#and tamara still leaves
moxyphinx · 5 months
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it's just the two of us AMBER IMAN & EDEN ESPINOSA in LEMPICKA
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dracimexidae · 1 year
Sofia and Ale my beloved 🥹🥰
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
Mini Me
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x shy!fem!reader
Summary: After giving birth to your twin boys, Tim is upset that they look just like you. He's momentarily distracted by a visit from the godparents, Angela Lopez and one of your best friends, who Tim only refers to as soldier.
Warnings: fluff! soft Tim! a quote from The Godfather, inspired by/based on the Modern Family scene in the request
Word Count: 1.3k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
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“It’s not fair, that’s all I’m saying,” Tim insists.
You hum, tilting your forehead toward the baby in your arms.
“They’re half of me,” Tim grumbles.
“Is he still upset they look just like you?” a kind nurse asks as she enters the room.
Tim huffs, and you smile as you give her a nod. She takes the baby from your arms and moves it to the nearby crib. You watch as she looks over your new baby boy.
“You know I’m not really mad, right?” Tim whispers at your side. “To be straight with you, I’m glad they’re mini yous. I mean, I’m not thrilled that they seem to like you more, but they did just spend a lot of quality time with you, I can understand missing that.”
Lifting the shoulder closest to him, you try to hide. Your shyness evaporates when Tim puts the second baby boy in your arms.
“We do good work,” Tim says, one hand on your shoulder while he brushes a finger over the younger twins’ cheek.
“You certainly do,” the nurse answers. “How are you feeling, Mom?”
“I’m okay,” you answer softly.
“Well, let me know if that changes or if this husband of yours gets too big for his britches.”
“I would never,” Tim replies, a dramatic hand raised to his chest. “She loves it when I tease her.”
“Yeah, she seems overjoyed. Press the call button if you need anything, hun.”
You smile as she leaves, purposefully avoiding meeting Tim’s eyes.
“Have my kids and immediately fall out of love with me.”
Tim’s tone lets you see his smile even though you’re looking in the opposite direction. Leaning back, you sigh when your cheek hits his arm. He’s been by your side throughout the pregnancy, but everything shifted when you went into labor. He still teases you constantly, but you’ve never seen him so happy.
“I need to take these beauties out for just a minute,” another nurse says, moving your twins into the cribs and rolling them out. “Just a quick checkup and they’ll be back. You also have some visitors; they’ll be in shortly.”
Tim thanks the nurses, taking your hand in his.
“Who’s coming?” you ask, glancing up at him.
Already looking at you, Tim smiles when he meets your eyes. “Angela and Wesley, Lucy, solider.”
“He has a name,” you point out. “And you were a soldier too.”
“I was better.”
“I, uh, I offered to let you choose both godparents,” you whisper.
“Hey, look at me,” Tim requests, brushing his fingertips over your jaw as you look up again. “I’m just teasing you. I- I’ve never been this happy, and I’m glad that you have someone like soldier to trust as the godfather.”
“Well, you can do anything, but never go against the family.”
“Nerd,” Tim jokes.
Closing your eyes, you hide again. Tim’s used to it, and his kind hand on your arm is an apology. Though you’re not sure he’s ever really been sorry.
“Are we in the right place?” Lucy asks, opening the door to your suite. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m great,” Tim answers.
“I don’t think she was talking to you,” Wesley interjects with a smile.
“Well you know it’s just emotional.”
“I’m also good,” you answer. “We have two little boys.”
“She’s happy ‘cause they look just like her,” Tim grumbles.
“Dodged a bullet,” Wesley jokes, nodding once in your direction.
“What are their names?” Lucy asks excitedly.
“We haven’t decided yet,” Tim explains. “We can’t narrow it down past three.”
“You can’t,” you correct under your breath.
“Tim, this is for you,” Lucy says, pulling a mug from her bag.
“Best dad?” Tim reads.
“Yeah, I bought it for my dad, but Tamara wouldn’t let me give it to him, said it wasn’t true or something.”
“Wow. Uh, thank you... I think.”
“How was your vacation, Wesley?” you ask. “Sorry Angela cut it short when I called.”
“We were happy to come back. I’m pretty sure we’d tried every restaurant in a five-mile radius of the hotel anyway.”
“Hey, everybody,” your first (and favorite) nurse calls.
“Where are the babies? I want to see them!” Lucy exclaims.
“The godparents wanted to do something; they’ll be right in.”
“This is so much worse than I thought.” Tim sighs, running a hand over his jaw.
The nurse turns the light off and presses a button on a phone, 'The Circle of Life' from The Lion King filling the room. Tim sighs again, lightly squeezing your hand.
Angela and your best friend, whom Tim (lovingly) calls soldier, enter in matching robes, each carrying a baby.
“I love this!” Lucy whispers, clapping her hands over her chest.
Stopping at the end of your bed, Angela and soldier wait for the nurse to turn on a flashlight to hold the babies up, imitating the scene when Simba is lifted over the rock.
“Where did they get the matching robes?” Wesley asks.
“They’re so beautiful,” Lucy gushes, rushing to Angela to meet the babies.
Tim’s hand moves to your shoulder when he sees your tears. You never imagined being this happy and lucky to have friends and family who care about you and treat your children as their own. Leaning your cheek on Tim’s hand, you smile as you watch Lucy and Wesley take your sons.
“Your dad is probably gonna buy you dog beds, but I’ll be the best aunt you could dream of,” Lucy tells the older twin.
“I can hear you, boot,” Tim calls, not moving away from you.
“You’re next, huh?” Angela asks Lucy.
“Oh, no, please don’t,” Lucy begs.
“Soldier,” Tim greets, shaking his hand before walking from you to hug Angela.
“Thank you for coming,” you tell him.
“Of course. Nothing I wouldn’t do for my best friend and her babies, and the guy that helped make them.”
You chuckle at him, offering your hand. “Where did you get the robes?”
“Oh, that wasn’t me. Angela had them made when you asked us to be the godparents; been carrying them around since then.”
Glancing at Angela, she doesn’t look away from the baby in her arms to say, “Hey, it pays to be prepared. Lucy’s just lucky I’m not in the same realm as her, she wouldn’t stand a chance if I was an aunt, too.”
“That’s not fair,” Lucy accuses.
“And labeling yourself as an aunt to my kids is?” Tim asks.
“I didn’t label myself, it’s basic relations. You tolerate me, which is practically an acknowledgement that I’m family.”
“I- why do I even bother?” Tim asks himself.
“No one knows,” Angela and Lucy answer together.
“You’re going to let them talk to the father of your children like this?” Tim pouts as he looks at you.
“Man, you’re begging for me to get in on this,” soldier adds, shaking his head. “There’s a reason they’re already mama’s boys.”
“Don’t start with me, soldier.”
“You do know I’m going to be around more because I’m the godfather, right?”
Tim points at you before you can quote the movie again. After Lucy trades babies with Wesley and Angela moves to talk to the one in Wesley’s arms, Tim returns to your side.
“I think you’re right about the names,” Tim admits as he holds your hand between his.
“Yeah, about that…” Wesley begins.
“This is ‘Boot’ because he’s a kicker, and this is ‘Tiny Tim’ because he grumbles like you,” Lucy explains, pointing to the twins as she gives them nicknames.
“You nicknamed my kids after the term for rookies and a sick kid? You’re a terrible aunt,” Tim replies.
“Tim,” you warn quietly.
Everyone silences, looking between you and Tim with wide eyes.
“Sorry,” Tim says (reluctantly and begrudgingly).
“She’s right, though, he acts just like you,” you tell Tim, kissing his knuckles quickly.
“Can you survive two of me?” Tim asks.
“As long as you don’t tease both versions of me.”
Angela, Lucy, Wesley, and soldier talk to your babies, and you look on with a smile. Tim was right: you did good work.
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dairy-farmer · 26 days
Aaw D:> tumbr ate my first draft of this. But I persist!
Because? Consider! Ra's being a GENUINELY charismatic, manipulative Threat! Oh shit!
He can read you at a glance. Offer you your hearts desires. Money, power, vengeance, purpose. Don't you YEARN? Haven't they WRONGED you? The world is... so very UNFAIR, isn't it?
Don't you want to feel safe again?
Be strong?
Poisoned honey, spoken in a pleasing voice. Any mask for any job. Mentorly, seductive, fatherly, concern, whatever breaks your walls. Makes you TRUST him. He's been doing this for years. Centuries.
Bruce calls it a cult for a reason.
Never let him get into your head. Let him talk. Give no quarter or it's DONE. Bruce drilled it in to all of them. If you give even a sliver of the smallest scrap... he will take you for all you are worth and destroy you. Mould what remains however he pleases. Bruce himself, BARELY had the mental and emotional strength to escape.
And he's the most stubborn bastard alive.
But... but Bruce is GONE. Lost to the time stream. And no one believe Tim. Will listen. Yeah, he's not explaining himself that great. But he's upset, his brain has always moved faster then his mouth, it's... it's kinda a terrible combination. But that doesn't mean he's CRAZY!
Of all the shit they've seen! THIS is where you think things become impossible!? THIS is when you won't even check?! Fine. He'll go on his own.
Except he's not on his own.
Because Ra's either believes him... or has spotted his chance to strike.
Murmurs and drawling and croons in his ears. Like the devil whispering temptation as it leads him farther and farther from home. Tim's TRYING. Remembers what Bruce told him. Give him nothing. But... but every snapped reply, every short answer, is met with such... predatory amusement.
He's making a mistake.
He KNOWS he's making a mistake.
But Bruce is out there. He... he has to get him home. He can do this.
Then Tamara Fox is sent after him by her dad. He gets stabbed and loses an organ, nearly dies in the desert. Now there's a hostage and fucking spider assassins hunting Ra's cult of killers.
Ra's, who no longer seems amused.
He can't-... he HAS to do this. For Bruce. For Tam. For the people they've killed.
He manages. They invade. The stuff of nightmares. Honestly, fffffuck Ra's, he can handle himself. He's getting Tam and Pru out of here and blowing everything to kingdom come. Except... except... shit, the leader. Touch of death. He's so tired. Reflexes not what the should be, torso still too stiff from being TORN OPEN.
Weeks of jet lag, poor sleep, worse diet, and just generally spotty meal times, have taken their toll. His reaction time is off. Not by much. But enough to die by. And... and this is it. He IS going too...
Staff. With the sort of deadly precision even weapon master's would consider unachievable. The sort that take lifetimes to achieve. So close, if he blinked, his eyelashes would sweep the weapon that just saved his life. The force behind that strike would shatter bone. The follow up, clearly meant to kill.
Ra's Al Ghul.
Tim is already jerking back and toward Tam. No time to observe. But... oh. Oh. He must look so... so CLUNKY with a staff in his hands, in Ra's eyes. The man moves like a rolling storm. All dark untouchable mist and deadly flashing light. Dances have been less elegant.
But that doesn't matter. It CAN'T.
He has to get out of here.
Tim leaves Ra's to either win or die. Flees with Tam and Pru. Pulls up his "fuck you, Ra's" program. And tries to get it going...
Only half the bases blew.
A blow, yes. But not the "get fucked, now and forever" like he intended. At least the alarms behind him are sounding. So THIS one is gonna go. Rip in burning peices, ya spider fucks! (No one tell Bruce. It's been a long year okay?)
Except when has life EVER been kind or fair to Tim? Even once? ESPECIALLY this year? Ra's. Barely sweaty from his death match and ready for round two, just kicked open the hanger door behind them. Still in full armor. Still fully armed.
Tim doesn't even bother to calculate in his head.
They're fucked.
He slaps the evidence Bruce NEEDS to be rescued into Tam's arms. Tells her to get it to her father. Begs Pru to get her there. Tells them... to run.
Stands his ground.
