#and tae was in the hospital and he was talking to himself or selling his soul or smth idk
latetaektalk · 3 years
(he)art thief | jjk [i, preview]
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“jungkook is charming, kind, smart, and funny. jungkook is the guy to fall in love with. he is perfect in every sense, except that he is also a member of a notorious heist group and only getting close to you to steal from you. but what does he do when he starts to fall for you? who does he choose? his brothers or you?
genre: heist! AU, thief! jungkook, art curator daughter! oc, ocean’s! AU, fluff, angst, sexual themes/implied smut (in later chapters)
pairing: jungkook x female reader
estimated word count: 35 to 40k
warnings: cursing/swearing, a bit of alcohol consumption
a/n: this is loosely based off the ocean’s film! to be added to the taglist, shoot me an ask/message! also, gureum is jungkook’s dog! and thank you to movie club for helping me come up with this amazing title!!
coming sunday, may 30th 2021  
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Jungkook avoids playgrounds.
Does so because when he was at the tender age of just seven, he fell off a swing. He ended up in the hospital (his first but not last visit); seven stitches, his mother told him, but he could swear it was a million.
Needless to say, Jungkook has been avoiding playgrounds like the plague ever since.
But here he is, in the middle of one, dog leash in his hand, and heart pounding in his chest so violently it might just explode.
A mob of boys runs past him, all of them no older than six—which means that, for the most part at least, they’re harmless—but still, Jungkook flinches. It’s embarrassing, even more so because Gureum turns and stares at him. If one of them should flinch, it should be Gureum, with him being a dog and Jungkook a full grown adult, but God, today is just not his day. He’s stressed! Out of it! Nervous! A wreck-
“Did you just flinch?”
Jungkook feels his heart drop. Fuck, he thought he walked out of sight!
“No, I didn’t, Tae,” he hisses, pressing the earpiece further into his ear.
“You flinched! We can still see you- ah, okay, not anymore. But we saw that-”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I definitely did not flinch-”
“Denying it is pointless. We all saw it. Back me up here, Jimin.”
“You definitely flinched.”
Jungkook stops dead in his tracks, is about to walk back to the car and tell them that they must be hallucinating because he definitely did not flinch when-
“Can you see her already, Kook?” Namjoon asks and for a moment, Jungkook forgot why he is here, you.
He looks around himself, and it doesn’t take him long to find you, sitting on a bench, under a big tree, soft shadows dancing on your skin.
“Yeah, I-I see her,” Jungkook says under his breath.
“Okay, good. I’m gonna need you to focus up then,” Namjoon continues, and Jungkook nods like Namjoon could see him.
“Yeah, if you screw this up, it’s your fault if we end up in jail-”
“Tae!” Namjoon warns, and judging from the ‘ow’ that follows, someone punched him. Jungkook’s guess is Jimin.
“What? I’m just saying-”
“I knew I shouldn’t have let you come,” Namjoon mumbles and runs a hand down his face. “Hey, Kook, don’t listen to Tae, yeah? He’s just messing with you.”
“Yeah… I know,” Jungkook mutters, and he means it. He really does know that Taehyung is messing with him, but there’s a part of him that takes it to heart, that is worried sick about how he’s going to fuck this up and be the reason for why they all end up in jail.
“Don’t worry, Kook,” Jimin cuts in, taking the phone from Namjoon. “We’ve got your back. All you have to do is repeat after me, say what I say. You’ve got this. Remember what I taught you?”
“Always smile and laugh and never talk about yourself. Keep the conversation about the other person because people love talking about themselves,” Jungkook repeats, and looks at you again, heart heavy in his chest.
He shouldn’t feel like this, wishes he wouldn’t. But he can’t help it. This isn’t how he imagined he’d meet you. Jungkook thought he’d meet you at some fancy event, sipping expensive champagne, or at some luxury clothing store maxing out your parents’ credit card—after all, your mother is a world famous art curator. But instead you spend your time at playgrounds, babysitting.
There’s actually no reason for Jungkook to be this nervous. Jimin did practise with him this exact scenario, but he can’t help but think that with a flute in his hands and some alcohol buzzing through his system, he’d feel more comfortable. But here he is, in the middle of a sea of children.
“Kook, do you copy?”
“What? Sorry, I wasn’t…” Jungkook pauses. He shouldn’t admit that he wasn’t listening.
“Get your head in the game, please,” Namjoon tells him over the earpiece.
“Sorry, you’re right. I’m here,” Jungkook says and starts to walk again even though he still feels fucking lost as a goddamn adult at a playground. Gureum follows him when he tugs on the dog leash.
“Okay, good. Just- just try your best,” Namjoon says, voice a bit muffled. “You’ve got this.”
Jungkook could swear that there’s a waiver to his words.
“Don’t worry. We’re here,” Taehyung tells him before Jungkook can think about it too much, distracting him from the quiver he heard.
He stops behind a tree, close enough for Gureum to spot you, but not close enough for you to spot them. His knees crack when he kneels down to stroke Gureum’s ear.
“Hey, Gureum? I’m gonna unleash you in a second and then I’m gonna need you to run towards,” Jungkook points as discreetly as possible to you, “her, yeah? Just like we practised? Remember? Remember how you ran towards Seok and Yoongi? Do it exactly like that again, okay? If you do, I’ll get you your favourite treat.”
Gureum doesn’t run away instantly when Jungkook unclips him because he’s trained, but when he points at you and whistles, he’s gone.
You react surprisingly calm to a dog barreling towards you, barely flinching. You lean down and greet Gureum.
“Approaching target now,” Jungkook mumbles quietly and can only faintly register how Namjoon tells Taehyung to be quiet from now on, all of his attention on the mission now.
With the leash in his hand, Jungkook jogs towards you, heaving extra hard to sell the act of a dog-owner-who-has-been-chasing-his-dog-for-the-last-ten-minutes to you.
You look up to him when he stops in front of you, eyeing him. Jungkook stands there, bend over, his hands on his knees, breathing like he’s struggling to catch his breath.
“Uh…. hi,” you start, brows pinched together.
Jungkook puts on his most charming smile, ignoring his thumping heart to the best of his abilities.
“Oh, we’re starting- okay, showtime: I’m sorry, are you okay? My dog- he just ran and I couldn’t stop him. I’m so sorry,” Jimin says in his ear.
“I-I’m so sorry.” There’s a quiver to Jungkook’s voice, and it isn’t on purpose. “Are you okay? He just ran and I-”
“It’s fine,” you tell him with a small smile, still petting Gureum who has clearly taken a liking to you. During practise with Seokjin and Yoongi, Gureum always ran back to Jungkook, but now he’s staying at your feet, relishing in your pets. “Is that your dog?”
“Yes, yes, it is. I’m so sorry. I just unleashed him for a second, but then he ran away and I couldn’t catch up with him. Are you okay?”
“Yes, and I’m so sorry. I just unleashed him for a moment, thinking it was okay, but-”
“Can you prove it?” you interrupt and Jungkook pauses. “I mean that it’s your dog. It’s just that he isn’t really reacting to you, you know?”
Jimin’s response comes a bit late. “Oh, yes, I can. His name’s Gureum and he is- what’s the breed of your dog again? I don’t remember. If you look at his collar, you’ll see I’m telling the truth.”
“Oh, yeah, I can,” Jungkook smiles, wiping the non existent sweat from his temple. “His name’s Gureum and he’s a white Maltese dog. If you look at his collar, you’ll see that I’m not lying.”
You actually look at the collar and part of Jungkook is offended that you don’t just believe him. Does he look like a liar to you? “Actually, I have pictures too-”
“No, no, it’s fine. I believe you,” you say before gesturing for Gureum to go back to Jungkook. He does, but somewhat reluctantly and Jungkook doesn’t know how to interpret this.
“Ask her if she’s okay again.”
“Are you really okay?” Jungkook says and offers you a smile the way Jimin taught him to. “I really am sorry about-”
“It’s fine,” you tell him and wave him off. “Nothing happened. Don’t worry about it. Just leash your dog.”
And then, you turn away from him. Jungkook stands there awkwardly for another moment before kneeling down to Gureum, absentmindedly petting him, mind filled with questions because what now? How does he communicate to the others that you turned away from him? That the conversation has ended and he has no idea how to start it again?
“What’s going on Kook? Is she smiling-”
“Ah, Gureum, no,” Jungkook cuts in. “Don’t turn away- I can’t leash you if you do that. Don’t turn away.”
“Oh, shit, she turned away, huh?”
“What now, Jimin?”
“Shush, Joon. Let me think, yeah?”
Jungkook fiddles with the leash like he has a problem clipping it, hoping that maybe you’re going to offer him your help. You don’t. And why would you? He’s an adult after all.
Before Jimin can come up with anything though, the solution to the problem presents itself. It comes in the form of a girl running and tripping right next to Jungkook and him catching her just in time before she can faceplant in the dirt and scrape her knees open.
“Oh, hey, careful here!” Jungkook brings the girl back up on her two feet. She stares at him with big eyes, and he recognises her from the pictures. It’s Siyeon, the seven year old girl you babysit regularly, the reason why you’re spending your afternoon at a playground today. ”You okay?”
“Kook, what’s happening right now?” Namjoon asks.
Siyeon looks at you, and you’re already kneeling beside her, fixing her hair.
“Siyeon, I told you not to run. See, you almost fell now!” You say it the same way a mother would, less strict though. “If he hadn’t caught you, you would have hurt yourself, wouldn’t you have? Now, what do you say?”
“T-thank you,” Siyeon mumbles, and Jungkook isn’t sure if she’s staring at her hands because she’s embarrassed or just about to cry.
“Who’s that? Who are you talking to? Who’s he talking to?”
“Was that a kid?”
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asks Siyeon, ignoring Namjoon and Taehyung to the best of his abilities.
“Y-yes, thank you.” She won’t look at him.
Jungkook smiles. “Well, I’m happy that you didn’t get hurt there.”
“Kook, answer please. Do you need help?”
“Should we interfere?”
Jungkook’s about to snap. Does it seriously sound like he needs help? He’s talking to a seven year old, for fuck’s sake! Sure, he didn’t practise this scenario, but God, he was capable of improvising!
“Thank you. She’s really clumsy,” you say to Jungkook.
“Ah, don’t worry about it. I’m like that too. After all, I let,” he looks down at Gureum and finishes his sentence by gesturing to him and then you. You laugh.
And that’s when Siyeon seems to notice Gureum for the first time, eyes growing big at his sight like she has never seen a dog before. A chance.
“His name’s Gureum. You wanna-”
“Do you think we should go over there? See if he’s okay?”
And with that, Jungkook snaps. Yoongi is going to give him an earful for destroying his oh so precious equipment, but he can’t do this any longer with Jimin, Namjoon and Taehyung in his ear. So in one smooth movement, Jungkook digs out the earpiece and crushes it between his fingers, hiding it in his hand.
“Sorry, a fly, I think,” Jungkook says, swatting at his ear, and before you can think about it, he moves on. “Do you wanna pet Gureum, S- Is it okay if I call you Siyeon?”
Siyeon stares at Jungkook like he can’t believe he just asked her that. It’s probably the first time an adult has asked her for permission to call her by her name, and she seems to appreciate it immensely because she beams at him and gives him a huge nod.
“Okay, Siyeon, do you maybe wanna pet Gureum? He doesn’t bite, I promise.” Jungkook can feel your eyes on him. He’s doing it, charming you!
Siyeon turns to you.
“Can I-?”
You hum. “If Gureum is okay with it-”
Siyeon kneels down. “Hello, Mr Gureum. Sir, can I please pet you?”
Jungkook melts, and so do you.
Receiving no response from Gureum, Siyeon looks back up to you. Jungkook quickly takes his paw and waves. “Hello, Mrs Siyeon, if you promise not to hurt me, you can pet me. I like it especially if humans pet me at the back of my head. Just, please, be nice to me.”
In all of the years he has had Gureum, Jungkook has never tried to imagine what his voice would sound like, but he knows for a fact that he doesn’t sound like a chain smoker. It’s a questionable choice, but he doesn’t regret it. Because not only does it make Siyeon laugh, it also elicits a chuckle from you.
You look at him with a grin. “I don’t think I’ve introduced myself yet, have I?”
“No, I don’t think so,” Jungkook says, and you two rise to your feet when Siyeon starts to pet Gureum and he doesn’t bite her.
“Well,” you stretch out your hand, “I’m Y/N.”
Jungkook swallows the ‘I know’ that wants to slip him and takes your hand. He has to stop himself from bursting with pride, only allowing his smile to grow into a blinding grin.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N,” he says, and he means it. It’s really nice to meet you. “I’m Jungkook.”
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coming sunday, may 30th 2021
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253 notes · View notes
agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 13
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
Hoseok finally understands why his brother can’t open up and get comfortable in the house. But as Jungkook begins to crumble, you assure him that you will always be there for him. 
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3 am...
“Finally home.” You closed the door behind you and sighed. Looking at the living room, you noticed that Yoongi and Jimin had fallen asleep under the heating lamp, the younger curling into the older’s side like a mother cat and her kitten. You removed your coat and silently went upstairs.
“Tae?” You were surprised when you turned on the lights and saw the tiger on your bed, hugging your pillow, fast asleep.
“(y/n)?” Taehyung opened one eye.
“Hey, baby. What are you doing here? Why aren’t you sleeping in your own room?” You asked quietly, stroking his head.
“I had a nightmare and wanted to wait for you. But your pillow smelt so good.” He yawned. You smiled softly and leaned in to kiss his forehead. As he fell back asleep, you went to take a quick shower. You had 3 hours to sleep before you had to go to the farmer’s market with Hoseok. 
The only reason why you were going to get hotdogs so early in the morning was because Hoseok said they sell out really quickly because of how popular and authentic they were. 
*sniff sniff*
“Yes, Tae?” You groaned with your eyes still closed. 
“You smell nice.” He tossed the pillow he was holding behind him, letting it fall to the ground with a thud. He proceeded to scoot closer to you, wrapping his arms, legs and tail around you comfortably. 
As Taehyung held you, he knew something was wrong. He felt something stirring in his gut. 
Your alarm rang again a few hours later, signalling that it was time to get up. Your limbs and back were aching but you pushed yourself to sit up, letting Taehyung’s arms fall to your waist. Being winter, the sky was dark despite it approaching 7am. You brushed your teeth and changed, grabbing your outing bag and heading downstairs. 
“Morning...” Hoseok greeted, followed by a yawn. 
“Sorry that you had to get up so early, Hoseok.” You said apologetically, rubbing the fur of his flopped ears. 
“No, if anything, you should be resting. I know you came back late last night.” He smiled. You shook your head and saw Jimin coming down the stairs, dressed in a familiar looking purple cardigan and beanie. 
“This cardigan looks familiar, hmm?” You teased, helping him adjust his hair under the beanie. 
“Yoongi hyung said I could borrow it.” He blushed. You laughed and nodded, patting his head. You weren’t going to tease him about what you saw when you can home. No, that teasing was for Yoongi. There were more footsteps and you looked up to see Namjoon coming down as well, dressed in his outing clothes.
“You’re coming too?” 
“I couldn’t sleep so might as well tag along. It’s a long drive there so we could take turns if you want.” Namjoon smiled. 
“Thank you, Joon.” You tip toed and kissed his cheek.  As he wrapped an arm around you to hug you, Namjoon stiffened and you noticed it. 
“Something wrong?” 
“Not with me. Are you feeling alright?” He frowned. You looked down at your body before nodding up at him. Namjoon nodded, convinced for now. As everyone climbed into the car, you insisted on driving the way there.
“Wow, it’s really far.” Jimin said as he looked out the window. 
“Yeah, it is on the other side of town Chim.” Namjoon ruffled his hair. Hoseok sat in the front seat, next to you, in case you needed instructions on where to go and where to park later. 
After a 2 hour drive, you finally arrived. The farmer’s market was bustling with people and vendors. You took your shopping bags, handing the boys their own before you headed in. Jimin held your hand, not feeling the most comfortable with the big crowd. 
“If you need to take a breather, let me know, alright? We can step aside.” You assured and he nodded his head.
“It’s the stall there!” Hoseok pointed and ran forward. 
“Even in the early mornings, his energy levels are still an all time high.” You chuckled and followed him. There were two young males running the stall. They greeted you kindly. 
“Hoseok?” They recognised the golden retriever.
“Hello! It’s been a while.” Hoseok greeted. They watched as Hoseok pointed out menu items to you. Of course, they were surprised to see Hoseok with a stranger and not his regular owner.
“You pick which one you and Jungkook likes. Let’s order two for him. Pick something for the rest too.” You passed the plastic menu for Jimin and Namjoon to glance at and pick what they wanted. After talking to the owners, you learnt that they were actually students in Chicago and fell in love with the hotdogs there that they decided to open a stall here.
“Are you Hoseok and Jungkook’s new owner?” The stall vendor asked. 
“Oh, umm... Yeah. Fostering for now.” You smiled. The two males nodded their heads and handed you the bag of food.
“Let me.” Namjoon took the bag from you.
“Thank you. Hope you sell a lot.” You bowed your head to the vendors and carried on. Being at the farmer’s market, you decided to buy some fresh produce like eggs, cheese, vegetables and fruits. 
“Can we get strawberries?” Jimin asked. 
“Of course we can.” You took 4 pints of strawberries and handed them over to the stall owner. As you counted the money, your vision blurred slightly. You closed your eyes and opened them again, giving the amount to the old lady. Jimin helped carry his strawberries.
“(y/n).” Namjoon grasped your forearm.
“Hmm?” You looked up at him.
“You’re sick. That was why your scent was different this morning.” He placed a hand on your head. Your head suddenly felt so heavy that you needed to lean it against Namjoon’s.
“We should go. I don’t want you to faint and freak Jimin out.” Namjoon said. He felt bad for using Jimin to guilt trip you into leaving the market but he knew it was the only way for you to actually listen to him and leave. You let out a small whimper of discomfort and nodded your head. 
“Chim, Hoseok. Let’s go home. (y/n) needs to rest. We can come back again.” Namjoon supported you with his arm. 
“Is (y/n) alright?” Hoseok asked. Jimin stuffed the last piece of mandarin into his mouth, given to him for free by the kind fruit vendor, and rushed over to your side. He had a look of worry on his face.
“I’m fine. Don’t worry.” You assured with a force smile. 
“Let’s go, Chim. Namjoon has (y/n).” Hoseok held Jimin’s hand, leading the way back to the car. Your eyes closed as you leaned against Namjoon. 
“(y/n)?” Jimin called out to you as Namjoon carried you into the backseat, strapping your seatbelt over you. 
“Shh, let her rest. She’s be alright.” Namjoon stroked Jimin’s head, calming him down. Jimin nodded but grasped your hand in his worriedly. Namjoon and Hoseok put all the shopping in the trunk before Namjoon drove home. Hoseok used the phone you gave him to send a message to the others to let them know you were unwell.
When Namjoon pulled up, Taehyung, Yoongi and Jin were already standing by the door, their tails moving swaying nervously.
“Tae, help Jimin and Hoseok carry the shopping in.” Namjoon instructed. Jin opened the door on your side to see you completely out cold. 
“She’s running a fever. Her lips are almost blue.” Jin frowned.
“Let’s get her in.” Yoongi said and Jin nodded, slipping his arms under you to hoist you up and out of the car. They brought you straight to your room. Yoongi closed the door, leaving only those mated to you in the room for privacy. He began to slowly remove your jacket and outing clothes.
“Here.” Jin handed him your long sleeve shirt and winter pants.
“Does she always get cold easily?” Namjoon asked as Yoongi changed you, noting how you were still shivering. Yoongi pulled off his owner sweater and put it over your shirt.
“Not really. But she does fall ill quickly if she’s over exhausted.” Yoongi said, adjusting the pillow under your head. 
“Should we bring her to the hospital?” He turned back to the oldest. Jin felt your pulse, remembering the small medical things that he learnt while you were studying for your tests.
“No, she’s fine. She just needs sleep and some medication when she wakes up. I’ll make her some porridge to eat.” Jin shook his head as he pulled away from you. Namjoon went downstairs to help Jin while Yoongi stayed by your side to keep you warm with his own body heat.
“Pabo. You act all tough with your doctor image when you don’t even take care of your own health properly. Yoongi scoffed as he brushed your hair behind your ear. You huffed in your sleep, as if annoyed by him. 
“Sleep well.” He kissed your forehead. 
Jimin insisted on helping Jin make porridge for you. He wanted to help make you feel better. 
“Is she going to be alright?” Hoseok asked. 
“Yeah. She’ll be fine. Just caught a little cold and exhaustion.” Jin assured with a smile. Taehyung stationed himself right outside your door. He sat down and stared up at it. He remembered this morning, when he smelled that something was wrong with you. If he said something and stopped you from going out, maybe you wouldn’t be so ill. 
“What are you doing?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow.
“(y/n)’s sick.” Taehyung frowned, not taking his eyes off the wooden door. 
“Okay?” Jungkook shrugged and walked past the tiger. He was internally relieved that you weren’t downstairs. That way, he wouldn’t have to face you or talk to you. 
“You’re up early.” Jungkook said to Hoseok. That was when his nose picked up a familiar scent.
“Is that...?” He quickly peeked into all the brown bags on the counter. Finally, he found them. Chicago hotdogs, one of if not, his most favourite food. 
“Hyung, when did you get Chicago dogs?! Aren’t they at the farmer’s market across town?” Jungkook couldn’t even hide the big grin that spread across his face as he held up one of them.
“They are. (y/n) heard that they’re your favourite and we drove there early this morning to get them for you.” Hoseok smiled softly at his brother. Hearing that, Jungkook’s smile grew a little smaller as he put the hot dog down. Why did you do that for him? 
“What do you mean why?” Hoseok tilted his head.
“Why did she do that? She didn’t need to. I’m not going to be bought over just because she got me these.” Jungkook looked down. 
“How could you say that?” Taehyung appeared from behind. Jungkook turned around to look at him. 
“How could you even say that? She comes back from work at 3 am, only gets 3 hours of sleep because she has to drive across town for 2 hours just to get these dumb hot dogs for you and even gets sick to the point that she faints. Yet, that’s all you can say about her.” Taehyung growled. 
“It’s not my fault.” 
“Yes, it is! It’s because of you!” Taehyung pointed with tears in his eyes. Namjoon and Jin are about to step in when Yoongi enters. 
“(y/n)’s going to wake up because of all your shouting.” Yoongi states monotonously. 
“I really don’t care. My priority now is my sick and unconscious mate.” Yoongi grabbed a glass of water and heads back upstairs. He looks down at your peaceful form and slides under the covers next to you.
“Kookie, let’s talk.” Hoseok knows that this has gone on for a long enough and he has to step in and discipline Jungkook as his older brother. Jungkook follows Hoseok to their shared bedroom. Hoseok locks the door behind him gestures for Jungkook to sit. 
“Do you really hate it here that much?” Hoseok asks. 
“We’re outsiders, hyung. We will always be.” Jungkook sighed. Hoseok sat down beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“That’s not true, Kookie. (y/n) and her hybrids have been nothing but kind to us. She has never forced us to do anything we didn’t want to do. They never expect anything from us.” Hoseok pointed out.
“I know...” Jungkook’s head hung low.
“What’s really wrong, Kookie?” 
“I don’t want to be abandoned again.” Jungkook finally confesses in a whisper, looking away to stop the tears from falling. Hoseok’s heart broke. He knew that Jungkook took it hard when their previous owner abandoned them. There were just wounds that can possibly never heal. 
“Oh, Kook.” Hoseok stroked his head. 
“She’s nice, understanding, patient and caring. I want to stay with her forever but I don’t want to start trusting her and then one day, she gets sick of us and leaves.” Jungkook cried.
“(y/n)’s different. You know that.” Hoseok hummed.
“How do you know?” Jungkook sniffles and wipes his tears with his sleeve. Hoseok reaches out to catch the tears he missed.
“Do you see how she jumped to protect you last week? I’ve never seen another owner react like that and we aren’t even her hybrids. She was really upset.” Hoseok reminded.
“What Taehyung hyung said-”
“Every word of what he said is true. She came back from a 16 hour shift at 3 am and we drove to the farmer’s market because she wanted you to have the hot dogs after I told her how much you like them. We planned this last week because she wanted you to be happy and comfortable living here. She even lectured her hybrids about fighting with you.” Hoseok said.
“But they didn’t even do anything wrong. It was me...” Jungkook was in shock. He knew it was wrong of him to fight with Yoongi and Jin as they were the oldest in the house.
“Well, I’m glad you know that they weren’t the ones in the wrong.” Hoseok said with a small smile and Jungkook nodded. 
“She knows that you’re not ready to open up yet. She reminded everyone to be understanding and respect your boundaries, to not be forceful.” Hoseok added.
“I’m scared. hyung.” Jungkook whimpered.
“I am too but (y/n) is a chance I am willing to take.” Hoseok shrugged. Jungkook felt the same. 
Hoseok left the room, giving Jungkook some space and time alone to think. Sniffling, Jungkook thoughtlessly went to your room. Yoongi had left briefly because of a phone call regarding his piano recital. Jungkook kneeled down beside your bed. 
“Jungkook?” You were woken up by him grasping your hand. Seeing the bunny’s tears, you immediately sat up.
“Hey. what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” You panicked. 
“Did you not like the hot dogs?” You asked. He shook his head and held his arms up to you like a small child. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him up on the bed. Jungkook could feel your warm temperature.
“It’s okay, Jungkook.” You hushed as he cried into your chest. Yoongi came in and froze when he saw what was going on. 
‘Out.’ You mouthed, pointing to the door. He held his hands up in defence and exited the room. You continued to softly comfort Jungkook, hushing him and humming to calm him down. 
“Are you feeling alright?” You asked. He shook his head. 
“Are you sick?” You asked again. He repeated the same action as before. You weren’t going to force him to tell you what was wrong but mentally, you just prayed that he didn’t get into another fight with the others. Jungkook was reduced to sniffles and occasional whimpers. 
“It’s alright, Jungkook. You will be just fine, don’t worry.” You cooed assuringly. Your words made Jungkook feel worse. How could you still be so kind to him when he has been nothing but trouble for you?  
“You probably hate me and don’t want me anymore. I’m so horrible and all I do is cause trouble.” He rubbed his eyes. 
“Now, where did you hear that? You’re not horrible, Jungkook. Trust me, I’ve met horrible people and you’re not one of them.” You giggled.
“Really?” Jungkook looked up at you, his big eyes filled with tears.
“Of course.” You smiled, wiping his tears. 
“And don’t think I’ll ever hate you or not want you. If I hate you, I wouldn’t have gone across town just to get your favourite hot dogs.” You stroked his head. He leaned in for you to hug him again. 
“She didn’t want us anymore, she threw us away. She left us.” He whispered. 
“I promise you’ll never have to go through that again. That should never happen to anyone. But I don’t want you to think that it’s because of you or that you did something wrong that made her leave. It’s not your fault. She shouldn’t have left you and Hoseok. You don’t abandon family. Ever.” You said firmly. Jungkook nodded in agreement. 
He wanted to apologise but he just couldn’t force it out. You knew his sentiment was there and hoped that this meant Jungkook would start opening up a little more. 
“Stop crying, alright? No one hates you. If they are, you let me know and I’ll talk to them.” You joked and he gave you a small smile. 
“Are you feeling better?” He asked. 
“Yes. Don’t blame yourself because I’m sick alright? It has nothing to do with you. I should be taking better care of my health.” You smiled. 
“Go eat your hot dogs before they get too soggy.” You ruffled his hair. He nodded his head. 
“Umm... Can you come with me?” He picked the nonexistent lint on his sweater. You nodded and went to the bathroom to wash your face first. Holding his hand, you brought him down. Safe to say, all the hybrids grew quiet when they saw your connected hands. 
“How are you feeling? You should be resting.” Namjoon cupped your cheeks to feel your temperature. 
“I’m feeling fine. Don’t worry. I’m sorry for worrying you guys.” You smiled sheepishly. Jin came over and pulled you against his chest, kissing your forehead. 
“Oh, don’t say sorry to us now.” Yoongi smirked. You turned to face him and tilted your head in confusion. 
“Yoongi hyung called head nurse Park to tell her you were sick. She said you shouldn’t come in for the next 2 days.” Taehyung informed. You groaned, knowing that head nurse Park was going to lecture you again. 
“Gee, thanks Yoongs.” You smiled bitterly. 
“You’re welcome, kitten.” He returned the sweet smile. Hoseok scooped you a bowl of porridge and you slid into your seat. Jungkook took Jimin’s seat beside you. Jimin just sat in Jungkook’s seat without a complain. You took a hot dog out and placed it in front of Jungkook. 
“Eat up.” You said encouragingly.
“I’ll feed you.” Jin took the seat on your other side. The boys always took advantage of you when you were sick to treat you like a baby.
“I can eat on my own, Jinnie.” You said, coughing to hide your embarrassment. He shook his head with insistence. 
“Here.” He blew the porridge and held it up to you. Blushing madly, you slowly opened your mouth and ate the food off the spoon. From the corner of your eye, you saw Namjoon and Yoongi smirking at you. 
“You two wipe your smirks off your face before I do it for you.” You threatened. 
“Kitten’s got some claws.” Yoongi said with raised eyebrows., obviously not threatened by you. 
“Jinnie, stop them.” You whined.
“Alright, knock it off you two.” Jin turned to them with a serious look. They stopped after the oldest’s chiding and you stuck your tongue out at them with a triumph smile. One thing about Jin feeding you was that he made sure that you finished all your food, not allowing you to sneak some to Jimin or Taehyung like you usually do.
“Have your medicine.” Jimin gave you a glass of water.
“Thank you, Chim.” You smiled and put the pills in your mouth, gulping it down with the water. 
“I’m going back to nap.” You yawned. Taehyung followed you this time, wanting to cuddle with you. You faced hm and he shot you his boxy smile. Taehyung gently cradled you as your eyes started to droop and you let the sleepiness wash over you. 
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Delivery Room ~ KTH [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count: 2K
↬↬↬Genre: Angst with fluffy ending, pregnancy AU
↬↬↬Pairing: Kim Taehyung x reader
↬↬↬A/n: Hope you like it hun
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Taehyung groaned when he rolled over to face you your hands were clutching onto your stomach and you were panting heavily,
"What is it?" He questioned looking at the time and then back to you, his eyes filled with panic as he remembered that you were heavily pregnant and past your due date,
"It's time! Fuck!" You cried out clutching onto the sheets around you as another contraction hit you hard running up and down your spine and across your abdomen in one of the most painful cramps you'd ever experienced.
"I'll get the bag, don't move!" You wanted to scream something sarcastic back to him but couldn't find the words to. You were nine months pregnant and overdue by 10 days and the hospital was doing nothing to help you with it since it was natural and they couldn't induce labour for another four days but it was happening now and you were sure of it. There was no other pain like this and it was killing you. Tae come sprinting back into the room carrying the bag to find you sound asleep on the bed once again,
"Baby come on, the baby is coming." You grumbled at him for waking you up and told him it was just another Braxton hicks and he groaned sitting back down in the bed and looking at you. He pushed the sweaty hair away from your face and then laid his hand down on your bump,
"You have to come out sooner or later," He whispered to your son or daughter, you and your husband decided it would be nice for the gender of your baby to be a nice surprise when they came into the world.
"Tae can you get me some water please?" He walked away from the bedroom and headed down to the kitchen to get you what you had requested. You and Taehyung had been together for six years and married for the last two when you decided that you were finally ready to start your own family, but if he had known you were going to be like this he never would have done it. The mood swings were bad enough but now every night he was being woken up to you asking for something new, last night it was pickles with soy sauce and the night before it had been fish fingers with custard.
