#and sure i can do those two trips but i doubt i can also manage a third big trip on top of it or at least i cant think it right now
lupismaris · 2 years
Planning travel is just a big old song and dance of "okay I know I'm poor, chronically disabled, and beholden to the man but this is a smidge ridiculous"
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obeymematches · 5 months
Hi! I was the one who requested the daughters one. Can you write it for the undateables?
sure thing bestie🫡 sorry I made you wait 💔
With his Daughter
● As the future Queen of Devildom you'd think his daughter is the perfect little girl in pretty dresses holding tea parties with her stuffies....
● My sweet summer child...
● She's a menace.
● You know girls usually take after their father. Diavolo is a fully grown adult and he can still be a menace.
● Can you imagine what he was like as a toddler ?? ● His little girl LOVES speaking her mind and Diavolo is very supportive of this habit. He adores how little kids think; and say the obvious. He damn sure won't be getting in the way of her freedom.
● Little girlie also likes to climb trees, play in the mud, prank the staff, if you get her one of those electric cars from the Human World she'd never get out.
● Likes to yell and throw tantrums; this is the only behavior of hers which Diavolo dislikes, though he is very patient with her regardless. Explains to her why she is being too much right now BUT let's go get icecream instead just to calm down.
● Think of Muffin from Bluey. Exactly.
● She is hectic, she is faaar from perfect, but his daddy doesn't let anyone tell her off or make her feel bad about it.
● As the other parent.... you hardly can rest with this two but if anyone, it's you who can slow them down a bit if this is not your style.
● He has experience raising kids, though usually sons.
● He was not prepared for his daughter to steal his heart so effortlessly though.
● He is absolutely in love since day 1. She was just born and now he'd do anything for her.
● Though she is not going to be so spiled to do whatever she wants, she must learn to be nice and polite - though I think she is a much calmer kid than Diavolo's, for example.
● She likes to pick flowers, play on the swing, dress pretty, and she likes to give kisses. She also likes to help her daddy cook!!
● Her dad is so proud of her, even when he is tired he refuses to rest unless they had playtime.
● Antoher person with experience; though the infant stage is new for him as well.
● He'd absolutely love his child no matter the gender, but his little girl is a copy-paste version of him of course he is obsessed.
● Gets up every single time she cries, does anything to calm her down, has endless patience. ● Hardly ever gets frustrated even when he hasn't slept well in years. Truly a perfect example.
● Likes to go on trips as a family!!!
● Very soft-spoken with her, explains everyting as many times as needed.
● His daughter isn't too spoiled but she has everything a kid needs. Has simple toys, non of that loud flashy stuff.
● Loves to read her stories inside, in the garden, on the road, doesn't matter he just wants to make sure his baby is set for a good, creative, happy life.
● Okay I doubt he was the protective kind BEFORE becoming a father..... and he is not going to change AFTER becoming one either.
● Kids must learn how the world works right?
● It is the best for her to experience everything.
● Yes he is there to calm her down, provide aid, etc, but he is not going to stop her from touching a thorn for example
● Like superglue his daughter is right there with him at all times. He can only use the toilet if he manages to leave without her noticing.
● I loove to imagine him carrying his daughter on his shoulders!!!
● Ah imagine him playing blocks with her 🥹 Building the prettiest castle just for her to destroy!
● Likes to wear matching colored clothing with her
● His heart breaks to shreds when she refuses to eat anything he cooks... there is no going back from that. Easily the worst feeling he had in the past centuries.
● His daughter is very clever for her age at all times. She might tutor some of her classmates if she likes them.
AN: did you know the base of your personality is inherited from your parents? yes you might change on purpose here and there, yes society, your culture also shapes you as you grow, but the base material you have to work with is inherited
AN 2: i have no clue where part one is but i trust it is on my blog somewhere 👉👈
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justauthoring · 2 years
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That thought made Meguru feel like he might die of loneliness.
"Do you have any friends?"
Bachira raises his head, puzzled at the sound of another's voice.
The very last thing he expects to see is you, pretty eyes staring back at his own with a twinkle that shines in the soft set of the sun. Your smile is bright and inviting, warming in a way Bachira's not sure he's ever experienced before, crouched down before him so that your head, tilted, rests on your arms.
Bachira's seen you before. The two of you go to the same school, share the same homeroom - he's walked past you more times than he count in the hallway, laughing without a care in the world at something your friends say to you. He's seen you and admired you before, taken note of those pretty eyes before or how cute you look in the school's uniform. The different ways you like to wear your hair, or the way you seem to skip with a pep in your step everywhere you go.
He's noticed you so many times. He'd just been sure you'd never noticed him.
So, he's puzzled. More than that; Bachira's absolutely baffled with the fact that you're here, smiling at him no less.
"You're here every day," you explain with ease, your voice soft against the silence. Everyone else has already gone home, the sun is setting and truthfully, he should be heading home soon too (his mother will start to worry) but after he'd finished practicing, he hadn't had the heart to.
"But I always see you practicing alone," you continue. "Nobody to play with you?"
"There's nobody who can."
It hurts in a way he doesn't expect it to - saying it aloud like that.
"Nobody who will."
And then your answer comes easily. "I will," you grin, ear to ear, bright and wide eyed as you laugh.
Bachira's brows furrow; "do you even play soccer?"
He's almost positive he's never seen you play - not once out on the field, or alone otherwise. He knows you're in a club but it certainly isn't soccer, and he's pretty sure he's never even seen you near anything sports like unless it's for gym. He's seen you trip when simply walking to class, or knock something over because you're not paying attention to where your hands are swinging so he also knows you're not coordinated - truthfully, a bit of a klutz.
"No," you shrug, "but you have no one to play with right?"
He slowly shakes his head.
It's so easy the way you say it, like there had never been any other option otherwise. Voice a merry twinkle against his own punishing thoughts, and that smile still so bright it almost hurts to look at it.
"So I will."
Lips parting, Bachira sits forward; "wouldn't you rather be... doing something else? Hanging with your friends?"
Your smile fades, an almost somber look fading into your eyes as you rest your head against your arms, curled into yourself. "You seem lonely. Everyday. By yourself," you whisper, voice so soft that if it wasn't completely silent otherwise, Bachira wouldn't have been able to hear you. "I can understand that."
"But you..."
He doesn't finish his words, not sure how to. But he doesn't need to, you understand.
"They don't get me. My friends," you elaborate, "not really. I have to pretend to be someone else when I'm with them. They think I'm too silly otherwise, too... weird. You see..." And then there's this wistful look in your eyes, that same smile curling onto your lips as you look past him, as if staring at someone else entirely. "I have something inside me. Something I'm searching for."
And his eyes widen and he feels his heart start to race at your words. Words so familiar, words that he's thought and said so many times before...
You look back at him then.
"And I think you're it."
Bachira's lips part, he wants to say something but he isn't sure what. All he can manage is a simple, echoed; "a monster..."
It's no doubt you hear him - he knows that you do - but you don't say anything, don't question it.
You simply stand, brushing off your skirt as you step towards Bachira, hand stretched out towards him with a gentle smile that makes his stomach feel all funny and his breath get caught in the back of his throat.
"Let's play, Bachira-kun."
And his hand is falling in your own before he even realizes it, excitement flooding his entire chest as he meets your eyes. He feels giddy then, as opposed to how he'd felt moments ago, wanting to practically jump to his feet just to hear you say you'll play with him again. He'll do anything to hear you say the words again.
Your fingers thread through his, warmth blossoming, while an echoed voice carries behind him;
take her hand...
i just... i just love him so much.
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httpshoney · 1 year
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literally based on this brainrot i had
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single dad!sunghoon x gn!reader
also dedicated to @jungwoning ! i apologize if this isn't that great >< i rushed it today, i'm sorry ! <3
not proofread, english is not my first language ! be kind please ღ
It wasn’t unusual to see a renowned figure skater stroll around the mall with his son.
In fact, his fanbase usually awes over the miniscule interactions they’re able to capture and share online. Park Sunghoon, an olympic medalist turned business tycoon, spotted with his son! – and headlines would spread over media platforms with praises from the netizens on how he does a great job managing his time with his son. It was evident that his world now revolved around his 7 years old son.
If you were to tell him years ago that his life would drastically change from figure skating to his son, he might have laughed and shrugged it off, but now there is no denying that all these teasing came true.
He was bred into music and welcomed to the world as a winter baby, the cold became his second home and from a young age he showed outstanding skills in dancing on ice and he can never be more prouder of his son when he saw the first time he welcomed his newfound love to the rink he grew up in. Chanyeol learned that the cold could also be his best friend that very day, which left Sunghoon to a fit of giggles because how ironically destined was his new life to his previous one? He named his son hoping to live up to the illuminating and vibrant fire his name represents, however his son’s first love was also the cold? It contradicted. But he loved the beautiful irony it gives off.
“Dad” Sunghoon hummed in reply, his eyes meeting his son’s beautiful hazel eyes. “Do you think I could have them?” His son asked innocently, pointing to a direction opposite to where he was facing. Before looking, he could never pass up an opportunity to educate his son on manners. “Yeol, pointing is rude right?”
“I know! but..”
“there shouldn’t be an exception to pointing with a finger, always do it with all your fingers facing upward, okay?” with that, sunghoon ruffled his son’s hair. turning around to see the very being who captured his son’s interest.
Although he contemplated. It was also rude to ask for a person, if that’s what his son pertained. And sunghoon sighed as he came to a realisation that his son, chanyeol, was no doubt spoiled and if what he asks for isn’t possible. Sunghoon started to think of excuses– until his sight fixated on what his son was pointing at.
On the farther side of the store, the main entrance was decorated with a white piano. And with the countless trips to this store, it was a first timer for these two to encounter an event where the piano was finally given love.
Seemingly reaching the end of the piece that played in the background while he ‘scolded’ his son, a short round of applause broke the trance he nearly settled in. and without a second thought, he picked up his son and with large strides, he stood alongside the bystanders who were also intrigued by the sudden playing.
His ears picked up on the conversation, and if it wasn’t for his son he was sure that he would devour the figure who sat on the piano stool. “Dad, you might drool!” Chanyeol tugged at his dad’s cheeks, giggling at the widened eyes of his father with his mouth agape. With a silent tug to be put down, his son sat on his father’s shoes to avoid his pants from getting dirty.
Sunghoon watched as the musician’s fingers hesitated to move. He watched with such intensity how they turned around to maybe look for the person they were just conversing with, and time slowed down when his eyes met a set of alluring doe-y eyes that hid behind a thin metal frame. His eyes trailed down to their lips, enjoying how it moved with every word. And it hit him, you were talking to him.
His eyes widened for a second, struggling to find words that could possibly answer your question, or what you just said. But how could he? For those few seconds, time deafened him and highlighted every part of you.
“Dad, you really have to stop getting distracted!” His son pouted, tugging at the slacks he wore “they asked if i can sit with them for the next piece they’ll play!”. Sunghoon found it as the perfect excuse to have a semi-permanent reminder of you, whipping out his phone to record while he nodded vigorously.
He wasn’t able to hear the conversation between you and his son, your little giggle drowned out every sound. Skimming his phone for the camera app, he almost froze when he heard you burst into laughter with his son. It took every ounce of his being not to ask for your name and your number at that very moment, instead he looked at your figure with a serene gaze. You get along with his world, and if it weren’t for the scales that your hands belted out, maybe he’d continue to stare at you and drown out every sound once again.
Sunghoon’s hands were almost flailing around, a repetitive gesture of bringing his phone up to record or down to his side was seen by many. And he couldn’t care less if he looked like a fool, after all, it was only you and his son that mattered.