He gets his ass beat like a drum. It's not even CLOSE. He's wounded, exhausted, and down to one weapon. Less trained then Ra's. And Ra's? Already warmed up, well rested, armed to the teeth and IN ARMOUR. Also probably pretty mad, what with Tim blowing up his bases.
He... he doesn't expect to wake up.
But he does.
Fancy guest room. The sort of guest not allowed to LEAVE, but still. Rich woods, fine fabrics, tasteful design. Ra's in an ornate, silken, open robe and loose low hanging lounge pants, sprawled out like a tiger as he casually sharpens a sword.
Captured then. He would have expected a dungeon after, you know, the whole "fuck you" base exploding. And Ra's? Doesn't even pause in his weapon maintenance as he calmly, in an almost musing voice, informs him that there's no NEED for THAT.
"Bases can be rebuilt. Rabble recollected."
"But you, Detective?"
What a glorious last stand~. Why, Tamara was it? He's quite sure Tamara is TEARFULLY recounting "your valiant final moments, even as we speak. You've done all the work to kill yourself, FOR me, Detective. I would be a fool not to take advantage of that."
He finally pauses, testing the edge of the blade. Pleased with it's sharpness.
Tim let's himself flop back down on the bed, refusing to wait for eye contact with those gemstone green eyes. So... what now? Torture? Brainwashing? Lectures on how awesome you are and how Tim should totally join you?
Of course not. Why would Ra's do THAT, when he has Tim right where he wants him? Tired, hurting, isolated. Mentally and emotionally exhausted. In other words... broken down. The world has done his job FOR him. Not, of course, that he'd ever SAY that. Why show your hand, after all?
So, no, no~
Now? You rest. Ra's brings you food. And if you want something? You'll have to trade for it.
Theeeere it is! Time called it. And WHAT, you creep, EXACTLY will he be expected to "trade"?
So suspicious! But, of course, he understands. Their's has hardly been a pleasant relationship, so far. Riddled with conflict. He simply wishes for conversation. For Tim to take care of himself. Allow RA'S to take care of him. After all, Ra's knows he would never allow him to help, otherwise.
.....right. "help".
Tim knows that's bullshit. He is trapped and this is a trap. Some form of conditioning. A fostering of dependence, maybe. He refuses to fall for it. Ignores Ra's, turns over, and pretends to go back to bed.
Ra's just hums, amused.
Because... sure enough? For all that Ra's oh so helpfully furnished "his" room with books and art supplies? Non-technological amusements? He can only ignore the only other person in the room for some many days. Can only stew in his "what ifs" and not knows for so long.
Damn it.
So he trades. Cagey and suspicious, looking for traps in every bit of wording and every action. Just as Ra's knew he would. Slowly exhausting himself. Just as Ra's knew he would. Hyper-vigilance taking it's brutal, chipping toll.
Just as Ra's knew it would~.
He asks only you eat this lovely snack you will enjoy. Take a nap, as look so tired. Allow him to massage those worn, long abused muscles. Wash the unmanageable curls of your hair. A conversation, perhaps, on that topic you love so much. You are quite knowledgeable.
And... and damn it. The body? Straight out refuses to stay vigilante forever. Especially when there appears to be no threat. When things are soft and soothing. It starts to slip through his fingers like sand. He keeps catching himself. Forgetting. Catching himself again.
Ra's has such... such a soothing voice, when he wishes too. Like rich cologne on a winter's coat, wrapping you in a masculine warmth against the cold. Strong, deadly hands. Unfairly good as they gently cradle his head, run fancy soaps and scented oils through his hair. Untwist the mess his muscles have become.
Like... like he's on some sort of high end vacation.
Or some pampered pet.
He's actually back to a healthy weight. He doesn't look like a disaster survivor.. and he just... just...
He has to get out of here. Soon. I-It's so comfortable. Soothing. Like sinking into warm honey, it clings. He just... there's this growing part of him that wants... because... because, yeah. Yeah, maybe he IS tired. Maybe it WOULD be nice. To stay. To be taken care off. Pampered.
But he CAN'T.
He has to get out.
So he confronts Ra's. What's it gonna take? Hopefully. This will blow up. A fight maybe. Something to give him some ANGER. Anything but this damn comfort and softness. It's sapping his will to fight. But of course not. Ra's has got him read like a learning letters pamphlet.
Of COURSE Ra's will let him go~!
...if Tim does... one little thing for him...
Those fucking TRADES. And this is it, he can feel it. Trap already sprung and now comes the moment to either gnaw off his own leg or be captured. Ra's looks so unbearably pleased. Victorious in his machinations and now reaping his reward. Tim wants to break his stupid smug face. But that will get him nowhere.
What is the God damned trade.
Oh~ Just a moment of your time. Allow Ra's a taste of the feast you so vigilantly gaurd against him. He spreads his arms, elegant, white teeth flashing like a damn shark. The very picture of a wealthy, powerful, scoundrel. Promises in a low purr to behave.
The part of his brain that lights up when he's about to do something stupid, practically explodes from his head just to beat him to death. Sings the song of ten thousand klaxons. Oh... oh this is so PROFOUNDLY stupid there are are no words. Is possibly THE WORST idea.
He still... agrees.
Watchs Ra's not so much stand, as rise to his feet. Fluid and controlled. Letting his robe slide from his shoulders in an easy roll, to fall into a pool on the ground. The sword is set aside. Ra's focus on him. Undivided. It... it should not be MORE terrifying, unarmed and in just pants, then armed and in full armor. And yet...
Tim's mouth feels bone dry. Mistake. Mistaaaake....
He feels hunted. There aren't even that many steps, to cross the room. Yet he's shifted, distinctly, from a stride to a prowl. Tim feels absolutely no shame in backing up. Trying to gather his thoughts.
Ra's doesn't give him the chance.
Before Tim can even full register more then "too close!", a powerful hand is sliding through his hair to cradle is head, an arm like steel wrapping around his waist. He's pulled into an overwhelming kiss.
He brain stops.
The taste of Chai and a commanding mouth, overwhelm him. Steal his air. Tease and focus his attention. He's manhandled back onto the bed. A hand trails down Tim's body, another reaching up to wrench one of the pillows free of the pile. A possessive mouth slowly meanders down his body.
Kisses, sucked marks, teeth lined tastes of skin.
His hands grip like they want to imprint themselves. Leave permanent marks. Are trying, very, very hard not too. Not yet at least.
Not even divine intervention could save his shorts, Ra's rips them. Guides a pillow under his lower back. Tim has all of a second to be confused before everything Iights up. He chokes on a squeak.
The rumbling laugh Ra's makes does NOT help. Powerful hands holding him in place, keeping him from escaping the... the hot and wet! Tim writhes. It not the first time someone's eaten him out. But... but! It didn't feel like this! Was teammates and just fooling around. Not practiced seduction and centuries of skill.
His legs are already shaking. He's gasping for air. Trying to buck his hips closer to that magnificent feeling, trying to get away from how overwhelming it feels. Clenching his fists in the sheets. Whining like he's wounded.
It's PERFECT. Ra's KNEW he'd be weak to pleasure.
Knew his Detective was worth the wait.
Rolls and teases his tounge down, just a bit. Brings calloused fingers into play. To drive his Detective mad. Tease his sensitive little gem, while he plunders deep and cruelly with his tounge.
It's delightful. Watching him come apart. Again and again. First on his tounge alone, then joined by his fingers. Finding the places he KNOWS his Detective his most sensitive, and rubbing, stroking, teasing without mercy or relent.
Until even that magnificently stubborn boy, is a teary, drooling, red faced mess. Thighs painted with his pleasure. Limbs weak and trembling. So BEAUTIFULLY compliant and needy. Reliant on Ra's for everything. Craving his warmth. His care.
Head empty of those ever rushing thoughts.
He, of course, keeps his word. Let's Tim go. Back to the real world. Too the cruelties man does to man. Too being unappreciated. Tired and overworked. Too an empty, uncomfortable bed. A poor diet. The judgments of so called friends.
Hmmm~ Ra's wonders~ how long will it take?
Before the world does his job for him? Again. Before his Detective is tired. Sore. Lonely. Worn down and in need of care. Of a little... pleasure. A warm body to hold him in the night. Companionship IS vital to a healthy human mind and body, after all. Ra's can be a "friend". A lover. Whatever works, really.
He has time.
And Tim? Tim made the mistake of letting him in.
ra's being MASSIVELY charismatic, having an effect that just lulls people into wanting to follow and obey him makes a lot of sense honestly! especially since for the most part the situtation given is that people follow ra's more out of admiration for his power/control of the lazarus pits and that's really it. ra's being incredibly charismatic and inspriring the fanatical loyalty that cults exhibit is soo good!
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witchofhimring · 8 days
Family tensions (short fic)
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Pairings: Tamlin x Reader, Feyre x Rhysand, Nyx x OC (Tamlin and Readers daughter)
Synopsis: Your daughter Tamar is mated to Rhysandss son Nyx.
Warnings: family tensions
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Despite your insistent that this was in fact not the end of the word Tamlin still insisted this was the worst thing to happen. 'Have those Illyrian rats not taken enough from me!' Following your husband up the flight of stairs, you attempted to convince him that Tamar might just love Nyx. Of course you did not fully blame him. Given his past with the Night Court and its ruling lord and lady one could understand. You were torn between wanting to protect your husband and look out for Tamara. 'Perhaps we should talk to Tamar first?' Tamlin turned around. 'That is exactly what I intend to do!'
Unfortunately, the pair of you had horrible timing. Because when the door to Tamara's room was opened it was not just your daughter there, but Nyx.
Tamlin looked ready to pass out. There his daughter and Nyx were, Tamara on his lap reading a book. The moment they realized who had walked in both jumped up. 'What is this!?' Behind Tamlin came you. 'Hello Nyx.' You said politely. Oh dear. Nyx's blue eyes went back and forth between Tamara and Tamlin.
'Father, this is Nyx.' Tamara, looking unrepentant, stared defiantly at her father. It occurred to you that Tamara did not know the whole story between your families. Perhaps you should have been more forthcoming. 'Tamara dear, could we talk about this in private?' You gave Nyx a tremulous smile. 'Yes. Boy, leave.' Nyx ignored your husband. Placing himself protectively before Tamara, Nyx drew himself to his full height. 'Tamlin calm down. Nyx could you go to your parents and speak to them about this?' It was best to deal with this diplomatically. Tamlin was mostly calm these days. Years had passed since you last saw him so angry.
'Nyx. You go and I will deal with my father.' Tamara placed a hand on Nyx's shoulder. 'Are you sure.' Nyx seemed unwilling to go. 'I will be fine. You being here will make things harder. Go back to your parents.' Reluctantly Nyx left, only when he was sure Tamara was safe. Against your will, you liked him for that.
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'You were where!?' His father was leaning forward on the armchair of the throne. Nyx stood before his parents in the throne room. Empty except for them three of them, Nyx was wondering just how well this would go. His father had no love for the Lord of the Spring Court. To heard that his son was courting that lords daughter might just send him.
'Is that where you have been.' His mother sat on the throne. Rhysand looked towards his wife. 'You knew?' 'No my love. I had no idea where Nyx was. But our son is nearly grown now. Should he not be allowed to chose who he loves?' Feyre, although not having ever fully forgiven Tamlin, was of a mixed mind. She did not know his eldest child well. But the few times they met Tamara had been polite. And if this had been going on for years then perhaps this was not a hasty decision. Rhysand had no such debates. In this mind this was terrible. Under no circumstances was he to be in laws with Tamlin of all people.
'I do love her father.' Rhysand raised an eyebrow. 'And what if this is a plot?' Both Feyre and Nyx looked shocked. 'Father-you can not mean-) Nyx spluttered. 'Tamara is true to me. And Lord Tamlin was nearly red with rage and-'Rhysand raised a hand. 'I'm sorry, he was what?' 'Furious. I doubt Lord Tamlin will agreed to this marriage.' Suddenly Rhysand smiled, eyes lighting up. Suddenly this marriage seemed like a terrific idea. 'Furious was he.' Rhysand was starting to think this marriage was not such a bad idea.
