#and that opens up the casting pool to so many bad ass black actresses at whatever range depending on the choice of what role the woman
takethesefictions · 1 year
you know what- I would watch and love the fuck out of an Ocean’s 14 movie in this economy and maybe ESPECIALLY because of this economy. #knowkingbetterbutonvibesonlymode
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crowdedimagines · 4 years
Girl Next Door - Harry Styles
over 4k!! 💖 this ended up longer than i thought it would be, but i really didn’t want to break it up into two parts. hope you guys enjoy!
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Harry was not in a good mood as of late. He was cranky at the world, which wasn’t very like himself and he was bored of doing nothing. Not even moving to a brand new house in Malibu brought him joy. Jeff noticed him feeling down a little, and was confused by it. The album was officially out and doing very well, now he’s just got a few months until he can start touring.
So he’s taken to moping around his house. Instead of going out, meeting new people, and experiencing new things, like Jeff had hoped would happen, Harry has yet to leave his home. It’s been a few weeks in his new place, still not fully used to the new surroundings.
He definitely wasn’t used to the view. His old home had a nice view, but this one is unmatched. The soft sun casting a warm haze over everything as the nights grow later. The ocean stretches for miles until it hits the horizon. Harry sat in his backyard with a lonely guitar in his lap, he stomped strumming new tunes a while ago.
A loud knock from somewhere far inside the house pulls him from his trance. He leans his guitar against his chair. His bare feet pad against the floor as he makes his way to his front door.
He swings the door open just as another knock starts.
“Oh sorry! I wasn’t sure if anyone was home!” The girl smiles, she drops her raised arm and offers him a warm smile. She tucks her hair behind her ear, her energy is bright and shiny and it makes Harry feel nauseous.
“Can I help you?” Harry leans against the door a little, trying to hint that he wasn’t in the mood for guests.
“I just wanted to say hi! I don’t know if you’ve seen, but I live next door. I noticed you move in a few weeks ago, but I wanted to give you time to settle.”
“Are you on the welcoming committee or sumthin?” Harry mumbles, squinting his eyes to look at her face. He’s struggling to pay much attention right now. He just plainly doesn’t care to.
“We don’t have a committee.” She rolls her eyes but lets out a laugh, “But, I did want to welcome you.”
“Thanks.” Harry starts to close the door a little.
“I’m sorry, did I come at a bad time?” Without even thinking she peeks around behind him to see if he has any guests, which she’s sure he doesn’t. Since moving in, there’s hardly been any activity at all. You would think a ghost lives here.
“Not at all, just not in the mood to entertain a teenage girl tonight I guess.” Harry says, finally letting his sour attitude out.
“Excuse me?” She asks, shocked and somewhat appalled. She didn’t know what she expected coming over, but at least a small amount of kindness seemed to be a given. “What’s crawled up your ass?”
She crosses her arms over her chest, if he’s not going to play nice she isn’t either. Harry lets out a laugh, he doesn’t even care that she’s mad. It’s funny. It’s trivial to him.
“R’ya finished?” He finally looks up at her face again to see she seems to be turning a little red with anger. “Did you give your little speech?”
“Seriously, what is wrong with you?” She rolls her eyes one last time before turning around and walking down his front path. Muttering ‘such an asshole’ to herself as she goes. She doesn’t even look back for a second, she continues her stomp.
Harry shuts the door once she’s out of sight and returns to his guitar, not giving it another thought. He doesn’t give her another thought for a few days. Jeff made it his mission to get him out of the house so they went out for lunch. Harry decided he wanted to drive his beloved Dino with the top down, it’s a sunny day. That car is one of the few things that still is bringing him joy right now.
They pull into Harry’s neighborhood, he needs to drop Jeff back off at his car which is in the driveway. As they get closer Harry notices someone running at a quick pace. It’s the girl again, her hair pulled back into a ponytail and her outfit switched out for a pair of shorts and a sports bra.
“What’s that look about?” Jeff asks, noticing the glare the girl was giving them as they drove past.
“Nothing. Just the neighbor.” Harry shrugs, pulling into his driveway and throwing his car in park.
“She’s not just the neighbor. Do you know who that is?” Jeff turns to look at his friend, surprised at his complete obliviousness. “That was Y/n Y/Ln. She’s an actress.”
“Never heard of her.” Harry mumbles, picking at his bottom lip.
“Well you must’ve, she’s practically a household name. Well off enough to have a house in your neighborhood, that should say something. I think her house might be bigger than yours too.”
Harry rolls his eyes at that, Jeff probably trying to get a rise out of him. He opens his door and steps out, Jeff close behind. He follows him into Harry’s house. Apparently their afternoon together isn’t over.
“Have you talked to her yet?”
