#and the humor was subpar a lot of the time
poptart-productions · 2 years
afk !
[streamer! eren x reader headcanons/drabble]
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↳ ❝ [pairing] ¡! ❞
modern! eren jaeger x black fem! reader
↳ ❝ [content/warnings] ¡! ❞
manbun eren, german native! eren, foreign/western! y/n, simp/maidenless! eren
↳ ❝ [nova’s notes] ¡! ❞
manbun eren brainrot
got a rumbling eren! x modern! reader coming out soon so look out for that if you’re interested!
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↳ you caught eren’s eye while you were studying abroad at his university
↳he’d never seen anyone like you before; you made the bold choice of wearing your hair natural and he thought it was so cute—purely irresistible
↳eren being eren, came to your defense when he saw people petting you like a dog
↳ he had no idea you watched his streams as a method of practicing the german language
↳ he learned a little english to impress you, and even though it was severely broken, you thought the effort to make you comfortable was sweet
↳when you told him you watched his streams he lowkey wanted to crawl into a hole and die—a lot of his streams was just him finding a game he liked and turning on his subpar camera. in other words: he had no filter
↳he acted cool about it— “nice to know i have such a beautiful fan” the translating app would say back to you in it’s robotic voice and you would smile up at him—but he was extremely embarrassed that your heavenly ears have been tainted by all his swearing and screaming
↳after that, you noticed he’d been more subdued; but that made his eventual outbursts all the more hilarious
↳sort of desperate to talk to you, so you two came up with a deal in which he taught you german and you taught him english
↳genuinely put in a lot of work into paying attention to your lessons and practicing in his free time so within a year he was already learning about slang
↳after learning that you watched his stuff religiously, he started putting a lot of effort into his appearance—it was for you; he would wash his face and hair before getting on stream, tying his hair up into what would become his iconic manbun, and he would constantly glance into his viewfinder to adjust his appearance
↳meanwhile: mikasa and armin, who were both visiting their families were immediately suspicious
↳as his best friends they watched every single stream—and they know him well enough to know he’s never been a model—he’s got the looks for it, sure, but it seems like whenever a user by the name of [idk_cantspeakgerman] says a broken hello in the chat, he seems to think he is. re-tying his hair, unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt, and straightening his posture
↳ ”it’s about a girl” they both agreed; and a special one too
↳mikasa calls him out on it immediately, and eren gets belligerently dismissive of the idea—him, having a crush? no way.
↳eren, with your encouragement and help, switches from his german streaming service to twitch; “you’re pretty good at english—and you’re super funny, so if you stream on twitch in english you’ll reach a wider audience—i’ll even help out!”
“really? you’ll help?” your feverish nod and cute facial expression made his heart swell, so he agreed
↳due to his good looks, humor, and a video of him flying off the handle completely in german blowing up on twitter, all of his socials have literally been vibrating ever since
↳then mikasa and armin got back; mikasa is a little skeptical at first, but once she sees how good of a person you are + that poc solidarity, she now seems to like you better than she does eren
↳now the three are constantly checking up on you and making sure you feel included. they know you study hard so you have to miss out on hangouts sometimes
↳it was during one of these hangouts that eren’s feelings toward you become undeniable
“let’s take a picture for [n/n]” mikasa shows a tiny smile as your nickname falls from her lips; she adjusts her bangs
“sure,” armin nods, fixing his jacket and ensuring that his cute milkshake was in frame as mikasa lifted her phone above their heads
eren quickly glances up at the screen, his face contorting as he stares at his image—he begins to recoil as mikasa started counting,
“—wait, wait, fuck” the brunette pulls himself out of the frame and takes his hair down
he pulls it back up, and fixes his shirt before sliding back in next to armin as if nothing has happened
mikasa and armin are silent and unmoving for an embarrassing amount of time.
“are you gonna take the picture?” trying his best to hold his ‘smoldering gaze’ into the camera, eren fails to notice the exasperated sighs coming from his two friends
↳like i said, despite his good looks—bro is very much maidenless, which isn’t his fault, (i hc him to be somewhat aro) but it still makes him unsure how to approach you about this—or even act around you now that he realizes his feelings
↳mikasa is lowkey eren’s top op when it comes to keeping those feelings a secret from you—it gets to a point where he literally refuses to let you two be alone, and constantly looks over her shoulders when she’s texting you
↳we’re getting off topic but his feelings for you are put on blast when his DUMBASS forgot that there were german speakers that watched his stream
it started with an innocent call from you—well, perhaps it was a little deceptive “i know you’re streaming but this is urgent—will there be food at your mom’s place, yes or no?”
all of the tension and worry he was holding melted away, and he let go of a breathy laugh; “yeah, my mom always makes food for guests”
his eyes flicker to the chat, who was curious as to who he was talking to, ‘my friend’ he mouths to the camera
“say less, me and mika will be over there in a bit—later, ren-ren!”
the nickname is new.
from you at least.
armin started calling him that as a mean-spirited joke when he found out his mother used that nickname when he was young.
armin must’ve told you—you couldn’t have known that it annoyed him, you sounded so innocent and sweet—like you just wanted to give a nickname to your friend
and when you said it, eren didn’t even care; it was honey flowing from those lips of yours
something about it was so domestic; like you were his loving girlfriend, calling to check up on him.
he almost wanted to throw his head back and sink into the bliss you had single-handedly caused him to stumble into
but then carla, who had long since finished her cooking and was silently watching her son’s streaming out of frame, breaks her silence to ask, in german, “who is that—is that the girl you like—“ “yes, mom it is” he tenses, but forces a laugh and hopes his camera doesn’t pick up the red on his cheeks
“she’s a good one.”
when i tell you, when the translations came out, eren was being nothing short of harassed by his so-called fans.
obviously after that,
you knew.
↳the two of you awkwardly avoided each other for like a day, before you asked him out to coffee over the phone
↳coffee date with streamer eren. that’s it.
