#and that alone is huge. it's not being shielded and it's not being pressured.
sheswoven · 2 years
i have major bones to pick with every 'parental' figure in diana's life . the smallest bone , though , goes to ysabeau .
#╰   ✵  ❝     i don’t have a lot of experience with vampires    ┈     ⟨   ooc .   ⟩#i just. i love her so much.#and so much of diana's life and relationship with like “adults” are people making choices for her or pushing her in a particular direction.#sarah refused to accept diana's choices and meaningfully acknowledge her trauma related to magic.#philippe is just...philippe.#the concept of keeping diana in the dark about such a horrific secret like spellbinding is so complicated it knocks stephen and rebecca#off of their predestal.#but ! ysabeau was unapologetically herself right from the get go.#and her hesitance ?? was not just like ? prejudice.#i truly believe that it was also ysabeau knowing her son as well as she does and knowing that if diana wasn't strong enough#he was going to take her down with him.#and the moments after diana is rescued#and ysabeau steps into this moment of care that prioritizes diana's sanity AND her health#ysabeau putting aside her own prejudice to try and present an easy solution to a complicated problem:#ultimately if diana wanted to become a vampire. ysabeau would have advocated for that choice in ways that matthew could not understand#because ysabeau understands about love and loss and choice in ways that the other “grownups” don't#and so yes? diana has to fight for ysabeau's love and respect#but when she earns it -- it comes with way less strings.#than anyone before. ysabeau is the ONLY person willing to truly prepare diana for what she is about to undertake.#and that alone is huge. it's not being shielded and it's not being pressured.#it's just being given the critical information to make a choice.#and i love her. and i love that no one will read this.
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varpusvaras · 11 months
There was something outside.
Fox could feel it, even through the walls of the building and his sleeping pod, his thin blanket doing nothing to keep the knowledge of it away. The knowledge that it was there, in the dark, roaming around the city, looking for something.
Fox had tried to pretend that he couldn't feel it, like some nights there wasn't a whisper pressing against his skin, like the longer the night went, the harder it became to ignore. He had tried, to no avail. Every time he could feel it coming, like there was something casting a shadow over them all, long before it would arrive.
The Long-necks didn't seem to know that it was there. There were no security measures against it, as far as Fox knew, and it had never came up in any of their training modules. But it was there, Fox knew it.
It was there again, right now. Fox listened to the drumming of the rain against the windows, baiting his breath, for any kind of noise coming from it, but there was only silence waiting in the middle of the pouring storm.
But it was there. Fox could feel it. It was roaming around the city, silently and endlessly, and it was looking for something.
Fox slid out of his pod, and quietly made his way through their room, and climbed up to the window.
There were almost no lights on at this hour of the night, only the loneliest signal light in the far end of the bridge, casting a harsh, red gleam at the hard ground. Fox could feel it there, somewhere outside of the reach of the light, coming closer. Slowly, but surely, it was coming.
Fox waited. He pressed the tips of his fingers against the window, and he waited, the pressure of it becoming ever more present against his skin, and there was a long moment there where Fox thought he forgot how to breathe.
Something moved in the room behind his back, and Fox glanced over his shoulder, just for a second, and when he turned back, it was there.
It stood just at the edge of the light, making a hard, black line over the red on the ground. It didn't look human. It looked almost nothing like all. It was a large, hunched dark mass of a being, like a cloack of skin had been draped over a mound of something, hiding whatever was under it.
The only things Fox could make out of it were its huge, long fingered arms, resting againts its sides, and the pair of small, white eyes at the middle of what he thought must've been its head.
Fox couldn't tell where it was looking, but he got the feeling that it was looking almost right at him. Just a moment, and it would see him there, looking at it.
He was cold. Very, very cold.
There was a hand on his shoulder, so warm that it almost scorched him, and Fox barely managed to swallow down the yell that was threatening to burst out of his throat. It pulled him away from the window, down towards the floor, and another hand joined it, grabbing Fox tightly at his wrist.
"What are you doing?" Cody hissed at him, forcefully tugging Fox against himself, locking him pressed at his side. "Don't look at it!"
Fox felt suddenly very, very afraid.
"I'm sorry", he whispered, strangled, as hot tears started to burn the corners of his eyes.
Cody only pulled him closer, pressing his head on top of Fox's and circling his arms behind Fox's back, like he was trying to shield Fox from it and everything else around them.
"Ponds alreadly looked at it", Cody whispered back at him, like Fox didn't already know that. Like Fox didn't know how it never left Ponds alone anymore, how it was always there, at the edge of his brother's dreams. Like Fox didn't know how Ponds was always cold, now. "I can't have you look at it as well."
"I'm sorry", Fox said again, and pressed himself tightly against Cody as he felt it there, felt it standing there, silently, looking. Looking for something.
For a brief, terrifying moment, Fox thought that it was looking for him.
--- ---
(Another version on AO3)
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lildogie · 2 years
Another Reason to Watch Romantic Killer
(A romcom anime, not a true crime show, in case the title puts you off.) This is a bit spoilery even above the cut, so skip everything after this paragraph if you want to go in blank-slate--
--but reasons that Romantic Killer is a series to watch include the suplex subversion of a trope that always puts me in agonies (this is not a lit crit point, but an emotional one). It's the part in many shows where someone's being hurt/manipulated/stalked/abused, and those closest to them take the shallowest and worst interpretation possible of the part of the picture they can see. They believe lies from the abuser, or they interpret the signs of abuse in the victim as hurtful behavior or signs the victim doesn't want them around. This is part of irl abuse tactics to isolate a victim from their support system. This period of isolation, misunderstanding, and lack of faith from everyone the character knows will often lead to the dark night of the soul part of the 3-act structure. Then misunderstandings get cleared up around the climax, and reconciliation, and/or fallout, happens in the denouement. But Anzu doesn't play that shit. When the dialog option pops up onscreen-- A: "Did he really do that?" B: "Are you kidding me? He would never do that." C: "..." --she smashes B without hesitation, and she backs it up with action. I dropped into the series because otaku are my people, and I like to see the nerd girl triumph without having to conform. I wasn't expecting to find such a capital-H Hero in Anzu. (More specific spoilers & cw under the cut.)
CW: mentions of bullying, abuse, stalking, attempted sexual assault When Saki's shitbird boyfriend tries to assault her, then spreads lies about her to cover up why they broke up, Saki expects to find herself alone and ostracized. No. Anzu argues with everyone. She makes their classmates rethink their baseless assumptions. She confronts the shitbird and lets everyone know what a scumbag he is. (At this point in the show, I decided Saki needed to be in the polycule. It can be one big pile. Don't separate her from Anzu.) (They can rope in Tsukasa's cute friend Makoto, who also has the huge crush on Junta; it'll be great. <-Tangentially, Makoto, a minor character, is another person who notices someone in silent distress (possibly because he has sisters), and his instinctive response is to protect. He's worthy; he can join the house.) When Anzu's classmates (who aren't too bad, but because of Tsukasa's past they're plenty anxiety-inducing enough for him) try to pressure her into giving them access to Tsukasa, Anzu shuts it down. Once she knows they make Tsukasa uncomfortable, she doesn't hesitate. She won't expose a friend to attention that makes him so anxious he shuts down and flees. She doesn't need to know why, she doesn't blame him for being weak or accuse him of overreacting; she just respects and protects that vulnerability. When Tsukasa's stalker shows up, as soon as Anzu realizes what's happening, she shields him, bodily and emotionally. She believes him by default. The standard trope would have her believe the stalker at least for a while, maybe get angry at Tsukasa for hiding something from her. Doesn't happen for a fucking second. Anzu is there for her friends, without question, every time. And she pays attention: even when they're not outright saying what's wrong, she's watching out for them. She's the friend everyone needs, and one of the worthiest romance protagonists I've seen.
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Titan's wish
Far long ago a war raged out between Olympus and the Titans, and they forged the mortal lands of humanity and the thunder flashed in the sky as the burst of darkness burned the wind, and it's caster a woman named Apsephion a titan.
The Olympians had oppressed their anger on the mortal world for far too long, and yet they still continue to fight against them for freedom of oppression, although the Titans called kindly and with peace not oppression but here we are.
All those who we're olympian had feared the Titans for their immense power, Apsephion was put through the mission to secretly destroy Olympus from the inside, and end the tyrants but Eilithyia the Goddess of pregnancy and birth had other plans, and had given her a child.
Keeping an eye over her titan friend, with great caution all she did was guide her with an ancient magic, long before Apsephion was born and she kept her safe but not for very long.
Apsephion walked through a deep ravine below the depths of Olympus, she carried her rotund belly flurrying with small kicks and slow sliding against her pelvis unbeknowst to the Titan.
A gap was obstructing her way over the deep drop to molten earth, so she stepped back and had a long breath as she cradles her belly and ran and leapt above the gap, she falls and grips the ledge slamming her body against the rock.
Through her immense strength being human sized for being called "Titan" she climed over the cliff and laid on her side her hands pressing down the bottom of her belly, and she knew then and there she should have taken the long route, and slowly rising a pain grew and she hissed at pressuring pain bent down and her eyes point below her towards her belly.
It faded slowly, and she caught her breath and calmed down slowly walking closer, and found a door to Demeter and entered hiding behind the plants and long cloth laid across the room, she traversed across to the sleeping mother and in thouught she casted a heavy curse on her labor.
And Apsephion faded into shadow as Demeter roared awake to a hard labor, and yet unable to scream pushing all she could to immense and fast pain and the Titan roamed to the Poseidon's room and found his wife Amphirite the Nereid alone and crying, she came close and held her softly "What's wrong?" and her head rose.
Her eyes we're pouring in tears as she said "M- My h- husband f- fo- rced m- me to.. bea- bear child a- against my pleading" she hugged her close calming her down "It's okay... shh It's okay. and if yo- want i'll kill him for you..." his wife had nodded and caressed her belly, her hand let out a blue glow blessing her child and her with the intention to help her destroy the tyrants.
Apsephion laid the sorrowful woman to bed as she walked away, and stopped to pain at the doorway gripping the marble pillar and slumped over her hand reached to her underside, and carressed the hard and taut belly in pain as she released a heavy breath of pain. Although it was short it left her worried but she shrugged it off.
Walking the way to the courtroom, she heard a voice it was Bia the guard of Zeus himself and he wasn't near and she wielded her spear forged from the heat of Tartarus and the Stars, she charged and slashed into Bia's arm, but she retaliated and hit her into a wall and Apsephion held her middle as a hot stream of fluid flowed down her hands and dampened her armoured dress plated, she holds out her shield angrily.
Bia ran into her shield and Apsephion slammed her with the shield, struck into her heart with intense force as she had the power to kill all those immortal and cast shadow magic or even blood magic, but she still survived Bia Goddess of Power, force or compulsion.
She killed Bia and leant back against a wall and grabs her belly screaming living hell, feeling a huge bulge rip and tear through her and she falls to a squat roaring in pain gripping her dress tightly but still kept a close grip to her red spear, as the sun fell below the ocean she limped her way over to a small room unused and empty.
And she kept the head at bay even trying to push it in but her child had the strength of Atlas, and moved it's way trough and burst it's head out into her palm although much larger, when the night fell before the land and trying to slow the labor and left the room quietly.
When she caught sight of Aphrodite all she had in mind was to kill, even through pain so she casted a shadow spell to appear as a dark figure and called the Love Goddess, then kneeling down Apsephion stabbed her through her belly and slashed her after but letting her child to fall forward and slowly moved it's shoulder out.
She dragged away after and called for Ares, and while waiting she cups and tries to stop the baby to progress further, but the pain had grew beyond her limit and she close legs but it still progressed further ahead and Ares walked in the dark hallway and got closer and slowly stripped being her true lover, and husband.
But she caught him off-guard and sweeped his legs and he fell unconsious, as she stabs his head and the blade piercing the floor beneath.
Turned around and walking the hallway sluggish and pained, her body unable to handle further had finally gave out and she leant over and felt her baby fall out and land into her arm, as she raises the baby to her chest. Humming a song to calm her child and advanced further.
Searching for a way to cut off her baby she eyes around for anything, and finds a rack of cloth and tied the cord slitting the child off and named her Abellona meaning destroyer, a fit for a child made to destroy Olympus. Swaddling the child in silk she looks around and sees no one.
Then Apollo and Artemis appear around the corner, she shields up her Apsis shield and rams into Apollo as Artemis shoots her arrows into the shadow but she blocks it, and swings her spear slicing through Artemis and Apollo also fires flaming arrows and she swipes them away.
The two join together and keep an eye on her, she throws her shield to hit Apollo and slices up into Artemis' body and kicks her over and slams onto her head, enraged Apollo shoots arrows and Apsephion swings her shadow magic and deflects all the arrows but Apollo dodges.
Laying down Abellon to the side she ran and clashed her spear into his bow, and uses the stick to bash into his leg and uses a shadow slash and swings the spear hind to bash into his head leaving the two dead, and bloody.
And a pain grows into her body as she grabs Abellon and slit into the wind opening the portal to her home, and ran through it and came home.
Her child slept and she laid him asleep, and she slowly caressed her belly breathing slowly and casting a spell, she grunts and made the birth faster and she felt the huge baby tear quickly into her canal, she grunted and kept silent.
She felt the head move quickly and was sweaty and slowly crushed into the wood, she pushed hard and felt the baby tear her out and fall.
Catching and calming the child was easy and she tied the cord and cut it, before she ripped out her placenta and threw it out the window to feed her wolves as she swaddles and names this baby Aella meaning chaos, and wishing the two to rage on the remaining olympians to free titan and human from the oppression of Olympus.
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morgana-ren · 10 months
I dont know why but thinking of Tav being an Isekai’d human in your au is the funniest shit to me. But what are your thoughts on it? Does things play out the same way for Tav if they become the object of affection for one of the 4 brothers? They’ll be backed with the knowledge of pretty much everything and know the work around for almost everything.
That's actually a really interesting line of thought.
Technically, in any and all of the AUs, if Tav existed, they never met Astarion. Astarion never got the tadpole, as he was rescued long before the events of Baldur's Gate 3. Nightmare would have been sucked into the whole thing because he is a Baneite and he would have been pressured to bring Bane's plans around to fruition, but he's clever enough to know it's a bad idea. Still, he would have his duties and couldn't do much about that.
