#and talking about 'a place for europe' being a key part of these plans.
beepmeepmeepbeep · 11 months
the eu is beyond fucking annoying
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mythos-writes · 1 year
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Daniel Ricciardo x Gretzky! Reader
Plot: Daniel's girlfriend is an Olympian, but not in the sport that you may think... (This takes place at the end of the 2017 racing season + 2018 Winter Olympics)
Formula 1 Masterlist
Word Count: 2.1K
Warning: Swearing, Canadian slang, hockey terms, clueless Daniel and clueless drivers (except Lance)
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It was the last race in Abu Dhabi. The long-awaited race was coming into place. Before the weekend started, they all decided to go out for a grid dinner at a restaurant. As the night went on, they started to talk about their winter break plans. Many go skiing in Europe, while others make stops at home to see family. 
“Danny, what are you going to get up to?” Max asked him. 
“I’m going to go home and visit the folks, and in February I’m going to PyeongChang,” he states, everyone’s eyes falling onto him. 
“Korea? What on Earth are you going there for?” Nicko asks, finishing off his Heineken.
Daniel and (Y/N) had decided very early on to keep a private and low-key relationship. With (Y/N) showing up to the Montreal and Austalia races and him going to her most important games. But he never really discussed his relationship with the young hockey star with the other drivers. They knew he was dating someone but they didn’t know who he was dating. Daniel wanted to gush about how his girlfriend is going to the Olympics and this would be the only time he would do it until they go full public with their relationship. 
“Isn’t that where the Olympics are this year?” Valtteri asks. This started to make many of the driver's mind race.
“Daniel, why are you going to the Olympics? Are you a super athlete and you never told us?” Seb asks in a joking way.
“Oh, I wish, but I’m more of a Summer athlete than a winter one. My girlfriend is taking part in the games and I’m going to support her,” he finally reveals. Many eyebrows were lifted at the revelation. 
“Oh? We didn’t even know she was an athlete. What sport does she play?” Lewis asks, him thinking he might make a change of plans to go also. 
“She’s playing for Team Canada’s women’s hockey team,” he states, catching the two Canadian driver’s attention. 
“What’s her name, I wonder if Stroll knows her,” Alsonso jokes, causing a couple of drivers to chuckle. 
“I don’t know if you would know her, but I would think you would know her father,” he says. 
“Oh yeah, and who would that be?” Lance asks, being a little cocky. 
“Wayne Gretzky,” he replies while taking a spit of his drink. Lance’s face fell like he was just told that his girlfriend was pregnant. 
“I think you broke him, mate,” Carlos says, waving a hand in front of the Canadian’s face. 
“You’re dating (Y/N) Gretzky?! As in Wayne Gretzky’s daughter,” Lance stresses, making sure he heard the Austrailian correctly. 
“Why are you so surprised that he is dating this person's daughter?” Pierre asks, not knowing much of anything about hockey. 
“Wayne Gretzky is one of the most famous hockey players of all time. He won 4 Stanley Cups, which is the trophy that the NHL plays for. He also broke every record set for points, goals, and assists. It's like him saying he is dating Pele's daughter!" he explains, blowing away many of the drivers. 
“If that is the case, how the hell did you two meet?” Seb asks the Austrailian. 
“They came to the Montreal Race a couple of years ago, and we ended up bumping into each other. We started talking and ended up exchanging numbers; the rest is history,” he explains.
“Wow, I didn’t know you had that much game,” Max says into his drink, earning a smack from the Australian. 
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Race weekend came and went, and the travels of the drivers began. (Y/N) accompanied him to Australia to visit his family Australia, as a small vacation before all of her focus goes into the Olympics. It was one of the last days before she was going to fly back to Canada to get prepared for going to training camp. (Y/N) decided to take a step outside and enjoy the warm air.
As she sat on the deck, she was starting to feel the pressure that was being placed on her. She was ‘The Great Ones’ daughter, and Canada is a shoo-in to win gold this year. (Y/N) was so in her head that she didn’t hear the back door open, or notice someone sitting beside her. They pulled her into their body. Daniel’s cologne filled her nose, and she relaxed into his body.
“What’s going on in your head of yours?” he asked. She looked up at him a replied,” Everything.” Daniel lets out a breathy laugh, before placing a kiss on the crown of her head.
“Oh love, everything will work out in the end,” he replies.
“Yeah, I know, but what if people decide that I’m not as good enough? What if I can’t live up to the expectations of being Wayne Gretkzy’s daughter?” she spews out just some of the anxiety-filled questions. Daniel sat there for a moment, trying to formulate an answer. 
“Those are very common feelings to have. I know that these feelings are common for kids of sports stars,” he states while playing with her hair. “But do what I always say, Fuck ‘Em All.”
She looks up at him and smiles. “Thanks, Danny.” He leans down and kisses her lips. 
“Come on, let's get you back inside, it's starting to get cold out here,” he states, helping her up. 
“I love you, Danny,” “I love you too (Y/N/N)” he replies before placing a kiss against her lips. Before they could continue their moment, it was broken by a distinctive “EWWW” from a little boy. They turned to see Daniel's nephew standing at the slightly opened glass door. 
“Come here ya bugger,” Daniel says while he starts to chase the boy back inside, leaving (Y/N) behind, laughing at his antics.  
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Time flew by, and before either of them knew it, they were in Korea for the fateful Olympics. Canada breezed through the round-robin rounds. They then fought their way through the quarters and semi-finals, leading them to the long-awaited finals. The United States of America vs. Canada. The well-known rivalry goes back decades. 
(Y/N) was listening to music while she was getting warmed up. A playlist that Daniel made for her. As she was stretching, her phone pings. She sees Daniel's picture pop up. It was a text. (Y/N) opens and smiles. 
   You got this babe! Remember, Fuck Em All
“Awe, that’s so sweet!” a familiar French accent grounds her. She turns to see her friend Marie-Philip Poulin standing behind her.
“I see lover boy is taking the boyfriend role seriously today,” she states while sitting beside (Y/N).
“Yeah, he knows that I get in my head a lot when it comes to things like this,” (Y/N) states, fidgeting with her necklace that holds her hockey number and a little F1 charm. 
“You’ll do fine chérie. And if people start to question your skills, we’ll have your back to prove them wrong,” Marie-Philip says while wrapping an arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders.   
“Thanks, M.P. and I know that Danny would be beside you in that defence,” she says while returning the side hug. 
“Now, come on, the game is in 30min, let's start getting out gear on.” 
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It was go time. (Y/N) had walked out onto this pad many times in the last two weeks, but tonight was different. It was for an Olympic gold medal. Marie-Philip Poulin was hyping the girls up, getting them ready to face the fierce rivals. As they skated out onto the International pad of ice, the cheers of Canadians and Americans shake the nerves a little. She looked up at the jumbotron and saw that the camera was on her dad. Daniel was sitting beside him, and they were talking. What shocked her was seeing some of the other drivers sitting beside them. 
Lewis Hamilton, Valtara Bottas, Max Verstappen, Sebastian Vettel, and Lance Stroll were sitting in the stands. They looked out of place, which made her laugh a little. She knew that if she had the TSN stream, the focus would be on her and her ‘cheer squad’. Sarah Nurse tapped her shins, getting her attention to set up for the start of the game. (Y/N) moved to the center ice for the face-off. 
As the game unfolds, the rivals play each other hard. There were hard hits and solid goals. (Y/N) scored one of the two goals for the Canadian team, and she could hear Daniel from the ice level. With the 110% effort that was brought by both teams, it lead them to a shootout. 
(Y/N) was the first shooter for Team Canada. She was getting ready to go, her nerves returning as a result. She looked up to where her squad was sitting and all she thought were Daniel's words to her. Fuck ‘Em All. She looked to the refs and gave them the nod, signalling to the refs that she was ready. The whistle blew, signalling for her to go. To (Y/N), it went deadly quiet. She blocked out all the fans, all the players yelling, everything. She skated down, went left to right, and then popped it over the blocker side of the US goalie. 
When the puck hit the back of the net, she tuned back in to hear the roar of the Canadian fans. She felt that all the weight is off her shoulders. Her work in getting Canada the win is done. But it wasn’t enough. The United States ended up getting the upper hand in the shootout and earning them the gold medal. (Y/N) felt defeated. She felt numb. 
They did the award ceremony, they consoled each other on the ice and in the changeroom. She would comfort them, just trying to be there for them. Her teammates would ask her how she was feeling and she would detour the questions. She got changed into some comfy, but still presentable, to walk out of the arena and back onto the bus to the Olympic Village. When they crawled off the bus, just wanting to get into their beds for the night, she saw Daniel and Wayne standing by the unloading spot. She gave them a small smile before walking into the open arms of her father. 
“I am so proud of you,” he says. Those words made her break. Tears started to fall and her body shakes in her father's arms. Daniel wanted to take her into his arms, but he knew that she needed it. 
“But we lost,” she murmured into her father's chest. Wayne moves her off him, so he can look at her properly. 
“It doesn’t matter that you won or lost. You went out there and showed the world how great you were. Unfortunately, shootouts are awful ways to end games, and they got the puck in more times. But you guys kept them in the game and made it such a great game. That’s what makes me proud of you,” Wayne praises. More tears fall on (Y/N)’s face, but now they were happy tears. 
“I love you, Dad,” she says, bringing him back into a big hug. “I love you to kiddo,” he replies while placing a kiss on her forehead. Reminders of when she would come off the ice upset from the game and Wayne comforting her exactly like this. 
“Now, I think someone is wanting to talk to you,” Wayne says while turning her to see a fidgety Daniel standing behind them. She giggles at his antics before thanking her dad again. Wayne walked off into the village, leaving the two love birds alone. Daniel opens his arms up, and (Y/N) falls into his arms quickly. 
“Sorry for not giving you guys the best performance,” she whispers against his Team Canada jacket. 
“Are you kidding, the boys first couldn’t believe that we were dating. Then they couldn’t believe that you had moves like this. Minus Stroll of course as you both are maple leaves,” Daniel states. Giggles erupt 
“If you’re up for it, the boys invited us to a restaurant just outside of the village and they would love to meet you. But if you’re not up for it, it is totally understandable and we can arrange something during the racing season,” he word dumps. 
“You know what, I’ve avoided meeting your fellow racers for this long, why not meet some of them properly,” she says with a smile. “And I could go for some good Korean food.” This causes Daniel to laugh. 
“Well, I’ll make sure Lewis pays then, come on,” he states while walking her towards the rental he got. 
(Y/N) felt disappointed that she didn’t get Canada the gold, but Daniel and her father made her feel that she wasn’t a failure, and she felt the most confident she had ever been.
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Hello lovely!! I saw requests were open but if i'm mistaken just ignore me lol, but if they are, i was wondering if i could request hcs for poly!lost boys with a free spirited s/o who is always traveling and exploring (think like young donna from mamma mia yk?) thank you again lovely <333
Thank you for the request! It's a fun one, and like, I definitely knew who donna was? (Is it alright to admit I've never seen Mamma Mia? Or is that like not done?) Anyway, thanks for the fun ask, and I hope you like this!😘
When I say you've travelled a lot, I mean a lot. You spent summer holidays backpacking through Europe and Asia, hitting several countries and enjoying the adventure tremendously.
Holidays do come to an end, however, so once you're back in the States, you decide to explore more of the state you live in. You didn't really have a plan, and the bustrip that was supposed to take you to San Francisco ended up with you being stranded in Santa Carla.
I am convinced that you met Paul first, probably while jamming with some musicians on the boardwalk. You danced and sang along, twirling around until you suddenly slammed into someone.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" You'd laugh, "Are you alright?" Paul would just grin, dragging you along in another dance. "Sure am, babe," he'd say, "but it would be even better if I get your name."
So that's how you get to know Paul, as a carefree, fun-loving guy - and you absolutely adore him. Through him, you meet the others.
"Oh my god, are these bikes yours?" Is probably along the first things you say to them. When they ask if you ride, you happily shake your head. "Nope, but I am certain I can!" Needless to say, they make sure to leave their keys in sight.
Later on, they do teach you how to drive, but none are quite comfy with you going off on your own since driving safety is not the first thing on your mind.
They run into you at the weirdest places. One time, they found you stuck in a tree. Another time, they found you lounging on the roof of a motel - the ladder you'd used to get on the roof had fallen, and you'd decided that sunbathing and stargazing was a very nice way to spend the day instead of doing groceries and such.