After contemplating whether to keep you on his phone, or enjoy the moment. He settled in by taking a picture and stuffing his phone back to his pocket. He broke out a goofy smile when he saw how mesmerized his son is with your playing.
He wasn’t sure what made him want you. You were only adorned with a cream cardigan, your eyes were only fixated on the iPad that was perched on the piano, your hair was well-kept and dyed black, your shoes were just a pair of converse, your voice was calming, and the music you played were classics. So what made him want you? What caught his attention?
Maybe it was the strands of hair that you blow out of the way while playing, or maybe the way you play with passion? Or maybe how you got along with his son?
Sunghoon wasn’t the type to believe in love-at-first-sight, but maybe for you he would go against what he doesn’t believe in. Upon laying his eyes on you, you felt like the warmth he loves when stepping out of the rink. He wanted to know you.
He needed to know more than what you’ve presented.
Unknowingly, the music ended and a round of applause erupted. Drowning out the thank you’s you say. Feeling a tug on his slacks, he looked down to meet his son’s eyes.
“So can we have them? They teach the piano! And I wanna practice with them too! Maybe they can create renditions for my figure skating numbers too!” His son continues to tug on his slacks with visible enthusiasm. Sunghoon kneeled down to meet his son’s enthusiasm, nodding as if agreeing to his absurd request of having you.
While they talk with smiles on their faces, the same eyes he fell into trance with looked at them with a small smile. And if Sunghoon saw it, it was sure that it might have caused him a heart attack. As the musician made their exit, the father and son duo was still preoccupied as Chanyeol animatedly reenacted the musician’s actions.
“You should say thank you to the…” sunghoon’s words trailed when his eyes rested on an empty stool. Almost disheartened as he wasn’t able to talk to you up close, his eyes focused on what seemed like a piece of paper.
He rushed to it while his son was left dumbstruck by his father’s sudden movement, his little hands rested on his waist when he caught sight of his father returning with a card in his hand.
(Y/N) (L/N)
Music Tutor
The card read, and with a dumb smile on his face, He reached out to his son’s hand with the thoughts of buying a piano for his son, and maybe to see you again.
. . . . . ╰──╮ 1.3k word count ╭──╯ . . . . .
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beetlebug-bii · 1 year
Part 3 of feral mc but with Belphie being released from the attic. Just imagine Belphie trying to kill mc and they just bite him. Not even Barbatos could handle the child so I highly doubt Belphie could either lol.
Feral Child Mc (part three)
MC Gets Betrayed & Bombastically Side Eyed Their Way To Beating A Bitch.
A/N: I like my writing to be nothing short of silly goofy, i also wrote this at like 4am two weeks ago and was so surprised to see it in my drafts. Did i proof read it? No.
Enjoy anyways💕
Now, you have been a menace since you've arrived
Only truly unstoppable by Diavolo, Lucifer and Barbatos on a good day
Was not one of those days
Not at all
You see
Late in the night after being very snuggly tucked in
And then duck taped to the bed
And then your pajamas stapled to the bed
And then tied to the bed
In their defense
Not a single brother has gotten a single decent night of sleep
Not since Mammon awoke one night to see your little face peeking out from the vents
You screamed at him and launched from the darkness, stealing his sun glasses before scrumbling deep into the walls
no one has ever heard Mammon scream so loudly
Needless to say they were pretty fucking done with your scrumbling
Besides, they tied Satan to the bed and look at him! A totally chill and normal member of society :D
Anyways you were built different and managed to escape
You had to check on your little friend in the attic after all, it had been a few days
Upon going in, you glared at eachother for exactly three minutes and fourteen seconds
Before he started the whole sweet act on you
"Awh hey, you can let me out now right? You can do that? Whose a good little human?"
Offense taken
You werent a dog
though you wont lie and say you havent growled back at Cerberus before...
No you know what
Who does this man think he is?
You are a child with 6 of the deadliest pacts in the world!
Wait a second
Who thought that was a good idea
You are feral
A monster
The other students at RAD cower before you
You made the Angel's cry
well whatever it's not like this is gonna come back and bite you
But you werent gonna release the bitch from his kennel
Not without a price
Mammon would be so so proud of you!
It took a lot of back and forth, but he promised 12 firecrackers, a new plushie, and a trip to the candy store
Hell yea candy
Open up oh magic lock
Oh he fucking kicked you across the room
Well that's not fucking candy
Lying prick
So this fucking incel loser started ranting about something or other
To be honest you didnt care
In fact you decided he didnt get a monologue
You were pissed off
You freed him
Were you the embodiment of capitalism while doing so?
But that doesnt mean he can just hit you
You have such a cute face
He's just mad that you're the baby of the family now
And that thought gave you a great idea!!
"I'm telling Lucifer"
Would have been your final words
Had you not been
Next thing you know he's chasing you down the stairs, grabbing you and choking you out
Not gonna lie
Was a bitch move
So you kicked him square in the jaw and started screaming, just like papa lucifer taught
Stranger danger kids
Dont release strange men from the attic in exchange for candy
It's not worth it and they are lying
So obviously you pissed off what's his name
You're pretty sure its bitch boy
Anyways so you pissed off bitch boy and he started trying to stab you with a chair leg
Which was like
So rude
And the others were like bro stop
Except more panicked you're pretty sure but you werent a crybaby bitch like this loser so you know
You had to go for the knees
You slid around him, kicked him in the back of the knees
This wasnt your first rodeo
Because you climbed on the demonic cow and grabbed the horns man
You were holding on for dear life before you just bit into his head
I dont think he even knew what to do at that point
You ruined his WHOLE SPEECH
gee I wonder why
Recounting this tale now, a few months later, you'd like to think that he was just being the most frfr brother out of everyone
You two had to be torn apart like a pair of summer popsicles
You were kicking and screaming
He was kicking and screaming
Mammon was kicking and screaming, somehow his leg got caught in between you two
It was a warzone
The hallway was destroyed
Multiple bedrooms? Just gone
The brothers?
So tired...
None of that fake shit
Deep down you know you would've won though
You still call him bitch boy💕
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Hope your moving is going swimmingly! I am also moving soon and already stressed l. Plus work so 😬. So my request is something soothing, where Magnus and Alec are just having a lovely time. Verse of your choice
i mean, it happened and it's now past the hardest part! tbh it was stressful and super hot — twas 115ish — but the worst part is now over! Nightshade and the Abyss love the new place and the Abyss is having fun trying to assert her authority over the house — she’s tiny, it’s not going as she planned. however she is about 1/10 of Nightshade’s weight and size and she spent the first night taunting him, teasing him and smacking him with sheathed paws every time he gave in to her meowing at him. 
she likes to wait until nightshade is sleeping and then she sneaks up on him and meows at him until he wakes up and then he goes to say hi, she smacks him and then runs so he’ll chase her so he can get in trouble and so she can smack him again. he’a still really young but he’s trying so hard to be friends with her and she’s older and has no interest in actually playing with a puppy — just bullying him. she’s the stereotype of a cat who goes ‘mwahaha’ while blaming the dog for things.
btw Nightshade’s reaction is legit to just upset zoomie or shake a toy at her and cry after she hits him.
they both got in trouble for those shenanigans btw (the running in the kitchen)
moving is incredibly taxing, mentally and physically so take care of yourself! be safe <3 remember that it’s okay and necessary to take breaks and hydrate lots! 
also just so it's known in general, things will be a bit odd even with the move finishing up because my laptop got damaged pretty badly during the move and we don't know if it's salvageable yet. so i'm using my phone and saeth's when they're not using it for writing themselves.
this is in the 'petals vs' and i hope you find it soothing because i did but if not, just let me know cause everyone finds different vibes comforting! good luck on your move! let me know how it goes? i hope it is as stress free as possible and nothing breaks!
<3 lumine
Magnus adds two streaks of purple to his hair and one of mauve before he holds up of a sprig of wisteria, making sure that the colors match. They do and it’s with pleasure that Magnus puts in two — magically crystallized and grown — dangling earrings created from the same flowers that Alexander is going to wear.
It’s a simple night out and Magnus is in the mood for the quiet intimacy of a long walk with his beloved. 
They don’t necessarily need to dress up for what will essentially be a trek through a hidden grove, but both of them like to indulge both each other and themselves. 
“Alexander—” Magnus calls as he finishes the last touches of his craft and when he turns, it’s to find his darling watching him with soft, adoring eyes. 
Magnus manages to last an entire half-a-second before he’s crossing the room and rubbing his palms down Alexander’s shoulders and then kissing his cheek. 
“You look better.” He finally lets himself say, drinking in the sight that is a well-rested, fully healed Alexander. A kiss is pressed to his jaw and then his mouth, lips lingering with a subtle intensity that lingers almost wistfully. 
“You too, you have enough energy for this trip, right?” He’s asked carefully and Magnus can’t help his smile.
Alexander isn’t being doubtful, he’s being earnestly sweet and Magnus lingers in the languid feeling of being cared for. The last three nights have been full of portals and magic and healing and — while Alexander hunted down the ingredients needed and sharing strength — it’s Magnus who has been expending all of his energy and energy to the very brink. 
Well, Magnus and half a dozen other warlocks but only he and Cat worked the three days continuously. 
They were the only ones who could.
“I’m fine sweetheart. All I needed was a night of rest and you, safe in my arms.”
“I still think you should have let me give you a massage last night.” Alexander murmurs with a pout and Magnus laughs, pressing his fingertips to Alexander’s mouth in a gentle kiss.
“It either would have turned into something neither of us had the energy for, or you would have fallen asleep half on top of me, darling.” Magnus can’t help how soft his tone goes, “we were both spent, Alexander. You’re the only reason Cat didn’t insist on coming home with me, normally she puts her foot down when we encounter a disease like this.” Magnus winks, “she doesn’t normally trust me not to try and immediately research how it happened. However she trusts that you’re a sufficient distraction.”
“Still—” is all Alexander says, a deep yearning in his voice, “you deserve to be taken care of. Especially with how much you take care of everyone else.”
“You’ll find I take plenty care of myself, especially when I’m given a good reason to.” Magnus gives a playful smirk because Alexander knows that he’s the reason Magnus is alluding to and his boy laughs, tender and sweet and Magnus aches with it.  
“Then I’ll need to find a way to stick around then, just to make sure.” 
Magnus’ breathe hitches with want, because they’ve slowly been talking about this and Magnus can’t deny Alexander’s sincerity anymore.  No one who goes to talk to the Council of Elders and some of the oldest members of the shadowworld — who requested and paid the costs of asking to feel some of the best and worst emotions associated with immortality — is insincere. 
Alexander means it.
His devotion is steadfast and his love unwavering, his trust all encompassing when it comes to Magnus and Magnus feels both ravenous and also hesitant. 
Yet how can he disrespect the adoration and devotion that he’s invoked by merely being himself, when Alexander is so guileless about it. When Alexander has made lists of places he wants to visit with Magnus, the greenhouses and gardens he wants to tend to himself when he’s retired, the fact that Alexander wants to retire.
That his beloved wants to leave the clave better than before, but leave it all the same. The day when he will step away from the burdens and responsibilities of his people and family and belong wholly to himself and to Magnus.
Alexander wants to learn and study and travel and love but he wants to only do it with Magnus and that is a treasure Magnus never realized he’d been taught could never be his. Yet to dismiss it would be to invalidate the love given him and well, Magnus would be both cruel and a fool to do that. 
And while sometimes in his long life, Magnus knows he’s been both — though rarely at the same time. It would take an act of befuddlement from his own father for Magnus to act foolishly or cruel with something so delicate concerning both Alexander’s and his own heart.
“I suppose we will.” Magnus murmurs and he summons the flower crown to his hands and gently places it on Alexander’s brow. He admires how the lavender and mauve petals look against Alexander’s features and then he blinks.
