#and strickler was supposed to make a joke about it being the one day of the month he can’t actually do that
megan0013 · 2 years
monsterf*cker (or, the reverse werewolf au wherein changelings magically revert to their human form during the full moon)
It takes a lot to surprise Barbara these days, but coming home one random Tuesday evening a few weeks after the Eternal Night to find Walter lounging on the sofa in what used to be his human form is certainly enough to warrant a raised eyebrow.
“Glamour mask?”
The changeling shakes his head and pushes up onto his feet. “I honestly don’t know what happened. One minute I was in my true skin and the next, well…” He gestures to his very fleshy, very not-stone-anymore self. “It happened to Nomura and NotE, too.”
“Hmm,” Barbara hums, features twisting in concern as she crosses into the living room for a better look. “It’s not permanent, is it?”
“Why?” The corner of Walter’s lips curl into a knowing, amused smirk. “Would you be upset if it were?”
Barbara rolls her eyes as she comes to a stop in front of him, palms rising to Walter’s cheeks so the pads of her thumbs can caress the wrinkles around his bright green eyes. “No. But you know I find your troll form immensely attractive.”
“You do know there’s a term for people like you, don’t you?”
The expression that particular comment conjures earns a laugh, as does the grumbled “oh, shut up” that accompanies it. Which isn’t a denial, at all.
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alovesongshewrote · 4 years
Almost A Thousand Years - Trollhunters/3Below | Hisirdoux Casperan
Plot:  You’ve known Hisirdoux Casperan for almost a thousand years.  You’ve hated him for almost a thousand years.  And for almost a thousand years, you’ve been cursed to feel each others pain.  But somewhere in that time, things changed.  [Hisirdoux Casperan x Mostly Gender Neutral but Probably Female Presenting Based on How Historical Men Treat Them!Reader]
Word Count:  1,445
Warnings: swearing i think?
A/N:  Last chapter before we’re back to wizards
Tags: @furblrwurblr​ @rainningdoom​ @fluffydmonkey @blondie0458​ @sitherin-mxschief
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Jim Lake Jr.’s mom was really familiar.
Fortunately, she didn’t recognize you, even as you studied under her at the hospital and watched out for her son in your free time.
Protecting the Trollhunter was something you had stumbled into.
After your return from a place you’d rather not think about ever again, you found Arcadia.  A safe little town in California where you could hide for the time being.
Then the trolls found you.
It wasn’t your fault that you’d nearly killed Blinky.  He snuck up on you, and you were very jumpy.  Fortunately, you’d figured out that you weren’t under attack before you could do any real damage.  It wasn’t too long after that when you found out your new mentor’s son was the Trollhunter, protector of trollkind and slayer of Gumm-Gumms, wielder of the amulet created by your first mentor, Merlin.
This kid was in way over his head.  
You had to protect him.
So, you helped to teach him how to use a sword, how to fight and how to survive.  You helped his friend, Toby, to throw a decent punch and knock out a human opponent with pressure points.  You were a cool older sibling who they could talk to about the stress of the job.  And girls.  
When Claire joined the party, you helped her practice magic.  You helped her learn to control it. 
You were quite the gang.  One immortal, who everyone believed to be a college student, and three high schoolers in charge of kicking the darkness back to whence it came.  
You protected those kids and their troll dads.  You made excuses, forged notes, fought off Mr. Strickler, the whole nine yards.  Somehow, you’d avoided sharing your past with the prying teens.  They didn’t know you’d once been a Gumm-Gumm spy.  You were just a cool mage who hung around for fun.
That all came crashing down when Bular crawled out of the woodwork, revealed your identity, almost killed your friends, and got you in a chokehold for a solid two minutes.
Centuries of work were finally paying off, he would, at last, have his revenge!  He would regain his honour after being so shamefully defeated the last time he fought you.
Then Jim killed him.  Rip.  
You got your old sword back though.  That was nice.
The trollhunter may have saved your life and given you your sword back, but the damage was done.  You all avoided each other after that.
That was a lie, you were still looking out for these damn kids.  You owed it to Barbara, who had grown up to be a fantastic doctor and who still had a few plastic bones in a box in the attic.  She had been so kind and welcoming to you, you had to make sure her son came home every day.  It was a difficult task when said son was all too willing to yeet himself into the Darklands, but you managed for the most part.
And when you heard a voice that followed you for centuries talking to your kids, it was the Darklands all over again.  There was nothing you could do but watch.
You could have laughed at how much Jim hated Douxie.  The kid had no idea he was telling a centuries-old wizard to go back to where he came from.  You kept your eye on the conversation, waiting until it ended.  Then, with no other choice available to you, you followed after the wizard.
How Douxie had built himself a life in Arcadia without you knowing was incredible and you respected the hell out of him for it.  But you didn’t know if you loved it.  
You followed behind him, silent as the night.  And then you realised just what was happening.  You stopped and went home after that.
And when you got there you screamed.
You screamed, and threw a sword at the wall, and broke several plates because this wasn’t supposed to happen.  You weren’t supposed to see him again.  Now he was in danger, and it was your fault.
You didn’t leave your house for a few days.
Then the teachers at Jim’s school went nuts, and you figured you should get back in the field.  
You’d been monitoring Claire’s sudden illness from afar when he showed up again, this time a waiter at whatever restaurant this was.  At some point, Claire left, and came back, and was acting... weird.  Something was very wrong.
But that didn’t matter because there he was again.  It was like you couldn’t escape him.
It was an active struggle to keep yourself away.  Literally, an active struggle.
You’d tried to put it out of your mind, but the more you saw him, the more you remembered.  The things that took you hadn’t only tortured you, trying to turn you into their full-time servant, but they’d also put some kind of spell or curse on you.
It was after the third one left if you remembered correctly.  The remaining duo had been so angry, specifically at Merlin for some reason, so they put some kind of curse on you, forcing you to make attempts on Douxie’s life whenever he was in your general vicinity.  
Why they went after Douxie instead of Merlin himself you’d never know.  The wizard was an easier target while he slept, but nope.  They went for Douxie.
You were confused, angry, and hurt.  At both parties.  You had been tortured for ten years.  Had he not felt any of it?  Had he not cared enough to help you?  Or even stop your pain which he must’ve been feeling?  It felt like a betrayal of sorts.  He kissed you and then didn’t come for you when you were in danger.  Was that all he wanted?  
Even though you were upset by your apparent abandonment, you didn’t want Douxie dead.  This wasn’t the twelfth century anymore, and you had to admit to yourself, you were still in love with him.  You weren’t going to kill him.
So you clung to the roof, even after Douxie had left for the night.  You stayed in place until the sun rose, struggling not to go after him.  Eventually, you let go, moving on with your day, avoiding Hisirdoux Casperan to the best of your ability.
You actually did a decent job until the Eternal Night.
It was a pretty nasty battle, but you were handling it pretty well.
Or you were until you got yourself backed into a corner by yet another Gumm-Gumm calling you a traitor, probably facing certain death when someone struck the thing with a guitar.
“(Y/N)!?  What are you doing here?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you said, crawling to your feet, trying to keep yourself from throwing the sword in your hand at Douxie’s head.
“I- you’re right.  Are you okay?”
“No, I-” your voice broke and you backed away further, “I’m not.  Get away from me,”
You ran before you could see the pain leak into Douxie’s eyes before you could see the heartbreak on his face.
Ten minutes later the fight was finished.
A little after that, Jim and Claire were off to New Jersey.
You stayed behind.
Why did you do that?  You asked yourself the same question.  Staying in Arcadia put Douxie in danger and forced you into close proximity with the man who’d left you for dead.  
But still, you stayed.
Maybe it was to protect Toby and Arrrgh, maybe it was because you liked your small apartment, maybe it was because you knew there was more trouble on the horizon.  Or maybe it was because you were still in love with that stupid wizard.
You lost a lot of sleep over it.  You saw his face in your sleep, thought of him when you practiced medicine.  Every time you woke up from a war-related nightmare, you remembered how comforting his presence was.  You remembered every hug he’d ever given you, the jokes he made, and that kiss.  You remembered that kiss.
All you had was memories because if you even looked at his face, you’d kill him.
You did your best to distract yourself.  You teamed up with Toby, Arrrgh, Steve, Eli and the Akiridions to stop an alien threat.  It still wasn’t enough.
And when the alien threat was gone, you felt pain all over your body.  It didn’t belong to you.  You weren’t too alarmed, usually, torture was worse than this, but it kinda felt like Douxie had been dragged down the street by something for six(teen) blocks.
You were about to mention it when your posse ran into a familiar familiar.
“Beware!  You, you!  Are in grave danger!”
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Fire Keeper: Chapter 15
Douxie x fem reader
Chapter 1
Masterlist in bio!
Series Summary: You are Jim’s older sister who is taking a break from college and has moved back home to Arcadia. You end up joining Jim and his friends on their adventures.
Chapter 15 summary: Just as you and Douxie get back to Arcadia the Eternal Night begins. 
You stroked Archie as Douxie drove the three of you back to Arcadia. It had been a pretty silent drive with you drifting in and out of sleep, but you were awake now and you and Douxie were singing along to some music you were playing via your phone.
It was a lot of fun and it made you even happier to see Douxie smiling again. You looked back out the window before he could catch you staring.
A new song came on and you began to sing, but your phone ringing cut you off. You unplugged the aux cord and answered it.
“Hey, mom. We just got back. We’re almost in Arcadia.”
“Y/n, something happened, can you come to the school?” She asked, her voice filled with urgency.
“Um, yeah. I’ll be right there.” You hung up and looked to Douxie. “That was my mom, something happened.”
“I can drop you off and then you can pick up your car tomorrow?” Douxie suggested and you nodded.
The two of you continued singing, but you were distracted by your thoughts. Your brain had decided to conjure up thoughts of all the worst possible scenarios.
Thankfully you didn’t have to suffer through the scenarios as you arrived at the school. You hopped out of the car and thanked Douxie.
You immediately sensed auras on the roof and while they all seemed relatively calm and a little anxious, you didn’t sense Jim’s.
You decided to forgo the stairs and you flew yourself up to the roof. You arrived to see everyone but Jim. Even Merlin was there, but you didn’t see your brother. However, you did see a troll in the eclipse armor. You stared wide-eyed at him and dove into his aura. If you peeled back a few layers you found your brothers.
“Jim?” You asked, alerting everyone to your arrival.
“Hey Y/n,” he greeted, smiling nervously.
“Are you okay?” You asked, concern for your little brother consuming you.
“Kinda,” he admitted and you ran over to hug him. Tears pricked your eyes when you realized how much taller he was now.
“What happened?” You asked as you pulled away from him, but you still held his hand.
“I needed to become stronger and Merlin did this.” He gestured to himself.
“But you were already great,” you whispered. You could sense the pain and fear and Jim’s aura and it made your tears run faster. The best word to describe your mood was ‘furious’ and the cause of your anger was Merlin.
You had been home for about three seconds and you were already ready to fight the old man. You were only holding back because you didn’t want to start something or upset Jim.
“Ah so this is the Trollhunter’s sister?” Merlin asked and you were seriously ready to throw hands. You had really expected Merlin to be cooler from what Douxie described.
You scowled. “I am, and not only that, I’m a sorceress.”
“Really?” Merlin asked, interest showing on his face.
“Yes, and what were you thinking? How could you do this to him?” You asked.
“I didn’t do anything. It was his choice, I just created the means. In the end you will thank me.”
You decided to be mature and ignore Merlin. It was the best way to calm down. It also helped when you remembered that Merlin was able to see the future. Maybe Jim becoming a half-troll was a good thing?
You turned to Jim. “Don’t worry Jimbo, you still have your looks,” you joked trying to make light of the situation.
He chuckled. “Thanks.”
You looked at the rest of the group and you noticed Strickler standing very close to your mom. You decided to be mature and read their auras before attacking Strickler and you were presently surprised to sense forgiveness in your moms aura and caring in Strickler’s. Maybe he wasn’t that bad.
