#and thats just what ive noticed in the past 5 mins
mell0bee · 6 months
tagged by @candiedjellybean thank u dude!!! im p sure ive done this tag sometime last year so will be interesting to see if my answers have changed
Are you named after anyone? unfortunately, st. brigid of ireland, but also apparently it's a name thats been in my dad's side of the family too? either way my parents knew of the name due to irish catholic reasons. yipee! though im cool with it bc st. brigid used to be the goddess brigid from irish myth, and also both of them were badasses <3
When was the last time you cried? .....genuinely i think the last time i cried was in like. early march when i watched the holdovers? i think? taking a break from college has greatly decreased the frequency at which i cry lmao
Do you have kids? no sir
Do you use sarcasm a lot? i guess yes? probably about as much as the average person (this is not sarcasm)
What sports do you play? i do not play any currently (though i probs should. i am built like a twig and a strong wind will knock me over.) but as a kid i used to play soccer which i hated and was god awful at and softball which i liked more but i was also god awful at and mostly spent my time hitting foul balls and playing with the grass in right field. but it was fun!
What’s the first thing you notice about people? uhhhhhh. uh?????? if they're wearing a cool outfit or have cool hair or smth? idk man. i guess i dont rlly think abt it?
What’s your eye color? brown
Scary movies or happy endings? uh. both? am p sure my tolerance for horror is a lot higher than most people and im always down for a tragedy but i also like happy endings too. though from a writing perspective happy endings are significantly easier to pull off than sad ones (& more common. hero's journey and all that).
Any special talents? uhhhhh im double jointed in my thumbs. also i can put my foot behind my head. is that a talent? im also working on my sudoku time, i think my lowest time for master difficulty is around 6 mins 30 seconds? which is uh. above average?? i think???
Where were you born? idk apparently they cloned me in a lab somewhere
What are your hobbies? lately playing a lot of video games, writing (mostly fanfic), art stuff (mostly drawing but am learning how to use watercolor), uhhhh.... ttrpgs but i havent gotten to play in a while sadly
Do you have any pets? dog!!!!!
How tall are you? 5'3
Favourite subject in school? science
Dream job? ahahahah funny you should ask that, i say, having been doubting my choices in career aspirations and my post-undergrad 5-year plan that i've had since high school for the past 7 months, (please send help. but. for a serious answer. i think i still want to do science research? just maybe in a softer science like psych even tho my undergrad is bio & neuro???? idk. unsure.)
tagging uhhhhhhh candiedjellybean already tagged most of the ppl i usually tag sooo @halflingkima ? i think i tagged u last time too lol. & anyone else who wants to do this!!!
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bruce-wayne-simp · 1 year
Ok yall im about to watch Remainder (2015)
I love how when i started my Sandman obsession i was like 'ok but we arent gonna get obsessed with Tom Sturridge' and now here we are. Ive watched Pirate Radio like 3 times and now im watching this
Disclaimer: idk what exactly this movie is about. Ive read a synopsis before but that was a while ago and i forgot what it was so 🤷‍♀️
The rest is under a read more, so, incoherent rambling ahead (hopefully). If not ill just be yelling abt how pretty he is i guess
Spoilers ahead
Oh god its starting aaahhhh
Hes panting....
So he's walking around frantically (but not like. Panicked) with a suitcase
Ok he left his luggage and now something fell-
HOLY SHIT he just got bashed in the head by something falling
How is he not fucking dead that was BRUTAL
Oh ok so hes basically dead??
Oh no hes awake actually
3 minutes in and this is a rollercoaster already jesus
Ok so he's in the MRI end he's remembering something
Ok creepy old lady
Oooh he's scraggly here. Long hair and a beard
Ouch i feel bad for him :( he got tea and then fell while carrying it back to the bed
Did he rip the phone cord out of the wall on purpose
Ok tbh this is getting kinda tedious
Ooooh wait now its getting interesting
Ok so hes in the phone booth bcs he accidentally(?) pulled his phone cord out of the wall and this guy is impatient and wants to use the phone but gives up and goes away.
Then these two guys pull up in a car and are trying to get him out of the phone booth. The guy from before pulls out his phone and starts recording and one of the two guys reveals he has a gun. The guy recording manages to spook the two guys off.
Tom (T. Sturridge's character) gets out of the booth with the help of the recording guy, looks at him intensely and calls him Christopher. Chris gets kinda freaked out bcs that's his name and Tom somehow knows it.
INTRIGUING. Which is great bcs i was about to skip forward
Oh shit now there's some lady in his house
He knows her??? Ok
Also he did rip the phone out of the wall on purpose
Oh thank god hes getting a haircut
Oh also btw hes getting a settlement for the accident which is 8.5 million pounds but after taxes and stuff itll be like in the hundred thousands. The catch is that he can't talk about it. Which to him is all well and good bcs he doesn't remember anything about it.
Its kinda implied by this point that there's more to this than just an accident
Aww he's talking to the lady (idk her name and at this point we don't know his either) and he says he remembers her. He specifically remembers seeing her right before the accident (which we saw earlier), he remembers her smell and remembers kissing her or someone who looks like her
They're in the lawyers office and GOD is he pretty here
I noticed the way he moves his hands kinda oddly in The Sandman and i wondered if that was a character choice but i think he just Does That?? Idk we'll see
Im so confused. What??
I'm even more confused
How dare he look pretty with blood on his face looking pathetic in the subway
Oh shit thats a little complicated
So he went to this guys house where hes having a halloween party. The dudes name is Greg(??) and knows our guy. We find out the lady's name is Catherine and she is Gregs wife. Our guy is kinda agitated and trying to leave (for some reason) and Greg keeps pulling him back. Greg drops that she is/was his wife and that shes a liar and our guy pushes past him, goes into the bathroom amd vomits in the sink.
"Blizz. I think youre bad at explaining. None of this makes sense!" Exactly. Im even more confused
I have faith this will all make sense soon. We are only 30 mins in.
Is this just a 'this movie' thing or a British thing?? Is everyone this impatient all the time?? First hes in the phone booth for literally 5 seconds before someone tells him to hurry up. Now hes in the bathroom for maybe like 1 minute before people are like 'hey hurry it tf up' like CHILL yall
Ok nows a good time to mention this. He keeps having visions/flashbacks of this little boy in a red and blue coat and a creepy old lady
Oh shit that was intersting. Ok so he had a vision of walking around his flat and he winds up in the stairwell and he sees the old lady. She says something and he cant make it out so he asks 'What?' and she looks kind of up and next to him and the little boy is right there. The boy holds a hand out, our guy closes his eyes and he opens them to find himself still in the bathroom.