Marko absolutely adores the way you handle things, how you just enjoy life and can laugh about practically anything.
I am convinced you and Dwayne will bond over telling stories of adventures. You have a lot, and so does he and in the end the two of you could talk for hours.
You and David had to get used to each other for a bit, with him being way more controlled than you - and you being way more open and free in the way you acted. But once you connected over a story, or when you stumbled and fell into his arms - followed by some corny oneliner - the two of you get really close.
You fit in perfectly, within the groups dynamic. You're not quite as chaotic as Paul and Marko can be and definitely not as mysterious as the other two - so it definitely works out well.
David takes you to hidden gems around town and genuinely loves to accompany you when you're out exploring.
You find out they're vampires due to one of the long chats with Dwayne, and you hate to admit it, but you're really disappointed that they don't turn into bats.
The next morning you find a tiny bat charm laying on your pillow.
Once you know what they are, you definitely want to experience parts of their world. Not the feeding, perhaps, but the flying? Yes, absolutely.
Marko takes you out flying the first time and you have never felt more alive.
Overtime you begin to feel a little conflicted: you really like all of them, in a rather romantic way and eventhough it is rather simple in your head (just date all of them) you're just not sure if they'd be okay with that?
But when you awkwardly bring it up one night, the boys just grin. Everyone's in, and suddenly you've gained four boyfriends.
Dynamic wise, nothing changes, except you get the occasional ask if you want to turn into a vampire as well.
If you do, I am certain you spent the first couple of months exploring the town all over again with the boys, and then begging them to come along when you went out to explore the rest of the world because a) you had the time now and b) travelling and exploring while you're a vampire is so much more fun
David and Dwayne are always on alert when they hear you (or Paul or Marko) gleefully yell something along the lines of "Let's do it!" "Who cares!" Or "Fuck it!" Because it often means one of you will get stuck somewhere. Like a tree. Or a roof. Or under the boardwalk. Or in a fight with sharks. You get the drift ;)
Before I forget, you absolutely adore Marko's pigeons, and on world animal day you definitely give them little pigeontreats.
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Let's talk about this moment real quick. Spoilers for Dual Destinies, especially the final case:
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I've made me jests, but...
Athena isn't confused here because she's stupid.
She's confused because she's spent the better part of 7 years training, studying, and fighting her inner demons for the sole purpose of saving Simon. He was (and still is) one of the most important people in her life and now he's saying that it isn't? After all of this?
Simon is a key part of Athena's trauma, that he'd go and throw his life away for seemingly no reason at all (her memories of UR-1 blocked out with only the grim setting of the courtroom he was sentenced to death in being vivid). Her mother was dead, Aura was no doubt incandescent and wondering why Simon is covering for the true killer, and she was sent to Europe away from her friend Juniper (though they did exchange letters).
The day Phoenix inspired her to pursue a career as an attorney, she had some way of reaching out to and maybe even saving someone she knew from her past. The last tether to happier days in the Space Centre before UR-1, one that knew and forged a strong student-master bond with her mother Metis Cykes. Fighting hard to break out of her shell and become as physically and mentally strong as she could. She says as much during her conversation with him above, and to Phoenix & Pearl in the detention centre earlier that day/
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She practically changed her entire personality over that period of time to be as strong as she possibly could be - enough that her childhood friend didn't recognise her at first:
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All driven by a desire to salvage what she saw as a terrible mistake. If she could save this one person from her past, then perhaps they'll both have a chance at making peace with what happened that day.
With how well Simon knew the Cykes - seeing them for more than their stoic and awkward exteriors - it's fair to say they were familiar with one another. Athena's fixation on him is partly a result of trauma, yes, but it also speaks to unspoken happy memories of this black-clad dork who visits her mother and seems to understand her better than most anyone else did... even compared to her mother, it felt at times.
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And he does understand her, knowing how to push and test her abilities in court and forming silent plans to catch the phantom together despite spending 7 years apart.
One of the bad endings for Turnabout for Tomorrow - where they fail to crack Simon's testimony - mentions that Athena left the office after the fact. Ignoring that they skipped over Clay's trial for a moment, we hear that Apollo and Phoenix take this event rather poorly, yet we don't hear a peep about Athena:
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I can only speculate. Maybe that's the point; leaving us to wonder what Athena did after she failed to save Simon from his execution date. I'm sure Simon died reassuring himself about how Athena no longer has to bear the guilt for her mother's death. But I doubt that's any comfort given her intense reaction to re-living memories of failing to save him the first time.
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Near and dear. Again. She's already failed to save someone she describes as near and dear - on par with Juniper at least - and she's left frozen in shock at the prospect of failing a second time.
She's confused by the notion that Simon's life isn't important because of just how much she values it. How she had no option but to save him, or be locked back into that dark place she entered when that horrible trial ended - knowing she's failed a dear friend because of how foolish she is.
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coff-in · 4 months
Ashley with a clingy, eager to please childhood friend reader? Like, very sweet and a little dumb, but ride-or-die and absolutely down to bury a body for her.
Reader also Actively Dislikes Andrew. Like, they tolerate his presence, but they’re always a bit jealous when Ashley’s paying attention to him, and probably tried to fight him at least once over it when they were little.
I guess I just want to see Ashley with a reader who’s low-key a slightly yandere pet lol
notes from coff-in: this was very wholesome for me to write, i enjoyed it quite a lot! i'd be a yandere pet for the graves siblings (or for julia too) any day. also did you know that tcoaal actually takes place in a fictional part of northern europe? i found that out yesterday and my mind was kinda blown ngl. sorry for the random topic change, thank you for requesting and i hope you like it!
[gender neutral] reader-insert
Leyley was very suspicious of [reader] when they first met. No one would talk to her unless they were trying to get Andy and like hell she would let anyone take him away from her! Leyley would be very hostile to [reader] because of this.
[reader] could give Leyley their crayons in class or offer to do her homework (which only happened once since Leyley soon found out that [reader] wasn’t the brightest bulb in the closet) and she would still feel insecure about their “friendship”.
When [reader] and Andy met, Leyley was surprised that [reader] seemed disinterested in him. She wasn’t really sure if she liked it either… it’s wonderful that [reader] wanted her attention on them instead but Leyley wasn’t just going to give up Andy, you know? She caught them fighting each other one time and broke it up real fast. She pulled [reader] away from Andy and stared them down as she told them: “You like me more than you hate him, right? You should be focusing on ME. You want to make me happy? Don’t fight with Andy.”
After the fight [reader] and Andy were on… okay terms. Leyley enjoyed [reader]’s company! They even helped Andy celebrate her birthday! Andy was happy that Leyley was able to make a friend, even if her friend didn’t like him all that much.
Once the Graves got locked into quarantine, [reader] was probably trying their best to either break them out or break in to join them, hehe! They would buy them food (well, they bought it for Ashley but they guess Andrew could have some, too) and sneak towards their balcony. They’d climb the drain chute next to the Graves’ balcony and leave food there.
Ashley and [reader] would call each other almost every day on the phone and [reader] would tell Ashley how they plan on busting her out of quarantine. One time they got caught by a guard while sneaking in and they fucking threw hands! [reader] had to leave once they saw that the guard had a gun, but at least they had a better idea of what they were dealing with.
I think when Andrew and Ashley killed their cultist neighbor, Ashley would call [reader] and tell them “Come over to the apartment. We’re getting out of here.” They rendezvous outside the apartment and go back to [reader]’s home. Whenever Ashley needs to charge her demonic trinket with souls [reader[ will always head over with Ashley to help bury the bodies :) cause they’re besties
Whenever Andrew and Ashley fight [reader] usually gets on Ashley’s side. She’ll have to collar [reader] and leash them so they don’t just fucking attack random haters (or her brother). I can see them just being totally platonic besties but what if there were some unrequited romance? [reader] being devoted to Ashley, possibly in love with her, but also knowing that they can’t take Andrew’s place as #1 in her life (they don’t know about the incest) and so they happily resign themselves to being Ashley’s #1 friend (or #2 friend).
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bookoflibrary · 1 month
Thinking of memories.
I thought I would make a really long trivia post of funny moments we had in JP as well as some of Aoki Tact's post EoS stream tidbits
When SINo first launched the game was nearly unplayable for over a week. Checking the status of the maint gave you a funny indefinite message.
There were originally two colo matches per day but this was discarded almost immediately for obvious issues.
Yoko Taro oversaw and wrote for main story to the very end with the help of two cowriters at Pokelabo
Pokelabo did the writing for everything else [Weapon stories, event stories and job stories] Despite her files not being in the game to datamine Rapunzel's design was leaked mysteriously thus she was released slightly sooner into second anniversary than intended.
Akazukin's sin jobs always gave away which character would be that sins giant raid [with the exception of Proud Lion where she talks about Alice but it was Pino who had that giant raid]
Yoko Taro wrote the very end of the game before anything else.
The desire mass in the finale and Gishanki are Taro's favorite characters. Yoko Taro also really likes Dorothy, and she is Aoki Tact's favorite character as well.
There was a very negative balance gem debt when the first run of the CG collab first came to JP. Akazukin originally had a different VA until shortly after first anniversary. All her lines were removed and replaced to the current one. To commemorate we were given Akazukin Mage for free in an upcoming event medal grind shop.
There was once a bug early in the game where the characters were dissembled on your home screen and their body parts would move really fast all over the place.
Hameln launch was a bit of a mess and also had a funny bug where he would have random characters' lines and voices on home instead of his.
It was purged off official accounts for no reason given but there was a live action short film of Reality Alice finding the Library. Fan re-uploads exist though.
The pose Alice makes in the Act of SINo ending PV is the front view of when you win your first colo match
Himiko (manga artist) and KitaEri (Cindy VA) made U32 a few times.
To add KitaEri and MAO were the most reappearing VAs on streams. KitaEri really enjoyed SINo as well as playing it. Of all the VAs, Tomoaki Maeno was the only one to not be on a stream in person though he did leave a video message for Hameln's debut stream.
Reality characters are designed when they make a new Library character [though they make changes sometimes, off the top of my head they mentioned Rapunzel drastically changed]
Some reality characters have official names and ages [mentioned here in other posts]
Some fun trivia from Aoki Tact's post eos streams:
Sin mages were considered at some point but the idea was discarded.
Mage designs were meant to resemble medieval Europe outfits but they tried a bridal look on Snow and fell in love so it was kept.
Momotaro was planned to be an actual SINo since they wanted more males and more Japan folklore characters period but they had issues catching later additions up as is so they stuck him as an NPC. Peter Pan had too much issues legally to be added.
To add Pokelabo had an entire legal team and list of fairytales they could potentially add.
Jino was only given one sentence of what to come up with for character designs so he spent a lot of time in libraries with headphones to capture little details in their design.
To add he once said he originally thought reality Gretel was in his 30s but this was misunderstood by fans. He was always meant to be age he is now. Jino also struggled a bit designing reality Akazukin, her original draft had her in a red raincoat. He also had issues making Hameln's reality design since his suits already had modern feels to them silhouette wise and wanted to make his silhouette stand out.
Aoki started his 'fan movie' since nearly the start of the game as a secret little project. Some of the models he made low-key were used in promo pvs (Act of Fusion PV and Cinderella having a cameo in the Death Metal video)
The shape and location for characters life force is important details for both Library and Reality.
A lot of discussions happened after the final Act of SINo chapters on JP sns, all he can say is Aladdin and Hameln are important to each other but their relationship is open to interpretation of the players. [Hameln's concept can mean Boys Love in Chinese as well though I think it's an accidental innuendo than anything linguistically speaking] Getting the movie officially released overseas is likely not possible. 'On the subject on another complete art book' there is no budget anymore and certain rights has expired that gives artists the right to share the work they've done for the game. In short making another art book is not possible.
The finale to the game took a majority of the games budget to make. Gishanki had voice actors in the film but it was a computer program thay made their voices for the game, so they don't have voice actors in the game. Aoki Tact says the characters we know in the game, and in the manga, and in the light novel are all 'different characters' as in he considers them completely different from the characters they are based off of and are separated canons.
This is already long so here's some trivia for now. I'll make a part 2 eventually. This is all based on memory seeing it in real-time, reading Famitsu interviews and watching Aoki Tact's streams which are very chill and interesting and talks a lot about game development so I recommend checking out his channel here.