You put on a small smile. “Why don’t we walk home and you explain everything that's been going on this past week to me.”
“There’s something you should know about our trip to find Merlin,” Jim said once you all had gotten down from the roof.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, sensing the sad shift in everyone’s auras.
Jim looked down. “Draal didn’t make it. H-he died back when we were getting Merlin’s staff. Draal took a dagger for me, Angor Rot killed him.”
You looked at the rest of the group and saw sadness shining in your eyes. You began to cry again and Jim hugged you. “I-I can’t believe it,” you sobbed.
“I know I’m sorry. But we are going to avenge him,” Jim promised. You sniffed, looking up at him. He was so grown up now and you were incredibly proud.
You took a deep breath. “I know we will.”
Last night as all of you walked home the group recounted the events of the last week to you and you had to admit a lot had happened. Now it was time to defeat Morgana and Gunmar.
That morning you had gone over the plan and you had to say, while you were nervous and scared, but you were excited to end this. It would all be over soon and hopefully your brother and Merlin would come out victorious.
And while they did that, you were on crowd control with Douxie. You wouldn’t have regular civilians dying, not if you had something to say about it.
You stood on the sidelines with Douxie watching Aja and Krel play their music. The crowd seemed very excited for Krel’s DJ-ing, but you were a ball of nerves. Claire was supposed to arrive soon and tell everyone to go and find someplace safe.
You bit your lip as Señior Uhl announced Mama Skull and Claire walked onto the stage in her armor.
You barely listened to her speech, but you could tell nobody was understanding how much danger they were in. That is until the sky darkened and gumm-gumms appeared.
You tried to call everyone to you, but they just panicked. Unsure of what to do, you and Douxie just began to fight. The less gumm-gumms there were the less chance of people dying, right?
You summoned your sword and immediately sliced through one as you sent a magic blast at another. You heard someone scream on stage and you and Douxie ran over there. You noticed he didn’t have a weapon and you wondered what he was going to be able to do with just a guitar.
Apparently he could do a lot. He hit a gumm-gumm that was terrorizing Mary and Darci over the head, knocking it out cold.
“I've always hated those twits!” he grumbled. You went over to finish the job while he helped Mary and Darci.
You walked back over to Douxie who Mary and Darci were swooning over and you rolled your eyes. “Come on Romeo, we need to get these people to safety.”
“Alright, Ladies follow us.” Douxie took off and you followed him.
“Where should we take them?” You asked. “We need some place big enough to fit a ton of people.”
“The school!” Douxie responded. You turned the corner and found some gumm-gumms harassing some of the old guys who like to play chess in the gazebo.
You held out your sword and charged the creatures, easily taking them down while Douxie covered your back. The two of you made a very good team.
Soon the street was cleared of the black and green monstrosities, but you knew it wouldn’t last long. “We need to get going,” you said helping the old men up.
Your ever growing group made your way through the town with Douxie up front and you guarding the rear. Occasionally you ran into gumm-gumms, but you and Douxie took care of them easily.
Soon you made it to the school. You used your magic to unlock the doors and you had to admit you were proud of yourself.
You watched as Douxie led everyone across the street. Things seemed to be going your way for the time being and you hoped all of your friends were doing okay. You didn’t know how you would go on if you lost anyone else.
Another tremor hit and you wobbled on your feet. Tremors had been occurring all day, but this one felt different.
The cause of the tremor was soon revealed when you heard a roar. It was a roar you had only ever heard once before, and that had been in the Darklands. You watched everyone freeze in the middle of the street as a gigantic black and green snake thing turned towards all of you. It could probably smell the fear radiating off of everyone.
“Fuzz buckets,” Douxie cursed as the Nyarlagroth charged. There was no time to make any mistakes so you just decided to call upon your magic. An orange glow surrounded the Arcadians and they floated into the air. You heard shouts of surprise, but you didn’t have time to warn them as you threw them inside the school.
You went to chase after them, but you instead saw a kitten standing in the middle of the Nyarlagroth’s path. There was no way you were going to let something bad happen to the adorable ball of white fluff, so you did what any compassionate human would do. You ran towards the kitten and picked it up.
Unfortunately now both of you were in the Nyarlagroth’s path, but you weren’t there for long.
You and the kitten glowed blue and you were yanked towards Douxie who caught you. He carried you bridal style into the school, gently setting you down before the group of Arcadians.
“Um, thanks,” you mumbled.
“Anytime, thanks for getting the kitten. I didn’t see it.”
“Of course.”
“What now?” Someone asked and you turned to face them. You didn’t have to be an aura reader to sense that these people were afraid. But what you weren’t expecting was for them to be determined.
“I know you might not be happy to be stuck in here, unable to do anything, but in here you are safer. I also understand how scary this is. Right now Douxie and I need to take care of that giant snake thing so we can make this place safer.” You looked at all the terrified faces and sighed when you noticed that your speech didn’t seem to be impacting them. “Okay, look. We’ve all lived in Arcadia for a while and I’m sure many of you have noticed the weird things that go on around here. There are different creatures that live here who aren’t human, but this is their home too. Those bad guys out there have taken their home before and are trying to take it again as well as ours. There aren’t many people who can do something about it, but those who can are out there, fighting for you and they are going to win. But to do that, they need you in here where you’re safe so they don’t have to worry about you. It may seem scary now, but if we all do our part things will work out!”
You looked again and noticed that everyone seemed to be calmer and even more determined than they were before. “Good luck!” Someone called and you smiled.
“We’ll be back soon,” Douxie said, holding the door for you.
You reluctantly gave the kitten to Phil and Jerry, the two the old guys you had saved. “Now let’s go take care of that Nyarlagroth.”
“I didn’t know you gave inspirational speeches,” Douxie joked once you were outside.
“It’s one of my many hidden talents,” you replied smiling at him.
You and Douxie raced to the top of the school to get a good view and you saw the Nyarlagroth circling the school.
“When Jim was in the darklands he stopped one by overwhelming it’s sense of smell,” you explained. “We need to find something that will do that.”
“This is a school, there’s got to be tons of  gross laundry here,” Douxie suggested.
You bit your lip. “I hope this works.”
“Me too,” Douxie sighed, looking one last time at the beast. His aura was buzzing with worry.
“We’ve got this,” you said, pulling him back down the stairs. The two of you went looking for the laundry and you plugged your nose as you levitated it out of the school. “This should be fine.”
“Good.” Douxie chuckled. “I hope these kids won’t be mad about us feeding their stuff to the Nyarlagroth.”
“I think they’ll be fine.” You set the hampers down to catch a breather. “Okay, I’ll go across the street and when the Nyarlagroth comes around be ready to fling this stuff into its mouth.”
“Yes Ma’am,” Douxie said, jokingly saluting you.
You gave a small smile before running across the street, levitating your baskets behind you.
You heard the Nyarlagroth before you saw it. Hiding in an Alley you levitated the hampers and got ready to shove them into the beast’s mouth.
It roared and you sent the disgusting laundry flying into its mouth. You watched as Douxie’s hampers flew in after yours.
It froze and you took it distraction as an opportunity.
“Douxie blast it, I’m gonna go stab it!” You explained, ever eloquent.
You leapt into the air and onto the Nyarlagroth’s back. You felt the beast shift as Douxie began to blast it. Quickly you located a space between its scales and you squeezed your eyes closed as you thrust your sword into it. You pushed it into the hilt and watched as it slowly turned to stone. You felt bad, but you knew it would kill everyone if given the chance.
You floated off the Nyarlagroth and down to the ground where Douxie hugged you.
“We did it!” He celebrated. “You did amazing.”
“Thanks, but we both did amazing.”
You high fived in celebration. The Nyarlagroth was now a pile of useless stones and the People of Arcadia were mostly saved.
However, the celebration couldn’t last long. You had work to do. You and Douxie placed anti gumm-gumm sigils around the house and then went to go look for more people. Soon you had gathered quite a few and you were bringing them back to the cool when you saw a horde of goblins.
Stood to challenge them while Douxie got the people inside. The goblins charged at you and you blasted a few before they got too close.
The leader leapt up at you and you sliced him with your sword. This only angered the rest of them causing them to fight with more vigor. But you were fighting for the safety of your town.
Soon Douxie joined you, bashing the goblins with his guitar that he had kept. It was a little battered by now, but it made for a good weapon.
You fought goblin after goblin, but there always seemed to be more of them.
They suddenly stopped attacking though and you noticed a change in the air. The goblins looked at each other then at you and Douxie who had your weapons arrived.
They turned and ran. You were tempted to go after them, but you realized that you couldn’t do much against that many goblins. You should have to save that problem for later.
“What do you think happened?” Douxie asked.
Red lightning came out of nowhere and hit a gumm-gumm which shattered into a pile of rocks. “I think Jim killed Gunmar!” You exclaimed.
Now that the street was clear you and Douxie went to check on the Arcadians. After you were sure they were good the two of you can off to the canal. The both of you were worried that the Eternal Night hadn't ended.
You didn't have your car so you wouldn't be able to drive. Instead the two of you ran.
You arrived to see Claire, Jim, Toby, Aaarrrgghh, and Blinky looking at a giant crack in the ground.
You looked into it and saw the heartstone, but it wasn't warm and happy orange anymore. It was a cold gray.
"What happened?" You asked, aghast. You had spent so much wonderful time in Trollmarket now it was destroyed.
"Gunmar happened," Blinky said, bitterly.
"What are you going to do now? " you asked.
"We're gonna look for a new Heartstone. Merlin mentioned that there would be one in New Jersey," Jim said.
"New Jersey?" You asked, shocked.
Jim avoided your eyes. "Yeah."
"I'll miss you," you said, hugging him.
"I'll miss you too," he said.
After you had met with Jim Claire and Toby and they had told you their side of the battle and you told yours, you went to see your mom who was sanding on the cliff overlooking Arcadia. The two of you were waiting to say goodbye to Jimo. You knew he had to go to New Jersey, but it still hurt you to see him go.
Merlin arrived and he looked out over Arcadia. There was smoke billowing over some buildings and while it looked sad and hopeless, but you knew it would be okay.
You gently stroked the kitten you had saved from the Nyarlagroth. You had decided to adopt the kitten, though you didn’t have a name for the darling fluff ball.  
You were spooked out of your thoughts by some rustling behind you. You turned around to see Jim. You tried to hold back your tears.  You hadn’t even said goodbye yet and you were already missing him.
He went over to you and your mom and hugged the two of you. “I promised I’d never leave you,” he said.
“Honey, I knew this day would come, I just...never knew when,” your mom rubbing yours and Jim’s back. “I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
You heard your mom sniff and you knew she was crying. Your own tears began to fall. “Just call often,” you sniffed.
“Everyday. Twice. Text. Now and then?” Your mom added.
“Of course, guys. I love you,” Jim said, also sniffing.
“Not more than I love you kiddo,” your mom chuckled.
You heard more rustling and sawBlinky arrive. “Are you ready, Master Jim?” He asked coming over to you.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Jim sighed, letting go of you and your mom, but keeping your hands.
“I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but with our Trollhunter by our side, I don’t fear it either,” Blinky said,  putting his hand on Jim's shoulder. You smiled, you were glad Jim had someone like Blinky.
“I really appreciate that, Mr. Blinky,” you mom said.
You heard more rustling and saw Claire and her parents arrive.
She walked over to Jim. “Claire, I can’t ask you to—“
“You didn’t ask,” Claire said and you were so glad Jim had such a great boyfriend.
“She has enough credits to graduate early,” Claire's mom said. “We’re treating this as some time abroad.”
“As long as she comes back soon,” her dad said.
“Well, congratulations, Claire,” You said, high fiving her. You wondered how it was possible for a sophomore to have accomplished that.