“Yeah, she came over a few days ago.” Harry walks to his kitchen to get himself a glass of water.
“She was here?” Jeff smirks.
“Yeah, wanted to welcome me to the neighborhood, I practically shut the door in her face.” Harry relives the memory, it just hitting him how rude he was.
“Well what’d you do that for?”
Harry simply shrugs, not wanting to think too much into it. It’s just been the mood he’s been in lately. It’s what has friends and family so worried. Harry is always kind and warm, but lately he’s been quite the opposite and no one can explain it. He’s never felt more lonely in his life, yet he doesn’t welcome guests. Harry himself doesn’t even get it.
“Well, I’ve got to go. I have a few more meetings today, but let me know if you want to hang out again. I’m sure Glenne would love to have you over for dinner soon.”
“Sounds great.”
Harry waves over his shoulder to his close friend as he climbs the stairs to his room. He hears the door shut and lets out a sigh.
Harry has rarely felt like this in his life. When he has felt this depression it’s never lasted this long, usually only coming in bursts. Lately, it’s consumed him completely, and he’s afraid to admit he might need help. He just feels lonely all the time, and it’s better to plan on being alone than to be let down by someone. That’s how Harry has been living his life now.
Against his better judgement he reaches for his laptop once he’s in his room and googles the girl next door’s name. Thousands of articles, interviews, and accolades pop up, not to mention her list of movies.
He watches a few interviews, and it pains him that she seems genuinely nice and funny. He knows it’s true if she was willing to show up to the neighbors and welcome him. She’s also not as young as he originally thought, in her early twenties and so many things accomplished.
One interview leads to another until his whole Youtube suggestions are all of her. Harry’s sure that he’s seen every interview she’s ever done, dating back years.
By the time he starts putting on her movies, it’s completely dark out, but he can’t stop. He’s compelled to know more. She’s enchanting, the way she acts pulls you in. You want to laugh with her. You want to cry with her.
He simply grins watching her bite back a smile, or throwing her head back in a loud laugh. He still doesn’t truly know her, but for one night at least she made him feel a little less lonely.
The next day Harry wakes up later than he usually does. He was up too late watching flicks that all starred her. He gets up and makes his morning smoothie, and takes it out on his balcony, way later than his usual routine would permit. He closes his eyes, soaking in the sun, his attention being pulled to the left when he hears a splash.
She’s swimming in her pool. Swimming laps, occasionally stopping to reach for her water bottle which sits at the edge of the pool. Harry’s never noticed the view from his balcony, he can see over the tall fence they share.
Harry has to focus to pull his gaze from her, and focus on the book in his hands. He stands no chance once she decides to get out of the pool. Water glistening, the sun beating down making her look like a goddess. Now he can actually take in her black bikini.
She reaches for a towel, but something pulls her attention to the house next door. She can feel eyes on her. She noticed the rude man, who she knows is Harry Styles, his face turning red from being caught.
His eyes start skimming over the lines in his book, not even trying to comprehend them just trying to look like that had been all he was doing. Out of his peripheral vision he notices her walk back inside her house and he can breath again.
Harry doesn’t stay up late at night after that, still becoming more well known with her work, but not affecting his routine. He doesn’t want her to catch him again, made him feel like a creep watching her swim a few days ago.
After a while Harry decides to go in and try to do something somewhat productive with his day for once. He decides to make bread, something he really hasn’t done in a long time. It takes him a while to find a recipe he likes, getting distracted with making himself lunch and writing down potential song lyrics, and running around the house for other things. After a few hours he has a few loaves of bread.
It takes a bit of back and forth with himself before he decides he wants to bring some over to her. A way of an apology. A small way to ask for forgiveness for being an ass. And a chance for him to talk to the girl he’s grown to obsess over the past few days.
He has to shake it out as he walks up her driveway, her house is really nice. Even though they’re right next to each other with the trees and the fence he hasn’t been able to see much. He climbs up a few steps and presses on her doorbell before he can second guess himself.
Her door is fully glass, letting him see a portion of her house, he notices her taking quick steps from farther back in her house. Once she sees who's on the other side her steps slow. Regardless, she pulls the door open.
Her hair is in loose messy waves, like she was at the beach all day. It’s less professional than what he’s seen in interviews, but he likes it. It’s like he’s gotten to see her some way that few do.
“Can I help you?” She doesn’t bother putting on a smile, and Harry can’t even blame her. He didn’t even deserve her opening the door. Although the all glass part would make it awkward for her to see him and then walk away.
“I made some bread.” Harry bursts out, not even uttering a hello.
“And I was wondering if you would like some. I made too much for just me.” Harry reaches out the ziploc bag with the bread in it towards her. She hesitantly takes it.
