#and the fact that you specifically chose THAT chan for this.
tala-bez-i · 4 months
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At first sight Chapter Thirteen
(m!reader x Bonten!Haruchiyo Sanzu)
Fluff/slash/reader is male/cursing/BontenTimeline/drugs and alcohol mentioned/violence/blood/death
All characters that appeared in the Tokyo Revengers manga and anime belong to Ken Wakui.
Words: 4264
A blue ribbon of smoke curled upwards, leaving a strong smell of burning tobacco in the air. This was the second cigarette you had allowed to burn in your hand, and you knew that if you lit another one, it would be difficult to get the smell off your skin. However, you couldn't decide whether you wanted to take another puff or not...  
Your other hand was busy holding the glass of alcohol, which you swirled slightly, causing the liquid to slightly circulate around the ice inside. Until now, you've never had a problem drinking large amounts of alcohol, especially when you had the whole day off. 
Shortly after your conversation with Junko Yoshioka ended, Kisaki visited you and suggested that you, Kakucho, and Mochizuki take a break for a day to give the other team a chance to catch up with you a bit. As he explained, due to the connection between the two cases you were working on, they should be closed at as much a parallel time as possible.   
It might be difficult, but Sanzu sent you a message that they saw Sato in one of the nightclubs talking to some shady guys and that he, Ran and Rindou are planning to follow him today. You expressed your concern about the idea, but Sanzu promised that they just wanted to see where he would go. They won't try to stop him. Still, you had a bad feeling... 
You just weren't sure what that feeling was about. The current situation with Sanzu and the Haitani brothers, the fact that you will be dealing with your ex-fiancée for whom your negative feelings have reawakened, the fact that she may have kept the information that you had a son from you... Or is it that the next evening, you will go to the Uchiyama house with Hanma to explore the area. 
Thanks to Junko, you received information that the spouses would be away from home on a given evening because there was to be a meeting between them, Nagano and Nagasawa on a business matter. She didn't need to say more, because you all knew what interests it was specifically about. You were ready to sacrifice the lives of more prostitutes to put an end to the whole matter once and for all. You were not the police, and in such a dangerous world in which you and them, chose to live, there could be no casualties. Occupational risk. 
“You don't have to be there?” Kakucho asked, watching as Junko pressed her fake nails against her natural ones to prevent them from falling off.  
“Luckily, no. Jin-chan said he didn’t want me around then.” A shiver shook her tiny body and her pretty face contorted into a grimace of disgust. “Jin-chan said the Uchiyamas are too interested in me.” 
“Is it supposed to stay here?” Asked Mochi, who was still upset that he had been fooled by Junko's disguise and behavior. He was a simple man and you knew it would take him a long time to get over it. “Can we leave it somewhere in the city?”  
“Her, not him nor it. She, her, okay?” The girl grumbled, frowning. 
“You have a dick and balls. You're a man, but you dress and act like a woman."  
“I'm sorry. I'm saving for surgery. I want to have nice breasts.” The colorful flea crossed her legs and crossed her arms over her chest. “I prefer everyone to address me with feminine pronouns.”  
“But you have…” 
“Jin-chan likes who I am. He loves my dick and I have no intention of changing that. Together we agreed that I would get my breasts done.” Yoshioka raised her voice slightly, interrupting Mochi's statement. “What's bothering you about this, hmm?”  
"I don't take it as something natural..." The man grumbled, drinking whiskey.  
“Come on, Mochi. As long as they are happy with each other and there is something more than empty lust between them, what difference does it make what orientation they are and what turns them on in bed? The most important thing is that it's not about children, corpses and animals." You said, looking up at the ceiling. 
“Thank you, Y/n-chan.” Junko's voice sounded sweet and you heard her blow you a kiss. 
“Easy for you to say because you like it both ways.” Mochizuki gave you a quick look. “And as for the children…”  
You looked at him coldly and raised a warning finger. “Don't even try to tell me that some fuckers tried to look for such an offer in the Bonten service catalog again, because I swear... 
“Mochi's right, Y/n.” Kakucho said reluctantly. “I'll have to talk to Mikey about this. We do all sorts of things, but we will never start selling children.”  
“Disgusting.” Junko hissed and got up from the sofa. “Let me interrupt you, I have to go to the toilet…”  
“There are two at the end of the hall.” Kakucho said in a polite tone. 
“Women's and men's toilet. Which one will you go to?” Mochi asked, giving the girl an uncertain look, to which she made an indignant face and said furiously.  
“Come find out. Let's see who has the longer dick, shall we?"  
You snickered at the sight of the broad-shouldered man's face turning red again. A real comedy. 
“I won't go anywhere with you.” 
“Are you afraid of losing?” Junko snorted and laughed mockingly. “Or maybe you are afraid that you will like it and want to try it?”  
"Enough. I'm fed up with this clown." Mochizuki abruptly put down his empty glass of alcohol, stood up and quickly left the office, with Junko running right behind him, shouting at him again. 
“Where did he go?” You asked the black-haired man quietly, who sat back in his chair with a loud sigh.  
“To fuck some prostitute. He needs to forget about this whole situation.”  
“Should I go after Junko and make sure he doesn't kill her?” You asked, starting to get up from the chair you had been sitting in the whole time.  
“No. If she gets beaten up, she's asking for it. I guess she also doesn't like people questioning her opinion, just like Mochi.” 
Occupational risk.   
This time, there was no conflict resolution with fists and Junko returned from the toilet safe and sound. Just when Kisaki was in the office to tell you about the temporary suspension of the action. 
The eyewearer's face when he saw the girl was priceless, and at that moment you once again wished Hanma was around.  
“You're wasting your cigarettes, L/n. What's bothering you so much, hmm?” You heard the voice of a tall, slim man who sat down next to you at the bar.  
He himself had a lit cigarette in his hand, but unlike you, he raised it to his mouth to take a drag. You put out your cigarette and drank the rest of the alcohol in your glass. 
“I don't even know where to start…” You said quietly and offered Hanma a drink, which he accepted. “Everything happens quickly...”  
“You got a good look at it, no big deal.” The other said, taking another drag on his cigarette. “If Sanzu hadn't held you so close to him, maybe everything would have ended long ago. There would be no trace of Kuroda and the rest... Or would they have left this world in a memorable way, so as to warn other traitors like them? Who knows, who knows.” 
“So everyone has to die?” You asked, offering him a glass of alcohol and pouring it yourself again.  
For a moment, Hanma looked at the amber liquid, holding the glass up to the light. A smirk spread across his handsome but tired face. “That would make the most sense... But from what I know, our sweet Junko-chan will try to convince Kisaki to give Nagasawa a chance. I'm curious how she'll do with the rest, especially Mikey. The decision whether to spare his life depends on all of us.” 
You looked at him surprised. You've already established that Yoshioka really cares about Jin Nagasawa's life, but you didn't think she'd try to convince the Bonten authorities not to kill her partner.  
“She's an interesting type, isn't she? I've encountered boys pretending to be girls more than once, and I even almost let them get me into bed once or twice, but none of them was as brave as Jun Takenaka." 
“Jun Takenaka? Is that her real name?”  
Hanma smiled wider, drank his alcohol and gave you an amused look. “Does that name ring a bell to you, L/n?”  
You thought for a moment, but no one came to mind. You grimaced slightly and shrugged. "No, unfortunately no." 
“Oh, Y/n... Seriously?” Hanma asked in surprise, astonishment showing on his face. “Sanzu doesn't tell you that much?”  
“What does Haruchiyo have to do with this?” You became interested, feeling the muscles in your neck begin to tense.  
The tall man covered his mouth with his tattooed hand to keep himself from laughing and shook his head. “Jun’s older brother is our trusted contact in the police.” 
You didn't know how to answer that. You didn't know the police very well, apart from maybe the two detectives who sometimes visited your café with their families, so this new information didn't make much of an impression on you.   
You shrugged and started playing with your whiskey glass again. You felt Hanma's searching gaze on you, and after a moment of silence, he sighed and shook his head slightly, laughing under his breath. 
“You don't care if the brothers get along?” He asked in a dispassionate tone.  
“No. But…” You drank alcohol. “If he could help with Jin Nagasawa's case and, for example, lock him up for drug dealing….”  
Shuji wagged his finger at you, and despite his amused expression, something menacing appeared in his eyes. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Be careful, L/n. The decision is not yours; you will not even be considered at the meeting. This is out of your league.” 
“Junko helped us, so I thought…”  
"You think too much. Let it go on this one.” He took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit another one, taking a deep drag and exhaling the smoke through his nose. “We are a crime syndicate, not the Brotherhood of Mercy. Nagasawa knew the dangers of betrayal. His little bitch won't dictate the terms of cooperation. If she starts rebelling too, she'll just get shot in the head...” He drank some whiskey and turned his golden eyes to you, sparks of malice and amusement burning in them. “Maybe before she dies our boys will have some fun.” 
The tone of his voice made you feel slightly nauseous. You knew exactly what Shuji Hanma was capable of and you didn't want to be on the other side of the barricade under any circumstances. Not that you could afford less, but you weren't an adrenaline junkie like him. 
"I see. You can consider it forgotten.” You muttered, trying to hide the dissatisfaction in your tone of voice. Junko didn't do anything wrong, she helped you by giving you some information, and she admitted to being one of the people who reported the whole situation to Kakucho. She didn't deserve to die, at least not in your eyes. As for Nagasawa, this is a relative matter. 
“Are you ready for tomorrow's discernment?” Hanma spoke to you as if he hadn't uttered any threats a moment ago. As if the previous topic had never been discussed.  
“You could say so. I haven't done this in a long time.”  
“Sanzu needs to let you off the leash more often.” The man said, looking at you thoughtfully. “You know... You're starting to get Mikey's attention....” 
Your face showed no surprise. Usually, the leader treated you like air, so what was Shuji talking about?  
“Your involvement in the investigation, which has not interested you at all until now…”  
“I didn't know about this before.”  
Hanma fell silent and his eyes began to study you even more closely. “You're not kidding. Does Sanzu tell you anything about current affairs in Bonten?” 
“Nothing I shouldn't know…” You said slowly, but many new questions began to appear in your head.  
“You should know about these murders.” He scratched his cheek and raised one eyebrow. “Even regular henchmen know this.”  
You shifted on the bar stool feeling confused as your face started to turn red. You looked away from your interlocutor, feeling less and less confident in his company. 
“Possibly Haru mentioned something about those prostitutes... I don't remember.”  
Hanma whistled softly and laughed, patting your back. “Maybe next time check to make sure he doesn't put anything in your drinks.”  
“I never felt weird when we went out together.” You were outraged. It's completely absurd. Sanzu would never give you drugs. You were his co-worker, his partner in crime and his friend... Maybe even his lover soon, but you were never the whore he wanted to fuck... 
“Okay, I'm not suggesting he does that... It was just an innocent joke.” Hanma purred, narrowing his golden fox eyes. Another mischievous smirk appeared on his lips.  
You waved him off, bit the inside of your cheek lightly and changed the subject to take your thoughts away from the pink-haired man. “I'd rather check out their garden, maybe it'll be easier to get inside the house that way.” 
“Hmm... Are you afraid that the Uchiyamas' neighbor will see us?”  
“Detective Kiyozumi's cover is worth keeping.”  
Hanma thought calmly for a moment, smoking a cigarette, and then nodded. "Maybe you're right. Kiyozumi may still be useful.” He stretched heavily and looked at his watch, it was almost 11 p.m. “Okay, honey. Time for me. Kisaki wants to discuss something else with me.” He finished his drink, stubbed out his cigarette, and stood up from the bar stool. “Be in the garage at 9 o'clock tomorrow evening, take lockpicks and weapons, just in case.” 
"Sure thing." You said, watching Hanma leave the room before going back to drinking your whiskey.  
On your third glass, a notification about a new media message arrived on your phone and when you opened it, it turned out that it was Rindou who sent you a photo from the nightclub where the three of them were currently. 
The entire party was bathed in semi-darkness, but you were able to count five people. Ran, Rindou, Sanzu and about two girls who were dressed in short, low-cut dresses. They knew how to blend in with the crowd and not draw too much attention to themselves.  
You smiled when you noticed Sanzu almost burying his face in the breasts of one of the laughing girls. You didn't feel jealousy about it under any circumstances. Haruchiyo liked to play with women's breasts sometimes and if he was satisfied, you had no reason to be sad. If he was happy, then you were even happier. 
Instead, Ran and Rindou showed their middle fingers and had sneering smiles on their faces.  
“Close the case. We miss you, XOXO” The note read, you laughed knowing they were teasing you and wrote back to them that you missed them too and were going out with Hanma the next night.  
You didn't have to wait long before your phone began to be flooded with text messages from the pink-haired man. 
"What do you mean?"  
“What do you mean with Hanma?”  
“Where are you supposed to be going with him?”  
“Write back, L/n.”  
 "What's going on?"  
 “Goddammit, answer immediately!” 
“What's the point of going out with this lunatic?”  
“I'm waiting for your answer, L/n.”  
"Why are you not replying?" 
“Oh fuck…” You cursed under your breath as the notification sounded over and over again. You knew Sanzu didn't like Hanma and Kisaki, but to react like that?  
You dialed his number and waited for the man to answer the phone - which he did after the first ring of the call.  
“L/n?!” In the background you could hear loud music, loud conversations and girls laughing.  
“Yes, it's me, Haruchi…”  
“What the fuck is going on?” He suddenly interrupted you, and you could tell from his voice that the man was annoyed.  
“Nothing, just regular…”  
"Nothing? You call going anywhere with Hanma nothing?!” He growled once again, interrupting your statement. 
“I don't do it for fun.” You said in a more confident voice and heard some commotion on the phone. The girl's disappointed moan and you guessed that Haru had left the company to find a more private place to talk.  
“What's going on?” The man asked again, but this time his voice was a little calmer.  
“We will check the Uchiyama house. Just a normal, routine reconnaissance.” 
“If so, let others handle it.” The other one grumbled and suddenly the loud music was muffled and Haruchiyo's voice began to echo slightly, which meant he had entered the toilets.  
“They won't know what to look for. Fuck, even we don't necessarily know.” You said calmly, lighting another cigarette - this one you were planning to smoke.  
There was silence for a moment, and in your mind's eye you saw Sanzu's concerned and at the same time nervous face. You didn't have to wait long, and you heard the sound of footsteps, which meant that the man had started walking around the room. 
“Take your gun with you.” He said and you heard the faint sound of pills tapping against the sides of the glass bottle.  
“I'll take it, that was the plan. Relax." You sighed quietly. “Sanzu?”  
“Please... Have fun today.”  
"Who do you think I am?" The pink-haired man did not hide his indignation. "I'm at work."  
You laughed at his comment, drowning out his sarcastic comments, and then spoke in a gentle tone. “Take care of yourself and don't let the Haitanis get you into anything. Especially Ran.” 
“Of course. You watch out for Hanma. I don't like you going with him.” He answered you after a while.  
“Are you going to have some fun with her?” You laughed, referring to the girl Sanzu was groping in the photo.  
“Maybe…” He teased you and you wished you could see his eyes. They always sparkled at such moments, like those of a child who was about to make a fuss. “Are you jealous?” 
“There are enough hookers in the hideout to give me something to choose from tonight.” You bit back with a half-smile.  
“Mean cunt.” Haruchiyo muttered. “Fresh meat is better... Admit it, you're jealous.”  
"So be it..."  
“I'm jealous that I can't be next to you.” You added and heard Sanzu start laughing on the other end of the call.  
“You like it, don't you, L/n? Watch me fuck some girl. Naughty, naughty.” His voice was almost dripping with sweet venom. “As I grind my hips against theirs at a merciless pace. When their sweet moans drown out the pounding of the music in the club, especially when they scream my name..."  
In your pants, you felt your penis twitch once just remembering these sights and you closed your eyes, smiling to yourself. 
“Oh yes, although there is a problem…”  
"Yes? What?"  
“They usually don't say anything because they're unconscious, so all the moans I hear come from your sweet lips.” You said calmly, knowing that you had just ruined his mood and the girls at the club would have to try harder to get into his pants. 
“Mean, jealous prick.” Sanzu growled after a short pause.  
“I love you too, Haruchiyo.”  
“Fuck yourself, you pervert.”  
“Oh, I can't wait to do it. I wish you a wonderful night too. See you." You laughed and ended the call. 
As you walked to your room, your thoughts swirled around the scenes Sanzu had mentioned. The caresses he showered on half-drunk girls, who became more and more submissive with each drink. Until the very end, when a slightly impatient Haruchiyo secretly added pills to their alcohol. Usually, one was enough, and the girls were all his. 
When he had intercourse with unconscious victims, he tried not to leave any traces, so so far you haven't heard any complaints against the man from club owners. Of course, he most often committed these acts in his club or the one belonging to Haitanis.  
You walked into your bedroom and leaned against the closed door, closing your eyes and holding your breath for a moment. You had to control your thoughts, which were becoming less and less decent by the second and your underwear was starting to bother you more and more. Despite your growing need, you didn't want to call out to any of the girls present. This isn't what you wanted. 
You slipped off your shoes and socks, threw your jacket on the sofa, and after a while your tie landed on the table and as you entered the bathroom, you started unbuttoning your shirt. You pulled it out of your pants and looked at your reflection in the mirror.   
Your face looked tired, but your cheeks were rosy. You licked your lips, which suddenly felt unbearably dry, and ran your fingers through your hair. Your pupils were dilated, and you knew that this time you would have to please yourself. 
As you took off your shirt, a shaky breath escaped your chest, and your strong hands began to undo the leather belt of your pants. You closed your eyes and ran one hand over your neck, throat and bare chest, while the other slowly slipped into your pants, gently grabbing your increasingly hardening member and squeezing it lightly.  
“Fuck…” You said quietly, your voice slightly hoarse and took off your pants. Your penis swayed in the air with every contraction of your muscles. 
You stepped into the shower and turned on the water, streams pouring down onto your back and head, wrapping your body in a pleasantly warm cocoon. You lowered your head and closed your eyes, placing your hands on the wall. You tensed and relaxed your back muscles as a deep sigh escaped your lips. 
You straightened up, tilted your head back and your hands began to wander over your body, following the streams of water lower and lower. You ran your dominant hand over the entire length of your hard member, from the base to the tip, several times, and your other hand returned to the area around your neck. You would give anything to feel Haruchiyo's kisses on it... Although his lips never strayed to this area... 
You closed your fingers at the base of your erect penis and slowly began to move your hand up and down, stopping at the end of each stroke just before the very reddened tip. 
You tried to control your breathing, but after the next few times, a long moan escaped from your chest and you slightly bit your lower lip, feeling the pleasure growing with each movement of your hand. 
You repositioned your hand so that your thumb and index finger were at the base of your cock and began to move your hand at an angle, causing the tip to gently rub against the palm of your hand at the very end, creating a pleasurable, soft friction. 
You thought again about the pink-haired man and the look in his blue eyes that he gave you when one night at the club he was fucking one of the girls hanging out with you both in front of you. It was full of lust and in a way, he was challenging you. It was one of those outings where you weren't allowed to touch any of the girls...  
You furrowed your eyebrows and cursed in frustration, then stopped moving your hand, holding it steady, and instead started moving your hips, thrusting them harder and harder, thus simulating penetration. It wasn't an easy technique, as the temptation to move your hand was almost impossible to bear, but you had experience with it. 
You tightened your hand a little more, causing the tunnel thus created to tighten, causing more friction along the length of your penis. You bit the bottom lip of your mouth harder, but the closer you got to your climax, the more moans escaped your throat, becoming louder with each passing moment.  
Your heart was pounding in your chest and your breathing was becoming more and more shaky. The thrusts of your hips were becoming less and less regular. You grabbed the shower handle with your free hand, made a few more rapid thrusts and came violently with a loud, long moan ending with a series of curses. 
You moved your hips a few more times with gentle thrusts and rested your forehead against the tiles on the wall. Breathing heavily, you watched the water wash away the evidence of your crime and thought about Sanzu again. You would like to see your cum on his gorgeous body... You smiled gently and reached for the soap you decided to wash yourself with. 
After finishing the shower, you dried yourself with a soft towel and went to your bed, completely giving up underwear. It was already well after midnight and it's not like anyone would visit you at such a late hour. Especially since Sanzu was probably still with Ran and Rindou at the nightclub. 
