#and sweats while carrying firewood or what have you
detectiveneve · 1 year
think the whole gang should visit emrys’ tiny village on the way to baldurs gate so they can witness how every village girlie was obsessed with her a bit and how she’s clearly flustered but also goes right back into the mode of kissing hands and bowing respectfully and offering flowers to old ladies and everyone asking her to carry stuff so she does. village butch hunk style.
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lotusflqwer · 14 days
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a/n: Hi guys! I finally finished the Lu Twilight hurt/comfort fic!! Based on a lighthearted and silly conversation I had with my family about my "anger issues" (I swear I don't have any), but if it was angsty😈 anyway I hope you guys enjoy!
Summary: Warriors and Legend tease Twilight about his temper, but he takes it to heart.
Word count: 1.8k
“I do not have anger issues!” Twilight’s voice echoed through the forest. He crossed his arms and glared at Legend and Warriors who were trying to stifle their laughter.
The trio were chopping firewood when the topic of Twilight’s temper emerged. Twilight grabbed his axe from the tree stump and split a log in one blow. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and set the axe down.
“Just face it Rancher,” Legend began with a snarky tone, “you’re just angry all the time.” Warriors nodded in agreement with a resigned smile.
“I’m one of the happiest people here!” Twilight frowned as he tried to defend himself. He puffed his cheeks and clenched his fists in Legend’s direction.
“Look see!” Warriors pointed at Twilight, “that’s anger!” Legend laughed at the sight.
“No, I’m just frustrated with y’all!” Twilight groaned. “That’s a normal response when dealing with you two,” he pointed back at the duo and pursed his lips into a thin line.
“You sure you’re not angry with us?” Legend mocked as he raised an eyebrow. Twilight scoffed and picked up his axe.
“You shouldn’t be handling an axe while irritated, you know,” Warriors flashed a smirk in the rancher’s direction.
“You know what? Let’s go ask everyone else if they think I have anger issues,” Twilight suddenly declared as he scowled at Legend and Warriors. The pair snickered and nodded.
The three heroes carried their piles of wood and made their way to the others. Twilight saw Sky and decided to approach him first. Surely the softhearted knight would be on his side.
“Hey Sky,” Twilight’s voice grabbed Sky’s attention from his woodcarving, “do you think I have a bad temper?” Twilight set his pile of logs on the ground while Sky raised an eyebrow at his blunt question. He glanced at Warriors and Legend, who were smirking as they set their piles down.
“Well…I do think you hold a lot of that anger in,” Sky responded. Twilight’s jaw dropped.
“But ain’t that good? Like I don’t take it out on y’all or anything,” Twilight said quickly. Sky furrowed his brows and hesitated to answer. Low chuckles could be heard from behind the rancher.
“You tend to…bottle things up,” Sky finally said. Twilight frowned and stormed off to find someone else, muttering something under his breath. Sky stared in his direction and looked back to Warriors and Legend for some kind of answer. They shrugged with mischievous smiles and followed after Twilight.
Twilight’s eyes lit up as he caught the sight of Time cleaning his armor. His ancestor would definitely have his back. He quickened his pace to a stride while Legend and Warriors were close behind.
“Hey old man!” He called out. “Do you think I have anger–“
“Yes absolutely,” Time replied without looking up. Legend and Warriors burst into laughter.
“What?!” Twilight gawked, “w-what makes you say that?!”
“Pup…” Time shifted his gaze to his descendant. He had a teasing smile. “I’ve seen how you act with your family in Ordon…especially Ilia,” he drawled.
“Oh yes, she always looks scared around you,” Warriors quickly jumped into the conversation. Twilight scoffed.
“It’s like she’s always looking for an escape,” Legend added.
“She ain’t scared of me!” Twilight crossed his arms. “She knows better,” he muttered. The three heroes paused and looked slightly concerned.
“I’m obviously kidding. I thought we were all joking here,” Twilight rolled his eyes.
“No, that’s just your anger issues speaking,” Warriors said as he shook his head. Time and Legend chuckled.
“Next time we land in your Hyrule we better check up on Ilia,” Time joked. Twilight’s glare had no effect on him.
“Yeah you need to be nicer to her,” Legend commented with a sly smile.
“I am nice!? I’m the nicest ever to her and everyone!” Twilight was annoyed. “If I was actually mean, she’d have enough self-respect to never be around, believe me.”
“No, she wouldn’t. She would be too scared at what you would do to her,” Warriors said matter-of-factly while Legend nodded, but Time nudged the captain with a stern look.
“What?! I would never hit her! I would never hit anyone out of ire!” Twilight exclaimed. Warriors and Legend raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘yeah right.’ Twilight felt hurt. Is that what everyone truly thinks of him?
Time stood up, planning to place a comforting hand on Twilight’s shoulder and deescalate the situation, but the rancher stepped back. Twilight clenched his jaw and quickly turned on his heel to leave. He was tired of defending himself when he knew he didn’t have anger issues.
“You two went a little too far,” Time said after a bit of silence. His face was full of disapproval.
“You joined in too, old man,” Legend retorted.
“Going as low to say he lashes out and hurts people? I didn’t do that,” the eldest hero replied. “Let him cool off, then you should apologize.”
Legend and Warriors glanced at each other. They only meant to poke a little fun at their brother, but maybe it did go too far.
Twilight sat criss crossed on the riverbank, looking at the sparkles the sun casted on the moving water. He rested his head on his hand while he fidgeted with his orange sash. His chest ached as he thought about what the others had said. He knew he could be rough, but he was always careful. At least he thought he was. He tried to think back to every interaction he ever had to see if he scared people.
His mind went to Ilia, one of his closest friends. Has she always been afraid of him? He thought of the one time he had raised his voice at her, but he immediately apologized and swore to never do it again. Then he thought of the others in Ordon. Rarely his temper would get the better of him, so he didn’t think he had an issue controlling it. He didn’t think he was always angry, but now he wasn’t so sure. He wondered if everyone saw him as a hostile beast.
Twilight’s ear twitched when he heard someone coming up from behind. His grip on his sash tightened.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” Twilight said harshly. He wasn’t interested in seeing Legend or Warriors right now.
“It’s just me,” Wild said softly, “can I sit?”
Twilight turned and saw the champion standing behind him with a smile. He patted the spot next to him and Wild sat down. The rancher kept his gaze on the river. The gentle sounds of water flowing over stones filled the silence between them.
“Do you think I’m always angry?” Twilight asked apprehensively. The sudden question confused Wild, but he mulled it over.
“You’re only mad when provoked,” the champion finally replied and teasingly poked the other’s shoulder. The answer made Twilight put his head in his hands. Wild’s eyes widened. Was that a trick question? Did he say the wrong thing?
“H-Hey what’s wrong?” Wild’s hands hovered over Twilight. The rancher pulled his legs to his chest and rested his head on top of his knees. He looked at Wild.
“Captain and Vet kept saying how I have anger issues,” Twilight began in a soft voice, “and I hurt people when I lash out.” He sighed. “Maybe I am too rough and mean with everyone,” he mumbled.
Wild’s heart broke. He wanted to comfort Twilight as he had always done with him. He wanted to say how sweet and caring he was to everyone around him, but the words got stuck in his throat.
“I think–…they don’t–“ Wild stuttered. He took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts.
“I don’t think they really meant it, Twi…you’re kind and loving and protective. You’re a good person, and I know they know that.” Wild whispered. Twilight gave him a small smile.
“Thank you, but I think there is some truth to their words. I mean I do tend to bottle my anger up and…sometimes it explodes, but…I’d never harm anyone,” Twilight sighed as he adjusted his bracer. “I guess that little comment made me real upset and…angry.” He chuckled softly at the irony.
“I’m sure the others have some advice against suppressing your emotions. They could help you,” Wild explained enthusiastically while he patted Twilight’s back. He chuckled at the champion’s gesture.
“Yeah…that’d be nice,” Twilight smiled.
The sounds of footsteps walking across the riverbank reached Twilight and Wild’s ears. They turned and saw Legend and Warriors. They stopped a few feet away, and there was an awkward silence.
“Twilight, we wanted to come and apologize,” Warriors finally started.
“Yeah, we went overboard with the teasing,” Legend rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke. Twilight furrowed his brows, but let them speak.
“I’m sorry for saying you hurt others when that’s far from the truth. I hope you can forgive me,” Warriors frowned with guilt.
“And I’m sorry for starting the whole joke,” Legend uttered as he averted his gaze.
The pair looked ashamed, they doubted Twilight would forgive them so easily. The rancher stood and slowly walked to them. Warriors braced himself, expecting Twilight to walk past them.
Twilight instantly enveloped them in a tight hug. Warriors let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and he and Legend hugged their brother back. Twilight pulled away from the two.
“I forgive y’all,” Twilight said, “Just don’t do it again.” He narrowed his eyes for a moment. Warriors and Legend opened their mouths to apologize again. “I’m kidding,” the rancher laughed as he patted Legend’s back. “But I guess I should watch my temper more often,” he mumbled.
“Twilight please don’t say that. You're good to all of us,” Warriors tried to reassure him. Legend hummed in agreement.
Twilight huffed with a smile; he felt relieved. “Aw guys,” Twilight pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. He put his arms around Legend and Warriors’ shoulders. “We should head back before y’all make me feel too sentimental.” He turned back to Wild. “Let’s go, cub.”
Wild quickly stood up and started making his way towards them. He swung his arm over Legend, earning a surprised yelp from the veteran.
“Alright this is getting too sappy for me,” Legend said as he tried to escape, but Wild didn’t ease his grip. Warriors and Twilight laughed as they released their hold from the side hug train.
“Oh come on, we all know you think this is nice,” Wild squeezed Legend, not letting go.
“Whatever,” Legend scoffed and rolled his eyes, but didn’t fight Wild’s hold.
The setting sun’s orange glow scattered across the forest leaves. Light chatter and laughter filled the air. A soft breeze flowed through the young men as they walked back to camp under the trees’ canopy.
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malleusthehammer · 1 year
Breaking the News to Sasaki
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LISTEN. LISTEN. i can’t find a good gif for this. but @ghostygloom is the idea man for this and i am in LOVE with this
Warnings: None. Pure baby fluff!
Who: Kojiro Sasaki (RoR/SNV)
Type: Headcanons, and a bit of a drabble!
This man has been HEAD OVER HEELS for you since you both met.
He tries his damn best to be the best boyfriend across the seven seas.
He saw you while he was traveling, and just never left!
Of course you didn’t mind it- i mean cmon.
You lived alone and did all the work yourself. You didn’t mind, it was just life for you.
He was always there to help carry firewood, help pick veggies, and even try to darn clothes
let’s just say- he sucks at that.
He absolutely loves it when you watch him train. It makes him feel special
After you two had been together for a while, you had been getting quite sick in the early hours of the morning.
Since Sasaki is such a deep sleeper- he doesn’t even realize what’s going on.
give this man a break he has NO EXPERIENCE WHAT SO EVER
after a couple weeks it finally clicks in your head
holy shit your pregnant?!
At this point you’ve been having more fatigue lately and the work around the house is piling up
Sasaki is SO worried about you
he’s always by your side, bringing you food which he tries to cook but fails
He’s asking questions left and right “Are you okay? Should i call a doctor? are you gonna die??”
and of course, you have to calm the poor man down.
you just say you’ve probably caught a nasty stomach bug
One day, he comes back in from training and sees you pacing in the livingroom
The door let out a whine as it closed, a sigh following it. Sasaki wiped his forehead with a cloth, setting his katana down. He had been outside for a long while, leaving you to doing some thinking.
“Tsuma? Where are ya? I’ve missed you-!”
His smile widened as he stepped through the doorway, seeing you hold your stomach with your face red. You glanced at him before immediately looking down again.
Sasaki knew this was serious. You hadn’t called him by his nickname. Was something wrong? did he do something? could he fix it?
“Yes, my dear..? Is everythin’ alright?”
You bit your lip as you blinked away some tears and walked towards him. He quickly grabbed you, pulling you into a hug. He always smelt like sweat, with a bit of pine. But it was always a smell you could look forward to when he walked in the door.
“Kojiro.. i’m.. im pregnant.”
Silence struck the room like a loud crack of thunder. His eyes widened before they curled back up from his smile. Small chuckles erupted from his chest before turning into full blown laughter. You were stunned by it. He was.. laughing?
“Tsuma! This is- This is amazing! Oh my-! Haha!”
He held you back, looking in your eyes with a bright smile. His laughter was so contagious, you couldn’t help but smile.
“You’re.. you’re happy?”
“Of course i’m happy! I’m with the most beautiful woman, that’s with my kid! Oh my god! Haha! This is so amazing!”
Sasaki picked you up, snuggling his face into the crook of your neck as he spun you around. Laughter filled the room, ever nook and cranny. Soon, he sat you back down on the ground. His hands sat gently on your hips as you looked up at him, your hands resting gently on his shoulders.
“Ah.. how could i have been so blessed with such a beautiful woman?”
He chuckled again, pulling you into a kiss.
Okay. Low key. I highly enjoyed writing this LMAO GRHSAHS anywasy :3
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vibratingskull · 7 months
What would you think of maybe Thrawn x Reader on a camping trip to somewhere scenic and isolated? Maybe on vacation, away from the stresses of work? I'm definitely imagining Thrawn shirtless and chopping firewood, for some eye candy. Maybe like, half fluff/half spicy?
🥺 pretty please?
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(my love as a gift, regardless of if you write this!)
Of course, anything for you my sweet ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Tags: Winter vacation, fluff, fingering
“Ch’acah, we have arrived.” Thrawn pats your thigh to wake you up.
You rise up in a jolt, still half asleep. You were so comfortable pressed against Thrawn's back, holding him tight on the speeder, his body's higher warmth still spreading to you past the thick leather jacket he wears. 
You rub your eyes and wipe a bit of drool off your mouth and discover a wooden cabin under a thick layer of snow. Thrawn already jumped off the bike to get the luggages as you hug yourself to shield yourself from the biting cold. He was so warm…
“You are shivering, Vir. Let’s get inside.” He invites gallantly.
You jump on the ground, leafing through the bunch of keys you have. You haven't come here in decades, you almost forgot your grand aunt bought that cabin in the middle of nowhere.
You would have come in summer under a blazing sun but you saw how Thrawn's eyes were shining when you told him everything froze in winter in the region. You hoped for a resort near a beach for those vacation, but seeing him getting excited by the prospect of living through a cold climate for some weeks made you cave in, for your Chiss…
As much as Thrawn shows excitement of course, which is always in moderation. 
But enduring the cold and wind is worth it if Thrawn gets something reminding him of his homeworlds.
You enter the key in the door and push the heavy block of wood to enter the modest abode. It is completely dark and cold. You search for a lightswitch on the wall until you find it and flip it.
You flip it again.
Still dark.
“We may have an electricity problem.” You annonce.
Thrawn puts the luggages down in the largest room, consisting of a kitchenette, a sofa, a double bed and a fireplace.
Real small cabin, you see.
You mingle with a heater mounted on the wall, to no avail.
“Let’s start the chimney.” Thrawn says. “Let’s get some light and warmth.”
You go around the cabin in search of the wood reserve, finding the ax in the meantime. You find back Thrawn securing the bike in the nightfall against a tree. You don’t know who would come lost themself in this forest to steal a speeder bike, but security first you suppose.
“No cutted logs, but I found the ax.” 
He nods, standing up. He is only wearing his leather jacket while you're wrapped in the puffiest winter coat you ever saw, a heavy lana scarf and some gloves. 
“I will see the wood, go collect some ice.” He instructs
“Why?” you tilt your head, blowing hot air on your hands.
“For the bath.” He says with a thin smile.
You take a hammer from the top case and a very large bucket. You wave at Thrawn as you go, looking at him chopping wood with application and venture a little bit deeper in the forest. If your memory serves you right there must be a lake not too far away…
You break the ice with the hammer and collect enough to fill the bucket. It is a really, really large bucket and it gets really, really heavy. You have all the pain in the world carrying it back to the cabin, especially with this hindering coat. You take double the time it took you to reach the lake to come back.
But you’re not disappointed, far from it.
Because when you finally reach the cabin, you raise your eyes from the heavy bucket to discover Thrawn, still cutting logs, bare chested and muscles glistening with a thin layer of sweat shining under the rising stars. 
You are so surprised and enthralled you stop dead in your tracks, completely hypnotized by that scene. You cannot help but admire his form, his powerful muscles flexing so wonderfully under the new moonlight. 
You remained silent, eyes wide open, arms holding on desperately on the heavy bucket that started trembling in your hands. He catches a glimpse of you mid swift, sliding a log in too with such force and power the two parts fly on the side. He lays down the ax to turn to you, gasping for air, his breath forming steamy clouds at his mouth. You see his large chest rising up and down rapidly and you imagine his heart beat racing in his rib cage. 
You close your agape mouth with a gulp, shaking your head back to reality. 
“I found ice.” You inform gingerly, trying to keep your eyes to his ember eyes and not his mouth watering chest and abdominals.
Maker… He is such an athlete! He has been carved by the gods in pure marble!
“Good.” He nods, already getting back his breath under control, “Put it in the chimney, we are going to melt it for the bath.”
You greet your teeth as you carry the bucket inside. Right behind you Thrawn gathered the wood he cut and places them in the fireplace. He starts the fire as you get rid of your heavy coat. You take one of the furry plaid and lay it on his naked shoulders, he raises his head to meet your gaze, a silent ‘thank you’ in his eyes.
“You’re going to catch a cold in this outfit.” You smile gently.
You just see a drop of sweat rolling from his pac to roll on his muscular stomach, making you gulp again. He doesn’t close the plaid over him, only holding the sides with the tip of his fingers, letting you appreciate his whole carved bust as he rises back on his feet. The red and yellow flames bounce beautifully on his deep blue skin, creating delightful tones and shades dancing on his skin. You breathe deeply through your nose, trying your best not to drool at that sight.