Wisteria means many things but the colors Alexander asked for, the type of flower that he normally lets Magnus pick… they mean things.
Devotion that can transcend even death. 
Longevity which implies immortality, though all things can die no matter how long they’ve lived.
“You’re a sly man when you want to be, Alexander.” Magnus murmurs, voice unrepentantly indulgent as Alexander smirks at him. There is a pleased turn to his lips and his eyes gleam with both relief and love and Magnus wants to disappear with him for at least a week.
There’s a cottage in the grove.
Nothing too elaborate but comfortable enough — Ragnor would never have helped maintain it otherwise — and it’s the perfect place for a simple weekend of intimacy. Magnus can teach Alexander to fish as he learned as a boy and he can watch Alexander with amusement when his darling shadowhunter shows off and shoots the fish with arrows and then dives for them. 
Apparently, it was quite a habit for Alexander to go to the ocean in the dead of night with his runes activated, unseen by mundanes as he practiced hunting by shooting fish and then diving for them. 
They can replant the small garden around the cottage and Magnus can teach and show Alexander some of the hybrids he and Cat and Ragnor have created and tended to over the centuries. 
“Sometimes, my love—” and Magnus pauses, adding another layer of protective magic to both Alexander and his crown, “I cannot understand how we came to be.”
Alexander understands him, if the sudden sheen to his eyes means anything.
They’ve both been horribly broken by life and shattered by people supposed to love them yet somehow,despite all the odds they found and have kept and fought for each other.
It’s a beautiful but daunting mystery and one Magnus never needs solved. 
After all, no matter how or why they met, it’s the two of them alone that have made this work.
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shmowder · 4 months
So I've been loving your other reader stuff and wanted to discuss expanding the x reader universe with some Stamatins.
I have this one idea, please consider, reader accidently seducing Peter, which causes Andrey to fall hard for reader as well (since I doubt he could ever really love someone who doesn't also love his brother.)
Specifically, I have this scene haunting me, and I'd love to see you expand upon it.
Peter and Reader are at his loft where he's doing figure drawings/painting of Reader. But instead of it being just some sexually charged thing, it's super comfortable. They're laughing and joking with each other. Peter keeps getting distracted bouncing ideas around the room. It's this genuinely sweet and tender moment.
Meanwhile, Andrey is also around watching this all go down. And he's seen muses come and go. Usually, it's pretty or interesting things that catch Peter's eye and are gone just as quickly. But this one is so very different. Genuinely engaging with Peter's ideas. Not some lovesick puppy or someone living in a fantasy. Just a person enjoying spending time with another person.
Hope that was at all coherent? Feel free to get weird. Sfw and nsfw interpretations are valid
[Fluff, Romance, referenced sexual topics/Alcohol/drugs, Falling in love, Devotion, Codependency, GN reader]
[Andrey/Reader, Peter/Reader, Polyamory]
In which Andrey Stamatin attempts to understand his younger twin's enamoration with you and how it might have started.
Only for him to helplessly fall a victim to your smile.
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Andrey Stamatin can recall the exact number of times he has seen a smile on his brother's face in the past year. his fingers were more than enough to count them on; the number kept dwindling with each cycle around the sun.
The seasons would come and go, yet neither of them would blink an eye. Downing a full bottle barely burns the back of Andrey's throat anymore, the smoke rarely stings his lungs, the adrenaline flooding his brain from taking another's life scarcely lasts more than a second.
Peter's smile, however, the chime of his laughter, could feed Andrey's starved soul for centuries. Paint the greys of his world in velvet crimsons and royal blues, gold-like yellows, and sunset bright oranges.
Drugs could only go so far, after all. Various stimulants were sampled and put to the test, yet not a single one managed to match a fraction of the euphoric bliss he gets from seeing his brother gleaming with happiness.
Currently, the source of Peter's unusual fits of passion was laying in an empty bathtub, fully clothed. The same empty bathtub his brother tended to use as a makeshift bed.
Peter always had the most unusual ideas whenever he found himself in a creative rut, attempting to overcome the art block by any means necessary.
Andrey was nothing if not overly indulgent of his brother's fleeting whims.
Not to mention with the very short amount of time Andrey spent inside their shared house, Peter could just easily use his brother's untouched bed whenever the neck pain from sleeping on an oversized ceramic bowl grew too cumbersome. Or so Andrey assumed, he hasn't really checked on his supposed personal room in a long time, he can't even recall what colour the walls were painted with, let alone what type of sheets were laid upon his bed collecting dust by now.
Just how exactly did you weasel your way into Peter's life from under Andrey's nose? The older twin can't help but wonder at times.
Did the two of you meet in one of Peter's bi-monthly trips to stand in front of his beloved paper wooden daughter and simply stare? No. Andrey makes sure to accompany his brother during those trips to the polyhedron.
Maybe it was something absurdly mundane, like in a grocery store or a trip to the tailor? Unlikely, Peter's food is delivered to his front door, and he would rather set his whole wardrobe on fire than wear something touched by amateur hands when it came to sewing.
Andrey witnessed it before when their maid in the Capital sent one of his brother's favourite shirts to be repaired in some no-name tailoring store. Coming home that day to his brother sitting on the front steps of their burning house, grumbling about how the winds keep swaying the flames and messing up the shadows as he sketched the scene of the crime on the few unburnt papers he grabbed on his way out.
It doesn't matter how.
The voices of chatter fill the usually quiet room, light conversations flowing seemingly between you, the art subject, and his brother sitting on a stool nearby, the painter attempting to immortalise your beauty on a canvas.
Because no matter how this miracle happened, Andrey will do anything in his power to make sure it doesn't slip away from Peter's fingers, from his own fingers.
The sunlight phasing through the apartment's window reflected mesmerizingly against your skin, the gentle smile on your face only making you appear more radiant. Andrey's eyes could barely look away from the ethereal view amidst the mundane messy room, from the way your fingers ever so delicately traced against the rim of the bathtub, temptation tugging his heart forward by its strings.
Your air of comfort was infectious, Peter's fingers gliding against the canvas with the brush as he noted every single detail he saw, each colour documenting every feeling passing through his soul.
getting up from the comfortable armchair, Andrey walked over to the middle of the room where the main event was taking place. Resting his chin above his brother's shoulder to take a better look at the painting, the other acknowledged him with a proud look as if to show off his magnum opus.
Peter's put great details in the way the light reflected off of your eyes. The way your body was positioned looked almost an invitation for onlooker to step inside the oil painting and bury themselves into your chest and tuck their their bodies safely inside your heart for eternity.
He could almost feel your lips against his own just by looking at this piece of art.
What did they taste like? a sweet cherry ripened to perfection? A fresh minty finish from your toothpaste? A rich bitter aftertaste from your morning coffee?
Or did you prefer milk? Would his tongue taste a hint of the creamy flavour if he traced the insides of your mouth with it?
Or maybe you had more bite to your bark and a sharp iron taste would overwhelm his senses as your teeth dug into his lips while his fingers tightened around your neck enough to leave a shadow of discoloration behind.
His biggest mistake was turning his head around to face the real thing. The real view of you laying back with such a relaxed expression despite being in a room with the two most dangerous men in town was more than taunting in his eyes, it was basically a personal offence to carry such a bright smile carelessly in his presence knowing what he is capable of.
Whatever Andrey desired, Peter would overdose on until he developed an addiction. From the first sip of alcohol from a stolen bottle he shared with his brother, to the last person who warmed Andrey's bed only to end up in his brother's for the week.
Andrey would get something, and his younger twin would wordlessly copy him. Andrey would find someone, and Peter would borrow them from time to time.
A silent agreement between the two to always share, that's how it always worked.
Up until now.
Somehow, it was Peter who found you first. Somehow, you've been living under a rock away from Andrey's eyes and reach. A hidden gem that he didn't get to first, despite turning every rock and poking into every crevice in this forsaken town.
Is it jealousy that he's feeling? Is it the burning of envy's green flames suffocating his lungs? Andrey was always the man at the centre of everyone's envy. It will never be the other way around. He rejects those feelings belonging to lesser men, never someone of his status.
No. This is something different, something much deeper. He is above petty envy; he lets Eva roam freely and never looks twice at whose life Maria's ending with a kiss this week.
Or was it simply different because Peter was involved this time around?
Because this isn't mere sex, you're not a stray from a one night stand Peter's taken pity on.
Andrey's not even sure his brother even bedded you yet. The smell of sex simply wasn't in the air, and he would know since Peter never opens the windows to air the room out.
What exactly was your relationship?
The two of you joked and laughed like long-lost friends, knew just how much to push and when to pull back. It wasn't the intense passion of sinful lust burning in his brother's eyes but the budding hope of a lotus blooming after a fresh morning rain.
You've even tried to include him, to infect him with your warmth, reel him in with your innocent smile. You probably weren't even aware of how tantalising you looked with your pure friendly act.
The worst kind of sirens in Andrey's eyes were the ones who weren't aware of their temptations yet. Those ones posed a real danger to his sanity, a real threat to his addictive personality.
Pulling his body away from leaning against his brother, Andrey walked over to you, staring you down as his legs stood uncomfortably close to where your head laid, almost boxing you in.
You didn't look nervous. You weren't the slightest bit intimidated by his towering presence. As if all his muscles were for show, as if his hands, which took lives too easily, couldn't touch you if they tried.
It was suffocating, your heavy presence. The power you held despite literally laying down beneath him, staring up with wide innocent eyes. It made him want to puke his poisoned heart out. It made him want to kneel before you and seek redemption for his sins. It made him want to fall asleep in your embrace.
It made him want you beyond bodily desires, beyond sex and beyond a mere muse to burn in order to fuel his creations.
But he'd never utter those words, for there is no need to. His brother perfectly understood him from just one look, Peter practically guessed what's going on in Andrey's mind during any given moment of the day.
Yet the word for what you are hasn't been invented yet into this world, linguists didn't stumble upon it, scholars never felt it.
How lucky they are to stumble upon a glowing ember of another miracle practically begging to be added to their list of ever growing resume of achievements. A creation in the making.
They did it once with a tower, it's about time they tried it on a living breathing human being.
Andrey leans closer to gaze down upon your eyes, upon his latest invention, still a newborn in its prototype days.
For now, a muse is what you shall be called.
Until the day comes when the whole world learns a word fit enough to name you by. A word both of him and Peter will piece together letter by letter.
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xknivesandpensx · 8 months
Like Pieces of a Puzzle
Chapter 16
Summary: What if Harry wasn't the only extra student called upon to participate in the Triwizard Tournament? Far from the most popular candidate, Draco not only has to take on the trials but also deal with his unexpected feelings for Hermione. Will he be able to face the challenges as well as follow his heart? Chapter length will vary. I'll be referencing both the books and movie versions. Some things from what I've previously written will be mentioned, all of which you can find here.  And for those who asked to be tagged: @dayane245love
Two weeks had gone by and not much changed for Draco. Most of the Slytherins either kept their distance or overly asked questions regarding the tournament. He thought by now they’d given up pestering him. The first task was nearing and he hardly knew where to begin. No clues were spared, which only increased his in ability to concentrate.
He managed to maintain his focus during class, for the most part, but otherwise the stress started to get the better of him. Draco noticed the same with Harry, yet he had additional things to concern himself with.
For instance, Rita’s article. She went on about Harry and his tragic backstory. Hardly mentioned Fleur or Viktor (spelling both their names wrong), left out Cedric completely and bypassed Draco almost entirely. The part she mentioned described little. Rita even managed to mix up his wording. Luckily, she left out anything in regards to Death Eaters. He complained to his father soon after, having sent his owl home that evening. Surely, he took charge of the situation through the Ministry.