Jim laughed and you jumped a little as Strickler came flying by. He landed by your mom. “Good luck, Young Atlas.”
Jim smiled at the three of you and slowly let go of your mom’s hand as he walked away.
“You did good raising him, Doc,” NotEnrique consoled. “Here’s a thousand new babies to raise.”
“What?” Strickler asked as NotEnrique handed your mom the cradle stone.
“Have fun with that, you two,” NotEnrique called, running away so they couldn’t give the stone back.
“Wait!” Strickler called.
“This’ll be fun,” you muttered and your mom patted your back.
“Wait! Wait for me!” Toby yelled as he came running up to the group in his War Hammer armor. “Boy, these goodbyes are tough, you know. Nana wanted me to take Mr. Meow Meow P.I., but he does not travel well. What?”
“Tobes...you have to stay.” Jim said, kneeling down.
“What?” Toby asked and you felt really, really bad for him. “You’re going on a quest. I love quests. We go everywhere together.”
“I’m hurt, Claire lost her Shadow Staff. We need you here to protect Arcadia.”
“No, Wingman,” Aaarrrgghh said, coming up to Toby. “I help. I stay.”
Blinky gasped then nodded, accepting it. Their air was thick with bittersweet goodbyes and you felt a few tears fall.
“So, you’re staying with me-” Toby gestured to you and Aaarrrgghh “-and you’re leaving,” he summarized, gesturing to Claire, Jim and Blinky.
“But we’ll be back. Someday,” Jim promised as you handed the kitten to your mom and walked over to them with Claire. The four of you were pulled into a group hug.
“You better,” Toby sniffed.
“And then we’ll get tacos,” Jim said, chuckling.
“And enchiladas,” Claire added.
“We sure found that adventure. Right, Tobes?” Jim asked and you smiled through your tears.
“I’m really glad we took the canal that morning,” Toby agreed.
The four of you stood. “Keep Arcadia safe,” Jim requested. “You’re its only Trollhunters now.”
Nomura walked over and hugged Toby. “I still don’t like you.”
“I know,” Toby cried. You began to quietly shed your tears as your friends and little brother walked away into the forest.
They stopped and you watched as Merlin pulled out the Eclipse Blade and you noticed that it was broken. “I believe this belongs to you, Trollhunter.”
Merlin used his magic to fix it and Jim grabbed it. They looked back one more time and you waved a sad goodbye.
Thank yall so much for reading and liking my writing!! It makes me so happy to see your positive feedback!! It was super bittersweet writing this chapter. I know there will be more, but it felt sad writing the scene where they leave. Anyways, I really hope y'all have a wonderful day/night!! And stay safe!! 💙💙
Also I haven't though if a name for the kitten yet, so if you have any suggestions I'm open.
P.S. if you want to be on the taglist feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.P.S. if you want to be on the taglist feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.
P.P.S. I'm totally open for requests on fluffy half chapters! If you have any ideas for the half chapters send them in and I'll do my best to include them.
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fear-before-valor · 4 years
Romeo, Question Mark // Aromantic!Jim fic because I wanted aro content and if I can’t find some, I’ll [thanos voice] do it myself // Words: 1810 // Warnings: slight internalized aphobia; nothing that bad, just the amount that might come from an insecure teenager still learning about himself-- that said, take care of yourself, and remember that you are valid! <3 --
“Hey Tobes?” A voice sounds, in the dead of night.
“Yeah, Jim?” There is a rustling of a sleeping bag, because Toby would never, ever sleep in the bed if Jim was sleeping on the floor. He’d much sooner sleep on the floor with him, and Jim is too nice to steal half of Toby’s bed, even if it would have been alright by Toby. And it would have been. But again… Jim’s too polite. Toby knows this. Toby knows Jim.
For example, Toby knows that right this moment, Jim’s long stretch of silence is not from his being sleepy. He can practically feel the nervousness rolling off of his best friend, but he isn’t sure what the next move either of them will make is— or what it perhaps should be— so he remains quiet as well, and simply waits for Jim to respond back. He waits a long, long moment, and he’s almost afraid that Jim is going to bail on whatever he wanted to bring up—
—But then—
“What does a crush feel like?”
There is a long beat.
…Oh. Huh.
Toby realizes immediately that Jim can likely feel his brief, shocked silence, so he rushes to make it clear that he doesn’t think the question is weird, even if it caught him a little out of left field. Quick, Toby, he thinks to himself, Make Jim laugh. It’ll relax him.
“Well, you’re the Trollhunter; don’t you know how it feels to crush something?”
It is a stupid, stupid joke, Toby thinks, but it works on Jim’s midnight brain, as a soft, fond laugh sounds from Jim’s side of the room, which Toby has yet to look toward, for fear of breaking whatever is going on. He wants Jim to feel comfortable enough to talk to him, so he refuses to look at the other boy yet, knowing that his gaze might make his best friend hide whatever is happening inside his head. Toby wishes Jim wouldn’t do that so often. He likes when he’s allowed in Jim’s head. The guy dwells up there a little too much, in Toby’s opinion. He overthinks things like crazy these days, with all the pressures on him. Which, as supportive as Toby is, for all of Jim’s endeavors— be it Romeo, or the successor to an ancient line of warriors dating back centuries— Toby can’t help but worry sometimes, about how much his best friend has taken on. He knows he isn’t supposed to like Strickler and all, but Toby can’t really deny that the man has a point with his nickname for Jim. He really does shoulder the world.
Jim’s voice slices into Toby’s worries, his amused tone calming some of them, “Not what I meant, Tobes. You know what I meant.”
“Hey, maybe I don’t. You don’t know that.”
Jim’s voice, like his laugh moments ago, is, again, fond. “Yes I do.”
Toby’s chest flips in a weird way. A way he can’t quite identify. “Okay, fine… I do know what you meant…” He admits, but he isn’t sure where to go after that.
The room is dead silent for a second, the kind of quiet where both parties can hear the other think, until Jim interrupts it and asks, “So… do you know? Y’know… what a crush feels like?”
Toby frowns, thinking about it more seriously. He isn’t sure he’ll do the best job describing it, but he tries. “Well… Uh, you know how I like Darcy?” He asks, and at Jim’s assent, he continues. “It’s like… when she smiles, my knees go all weak, and my chest feels really light. And… I want to be the reason she smiles. I want to hold her hand, and take her on dates, and slow dance with her at Spring Fling over and over again, like we did that… one night…” Toby hesitates to bring up their most recent Spring Fling, remembering belatedly what else had happened then.
He moves on quickly, “It’s like… I dunno. I want to make her happy, like she makes me happy. I won’t say I wanna live my whole life with her ‘cause we’re only 16, but… I guess…. sometimes, it feels like that. Even if I know it’s unlikely.” He shrugs, a little saddened at the thought, but not fully. He knows that high school relationships rarely survive graduation, and he’s made peace with that. And, moreso in his case, he knows that there’s an unfortunate possibility that he won’t even survive to graduation, but that one, he tries not to make peace with. It’s bad for the mind.
“…Huh.” Jim retorts, seemingly unable to say anything but that.
After Toby waits for Jim to speak again… and becomes aware after a while that Jim isn’t going to, he chances it, rolls the dice, says, “Can I ask why you’re asking?”
Jim evades the real question, and instead answers what Toby verbalized, rather than what Toby left unsaid. “You can ask.”
“…Will you answer?” Toby responds, resisting with all of his might, the urge to look at Jim. He stares at a glowing green plastic star on his ceiling instead.
Jim’s hesitation is palpable. Toby can feel it in the hairs on his arm, by the way the very air seems to tense with Jim’s shoulders, which Toby can hear against the noisy fabric of his sleeping bag.
“I-” Jim’s voice catches in his throat. “Maybe…?”
“Not that you have to,” Toby says, uncertain, “But you can… you can share… y’know. If you want to.”
His best friend’s response is immediate. “Promise you won’t judge?”
Jim has been wishing to talk about this, Toby realizes, and his words come as fast as Jim’s did, “Of course I won’t.”
The silence this time, is Jim psyching himself up. Toby can tell. He can hear it in the way that he takes a few deep breaths, the way that he shifts restlessly.
“I don’t think I actually have a crush on Claire.” Jim blurts.
…Oh. Again.
No offense to Jim, Toby restrains relieved laughter, but that’s it? He thinks to himself. He doesn’t say that, though, because he knows that that won’t help reassure his friend in the slightest.
“Oh,” he repeats, aloud this time. “Well, that’s fine. Crushes come and go—”
“No.” Jim says, sounding upset. Toby freezes, listening. “I don’t mean—“ Jim huffs softly, “I mean… Ugh, sorry Tobes.” Toby practically hears the other boy collecting his thoughts, “I just mean… I don’t think I ever had a- a real crush on her.”
Did Jim’s voice just break? Toby feels like he’s had the wind knocked from his lungs. Whether Jim’s voice had or not, Toby’s heart certainly had. Is Jim so afraid of Toby judging him for misreading his feelings?
Toby shakes his head, even if he isn’t sure whether or not Jim sees it, “That’s okay, too, buddy. I’m not gonna judge you for that. Crushes are weird. They aren’t always easy to figure out.”
“…Right.” Jim sounds like something else is on his mind, but Toby doesn’t think pushing him seems quite right.
He takes a more subtle approach. “Thanks for telling me, though, Jimbo. I’m glad you feel like you can tell me something like that. Because, of course you can. I’m here for you.”
It isn’t so subtle that Toby fools himself to think that Jim hasn’t noticed, but it isn’t an outright probe, either.
He can tell that Jim appreciates it, however, by the sound of his voice. “Thanks, Tobes. I guess… I’ve just been scared of what’s been going on in my head, y’know? Do you… ever get that way?”
Toby thinks about his words before answering, but he gives a vocalized ‘hm’ to make sure that Jim knows that he isn’t just ignoring the question. “I mean… I’m no savior of the world and all, but, yeah, I get that. There’s a lot happening right now, troll stuff aside. We’re teenagers; things are kinda expected to be weird and complicated these days, right?” He gives a soft smile in the darkness, letting it bleed into his words.
Jim’s nod is audible against nylon once again, as he says, “Right. Understatement of the year, huh?”
Toby grins. “For sure. But that’s okay. Because we can get through it together, y’know? There’s nothing you could do to make me leave you, Jim, you know that, right?”
Jim’s silence is from shock, he knows. Toby allows him a moment to process.
“…Even if I’m… not really… normal…?”
Toby can’t hold back his snicker this time, “Jim, is anything about our reality ‘normal’ right now?”
Jim’s smile colors his words, to Toby’s relief. “Right. Of course it isn’t.” He pauses for a second, as if making up his mind, and Toby waits for him to do that, “Can I tell you something?”
Toby answers as quickly as a heartbeat responds to itself, “Of course.”  
“I-” Jim hesitates one more time, but evidently decides to push through, as he says, so quietly that Toby nearly misses it; lucky he is holding his breath, so that he doesn’t miss Jim’s words in his own exhale, “I think I’m… aromantic, Toby.”
Toby takes a single beat to breathe in and out, to allow this to add to his bank of knowledge about Jim, to his understanding of his best friend, and then says, “That’s cool. Was it the play that gave it away?”
There is a brief, alarmed pause, before Jim laughs, hard, at that. It starts slow, but rapidly grows lighter and more frequent, until it is closer to a giggle or a wheeze. “How do you know me so well?” He gets out between laughs.
Toby’s grin could light up the whole room. “‘Cause I’m your best friend, dude. It’s like… my whole job description.”
When Jim finally gets a handle on his chuckles, he responds, “Right. How could I forget?”
“You’d never. You just have a lot happening right now.” Toby reminds him.
“But not tonight.” Toby soothes Jim’s beginning-to-wind-up mind, catching it before it can get too far.
Jim gives one last, singular laugh, soft, and fond, “Yeah.” He says again. “Not tonight.”
