#and the barbie one was so satisfying to watch idk
ravioliworm · 5 months
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tim-shii · 6 months
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a/n: tim posting sunday on a sunday? defo not intentional. inspired by that interactive golden hour map where it took me 15 minutes just to find blade !! idk what this is i just really wanna write him🧍‍♀️ silly bf tho 😋 silly sunday 😱 cw — barbie mentions, ooc sunday (idk him that much yet i need another week to psychoanalyze him properly forgive me)
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“it’s like a mini golden hour.”
“it is a mini golden hour.” it never occured to you that sunday would be the type of person— leader, to have a diorama of the city. it’s equipped with mini working bubble pinballs and mini treasure chests that you’re sure the trailblazer will enjoy opening.
you look at sunday who's a few meters away from you, tending to his little sandpit. “what exactly is this for?”
“just a base model.” he shrugs, as if his vague answer satisfies your curiosity. nonetheless, you dropped the topic and walked over to him. you drape an arm around his waist with a hum, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“... what are you doing?”
“fixing the npcs.”
“fixing? you’re stacking them up like pancakes.”
“they seem to have no problem with it.”
“they’re npcs!” you hit his bicep. sunday huffs and passed you one of the figurines. “here. you do it.”
you take the doll and place it in the spot that you’ve been eyeing since earlier.
“you are no better than me.” sunday looks at you unamused, crossing his arms over his chest. he sighs and pinches the hem of your shirt to make sure you don’t topple over on the sandpit. it’ll be a shame if his base model gets ruined, definitely not concerned with the possibility of your faceplanting into the pit.
“robin likes me better so that automatically makes me better than you.” you grinned. “there!” you stand back down on your feet.
“you placed him on the top of the highest building.”
“he wanted fresh air.”
“and if he jumps?”
“he’s an npc! he’s stationary in place.” sunday smiles a little as he watch fret around defending yourself. he lifts his left hand and places it behind your neck in a quick manner, pulling you in and pushing his lips to yours, effectively shutting you up. his feathers brush against your cheek, you felt every flutter of it as he pulls away.
“you were saying?” he looks at you all innocently but you could hear the smirk, the smugness in his voice. he’s very much satisfied with the growing blush on your face. being only inches away from you makes him feel the warmth brewing under your skin from his ministrations.
“shut up,” you push his face away with a palm. "i'm thinking getting you a barbie doll. your npcs are boring— you know what? i’m getting you a customized doll. a mini sunday with mini sunday clothes and your little wings and a little halo. oh! what if we match the barbie movie with robin? so you can get ideas on how to decorate a proper dollhouse—”
“not a dollhouse.”
“quiet! i’m talking— then, you can see how ken acted up when faced with the concept of patriarchy..”
sunday tuned out the rest of your voice. you weren’t boring him, no. it’s the opposite. you’re amusing. every moment with you brings him a sense of delight. instead of focusing on your rant, his eyes zeroed on the red peeking out your ears and if he focuses more, he might hear just how fast he makes your heart beat.
that was the day sunday found out you go on a tangent when flustered and rattled to the bones.
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best-underrated-anime · 6 months
Best Underrated Anime Group I Round 3: #I3 vs #I1
#I3: Girls get magic from a hamster to have any career they want
#I1: The 86 are forced to fight someone else’s war
Details and poll under the cut!
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#I3: Flowering Heart
It’s the first day of the new school year. 5th grader Ari and her best friends, Suha and Min, have started an after-school activity called the Problem Solving Club. However, no one seems to have any problems that need to be solved. Disappointed, Ari ends up discovering an unconscious hamster on the road. Amazingly…the hamster begins to speak. “I must find the magic ring…”
I first watched this show back when I was in middle school, so it has some nostalgic value for me. Though, looking back on it now, it was a little odd. I think the concept is pretty cool, as they are girls who can magically transform into adults and have the skill set for that particular career (like Barbie, I guess). The reason they started doing this was to help other people, so the show does have a nice message to it. Overall, it’s a pretty standard magical girl type anime, so if you just want something that’s not too overwhelming, I think this would be a good watch.
Trigger Warnings:
Animal Cruelty – one of the antagonists almost gets this girl’s dog killed. It’s nothing graphic, but the dog might’ve died.
Flashing lights – there are magical girl transformations which are very bright
Pedophilia – the 3 girls are all in 5th grade (so around 11), and there is one guy who has a crush on one of the girls (he’s 18) (idk if they end up together as I can’t find a decent translation for the 2nd season)
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#I1: 86 (Eighty-Six)
According to the Republic of San Magnolia, their ongoing war against the Giadian Empire has no casualties—however, that is mere propaganda. While the silver-haired Alba of the Republic's eighty-five sectors live safely behind protective walls, those of different appearances are interned in a secret eighty-sixth faction. Known within the military as the Eighty-Six, they are forced to fight against the Empire's autonomous Legion under the command of the Republican "Handlers."
Vladilena Milizé is assigned to the Spearhead squadron to replace their previous Handler. Shunned by her peers for being a fellow Eighty-Six supporter, she continues to fight against their inhumane discrimination. Shinei Nouzen is the captain of the Spearhead squadron. Infamous for being the sole survivor of every squadron he's been in, he insists on shouldering the names and wishes of his fallen comrades.
The characterization and character development in this show is amazing. It also has a very good depiction of survivor’s guilt/mental health, which you don’t see a lot. The animation is great and the soundtrack is done by Hiroyuki Sawano, who’s amazing and it’s one of the best soundtracks for a show ever.
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Racism, Suicide.
A main subject of the show is racism. Active war, lots of violence. Character acts without regard for their life, so suicide was included. Child abuse relates to the backstory of a character.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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the-real-lilac-elf · 1 year
got tumblr again just because I have thoughts abt barbie movie. gonna be super messy but I gotta get all my thoughts out. spoilers spoilers spoilers you've been warned watch the movie before reading this
also I talk abt women and girls a lot but like gender complicated some of it also relates to any afab ppl, some of it to anyone feminine, so keep that in mind reading it
it was fun it was entertaining it was visually super well done (the sets and the costumes oh my godddd) and yet I am SO CONFUSED
okay okay so like there were just so many things crammed in, so many plot points and like so many ideas and so much POTENTIAL and I liked the setup they had for so much of it but it never felt fully expanded on!! I honestly would've watched ten hours of this movie if only😭😭
stereotypical barbie, her journey throughout the movie could definitely be seen as a story about a young girl growing up and seeing what the world is like. she starts out in "barbieland", where everything is a perfect fantasy and life is beautiful and fun and thst could all be seen as like childhood. and then as she starts "malfunctioning" and eventually sees the real world, that's her starting to grow up, and her at the end choosing to be human and live in the real world is like her becoming an adult.
I'm not sure how I feel abt this way of seeing the movie?? like it's kind of cool, since that is what a lot of girls go through growing up. I heard when I was a kid that things used to be bad for women, but now it's all getting better and women can be whatever they want to be and blah blah blah. then you grow up and realize it's not true, that things haven't changed much.
and barbie being a person who sees the real world and decides she wants to live in the real world as a real woman is kinda cool, it's definitely got some beautiful synbolism abt growing up and living in the world proudly as a woman despite misogyny
on the other hand, I don't know if that's really an applicable journey for barbie herself. there was this suggestion throughout the movie that barbie was "an idea". idk if I like the movies ending, that barbie becomes human and like... isn't barbie anymore?? it just felt kind of strange and out of nowhere to me
I think if they'd made the themes of her "growing up" more explicit, then her leaving barbieland at the end would make more sense, but there's kind of a tension between her being an idea and a concept versus a person with agency, like within the reality of the movie. I made another long post abt the lore of barbieland but the summary is that it's like a magic idea space where mattel products are created. so it's kinda weird to have stereotypical barbie fully choosing to leave that world. the concept of barbie like deciding not to be barbie anymore kinda sucks, because she is THE stereotypical barbie, and her leaving barbieland would imply that they like aren't making any stereotypical barbies anymore?? which I don't think is what the movie meant to imply but like ahhhhhhh
also idk what I would've preferred the ending be, it rlly depends on what the focus of the rest of the movie was, cuz if I could change things abt this movie I'd have way more focus on a few points and one or two subplots rather than what the movie was actually about
so there were (basically) three subplots they were working with: Gloria and Sasha, the Mattel ceos, and the kens. it felt like too much time was split between them all and there was never a satisfying conclusion from any of it. I feel like each of those plot points could've done more and could've communicated a particular theme
the themes I think they were trying to communicate were:
1. basically being a woman is hard - and being a woman is contradictory and difficult, women shouldn't have to be perfect and they're held to too high a standard, growing up and learning abt misogyny is hard, patriarchy is bad and it exists in lots of ways in the world
2. gender equality - women shouldn't be an idea or an object their ideas should be valued and they should be subjects, womens stories should be told, women should be in positions of power as much as men, feminine interests and aesthetics are as important as masculine ones (not rlly one the movie explicitly made but probably the most important one imo, like look at the movie)
3. men?? - men shouldn't be entitled to women, men shouldn't define themselves by their relationships, patriarchy hurts men
personally I wish the movie had focused less on the kens and men in general cuz I wanted this to be as much as possible an unapologetically feminine movie and as focused on female characters as possible, but if they were gonna focus on that i have some ideas abt how they could've done it differently.
personally, I also hoped it would have more focus on queerness, on how boys are discouraged from playing with barbie and by extention some theme of like femininity isn't just for girls, but honestly it already had way too many themes it was trying to address and I'm asking for too much here, would've been cool but it's okay that there were only small nods to queerness. at least there was earring ken, weird barbie and allen
so I think it would've been rlly lame if the Mattel corporation was the main subplot focus. maybe barbie meets Gloria and gets to actually see what her life is like in the workplace. maybe at the end she or Gloria or both work as higher ups in the company and get to be a part of making new barbie ideas. idk honestly, I think having them as a small part of the movie was ideal and they could've been an even smaller part.
Gloria and Sasha should've been the main focus of the movie imo. they both could've been such compelling characters if they'd had more screentime and they could show two completely different perspectives on barbie. more couldve been shown of glorias life cuz we don't rlly know much about her and I wish we did. it's never rlly shown why Sasha stops hating barbie by the end of the movie, it's kinda just brushed over; maybe she could've been shown to realize that even tho barbie can promote negative body image stereotypes and is owned by a massive corporation and encourages consumerism, she also means a lot to a lot of women and the stories and love they have for her means something despite everything wrong with her. and her mom was the perfect example of this!! and I think this is what the movie was going for and I wish this had just been made more of a focus!! and the relationship between Gloria and Sasha definitely definitely should've gotten more attention, they're shown to be distant at the beginning and it's changed by the end, but WHY!! why is Sasha distant at the beginning, why are her and Gloria closer by the end?? it would've been a great thing to actually explore it, maybe to show how playing with barbie used to bring them together or how Sasha realizes all the stuff she's realizing abt the world, how it's misogynistic and messed up, her mom already knows and she's not ignoring it she's just learned how to live with it. god that could've been such a beautiful point to make a scene with Sasha and Gloria connecting and learning to understand each other would've made this movie for me honestly. and maybe barbies ending is she chooses to stay in barbieland and keep being an idea that celebrates femininity, maybe her ending is she realizes that's the good she's doing for people when she sees Gloria and Sasha realize that too
the kens are interesting cuz I get why they're in the movie and I like 50 percent get the point they're making but I could've done with way less of them or more of them. the plot line abt Ken bringing patriarchy to barbieland wasn't my favorite and if it hadn't been there and there'd been more time for Gloria and Sasha I'd be happy. at the same time I wish they'd gotten more into patriarchy and how it affects men, or how being dependent on someone affects you, or how feeling like you need to be dating a woman is harmful to men and to women. personally, I would've been absolutely obsessed if Ken went to the real world, saw how patriarchy existed, thought it was cool, and then saw how it negatively affected women - specifically, saw how it made women think they needed men to be whole and how women were often only portrayed in stories as love interests. and he saw himself in that, and maybe even bonded with some woman in particular who was also dependent on a partner or felt like she needed a partner, and that was what inspired him to be separate from barbie and wear his "I am kenough" hoodie and all that good shit. I'm biased cuz I saw Ken and I was like ooooh a storyline abt dependency?? hell yea and I wish that had gotten more emphasis honestly. or maybe ken couldve seen how in the real world women are harmed by being excluded from "masculine" stuff and he couldve gone back to barbieland and made the kens realize what they really wanted was to be included in feminine stuff, not to be left out of girls nights and dances and everything, i think that couldve made a rlly interesting subplot. ultimately I don't hate the Ken story we got, I just feel like it could've been a lot of different things and I kinda wish if it was gonna be a focus that they'd done it a little differently.
in conclusion I loved this movie and it had a lot going for it, but it was also kinda confusing and messy and packed with ideas. I can't blame it for being messy and complicated cuz gender is messy and complicated and they couldnt possibly address everything. instead i wish it'd been a little more focused, given a little more attention to some of the ideas, made it's points a little more clear. but whatever, it's still great and has so much raw potential and so many ideas that ik people are gonna have so much fun expanding on those ideas and interpreting it all and that's beautiful
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elizmanderson · 10 months
4, 8, 14?
answered so far: 6 15 17 21 22 23 24
4. movie of the year?
oh I can actually do this one!! I didn't see as many movies as I probably would've liked to, but A Haunting in Venice was probably my favorite (to my delight, as I actually thought from the previews that it would be too scary for me lmao)
other movies I saw, all of which I enjoyed to various levels:
the new Haunted Mansion (honestly pleased they didn't go with a straightforward remake, and it made me cry)
The Creator
...I'm sure there were more but I forget what.
thanks to A Haunting in Venice, I also watched other Poirot films for the first time, and I also finally watched Knives Out and Glass Onion
8. game of the year?
so I'm actually not much of a gamer, but in my computer room/library/plant room/office/cat's room it is 2005 and we're playing Sims, ZooTycoon, and Barbie Horse Adventure: Mystery Ride (!!!), the latter of which I am stupidly excited to have loaded up lmao
I did buy Planet Zoo this year but got frustrated in 8 minutes when I couldn't figure out the gameplay (my partner watched a bunch of playthroughs and is gonna teach me), and I bought a completely new-to-me game, Anno 1800, bc it was 75% off and the art was gorgeous. kinda vaguely figured that one out and played for a couple hours the first time, so I guess game of the year goes to Anno 1800 simply bc it got me, a non-gamer, to actually try a new game
(my partner and all my friends are gamers. somehow I simply missed that bit of writerly programming)
14. favorite book you read this year?
damn that's a tricky one lmao. I've ready many excellent books this year and struggle to choose singular favorites. but the first book that comes to mind is Priyanka Taslim's The Love Match, a YA romcom with a love triangle that seriously kept me guessing right up to the end!
I also really enjoyed Justine Pucella Winans's Bianca Torre Is Afraid of Everything, a YA thriller with a bird enthusiast nonbinary lesbian MC who younger me would have deeply related to.
and I also finally read The Song of Achilles, which much to my shock I found deeply satisfying even though it made all my friends cry lmao. I'm far too soft for tragedy so idk why I didn't weep, but. idk. maybe it's bc I knew how the story would end going into it
AND! I reread, for the first time since high school, Scott Westerfeld's Uglies and enjoyed it about as much as I did back then, when it was one of my favorite series
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Seeing one of the gifs you reblogged with Daemon on Dragonstone with the egg reminded me, why did they change that for the show? I have not seen any explanation for that change anywhere and thought maybe you or some of the people here have ideas.