He turns his head to you, completely lost in your admiration of his body, and smiles thinly before booping the tip of your nose with his knuckle. You wince and wrinkle your nose in reaction, almost sneezing.
“I think we still have some hot cocoa in the thermos. You are shivering, Ch’acah.”
He invites you to sit on the sofa in front of the burning fire and brings the two cups and the thermos bottle, pouring you a cup of the fuming drink. As you blow on the steaming cup in your hand he sits beside you, throwing the side of the plaid over your own shoulders. You smile and snuggle against his warmer body with a sigh of contentment.
“I know you wished to go to the beach for those vacations.” Thrawn says after a very long moment of comfortable silence, “I am sorry, Ch’acah.”
You kiss his shoulder before laying your head on it.
“No need Thrawn. I saw how happy and interested you were in this location.”
“And I am thankful to you for accepting.” He brushes his cheek against the top of your head.
“If you are happy, it is good enough for me.” You assure, sighing contented as you finally started to warm up.
“We will go to that resort you saw, cheo vir, I promise you.”
“And we could come back here each winter, if you wish!” You propose.
“Thank you, love.” He kisses your hair tenderly.
You press yourself against his warm body, feeling his arm circling your shoulders, pressing you tighter against himself. You deeply inhale the natural musk of your Chiss with glee, letting it invade your lungs with great pleasure.
He is so, so warm…
And smells so, so good.
His thumb comes caressing the plump of your cheek softly.
“I love you, Thrawn.” You let escape in the softness and intimacy of the moment.
“I love you too, Ch’acah.” He responds with a melodious tone.
You sip your cups, letting the heavy and thick chunks of ice slowly melt in the bucket over the fire. He keeps caressing your cheek with his thumb, softly, lightly, tenderly…
You hear him purring lowly, feeling the waves through the skin of your cheek. You close your eyes, comfortable and relaxed.
“Do you like it here?” You ask.
“It is quite rudimentary, but yes. It brings back some soft memories.” He admits.
“Good, that’s what I wanted for you.” you press your cheek on his shoulder.
“Thank you, Ch’acah. You take such good care of me.”
You raise your head to look him in the eyes. His so beautiful crimson eyes.
“Because you do it too…” You whisper.
His fingers travel from your cheek to your chin, tilting it to give him a better access to your lips. He leans forward and captures them delicately, pressing sweet kisses on your lips, purring deeply at the sensual contact. In place of purring you moan for his ears, mewling alluringly for his pleasure.
He parts from you with a satisfied sigh, looking into your eyes. His face is stern and unreadable but his eyes are spilling love and adoration. He gently puts a strand of your hair behind your ear before taking your cheek in his palm. You mewl and snuggle against his warm palm.
“I could drown in your eyes.” He murmurs with his deep baritone voice.
“Your eyes set fire to my soul.” You respond.
He kisses your forehead lovingly.
“We should take the water off the fire before it boils.” He simply says, leaving your embrace.
He lets the plaid fall off his large shoulders like a cap in a regal movement, letting you admire his magnificently sculpted back and well defined shoulder blades. You feel your throat drying at that simple sight.
“Will it be sufficient?” You ask tilting your head.
“It is plenty.”
You hardly see how it is enough to fill a bathtub…
He seizes the heavy bucket, flexing his powerful biceps just for you and easily carry it to the ridiculously small bathroom.
This room is hilariously small.
There is no bathtub, not even a shower. There is only a larger than usual metallic barrel next to a crude, but serviceable toilet. Thrawn easily lift the bucket and pour the fuming water in the barrel, filling it up.
“Oh this is really, really rudimentary.” You concede.
“We will be a bit squeezed in here, but it will be quite… pleasant.” He turns to you.
Your gaze travel between the barrel to Thrawn, eyes round.
“You want us to take our bath together, in… this?”
“Will it be a problem?” He asks, opening his pants.
You purse your lips.
You hardly see how Thrawn could squeeze his large and tall body in this barrel, so your two bodies at the same time…
“I thought it would be agreeable to bathe together, in each other's arms.” He presents his argument.
“I mean…” You hesitate.
You turn back to him to see him naked in all his glory and immediately avert your eyes, suddenly shy.
Which is quite weird, you've been seen naked more than once. And you always loved it, a lot!
You feel him come to press his naked form against your body, gently opening the buttons of your thick lana cardigan.
“Come bath with me, Ch’acah.” He whispers in your ear, making you shudder instantly.
You gulp, feeling your body temperature skyrocketing by the second. He pulls the cardigan off your shoulders  gently, nibbling at your ear. You gasp at the touch of his breath on the shell of your ear, sending shivers down your spine and pussy. You bite your lips and take your shirt off while he unbutton your pants before pulling them down, letting you in your bra and tights. You fill his warm hands snaking their way back up your legs, caressing and squeezing the flesh as they rise. 
This is not an alluring stocking but lana tights with extravagant colors and patterns as they tend to be. You hear a low chuckle behind you.
“I am sorry, you may have hoped for a thin shaded stocking.” You mumble. “I am sorry.”
“Not at all, Ch’acah. I know you cannot endure cold climates as well as I. These eccentric patterns and colors are also pleasant to see.”
“I was so cold on the ship.” You admit. “I needed a new layer.”
“I will make sure you remain warm during our stay.” He says lowly, darkly, seductively…
You feel his lips on your lower back brushing the thin sensitive skin like a butterfly, making you shiver again. He stands back to his full height and opens your bra expertly, with a snap of the hooks and his warm hands come forth and grabs your tits delicately. You breathe through your nose, mouth agape as he gently kneads the round mounds of flesh, before making your nipples roll between his master fingers, tugging on them softly.
“I love unclothing you.” He whispers again, “I know really well what I will found, but it is like I am rediscovering our body each time, like a new first time.” and he bites down your ear.
You yelp, to his pleasure.
“Come in with me, sweet thing.” He kisses your shoulder and leave you to enter the barrel.
Somehow, someway he does enter the barrel entirely, sitting down in the warm water, his legs wide apart to leave you space. He extends his hand to you invitingly.
You get rid off your tights and panties quickly and enter the fuming, hot water. Miraculously you manage to both fit in the barrel, squeezed against the other, but surprisingly comfortable nonetheless. Your back is pressed against his chest as you sit between his legs. 
“How is it?” He asks.
“Too hot?” He worries.
‘Against a body such as yours? It is scorching hot’ you think.
“It is agreeable.” You correct, getting comfortable against his chest.
You sigh of comfort, slowly relaxing in the fuming water.
“See? We could fit without any difficulties.”
“I wouldn’t have bet on it!” You retort.
He kisses the top of your head, pecking your hair, hugging your body tightly in his arms. He crosses his legs before yours, imprisoning you between his embrace completely.
“Lay on me, Ch’acah, I am warmer.” He invites.
You let your head fall back on his shoulder with a moan. One of his hands starts drawing circles on your arm while the other one sneakily traces its way on your stomach and goes south. He keep kissing your ear and temples as his hand keeps going until it scoops your sex in his palm. Air gets stuck in your throat as you feel him dressing down your cunt with his large hand. One single finger curls up, trailing your slit until it flicks your clit at the top. You immediately jolt back, and in doing so compress his cock between your two bodies. He hisses in return in pain and pleasure.
“I’m sorry!” You immediately present your excuses.
“Do.not.move.an.inch.” He orders. “Remain here.”
He trails your slit once again, before going at it seriously, pushing past your folds and massaging your entrance with the pad of his finger.
“You are already gaping, I can feel you pulsing against my finger.” He notes satisfied.
“You are teasing me, of course I am going to react!” You defend yourself.
He adds a second finger at the circles he traces around your entrance, applying sweet pressures here and there, titillating your cunny from time to time. His fingers rise to your pearl and knead it thoroughly, adding pressure, making it roll, flicking it repeatedly. Your legs start trembling and you try to close them, but it only imprison his hand in place.
He licks your ear with his warm, wet tongue and a guttural growl. His second hand leaves  your arm to caress and grope your breast, kneading it lovingly, weighting them in his hand, appreciating their roundness and fullness with a hum of approval.
His fingers go back south and one enters you, gently, letting your entrance time to embrace the girth of his digit. He pushes it further, knuckles deep and immediately grazes at your gummy spot, caressing it and crossing it without missing a beat.
You can feel all your south muscles contracting at the shockwaves of pleasure currently spreading in your body, squeezing his finger inside.
“That is the kind of reaction I enjoy…” He says amused and pleased.
To prove his point a second finger enters you deeply, stretching you wide open. His fingers are like his hands: large and long, and a trial to take in, but they give you so much pleasure they are worth any struggle. He spreads his fingers wide to stretch you more and more until your cunny muscles are at their maximum. Shuddering terribly, you hold on his arms for support.
“Can you take a third one, Cheo vir? For me…” He purrs deeply, enjoying himself tremendously.
Mouth agape, gasping, only a strangled moan escape you as an answer. He kisses your cheek and decide for you.
“Yes you can, sweet thing.”
And he pushes the third in. This time you are at your maximum. You are fully stuffed and feel your pussy compressing his three fingers tight, threatening to cut the blood flow in them.
“I love how your tight pussy always struggles to take what I offer you. Even fingers are too much… Somedays I wonder how you can take my cock in your sweet little cunt. But you always do. To my utmost pleasure.” He praises, licking your neck all the way up. “You are so good for me, Ch’acah, always pushing your limits to please me.”
He thoroughly massages your pussy as he speaks, caressing and stroking any hidden spots inside your pussy, sending powerful waves of pleasure in your core.
“I am so stuffed!” You manage to let out in a gasp.
“Are you?” He muses, “Already?” And he pushes his finger deeper until their whole length is inside.
You pant terribly, digging your nails in his arms. You are so stretched! So full! So filled! You cannot take anything more, it is impossible, you would explode in a million pieces!
“You are strangling my fingers so much, sweet thing.” He breathes lowly, “This is so… delectable.” You feel his hips moving behind you, his big, lengthy cock brushing your lower back from side to side, getting as much friction as he can.
He circles your G spot, scratching the itch and resumes the flicking of your clit, he is not one to neglect such an important aspect of womanly pleasure, quite the contrary.
You moan and mewl uncontrollably under his caress as he deep massage your pussy while licking and kissing your neck and shoulder.
“Maker!” You cry out.
You feel your pussy clenching and convulsing furiously around his large fingers while your nervous clit pulsates powerfully.
“Come for me, Ch’acah. Come hard for me...” He whispers seductively in your ear.
You come in a jolt, the pleasure suddenly exploding in your sex like fireworks forcing you to curl over yourself, but Thrawn holds you down with his mighty arm. Your eyes roll inside your skull and your toes curl deliciously as the fire spreads in your veins slowly to your nerves ending.
You tremble, but not of cold, but of pure, raw shock. The aftermath of your climax slowly subsiding, you relax bit by bit, relaxing easily in his arms with a sigh, slouching in his embrace.
“Thank you, Cheo vir.” Thrawn praises you, “You came hard and good. Just as I wanted.” He kisses your cheek again, purring loudly, so much you feel vibrations in your back.
As much as a hard, long warm shaft in your back…
He rolls his hips again, brushing his erection against your back gently with a hum. You slide your hand between your two bodies to stroke and caress him but he stops you.
“No. Leave it.”
“Are you sure?” You ask nicely. “You made me cum, I should reciprocate.”
“Not now.” He decides, pressing you tighter against him, “It is so nervous and sensitive like that, it is really pleasant.” He moves his hips back and forth gently, “I quite like it. Let me appreciate it a bit longer…”
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay, @obbicrystaleo, @germie2037
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anchoviiies · 11 months
Can I request a nice domestic Zolusan fic? Where they're all married and just having the best life ever? Bonus points if they adopt a kid. Bonus bonus points if the kid is a girl.
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tw. fluff, fluff, fluff.
domestic zolusan, with a daughter. ❤️
Quiet life.
In the morning, the first to wake up is Sanji.
He looks out of the kitchen window and lets the sun chase away the sleep from his eyelids, he holds a cup of coffee in his hands and the first cigarette of the day between his lips.
The sun lazily rises through the tree branches, and the grass surrounding the house is still wet with dew, just like the slide and the swing attached to the peach tree.
Calling it a swing is even too flattering for Sanji: it's a wooden plank held up by two ropes, and he wonders how Lilie manages not to get splinters every time she uses it.
But it's a gift from Usopp, and Lilie adores it.
Luffy does too, and that's enough for Sanji.
But he grumbled to Zoro that it’ll become firewood, at the first scratch.
Shortly after, Luffy joins him, stumbling over the leg of the table as he tries to sit down.
Sanji can’t help but laughs, while he asks what's for breakfast as his stomach rumbles.
Zoro and Lilie are the last to wake up, when the house is already filled with the scent of pancakes and melted chocolate. Luffy has honey-sticky fingers, and the kiss he leaves on Lilie's cheek tastes like sugar and warm milk.
Then Zoro clears the table, Luffy rushes out of the house to do who knows what, and Lilie reaches out for Sanji, letting herself be picked up.
In her room, he arranges her red hair, helping her choose the day's dress: blue, with plenty of frills, folds, and lace. The skirt is so extravagant it makes her feel like a princess, and Lilie loves it.
She loves feeling like a princess, with also a plastic tiara and a magic wand, of course.
Zoro shakes his head gently when he sees her return to the kitchen all dressed up.
"How can she play dressed like that? She's just going to get dirty, and washing that is a hassle."
“She has elegant taste, unlike someone else," Sanji retorts. Zoro rolls his eyes but is smiling.
Sanji's favorite mornings are the ones that start slowly, with the alarm clock still ringing in the quiet house because Zoro doesn't hear it, and Luffy can't be bothered to reach for the bedside table to turn it off. He enjoys peering into the little girl's room, watching her sleep for a few moments under the colorful blankets, with her hair scattered on the pillow, a faint smile on her lips, wondering if she’s dreaming and what, she's dreaming about.
These leisurely mornings are followed by even slower days, that smell of melted butter on popcorn and baked apples, with a sprinkle of cinnamon on the top of them and a dollop of honey.
For Luffy, they smell like wheat, sweat, and fresh grass: the grass he lies on while Lilie sits beside him, engrossed in making a daisy crown or letting a snail crawl on her hands.
"If you touch their little horns, they hide them, look," Luffy says, extending a finger toward the snail, and Lilie watches with sparkling eyes.
Zoro rests his head on Sanji's shoulder and closes his eyes. The sun on his face makes him drowsy, and Sanji's clothes always smell of soap and cleanliness, which makes him even sleepier.
He's glad Sanji stopped using that cologne that made his nose itch and he thinks it's a good life, nevertheless.
The wind carries the scent of the sea and salt their way.
It's easy to feel nice.
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 3 months
༉‧₊˚. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 || 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐞
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— pairing: maggie greene & fem!plus size reader (platonic)
― era: end of s2 / beg. of s3
— summary: living during the end of the world was never easy, but losing all of the mental process that you had made was even harder.
— warnings: ANGST!!!!! heavy tw for things like panic attacks, a strangely detailed walker attack, hurt/comfort, trauma recovery, dissociating + fluff(?) at the end bcs i'm not a monster.
— wc: 1017
⋆ a/n: this is for @cmfan2005! i don't really have anything to say about this other than the fact that it was nice to work with old characters :']
masterlist | AO3
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You thought life on the farm would last forever.
You thought that you would be able to wake up every day and peacefully witness the sun rise over the expansive Greene farm. It was nice to be able to experience life the way it should be, like it used to be. 
A time where the dead weren’t walking and where your trauma didn’t haunt you from every corner of your life. Though the path of getting to a point where you didn’t shoot up from your bed in a cold sweat was long and hard, the only reason why you were able to get to that point was because of the eldest Greene daughter, Maggie.
It was funny really, because when you had first met, the two of you were like night and day; she was a spit fire while sometimes you couldn’t even find it within yourself to be able to talk at all. 
You must admit that you held some sort of envy ridden grudge against her because of the fact that she hadn’t seen what you saw, that she was able to still carry that blissful ignorance that maybe the world wasn’t so bad.
You grew accustomed to being on the farm, you loved tending to the crops and feeding the animals. Being needed meant that you had a purpose. You had a reason to look forward to the next day.
You remember the day that everything went to shit and you were already swimming with anxiety. There was fire and guns and you couldn’t find anybody until Maggie’s truck swung around. Seeing her face was like a blanket of relief, and in that moment you realized the only person that could make everything seem okay was her.
Being out on the road again was not only taxing physically, but also mentally as well. You could feel yourself slipping, days felt longer, your speech shorter, and that familiar but forgotten feeling of  hunger twisted in your stomach. 
Your eyes were set on the burning fire in front of you, the daylight was slipping away from your group with every minute that passed and you were feeling completely and utterly useless. You were mentally – and desperately – fighting against the dissociation that threatened to overcome you. You could feel the disconnect between your brain and you.
You knew that Maggie would want you to stay where you were sitting because she was worried about you. You could feel it in the way she made sure that you were fed, clothed, and warm during the night and safe during the day.
Rick had decided that the best course of action ccwas to stop for the night, so Maggie was off making sure that her father and sister got settled in comfortably. She had asked you many times if you were okay being by yourself for a short amount of time and you had found it within yourself to shoo her away and quell her worrying for a few minutes.
A part of you wanted to continue to use her as your safety net, but there was a piece of you that knew you should fight to stay independent.
With a sigh and one final look around the janky camp, you got up.
“I’m going to go get some more firewood.” You half-heartedly said to the others before stalking off into the nearest wooded area.
Being able to breathe in the few of the grass was refreshing. The wind swayed between the leaves of the trees, bringing you much needed silence.
Maybe being out on the road would be different this time, maybe this was another new beginning that you needed –
You hadn't heard come up behind you let alone grab onto your shoulders before you found yourself being pushed to the ground.