Worse though, Rita mentioned Harry being together and very much in love with Hermione. The mere sight of the words irked him, immediately sending a spark of anger throughout his body. Pansy openly teased her for Rita’s use of the word pretty to describe the teenager. Draco saw the description as the truth. He obviously kept silent on the subject.
Their first Hogsmeade trip did little to cheer him up. The weather changed to cooler winds and cloudy days. He wore a light jacket to keep himself warm, maintaining a scowl the entire length of the walk.
“How many times do I have to tell you, I don’t know,” Draco remarked for what felt like the hundredth time to Crabbe and Goyle. “Don’t you think if I knew who put my name in, I would’ve said something?” But the boys merely shrugged and he went off ahead.
Even those two started bugging him. Pansy, on the other hand, insisted to be by his side everywhere he went. Of course, he realized by now she had a crush on him and in hindsight matching them together made sense. Any pure-blood witch (within reason) would satisfy his family. Astoria also kept staring at him too, that kind of wide-eyed, nervous stare twelves-year-olds gave when they fancied someone. Daphne seemed indifferent about the whole thing, as did he.
Despite himself, he let Crabbe and Goyle catch up before going into any shops. Draco could admit he liked the afternoon away from Hogwarts. Being their second year going, he knew where everything was and made it a point to avoid going anyplace overly crowded.
But then he noticed Rita Skeeter walking around and he darted in the nearest building to avoid her annoying inquiries. The Three Broomsticks maintained a rustic sort of look. The adults who lived in town sat next to teachers, surely trying to get details concerning the competition. They’d fail the same as everyone else.
Otherwise, he spotted a few familiar faces seated in various tables. Cho, who he only recognized due to her popularity. Everyone knew of her. She sat alongside a few friends. Then he noticed Fred and George Weasley, in the far back corner, up to their usual antics, no doubt.
Just as he thought about getting a Butterbeer, Hermione came into view. Hagrid and Moody moved away from her table, passing him to head through the door. Surprisingly, she sat alone. A drink to her right as she jotted notes down.
Draco knew ignoring her was paramount, yet a part of him resisted the notion. As Crabbe and Goyle trailed right behind him, he felt it necessary to make some kind of rude remark merely to maintain his usual self. No matter how dimwitted the pair were, they’d notice if he simply bypassed her. Maybe. He thought them too distracted to pick up on such little details.
Still, he sauntered over and swiped the parchment from the table. Reading its contents, a frown came to his face. “You’re really going a bit overboard with this S.P.E.W. rubbish, you know? Perhaps if you actually took the time to ask them what they wanted, you attempting to save them from servitude wouldn’t be the answer.”
Hermione immediately stood, maintaining her distance. “Like I can really believe anything you say when it comes to house-elves, given the way you’ve treated Dobby,” she defended, despite only knowing details from Harry. Who currently sat on the chair next to her, stubbornly refusing to come along if not under his Invisibility Cloak. To avoid Ron, though mostly to keep himself from getting rushed at by other students.
“He’s a servant, they all are. And they happen to prefer it that way.” Draco shifted the paper above her reach, holding it between his fingers. In any case, Dobby no longer worked for his family. Lucius treated him horribly while Narcissa upheld a more placid attitude towards him. He simply knocked the elf around, tending to call out orders mostly.
Hermione resisted the urge to jump up to try and snatch it back. She’d look foolish making the attempt, knowing he’d pull it away quickly. “Says you. I happen to know a little more regarding the unjust they suffer from daily. Once they realize the opportunities they could have, no house-elf would ever think about being enslaved again. Just give it back already.”
Draco pretended to take a second to consider it. “I don’t think I will. Unless, you manage to persuade me. Though I’m not sure why you’d want it. It’s pathetic, really. Why not offer to do my homework or something of the sort. Everyone knows you help Weasley and Potter. Not like I’d accept, but seeing you attempt to barter may convince me to return your silly scribbles.”
She tried to take her own advice and ignore his teasing remarks. Hermione spent endless days trying to teach Harry a Summoning Charm, in hopes it might help him out, discussing various ways to keep students from staying up too late in the common room, given the conversation Sirius asked for. Which happened to be tonight, the very same that Hagrid asked about meeting him at midnight, leaving no more than an hour between the two appointments.
Viktor also started appearing in the library whenever she and Harry were searching through books. His fan club of over enthusiastic girls annoyed her more than his actual presence. Hermione doubted he was interested in reading. Viktor never checked anything out from what she knew of. He kind of hovered close by. She thought maybe his intent was to keep an eye on the competition, yet the first task hadn’t even begun.
“As if I’d stoop so low.” Moments such as these made Hermione question why she held onto her feelings for him so tightly, almost afraid to be without them. “Honestly, you’re acting childish. Just because you see no importance in house-elves, doesn’t mean they don’t matter.”
Harry began by simply watching the exchange, hoping it’d diminished quickly. However, sitting idly by why Malfoy harassed one of his friends didn’t settle well. He slowly slipped away from the chair he occupied (only those really paying attention would notice it slid from the table) and went to a secluded corner. Harry thought of trying to get rid of him while under his cloak, yet there were too many eyes on them. Reluctantly, he pulled the material off and stuck it in his pocket before emerging.
“I know you’re not above stealing, Malfoy, but Hermione has a point,” Harry replied after grabbing the parchment. Draco lowered his arm just before he came over, allowing his grip to lesson in time for Harry to step in. With a slight apologetic look, he handed her back the crinkled page.
“Come to defend your girlfriend, have you?” Draco spat, fighting to keep the sudden spike of jealousy from coloring his face. “It doesn’t surprise me or anyone really that you couldn’t do any better than Granger.” He wanted nothing more than to take Rita’s article as a lie, and perhaps it was, nevertheless neither one came outright and denied the story.
He saw Harry move forward and Hermione’s expression change as a flash of light hit. Squinting for a moment, Draco saw Rita standing there, smiling as if quite pleased. His stomach sank, already predicting her next headline.  
“A thrilling love triangle. The readers simply eat up those types of stories,” the blonde mentioned, her quill quick at work. “Harry Potter versus Draco Malfoy for the heart of one lucky girl. Of course, she only has eyes for one no matter how drawn to the other she is. Who prevails in the end, who can say, but I know where I stand.” Rita directed her gaze towards Harry for the last part, hoping to get a reaction from him.
“You can’t say any of that. None of it’s true,” Draco remarked, noticing the few glances he received from his slight raise of voice. Lucius warned him not to embarrass the family and this definitely fell under the category. “You’ll get sacked for false information. Not to mention stalking the competitors. I saw you sneaking around earlier. I’ll make sure of it myself if I must.”
“Note Draco is highly sensitive in relation to the subject of Hermione. So in love it blinds him,” Rita mentioned to her quill prior to addressing them. “My information is always true and well researched, as long as you know where to look. I think I’ll see myself out. I have an article to finish.”
At the word love, he felt his cheeks burn. Embarrassed while also angry, he glared at the pair. “This is all your fault, Potter. If you’d just mind your own business as I’ve said in the past, we could’ve avoided that mockery she’s going to print.”
“I can’t see how I caused this one.” Harry knew Cho witnessed the whole thing. He practically sensed her eyes on him now. “You came over and started bothering Hermione. Sorry I’ve got a problem with people going after my friends. I don’t usually sit back and do nothing.”
Hermione lowered her head, unsure how to calm her racing heart. Being put in the Daily Prophet for every witch and wizard to read, pinned down as Harry’s girlfriend no less, magnified her to be subjected to ridicule. Yes, she loved Harry, yet not in that sense. What will the world see her as once claimed as stringing two boys along? Especially, in regards to Draco. The three of them were likely in store for more taunting than they anticipated.
“I think we ought to go.” Hermione lightly tugged on Harry’s arm, hoping to detach them from the situation. But she paused mid-action, catching Ron’s gaze. His expression was unreadable and she wondered exactly how much he saw.
“Yeah, fine. I think I’m ready to go back to the castle.” Harry, not really thinking too much on it, took hold of her hand to lead them out of the building, in means of not losing her in the slowly growing crowd. He avoided passing by Cho directly, unsure if looking at her (and allowing himself to be utterly captivated) would aid in their escape.
Draco let out a huffed sort of breath. He saw Harry interweave his fingers with Hermione’s, proving in more ways than not, of them very much being together. He never should’ve gone over in the first place. A mixture of resentment and discomfort clung to his chest. Draco ran his hand through his blonde hair, hoping to relieve his frustration. Then he saw something Hermione left on the table. He reached for it, picking up a small box of candy, the very one he remembered telling her they still sold if she knew where to ask for it.
“There you are, Draco,” Pansy exclaimed, pushing past Crabbe and Goyle. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere. I wanted to ask you to come to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. I heard it’s a nice spot for people to talk and we never really get to.”
Draco stuffed the candy in his pocket, inwardly sighing. “You mean, where couples go to gawk at each other over cups of tea? Why would I want to go to ruddy place like that?” He started walking away, returning Ron’s glower in the process as he passed him. Despite his rudeness, Pansy followed him out, to which he could only roll his eyes at and deal with her company for the rest of the trip.
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blackhakumen · 11 months
Mini Fanfic #1147: Start of a New Vacation (SSBU X Wario Ware)
11:34 a.m. on Diamond City's La Glorious Cruise Boat........
Penny: WHAT!?
9-Volt: (Crosses his Arms) Yeah, you heard me.
Penny: (Glaring Down at 9-Volt with her Hands on Both her Hips) What I'm hearing is a heavy amount of bias and hoohaahs! What the heck makes you think Goku would stand chance against Saitama in an on-one-on match!?
9-Volt: Years of challenging, disciplinary training experience, incredibly durability and speed stats, has multi powerful techniques in his disposal, the guy even faced plenty of monsters, planet busters and literal GODS in the runtime of the series! He's easily one of the strongest fighters in the entire universe!
Penny: Strongest my foot! He's not even the Top 10 strongest in his own series! Need I remind you the time he lost to an ACTUAL god once? And some of the wins we DID achieved were thanks to pure luck and close clutches!
9-Volt: (Starts Glaring Back at Penny) At least he gave it his all in those fights! I don't see Baldy-McTwo Fists out there fighting any 9f the foes I just mentioned!
Penny: On the contrary, Point Dexter, not only has Saitama faced plenty of monsters, supernatural beings, and other heroes with planet busting feats, but he also managed to blow up Jupiter into figurines with just one sneeze.
9-Volt: No way he can do thar when Goku could easily do that with a single Kamehame wave!
Penny: Yeah, well look it up, genius! It's a certified fact.
9-Volt: Nuh-uh!
Penny: Yeah-huh!
9-Volt: Nuh-uh!
Penny: Yeah-huh!
Ashley: (Sighs While Watching 9-Volt and Penny Arguing with One Another and Sitting Next to her Boyfriend in the Background) The one time I get to enjoy my peace and relaxation on this trip and this is what I'm welcomed to.....
Lucas: (Turns to Ashley) Have they always get into these heated debates?
Ashley: More or less. One time they spent two hours and a half debating over a duck/rabbit picture. (Shows Lucas a Picture of a Duck/Rabbit Sketch on her Phone) See?
Lucas: Awww~ It look so cute~ (Smiles Sheepishly) Can't tell which one it really is though......
Ashley: No one here has a clue either. But that's neither here nor there. (Lay her Head onto Lucas' Shoulder) How are you enjoying the trip so far?
Lucas: (Smiles Brightly) I'm enjoying it a lot so far! The temperature feels nice out, the ocean looks so shiny and beautiful, I don't even think I remember the last time I rode on a boat before, this is great!~
Ashley: (Giggles Softly) I'm glad to hear it!~ I have no doubt that this week will be even more spectacular from here.