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godeaterazathoth · 1 year
Issues I have with ikevamp
That I’m venting here because they won’t leave my skull
*Content warning, we’re talking about men in the past, they did some bad stuff*
Part 1, historical inaccuracies
I’m I history nut so this really gets to me, since I know the deep details of these peoples lives.
The timeline, ok so the game takes place in 18th France, correct me if I’m wrong but I think it is in the second empire (1852-1870) considered there is a noble class, yet you can clearly see the Eiffel Tower which was completed in 1889, there is no mention of the 1889 exposition, so it must be after the tower had become permanent, by then the 3rd republic was around, if we are in the republic the Count wouldn’t be called that by the npcs at all the parties he goes to, no matter which we’re in, NOBODY mentions Napoleon III at, NOT EVAN HIS UNCLE (WHOSE SOMEHOW BECAME CASS CONSCIOUS!)
How does the time travel work, example, Dazai died in 1948, his plan was seemingly to wait until he’s born in 1909 then kill himself as a baby, but then he decides to use the magic door, what are the consequences of 2 Dazais existing at once or him erasing himself from history, he’s a pretty important literary figure, does someone else replace him or does the space time continuum collapse?? Is the future Vlad sees set in stone or can it be changed, just copy someone else’s time travel bit!!!
So straight up these guys aren’t who they say they are, we’ll go through 1 by 1
Napoleon- doesn’t mention he left the love of his life to marry a girl 20 years his junior (like think how interesting it would be if he’s conflicted about love cuz he had to give it up for political reasons) -that scene where MC talks about all the ‘good’ that he did in Europe, like committing war crimes against the Spanish and Portuguese and Eastern Europeans, being a coloniser, killing the slaves he freed when they asked for more rights, killing thousands of men in a meaningless war (ligit H*tler vibes)
Arthur- goofy irl, literally believed in fairies, had 5 children and married twice but he never mentions any of this, he cheated on his first wife while she was dying of TB, he was a liberal unionist (tldr didn’t like Irish people) he was anti-immigration, might have committed fraud. We’ll get to the other issues I have with him.
Leonardo- fruity as hell, vegetarian
Mozart- they got his character completely wrong, the guy was a complete man child, vain, broke, by the end of his life his career fell off (Beethoven better composer), in love with his cousin 🤢, had a s*at fetish 🤢🤢🤢. The hole Salieri thing didn’t happen.
Vincent- they made him too mentally stable, I’m all for him being meek, but the guy had serious issues that they ignore, he ate paint thinner, was rejected by his both crushes, WHY DOES HE HAVE BOTH EARS, DID IT GROW BACK, THEY SHOULD HAVE LEFT HIM WITH ONLY ONE, also he should be ginger smh. Oh yeah and they never mentioned the s*ecide attempt.
Theo- doesn’t mention his wife, or son, WHO HE NAMED AFTER VINCENT, his wife is the person responsible for Vincent’s work not being completely forgotten, was way nicer irl.
Issac- tbh hotter irl, low key ace, maybe a fruit, kinda mean, the only thing they got right was the major virgin vibes.
Jean- WHY MAN!??!! Even if the didn’t want a lesbian route, they could have gone with any other guy from the 100 years war, Edward black prince, idk WHY GENDER BEND ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT WOMEN IN HISTORY, I’m fine with the delusional trans dude lie, but they say that he was a guy all along, THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF HIM BEING BURNT AT THE STAKE IF HE WASN’T CROSS DRESSING???!!! was he double cross dressing??? This is the worst of them all, give me the girl boss we deserve (revers fate)
Dazai- not depressed enough imo, he was a leftist, again missing wife, their were two su*ecide attempts, guy lived through fire bombing, had a few children that he is fine to erase from existence.
Shakespeare- probably a fruit, again never mentioned his wife and kids, btw the way he talks is annoying, some people don’t think he’s real.
Sanson- too young, this guys is 67, really liked the guillotine, just saw execution as his job didn’t really care, had a wife and kids.
Vlad- Ok is he supposed to be Vlad THE impaler? Cuz he’s not evil enough, or is he a Dracula reference, cuz he can’t dance that dance either, why did they call him Vlad if he isn’t a blood thirsty war criminal.
Count- not enough history to work with.
Part 2, problematic moments
So I ha have seen some posts on the low key misogynistic way the MC is written and treated and there are a lot of issues wit white washing history so another trigger warning ⚠️
Misogyny- the MC of this game is not the best, I know she’s a self insert but she has no backbone at all. She lacks agency I’m most of the routes, like the MC getting kidnapped is a troupe in all these games, but Emma can escape on her own, Kate has ⚽️, even Alice had more depth to her, seems the only thing MC can do is cry and wait to be saved, I swear she gets kidnapped once in every route, I think they could have given her more character to work with. Another thing, but Jean being a man is bad, really bad, she’s a feminist icon but they made her a man, it’s sought of saying that women aren’t capable of this so she had to have actually been a man.
Handling of SA, important one here, I’m ok with the flirty guy, but I really hate Arthur, he doesn’t just flirt with her in chapter 1 he assaults her and acts like he did her a service, and she just forgives him!?! I’m fine with a guy that sleeps around, I like Jin and Nokto fine, but the way Arthur talks about women, always calling them Birds (if they were going for English slang it doesn’t work cuz he doesn’t have a cockney accent) or worse Skirts, it’s dehumanising, and shows that to him women are vehicles for sexual pleasure and aren’t on an equal level of understanding. There are smaller parts to, Leo kisses her without consent, the Count hides the truth from her, idk but Theo calling her a ‘hound’ sounds like he’s calling her something else…
Minor points on classism, I’m not expecting the communist manifesto, but all these games aren’t very good at dealing with class deviation. In Vlad’s route, the orphan boy thinks he can impress the rich girl, this is the 19th century, capitalism is on the rise, but there’s no comment about how it’s impossible. The little school Napoleons runs is strange, considering he was in a position where benefited from poor people existing and staying poor, ( side note, he’s teaching them swordsmanship when ww1 is right around the corner, just saying they won’t need it in the military) called MC out as a social climber, these games sought of depict the past through rosé tinted glasses, there’s only passing reference to how fucked people were in the past, Also all the historical inaccuracies above tie to this.
Anyway love to hear some other opinions, (I started playing this game before my transition and have always thought it it was wired, it’s my personal least favourite just cuz I couldn’t really get into any of the guys, my OC ended up as a Carmilla reference so….)
I have seen a post talking about some of the issues before so that’s what got me to write this out, if you disagree or want to add anything I’m all ears 👂
Thanks for reading 💗💖💖💕💓💝💗🥰🥰🥰❤️✨✨✨✨❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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kick-a-long · 8 months
“God doesn’t play dice” is a wild thing for Einstein to say as a Jew from Europe who lives through world war 2 to say. He was talking about quantum physics, he was also wrong, provably, many times over.
He hated the idea that small particles like electrons don’t have definite places around an atom. They only have a percentage of being in any particular place, they form a kind of cloud.
But to be so certain that god never gambles, when you saw what happened to so many people like you die in such a random killing and bureaucratic tragedy? And to be so wrong?
He worked with huge things. Time and energy and gravity. He couldn’t believe that small things, things like electrons and smaller, worked totally differently. He wasn’t uninterested in small things either, he figured out key parts of the solar panel (it’s what he won the Nobel prize for.)
God provably gambles with tiny things. He must have thought humans were like planets and suns. But maybe we are like electrons and muons? Tiny things he doesn’t place here or there because why would he care?
I wonder what he thought about destiny and gods intentions when he saw the holocaust. A funny thing about science is often it makes scientists MORE religious. Finding rules and principles, laws even, in the randomness of the world and the things in it makes people feel like there is a “plan” or an architect of its creation. To find out that the rules apply to huge things but not little ones must have affected him.
“Are people’s thoughts big things or little ones?” He, a man who shook the world and helped build a nuke out of thought, must have wondered. “Are they random or determined by the Divine before I have them? Do thoughts come randomly while countries act on god’s intentions? One is small and the other is big by comparison.”
It’s 2am on a Thursday, I woke up with this thought and it scared me. I needed to out of my head before I could go back to sleep.
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drippingsunflwrs · 2 years
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Is that SOLEDAD  YILDAZ that I see over there? You know they have quite the reputation of being the THE SWEETHEART around town. The 28 year old has been around these parts for  2 YEARS  and within that timeframe has landed themselves a job as a/an BARISTA AT ONCE UPON A TART while living in CHESTNUT APARTMENTS I overheard that they can be quite STUBBORN but their saving grace is that they are KIND HEARTED. They remind me of  COFFEE RINGS ON A WOODEN TABLE, SUNSHINE MIXED WITH A LITTLE HURRICANE, AND LEATHER-BOUND BOOKS but you’ll have to decide that for yourself. 
tw: death mention, bullying mention
Soledad was born to two loving parents, both of who adored their daughter with everything they had. She was the only child of Carmen and Ömer Yildiz. Shortly after her arrival into this world, the Yildiz’s moved from Turkey to Boston, Massachusetts, when her father got the opportunity for an excellent traveling salesman position and the move had been planned for a while now.
Growing up, Soledad was a happy child at home. She was so infectious with her laughter and smile that her family quickly nicknamed her “Sol,” and the name was one she fell in love with from a young age.  She tried her hardest to live up to it every day.
Despite the loving household Sol had, things at school were different for her. For some reason, one Sol couldn’t seem to understand, the kids in her grade always looked at her funny. The girls never wanted to talk to her about anything, no-one made an effort to sit with her at lunch, during gym she would always get picked last, and her locker usually had some sort of goop or slime smeared on it as ‘the prank of the day.’
She found her escape in books. One day she picked up a copy of ‘Harry Potter’ and the brunette was hooked since. It wasn’t long before she was trying to read as many books as possible, from all different genres.  Thanks to her books, the older she got, the tougher her shell began to get towards the world around her.
Her real escape came when she left Boston to attend university at NYU. She chose to take the business path like her father. Starting her second year of school, she met someone and the pair dated for just shy of one year. They was her first love, first one (and only) to have ever slept with,  and heartbreak. During her third year at school, her mother ended up passing due to complications with heart surgery. She was devastated and kept to herself even more than ever. It wasn’t long before her relationship came to an end, closing her happily ever after, though she used the sadness she felt towards motivating herself to study harder.
With a lot of hard work, she ended up graduating top of her class. After graduation Sol took some time to travel around Europe for a bit. She did some backpacking and in her adventures met many lovely, and not so lovely, people along the way. She went to places like Paris, Peru, Japan, China, Egypt, Prague,  but her biggest dream has always been London. For some reason or another she just can’t seem to get there.  
Now, a bit new(ish) (2yrs) to Ravenswood, Vermont, Sol is ready to make her mark in the town and the small business. She always tries to show up with a smile on her face and a bright personality.
She can come off as shy at time but once you get past her shell she is extremely friendly and always ready to talk your ear off about her newest book she’s reading.
fun facts:
she may not be too outspoken about it, but she is a gamer.
loves music, late night talks, and laughing
she is always ready to lend a helping hand or shoulder to lean on
she will keep your secret and take it to the grave
her favorite customer is (wc) and she often tries to have their cup of coffee always ready for them when they makes their daily visit to once upon a tart. .
she has made (wc) her unofficial roommate as she has given them a key they can freely use to enter her home whenever htheye needs it. she’s used to them coming over needing to be stitched up, fed, or just wanting to hang out. all in all she cares about them.
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lizseyi · 7 months
5 Reasons To Spend Time On The Costa Del Sol During The Colder Months – Simply Shuttles
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The southern Spanish region known as the Costa del Sol doesn’t always tend to get talked about much as a place to spend the winter – especially the first few months of a calendar year, after Christmas. But should it be? 
Below, we’ve set out just some of the reasons you should give serious consideration to whiling away a few days – or even weeks – on the Costa del Sol during January, February, and into the spring. 
There isn’t really such thing as ‘winter’ here… 
…well, certainly not as many people across the rest of Europe would understand it. With even January – the coldest month of the year in the region – seeing average daily temperatures of around 17 degrees C, and about five to seven hours of sunshine each day, the Costa del Sol is a wonderfully hospitable spot for a winter break, almost irrespective of what you plan to do here.  
It’s an excellent place to golf in the winter 
We receive plenty of enquiries about Fuengirola, Estepona, and Marbella golf transfers for the winter here at Simply Shuttles, from people who know all about the Costa del Sol’s gorgeous scenery and excellent facilities for those wishing to tee off in January, February, or March. 