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The idea that Tamlin might be furious over this possible marriage made the idea of uniting their families seemed a splendid idea. Rhysand nearly giggled himself sick with delight. Feyre told him he best behave. Especially since a month later they were invited to the Spring Court. Tamlin did not greet them. Feyre had never met Lady Y/n, but she had been polite, although warry. Feyre could understand why. If it had been the other way around she might be hesitant. Yet Y/n was polite and soon they were in the tea room. Feyre could not believe how different this place looked. Everything was so tidy and had a homely feel to it. Cakes and eat were placed on marble tea tables. Conversation was slightly stilted, Y/n seemed careful of every word she said. And that was when Tamlin entered. Feyre's hands clenched with anxiety. While Y/n was courteous Tamlin might not show the same restraint. Taking a seat, Tamlin kissed his wife on the cheek.
It was mostly Feyre and yourself talking. Despite your apprehensions she seemed nice enough. On the other side sat Tamlin and Rhysand sitting in stony silence. Tamlin seemed to be looking anywhere else but Rhysand, and Rhysand's mouth was placed in a frown. While the mothers seemed quite happy to chatter amongst themselves, the fathers looked like to smack each other. You prayed this would go well.
that was when Nyx and Tamara entered.
Notes: I plan to make more fics for this concept. This is kind of shorter than I would have liked but oh well. As I wrote this on a whim future fics might be slightly different. Hope you liked it! 💕
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naomiknight-17 · 4 months
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Wherein you can leave a tip of $5+ through my Ko-Fi with a one or two-word prompt (eg. 'Sleepy kitty' or 'big cupcake' or 'butts!') And I will do a little thank you doodle like the above! Note: style may vary
Donations of any size are greatly appreciated, but $5 is the minimum for a doodle
Back in January, the igniter on my oven blew, and I needed help raising funds to fix it, and y'all really came through. This time, it's a bit of a bigger, more expensive problem
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The backyard fence (which was old and rotting) fell over in a windstorm and has damaged our shed
The good news is that the neighbour is splitting the cost of replacing the fence with us. The bad news is we still have to pay about $3000, which we don't have. Mom had to take out a loan to cover it, which we of course need to pay back. And we don't even know the extent of the damage to the shed or what it will cost to fix.
Things are already tight between rising grocery costs, having had to replace the cat tree recently, and now this. So I'm afraid I have to ask for a bit of help. As always, if you're in a tough situation, please do not feel pressured to donate. But if you have a few extra bucks, gosh it would be nice of you to pitch in! And maybe share this post if you can't.
Thanks ❤️
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stusbunker · 5 months
Spotless: Furia
Chapter Twenty Three
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Isaac/Tamara,
Word Count: 1780
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, the thing is they hurt each other a lot, most of the time without meaning to.
A/N: We pick up right where we left off. Trouble tries to get ready to go out on tour, Dean sets off alarms.
Series Masterlist
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It wasn’t fair, you were not being fair. But that didn’t change that sick feeling crawling up your throat. Face burning, you looked at Dean who was pointedly not looking at you. You counted the deep breaths he took, his nostrils flared less the longer you sat in suffocating silence.
You should have said something.
You had no idea how to take it back. It wasn’t even what you said, it was how you said it, so derisively.
You wanted to disappear.
The traffic on the freeway only seemed to get worse the longer you sat. It had been a good day, even with Dean’s snippiness over the Rolling Stone article. Why did you have to open your big mouth?!
You bit the inside of your cheek, you were not going to cry. You knew how guys felt about girls crying, it’s a cop out, or a pathetic ‘get out of jail free’ card. Despite knowing girls usually cried out of frustration rather than actual sadness. You didn’t want to come off as pandering or fucking weak.
“Look—- I don’t want to make you do something you’re uncomfortable with. But, we’ve all seen how well the press and the fans have responded to you two. Is this something I need to put the brakes on? Because I need to know before we start touring.”
Dean huffed. “It’s fine—- it’s not about Bela, okay? It was just an honest question.”
You waited because it felt like he had more to say. You owed it to him to let him say his piece.
He let out a self deprecating chuckle. “You really think it’s just because I’m a horndog, I’d want out?”
“Dean— I didn’t mean it like that, I—”
“No, you did. You were very clear. I just gotta know, Y/N, is there no other reason you can think of for me to want out than some easy lay?”
He wasn’t even pretending to keep his eyes on the road anymore. His jaw was tight and his eyes were dark and glossy and every hope you’d ever had fluttered in your stomach.
You were supposed to say something back.
But you had already said too much.
You couldn’t lose him over something as avoidable as a misunderstanding.
“I’m sorry— I shouldn’t have—”
“Don’t— nu-uh, that’s not what I asked. I don’t want your apology, here, okay? Just—- tell me there’s something else that could get me out of this without being the bad guy.”
It hurt to look at him. 
But God was it even harder to look away.
“I can talk to Crowley— work out a timeline if you want?”
Dean shook his head, looked to the ceiling of the impala, and exhaled deeply. “No—- we’re good. But if you ever think of an answer. I want to hear you say it.”
You looked down at your lap, your phone case biting into your palm where you squeezed it. 
“I don’t know what you’re fishing for, Dean. I’m sorry. I know you said not to apologize, but I feel like I can’t help but put my foot in my mouth tonight.”
“It’s okay, Trouble. No hard feelings. Promise.”
You looked up to make sure he wasn’t still pissed.
Dean’s mouth twitched with a ghost of a smile. “Seriously.”
It wasn’t until you were safe and distracted with drinks and everyone else at Elizabeth’s that you realized Dean had called you by your real name. You couldn’t remember the last time that had happened.
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No one really talks about the non-glamourous tasks required before going on tour. Especially not the ones that have nothing to do with the music and everything to do with leaving your home for months on end. Your personal to-do list always fell by the wayside when it came to the band, but you were running out of time on it now. In less than 48 hours, the opening act would take the stage. 
And three days after that you would officially be on the road, for nearly six months straight. 
You shoved a quart of half-eaten fried rice into a garbage bag and moved onto the vegetable drawer. Cleaning out the fridge didn’t take very long, but going through your pantry was a nightmare. When did you even buy half of this shit?! The cans would last, but a lot of the boxed stuff was already halfway to expiring so you set them aside to drop off somewhere over the next couple of days. 
Then you wiped everything down.
By the time the kitchen surfaces were done, you were sweaty and gross. But you had too much momentum to stop there. You swept and mopped the floor. You took a breath and pushed on. Later that evening while taking out the trash, your neighbor, Isaac, waved at you over the half-fence.
“Getting ready to get back on the road then?” His accent was pleasant as ever.
You sighed and blew a stray strand of hair out of your eyes. “Getting there. I never understand how much I need to clean with it just being me. But here I am, like usual.”
He poked at some meat on the grill as he made conversation. “Tam said we’re due over tomorrow to go over things before you leave?”
You nodded your head. “Yeah, anytime after you both get home from work is fine, I’ll just be forcing myself to actually pack at that point. I really appreciate you guys looking over the place.”
“It’s nothing really. Plus you more than compensate us for it, love.”
“I know, but still.” You looked down at your dust streaked tshirt and ratty sweats and decided you had been out in the world long enough looking like that. “Alright, I better get back inside. See you tomorrow, Isaac.”
You smiled to yourself as you stepped back inside through the side door. You were so lucky to have good neighbors, especially with the way your job worked. Dean had told you all about Tamara and Isaac before you moved in, making sure you knew everything from the seriousness of not asking about kids to the humor of not insulting classic Doctor Who.
When Dean remembered, he’d still meet Isaac at one of the few English style pubs for a football match every now and again.
And they didn’t seem to mind housesitting for you whenever you needed.
The smell of the dry rub from Isaac’s grill haunted you as you went back into your clean, yet emptied out kitchen. It just meant another night of delivery was in your future.
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You woke up grumpy from an incessant buzzing coming from your phone. The first notification was from Twitter and you opened it without checking anything else.
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Ugh, okay, fine. Dean dropped Bela off late last night. You weren’t too worried about it. So you tried to go back to sleep. But a nagging feeling in the back of your mind kept prodding the possibilities into your thoughts.
Before jumping to any conclusions, you got out of bed and started a pot of coffee.
There had been a lot of little things you had to ignore in the day-to-day of being the band’s publicist, and even more you had to try and bury as their friend. Cas’ penchant for banging journalists was one of the ongoing thorns in your side. And of course all of Lee and Pamela’s on-again-off-again nonsense came up more than was even happening. But Dean knew how to leave a hook up. He also knew when he was being tailed. 
This entire headline smelled fishy.
You bit your lip and opened your contacts. It was still too early for a business call, especially since you knew he was out until after bar close, but you couldn’t wait any longer for answers.
The phone rang in your ear and you silently begged your coffee pot to brew faster. Dean answered just before it would have sent you to his voicemail.
“I’m up— where’s the fire?” Dean mumbled into the microphone.
Without any preamble, you started in on the questions. “Have you seen the latest? People are up in arms over you squealing out of Bela’s driveway this morning. What happened?” 
“Uh, hold on,” Dean must have moved the phone or covered the mouthpiece because you could hear his voice rumbling, but couldn’t make out a single thing he said. Then came a bunch of muted background noises and a door opening and closing. “Okay, wanna run that past me again? Slower and without the accusatory tone— it’s not even fucking nine am, Trouble.”
Your suspicions continued to rise. “Where are you?”
“In a hallway.”
Not ‘the’ hallway, not ‘my’ hallway, an unspecified singular hallway.
“Look. The paps were fucking vultures last night, I caught one of them trying to lowjack Baby. So, I ditched her, and Sam got her back home safe. I circled back after I knew they’d scattered and I stayed put. There’s nothing to worry about. Just people trying to make me look bad for being too smart for their slimy ways.”
Your brain hissed like a television left between channels, not a signal coming or going in either direction.
“You’re at Bela’s.” It wasn’t a question.
Your business brain rebooted, slowly.
You called him, you should have said something already. “Okay, so, uh, I guess just make sure to leave publicly. Or go out for breakfast or something. Just don’t leave it how they’re spinning it.”
Dean huffed. “Makes sense. Anything else?”
“Tomorrow is the morning show interview, you said you’d pick me up? Is that still gonna happen or should I just get an Uber? I’ll just call an Uber.”
“I mean, yeah, gotta be home to drag Sam with anyway. So you don’t gotta. We’ll be there with bells on right at five.”
“Okay, thanks.”
“I should go—”
“Right, of course. Bye.”
“Talk to you later.”
You hung up and your coffee pot finally whistled, signaling it had completed brewing.
You moved through your morning routine in a fog. Even when Bela posted a gorgeous fruit plate between matching mimosas sometime before noon, you only gave it a heart and moved on to folding your next load of laundry. Once you let yourself look at what was happening, you gave into the anger. You screamed into an old hoodie until you were hoarse.
Dean was actually sleeping with Bela.
Your two best friends were fucking.
The same best friends you had set up to help make your job easier.
What the fuck was your life?
And how the hell were you supposed to pretend any of this was okay?!
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Chapter 24: Espansivo
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graveyardlifeguard · 5 months
The Breakup
Summary: After his IA investigation, you and Tim have a conversation in the station parking lot.
Tim Bradford x Reader
Warnings: Heartbreak?? Couple of cuss words somewhere
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It had been a long day. In all honesty it had been a long week. Between Tim absolutely ghosting me and lying to me, some random man showing up to my apartment, and Tamara telling me she was moving out, I didn’t how much more I could take. I was currently waiting outside of the station while Tim was inside finishing up his IA investigation. I don’t understand how this all went to shit so quickly. I still don’t fully understand what Tim has been up to. And why it’s so imperative for me not to know but for Angela to be in the loop. I knew the relationship was new, but it just didn’t seem…fair.
