#and sv provided us with a lot to build upon
loismagic · 3 years
NSFW alphabet: Every letter that you haven't answered yet.
This is pretty long so I'm putting it under the cut lol
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
The first thing that came to mind was that Lois definitely swallows. And they rarely use condoms. I don't even think they did when they started having sex. By that point, the trust was real and strong and it just wasn't needed, but they keep them around just in case.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
They got off thinking about each other way before they got together.
F= Favorite position
Definitely cowgirl, both of them love Lois being on top. Although, Clark is the first guy Lois has been with where she actually thoroughly enjoys missionary and it's never boring.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
Like many things, it depends on the mood etc. but they definitely get silly and laugh especially if they're in a hurry or just high off of each other's love.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
Idk if it was a Tom shaving thing but I swear I never saw Clark with chest hair so I'm guessing downstairs is pretty clean, and if it's not he'll shave for Lois even if she says she doesn't care. Lois shaves pretty regularly. And again, for Clark he doesn't have a preference.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
It depends, they do both. If it's angry/make up sex it's rough and dirty. Same if it was in a horny frenzy or after one or both almost died. Most of the times it's romantic, but I think there's always an element of dirty with them. I mean, it is clois.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
Not while the other one is around most of the time (unless it's part of their foreplay/showing each other). And if either of them are away and Clark can't fly on over to see Lois, they 100% each partake in it. And even if they are around, but just haven't been with each other and they're feeling like it... yeah why not. I have a head canon that they've walked in on each other doing it so
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
Role play, dress up, tying each other up, edging, almost getting caught at work or in other public places. They like to watch each other get off and have phone sex as well.
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
Where don't they like to get it on is a shorter answer lol honestly, everywhere and anywhere. Pretty sure Clark's gotten her off while flying too. Every room in their Metropolis apartment and the Kent home, the barn, work (elevator, their office, supply room) watch tower, ice fortress- which is canon lol
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
This might be a personal thing, but I don't think they'd be into threesomes. For me, it's just them. And nothing involving other bodily fluids that don't come from sex.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
They give and receive like it's Christmas everyday. They're both experts at it. idk how much I can expand on this. I will say Clark has gotten better at asking for it and Lois happily obliges, not just cause she loves it, but she knows he gives as good as he gets. Also, he has a thing for tugging on Lois' hair and for her to sit on his face. I could talk about this subject for a while, I'm afraid. Also: Clark and his super speed tongue. That is all.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
They've mastered the quickie especially with their sexual adventures at work, and Clark having to fly in and out (lol). So it's not so much as a preference, I do think they prefer to take their time, but they're definitely a regular occurrence.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
Clark and his blessed kryptonian genes allow him to go for a long time, but Lois isn't far behind. And she definitely gives him a run for his money. Only she could tire out the man of steel at some point.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
As mentioned before, they do have a thing for edging. And they tease each other endlessly at work. I feel like it's almost a competition for them... see who can last longer in the teasing game. They both enjoy it tho.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
Lois is loud. As in, if they're sharing the apartment or house with anyone else, Clark has had to cover her mouth (which is just another turn on for her). Clark's pretty quiet, and not so vocal, but the longer he's with Lois, the more comfortable he's gotten participating in dirty talk, which she's mastered (and he loves).
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
Lois wears thongs, usually with a matching bra. Laced. She noticed Clark enjoyed the pink ones more so she began to wear them more. But when Clark started excessively ripping her underwear, she started going commando. Clark lost his mind over it. And he just wears boxers, usually plaid ones or the funny ones that Lois buys him. He'll scowl at first, but secretly loves them just bc of how it amuses her.
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
Through the damn roof. These two are horny little toads. They didn't just get an office together at work so they could write stories in private lol
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
Depends, but not usually if it was their first round and they weren't that tired to begin with.
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eunice-leee-blog · 7 years
Be aware of the dangerous of Selling online. Read more here!
In the present modernized exhibiting age, progressively retail stores are building web business locales. A web business website page engages any size retailer in wherever of the world to have an overall market reach. Right when best in class effectively, an electronic business site can in like manner offer immense cost-capability for customer obtainment and thing bargains.
Parallel to the enormous advancement in web business, most ventures and thing parts are being instructed by two or three noteworthy online business mammoths. These extreme players every now and again have an unmistakable brand picture joined by centered web look apparatus advancements and well-off online promoting spending designs. This has influenced going to up against such online business goals a troublesome endeavor, especially for little e-retailers with confine advancement spend.
In divisions where it might have all the earmarks of being hard to take bit of the pie from web business goliaths, there is by and large reliably a way to deal with get a good piece of customers. Attempt to get the expressive energies pumping and find which channels are the most essential, smallest forceful, and cost-beneficial. Underneath we highlight three clues that can enable autonomous dare to online business goals match tremendous spending brands.
Cut a Fine Niche
A champion among the most imperative approaches to manage building a successful online business store is to set up a specific market claim to fame. This is particularly imperative for boutiques and autonomous wander retailers with an extraordinarily perceived stock. Not in any manner like some considerable online business stores that offer a wide extent of stock, choosing an extraordinarily focal forte will set up a retailer as a distinguishing strength provider for a particular class of things. This can propel more important trust and legitimacy in potential customers.
Settled electronic business regions usually offer an extensive variety of things inside a particular class, for instance, 'cruiser clothing.' Take a chance to do some examination on the stock that your web business rivals offer with respect to your own item offerings. You will likely pinpoint the zones that could be the most gainful for your online business tries. This may incorporate narrowing your focus to extraordinarily pick thing classes as the general subject for your online store, for instance, 'calfskin cruiser coats.'
Starting off direct in a strength that you're certain will drive bargains is a shocking technique for private wander online business. As you control one thing class, you can start examining new orders to broaden your business potential.
Mix Up Your Marketing Efforts
Advancing your web business site page can seem like a mind-boggling task. However there are two or three basic channels that are key for online business. These fuse Pay Per Click (PPC) publicizing, common site streamlining (SEO), and electronic person to person communication advancing. Pretty much, web business displaying relies upon being found in the web look device comes to fruition and being seen through online systems administration media stages. Nevertheless, before picking which channels are needs, consider pushing toward a displaying plan with an all the more widely inclusive technique.
Between SEO, PPC, and web based systems administration, none are more exceptional than the other. But each channel is out and out various, that all offer a comparative level of potential in attracting more customers. A greater number of times every now and again than, barring a blend of web searcher publicizing systems that use both SEO and PPC is the best approach. Since SEO is a whole deal effort, using PPC to test which catchphrases are most profitable is extraordinary among different frameworks. This can save a significant measure of work not far-removed by redesigning for catchphrases that solitary give satisfactory general incomes.
Web based systems administration stages, as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, help to build greater affirmation in your picture. These stages can help keep up steadfastness and furthermore channel movement to your site. Web based systems administration offers a mind blowing strategy to share content, make interest, and develop a following. This can help bolster web business achievement by propelling repeat purchases and the viral sharing of fantastic substance that is related with your picture.