Because it very straight-forward in the books, Daemon is mad Rhaenyra is declared Princess of Dragonstone so he goes to Dragonstone with his mistress because he thinks he is the rightful heir and Prince of Dragonstone, he gets Mysaria pregnant and gets an egg for the unborn child, Viserys is mad, Daemon is sent back to Vale to his lawfully wedded wife and Mysaria is shipped off to Lys, losing the child on the way and at the end Daemon is jaded against his brother.
Why did Daemon in the show just steal the dragonegg for no reason and lie to everyone about getting his mistress pregnant? And then it is Rhaenyra who convinces him to give the egg in the show even though Daemon in the books needed no convincing from anyone and obeyed the king on his own because he threatened him with treason? Like yes, Rhaenyra is not 8 when this happens like she is in the books so they were like "We can get a Daemyra scene from this" but the whole thing just makes very little sense in the show.
tbh i had to look back at my reblogs to know what you were talking about and when i did i was like oooooh that one. im honored to have received such a passionate message but i think im not the person to talk to this about. i know very little about the books. honestly, the only reason why im in this fandom to begin with was because i saw matt smith as daemon a couple times on the net and it festered in my brain and then i looked it up and i was like hes hot then i saw fics and read them then i was like omg hes filthy and hot i wanna write fics about him so i watched the show and wrote about him and now im here.
i have since learned a lot about daemon from the internet and other fans, and ive seen a lot of people say he was so badly destroyed in the show. i would assume any changes done for tv would be to make it better but according to the ss of tweets ive seen, the showrunners are purposefully destroying him because they are too scared he'll be loved too much????????? lmao
there's this interview thing ive seen of matt smith talk about why he was sat on the iron throne the first time we see daemon and he was like is that his way of saying he wants the throne or does he like wanna annoy his bro-- something like that, matt speaks about him better than i do. and so i think perhaps the same thing could be said for the egg thing???? but idk maybe they really did just want a rhaenyra interaction to happen because i think it ties well with the show, considering its parallelism in the finale.
it was something starkly apparent to me when i was watching that final episode, or whichever episode it was, on that bridge thing with otto and daemon duking it out, just like the incident with the egg, but now rhaenyra was now on the other side of the bridge. honestly it made me go 'cinema' it was pretty satisfying to me and perhaps that was the point? i enjoyed it, especially with daemon spitting back the 'mummer's farce' back at otto. go daddy!
anyway, regardless of where you stand on the whole daemon character destruction thing, i hope you can still enjoy that psycho barbie <3
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gothicprep · 2 years
god, i feel like i'm in a very weird position being someone who's always largely disliked true crime, but think 99% of the criticisms of it aren't very insightful and never get to the heart of what, in my opinion, is actually wrong with the genre.
usually you just get one or more of the following:
"something about the way it's structured/presented encourages people to be intrusive and nosy with real tragedies in the lives of real people"
something about most of the victims in true crime stories being white women
"it glorifies murderers and doesn't emphasize the victims properly"
something about how the genre says a lot about how society engages with women.
it's not necessarily that these statements are incorrect (although imo the last one is only really true in the same way that all media is going to reflect the cultural biases of the world that produced it to some extent) but more that it applies to, like, a specific subset of content in a really, really massive genre. it makes sense to say these things about those weirdly glib "murder and silly unicorn cupcakes lol" podcasts and youtube channels but it doesn't translate super well to, like, dateline and 48hrs that have massive back catalogues and can vary a lot in tone and focus depending on which episode you pick. or something like last podcast that does openly focus on the criminals, but does so in a way that's committed to ridiculing them.
some of this can be explained away by the fact that a lot of those overly chipper true crime things are made by white women, and have audiences where white women are the biggest consumer demographic, so the content and the communities around it can descend into this weird trauma self-actualization circle jerk where everyone projects their baggage onto the victim. and it kind of dovetails into this thing that women do very often amongst themselves where they unintentionally (at least i hope) stoke each others anxieties about how dangerous the world is. incidentally, i think the emphasizing victims critique is kind of an offshoot of the desire to do this kind of thing – it's hard to milk catharsis out of an investigation procedural.
it should go without saying that i find this to be pretty unethical and not a particularly emotionally healthy use for your brain cells, but obviously not every true crime thing is presented like that, and not everyone who consumes this stuff does it for that reason.
that and, like, people being nosy is just something that comes with the territory of true stories getting a lot of public attention. this happens even in really mundane ways – you can't tell me you've never watched an episode of bar rescue or kitchen nightmares that featured an absolute basket case of an establishment and google it to see if it was still open. obviously this is morally worse when you're cyber lurking on people whose relative or friend died, but to call it an issue of true crime specifically isn't entirely honest.
so with all that prattle out of the way, here's what i think is the fatal flaw of the genre: i'd say the majority of people gravitate towards true crime stuff because they're either a fan of mystery stories or they hear about, idk, the ken and barbie killers and think "what has to go so wrong with someone's development that they do... that?". the problem is that even a really, really well done true crime thing is almost never as satisfying as a competently written mystery story, and the latter question is fundamentally impossible to answer in a way that makes a remote amount of sense to people who don't have impulses like that. there's an implicit cap on how much you can get out of it in, like, any meaningful way.
a lesser issue is that a lot of other documentaries ape the general tone and aesthetic of popular true crime content and it just... does not work. the three mile island mini docuseries on netflix was a hot ass mess because it was clearly attempting something like this. like obviously, i'm not a nuclear physicist and the overlapping aspects of nuclear physics that are germane to astro are not a crash course on how power plants work. but so much foundational stuff was left out – like, surely something like this should have some "explain it to me like i'm five" explanation on nuclear reactions and how second gen reactors work, right?
and i think some of these discussions about what true crime Says About Society also just tend to make true crime worse than it already is by structuring them with meta self-aware bullshit baked in. i remember my old roommate watching don't fuck with cats during lockdown, and the final scene is one of the interviewees turning to the camera and saying "are the people at home watching this complicit?"
like, no baby, i'm relatively certain i'm not. i have better things to do with my free time than play online cat and mouse games with canadian sociopaths. tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night, i guess.
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retroellie · 4 years
Ellie Williams as a mom
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Summary: Ellie and Joel daughter!reader as moms <3
A/N: I’m not done with requests but this was in my head so i had to do it :)  Also sorry i haven’t been active, i have literally had no motivation at all lmao. 
Warnings: Mentions of NSFW, mentions of miscarriage (not really but just incase) 
Word count: 1.5K 
- When you found out you were pregnant, oh my lord she was so excited. (Lets just say y’all were planning it so it’s not like the dina situation) 
-You guys keep in on the down low for a minute just so you know your pregnant and your not gonna lose the baby
-It literally eats her up inside cause she wants to show you off
-Once you get past like 3 months, you can’t really hide it anymore so the first person you tell is your dad (Joel) 
-Joel is so happy oml he could cry 
-Than slowly everyone finds out, everyone loved you and ellie so this baby wasn’t just yours it was the community’s 
-Everyone was happy for the two of you 
-Ellie was the most excited though, she loved every single thing about you being pregnant 
-She would caress your belly, giving it soft kisses while you tried to take a nap 
-She would talk to your little belly too<3 
-”Hey kiddo, it’s your mom. Well your other mom, hey i wonder how that would work?? Will they call us both mom.” 
-”You know, you're gonna have the coolest family. You got your Granddaddy Joel, the coolest man ever. You have your momma, just like her daddy the coolest most badass woman you’ll ever meet.” 
-”One day, when you get older. I’m gonna take you to the moon with me and of course your momma’s gonna come with us.”
-Everything you need she gets you, she wants to spoil both of her babies
-She loves seeing you pregnant but she hates the effects it has on you 
-Your really tired all the time, your feet swell up sometimes, and the stomach aches you get 
-Around 4 or 5 months you decide to get the farmhouse, y’all want your own space with each other and the baby 
-Joel’s not really happy about it, he doesn’t want his babygirl to get hurt ya know 
-”You guys can build a little farmhouse here in jackson, you know where there’s protection and your families here.” 
-”Dad, I love it here but we need our own space. I want this kid to grow up independent, you never know what’s going to happen to me and ellie.” 
-Joel can’t fight with you, he just gives in because it’s what you want and he wants you to be happy
-Plus he will most definitely do country boy things there because he’s a whore for a good farm house 
-Moving out was hard for you, you had to say goodbye to your friends even if you do live literally 5 minutes from Jackson plus girl your pregnant; hormones are going crazy 
-The whole town help you guys get situated, imaging that is so cute idc 
-The pregnant sex in the farmhouse hits differently because your horny all the time and ellie just loves how sensitive you are because of the hormones
 -I swear y’all have sex at least 3 times a day
-Morning sex, after breakfast sex, lunch sex, ‘this painting is tiring’ sex, before and after dinner sex, shower sex, before bed sex 
-Maria is definitely planned a baby shower for y’all and she went full on out 
-Obviously babies are born in Jackson often but it’s not every day when the town leader’s niece is having a baby, so it’s huge 
-Joel gave you a crib he made, LORD IMMA CRY WAIT A MINUTE 
-Everyone pitches in to give y’all something 
-You and ellie decorate the nursery together, it’s definitely space themed idc 
-Joel and tommy help too :) Joel helps paint the crib he made with stars and rocket ships 
-It takes 5 days to complete but it’s so worth it
-The walls are painted dark blue with white little stars and your dad helped you make a little planet mobile 
-By the time your 7-8 months you guys are mostly comfortable and happy, the house is almost done and the farm is growing little by little 
-There’s still stuff to do around the house and it bothers you so you're always doing stuff 
-Ellie hates it because mama you are literally about to pop and you still out here carrying pieces of wood upstairs 
-”Baby, you gotta be careful or your gonna end up giving birth on the stairs” She jokes
 -”I’m not incapable of doing things baby, i’ll be fine; plus it’ll build her muscles up, she’ll be okay.” You joke back 
-Joel always told you that you were like your mom, never stopping even if your carrying another human in your stomach 
-Around the end of 8 months you had decided to stay back at Jackson because you could go into labor at any time 
-When you finally give birth it is the hardest thing you have ever done 
-Your family is in the room with you and ellie is holding your hand, even throughout the pain you're still cracking jokes with ellie 
-”Woah! Okay your hand is all the way inside” 
-”Womb tour *sobs*” 
-”If i go through all this pain for my baby to not like David bowie, i swear it’s going back in.” 
-Ellie is literally dying of laughter
-She holds you hand the entire time and she gives you soft kisses
-When the baby finally get here, there is a wave of relief that comes over you
-You stay in Jackson for a little bit for a week or 2 until you guys can go back home
-Ellie does literally everything you need her to do because your still healing 
-She will gladly stay in bed with you all day if you need her too 
-She willingly gets up in the middle of the night with the baby just to let you sleep and it hurts her heart when she has to wake you up to breastfeed 
-Speaking of breastfeeding, it makes her blush a little when your breastfeeding 
-She finds it so hot when you parent, idk how to explain it but it just gets her going 
-She also loves your mom bod, like your boobs got a lil more bigger and your hips got wider 
-She just loves you as a mom, like she thinks you are so hot 
-Ellie loves holding the baby, She’s so soft and small. She will never get over how pure she is 
-Ellie will show her around the farm, showing her all the animals and making her giggle 
-She’ll love to spend time with the baby, she’s such a good mommy i swear 
-She will definitely make time for you of course
-You guys don’t even have to smash to feel satisfied, just 20 minutes alone with each other would be good enough for the both of you 
-She loves when you call her mommy throughout the day 
-”Well good morning mommy” 
-”Does mommy wanna watch too.” 
-It’s so soft and cute, ugh she’s just a big ole softy now 
-Grandpa joel....that’s all
-He’d be such a good grandpa, he would spoil that child rotten 
-He would tell you how to parent, as annoying as it could be sometimes you appreciate the help because you honestly have no idea what you're doing sometimes 
-”You're patting her too softly, you have to do it a bit harder.” 
-”Dad... I know what i’m doing.” 
-”I know, i know. I just want her to get a good burp in, don’t we?” He said to the baby, smiling down at her 
-Joel definitely babysits all the time, like he will straight up ask you if he could take your kid in for the night 
-you and ellie let him, obviously y’all need a decent night of sleep and a night full of... you know ;)
-Ellie does yoga with you to help you get back in shape, ellie doesn’t think you need too because she loves your belly <3 (your beautiful babe :))
-But you just want to regulate your body back a little bit
-You guys and the baby would have little pinics together, they are so cute 
-You have pictures upon pictures of the baby on the wall, like literally your baby has taken over the house 
- Dancing with the baby obviously 
-Ellie would read to the baby a lot, there has been countless times when she had fallen asleep in the rocking chair with the baby 
-Ellie massages your boobies when they get sore from breastfeeding, she feels so bad :(
-Joel and Tommy make wooden toys for the baby, they get so excited to give them to the baby 
-Her room is filled with toys from them and she is literally still an infant lmao 
-OH AND TOMMY AS AN UNCLE(??) luckiest kid ever 
-You both do farm work with the baby or one of you does farm work while the other keeps the baby from crying 
-You guys won’t force your baby to play with barbies if she doesn’t want to 
-but when she gets old enough ellie plans on taking her out in the city for practice of killing infected 
-That scares you but your award you both have to prepare her for anything that happens 
-But besides that y’all are the cutest parents and ellie deserves to be happy with her daughter :)
(Credits to gif owner) 
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Paint My Spirit Gold
Dukeceit Week Day 2: Green/Yellow
Fans of the YouTubers "Deceit" and Remus "The Duke" Sanders start to suspect that maybe, just maybe, the two of them are more than simple internet pals.
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 2187
Warnings: n/a
@dukeceitweek <3
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a watercolor-style painting of a snake. The snake appears to be made of melting chocolate, and there is a large bite taken out of its tail. Cherries and jam are leaking out of the snake at the bite wound. The snake's expression of horror is overly-exaggerated to the point of comedy. The caption reads: "liked your snake boi, @SerpenThyme. thanks for the inspo." /end ID]
A notification ding cut Janus off mid-sentence. 
“Wow, someone left their cell phone on, so professional,” he said, giving the camera a dramatic eye roll. That someone was him, of course, because he was the only one in the apartment- just him and the running livestream- but that was no excuse not to be a drama queen about it. He finished wiping flour off his hands and grabbed his phone to silence it; but the notification made him pause. He flicked his eyes up toward the camera and gave a slight smirk.
“My goodness, I’m famous,” he drawled. “The Duke himself has graced little old me with some fan art.”
Most of the comments in the chat wanted him to show it, so Janus opened up Twitter to see the full post he’d been tagged in. It was a watercolor painting of the coiled-snake chocolate sculpture- lovingly named Jake by his viewers- he’d made for his YouTube video last week; it was wearing an expression of such comedic horror that Janus had to stifle a laugh. He flicked his phone screen toward the close-up camera on his counter so his viewers could see.
“How kind of you, Remus,” he said. “All of you should go scold him for what he’s done to poor Jake here.”
Most of his viewers would know he was joking- after all, they were the ones to nickname him Deceit when he provided neither a real or fake name for his online persona. They knew full well what he was like by now.
The oven timer dinged. Janus silenced his phone and set it aside.
“And our first batch of cookies is done. You know, why don’t we show the Duke some appreciation?”