With more than 70 golf courses to be found between Torre del Mar and Sotogrande, the region certainly doesn’t leave golfers bored during the (only slightly) chillier months. 
It’s a great time to explore the region’s cultural and heritage sites 
Even if you do want to spend a bit more time indoors during your trip to the Costa del Sol in the winter, you won’t find a shortage of interesting things to do here. 
Many people from abroad come into the region via Málaga Airport, for example, and the city itself serves up stimulating museums, galleries, and other landmarks ranging from the Museo de Málaga and Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga to the Alcazaba of Málaga and Teatro Romano de Málaga (Roman Theatre). Meanwhile, Marbella presents the likes of the Museo del Grabado Español Contemporáneo (Contemporary Engraving Museum) and Museo Ralli Marbella. 
You can even go skiing at this time of year! 
It’s not exactly one of the first things that most of us would associate with the Costa del Sol, but a trip to this part of Spain could even take in the Sierra Nevada ski resort, which is the southernmost ski resort on the whole of the continent. 
Situated in the Sierra Nevada mountain range in the province of Granada, the resort offers runs for every level of ability, including 19 green runs for relatively cautious skiers, but also 45 blue runs, 53 red, and seven black. And of course, there is the chance to enjoy awesome views across the mountains as you make your way down from the ski slopes. 
This could be the time for low-key, stress-free inspiration 
Not everyone who visits the Costa del Sol necessarily even comes in order to experience “that” city, resort, bar, golf course, or even art gallery that they’ve heard so much about. Much of the pleasure of being in the region during the first few months of the year can simply be about… taking everything in, at your leisure, in your own time. 
The crowds certainly recede in many of the Costa del Sol’s most ‘touristic’ spots come wintertime, and hotels tend to be a lot cheaper as well. These factors can help make the colder months an excellent time to experience the region in a different, slower way, while feeling slightly closer to the more ‘traditional’ Andalucia. 
Have we got you a bit excited about what your next trip to southern Spain could be like? If so, don’t forget that when it comes to everything from Benahavis restaurant tours to Marbella golf transfers, our private hire services at Simply Shuttles can help make it all so much easier. Give us a call now, on +34 951 279 117, to book any of our in-demand services for the months ahead.
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nj-ayuk1 · 1 year
Amazon Bestselling Author NJ Ayuk Outlines an Energy Plan for Africa
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As the world attempts to respond to the recent energy shakeup in a way that accounts for the Russia-Ukraine war, post-pandemic supply chain issues, and the near-emergence of sustainable solutions, fossil fuels in Africa have become a hot topic of debate. Author NJ Ayuk, executive chairman of the African Energy Chamber, believes there’s a way forward that will not only help the world meet its current energy needs, but can also benefit the millions of Africans currently living without electricity.
Ayuk’s book, A Just Transition: Making Energy Poverty History With an Energy Mix, is a finely tuned argument for helping the African people by leveraging the continent’s vast reserves of oil and natural gas. 
Author NJ Ayuk lays an argument that favors the 600 million Africans who currently live without access to electricity and the 900 million people on the continent who lack access to clean cooking technologies. Central to his argument is the fact that Africa produces less than 3% of the world’s carbon emissions yet is home to about 17% of the global population.
“We need an energy transition, but it has to be a just energy transition,” he stated. “I think our challenge right now is to figure out a way to be fighting climate change and energy poverty at the same time. I think there is a very Western misconception about the needs of everyday people in Africa, where the dialogue is just based on a desire to save the planet. Yes, we want to save the planet. We all should want that. But climate change and energy poverty are two sides of the same coin.
“We have to do both. We have to make energy poverty history. You can’t talk about denying Africa a way to help 900 million people, most of them women, who are living their lives without having their very basic needs met, because of the emissions that have benefited other countries.”
In addition to writing books and heading the AEC, NJ Ayuk is the founder of the international firm Centurion Law Group, which does much of its legal work in and around the energy sector in Africa.
His experience in the industry has led NJ Ayuk to some policy prescriptions that can help Africa — and the world — fare better in the next century. He believes that by creating an energy mix that allows some countries to continue using fossil fuels while others transition to more sustainable offerings is the right way to move everyone forward. 
“When you really look at where we are right now and you look at where we are going, people are saying, ‘Let’s abandon natural gas and just concentrate on a transition to renewables.’ But what does that look like for people in Africa? What are you going to transition from — from the dark to the dark?” he asked. “You need to have something to start with, then you can transition. Africa’s energy emissions are not even up to 3% of the world’s carbon. So [places] like Europe or the United States that are somewhere in the 20s or the 30s, they need to decarbonize and they need to decarbonize fast. Africa needs to be given a chance to industrialize.”
The book comes at a crucial moment in international relations. As Europe continues to seek new sources of energy to replace the fossil fuels that many countries were purchasing from Russia, African reserves have become a key area of interest. This represents a chance to right some of the former wrongs that have been visited on Africa by Western countries while also correcting social injustices that continue to exist.
Many of the social injustices revolved around a community that has long been overlooked, both on a global stage and specifically in Africa. 
“We can’t talk about a just energy transition without seeing African women being a big part of that,” NJ Ayuk said. “Let’s be honest: The energy industry has done a horrible job when it comes to anything to do with women. It’s not even something we need to be proud of — we need to be ashamed. Women are still the last hired and the first fired in our industry. Women's issues have just been very overlooked, and we really hope that when we are talking about a transition, this does not repeat itself.
“Whether it’s with the grain economy or whatever you see, if it's a replacement of what you’ve seen in the fossil fuel industry with the grain industry, then it’s going to be really despicable. It even happens in the clean energy sector. Women today are still receiving less than 2% of the investments in that sector. We have to change that.”
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
Coffee & Meetings
Relationship: Dark!Bucky Barnes x Innocent!Reader Warnings: stalking, drugging TW, manipulation, Summary: Prequel to Pastries & Memories - Bucky sees you day after day at a bakery and decides you’re just perfect for him. All from Bucky’s POV. A/N: someone suggested this on ao3 and i really liked that idea so I hope i did it well! I am thinking about expanding this to a bit of a mini-series... :)
Six months earlier…
He first saw you on a Monday. A bright, sunny, lovely Monday morning. He hadn’t even been looking for you — hell, he hadn’t really been looking for anyone.
Bucky was planted at a little table in the corner of a coffee shop, sipping on a dark roast, watching people come and go on the sidewalk. It had become his new morning routine, an interesting yet annoying suggestion from his therapist. She had become concerned he was too into his previous routine. She wanted him to step out of it for a bit, expand horizons, maybe even find a hobby. The craziest thing he had done yet was this — drinking overpriced coffee at a local shop.
He had to admit, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Sometimes he looked forward to this new start to his day. Everyone at the shop was always nice to him, amazingly. They didn’t mind him dilly-dallying, nursing his coffee, as he people watched. They even had a bakery attached which was part of the attraction to the place for Bucky. He had smelled their pastries one morning and was hooked.
As Bucky sat watching the people, he was contemplating getting an almond croissant to go when something caught his attention. From the corner of his eye, like a little flash, he had seen someone that made him perk up.
It was her. It was you. You were standing in front of the bakery entrance debating on going in. You looked between the coffee and the bakery sign. You checked your phone then you walked in. Bucky watched as you entered the bakery, your face bright with the kindest smile he had ever seen as you greeted the cashier. He didn’t have to hear your voice to know it was contagiously joyous.
You were like a little tease standing around all those baked goods, flicking your hair over your shoulder as you pointed at which donut you wanted. Bucky suddenly felt hungry for something else. Especially when you bent over to point at the strawberry glaze on the bottom row.
But then you were gone as fast as you had come. He watched you from the window as you got back on the path to wherever you were headed, he guessed your job. Your hair blew in the wind. Your skirt bounced as you walked proudly, your hand grasping the box of donuts tightly.
Oh, yeah, Bucky thought, this new routine was definitely what he needed.
You quickly became the most exciting part of Bucky’s day.
With his cup of coffee and hawk-like gaze, he’d sit at the little coffee shop table, watching the world outside the window. You’d come strolling by fairly early, looking so classy and professional. He figured you worked in an office which seemed very unnecessary for a girl like you. You didn’t need to work, he decided. You were too beautiful, clearly too bright, for that.
But you never seemed to recognize this yourself since you were constantly strutting past in your blouse and skirt, stopping in every day to collect some new pastry for your coworkers.
The way you talked to the bakery staff was what really won Bucky over. You were so gentle and patient when the kid behind the counter fumbled with the boxes or accidentally grabbed the wrong item. You’d still shoot them your lovely smile and make light conversation as they rang you up.
You were too generous, especially noted by the strawberry cake you had purchased one more for your work. Whoever was on the other end of your kindness better appreciate it, Bucky thought. He also didn’t miss your obvious love for strawberries.
Bucky watched you for a while, almost for two whole months, in that coffee shop seat drinking in every inch of you. The baristas didn’t seem to mind his lingering. He always made sure to order two cups as some sort of compensation for letting him sit there and watch his girl. Yes — his girl, that was what he had marked you as in his mind. You hadn’t noticed him yet but Bucky wasn’t sweating it. All in due time, he silently promised you.
It took Bucky a few days to gather what was needed. You still weren’t noticing him but he was way past being bothered by that. He had been screwed by life enough to know that sometimes you just have to take what you want. Sitting around waiting and hoping was for men who had patience. He was over it. Little worked out for him so now he had to make it work.
The morning of the commencement of the plan, Bucky stood in his kitchen double-checking the items needed. Content with it, he carefully drew up the correct amount of light sedation into the syringe. It wasn’t anything crazy and apparently affected the mind first, body second. You’d be on autopilot for a bit, walking more like someone who was just having a rough day. But that wouldn’t be an issue because Bucky would be there. He’d be able to escort you to his apartment, simply appearing as the concerned, protective boyfriend among the sidewalk pedestrians. He got a bit giddy just thinking about it.
Moments after you were properly sedated, he’d need to administer you another drug in a timely manner. This one would be focused on memory loss. He’d discovered it on some corner of the black market while originally on the look for types of sedation. Apparently, this drug was part of some sort of failed spy mission in Europe. The seller swore it boasted good results, citing studies conducted. Bucky looked into it and agreed. After some clumsy navigation in the world of online shopping, it was his within a few days. The concoction seemed like it would do that job.
The goal was to pretty much scramble your brain just a little bit. Nothing crazy like making you totally forget key components of yourself but still hit a point where you didn’t have enough to fight Bucky’s word on, well, anything. This drug wore off, though, so he would have to come up with ways to get it in your system over the course of your relationship. It was still worth it to him. He wasn’t stripping you off your personality, just some little details here and there. You’d still be his shining girl, just only now focused on him.
The final items laid out were various feet of rope. Bucky was being overly cautious with this. He didn’t know if anything actually was going to work. What if you woke up and realized you weren’t in your apartment? That you were being watched over by a stranger? You were bound to panic but he understood that. If need be, he could restrain you while he figured out the right way to go about it all. It would never be to hurt you, of course — in fact, he felt it was more for your safety than anything.
After another run of the mental checklist, Bucky gathered the syringe and headed out to the coffee shop. The idea was fairly simple. After you came in for a box of pastries, he’d head out behind you, try to chat you up a bit. He had some old moves he could flex. Once you got comfortable enough, he’d make the move and then lights out. By the end of that day, you’d be making yourself comfortable in his apartment.
Bucky practically fawned over the idea as he walked. He had taken some steps earlier in the week to add some things for you in the apartment like ladies’ toiletries and new outfits. He had even finally purchased a real couch. All for you, so you could have a home. A real home. With him.
Bucky was still lost in his daydream as he sat in the coffee shop, looking between the clock and the window. He waited and waited and waited. The syringe growing heavier and heavier in his pocket as the seconds went by.
The clock struck a new hour. Something Bucky never planned for was unfolding: it didn’t look like you were coming today. He almost about lost it there. Almost went into the streets stomping away in anger. Everything was perfect, how could you just be the only missing piece? Did something happen? Were you okay? Gosh, he should’ve got to you sooner—
Your hair suddenly came into view. You were walking furiously, just glancing at the bakery this time before deciding not to go in. You looked anxious which certainly wasn’t like you. He wanted to crush whatever was making you feel such a way. But Bucky had to snap his thoughts back. You weren’t coming into the bakery. He wouldn’t be able to follow you out, to casually build-up to this moment. His heart was pounding. He panicked.
