brighten in red. “I love you too, my god.”
“HEY!” Rak’s voice echoed from afar. “How long are you turtles gonna keep flirting?!”
“Shut up Gator!”
Aguero yelled back while Bam laughed.
They walked back into the palace hand in hand—neither of them have any intention of letting the other go.
Author's Note
Thank you all for dropping by to read this looong one shot! Like seriously...this is long even for my standard and all my one-shot stories are pretty long ahahaha. When I started the idea, it didn't seem like it was gonna be this long. I just wanted to write something to bash Rachel and get some nice fluffy KhunBam moments in there~! I just love those two together and had been wanting to write one for a long time, I guess that's what made me went overboard ahahaha.
I know people who like Rachel always argued that she represents the most ordinary character that everyone can relate to...but no? I cannot relate to her at all??
I get that she's weak, but that's why you should work harder than anyone else to catch up. Instead of working hard, she would always choose the easy way out, like choosing to cheat on tests rather than studying. She so desperately wanted to climb the tower, yet she didn't want to face the hardship that came with it. She never wanted to walk on her own two feet so she makes other people walk for her. She gets jealous of what other people have yet she never thought of working on her own to obtain it.
She discards people like trash and when she gets discarded, she had the audacity to get angry and felt unfair? If she did something despicable and owes up to it, I might actually like her a bit more. The reason I can't like Rachel is because everything is always other people's fault and never hers. She doesn't own up to what she did, which is what makes her more despicable than other people who might have done the same as her but at least recognized that.
People argue that Rachel is the only ordinary character in a world of superpowered people and doing what she can to survive. I feel like many people are forgetting that there are ordinary people within the tower that are not Rachel. Shibisu, Wangan, Ho, Serena...there's actually a lot, it's just Rachel stood out more because of her being next to Bam and Bam's attachment to her.
That's why whenever I hear the argument of her being relatable, I get worried. I mean, for sure people could like her as a character because let's be honest, she is indeed super well-written and the author obviously put a lot of thoughts into her.
But relatable?
Rachel is the very definition of a psychopath, I don't think anyone with a healthy mindset should relate to her. Like seriously, I'm not even kidding.
"Pretend to care, display cold-hearted behaviour, fail to recognize other people's distress, have relationships that are shallow and fake, maintain a normal life as a cover for criminal activity, fail to form genuine emotional attachments, may love people in their own way." — I literally copy and pasted this off the internet on the traits of a psychopath, sounds familiar?
I was a bit disappointed that the anime portrayed Rachel way better than how she actually was in the webtoon. Compared to the webtoon, anime Rachel is pretty much a saint. But still, the anime was a masterpiece, especially Khun!!! I'm so in love with him ahahaha! And we can't forget our leader and cinnamon roll Bam!
Anyways!! Sorry for my long blabbering! I really do hope you all enjoyed my very first Tower of God fanfic!!! I'm so sad the author went on hiatus, but I do hope he could properly rest up and one day return to continue this masterpiece!
In case it might not be clear, Rachel is dead in this story. She ain't coming back and neither Khun or Bam would allow her to come back. Khun basically used her body as a medium to create a new star that would kill her the moment it's complete. For the sake of dear Bam, Khun didn't let her feel any pain in the last moment of her death.
Sadly in this story, Khun did not regain his memories and never will. What's lost is lost, but he got all the time in the world to make new ones together with Bam!
I have recently made a Twitter account so if you enjoyed my stories, please do follow me! ☆⌒(≧▽° )
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ihatejess · 4 years
Blessed Beltane!
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Beltane April 30th - May 1st
Sunset to Sunset.
Beltane honours Life. It represents the peak of Spring and the beginning of Summer. Earth energies are at their strongest and most active. All of life is bursting with potent fertility and at this point in the Wheel of the Year, the potential becomes conception. On May Eve the sexuality of life and the earth is at its peak. Abundant fertility, on all levels, is the central theme. The Maiden goddess has reached her fullness. She is the manifestation of growth and renewal, Flora, the Goddess of Spring, the May Queen, the May Bride. The Young Oak King, as Jack-In-The-Green, as the Green Man, falls in love with her and wins her hand. The union is consummated and the May Queen becomes pregnant. Together the May Queen and the May King are symbols of the Sacred Marriage (or Heiros Gamos), the union of Earth and Sky, and this union has merrily been re-enacted by humans throughout the centuries. For this is the night of the Greenwood Marriage. It is about sexuality and sensuality, passion, vitality and joy. And about conception. A brilliant moment in the Wheel of the Year to bring ideas, hopes and dreams into action. And have some fun..... 
Traditions of Beltane
Beltane is a Fire Festival. The word 'Beltane' originates from the Celtic God 'Bel', meaning 'the bright one' and the Gaelic word 'teine' meaning fire. Together they make 'Bright Fire', or 'Goodly Fire' and traditionally bonfires were lit to honour the Sun and encourage the support of Bel and the Sun's light to nurture the emerging future harvest and protect the community. Bel had to be won over through human effort. Traditionally all fires in the community were put out and a special fire was kindled for Beltane. "This was the Tein-eigen, the need fire. People jumped the fire to purify, cleanse and to bring fertility. Couples jumped the fire together to pledge themselves to each other. Cattle and other animals were driven through the smoke as a protection from disease and to bring fertility. At the end of the evening, the villagers would take some of the Teineigen to start their fires anew." (From Sacred Celebrations by Glennie Kindred) Green Man - Beltane 
As Beltane is the Great Wedding of the Goddess and the God, it is a popular time for pagan weddings or Handfastings, a traditional betrothal for 'a year and a day' after which the couple would either choose to stay together or part without recrimination. Today, the length of commitment is a matter of choice for the couple, and can often be for life. Handfasting ceremonies are often unique to the couple, but include common elements, most importantly the exchange of vows and rings (or a token of their choice). The act of handfasting always involves tying the hands Handfasting ('tying the knot') of the two people involved, in a figure of eight, at some point in the ceremony and later unbinding. This is done with a red cord or ribbon. Tying the hands together symbolises that the two people have come together and the untying means that they remain together of their own free will. 
Another common element is 'jumping the broomstick' - this goes back to a time when two people who could not afford a church ceremony, or want one, would be accepted in the community as a married couple if they literally jumped over a broom laid on the floor. The broom marked a 'threshold', moving from an old life to a new one.
Mead and cakes are often shared in communion as part of the ceremony. Mead is known as the Brew of the Divine, made from honey which is appropriate for a love ceremony (and is the oldest alcoholic drink known to humankind). 
Going A-Maying
Handfasting or not, both young and old went A-Maying... Couples spent the night in the woods and fields, made love and brought back armfuls of the first May or haw thorn blossoms to decorate their homes and barns. Hawthorn was never brought into the home except at Beltane - at other times it was considered unlucky. Young women gathered the dew to wash their faces, made Flower Crowns and May Baskets to give as gifts. Everyone was free to enact the Sacred Marriage of Goddess and God, and there was an accepted tradition of Beltane babies arriving nine months later...
The Maypole is a popular and familiar image of May Day and Beltane. A phallic pole, often made from birch, was inserted into the Earth representing the potency of the God. The ring of flowers at the top of the Maypole represents the fertile Goddess. Its many coloured ribbons and the ensuing weaving dance symbolise the spiral of Life and the union of the Goddess and God, the union between Earth and Sky.