Wild. Ok. Im a bit more intrigued than confused now
Ok he was in the bathroom for an hour apparently. Theyre justified in yelling at him. But he also suffered severe brain damage so 🤷‍♀️
✨️arts and crafts time✨️
Catherines back!
He's kinda wary of her after his convo with Greg but she shows pics of herself in Oxford (where she said she was going) then they start bantering a bit and he says theyve had this conversation before and asks if she remembers and she says no :(
They're kissing aahhh
Oh shit Greg called her
He threw her phone at the wall and told her to get the fuck out
Hes not having a good time. Tbh he never was
Ok so he made a cardboard house during his arts and crafts time. For what? I have no idea.
Ok he lifted up the top and now he just destroyed it. Forget about the house we hate the house
Ok actually don't forget about the house he's calling realtors to ask about the house he recreated
Use a laptop you loser ❤️
So remember the vision he had in the bathroom?? THATS THE HOUSE HES LOOKING FOR. THE HOUSE HE WAS IN IN THE VISION. IT WASNT HIS FLAT.
Ok i think i get it? Hes having these visions and he remembers things and hes trying to recreate the memories and figure out what the visions are
Ok also i like the realtor guy. Hes working with him to figure out what the place hes been seeing is. Down to the old lady and the little boy.
Also we find out more details. The old lady cooks liver all the time to the point where our guy can smell it upstairs and puts her trash out whenever our guy leaves his apartment. Theres a guy who composes music and our guy can hear it upstairs.
Like hes professional and obviously a biy weirded out but hes not just like. Dismissing him out of hand
Also id youve seen The Kissing Gifs, this guy is the guy he kisses later on
The realtor guys colleagues find the house within like. Minutes and our guy is THRILLED
"I want you full-time, all the time." "Im not cheap." KISS ALREADY, DAMN
Oh shit it's those two guys from the phone booth
Oh ok so he wants to literally recreate the visions. He bought the complex he was seeing and he described the lady and the other dude so the realtor guy can move them in i guess?? And hes having construction workers make it EXACTLY as he saw it.
This man has Issues. Thats it thats the movie(?)
Oh my god he's having it recreated down to the fucking CATS on the roof. Jesus christ.
This part is hilarious
Ok so they tied the cats down to the roof bcs they were falling off the roof (horrifying). Our guy sees this and is like 'wtf no' so they have this amazing convo
Naz: These are the last cats we have
Tom: ...so?
Naz: So if they fall we'll be cat-less
Tom: Then we'll get more cats- why are we even having this conversation?
Like it's awful but funny as shit
Realtor guys name is Naz (we just found out)
(The cat handler quit btw)
Jfc he's like. Inspecting the people who are moving in with Intense Eye Contact
Oh my god hes like. Ordering this guy to do nothing but compose music that has ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN day in and day out and start over again and again
Holy fuck this is so Wild. There are people in line who literally have their faces covered (bcs i guess he doesn't know what they look like????)
He just told this lady that there's a broom closet but he doesn't want her to ever use it. But she needs to think about it. WHAT THE FUCK
"You will notice there are some rooms that have been left blank. Like the masks some of you are wearing. You're not less important, you're just less specific."
Hey. Hey Tom. Do you take constructive criticism? How about you use that small fortune and go to ✨️therapy✨️
Greg's a bit of a douche
Wow this is creepy as shit
He's going into the house and everyones in place recreating the vision but its just so... produced.
Hes micromanaging the SHIT out of this
Also the old lady fell when she was doing her thing and it knocked him out of seeing the boy
Christopher (the guy from the phone booth) seems chill.
Also Toms proposition is weird but not like. Actively malicious. He told Chris that he wanted him to stay at the phone booth. The longer he stays the more he gets paid. Also that the phone will ring and he gets paid if he answers it
We have 50 minutes left in this fucking movie
Oooohhhh hes sleeping with some random lady to try and recreate a memory i think
OH he's trying to recreate the memory with Catherine but without Catherine
Nooo those guys got Christopher :(
Naz is a real one
Oh god hes recreating Christophers death. HES PLAYING THE ROLE OF CHRISTOPHER HIMSELF
He had the guys use an ACTUAL TASER on him
Naz was like 'youre not using an actual taser' and Tom was like 'then go home' and i guess Naz decided to stay lmaooo
He threw up afterwards bcs being tased is Not Fun and was like 'again' and Naz (who is very sweet) was like 'i don't understand why it's necessary to hurt yourself'
Once again, NAZ IS A REAL ONE
Theyre still doing it again tho
Nvm he walked out of the phone booth and immediately collapsed lmao
Oof the lady he has playing Catherine is Over It
'I won't hurt you' he says as he has his hand around her neck
Men will do literally anything other than go to therapy
He scared the living shit out of her and now she's just reciting her lines on autopilot to appease him
To his credit, he feels bad about it (bare minimum)
Nvm about that actually
Sir you just traumatized some random lady bcs YOU can't deal
Oh fuck
Ok so the two guys got him
Apparently he stole the suitcase he had in the beginning of the movie before the accident and they wanna know where it is
Which is a problem bcs Tom can't really remember anything
Oh shit they're torturing him abt it
Oh wow that house is super fucked up
Literally everyones waiting in place and Tom and Naz are just. Upstairs.
They've been frozen for OVER AN HOUR
Tom's just. Watching tv like he doesn't have a dozen people frozen in place downstairs.
Wealth really does fuck you up huh
Ok bcs of Reasons theyre reenacting a bank robbery. Don't ask me why. I know why but i just don't feel like explaining it
Is Naz a realtor? I don't think he is actually. I just assumed. Sorry Naz.
At least he has a lot of stuff to put on his resume now? He could make a killing in theatre. That's basically what he's doing now is stage managment
Omg in this scene he looked like Dream for a second there
See, he wants it to feel real, but he's producing it every step of the way
Holy shit
Ok so. Basically he wants to do an actual bank robbery.
The hyperrealistic set isn't enough. If im hearing him correctly he wants to do an actual, honest to god bank robbery with real guns and everything at the actual bank where it happened
Without the actors' knowledge
Guess who works at the bank? Catherine.
This is so fucked up
What the fuck
Holy shit Tom shot him
What a psychopath
Oh my GOD
He just shot all the actors
Oh my god oh my god oh my god
Its over oh my god
Final thoughts: Just... im speechless. What the fuck. I dont even know what to think. What a trip. It starts off super slow but damn. I might rewatch just to figure out what the Fuck but thats not high on the priority list. I might watch Like Minds next??