You laid down on your side of the bed and pressed your face into the pillow the pink-haired man had recently slept on. You could still smell his scent, which was soothing to you, and before you knew it, you were asleep. 
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moongothic · 10 months
I know people often speculate about Crocodile and if that is his "real name", either implying he has a deadname or his name is another one of those Hidden Ds (much like Roger and Law)
And like. This is just me but personally I would prefer it if he didn't have a deadname at all. It already grinds my gears when people use Sanji's "real name" when he himself hates it and doesn't want to be called by it, and so god knows if Crocodile is trans then the fandom misgendering is going to be obnoxious enough, you don't need to add a """real name""" into that mix
So. Personally, I would prefer it if Crocodile really was his birthname. It would just help us avoid some toxicity, ya feel me? Like people can't deadname him if he has no deadname to begin with?
That said.
I do find it interesting how Crocodile never actually introduces himself during the story to like. Anyone. Like we never see him go "yes hello you may call me Sir Crocodile" or anything
In fact, like, very specifically, when we finally get Crocodile's face reveal in Chapter 155, he explicitly says
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"Call me what you will"
Of course, the citizens of Nanohana had just been calling him a 'hero', 'desert king' and 'the Guardian Deity of Alabasta' in the previous page, so his comment is mostly just in reference to the various titles people were shouting out rather than his actual name
And to be fair, the dude is Extremely Famous, he doesn't have to introduce himself because everybody already knows who he is
But it's still an interesting detail, isn't it?
(Also tangentially related, but Crocodile never seems to object to people calling him by cutesy nicknames either? Like to be fair, he probably couldn't object to Ivankov calling him "Crocoboy" to begin with, but he never seemed to mind Bon-chan calling him "Zero-chan" repeatedly either, nor did he object to Buggy's "Cro-chan" 🤔)
If nothing else though, considdering even his former bounty was associated with the name we know him by, it's possible that even if he had a deadname, "Crocodile" could be his "pirate nickname" that he chose to roll with. Kind of like "Strawhat" or "Blackbeard" or "Hawkeyes" etc, a title people use so often you kind of forget the person's actual name
Or he might have that Hidden D. Which, if he did, I'd be more inclined to believe would be more like with Law (where he might've been told as a child to keep it a secret). Instead of the whole "names being merged into one to hide the D" like with Roger, since that one was a specific, intentional move from the World Government
The only thing about the Hidden D is that. I just. I think it'd be a little silly. Like. Crocodile doesn't have to be a part of the D clan in my mind. Like I don't need that twist. But to be fair, there is an argument to be made for Crocodile being a D. Like if his goal is to destroy the WG and the World Nobles (that being the reason he wanted military force and Pluton to begin with) then ARGUABLY it would be fitting for him to be a D, since the D clan are the "Natural Enemies of the Gods". Also, there's the whole trend of D clan members always dying with a smile on their face. Like sure Crocodile hasn't died (yet) but he definitely went to Impel Down (hell) with a big ol' smirk on his mugshot (chapter 413 cover), which is close enough. So there is an argument to be made for Crocodile having a fullname with a D that's been kept a secret
I dunno, these details are interesting to me
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skzpixiekaifei · 8 months
Scandals/Controversies(because Ms girlie can't catch a break) oldest-recent
CW: pedophilic relationship, rumors, nude photos, pregnancy, school violence, Saesang, death
Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura, @palindrome969
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July seventh, 2019 Bang Chan Dating scandal Seriousness: 8.5/10
During their Clé promotions, Pixie is seen being awfully close to her members, specifically Bang Chan. Many Pixie antis start accusing the two of dating, turning into a fandom war. Many go on to say that the reason she is in Stray Kids is the "fact" that she is sleeping with Bang Chan.
While JYPE usually doesn't let their idols respond to the accusations, they had to give Pixie explicit permission, because if she wouldn't have made a statement with permission, she was going to do it anyway. This is her official response.
Stay, To say that I am beyond tired and frustrated is an understatement. The fact that you go as far as to say Chan, a full grown adult, is dating me, a minor, is frankly disgusting. I am disappointed. In the middle of your hate towards me, you bring down the man that is THE glue that holds Stray Kids. The reason I had been so close to the boys is because, believe it or not, we are all like family. Bang Chan is like a brother to me, and I doubt he sees me as anything other than a little sister. And, another thing... I am a MINOR. Why would I be in a relationship with a grown man? I am disgusted by your behavior. If you hurt one of us, you are not a Stay. You don't deserve that title. Pixie
While many international fans praised the idol, many Knets were appalled by her blunt response. Pixie was already unpopular with Knets, so this just brought her down.
While many were hating on her apparent "rudeness", many praised her for sticking up for her leader. While they see her as "unladylike", they believed her sincerity for the response. It is not a day many recognize, because many people chose to forget the incident. Many Pixie antis still use this as "proof that she is a terrible person".
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August 3rd, 2019 Bullying allegations Seriousness: 7/10
Along with her dating scandal, an American user by the name of Notsokayla had tweeted "proof" of Pixie bullying her severely in middle school. Many Knets were outraged at the allegations, starting the hashtag, #Pixieunemployment.
However, amidst the speculation, many people connected the dots of her trainee time and her alleged bullying and realized it hadn't added up. She had confirmed in a knowing bros episode that she had done most of her learning in South Korea instead of the states.
It was soon revealed that she had lied, and Stay flamed her on the internet. Right now, the tweet has been removed and Notsokayla is not on any platforms, as her name and face are infamous.
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August 9th, 2022 Lesbian scandal Seriousness: 9/10
During her MANIAC promotions, Pixie is a guest MC along with WonYoung. She is seen multiple times flirting with the girl and with the other female idols she interviewed.
Many were angry at her blatant flirtation. Many people saw it as real, and the boycott train was racking up. August 9th, she was officially put on a short hiatus for the next two months, resuming her activities for MAXIDENT performances.
Pixie was allowed to make an official statement, much to JYPE's dismay. And what did she do?
She posted a picture of her on Instagram with a Bisexual flag. She writes in the captions:
Since you guys love to be nosy about what goes on in my personal life, yes I am Bisexual. However, I will not put my life on hold because people can't handle girls flirting with girls. I am NOT in a relationship with WonYoung. I am NOT in a relationship with a female idol. Leave my sexual life private, God damn.
I wish you hadn't found out this way.
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August 18th, 2022 House fire incident Seriousness: 10/10
During her hiatus, she had gone home to stay with family. Her friends had stayed with her as well for a few days, just to stay with her family.
While she was gone to pick up her niece, a childhood friend turned Sasaeng had been so jealous she was spending all of her time with her family, he had lit her house on fire, effectively killing her parents and sister in law. The guys were not in the house at the time, which believed to be a good instinct.
The funeral took place after his immediate incarceration(he gave himself up in the name of "love"), and many reporters swarm the chapel to get a glimpse of the idol group that was invited.
Any sane person boycotted the media outlet after the blatant monetization they were trying to make of the situation. JYPE is currently in the middle of suing the outlet for emotional distress.
Now, Fei Bo and Fei Dio live in Seoul in a strict protection order given by JYPE and local enforcement. Pixie refuses to give out any information about her brother's wearabouts, as that what took her parents last time. At this time, they are not on any platform except as a guest in some Pixie instagram posts.
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May 5th. 2023 Nudes scandal Seriousness: 6/10
A new soloist by the name of GBam had printed and posted pictures around the JYPE building of her nudes she had when she was 15.
He was apprehended soon after and JYPE had to make a statement, knowing that if any one of the members had made one, they would have to be fired.
Dear Stays,
Soloist GBam is now under custody of posting nude photos of our idol, who was underage at the time. Any person that is found to be in possession of these photographs will be banned from future stray kids concerts and fined a hefty sum.
Thank you for your understanding,
The man is still a mystery to fans, many speculate it was a jealous ex while the others say it was an anti. Until November of that year, there was no explanation. With her release of her single album, she had confirmed that, yes, it was an ex she had when she was a trainee.
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June 20th, 2023 Changbin dating scandal Seriousness: 5/10
During the 5-star dome tour, paparazzi had snuck into the hotel and took pictures of Pixie and Changbin kissing (albeit, passionately) in the safety of the hotel. Many people, instead of being angry at the idols, we're furious with the paparazzi for taking semi-explicit photos of the couple.
Since their dating ban had been lifted two years prior, they had officially announced their three year relationship by June 22nd, 2023. They had wanted to keep it as private as possible but since they announced their relationship, they became one of the most famous power couples.
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August 3rd, 2023 Pregnancy rumor #1 Seriousness: 7/10
Pixie had been wearing baggier clothing than what she originally had, and when she did a photoshoot for NIKE, many people could see she had gained a bit of weight. Especially where her uterus was.
Many people speculated she had gotten pregnant due to her relationship. She answered this during a instagram live the next day. She had laughed hysterically, before denying the claims.
"I am on my period, that's why i look more bloated recently. Yall are weird for wanting to have me wear more revealing clothing..." She proceeds to side eye them and end the live.
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January 28th, 2024 Pregnancy rumor #2 Seriousness: 4/10
In France, she is photographed with Lisa and a few other female friends, one of which being her backup dancer. In the background, you could see a pregnancy test with a faint 'positive' sign. Because of this, many people were to jump on this.
To respond to this, she took a photo of her doctor's note(only leaving in her name and the results). She had gone to the doctor to get tested for pregnancy. She was not pregnant.
Her comment: yall... it was my backup dancer. She and her husband are expecting a child. That was before we found out she was pregnant, the test shouldn't have been in the frame 😭😭 You guys are so weird😭😭😭
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February 3rd, 2024 Engagement rumors Seriousness: 5/10
Pixie and Changbin posted a photo together, one that looked awfully like an engagement announcement. (She thought it was funny, getting them all riled up)
While her hands are obscured, many people saw the engagement-looking ring on a cord around her neck.
She responded to the comments about the ring: yall, it's a promise ring. Chill.
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desceros · 6 months
rotating your fics in my head again, as i often do (they will haunt me for the rest of my life... in a good way), and i just wanted to thank you for not specifying the reader's race - or, i guess a better way to put it would be not making them... white-coded, like 99% of other people do
it's less something that i'm mad about and more just kind of... tired of seeing. i'm so used to it at this point that i just kinda ignore it and tweak the writing in my brain, and it's nice to not have to do that for once! no more of a guy running his fingers through my hair. no... no you will not, sir. not easily, anyway. have fun getting stuck in my curls
i'm absolutely delighted to hear that!! :D
in the past, i'd read that a lot of specifically black readers have trouble inserting themselves into fics because of (unintentional, i'm sure) white-coding. and that made me really sad, especially when there are such small things you can do that not only make your writing better, but also make it more inclusive! so i chose to eliminate those things from my writing years ago, as much as possible.
like... okay, when you get embarrassed. you don't feel yourself blush, specifically. you feel your face get hot. this happens regardless of race. it's a more tangible description for a reader to have to a pov character, AND it has the bonus of not coding light-colored skin. sure, you now have to write around the fact that there's not an obvious red blush for other characters to react to... but not only do i not mind, i find that more compelling! maybe the pov character shifts their weight from foot to foot and tangles their fingers together. deviates their gaze, clears their throat, rubs the back of their neck, gives an embarrassed little laugh. see how much more vivid that is? and it has the bonus point of not making a dark-skinned reader feel alienated.
hair, too, as you mention is an excellent example. i try not to mention hair specifically because of that very conundrum. for example, 4c hair acts very differently to someone's fingers than 2a and to straight hair. short hair is different from long hair. there are some exceptions (for example, i have a particular hair style in mind for viola-chan), but even then i try to keep it as vague as i can within those choices. viola-chan puts her hair up into a bun when she plays... but what that bun looks like, how it acts outside of that is up for your imagination. i don't say how it's styled, how it's washed, in the same way that i don't specify what scent your perfume is.
now, i'm not going to say that every author Should be so specifically inclusive. it's not my place to say what people Should be creating with their art. if someone wants to write a story about a character blushing a bright pink with another character threading fingers seamlessly through their silky smooth hair, that's their prerogative. i've just chosen to try and have fics that are more inclusive, because i want black readers to feel welcome. i want asian readers to feel welcome. i want someone who wears a hijab to feel welcome. etc. i'm never going to be perfect; i'm going to make mistakes, i'm going to code for whiteness simply because i'm white and it's my worldview. i'm never going to write a fic that perfectly represents every reader. but i will go out of my way to reduce it as much as possible, because i see that pain in non-white readers and i really dislike it.
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changbinsboobs · 13 days
im the anon from before: told ya in my chan observations "knowing chan and his tendencies for a victim-complex, pick me, delulu and stuff" bound to cause some issues in his personal relationships but also this is why lee know is my fave out of the two bro would not give two hoots compared to chan who seems always on edge, kinda not trouble maker but doesnt mind stirring the pot to make a mountain out of a molehill.
although I do blame their coddeling from the companies for their inability to have stable relationships because they cant seemingly get out of their own delulu bubble (mainly chan).
u know what im also glad for these readings for? bc it makes me less delulu about certain idols lmao, its weird because some idols i thought would have dreadful personalities or types do not and its the ones that i have suspicions of and chan was one of them mainly due to his overly unhealthy attachments to stay but now i still find him interesting i just dont know if i would date him? yaknow? i think sometimes an idol having very very specific ideals can limit their overal perspective in dating bc theyre not really seeing someone for their personality or their natural charms or anything else its literally all about other attributes that they maybe look too much into and not giving some others enough chance becaude if u only look on the outside u never going to see ppl in different way, its very concieted. like what if chan met someone who fitted the appearsnce he wanted but they also had toxic behaviours or would just use him? he would still prolly date that person. im sure the girl he was with was lovely but no one wants to babysit a grown man. period. he actually gives manchild vibes no fr
honestly if anything i dont want him to be defamed cause she may or may not use it against him even if she sign nda but if hes that toxic it may very well backfire even further. i think he would be better more as friend material than romantic but he said he wanted family as well in snother reading. bro got a lot of growth to do before any of that
i hope other stay who maybe too deluded to see thru his behaviour i hope they somehow learn abt it thru readings cause itd suck to put so much attention and for it to all be unhealthy and shit
So first things first - my personal opinion is that nowadays there's just s HUGE gap between men and women in terms of being a a well rounded, capable, mature human being. Sadly. And so i i wouldn't necessarily put the blame on the companies but rather just on the guy himself - at the end of the day he chose that path and no matter what ur environment is you can still learn and choose to be well rounded human being - like thats on u bro🥲and i also do see him as a man child, sry not sry. Ive noticed that for a very long while actually and i think he knows that on some level too and thats part of the reason why he pushes that "taking care of y'all" image on himself so mich to try and make up for what he on the inside knows that he lacks.
And i think too he would date someone for SURE that he finds attractive but knows they're toxic cuz lets be honest - lots of people do😂 some people just crave toxicity and some people are toxic themselves and like attracts like.
Also i don't think the situation is that bad for him to be defamed - as i said i think the whole thing was much bigger in his perception than it probably was for the girl. I don't think he was toxic to the extent where he would be hurting anyone other than himself. In fact i think his toxic is rather embarrassing than hurtful. Its the type where you just sit there in shock and wonder how someone like him, with a certain image, status, money, power even, life experience etc - can act and be so immature and cringey. I think he could also be someone that would be kinda gaslighting but not out of malice but rather because he's just too sensitive and cant regulate his emotions so well hence why he can't really grasp the situation in a right way. But thats as far as it gets.
As negative as readings like that might sound im actually happy to read on energy like that because as you sed it helps delude people a bit and also just plain shows you a persons bad side (which we all have) and makes them much more human. And the best part - i would much rather stan an idol thats a manchild and is just a bit cringey, than stanning an abuser and not knowing it. That way you at least know his red flacks aren't THAT type of RED iykwim...👀
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ainri · 1 year
raw unfiltered admiration
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song rec: pretty rave girl:S3RL
content waning:cuss words, mentions of explosives, reader is a new hunting dog, fem aligned, reader is in her early-mid twenties, characters are super ooc, not proofread at all and was written at 12:59am-2:53am
endearment: 1, 2
character(s): tetcho suehiro
the hunting dogs get a new member that tetcho takes a very specific interest in
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you had recently been transferred from the spy unit of the military police to the hunting dogs. why you may ask? your cover had been blown by a mere boy you knew from anti-terrorism.
after your identity got discovered by the mob you were with, you had to resign from the spy unit. they had an explosive shipping scheme going on where they were shipping explosives out to japan from canada. the problem was a powerful ability user at its' head.
you were willing to risk your life, but not your father's life. he didn't sign up for it nor deserve it, unlike you, that was unfair to him. him dying was a chance you just simply weren't willing to take. due to a private conversation that got leaked by that thing, your cover was blown completely.
you chose to return back to japan for the time being since a friend of your father had offered you a new job. your fathers friend's name was ōchi fukuchi. from what your father had told you, he was a man of many words and clearly likes the sound of his own voice. severely prideful in his colleagues endeavors, sometimes doing as much as to take credit for them.
just your surname and everything was given to you out of fear of what your father might do if you weren't submitted to. your father had been friends with fukuchi for around 20 years; they went to the same college together. your father went into politics, whilst fukuchi went into the military. the pair hadn't been speaking much until recently. it almost felt as if your father was hiding something from you when speaking of him.
the issue that you had back when you were in the spy unit was the fact that your father is a politician. all you ever heard was how you were weak (despite being the strongest in your group including the captain), and most likely didn't even have an ability. how "daddy's money" or "daddy's connections" landed your position as the co-captain of the spy unit. of course you never told your father all of this slander since you wanted these people to keep their jobs, and be able to provide for their families. nonetheless to not prove their point correct.
your father had told you about all of the members of the hunting dogs. as well as brief descriptions of their appearance, personalities, and abilities. again, he wouldn't want his precious baby girl to get played or fall in love with one of the boys already there.
you were headed to the hunting dogs quarters for your first day. theres no consequence for making your uniform a tad more fashionable...right? you wore a higher green skirt with your rapier at your side. along with the uniform top, and a longer cape.
you had walked in and saw a receptionist. she looked like she was in her early 40s or late 30s; she seemed sweet. she had mid length black hair and orange hued eyes. her name plate had the name chiyo fujisaki stated. while you were playing with your rapier handle trying to build up the courage to speak to her a loud bang erupted.
"NO TETCHO IM NOT GONNA EAT THAT SHIT. GET IT AWAY FROM ME." a shorter girl yelled out while falling through the wall. "but itll be good-" a deeper male voice had said while holding out a bowl of sugar and raw rice. you had then locked eyes with the girl first while she smiled at you and ran forward at you. "SHES HERE!! (name)-CHAN!!"
the girl had jumped into your arms. the man with her turning his body to face the two of you; instantly recognizing you. you knew this girl as teruko okura. " hi teruko-san!! " you said returning the same output of energy.
you then paused seeing the man you knew as suehiro tetcho pause and stare at you. gosh. your father did not warn you of how attractive he was. something about him just seemed to drive you over the edge. he had three distinctive marks under his eye, and messy dark brown hair.
" hello tetcho-san. " you had said reluctantly due to his uncomfortable gaze he was setting off at you.
he was truly at a loss for words while he stood there staring at you, admiring your beauty and delicacy. he gave you a look of raw unfiltered admiration " tetcho, (name)-chan's addressing you. answer mutt. " there was a moment of silence that had passed after teruko's rude comment.
" hello (name)-chan. " tetcho had said rather excitedly.
©2023 ainri; do not repost my work without credit or repost my work in a different language♡
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Follow-up to your post about it not being Dean who got Sam back into hunting, but Azazel - which I wholeheartedly agree with. I think one could argue that - once Azazel had been dealt with - Dean played a part in keeping Sam involved in hunting after that. He made it clear numerous that he wanted and needed Sam with him, and it could be said that that created a sense of obligation for Sam. But even then, it’s not the whole picture. I would argue that Sam stayed hunting with Dean because he needed and wanted to be with his big brother as much as Dean wanted that. The issue with people placing Sam getting back into hunting (and staying in it) entirely at Dean’s feet, is that it ignores the fact that Sam is an autonomous human being who had choices. There were times when he had options to commit himself to a hunting-free life, and he didn’t. Sam *could* have chosen to stop hunting immediately after Dean went to hell. Or, he could have chosen to stop hunting after trying and failing to save Dean rather than going off with Ruby. Once Dean returned, he could have chosen to pursue a normal life at that point. He could have chosen to try to keep pursuing a normal life during their temporary separation in Season Five. He could have chosen to have a normal life when his soul was returned to his body in Season 6. He could have chosen to build a normal life with Amelia when Dean gave him the okay to. Every single time, Sam chose to stay hunting, with Dean. And I do think that Sam actually enjoyed the life (or at least parts of it) for the most part. But I do think it was mostly because he wanted, more than anything to be with his big brother, day in, day out, all the time. Time and time again, though, it was Sam’s choice.
