#and surprisingly I am doing well chipping away at this assignment it’s a tough one but I think I’ve put more effort in as a result
towardsmodernism · 1 year
had my first day of volunteer work at my local lesbian museum today and genuinely enjoyed myself sooo much. lots of cataloguing books for their research library and it was such engaging and interesting but also stress free low stakes work and everyone was so nice and chatty and ugh!! had such a good time I can’t wait to go back next week PEACE AND LOVE ON PLANET EARTH!!!!!!!
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joonsdragoneyes · 4 years
Home among the thorns [M][1]
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{Warning: This fic contains mentions and descriptions of homophobia/internalized homophobia, profanity, religious content, smut, mental health and general adult themes. Please proceed with caution if this in any way makes you uncomfortable.}
{A/N: I myself was not raised specifically Catholic, but I was raised religious and am, myself, LBGTQ. Any depictions of the religion are from my own research and do not reflect the views of everyone of that faith. This is merely fiction. Please don’t generalize; it’s not cool.}
{This does take place in a high school, but all characters depicted are 18 or older.}
{Word Count: 1.3k}
{The scenarios depicted in this work do not reflect my views or opinions of the members, nor does it reflect the members' opinions or views. This is merely a work of fiction.}
"We were born sick", you heard them say it 
Yoongi has always felt different. He could never explain it, but every relationship with a woman he had ever been in didn't seem to work out. He felt weird- dare he say uncomfortable. He liked them as friends, sure, but anything beyond that he couldn't seem to match well with. That quickly became the last thing on his mind as his parents suddenly packed up everything and left. Now here he was, in an all-boys boarding school, further away from home than the move brought him. It all seemed to be going terribly, that is, until he meets Namjoon- top of his class, educated, kind, able to make his heart race. Now he understood why nothing ever worked out until he got with Namjoon. Now they both had to attempt to hide, all while planning the only way they know to truly be together. They had to run away.
The sight of the man sitting at the front of the class was a sight he didn’t think he’d ever get tired of. He had stopped paying attention to whatever lecture was being given by the teacher a long time ago, the sight of the taller man in front of him and how damn handsome he looked in these bland uniforms the only thing he could focus on. Every glance to the empty lines of his notebook only caused his glance to shoot up to the man once again, lifting his head so he could at least pretend that he was paying attention. Every time his gaze dropped, he only wondered when he thought seeing someone writing was attractive. 
Biting his lip nervously, he lifted, hitting the stiff back of the old plastic chair. His gaze dropped once again to his barren notebook, realizing he hadn’t done any work in his staring. Lifting his head, he looked at the teacher, slouching down as he decided he would just have to ask Namjoon for his notes. He licked his teeth at the thought, trying to fight back a smirk at the idea of having a reason to see him. He’d likely be out past curfew if he did, so at least he’d have an eligible excuse. Studying wasn’t a sin. 
The feeling of someone staring caused him to finally come back into full focus, the sight of the very man he was thinking about gazing over his shoulder at him nearly made him melt. His eyebrow was slightly raised, a mix of confusion and concern present on his face. Had he made too much noise? Were the others staring? 
He looked around, sighing a bit in relief at the sight of everyone either looking at the teacher or taking notes. Blinking, he turned around; the view of the other mans’ shoulders shaking slightly in a silent laugh made him sit up full in his chair once again. It wasn’t until he looked away from him Yoongi finally realized why the other man turned around. He was staring at him, and he wasn’t taking notes. He could already hear the lecture he’d get once class was over, meaning he’d probably be late to lunch as well. Sure, it was more time with Namjoon, but man was he hungry.
The bell suddenly rang; everyone raising their heads at once. The teacher paused, pouting a bit as she realized she hadn’t finished her lesson as she had planned. The room grew slightly loud as everyone got up, grabbing their bags and chatting with their friends. Yoongi was already standing at the door, listening as the teacher announced something about a reading assignment and some homework, watching as Namjoon continued to sit there, writing down the tasks with his gorgeous handwriting.
“I’m coming!” He finally spoke, standing up and slinging his backpack over his shoulder. God, even his voice was excellent. Why were they dating again? He could’ve had anyone else, why him? More importantly, how long would he stay? Every other relationship attempt had failed, were emotionless, or otherwise forced; who’s to say this one wouldn’t? He probably just didn’t find the right woman yet.