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mizugucci · 2 years
spotify must’ve had another purge of kpop songs because omega x’s debut album and rocket punch’s bubble up album are both gone
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reeree1500 · 5 years
The Return- Part Three
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Okay y'all so here it is!! Part 3 of the Return series!!! Ivar and reader relationship developmentttttt💕 Hope you guys like itttt :) Lemme know if you guys wanna be tagged too. And don't kill meeeee pleaseee 😂
Part 1  Part 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 part 8 part 9 Part 10
Taglist: @yanii-the-hippie @oceans-daughter-3 @peaceisadirtyword @laketaj24 @amy8220 @cutegyrl927 @camatsuru @cindy-exo @cainismyname @affection-rabbit
Disclaimer: My sucky writing again. Bad grammar and spelling😂 Character death. And bad plot in general.
Your POV
Excitement. Thats all I could say I was feeling at the moment. To finally be back in Kattegat with my family was something I never thought would have happened again. After my father’s grand announcement of my return, the room overflowed with happiness. People were coming up to me, asking me where I had been for the past 6 years and how I had survived. Obviously, I tried to answer everyone’s questions to the best of my ability without giving too much information. For I still didn't know, the true reason as to why I had to leave or who wanted me gone.
The happiness in the hall however did not last very long. Aslaug, the woman who was questioning Bjorn earlier that night. Was actually my father’s wife. “Im sorry? She's your what now?!?!” Aslaug screams of sorrow over my existence could probably be heard all the way in Frankia. My father however, seemed to have very little interest in her reactions at all. He had cast her to the side as if she meant nothing to him. During the course of the next few hours neither my father nor Bjorn left my side. It was as if they thought something would occur to me if I was out of their side for more than a second. “Father, if it is alright with you I would like to go outside for some fresh air.” I tell him, whilst grasping his hand to truly catch his attention. Cupping my face he says “My sweet little girl, you may do anything you please. However, I would prefer that you do not stray too far from here, as I have just gotten you back. And I would not be able to handle losing you again.” With that he gives me a kiss on my forehead and sends me on my way. 
However, I can still feel the overbearing presence of my older brother. “Bjorn, you know Im not gonna run away, if thats what you're afraid of.” I tell him whilst stepping outside. “Im not afraid of you running away. Im afraid of something happening to you (y/n). Plus worrying about you is my job, always has been.” Leaning on one of the wooden beams, I cant help but to stare up at the sky and hold my cross between my fingers. Thinking to myself how different life would have been if I had not left. “ Im only a few steps away shout if anything happens. Okay?” “Okay! And Bjorn... I love you.” At that Bjorn kisses my forehead and walks back inside.
Unbeknownst to me, a certain dark haired man was lurking in the shadows. “Awwww, If I had a heart I would think that was probably the sweetest reunion Ive ever seen.” Turning to the sound of that familiar voice, I see Ivar leaning on his crutch making his way towards me. “I never thought that I would have a sister. And a Christian one at that.” The way that his eyes scan over my body makes me feel a certain way that I cannot quite describe. And the way that his features are outlined by the moonlight really gives a sense of how handsome he is. “Wait, are you implying that...” 
“Well, if all Christians are as slow as you I don't think we’ll have a problem conquering them.” A smirk is displayed on his face, while his eyes show a hint of deviance in them. “Why do you think that Bjorn and Ubbe look so much alike (y/n)?” “Or the fact that we all share similar traits like our eyes?” As Ivar continues to talk down to me as if I were a child, I start to connect the dots. Why it was that Bjorn and Ubbe look alike. The way that they all seem to share the same traits as my father. The four young men that Bjorn introduced me too, are actually my brothers. 
With wide eyes I come to the realization that...“You’re my brother.” “Took you long enough.” At that Ivar seems to crack what looks like a genuine smile. “You know, I always thought that I was the youngest, but now that I'm not...” The genuine smile I had probably imagined was now a devious one. “ Now, baby sister. Why don't you and I go and sit down by those steps down there. And you can tell big brother Ivar, what you've been up to all this time?” Without being able to answer, Ivar grabs my hands and takes me towards the steps. Why do I feel like this night is just getting started...
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Ivar POV
Needless to say all of us were in shock to learn that (y/n) was our sister. Especially Hvitserk, who had not only been enchanted by her beauty, but was  already planning how he would take her from Bjorn. I however, knew something was up the minute I saw her in the great hall. She had no scars whatsoever on her body, meaning she wasn't a shield-maiden. And absolutely no callouses on her fingers from when she took the ale, meaning she definitely wasn't a thrall. And Bjorn wouldn't cheat on Torvi, unless he wants his balls cut off. Something intrigued me about her instantly. It was if she had been sent to me by the Gods, her sharp tongue reminded me of mine. The way that she stood up for my mother not even knowing that she had caused Lagertha and Ragnar to break up amazed me. The way she handled herself with grace and dignity was exactly what I wanted. No, what I need for in a wife.
“Ivar, are you okay? You've been staring at me for the past 5 mins without saying a word.” (y/n) places her hand on my knee to draw my attention whilst looking straight into my eyes. “As a matter of fact, Im trying to piece together, how we’re the same age, and we never met before you left.” As she goes to lift her hand from my knee, something instinctively goes over me and I grab her and hold it were it was. The initial shock she and I both had at my actions soon subsided. She let her hand rest under mine. As if we had done this countless times before, our fingers intertwined and they in my eyes fit perfectly. I could see the inner turmoil inside her, on whether these small affectionate moments between us were something that was so wrong, but that felt so right. 
It was not just moments ago that I had found out she was indeed my sister. Blood of my blood. But somehow, something in me told me that we were meant to be. I felt safe and strangely loved by this person in front of me, whom I have never met before. “You know Ivar, we lived on a farm. I was 100% certain that I would be a farm girl for the rest of my life. I was content with knowing that I would spend my life tending to the animals and my family. But, this is just too much.” Looking down at where our once intertwined hands were. I see that she is now staring at the ground playing with the ends of her long braided hair. “Why? Because you feel as if you're not good enough? Look at me for Odin’s sake! Im a cripple!” At that moment our eyes connected and I saw a reflection of myself in her. A scared child who was deprived of a normal childhood. Seeking for acceptance and love from anyone. 
“(Y/n), come inside father wishes to speak to you.” Bjorn says coming out from the great hall ale in hand. Clearly drunk as well. “Sure thing, I’ll be there in a second.” As she goes to stand up (y/n) turns to me and kisses me on the cheek. “Thank you for the pep talk, big brother.” 
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I knew that I could not be the only one feeling this way. She had to have been feeling the same about me. And I will go to the ends of the world and face the God’s themselves if they think that for a second I will not make her mine. 