By the tone of his voice, Toby can tell that Jim finally feels like everything is okay. And he’s glad. Because it is. Just for that night, everything is okay.
The two boys fall asleep in minutes, closer in both heart and in body. Neither of them can remember when it happened, or who initiated, but when they wake the next morning, they find themselves hand in hand, and it isn’t even embarrassing. Because they are, as they always have been, best friends in every way. They will always reassure each other, and they will always be there for each other, and they will, evidently, always do it hand in hand.
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perrypixel · 4 years
Bathtub Scene/Trollhunters Season 3 Analysis
Okay, it’s been 2 years since Trollhunters ended and I think I’m ready to talk about the scene.
For obvious reasons I’ll tag this post with suicide and suicide mention.
The first scene we get is when Jim pours the elixir into water and Jim drops the jar on the floor. You can see in eyes that he is unsure whether he should go through this or not. Jim hear’s Merlin’s words echoes in his head.
Pour the elixir into water. Emerge yourself into said water and presto! You will be born anew.
In my head I thought there was no way Jim was gonna go through with this
The next time we see Jim, Claire calls him on his cell phone, Jim sits in the toilet continuing to be torn between the choices he has. Jim let’s his phone vibrates. Jim looks down and stares at his amulet.
You need to become both troll and hunter…
You need to be more…
He looks at his reflection in the mirror, he remembers the first time he transformed in his armor. He was chosen. This is his call to make.
He has to do this.
The cell phone falls off onto the floor while it continues to ring.
He’s not answering them. 
Jim is about to enter the bathtub but he stops when he hears his mother calling him, banging at the door.
“Jim, are you in there?” Barbara bangs at the door.
He wants to go back to them, to his mother, and his friends.
“Jim, what’s happening? Please, let us in! Are you okay?”
Then you hear Jim saying “I’m fine, mom. You don’t need to protect me. I think this is what I was meant to do.” from when Jim brought Barbara to the Heartstone to save her. It’s like conversation between them in his mind.
He has to do this, it’s what’s he is supposed to do.
As the last sunlight Jim would ever feel dawns on him, Jim remembers when he went to the darklands by himself.
Perhaps a parallel between the last time Jim made a decision to do something by himself? Either way at the end, Jim did face Gunmar by himself.
“Jimbo, we’re a team! Don’t do this!” Toby yells and they cut to Toby at the other side of the door knocking for Jim.
“I’m sorry, I have to finish the fight…alone.”
“Jim!” Claire yells
Claire. Jim thinks. He love her. He has protect the people he loves.
My amulet does not make mistakes
And of all creatures in our world, I chose you
Then there are these memories flashing with every single creature he had encountered in his his journey, troll, goblins, changelings...out of all then he was chosen.
Every single moment where he felt defeated but Jim persisted but continued to fight and won. Where Jim triumphed.
He was chosen, and there is a reason for that.
Out of all creatures in the world Jim has chosen something that others would be afraid of or wouldn’t even dare. Jim is scared. He doesn’t know what’s going to happened to him or how fast his life would change. He is losing a part of himself, and perhaps upon losing a part himself he might lose himself...
“They’ve freed Morgana!” Claire tells Jim through the door.
Jim want to go back to them, but after hearing that, if they have even the slightest chance of winning, Jim has to take it. Anything that will bring them one step closer to victory
He looks away from the door and steps into the bathtub.
This is it. This is when I realize he was actually gonna go through with it. I kept whispering to myself that he wasn’t gonna do it, but when he did, I begged for Strickler to open the door and stop him. I begged and I pleaded. But they didn’t make it in time. My heart utterly shattered into a million pieces for him.
Jim takes one last look at the world he knows. He’s scared, he’s afraid, but he has to this.
Blinky’s speech is going through his mind, pushing him forward telling him that he must go through with this.
His entire journey flashes in front of his eyes.
Every moment throughout his journey has come down to this.
This is for the people he loves. For his mom. For his friends. For every moment in his journey. For the world.
Jim closes his eyes and sinks into the bathtub.
Strickler finally busts the door opens and they all run inside the bathroom. But it’s too late.
“Jim!” there voices echo in the darkness.
Jim sinks into the deep black abyss.
He falls and falls
His amulet lights up; he’s in pain.
Strickler picks up the empty jar.
“What’s happened to my son? Where is my son?” Barbara asks Strickler who is in disbelief.
Claire and Toby are at the doorway. Neither can believe what just happened. They are in complete and total shock.
Where is Jim?
The light fades away
Jim continues to sink.
Then just darkness
You can hear Jim’s heartbeat and his breathing throughout the credits.
Is he coughing?
He’s breathing.
Then the episode ends.
I wiped the tears away from eyes and clean my nose.
A huge pit was in my stomach. Just an endless pit. My throat just choked up. I was eating a sandwich, I didn’t want to eat after that. In my head just thoughts running through my head. My chest had this agonizing pain that lasted for days.
I felt angry, frustrated and depressed. I just wanted to scream at the world. I felt like a lost a friend. It feels like a lost someone dear to me. A character I have related to, A character that hold near and dear to my heart. A character I would protect because I know he'd do the same for me. And in the show he did...
He saved everyone...
I finally broke down sobbing on the kitchen floor after I saw the sunset. I thought, “Jim Lake Jr can’t enjoy the sunset why should I?”I was so angry because it felt unfair. Jim deserves everything good in this world.
I questioned EVERYTHING. I questioned about myself. What was my purpose? What is my destiny? Why am I here? People think this is a joke how painful this was, well it isn’t, I was serious. All those posts about me being sad over Trollhunters are serious. I stared at the wall for the next couple off days.
I thought I could handle any angst Trollhunters was willing to throw at me. I was WRONG. I was so wrong. Never in a million years, I would have never imagine THAT.
Jim Lake Jr. a 16 year old CHILD had to make the biggest life changing decision in his life. I was 17 when season 3 was out, seeing a kid my age go through that was insane. That pain in my chest lasted for DAYS. Couldn’t stop thinking about this for WEEKS. And for MONTHS I wasn’t able to rewatch Trollhunters season 3. When i did I stopped at In Good Hands cuz I could not watch it again. Sometimes I would skip A House Divided altogether.
You know the more I think about it, the more I realized I couldn’t think of SINGLE way that better conveys the emotions and tells the story of what happen to Jim. The parallels of the scene that strongly suggest suicide, but the thing is, Jim didn’t kill himself, only a part of himself was lost. And through those parallels we felt what Jim really felt like.
Every single scene and detail was thought out so perfectly. The music absolutely breathtaking, from starting out as this ominous background music then gradually transforming into this heartbreaking music that further cut my soul in half. The lighting is stunning, having the last of the sunset’s light hit Jim in a heavenly way, like an angel because Jim is one. The sun setting as the day ends and when Jimhunters begins night arises which can be a metaphor for Jim’s transformation. The animation always so fantastic, but this time, I knew what Jim was thinking through his eyes, I saw fear, uncertainty, and indecisiveness. I saw fear in everyone who was at the door. The scenes they have chosen to play in the scene to have perfectly paralleled to what the characters where saying and thinking. Those scenes that were chosen only further proves how the visual effects of the show is beautiful are and with how stunning the dynamic shots and effects are.
Even after 2 years, I haven’t met a single animated feature that would come close to this.
Trollhunters taught me the true meaning of bittersweet is. When the final scene ended, I was happy that they finally defeated Gunmar and Morgana, but I felt like they lost so much more than this victory. Jim’s life changed overnight, Toby was left behind and separated from his closet friends, which was the final blow to my heart. It felt unfair, but then I realized we felt exactly what the writers wanted us to feel, how it feels like to lose, but get up and win.
James Lake Jr lost a part of himself, but he moved forward and won.
He did it.
Jim did win.
And if he can, then so can I
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creativenicocorner · 5 years
7, 8, and 13 for the otp ask - stricklake, please
Tadaa! @megan0013 💖 
7) What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Oooh I like this one! Hmm I think I’ll focus on the little changes for this one
With Barbara, she starts to frequently check to make sure her glasses aren’t dirty as often as she can (which intern, inspires Walter to carry a lens cloth with him for when Barbara misplaces hers, and to be suave). 
She also flosses more, mainly due to a very embarrassing moment that occurred while dating an ex, ( after all it is human to carry past experiences with us forward, even without realizing it), though the more comfortable with each other Barbara and Walter become the more she calms down about the flossing. Especially after a tiny moment by Walter (while unaware of the teeth and flossing thing) gestures her to lean forward, telling her she “has a little something right…” and kissing her before she has time to get worried. Which opens a wave of nervous laughter and a wholesome discussion. 
As for Walter fun “oh shit I caught the feels™” moment of delightful dread aside, he starts applying chapstick more, like he did so already but this time its more for the off chance he’s lucky enough to be kissed- he’d want those bad boys smooth and pillowy. 
He also does the laundry more, takes the time to press his clothes more, and coordinates detergent and perfume/cologne. He likes smelling clean, and adores that long inhale exhale people do when he smells nice, and being told he smells nice, and in a slightly more touch starved way - it invites others to linger a little more in their hugs or embraces or close proximity.  As affectionate as I HC him to be, he also longs for affection. 
In the words of Audrey Hepburn: “I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it.”
8 )Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Ooh a very good question I don’t think I’ve spent enough time thinking about!! Thank you! 
Hmm…Well we do know Walter appreciates being called “Walt” by his friends, and what the heck is an otp without the deepest thread of friendship?!?! What’s the point without being the best of friends to boot?!! 
I’ll have to come back to this and answer it far more properly some day, but in the meantime while I think about this better; if they ever do nicknames it would most certainly be born from an inside joke, and very very nerdy, as well as spontaneous and almost a surprise to themselves (especially in the ‘pet-name’ category). 
Though I suppose it should be noted that Barbara can get prickly with certain pet-names, especially if its one that was once used to patronize her.  
Pet names Walter would say to Barbara, and importantly that Barbara is 100% okay with: Love, Darling, Dearest.
Pet names Barbara would say to Walter: Honey, Chief, and when a bit drunk Sweet Pea 
13 Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Walter McFreaking ‘Let me kiss your hand to boot’ Strickler!! Hands down! 
When they first started dating Barbara was certainly braver than him when it came to reaching for a hand, or rather didn’t contemplate as much on the timing of it all. Whereas as frequent as Strickler was in offering a hand he was also a little strategic about it (even in the courtly sense lol)   
 But when they became more comfortable and established I am of the firm belief that this dude 100% has zero qualms in showing affection anytime anywhere. Strategy drops and frequency doubles anytime anywhere (double-y so after all the delicious changeling angst). 
Barbara has never once had to question whether or not he cares about her. Morally grey as he is, with so much of his life a question and being up in the air, the power of holding hands is very dear to his bi little heart. 
He’s the walking meme of the two people walking with one holding groceries, and when the other offers a hand to help hold the groceries he moves the groceries to one hand so the other is free for hand holding. 
We’re talking Gomez Addams level of hand holding / affection. 
And, I know this is deviating from the question a bit, but if I had to describe Walter’s version of “Tish! That’s French!” it’s Dr Barbara Lake discussing medicine and science. 
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elizabethemerald · 5 years
Jim is Honest AU, Lie 5
Jim Lake Jr lies again and again to his loved ones. What if instead, he told the truth? How would that affect his relationships, and story of Trollhunters? Let’s look at all the major lies and omissions Jim made and let’s turn them on their head. This time Let’s say Jim is Honest.
Strickler struggles with finding some way to turn Jim’s status as the Trollhunter to his advantage. However his conscious wars within him. What good would any advantage be if Gunmar is unleashed upon the world? What if there were a second option?
The final bell had rung for the day. Mr. Strickler sat in his office. They were getting closer and closer to their goal. The biggest obstacle was...Jim Lake. So far Strickler had managed to keep Bular in the dark about exactly how much he knew about the boy Trollhunter. He was starting to get worried that his fellow changelings might be more aware than they let on, but so far if they knew none had made a move against him. 