Progress with Richness
Online clients particularly support off vigilant information that is shown in a rich media organize. The use of pictures, sound, and video can be pivotal for online business exhibiting. The conduct by which you can use such media offer boundless musings.
Studies are real trial in the electronic business field. Customers see a lot of huge worth in quality overviews that accurately delineate the features, focal points, and traps of particular things. Along these lines, recording your own specific reviews or thing highlights as a video can be an online business unmistakable preferred standpoint, especially if those chronicles are upgraded and found in the web crawler comes to fruition.
Visual induction is giant on the Internet. Despite chronicles, including a wealth of pictures on your thing pages can basically help bargains. To be sure, thing page littler than anticipated shows are getting the opportunity to be evidently pervasive for a few, web business stores, so grasping this system is getting the opportunity to be clearly fundamental. The use of all the more edifying pictures, or infographics, is moreover a creative strategy to attract customers. Web based systems administration can be used to share this substance, which can help provoke more acquaintance and the likelihood with flow around the web.
Productive online business is joined to empathy. That is, the way well you as the promoter can put yourself in the perspective of your proposed intrigue gathering. Perceiving how to display your picture, and your correspondences is basic. Awesome online business publicists have a sharp sentiment care. They perceive what it is their target customers are hunting down, and how to best enlighten them on how their online business store can address their issues.
Here's a vital cautioning for all outsider dealers on the Amazon commercial center.
Changing your ledger data when the retail monster has quite recently revealed another safety effort may bring about the suspension of your vender account.
To ensure you and other outsider merchants from industrious programmers, Amazon has thought of a Two-Step Verification (2-SV) which includes an additional layer of security to your record.
So right now, the organization doesn't welcome any progressions which you may make to your financial balance points of interest; resistance will prompt your record's suspension.
Merchants whose records have been suspended needed to sit tight for a considerable length of time or even a long time to be reestablished.
There are distinctive reasons why you would need to change the data on your ledger, however holding it off until further notice will work well for you.
Shutting your current record and opening another one could be more awful, so abstain from doing this no matter what.
Albeit different venders are boasting that they have effectively refreshed their financial balances and not confronted any repercussions whatsoever, a greater level of whom are presently crying over spilt drain.
In the event that your bank has played out a framework update and consequently changed your ledger number, it is savvy to inquire as to whether they could initiate your new number when the tidy has settled.
Try not to give Amazon a chance to detect an inconsistency in the financial balance which you've connected to your merchant account, or else you'll be suspended without earlier notice.
Amazon's additional layer of assurance
By empowering Amazon's 2-SV in your Seller Central record, you will make the activity of programmers to a great degree troublesome, if not incapable.
The extra security layer will expect you to enter a security code beside your login points of interest when you sign in to your record.
You can get the security code through email, instant message or an authenticator application from Google which is downloadable to your telephone.
Amazon supports all dealers on their commercial center to empower 2-SV the soonest time that they would so be able to that they can keep any potential assaults that may come their direction.
The following is a portion from the message of Amazon Seller Support:
"We know there are terrible performing artists out there, and keeping in mind that I can't estimate on their intentions, we trust the utilization of 2-SV is a basic safety effort that dealers should empower and keep in their tool compartment without holding up until June 30th when it turns into a necessity."
On the off chance that you haven't empowered 2-SV in your Seller Central record yet, make a beeline for the Help and Customer Service page on the Amazon site and take after the means there.
A few merchants say the join procedure was brisk and basic, yet to others it was nightmarish.
Your experience may be unique and worth sharing. Click here for more.
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magzoso-tech · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/no-one-knows-how-effective-digital-therapies-are-but-a-new-tool-from-elektra-labs-aims-to-change-that/
No one knows how effective digital therapies are, but a new tool from Elektra Labs aims to change that
Depending on which study you believe, the wearable and digital health market could be worth anywhere from $30 billion to nearly $90 billion in the next six years.
If the numbers around the size of the market are a moving target, just think about how to gauge the validity and efficacy of the products that are behind all of those billions of dollars in spending.
Andy Coravos, the co-founder of Elektra Labs, certainly has.
Coravos, whose parents were a dentist and a nurse practitioner, has been thinking about healthcare for a long time. After a stint in private equity and consulting, she took a coding bootcamp and returned to the world she was raised in by taking an internship with the digital therapeutics company Akili Interactive.
Coravos always thought she wanted to be in healthcare, but there was one thing holding her back, she says. “I’m really bad with blood.”
That’s why digital therapeutics made sense. The stint at Akili led to a position at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as an entrepreneur in residence, which led to the creation of Elektra Labs roughly two years ago.
Now the company is launching Atlas, which aims to catalog the biometric monitoring technologies that are flooding the consumer health market.
These monitoring technologies, and the applications layered on top of them, have profound implications for consumer health, but there’s been no single place to gauge how effective they are, or whether the suggestions they’re making about how their tools can be used are even valid. Atlas and Elektra are out to change that. 
The FDA has been accelerating its clearances for software-driven products like the atrial fibrillation detection algorithm on the Apple Watch and the ActiGraph activity monitors. And big pharma companies like Roche, Pfizer and Novartis have been investing in these technologies to collect digital biomarker data and improve clinical trials.
Connected technologies could provide better care, but the technologies aren’t without risks. Specifically, the accuracy of data and the potential for bias inherent in algorithms that were created using flawed data sets mean there’s a lot of oversight that still needs to be done, and consumers and pharmaceutical companies need to have a source of easily accessible data about the industry.
”The increase in FDA clearances for digital health products coupled with heavy investment in technology has led to accelerated adoption of connected tools in both clinical trials and routine care. However, this adoption has not come without controversy,” said Coravos in a statement. “During my time as an Entrepreneur in Residence in the FDA’s Digital Health Unit, it became clear to me that like pharmacies which review, prepare, and dispense drug components, our healthcare system needs infrastructure to review, prepare, and dispense connected technologies components.”
The analogy to a pharmacy isn’t an exact fit, because Elektra Labs currently doesn’t prepare or dispense any of the treatments that it reviews. But Atlas is clearly the first pillar that the digital therapeutics industry needs as it looks to supplant pharmaceuticals as treatments for some of the largest and most expensive chronic conditions (like diabetes).
Courtesy of Andrea Coravos/Elektra Labs
Coravos and here team interviewed more than 300 professionals as they built the Atlas toolkit for pharmaceutical companies and other healthcare stakeholders seeking a one-stop shop for all their digital healthcare data needs. Like a drug label, or nutrition label, Atlas publishes labels that highlight issues around the usability, validation, utility, security and data governance of a product.