My head shoots up as I hear the front doors open, breaking me from my thoughts. Tim looks exhausted and I’m sure the investigation with Jacksons dad had taken a toll on him. I push off of my car that I had been leaning on and meet him at the trunk.
“Come here.” I say, opening my arms for a hug. He easily walks into them where we stand for a moment, just embracing.
“How’d it go with IA?” I ask once we both move to separate.
“I lied. About everything. But I mean, it saved my job, right? Protected you and Lopez.”
“It was an impossible situation. I would have done the same thing if I were in your place.” I comment, I can’t imagine having to go through whatever he had to this week. Maybe I could’ve helped if I had been looped into the situation. I guess I’ll never know. Tim shakes his head before speaking up, his voice thick with emotions.
“You wouldn’t have been in my place. You never would have put self-interest over your team.”
“You thought you could handle it, you were wrong, but you made it right. So, it’s fine.” I try to reason with him.
It doesn’t look like I’m breaking through because he shakes his again and just scoffs out, “Yeah, yeah I wish it were that easy. Y/N, I just lied to two men I deeply respect, OK? I just betrayed everything I thought was right about myself.” His voice is somehow even thicker with emotion, and I can see the faint glint of tears in his eyes.
This is so wrong.
“Tim- “I start but he quickly cuts me off asking me to let him finish.
“This is very hard for me to say. Y/N I have been lying to myself for a long time. That’s clear to me now and I can’t— I can’t just go back to the way things were. Not right now. Maybe never..”
He takes a breath and I feel my heart drop into my stomach, if not out of my body in general. What does that mean? Go back to the way things were? Is he talking about us? Our relationship? It’s still new, we haven’t had any time. Was he breaking up with me?
“Wait..” I trail off, hearing the hurt in my voice. “Are you breaking up with me?"
We stand there for what feels like eternity. Tim is somehow conveying all of his emotions and none of them at the same time. It’s something that used to absolutely piss me off when he was my TO. He nods his head before he answers, “I’m sorry.”
It sounds like he is having to force the words out of his mouth. The words are laced with emotion, emotion I had really only seen out of him a handful of times. I hated it. I hated this.
“You don’t—you don’t get to do that. You don’t get to lie to me and then use that as an excuse to leave me, okay? That’s not okay. That is not okay. What you’re doing is not okay.”
It seems that all he can say in the moment is that ‘He knows.’ No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t know because if he did, he wouldn’t be breaking my heart like this. He’s making it feel as though it’s my fault. Like somehow this whole situation, whatever the hell it was, is my fault. It’s not fair. This isn’t fair. I had told him before we started all this, at the beginning, that I couldn’t lose this because I would be losing the most important relationship I had ever had with someone.
“You—you are an incredible person.”
My heart begins to crack as it feels what’s coming. This is the start of a breakup speech. The one that’s only saved for special relationships, or the end of them that is. I shake my head feverishly. I can’t let him do this. It’s just not fair.
“No. No”
“No, you’re incredible, okay? You deserve so much better. That’s why I’m walking away.”
It’s just now that I’ve noticed that tears have welled up in my eyes. None have escaped yet and maybe it’s the shock of what’s going on that’s preventing them, either way I’m grateful that they aren’t falling in front of him. My brain is moving so fast that I can’t really figure out what emotion I’m feeling at this moment.
“Why are you doing this?” I ask, throwing my hand up in the air.
I didn’t realize that he was holding it but at that moment, what normally was a calming weight, feels as though its nine-hundred degrees on my skin.
“Why are you doing this?” I ask again.
All he can seem to say at the end of all of this is, “I’m sorry.” I feel his hands gently grab the sides of my head before he places a kiss on my forehead. He lets go quickly and walks away. Walks away from me, from us, from everything it feels like. I told him what this would do to me. What losing him would do to me. As I stand here watching him walk away, my mind settles on one emotion for the moment: absolute, mind-numbing heartbreak.
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theflyindutchwoman · 10 months
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No sense in arguing about it. But we're so good at arguing. I know. But I'm hoping that we're good at certain other things, as well. Oh? Want to find out right now? Yeah.
Sometimes I wonder whether this scene is real or not… I just love it so much. It's serious, it's tender, it's playful… it's sizzling. It has some of the same intimate vibes as their very first kiss, with all the dim lights and candles everywhere, while still having its own flavor. Its own identity. Like the fact that they're in the kitchen this time, with Lucy preparing dinner for them. And the domestic feels in this… Cooking is one of her love languages, her way of showing how much she cares. There was already a hint of that when she sent food to Tim during his recovery after the events at the quarantine house. And we saw her cooking for Tamara, for Angela… or for her parents to celebrate her graduation (and I'm still salty about that one). This is something that she clearly has in common with Tim, judging by the way he looks so happy while making pancakes for her or how they apparently enjoy watching cooking shows together. It's their thing and it's so nice that they finally have someone with whom they can share this… Someone who can fully appreciate it.
All this romantic ambiance doesn't prevent Lucy from still talking about the job though, and more specifically her hypothetical transfer. She wants to get that out of the way before taking that next step and she's right. She is prodding a bit, asking Tim for his input since he has yet to explicitly endorse her plan. And she has to sense that he has been deflecting a bit, delaying the decision. For good reason, of course. The way he looks so at peace with his choice when he admits that he has already asked for his transfer so she wouldn't have to leave versus how upset and distressed she is by this… The softness in his voice when he says 'that doesn't matter' when she worries about him not liking his new job… There's this thing Eric does with his voice here that is amazing. I don't know if he was sick when they filmed that scene, his voice sounds slightly different somehow, huskier… And it fits the mood so well.
But that aside, it's not like her worries are entirely baseless either. Lucy understands exactly the sacrifice he's making because she knows how much he loves patrol and the action. And this is the kind of decision that could eventually lead to resentment. At the same time, this is Tim : he knows what he is doing. It's not the first time he had to consider doing a similar thing. Only, now, he has found someone who is worth the effort. Who is worth more than his job. So it's a trade off he is willing to make without hesitation. He raises another good point : a transfer for her would most likely mean that she would have to prove herself again. It might not be a demotion per se, but she would have to pay her dues again. Besides, he has to know that this is merely temporary : he just needs to wait for a better position to open up. Whereas changing stations would be a more permanent option and would prevent them from working or spending time together at work. There's such a romantic quality in the fact that he wants to spend as much time as possible with her, even if it's just for a few minutes here and there… Honestly, the way these two always light up when they see the other at the station is so incredibly soft.
'No sense in arguing about it' - 'But we're so good at arguing' This exchange is simply perfect… It's inherently them. What started as real arguments slowly evolved into this form of flirting for them. It lost its edge and blossomed into this playfulness and teasing they have mastered a long time ago… It was their way of showing how much they cared. So it's nice to see them acknowledge it and recognise that they enjoy doing it. Even more so considering how much Lucy used to avoid arguing with Chris, because deep down, it wasn't worth it. This really underlines the difference. And her tone, her smile when she admits enjoying arguing with him… That kiss… Tim standing up… Her hand lingering… And his flirting… He's come so far from 'naked times', he's getting smoother. The little tilt of her head, teasing him… And his grin! With all the laughing lines so visible… Their little swaying… His little 'yeah', barely audible, just for them… Her big smile… How she doesn't waste any more time and takes off his shirt, one with snap buttons because he came prepared… The man understood the assignment! The way she slightly leans away from him so she can check him out (shamelessly) while he's trying to lean forward, not wanting to stop that kiss or to be so far from her… Their forehead touching… The way he gets rid of his shirt… Her freaking smile… Their hands! The way he cradles her head… Her hands roaming all over his body… Her little giggles… His hand behind her head when they hit the wall, to ensure she doesn't hurt herself… The detail of her hair against the closed door… Speaking of. 'I opened the door for you'… The imagery of opened doors since their feelings have been out, has been so strong… Well, this time, Tim gets to close it. It's really just a detail, but so symbolic.
This is the beginning of a new era for them… And what makes me so happy is how Lucy and Tim are staying true to themselves. It's really about adding another element to their relationship, not changing it.
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hanihazeljade · 1 month
Three Events
Tim had three events that had planned for the day. The tailor, Tamara Fox and the graves of his parents, and there is some surprises.
CW: cursing
Part 4 of Three Weeks
Prev - Three Hopes
Next - Three Settings
The dinner was chaotic. 
Cassandra announced to everyone that Tim is going to sing at her wedding and Tim just kept on declining that offer, as he definitely did not agree on that but with enough joint force and egging of Jason and Damian, he agreed. Like he has a choice.
Tim doesn’t want to be in the centre, the spotlight, but he got a compromise that he will only sing in their wedding dance and he gets to be Cassandra’s man of honour. He will fight that position with tooth and nail, but apparently Cass’ already reserved that spot to him. Well he is very grateful that he doesn’t need to fight someone then. 
As the chaos of him singing live in the wedding, Jason decided to fan the flames by saying Timothy doesn’t have anything to wear for the wedding and in the most Wayne thing, they got reserved tomorrow for the fitting. No, Tim has a dress to wear for the wedding, thank you very much, but ever since when his opinion has any value in this household. 
He is slowly regretting leaving his serene life in Hokkaido. Just doing freelance modelling and photography to make him afford a large house for himself, and also his hard earned syphoned money from the funds that he rather not say.
The morning came before he could even open his eyes, his door was knocked at a vigorous pace and he decided to go back to sleep while pretending that he was still in Japan and he was not back in Gotham. But god forbid he wanted one day for himself, the knocks became louder and shouts were also accompanying the loud bangs on his door, and everyone wanted nothing else but his attention.
He didn’t answer the door but rather just walked towards the bathroom. He tried to wake his mortal body up and thankfully, cold showers do wonders to your sleepy soul and after he washed his face, he could finally stop thinking of ways of escaping back to Japan. 
He was cleansing his face when he heard his door was blown open. He rolled his eyes at this family’s antics and continued to do his morning routine. Not everyone is effortlessly pretty, Richard.
He wore his dark green robe when he went out of the bathroom. The scene that he witnessed is something weird even in Gotham’s taste. And that says a lot for a city with a clown as a main terrorist.
Richard and Jason were fighting over something that he rather not comprehend. Damian was sneering at his brothers. Alfred was looking over his wardrobe to see what he should wear to this tailor’s visit. The lovebirds and Bruce were out of sight. 
He went to Alfred and he was given a black cashmere turtleneck and khaki trousers. He thanks the man and goes back to his bathroom, because just because those mutts don't have any dignity, he should throw his dignity out of the window.
He came out and was instructed to sit down on his bed and Alfred put socks and shoes to his feet, like a delicate maiden. He is embarrased by this, like what in the actual fuck? He can put on his own shoes, Alfred, he is not a kid. Not anymore.
But he just let Alfred to just do it, let his old heart be spoiled. As he was being pampered by the old butler, he watched the chaos of Dick Grayson and Jason Todd in his vanity and he rather not want his things to be in the crossfire of the two idiots.
He was ready to go but Dick gave him a red scarf, Jason gave him a black hat, Damian put on a white earmuff and Cass gave him red gloves. And finally, they were on their way to the tailor. He wants to drive by himself as he also planned to visit Tam on Wayne Enterprise, but as he states that, Damian suggests that the two of them just ride together as he was also going later in the Wayne Enterprise. Tim didn’t think too much about it and he agreed.
Thank all the deities above as he was not stuck in awkward silence with Damian as he was knocked out five minutes in. He would normally be worried what will Damian do to him while sleeping, but he was now just Tim Drake, a past of the Waynes and a replaced member, but he was awakened by the gentle shakes of Damian.
He already has something to wear but maybe he should just change later in the reception with the dress that he brought from Japan. They were escorted to the purple section and he was shoved by at least three different purple suits. Fuck him.