The colours of Beltane are green, red and white/silver. Green represents growth, abundance and fertility. Red represents strength, vitality, passion and vibrancy. White represents cleansing and clearing and the power to disperse negativity. 
Nana Violet's Egg Charm For Beltane.
Think carefully what you wish for! The general rule of thumb is a brown egg for wishes involving animals and white for wishes involving people and plants, for example healing a sick animal, person or plant. Eggs with white shells are difficult to come by now as chickens are generally given feed which produces the desired brown shell, but in recent years some of the supermarkets are making white eggs available at this time of year so they are worth looking out for.
1. Blow the egg. Using a fat needle, pierce a hole in both ends of the egg, making one hole larger than the other. Using the needle pierce the egg yolk gently and swirl it around to break up the yolk. Place a small drinking straw in one end and gently blow through the other hole to help gravity do its work.
2. Paint Your Egg Talisman. When your egg has thoroughly dried out place it on top of a little mound of blue tack to hold it in place and you are ready to go! Choose a symbol to represent your wish - a heart for love, coin for prosperity, a candle for wisdom, whatever is meaningful for you. Or you can paint the whole egg in a corresponding colour - red for love, green for prosperity, purple for wisdom and so on. Another way to do it is to stick rose petals on for love, or feathers for fertility - again it is what is meaningful to you that is important.
3. When it is ready find a suitable place for it and prepare for it for hanging by threading a thin thread (embroidery thread, thin wool) through the two holes and secure it with a large knot, a bead, or even a matchstick at the bottom to hold it steady.
4. Clear your mind and focus on your desire for abundance/fruitfulness and its place in your life:
'Little charm made of shell as I hang you here may all be well. May all things grow. May all things flow. Blessings for the turning of the Wheel."
Use these words or any others that you are comfortable with - remember this is all about your intention.
Egg charm donated by our Counter Enchantress from her own family traditions.
Making a Wish Box Charm
Beltane is a good time for bringing hopes, dreams and aspirations to life, and here is a truly beautiful charm to help you bring these into manifestation.
You will need:
A small shallow cardboard box. Shoe boxes are good. Rose petals Sunflower seeds and/or poppy seeds Paper A piece of willow bark or piece of willow, an acorn or oak leaf Something that represents your wish (see below)
Take a piece of paper and write your wish on it while visualizing your wish coming to life and growing. You can do this alone, with friends, or as a family. If you want to, decorate the lid of the box, with a triple moon, pentacle, heart, or any symbol of your choice. Poke a few holes in the lid - this will help your wish/plants, to grow. Take your box and sprinkle some earth into it. Put in your paper wishes, wish symbol (see below), and seeds/bark/acorn. Cover with another layer of earth. Mix the rose petals with the seeds and scatter them on top. Cover with a final layer of earth and place the lid on top, leaving enough of the rose petal/seed mixture to scatter on top of the box when you are planting it.
Planting Your Wish Box
The best time for planting your Wish Box is just after a fresh cleansing rainfall as this gives you a bright new start, but if the season is dry just give the earth a good watering the night before. Dig a hole two inches deeper than your wish box and lower it into the earth carefully while concentrating on your chosen wish, visualizing it coming to fruition. Imagine your wish growing with the flowers reaching skyward. As you cover the box with earth say:
"Dream that lies within the earth awaken now. Hope that sleeps awaken now. The stars await as so do I. Grow true, grow strong, toward the sky."
If you don't have a garden you can make a mini wish pot that can live on a window ledge and it works just as well. Just replace the box with a terracotta pot - one wish and one symbol per pot following exactly the same instructions as above. Remember that wishes are only to be used for positive motives.
Suggested Symbols For Your Wish Box:
Love & Marriage - gingerbread New Job - copper coin Abundance - silver coin Difficult Task - glove Hearth & Home - thimble Seeking the Truth - sprig of rosemary Health, Healing, Renewed Strength - blue & green ribbon entwined Happiness, Good Luck - cinnamon stick Seeking Knowledge - apple To Find A Lost Item - feather Protection - key (an old iron key is best if you have one)
Charm donated by our Counter Enchantress from her own family traditions. 
Beltane Bread As Only Debs Knows How
You will need: 3 mugs of strong white flour 500 mls of buttermilk 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 3 tbs clear honey 3 tbs golden syrup 1 pack dried strawberries 3 drops vanilla essence 1 small beaten egg for glazing soft brown sugar for sprinkling
Place the strawberries and flour in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre and pour in the buttermilk, blended golden syrup, honey and vanilla essence together with a wooden spoon - or your hands if that is better. As you mix, feel the pulsing vibrant Beltane energy and let it run through your hands and out through your fingertips. And as you mix, say:
'As we light the Beltane flame, I make this bread in Love's sweet name. Two halves together bound as one, Beltane's dance has now begun!'
Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured board and pat it into a circle. With a sharp knife lightly score the bread into two halves to represent The Lord and Lady. Glaze with beaten egg and sprinkle sugar over the top. Bake in a moderate oven for about 20-25 minutes. When the bread is cooled break it into two halves along the score mark. Repeat the words of the charm and tie with purple ribbon. Purple represents the union of red (love in all its forms) and blue (unity and harmony). Enjoy. Brightest Blessings. 
Things To Do
Whatever you do, remember this is the Great Wedding! Dress in your best, especially in green, and wear a flower crown.
Stay out all night, gathering the green, watch the sunrise and make love. Wash your face in the morning dew.
Conceive a new project, grasp that idea, and get on with it.
Dress your home and/or altar with greenery - especially with hawthorn, rowan and birch branches. Ask permission from the tree before you take anything.
Dress a tree. This is the perfect time to go out and celebrate a tree. Especially a hawthorn, rowan or birch - but the tree spirit will welcome you attention whichever kind of tree it is. Sit with it, talk to it, dance around it (maypole), honour the tree and its fertility. Hang ribbons from its branches, each ribbon represents a wish or prayer.
Flowers, flowers and more flowers. This is the festival of Flora. Make a flower crown to wear - the daisy chain in the simplest of all. Make a traditional flower basket. fill it with Beltane greenery and all the flowers and herbs you can find. Think about, and honour, their magical and healing properties while you do so. Give it someone you love.
Make some Hawthorn Brandy. You will need a bottle of brandy and at least one cup of hawthorn flowers, plus a little sugar to taste. Mix the ingredients together and leave away from direct light, for at least two weeks. Shake occasionally. Strain, bottle and enjoy. Hawthorn is renowned as a tonic for the heart. 
Trees of Beltane
Hawthorn is a deeply magical tree and is one of the three trees at the heart of the Celtic Tree Alphabet, the Faery Triad, 'by Oak, Ash and Thorn'. Traditionally Beltane began when the Hawthorn, the May, blossomed. It is the tree of sexuality and fertility and is the classic flower to decorate a Maypole with. It was both worn and used to decorate the home at Beltane.
Birch is regarded as a feminine tree and Deities associated with Birch are mostly love and fertility goddesses. It is one of the first trees to show its leaf in Spring. Eostre/Ostara, the Celtic goddess of Spring was celebrated in festivities and dancing around and through the birch tree between the Spring Equinox and Beltane. Birch twigs were traditionally used to make besoms (a new broom sweeps clean). Maypoles were often made from birch and birch wreaths were given as lover's gifts.