“Why?” Her eyes never falter, holding steady on his.
“Well I just told you-”
“Yeah, but that’s bullshit.” Y/n laughs, getting straight to the point. “You were an ass to me not even a week ago and now you’re bringing me homemade bread. So what’s your deal, do you feel guilty or something?”
“I do.” Harry admits, “I could give you the excuse that I haven’t felt like myself in a really long time and I’ve felt a little depressed and completely alone lately and that I’ve been lashing out on others, which is true, but all I wanted to say is that I’m sorry.”
Harry starts to take a few steps back, he said his apology and if she doesn’t want to accept it then he would have to learn to live with it.
Y/n bites on her lip as she debates with herself. He was an ass, she had almost completely written him off, but she’s had her bad days and no one should have to be judged off of one moment.
“Come on.” She opens the door wider, leaving it open for him to follow.
“Are you serious?” He asks, following her anyway.
“You just said you’re lonely, didn’t you?”
She leads to her kitchen to put away the bread before they make their way to the living room. She sits down on one end of the couch, crossing her legs to face him. Harry mimics her actions, looking around the unfamiliar house.
“So what’s going on?” She picks up a mug from the table which is next to a book. Enjoying her evening reading before she was interrupted by him.
“I just feel like I haven’t got anything to do. I’ve finished my album, and I just need to wait a few months until the tour. I’ve already done the promo, and I just feel bored and alone.”
“What? So you’ve got no hobbies? Other than watching me swim laps in my pool.” She smirks setting her mug back down. Harry’s face heats up, turning an obvious shade of pink.
“Other than that, no.” He sputters out, “It was only the one time, and it wasn’t intentional, I swear! I had just never noticed that I could see your yard so well from my balcony.”
“It’s alright.” She smiles. “So what about friends or bandmates? Aren’t they playing the waiting game just like you?”
“Yeah, they are, but most of them spend this time with family since we’ll be on tour for months at a time after this.”
“Why aren’t you doing that?”
“I just wanted to be able to be in one place. Plus they both work, so I don’t want to go sit at my moms all by myself all day. I think it would be just as bad.” Harry explains, Y/n just nods as she listens.
“Do you want some tea?” Y/n asks as she gets up, grabbing her mug on the way.
Harry nods, following her to the kitchen. She puts the kettle on the stove, grabbing a second mug out of one of her cabinets. She pulls herself on the counter while they wait, Harry does the same with some hesitancy.
“I think that you should do everything that you won't be able to do once you’re on tour.” She explains.
“What do you mean?” Harry looks to her confused.
“All of the things you won't have time for once you’re in a new city every night.” She jumps off the counter once the kettle lets out a high pitched whistle. “Like go get a new tattoo, or ten. Go on a date. Write a new song to surprise the fans with on tour. Fill as much of your time now, so you won’t regret it when your schedule is packed later.”
Y/n hands him a mug and they walk back to the couch.
“That’s kind of a brilliant idea.” Harry admits.
“I know.” Y/n grins, “I’m kind of brilliant.”
Harry lets out a laugh and rolls his eyes.
“And maybe if you aren’t already, try therapy. It can really help.”
Harry takes her words into consideration. He’s gone on and off, never consistently, because he’s never had a consistent schedule.
They stay up until it grows dark out and they’ve talked for hours. They exchange phone numbers so now they can call each other before randomly showing up on each other’s door steps. Harry also enlists Y/n to help him fill his time since she has some spare time right now because she’s between movies.
They grow a little closer every time they hang out. For over a week straight they hang out everyday. Jeff sees a noticeable difference in Harry when he pays him a visit. He’s got his glow back, and a friendly grin on his face.
“Alright, what gives? Did you get laid or something?” Jeff teases.
“No!” Harry shakes his head with a laugh, putting down his phone and giving Jeff his full attention.
“You seem...better.” Jeff struggles to find the right word.
“I feel better, I’ve been hanging out with Y/n all week.”
“Ahhh, there it is.”
“No, we’re just friends.” Harry shakes his head, already trying to think of something to change the subject with because he knows that Jeff can see right through his bullshit.
“Right, just friends.”
“We are! She’s between films right now and we’re both just trying to keep ourselves entertained.”
Jeff leaves Harry’s house a few hours later, it takes him thirty seconds to call Y/n to see what she’s up to.
“Hello, love.” Harry smiles hearing that she’s answered.
“Uhhh, hi!” Y/n says back.
“Are you alright, you sound stressed.” Harry comments, his brows furrow.
“I’m cooking.”
“Great, I’ll call the fire department.” Harry teases. Y/n being a bad cook didn’t take Harry long to figure out. She’s truly awful at it, with the worst luck.
“Shut up! Just get your ass over here and help out.”