"Tae?!" He heard you yell for him and he grabbed a bottle of water before heading back up to the bedroom, he handed you the water and watched you drink it before laying back down on the bed.
"I hope they come out soon." You groaned looking down at your giant belly and poking it,
"They will, they just want a little extra time." You sighed as the baby kicked you in the bladder making you need to pee yet again,
"I'll be right back." You got up and left to go to the bathroom while Tae settled back down into the bed.
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The next four nights were a nightmare you were constantly waking Taehyung up thinking you were going into labour but it turned out to be false labour pains or you would wake up asking for foods which you didn't have resulting in him driving around at 3 am looking for somewhere that would sell him the foods you happened to be craving and tonight was the last straw for him. It was 5 in the morning and you'd woken up craving strawberries with melted chocolate as well as jam on toast and Taehyung just lost it, it was probably from the lack of sleep that was making him cranky but he couldn't deal with it anymore.
"I'm not doing it! I'm sick of running around like an errand boy!" He snapped at you and you stumbled backwards when he turned around to yell in your face.
"I never said you were-"
"You're always asking me to do things! Why can't you just do it for yourself?!" He screamed at you and you felt your heartbreak as he continued to yell at you about things that were out of your control with the pregnancy,
"You're always getting 'labour' pains and then it's nothing?! I'm sick of waking up every five minutes to you whining and complaining about it too!" You stared down at the floor as you felt water dripping down your leg, it wasn't like it was in the movies or TV shows it wasn't a huge pool of water hitting the floor it was as if you'd just wet yourself.
"No! I'm fucking sick of it! Do it yourself!" He cried out grabbing his car keys before leaving through the front door of your house and slamming the door behind him, you cried out clutching your stomach as you felt a real contraction hit you this time sending shock waves throughout your entire body. It felt like you were being ripped apart from the inside and you knew the baby was coming, you'd seen enough of videos in the birth classes.
"Tae!" You tried to call after him but he was already pulling out of the driveway and into the road as you reached the front door,
"Fuck." You whimpered going on the hunt for your phone while clutching your stomach trying to talk to the baby to stop them from being scared of their dad or from coming before you got to a hospital bed,
"I know he looks bad right now, but I promise he's a good guy don't be scared baby." You whispered to your stomach as you found your phone, you called the first person you could think of and Jimin told you he was on his way and that he would call Taehyung while he was coming to get you.
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"Get out!" You screamed when Jimin came into the room with your husband close behind him, your legs were up on either side of the hospital bed as you tried to breathe through another contraction, Taehyung was sweating and panting behind Jimin. Jimin had been working on trying to find him since you got the hospital and he'd finally managed to find him in the studios hiding out.
"I said out! Both of you!" You shouted when another contraction hit you, you wanted Taehyung nowhere near you after what he had been saying in the kitchen to you. You were beyond hurt that he had started yelling at you and left you in the house alone when he knew how close you were to giving birth to your son or daughter.
"If he's the father he can stay." The nurse who was looking to see how dilated you were said but you shot her a glare, telling them both to get out and that you didn't want them in the room while you did this.
"I didn't mean to yell-" Taehyung tried to defend himself but you cut him off quickly,
"OUT!" You screamed throwing your head back against the pillow as the nurse told you that you were almost ready to start pushing you were in agony and nothing was going to make you feel any better until the baby was out if you.
"Are you sure you don't want him in the room?" Another nurse questioned after Taehyung and Jimin left to sit outside in the waiting area, she took hold of your hand and you nodded telling her you wanted him nowhere near the room yet.
"We're going to start pushing soon, okay?" She questioned wiping some sweat away from your head and then holding your hand tightly again.
"It's going to hurt but you have to keep pushing, on three I want you to push for ten seconds stop for five and push for another ten. Can you do that?" You nodded and they began counting to three for you.
"One...Two...Three, push for us Y/n."
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An hour later your baby girl was cleaned up and resting in your arms wrapped up in a late pink blanket, the nurses around you were all congratulating you and leaving the room.
"A doctor will be down in a minute to talk to you...Do you want to see your husband now?" You looked down at your sleeping daughter who was the spitting image of him which made your heartache for what you had done that day and you nodded slowly not tearing your eyes away from your daughter.
"Y/n...I'm sorry-" You shook your head at Taehyung and he walked over to your side looking down at your daughter who was now starting to stir awake,
"She looks just like you." You whispered your voice cracking a little as you realised you'd just kept Taehyung from one of the most important stages in his daughters live.
"Hold her." You slid the baby into his arms and he began bouncing her gently side to side as he looked at her,
"Hi baby," He greeted in a soothing manner when she woke up, you smiled at the sight of them together and looked at Taehyung.
"I'm sorry I stopped you from coming in." He shook his head at you and looked up to your eyes, you were crying once again and he leant over to give you a kiss on the head.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you, you were just as tired and stressed as me I shouldn't have taken it out on you." You hissed as you tried to move in the bed and Taehyung grew worried but you told him it was fine,
"The doctor said I'll be fine in a couple of days." He sat down beside you on the bed and you both stared down at your daughter,
"I don't think I'll ever look away from her," You whispered laying your head down on Taehyung's shoulder, you were beyond tired and he knew that you were going to need resting up.
"She's so beautiful," You whispered again and he agreed with you,
"Might even give Jin a run for his money." He chuckled trying to lighten the room up a little. There was a small knock at the door and Jimin walked into the room holding a stuffed bear with a pink bow on its head.
"We thought it might be safe to come and see you." You looked back up again and all six of them were walking into the room carrying small gift boxes,
"I told you it would be a girl," Yoongi smirked standing to your left and looking down at your daughter who was once again asleep,
"She's the quietest baby on the ward, I don't know where she gets it from because it's not from me or Tae." You giggled looking up at Namjoon who was almost crying at the sight of you and Taehyung with your family.
"She's so pretty," Jungkook whispered when he came to Taehyung's right side, Taehyung slipped her into his arms and Jungkook almost began crying at the fact that he was bouncing your child up and down in your arms.
"Congratulations, you guys did amazing." Jin laughed when he stood behind Jungkook, they all took it in turns holding her and bouncing her around in their arms.
"She's going to have to get used to our scents if we're going to be babysitting her." You stared at Hoseok with a raised eyebrow at him and he stared at you all,
"She's not a wolf Hobi." You giggled at him and he continued to bounce her around while you and Taehyung snuggled together on the bed,
"I love you." You whispered to him as he linked your fingers together with his,
"I love you too." He whispered back kissing the top of your head and watching as the boys all started to fight over what you were going to name your daughter, you all had a huge list to go through and decided to go with whatever suit her the most.
"Why don't we just name her after me?" Jimin asked looking at you as you began shaking your head at him,
"And that's the thanks I get for driving you here." You groaned at him knowing you were never going to hear the end of it until the day you died.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @yoongisdumplingcheeks @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @jooniesdarlingdimples @chimchims-stories-and-tales @fan-ati--c​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @rjsmochii​
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Hi do you have any recommendation about any Taehyung-centric, heavy angst/angst, or where he got hospitalized, or anything that he got hurt or he fainted. I'm just so craving for a heavy angst.
okay hi! so i was gonna post last night but i accidentally closed the tab and lost it all and it was 12:04am and I wanted to cry but anyway! here we go, i apologize because this is all taekook ._. also all of these are complete works!
trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Author: maxx @taelipop
Description: “Sometimes I wonder whether you’d be better off without me. Whether you really need me at all.”Taehyung has always doubted his necessity to the group, as well as to Jungkook. Usually a knock on the head would suffice to bring him back to his senses. But this time, it seems someone was listening to his request. Now, everything has changed. He’s in a world where Jungkook and the rest of the group are still famous, but he isn’t.
Word Count: 131734
i’m pretty sure i sobbed like a frickin baby ok
don’t forget me (when the fire takes me)
Author: taetastic
Description: Taehyung returns home from the hospital to find that everything has changed.
Word Count: 23574
dark as fuck omg i was lowkey scared to sleep with the lights off after this, also this focuses a lot on tae and less on the taekook
late night walks
Author: taetastic 
Description: It’s that horrible time of the month again.
Word Count: 2225
weirdly cute but also heavy on the feels idk 
Bad Religion
Author: taleofatub
Description: Loving God, Taehyung thinks, is like loving someone who will never love you back.
Word Count: 1666
so many feelings delivered in 1666 words i’m??
You Were My Versailles At Night
Author: seikou
Description: But Jeongguk has learned that the road to love is long—and to heartbreak short.
Word Count: 20602
okay honestly??? this fic had me sooooo fucked up like…i was really contemplating life after finishing this it’s soooooo sad, it’s not necessarily tae centric from what i remember but it’s still super fucking angsty and just wow 
Dandelions Do (Not) Grant Wishes
Author: doozy (jungtaeh)
Description: "You’ll give me that much, won’t you, fluffy flower?“
Word Count: 12484
just read it, it’ll fuck you up but in a good way i promise
there goes the fear
Author: sassyneki @verydaebak
Description: "So, we’re soulmates.” “Yeah. We are.” In a world where the meeting of soulmates predestines impending death, no one wants to meet theirs, not when it ends in illness and heartbreak and death. Taehyung isn’t so lucky. (Soulmate!AU)
Word Count: 6628
have i rec’ed this before? i feel like i have, anyway honestly just read the description this will make you sob like a child 
let me be part of you while i still can
Author: lilacflowers
Description: taehyung is falling apart.
Word Count: 1080
The Day The Earth Stood Still
Author: mindheist 
Description: Somewhere in New York, Seoul, Florence, Los Angeles, is a tale as old as time.
Word Count: 4826
this honestly had me so fucked up and i know i say that a lot but like seriously i was sitting in bed contemplating life so hard after this and mindheist is a freaking genius as is nikkumeul they’re literally my fave i cried when i saw mindheist had written something new 
Spinning Away
Author: MirreRover @mirrerover
Description: Jeongguk is slowly spinning away from Taehyung.
Word Count: 639
honestly anything from mirrerover is a gift
bottle it up, buttercup.
Author: cowntdown
Description: hate consumed jeongguk inside out, leaving nothing but a blackened heart.nothing could stop him.not even the love that taehyung tried so hard to provide.
Word Count: 10251
so i can’t remember if this is tae centric or not bc it’s kinda written in verse kinda like how ellen hopkins writes if you’ve ever read any of her stuff, also pls read at ur own caution this is super duper fucked up like honestly please take the tags and stuff super serious on this one it might be triggering, also if you don’t like to read anything that casts the boys in a bad light do not read this
forever is a tangent
Author: astringxnt @strinqtheory
Description: in which Taehyung is a keeper of the past, and Jungkook only chases the future.“I don’t think I will ever find the words to describe the anger, the devastation; it swallowed me up from the inside out, killed me right where I stood as I listened to your breathing slow to naught, until there was only static.”
Word Count: 9366
no words pls just read it’s a rly good mix and i’m pretty sure it’s tae centric if i remember correctly?
Race Against Time
Author: joyous1369
Description: “There’s a new boy. His name’s Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.”
Word Count: 50663
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isitgintimeyet · 5 years
Letting Go
Eight years is a long time. Enough time to forget, move on, start anew... 
Except that sometimes it isn’t.
This story is inspired by my favourite Jane Austen novel ‘Persuasion’. Its a bit of a slow burn with a bit of angst and bit of fluff.
Thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge for the beta and thanks to @happytoobservenolongerdistant for the encouragement.
So, very nervously posting- hope you enjoy x
1. And So It Goes
So I would choose to be with you.
That’s if the choice were mine to make.
But you can make decisions too,
and you can have this heart to break
Billy Joel
Eight years ago
“Claire, love, please remember, I am no’ walking away from ye.”
“Well, that's what it feels like.”
“I have tae go, ye ken that. It’s ma family’s survival, it’s the future of Lallybroch. This contract we have wi’ the breeding stables in Kentucky, I have tae do it…  I have tae go. But I'm askin’ ye tae come with me.”
“You’re asking me to give up the dream I’ve had since I was a little girl, to be a doctor, a surgeon.”
“There must be hospitals in Kentucky where ye can continue that dream, wi’ me.”
“But none with the reputation that Glasgow has. It’s pioneering work here, and Dr. Hildegard says…”
“So it’s Dr. Hildegard as has persuaded ye on this then. She should keep her mouth shut and let ye decide for yourself.”
“I am deciding for myself. Can’t I stay here and we try to make it work long distance?”
“That’s no’ goin’ tae work and ye ken that. Ye work all the hours ye can. How often would ye be able tae visit me? If I visited ye, how much time would ye spend away from the hospital? Nah, Claire, I want ye tae come wi’ me… us together.”
“Jamie, I want us together too, but I want my dream as well, Dr. Hildegard says it’s my calling. Don’t make me choose, please.”
“Aye, weel, I reckon ye’ve already chosen. It’s funny ye want tae be a cardiologist, fixin’ people’s hearts, because Claire, I tell ye, ye’ve just broken mine.”
Present Day
“Uncle Lamb, Uncle Lamb?” Claire dropped her car keys in the bowl on the hall table and shrugged off her coat. “Are you in?”
She walked down the hallway, the sound of her heels on the chequered floor tiles echoing in the silence. Quickly scanning each room as she passed by, she continued a one-sided conversation with her unusually silent uncle. “Has the post been today? Where is it? Did my copy of The Lancet arrive?”
Finally arriving at the door to her Uncle’s study, she knocked gently before entering. The scene that greeted her was familiar, unchanged since she was a child. The large, dark, wooden desk was strewn with a forest’s worth of paper, fixed in place by a haphazard assortment of stones, belt buckles and ancient bowls, and lit by a single desk light. The old leather chair turned away from the desk to face the window overlooking the back garden.
A garden of this size was a rarity in the suburbs of Glasgow, and Claire had to admit, was sorely in need of some tender, loving care -- Claire being short on time and Lamb short on inclination. But she had always loved the view from this window, as had her uncle.
One of her first memories, following the deaths of her parents, was quietly creeping into this study, desperately looking for assurance that her uncle was there, yet trying not to disturb him. Her ninja skills being unrefined at age five, Lamb had heard her and immediately swept her into his arms, settling her in his lap as he sat and turned the chair to face the window.
“See there, Claire,” he had whispered to her. “Over there, that’s where we’ll put a swing, if you’d like. I want you to be happy here. This is your home, too.”
The swing, much used, was still there, now rusted and wobbly with weeds breaking through the wood-chip ground cover beneath.
The desk seemed more untidy than usual, a layer of envelopes and official looking letters covering its surface. Uncle Lamb was sitting facing the window. He swung back to face Claire.
“Hello, Uncle. Have you got my copy of The Lancet? There’s an interesting article on a non-surgical approach to mesenteric vascular disease…”
Claire looked at him and stopped. His eyes were red rimmed and watery. “Lamb, what is it?”
She rushed round the desk and crouched beside him. “Are you ok?”
He pointed at the papers on his desk and sighed. “The bank, the credit card companies…”
Claire focused on the collection of letters in front of her, statements and demands from an assortment of financial institutions, some of them dated months ago.
“Uncle, what are these? I don’t understand. Why haven’t you talked to me about these before?”
Lamb cast his eyes down to his hands, fingers nervously worrying his cuticles. “I don’t know… I thought I could sort it out… that you’d never need to know. But the bills just kept coming, and the amounts kept getting bigger. I didn’t want to burden you with it. I should have been able to cope. But now, I’m worried… I don’t know how to get out of this.”
Claire was silent for a moment, doing some rough mental calculations. It seemed to add up to quite a sizeable amount, certainly more than was evidenced by her uncle’s usual lifestyle. She didn’t want to embarrass him more than he obviously was, but she needed to understand.
“Uncle, how did this happen? I’m sorry, but that’s a fair amount of money to have spent so quickly.”
“The field trip last summer, that six week dig in Turkey. That’s where it started.”
“But I thought those expenses were covered by the university. Not funded out of your own pocket?”
“Well, you know the universities at the moment, cutting back on everything nonessential. Apparently research into cairn burials around the Black Sea is not relevant enough for today’s modern universities. The funding they gave me was a pittance… practically an insult.” Lamb spoke bitterly. “How can learning about what has made us who we are not be relevant? What did I always tell you, Claire?”
“A people who do not know their history are fated to repeat it.” Claire answered automatically, years of visiting historical sites with her uncle had drilled this into her brain.
“Exactly! You understand, Claire. And there is more to be done over there, that trip just set the groundwork. I’m sure that…” Lamb’s eyes brightened at the thought of future archaeological digs.
One of her Uncle’s many endearing qualities had always been an otherworldliness that focussed his mind on the significance of the past at the expense of the trivia of his present. Claire had never minded having to shoulder the responsibilities for their ‘trivial present’, leaving Lamb free to explore the ‘significant past’. Even now, part of her longed to be able to take this financial predicament away from him, leaving him to dream and plan for his next expedition.
But, she had to be practical. Lamb had to set aside any thoughts of future trips until this financial problem in his trivial present had been dealt with. And Claire thought she had just the solution.
“Uncle, no, please.” Claire interrupted. “I’m sorry but you can’t be thinking about that at the moment. We have to sort this out. You are going to have to sell this house.”
Lamb was immediately jolted from dreams of the past back to the present. He stared at Claire, aghast at this suggestion. “Sell the house? I couldn’t do that! This is our home.”
Claire cleared her throat and paused for a second before she spoke again. Her medical training had taught her to view objectively, taking all emotion out of her surgical procedures. And surely that’s what this is, she told herself, another surgical intervention -- quick, clean strokes to sever the bonds and leave everything repaired good as new.
“Lamb, you know as well as I do, this house is too big for us. We’re rattling around in here, and half the rooms we never even go in. How many people still live in great big Edwardian villas like this? You only have to look down this road, most of these houses are converted into flats. I’m sure a property developer would give us a good price and you could get something smaller. And it’s high time I got my own place. A flat close to work would be great.”
“Claire, I can’t sell this place. It’s where you grew up. It’s what I want to pass on to you, your inheritance. No, I won’t do it. There must be another way.”
Claire settled herself in the battered chair reserved for visitors to the office and waited for Mrs. Fitzgibbons to return with the promised cup of tea. Glenna Fitzgibbons (widely known as ‘Mrs. Fitz’), had been her Uncle’s secretary at the university for many years and knew him better than anyone apart from Claire herself. Claire hoped that she might be able to use her considerable influence to persuade Lamb to sell the house.
Mrs. Fitz bustled into the office with a tray filled with what seemed to be a full afternoon tea. Settling behind her desk, she poured two cups of tea from her favourite novelty thatched cottage teapot, added milk from the matching jug and passed a cup  to Claire, along with a scone liberally spread with butter and jam.
“I canna bide the notion of jes’ dippin’ a teabag in a mug of hot water, ye ken. A cup of tea, properly brewed, mind, can fix anything. So, pet, tell me, how are ye? And what’s mitherin’ ye? I ken there’s something goin’ on.”
Claire sipped her tea. “Oh, Mrs. Fitz, I’m so worried. Has my uncle spoken to you about his current financial situation?”
“No, that he hasna, but from the look on yer face, I’m guessin’ that’s what’s on yer mind. Talk tae me, how can I help?”
“Well, he’s been hiding it from me, but that last trip he did to Turkey, he practically had to fund it himself and it’s wiped him out financially. He owes so much now, the only way I can see out of it is to sell the house, but he refuses. I was hoping maybe you could talk to him, change his mind?”
Just the act of talking to Mrs. Fitz made Claire feel a bit better. She couldn’t remember how many times growing up she had sat in this office while Mrs. Fitz had shared pots of tea, advice and great big all-enveloping hugs. There was a time, in her teens, when Claire had asked her advice on everything, looking for a female, almost motherly view that Lamb, much as he loved her, was unable to provide.
Once into her twenties, although their bond remained strong, the need for this advice waned. Although, Claire sometimes wondered how different her life would be had she sought out Mrs. Fitz eight years ago rather than relying on another’s counsel.
Claire passed over a piece of paper with her rough calculations on it. Mrs. Fitz studied it intently.
“I’m thinkin’ there may be a way round this. How about if we could convince Lamb he didna have tae sell, but could rent the house out for a couple of years and then use that money tae pay off what he owes. The university has some accommodation for faculty members at a peppercorn rent but what about ye? Where would that leave ye?”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ve been thinking for a while, it’s time I got a place on my own. This is just forcing me to make the move.”
Claire took the paper back and folded it before placing it carefully in her handbag. “I know the funding from the university wasn’t great, but this amount looks really high…  I don’t know, has anything changed?”
Mrs. Fitz pursed her lips and remained silent for a moment before responding. “Aye… Malva… his latest grad student. She went on that trip with him.”
Claire was taken aback. “No… surely not… you don’t think…”
“Och, nay, I dinna mean that. But she was determined tae go on that trip wi’ him, and somehow convinced him. And the equipment… for years yer uncle hasna changed his equipment, now, suddenly nothing but the best state of the art imagin’ equipment will do. And a drone, he’s bought a drone. Now I’m no’ one tae point the finger, but all this started when she began tae work wi’ him. Mark ma words, she’s tryin’ tae make a name fer herself here at the university… and at yer Uncle’s expense”
And with that, Mrs. Fitz sat back and furiously began to munch her scone.
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moon-yeongjun · 5 years
We’re not saviors if we can’t save our brothers || Moon Bros
Summary: This is all the way back in November when Jun first receives the call from Tae that their father is dying. 
TW: panic attack, talk of death, cancer
If Tae never had to look at roasted seaweed packages again in his whole entire life, it would still be far too soon. His Appa had found an outlet selling them in bulk and he’d decided to buy them all up and turn them for a profit. Now they were the MoonLight Special and Tae had to painstakingly stack them up on one of their end displays every couple of hours. Because his Appa had been right. People loved seaweed. 
It was at times like these that he wished he was doing literally anything else. He would even rather be doing homework or sitting in detention or feeding the fucking chickens and he hated that chore. Those fucking chickens were just so gross and dirty. He always stepped in their shit and they would run around his feet and get in his way like they had a death wish. Stupid birds. 
Even if they were kind of cute. 
Tae shot a glare over at the back of his Appa’s head as the man helped bag groceries for a customer. So dumb. Why did he have to work here every stupid day? His Appa even had his Eomma here today cashiering. It was like this Market /was/ the family. His Appa cared about it more than he cared about them. 
Tae was hit by an overwhelming urge to throw all of the seaweed onto the floor and go stomping out of the store. He didn’t even know where he wanted to go. Just anywhere but here. 
Maybe he would go see Nemo. 
Well, maybe he would text Nemo and ask if he could see him. It wasn’t like he could just go marching into the hollow and knock on Nemo’s door. He was way too big for that and also he didn’t know where it was. 
Nemo would make him feel better, though. He always did. Because Nemo was a cool breeze on a summer day. He was bright and bubbly whenever the fog threatened to settle around the day. Tae had gotten used to having Nemo around--used to his warm presence pressing up against his own anger and sadness and making them feel less real. Or at least further away. 
Tae stacked the seaweed and listened to the hum of the refrigeration unit a couple aisles down. The seconds stretched out in front of him, thick and goopy like molasses, and he trudged through, huffing as he went. 
Only two more hours and he could go ho—
His Eomma’s voice sliced through the lazy atmosphere like sharp steel and when Tae looked up, blackness started to creep in around the edges of his vision. 
It was only the sound of his Eomma’s voice, yelling again, that reminded him to breathe while his world was crumbling beneath his feet. 
“Call an ambulance!” 
But Tae couldn’t do anything. He was frozen. Stuck. He tried to move his hand to his pocket--he thought he had--but when he tried to grip his phone, he realized his hands were still full of seaweed and his Appa was still lying on the floor, not moving. He didn’t even look like he was breathing. 
Appa is feeling a little sick right now, but everything will be okay. 
Are you going to tell Jun? Is Jun coming home?
No, Tae. Jun is busy with his studying. We shouldn’t bother him with this. Appa is alive and breathing and he’s going to be fine. 
Okay, Eomma.
“Hey. Hey kid, are you okay? Hey.” 
Tae was aware of something shaking him--a gentle hand on his shoulder. When he looked up (how had he gotten on the floor?) a woman was looking down at him, her brow furrowed in concern, and she held a phone to her ear. 
“Yes, I need an ambulance to Moon Market. A man has collapsed.” A pause. “No, I don’t know him. His wife is with him. I don’t know if he’s breathing.” 
It was suddenly too hot. Beads of sweat rolled down Tae’s forehead and into his eyes, stinging. He needed to get out of here. He needed to move. Why couldn’t he move? God, if his legs would just move he could run and run and maybe he could run fast enough and turn the world backward on its axis and maybe this would’ve never happened. Maybe his Appa would be yelling at him to stack the seaweed better and he would be grumbling and oh god were those sirens? 
Just like that, Tae’s body remembered how to move. He also remembered Jun. He remembered how Jun didn’t know Appa wasn’t feeling well and maybe this sickness was worse than his Eomma had said. Maybe it was really bad. Maybe their Appa was—
Tae shot up like a rocket and ran for the back office, nearly tripping on scattered seaweed. His fingers fumbled in his pocket for his phone as he ran. 
Jun. Jun. Jun. 
Each thud of his heart. 
Each slap of his feet. 
His fingers found the contact right before he slammed the office door shut and he listened to the ring. It drilled into his panicked brain and he collapsed into his Appa’s chair, his legs shaking and his chest heaving. 
“Answer the phone, Jun,” he begged. “Please, God, let him answer the phone.” 
Jun was working
This was not surprising to anyone, least of all to Jun himself, whose last vacation had been an extended weekend home to Swynlake through Easter Monday roughly seven months ago, during which he still technically had worked---helping Eomma with the Easter Dinner, working with Abeoji to put down a fresh layer of mulch over the garden, and weeding around the tomatoes and strawberries from 5 in the morning to well past noon. Working with his hands in this way had nevertheless been a break for Jun’s brain, if nothing else. It was his brain he used here in the pediatric ward and his brain that only shut off when he was asleep, and occasionally between the hours of midnight and 3 in the morning, when he logged onto Overlands and decimated the enemy army with his biotic rifle. 
But right now it was 4pm and Jun was supposed to work until 11pm tonight after which he needed to pick up food for Tiffany before she began the night shift. They were scheduled for a dinner date in the cafe on the first floor of the hospital. He would get home around 11:45 p.m., where he would probably pass out, since he was scheduled to work from 8 to 8 tomorrow. 
Jun kept this calendar in his mind at all times. If it was not in the forefront, it was in the back, as he reviewed blood tests and reorganized this charts and bounced from room to room—
This schedule did not account for a 4pm call from his dongsaeng. 
He’d been on the way to a patient’s room. He was fifteen minutes behind all his appointments, which he knew was quite annoying. But when the phone rang with his special Tae ringtone, he’d nearly smacked right into a bathroom door as it opened. 
Tae hadn’t called him from his phone in...
Jun couldn’t remember. Ever? Possibly ever? Ah, and that meant whatever it was, it was not good. A thousand horrible possibilities flashed through his brain as he ducked into an empty room at the hospital: Tae having been arrested for some public disturbance and needing bail money, Tae having hijacked a car and driven it into Atlantis Lake and needing money for the damage, Tae stranded in Bristol needing Jun to wire him money— 
“Tae-yah,” he answered the phone in a rush. “Agh, I’m in the middle of a shift, what did you do now?” 
 The phone rang and Tae was trapped. 
He was trapped in this sort of space where nothing was happening yet everything was going wrong around him. It was like he was pushing and pushing to do something and the brrrng of the phone held him back. It laughed at him and told him how useless he was--how utterly useless. And Tae knew it was right. That incessant ringing knew his darkest secret. He was helpless. There was nothing he could do to make any of this right. 
He couldn’t fix his Appa. 
He couldn’t make hyung answer the phone. 
He couldn’t—
Jun’s voice came over the line, low and rushed, and all of the breath in Tae’s lungs was pushed out in a shaking sob. When had he started crying? 
It was more of a whine than anything really. He sounded so small and scared. He was so small and scared. “Hyungie, help. I don’t know what to do.” 
Before Jun could say anything else, his brother’s breath hitched across the line. And as easily as that, Jun felt himself time-travel— leap back years and bridge the distance, so it was himself and Tae in the front yard, Jun holding a sobbing Tae to him as he gently cleaned dirt off his scraped knee. It was the first day of school, Tae’s tears dribbling down his cheeks, clinging to Jun’s trousers. It was Jun leaving for Oxford and Tae refusing to talk to him until the train pulled in and Jun took the first step toward it. Hyungie, he’d cried out to him. Hyungie, wait! 
The letters on the chart in Jun’s hand all blurred together. The hospital murmur bled into cold static. 
He couldn’t hear anything but his brother. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Tae-yah, what’s going on—” Jun’s eyes darted toward the door he’d left ajar. He reached for it, pulling it shut. “Deep breaths, yeah? Deep breaths for me. Can you tell me if you’re okay?” 
Please tell me that you’re okay. And Eomma, and Appa, and Sky and Star and Sunny… The pager at his waist went off, but Jun ignored it.
 Now Jun sounded worried and Tae panicked even more. Jun wasn’t supposed to be worried. Jun was supposed to know what to do all the time. Jun was his rock--his constant--and he never wavered, but his voice went cold and calculated which meant he was scared. Jun was scared just like Tae. 
“I’m—” he gasped into the receiver. “It’s--we called the ambulance and I dropped all the seaweed, hyungie. I was supposed to be organizing it. Appa said organize the seaweed Tae-yah and I was doing that and then everything crashed and Eomma was screaming for an ambulance and Appa--hyungie, I don’t think Appa was breathing.” 
His Appa hadn’t been breathing. 
Tae couldn’t remember seeing the rise and fall of the man’s chest. “I was so mean to him, hyung. I talked back to him and what if it was my fault? What if I did this?”
 Jun: We called the ambulance. 
Icy panic gripped Jun, cold sweat breaking out on the back of his neck. 
Appa said organize the seaweed—
Everything crashed—
Eomma was screaming— 
I don’t think Appa was breathing. 
After his hal-meoni had died, Jun had stopped having nightmares. He had stopped dreaming altogether. Either he slept like he was dead, buried so deep in exhaustion he couldn’t even remember falling asleep, or he didn’t sleep at all. His exhausted eyes stayed peeled awake, like someone had nailed them open. He stared at the ceiling or he logged on with half his brain into an Overlands server, where he killed the after-midnight hours by adding new rooms onto his growing fortress, building block by block one click of his keyboard at a time. 
If he had nightmares though, they’d come to him like this phone call. They would be about his family— about Abeoji and Eomma and Tae and Sky, Star, and Sunny. He wanted desperately to sit down, and he looked at the patient’s chair near the computer screen, and then at the examination table, where his eyes found a wrinkle in the sheet paper stretched across it. Something about that wrinkle grabbed him and he couldn’t look away. He stepped toward the table, smoothing his hand over the wrinkle like he could iron it down. 
He did not know how to deal with nightmares, you see, he was desperately out of practice, but he knew about the body, and what to do— he knew what to do, he was a doctor, he knew what to do. 
“Tae-yah, no, no, it’s not your fault,” he told his brother very calmly. He pressed down on the wrinkle of the sheet. “You didn’t do anything, but I need you to listen to me. We can help Appa together. Can you do that with me?” He had to go home. He had to go right now. Jun tugged the sheet of paper, the paper crinkling as he began to straighten it out. He kept talking. “I’m coming home. I am coming right now, but until I get there, you must be hyung, okay? I’ll stay on the phone with you-- go back to Appa, can you check his pulse for me?” 
The paper was straight now, the wrinkle just a faint line, like a pencil mark. Good enough? Good enough.
He had to go home.