[ID: An Instagram post by user @SerpenThyme. The photo is an artistically-framed shot of a stack of sugar cookies with green, yellow, and pink icing. Propped up against the stack is another cookie, with an intricate icing-drawing of an octopus. The photo appears to have been color corrected to have high contrast, low saturation, and a dark vignette at the edges. The Instagram user @OctoDukie is tagged. No caption. /end ID]
“You know, I have often been accused of actually being a little old lady, what with my fondness for knitted jumpers, rocking chairs, and incredibly fucked up murder mystery books. Today I am doing nothing to dispel this accusation, by making soup.”
The studio was dark and empty aside from Remus' workspace. Everyone else had left long ago, even his own brother, which meant that it was officially ass-o'clock in the morning (or, as most people called it, somewhere between 1 and 2 a.m.) But Remus was stuck in hyperfocus, honed in on putting the last touches on a commission that he'd been putting off for weeks. It's not that it was a tough painting- once he'd gotten started, it was actually a very creatively satisfying piece- but man, executive dysfunction could go suck a dick
“French onion soup, specifically. Because while I do like to pretend I am a classy bitch, I am also, regrettably, a lazy bitch with a distaste for anything that takes longer than one bottle of wine to make.”
Remus hated working in silence. It was stifling, almost suffocating. His brain needed noise like his lungs needed air. So when the studio had grown still and silent, Remus had flipped open his laptop and queued up some YouTube videos. 
“So we have here three pounds of onions that we need to slice up, pole to pole. You’re going to cry no matter what, so if you have any memories you’ve been repressing since middle school, now is an excellent time to dredge those up.” 
And if it happened to be 90% SerpenThyme videos, well. Sue him. 
“Now the first rule of caramelizing onions: fast and sloppy is always better than slow and thorough… at least, that’s what every man I’ve ever slept with tells me.”
Remus choked and glanced over to his laptop screen just in time to catch Deceit's trademark smirk directed at the audience just for a moment. It was the deadpan delivery that always got him. Remus could barely hold onto a joke long enough to get through it without cackling mid-punchline, but this fucker could say the funniest shit like an off-hand comment. 
He wiped his hands off on his jeans (what use were clothes if you couldn't use them as paint rags?) and pulled his laptop across the table.  He typed out a quick comment, citing the timestamp of the joke, and after it was posted, he shut his laptop. 
'Cause ass-o'clock was short for "get-your-ass-home-or-I’ll-kick-it" o'clock. 
[ID: A screenshot of a YouTube comments section. The first comment is by user TheDuke, and reads: "10:42 wow, rude." The second comment is a reply by user SerpenThyme, and simply reads ";)" /end ID]
Janus plopped down on the couch with a slight groan. He didn’t need to stream today, but he really hated missing days. Besides… he was fine. Really. 
He adjusted the camera until he was happy with the framing, and then checked the settings on his streaming software. Satisfied, he started the stream, and watched as his usual viewers rolled in. 
“What do you mean I’m not in my kitchen?” Janus drawled, addressing the chat. He glanced around with an expression of faux-shock on his face. “My goodness, when did that happen?”
He chuckled, and then gestured to his surroundings. “Yes, we are in my living room today. If you must know, my closest and most trusted friend tried to murder me today- yes, Virgil, it was attempted murder and nothing less- and I survived with nary a scratch… and a broken foot, but that is beside the point. Anyway, I’m not allowed to stand for long periods of time, and I may or may not be somewhat inebriated by pain pills and couldn’t stand even if I wanted to. So we are cooking from my couch today.”
Janus paused for a few moments to read the chat messages as they popped up. A few get well soon’s, a few theories about the “attempted murder,” Virgil- who moderated his chat for him- vehemently denying the “attempted murder” but otherwise refusing to clarify the event, and a large volume of wtf why are you streaming today, take care of yourself comments, which made him smile. But one particular comment caught his eye, almost lost amid the torrent of an active chat: wait this kinda looks like the Duke’s living room?
“Oh, VampSuga,” he said, addressing that commenter in particular with a slight smirk. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, since I can’t reach my oven from here, I thought some no-bake cookies were in order. For these you will need-”
[ID: A screenshot of a Discord conversation. The text reads:
“VampSuga: Ok ok hear me out. Dukeceit. 
Starstruck96: who?
IneffableSnek: lmao
FeralBeauYasha: lol
VampSuga: Deceit and Remus Sanders! They’re totally dating. I will die on this hill. 
FeralBeauYasha: Isn’t the duke w/ PatPat?
IneffableSnek: no thats his brothers bf
FeralBeauYasha: ohh
VampSuga: Did anyone see Deceit’s stream today? I swear that’s the Duke’s livingroom. 
StarStruck96: idk that seems like a stretch
IneffableSnek: no wait i kno what u mean
IneffableSnek: im watching the duke’s old videos and that one where he shows off all his old weapons he’s in a living room kinda like deceit’s 
FeralBeauYasha: They were acting all cute on twitter too
VampSuga: DUKECEIT”  /end ID]
"Hey guys, been a while since you've seen my face and not just whatever my hands are busy with, when it's within YouTube's terms and conditions I mean. They used to be way more lenient…" Remus trailed off for a moment, then shook his head sharply and plastered on a grin. 
"Anyway! In June me and a few other creators did a fundraiser for the Trevor Project, and y'all smashed the goal, so I let you decide what video I'd make this month." He paused, and gestured to the mountain of clothes piled behind him on the bed. "And you had so many juicy ideas to choose from, but you decided to dress me up like a Barbie instead."
Remus paused to scroll through his phone for a few moments. "Ah, ok, here we go. Twitter user YoonIsMyCat- oh, BTS, nice- sent in this first outfit. Uh… future Remus, put up the post here somewhere." He gestured vaguely to his right. "Y'all went with either a fuckton more clothes or a fuckton less clothes, which I respect. Apparently this outfit is called…” He squinted at his phone. “Amish chic? I take it back, no respect at all.”
Remus cycled through the outfits his viewers sent in, which ranged from the aforementioned “Amish chic” to “2008 rave attire” to “ok now you guys are just fucking with me” (which consisted of one of those big puffy snow coats, lime green in color; booty shorts with the shrug text emoji across the ass; fuzzy pink boots; and a yellow cowboy hat to top off the whole thing. It was awful. Remus loved it.) The mountain of clothes on the bed gradually became a mess of clothes spread across the floor instead, until there was just one outfit left. 
“Ok so Twitter user VampSuga sent me this outfit that I’m gonna call ‘sexy librarian.’ I couldn’t find this exact sweater online, but-” he paused for dramatic effect, before brandishing a sweater toward the camera like a bullfighter. “My boyfriend had something that was close enough.”
Remus hopped up from the bed and switched off the camera so he could change.
“They’re going to lose their minds,” a voice drawled from the doorway. Remus threw his shirt at him.
“Shoo, I’m getting naked.”
[ID: A Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a selfie of YouTuber Remus “The Duke” Sanders, a Hispanic man with his hair dyed green and styled into a spiked mohawk. He is wearing a yellow knitted cardigan over a black button-up shirt. He is grinning widely at the camera. The caption reads: “my viewers pick my outfits! now live on youtube. go see what i look like as a sexy librarian!” /end ID]
first and only dukeceit shipper ig
wow there’s so many of you now! Hi!!
i want this to be canon so bad omg
i mean just look
[ID: A series of three gifs featuring Youtubers SerpenThyme, aka Deceit, and TheDuke, aka Remus Sanders. Deceit is a black man with long, dreadlocked hair, and vitiligo patches along the left side of his face. Remus is a Hispanic man with green-dyed hair styled into a mohawk, many ear and facial piercings, and tattoos covering both arms. Each gif is edited so that the highlights are tinged yellow when Deceit is seen, and tinged green when Remus is seen.
The first gif depicts a close-up shot of Deceit’s hands as he carefully decorates a cookie with green and yellow icing. The cookie art he is working on appears to be a half-finished octopus. The gif then fades into a mid-shot of Remus, with his back to the camera, facing a canvas. The canvas is blank, and Remus appears to be laying out paints on a table to his left. 
The second gif depicts Deceit seated at his couch, facing the camera. He has many ingredients spread across his coffee table (including oats, cocoa powder, and butter) and appears to be in the process of laying out several more. The gif fades to show Remus seated at a similar couch with a similar coffee table in front of him. The camera is angled slightly downward to better show the myriad of knives spread out across the table. Remus is gesturing wildly with a morning star held in his hand. 
The third gif depicts Deceit in his kitchen. He is pulling on a bright, yellow knitted cardigan, and smirking toward the camera. The gif fades to show Remus in his bedroom, seated on his bed. He is holding up a similar-looking cardigan toward the camera and grinning. /end ID]
“Remus, it’s almost two in the morning. Come to bed.”
“I’m coming, sorry. Twitter distracted me.”
“Mm. I can’t believe the bird app is more distracting than I am.”
“You should try harder.”
“Come to bed and maybe I will.”
“Ok, ok, I’m coming. Hang on though, is it cool if I post this?”
“Sure. They figured it out anyway.”
“Sweet. Ok, Jannie, I’m coming.”
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It reads: “Dukeceit is canon.” /end ID] 
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katierosefun · 3 years
no one asked for it, but a list of...things i’ve been reading / watching / listening that isn’t star wars, and this def. isn’t the content anyone asked for, but i need some kind of posting system to get this out of the way otherwise i will just sit in a pent-up ball of energy, so...no one asked, but a list of things i read / watched / listened to in april 2021 and super enjoyed and etc: 
kdrama: penthouse 
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i’ve talked a little bit about this kdrama here, but when i tell you i’ve become mildly obsessed with this kdrama...i’ve become mildly obsessed. it’s about these rich families and everything they’re doing to achieve power/stay in power. the characters are all so very complex, and i honestly can’t describe too much more of the kdrama just because it’s so bonkers, but if you like a good revenge plot, this is...def. the kdrama to watch. 
movie: your name 
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ngl, i cried a lot watching this movie. like, i think i cried...at least three times? basically, this movie is about these two people who keep waking up in each other’s bodies, and things get even  more complicated from there. this movie really utilizes the japanese myth of the red string of fate, and it’s really lovely. i didn’t think i’d care for it, but i fell in love. also, the soundtrack is amazing. also, just...there’s something so beautiful about two people just being tied together by some twist of fate. very romantic, also very much a coming-of-age story too. i am honestly so blown away by it, not to mention the beautiful animation. 
podcast: me & au 
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i’ve talked about this podcast ad nauseum here, but like.......ugh no the way this is literally one of the cutest audio drama podcasts ever. it’s just about two fanfic writing gals, and it’s really cute. also really very gay. also really cute. i literally have listened to the last episode 4 times because i can’t get over how adorable they are. 
documentary: paris is burning 
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so i actually watched this documentary for a class, and i’m glad i watched it. this documentary goes into the drag queen scene in 1980s new york. like, idk i don’t really know transgender history, and i feel like it’s just important to learn. i honestly felt kind of sad watching this documentary, mostly because you see a lot of folks talking about their dreams of wealth and comfort, while you, as a 21st century audience member, know that that’s just...really hard for trans folks to procure. there’s some more complicated history behind this documentary, i think, but overall i think it’s an important piece to watch if you want to learn  more about your queer history and also just how the black and latinx community really contributed and made up a lot of the queer world we know today. 
music: oh boy. so much music. 
i mean, y’all know i have to mention fearless (taylor’s version) for the obvious reasons, but i’ve genuinely enjoyed?? this?? version?? i was afraid that it wouldn’t feel the same and that i’d want the nostalgia factor, but like...the nostalgia factor is still there. and taylor’s voice has def. improved, and like,,,now i can’t really listen to the old fearless? mayhaps blasphemous, but i really enjoy taylor’s matured voice, and just hearing her now handle the notes that she might have struggled with as a teenager just makes me :’)) because wow, look at how far she’s come. 
i’ve also been really in love with girl in red’s debut album if i could make it go quiet, again for the obvious reasons. it’s really a wonderful debut album, and i’m so in love with girl in red’s sounds because she can really go from soft and quiet to just hard-hitting, clashing sounds but in a good way? my favorite track has to be did you come? just because of how much it just slaps. it’s bitter, but it’s the kind of bitter that makes you feel like....satisfied. idk how else to explain it lol. i’m also a big fan of midnight love, because it’s quiet, but it’s also...very sad. very much a song you’d listen to at 2 am alone in your bedroom. 
but i guess my fave for the month has to be this lovely playlist of all the classical music in barbie movies, specifically the ballet ones. listen......listen, let me just re-live my childhood, okay? barbie movies slap, actually, and i’m really glad that it got me to appreciate this music more. 
and, last but not least...i’ve been mildly obsessed with from the new world, which is, yes, another classical piece, and yes, it was also in a barbie movie, but it was also used in the kdrama penthouse, and i’ve been mildly obsessed with all of the parts, because ooooh boy, you want to feel like a princess dancing alone in a ballroom as the world burns? you want to feel like you just murdered some elite in their bedroom? bro-- 
and i’ve also talked about this piece, but i’ve been mildly obsessed with vivaldi’s winter, just because...okay yeah no penthouse has somehow renewed my love and interest in classical music, and i’ve already discussed how this piece unleashes some feral feeling inside of me, but like...BRO WHY DOES THIS PIECE SLAP SO HARD. i know this is hardly news and this is hardly a rec because this piece is so well-known, and you’ve most certainly heard it at least once, but like...........no i’m about to become insufferable with my love for classical music again send help
and those are all my main recs for the month of april! clearly, my brain’s been going nuts. i will be back at the end of may for......more of this nonsense, if people are so willing to read my rants about things that aren’t star wars related lmao 
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noonachronicles · 4 years
The End of the F**king World Pt. 1
Byun Baekhyun X Reader
Word Count: 8k
Warnings: Language. Violent imagery if you squint.
Genre: Apocalyptic/Alien Invasion AU. Slow Burn (ish?). One pining pup and one idiot in denial to eventual lovers.
A/N: I mean, idk, but do I ever?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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Don’t forget to read the Prologue!
There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky, which left the sun free to beat down on every inch of the city. Showering it completely in light. It was nice, the sun, especially when it had been mostly dark and rainy for weeks. Basking in the light of the sun this city looked like every other city in the world. Absolutely every other city.
Cement sidewalks and asphalt roads with their gaping holes from where bombs and missiles had landed. Skyrise buildings half destroyed by fires or from flooding. Windows covered in plywood, plywood riddled with bullet holes. Not a business in sight that hadn’t been ransacked. Nearly every inch of wall space and every abandoned or crashed vehicle was covered in spray paint. Messages of hope for survivors, warnings about certain spots in the city, brief apologies and goodbyes from those who just couldn’t do it anymore. Plants, weeds, grass, and flowers growing through cracks in cement. Overgrowth in certain places making the city look like a literal urban jungle.  
Every major city in the world looked like this because every major city in the world got hit in exactly the same way. If not in the first wave then the second, and if not in the second then the third. And so on and so forth until they were all just empty shells of what they had once been.
The sound of your boots crunching against gravel and broken glass didn't even register to you any longer as you made your way down the empty street. Finally you found what you’d been looking for. A shop you’d noticed the other week but hadn’t had the chance to visit yet. The toy store was dark inside, left mostly untouched by looters except for the cash register. It had probably been busted open in the very beginning when people thought there would still be a use for money.
Old currency was rendered useless and the only survivors left now were the innovators, you thought to yourself as you peered through the window frame. It didn’t matter anymore what you had. Survival was about what you could do with what you found. The thought left you wondering how many people had walked past this shop without realizing its potential.