Oh, yeah, the part I take issue with is very specifically putting Sam leaving Stanford on Dean. Jessica's death on that night to drive him into a revenge quest was already in the works - and the Winchesters know that.
After that things get ... complicated. I'd say there are a lot of factors involved in Sam continuing to hunt.
Just in terms of outside influences, even once Azazel was dead? It's not like Lilith, Ruby, Lucifer, or even Raphael would have let him just opt out of the apocalypse. By the time he was healed by Castiel and stable enough to potentially bail on the Leviathan mess, he was already on Dick Roman's and the Most Wanted's lists. Which doesn't even get into the whole clusterfuck that is InterferingWriter!Chuck. Even in terms of just random monsters knowing their faces and reputations, I think Dabb's ending of Sam being able to retire and stay out relies very heavily on Chuck, heaven, and hell being mostly off the table.
But while some of those perils are ones he'd have known about in advance? Some he wouldn't. There are a fair few interludes in there where he could have tried normal again without having any more reason to expect it to be doomed than he did at Stanford. Mostly, as you say, he didn't make that choice. Even when he did quit and stay with Amelia, he left her before Dean came back. Which he weirdly doesn't acknowledge when he's talking to Dean through that season about wanting to get back out after they finish the trials. (Speculating on what exactly he's got going on in his head that season could be its own entire post, really.)
Which brings us to Dean's influence in keeping him in the life. Leaving hunting would mean leaving Dean behind again. And in some cases, there IS a particular issue of Sam potentially feeling coerced by guilt at the idea of leaving Dean at the mercy of his own self-destructive impulses (the deal, the trials, the mark). But as you say, that's not at all the whole story. Sam does clearly love Dean and repeatedly chooses to stay with him, even without extreme circumstances or outside pressures applying. Sam makes that choice for himself. And it is understandable because nobody else is going to understand what he's been through and how it's changed him on the same level that Dean can and vice versa.
Ultimately, I think people sometimes make the mistake of taking Sam's stated yearning for normal entirely at face value when he's clearly far more complex and conflicted than that.
As to Sam enjoying the life? This starts to get into headcanon territory, but I genuinely wonder how much of him leaving for Stanford was about hunting itself and how much was about John's authoritarian parenting style conflicting with Sam's desire to have some control over his own life. Even just in terms of him saying he wanted a life that was safe, I suspect having a choice and full knowledge of the danger made a big difference. Like in the pilot, I think he's obviously pleased to be reconnecting with Dean for the sake of Dean? But watching him as they work the case, I think he's really enjoying solving the hunt, too. I think that's evident in plenty of other cases they solve, too.
Across the series, he does make the choice over and over to stay in, across a whole long host of differing circumstances. Including after defeating God, where it's as sure as it can be there will be no more apocalypses. I have argued before that both Sam and Dean's lives in the finale are tragic, because I think Sam finally got that normal life he was always yearning for - once he no longer really wanted it. I don't see a lot of other potential reasons for why literally the only thing in Sam's life montage in true focus is his son and his grief. No partner, no friends, no job, not even, like, hobbies. Even on his deathbed, he's only surrounded by said son and photos of the rest of his long-dead family.
I mean, I don't have issue with the idea it would have been much, much harder for Dean to live any kind of life if Sam died. I do get annoyed at the idea Dean was responsible for his originally being pulled back in. I have even more of a problem with some fans turning that into it being Dean's fault Sam ~*couldn't*~ leave, as if he was a spineless blob with no agency being held hostage against his will. Seriously, Sam Fucking Winchester.
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cherriegyuu · 2 years
Boys Planet - 1
Honestly, what a shit show. Were they competing to see who is the worst? Because this can’t be possible. One of the Masters said that the production team did a really good job at finding trainees, like where?
I’ll mention the battles and pick a favorite, then I’ll say my current top 9. This is not in order of preference, it’s just the order I remember them.
Burn it up – Wanna One
No one really stood out to me, the vocals where bad at some points. I can’t really choose one for this.
Danger – BTS
I really like how no one really knew this sing. No one knows dark era bts and I feel so especial because I do and that’s my second favorite album by them. Moving on... Both were kind of bad too. The i-land boy, I Chan (I think), he messed up baaaad, I was cringing while watching. Don’t remember much of G-Group tho be honest, so I would say that K-Group was better because SeungHwan did a great job with the little he had.
Aju Nice – Seventeen
I’m sad again, I didn’t like either performance, I feel like K-Group was slightly better because of their main vocalist was really good but the other boys was really not it, I do know that he was in bad condition but still… idk
Hot Sauce – NCT Dream
Let’s start with the fact that I hate this song, with passion, so I’m biased into hating the performances. So I say neither, tending a little bit to K-Group because Hanbini was sooo good
Love Me Right – Exo
This might seem impossible, but I really thought that Hui was gonna fuck this up for his team. He was trying too hard, too much. What he wanted to do didn’t match the song, at all. Though as whole K-Group was more consistent the performance, both vocally and dance wise, Jay’s high note was better, it fit the song better.
Kill This Love – Blackpink
This fight was unfair, K-Group didn’t stand a chance. They did a great job, Gun Wook worked them to be really powerful, with big movements but it was a lost battle. Keita really did a good job of putting this team together, he chose them for this song in specific. K-Group did their best but the result of obvious. I feel like this team should have won the Studio Choom and M!Countdown stage but it is what it is.
Back Door – Stray Kids
ha…. I am basic ass bitch sometimes... Ji Woong had one line and a dream, minimum effort, maximum achievement. The struggles Yujin went through also touched my heart. Tae Re is such a good vocalist. And the guy who was center, he did a good job too. I think it was funny how everyone was sort of trying to mimic Hyunjin’s facial expressions, both in K and G groups.
And here's my top time (against you're about to see how basic I am) .
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This is my last vote. It had some changes since I started to vote because I didn't have a good top 9 in head. So yeah. I like how this looks, I feel like this could be a great group. Some of you may argue that it doesn't have many global trainees but if we have to be honest, once the final gets here, Koreans will vote for the Korean trainees only so we will get lucky to see even 3 global kids here.
And here's a not so popular opinion:
I WANT and HOPE mnet will manipulate the final group. Koreans vote with their ass and global fans vote for the meme kid.
Koreans made Lee Da Eul, who might have a sweet voice when singing in his tone but is terrible in every other way, 6th in the ranking (he dropped to 13th in the announcement that was made today and honestly that's still too high for him). And because of what? Cause he looked cute in his profile photo, one of the few who looked okay.
And global fans? Are even worse because they dont even vote for someone whos cute, they vote because "ah, hes funny". Their voting for Do Ha, a really nice boy if you ask me, but, much like Da Eul, can't really sing and can't really dance. And the other My House boy, the one in red, he also isn't good but keeps getting votes because he seem funny.
And we can argue that the industry needs to change, people have to sing in their key and so on, however for most boy groups, their main vocalist sings very high. Chen, Jungkook, Eunkwang, Jay B, Jongho, Sungmin, Taehyun, DK, Heesung they all sing very high. I can't even think of a main vocalist who couldn't reach those high notes. And the dancing, although I am the first to admit that 4th gen is too focused in dancing, needs to be good, it's one of the essences of kpop.
So mnet, manipulate away. Make me hate someone, make me love someone. Actually manipulate the results (in a way that people can't tell that it was manipulated, still having X1 war flashbacks). I don't care, I want a good group, whatever it takes
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articskele · 1 year
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they are pokemon contest idols :D hince why the pikachus have the cosplay-pikachu tail mark
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they're not human anymore: same reason for the whole 'ex-identical' thing. bassically all the melodic (from pokemleody the place) characters in pokemelody have whats called a 'charmelody' which they get at a young age (like around 6-9ish I'm still deciding) your charmelody lets you borrow your pokemon partner's powers and bonds you together, over time (+depending on the specific persons charm-capacity and bond) they essentially genetically mutate to match their pokemon partner.
more fun facts because no one can stop me lol
-when niseru has her eye covered by her hair it's cause that eye's sclera already turned black
-the genetic mutating is specific to your pokemon and not just the species, hince why beatchu and tenkos eye colors changed to match and how tenko got freckles
-niseru's old pikachu is alive and well, his name is 'chuchu-chan' and he lives in this one forest area niseru and fukusha went to a lot as kids
-niseru and tenkos relationship is vaguely reminiscent of raven queen and faybelle thorns from eah
-beatchu was actually a placeholder name, and then when i realized hes trans and chose his own name i thought it'd be funny if he named himself when he was little and stuck with it
Changing to resemble your Pokemon partner sounds like SUCH a fun opportunity for character design!!! Someone with a Dragonair partner getting little head wings and a horn and a long tail! They've had doors shut on their tail more than once akjfskldf-
Someone with an Amaura partner getting a stubby little tail and bright blue eyes and that pretty crest sail thing! Someone with a plant partner having flowers grow in their hair! Someone with a bug partner getting antennae or mandibles or a second set of bug arms! The possibilities are endless! Hit em all with the creature beam!!!!!
Yeah I was wondering what happened to Niseru's old Pikachu! Glad to see he's doing well ouo
Also I can definitely relate to placeholder names becoming an OC's actual name alksfhg- That's what happened with Cedric and Dove!
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violetarks · 2 years
and it went bang! bang! bang! straight through my heart!
anime: ouran high school host club
characters: suoh tamaki, ootori kyoya, morinozuka 'mori' takashi
summary: giving the hosts a valentine's gift
a/n: g/n! reader, they/them pronouns and Mx used, second person pov, it's nowhere near valentine's day ❤️
↣ suoh tamaki:
"Oh? For me?" Tamaki chimes, voice dipping as he raises a brow towards you and lifts a leg over his knee. You stand in front of him, watching while he sips from his teacup. "My, my, sweetheart, I never would've guessed that you would go out of your way to buy me something."
You could smack that shit-eating grin off of his face. And something in your head says that it was a mistake to even show the present to him. "Well, you did help me with my French class, Tamaki." You exhale, placing the box on the small circle table that he sits at. It shifts with a quiet clap against the wood before you cross your arms over your chest. "It's a 'thank you'."
French might not have been your strongest class, but thanks to Tamaki's 'chivalrous' heart, you managed to pass with flying colours. You seriously didn't know what you would've done if it weren't for that moron.
Tamaki holds his chin in his palm, smiling up at his classmate. "Is that so?" He hums out, "And it's just a coincidence that you decided to hand it to me today of all days?"
"It's Valentine's Day, isn't that right?" You huff back, tilting your head at him, "Make what you will of this, I just came by to drop this off." Turning around, you wave your hand at the blonde and make your way to the exit. "If it's not up to your liking, feel free to give it to Kyoya."
The way you look at him over your shoulder is all that he needs in order to know that you were hoping he'd keep it. Whatever it was. You were slightly smiling, eyes softening once you see his blush on his face. He could be embarrassed by the fact that you've caught him, as if you knew his heart was racing all that much. But the way you close the door and sigh to yourself, makes him turn his head away with furrowed brows.
The first to speak on the strange behaviour is Kyoya. "Oh? Is our prince falling for the gifts given by a 'mysterious' stranger?" He hums, hand on his hip as he watches Tamaki had the gift under the table, "And what did Mx L/N give to you?"
"C'mon Boss, you gotta' open it in front of us!" Hikaru calls, leaning on one side of Tamaki's shoulders as his brother does to the other, "Maybe it's something frisky...? Is that you don't want to show us?"
Before he can react, Kaoru chuckles out, "Oh no, Hikaru, don't tease him too much! He's gone all red, look!"
The twins poke at Tamaki's cheeks in unison. "Our prince has fallen for his knight in shining armour!"
Tamaki almost couldn't believe what he was hearing. How stupid could these twins be? No way would Tamaki be falling for someone else... In fact, he had people fall for him.
It didn't matter what this present was. He was not falling for you just because of some gift. A gift on Valentine's Day. A day of love and appreciation.
And he was, in fact, feeling loved and appreciated.
Haruhi raises a brow. "Wouldn't Tamaki be the knight since he helped them with their homework?" She questions.
Honey jumps up, holding his bunny high in the air, "Yeah, but Tama-chan likes thinking about Y/N-chan saving him!" Mori agrees eith a nod of his head, picking up Honey and setting him on his shoulders.
"That's not true!" Tamaki shouts in retaliation, standing up and stalking to the changerooms to get some privacy. He hears the Twins' laughter die down as soon as he closes the door, present clutched in his hand. The slender box is violet, the same shade as his eyes. He wonders if you chose this colour specifically because of that.
His chest pumps as he opens the pretty present, revealing a beautiful silver watch. The time was already set correctly. Which meant you had gone through the trouble of getting it exact before handing it to him.
Not only that, but the name of the watch. He notices it's the same brand of jewellery as he wears in casual. You must've seen it.
"Oh wow..." He mutters to himself, slipping the watch out of the box and holding it up. "It's magnificent..."
"Yes, the only brand of jewellry that you accept to wear out." Kyoya is heard from the other side of the door. Tamaki almost jumps. "I always wondered why L/N was so invested in why I purchased different sets of earings for you."
Tamaki hums to himself, trying on the watch for size, "It fits."
"I may help slipped out some measurements while I was speaking to them." Kyoya cheekily replies, fixing his glasses, "Now, we open for business soon. Gather yourself, put the watch on and get out here."
With his disappearing footsteps, Tamaki finds himself smiling. He doesn't try to stop, only clicking the watch on and holding his hand close to his chest.
"What a sweetheart." He chuckles to himself, reminding himself to buy you something in return, "Trying to trick me on Valentine's day, no less..."
He really would need to thank you, in some way.
↣ ootori kyoya:
"Ah, Mx L/N. What a pleasant surprise." Kyoya says, tilting his head with a hand in his pocket. You freeze in your spot before standing up straight and holding your hands behind your back. He notices, of course, with what an observant guy he was. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"K—Kyoya, I... um..." You stammer, the collar of your uniform feeling just a bit too tight at the moment. He raises a brow at you, moving around to place his school bag on the hook of his desk. "Nothing. I'm sorry, I just... mixed up the seating plan, I thought this was mine."
He doesn't buy it one bit. Not with how you're shifting on your feet and looking around. "Is that so? But from what I know, you've got Biology with Haruhi." The way he says it, with such confidence, has you questioning your made-up excuse. "And that would be on Level 4, not here on Level 2. I don't believe your father would appreciate you skipping on that class, being the excellent doctor he is."
You blink at him as Kyoya plants a hand on his desk, leaning in your direction with a small smirk. "Is there, perhaps, something you need from me?" He hums.
A deep breath in and out is all you need to gather yourself. You pull out the box from behind you, looking back to him. He raises his brows. You huff out, "Happy Valentine's Day, Kyoya."
For the first time, he has no witty comeback. He stares at you and the small present in your palm. You've always been so kind to him, no matter what cocky front he'd put up in front of you. While you didn't visit the Host Club for the same reason all the other students did, you always managed to make it more fun for Kyoya to turn in for the day.
But he knows the look of someone who is in love. He's seen it on countless people who come to visit Tamaki and Haruhi, mostly. And you have the same look. Has he never noticed it before?
"Well, I... truly don't know what to say." He chuckles, taking the velvet box from your hands, "Thank you. May I open it now?"
The students that file into the classroom stop to stare at the both of you. Whispers spill out amongst them, making you a bit antsy. What would the Host Club come to if their brains was mixed in some scandal? Maybe you really shouldn't have done it now.
The look on his face, a warm smile and calm demeanour. You know he doesn't really mind right now. So a smile sets on your lips.
You let out a short laugh, "What? You can't wait to see what it is?"
Kyoya rolls his eyes.
"You can open it now, if you'd like." You respond, playing with the cuffs of your sleeves.
It would be an understatement to say you were nervous. What if he ended up not liking what you bought him? You took your time choosing it out. Okay, you really shouldn't have let him open the present now, the disappointment could be too much.
Too late, he's opening the box. Kyoya's eyes land on the silver circle lodged in the cushion of the box. There is a slanted, thick line on the front of it, embedded with black diamonds. Needless to say, it was a simple design, but it was still so beautiful to him.
The silence that overtakes the two of you only allows for the gasps to be heard. A bunch of 'no way's and 'is that a proposal's come out. While some believe it to be surprising, others awed at the cuteness of its romance.
It makes you nervous. "So, uh, you told me once that you lost that ring you were on casual days..." You begin, awkwardly filling the silence, "And you haven't had time to replace it so I, y'know, thought I would... get you... one. Is all."
Kyoya finally looks back up to you. The anxious expression on your face is cute to him. His glasses slip down his nose a little, resulting in him clearing his throat and pushing it back in its place. He sighs out, "That's very reasonable. And kind of you, Mx L/N."
You feel a proud smile roll onto your face. "Ah, I'm glad you like it, Kyoya." You chime, standing with joy, "And you can just call me Y/N. No need to be so formal now, right?"
He closes the box, putting it on his desk. Kyoya supposes you were right. You'd gone to the same Middle School and now High School. And you've crossed paths multiple times, even spending school activities and events side by side. It should be natural to call friends, or whatever, by their first names.
"Thank you, then... Y/N." He hums out. You nod your head in return, and he notices you playing with your now empty hands. A thought strikes him and Kyoya rubs the back of his neck. "Oh, I apologise." He says, upturning his brows with a sad smile, "I didn't buy you anything for this Valentine's Day."
You widen your eyes and shake your head. "You don't need to give me anything, Kyoya." You explain to him, "But I appreciate the thought, really. It's sweet of you." You pick up your bag from the floor beside his desk, turning to leave. "I should get going before class starts. See you later, yeah?"
A hand gently takes yours before you can get too far away. Kyoya wears a smile and slightly pink-dusted cheeks. "I can't allow myself to not repay you." He claims, brushing a thumb over your knuckles, "I think a date would suffice, hm?"
And how could you say 'no'?
↣ morinozuka 'mori' takashi:
He's a quiet man. Everyone knows that. The only person who hears the most out of him is Honey, and even that is only a handful of words. It's not really like he has to, anyway. Honey is there already. He talks enough for the both of them. But that didn't mean he could escape certain situations.
So, you could imagine the surprise on his face when you take the giant by the hand and drag him off just before the Club opens for business today.
"I need to borrow Mori for a moment, is that alright?" You ask, poking your head around the guy to look at Tamaki and Kyoya.
The two share a look between each other and turn to the tall Third Year. Mori is blinking at you and then at the Second Years, helpless. Kyoya hums, checking his clipboard, "Well, considering the line-up we have today with him—"
"Go ahead, Y/N!" Tamaki yells, covering Kyoya's mouth as he waves the both of you off, "Take all the time you need on this fine day! Good luck!"
You could punch that blonde in the face for how obvious he is. But screw yourself for accidentally spilling your Valentine's Day plans to him during Classic Literature class.
"But Honey—" Mori begins, looking towards his cousin who was sitting with some clients. Usa-chan sat on his lap as he ate his strawberry cake happily, girls gushing over his cuteness.
"Do not worry, I will take care of him." Kyoya speaks up, sending a supporting glance towards the both of you. Tamaki places his hands on his hips, nodding his head.
The doors close behind you as you drag Mori towards an empty area. Most people would be attending the Host Club during this time period, so it was good that the courtyard was empty. When you let go of Mori's hand, he stops walking and sees you do the same.
At first, he believes that he's done something wrong. You've never asked to speak in private to him before, and you have always been really patient and nice to him. The only time he has seen you upset was when Honey ate the piece of cake the Host Club (specifically Mori) had saved for you. You were really excited to have it, but felt your spirits drop a little when Honey admitted to have eaten it. He apologise profusely to you, and you forgave him.