After an hour of fitting different suits, he settled on a purple mandarin collar suit with gold accents. He paid for that discreetly, because god forbid, he is not a trust fund baby anymore. The suit will be delivered to the Manor and he is good to go.
Damian takes him to the Wayne Enterprise and he dashed out as he used his nepotism to find where Tam is so he can proceed to his plan of just pissing her off. He still doesn’t tell her anything about him being back in Gotham. She will kill him, absolutely, no doubt.
But fate is a bitch and he was mistaken as a model and he just doesn’t say anything, he is going on billboards and magazines, so that is going to be amazing, and he can add this to his portfolio. He was wearing a white collared polo with bow tie and black slacks. It was paired with black and white floral coat, and also the star product, the silk socks with black platform shoes.
This was a productive day and it will be more productive if he somehow meets Tam. And he did, at the cafeteria of Wayne Enterprise. No, Tim is not ordering a meal but rather just an espresso. Tam bought an ice coffee and then she proceeded to smack Tim upside in the head.
Tamara looked at him with disgust on her face, “Let’s talk in my office, you bitch.” and then she hugged Tim for a second.
Tim rolled his eyes, “I miss you too, dear.” as he grabbed his wallet and got his card.
“Pay for my coffee.” Tam said as she looks at him as if she’s thinking on how to kill Tim for not informing her.
And Tim loves his life so he just agreed, “Sure.”
After they receive their respective coffees, they go to Tam’s office to catch up.
Tam sat at her seat at her desk, “So, what is up? Took you seven years to come back.” she rolled her eyes, still kind of upset on having to be surprised that Tim is here in Gotham.
Tim approached the desk and sat halfway on it, “Cass is being married, can’t miss that, even to sacrifice my peaceful life in Japan.” he sulked, as much as he would rather have his life in Hokkaido, but he also love to see Cass walking down the aisle.
Tam chuckled, “You still a selfless bitch, I see.”
“I am not.” Tam looked at him with a sceptical stare.”I know my worth, darling. I am not a yes man anymore.” Tim said smugly.
“Of course, you are not.” Tam rolled her eyes, not believing every single thing Tim just said. She tidied up her desk as she asked, “I am basically done with my stuff, wanna have lunch with me?”
Tim brightened up with the idea, “The sushi place near here is still up?” Japan has good restaurants but eating sushi in your hometown will always taste better than ever. Nothing can beat the chemical infused fish of Gotham.
Tam nodded, “Yep. So, sushi?” Sushi lunches were one of their traditions every two weeks back when Tim worked on Wayne Enterprise. And it was really cheap for a conveyor-belt sushi place.
“Why not.” Tim shrugged but inside he was giddily as he would visit that place, the sushi in Japan is fresh and amazing, but he missed eating it with pollution and whatever chemicals in the waters of Gotham.
Tamara and Timothy walked to the sushi place as the place is like a 10-minute walk to the Wayne Enterprise. Tim was already telling the godforsaken accident earlier. 
“And they thought that I was a model, for god sake! I feel bad for the supposed model.” Tim narrates animatedly, with hands on the air and expressions are wide, something he picked up from watching too much anime.
Tam hummed, “Oh, right. You do modelling in Japan, I forgot.”
Tim joked, “Apparently my malnourished body is a standard of fashion in Japan. But work I guess.” Then he bumped Tam’s shoulder.
Tam giggled, “If it works, it works.”
The two continued to catch up as they started to have their fill of sushi. This is fun, the best Tim had for the past days, he was here. Tam and him might end their impromptu engagement with a slap and cold words but as Tim works in the Wayne Enterprise, Tam learned to be civil around him and they developed a strong friendship.
And also he missed having to just laugh with someone who knows everything he's been through that year. He doesn’t hide anything with Tam, Tam also doesn’t hide anything from him, especially her recent fascination with the resident bald baddie who is good with guns.
As the two exited the establishment, a familiar face greeted Timothy and Tamara. The only one that made it above his hatred of Ra’s Al Ghul, the one and only Vicky Vale. 
“Mister Drake and Miss Fox, are you rekindling the fire that once lost?” Vicky didn’t try to hide her intention and asked the question straight on. But instead of letting her get into his nerves, he just laughed, making Vicky Vale’s eyebrows meet.
“No, no, no. I love Tam as much as a mother could love her aborted child.” Timothy said with a smile and Tam just snorted beside him, “and sometimes we need to learn that rekindling a fire with soaked wood will never sparked a fire.”
Vicky Vale was taken aback by the “aborted child” comment, definitely not expecting such an answer from the well-mannered Timothy Drake back then, and asked another dumb question, “Why are you back in Gotham after seven years?”
“I just love Gotham so much that I might want to try some polluted air as the air in other countries is so pure and clean, I thought it would cure my lungs!” Timothy said with full of cheer in his voice, but Tam already saw through his bullshit as she started laughing.
Tam took a big breath and she leaned into the recorder Vale has, “And I am very much happy simping to my dearest beloved that wouldn’t want to accept my love proposals but I would not give up. Right, Tim?”
Tim just hugged her and patted her back, “That is right, do not give up Tam! It will get accepted someday!”
“This is why you are the only bitch I respect.” Tam said as the two walked back to the Wayne Enterprise, leaving a stunned Vicky Vale on the sidewalk. Vicky couldn’t believe, Timothy Drake and Tamara Fox are still friends after the break up and Timothy is supportive of Tamara’s new venture of love. This is not a big scoop but she still has some information to bloom.
Tim dropped Tam off the Wayne building as he wanted to visit his parents. The visit was long overdue. 
He walked to the nearest flower shop to buy some lilies and peonies as that was his mother’s favourite. And it was a stapled flower in the household of Drake. Even if his parents are out of the country, he still bought flowers every week just in case his parents come home unexpectedly.
He hailed a cab and told him to take him to Gotham Cemetery. It was a long 25 minute ride, and during that time, his hands felt clammy and he was nervous. He doesn’t know what to say to his resting parents. He… He abandoned them. He is such a bad child.
As he was walking the cobblestone pathway towards his parents' graves, his chest began to feel heavy, he didn’t visit them for so many years and as he took the final step to be in front of the two gravestones, he put on a smile and gave the flowers to them.
“Hey Mom, hey Dad. I miss you.” Tim starts, “I was in Japan, escaping my problems here, so I am really sorry not to tell you before. You must feel that I abandoned you.” Tim couldn’t help it as tears began to cascade to his cheeks. “I am sorry for leaving but I did it for my own good, because I know if I stay here, I will break and nobody could fix me, so I left and started a new life with my old broken one. But I managed to heal myself there.”
Tim sat down between his parents’ grave, and caressed both of their gravestones, “I am so much happy now, more confident in me, and more pretty.” Tim chuckled as his own joke, his mother will love that one. “I came back here for Cass’ wedding, she is a sister to me. I gave her your wedding clip, Mom. I hope you don’t mind. I mean it is not like I can wear it in my wedding and I am not marrying a woman, for now at least.”
And Tim started to tell his parents everything he’ve been through. Everything that he now accomplished and everything he experienced. He knows that if he told this to his parents back when they were alive, he would get smacked for being an idiot and then get hugged for all the hardships that he went through.
Tim stopped his stories when snow started to drop. He gave his parents one more smile and promised them that he will visit them before he goes back to Japan, and as if his parents are listening, a huge snowflake landed on the flowers Tim brought.
He waved his parents’ grave one more time as he started to walk back to the bus stop. Sure, he can afford the cab but buses are colder than cabs and cheaper too. So, win-win.
Tim sat in the last row of the bus and he leaned to the window as he smiled. He is lonely, sure. But after talking to his parents, he is somewhat light. He just smiled and pushed his airpods on and listened to Bach’s.
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bronx-bomber87 · 8 months
Happy Wednesday all :) Ahhhh the intro of Metro Tim. This man does thing to me just on patrol and on street clothes. But Metro Tim? it’s a different beast. I wanna say sorry for how feral he’ll make me in this one. But I won’t be sorry really lmao Also a fantastic Lucy/Tamara Ep. So let us start :)
5x14 Death Sentence
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We start off with Tim pouring himself some coffee at Lucy’s. There’s so much to love already about this. He’s spent the night, Not only that but enough to know where the coffee is and how to make it, he’s made extra for her and they’re sharing a thermos. It’s the same thermos she brings to work we've seen. It's that same one she has in 4x02. It's a small call back and I adore it it's so much. I love continuity so I’m dying of happiness ha.
The married vibes in this scene make me squee. Lucy hasn't even entered the scene yet and it's already married af. I remember being so excited they'd reached the domestic phase. I love me some hot and heavy newlywed stuff. Don't get me wrong. But something so satisfying to see them move forward towards this stage. Literally so giddy over him making her coffee. That's a good man right there. Thinking of her when she wakes up.
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As we know pranking is one of their love languages. Lucy has hidden booties in the cabinet for him. Looks like the same ones she used in 4x02 haha Another call back/parallel. Loving the call backs in this season. It's fantastic. They make the continuity geek in me very happy as I mentioned earlier. He is a boot for Metro and she has to note this. Unreal we're at this place. Getting cute domestic morning scenes. My heart.
Lucy is so bummed she didn’t get a photo of his reaction. We all know how much she loves getting shots of him. No doubt she has a folder on her phone of just pics of this man. I love her morning attire btw. I adore this woman's fashion sense. Tim tells her 'It’s cute.' With all the heart eyes he can. He can actually smile and appreciate it front of her this time. Unlike in 4x02 where he held it back. Gah it’s so cute I cannot. He is at the point where he is so very smitten with her teasing. He has been for awhile but he doesn't have to pretend he doesn't love it now.
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Lucy asks why he’s up so early? Tim explaining he’s the new guy. Has to load up all the gear and ammo. Lucy so giddy and cute calling him a newbie. Beaming brightly at him. I love the cute way she says ‘The Boot.’ Her whole body being adorable af as she says this. Tim isn’t even agitated by this in the least.
Just affectionately tells her he’s still a Sergeant. This man is so so soft for her. Just look at him above. He is so damn smitten with her. They're both gaga for each other. Makes me so damn giddy. Just look at these two. Domestic and heart eyes for damn days. Lucy ever the proud wife as she teases him.
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The look on Lucy’s face when she says he’s still a boot in her book. That woman is so very in love with the man standing before her. Makes me so happy I can’t even stand it. Giving me all the shippy butterflies as I watch them. Just as gone for him and he is for her. Looking up at him with so much adoration. Said this expression a few times in regards to Tim. But she looks at Tim like he hung the moon and stars. I love how much she loves him. Their almost morning kiss is interrupted by their pseudo daughter walking in the door. I do love her wanting to giving him a morning smooch.
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Tim makes a joke saying must’ve been at one heck of a party if she’s just getting home now. Tim and Lucy looking like concerned parents. Tamara jokes with Tim cause that’s their thing. Saying ‘Yeah rager...' Asking if she interrupted something? Tim says no he was heading out can’t be late on his first day. The married vibes reach an all time high as Tim is leaving.
Lucy being wifey af telling him he’s gonna knock 'em dead. Building her man up before he leaves for the day. *heart damn clutch* She just pumped his tires right before he leaves. Look how happy he looks from her words of encouragement. He could power the room with his smile. He looks so damn happy leaving her place. I love him smiling at Tamara too before he goes. She’s their daughter we all know it.
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Tim looking at his girl one last time before closing the door. *squee* It's doing things to me. It’s unreal we got this season still. I'm still in a state of shock even a year later ha. Look at these lovely humans in love. Makes my shipper heart so happy. Just a husband looking at his wife till he can’t anymore. That shot of him with heart eyes until he shuts the door is so cute. Doesn't break eye contact till the door is shut.
Her words of encouragement the best start to his day. I cannot. Once he is gone Lucy refocuses on Tamara. All happy and high off her morning with Tim saying 'Good morning' all chipper. Tamara pretending she's annoyed when really she's so happy for her. Look at that smile when she says 'Whatever.' Such a teenager but she is so happy for her mom.