A scream forced its way out of your throat. You fought to turn around, hands slipping from your hold on its rotting corpse. It was so decayed that there was barely anything to hold onto and you stared right at its teeth ferociously bit at the air.
“Fucking - Help! Someone help me!” You cried.
You hadn't gone too far away from camp, so someone must have heard you, right?
You were losing your grip and with every chomp of its jaw got closer and closer to biting you on the face. “Please - I can’t -” And like a prayer that was answered, the thing was pulled off you, a nasty squish following a knife being put in its skull.
You could already see the dark spots in your vision, feel the suffocating tightness in your chest. Your lungs were filling up with water. You were dying, suffocating, practically drowning. You couldn’t bring yourself to speak even as you were being desperately shaken by what sounded like… Maggie?
“C’mon, breathe for me.” Her beckoning was blurred, falling on what seemed like deaf ears. 
“I -” You choked, forcing yourself to swallow the spit curating in your mouth. 
She takes your hand and places it on her chest where her heart rests under the flesh, and you can feel the rhythmic thumping under your fingertips. It helps ground you.
“Do what I do.” Maggie takes a deep breath and you attempt to follow, and as soon as the oxygen hits your brain, you can feel the rapid amount of tears that have managed to fall down your face.
“Good, good. You got it, honey.” A sob tears its way through you, and you all but throw your body into her arms. She rubs your back to help push away the possibility of hyperventilating, because she needed to get you off of the grass and back to camp fast.
“I need you to stand, can you do that for me?” She asks gently.
You weren’t going to lie and say your body didn’t hurt, the struggle and emotional exhaustion taking control of your already weak body.
“Yeah…” Your words were meek.
As you walked, your arm slung around her shoulder, you continually had to remind yourself that you were there with her and you were safe.
“Thank you.”
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @murdadixon
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matchadobo · 6 months
TBoTE - #2 Skypeia
wc: 3186
intro w/ chapter list
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With a batch of idiots who knew nothing about navigating as each of them was too occupied to establish himself as the “leader”, progress was a running joke Kidd and his group made for the span of six months.
“Where the fuck are we? I thought New World was the destination?!” Kidd grumbled, shuffling through the tall green leaves that spanned across the lush terrain. They’ve been aimlessly wandering land after land, this is their fifth town this time.
“Skypeia. This’d be the last town and New World is just around the corner:” The only brain cell of the group, Law, was leading the way and he’s just using his rough estimation of the landscape. Getting around on residual maps is their only hope right now.
“Eeeh? Torao, that’s what you said in the past towns!” Luffy whined, panting as he desperately lied himself flat on the pavement in a starfish position. “Just wanna sleep on a bed for once.”
“Maybe if you two idiots did things other than goddamn complain, we would’ve been there by now.” Law inhaled a deep sigh of frustration, taking in the petrichor of their new environment. “Let’s set camp, this town is pretty big. Traveling tomorrow would be the best.”
The three of them got the fire started, Law stayed behind while Luffy gathered firewood and Kidd hunted for dinner. With Kidd’s bloodlust and weapon, he’s already hauling a wild boar in no time.
“We’re gonna have a feast!” Kidd rejoiced, dropping the boar he had been carrying above his shoulder. Its impact on the floor had blown some ash on the dirty pavement.
“Ooh! Meat!” Luffy was delighted as he pumped his fist in the sky in excitement at the sight of raw meat.
“No biggie, took it down and brought the damn thing with ease. Thanks to me, we’d all be full for the night, aye?” Kidd puffed up his chest with both hands on his hips, standing with much ardor.
“You also brought that one?” Law stood up and sighed, gesturing with a nod to the figure afar Kidd’s direction. Luffy and Kidd looked at each other puzzled, glancing behind at the same time. Only to see an infecte- no, a human, running with full fucking speed towards their direction.
“What the fuck?!” Kidd squinted his eyes and his hands immediately grasped his axe from behind, ready to take combat. “I-is that… that ain’t an infected is it?!”
Law walked passed him, greeting the stranger with his long blade who stopped right in her tracks with her hands raised in full surrender. Her soles grazed the soil before she reached solid footing, her arrival threw dirt at the nearby bonfire causing it to die down. She was panting and her throat approached the tip of the blade precariously with each exhale. “You are?” Law raised a brow candidly, the other two completely on guard on either side of him.
“N-No time! A swarm of Aberrants is after me, we need to run!” She said in utter panic, her eyes and the sweat trailing down the sides of her face proved much evidence that there is indeed Aberrants chasing here and she just escaped near death.
“A swarm? What?!” Law’s heart dropped when he saw a loud buzzing from a mile away, the fear he saw in the girl’s eyes now crawling on his skin in an unholy pace. A swarm of unidentified little creatures were evidently unfriendly as they beelined to their direction.
“Torao! This is bad!”
“T-the boar! Throw that it’ll slow them down! They’ll feast on it before us so we can run.” The scarved lady ordered, eyeing the huge boar by the floor. They all looked at her for a while at her crazy suggestion. So she took matters to her own hands and escaped Law’s grip. Surprisingly, they all just watched her; maybe fear took over, or the display of rationality was enough to keep them stunned.
She positioned herself a bit far behind the boar before running at full speed to kick the dead animal while aiming at the swarm a couple of feet away. And it worked! Whatever swarm that was, it devoured the huge thing in just an entire minute from every fiber of the flesh until it was only bones that were left.
While each of them was processing the freak show before them, Kidd was mesmerized by the lady in the mauve scarf that had just saved their lives. She made one hell of an entrance all right, and Kidd liked it. Kidd likes them flamboyant, has a certain air around them, and most of all; she’s got the damn face for it. But it doesn’t eliminate the fact that she brought that devil spawn in here, so Kidd dealt with that before his infatuation.
“H-hey our dinner…” Luffy pouted, shoulders dropping.
“You fucking idiots, what are you waiting for?! let’s go!” Law picked up his stuff and ran deeper into the woods. The others soon ran after him.
“First of all, why the fuck did you lead it to us, woman?!” Kidd grumbled, starting a fight with the lady amidst the life-threatening chase of the swarm on their tail. Each shuffle and crush of the leaves beneath their feet acted as a deterrent as it loosened their footing and sharpened the swarm’s perception of their location. “Second, what is that?!”
“Hey, you were in the way and I had no way of knowing that your little gang was there.” She answered with much grit and a sharp glare in her eye while dodging the curbs on her trail. “And those are Pixie Aberrants. Careful with the fairy dust they leave in their trail, it can turn you if you ingest it.”
“Pixie? I heard they’re the lowest form of Aberrants, is that monster a mutation or something?!” Law started, ducking down the large branches that obstructed his path.
“Not quite, they’re just deadly when in swarms. They pose minimal threat individually but when they increase in numbers, it’s fatal. You’ve seen it first hand.” Yvi explained while jumping over some logs and rocks that barricaded a path to a distant ruin.
“Who are you? Some kind of aberrant groupie?” Kidd snickered, bitterly laughing through his nose but followed her lead.
“Doctor Yviskos Vesalius, Chief of R&D Department of the New World.” She asserted, looking at every one in the eye. But a stone cold glance lingered on Kidd. “What about you guys?”
Yviskos is someone very friendly and gregarious, she rarely had conflicts with all types of persons but resolved them by adapting to their personality. But this particular asshole with voluminous vermillion locks sitting on his pale fucking head was getting on her nerves and she ran out of rationality to play into his goddamn game. Something about his face with that scar spanning from his temple to his neck and arms, minacious golden eyes that observed her way too much, build that overwhelmed her exponentially, and foul tongue that said more harm than good icked a particular fiber of her being in a manner she’s too embarrassed to admit.
“Luffy. Law’s the sword guy and Kidd’s the axe guy.” The youngest greeted with a bright smile, by far the most welcoming to Yvi ever since she saved their lives.
“We ain’t here to make friends nor do introductions, Luffy. Especially to little miss doctor over here who nearly got us killed.” Kidd scoffed, rolling his eyes as their trail came to a stop when no signs of the swarm were showing. Their tiny screeches were now far away and they were nowhere in sight.
“Wait, New World? As in THE community refuge?” Law cleared up, a wee bit of his interest showing with his tone.
“Yes! You seem interested?” Yvi retorted with a smile. “And for the record, I saved your ass there, Kidd.” She replied with a bitter smile, Kidd’s intimidation was invalidated as he stared her down with a glare and gritted teeth but she returned the same demeanor in a much calmer way, moreso a sweet grin.
“And if you hadn’t gone to us, no saving nor running will be happenin’ to us, aye? Thought doctors were supposed to be smart?” Kidd bent down, tilting his head in a mocking manner. His smile forming when he saw how irritated she finally was with how her irises rampantly looked at him in disbelief as she sucked in an offended breath.
“Ah, so you wanna talk smart, big guy?” Yvi measured up to his audacious behavior with an irritated simper as she cracked her knuckles and gritted her teeth.
“Okay, this is not gonna work.” Law came between the two of them, placing his sword in the middle to push Kidd away and Yvi after. “If you’ve got somewhere to be, you should go now, Yviskos. Our group plans to stay.”
Yvi composed herself with a deep sigh and said, “Unfortunately, I can’t go wherever I have to now because it’s too dark.” Yvi looked around for a possible place to stay, because she’s aware that those three will be taking dibs on the ruins.
“That’s fine, Yvi. Just come with us!” Luffy suggested like it was the most obvious and logical thing to do. The remaining three looked at him in utter disbelief.
Yvi and Kidd had one response in unison. “Hell no.”
“Luffy, that’s really sweet of you but… I’d have the worst time if I agreed to that.” Yvi laughed nervously with droopy brows. “I’d rather revisit that swarm to study it than choose that option.”
“Great. Was thinkin’ you’d have this huge ass sleeping area just outside the ruins. You’ll have the entire forest to yourself, doctor.” Kidd opened his arms with a demeaning smile, brow raised as his cockiness took over. Completely amplified by the fact that he is attracted to this beauty before him.
“Man, where have your gentleman etiquettes gone?” Yvi was displaying a spurious glee as she clapped her hands together, leaning on one foot as her hips shifted in her position. “What a sorry excuse for a man you are.” She said in a clear, aggrieved tone that caused a vein in Kidd’s temple to throb in wrenching ire.
Kidd was about to fight this woman if it weren’t for Law walking past them, “Whatever, kill each other I guess. I’m too damn sleepy.” He sighed, heading straight for the ruins as Luffy followed after him with a shrug.
Yvi and Kidd were left outside, an atmosphere of hostility and displeasure blanketed their distance.
“Whatever, by all means, I don’t give two shits wherever you go.” Kidd grumbled, heading inside as well. “I ain’t responsible if you got a cold or some damn thing.” He tsked, his expression masked by his actions of walking away. That last bit wasn’t necessary but it showed a hint of curiosity and care on the redhead’s end.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to stay a mile away from you, mister jackass.” Yvi soon followed after him, heading the different direction as the trio, on the other end of the room.
They both went on their separate businesses; lighting fire, eating, cozying up, then sleeping. It was quiet and no more skirmish was prompted by either parties, a sign of fatigue and respect maybe. And in the dead of the night, all of them dozed off in the warmth of their blankets.
Only that in the middle of the night, Kidd was awoken by a lone thunderclap. He soon felt like taking a piss outside and go back to sleep. To his surprise, when he returned to the entrance, he heard a buzzing.
Bzzt! Bzzt!
Kidd looked around if it was the Pixies but no signs of them were there, it was only cicadas and that buzzing. Besides, it sounds mechanical; Kidd knew that all to well. Kidd followed the sound and it led to Yvi. He scrutinized her, damn she’s beautiful, Kidd thought to himself getting too deep into watching this complete stranger sleep. He shook his head to return to his focus and now noticed the mini walkie clinging on the end of her shirt neckline, half of it was being obstructed by her scarf. He leaned forward in an attempt to have a look at it.
“Yv-bzzt-Yvi? Do you bzzt read me?”
Kidd almost fell towards Yvi with utter surprise from the voice if it weren't for his sturdy reflex to place his hand on the wall above Yvi’s head. And now, he was leaning very close to the sleeping Yviskos. Pretty fucking questionable if someone saw this.
But Kidd was not interested in any of that, maybe a little bit for now, because he shivered at the voice on the other end of the walkie. Is it really his best friend? Is he alive? With Heat and Wire? How does Yviskos have access to them?
Kidd wanted to wake her up because he wanted all of these questions answered immediately, it’s the hope that pushed him to keep fighting. But he couldn’t, for the life of him, because he was too drawn by her tranquil face and the darling little snores she let out. As much as he wants disruption and absolute chaos, he wants the calm of this one. God, it’s been so long since Kidd had a crush. Or is it just fostered by curiosity? Because Kidd normally doesn’t give a fuck even if you’re a fucking temptation. But Yviskos wasn’t a temptation, she’s a deviation; with her patience and how she irritates him. Kidd was fascinated.
That explains a lot on why he even pursued pissing her off. Yet Yviskos played her cards in a manner that irked Kidd off more with her cute little smile. So he just went outside, kicked some rocks, and went back to sleep to relieve himself. But he made it his primary objective to ask Yviskos about it in the morning and he won’t take no for an answer, he never does.
“I was under the impression that I just stayed in the same place with you guys because it was night and I had nowhere to go. Aaah really, shall you guys know private details about me?” Yvi sighed, fanning herself in exaggeration of her response. The sunlight peeked through the huge holes of the ruins, almost as if Yvi was in the spotlight with these strangers interrogating her.
“Okay woman, you’re making this hard for the both of us. Just answer the damn question, hah? Who was that talking in your walkie?” Kidd ran his fingers through his hair, growing frustrated by the minute.
“Why do you wanna know so much? And why didn’t you wake me?! That may be the only time I caught a signal.” She huffed a pouty sigh, avoiding the question once more.
“You know what, I’ll get straight to it. Was that Killer? A blonde dude with a helmet?” Kidd had a somber tone, he wasn’t acting irritated but he was earnest. Although he felt like exploding, he is acting genuine in hopes of affirming his gut feeling. And Yvi saw it, she ought to stop playing around now that the reason Kidd really wanted to know it so bad was because he knows Killer.
And it clicked! How could she forget? The three of them had always talked about him back then but randomly stopped since they rarely see each other.
She snapped her fingers. “Ah! Eustass Kidd, huh?” A smile of clarity was evident on her face and Kidd was puzzled.
“Y-yeah, how did you-”
“Yes, that’s Killer! He, Wire, and Heat are back in the New World. They were supposed to back me up but they had another mission.” Yvi explained and immediately, Kidd had his head hung low as his eyes stung. His hand covered his eyes as he couldn’t force his tears back. “How long was it? Half a year, huh? Oh- hey,”
Yvi reached over to place a hand on Kidd’s shoulder, but he recoiled and raised his hand. “I’m gonna need a minute.” He said without looking at anyone, standing up and leaving not far from the woods.
“Hey, Kidd!” Yvi called out and Kidd stopped on his tracks. “Wanna hold onto the walkie in case a signal comes on?” She waved the walkie, the other nodded and raised his hand to catch it when Yvi threw it his way.
“So he could cry.” Luffy nodded, rubbing his chin. “I wonder if my gang’s there.“ He traced the soil beneath his feet with a lone stick.
“There’s a high chance there is. Mind giving me a name? Maybe I know them.” Yviskos’ tone was sincere, she really wanted to help.
“Zoro, Nami, Sanji, and Usopp.”
“Their names are really familiar, though. But it’s not ringing any bell.” Yvi rubbed her temples to remember. She had no luck, she’s always cooped up in the lab and would only see the streets when coming and leaving work.
“Maybe you know mine? Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi.” Law started, his tone a bit aloof but you can hear the hope it carries.
“Hm, I don’t wanna get your hopes up but, they might be in the maintenance department that I work at.” Law’s demeanor changed, lowering his hat when his breath hitched.
“What do you guys say we head over there? Or maybe you guys have some other route-”
“I’m in.” Law and Luffy said in unison, their tone desperate. “Don’t know about grumpy over there, but it’s likely he feels the same.” Law added, standing up to find where the redhead was.
Kidd was sitting at the back part of the ruins, he sat on the cold tiles littered with dead leaves. He clutched the walkie firmly, near his chest. He had hoped, though almost impossible, that Killer would speak again. It’s been six months since he had heard from them. He grew up with them, lived all his life with them, gone through the apocalypse with them, and now that their absence has taken a huge chunk out of him, hearing Killer’s voice was a major tug at his heart.
“Hey” Yvi started, standing at the far side of the ruins by the entrance. One foot was shifted to prop her up while the wall supported her weight as she crossed her arms. “We’ve decided to head onto New World. You coming?”
Kidd stood up to fix up the axe strap on his chest as he readied himself to face her, his other hand clutching the walkie. “Damn right I will.” He said with curled lips, his tears long gone. He tossed the walkie back to her, catching her off guard. Yvi fumbled over it before having a stable hold, glaring at the taller. “You can have it back. I don’t need it.”
Kidd walked past her and that’s when Yvi saw the tender little smile on his lips. It was like time slowed down when Yvi looked up to see his expression, it was soft and Yviskos wanted to see more of it.
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intro w/ chapter list | prev chapter -> #1.2 Loguetown | next chapter -> TBA
TBoTE is now posted on ao3! click here
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12timetraveler · 2 years
For the Secret Winter Exchange, hosted by @rdrevents I got to write for @cainbutnotabel who requested a little Hosea/reader. I'm so sorry it's so late, life really put a halt on everything for a moment. I hope you enjoy it.
Reader is gender neutral. SFW.
The whole story can be read below or on AO3
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"Damn this weather," Hosea huffed, stomping extra hard through the snow for emphasis as he scrubbed his gloved hands together desperately for warmth.