The storefront consisted of a three paneled window. Two of the panels had been smashed to nothing leaving an easy entrance into the store. The third window stood untouched, looking pristine. You rapped your knuckles against the completely intact glass and waited. It only took a couple of seconds. You could hear them before you saw them. A low hissing that sounded like getting the drool sucked out of your mouth at the dentists broke up with intermittent clicking. The sound either made your skin crawl in terror or it annoyed you. Today, luckily, it was just an annoyance more than anything else.
Grabbing the knife from the strap on your thigh, you focused in on the shadows of the aisles. There were two sets of four beady, silver eyes lurking in the dark. With a sigh you stepped through one of the broken windows and into the store. The hissing and clicking grew louder and more chaotic at your more obvious presence in the room. Resting the blade of your knife on your shoulder you made your aim. Then with a quick snap of your wrist the knife had shot through the air and projected into the shadows.
What happened next went fast, you knew it had to from your experience. As the first blade slipped from your fingers your hand had already dropped down to grab the second. The blade of the knife stuck between the four silver eyes and they went black. As the first grayish green, scaled beast fell forward into the light it’s counterpart opened its mouth wide to release a shrill shriek. The noise only pierced your ears briefly as you’d already thrown the second knife, the blade catching the beast in the throat. Those silver eyes drained to black as well and then it also fell forward into the light. Reaching into your pocket you pulled out your small flashlight and clicked it on. Quickly, you scanned the other aisles of the store for other Lurkers. You were pleased to find none.
First things first. You moved over to the cash register and searched the shelves of the rounded counter. As to be expected it was mostly tiny plastic trinkets at eye level that children would have instantly fallen in love with and would offer one last minute, desperate plea for. You did eventually find what you were looking for. There on the bottom self seated between a box of rock hard tootsie rolls and several bags of gummy worms that looked like they’d melted during the summer heat and then cooled into a blobby swirl of sugary color. A jar of, likely expired, blow pops. Tearing off the lid you shoved your hand in to grab one. You unwrapped it quickly and shoved the candy between your cheek and teeth with a satisfied sigh.
With your sweet tooth satiated for now you bagged the rest of the suckers as well as a jar of jolly ranchers. Then you went to pull your knives from the Lurkers you’d left bleeding out onto the linoleum floor. Placing one foot against the head of the first Lurker you tugged at the handle of the knife until the blade was released with a nasty squelch. You gagged at the sound, for some reason that was always the worst part for you, and moved to the second. With both blades freed from their victims you stood up and looked around your immediate area. Thick, black, gooey blood dripped from the blades onto the floor with little splats. On the shelf next to you there was a display of stuffed kittens with big, pitiful eyes covered in a thin layer of dust.
“Sorry, buddy.” you said snatching one of the kittens and swiping your blades clean against the soft fur before tucking them back into their holster.
You walked the front part of the store first, making a mental inventory of what was there that you would consider usable. On the other side of the room there was a spinning display rack that had been completely stripped of its contents except for one single package of batteries. That’s what you’d come in for.
“Fuck.” you muttered and snatched the lone package from the rack and tore it open.
At least you could replace the batteries in your flashlight, which had been functioning on borrowed time.
Once your flashlight was back at full power you started to make your way down the aisles. Continuing to take more notes of inventory, you searched for something that would be useful now. Dragging your finger through the dirt on the shelves you passed left a cleared line in its wake. You’d found baby dolls, Barbie dolls, and more stuffed animals. Princess dresses and plastic jewelry. There was plastic, silver tiara on one shelf, with little plastic jewels. You grabbed it and placed it on your head before continuing on.
Basketballs, tennis rackets, and skateboards lined the next aisle. The one after that had action figures and puzzles. You took a mental note to let Baekhyun know about the rack of lightsabers. Though considering how much trouble he’d gotten in the last time he had one you’d have to save both of you the trouble and tell him when Chanyeol wasn’t around. By then you’d nearly given up on finding anything when you reached the back corner and saw exactly the kind of thing you were hoping for. An entire display of toddler toys, each box with a red sticker and bold white letters that read, Batteries Included!
“Oh, jackpot.” you grinned, dropping your backpack on the ground and getting to work.
The first few months after the invasion were the hardest. The stress from uncertainty had aged everyone a hundred years. The four of you had stayed in the safe room for four days before venturing out. It took four days of Baekhyun and Chanyeol watching the security cameras endlessly and listening to the random frequencies the radio would pick up, trying to learn what they could, before they felt confident enough to open the door. It ended up being lucky because the night they decided it was time, was the night the electricity shut off for good. None of you slept that night. You just sat with the flashlight in the center of the room and waited for what you’d hoped would be enough time for there to be daylight outside.
It had to be daylight. If nothing else the guys had confirmed that the creatures never came out during the day. There were hoards of them during the night hours but there was something about the light that made them sensitive. Baekhyun had a theory that there was something wrong with their eyes. He didn’t think they could see or if they could they couldn’t see very well. He felt confident that their strongest sense was their hearing. He ended up being correct, you’d found out after watching them a little longer.
In fact they ended up being relatively ineffective threats once you’d figured them out. They were easy to maneuver around as long as there weren’t too many. They were blind as bats and pretty easy to kill if you got them in any of their softer areas which turned out to be anywhere on their necks and the diamond shaped patch between their eyes. The unfortunate part was that if you found one there were more than likely a dozen more and that’s when you’d find trouble. One or two were easy to kill. Even three was doable for a select few of you, if you were on your own. If you ran into a pack or you ran into them at night however, you were done for. They became chaotic attackers when they had the support of a hoard behind them. Like wild, rabid dogs they would tear their victim to shreds in a minute or less. Which was why they still terrified you even after three years.  
What you’d found when you walked out of the jewelry store on that fourth day was the complete destruction of everything you’d ever known. At that point almost everything still seemed to be on fire. Looters had come and gone, and were likely dead if they hadn’t gone into hiding in time. Buildings were still crumbling, sending debri crashing to the ground. Electricity was out everywhere but you did find that water was still running in some areas. You cried when you washed yourself for the first time in days. It wasn’t even anything nice. It was you in the bathroom of a coffee shop in your underwear, standing in front of the sink and wiping your body down with paper towels and hand soap. Still you cried. You’d cried a lot those first months, that whole first year really. You cried less these days.
Anywhere you walked you could see the creatures lurking in the dark, watching every move you made. Hissing, clicking and waiting for the sun to set. It’s why you’d all agreed they would be referred to as Lurkers, because that’s what they did. You didn’t go back to the jewelry store that night. You didn’t go back for more than a year. Instead the four of you collected food and what weapons you could before finding somewhere new and safe to stay. You did that every night for a week. You didn’t know exactly what Chanyeol and Baekhyun were looking for but you knew when they found it you could finally settle.
Hopping around from place to place is how you found Irene. She was a mess when you found her. Holed up in the corner of a broken cooler at a convenience store behind a barrier made out of boxes of beer. Trembling, sobbing, and dehydrated. It took hours for you to get her to even speak her name clearly. Later you found out her boyfriend had barricaded her in the cooler for her safety after he promised her he’d be back once he found his little brother. Then she watched him get torn apart by Lurkers through the cooler door while having to remain completely silent or risk being attacked herself. After that she joined your family, and the four of you became five.
As the days and weeks passed and you had become more comfortable and confident you started to explore the city. It was less for entertainment and done more so out of necessity. You needed supplies like food and weapons. The more you wandered and scavenged the more survivors you found. Groups of people like yours who’d been together since the invasion. As more people came out from their hiding spots obvious leaders showed themselves within your families, as your groups had been defined.
There were eight families and together you were the Community. The heads of each family met constantly in the beginning, trying to work out how best to work with one another and what they could offer each other. They all wanted to make sure that their families had everything they needed to survive without taking from any other families. In the end the city was separated into nine boroughs, a space for each family, each equal in square mileage. The ninth borough was the city center. All of the major arenas and theatres were there, all of the city's largest buildings. Underground parking lots at every corner. It was a hotbed for Lurkers. Entering any building was more than useless, it was a deathwish. Though it was safe enough to pass through during the day, so long as you stuck to the streets, by night it was wall to wall Lurkers.  
During the first year the Community met once a day after scavanges and doled out supplies. Each family took only what they needed and then the rest was stored by the original scavenger. After the first year half of the survivors were gone. Mostly loss came from accidents or illness. Things that happened that required a doctor, a doctor that you didn’t have. However on the rare occasion someone would walk outside in the middle of the night and scream at the top of their lungs.
Nobody thought them cowardly. It wasn’t an easy life, there was nothing desirable about it. You weren’t even sure where your own will to survive was coming from. It hadn’t been as if there was an expiration date on Lurkers. There was no timeframe for when this would be over. No ETA of your old life getting back to you. No visible end to the invasion. Still you woke up every day and you tried. When you went to bed you went to bed with every expectation of doing it again the next day.
After the first year the Community had become a well oiled machine. Everything had been so well organized. And there were so few people that supplies started to last longer and there was less of a need to meet up everyday. Now the whole Community only came together once a week for a check in. This week's meeting happened to be today.
Once you’d broken apart every toddler toy in the store and collected their batteries, you found a manager's office in the back. You sat down in the pleather chair and pulled your walkman out of your backpack, replacing the batteries that had been dead for a couple days. Having the sound of music flowing through you brought you a sense of joy and content that you couldn’t explain. It was the only thing you’d found since the invasion that could bring you any sort of content or calm. Without it your brain was constantly running a thousand miles a minute with worry and anxiety. You weren’t sure what you’d do when the city stopped providing you with AA batteries.
As the music played you twirled around in the desk chair a few times with a yawn, before deciding to check the room for supplies. There wasn’t too much, a couple things here and there, but in the bottom drawer of the desk you found five of the little airplane sized bottles of whiskey and a dusty, water warped copy of 50 Shades of Grey. After downing two of the little bottles you’d kicked your feet up on the desk and flipped open the book. Then, with a pretty good buzz brewing, you read aloud to an audience of two dolls, a stuffed monkey and three Batman figurines sitting on top of a file cabinet. The next thing you knew you’d amused yourself to tears and were late to the meeting.
Luckily you weren’t too far from the amphitheater where the meetings were held, just a handful of blocks away. You’d even tried to sprint it but were embarrassed to realize that the little amount of alcohol you’d had left you in less than peak condition. In all fairness it had been a while since you’d really had a drink. It had been a long while since anyone had indulged in a drink really. In the first few months a lot of people drank heavily as a way to cope and to avoid thinking about the reality of the situation. Reckless, unchecked drinking unfortunately led to a lot of accidents and those accidents led to the deaths of several people. There had been one night when a member of one of the bigger families drank half a bottle of tequila and didn’t close the door to their shelter well enough. That night twenty people were lost. After that it was rare for people to drink, it was even rarer for them to get drunk.  
The meeting had already started when you’d arrived. You could hear Chanyeol’s voice from outside the amphitheater as you stopped to catch your breath. Catching a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of a ticket booth window, you realized you were still wearing the toy tiara you’d found. Spitting the gum from your blow pop into some grass, you pulled the tiara from your head and shoved it in a trash can near the entrance.
Everyone was already there, which wasn’t a surprise but it was still embarrassing when they realized you’d just come in. Every head turned to look at you. Chanyeol, Hyunwoo, Jihyo, Taeyong, Solar, Hongjoon, Hanbin, and Seungcheol all sat in the center as the representatives of their families, silently watching as you made your way towards the group. You avoided eye contact with Chanyeol at all costs, ducking your head as you made your way to your usual spot next to Seulgi.
“You’re late.” she whispered as Taeyong continued with what it was he’d been saying in reply to Chanyeol.
“Obviously…” you whispered back, she pinched your side until you flinched, “Did I miss anything?”
She shook her head no and you both turned your attention to Chanyeol who had stood again to speak.
“General census has been that all families are low on food and the map doesn’t look great either, we’ve almost scavenged the entire limits of the city with the exception of the red zone. All food source locations are near depleted in zones with larger families, the others are getting close as well. Next week each family will send two members to the Farm for supplies and fresh food. Heads have been discussing that we need to put more focus on our own gardens around the city. We’ll be changing priorities from scavenging to gardening and livestock. The few of us who will continue to scavenge will need to...will need to start moving outside of the city.”
Unease ran through the group, and there was a steady hum of murmurs. Leaving the city limits was a nerve wracking suggestion because no one in the Community had left the city since the first wave. No one knew how things were out there. And of the very few people who had gone to scope it out, no one had ever returned. The only place the Community went that was outside of the city limits was the Farm.
The Farm was a huge compound on a stretch of farmland where an actual family had taken up residence. They had well stocked food storage, thriving gardens, and hoards of livestock. It was also protected under a massive security system. The family who lived on the Farm had come into the city not realizing it was occupied. When they found the Community and what you had to offer, they made a deal . They would exchange fresh fruits and vegetables, and eggs and meat from the livestock where they could spare it for fresh water which was the only thing they couldn’t seem to get steady access to. So twice a month the Community would send a group to collect the food supplies and drop off a water truck with a full tank.
Once the group had settled down after Chanyeol’s announcement there were still a few topics to discuss before the meeting was over. The end of the meeting really only meant that it was time for the group to break off into smaller cliques for further discussions and gossip.
“What if they don’t accept the water after the rain? That was a long stretch, they may not need it. What are we going to do without food?” You heard Sehun say as everyone talked over one another.      
You’d actually been pretty interested in listening in on that conversation but Chanyeol had sat down beside you. “You were late.”
“I know. I’m sorry, Yeol.” you looked up at him with your most convincingly innocent smile which only made him laugh.
“You know I worry. And worse, you know I had to hear about it endlessly from Baek.” he said, raising an eyebrow.
Nodding you pulled one of the suckers from your jacket pocket and offered it to him. “I got caught up and lost track of time. I’m sorry I made you worry. Forgive me?”
He already had the sucker unwrapped and stuck in his cheek when he nodded, “Forgiven. Just don’t be late back home. I don’t need you getting locked out.”
He patted the top of your head as he stood and you watched him take off. Seulgi who was talking in a group a little ways away saw him leaving and ditched her friends to chase after him. You frowned as you watched. It had turned out that they hadn’t been dating before the invasion like you thought. They’d definitely shared some pretty deep feelings for each other, but neither one had the nerve to make any moves. The invasion and imminent threat of death had apparently been the kick in the ass they’d needed to confess their feelings to each other. Still, of everything that had happened over the last few years the one thing you couldn't wrap your head around was people getting attached to each other. You just couldn’t understand falling in love.
Over the last three years the Community had lost so many people from death and disappearance. You had lost so many people. All your friends and family from before the first wave were just gone. Any family and all of your other friends. They were all dead as far as you knew. You would never get to say goodbye, never get to tell them how much you loved them. The hardest out of all of them to get over was Siwon. Things weren’t always perfect between the two of you but you’d been together for five years. As far as you had been concerned he’d been it for you. You’d been ready to spend the rest of your life with him, if he’d ever gotten the chance to ask you to. You’d imagined a future with him, buying a house and starting a family. Then in one day you had it all ripped away from you and the pain of it had been unbearable. You didn’t have a future, you didn’t have love. You didn’t even want it anymore. All you had and all you needed was to survive.
You couldn’t see the appeal of falling in love with someone who could be torn from you at any moment. Or intentionally putting yourself through the eventual pain of loss. You didn’t even like that you had to worry about losing Seulgi. The chance of risk versus the low reward just didn’t seem worth it to you. However, Seulgi was happy and as much as you didn’t understand giving your love to anyone anymore, you were happy for her. She was happy. She had a reason to keep going, and that’s all you could really ask for her or anyone else for that matter.