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Lucy and Aaron are talking about a prototype action figure his mom wants to make. He won’t do it even though it's couple million profit. Lucy cracks me up saying she will do it. Starts posing saying she can be ‘Lucy Chen, Fist of Justice.’ Never change Lucy never change. I love you so much baha Tim walking up seeing her being an absolute dork. Used to his wife’s antics at this point though. But has to ask what she’s doing?
Lucy not phased by his judgement in the least. Just says working on her side hustle. Tim gets self conscious when she points out the paint on his head. Nawww he’s embarrassed cause he struck out in training earlier. Let’s not bypass how incredible Tim looks in shot. Arms and forearms flexed carrying that box. *fans self* All kinds of deliciousness. My god how can a black t-shirt looks so delectable on a person? Straight arm porn and I'm not mad about it.
Those toned forearms and his biceps threatening to bust out of his sleeves. Phew lord. Think they made his shirt just a little tighter than most. So I can flail and have an ovary explosion. over it. Mmm. Love to climb that man like a tree. Metro Tim is just sex on two legs walking and I’m here for it hot damn.
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Lucy is cutest little human in that first gif. Just popping her head in like the adorable bean she is. Taking stock of his new office. Then she makes a little joke smiling at him. Saying well at least it won’t take long to move in LOL I love her teasing him yet being so proud of him at the same time. It’s a heady cocktail everyone and I’m little ship drunk and loving it.
Her smile is everything as she is teasing him. Tim isn't giving her much to work with. I think it's cause Aaron is there HA He shuts the door behind her and works to get settled in his new office. Also think he's a little in his head about not doing well in training at first. Poor love.
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After he shuts the door he expects them to go. Idk why. He knows his wife and her antics. Like she was just gonna go after that. LOL Lucy watching her man get settled like the proud wifey she is. Look at that woman watch him get situated. To quote Chandler bing. "Could she be any prouder of him?' She is so friggin excited for him. Her whole body is vibrating just watching him make it to his desk.
Let’s not discount this great shot of his ass in those cargo pants everyone. Sweet lord. Fairly certain I've never found them attractive till they were worn by Tim Bradford. But my god he looks good in them. Doing that thing where something is simple but he turns it into something incredibly sexy just by wearing it. It's sinful to be this attractive really.
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Never be over how good his biceps look in that t-shirt too. Sweet baby James man is doing things to me… Tim turns around and realizes he's in a zoo LMAO I do adore her little smile when she gives him a thumbs up. Truly proud of him and getting to where he is now. I think if Aaron wasn’t present he would’ve been softer but he was LOL Lucy is also in teasing mode with the thumps up and such. Being such a troll with Aaron right now and they both know it.
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Tim does a small smirk before shutting them out. Her face when he draws the shades is hysterical. Lucy is offended by him doing this. I’m dying. Their dynamic is the best. They go from sweet and domestic cuteness in the morning. Her building him up for the day. To teasing and giving each other a hard time. God I love them sfm. We get to have both now. *happy sigh* I just love this season everyone. Damn they cute.
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We join our fav ladies eating dinner together. Lucy noting she’s been working a lot of hours. That she knows she wasn’t coming from a party this morning. It was a job. Asking her what’s going on? Does she need money or something? Tamara breaking Lucy’s heart a little with her answer. Basically saying she needs to save up for an apt on her own. Lucy looks so saddened for couple reasons. One. That she thinks she has to leave now. Just decided she wasn't gonna be welcome at some point.
Two her thinking Lucy has no room for her now that Tim is around. Like she was just going to replace her with TIm. I will say this she wasn’t saving up rent when Lucy was dating the clown… Tamara knows and has known since this started Tim was her end all be all. The real deal in terms of relationships for her. Lucy telling her she doesn’t have to leave. Breaks my heart Tamara thinks she has to leave though.
We all know Tim treats Tamara like family. The puppy jokes have long since faded away. If they we're gonna get a place of their own no doubt he would expect her to join them. Her thinking there is no room for her. UGH. I wanna hug her and it’s upsetting to Lucy as well. To Lucy, Tamara is family and there is no need to feel this way. Unfortunately not how trauma damaged brains work. Her first thought is there is no longer a place for her. Which once again makes me so sad. Before Lucy can say more hubby has arrived home.
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We hear his keys in the lock before he comes in. First off let me squee that he has a KEY to her place. A KEY everyone. Also that they had this family movie night planned. Tim apologizing for being late to it. I keep seeing this funny tag when I look for gifs. Says *screaming into the void.* Lmao seems fairly accurate for moments such as this. Perfectly describing how I feel.
They had a pre-planned family movie night. I’m dying. Oh Tamara there is so a place for you with them. This scene right here proves that. Tim being all cute giving Tamara a hard time about not joining. He fully expected her to join them. He is such a dad in his reply to the movie he wants to watch with his girls.
I cannot get over Tim having a pre-planned movie night with them both. This is as domestic as it gets right here. It seems so damn natural already. What I always loved about S5 post 5x10. How natural everything felt with them. Going from friends to this wonderfulness. Never felt off or forced. It just fit and worked.
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I cannot express enough this is why I’m glad the slow burn was the way it was. The journey that lead us here. To get us to this place where they just fit like puzzle pieces. Tim not reading the vibe in the room just pivots. Man is too damn happy to be noticing such things right now ha He looks at his girl with relaxed joy on his face. Not upset it’ll just be them for the movie.
Asking if she wants popcorn? The amount of squeeing for this moment is unlimited haha Saw a great tag for this scene. ‘How long have they been married again?’ hehe It’s so true. Domestic af and we’re all here for it. I love him basically living there at this point. Man has a key, eats and sleeps there. Has movie nights planned. God I just love this season so damn much.
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We get to see Metro Tim in first op. Lucy is there getting to watch him in all his glory. Watch him lead, be confident, assertive and have a game plan. Commanding his unit with an assertive confidence that has me fanning myself. All of this in a new tactical outfit. Yummy. Gimme.
Wouldn’t blame Lucy if she took that man home after and just had her way with him. Because my god my blood is running hot just watching him in action. Sweet lord. Plus him defending Lopez when he tells his group she will be their spotter. Fiercely defending his decision and her. Making my mouth water Timothy.
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Delicious poetry in motion as he leads his team into the rescue site. Also doesn’t hurt we’re getting amazing shots of him. Look at that sexy jawline with a dusting of stubble. Mmm. The way he’s holding that gun, his biceps stretching out the words ‘Metro police.’ I might pass out everyone haha God almighty someone shouldn’t be this attractive leading a mission and yet here we are. I’m a puddle snd may need some ice water....
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This finale scene with Tamara’s and Lucy is one of my favs. Tamara getting off the phone with another job. Lucy asking her if she still thinks she has to move out? Tamara being vulnerable with her. (She has grown so much too btw) Telling Lucy she doesn’t want to be a burden. Gah breaking my heart girl. Lucy immediately disperses that train of thought. Telling her she isn’t.
Knowing this ties back to her PTSD before she met Lucy. Letting her know she gets it she does. That she’s been displaced her whole life. So she understands why that’s her default. It’s a hard habit to break when you’ve felt like a burden before. I totally relate to this. Lucy sincerely telling Tamara she’s family. I mean truly she is. She has been for a long time now. Lucy then lightening the vibe a little letting her know she couldn’t get rid of Lucy if she tried. LOL
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Tamara thanking her and lightening the vibe herself. Saying she will get a place of her own someday though. She doesn’t want to be around when her and Tim start having babies LMAO God I love this girl. Her sass is the actual best. Also little foreshadowing at its finest. Now I know they’re gonna have babies. For sure they are. I’m not ready just yet on the show but I am down for babies at some point.
Loving Lucy saying that’s a long way off. Not scared or frightened by that idea in any way. It’s in her future no doubt about it. Only replying not yet and my head is exploding haha The rest of this scene is pure goodness. I adore their relationship sfm. I was so excited to see Dylan on set for S6 on insta. I will always always take more Lucy/Tamara. One of my favorite pairings on the show.
Lucy noting she is a really good babysitter. They could use her for all dem babies heh. Tamara being sassy once more. Saying she couldn’t afford her rate. You are an absolute queen madam. The cute smiles that end this scene make my heart happy. Especially Tamara's. How far she has come. Such a good episode for them. I adore these two so very much. Such a good ep. I remember feeling like every ep was a gift in this season. Especially 5x08 on up. They spoiled us to death and I wasn’t mad about it haha
Side notes-non Chenford
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Lucy spending part of the episode trying to teach Aaron how to budget is hilarious. He wants to try and live off his own money and not his parent's. His bills were obnoxious LOL This scene above is the hysterical conclusion to him trying to live on a budget. Aaron you are a treasure my love. Lucy's reaction is so damn funny.
As always thank you to those that like, comment(oh how I love me some comments) and reblog these reviews. Means the world to me. See you all in 5x15 :)
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bright-eyedwanderer · 2 months
Bug Killer
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“Babe?” Lucy’s voice comes through the speakers of his truck. “Are you close to the apartment?”
“I’m five minutes away,” Tim answers. “Sorry baby,” he sighs tiredly, “I got stuck at the station longer than expected. There was paperwork I just can’t put off.”
“Ah, that’s fine.” Lucy sounds harried Tim notices. “I just need you here now, but it’s fine you said you’re on the way already. So, yeah. Great. Fine.”
“Luce? What’s up?”
“Nothing. Just get here. Drive safe. Bye”
Lucy ends the call abruptly leaving Tim concerned. He tries to recall whether his girlfriend had told him anything before she left the station. But, other than (sweetly) asking him to buy oat milk from the grocery store close to his place, he can’t think of anything that should cause worry. Still, it makes him drive faster – or, at least, as fast as LA traffic allows him. He totally forgets to get her the oat milk she asked him to buy.
He hurries up to Lucy’s floor, taking the stairs two at a time. What he finds when he opens the door genuinely confuses him. Lucy and Tamara are standing on the loveseat, talking over each other in high-pitched voices. His girlfriend is holding a Tupperware container (He swears those containers were older than her, and he’s probably right) while her puppy brandishes a file folder high up in the air like a shield.
“What’s going on?” Tim asks.
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makeitastrength · 3 months
I just know you'll have a lot of requests, because you're so good at these! But I'm tossing my hat in the ring just the same😊
6x04 Tim takes Lucy home after the shooting and draws her a bath.
Better late than never, right? Thanks so much for the prompt 😊
Lucy is silent in the passenger seat during the drive to Tim’s house.
They don’t bother to return to the station for Tim to change out or to pick up her car; she’ll get it when she heads in tomorrow to give her statement. She did change into the clothing from her go-bag before they left the hospital, though, now clad in leggings, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. Her uniform, badge, and gun were taken as part of the investigation into the shooting, and she knows she’ll be on leave for at least a few days while it’s all sorted out.
It's just as well. She’s immensely thankful that Budny survived the surgery, but it doesn’t change the fact that she very nearly killed someone. And she doesn’t feel at all ready to be back out on the streets with a loaded gun.
Truthfully, right now she doesn’t feel much of anything.
She’s lost track of what day or time it is, or even where they are, when Tim finally maneuvers his truck into the driveway and shuts off the engine. Slowly, Lucy unbuckles her seatbelt and opens the door, gingerly exiting the vehicle. Her chest might feel numb, but now that the adrenaline is wearing off, the rest of her body is very much feeling the aftereffects of the day. Her left hip aches, and the rest of her joints don’t feel much better.
She’s still taking inventory of her various injuries when Tim joins her, her bag thrown over his shoulder and worry evident in his eyes. One hand rises to rest on her lower back and he gives her a gentle nudge, guiding her up the walk and through the front door, pulling his hand away only when he needs to disarm and then reset the security system.