Lucas: (Nodded in Agreement) Yeah, neither do I. You think everyone back home will be okay without us?
Ashley: (Shrugs) I wouldn't worry too much about them personally. Their chaotic mannerisms are more than enough to keep them busy for a week at least.
Lucas: (Giggles a Bit) I wouldn't exactly say they're completely chaotic, but I will miss them dearly. I hope I have enough to buy them all souvenir gifts....
Ashley: (Hugs Lucas While Pouting at Him a Little) We'll worry about our vaction comes to it's closing point, mister~ You deserve to have as much fun and relaxation as the rest of us here.
Lucas: I know. (Happily Hugs his Girlfriend Back) Thank you.
Ashley: (Gives Lucas a Peck on the Cheek Before Smiling Back) You're welcome.
Wario: (In the Distance OI! Lovebirds! Quit having a relaxing hug fest and get over here! Team meeting's about to start!
Ashley: (Groans in Annoyance While Getting Up From her Seat Along with Lucas) He's holding a team meeting in the middle our time off?
Lucas: (Smiles Sheepishly) Let's see what he wants from us first. (Gently Grabs Hold of Ashley's Hand) We can go everything ypu want to do afterwards if you want.
Ashley: Sure. (Makes her Way to Wario and the Others with Lucas Right Next to Her) It probably won't be much though.
Wario: (Stands on Top of a Crate as He Sees Everyone of his Colleagues Arriving Towards his Area) Alright, losers, gather around and shut up! Before this little vacation adventure of ours starts, we need to break a few ground rules.
Dribble: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Ground rules?
Spitz: You serious, man?
Wario: Yes, MAN! I am. I'm your boss, I paid for the expenses, everything I say goes, which is exactly Rule #1. #2: Never ask me to buy you anything! You have money in your own pockets, use it. #3: There's a picture of a map made in the back of your brochures, so keep them close to you at all times. If any of you manage get yourselves lost by the time we head back home and are late get back on that cruise ship before then, sucks to be you.
5-Volt: (Gives Wario a Stern, Motherly Glare) If ANYONE gets lost, we band together to find them no matter how long it takes. No gets left behind on this trip.
Everyone: Yeah!
Wario: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fine! We'll set up a search party if that ever happens, moving on! #4: Any hidden treasure I potentially stumble upon along the way, will be mines in advance.
Mona: Always finding treasure, eh Wario?
Wario: Been a Treasure Hunter since day one, it's what I do. And the Fifth and Final Rule for the Day: Until this vacation this done and over with, none of you loser bother me. (Points at Lucas) That goes double for you, Sunflower boy.
Lucas: (Salutes to Wario) Yes sir, Mr. Wario sir! (Lowers hid Posture Down and Forms a Bit of a Nervous Smile on his Face) A-Also I just wanted to say how thankful I am for letting me join you guys this time around. I-I promise not to be a bother to you guys going forward....
Wario: Yeah, you better not, twerp! I didn't get my arm broken and have to pay extra on this trip JUST to deal with a snot-nose crybaby like you all day-
The Fatman starts shivering in fear as he turns to see all of his co-workers giving him dark, soul piercing glares at his direction (with Ashley's hair turned white and 5-Volt turned into her demonic persona, slowly pounding her fist onto her palm)
Wario: Uh- ('Clears Throat') F-Forget everything I said just now. Glad to have you on board.
18-Volt: Look!
The gang turns to see that they've finally reached their destination, Caresaway Island.
Everyone: Hey, we're here!~
Wario: Finally!(Jumps Put of the Boat First) Outta the way, chumps, I'm going first! (Rushes Over to the Island's Staff)
Staff: (Happily Greets Wario) Greetings! Welcome to the island. Please take these precious stones as a hello gift.
Wario: (Smiles Brightly as the Images of Diamonds Appears on Both his Eyes) Ohhh! Diamonds!? Gimme, Gimme!!
Staff: (Presents Two Sets of Somewhat Familiar Looking Stones Along with Two of his Co-Workers) Actually, they're Form Stones! Moving around with these in your hands could bring you good luck.
Wario snatches one of the Move Stones from out of the wooden plate and examines both of them up close one by one before angrily chucking them.
Wario: Stupid rocks! I don't want 'em!!
Both of the rocks manages to hit the top of a parrot's head, causing it to screech in pain and flies away while indirectly bumping one of the tourists and making her drop her drink to the ground. It wasn't long for a blue elephant to slip on the spilled drink and uses his trunk to grab onto a flower coded sign before flipping himself over and accidentally kicking Wario hard enough to send him flying and crash down towards a faraway forest.
5-Volt: (Pinches the Bridge of her Nose While Sighing) Of all the lousy.....(Starts Bowing at Everyone Present in the Entrance) We are so sorry about all that, everyone.
Staff: (Smiles Sheepishly) I...take it you all know are acquainted with man in some way.
Ashley: Unfortunately.
Mona: (Smiles Sheepishly as Well) He's out boss from back home.
Penny: (Rolls her Eyes) Just as rude and impatient as he always is......
While everyone else agreeing to that motion, Lucas looks down at Move Stones and picks both of them up from the ground.
Lucas: So.....These Move Stones.....(Turns to Island's Staff) Do they really bring you good luck charm, sir?
Staff: (Happily Nodded) That's right! All you have to do is move around attracted to the grip of your hands and you'll surely be granted with luck in due time.
Ashley: (Lools Down at the Spare Move Stones in Front of Her) Hm.....Can't say I care too much about anything luck related. But given we're in vacation with Wario of all people....(Picks Both of the Stone Up From the Plate) I suppose it wouldn't hurt to put to good use eventually.
Penny: Ooh I'll take one too!~ (Happily Takes the Last Pair of Move Stones From the Other Plate) I can already tell by the craftsmanship of these beauties alone that they're research worthy.
9-Volt: (Starts Jumping Up and Raising his Hand Up) Ooh! Ooh! Can I get one too please?
18-Volt: (Raises his Hand Up as Well) And me too!?
The Gang: And us too?
Staff: (Smiles Brightly) Sure! It'll.....take a while to have the stones up and ready for you all though.
5-Volt: (Happily Bows at the Staff Members Once More) Take as much time as you need. It's the least we can do for what happened earlier. (Turns Back to the Gang) Right, everyone?
The Gang: Yeah./Sure!/ I don't mind waiting./ We can wait.
Staff: (Clasps his Hands Together with a Smile of his Own) Thank you all for your understanding. We'll have them out for you shortly. In the meantime, please, enjoy your stay at Caresaway Islaend! (Happily Waves Goodbye to Everyone Before Taking his Leave)
5-Volt: (Happily Waves Back at the Leaving Staff Members Before Taking a Deep Breath) Okay. With all of that out of the way. (Places her Hands on Both her Hips) I say we're all ready to get this vaction up and started!~ Oh and Lucas?
Lucas: (Looks Up at 5-Volt) Yes, ma'am?
5-Volt: (Gives Lucas a Sincere Motherly Smile) We're very happy to have you here with us, as part of our crew even. Please don't let whatever Wario says make you think differently about that or about yourself, okay?
Ashley: (Hugs Lucas' Arm) That goes double from me too, dear!
Penny: (Happily Chimes in) And from me too!~
The Gang: (Chimes in as Well) And from us too!!~
Lucas: (Giggles Ticklishly by all Hugs He's Receiving) Okay, okay!~ I promise not to think any of that get to me. (Smiles Brightly) Thank you all so much!~ (Eyes Suddenly Starts to Widened) But wait, W-What about Wario!? Is he gonna be okay-
The gang looks up to see Wario flying in the skies while riding on a poor parrot's back and holding two of the Move Stones.
Wario: These rocks rock! Get it. WAHAHAHAHA! AAHAHAHAHA!
5-Volt: He'll be fine. This IS Wario after all. But seriously this time....(Raise her Fist Up in the Air) Let this one week vacation adventure begin!
Everyone: (Raises Their Fist Up as Well While Cheering in Rejoice) YEAH!~
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Medwhump May 2024
Day 28 - Head injury
TW: uhhh ungrateful dilf in distress? Light gore/blood/wound description, tobacco
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"See? This is why I taught you to drive."
"Yeah, great thinking ahead," Erick droned monotonously, trying to keep his focus on the traffic surrounding him, "now just lie down before you start throwing up again."
"Don't tell me what to do."
"I'm not the one who got hit over the head with a hammer!" Erick said.
"Don't make me put it on the to-do list."
Erick rolled his eyes. If he just stopped responding maybe Fetch would settle down. He was in a particularly bad mood, not just because he had his skull cracked open recently, but because his job also fell through. He'd been shadowing some guy's daughter so he could kidnap her for ransom because the guy owed another guy money, but a particularly watchful neighbour had noticed him hanging around their house and the girl's bedroom window, getting the exact right idea that the girl was in danger, and decided to take matters into his own hand by sneaking up on the mercenary with a hammer. It was through sheer luck that Fetch managed to get away before police arrived, and with the whole neighbourhood on edge after the incident, not to mention the migraines and vertigo from his injury, Fetch decided to call it quits and just go home.
He was laying in the back of the van on the old mattress that they usually took turns sleeping on on long trips, holding a bag of mostly-thawed peas against the back of his head and trying to rest. If he moved around too much he got nauseous, if he got too worked up he got nauseous, if he did anything he got nauseous... So, needless to say, he wasn't in the best mood. He felt miserable, he missed out on a lot of money and drove all the way out there for nothing, and he was dependent on Erick to get home.
Well, okay, the last part wasn't too bad. Erick had grown to be a pretty decent driver. He was patient, empathetic, and only really talked back if Fetch pushed him a bit too far. He would never admit that, though. Not out loud at least. He was too stubborn for that, and he didn't wanna get too soft on the kid.
"There's a gas station coming up," Erick said, "I'll pull over and get you some new ice. I doubt those peas are doing much cooling at this point."
"Get fuel while you're at it," Fetch said, "and water...and if you really want to you can have a snack too I guess."
"You don't want anything?" Erick checked, squeezing into the right lane so he could pull into the station easier.
"A smoke."
"Don't you still have plenty?" Erick asked.
"I'm almost out."
"Alright, alright, I'll try," Erick said, "I can't get them if I get carded though."
"Don't make me stumble in there to get them myself," Fetch grumbled.
"Just go take that nap already, you're getting cranky," Erick quietly said as he pulled into the gas station.
Fetch elected to ignore him, just this once, trying to get comfortable on the crummy old mattress while Erick got out of the van and headed into the gas station store, picking up a six-pack of water, a small bag of ice, a can of pringles, and finally waiting in line at the counter. The clerk seemed unbothered enough, so he decided to wager a shot.
"I understand if you don't wanna do it, but could I also get two packs of Marlboro red?" he asked, "it's for my uncle, he banged his head pretty bad the other day, so he's sleeping in our van."
The clerk looked the teen over, glanced outside the window at the van, before giving him a discreet nod and sliding two packs into the plastic shopping bag while obscuring it from view by standing with his back to the camera.
"Just this once," he said, "anything else?"
"Can I get fifty dollars on pump two?"
"Thanks, I'll be back for my change, if any," Erick said, making sure to hand the clerk enough bills, before taking his bag and heading back towards the van. He opened the sliding door on the side, so he could give Fetch the fresh bag of ice and a bottle of water, before going to pump gas.
He headed back in to get his change, and not long after they were back on the road again. Fetch finally settled down enough to take a nap, and Erick could drive in peace for the most part...until Fetch got nauseous again and he had to pull over in the middle of nowhere to try and clean vomit out of the van while Fetch complained about every little thing.