"It's called winter, darlin'," you chuckled, watching your sweetheart grumble as he trudged alongside you. "If you didn't want to be cold, we should have taken my advice and followed the geese south for the winter,"
"Alright, alright smart aleck," Hosea huffed affectionately. "You know it wasn't just my decision. Dutch wanted to stay up here a bit longer and follow that lead,"
"And now we're stuck here until the thaw," you chuckled, leaning over and kissing his cheek. "So you'll just have to tough it out,"
"Ah, what did I ever do to deserve such a cold-hearted sweetheart?" Hosea lamented dramatically. You just rolled your eyes.
You and Hosea had been sent out to gather some wood that could be dried out and eventually used for firewood. You always went through firewood faster than anything else in the winter time, when everyone was cold. Hosea carried the ax and you pulled the small sled behind you to make transporting logs easier.
"Where is this fallen tree everyone's been talking about?" Hosea huffed. "Feels like we're going all the way to Saint Denis,"
"If only," you chuckled. "it's just around the bend here," you assured him.
You and Hosea continued onward, trekking slowly through the snow, which was just high enough to spill over the tops of your boots, soaking your socks and rendering the winter boots useless. It was quite the miserable trek, you had to admit. Even following the deer trail didn't save you much.
As much as you teased him, you couldn't help but worry about your sweetheart. His lungs had been getting worse and worse, and the cold weather was not helping. You subtly listened to every breath from his lungs, aware of every little change in case he took a sharp turn for the worse. Fortunately, it was still only a slight wheeze, and a little crackle if he coughed. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
As you rounded the bend in the ridgeline, your treasure came into view.
A tall lodgepole pine that he'd likely fallen in early spring. Arthur found it the day before the first snow hit, and every day someone from camp came out to harvest more and more of the tree to bring back to camp.
The tree likely was the tallest in the area when it fell. You weren't sure what had caused it to go. Perhaps a mudslide or a strong wind. It had been ripped up, roots and all. It was almost sad to see it go, chopped into pieces and lugged back to camp. But without it you all may freeze.
"Alright," Hosea sighed, stopping alongside one end of the tree. He set down the ax for a moment to rub feeling back into his hands before picking it up once more. "Let's get to work. Sooner we have that sled loaded up, the sooner we can get back to camp.
Hosea began the work of chopping manageable sized logs off of the tree, while you lifted those logs onto the sled. You'd offered to do the chopping, knowing Hosea's shoulders would ache something fierce. But he'd declined, saying his knees and back would hurt worse if he were moving the logs. That probably was a bit of a lie. You could see a familiar determination in his eyes. He wanted to prove he wasn't just some weak old man. Probably more to himself than anyone else. So you agreed.
You also gathered any smaller twigs and branches that you could off the log, strapping them to a sling across your back to carry back for kindling.
It took about an hour to fill the sled with logs. Hosea wasn't complaining about the cold any longer. After the hard work of lopping pieces off the tree, he was sweating even. You could see his shoulders were really starting to hurt too.
"That should be enough," you said. "Any more and I won't be able to pull the sled back to camp,"
Hosea nodded and set the ax down before sitting on the fallen tree. He rolled his shoulders with a groan.
"I'm getting too old for that," he huffed. You stood next to him and rubbed his neck.
"My strong, handsome man," you purred.
"Don't patronize me," he grumbled good naturedly.
"I wasn't," you hummed, dipping your head down to kiss the side of his face. "Come on. Let's get back to camp. Stew should be ready soon and it's hot if nothing else,"
Hosea sighed and nodded, pulling himself up with a grunt. You grabbed the ax and tossed it onto the sled with the wood. With one hand you grabbed the rope on the sled so you could pull it back to camp. The other hand you held out for a moment before Hosea's hand slid in, fingers interlocking with yours. It was a little tricky to hold hands with your thick gloves, but the two of you always managed.
It was slow going back to camp. The sled glided through the snow easily, so there wasn't much friction fighting you, but that didn't mean the sled wasn't heavy, and pulling it was sometimes a challenge. Hosea offered to help pull it, but it was your turn to be a stubborn bastard, and you wouldn't let him help.
With a full sled you couldn't snake across the foothills along the deer trail. It was just too heavy. So you had to take a slightly longer way home. Fresh snow crunched under your boots and the sled hissed as it carved it's way through the snow.
Suddenly your foot slipped out from underneath you, having found a patch of ice under the snow. You scrambled to stay up, but ultimately fell on your back in the snow, foot getting tangled with the ski of your sled.
Hosea flailed for a minute, trying to keep his balance, before he fell to his side in the snow with a grunt.
"You okay?" You asked. Hosea grumbled and huffed for a moment before responding as he sat up.
"Yeah," he chuckled. "Just hurt my pride,"
"Good," you said, laugh wavering. Your ankle hurt something fierce, and any attempt to move it sent sharp pain up your leg.
"Are you okay?" Hosea asked, noticing your change in mood.
You hesitated, wanting desperately to keep it from him. But the pain was really picking up.
"No," you groaned. Hosea was on his knees beside you in a moment. "My ankle," you gasped, gesturing to your right leg. Hosea carefully helped untangle your leg from the sled, lifting your ankle up.
"Can you wiggle your foot?" He asked. Through gritted teeth you did as he asked. You felt him gently pressing his fingers along your leg as best as he could around your boot.
"I don't think you broke it," he finally said. "Likely just twisted it something fierce."
Hosea helped you up, ducking under your arm so you could lean your weight on him. "Come on. Let's get back to camp,"
"The wood..." You mumbled, looking back at the sled of wood.
"I'll send John out to get it once we get back. He could stand to do something around camp,"
Slowly you and Hosea limped back to camp, wary of any other hidden ice patches.
Once you did make it back to camp, Hosea barked for John to go get the sled.
"What happened?" Susan asked, coming along your other side to help Hosea get you to your shared tent.
"Slipped on some ice under the snow," you huffed. "Twisted my ankle,"
When you reached your tent, Susan helped you sit on your bedroll while Hosea shucked off his wet coat.
"I'll get some bandages," Susan said.
"And something warm to drink, please?" You asked, trying to stop your teeth from chattering. Susan nodded and ducked out of your tent.
You and Hosea took a moment to shed your wet clothes and change into fresh, dry ones. Hosea had to help you remove your boot. It hurt like a son of a bitch, but you grit your teeth and let him do what he had to.
Susan returned a few minutes later with bandages and the percolator of coffee. She made quick work of wrapping up your foot in bandages before putting a couple large socks over it to keep warm. She then propped it up on a stack of folded blankets to keep it elevated.
Once Susan was done, you flopped back on your bedroll, thoroughly exhausted from your adventure. Hosea lay down next to you with a groan, and you immediately snuggled in closer.
"I hate the snow," Hosea grumbled, pulling you closer, mindful of your foot, so you were cuddling together.
"Agreed," you mumbled. "Let's just hibernate in our tent until spring,"
"Good plan," Hosea chuckled, kissing the top of your head. "Bears have the right idea. Just sleep through the whole thing,"
The two of you fell into an easy silence, and Hosea pulled a quilt over you both so you could snuggle in for a little nap. It was only noon, but you could both certainly use it.
"I love you," you mumbled sleepily.
"I love you too, darlin'," Hosea sighed.
In moments the two of you were fast asleep, snuggled up in each other's arms.
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jjungkooksthighs · 8 months
He could read her like a book. He knew she liked watching him workout. She’d developed quite a fondness for it, actually. Sometimes she tried to act like she wasn’t paying attention, but her lustful gaze, even all the way at the mouth of their den, would be heavy from across the glen he’d condition in. She’d never been able to resist him when he returned to her covered in sweat, his hair mussed with all the activity. Knowing how attractive she found that only made him want to do it more. He’d developed other ways to entice her, too. Ways she hadn’t even known about until him. It didn’t matter if he cornered her against a bookcase with one muscular arm. It didn’t matter if he easily sliced through the firewood with an axe like it were nothing but paper. It didn’t matter if he could carry an entire armoire around the den until it was placed exactly where she wanted it. She fell for it every time. And he was more than eager to give it to her.
Thoughts of him pressing her against her treasured bookcase have her heart speeding up yet again, a small squeak leaving her. The way his musky scent would envelop her and make her feel lightheaded and all giggly, the way he'd manhandle her and how she'd let him do so without hesitation.. fuck- She should stop-
He doesn’t have to look back to know what his thoughts have done to her. He can feel it in the way the fur beneath her sex is dampened by her essence.
You’re thinking about the last time I took you against your precious bookcase, aren’t you?
He taunts her, pressing on until they reach the edge of the forest.
You enjoyed it when I fucked you against it and held your ass up off the floor while you held onto me as I did, didn’t you?
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mimilind · 2 years
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Hooded Stranger - Part 3
Gif source.
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Pairing: Aragorn x Reader
Rating: T
Chapter Word Count: 930
Parts: [ < Previous Part ] [ Next Part > ] [ Masterlist ]
Full story: [ AO3 ]
Warnings: Descriptions of setting a broken bone
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3. Healing
Without further ado, you began. Keeping one hand under his knee to hold his leg fixed, you grasped his calf and gave it a steady pull, trying to align it into the right position. Estel vainly tried to muffle his howls in his arm, and your eyes filled with tears of sympathy.
Doing this on a human was harder work than on sheep, you discovered. His strong muscles worked against you when he involuntarily tensed, and you had to apply a much greater force than you had anticipated. Thankfully, your heavy work in the inn, carrying water buckets and firewood, had strengthened you.
The leg finally snapped into place, and you gratefully released him, feeling cold despite being drenched in sweat. Estel’s forehead was damp as well. He was trembling and drew in air in deep gulps. 
“Almost done, I hope,” you said. “I just need to see if the bone is straight. Can I cut your hose?”
“Of course,” he rasped, his voice hoarse after the screaming. He wiped his face with his sleeve.
You took out your knife and carefully cut his hose off from the knee down. Around the injury his skin was swollen and red, going on black, but when you softly felt over the broken part you did not feel bone jutting out. With luck, it had been a clean break with no loose shards. Then it could heal completely and allow him to walk again.
“Seems to have worked,” you said. 
He breathed out in relief. “Thank you. Now… Can you tie it to those branches you cut? And then I’ll need a crutch or something. Sorry for bothering you so much.”
“It’s no bother,” you objected. You placed the splints along his leg and tied it securely with the remains of your undershirt. He grunted a few times, but it did not seem as painful now the bone was realigned.
After you had cut a stout crutch from a nearby thicket, you helped Estel on his feet. Standing this close, his height really was impressive. 
He had dropped his pack some way off, and you went to pick it up for him. Then you walked slowly towards the path, with him leaning heavily on the makeshift crutch and partly on you, and with your marks in the moss as a guide. It seemed the effects of the alcohol had worn off, and Estel kept mostly silent, his expression almost brooding. He must still be in much pain, you figured, or perhaps he regretted being so open with you before.
It took a long while to get out of the forest, and it was a warm summer afternoon. When you had finally reached the path you were both soaked in sweat again.
“A break, perhaps?” you suggested.
“Yes. Thank you.” He sank down on a fallen log. Picking up a money pouch from his bag, he counted out three large silver coins and placed them in your hand. You stared at them incredulously. Just one of those could have bought you five shirts – or more. Not that you complained! Money was money, after all.
But seriously. How rich was he?
“I will not delay you further. I am sure you have somewhere to be.”
“I’m not just gonna leave a wounded man. Tell me where you’re heading and I’ll take you there. Bree?”
“No, I am going north, where I have a friend who knows some healing.” He glanced at you. “Will your people not wonder if you just disappear?”
“Nah, my parents don’t know I’m coming. It’s not every year I get Midsummer off. Besides, I’m rich now. I can hire a horse there and ride home!” You flipped one of the coins nonchalantly.
He grinned. “Rich?”
“Yeah. I mean, look at the size of these! They must weigh at least an ounce each.” 
“Exactly an ounce, actually. There’s a stamp. Here.” He turned it over, and accidentally brushed against your palm with his fingertip. 
“I can’t read,” you admitted. “But I’ll take your word for it. What’s it saying there, then?” You pointed at a row of runes winding their way around the outer edge of the coin.
“It says: ‘One Penny Sterling Silver. Mint of Independent Bree-land.’”
“Fancy that. What does independent mean?”
“That there is no king here.”
“Ah. Yeah, never heard of no king coming this way. Probably can’t find their way.” You chuckled. “But that’s alright. We don’t need one.”
“Lucky for you, there are no enemies around to threaten your independence.” For some reason he smirked.
“Yeah, we’re a lucky folk.” You smiled back at him, and your eyes met briefly. His irises were clear and gray like rain clouds.
“Hum. I think this is enough rest,” he said, his cheeks coloring. Rising, he offered his hand to you. “Shall we?”
“It ought to be me helping you up, with that leg.” But you took his hand. You enjoyed touching him.
When the two of you began walking, the sun was already sinking below the treetops, and you cast a worried glance at it. This forest was safe, but still… you didn't much care for being out after dark. At least you had a tall man for a companion, and by the look of it, a very fit one too. He wore a snug woolen tunic which accentuated his broad, flat chest, and the arm he used to lean on you was muscular.
He almost looked like a warrior. But what would a warrior do out here in the middle of nowhere?
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Parts: [ < Previous Part ] [ Next Part > ] [ Masterlist ]
Full story: [ AO3 ]
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lifblogs · 2 years
The Long Night
Whumptober 2022 @whumptober-archive NO. 9 THE VERY NOISY NIGHT Sleeping in Shifts | Tossing and Turning | Caught in a Storm
Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 734 Summary: Sam is sick, and he and Dean are trapped in a cabin by a storm, Dean unable to get help for his brother. READ ON AO3
Heavy rain rattled the window panes, and cold wind came in through the cracks in the small cabin. Sam was sick, and with a storm coming on, this was the best Dean had been able to do for shelter.
Now, with a small fire to tend to in the dusty and ash-covered fireplace, and Sam lying on a thin, smelly blanket on the floor, another one like that over him, Dean kept watch. His eyes would droop from time to time, but Sam moaning in his sleep always brought him back to the land of the living.
Lightning lit up the sky, light blasting through the windows.
It was soon followed by thunder that seemed to shake the very air around them, to shake the cabin.
Sam lay beneath the scratchy blanket, shivering. There was a sheen of sweat on his skin, and whenever Dean checked his forehead, he had a fever. In fact, he seemed to be getting hotter by the hour.
“Come on, just hang in there. As soon as this storm’s over we can get you some help.”
Sam had come down with this sickness during a hunt, and of course it’d almost caused him to pass out while they were tracking something in the woods. Dean had carried him to the Impala, dark clouds building in the sky above them, seen through the bare trees in the chill of November. Then he’d found this cabin, and, well… it was the best he could do.
But as the lightning seemed to grow closer and closer, he started wondering if he should’ve had them stay in the Impala. Cars were safer during a lightning storm, acting almost like a Faraday cage.
But Sam was coughing now, rolling onto his side, and he couldn’t stop coughing.
Half a minute passed. Maybe more.
Dean had a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, hey! It’s okay, I’m here. Breathe. Can you breathe for me?”
But Sam couldn’t stop coughing, and Dean didn’t know what to do to help, and Sam wasn’t conscious enough to try and breathe. He had a hand on his chest, feeling it buck against him.
Please, please, please… Dean pleaded, eyes squeezed shut.
He rushed to get behind Sam, and he grunted as he lifted him up, having Sam rest back against his chest. The coughing eventually subsided, Dean barely able to breathe himself, but now, this close to him, he could feel how sweaty he was, how he shivered.
Did he have the flu? Pneumonia?
Lightning struck, and the thunder came at almost the same time.
Dean, against all his training, wanted to cower and cover his ears.
As the cabin shook, he held Sam closer.
God, he had to douse the fire, get them back into the car. But could he risk taking Sam out there in the rain, and getting him soaked?
No, he was too weak to move.
Dean was going to have to live with his earlier decision, and Sam was… he was going to have to live or die with it.
Dean’s world became nothing but light and thunder that drove into his chest, nothing but Sam’s heavy body against him, feeling the wheeze in his lower lungs as it crackled against his own abdomen.
Oh god.
Oh god, oh god, oh god.
Somehow, through it all, Dean fell asleep, curled up against Sam.
He woke, not sure how much time had passed, feeling achy from the hard wooden floor.
The fire had died down, and they were left in chilly darkness except for the occasional flashes of lightning that were now farther away, the storm having traveled northeast.
Dean reached under the scratchy blanket, and felt that Sam’s skin was clammy. He was probably cold.
There wasn’t much firewood left to burn, not much at all, but Dean had his lighter, and using some dead leaves that had blown into the corners of the cabin, he got a fire going again.
Standing now, he grabbed Sam under the armpits, and dragged him closer to the fire, blankets getting tangled with him. Dean almost tripped on the one he was trying to use as a barrier so Sam wouldn’t be right up against the hard, cold floor.
Dean sat through the long, stormy night with his brother, catching sleep when he could, and praying to a God he didn’t believe in that Sam would be okay.
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abbygamata · 5 months
The Mountain
In a place they called mountain of fears, there lived a couple who were living peacefully yet they feel incomplete because they can not bear a child. There were days that they feel happy on their own, but sometimes, they wonder what would they feel if they have kids running around their home.
One night, Randy woke up to the sound of Sansa crying. "What is wrong, my wife?," he asked. Randy's atten tion drew on their wooden wall and saw the silhouette of his wife. "I really want to have a child…" she said and wiped her tears. Randy's heart broke because he knew he is the reason why they can't have one. He hushed her and tucked her wife to sleep.
"I'll be back later, my wife. Caloy just needs help in his butchery, and I have to be there in exchange of our debt," said Randy to her sleepy wife. The only thing that you can hear during that time is the sound of the crickets and owls.
Randy is used to walking from the top of the mountain up to the city. During times like these, he sings songs through whistling to fight his fear. Even though they've been living in the mountain for a few years now, he still gets lost. The last time he got lost, he found himself on the other side of the mountain. The couple has heard many stories about the mythical creatures that live on the mountain. His parents also used to tell him that but he shrugged it off. "Oh," Randy murmured when he realized that he's not on his way down the mountain. He scratched his head like a kid. He remembered what his father used to tell him, "When you get lost, you turn your clothes over."