A tree of protection and healing. Branches of Rowan were placed as protection over the doors of houses and barns at Beltane to protect from increased Faery activity as they woke from their winter slumber. Sprigs were worn for protection also. Rowan berries have a tiny five-pointed star on the bottom reminiscent of the pentagram. Colours of Beltane
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goldenchocobo · 5 years
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I’ve been thinking a lot about both Kingdom Hearts (if that wasn’t obvious) and  His Dark Materials lately. Mainly because they’re both series that I deeply love and have helped me get through dark times in my life. So I thought “What if I gave KH characters Daemons? That’d be neat!” then I actually did it and I struggled so much with what Ven, Aqua and Terra’s daemon… I’m not fully satisfied with what they have, but I tried my hardest to give them suitable daemons that have variety and not just “everyone gets to be a dog or cat”.
I’ve chosen to do BBS’ cast rather than the full cast of ‘grown’ characters because I couldn’t nail Sora’s Daemon properly and didn’t want him left out, but I had a decent idea for what his Daemon would be as a child.
Under the cut I’ve put a more detailed explanation as to why I chose the Daemon I did if you’re interested in reading. If not, here are the animals:
 Sora: Blue Morpho Butterfly
Riku: Shaggy Black cat
Kairi: Black Capped Chickadee
Venitus: Gaboon Viper
Ventus: White Rabbit
Terra: African Leopard
Aqua: Lava Gull
Of course your choice of Daemon could be different to mine, and that’s okay! These are just my ideas for them.
Here’s a more detailed explanation for each character and why I think their Daemon would take this shape over others. Please bear in mind that whilst Sora Riku and Kairi’s Daemon would primarily take these shapes, they could also shift into other animals.
 Sora: I chose a Butterfly for him simply because of his carefree nature. Butterflies are seen as peaceful creatures that lull about on sunny days, flitting about in their own freedom. In deeper symbolism, Butterflies are linked with life, death and rebirth. They start off as caterpillars and are reborn as butterflies. Much like how Sora started his journey as a ‘Lazy bum’ and became a competent keyblade wielder. I chose a Blue Morpho because it fit his colour scheme more, but my next choice was the Monarch, as his theme is also kingly.
Riku: It took me a little while to figure out what animal exactly I wanted for Riku. I wanted an animal that’s often misjudged, but smart or symbolize wiseness- since even as a kid, Riku was very smart for his age. Cats are often depicted as being smart, or the wise-Alec and a bit of a trickster. Black cats are also often tied with bad luck and the occult. (Although here in the UK, black cats can seen as omens of good luck) This is all tied to the representation of the darkness that almost took Riku over. If I were to do an older series (if I ever figure out Sora’s Daemon), Riku will have a Crow or Raven, as- like black cats, they are very smart and are considered bad omens, plus it would be a slap in the face to share a Daemon’s likeness to someone you’ve come to resent.
Kairi: I felt that Kairi’s Daemon should be simple. If I were to draw her with a settled Daemon, then she would have a white dove- a symbol for purity and peace. However, because she is young, I felt her Daemon ought to be small and happy. Chickadees are often linked with happiness, fearlessness and friendship, something I think that Kairi represents.
Vanitus: His Daemon is the Gaboon Viper- the fastest striking snake in the world and the snake with the largest venom-to-bite ratio. However, I didn’t see his Daemon as a snake because “duh, he’s the back guy, he’s gotta have a deadly animal!” No, I didn’t choose a snake for him because of that, especially since Gaboon vipers are not very aggressive and will try to flee rather than bite unless absolutely necessary. Given Vanitus’ history with Xehanort, I’d say that his Daemon settled as a Gaboon Viper simply so she could protect him, she was pushed into that form because of the amount of abuse and pain he endured. What was his daemon before? Who knows, maybe because he’s Ven’s darkness his daemon was also a rabbit, but it looked too meek in Xehanort’s eyes.
Ventus: Like Kairi, I wanted something light hearted for Ven. I chose a rabbit because Ven has more energy, but is also cautious. White, again is a symbol for purity and innocence, and Ven has no darkness within him. What his daemon would be before his darkness was extracted, I’m not entirely sure.
Terra: I’m going to say it, Terra is not the smartest cookie when it comes to making decisions or trusting people. His heart and intentions are in the right place, but… his sense is elsewhere. Then, why did I chose a Leopard for Terra? Well- Leopards are known for their strength and independence- something Terra sought after to the point it opened his heart to darkness. That and I’m not sure what else to give him; I wanted a large and strong animal that didn’t work with others too well, and landed on Leopard.
Aqua: The Lava Gull was more of an aesthetic thing at first before I looked into them a bit more. Gulls are actually seen as good luck symbols for sailors, especially those lost out at sea. Gulls in general symbolize the calmness of the sea along with the resistance to battle out a storm. And I’d say Aqua is pretty calm and went through a whole deal throughout the series. Lava Gulls especially are opportunists, and never miss a chance to do something. I link this with Aqua, because I see her as very resourceful and can see an opportunity if one arises.
You made it this far! Well done! Here’s a little extra I have, that I haven’t drawn yet but have written down so I don’t forget:
Xehanort: Verata goat (His theme is very goat heavy. His symbol is a goat, he wears a goat suit and his duplicates wear goat masks). Eraqus: Silver fox (“you sly fox”. Silver for aesthetics)
Lea/Axel: Lioness. (I found a post that described Lea and Isa as the Alchemical symbols for the sun and moon. I meant to read all of it, but didn’t and can’t find it. A Lioness suits him though as lions in general are associated with fire and the sun)
Xion: Kauiai O’o. (an extinct bird that only lives through taxidermy, illustrations and a single recording of its voice. I don’t need to say more)
Ienzo/Zexion: Chinese Water Deer/Vampire Deer. (I see him as a very Deer-y person. Plus the fact that people with a Vampire Deer as a Daemon are often said to have higher senses, it suits him more than most)
 And that’s what I have figured out at the moment. I’m not sure what the Daemons would be for any other character. I’m trying to figure out Isa right now so I can draw him and Lea together, but if I go with the Alchemical theory thing, then Isa’s daemon would be a bat… and I can’t see him as a bat… I see him having some kind of mustelid.
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bbclesmis · 6 years
David Oyelowo: ‘We had an illegal amount of fun doing Spooks. We all stay in touch’
The star of the BBC’s new Les Misérables adaptation on colour-blind casting, his love for his breakthrough show, and how playdates with Angelina Jolie’s children influenced his new film
David Oyelowo, 42, was born in Oxford to Nigerian parents and graduated from Lamda. He became the first black actor to portray an English monarch for the RSC and got his screen break in the BBC spy drama Spooks. Now based in LA with his family, he was nominated for a Golden Globe for his portrayal of Martin Luther King Jr in Selma. This Christmas, he stars as Javert in the BBC’s six-part adaptation of Les Misérables.
Were you a fan of Les Misérables? My only relationship with the story had been the film, so when I was approached about Javert, my mind went to a boo-hiss villain. I was initially trepidatious about playing that kind of one-dimensional character over six hours of television, but that concern was quickly alleviated by reading Andrew Davies’s adaptation, which is much more layered. Then when I read Victor Hugo’s book, I was bowled over by how well Andrew had captured it.