But Mori knew deep down you were a bit disappointed. No matter how childish it felt, you kept it inside. Plus, you were even more excited when Mori presented you with a mini shortcake the day after.
You see the confusion on his face and chuckle, "It's okay, Mori, I just wanted to give you this." From your school bag, you pull out a wrapped box. It's in a deep blue colour with a tag reading 'To: MORINOZUKA' on it. The kind smile on your face eases his nervousness. "Happy Valentine's Day, Mori."
His fingers brush against the material of the wrapping before holding it in his palms. He looks down at it, as if it were the most delicate thing in the world. Maybe it was, since you had wrapped it so nicely. "You got me a Valentine's Day present?" He mumbles quietly.
"Yeah." You respond, closing you school bag and holding it at your side. He looks back at you and blinks cluelessly. "You want to open it now?"
He gives a slow nod of his head before sitting down on the bench close by. You follow behind after a few steps, setting beside him with your gaze locked on him. He seemed so small in times like these, where he didn't know what to say or do. It was cute in some sense. You always found yourself wanting to take a picture of him. Maybe that was weird...
He wouldn't think you were weird for this present, right?
The present is already uncovered. He raises his brows and stares at it. You disrupt his silence, an awkward mutter, "Just in case you're in... kendo training... or something, and you want to listen to something." You poke the box of headphones, the latest model. "You told me once that you don't play music since you wouldn't want to play it out loud. So... this way, you can compromise."
Mori could almost pass out by how kind you were being right now. He can't even suppress the smile on his lips. When you notice him, Mori rubs his cheek and sighs, "Thank you, L/N."
Oh god. Your heart feels like it's going to jump out of your chest. You lean back against the bench, looking across the yard to the fountain presented to you. "You can call me 'Y/N', if you want. We've been friends for a while now."
He doesn't really talk much, but it's pretty telling that you want him to go out of his way to speak out your first name. On top of that, your Valentine's Day present? Were you being too forward?
"Call me 'Takashi'." He huffs back, standing up with his new present tucked under his arm securely. You stare up at his figure and the pink hue dusting over his cheeks. He looks back to you, extending his other hand. "We should head back now, Y/N."
As your heart flutters, you take his hand and stand up, making your way back to the Host Club. You couldn't miss Tamaki's face pressed up against the window of the music room that could oversee the courtyard. Nor Honey and the Hitachiin Twins spectating expressively too.
"Hey Takashi?" You say, feeling Mori squeeze your hand a little tighter at his name, "Do you want to go out for dinner tomorrow?"
He knows what you mean when you say 'dinner'. You meant 'date'. And while he was used to the Host Club type of 'date', he could feels his chest twist with nerves at your type. He didn't want to mess up, and how should he even act?
Nevertheless, he responds quickly, "Yes, I do."
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moemammon · 3 years
An MC that steals clothes to the point where they have more of the boys clothes than the boys do
Big Boyf hoodies
The Demon Bros react to MC Stealing their Clothes!
You have ten seconds before you're subjected to a vibe check
Jk, Lucifer MIGHT be okay with you wearing his clothes, depending on his mood. If he's got things to do, you'd best leave his stuff alone
Otherwise, the sight of you walking around wearing that huge fur coat of his is enough to put him in a much better mood for the rest of the day. Maybe he won't beat Mammon's ass today after all? 🤔
As long as you keep his fancy coat clean, he's happy. He might even start "accidentally" leaving things out for you to get to, and his ego inflates tenfold when he sees you've found them.
He'll tease you a little bit about it, asking "Did you miss me so much that you had to wear my clothing?"
Bruh???? Where the hell did his jacket go-
He tossed it in the dryer and now it's gone! Time to destroy his room in the search-
And that's when he sees you walking around wearing it, like it's no big deal. You haven't even spotted him yet but boy is he staring
He doesn't even have a CHANCE to think about being mad at you, because you chose to wear his clothes specifically. His ego? Through the roof. Definitely considers buying you things to match what he wears.
Now everyone knows you're HIS human! He'd never let anyone else wear his stuff, after all! "You're the one that's been takin' my jacket?? Well.... I guess it's only natural that ya wanna wear the Great Mammon's clothes! S-so don't go takin' it off, ya hear?!"
The normie??? Is wearing HIS clothes??? Specifically the Ruri-chan shirt he sleeps in?????
The fact that you went out of your way to get them... He doesn't know if he's horrified or honored, but he's definitely somewhere in the middle considering the look on his face. And honestly he's so damn shocked that he thinks his heart might explode.
This is LITERALLY an epic gamer anime moment. When the male protagonist finds his lover/love interest wearing one of his oversized shirts.... m-moe...
He can't even look at you directly, so he has to do it through his camera lens. Did you really think he wouldn't fill up his entire phone's memory bank with photos of you? Think again. Maybe if he leaves some cosplay out, you might wear that too..?
"Wh-Huh? O-o-of course I knew you took my shirt! There's no way I wouldn't notice. B-But you don't have to take it off! I mean... you can keep it if you want... I have three more."
Satan doesn't know how to wear a coat properly anyway so it's no wonder you took it, to show him how it's done one sleeve wearing ass
It didn't take detective Satan very long to find out where it'd gone, because he soon spots you wearing it.
You're sitting in an armchair with his coat draped around you, clearly content and comfortable with your newly acquired clothing.
And he pauses, just outside of your line of sight so he can compose himself. He’d be lying if he said his heart didn't skip a beat when he saw it draped over you. It made him want to gather you up on his lap and keep you there forever.
Instead, once he's calmed down, he rounds the corner to question you about it. "If you were cold, why didn't you tell me? Here, let me sit next to you. Ah, you can keep the coat on. It suits you."
This is literally all he's ever wanted tbh. He's not even surprised that you want to try on his clothes, because?? They're HIS.
But he's gushing about it forever. He's so quick to snap a million photos of you and posts them to devilgram, sets it as his home and lock screen, maybe prints a couple of photos to keep-
You never hear the end of it. Whether you were trying to be covert or not, he's got you and he's never letting go.
He'll literally give you the clothes he thinks will suit you best, and gushes over the say they compliment you.
"It's like having my own doll to dress up! You don't know how happy I am to put my clothes on you~! Shall we buy matching outfits? Or maybe... you prefer that they belong to me~?"
Beel can be a little forgetful, so sometimes he misplaced his jacket. He always finds it in the end, either through his brothers or his own means, so he's completely stumped when he's looked everywhere and STILL can't find it. And he's starting to get hungry again, so now he's more interested in going to the kitchen.
Then he finds you exiting your room, rubbing the sleep of your afternoon nap from your eyes. You don't seem to notice him and just quietly wander past, wearing Beel's jacket.
He doesn't even stop you, just watching you go before he's suddenly forgetting all about his hunger pains, and more interested in quietly following you like a dog.
You both end up in the kitchen, and he's still watching over you happily while you eat some chips. Don't mind him while he uhhhhh picks you up and takes him to his room so he can hold you lmao
"MC.... did you have my jacket this entire time? I was looking for it. Oh, I'm not angry or anything, I like seeing you wear it. You should do that more often."
He realizes that you took something so fast-
Belphie may be able to sleep anywhere, but he has to be comfortable enough for it. That comfort usually comes in the form of his jacket, so when he discovers it's missing and has looked everywhere, he gets a little agitated.
Grumpy boy goes to find you to force you to take a nap with him until he feels better, and discovers that you're guilty. But his annoyance is replaced by pride when he sees how comfortable you look, napping away in his jacket.
He's not letting you keep it of course, but he's sure there's something else he can let you wear instead. Part of him is convinced you're only wearing it because it's comfortable, while the other part wonders if you're wearing it because it's his...
So he pokes your face until you wake up, and demands an answer. "You took my jacket without asking, huh? I couldn't sleep a wink because of you.....If you wanted to feel like I was with you, you should've just went to my room. Scoot over, I'm joining you."
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huenjin · 4 years
the devil’s tango.
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summary — and when your demon boyfriend's best friends ruin your valentine's day plans with said demon boyfriend by lighting up a restaurant in flames, they make sure to apologise well. or, in which jisung, changbin and chan show you all the ways a devil can fuck a woman.
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pairing — 3racha x reader
genre — smut | demons!au
ratings — 18+
word count — 14.4k words
warnings — mentions of flame, indications of objectification, mentions of themes of afterlife, heaven and hell | smut specifications under the cut
note — the way this was written only thanks to @chaangbin​ and her sprinto discord thing pwp and is totally inspired from this one nsfw asmr i chanced upon on reddit. happy reading and sinning, babes.
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smut warnings —
i. groping, dirty talk, objectification, car sex, marking, slight temperature play, thigh riding, dirty talk, slight blood play (jisung gets a slight rush !!), grinding, fingering, sir kink, nipple play, clitoral stimulation, vaginal stimulation, ruined orgasm;
ii. changbin calls you baby girl (!!), choking, cunnilingus, dirty talk, dumbification (changbin talks a loooot dirty, heads up !!) nipple play, breast play, pain kink, spitting, marking, so so so much marking omfg, intercrural sex, clitoral stimulation, unprotected sex (better safe than anything else irl okay?), squirting, overstimulation, reader slips into subspace, changbin's kinda hard on the reader; chan bring you back from subspace because he's protective like that !!!
iii. tattooed!chan — chan has this huge dark feathered wing tattoo in his back omf and the reader has a tattoo kink, of sorts— dick piercing!chan, tongue piercing!chan, so !! much !! making !! out !!, calls you princess throughout the story because you are one, nipple play, breast play, daddy kink, grinding, spanking, pain kink, degradation (but chan like gives reader heads up in such a nice way because chan best boy !!), teasing cause chan won't give it to you just like that !!!, so much begging, pussy slapping, clitoral stimulation, cunnilingus, fingering, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, squirting, penetration, unprotected sex (wrap it before you snap it!), bulge kink, creampie, slight after care.
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Chan thinks Valentine's Day is a marketing scheme by the very commercial, capitalistic world. 
Not that his devilish self cared when he could have all the luxuries in the world in his hand by the very thought of it. Chan doesn't care even more because you, his girlfriend, loved Valentine's Day more than anything in this world, second only to your love for him. If anything, you loved Valentine's Day this much because of him.
And that is exactly why he is driving down the neat lane to this newly opened restaurant, right across the town, that you have been hyping up for months now. His fingers wrap around the steering wheel, shoes pressed flat against the gas as his other hand lies gently on your exposed thigh, thanks to your little black skirt riding up to his delight.
"Thank you for doing this," you mumble, your right hand shifting to place itself on top of his hand and grip at it softly. "You know, even after you hate all the couples out there, ever to exist."
Chan laughs, a hearty one in fact. His thumb rubs against the palmar side of your hand — one of the many affectionate things your devil does for you, albeit all the times he reminds you he is second to Lucifer himself.
"I don't hate them all." Lie. Chan knows that's an obvious lie and so do you. You click your tongue and your boyfriend bites his lower lip in a sheepish action, momentarily glancing at you before bringing his attention back on the road. "I like us. We make such a power couple. If anything, we should be the only couple to exist. Valentine's Day should exist for only one couple and that should be us."
Raising your eyebrows before letting it fall, face softening up instantly as you gaze at your boyfriend's side profile, you coo, "Aw. I see finally that there are things the devil too doesn't get at his will."
"You were one amongst them," Chan sniggers, his hand slowly trailing upwards as they shift from underneath your hand's grip. "But look where we are now."
Your breath hitches as his fingers slightly trace parallel lines as they move upwards and your eyelids flutter a bit. The pads of his fingers are hot against the coldness of your skin and the temperature difference is great enough to raise goosebumps on them.
"Chan." It's a whisper. Almost as if a great amount of determination is required for you to make this decision to turn him down. "You are driving. Plus, let's not ruin the night already. You've booked us a nice table in this amazing restaurant on this beautiful night."
"But I could make it even better." Chan licks his lower lip as he presses on the brakes, the heavy traffic stopping him from proceeding further. His hand is now completely underneath your skirt, short enough to his pleasure, fingers edging so close to your panties that your head involuntarily shifts back and your lips part.
You have been dating him for months now and every single time he touches you, you feel like a starved woman craving for every drop of his affection, desiring every part of him. Chan has been more than willing to comply, however. Your body reacts to his touches and his kisses like you are on heat and every time your boyfriend points it out, you blame it on his extraterrestrial, hellish skills; that he had you in his control.
Little do you know that it is the other way round. That Chan chooses to stay in the mortal world for you, to be with you. That he knows he will have to part with you one day when you shift over to the other side and maybe you could have sinned enough to be with him in the other world too. However, Chan knows how much God loves playing his cards and for that, he'll seize every single moment he gets with you.
All because he loves you. He is in love with you. 
Chan realises this a few weeks back. Of course, he feels the weird thing humans call butterflies when you are so understanding of him being hell's very spawn. However, it is when you cook dinner for him as you wait for him to come, or how you ask him about his day and listen ardently that he realises: hell could never be worthy enough to have someone as beautiful as you. He shouldn't deserve you — fuck, the very act of him laying his filthy eyes on you should have sent your guardian angel into a frenzy but you chose him. You chose to be with him and for that, he'd mayhaps, thank that lousy old God up in the heavens. 
"Dinner first," you strictly say. You remove his hand from underneath your skirt, wrapping your hand around his as you hold it up to kiss his knuckles. "When we get back home, I promise. In fact, I'll be the one to jump at you as soon as we reach the doorsteps." Chan laughs, mumbling, "Ah, my baby girl, my princess," under his breath and turns to look at the signal that has changed to green. He presses on the gas, speeding to reach the place on time as per reservations. 
Having Chan's hand in yours roots you in confidence from your biggest fear deep down — that he would fade away from your life one day and worse, he'd take away the memories with him to rid you of the pain from his absence. His calloused hand grips onto yours and you hold it close to your chest, shutting your eyes for a minute because this is what Valentine's Day is all about for you. Bang Chan and everything your devil of a boyfriend is. He has shown you both heaven and hell and even though you did not believe in the afterlife, you do not mind going to hell, especially not if he is there with you. 
"Why is there smoke up in the air?" Chan asks himself in absolute confusion as he takes the right on the road to the restaurant. Upon finding a neat parking spot about a hundred meters away from the restaurant, he gets out of the car, rushing to your side to open the door for you like a true gentleman. 
"Why, thank you!" You giggle, hand slapping right across your lips at the unpleasant sound that leaves your mouth and Chan smiles so widely at you, almost as if he is looking at his whole world right before him. You get out of the car and Chan closes the door right behind you.
"You look so damn pretty today, baby," Chan hugs you by the waist temporarily and snuggles into your neck, only to leave a quick kiss against it. You push him slightly and Chan chuckles, raising his right hand, that is not held by you, to protest. "I'm not making a move. We did get dressed well so let's have a nice romantic dinner first and when we get back home—" His voice drops a note lower. "We'll have a hot night and let this Valentine's Day wrap up rightfully as it should."
"And what's the right way, Mr. Hotshot Devil?"
"With my dick wrapped around your sweet little pussy," he smiles, lips extending so wide across his face that your cheeks heat up. He leans closer, pressing his lips against the pinna of your ears as he whispers, "You'll be begging me over and over and I'll treat you like the good little girl you are for me."
Your breath hitches and a flustered broken gasp leaves your lips as your fingers dig into his forearm. Chan's harmonious laughter over having made you a flustered mess rings in your ear till it is cut off by loud screams and foggy vision thanks to dark grey smoke. 
"That's a lot of smoke," you comment worried as your boyfriend takes you by his hand and walks you down the road to the restaurant. He takes small strides to let you walk at ease. "I wonder if something is on— Fuck. The restaurant is in flames. It's on fire. Fuck."
Chan's eyes widen and he stares at the fire long enough to see two figures making their way towards you. Two very familiar faces too hard for him to ever forget, especially because Chan has spent more than a millennium with them. 
"Jisung? Changbin?"
"Do you know them, baby?" You whisper into his ears, hiding slightly behind him as you cower at the magnanimous presence of the two individuals before you. 
"Sometimes I wish I didn't," he rolls his eyes and folds his arms as he looks at the two younger demons in a gaze filled with doubt and suspicion. 
"You lie!" The taller of the two says. "We had ramen together and you know ramen is exactly the way for people to bond."
"That's Jisung," Chan introduces as he slightly brings you forward. Your fingers play with the end of your short skirt, trying to bring it further down as the two men — demons, you presumed — looked at you and almost seemed to be studying you. "And the one by his side is Changbin."
"We've been friends for a while," Jisung informs and judges at Changbin who still continues to stare at you in displeasure. Did one of Chan's friends already not like you? You guess it is normal but deep down you know it hurts. You have always had the innate tendency to make sure that everyone liked you and the very thought of Chan's friends disliking you puts you to this sorrow as much as you hate to agree to it. 
"Stop scaring my girlfriend, Bin," Chan glares back at the shorter of the two before drifting his attention to Jisung and enquiring, "How did this even happen?"
"That's on me. I crashed my car into the restaurant," Jisung rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. Your eyes widen and you look further beyond the two men to see a beautiful red Maserati driven into the restaurant, caught in flames just as the whole building is. 
"The people!" You scream, rushing forward. Chan holds your wrist in worry, holding you back, and you look at your boyfriend with eyebrows furrowed in concern. "They are my people."
Changbin scoffs, mumbling under his breath, "Stupid humans and their weird sense of morality at all the wrong times." Your heart drops at his words and Chan lets go of your hand, only to take a step forward in Changbin's direction, eyes narrowing at the demon. 
Jisung laughs hesitantly, slipping right between the two males and pushing them away. He looks at you and rushes forward to lean close to you. You are taken aback by the sudden invasion of your personal space but something in his eyes holds you fixed, enamored by his whole being. 
"There are no casualties, sweetheart. Don't worry!" 
Jisung leans back soon after, standing firm on his toes, and turns to look at your boyfriend. Smiling as wide as you've seen any devil smile, he prompts, "Since all our Valentine's Day plans got ruined, what if we spent it together?" He glances at you and you look away, eyes catching Changbin's who still looks at you in suspicion. 
"Jisung," Chan warns.
Jisung rushes to Changbin's side. Directing his attention towards you all while nudging the hell out of Changbin's side, he wiggles his eyebrows, "He may seem rude like this but trust me, he's the tsundere kind of lover."
"What the fuck," Changbin mumbles and turns his head away. "I'm not saying anything."
Your boyfriend is very flustered at the very happenings around him. Jisung suggesting a possibility of a wild night, the restaurant going into flames, and his girlfriend, albeit looking scared, positively looking at this whole proposal — maybe it has been too long since he has been away from hell for the mere chaos to fluster him.
Without a word said further to his friends, he pulls you away. You bite your lower lip, nibbling and pulling at the dead skin. Chan quickly takes your hand in his, eyes fixing on yours and staying in silence for a short while till he finally asks, "Are you okay?"
"Can I be honest?"
"Yes, please."
"Are all your friends this hot and a solid mess?"
"Should I be offended?" A soft chuckle leaves his lips when he sees you joke nervously. 
"No, no." You hit his arms, jokingly. You draw circles onto his arm and bring the topic forward finally. "I know I might have looked like I was taken aback — I was — but remember how we had this talk once about bringing people into our sex lives," you gulp, "I think this is a great moment to see if we'd like it in our relationship."
"Are you sure?" Chan's hand frames your face and you lean into it. 
"One hundred percent."
"These are demons, baby," he hesitates. 
"And you're a demon too. Stop stating the obvious, Chan. Plus, I have you."
"Are the two of you done?" Jisung asks loudly. You hold Chan's wrist and drag him towards his friends. Changbin raises an eyebrow at the sudden beam of confidence that radiates from you. 
"We are. I'm Y/N," you finally introduce yourself. "Sorry for being awkward in the beginning—"
"Oh, don't be," Changbin mumbles, gaze still wary of you. "Jisung tends to have that effect on people."
"Anyhow," Changbin finally smiles tonight. "Thanks to someone," He glares at Jisung, "We lost both our dinner and our car. So do you mind if we travel with you?"
"Oh, no," you clasp your hands together. "We'll give you a ride back to our place. Chan could cook us something," you smile at your boyfriend and he merely shrugs.