Yes, he had to go home. 
Jun swept out of the examination room, his chart still tucked under his arm, his hand pressing his phone still close to his ear. “Is there a pulse? Is the ambulance there? Talk to me, Tae-yah.” 
It suddenly got very hard to breathe as Tae's throat closed around Jun's words and his palms started to sweat. There was no way he was going back out there. He couldn't do it. Even if he wanted to his body was frozen solid, incapable of moving from where it had burrowed away from all danger. 
Jun spoke again and Tae shook his head, a whine slipping through his lips. "I c-can't move, hyungie. I can't do it. Appa was bagging groceries and he was fine. He's fine, right? He's going to be okay." 
A million miles away he heard his Eomma calling his name. She was calling for him to come. Why did nobody understand that he couldn't move? 
"Come home, please. I need you to come home. Why aren't you here? I need you, hyungie. Please." And now he was sobbing into the phone, his words barely coherent. 
There was a good chance that Abeoji would not be okay. Every worst case scenario presented itself to Jun as he sped through the clinic toward the front desk, the other half of his brain split off and thinking about the steps it would take to get home. The two were in precarious balance: medical disaster on one side, and everything that he needed to do on the other. And so Jun thought resuscitation-- chest compressions-- need to be doing chest compressions-- as he simultaneously thought-- cancel on Tiffany, reschedule my appointments, book the train, I need Tiffany to water my plants-- 
Tae cried on the other end, each gripping sob like the buffering wheel on Jun’s macbook. It got in the way. It was not helpful. With each gasp of Tae’s breath, Abeoji could have no breath at all. 
A brain could last six minutes without oxygen. 
“Yeong-tae!” Jun snapped-- loud. The receptionist startled the front desk and looked up at him.
The phone left his mouth for one moment. “Family emergency, cancel all my appointments, tell Dr. Karev-- page Dr. Schmitt to cover--” 
He brought the phone back to his mouth. “Yeong-tae, listen! Stop crying. Stop it. Go to Abeoji right now and do what I say.” His voice then softened. “If you do exactly what I say, Abeoji will be okay. Eh? Would I lie to you? I’m a doctor. Go, now.” 
So many thoughts, fears, what-ifs and if-onlys scattered around haphazardly over his consciousness. His Appa was dying. He couldn’t stop it. His Appa was dead. He couldn’t fix it. Tae’s body flooded with warmth--everywhere except for his chest. His chest was ice cold and his heart hammered at his ribcage, threatening to break out. He was going to be like that dude in Alien--just a giant gaping hole where his chest used to be and he would deserve it because he was letting his Appa die. 
He couldn’t--
Jun’s voice, sharp and clear, cut through the fog in his head. Suddenly, Tae’s lungs remembered how to breathe and his feet remembered how to move. Jun was a doctor. Jun knew what to do. Jun wasn’t here but Tae was here and Jun was yelling into his ear--telling him to do something that might help, something besides hyperventilating. 
Appa would be okay, Jun said, if Tae could just listen and maybe Tae wasn’t always the best listener but he could listen now. He could listen to Jun and save his Appa. 
His feet carried him back onto the sales floor and toward the register where his Appa lay on the floor, his Eomma shaking him and screaming. 
“Eomma, move,” Tae said, his voice hard and cold.
“Hyung, tell me where to start. I see him. I’m so scared. You have to tell me what to do.” The fear was in his voice again, but he could be stronger than his fear. He could hold it back until his Appa didn’t need him anymore because Jun was there. His brother was helping him.
Jun knew every way that this could go terribly wrong. He heard each one, repeated ad infinitum, in the harsh voices of every doctor who had supervised him. This IS life or death, they’d bark after exercises that went less than perfect. There is no room for error. You make a mistake, someone dies. You make a mistake, someone dies. One more time-- say it-- you make a mistake, someone dies.
This mantra, on a loop, pushed Jun faster out the door. His brain opened like a textbook. 
He could only hope that their abeoji’s heart had not stopped-- that Tae was overreacting. He could only hope that Pride University’s hospital would be there within the next few minutes, not only to save Abeoji, but to save Tae-yah as well.
You make a mistake, someone dies. 
“Check his pulse,” he said it again. “Make sure he is breathing, make sure his heart has not stopped. Feel his wrist for the heartbreat, Tae-yah. If you don’t feel it, you will do chest compressions, one hand on top of the other. You must use all your strength, Tae-yah, when you do this, do you understand? All of it, do not be afraid to hurt him.  I will help you keep count.” 
 Feel his wrist for a heartbeat. 
Why was his heartbeat in his wrist? Why couldn’t Tae feel his neck or his chest or--Tae needed to listen to Jun. He needed to do exactly what Jun said because if he didn’t his Appa could die. 
“No, nononono,” Tae whimpered. His fingers pressed into the skin of his appa’s wrist, trying to feel something, anything, that would tell him that he was alright, but Tae didn’t feel anything. Was he doing it wrong? That had to be it. He had to be doing it wrong because his appa wasn’t dead. He just wasn’t. It was impossible because appas don’t die. Appas live forever. 
“Hyung, I don’t feel it. I don’t--he’s not dead, hyungie he’s not!” The last part of his sentence came out as a screech, searing his throat painfully. “He’s not he’s not he’s not. NO. Okay no. He’s--let me just--” 
Tae leaned forward, placing his face right up close to his appa’s face, ignoring the fact that maybe he wasn’t his appa anymore. Maybe he was just a body. And that’s when he felt it. A tiny puff of air. 
“JUN!” He screamed. He screamed it again and again. “He’s breathing! I felt it! Jun, he’s not--he’s--tell me what to do now. What do I do? He’s not moving but he’s breathing. It’s really light.” 
Jun looked up at the sky and let out his own breath.
Finally. The last few minutes had torn through Jun’s life like a bullet. Now his brother’s scream of joy was a wall he crashed into. Time stopped again, just as it had when the phone call came, only now maybe it would stay still like this, just long enough for Jun to figure out what to do next. All those important steps, all these things he had to do, they must be organized-- 
At least his abeoji was breathing, at least his heart had not stopped, at least Jun still had a father. He was not alone, even if he stood apart from the world, one figure paused standing in the middle of the parkway. Even then, his brother wept in his ear, Jun could hear the sirens on the other end-- the ringing of the Moon Market’s door as it opened--and his father was still alive. These were blessings. Jun must count each one, the same way he counted his grams of sugar and counted to ten with his young patients when drawing their blood.
When time started again, he was thinking of those little patients of his, so brave in the face of ten seconds of pain.
It was an old lesson, but a true one. You can do anything for ten seconds.
For the next ten seconds, Jun was going to go to his car. The ten seconds after that, he would turn it on and pull out of this parkway. On and on, he would build a road home to Yeong-tae and his family out of individual ten-second blocks. And at the end of this road, he’d greet his father again. 
“I can hear the paramedics. Liten to them, Tae-yah,” instructed Jun. “I’ll be there soon, yes? Listen to the doctors, hold Eomma’s hand. Give me an hour, Tae-yah, and I’ll call again soon.” One hour, sixty minutes, 3600 seconds. Count to ten 360 times. 
“Saranghaeyo, Tae-yah. You’re brave. You can do this.” 
The phone clicked off, and Jun began to count to ten.
Hospitals were never quiet.
Train rides could be. Taxis often were. Swynlake’s streets, especially in the evenings, were often more full of crickets than people, and the spaces between the whirring allowed for plenty of time to think and prepare. In every step of his journey, Jun had used all this quiet space to create a list and then execute it. His plants would be well-tended by Tiffany; his shifts were covered; a real estate broker was contacted and his flat’s listing was already posted on a website. He called movers and he wrote his resignation letter on the train, then cracked his knuckles as he stared at the send button, before finally saving the letter as a draft and stowing his laptop away. All these steps Jun arranged like a game of chess, until he arrived at the hospital and the noise blasted through him again. 
Machines beeping and chuggering and screeching; crying down the hall; footsteps on the tile; phones ringing off the hook.
 It was all very familiar to Jun, who knew how to cut right through it and find his abeoji’s room number and the name of his doctor, all before he found his family.
But this was another thing on Jun’s list: find out what was wrong. Because no matter how busy Jun had kept himself on the journey here, the lack of answer stretched wide. It was the ultimate hole that he kept falling down. His abeoji was sick-- badly, badly sick. He hadn’t known. Eomma kept it from him, confessing to him only now, over the phone, that she and Abeoji had decided to keetp this secret together, that it was best he did not know because he was doing so well in his program. You know how he is about these things, Eomma sobbed. He didn’t want to worry anyone. He said it would get better. But the treatment. Not working. Getting worse. Help, Yeong-Jun, you must, I don’t understand what they are saying to me. Help, please.
So he hunted for answers, and after cornering his abeoji’s oncologists, Jun bullied his way into his father’s files. He flipped through every listed appointment. He studied page after page of test results from blood work, his eyes tracking the rising and falling of his white blood cell count. He looked at the scans and then he went to the radiologist and barked at him until he explained them to Jun, then explained them a second time. 
Jun did not need to be an oncologist to know that the picture assembled from these disparate pieces was dire. 
He did not need the doctor to tell him, but still he asked. Still he asked, what have you tried so far? And then is there anything else we can do? 
And then, and only then, did Jun find his family in the waiting room. 
Eomma lifted from the chair first and rushed toward him. She was a tiny woman-- no taller than 5’2, like his three sisters. She clutched him as a fresh wave of tears filled his eyes. 
“You look so skinny,” she said, because this is what mothers say to their children when they cannot control anything else. “Have you eaten? There’s food here. There’s pizza in the cafeteria--”
“Eomma.” Jun rubbed his mother’s shoulders. “We should all sit down.”
He looked up, his eyes meeting Tae-yah’s. He’d come home in the beginning of the summer but the past few months had still added another inch to his brother’s frame. Or was it just the taekwondo that made him look bigger? Jun was struck every time he came home by just how much changed without him. He kept waiting for his baby brother to come toddling around the corner, shouting his name.
That boy was long gone now.
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solastia · 7 years
Kitten Addition  | 2
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Read This Part First: My Puppy [1] [2] [3]
Kitten Addition: [1]
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader, Jimin x Reader, Taehyung x Jimin
Word Count: 3,571
Genre & Warnings: Mentions of cancer, referenced smut. 
Notes: Ok, so this chapter is mostly plot building, so there’s no dirty smut. There is a scene I was thinking about going back and adding some time, so you may have an excuse to reread eventually. I’ll let you guys know when I get around to doing that. There are bits of teasing and hints of smuttish activity, but yeah, this is Y/N going through some shit. Also, it turned out more Jungkook centric than planned, but it’s still good. I just know how much you guys have been wanting to read this so after rewriting it like five times, I’m rushing it out. Don’t worry. The next chapter is all about Jimin and his peach ;)
“Rise and shine, Y/N!”
A deep and overly excited voice rumbled in my ear before I felt him move down to bury his nose in my neck. He places sweet little kisses there, making all thoughts of beating him with a pillow flee my mind. With a groan I manage to crack my eyes open, sunlight from the opened window practically blinding me. The offensive light is thankfully blocked when Taehyung’s shaggy head moves into my view, his boxy smile wide and happy. 
“Fine, I’m rising. I refuse to shine until I’ve had my coffee though.” I manage to croak out, voice still thick from sleep. 
“I bet if I rise I can make you shine,” Taehyung smirked, leaning down to peck me on the lips. 
“Ugh, it’s too early to be a greaseball. Now I need incentive to get up because you may have just ruined my morning entirely.” I tease as I wrap my legs around his waist and suck on the already fading bruise I’d put on his jaw the night before. 
“You make me so happy,” I whisper, nosing his face playfully. 
Taehyung lets out a low growl and nips at my neck, moving down slowly. Both of us freeze in shock as we are disrupted by the doorbell. 
“Who the hell would disturb us at eight in the morning?” I whine, getting off the bed reluctantly to put on my robe. Taehyung rushes to answer the door with me behind him mumbling under my breath. 
“I didn’t think he’d be here until later since he knows our schedules, but it’s Jimin’s move-in day, remember?!” Taehyung reminds me as we travel to the front door. 
“Why is everyone always moving in here? Why don���t you guys buy me a mansion and move me in there for once? And didn’t I give Jimin a key already?” I mutter and Taehyung laughs. 
“Do you want a mansion, my grumpy Princess? We’ll set you up good.”
“No, I don’t actually want a mansion. All of our staff would quit within a week after seeing us naked 90% of the time, and then I would be the one stuck cleaning the place.” 
Taehyung waggles his eyebrows then looks at the camera. He turns to me with confusion in his eyes. 
“It’s a lady.”
“A lady? Like, someone selling something? Let me see.” I peer at the door camera.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Shit.” What the hell is she doing here?
I take a deep breath, double check that Taehyung is wearing pants, then fling the door open violently. 
“What do you want?” I ask coldly, eyeing the elegantly dressed woman before me as she scrutinizes my pajamas with her judgemental gaze. 
“Can’t a Mother visit her daughter without wanting something?” 
I hear the quiet gasp on the side of me as Taehyung learns the mystery woman’s identity. There’s a reason I don’t ever talk about her, even to Taehyung. 
I observe the painted and botoxed woman in disdain. 
“I hear that’s the done thing with normal family members, but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t describe you. I repeat, what do you want, Clara?”
“First names, darling? I didn’t realize we were so progressive. If you’ll step aside and let me in, I’m happy to discuss everything. I’d rather not wage war in the hallway, it’s rather tacky.” She pushed past me and stopped in the entryway, observing her surroundings. When her eyes found Taehyung smiling sheepishly to the side of me, her eyebrow cocked as she looked him over. 
“You have a plaything? You picked a handsome one. Hello there, Sweetheart.”  The flirty grin that she no doubt thought was irresistible filled you with disgust. 
“Fine. Mother dear, whatever are you doing here? Did you get dumped again by chance? Need money? Had some sixth sense that I was feeling Happy and decided to come fix that?” I sarcastically drawl, crossing my arms in front of my chest and stepping in front of Taehyung to block him from her view. 
My mother released a loud, exaggerated sigh, flapping her hand in the air. “Yes, Charles and I are getting a divorce. He knocked up his little mistress and decided to marry her. I’m going to stay with you until the house I made him give me is renovated. I always hated all the animal trophies everywhere.” She declares, setting her purse on the counter and setting up on a bar stool like she owned the place. 
“Mother, I really don’t think...” I began, only to be interrupted by the doorbell again. I watch in horror as Taehyung opens the door, as I already know it could just be one other person. 
“Good morning, my Goddess. Morning, Tae! I have some bags here if you wanted to help me with them. Just essential stuff, but the rest of my boxes will be delivered by the movers...oh, hello.” Jimin stops midway through his spiel when he finally set down the bags he was carrying and noticed my Mother. 
Her eagle eyes scoured him from head to toe and back before flicking my way, an almost evil grin appearing on her face. 
“My Goddess? Either you’re very close to your friends, or you have two playthings at once, my darling. I’m impressed.” 
“What I do or don’t do is none of your business. Please leave.” I manage to say as politely as possible, hoping that she would leave before she started a real fight or said something to the boys. 
“Fine, I just think it’s funny that all those years of you treating me like I was trash because I liked playing around, and now here you are with two at once. Hypocrite much, sweetheart?” 
“Get the fuck out of my house.” I grind out, retraining myself from physically throwing her out. 
“I’m going, there’s no need to be a bitch, darling. I can see you have a full house already. I’ll just put myself up in a nice hotel. Just don’t expect any money from what I get from Charles.” She spat as she grabbed her bag and made her way to the front door. 
“I never expect any money. I put myself through college. I paid for my own apartment, car, everything else in my life. I need nothing from you. Quit bothering me every time you get a divorce. Stay out of my life for the last fucking time.” I yelled as I slammed the door behind her. 
I lean my head against the door and listen to the sound of her heels stomping down the hallway and wait until I hear the elevator door open and close before I release my breath. 
A hand starts stroking my back, and I’m suddenly enveloped in Taehyung’s comforting presence as he back hugs me and props his chin on my shoulder. 
“So...that was your Mother.” He says, humor tinting his voice. 
Releasing a bitter laugh, I turn and bury my face in his chest. “Yup. That was Mother.” 
“Lovely woman.” Jimin snorts as he strolls forward and kisses the side of my neck and leans his head on mine. 
“Well, she was about two seconds away from deciding which of you she’d steal from me this time, so if you’re interested, she couldn’t have gotten far,” I mutter as I kiss Jimin and walk towards the kitchen to start my coffee. 
“Wait, this time?” Taehyung asks in disbelief as the boys set up on the counter. 
“Her last ex-husband was my boyfriend, once upon a time. She’d decided to stay with me while her divorce from the other one was getting finalized and managed to seduce him while I was working. I think she liked lording it over me a little too much since she managed to stay married to him for two whole years. A record.” 
“How many times has she been married?” Jimin asks, thanking you when you set some pastries down in front of them. 
“Oh, good question. Let's see, with this last one...six times? I think the only person she’s been with for an extended period of time was Dad. They were married for ten years before he passed away.” 
“How did that happen?” Taehyung asks softly, and I pour all of us coffee in silence for a minute as I reminisce. 
“Cancer. Cliche, right? He was a lawyer too, worked like crazy and still managed to make me feel like a princess, and treated my Mother well. Which is why I still hate her for what she did.” I clear my throat and stir my coffee, ugly memories of screaming matches and tears filling my mind. 
“She was cheating on him the whole time he was in the hospital with one of his firm’s hotshot associates. Worst still, my Father knew because someone else had told him about it. I hated seeing his sad, resigned face whenever she came in to play the loving wife role. I asked him about it once, and he said that while it made him sad, he understood since he wasn’t going to be around anymore. That she was a woman that needs a lot of love. I didn’t care. I thought, and still do, that it was disrespectful and just plain malicious to do that to someone that loved and cared for you for ten years. His last fucking memories on earth are of his wife cheating on him while he was lying there in pain and dying. Fuck her.” I choked back my angry tears, distracting myself with making myself eat. The boys each grabbed a hand and placed a kiss on the backs of them, the pity in their eyes making it hard for me to swallow as I struggled to contain myself. 
“I’m too sober for this,” I mumble, swirling my coffee before I take a sip. 
Jimin wraps himself around me, lips ghosting down my neck as he slides his hands under my shirt. His dick was hard and poking me in the back. Apparently, he thought he’d distract me or cheer me up a certain way, but I felt too guilty to let him touch me right now. 
“Anyway, I think I’m going to head into the office. I need to work on some stuff for next week, and then I’ll be worry free for the rest of the weekend.” I push myself away from the counter and hurry to get ready. I try not to notice the boys watching me flutter around the house with matching worried expressions. I just needed to get my head on straight, that’s all.
I kiss them both on the cheek on my way to the door. “Be sure to call me if you guys need anything. I’ll probably be awhile. Let me know what you guys want for dinner, and I’ll pick something up.” With a wave I shut the door behind me and head out, blocking their confused faces from my memory with the unwelcome thoughts swirling in my head. 
I throw my pen onto my desk and bury my face in my hands, groaning softly. Distracting yourself with work only works when it’s actually distracting. Writing letters and briefs, answering emails, all the dumb busy work that I usually saved until the last minute was not enough to clear my head. 
The same fucking thought kept harassing me ever since Mother left. I was just like her. I was sleeping around with two men at once. The fact that we all had genuine feelings involved felt more like an excuse than validation.
 My thumb caressed the picture the boys had sent me a couple of hours ago. The two of them had taken our dog Winston to the park and posed with him, the sun shining down and making them look like freaking angels with their happy smiles and good looks. They were all so cute and so sweet. What am I doing? She was right. I was a hypocrite. And the boys deserved so much more than the messed up person I am. They deserved the entire fucking world. It would be best for everyone if I let them go. I’m better off alone, really...
“I thought I was depressed, but you are actually in your office during the weekend, crying.” A soft voice interrupts my thoughts, and I look up in surprise to find Jungkook lounging in the chair in front of my desk. 
I reach up and wipe at my cheek, staring at the wet spot on my hand in shock as I see that I was actually crying. I hadn’t even noticed. 
“What’s the matter, Noona?” Jungkook laid his head on his arms, cocking it cutely as he leaned against my desk. The little shit pulled out the Noona card very rarely, usually saving it to get something he wants. He seemed to be using it now to get me to talk to him, which was adorable, I had to admit. 
“I just...” I clear my throat and try to summarize my fears into a tangible sentence, only to blurt out, “Jungkook, am I a whore?”
“What? What the hell would make you say that?” He sits up straight and practically glares at me, his bunny nose wrinkling in a way that usually would have made me laugh.
“What do you think? I’m literally living with two men. I can’t even remember the last time I went even a day without a single sexual act. I feel like I'm selfish and dirty.” I mumble as I push around my pen with a finger. 
“Are you saying I’m a whore then?” Jungkook asked wryly, and he cocked his eyebrow when you glanced up. 
“What? No, of course not.” I exclaimed, not sure why he would ask that. 
“Because you forget I’ve been in an open relationship with Jimin for years. I agreed to it in the first place because Jimin needs lots of love and attention, and frankly, I was exhausted on my own.” Jungkook laughs and ruffles his hair cutely.  
“Jimin, Tae, and I were together quite a lot. Jimin and I even got serious with Min Yoongi a few years back, and all three of us lived together. Yoongi had a girlfriend that would join in on occasion as well. I did the exact same thing as you, and then some. So why are you a whore and not me?” He leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms as he waited for me to collect my thoughts. I opened and closed my mouth several times, my mind coming up blank on why it was different. 
“There’s no reason to be ashamed for loving someone, Noona. Instead of focusing on what society thinks, focus on how you feel. I know that sex is only half of the equation, and that you all love each other. You’re all very easy to love.” Jungkooks says with a soft smile, a light blush tinting his cheeks. 
He walks around the desk and crouches down next to my chair, grabbing my hand and rubbing circles into the back of it with his thumb. 
“I was like this at first too, you know. I was already struggling with the taboo of just being with a guy in the first place, then one thing led to another, and Tae started getting added into the mix. I mean, you know how he is. He just kinda...makes everything perfect. Pulls everything together. I started out thinking everything was so wrong, and we were a bunch of perverts, but we all genuinely love each other, so how is that actually wrong? Love is love.” 
“If it was so perfect, why was Tae not officially your partner?” I ask, intrigued to hear things from his point of view. Taehyung talked about their past all of the time, but in his head, everything is common sense, and everyone should know, but I didn’t know specifics. 
“Ah, because there was one thing holding us all back. You. Taehyung has been so hung up on you for years, and he wanted to leave himself an open chance. We’ve suggested hinting things to you over the years since he wasn’t the only one attracted to you, but he didn’t want to scare you off. Now though...” His grip on my hand tightened, and I observed with interest as his eyes fell to my lips. 
He dropped my hand and smiled shyly as he stood back up and leaned his back against the desk. “Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself. There’s still this arranged marriage business to take care of. Don’t mind me, I’m just...a little lonely.”
“You could always try to come by. Whoever your father has watching you couldn’t possibly know that Jimin lives with me now.” 
Jungkook shakes his head morosely, his shaggy bangs swaying cutely as he did so. “No. I don’t want to chance it. If we get caught even once, that’s Jimin’s entire future on the line. Besides, that message you sent the other day said you had a plan?” 
“Oh, yes, I do. I won’t go into it too much now but rest assured I will be your Knight in shining skirt suit.” I giggle, glad the mood in the room has lightened a bit. I feel a lot better because Jungkook is right. It’s love, and as long as we’re happy and not hurting anyone, it’s not wrong. 
“Thank you, Noona. Just do me a favor? Next time you feel this way, I want you to try something that helped me. I want you to think about all the things you’d miss if you broke up with them. Like Taehyung’s cuddles or Jimin’s singing in the shower, little things like that.” 
“Or Taehyung making me tea and serving it in a soup bowl.” 
“Yes, or Jimin’s juicy peach ass. God, I miss his ass.” Jungkook groaned dramatically, making me laugh. 
“Fuck, I would too.” I chuckle. I glance at my cell that was suddenly ringing, wiggling my eyebrows at Jungkook when I read the caller ID. Speak of the devil...
I set the phone in the middle of us and press speaker as I grin at Jungkook.
“Jimin honey, what’s up?” I ask, laughing internally as I can practically see him throwing a fit with all the frustrated sighs he’s making. 
“Y/N, when are you coming home? It’s my move-in night; I want to cuddle and watch this anime with you.” He whines, his manipulative little ass using his drunk Diminie aegyo voice. 
“I’m coming home now, baby. What do you want me to pick up for dinner?”
“Tae says junk food, so probably burgers and fries. And a milkshake.” 
“Ok, I’ll pick it up and come right home, alright?”
“Okay! Hurry! I miss you.” He was so fucking cute.
“Jungkook, say hi to Jimin,” I tell him softly, observing him as he clears his throat and nervously leans over the phone. 
“Hi, baby. Noona was sad today, so make sure you guys take good care of her.” 
“...okay, Kookie.” Came the soft reply, and I nodded at Jungkook encouragingly when he quickly looked at me in surprise, obviously not expecting Jimin to still want to use his nickname. I’ve not told Jimin the whole issue yet, but I had told him that Jungkook was trying to protect him from something and not to be sad. 
“I’m going to kiss Noona goodbye, is that alright?” Jungkook asked, smiling at my startled expression. 
“Yeah. She likes more lips than tongue.” He giggles. 
“Alright, love you, I’ll be home soon.” I rush out as I quickly end the call. I stand up and grab my bag and put on my jacket. Jungkook hasn’t moved yet, just watching me with amusement, his stupid bunny smirk wide. 
“Noooonaaa....” He quietly sing songs as he strolls towards me once I’ve reached the door. “This is just to say thank you. Thank you for taking care of Jimin, thank you for helping me. Thank you for being you.” He lays his hand on my shoulder lightly, his fingers stroking like he was trying to comfort me as he leans in. 
His lips softly press against mine, testing my reactions. When I didn’t hit him or freak out, he deepens the kiss, moaning softly into my mouth. When he pulls away, his eyes flutter open, and he smiles down at me. 
“Now go home and take care of our needy kitten.” He mutters as he ushers me out of my own office with a pat on my ass. I glare over my shoulder playfully and send him one last wave before I leave. 
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hollyhomburg · 7 years
Don’t Care if it Hurts: pt.3
Dog hybrid! + Gaurd dog!Jimin x Reader) (ft.olderBrother! + Mafia boss!Namjoon)
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Summary: After a rival gang makes an attempt on your life, Your older brother, the infamous leader of Seoul’s largest gang; Kim Namjoon gets you a guard hybrid; Park Jimin, The reigning champion of Seoul’s underground hybrid fighting ring.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader, mentions of Unrequited!Hoseok x Reader
Warnings/tags: Past abuse, Blood, Mafia!reader, Mafia!Namjoon, Older brother!Namjoon, DogHybrid!Jimin, fighting, slow burn, general angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, eventual smut, nightmares, 
Wordcount: 5.5k
A/N: I ain’t gonna lie, this part is pretty fly and look at me back at it again with the sexual opening gifs  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Song to play during this chapter: Hold me tight ~
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The next day your college lecture dragged on and on, as your outdated professor talked about western literature and you tried to take notes while your other classmates buzzed with hushed conversation. 
Jimin sat next to you; you had gotten approval from the college secretary early this morning for Jimin to attend classes with you. Technically he was registered as your “mental health hybrid” though she had taken one look at Jimin and been disbelieving. A tidy letter from a very concerned Dr. Kim Seokjin (that jin had dropped off this morning) and a large bill clipped too it made her much more obliging. 
Though the people in your class were used to your brother's men waiting outside of your lectures for you, they were not used to Jimin sitting next to you throughout your class. Most of them thought your guards where an endless string of extremely attractive boyfriends. Hoseok had scoffed at that when it had been his turn to watch you one-day last semester.  
Jimin’s long muscular body bent over the table as he rested his head on the notebook in front of him. His presence excited more than a few stares from your classmates. And you had to admit he looked intimidating in his black pants and white t-shirt, a beanie thrown on to protect and cover his ears from prying eyes. Thought you could see them twitch under the hood, and more than a few people noticed his tail.
He had been a little tired this morning- and had asked you quietly for a notebook to doodle on while your class dragged on. The earlier class had been easier- it was only an hour long while your humanities class was almost 3 hours long. Jimin was slumped over that notebook now- and you saw where the ink had bled onto the side of his hand.  
You suspected that the settee hadn’t been nearly as comfortable as he had said and that was why he hadn’t slept well. Guilt gnawed at you for making him sleep in the same room as you last night. 
beside you, Jimin could hear every snippet of conversation and filter out the important ones. Tiredness pulled at his bones, he hadn’t slept last night worried that someone would try and sneak into your room and he hadn’t minded it. It had given him a lot of time to mull over things in his head. 
Snippets of conversation subtly drifted to a pair of girls behind you. Most of the conversation had been innocent- though some referenced Jimin with an appreciation that made him more than a little flustered. But this conversation wasn’t like that. 
“Damn, I didn’t know her parents were rich enough to buy her a hybrid like that.” 
“Oh it's not her parents- it's her brother.”
“Oh? Who’s her brother?” 
“He’s some gang hotshot but no one really knows his name- they just call him the monster.” The girls got quieter. “He probably doesn’t deserve the name- he’s probably just some rich boy with a superiority complex. I hear they call her the little devil- and that she’s fucked half the guy’s she brings around here.” 
Jimin shot up turning around to stare at the woman dead in the eyes. 
“I think he heard you.” Jimin let out a small growl- low and threatening, it rippled in the mostly quiet lecture room. You looked at him perplexed, of course, you hadn’t heard what they said, everyone turned to look at the interaction. 
Luckily for both of you, the professor decided to dismiss class just then. The moment was swallowed by the zipping of bags, the increased chatter, and the sound of the two women booking it out of the room as quickly as possible. 
“What was that about?” You asked as you stood shrugging on your coat before you started to pack up your things.
“They where trash talking you,” he said as he slipped his notebook into your bag, which you had declined to let him carry on your way to the college this morning. You flushed slightly; your eyes flickered to the doorway where the girls had disappeared.
“Ignore them, they’re harmless.”  
“Does Namjoon know?” Jimin asked as you made to leave the room- you were some of the last to leave class and it was your last one. 
“He has bigger problems than some bullies.” 
“I’m not sure he would agree.” You sighed; the sound more tired than the last. It made him realize that this probably wasn’t the first time someone had teased you about your family’s livelihood. He knew that people could be cruel. He touched your arm as you climbed the stairs to street level. “Do you want to go home?” he asked softly. You shook your head. 
“There’s someone I need to visit at a hospital across town.” 
“Do you want to take a cab?” The two of you step out onto the busy city street. It’s a bit after lunch and since it’s a warmer spring day and it's not raining people have filled the streets. Tour groups are milling about intent on touring the college's gardens. Food trucks and vendors have piled on to the edges of the street, selling every type of street food. 
“I owe him flowers and the food at the hospital is probably driving him mad. Let's walk there instead.” Jimin follows you, walking behind you when he can’t walk next to you because of the crowds, he makes sure not to let go of your hand. He does his best not to let the number of people overwhelm him though; there are so many new stimuli here. 
He picks a few of his kin out of the crowd- a female cat hybrid wearing a bell collar and another dog hybrid that looks like a mutt with spotted ears. His owner, an old lady, coos as she rubs the youngsters tail. The hybrid looks happy and well cared for, the crowed whisks the two of you away before he can find it in himself to feel jealous at all. 
You buy a portion of egg toast for Jimin, yourself, and the mystery man across from the hospital picking up a bouquet of pink hydrangeas mixed with pink stargazer lily’s next. Jimin hides the food in his large jacket while you ask the front desk which room belongs to Kim Taehyung. Somehow the man with the boxy smile isn’t what Jimin is expecting. 