Strickler was trying to allow Jim to be killed without his direct intervention one way or the other. Jim had come to him, made himself vulnerable in asking for help. The last thing Strickler wanted was to betray that fragile trust. That thought in itself gave the changeling pause. Betrayal was second nature to him, it came to him as easy as breathing. Why should this boy be any different? Why should this boy stay his hand? Was there something in the innocence that made him pause? Or was it the boy’s mother? Dr. Lake certainly had a way about her that intrigued him. 
He looked closely at his pen as he thought. Truly the problem lay in his own selfish nature. What would killing the boy himself do? He could be the greatest of the changelings, which he already was. But to Bular and Gunmar he would be the greatest of their dogs, maybe the last to be killed and eaten, but that fate still only felt like a matter of time. He was sure he could manipulate Jim into opening Killahead Bridge willingly, but again what would that accomplish? Jim would either live the rest of his life as much a slave as the changelings or be the first human killed and eaten by Gunmar. Strickler doubted the Skullcrusher would care what his personal effort had been in convincing the boy. If only there was some way to turn the Trollhunter to his advantage. 
Almost as if his thought has summoned him, there was knock at his office door. Jim stuck his head in. Strickler found a genuine smile crossing his face, one mixed with relief that he wasn’t currently wearing his armor. 
“Mr. Strickler, do you have moment to talk about the chess club?” Jim asked. 
“For you my boy? Always, please come in.”
Strickler watched as Jim came in and sat down, not that surprising but the boy seemed stressed. 
“As glad as I am to see you, and not stuck in your armor, I confess I’m surprised to hear from you today. Karl told me that you had to give your spanish presentation today via Toby’s laptop. He said you were too sick to come in person.”
Strickler took a sip of his tea, that wasn’t all Uhl had said about the strange presentation in the staff lounge over terrible coffee, but Strickler was able to way lay any suspicions with a few small jokes then changed the subject. Jim rubbed his hand on the back of his head. 
“Yeah, I had bad run in with a fergulator, and the effects hadn’t worn off yet.”
Strickler immediately choked on his tea. “A run in with a what?”
“A fergulator. It shrinks stuff down, and apparently takes more than a single night to sleep off the effects.”
What on earth could Blinkous be thinking using a fergulator on a living being? Much less a human boy? It could have killed him, or just kept him pint sized forever. The Janus Order obviously had a few fergulators at their own disposale, but he would never put a changeling in the device. Mostly they used them to shrink large pieces of the Bridge down to sneak across state lines. He carefully wiped the tea he spilled on himself up. 
“I’m glad you’re back to your regular size than. Now was this what you wanted to discuss, or…?”
“Well, Blinky’s been training me on the three rules of being a Trollhunter. And I’m a little concerned.”
Strickler sat forward interested. He couldn’t say he was surprised to find out the trolls had three rules for Trollhunting, especially considering his own three rules for being a changeling. How exactly the Trollhunters were trained would be incredibly useful information. 
“And what are these three rules?” He asked, a calm mask carefully in place. 
“The first one is the easiest!” Jim immediately took on Blinky’s diction, Strickler almost smirked at how  accurate it was. “Rule Number one, Always be afraid.”
“Well that seems to make sense. Fear makes you aware, heightens your senses.” Strickler clicked his pen open then closed. 
“That’s exactly what Blinky said!” Strickler immediately wished he could take his words back, just on the principle of agreeing with Blinkous Galadrigal. 
“Mm. And what is rule number two?”
“See this is the rule that I have a problem with.” Jim hesitated, his hand again rubbing the back of his head. “Rule number two is Always finish the fight.”
“Meaning I’m supposed to kill my opponent.” Jim hung his head. “How am I supposed to do that? I don’t even like killing spiders in my house! I’ve called Toby over to deal with some of them. How am I supposed to kill someone?”
Strickler thought about that. If this were one of his changeling underlings he would say better to get over this feeling soon or they would be replaced. Changelings were assassins as well as spies. His own first kill had been his own human parents, and he had been out of the fetch for less time than Jim had been alive. Not that he really mourned his parents, they were bastards from day one. 
“Like today, I shrunk down yesterday in the fergulator to get a gnome out of a hole, it had stolen my amulet. I managed to capture it alive, and Blinky was insistent that I kill it.” Strickler struggled not to laugh at the idea of a gnome succeeding where changelings had failed for centuries, removing the amulet from the Trollhunter. “Toby hid him in a dollhouse. And it seems like the little guy just wanted a place for his own. He didn’t want to fight us.”
That caught Strickler’s attention. Any troll who had been called to bear the mantle of Trollhunter would have killed the gnome without question. The creatures are notorious pests, rated below spiders and rats to most of troll kind, only slightly above venomous giant toads. But Jim didn’t have any of the biases other trolls had. Could that mean perhaps… Strickler cleared his throat. He had to tread carefully here. 
“I have done a small amount of research on legends surrounding trolls since you brought their existence to my awareness. Are you perhaps familiar with the legends of changelings?”
Jim seemed a little confused by the change in topic, but shook his head. 
“Your trainer, Blinky you said his name was?” A nod of his head. “Has Blinky mentioned changelings at all?” A shake of his head. Walter took a shallow breath. A blank slate. No opinions on changelings. 
“According to legends changelings were the young of trolls, stolen away, then subjected to dark magics. Those magics bound them with a human infant, a familiar. The changeling takes the infant’s place in our world.” Strickler carefully studied Jim’s expression as he talked. The boy had nothing but compassion on his face, none of the disdain or disgust that a troll might have. “The changelings are forced to walk the line between the human and troll worlds. Forever outcast from both because of the magic that was done to them.”
“That’s...awful.” Jim said, his expression downcast. 
“Yes and the legends and stories, though shrouded and changed by time and retelling seem to say that because of this the changelings are forced to serve the same cruel masters that stole them away when they were young. They are never able to be fully part of either society.” Strickler watched as Jim hung his head. “Now Jim you are human, you weren’t raised in the world of trolls. You may not have the same views as they have about things.”
“I presume you spared the life of this gnome you spoke of?” He waited for Jim’s nod, then continued. “And I’m sure you’ve found yourself capable of living along side this gnome, despite Blinky’s feelings on the matter?”
“Well he’s living with Toby not me, but yeah.”
“Troll society seems to be a place where to them finishing a fight makes sense. But if you have the chance to offer a creature a hand up in this world, be they troll or gnome or changeling, perhaps you have the opportunity to change things, to cross lines that have existed for millennia. When you get the chance, will you offer your hand?”
Strickler put out his hand. Jim looked at it, and the changeling could see the boy’s mind racing, before he proudly shook the hand. The simple handshake felt...monumentous. It didn’t last long however. After a mere second Jim’s phone rang. He let go of Strickler’s hand and answered his phone. 
“Uh yeah I’ll be home soon. Bye mom!” Jim was soon saying grabbing his bag. “Thanks so much Mr. Strickler. You’ve given me a lot to think about.”
With that the boy ran out the door. Strickler sat back for a second, a smug grin on his face. The seed had been planted. He would need to reach out to some of his compatriots in the Order. Some who shared his views about Bular’s heel grinding down on their necks. Otto maybe? No he was too much of a boot licker. Nomura always had a problem with authority. Maybe he could have her reach out, approach the Trollhunter when he was alone, to extend a hand as it were. 
As Strickler thought and planned, he realized he never did find out what Rule number three was. Too late now, he doubted it would be a problem for him though.
Lie 1, Lie 2, Lie 3, Lie 4
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ask-madam-ruby · 5 years
Happy Birthday Ruby! (One Shot)
Featuring @moonfrost-614-queen-of-darkness @arcadiaoaksusedbooks and @healing-and-promises OCs
When Sasha learn about her father’s death, she was of course devastated. But she can’t imagine what her pregnant mother would feel. Especially during her birthday.
So she had an idea.
“A surprise birthday? That is such a human thing to do.” Milo comment.
“Milo, mom is pregnant and she lost her husband. She needs some enjoyment and loved ones in her life.” Sasha argue.
“Don’t be such an ass Milo! Mother would love it!” Hugo nudge Milo’s arm.
“Fine. I’ll do it. Only to help mother.”
Sasha smile. “Good. Now. I need you both to find a few people to come.”
“Like who?” Hugo ask.
“Like her friends, I know Nadia is a good friend of mom’s. As well as Stricklander and Nomura. Oh! And her neighbors Eir, Sol, and Indra and their pups! And..” Sasha pause and frown.
“And Jess?” Milo ask.
“You think Jess would come?” Sasha ask.
Milo shrug. “I don’t know. But if I speak to the right people, she may come.”
Sasha smile a little. “Okay. Milo will talk to the changelings. Hugo, you talk to Nadia and your wife and kids, and I’ll speak to Eir and Sol about the surprise party.”
The brothers nod in agreement.
It’s been a few days since Ruby’s birthday. It’s ten at night and the sun is down. In an open field in the forest close to Ruby’s house, everyone was busy setting up.
Stickler, Sasha and Nomura where busy setting up the food table. Daan, Frida, and Milo put the decorations together. Hugo, his wife Ana, and Nadia are lighting the tiki torches and candles on the tables as Hugo and Ana’s children, Yuri, Taya and Balor run around playing tag.
“Thank you so much for being here. We couldn’t have done it without you.” Milo said to Daan and Frida, who were hanging up the banner on a tree.
“It’s no problem Milo, besides it’s nice to see mother again.” Daan said with a smile. “Right sis?”
“I suppose. I’m only here for my girlfriend.” Frida said as she tied the strings around the tree.
Milo roll his eyes at Frida. “Did Sasha drag you to come here?”
“You bet.” Frida joke and Milo and Frida laugh.
Sol walked towards the field and they walk to Sasha. “Are you ready? Eir told me Ruby is home and that she will make sure she stays at home.”
Sasha looks around. Everyone and everything is ready. Expect for one troll who is missing.
“We have to wait for Jess.”
Sol frown. “Sasha, we don’t want to keep them waiting.”
Sasha sigh. “Your right.” She turns to Sol. “Please get them.”
Ruby lay in her nest with her two little whelps laying on chest. Eir sit with Ruby with her own three whelps. Sati and Shakti are playing on their mother’s lap but Lakshmi took a special interest on the two new born whelps. Lakshmi crawl up to them and sniff the green one. The green female look over at Lakshmi and made a squeak noise. Lakshmi back a little, afraid she may had hurt the green newborn.
“It’s ok Lakshmi, she’s just happy to see you.” Ruby assures her.
Lakshmi looks over at Ruby and then back at the green troll and she leans in until they touch noises.
Ruby and Eir couldn’t help but chuckle at their interaction.
Indra walk into the room and he clears his throat. Eir turn to Indra and he nod at her. She smile and nod back.
“Mama, why don’t we go on a walk with our little ones? It’s such a beautiful night out.”
Ruby turned to EIr. “Yes. Fresh air is something I need.”
Sol rushes back to the party. “Ok! Their coming!”
Everyone stand into a ground. Ana and Nadia call their children in and the kids come running back to their side.
Ruby walk with Eir and Indra. Eir and Indra talk to each other about the moon, but Ruby wasn’t paying attention. She watch Lakshmi, Sati and Shakti run ahead of them. Those three grew fast. Ruby has her little whelps in a baby bag on her chest. The two little whelps look around at the trees and stars and moon with curiousity. It’s their first time they went outside when their awake.
“Ruby, let’s go over here, I think I see something!” Eir said as they walk pass some trees.
Ruby follow the group and walk pass the trees and into a open field.
Ruby gasp as her friends and family stand around the bright field that looks like a party.
“Happy birthday!” Everyone cheer.
Ruby stood in shock. But so did Sasha, Milo and Hugo when they notice the two little whelps in the baby bag beginning to whine.