On top of that, Tav is powerful in their own right, so it might give the brothers a bit of... trouble. Look, I'll level with you. A level one Tav is not going to be even remotely capable of fending off even just Nightmare alone. No fucking way. He is a powerful fucking cleric. Leave alone him with Astarion, Reaves, and Ilya. There's literally no way. A level 12 sorcerer Tav hurling fireballs at them? That might be a bit pesky. They still won't win, but it's going to piss them off (assuming Reaver doesn't just shoot them in the leg right then and there, but there's also the matter of how they met and what led up to this situation, etc.)
However, if you're referring to Tav as just a general main character (or otherwise known as the object of their affection) that's very interesting.
Or are you referring to someone with meta knowledge of them who knows their personalities before even meeting them, and what life is likely to be? Because that is fucking hilarious. As in you-- you you -- get sucked into their universe somehow knowing full well who they are and that they are out there, and you are bound to meet them eventually through fate?
Or you could think of some kind of thing where somehow, you end up Tav, and for whatever reason, either through Nightmare's bullshit or Astarion's, they get yoinked into the parasite group. You know damn well who they are and what they're capable of, and it becomes a.... dangerous game.
It totally depends on what you mean!
I will say that maneuvering the brothers with meta-knowledge is fucking hilarious. None of Nightmare's little games are going to work because you already fucking know who he is. He's trying to play off as innocent protector or whatever and you just aren't falling for it and he's just "Why are they so goddamn guarded? What gives?"
Eventually, unless you're very good at shielding your thoughts, he's going to catch on, because he's literally a mind reader. And once he tells the others, it's a real game.
You know everything about them. Their needs, their desires, their weaknesses, their pasts. And that is a huge leg up.
Oh, that's an excellent thought. I love that. A lot. I could go on for ages about that.
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the-firebird69 · 29 days
There's a huge deal going on right now they wanna see what that dust stars made of and what the outer layer is they think that they are saying somebody was thinking of transporting the planet and that's what it looks like and our son and daughter say it would have to have quite a layer on there and they know about it and they also know a shield might compensate for most of it and will and bill say that's correct even the heat would be deflected and it's true and those fears make quite the shield and we were trying to work on that too And that was Hera
== We have a few other things to go over they're pretty big and we will get to it. Area is a mess the rings have a lot of people going at each other it is full of death about 1.3 billion died out there today and they replaced it with 1 billion and they're fighting they're already down to about 600 million. This is abysmal for them and we are looking into it.
-- There's a lot of stuff going on we do have to make sure that we have things covered and one of the things is making sure our sun is safe this area is not secure. I put several notices out today we do need assistance here.
===-- The Eastern Hemisphere the Pseudo Empire is down 59% and that is across the board including bunkers areas of operation military style bases and regular areas where they're integrated. They're not doing well they're expressing it they are in trouble. their bases where they are refueling are being attacked but only 20% of those bases.
--- Trump is attacked in the Eastern Hemisphere he is out only about 4% of his staffs and caches are gone or all the stuff's missing but 15 of the medium have no security force and are being pilfered under the five might be blown tomorrow it is incredibly slow however BJA is using the time to build up force topside on all of the locations of bunkers with stashes and caches and nuclear bunkers in the Eastern Hemisphere those are all non-operative 20% of them are defunct and 10% are inaccessible the rest are a cordoned off.
-- The attack in the Western Hemisphere is going to begin shortly it is a huge wide scale attack and it comprises most of the Morlock including minority morlock and it is upon the pseudo empire. They are stri They are striking hard and going after them and they are also taking down areas where they're integrated in the general populace meaning that they have a building or two here and there they're going after them and that's the pseudo empire they're pursuing. They are attacking Stan they're attacking his areas in Washington and Oregon fiercely there's a lot of stuff up there and they're going after it and it was taken a lot of it from Trump but they took from everyone and it's a horrible thing they're getting attacked fiercely that stands bases in the West one days or two in the upper Midwest is too complex and actually fortresses with five complexes each and one fortress in Maine with 10 complexes and its massive and they're a formidable force but they're getting beaten. They attacking all of those tonight with two or three times as much force as the other pseudo empire we think it's because of its influence with threats on our son also we are witnessing John Remelard self destructing and DJA is there to catch it but today he was swearing and yelling and screaming at people to go get him talking about BJA so that's kind of better but he is also saying about our son and we had to cut him short it turned ridiculous and people are yelling at him to shut up and he says this guy is after me and won't leave it alone and we said we are going after you for your comments and he started saying where is he and stuff and he heard our son say I approve that and every word out of your mouth they can increase the pressure on you because it is what saves me so he started blabbing and we started to man up on him and he started to fall that's why he's falling apart. There's a couple more things and we'll take a break
- We were having an argument earlier and everyone thinks we're a mess and he straightened it out he's a lovely young person and she is a lovely young girl and they're gonna make a great couple we care for them very much but they did today was wonderful. And you know he's kind of chastising us the rest is for us to know.
-- There's other things happening this world is a mess people are very hateful going after each other quite a bit we do want to tell you we have had enough of their garbage. These are things that are happening the world is at war over fossil fuels technology territory weaponry ships and precious gyms and metals and you name it things that are built and things that would be places to build them and they're having trouble sorting it out they said today if those ships are the counterplane we need to find out if they're there because that's the counterplane to Sat because that's the counterplane to Saturn then they said we also have to figure out who is in control up there if anyone and what the plan is if the clans are in control and they said that some ways to figure it out and they heard you go to Mars and you get some witnesses even though you saw it happen and they said we're not positive we have they have confirmation you're up there in the battles you know what happened and you talked to them after and stop talking about it if you're going to be stupid **** **** and they said what if Trump has it I said someone questioned him a million times this month if you don't know by now shoot yourselves and stop calling me and they said this it's actually true we're going around in circles on purpose because we're stupid this is how you're attracting attention step detracting like in trying to threaten everyone like nothing's working because you're detracting no so he says we're attracting attention and we're negating everything of trying this is competition good **** luck and goodbye and it's because they're trying to destroy everyone and they just don't have a chance and they're disgusting repulsive losers and they're going to lose everything they have soon enough. And the Mac Proper handed it to you but over the period of thousands of years and you can't break out of it so you're in trouble and doomed and yeah that's what it is you don't consider it to be and you're running around telling people what you're doing and you're stopping yourselves and blaming everyone else and as part of your psychological attempt to make it happen and we're going after you yeah a lot of people are And there are a couple more things but we will announce them later. We are getting more customers for beer and wine and liquor a lot more those beer companies that we announced all of them have people who want to be representatives in some form or another. My son wants to work in the contract our son see the Mac Proper have some reason of getting him money for doing work they say they don't want but they need things too in the contract for Duff he wants to have a clause and he is granted at least one appearance says Duffman and that would be an initial attempt and he would get a free meal and 500 bucks cash or check and BJA is writing it down and the reasoning is he will be big in shape and can imitate the guy and likes wearing costumes BJA of course he has an interest in crusties he says and that's good and Universal Studios and he thinks he might be able to get our son beat up and it would be Brad and a son says so what but then Brad would only be like 300 pounds or something and everyone's laughing and our son says he'd be fat because I'm gonna try and get him to eat the wrong thing and he says this is the thing I can get in shape and like two weeks it says yeah that's not how it is when we're talking about duff beer but I'm gonna misrepresent the company if I do it and make it seem like you get in shape that's the whole thing and you'll come by and you won't be in costume and you won't be seen with Duff and you'll make it better for me and I'll probably get a bonus. So we can do that and we're getting the contract and he's curious about things but we're going to print
and he's curious about things but we're going to print
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
EYES DRIFTED TO THE SHIELD, watching the way Bucky handled it. No matter what anyone said, Steve thought his partner deserved a chance at using it. At being Captain America if Steve ever quiet.
Arms rested on his elbows as Rogers leaned forward. His gaze dropped to the ground. Bucky's question was one he had asked himself a million times.
"The only reason I'm this," he gestured to himself, "is because of Project Rebirth. I feel like I have a sense of duty to carry that shield because the serum made me who I am." Even though Steve put a lot of himself, pre-serum, into the image of Captain America. The Star Spangled Man represented Rogers' faith in his country and his belief in the American Dream. But he's hardly stopped since being rescued by The Avengers.
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He looked up at Bucky again, imagining the other soldier in red, white, and blue. Maybe a darker pallet than the one Steve owned. He liked what he saw.
"I tried dabbling in photography and painting," he mused. "I have a huge stack of news papers dating back to the year we died." A wry grin touched his lips. "People probably think I'm a hoarder," he laughed. "I thought about finally traveling the world and not have the pressure of saving it looming over my head." But Steve didn't want to do that alone. @samhlaiocht continued from here.
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generalhomeblog · 2 years
How to Choose the Best Laminate Kitchen Cabinets?
If you're feeling overawed by the variety of materials available for trending kitchen cabinet colours, you're not alone. Many of our clients opt for premium laminate finishes, which look great in a contemporary setting. Here are some things to think about if you've decided on a laminate-finished kitchen before making your final choice.
The preferred option is high-pressure laminates
Extreme pressure and heat are used to adhere Jennings high-pressure laminates to the substrate. They outlast low-pressure laminates by a wide margin. This is especially important in the kitchen because all surfaces need to be able to withstand moisture and heat. These laminates have a thickness that varies from 0.7 to 1.22 mm. Extended exposure to moisture and water is not advised, even when using a high-pressure laminate.
Flame-resistant and antibacterial laminates
For durability and hygiene, make sure the products you buy have anti-bacterial and flame-resistant properties. Flame-resistant surfaces are less prone to catch fire. Furthermore, they are more heat- and smoke-resistant. A key advantage of antibacterial surfaces in any room of the house is that they prevent the formation of germs and bacteria.
Edge banding for laminates
Regardless of the laminate you selected for your modular kitchen, your cabinets will nearly always have an edge banded finish. The exposed sides of your shutters are finished with edge bands, which are small laminate strips that give them a neat appearance and boost their dimensional stability. The edge band seals the surface of the shutters, shielding the inside parts from moisture. The thickness and color of the shutter are taken into consideration when choosing the width and color of the edge band laminate strip.
Which Laminate Finish for Kitchen Cabinets Should You Use?
On the market, there are numerous varieties of laminate finishes for kitchens. To help you choose, here is the lowdown on each of them.
High-gloss laminate for the kitchen
High gloss laminate, as its name suggests, has a glossy surface that is almost mirror-like in its reflection. If you choose lighter hues, the light will reflect off your cabinets and make your kitchen appear larger and more open. This finish isn't for you if you don't have the time to continually maintain; it requires frequent wiping with a spray because even fingerprints are easy to see on it. These surfaces are prone to scratches, therefore being gentle with them is crucial.
Matte Finish Laminates with a matte finish are easier to clean and less reflective than high-gloss surfaces. They are durable, convenient, and do not readily show scuffs or dirt. Matte laminate is frequently used for cabinet and drawer interiors. You might select a laminate that is at least 1 mm thick for the exterior.
Kitchen with Textured Finish There are laminates that have textures that closely resemble the appearance and grains of real wood surfaces, giving your kitchen the appearance of being entirely made of wood. There are leather finishes, dotted and ribbed textures, and more.
Rough surfaces should be washed down with soapy water at least once a month to prevent dirt buildup because they may gather oil and dust. These laminates are quite strong and don't easily show scuffs or dirt (all the more reason to schedule a regular cleaning.)
Only one color
We've all noticed and admired the striking hues that appear in some kitchens; frequent hues include brilliant yellow, green, blue, and red. Use complementary colors to brighten up your home if you like this style. There is a huge variety of colors available, so try out some uncommon shades that go with your personality. For laminates with solid colors, glossy and matte finishes are both available.
Completed Metal
Laminates can also have metal finishes including stainless steel, brushed steel, silver, gold, and copper tones. These are substantially more expensive than other laminate substitutes, but they give your kitchen a richness that justifies the added cost. Copper and warm wood finishes, as well as steel and white, make lovely combinations. Explore the many colors until you find one you like.
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mysadcorner · 2 years
Vincent Phantomhive x Shy!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted for requests - 400 followers!
Masterlist Navigation
• Vincent always tries his best to be a gentleman, especially around you as he wants you to know that he’ll always be respectful towards you and your wishes. Just because you’re less outspoken that some of the other people he’s met doesn’t mean he should be any less polite.
• Vincent always knows how to enjoy silence for long periods of time even when others may find it boring. He appreciates peacefulness and quiet, so if you don’t feel like talking then there is no pressure to and he’s more than happy to just sit by you.
• He can come across as very blunt and to the point, which may seem intimidating to many people - sometimes he’s glad of this while doing business but around you he doesn’t want this to be the case. Therefore, Vincent would try his best to ease up around you and act more casual if he knows that he’s acting tense or reserved around you.
• Vincent is very proud of the life he has, connections he’s been able to maintain, and the successes he’s had throughout his life; so, if you aren’t comfortable enough around him to open up about yourself yet then he’ll tell you about himself to make you feel as if you’re already much closer. He;s not one to brag, he just wants you to know that the desire to get closer to one another is shared and not just one sided.
• Gift giving is one of the many ways that Vincent usually shows his affection for you. Whenever he sees something that he thinks you might like he immediately gets it for you and gifts it to you as a well wrapped little present. If you aren’t too open about receiving gifts from him or if they make you feel shy rather than open up to him more then he’ll reduce how much he does it with a huge amount of self restraint - but it’s too much of his personality so it would never completely stop.
• If the two of you are attending a ball (it doesn’t matter if you’re there as a couple or separately) Vincent will always be keeping an eye on you. The thought of you getting upset or overwhelmed, or even too many people approaching you when you want to be left alone, infuriates him to which he’ll try his best to prevent from ever happening.
• Vincent manages to find activities for you both to do together where you won’t have to worry about too many people being around or feeling embarrassed for whatever reason there could be; so, usually the two fo you take strolls around the beautiful gardens of his grounds or sit peacefully with a small activity. If he knew you wanted to get out more despite your shyness, then he’d find somewhere meaningful and breathtakingly gorgeous to take you so that you aren’t always feeling cooped up.