In an article in Quartz earlier this year, Coravos made her pitch for Elektra Labs and the types of things it would monitor for the nascent digital therapeutics industry. It includes the ability to handle adverse events involving digital therapies by providing a single source where problems could be reported; a basic description for consumers of how the products work; an assessment of who should actually receive digital therapies, based on the assessment of how well certain digital products perform with certain users; a description of a digital therapy’s provenance and how it was developed; a database of the potential risks associated with the product; and a record of the product’s security and privacy features.
As the projections on market size show, the problem isn’t going to get any smaller. As Google’s recent acquisition bid for Fitbit and the company’s reported partnership with Ascension on “Project Nightingale” to collect and digitize more patient data shows, the intersection of technology and healthcare is a huge opportunity for technology companies.
“Google is investing more. Apple is investing more… More and more of these devices are getting FDA cleared and they’re becoming not just wellness tools but healthcare tools,” says Coravos of the explosion of digital devices pitching potential health and wellness benefits.
Elektra Labs is already working with undisclosed pharmaceutical companies to map out the digital therapeutic environment and identify companies that might be appropriate partners for clinical trials or acquisition targets in the digital market.
“The FDA is thinking about these digital technologies, but there were a lot of gaps,” says Coravos. And those gaps are what Elektra Labs is designed to fill. 
At its core, the company is developing a catalog of the digital biomarkers that modern sensing technologies can track and how effective different products are at providing those measurements. The company is also on the lookout for peer-reviewed published research or any clinical trial data about how effective various digital products are.
Backing Coravos and her vision for the digital pharmacy of the future are venture capital investors, including Maverick Ventures, Arkitekt Ventures, Boost VC, Founder Collective, Lux Capital, SV Angel and Village Global.
Alongside several angel investors, including the founders and chief executives from companies including: PillPack, Flatiron Health, National Vision, Shippo, Revel and Verge Genomics, the venture investors pitched in for a total of $2.9 million in seed funding for Coravos’ latest venture.
“Timing seems right for what Elektra is building,” wrote Brandon Reeves, an investor at Lux Capital, which was one of the first institutional investors in the company. “We have seen the zeitgeist around privacy data in applications on mobile phones and now starting to have the convo in the public domain about our most sensitive data (health).” 
If the validation of efficacy is one key tenet of the Atlas platform, then security is the other big emphasis of the company’s digital therapeutic assessment. Indeed, Coravos believes that the two go hand-in-hand. As privacy issues proliferate across the internet, Coravos believes that the same troubles are exponentially compounded by internet-connected devices that are monitoring the most sensitive information that a person has — their own health records.
In an article for Wired, Koravos wrote:
Our healthcare system has strong protections for patients’ biospecimens, like blood or genomic data, but what about our digital specimens? Due to an increase in biometric surveillance from digital tools—which can recognize our face, gait, speech, and behavioral patterns—data rights and governance become critical. Terms of service that gain user consent one time, upon sign-up, are no longer sufficient. We need better social contracts that have informed consent baked into the products themselves and can be adjusted as user preferences change over time.
We need to ensure that the industry has strong ethical underpinning as it brings these monitoring and surveillance tools into the mainstream. Inspired by the Hippocratic Oath—a symbolic promise to provide care in the best interest of patients—a number of security researchers have drafted a new version for Connected Medical Devices.
With more effective regulations, increased commercial activity, and strong governance, software-driven medical products are poised to change healthcare delivery. At this rate, apps and algorithms have the opportunity to augment doctors and complement—or even replace—drugs sooner than we think.
0 notes
dalanmendonca · 5 years
Decadence & The End
Snap back to reality
So this was the final term and things started with a bang. I used the term break to go on a trip to Rajasthan.This was my first proper ISB trip. I’m a complete laggard in this matter. A lot people travelled the surrounding hillscapes like there’s no tomorrow, before placements and much more after placements. I loved campus a bit too much and didn’t want the (apparent) hassle of travelling. Rajasthan was warm and fun. It was a new experience visiting forts and palaces, seeing old weapons and finding out that the Rajas smoked a lot of hash! A Desert Safari and tent stays in Jaisalmer were fun too. The warm(er) weather was good break from the chills of Mohali. And soon I was back.
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On the academic front things were as cool as they could be. Over-loading on courses earlier meant that I had to study only 3 courses and had plenty of time for socialising, fun and … co-ordinating my marriage!
My courses for Term 8 were ENVC (Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital), MFIN (Micro-Finance) and MKAN (Marketing Analytics).
ENVC was about the world of startups and venture capital. It was taught by Professor Francis Kim who is a former (successful!) entrepreneur and covered both sides of the table; we learned how to value a startup company and also about what kind of ideas succeed and what it takes to be an entrepreneur. The most amazing (and useful) part of the course was the simulation. Many academic courses use a simulation to show you how markets evolve, and how a manager has to respond. These are usually computer-based simulations, so they don’t feel all that real. In ENVC, the professor divided the class into 24 teams, 8 of these were VCs and 16 were ENs (entrepreneurs). All the entrepreneurs competed in the same market (“Edtech in India”). Every class entrepreneurs would present to VCs and half of them would get eliminated. Watching the simulation progress and observing the economic + human dynamics play out was a real treat. Initially, all but a few teams had over-lapping ideas. As rounds progressed and teams observed who died/survived, they started learning from each other and incorporating each others ideas. Every VC had 15 sticks to invest. As expected from economics, one team (mine! 😉)got a disproportionate share of the total funding in accordance with a power law distribution. Politics played a huge role too! Many couples put themselves into complementary EN-VC pairs; so that they could support each other! People called upon friendships and other niceties to get funded; objective judgement RIP. It was a faithul simulation of the ugly truth that is human life.
MFIN was about a still emerging branch of the finance that deals with facilitating the development of the poor/not-so-well-off. Here are the core ideas: To make people well-off we want to give them income sources, the simplest of these is running a small business. To start that business requires some inputs/capital. These inputs are beyond the means of these folks (else they would’ve started these businesses already!). So we can just lend money to these folks, right? Wrong. All of lending works on the idea of collateral, the poor being poor don’t have any collateral in the first place! All is not lost, this challenge has been confronted head-on by social entreprenuers, most notably Mohammad Yunus of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh and replicated in many countries world over. Their weapon of choice is group lending, where you start by lending to a group of people who keep each other from defaulting. Initial loans are small and grow with time. Because these banks can’t take the easy (and impersonal) way out when it comes to lending, banks like Grameen Bank have innovated on multiple fronts to make finance accessible to a whole new section of society. For example, repayment happens daily/weekly (as opposed to monthly) as this keeps the borrower engaged and aware of their loan. Loan repayment is a social process done in front of a group, thus adding social pressure to avoid shirking on a loan repayment; some wonderful uses of human psychology these are. Grameen Bank is the posterchild of the microlending/microfinance movement and a huge chunk of the economic and social development of Bangladesh has been attributed to it. An interesting concept I encountered was the double bottom--line (we measure only the financial impact of a business, business should also evaluate their social bottom-line and their impact on society). The course was taught by Shamika Ravi, who is a fantastic teacher (and a member of the Prime Ministers Economic Advisory Council); I really felt like I was understanding the core economic concepts as their immediate applications throughout the class.