"Are you sure I shouldn't take you to a doctor?" Erick asked.
"You can dump me at hospital if I start seizing, but for now I'm fine. I just need rest," Fetch insisted, "while you're at it, can you redress the wound too?"
"If you promise not to hit me again if it hurts," Erick said.
"I will hit you whenever I damn well please," Fetch grumbled.
Erick rolled his eyes and just grabbed the first aid kit, crouching behind him and carefully removing the bandage from around his head and peeling away the gauze. The cut was still bleeding pretty bad, and as he gently poured some water past it, he could literally see the slight crack in the skull. He shivered a bit. He could imagine very well how it might actually feel.
"Are you sure you don't need stitches?" Erick asked, "I can see bone."
"If you're really that worried, you can try grabbing a hair or two on either side and knotting it together," Fetch said, "might not be long enough, but usually does the job pretty damn well to help the skin heal."
"Okay," Erick slowly said, "one second..."
He grabbed some disinfecting gel and rubbed that on his hands before gently trying to follow Fetch's advice. The strands of hair he grabbed were probably a bit bigger than Fetch intended, but it was hard to grab smaller strands when everything was sticking together with blood. Surprisingly, it worked quite well in closing the gash, and Fetch didn't seem too bothered by it either.
After Erick was satisfied with the very improvised sutures, he washed it off with some more water just in case, before covering it with a new piece of gauze and the same bandage as earlier.
"How's the nausea now?" Erick checked, while cleaning up the kit.
"Still there," Fetch said with a sigh, "this fucking sucks, I won't be able to work for a while."
"But on the bright side, Ethel will make you that soup you like so much," Erick said, "as soon as she sees that bandage...anyway, I got some pringles. The salt will do you some good, make it easier to drink more water."
"I would kill for that soup."
"Pretty sure you have killed for that soup..."
"I said I'm pretty sure you'll get your soup," Erick said, "cause of the bandage..."
"Just give me the pringles...and a light," Fetch grumbled.
Erick handed him the can of pringles and his cigarettes and lighter, waiting for him to get his nausea under control before helping him back into the van so they could continue their ride home.
"Ugh, why does it smell like vomit back here?"
"Because you just puked, sir..."
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Fun fact: tying hair together to use as sutures is something I learned during this year's emergency response training. Our trainer had a lot of hands-on experience in triage at big disaster areas and loved to go off topic with very educational anecdotes.
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Taglist for the dynamic duo: @lavndvrr
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charlesandmiranda · 8 months
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Writing to you this morning from our hotel breakfast! Just wanted to fill in everyone about the rest of our trip before we start our first full day. I doubt we'll be able to post EVERY SINGLE DAY WE'RE HERE but we're definitely gonna try and keep it frequent enough to be interesting!
From our last post, we were heading from Baltimore to Toronto, which was a very quick hour and a half-ish flight. From Toronto, we headed straight to our gate to which started boarding shortly thereafter, so it was a pretty quick turn around. It was almost kind of a shame because airport was actually kinda pretty, and I wouldn't have hated a few extra minutes to look around at all the really lavishly decorated restaurants and stuff.
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Then came the 14 hour flight. It IS a very long time, don't get me wrong, and by the end my back was VERY achy and my legs definitely craved stretching but also they keep the windows closed and the lights low for most of the trip so you honestly kind of lose track of how long you've been on there.
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Charles and I both watched some movies on the flight; we started the first two episodes of Severance (which was also provided on the flight and I've been curious about for a while anyway -- anyone else here seen it?) and played games on our Switches. I also read a lot; I loaded my e-reader up before we left. In a weird way it was kind of nice to have such a long, uninterrupted time where there was nothing to do but leisure activities even if you're doing them in a mostly uncomfortable way --I think Charles and I (Charles especially) struggle with justifying how we spend our free time, always feeling like there has to be something else we can be working on or doing, but it's kind of a bad habit and terrible mental state to always be in, so we're working on it. Unfortunately, neither of us managed to get much sleep on the flight despite our best efforts, I think I managed maybe 20 minutes total?? So it wasn't super restful for sure.
Thankfully, our flight was kinda ahead of schedule, and we ended up landing around 5:00 PM / 17:00 which is like....3:00 AM for those of you in the Eastern US timezone! We're 12 hours ahead of y'all, so when I'm writing this, I'm writing to you from the future!!!
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After getting through customs and immigration, baggage, etc. we were stopped by a news crew from a show called Why Did You Come To Japan? They seem to stop tourists at the airport pretty regularly, and we ended up talking to them for a while. Charles said that as someone who used to be a camera guy himself, he always tries to stop for folks filming stuff like that, because he knows how hard it can be to get people to talk to you and work with you. They were very interested in the fact it was our honeymoon, and that we got engaged here, and even more interested that we were really into Oishinbo, which is a food manga from the 80s/90s. It's not super popular in the US although personally I love & recommend it, and I kinda get the impression from the crew we spoke to that it's a classic but kinda old fashioned here. They said in all their years of doing these interviews, it was their first time having a foreigner mention it. They gave us a card and a slip of paper and asked us to contact them again, because they may be interested in meeting up with us again later in our trip to film more for the show (!?) so we'll see how that pans out I guess!
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Speaking of, after we finally left the airport, we took the Skyliner train to Nippori, and then transferred to a JR Line train to get us to Shinjuku station. We've stayed in Shinjuku for at least part or all of our trips in the past, and it kind of feels like a home base for us now. We usually stay in or around the Kabukicho area, which is known as an entertainment district with lots of nightlife. If you want brilliantly lit signs and that crowded cyberpunk-y look, Kabukicho is a great place to be!
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NOT THAT IT SUPER MATTERS, BUT the card in the photo, with Hello kitty and other Sanrio characters on it, is a Pasmo card, we each got one. Basically it's a little card that you can add money to, and you can use it to pay fare on most trains and buses, as well as lots of vending machines and stuff like that. You can top it off as you go as well.
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We checked in to our hotel, the Shinjuku Gracery, and IMMEDIATELY needed to stretch out on the bed and shower the sweaty airport off of us, haha. The Gracery is built on top of a Toho Cinema movie theater, and the whole hotel has a very classy Godzilla theme to it. There's a to-scale Godzilla head built on top of part of the building, looking like he's about to demolish it, and he roars and blows steam out of his mouth, haha. To be honest, a night in the Gracery is one of our "we're on our honeymoon, we deserve this!" splurges -- it's one of the more expensive parts of our trip, given the rest of the time we'll be staying in smaller hotels and airbnbs and the like. We dished out a little extra cash to stay in what they call a Godzilla view room, where you can see the head of Godzilla that is mounted to the roof of the hotel from your room! Totally cool. I had to include specifically a picture of the shower, because I loooove these big hotel showers!
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(sadly the filter for this exhibit not only doesn't fit my phone screen but also insanely reduced the image quality LOL)
We took a rest, then headed out to get a bite to eat. We hit up a ramen shop we'd been to in the past, and spent a while walking around the Kabukicho area, including the micro-bar district, Golden Gai. It was interesting to see what's changed and what hasn't since we were here last; for example, they were in the process of demolishing a VR arcade when we were last here, and now there's an ENORMOUS, lux-looking hotel in its place!
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We ended up in the unfortunate position of feeling physically very tired but mentally pretty awake, and even though we spent time in our hotel room soaking in the bath, it was probably 1 AM our time before we actually fell asleep, meaning we were up for like....32 hours straight, I think?
Today, our plan is to check out a few shops in the area around Kabukicho, and a little later we'll be checking out and moving on to Akihabara, where our next hotel is. It's well known for being crammed with electronics and used and new like....nerd stuff, and is pretty close to a district jam packed with guitar shops, so we'll have a pretty full day! Stay tuned I suppose!!
Til next time!
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yandereocs · 1 year
this has been on my mind ever since i found ur account but what if like humans are a myth to hybrids and hybrids are a myth to humans but one day human-reader meets the twins maybe like idk in the woods. what would the twins do now that they see a myth being unmythed and vice versa with reader
* Also!! Hybrids have their own language, they don't know English unless they put in the effort to learn it. So when the Twins speak in an italicized way, it means they're speaking their native language and the reader can't understand them!!
* Also sorry that this is really long!! I thought this was really cool and also I gotta apologize for being gone for so long AKSJDJ
Yandere Twins with a "mythical" human reader
* CW: Reader is refered to as an "it", mentions of violence
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* The Twins were no stranger to the concept of humans. They learned all about the war with humans and whatnot. But they've never actually seen one. And neither has anyone else. It's been hundreds of years since the war. At this point, the tale is just that. A tale. A stupid urban legend about violent creatures who capture hybrids and sell their eyes.
* Hybrids never stray too far from their homes. They're comfortable with what they know and they don't like being away from their territory. But the Twins have always been more on the rulebreaker side.
* One day, they get curious. What's deeper in the forest? Why aren't they allowed outside the territory? They wanted answers, so they decided to see for themselves. They can navigate their territory like the back of their hand, but soon they reach unmarked land.
* You were in a similar boat to them. You heard all about the supposed war that took place hundreds of years ago, but it seemed silly. Half animal-half human creatures who can use magic? Yeah, right. Just some stupid myth like unicorns. But it sparked your curiosity.
* Like most myths, people have described urban legends with hybrids. How they reside deep in the woods, and any human who wanders too far is never seen or heard from again. It's stupidly dangerous, but surely it's not real? So you decide to check out the nearest woods.
* It's definitely ominous. It isn't until you're deep in the forest that you start to get nervous. But...you're lost. You aren't too sure how to get back home. You were about to pick a random direction when the bushes rustled, two pairs of bright green eyes staring at you.
* The Twins were immediately captivated by you. You looked kinda like them...but without all the animals features and unnatural eyes. They don't sense any magical energy from you either. Is this it? Are you...a human?
* The Twins immediately reveal themselves to you, which no doubt frightens you. A hybrid...two of them!! Their twitching fox ears, lashing tail and bright, fox like eyes were... unnatural to see. And they had a sort of...suffocating presence. Like they could easily snap your neck, no matter how big or strong you are.
* You ran. Immediately. Something was wrong with those two. Something very, very wrong. You ran in a random direction, hoping to find your way back to human civilization. But they were chasing you. You could hear their footsteps. They were so confident in the woods. You were tripping and stumbling over rocks and branches, but you didn't hear them struggle at all.
* Suddenly, you tumble to the ground as the heavy weight of two bodies hit you. You land on the ground with a loud grunt of pain, trying to wiggle out of the Twin's tight grasp on you. Their nails sharpen in an instant and dig into your body, like claws.
* "They never told us humans were so adorable."
* "Not to mention entertaining. That chase was exhilarating!! And look at it. It's wiggling around. How stupid."
* They're talking in a weird language. It sounds nothing like any human language. You don't even know how their throats even manage to produce the noises necessary to speak it. You're scared. You don't know what they're saying. Are they going to kill you? Just like the urban legends said?
* "I want to keep it."
* "No way, dude. There's no way we're going to be allowed to bring a human into the clan. They're real, which means the war actually happened, dumbass."
* "Don't call me a dumbass. Asshole. But I guess you're right. But...I want to keep it!! Look at it!! It's so weird and interesting...I want to keep it all to myself..."
* "Keep it to OURSELVES. WE both caught it. It's OURS."
* "Right, whatever. That's what I meant."
*They're still talking. Your heart is pounding. Your chest feels tight. No matter how much you moved, you can't get them off you. How strong were these freaks?! You needed to get away from them, NOW.
* You jerk your hand up and punch one of them in the face as hard as you could, scrambling away immediately. Claws sunk into your leg and dragged you back down with ease.