“Y/n!” he cries when he sees you walk in, the man fights to stand, a large cast covering his right leg makes it difficult. 
“Hey Taetae!” you say with a smile. When he tries to stand again you shove him back onto the hospital bed. “Sit down you doff, your ribs are still healing too.” He slings an arm around your shoulder and pulls you into a hug that he’s been aiming for.
“You took so long to visit.” Tae pouts as he takes the flowers from you, touching the hydrangeas softly. “I missed you, none of the boys have visited since last week, they’re all too busy” He wines. His eyes flicker up to meet Jimin; whose been hovering by the doorway with the sneaked in food looking uncomfortable with the displays of affection. 
“Tae, this is Jimin, he’s my new guard dog.” 
“Guard dog?” Tae asks perplexed. Jimin slides off his black beany to reveal his black ears. Tae’s surprise only lasted so long before he compensated, wiping his face into a cool look of subtle interest. 
“Ah well, I’d stand to shake your hand but as you can see.” He gestured to his legs, as you pulled out a chair for Jimin to sit, down while you sat on the end of Tae’s bed. You handed Tae the foil-wrapped street food. 
“I couldn’t get your favorite because he’s on the other side of the city today, but I hope this is better than the shit they’re giving you here.”  
“They won't even give me champagne.” He said sounding sullen. 
“Oh, the horror.” You say sarcastically. Taehyung unwrapped the tinfoil and made a noise of appreciation of the smell. 
“Oh you really do love me y/n!” he fake sobbed, being overdramatic giving you a grin that Jimin could tell was supposed to be seductive. 
“Just eat you idiot before I change my mind and leave you to eat jello in the hospice ward.” Tea chuckled and ate, Jimin nibbled on the edge of his toast, as you turned away- trying to hide the blush that covered your cheeks. Something that felt an awful lot like envy curled in his stomach but he shoved it down and ate his street food. 
“So how are you adjusting to life at the compound Jimin-shi?” Jimin swallowed the rather large bite he had just taken. 
“Master Namjoon and mistress y/n have been so accommodating, I need to find a way to thank them properly,” Jimin said, eyes lifting to look at Taehyung who shared a mischievous glance. 
“Don’t let it go to your head y/n,” he says grinning.
“What?” you and Jimin ask, though Jimin has a feeling that he’s talking about him calling you mistress. The blush on your faces still hasn’t left but luckily the tension in the room is broken by the entrance of a doctor. 
“Ah, doctor!” Taehyung crows, “it's nice to see you!” he is surprisingly young, with delicate features and a soft jaw. 
“I didn’t realize you had visitors, I can come back later if it's more convenient.” 
“Jimin and I will wait outside” Jimin watches Tae grab your hand and has to tamp down on his instincts not to growl at him to back off. What is with him today? He shouldn’t be so quick to anger. His muscles feel like they’re on the end of a very short fuse. It's obvious that Taehyung knows you and is a member of Namjoon’s inner circle- with the way he talked about the boys and all, but the sight of him putting his hands on you made Jimin’s newly found protective instincts flare like fire.You let go of Tae’s hand and grab Jimin’s, leading him out of the hospital room. 
“what’s wrong? You seem a little on edge.” You say, making to slide your hand out of Jimin’s, he makes a noise in the back of his throat and holds onto your hand tighter, he hangs his head. He shivers when he feels your other hand come up to scratch behind his ears, he leans his head into your hand. “I’m not mad Jimin, just worried.” You stop rubbing and he glances up at you. 
“I’m sorry I don’t know what-“ he breaks off, looking down again. “Please don’t hit me.” He says, and he can tell by the widening of your eyes and by how you step back away from him that it’s the last thing you expect him to stay. Still, he flinches when you raise your hand but your fingers are only soft and gentle as you tilt his chin up too look at you. 
“Jimin, no one is ever going to hit you again, least of all me, I’m going to make sure of it. I promise, no one is ever going to hurt you while I’m here.” He lets out a small wine, closing his eyes before you could see filling with emotions that he can’t shove down. 
When he was a child he had spent days dreaming of someone saying words like that to him one day- and had dreamed until his master had beaten the hope out of him. And now here you were; kind and he felt everything but deserving of it. The door to the side opened and the doctor walked out. 
Jimin’s skin starts to feel hot as he suppresses another growl, but the tensing of his body wasn’t missed by you or the doctor. You bowed slightly in the direction of the doctor. 
“Thank you for looking after my friend doctor.” You said, he bowed back eyes flickering to Jimin. 
“I’m sorry if I’m prying- but how long has it been since you’re hybrid’s taken his suppressants?” 
“His what?” you asked, eyes flickering to Jimin. Suppressants? He had never heard of them before. 
“I-I volunteer at the hybrid clinic in this hospital on my free days- and after the short interaction we had earlier I noticed him behaving like he’s being weaned off of them- which can be very dangerous if they’re close enough to their heat to have the medication still interfere with it.” you and the doctor turned to Jimin.
“They gave us pills at the ken- at my last home.” he noticed you tense when he almost said kennels. And though the doctor might know the kind of people he was treating it was clear that he didn’t know all of it. “They never told us what they were for- I thought they we‘rent important.” 
“How long has it been since you’ve take them?” the doctor asks. 
“Three days.” 
“Then it should be fine if you start taking them today, with minimal side effects.” The doctor gestured at you too follow him towards the hybrid clinic. 
“Side effects?” you asked quietly. 
“He won’t go into heat, but you should notice him needing a little more of your attention in the next couple of days- I would also not be alarmed if he gets a little overprotective of you.” you laughed at that, it hardly seemed possible. 
The hybrid clinic was mostly empty of patients except for one hybrid that was sitting with their owner looking green. The doctor rummaged behind the counter producing a bottle of pills. He handed Jimin one of them and a bottle of water. “Take one every morning or night- but you should try to get him to take them at the same time every day.” Jimin swallowed the pill without the water as you tucked the pills into your bag. 
“Thank you, I don’t know what we would have done without you dr…” you look up realizing you don’t know the doctors' name. 
The doctor smiles kindly down at you, but for some reason- it seems fake to Jimin. “My name is Dr. Kim Minseok, y/n” he smiles. And Jimin could chalk it up to coincidence and say that he could have learned your name from Taehyung, but for some reason- the fact that he’s using your name and he’s never asked for it gives him pause.
When you get home you find the multi-car garage attached to your house open and Namjoon home. Namjoon’s white button-down shirt is pushed up on his arms, his hands are black with car grease and he looks as disheveled as you’ve ever seen him. 
The other cars in the garage are expensive, most of them black except for an old dark green American muscle car that has two black pinstripes down the top of it.  It must be a good day if he’s out working on the car that he never has time to drive anymore. 
When he was a teenager and you a child, your father had bought him the fixer-upper to teach him the value of working with his hands. It had been only a few months before both of your parents had died. It had taken Namjoon a few years since he rarely had time to work on it and had to teach himself but eventually, he had gotten it running. Now the car was decked out and pristine- He replaced the upholstery and modernized the inside. 
You don’t know how many hours you’ve spent in here. Talking with Namjoon as he fixed the car- occasionally teaching you things that you can never remember later- like the function of a carburetor and the difference between a v-8 and a v-6 engine. 
You lean up against a workbench as Jimin takes his leave, taking your bag from you and going to put it in the house. “Did you have a good day at school?” your brother asks as he cleans his grease-stained hands on a rag. Just like everything in your house Namjoon’s garage is meticulously organized. You nodded, your eyes flickering to where Jimin’s disappeared, thinking about the incident that occurred with the girls in your class that morning. 
“Yeah, I visited Tae at the hospital afterward. He thinks you don’t love him anymore.” A soft smile tugs at the corners of his mouth when he hears about his friend. 
“Hmmm I was thinking, a family dinner might be in order, Seokjin wants to cook, we can break him out of the hospital tomorrow night.” 
“We should spend some time together tonight.” You say, glancing up at him. “If you’ve got time.” 
Namjoon nods, “today I can spare, also something came in the mail that I think you’ll like to see.” He passes you the already opened envelope. 
Your eyes flicker to Jimin.  He’s come back to the front yard but he’s giving you both space.  He’s standing in the front garden looking at the flowers. His fingers brushing over the roses that are just starting to bloom, feeling their silken buds.
“He’s a little strange isn’t he,” Namjoon comments idly.  
You shrug, “he’s had a bad life, but he’s… adjusting quickly, he nearly growled at Tae today though.” 
“I wouldn’t have expected it to be good with a man like J-park as his master.” You shivered and agreed with him; J-park was notorious for betraying even his friends- he had little loyalty. You knew that his business with your brother didn’t reflect on Namjoon’s character. But you also knew that your brother hated dealing with him for that reason. “and I’m sure Tae deserved it, that boy doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut or keep his hands too himself.” 
“You’d think he’d have gotten better over the years.”
“Once a man whore always a man whore.” Namjoon shrugged. You laughed, your bothers annoyance at his second youngest member insistence to flirt with anything with a pair of legs (male or female) never ceased to irk him. But since you knew Taehyung was harmless- especially when it came to you, you found it hilarious. After all, Taehyung was one of your best friends and was almost as protective of you as Hoseok and Seokjin were. 
You opened the envelope and your brother watched you with baited breath. The matt black invitation slipped on your hands. “We cordially invite mister and miss Kim Namjoon and Kim y/n to this years spring fundraiser… to be held at Gyeongbokguung palace!!!” you squealed, jumping into Namjoon’s arms. “We can go?!” you ask, you knew Namjoon got invites for these things all the time- but because of the danger he rarely went. He grinned and nodded. 
“It’s just some stuffy politician’s party- but I know how much you liked going there when we where kids so I thought why not? It’s been a while since we’ve gone out and apparently, he’s gotten an idol group to perform there and I hear the palace looks lovely at night.”  
“Joon thank you!” your smile is infectious and is equally reflected in your brother’s dimply smile. Your brother usually hates these things- but you know he’s been feeling guilty for not giving his family enough attention recently.   “I’ve already invited the boys as well.  You’re going to need a dress, and Jimin is going to need a suit.” your eyes flicker to the hybrid. 
“He can come too?” you ask getting more excited. Namjoon nods. 
“I’m going to need someone to make sure you don’t get into trouble. It’s a few weeks away. I’ll call the tailor to come and take his measurements tomorrow.” 
You’re already dreaming about it- thinking about what you can wear and what style you can go for. Clothes have always been your weakness, and although the event is obviously going to be black tie; that gives you more than enough to work with when it comes to picking a dress. You squeal again, pulling your brother in for a hug. 
“Thank you Namjoon, I know how much you hate those sort of functions.”
“It’s worth it if It makes you happy.” He smiles, going back over to his car. “We can get takeout tonight and have the family dinner tomorrow night; go do your homework.” he gestures to where Jimin is lying down in the sun enjoying the daisy’s his tail wagging happily. You giggle. “Take that one with you- he looks a little too happy.” You see Namjoon’s small smile. 
Jimin is a little shy when you get him, but your smile doesn’t leave your face even when he looks abashed that he was enjoying the outdoors so much. He’s never been outside quite so much, and the flowers are just so soft. He saw the way that Taehyung touched the hydrangeas earlier and he couldn’t resist repeating the motion with the barely blooming spring flowers. His cheeks are still flushed with cold as you set up your computer in the living room, even after you’ve changed into a pair of shorts and a baggy but cozy sweater and he’s changed into a pair of warm track pants. 
You’re intent on doing your writing assignment for your psychology class that’s due in a few days. Jimin sits on the floor next to you. You tell him he can sit on the couch but he just shakes his head and leans his head back onto the couch's edge. He hopes that by being next to you you’ll touch his head again like you did yesterday. 
He knows what the doctor said, that over the next few days he’ll be needier but he didn’t expect this. He knew what heats where but always just assumed that he’d not had one yet because he wasn’t healthy enough or because he was constantly healing and being prepared for another fight. That sort of thing tended to stop happening when you got too stressed out, and Jimin’s life had been anything but peaceful until this point. 
He never assumed the shots and pills they had them take where anything but supplements. But now what the doctor said had made sense. Jimin was also perplexed about the doctor. And didn’t know how he had learned your name, but you didn’t seem upset about it, or worried so maybe he should just let it go. You clicked on the TV, the drama turned on low so that you could concentrate on your work, but Jimin could hear it just fine. Last night wore on him and tugged him down, you were safe- and it was probably ok that he slept right now… right?
He fell into sleep his head leaning to the side against your bare thigh. You stiffened when he did this, but he was too sleepy to move back. 
His body ached, his bruises and his knuckles were healing, but the anxiety of the last few days was catching up with him. Your fingers rubbed a slow path from one ear to another, and his back arched into your touch. His fingers hovered around your anckles, rubbing a smooth line down the inner side of your calf, making you shiver. 
“I’m sorry.” He said, putting his hands back on the plush carpet. He could tell by the tight sound of your voice when you said you where fine that a blush was coloring your face. He leaned his face into your thigh again, giving you better excess to rub his ears and pet him more. He was so relaxed, his belly full, safe, and turned to mush by your tender touches. He fell asleep against you and you chuckled turning back to read your paper. A few hours pass and Jimin shows no sign of moving or wakening but you don’t mind. His cheek is warm against the edge of your bare thigh. 
Namjoon hasn’t come in yet and though you know he would probably frown at the position you and your hybrid are in. Jimin is so cute that you can’t make him move. You smile down at him softly as his lips part against your thigh, his warm breath tickling the skin there. 
“What are you doing?” a pissed voice says behind you and it's not Namjoon who greets you when you look over the side of the couch. It’s Hoseok, looking as good as ever in a pair of tight pants- his leather motorcycle jacket tossed over a tight black shirt.
“Nothing.” Your hand stills in Jimin’s hair.  
“He’s your guard dog y/n.” His voice is scalding, and barely above a whisper.
“And petting him is a crime?” You’re surprised Jimin hasn’t woken, but he doesn’t move his breathing remains low and steady 
“That’s not what he’s for and you know it.” 
You scoff. “Please tell me you have a little more respect for me than that, please tell me you know me well enough to know that I would never take advantage of someone vulnerable like Jimin?” Hoseok steps in front of you- the carpet muffling his steps. 
“It’s not him I’m worried about being taken advantage of y/n.” his voice is deadly low and you see his jaw tighten as he spits the words in a whisper. “He’s a killer y/n, never forget that.” 
“A killer just like you and my brother.” you spit back, and it’s a low blow even for you. you don’t really have a problem with what your brother and his gang does, and maybe that makes you a psychopath but you’d be damned if Hoseok distrusted Jimin for something as stupid as that. By that logic, no one that you have ever loved is trustworthy. 
Hoseok’s low laugh is almost broken as he rubs a finger along his jaw. “What was Namjoon thinking? I hope you know what you’re doing y/n.” Hoseok turns to leave, and you sit there, letting him go- because you don’t want to wake Jimin and have him present for an argument like this.  
“Tell your brother to answer his goddamned phone.”
“Tell him yourself he’s in the garage.” 
“He’s not,” Hoseok says, and leaves. Your brother disappearing isn’t at all unusual; he probably just took his car out for a drive. You’re fuming; your blood boiling. How can Hoseok say something like that about you? And about Jimin, you might not have known him for long but Jimin is hardly threatening. He’s so constantly terrified of disappointing you that you could never imagine him overstepping boundaries in the way that Hoseok was implying. 
You sigh heavily closing your laptop and reaching for the remote to change the channel to the news. 
“Don’t worry about him- he’s just jealous.” you look down startled. 
“I didn’t realize you where awake, how much did you hear?” He sat up and leaned away from your leg, leaving the skin there cold. 
“All of it- I woke up when he got in the house- but I didn’t tell you because I recognized his scent.” It was easy to forget how much keener Jimin’s senses were that yours when for all intents and purposes he was human. It was so unfair to them- to hybrids, that they could be owned when they were just a few strands of DNA away from being human. 
“I don’t think he was jealous- he’s just… overprotective?” you proffer, Jimin snorts while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 
“The same way that Taehyung is overprotective of you?” you still at that staring at him wide-eyed. 
“You shouldn’t say that so loud, Namjoon would kill them if he ever found out.” 
“How long.” He asked, glancing up at you, not realizing that you knew their affection was greater than platonic love. 
“A few years, Taehyung has always been more resigned about it than Hoseok. He-“ you broke off looking down feeling guilt. 
“Has anything ever happened between you two?” You looked around looking back into the kitchen, checking to make sure that your brother hasn’t walked in. “we’re alone” Jimin clarifies leaning his arm against the couch's edge. “Master Namjoon left a little while ago.” You looked back at him, and you bite your lip and push all of your papers too the side. “How long has Hoseok been in love with you?” 
“It happened once- years ago, but I knew Namjoon would never- and he wanted to try an convince him, and warm him up to the idea of us slowly, but I was barely out of high school. Everything was happening too fast and I didn’t want anything to change so I called it off before he could ask Namjoon to let him take me out on an official date.” 
“And he’s liked you ever since?” you looked down, wrapping your arms around yourself. 
“Before and after- Hoseok has always been one of my closest friends- I mean Namjoon and I are close but there are things that he’d just rather not know. You know?” Jimin touched your hand. 
“I’m beginning to…” he says softly, looking up at you through his thick lashes. Unfortunately for you- the intimate moment is ruined by the front door opening, and Jimin and you recoil from each other. What Hoseok has said has you both on edge as Namjoon walks in carrying more take out that the three of you could ever possibly eat- a trailing Jungkook behind him carrying even more bags.  
“I brought your favorite and Jungkook- he wasn’t to challenge Jimin to video games.” You grin standing to help them get plates, which you bring to the kitchen. Usually, you would make an effort to only eat in the kitchen or dining room. But tonight’s a special night; it's so rare that either of you have a night in that no one bothers to judge. 
“I have to beat you at something,” Jungkook says to Jimin, grinning the easy grin that you’ve become accustomed too. “After you destroyed me the other day.” Jimin hands him a plate blushing. 
“I’m sorry about that,” Jimin says as you scoop out some food onto everyone’s plates. 
“No hard feelings,” Jungkook says, grinning as he takes his plate from you after thanking you. “Doesn’t mean I’m not going to kill you in overwatch though.”
“I’ve never played video games before,” Jimin admits quietly. And Jungkook grin widens.  “Oh no.” you groan, “I know what that smirk means.” your smile is parroted on Namjoon’s face. 
“It means that Jungkook’s found an easy opponent.” Jimin finds himself quietly laughing with all of you, the heaviness from his body leaving just a little bit.
That night- it takes you a while to fall asleep and Jimin is still sleeping on the settee next to you by the time sleep finally finds you.  He can hear Namjoon awake in the study directly below you. Talking on the phone with someone but he cant make out the words. 
Its nearly 1 am by the time the smell of fear starts to fill the room, thick and heady coming from you where you toss and turn in the bed. Your hair is spread around you by the time that Jimin realizes that what you’re having is a nightmare.
“Y/n,” he says softly, sitting up to get a better look at you. You toss your head to the side, a small noise falling from your lips as your hands push at something that’s not there. He rises from the settee walking over to the side of your bed, he touches your shoulder gently calling your name a little louder.
You wake with a start- and you’re on the other side of the bed faster then he can blink, your chest heaving as you take in everything; Jimin standing on the side of the bed, the door closed your bedroom.
safe safe safe, you are safe, but why does your body want to run to flee to somewhere. The dream leaves a metallic taste in your mouth. You brush your hair back from your sweaty face. 
“A dream- it was just a dream y/n,” Jimin says softly, calming you with his voice, deep from hours of disuse. 
“But it felt so real- I-“ you break off; Jimin reaches out, brushing your arm delicately. 
“You’re safe, I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, tell me about it- so that I can put your fears to rest” you shudder against his touch- though not, you realize because you don’t like it. Maybe the reason why you’ve been so free with your affection with Jimin because, after all of this time, you’ve longed for it too.  
He holds you calmly against his chest, feeling the aftereffects of your dream make your body shake. “About a year ago” you start off softly. 
“I was walking home from college- I had managed to convince Namjoon that I didn’t need a constant escort, I was so happy to be out on my own for once that I took the long way home. By the time I realized I was being followed it was too late. They dragged me into this car and stuffed me in the trunk, and I listened to them tell me all of the things they were going to do to me to get back at the real monster for killing their leader.” 
Jimin’s voice was low, he’s furious; that someone had tried to hurt you that way, that you had been through something like that- made him so angry that he felt his hackles raised.  “How did you get away?” he asked, making sure to continue rubbing your back softly. You gestured to the panic watch that he still wore. 
“I pushed the panic beacon, Namjoon found us before we could get to where ever they were planning on torturing me, he killed everyone before he got me out of the trunk and then covered my face so that I wouldn’t see the blood, but I still looked back. there was so much blood, he didn’t make it easy for any of them, but he was so angry and worried about me that he didn’t make it slow.” 
“Is that what was your dream about.” He asked quietly, keeping you talking, knowing that you would calm down, already your shaking had stopped and your voice was a little stronger. You nodded.  
“Namjoon never came in my dream, and kept trying to run, but it was like my legs wouldn’t move- like they were glued to the sidewalk” His breath caught and he held you a little tighter. 
He kept muttering to you, that you were safe, that he and Namjoon would never let anyone ever hurt you again. They would have to kill him before they got to you. He told you that he would be around forever to protect you. 
Eventually, you stilled, sniffled, and rested your head back on your pillow. He smiled softly down at you and made to get off the bed, but you grabbed the edge of his shirt. 
“Please.” You asked softly. Jimin swallowed, positive that this was exactly the situation that Hoseok had been worried about earlier that day. Jimin didn’t get into bed next to you but he curled up at the foot of your bed, around your bent legs. 
When your breathing slowed and you felt back to sleep, this time an easier and deeper sleep. Jimin rested his head on his hands and watched the door, and did not take his eyes off of it for the entire night. 
No one was going to hurt you again, not on his watch.
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gaiyofanfiction · 7 years
Save Me (12 Final)
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Chapter1: Second Time? - Chapter 2: Awake - Chapter 3: First Love - Chapter 4: Mama - Chapter 5: Reflection - Chapter 6: Lie - Chapter 7: Stigma - Chapter 8: Begin - Chapter 9: Taken - Chapter 10: Torture  - Chapter 11: The Plan - Chapter 12: The Escape
Jungkook x Reader
Mental Hostpital AU
A/N: YAY FINALLY THE LAST CHAPTER! We wanted to thank all of you for reading this story. It hits close to home for us and we put it all out on our sleeves, so we are glad to get great feedback. If you haven't hit that follow button, please do so. Our next story will be a Monsta X!Vampire au. This is our longest chapter for this story, so enjoy!
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. We did take their personalities and match as best we can with illnesses, however we do not claim that the boys from BTS have these mental illnesses! Also, we did as much research as we can on each disorder. We are not meaning to offend anyone who has these illnesses at all. ALSO, WE DO KNOW BTS CHANGED THEIR ENGLISH NAME TO BEYOND THE SCENE BUT WE’RE USING BULLETPROOF BOYSCOUTS CAUSE IT FITS THE STORY BETTER. Trigger warning: Mentions of mental illness, hospitals, self harm, suicide attempt and abuse. Both Gaisho and I recommend, if you feel like you need to go to the hospital for ANY reason, please don’t be afraid to do so. It can help. If you EVER feel like you need to talk to anyone, vent, or need advice on anything, please do not hesitate to msg us! We’ve been through it all. Character Descriptions: Reader- Chronic Depression, Derealization Disorder and Dissociative Amnesia Jin - Narcissistic Personality Disorder (With homicidal tendencies) Suga- Narcolepsy and Chronic Depression J-Hope- Bipolar II Disorder Rap Monster- OCD and Paranoia Jimin- Explosive Anger Disorder V- Schizoaffective Disorder Jungkook- Agoraphobia         You smile with tears in your eyes and so does Jungkook. You both hug each other tightly, neither letting up. 
        “We’re all so happy you’re back, Y/N, but we don’t have another moment to waste. We have to get the hell out of here,” says Rap Monster with a smile, but with a hint of concern.
        You look around to all the other boys who are happy to see you’re back as well. All of a sudden you had a great idea. 
        “Alright, I know this deviates from the original plan. But, it’s a guarantee we don’t bump into anyone and get out of here safely…” you say before you became hesitant. 
        “Please, tell us, Y/N. Anything to get us all out of here safely,” Rap Monster insists.
        “W-well, there’s a unit on the first floor that is connected to the stairwell we’re right next to. This unit has been shut down for years apparently, I overheard it from another nurse…” you start to trail off again.
        “Y/N, please, go on,” Jungkook puts a hand on your back to reassure you.
        “Okay, well, the reason it’s been shut down was because people were mysteriously dying left and right and they thought it was haunted by past patients that used to be here. When they shut it down they had set up a series of traps because they were scared ghosts would haunt other units and they thought they could catch them…”
        “I don’t know, this sounds like a lot of work… Not to mention actually more dangerous than our other plan,” Suga says as he yawns.
        “No, no, no! Just hear me out. I went there one day out of curiosity. This was like the second day after being admitted. I almost got to the door that lead outside, but I set off the alarm and the nurses came and got me. But, now that I know what set it off, we’re pretty much golden! No one goes there because they’re scared, they don’t actively monitor it, and I still remember where all the traps are,” you say with confidence hoping it sells to the others.
        The group looks to their leader. Rap Monster sighs, “well, we’re about to be caught if we don’t head out. We trust you, Y/N. Just lead the way.”
        You smile with excitement, “I won’t let you guys down!” 
        You lead them to the stairwell and quickly rush down the stairs to the first floor. Before you all was a long and dark hallway that lead to several doors. After passing a few you finally stop to the right door.
        “T-THE CRIMINALLY INSANE UNIT!?” Jin shouts and backs up a few steps.
        “Seriously, Jin? Didn't you try to kill your girlfriend?” J-hope asks, annoyed.
        Jin chuckles awkwardly, “oh yeah.”
        “Uh, yeah did I forget to mention that? Heh… Well, it’s empty, and it’s our only way out now. So, the badge?” You eye Jin to swipe the badge.
        “You’re lucky you’re cute. But, not as cute as me,” Jin pokes his cheek and winks. He swipes the badge and motions for the rest of you to enter.
        “It’s very dark in here, so it’s important we all stay together. It’s time to buddy up. I’ll be with Jin, Suga with J-Hope, Jungkook with Y/N, and Jimin with V,” Rap Monster orders.
        Everyone links arms with their respective buddy and starts to walk forward with you and Jungkook in the front of the group. 
        The unit was very old and eerie sending shivers down your spine. You squeeze Jungkook’s arm and he brings you in closer, “don’t worry, sweetheart. I got you.” He kisses your forehead making you smile.
        Behind you two were Jin and Rap Monster.
        “Oooo Rap Monie, you got some nice arms,” Jin squeezes Rap Monster’s biceps.
        “Please, just focus,” Rap Monster begs.
        Behind them were Suga and J-Hope.
        “Hey, Suga, when we get out of here I was wondering if you wanted to help me with something I’m working on. It’s my Hixtape. Maybe we can do a collab?” J-Hope asks.
        “Yeah, man! Maybe we can get some churros while we’re at it,” Suga says excitedly.
        The last two following were Jimin and V.
        “When we get out of here we should go to an amusement park and ride rollercoasters!” V exclaims.
        “Yeah uh, remember the last time we went? Hobi and I didn’t do so well…” Jimin starts to feel queasy.
        You stop. “Alright guys, this is one of the first traps, now all we need to do is -”
        Suddenly a stray chair moves towards you. 
        “D-did that just…” Jungkook’s voice shakes.
        The chair falls over and all of you hear ominous sounds from all different directions. Windows were breaking and lights were flickering on and off. 
        All of you scream in terror and unlink to run off to various doors to hide except for you and Jungkook who stayed together.
        You and Jungkook went into an old patient room and hid under the desk. The both of you clung onto each other so tight you felt each other’s heartbeat. 
        Finally the noises stopped and the lights were back off. “You okay? You’re not hurt are you?” Jungkook asks anxiously.
        “I’m fine, just a little shook is all. We should try to find the others.”
        He grabs your hand to get you up on your feet and you two head back into the hallway. 
        “Hey, glad you two are alright. I just found Jimin. However, we’re missing a big chunk of the group,” Rap Monster says with worry.
        “I think it’s best we stick together while we go find the others,” you say to the boys whom all agreed with you.
        You all head door to door trying to find the others. Upon entering one of the rooms you hear some clanking. In the corner was a dark body crouching. 
        You gulp, “V-V? P-please tell me that’s you…”
        V turns on a flashlight illuminating his face, “MUAHAHA!”
        You and the rest of the boys sigh in relief.
        “I also found a crowbar. You know… Just in case one of the ghosts try to pull a fast one on us.”
        “I don’t think you can knock out a ghost, V,” Jimin laughs.
        Continuing your search you guys start to hear sounds of ruffling. V gets in front of the group and starts to wave his crowbar at random. “Feel the wrath of Tae!”
        J-Hope pops out from the darkness, “It’s just me! And look, look! I found a shark hat! It must of been a patient’s belongings at one point. Hehe, it looks like it's eating my head. Ahhhh!” He dances around.
        The group giggles. “Okay, two more to go.” Rap Monster says.
        You all continue to go through each room hoping to find the rest. You lost track of how far you all advanced through the hallway and just realized one of the traps was near.
        “W-wait, I know one of the traps is near here… b-but I just can’t remember where and which one it is. My memory is kind of fuzzy right now. So, just be-”
        J-Hope’s foot sets off a tripwire and the alarms start blaring. 
        “We have exactly two minutes before they’ll reach us here. We need to find them now and fast!” You say to the others. The alarm is giving you a headache and your vision is starting to blur. You shake your head trying to get rid of the sensation.
        “God damnit, where are those other two!?” Rap Monster grinds his teeth. “Alright. I’m going to find them, you all get to the exit safely and wait for us there.”
        You, Jungkook, Jimin and V nod in agreement and head for the exit. 
        Rap Monster runs door to door screaming for Jin and Suga. Out of breath he finally reaches a room where one of the boys were in.
        “Mirror, mirror on the wall… Who’s the finest of them all? Me? Well, I can agree with you there, Mr. Mirror,” Jin says completely infatuated with himself.
        “Are you freaking serious right now!? Again?! Do you not hear the alarms!?” Rap Monster says trying to catch his breath.
        “What’s alarming is how dashingly handsome I am!” Jin blows a kiss to a reflection of himself.
        Rap Monster grabs Jin’s wrist and pulls him to run. “Look, Suga is still out here somewhere. We don’t have time, we need to find him quick.”
        A couple rooms further down the hall was an infirmary. Jin was struck with an idea, “I know exactly where he would be. Follow me.”
        They run into the infirmary and there were several beds, which one of them so happens to have a soundly sleeping Suga. 
        “How is he sleeping through these ridiculously loud alarms???” Rap Monster was perplexed. 
        “I don’t know, but I’m not waking up the beast… I found him, now you wake him,” Jin pushes Rap Monster forward.
        Sighing Rap Monster shakes Suga awake. “Yoongi, you need to wake up! We’re going to get caught if you don’t get up!”
        Suga yawns and rubs his eyes, “remind me when we get out of here to lock the doors to my room so none of you can wake me.” He glares right at Rap Monster making him scared for his life.
        The three finally catch up to you guys at the exit. “We literally have seconds left before this unit is on lockdown. Jin, the badge.” You motion for him to swipe it, holding your head in one hand.
        “Yes, ah… They’re right… Um…” He pats down his shirt and pants.