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Finally there was MKAN. MKAN was using the now available glut of data to apply age-old marketing principles of Segment, Target, Position. We used the now classic tools of clustering, regression, etc to do everything from segment customers to predict sales. The course was a good blend of hands-on tool driving while keeping marketing principles in mind. The classes happened at 8 AM in the morning, and hence I scarcely have much to say about this course. That wraps up the acads front.
Offer letters started pouring in for a few people with proactive companies. The gym was finally a thing for me. Some attempts were made in a bid to get skinny before the wedding. The attempts weren’t very successful. However, I’m glad that I got rid of my unfamiliarity anxiety about the gym. One of my reasons for not going to the gym is that I just don’t know what to do there, fortunately the ISB gym has two full-time trainers available 24x7 to guide you. It was my first honest attempt at gyming after trying in the 11th standard, and I’m now comfortable doing basic weights and using the machines. ISL continued its march in March (shitty line, I know). I remained blissfully ignorant.
Yearbook awkwardness continued. People scoured the land for places to get their yearbook photo clicked. Some people came with highly representative ones. It was also time to write yearbook testimonials for people. You had to nominate 3-4 of your friends to collectively write one testimonial for you. Here is where your true friends were revealed! This became just another group assignment with 1-2 people leading the charge for every testimonial.
CS and AoE sessions: A small segment of brave laptop warriors rekindled the joys of multiplayer games. And given the amount of free time available, a lot of kindling happened until the the wee hours of the night. I earnestly tried to join the fun by watching AoE tutorials, but then AoE on my PC kept crashing. And then I was like, why isn’t this in a browser?
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SLC calendar
The Student Life Council went into beast mode, driving a ton of events on campus.
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These events covered everything from Food fetes (like a giant potluck) to SV wars (which was basically student housing buildings competing to see who can throw the best party). The Food fete really brought the campus together, with everyone either cooking or helping or eating! The dishes students cooked up turned out to be better than expected – not everyone is an amateur in the cooking domain!
This period being a sort of end-of-days, for us all meant that people were extremely enthusiastic about partying. The winter had started relenting a little and spirits were uplifted.  SV wars and the usual birthday parties that happen on campus meant that there was a party every other day, but you couldn’t say no to the next party because this was the last time this would happen.
Which brings us to the most epic party after all the other parties. Holi! The Holi was lit and was the best party I’ve attended in my life. The SLC provided gulal and pichkaris and a giant inflated swimming pool and a DJ and a raindance area. In addition, there was bhaang-laden thandai and bhaang-laden bhajias. It was a warm(er) day compared to others. People were excited and in good spirts, going about throwing colour on friends, enemies, everyone. Then throwing friends, enemies, everyone into the inflated swimming pool. Then dancing and losing their shit after having bhaang. The post-holi post-bhaang time warp in which I struggled to get back to my room and ended up bathing for what seemed like an eternity is something I will never forget.
This concluded formal student life on campus, … or did it?
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The conclusion of ISB life happens through two events - one formal and one informal. The formal one is of course graduation day – the hat toss, the tassel turning, the address to the graduating students by the guest of honour, etc. The informal one, unique to ISB, is what we call D-week, short for De-orientation week, the evil twin of O-week, that happened at the start of the year. Feeling the need to make the final week of ISB life super-duper-ultra-goddamn fun, I joined the D-week team to plan some events.
The D-week happens after ISBs academic session has wrapped up i.e. after the last exam has been written and before the graduation ceremony. Students officially have nothing to do, which adds to the pressure of planning some nice long events. Obviously, students are also free to leave campus and travel around, so making the events awesome and crowd-pulling becomes a must.
This D-week we had a game night, a “hotbox” party, a stand-up performance along with a roast of the GSB, a sundowner party, paintball, sufi night, an awards night along with a prom (the last party). The last event was the distribution and signing of yearbooks.
The events where I contributed to the most were the standup/roast and the awards night.
I gave the longest standup performance of my life (and emerging comedic career), lasting more than 20 minutes. I cracked jokes on every aspect of ISB life and proceeded to crack a few general ones. The auditorium was FULL, as the entire batch had turned up. It was my honour (and pleasure) to entertain these folks laugh; they laughed, a lot, which was a very inspiring and proud moment for me. Fortunately, this time the performance was recorded (by multiple people!).
Me and a handful more folks planned the awards and content for the awards. The winners were decided by live public voting which made the event really fun; thus the winners were a surprise to us too. Lots of controversial awards were given out. To add to the fun, we played jingles related to every award when the winners came on stage, adding to the cheery vibe of the vibe of the evening.
All D-week events were accompanied by some party or the other. I didn’t partake much in the daily drinking, however I did partake hugely in the daily eating. It was such a tough choice between indulging in end-of-days hedonism & trying to get in shape for my wedding. Both sides had a strong case.
On the last day, students gathered in “The Hub”, a small lawn in front of our main building to collect and sign yearbooks. This was fun few hours, writing messages to each other and recollecting memories. With this informal student life at ended.
Graduation was a moderately long drawn out affair. Over the course of two days, we had a rehearsal of the graduation, “The Deans Dinner”, the ISB award ceremony, the official graduation ceremony followed by the Deans lunch.
For starters, it was complicated to wear graduation robes. While it’s fun to look like you’re in Harry Potter, wearing a gown is moderately difficult, especially the ISB gowns which have multiple moving parts. I’ve graduated before and it wasn’t so difficult :P. Also, ISB follows the tradition of turning the tassel - when you receive your degree, you turn your tassel from the right side of your hat (“mortarboard”) to the left indicating your successful graduation.
After the rehearsal we had the batch photo clicked followed quickly by the official ISB awards night. I am happy to state that I won awards for winning competitions, being a torchbearer (i.e contributing to student life + the brand of ISB) and finally also won a giant gold trophy for best club. Winning best club was thrilling to say the least. Just before the awards night could start, my Mom who was travelling all the way from Bombay arrived, coincidence? divine providence?
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The awards night was followed by the Deans dinner where only the elite (like Deans listers, Club presidents, etc.) were invited. Yours truly was invited too, and he watched the awkwardness of socialising unfold for the umpteenth time.
That was it for pre-events. As I had dinner that evening, it was with my mother instead of the usual coterie of friends/students, it really started to sink in that things were coming to a close, whether I was transformed or not, a whole year had passed by. A year quite different from those before it.
I dropped my mom off and wished her goodnight. Tomorrow was going to be a momentous day.