That’s exactly how I see it and that’s certainly alluded to in the novel. In some ways, Valjean represents what Javert could have been. Javert was born in prison to criminals but has chosen the opposite path. You can argue there’s an element of self-hatred there.
In your version, there’s also some beard rivalry between them. Well, yeah. And Javert seems obsessed with how strong Valjean is. I feel like they had an arm wrestle at some point and Valjean won.
How was it working with Dominic West, who plays Valjean? We’re both ambassadors for the Prince’s Trust so we’d met before, mostly at Buckingham Palace. So it was completely antithetical to meet again amid the mud, blood and sweat of the prison hulks. Dominic’s a phenomenal choice for the role and a great guy. You have to like and trust each other to be that nasty. We spend a lot of time glowering at each other but there are many outtakes of us cracking into giggles.
It’s a dramatic version, not a musical one, but could you burst into song if you had to? I like a good warble. I’ve done musicals in the past and intend to do them in future. But here I hope viewers get swept away by the epic storytelling, rather than missing the tunes.
Might people criticise the colour-blind casting as “typical BBC political correctness”? You can’t please everyone. Some people will applaud the way we’ve chosen to tell the story. Everyone else can go and read the book.
You get to wear a lot of period hats, too. There’s a whole bunch of hat work. I was nervous about the Napoleonic one I wear in the later episodes. That’s a difficult hat to pull off. A bit like wearing one of those paper boats you’d make at primary school.
You’ve just finished shooting a film called Come Away. Tell us about that.
There’s more hat-work in that, actually. I had a very period summer – parked myself in the 19th century and stayed there. It’s a reimagined origin story of Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan, with them conceived as brother and sister. Angelina Jolie and I play their parents. We suffer a tragedy and our children use their rich imaginations to try and pull us out of despair.
Weren’t you already friends with Angelina Jolie via children’s playdates? She’s got six kids, I’ve got four, and they’ve got together in the past to wreak havoc. I’m a producer on Come Away and really had seen Angie mostly as a mother because that had been my interaction with her. I asked her if she’d like to do it and she relished the prospect. She’d never actually played a mother who interacts with her children on screen before. We had a blast.
You starred in crime caper Gringo earlier this year. Apparently you made co-star Charlize Theron pee herself? That’s going to be my claim to fame. I’ve never actually seen that happen before – someone literally pee themselves from laughing. It was extraordinary. Lovely Charlize. I’m sure she’s very happy we’re discussing this!
You’re British-American-African. Which is worse from your viewpoint, Brexit or Trump?
Gosh, they’re both quite egregious in my opinion. At least I don’t have to choose where I live because both places are pretty challenging.
The first thing many of us saw you in was Spooks – do you have fond memories? Very. We all stay in touch. I just reached out to Keeley [Hawes] because I loved Bodyguard. I recently did Othello in New York and Matthew [Macfadyen] came to see me. It’s where my screen career started and those guys are part of a formative time in my life. We were in our 20s, not long out of drama school, and had an illegal amount of fun doing that show.
You once said you won’t play “the black best friend” or do superhero movies. Do you still have rules about the roles you take? I try to stay away from anything that feels obvious. I don’t want to do anything derivative, cliched or stereotypical because images are political. They inform how people view people like me. My other rule is not to do anything that flies in the face of how I’m raising my kids. I’ll do things that are dark in tone but I gravitate towards things that have redemptive, life-affirming qualities.
There’s often talk of who’ll be the first black James Bond but technically you were first, right? I don’t think it’s fair to count an audiobook! That doesn’t quite give me the right to stake a claim. But to me, all that conversation signifies is that the audience is ready to see different kinds of people in those roles. We’re seeing that with our Les Mis, with Black Panther, with all sorts of things. The gatekeepers have had the keys taken away and they’re firmly in the hands of viewers now. It’s an exciting time with different voices emerging.
After Martin Luther King, are there any other historical figures on your bucket list to play? I’m going to do a film about the boxer Sugar Ray Robinson – the best pound-for-pound fighter who ever lived. I’ve been fascinated by him for a long time.
Do you get a break over Christmas? I do, although I’m also directing my first film next April, a coming-of-age story called The Water Man, so I’ll be sneaking off to do some prep for that and hoping my wife doesn’t get annoyed with me.
Les Misérables starts on BBC1 at 9pm on Sunday 30 December
The Guardian, Sun 23 Dec 2018 (x)
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tcmpcsts-blog · 6 years
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❝ I am learning to sharpen my teeth and rule kingdoms, instead. ❞ ADONIS BOSSO? No, that’s actually EMETITIRI BURKE. A SEVENTH YEAR student, this RAVENCLAW student is sided with THE DEATH EATERS. HE identifies as a CIS MAN and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be ENTITLED, SCHEMING, and PRETENTIOUS but also LOYAL, PASSIONATE, and OBSERVANT. { RAVEN, 20, AEST, SHE/HER }
Full Name: Emetitiri Maduka Burke. Nickname(s): Emet by almost everyone, Tiri by his family. Age: Eighteen. Gender & Pronouns: Cisgender man & he/him. Place of birth: Burke Manor, somewhere in Southern England. Birthday: 27th July, 2005. Currently living: Hogwarts most of the year / Burke Manor the rest of the year. Species: Human / Wizard. Ethnicity: Nigerian. Occupation: Hogwarts student. Orientation: Bisexual. Social status: Upper class. Relationship status: Taken / in a relationship with Odilia Travers.
Body Build: Mesomorph. Height: 6'2". Hairstyle: Very short, though in the summers he grows it out slightly. Hair Colour: Dark brown. Eye Colour: Dark brown. Distinguishing Features: Cheekbones. Preferred Clothing: Emet has grown up swathed in traditional masculine style. He has always dressed in a similar way to all of the male members of his family, especially his father, but he also inevitably ramps it up slightly ; a dark suit is highlighted slightly by a family brooch, his shoes are adorned with bronze laces instead of black ones, and so forth. Accessories: Nothing consistent, but he frequently wears family heirlooms. It is no surprise to see him sporting something as gaudy as it is historical, such as engraved brooches, massive rings and loose lockets.
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. House: Ravenclaw. ( Though he could have as easily been in Slytherin or Gryffindor. ) Best Core Class: Charms. Worst Core Class: Astronomy. Electives: Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes, Apparition. Prefect: Yes, since his fifth year. Quidditch: N/A ( Is a very poor flyer. ) EXTRA-CURRICULAR(S): Ancient Runes. O.W.L. Grades: Ancient Runes (O), Arithmancy (O), Astronomy (E), Charms (O), Defense Against the Dark Arts (E),  Herbology (E), History of Magic (E), Potions (E) Transfiguration (O), Study of Ancient Runes (O)  N.E.W.T. Grades: To be determined.
Wand: Alder wood with a Thunderbird tail feather core, 11" and rigid flexibility. Pets: Inherited a female owl from his father, a black eagle breed, called Ala ( named after a female Igbo goddess ) Boggart: TW: PARENTAL / FAMILIAL DEATH His family being killed by Death Eaters. ( The only way to get rid of it is to either kill the remaining family member or the Death Eater, we love choices! ) END OF TW Animagus/Patronus: Corporeal / Black swan. Amortentia: Bronze, silk and peppermint-flavored Bertie Bott’s beans.