↳he’s super sweet and quiet during the date, just invested in whatever you’re talking about
↳like deadass, if you’re like me and just say random shit because you have adhd or just wanna fill the silence, he might freak you out. you’ll just say something about “this is some sweet coffee” and then you look up and he’s staring you down
↳speaking of adhd. eren def has that, and it shows through in his streams but he tries his best around you
↳speaking of trying his best, he literally treats you as his wife—you’re the only girl he’s ever romantically loved, so he genuinely sees you in his future; because of you, he sees his streaming as less of a hobby and more of a career, and he literally manifests/puts it in his journal that he wants to give you a luxurious life
please give him the world—i love him he’s perfect
↳his mother sees how much this means to him, and that his job is raking in a lot of money, so carla allows him to switch to an online curriculum in order to focus on his career
↳of course, that means you see each other much less. you want to support his dreams so you try to get used to it—but it’s eren’s fault for spoiling you with his love and affection—you couldn’t just go from all of that to just talking on the phone
↳he knew that his absence was hurting you, so every day he made an effort to take you back to the dorms after your classes.
“eren!” you practically tackled eren—you see him every day, and yet you act like long lost lovers every time, “princess!” he welcomes you with open arms, the same puppy-like adoration in his eyes you had, “i missed you”
“i missed you too”
↳will abandon his stream to swoop you out of class if you’re having a shitty day
↳gets super excited when tell him you wanna meet his fans, and keeps telling his chat “it’s a very special day”
↳they knew he was living in germany and was a native, so most were pleasantly surprised to find that he was in an interracial relationship
↳super clingy the whole stream.
“hi, i’m [y/n]! i’m from [h/c] and i’m this knucklehead’s girlfriend” you tried to give him a noogie, but it lowkey hurt so you stopped immediately
“sit on my lap?” you weren’t even given a chance to answer before he was pulling you onto the gaming chair with him
↳eren doesn’t get jealous when he sees comments about how beautiful you are—because you are, he’ll just tighten his grip on you and smile—that is, unless the comment is completely out of pocket. in which case, he will call them out
“also [username], you’re fucking disgusting”
“you don’t say that shit about any other person—and you had the fucking nerve to say that about her right where i can see it—right in front of her—shows you have no fucking respect”
“get the fuck off my stream—the fuck is wrong with you”
embarrassed, you attempt to do some damage control “babe—“
“—no, you don’t have to take that shit, alright? not when i’m here, alright?”
ngl men defending a woman’s honor is so goddamn hot oml
↳miss girl—when i tell you his fans LOVE YOU, there are entire channels and accounts dedicated to you two—entire video compilations dedicated to every time you say something funny on stream or are just existing next to your boyfriend
↳simps so hard and you don’t even realize; his face visibly softens when he looks into the viewfinder to find you peeking into the room
↳his nicknames for you are constantly changing as a result of his adhd: my baby/babe, gremlin, woman/girl, sexy, sweetheart, sweet girl, the girlfriend/the (future) wife
↳tries his best to avoid saying cringey shit and fetishizing you like: ‘i love you my little cocoa butter gumdrop nubian goddess’
↳unfortunately, though; your year studying abroad came to an end, and eren deadass cried into your lap the night before your flight home
↳he hugged you so tight you thought you’d break in the airport, he almost didn’t let go.
↳five weeks away from each other and he’s already crumbling. calling you every morning and night, and texting you every five minutes
↳eventually him, mikasa and armin all go silent on you after asking very specific and leading questions about your living arrangements and it you’re super confused,
“hey, [n/n]?” your roommate peeks into your room, as your currently contemplating switching majors—yes, this late
“yeah?” you inquire, not sparing her a second glance in favor of straining on the computer screen sat atop your lap
“your friends are here to see you?”
“hot as fuck, too” she whispers as she walks off
it’s that comment that finally gets you to look up, but she’s already gone
then, an unmistakable pair of emerald eyes peek into the room, scanning it briefly before locking onto you
you sat in stunned silence as the owner of those eyes fully steps into the room.
you fall over yourself trying to get to him, and eren meets you halfway, “eren!”
“hi, sweetheart!”
“fuck—i missed you”
“i missed you too”
armin and mikasa made their way up the stairs, seeming that eren was much more excited to see you than them, and they joined your embrace
as you sat on the floor in a group hug, you realized you stumbled upon some amazing people
↳eren planned to stream while there he really really did, but he got distracted by you so he spent that entire trip afk
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skippyv20 · 6 months
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Another brutal takedown of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, this time in the Times: “Their ability to generate wealth and sustain their brand has faced numerous obstacles. Showbusiness is attracted to success and financial gains. Turkeys are only acceptable for Thanksgiving. There’s speculation that the industry might be growing weary of their presence.” I've said this time and time again in my own videos and analysis on Harry and Meghan. The couple are lazy, talentless and expected the royal title to carry them through to great success, without doing the work necessary to make that happen. Hollywood wants to back winners, not losers, and Harry and Meghan have yet to prove that they are successful without trading off their royal relatives. But this was always going to be the case. Meghan Markle was never a great talent in Hollywood. She had a modest (modest) amount of success with 'Suits,' but she never proved to anyone that she was a creative. In fact, I'm personally of the opinion that she lacks creativity and whatever modest talents she had in that area she failed to cultivate. When it comes to creativity, you need both talent and hard work. I've found this when it comes to my own writing, which I struggled with for years (I would be embarrassed to share any of my college or graduate work from 10 years ago). But I knew I had some talent, and made the decision to refine it, which I did. I took opportunities, honed my craft, had better writers edit my work, and now I can say with good confidence that my writing is pretty solid. Am I the best in the world, no, do I still make obvious mistakes, yes, but I am far better now than I was even just five years ago. I've yet to see Harry and Meghan make any sort of effort at anything. They just walk in and seemingly tell Hollywood executives and the rest of the world, 'I'm royalty, so give me money because I'm royal and I may be able to make you money.' As it turns out though, that's not the case. Their productions times are abysmal, their product subpar, self-indulgent or just plain boring, and their sanctimonious and egotistical attitude leaves a lot to be desired. They were a curiosity Hollywood didn't mind indulging when it was making money hand over fist, but now that times are lean and the Harry and Meghan Show has fully lost its luster the industry isn't interested in humoring them anymore. They can no longer get by on being just "royals," they need to be creatives and business moguls if they truly want the $1 billion media/entertainment empire that was floated about them years ago. But I can't imagine Harry and Meghan will ever reach those heights. Neither are talented enough for the work that they're attempting to do and they need to either find another industry or job, because being cosplay royals isn't a career, it's a reflection of two pathetic people flailing after they made a catastrophic decision they can't take back.