“Are you ready for lunch?” Namjoon chirped, bouncing on his toes a bit in excitement. Yoongi grinned in response, his head craning up to look at the much taller man. “Yeah, I was just waiting for you. You take forever to write down the homework.” He joked, beginning to walk with the crowd, the taller man right on his heels. “Oh, wait, detour. One moment.” Namjoon piped up, quickly swerving away from the crowd and down a separate hall. Confused, Yoongi followed right behind, the sound of different teachers’ conversions echoing through the currently empty hallway from their still occupied classrooms. Some classes were still in session, the realization making Yoongi a bit nervous. 
“Where are we going?” He questioned the taller man as they finally reached an unoccupied hallway. “Courtyard. I’m taking a long way; there’s something I wanna show you.” Namjoon responded, his voice echoing slightly despite the almost whisper that escaped. “It’ll be quick. I promise.” He grinned, the sight making Yoongi’s heart skip in his chest, his ears warming slightly. “Ah, alright.” He mumbled, attempting to hide his embarrassment the best he could. 
Yoongi looked at the large sign of the door, his eyes growing wide at the mention of it being alarmed. He opened his mouth to speak, attempting to warn the other man of the alarm, only to instantly shut his mouth at the ensuing silence. “We’re not supposed to go through this door, but don’t worry, they forgot to set the alarm to go off for this door this year,” Namjoon explained, shivering a bit as they stepped into the nippy fall air. It was sunny outside, but the sun didn’t seem to be doing much, if anything, to keep either of them warm.
Leaves crunched under their feet as they moved swiftly along. They were behind the school at this point, in a part of the courtyard they weren’t supposed to be in. The trail was surprisingly well kept minus the raking, the small patch of trees, and the few benches contained within lay just beyond. The two shivered, their walking speeding up in an attempt to hurry and get warm again. Usually, this was open during the summer so that any students who wanted to eat outside could do so without being directly in the sun. It was beautiful in the fall air.
Yoongi watched as Namjoon plopped down on one of the slightly chipped benches, shuffling a bit from the noticeably cold metal under his thighs. “Come, sit.” He grinned, his cheeks red from the cold air as he gently pats the empty space next to him. Laughing a bit at the sight, Yoongi flopped next to him, his heart fluttering in his chest as his hand accidentally brushed that of the taller man next to him. He was warm.
Namjoon cautiously wrapped a pinky around the smaller pinky of the other man next to him, turning away to dig through his bag, his heart skipping in his chest. He slowly pulled his hand away, lifting to hide the large object with his form. “Okay, close your eyes.” He spoke softly, turning his head to look at Yoongi, who quickly closed his eyes. He promptly shuffled, placing the small box and large bouquet into the smaller mans’ eagerly awaiting hands. “Okay, open.”
“Oh, my God, Joonie.” Yoongi found himself giggling, his cheeks hurting from the smile spreading across his face. Tears threatened to break through, his eyes hurting as his legs stomped softly on the ground a bit, his body wiggling in his moment of excitement. He couldn’t seem to form any words at this point; he just chuckled to himself, squirming in the cold seat. Namjoon laughed at the sight, his gaze soft at the sight. “Happy one year.” “Joonie!” Yoongi laughed, his body finally sitting still enough to open the small box, a small ring shining in the light. “Oh, Joonie.” He grinned, wrapping his arms around the taller man in a massive hug. “I love it.”
Namjoon looked around, cautiously looking around before leaning forward, lifting the mans’ hair to place a gentle kiss on his forehead. “I’m glad; I love seeing you happy.” He grinned, pulling away just as quickly. Yoongi looked up, his eyes suddenly wide and full of concern. “Wait, how will I hide them until I get to my room? We still have half of the school day left.”
“Hide it in your backpack.”
Yoongi nodded, leaning down to shove it into his bag. “We should get to lunch. I’m hungry. Oh, Joon! I didn’t take any notes. Do you think I could come by later and copy yours?” Yoongi asked softly, Joon smiling as the two stood up. “Of course. If you think you won’t get in trouble.” Namjoon responded, playfully messing his hair up. Yoongi grinned in response. “I won’t. That won’t be an issue.”
Namjoon chuckled, beginning to walk away. “Alright, see you then, Mr. tough guy.”