• Throughout the social class Vincent is a part of there is always a constant batch of gossip or drama being generated and passed around (usually by the bored and jealous members who have no other way of finding some entertainment for themselves). Because of this, he’s always trying to shield you from the vindictive ways of others as he knows that you may not be able to speak out as much as other people can - and he’s more than happy to be there to defend you from anything that could be thrown his way,
• No matter what stage in your relationship together that you’re in, he’d never be one to rush you into going further with him or wanting to be more public about being together. If anything this makes him feel much better about being with you; there are so many women who fawn over him and only want him to improve their social standing or for material and unloving reasons, so you being genuine always comes as a reassurance that he’s found the right one.
• Vincent loves to tease you because of how shy you are; but of course, he’d never do this in front of others - this is strictly a private thing. He adores how his teasing makes you blush and even more shy than you are normally and he’ll never get bored of the entertainment he gets from it. He’d also enjoy it even more if you joined in and teased him back no matter how shy you were feeling at the time.
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the-scandalorian · 2 years
Ooo the opposite of short reader? Reader who is taller than Din, even with his armor?
They don't shy away from him and have a strong head on their shoulders.
hi anon! a drabble for you xx
gender neutral tall reader no warnings
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Din sets Grogu down in the narrow space between his boots for a second—okay, maybe three—to dig out the exact number of credits he needs. He drops them into the woman's waiting hands, thanks her with a nod, and stuffs the purchased rations into the bag slung over his shoulder.
Then he bends down to grab the kid.
"What the—?"
Din spins around, frantically searching the dusty ground. He drops to his hands and knees to check under the kiosk, but there's no sign of that little beige jacket. Grogu couldn't have gotten far. His legs are so short.
"Buddy, where'd you go?"
He gets back to his feet to scan the larger area: the market street isn't busy, but there are enough people milling around that a womprat-sized creature could get lost amidst the shuffle of feet if he happened to wander away.
Din sighs heavily. If he loses the kid this way—after all the ridiculously dangerous shit they've survived together—he is going to be pissed. At himself.
What if someone picked him up?
He flicks the switch on his helmet to scour the ground. It's difficult to pick out individual footprints in the fine, well-tread sand underfoot, but he spots one clear three-toed footprint and follows fragments of them on a drunken, meandering path. Around the next stall of textiles, down a side street, and—
The pressure constricting his heart disappears when he sees those two huge ears.
Thank fuck.
Then he sees you and bristles.
You're crouched low in front of the kid, offering him a smile and an outstretched hand, speaking in a soft voice. Grogu is tripping over his outfit and reaching out for you with eager uppy arms. He isn't proud of it, but a little pang of jealousy ricochets through Din's chest.
You take Grogu's tiny hands in yours, still knelt at his level. "Who did you wander away from, hmm?"
Din stops several feet in front of you.
You snap your head up to meet Din's gaze—you're stunning, he thinks vaguely—and automatically draw Grogu into the circle of your arms. As you get to your feet, Din notes the blaster at your hip and the row of throwing knives gleaming in your belt. And when you straighten fully, he realizes you're...oh.
Tall. Really tall. Taller than he is.
You trail your gaze up and down Din's body, assessing him—why is that making the back of his neck so hot—and raise a skeptical eyebrow, angling yourself subtly to shield Grogu.
"He's with you?"
Din puts up a placating hand and starts to explain. "Yes—I'm his—"
But you ignore him and look down at Grogu, jerking your head back toward Din. "Is this shiny guy really your dad?"
Grogu lets out what seems to be an affirmative ba! and reaches around you, little fingers grasping toward Din.
"Okay then," you chuckle, satisfied enough to drop your defensive posture.
When you approach him, Din has to tilt his helmet up to meet your eyes. He swallows thickly and realizes just how rare it is for someone other than a bounty to stand this close to him. He's used to being skirted, given a wide berth based on his appearance alone. With you, there are no sideways glances or furtive steps.
Just an unwavering gaze. Squared shoulders.
You're gorgeous—not to mention unflinchingly brave and instinctively protective of the kid—and suddenly, he's forgotten why he's even standing in front of you.
"Hi," he offers blankly.
''Hi?" You smile down at him and hold Grogu out.
Din accepts the wiggly kid gratefully, tucking him safely in the crook of his elbow, and clears his throat. "Thank you. He, uh, wandered away from me."
He tries to think of something else to say—something less obvious and expostional—to keep you from leaving right away. Luckily, you help him out.
Your eyes flick from his visor down to Grogu, who's babbling cheerfully at you, and back up again. "Seems like you might need a hand looking after this little guy. You know, I just finished a job, and I could—?"
Din doesn't even let you make the full offer before he's nodding. "Yes."
You grin, and Din is already wondering what other things make you light up like that.
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snifflesthemouse · 3 years
Harry’s the Problem. His wife is the symptom. He is the real Diana 2.0 Wannabe...
         Since the Oprah interview aired, my whole perspective regarding the spare and his spouse has shifted. It would seem that I’m not alone in my thought process as more and more media outlets start reporting similar stances. Just recently, there was an article suggesting Harry didn’t change; but rather, he is only finally revealing his true self. The more I think about it all, the more I’ve come to the realization #6 is the real culprit behind everything.
         I’m not saying that his wife doesn’t have her own agenda or shares responsibility for her part in all this. Her hands are far from clean. What I am saying is it’s finally time for all of us to consider the cold, hard truth. Harry is his mother’s child. Harry is the bad egg, and his wife is only a side effect of the real problem here.
         Had it not been for the Oprah interview, I would have never put it all together. The problem with oversharing is too much information gets put out in the public. Most assume PR firms would worry about oversaturation in the press, but the real problem comes from personal interviews they cannot control in real-time. Puff pieces can be edited before publishing so facts and statements align; live interviews cannot. Over time, one of two patterns form from this oversaturation. Consistencies, repetitions, and similarities can be found in oversaturated truth-telling. Inconsistencies, changes, and huge differences result from those like Harry who prefer their trousers scorching hot from bursting into flames from deception. When you consistently lie, the only constant is the inconsistencies. 
         Now, those of us who have been following these two already know by now inconsistencies and changing stories should be expected. But the Oprah interview really highlighted some interesting things I had previously missed. The interview with Dax Shephard only solidifies my theories. Up until lately, those two have been together through most everything. Very seldom have we seen Harry alone in an interview or speech. There’s never a time where the missus isn’t popping up. James Corden proved that. Then we have the Oprah interview where she was supposed to be the star of the show. But, that was the moment it all changed. That interview was the moment she became the understudy. 
          Think about it. Who is the one being used in the media lately? Most people would suggest that the impending delivery of child number dos is why the missus is absent. One would then argue the Apple + special with Oprah started production well before the second child was a topic for discussion. The missus is being used less and less on camera or in the media. Everything is all about Harry. Forget about when Harry met Sally; Harry Met Hollywood! 
         Harry is the one doing the interviews, dropping projects, and talking with big Hollywood names. Even their announced Netflix projects are focused on one of Harry’s pre-married concepts. All the wife has going for her is a book that’s only number one in the “Books written by ex-Royals who couldn’t hack it” category. Seriously though, as of this posting the Bench is #2130 on the Amazon Books list, #12 in Children’s Black and African American Story Books, #73 in Children’s Emotions Books, and #167 in Children’s Family Life Books. Being pregnant isn’t a disqualifier for being interviewed. But, apparently being just the wife is.
         So, if it was his wife’s plan from the beginning to marry Harry, get him to abandon his family, move to California, and become a big star with a Prince for a husband, her plans have been ruined. And if you think about what she said in the interview with Oprah, you can actually see the moments she told us all exactly that. She clearly tells Oprah Harry was her direct link and source to the Royal Family and everything she needed to know. She didn’t misspeak or misunderstand a thing; she was telling us that Harry’s next to be markled. In every weird answer or revelation where she gave her versions for why their child(ren) were without title, saying they wed three days before the chapel, or having to cry out to HR since Harry failed to help her while she was so depressed she wanted to kill herself and her unborn child... all of it. It was all just the beginning. It may seem like she is attacking her husband’s family, but Harry’s the real target now.
          In just a couple sentences, she managed to reveal who Harry really was. Harry, of all people, should (and does) know how to navigate the press. Clearly, he failed to not only help her acclimate to Royal life, but it could also even be argued he set her up for failure for the get go. Let me give you an example. When my husband introduced me to his family for the first time, he told me little tidbits of information he found important for me to know. He essentially prepped me for the meeting so things went well. He wanted his family to like me because he loved me. I wanted them to like me because I loved him, too. So, I took to heart everything he told me. Yet, Harry’s wife shared with the world how little Harry cared about that. She credits Fergie with teaching her to curtsey, google for teaching her the National Anthem, and even said Her Majesty made her feel especially welcomed. So how did Harry not do more? If they started seeing one another in the early Summer of 2016, how is it Harry failed to teach or explain anything to her prior to meeting his grandmother, the Queen, when he had months and months of time to do so? How is it he failed his wife so miserably, she didn’t even understand basic UK custom, laws, or protocols? Why might you ask?
         Simply put, Harry is so much like his mother, all he knows is how to play the victim narrative while using the link to the Royal family as a nonstop ATM machine. Many people aren’t honest with themselves when it comes to Diana. She wasn’t the Mother Theresa everyone makes her out to be. Mother Theresa wasn’t a Mother Theresa either, though. Did Diana do some great things? Absolutely. Did she do them only because they were nice or great? Absolutely… not. Diana’s PR team would even have her switch up her charity causes whenever they felt it was getting to martyrdom level. They’d refer to her PR stunts as flavors. Does that sound like an innocent woman?
         Not to me. This whole time we all have seen his wife as the root of all issues, but she’s the side effect. It’s becoming more clear by the day that Harry searched out her. He wanted someone with the basic Hollywood connections that he could capitalize. Someone that seemed so controlling and ambitious it would be easy to believe they were controlling him, too. Of course he knew she would invite all the celebs she did. He probably inspired that guest list. Instead of guiding her in the press and in British society, he leads her to slaughter. He hides behind her repeated gaffes and wokeness to keep on his own mission.
         You see, Harry is obsessed with his brother eventually becoming king, being the “Second Son of Diana” and being the misfit. He is obsessed with his brother and father. They are all he talks about. When you obsess on something like that, it is more revealing than anything you say. Harry’s true motives aren’t protecting his wife and children. His real motive is making a name for himself like his mother did. If he can manage to get some revenge by making the Firm feel some backlash, hey that’s a bonus. 
         While his wife may think in her mind she will be the next Diana 2.0, the truth is we all missed who really will be. Harry is the one wanting to be Diana 2.0. If that’s the case, then that means the much older spouse for whom there are two children with, aka the wife, would be his Charles. Remember, Diana lost her HRH and titles. And we have Harry being very aggressive and pushy, to the point it seems he is trying to get ahead of a Palace announcement of them losing their titles. But it makes sense now.
         They aren’t trying to lose anything, but instead Harry keeps opening his mouth to create pressure in the media. He knows his wife does not want to give those titles back. But if he himself keeps saying outrageous things, then it would put everyone in ultimatum mode. Either Harry will push hard enough that Parliament and the Queen will have enough, or the press will get so critical of the two, Harry will push his wife to agree to returning the titles.
         Harry is following the Diana business model. While in the Royal Family, they both were seen as rock stars who had more star power the the Sovereign, which was an issue. Then, they couldn’t take all the abuse, coldness, and inhumanity, so they bolted for freedom. Instead of putting the past behind them, they use the past to monetize grief and trauma in such a way, they become their own brand. Right now, the trauma being monetized comes from the past, but the problem will soon come when that trauma is tapped out. He will need a source of new pain or victimhood. Enters the wife stage left.
          The wife is a tool. She of course has her own plans and thinks she is the one in control or the genius. She thinks she is the one everyone wants to work with. But it’s becoming clear to her that isn’t the case and she’s been played by her elite buddies. They all want him, not her. They all duped her for him. If I can see it, and I can see her already finger pointing that Harry is the failure here, then she can see it. And that means paradise will soon be lost in those Montecito hills. His wife won’t go down without a serious fight here. I wouldn’t even be surprised if she eventually causes him to lose his special visa. 
         Overall, Harry hides behind his wife like a beard or shield protecting him from the press’s glaring lens. He lets her do and say whatever she thinks is great so he can keep plotting his own plans. He allows her to take the fall, look stupid, pull stunts people can see through, etc. for a reason. He isn’t completely sure he can make it in his new California life. He knows he can’t if he keeps her for too long, but he also knows he needs an exit strategy in case it blows up. So, he pins the press to attack her as the true culprit. If they split and he has to, he can return home and play the victim of her. If they split and he is doing okay in Hollywood, she can be the reason he plays victim to big named people like Oprah and Gayle. 
         I can see it now. An Oprah Special with Harry tonight on Apple +. Something cheesy or corny that is almost plagiarism. Like Narcissus and the Prince or something. Watch. Mark my words. Oprah talking to Harry about surviving the marriage while trying to rescue two small kids, being in the spotlight as a Royal while being gaslit by a narcissistic wife… yes I can see the green screen set up now.
         I know this is difficult to digest, but I do ask you to try. While his wife is not innocent, she clearly is guilty for her own part indeed, his wife isn’t the true problem. The true problem here is a man who has a serious issue with living in the shadow of his future-King father and future-King brother, and his future-King nephew, that he has chosen to use the same exact attack model his own mother used to merch and marginally disrupt the institution that made her a star. Harry and his mother both wanted the entire spotlight, but both knew they could never have it the way they wanted it. So, they wrote their own victimhood narrative.
         And here we are now. Mark my words. Harry will keep pushing until those remaining titles are removed by them forcing the hands of Parliament and the Queen. Or, they’ll push and push in the press so much the outrage and hypocrisy will leave them no other option but to renounce and re-gift those titles and rights to the line of succession. That is what he wants, even if his missus doesn’t. Also make no mistake about it. Harry is the real Diana 2.0 wannabe, not his wife. Keep an eye out. I have this gnawing feeling that soon enough, there will be plenty leaks from the wife about the husband. She won’t go quietly into the Beverly Hills… but neither will he.