In a moment of stupid impulsivity, Bucky quickly left the coffee shop and began racing to catch up to you. He took long strides, quite amazed by how fast you walked in those heels, but it didn’t take him very long to now be right on your tail. Few more steps and he was able to pop up right in front of you. You jumped at his sudden presence. Bucky smiled, finding you so amusing.
"Sorry to bother you, ma’am, but I think you dropped something." He lied through his teeth so gloriously, way too easily. It was just the right comment to get you to stop in your tracks but didn’t completely scare you off.
Your brows furrowed, adorably confused. You looked down, searching for whatever it could be. "I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t think I did."
Sir. The word stuck with him a bit. Maybe after some coaxing, you could always be calling him that. Bucky didn’t have much time to think about this, though, as you began to step around him. You had taken his moment of silence as a way to evade him. Smart, but frustrating. A mix of annoyance and anger shot through him. He grabbed your arm and pulled you into him quickly. You let out a yelp in surprise. He ignored it and before you could ask any questions, the syringe was plunged into your neck. To outsiders, it looked like a couple in some weird embrace, but to Bucky, it was just the beginning of something beautiful.
He got you back to his apartment fairly easily after that. You were eventually out cold and the next step of the process could begin. He was pretty much banking on the memory loss solution. Not a very religious man, Bucky still said a silent prayer as he administered it.
He took a step back from his bed, watching you look so at home knocked out on it. It was a wonderful sight, one he was saving in the back of his mind, even though he’d now see it every single day. Feeling quite content with how smoothly that all had gone, he had nothing to do now but wait for you to wake up.
Bucky took this free time as a chance to begin cutting off connections you had. Thankfully, your bag held your laptop along with other necessities like your phone and wallet. He was pretty thankful he wouldn’t have to try to get into your work to grab your devices. That would rely too heavily on whether or not you overshared. No one would believe he was the concerned boyfriend if just last week you ranted about how single you were.
Sliding onto a stool at his kitchen counter, Bucky set up your laptop. The first thing he noticed was your lack of password. You were too trustful, too good, and that was only example A. Bucky suddenly felt so relieved he had you in the safety of his apartment. There were lunatics out there.
Bucky navigated your laptop fairly easily. While he was pretty new to the technology scene, he could at least find the basics and you weren’t exactly running some government-level device. With a few simple taps and clicks, he was writing out messages to your boss and family.
He put in your letter of resignation, something short and vague, to your boss at the public relations firm you were an assistant at. Lower level work, not even anywhere near the big dogs. No wonder you constantly brought in treats for everyone. You were hoping your kindness would get you ahead. Bucky shook his head at your naivety.
A simple Google search showed him you were not the only assistant to the head of the firm. You probably wouldn’t be missed. The pastries, maybe, but you? An assistant? Someone would take your place within the week. Bucky was turning out much better for you than he had realized. He mentally patted himself on the back as he moved onto looking into your family.
Scrolling through your email contacts, it appeared you only had a sister for immediate family. No mentions of parents and… sure enough, another search brought up an obituary for your mother. No mention of a father. Even better, he thought. You needed that strong, guiding force.
A few scrolls through your current email thread with your sister and Bucky found out she was studying abroad. Could this all get any better? Nothing was in the immediate area of a threat. He responded back to the last email your sister had sent. Copying your language the best he could, he dropped some hints that you wanted a vacation. In just a few more exchanges he could drop the news that you were off in paradise. Correspondence could easily fizzle out and your sister would be too caught up in her European dream to notice an absence.
If this ever called for any more attention, Bucky figured he could easily invite her over. It’d take some training but you’d eventually remember your sister — or, what Bucky would plant in your head about her — then you’d happily host a dinner. Introduce your two favorite people to one another. He bought himself enough time to spend with you.
Of course, Bucky realized he got very lucky with you. He had done some minimal research beforehand but everything had been behind sign-in walls. He didn’t know if he was really ready to break into social media and instead decided to risk it. If all had gone to shit, like you having a real big, caring family or a prestigious job, there wasn’t anything a little talking couldn’t fix.
But Bucky had also kind of already knew you as he watched you day in and day out. He had felt that dire need to be comforted, to be loved, to be cared for, to be protected behind those cheery smiles and generous small talk. You always tried too hard as if you needed everyone in the world to love you, to praise you. That wasn’t it at all. You just needed him. And he needed you.
Lost in his dreamy thoughts, Bucky nearly jumped out of his skin (leave it to you to be the first person to actually scared him) when your soft voice called from the bedroom doorway.
"Excuse me," You said, nervously fidgeting as you slowly walked from the hall into the kitchen. "W-What’s going on?"
Bucky shut your laptop quickly and hopped down from the stool. He gave you a warm smile which you seemed to try to return. So obedient and caring already and you didn’t even know why — yet.
"Hey, doll," he said, keeping his voice steady and gentle. "You okay? You laid down for a nap earlier. I was worried you were getting sick." He placed a hand on your forehead pretending to check your temperature. Thankfully, you allowed it. After a moment, he pulled his hand away with a curious hum.
You frowned, obviously confused, much more than you were earlier. You looked totally clueless at the situation. It was the best reaction Bucky could’ve ever hoped for.
You glanced around the living space. "I- Yeah, I think I’m alright… I’m sorry, I can’t seem to remember much. Who are you?"
Bucky chuckled, "I’m your boyfriend. Bucky. And this is our apartment. You remember, don’t you, honey? Maybe you’re just still a bit sleepy."
He watched as you blinked a few times, probably wrestling with whether to admit you really didn’t remember anything or to go with the lie. If you were a good girl, like he predicted, you’d settle with the lie.
"Oh." You bit your lip and eventually nodded. Jackpot. "Of course. Again, I’m sorry. I must’ve been really tired." You glanced over at the clock. It read just before noon. "I’m a bit hungry. Would you like anything, B-Bucky?"
He smiled. "A sandwich would be great, doll."
You nodded once in acknowledgment then began hunting for everything you needed in the kitchen. You looked a bit confused at first but slowly Bucky saw you get the hang of it. He took his place at the kitchen counter again, sliding the laptop out of your sight.
He sat there waiting and observing as his new girl began making him lunch. It was a sight he had dreamed of, but Bucky also knew this was too perfect too soon. You were bound to stumble within time but that was okay. He would have to fine-tune the details later but he was already complying some ideas on how to shape you into who you were destined to be.
Yes, he had a long way to go, but it would all be worth it if he got to come home to you standing in his kitchen whipping up a special treat like the sweetest housewife to ever exist. Because that certainly would be the next step down the line — making you his darling wife.
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tricksters-captain · 4 years
Benny Watts/The Queens Gambit imagines - From Pawn to Pen Part 1
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AN: So I watched the Queens Gambit in one day and I am officially obsessed with it. And how dare it bring back my crush on Thomas Brodie Sangster... Due to this... Have a fanfic...
Overall Summary: You’re a young journalist for Chess Review, with a love for chess and a desire for knowledge. One day at a tournament, you come across the famous Benny Watts...
Pairing(s): Benny Watts x reader
Word Count: 2,504
Warnings: (I know nothing about chess except what the show taught me so bare that in mind), none really
Another state, another tournament. 
Your work had you travel round to even the smallest of Chess Tournaments to try and get the dirt on up and coming chess players or already existing champions. 
You inhaled the familiar smell of a hotel lobby, taking in your surroundings as people bustled about the place. 
It was one of the bigger tournaments fortunately and so you were hoping to run into some champions which tend to give you better pages which equals better pay. 
You walked up to the front desk, your eyes scanning the small tables as far as the eye could see where chess boards were being studied in case you recognised any chess players. 
You did but they were all the standard normies that showed their faces at these events. No one noteworthy yet. 
“Can I help you?” The slim man behind the desk with slicked back red hair flashed you a toothy smile as he greeted you. 
“(Y/n)(Y/l/n).” You introduced yourself and the man soon flicked through his booking sheets to find your reservation. 
“Room 209. If you just head down this hall to the elevators, it’s on the second floor.” The man pointed towards the elevators where you managed to spot the flash of bright auburn hair entering one of them. 
Beth Harmon. 
You smiled with relief as you started to sew the piece in your head already. 
“Thank you.” You took the key and made your way down to elevators. 
As the elevator door dinged open, some commotion by the entrance of the lobby caught your attention. 
The peak of leather through the crowd told you who it was. 
Benny Watts. 
Even better. You now had two top chess players you could focus on. 
You decided to let the celebrity champion settle into his hotel before you mobbed him as a journalist and you also needed to freshen up after travelling. 
You travelled so much that you barely bothered with your apartment. It was mostly rented out to other people besides holidays like Christmas where you actually could return home. 
Everything you had was basically in two large suitcases which you dragged across the United States and Europe following chess players around. 
You mainly liked travelling around Europe. You previously worked for a Parisian chess magazine but this year you took an offer to work for Chess Review which brought you back to the states. 
You had mostly done smaller tournaments all year round so hadn’t had the pleasure in meeting Benny Watts or Beth Harmon yet. 
Benny Watts had been one of the biggest names in chess for years now and Beth Harmon was a rapid rising star. 
You knew this would be your big break in Chess Review to stop being handed the small tournaments and to document the important ones like the US Open. 
You opened the door to your hotel room and smiled when you saw how nice it actually was. 
You had stayed in some crap holes recently. 
You dumped your suitcases to one side and immediately turned on the shower so you could relax your cramped muscles and feel a bit cleaner.
You undressed and let the hot water cascade down your back, covering your hair and face as you tipped your head backwards. 
You took your time in there before getting out and blow drying your hair. 
By the time you had washed, done your hair and make up again; it was time to pick a dress for the evening so you could go get something to eat. 
You went for your favourite navy blue skirt and cream sweater, both hugged you nicely but were still modest, before slipping on some shoes. 
You took a small purse to put your room key in and then left for the restaurant/bar that was in the hotel.
The restaurant was filled with chess players and spectators all buzzing with excitement about this weekend. 
You managed to find a small table away from the majority of the hustle and tucked yourself away with your notepad. 
You liked being a fly on the wall most of the time. You enjoyed observing, studying and learning about people. ‘People watching’ as some would call it. 
The waiter brought over the cocktail you had ordered along with some grapes, cheese and crackers to munch on. 
After writing some of the thoughts down that came to you in the shower, you looked up to see who was around you. 
There was no sign of Beth Harmon which wasn’t unusual as she was known for practising in her room before tournaments. 
You scanned the groups before your eyes stopped on him. Benny Watts. 
His slick blonde hair fell slightly by his eye, his hat on his lap as he talked to the surrounding fans and admirers. 
The man loved talking about himself and loved talking about Chess even more. 
You watched him for a moment, the way his eyes were alight as he laughed amongst his peers. 
Benny must've felt someone was watching him because a second later, his eyes met yours for a brief moment. 
You looked down and pretended to write something down as Benny turned his chin this time to look at you again. 
You were used to being invisible and in that moment you felt extremely seen. 
However, the man didn’t move from his chair or even look another time after that. 
You popped a grape in your mouth before taking a large sip of your drink. You’d have to talk to him tomorrow and you knew that but for the first time, you actually felt the bubbles of nerves rise in stomach.
“May I buy you a drink?” A voice brought you from your thoughts and you looked up to see Henry Cavilla, one of the regular American chess players whom you believed you’d seen only two months before in Denver. 
“I’m fine, thank you.” You declined politely but the man sat down anyway, joining you at your table. 
“I insist.” Henry’s smile spread widely on his lips as he waved a waiter over. “I saw you in Denver. You’re a journalist, am I right?” 
“Yes. For Chess Review.” You had to hide your irritation at his boldness.
“How long you been doing that?” The man asked, 
“Well I’ve been a journalist for three years, but I’ve only been at Chess Review for 6 months.” You admitted honestly as the man ordered two drinks for the table. 
“What’s a beautiful girl like you doing reporting on chess? Thought you’d be more into what Beth Harmon was wearing than her Sicilian defence.” 
“I could ask you a similar thing? What’s a mediocre, chino wearing, middle aged   misogynist doing at a chess tournament where Beth Harmon and Benny Watts are playing?” You couldn’t help but let the words slip out of your mouth, slapping the man right round the face. 
You watched the man’s smile drop following a small burst of laughter echoing through the restaurant. 
Your head snapped round to see it was Benny Watts laughing, staring directly at your table. He must’ve heard what you said despite the rest of the restaurant noise. 