Your POV
What had I just done! I kissed him whether it be on the cheek or not. I kissed Ivar. My brother. Oh lord, forgive me for these sinful thoughts are consuming me. The intense feeling I got from us holding hands and from when he stared into my eyes. I had felt at home. Felt safe, felt something that I should only be feeling for the man I should marry. Not my brother! As I enter the great hall, all eyes turn on me. Remembering what I had just talked to Ivar about, I keep my head up. I shouldn't be ashamed, or feel as if I'm less than I am.
As I make my way to my father through the crowd once he spots me his eyes light up immediately. Sitting on his thrown he extends his hand and makes me sit on the throne beside his. “My beautiful daughter are you feeling alright now?” He says to me a little louder as if to make sure that people know not to mess with me. “Y..yes father Im feeling much better.” I murmur to him. At that moment my eyes trail off as if to find something that would take me out of this position right now. I have never been one to be the centre of attention. And as much as I wanna believe in myself that I can be a good princess to my people, at the moment that is not going to happen. As I scan the room my eyes land on Hvitserk. He’s eating a piece of chicken las if it were his last meal ever. I cannot help, but to laugh at him and that when he notices. He flashes a smile that could certainly melt any lady’s heart.  Without realizing I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and bit my lip. Biting my lip when Im nervous is something Ive always done.
However, what did not realize was Ivar eyeing me from behind him. At that I stop and stare at the ground. As the hours go by, finally the last person leaves the great hall. Leaving only my father and brothers with me. “Sooooo, where is (y/n) supposed to sleep, father?” Asks Ubbe. Coming from behind me Hvitserk puts his arm around my shoulders bringing me closer to his body. “She can sleep with me! I don't mind sharing my bed with her.” At this Ivar scoffs. “Of course you wouldn't, you wouldn’t mind sharing your bed with anything that has a pulse.” I tilt my head trying to figure out whatever he means by that. And all that can be heard is the snickering of my father. 
“I was thinking that perhaps I could sleep with Bjorn. You know since we used to share a room when we were little...” I say wishing that what I feel most comfortable with could be taken into account. “I don't know about that one baby sis, you'd have to ask Torvi. She defiantly doesn't like sharing thats for sure.” as Ivar says this he smirks at me while taking bite out of his apple. “Who’s Torvi?” “Wait! Bjorn didn't tell you? He's married.” 
At that moment a scream was heard throughout the town.
“Oh My God, Mira!!!!” at that moment I shot out of Hvitserk’s arms and ran as fast as I could. How could I have been so stupid that I left my friend by herself in an unknown place. Seeing the people gathered around Bjorn's cabin only made my heart more nervous. Pushing my way past the crowd I make it up the steps in one piece. But what I saw would forever haunt me. There on the floor lied my once best friend and most trusted subject Mira. And on her back was carved the death rune. All I remember is hitting the floor and watching a pair of worried and frantic electric blue eyes.
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
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Chapter Eleven
Summary: When you hear that your recently deceased grandmother left you her property in her will, at first you think that a dinky old cottage in the middle of nowhere isn’t going to mean much for you. But after spending a night there, you discover something far more valuable than the house itself: a hidden door that leads to another time, the same place but over 200 years in the past. In the late 18th Century, there is a king who will die before his 21st birthday unless you can save him. Will you help him, even if it means leaving your own life behind?
A/N: This chapter is a little different, it’s in Yoongi’s point of view. I was going to make it Chapter 10.5 since it kind of occurs alongside Chapter 10 chronologically, but I didn’t want anyone thinking it wasn’t necessary to the plot, because it definitely is. Let me know what you think!
"Can't you just let me go with you, hyung? I'll be good!"
This kid. Yoongi shakes his head firmly, hurriedly grinding some herbs together for a last-minute clarity charm. "You mess up enough here as it is. I can't leave something like this up to you. Besides, Y/n specifically asked for me to go, didn't she?"
The shaman tries to ignore the way Taehyung fixes his puppy dog eyes on his elder. "But what will I do when you're gone? I'll be all bored and alone."
Tipping the ground herbs into a small vial, Yoongi's voice is flat as he makes sure the vaguely green dust makes its way into the vessel. "Then go back to the palace and keep Y/n company. Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Alright, I need to leave. Be sure to leave the portal door open, but lock the front door with the hex charm; do you remember it?"
Taehyung seems affronted at the suggestion. "Of course I can do a hex charm, Yoongi. I'm not incompetent, you know..."
Yoongi straightens up and stares at the boy who's pouting in the kitchen. Feeling a sliver of guilt, he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Listen," Yoongi says, voice gruff but apologetic, "I'm just making sure. I'm trying to keep you safe."
"Forget about it," Taehyung mutters under his breath, studiously ignoring his elder as he grabs an apple for the road and shrugs on a coat. "I'm going, like you wanted."
Yoongi winces when the heavy wooden door slams behind his assistant, and he stands in silence, listening to the the light scrape of Taehyung’s fingernail against the door, paired with the muttering of an ancient Chinese spell. Most of the magic Yoongi used nowadays were more modern Korean methods, but for the more basic enchantments, it was common to use the original spells.
Finally, all was quiet again. Yoongi cleared his throat to try and break the melancholic gloom he had slipped into, and double-checked the minimal belongings on his person before he left. He was not going to be in the modern world long, would not even have to leave the confines of the house itself, but Yoongi never went anywhere without a small leather pouch of basic ingredients tucked into his belt, the glass vial of a clarity charm dangling on a cord around his neck, and a small blade in his boot. All things proceeding as planned, he wouldn’t need them.
The first thing Min Yoongi noticed about the future was how clean and bright everything was. Gone were his heavy curtains, dark walls and sooty hearth. He emerged out into a hallway (something only palaces were large enough to have in his time, but he was familiar with them nonetheless) with a strange spongy fabric floor and impossibly straight, flat walls that appeared painted uniformly. He couldn’t imagine the finesse it would take a painter to manage to evenly coat this expansive surface without leaving streaks. Perhaps magic was more commonplace in this day.
Yoongi had been here once before, to lure Y/n back to his time, but he had transformed into a cat, then, and it was the middle of the night, rather than the break of day. Unsure which direction to go, he followed the hallway left, until he made it to the very end. “She said the communication device was in her sleeping quarters. Here, she wrote down some instructions for its use.” Yoongi felt for the note again in his pocket, comforted by the crisp edge of the thick paper. He had read that note to the point of rote-memory, but was glad it was there anyway. All Yoongi had to do was locate a bedroom, and then the ‘phone’ would be on a wooden stand beside it. He was actually feeling some excitement unfurl within him to find this device; from Y/n’s description, it sounded like a very complexly enchanted item.
As Yoongi made his way from room to room methodically, ignoring everything that wasn’t a bed (even though he was desperately curious to try out the bath – something he recognised from his time, but seemed far more refined) he thought over his previous encounter with Taehyung.