Source: Peter Ford Twitter retweet from Royal News Network
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lookofhisoceaneyes · 2 months
**The Best of the Best: Must-Read Fanfiction Gems**
Marvel Fandom: 
1. when i die i’ll sacrifice (more than enough for the afterlife) by notcaycepollard
when i die i’ll sacrifice (more than enough for the afterlife) - notcaycepollard - Captain America (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]
The fall is longer than Natasha expects.
It’s tears cold on her face, teeth bitten all the way through her lip and the taste of copper in her mouth; she’s falling and falling and then, bracing for impact—she wakes up.
main ship: Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Oh my, Oh my, a kind of fix-it fic in which Natasha doesn't die but travels back in time and tries to make everything better. An absolute comfort fic for me. Quietnight has also recorded a really great podfic. Listen to it too!
the podfic: [Podfic] when i die i’ll sacrifice (more than enough for the afterlife) - quietnight - Captain America (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]
2. I'll explain everything to the geese by napricot
I'll explain everything to the geese - Chapter 1 - napricot - Marvel Cinematic Universe [Archive of Our Own]
Bucky is so competent that it hurts my feelings is not a rational complaint to have about a person, and yet, after a year of being Captain America and partnering up with Bucky for the new and improved, post-Blip Avengers, that’s kinda how Sam’s feeling.
It’s not great. It maybe leads to Sam making some rash, ill-advised decisions like claiming he has a previously undisclosed superpower, and then getting caught in a web of lies when he ends up actually developing that surprisingly inconvenient superpower. Talking to birds had seemed like a harmless superpower, but it turns out that birds have a lot of opinions, and they don’t hesitate to tell Sam about them, especially when it comes to his supposedly subpar courting skills. Which is ridiculous, because Sam isn’t courting Bucky. Right?
main ship: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson
I love SamBucky fic where Bucky is competent and has a lot of skills. The fic is very humorous and well written. It's about lots of talking birds and a rather smitten Sam. Be sure to check out napricot's profile. Quietnight has also recorded a great podfic, check it out too:
podfic:[Podfic] I'll explain everything to the geese - Chapter 1 - quietnight - Marvel Cinematic Universe [Archive of Our Own]
3. ain't really quaint by quietnight, silentwalrus
ain't really quaint - Chapter 1 - quietnight, silentwalrus - Captain America - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Natasha stops by on a Tuesday, early enough in the morning that it would have been late by Steve’s old standards. Now, though, it takes him nearly three minutes just to limp to the door, yawning, and when he opens it he has to lean heavily on the doorframe.
“Hi,” Natasha says, over the beginnings of birdsong. She’s not alone. “Can we come in?”
Main Ship: Steve Rogers/James "Bucky" Barnes 
You want a funny fic with comic accurate, Bucky Barnes, an absolute troll Steve Rogers (Who pretends to be a farmer?) Then you've come to the right place! Bucky is kind of a shy animal and Steve makes it harder for him than it should be. (In a funny way.)There's a great podfic from Quietnight here too (can you tell I love Quietnight's podfics?)
the podfic: [Podfic] ain't really quaint - Chapter 1 - quietnight - Captain America - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
4. the thing is by napricot
the thing is - Chapter 1 - napricot - Marvel Cinematic Universe [Archive of Our Own]
“I don’t have a problem!” Sam insists. “Bucky is not a problem. Bucky is on a beautiful journey of self-care and healing and making amends with his body, and I support him 100%.”
“Mmhmm,” says Sarah, and when Sam can tear his gaze away from Bucky, he sees that she’s fixing him with a sweetly compassionate gaze. He readies himself for some no-nonsense sisterly wisdom. In tones of deep sympathy, she says, “And you’re horny about it.”
Sam grits his teeth and grips the arms of his lounge chair. “I’m so horny about it, oh my god.”
Bucky is finally ready to make amends with himself, and specifically his body, but he might need to enlist some help. If that help involves kind of, sort of tricking an overworked Sam into doing some self-care and having some fun of his own, so much the better. Sam, meanwhile, is happy to help, it's just that helping Bucky is turning out to have the inconvenient side effect of falling for him too.
Main Ship: Sam Wilson/James "Bucky" Barnes 
Healing Bucky Barnes? Therapy, yoga and a stressed-out Sam who can't cope? Sign me up! Another fanfic that's a real comfort fic. Maybe I just want to be in such good therapy myself, but who knows. It's definitely worth it!
5. Out of the Dead Land by orphan_account
Out of the Dead Land - Chapter 1 - orphan_account - Captain America (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]
Someone is building machines that look and act like people.
Meanwhile, the Winter Soldier tries to be Bucky Barnes.
Main Ship: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
You want a fic where the Winter Soldier finds out he's Bucky Barnes? Join Bucky Barnes as he comes in from the cold. There's also a great podfic from Quietnight.
Podfic:[Podfic] Out of the Dead Land - Chapter 1 - quietnight - Captain America (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]
6. keep making trouble (til you find what you love) by squadrickchestopher
keep making trouble (til you find what you love) - squadrickchestopher - Marvel Cinematic Universe [Archive of Our Own]
“I am paying attention,” Clint says, glaring at him. He’s so done with this guy. “Your name is Cale Montague. You wear sunglasses both at night and inside, which means you’re doubly the tool I thought you were. Your first name is also a vegetable, so I’m guessing your parents were either hippies or super rich. You like to hit poor, defenseless guys, and your suit is very much a last season kind of thing. That about cover it?”
Montague looks a little nonplussed at this. Behind him, Barnes’s shoulders are shaking with muffled laughter. Clint stifles his own grin and waits for an answer.
After a moment, Montague pinches the bridge of his nose and says, “This is going to be a long night, isn’t it?”