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Mafia!Ateez reaction to s/o being abused by her family
Warnings: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK domestic abuse, bruises, scars, toxic family behaviour, manipulation, torture, mentions of blood, smoking, murder, death
I'm so sorry if this made you uncomfortable, my dms are always open if you want to talk about anything
Requested by @racheloveyunho
It only gets darker and longer with the next member
He came home early so you weren't prepared and were wearing a tanktop with shorts
He saw the bruises on your back and thighs
When he asked you about it later that day, you sobbed and told him that your brothers beat you because you insisted on moving in with Hongjoong
Would pretend that it didn't affect him but on the inside he's furious
He himself doesn't like to physically discipline anyone unless it is necessary or they get on his nerves and bring him to that point
How dare they lay a finger on you
He wouldn't change his behaviour with you, he'd be his usual caring self, all the while planning to knock some sense into your brothers
He laid a trap for your brothers to fall right into and met with them personally
He's a reasonable man so he started with talking to them but when they didn't listen and called him slurs he threatened to murder them
They knew Hongjoong was a part of a mafia and didn't want to anger him any further
They promised him that they would treat you better
You told him you tripped and fell while you were packing your things to move in with him and that's how you got the bruise on your head and a busted lip
He bought it honestly because he's soft for you and couldn't see you like that so his focus was to get you the medical treatment you needed
You were happy with him and spent almost all of your time with him but he didn't want to hold you back form meeting your friends and family
You were ecstatic to meet your friends but not your family
They hurt you after all
So when he had someone drop you off to your family house, you were nervous but still went inside to meet them
What you got was taunts and verbal abuse
When you tried convincing them that Seonghwa was indeed very kind and loving towards you, they hit you so hard, you lost your balance and your back hit the glass corner of the table which you tried holding onto and ended up scratching your upper arm, drawing blood
You were shocked and hurt and ran out of the house
You hailed a taxi and went to your friend's house and told Seonghwa to pick you up from there
When he came home that night, you were already asleep
In the morning he woke up and found you in the kitchen at the brink of tears and you cheek was a little swollen and purplish
He asked you what happened but you said you liked hanging out with your friends yesterday and these were tears of joy and that your swollen cheek was because you ran into a glass wall
He believed you like always and wrapped his arms around you to pull you into an embrace and accidentally put pressure on the bruise on your back from yesterday
You yelped and arched your back
This time he didn't ask you but lifted your shirt to see for himself, despite your protests and was shocked to say the least
He made you feel comfortable enough to tell him that it was your family's doing
He reassured you that everything will be okay and that you could stay with him forever
That night he paid your family a visit after you went to sleep
They never contacted you again
Your family was very religious and never really messed with you because Yunho made it very clear how protective he was towards you
Any bitter comment from your family would earn them a death glare from Yunho
He'd stare them down until they got super uncomfortable
Nobody knew what he was capable of, other than the fact that he was involved with a mafia
Your family wanted you to stay away from him but you loved him and he had promised to protect you and shield you from the mafia life
Yunho's girlfriend had no face, no one in the mafia world had ever seen you
One day you were visiting your family to celebrate your sister's birthday
You felt unwelcomed, you own blood was making you feel uncomfortable
When the guests had left and it was time to open the presents, your brother told you to go home
You were embarrassed but tried to reason with him that you guys were family
He started saying hurtful things and called you a slut and accused you of selling yourself to a dirty mafia rat who kills people for a living. He said you are nothing but his whore and he will replace you one day when he is tired of you and then you will have no one to turn to because they didn't consider you family anymore
You got up and went to the home. The home Yunho had made in the middle of a dense forest to hide you and came to see you almost every day
Yunho had decided to complete his work in advance today so he could spend more time with you in the next days, since you said you would be at your family house today
You unlocked the door and went in crying. You were wailing so hard that you laid on the floor in the lobby
You screamed when you felt someone grab you by your arms and made you sit up
Yunho looked at you in shock and worry, you nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck and cried your heart out, not caring if you were being loud and looking like a mess
You didn't need to tell him what had happened because he was aware your family had something to do with this
You woke up in bed the next day, feeling numb but had a severe headache
You looked around the room and saw a shirtless Yunho starting outside the window, you called out to him "Yunho..."
"I don't want to know what they did or said. I'm never ever going to allow you to meet them again. It took everything I had in me to stop from murdering them because I don't want to hurt you, but I can't have anyone else hurting you either"
He turned around and looked furious, you had only once seen him this angry when a spy from another mafia broke into your house and tried to stab you. Yunho had ripped his jaw off of his face with his bare hands in front of you and you fainted from shock from the intensity of the situation
Right now he had the same look on his face and you didn't want to anger him any further
He had never been the one to talk a lot
His calm and collected nature made people underestimate him
Your family used to love Yeosang and were supportive of your relationship with him, they were happy when you moved in with him, but that was before they knew who he was
Only you knew that Yeosang was a cold blooded killer. He was his gang's ace, he was sharp, very intelligent and very manipulative, not to mention he was the second most strongest member and was very good with weapons, his speciality being butterfly knives. He killed people the bad guys and felt no remorse. His gang members often joke that he only feels two emotions, rage when the bad guys cause menace and love towards you.
He got you pregnant and you were now worried but Yeosang had reassured you that no one in this world will ever lay a finger on you as long as he is by your side. He made you feel safe and loved. He didn't trust anyone to help you around the house so he stayed home to help you.
One day your family came over to meet you and ask after you unannounced, you being 7 months pregnant, were home alone
They wanted to see your huge house, you were nervous because you didn't want them to see some rooms but couldn't keep up with them because you got tired from walking
Then the unthinkable happened, they saw everything. They saw Yeosang's training room, his collection of knives and bulletin boards with photos of people, nasty looking people. One board had two sets of photos of the same person, one photo was for Yeosang to know who to attack and the other photo of the same person killed by him. Yeosang never wanted you to see the contents of the room, let alone your family.
They told you to come with them and to leave Yeosang but you tried to tell them that you were more than okay and wanted to stay with him
It all happened too fast, your father grabbed you by your arm, dragged you outside and forced you to sit in the car while your mother pleaded to him to not shove you around like that in this state. They didn't drive home, they were fleeing the city to get as far away from Yeosang as possible
You were screaming, your parents paid no attention to you, they thought you were protesting but actually you were screaming because of the excruciating pain you were experiencing. You were bleeding and your mom had noticed it but they were on a highway and there was no hospital nearby. They couldn't do anything about it so they kept driving out of the city, your father hoping the child would die in your womb because he now hated Yeosang and wouldn't be able to love his child either.
You fainted and after 2 hours of driving, they got to a hospital. No one knew but you were carrying twins, sadly one of them had died in your womb while the other was born healthy. You were now fighting for your life. Your parents were scared for you and afraid of being tracked down by Yeosang.
You and your baby spent a month in the hospital and recovered enough for your parents take you with them
On the other side Yeosang was on the verge of a mental breakdown. He was out looking for you, now scared and confused and in rage. He didn't know who had taken you away and was frustrated and tired but he couldn't let you go. You were the love of his life and the only person in the world who ever loved him.
He got a lead on you and within hours was outside the house where your parents were hiding you.
He broke in the house in the middle of the night and found you crying on the bed with a sleeping child by your side. He instantly became soft at the sight, all the rage he had in him was replaced by love. He softly called to you and you whipped your head up and instantly ran to him.
You begged him not to harm your parents and he couldn't say no. He silently took you and his month old son back home in the dead of the night
San was not one person, he had two kinds of personalities, one was a ruthless assassin and the other, a passionate lover. Both personalities had him being manipulative in common
He absolutely hated your family because you were a free spirit and liked taking risks while they were the complete opposites and often tried holding you back but you always loved an adventure and that's how you ended up with Choi San.
You dispised your family the same as they did you. You were so used to the beating that you felt nothing now. Profanities were very common too and you wanted nothing but to slap each and every one of them and run away.
You were head over heals for him the moment he crossed paths with you but you didn't show that to him. He tried manipulating you into getting you to sleep with him but you knew better and brushed him off
He was used to women being on their knees for him so you not doing that was a challenge for him and he was hell bent on getting you to like him
He was going crazy over you and started meeting you at your workplace during his missions, like he had to kill a man in 30 minutes but he just had to see you first
When you weren't giving in to his art of seduction, he tried a different way
He asked you out like a decent human being and you said yes, wow that was easy, right?
No, you made him work hard for your love and affection and he was obsessed with making you happy to feel loved by you and by the time San realized what was going on, it was too late
He was madly in love with you and practically drooling over you
He finally asked you to move in with him and you said yes even though you knew your family would disapprove. You went home and packed your stuff and tried to leave but your family members didn't let you leave and in an effort of saving you from inevitable destruction which was Choi San, they beat you to the point you passed out.
They texted San from your phone, pretending to be you and told him to stay away and leave you alone, that you wanted nothing to do with him.
San was confused and scared when he got that text from you and texted you back to take your time and rethink your decision.
You woke up in your room at some point during the night, unable to open one eye because it had been bruised badly. Your head was bleeding and the blood had dried on your face. You left leg hurt a lot because of you lying in an unnatural position. You didn't have your phone or anything else
You felt empty and all you wanted was to be in San's loving embrace
It was now or never
You escaped from your window and somehow managed to get to San's front door, it was almost morning
You knocked on his door and called for him
He opened the door after some time and took in your form
He was in too much rage but he had to tend to you first
A few weeks later he came home and told you that he made sure your family is now in another city far away from you and won't contact you again
A tear slipped down your face, you were free from their torment
You kissed San and thanked him
He would do anything to make you happy
Mingi was the notorious mafia leader who has connections with the government and the dark world
He had money and fame (the good and bad kind) and all that was missing was love and you filled that void
He loved you too much and would never let anyone hurt you
People knew better
So your own family, your own blood hurting you for wanting to live with Mingi didn't sit well with him
He was distracted at work and all he could see was your face, your tear filled eyes, your bruised arm and your distraught state
He wished he had sent someone to get you from your family house sooner so you didn't have to go through the abuse
He wished you never told them about it and just moved in with him
You were in his home, resting in his bed, thinking about what had happened
Did they really didn't see any good in Mingi?
Did they really have to hit you?
Did you do the right thing?
These thoughts flooded your mind and you were just as distracted
Mingi came home in a hurry and told you to come with him
You asked him where you guys are going and he says we're going to get back at them
He took you to your house and barged right in, unannounced
Seeing Mingi in person was overwhelming and your family were scared, pleading to him to let them go
Mingi told them that he was going to kill them for hurting you and there was panic and chaos
You came to stand next to him, squeezed his hand and softly told him that you want to go home
He couldn't say no to you so he warned them that this isn't over and took you home
You talked to Mingi and convinced him to let them go because they were your family after all
He's the one who said that if the loved toy and cared for you, they wouldn't hurt you like this and family doesn't mean you have to tolerate this kind I'd behavior when you're old enough to make decisions for yourself
You kissed him and wondered why couldn't your family see the good in him
It started off with you slowly telling your folks about what Wooyoung did for a living
You were smart, so you didn't tell them about his business until you moved in with him otherwise they would have disapproved
You didn't mention that he tortured people and killed them without remorse, no, you said that he works with an organization that eliminates evil people which was true in essence
Your family was having none of it
They wanted you as far away from him as possible
You loved him and he loved you but they didn't believe it
They kept you from leaving the house and since Wooyoung was away for some time on a mission he didn't know
It was only when he got home that he found out that you hadn't returned, but he didn't think much of it because you were with your family
You on the other hand were panicking not only because you were being forced to stay away from Wooyoung but also because you just found out that you were pregnant
You had to get back to him no matter what
You refused to eat or talk to your family members, only demanding to meet Wooyoung
When he didn't get any message from you he began to get suspicious
He sent someone disguised as a delivery boy over to your house to check up on you and got word that you were sick and locked in your room
He got up and drove to your house in the middle of the night and broke through the front door. He didn't care who got in his way and pushed and punched whoever protested
He got to your room and demanded that you open it
You did and jumped at him, told him you were pregnant and they were keeping you from going back to him and cried
He took you in his arms and was taking you back with him
Your father threatened to call the police and Wooyoung simply said "say hi to chief inspector Jeon from me" leaving the father shocked
You were happy to be back with your lover and were excited about the baby, the same as Wooyoung
Probably the strongest man in the whole mafia world
Everyone feared him
He didn't have to say twice for what he wanted because people had heard how he smashed someone's skull open with his bare fists
He had asked you to move in with him and you happily said yes
But when you told your family about your decision they asked you if you were crazy
You didn't listen to them and started packing
They weren't going to let you go to some barbarian
But you weren't listening so they had to do it the hard way
Deep down you were happy to leave because your family had always been abusive and toxic
When you were asked to leave with your suitcases your father grabbed you by your arm and shoved you against the wall
"you bitch, you really think you can disobey me?"
Your mother held you by your hair and slapped you so hard your nose started bleeding
They beat you severely and you had stopped screaming at this point
You thought you were going to die when they left you like this on the kitchen floor
You don't know what got into you but you got on your feet and ran out the front door where you were stopped by Jongho waiting for you beside his car
He saw you and gently pushed you aside and went straight inside the house
He came out after almost 20 minutes, blood splattered on his face and clothes
You were already in shock from the beating that you didn't question him
He got in the car with you, held your face in his hands and said "don't worry, I called an ambulance for them, they just might be okay"
With that your heart sank but you were too shaken to feel sad for them so you just cried
Jongho took you home
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animeomegas · 4 years
Omega!Narutoverse Future Family Headcanons
This is a compilation of my headcanons about future families for my favourite Naruto boys (excluding Kakashi who is childfree in my headcanons.) 
This is very long, so I’ve put most of it under a cut <3 Enjoy~
Naruto:  : 4 children – Son (omega), adopted daughter (alpha), twin sons (betas). 
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Has his son about four years before he becomes Hokage.
His son is a huge daddy’s boy type and clings to Naruto every chance that he gets. 
Naruto never lets his role as Hokage take him away from his son any more than absolutely necessary. Does he take his son into his office? Absolutely. He puts down a little play pen on the floor while he works :’). 
His son loves cuddles so much and he is so gentle. 
He doesn’t like pranks though which makes Naruto a little sad but he would never do anything to make his little one sad. 
Male omegas can be identified from birth, so you both knew he was, but even if you didn’t it’s very obvious. He makes his own little nest next to Naruto’s but ends up crawling into Naruto’s for cuddles every time. 
As he gets older, he attends the academy, but he hates it so much. He reminds me a little of a young Itachi, a pacifist to the core. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone! He begs you and Naruto to let him attend the civilian school, and of course you let him. 
Naruto gets a lot of shit for allowing this from some parties *cough* the council *cough*. The Hokage’s children should be powerful ninjas according to them, but Naruto will always prioritise his children’s happiness. Naruto shields his son from the hate as much as possible, but some slips through.