Minutes later, he finally saw the way down. "Ah! How I wish the way is cemented from our house down to the road," he said and turned off his flashlight because the sun is finally showing up.
When he arrived at his cousin's house, the pigs were already butchered. He apologized and explained to Caloy what happened. "Why don't you just go back to your parents' house? I'm sure they will be glad to have you back," Caloy said nonchalantly while drinking his beer.
Randy shook his head. His parents do not like Sansa because they thought she's the reason why they can't have a child. What makes them hate Sansa even more is the fact that they eloped when she knew that Randy is an only child. Randy's parents were furious that time but when they saw how happy Randy is when he's with her, they just accepted it. However, they still despise her. When Randy felt the alcohol kicking in, he went home.
Sansa on the other hand is watering their vegetable plants. They have a wide farm which is the source of their money and food. The farm is not totally exposed to the sun, just enough for the crops to grow healthy.
"Where's the water coming from?" Sansa felt like her soul left her body for a second. "Jesus!" she shouted. It's a woman who looks like she’s in her 50s carrying firewoods in her back. The old woman smiled and apologized. "Do you also live here?" Sansa asked.
"Yes, but I live at the foot of this mountain, and I came here to get some of these," she said while pointing the firewoods. Sansa moved the hose to the corn crops. She wiped the beads of sweat in her forehead using the towel on her shoulder and went towards the old woman. “That looks heavy,” Sansa said and helped the old woman place the woods on the ground. “Do you need anything? Water? I think I have some left,” she said while searching the water bottle in her woven basket. Sansa gave it to the old woman and the latter took it in one shot. “Thank you, pretty girl. My name’s Emily,” the woman said. Sansa introduced herself and they both sat in the grassy field. “Really? My daughter’s name is Sansa, too! Well… it’s Sunshine but we call her Sansa,” Emily said while smiling. She then noticed that Sansa became quiet immediately so she asked why. “I wanted to have a daughter, too… or a son, I’d do anything to have one,” Sansa said in a low voice. Sansa felt comfortable immediately. She grew up without her parents, only her grandma, that’s why. Before the sun sets, Sansa told Emily the direction of her house before both bid their goodbyes.
Randy is humming while carrying the cooked pig’s head that Caloy gave before he went home. She then saw Emily walking. Randy felt something weird because this is the first time he saw a different person aside from his wife in his years here in the mountain. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt something itchy in his feet, he stepped on a colony of ants! He removed the big red ants on his feet and when he looked up, Emily isn’t there anymore. He just shrugged and continued walking. “Sansa! I brought you something for dinner!” he said upon entering the door. He saw Sansa preparing food in the kitchen. That night, Sansa told Randy about Emily. “She seems like a good person,” Sansa said when Randy told her not to talk to Emily anymore because she might be a witch or some scary creature pretending to be a human. Sansa rolled her eyes. “There he goes again,” she thought. One day, the couple is back in their farm watering their crops. “Hi, Sansa!” it’s Emily! Sansa waved back and run immediately towards her. Randy shook his head. He followed his wife and tried to stop her. “No, that woman is a witch!” Randy shouted. “What is wrong with you?” Sansa shouted back. “Honey, it’s okay…I’ll just head home,” Emily said in a calm voice.
“That was so rude, Randy!” Sansa said and followed Emily.
“I’m so sorry about that. He grew up hearing stories about witches and stuff,” Sansa said. “Do you believe him?” Emily asked and raised her brows. “W-well…at first, but I haven’t seen one yet,” Sansa answered. They continued walking until they reached Sansa’s home.
Sansa gave Emily cooked sweet potatoes for her to eat something on her way down. “Bless you, sweet heart. You have a pure soul, I wish you get pregnant in no time,” Emily said while holding Sansa’s belly.
The next morning, the couple was eating breakfast but they were not talking to each other. Sansa is still mad about Randy’s rude behavior. Sansa then felt like her throwing up so she immediately rushed outside their home. “What’s wrong?” Randy followed her. "I don't know, I felt sudden dizziness and my stomach feels like it's turning over," she said in a low voice. Randy caressed his wife's back. "Can it be?" Randy thought. "Maybe because I had too much sweet potatoes yesterday, " Sansa continued.
"I wonder what happened to that nice aunt," Sansa said while munching on her food. "Let me guess, maybe she got caught when her body was divided into two and the person who caught her put huge amount of salt in her lower body?" Randy said and laughed after. Sansa narrowed her eyes on him, "What?" Randy said, trying to be innocent. "It's been 3 months, you know. Should we visit her? I remember her telling me she lives at the foot of this mountain," she said excitedly. She made a face when Randy said no.
"How are you there, boy?" Randy said while holding Sansa's stomach. "You're crazy, he or she can't hear you yet…" Sansa turned out to be pregnant. Emily was the one who told them that when she visited Sansa three months ago. At first, they can not believe it, but imagine their joy when they saw Sansa's belly getting big as days go by. The joy they felt when they found it out was so out of the world. Randy thought maybe it's a miracle, but there's part of him that says there's something wrong. However, when he saw how happy her wife is, those second thoughts left his mind. "If it's a boy, we'll name him Lucio, if it's a girl, we'll name her Lucy," Sansa said dreamily. Randy smiled and said he loves it. Months passed by and Sansa is now on her eighth month. Anytime soon, she is going to deliver her first child. Randy's parents already knew that, they were happy but they do not want to visit Sansa. They said they will only visit once she gives birth. "You know what? Never mind, do not bother visiting us anymore, " Randy got angry to his parents because of their attitude. He left their home and promised himself not to go back there anymore.
It was three o'clock in the morning, Sansa's scream blends with the sound of the crickets and owls in the mountain. They didn't expect that she'll give birth very soon that's why Randy had no choice but to help Sansa deliver their baby. "Just a little more, push…" Randy said while holding the head of their baby. One last scream and their boy is finally in his arms. Randy let a lone tear as he looked at his son. "Lucio…" he said happily. Sansa felt so weak that she immediately fell asleep without seeing her son.
The aroma of ginger and the sound of rooster woke Sansa. She is in deep pain but when she saw her son beside her, the pain was replaced with joy. "Finally…" she whispered.
"SANSA! RANDY! LET ME SEE MY SON!" her attention drew to the voice outside their home. Is that Emily? Despite being weak, she tried to get up from the bed to see who's shouting and to her shock, it was really Emily! But, wait, son? What shocks her most is Emily's appearance-- dark under eyes, messy hair, dark lips and bloody clothes.
"Emily, what is happening? Why do you look like that?" Randy asked. He is holding a knife with blood on its blade. "I want to see my son, Lucio!”
“He’s not your grandson!” Randy shouted back. Sansa had goosebumps when she saw Emily smiled and it showed her black teeth. Emily laughed crazily. “Sansa, you are a good person, but your husband isn’t…” Sansa’s brows furrowed. “I haven’t done anything to you, Randy, but you have always been so rude to me, that’s why I asked my depraved husband to grant you something in return, and guess what? It’s Lucio, but na-uh, I know you’re wondering why Sansa got pregnant when you knew yourself you can’t give her that, ” Emily laughed again, this time, you can see lightning and hear thunders on the sky. Randy threw his knife towards Emily and it hit her shoulder, but the couple’s eyes grew big when Emily just removed it and licked the blade with her black tongue. “Please, Emily, stop this,” Sansa pleaded but Emily just continued laughing.
“Sansa, my dear, come with me and I will spare your husband’s life…” Emily tried to reach Sansa but the latter stepped back. “No, no, no! Please!”
“Aha, you don’t want to be with me?” she said in a thin voice while playing with her long black nails. “Then just let me see you child…” “You think I’ll let you?!” Randy said and threw salt to Emily. Emily then acted like she is in pain even when she isn’t. Sansa ran inside their house and immediately grabbed her son. She heard her husband shouted so she went outside while carrying Lucio. Sansa saw her husband getting surrounded by black smoke, so she ran towards Emily and pushed her. “Please stop this!” the crying and shaking Sansa said. “I’ll come with you…” Emily smiled wickedly, “Oh no, I’ve changed my mind. I want something else…” Emily looked at Lucio and before Sansa could speak, Lucio’s eyes turned black.
0 notes
The Mandalorian and The Corellian
Chapter Three: Sorgan
pairing: din djarin x corellian/Solo!reader
warnings: 18+ (no explicit content but implied yearning), jealousy, reader being on brand as a Solo, verbal fights, angst, violence, blasters? lmao, so many feelings
words: 3.5k
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“This place looks…green.” You commented as you walked with the Mandalorian through the woods of Sorgan, the child cradled safety in his arms.
No response came from the tall body of armor beside you, nor had any words since you touched down. In fact, he seemed as though he wasn’t even aware of your existence let alone your speaking. Pursing your lips, you nodded, trying not to take his silence as a direct insult.
“How do you know this place again—“
“Mom, look! It’s the Mandalorian!” You turned your head forward and watched as a little girl tugged on her mom’s dress, the two knelt down beside a pond. The woman lifted her head as the three of you approached, her face riddled with delighted surprise as she stood.
The closer you got to her, the prettier she became, causing your stomach to twist with an unknown feeling. Mando seemed to speed up, leaving you behind as he filled the space between them. You were shocked by the wave of feeling you now identified as jealousy that washed over you upon seeing the pair interact. You remained a couple yards behind them, swallowing thickly and turning your eyes to the grass when you heard the sound of her laughter followed by his. Wait—he was laughing? Did he even know how to do that?
“Who’s your friend?” The woman spoke kindly, making you even more irritated as you realized there was nothing to hate about her besides the fact that she was closer to the Mandalorian than you.
“Oh, that’s, um…Y/N.” He seemed to have paused in effort to remember your name, your eyes rolling in your head at the lack of affection he held for you. But deep down, you couldn’t blame him. You hadn’t even realized until this moment that you held so much for him. “I’m helping her travel to her home planet. Stopped here for the night.”
“Well, you’re always welcome here. Let me show you to your huts so you can set your things down. Have you eaten?” She guided the Mandalorian off with her hand on his beskar-covered shoulder, the two of them walking off into the literal sunset together while you remained still. Even the child was more popular than you, a group of children flocking around him as though they were old pals.
“You come with the Mandalorian?” A voice sounded through your ears, your head turning around towards the woods you had just walked through. Your lips parted as you took in a handsome, large, lumberjack of a man smiling at you. Still, his charming smile wasn’t quite enough to take your mind off the fact that Mando was inside a hut with a beautiful woman he seemed to turn soft for.
“Uh, yeah. He’s escorting me home.” You stepped closer to the man, eyes drifting to the muscles of his biceps poking out of his dark green tunic, the skin tan and glistening with sweat as he carried a bag full of firewood back into the village.
“That’s awfully nice of him.” He smiled at you again as he stopped a few feet in front of you, eyes traveling down your form before lifting again. He sucked in a sharp breath as he realized he was staring, hand reaching back to scratch at his neck. “Has, uh, has anybody found you a place to sleep?”
“No,” you shook your head and pursed your lips in a tight smile. “They’re a bit distracted by my chaperones.”
“Well, let me go drop this lumber off and then I’m sure we can find you someplace to get comfortable.” He smiled again, sparking light feelings of warmth inside your belly as you nodded.
You followed him down the grassy path, square ponds on either side of the walkway with villagers knelt over them.
“What do you guys use these for?” You asked, having never seen something like it.
“Oh, we’re krill farmers.” He looked over his shoulder at you, chuckling. “You must be from Tatooine.”
“Well, I’ve been there for a while now, but no. Corellia.” You watched as he set down the bag of wood like it weighed nothing, but the young man in charge of dragging it over to the builders was struggling. “What about you?”
“Born and raised here. This is all I’ve ever known.” He walked over to a water spout and ran his hands underneath it before splashing his face with it. Your bottom lip somehow found its way between your teeth as you watched him stand, the water trickling down his sharp jaw to his thick and muscular neck. God, it had been a while.
“I—uh, haven’t caught your name.” You spoke up, trying to make conversation in effort to rid the lustful thoughts from your mind.
“Vero,” he smiled at you and lifted the hem of his tunic to wipe his face, your eyes dropping to his hairy 12-pack of a stomach, your throat gulping and eyes quickly turning away. “Yours?”
“Y/N.” You choked out, eyes still trained on the krill pods rather than the mountain of a man beside you.
“Everybody got such a pretty name on Corellia?” You couldn’t help but chuckle at his flirting, not because you thought it was funny, but because you weren’t accustomed to it after living in Mos Espa for as long as you did.
“There you are,” that same kind voice from earlier approached you, the sound of armor clanking following it. You lifted your eyes to the woman and your escort behind her, trying to force a polite smile onto your face. “I see you’ve met my brother. Has he shown you to your hut?”
“Uh, no.” You shook your head and turned your eyes from hers, somehow feeling that she’d be able to read your jealousy if she looked hard enough.
“We were just getting acquainted, ‘Mer. Come on, I’ll walk you over.” Your eyes flickered to Mando, though it wasn’t like you’d be able to read him at all. Taking a breath, you nodded and turned back to Vero, smiling at him.
“Here, let me help carry your bags.” Mando stepped forward, holding his hand out. As you were about to decline his offer out of sheer spite, Vero spoke up instead.
“I think I’ve got it.” He smiled at him condescendingly and grabbed both bags from your hands with only one of his, Mando stiffening in response. His helmet tilted towards you, watching as you shrugged and turned away, following the Sorgan hulk.
“Your sister seems kind,” you mentioned as the two of you stepped up the wooden steps to your hut for the night. You winced internally at the comment, not sure why you said it. “And pretty, of course.”
Also odd.
“Yeah, she’s alright. I think she’s laying it on thick to impress the Mandalorian. Hasn’t shut up about him since he landed here a while back.” He set your bags down on the wooden floor and spun around, arms stretched out and a smile on his face as he unveiled your sleeping quarters. “Welcome to your home for the night. Will it do?”
“It’ll do perfectly,” you chuckled at his theatrics and stepped further into the one-bed shack, taking in the lack of a refresher. “One thing…where can I freshen up?”
“Oh, right.” He nodded and gestured for you to follow him outside. He walked around to the side of the hut and opened up an outhouse, gesturing for you to look inside. It was modest, perhaps a bit primitive, but it would work fine.
“That’ll do,” you nodded and blushed as you looked back at him only to see him already staring. “I probably should freshen up before dinner.”
“Oh! Yes. I’m sorry.” He stepped away and blushed.
“No need to apologize.” You watched as he nodded and exhaled his nervous breath. “I’ll come find you in a bit?”
“I’d like that.” With one more longing look, Vero left you alone. You fanned your cheeks with your hand and walked back inside your hut to find your shower supplies, your mind spinning with lustful fantasies of him following you into the fresher.
“He’s strong.” Mando’s voice made you jump in your skin, your head whipping back to see him standing in the doorway, the sun shining behind him and darkening his silhouette. You placed your hand on your chest and calmed your heart, cursing under your breath.
“God, you could’ve knocked.” You spat, turning back to your bags.
“Didn’t know that’s what you went for. The lumberjack type.”
Was that jealousy you were hearing through his modulator? Couldn’t be. He had Mer to keep him satisfied.
He stepped further inside although your sigh made your contempt for his company known. Mando picked up a metal cup sitting on the counter and mindlessly examined it as you stood to your feet and turned to him.
“What?” You hissed in irritation, having spent so much time overthinking the tone behind his words that you forgot what he even said.
“I’m just surprised you’re falling for it. The muscles.” He shrugged, setting the cup down before turning his helmet towards you. Your breath hitched at the “eye contact”, your earlier fluster from Vero transferring now to your apparent longing for the man in front of you in beskar.
“I didn’t take you for the type to fall for a nice girl.” You countered, shrugging your shoulders as you held your shower supplied in your arms.
“Who said I fell for anyone?” His tone sounded sincere, as though it was news to him. Still, you chuckled, not believing that he was oblivious to the obvious heart eyes he was shooting at Mer through his visor. “What, Omera?”
“Omera. That’s a pretty name.” Your eyes fell to the floor as your expression turned sour against your will. “Pretty name for a pretty girl.”
“Has she treated you unkindly? Why do you look so upset with her?”
“I don’t.” You quickly dismissed him, eyes lifting to narrow at his visor. “I literally just complimented her.”
“With a look on your face.”
“I always have a look on my face. It’s my whole thing, you know? Sarcastic, sour…it’s part of my charm.”
“I’m familiar with your charm but I haven’t seen you look as sour as that.” He argued, making your blood boil with irritation. Where was Vero when you needed him?
“Did you come here for anything important or just to make fun of your girlfriend’s brother and call me sour?” You asked, brows laced in irritation as you watched him stiffen.
“Omera isn’t…she’s not my girlfriend.” He corrected, though his tone proved there was more to the story than he let on. “I was told to come let you know that dinner will be ready in a bit.”
Before you could open your lips to speak, he was making his exit, your eyes rolling in frustration as you sighed. Was he always going to be so…stressful?
“Y/N, I saved you a seat.” Vero called your name as you approached the community feast, your cheeks turning pink at his attention.
“Thanks,” you chuckled as he stood up to greet you, eyes avoiding his for a reason you weren’t quite sure. You scanned the scene in front of you, the small village all scattered on the lawn, a few late-attendees like yourself picking away at the remnants of the feast. There was a noticeable absence—though his child was happily seated with a bowl of soup in front of him.
“Hungry?” Vero asked, gesturing ahead at the table of food. You sucked in a breath and nodded, forcing a smile onto your face. Your eyes scanned the surrounding huts in hopes of spotting the Mandalorian responsible for your sudden lack of interest in the man beside you, coming up short. “Have you tried krill?”
“Uh,” you turned your head back to the man, shaking your head as you finally registered his question. “No, I haven’t.”