0 notes
playeroneplayertwo · 5 years
Back in Time (Tragedy Looper)
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The only thing better than getting killed by a mad cultist embroiled in a suicide pact is going back in time and doing it again! And again!
And again!
Tragedy Looper (2011) Designed by BakaFire Art by Bascu, Rei Konno Published by Z-Man Games
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I was hoping to frame this entire review around Back to the Future, a movie I prefer endlessly to the more plumb comparison for this game, Groundhog Day, but, to be fair, Groundhog Day is infinitely more apropos.
Tragedy Looper is an asymmetrical game about trying to stop a tragedy from happening. Sounds simple enough, no? The Groundhog Day bit comes from the fact that Tragedy Looper is a hidden information game, and the only way for the tragedy-averse player(s) to win the game is to have the tragedy happen (at least a few times), so as to learn exactly what’s going on. Each time the secret tragedy happens, the game resets as time is wound back to the beginning once more and the scenario restarts.
See? Groundhog Day.
Lowdown (How to Play–in a Very Small Nutshell)
I hope that no one reading this blog ever uses these Lowdowns as a means to learn the rules. I intentionally skip details (sometimes smaller rules, sometimes not) because the Lowdown is supposed to be an in-a-nutshell overview. I don’t want to get too detailed, because that could easily take up the whole review. That being said, I’m going to make this Lowdown even more macro than normal. If I make a dumb mistake or gloss over something that seems particularly important, I probably did so for the sake of brevity–at least that’s my excuse for now…
Tragedy Looper comes in a small box and has a surprisingly low number of components, but it’s a big game. Your first play of this is going to be tough, and its asymmetric nature will make it even harder to play, because if you want the experience to be even halfway satisfying, it’s not possible to play open-handed. All right, that’s enough of a prelude.
There are two sides to a game of Tragedy Looper: one Mastermind and one to three Protagonists. The Mastermind player will be doing the bulk of the work in running the game (not dissimilar to the Overlord in Descent (2012) or the Keeper in Mansions of Madness (2011)). Prior to starting the game, the Mastermind will get two cards outlining a main plot and subplot of the script, essentially the core of how the game works. These are only known to the Mastermind. A plot and subplot will dictate which character roles are present in the game–a cultist, conspiracy theorist, key person, serial killer, etc. Additionally, script cards will tell you about specific incidents, like a suicide or murder, that will happen on specific days of the script.
On a player’s turn, cards will be played by the Mastermind and Protagonists to alter the board. Character cards can be moved, movements can be canceled, intrigue or paranoia can be seeded across the board, as well as removed. The point of the game for the Mastermind is to end a loop by meeting specific conditions outlined by the plot of the script. For the Protagonists, on the other hand, the point is to learn what exactly is causing the loop (or round of the game) to end and prevent it.
I’ll give you an example. Let’s say that you are playing a scenario in which the loop will end when the key person (a roll that is hidden and known only to the Mastermind) is murdered. Simple enough. The Mastermind is given the ability to orchestrate this by a number of means. For example, if there is a serial killer character, the Mastermind can simply get the key person alone in a location with the serial killer. If a day in the game ends with this condition met, the Mastermind simply tells the Protagonists that the loop has ended because the tragedy has occurred. No other details are given. The game is reset at day one, and play resumes.
The real game here is that which plots are being used is completely hidden from the Protagonists, so often they will not even be aware if a game contains a key person role or not–as not all plots contain the same roles. Further, if a loop is ended and the cause if obvious, then it will be very easy for the Protagonists to prevent it the next time through. The meat of the game comes from the Mastermind muddying the water enough so as to create multiple possible end game conditions. Did the loop end because the teacher was murdered? Maybe they are the key person? Or did the loop end because of the amount of intrigue in the school? Or did the loop end because the butterfly effect occurred?
Each game lasts for a set number of loops, a number that is public knowledge to all players. As the game continues and the Protagonists begin to piece the puzzle together, tension will ratchet up as each player struggles to outsmart the other.
The Mastermind will win if they are able to make it through all loops without being foiled and the Protagonists fail at the “final guess.” The Protagonists will win if they either foil the Mastermind on any loop or succeed at the “final guess.” The game gives the Protagonists one last chance to win after the final loop has finished: guess all players’ roles (meaning that the Protagonists have effectively figured out what plot and subplot are in the script, and have been able to essentially map out which roles each of the players have been assigned by the script).