        “JIN!!!!” Rap Monster screams.
        “I’m kidding, it was in my back pocket,” he sticks out his tongue and swipes the badge. 
        You push open the doors and you all run into the cold night air. Running into the nearby forest and never looking back.
        “Hold on, I need a second,” you slow down and hold your head with both hands. Your breathing becomes heavy and your vision is getting worse.
        “Baby, are you okay?” Jungkook scans you over, trying to hold you steady.
        You shake your head. “I-I don't know what's wrong. My head's killing me.” You go to take a step but your legs give out.
        “Y/N!” Jungkook catches you and sits you down gently.
        “Y/N, are you okay?” V asks, worried.
        You raise your head and look straight forward. Your vision fades in and out.
        “Y-Y/N?” Jungkook squeaks out, panic setting in.
        You don't answer. Suddenly your mind is blank, there are no thoughts or recollection about what's going on.
        “Earth to Y/N,” J-hope waves a hand in front of your face.
        “W-Why isn't she answering?” Jungkook asks, his voice shaking.
        Rap Monster looks at you worried. “I wonder…” he nudges Jungkook out of the way so he's right in front of you. He snaps his fingers in your face.
        You blink from the action and look around. Suddenly you see yourself in...a forest? “W-What’s going on? Where am I?”
        Jungkook’s eyes widen, “Y-Y/N? Are you okay?”
        You tilt your head in confusion as you stare at the strange boy. “Who's Y/N? And who are you?”
        Jungkook falls back on his butt in shock. His anxiety shoots through the roof. 'She forgot me again?’ Jungkook stands up and walks a little ways away, his whole body trembling.
        Jin notices Jungkook walking away from the group. He makes sure the rest of the boys watch you before going after the youngest.
        “Jungkook, where are you going? Y/N’s over here.”
        Jungkook turns to Jin, his eyes wide with fear. “S-She forgot me again.” He covers his ears with his hands and shakes his head. “I c-cant do this again.”
        Jin narrows his eyes, “what are you talking about Jungkook? You better not be saying what I think you're saying.”
        The only thing Jungkook wants to do right now is scream. The air around him feels thick. He can hardly breathe. He keeps shaking his head as a panic attack officially sets in.
        “She forgot about me. For the third time in less than 48 hours. I can't keep doing it. I can't keep being forgotten!” Jungkook let's go of his head and turns to walk away.
        Jin growls and grabs his arm, “so that's it, huh? There are a few bumps and suddenly you're done?”
        Jungkook tried to yank his arm away but Jin held tight. “ I don't want to be, but it's not fair! Why does this keep happening to me?!”
        Jin raises an eyebrow, his temper rising. “Are you serious right now? 'Why does this keep happening to you?'” Jin pulls Jungkook harshly. “What about her, huh? Everything that she's been through in the last two days? She's the one who had EST twice in one day! How the HELL does this affect you more than her! She's scared out of her fucking mind!”
        Jungkook shakes his head, his eyes closed. “I can't stay to see her like this. It hurts too much. I'm sorry.”
        Jin let's go of Jungkook, his arms dropping to his sides. “I can't believe you, Kook. After everything she's done for us? Every single one of us, you just want to leave her? You want to abandon her just like everyone else has? You promised her you wouldn't leave her!”
        “N-No, I-”
        “Stop,” Jin interrupts. “Just stop. I can't believe you right now. She's been there for all of us when we needed it. She didn't judge me about my past. She was patient with Yoongi when he would fall asleep randomly and Namjoon when he would go through his OCD habits and his clumsiness. She understood Jimin and J-hope when they were having their episodes, Jimin even assaulted her twice. She listened to V when he just needed to vent about the voices during his breakdown.” He glares at his friend. “She let you in to her heart, she took her walls down for you. After everything she's fucking been through, I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to let anyone in. But she let you in, Kook! She trusted you enough to let you into her life and now you're about to walk away?!”
        Jungkook stands there, his mouth open, speechless. Jin takes this as an invitation to continue.
        “You know,” Jin’s voice gets quieter. “When you find that one person who you care about the most, you cherish them. You make it so they never want to leave. You show them how much you love them and how much you want to be with them.” Jin gets a faraway look in his eyes, like he's somewhere else. “It is so painful when you lose that person. That one person you cared about more than anything, maybe even at times you care about them more than yourself. But once you screw that up, once you make them lose their trust in you, it's all over. It's all over and it'll never be the same again.” Jin blinks back tears and comes back to reality.
        He pulls Jungkook closer to him and points to you. “Look.” Jungkook looks over at where you're sitting. Rap Monster and Suga are crouched done in front of you, trying to get you to remember. “Do you really want Yoongi and Namjoon to be the first two she sees when she wakes up from her episode? What is she going to think when her boyfriend, the one that she loves, the one person she wanted to see more than anything, is gone? Do you really want that?”
        “Love…”Jungkook breathes to himself, taking in everything Jin has said. He watches you, your eyes wide as you're looking around frantic. He sees how terrified you are and it hurts him. He looks back at Jin. The look on Jin’s face pleads for him not to leave you, not to give up. Jin knows if Jungkook doesn't, he will regret it for the rest of his life.
        Jungkook takes a deep breath in, trying to calm his anxiety. He clenches his shaking fists and turns towards you, walking over slowly.
        “Y/N, please try to calm down. We aren’t going to hurt you,” J-hope tries to reassure you. You shake your head, eyes shut tight.
        “I d-don’t know who you are or w-where I am, just please, take me home.” You sound like you’re about to cry.
        Jungkook pushes his way past the boys and squats down in front of you. He gently reaches over to grab one of your hands. The sudden touch of someone else jolts your eyes open, you stare wide eyed at the man in front of you.
        “Y/N, please, you need to trust us.” Jungkook tries to smile. It’s hard to pretend to be calm when the women he loves is terrified out of her mind right in front of him.
        You freeze when you see the unknown boy right before you eyes. Suddenly, your body becomes calmer and you’re breathing starts returning to normal. Something about this boy is taming your anxiety.
        You reach out to gently touch his face. He turns his head slightly to let you. “Wow, you’re really cute.”
        Jungkook’s face turns red as the other boys chuckle at the comment. Jungkook smiles shyly at you. “T-Thank you.”
        “What’s your name?”
        His smile disappears when you ask that question, but he answers it anyway. “My name is Jungkook. But you usually call me Kookie.”
        You tilt your head at his words. “Kookie? I like cookies…” You furrow your eyebrows. “Kookie…” You repeat. Jungkook looks at you with a mixture of confusion and concern. “Kookie… That sounds familiar…” You trail off, your eyes becoming unfocused.
        V nudges Jungkook. “She’s remembering but I think there needs to be something to push her over the edge.”
        Jungkook immediately knows what he has to do. He reaches up to grab your cheeks, caressing them with his thumbs. Without hesitation, he brings his face to yours and gently kisses your lips. After a few seconds, he pulls back and stares at you.
        You blink, your vision coming into focus. You shake your head to try to rid yourself of the headache. Opening your eyes, you look around to all the boys staring at you with anticipation. You quirk your brow.
        “What are you all staring at? Do I have something on my face?”
        All the boys sigh with relief when they hear your humor once again. You look around with confusion but eventually shrug it off. Lastly, your eyes fall on Jungkook who is staring at you wide eyed.
        “Kookie, are you okay?” You tilt your head.
        Jungkook lets a few tears fall before tackling you with a hug. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m right here.” You rub his back and hug him tightly as he cries.
        “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I’ll never leave you again. Please forgive me.”
        “Leave me again? What do you mean?” you look around for help. Your eyes fall on Jin and he mouths ‘I’ll tell you later’. You nod in understanding, you just hug Jungkook tighter.
        Rap Monster clears his throat, catching everyone’s attention. “Now that we’re all finally calmed down, it’s time to really get out of here. We need to move further away. Much further.”
        “But where are we supposed to go? We don’t even know where we are,” Jimin asks, worried.
        “Well, I’ve taken care of that situation already,” he grins, proud of himself. There’s a moment of silence, waiting for Rap Monster to continue. He doesn’t.
        “And what would that be?” Suga asks impatiently.
        “Oh right. Well, yesterday during free time, I kind of snuck into the office and made a phone call to a friend. He says we can stay with him and his family as long as we would like.”
        J-hope scoffs, “who is this person that would be willing to take in eight mentally ill patients from a fucking mental hospital?”
        Rap Monster chuckles. “Well, his name is Jackson Wang and it just so happens that he pretty much has six practically insane brothers as it is.”
        Your mouth drops open, “you mean THE Jackson Wang? One of the assassins of the gang Got7? Are you crazy?”
        “Don’t worry, Y/N. They’re all amazingly nice people and would do anything to help friends in need.”
        Suga gets a thoughtful look on his face. “I remember someone who used to be in this hospital with us. His name was Bambam. I think that’s the gang that took him in. If that’s the case, then I have no doubt we will be fine.”
        The rest of the group nods in agreement, not really having much of a choice. They all stand up and follow Rap Monster out of the forest. You grab Jungkook’s hand and stand him up as well.
        “Kookie, thank you for everything. I wouldn’t have made it through this place if it weren’t for you or the rest of Bangtan. I really hope we can be together for as long as I live.”
        Jungkook smiles and kisses your lips gently. “Me too, Y/N. I’ll always be here, no matter what. I promise.”
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youarenotjimin · 7 years
When You Tried To Kill Yourself
Anonymous said: Can I get a bts Mafia reaction? One where you try to kill yourself? Sorry if it's to heavy. I loooooove you blog btw 
Thank you for liking my blog I warned you to do not read it of you can’t stand the mention of suicide.  
Kim Namjoon : 
It is dark yet scary. You hate to be alone in the dark and your anxiety couldn’t make you tell Namjoon about this. He was very busy with the problem in his gang so you don’t want to burden him. Your anxiety got worse when your mother suddenly told you to not come to her family again. 
It’s because you chose Namjoon over your family. 
What is worst than being kicked out of your own family? You didn’t tell Namjoon about this, yet, he didn’t feel anything wrong from you. You cried a lot, you drunk a lot, and the most important thing is, you drink a lot of pills to make you sleep. And that’s not good. 
Namjoon came home earlier than usual, “y/n? Babe, where are you?” He called you but no answer. He thought you already asleep and went upstairs. Before he went to your room, he went to the kitchen to have a drink. But he opened the wrong shelves and saw a lot of your empty bottle for pills. He didn’t see any doctor’s recipe on it, “good Lord...” He ran upstairs immediately and opened your room. 
There you are, with pale skin and closed eyes. He cursed and dialed the ambulance, “just get fucking here quickly, asshole. Someone is dying for overdose!” He would do anything so you recovered, “money is not a big deal. Just bring her back.” 
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Kim Seok Jin : 
People discriminated you badly just because you’re Jin’s girlfriend the well-known drug dealer in the world. People gave you a lot of negative comments on your social media even though you sure you make it private. 
“She’s a whore. I know she only wants his money.”
“Yeah, he’s her sugar daddy after all.” 
“What a slut.” You also could hear them while you’re shopping for food. You told Jin to not buy you anything luxury, it’s because you don’t want to grab any people’s attention. You tried to ignore the negatives from outside and stay at home. 
But people could find a way to make you hear those comments and you couldn’t stand it. You started to fill the bath tube with cold water and you sat on the edge of bath tube. “Can I live my life too?” You mumbled weakly. 
You put your legs inside the bath tube and looked at the ceiling before you drowned yourself. You struggled a bit cause you couldn’t breathe but when you start to lose your consciousness someone pulled you. The first thing you see was Jin’s angry face. “What the hell are you trying to do! Don’t you think you’re being a coward here! If you have problem just tell me and I’ll help you to fix it!” He yelled. 
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Min Yoongi : 
He knew you have dark past with knife and self-hurting and tried his best not to trigger you with that. But one day, you went to work at the near cafe because Yoongi didn’t let you went too far from house. 
You’ve been asked to went home with male customers a lot. “I know what you did with that rich guy, why don’t you give me the same? I’ll treat you.” They look you like you have no dignity at all, and it makes you feel....stressed. It’s not the first time you heard someone told you that. 
“What are you doing?” Yoongi stood with his glare to your bleeding wrist and cutter beside you. You stared at him blankly, “Yoongi-ah,” you called him weakly, “do I really deserve this? Why people can’t understand that....that I’m not that kind of girl?”
He walked towards you carefully, “what do you mean?” He asked. You cried, “it looks like I’m in a same level like those women who sell their body..” He quickly kicked the cutter. “tell me who said that to you,” he said while cleaning your blood. His heart aches badly when he saw you like this. 
“You know I will hear your problem all the time right? It really hurts me to see you like this.” Even though he’s a cold person, he would be very gentle around you and keep an eye for you. “After I treat your wound, let’s go to sleep. Or we can do anything you want.”
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Jung Hoseok : 
He was working on his desk this evening, he told you that he would come home late this day. But suddenly, Taehyung ran to his office without knocking and panting hard, “h-hyung...y-y/n noona is in hospital.”
He stood immediately, “what? Why?” He grabbed his blazer and followed Tae to the car. “Jin hyung saw her almost fainting in the mall.” 
When he arrived at hospital, he asked the nurse who just came out from your room. “Are you her guardian?” Asked the nurse, “I need to speak with you privately.”
He sat on the chair in front of the doctor, “what is your relationship with Yoon y/n?” He asked. Hoseok sighed, “I’m her boyfriend. Is she okay?” The doctored looked at him in sympathy, “she consumed a lot of pills and overdosed. She’s been stressed out for the whole month,” he explained, “her body is really weak right now and I suggest you to stay with her 24/7 this month.”
Hoseok would cry when he saw you sleep peacefully on your bed, “I’m so sorry, y/n-ah...” 
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Park Jimin : 
You talked a lot about you want to die, “it seems...quiet. You know Jimin, I might die before you.” He didn’t answer, he doesn’t want to show his mad expression. “Why do you wanna die so bad?” He asked. 
“I don’t know, I’m tired.” 
“y/n, you know you have me right? If you have problem you can talk to me.” 
You stared at him with your weak eyes, Jimin shook his head, “I can’t let you die, no,” he said, “can’t you understand my feelings when you said that? Don’t you think it’s a very selfish wish for you to make?”
Before he get mad again, you hugged him tightly, “I’m so sorry, I was thinking out loud about death. I’m so sorry if that makes you uncomfortable,” you said, He hugged you tighter as his head in your neck. “I don’t want to lose you, you are very important to me.” 
“I know, Jimin, I know. I won’t leave your side.” 
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Kim Taehyung : 
His eyes showed his fear, his hands trembled as he saw you lying on the floor with blood from your head. He fell on his knees as he touched your cold body. He didn’t see this coming, until Jungkook called him about a loud gunshot in your house. 
“But...why? Did I do something wrong?” He cried, “you smiled! I saw you this morning and you smiled!” He yelled. Jin calmed his down but he reject the comfort. “y/n, is it one of your prank again?” He cried, “you beat me this time, so please wake up!” He burned himself under your crook. 
He would cry a lot since you’re the only family he had. 
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Jeon Jungkook : 
This isn’t usual, Jungkook is very busy since he’s the Ace of the group but he’s here to pick you up from your school. He smiled when he thought about your surprised face when you saw him. 
“Is she okay?”
“Yah, call the ambulance! Quick!” 
“Did she gets a lot of that letters?” The whole students whispering about this girl cut herself in the bathroom, one of the teachers found out. “She’s been crying for the whole week.”
He sensed a bad feeling so he ran to your class, but he didn’t find you there. “Oh, Jungkook!” He turned and found your friend, Yuna. “Where is y/n?” Asked him in panic. Her expression turned to pale. “Yuna, tell me,” he growled. She cried, “she....she got a lot of hate letters! She stressed and cut herself in the bathroom, Mr. Han found her and bring her to the infirmary-” Jungkook ran to infirmary right away. 
“Shit, shit, shit,” he mumbled. 
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itskimtaehyung · 7 years
Leverage (M)
@socialily said: i want partners in crime taegi .... with serious crimes....
This is one long, elaborate crime consisting of a bunch of smaller crimes. I hope you like it!
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cr: @jeonjiah
Pairing: Taehyung x Yoongi (Taegi), Taehyung x Jungkook (Taekook)
Genre: Angst, Friends to lovers, PartnersInCrime!Taegi, CEO!Jungkook
Word Count: ~15.3k
Content/Warnings: Violence, death, mentions of death, implied smut, strong language
Summary: The mission is simple. Jeon Jungkook has just become the CEO of one of the wealthiest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Taehyung and Yoongi want to destroy him. They will do whatever it takes to send Jungkook to his grave. They will tear him and his company apart from the inside out and take back what’s theirs.
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Yoongi strutted through the crowd, nose upturned, not sparing the party goers a single glance. Everyone needed to think that he was the most important man in the room, and that none of them were worthy of his attention. He was only here for one person. Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook. The sole heir to Jeonentech Pharmaceuticals, one of the wealthiest pharmaceutical companies in the world, developing drugs at a lightning pace, finding cures to once incurable diseases. Sounds like a great company, right? Saving people? Putting the health of the general public first? Nope.
Throughout Jungkook’s life, his father emphasized one thing and one thing only. Money. The main purpose of Jeonentech Pharmaceuticals was to make money. Lots of it. Because as fast as they created the drugs, they patented them, and set the price so high that a family would have to go bankrupt to save their loved one. To those families, a human life was more important than all the money in the world. But not to the Jeon family. Money was more important than anything.
Jungkook’s father made sure he knew this well. He drilled this mindset into his son, so that when he passed, Jungkook could carry on the family business.
It'd been three months since Jungkook took over the company, enough time for him to get settled, but with the shift in power fresh enough that everything was still a little unstable.
This was the perfect time to attack.
Yoongi navigated his way across the ballroom toward the new CEO, with Taehyung following close behind. Both men were dressed in their nicest suits, which, considering the recent debt they had acquired, weren't all that nice. However, it wasn't about what you wore, but how you wore it, and they wore it so well.
The two men had a certain air about them that made everything they touched look expensive as hell. Was it their gaze? Lethal yet hypnotizing, seduction at its finest. Their hair? Expertly cut and suavely styled, without a single strand out of place. Their glowing skin? Clear, dewy, and radiant, resembling rich, golden honey. Or simply their attitude and they way they carried themselves? Fierce and dominant, like they would burn the place down if they didn't get what they wanted. Maybe it was a combination of all of these things.
"President Jeon." Yoongi greeted Jungkook with a bow at ninety degrees, and Taehyung did the same.
Jungkook was clad in a black silk blazer, decorated with a delicate white butterfly pattern. He set the champagne flute he had been holding on the table next to him. He looked the two men up and down with his piercing blue eyes, liking what he saw.
"May I help you?" He asked with a smirk, gaze lingering on Taehyung.
Yoongi nodded. "My name is Min Yoongi. My business partner, Kim Taehyung, and I would like to propose a deal. That's what this event is for, after all."
"Ah," was all Jungkook said in reply. He kept his eyes on Taehyung, whose lips curled up into a flirty smile at the attention.
"If you don't mind, we'd like to speak with you privately," Taehyung said in a low voice.
Jungkook was intrigued. Here was this handsome man and his even more handsome business partner asking to discuss a deal with him privately. Normally, he wouldn't agree, having just met them, but these two looked exceptionally delicious, and he was curious as to what they wanted from him. If the night turned out well, he was hoping to take at least one of them home with him tonight.
The CEO turned toward the group of men and women that accompanied him. "If you'll excuse me, please." He bowed to each of them. They all bowed in response and said their goodbyes.
Yoongi led them into an unoccupied conference room down the hall from the hotel's ballroom.
Jungkook sat down in one of the many chairs that surrounded a large wooden table. "So what are you proposing?" He leaned back and clasped his hands over his stomach.
Yoongi and Taehyung remained standing. "Taehyung, show him," Yoongi instructed.
The younger man manifested a bound report from the inside of his blazer and handed it to the CEO. Jungkook leaned forward and took it, touching his fingers to Taehyung's and leaving them there a little longer than necessary. Taehyung only smirked in response.
"We've developed this drug," Yoongi explained, "Bangtanus Sonyeondaris. It's a tissue regenerative that, when injected into the bloodstream, can heal any wounds in a matter of seconds, no matter how deep. We’re thinking of selling it to the American military, which is a multibillion dollar industry, to heal soldiers with bullet wounds so that they're back up and ready for combat with no time wasted. Soldiers no longer have to be carried to infirmaries or airlifted to hospitals. They can be treated right then and there on the battlefield."
Jungkook flipped through the pages of chemical formulas, calculations, and explanations, occasionally sneaking glances up at Taehyung as he read. Yoongi continued to explain the drug while Taehyung stood next to him silently, nodding along to everything he said.
When Yoongi finished his speech, Jungkook closed the report and set it down on the table. He then leaned back in the chair, placing both bands behind his head. In this position, Jungkook's shirt was stretched taut against his chest, revealing the toned muscles of his abdomen through the delicate white fabric.
Taehyung narrowed his eyes at the CEO, wondering if he was doing this on purpose.
"So what does this have to do with Jeonentech?" Jungkook asked. Yoongi opened his mouth to answer, but Jungkook stopped him. "No, I want to hear from him."
Taehyung shifted on his feet. "Well, sir," he began. "All this stuff here in our report is entirely theory. We have not actually tested any of this out because we don't have the equipment or the funding. That's why we need you."
"Ah, you need me,” Jungkook repeated. “And what do I, and all of Jeonentech, have to gain from this?"
"Once we have the drug developed, we will sell you the patent to it, for a nominal fee of course."
"And why would you do that, when you can continue to profit off of it instead?"
"We only need enough to help us live, sir. We don't need more."
Jungkook sat up straight. "Well, everything sounds good to me. If this is what you really want, then we have ourselves a deal."
"Great." Yoongi breathed out a sigh of relief. They were in, the hardest part was done. Now they just had to find his weaknesses, and figure out a way to exploit them.
It's not like Yoongi hadn't noticed Jungkook eyeing Taehyung the whole night, looking at him like he was a lion and Taehyung was some feeble gazelle. It was a mistake on Jungkook's part for being so obvious, because now they could use it toward their advantage.
"Taehyung is the main brain of the operation, I'm merely the spokesperson for the two of us," Yoongi told him. "Taehyung is the biochemist amongst the two of us."
"Huh?" Taehyung was confused but quickly caught on. "Oh, yes."
"He will be the one to oversee the lab work and drug testing."
"That's right," Taehyung confirmed.
"Ah, so I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other then." Jungkook smirked.
Taehyung returned the expression. "I guess so."
The CEO stood from his seat. "I'll have my lawyers get together with you to draw up a contract." He locked eyes with Taehyung and reached into his jacket, pulling out a small black card. "If anything comes up," he handed the card to him, "or if you merely want to talk, give me a call."
Taehyung simply took the card from Jungkook and nodded, seemingly entranced by the CEO's gaze.
"Will do," Yoongi answered for him, causing Jungkook to break eye contact and look at the man speaking.
Jungkook nodded. "Well, good night to the two of you. I hope you can sleep well now that you know your idea has just been greenlighted." All three men bowed to each other and Jungkook left the room, presumably to return to the party.
Taehyung stared at the card in his hand. Just minutes earlier, Jungkook's hand had brushed his while he took it. The warmth still lingered and he wondered what this feeling was.
Yoongi clapped a hand on his partner's shoulder. "We did it, Tae. We've breached the threshold. We're just barely under the skin of Jeon Jungkook and his company. Now we just have to worm our way into the gut and then the fun stuff happens."
"Mmm. Yeah..." Taehyung muttered, still in a daze.
"We should get home and plan our next move," Yoongi suggested.
Taehyung nodded and followed Yoongi out of the meeting room.
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They got back to their shared apartment a little past midnight. It was an old, crusty place, with two tiny bedrooms, a living room, and a slightly moldy kitchen. It was all they could afford after what happened last year.
Taehyung sprawled himself onto the couch not long after he and Yoongi walked through the door. Yoongi noticed that he seemed to be out of the odd stupor that Jungkook had put him in.
He pushed Taehyung to sit up and then sat down next to him. "We have to think about what to do next."
Taehyung sighed and rested his elbows on his knees.
"I noticed Jungkook has a thing for you." Taehyung perked up at the suggestion. "I think we can use that to our advantage."
"Hyung, are we sure this is the right plan of action? Is this really going to solve anything?"
"It's because of him and his company that Yoona is dead."
Taehyung rubbed his hands against his face. "I know," he muttered. "But if we destroy the company, what happens to the cure? Isn't that gone with it? Isn't it better to have a cure than no cure?"
"At the price they're selling it, no one can afford it. And if no one's using it, it's like there's not really a cure at all."
Taehyung frowned. He wasn't convinced. They had talked about taking down Jeonentech for a while, but now that they were actually doing it, he had his qualms.
Yoongi saw the look on Taehyung's face. "We can make a cure, then," he said. "Make one that everyone can afford."
"How are we going to do that? I don't actually know chemistry or biology! That entire report was just bullshit! I dropped out of school to help with Yoona remember?"
Yoona was Yoongi's older sister. She pretty much raised Taehyung and Yoongi when Yoongi's parents died in a car accident and Taehyung's bailed on him. Yoona fed him, clothed him, and took care of him ever since he unofficially joined the Min family at the age of six. As he got older, he was ever so grateful that she took him in. He was always thinking about how he could repay her.
An opportunity came along when Taehyung had just started his third year of university. Yoongi had already graduated a couple of years before and was working in marketing. Taehyung wanted to be a biochemist, but had to drop out before he could take any upper division courses.
Yoona worked for a small entertainment company as a talent scout. She had mostly been working in Korea but got promoted at that time to work internationally as well. On her first trip, the company sent her to Thailand. This was when everything changed.
She didn't show symptoms at first. It wasn't until a week after she returned home that she developed an excruciating migraine. She tried to sleep it away, but it persisted. On the third day, Yoona still hadn't gotten out of bed, so Taehyung took the day off from school to drive her to the hospital.
At first, the doctors didn't say anything, mainly because they didn't know what was going on. Her brain had swelled to almost twice it's size. She was unresponsive but still breathing. After numerous tests, they were able to conclude that Yoona had contracted a rare brain infection caused by a virus found in warm, tropical areas. They told him that there was only one cure out there, and that cure belonged to Jeonentech.
The vaccine was called JEONIX, and required three doses for full recovery. Each dose costed more than what Yoongi made in a year. Luckily for them, once symptoms showed, the virus didn't move very fast, so Taehyung and Yoongi had time to scrape together enough money for the vaccines. Taehyung dropped out of school and worked numerous odd jobs for hours on end. Yoongi worked overtime and earned a promotion that brought them closer to their goal. By the end of the year, the two of them made enough money for all three doses. However, the end of the year was also when Jeonentech doubled the price of JEONIX. Now they could only afford two doses. The doctors told them that two doses could work, but three was a guarantee. They had no other option but to go with two and hope for the best.
Of course they tried saving up for the third dose, but that took time, and Yoona was getting worse. Taehyung and Yoongi knew that the longer they took to scrape together the funds, the more the price would rise. Before they could get enough money for the third dose, Yoona's brain was completely consumed by the virus. The first two doses slowed the spread, but they weren't enough to cure her.
Yoongi almost didn't go to the funeral. At that time he hadn't gotten out of bed since he got the call from the hospital. It wasn't until Taehyung dragged him out and forced him to put on a suit that he left the house for the first time in four days.
It was a closed casket funeral. Yoongi couldn’t bare to see his sister lying lifeless in a casket. It was bad enough when his parents passed, but losing Yoona as well was too much for him.
He didn't cry throughout the entire service. He didn't cry at all in the previous few days. He was numb. Taehyung wept silently by his side, but Yoongi didn't shed a single tear. He watched as they slowly lowered her into the ground, further cementing the fact that she was actually gone. What would happen now? What would he do without her? He didn't know. All he knew was that Jeonentech was the reason she was gone. And that they were going to pay.
Not long after the funeral, Yoongi came to his senses. He realized that he couldn't just lie in bed all day. He had to do something.
He and Taehyung sold the house they shared with Yoona to pay off their debts. They moved into a tiny apartment on the other side of town. Yoongi returned to work and in the meantime began scheming. He knew he wanted to take Jeonentech down, he just had to figure out how.
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"Did you notice the way Jungkook was looking at you tonight?" Yoongi asked Taehyung.
"This is the second time you've brought it up. What about it?"
"I mean he looked at you like he wanted to devour you."
"Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit, hyung?" But the truth is, Taehyung agreed. The way Jungkook looked at him seemed somewhat... predatory. And he was okay with it.
"No, and I think you should go along with it."
"What?" He didn't necessarily think it was a bad idea, but he was shocked that Yoongi suggested it. Jeon Jungkook seemed so sleazy, he didn't think Yoongi would want him to be involved with the CEO on a more personal level.
"Get close to him, find out his weaknesses... maybe steal some money along the way..."
"Hyung." Taehyung warned. "Don't you think what we're doing is enough?" Yoongi said that last part so nonchalantly. Although, of course, they were worming their way into one of the wealthiest pharmaceutical companies in the world, so why wouldn't they take advantage of it? Maybe they could finally move out of this crappy apartment. Maybe even each buy their own houses.
"Do you? Don't you want to get back all we lost in the last two years?"
Taehyung sighed. "I suppose you're right."
“I am right. And if we’re going to do that we need info. We need leverage.”
Taehyung nodded solemnly. "Let's do it."
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When Yoongi returned home from work the next day, Taehyung was taking a nap on the couch. Taehyung awoke to a stack of large books being dropped on his thighs.
"Hey. What the fuck?" Taehyung sat up to face Yoongi, who stood before him with his arms crossed.
"I stopped by the library on my break. You said you don't actually know chemistry and biology? Well now you can learn some," Yoongi said sternly.
Taehyung groaned. "Do you really think I can learn graduate level chemistry through library textbooks?"
"I know you can. And you're going to have to in order to at least pretend you know what you're doing in that lab. Just leave all the heavy duty stuff to the actual scientists there."
Taehyung sighed and flopped back down on the couch. "Fuck. Fine."
"Also I called Jungkook earlier today. He wants to meet with you tomorrow."
Taehyung's eyes widened and shot toward Yoongi. "Tomorrow? You want me to learn all of this by tomorrow?!"
"No. This is just contractual stuff. I have work so I can't come, but I got a lawyer to be there with you."
Taehyung propped himself up on his arm. "A lawyer? How can we afford a lawyer?"
"Don't worry. He's a friend of a friend."
"Okay fine," Taehyung resigned.
Yoongi pushed Taehyung's legs to the side and sat down. "You know, it's not too late to back out."
"We have to do this for Yoona. And for everyone else that Jeonentech is fucking over."
Yoongi nodded and leaned back on the couch. He reached over, grabbing the remote and switching on the TV. Taehyung sat up and watched with him.
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The next morning Yoongi walked into Taehyung's room with a suit he borrowed from one of his coworkers.
"Here, wear this today." He tossed the garment bag onto the foot of the bed.
"Thanks, hyung." Taehyung sat up in bed, yawning and using his hands to rub the sleep from his eyes.
Yoongi walked around to the side of the bed where Taehyung lay. "You ready? Nervous?"
"Uhh. No. And yes."
Yoongi smiled. "Don't be, it'll be fine. Also I told the lawyer the plan. The three of you are meeting in a cafe downtown at four. You'll get all the paperwork signed and filled out. Then the lawyer will leave, leaving you alone with Jungkook. I want you to flirt a little, and invite him out for dinner. If he says yes, take my credit card and bring him to that swanky new place on Third street. I know the owner and I told him I needed a favor. If he invites you back to his place, go with him. Gather any information you can about this man. Then report it back to me."