Throwing your backpack over your shoulder you waved goodbye to the others that were left and took off back up the stairs alone. Outside of the amphitheater you saw Hyunwoo chatting with Hanbin and Baekho, while Taemin and Jongin waited nearby. When he saw you Hyunwoo smiled and said something to the others before hurrying over to where you had been walking.  
“Hey,” he said, catching up to you.
“Hi.” you grinned.
“Hold up a second, I have something for you.” he said, grabbing your elbow.
You stopped walking and turned towards him, “For me? Why?”
“You know why.” he smirked. He moved closer to you so there was hardly any space between your bodies. One of his hands reached into his jacket and he pulled out a small, square, gold box with a red ribbon wrapped around it. “I know you didn’t want a big deal made out of your birthday, but I had to at least get you something.”
“You really didn’t have to get me anything.” you assured him, turning the box over in your hands.
“Fine. I wanted to get you something.” he corrected, “Will you just open it?”
You tugged the ribbon from the box and lifted the lid. A tiny gasp escaped your mouth at the sight in front of you. “Hyunwoo…”
“It’s expired, but only by a few months.”
Your eyes had filled with tears so quickly you couldn’t stop the single tear from slipping down your cheek. “It’s so beautiful. I love it. Thank you so much.”
He grinned as you pulled the chocolate bar from the box. “Don’t share it with anyone, okay?”
“Oh don’t worry, I will not be sharing with anyone. Not even you so don’t ask.” you laughed and wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders. “Thank you so much. Seriously, it means the world that you would give this to me.”
“You mean the world to me.” he said quietly squeezing you back, and then he pulled away, “To us. You mean the world to all of us. You’re always doing so much for the whole Community, my two idiots especially.”
You were grateful for the excuse to look away from him, to look over at Taemin and Jongin as your cheeks burned with a blush. “It’s nothing. You know I love them.”
“Alright.” he cleared his throat and looked over at the still waiting Taemin, Jongin duo. “Get home safe tonight. I have to get the kids home for dinner.”
“You be safe too Hyunwoo, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Tucking your gift into the pocket of your backpack you smiled to yourself. Maybe...maybe you could see yourself with someone like Hyunwoo. You’d seen him in action, you knew he could handle himself well in a fight. He didn’t need to be protected or taken care of. You wouldn’t need to feel responsible for him all the time or to worry about him too much. Plus he was a sweetheart and absolutely gorgeous, which never hurt.
“What was that about?”
Pulled from the thought you looked up to see Baekhyun. He was sitting on a short, brick wall. His feet dangled from side to side as he chewed anxiously on his thumbnail.
“What was what about?” you asked as he hopped off the wall and fell in line with you as you walked.
“Whatever just happened between you and Hyunwoo.” He was trying to be casual about the conversation but you could feel the energy vibrating off of him.
You sighed, “Nothing, Baek. Don’t worry about it.”
“Are you guys like together? You never said anything. Are you going to leave us? Are you going to stay with his family now? It’s just guys over there, you know? What about Seulgi? Does she know? She’ll be really upset.” he rambled nervously.
“No, Baek,” you chuckled, “I’m not going anywhere. I’m not dating anyone.”
“What did he say? It looked like he gave you something. What were you hugging him for?”
“Baekhyun!” You growled looking over at him with wide eyes, “Breathe. Calm down. Christ.”
He did as he was told and shut his mouth. He stuffed his hands deep in his pockets and took a deep breath. “Okay. I’m chill. You still didn’t answer any of my questions.”
“Well you asked about twenty all at once…” you said sarcastically and looked over at him and his big sad eyes. “Fine.”
Pulling your backpack around to your chest you pulled the chocolate bar from your bag and handed it over to him. He grabbed the candy and flipped it over in his hands.
“Shit. This is like ...European chocolate.” he said in awe, “This is the good shit. I haven’t seen stuff this nice in…”
“Months.” you said quietly.
“At least.” He handed the bar back to you, “God, what did he do? Ask you to marry him with that thing?”
You laughed as you put it back in the bag and then swung the bag back over your shoulders. “No. It was just a gift.”
“A gift? What for?” he asked, kicking a chunk of cement off the sidewalk.  
Baekhyun wasn’t going to let it go. You’d spent enough time with him to know that about him. Taking a quick look around the street to make sure there was no one nearby you said as quietly as you could manage without whispering. “It’s my birthday.”
“Your birthday?” he shouted, his voice echoing against the towering buildings that surrounded.
“Shhh.” you hissed.
“Why? It’s really your birthday?” He asked looking wounded, “You didn’t say anything.”
“It’s not a big deal, I don’t want anyone to know. So please...just shut up about it.”
“Hyunwoo knew. Did you tell him?”
You groaned, “Yes, but it had been by accident. He wasn’t supposed to find out.”
Still he looked upset, “I’m sorry I didn’t know. I would have gotten you something.”
You rolled your eyes subtly. “It’s fine, Baek. I swear it’s fine. I didn’t want anything, that’s why I didn’t tell anyone.”
“No, I should have known already. I should have remembered from before.”
“I’m honestly glad you didn’t.”
“I just wish there was time for me to find you a good gift. I feel like a real jerk.” He sighed, “And Hyunwoo got you chocolate? Damn.”
“I promise you, it’s okay.” You assured him once more as he trudged dramatically down the sidewalk beside you.
Suddenly he lit up with a smile, “What about a joke? Can I tell you a joke? Have you had a really good laugh today?”
You grinned. Secretly you’d become pretty fond of his daily jokes. “That sounds like the perfect gift.”
“Okay…” you watched as his face turned quite serious while he thought of the best joke. “Got it. What do you call bees that produce milk?”
“I don’t know. What do you call them?” You couldn’t help your half smile at the fact that he was already chuckling at his own joke.
“Boo-BEES.” He said with the biggest, cheesiest smile.
The laugh came even if the joke was terrible. A real shoulder shaking, teeth out laugh.
“Oh my god, I hate you so much.” You continued laughing and he just smiled back at you.
“Good. I love you too.” He said, the same way he always did when you told him you hated him. “Happy birthday, Y/n.”
You blushed, the tiniest of blushes. “Thanks, Baek.”
“You’re welcome.” He sighed happily. Pleased, you assumed, that his joke had gone over so well. After that the rest of the walk back was comfortably quiet.
Cordially was a club downtown, or it had been before the invasion. It had been made wildly popular by its exclusivity. It was the only by-invitation-only club you knew of. They would hand deliver invitations every week. White cardstock with red embossment that red simply, ‘You are cordially invited”. Then on the back it either said Friday or Saturday to indicate what day your invitation was for. For a monetary fee an invitee could bring up to ten plus ones. The add-ons were where they really made their money. That and of course the alcohol.
The building was on the corner of tenth and main, which was the most popular area for high end restaurants and bars. It was a two story building that had been built originally for use as a concert hall. It had housed operas, plays, and musicals. Then it had shut down for a couple of years and came back renovated into a burlesque club. After that it became a venue for punk shows. For awhile after that it was a gay bar that played venue to drag shows. And in its final form it was Cordially.
Immediately upon walking into the building occupants would find themselves in what appeared to be one big empty hall. On one side of the empty, dust covered hardwood floor there was a short hallway that led to two restrooms and an office. The big empty space had previously been the dance floor. Along the back wall was a bar and on the other side of the dance floor, opposite the restrooms, was a staircase. Upstairs was a horseshoe balcony. There were two more restrooms, a half bar, and private alcoves that had been reserved for vip invitees who’d paid major money for the privilege. None of that was why the Cordially was so important to you. It was important because, technically, its final form was home.
“Honey I’m home!” Baekhyun shouted as you walked in through the main entrance. “Oh, I forgot...I don’t have a Honey.”
“Is everyone else here?” you asked, ignoring his comment, as you looked outside one last time as the sun set on your birthday.
He looked over at the dusty bar top where five shot glasses had been placed. Three were upside down, two were still rightside up. “Yep. everyone is accounted for.”
With a sigh you let the door close while you grabbed the two by four leaning against the wall. You slide the wood through the door handles, and secured the locks at the top and the bottom of the door, and as a last step unhooked the blackout curtains Chanyeol had installed. The room was still lit with the orange glow of sun through windows that lined the second floor. Moving passed the bar as he whistled a tune, Baekhyun flipped over the remaining two shot glasses. He stopped at the door on the farside of the bar and held it open as he waited for you.
“Thanks.” you said quietly before moving passed him and making your way downstairs to the dark basement.
“Anything for the birthday girl…” he muttered to himself as he shut and secured the door.
“Uh...Baek.” you said stepping cautiously down into the unusually pitch black room. “I thought you said everyone was here?”
“The glasses were flipped. Is there no one down there?” he asked as you felt him step behind you.
“No, everything is off and I can‘t see shit.” you complained, searching your pockets for your flashlight.
“Huh...so weird.” Baekhyun said flicking on his flashlight and illuminating the wall switch. “Hit the lights.”
Flipping the switch up illuminated the bright, white christmas lights that had been strung all across the basement ceiling. The room had also been decorated with streamers and balloons. Chanyeol, Seulgi, and Irene all stood in the center of the room sporting paper party hats and cheerful smiles. They’d been popping poppers and shouting happy birthday, but you could barely register it through your haze of emotion.
Baekhyun had come around you and put a cheap, cheesy sash that said Birthday Princess over your head along with a tiara on top of it. Chanyeol lit candles that had been stuck into the top of a stack of just-add water pancakes that had rainbow sprinkles mixed in. After a moment of genuine shock you realized they’d been singing the birthday song to you and were now waiting for you to make your wish.
I wish I was this happy all the time. You thought to yourself before blowing out the candles.
“I-” you chuckled lightly, “I’m speechless.”
“Do you love it?” Irene asked hopefully, “I know you don’t like to make a big fuss about this kind of stuff. I worried it would be too much.”
“Oh, no! I love it! Thank you,” you said giving her a hug and then giving one to Seulgi too, “I don’t deserve all this.”
“That’s not true.” Chanyeol said wrapping you in a tight hug before guiding you over to the couch where a large pile of gifts were waiting. “You deserve more.”
“Do you like your cake?” Seulgi asked, sitting down on the cushion next to you. “Isn’t it cute?”
You smiled reassuringly, “I really love everything. I swear. It’s perfect.”
“I made it, the cake, but it was Baek’s idea.” When you looked over at him he was leaning against one of the surveillance desks. His cheeks were a little flush as he smiled over at you. “It was actually all his idea. He did most of the planning and the work, but we all helped out a little here and there.”
“You really thought I forgot, didn’t you?” he asked, looking so proud of himself. It was only then you realized he’d been the one that had remembered the last two years. Of course it had all been a show. Baekhyun didn’t forget anything. “Oh man, I really got you so good.”
“Open my present first! It’s the best one!” Irene said with a grin as she shoved a flat, wrapped box into your lap.
After you opened it you laughed immediately and then pulled the diamond chandelier necklace from the box. It had been a running joke between the two of you over the past few years. Whenever a gift giving holiday rolled around the two of you exchanged frivolous gifts. Grossly expensive things that were useless at the end of the world.
“I...It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to have some fantastic event to wear this to. Thank you, Irene.” you grinned.
“I got it at that jewelry store on third street if you want to return it. The receipts at the bottom of the box.” she smirked, “But you should know it was twenty thousand dollars, and I think it’s going to look fantastic on you. You should wear it every day because every day we’re alive is a fantastic event.”
Seulgi’s gift was next. She dragged over a tall box that was wrapped up to look like a gift bag, and that was clearly very heavy. When you pulled the tissue paper from the top of the box you revealed no less than thirty bottles of your favorite shampoo.
“So,” she started, “I have spent the last six months during scavenges looking for this shampoo. I took every bottle from every store in the city that had any. Cherish them, they are probably the last bottles we will ever lay eyes on.”
“I love you, Seul.” you said as you wiped your cheek of it’s tears.
“Love you too, bestie.” She said squeezing you tight, feeling quite pleased.
“Alright, that’s enough of the lame gifts.” Chanyeol said, reaching over Seulgi’s lap to hand you his gift. “I hope you’re ready for a real gift, Y/n. Something actually useful and still very fun.”
“Shampoo is useful!” Seulgi said, pinching his arm, “Dick.”
You laughed at the two of them as they bickered and unwrapped his gift. It really did take your breath away when you opened the package. “Yeol...oh my god.”
“You know I don’t know anything about knives.” he said as you pulled one of the shiny silver blades from its sheath. “Sehun helped me. He promised they were the best knives in the whole city. He said you’d really love them.”
“They’re so beautiful, Yeol. Really, I’m...I’m so happy.” you sniffled as you tucked the knives back in the box, “I can’t even tell you how much I’m looking forward to being able to use them.”
“And!” Irene said enthusiastically, “We’re all giving up our wash time tonight, so it’s all yours.”
Cordially was one of the buildings in the city that still offered running water. The problem was that it was such an old building that too much use throughout the day caused the ancient pipes to groan and when they did it was less than quiet. The five of you learned early on that there was a certain length of time that the water could be used after dark without attracting Lurkers with the noise. That time was divided and a bit of time was allotted to each of you for any night time activities like cleaning up after a long day or even using the toilet.
“No.” you argued, “That’s too much.”
“Yes!” Seulgi said, shooting you a terrifying glare, “Take extra care with the shampoo I worked so hard to get you. Rinse and repeat, for once.”
“It really is too much.” you groaned.
“Just let me know before you want to go, Y/n.” Baekhyun said, and you realized he’d been unusually quiet this whole time. “There’s just one more surprise.”
The group refused to listen to your complaints about wash time so you let it go. Instead you all indulged in your pancake cake and talked about your days. After a couple hours had passed you had to switch from the beautiful lights overhead to your regular LED lanterns so that Chanyeol could turn the computers and surveillance equipment back on for nightly security checks.
Together Chanyeol and you checked the reports from other cities and the surveillance outside of your building as well as the water storage. After your first yawn hit you mentioned wanting to clean up and get to bed soon at which point Baekhyun disappeared upstairs for sometime. You’d been ready to give up on him and crash for the night without even washing when he finally showed up. You grabbed one of your new shampoos, a towel and pajamas before following him quietly upstairs with your lantern in hand.
In the beginning you’d refused to leave the basement at night. The sight of the dark open dance hall creeped you out and you were always worried that there would be something hiding in the shadows. Ironically, it had been Baekhyun that had helped you out of your fear. You’d gotten into a pretty good system of making sure you’d done everything you needed to before the sun went down. It worked out really well for you at first.
That was until you, and everyone else, started to realize that things were changing. With every month that passed you realized that the invasion was having a lasting effect on weather patterns. Even now, after three years, they were unpredictable. Winter had come fast that first year. Sunlight was sparse, nights were seemingly endless. Some nights lasting literal days, as if the invaders were trying to force people out into the night to search for food and water, leaving them open and vulnerable for attack.  
It was one of those long winter nights that Baekhyun realized how uncomfortable you looked. He’d laughed at first when you told him you had to pee, but when he noticed the genuine fear on your face when he suggested you just go upstairs he stopped. You’d been so embarrassed, it felt silly that of all the things left to be afraid of, that the dark was what paralzyed you. Then he offered to take you whenever you needed and promised he wouldn’t tell anyone about your fear. That winter night lasted eleven days and every time you had to go to the bathroom or wanted to wash up, Baekhyun was there to take you. He’d check all the shadows and stand outside the bathroom until you were ready to go back down. Even if you shook him out of a dead sleep you  never heard a complaint.