The three siblings walk up to their mom. “Mom...you given birth and didn’t tell us?” Sasha ask.
“I given birth last night sweetie. And I would told you all if you had cell phones.”
“What’s a cell phone?” Hugo ask.
“Exactly.” Ruby chuckle and she hug her children.
A crowd gathers around Ruby and the whelps.
“Madam Ruby, I see you given birth to two healthy babies.” Strickler comment.
“Walt! Nomura! Your both here too!”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Nomura respond and she hugged Ruby.
She then look up at the two purple trolls, one looks like Draal and one looks like Nomura. She recognizes them.
“Daan, Frida! My you both grown so much since I last saw you.”
“It’s good to see you too Miss Ruby.” Daan said.
Sasha walks beside Frida. “Mom, Frida and I are dating.”
Ruby smiles big. “It took you long enough!” She joke.
“Mom!” Sasha laughs.
Ana walk up to Ruby with two little, multi eye children.
“Mom, this is my wife Ana. And our children Yuri and Taya.” Hugo introduce.
“It’s nice to meet you Miss.” Ana said in Trollish.
Ruby turns to Hugo. “You got married and have children and didn’t tell your own mother!”
Hugo shrug. “Sorry ma.”
Yuri, the light red troll, and Taya, the light purple troll, walk up to Ruby.
“Grandma?” Yuri said.
Ruby form tears in her eyes and nod. “Yes, I am your grandma. It’s so nice to finally meet you both.”
Taya slowly walk up to Ruby and hold up a daisy. “Happy birthday grandma….” She shyly said.
Ruby smile big and took the flower. “Thank you sweetie.”
Then it was Nadia’s turn to greet Ruby. Ruby hug her friend.
“Ruby. Happy birthday!”
“Thank you for being here.”
Nadia chuckle. “Why would I miss my friend’s birthday?”
Ruby and Nadia pull away and Ruby look at the many familiar faces. But one was missing.
“Where is Jess?”
Sasha frown. “I’m sorry mom, we tried to talk her to come but-“
“Hi mom.”
The crowd turn and Jess and a red Ombré troll walk towards the crowd.
“Sorry we are late.” Jess apologizes.
Ruby begins to cry. “Oh Jess!”
She and Jess hug. The little whelps begin to cry. Jess look down at the whelps.
“So. I am no longer the youngest one, huh?” Jess joked.
“I guess not.”
“What are their names?” Strickler ask.
Ruby point at the red male. “This is Demitri.” And then she points at the green female. “And this is Nika.”
Nika begin to yawn and the adults begin to chuckle and mention how cute the whelps are.
“Well, I’m hungry! Shall we eat?” Jess ask.
“Yes, let’s eat!” Hugo agree.
Everyone talk and eat and dance at some music the radio played. The children play with each other. The adults talk and make jokes. They ate some chocolate forest cake Eir and Nadia made together. Ruby got to spend time with her children and grandchildren.
Ruby haven’t felt this happy since Dictatious died. All of these people and trolls reminded her that she is loved and cared for. Ruby normally doesn't celebrate her birthday like this. But this is the best birthday she ever had.
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Trollhunters Dadswap AU part 19
things are getting dangerous and fast! Buckle up, Trollhunter! cause you’ve got a dinner date with The Jailer! And he’s here to collect!
But we’re not starting with Jim.
no we’re starting with Notenrique and his “mom” enjoying a walk in the park. They’re taking a break at a bench while mom is making faces at him and such to make little baby Enrique laugh. He goes cold though when she looks up as someone approaches and he sees an all too familiar hand holding a silver handled cane out of the corner of his carrier.
“My apologies, miss,” the equally familiar Scottish voice says, “is it alright if I sit with you?”
“no go ahead.”
She scoots a bit to the side to give him room. Notenrique tries not to show his fear when Bhaltair sits down beside her and smiles at him.
“What a cute child you have,” he grins, “I just adore children. May I ask their name?”
“Enrique” mom calmly replies.
Just then like in canon her phone rings and she gets up to answer it. Flawlessly, Bhaltair’s cane handle hooks onto the carrier and turns it more closely towards him. He smiles at Notenrique and rests his head on one of his hands while the other gingerly traces the filigree engraving on the handle.
“Start talking, Enriqus.”
Notenrique bundles himself under his blanket and shifts back to his regular form.
“I promise ya boss, if I could easily sneak out and speak ta Heimdrel I would!”
“I’m not here for promises,” Bhaltair muses, “I’m here for answers.”
NotEnrique swallows hard as his eyes momentarily focus on the hand caressing the cane handle. He looks back up to Bhaltair and he speaks quickly and quietly.
“I can’t hardly leave the house without raisin’ suspicion. Hardly even get ta go to trollmarket cause of it!”
“Trollmarket?” Bhaltair sits up and leans forward. “you’ve been compromised?!”
“’S not like I had a say in the matter,” the little changeling pleads, “they used a gaggle-tak on me!”
“and they’ve taken you to the market? Why? Tell me.”
“it’s like I said! I haven’t gotten ta get out much!”
“just tell me what you know.... or perhaps you’d be just fine with your familiar’s face being the next one to show up on a milk carton?”
“Boss I swear,” Notenrique begs, “I hardly know a thing! All I can say is that after some fight in the museum, they’re getting real determined ta find the bridge! That’s all I know!”
Bhaltair sits back and rubs his chin in thought.
“......fine. I’ll believe you, but Heimdrel could use a bit more convincing.” he sits back forward and holds something out to Notenrique. “see to it your new friends get their hands on this.”
Nonenrique takes the item and looks it over. It’s a changeling key.
“What is-”
“a spare key to my personal study. You can find it in my apartment room. it will also open the key to the apartment itself.”
Notenrique looks it over while Bhaltair continues, “The bridge is almost complete. Tonight the Amulet will be ours. I expect you to keep the Trollhunter’s friends occupied while I take care of him.”
“how am I supposed ta get this to em, exactly?”
“I have that already taken care of. Just do this for me, and I will wipe your slate clean.” Before Notenrique can say anything else, the mother returns and he hides under the blanket. Bhaltair sits back and smiles to her warmly.
“They’re so cute at that age, aren’t they? If only they could stay that way.”
meanwhile Jim is preparing breakfast as Barbra walks down the stairs. She kisses his head and he smirks.
“hey there, tiger.”
“ha, morning mom.”
“So what’s on the menu today?”
“nothing too crazy, just some scrambled eggs for breakfast, and I already packed your lunch for the day.”
“you didn’t pack dinner though, did you?”
“not yet, why?”
Barbra takes a sigh of relief.
“oh good. We were having company over tonight.”
“oh? who’s coming? Strickler?”
“close. I'm going to invite him, but I’ve mainly invited Bhaltair over. I can’t seem to remember, but I think the dinner with Mr. Takato went well, so I figured why not have another get together?”
Jim nervously laughs a bit at the mentioning of that night, “heh, yeah... it went real smoothly.”
“good, then! I’ll be sure to get off work on time today to help you with the cooking.”
“pretty sure something’s up with this Bhaltair guy your mom works with” Toby says at lunch.
“oh really?” Jim takes a bite of his sandwich. “do tell.”
“I’m not sure what’s up but he just... rubs me the wrong way, ya know? I’m not sure if he’s got something to hide, or if it’s cause he’s getting friendly with you and your mom at a scary rate, but I just don’t like him.”
“I’ll take your word for it, Tobes.”
“Well I haven’t been wrong so far now have I?”
“you know what? you’re right.”
Toby folds his arms and gives Jim a concerning look.
“I think you’re worrying too much, Toby. I honestly doubt we have any more changelings to worry about.”
“that’s what you said before we found out about Claire’s little brother.”
Jim covers Toby’s mouth and nervously smiles at Claire as she walks by.
“hey Claire”
“Hey, Jim....?”
As Claire continues to walk past she overhears the last bit of the conversation.
“look, there’s absolutely no danger, but you know I have it covered. Strickler will be there as well. Everything is going to be just fine.”
Claire narrows her eyes slightly. Suspicions are beginning to rise in this teenager.
that night
Bular paces back and forth a bit restlessly as Jim tells him what’s going on
“If your... Tubey friend is correct, then this would obviously be a trap.”
“ok first off, it’s Toby, but you’re right. But I’m pretty certain for once he’s wrong. Bhaltair hasn’t shown a single sign of being a changeling, and even if he did why on earth would it be a doctor? Dentist maybe but not a doctor. Isn’t that what Strickler said?”
“regardless” Bular folds his arm with a huff “I don’t like it.”
Jim sighs and rubs his temples a moment.
“Look I gotta head back upstairs and help my mom cook and hopefully not burn the house down. If it’ll make you feel better I guess we can make a code.”
“ok, so if anything goes wrong and Strickler and I need you, I’ll hit my foot on the floor two times.”
Bular thinks it over before grunting and nodding. “agreed. But do you not fear your mother discovering me?”
“If it’s to the point that Strickler and I need you to come upstairs, it’s probably safe to say she might as well find out.”
“as you wish, Trollhunter.”
Strickler arrives a little early, giving Barbra a kiss on the hand and pulling Jim to the side.
“Angor tells me that we have new progress on finding the bridge. Notenrique has gotten his hands on a Chageling key. He and Nomura are taking Toby and Angor Rot to the location. With any luck by the time this party is over we’ll have more than enough information to locate the bridge and put a stop to all this madness before it even starts.”
Jim smiles as Strickler helps him set the table.
“good! I’m glad. Maybe I’ll be able to relax for a little while and get the play done without any worries.”
“we can hope, young atlas. But, don’t go and hope that it will mean we will cut back on your training. The Trollhunter must be ever vigilant. The end of one great evil could easily be the birth of another.”
“way to not sound totally cryptic.”
“It’s a hobby.”
the doorbell rings. Barbra answers the door and happily welcomes Bhaltair inside.
“everyone have a seat, I’ll bring the food out in a moment!”
Toby checks a hallway to see if the coast is clear before running down it like he’s in a spy movie. With still no movement, he waves his hand to signal the others that it’s safe to follow. Notenrique leads the rag-tag party down the hall towards him when there is a loud thud behind them. Nomura turns around and goes to Draal’s side, who is rubbing his head and mumbling angrily with his other hand on the door frame.
“you ok?”
“I’m fine, but why why must humans be so small? I can hardly fit my horns through any of these entrances!”
there is a pause while Angor Rot, Toby, and Notenrique wait for the pair to catch up.
“So... why did you guys insist to bring along Thick McRunfast, again?” Notenrique taps his foot a bit impatiently. “these cameras will only be off for so long, ya know!”
Angor Rot also folds his arms and replies, “His strength could be of good use.”
“yeah, in an arena or smithing forge! This is an apartment complex not the Olympics!”
“it doesn’t matter cause he’s here now, but come one you guys Notenrique is right! We gotta get in this changeling’s room before anyone spots us!”
back at the dinner party everyone is having a good time telling stories and jokes around the table. Eventually however, Strickler raises his glass to take a drink before starting up a new topic.
“Oh Bhaltair, I remember something you mentioned in our last conversation.”
The man raises an eyebrow as he turns his attention to the school teacher.
“You said that you had a variety of hobbies that you... oh what was it... can’t do away with?” Strickler rests his head on one hand while taking another sip of his drink. “you simply must tell me what some of those hobbies are.”
Bhaltair clears his throat before getting an equally big smile on his face.
“Oh you know, it’s the usual sort of thing.” He also takes a drink. He looks up at Strickler from his glass before adding, “collecting things, mostly.”
“I see! Any items you just can’t live without?”
Bhaltair sits his drink down and smiles even bigger.
“You know, there’s one stone I’ve been trying to find. It was my prize possession, but unfortunately I let someone borrow it, and it was stolen. I would very much enjoy getting it back.”
“what a shame... but you know what they say. If you truly care for something, you set it free.”
“You know I.... was never all that good at letting things go.”