Tea for Two (Scaling for Two Players)
The only real scaling present in Tragedy Looper is the same scaling present in a game like Fury of Dracula (2015) or the aforementioned Descent (2012): one player will have to play multiple characters. In this case, multiple protagonists. In general, this is far from optimal, but I don’t think it’s as bad in Tragedy Looper as in some other games. Unlike a game like Mansions of Madness (2011) or Fury of Dracula (2015), there’s not nearly as much bookkeeping. You’ve got no items, health, or abilities to keep track of, because each Protagonist doesn’t really control one character, but has the ability to influence any.
At the same time, some of the tension is removed with only two players. First of all, the Mastermind will miss out on any table talk, with one player essentially doing all of that “table talk” in their own head–I think in this case it’s just called thinking. Second of all, there is a mechanic in this game that essentially screws the Protagonists: if they each play the same card, it cancels and the action is wasted. With only one player handling all three Protagonists, this will never happen.
If you’re okay with these little issues, Player Two and I think the game plays very well with two.
The Power of Love (The Good Stuff)
I have to be honest and tell you that our second game of Tragedy Looper was one of the best and most satisfying single gaming experiences I may have ever had. If you don’t know anything about Tragedy Looper, I imagine the Lowdown was sort of baffling. This is a very hard game to teach. But the experience is fascinating once you get the basic idea down.
Like Detective (2018), the actual mechanics of the game are remarkably simple. If Detective (2018) is a time-management game complicated by narrative induction, then Tragedy Looper is a basic hand-management/grid movement game complicated by hidden information, deduction, and bluffing. All of the complications come from the actual deduction inherent in Protagonists watching the Mastermind and slowly eliminating options as the noose tightens around their own necks. For the Mastermind, on the other hand, this is a basic hand management/grid movement game complicated by bluffing, misdirection, and clever timing. Each player has very different responsibilities, and must play the game very differently.
Like I said, Tragedy Looper is unlike anything I’ve ever played. This doesn’t feel like deduction, it is real deduction. Detective (2018) is great, but when I play it, I can’t get over the feeling that it’s not really deduction, instead it’s time management as you wander around in the dark, managing resources as you try to build a case from a smattering of details. 
I like heavy games, and Tragedy Looper scratches an itch that I didn’t even know I had. When Player Two and I play, I am always the Mastermind, not only because Kathleen’s not 100% comfortable running everything (of which there is a bunch), but because she’s the real deduction hound. I enjoy the feeling of pulling the strings as you move characters across the board, slowly lining up events like dominos so they will fall at just the right time, triggering the end of the loop without giving away too many clues. The design of Tragedy Looper manages to be as clever and dense as it is beautifully elegant in its simplicity, and that fact really can’t be overstated.
I Want a New Drug (The Bad Stuff)
But the bad stuff. First of all, I’m not a big fan of the art. I’ve watched my fair share of anime, but I don’t feel the artwork adds anything to this game at all. Additionally, the components are kinda cheap. I sleeved the cards to not only prevent chipping (they’re all black), but also because the card stock is bad. The only cards I think I’ve used that are worse are in Doctor Who: Time of the Daleks (2017), which in this house has legendarily awful cards.
But that’s fine, whatever. If you’re interested in this game, it’s a huge, rewarding experience, but you really need to know what you are getting yourself into. Each player will have a player reference. Okay, big deal, 75% of games come with player aids these days. They’re handy! Yes, but these are spreadsheets. I’ve included a portion of one in the montage image above. It’s a literal spreadsheet telling each player which roles are present in which script, how plots trigger, how loops end, what abilities individual roles may grant players, etc. It’s a lot. No, really. Like a lot. See, I used bold to emphasize it doubly.
Brass: Birmingham (2018) felt like a big, overwhelming experience the first time we played it. So did The Gallerist (2015), and Labyrinth: The War on Terror (2010), so what’s different? Well, 90% of the actual gameplay of Tragedy Looper, or at least the gameplay that really matters (like the deduction, the process of elimination, the analysis of possibility or potential) will happen in your head. You’ll have notes scribbled on your napkin or your hand, and you’ll be contemplating texting yourself notes to try not to get lost in your own brain. I can’t forget that the principle was at the shrine with two paranoia when the loop ended… It’s a lot.