It had been a long time since you’d needed someone to help you in the dark. On several occasions you’d even gone on scavenges at night. Like for the past four weeks when it rained all day everyday. There had been no sun but you also had no choice, your family needed food. So it seemed silly to you that he had offered to take you upstairs now. In front of the upstairs womens restroom Baekhyun stopped and held out his hand, “Lantern please.”
“I’m going to need it, Baek…” you whispered back knowing fully well the solar powered electricity that Chanyeol had set up didn’t run upstairs.
“Your lantern.” he requested once more, quietly, but sternly. With a deep sigh you handed him your lantern and he smiled brightly. “Thank you.”
He knelt down putting your lantern on the ground and picking up a container you hadn’t noticed before. Standing back up straight, he offered you the container.
“My gift to you.”
“You’ve already done enough.” you said taking the container, “Your stupid joke was more than enough for me.”
“Then this will just be the cherry on top.”  he grinned, “Open it.”
You pulled open the lid of the container to find actual cherries. Cherries, strawberries, and blueberries to be exact. “How? I thought we were out of fresh food until the Farm trip?”
“I’ve been stockpiling my portions for you.”
“No, absolutely not. I can‘t accept this, Baekhyun.” you said shoving the container back towards him.
“You have to. I won’t eat it. I’ll let it all go to waste.” he shook his head defiantly, and you knew he was telling the truth. “It’s yours now.”
“Here,” Pulling open the lid once more you searched for the biggest piece of fruit you saw. You held the strawberry up to his lips. “Just eat one. I won’t be the reason your dumbass gets scurvy.”
He smiled happily, “Okay.”
You moved the fruit closer to his mouth and watched him wrap his lips gently around the fruit, you gulped at the sight but he didn’t seem to notice. “Do I get my lantern now?”
He shook his head as he chewed and swallowed down the berry, “Just go in, you won’t need it. I’ll wait out here on guard, You can have your lantern after.”
You looked at him suspiciously before turning to the door. With your fruit and your shampoo in hand you pushed the door open. You inhaled sharply at the sight. The entire makeshift shower room had been covered in candles and wildflowers. It was the most beautiful display you could ever remember seeing in your life.
“Baekhyun…” you whispered his name, not really knowing what else to say.
When you turned back to him he was smiling from ear to ear and he asked very hopefully, “Better than chocolate?”
You may have rolled your eyes but your smile and bright glow said everything he needed to hear, “I hate you.”
“Ah,” he blushed, “I love you too.”
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pagingevilspawn · 4 years
Loving You Is A Losing Game- chapter four
hii! okay, before this chapter begins, i wanna say i’m actually pretty proud of it? idk why, but i am. and also, this book probably won’t be updated for about 2-4 weeks. 
i really wanted to focus this past week on writing, but i had finals to study for and everything so it took up a lot of time (i say as i watch criminal minds) but yeah, i’m hoping to get a lot of writing done in the next two weeks since today was my last day of school. yay! 
without further ado, chapter four of loving you is a losing game! 
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"i'm afraid of what i am, my mind feels like a foreign land"
alex walked with robbins down the hallway, the blonde reciting her speech for the third time that day, looking to the resident for approval, her eyes silently asking him for any feedback he might have. she wasn't normally nervous about these kinds of things, but she felt that the fact that she was speaking to med students held a greater responsibility. these students were the future of medicine. they hadn't experienced the loss of a patient yet, or the crying sobs of parents when they had to be told that their child didn't make it.
the med students were... bright and shiny. they saw everybody in a higher place in their careers as practical gods. so, while she still had the chance, she wanted to root into all of these young minds that no matter what anyone said, peds was hardcore. it wasn't 'babysitting' like she had heard so many of the residents and interns call it.
peds was undoubtedly the hardest specialty. maybe not skill wise, but definitely emotionally. only the people with grit could survive peds. they worked on kids. maybe that meant that there was an everlasting sea of hope surrounding the patients, where they still were able to believe that the magic the doctors gave them could make them better.
but, it was known for a fact that losing a kid was worse than losing any grown adult.
a young life, taken from the word much too soon. it was cruel. so, so cruel. what had this young person done to have its life taken away? what about all the horrible people in the world who walked around free, living their lives? the rapists, the killers... why did they get to still be on the earth while a tiny human wasn't. it was messed up.
but that's why peds was tough.
because, while losing a kid was probably the worst feeling for a surgeon to go through, a success was so much more appreciated when it was one. the fact that they saved a person who had barely even got to live their life yet was the reason why arizona became a pediatric surgeon. because of what she was able to do, this person would get to grow up, fall in love, make bad choices, do things they knew for a fact they would regret later on. and that was truly all she could really ask for.
she was starting to see it in alex too, the peds glow. she didn't want to admit it out loud, for she knew that he would let the cocky part of him show and give her a well thought out retort. but lately, she'd been watching him, realizing that he was indeed serious about peds, that it wasn't just a lame middle school dare that he arranged with his fellow residents.
she saw the way his face would light up when a kid would say 'dr. alex!' so excitedly as he entered a room. she watched how he would spend time getting to know his patients, so that way they would have something to talk about later on if it was necessary. she was starting to see that maybe, just maybe, alex would make a fine peds surgeon.
"so..." she trails off, looking at the man expectantly, not missing the way he looked distracted as he kept his gaze on his feet.
he looks up, giving her a reassuring nod. "it's great robbins." he said sincerely, making her let out a relieved breath. she knew how honest karev could be, it was both a strength and a fault. he always told things as they were and didn't sugarcoat anything. if he thought something was crappy, he would literally tell you, "it's crappy," and that was something she appreciated.
she casts a worrying glance over him, his head hung low as the look in his eyes seemed to show that he was somewhere else. "you okay?" she asks.
he nods, snapping back to reality "yeah. just thinking."
"well, you know what you need to do right? you're like my assistant alex. click the computer's button when i need the next slide, interject when i ask you to..." she trails off, praying that he wouldn't mess this up.
alex gives her a signature glare, a bit offended that the blonde was doubting his abilities. "of course i can. a twelve year old could do it." he retorts.
she gives in, "fine." she walks down the hall faster, not even waiting for the man to catch up to her before she enters through the auditorium's doors, settling in the wings backstage.
it was a few minutes later when arizona is introduced, him trailing behind her like an obedient little puppy as she stands by the podium and microphone.
"hi everyone! i'm dr. arizona robbins from seattle grace hospital," she starts in a chipper voice, already managing to wake up most of the somehow tired students. "and this," says, pointing over to the man at her right, "is my mentee, dr. alex karev."
the man grins at the words, a sense of pride coming over him. the blonde and never used that term on him before and he wasn't going to lie, he really liked the sound of it.
"alex?" she nods towards him, telling him to introduce himself. he makes his way up to the mic, adjusting it slightly so it would reach him better, since the blonde was much shorter than him.
he takes a breath, trying to calm the nerves building in his stomach. he'd always been too cocky and arrogant for his own good, though it was all just an act. talking in front of all these wide eyed med students was honestly a bit terrifying. he pulls himself together quickly, mustering up one of his famous smirks as he looks into the crowd. "hey, i'm  dr. alex karev, third year surgical resident at seattle grace, interested in pediatrics. i train under dr. robbins." he explains (incredibly) lamely, but was glad it seemed to be enough, since all the students looked satisfied with his answer.
arizona takes the mic again, starting a speech that he had heard a few times by now, but it had never failed to give his heart another strong tug towards specializing in pediatrics. "peds is hardcore." she starts, using the phrase he had heard so many times in the last three months. "don't let anyone tell you otherwise." she smiles, looking back towards alex with a knowing look in her eyes.
"to most of the people in this room, when you think of peds, you think of kids with runny noses and cuts on their forehead because they fell off the slide at the park. am i right?" she asks, making most of the students in the audience nod.
"you see yourselves as being babysitters, babysitters for tiny humans. well let me tell you, you can't be further from the truth."
"in peds, we save the lives of children. we help kids grow up, achieve their dreams. sure along the way there's the added bits of magic and joy, but it's not always sunshine and rainbows." she says, not missing how some students look down guiltily. "some people immediately want to go into peds when they start their internship. they think that working with cute little kids would be so amazing and working with them would be a breeze, well, they're wrong.
"peds is only for the hardcore. the elites. many people aren't strong enough for peds. some can't deal with losing kids as easily as they thought they could. losing kids takes a major toll on you. we ask ourselves all the time -when we see stuff in the news or online- what did these kids do to deserve the hand they got? they're just kids. why did they get shot the jerk of a man who lives next door?"
it was only the start of her speech -that had multiple parts-, but alex knew she already had everyone hooked.
"losing kids is something you never get over. don't think that losing a kid gets easier every time it happens. in fact, sometimes it's just worse. because you feel guilty. you feel guilty at the fact that you couldn't save this child. you feel guilty at the fact that you couldn't save their life..." she pauses for a second, looking over at alex, letting him know it was his turn to speak. "and now i'm going to hand it over to doctor karev." he was still a bit newer to the world of surgery, so he remembered better what it was like to be a med student than she did.
alex takes a breath, going over the speech in his head. "losing a kid is nothing like losing an adult." he starts
"some of you think that it's the same, some of you think that it's drastically different. but the only real similarity is that someone didn't make it."
he scanned the crowd, proud at the fact that the audience seemed entranced by what he was saying.
"the first kid i lost i was in my fourth month of my internship. i had been on my third peds rotation, but hadn't had a loss yet, which is a bit surprising." he lets the memories flood through him, reliving it, feeling that pain in his heart.
"i remember the day like it was yesterday. i had a couple of free minutes -a major rare as an intern- so i lied down on a gurney, and started eating a bag of chips. a few minutes later i got paged to the trauma bay. it was a three car pile- up freeway. the first ambulance unloaded a woman, emily smith, a thirty three year old female, the second, james smith, a thirty five year old male, and the third was the one i took with my attending, four year old melissa smith."
he bites his bottom lip, knowing he had to be in control in his emotions. even three years later it still affected him the same way it did that day.
"melissa was a little chatter box, talking my ear off as we rolled her into a trauma room. talked about her dog named fluffy, her favorite barbie movie, -princess and the pauper-, and even told me about her new toy horse 'shiny sparkles mchoof the third'. don't know where she got "the third" from but..." he trials off, earning some laughs from the audience.
he smiles his crooked grin, feeling a little bit more at ease. "melissa was strong. real strong. she had a broken arm and leg, not to mention, a lot of internal bleeding, and yet she only shed a couple tears. she was too excited to talk about fluffy and how she taught him how to roll over earlier that week."
"i thought melissa was gonna be okay. i thought 'she's talking, she's laughing, she'll make it'. i learned that day that you can't assume things." he says, glancing down towards the podium for a quick second.
"melissa didn't survive surgery. my attending had me break the news to the parents, which i found stupid because i was just the intern who was supposed to send them updates, but i did it anyways."
alex lets out a shuddering breath, the students in the seats sitting at the edge of them, feeling the hurt of the story as if they were there themselves.
"telling family member's that their brother or mom or dad or whatever didn't survive already sucks. but telling a parent that their kid... their child didn't make it? it's terrifying." it still hurt him to this day. these children were their flesh and blood, products of their love for one another, how do you just simply tell them that the person they loved most in this world was gone?
"melissa fought during surgery. she fought tooth and nail, but unfortunately, it just wasn't enough. but how are you supposed to tell that to a parent? it's hard, because as a part of peds, you need to be good with parents as well."
he inhales sharply through his nose, letting a thin breath through his nose. "the cries i heard from the parents that day made me want to quit." he tells the crowd honestly, making them widen their eyes. "i'd lost patients before that and it hurt like hell. but the day i told the smith's that we lost melissa... it seriously made me question my idea of being a surgeon."
"losing a child is something you never get over, whether you're a parent like the smith's, or just a doctor like me and dr. robbins, losing a kid is not something you aren't able to just move on from, even if -like i said- you're just their doctor."
his eyes glance over the crowd, surprised to see tears in a few of the student eyes. 'that's a bit weird', he thinks. "i wasn't lying when i said that i questioned my career as a surgeon after melissa. i was seriously considering quitting."
"but after a while of brooding, i decided that i wasn't going to quit. if anything, i was going to try my hardest to make sure that kids like melissa wouldn't have to go through the same thing, that's when i got interested in peds actually, but the attending i had at the time was..." he makes a face, trying to refrain himself was saying 'dick', "not my favorite. so, it wasn't until more recently when i got the opportunity to explore pediatrics again."
he sucks in a breath, "all of you guys right now look terrified." he says, speaking the truth, everyone in their seats looked like a cross between they'd just seen a ghost and someone told them their dog had died. "and you're probably wondering why the hell i just said thing that would make you want to do the exact opposite then go into peds." alex says, causing the crowd to nod.
he chuckles softly, "well, all of you guys should be upset, you should be terrified, because that's what peds is. you're terrified every second of every day. but only the best, like dr. robbins, are truly able to handle that kind of pressure."
alex cracks a small grin, " so long story short... if you're a wuss, don't go into peds."  the audience laughs and starts to clap as arizona makes her way back to the podium, going into the next part of her speech.
they can feel their eyes on each other, the fires in their stomachs growing from the stolen, forbidden glances. it was so wrong of them to be thinking about the night before. wrong to feel like it was what they had been waiting their whole lives for.
how he touched her...
how she touched him...
they way their bodies melded so perfectly together, like two puzzle pieces seemingly snapping into place.
somehow along the way they had inched closer to each other, going from opposite sides of the room to a mere ten feet away. she sipped her nearly full vodka tonic slowly, a large comparison to the night before.
he drank his beer smoothly, only on his first bottle and not even halfway through it.
before they knew it their eyes were communicating, what could only be described as lust, desire, and wanting burning so intensely in them they could set a man on fire.
she reads his dark brown orbs, not even needing to look into them long before she knows what he's thinking, and she knows her eyes are reading the same thing too.
they can feel the guilt through their stares. they were trying so hard not to, resisting so fiercely. tugging themselves away from the pull that was trying to bring them together. they tried to put last night behind them, convince themselves it wasn't as breathtaking as they remembered. they tried to push it into their brains, tucking into a small sealed box in the corner to never be seen again.
they feel it oozing from their bodies, pouring out of single a stare, no matter how hard they try not to. they try to tear their eyes away from each other, oh i promise you, they try to peel their eyes away, they try not to think about it.
he doesn't try to think of her silky skin and the way it smelled like vanilla.
she doesn't try to think of  the vibration he sent through her body then he groaned into her mouth.
but they just do.
he can't help the way he thought of her lips and how they tasted like a cherry red lollipop.
she can't help the way she thought about how his lips tasted like spearmint gum... so fresh, so god damn sexy.
they knew that they couldn't, that they shouldn't.
but the heart wants what the heart wants. and their heart? all their hearts wanted was for them to let the waves of pleasure flow through their body again, which only came from each other, nobody else.
nobody has made him feel the way she did. not the countless number of nurses, interns, coworkers, and previous classmates. not even his own wife.
nobody had ever made her feel the way he did. not any previous ex-boyfriends, not a couple random hot-as-fuck one night stands. not even her own husband.
so, somehow, without even knowing it, they ended up where they were now, an abandoned hallway on the seventh floor where he was staying, lips locked in the fiery throes of passion.
gasps escaped her lips heavily as she feels a wave of ecstasy roll over her, even more so than the night before. turns out kissing each other was even better sober than drunk.  
he tries his hardest to keep his groans at bay, but the way her hands are roaming his chest, just barely skimming his pants, makes it more than difficult.
before they are about to step into the room she pulls back unexpectedly, giving him a perfect view of her red swollen lips and slightly disheveled hair. "we shouldn't" she whispers softly, her eyes telling a completely different story than the words coming out of her mouth.
