#and some said because he wanted to be with mc just like barnaboy
immagrosscandy · 4 years
[At Divination]
Talbott: *sigh* I hate Divination so much
Candy: then why are you coming in the first place? i thought you'd choose something different
Talbott: That’s not your concern
Candy: ...dude, you don’t stop complaining about how divination doesn’t make sense, still i’m watching you failing to read my palm
Talbott: Well, why are YOU taking it? You are as skeptical as me, you make fun of Trelawney and you’ve slept in the corner of the class with Jae more than once.
Candy: i don’t have a choice this game doesn’t have other classes to go i was curious. of course it wasn’t my first choice but i wanted to know if it’s possible to watch one's future through a crystal ball or something.
Talbott: Is that so?
Candy: yeah, but at the end it dissapointed me like everything in my life
[The class ends, and everyone go outside]
Barnaby: You know Candy, I’ve been taking these clases since you’re here
Candy: what?
Barnaby: I thought it was gonna be fun spending some quality time with you, since you’re really funny and cool. And boy I was right! Even though you don’t talk much, when you do you always light up the mood
Candy: awww, Barnaby
Candy: but why are you telling me this?
Barnaby: Maybe Talbott has the same reason but he’s just too shy to tell you. After all, he always seems to enjoy sitting and chatting with you, talking about things I don’t understand and touching each other’s hands
Candy: ...
Candy: you... you think so?
Barnaby: Yeah probably! Don’t get your hopes too high tho, you know I’m not the smartest
Candy: ...yeah
Barnaby: Candy why are you smiling so widly? It’s kinda creepy, no offense
Candy: allergies
Barnaby: Wait wait wait, are you allergic to teacups? Tarot cards? My cheekbones?
Candy: yes, all of them
Candy: hold the phone. is that really the reason you take divination?
Barnaby: W-well, not only I'm really interested in divinations and predictions, but you also told me Paula takes this class as well, so I thought I could try it and we could talk about it
Candy: so that’s the real reason you beautiful son of a bitch
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