* "It punched me."
* "Yeah, I saw it do that, dumbass."
* "We should definitely keep it."
* The Twins wanted to keep you. You were so interesting, so different from what they expected. They can't bring you home, but they can find a safe place for you. They drag you deeper and deeper into the woods, ignoring your screams. It's not like they can understand what you're saying anyway.
* Hybrids are good builders, so it doesn't take long for them to build you your own special cabin. They visit you every single day, spending most of their time watching you and speaking in their foreign language. Although you were absolutely terrified of them, you couldn't help but also be intrigued by them. Hybrids lived fairly similar to humans, although in a more magical and eco-friendly way.
* Although the Twins were extremely interested in you, they didn't trust you in the slightest. They kept you chained up in a room while they were gone and there were no windows for you to escape through. Not to mention the door had many locks, most of them looking nothing like any human made locks.
* They knew they should tell the Alpha about their find. How a human was wandering nearby and they caught it. But they didn't want to. They knew if they told anyone, you would be taken away. Just the thought of anyone else even LOOKING at your strange body was infuriating to them. So they keep it a secret. THEIR secret. No one else gets to enjoy you.
* They seem incredibly interested in the human body. You look similar to them, but also not? You have no fangs. Your nails can't sharpen into claws and can't retract back to normal at will. Your eyes don't glow and they aren't an unnatural color, like red or purple. Your ears are completely different and you clearly can't hear as well because of it. You have no tail to wag. You can't do magic! It's all so weird to them. They often poke and prod at you whenever they visit.
* Although uncomfortable, you can take their prodding. It's when they start testing your body's limits that's bad. They bend your arms until they break. They dig their claws in your hips and tear at the flesh. They press down on your chest until your ribs crack. They pull at your fingernails until they get ripped off. It's painful.
* "Oh. I think I dislocated something."
* "With way you were holding it's leg? Yeah, no shit."
* "Whoops."
* Luckily, hybrids know healing magic. The Twins are just so interested by you...they can't wait for you to heal all by yourself. So they'll be nice and heal you up. Aren't they so nice?
* They just like touching you in general. Grabbing your stomach. Holding your arm. Gripping your shoulders. Sticking their claws in your mouth. Resting their legs on top of yours. It's overwhelming. They don't ever stop. Why would they? They have a human, all to themselves. No one else is allowed to look at you, to touch you. They have to relish this...power they have over you.
* They at least take the time to learn English so they can communicate, at least.
* "I love you."
* "WE love you."
* "You belong to us."
* "You're ours."
* "Mine."
* "Ours."
* "Our human."
* They seem mostly interested in learning more phrases like that.
* Being with these two like this is a nightmare. They just don't seem to get bored of you!! Even if you just sit there and do nothing, they will still stare at you with great interest.
* You're just so different. So intriguing. And no one else knows about you!! You're their little secret. Their secret human. No one else can enjoy this. All those other hybrids, they live their lives foolishly thinking that humans are a simple folktale. But these two know the truth. And now that they know the truth, they can't ever go back to how it was before. No, no, no. You're THEIR human now.
* And there's no going back.
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2n2n · 2 years
Omg now that we're talking about the death again I did want to bring up something...
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I always liked looking at the position of Tsukasa's arms! A stab to the heart is going to lead to someone losing conscious quickly, but I kind of like the idea that Tsukasa took it with open arms (so to say)... very little blood splatters his arms, almost like he hadn't bothered to struggle. As much as one can struggle when getting stabbed, anyways.
But who knows for sure! I love the idea of Amane snapping, and I can kind of picture it in my head, but Tsukasa is such a wonder. He's been fantasizing about this since he was 4, but does he still want it? And even though he knew about it, did it still manage to catch him off guard? There's so much he didn't know about Amane... so much everyone doesn't know about Tsukasa...
Anyways, Amane's socks are reminding me this took place in a house, so how likely is it do you think that the parents took their lives out of shame of their sons? Admittedly, as a twins purist, I dislike the idea of the parents getting in on their personal little shinjuu in the first place, but I think it would be an interesting way of incorporating suicide into the parents demise (if something else didn't kill them.)
On a more random note, I kind of mourn the fact that Amane didn't make it into the newspaper as a murderer. U_U I like the angst potential. But shinjuu is a fun word at least.
There's really never an implication of swaying arms or blood flying/spraying… paints such a picture of a very passive Tsukasa. The precision of a heart-stab feels like it implicates this, too….! The ability to plunge it in not impulsively, but decisively….
I also think about the status of socks and not shoes!! Being in their summer uniforms, but at home(?), it's got such implications… this didn't happen in the middle of the night, or during dinner, or even on a weekend, or something…. boys still in their schoolclothes… makes it somehow feel impromptu?
Whatever the case is, Amane feels guilty and miserable, and is harrowed by Tsukasa declaring his appreciation…. so even though he knew it was coming, I somehow doubt he (could?) express happiness or gratitude or love in the moment…. always wonder how his feelings towards the shinjuu changed, or didn't, over time… maybe I just like to think about a very sick Tsukasa, unable to communicate thoroughly, or one so speechless by Amane he can't express anything…. so many years of anticipation. Whether he was still waiting for it, or trying to avoid it, or even gradually lost his memories of the Red House or something…. sooo many possibilities….
I'd agree with you that I dislike the thought the parents were too overtly involved! It's almost…. gross to think about? Kimochi warui lol. Get out of here…. I consider any possibility, but, I'd prefer it to be a very personal action, not influenced by parents directly. Though sometimes I think it would be a little funny if the parents in any way WERE involved in the precursor to it, purely because Amane doesn't seem to harbor any strong feelings about them lol, it would say something that he's only focused on his brother, the person he cares about. Nene would forsake her family to die for Amane without warning, it's simply love that matters here lol…. I imagine the Yugi were very 'in their own world' for that moment, just the two of them. Everything else fading away… whatever it all is, it's not being considered. You really want the influence to be minimal.
I would prefer the parents to take care of themselves…. I always imagine the Yugi are such a spooky trip for whoever came to clean up those bodies. These cursed twins. Hope Amane just let his body fall over onto Tsukasa. It's alluring as well to imagine any of their blood intermingling….. weird things to say?
My favorite pet fantasy for the shinjuu (a crazy thing to say) is that Tsukasa attempted to harm himself, Amane came home to this, and couldn't take it… with Tsukasa hurting Amane already reminding me of Aoi attacking Akane, I would love Tsukasa to attempt to pivot by killing himself to change fate, but of course just running into his fate by doing so. These valentines day images are… so loaded??? Tsukasa's heart is crudely damaged… the same can be said for this odd illustration, and I'm sure you and others HAVE read my stupid post on this detail, but for the sake of the blog we must be REPETITIVE!! until we DIE
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where Amane's heart is properly sutured up (well, Tsukasa did fix it!), while Tsukasa's is an openly bleeding and wrecked mess, just like the heart in the valentine's image. The X bandages match up with their most likely dying wounds, so I like, can't discount the hearts holding significance. So weird. Takase-Bune also features a guilty brother attempting to kill himself to free his sibling from the burden of his existence…. it would also be interesting for Amane to be sensitive to the idea of suicidal ideation, or dying for him, as Yashiro attempts to do so, too. Tsukasa is such the suicide boy as it is, crawling into a well, and positioning Amane to destroy him as a yorishiro, would bring it all home for me if Tsukasa tried to free Amane, only for Amane to refuse to allow him to go alone, and took Tsukasa's fate into his own hands for a sense of control in a moment of desperation. It's easy for me to imagine Amane feeling something like, "why are you trying to leave me? We have to stay together, I told you I'd always be here, why are you trying to abandon me? I won't LET you go…. I'll go WITH you." … it's what Akane feels as he plunges himself and Aoi into the well in Hakubo's boundary, and bares some resemblance to Sumire/Hakubo, as well. Something about AidaIro's concept of devotion, commitment, romance……… TT_TT
but anyway, with that in mind, guess I love the idea of Tsukasa being in a state of which he can't talk or move much... as a result. Injured, clumsily bleeding, something crude stabbed into him.... unable to answer well for himself, Amane doing all the talking looming over him, a real moment to... not be proud of, looking back on it, feeling like he didn't respond in. a sane way. to Tsukasa. If he got-- weirdly possessive and 'don't leave me! you can't!' as his motivator, feeling abandoned, rather than something more noble .... I would like that for Amane..... the end result of being eternally bound, aouhgh.
like aauugh. The idea of a Tsukasa stuck there listening to Amane go on and on, but, trapped behind a blood-filled throat, a hazy mind, unable to say I love you or embrace him, no matter how beautiful or touching it is, no matter how much he understands and is reassured by every tone, then only upon returning as a yorishiro and HOWEVER MANY YEARS, can he finally say, I LOVE YOU! I LOVED WHAT YOU DID! I LOVED HOW YOU LOOKED! imaaagine the satisfaction.... it’s basically my fanfiction at this point but we have nothing else TT__TT I MUST think about shinjuu...
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quick-drawn-a · 2 years
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     @chronal-anomaly​ asked:
What does Jesse do with his time off? Given, say, two weeks off - no missions, no responsibilities, just him and some free time - what would he do? Does he travel somewhere? Blow off steam around base? Does he sit still during these times, or does he crave other stimulus that he usually gets from missions?
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          though jesse’s never truly off the clock, he ENJOYS his down time, however rare it does come around.
     despite popular belief, he’s actually quite the busy man. he plays a lot of different rolls around base and within the team, and he takes that responsibility very SERIOUSLY ( in most aspects ) — which, in turn, makes his usual day to day extremely taxing both mentally and physically, even when he’s not deployed.
          the “ lazy ” stigma and general consensus among his coworkers wasn’t necessarily a shot in the dark, however. i’m sure it would quite easily come across that way seeing as most of his down time is spent SLEEPING.
     he’ll make plans to go out, agree to parties or just meet up with friends for a few drinks — and you’ll never have a single doubt that he’ll make it. he’s a man of his word after all. HOWEVER — one could bet he’ll be asleep within the hour and they’ll win EVERY TIME. it’s particularly bad post mission — jesse claiming he’s not “built” for time zone hopping as much as he does...
     while it’s typically against his will, he can still appreciate a good nap here and there and being able to sit back and just relax every now and then. he was always fond of SILENCE, being able to kick his feet up and just take in the moment — at least, he did back on the farm. it was different here on base. perhaps it was because the silence was DIFFERENT — probably didn’t help that genuine breaks like that were so sparse, it’s really when he started to develop those itchy feet of his. it’s why now he’d much rather do some of the other things he finds fun and interesting.
     if he has to entertain himself, you can usually catch him playing some sort of video game — mainly shooters, but he also has quite a few strategy and puzzle games he enjoys playing, along with the occasional card simulator ( variations of poker ). he also has a few TV shows he tries to keep up with, should he have enough time. and you can still find him in the gym and at the range during these breaks — he enjoys them both enough that it doesn’t quite feel like work to him. once he gets over not wanting to leave base, he’ll take day trips around the coast on his bike, but not heading anywhere in particular.
     if he manages to find some ( good ) company ? he’s probably still doing those things — BUT he’s fairly open minded and is willing to tag along to most stores, bars, clubs, parks, etc. if they had something else in mind. he’s found he’s a pretty big fan of karaoke this way...
          HOWEVER, all of that being said —
     too much of any of these things and he IS going to go stir-crazy. as i mentioned earlier, he has become accustomed to just WORKING, and once a certain amount of time passes by where he doesn’t, he gets antsy. and if it goes on long enough, he’ll no longer find any of those things entertaining enough — and that’s when you’ll find him in reyes’ office practically BEGGING for an assignment.
          so, TL;DR: he’s pretty chill about it until he isn’t.