“Here,” he picked one off the table and showed you how to peel it before popping the little shrimp in his mouth. “Easy.”
“Does it taste okay?” You asked, reluctant as you reached for one, your fingers peeling it like you’d watched him do just seconds before. Vero chuckled and nodded, urging you on to try it for yourself. You bit down hesitantly, though soon eased in once you realized it tasted quite pleasant. It sure beat the rations on Tatooine. “Pretty good.”
“Right?” He beamed at you, watching as you picked a few more to put on your plate before doing the same with the other fruits and vegetables on the table. “So…I know you’re leaving in the morning, and I’ll probably never see you again, but—“
“Vero, listen—“ You attempted to let him down easily, but were cut off by a shiny glimmer of silver coming into view behind him. He turned to follow your gaze, chuckling to himself as he watched you watching the Mandalorian.
“Ah,” he nodded, pursing his lips. “I see.”
“Huh?” You turned back to him with furrowed brows.
“You like the Mandalorian.”
“What? No. He’s just blinding me.” You scoffed at his words, walking back to your tree stump of a seat.
“Then…if you’re not interested in him…why don’t you come to my hut after dinner?” He found his confidence again, sitting down beside you and smirking at you. You had to hand it to him, he made it hard for a girl to say no.
“I—it’s a bad idea.” You shook your head and dropped your eyes to your plate. “I want to, but…I shouldn’t.”
“Because you like the Mandalorian—“
“I don’t like the Mandalorian!” You shouted, the entire village silencing their conversations and turning their heads to gawk at you. You turned red with embarrassment as your eyes scanned over the crowd, finally meeting Mando’s visor. Setting your plate down on the ground, you stood up. “Excuse me.”
Rushing off to your hut, you reached to shut the door, only to find there wasn’t one. You rushed over to the bed and picked up a pillow, screaming into it and releasing all your frustration and embarrassment.
“Hey,” you groaned at the sound of a modulated voice, your back turned to the door, the pillow holding your screams still in your hands.
“Go away.” You grumbled, reaching to wipe your face free of a rogue tear.
“No.” He spoke simply, causing your head to whip around, eyes glaring at him in disbelief.
“Leave, Mando.” You ordered again, this time with more anger than before.
“No.” He remained still, his body taking up the entire doorway.
“Do you know what else we Corellians are famous for besides the drinking and tinkering?” You seethed and watched him shake his head. “We’re good with our blasters.”
You held up the blaster you had tucked underneath your pillow after seeing the amount of children around.
“You gonna shoot me?” He stepped towards you, watching your hands tremble as you held out the blaster.
“I want you to leave.” You felt another embarrassed tear fall from your eyes as he continued toward you, his pace slow and careful as though he was approaching a beast.
“You’re crying.” He noted, watching as you quickly reached to wipe the evidence of any emotion away.
“What do you want, Mando?” You asked, so frustrated with yourself and his calmness that you were practically shaking. This was a side of you you rarely ever let surface, a side of you that was passed down from generation to generation—the Solo family temper.
“I want to make sure you’re okay.” He answered after a few beats of silence.
“Why do you care?” You finally lowered the blaster, tossing it back into the bed before sitting down on the old mattress.
“Because…” he seemed to be at a loss for an explanation.
“Right.” You chuckled darkly and nodded your head. “Well, I’m fine. You can go now.”
“Why—” he cut himself off, his gloved hand flexing as it rested at his side.
“Why what?” You asked, lifting your eyes to the black of his visor, hoping to see even a glimpse of him looking back.
“Why don’t you like me?” He finally managed, his voice soft, though the modulator attempted to hide it.
“I didn’t mean…you’re fine, Mando.” You sighed, turning your eyes away from him. The last thing you needed at the moment was to have to lie about your confusing feelings for the man escorting you across the galaxy. “I don’t hate you or anything. That’s not what I meant. So…can you go, now?”
“What did you mean, then?” He prodded, threatening to trigger your temper again.
“You know what? Yes! Yes, Mando, I don’t like you! You’re stubborn, and rude, and—and you don’t fucking listen to me when I tell you that I don’t want to see you right now! I don’t want to talk to you right now!” You shouted, making Mando step back at your volume, or at least that’s what you assumed it was.
“I’m stubborn? I’m rude?” He gritted back through his modulator, stepping forward to you, his finger pointed at his chest and helmet bobbing with the passion of his argument. “You’re the most rude and sarcastic woman I’ve ever met.”
“As if that’s an insult.” You snapped back with narrowed eyes, bored by his comeback.
“It should be! To any self-respecting woman in this galaxy, it should be an insult.” He spat back at you, this time striking a nerve. You closed the space between the two of you, your chin having to tilt upwards to look at him, fingers pressing into the beskar of his chestplate.
“How dare you tell me I have no self respect just because I don’t cover every fucking word with sugar. You wouldn’t say that to a man. Don’t say it to me.” You couldn’t have sounded more threatening if you tried, but Mando didn’t flinch.
“Excuse me,” you closed your eyes at the sound of Omera’s soft voice coming from your doorway. “Sorry. Um, the elders…they decided that it would be best if you found somewhere in the next town to stay tonight. Not…uh…not here, anymore.”
“Perfect.” You looked over his shoulder and gave her a phony smile before turning back to Mando. “I’ll be sleeping in my ship.”
“Mando, you’re still welcome to stay.” Omera spoke softly as you walked to pack your bags up, a scoff leaving your lips at her hopeful tone. Rather than stick around and watch the two of them dote over each other, you grabbed your things and began walking through the camp and into the dark woods.
Sure, it was cold, lonely, and mildly terrifying to walk to your ship in the dark woods, but it beat that entire situation back at the camp.
“The elders think it would be best…bullshit.” You mocked Omera out of sheer jealousy that she was back there with Mando instead of you. Wait— “Fuck him! Why am I even jealous? Mando is infuriating.”
“Mad at your little Mandalorian boyfriend?” A lone Klatooinian raider approached you from the dark, a blaster held out and pointed at you. He grinned, or at least that’s what you thought he was doing. You reached to your holster slowly, heart dropping when you realized you left your blaster behind in the hut. “I’m mad at him too. Killed my family.”
“I had nothing to do with that.” You responded through a shaking voice, terrified of what would come next.
“Don’t matter.” He chuckled and tightened his grip on the blaster, but before he could squeeze the trigger, a shot rang from over your shoulder, hitting the raider in his shoulder. You whipped your head around, expecting to see Mando, but seeing Vero instead. He instructed you to move out of the way as he stepped towards the Klatooinian on the ground. You did as he said and watched as he pointed the blaster at the wounded raider, only for it to jam on him. “Oops.”
The raider knocked him to the ground, the two beginning an all out brawl. You felt helpless as you watched the hulk of a man dodge the blunt force of the raider’s strikes, absorbing them when he couldn’t. For a minute, you thought he was done for, but soon he found his footing.
“Should’ve stayed hidden.” He spoke through gritted teeth as he strangled the raider with his arm, his eyes on yours as he finished the job. You weren’t sure why it aroused you, or if it was actually him that stirred you rather than the fantasy of it being Mando instead, but regardless, you were beginning to feel things.
The Klatooinian’s limp body hit the floor of the woods and Vero stood up tall, his chest heaving as he walked towards you, holding his hand out to help you up off the ground. You accepted his hand and stared at him in awe.
“Came to make sure you got to your ship safely.” He chuckled, gesturing to the body behind him. “Good thing I did.”
“How about you make sure I’m safe all night long?” You slipped your hand into his, tugging him along.
You’d regret this in the morning. But for now, you needed to release some of this pent up…frustration. And if Mando couldn’t be the one to do it, Vero would suffice.
taglist: @joelmillerscoffee @ajeff855 @wildemaven @axshadows @sherala007 @browneyes-issac @tooflef @mariasabana @tae27 @kimm4710 @stxrrylunatic @paulalikestuff @jbh-castaway @mandomover @chxpsi @marvel-sw-lover @jediknight122 @harriedandharassed @star-wars-fan-2005 @alwaysdjarin @trickstersp8 @idkifimaliveanymore @trinkets01 @chloeinpink @alwaysdjarin @tizylish @jessie-skywalker @come-hell-or-eldren-fire @dindjarinsmut @jlmaddinson (sorry if your tag isn’t working!)
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Cutting Down a Tree
Ninja and Puppy’s First Christmas
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x fem!Reader (OTP ninja and puppy)
Words: ~1k
Summary: Ransom doesn’t thing manual labor agrees with him, but you disagree.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex, public sex, cream pie, kinda roleplay), fluff, teasing, idiots in love, Ransom in flannel, SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: This whole week is gonna be so cute and stupid, I hope y’all are ready! God, I love these fluffy idiots.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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“Christ, are you holding any of this?” Ransom tried to frown at you over his shoulder, but couldn’t see you through the thick green branches of the tree the two of you were carrying. “This thing is heavy.”
“You’re the one who picked it out.” You chuckled at him as you hefted your half of the tree, grinning when you finally spotted your Volvo and he let out a sigh of relief.
“Yeah, well I didn’t realize you were going to make me cut it down myself and carry the damn thing.” Once you reached the car he took the full weight of the tree and lifted it onto the roof while you unwound the twine so you could tie it down.
“It’s a self serve tree farm, what did you think was going to happen?” You pecked him on the cheek as you started wrapping the string around the trunk and looping it inside the car. “And you got to use a chainsaw, it’s not like I made you chop it down with an axe.”
“But now I’m all sticky.” He huffed when you moved to the other side of the car, holding the tree steady and giving you a halfhearted pout.
“Aww, poor puppy.” You gave him a soft smile and shook your head before crawling through the car to join him again, tugging at the bindings to make sure they were secure and turning to wrap your arms around him. “You look good, though.”
“Really?” He grinned a little when you nodded at him, bending to run his nose over yours as his hair fell into his eyes that were bright with exertion as you brought a hand up to trace his flushed cheeks with your fingertips. “But I’m all sweaty.”
“But it’s that nice, clean sweat that makes you smell all masculine and shit.” You leaned forward and nuzzled at his throat, breathing deeply and humming as his scent filled your lungs while his arms wound tightly around you and he let out a deep purr. “And it mixes good with the fresh air and pine and the lumberjack look and I’ve been a wet mess ever since you picked up that chainsaw.”
“Is that so? Manual labor just does it for you, huh?” He grabbed your ass and squeezed when you hummed your agreement, pulling you towards the back seat and brushing his lips over your hair. “Maybe I’ll start chopping all the firewood if it gets you this worked up.”
“Please, one splinter and you’d never stop bitching.” You squealed when he shoved you into the back seat and climbed on top of you. “We can always role play though, that way I don’t have to put up with your whining.”
“Yeah, you really just want a big strong man to take care of you, huh?” He grabbed your knees and hooked them over his hips as he curled over you, nipping at the curve of your jaw and working to undo your jeans. “Need someone to chop all your wood and build all your furniture so you don’t have to worry that pretty little head?”
“Yeah.” You giggled when he flipped you over and pressed kisses over the back of your neck as he undid his own pants. “Maybe I should call Ari to take care of everything for me.”
“Ok, do you not understand the concept of role play?” Ransom bit your ear playfully when you gave him a mischievous wiggle, pulling his cock out and angling your hips so it’s wet tip could slap against the curve I’ve your ass. “But you should call him, bet he looks fine as fuck splitting firewood.”
“Right?” You moaned softly when he slid inside you, his whole body stretching over yours and pressing you into the seat as he started slowly grinding into you. “Unh, that’s good.”
“Yeah? Shit, you’re tight like this.” The way your jeans were keeping your thighs together had you squeezing the life out of his cock, his hips rolling into your ass while you whined for him as he wound his fingers through yours above your head. “Lemme just fuck all those thoughts out of that sweet head of yours.”
“Your lumberjack character is kind of an ass.” You tilted your head to the side so he could bite softly at the curve of your neck while he growled pleasantly into your skin. “Not that I’m surprised.”
“Please, you love when I’m an ass.” He licked your jaw and groaned when you clenched around him. “Just wanna take care of you.”
“Well, you’re doing a great job, fuck.” You nipped at his bicep when he drove into you deep, arching your back and whining as his pace picked up when you started fluttering around him. “I’m gonna come.”
“Good, give it to me.” He purred when you rocked your hips back into him, squeezing your thighs with his and sucking a bruise against your throat when you vibrated underneath him. “Need to feel you, come on baby.”
You sobbed when he hit that perfect spot again, your hands gripping his tightly as he murmured softly into your neck. Ransom grunted when he followed you, his hips jerking in his release as he painted your insides with his warm cum.
“Mm, that make you feel better, pup?” You grinned at him over your shoulder when he pulled out of you and sat up, rolling over and pulling your jeans back into place. “If manual labor gets you this worked up, maybe I will have you do more shit around the house. You wanna put up the Christmas lights? It’s lots of heavy boxes I need a big man to carry for me.”
“That so?” Ransom pulled you into his lap and pecked at your lips with a wicked grin, his hands framing your hips as you ran your fingers through his hair. “Too bad Ari’s out of town, you’ll just have to do it yourself.”
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And Tomorrow, Too.
I'm back!
Much love and many thanks to @stinastar @hailhailsatan @newnamesamecharlotte and @veritasrose for helping me yank this thing out of my brain!
Please enjoy this hurt/comfort that ends with glorious, glorious fluff.
TW: Blood, canon typical injury, infection
Jaskier was having a very rough day, objectively speaking.
He’d just finished dressing after a dip in the river when a lone bandit surprised him, shoving him to the dirt and kicking him in the ribs to keep him down. Having dealt with a gut-punch from a Witcher, Jaskier had recovered faster than anticipated and tackled the stranger to the ground.
“Foolish troubadour,” the bandit snarled. There was the quick flash of something silver and a sudden white-hot pain shot up the bard’s side from his hip to his ribcage.
“Shit,” Jaskier gasped, clutching desperately at his slashed doublet. The panicked bandit scooped up the largest of the bard’s travel bags and darted into the woods, leaving his bloodied weapon lying atop a pile of leaves beside his victim. When Jaskier pulled his hand away from the wound on his ribcage he grimaced; that was more blood than he’d been hoping to see. “Fucking cock.”
After he stripped to the waist and rinsed off in the river a second time, Jaskier took inventory of himself. The cut started at his left hip and slid up his ribcage to just beneath his left shoulder, and it was practically impossible to bandage; any attempt to wrap the upper half of his injury made him bite his lip to keep from screaming in anguish.
It was agony to move more than a few inches in either direction, since the twisting motion pulled at his torn skin and stung like hellfire. All he could really do was apply a loose poultice of chewed mint leaves to ward against infection and tie his shirt around his torso in lieu of a bandage. His cloak would have to work even harder than usual to keep him warm until Geralt arrived.
“Alright, well,” he muttered to no one as he accounted for the rest of his scattered clothing and supplies. “I need to find somewhere to rest and gather what wits I still possess… somewhere that’s still close enough for Geralt to find me. Shit, this isn’t good.”
The bard thanked every god he knew when he managed to find a small cave less than a hundred yards from the enormous oak tree where he met Geralt every year. He limped his remaining belongings into the slightly cramped space and deposited them against the left wall.
Fortunately for Jaskier, the idiot bandit had declared his beautiful elven lute “too bulky and annoying to carry”, and had left Sexy well enough alone. Unfortunately, the ruffian had still made off with all the bard’s coin from at least two months’ worth of contracted performances, most of his medical supplies, and most of his rations, as well.
But Jaskier had spent years at Geralt’s side and the Witcher had taught him how to deal with emergencies of every variety. Jaskier wasn’t about to disappoint his companion by flailing about ineffectively like some noble-born dunce at a time like this. No, Jaskier was determined to be healthy and ready to travel again by the time Geralt arrived in Kaedwen to find him. They only had a week or two together before they separated again for the winter and he wasn’t going to lose a single precious second in Geralt’s presence due to some silly highwayman.
Lovelorn fool that he was.
The bard used his remaining strength to gather a few armfuls of firewood and light some dried leaves with his flint and steel. He laid out his bedroll against the back wall so that he could see clearly if anyone approached from outside and wrapped his arms around Sexy to keep her safe. He re-wrapped his wound with more crushed mint and laid down to try and get some sleep.
Hopefully Geralt would arrive soon with his medical supplies and more water.
After two long days spent huddled in a miserable lump at the back of the cave, anxiously scanning the horizon for any sign of another bandit (or Geralt) and unable to gather food or kindling, Jaskier was exhausted from lack of sleep. The wound in his side ached and burned far worse than it had on that first afternoon, aggravated by sweat and debris that had crept through his makeshift bandages.
Any added pressure around the edges of the cut made the skin nearly creak with the building strain of infection. He whimpered involuntarily every time he took a breath and trembled at any shift in the autumn breeze. It seemed as if his very bones were aching as his body flashed between the white-hot and freezing cold of a raging fever.
Slowly, and with a great effort on the part of his illness, Jaskier succumbed to the injury and sank into the quiet warmth of unconsciousness.
“Jaskier?” Geralt called, guiding Roach around another circuit of the old oak tree. “Are you there, Jaskier? We need to make it to the fork in the Pontar before the harvest ends and I’m in no mood for practical jokes.”
All his Witcher hearing picked up on were leaves twitching in the wind and a few rabbits foraging off to his left. Not even Jaskier could stay so still, even for a joke; his heartbeat and the uptick in his breathing would give him dead away.
“Well, I’m going to town.”
Geralt was about to wheel Roach back toward the road in search of a nearby inn when he caught a whiff of something on the wind - something that sent his heart plummeting into his boots.
Jaskier’s blood. And it wasn’t fresh.
He dropped silently from the saddle and gave the signal for Roach to stay put. After a few careful breaths and some shuffling through the autumn leaves, Geralt discovered the bandit’s discarded dagger, still rusty-red around the tip and left edge.