It was a lot of information for Taehyung to process, having just woken up. "Why am I the one doing this?"
"I already told you. I have to work today. And we already know Jungkook has the hots for you." Yoongi wiggled his eyebrow suggestively. "So naturally it'd be best for you to go and flirt with him a little."
"I don't know if I know how, hyung."
"Come on, haven't you flirted with girls before? This shouldn't be any different."
A blank expression came across Taehyung's face. "Uh. No, not really."
Yoongi's brows furrowed. "Hm... Just do what they do on TV then."
"I guess I'll try," Taehyung resigned.
"Good. I'll see you tonight. Or if things go well, in the morning."
Taehyung grimaced which caused Yoongi to chuckle as he left the room.
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"Alright, Taehyung, just sign here, here, and here, and fill out this box," the lawyer instructed as the three men sat at the small table in a bougie cafe downtown.
Taehyung did as he was told and tried best to ignore the fact that Jungkook had been eye-fucking him ever since they sat down an hour ago. His bright blue orbs, where it seemed the stars were simultaneously created and destroyed in the most brilliant supernovae, felt like they bore holes into Taehyung's skin.
The first half hour was spent discussing the main points of the contract. Jeonentech would provide funding and labor, while Yoongi and Taehyung provided the theory and guidance. At the end, if or when the cure was complete, Jeonentech would provide the two men a sum of ten billion won each for the rights to the cure. Then, Jeonentech can do whatever it wants with it, whether it be shelving it for later use and development, or selling it as they see fit.
The second half hour was spent going through each and every page of the contract, making sure i's were dotted and t's were crossed, and no one accidentally misspelled their middle name.
The second full hour was when Taehyung got nervous. The lawyer was getting ready to leave, which meant soon he would be alone with Jungkook, something he wasn't sure he would want. Part of him was hoping that as soon as the lawyer left, Jungkook would provide him with an excuse as to why he had to leave as well. But Jungkook stayed, his coffee not even half finished.
Jungkook took a sip from his mug. Taehyung looked down at his, empty and depleted of the latte that once filled it. He fiddled with the handle, wishing he still had some coffee left so he could use it to occupy his mouth.
"I can buy you another latte, if you want," Jungkook offered. His voice was soft and sweet, not at all like the cocky, arrogant tone he used at the party.
Taehyung smiled politely at him. "No, that's alright." He knew that if he had more caffeine, he would be way to anxious to carry through with Yoongi's orders.
"In that case, you can leave if you have somewhere you'd rather be."
"Oh, no. I can stay and keep you company until you finish."
The corner of Jungkook's mouth perked up as he brought his mug to his lips.
"Or, if you're not busy..." Taehyung began. He had rehearsed this all morning in his head, and yet now that the time has come, he was having the hardest time saying it.
Jungkook looked at him from behind the rim. "Yes?"
Taehyung set down his mug and fiddled with his hands in his lap. "Would you mind accompanying me to dinner?"
Suddenly that cocky, predatory look from the party returned. "I would love to," Jungkook replied.
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Taehyung didn't really know Jungkook, so he had trouble finding things to talk about at dinner. He was so scared that Jungkook would ask him about his work, or anything science related for that matter. He still hadn't had the time to read through the textbooks Yoongi brought him. He should do it soon, though. Not only so he knows what the hell he's doing but also because an overdue fine from the library is the last thing he needs right now.
"So, how many labs have you worked in before this?" Jungkook asked as he cut a piece off of his steak. Now that he had Taehyung's full attention, he seemed to stop with the eye-fucking. The side of him that he showed now seemed a lot more normal. Maybe it was because he thought he already had Taehyung and didn't need to go out of his way to flirt with him anymore.
"I'm actually still in school," Taehyung lied. He was so nervous he felt his throat going dry and took a large chug of water from his glass.
"So is this like, an internship or something with Yoongi?"
Taehyung nervously pushed his food around his plate. "No. Yoongi works in marketing."
The CEO didn't seem satisfied with this answer. "Then how did the two of you meet?"
"We've known each other since we were kids and we've been living together for years."
"Ah." He took a sip of his wine and leaned back in his chair. A bit of his cockiness returned. "So are you two a couple?"
Taehyung nearly choked on his mashed potatoes. "No. Nothing like that. We're practically brothers."
Jungkook smirked. "Interesting."
Taehyung shifted in his seat. The way Jungkook said that one word sent a chill down his spine. The lust was plain in his eyes. He just knew what Jungkook was thinking. That Taehyung was available and his for the taking. And that scared the shit out of him.
He cleared his throat. Desperate to change the subject, he asked Jungkook, “So how’s running the company? Are you still adjusting to, you know, everything?”
“Uh, yeah. It’s been rough the last few months. I feel like a lot of people will just never get used to the fact that their boss is half their age in some cases.”
Taehyung nodded along as Jungkook continued talking about the company. He slowly began to lose his appetite the more Jungkook played up the achievements of Jeonentech, as if they didn’t achieve them by taking from others.
It was difficult to keep up his enthusiasm when all he wanted to do was get the fuck up and leave. Whenever he found himself thinking, hmm maybe Jungkook isn't so bad, Jungkook opens his mouth and says something that rubs him the wrong way. It wasn't entirely Jungkook's fault though, since it was his asshole father who raised him.
Once they finished their meals, Jungkook reluctantly let Taehyung – although it was really Yoongi and his connections – cover the bill. Jungkook offered to make it up to him by going back to his place for a drink. He unwillingly agreed, knowing that if he refused, Yoongi would berate him for passing up an opportunity to delve further into the life of Jeon Jungkook.
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Taehyung followed Jungkook up the white marble steps to his mansion. Everything just screamed luxury. Taehyung assumed that Jungkook lived in one of those swanky penthouse apartments downtown with hot tub on the balcony and a bedroom that had a panoramic view of all of Seoul where he brought his “dates” for some late night fun. But apparently the Jeon family was a little more old fashioned.
Jungkook stood before a metal box in the wall next to the gilded glass double doors. A beam shot out of it and scanned his iris before unlocking the entrance with a click. The doors swung open silently and Taehyung was greeted with a grandiose portrait of Jungkook’s father. Before the painting was an altar where jasmine incense burned.
The doors swung closed behind him as he entered, and, although the entryway was likely larger than his entire apartment, Taehyung felt trapped.
Taehyung stood there, gazing at the portrait, which was quite unsettling. He felt as if Mr. Jeon knew exactly why Taehyung was there, and that he wasn’t happy about it. Jungkook stood next to him as he gawked.
“Do you miss him?” Taehyung asked.
“Honestly? No. He was a shitty father. Cared more about his company and his money than he ever cared about us.”
Taehyung hummed to indicate he was listening.
“Mom on the other hand, though. She was devastated. After the funeral she moved back to the countryside to be with her side of the family. Said she couldn’t bear to be in a place that constantly reminded her of him.”
“So she just left you all alone like that?”
Jungkook nodded. “She used to love me. So much. Enough for the both of them. She would tell me everyday before I went to bed, always made sure I knew it. I guess now I remind her too much of my father, so she had to leave.” He let out a reminiscent sigh. “I’m an adult now, though. I’m fully capable of taking care of myself, and this company.”
Taehyung turned toward Jungkook. “You’re barely an adult!” he objected. “You’re younger than me, and I barely feel like an adult.”
One of Jungkook’s eyebrows quirked up. “I’m younger than you?”
“Then why do you speak so formally to me?”
“I guess ‘cause you’re pretty much my boss right now.”
“Just your boss?” The corner of Jungkook’s mouth tugged up. “I was hoping after tonight we could be a little more than that.”
A lump formed in Taehyung’s throat and he swallowed it audibly. He shifted his gaze away from Jungkook back to the portrait.
“Did you like him?” Taehyung inquired. “What kind of man was he?”
His eyes remained on Taehyung. “When I was little I wanted to be just like him. But now that I’m actually in his position, I kind of feel like I would never be as great of a leader as he was. He may have been a shitty father, but he was a great businessman.”
Taehyung was quite struck by the CEO’s unexpected candor.
Taehyung looked at him. “Why are you being so honest with me.”
His lips curled. “I don’t know. You asked.” He narrowed his eyes, studying Taehyung. “And there’s just something about you. I feel like I can trust you.” A mistake.
“Not just because you want to get in my pants?”
Jungkook chuckled. “That too.” He clapped his hands together. “Enough of this. Let’s go inside.”
Taehyung nodded and followed Jungkook further into the house. Jungkook gave him a tour of the place, which took a while since his home was so damn large. Taehyung took mental notes of the layout of the mansion, locking every hallway, every room into his memory. Everything was either antique wood, white marble, shiny crystal, or opulent gold. Everything was so excessive, so extravagant, and Taehyung felt immensely out of place.
The tour ended in Jungkook’s study, which also featured a mini bar. Taehyung looked around the room. Book shelves made of rich, dark oak lined the walls, with a matching desk and bar. He didn’t see any cameras, to his relief. As a matter of fact, he hadn’t seen any cameras in any of the rooms in this house. A yet another big mistake on their part.
Jungkook poked around in one of the cabinets before saying that he was out of whiskey and telling Taehyung to “make yourself comfortable” while he went to the basement to grab another bottle from his stash.
Once he was gone, Taehyung tried to move as fast as he could, pulling books from shelves in hopes of finding something hidden in the pages, and rummaging through drawers searching for anything that could be of use for him.
To his advantage, none of the drawers were locked, which was dumb as shit considering what he found in one of them. His fingers wrapped around the rich brown leather of a bound notebook. He opened it to discover bank accounts, pin numbers, and passwords that Jungkook’s father – maybe even Jungkook – had written within it.
“Holy fuck,” he muttered to himself and whipped out his phone to snap pictures of each page. He quickly shoved the book back in the desk and shut the drawer.
Taehyung sat down in one of the chairs, and tried to look casual, like he did not just nearly tear apart this entire room.
He took another look around. Being surrounded by all this wealth, Taehyung suddenly remembered how the Jeon family acquired it, and what kind of people they were. They were spineless, heartless, preying off the sick and dying. They didn't care. As long as it kept the balance in their bank accounts, they would continue to do it.
Jungkook came back a few minutes later with a bottle of aged whiskey. Taehyung became filled with such anger, such loathing, such disdain toward the man standing in front of him right now. He struggled to keep his emotions from showing on his face.
"Would you like a drink?" Jungkook offered, bringing Taehyung out of his thoughts.
"Yes." A drink was just what he needed to calm him down.
Jungkook poured a glass of whiskey and Taehyung stood up to take it from him. When their hands touched, Taehyung tensed.
Taking notice, Jungkook stepped closer to him. "Do I make you nervous, Taehyung?" He raised an eyebrow.
Taehyung downed his drink and hissed through his teeth. "Not at all."
Jungkook stepped even closer, leaning into Taehyung. "Are you sure? You seem tense."
That's because the person I hate most in this world is standing right in front of me, Taehyung thought, but he said nothing. He just wanted to get this over with.
Jungkook reached his hand up, about to place it on Taehyung's chest, and tried to kiss him when Taehyung grabbed his wrist to stop him.
Jungkook's eyes widened at the sudden movement and tried to wriggle from his firm grasp. "What the fuck?"
Taehyung gripped him harder. "If we're going to do this, we're gonna do it on my terms."
Jungkook's expression changed into a sneer. He seemed to like this change in dynamic. He wasn’t used to being treated like this, and it excited him. "Very well. Shall we head to the bedroom?"
Instead of answering, he twisted Jungkook's arm behind his back and pushed him down the hall. Jungkook bit his lip at the force and complied with a smug grin.
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Jungkook lay on his back, still coming down from his high. “Shit,” he panted.
Taehyung just lay there, staring at the ceiling. He had to admit that was one of the best orgasms he'd had in his life, but he wouldn't let Jungkook have the satisfaction of knowing that. Per Yoongi's instructions, he was supposed to stay the night if Jungkook offered, but he wanted more than anything to just get up and leave.
Taehyung sat up and reached for his shirt, but Jungkook placed a hand on his arm to stop him. "You don't have to leave, you know," Jungkook told him. "Come on. Stay."
Taehyung looked over at him. The look on Jungkook's face told him he would definitely be up for round two. Taehyung groaned inwardly and flopped back down onto the cushy down feather pillow.
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Taehyung walked through his front door the next morning dead tired and with an ache in his neck. He was right, a couple hours later, Jungkook wanted to go again, and he had no choice but to agree. He hardly got any sleep that night, because Jungkook had been extremely clingy in his sleep. He felt like he was asleep for about an hour before Jungkook woke him up saying that he needed to go to work. So, Taehyung just picked up his clothes and went home.
He groaned as he took off his jacket and collapsed on the musty couch. He had work that day, but decided to call in sick in order to mentally recover. He would have to quit soon anyway so he could work at Jeonentech.
He slept through the entire day, and didn't wake up until Yoongi walked through the door and threw his keys down on the coffee table with a loud jingle.
"So, how'd it go?" He pushed Taehyung's legs aside and sat down next to him. "Did you get any useful information?"
Taehyung reached over to grab his phone from his jacket pocket and threw it in Yoongi's lap. "The dumbass writes down all his passwords and shit in a fucking notebook. I took pictures."
Yoongi patted Taehyung on the leg. "Good job, Tae."
"Thanks." He leaned back and closed his eyes.
"You really that tired?"
Taehyung nodded.
Yoongi chuckled. "What'd he do to you?"
He groaned.
"Did you sleep with him?"
Taehyung didn't answer.
"What am I saying? Of course you did! You spent the night at his place. Was he a selfish asshole in bed too?"
"Hyung, I don't wanna talk about it."
"Alright, alright. I understand. The most important thing is that you got some info. And also got laid." He raised his eyebrows.
"Ugggggghhhhh," Taehyung grumbled.
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Over that weekend, Taehyung spent the entire time holed up in the apartment, studying the textbooks Yoongi got him. It had been so long since he's been out of school, but soon all the things he had learned about deoxyribose, polysaccharides, and myofibril came back to him. Over those two days, with little to no sleep, he was able to revise the thesis for Bangtanus Sonyeondaris to be more convincing.
The more he looked at it, the more it made sense.
Taehyung sat on the couch, going over the report as Yoongi prepared dinner in the kitchen. "Hyung," he called out to him. "I think this could actually work."
Yoongi stopped chopping his onions. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," he skimmed over the formulas once again, "that with the right resources, Bangtanus Sonyeondaris could be a real thing."
Yoongi set down his knife and leaned against the counter. "Wait, are you saying you just actually developed a drug that could regenerate human flesh in mere seconds?"
"With my undergraduate understanding of it, yes."
"Shit, man." He pursed his lips.
"I know,” Taehyung sighed.
Yoongi scoffed in disbelief. "Did you seriously just bullshit so hard you actually made it work?"
"Yeah I can't believe it either. But all the numbers and formulas check out, I think."
Yoongi walked around the counter and into the living room where Taehyung sat. He clapped a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “You little genius! I’m so proud of you, man.”
Taehyung shied away at Yoongi’s praise, a blush creeping into his cheeks. “Thanks, hyung.”
“Great! Now we can celebrate! I picked up some wine earlier and I’m making your favorite.”
Taehyung smiled. “Great.”
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Monday morning, Taehyung put on a fresh pressed dress shirt and stood in front of the mirror. It was his first day at Jeonentech and he would be meeting with the team of biologists and chemists who would help him develop his cure, all while Jungkook watched him with a close eye.
He looked himself over, making sure he seemed responsible and professional. His clothes were clean and crisp, and his hair was brushed neat, but he noticed the dark circles that formed under his eyes from the lack of sleep he had been getting lately. He tried rubbing at them with his fingers, hoping it would help, but they remained on his face, just as prominent as before.
A second later, Taehyung heard a knock on his door. “Come in,” he said.
“Hey, Tae,” Yoongi greeted him. He leaned against the doorway and watched Taehyung. “If you’re ready I can give you a ride.”
“Yeah, I’m ready.” Taehyung gave himself one last look in the mirror.
“Nervous again?”
“Of course. I feel like I don’t know shit.”
Yoongi gave Taehyung a pat on the back. “Don’t be. You’ll be fine,” he reassured. “All you have to do is act and look like you know what you’re doing, and people will believe you do.”
Taehyung stuck his hands in his pants pockets and glanced at his shoes. They could probably use a shine. “I don’t know, hyung. These people actually finished school.”
“And I bet you’re smarter than all of them combined.” Yoongi smiled, which Taehyung returned.
“I doubt that, but thanks for the pep talk.”
“Not a problem. It’s the least I can do since you’re pretty much carrying this all yourself.”
Taehyung frowned at the reminder that he was alone in most of this.
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The week went by a lot faster and a lot easier than Taehyung had anticipated. All he had to do was tell the scientists, “Maybe this will work,” and they did all the rest for him. He didn’t have to touch a single petri dish or prep a single micropipette. He just walked around the lab and watched them work.
He avoided Jungkook during lunch and breaks, mostly because he had no idea what to talk about with him, and wanted to avoid any awkwardness or disdain that may result from conversation. They came from completely different backgrounds and were raised on completely different sets of ethics. They had nothing in common, besides losing their family members. But Jungkook didn’t know about that.
Taehyung, however, found that there was no escaping the CEO. He was the CEO after all, and Taehyung had to obey when Jungkook’s assistant told him that Jungkook wanted to see him in his office. Their meetings were brief, mostly just Jungkook asking if any progress was being made, and also a little bit of eye-fucking.
Taehyung had trained himself not to squirm under Jungkook’s scrutiny, and even managed to return his predatory gaze in some cases to keep up appearances.
On Friday afternoon, Jungkook was being especially flirty, and asked Taehyung to join him for drinks after work. Taehyung agreed, making sure to text Yoongi to let him know he wouldn’t be coming home that night. Yoongi replied with a thumbs up emoji and something along the lines of a “Go get ‘em, tiger,” to which Taehyung grimaced.
The last time Taehyung went out with Jungkook, he also drank. But that was only one drink and it was back at his place. Now they were at an expensive bar downtown in a private booth in the back, and this time he had more than one drink. Taehyung was usually good at handling his alcohol. Even after shots upon shots at parties he attended while still in college, he never did anything stupid. He wasn’t a talkative drunk, and he didn’t say shit he wasn’t supposed to, so he wasn’t worried about spilling his and Yoongi’s plan when he decided to let loose and down a few drinks.
However, with each shot he took, and each glass of whiskey, he noticed himself becoming more and more attracted to Jungkook. Maybe it was because he could actually forget about Jungkook’s terrible moral code when he was under the influence of enough alcohol.
It wasn’t like Jungkook wasn’t handsome – he definitely was. Probably the second most handsome guy he's ever seen. And maybe a little too handsome for some people. But for drunk Taehyung, he was absolutely gorgeous.
Taehyung didn’t pay attention at all to what Jungkook was saying, only staring at his lips as they moved with every word he spoke. Occasionally Jungkook would run his tongue across them after he took a sip of his drink. Taehyung found himself thinking about kissing him – which he still hadn’t done yet. So far, it was only sex. They never did anything that affectionate. But all that Taehyung’s muddled brain could think about at that moment was how his lips would feel on Jungkook’s.
“Are you okay?” The CEO asked, breaking Taehyung from his thoughts.
“Hm? Yeah. I think I’ve just had a bit too much to drink,” Taehyung admitted.
“Then do you want to go home? Or we can go back to my place? Or yours?”
“Yours sounds great,” Taehyung answered with feigned shyness, still staring at Jungkook’s lips.
Jungkook stood up and threw on his jacket. “Great, I’ll call us a cab.”
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Taehyung lay with his arm around Jungkook’s shoulder, and Jungkook rested his head on Taehyung’s chest. They had just gotten back into bed after cleaning all the cum off their bodies, and Jungkook decided he wanted to be extra clingy that night.
Taehyung still hadn’t kissed him.
At least not on the lips. The two of them had kissed just about everywhere else.
Taehyung’s brain was still a little bit fuzzy. He must have drank more than he thought, if he was still buzzed after the orgasm he just had. He contemplated that this time may have topped the last. Maybe the alcohol had something to do with it.
Along with clingy, Jungkook also felt chatty.
“Hey, Tae. Can I call you Tae?”
Taehyung cringed at the nickname that was usually reserved only for close friends and family, aka Yoongi and Yoona. “Yeah sure.”
“Can I ask you something?” Jungkook’s voice was small and soft. Taehyung thought he even heard a hint of nervousness in it.
“Go for it.”
“I don’t know what we have right now, but I really need you to not tell anyone about it.” Jungkook used his finger to trace swirly patterns on Taehyung’s stomach, which he hated to admit felt nice. “It’s just that, no one knows I’m gay and I would like to keep it that way. You may think that I’m the boss who’s in charge of everything, but there are a lot of people who have power over the company who also happen to be very old, very conservative men. If this got out, it could really hurt the company.”
“I understand,” Taehyung replied. He gently rubbed Jungkook’s shoulder to reassure him. “I don’t think I would want all the attention that comes along with being your… whatever we are, anyway.”
“Thank you for understanding.” Jungkook nuzzled his nose into the crook of Taehyung’s neck, ghosting his lips along his collarbone. He pulled back and looked at Taehyung. “Did you always want to be a biochemist?”
Taehyung thought about it. “I think so, for as long as I can remember.”
Jungkook sighed and laced his fingers with the hand that Taehyung had placed on his shoulder. “It must be nice, being able to choose.”
“Did you want to own the company one day? Not this soon, but someday?”
“I don’t know. I never really considered anything else, because I guess I never really had a choice.” Jungkook rested his head on Taehyung’s bicep and stared at the ceiling. “My entire life was just my father training me to be ready for right now. This was all I ever knew.”
“Do you even like the company?”
“I mean, it supports my current lifestyle, so I can’t really complain.” Jungkook chuckled lightly, letting it die out in his throat, and leaving a heavy atmosphere in the room.
“Are there any things that you would want to change?”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know,” Taehyung mused. “I’ve heard that a lot of the vaccines aren’t very accessible to the people who need it because of the high prices Jeonentech has set.” His heart began to race as he awaited Jungkook’s answer.
“The high prices are how we make our money. Which we need to do considering some of it has been going missing from our accounts lately.”
“Yeah. It might just be a fuck up on the accountants’ behalf, though. So I’ll wait a bit and see if it fixes itself.”
“How much is missing?”
“About a billion won.”
Taehyung’s head snapped forward in surprise. “A bil–?! How could a billion missing won be a mistake?!”
“I don’t know. I may have to fire one of the accountants.”
Taehyung placed his head back down on the pillow and took a deep breath. “Don’t you think you would make even more money if you made the cures more affordable, since more people would be able to pay for them?”
“What I’ve found, is that if people are desperate enough, they’ll be willing to pay anything. And everyone gets there eventually.”
Unbelievable. Was he for real right now? Taehyung couldn’t believe what he was hearing. How could someone so… So beautiful on the outside be so ugly and horrible on the inside?
Taehyung didn’t say anything in response. He just stared at Jungkook’s face, soft and smooth in the dim light of the lamp on the night stand. He tightened his grip on Jungkook’s hand. He didn’t know how to react right now. He hated to admit that he was disappointed in Jungkook’s answer. He had hoped that maybe there was a little hair of humanity in him that would maybe make him want to change his ways, but there was none.
He was feeling so many things right now as he studied Jungkook’s visage. His eyes were so icy, yet so warm. And his pillow-soft, pink lips that Taehyung had once known only as a smirk were now slack in an unreadable expression. Taehyung was so full of anger and sadness and disappointment, paired with the tiniest bit of lust, he wanted to scream. Of course he couldn’t let Jungkook know that, at least not about the anger, sadness, and disappointment, because that would ruin the whole thing. Taehyung couldn’t break character now. He and Yoongi still had so much they needed to do, and breaking his ties with Jungkook would ruin everything.
He hated how this was all on him.
Jungkook opened his mouth to speak again, but Taehyung didn’t think he could bear to listen to another word he had to say.
Taehyung leaned over and kissed him just to shut him up.
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The next day, Yoongi came home to Taehyung asleep on the couch again.
“Did you sleep all day?” he asked, sitting down next to his legs.
Taehyung groaned. “Yeah."
“Tae,” Yoongi chastised.
“Well Jungkook kept me up all night again! I'm fucking tired man.”
A little taken aback by his tone, Yoongi apologized. “Alright, sorry.”
Taehyung suddenly felt guilty for snapping. “No, I’m sorry. That was rude of me.”
Yoongi nodded curtly.
Taehyung closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose to help relieve the tension from the migraine that had developed after last night. “Hey, did you actually siphon a billion won from one of Jeonentech’s accounts?”
Yoongi laughed. “That bastard actually noticed?”
Taehyung put his arm over his eyes, trying to block out the light. “Yeah. He told me about it last night.”
“Hm. Interesting. What else did he tell you?”
“Some other stuff that we can use to our advantage, but I’ll tell you about it later.”
“Why later?”
Taehyung peeked at Yoongi from under his arm. “Because right now I want to tell you to be more careful. If you’re going to take his money, at least do it slowly so he won’t notice.”
“I guess you’re right.” Yoongi patted him on the knee.
“Where are you putting this money anyway?”
“I got an untraceable offshore account in the Caymans.” Yoongi said it so bluntly, like he just went to Korea National and opened up a checking account or something.
“Shit really? That sounds like serious business. Are you sure it's safe?”
“Yup. I know a guy who's done it before."
"Well, if you know what you're doing, I support you, hyung. Take all that's asshole's money."
"Speaking of assholes, how is Jungkook's?"
"Shut the fuck up." Taehyung covered his eyes again signaling the end to their conversation. As good as the sex with Jungkook was, he didn't want to talk about it.
"Alright, that's fine," Yoongi resigned. He then got up and let Taehyung nap in peace.
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About a week later, Jungkook invited Taehyung to his office again.
“I want you to accompany me to the charity gala this weekend,” Jungkook said to him.
Ha! Charity! Since when did Jeonentech care about that?
“I thought you said we couldn’t be open about our relationship,” Taehyung pointed out.
“We can’t, but I would still like you to be there.” Jungkook fingered Taehyung’s tie. “Just no PDA and stuff. I’ll introduce you as one of Jeonentech’s new developers. I’m sure everyone will be impressed since you’re so young and handsome.” He smiled flirtatiously.
Taehyung placed his hands on Jungkook’s hips and pulled him closer. “In that case, I would love to go with you.” The corners of his lips curled up.
Jungkook gave him a quick peck on the lips. “Great. I’ll have your suit delivered to your apartment by Friday. The gala is Saturday night. I’ll pick you up at your apartment and afterward we can go back to my place for some fun.” He winked.
“Alright. I can’t wait.” Taehyung let go of the CEO. “I have to get back to work. I’ll talk to you later.”
Jungkook stepped forward to kiss him again, but Taehyung slid from his side and walked out the door before Jungkook got the chance.
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“So Jungkook invited me to this gala on Saturday night,” Taehyung told Yoongi. The two of them were sitting on the couch, eating their chinese takeout while the TV played before them.
“So you’re going to be gone all night again?” Yoongi almost sounded like he was opposed to it. Which was odd because just less than a week ago, when Taehyung told him he was spending the night at Jungkook’s, Yoongi had told him to “go get ‘em, tiger.”
“Is that a problem?”
Yoongi set down his paper plate, barely having touched his food. “No, not at all. You’re just keeping up with appearances.”
“Yes. Exactly.”
“It’s just that you’ve been gone every night this week, and it’s really quiet with both you and Yoona gone…”
It’s true. After that weekend, Jungkook had been inviting Taehyung over every night. And honestly, Taehyung didn’t know why he agreed each time. He hadn't gotten any new information the last few days. Just some really good sex. And maybe kissing wasn't so bad. Maybe all the physical aspects weren't so bad as long as Jungkook kept his mouth shut. He started to feel okay with spending all this time with him.
But he also felt guilty about it.
Guilty because at this point it was a little more than just going along with the plan. And guilty because he knew how Yoongi felt.
“I’m sorry, hyung. I can cancel if you want me to.”
“No. Don’t. This is an important opportunity and you need to go.”
Taehyung sat, thinking. “If you’re feeling bored without me, I’ve got a plan for you.”
“Oh? What plan?”
Taehyung set down his plate and turned toward Yoongi. “Remember how I said last Saturday that I got some information on Jungkook that we could use later?”
“Vaguely, yes.”
“Well, he told me that he doesn’t want to go public with our relationship and that he doesn’t want anyone to know he’s gay. He said something about how like the investors were old conservative men and if they find out, it could be bad for Jeonentech.”
Yoongi’s brows furrowed. “Okay… What does this have to do with me?”
“Jungkook said we’re going to be going to his place after the gala.”
“You kept Yoona’s camera, right? The good one that can zoom really far?”
“Yeah,” Yoongi replied, still confused, but getting a vague sense of where this was going.
“There’s a window in Jungkook’s room that faces the street. You can park and hide across the street and wait for us to get back. I kiss him or something in front of the window and you can snap pictures of us. Then we can block my face out and sell it to the newspapers, tabloids, whatever. I’m sure that will help us reach our goal a little faster.”
“Taehyung, you’re a genius.” Yoongi stood up and stretched out his arms. “Come on, give me a hug.”
Taehyung stood and did so, wrapping his arms tightly around Yoongi. Even though he was sleeping with Jungkook quite regularly, this tiny gesture felt ten thousand times more intimate than all of those encounters combined. It was a feeling that Taehyung desperately craved.
When Yoongi pulled back, he said, "That bastard's going down."
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Since Taehyung would be spending all evening with Jungkook on Saturday, they both agreed to go to their own respective homes Friday night. Taehyung was glad he could finally be in his own room that night, something that seldom happened as of late.
He got home to find Yoongi already in the kitchen, microwaving some leftovers.
"Oh hey," Yoongi greeted him. "You're home tonight."
Taehyung took off his jacket and threw it on the couch, along with himself immediately after. “Yeah, since I’m spending the night with Jungkook tomorrow, we decided to spend tonight alone.”
“Ah, okay. A package came for you.” Yoongi pointed to the garment bag that hung on the coat rack which Taehyung forgot even existed.
“Oh yeah, Jungkook said he would send me a suit for the gala.” He stood up and walked over the the coat rack, plucking the package off one of its branches. He unzipped the package and inspected it. “Holy hell,” he muttered.
“What?” Yoongi had taken his food out of the microwave and was now walking over to where Taehyung stood.
“It’s fucking Gucci. The man got me a Gucci suit.” Taehyung held it up for Yoongi to see.
Yoongi looked it over. “Nice, man. It looks nice.”
Taehyung put the suit up to his body to gauge the size. “I’m going to try it on to make sure it fits.”
“Alright, dude.”
Thus Taehyung retreated into his room for the night and Yoongi ate dinner alone.
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Taehyung put on his suit and ran his fingers through his hair. It wasn’t looking how he wanted it to, but it would have to do.
The door to his room was open so Yoongi knocked on the doorframe and leaned against it.
“You look good, Tae.” Yoongi was still wearing his pajamas and his hair was slightly messy. This disheveled look made him seem so much younger. It reminded Taehyung just how young Yoongi was – barely even two years older than him – and how his circumstances had forced him to grow up faster than he should have. Even though that had everything to do with the car accident and nothing to do with Jeonentech, Taehyung couldn’t help but blame the company, blame them for taking away everything Yoongi had left after he had lost almost everything.
“Thanks, hyung.” Taehyung fidgeted with his bowtie.
Yoongi stepped closer to him. “Here let me do it.” He undid the bowtie and then tied it again.