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 2 months
The Alpha's Beta - Chapter 1 - Part 1
BOOK ONE: The Alpha's Trilogy
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*Warning Adult Content*
Empty House
Alpha Silas Claymore
"Are you excited?" Simon asked as he pushed a book back into the book shelf that ran along the wall of my office.
"Silas, you have to be excited, Jeremy is retried its like a fresh start for not just you but for the whole pack. New rules..."
"There will be no new rules, I like the rules that we have, why would I change them?" I asked leaning forward in my chair so my elbows were pressed onto the desk.
Simon just couldn't wait to get out of his position.
I mean I loved the man, he was my brother after all but he didn't have the will to be my Beta and poor Jeremy had been in the role of Beta since our father was the new Alpha of the pack.
The man needed to retire.
"But sure Simon , I'm excited. I just wish I knew the guy. For all we know he can be shady as fuck and stab us all in our sleep."
Needles to say, I was weary about all of this.
Jeremy assured us his son would be amazing for the role as Beta but he wasn't really part of the pack, he'd left soon after his mother died.
Jeremy said it was safer for his son to live with his mother's parents in the far north.
He said he was being trained to be the best to his ability.
I had doubts about all this, I mean.
What kind of Alpha didn't know his Beta?
My father had grown up with Jeremy, they'd been friends since they were pups.
Jeremy was there the night I was born.
His son, Darren, was a couple of years older than I was and he had already left for the north by the time I was born.
"Silas, relax. Jeremy had given us his word that his son was the man for this job. We both know I can't keep doing this. I almost broke my leg when we were hunting. Silas I tripped. I tripped over a branch. No one is taking you seriously with me as second in command."
Simon was right, he was much more fit for a desk job.
The poor guy was a runt but I needed a temporary Beta while Jeremy was away.
He was the only man I could trust for the job.
Jeremy had been gone for two weeks by this point and in those two weeks Simon had nearly lost an eye, almost broke his leg, sprained his wrist and pissed off our lead hunter Elis, by telling him to 'follow his nose' in this most sarcastic voice I'd ever heard from him.
I knew he was young but I honestly thought he was mature enough.
Everyone was excited for Jeremy to return at this point.
Aside from myself, I just had an odd feeling about all this.
Not necessarily bad but also not necessarily good either.
"Well, I'm going to make sure Darren's office is ready. We'd would hate for him to feel unwelcomed. Right Alpha Silas," Simon raised his brow to me and crossed his arms over his chest.
A strand of his light brow hair fell into his face.
He bated it away with his hand.
I shook my head at him.
He tried so hard but always managed to fail.
"I'll make him feel welcomed but I'm also going to let him know that he needs to earn our trust. That he can't just walk in here and think he can take everything over. He needs to earn respect. Everyone trusts and respects Jeremy so it shouldn't be to hard."
I stood up and walked over to Simon.
I was about six inches taller than he was.
We were polar opposites.
His hair was light brown, mine was practically black, his eyes were brown, mine were blue.
I was strong and he was... well you get the point.
I patted his back and ushered him out of my office.
I still had paper work to finish before I could leave.
An Alpha's work was never done.
I walked into the empty house, Simon had moved out last month and I was left alone, in the big empty home that had once held our whole family.
Somehow a home that held a family of five had turned into an empty whole holding nothing but memories and pain and myself.
In just seven years.
Our mother died when I was sixteen and Simon was eleven.
She had been out hunting with a group, her along with my sister Raylin.
She had just turned ten and was finally old enough to hunt.
She was so excited.
I could recall her running around the house with a big smile plastered on her face
"Silas I'll bring you back a deer," she promised me.
There was an explosion.
I had been with my father at the time, in his office.
The office, I now called my own.
The windows had broken from the impact.
I had run to the window to look outside but my father had pulled me back shouting at me to go under the desk.
I did as he said and soon Simon was with me.
I hadn't even realize he was in the building.
He was shaking and mumbling under his breath.
I held him for a few minutes trying to calm him down but it was useless.
After about five minutes I knew our father had left the room, I couldn't feel his energy anymore.
So I had crept from under the desk, telling Simon to stay put.
I walked to the window and saw the forest on fire.
People where frantic trying to control the blaze but it was to late.
The whole hunting group had been killed.
Mother, Raylin and ten other men and women.
Only a few bodies where found but there was no scent leaving the grounds.
We'd come to the conclusion that they had been incinerated from the blast.
We'd investigated for years.
To this day someone will bring up clues to how it could have happened but it was never solved.
Mother and Raylin's bodies had never been recovered.
Father never got over it.
He had lost his mate and his only daughter.
Six years later his grief consumed him.
I tried to shake the thoughts from my mind.
The last thing I needed to think about was the past.
About the seven years I had to protect Simon.
How I had to take care of the pack, even before I was Alpha.
How I watched him waste his life away, day after day.
Until I couldn't stand by and watch him ruin not just his life but all our lives.
I grabbed the phone off the coffee table and dialed a familiar number before bringing it to my ear and tapped my foot on the ground until I heard the voice mail pick up.
[Hey you reached Lucca Miethke, leave your name and number and I might call you back.]
There was no point to leave a message so I had just hung up, he knew what I wanted.
I wouldn't be surprised if he had purposely ignored my call.
He'd eventually call me back, he always did.
I laid on the couch and I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew the sun was bleeding through the window, lighting the once dark room.
I turned over pressing my face into the cushion trying to soak up the darkness and get a few more minutes of the sleep I hadn't realize I had gotten.
"Would you wake up already."
I jumped into a sitting position and let out a low growl, than I looked over to the rocking chair in the corner of the room and saw the familiar light haired dark eye'd boy.
Lucca sat there shaking his head in disapproval.
He got up and walked towards me, he bent down placing his hands on the cushion on either side of my legs.
His face inches away from my own.
"Bad boy," he scolded in a soft voice, before pressing his lips onto mine.
I melted into the kiss, grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards me before lightly shoving him away and braking the kiss.
"Why didn't you call?" I asked, watching him as he stood up took a few steps away from me, before giving me a light hearted smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
"I did, mind you it wasn't until around three in the morning, so I came here, slept in your bed, your alarm woke me up at seven. What kind of evil person sets his alarm for seven o'clock in the morning on a Sunday?"
"The kind of person who has a whole pack to run and has to be up by seven."
I rolled my eyes at him and stood up patting my pockets until I found my cell phone.
I pulled it out and looked at the time, it was only ten past.
"I need a shower," I said leaning into him.
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Want me to join you?" he asked.
I could practically hear the smirk in his voice but I shook my head.
"No, it's something I can do alone. Go get me coffee," I ordered him playfully pulling away from him.
He rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys off the coffee table, kissed my cheek and walked out.
Lucca Miethke and I where nothing serious, he'd been my rock for the past two years but we both knew that one day we'd find our mates so there was no reason to put a label on the relationship.
The only other person who knew about us was Simon and that's only because one night Lucca and I fell asleep on the couch cuddled into each other when Simon was supposed to be at a friends house for the night but he left early for some reason.
He seemed okay with it, I mean it wasn't like Lucca was a stranger, we had gone to school together.
He was a hunter for the pack but I always felt guilty hiding the relationship from the pack.
Not that they would have an issue with a gay Alpha, I knew they wouldn't.
Well, some might but they all knew better then to do anything about it but neither of us saw the point if it wasn't something for the long haul.
For now we were happy and we'd be happy when the other found their mate, it was our deal.
I made my way upstairs but before I could open the bathroom door my cell phone started to ring and Simons named flashed on the screen.
"Good morning" I said into my cell-phone.
"They're almost here," he replied almost frantic like.
"How far?" I asked, regretting that I didn't hear my alarm this morning.
"Five minutes, max."
I sighed hanging up on him.
Well, I guess body spray would have to do.
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apricusnights · 7 months
Olympus Tournament: Round Four.
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"Greetings everyone! Mayor Flavian Lowell here to bring you the recap of round four! Well, I'm going to do my best anyway. See round four is going to be rather chaotic considering it's one giant battle royale!"
"There is going to be so much going on at once I doubt I'm going to be able to keep track of all the eliminations as they happen. No matter what though, I promise you're going to be entertained!"
"The way this works is simple. Any competitors that want to fight, may do so. The arena will continue to decrease in size as time goes on. You may remember this from the Leader's Choice Battle Royale. The last person standing at the end is declared the winner!"
"Strap yourselves in because here we go!"
"Right off the bat we've got..I don't even know how many fighters just going at it all over the arena! I can't even remember the last time I've seen this much chaos in such a small space! The crowd is loving it though! You've got supporters for pretty much everyone."
"We've got fire, electricity, wires, blades, chains, fans, bullets, explosions, crumbling buildings, broken trees, I'm pretty sure this is enough of a disaster zone to make one of those pancake restaurants consider closing!"
"Some of the less experienced fighters are doing their best to keep away from the main melee happening but with tis many people it's hard to not get caught up in a brawl! Shockingly even though it's been a few minutes nobody has been eliminated yet...or maybe they have and I missed it...seems we have a timer counting down..for some reason."
"Oh my word! Pyro has gone off, the gate has opened and the eight and a half foot tall Mikey Minos animatronic has entered the arena! We've got fighters swarming the mechanical monstrosity hoping to get a few of those sweet bonus points by taking him out! Minos isn't going without a fight though as he throws fighters left and right, he's charged up and plowed through the entire group like..well like a bull! We're losing more and more people!"
"Not everyone is focusing on Mikey though as we've got folks tangling with opponents they faced earlier on in the tournament, trying to get revenge! The arena is shrinking more and more as time passes which causes more people to get pushed out. The field is starting to drop a bit but there's still plenty of action and the crowd is at a fever pitch!"
"Ok, who just turned out the arena lights! I doubt those folks will care about fighting in the dark but I can not tell what is going on down there! Someone fix the lighting! Oh there we go the lights are back and..is that the Dark Angel from Apricus! He hasn't been in any fights so far! I'm being told it's also bonus points if you eliminate him! This round keeps getting more and more insane!"
"Dark Angel is fighting off competitors and imposing his will but some of the stronger opponents have landed some good blows! OH MY! Dark Angel just got knocked off his feet by a charging Mikey Minos! Angel is up and grappling with the animatronic minotaur! The two are punching each other as they plow through buildings and knock other folks out of the way! It's a kaiju wrestling movie down there!"
"The arena has reached it's smallest point and our remaining group of fighters are still going at it! Minos and Dark Angel are still wailing at each other but they get caught off guard by Typhon, and Roland Marigold who just manage to push them out of bounds! Roland is in turn pushed out by Typhon but Typhon gets tripped up by Kraka and falls out!"
"Kraka finds herself alone with Kara who lands a superwoman style punch and forces Kraka out of bounds! Kara locks up with Solstice while Gouki battles Ajax! Ajax barely manages to avoid getting pushes out and manages to throw Gouki out instead! Ajax rushes at Solstice and Kara, bashing into both of them and sending all three tumbling out of bounds. Due to the rules however, as Solstice and Kara exited the forcefield and stepped on the ground before Ajax, Ajax is considered our winner!"
Winner: Ajax
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"I wish I could have covered that better but it was complete chaos! You had to see it to believe it! Congratulations to Ajax on a thrilling victory!"
"Thank you everyone for tuning in to watch Round Four!"
"Our next event will be the four-way match between the four winners of the Leader's Choice event. Who will emerge as the one true winner? You'll have to tune in and see!"
"After that will be the mysterious Round Five! Round Five is considered the final regular round..and we know next to nothing about it. Isn't that exciting?"
"Thanks again everyone, have a wonderful night!"
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