49 Archetypes: The Ringleader ( Persuasive / Daring / Passionate ). Alignment: Chaotic neutral. Enneagram: Type 3, The Achiever. MBTI: ENFP, The Champion. Soul Type: Performer. Zodiac: Leo Sun, Aries Moon & Aquarius Rising.
member of the burke family, child of two neutral blood-elitists who supported the death eaters in the last war but never actually fought for them, so they’re not a top-tier pureblood family which emet is insecure about
is actually Incredibly Loyal towards his close ones, he’d die for his family without hesitation even if they were sympathetic towards muggles / muggleborns and didn’t believe in the death eater cause
going out with the iconic odilia travers written by the equally iconic mel who he is a Very Loud boyfriend to but they’re adorable and you can’t change my mind about it, they started going out early sixth year, got initiaited into the death eaters together & are growing more and more iconic as the days go on
has a close circle of friends, including piran nott & ria selwyn! they’re super obnoxious & probably annoy the shit out of everybody else but what did you expect lmao
is seventh-year prefect for ravenclaw, super salty that he wasn’t chosen as head boy as he thought he was the perfect candidate! other extracurriculars include dueling club, which he’s very Defensive & Loud at, as well as wizard’s chess where he attempts to keep up his ravenclaw image
speaking of image, he’s a very image-aware person ; he loves his friends, girlfriend & family and would love & spend time with them regardless, but when it comes to new people coming into his life, he is very 👀 about reputations & how their relationship would be perceived
super skilled at charms, persuasion, defensive spells, transfiguration, confidence, etc / super weak at offensive charms, potions, anything involving being Too Subtle & probably not the guy you’d want at all different types of operations
desperately trying to impress whatever death eater connections he has with connections / resources & enthusiasm! 
TW PREJUDICE when it comes to death eaters & blood purity, emet’s main force for buying into it is ( unsurprisingly ) ignorance & insecurity ; he wants so desperately to feel extraordinary, to feel more than what he is & represents. the fading glory of pureblood society is something he cannot personally stomach because he feels as though he Deserves something far grander & more prominent, as does his family & friends, despite ignoring all of the social ramifications of these actions END OF TW
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putschki1969 · 6 years
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Hikaru Birthday Event 2018 – Live Report
So…since my last report was stupidly deleted by yours truly and I only provided a mini-report, I thought I would write a proper one for you now. This time around I am using google docs so I hope nothing will be deleted. Without further ado, let’s get to it!
The day of the event was my second day in Japan. I was still quite exhausted from my travels but oh well, it wasn’t too bad. I got up pretty early and met up with my friend Sai to line up for the merchandise. We were at the venue (Suntory Hall Tokyo) at around 10 am to make sure we got everything we wanted. Thankfully the wait wasn’t too bad since we were protected from the sun underneath the building. It was still humid as hell but pretty bearable. Some Japanese Kala-fans from twitter said “hi” to me and as always I was super awkward. Sorry!! Anyways, after the wait was over, we finally got to buy our goods. I bought pretty much everything except the towel because meh, I am not a fan of towels. So yeah, I got the white shirt with the pink triangle, the cap, the ticket file and the booklet\clearfile set. Here’s a sneak peek at the booklet in case you haven’t seen it yet 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→ CLICK ME
By the way, the goods are available on the Space Craft Online Store since yesterday so be sure to get them quickly!! https://spacecraft-shop.jp/kalafina
Afterwards we headed to “La Maison Kioi” (the Kalafina SPICE interview location) to enjoy some cake. Then we headed to Shibuya to check out the Starbucks seat Keiko sat at in the 10th Anniversary Film. Just a while back, Hikaru had tried out a Calpis drink so e decided to have it too. The place (Afternoon Tearoom) was close by so that was very convenient. The lassi was certainly interesting, it had quite the unique taste, not sure I would order it again though XD.
Slowly heading back to the venue, we came across a bunch of fellow Kala-fans who had just gotten out of the afternoon event. We only heard good stuff so of course we were more than excited. At the venue we met up with lots of other Kala-fans and made some new friends. Then after another hour or so we were finally allowed inside. I delivered my letter and the ones by @theraspberrybushes and @mello-chi and then I went to my seat.
The event started on time…with a more or less unspectacular power point presentation regarding all the questions Hikaru had been asked in the questionnaire. I am pretty sure they used all the questions because there were at least 40 or something. No way in hell I could memorise all of that, especially since the questions/answers went by way too fast. Some random stuff I remember. • Hikaru’s favourite numbers are 2 and 7 • She owns around 1000 mangas • She can read a volume in about 30 minutes • If she hadn’t become a singer she would have wanted to become a mother in her 20ies • The type of character she likes in games: Men-tough; Women-peculiar and beautiful • The type of men she likes: Kind and calm • Favourite colours: Monochrome, blue and red • Favourite game: Momotaro Dentetsu • He favourite castle is Himeji • Her favourite characters in FGO are Gilgamesh and Shiki
Sorry, I can’t think of anything else. She also replied to my questions about recommendations in Toyama but she wrote like ten places or something and there was just no way for me to read it that quickly (especially since I suck when it comes to location kanji) But really, the questions weren’t exactly the highlight of the event but the most amazing part about this section were the childhood pictures of Hikaru which were randomly thrown in between questions. Like seriously the cutest pictures ever of baby Hikaru (and her little sister). Chibi-Hikaru was so freaking adorable, I could barely contain myself. We saw her wrapped up in cute winter clothes with her cheeks all red from the cold. With pig-tails!  (♥ω♥*) We saw her in her pjs at home watching TV.
Then she finally came on stage wearing the gorgeous outfit you saw in the blog post. The top is by IENA in case anyone is interested. Of course I ended up buying it because how could I resist???? http://zozo.jp/?c=gr&did=55355842
She sat down and personally replied to three more questions that were asked frequently. The first one was about her in-ear-monitors. Someone was curious what they always hear when they wear them. Hikaru explained how they work and how they tune out unnecessary noises etc. Next question was about which merchandise she designed was the most memorable for her. She didn’t actually reply to that question iirc but she used that opportunity to introduce this event’s goods. A staff member rolled up a cart with all the merchandise and she introduced them all similar to what she wrote in the Harmony countdown. Sakurada Hirotaka helped her come up with the goods so he deserves credit as well. She also explained that the colours of the shirts represented Kalafina’s origin colours. The final question was about mobile games and how much time she usually spends playing them. If she is into a game and there is an event going on, she will pretty much play all day long. As soon as she gets up, on the train, during breaks, in bed…until she falls asleep XD
Next up was the manga corner. I spaced out a little here. She always read a page out of one of her beloved mangas and then she talked about why this section felt so special to her. ・xxxHOLiC ・My Hero Accademia ・Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai
Please don’t ask me what she talked about. I have literally no idea. I have never heard of these mangas so it didn’t make much sense what she was talking about. But still, it was very nice to see her talk about her passion.