Was there really such a need for Taehyung to take everything to heart all the time? That boy was too sensitive for his own good. It would get him hurt one day.
When Taehyung and Yoongi met, almost three years ago, the shaman wasn’t looking for anyone. In fact, he had sworn off ever taking an assistant again after… what had happened with the last one, but Taehyung was insistent. His parents didn’t want him working on their farm anymore, he had said, and the King’s Guard wouldn’t take him in. He would have nowhere else to go. Perhaps Yoongi should’ve seen that as a sign that the boy wasn’t a particularly capable worker, but instead he had opened his arms and welcomed him in. He never had been able to say no to a pretty face. Yoongi thought maybe that was his biggest flaw yet.
Behind the fourth or fifth door, past the small door in the wall from whence he came, Yoongi found a bed, wider and more lushly decorated than the modest shelf-and-blanket combination he had. Letting out a gasp of relief at the chance to distract himself from the memories of his assistants, he rushed forward into the room, scanning it for a wooden stand.
Directly to the right of the bed is a short, squarish cabinet. On top is a small metal box with glowing red numbers, a very glossy and crisp book, and a small black device. Yoongi consults with the slip of paper, and tentatively touches the tip of his finger to a protruding button. Gasping with wonder as the surface lights up, Yoongi realizes there are words on the screen, all gathered in small boxes. He takes the time to read some of them, having to re-press that button as the screen keeps going dark after a few moments.
   Jimin, 8:21pm: r you still busy at the house? can u please just text me back baby, if ur busy thats okay, im just a little worried out u, thats all… it’s getting late…
   Jimin, 10:49am: okay, im heading off to work, flick me a text when u get this xxx
   Jimin, yesterday 5:11pm:  we dont have to if you don’t want to
   Jimin, yesterday 4:28pm: date night tonight? xxx i feel like i havent seen you in ages baby xxx
There are more, but they disappear out the bottom. Yoongi frowns. He thinks he remembers this Jimin; if memory serves, it was the sleeping male curling up to Y/n when he briefly visited her dreamscape. Yoongi had been so caught up in making sure she fulfilled her end of the deal that he had almost forgotten she had a life outside of their time. Those messages were a sobering reminder of how much Yoongi was asking from her. How much she was giving up. He didn’t like that feeling.
Clearing his throat noisily in the early evening silence, he picks up the device delicately and places it on the bed, flattening out the note beside it. Y/n’s instructions make sense as he follows along, although it takes him a while to work out what she means by ‘text bubble icon’.
Once he reaches that screen, and clicks on the name ‘Jimin’, those same messages appear, but in a different format. “I’ve already seen these,” he tells the device. The device does not respond. “I seek to create one of my own.” He sighs. The magic on this glass apparently cannot react to voice, only touch. He reaches out and clicks on the small white box that says ‘iMessage’ in grey. “Yes, I do want to message,” he mumbles distractedly. A large array of small letters appears below. Y/n wrote down to tap each square to write the letter. It seems an awfully impersonal way of writing, and it takes Yoongi quite a long time to tap out what Y/n has asked him to write, as well as pressing a small blue arrow to the right, which pushes the message upwards, resting directly below those from the Jimin.
   omg im so sorry i missed these jiminie ㅠ ㅠ i hope ur not too worried.
   im ok, just not been feeling great so ive been sleeping a lot! im not sure yet if its contagious so pls dont come out, i know uve got that show coming up and i dont want u to get sick ok!
   love you lots baby!
Yoongi sighs once he finishes, resting back on the bed, but soon three bouncing dots appear in a box. He watches them dance, fascinated, wondering what this could mean, until they change into words. Y/n did tell him that Jimin would be likely to reply and had simply written on the bottom of the note, ‘no apostrophes, or capital letters, call him baby or jiminie, and make sure he doesn’t come out to the house!’
   Jimin: omg thank god ur safe i was worried!!! i can bring u round some fresh soup and we can have a night in xxx ive already had my flu jab so i wont get sick i promise lol xx
Yoongi swears, trying to speed up his reply, double-checking Y/n’s rules as he goes.
   thank you, baby, thats very kind of you. but please dont come out, im just going to go to sleep and hope that this sickness passes in time. i will notify you once
But before he can finish crudely dictating a message, a series of three hard raps echoes through the house. Yoongi stands up ramrod stiff. Surely the Jimin boy hadn’t arrived so soon? Although, Yoongi supposes transport must be more efficient in this time. He bites his lip nervously. Surely, it would be best to go ask him to leave. It was Y/n’s intention that Jimin did not come to the house, since she herself was absent, and Yoongi could not have the boy roaming around and discovering the portal’s entrance.
“Y/n?” a deep voice calls out, muffled through the walls. Yoongi swears under his breath and pockets the small device and the note, getting off the bed to go find the front door. “Are you there?” Hurrying faster, the shaman eventually locates a door with a clouded glass panel revealing a tall shadow. He fumbles with the doorknob, having to twist a key (thank God that technology hasn’t changed) to unlock it, and throws it open with a nervous huff. The man blinks once, furrowing his eyebrows. “Uh…hi?”
“Yes, hello,” Yoongi blurts out hastily, eyes roaming over the tall man. Although he saw Jimin in very dim lighting, it’s easy to tell that this is not the same man. “Who are you?”
The man is wearing rough-looking blue pants with a belt, and a tunic that’s cut at his hips instead of his legs. He holds a hand out to Yoongi. Yoongi stares at it until the man coughs and lowers it. “My name’s Namjoon. I didn’t mean to interrupt, I’m just here to speak to Y/n.”
“What-” Yoongi’s words catch in his throat when he lifts his gaze from the man’s odd attire to his face. It can’t be. A bolt of deeply-repressed hurt cuts through him. He recognizes those dimples, that smile, even the name is the same as his. It was a face he never thought he’d see again. But, no. It isn’t him. The more Yoongi looks at him closely, the man going a little red in the cheeks under the sudden scrutiny, Yoongi can see the finer details aren’t right. His Namjoon had a narrow nose, more delicate face. His Namjoon wasn’t as tall and was skinnier too. This man in front of him bore shocking resemblance, but it wasn’t him. It wasn’t his Namjoon. Sensing he had been silent too long, Yoongi blinks away the tears that threaten to well. “What for?”
“Oh, uh, it’s kind of private business, dude. Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
“Y/n’s sick,” Yoongi says instead, “so I’m afraid you can’t come in. I’m more than happy to pass on a message.”