Main Ship: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton (this is Comic!Clint Barton)
You like comic accurate Clint Barton and Bucky Barnes? Then this is the fic for you. A good pinch of humor, action and a lot of bickering. There is also a fantastic Podfic. Make sure to check it out!
the podfic: (next post)
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idkaguyorsomething · 1 year
Why You Should Read Known Associates
might as well start shouting it from the rooftops now that i’ve got one of these, but if you are in the Detective Conan/Case Closed fandom and you haven’t read Known Associates by @halfpennyjones you are missing out. it’s easily one of the best fics i’ve ever read and blows its source material out of the water.
who it centers on: kogoro mori/richard moore, ran mori/rachel moore, and conan. the story is told entirely from kogoro/richard’s perspective, so the focus tends to be on the people closest to him, like eri and inspector megure. there’s not a lot of the black organization or heiji, so if you’re just here for them, maybe this isn’t the fic for you. there’s so much great stuff, though, so don’t discount it just because of that!
why you should read it: Known Associates is one of those fics that expands upon canon characters and events that its source material didn’t give too much time to shine. retelling a lot of the events of the story from the perspective of kogoro/richard, it has a much more realistic take on a lot of canon. stuff like kogoro/richard’s subpar parenting skills, his divorce, his alcoholism, and mental illness are all taken a lot more seriously here. the story doesn’t shy away from how flawed of a man he can be, but it treats him sympathetically and remembers the good stuff he does as much as the bad. it’s a tricky tightrope to walk, but the result is a fascinating character study of a deeply flawed, but ultimately good man with a metric ton of issues to work through. this extends to the rest of the characters as well! we get insight into how ran/rachel is affected by all the crime and disappearances around her, as well as conan struggling to cope with his new situation. the latter is especially great to read about because of the layer of dramatic irony where we know about his secret but the POV character doesn’t, which makes for some fantastic little details that are so, so satisfying to catch on reread. it’s not all doom and gloom either, since the narrative maintains a very wry sense of humor that never feels like it goes too far. if you’re a fan of twisted jokes, at least give this fic a try just for the narration. all this comes packaged along with a strong emotional core that adds so many layers to these characters that i promise you will never look at them the same way after reading this. and it has inspector megure being a great friend, so what’s not to love?
possible reasons to stay away: as mentioned before, this fic doesn’t shy away from themes of child neglect, alcoholism, and mental illness. it also goes into the full implications of conan repeatedly non-consensually drugging a man, which can be quite harrowing to read about. and it should probably go without saying, but there is a lot of murder and kidnapping going around, the main difference between this and canon being that people react to it somewhat more realistically rather than shrugging it off once the case is solved. all these subjects are handled with tact and are well-written, but if they trigger you then you may want to avoid this fic.
TL;DR Known Associates is an amazing fanfic with a lot of humor, heart, and darkness. go do yourself a favor and read it if you haven’t already, but be wary because it treads some rough waters on a magnificently well-written journey
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lserver362reviews · 2 years
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It's hard to sit down and do the viewing experience justice when it comes to a movie like this. But since they gave us it, it's my duty to try my hardest to convey my gratitude by giving this a go. Show me a movie that has the even half the commitment to each character that this one does. In a movie where there are multiple selves, I was reminded just how complex every one of us is. All the unseen motivators and life experience that leads us to where we are at this very moment. Nietzsche's "Eternal Return" states that we are destined to be Everything Everywhere All at Once. If the Universe is infinite that means that every combination of matter exists in one area eventually, but also because matter is finite but goes on forever, the sequences repeat. This is an explanation for the multiverse. Because of this infinite sequence repeating or "Eternal Return" that we face, our commitment to the present is so incredibly important. It's all there is, simultaneously forever. So if everything just is and doomed to forever be, why not look at everything as important? If every action holds the same meaning because elsewhere everything else exists (chaotic, no?) we're free to make decisions that bear consequences in this current life and fully accept that responsibility. It takes an awful lot of faith to be kind in the world, but what kind of self do you want to live with forever? I've always found a lot of comfort in the multiverse because it gives the opportunity for existence in every single way. It soothes the feeling of life being subpar here. Elsewhere my dreams take shape, and it's a good reminder that it could always be worse. This idea presents endless possibilities and ways beyond imagining. This movie, oh yeah I'm making a review of a movie here, dares to imagine. BUT what strikes me the most about this movie besides all of the above philosophical stuff that it brings up, is that it's about what gives life meaning, whatever the life you're having/living looks like. Love, connection, grace, understanding, and acceptance are so genuinely and lovingly portrayed that I wept as I watched. I know what it's like to be queer, depressed, crave an everything bagel, be in love, and live with dynamic, often difficult, relations to my parents. I don't have an experience of being an immigrant or audited or facing a divorce, but I don't need to have experienced it to know that these experiences are complex, compelling, and human. This movie just nails every single portrayal and communicating these complexities with each of its characters, in their own way that feels full and without bashing you over the head with the themes. It cannot be said enough, yes the visuals were really stunning but the film is carried by this cast. There's so much play, and so much heart in this movie that the run time really flew by. The opposite of chaos is intention. The music, the humor, the design were all powerful tools to make true cinema here. I'm not using hyperbole when I'm say that I could feel this movie changing my life. Much like Nietzsche, even though I'm a Kierkegaard lady, the philosophy of this movie is to affirm life, however it may present and that you do get a role in that presentation through your actions and/or mindset. This movie reminded me of being a depressed kid and just wanting to be alone so I didn't have to try to explain what I was experiencing and let me tell you I've never related to and been so moved by two rocks sitting on the side of a cliff. This movie really has everything. Also Ke Huy Quan stole my whole heart. We love a quintessential dad, who puts googly eyes (the inverse of the bagel) onto stuff to introduce whimsical chaos into the recurring day to day of laundry and taxes. Love is still the most powerful force on the planet
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dorothydalmati1 · 1 year
Obscure Animation Subject #39: Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil
Originally posted on Twitter on March 18, 2023.
A computer animated series aimed at adults created, written and directed by Loren Bouchard, whose also the creator Home Movies (with Brendon Small), Bob's Burgers and Central Park (with Josh Gad and Nora Smith).
The show is a collaboration between Loren Bouchard, LLC (now Wilo Productions), Fluid Animation and Williams Street, and aired on Cartoon Network via the Adult Swim programming block from September 9 to November 11, 2007. A pilot did air on October 30, 2005 though.
The predecessor of Little Demon, the show follows the titular 21-year-old Lucy, who lives in San Francisco and has been ordained by her father, the devil, to fulfill her destiny as the Antichrist, whether she likes it or not.
Along the way she meets up with a DJ named Jesús, who turns out to be the Second Coming of the messiah and the two begin dating from the first episode. Meanwhile, her father tries different schemes in his quest to take over the world with the help of his "advocate," Becky.
At the same time a group of "Special Clergy," two priests and a nun, are on a mission from the Vatican to find and destroy Lucy. Sounds pretty bizarre, and yet done well thanks to the subversion the show uses in its universe, having the god is good and devil is bad trope flipped.