"And we can let the night roll into whatever it is, right?" Jisung's gaze is different, almost like he's insinuating a thousand different sex positions in one look. 
"Yes," you say after a long pause and an audible gulp. "We can let the night roll into whatever setting it turns to."
"Lead the way, princess," Jisung's arms move in abduction and you smile, skin wrinkling by your eyes at his chirpy self. You walk forward to the car and Chan slows down his strides to walk with the boys. 
His arms wrap around the shoulders of both the demons and he pulls them closer to sharply whisper. "You fucking hurt her and I'll have both your arses burning in the hottest flames in hell. I swear to Lucifer."
"What if she likes it?" Changbin raises an eyebrow, almost provoking Chan and your boyfriend glares back at him equally, gritting his teeth and almost growling. 
With clenched teeth, he restates, "Keep it tame," and lets go of them.
Chan should know better. Nothing is tame for the men in hell.
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Changbin calls shotgun, putting you next to Jisung in the back seat while Chan drives the car.
"This is consensual, right?" Jisung asks again. There is concern lacing his face and Changbin sighs, mumbling, "She has said she wants us more than ten times, Sungie."
"Chan, you're alright with me fucking your girlfriend in the back while you drive?"
Chan's breath hitches, coughs entailing and you smile at how lost he looks for a minute as he turns back in worry, slowing the car down. "In the back or in the back of the car?"
"You never know. Maybe she might like it."
"Don't you dare!"
"Fine," he begrudgingly agrees. 
"As long as she's okay with it. Do not make her uncomfortable at all, guys," Chan sighs and turns back, pressing on the gas and almost taking all his thoughts out on it. You blush, cheeks staining a shade lighter and heat rising up as soon as you feel Jisung edge closer to you. In the front seats, Changbin talks to Chan, catching up on every single thing they have missed out in these years.
In the back seat, however, Jisung has different plans. A whole different plan to break you down into putty in his hands. 
"So, it seems like you are the girl that Chan wouldn't stop talking about and fawning over," Jisung's voice is huskier in the low tone he chooses to speak in to keep the conversation just between the two of you. "Nice to meet you, lovely. I'm Jisung. Now that I see you, I realise what all the fuss is about. You really are breathtaking."
You giggle, "You flatter me. Do all demons sweet talk this well?"
"Only the finest," Jisung winks. His hand wraps around your forearm and he slowly asks again, "It is alright for me to fuck you, right?"
The crudeness of the word in front of not just you but also two other demons leaves you flustered. Jisung pushes your hair strands that have gotten loose and fall to cover your eyes, behind your ears. 
"Yes, it is," you repeat for what you have counted in your head as the eleventh time. "It's totally alright, Jisung."
"Then, can I come closer?" You nod and Jisung edges forward, closer than he already is. "You know how us demons work, right?"
"Uh," you look down at your hands on your skirt. "You get wild every now and then." Jisung hums in approval, cupping your face with his left hand.
"Bingo, you're right!" Jisung grips your face a little stronger than a second before. "We, demons, love to go wild." He scoffs and continues, "Your boyfriend loves to play nice and pretend like he doesn't lose control and has only virtuous thoughts. All a big fucking facade to hide the fact that he just wants to bend you over and fuck you—" Jisung kisses your neck right underneath your face. "—Again and," he kisses your jugular. "Again and again." 
"I however am not. I like to do a lot of things to you."
Jisung bites sharply into your neck, sucking at the skin. The lewd noises resonate in the locked car and you know your boyfriend can hear each moan and each sound that comes from the back seat. The car moves only faster and Jisung's action matches the pace. He lets go of your neck only to crash his lips against yours, sucking in your lower lip as he kisses your hard. His arms snake around your frame and push you against him. 
You moan against his lips. It's volatile, you realise. Jisung's kisses are volatile. One minute they are harsh against your lips, strong enough to bruise them with cuts, and the very next minute, there is nothing softer than his lips or the goosebumps that trail your skin that he touched after untucking your shirt.
His skin is hot against yours, hot enough to raise goosebumps again on your skin. His lips are warmth personified and his grip makes you want to go unhinged 
He pulls back, lips parting and looking sinfully delectable. "It's in moments like these, princess, I realise how different our body temperatures are. How much warmer demons always are compared to humans. It must feel nice to have warm hands over you, doesn't it?" Jisung removes his hand from your bare skin and from underneath your white shirt. You gasp at the lack of contact, your skin feeling irritably cold all over again, and move closer into him.
"What a needy human," Jisung chuckles, and in the very blink of your eyes, he unbuttons your first two ones, exposing your black bra, laced to perfection, to him. "That's a pretty one. You really did go all out for Chan, did you not, princess?"
"I did. I wanted him to fuck me stupid and make me his tonight," you agree boldly and the car jolts to a stop suddenly. You are pushed forward into Jisung's warmth, your half-naked self pressed against Jisung's nice shirt. Changbin chuckles, looking at Chan and you turn to the side to see the traffic. You whisper again, "I still want him to fuck me stupid tonight."
"Oh, you are going to be all of ours tonight. We are going to make you such a slut for demon cock, princess. Make you greedy and desperate for it."
You are in the public. You are on the road, visible for any child or adult to look into your car only to see all the lustful deeds out in the open. You should have felt embarrassed, quivering in nothing but shame. However, all these triggers are for you to get wetter, panties sticking to your core and your grip to tighten on Jisung's arms. 
Jisung's hand moves back to unhook your bra. He lets it fall off your shoulders slightly before taking your left breast in his arms and bringing his face closer to it. He sucks on your left nipple, nipping on the areola around. His hand massages the right breast over the black lace bra and your head lolls forward. Your hand tightens around his shoulder and you desperately crave some friction in your nether regions. 
"Can I sit on your thigh, please?" You beg and Jisung's mouth leaves your nipple only to look up at you. 
"Only if you call me sir."
Jisung has an immaculate grip on your waist as he lifts you slightly, holding you mid-air and not letting you settle down on his thigh until you call him by what he desires to be called.
"Please let me sit on your thigh, sir."
"You're a good girl," and Jisung drops you down on his thigh. You blush at how Jisung calls you a good girl. You like being called names. Be it a good girl or a slut, the words coming out from them right during sex made you feel unique and special. Your skirt rides up and your wet panties are pressed flat against his nice formal pants. He kisses your lips again, this time biting into your lower lip and drawing a bit of the blood. The copper taste does nothing for the demon exactly, besides indulging him in a slight high he could almost get off on. You seethe against him and your hips grind down on his thigh almost unknowingly. Your lips part behind your panties, the two materials underneath and his flexed thigh providing you enough to ease the lust and thirst of wanting to feel more. 
"Does this feel good?" You moan in response and Jisung's eyes sparkle. "Ah, look at the expressions you are making." His hands grip tightly on your hips as he resolves to go back to your breasts and suck on them till the nipples harden for him and the areola swells up. His hands help your hips to move against his thigh quickly, soaking his navy blue pants darker. Your covered clit rubs over and over against his flexed thighs and the moans that leave your lips are loud and unhinged.
"Sir, ah, ah—" Your hands drop to hover your palm over his covered cock that rubs against your outer thigh. "I want more, sir. Fuck, fuck, I want more. Please, sir." And just as you begged, Jisung bites slightly into your breast just when he lets go of your hips and plunges two fingers into your wet lips, pushing the panties and skirt aside slightly. With your pussy filled with his fingers, Jisung continues to suck on your breasts and little kisses and hickeys all over them. 
Your moan is the loudest so far this night in that minute. His fingers are long and bony and they hit your walls and push against them exactly the way you like. Your pain and pleasure senses, both activated, seemed to be mixing signals leaving you with a slow, slow path to euphoria. "You like that, princess? Tell me."
"Your fingers feel so good, sir." You move against his thighs quickly, grinding on it rough as your pussy is stuffed with his fingers. "Sir, sir— Fuck, sir. There." Jisung curves his fingers, the joints by his finger rubbing against your spot, deep inside that has your thighs shivering and your whole body aching for more. He rubs against the spot till you gasp over and over again and he's laughing like the very devil he is.
"Oh my god, you're so wet for me, princess. You are dripping." Jisung quickly stills you on his thighs, his other hand digging into your hips. "I'm going to go a little—" He pulls out slightly before thrusting his fingers back in. 
"Sir, oh my god," your voice pitches higher and Jisung takes the positive signs well. He pushes his fingers back in after pulling them out. His forefinger moves away from the middle all while they are deep inside of you, stretching your walls apart and the sensation rules you up further as you move down, pulling him deeper and making you feel fuller than a second before. His fingers scissors inside of you, enhancing the sensations against your soft wet walls 
"You're so needy, princess. You like that, huh? Does it feel nice to have my fingers wide apart inside of you? Do you like it when I curl them up?" And Jisung curls them, eliciting a loud groan from you and your head dropping into his shoulder as you can feel yourself edge closer. 
He thrusts them faster. The lewd noises from your arousal gushing out and being pushed back in thanks to his fingers is intensified in the small space and your moans are like spice. Jisung sucks on your neck as his fingers hit your spot over and over again till the knot tightens so much that tears well up in your eyes and you pray he pushes you over the boundary. 
"You like my fingers thrusting fast, princess?" You nod and Jisung orders, "Words, princess."
"Yes, sir. I love it. I love it. I love— Ah! Ungh—" 
His thumb brushes finally against your clit and you bite into his shoulder. "Such a good princess. You deserve to cum, don't you? You were such a good girl." Jisung's thumb presses into your clit. His thrusts stills for a short second and your impatient self slides yourself up to fuck his fingers. The obscene sounds get louder with every second as you move closer to your orgasm. 
"I think I should introduce another finger. Princess got my two fingers sopping wet." Jisung's third finger now plunges into you, pushing you apart even further and your breath hitches. He thrusts at a great speed, "We'll be faster, a little bit faster. That will be alright, right?" You know you are close, just a little bit of clitoral stimulation and Jisung's three bony fingers thrusting up into you, hitting the spots—
The electric motor revs and the garage door opens. Chan slowly moves the car into the garage, darkness seeping into the car. Jisung thrusts sloppily, once and then twice before pulling them away from your core, leaving your walls to clench on nothing desperately. You cry, "No, no, no, no—" 
His voice is husky as he says, "Looks like we are here, princess. We are home." Slowly, without breaking contact with your eyes, Jisung sucks on his forefinger and then the middle finger and then the third slowly, tongue wrapping across it, dancing almost like a whole orchestra was playing in the background. 
Chan rushes to open your door. He sees your haphazard hair, unbuttoned shirt and exposed breasts and he groans. You are insatiable just as he has always known. Your eyes are lost and mind far away at dreams of achieving orgasm. Chan buttons up your shirt and helps you get out of the car. His hold on your frame is tight and he kisses the side of  your forehead.
"Chan's making pasta," Changbin announces and walls towards you, raising an eyebrow at your sight. 
"We already have a whole meal here." Jisung licks your arousal from his lower lips. Chan rolls his eyes, before calling out loudly, "Jisung!"
"You're helping me with dinner."
"But why me? I want to fuck Y/N," he whines. "All I did was tease her in the back of the car." 
Chan leans into you and whispers, "Feel free to hit him when you want to. You'll have me to reason out and save you from anything." You laugh lightly, head slowly focusing on your boyfriend. He shifts his attention back to Jisung, "Because I said so and it's the least of hospitality you must show."
Jisung groans, before reluctantly agreeing, "I have a huge appetite, so heads up." You stare at Jisung, head with thoughts far in the past than in the present. 
Fuck appetite. Fuck Han Jisung. Figuratively, and if fortunate, quite literally. You have a ruined orgasm for the first time that night and all you have an appetite for is one — to be humble — mind-blowing orgasm to take you to the end of the world and back.
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Your boyfriend is a gentleman.
In the years you have known Chan, you know for sure that heaven and hell is nothing but a lie. Ironically. The stigmatization of having to be only bad or only good is so skin deep in humans that the very thought of a devil being nice seems like an illusion. That is, if the whole concept of heaven and hell is not an illusion already.
Chan is nice. He is nice to you and that is all that matters to you. He treats you like a princess because you are his princess — the only person worth staying on earth for. 
So when he lets the guys go ahead and pulls you behind a wall right before the huge living room of his apartment is in view, you know he has something to say. That, or he has a kiss to steal.
"Are you okay?" 
Chan's eyebrows are furrowed, eyes softening in worry as his hands lift up to cup your face, thumb rubbing circles into your cheek. You break a smile, leaning forward to brush the tip of your nose against his and you place a delicate peck on the same spot. 
"More than ever. I told you, baby, right? That I'll tap out the minute this gets too much for me."
"I'm just so worried. You've never—"
"Are you guys making out?" You hear Jisung's voice resonate against the walls and you turn your head, stifling the laughter that bubbles inside of you. Jisung yells again, "Chan, pasta!"
"I'm coming," he yells back, dropping his hand from your face. "I'm coming. Oh, if only Lucifer burnt you alive!" 
"I'd have to be alive for that, ha!"
"Go," you chuckle, kissing his lips only to pull back in a short second. "I'll hang out with Changbin."
"He's. . ." Chan sighs. "Just remember to be comfortable, baby, okay?"
"I know. I trust them. Beyond everything, I trust you."
You hold Chan's hand in yours and pull him away from the shadows of the wall, bring him before his friends. Changbin raises an eyebrow at the two of you, before taking a step forward as Chan follows Jisung to the kitchen.
"That leaves us together alone for a while," Changbin suggests, arms folded over each other as he takes quicker steps towards you. He doesn't tower over you much but his entire persona that he broods is enough to make you whimper, lips to part unknowingly and eyes to widen in want. "I should probably introduce myself properly. I'm Changbin. I've known your boyfriend since forever. We became demons around the same time."
"Oh," you respond, mouth patching up with the excessive want.
"I'd like to get to know you, sweetheart?" Changbin is close enough for you to feel the warmth that exudes from his body. His arms drop for a small second before his right one lifts up. His thumb and forefinger grips on your chin to angle it up slightly for you to look at him properly. The name he calls you by makes you gasp under your breath, loving the endearment and he notices. Changbin notices how much the term has its effect on you in this minute.
"Do you like being called a sweetheart, princess? An angel, maybe? Do you like dressing up in pretty pink lingerie for Chan? Maybe you want to be a baby doll on top of me for the night?" Changbin lets go of your chin before taking a step back and walking towards Chan's sofa. He sits down on it, thighs spread apart as his arm rests on the side. His attention drifts back to you, lips quirking up in brief excitement. "Or despite dating one of the most sinful creatures ever to exist, you like being called a good girl?"
Your thighs clench together and you grip at the end of your skirt. Changbin laughs at the reaction he draws out from you. He taps on his thighs and beckons for you, "Why don't you come be a good girl on my lap, hm?"
You take shy steps towards him, before sitting on his thighs that he now has pressed together. Either of your legs dangle on the sides of his body and Changbin holds your hips as he pulls you closer. Your skirt crumpled up, exposing so much more to him and Changbin is in delight at how pretty you look on top of him.
"May I?" And you nod, mumbling a soft yes. His hand slowly trails above, starting from the point right above your knee joint. It's slow and sensuous for a soft second as his fingers slowly climb up your thigh before the tables turn over and Changbin's hand rips the panties from underneath your skirt and throws it to the side. Your eyes widen, cheeks heating up as you hold onto his shoulder at the sudden force. 
"We won't be needing that for the night now, do we?"
You bite your lip and Changbin's hand hovers over your sodden lips from the previous encounter with Jisung. He rubs his palm over it as he locks his gaze with yours and asks, "Respond, princess. I need to hear you respond."
"No, we won't need that."
"That's my good girl," Changbin praises you and presses the heel of his palm into your clitoral region and you moan explicitly and unhinged. He rubs it slightly and your burning core oozes more of your arousal out into his hand, burning for that long forgotten orgasm you had hoped for. Using his other hand, he rips open your blouse, the top button letting free from the dress at all the harsh happenings it has been through for the night. 
"Oh dear, look at that," Changbin clicks his tongue repeatedly before plunging his fingers into your core and pulling your bra down with his teeth at the same time, grazing slightly at your breast that it leaves you thrusting yourself on his fingers that drive hard into you. 
You whimper, "Changbin, fuck," and he lets out an amused sound. He thrusts his two fingers in and out of you as he lips wrap around your nipple, lapping at it. He lets go momentarily, hot breath fanning all over your mound and he asks,
"Do you like this or maybe is it some pain that you like?" 
And within a second, Changbin's teeth bite into the flesh by your mound. His unoccupied hand cups your mound, massaging it before flicking your nipple. Harshly. You gasp, head dropping forward as you lean into Changbin's chest, whimpering repeatedly.
"Baby girl likes that, doesn't she?" He flicks it again, pain shooting up your nerves and you slightly bite into his neck. He speaks into your skin. "She likes it a lot."
Changbin says he likes art. He talks about how he loves the purple colours that blend into the pink and then, the colours of your skin. He sucks on your bosom, littering the area around your areola with pretty, pretty marks all while his fingers are plunged deep inside of you, pads of the same rubbing your walls while his palm rubs the collected arousal into your core, pressing into your clit and stimulating it 
Your senses are alert and every breath, every moan that is present in the air is hyperbolised in your ears. You can feel Changbin's rough fingers slowly pull out while his mouth trails down to wrap his lips around your areola, tongue wrapping around your nipple and he laps at it like a starved animal.
"Chan's too nice to you, too gentle, too kind to you. Treats you like some porcelain doll. I don't blame him for that," Changbin taunts you. He pulls his fingers out from your dripping core and his mouth leaves your breasts. Your walls contract at the sudden absence of his fingers and you grind down onto his thighs, expecting — begging more.
Changbin flicks at your stimulated clitoris. It sends a rush of both pain and pleasure intermingled up your spine, hitting your brain cells, leaving you lost and in a trance. He continues the mockery, "I usually don't fuck with humans. In fact, I even condoned Chan for doing that. No offense to you, baby girl, but humans are delicate, too fragile, for my taste. No matter how sex crazed or ravenous you are, you are still no match for a demon by comparison."
Changbin kisses up your neck, marking you up as he draws out his mockery. You think it is weird that this time round Changbin doesn't intimidate or anger you. Rather every word he says sends a trail of arousal shooting downwards, making you wetter with every passing second — making you anticipate for so much more. It is embarrassing at how wet you are from every single teasing you have been put throygh for the night. 
"You may think Chan is different but he isn't, baby girl. He's just as demonic as we are, just as fucked up as every creature from hell is. He might hold back for you, but when you push his buttons well enough, you know he'll unleash it all. Even Jisung. The only difference between them and yours truly is that—" Changbin pauses. His lips quirk up and his hand unbuckles his belt, metal clinging as it comes undone. He unzips the pant and shoves it down as he lifts himself up with you with such ease that your fragile, weak and overstimulated self is in surprise. He pulls his dick out from his formal pants and it is hot, hard and everything you crave at this point. 
You think it's unfair for a man with this big an ego to have this thick a cock and you were this close to blaming God for being unfair when you realise this isn't his territory. And history has proven that Lucifer has always been kind to his followers. 
Changbin strokes his cock, thumb rubbing at the slit at the hot head. You salivate, almost ready to drip from the corner of your mouth when Changbin cuts your thoughts — filthy thoughts, too dirty to be spoken of; filthy, filthy thoughts on how heavy his cock would be on your mouth, on how wide his cock would stretch your mouth and how deep he'd go, perhaps all the way to your throat — and holds your thighs, pulling you closer into him to position you in such a way that his cock is straddled right between the flesh of both your thighs.
"The only difference between me and the other two, baby girl, is that," Changbin's voice drops an octave lower as he almost growls, "I don't make a habit of suppressing it at all. I can grab you by the throat just like this—"  The demon holds you by your throat, his fingers wrapping around your neck hovering right across your jugular and carotid, pressing them slightly. It is scary how you are here trusting a demon fully aware that an inch deeper and you would be accompanying him in your journey to the other world. Or mayhaps it's your trust in your boyfriend. Changbin's fingers are wrapped deliciously around your neck and your pussy leaks juices, coating his dick that is pressed against it. "—and thrust my dick so deep into you and fuck you so hard that your body, mind and soul is broken beyond repair."
