#and some ppl consider them totally different pieces of media and clearly hate either the novel or the LA
llycaons · 2 years
‘the live action wants you to THINK he likes girls, but if you read the sex scenes in the novel you will find that is NOT the case’ he...he can like both men and women...those two things are not mutually exclusive hello? they were doing their best under constraints, I thought it was just as clear how much he liked men...
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lizacstuff · 7 years
My inbox is blowing up with Lana asks, I’ll answer a few under the cut to protect those who don’t want to see it
Anonymous said:And its been misinterpreted. SQers are twisting Jen's words - stuff going around that Jen said she couldn’t talk about certain ships because she was under contract not to discuss them. And few ppl i know who were there said (cs/emma fans who i trust more then sq fans) said this - There was no mention of contracts, and Jen said she doesn’t like to answer these questions because she generally gets attacked but answered this time because the girl posed the question thoughtfully.
Of course they are twisting her words, it’s the entire premise of their ship! Twisting characters and stories to fit their fantasy. They will twist anything to hear what they want to hear, doesn’t matter what the person actually said.
The idea that JMo would tell some fan that she couldn’t talk about SQ because of her contract is a giant crock of shit.
However, if it stops those assholes from attacking Jen on social media for a few weeks, I guess that’s okay. Let them believe what they want. They’re going to anyway. 
Anonymous said:Lana just threw all of the writers under the bus. Again. I just hope her fans realize "I would have been okay with SQ" isn't the same as "SQ was an option."
Why do you care what her fans realize?  They are even more irrelevant than ever, just sad people tweeting their crackship nonsense into the void. Don’t pay attention and they don’t exist. The story is over, it has been written.  What are you worried they’re going to do?
But, yes, Lana is a total ass and if I were feeling more charitable towards A&E at the moment I would feel bad for the nonsense Lana’s baiting will bring them.
Anonymous said:Sounds like someone got some blowback after a summer of implying she wanted a male love interest.
Bingo! At first they made excuses for her, or were in denial that she ever said it, but when her quotes on the subject became so prevalent they couldn’t ignore it , there was quite a bit of anger at her over this. Right before the season started, it actually created quite a fissure in that section of fandom and created two camps.  This is the first con since they really got themselves worked into a lather over her enthusiasm for a male love interest.  So I think you’re right she’s trying to put a salve on that. I mean... she’s got 2018 con tickets to sell. 
Plus her stans paid $1700 a piece for her meet and greets at this con, got to give the paying customers what they want! 
Anonymous said:And yet all hiatus, she's been going on about wanting a new love, a new man, for Regina. Why is she so transparent?
She says what she thinks the person right in front of her wants to hear, and if that changes from moment to moment, so be it.  She can say whatever she wants to the media, because she knows she has those fools wrapped about her evil boobs, so all she has to do is plant a big sloppy one on Bex and they’ll all forgive and forget and start panting for her again.  
Anonymous said:I think Lana's huge (and unearned) ego has definitely taken a hit from the ratings, and the number of viewers who see no show without Emma.
Great point. I’m pretty sure she has long considered herself the leading lady of OUAT, Jen and Ginny be damned.  Well, now she actually is the leading lady and the audience isn’t there.  It has to be taking a toll on that whale-sized ego you mention.
The dent in her vanity only adds to the flop sweat. 
Anonymous said:Yeah, it's kinda sting diva "Regina is everything" Lana to see those ratings and to know just how important Emma is to the audience, to the point that her abscence is a deal breaker.
I’m sure it does sting. When I look at the ratings I feel the sting, there is no way that she isn’t feeling the pressure. 
Anonymous said:SQ are going to be insufferable after this weekend. I was enjoying that ship being dead. Ugh.
How so? Are you hanging out in their spaces?  If so I would advise you to GTFO.  Honestly, if you’re staying in your lane it shouldn’t affect you and if it does block ‘em and move on. 
What they do or say is completely irrelevant. It’s not our problem. 
Anonymous said:i thought all lana fans were all like well she has alot fans of, and most ppl watch for her and she carries the show for years, so how come her so called fanbase is not watching lmao
I do know that amongst some of her fans yesterday there was a lot of shock expressed over the ratings.  Many of them seriously expected the ratings to go up after the Emma/CS episode because they have fooled themselves into thinking CS was a huge turnoff for viewers.  
Seriously. Wrap your head around that. 
You can’t reason with that sort of delusion. Truth doesn’t make a dent. 
But, no, Lana never carried this show. Ever. She was never the leading lady. It was always JMo. Always. And now she’s proving she can’t do it. She’s not enough of a presence or a draw. 
Anonymous said:Do you think another reason she said that today was to "beat Jen"? I've seen $Qers either thankful for what Jen said or twisting her words to make it sound like she thinks $Q was beautiful but wasn't allowed to talk about it. Either way, most of them are loving Jen right now. Normally Lana is the one they're loving, and either hating or ignoring Jen. I could see Lana feeling the need to one up Jen, they already know she supports them, why not go all out and say she actually wanted it to happen.
Anything is possible. They clearly don’t like each other, so I think Lana wanting to stick it to her explains dozens of questionable interactions between Lana and her fans over the years. 
I’ll answer a few ratings ask:
Anonymous said:I never even thought about the possibility of ABC cutting the order. In your opinion, if they did, how short would this dumpster fire of a season be if they did?
I’m honestly not sure if cutting the order is a real option for ABC.  I don’t know if they have guaranteed a number of episodes to international syndicators or streaming services for this season. I don’t know if they have a plan B for that time slot. I do know it’s very rare for a series to have it’s order cut this late in it’s run, but S7 is sort of a new show, so it is a very unique situation and anything could happen. They might cut their loses like it’s a freshman show. 
If it was on a different night, I’d think they would move it to Fridays, but... we’re already there. Nowhere to really move it. 
Also it will depend on how the L+3 and L+7s look for episodes past the premiere, that will be telling. We’ll know more after episode 5 as ratings should settle in at that point.
Anonymous said:Are the ratings really that bad? I know 7x03 dropped a ton, but I thought 7x01 adjusted up quite a bit.
Look, I take no pleasure in it, but, yes, they are really that bad. 7x01 did not adjust up, (”adjusting up” means that there was a mistake or anomaly in the overnights, and the numbers are adjusted when the final numbers come in)  it did increase 100% in the demo in the L+7 (7 days of DVR and delayed viewing) numbers but when the demo is that low to begin with, it’s not as impressive as it sounds.  And that was for the premiere where there would have been a lot of one and done curiosity viewing. I don’t expect that increase to last. 
It’s sad to see the show go out this way. I feel bad that Colin is caught up in it. Ratings like this definitely affect the mood on set, it can’t be fun. 
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