This show has lots of shock value and offensive material, but it is executed well like another show similar to this, Moral Orel. This show has false social commentary, and by that I mean the commentary is obviously wrong, but it's meant to be taken that way and be funny.
It's weird to describe that but trust me its solid. Animation isn't good but the characters and story direction are nice. Sometimes the edgy humor can be too much and not all the stories are clean, but still an enjoyable show. Its flawed and not perfect, but its worth watching.
Definitely recommend it if you handle shock humor and twist some storylines in the Bible, it’s unique with its animation (although subpar), humor and subversion. Loren Bouchard is quite an animation master giving us great show after great show. Wonder how its successor is doing…
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alfred-e-neuman · 1 year
Thoughts on Picard S3E9 Vox **Spoilers**
I want to begin by saying the fan-service in this episode was MUCH appreciated by someone who has been watching TNG since they were 5. Many feels were had and I love love LOVE seeing my crew back together again. 
However... I’m not too impressed with where this season went. They played this card in Season 1 AND 2. The Changeling angle was great. It was new, it was unique, and it was leading to what I thought was going to be Star Trek’s own Secret Invasion story. Who is real? Who isn’t? How far and how low does it go? How far back does it go? Was Section 31 aware, are there time traveling agents fighting some historic characters that turned out to be Changling........
No, it was the Borg. Again. For the third time. Sigh. 
Because there is only one bad guy and one enemy of Picard that a whole motion picture and now three whole seasons of Star Trek was needed to showcase the internal struggles of once and infamous Locutus. 
The child in me is so so soooo happy he gets to see everyone on screen again. Having that ability to throw humor in unexpected places. The memories, the nostalgia, it’s so good to see everyone on screen again. 
Adult me is tired that the Borg seem to be the only card in the deck of these show runners. I was so hyped and was so sure that a Star Trek: Secret Invasion story was going to kickstart a new Next Next Generation with combination Kirk/Picard Jack, the genius of the LaForge sisters, maybe Alexander comes into it, who knows. No one, because it’s the Borg. Again. With steaks so god damn high they have one episode to resolve it and it’s going to be rushed and fixed in 3/4ths of the episode length so they can spend the last quarter pumping nostalgia into our hearts as the crew truly, for-realsies, signs off and parts ways. 
I hope something truly spectacular happens in the final episode that changes my perspective on all of this. Otherwise they used nostalgia to hype all of us up for a subpar story conclusion and it feels really dirty.
I now fear that Star Trek as a franchise has gained a big enough audience revenue that it’s going to be turned into the garbage most of Star Wars has become and all of Marvel and DC have become. I wanted Star Trek back so bad, but not like this. They’ve announced the cancellation of Discovery, and this is the end of Picard. Lower Decks, Prodigy, and Strange New Worlds are currently running with Starfleet Academy and a Section 31 show in the works, plus more, maybe?? This is a lot of money for a heavily CGI-ed franchise, I feel the stories of the shows might suffer from it, or studios do what studios do and start prematurely canning shows that aren’t making money. Because--ironically--that’s what it ultimately comes down to. (Irony because of the capitalism being had over a pretty socialist show haha... sigh)
Prove me wrong Star Trek. I wanna be wrong so bad.        
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Have you seen Glass Onion? What did you think?
I’m glad I saw it in the theater with an audience, and I thought it was a great follow up to Knives Out. Janelle Monae was fantastic. (I love how it’s been a Latina lead, followed by a Black woman lead. I hope that trend continues in all the subsequent movies.) I thought it was impressive that it didn’t feel like a retread of Knives Out at all, and enjoyed how it was a lot twistier.
However, while Monae and Craig had great rapport as a duo, I don’t think GO had the warmth and heart of KO. Ana and Christopher Plummer’s dynamic really made that movie imo. I also felt like sometimes the humor and character archetypes in GO were too…online? The first one was topical, but felt less like a time capsule than GO.
I think the third movie has to be set at a chalet in the Alps for sure.
I did see it! Personally, I loved it. I'm not sure if I loved it as much as Knives Out, but if not it's a very close second. I plan on watching them back to back once GO is out on streaming and discuss it further with my panel of experts, so.
I feel like I may have had the opposite reaction to Daniel Craig and Janelle together versus Ana and Daniel. Now, this could also be influenced by how annoying and unbearable I find Ana these days (though she was very good in KO, and that's easily her best movie, and she has a natural chemistry with Daniel). Plus, I feel like a lot of people were kind of fighting in the trenches when KO came out about whether or not we were supposed to read a romantic subtext into Marta and Benoit's relationship--I was very much about it being a paternal thing, and of course I shipped Marta and Ransom (and still do, lol). Now that we know Benoit is queer (I don't wanna say gay because I don't know for sure) and partnered up, I don't think there's that air of "what is this" with viewers re: Daniel and Janelle, even though they also have great chemistry.
For me, I think that Rian Johnson has made deliberate choices to ally Benoit Blanc (a queer man, though of course cis and white) with people who are typically marginalized--an first generation immigrant woman who is seen as "the help", a black woman whose brilliance was stolen by a subpar white man. Because ultimately, while the Benoit Blanc mysteries are brilliant mysteries and whodunnits, they're also highly political. And so neither movie feels like a time capsule to me, so much as a reflection on what he as a creator sees as unjust. In both movies, you basically have Benoit, the protagonist, and a bunch of privileged shitheads (though in the original movie we also have Harlan as a decent person, who nonetheless is partially responsible for everyone else being such a shithead). Both movies are focused on issues that I think are pretty relevant. KO has a lot to say about the working class versus the ruling class, xenophobia and anti-immigrant bias, the way that seemingly liberal and nice people will gang up against "outsiders" as soon as they see their generational wealth threatened. Whereas GO was more about the myth of the genius white guy tech mogul (even Benoit, who can cut through lies, is sold on it for a minute) and the way people from a variety of different industries prop it up because it benefits them directly.
I don't know, I think that we as a society are so online that it's difficult for a movie with social commentary threaded in to avoid that. Especially a movie *series* which ultimately, imo, will always be about politics--but has to do a little variation of a different political issue each time.
Going back to Janelle and Daniel, I feel like... To me, there was a really emotionally honest streak to the bond in this movie because Benoit and Janelle's character knew the score from the beginning, if that makes sense. Due to the plot being so different, and the unfurling of the mystery being so different, than it was in KO.