Graduation day started early with breakfast opening at 7. Me being an eternal early bird, arrived promptly at 7. Then came the … waiting, students, who were all gown-ed up, waited in the academic block in a neat line so they could walk in a procession into the convocation hall. The convocation hall was a newly setup airplane hangar-like structure on the lawns. After a long wait that involved lots of photo sessions and false starts, some orchestral music was played and we all went into the hall in a glorious procession. An invocation was sung, our GSB president gave a speech followed by a few more addresses. We were told that our placements had been the best ever, and thus we were a great batch (Thanks!). The guest of honour gave a really boring and uninspiring speech, lots of people slept off or got busy on their phones. This was followed by announcements of the best professor, best academic associate. Finally we came to the graduation, students were called on stage one by one, in alphabetical order, except for those who received any sort of ISB honours, they went on stage first. My row got up all together, I waited for my moment, my name was called, I walked towards the center of the stage, shook hands with everyone present, grabbed my degree, looked at the camera, smiled, click, and walked out. As I walked out, I remembered to turn my tassel and officially become a graduate. Ah! Long journey. Then I sat as the degree disbursal wrapped. Finally, we all stood up, did a royal hat toss, smiled, laughed, cheered and walked out of the hall as graduates together. It was a fun ceremony. Then there was my favourite part, lunch
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Since I had a plane to catch from Delhi, for which I had to take a 4-5 hour cab ride, I was in a rush! There was sadly no time for pleasantries and ooh-aahing. I wrapped up all my exit formalities, packed my bags a proper and took one last look at ISB, a place and people that I did indeed feel a little fonder towards.
This was the end. Of one sort.
I had come here with few expectations, for me B-school was just a brand and a network, these benefits come to after you graduate, I thought (back then) that this was mostly not relevant, I just had to get through it. But I was in for a lot of surprises, mostly pleasant. Apart from discovering news branches of knowledge, made new friends and newer perspectives, headed a club, won competitions and honours (in a far cry from my undergraduate days), tried standup comedy, gotten a kickass job and more. It felt like an eventful and significant year had gone by.
The transition from student to alumnus is most stark when you turn in your student ID card and receive your new Alumni ID card, it is precisely when the feeling of “shit, it’s really over” sinks into you. I wasn’t too emotional as I left, I had come prepared for this end. Back in Bombay, when I was packing for ISB, I packed quite lightly knowing that this was just a year, a temporary stay; and I could also save myself a lot of effort in moving stuff around. My past self had seen my future self which was now my present self and done it a favour! Cool, right?
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The fun wasn’t over. Members of the drama club got together and gave every student leaving the campus a proper tear-filled and emotional vidaai; while I left early and couldn’t get one, it was a very sweet gesture.
But there was no time to be chill, my wedding and honeymoon were oncoming!
And so ended #LifeAtISB
0 notes
Bitcoin ABC vs Bitcoin SV
Everyone is familiar with the hash war that affected the cryptocurrency market at the beginning of December. In what was supposed to be a routine network update, the BCH community failed to reach a consensus on how to go about the network update and ended up splitting ways. BCH’s initial blockchain split into two; each naming themselves and amassing community support. BCH split into two parts, namely;
Bitcoin ABC (Adjustable Blocksize Cap)
Bitcoin SV (Satoshi’s Vision)
They split up on the basis of conflicting ideologies and technical differences. Which essentially meant that both sides of the community couldn’t agree on which future for Bitcoin Cash they wanted more. Ironically, the original Bitcoin Cash itself was a result of a hardfork from the world’s first cryptocurrency; Bitcoin.
When the community could not reach a consensus, the blockchain split into two and there ensued a hash war for the BCH label and the community. The general non-verbal agreement was that the side that performed better would retain rights to the Bitcoin Cash label.
Both sides engaged in a neck and neck hash war, which in fact brought the cryptocurrency market down. The hash war became extremely personal over the course of it, with the big names spearheading both sides making it so. Further, the hash war left a very bad aftertaste in the crypto community.
During the BCH hash wars, the Bitcoin market slipped under a handful of its support lines and had adverse effects on the entire market. When Bitcoin falls, the other cryptocurrencies follow.
In the end, BCH SV conceded to BCH ABC. The community backing BCH SV said that their priorities had shifted and that they would like to start focussing on their cryptocurrency now. Both coins are still a part of the top 10. BCH SV just a little behind BCH ABC.
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Let us take a closer look at the two coins and what changes they propose to make to the Bitcoin Cash network. First, let us take a look at BCH ABC.
Bitcoin Adjustable Blocksize Cap
The Bitcoin ABC team was headed by the likes of Roger Ver and Jihan Wu. Both very big names in the cryptocurrency market. Their take on the Bitcoin Cash split was that they should preserve the original functionality and blockchain of the Bitcoin Cash and not make any radical changes to the existing system.
However, for the purpose of increasing scalability, in the upcoming network update, they proposed two changes.
To remove the immediate implementation which caused bottlenecks in the blockchain in order to increase the block size limit.
The second change that they proposed for the network update was that they would allow only the node operator rights to increase the block size.
lay the technical groundwork for large-scale on-chain scaling.
Promote Interoperability
The other aspect that Bitcoin ABC wanted to focus on interoperability between Bitcoin Cash and the other cryptocurrencies in the market. This, according to team Bitcoin ABC, would help them build stronger community ties and attract themselves more investors.
Instead of making radical changes to the Bitcoin Cash structure, team Bitcoin ABC wanted to focus on improving the software alone. They were totally against the radical changes that the team Bitcoin SV was suggesting because they believed it would dilute the purpose of Bitcoin Cash as a whole.
BCH Token Economics
Since the end of the hash war, Bitcoin ABC is now called Bitcoin Cash itself. And has one half of the original BCH community. The token is now listed on many major exchanges and peer-to-peer platforms.
BCH ABC or as it is now known as BCH itself is a minable coin. Its mining algorithm is SHA256. Which means, most BTC mining rigs can mine BCH as well. With the one difference between the two being their authentication.
The top three exchanges from where you can buy your BCH tokens now are; Upbit, Huobi and Binance. As people who owned Bitcoin Cash before the hardfork will know, the same wallets are still supporting the coin with no exceptions. Trezor, Coinomi, Jaxx, etc still support and allow users to store their Bitcoin Cash tokens.
Token Performance
The token in its new form has just been re-released. The token, having won the hash war, has been doing quite well. Considering the community backing slowly halving, the coin is still managing to keep its value up.
In the last twenty-four hours alone, Bitcoin Cash jumped two places in coinmarketcap’s listing on the basis of market cap, from 8th to 6th. And has also seen a 24% rise in value, which took it from $82.49 USD to, at the time of writing, $112.04 USD.   Now let’s look at Bitcoin SV.
Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision
Team Bitcoin SV was led by names like Craig Wright, Jimmy Nguyen,
Calvin Ayre and others. The whole objective of Team Bitcoin SV, as the name suggests, was to restore Satoshi Nakamoto’s original vision for Bitcoin and by extension, other cryptocurrencies.