The man who looks so much like his former assistant furrows his brows. “I’m sorry, who are you? I’d like to speak with her. I’ve been doing some more research for her, you see, really cool stuff on-”
“I’m her doctor,” Yoongi says instead, “I’m concerned she may be contagious, so I’ve advised her not to have guests. If you have the research with you, perhaps I can bring it inside. I’m sure she’d appreciate you coming.”
The guy laughs awkwardly, then digs into a bag at his side for a stack of pieces of paper bound in some floppy, slippery pink material. “I didn’t have time to pick up a ringbinder, so the photocopies are loose, but I managed to dig up quite a bit of the history on the Jeon reign, as well as all the following generations. It’s interesting! Hopefully she’ll get some use out of it.” The man hands the research over, craning his neck to try and glance down the hallway. “Can you tell her hi for me? And that I’m sorry for stopping by without texting ahead.”
Yoongi nods, half in a daze. He doesn’t know this strange feeling in his chest; does he want this Namjoon-not-Namjoon man to leave and never think about him again, or does he wish he would stay so that Yoongi can see just how much similarity there was? The thought comes too late, as the man turns and skips down the gravel path, getting into his car and pulling away without a second look back.
The shaman shuts the door, returning the key to its previous position, and sinks down on the floor. First Taehyung acting up, reminding him of his last assistant, and now this. The fates were being cruel today.
Forgetting about the small device still in his herbs pouch, Yoongi quickly returns to the hallway and crawls through the doorway and back into his own time, trying to ignore the hot tears that gather under his chin.
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rainbat · 6 years
okay regarding theories for the episodes and tyrus (id love to hear your thoughts!) what if (and this could be too rushed) TJ and Cyrus get together episode four, and the coming clean in seven references them confessing their relationship as an explanation for acting weird/blowing off their other friends?? The only reason I think that might be the case is that “coming clean” has a more negative connotation which I don’t think would be used solely for a coming out, but if it was an explanation...
(2/2) ... for uncharacteristic behavior it might make more sense?? Idk if that was clear or even likely because episode four seems way too early but again I’d love to hear your thoughts!!
Thoughts on Tyrus in Episode 4:
okay honestly this did come to my mind when i originally read that synopsis. I’m like 95% certain Disney wouldn’t have Tyrus officially together in episode 4 just because there seems to be a lot of stuff going on in that episode in regards to Jandi and Cyrus is definitely at least somewhat involved in that plot as we see him in the promo with Andi and Jonah in the hallway and also the GHC at the lunch table listening to Jonah in the cafeteria
that being said, my 5% hangs in the air because i think it would be hella smart and blessed if we did have some kind of hint to Tyrus this episode. Maybe not officially together but something similar to my fic and some other things ive seen floating around where TJ and Cyrus are ‘unusually’ close or touchy in the basketball tryouts scene (most likely in the background).
This would give us some kind of lead in to episode 6 where Cyrus is all of a sudden close enough to TJ that he’s hanging out with his friends. Even if them being very close in ep 4 was ‘platonic’ (LOL) the casual audience kinda needs some kind of hint that TJ and Cyrus are close/kept being friends after the finale of s2. (remember casual 9 year olds still think Tuffy is a thing. again, LOL) 
I do agree that the ‘coming clean’ thing seems to have some type of negative connotation but at the same time i am VERY undecided on what is going to happen...im about 50/50 on two different scenarios right now so walk through a little thought analysis with me...
AM’s past episodes and synopsis liklihood:
Let’s journey back to a few episodes...The episode with Cyrus COMING OUT has Cyrus’ name in the synopsis because he has a plot and its a major one so surely... “Cyrus introduces his girlfriend, Iris, to Buffy and Andi” ..oh um okay?? i, uh.. okay disney. Now Cyrus’ second big gay scene was coming out to Andi but of course thats full of a ton of other Cyrus scenes so the synopsis wasn’t expected to cover that one.. what else... Keep A Lid on It?? Cyrus reveals he doesn’t have a crush on Jonah anymore! That’s kinda a big plot change for him? let’s... oh Ham reveals some info and Jonah tries out for ultimate...so okay, he aint mentioned at all
Disney has never ever attempted to reveal gay information in their episode descriptions.. now S3 is taking a big turn but i really just don’t have trust that they ever will. > 1 point to NOT about Tyrus
AM descriptions v promos:
Another thing we can do with episode descriptions is notice HOW SPECIFICALLY they are related to the trailers. There’s always way more in the actual episode than what does down in the trailer, but the trailer and the synopsis like to be tied so they don’t give away any of that information. Now this one is kind of exciting cos it can go either way which is what MAINLY divides my thoughts on this...and ill end up invalidating my statement that disney wont reveal gay in their synopsis..
Trailer: Cyrus and TJ dirt biking and a random new dude... Episode 6 synopsis: While hanging out with TJ’s friends, Cyrus faces a dangerous situation
Hella straight forward, thats gonna be episode 6 and the dangerous situation is gonna be dirt biking, they aren’t tryna lead us on they’re being basic
BUT we are now split on promo time for TJ and Cyrus because we have two scenes: Cyrus looking worried and TJ looking worried, OR Cyrus and Andi/ Cyrus and the Cop. Could go either way? Right? They both definitely SEEM to be something that Cyrus would have to confront and ‘come clean’ about. 
it all depends on what happens in episode 6...
dangerous situation, cop shows up, drama. cyrus deals with it and comes clean to his friends that he did ‘x’ in last week episode : easy, classic conclusion 
dangerous situation ends up being lowkey and there really arent any consequences other than cyrus being worried/scared for a hot second and that episode slaps us with tyrus for the remained of the screen time (cop scene is another episode)
Both honestly seem like valid options at this point... 
First one is very dramatic, which i have a hard time believing a disney show would leave us on a cop cliff hanger for an innocent kiddo like Cyrus
Second one is more likely because the promo/synopsis love making things 10x more dramatic BUT the Tyrus thing just gets me cos i have no faith
no point. Disney is really branching out with their content here, its territory they have never touched and i really cant decide which way they think is less risky (substitute Tyrus for a het couple tho and option 2 is CLASSIC disney drama)
Buffy’s name in the e7 synopsis:
 BUFFY. BUFFY. BUFFY. she just has to be the catalyst in all of this because it’s such a good troupe and i believe Terri sees it through... the fact that Buffy is involved in episode 4 with TJ, has what we assume is a small plot with Jonah in ep 6 (TJ), and is stated to be involved in Cyrus’ plot in ep 7 (TJ) just screams Tyrus reveal to me. 
 “After an encouraging talk with Buffy, Cyrus decides to come clean with his friends” 
Andi was involved with Cyrus and the cop in the promo, not Buffy. It wouldn’t say friendS if it was the cop situation because Andi was there and if he talks to Buffy about it as well... he literally only has one other friend to tell (rip bud dont mean to call you out). ALSO 22 mins is not long enough to have a whole leading up to the talk with the cop, the talk with the cop, the discussion with Buffy about the cop, the reveal to his friends. there just aint the time if Andi is also dealing with Buffy drama and Bexie are involved in that plot as well. 