But both were great, and I agree that at this point he needs to do something like a chalet, or perhaps a Tuscan villa--we need these big sets for these movies, these like, iconic visuals. I want 50 billion more Benoit Blanc movies, I think the entire concept of this series is such a career highlight for both Rian and Daniel. It's great to see a creator and a performer align so well together, and then get (most of) the rest of the cast on board. I will say that with both movies were were like... a couple people I think could've been replaced. I remember with KO I had no idea what Katherine Langford was doing with the likes of Toni Colette and Michael Shannon. With this one, I could've done without Madelyn Cline (that role was so clearly supposed to be Sydney Sweeney I could've screamed) and Dave Bautista (that was a Momoa role if I've ever seen one).
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tenaciouspostfun · 4 months
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 Robert Massimi.
CEO., Gimme Shelter Productions,LLCwww.gimmeshelterproductionsllc.com|NYC,NY "My True Love" at The Player Theatre '' on MacDougal Street is a silly musical comedy that has its crux on Cederella finding her true love. Like many musicals at The Players, it has a good band playing, the lighting is usually well done, as are the costumes. For the most part, the actors can sing well. What best strikes me about this comfortable theater is that whether it is "God Save Queen Pam", "Frankenstein The Musical '', or "Alice In Wonderland", the writing is usually subpar; today was no different.
 Under Ben Boecker's book and Carolyn Popadin's direction, the show is fun in spite of the poor writing and how it is directed. The set by Michael Arriaga is creative, innovative. The puppet design by Sean Fitzgerald too is fun, creative. Chris Neuner is clever in the sound throughout the performance. "My True Love" with all the "extras"( that I just mentioned) makes the show humorous; the ridiculous costumes add to the charm of this show on its face.
 One of the main problems with both off off Broadway and theater companies is the dichotomy of the acting pool. In this musical, the lead was very good... she could sing, act and dance. The actor playing Pat played his part well. While the Gardner from Nebraska couls act, his singing was fair. Cederella's mother was deft with "the business' ', her Long Island accent was flawless and brave. Unfortunately, many of the other actors did not pull through in their parts.
 With catchy songs, the plot sagged and pulled the musical down like an anchor. Trying too hard for laughs made it very fluffy at times, embarrassing at other times. While the direction went into many variables, it left the objective audience confused. At This performance it was obvious that a lot of family members were in attendance, (this was the most full that I have ever seen at this theater).
 In a show about consent, consent to say no to anything that you don't want, nor like, it should have been toned down with the tawdry and become a children's show. As adults, we know the premise of consent even though it is not always followed, however, the musical may be better served with a better main focus than consent. The evidence being that a character tells a bear no to being eaten? Really? Hence a children's show.
 "My True Love" gets lost between a children's plot and a jazzed up adult show. Where some jokes land, others are a loud thud. As a commercial show, it fails. More like a glorified high school production, The Players put out another badly written show.
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toy-powerhouse · 6 months
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Disappointments: A Brutally Honest Review of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the most disappointing thing since my son… And, my other three sons, my four sons who also happen to be teenage mutant ninja turtles. You know what they say: life imitates art. Much like my dissatisfying sons, I really wanted to like the series when I stumbled across it, but there was so much lacking in its execution that prevented it from reaching its potential (Editor’s Note: okay, Red Letter Media-esque joke over). Before its release in 2018, there were very vocal Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans who were skeptical about Rise of the TMNT and many of the changes the series made to established lore. Raphael is the fearless leader, instead of Leonardo; April is Black American as opposed to white like she is in most iterations; and the series is more comedic in tone, unlike other recent adaptations that have an even balance of comedy and drama. I welcomed all the changes to the TMNT formula, and I was eager to see it. Now that I’ve finally finished watching it, I’m left disappointed with it. Before we jump headfirst into why this series can be dissatisfying, I want to preface this to state that many fans treat this series with a certain level of reverence often to the extent of hyper analyzing it. Here, I’m going to give it that sort of treatment, but this time to analyze its shortcomings as a work of fiction.
Bad Comedy, Worse Drama
The major driving force of RotTMNT is its comedy (that acronym is unfortunately very apt). It’s arguably the most comedy-centric animated television series since the 1987 TMNT show. With comedy being the most important quality of the series, the biggest question then is: is it funny? Even ardent dissenters of the show say it’s somewhat funny. As for myself, I’m a person who can find humor even in media that I may otherwise dislike. I’m a simple kind of gal, if it’s funny, then I’ll laugh. With something like RotTMNT, that I did, initially, like, I’d sit patiently waiting for any of the slapstick or quips to make me laugh. Smiling politely at the screen, just waiting, only for me to not laugh or even chuckle before the end credits rolled. So, what’s the problem? Usually, there’s something off about the humor that stops it from being funny. The character’s expressions are too exaggerated or too subdued, sporadic insertion of weak meta or fourth-wall breaking humor, jokes running contrary to canon events or characterization, gags end too abruptly or continue for too long, poor timing of punchlines, poorly directed line deliveries or less than stellar audio mixing (e.g., characters’ speech being difficult to hear from speaking too quickly or quietly), and so on.
Something else that causes the humor to fall flat on its face, is the overreliance on subpar slapstick comedy with lots of pratfalls while mugging for the camera. Too much of Rise of the TMNT relies heavily on characters making goofy faces and acting buffoonish in place of carefully executed comedic scenarios or witty dialogue. There are many children’s cartoons that largely avoid resorting to overusing such low hanging fruit, so RotTMNT cannot be excused for its limited variety in comedic stylings in a bid to appeal to its young target demographic.
The character that best reflects all this bad comedy is arguably, and ironically, the funniest of the turtles: Donatello (no, why’d it have to be the overrated one). Jokes that tend to land often involve Donnie and his funniness seems to be confirmed in-universe when in Season 1, Episode 16, “Shadow of Evil,” Splinter refers to Donnie as being the “funny one.” Because much of the humor is flawed, many of the jokes or gags with Donnie at the center of them don’t stick their landing. Using Donnie, let’s briefly examine how something like inconsistent characterization can break a joke:
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LEO: “And Donnie, where’s your . . . your thing, your – emotionless passion?"
DONNIE: "[Head down, speaks very quietly.] Here."