“Listen here, sweetheart, you’re just a skirt hired to keep your boss man happy and to fuck the chess players into a one page interview so you can get your paycheck to fund your morning after pill from planned parenthood and buy yourself some clean panties you’d sooner have off anyways.” You hit a nerve with what you said and he seemed to hit one right back.   
You threw the two new drinks in the mans face, causing most of the restaurant to stop and stare at the commotion as he jumped to his feet to retaliate. 
You snatched your notebook and fled the scene before anything worse could happen or you get thrown out of the tournament all together. 
You fell back onto your bed, kicking your shoes off as you did. 
It wasn’t unusual for men to be putting you down, especially in the chess world and the journalist world but tonight you just weren't having any of it. 
You groaned as you pushed your hair out of your face, replaying the event in your head. The way everyone stared after you threw the drinks in his face. 
You did not need to be the centre of attention this weekend. 
You put yourself to bed with the television playing so you could stop scolding yourself in your head and distract yourself to finally get some sleep. 
The next morning you woke up early, getting ready quickly and making sure you had everything you needed for a full day of reporting. 
You skipped breakfast, only taking a black coffee before you entered the battle field.
The chess boards were still being set up and from across the room you spotted the familiar hair colour that belonged to Beth Harmon. 
“Beth? Beth Harmon?” You crossed the room to greet her. “I’m (Y/n)(Y/l/n) from Chess Review. I was wondering if I could get an opening statement before the tournament goes ahead this weekend?” You asked politely, trying your best not to attack her verbally this early in the morning, 
“Uh, of course. I’m feeling very confident this weekend that I’ll quickly rise to the top, concluding the tournament opposite Benny Watts.” Beth admitted, 
“Are you scared of Benny Watts?” You asked, 
“Scared? No. I am merely curious to see how our game goes.” Beth admits. 
“Well, good luck, Beth. I hope to catch up with you sometime this weekend for a brief interview of how you play your games if you don’t mind?” You asked politely, silently begging she’d say yes. 
“I’ll speak with you tomorrow night. It’ll be the middle of the tournament so there’ll be plenty to talk about.” Beth was extremely nice in offering her time and you took it gratefully. 
You left the girl to her own company and returned to the lobby where you could see a crowd already gathering. 
“Mr Watts.” You spotted the leather jacket and hat as the man entered the breakfast room. 
The man turned when he heard his name being called across the lobby and you quickly jogged to catch up to him. 
“You’re the girl from last night who put Henry Cavilla in his place?” Benny Watts smirked at you as he recalled the previous nights events. 
“Um.” You felt your cheeks flush in embarrassment. “I was just wondering if I could get a statement before the tournament began?” 
“You’re a reporter?” Benny cocked his eyebrow at you, his eyes scanning you up and down shamelessly. 
“Yes. For Chess Review.” You informed him. 
“Follow me.” Benny nodded his head sideways towards the table he was heading to and you did as you were told. 
“I was wondering how you were feeling about this weekend and possibly going up against Beth Harmon?” You asked as you sat yourself down opposite the man. 
“I won’t be possibly going up against Beth Harmon. I fully expect to be going up against her. Out of everyone here, she is the only person I see as potential competition.” Benny admitted, picking up his knife and fork as his breakfast was set down on the table. 
“Are you sure there’s no one else? Harry Beltik went into his tournament in Kentucky assuming no one but Cullen was any competition to him and yet Beth Harmon came along.” You stated, jotting down some notes to avoid watching the man eat. 
“Well then, they’ll just have to surprise me.” His eyes locked onto yours when he spoke. His lip just edging into a smirk. 
“Thank you for your statement.” You felt your stomach flip and you jumped to your feet, gathering your things. 
“Would you not like a full interview or was the three sentence statement enough?” Benny cocked his head round as you began to leave. 
“It was four, actually.” You corrected him, tapping your notepad with your pen. 
The man huffed out a short chuckle. 
“I’d be grateful for an interview later on this weekend, Mr Watts, if you don’t mind?” 
“I’ll find you when I’m ready.” Benny told you and from the look in his eyes, that’s what he really meant. 
The day went by quicker than expected, it was impossible to watch every game of the day so you watched Beth’s and Benny’s and you filled yourself in with the plays of any others that would make good press. 
You loved watching the game being played, you always tried to predict the outcome and 9 times out of 10 you got it correct except with Beth Harmon and Benny Watts.
They surprised you and it was thrilling to watch. You admired Harmon’s intuition and her attacks. Watts had always been an interesting watch all through his career but you’d only seen him play a handful of times in person before today.
In the evening, you received a call from the big bosses asking how everything was going. 
“I have an interview set up with Beth Harmon and Benny Watts.” You told them with confidence. 
“Good girl. Now get those interviews done quickly and send me a draft as soon as you can.” Your boss ordered before ending the call. 
You sighed, running a hand over your tired face. 
You picked up the bottle of wine you had in a metal cooler to see it was empty. Room service had taken so long to bring it up previously, you decided to just slip your slippers on and head down to the bar to get one final glass of wine before bed. 
You were wearing a nightie so you pulled a coat on over the top in case you bumped into anyone.
As you walked down the hall, you could hear the familiar voice of Benny Watts behind you. 
He was spewing some chess facts to whoever he was with as he walked. 
You peaked behind your shoulder to see he was heading to his room which was three doors up from yours. 
He spotted you too. 
You went into the elevator to head down to the bar. 
The bar was still busy despite the time and you had to wait for your wine. 
You took the glass and returned to your room. 
Your eyes couldn’t help but linger on the hotel room of Mr Benny Watts as you thought of tomorrows games. 
“You’re not stalking me, are you?” Benny startled you as he came up from behind. 
“Jesus...” You gasped, spinning round to face him. 
“Trying to get the dirt on who I’m sleeping with?” The man cocked his eyebrow, his hands tucked in his tight jeans. 
“Seems like the other way round since you keep appearing behind me.” You referred to earlier. 
“Maybe you just like being in my way?” You couldn’t deny that Benny Watts, the Benny Watts, was flirting with you right now. 
“Goodnight Mr Watts. Good luck tomorrow.” You gripped your door handle tightly. 
“Please, call me Benny.” 
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bechloeislegit · 3 years
My Spy - Chapter 9
A/N: I know, I know. I was supposed to post an update yesterday and I was going to. But, I didn't like the way one part turned out so I had to take a step back and do some editing. I like this version better and I hope you do, too.
The next morning, Beca sat at her little dining room table drinking a cup of coffee. She held a conversation with herself as she thought about the events from the night before.
"She looked and felt so good," Beca thought as she sipped her coffee. "Even a scar on her cheek couldn't take away from how beautiful she is."
Beca's coffee cup hit the table with a thud as she suddenly sat up straight, her eyes wide.
"Scar? How the Hell did she get the scar?" Beca's shoulders drooped as she slumped back in her chair. "There is so much I need to learn about her. Oh, God, why didn't I stay and hear her out? I may have blown my last chance with her, and for what?" Beca stood from the table, mumbling, "I need to find out where Chloe is staying and go talk to her."
Beca sighed as she moved away from the table, leaving a half-full cup of coffee behind. She picked up her phone and pulled up Chloe's number, hitting the call button before she could change her mind.
Beca put on her shoes and grabbed her wallet and keys, putting them in the pocket of her hoodie.
The phone rang once and then went straight to voicemail. Beca left Chloe a message, apologizing for walking out and asking her to call back.
Since Chloe didn't answer, Beca couldn't find out where Chloe was staying. So, instead of rushing out to see Chloe, she threw herself onto the sofa bed to wait and see if Chloe would call her back.
Unbeknownst to Beca, Jason and the Director had started a barrage of calls and texts on Chloe's work cell, and when those went unanswered they started calling her personal phone. Becoming tired of seeing their names on her caller ID Chloe turned off both, so Beca's message sat unheard amidst a sea of unanswered calls and texts.
~~ My Spy ~~
Chloe gave up trying to sleep and sat up. She ran a hand through her hair and looked around for her phone. She saw the two phones on the desk across the room, remembering now why she had them so far away.
Chloe pulled back the blankets and slipped out of bed. She went to the desk and picked up her phones, holding them while deciding if she wanted to turn them on or just leave them.
"Maybe Beca tried to call," Chloe mumbled, as she turned on her personal cell.
The phone immediately started buzzing and pinging with text, missed calls, and voicemail notifications. Chloe sighed and put her phone down, thinking she'd come back to check everything after she finished packing.
Chloe had just finished gathering everything from the bathroom when there was a knock on her hotel door. She glanced at the door briefly before throwing her toiletries into her suitcase. Another small knock sounded.
"Hold on," Chloe called out. "I'm coming."
Chloe closed and zipped her suitcase. She then grabbed it up and took it over to the door. She reached for the door handle as she set her suitcase down. She opened the door and frowned.
"What are you doing here, Uncle Matt?" Chloe said, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I know you don't want to see me," Matt said, causing Chloe to scoff. "This isn't about you or me. It's about your Aunt Peggy."
"Aunt Peggy?" Chloe asked, dropping her arms and furrowing her brow. "What about her?"
"She's in the hospital," Matt said.
Chloe gasped.
"What happened? Is she okay?"
"They think it was a heart attack," Matt said, still standing in the doorway. "A nurse from the hospital called and said a neighbor found her lying next to her car earlier this morning. They were running tests and they think she may need to have surgery."
"Oh, my God," Chloe said, frozen in place as she stared at her Uncle Matt.
"Come on," Matt said, taking Chloe's arm. "The jet is waiting to take us home."
"Us? You want me to fly home with you?"
"Of course, I do," Matt said, looking at Chloe. "Peggy would kill me if I didn't bring you home, too."
"I need to get my bags," Chloe said.
Matt stepped into the room as Chloe grabbed both her phones, shoving them into her purse. She then reached for her larger suitcase only to have Matt take it. Chloe gave Matt a small smile and picked up her smaller bag.
"Is this everything?" Matt asked.
"Yes," Chloe said.
Matt turned and started for the door, with Chloe close behind.
The tears Chloe had been trying to hold back ran down her cheeks as they entered the elevator. Matt pulled Chloe to him and rubbed her back.
"She's going to be okay," Matt whispered as he held Chloe until they reached the lobby. "She's a tough old broad."
Chloe sniffled as she held onto her Uncle Matt. She stepped away from him as the doors opened to the lobby. She was surprised to see Jason standing there, waiting for them.
"There's a car waiting to take you to the airport," Jason said, as he grabbed Chloe's suitcases. "Your bags are in the car, Director. The jet will leave as soon as you two are on board."
Matt nodded and put his hand on Chloe's back, guiding her off the elevator.
"Thank you, Jason," Chloe said softly, wiping the tears from her cheeks.
Jason gave her a small smile and nodded before turning to lead them outside to the car.
~~ My Spy ~~
Beca was still sitting on the sofa, looking at her phone when Amy came through the door.
"Have you heard anything from Chloe?" were the first words out of Amy's mouth.
"Nothing yet," Beca said, still looking at her phone.
"Um, so, I've been thinking," Amy said hesitantly.
"Are you okay?" Beca asked, having never heard Amy hesitate to ask anything. Ever.
"I'm okay," Amy said. "I was thinking about what you said about the FBI wanting to talk to me about my dad."
"Yeah?" Beca said, looking over at Amy. "What about it?"
"How would that work?" Amy asked.
"I, uh, I don't know," Beca said. "I guess they ask you to go in and then they ask you questions."
"Will I be under arrest?"
"No!" Beca was quick to respond. "At least I don't think so. They'll invite you in for a conversation. You can either accept or decline. It's totally up to you."
"Can I just go in on my own and ask to speak with the agent investigating him?"
"Probably," Beca said. "Are you thinking of going in and answering their questions?"
"I think that's the smart thing to do," Amy said. "Would you go in with me? For moral support or whatever?"
"Sure," Beca said. "When you go in, I think you should ask for Chloe or her partner Jason. Um, I think his last name is Parker. He's the guy who tried to ask me questions when I was supposed to be on that date with Chloe."
"I'm really sorry about how that turned out," Amy said.
"It's not your fault," Beca said. "I'm the one who freaked out and accused Chloe of using me. She tried to tell me she had nothing to do with it, but I wouldn't listen to anything she said. I hope she can forgive me for doubting her motives."
"Can you go with me tomorrow? I want to get it over with."
"I'll call out for work and tell them I have a family emergency," Beca said.
"Thanks," Amy said.