"we shouldn't" he agrees, his voice the same as hers.
"it's wrong."
"really wrong."
her eyes bore into his, trying so hard to pull away, but she can't, like some magnetic force is keeping her gaze from wandering anywhere but his deep brown and green eyes.
"we're married." she speaks, sigh falling from her lips heavily as she licks them, savoring the taste of them. they tasted like him.
"we're married." he repeats.
"to other people."
"to other people." he breathes, just the sound of his voice making her heart rate pick up.  
she lets out a loud sigh, fighting every internal battle. her head telling her it was wrong. but her heart telling her that nothing was more right. "screw it." she says so softly he almost misses it.
he doesn't even have time to comprehend her words before he feels her lips of his.
and that's how they came together for the second time, it being even more earth shattering than the last.
the first time they could blame it on the alcohol.
but the second time...?
the second time was all them.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
The Electra Complex, 1 (Crygi, Jankie, JaidaxNicky) - Scarlet Bloo
A/N: This is my first multi-chapter fic! This first chapter is mostly Gigi-centric, however that will change in future chapters. Big thanks to Hy-Jinkx for beta reading this, it wouldn’t flow as well without you.
Trigger Warning: There are some mentions of underage drinking in this chapter, which I know isn’t always seen to be a big issue, but I just wanted to be on the safe side.
Summary: Gigi Goode has been shipped away to Missouri, where she meets at group full of big personalities and a lot of emotions. This follows 7 girls as they navigate new love, old feelings and past demons.
Wherever Gigi Goode went, a series of admirers would follow; at least, that’s how it always used to be back in LA. You could’ve taken one look at her and come to the conclusion that she was living the dream. She was the cheer captain, her grades were consistently higher than the average student and she had the perfect all-American boyfriend. She was on track to becoming valedictorian and prom queen, had she only stayed on at Arcasio High. Her shoulder length blonde locks were always carefully styled and sculpted, and she wouldn’t be seen without her long, pastel acrylics and coordinating outfits. If you weren’t in Gigi’s small circle of friends, then you idolised them. And if you were? Well, then you’d be vying for Gigi’s position as top dog. Los Angeles Gigi was a trope from a 2000s movie personified, and while she wasn’t particularly happy with her life, the validation from her peers satisfied her. She was worried she wouldn’t be able to say the same about this new Springfield Gigi. She hated change, it just didn’t sit right with her. 
The last drastic change in her life occurred when her dad finally left the picture for good, around 8 months before she was shipped away to live with her cousin, Nicky. Gigi had a rocky relationship with her father from the moment she was old enough to recognise him, and to recognise patterns. He’d be in and out, showering Gigi and her mother with gifts on every return, but with each departure, he would rob Gigi of something possibly more important than Louboutins or countless bottles of Chanel No.5, the scent that had become her signature; he had robbed her of the ability to express her feelings. 
He taught her to keep emotions bottled up and to repress natural feelings, instead nursing wounds with piles of money. Contrary to her relationship with her father, Gigi and her mother were always extremely close, but Gigi knew she’d ruined that. Why else would her mom decide she’d be better suited living with her Aunt and cousin in Springfield of all places?
“Gigi, mon amour!” Nicky exclaimed, running up to her with open arms. The cousins exchanged kisses on either cheek. Nicky pulling Gigi into an embrace. She knew things had been rough, and despite both girls’ tough exterior, they’d always had a special bond. Gigi could remember countless Christmases and Thanksgivings when they were small and spent curled up in a blanket fort watching Barbie movies - Nicky loved The Nutcracker while Gigi first discovered her fixation for tailored jackets while watching Barbie and the Three Musketeers. Nicky’s small house was very sophisticated, decorated and furnished almost entirely in black and white, with interesting marble sculptures bordering the hallway. The two girls walked upstairs to the bedroom they’d be sharing whilst Gigi was in Missouri. 
“So, Gigi,” Nicky started with a sigh. Gigi looked down at her feet, cracking her knuckles to keep her focus off of Nicky and her next words.
“What did you actually… do?” Nicky paused, trying to correctly word what she would say next without sounding overly blunt. She was prone to being slightly too forward, partially due to a slight language barrier (French being her first language), but mostly because it was just the way her mind worked. A simple to-the-point question should logically provide her with a simple to-the-point answer - and Nicky liked it when things went like that. 
“If it’s okay,” the L.A native began in a slightly sour tone, completely ignoring Nicky’s words, “I’d like to have a rest before dinner.”
Nicky was aware of the obvious avoidance, but she decided to let her cousin be for the meantime; her mother hadn’t told her what had happened with Gigi to make her move in with them, but she knew it must’ve been pretty serious. Gigi and her mom, Nicky’s aunt, had a bond she almost envied - she couldn’t think of any reason why she’d willingly send her away. The girl pouted slightly, pondering the severity of the situation for a few moments more, before leaving Gigi to rest and going downstairs to help her mom with food preparation.
Gigi walked into the bar, legs out, flaunting her doll-like figure. She was dressed in a tiny baby pink tennis skirt, and matching crop top. Her mom had shouted at her for “dressing like a pinup,” as she had called it, but Gigi just shrugged it off. She didn’t care what her mom had to say at that moment. She knew she was probably being unfair, that her mom cared about her and only wanted the best, but she needed to blame someone else for everything that went down so she could live with herself. Gigi cocked her head to the side, trying to snatch the attention of the first man to catch her eye. A gruff looking man, probably in his early 50s, his American tan glaringly obvious in the dim lighting, smiled at the 16 year old, biting his bottom lip ever so slightly. She gave him bambi eyes, giggling slightly as she walked towards him. She was nervous, of course she was, but the adrenaline and alcohol pumping through her system aided her greatly in feigning confidence.
“Hey, Candy bear.” he smirked at her, putting his hand on her cheek, “what can I do for you?”
Gigi wanted to shudder, but she managed to maintain her composure, and instead cooed, “I wanna be adored.”
The man slowly nodded, forcefully stealing a kiss from the girl, who submitted, kissing him back. As soon as he pulled away, she ran off, walking as confidently as she could out of the bar. She took a stick of bubblegum out of her bra, hoping it’s minty flavour would remove the lingering smell of liquor from her lips, as she rushed home before her mother awoke.
“Geege?” Nicky stood in front of her cousin, worry evident in her eyes. Gigi had zoned out. She snapped back into real life, “yeah Nics?” She looked towards the vanity where Nicky was seated, adjusting her hair in the large, illuminated mirror. Nicky’s room was barely big enough to fit both girls’ beds, so it was slightly cramped, but it was still very minimalist, very Nicky.
“I was just saying,” Nicky continued, “I should add you to the group chat of my friends and I - it’ll help you meet people before school starts.”
Gigi smiled, she was grateful that Nicky was being so welcoming, despite having to give up her room.
“Go on then, what harm could it do?”
TheNickyDoll added TheGigiGoode
JanJanJan: Ahhh hi !! I’m Jan, nice to meet you!!!!
JaidaEHall: Jan, chile, calm down you’re gonna scare her off
JackieCox: Hi, I’m Jackie.
                    And yeah, Janny, Jaida’s right, calm down baby.
TheGigiGoode: Hey, everyone <3
                           Thanks for letting me join, you guys are the first people I’ve                                      spoken to here other than my family!
HeidiNCloset: Heyy
JanJanJan: I’m sorry y’all I’m just excited !!
Gigi was relieved to find that she hit it off quite well with Nicky’s friends, whose personalities seemed to be so big she could get a good sense of what they were each like through the screen. Jan was very enthusiastic, Gigi noted immediately. She and Heidi both seemed super sweet, but in different ways - Heidi definitely seemed to crack a lot more jokes. Jan bombarded Gigi with questions about L.A, before Jackie pretty much ordered her to get some sleep. Jackie and Jaida were definitely the two most level headed of the group, Jaida seeming to lead group discussions and Jackie undertaking a more protective role. However, when looking through the list of group members, she noticed one more account that hadn’t interacted in the group chat yet. She was about to ask Nicky who Crystal Methyd was, but when she turned to Nicky’s side of the bedroom she found her fast asleep, in a silk set of pyjamas with her hair in rollers. Gigi knew the only way to get answers now was to stalk her instagram. Luckily, she wasn’t private, so Gigi spent the next 30 minutes looking through her feed. Crystal had curly red hair, and dressed very…. eccentrically, Gigi thought. As if by magic, Gigi then got a notification that made her almost jump out of her skin.
CrystalMethyd: Hey everyone! What have I missed? You know how out of the                                 loop I get when I’m painting.
Gigi waited for a couple of seconds before forming a reply, praying one of the other girls would initiate a conversation she could then jump in on. She wanted to talk to this girl, but she didn’t want to do it alone, not when she knew close to nothing about her. Gigi sighed, she’d have to just go for it and respond to the message. That’s how you get anywhere in life, she knew that. 
TheGigiGoode: Hey, idk if Nicky told you, but I’m her cousin. She added me to                               the chat so I could meet you all before school starts up.
CrystalMethyd: She did!
                           I’m Crystal, but you know that from my account of course.
Gigi and Crystal spoke for a while longer, their conversations jumping from favourite food (Gigi liked pasta, Crystal liked pizza, and they were both still obsessed with fruit snacks), to movies Crystal cried over (Marlie and Me. Toy Story, The Notebook, and the list goes on) and ones they both hated. At around 3am, Crystal made the decision to move the conversation to private dms, to avoid spamming her friends as they slept. This new, more intimate setting, and the early hour, seemed to pull feelings on feelings out of the two girls as they began to open up more with each other. If an outsider was to read the messages, they’d never have guessed Gigi hadn’t been aware of Crystal’s existence until just hours earlier. Gigi felt a strange yearning to open up to this girl, who seemed to be so clear about how she felt, but a part of her mind wouldn’t let her even type the words out. Guilt passed through her gut as Crystal explained her worries about her future, how she wanted to be an artist, but her parents weren’t sure whether she’d be able to make a long lasting, stable career out of it. Gigi wished she had half the vulnerability the girl possessed. It sure would make this whole making friends thing a whole lot easier. The light peaking through Nicky’s pitch black blinds startled Gigi, so she said her goodnights to Crystal, who wished her “Sweet dreams, Miss Goode.”
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locktobre · 4 years
(1/2) I re-watched Barbie's Princess Adventures last night and like, I still can't get over "King of The Kingdom" (the Trey/Ned/Ted/Ken version) because it just seems so oddly/randomly placed? "Try it On" makes sense because it's for a vlog and showing people they can be whoever they want and try new things, "Somewhere New" is the classic changing locations in a musical song. "(Not) A Picture Perfect Girl" Shows how similar Barbie and Amelia are as well as show that Amelia wants a different life
(2/2) "Life in Color" shows how amazing life can be when you don't focus on cameras/trying to preserve everything instead of just living in the moment (shown when instead of a selfie Barbie shows the little girl around the whole castle & gives the girl a chance of a lifetime rather than a one-and-done selfie). but "King of The Kingdom" just comes out of nowhere especially because Trey/Ned/Ted/Ken are hardly in the movie & Ken isn't really close to them so idk why they'd sing together. & "This is
(unexpected 3/3) "This is My Moment" is the perfect finale and shows everything they'd been through throughout the movie. "King of The Kingdom" Reprise makes sense because Prince Johan wants to take over/he's the bad guy and needs a good villain song, but the original "King of The Kingdom" just feels like an excuse to have a random comedy break in the middle of the commotion between Barbie/Prince Johan, and Amelia. As well as an excuse to have the evil reprise with Prince Johan lol
King of the Kingdom was my favorite song of the soundtrack, even before I saw the movie, plus I want Ken and Trey to hang out (they have before, but I want it to go well this time), so I’m super biased. Plus, I think Trey had a raw deal in the movie, Ted and Ned didn’t really hang out with him and kept glomming onto Ken, and when they did hang out with him, they were rude (see: the royal horse show). But again, I like Trey to begin with, so it was nice to see him actually shine for a moment, when he seemed to spend most of the movie being miserable. I wish we had had a full villainous reprise of King of the Kingdom for Johan, but I like the little bit we did get. I had different idea in my head of where it was going to go in the movie, but I’m satisfied with what we got. (Well, as satisfied as I am with anything in BPA.)
As for the other songs... I don’t like the placement of Life In Color at all, I think it feels very random, especially since the little girl Barbie sings to has absolutely no relevance to the plot, and even tho it’s a duet, her and Amelia are in entirely different places. I like long-distance duets but only when I feel like the characters or situations have a real connection. Barbie and Amelia... don’t. Especially since Amelia invited Barbie to Floravia under false pretenses and then kinda pressured her into the switch, to... go off and do whatever it is she does that they didn’t feel was important to show us. I also don’t agree with the set-up to the song, bc Emma (the little girl) is justified for wanting to take a selfie. She’s meeting a princess (she thinks) for maybe the only time in her life, why shouldn’t she want to commemorate that? Cameras and social media have a time and place, but the example they used was a very poor one, imo.
But overall, I think most of the songs are okay where they are, Life In Color aside. It could have been worse. (See: Video Game Hero, where literally every song feels randomly placed.)
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
take me to your heart
Summary: Lola's never had a proper Christmas, and after this one, she still hasn't, but Tommy's a surprisingly good gift giver. Set during the tour with Roxie, but well after she's departed.
A/N: Written on my phone, v Christmas. Warning: Lola n Nikki give each other dirty gifts but the fic is sfw. Tommy-centric. Also idk if he's genuinely greek orthodox, he might not be idk
[run to paradise]
"Sharise wants to do something for Christmas," Vince sighs, his heels resting on the table of the tour bus. Lola, at least, looks up from her magazine with a frown, though she seems to be the only one paying attention.
"She's in LA."
"We'll be in Phoenix by then, its not that long of a flight," Vince answers quickly, and Lola goes back to her magazine. "I don't know what to get her."
"A six-pack and edible panties," comes Nikki's answer, half distracted where he was trying to write lyrics. Vince's expression, however, wrinkles.
"Have you ever bought a present for a lady who wasn't Lola?" He snaps, crossing his arms, and though he can't see Lola's amused expression, he hears her snort of laughter.
"Yes," Nikki responds flatly, finally looking up, "but incase you haven't noticed," he gestured around to the bus, which was filled only with the band, as well as Doc and Lola, "none of them are still here."
"That's correlation, man, not causation -"
"You know what? Fuck your five dollar words, man, I was trying to help." Nikki snapped, picking up his notebook in a huff and heading to the back of the bus. Silence fills the air, Vince sulking a little, Tommy just looking between Lola and Vince. Mick, who was trying to nap, sighs deeply and shifts in his uncomfortable seat.
"Is that all you've ever gotten for Christmas?" Tommy asks and Lola's response is surprisingly honest.
"Zero expectationsl, zero disappointments; drink, eat, fuck, like any other day." She does give pause there, the magazine rustling as her grip tightens just a little, and when she lowers it, there's amusement in her eyes. "Also, grape is the best flavour."
"For edible panties."
"You guys are absolutely no help." Vince declares. Mick just laughs at that.
Lola's never been too bothered by not having a proper Christmas, she and Nikki live a pretty secular life when they weren't dabbling in Satanism, and the others were usually too busy doing their own things around the holidays to notice the pair's lack of any sort of traditions. Usually they'll buy each other booze, or some sort of joke present, but its never been a particularly sentimental time for Lola, not that anyone had really noticed her apathy enough to care.