Like nearly all of our games, we’ve only ever played this game together as a two player game. We often joke that teaching someone Race for the Galaxy (2007) is a nightmarish experience because of the madcap symbology. But after playing Tragedy Looper, I’d rather teach my grandmother Race for the Galaxy (2007) on a school bus filled with seven year-olds than teach anybody at all Tragedy Looper, even under optimal conditions.
The End (Final Thoughts)
I love Tragedy Looper, but perhaps the most illuminating reveal in regards to the game is that we played it about four times over a fairly compressed amount of time, but haven’t played it since. I’d love to play it again, but the idea of relearning portions of the rules (yes, I have forgotten more than a few things, and this is another reason the Lowdown may be a little brief) gives me cold sweats. Its learning curve is keeping me from playing it, and I’ve played it multiple times. It’s ranked 9/10 on my Board Game Geek, but it doesn’t rank in my top 40 games. Why such a disparity?
Ultimately, it’s an unfriendly and demanding game. Will the work required to play pay off in the end? And will it be rewarding enough for you? That’s the question you’ll need to answer yourself. I don’t honestly know myself. It’s still on my shelf, but I don’t want to play it, something I feel bad admitting. I don’t want to put in the work, and not because the game isn’t good enough, but because it’s a lot of work, and it’s very heady. This is a complicated review because it’s not as binary as most reviews are. I have to say “It’s great, but…” or “You should get it, but only if…” and that’s something that can’t be ignored.
There’s a hungry fan base who have made a plethora of home-brewed scripts beyond the 10 that come in the base box (or the smattering of expansions Z-Man released over the years since Tragedy Looper’s 2011 western publication), and you can buy this puppy for less than $20 in about 6 different places online, so like Kraftwagen, it’s a true bargain bin deal. If you can break through the invisible barrier around this game, what you’ll find waiting is amazing.
But that’s a pretty big “if.”
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Player One Eric
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soulcrazy2017-blog · 8 years
Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 (2017) Vs. 12-inch MacBook (2016): Smackdown Review
New Post has been published on https://soulcrazy.org/dell-xps-13-2-in-1-2017-vs-12-inch-macbook-2016-smackdown-review/
Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 (2017) Vs. 12-inch MacBook (2016): Smackdown Review
Dell has hit a sweet spot with its new XPS thirteen 2-in-1.
That sweet spot is proper smack between a 12-inch MacBook and thirteen-inch MacBook Seasoned. And slotting (size) in under the standard Dell XPS 13 (see pics at bottom). What follows is a brief examine four key metrics evaluating the XPS 13 2-in-1 with the present day 12-inch MacBook. Allow me to stipulate that this isn’t always a genuine contrast because the Dell has a 13.three-inch display and the MacBook a 12-inch show. But they’re remarkably near in universal size (see photos), both are extremely skinny, and both have fanless Intel Y series processor-based totally designs.
XPS 13 2-in-1, Model 9365 (2017) / 12-inch MacBook (2016): fanless ultraportable laptops
Performance: XPS wins. Both the XPS 13 9365 and 12-inch MacBook have “fanless” Y series processors (what was once known as the Center M), which can be designed for the thinnest of the skinny. Certainly, each is virtually thin. The distinction is that the XPS thirteen 2-in-1 (which I am the use of) have the latest Kaby Lake (1.3GHz) seventh gen processor, at the same time as the MacBook (which I also use) has an older Skylake 6th gen chip (1.2GHz).
There’s a massive — However no longer massive — Delta in benchmarks. Based on my Geekbench 4 CPU checking out and looking at comparative scores on the Net, you get between 15 and 20% better Overall performance on Kaby Lake on single Center and multi-Center Overall performance. That, of course, varies on programs, in which the delta may be bigger or smaller. However the maximum vital factor to bear in mind is, Intel is more targeted on battery lifestyles than Overall performance with the Y collection processors.
Both machines are slower than the Dell XPS 13 (popular, non-2-in-1 layout) with a greater powerful Kaby Lake Center i7 U series processor (now not fanless). That stated, the XPS 2-in-1 is near (negligible difference) on unmarried-Center CPU Performance.