~~ My Spy ~~
Beca sat on the sofa, looking at her phone. Chloe hadn't responded to Beca's text and Beca was worried she really blew it with Chloe this time.
Beca had finally convinced herself to call Chloe when her phone rang. She smiled as she looked at the caller ID.
"Hey, Emily," Beca said in greeting as she took the call. "How are things?"
"Everything is good here," Emily said. "I'm calling because the Bellas are planning a reunion and I wanted to make sure you have time to make arrangements to be gone for a week while we're in Europe."
"Europe?" Beca repeated, sitting up straighter. "Emily, I can't afford to pay for a trip to Europe. I'm surprised any of the girls can afford that."
"Don't worry about it," Emily said. "Aubrey's got it covered."
"How can she afford it?" Beca asked. "I thought she was managing a retreat in the woods. Somehow, I don't think that pays enough to cover expenses for all of us to go to Europe."
"She's not paying for it, silly," Emily said. "The military will be footing the bill."
"I think you left out some vital information, Em," Beca said. "How and why is the military footing the bill for our Bellas reunion in Europe?"
"Oh, sorry," Emily said. "Let me start from the beginning. Every year the military puts on a USO show and Aubrey's dad helps make arrangements for the entertainment. Aubrey got him to add the Bellas to the show. They will fly us all to Europe and put us up either in a hotel or on a nearby base."
"That's amazing," Beca said, perking up a bit. "We'll get to perform for the troops and sing together again? Sounds like a win-win to me. I'm in."
"Great!" Emily cheered. "We'll email you everything you need to know. Then if you have any questions we can take care of them before we leave. Oh, my stars, I almost forgot. The show is being headlined by DJ Khaled."
"Really?" Beca asked. "That's big news."
"There's even bigger news," Emily said. "This is going to be a competition. Khaled is going to choose one group to open for him for a holiday TV special he'll be doing for the troops. And, if all goes well, it could lead to a recording contract with his studio."
"Wow!" Beca exclaimed.
"Wow, indeed," Emily said, giggling. "Can you tell Amy about it? We'll send her an email with the details as well. I'm just giving everyone a heads up so they can make plans to be away from home or their jobs."
"I'll tell her," Beca said. "Thanks, Emily. I'm looking forward to seeing you and the rest of the girls."
"I'm looking forward to seeing you, as well," Emily said. "I have to go. I still need to make a couple of calls."
"Okay," Beca said. "Bye, Emily."
"Bye, Beca," Emily said and ended the call.
~~ My Spy ~~
"Hey, Chloe. It's me again. Um, Beca," Beca rambled. "I, uh, I don't know if you are actively avoiding me because I ran out on you the other night, or you had to leave again for another assignment. Or maybe you just went somewhere to get as far away from me as possible. Whatever your reasons are, I really want to talk to you; to, uh, hear your voice. I do love the sound of your voice. Not necessarily on the phone but, like in person."
Beca paused and exhaled a heavy sigh.
"I want to apologize again for not sticking around to hear what you had to say. I, um, would like to know you're okay. So, even if you don't want to talk to me, could you maybe, just, I don't know, shoot me a text so I know you're okay? Please?"
Beca swallowed loudly.
"I still love you, Chlo," Beca said softly. "I hope we can talk soon."
Chloe couldn't help the smile that came to her face after hearing Beca's voicemail. She immediately texted Beca.
Chloe [9:47 PM]: Hey, I just heard your message. I'm okay now that I know there is still an us. I'm in Portland and know it's after Midnight there, but could you call me when you get this? I don't care what time it is, just please call me. I have so much to tell you. I know talking over the phone isn't ideal, but it's the best I can do for now.
Chloe read the text over before hitting send. She placed her phone on the charger and settled into her bed. Her thoughts were racing as she thought about how scared she was for her aunt and uncle. Her Aunt Peggy was having surgery the next day to have a pacemaker put in. Chloe sent up a silent prayer for both her aunt.
Her thoughts went to her uncle. She and her Uncle Matt had silently set aside their differences to come together for the sake of Peggy. Chloe's thoughts went back to the plane ride from New York.
Chloe sat a few seats away from Matt, not wanting to have to talk to him. She still wasn't over him ordering Jason to crash her date with Beca, especially after she specifically asked him to leave Beca out of it.
Chloe looked at Matt and sighed. He was slumped in his seat staring out the window.
Chloe always thought her Uncle Matt was one of the strongest people she knew. But seeing him like this, looking broken, made her heart hurt for him.
Matt ran his hands down over his face, wiping away the tear that slid down his cheek. If anything happened to his wife, he didn't know if he could go on. She is the love of his life. He glanced back at Chloe. He was ashamed of having ordered Jason to try and get Beca to talk about Patricia Hobart and her father. Chloe had come to him and begged him to leave Beca and Patricia, or rather Fat Amy, out of their investigation and to focus on Fergus Hobart. She had asked that they not use someone who wasn't even close to him to catch him. Good police work would take care of that.
Matt sighed as if he just realized that Beca was to Chloe, what Peggy was to him. He shook his head at himself and stared out the window again.
Chloe watched her uncle and could tell he was hurting. She decided to put aside her anger and got up and moved to where Matt was sitting.
"Anyone sitting here?" Chloe asked with a small smile.
"It's all yours if you want it," Matt said.
Chloe sat down and took Matt's hand, squeezing it. The move startled Matt, but he recovered quickly and squeezed Chloe's hand back. Nothing was said as they continued to find comfort in each other just by holding hands.
Chloe wiped a tear from her eye. She fluffed her pillow and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep in a matter of moments.
~~ My Spy ~~
Beca woke the next morning and grabbed her phone to check it. She wasn't sure if the smile that spread across her mouth was because of the notification that she had an email waiting for her from Emily, or the text notification from Chloe.
Beca's smile faltered a bit as she chewed on her lip. She wasn't sure she was ready to hear what Chloe had to say so she opened Emily's email.
Beca chuckled as she read through the email. She just knew that based on the amount of detailed information, Aubrey had a hand in writing it. Her eyes widened slightly when she read that the tour was to begin in one week.
"That doesn't give us much time to prepare," Beca thought.
"Whoa!" Amy called out. "We're leaving for Europe in a week?"
"Looks like," Beca said, looking over at Amy. "Do you still want to go to the FBI this morning?"
"Um, yeah," Amy said. "Are you still cool with going with me?"
"Yep," Beca said. "What time do you want to go?"
"Let's plan to leave at eleven," Amy said. "We can get lunch after. If that's okay with you?"
"That's fine," Beca said, staring at her phone. She cleared her throat and said, "Um, Chloe texted me."
The night before, after telling Amy about the USO Tour, Beca had told Amy about calling and leaving a message for Chloe.
"What did she say?" Amy asked, looking over at Beca.
"I don't know," Beca said. "I'm afraid to read it."
Amy got up from her bed and took three steps toward Beca.
"Hey!" Beca said as her phone was snatched from her hands.
Amy waved her hand at Beca and pulled up Chloe's text. Beca watched as Amy read, noting that Amy's expression did not change. Beca became slightly panicked.
"What did she say?"
Amy tossed the phone at Beca. "She wants you to call her."
"Really?" Beca asked, looking at the text. "Oh, my God. She still wants to be with me."
Beca immediately hit the call button.
"Hello?" Chloe answered, her voice gravelly from having just woken up.
"Hey," Beca said and then chuckled. "God, I forgot how sexy your voice sounds when you just wake up."
"What time is it?" Chloe asked, trying to see the time on her phone.
"It's eight-thirty here," Beca said, grimacing when she realized it was only five-thirty in Portland. "Sorry it's so early."
"S'okay," Chloe said, yawning. "I did say call me when you got my text."
"So, um, when do you think you'll be in New York again?"
"Not for a while," Chloe responded. "My aunt had a heart attack and is having surgery in, well, just a few hours. I think I'll probably stick around to help take care of her when she gets home. Any chance you might be able to come to Portland?"
"Um, I'm sorry to hear about your aunt," Beca said.
"Thanks," Chloe whispered.
"And about coming to Portland," Beca continued. "The Bellas are leaving for Europe next week to be part of a USO Tour. I don't think I can take any more time off work after that. At least for a while. Maybe a long while."
"I understand," Chloe said softly. "I'm just happy knowing that at some point in the not too distant future, we'll be together. I really miss you, Becs."
"I miss you, too, Chlo," Beca said. She sighed. "I wish I hadn't been so quick to run away from you. We would already be together."
"It's not all your fault," Chloe said. "I'm sorry I didn't make you stay and hear me out. Jason should never have been there and I told my uncle as much."
"Your uncle?" Beca asked.
"Yeah," Chloe said. "I never got the chance to tell you about him. My Uncle Matt is the Director of the team I was on. He's married to my Aunt Peggy. He's also the one who recruited me into the FBI."
"Sounds like we have a lot to talk about," Beca said.
"We do," Chloe said. "I want to hear all about what you've been up to the past few years. And I want to tell you as much as I can about what's been going on in my life."
"I want that, too," Beca said wistfully.
Beca heard a knocking and then a muffled voice calling out to Chloe. She assumed it was Chloe's uncle.
Beca's assumption was confirmed when she heard Chloe call out, "I'm up, Uncle Matt."
"I guess you have to go," Beca said.
"Yeah," Chloe responded. "We wanted to be at the hospital early so we can see my Aunt Peggy before they take her down for her surgery." Chloe let out a breath. "Can I call you later so we can talk more?"
"Absolutely," Beca said. "Call me when you get home from the hospital, okay?"
"Okay," Chloe said, smiling into the phone. "I'll talk to you later. Bye, Beca."
"Bye, Chlo," Beca said. "I, uh, I love you."
"I love you, too," Chloe responded and ended the call.
Both girls sat on opposite sides of the country, smiling as they stared down at their phones and started the countdown to when they could talk again.
After a few minutes, they both sighed and stood to get ready to start their day.
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lostbutterflyutau · 3 years
The First Meeting
Note: Since there’s been a tiny bit of interest in my Titanic (1997) OC, I’ve decided to post up a small excerpt of the fic (”Back to Titanic”) she narrates. As I said in the initial post, because this is a class project, I have to wait to post it in full. But, for the time being, I hope y’all enjoy this excerpt.
For context, this scene takes place right after Rose leaves the table at the Cafe.
It took everything in me not to chase her down, both for propriety’s sake and to not scare her. I followed slowly but closely, waited until she found a place at the railing in the open-air section of the promenade before approaching. Despite the wind that nearly blew my hat off, the sea air was far more welcoming than the stifling atmosphere of the café. The setting was beautiful, with wide windows and wicker chairs that gave it the same cosy feeling of the outdoor cafes I had visited in Europe, but also hard to enjoy given the stiff and formal company.
She turned around immediately – the sound of heels on hardwood likely tipping her off – and regarded me curiously. It was then that I realised I had no plan and wasn’t sure what to say, if anything at all.
Luckily, she spoke first.
“Can I help you?”
Her tone wasn’t malicious but did carry an understandable hint of annoyance.
“I – I only wanted to see if you were feeling alright?” I said, the words coming out like a question. I bit my lip, instantly aware of how foolish I looked.
She raised a curious eyebrow, said a little more gently as she turned back to the rail, “And why would you care?”
It was a fair question. After all, we were strangers who just happened to be placed at the same dining table. The only things I knew of her were those that I observed, which I quickly realised could be the key to pushing past her attempts to dismiss me. I knew it would be a risk to say what I was feeling, but something deep within – probably the same thing that drove me to follow her – told me that it was an okay one to take with her.
“Because you looked as bored as I felt. At least for a while,” I admitted, recalling how disinterested she seemed about everything that was being said, because if it wasn’t the men talking about the money and power put into the Titanic, it was women spreading frivolous and sometimes hurtful gossip.
Surprisingly, she smiled. It was small, but it was there as she asked, “Is it that obvious?”
“Only to those who are paying attention,” I replied, cautiously stepping over to join her at the railing.
“You seem to be the only one.” She sighed, looked down at and began to fiddle with the ring around her left finger.
I couldn’t blame her for regarding me the way she did. The feeling of being overlooked and invisible was one I knew all too well. At this point in my life, I was so adept at blending into my surroundings that I was convinced people regularly forgot I was around or had a voice. I became content with it, however. Figured that there was always time and space in private for me to speak aloud. But I would be lying if I did not confess that I often longed to be part of some intelligent and lively conversation.  