Jim and Barbra give each other slightly confused looks until suddenly the oven dings. Barbra rises and smiles.
“that must be dessert! I’ll clear up plates if any of you are done eating and bring that right out for all of us.”
Barbra leaves and Jim tries to finish his meal when Bhaltair takes another drink.
“You still don’t know when to quit while you’re ahead, do you Stickler?”
Jim almost chokes on his food and looks up to see both men shooting daggers at each other with their eyes.
“I learned from the best, now didn’t I?”
Jim nervously reaches into his pocket to check and make sure the Amulet is there.
“uh.... what’s going on, guys?”
“Jim, you can stop pretending.”
Jim looks at Strickler.
“he knows who and what we are.”
Notenrique hands Toby the key, who proceeds to unlock the door and lead the group inside- Draal taking note to duck this time.
Inside the Apartment is a wide array of bookshelves and a few tapestries, but most of the home is nothing out of the ordinary. Toby closes the door behind them and everyone gets to work looking for any clues. Notenrique, however, quietly sneaks away to the bedroom, his ears drooped as guilt may or may not be starting to take a hold of his conscience. 
Meanwhile (again) Bular is sulking in the basement, sharpening one of his swords on his arm when he suddenly hears a noise. He looks up to a window to see a tiny human crawling in. At first he thinks to attack, but when she kicks a bucket and freezes in fear of being discovered, he chooses to instead go undiscovered as well.
He sheathes his sword and backs up into the shadows, making sure to remain facing her back at all times as she looks around. She accidentally knocks something else over, causing a could of dust. Bular holds his breath and takes another step back. The human sticks her head up against a pipe and tries to listen to the conversation above until her cellphone goes off.
Bular is thus trapped behind her up against the furnace with no way of going undetected should she at any point turn around. Luckily for him he blends in pretty well to the shadows.
“As much as I’d love to drag you out of here, Strickler, all the while begging for your life, I’m not here for you. Not yet, anyway.”
Bhaltair stands.
“I’m here for the amulet.”
Jim gets up and takes a defensive step back, hand subtly grabbing onto his steak knife on the table.
“come now, lad. Just give me the amulet and you shall all live.”
“yeah, only to be eaten by Heimdrel in a few weeks, am I right?”
the three suddenly sit down as Barbra reenters and takes their plates.
“I hope you like Apple Pie, Bhaltair. It’s a special recipe.”
“i’m sure it will be delicious. But don’t fret too much! Take your time preparing it.”
Barbra nods and returns to the kitchen. Instantly Bhaltair leaps forward towards Strickler with his knife, only to be parried by Jim who jumped in the way. Strickler grabs his knife as well and takes a defensive stance. Bhaltair backs up towards his chair, grabbing hold of his cane.
“Did you really think you’d get out of here so easily, Bhaltair? Two against one with a human in the other room?”
“Discovery isn’t so bad when you can easily wipe memory. A few minutes in my care and Barbra wouldn’t even remember she ever had a son.”
Bhaltair lunges towards them and his cane locks with their knives.
“you have no idea what I am capable of, boy. I have seen and done things that would freeze you in your tracks. If only you knew, perhaps you’d be willing to cooperate.”
Jim smirks.
“if only you knew that I had Bular in my Basement.”
Jim then hits the floor twice.
Claire looks up at the roof with an eyebrow raised, and Bular instantly remembers the code. He takes a step forward but freezes when he remembers Claire.
Jim looks at the floor and stomps again.
Bular looks confused now. He looks at his hand and starts counting. he looks frustrated. He knows what two stomps means, but what does more than that mean?! Bular also starts trying to look for an exit that wont alert the human of his presence.
Bhaltair smirks and stomps his foot on the floor as well, but his hit makes extra dust fall from the ceiling of the basement. Bular covers his nose but Claire doesn’t, causing her to sneeze.
Not thinking about it and with his back turned to her, Bular calmly replies, “bless you.” 
He freezes upon realizing what he did. Claire freezes upon realizing she’s not alone in the basement.
Both very slowly turn to look over each other’s shoulder. Claire of course screams and backs away when Bular fully turns around to face her with those terrifying glowing eyes of his, hitting her head on the pipe and passing out from the force. Bular has a very panicked look on his face as she falls to the ground.
Back upstairs, Barbra is completely unaware of the chaos beginning to happen in the dining room. It’s two on one as Jim and Strickler take the advance. When Bhaltair dodges a strike from Jim and then gets a punch to the chest from Strickler as a result, the man leans forward to catch his breath from the force of the punch.
“I had no idea you could hit that hard.”
“It’s all in the art of the battle. If you read your history homework from last week you would have known that. Now let’s get him out of here.”
As Jim and Strickler jump forward and grab Bhaltair by the arms the man let’s out a very frustrated noise and easily tosses the two of them off.
Barbra somehow doesn’t notice the bright green Glow of Bhaltair’s human glamour melting away to reveal the troll form hidden just beneath.
Suddenly everything is so clear. The need for a cane, the slightly static movements, everything giving the impression that he was wearing something a few sizes two small. Bhaltair opens his four firely red glowing eyes and stretches his massive wings as he takes a moment to regain the feeling of movement in body parts long since hidden beneath his smaller disguise.
His tail is thick and flared at the end. It reminded Jim of a crocodile. On a strap across his chest is several glowing blue crystals. Bhaltair brushes back his fiery red Mohawk before smirking.
“it’s been a while since I’ve been able to stretch my wings. How lucky of me that my first job back in my real form is to slaughter you both.”
It’s then that Bhaltair lifts his cane from the floor, pulling on the smooth black wood to reveal a blade hidden in the hilt all this time.
“I will give you one last chance, boy. Give me the amulet.”
Jim steps back into fighting stance as Strickler shifts to his own form and plucks some knives off of his cowl.
“not on your life.”
Bhaltair’s eyes narrow as his wrist strategically twists the filigree engraved handle of the cane. He swings his arm and the blade stretches out into a whip covered in the razor sharp edges of the sword. 
“so be it.”
Back in the apartment, the team has looked high and low for any clues with no luck. It’s then that Toby goes into the bedroom and finds Notenrique taking a look around. He looks clearly bothered by something.
“everything ok in here, little dude?”
“wha? Oh yeah... just uh... checkin his livin quarters fer any changeling locks he may have hidden in here. I hear this key would be able ta unlock that too if we can find it.”
“ok.... you look real glum though.... you wanna talk about it.”
“nah, just missed me nap is all.”
Toby enters the room fully.
“Well at least let me help you look.”
obviously they find it since Notenrique has known where the lock is this whole time.
“Angor Rot, Nomura! You might wanna come in here! We found a changeling lock!”
without hesitation, Nomura unlocks the hidden door. inside are some various notes, a more noteworthy trail starting in Scotland and paths leading from there all the across the north american continent. Was he looking for something? While Nomura, Angor Rot, and Draal look over the map, Toby takes note of the portal.
“careful with that, Toby!” Nomura takes the portal from him. “this portal leads to the darklands! Who knows what could be on the other side!”
meanwhile Angor Rot’s eyes haven’t left the map.
“It can’t be....”
a battle of epic proportions is breaking out in Jim’s living room. Bhaltair sweeps under the two of them with his whip, knocking the two to the ground and tackles Jim. Jim proceeds to use the sword of daylight as a barrier, keeping Bhaltair’s teeth away from his throat as he clearly tries to bite.
Bhaltair growls and keeps applying pressure on the blade while one of his free arms reaches for one of the gems on his armor.
“let’s see how a few hours in the torture chambers will sort you out!”
Bhaltair raises the crystal, about to crush it, when one of Strickler’s Knives shoot it out of his hand. Jim then gets the leverage to dig his foot onto Bhaltair’s torso and kicks him off. As Bhaltair tries to regain his balance Strickler tackles him and pins him to the table.
“almost ready guys! Sorry it’s taken so long. I had uh.... a bit of a problem with the oven but I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“not a problem, Barbra!” Strickler calls while trying to muffle the fight.
“yeah mom don’t worry! it’ll be great!”
back in the apartment, Angor Rot has collected up several books he feel Vendel or the Galdrigal brothers would find interesting, while Nomura is trying to figure where the portal leads in the Darklands. Toby sits solemnly on the bed beside Notenrique- who is looking more and more nervous by the second.
“you sure you’re ok?”
“oh yeah...”
Bhaltair has turned the tables and is now strangling Strickler on the table, when Barbra suddenly comes back in, she looks in to see the three of them at the table all talking and smiling.
“neither of you have a whip cream allergy, do you?”
“not at all, Barbra.”
“I’m fine too.”
“Ok! it’ll be just a few minutes more~”
The second the door is closed Strickler lands a good hit on Bhaltair’s jaw. Before Jim can return to his armor though, Bhaltair uses his whip to knock the amulet out of his hand. Bhaltair rubs his jaw before punching Strickler back. His hit sends the teacher stumbling back as Jim leaps forward and hits Bhaltair in the side.
Bhaltair, still stumbling from the earlier hit to his chest, falls to his hands and knees. Strickler leaps forward and puts him in a headlock while Jim grabs one of the knives from the table. He holds it to Bhaltair’s neck.
“Alright Changeling, talk! Where is the bridge?” Strickler loosens his grip just enough to allow Bhaltair to speak.
“And what makes you think I’d tell an exile that?”
Jim reminds him of the knife at his neck.
“you talk or you die, Bhaltair.”
“I didn’t slay over 50 of my kind to crumble beneath your petty little knife, boy. You will never make me talk.”
“You give me no choice, Bhaltair. farewell, Jailer.”
Unfortunately, Barbra finally enters with her promised pie. It’s covered in whip cream to clearly hide the burns from the oven. She comes to see Bhaltair in a headlock while Jim is holding onto his coat. The trio quickly improvise,Jim fixing his coat while Strickler popping Bhaltair’s neck.
“there we go, isn’t that so much better, doctor?”
“ah, yes. thank you, professor. I had no idea you were knowledgeable in chiropractory.”
“uh... yes. you could call it a side hobby of mine...”
“is everything ok in here?”
“huh? oh yeah mom everything’s fine! Bhaltair just ended up getting a kink in his neck and Strickler was sorting it out. Totally normal.”
“okayyyyy? well the pie is ready if anyone wants to have some with me.”
While Jim and Strickler are distracted by Barbra, Bhaltair pulls a fake copy of the Amulet of Daylight and swaps it out with the real one under the bookshelf. He carefully picks up his cane and returns to the table with Jim and Strickler.
Bhaltair leaves later with pleasant goodbyes and leftovers.
Strickler leaves soon after with a graceful kiss of Barbra’s hand, and a promise to meet with her again soon.
Jim turns to talk to his mother when he notices Bular looking out from the basement door with a deep panic in his eyes. in which case he quickly runs forward and turns his mom back around before she sees the troll.
“UH you know mom it’s been a *fake yawn* a long night. why don’t you head to bed for the night, huh? I can take care of the dishes.”
“you don’t have to do that Jim, at least let me-”
Jim looks over her shoulder to see Bular hold up Claire’s still passed the heck out. He laughs nervously and pats his mother’s shoulder.
“nononononono it’s fine mom! you go up to bed and I’ll take care of everything! Promise!”
As the group lock the door behind them, Toby takes one last glance at Notenrique. He seems pretty relieved all of a sudden. He returns home without another word to anyone.
as the gang prepare to enter Trollmarket, Toby is suddenly pulled back by AAARRRGGHH!!! who seems pretty terrified. Angor Rot steps forward to listen.
“was watching Trollhunter house. He is here. Angor, Jailer is here!”
Angor Rot nods, sitting his stolen books on the ground and approaching the troll.
“Think he saw me. Ran. Can’t hide at Toby house anymore. Jailer come for me and kill humans inside if I do!”
“I know I know,” Angor Rot thinks hard when Nomura notices something sinister about one of the books.