Buffy, however, is the person Cyrus confides in the most about his feelings.
Episode 4 essentially serves as a ‘catch up’ for this trio (can we give TJ/Cyrus/Buffy trio a name pls?) and their relationships with each other. If episode 4 proves that Buffy is friendly with TJ now (but still a little snarky pls) then i jump from about 50% to about 75% certain for this plot
It is far more likely that once Cyrus is finally certain Buffy and TJ are okay with each other he reveals his crush. He is certain in episode 4 so he either tells Buffy in the end of that episode, some time in 6, or beginning of 7. THIS OR Buffy is talking about her relationship with Walker and how Andi is involved blah blah and Cyrus listens to her, realises he needs to tell everyone about TJ and everyone finds out at once, including Buffy.
Either way, I don’t see an ‘encouraging talk with Buffy’ being anything outside of relationships. Whether Cyrus makes a connection based on Wuffy or Buffy specifically discusses TJ, Cyrus comes to a conclusion about his relationship
1 point to it IS about Tyrus -- Cop drama just doesn’t have the time and Buffy mention saves the day
So im really really half and half as you can see... It really honestly all comes down to the question : Is Disney more likely to reveal a “dangerous situation/consequences with the police” storyline in their synopsis or a “meeting the crush’s friends/defining a gay relationship” storyline?
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lovinthesoo · 7 years
why i have been stressed recently (personal shit very long post ahead)
okay i have been in my new job for 4 months now and ive been feeling okay i guess? i was actually okay with my previous job (i get along with my officemates and i feel accomplished whenever i do something right (they do acknowledge the hard work of people there)) i just resigned there because my new job is so close (i only travel for 5 mins whereas in my previous job i need to wake up at 4 am and travel by 5:30 so i can be at the office before 8 and going home is such a hassle especially if its rush hour :(( ) i only go to work 4 days a week and so much benefits (since i work in the govt its a given) my mom works here too (but in a diff department) and she encouraged me to apply here since well the pros actually win over the cons. anyway getting straight to the point, basically im the newest here. and the youngest. im okay with what i do since my main job is to just encode stuff. recently my officemate (lets name her jennie since she’s a blink) (can yall believe i actually found someone here who likes kpop as well) started hinting that she’s transferring offices (she’s been working here for 2 years now) and so there was the rumor of finding candidates to replace her. i knew that my guy officemate was the number one candidate cause he already knew what to do but then i heard that i was also a candidate. (you know the reason why?? BECAUSE I WAS A GIRL and they actually believe that girls work meticulously and other shit they said and there are no other girls left fit for her job) i actually panicked when i heard that cause first of all im fine with my current job (not to be whiny af but i dont want to learn something new esp when im relatively new in where i work do you get me :( ) second, jennie;s work is kinda stressful (people keep on teasing that we should get ready and shit cause it is stressful) LETS BE REAL NOBODY WANTS A STRESSFUL JOB. and so knowing that i was really a candidate made me anxious af like people noticed that something was wrong with me (ofc i didnt say it was about that) and i was really down that day. and so last week i was taught how her job is done (it was pretty simple cause its just copy paste but sometimes it gets too much because you have to be really attentive to everything written and you have to keep on switching tabs and everything and you have to do it under time pressure). while i was trying to take in everything our oic comes to us and said something. she said that i will be the one who will transfer offices instead of jennie. i was so shocked cause i dunno if it was real or she was joking and i really said to her “WHAT?” and then she said that i am transferring offices. what pissed me off is that the reason she wants me to transfer is that without jennie, people here would be always looking for her. who wouldnt feel irrelevant by that?? it’s like telling me that im not fucking important, people would not be bothered if i wasnt around. i get it that she’s closer to most people here but wow that really hit me in the guts. and then she goes on saying that she’ll talk to our main boss and ask if she can switch me and jennie or like jennie stays there for 3 days and id be there for a day for a week (SHE CLEARLY SAID “ SO THAT WE WOULDNT MISS JENNIE HERE”) and then our main boss suddenly went there and then our oic told him everything. our main boss was looking for someone who actually lives near cause they do overtime most days (jennie and i live near but jennie is nearer like she just walks to get here) (of course i dont want to do overtime another reason why im whining) and then our main boss said that he’s looking for someone mature already (okay i kinda got hit there cause does he actually think im not mature??) (or i think its in terms of the work load since jennie is working here for 2 years already so obviously she is more mature) anyway, that’s that i think i’d still be a candidate but for back up maybe but i hope i really dont get picked for jennie’s place because she handles a very important role and i dont think i can handle that much pressure. also i think one reason that our oic wanted me to transfer is because she thinks im lazy??? like there’s one person here in the office who was ranting in the comfort rooms saying that the newbies (including me) were really lazy like we’re just surfing the net or just have our earphones on (bitch first of all dont compare your work with ours cause its completely different. second, what’s your problem if we finish our work early? we just know how to manage our time) and i think our oic overheard that so she really thinks im lazy :( im so anxious ever since that happened like i cant get it out of my mind. im scared and nervous. i dont handle pressure well and i think im always on the verge of crying. whenever i think about me doing the job, the only things i say to myself is that you can learn it in time and it will be easier for you in the future (but what really bothers me is that i cant make so many mistakes cause our oic tells me that YOU SHOULD LEARN EVERYTHING QUICKLY AND DONT MAKE TOO MANY MISTAKES) see why im so stressed??
this is another topic but this also stressed me so much because there’s this one guy im really close with (to make things clear i only see him as a friend that’s it) we can talk about a lot of stuff. last week we were talking about something and we went to the topic of boyfriends and then he asked me if i have one and then i said no one even wants to date me and then he said they’re just around you just dont notice them (AND I WAS LIKE WTF??? NOT TO BE ASSUMING BUT ARE YOU REFERRING TO YOURSELF??) and i didnt react to that cause it kinda freaked me out???  and then i fucking realized how touchy he was getting with me. before that incident there was a time where he suddenly pinched my cheek?? wtf bro??? and then he suddenly tickled me on my side (im a ticklish person so everywhere is tickling for me) and he also touched the back of my neck ohmygod i told him to stop but he ignored me and just took it as a joke. i mean i am touchy but i think he misunderstood me being touchy??? tickling is way too touchy ohgod i dont even let my other guy friends do that and he just did??? also one thing that irks me off about him is that he tends to say a lot of nsfw stuff during a normal conversation. i usually just laugh it off but deep inside im actually cringing so hard. there never goes a day i didnt hear him say something nsfw its getting tiring.  i may be overthinking and overreacting to this but ugh its really getting to my head i hope im just getting the wrong idea cause fuck i cant really handle confrontations and i just see him as a friend (pls he’s trying to hard to talk to me cause he actually talks to me about kpop when i know he isnt into that) and now im trying to distance myself from him (its so fucking hard when we work in the same office)
okay thats all lol but fml i hope i still live (for exo)
if anyone actually read this you just wasted your time lol but i need encouraging words so thanks in advance
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loi-et-love · 7 years
NF: You charmer.