Your mouth opens wide, tongue resting against your lower lip and Changbin spits into your mouth, ordering you instantly, "Swallow," and when you do, he lets go of your neck for a second, caressing the roughened area and mumbling, "You're a good, good girl for me, aren't you, baby girl?"
You nod, voice hoarse as you beg like a kitten in her worst heat, "Please, please, please—"
"Please what, baby girl? Use your words like the good girl you are."
"Fuck me, Binnie. Fuck me, fuck me. Need your dick in me. I'll be a good girl." 
Changbin laughs loudly, almost as if he is mocking you. He is, because his fingers wrap around your neck once again as he thrusts his cock upwards. It slides against your wet lips, striking against your clit. "How could I fuck you when your thighs are this inviting? Look at how wet they are because of your arousal. You are leaking, baby. What a good whore."
"Binnie," you gasp, barely phrasing with his hold on your neck as he thrusts back upward. He holds your close as you equally grind on him. "Binnie, I want more. I want more."
"Be a good girl and I'll reward you, baby girl. Be a good girl and let me fuck your thighs." You nod and grind down. "How does it feel like, baby girl, to have my hard cock rubbing against you? Squeeze your legs tightly around me—" You wrap your legs around him, heels digging into his back. "Fuck, just like that." 
The squelching sounds are loud and prominent. The friction of his cock rubbing against your wet skin is amplified in the silence. Your hips move slightly trying to get as much as contact possible on your clit. Your head is empty, voices hindered and you can only think of how badly you want to get fucked, how badly you want Changbin to treat you more roughly. 
Changbin is vocal. Very, very vocal. He whimpers at every rub, moans loudly and grunts as you grind down on him. The filthy words that leave his mouth does not stop — "Your skin feels so warm and cool against my cock. Oh fuck, can you feel your clit throbbing against my dick, baby girl? You naughty little fucking thing."
His pace quickens as he thrusts further, grunting, "You are fucking delicious, baby girl. Chan's been keeping a whole asset away from us."
"Binnie, Binnie—" you moan, breasts rising and falling with every occasional jumping you do on his thighs to match the pace of his thrusts. "Choke me harder, please."
"I want you to choke me harder."
"Fuck," and Changbin listens clearly. His fingers dig a little deeper and you are gasping, arousal dripping even more and staining his navy blue formal pants after coating his cock further. "Fucking grind on my cock. Baby girl, you are making me rethink my policy on humans."
"Ungh," you whimper when his cock stills and grinds onto your clit, focusing only on that. Changbin chuckles. His voice is laced with tease, "Easy there, baby girl. If my cock were to accidentally slip into your pussy, who knows what I might do." 
"Please, please—" You barely speak out when Changbin's grip on your neck loosens for a bit.
"Did I fuck the words out of you, baby? Did I fuck you stupid? I haven't even fucked you with my dick yet and look at you already. You would want that right, baby girl? For me to fuck you dumb, fuck you stupid. I'll have you ride my cock till all you know is how to be a good girl for me and how to take my big fat cock."
"Yes, yes, yes—" 
Changbin stops right when your whimpering increases, pitch shooting up higher and your chest rises and falls as he halts. However, in one swift motion, he pins you on the sofa, him on top of you and he stares at you. You are a disoriented mess, hair spilling onto your face and everywhere, clothes open partially but enough to spill everything and your legs — thighs specifically — are glistening in the lights.
"It sucks that you are Chan's girl, sweetheart? Do you think he'd mind sharing more than once?"
Changbin does not wait for your response. With the support of his hands, he brings his body down, head in direct contact with your skirt stained with your arousal and the precum that oozed out from his cock. He sucks deep purple marks into your thighs, trailing them all the way to your glistening core. And then, his mouth is on your sodden lips.
It's a miracle at how you are able to keep your eyes open. All the teasing this night has made your body heavy and yet, like some starving woman on sex steroid, your pussy aches for more. His lips are on your wet ones as he licks at the lips, pushing it apart as he takes in your arousal, lapping in to take it all. It is merciless. The demon he is, is marvellous, hot and a sex god at that. His tongue licks your lips, tip teasing your entrance as he rubs your clit, slowly. he draws small circles over it, tapping at the engorged button till your toes curl in, knees lift up to bend for your feet to press down. Your eyes are squeezed shut and your fingers pull at his hair every time you feel the knot tightening. 
The room is filled with lewd noises and your moans are loud enough for everyone in the house to hear. Changbin licks stripes after stripes on your lips, lapping up your arousal as he hums in delight. Another stripe up your wet lips and he soon wraps his plump pair around your clit and sucks on it, loud noise of suckle resonating and causing you to move your hips slightly. 
Changbin's sharp teeth graze over your clit, nibbling slightly till you feel the knot clench in your stomach. The vortex forms deep within you again, the sign of an impending orgasm and you can only pray that he doesn't leave you begging like Jisung did. It's coming. You are so close, again, for the second time this night and you needed it. You are sure that you would go crazy if you did not receive the release you had so prayed for. Changbin rubs your clit furiously, lips moving back to your cunt as he eats you out. Changbin's tongue flicks to perfection, hitting your sensitised bud over and over again till you snap and come undone all over his face, arousal squirting out and over his entire face.
Your legs quiver as Changbin laps it all up, tongue swiping across your lips till he has drunk every single drop of your arousal. Your eyes that were squeezed shut opens and you see the mess you have made on his face. 
"Fuck, I'm sor—" You try to lift yourself up to help him when Changbin pulls you by your legs closer to him and wraps his lips on your clit, sucking on the bud till it borders overstimulation and you are screaming out in both pain and pleasure, your abdomen pitting at the sight of another orgasm with his actions.
"Binnie, fuck, oh fuck," Tears well up at the corner of your eyes on being overstimulated. You can feel your brain getting fuzzier, sense hyperbolic at everything around you. You are falling into something you are unfamiliar with. "I'm sensitive, fuck. I'm so sensitive."
He moves forward, overstimulating you and your eyes roll up at all your nerves being triggered to send the excess messages of stimulation to your brain, knots tightening and you are ready to combust once again until Jisung walks out of the kitchen, announcing, "Dinner's ready."
"Too bad I had my fill," Changbin sniggers, tongue extending out of his mouth to lick your arousal off the corners of his mouth. Your chest rises and falls and you try to focus in on something on the ceilings — ah, the spokes of the fan, yes. Three. Three. Three. Three. Changbin quickly notices the change in your demeanor, "Baby girl? You alright?"
"Princess?" Chan's rushing to your side as soon as he hears something is up with you. You giggle, laughing soon enough as you look up. Changbin stands up from your side, concern filling him when you start laughing. Jisung, on the other hand, walks to keep the pasta on the table behind the sofa. "Princess, are you there with me?"
It is the rush of endorphins that cloud your brain. Your heart beats fast, breathing rapid and it's a different kind of high you are in. You hold onto Chan's sleeve, giggles nonstop as you mumble in between, "Chan, uh, Chan! Chan!"
"I've got you, princess," he says softly, before wrapping his arm around your thighs and the other over your torso before lifting you up. "I've got you. I'm right here." You cling onto his shirt, snuggling into him as he verbally assures you. 
He stops midway in his path, turns to look at two of his friends, especially glaring at Changbin, before firmly saying, "Eat and leave. I'll talk to you later. I have to take care of her."
"We could hel—"
"Not today. Not now. I'll—" Chan sighs, holding you closer to him as you mumble words incoherently, smiling to yourself. His face softens, as if he's trying to comfort Changbin who looks guilty for the first time before Chan in eons of years together. "We'll talk to you later."
"And guys?"
"Thank you for tonight. I know she liked it. A bit too much, if anything."
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Chan holds you close.
So close to him that even the rush of endorphins in your brain isn't loud enough to hear how loud your own heart beats next to his faint beating one. 
His arms wrap around your frame, hand holding your head close into his chest as he soothingly rubs the back of it and at every short interval, he coos into your head, "I'm right here, baby." Your body shifts to a relaxed position from the very tensile state it was in that second thanks to his voice, at his words and at his very being.
"Relax, baby. This is going to pass. You did so well, so, so well."
And you giggle into his chest, eyes closing warmly for a fraction there before looking up at him. Chan believes if synesthesia was a thing for demons, he would see the colours behind your eyes. How the crimson red slowly — so, so slowly — turned to darkest shades of pink and then the softest ones and Chan knows. He knows for sure that this is it. This is his whole world.
Chan feels jealous of humankind for the first time.
He is envious about how it would not be him that grows old with you, has kids with you and gets to be physical with you at every point. He knows he can't do that with you forever. He cannot do this with you forever. And even if he did decide to fuck it and do it anyway, you'd leave him one day. 
Chan knows he could never do much. He cannot change fate or turn himself into human for you. That is impossible. And yet he hopes — ah, a dangerous thing for a demon to have, something they mustn't possess — that every moment he spends with you is infinite and never dies. 
Your body tightens up again, goes rigid in his hold and he worries for you. That is Chan's first mistake, or so he believed years back. He cares for you. He cares for you in ways a demon shouldn't. He cares for you enough to know that demons have feelings or at the very least, he does. He cares enough to call it love. 
"It's alright," he mumbles and you mumble back, "We couldn't spend time together tonight."
"It's still eight. We have time," Chan smiles and rubs the hair off your face, only to press a soft chaste kiss on your forehead. "We have a lot of time. You should rest. You were such a good girl tonight."
"I was," you hold onto his shirt before letting your hands trail underneath and Chan realises the endorphins are slowly calming down, keeping you in a safer position than you were minutes back. "Wasn't I, daddy?"
"Princess, you really had a lot today, do you—"
"I want to. I—" You kiss Chan, hands cupping his face and lips pulling at his before letting your tongue twine with his. You moan unknowingly as your body rises to lean further into him. Your fingers graze the small stubble by the side of his jaws as you find yourself getting lost in him, in the feeling of his hot tongue lapping around yours.
"Mmh," Chan moans before holding your jaw tighter, leg wrapping around your frame. In a swift motion, he pins you down underneath him as he still kisses you. His lips are beyond tempting as you draw every kiss out, draw every moan out from him. He pulls back the minute you lift your hips to grind onto his crotch, feeling himself against your bare core. "We should stop—"
"No. You're my Valentine. Not Changbin or Jisung. You'll always be my Valentine," you respond, tugging him down into you by his shirt. Chan's eyes widen before softening as he looks at you — looks at you like you are everything better than him, hell and afterlife. 
"But you really had it rough today and—"
"I want more. I want so much more rough and I want them from my boyfriend. No one else." Your hand grades the stubble again and Chan leans into your hold. "The fact that you've never been rough with me and that I had to hear about it from Changbin and Jisung did no good to my ego, baby."
"They were—" Chan pauses on his own this time. You don't interrupt or cut him. He knows he can't lie to you. He knows how much he holds back but Chan knows that he has no issue with that. It's a safer option for you and yet here you are tonight asking him to be himself, be everything he is and show you how far he can go — he was going to fucking lose it at that alone. 
"You know they were not lying," your voice lower. "They are demons, you had said, and that I should be careful. But Chan, baby, you are a demon too. So why do you hold back? Is it because I'm a human?"
"Yes," Chan reluctantly agrees and you sigh. You drop your hand from his face and Chan's lips pucker in response. "I don't want to hurt you."
"You know you won't," you reassure him. "You could never hurt me unknowingly and even if you did, you know you'd take care of me till I'm back to the same."
"There shouldn't be a situation that leads to the worst case scenario, Y/N."
"But I want that. I want you to show me everything and I want to know if I'd like that. Give me a choice. I—" You gulp, scared of telling it out loud finally now that you have come to a partial conclusion to it yourself. "I liked Changbin being rough on me. I liked it a lot. I liked Jisung edging me. I liked it so much that all I could think about till Changbin touched me was of Jisung giving me an orgasm."
Chan's hand presses down by the sheets adjacent to your face and he holds it tightly. If care was an emotion he shouldn't have felt, jealousy is another that should never have a place in a demon's mind. Especially not when they were all brought up with the thought of sharing. 
He hates how Changbin got to be rough with you before him. Something so petty and so, so territorial arises in him that he wasn't even aware for him to feel this. He knows he gave consent. He knows he was there to hear it all and yet hearing you say you liked it brought in exactly two emotions in him that conflicted each other so much that he knew he was going feral — a) delight, over you being so content and over you being so understanding of demonic natures and b) jealousy, over another demon having had you in ways only he had before. 
"You were lost there for a minute."
"You promise me you'll tell me to stop if it gets too much, right?"
"Always," you peck at his lips. "I'll always do that. I just want everything you are and you have to offer. I don't want to know stuff from others. I want to feel them through you."
And Chan kisses you again. This time however, it is a lot different from the previous kiss you drew out from him. His lips find home in yours as they come upon you, imperatively. The kiss gets deeper each time, tongues chasing and lapping each other, earning continuous whines and whimpers coming out from both of you. Your arms wrap themselves around his neck, your fingers trailing up his nape to his hair, gripping the small hair at his back and Chan kisses you passionately, his hands cupping and tilting your face, angling it so that he could intensify the kiss as he desired.
He's desperate to show you everything he is.
The very second your mouth had brushed his, Chan knows that you are the one for him. It had always been you. Even now, if he closed his eyes, he could feel the tingle over his lips and your warm breath wafting over his chin. It is exactly as he had carved in his mind, etched so deep that it could never fade away.
His hand is prominent on its grip on your neck, as you lift your chin higher — so you can press your lips harder into his —  while your hands fist into his shirt — white, clean and perfect all for the night only for it to be discarded to the very corner of the bedroom the two of you share. His free hand drops to wind around your waist, arm pressed between the bed and you and in one swift movement, he pulls your body flush against his.
Gasping at the motion, Chan seizes the opportunity to slip his tongue between your teeth, your lips parting further in response. His tongue swipes across yours, curling around your tongue and gently massaging it. The metal ball at the tip of his tongue provides a sharp coldness and you hiss into his mouth, only for him to provide more contact with the metal that it leaves you emitting moans into him. 
It is electrifying. Every single thing with Chan has been exciting, unpredictable and leaves you begging for more. It is perhaps mankind's adhesive nature towards sin itself that made you like this — that made you into such a moldable clay in his hands and you don't mind going to hell for this. Because every single moment you lived on earth, if it were with him, would be relentlessly passionate. You would never want to swap with anything, even if someone handed heaven to you on a platter.
Because Chan is your heaven. 
When you feel his tongue flick against yours, slightly, grazing it, your hands uncurl from his shirt - only to wind up his chest, along his throat, towards the nape of his neck. You find yourself lapping around the metal ball on his tongue, rolling your eyes shut. 
With every passing second, you find yourself drowning into Chan. His body is pressed flat against yours, chest against yours, his saccharine taste coating your senses till that is all you can think about, and his warm breath all over your face. You find yourself drowning into him — you always have — his entire presence encasing your senses as you lose yourself deep into his entire being.
Is this how people were dragged into hell? Tempting. 
Chan pulls back and you smile at your boyfriend, like a little girl happy to have received her candy. You glance down at your shirt that is half open as a result of everything that happened tonight and proceed to unbutton the rest and remove it off your body. Chan's eyes linger more than ever on the marks that Changbin has left all over your body — marks that have turned dark purplish red and he seethes at the very sight of it in anger. 
"If we do this again, on your request, of course," Chan kisses over all the marks slowly, taking his own time to lick it over with his tongue before pressing his lips against it. "I'm going to be physically present. Not going to let anyone mark my baby up like this. That's for me."
And Chan sucks over it. His hand goes behind your back to unhook your bra and toss it aside. His hand lands firm on your breast, fingers playing with your nipple as his mouth slowly moves down to kiss your other nipple before sucking on it, lewd sounds emitting from his mouth.
"Daddy, fuck—" Your back arches, hips jutting upwards into his pelvis only to feel his covered growing length rough against your sticky skin. Chan uses his free hand to hold onto your waist and lift you slightly, allowing you to hook your leg over his waist, tight enough to tease you.
Chan hums in approval as you grind up, exposed core moving and staining your favorite formal pants of his, all while his tongue laps at your areola. The metal ball right at the centre of the tip of his tongue is pressed to your nipple and the difference in temperature has your mind spiralling. 
His palm squeezes your breast, thumb running over your nipple before he purposefully leans down and gives you a taste of his warm mouth. You gape open at the contact of his mouth on your nipple, teeth purposely grazing against the skin only for the metal ball to soothe over the burn.
Puckering his lips, he presses them to the sensitive spot by your jugular before sucking harshly. Responsively, a low mew resounds from your lips, leaving them in the open for just you and him to hear to.
"Do you remember the safe word?"
You nod, "Red for you to stop, yellow for you to give me time and green for you to proceed."
"Perfect," and Chan moves so quickly to remove your skirt off your body as he hovers over your completely naked self, fully clothed. You have always wondered if Chan would ever be into power play, especially with how he could project himself sometimes. Like in moments like these. You make a note in your head to ask him about the very thing. 
Chan kisses your lips, tugging at your lip before dipping himself further, getting lost in you. He rubs his tongue across your lower lip, metal ball harsh against your coral lips. He kisses your cheek and then, your pinna.
You feel his warm breath against your ear, shuddering in impact. You are about to ask him to stop teasing you — that you've had enough foreplay the whole night. However, in the next second, his hand lowers and lands on your inner thighs in a loud spank and you gasp, not expecting it. He hits the same skin almost a second after before the pain recedes and you are moaning out loud, brain wiring differently as heat pools between your legs.
“Fuck," he swears under his breath. His hand edges closer to you, dangling so close to your core that he can feel your arousal by your thighs, all over again and over the dried ones by your thighs. "You’re so dripping wet,” Chan mutters, only to laugh and comment, "At least I can credit this to myself."
Chan leans forward, next to your ear again and mumbles, "Baby, I'll be using words that would come off as very demeaning but I need you to know that I would never use them unless we are in the mood. You are and will be my baby girl, my princess forever. Is that alright?"
"It is," you blush, heat shooting straight to the core and you can feel yourself leak further, embarrassingly, right when Chan's hand is so close to your lips.
"Fuck, you are dripping. Such a filthy whore," Chan taunts and you feel it, deep in your gut. You've never seen this side to Chan but fuck, you love it. You love it more than Changbin having called you a good girl. You want to be called a whore, a slut — as long as you were his whore, his slut. 
Chan collects the arousal that you drip out, coating his fingers and palm. Moving his fingers, he collects your arousal that leaks from your gaping hole and watches the transparent stick to his fingers. The bulge in his pants is hard and seems too painful to be confined. You gulp evidently, throat parched. Chan's hand edges closer towards your lips and languidly strokes your slit with his fingers coating in your arousal. The pads of his finger circles your hole and you mewl, clutching slightly onto his shoulder. 
"Daddy, please, need your fingers in me."
"You've been fucked by two demons already and you are still so horny," he scoffs. "Impressive." He raises an eyebrow. Almost like he is teasing you further, he continues to play with your cunt. You whimper, gasping and hoping to feel the burn of the stretch that would come with him thrusting his fingers up.
Each small action Chan does has you moving forward in pleasure, hoping for the same as you try to move with his hand, all in an attempt to drive his digit deeper into you. Nonetheless, Chan controls the pressure and the pace and no matter how hard you try to move, he never lets you have his way, clearly showing that it was him in power here, not you. Growing tired of his teasing, anticipation filling you to insanity, tears brimming your eyes, you whine, “Fucking hell, Ch— Daddy, come on."
Chan chuckles, kissing your clavicle, biting into the skin above and sucking furiously enough to mark you. You sigh, breath exhaled out desperately. "Please, please, pl— Ah!"
Chan hits your core with the pads of his finger, labia silently flapping in impact and you moan at the pain that shoots up from your sensitive core. This causes you to moan, body moving forwards in a surprised reaction. The palm hitting the clit sends electric sparks throughout your body, your brain almost fusing. The sound is sharp as it rings through the air before you feel pain along the vulva. Crying in pain, you mumble softly out before holding to him softly, “Please,” you implore. "I need you, daddy." 
The sensation of the pad of his thumb swiping against your swollen, needy bud causes you to buck into him, your cunt soon contracting around nothing. Chan mumbles as he lowers his body silently, kissing your skin on his way. He kisses the skin right above your acetabulum, tracing his lips down till he kisses your core, a soft peck over it. 