 The transition is easier if you are a civilian, your son feels a little more secure if that’s the case, and he would consider following your footsteps depending on what you do. If you run a little business, he would definitely want to work with you. If you’re also a ninja he can feel left out and unsure, but he grows into such a quietly confident person, who starts a little business. 
Not being a ninja also means he can be there for his younger siblings. He is a dedicated older brother who is always there for them. He has a room for each other them at his house and loads of medical supplies for when they come back from missions injured and won’t go to the hospital. He always patches them up. 
All his younger siblings respect him so much. He is a very reliable person, and his siblings get so offended if they hear any anti-civilian talk from the ninjas they work with.
When Naruto is about a year into working as Hokage, he goes to visit the orphanage, a place that he reformed hugely as soon as he could. It’s so much nicer than it was and he’s so happy. 
But there is one girl that he sees there, and she’s being bullied by some of the other kids. At only three years old, Naruto’s heart breaks for her. Turns out that she’s being teased for being a female alpha. Times have changed a lot, but there are still some horrible stereotypes about male omegas and female alphas, even if those aren’t the norm anymore. 
He intervenes and wipes away her tears, uncomfortably reminded of his own stay at the orphanage when he was her age. He wraps up the visit and leaves, but he just can’t get here out of his head. 
He’s been wanting another child, but he’s still in a vulnerable position so early into being Hokage that he can’t afford the time off for maternity leave. 
Hesitantly, he brings up the idea of adoption to you, when you respond positively, he’s like great 😊, I have one picked already. 
It’s only about a fortnight later that you’re picking her up and bringing her home. At first, she is very shy and reserved but when she gets comfortable, you learn that she is the opposite. 
She’s very forthright and opinionated, she always says what she feels and stands up for injustice. 
Her favourite thing is to come home and tell you and Naruto about her day. She never leaves out any detail and has been known to demand to go and see Naruto while he’s working so that she can tell him about something that happened at school. 
Naruto ends up unwillingly up to date with all the academy drama. 
She’s quite serious and likes to have grown up conversations and sit at the grown ups table. 
She ends up attending the academy and she just thrives on all the history and politics lessons! She great at negotiating and learning about people. 
She makes strong friends and has a tight knit friendship group that she keeps all the way to adulthood. 
She ends up making Chunin pretty quickly but waits a long while before taking the Jounin exam. She ends up specialising in international relations. 
She works as an ambassador for Konoha and gets to travel around all the countries. She adores her job, but she does sometimes miss her family. Naruto gets sad when he sends her for long missions, knowing that he can’t come and see her for that time, but there’s no one he would trust more to act on behalf on Konoha and she always brings back souvenirs for everyone.
The twins are quite a bit younger than the other two. Six years younger than their older sister, and eight years younger than their older brother. 
In a better position now, Naruto wants to try for one final child. 
Of course, you get twins. 
It takes a bit of re-planning, but Naruto is overjoyed at the fact that he’s pregnant with twins! He gives birth to identical twin boys. You can’t tell from birth whether a baby is a male alpha or male beta, and they end up showing signs of being betas when they’re about 12.
These boys are little troublemakers, and Naruto rejoices and finally having some of his children who likes pranks like he does!
They excel at strategy and trap making when they join the academy but the oldest struggles a little with the more academic side. 
Naruto is so patient in helping him because he knows what it’s like to be a physical learner in an academic environment. 
They are the babies of the family and they get away with everything haha. 
When they end up graduating, they are put on the same genin team and they continue to work together for their entire careers. They are similar to Izumo and Kotestu. They know each other so well and both have complimentary skills, so they make a formidable duo on the battlefield. 
Naruto hates sending them on dangerous missions though. If they ever didn’t come back, I don’t think Naruto would recover, knowing that he sent them to the place that they died. 
These two also definitely take on a genin team when they first get promoted to jounin, and they’re great teachers! I can’t decide if they would have one together, or if they would have one each and compete in ridiculous challenges like whose genin team can get the most d ranks done in one day. 
They remind people of Kakashi and Gai in a lot of ways. 
Sasuke:  1 child – daughter (beta).
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Sasuke has a daughter in his late twenties, after he’s had some time to deal with his trauma. 
He’s undeniably in a better place but he struggles badly with PPD, making the first year very difficult on your family. 
Eventually things get better though, and you work together to raise your daughter. 
She is wicked smart, very much into scholarly things, but she also loves weapons, particularly any sort of blade. Sasuke teaches her how to use a sword and they bond a lot over it. 
She’s pretty quiet and withdrawn, preferring to read a book or practice with her weapons than socialise. Sasuke tries to get her to make more friends but she calls him out on being a hypocrite and he’s so offended that he drops the issue. 
She does well in the academy but she lowkey hates going. She likes going more if either you or Sasuke are there to pick her up and walk home with her, she doesn’t like walking home alone because the Uchiha compound is so damn far away and isolated. 
When she awakens her sharigan when she’s a chunin, Sasuke has a pretty bad reaction. The sharigan isn’t associated with anything good in his mind, so he freaks out when his daughter activates it. You need to give him some time and support and he’ll come around. He’s the only one who can train her after all. 
Sasuke is so proud of his daughter when she makes Jounin, which of course, she does. I could see her taking on a powerful advisory role for the Hokage as a jounin.
She is someone who believes that there is a lot to learn from history, and is a great advisory asset in helping to avoid past mistakes.
Itachi: Canon = none / Non-massacre Au = 2 children. Son (omega), daughter (beta). 
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Has a son shortly after you get married. 
Itachi is a family man through and through and can’t wait to retire from being a ninja (which he hates) to being able to raise his children full time. 
The day Itachi gets moved from the active list to the reserves list after he becomes pregnant is one of the happiest days of his life. 
His son is very responsible and serious. 
He likes to follow Itachi around and help him clean and cook and run errands. He always tidies up his toys and keeps his room clean, and he almost always behaves respectfully and sensibly. 
Itachi never forces him to do too much though, he wants his son to have a fun childhood like he never had. 
Itachi is over the moon when his son shows an interest in calligraphy, happy that his son is picking up a healthy hobby. 
He buys him all the supplies and gets him a teacher if he wants one. It warms Itachi’s heart to see his son interested in something other than chores for once. 
Despite the pressure from the clan for his children to attend the academy, Itachi puts his foot down for one of the first times in his life, saying that his children will only become ninja if they want to. 
His son does in fact want to attend the academy. 
Itachi kind of wishes he didn’t. 
Itachi’s son shows a huge proficiency for fuinjutsu, his calligraphy skills coming in handy. Seeing as the skill is so rare, he becomes one of the leading experts in Konoha. 
Itachi is very supportive and lowkey glad that his son is so powerful and can defend himself. Itachi is also very glad that his son can continue with his fuuinjustsu passion long after he retires from being an active ninja. 
Itachi hopes that safety net (producing seals for other ninjas and continuing to earn money from his hobby) will mean his son can retire whenever he wants and not have to worry. Rather than becoming stuck in the shinobi lifestyle.
Itachi’s daughter is born five years after his son, an age gap that was larger than he would have liked, but he had a pretty traumatic birth the first time around and he needed to give his body some time to recover.
Itachi puts a lot of emphasis on a loving relationship between his children, and his daughter adores her older brother so much! She follows him around and tries to copy him all the time, and he help her with homework and plays with her. 
It makes Itachi very, very happy to see them bond. 
Itachi’s daughter is a beta and has everyone wrapped around her finger from the moment she is born. 
She’s charming, well spoken, and polite but with a very sarcastic personality. 
She has a very similar sense of humour to Itachi actually. A sort of under the breath commentary style. Goodness help anyone who finds themselves opposing Itachi and his daughter. 
Academy teachers get put in their place so fast when they join forces, the teachers don’t even know what happened. 
As Itachi’s daughter joins the academy, she follows after her uncle and develops fangirls and fanboys… She’s very popular. Very popular. 
And she loves it. 
Itachi is not as fond. 
He is not above staring coldly at children for badgering his beloved daughter. 
When she grows up, she works as a ninja, favouring a more jack of all trades kind of style. She likes to learn a little bit of everything. 
She’s the same way with relationships too. She never gets married or mated, preferring casual relationships and has no interest in children, she lives her life doing whatever she wants with whoever she wants. 
Itachi is very proud of her, and secretly very amused when his clan constantly tries and fails to control her.
Shikamaru: 1 child – daughter (alpha)
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Shikamaru has a child at about 25, and he knew from the get-go that he was a one and done kind of guy.
He’s not a fan at all of the infant stage and does not want to do it more than once. 
The Nara clan have a very high proportion of alphas, so Shikamaru kinda expected his child to be one. And lo and behold she was. 
His daughter is the spitting image of him in every way. She is the most mellow alpha ever. So much so that most people assume she’s a beta, and she doesn’t really care enough to correct them about it. 
She is also very close to her grandparents, who dote on her and spoil her as much as they can. 
She excels at school in the same way her father did before her, retaining average marks despite being miles ahead of most of her peers.
Shikamaru teaches her how to play shogi and all about the beauty of napping. She takes to them both like a duck to water. She is so much like Shikamaru that everyone comments on it constantly. 
Although, while she loves a good cloud gazing session with her father, she actually takes to creative writing as her favourite hobby. She uses a pseudonym to avoid attention, but she ends up writing a series of books that becomes one of the most popular book series in the shinobi nations. 
Shikamaru is so insanely proud that his daughter can have both a successful ninja career and a successful hobby/side career. He brags to anyone who knows her pseudonym constantly, including you and his parents. 
He also keeps a set of first edition, signed copies of all her books. He reads them when she’s away on long missions sometimes, as a way of feeling closer to her.
Shikamaru and his daughter remain incredibly close all their lives.
Shino: 1 child – daughter (omega)
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Shino had a child slightly later than most of his friends, at around 34. 
Shino’s daughter is a very curious child! She’s quiet and withdrawn around strangers but very talkative with her family and close friends.
Her favourite place to be is on Shino’s lap. And when around strangers, she always hides behind him, or buries her face into his shoulder. 
Shino loves to spend time with his daughter outside. He teaches her all about insects and plants, leading her around the woods after when she can still barely walk. 
Shibi does the same with her, and those two are very close. 
Shino is fiercely protective of his daughter, and never forces her into doing things she isn’t comfortable with. He defends her right to be quiet and clingy, and it takes some convincing to get him to understand that she needs to make friends outside of her immediate family. 
When she cries for anything, Shino gives in straight away, as long as she isn’t wanting to do anything extremely dangerous. Because of this, she develops quite the sweet tooth, having had as many cookies as she wanted as a child. 
Shino’s daughter ends up teaching at the academy as a career chunin, because despite being shy around adults, she is fantastic with children, very patient and understanding. 
Shino is very happy with her choices, because he was a little worried that she would end up scarred from a shinobi career, and he hates any situation in which he can’t protect her. 
She has her own children pretty young, and Shino is just a good a grandfather as he is a father.
Neji: 2 children – adopted daughter (beta), adopted son (alpha)
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Neji is about 30 when he decides he wants to try to have a baby. 
And he’s 32 when he finally comes to terms with the fact that he isn’t going to be able to conceive naturally because of the suppressant abuse he endured as a child. 
Then, tragically, one of the branch members of his clan dies giving birth. Her mate can’t handle the stress and dies shortly afterwards, leaving their two-year-old daughter and newborn son behind. 
Dying after a mate dies is not super uncommon but is much rarer in the cases where children are involved, so this exact situation doesn’t happen very often. 
His heart breaks for them and he is close to begging you to adopt them with him. 
And soon enough you have two children, siblings, and both Hyuugas like Neji. 
You would never forget Neji’s face when he held his children for the first time. He would never let them be branded with the seal that has impacted his life so much. He would sooner run away from the clan forever.
Neji’s daughter takes a little while to adjust to her new parents, still distraught and grieving over the loss of her previous parents. 
Neji understands and gets her a therapist, but he finds it difficult to watch his child suffer. 
The first time she crawled into bed with you and Neji after a nightmare, Neji cried because she was finally starting to trust you both. 
Neji’s daughter is a beta and when she recovers from her childhood trauma, she shows her true colours as a limelight lover! 
She loves acting and dancing and singing whenever and wherever she can. She plans little plays for you and Neji, sitting you down to perform them for you every weekend. Neji is very proud! 
But he doesn’t really know what to do when his daughter says she doesn’t want to be a ninja. 
He loves and supports her, of course, but he’s thrown off, not really expecting it. 
Eventually, he agrees to send her to a civilian school, and she immediately flourishes there, making so many friends, even starting a little after school performance style club. 
Neji is so incredibly proud when she makes it as a famous actress. He lowkey brags constantly to his friends. 
“Oh, your child just got promoted to chunin? How lovely. My daughter made more money this year than any chunin will see in their life…” Sips tea. 
Neji’s daughter is so glamourous and outgoing and famous, but she never forgets her family, and loves to spoil you, Neji and her younger brother with her money.
Neji’s son doesn’t remember his biological parents and fits into your family seamlessly from day one. As far as he’s concerned, you and Neji are his only parents. 
Just like his older sister, this boy is very extroverted, but rather than singing all the time, he talks. He’s the chattiest person you could ever meet. 
Introverted Neji isn’t 100% sure about how to parent such extroverted children, he just doesn’t understand that they don’t enjoy too much solitary activity time. 
He’s feels a lot better if you’re an extrovert, that way, he can have some alone time to recharge while you handle the children. 
If you’re also an introvert… well, let’s hope Hinata was serious about her babysitting offer. 
Neji’s son talks to everyone as I already mentioned, and adults think he is the cutest thing ever. 
As he grows up, he always helps old people carry their shopping, he helps lost children find their parents, he is basically the alpha every parent dreams of their omega child bringing home. 
He’s very charming and Neji is a lot less surprised when his son says he doesn’t want to be a ninja. 
Eventually ends up working in the orphanage. 
The children adore him so, so much, and he loves his job dearly. 
Neji brags about him too. 
“Wow, your child got top marks in the academy? My child was hand-making birthday gifts for some children at the orphanage when he was 11. He decided to do it all by himself…” sips more tea. 
Whenever she’s in Konoha, his older sister turns up and gives all the kids at the orphanage gifts. She’s like a fun, rich aunt for all of them. 