“Look out!” Suddenly Nomura leaps forward, pushing Angor Rot and AAARRRGGHH!!! away from the book pile.
A dark smoke shoots out from one of the books and wraps around Nomura’s leg. said book opens and begins to drag her towards it.
“A trap!” Angor Rot draws his blade.
He is, however, unable to act. If only because Draal instantly goes into action.
“Hold onto her!”
Angor Rot and AAARRRGGHH!!! hold onto her arms while Draal approaches the trap book. The book reacts negatively the moment he gets close, but cant’t stop the troll from grabbing onto the pages in his prosthetic hand and tear them out. He helps Nomura up as the smoke clears.
“so that’s why Notenrique was acting strange. The little gremlin must have known there was a trap!” Draal crumples the pages in his prosthetic furiously.
“now hang on, Draal, he seemed pretty guilty more than anything. I think... he may have been forced into it.”
“regardless of his involvement in his, it’s no longer safe for AAARRRGGHH!!! to hide in your home. We must convince Vendel to let him into the market. Tonight.”
finally at the Bridge building site, Heimdrel continues to wait Bhaltair’s return. When the changeling enters, fully in his true gargoyle-ish form, Heimdrel is instantly confronting him.
“Well? Does the boy still live?”
“You of little faith, did you really think I would take that honor from you?” 
Bhaltair flips the amulet in his hand like a coin before holding it where Heimdrel can see.
 “but it’s of no matter. Come tomorrow, not even the Trollhunter will be able to stop us.”
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fear-before-valor · 4 years
(Thank you again for your help with the trollish, by the way!!)
Tranz by Gorillaz
When you get back on Saturday night And your head is caving in Do you look like me, do you feel like me Do you turn into your effigy?
Jim stared into his bathroom mirror, where a crack remained that had never been repaired. He traced over his own doing with a very human fingertip, though he’d made the crack with, at the time, stone hands, instead of the warm ones that he was peering at now. The crack had split the mirror down the middle, and spiderwebbed into smaller offshoots that weren’t quite enough to completely distort his reflection; they were only just enough to make something look Not Right. Though, to be fair to the mirror, every time Jim had seen himself since even as far back as Eternal Night— and really, was that even that long ago? Or did it only feel that way?— something had felt Not Right. Capital N, capital R, Not Right. He’d seen it in everyone’s faces; in the brave way his mother had tried to hide her fear and worry behind support, but he could tell. He’d always been able to tell, with her. And Toby. And Blinky, after a while. He’d seen the worried faces of his family who tried to be strong for him, like he tried to be strong for them. But no amount of strength could hide when something uncontrolled in their faces blanched for just a moment, when they’d looked at him, just for a split second too late for them to cover it up.
It was one thing he definitely didn’t miss, from his time as a troll.
He wasn’t sure he even could say he missed it at all, though, if he was being honest. He’d never really asked for the form; only accepted it because it was what had been expected of him.
He supposed, if he did miss anything from it, though, he missed how utterly invincible he’d felt.
Until he hadn’t anymore, when he was stabbed through his armor—through his heart—and suddenly he hadn’t felt so helpless in his life, as his own mind had turned traitor.
Jim never thought he’d approach anything like the singular sensation of even seeing his own effigy. Though, to be fair, he still hadn’t.
He hadn’t seen his own effigy.
He’d become it.
Do you dance like this? Forever
He could feel stone crumbling, as he met his own eyes in the mirror; he could feel his own skin crumbling, as his terror stared at him back. He could feel his own body crumbling— I’m dying…! He’d thought. I’m dying and Claire has to watch—
and then he felt the soft vibration of his phone at his hip. Three quick buzzes, a pause between them, three more buzzes, a pause between them, three more, and a pause, and Jim almost missed the green ‘accept’ button.
He raised his phone to his ear, forgetting to look at who it was.
“Jim? Where are you? My mom is demanding pictures, and my dad can only stall for so long!”
When Jim opened his mouth to answer back, he was surprised to feel a smile stretched over his lips— he hadn’t even known he’d started to do that. He was quiet for a moment, just smiling, listening to the muffled commotion of Ophelia Nuñez nigh on a warpath, and her husband who had the distinct sound of a father trying to quiet a rambunctious toddler, while also attempting to have a civil conversation with his wife, all at the same time.
And it struck Jim.
It was so normal. So, incredibly normal. Even hearing NotEnrique chime in once in a while, sounding remarkably delighted by the chaos, was so blessedly normal, that Jim’s smile threatened to turn into a beam.
Claire had apparently gotten worried at his lack of response, however, and said, uncertainly, “…Jim? Are you there?”
He snapped back to the present. “Oh. Hey, Claire. Sorry; uh, I was having trouble fixing my—” he’d meant to decide if he was going to say his tie, or his hair, but instead it came out as, “Hairtie. I mean—”
Claire cut him off, a soft giggle chiming through his phone speaker, which set his heart spiraling. “Your hairtie, huh? Well, hurry up beauty queen, or we’re going to be late. You know between my mom and yours, we’re going to take centuries to be done with photos, and that’s not even taking into account when we meet up with Toby and the others, and their parents. It’s gonna be a brigade of parents, Jim!”
Jim chuckled, supposing that he wasn’t quite as unhappy about that as he perhaps should be. “Okay, okay. I’m on my way.” He said, and after a hushed ‘I love you,’ from Claire— who would never live it down if she was caught saying such a thing at seventeen— and a sickeningly sweet ‘I love you’ from himself in return, Jim hung up the phone, and slipped it back into his slacks pocket.
In his defense, he really had been trying to fix his hair, before he’d had his… episode. Now, he stared at it, and decided it was a hopeless cause due to the sheer amount of ruffles it would get from his mom alone, and so reached to grab his suit coat, instead. Pulling it on, he exited the bathroom, and just as he was about to slide down the railing, a hand caught him by the back of his collar.
“Now, Young Atlas, I do hope you were decidedly not going to risk ruining your dress pants on our banister?”
Jim groaned, rolling his eyes in an extremely over-exaggerated way, making sure Strickler saw. “I was gonna be careful!”
Strickler only looked amused, “I’m sure. But why don’t we take the stairs like civilized people, just in case?” He wrapped a gentle arm around Jim’s shoulders, guiding them both down the stairs together.
Barbara was at the bottom, dressed casually, for once— there had been no ifs ands or buts; she had the night off, and wasn’t on call unless the world ended. Of course, given Arcadia’s track record, that could have been an unfortunately high chance, but then again, it felt like even evil was taking a backseat that day. It seemed that that day was the first day they’d had in ages where no one wanted to destroy the world. Not even a continent.
And it was divine.
The sun was hanging lazily in the sky, golden light filtering harmlessly through their blinds, though Strickler was, of course, careful, regardless. He’d agreed to stay with the children until Barbara got back, but stood in the foyer as a mother stared at her son— looking so scarily like an adult— and watched with a smile, as she embraced the boy, trying to hide her misting eyes.
Barbara pulled back after a moment, and despite her valiant effort, hadn’t successfully stopped her tears from spilling, so as she pulled away from Jim, she wiped at her eyes under her glasses. Jim’s face softened, as he reached up to put a hand on her cheek, “Aw, mom, hey—”
“You just look so grown up, Jim.” She cut him off, going in for a second hug. He laughed, and hugged her again, and they held it, for longer this time.
After a moment too long, Jim opened his eyes to glance at Strickler, and shot him a look that screamed help me. Jim wasn’t sure he’d be able to get his mom to let go by himself. Then again, this, too, did not bother him much.
Seeing Jim’s face, however, Walt chuckled and moved to place a comforting hand on Barbara’s shoulder. “Come, now, tarn, you must get going. You two have a picture date to attend, after all.”
Barbara finally pulled back enough to give a wet laugh, saying, “I’m glad you made me get waterproof mascara.” She smiled fondly at Walter, “It’s going to come in handy, if this is only beginning.”
The beginning of many more events to come, she meant. Jim was a senior this year, and graduation was approaching far quicker than any of them were ready for.
“I’m going to go get a few more tissues, actually.” She realized, and turned to dart back into the living room, to secretly tuck the whole box into her purse. She wouldn’t be the only one who needed them, after all.
As she left Walter and Jim alone, the former teacher reached to clasp Jim’s shoulder, to get his attention, and to hold him in some way. The boy was good at hiding it, but Strickler hadn’t missed the slight shaking of his hands, which he’d tried to hide, as he’d buried them into his coat pockets, post-hug. Walt gave Jim a gentle, reassuring smile, “Jim. How do you feel?”
The boy futzed for a moment, glancing into the living room, and then back to Strickler— there was a flash of a memory, when the two of them had been watching for Barbara in a much different way— and then he shook his head, smiling—a real smile, genuine. He spoke the truth when he said, “I’m fine, actually. Just nervous. I’m bad at dancing.”
Walter gave a gentle, kind laugh, “I believe you ought not worry, Young Atlas. Were Claire to break up with you over your dancing, I fear there would be a much larger issue at play.”
Jim’s eyes went wide at the implication, and Strickler realized the poor timing of the joke. “Ah, but… you needn’t worry. The world will not end because our trollhunter has two left feet. Claire loves you, Jim. You will be quite alright, I believe.”
Jim fidgeted for a moment, looking as if he was trying to make up his mind on something.
And then Barbara rejoined them, giving Walt a quick kiss on the cheek, interrupting whatever Jim had been about to say. She slung her purse over her shoulder, and reached to place a hand on Jim’s back. “Let’s go, honey. Can’t keep Claire waiting too long, eh, Romeo?” She teased.
Jim rolled his eyes, but grinned, “Yeah, yeah.” He turned to the door, but then halted, and looked over to her, as if he’d just remembered something. “Hey, Mom? Why don’t you go get the car started? I think I left mine and Claire’s tickets upstairs.”
Barbara looked at him to joke that that was, of course, important, but as she turned, she caught the smallest glimpse of the corner of the tickets already sticking out of Jim’s coat pockets. She glanced from Jim to Walter, who gave her a nod. Ah.
She pretended to be none-the-wiser, as she walked over to hug Walter. He was surprised, but accepted it, and as she held on, she whispered, “Thank you, my love.”
He murmured, “Of course, von swin dwoyem eks klokarp.”
Barbara gave a soft laugh. “One day I’ll get you to tell me what that means.”
“Not a chance.” He winked, as she let go, and properly exited the house.
Jim had averted his eyes throughout the exchange, embarrassed. No matter how long he lived with them, it would still always be a little awkward to see the two of them like that.
He looked back up when the front door clicked shut.
It was a split-second, the silence hanging in the air between them. And then Jim surged forward, and wrapped his arms around Strickler’s neck, having to get up on his tiptoes to do so, even for his stature. He held on only just long enough for Walt to loosely wrap his arms around Jim in return. They stayed for a moment, and then Jim pulled back, standing awkwardly, as if he’d surprised himself.
Strickler opened his mouth to speak, but Jim took that moment to cut him off, blurt, “Thank you,” and make a beeline for the door.
Walt let him go. When the front door shut again, he smiled to himself.
Do you dance like this? Forever
That night, three very not-normal teenagers engaged in one of the most normal rituals of high school that any of them had gotten to do, thus far—Senior Prom. They filled their phone storage with pictures, screamed their voices hoarse, abandoned shoes, ties, coats, danced themselves breathless, wheezed when they had not the breath to laugh at that very same dancing, collapsed on each other in a giggling heap on the floor when they rested for only a moment—they had to soak up everything; they couldn’t waste time sitting!— and stole far too much food from the snack table. They saw friends, old and new, teased each other, or professed love, declared themselves best friends, and decided to abandon their plans for the future. They didn’t need them. For one, incredible night— for one, normal night, they danced, frozen in forever.
For one beautiful night, Jim danced, hand-in-hand in a three-pronged circle with his two best friends in the world, and after two long, long years… Nothing was wrong. It was perfect.
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