Unsure of what to say, I stood silent for a moment, let the space fill with another gust of wind. Finally, I realised that, despite the conversation, I never bothered to ask the other woman’s name. Nor was I going to. Instead, I offered my own.
“I’m Lovella. Lovella Bennett-King.”
The woman nodded once, looked my way. “Rose Dewitt Bukater.”
I opened my mouth to speak, but barely got out a squeak before another strong breeze came through. Instinctively, I put my hand to my hat, having never forgotten the day Mother gave me an earful for losing one to a mud puddle in the park – in part because she wouldn’t let me forget it. At the time, she had just taught me how to secure the pins on my own, but they had been loose, and ever since that day, though I practiced to get it perfect every time, I still worried about losing another.
Rose tilted her head slightly, said, “You can’t like wearing those.”
“Well, I –” I started, trying to conjure up one of my usual defences. I usually had something at the ready, but her statement was one I’d never heard. Rarely did anyone think of my preferences regarding attire. Even I did not give it much thought. Since I was a child, I had been relying on Mother to pick out and buy whatever she thought I looked good in, including the large, ornate hats that I hated. After all, what was the point of being gifted with such dark, luscious hair if I was going to be forced into hiding it?
Finally, I gave up, admitted, “No.”
“Then why do you?”
“Because my mother tells me to,” I spat out. I’d never once had a person not take that for an answer and, after I gave it, most would praise first me for doing as I was told and then Mother for raising such a well-behaved child. Rose, however, raised an eyebrow, her eyes a mix of concern and annoyance.
“Do you do everything your mother tells you?” She asked as if it was a foreign concept.
While it wasn’t a new question, it was the first time anyone had ever asked with such puzzlement. It was as if she didn’t quite understand my answer, but, given her earlier disobedience to her mother, I suppose it made sense that someone who always did what she was told without question was confusing.
I went to reply but was interrupted by a masculine voice calling Rose’s name. We both turned to see Hockley approaching, annoyance behind the steely eyes that he shifted to me in a silent signal to leave. Not wanting to be disrespectful, I nodded and headed back towards the promenade, glancing back briefly to see her snap at something he said before heading in my direction. I then went on my way, secretly hoping that the remaining time in the café wouldn’t be the end of our interactions for the trip. Something about the way she not only carried herself and interacted with others, but also seemed confused by the things people usually complimented me for was intriguing.
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mjsparkour · 3 years
Okay, I asked you a while back for some fic recs and I am in need of more. Have you read any Gina x Ricky lately? Would love for you to share the ones you've loved
I’m so glad you liked my rec the last time, there have been alot of fics that have been written since you last asked so this list was super hard to limit. There are alot in this list alone (17 overall I think). I could always recommend more, Rina writers are just so talented. So here's a list of some of my favorites <3
The Story of Us by peculiarblue
‘gina learns that sometimes things have to fall apart so that they can fall back together, right where they were always meant to be’ This is a complete 2 part chapter fic
Thee Rina bible. It’s everything we could ever want and need. Everything we want s2 to be and more. It’s an absolute masterpiece in every way. So many parts where I nearly died, the angst in the fight scene, the tension before they made up (the dress scene that reminded me so much of that amylaurie scene I lost my mind a little more), them being absolutely gone for each other!!! it’s just perfect in every way.
When Your With Me and Were Alone by orphan account
‘Ricky Bowen remembers everything.’ This is a one-shot three-part completed series.
My favorite series, it’s gotta be. It’s the first of its kind for rina fics. Lore does an incredible job of realistically writing rina’s characterization and reactions to Gina moving and what would happen after. A wonderfully talented writer, utilizing the power of her words while minimalist carries an effect. 
You Know Me Better by This_is_Riri
‘Gina was moving. This would be her sixth move in seven years. She was used to it by now...only this time, it felt different. Post episode 7.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
This one really gets you at your gut. Heart-wrenching for both characters but mainly gina. The vents that happen to both characters, it just makes sense that so much more than their vunerabilities bonds them together. Perfect execution of the mutual understanding trope. 
and I know I’ve kissed you before by ptrprkrs
‘but I didn’t do it right / can i try again, try again, try again? or: 5 times ricky kisses gina + 1 time she kisses back’ This is a complete one-shot.
I love a good five times plus one fic. This one is heartwarming, cheeky and cute. It gives a healthy balance of the inevitable anguish that comes with pining (and not just for the character but for frustrated readers that just wanna put these kids together already) but also the sweet innocence and fluff from first love (or first love adjacent). 
what love might have done by rradioh
‘Ricky follows his gut. Everything changes. Some things stay the same.’ This is a completed one shot.
A good look into what could've been for season one. Reflecting moments that felt like they could’ve easily been placed in the show and showed the subtly of the growth of rinas relationship. It wasn’t something that was thrown into our faces but came gradually and this fic facilitates that growth with key moments that add to that. A Great one-shot.
And the 7th Thing I Hate The Most That You Do (You Make Me Love You) by iknowpIaces
‘It doesn’t help that he really does look good in his costume. God, she hates him. She hates him. She hates him. Then, he has the nerve to smile at her. And Gina hates how that smile alone sends her over the moon.’ This is a completed one shot.
SOOOO GOOD. No one understands, I love the trope where one person has a crush on the other and it's unrequited (or it seems that way) but eventually it's apparent that they're also just as gone for that person as soon as they start moving on, or feeling fine with having their feelings not reciprocated. Then they're both just mutual pining messes, ugh I love it. This fic handles the trope with care and rina just comes together organically. 
lesson in love by finelineholland
“Give me 4 weeks. I’ll help you out. Like… a crash course, if you will. 'How to be the perfect boyfriend for Nini Salazar-Roberts': A class taught by yours truly.” This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
A rom-com in the form of a fic. It’s so true to Ricky and Gina as characters and their dynamic. The writing is really good and gives so much in terms of plot. I really hope it updates soon because I love a good makeover/transformation fic, it gives she’s all that and geek charming in the best ways.  
take me to the feeling by peculiarblue
‘gina meets a stranger at a party she doesn't want to be at, and let's herself fall in love for the night, wherever it takes them’ This is a completed one shot.
Katie does it again. Another classic that makes us fall for rina while they fall for each other under the stars. You can’t help but feel something for them right off the bat because theirs something about the cheekiness of the dynamic and so real. You can’t help but fall for them, a must read.
The Last Time by mytearsricochet
‘this is the one where gina meets ricky and nothing is against them. except for a few misunderstandings, forgotten birthdays, wrong people, and missed opportunities. because as much as love doesn’t care about time, this is the one where time cares about love. and with time, everything falls into place.’ This is a completed one shot.
SO UNBELIAVBLEY UNDERRATED. This fic is too excellent, it's everything rinas could want. it’s an incredibly well done long slowburn that makes you strap in for the ride. With all those teasing moments where they're mutually pining and they're just on the precipice of finding out their feelings for one another only to hold back and stay friends (until the end of course). The end makes you work for it, but so worth it when you get to it. 
10 Days in “Love” by kindredspiritsxo 
‘It was almost the end of high school and nobody had it figured out. Especially Ricky Bowen. His parents had recently divorced, he had no idea what he's doing for college, his longtime girlfriend dumped him the month before and now he's been replaced by one of the most popular guys in school.
To make matters worse, he leaves for Europe in two days for his senior trip. The same senior trip that said ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend were going on. So, Ricky did what any desperate teenage boy would do to try and get his girlfriend back: he devised a plan. A plan that included the help of Gina Porter and playing pretend for 10 days.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
I love a good traveling fic. Sometimes all it takes to get a character to wake up about things going on in their lives or feelings for character b is a good change of scenery. This fic does a great job of utilizing the enviornment to facilitate rinas love story through one of my favorite tropes, the fake dating trope. There's some angst along the way because nothing can ever come easy but it's not without its reward. It gives me major spiderman far from home vibes just solely because of petermjs adorableness and how that energy kinda translates to rina in this fic more so in the beginning before they have this repertoire. 
on the line by peculiarblue
‘with everything in her life finally at a stand still for once the last thing gina needs is one curly haired skater to come in and give her a reason to change again
(or, gina lets ricky back into her life the only way she knows how, at a distance, through daily voicemails, until her heart remembers why she can't love him anymore.)’ This is a completed one shot.
It hurts in the best way possible! that is the best way to describe this fic. Were taken on a journey where I personally wanted rina to just talk to each other in person but the magic was all in the voicemails and the power of their connection. There was a satisfying ending, I couldn't ask for more. If you haven’t read literally everything written by Katie go read it, it won't disappoint.
but everywhere just brings me back to you by ptrprkrs
‘or, ricky is just a little in love with the voice of the girl at the starbucks drive-thru’ This is a completed one shot.
An amazing fic that hits every spot effortlessly, even the ones you didn’t know you had. Like Ricky being a lovesick puppy going to a drive-thru just to hear Gina’s voice for coffee, he doesn’t drink or like. All the while they’d been connected all along. I’m a sucker for any kind of soulmate implications or stories where people are unknowingly connected like that so this ones a real favorite for me. It’s sweet, lighthearted and funny and a great read.
About Love by goldenthread
‘a series of Interconnected one shots and canonical aus for Ricky and Gina <3.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
Here's where I enter some shameless self-promo...I wrote this recently. It’s just some loosely connected one-shots I have of rina based on canon. I write about an alternate first meeting, what would've happened if Gina had to understudy Nini in a rehearsal and (for a future chapter) a babysitting au (for what happened when Gina actually told Ricky the truth, she was babysitting her neighbor's kid when she talked to him at the skatepark). Check it out if it sounds like your thing!
in your eyes by finelineholland
‘you always try to hide the pain, you always know just what to say. i always look the other way. i'm blind, i'm blind. in you eyes, you lie, but i don't let it define you.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
There is something about Rina being written about from an outside perspective that is just so excellent. The story starting with Nini noting the obvious chemistry and their connection and being threatened by it, I don’t know it's just so pleasing to me. Another fic like that one of my favorites (one that I’m pretty sure I’ve suggested in my other rec list), pretend i don’t see it in your eyes by spobylol. Another absolutely excellent read that does not miss once. This story in contrast also writes from rina’s perspective as well which I also thought was well done. 
right from the start I knew by anonymous
‘“Uh.” Ricky really didn’t think this far ahead. To be fair, it’s not like he’s ever thought ahead about anything ever in his life, so this is really to be expected. “We - forget about it? Maybe. Or like - I don’t know. I think I have to figure out how to be like - a person right now. By myself.”
“Same.” Gina says absently. “I’ve spent what feels like my whole life thinking about what other people think of me. It’d be nice to - to be able to try looking beyond that for a change.”
Post-Season 1. Ricky and Nini break up, but that doesn't mean things work out right away.’ This is a completed one shot.
The most iconic love confession I’ve read in a rina fic to date. it’s just so good, a certified rush every single time. The mutual pining hits spectacularly especially when you see just how soon it starts to hit Ricky that he’d made a mistake getting with Nini and him paying for that mistake. The writing only amplifies it. Also Ricky telling Gina he’s obsessed with her? yeah, I automatically added this fic to my list of faves.
If they only knew by goldenthread
‘Ricky Bowen never really bought into the whole soulmate thing (except he did) but life got in the way and now he's sort of pretending to date new (totally not intimidating) girl Gina Porter to win back the one and only Nini Salazar Roberts. Not a single thing could go wrong.
The one where Ricky and Gina aren't so good at the whole soulmate thing and they fake date.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
More shameless self promo, sorry y’all but I’m super proud of this one. It’s a soulmate and fake dating au, combining two of my fave tropes into one to make this (surprisingly) long fic. It’s a whirlwind of emotions and a lot of moving parts in the story. I plan on updating within two months then after that there's three more chapters until its finished :) hope y’all enjoy it if you decide to give it a read!
you are the best thing & the worst thing (that’s happened to me this whole year) by tophsgf
‘Gina's roommate Nini is unbearable. What's more unbearable, however? Her very charismatic and totally off-limits sort-of boyfriend.’ This is a completed one shot. 
An amazing fic, I need more people to know about it! I really like fics where the development between Ricky and Gina is gradual, which seems to be the case for a lot of fics but for this one in particular I like its execution. Obviously, at first, he’s with Nini so it’s like the dynamic is at a point of comparison from the start but we quickly learn that thanks to good ole mutual understanding and overall compatibility Ricky and Gina are just right for each other. A fun read that hits all the bases.
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