Taehyung was suddenly aware of how close Yoongi was. He smelled different, Taehyung thought. He couldn’t tell if it was because Yoongi got a new cologne, or if they had just been apart for so long lately that Taehyung forgot what he smelled like. Regardless, he still found the scent comforting, nostalgic in a way that just felt like home. When Yoongi finished tying the bowtie, he stepped back, and Taehyung found himself not wanting him to.
“There we go,” Yoongi said endearingly and Taehyung nodded. Taehyung’s eyes followed him as he retreated a couple steps back to take in his full form. “Perfect as ever, Tae.” Yoongi smiled. “Are you familiar with the plan?”
Taehyung nodded. “Yup. I go to the thing with Jungkook, then I text you when I’m leaving. We go back to his place, where you’ll be parked out front. We’ll stand in front of the window, you’ll take pictures, and then we expose him.”
A mischievous smile spread across Yoongi’s face. “Yes exactly.”
At that moment, Taehyung got a text from Jungkook saying he was downstairs. “He’s here.”
“Go get ‘em, tiger.”
Taehyung smiled at him. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“And I’ll see you later.”
Taehyung patted Yoongi on the back and walked out to meet Jungkook in the parking lot.
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“You nervous?” Jungkook asked Taehyung as they sat in the back seat of the limo.
Taehyung stared down at his hand which was laced with Jungkook’s. “A little. I just don’t wanna fuck up and accidentally do something that would jeopardize this.”
“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. Just don’t try to kiss me or hold my hand or anything and we’ll be fine.”
“Okay, got it.”
The limo pulled up at the venue, and Jungkook removed his hand from Taehyung’s.
“Ready?” Jungkook asked him.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” He gave the CEO a nervous smile.
A few seconds later the driver opened the door and out stepped Jungkook followed by Taehyung. Of course, he expected everyone to be staring at Jungkook, since he was the host of this gala, however Taehyung wasn’t expecting everyone to be looking at him as well. But, he arrived with the CEO, so naturally people were curious as to who he was.
Taehyung tried to ignore them, like he did when he was with Yoongi the first time they met Jungkook. But Taehyung was never as confident as Yoongi, who carried himself easily through a crowd with utmost poise. Taehyung tried his best not to trip or hyperventilate as he heard the whispers amongst strangers inquiring of his identity and commenting on how handsome he was. As much as he hated the CEO, he wanted to hold his hand for comfort and a sense of familiarity, but unfortunately he couldn’t do that.
Once they entered the ballroom, Jungkook and Taehyung were escorted to their table. Joining them were various wealthy philanthropists and friends of the Jeon family. They all offered their condolences to Jungkook, which he accepted with graceful bows. Taehyung just sat there next to him, greeting or nodding whenever Jungkook introduced him or spoke about him.
A couple of times, the other guests asked what kind of work he was doing at Jeonentech. Yoongi was the one who did all the talking when it came to their little project, so Taehyung fumbled over his words when he answered saying that he wasn’t allowed to speak of it outside of the company, which he did mostly so he wouldn’t have to talk about it. Jungkook could tell that Taehyung was nervous and placed a hand on his thigh beneath the table to help calm him down.
But that just made things worse.
Because now Taehyung was hyperaware of both Jungkook’s touch and the eyes of all the guests at the table on him. He had a couple of glasses of champagne and a glass of wine, but they weren’t helping, and he couldn’t drink more because the other guests would definitely notice how much he was drinking. At one point, he got so anxious that he had to get up from the table and hide in the restroom to collect himself.
Jungkook came in as Taehyung was leaning against one of the sinks, staring at his reflection in the mirror.
“You okay, Tae?” Jungkook asked, sounding as concerned as Jeon Jungkook could possibly sound.
“Yeah,” Taehyung replied. His heart was still racing and he could barely breathe. “I’m just not used to all this attention. It’s usually Yoongi doing all the talking, not me.” Also my knowledge of biochemistry is not nearly as extensive as it needs to be and I don’t want to say something stupid. But Taehyung didn’t say that outloud.
Jungkook stepped closer and placed his hand on the small of Taehyung back, making eye contact with him through his reflection. “It’s fine. You have nothing to be nervous about. I’m right here next to you.” Jungkook gave him a reassuring smile.
Taehyung forced a smile in return. “Part of the reason I wanted to become a biochemist was so I could just stay in a lab all day and not have to talk to all these people. But I guess, no matter what kind of career you choose, you’ll always be forced to do some sort of networking.”
“Humans are social creatures, so there’s no escaping it. You just gotta pretend that the people you’re talking to don’t care nearly as much as you’re worried they do, because they probably don’t. So go ahead and bullshit everything, make shit up if you don’t know it. They probably won’t remember this conversation by the time they get home tonight.”
Taehyung breathed out a sigh. “I guess you’re right.”
Jungkook pried one of Taehyung’s hands off the edge of the sink and gave it a squeeze. “Now let’s get back out there, shall we? I think they’re about to serve dessert.”
Taehyung stood and straightened himself up. “Okay.” He smiled at the CEO.
Jungkook gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Let’s go.”
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Unfortunately their little time in the bathroom didn’t really help. Taehyung was still nervous as hell, but he tried better to hide it so Jungkook wouldn’t worry too much. However, his hands still sweat and he found himself needing to wipe them on his pants every few minutes to get rid of the moisture.
The evening went by agonizingly slow since Jungkook, being the host, had to make his way to every table and greet his guests, ensuring they were enjoying themselves and having a good time. While he did that, Taehyung just sat awkwardly in his seat and hoped the other people at his table wouldn’t talk to him. To his relief, they left him alone.
A couple of hours later, at almost midnight, Jungkook finished his rounds. He stepped up on the stage to thank everyone for coming and donating, and announced that he was leaving. Taehyung couldn’t wait to get out of there. However the night wasn’t over yet. He still had the stakeout with Yoongi, but he wasn’t worried about that. Yoongi had everything under control. All Taehyung had to do was set it up. He texted Yoongi to tell him they were leaving, and Yoongi replied with a thumbs up and a camera emoji.
On the limo ride back to Jungkook’s place, Jungkook kept trying to tease Taehyung, running his fingers up and down his thigh, placing soft kisses along his neck and jaw, but Taehyung squirmed away each time, pretending to be shy. Really, he didn’t want Jungkook to be too aroused by the time they got back to his place and immediately head straight for the bed once they arrived. He needed to get Jungkook in front of that window.
When the limo pulled up in front of the Jeon residence, Taehyung saw Yoongi’s car parked across the street. Conveniently, it was too dark out to see through the windows, so Yoongi remained obscured. However, Taehyung also hoped it wasn’t too dark that they couldn’t get a decent photo.
When he and Jungkook got into the house, Jungkook wanted more than anything to tackled Taehyung and cover him with kisses, but something about Taehyung’s body language suggested he shouldn’t, so he kept to himself.
When they got upstairs to Jungkook’s room, Taehyung walked over to the window and stared out of it. He still saw Yoongi’s car across the street, and, it was dark, but he also saw vague movement in the front seat of the vehicle, letting Taehyung know that Yoongi was there. Jungkook came to stand next to him.
“Isn’t the moon beautiful tonight?” Taehyung mused.
Jungkook looked out the window. It was slightly foggy at this hour, and the thin sliver of the crescent moon was barely visible through the gloom.
Jungkook turned toward him and asked, “Taehyung is something wrong?”
“Hm?” Taehyung turned to face him as well. “Why would something be wrong?”
“I don’t know. It’s just that you tried to push me away in the car and we’ve been home for like five minutes and you still haven’t made any move to touch me.”
Taehyung stepped closer and placed a kiss on Jungkook’s lips.
Snap. Snap. The shutter of Yoongi’s camera went off, and in the dead silence of the night, it sounded so loud that he worried Jungkook might be able to hear it.
“There’s nothing wrong,” Taehyung whispered. He then placed a kiss on his cheek, jaw, and neck. “How’s this?”
“Better,” Jungkook breathed. His eyelids fluttered shut as he already was getting lost in the pleasure.
Taehyung took off his jacket and began unbuttoning his shirt, kissing Jungkook’s neck after undoing each button.
Snap. Snap. Yoongi thought Taehyung was a genius, kissing Jungkook’s neck, which allowed him to capture photos of the two of them with Taehyung’s face remaining hidden.
Jungkook moaned and began to take off his clothes as well. Soon they were both shirtless, still standing in front of the window, one of them unaware that someone was watching.
Snap… Snap.
Jungkook couldn’t help himself any longer and lunged forward, crashing his mouth with Taehyung’s and wrapping his arms around the back of his neck. Taehyung grabbed onto Jungkook’s naked waist and pulled him closer, feeling the hard muscle of Jungkook’s abs pressed against his less toned stomach.
This was when Yoongi decided he’d seen enough. He put his camera away, started his car, and drove home.
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The more he thought about it, the more he realized: Just something about seeing Taehyung with Jungkook didn’t sit well with Yoongi. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since that night. He saw the way that Taehyung held Jungkook as he kissed him. And it wasn’t just a kiss. Not a soft peck or just lips grazing lips. It was much deeper than that and full of lust and tongue. It never occurred to him that maybe he was jealous. Instead of confronting his feelings, he somewhat shut himself off from Taehyung.
"Hyung, what's the matter?" Taehyung asked as he stirred his pot of soup on the stove. He and Yoongi hadn't spoken much in the last few days, which was odd because he had been spending his nights at home after the gala, but he had his suspicions as to why.
The two of them were making dinner, which was usually a time spent telling each other about their days and the like. But for the last couple of days, Yoongi had been relatively silent.
"Hmm? Nothing,” Yoongi fibbed. “Why would anything be the matter?"
Taehyung shrugged. "I don't know. You just haven't been speaking to me much lately."
"Everything's fine," Yoongi grumbled, pretending to be way too absorbed in cutting his carrots.
Taehyung didn't believe him. After a brief silence he said, "You don't like me spending so much time with Jungkook, do you?"
"I never said that."
"No, but I can tell that's what you're thinking."
Yoongi only grunted in response.
Taehyung turned off the stove and stepped closer to his hyung, until their chests were almost touching. He stared down into Yoongi's eyes. "You know this isn't real right. He's attractive, but only on the surface. He means nothing to me."
"Why would I care if you liked him or not?" Yoongi's voice trembled as he spoke. “I mean, besides the fact that he killed my sister.”
Taehyung closed the gap between the two of them and touched his nose to Yoongi's. "I think it’s more than that. And I can tell you do," he breathed.
Yoongi opened his mouth, but no words came out.
"I've known you for years, hyung. You don't think I know you? I know you better than I know myself at this point. I know me being with Jungkook bothers you. And I know why." Taehyung reached his hands out and grabbed Yoongi by the waist. "I was waiting for you to fess up yourself. Were you ever going to tell me?"
Yoongi didn't say anything, merely stared at Taehyung's lips. He was too hypnotized by Taehyung's deep, sultry voice and the fact that there was absolutely no space separating them. He could feel himself getting harder the longer Taehyung dragged this on. From the way Taehyung pressed himself into Yoongi, he could feel Taehyung’s erection growing as well.
"Are you going to say something, hyung?" Taehyung pressed against him harder.
"I–I–" Yoongi stammered.
Taehyung smiled at how flustered he was. Without another word he leaned in and pressed his lips against Yoongi's.
Yoongi's breath hitched at the contact.
Yoongi tasted sweet like the smooth honey that matched his skin. Taehyung was quite the opposite, slightly bitter but in a pleasant way, like rich, black coffee.
Yoongi breathed him in. He hadn't realized his feelings for Taehyung until he saw him with Jungkook. But apparently Taehyung had known for a while.
Taehyung pushed Yoongi against the counter.
Yoongi gasped. “Are you this rough with Jungkook.”
Taehyung’s lips were right on the edge of Yoongi’s nearly touching when he whispered, “Worse.”
“Fuck,” Yoongi breathed.
Taehyung kissed him hard. Teeth clashing, tongues meeting, and lips stinging. Yoongi moaned as Taehyung’s hands made their way beneath his shirt, gripping hard at his waist. He then roughly pulled Yoongi toward his room and shut the door.
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After Taehyung and Yoongi sold the pictures a couple of weeks later, they were all over the tabloids and newspapers everywhere. Jeonentech’s stock value plummeted dramatically, as many shareholders decided to no longer support the company run by a young man whose lifestyle contradicted with their values. As if Jeonentech’s beliefs didn’t already do so.
Taehyung stayed with him during this time. He hardly ever went home anymore. Sometimes they didn’t even have sex. Taehyung just stayed with him to let Jungkook believe he was on his side.
Even though he lost a lot of his fortune, Jungkook still decided to shower Taehyung with extravagant gifts as a thank you for staying with him in this difficult time. He received countless designer items, his favorite of which were Gucci.
Despite all the gifts and pampering from Jungkook, Taehyung missed Yoongi. He missed his voice, his touch, his taste. Things that he actually loved, not just tolerated for the sake of his own personal gain. When he kissed Jungkook, he just pretended it was Yoongi. Whatever he did with Jungkook, he just pretended it was Yoongi.
Even after countless nights together, he never did get used to sleeping next to Jungkook, and would lie awake for hours at night, only to be incredibly exhausted the next day. The day that he finally went home was no different.
He got home from work at around 5pm and immediately showered and tucked himself in bed, falling asleep almost instantly, being in the comfort of his own bed again.
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Later that night, Taehyung awoke to feeling someone shaking his shoulder. He was so exhausted that he had no idea who he even was, let alone the time.
"Hey, Tae. Wake up."
Taehyung forced one eye open, utterly annoyed about being woken up at this hour. This was the first night Taehyung spent in his own bed in a while, and he was hoping he'd be able to catch up on some much needed sleep.
"What is it?" He grumbled. "You know, I love you and all but the building better be fucking on fire for you to be waking me up at this ungodly hour."
"Taehyung, it's 9pm. I just got home from work, and you’ve been gone a while." He tugged at the blankets the covered Taehyung. "Come on, I have something to show you."
Taehyung begrudgingly got out of bed, his feet dragging off the side of the mattress as he flung himself into an upright position. His eyes were still barely open and he had a serious case of bedhead.
"Close your eyes," Yoongi instructed.
"Hyung, I still can't open them,” he replied groggily, rubbing at one of them with the palm of his hand.
Yoongi found this display so cute he couldn't help but giggle. He forced Taehyung out of bed and cupped his hands over Taehyung's eyes for a little extra insurance, leading him out of the apartment.
"You know, this is kind of kinky," Taehyung joked.
"Shut up. You talk a lot of shit when you're sleep deprived, you know that?"
Once down at the parking garage, Yoongi removed his hands from Taehyung's face. "Okay, now you can open your eyes," he told him.
Taehyung lifted his eyelids to find himself staring at a brand new car. His eyebrows flew up as he spun around toward Yoongi. "Hyung! Are you serious?"
Yoongi couldn't help but smile at Taehyung's reaction. "Yup! It's all yours."
Taehyung stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Yoongi. "Oh, my god! Thank you so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"Really, you should be thanking Jungkook. I used the money we stole from him."
"And now, when I pull up to his place in my new car, he'll have no idea that he was the one who paid for it." Taehyung was now wide awake and couldn't stop smiling. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Yoongi replied. “Does this top the all the Gucci?”
He nodded. “Definitely.” Taehyung leaned in and kissed him, and Yoongi opened his mouth to deepen the kiss. Their arms and hands snaked their way around each other's bodies and held on tight.
After a while, Yoongi broke the kiss to ask, "Should we go to my room or yours?"
Taehyung smirked and looked toward his new vehicle. "How about the back seat?"
"I like the way you think," Yoongi replied and then pressed the button on the key to unlock the door.
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A couple of months later, Jeonentech was able to acquire some new investors, replacing those stuffy old conservative men and putting the company back on track. The Bangtanus Sonyeondaris was almost finished. The lab just needed to run some additional tests and fill out the accompanying paperwork for its approval.
Around this time was also the 30th anniversary of Jeonentech, and Jungkook was planning on holding a sizeable party in the lobby to celebrate. Of course, he invited Taehyung, and now that his secret was out, they could be more open about their relationship.
Taehyung was on the couch eating breakfast one morning when Yoongi strode out of his room with his laptop in hand. "Hey, so for that thing this weekend, I got a buddy of mine to hack into Jeonentech's security server, so now we have access to all the security cameras,” he said, totally and completely nonchalant as usual. He sat down and showed Taehyung the laptop which displayed multiple windows, each playing a live feed of a security camera in the Jeonentech building.
"What the fuck?” Taehyung exclaimed, mouth full of cereal. “Why do you have so many friends in so many places that I've never even met let alone heard of before."
"My work place has some... questionable employees. Let's just leave it at that,” Yoongi answered, brushing off Taehyung’s question.
"Okay whatever."
"So anyway, I think that would really help us."
"Mhm,” Taehyung mumbled after shoving another spoonful of cereal into his mouth.
"Are we really doing it? Is this party really going to be it?" Yoongi was beginning to get excited. Everything they had been working for for the last few months, everything he had been planning ever since Yoona passed, was finally coming to fruition.
Taehyung swallowed. "I don't know, hyung. Bangtanus Sonyeondaris will be finished a couple days before, so the timing works out perfectly, but you're the mastermind of all of this, I'm just your pawn."
"Come on, Tae. Give yourself some credit. You're much more than that."
Taehyung pursed his lips.
"I think this is it," Yoongi declared. "You ready to say goodbye to that bastard once and for all?"
Taehyung nodded. “I think so.”
“Great! Let’s go over the plan.”
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Even though they could now afford new ones with all of Jungkook’s money, Taehyung and Yoongi decided to wear the same suits they wore when they first met the CEO. Yoongi said something about coming full circle.
“You ready?” Yoongi asked.
Taehyung nodded, fixing his hair in the mirror.
Yoongi pulled out a gun from his backpack and checked to make sure it was loaded.
Taehyung’s eyes widened. “Where the fuck did you get a gun?”
“That’s not important,” Yoongi dismissed. “But this is what I’m going to use.”
“Have you ever even fired a gun before?”
“Yeah, I’ve been practicing.”
Taehyung stepped closer to Yoongi and put his hands on his waist. “Okay, that’s really hot.”
Yoongi snickered and put the gun back in his backpack. “Hey, Tae?”
“When all of this is said and done, what do you think about us moving to Daegu together? Have a nice little quiet life in the countryside, enjoying our newly acquired wealth?”
“I think that sounds like a great idea.” Taehyung leaned in a kissed Yoongi, but had to break it when he heard his phone chime. “Jungkook is here,” he said. “I gotta go, but I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Alright, I’ll see you later.” He smiled at Taehyung.
After one last quick kiss, Taehyung was out the door.
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When Taehyung and Jungkook arrived at the party, all eyes were on them. Not just because Jungkook was the CEO, but because this was their first public outing together as a “couple.”
It had been about an hour of Jungkook and Taehyung greeting guests and drinking champagne when Taehyung excused himself to use the restroom. Having worked here for nearly a year, Taehyung had the entire floor plan memorized, so it didn’t take him long to navigate from the main event space of the building to the back door where deliveries were usually made. He unlocked the door with the passcode he got from Yoongi’s hacker friend, and let Yoongi into the building. They greeted each other with a nod, but didn’t say anything in case someone heard them. Taehyung led him down the hall to the elevators. Yoongi got in and pressed the button for the 22nd floor. The doors of the elevator closed and Taehyung returned to the party while Yoongi set everything up upstairs.
“Hey, what took you so long?” Jungkook asked when Taehyung returned.
“The line was too long at this restroom so I went to the one upstairs.”
Jungkook nodded and put his arm around Taehyung’s waist. “Taehyung, this is Mr. Kim.” Jungkook gestured to the man standing in front of him. “He’s known as one of the most handsome CEOs in all of Seoul, second to only me.” Jungkook let out a chuckle.
“I can’t argue with that,” Mr. Kim jested. “Jungkook is very handsome.”
Taehyung bowed at the guest. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Kim. What is it that you do?”
The laughter died in his throat and his face suddenly grew serious. “Now that’s a secret I can’t share with you.”
Taehyung gulped, startled by the sudden change in disposition.
But as quickly as the laughter left, it returned, and Mr. Kim burst out in a raucous guffaw. “I’m kidding. My family owns a strawberry company, and I just happened to be in charge. Oh, God. You should have seen the look on your face. You looked so scared!” He and Jungkook continued laughing while Taehyung just stood there, not sure what to do with himself.
In the midst of their banter, the light’s shut off, replaced by an eerie red glow that encompassed every corner of the room.
“What’s going on?” Mr. Kim asked.
“I don’t know.” Jungkook looked around. “Maybe a power outage.”
Jungkook removed his arm from Taehyung’s waist and was about to leave to ask what was going on when the lights came back on.
Along with the lights came a strange, electronic voice, the same kind that resulted from using a voice changer. This voice fed through every speaker in the building so that everyone could hear. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please.” All the guests looked around and at each other, trying to determine the source of the voice. Some of them seemed panicked, grabbing onto the people around them for comfort. “Don’t be alarmed,” the voice – Yoongi – continued. “If you all cooperate, you will all make it out of here alive. I am only here for one person: Jeon Jungkook.” Jungkook whipped around at the sound of his name, as if he thought he would find the person speaking in this very room. “Everyone leave the building except for Jeon Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook stays or everyone will die."
Chaos erupted. Nearly five hundred people were running around screaming, trying to find the exits. Taehyung and Jungkook just stood there amidst the forming stampede.
Jungkook grabbed a hold of Taehyung’s hand, cradling it in both of his. “Taehyung, go.”
“What? I can’t leave you!”
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be okay. Just go. Be safe. Save yourself.”
Taehyung nodded solemnly. Jungkook stepped forward and gave him one last lingering kiss on the lips. Jungkook let go of his hand.
Taehyung turned around and left as Jungkook said, “I love you,” which Taehyung pretended not to hear.
Instead of leaving the building, Taehyung went to the elevator and pressed the button to the 22nd floor. Jungkook stood in the event space and watched as everyone disappeared out the exits.
Once everyone was gone, the distorted voice returned. "Jeon Jungkook, please go to the North Conference room on the 22nd floor."
Jungkook did as he was told. He arrived in the conference room only to find it white and empty, stripped of all it's furniture and office supplies, with only a sole chair remaining in the back.
"Have a seat Jungkook,” the voice commanded. “Make yourself comfortable. And don't even try to leave. Jumping out the window would guarantee death and all the exits to the building have been secured. There's no way out, Jungkook.”
"Why are you doing this?" Jungkook screamed into the emptiness of the room.
"Thanks to you," the voice said, "we've lost someone very important to us, and we want you to pay for it."
It was weird, because in this moment, he didn’t think about his company, or about his mother. All he thought about was Taehyung and how he didn’t want to lose what they had together. "Just name your price. I'll give you as much money as you want. Please. Just let me live." Let me see Taehyung again.
"Oh, but if you look closely, Jungkook, you'll notice that we already have all your money. All you bank accounts are empty, Jungkook. Your money belongs to us now."
"Please! I'll do anything!" Tears started forming in the corners of his eyes and his throat was getting sore from all the screaming.
"I'm afraid it's too late for that."
"Who are you?!"
In the room across the hall, Yoongi looked over at Taehyung, who nodded in response. The two of them walked into the conference room and faced Jungkook.
"Min Yoongi? And T–Taehyung?" His voice was suddenly softer and smaller. He was no longer angry, but rather felt immensely betrayed.
"Good evening, Jungkook," Yoongi greeted. "It's nice to see you again."
"Tae, how could you?" Seeing the man he loved in front of him like this felt like someone was twisting a knife in his chest.
Taehyung remained silent, afraid his words would betray him. He'd wanted this man dead for more than a year but he also had grown somewhat attached to him. He knew that killing Jungkook would be for the better, but he wouldn't be able to do it without some apprehension.
"Tae! Answer me!"
"Don't fucking call me Tae,” he spat. “You don't deserve to call me Tae. Not after what your company did to my family."
“What? What are you talking about?”
Taehyung explained what happened to Yoona.
“But that wasn’t me! That was my father!”
“I asked you if you wanted to change things. I asked you if you wanted to help people, but no, you cared more about the money than anything. You sick bastard.”
“What was I supposed to say?! That was when we first met. I didn’t care about anyone but myself. But you’ve changed me.”
Taehyung scoffed. “Fuck you. That’s bullshit and you know it.”
“You have to believe me!” Those tears that Jungkook tried so desperately to contain started pouring down his cheeks. “I love you, Taehyung. Please don’t do this!”
“Yeah, well I don’t love you. It’s too late to beg.”
“What’s going to happen when I’m gone? All those cures that Jeonentech holds, they’ll be gone with me.”
“We can make our own cures. Ones that people can actually afford. And if anyone asks? I’m just carrying out Jeon Jungkook’s legacy.”
“Please! I’ll change the prices! Anything! Just please don’t kill me!” He looked toward Yoongi for help. “Please, Yoongi.”
Yoongi pulled the gun from his pocket. “I’m sorry Jungkook, but we have to do this.”
Sobs wracked his body as he sat there with the weapon pointed to his head.
“Do you have anything else to say, Jungkook?” Yoongi cocked the gun. “Any last words?”
Jungkook took a deep breath and looked Taehyung in the eyes. Tears blurred his vision and he tried his hardest to get one last, clear look at the love of his life.
“I’m sorry.”
Taehyung just stared at him, his face devoid of emotion. He shouldn’t have cared, and he told himself he didn’t. He just wanted all of this to end so he could stop being so confused about everything.
Yoongi pressed the gun to Jungkook’s sweating forehead. “Goodbye, Jeon Jungkook.”
Taehyung looked away as Yoongi pulled the trigger.
When Taehyung opened his eyes, Jungkook was slumped back in the chair, blood dripping out the back of his head and onto the floor. A considerable amount was also splattered on the wall behind him.
All he could do was stare at the gory site. The man he hated most in the world was dead. He should have felt relieved, but in actuality, he still didn’t know what he felt. He felt disappointed that he couldn’t change him, he felt sad that a man filled with so much potential was ruined by such an ugly upbringing, but he also felt happy, because now he could be with Yoongi and only Yoongi.
“Let’s get out of here,” Yoongi said, grabbing Taehyung by the hand.
“What about the body?” Taehyung still couldn’t take his eyes off of Jungkook’s lifeless form.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got it covered,” Yoongi reassured him.
Taehyung and Yoongi escaped out the back door, where no one would see them. They got into Yoongi’s car and took a moment to process all that just happened.
“You okay?” Yoongi asked, rubbing Taehyung’s hand with his thumb.
“I think so.” Taehyung stared blankly at their overlapping hands.
“It’ll all be okay.”
Taehyung tore his gaze from his hand to look Yoongi in the eyes. He furrowed his brows together and nodded. He then leaned over and kissed Yoongi on the lips. It was quick, but felt every bit as intense as their deepest kisses.
“There’s still something I have to do,” Yoongi croaked as he pulled back. “Ca–can you hand me my laptop?”
Taehyung reached into Yoongi’s backpack which sat between his legs and pulled out the device. Yoongi opened it and begin clicking and typing quickly.
“I’m going to erase all the security tapes,” Yoongi said, and Taehyung nodded. “Oh, and Taehyung.”
“Don’t be alarmed.”
Taehyung lifted an eyebrow, unsure what Yoongi meant by that. Don’t be alarmed by what?
A second later, when Yoongi pressed down on the spacebar with his finger, Taehyung got his answer. A loud explosion rang out as Yoongi detonated the explosives that were attached to the bottom of Jungkook’s chair.
“Holy fuck!” He recoiled at the noise.
“Now we gotta get out of here before that building collapses on us.” Yoongi started the engine, put the car into drive, and floored it. The tires screamed as the vehicle gained traction, and soon the two of them were speeding into the night while the Jeonentech building burned like a funeral pyre behind them.
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minhoinator · 7 years
minho's web drama characters never have happy endings it's always ambiguous he must just love those kinds of dramas and characters because I swear his only character to get a real happy ending was tae-joon 😫
It sure seems that way lol someone should ask him if he specifically chooses these types of roles….
Out of the dramas/movies I’ve seen of his? Yeah, they’ve all been ambiguous/open-ended….all except the Pianist/TTBY/Somehow 18 (imo) were on the sadder side of ambiguity.
I don’t think a lot of people will agree with me on this, but I liked the ending for Somehow 18. It subverted the trope/cliche ending where he comes back from the past and now has the “perfect” life.
We won’t know for sure until the second episode is subbed, of course, but the impression I got was that he was fine with his life, it was just the guilt (at least, I think he felt guilty) and curiosity (for lack of a better word) that made him so interested in Nabi and her suicide. “Why would the girl who talked him out of suicide commit it herself?” That question had to be plaguing him for ten years (I know it would for me)….
Okay, so….
The reason I liked the ending so much is that it was happily ambiguous as well as a show and not a tell ending (I mentioned that in my tags on my earlier post)….if I’m going to get further into my reasoning I will be dishing out spoilers so under the cut is my in-depth answer…
Okay now that it’s just the few of us who have seen this drama or the curious people who don’t mind spoilers….
I’m fine…and now that that is out of my system….
Did I like that Kyunghwi got fucking hit with a car and slipped into a coma for 10 years??? no…no I didn’t. But, I feel like it made sense for his character. From my impression/understanding (again, we won’t know for sure until we get all the episodes subbed), Kyunghwi wanted to protect Nabi and help her and find out the reason why she committed suicide all those years ago.
The phone call between them on opposite sides of the street is important, because we know that ep9 ended with her standing on the hospital roof and about to jump. The first time we see her in ep10 is there on the sidewalk. The impression I got from their phone call is that told Kyunghwi that she was thinking about killing herself then (perhaps something that he said previously helped her step back?). His reaction before he sees her across the street is obviously relief.
Once they start crossing the street toward each other, she’s smiling (I wasn’t. I was curled up in a tight ball under my blanket going “oh shit oh shit oh shit” lol) and when Kyunghwi sees the out of control car on its way to Nabi, he stops. There’s some internal dialogue at this point, if I remember right…I imagine he’s telling himself that he needs to save her this one last time. 
Then, we break to the alternate future and are at the beginning of the drama again, with Nabi as the doctor now (which I fucking loved). We find out that Kyunghwi has written her a letter which his friend delivered while she was waiting outside Kyunghwi’s hospital room. In it, I’m assuming, is Kyunghwi explained was from the future or something along that line.
We also see that he did survive the accident, if barely, and that Nabi is taking personal care of him. She kisses his cheek before she leaves the room and the machines whir a bit (was I the only one who noticed that??) and Kyungwhi smiles and opens his eyes. End ep10
That, in and of itself, is a fine, ambiguous ending that I can get behind. We get to see that he wakes up from his coma and that Nabi is strong and thriving emotionally/mentally on her own and was able to work through the trauma of her youth.
But, what really sells the ending for me, is the epilogue.
It’s really short, only about three minutes, but it’s worth the watch. 
Nabi is in a convenience store buying some stuff before she goes home. She pulls out her phone and we see a pic of her and Kyunghwi as her background, which tells us that 1) Kyunghwi’s health improved and he was able to leave the hospital and now has a normal life again, and 2) that Nabi and Kyunghwi are in a romantic relationship. So, yay! 
When she goes to get her money, a pic of her and the two friends that died falls out of her wallet and she stares at it for a second. While she does, the song/narration that played when Kyunghwi was holding her diary begins to play and she answers the questions just like he did when prompted. Her two friends appear at the window, and she follows them to the door. Before she goes in, she calls Kyunghwi to, I assume, let him know what’s going on. Then, she steps inside. End epilogue.