Until now.
The holidays have always been a sentimental time for Tommy, and though he'd strayed from his Greek Orthodox roots, he still took it as a chance to show his family how much they meant to him, and now he was feeling like a fool for leaving his band-family out for so long.
What the hell could he get them that they didn't already have?
Nikki was easy, as it turned out. One quick phonecall home, his father spends about twenty minutes rifling through the junk Tommy had left from hia teenage years, and a poster, heavily creased and golden with age, is waiting at their next hotel, express shipped. Nikki didn't want or need any fancy packaging, so Tommy bought a big, yellow envelope and put the poster inside, along with a lighter he'd bought at a gas station. It looked cheap, a bit rough around the edges, but he was pretty sure Nikki would appreciate it all the same.
Mick was a little more difficult, seeing as he was almost guaranteed to throw out any joke gifts, or amything he didn't want. It feels like a cop-out, to just give him booze - expensive booze, mind you - instead of something sentimental. As luck would have it, Tommy finds himself scoring blow in an alley beside a pawn shop, and once the deal's done, he spots an iridescent alien-head keychain. He tapes the charm to the bottle of booze, amd slaps a bow on it, and is satisfied.
He and Vince have been exchanging Christmas presents since high school, as long as they were in the same town. Mostly they're joke presents. Tommy's had this year's picked out for months; a Malibu Barbie he'd repainted himself with Vince's stage make-up. Vince he didn't need to worry about.
Lola was a different story. She lived her life in the shadow of the band's, her existence, her belongings, were a patchwork of their leftovers; her creature comforts were consumables, and while she always took whatever she could wherever she was, it was because she could, not because she wanted things. What can you get for the girl who seems to want nothing, and still gets everything?
"Lola doesn't want things, she wants experiences, opportunities," Vince is the one who Tommy finally goes to for advice, and was the only one who Tommy knew would be actually helpful. They're in Vince's dressing room now, Tommy polishing off a bottle of Jack while Vince touches up his own eyeliner. Tommy's frowning, still at a loss, and he lowers the bottle. Their eyes meet in the reflection of the mirror, and Vince visibly hesitates before speaking again.
"Have you ever heard her play piano?"
Christmas rolls around and they're stuck in a hotel in Arizona. They're finishing the tour in LA just days before New Years Eve; the end is so close they can all almost taste it.
Sharise invites them all to dinner, well, she invites Lola when she learns that Lola's never had a proper Christmas dinner and 'the rest of them can come too if they want'. Tommy feels like Santa, laden with gifts, as he gets to the private room they had booked at the nicest resturant in town that was still open. He'd spent the morning organising Lola's gift, and was glad to have a break to eat before he gave it to her, or more accurately, took her to it.
"We were meant to bring presents?" Lola looks immediately panicked when he steps inside with a rather full backpack. She starts patting down her pockets as if hoping to magically find a pile of gifts there. "I didn't- I mean like I didn't bring them- its just drinks- nice drinks -" she clarified, but Tommy grins brightly.
"It's chill, Lols, I just saw this stuff around and thought it would be nice, its not a big deal," with that he laughed a little self consciously, "and dude, I'm sorry but I don't even have a thing to give you."
Lola can't help but be a little put out by that, still strangely childish in ways that continue to baffle Tommy, but he hopes she'll appreciate his gift, even if he can't give it to her with the others.
They do exhange gifts; Tommy gives Sharise champagne, and she seems more amused by his gift to Vince than Vince is. Vince, for his part, gives Tommy an ornate fountain pen, which has Tommy confused at first, while Nikki roars with laughter, pulling out an incredibly cheap ballpoint with a bow on it.
"You guys are fucking assholes," Tommy scowls once he realises, though by now even Lola's snickering. The scar from where Roxie had stabbed him several months ago begins to ache, just a little.
Mick, like Lola, doesn't have any gifts either, but he passes her a lighter and gruffly tells her he found it on the bus, that it was her's and that this isn't a gift. He does, however, smile at the keychain Tommy gives him, and in a few days, Tommy will see it looped around the handle of one of his guitar cases.
To no ones surprise, Nikki puts a six-pack and a pair of cheap, grape flavoured, edible panties on the table, and slides it gracelessly across the table to Lola wearing a shiteating grin. Mirroring his smile, Lola reaches into the inner pocket of her jacket, and flicks him a little cardboard package. Its unmarked, nondescript, and absolutely no-one at that table trusted Lola to have put something appropriate in that box. Everyone waits with a sort of morbid curiosity as Nikki shakes the box, giving pause before opening it.
"It vibrates." Is all Lola says as he holds up the bright purple cockring, smile on his face giving away how genuinely amused he was with it.
"Presents are cancelled," Sharise declared with faux exasperation, but Tommy's already protesting, holding out his own gift to Nikki.
Sharise hands Lola a small present as Nikki unwraps his. For Lola, its new black lipstick and eyeliner, and for Nikki, its an old poster of his band, London, and a cheap lighter. Nikki's expression is unreadable, blinking slowly at the poster, the room's gone quiet enough that everyone can hear it crinkle in his hands as he looks up at Tommy's smile.
"It's the one I used to have on my wall, man; my folks kept all my old posters, I thought you might wanna burn the shit out of this one." He gestures to the lighter, nervousness bubbling in his stomach, unsure of how Nikki feels about it, his face still a little shocked.
Little by little, Nikki's lips turn to a smile, a bright, beaming, genuine grin. He practically launches himself across Mick to wrap Tommy in a hug, fierce and bright. Mick grumbles, but Nikki just crows about how weirdly cool it was.
"Yeah, i figured arson and petty revenge are like, two of your favourite things," Tommy babbles, hugging Nikki back, quietly pleased with himself. Its a strangely endearing moment, and when Tommy looks over at her, he catches Lola's adoring smile as she watches them, but its gone quickly.
Dinner is fun, between the bottles of rum they finish off between them and the lines of coke they have for dessert, which Sharise mostly abstains from, they don't really get out of line. Except for when Nikki sets the poster on fire with the candle in the middle of the table, and he ends up getting kicked out.
Whatever, he was mostly done anyways.
After dinner they all go their separate ways, but Tommy catches Lola before she gets too far. She's tipsy, grinning in the cold night air, happy to let Tommy lead her where he may. Lacing her finger with his, her free hand swings the six-pack Nikki had gotten her, while she hums a tune Tommy recognises but can't place.
They come to a stop outside of the Hall where the band were due to perform the following night, their equipment bus parked and quiet beside the building.
"Nothing's in there yet; we're bumping in tomorrow morning," Lola says, her hamd still in his. Tommy just grins, pulling a set of keys from his pocket, jangling them enticingly.
"So we've got the whole night."
Inside, in the middle of the stage, lit by a single warm, golden spotlight, sits a grand piano. The whole building is empty, save for the two of them, and Lola's grip on his hand tightens. All words leave her, eyes going wide and surprised.
Walking forward, she heads towards the piano, but she doesn't let go of his hand, gently tugging him along with her. His name leaves her lips, a disbelieving, reverential utterance. The lid is already lifted and she carresses the keys with her free hand.
"You didn't have to-" she turns to him, expression awed, but he gives her hand a squeeze.
"Merry Christmas, Lols."
Stepping up to him, her hand is gentle on his cheek, far more gentle, more tender than he was used to her being. Leaning in, they kiss softly, in sync, fitting together as they always had, as they were always meant to. Pulling away, Tommy's grin is fond as he kisses the tip of her nose. Untangling their fingers, he gestures wordlessly to the piano.
Lola sits, hesitates, listening to Tommy's retreating footsteps.
"Where are you going?" She asks quietly, fingers dancing across the keys as she plays a quick scale.
"Vince told me-"
"That snitch." Lola laughs softly, before adding, "'told you I don't like an audience, didn't he?" Tommy agrees, still paused halfway to the door. Lola is quiet for a moment, and she stops in her movements, but then she starts up again, and Tommy's heart is in his throat as he hears thw opwning bars of the song he'd been working on for almost a month amd a half now. The song's not yet finished, but he'd know the opening to Home Sweet Home anywhere.
"Can you stay?" Lola's voice is barely audible above the music. "If you want to, I'd like you to stay." And she doesn't know the lyrics, so she keeps playing what she's heard him play a hundred times over.
"I didn't know you knew this that well," Tommy finds himself smiling, walking back to the piano, to sit down beside Lola where she's shifted over to make room for him. She's smiling too, genuine, actually a little bashful, and she's still playing when she admits her thoughts.
"It's shaping up to be one of my favourites."
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Thoughts on Mulan (2020)
Ok so I had heard some stuff beforehand about this movie, but I didn’t wanna let that tint my experience too much, though it kind of did in the form of noticing western influence on certain things. Here’s a list of thoughts more or less in chronological order.  First I wrote these in a notebook, and now I’m putting them here.
The beginning sequence reminds me so much of Kung Fu Huslte
though honestly it might just be that stephen chow’s movies are pretty much the extent of chinese-made media that I watch
Rosalind Chao is here, I’m a Keiko O’Brien stan so she reminded me of DS9
Fa Zhou saying something about “emissary” also reminded me of DS9
The music where the rourans first attack is cool I guess
idk if the brass made the music of the imperial city sound kinda western or what, but it certainly did sound militaristic (which I guess it’s supposed to)
Why does mulan have a little sister instead of a little brother? to add more female characters to the story? she doesn’t really do much though
After mulan’s whole childhood sequence, it cuts to a shot of the witch in the desert, which if you didn’t already know the story, might make it seem like mulan grew up to be the witch
although this makes some sense too bc the movie likes to compare them
the witch twists into a hawk (?), neat!
I saw people earlier comment about both men and women in china (and other parts of the world) keeping their hair long, so when mulan’s hair fell out of place in the matchmaker scene it made me notice that both the men and women also wear their hair up, which in turn causes the part of the movie later when mulan emerges after the avalanche to make way less sense since how would they know she’s a woman?
ok this is the thing I’m upset about, its a small thing but still, Why don’t we get to see the sword form?? If you remember in the animated version, her father does this straight sword form. (It’s a real form, not just made up for the animated movie). So I was like “ok maybe mulan will do it later” and then it NEVER HAPPENED. (possibly she did it during the “make a man out of you” training sequence, but the odd camera angels and quick cutaways make it impossible to tell)
I also had heard earlier that the script was not subtle at all,,,y’all were right
oh look, a phoenix
mulan: “the phoenix”
yes, we know
Commander Donnie Yen Tung’s entrance is iconic
BAHAHFHDSK mulan’s reaction to seeing naked men skjfdk
uh oh,,only 40 minutes in and the forced romance is already upon us
although, in retrospect, the way they resolved it at the end didn’t make me cringe that much
I’m a slut for butterfly kicks
the scene where mulan bathes in the lake has a much more predatory undertone now, especially now that Ling, Chien Po, and Yao are missing
the trio made the scene funny in the animated movie
can the not-Li-Shang-love-interest Honghui please leave Jun/Mulan alone?? ffs
speaking of no Li Shang, I liked the Donnie Yen mentor character half better than the Honghui half
Honghui kind of comes off as a simp ngl
what’s with the witch’s makeup/outfit? are they based on something?
speaking of outfits, awhile ago, I saw a really cool doll alteration video for mulan 2020
Commander Tung’s monologue/ mulan’s and the army’s training sequence about Chi where the words “Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within” are spoken is actually my favorite part of the whole movie. As much as I would have liked a musical remake, I think they translated the visual elements and the words together well in a way that was different enough from the animated version, but still satisfying to watch (at least for me).
They also integrate the music of Reflection here really well imho.  In the animated version, there’s a point where mulan modulates to a higher key, but the live action version doesn’t do that, which further pushes it away from sounding like disney’s classic musical theatre style.  They also changed a few of the notes, and I think the overall changes to Reflection in this part of the movie really improve this montage.
Compared to the Spiderman where they changed the notes from harmonic minor to (normal) minor (idk if that’s the real term I’m not actually a music major) in the MCU opening sequence, the note changes in Reflection don’t actually upset me.
my brain: oh look!! flowers!! cool! whooshhhh (honestly I couldn’t even tell if she was doing flowers right in the first part of the movie until here)
Mulan/Jun is gonna marry Commander Tung’s daughter? Yeah girl!! Get it!
oh look at me I’m a rouran and I gotta turn around on my moving horse to shoot arrows let me just swoOP
1:01:56 WHY ARE YOUR FINGERS IN FRONT OF THE HILT oh ok they fixed in the next shot but its still annoying
Unsubtle phoenix imagery not subtle
I guess I was warned about it :/
oh look its my fav interval a major 7th, I wonder if that’s supposed to be like “the last step before rebirth/the octave” bc of how Jun “dies” after the witch throws a weapon that gets stuck in her chest binding
at least she’s not using ace bandages or smth but idk much about binding
ok I know it was so she would be visually distinguishable from the other imperial soldiers, but still
the soldiers doing the turtle thing with their shields reminds me of the “we irritating 😂😂😂” meme
brass to signify that mulan is going to have a heroic moment (causing the avelanche) seems western to me. Idk much about traditional chinese instruments but it seems like they could use more of those.
Guys,,,I’m so fucking stupid I- .... it took me an hour and ten minutes to register the Lucky Cricket stand-in character,,,excuse me,,,,
the scene where mulan saves hongui and puts her hand over his heart gives me r*ylo vibes and I hate it
the witch, 1:14:40: “🎵yes I~ am a girl like you~🎵”
damn the music even reminds of the barbie movie a bit
The emperor’s voice reminds me of the mentor character from Kung Pow Enter the Fist which in itself was a western guy making fun of old cheesy martial arts movies (and how movies sometimes have a white male protagonist when they’re deadass set in asia and everyone else is asian)
the mentor characters voice was dubbed into english (and you can tell) but to me the emperor’s voice also kinda sounds like that
I’m disappointed that we didn’t get some kind of scene like the part in the animated verison where Mulan leads Ling, Chien Po, and Yao to cross dress to help save the emperor.
to me, that scene in the animated ver. is a reminder that it isn’t shameful for men to act/dress feminine
in general the animated version, to me, sends the message that it is ok to have both feminine and masculine traits, and that they don’t undermine each other or your identity, so they should all be embraced as a part of one’s personality (which tbh really helped me as a young kid)
the 2020 ver,, just doesn’t really send that message, instead its more broad like “be true to yourself”
I’m a slut for butterfly kicks
the witch taking an arrow for mulan really didn’t do it for me tbh, it made her seem a little wishy washy
like, I get that she wanted acceptance/validation, and that a part of her was glad that mulan found that for herself, but what about the rest of her motivation? Isn’t a desire for power or something what separates her from mulan?
Unsubtle phoenix imagery and dialogue is unsubtle
The music playing during the Mulan v. Khan duel reminds me of Duel of the Fates
actually the setting of the duel and other things really remind of of the Maul v. Ahsoka duel from Clone Wars s7
damn I really wanna watch the Maul v. Ahsoka duel cause the fight choreo is just,, so much more interesting
aww! Cricket is alive!
Around 1:34:39 , the music does not feel like it should be building up to Reflection here.  At this point, I think the melody had been reprised too many times and was getting to be overused (I still like it in the training sequence though).
I was happy to see Ming Na Wen!
Mulan is going home and ugh! Honghui! Don’t you know she’s betrothed to Commander Tung’s daughter? smh. homewrecker simp.
the matchmaker reminds me of Baron Harkonnen (Dune)
cheezy credits song is cheezy, even cheezier because they reprised reflection again
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