“Fuck! Jaskier!” Geralt called, glancing around the small copse in the woods. “Jaskier, where are you!?”
The Witcher closed his eyes and tilted his head back to better clear his airways. He took a deep breath in through his nose and focused every one of his heightened senses on locating the bard. There it was again to his right, but slightly stronger. “Fucking hells.”
Geralt did his best to follow the trail without panicking. It wouldn’t do either of them any good if he lost his head while the bard was in mortal danger. If the bard was in mortal danger, he tried to reassure himself.
But if Jaskier had recovered he would have been waiting at the oak. Geralt knew that. He knew it with every fiber of his being, though he wouldn’t admit anything aloud. Jaskier’s long autumn absence had already set him on edge when he’d caught the blood-smell. “Gods-dammit, bard. Please be alive. Please, Jaskier, I can’t-”
Geralt bit his tongue and continued to follow the bard’s weak scent into the woods. After too many minutes - perhaps five or six at the speed Geralt was moving - the Witcher reached a small cave. The mouth of said cave was nearly covered-over with dry leaves and Geralt could tell, even from this distance, that Jaskier was not faring well at all. The whole area smelled like rot. Like decay. If it weren’t for the bard’s fluttering heartbeat echoing faintly from within the tiny cavern, the Witcher would have fallen to his knees and wept with despair at his untimely death.
When Geralt ducked inside and reached to pull Jaskier into his arms, the bard struggled weakly. “No, please,” he rasped. “D-Don’t kill me.”
“I’m not going to kill you, Jaskier,” Geralt replied softly. He shifted the thick leather strap of Sexy’s case over his shoulder and hefted the bard into his arms in one swift movement. Those usually brilliant blue eyes looked up at him in utter confusion. The irises were dull and foggy with sickness; the Witcher’s heart lurched in his chest and he turned back to the path, doubling his speed in his hurry to reach Roach. “You don’t have to worry any more, sweet Julek. I’m going to get you to safety.”
“If you must kill me-” Jaskier continued, muttering frantically as if Geralt hadn’t said anything at all “-then p-please do me one last f-favor. I need you to p-please find a Witcher. F-Find the White Wolf. Tell h-him… Tell him that I…”
Then the weight in Geralt’s arms seemed to increase by a fraction and the bard went silent. The Witcher shook the sweating, shaking bundle in his arms but Jaskier remained quiet.
“What do you want to tell him, Jaskier?” Geralt glanced down. His eyebrows furrowed deeply when he realized the human had fallen unconscious. The hummingbird pace of Jaskier’s fluttering heartbeat began to hammer even faster and his breaths were far too shallow. The Witcher rumbled out a determined, desperate plea the universe to save his darling songbird, followed by a quiet but emphatic, “Fuck.”
“Eskel!” Geralt kicked down the door to the kitchen of Kaer Morhen with one solid boot. He hadn't slept in two days and his body ached from sprinting up the path with a full-grown man in his arms. “Eskel, Vesemir, please!”
“Fuck, is that Geralt!?” Eskel came whipping around one corner at a sprint. Lambert and Vesemir were close behind, Lambert with a sword drawn and a scowl on his face. He lowered it when he saw that Geralt wasn't being pursued.
“Please, Ves, Eskel, please, help him to survive because I can’t- I can’t-” the White Wolf, for all his bravado and stoicism, was panting furiously. His kinsmen knew that he'd be crying if he had the capability to do so and crowded closer to help. Geralt immediately handed a warm, damp bundle to his Eskel with incredible gentleness and care. He looked up at the slightly taller Witcher and begged with all the strength he had left: “Please. I can't let him die.”
Jaskier woke up with a sharp gasp. His side radiated a dull, persistent kind of agony and he felt sick to his stomach. With a low groan he turned to retch off the side of the bed, into a conveniently placed bucket. He shouted when the movement made his wound ache all the more. “Fuck!”
The bard heard a heavy thud from his left followed by some clattering and a quietly whispered, “Shit.”
“Jaskier!” the Witcher appeared at his side in a flash. Geralt leaned over him with a damp cloth in hand and wiped at the corners of his mouth. “You’re alive! Melitele be thanked. Do you need to be sick again? Would you like some water?”
“You’re o-oddly verbose,” Jaskier managed to half-smile.
“Was worried.”
“There’s my monosyllabic Witcher,” the bard grinned through his blinding pain. “It hurts, Geralt. Rather terribly.”
“Fuck, I’m sorry. I don’t- We’re all Witchers so it’s not…” Geralt sighed and turned away to rinse the cloth in a bowl of cool water that had been resting on the sill. “We didn’t know which kind of herbs were safe for humans and which weren’t.”
“How’s the patient?”
Jaskier's snapped to the doorway and his body automatically jerked in surprise. He whimpered at the reaction it elicited from his injury, his ribs blooming with a sharp sting. “Shit!”
“Fuck!” the red-headed man in the door replied, slamming his hands over his face. “I’m so sorry. Shit in the fucking nine hells.”
“Jaskier, this is my brother Lambert. Lambert… This is Jaskier.”
“Ah yes,” the shorter Witcher smirked. “I’ve heard so much about you, Master Jaskier.”
“That I’m a royal pain in the ass?”
“Quite the opposite, really. In fact, when the two of you arrived, Geralt was nearly-”
Lambert’s statement was interrupted by a small wooden bowl to the side of the head, chucked across the room by a grim-faced Geralt.
“Nevermind. Anyway, glad to see you’re awake. I’ll let the others know that he's no longer going hand-to-hand with Death.”
“Others?” Jaskier glanced between Geralt and Lambert with wide, confused eyes. “Am I… Am I in Kaer Morhen!?”
“Aye,” Lambert winked. “And you slept through the first two days of snowfall, so I’m afraid to inform you that you’re stuck at Kaer Morhen for the rest of this season. I’ll let you and Geralt hash the rest of the details out in private. Tootles, Buttercup.”
And just as suddenly as Lambert had appeared, he was gone.
The bard turned to make eye contact with the White Wolf and blinked owlishly. “Wh-What did he mean about being here all winter?”
“I’m afraid he wasn’t lying,” Geralt returned to the stool beside Jaskier’s bed and sat down slowly, as if waiting for Jaskier to order him out of the room entirely. “Your injury was heavily infected and you were close to death when I found you in that cave at the base of the mountains. I ran the Killer in two days instead of one and brought you to Eskel and Vesemir for healing; they were the closest people I could think of who knew what to do to save you. I’m so sorry for trapping you here for the season when you should be teaching and composing in Oxenfurt. If you’d like, I can try to contact Yen or Triss and have them portal you back to the University before Yule.”
“Nobody would want to inconvenience a sorceress on their behalf,” Jaskier answered. "Myself included."
“So you don’t mind staying?”
Jaskier glanced up through his lashes, more self-conscious than Geralt had ever seen him before. “Were you really worried about me dying? Did you really carry me up the path all by yourself? In two days?”
Geralt felt his heart shatter to pieces in his chest. All these years spent thinking that if he was too obvious about his feelings he’d hurt Jaskier... and Jaskier had simply been waiting for any confirmation of his affections, friendly or otherwise.
"Because I..." the Witcher stood again and started to pace. "Because, Julek, I love you. I can't bear the thought of being parted from you. It's even worse because I know, I know that you're human and that I'm going to lose you too soon no matter what happens. Illness, age, injury... No matter how many years we have together they will never be enough."
Jaskier sniffled and Geralt turned on his heel to face the bard, hands already outstretched to offer comfort. "You enormous fucking idiot."
"I have loved you since the moment I saw you sitting in the corner, brooding away," Jaskier grinned. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks and dripped onto the blanket. "Why didn't you tell me? You couldn't even look me in the eyes and call me your friend..."
"Witchers aren't very good at romance, if you haven't noticed," Geralt laughed humorlessly. "I knew I was going to hurt you eventually. It was only a matter of time."
"Well now we have all winter to figure things out," Jaskier offered, sliding his hand across the mattress to twine his fingers with Geralt's. The Witcher's skin was cool against his own and it felt glorious.
"No! No going silent on me now, you fucker!"
"Get some rest," Geralt smiled, leaning forward to press a kiss to Jaskier's sweaty fringe. "I will be here when you wake."
"And tomorrow, too?"
Geralt smiled oh-so-softly and kissed him again, on the lips.
"And tomorrow, too."
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schrijverr · 3 years
The Heart Is Also a Muscle
5 times Sypha and Alucard got distracted by Trevor’s warrior physique + 1 time he noticed and yet completely misunderstands.
Trevor is hot and once Sypha and Alucard have noticed it is hard not to notice. Now they just have to figure out how to confess, before it gets incredibly awkward because he catches on. When he does however, his insecurities completely misconstrue their intentions.
On AO3.
Ships: trephacard
Warnings: insecurities
Despite Trevor’s many years on the road, keeping up a less than stellar training regime, he was still a warrior at heart and in body. He had still fought all those years and his frame was bulky to accommodate the muscle needed for that.
Something that was hard to miss.
And Alucard and Sypha didn’t miss it at all. In fact they noticed it a bit too often for their own comfort, now that they were cleaning up Dracula’s castle after their victory over the old vampire.
It wasn’t that Sypha hadn’t noticed that Trevor was fit while they traveled, it was more that they were so many other things to think about, to worry about to keep oneself alive that she hadn’t noticed that sort of stuff. So, it still took her by surprise when she did.
They were clearing out the rubble of one of the many rooms covered by it. It was slow going work, even with Alucard’s supernatural strength. One upside was that Sypha was getting really good at levitation spells.
She took a small break and wiped her forehead. Alucard had just moved a big stone and Trevor was now trying to lift a bigger stone than he had done.
For a moment she rolled her eyes at the childish display, but as she looked she noticed the shirt clinging to his sweaty body as he arms bulged under the effort. His brow was furrowed and his tongue was poking out slightly.
He was a piece of art.
Why hadn’t she noticed before that Trevor was completely ripped? Maybe she had noticed, but never connected that to him being nice to look at. Now, she couldn't look away as he struggled with the too big stone.
No sane human should be able to carry it and she didn’t know why he even tried (well, she did, but she thought it stupid). Until, the asshole actually managed to lift it, proud grin sweeping over his face as he did.
Slowly, he started to walk, careful steps to balance the stone and keep himself upright. Every time he almost lost balance, he flexed his legs, which was equally distracting and Sypha really wanted to know why she had to notice this, because she knew that from that moment on, she wouldn’t stop noticing it.
“Sypha?” the smooth voice next to her made her jump, she hadn’t even realized Alucard had arrived next to her. “Something the matter?” he asked.
She debated with herself if she would admit to Alucard what had distracted her so. It was embarrassing for sure, but she had also seen the fondness in the dhampirs eyes whenever Trevor talked to him, so she might find an ally in her suffering here.
With a decision made she gestured to Trevor, who was taking the final steps to the right pile of stones for rebuilding, before he squatted down to put down the stone. His back muscles rippled and his ass was practically on display.
Beside her, Alucard made a choked off noise.
At that Trevor turned around, somehow an adorable confused pout on his face that should look ridiculous on his large frame, but didn’t. “You both okay?”
“Yeah, just thought we’d wait for you to break your back carrying something too heavy before we laughed at you,” Alucard shot back, saving both their asses from embarrassment as Trevor rolled his eyes and flipped him off, claiming that it wasn’t that heavy anyway.
They were rebuilding some of the pathways in the Belmont Hold. Trevor had insisted on cleaning up most of the castle first, claiming that it was the most livable place out of the two and he wanted a bed, but both had seen the saddened look on his face when faced with what remained of his childhood home in ruins.
So, the moment they had made the kitchen and a few bedrooms presentable, they started on a few passageways across.
However, ever since Sypha had pointed out Trevor’s muscles in a different light to him, he now was ruined forevermore and she was to blame. He couldn't do anything normally anymore. Somehow each activity turned into a distraction with Trevor around.
Right now being an example of how much of a distraction Trevor was.
He was hauling up a beam that Sypha was directing above them, while Alucard was supposed to be sorting the pile of books that were in the language only he could read.
Supposed to, because he most definitely wasn’t.
No, because how could one read when Trevor was coiling a rope around his forearms as he pulled on said thick rope, muscles straining against it as he panted and dug in his heals.
The beam was pretty big and it was frankly short of a miracle that he hadn’t let it drop yet, but then again, he was incredibly muscled as Alucard had found out. So, slowly the beam rose under Trevor’s labor.
Faintly Alucard wondered how Sypha was holding out up there, being forced to watch Trevor so that she could jump in to help when necessary. He found her eyes and saw her bite her lip, face completely red.
Then the beam dropped a few feet as Trevor fumbled with the rope for a moment. It was an interesting tug-a-war. Trevor vs. gravity. Even as he won, regaining his footing and putting in some extra work, both Alucard and Sypha had gasped when it happened.
“Do you need assistance?” Alucard found himself calling out, despite knowing better.
“I am fine, Fangs,” Trevor grunted and that noise wasn’t good for Alucard’s blood pressure. “Just do your job and I’ll do mine.”
Wit spite as final motivator, Trevor pulled the beam the final distance, groaning with relief when Sypha had guided it into place. Before he could turn to see Alucard look, the dhampir turned back to his pile of books.
He had things to do.
Alucard and Sypha had gotten used to Trevor’s muscular frame that truly shone whenever they needed to do construction.
Well, used to was a strong word.
Trevor was still completely distracting, so much that they had started a little talk club in the library in the mornings when Trevor was sleeping in. But they could function almost normally and do their tasks while they worked.
But this? This now, right there? That was different. It was just unfair actually. Unfair and mean, but also very blessed.
Rewinding to that afternoon, when they had decided that they weren’t in the mood for reconstructing the castle or the hold. So, they had lunch, talked a bit, Sypha picked up a book, Alucard as well, while Trevor seemed content to sit by the fire with them, whittling away at a piece of wood.
Then it had happened. Trevor had reached for a bit of firewood, before realizing they were almost out. Throwing the last logs onto the fire, he got up and stretched as he said: “I’m going to chop some more fire wood.”
And then he left and they were alone. For a few moments they both just blinked at the empty space that had just been Trevor, before his words caught up to them.
Sypha moved first. She got up with her book and walked to the seat that had been built in next to the window that looked out over the fields below. They weren’t high up in the castle and had a good view.
“Might I inquire about the sudden move?” Alucard asked after a moment.
She grinned at him mischievously and nodded to something on the other side of the window, before she said: “Why don’t you come here and find out? Promise it’s worth it.”
Alucard didn’t know when he had forgotten she was cruel in her kindness, but looking down to see Trevor chop wood with a big ax was definitely cruel, still he was so very grateful for her that she had invited him to the view.
Because it truly was a view. Trevor was soaking through his shirt as he effortlessly swung the giant ax downwards onto the waiting wood, always splitting it in one or two swings.
“Oh God,” he choked out.
“Hmmhm, I know,” Sypha agreed.
“He just-”
It wasn’t the classiest conversation they’d had, but by far not the least classiest conversation about Trevor’s muscle’s they’d had. Still, they could hardly be blamed when the person in question was right in front of them being hot, instead of far away and sleeping.
As they watched they could see the outlines of Trevor’s muscles appear in sweat. Naturally the armpits were first, but then they appeared under his pecs and between his shoulders as well.
Alucard swallowed heavily, Sypha beside him followed suit.
They stood there for a while, just admiring Trevor as the pile next to him grew with chopped up wood. It was a nice spring day and the sun was doing wonder’s for the sweat coating his muscles. Trevor was now only in a tunic, nothing covering his arms. It was a very good look on him.
Then it happened. They were unassuming and powerless when Trevor lifted his tunic to wipe the sweat on his brow, only to pull back and grimace when he found it already soaked. Before they could prepare themselves he had tugged the tunic over his head, continuing his task completely bare-chested.
“Oh,” Sypha moaned miserably, “I don’t know if I want to thank whoever is out there or curse them right now.”
If he could have formed words at that moment, he would have agreed with her. Alas, he was incapacitated by the shirtless sweaty and sexy Trevor below them.
After they had started at the hunter for a few moments – imprinting the view, getting their wits together again, that sort of stuff – Sypha said: “This is truly pathetic. Look at us. This is so sad.” Trevor chopped again, it was a big log and it went down in one swing. “But totally deserved sadness if I get to see this.”
“Do you think he knows what he’s doing?” Alucard asked as Trevor stretched borderline pornographically.
“Oh absolutely not,” replied Sypha. “He’s as oblivious as a brick and I’m torn between calling it cute and frustrating.”
“We should probably say something to him at one point,” Alucard pointed out.
“Yeah, we probably should,” Sypha agreed, taking Alucard’s hand and leaning into him as they enjoyed the view together. They had made a deal not to do anything until they’d gotten Trevor’s rejection or until he was on board. Right now, she would do anything for a kiss though.
She didn’t try. She knew that Alucard cared about doing things proper and she wanted that too. She just also happened to be watching Trevor be hot while knowing that any move would have him running from the hills due to the emotional repressing he had made his personality.
So, she sighed and looked back out, only to see Trevor put the ax away and gather an arm full of newly chopped wood, still no shirt.
Cursing she pulled Alucard back to the chairs they had sat in and turned the book so that it was right side up, before she hissed to Alucard that he had to act natural.
Alucard had just turned back to his book, the look of apathy he had perfected on his face, when Trevor came in and dropped off the firewood, before greeting them and turning to bring another load.
Once he had left the room and would be out of hearing range, Alucard leaned over to her and whispered: “We need to come up with a plan at some point.”
“Yes, I know, okay,” Sypha agreed.
“He’s getting on my nerves both in a good and bad way and I might snap if we don’t do something soon and that’ll make things worse.”
“This is getting ridiculous,” she sighed, “I’m working on it.”
“What are you two gossiping about?” Trevor asked with a grin, as he returned with more wood in his arms. “You could be two old ladies in a market square.”