We played Janken afterwards and two lucky winners (one of them my friend Sai) got a present from Hikaru and got to go up on stage. While I can’t say I care much for the mangas they received as present, I would have killed to get a chance to go up on that stage. Oh well, turns out I suck at Janken. XD Somehow I completely forgot how to play it T_T
The Live
宝石-Houseki: WOW! Just wow! I didn’t know that this was the song Hikaru auditioned with. But hey, that explains why she was eventually chosen because man, she slayed! She sounded amazing! I think the song was slowed down a bit, yeah, it definitely was. Her performance was so powerful and tragic, she almost sounded like she was using elements from Keiko’s and Wakana’s voices. She had the same oomph as Keiko and yet there was a hint of tragedy (the same tragedy you usually get from Wakana). Flawless, absolutely flawless. Honestly, I am not even sure which version I like better, Hikaru’s or Keiko’s.
プラチナ-Platina: This is apparently one of her most frequently sung songs at karaoke. She absolutely loves it. It was an okay performance, I can’t say I like that song very much (it’s too cutesy for my taste) and I don’t think the song is particularly suited for Hikaru’s voice but Hikaru was super adorable and all smiles and she obviously had a blast with it so I was happy for her.
北ウイング-Kita Wing: Wow!! Just. Wow!! Hands down one of my favourite performances of that night. I had never heard that song before but Hikaru’s rendition was absolutely gorgeous. I just got to listen to the original version and OMG, they changed it SO MUCH. They slowed it down a lot and made it sound so much more tragic and sad. It left a lasting impression and I think I will have to buy it now. So beautiful.
CAT'S EYE: Sakurada wrote a special jazz arrangement for this song. I wish there was footage of this performance. Hikaru was so freaking sexy here. The way she moved to the lyrics, especially during that “sexy” line! Oh boy! Nosebleed!!! And it was a song I actually knew so YAY about that. If I remember correctly, I think it was actually one of the songs I voted for so double YAY.
ARIA: Finally, the song I had been waiting for. I obviously voted for this because it’s one of my all-time favourite Hikaru songs and I loved the 10th Anniversary version so freaking much (everyone else also voted for it so I kinda knew this would make it onto the setlist). This version was in a slightly higher pitch I think but not as high as the original version. She sang it with so much emotion, at this point I first started crying. Once again Hikaru mentioned that this song means the world to her and it has taught her so much. It’s always special if she gets to sing it and every version is different/unique. I was a bit sad because all the Wakana/Keiko/Kajiurago parts were left out. I had hoped she would sing that WaKei section after the bridge. It’s literally one of my favourite parts of the song because of the lyrics. But oh well, it was still a mind-blowing performance and Hikaru knocked it out of the park. She struggled a bit during the 10th Anniversary performance (especially during the final verse - although studio magic made sure it sounded well-rounded on the DVD/BD) but here she hit every note.
Blackbird: Hikaru mentioned that we would all recognise this song once we heard the chorus but meh, it seems I am the only one who has never heard of this song. Guess it’s because I have never really listened to the Beatles. Sorry to everyone who thinks that’s blasphemy or something. Either way, Hikaru made me really like this song although it will not become my favourite. Nothing about it was very memorable so I have a hard time remembering any details. I just know that Hikaru sounded really chill and cool. She obviously enjoys to sing this type of song.
Honesty: It’s honestly embarrassing how few songs I knew during this live. This was another one I had never heard before but boy, Hikaru made me fall in love with it immediately. I don’t know what it was about her performance but it was just so touching and emotional, it seemed like she meant every word she was singing. Everytime she sang “honesty” my heart broke a tiny little bit. The feels! Oh, the feels!!
Just the Way You Are: Can’t say I ever cared much for this song but once again Hikaru brought something special to it that made me appreciate how lovely this piece actually is. It really felt like she was singing from the heart. On that note, I would like to mention that her English pronunciation was really good during all the English songs. You most definitely understood what she was singing and she tried her best to emphasise each and every word. Very impressive. That’s certainly not a given with Japanese artists. Although I guess we all know that Hikaru’s English is very good. After this song, Hikaru told the Japanese audience that even though they probably didn’t understand the English lyrics, she hoped she was able to convey the meaning through her singing (she was!!). She invited everyone to check out all the lyrics because they are all super beautiful.
魂のルフラン- Tamashi No Rufuran: I was one of the people who voted for Zankokuna Tenshi no These so when she started to talk about Evangelion I freaked out a little. Unfortunately she ended up singing this song instead. I haven’t really watched the series so I only ever knew the OP and nothing else. Can’t say this song left a lasting impression. I don’t remember much from it. T_T Sorry, Hikaru. And sorry to everyone who had expected a more throrough report. I think she struggled a bit during the high parts here but it wasn’t too bad.
History Maker: I am embarrassed to say that I once again didn’t recognise the song. It sounded familiar but I couldn’t for the life of me remember where it was from. I was confused because I thought it was a Western song but Hikaru had mentioned she would sing anime songs now. I was like, “ehh???” Only afterwards when Hikaru mentioned it was from Yuri on Ice I suddenly remembered. [I am definitely the most clueless person when it comes to anime] This was most certainly the most upbeat and fun song of the night. Everyone was hyped and Hikaru was running around the stage, trying to connect with as many people in the audience as possible. And it worked. So much power, so much strength. Simply amazing. She really managed to capture the spirit of the song. Can’t say I watched the anime but I know it’s about sports and figthing spirit and boy, after this performance I was SO READY to climb Mount Fuji XD (which is good since I actually did climb Mt. Fuji the day after). Once she was finished Hikaru told us that actually no one had voted for her to sing this song but since it’s one of her faves she thought it would be okay to include it, this was “Hikaru’s vote” so to speak.
sprinter: Hands down my favourite performance of the night. The lights were dimmed and all you could hear was Hikaru’s voice which was already brimming over with emotion. The arrangement was super slow, she sang pretty much all the lines (including Wakana’s and Keiko’s). She didn’t sing the Kajiurago parts though. When she got to the “kimi ni aitai…” part, the hall became completely dark and there was just a tiny light illuminating Hikaru. Her voice was raw and fragile and very quiet. She wasn’t even singing them properly, it was more like she was saying them to us. It’s hard to explain but it was utterly heartbreaking. Tears everywhere. She only sang that part once and I think that’s for the best because this way it was incredibly powerful. And even though you could barely see her face you could definitely hear her voice break. She ended the song with Wakana’s line, “I'm calling your name”. By the end of the performance everyone was in tears and you could see Hikaru wiping away a tear too.
That was the end of the live, Hikaru took a bow and thanked everyone. When she told the audience to give a big round of applause to Sakurada he started playing the first tunes of “Happy Birthday”. It was a bit awkward at first because Japanese audiences never know what to do in situations like that. But they caught on surprisingly fast and so everyone was singing for Hikaru. That’s when Hikaru pretty much broke down into tears and watching this made me cry even more. She desperately tried to compose herself afterwards but nope, she couldn’t. Whenever she started to speak, a new wave of emotions seemed to hit her. She had to use a towel to wipe her tears away. She said that she didn’t expect Sakurada to play the birthday song for her (although I think that’s not true because he apparently played it during the afternoon event too but I forgive her for that little lie XD). Oh well, whether she was surprised or not she seemed to be moved either way and that is the only thing that counts. She thanked us for coming, thanked us for making this night incredibly special for her and finally assured us that she would forever remember this evening and treasure it within her heart…during the whole time tears were streaming down her face. She hopes that the next time we all meet there will be less tears and more laughter. She apologised for crying so much (oh please, Hi-chan, never apologise for that!!!!) Then she left the stage and the audience was asked to remain seated until told otherwise. The individual rows were asked to wait in line and leave the hall one by one.