The community at Team Bitcoin SV believed that over the years, the cryptocurrency market had lost sight of what it was originally supposed to be; a means for transacting. They believed that the cryptocurrencies in the market right now were more investment like rather than transactional in nature. Which, according to team Bitcoin SV, was Satoshi’s original vision for cryptocurrencies.
In order to achieve this, they proposed radical changes to the Bitcoin Cash’s blockchain. The changes that they were proposing are:
Increase blocksize
Increase smart contract capabilities
Physically change blockchain’s structure
The reason for these changes is because they were striving to restore Satoshi’s vision of transactional cryptocurrencies. This can be achieved by increasing the TPS rate of the blockchain.
Blocksize across blockchains is 32MB and the case was the same with Bitcoin Cash. But with this new format, Bitcoin SV wanted to change it from 32MB to 128MB. By doing this, they could process more transactions at once, thereby increasing the blockchain’s TPS.
Another major change they were pushing for was to make it easier for the blockchain to facilitate the issuing of smart contracts for users that were interested. The one change that Bitcoin SV wanted to bring about that was at the core of the entire split was that they wanted to make a cryptocurrency more transactional in nature and deviate completely from the route that it was headed down where it was and is becoming more and more like an investment. And to bring about a change like that, Craig Wright and the rest of the team at Bitcoin SV, believed that radical changes were required.
Bitcoin SV Token Economics
Bitcoin SV having lost the hash war, had to start out as its very own cryptocurrency. It is, at the moment, one of the ‘newest’ cryptocurrencies in the market. But having come from a blockchain split, the token has an advantage over the others. It is ranked as the 9th largest cryptocurrency on coinmarketcap’s listings.
Being a new token, many exchanges were initially apprehensive about listing it. However, after the dust settled, most exchanges have listed BSV on their websites. With that being said, the top three exchanges from where to buy BSV right now are; Binance, Upbit and DigiFinex. The token is minable. And the spearheads of the Bitcoin SV camp have created their own website called SVPool for people to help them mine their cryptocurrency. The website was started by Craig Wright himself. The SVPool website also provides wallet services for all users that hold BSV.
Token Performance
The BSV token started off with an advantage, despite having lost the hash war with BCH ABC. The BSV token in the first month of its existence has become a member of the top 10 cryptocurrency club. While price wise, the token has remained quite stable, it is currently trading at $83.99 USD.
In the last twenty-four hours, the coin has had a 6.57% hike in value.
Post Hash War
The hash war went on for a couple of weeks. In the end, there was a lot of mining power that was redirected from Bitcoin to the Bitcoin Cash hash war which further affected Bitcoin prices. The hash war, undoubtedly, left quite a bad aftertaste in the community. After a long drawn out fight, the hash war concluded when Bitcoin SV conceded to Bitcoin ABC.
After surrendering, Calvin Ayre had a press release with him saying the following on behalf of the Bitcoin SV community;
“After Bitcoin Core became SegWit coin last year, our mission has always been to make sure the original Bitcoin survives and succeeds. With its series of radical and unilateral code changes in just the last week, ABC’s BCH has departed so far from the original Bitcoin that it is now an altcoin developer experiment and we no longer have any interest in it or its tarnished brand. Bitcoin SV fought to preserve the Satoshi Vision and is the original Bitcoin. We will now focus entirely on building upon an already vibrant Bitcoin SV ecosystem. Although ABC may keep the damaged BCH ticker symbol, BSV is winning over BCH’s native application ecosystem in droves. We look forward to out-competing BCH (and BTC) in the marketplace, rather than in further chain battles.”
These were the decisions made post-hash war:
Bitcoin ABC will go through with its network update as planned
Bitcoin ABC will hereby be called Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin SV and its community will split away and be its own cryptocurrency
Bitcoin SV goes under the banner of BSV
The community will be split between the two in a 1:1 ratio  
Having won the infamous hash war, Bitcoin ABC earned the right to use the Bitcoin Cash banner and is now known as just Bitcoin Cash. And is trading at $112.4 USD. Bitcoin SV is not far behind and currently trading at $83.99 USD, at the time of writing.
As exchanges and trading platforms wait for the cryptocurrency market to settle down, Bitcoin Cash has now become two parts. At the time of writing, Bitcoin ABC or Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV are at 6th and 9th largest cryptocurrency in the market, respectively.
Related Article : best coin to invest 2019
Source : Click Here
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Lyft, the transportation on call for corporate this is heading to a $15 billion IPO in 2019, is racing ahead with its autonomous car plans. TechCrunch has realized that it’s obtaining the London-based augmented fact startup Blue Vision Labs and unveiling its first check car to advance its imaginative and prescient for self-driving automobiles.
The first automobile from Lyft’s Level five self-driving initiative would be the Ford Fusion Hybrid. Lyft’s use of a Ford Fusion it seems that isn’t related with the partnership the 2 introduced remaining 12 months. Other AV firms have used the Ford Fusion as a platform for integrating self-driving applied sciences.
The Ford Fusion (now with Lyft autonomy!)
While the mixing of Lyft’s autonomous applied sciences and a Ford automobile is spectacular, possibly extra significant is the corporate’s acquisition of Blue Vision Labs, a startup out of London that has evolved some way of drinking street-level imagery and is the use of it to construct collaborative, interactive augmented fact layers — all by the use of elementary smartphone cameras.
Blue Vision will take a seat inside of Lyft’s Level five autonomous automobile department headed up via Luc Vincent (who joined the corporate remaining 12 months as VP of engineering after developing and operating Google Street View).
The startup and its team of workers of 39 (everyone seems to be becoming a member of Lyft) may also turn out to be the anchor for a brand new R&D operation in London or the San Francisco-based corporate, interested by that autonomous using effort. Level five is stepping up a tools in in a different way as of late, too: Lyft is unveiling a brand new car that it’s going to be the use of for trying out.
Blue Vision has evolved era that gives each road point mapping and interactive augmented fact that we could two other people see the similar digital gadgets. The corporate has already constructed extremely detailed maps that builders can now use to broaden collaborative AR reports — it’s just like the maps of those areas turn out to be canvasses for digital gadgets to be painted on. Over time, we might see more than a few makes use of of it right through the Lyft platform, however for now the principle center of attention is Level five.
“We are looking forward to focusing Blue Vision’s technology on building the best maps at scale to support our autonomous vehicles, and then localization to support our stacks,” Vincent mentioned in an interview. “This is fundamental to our business. We need good maps and to understand where every passenger and vehicle is. To make our services more efficient and remove friction, we want their tech to drive improvements.”
People acquainted with the purchase let us know Blue Vision is being got for round $72 million with $30 million on best of that in line with hitting sure milestones. Lyft has declined to remark at the valuation. Blue Vision had raised $17 million and had best pop out of stealth remaining March, after running quietly at the product for 2 years. Investors incorporated GV, Accel, Horizons Ventures, SV Angel and extra.