Kojo greets them at the door, tail wagging exuberantly as he excitedly pushes his snout into Lucy’s thigh. She squats down to pet him, scratches behind the ears earning her a few enthusiastic kisses, and Tim is happy to see that the canine manages to put an almost-smile on her face, at least for a minute.
Gradually, though, the excitement of the reunion fades; her hands still and Kojo ambles away, leaving her crouching in the entryway staring blankly at the floor.
“Lucy.” Tim’s voice is as soft as the touch of his hand on her shoulder, coaxing her back to her feet. She rises and he immediately pulls her into his arms, one hand cradling her skull just as he’d done back at the hospital. “What do you need?”
“You,” she answers without hesitation, her fingers rising to curl into the fabric of his shirt, keeping him close. She just… she needs the reminder that she’s not in an alley pointing her gun at a man, about to pull the trigger. That she’s not firing a bullet into his chest. That she's not at the hospital waiting to see if she's a killer.
She’s at home with Tim, breathing him in, the solid planes of his body pressed against her own and his strong arms surrounding her, blocking out the rest of the world.
“I don’t wanna be alone,” she whispers into his chest.
“Do you wanna go to your place instead?” he offers, suddenly wondering if he and Kojo are enough to constitute not being alone.
Lucy shakes her head. She doesn’t want Tamara to see her like this, doesn’t want to burden the girl with the harsh realities of her job or her current fragile emotional state.
“You hungry?” Tim tries again.
She shakes her head once more, sniffling and reaching up to swipe away an escaped tear.
“Want me to run you a bath?”
Lucy finally lifts her head at that suggestion, watery eyes shimmering in the light of the entryway and still full of so much pain that it breaks his heart.
“Come with me?” she says by way of answer.
“Of course.”
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sylvies-chen · 6 months
sweet nothing sleeping
summary: lucy has never been so happy to have fallen in love as she is when she’s falling asleep
pairing: tim bradford/lucy chen
word count: short??? i wrote this on notes app don’t ask me to count
warnings: none
a/n: this was written at *many* a 2am but it was my coping mechanism for the chenford breakup so there will be nothing but fluff and happiness here!! but also sorry in advance for any typos. written for my @morganupstead who gave me this idea ages ago and I just took forever to write it LOL
••• ••• ••• •••
cause they said the end is coming
everyone’s up to something
I find myself running home to your
sweet nothings
She’s had a long day.
The list of grievances wracked up in a single shift has been nothing short of astounding. For example: a man no less than an hour into her first stretch of patrol who puked on her. A bar fight gone horribly wrong, and he was drunk out of his mind so when she showed up at the tail end of a swift punch to the drunkard’s gut then… well, you can figure out the rest. Then another man threatened to sue her and the entire LAPD Mid Wilshire division because he refused to be told by a woman to stop ejaculating in public. Nothing but insufferable misdemeanours one after the other, without end. The robbery homicide tailing the end of her shift was the worst. Lucy doesn’t know what’s more horrible: how violent the young married couple’s death was, or how her first thought was that she wished she could have been the detective on a flashy case like this. Knowing she was even capable of putting her career before her compassion and duty left her gutted.
It leaves her now with a bitter aftertaste of guilt and shame. That coupled with the exhaustion and ridicule of her other calls makes for a particularly dreadful combination. Normally she can see Tim in passing and vent to him about things, but he’d been stuck in some new Metro training program all day. Updated protocol or tactical practice, or whatever they wanted to call it. Based on the state she sees Tim in at the end of one of those days, she’d call it something more akin to torture. It also means she had no support system throughout the day whatsoever apart from Nolan’s typical words of encouragement, which were swell but never substantive.
Since Tamara’s moved out, things have been lonely too. She misses her old roommate. If nothing else, at the end of the day Lucy still had a young and vulnerable kid she had to feed and house and clothe. Cooking for them always felt like a backup ritual, a healing sort of constancy, and that’s gone too.
So she heads to Tim’s. Her foot feels like lead on the gas, pushing down hard and inching dangerously closer to speeding the closer she gets to his place. It’s like her heart can feel the distance closing and misses him even more, the weight of her bad day crushing her heart and leaving spider fractures. A magnetic pull is always at its strongest the minute before contact, after all.
For the most part, Lucy’s been able to hold it together. She’s kept things professional, never complained, held her head high. And even as she trembles with anticipation as she knocks on the door, there’s a part of her refusing to let go of that facade.
She knocks at the door, but there’s no answer. Three louder knocks after a minute of waiting, and still nothing. Only after a third round of knocking does she think to use the spare key he’d given her last month.
“Hi,” Lucy calls out as she enters his place. No immediate response, but that’s no matter. She puts the keys down in his key bowl and hangs up her jacket.
The sound of nails skidding against the floor alert her only seconds in advance to Kojo’s presence. He runs up to her full speed but comes to a screeching halt when he reaches her. With his tail still waving fervently, he tries to sit down. (Tim’s trained him to understand that petting and general affection from guests is contingent upon his very handsome sitting.)
“Kojo! Hey there buddy,” she greets him with a soft laugh, like an old friend. Lucy knows by now, even having owned him once, to scratch him behind his ears. The gesture earns her a right good lick from chin to cheek on the left side of her face.
“Yeah, you’re a good boy, aren’t you? You’re a good boy,” she tells him as she keeps petting him. “Now where’s our Tim?”
She looks around half expecting Tim to appear in the hallway, but no sign of him is to be seen anywhere, save for the sound of his television from the next room. Football. Figures.
“Alright, Sir Kojo, King of the Canines,” she declares, patting him on the head and gently urging him forward by the collar, “let’s see what your dad’s watching.”
The two of them make their way to the family room to see what he’s up to. For a football game, Lucy’s already surprised that he isn’t shouting at the TV and jumping up and down like he normally does.
When she enters the room though, she doesn’t see him watching sports. Instead, she sees a passed-out Tim on the couch, snoring in his Rams jersey, remote loosely balanced in his hand. She tilts her head, curiously soaking in the scene.
She should have expected this. He’s been working as hard as she has lately. Though she isn’t entirely sure as to why, he’s been taking on extra shifts and doing double overtime these past two weeks. God knows he didn’t have the steam for a full game of football. Tack on her unexpected company, and she’s sure she’ll tire him out even more.
But the look of him. The television emits a soft glow that flashes hues of green and blue across his stubbled cheekbones. His head hangs back completely crooked on the headrest, and with the positioning of his arms, Tim’s posed like a dramatic renaissance painting. She can’t help but let out a soft giggle under her breath, and then silences into the brightest of smiles she can give after a day like hers, because nothing about this is funny anymore.
Even drooling, his mere presence soothes her. Lying there, entirely disarmed and peaceful. The world and all its troubles just melt away, dissolve in her mind until only a faint trace of what remains lingers like dust. It’s a beautiful haze Lucy can get stuck in, just standing there and watching him. The tight corners of his mouth, his eyes shut gently, the curve of his neck, the way his hair’s a little shorter right now.
Oh hell. Who is she to disrupt him anyways.
She tiptoes over to the couch and carefully extracts the remote from his hand. Turning the television off to avoid more light and sound will definitely help him sleep. Whether Tim’s asleep or awake, it doesn’t matter. Lucy always sleeps better when she’s next to him.
What doesn’t help Tim sleep, apparently, is Kojo. Having followed Lucy into the room, though she will defend him ferociously and say his heart is in the right place, Kojo makes a beeline for the couch and starts pulling at Tim’s jeans with his sharp canine teeth.
“No! No, Kojo! Bad Kojo, stay back,” she pleads in a whisper pushed out through gritted teeth.
Kojo seems to only get more excited— a sort of escalation which Lucy saw all too frequently in her calls from today. Tim jolts awake almost immediately.
“What the-“ he sits up and pulls his jeans away from Kojo, but then looks up at Lucy, still hovering over him guilty as ever. “Lucy?”
“Sorry.” She winces, finally shooing Kojo away enough to give them more space. “I didn’t mean to wake you. I was trying to put a blanket over you but Kojo got excited.”
“It’s okay,” he assures her, though he’s still rubbing at his eyes. Lucy’s almost certain he’s still half asleep and hasn’t registered the whole situation before him. “I gave you a key for a reason. What are you doing here?”
“I…” She tries to explain it rationally to him, to go through each bad happening chronologically, to compartmentalize. But then, his voice. His sweet, low, milky, humming voice like the pulse of a heart being soothed into a slower rhythm. It’s so steady, so calm. Something about hearing it unlocks a valve within her. She cracks, as she knew she would when she decided to come, and before she knows it she’s crying.
“Hey, hey,” Tim hushes gently, immediately sitting up. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
“Oh nothing,” she sobs. “I just had a crappy day. I got puked on and yelled at and all this nonsense which I can normally handle but I don’t even know why I’m… why I’m…”
“Don’t question it too much,” he tells her. “Just let it out.”
And so she does. For a little bit, she just cries. Surprisingly, it’s not sad. The world isn’t ending, nothing is going to go wrong. There is no other shoe about to drop, no real heartbreak, no evil around. These tears are but a release, and there’s a safety to them.
Once she’s done, she wipes at her tears with her sleeves and sniffles.
“Better,” she says, and can really mean it, genuine smile and all. “Thanks.”
“You never have to thank me.”
She nods, but switches the subject. “You never told me how you’re Metro seminar went today.”
“Eh, it was alright,” he says. “Apart from being exhausted and sore all over, of course. We’ve got some new recruits who are… eager.”
She looks at him with loving suspicion. “You went full Tim 1.0 on them, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” he admits with a big huff of relief. “I ran through the drills and protocol updates 36 times because they couldn’t get it right. I didn’t have the heart to just demote them from my team.”
“Tim Bradford not having the heart for a tough love moment? Who are you?” She teases. “Where was this energy 6 years ago?”
“Waiting for you to come along and change it, I guess,” he sighs wistfully. “Always just waiting for you.”
“You’ve gone soft, Sergeant Bradford.” She shakes her head. “People will talk.”
“Let them.”
He pulls her in for a kiss, and it only deepens for a moment, then plateauing into a pleasant and chaste hum before release. His arms pull her into his side and her head finds that perfect spot on his chest to nestle into.
The sigh she lets out is almost a song. “This feels good, being here with you. Feeling at peace.”
“Just wait for it.”
Lucy doesn’t know how Tim saw this coming, but before even asking she’s given an answer. Kojo jumps up onto the couch and steps on Lucy’s lap to lick her and Tim all over their tired, sweaty faces.
“Argh! Kojo, off!” She squeals, though not so gravely that she can’t laugh in the process. Eventually, with enough shooing, Kojo calms down. He doesn’t leave the couch, but lies down next to them, choosing to rest his head on her lap and make happy little sighs.
“Told you.”
“How did you know he would do that?”
Tim shrugs. “He’s happier when you’re around. Like me.”
Lucy smiles, even when pushing Kojo off of them. “I love you.”
Tim doesn’t respond. Too much time passes. A beat, and then another. She gets worried.
“Oh so you weren’t talking to the dog then?”
She giggles and smacks him playfully across the chest with the back of her hand. “No! Well I do love him, but he drools. And you’re—“
“The love of my life.”
She watches the ripple of those words dance across his face. Tim smiles, his cheeks turning all shades of pink and red. Though he doesn’t seem scared off by her comment, the surprise of it still shows in his raised eyebrows and subsequent lines in his forehead. The way his head tilts, like he can’t quite believe it. But, above all else, the love in his eyes. And that way he’s looking at her now… sometimes she thinks that’s what life’s all about.
“I know I don’t have to be yours,” she continues. “You know, having been married before and all, but—“
“Don’t think for a second you aren’t,” he lets out, almost like the words couldn’t contain themselves. “You are.”
“Good.” Her turn now: the ridiculous blushing, the smile, the love in her eyes. So much joy.