Battery existence: A draw. As I stated above, the Y collection is all approximately wringing the remaining drop of battery lifestyles out of Ultra-thin, ultra-light portables. The XPS (with a 1,920-by-1,080 show) and MacBook (2,304-by using-1,440) have comparable battery lifestyles. Anticipate among 8 and eleven hours, depending on how vibrant the display is and how processor-extensive the assignment. Of course, in case you plan on doing loads of gaming and video editing and you’re running the Chrome browser with 20 tabs, and the show maxed out, then all bets are off. You possibly may not see a number hours due to the fact the Y collection processors are not cut out for lots of heavy lifting.
And one caveat: in my long revel in with checking out laptops, pills, and smartphones, battery existence is all over the map relying on the consumer. Again, laptops rated at 10 hours may be introduced to their knees (i.E., decreased to a few hours of battery life) in hundreds of various scenarios, particularly with much less technical customers.
The XPS 13 2-in-1 has a 360-diploma hinge for 4, bendy positions – tablet, tent, computer and stand mode. Dell Dell The XPS thirteen 2-in-1 has a 360-diploma hinge for a tablet, tent, PC and stand mode.
Build: MacBook wins. (Though now not using lots.) Just like the 12-inch MacBook, the XPS is surely thin: zero.Fifty-four inches at its thickest factor as compared to the 12-inch MacBook, that’s zero.52 inches at its thickest factor.
As I said above, the XPS thirteen 2-in-1 is slightly smaller than the same old XPS 13 But slightly large than the 12-inch MacBook. Dell has caught to its minimum-show-bezel design ethos (Pinnacle and two facets) with the webcam below the display, squeezing a 13-inch display right into a 12-inch package deal. For my part, I might opt for a barely larger top bezel that integrates the Webcam and microphone. Dell has sacrificed — to some diploma — characteristic for the sake of form. Then again, there’s no disputing the fact that the general footprint is decreased. And no disputing that it makes for an aesthetically beautiful design.
The all-aluminum MacBook wins on usual Build because of its impossibly thin design and light weight — albeit with a smaller 12-inch show in comparison to the XPS’ thirteen.Three inches. The XPS 13 2-in-1 weighs in at 2.7 pounds, the MacBook barely over 2 pounds. That is a large distinction within the ultraportable world wherein designers be anxious over including some grammes. And it’s very major. While you choose the MacBook up, it appears like a tablet. The XPS still feels like PC (albeit a very light-weight one). Yes, you are getting a bigger show with the XPS. However, I, in reality, don’t notice the dimensions distinction after I jump from the XPS to the MacBook. Backside line: I assume the 12-inch MacBook strikes the first-rate balance among portability (weight) and display length.
I need to upload that the XPS has an appealing carbon fibre mesh It’s wrapped around the keyboard and trackpad — aka the palm rest place. It is a gentle texture with an amazing sense/exquisite look. And cuts down on general weight. Analysing the favourable person feedback on retailer sites and plaudits in critiques, it is apparent that that is a famous characteristic of the XPS line. That said, I opt for all-metal designs (that tend to be more body oil resistant than the XPS’ carbon fibre) with aluminium palm rests. It’s just a non-public desire, and I believe I can be in the minority.
Rate: XPS wins. You are getting the most recent Intel processor and kind of the identical RAM/garage specs for about $a hundred less (in case you ignore the normal reductions that the 12-inch MacBook receives at retailers like best Buy). That is, an XPS thirteen 2-in-1 with a 1.2GHz (base frequency) Kaby Lake Intel Core i5-7Y54 processor 8GB RAM and 256GB PCIe strong nation pressure is priced at $1,199.99. The more or less equal 12-inch MacBook with a 1.1GHz Skylake m3 processor and 256GB PCIe SSD is priced at $1,299.
You are getting a decrease resolution 1,920-via-1,080 display at the Dell (at the least the one I have) compared to the MacBook’s Retina display with 2,304-by way of-1,440 resolution. That said, a 1,920-through-1,080 show works for me, i.E., I don’t miss the three,200-by using-1,800 show (on the same old XPS) like a whole lot as I anticipated. For greater in-depth display testing (such as colour space insurance and brightness) see: right here for the XPS 13 2-in-1 and here for the 12-inch MacBook.
And note that the Price of the Dell will cross up in case you choose the QHD+ decision (three, two hundred by means of-1,800) contact display.
Other stuff is well worth noting: Ports. In case you hate dongles (aka USB-C adapters), neither gadget is for you. But the Dell bests the MacBook with two USB-C ports versus one for the MacBook. Multiport adapters (see photo under) are provided through both Apple and Dell. The Dell additionally has a MicroSD Card Reader.