Neither of Neji’s children have children of their own, as they find their respective careers to be the most fulfilling thing for them.
Neji is a very proud father and is happy when his children are happy.
Iruka: None, or 2 children (he’s happy with either) – adopted son (omega), adopted daughter (omega)
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Iruka would be happy with no children because he’s so dedicated to his work and his students, but he also adores children and wouldn’t mind having some of his own. This is an au in which he decides to have children. 
He adopts his son at age 27, pretty soon after the war, choosing to adopt an older child who has less of a chance of being adopted. 
A six-year-old omega with a bright smile and loud laugh, Iruka is immediately taken with him. The war had left many orphans, and it was hard on Iruka to walk around the orphanage, knowing he couldn’t adopt them all. 
Iruka throws as much love as he can as his new son, taking time off work to bond with him properly, making sure to scent him loads and get him used to his new family environment. 
Iruka is thrilled when his son shows a knack for pranks.
He plays the disapproving parent in public, but honestly, he loves it, as long as things don’t go too far. 
Iruka’s son is a very kind-hearted person, if a little rambunctious, and he also has a huge nesting instinct. 
You knew he was an omega when you adopted him, but it was very clear, nonetheless. He has a permanent nest in his room that he likes to chill in with his friends when they come over (he’s very popular with the other kids in his class.). 
When he gets a little older, he goes to the academy, walking to and from every day with Iruka, and develops a passion for medicine when he’s a genin. 
He has great chakra control and eventually ends up working full time at the hospital as an adult. 
He chose a similar path to Iruka, in that he works as a ninja but is primarily based in the village, rarely leaving on missions. 
He makes sure to come home for dinner at least once a week after he’s moved out, no matter how busy the hospital gets. 
Iruka is so proud that his son is so talented and selfless, that sometimes it makes him tear up. 
Iruka knows that he doesn’t want just one child. 
When his parents died, he was all alone and it was horrible for him, so he knows he wants to have two children, so that when you and him die, they’re not alone. 
Iruka is very ready to adopt again about two years after he adopted his son. 
Iruka found the adoption process so rewarding that he wants to do it again over having a biological child. 
He adopts a little girl this time, five years old and also an omega. When Iruka was meeting the children, this girl brought him a paper flower that she had folded as a gift and his heart just melted right then and there. 
She fits in perfectly to your family, your son adored her immediately! 
With three omegas living in your house now, you were very much outnumbered. It was a common occurrence to find yourself missing all your warm clothes, them having been borrowed and buried inside one of the three nests (minimum) nests in your house. 
Iruka’s daughter is a gentle soul, but she is also strong. She appears like an easy target because she is soft spoken and reserved but she has a strong sense of justice and always stands up for herself and others. 
When she’s young, she likes the idea of going into medicine like her older brother as she admires and looks up to him, but she doesn’t like the realities of the job very much. 
She’s great at chakra control, but the idea of wrangling disobedient, injured shinobi doesn’t appeal to her. 
Until one day, on her way home from a friend’s house, she finds an injured stray dog. She brings it home and begs you and Iruka to keep him. So, your family of four turns into a family of five, and she becomes obsessed with veterinary medicine. 
As an adult, she ends up working at the veterinary clinic in the Inuzuka compound. She is committed to helping as many animals as she can, with a particular soft spot for dogs. 
She also joins the rest of her family for dinners at least once a week. Iruka is so overwhelmingly proud that he has two medic children, because he knows how talented you have to be to do that. 
He is also very happy that both his children stay mostly within the village. The war made Iruka a little paranoid, and he doesn’t worry so much when his children are safe within the village walls.
Gaara: 2 children – daughter (alpha), son (alpha)
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Gaara has his children the youngest out of everyone his age that he knows. He had his daughter when he had just turned 21, and his son five years later when he was 26. 
His daughter is Gaara’s sweetheart. 
He adores her so much and spends as much time as he can with her. He is so gentle with her and loving all the time. 
Gaara’s daughter is very energetic and playful, but also quite sensitive. 
She loves positive attention, loves to play with everyone who will engage with her. 
She’s a very family-oriented person and loves spending time with Kankuro and Temari when you and Gaara are busy. 
However, because you, Gaara, Temari and Kankuro always treated her so gently, she was quite sensitive to people being angry or shouting at her. 
Once, her teacher at school shouted at her for talking in class and she ran straight to the Kazekage’s office crying. Gaara was furious. He hates when his children cry, so much. He let her stay with him for the rest of the day to calm her down, sending you a message to let you know he was looking after her. 
Gaara’s daughter visited him constantly, often bringing little lunchboxes of food for him, learning to new recipes constantly. 
Trying to surprise him, she develops a great skill in cooking. 
She decides, in the end, not to follow the shinobi route. She opens her own restaurant in Suna, charming customers with her amazing hostess skills and phenomenal cooking. 
She allows all her family to eat for free, but they all pay anyway, because they love to support her. Gaara, especially, always leaves a huge tip for her and her staff.
Gaara’s son is born five years after his daughter, another alpha, leaving Gaara very outnumbered, with both his siblings, his mate and his children all being alphas. 
Gaara’s son is very quiet and tactile. 
He loves cuddles and hugs but doesn’t speak very much. 
He enjoys spending time with Gaara in Gaara’s nest, despite not having nesting instincts of his own. 
Gaara’s son is very close to you and Gaara. He always tells you when something is bothering him, and although he doesn’t speak much, he chooses his words carefully and they always mean something.
He actually excels at shinobi school, both in academics and in sparring, and moves up the ranks quickly. He spends a lot of time training with Kankuro and gets into puppetry. 
Even when he becomes a jounin, he spends time with Gaara in his nest, still loving physical affection. 
Gaara enjoys hosting family gatherings for everyone, his daughter cooks loads of dishes for it, his son makes sure to take time off missions to attend, and sometimes Temari drags Shikamaru to Suna as well to join them all. 
Gaara smiles more often than not now, feeling so proud of the life he crafted for himself, and the family he worked hard to create.
(Phew! That was a lot! I hope you enjoyed, let me know what you thought and send me your own headcanons!!! <3)
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
Intertwined // Draco Malfoy
Request:  Hi, can i request an imagine where Y/N and Draco has been together for a long time but one time, Draco forgot to use protection and didn't care for Y/N in the next morning so she got reallll upset. At first Draco don't understand why Y/N acted like that so he gets angry back at her but then he realises the reason and they make every thing up. Start with rough smut, angst in the middle and end with fluff pleaseee. I'll patiently waiting for you sooo take your time and don't force yourself too much ❤
A/N: I don’t have much to say about this one, I really liked the request, I thought it was really real. Also this takes place after Hogwarts and Y/N + Draco live alone.
Summary: Draco is inconsiderate towards his girlfriend and Y/N is n o t happy about it.
Warning(s): SMUT!!! Unprotected sex, choking, swearing, angst, couple verbally fighting, fluff.
Word Count: 2k
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{Not my gif also it’s so dramatic for this lol}
“That’s it, baby girl, ride my cock,” Draco purred as he gripped his girlfriend’s hips, slowly lifting her up and down on his dick. Y/N whimpered, they’d been at it for nearly thirty minutes now, and her pussy was painfully sensitive. Draco had already eaten her out as well as edged her with his fingers. But there she was, bouncing on his cock, wanting to please him. However, after a few more minutes of her riding him, Draco’s grip grew tighter, and he began slamming his hips upwards, pounding himself deep in her pussy.
“Fuck, Draco,” Y/N moaned as she let her legs go limp. Draco flipped them over and was now on top of her. His hand found her throat, and he held it firmly as his hips snapped into her mercilessly. He grabbed her legs and rested them against his shoulders. Y/N watched as he shut his eyes and let himself go, his pace getting even quicker. Loud squelching noises filled the couple’s bedroom, and Y/N could tell he was getting close.
“Such a good girl for me, my perfect little slut,” he grunted, making Y/N whine. She clenched her fingers in the bedsheets and warned him of her approaching orgasm. “Gonna cum again?” he teased. “Go on then, whore, cum on me,” he coaxed. Y/N closed her eyes and focused on the building pressure in her abdomen. But then, she felt Draco slap her clit and found herself cumming instantly from the stimulation. Draco laughed as she tightened her walls around him and scrunched her face in pleasure. He fucked her through her orgasm as his own was advancing. His thrusts became sloppy. Just as Y/N was beginning to whine about the sensitivity, Draco came inside her with a loud groan, his hips pressed flush against her ass. 
When he pulled out, Y/N quickly realized that Draco hadn’t used a condom. “Fuck baby girl, you look so pretty with my cum dripping from your cunt,” Draco breathed, his breath fanning over her swollen pussy. She wriggled her hips to get away from the cool air emerging from his lips, but then he yanked her close and licked a long stripe up her slit, pushing the semen back inside her with his tongue. A guttural moan left Y/N as she arched her back, the overstimulation sending sparks through her body. When Draco pulled away, Y/N expected him to help her into the shower, but she was wrong. Instead, he patted her pussy and flopped onto the bed beside her. 
“Goodnight darling,” he murmured before slipping underneath the covers and turning away from her. Y/N was shocked. This was rather uncharacteristic of Draco. Not using protection and now going to sleep right after sex. Quite frankly, it made her heart clench, and not in a good way. 
Slowly, she scooted herself off their king size mattress and trudged to the bathroom; the soreness between her legs made this a difficult task. Eventually, though, she got inside and immediately sat on the toilet. After she used it, she turned on the shower and sat back down, waiting for it to heat up. She couldn’t shake the confusion and the hurt from her mind. But ultimately, she decided to push those thoughts away and instead focused on cleaning her sweaty, bruised body. Draco’s always quite rough with her during sex, and she enjoyed it, but he had really done a number on her tonight. Maybe when he sees that tomorrow, he’ll apologize, she thought to herself as she rubbed the loofa up and down her arms.
When she eventually slid back into bed with Draco, she couldn’t help but lay her arm over his waist. Sure he’d been a bit inconsiderate tonight, but Y/N still wanted him close. So she stroked his stomach with her thumb as much needed sleep overtook her.
{The next morning}
Y/N’s eyes fluttered open as she yawned; the bright sunlight streaming from their windows was right on her face. She quickly shielded herself and looked to her left. Draco was still fast asleep. Y/N made sure not to wake him as she got up. Once on her feet, the memories of last night returned thanks to the pain between her legs. She hobbled down the hallway and stairs and made her way to the kitchen. She and Draco had no house elves per Y/N’s request, so they had to make their own meals. Y/N decided that today would be an omelet type of day. So she gathered all the necessary ingredients as well as a pan and began crafting the dish. 
While she was flipping the omelet, she heard Draco coming down the steps. She glanced over at him and watched as he settled into the cozy armchairs in their living room, not even bothering to greet her. Anger began to stir, but Y/N shoved it down and returned her eyes to the omelet, which she found was currently burning. “Shit!” she cursed as she quickly transferred it to a spare plate. 
The sound of a soft laugh caught her attention, and she turned her head to see Draco’s smiling face. Usually, this would amuse her, but not that morning. “Shut your trap,” she muttered as she started making a second omelet. 
“Excuse me?” Draco bellowed. Y/N instinctively tensed but held her ground. 
“You heard me. Shut up.” She heard Draco get to his feet and walk into the kitchen. Y/N’s anger was becoming unignorable now. But she kept her lips shut as he leaned on the counter beside her.
“What’s got you in such a foul mood?” he questioned. Y/N snapped, dropping her spatula on the marble countertop. Her head whipped towards Draco and his eyebrows jumped at the fury visible on her face.
“Why don’t you take a wild guess, Malfoy?” she spat, crossing her arms over her chest. Draco gave her a look of confusion. 
“Or you could just tell me what’s wrong,” he replied.
“Haha, no, I want you to figure it out.”
Draco couldn’t understand what his lover was getting at, and it was making him grow frustrated. “Y/N, I don’t have the patience for this bullshit; just spit it out,” he argued. Y/N shook her head in disbelief and flipped her omelet. 
“The fact that you won’t even stop and think for a second just proves how selfish you are.” This comment made Draco’s blood boil. He stood up straight and clenched his fists at his sides.
“Well, at least I’m not a fucking bitch like you,” he sneered. Y/N gasped, and Draco immediately regretted his words. He could see shiny tears in her eyes as she hurriedly turned off the stove and transferred the omelet to a plate. “Y/N, I didn’t mean that.” She shook her head and fled the kitchen, not even glancing at him as she stormed away. 
Draco kicked the cabinets, enraged with himself. He’d really done it now. And the worst part was he still couldn’t put his finger on why Y/N was so upset in the first place. Surely it wasn’t because of his laughter when she burnt the omelet. But if not that, then what else? Draco ran his hand through his hair as he began to pace in the kitchen. Eventually, though, he stopped himself, grabbed a plate, and started eating. The burnt texture was pretty awful, but Draco forced it down his throat anyway. 
Now with a full stomach, his head felt clear. He retraced his steps in his mind. He had come downstairs, then sat in the living room; that was it. But then he thought farther back, back to the previous night. And that’s when it hit him. “Fuck,” he muttered, dropping his face into his palms, feeling utterly terrible. Could he genuinely have just gone to bed right after sex? Now that he was thinking about it, Y/N’s neck was littered with love bites this morning, and she had looked exhausted. Yet he had done nothing for her, nothing at all. Draco felt sick to his stomach, and not because of the omelet. Without wasting another second, he jumped to his feet and hastily ran upstairs, but not before taking the second dish with him. 
A knock at Y/N’s door halted her tears. She sighed, not really wanting to face her boyfriend right then, but she still wiped her face and opened the door. There stood her blonde-haired boy, a guilty look on his face. “May I?” he asked. Y/N nodded and stepped back, allowing them into their shared bedroom. He set the plate in his hands on his desk and took hesitant steps towards her. It felt as though remorseful tension was in the air, and for a few moments, neither of them said a word. But then Draco lifted his hand and gently cradled her face, making her look up at him.
“I’m so sorry, love. I should have taken care of you last night instead of just falling asleep. And I shouldn’t have called you a bitch or been rude to you this morning. It was completely uncalled for, and I...I feel like an absolute dick, and I’m just really, really sorry.”