Neither Harry or Y/n have grown so comfortable with someone in this short of time span. It was bound to happen with both of them needing entertainment, Harry more so than her. They found new things to do most days, or just found contentment in each other’s presence.
Harry makes his way over, letting himself in when he gets there. Y/n has music playing loudly, at least four different pans going at once, not to mention all the things she’s trying to get done at the kitchen island.
She moves her hips with the song as she sings along, not completely focused on cutting the vegetables. Harry simply leans on the archway entrance to the room taking in the sight. One that’s quickly become one of his favorites.
“Hey!” She grins looking up at him, finally noticing him.
“Hey.” He walks closer and presses a kiss to her temple before taking over on the things she was not giving a fair amount of attention to.
“What would you do without me love?” Harry asks, teasing, while turning down the heat on a few things.
“Order in.” She teases right back. Something their relationship has plenty of room for is humor.
After a while longer, they settle in and eat their meal, which turns out better than either of them would have imagined.
“D’ya wanna go for a drive?” Harry asks, taking both of their plates and walking towards the sink.
They walk back to Harry’s house so he can drive, of course taking out the Dino. Harry pulls out of the driveway and they make their way to the Pacific Coast Highway.
Y/n pulls her hair back into a pony, remembering how her hair gets whipped around when the top is down in the car.
“That was a good idea, love.” He comments, noticing her hair is no longer flying in every which direction. Harry’s longer curls on the other hand keep coming forward and hitting him in the face.
“I know, it was such a great idea I even remembered one for you.” She pulls the second hair tie off her wrist and ties the top half of his hair into a little sprout of a ponytail on the top of his head. Harry feels a slight blush while she ties up his hair for him.
“Thanks, love.” He grins.
It makes Harry feel warm inside, the smallest gestures. The fact that Y/n remembered that his hair bothers him too sometimes and she thought to grab another tie for him. She doesn’t even know what she did is making his heart swell, her hand just floating out the window with the wind.
Harry pulls off when they find a lookout spot. The view is different from the one they have at their homes, but just as nice. The sun setting low, causing the sky to fill with a pinkish orange color.
“Who could ever get used to this?” Y/n asks, fully taking in the sight in front of her. She gets out of the car and sits down on the hood, simply looking back at him over her shoulder, “Are you gonna join me or what?”
She doesn’t need to ask Harry twice. He joins her on the hood, his legs stretching out in front of him.
“This past week has been the best one I’ve had in a long time, Y/n.” Harry admits, changing his view to her face.
“Me too, Harry.” She smiles.
“Can I take you on a date, Y/n?” Harry asks, surprising them both equally.
“What?” She turns to look at him. Her question both to make sure she heard him correctly and to also give him an out in case he didn’t mean what he just blurted.
“Can I take you on a date? It was one of the things you listed to do, and there’s no one else I would want to go on a date with other than you.”
“Oh.” Y/n responds, she turns away for a second so she can think. Obviously she wants to go on a date with him, but the whole point was for him to do things that he won’t be able to do for months. If she says yes to this date and grows attached she could very well be dumped in two months or have to attempt long distance. Is Harry worth that?
“I would love to go on a date, Harry.” Y/n smiles, turning back to face him. His eyes never left her face. He wasn’t even nervous, just excited to pursue this relationship.
“Okay good, because I don’t know if I could take another movie night without being able to cuddle you.” Harry sighs, pulling Y/n into his chest.
They sit like that for a while, until the sun is far below the horizon and the breeze starts to get cold. They make it back to Y/n’s house, Harry parks in the driveway and walks her to the front door.
“So, when are you taking me on that date?” She teases, leaning against her front door slightly. Trapped between it and Harry.
“Hmm, tomorrow too soon?” Harry smirks.
“No, I was probably going to have plans with you anyway.” Y/n smiles.
“Good, I don’t want to wait much long to kiss you.” Harry takes a small step closer.
“Well, what’s stopping you right now?”
“Y/n, kisses before the first date?” Harry feigns shock, letting his jaw drop while Y/n throws her head back in a laugh.
“She does, but you can’t tell anyone.”
“I promise.”
After that Y/n pulls Harry in closer to close the distance. The kiss is soft and warm. Inviting them both to extend it, opening their mouths wider. Inviting each other to know each other more intimately. Y/n’s arms wrap around his neck while Harry’s tighten on her waist.
Eventually they pull up for oxygen, smiling like teenagers after their first kiss.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Y/n asks, unlocking her door and walking in.
“I will see you tomorrow.” Harry nods, a little dopey. High off of her lips.
“Goodnight, Harry.” She smirks, letting the door shut a little more.
“Goodnight, Y/n.”
hope y’all loved that because it was cuteeeeee 🤩
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