This deal is notable partly as a result of that is the primary acquisition that Lyft has made to amplify its autonomous automobile operation, which now has 300 other people running on it. At a time when many greater firms are snapping up startups that experience evolved fascinating packages or applied sciences round spaces like AR, mapping, and autonomous using, there is also extra to return. “We are always evaluating build versus buy,” Vincent mentioned when requested about extra acquisitions. But he additionally stated that this can be a very crowded box as of late, even if taking into consideration simply essentially the most promising firms.
“I don’t have a crystal ball but arguably there are quite a few players today, including big tech, startups, OEMs and car makers. There are well over 100 [strong] companies in the space and there is bound to be some consolidation.” Lyft previous this 12 months additionally inked an funding and partnership with Magna to combine its self-driving automobile machine into elements it provides to automobile makers.
But it additionally would possibly face different pressures. The corporate counts Didi and GM amongst its traders, and either one of those firms are making their very own giant strides in self-driving era and every has inked offers to have extra companions the use of that tech, partly to justify a few of their very own hefty funding.
Lyft, in fact, will hope that acquisitions like Blue Vision will give it extra leverage, and make it one of the most consolidators, slightly than the consolidated.
Blue Vision’s use of smartphones to ingest knowledge to create its street-level imagery and mapping is a very powerful to Lyft’s quest for scale. In impact, each Lyft car in operation as of late, with a smartphone at the dashboard, may well be commandeered to turn out to be a “camera” looking at, surveying and mapping the roads that the ones automobiles force on, and the way people behave on them, the use of that to lend a hand Lyft’s autonomous car (AV) platform be informed extra about using general.
In the race for knowledge to “teach” those AI techniques, having that broad community of cameras deployed and selecting up knowledge so briefly is “game changing,” mentioned Peter Ondruska, the co-founder and CEO of Blue Vision.
“The amount of data you have affects how much you can rely on your system,” Ondruska mentioned in an interview. “What our tech allows us to do is to utilize Lyft’s fleet to train the cars. That is really game changing. I was working on this for eight years and you have to have a lot of data to get to the right level of safety. That is hard and we can get there faster using our technology.”
Lyft previously has actually concentrated its industry presence in North America, and so this marks a minimum of one more or less method that it’s increasing at the different facet of the pond. It opened its first European administrative center in Munich previous this 12 months, an indication that it’s taking a look to this a part of the arena a minimum of for R&D, if to not amplify its industry footprint to shoppers, simply but. Vincent declined to touch upon whether or not Lyft would get all in favour of autonomous trials in London, nor whether or not it might amplify its transportation carrier there.
Another key space this is value noting is that Blue Vision’s “collaborative” VR, which we could other people take a look at the similar spot in area and each see and create interactive, digital figures in it, may well be utilized by Lyft both to lend a hand drivers and would-be passengers higher keep up a correspondence, and even lend a hand passengers uncover extra services and products all through a adventure or at their vacation spot.
When Ondruska first spoke to TechCrunch previous this 12 months as the corporate emerged from stealth, experience hailing packages, in truth, have been one of the most use instances that we identified may well be helped via its tech.
Peter Ondruska, the startup’s co-founder and CEO, [said] that Blue Vision’s tech can pinpoint other people and different transferring gadgets in an area to inside of centimeters in their exact location — way more correct than standard GPS — that means that it will give higher ends up in apps that require two events to seek out every different, equivalent to in a ride-hailing app. (Hands up should you and your Uber driving force have ever misplaced every different sooner than you’ve even stepped foot within the car.)
Blue Vision isn’t the one corporate running to broaden those digital maps for the arena. Startups like 6d.ai, Blippar and the extremely smartly capitalized and wildly a hit AR era developer Niantic Labs also are construction out those digital maps on which builders can create packages. Indeed, Niantic’s Pokemon Go recreation is essentially the most a hit augmented fact utility so far.
Large media firms have additionally been making an investment construction content material for those platforms, and traders have poured loads of hundreds of thousands of bucks into startups like 6d, Niantic, Blue Vision, and others which can be construction each instrument and to herald this new age of the way we can, it seems that, all quickly be seeing the arena.
The building of those new platforms will cross far towards making sure that extra helpful packages are simply across the nook, looking forward to customers to select them up.
“One of the reasons why AR hasn’t really reached mass market adoption is because of the tech that is on the market,” Ondruska informed us previous this 12 months. “Single-user experiences are limiting. We are allowing the next step, letting people see the right place, for example. None of that was possible before in AR because the backend didn’t exist. But by filling in this piece, we are creating new AR use cases, ones that are important and will be used on a daily basis.”
The deal marks Lyft’s 10th acquisition, consistent with CrunchBase. In 2015, Lyft got the disappearing messaging corporate, Leo, to deliver the corporate’s messaging experience in space. Two years later, the ride-hailing corporate went on an acquisition tear, hoovering up FinitePaths, YesGraph, DataScore, and Kamcord. The first 3 look like strategic acquisitions to bulk up mapping and advertising efforts  internally; however Kamcord, a social media community for video sharing, gave the impression a bit farther afield.
For extra on Lyft’s larger plans for AV, watch the video underneath of Vincent speaking in regards to the corporate’s roadmap (in an effort to discuss).
Lyft speeds ahead with its autonomous initiatives – TechCrunch
Lyft, the transportation on call for corporate this is heading to a $15 billion IPO in 2019, is racing ahead with its autonomous car plans.
Lyft speeds ahead with its autonomous initiatives – TechCrunch Lyft, the transportation on call for corporate this is heading to a $15 billion IPO in 2019, is racing ahead with its autonomous car plans.
0 notes
saltysuittaco-blog · 6 years
Lyft, the transportation on call for corporate this is heading to a $15 billion IPO in 2019, is racing ahead with its autonomous car plans. TechCrunch has realized that it’s obtaining the London-based augmented fact startup Blue Vision Labs and unveiling its first check car to advance its imaginative and prescient for self-driving automobiles.
The first automobile from Lyft’s Level five self-driving initiative would be the Ford Fusion Hybrid. Lyft’s use of a Ford Fusion it seems that isn’t related with the partnership the 2 introduced remaining 12 months. Other AV firms have used the Ford Fusion as a platform for integrating self-driving applied sciences.
The Ford Fusion (now with Lyft autonomy!)
While the mixing of Lyft’s autonomous applied sciences and a Ford automobile is spectacular, possibly extra significant is the corporate’s acquisition of Blue Vision Labs, a startup out of London that has evolved some way of drinking street-level imagery and is the use of it to construct collaborative, interactive augmented fact layers — all by the use of elementary smartphone cameras.
Blue Vision will take a seat inside of Lyft’s Level five autonomous automobile department headed up via Luc Vincent (who joined the corporate remaining 12 months as VP of engineering after developing and operating Google Street View).