This joke doesn’t work because “emotionless passion” is not something that accurately describes Donnie. He’s a very emotional lad. Even in the context of this episode, he’s a very emotional lad. The very notion of Donatello being “emotionless” doesn’t make sense as it doesn’t align with his baseline characterization. Case in point:
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Yup, baseline Donnie is totally emotionless. Look at all that no emotion.
As a result, what could have been a funny joke, is ruined by clashing with what’s been established about Donnie. Were Donnie a more reserved character, it could have been somewhat chuckle-worthy. As is, it's pretty unfunny. While this is only one example of how the humor is off, it’s still very indicative of this issue. Like, I could go on, but this review is getting long enough, and I get the feeling I’ll need to check on my own unfunny teenage mutant ninja turtle sons soon.
Anyway, the only thing worse than RotTMNT’s comedy is the drama. While the comedy of the series very occasionally has its merits, the dramatic cues virtually all fail. For dramatic points in any form of media to be developed successfully, they need time to be set up. In this series, finer plot points don’t get the opportunity to unfold properly and are mostly shoved into the finales. The rush to introduce new dramatic plot elements and quickly wrap them up really depreciates the value of moments that are meant to be heartfelt or intense. Premature cancellation aside, more could have been done to avoid this problem. If the first season had not wasted so much time with bad comedy, the series could have set up crucial stakes and important characters sooner rather than later. The season two finale is especially guilty of rushed, poorly set up melodrama with how they speedrun introducing a key character like Karai only to send her off before we as an audience really got to know her. Speaking of poor set ups, this segways perfectly into my next segment.
Overly Hyperactive Storytelling and Underbuilt Worldbuilding
A common complaint levied against RotTMNT by critics is how fast paced everything about it is, to the point of being downright incomprehensible at times. From the animation to line delivery, the show is HYPERACTIVE, caps locked and bolded for emphasis. This is especially true for fight and action scenes, where all sense of direction is easily lost by how quickly characters, props, and backgrounds move about. It can become grating having to rewind, pause, or even reduce the playback speed simply to understand what happens. Goodness, even my disappointing and rambunctious teenage mutant ninja turtle sons think this show needs to chill.
I’ve taken to referring to the series as being a “memory vampire.” I can watch an episode and almost immediately forget what I have just seen as if RotTMNT is feeding off my memories like a loathsome parasite. I can recall watching episodes from other TMNT adaptations that I saw nearly a decade ago, I remember even the smallest details with ease. But an episode of Rise of the TMNT that I saw last week: I got nothing. Because it’s so much of a whirlwind of pointless action and bad comedy where very little is usually accomplished. I’ve seen fans make light of how Rise of the TMNT is “ADHD the show,” and while true, it’s definitely not a good thing.
If that weren’t bad enough, we also must contend with careless worldbuilding. That issue of ill-advised worldbuilding being most apparent with the Yōkai and their world, the Hidden City. Possibly one of the greatest missed opportunities of this series is how underutilized and underdeveloped the Yōkai are. Despite their species namesake being lifted from yōkai, supernatural creatures from Japanese mythology and folklore, they lack any significant connection with that very specific lore. Most Yōkai we see in Rise of the TMNT, are generic monsters and anthropomorphized animal beings that don’t appear to have any direct relation to traditional yōkai myth. There’s Big Mama, who is a jorōgumo, a nefarious spider creature who often shapeshifts into a beautiful woman to lure in prey, and maybe Mayhem who could be the show’s take on a komainu or lion-dog, those lion-like dog statues positioned at the entrances of Japanese temples and shrines to act as protectors of hallowed ground.
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Aside from Big Mama, Mayhem (maybe), and a few others (including one-offs like the dragon yōkai Boss Bruce and his posse and possibly Tummytello, that could be a take on the parasitic yōkai disease, oseichu), there isn’t much Japanese mythology that influences the portrayal of the Yōkai. As a casual yōkai enjoyer, it’s disappointing to see the crew behind the show not make full use of that rich history through explicit representation. Maybe there were concerns about mishandling Japanese culture, but then why invoke the yōkai name in the first place if cultural insensitivity was a concern? Maybe there are more explicit designs or references to Japanese lore that I’ve forgotten to mention, again this show is a “memory vampire,” but even if that were the case, there’s still too much plausible deniability to it all. Regardless, the Yōkai mostly being a hodgepodge of indeterminate ghoulies is distracting and fails to create a more cohesive, immersive world.
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Various yōkai that don't seem to make appearances in RotTMNT. This is just a sample of what could have been.
Collective Characterization: Friendless Losers with Unearned Power (cool band name, idk)
This will be less of an in-depth character analysis as much as this segment is a general overview of how the series approaches two things: the turtles’ status as underdog superheroes and their social support network.
Besides disappointing, another word I would use to describe Rise of the TMNT is unearned. For much of the series, our protagonists tend to bumble about, causing almost as many problems as they resolve. In fact, just about every major problem the turtles encounter, is of their own making; from releasing the oozequitos that mutated the denizens of New York to unleashing the Shredder who has villainous ambitions of conquering the world, just about everything can be blamed on them. These aren’t heroes, they’re troublemaking buffoon clowns. These buffoon clowns ultimately get rewarded time and time again for blundering misdeeds that they fix at the eleventh hour. This especially becomes tiring when it’s all nestled in the series’ ad nauseam lesson: the turtles need to focus and take things seriously. Over and over again it’s the same lesson of “get your (pardon my French) merde together.” I’ve seen fans misguidedly try to spin this as the turtles being lovable cringefail, losers, which may have been the case had the series not tried to portray them very earnestly as the ultimate heroes, without a shred of irony or self-awareness. In that way, the show plays itself too safe and yet not safe enough. Instead of a cynical romp with mutant losers with even looser morals, or well-meaning mutants who try their damndest to achieve their noble goals, we get something awkwardly caught in between, unable to commit to either in a satisfying way.
Being the insufferable screw-ups that they are, it’s not surprising that the turtles lack a support network. Friends, allies, helpful acquaintances, or friendly neighbors; doesn’t matter, because these turtles ain’t really got ‘em. In actuality, the series is more about making fiends than friends as almost every character the turtles encounter becomes an antagonist. For a show that seems to pride itself in presenting more positive bonds between the characters, especially the turtles, it’s a little odd, isn’t it? In this regard, it’s hard not to compare Rise of the TMNT to other iterations, because it appears to be missing something inherent to many other adaptations. That something being the turtles desire to form connections with those outside their family unit and, seemingly against all odds, their ability to do so. A common theme throughout the franchise is their pining for meaningful relationships outside themselves and Splinter and how they manage to forge those relationships with other misfits. Rise of the TMNT has virtually no interest in engaging with this theme and, as a result, is left emptier for it.