It is a stark difference in your clothing that takes you aback; of how you were completely naked while Chan was completely clothed and yet that excited you. The power he has is enough to have you ooze out more arousal that would prompt the sheets to stain further. 
Chan licks at your core, once, twice and then he is sucking at your clit, like a man walking days in a desert with no water source. His mouth is against your core, licking on it, the cold wet metal ball pressing against it, before he sucks on your engorged button. The lewd noises that leave your mouth are pornographic and your legs have lost their strength.
You are about to say a word before Chan curls his fingers up into you and your back arches slightly at the feeling of his fingers in you. "D-Daddy!" 
You feel Chan searching your walls for the spot he has felt enough that he finds it in a few minutes. He rubs against the same spot that brings the loudest reaction from you before dragging his fingers back slowly only to slip his fingers easily into you again, the slick of your arousal dripping down your thighs. The sheets are stained. His pants are stained and so is his white shirt. 
"No demon I've fucked before would have sex this close to being out of the world. Fuck, princess. Your slutty pussy is clutching onto my fingers." He rubs your walls and your enlarged button. Your hips gyrate with him, thrusting and chasing after his fingers desperately as you press into him. 
Chan's fingers are fast as they thrust in and out of your core. You could find yourself getting wetter and wetter with the lewd sounds that resonate the walls. The demon presses his metal piercing flat against your clit and you gasp. "F-Fuck, Daddy!"
And as Chan sucks on your button of nerves, his fingers thrusts into you at a relentless pace, pushing right at the spot that has you feeling the endorphins spilling into your bloodstream. You feel the knot that tightens in your stomach, ready to fall over the cliff till Chan's teeth graze your clit and you lose it.
“Come for me, my princess,” Chan urges. His command, paired with the way his tongue dances across your clit and how his rough thick fingers drags against your sweet spot, has you careening off of the brink of pleasure and into an oblivion. You can feel your bloodstream soaking slowly with the rush of endorphins. You need a moment to calm down from how good that orgasm is, as Chan slowly rubs you through your high. 
You think Chan is about to drag his fingers out of you and away when he picks up the speed of his fingers. He toys with your sensitive clit. 
"Daddy, ah—" You feel the pain slightly of being overstimulated, slowly getting intense and intense. You are crying and he slows down, looking into your eyes, expecting a colour to be screamed and when you don't, smiling softly, he continues, kissing you and swallowing every cry you have. 
You feel your skin standing at the very precipice of being sensitive to anything. In a split second without any warning, his mouth still on you, Chan holds your clit between his forefinger and thumb before twisting it and instantly, you feel something deep within you tighten up.
That was it. Your breath is disoriented. Your jaw falls loose and you let out a loud cry as a powerful orgasm cuts right through you. Chan drops his hand on to the bed as you squirt on being overstimulated. Your arousal soaks his shirt, fabric sticking to his body and he is amused. Your thighs shake, quivering uncontrollably as your back curves, body lifting up. Chan's other arm wraps around you as he kisses you through this. Your muscles tremble, ache and are sour. Eventually, you find your hips stopping gradually as you fall victim to the pleasure, squirting slowly receding. His hand is covered in your juices and he chuckles against your lips after pulling back, placing you lightly on your back.
"That was so fucking hot," he looks at you proudly, pressing his forehead against yours. Your eyes are closed, post that powerful orgasm, tears staining your cheeks. He moves only after your eyes open, making sure you are alright and are able to breath right.
"Daddy," you smile and Chan smiles brighter. That's his girl. That's his girl, alright.
"You've got my shirt messy, princess." He chuckles and your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as your head drops to the side to look away. Chan holds your face with his messy hands and kisses you, drawing out another long kiss to rid you away from any other thoughts besides ones of fucking him tonight. 
You pull away and mumble, "It's not fair that you were dressed completely in the first place."
"Is that so now?"
"Yes," you huff and your hand trails up Chan's arm, fingers digging into his arm. "It's a damn bother." 
Chan unbuttons his shirt, taking his own time with it as his fingers roll against them before popping the material out of hold from the button. Your hand lies in wait by his waist, fingers rubbing against the curve of his ass and you stare up at him. With every button that he maneuvers his shirt out of, you can see his tattoos more and more clearly.
The feathers that poke out through the corner of his shoulder, flat on the coracoid process, more present superficially right above his clavicle, are detailed. You can see the feathers variant in their styles as they fall from a greater source that lies behind him.
Chan's tattoo had always been magnificent, as if they were rebuking the almighty as he acknowledged his very being. The ends of the black feathers also tease into the head of his biceps. Two beautiful wings, bold and powerful, arise from his spine and exhibit loudly on his back.
Your mouth gapes open at the sight of it as Chan bends forward to unbutton his pants, the wings clearly visible to you and your heart leaps at the sight of it. Chan raises an eyebrow at you, staring down at his tattoo, as soon as he pulls down his pants. 
"Ah, the tattoo kink," he chuckles. "How could I forget."
"It's not a thing," you blush.
"Please," he laughs, eyes wrinkling soon. "There's no way you could lie to me, princess." 
You blush. Crunching forward, you stretch your arms, fingers pointing to draw against the outline of the wings. "It's beautiful," you whisper. "It's so fucking beautiful, Chan." He chooses to ignore the call of his name because nothing else would sound sweeter in this moment than his name itself. What you would do to give everything in wrapping your lips around his flesh by the corners of the wings and to ruin it with your own marks.
He unsheathes himself off the confines of his undergarment. Chan has always been bigger in comparison to every single one you had seen, girth firmer than you had envisioned and the frenum piercing has you salivating. It shines under the dim lighting of your room, your eyes unable to drift away from it, lips parted slightly.
You let out a small mewl — the walls of your core throbs against his member at the sensations of the piercings rubbing against the same — enhancing both your senses. Chan notices how your thighs quiver and he raises his eyebrows in sheer amusement.
"You really don't fail to surprise me, princess," Chan sniggers. "Look at you eye fucking me all while I just unstrip."
"Please," your eyes glisten and Chan coos. "Please. Need your cock in me, daddy. Need your big fat cock to fill me up and stuff me stupid." Your hands move down to hold his engorged length in your hand, rubbing the metal balls on the head with your fingers and feeling the coldness in a sharp contrast to his hot girth.
"You've been such a good, good whore tonight. Daddy's going to reward you well. So well." His hand trails down your frame and you shudder as they move down your sides.
Chan moves slightly, his hands bracing on either side of yours. The strong muscles of his arms twitch as he bears the entirety of his body weight on them. You push your body upwards and you stretch your arms up. You run your hands over his naked shoulders and his back, grazing his tattoo a little more before tangling your fingers into his hair as you tug him further over you. 
A soft gasp slips from your mouth when his weight presses over you: his defined chest over yours and his hips pressing into yours in the most enticing way. His cock brushes against your thighs slicken in your arousal and you moan. The metal ladder framing underneath his shaft is cold against your skin and you can feel the goosebumps that arise atop your skin all the way to spread the heat to your core.
Chan's arms wrap around your body, holding you so close to him that your chests brush against each other. You feel his hardened erection sharp against your thighs, brushing against your core and you whimper in his hold. "Please."
"Please what, princess?"
"Fuck me, daddy."
Chan's lips crash onto your swollen ones with a force that has to be reckoned. He grinds his heavy cock into your core, rubbing over your clit. It leaves you moaning, holding onto his deltoids with a ferocious grip, fingers digging into the muscle.
Holding onto the opportunity that presents itself to him, Chan seizes and dives his tongue right into your mouth. They glide across your tongue, your body arching in pleasure. You feel the metallic ball of his piercing run over your tongue in a wistful want, you wrap your own around it before kissing him at the same intensity. Chan's groan hits back through the air in barely a whisper as you swallow most of the sound. Immediately, you let go of his lips and your hand reaches out for his cock slowly coated in precum, you squeeze it softly.
Before you can think straight, you can sense Chan holding his cock in his hand to position himself and with a mere grunt, he enters through your twitching core. His thick girth pushes your walls apart as they move further down into you. Your grip on his deltoid slips to his biceps, desperate to catch hold of something. All that leaves your mouth are parched breaths and desperate moans. 
The lewd noises from his dick seeping through your wetness to enter you and stretch you out resonates through the wall only to hit back to both of your ears. Chan's gaze shifts downwards to watch his cock spread open your lips and disappear into your being — all it does to the demon is excite him more. 
You feel the piercings against your wall, dragging across your softness. The slight dentations cause you to moan as Chan moves it against it over and over again, ensuring to hit your spot as much as possible with every thrust. 
"You're dripping all over my cock, fuck," he grunts as he slips out only to thrust back in carefully. You grind back this time round, trying to match his pace with your fragile body. It takes you aback when you feel Chan grow into his complete girth inside you, stretching you out with an intense burn.
"Daddy," you choke out, words caught in the back of your throat. "Too big, ah."
“No, it’s not, princess," he bites his lip. "We both know you can take it. You're doing so well,” Chan coos. You find him slowing down with every thrust, making sure you are alright. His fingers ghosts right adjacent to your side, caressing your breasts with affectionate touches. 
Slowly, the pain fades away, only to be replaced by a rush of pleasure with every thrust. The hard metal of his piercings drag against the sensitive nerves of your wet core, enough to stimulate every other nerve in your body, rubbing it over and over again. 
Chan notices your face calming and how you were truly living in the moment. He takes this as a sign enough to thrust quicker, metal piercings striking the spot furiously. The sudden intrusion has your lips parting, eyes rolling back and tongue falling out in ecstasy. Your thighs, that quake, spread apart to take more of him, to let him have more control over you. Your walls clamp down on him, holding his cock tightly and magnifying the thick length of his. The moment his length pokes at the end of your cervix, you jerk, throat drying up instantly as a reaction. He was so thick and so full that he reached all the way to your cervix, ready to show you what it truly is like being fucked by a demon.
Chan grunts as he presses his hand down on your belly after pressing a short kiss. There is a slight bulge and Chan loves how you are, almost as if you are made for him. This leads your wall to press around him. His length pulses against your walls and you feel him completely, in his length and girth. Your walls ripple around his length accepting him completely — in his large, engorged, thick length.
"Fuck, I love this. Hell, I love how your juices coat my length and your lips kiss around my cock. Perfectly fitting my cock as if you were made for me,” he mutters. "Aren't you? You're mine. All mine." 
“So pretty, princess,” he coos. With every thrust of his length into you, your body is jolted back and forth, rocking the bed loudly, at an impeccable strength along with your boyfriend's.
In between all the thrusts of his cock, the way his piercings mercilessly drags inside you, triggering every single nerve bundle ever to exist in your body, you feel the clouds of euphoria come at your being. You slowly find yourself losing your being into the sheer bliss of Chan's actions.
With one more rough thrust, you are unable to hold back and with a loud cry, you come undone around Chan's cock. Feeling your walls clamp vigorously around his length, he lets out a deep growl and continues to thrust his hips into you. It is these thrusts that draw out your orgasm, bringing forth waves of bliss and euphoria, slowly seeming to shut down all your senses. The results of your intense orgasm still fluctuate through you. Your thighs tremble and toes curl. Your walls wrap so tightly around his cock that it drives him close.
His cock pulsates in your warmth and you know it too. "Oh fuck! That’s it, princess,” Chan groans out. He thrusts back into you messily, trying to keep up with the same initial pace. However, he falls out of the same relentless thrusting in the pursuit of his own orgasm. Burying his cock as deep into you, he erupts inside of you. He plays with your clit and comes undone in your core as he swears under breath, unfiltered compliments showered upon you. 
His thick cum fills you up. Buried deep, he empties everything of his load, coating your walls with thick stripes of his residue. Slowly, you find yourself back to your senses, body more alive, having ridden yourself of the giddiness of your orgasm. Your body shudders under him in your haze of orgasm.
Chan pulls out his softened cock out from you, glistening under the coated mixture of yours and his orgasm. He holds you close and rubs the side of your face gently as he compliments you, "You did so well, princess. I'm proud of you."
You kiss his lips in response, a soft, chaste one. Chan continues showering you with compliments as he falls by your side, holding you close into his sweaty naked being. He lifts himself soon enough to attend to you when you pull him down, locking him with your grip on his wrist.
"Let me take care of you, baby."
"Five minutes more, please." You look at him with a puppy like expression and Chan sighs, knowing fully well that there would be no way that he could deny your request. 
"Fine, princess," he rubs your hair away from your forehead and pulls you impossibly closer into his chest. 
"Happy Valentine's Day, baby."
Chan chuckles, kissing the top of your head and then your forehead as he teases, "You worked too much for a Valentine's Day, baby."
"Please," you stretch the syllable and speak into Chan's chest. "If anything, it is the wildest one I've ever lived to attend."
And as Chan holds you through the night, attending and taking care of you, his phone beeps soon enough,
[1] Voicemail from Changbin Happy Valentine's Day, beautiful and to you too, Chan. Call me back when you hear this. Bye.
[1] Message from Jisung This is how technology works??!!!! Oh my God. Fancy. Anyhow, Happy Valentine's Day. This goes down in my history as best Valentine's Day ever, bitches. P.S. Best sex ever too. Let's have a foursome sometime soon.
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yichimi · 3 years
Hi! I would like to request obey me head cannons, specifically Levi and Satan! Thank you!!!
✨Thank you for your request and patience✨
A/N: ayyy i really hope i do this right this is my first request and i wanna do it right! So thanks a lot ✨♥️
Leviathan and Satan boyfriend headcanons
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You two are literally the couple that is so cute it's actually disgusting-
But of course it took Levi and you a while to even get there
Levi was shy from the start on
It was a friend's to lovers kind of thing-
He warmed up to you as a friend and is really happy to have you as a friend by his side
But soon both of you catched feelings and suddenly all the awkwardness cake back to him
It took him at least 2 or 3 good weeks to even try to hold your hand
He was nervous for the most smallest things that are not a big deal, he over thought everything to much-
But things quickly changed as he got used to it! He's only a bit more nervous in public that's all ^^
You honestly got the best boyfriend of all if you want any type of merch, mangas, figures or cosplay costumes or anything like that, because he's the one who knows where to get the best stuff!
You just need to say a word and BOOM! the next day you'll have it
He really loves to see you smile btw osnwosisod
Oh and pleaaaaase play some video games with him! He'd really adore you being his player two (even tho it's a cliché)
And before i forget it, if you cosplay you now have a partner to do it with. He's always up for it and actually loves (even though he gets shy) when you do his make up too
You + Ruri-chan cosplay = ✨ Perfection✨
(you were perfection before✨♥️)
Like i said, it took him weeks to get to hold your hand and it's still a struggle in public. But in private it's something else, when he holds your hand and feels your fingers around his he feels calm and can sometimes really forget about what upset him in that moment
Soooo he's the avatar of envy soooo-consider him being very jelly jelly when his brothers are near you or way to close
He likes to have you close by his side or just even near him so he can have an eye on you
Yk he works very hard on the relationship with you he's not going to let one of his brothers just take you away ykyk
He also actually has a playlist for you!...he actually has many, like for both of you, or songs that remind him of you, songs that give him comfort when you aren't there, your favorite songs, your favorite anime openings and endings, and so much more
He really wants to make you happy so he always remembers and trys really hard to remember too what you like and dislike
He sometimes even writes them down on notes
Levi can remember literally every single anime and character you told him about
Or what type of games you like
Or songs
Or food
Or places
Or just literally everything at all-
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First of all, if you're in a relationship with this handsome man right there, expect at least 3 cat pics a day from him
Sometimes he'll even say the cat reminded him of you of how cute or beautiful it looks
Soooo i don't wanna talk about Satan and cats all the time becouse he's not only about cat's-
This man wants and will try to cuddle you and read with you and make you tried just so he can see you asleep in his arms and feel like he's the one who protects you right now
Feels kinda prideful of the fact that you chose him, and not one of his brothers (and definitely Lucifer)
And if Lucifer happens to like you, Satan will brag to him no end and tease him-
Satan is your daily reminder of anything (my weird headcanon), you have a doctor's appointment? He's the one who reminds you of it
Homework? Satan is on his way to tell you you need to do it (with his help of course)
You didn't drank enough today? This man will literally drown you then-
And if you feel down or sad he's always there for you whenever you need him
Deep talks are a must when you're with Satan, they basically happen every night and it's the best comfort actually
Satan has sooo many books in his room you're literally in paradise when you love reading as much as him. And if not it's still fine because you can still use these books for your own need, like when you need them for some sort of project or anything like that, ykyk for studys-
Dates are best because 1. Satan is gonna take you to the most beautiful places you never saw before and 2. He knows Lucifer will be damn annoyed in the end that you both snuck out
So it's a plus for both of you-
Fun fact: he confessed to you when he was mad he just babbled it out and realized later
He was mad and jealous at how close you and Lucifer sat together at dinner and how much he talked to you-
Did Satan took and still takes you on a date in the cat cafe?
He sure does-
Does he regret it?
Hell no!
It never gets boring to pet such cute and fluffy cat's
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stellar-imagines · 3 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝that's a little dark.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Class 1-A ]
「 Class 1-A with an emotionless reader who gets hit with a quirk that make them turn back into a child along with the mentality of a child. In the end, Class 1-A and then fluff ensues with them basically fawning over a cute shy and easily flustered reader. But, they discover something about you.」
You couldn't remember what you did yesterday but it felt like you had the greatest sleep in your entire life. As your eyes adjusted to the surprisingly bright light, you slowly got up and looked at your surroundings. The place was unfamiliar and for a second, you found yourself rubbing your eyes and yawning. It seemed that you were in an infirmary of some sort but you don't recall going to school or anything. There were bandages around your arms and neck but it wasn't anything new.
"Oh, you're finally awake, my child." an old lady you didn't recognize swivelled around her office chair and hopped off.
"Who are you and where am I?" you asked, voice coming out a bit weaker than you had expected.
She identified herself as Recovery Girl — the nurse of the school and explained what had happened to you. It seemed like you got hit by a quirk in an unfortunate accident which caused you to turn back into a child with no memory of yourself in the future. You didn't believe it until you saw the different technologies and the date on the calendar. Never in your life you had felt so out of place in your entire life.
While the friendly old lady was trying her best to fill you in, the door to infirmary opened and a brown haired girl stepped in. She had has shoulder length, brown hair that's bobbed and curved inwards at the end. The girl looked at you for a moment, her eyes lit up and you could sense the relief in her eyes. She dropped her belongings and rushed towards the bed you had been sitting on. You backed away on instinct, slightly intimidated by how aggressive she was being.
”Where did you get those injuries from!? I thought you just got hit by a quirk on accident!” she exclaimed, looking at the gauze wrapped around your wrists and neck.
”Calm down. You’re scaring the poor girl.” Recovery Girl stepped in before this brown haired stranger did anything to you.
Recovery Girl explained your situation to the girl who quickly understood the situation. She then approached you but this time, she did it cautiously and ensured that you wouldn’t feel uncomfortable nor intimidated by her. After a quick introduction, you leaned that she was Uraraka Ochaco and supposedly one of your classmates. She got down to your eye level and attempted to befriend you. She tried asking a few questions about yourself. You could answer the simplest questions like ones about yourself. However when it came to questions about the times you spend in UA, you shook your head to everything, none of them sounded familiar to you.
Uraraka spoke in a gentle manner that you were not used to and it didn't take long for you to get comfortable around her. She entertained you by telling stories about her life in UA and heroes. The brunette managed to make you smile a bit with her way of storytelling which included a bit of exaggeration here and there along with the occasional hand gestures.
"Uraraka-san? Are you ready to go back to the dorms?" another unfamiliar voice was heard from the entrance of the infirmary. You saw a few heads peek into the infirmary, those you did not recognize at all.
With the help of Uraraka, your situation was explained to the new people that just arrived. It didn't take long for your classmates to gather around you and pointing out how cute you were. Though it was a bit embarrassing to be put under the spotlight, you quite liked the feeling of having so many people care about you. It made you think about how bright the future seemed for you.
You were brought back to the dorms where you met up with your other classmates. Those who knew about your current situation quickly explained what was going on with you to avoid any misunderstanding and confusion. You stood awkwardly at the entrance, fiddling with the hem of your dress and looking down to avoid eye contact. Suddenly, you were pushed forward by an unknown force, falling on your knees.