That’s when we all got our personal greeting and postcard from Hikaru. She was standing outside wearing the white shirt from the merchandise and she handed each and every person a handwritten note and thanked them once again for coming. The staff people were rushing everyone out but fans were able to talk to Hikaru for a milli-second. When it was my turn I was shaking and I started crying again. Hikaru smiled at me and gave me one of her English cards (like seriously, she even prepared English cards for her foreign fans! So thoughtful of her!). I told her that I was incredibly moved by her performance (as if my crying wasn’t indication enough) and it looked like Hikaru was about to start crying too but then I was ushered outside so I can’t know for sure. I was shaking so much and then and it took a few minuted to compose myself.
All in all it was a super special event and I am so glad I got the chance to attend it. Hikaru is a born solo performer and she owned the stage throughout the entire event. She made me fall in love with her even more. You could really tell how much she cared about her fans. Right now I am very grateful that she is there for us and wants to be close to us. This event and all her blog posts make me so very happy, you have no idea. My only regret is that Hikaru didn’t mention Wakana and Keiko during the evening event. Why did she only talk about them during the afternoon event? So unfair! But oh well, it’s not like I missed much. She basically just told the audience that they are keeping in touch and that she had received birthday geetings from both of them (duh! Of course she did! Did anyone doubt it?) and that Wakana regularly sends pictures of her plant babies. They are all doing their own thing now so I understand and respect their choice (yes, I think it’s their choice and they are not forced by Space Craft) to lay low and not mention the others too much. However, it’s still nice when they do.
Okay, that’s a wrap. Hope you enjoyed this and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask
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letmecomplainnow · 6 years
Melodifestivalen 2019 Deltävling 3 Review
@all of you who listen to the snippets when they're released: I don't understand your taste and never will. Everyone was raving about the quality last week and the show was mediocre as hell. Everybody seemed to think this week was going to be terrible but I thought this heat was much stronger than last week. And luckily I have an honorary degree in understanding how Swedish people react to pop music so I could prepare myself for the inevitable robberies *insert disappointed_but_not_surprised.jpeg* here.
Btw, Eric Saade's rendition of Satellit was awesome.
1. The Lovers of Valdaro - Somebody Wants
I wasn't sure what to expect when this started but by the time we got to the second chorus I was loving it. The production was fantastic and I really liked the futuristic staging. Also, WE FINALLY GOT EDIN JUSUFRAMIC IN A PERFORMANCE, ABOUT TIME. Unfortunately the song wasn't as immediate as it needed to be and they're a completely new name which didn't help them. It was kind of awkward when the camera cut to the guy at the back of the stage too, showing no emotion whatsoever. Also, I'm now just realising that this is like "Friend of a Friend" but a lot better. Loved it.
2. Dolly Style - Habibi
AND THE BOPS DON'T STOP. As somebody reviewing the show, I'm going to be covering all of the acts 👀. This was Dolly Style's best song yet and they've never had a vocal this strong - attributed to the fact that this is a completely different lineup lol. If all the performers are different people is it still the same group? Discuss. Nevertheless, this was catchy as hell and had a cute dance. After they won the audience poll and seeing the performance I was certain they were going through in some form. But alas, I knew the concept of Dolly Style going directly to the final was too good to be true. 💔
3. Martin Stenmarck - Låt Skiten Brinna
This was a little better than I expected. The light show was cool, especially the part with the lighting on the floor. Martin's vocals were strong. I'm kind of indifferent to the song though. I think the tempo feels a bit off? Like it should be a little faster or a little slower. I appreciate the modern touches in the production but it felt very much like somebody wrote a dated song and then tried to fix it. In another year, I'd say this doesn't have a hope in Andra Chansen. But, the voting is unusual this year and Andra Chansen is shaping up to be a weird one so we'll see.
4. Lina Hedlund - Victorious
Sweden, why you gotta be so basic? After the running order was announced I was certain this was gonna pull a "Party Voice". Performing 4th in the 3rd semi, middle-aged schlager queen returns and everyone goes wild. In all honesty, I haven't followed Melfest for long enough to see schlager reign supreme firsthand but I'm so over people trying to revive it. Krista Siegfrids tried, Jessica Andersson tried, and Linda Hedlund is trying it now. If the public give this kind of act any support it just gets tanked by juries. I'm not saying I don't like trashy pop (I'm a massive Dinah Nah fan lol) but a song like this needs a strong hook and a memorable stage performance. I'm sorry but the "longest stair on stage as a temporary set piece in a #melfest entry" doesn't do a lot for me.
5. Omar Rudberg - Om om och om igen
Omar is a great performer and the styling of this entry was really cool. But for the love of God can we please stop self sabotaging by using old fashioned green screen effects. They're unimpressive and pointless. "Ooohhhhh look the back of my jacket changes colour, just like the pieces of cloth my backup dancers are holding". The staging felt really modern and had an edge to it, but that part just ruined it for me. The song is cool; it lends itself to a good choreography. However, the chorus isn't particularly memorable which was a big problem. I wouldn't have minded this qualifying, but after Oscar was knocked out last week I think Omar's elimination was kind of inevitable after that performance. I love his hair though.
6. Rebecka Karlsson - Who I Am
Ugh, we love a feminist Greatest Showman/Love Me Like You Do/Let It Go medley. Rebecka's vocals were shaky last night but I think this actually helped her to an extent. After three familiar names and very established acts, the newcomer with an inspirational ballad about growing up in a small town really had a chance to shine. Kind of like a Blanche effect. (Also she had braces which is a big plus.) This is honestly really unoriginal but the melody is strong enough for a ballad like this and Rebecka comes across incredibly likeable. She's like an inverse Lisa Ajax.
7. Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norrsken
It's good luck that the Frozen 2 trailer came out this week because this is so Arendelle. I love Jon Henrik and was really happy to see him with a more triumphant song (En Värld Ful Av Strider was a little too sombre and dull if you ask me). It's so good to hear him singing as well as joiking. Plus, we get to see Edin again. Honestly showstopping. I agree that the melody has some strong similarities to "Sun Is Shining" but it heads in a different direction and this is a totally different style so I don't think the plagiarism bells are ringing. No one stopped Heroes for sounding like Lovers On the Sun and this is a similar thing. Although I really like this, I don't want it to go to Eurovision if KEiiNO are chosen to represent Norway. The comparisons between the two will end up hurting them both and neither of them deserve that. (Join the Jon Henrik and D'Sound/Mørland to Eurovision squad lol). We've still got a week to go but this is my favourite of the direct qualifiers so far.
My Prediction
Unfortunately my stream was close to death last night (Habibi was about 10 minutes long for me - which I loved) so I didn't have time to make a prediction after I saw the performances. However, my prediction after the running order was released turned out to be a lot more accurate:
Final: Jon Henrik Fjällgren, Lina Hedlund
AC: Rebecka Karlsson, Omar Rudberg
5th: Dolly Style
My Personal Ranking
Final: Jon Henrik Fjällgren, The Lovers of Valdaro
AC: Dolly Style, Omar Rudberg
5th: Rebecka Karlsson
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idoloatria · 6 years
The event had been a big one, but they always were. So many people. So many fans. She played her part of course, smiling and getting along with everyone. Giving away a piece of herself with every kind gesture or word. Everyone was so happy. Why wasn’t she happy?