The startup and its team of workers of 39 (everyone seems to be becoming a member of Lyft) may also turn out to be the anchor for a brand new R&D operation in London or the San Francisco-based corporate, interested by that autonomous using effort. Level five is stepping up a tools in in a different way as of late, too: Lyft is unveiling a brand new car that it’s going to be the use of for trying out.
Blue Vision has evolved era that gives each road point mapping and interactive augmented fact that we could two other people see the similar digital gadgets. The corporate has already constructed extremely detailed maps that builders can now use to broaden collaborative AR reports — it’s just like the maps of those areas turn out to be canvasses for digital gadgets to be painted on. Over time, we might see more than a few makes use of of it right through the Lyft platform, however for now the principle center of attention is Level five.
“We are looking forward to focusing Blue Vision’s technology on building the best maps at scale to support our autonomous vehicles, and then localization to support our stacks,” Vincent mentioned in an interview. “This is fundamental to our business. We need good maps and to understand where every passenger and vehicle is. To make our services more efficient and remove friction, we want their tech to drive improvements.”
People acquainted with the purchase let us know Blue Vision is being got for round $72 million with $30 million on best of that in line with hitting sure milestones. Lyft has declined to remark at the valuation. Blue Vision had raised $17 million and had best pop out of stealth remaining March, after running quietly at the product for 2 years. Investors incorporated GV, Accel, Horizons Ventures, SV Angel and extra.
This deal is notable partly as a result of that is the primary acquisition that Lyft has made to amplify its autonomous automobile operation, which now has 300 other people running on it. At a time when many greater firms are snapping up startups that experience evolved fascinating packages or applied sciences round spaces like AR, mapping, and autonomous using, there is also extra to return. “We are always evaluating build versus buy,” Vincent mentioned when requested about extra acquisitions. But he additionally stated that this can be a very crowded box as of late, even if taking into consideration simply essentially the most promising firms.
“I don’t have a crystal ball but arguably there are quite a few players today, including big tech, startups, OEMs and car makers. There are well over 100 [strong] companies in the space and there is bound to be some consolidation.” Lyft previous this 12 months additionally inked an funding and partnership with Magna to combine its self-driving automobile machine into elements it provides to automobile makers.
But it additionally would possibly face different pressures. The corporate counts Didi and GM amongst its traders, and either one of those firms are making their very own giant strides in self-driving era and every has inked offers to have extra companions the use of that tech, partly to justify a few of their very own hefty funding.
Lyft, in fact, will hope that acquisitions like Blue Vision will give it extra leverage, and make it one of the most consolidators, slightly than the consolidated.
Blue Vision’s use of smartphones to ingest knowledge to create its street-level imagery and mapping is a very powerful to Lyft’s quest for scale. In impact, each Lyft car in operation as of late, with a smartphone at the dashboard, may well be commandeered to turn out to be a “camera” looking at, surveying and mapping the roads that the ones automobiles force on, and the way people behave on them, the use of that to lend a hand Lyft’s autonomous car (AV) platform be informed extra about using general.
In the race for knowledge to “teach” those AI techniques, having that broad community of cameras deployed and selecting up knowledge so briefly is “game changing,” mentioned Peter Ondruska, the co-founder and CEO of Blue Vision.
“The amount of data you have affects how much you can rely on your system,” Ondruska mentioned in an interview. “What our tech allows us to do is to utilize Lyft’s fleet to train the cars. That is really game changing. I was working on this for eight years and you have to have a lot of data to get to the right level of safety. That is hard and we can get there faster using our technology.”
Lyft previously has actually concentrated its industry presence in North America, and so this marks a minimum of one more or less method that it’s increasing at the different facet of the pond. It opened its first European administrative center in Munich previous this 12 months, an indication that it’s taking a look to this a part of the arena a minimum of for R&D, if to not amplify its industry footprint to shoppers, simply but. Vincent declined to touch upon whether or not Lyft would get all in favour of autonomous trials in London, nor whether or not it might amplify its transportation carrier there.
Another key space this is value noting is that Blue Vision’s “collaborative” VR, which we could other people take a look at the similar spot in area and each see and create interactive, digital figures in it, may well be utilized by Lyft both to lend a hand drivers and would-be passengers higher keep up a correspondence, and even lend a hand passengers uncover extra services and products all through a adventure or at their vacation spot.
When Ondruska first spoke to TechCrunch previous this 12 months as the corporate emerged from stealth, experience hailing packages, in truth, have been one of the most use instances that we identified may well be helped via its tech.
Peter Ondruska, the startup’s co-founder and CEO, [said] that Blue Vision’s tech can pinpoint other people and different transferring gadgets in an area to inside of centimeters in their exact location — way more correct than standard GPS — that means that it will give higher ends up in apps that require two events to seek out every different, equivalent to in a ride-hailing app. (Hands up should you and your Uber driving force have ever misplaced every different sooner than you’ve even stepped foot within the car.)
Blue Vision isn’t the one corporate running to broaden those digital maps for the arena. Startups like 6d.ai, Blippar and the extremely smartly capitalized and wildly a hit AR era developer Niantic Labs also are construction out those digital maps on which builders can create packages. Indeed, Niantic’s Pokemon Go recreation is essentially the most a hit augmented fact utility so far.
Large media firms have additionally been making an investment construction content material for those platforms, and traders have poured loads of hundreds of thousands of bucks into startups like 6d, Niantic, Blue Vision, and others which can be construction each instrument and to herald this new age of the way we can, it seems that, all quickly be seeing the arena.
The building of those new platforms will cross far towards making sure that extra helpful packages are simply across the nook, looking forward to customers to select them up.
“One of the reasons why AR hasn’t really reached mass market adoption is because of the tech that is on the market,” Ondruska informed us previous this 12 months. “Single-user experiences are limiting. We are allowing the next step, letting people see the right place, for example. None of that was possible before in AR because the backend didn’t exist. But by filling in this piece, we are creating new AR use cases, ones that are important and will be used on a daily basis.”
The deal marks Lyft’s 10th acquisition, consistent with CrunchBase. In 2015, Lyft got the disappearing messaging corporate, Leo, to deliver the corporate’s messaging experience in space. Two years later, the ride-hailing corporate went on an acquisition tear, hoovering up FinitePaths, YesGraph, DataScore, and Kamcord. The first 3 look like strategic acquisitions to bulk up mapping and advertising efforts  internally; however Kamcord, a social media community for video sharing, gave the impression a bit farther afield.
For extra on Lyft’s larger plans for AV, watch the video underneath of Vincent speaking in regards to the corporate’s roadmap (in an effort to discuss).
Lyft speeds ahead with its autonomous initiatives – TechCrunch Lyft, the transportation on call for corporate this is heading to a $15 billion IPO in 2019, is racing ahead with its autonomous car plans.
0 notes