“Nothing really,” said Alucard, right as Sypha answered: “About how much you stink. Sweat isn’t a good look on you,” the lie came out.
Trevor huffed, but it was good-naturedly, as he rolled his eyes. “I’ll put away the rest of the wood and go bathe, your majesties.” Then he swept out of the room, leaving them without his shirtless pecs to view.
After the wood chopping incident, working together with Trevor had become harder again, so the cleaning of the general grossness that came with an army of night creatures had been divided to be done separately.
To Trevor they had claimed efficiency, and while he had looked suspicious, he had also accepted it without any complaints.
But even that did not save them from him. While there were no bulging muscles soaking in sweat, just general grossness and tiredness when they met up again with each other, it seemed that Trevor was full of surprises, oblivious as he was to them.
Alucard and Sypha had bothcollapsed on the floor in one of the main halls when Trevor joined them, stretching his arms above his head, flexing his muscles slightly.
He sat down with them and groaned: “I don’t think my back will ever recover from this, I don’t get paid enough for this.”
“You do not get paid at all,” said Alucard in confusion.
“Exactly,” Trevor told him, before stretching and groaning again. Then he stretched his legs out in front of him and just dropped his head down onto his knees, bending himself in half as he semi-moaned when his back cracked.
Sypha watched him slack jawed and Alucard didn’t think he looked much better as he ogled the hunter as well. Trevor was not just flexing muscles, but flexible as well. He would become the death of them that was certain.
It took them a few more moments to snap out of their daze, then a few more to realize Trevor had fallen asleep.
He had fallen asleep with his nose between his knees as if he was a pretzel, because apparently the position was so comfortable for him that he could fall asleep.
After the flexible incident, as Sypha was calling it, they had been scrambling for a plan to get Trevor to agree to date them, because seeing that display only to have to deal with the cute sleepy Trevor that came after had been too much for their hearts.
Naturally it couldn't be that way. They had a vague plan about maybe tying Trevor to a chair if he wanted to run away, but nothing concrete yet.
She was currently in the Belmont Hold, looking through their books, hoping that one would spark a plan or maybe just give her something to talk about with the other’s over dinner. A book caught her eye, it was green with golden letters that read: Herbs against poison, for healing and relaxation
But when she reached for it, her arm fell short and not even by a bit. She was even pretty sure Alucard couldn't reach it like that. She would need a ladder, but the ladder system for this part had been destroyed.
A part of her was aware that she was pouting, but she still frowned when Trevor asked: “What are you pouting about?”
“I wasn’t pouting,” she told him instead of answering.
“Okay then, why was your bottom lip protruding in displeasure?” he asked her with a shit-eating grin that was both adorable and annoying.
She gave up with that and gestured to the book as she explained: “I can’t reach it.”
Trevor tried, but he too couldn't reach it, but she appreciated how he stretched out in an attempt to reach it, the flexibility coming to mind again. It truly was a pity they hadn’t been able to come up with anything to exploit that part yet.
Sypha was about to call for Alucard to see if he could when she felt two big hands on her waist before she was effortlessly lifted into the air. She squeaked loudly and floundered for a moment.
“Grab your book, Sypha,” she heard the laughter in Trevor’s voice, but she couldn't find it within herself to be annoyed when Trevor had just lifted her of the ground like it was nothing.
Sure, she wasn’t the heaviest or biggest person around, but she had a lot of muscle for her frame and she wouldn’t describe herself as light. God, what she wouldn’t give to have that strength at her mercy.
No, don’t focus on that now, grab the book. She quickly clutched the book and hoped her cheeks weren’t as red as they felt.
“Hey, you okay?” Trevor was now frowning in that stupidly concerned way that made her heart clench and she deducted that her cheeks must have been as red as she’d feared. “I’m fine,” she squeaked, hoping it would be enough.
Alucard came to her rescue, sort of. He landed gracefully and asked: “What happened? I heard Sypha squeak.”
“Oh, yeah, nothing to worry about. I think I startled her when I lifted her,” Trevor explained casually, “We couldn't reach a book she wanted. So, teamwork.”
“You. You just lifted her up?” Alucard repeated dumbly and Sypha knew that it was the fact that it was hot and he missed it that made him say it like that.
Sadly, Trevor interpreted it differently. “What? You think I couldn't lift her. No offense, Sypha, but you’re hardly a challenge. I mean, I could lift you, you bloodsucking prick. Sure, no super strength, but you don’t have to be a dick about it.”
“That’s not-” before Alucard could ruin everything, Sypha interrupted: “Really?” she tried to sound disbelieving, “I mean, you’re strong, but Alucard? He’s tall and muscled. I don’t think you can.”
“I so can, this is ridiculous,” now it was Trevor, who was pouting and she took a bit of joy out of her manipulation.
“Prove it.”
Trevor looked taken aback by that and glanced at Alucard, who gladly had caught on and send him a cocky raised brow paired with a smirk.
Determination settled on Trevor’s face and he crossed his arms, before saying: “Okay, sure, I will,” before walking to Alucard and hoisting him over his shoulder’s like he was a somewhat heavy sack of potatoes. “See?”
“Okay, yeah, but that wasn’t how you carried me,” Sypha pointed out.
“Well, then maybe I can’t do that, but lifting someone by the waist is the hardest way to lift someone,” Trevor protested as he let Alucard down. “I feel like that was still pretty impressive. He’s heavy despite the delicate bone structure.”
Sypha was pretty sure Alucard was out of the running now with that comment, but she wanted to sedate her own curiosity. “I’ll give you the hard lifting part, but I don’t know about impressive. Maybe bridal carry and I’ll be impressed.”
He looked at her inscrutably and for a second she feared he would call her bluff and point out her real motivations. That moment never came, he sighed then set his shoulders– his broad, nice shoulders – stubbornly, before literally swooping Alucard off his feet.
He gave her a look that screamed ‘What now, eh? Didn’t think I’d do it, but I did, so suck it’ and she loved it. She loved that he had done what she told him to do while also showing off those muscles. A win on every front.
His arms, neck and shoulder strained under the weight of the tall, muscled dhampir, but he held out as he gently lowered Alucard back onto his feet. Sypha didn’t know if it was the lifting or the gentleness that made Alucard bashful, but he murmured something inaudible, before hurrying back to what he had bee doing before the interruption.
“Rude,” Trevor noted. “I didn’t even get to bask in my superiority.”
“You can bask to me, it’s okay,” she comforted him. “I am suitably impressed by your dhampir lifting skills, Trevor.”
“Thank you,” he said with extra emphasis to make it into a tease. “You know, as a true hero, both for being epic and awesome as well as getting your book, I feel like I should be rewarded.”
“Oh?” she was curious to see where this went.
“Yeah, I want to borrow the bath soap you’re so protective over after the next time we attempt to clean the goop dungeon,” he made his demand.
She was glad that, with running warm water, they had convinced him that baths were actually nice and she didn’t mind the thought of him smelling like her. Still, she put up a front of indulgence, yet being annoyed as she said: “Fine.”
“Heck yeah,” he cheered before ambling off.
Trevor wasn’t sure what exactly was going on, but over the past few days he had noticed that both Alucard and Sypha were acting weird. Well, weirder than usual, it was pretty hard to define weird when you lived in Dracula’s old castle near the Belmont Hold with a dhampir and a Speaker, but you get the idea.
The thing was, Trevor had no idea why they were being weird and what had caused it, but he knew they were only weird to him.
It made his chest tighten uncomfortably as he tried to think of something he’d done wrong.
Nothing came to mind, but that just made him question if he really knew them if he couldn't even spot the thing he had done to upset them both. It was all a frustrating mess and Trevor was half waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop.
He hated feeling like this, feeling like he’d done something wrong and couldn't apologize. It tore him apart in a way he couldn't describe. He just hoped that they wouldn’t kick him to the curb, because that would extra suck. He already liked them too much as it was, getting his heart broken over something he didn’t understand would only make it worse.
So, he kept an eye on them, trying to figure out what they were thinking when they stared at him or whispered among themselves.
He was soon to find out.
It was a decidedly normal day, Trevor was mildly stressed, the weather was nice and they were finally moving the rubble they hadn’t been able to reuse out of the castle. They were making a pile out of it that they would later use to make an obstacle course or something, Trevor wasn’t sure it was mostly Alucard and Sypha doing the planning. Maybe that was it? Maybe the stress of the whole castle thing was catching up with them as well and it wasn’t anything Trevor had done.
They had assigned him to carry rubble, which made him roll his eyes. Alucard had supernatural strength and Sypha had magic, yet here he was carrying the bulk while Sypha ordered him around on where to go while Alucard switched between helping him and rearranging the rubble.
His muscles were straining under the amount of exercise, but it didn’t bother Trevor that much. It was good to keep in shape and he could handle it.
He came back from his umpteenth trip, groaning as he set down his load as he cracked his back by putting his hands on his back and pushing. He looked around and saw Alucard and Sypha on top of one of the piles that Alucard found “artistic.”
With a grin on his face he quickly hopped up the pile to see what they were talking about. They had watching him walk over and smiled at him, before turning to talk among themselves. He was about to call out a greeting and announce his presence when he heard Sypha said: “There must be more chores where we can make him carry stuff.”
Hm, he thought, that was obviously about him, thoughhe had no clue why that of all things would be a conversation topic.
Before he could ask, Alucard replied: “I mean, there are still those chains in the dungeons that we could make him clear out, but I feel that would be bad for us.” This was just making him more confused.
Sypha made a small noise, before agreeing: “Oh, yeah, Trevor with chains will totally be bad for us.”
Trevor choked on his spit.
Two heads whipped around to him, with two pairs of eyes as big as dinner plates, filled with the guilt of being caught saying something they shouldn’t have been saying. They were completely silent, neither explaining or defending themselves.
In the silence Trevor tried to wrap his head around it. How was him carrying stuff bad for them? And why were they thinking up reasons for him to carry stuff anyway? What did they have to gain by watching him carry stuff? It wasn’t as if he was eye candy and-
“Oh my god!” he exclaimed. He was eye candy. They were watching him carry stuff, because they liked it and holy shit did he not know how to even deal with that.
He felt the blood rushing to his head and knew he must look like a fucking beet, but he didn’t care, his mind was a bit preoccupied. He had known that some would classify him as handsome, but he had long since given up on either of them thinking that. They had seen him do too many embarrassing things to even consider him attractive and they had each other. Even dense little him could put that one together. Yet here they were.
Unless, of course, this was some sort of sick joke to them, a little voice in his mind whispered. The dhampir hearing of Alucard could have picked up his footfalls easily and they could have conspired to fuck with him, just for the sake of fucking with him. A cold feeling washed over him and his chest seemed to collapse in on itself at the realization.
God, fucking shit, they had probably caught on to his pathetic feelings for them and had decided to toy with him before telling him to scram for being a fucking weirdo. All the looks made so much more sense now.
It just fucking hurt that they would toy with him like that. That they would be that mean to him instead of just telling him when they’d figured it out.
Much to his embarrassment, he felt tears welling up in his eyes. He swallowed hard and tried to force them down as he choked out: “Well, fuck you too,” before turning away to stomp off and grab his stuff to get out of there.
He didn’t get far.
Alucard appeared in front of him with his stupid dhampir speed that Trevor found very attractive no matter how much he hated it rightnow. The other reached out to him, but stilled his hand before they touched.
Fuck, how badly did he fuck up that they didn’t even want to touch him. And why were they even coming after him. He was doing what they wanted.
“Trevor,” Alucard said and it didn’t sound like someone relieved that the person, who had been crushing after him and his girlfriend was finally going, it sounded like someone, who was very upset.
It stilled Trevor long enough for Sypha to catch up with them too. As she laid her hand on his shoulder. However, he shrugged her off and tried to walk on again, getting stopped by Alucard, who found it within himself to touch the grossness of Trevor.
“Wait, Trevor, hold on,” Sypha called out. “I swear it’s not what you think.”
“Really?” he truly didn’t mean to sound so bitter. He was happy that they had each other, they deserved each other. It just hurt that he wasn’t in their they and that they thought that stupid joke would land well.
“Yes, okay,” she told him. “We’re really sorry about springing it on you like that, but-”
“Yeah, why the fuck did you think that was okay?” he hissed at her, trying not to feel the pangs in his heart at her little flinch. “I don’t care that you’re fucking happy together, but pulling that sick stunt on me is not cool. You can just kick me to the curb like a normal person. You fucking fuckers just had to crush me in the process too? Getting someone’s hope up and then- then… That’s just- just mean!”
He knew he was crying now, he totally was and his voice broke over the last few words, but he couldn't stop it. He had spend the last few weeks pining over them, while knowing he didn’t have a chance, perking up with a slight hope every time they smiled at him. So for them to give him that hope again only to stomp on it, had just been the last straw that broke him. Sue him.
“W- what?” Alucard asked, making him turn around to see absolute confusion written over his face along with hurt.
“Oh, Trevor,” he heard Sypha behind him with that pitying voice he didn’t need from her as he turned around to see hurting compassion written over her entire face. Yeah, now she felt guilty, not when she actually did it.
Still, when she reached for his face and gently cupped his cheek, he couldn't help but lean in to the little bit of comfort that was provided.
She wiped away his tears gently and softly said: “We’re not kicking you to the curb. Never, okay, never, Trevor. I swear. You’ve completely misunderstood. It wasn’t a joke, okay. It never was. We meant it, undignified as our lordship over there might find it.”
Trevor chuckled wetly at that, still not entirely sure if he believed her, but so willing to give in, even if it was a lie. For the lie was so much sweeter.
Alucard appeared behind him and he swayed slightly, the exhaustion of all the emotions in the last couple of minutes catching up to him. He tried to pull away when he accidentally hit Alucard’s chest, but the dhampir just pulled him close, nuzzling his hair as he whispered: “You’re such an idiot.”
That was probably true, both Alucard and Sypha were smarter than him and he was generally an idiot, but his mind wasn’t fully wrapping around where he had misunderstood it all and ruined everything.
The tears that had stopped started up again and he didn’t know how after years of repressing all his emotions this was the thing that broke all his walls. Still, he whimpered: “I’m sorry, for- for fucking it all- all up ag- again.”
“No, no,” Sypha shushed him as she hugged him, “you didn’t fuck up anything.”
He was now completely sandwiched between Sypha and Alucard with no clue how him taking a small break from clearing rubble had ended up like this. Yet here he was and he was going to soak up the attention and care while he had it, so he didn’t protest them holding him silently, just let himself melt softly.
Seconds or eternities could have passed without Trevor’s knowledge until Sypha broke the silence: “I don’t know how you got to the conclusion that our horny conspiring was a joke, but as embarrassing at it is, it most certainly isn’t, Trevor.”
Trevor had half choked, half laughed at the phrase ‘horny conspiring’ as it caught up to him what that meant. Hesitantly, he asked: “So- so you had me carry stuff just to watch me?”
It sounded ridiculous in his own head, because why on earth would anyone look at him when they could look at Alucard and Sypha, but they both tensed slightly around him, before nodding. Alucard going as far as to say: “You have nice muscles.”
Under other circumstances Trevor would totally and completely ruin Alucard by tearing him apart with teases at that remark, but there weren’t other circumstances and right now Trevor felt raw and vulnerable, so he just breathed: “Yeah?” in an unsure voice that he hated immediately.
“Yeah,” Sypha firmly agreed. “I don’t know how to tell you this without never hearing the end of it, but you’re really fucking hot. You literally made me into a person who says fuck just so I could tell you that you’re fucking hot.”
He actually snorted at that, because it was easier to snort at it then to admit that the complement felt nice and made him blush.
“We’ve actually been trying very hard to figure out how to tell you without you running away,” she went on, snorting miserably, “but I guess we messed that up. You are just so bad at accepting nice things for yourself that us telling you that we love you seemed almost impossible.”
“Y- you? You love me?” He was getting really fucking sick of that small weak voice
“Yes,” that was Alucard behind him. “We love you, just like we love each other. We hope you feel the same, but we understand if you don’t.”
“It would be really fucking stupid of me not to love the two most amazing people in the entire world, Alucard. Yes, sadly I am disappointing my entire bloodline by including you in that statement, but it’s true.” Admitting it like this felt better than being touch-y feel-y, he didn’t do touch-y feel-y well.
Luckily it was the right thing to say, because both of them relaxed around him as they snorted before chuckling and a bit of pride coursed through him at making them laugh.
“I’m so lucky you’re our idiot,” Sypha told him, before pulling him into a kiss.
Her lips were soft but firm and completely enticing. He kissed her back and stopped caring about oxygen as a necessity, it was completely overrated in comparison to kissing Sypha. When she finally let him up for air, he was dizzy. Faintly he heard her say something to Alucard about making her wait for so long, but it was lost to him as he tried to refind himself as a human being.
He became aware of Alucard and Sypha kissing each other over his shoulder once he had managed and watched mesmerized for a moment. Fuck, he could definitely get used to this. Still, he whined: “I’m feeling a bit left out here,” without meaning it.
Both their eyes fell on him and swallowing became a challenge. Then Alucard surged his lips and kissed him thoroughly. It was less gentle, while more careful than Sypha’s kiss as Alucard watched out for his fangs to Trevor’s disappointment. Yet, it was equally mind blowing.
Once he had resurfaced again, it took him a moment once more. He was still being wrapped up in both of them and his heart felt so much lighter than it had before.
“I know we should probably talk way more about this, but I do want to note that I have excellent stamina to back up my muscles.”
Both of them groaned and he grinned to his little victory.
Yeah, he could get used to this.
Fun fact, my sister once fell asleep with her nose between her knees, because she is slightly insane, I feel personally. So, actually based in fact, lmao
Also, I swear this was supposed to be lighthearted, but then I was writing the last part from Trevor’s POV, because I thought it would be funny and he just wouldn’t allow himself nice things no matter how I tried to push him. So angst it is, very in character, sadly.
Btw, im really proud of that title ngl
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