I: heh today, i spent so much time with SZ. My boss left at 5:15 n then i was at SZ's desk chitchatting with him. we left together n then we were in the basement till 7:15 talking. standing outside our cars n then he said lets go! you need to go home so we left n he gets more traffic than i do, so he texts me when he';s stuck, so this time i texted him when i was waiting for the signal to turn green n then he called me. we spoke for 6 mins. he reached 15 mins before i reached home n he wrote this: Is it you or if should be me scared ..... today I was down for one hours ..... I was emailing you 70 odd mails .... this is because you are in office ..... what would happen when you are not in this company you would forget me and find someone else ...... so who is the one to be heart broken ????? You keep saying I would go abroad ..... but look at yourself it's you who is going to leave me and go ...... any clue how I would feel when you are gone and stop talking to me as much ? And WTF ...... I am already missing you ..... you are right I should have hugged you before leaving and then got in to back seat. And the reason I didn't kiss was ..... I don't know what you think about me or what you would think about me after that.
in the basement, he came up with a stupid plan. he said "im not entertainment" i said ure not. nor are you a distraction!!" so he said, "okay so let's do this. starting from tomorrow, we won't talk/chat/ communicate till thursday" he's gg to out of town again for work on tuesday morning n coming back on wednesday night so ill see him on monday n then on thursday
NF: It would give your fingers a chance to rest.
I: so in the chat he said "we will talk on thursday" n i said "i cant do that. n i know u cant either" n then i said this "damn yaar.. this is fucked up! idk where the flirting ends and reality begins anymore!!" n he said "Agreed it's getting fucked up ..... so either enjoy this or stop this ..... this between thing is insane" ok! again! i dont believe he's really interested. like really interested. if he wudnt be married, he wud actually date me. BTW he knows about BB. the whole story
NF: You don't believe he's really interested??? You mean like he'd marry you?
I: i never think its possible. not that he wud marry me. no no no
NF: That's pretty hard to tell. You guys are in the super excited phase.
I: hehehehe its crazy yeah
NF: He'd be VERY happy to jump your bones though.
I: i dont think he wud actually do it. theres no air conditioning or fan in the basement so we were sweating. he used his hanky, which i didnt even knew he carried
NF: I estimate a 99% chance that he would.
I: so he joked that lets sit in the back seat of his car n i said lets go!! i said it a couple of times. n he said nahhhh no no. he just didn’t
NF: You've said no more a couple of times and you kid all the time, so he knows you are kidding. If you actually kissed him, like he's thinking about, excellent chance he wouldn't stop.
I: idk how this is possible
NF: When you are used to having sex, once you get riled up you want to keep going. It feels natural. And you have him riled up. Way riled up.
I: hehehehehh so when u said "you charmer" i grinned... hehehe idk. i really like him. n im not that person where i enjoyed n i left without giving a damn. i really care about him
NF: You really like him
I: yeah. i wudnt mind kisisng him but he's married. and then i'll officially be the "other woman"
NF: You already are. You're way past that.
I: i think ive always been just that. now im ready to see him outside office. he was shocked,. i told him when he had called me. i texted him the reason why i changed my mind
NF: You feeling the flames yet?? Heh. Playing with fire! Unless you really do want to have an affair with this married guy.
I: I don't want to do something immoral. Don't want to sabotage his marriage
NF: You already are doing that.
I: I asked him today how is his wife okay with you traveling so much?! Cause I wouldn't be okay! N he didn't answer. He said he did flirt with women after he was married. Nothing scandalous. I told him, “damn yaar.. this is fucked up! idk where the flirting ends and reality begins anymore!!” And he said, “Agreed it's getting fucked up ..... so either enjoy this or stop this ..... this between thing is insane” What does he mean by 'between things'??
NF: You are all hot for each other but not having an affair. You have gone to way more than friends. So not friends, not lovers, something in between.
I: idk. Me? Relationship? Me lovers? What???????
NF: That's what I think he means by "between thing"
I: And what? What aboutBB? My feelings for him?! They haven't gone anywhere
NF: You and SZ are about 95% of the way to having an affair.
I: My mom called why I was late. N I said I was in the basement talking n she asked who was I talking to? So I said "hmmmmm SZ..." n she mimicked me. And that's my mom !!!! On top of everything. As if he's my 24 yo unmarried going to marry me boyfriend
NF: heh
I: He took a risk to talk to me for so long in the basement. Everybody knows him in the office. He's a family friend of the owner. He calls him uncle. Was telling me about the paintings the owner has in his bathroom!!
NF: I wish you well in this. I hope you figure out what you really want.
I: i want to have an affair but im scared to begin n of how it will end
NF: Some people regret what that will do to the wife. Some don't.
I: he responded n said "nothing. see you on thursday"
NF: He could have seriously mixed feelings too
I: He was telling me that he wrote this huge email to me n in reply I sent him a longer email than his so he came to that n he's like "and yes! That was a long email! That was the longest email ive ever seen!!" I said but you wrote a long one too. So he said "yeah but I'm in a hotel room. I'm in shorts, doing nothing but just writing to you n answering to GC's phone calls. But you're in office!!!!" He was surprised. He was like "I started reading n I'm like why isn't this ending?!! Where the hell does this end?" Heheheheh n he was laughing. when he had called today, he tells me that when he responds to my emails, there's my pic in the right. so his colleagues, with whom I also talk, have seen him emailing me. They probably have read a little bit here n there too. n thats when i knew how he wud feel if i told him that H sir n Kaalu knows we email n that Kaalu has read a few too. im not including you in this
NF: So now people in the office are thinking you two are having an affair? That might discourage your boss.
I: heheheeh. SZ said ppl have noticed that we two talk a lot. that GC's secretary gave him the eyes n also taunted him saying "pay attention to work n stop getting involved with women!" it makes sense bcz SZ n i have nothing in common. why wud we even start a conversation????
NF: Oh, no work reason to talk
I: thats what he loves about me. he had very few conversations with ppl around him n nobody could hold a conversation. even relating to work. n then there's me!! who spoke about all nonsense crap n still it was interesting
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