Y/N remained silent, simply letting her head rest in his hands. She could tell he was sincere. “I forgive you. But Draco," she started, "I could hardly hold myself up in the shower, and I really needed you. I wanted to cuddle with you like we usually do. And not to mention the fact you didn’t wear a condom, I could get pregnant…” she trailed off. Y/N wasn’t sure if she wanted a family so soon, or even at all. She didn’t think she nor Draco were even close to being ready for such a huge responsibility. But she was pulled from her thoughts by Draco stroking her cheek.
“Y/N, I promise you it will never happen again. You’re everything to me, and I will always take care of you and be there for you whenever you need me. I know I wasn’t last night. Last night I was reckless and a fucking git, but from now on I won't be, I swear it,” Draco declared. His eyes looked fearful as he waited for Y/N to reply. And she did, just not with words. She took a step forward and nestled herself against his chest. Draco immediately wrapped his arms around her and breathed in her scent, feeling at peace, knowing things were okay again. 
“I believe I am due for a cuddle appointment, Dr. Malfoy,” Y/N stated, breaking the silence with her playful tone. She giggled as Draco let her go and dragged her towards their bed. He then scooped her up, making her squeal, before he dropped her onto the bouncy mattress. Her bright smile was irresistible, and he scrambled onto the bed, smashing his lips onto hers. She kissed him back, passionately, happy to be reconciled. 
“Dr. Malfoy shall provide you with the necessary amount of cuddles to cure your ailment,” Draco stated in a funny voice, playing along with the bit. Y/N giggled and reconnected her lips with his, bringing his body close to hers.
And as the sun rose higher and higher into the sky, the couple remained on the bed, legs intertwined with legs and fingers clutching palms. Their hearts were content. All was forgiven. And even when the moon took the sun’s place, they still hadn’t detached from one another. They ended up falling asleep like that. And in the morning, Draco carried his girl to the bathroom, pledging to never let her wash alone again. 
Taglist: @beiahadid @pastelpuffbar @cutie1365 @dracoxmgg @lumlfy @sambucky8 @emilianamason @raplinethereal @dracosdeathmark @xoxohollands @prongsandprancer @ch0kemedracomalfoy @avlauriaa @purpleskymalfoy @mariah-can-dream @drxcomvlfx @sydnee-kom-spacekru​ @dracosgoodgirl @voilawind @gloryekaterina
947 notes · View notes
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Pairing: Neighbour!Bucky x reader
Warnings: Mentions of knife, blood, cursing, murder, mention of cannibalism, dark!Bucky(?), major character death, slight smut, fluff.
Summary: Bucky set his eyes on his sweet and cute neighbour who had suffered from a loss recently, determined to make her his.
Word count: 4.3k
a/n: This is my entry for @ambrosiase hotel indigo writing challenge. It’s my first ever writing challenge, and I had a lot of fun writing this! Honestly, I'm really grateful for this challenge because it motivates me to finish this wip that has been sitting in the draft for too long. Thank you for this lovely challenge mae ♡♡
Not beta’d, all mistakes are my own. If you see any mistakes, do let me know!
Room ⥤ Modern muse
Room service ⥤ neighbour + criminal
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“Oh that poor thing.”
Bucky whipped his head in the direction of the voice. It was Mrs. Lockwood, his neighbour on the right.
“Huh?” He didn’t mean to voice out his confusion, but his brain was somewhat short-circuited, barely able to function when his sight was filled with you, and you only.
“That sweet girl over there,” Mrs. Lockwood was referring to you, his sweet neighbour to the left he was staring at, before the old lady came interrupting.
He had been staring for 5, 10 minutes maybe? He swore he wasn’t a pervert, you were just a sight for sore eyes, the healer of the wounds in his soul.
“What about y/n?” He asked, curious to listen to what his neighbour would say about the other neighbour. Also, he was fairly new to the neighbourhood, having just moved in last month, he ought to catch up with the gossip.
“Her boyfriend went missing a few months back, poor girl was devastated. Police suspected it was murder, even suspected y/n!” The old lady shook her head, casting pitying glances at the oblivious girl in the sundress, bathing under the sun with a book in her hand. “She’s such a sweet girl, how could they have suspected her?”
Bucky glanced at you, heart racing when you caught him looking. You shyly waved at him, a small smile plastered on your face hiding the underlying sadness of the loss of your loved one. His hand felt clammy when he raised one of them to wave back, his usual flirty self vanished whenever you were involved in the equation.
“Boy, you are in love aren’t ya,” Mrs. Lockwood teased, “I say go for it. Our lovely y/n definitely needs some lovin’ after what she’d been through and young man, I think you are the right person.” Her eyes crinkled as she patted Bucky encouragingly on the shoulder, like a loving mother cheering up her son.
Bucky, who was usually composed, blushed furiously. That big brain of his still hadn’t regained its functions thus he found himself unable to stop Mrs. Lockwood when she hollered at you.
Clearly immersed in your book, you jumped a little when you heard your name being called.
“Y/n, this young man would love to take you out on a date, what d’ya say?” His eyes widened at the accusation, though it was true that he wanted to date you, he just needed time to gather the guts to ask you out.
He saw you put down your book, walking towards him and Mrs. Lockwood. You were a front yard away from him, shielding the harsh sunlight from your eyes with your hands while leaning onto the fence.
“I’d love to,” you had to speak louder, and Bucky loved your voice as he only heard it only a handful of times now, often you were shy and quiet when you saw him.
“U-uhm, how about Saturday then,” He stuttered like a teenage boy who first received a love letter, suddenly forgetting how to speak, speech lost in the sea of disbelief and excitement, and affection.
You said nothing, only nodding and smiling at him, flashing those pearly whites.
“Great. 6pm. I’ll pick you up,”
“See you soon, James.” He watched as you walked away, a teasing smile on your face before you disappeared into the door. Gosh how he loved the way his name sounded on your lips, and he’d give anything to hear it again, and again.
Saturday came too soon, Bucky was not prepared at all. Well, he had done the reservations for the restaurant he’d planned to bring you to tonight, ironed out the creases and wiped off the non-existent dust on the dress shirt he would be wearing, so why was he nervous?
5:50 pm.
Call him old-fashioned or whatever, he’d prefer early to late and would love to escort you to his car. He stood in front of your porch, palm sweating and if his metal arm could secrete sweats, he was pretty sure it would end up like its counterpart.
You opened the door as soon as he rapped his knuckles on the wooden door, seeming eagerly waiting for him as he was for you.
He took in your outfit, the moderately revealing dress he liked, the one he saw you undress from, through his window countless times.
If it was possible to fall into a deeper love, he would.
The date couldn’t possibly be better than he imagined, it was perfect. Everything was great; the atmosphere of the restaurant, the quality of the food, and most importantly, you.
You were shy at first but opened up fairly quickly, telling him stories about you, and vice versa. You sympathized with him when he told you how he got the metal arm, your fingers grazing the delicate and intricate loops and lines on the metal surface.
His fingers were woven into yours halfway into the dinner, the cool metal fingers of his absently caressing your knuckles as you shared the story about your family, who disappeared mysteriously, then your ex-boyfriend, who went missing 5 months ago, like your family.
It was hard, talking about missing loved ones. Bucky could tell, by the way your hand unconsciously tightened, the lingering sadness in your eyes as you mentioned how happy you were before him. The way your tears were brimming in your eyes, threatening to glide down your face, it wrenched his heart, seeing how broken you were. He would try to pick up every broken piece of you in a heartbeat, mending them back together, fixing you until you were happy again if you would let him in.
He was kind of glad your ex-boyfriend was out of the picture, though it was a selfish thing to say. He desperately wanted to claim you, wanted to be your last and only boyfriend.
He’d been going on dates with you for a few months now. You were perfect, almost too perfect if he would say. You were practically his dream girl, so kind and generous. So sweet and loving. Pretty much everybody in this neighbourhood would agree with him and he sometimes wondered if he really deserved you. A beauty mingling with a beast. No one would ever want to see that, after all, even the beast turned into a handsome prince at the end of the fairytale.
Bucky wondered, if you found out what he did every night after you were asleep or what he took from your closet when you were away, would you still want him? If you found out the beast within him, would you still love him the same?
His thoughts were occupied and it wasn’t until the sharp pain in his fingers that he snapped out of his trance.
“Fuck!” You heard him cursing and went to him, gasping when you saw the streams of blood flowing from the deep cut from two of his fingers.
Hastily reaching out for the clean cloth from one of the drawers, you placed it over the wound, applying pressure on them.
The red quickly seeped through the pristine white cloth, two colours clashing as the red engulfed the white.
Bucky noticed you wincing at the red, gulping at the sight, head slightly turned away. It was obvious you were uncomfortable at the sight of blood, so he took the cloth himself and nudged you to wash the faint hint of blood on your palms.
“Sorry, now you might have to do this alone,” Bucky gestured at the ingredients on the counter, “and sorry for the cloth, blood stains are quite hard to get rid off.”
“Don’t you worry, a little hydrogen peroxide and the cloth will be as good as new,” Bucky let you tend to his wounds and pushed him towards the living room where he would sit at the couch for the next hour while you were busy at the kitchen preparing dinner.
While he was in the living room, he took in the interior of your house. He never got to take a close look, as he always had to sneak in when it was dark. The beige colour walls, cream coloured furnitures, books arranged perfectly on the floating shelves. The pictures and art hung on the clean walls, not one of them is crooked. The square coffee table with only the remote and a display plant on it, and when he shifted himself to sit at the center of the couch, did he realize the coffee table was lined up perfectly in the middle of the TV and the couch.
Bucky’s eyebrows raised, he didn’t depict you as a meticulous person. No wait, whenever he went out with you, you’d arrange the plates to sit between the utensils perfectly. When you get boba, the straws must precisely be in the center of the cup, and if you missed it, your eyebrows would furrow in annoyance subconsciously.
His eyes wandered over to your figure in the kitchen and was not surprised to find you wiping and hanging the cutting board on the ceramic wall, adjusting it with your fingers so it wouldn’t be crooked while waiting for the stew to simmer.
You caught him looking at you and threw a smile at him in which he reciprocated, then continued to let his eyes wander through your living room. This could easily be an IKEA showroom, he thought.
Another week went by, Bucky found himself more and more in love with you, if that was possible in the first place as if he didn’t already dedicate all the space in his heart for you.
You were both in the kitchen again. This time however, he was busy mixing the sugar, flour, and cocoa powder mixture, with you snuggling behind him, arms circling his waist as you watched him do the magic.
He felt sorry for not helping last time so he was making up to you by baking some brownies.
As you both were cleaning up, brownies baking in the oven, Bucky turned to you.
“Hey, I never asked, but what do you do for a living?” He questioned nonchalantly while wiping the huge plastic bowl.
The wet spatula fell from your grip, dropping into the sink of water, droplets of soapy liquid flecked on your shirt.
“O-oh, i’m an artist!” You let out a laugh to conceal your flustered state, “Aspiring artist to be exact.”
“An artist,” he hummed, as if chewing onto the meaning of the word, “could you show me your works?”
Your head whipped towards his direction, mouth parted in surprise. Nobody has ever appreciated your dream. Your family, your friends, your ex-boyfriends, all of them claimed that being an artist would lead you to being unsuccessful, and you deemed to prove them wrong.
“Yes, yes, of course,” you were overjoyed. Abandoning the half-washed utensils, you clasped your hand around his wrist and dragged him to follow you towards the second floor, into a room hidden behind another beige coloured door, where you kept all your works.
Rows of headless mannequins clothed in white dresses painted with red blossoms appeared before him as you pushed open the door.
He was utterly mesmerized. He trailed his gaze across the display, a smile painted his lips as he deduced that every piece of them was unique. No two dresses had the same pattern.
Some had plain red blossoms splattered on it, some had dark red waves littering on the bottom hem; some with brush strokes of red. There was also a different tone of red, bright and dark or somewhat in between.
“Wow, this is just … amazing!” He found himself at a loss for words, “are those blood?”
“Yes, they are.”
“I thought you don’t like blood?” Bucky teased.
“These are animal blood. I’m fine with it as long as it’s not coming out from a human,” you retorted.
He chuckled. Once again admiring the intricate patterns of your works, marvelling at how talented and perfect you were. His heart sank at the thought of the question he frequently found himself asking, how can someone so perfect like you end up with someone less than perfect like him.
You apparently noticed his changed demeanor as you inched yourself closer to pull him into an embrace, placing your chin on his chest, eyes searching for his sad blue ones.
“Are you okay?” He hugged you tighter, sighing.
“I’m fine. I just … I think you’re perfect and you’re everything I've ever wanted. But I'm not sure if I'm perfect enough for you.”
“Oh James, you’re more than enough. I assure you, you’re everything I’ve ever wanted too.”
Bucky felt like his heart was filled to the brim with adoration, butterflies erupted from his stomach. Your assurance was everything to him, keeping his wandering soul anchored and he was grateful for it, grateful for your existence. The more the reason to cage you by his side so you couldn’t ever leave him.
His lips were on yours the next second, his grip on your waist tightened as you deepened the kiss, tongue finding his; busy hands sliding from his stomach to his shoulder.
Both of you were drowning in this ecstasy, unwilling to part away from each other’s touch.
The loud ding of the oven startled the both of you. Momentarily parting from each other, you stared at him with a heated glance. His eyes were hooded, filled with lust, desire.
“Fuck the brownies,” you whispered, molding your soft lips on him once again, the hunger for each other far greater than the stupid brownies, “need you now.”
Bucky didn’t need to be told twice, large hands cupping your bottom as you hopped and hooked your legs behind him, arms instinctively went to his shoulders for support.
He brought the both of you to your room, the one he was all too familiar with, the one with the same cream coloured theme which could definitely pass as another IKEA showroom judging by how perfect the layout was.
The only odd thing that stood out in this far too perfect room was the trail of scratch marks extending from the door frame to the wall outside of the room.
The deep scratch marks were somehow etched deep in his brain, he couldn’t let it go. It felt as if there was a dot of blank ink on a piece of white paper, and even though there was more white than black, you’d only be fixated on the dot of black.
He would ask you about the haunting marks on the wall and your fingers that were tracing patterns on his skin would falter, you’d give him the warm smile he loved while brushing it off saying it was the huge Dobermann your aunt owned which did that.
Even when he was balls deep in you, the vivid image of the scratch marks were there in his head, though you were quick to draw back his attention with a grind on his hips, both of your bodies covered with sheen of perspiration. Strands of your hair sticking to your body, but you pay no care to them as you rocked your hips, chanting his name over and over again like a mantra, like a prayer.