Fingerprint reader: the XPS thirteen 2-in-1 comes with a fingerprint reader, just beneath the keyboard on the proper hand aspect. I exploit it all of the time. It’s a first-rate addition (the usual XPS 13 does not have one). That stated, I will liberate my 12-inch MacBook with my Apple Watch series 2, which is likewise very accessible.
Ordinary winner: It is so close that I am going to put it this way: I’ve a longstanding preference for light laptops. The lighter, the better (as long as the functionality isn’t always compromised an excessive amount of). On this appreciate, I desire the MacBook. As I stated, there’s a big difference between 2.7 kilos (XPS) and a pair of kilos (MacBook). That said, the XPS’ quicker Performance, contact show, 360-degree hinge, carbon fibre palm rest, fingerprint scanner, and MicroSD card reader might have also enchantment more to positive purchasers and corporations. When Dell came into the market, it changed into a high chance of replacement products or provider for Sun Microsystems. Dell, On the other hand, had a low chance because no longer many Different companies came out with customizable personal computer systems. It changed into smooth for Dell to enter the market as it turned into one of the first groups to offer the one’s products. So there was a high danger of latest entrants, However, now that many corporations are presenting customizable computer systems it is going to be greater tough for new groups to enter the market. There is a high contention among existing competitors inside the PC marketplace due to the fact you can most effective promote so many computer systems. Every corporation is after the identical purchase and that they need to compete to get the client’s interest.
I assume that Dell had a comparable effect on Different PC providers in the same server marketplace because Dell became on of the first to give you customizable computers, so all of the Different vendors had been hit just as difficult as Sun Microsystems. Solar’s delivery chain now very intently reflect’s that of Dell computer systems. Each is shorter. I suppose it’s miles sensible to mimic a competitor surprisingly closely, at the least in the laptop discipline. If each group have a shorter supply chain and can decrease charges than in the eyes of the purchaser nice and Price are the factors being as compared. This makes the competitiveness and playing field fairer. Blockbuster is now doing the identical with Netflix. A consumer can get a movie despatched to the house and hold if for so long as they want without late fees. The benefit appeals to people. Customers experience much less rushed and are not throwing away hard earned money on overdue costs. Solar’s collection of the software program may be an included interface. The gathering integrates facts, offers one suite of programs, and cuts the delivery chain shorter. Companies should be very prepared inside the technique of getting unique companies to talk to Every Different. Via understanding which carriers do the pleasant work, they can order from particular providers and maintain the chain going for walks smoothly. The Apple MacBook Pro MD212LL/A is a brand new thirteen.3 inch notebook with twin-Center processors and the OS X Mountain Lion. As with any MacBooks, it has a lovely display and packs approximately 4 million pixels. As effective as it’s far, it is alternatively compact, weighing simply three.57 kilos and measuring zero.75 inch thick.
If you’re seeking out an awesome MacBook, this is a brilliant area to start. The four million or so pixels cross collectively to create a lovely Retina display. With its 2.5 GHz twin-Center processors (3.1 GHz with rapid rise) and 8 GB of RAM, it may run most programs and packages easily. The eight GB of reminiscence is greater than what the average notebook gives.
The MD212LL/A has a completely Flash-based totally layout. Its aluminium unibody design offers it a sleek look. Because of its flash storage architecture, this device is extensively faster than Different notebook tough drives. Need more than 128 GB of difficult power area? MacBooks are well matched with many external tough drives.
The Retina display provides fantastic pictures and crystal clear text. You may watch a couple of simultaneous streams of 1080p high definition video from the inner garage. If the thirteen.3 inch display isn’t always enough, you can stream content material from the pocket book to an external display.
The gadget comes with a keyboard with 78 keys, which include 12 characteristic keys. The keys are designed to permit for comfy typing. The touchpad has multi-contact generation and precise cursor control. It supports scrolling, swiping, pinching, rotating, dragging moves, etc. 
Some other motive why this MacBook is a need-to-have is due to its wonderful FaceTime utility. With this utility, you may be able to make video chats with Different Apple device users. Any of your pals or friends with iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches, and so on., may be able to talk with you thru video chat. The FaceTime webcam is 720p.
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