My one issue with the ending is Nabi going back to save her friends….because we’ve seen that it definitely changes the future. What if her going back never gets her transferred to Kyunghwi’s school? He would probably have jumped in the first episode or his best friend would have found him but let’s not go there. It’s clear from her and Kyunghwi’s pic on her phone that he has been doing better for quite some time, so he would have been fully been able to explain the situation to her…I mean, it makes complete and total sense why she would want to go back to save her friends, but lbr, I’m invested in the story because of Minho/Kyunghwi, so he’s my priority in this lol 
I’m curious if this will be continued. If so, I hope that Minho will be able to participate in the second season.
tldr; it ties everything up and answers our questions visually rather than with dialogue (that I know of, at least), and I appreciate that. That being said, my opinion could change once all the episodes are subbed, so we’ll just have to wait and see. 
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bts-jimin16 · 7 years
“Date Me....Please?” Pt 2
Plot: You’re a nurse at Seoul National University Hospital who meets an injured Taehyung (Series) Pairing: Taehyung x Reader Word Count: 1.9k Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Romance
*Author’s POV*
The ride back to your apartment was soaked in laughter. Bang PD and Taehyung’s personal manager warmed up to you very quickly, frequently thanking you for helping Taehyung. Within minutes you reached the underground parking lot of your apartment complex, were you could spot a figure leaning against your car. Stepping out of the van after thanking Bang PD for dropping you off, you walk briskly to your car, eager to check if he really made it there scratch free like he said. Stopping in front of him you do a quick visual scan. ’ He seems okay. Thank God.’ you thought to yourself as you slightly bow in his direction.  
“Thank you, for doing this. You really didn’t have to, although if you didn’t I probably would have ended up either really bruised and battered or being raped viciously by fan girls” he stated formally, slightly chuckling coming to the end of his sentence, but something in the way his eyes slightly twitched, told me that even though he tried to laugh it off, it was actually possible. Shaking your head, you smiled gently, raising your head to maintain eye contact.
“What are you thanking me for? I volunteered, I wanted to do this for you, so there’s no need to thank me.” You responded, reassuringly. He smiled in reply, a slight blush gracing his cheeks. When you politely offered to check him for any injuries, he just laughed it off, telling you that he’s fine. While listening to him talk about his escape you suddenly look back, you remember that Bang PD and his manager were both waiting for him so they could leave.  
“I think you should go, they’re all waiting for you to head back.” You said, cutting his sentence. His eyes widened at your proclamation. Sirens went off in your head when you realized your probably sounded like you didn’t want to talk to him. “Not that I don’t like talking to you, you’re great,” you blushed at your confession “ just, they’ve been waiting all this time to take you back.” You finished your rant, maintaining eye contact with him. Although his face was blank, his eyes shined with amusement and hidden mischief.  
“It’s okay, I get that you think I’m boring and want me to leave” he said teasingly, his body finally shifting off of your car as he heads for the van. You mouth hangs open as he walks towards the van with a broad smirk on his mouth. As you open your mouth to yell that he’s wrong, he turns around abruptly, chuckling at your stance.  
“I’m just teasing” he spoke, sticking his tongue out before turning and entering the van. The van quickly pulls out of the underground parking lot, leaving you stuck in that position. With a shake of your head, you chuckle and head up to your apartment to shower and rub some ointment on your bruises.
Two week passed, with both you and Taehyung returning to your daily lives; you at the hospital and him at concerts and fan meets. It was almost as if the hospital incident had never occurred, if not for the fact that Taehyung couldn’t get his mind off of it. For a few minutes everyday, his mind drifted back to her smile, her courageous act, her flushing face, and strangely, he would always feel his heart stutter. It was far from what he perceived as normal, especially since he hadn’t harbored an interest in anyone since his high school days. It drove him crazy, so crazy that he would sit wondering what was so special about her, wondering why she kept appearing in his head, why her smile kept haunting his dreams at night. As more days passed, the more his resistance slipped; he couldn’t take it anymore. He had to talk to some one about it, about her.  
Meanwhile, you were being harassed by your mother, who, although you said you would, didn’t receive your call that night. She came all the way from your hometown in Incheon to see what you were up to.
“Y/N-ah, you look so skinny and weak. What have you been doing that that I haven’t heard from you these past weeks?” Your mother asked, sat in your living room, a cup of citrus-ginger tea between her delicate fingers.
“Eomma, I’m really busy these days. You know the hospital I work at is famous, we’re always busy with one thing or the other. I barely have the time to sleep, let alone have proper meal.” You reply, sighing.
“I’m starting to regret encouraging you to apply there. You’re life’s so busy that you can’t even date. You’re my only daughter. How am I supposed to get grandchildren now?” Your mother whines like a child.
“Eomma, why do you pin all your hopes for grandchildren on me? Is oppa not human? Doesn’t oppa have a fiancée?” You ask irritated. Your brother was 26 years old with a beautiful fiancée, you’d think your mom would be badgering him instead of you. It’s like she wants to sell you off before you turn 25.
“It’s because your oppa has a fiancée that I’m badgering you! At this rate you’ll become an old hag with 40 cats if I don’t interfere. Your turning 22 in December, you’ve achieved things that many people aren’t able to do unless their 27. You’ve worked so hard to be where you are now and I’m proud of you but now I think its time for you to date around and enjoy your life.” She spoke.  
During a break at dance practice, Jimin was pulled aside by a very anxious Taehyung.
“Taehyung-ah, what’s wrong?” Jimin questioned, weirded out by the anxious aura that surrounded Taehyung’s figure. Taehyung motioned for Jimin to sit, while he sat himself.
“Jimin-ah, I wanted to ask your advice on something that’s been happening for a while.” He spills, slightly blushing.“ It’s been plaguing my mind for the last few weeks and I don’t know what to do about it. Since I was discharged from the hospital I only have one person on my mind.” He continues, a far away daze sets in his brown eyes. “This person risked their safety, so that I would escape unharmed and undetected. They also offered to check me for none existent bruises, while forgetting about their own. This person is also really easy to tease, and seeing them blush is one of the prettiest sights I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. After we separated, I couldn’t stop thinking about this person. They appear in my sleep, I think about this person every day. It’s driving me crazy. Hyung, what should I do?” He finishes his rant. He casts his gaze to the floor, while Jimin stares at him with wide eyes.
“Tae, who did this to you? Do you like this person? Who even is this person?” Jimin shoots all at once.
“She’s a nurse at Seoul National University Hospital. She was the one who helped me avoid the crowd. She’s so captivating, I don’t know what to do. During this time I asked myself why I’m so stuck on her, I mean I’ve seen girls with prettier faces, nicer bodies, longer hair, whiter smiles, but her aura, her personality, there’s just something about it that sends me into a complete daze. I -” Taehyung cuts himself off, brushing his bangs back with his hands before resting his head on his knees.
“Confess. Then ask her out” Jimin spoke, breaking the short silence. Taehyung’s head shot up immediately.
“What do you mean confess?! We’ve only spoken once, plus I don’t even know if she’s single. I’d be way out of line to ask that of her” he rushed out, completely thrown off by his Hyung’s answer.
“What’s so wrong about it? You’ve only met once, yet you like her this much. You’ve only met once but she left an impression on you that I’ve never seen anyone else do. You’ve met her just once, but you already hold her tightly in your heart. It’s better you do it now, rather than later. You never know, she might have been dreaming about you too.”
After sending off your mother, you find yourself thinking back on what she said. She was right, in a sense. You’ve done things people your age aspire to do, you gotten to a place where it would have taken you a ridiculous amount of time had you not completely devoted yourself to it. Maybe you should just give dating a chance, it wouldn’t hurt. ‘Yeah, I have got a stable job and I’m self reliant.  We’re already at a good start, all I need to do was to give someone a chance’ you thought to yourself. Suddenly, a face pops up in your head. Kim Taehyung. You blush. 'Come on girl, as much of a good catch you are, don’t kid yourself. He’s an idol, he sees girls prettier than you everyday. He wouldn’t be stuck on you’ you remind yourself. Texting your friends, you get ready to meet up with them. Popping on a pink loose fit dress shirt tucked into a flared skirt and your 3 inch booties, you grab your car keys, your hand bag and your phone and leave your apartment. Stopping by the front desk to leave a note by the receptionist, you notice a familiar figure in disguise, sitting in the lounge seats. Noticing your stare, he immediately gets up, fast pacing in your direction before stopping 2 feet in front of you.
“Y/N, I know this is sudden and, in all honesty, a bit weird, but since I met you, you haven’t left my mind. I’m going crazy because I have no idea how to approach this situation. I’ve lost sleep because of your smile. I’ve been in a daze for weeks imagining you walking toward me with that goofy smile of yours. During this whole time your sweet eyes wouldn’t stop staring at me, so much so my heart raced every time your image would come to mind. I don’t want you to look anywhere else, I want you to keep making me feel this way. I want to know everything about you, from your likes to dislikes, your hobbies, your family, friends. Most of all I want to be able to call you mine when the time is right. Date me….Please?” He confessed slowly, blushing horribly as he maintained eye contact. 
To say you were shocked is an understatement. When his question finally registered your eyes shot open like an owl’s. All you could do was nod. His smile was blinding as he rushes forward to take your hand. He grabs your phone, uses your finger to unlock it, and saves his number before handing it back to you.
“I’ll take you out tomorrow night.”
Hey, guys it’s Blue. I really hope you enjoyed this. I put a lot of effort into writing this for you guys. This is the second part to my imagine series. 
Part 1: https://bts-jimin16.tumblr.com/post/160811019115/ill-protect-you-pt-1
Feel absolutely free to request anything from the admins here. We do snaps, scenarios, imagines and much more that we have yet to introduce. We aim to please. 
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hopeless-namjin · 7 years
Hey hello yes hi Just a quick question for you to come back to if you feel like answering What is your approach to writing? How much of the story do you plan ahead? Do you have a concrete plan for every chapter or more of a general idea? Basically what do you do before writing?
Mystories always begin with either a character or a scene. I get an image clearas day inside my head, like I’m remembering a movie or a picture. That scene orcharacter is always what I build my stories around. With IBFY is was thehospital scene, Jungkook having already said his goodbyes and Tae realisingthat Jungkook is his soulmate, crawling up in the bed to kiss him. It was thewhole visual at that moment, the emotional torment Tae would feel that beganunravelling IBFY at first. With Affinity, it was the idea of Taehyung walkingin, mushrooms sprouting from where his soles touch the floor and Yoongi’s angerthat suddenly created the idea of the garden and the shop and all the othersthat followed seconds behind. In Seasons, it was a scene with Jungkook thatbegan the idea.
Secondcomes the characters. I know where they’ll end up or begin… but who are they?This is easy for me. I’ll come right out and admit that. Some find it really hardbut these characters just pop up in my head and I just need to sit down and getto know them. I write character-based stories so this is the most importantstep and I’ve even taken people out of stories inside my head and moved toother works simply because they didn’t fit. I always think you need to buildyour characters. Why are they as they are? Why do they do this? Why do they dothat? How can they do as they do? Build them up from scratch. It’s hard, but ifyou build an iron tight character you know really well you won’t suddenly writea story that feels wrong because your character is contradiction the wholebackstory. I bounce ideas with Nan. She is good at asking questions like ‘whydoesn’t he just do this?’ or ‘how come all these people know each other?’. Justthe other day she asked me how the all the characters in IBFY made money andbecause I know my characters so well, I didn’t even have to think about whatthey we’re doing. Namjoon’s parents payed the security deposit for their flat,Yoongi bought Hoseok a place and Hoseok persuaded Jimin to leave his shittyplace to come entertain Hoseok and like we know Tae lived in a goshiwon (tinyone-bedroom flat, to those who don’t know). It’s a answer that doesn’t matterin the story, but makes all the difference to how thay act.
Itseems silly at first to know imaginary people that well, but I feel it helpsout later. Often you will want to move the plot in one direction, but if youfeel your character gets awkward or suddenly feel like they sound off, you’llbe able to stop yourself from making that character unreliable. Like, I knewKookie was lying to himself, becoming a more and more unreliable narrator asthe story progressed; meaning that him putting himself down, making Tae soundmore uncaring than he was fitted his personality since he was ready to give up.I also know Tae lies to everyone, even me and himself and I knew I had to makehim talk in riddles always hiding half of what he actually wanted to say. Itmakes some of Tae’s dialog with himself muddled and kinda uncaring at times,but that’s how he is. Full of secrets and contradictions. The more you know aboutyour character the easier it is to write. You don’t have to know everything andsome things will come to you later, for example, I didn’t know why IBFY Yoongiknew CPR, I just knew that he could, but some days ago me and Nan were talkingand then the reason as to why Yoongi knows CPR just came up.
Almostas important as the characters: What do I want to say? What the heck is thepoint of this? Do you want to have a quick glimpse of someone’s life? Do youwant a story about love and friendship? In short, once you reader is done, whatdo you want them to walk away with?InIBFY I wanted friendship to be central and I wanted to make sure that nobodywalked away feeling like one member hadn’t had a role, I wanted to tell howplatonic love matters just as much as romantic love and how friendship isbeautiful. With that in mind it’s much easier to plan ahead and build thestory.
BeforeI begin writing anything I always find out where I want to start and where Iwant to end. In IBFY it was the introduction, the true start of Jungkook’s lifein Seoul and the beginning of it all and in that hospital bed. Since I knew thedirection I just needed to add plot to make that journey possible. I wanted toshow the friendship between the characters in IBFY - then I need to show theminteract so Kookie just won’t ditch them after being “ignored” by Tae and italso gives a reason why he feels pain about dying. I need Jungkook to fall inlove – then I Have to show what it is about Tae he loves. I need Tae to hurtKookie – well, how can I do that in a way that makes Kookie upset enough tofeel unloved. Not all of these things will come right away and sometimes thingslike dialogue or interactions can’t be planned too much ahead, but you just needa general idea to at least get you to these points of your story. You have tohave a beginning, you need to build up you story, shit needs to hit the fan andthings must come to a conclusion and an end. There are many models for this, findone that works for your story. In this case I feel it’s easier to think as areader; show what you’d like to read if it was you read the story instead ofwriting it.
I’llusually come up with most of my plot points before writing, just quickly addingideas on a page in word. Most of Affinity is currently a list like this;
Tae tries to flirt
Yoongi want to hit Namjoon over the head withan exploding yam
Jin is an underappreciated saint and he is wearingforget-me-nots in his hair
The Blood Oak has a tough life, fuck pruning
Doingthis I know what the key elements are that I need that scene to show. It makesit easier to keep the story flowing and to see where there is somethingmissing. Like here, why does a scene with Tae need to be followed by Namjoon;he must have done something above to make Yoongi upset, or whatever happensleads to what Jin is doing. Basically this is the easiest way to keep track ofthe plot progression (for me) and enable me to see what I’m going for in thenext scene as in writing the one above. It also makes it easier to see wherethe plot gets weak and needs to be backed up. Now I know what to do, if I finda weak spot, like why did Jungkook end up talking to Tae again after theirfirst fight in IBFY; I add scenes like the one with Jin in chapter 4 (that was Nan’sidea okay) or the take-away in Yoongi’s apartment (also Nan, she thought thechapter needed Yoonmin)….
In short get a Nan….
Jokesaside, keep it believable and keep all actions supported by characters traitsand behaviour and things will be alright.
Inthe comments of IBFY a lot of people was after me about why Jungkook keptrepeating the same thing over and over again, how he needed to keep silent, whyhe had to keep the secret, but he was convincing himself (and you as readers)that what he was doing was the only right choice. This was a way to shut thebiggest problem with IBFY; why didn’t Jungkook just tell Tae. I knew Jungkookwould want to tell him, but I also knew Jungkook wanted to avoid being a burdenand so the confession in chapter 10 came to be.That is how you need to think about everything when writing.
WithIBFY I wrote almost the whole story, went back an edited it…. And found outthat was a shit way to do it. I had rushed a lot of it, so while I had ageneral plan to follow all I really had - that I could use - was some dialogueand basic interaction. I also realized I needed to add a shit ton of extrascenes, and movement. Always freaking movement (Nan is meticulous about this,peeps, keep those people moving and keep them talking). Affinity is writtenchapter by chapter and with a much clearer direction. I’m a better writer nowso I don’t feel like I need to have a basic draft anymore. I had nothing to goon in chapter 16-17. That was all written after chapter 15. I ran out of mydraft around chapter 13 and had only partial scenes (like the realizationscene) in chapters 14-15. And tbh I think that I had a fresh mind made thosescenes better than if I had had a draft. This is a personal preference andchapter 1 of Affinity did go through an edit where I added a good 2k to some ofthe scenes because after writing the whole chapter I had a much better idea of whatI wanted.
Butthat is how first chapters are, confusing and usually they are the one I findneeds the most work.
Withthe above in mind me and Nan do edit several times, always adding and removing.This process makes us able to write like this. If you need a draft to edit,then do that. Writing is all about finding out how it works for you. It’susually why I say ‘to hell with authors advice’. Use what you can, everythingelse in the bin. I don’t care how many books people sell, they aren’t you andonly you can write like you do.
InIBFY the plot came mostly on its own, Affinity had a different kind of worldwhere it took a while (read: like 2 hours of 3am ramblings between me and Nan)to get the plot. Affinity Yoongi was harder to get to know, so the plot was moredifficult to spot and most of it wasn’t really clear until after we wrotechapter 1. With Seasons I just know where I need to end, everything in betweenis still being planned, but I know exactly what needs to happen (again keep tothose key points; beginning, build up, shit hits the fan and conclusion plusconsequences, gotta show that choices are hard. Rinse and repeat until storyfinishes) The only fic I have is that I really need to plan out in detail, isone I really wanna do but haven’t begun writing yet. I can’t say anything as itwon’t be written before next year and, yeah, life, so I can’t get into too muchdetail. But I have a mayor plot twist I want to pull off and it really needssome planning. It has like 6 separate documents and character profiles as ofnow. Other fics are just in a shared note on my computer, and we add ideas tothem (again often at 2-3am) and just go with it. The planning is all about howcomplicated the plot is or how detailed it needs to be.
Inshort; be true to your characters, show why they do as they do, know them andtreat them nicely, if the plot is good don’t force it and don’t be afraid of adetour if you need to shut a plot hole.
Nowyou have the idea, the characters and the plot… Now you just need to find the courageto write.
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kookienomster3 · 7 years
I Want The Headline (Pt. 35)
Written By: suga-of-daegu BTS Fanfiction Angst WARNING: MATURE CONTENT Mafia/Gang
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Jin limped to your bedroom door, hands groping at the narrow hall walls for support. His foot ached, but they didn’t have anyone to treat it. It wasn’t like he could check into the nearest hospital either; Namjoon had men everywhere. Just the other day he had almost been caught by a scout stationed at the convenience store at the corner. All he had wanted was some painkillers for his foot. Now, Jaehwa was in charge of everything outside of the apartment, but Jin wasn’t so sure anymore.
His sister was alive. He needed to get to her; to bring her back to him safely. Jin didn’t want to send Jaehwa out to do it either; he could fail or be discovered to be in Yoongi’s organization and then how were they supposed to operate? The man had already made the mistake of selling tampered drugs to Namjoon; the last thing that needed to be found out was that he was also working for Yoongi.
Jaehwa had been initiated only for the sole purpose of watching over you while Jin crossed lines to get into Namjoon’s group. Just protection and someone for you to get attatched to incase Jin was killed, that was all he signed up for. Now he was singlehandedly supporting the entirety of the organization on his back while Hoseok and Jin watched. They wanted to be a part of it too, but they were technically dead. There was only so much the one man could do and Jin could see by his face that he was growing weary.
Jaehwa was only one man.
He couldn’t do everything.
Jin came to a stop in front of the light brown door, a fond smile coming to his lips at the photographs of you and him tacked to it. They were taken before you and and him had fought; right after your brother’s death. Jin didn’t think you had kept them. Admittedly, he had gotten rid of his copies, thinking at the time that his little sister was as dead to him as his older brother.
But it seemed you had still held onto him when he had given up on you.
He tried the door, not very surprised to find that it was locked. “Yoongi?” He called in, feeling the door frame for a key. His fingers brushed over it. Grabbing it, he unlocked the door entering the room and locking it behind himself. His eyes passed over the clean room, brows furrowed. You were always so messy when you two lived together under your parent’s roof. He never imagined you occupying a room that was so sparse.
Yoongi was seated at your desk chair, a stack of photos he was looking through in his hands. He was still shirtless, bright red scratches trailing down his back. Bare feet were pressed together, toes curled. His dark pants, damp and rumpled, clinging to his legs. He was frowning down at the pictures, eyes scrutinizing them. Biting his bottom lip as he stared at each image, he sighed, eyes blankly taking in every detail. He didn’t look up at Jin until he had finished them all and set the stack back on the desk.
“Why are you looking at her photos?” Jin questioned. What right did Yoongi have to do that? Yoongi shrugged,
“She told me about them.” He mumbled, “She explained every photo in here to me and now that I’m here..I figured I look at them.” Jin frowned. You had told Yoongi about your photos?
“When did this happen?” He questioned. Yoongi nodded, more to himself than Jin.
“After I went to talk to Namjoon Jimin took your sister and set the warehouse on fire.” He ran his hands over his tired face, “I don’t know how he even got to her with Jungkook glued to her side, but he did.” Jin neglected to mention that he was the reason Jungkook wasn’t by your side.
Yoongi scratched his chin,“Namjoon knew I was coming alone. The fucking treaty we had about not harming other bosses was a bunch shit out of his ass. He planned it; forced me to say I loved her or he’d kill her. I said I didn’t. She was drugged up and unconscious, I thought letting her die in her sleep would be better than whatever Namjoon had planned. But then he called Taehyung over and tried to wake her up. Taehyung was going to rape her so I caved.” The green haired man didn’t need to look up to see the rage brimming behind Jin’s eyes. It was practically palpable.
Jin settled back onto your bed, glaring at the ground. This whole time he had thought you were dead and you were in Namjoon’s hands. He could’ve been working to save you and instead he was devoting his time to trying to avenge you. Yoongi leaned forward elbows digging into his thighs as he stared down at his feet. “I’m sorry Jin.”
He blinked, shaking his head, “No, you were with her the whole time, right?” At Yoongi’s delayed nod, he continued, “I’m glad someone I trusted was there to keep her safe.”
“I didn’t keep her safe.” Yoongi uttered lowly, “Not until it was too late to matter anyway.”
“What do you mean until it was too late to matter?” Jin retorted, “You said she’s alive. You kept her alive..How is that not keeping her safe?”
“I think Namjoon was going to eventually traffick her.” He whispered, hands wringing together as his shoulders hunched, “And he used me to break her.”
Jin’s hands shook, unsure of how to react. He was angry, for sure. At himself, at Namjoon even at Yoongi and you. “I..” Jin bit his lip. He had trusted his older brother with Yoongi and he had gotten killed. Now his sister was hurt under his ‘protection’. He sighed heavily. At the end of the day Yoongi was family. He was trusted. “I trust you, Yoongi. You did what you had to do to keep you both safe-”
“Not at first.” He stressed slowly. He didn’t want to say it outright, but Jin wasn’t understanding. Yoongi hadn’t protected you when it matter most. He had made the wrong choice and you suffered for it. “At first I said no.” He mumbled, “So he drugged her and sent in Taehyung.” Yoongi hit the flat of his hand against his temple, “I said no like a fucking idiot! Like Namjoon was just kidding the whole damn time and then he sent in Taehyung. And I couldn’t do a thing with those damn two brutes holding me down the whole time..”
Jungkook’s hand slid up your thigh he held up against his hip, a smile upturning his lips, “Are you scared, baby?” He lightly patted you, “How scared are you? Jimin scared? So I get you to shoot yourself? Taehyung scared..? So I can convince you to jump off a cliff?” The hand on your hip slid down to your other thigh, applying light pressure, “Or are you Yoongi scared? So I can get you to spread your legs..?”
You bit your fist, eyes shut firmly, “Please stop, Je-”
“How scared are you?” He pressed.
“I’m just scare-”
“Scared like you are of Jimin? Or Tae? Or fucking Min Yoongi? I trusted you! Jimin said that Yoongi had kissed you and I defended you! I said you’d never kiss him on your own free will! Not only were you kissing him,” He gripped your hands, holding them down at your sides, “You were fucking him. So what did Yoongi do? Hmm? To get you to let him touch you? Because I’ve been trying and you keep telling me no.”
He fell silent, waiting for your answer. Rough hands, moved your arms, holding them against your chest. With his free hand he pinning your hips down, “Did he hold you down with force?” He asked viciously, “Is that all I have to do? Did he sweet talk you? Want me to compliment your hair? I don’t understand, Y/N. I don’t understand how you could betray me like that. I was with you from day one. You thought I was pissed at you because you wanted to protect Jimin, the man who killed my mom and tried to rape you. Imagine how pissed I am that you willing slept with the guy who tried to kill me. The guy you tried to leave me for; the one you think you’re protecting.” He saw the look on your face, “I love you. You’re fucking mine, not Yoongi’s.” Jungkook’s hands slid from your body as he cracked his knuckles,
“Did he hit you?” He asked slowly, “Until you said yes..?” He leaned forward, palms pressing down on your shoulders. “Why don’t you open your legs for me, baby?”
“You’re just like them!” You screamed, prying his hands off you, “He forced me!” You shrieked, “Jimin forces me and I don’t know what else to do to stay alive but listen to them! I’m terrified of them, Jungkook! They want to hurt me. I kissed Yoongi because I wanted to go with him, okay?!” He sat back at that, jaw clenching tightly,“ I didn’t want you to hurt Yoongi, I’ll admit it. He was the only protection I had in that room from everyone else who wanted to hurt me more! Even after that damn room I wanted to go with him!” You sat up, trying to shove him off your leg, but he was much heavier and stronger than you. Despite the confused look on his face, he stared down at you in mild disbelief.
You were locked in a room. What kind of fucking protection did you need?
“Because even though I love you,” You strained,“..staying with you -where Jimin and Namjoon and Taehyung are all at- is going to get me killed and I don’t want you to go through that. You see how Jimin is; how much he’s hurting because of his girlfriend. I can’t make you happy because whether we admit it now or not, someone here is going to kill me. You can’t be with me at all time, Jeon, you know that. I know that. And they know that. But I was confused..I didn’t know what to do; so I chose you. Like I always do.” Your face was flush in anger, breath uneven as you angrily stared up at the stars. He was so caught up in you and Yoongi and sex that he was completely overlooking who had put you two in there in the first place. Unsure of how he reacted because you couldn’t even look at him, you figured that this was one more of your speeches that he was going to ignore.
“Dammit Y/N-” He cursed. And there was that tone. That tone he used when you had upset him. When he felt that you were wrong.
Or when he knew he was wrong.
So what? He was going to apologize and talk about how he didn’t know. Then spew on about how he would never hurt you and he just wanted to protect you. You laughed bitterly, Jungkook has said you were the manipulative one, but he was even worse.
He was just waiting for the right moment to let it show.
“I should have jumped off that damn cliff.” You hissed, covering your mouth with your hands, “I should have jumped, I’m so fucking stupid. I should have jump-”
He glared at you, “Shut up.” Jungkook’s jaw clenched when you kept repeating it, “Fucking shut up!” You had said so much that he needed to process and you talking about the cliff was distracting him. His eyes burned. He was too aware of his body weight pressing into you. In that room you were forced.
And what the fuck was he just doing?
He looked away from you, “..I..What do you mean he forced you? He raped you?”
“I should’ve j-”
“Shut the hell up about the damn cliff! Answer me! Yoongi raped you? What the fuck happened in that room?” Namjoon said you two were just trapped in there; free to do whatever you both wanted as long as you didn’t leave. He didn’t want to believe that you had slept with Yoongi but with how you acted when you left the room and the marks; he assumed you wanted it. He never thought Yoongi would do that.
But that’s probably where Jimin learned it.
He angrily grabbed your hand, jerking it away from your face. He thought he had you pegged, but there was so much he was missing. You really had almost went with the man who raped you so Jungkook wouldn’t have to suffer through you being killed by someone here? You didn’t want him to turn out like Jimin that badly? Did you really care for him that much? Weren’t you terrified of Yoongi after what he did to you?
You were probably just as terrified of him as everyone else.
You were only mumbling how you should’ve killed yourself and it made his heart sink. You said you loved him; you weren’t allowed to leave him. Jungkook shook you, fingers pressing into your skin until you caved. “Namjoon.” You gasped, trying to pull away from him. Jungkook froze. Namjoon?
“Namjoon raped you?”
He watched as you shake your head, “He sent notes.” You sobbed, “At first they were tolerable..like to just kiss or talk, but one day it said for us to sleep together.” Jungkook’s brows furrowed in confusion. Why would Namjoon order you and Yoongi to have sex? He could feel you trembling under his touch and his blood pressure rose.
He felt like he was in the warehouse all over again; forced to watch Jimin put his hands on you. The only thought on his mind was why? Why would Namjoon want that? “Yoongi wouldn’t. He said no.” You hiccuped, “I said no too.” He frowned. If you both refused then how had you gotten raped by him?
At the look of fear on your face, Jungkook was about ready to tell you to stop. He had been so forceful in getting you to tell him and that now that you were, he wanted you to stop. Namjoon had practically raised him. He knew that Jungkook was in love with you; he wouldn’t do something like this. Namjoon always said he wanted him to be happy. He was happy with you, why would he ruin that? Jungkook had never seen you so shaky before. You were starting to scare him.
He didn’t want to know what happened in that room.
“Y/N, stop-”
He didn’t want to know now.
“You wanted to know!” You screamed, “Didn’t you!? You were going to force yourself on me to get me to tell you, right!? Because despite all that shit you said, you still think of me as some cheap whore spreading my legs for Yoongi like I wanted to! Like I had a choice!” Your fists were pounding against his chest in anger, but he let you. He deserved it. He had hurt you again. “I had as much a choice with him as when you were forcing yourself between my legs a few minutes ago! You wanted me scared of you and you got it, Jungkook! I’m as scared of you as I am everyone else!”
You were scared of him, but now he didn’t want that. He thought you had somehow breezed your way through since you arrived; somehow skimming through day by day virtually unharmed. And honestly, he was envious. His time here had been nothing, but pain and he wanted you to feel it to some extent. But you weren’t exempt from the pain like he thought. You were getting hurt like everyone else here and it wasn’t something he could bandage up.
He couldn’t kill someone and make this better for you. He couldn’t stop the mental pain, he could only make it worse.
And he had.
He shook his head, silently pleading for you to be silent. He didn’t know. He honestly didn’t know. Stop accusing him of being like Yoongi or Jimin; he wasn’t like them. He was better than that. He loved you. “Stop.” He whispered. He wasn’t them, he wasn’t going to force himself on you. He just wanted you to want to be with him as much as he wanted to be with you.
“I only remember waking up..I didn’t even feel like I was in my own body, everything felt different.. And Yoongi was crying.” You choked, “He said it had to do it; Tae was there smiling. Yoongi said he had to..” Jungkook moved away from you, snatching his hat from his head and tossing it to the ground as he walked in a circle on the rooftop. It was out. He didn’t want to hear but you told him. You were raped in that room and he had haughtily spoken as if you were begging for Yoongi in there.
And he had no idea what to do.
Hunched over, with his hands on his knees, he tried to take even breaths, but his heart was pounding too rapidly. He felt dizzy. Namjoon cared for him, he put Jungkook’s best interests at heart..Why had he ordered this to happen? Jungkook looked over at you, “Namjoon..Namjoon ordered Yoongi to rape you? And he did? While Tae watched?” He trusted them. They were his family.
Why would they hurt him like this?
Yoongi raped you in that room and not even a few days free and Jungkook was prepared to do the same on the rooftop. He was angry. He was hurt. He was burning with rage. He stood up straight, sighing heavily to calm himself. There was so much he had to do now, but only one thing stood out the most to him at the moment,
“Yoongi raped you.”
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