She clicked the door of her apartment shut and twisted the lock. It was a dull thunk, and then silence took over. She was alone. Funny how the feeling had been with her throughout the day, though only now was she the definition of it.
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Lisia sighed and let her hands fall from the cool metal of the doors mechanism. She didn’t look at any of the rooms or belongings as she made her way to her bedroom. Nothing would have changed. No one visited her, no one else even lived there, aside from her pokemon of course, but they had been with her since she left early that morning.
Once in her room, she lifted the strap of her small bag over her shoulder and hung it over the doorknob. Her mind wasn’t on the tasks, but she got out of her shoes and stockings regardless. Her bare feet then carried her to the ensuite of her room. It was only then that she noticed how dark the apartment was. Night had fallen when she wasn’t looking, she supposed.
With a flick of the switch, light instantly filled the bathroom with its cold brightness. Within the large mirror in front of her, there was an Idol. Her turquoise hair was smoothed and pulled back into a signature look. Her eyes were made all the more striking by use of bold make up and glittering details. The outfit, daring and creative, influenced by her beloved Altaria…it was a second skin, though it bared a fair share of the smooth, unblemished surface.
The reflection drew closer as she did. Those eyes, usually alight and sparkling, were dim, cold, like a star finally burning out of existence. Together, girl and reflection removed accessory upon accessory. Strange. She didn’t feel any lighter by the end of it.
As products were used, accompanied by running water breaking the silence, the Idol everyone adored disappeared…
Turquoise hair now fell in awkward, clunky waves about her shoulders, still partially trapped by the hairspray that had secured it earlier. It would have to be washed out.
- I love you, Lissi!
She closed her eyes tight. A thousand voices. A thousand times. Claims of love had been made to her so many times. Tonight had been no different.
❝No…you don’t…❞
Her whisper barely disturbed the silence.
❝You don’t even know me…❞
She could picture them all. The eager, excited faces.
- I love you!
She shook her head, her breath breaking in a short gasp as she pressed her hands to her face. The heels of her palms put pressure against her eyes but did not stop the tears as she’d hoped.
- I love you, Lisia!
Empty words. Empty words for an empty girl. There was nothing left for her to give them, those fans.
A shuddering, shaky breath was pulled in by aching lungs. The sound rattled within the cold, unfeeling bathroom.
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Tears dripped down her freshly washed cheeks and then gave in to the pressure of gravity and splattered themselves on the tiles. Tears. Tears. That was all the empty girl had left, but they too, were leaving her.
- I love you!
❝N-no…❞ it was almost a whine, a weak insistence pushed through a burning throat.
These people…they loved the idea of her. They loved the Idol and what she represented. Without her makeup, without her style, without her giving as much as she did…she would be nothing to them. They only cared about what they saw, what they imagined. Proof enough was the fact that she could easily go out without all those things, and she would be invisible.
- I love you!
Her fingers curled towards her palms, her nails dragging sharply against her scalp as she pressed her hands harder to her face. The pain was nothing that would be noticed now. Her focus was inwards. She couldn’t win. With or without the Idol, she was alone…
But she had chosen this life. She had chosen to break herself apart to sustain others. A sun fragmenting into stars until nothing was left but to collapse into itself, a black hole. She was trapped. She was within a void that was solely her own creation. It was crushing her.
- I love you!
She flinched, her fingers tangling within her hair, tugging on the locks. No, you don’t. You wouldn’t. What they loved was the Idol. They didn’t love the girl.
- You’re so dumb, Lisia!
- You’re hopeless!
- Useless! You can’t do anything right!
It didn’t matter that it had been years since those phrases had been aimed at her, she could still hear them so clearly. Each one drew her further into herself. Her knees bent and she sank down, curling up against the unsympathetic floor.
The love and hate were equally hard to bear, but she knew that love turning to dislike and hate would be the worst. It’s why she hid herself. It’s why no one was allowed to see past the Idol…because what if they didn’t like what they saw?
Colourful dreams draining to grayscale. Reality shifting. The star was not a star after all, it was just a simple reflection of other light around. How disappointing. It was not what they wanted. They couldn’t do anything with that.
They’d leave.
Everyone would leave.
What a waste, what a failure she would be.
Making other people happy…that had been her dream for as long as she could remember. If she couldn’t do that…what good was she?
The sobs shaking her body started to relent, though the aches of her head, chest and throat would take much longer to do so. Feeble movements of her hands started to swipe at the wetness dripping from her eyes. Tears were a waste. An exhausting waste. She had told herself that so many times before. Would she never learn?
She sniffled and unsteadily got to her feet. The reflection in the mirror would not look at her just yet, as she was a shameful sight. This could not happen again, this weakness.
A slow breath in, then out, it eased her somewhat. The air was enough to fan the dying embers. Perhaps she was not so empty. Perhaps there was still more to give. She would just have to try. She would dig deeper to find the light to give to others, the smiles to give to them.
The Idol finally looked to the mirror once more as her trembling hands took hold of products that would reduce the effect her weakness had had on her appearance. Her role was not over yet. In the business she was in, they had a saying…
The show must go on.
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ellaray19 · 4 years
Essay direction:
The films I have chosen to compare: 
The Princess and the frog and Monsters Inc
I want to compare the colours in the movie because they explore the use of warm and cool tones. I found out so far that the pacing also helps to convey the emotions that the characters are going through. Faster pacing suggests a more happier situation, whereas a slower pace suggests a calmer, depressing mood. 
I am choosing to compare two different scenes which use colour to convey the characters feelings. I am specifically looking at the ‘almost there’ scene from Princess and the frog and the snowy scene in Monsters Inc. I will be looking and focusing on the use of colour in both scenes which help set the mood and how pacing is used in order to show emotion too. 
Key observations so far:
Film one: 
Monsters Inc (Snow fight scene)
-Colour and lighting:
-The scene starts out in the bright white snow where everything is moving fast paced. Sully and Mike are having a fight before they stumble across another character
-The colour changes to a blue tone when they get in the cave, almost the same colour as Sully’s furr. This could suggest that Sully is blending in to the harsh cold weather, representing how upset he is.
-Looking at the start of this scene, the pacing starts off quite fast because of the fight that Mike and Sully have.
-After the fight at the start, the pacing gets slower and ends up with Sully at the left of the screen curled up in a full camera shot.
-The characters seem to be a little off centre screen for most of the scene.
Film two:
Princess and the frog (almost there)
Colour and lighting
- The scene starts with grey and brown colours suggesting that Tiana and her mum are not as rich as some people. The yellows and oranges shine into the room like sun rays.
-Tianas coat starts off yellow and turns into this white magestic dress.
-Towards the end of the song, the yellows and oranges start to fade towards Tianas mum. This could symbolise that family is what really matters.
-The bright colours could suggest what life could be, foreshaddowing Tianas happy ending at the end of the movie where she marries a prince whilst also getting her dream restuant.
-Start of the song plays slowing, then gradually gets faster. Finally getting slower towards the end of the scene.
Tiana is mostly seen centre screen for most of the scene. The low horizon line shows how everyone is looking up at her. This could suggest her power or status in the industry.
Animation technique
The technique changes a little when shes dreaming of her restuant. Could suggest what her life could be and just how much it means to her.
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