His eyes were on your fucked out state, his grip on you like steel. The cool surface of his metal arm contrasted with your hot flushed body as you chase your high like a traveller chasing the oasis in a desert, desperate for a quench of thirst.
Even when he was chasing the same high, vision blinding with bliss, the marks were still there and this time they were accompanied by the white dresses painted with red, and red only.
Bucky was always a doubtful person. Doubting every single decision he’d ever made. Doubting himself, doubting others. But there was one thing he was certain of, there was something less than innocent lurking underneath your skin. Of course, he was still head over heels for you but he was pretty adamant to find out the sinister in you, hoping it would answer his questions, mainly the recurring image of a certain mark.
Bucky was a lot of things, dumbass , dork, clumsy(per sam), but he was not stupid. Hell, he was far from stupid. Those scratch marks, definitely not the Dobermann.
You were a perfectionist, you couldn’t possibly leave the mark there and acted like nothing happened in the first place. He’d imagine if it was the dog, you’d probably have someone fix the dent the same day, unwilling to allow even a speck of blemish in your flawless house.
Bucky was a lot of things, and being a dumbass was definitely one of them as he was showing up on your porch in the evening unannounced.
He’d considered sneaking in like he used to do but he knew, he saw that you were still in the house. He couldn’t and wouldn’t jeopardize your relationship with him knowing he’d get caught.
He knocked on your door, hearing footsteps paddling, rushing to him.
As you opened the door, your eyes widened at the sight of an awkward Bucky. Although you were quick to throw him an unalarming smile, he still caught the nervousness in you.
There was something off with you. The disheveled hair, thin layer of sweat adorning the crown of your head, unknown wet liquid staining your shirt.
He caught a whiff of the strong smell of chemicals wafting through the door, it smelled a lot like bleach.
“I’m sorry,” he scratched at the back of his neck, “is this not a good time?”
“It’s fine, come on in.”
The smell of bleach invaded his nose the moment he stepped into your house, flooding and overwhelming his senses causing him to wince.
“Were you deep cleaning?”
“Yeah, I accidentally spilled some of the animal blood this morning. Had to use hell lots of hydrogen peroxide to get rid of them. Sorry for the smell.”
“No no, it’s okay. Let me just open the windows and door, okay?” He was getting a little light-headed now, desperately needing some fresh air. “Doll, you need to ventilate every time you use bleach, it’s harmful for your health to inhale all these fumes.”
You blushed at the term of endearment, yet wanting to blame him for not calling you that earlier.
He went over to open the windows, sighing contentedly at the waves of fresh air hitting his face as the wind blew in.
He felt your arms snaking around him, head leaning against his broad back.
“I love you, James. Wouldn’t know what to do without you.”
“I love you too.” He turned around and hugged you, his chin propped on your head, not knowing you had a solemn expression on your face.
He’d spent the evening with you, watching TV on the couch with you in his lap. It was so mundane yet he’d never got bored of this, wanting to do this with you for the rest of his life.
Outside the window, the orange and yellow sky faded into darkness.
“Let’s order take out, how about Thai food?”
“I’ll cook,” you kissed him on the lips and got up from his lap before he could reply anything.
“Ok, you need help?” He heard a faint ‘no, it’s fine’ coming out of the kitchen followed by the clanking of pots and utensils.
His neck stretched to peek at your figure in the kitchen, too busy chopping up ingredients to notice he was no longer at the living room.
He made his way down the basement, where the pungent smell of the bleach was still lingering.
The wood creaked as he stepped on the stairs, announcing his arrival to the darkness surrounding the basement. The soft glow of light illuminated the large space, a wall of tins stacking on each other revealed to him. A few easels of different sizes were propped on the wall with several grey aprons hanging beside them.
He walked closer to examine the insane amount of tins. A small label that said Pig blood was stickered on the body of the white tin.
His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. Do people really sell animal blood in metal tins, wouldn’t they go bad?
There were loads of questions in Bucky’s head, questions with answers only you could provide.
He noticed a chest freezer sitting in the corner of the basement and his legs brought him to it before he came to realize. The whole basement was so quiet he could hear the soft ringing in his ears, the racing of his heartbeat amplified as his hand inched towards the lid.
There was nothing in the freezer, to his surprise.
The empty freezer stared back at him, as if mocking his fruitless attempt. He was relieved, or disappointed, he couldn’t tell the difference and there was no point in distinguishing them now since you had nothing to hide. He wasn’t even sure what he was expecting to find in the freezer.
“Babe?” You stood behind him with an apron on, a knife in your hand, a second after he closed the door to the basement.
He leaned against the door frame, hand went to his head, eyes squeezed shut as he pretended he was having a headache.
“Felt dizzy all of a sudden, I was just making my way to the bathroom.”
“Oh, okay. I was just about to tell you dinner's almost ready,” a tooth-rotting smile was plastered on your face.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” he watched as you walked away, letting out the breath he’d been holding. His palm was clammy, heart beating rapidly.
“I love you,” You placed your hand on his arm, eyes meeting his.
“I know, doll. I love you too.”
This was seconds before dinner.
“James, I love you.” You whispered, watching him giving you a grin before he stuffed the meatball into his mouth.
“Wow, I'm so loved today. It’s the secon- no, third time you’ve said ‘I love you’ to me today.” He grinned, heart bursting with love. “You know I love you too.”
This was mid-dinner.
“I love you so much, James.”
Bucky was getting suspicious of you. Were you hiding something, perhaps cheating on him? For there were no reasons for you to keep telling him you loved him even though he knew how much you loved him and vice versa.
“I love you,” you kissed his knuckles, “this might be the last time I get to say I love you, James.”
His eyebrows furrowed at your statement, mouth parting to question what you meant. Before he could voice out something, the world faded into nothingness.
A thin film of blurriness clouded his eyes when he opened them, Bucky had this feeling like he was drowning in a swamp and his whole body was bound.
Blinking furiously, he regained his vision. You were sitting on a chair leaning forwards while looking at him endearingly, your elbows propped on your knees, palms supporting your chin.
“Hello, my love,” you were smiling oh so sweetly. The same smile that got him mesmerized and head over heels, except this time he didn’t feel the warm fuzzy feeling exploding in his chest, this time it was the goosebumps crawling on his arms and the chill creeping up his spine.
Now everything made sense, every single of his questions was answered.
You looked down at his body, the one that was once full of life, full of love. You watched as his glassy blue eyes etched with fear quickly reduced into this grey lifeless orbs, still pretty but lacking the element of a beautiful soul.
You weep for him, mourn for him. Mourning the short duration of love shared between the both of you. Mourning for yourself, for falling too hard. Mourning for him who kept you always in his heart.
To be honest, you were a little hesitant to end his life, he was better than the last one. He was perfect, warm, kind, loving, gentle, but not perfect enough. He simply did not reach your expectations, and you, could not bear imperfections, even the slightest. The answer to his downfall was pretty easy, he was too close to the ugly truth. And despite you knowing his love for you outweighs his doubt and fear in you, you simply couldn’t risk it.
Your love for perfection exceeds your love for him.
The melodious music of your ringtone echoed in the ample space of the basement, you brought up your phone to your ears as you answered the call.
“Mrs. Lockwood? Yes. Of course. I did. No no no, I’ll do it for you this time. He would definitely taste delicious I assure you.”
Time to get to work, you sighed as you stood there with a white dress splattered with blood. How artistic, you thought.
You always loved this part of the process, you’d wear the whitest piece of dress you own whenever you work with your projects.
You loved how the blood peppered your clothes, forming blossoms of dark red flowers on the fabric.
You kept every single piece of them, because no two are the same. Every one of them tells a story, of men and women who loved you and who you loved, of those who were once a body with a soul.
Wiping away the tears rolling down your cheeks, you gave Bucky one last loving look and the blade of your butcher knife came in contact with his once pink but now pale skin as you hummed, the sound bouncing off the walls of the basement, forming echoes.
A few blocks away, a baby cried, body covered in mucus. The tiny infant cried, each time louder than the previous, wailing his lungs out, as if mourning. For one soul born, another reaped.
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monsterboyfriend · 2 years
📕 fanfic plot please!
Here's a Glee one (the Cohenofsky brOTP) that I talked about in discord:
In an alternate Season 3, Tina's dad gets a very lucrative job opportunity in Akron, resulting in her moving far from Lima and attending Carmel High instead. She is devastated by this and tries to find her place at this new school. In some ways, without her fellow gleeks' emotional support, she even regresses a bit to her S1 self. She can't even lean on Mike for support. She finds herself alone and without a creative outlet. In a fit of desperation, she tries out for Vocal Adrenaline, coached by Jesse St James. And who does she meet at the auditions but Dave Karofsky.
When Dave came out to his parents over the summer, his parents had wildly different reactions. His father was accepting, if a little perplexed, but his mother was hellbent on finding a cure. This resulted in an incredibly messy, ongoing divorce. To shield Dave from the drama, his father sent him to live with his aunt and uncle in Akron. What's worse is that he's forced to repeat junior year due to failing his classes last year. Although he originally planned to keep a low profile at Carmel, his cousin Harmony's interest in show choir made him her ride home, so there he was.
Vocal Adrenaline highly prioritizes dancing skills over singing ability, since they usually only have one star singer to lead them in competition. As a result, unless you are exceptionally vocally gifted, your best bet for auditioning is an impressive enough dance routine. Harmony knows this, and has been working on a set with Dave for a month. With competition so heated, Dave never expected to get in, so being accepted along with Harmony is a huge shock to him (and cause for a crisis).
Tina, on the other hand, goes the riskier route, prioritizing vocals and stage presence and impressing Jesse in the process (Journey To The Past from the movie Anastasia). In truth, Jesse also sees Tina's former membership to the New Directions as a great opportunity for psychological warfare against them.
And so Tina and Dave are thrusted into the brutal routines and cutthroat politics of this champion show choir.
Unfortunately, VA has fallen onto hard times. After they failed to win Nationals, most of the forever-seniors elected to graduate rather than stick around. The fact that the school hired Jesse, a college dropout with no credentials beyond being a former member of VA to coach is not a good sign at all, considering that previous coaches had extensive backgrounds in Hollywood and Broadway and most had performing arts degrees. So there's a lot of pressure on Jesse to win Nationals. Otherwise, Vocal Adrenaline will see huge cuts to their budget and people will stop sending their talented kids to Carmel. The prestige of VA will fade, and the boost these midwestern teens would get in their future careers, their one foot in the door to stardom, will be gone.
So Jesse is tasked with assembling an almost all new VA and win Nationals all while finding his footing as a first-time show choir coach.
To Jesse, Vocal Adrenaline is best thought of as a single organism, everyone perfectly in sync with one another with a near-telepathic bond. Meanwhile, Dave and Tina, but especially Dave, stick out like a sore thumb. Dave, who sings quietly and blushes at certain dance moves, and Tina, who looks perpetually terrified of her fellow teammates, are assigned a choreographed duet together by Jesse to sing in front of the club and to tackle their lack of confidence.
The song? Lollipop by MIKA. An objectively good song, but horrifying for Dave.
"I don't feel comfortable singing about sucking too hard on a lollipop," he tells Jesse, but Jesse came prepared. He knew Tina from his brief stint at McKinley, but Dave Karofsky was a mystery, so he dug deeper. And Jesse's like, I know what this is about. I see you and your homophobia. Of course you'd hate singing anything that could even erroneously be interpreted as gay. Don't even think about pulling that same shit here.
"If you have an issue with it, work through it," he says. "There's no place for embarrassment in show choir. As for you," he turns to Tina. "You need to learn to trust your teammates. You have a problem with Dave? I don't care, as long as you can perform with him. You both have issues. Work it out, or you're off the team."
Although Tina has her reservations about Dave, they quickly become good friends and manage to perform their duet marvelously and with amazing chemistry. They even go on a date together, in which Dave really wants to have romantic feelings for her, but then admits he's gay and that he's sorry for leading her on. She forgives him and they remain close.
They're very tactile as friends and often get mistaken for a couple, which they calmly say they're not. If people didn't believe them, that was their problem. Tina had offered to be his beard but Dave wouldn't allow it because Tina was still looking for a boyfriend and Dave didn't want her to be labeled a cheater. Not to mention, having a beard would be a step backwards for him, too. In any case, it was clear that they loved each other in that easy way that close friends do.
They even manage to find friends within VA. There's of course Harmony, Dave's little cousin, but also Chandler (Dave thinks he might be gay but is afraid to ask), and Wade Adams (who's name is Unique in private as she's not out yet). The five of them hang out a lot outside of school.
Jesse reaches out to New Directions for a "friendly" competition much like in S6. It's still decided to be hosted at McKinley since it's between Akron and Westerville. Jesse plans to showcase Tina and Dave in order to psych out ND (as well as give them an opportunity for solos since it'll only be Wade in competitions). However, ND has secretly planned for hecklers to show up for VA in retaliation for the Night of Neglect last year, not knowing Tina is in VA.
VA only finds out once they're backstage, and Tina's freaking out because they're opening with her solo. Tbh Dave is freaking out too because his old friends are in the crowd and his solo is after hers. But they both realize that they won't be alone on stage and that they have each other and their friends to back them up, which gives them enough confidence to get through their set.
Tina never told anyone in ND that she joined VA bc, tbh, she was a bit ashamed. Now though, she was only ashamed she didn't tell them sooner. She sings Break The Ice by Britney Spears, and she never felt more powerful. Most of the audience is either stunned that it's Tina or by how hot the performance was. When Dave takes centerstage to sing Working For The Weekend, the audience is thoroughly stunlocked. The dancing is getting even more impressive with backflips and shit. And Dave is belting the hell out of him. They end on The Chain by Fleetwood Mac (which Glee should have covered in the Rumours episode btw like wth). It's such a perfect blend of voices like 😚🤌 perfect and you can also hear individual members' voices.
So after the finish, Jesse is backstage thinking damn, that had heart and soul in it. I've never heard that in VA before. Huh. Anyway, he greets them with a smile like "Tina, you were amazing. Dave, I'm so proud of you," while squeezing his shoulder. They're both stunned bc Jesse has never been this complimentary before but also Dave is like "😍 is this what love feels like?" Little does he know that Tina is thinking the same exact thing.
Tbc I guess. I've already had this in my drafts for too long.
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