So much fatigue too though. Being around him, getting to decompress like this, it’s making her crash fast. She yawns, and Tim yawns in subconscious response, and out of his own fatigue.
“I should get going,” Lucy tells him, though her face is still nestled into his sweater and has no intention of leaving. “I really only came over to feel some comfort and decompress but I didn’t bring a change of clothes or anything.”
“Mmm,” he groans in disapproval of the idea. “Stay for a bit.”
“No. No, I’ve… gotta…” She sucks in a deep breath, Tim’s woody scent catching onto her nose. Her eyes flutter and her muscles start to release their tension as the hand which isn’t sprawled across Tim’s chest starts to massage the spot behind Kojo’s ear.
“Oh, maybe just a few minutes…” she tells him hesitantly. “But keep me talking, I don’t want to fall asleep.”
“Ok. What about the rest of your day? You never finished telling me all the things that had you so upset.”
“Well it started when the air conditioning in the shop nearly exploded on me, and then I immediately took my first call at this dive bar before I could get it fixed. But oh, you won’t believe what this one guy did…”
Lucy goes on and on, her eyes growing heavy and her voice growing layers of drowsy rasp, fighting sleep to tell all her stories of woe. The drunkards, the sexist pigs, the violence. Part of her registers Tim’s lack of response or reaction as she tells her stories. Time passes. She talks, and he listens.
“I think it’s better not to dwell on it though,” she concludes eventually. “I’ve felt all I can feel about it for one day. And anyways I… I can barely remember my own anguish now. It feels so far aw—“
She looks up to see him passed out, his breathing a low rumble that threatens snoring. The soft fur under her other hand feels alarmingly still as well, until she looks to the other side and sees Kojo sleeping on her lap.
So much for leaving. She supposes that’s exactly how she wants things anyway. The heartbeats of these two precious boys at the tips of her fingers, nestled right next to hers. Giving her strength, steadying her scattered mind. Under these dim lights and warm blankets and beloved company, she wouldn’t dare move a muscle.
“Oh hell, who was I kidding,” she whispers to him. “I was always going to end up here anyways. With you.”
She rests her head on his chest once more. The last thing she remembers is the rise and fall of Tim’s chest against her hand and the feel of Kojo’s soft fur against her other.
This isn’t a big moment. No fireworks, no heartfelt confessions, no twirls or kisses in the rain. But even as the day ends and the lights go out, she feels love where it dwells best: in a quiet room. And it remains that Lucy has never been so happy to have fallen in love as she is when she’s falling asleep.
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kojo-is-adorable · 7 months
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So about Melissa's Lucy room tour, her room is everything I dreamed and more. Firstly Kojo is on there which is awesome since we haven't seen him since season 4 and on the first photo we can also see some motivational posters which is so Lucy, as well as a document behind which says "legal and clinic" and then says about "system, and guide" and then says about endeavours this could be a document from the fertility clinic Lucy was talking about in A.H.S. further proof it could be the fertility clinic is that lower on the sheet it says "divorce?" which could be a section on what happens to the eggs in a divorce.
In the second photo I decide to screenshot Lucy's list of things to do and her note from tamara saying "you got this" which I though was adorable. Also you if you click on the photo you would be able to see some tiny writing below tamara's note which is I was only able to make tour the words "call ... in the afternoon... share" which is not much information but may be a reference to something to do with the episode their filming (7 or 8 I'm guessing).
In the third photo you can read the letter from the undercover academy easily. This shows lucy is still loves undercover work since it's up their with tim, tamara and kojo.
In photo number 4, the iconic copcake is right in the middle which I think is amazing because what girlfriend doesn't have her boyfriend naked on a poster with nothing but a cupcake lol. In the bottom right you can see the sign for pisces which means in the shows very consistent timeline it's nearly Lucy's birthday. Since recently it was valentines day in the show. Or we may have skipped past her birthday in the time skip.
In picture number 5 it has all my favourite things, Tim's I love you note, a thank you note , and a necklace. So obviously we have all heard something about Tim's I love you note. Personally I think it's adorable, like if he had to leave really early or they were on different shifts just leaving notes is the cutest. Thank you note, if i'm correct, says "thank you, for taking such good care of my mom you are an angel, ..." i think the name is cut off which leaves many possibilities on who it is from. Due to the paper an handwriting it looks like stereotypically like a girls so I'm guessing Angela, Nyla or Celina. Now regarding the necklace they might be like things Lucy thought looked cute and put on for aesthetic or she put it on to try and clue Tim in for buying her. The same goes for the dresses that are seen in the video.
One thing that isn't in the video, Lucy got a new bed now she had that bed for a while but did you guys seen how wobbly it was she was well overdue for a new one and I'm guessing Tim is one of the reasons she got a new one.
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callsigns-haze · 10 months
Pretty like a crime
Pairing: Agent Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Singlemom! Agent Y/n 'Cobra' Y/l/n
Word count: 1.5k
A/n: This is the first post to my new series so please be nice! I'm going to try to make this into a series so please show this story a bit of love and reblog!
Summary: Cobra is finally back on the agency and is finally back in the job. With Kai at home she has to jumble being a mother and a agent. She's sent to her first U.C mission but never thought that she would meet a blonde, green eyed Texan...
Warning: Fighting, violence, drinking, guns, shooting, choking, cursing, gun shot, knives and a lot of violence that idk how to lable
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You were back for the first time undercover at a dinner masquerade party and lets say nothing has happened yet. Your job was to obtain the organization files and deliver them by the end of the night but for now there was no sight of the enemy.
All night you've been in continuous conversation and greetings with people who you never met. It was killing you mentally. You'd do anything to be in your apartment, with your son on the couch cuddling while watching the Midnight Garden.
Through a couple of sources you've been informed that an unknown to you, agent group was on this operation too, but if you revealed to the wrong person, you'd already be dead.
"Excuse me, is the seat taken?" A strong Texan accent asked behind you. Turning, you saw a very handsome gentleman. Wearing a black button top with a black pair of fine trousers and leather shoes, he greatly showed off the blonde gelled hair that was excellently groomed and those green eyes just sparked right.
'Wait! Why are you caring how he looks or not?!' You asked yourself. You shook your head in disagreement, and he sat next to you. You take a sip of your glass filled with water; not wanting to seem to unsuttle.
"I understand you're not really into this style of events?" He inquired. You give him a slight look and softly reply, "May I ask what gave me away? My resting face of a bitch or that my body language is all over the place?" He let out a slight laugh and extended his hand to you.
"Jakob." As you reached to his hand, he delicately lifts yours, kissing your knuckles. You smile as you never experienced such a gentleman before.
"And here I thought chivalry died out a long time ago," you comment. With a stylish smirk, he shakes his head in disagreement. "There's still a lot of us around, you just gotta know where to look. If I'm not ahead of myself, may I ask for your name?"
Before your undercover name could drift back into your memory one of his friends is calling him over. A man in a black suit, quite tall with soft brown curls and a eighties pornstache. With a disappointed sigh, he excused himself with a quick apology. You were again stuck alone in silence.
The great thing about this job assignment was the masquerade. Nobody will know what hit them and what they're getting themselves into and that was the plan. Surprise. And you'll get what you want. A long time has passed of you eyeing the door, waiting for the right person to come in and your own phone rings instead with a notification.
Tamara. Your babysitter just sent you the cutest picture of your son watching tv with all his teddies aligned so they can 'Watch it too.'
Your son. So young but so passionate and so loved. He was smart for such a young age and could easily figure out people's emotions. He got easily attached and loved spending time with Tamara. God, you thank her so much.
You quickly put your phone away once you laid your eyes on the member entering.
The man you were waiting for. The man you were going to steal from or kill if things got out of hand. He looks so smirked and full of himself even behind the mask. This was the easy part, find out what room he's going to. Try not to pull the trigger and leave before anyone notices any drama. But it's not going to be easy.
This man is one of the greatest ghost gun and drug dealer you know. Ghost guns are unserialized and untraceable firearms that can be bought online and assembled at home. They are often sold through "ghost gun kits," which include all of the parts and often the equipment necessary to build these weapons at home.
These kits are widely available and can be purchased by anyone, including prohibited purchasers, domestic abusers, and gun traffickers — without a background check. As these kits and guns are sold at gun shows and online every day throughout the country, they undermine all of the life-saving policies that state legislatures have fought so hard to put in place.
They were also not metal so they could easily slide through security. And the drug part. Fentanyl. Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use as an analgesic (pain relief) and anesthetic. It is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin as an analgesic.
You're eyes following him from behind the mask and the glass, your gaze doesn't drop at any movement. He's with his source or someone who's along the lines, the unknown man whispers in his ear and shows the door to the others. But why leave when you've just entered? Why not go around the back? And why were you the one having to follow their trail?
Oh well…. Isn't that just life… But why are they leaving through the back door? And you're right on their trail.
Sprinting. You never ran so fast through a street beforez as you were getting pursued by three henchmen. You felt the cold air as it burned to intake, and those ankles of yours were gonna twist in all but the right angles. You got it. You don't know how but you've got the organisation files but you managed to got caught so you're kinda running for your life and may I say running in heels and a red long silk dress wasn't really in your plans. Thinking you could lose them, you run down an alleyway.
It was a wrong turn, a dead end. There was no exit and no way out. 'Shit!' you thought, panting. You hear three pairs of thick footsteps of the men who have chased you and a disgusting laughter as you turn back around facing the men.
You had to fight or you'd die. The largest of the three came up to you shoving you backwards against the stone wall. "You all are the same, think you can take what they want without consequences," that russian accent was so scrappy that you'd prefer nails on a chalkboard.
"Now little girl, give us the files or are you prepared for death," he grabbed you by the neck, you spitting in his face made him take a stepped back in disgust and a flinch. The two of the men couldn't have done anything until you say.
"I think I should be asking… Are you prepared?" Smirking you start your fight as one henchman ran towards you hoping to punch you straight in the face. Giving him a roundhouse in the nose and punching him in the lower stomach, grabbing his head and kneeling him straight unconscious, you failed to see the other man coming behind with a thick metal chain, causing you to check while cutting off your oxygen access.
You started pulling and shaking which only cause him to squeeze tighter. Your vision started to go. You knew this was the end when you could only cough and not breathe. You were about to pass out but suddenly you were dropped and quickly loosened the grip for yourself gasping to catch a breath.
A gun shot.
Let's be more specific a gunshot sent from the handsome Texan blonde who flirted with you this evening. Wait where did he go? You felt a hand on your shoulder, and with the remaining stamina you had, your fight or flight response kicked in.
You grabbed a hold of his arm flipping him onto his lap, straddling his chest. You pull you knife out pressing it against his neck. " Who the fuck are you and why did you follow me?" You inquired aggressively, not knowing if he was with or against you. "I'm an agent, ma'am. I work with the San Diego Mission Force." He pulls out his badge to backup his story.
Quite shocked you don't waste time getting off him and holding your arm out to help him up which he takes,"I apologize for my aggressiveness," you looked at him, he returned a smile.
'Fake it, till you make it, that's all you had to do.'
"You were doing what anyone should have done. You've got me quite wowed that you managed to do that after getting nearly killed." Smirking, you look down, 'this man was still flirting!'
Your que to run. You swiftly kick his from underneath his feet causing him to fall to the ground with an 'oof' leaving his lips. Grabbing your gun, which is concealed in your purse, you point it straight in between that perfect pair of green eyes, "I'm warning you, try to follow me again and I won't hesitate to kill you."
He tries to get up but you stomp your heel onto his clothed chest causing him to cough after getting wind knocked out of his chest, "Do you know who you're messing with. And I legit' just saved your life," he groans as the gun never leaves your aim.
"The real question is do you know who you've messed with." And at that you're gone. Disappeared into thin air without a trace and you left him there on the ground as the rest of the daggers come running but there's no trace of you…
Thanks to @shanimallina87 and @callsign-magnolia for ideas and support
Tagging who may be interested:
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