“Who left their fucking child here?” a scary looking guy glared down at you as you tried recovering from the small fall you had.
”Hey, Bakugou! Mind your language!” his friend whispered at the ash blonde who just clicked his tongue in response.
Their loud voices startled you which resulted in you to hide behind Uraraka's legs as if it was the safest place in the world. You gripped tightly on her skirt, hiding yourself from the people you didn't recognize. Loud voices always made you nervous and scared, it reminded you of your mother whenever she was unsatisfied with your performance. Uraraka let her hand stroke your hair to soothe your nerves a little. Ashido stood in front of the two of you with her hands on her hips, looking like a mother reprimanding their child.
"Bakugou, you're scaring [First Name]!" the pink haired girl scolded Bakugou who seemed a bit confused.
"You're telling me this brat is [Nickname]?" he closed the distance between the two of you with a few large strides. He stared at your for a few seconds to study your face a bit. It didn't take him that long to actually recognize a few familiar features and eventually he walked off, muttering something under his breath.
"I've never seen her like this before!" Uraraka cooed as you continued to hide behind her legs. You were never the type to be in the center of attention and didn't have any friends in when you were young because of how shy and awkward you were. Ashido crouched down and offered you a small jar of cookies that she had found in the kitchen.
"Should we send her home? She might be more comfortable staying with her parents." Yaoyorozu suggested, watching you munching on the cookie that you've been handed to.
"I think its best we tell her family about it this." Iida took it upon himself to pull out his phone and prepare to dial your home.
”Are we all having a sleepover?” you spoke up after being silent almost the entire time you arrived at the dorms.
"I don't want to go home." Everyone stopped to stare at you for a while, some surprised because it was the first time they've heard you since you came back. The girls looked at each other for a while as if they were silently communicating with one another. Midoriya who seemed to be the first one to notice that you seemed a bit uncomfortable, crouched down in front of you.
"You can stay here with us if you want. I'm sure everyone is okay with that." the viridian haired male gave you a gentle smile that made you feel a bit relaxed.
"Do you like having sleepovers, [First Name]-chan?" Ashido plopped down right next to you.
"I don't have friends and mommy doesn't like having me around." you mumbled.
"That's silly. I'm sure your mother is worried about you." Iida replies.
"Nu uh, mommy strangles me like this every night.” you shook your head lightly and wrapped your hands around your neck to imitate someone strangling you. The room immediately grew silent at your comment, clearly unsure of how to respond to your oddly specific comparison.
"Haha, good joke [First Name]-chan!" Kaminari patted your head gently, his laugh clearly a forced one.
"Mommy used to pull my hair too."
You never the friendly type of person to begin with anyways. From the very first day you got into UA, you were quite anti-social, never initiating any conversations or made effort to befriend anyone. However, it was quite surprising to know that you've been abused when you were younger. Almost everyone seemed shocked by the revelation and had no idea how to react.
"My mom gave me this scar." Todoroki crouched down next to you and gestured to the scar over his eye.
”I can’t believe that the only thing closed off people have in common is the fact that they’ve been abused.” Jirou muttered out loud.
"Okay, don't worry! We're all having a sleepover tonight!" Uraraka beamed brightly which made your eyes light up like a Christmas tree. A small smile made its way to your features and you couldn't help but sway excitedly.
"Everyone is joining right?"
There was no way they could refuse those hopeful eyes of yours, not when you have been through so much at such an age. They all seemed eager, suggesting a movie, snacks and games.One particular ash blonde looked indifferent, hands shoved into his pockets as he began to slowly walk away from the crowd of people. The first person to notice that he was making his way back to his own room was Iida.
"Where are you going Bakugou-kun?" the class president had asked as if it was a natural that Bakugou was also supposed to be a part of this so called 'sleepover'. Bakugou glanced over his shoulder, eyes narrowing at Iida as if he had gone insane.
"What makes you think that I will join this stupid—" the ash blonde gestured at whatever was going on.
"But a sleepover is not one without everyone." your quiet voice interrupted, your small hands tugging at his pants. He held his tongue after seeing Iida wildly gesture at him not to be so mean to you. The entirety of the class seemed to be really hell bent on giving you what you wanted.Bakugou felt his eyebrows twitching and began weighing his options.
Sero, Ashido, Kaminari and Kirishima were openly pleading him to stay while some others seem to believe that Bakugou would never want to sit down for a stupid sleepover. The ash blonde gave in, realizing that no matter what he chose, it won't be any different. If he chose to not participate, he probably won't be able to fall asleep from all the noise. And the possibly of witnessing these extras embarrass themselves didn't sound too bad.
"Fine! You guys are so annoying....." Bakugou grumbled. Your eyes lit up at his change of heart and began tugging him enthusiastically towards the common area’s couch.
Why does he agree to the stupidest things?
Total: 1717 words Published: 05.06.2021
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 We tried our best for this scenario. Hope we reached your expectations! We hope you liked it! ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting it! Tumblr has changed how the asks look and it looks very different. Hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
Requests are open! Matchups are closed!
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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kaaytea · 3 years
How about being the manager of Inarizaki, Nekoma, Seijoh and Shiratorizawa and how the boys would feel when they finally finally get a manager? :0
New Manager
⤷Includes: Nekoma, Inarizaki, Seijoh, Shiratorizawa
A/n: I haven't written for the HQ boys in a hot minute so I was sUper hyped for this! Thank you for the request, dear 💕
Nekoma has been manager-less for so long that literally the entire team was dumbfounded when they spotted you chilling next to Nekomata
Like hello??? Who are you and what are you doing in their gym???
There's a good few seconds of silence when Nekomata introduces you
Despite being cats, they greatly resembled their Fukurodani rivals as they blinked back at you with big curious eyes
That is until Yamamoto slumps to his knees and starts tearing up, blabbering on about how they've been blessed with a manager while a quiet Fukunaga pats his back in an almost humouring manner
Yamamoto's out burst is what loosens up the team and they start making their way to introduce themselves to you
The first is Kuroo, who approaches you with a welcoming smirk which was quickly followed by a gentle smile from Kai and a reassuring pat on the back from Yaku
The first years are VERY eager to meet you! Lev and Inouka are bouncing around you spewing out questions to the point where Yaku has to kick them both and send them off to warm up
Sweet Shibayama very nervously bows at you and thanks you for taking care of the team (what a baby 🤧💕)
The entire team absolutely loves you by the end of your first day (yes even the aloof creature that is Kenma, though he'll never admit it)
Nekoma's inner team dynamic is very familial and you're immediately sucked into the little family vibes they got going on
The first years love to be around you! (Specifically Lev bc you're not as mean to him as everyone else)
The first years are always volunteering to help you carry equipment or water bottles
You once caught one of the jokes Fukunaga muttered during practice so now the two of you bounce little puns and jokes off of eachother to see who can get the other to laugh first (he is currently winning. although, you got him to tear up from laughing so hard once which you've been counting as 10 wins)
The third years tend to mother hen you a bit, specifically Yaku and Kuroo
Kuroo made it very clear to you that you're apart of the team even if you don't play on the court, so as captain it's his job to make sure all his players are ok (mentally, physically, socially, you name it! He's always looking out for you and is basically your big brother)
You and Yaku bond over the fact that you're both the unofficial team moms. The two of you are very organized and have a whole ass check list that you BOTH go over at least twice before the team leaves for a game or training camp
Kai is like your calm in the storm that is Nekoma. The two of you have had numerous conversations about anything from books to cafés and he's always willing to lend an ear if you need to rant
Kenma is a fairly distant person but he warms up to you when he notices how caring you are. He even let's you play his DS on the train rides to and from Nekoma
You're a brave soul if you are willingly becoming the manager of Inarizaki
Kita is actually the one who asked if you wanted to be the teams manager
He saw you cleaning the board in a classroom during lunch break and was impressed by how well of a job you did
It doesn't matter if you said yes out of fear from Kita's blank stare or because you were genuinely interested bc now you're standing in the volleyball gym, clad in Inarizaki's signature maroon tracksuit
The team notices you instantly, particularly a certain blonde Miya
Before Kita even got a chance to introduce you to everyone, Atsumu had wandered over to you with a lazy smile tugging at his lips
Atsumu introduced himself and then started asking what you were doing here
"Are ya lost?" "Ya here to admire me?" "Ya dating one of the players?"
You didn't get a chance to answer his questions as Osamu lovingly threw a Volleyball at Atsumu, cutting off any moment you had to respond
The only problem was that Atsumu noticed the volleyball rOcketing towards him and scrambled out of the way like a startled cat, leaving the ball to hit you instead of its intended target
The silence that hung over the gym was deafening as the younger team members watched Kita and Aran rush over to assist your now bloody nose
Just as quick as it had started, the silence was broken by Atsumu yelling at his brother for hitting a helpless person in the face and the gym quickly descended into madness
Aran held a towel to your nose and gave you a few encouraging pats on the back as the both of you watched Kita chew out the twins (safe to say Kita was hard on them during practice)
Osamu approached you during a water break to apologize and, to the surprise of the entire team, gave you the extra pudding he had as a peace offering
Since that incident Osamu and Atsumu stopped throwing volleyballs at each other's heads (at least when you were around that is)
The team is also surprisingly protective of you
The glares people get at tournaments if they try to flirt with you are terrifying
You become pretty close with Suna as the both of you tend to sit back and watch Atsumu and Osamu fight (you tried to step in once but they literally only respond to Kita so it didn't do much)
Suna also pats you on the head whenever he passes you
(it's something he does to his little sister to show some form of affection/appreciation and now he does it to you for the very same reasons)
This goes with out saying, but the twins love you
Osamu still feels bad about the whole hitting you in the face thing so he always shares any snacks he's got on him with you
Atsumu truly just likes being babied by you
Any ounce of praise or happy smiles directed at him has him acting like a puppy
(does 'Tsumu have a tiny crush on you? Yep he totally does!)
Kita and Aran are absolute sweethearts!! They are both very grateful for all the work you put in and treat you to boba every other week as a thank you :))
It was a new school year and you decided to push yourself out of your comfort zone a bit
What better way to do that then be a manager for a sports team!
Apparently one of your classmates let it slip that you were looking to be a manager for a sports team because you were approached by a very buff and very attractive guy a few days after asking if you'd be interested in helping the volleyball team
You happily agreed to do a trial day that afternoon, to which the player, who you now know as Iwaizumi-san, breathed a sigh of relief and said he'd pick you up after school to take you to the gym
So the school day is over, Iwaizumi meets you outside your classroom and you're off!
As you walk to the gym he fills you in on some of the tasks the manager would have to do
The job didn't sound that terrible so you were a bit confused as to why Iwaizumi was having such a hard time finding a manager
"Let's just say that the applicants were more interested in staring at our captain than the actual job." He had told you
Ok so first unofficial rule....don't stare at the Seijoh volleyball team's captain? A bit odd but who were you to judge, maybe the guy was shy and didn't like attention
Your thoughts were cut off by the crisp slap! Of a ball hitting the floor followed by a few short yells from the players littered across the court
Your attention was then caught by the sensation of someone draping their arm over your shoulders and a tangy apple smell invading your senses
"Oh? I didn't know you were dating someone, Iwa-chan~"
Iwaizumi shoved the brunette off of you and quickly explained that you were just here to test out being the manager for the day
The player's eyes lit up and he turned to you with a bubbly smile, introducing himself as Seijoh's captain, Oikawa Tooru
Ah, Captain.... Now you knew why they were having trouble finding someone who didn't stare
Your first day went fairly smooth, just a few blunders that were quickly forgotten by the team after Oikawa cheerfully told you: "Everyone has to start somewhere, (y/n)-chan!"
After the first week you had to admit that the Aoba Johsai volleyball team were quickly becoming some of your best friends, you all fit together like a dysfunctional family
Makki, Mattsun, and Iwa would always agree/praise you when you joined in one the daily Oikawa roast session
Oikawa (when he wasn't pouting about how "mean" you are to him) was fairly sweet to you
He spent the first month helping you learn the rules about volleyball and explaining the lingo the team often used during plays
Although, he does jokingly flirt with you about 40 thousand times a week so...
Kindaichi is a nervous wreak around you the first few weeks. Eventually his nervous demeanor melts away. Now he goes to you whenever he needs someone to toss the ball up for him so he can practice his spikes
Kunimi likes you simply because you let him get away with napping during water breaks
Kyotani acts like you annoy him but if anyone made you cry or hurt you in some way he would burn the entire gym down in a heartbeat
Did I mention that Seijoh are also very protective of you?
When at tournaments they travel in a small pack with you in the middle to reduce the chances of you getting hit on
Shiratorizawa is a very nice and prestigious school so you thought why not participate in an extracurricular that would be beneficial for, not only your resume, but you yourself as well!
Out of all the clubs you chose volleyball which you're starting to regret a bit since one of your friends informed you that the team is a powerhouse school
Which means you can't make a bad impression or silly mistakes.....at all
That entire philosophy is thrown oUt the window on your second day as the official manager
You somehow managed to trip over your own feet and slam into a cart full of spare balls AND spill the water bottles you were carrying all over yourself
You were hoping that the team, by some miraculous reason, didn't notice but the stifled giggles from a certain red head said otherwise
You would give anything for the ground to just swallow you up and disappear forever
But then you saw a pair of gym shoes standing in front of you and when you looked up you were met with THE Ushijima Wakatoshi, captain and ace of shiratorizawa, offering you help to stand up
You hadn't seen Ushijima be more than a stoic and intimidating guy so you were even more surprised when he gave one of his spare shirts to change into now that you had spilt water on yourself
I guess you could say your little clumsy episode was what broke the ice for you and the team
Tendou loves talking with you
You're an interesting person to him and he finds great pleasure in teasing you (in his own words it's "out of love")
Ushijima ended up not being as intimidating as you originally pegged him to be. Instead, he was just a quiet guy who surprisingly could say some pretty funny things (whether or not he intended it to be funny)
Goshiki just loves you. Period.
You praise him and give him head pats so he couldn't be happier!
Tendou and Shirabu tease him all the time about how he has a case of puppy love for you (which Goshiki aggRessively denies no matter how red his face is)
Semi is someone who is grateful for your assistance with the team and does his very best to get Tendou out of your hair when you're trying to do your manager work. He also shares his headphones with you on long bus rides so you can listen to music together!
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oh-boy-me · 3 years
Can I please see MC beating the brothers at something they would normally excel at? Thank you, and have a great day or night! 💚
Hello look I’m finally getting back to old requests!  Surprise, 💚 anon!
Also, I chose specific things for MC to beat them at, because it made it easier to formulate thoughts.
Lucifer: Chess
Hmm.  This is.  He doesn’t like this.
He’s the demon of pride.  He’s supposed to be--no, he is--the best at everything.  Diavolo and Barbatos are the only ones allowed to hold a candle to him.
“Congratulations, MC,” he says out loud.  “It was a fluke.  I let them win.  There’s no way they actually beat me,” he says to himself.  He tries to hide his bad mood, but it’s pretty noticeable that he’s seething in his seat.
He needs to reclaim his throne, and they better not even think about letting him win or they’ll just make things worse.  Is this a healthy way to handle defeat?  Absolutely not.  But a hit to his pride is a hit to his pride, and he doesn’t take those as well as he’d like you to think.
The only way for MC to remedy this quickly is to point out that he taught them these skills.
Honestly the fact that it was chess specifically doesn’t really matter.  Lucifer is only fine with being second best at something if it’s luck-based (like Candy Land), or if he REALLY doesn’t care about it (like Candy Land).
Just kidding.  He will destroy them at Candy Land if it’s the last thing he does.
Mammon: Card Games
I tried to keep things related to their sins out of this, because being beaten at your sin would probably make you question your identity.  But with Mammon most of his hobbies seem to tie into his sin in some way, so I think this is our best option.
Anyway, Mammon isn’t happy about this by any means, but it’s also not going to ruin his day like it’d ruin Lucifer’s.
Like, he’ll grumble about it.  And complain.  Loudly.  He might even spam the group chat complaining about it while MC is still right next to him shuffling cards, and then Asmo will say “lol” and Lucifer will accuse him of something unrelated and that’ll make him grumble more.
And MC might have to step in somehow to get him to stop pouting.
If they were playing for money, he’s gonna keep demanding rematches until either he wins or something forces them to stop.
Unlike Lucifer, Mammon will be fine with them letting him win.
But once again, that’s for the money, not really for his pride.  He’s kind of used to losing at the things he’s good at.
Leviathan: Video Games
Hmm this is he doesn’t like this #2
Levi’s kind of built his identity around the things that he’s good at and the things he likes, so for MC to come in and upset that makes him, well, upset.
The first time sucks.  Like Lucifer, he sits there stewing in his frustration.  Unlike Lucifer, he doesn’t bother trying to hide it.  He might even tear up, which definitely pulls on the heartstrings but he shouldn’t be such a sore loser.
The closer MC is with him, the less upset he’ll be over time, though.  Because it changes from “this fucking normie came in and ruined everything” to “ahhhh dammit my friend beat me”.
Also, he’ll only get moody if MC beats him at a game he’s currently invested in.  He’s not gonna be surprised if he’s a little rusty at Street Fighter II now, but ex-father have mercy on anyone who beat him at a DBFZ when it first came out.
He’ll only legitimately try to kill them if they beat his Ruri-chan platformer speedrun time.
Satan: Grades
Satan thinks it’s great!!  He highly values being smart, but he doesn’t think it’s threatening for someone else to be smart too (except Lucifer).
If anything, he’s glad to know MC is someone he can reliably study and compare answers with.  Most of his study buddies end up being impromptu tutoring pupils, and he’d really like to just study for once.
Maybe it's surprising that the avatar of wrath isn’t angry, but like, he seriously doesn’t see this as something to be angry about.
Of course, he’s still literally the sorest loser in the three realms.  Never play games with him.  But this wasn’t a competition, and I can’t exactly say he excels at anything that would be considered a competition.  So yeah, MC manages to escape his wrath through a loophole in the ask.
Is he mad that he didn’t get full marks?  Of course.  But he’s mad at the teacher, not MC.  Unless MC tries to rub it in his face, because that’s just rude.
Asmodeus: Design
I was gonna do like a popularity contest, but we’ve seen him go through one in canon and that’s not gonna really add anything new.
So!  Let’s say he and MC’s designs were both candidates for something, and MC’s ended up being chosen.
Hmm this is he doesn’t like this #3
The problem is that while design has nothing to with his sin, and therefore his base identity, he sure seems to think it does.  Asmo thinks his entire personality is the things he’s good at.
He’s simultaneously the easiest and hardest to deal with out of those who are legitimately upset.  The easiest because while he’ll pout a bit, he’s going to properly congratulate them and it’s hard to tell that he’s upset when he’s giving them so many compliments and talking about how he’s gonna buy one of everything.
The hardest because he’s actually really passive aggressive about it.  For a WHILE.
He’ll also definitely try to steal their ideas for the future, or seduce whoever’s in charge of making the final selection.  It doesn’t matter if he got chosen legitimately or not, what matters is that he gets chosen period.
The best thing MC can do in this situation is get him to understand he wouldn’t actually be happy with a shallow victory like that.
Beelzebub: Sports
Another one who is very excited to have an equal!
Sports need more than one player, after all, and it gets really boring if your opponent is no match for you.
He’ll start to consider MC his friendly rival.  He asks them what their training regimen is and what diet they’ve adopted, so they can compare it with his own (scaled down to be equivalent).  Basically he gets information from them like Asmo does, but unlike Asmo Beel gets it by asking and shares the benefits with MC.
If there’s a sport that neither of them have tried before, he’d love to see how they do one-on-one as complete novices.  He’ll do his best to be mindful of his brute strength advantage if it’s a sport where that would matter.
The only thing he could be upset about MC beating him in is those restaurant challenges where you finish a massive dish within a time limit.  But even then, it’s not because he’s upset he lost.  He’s more concerned about their health, because if MC beat him at that holy shit.
He doesn’t care.
This took so long to come out because I couldn’t think of something MC would beat him at that he would care about.
Slept longer than him??  He’s not gonna throw a fit about that.
And it’s not like he goes into things expecting to win; he barely wants to do things at all.
So yeah the answer for Belphie is it doesn’t matter what you beat him at, he won’t lose sleep over it.
Lmao sloth pun
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