While there are a handful of characters who do become allies, or even family members (e.g., the redeemed Baron Draxum), they’re largely kept at arm’s length with their loyalty to the turtles at times being, for lack of a better term, “dunked on.” For instance, in the season one finale, “End Game,” the following allies join April and Splinter to rescue the turds, I mean, turts: Bullhop (legit, forgot that dude existed), Frankenfoot (who deserves better than being a sentient punching bag), S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N (who, mind you, is basically Donnie’s son), and Todd Capybara (Splinter x Todd 5ever, fuck Draxum). Only for the quartet to be “humorously” captured immediately and never brought up again in the episode. RotTMNT is so strangely anti-friend/ally that the only relationships given any real weight are virtually all familial with April herself being upgraded from friend to honorary member of the Hamato clan by the end of the series.
The turtles lack a support system outside themselves and it’s not something they ever angst about or that poorly impacts them, despite how integral social deprivation tends to be for the turtles in other iterations. Even the Micheal Bay produced films portrayed that anxiety around being outcasts as worthy of attention, that the turtles are brutally aware of being misfits and that seeking acceptance from the outside world is important to them. This theme doesn’t need to be the focus of every adaptation. However, its absence in RotTMNT does strip from the characters an extra layer of depth and misses out on an opportunity to make them more relatable to members of the audience, especially those who’ve ever felt alienated.
The Cowabunga Conclusion: Let’s take a moment to enjoy our Hot Soup!
Not all of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is disappointing. There are good aspects of the series. The increased presence of female characters. Big Mama, Cassandra “Casey” Jones, and Sunita (Casey x April x Sunita = Caprisun, the best ship 5ever); I <3 these girls! Casey had the most satisfying, fully realized character arc of the series. The turtles get to be more emotionally vulnerable, which definitely is a welcome change. I love that Raph is a proud lover of plushies and other cute things, that’s so adorable. Mikey is explicitly artsy, and as an artist myself, I really appreciate that. It’s been confirmed by a show writer that Donnie is on the autism spectrum. Right on! Leo is gay (that’s not confirmed, I’m just being facetious). RotTMNT has brought a lot of good to the TMNT table. As a result, it breathed new life into the overall franchise and its fanbase. Post-RotTMNT, the wider TMNT fanbase has experienced a bit of a paradigm shift into becoming a more inclusive, safe space. Honestly, I’d say my return to the fandom was all thanks to RotTMNT and its rejuvenating effect on the franchise.
Nonetheless, the series itself is still a raging migraine. I’m only scratching the surface with this. I plan to explore other failings of this series more in-depth in other posts. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie… I’m coming for you… I got a bone to pick with how Draxum’s redemption was handled. The turtles’ deus ex machina mystic powers… Atrocious. The merchandise…
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Sometimes a picture, of off-model action figures, is worth a thousand words.
I know I’m not the only one who thinks this series fumbled the ball big time. While executive meddling and lack of support from the network certainly contributed to RotTMNT’s downfall, a good deal of the show’s shortcomings cannot be blamed on those factors. Not the execs, not the airing scheduling, not the marketing, not the audience; the show itself is flawed and that in part led to its premature demise.
The series leaves me disappointed. Very disappointed. Like, Splinter is in “Insane in the Mama Train.”
RAPH: “Puppy dog eyes won’t cut it. [Splinter] isn’t mad, he’s disappointed. We need to make it up to him guys big time.”
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go check on my teenage mutant ninja turtle sons. I got a text from the unfunniest one, and it seems like they’ve accidentally doomed the universe like the cringefail losers they are. Oh, well. If they fix their mistake in time, I might treat them to some pizza rolls. Cowabunga, dudes and dudettes! 🐢❤️💙🧡💜🥷
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clayorel · 7 months
My (spoiler-free) RNM S7 Verdict (take with a grain of salt because I started skipping the episodes I found bad by the time I was halfway in)
E1: Annoying mischaracterized garbage. 0/10 E2: Frustrating garbage. -4/10 E3: Also annoying and mischaracterized garbage. 0/10 E4: Had a lot of funny and good concepts so it got some lols out of me, but mediocre-average execution. Dialogue and jokes were subpar but the contexts made them funnier. 4/10 E5: Also had some good concepts, cold opening was great. But again I thought the comedy was kind of subpar as well as some of the action, and I would've liked to expand on evil morty more. I feel like I didn't really get as much of a kick out of this episode as it looks like other people did. Nothing wow'd me but it was still good. 7/10 E6: I thought this was the one good "classic r&m adventure" this season, really good premise and really fun execution. Only good self-referential humor in this season I felt like. 7/10 E7: Boring garbo but summer being gay is fun. +1. 1/10 E8: What. Who cares. -7/10. E9: Boring garbo but it gets 1 point because I'm religious and I think it's really funny when rick has to face that heaven is real. 1/10 E10: Ouhhghhghhh woooaaauuwwo. Have mercy. 9/10
Edit (spoilers): From this post that I don't really want to rb because. Idk I don't know if they're okay with interactions from a proship acc
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I really dig this interpretation. I still think the episodes are ass but that's a fun way to view them.
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
All 7 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movies Ranked
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I figured what better time than now to share my personal ranking with you all on all 7 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movies Ranked. I don't really love this franchise (except for Mutant Mayhem), but they are definitely quite amusing and they bring out the inner kid in me despite the fact that I was never a massive fan of the Turtles as a kid, either. After the release of Jeff Rowe's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem now playing in theatres worldwide, now is the perfect time. 7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993) Perhaps the most jarring aspect of this film is the noticeable drop in production values. The visual effects, which were modestly satisfactory in the earlier movies, take a significant nosedive here. The costuming and set design of the feudal Japan scenes appears cheap and unconvincing, further distancing the viewer from the already lackluster plot. It's evident that the filmmakers attempted to cut corners, resulting in a film that lacks the polished and immersive aesthetics of its predecessors. Adding insult to injury, the action sequences in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III are disappointingly lackluster. The impressive martial arts choreography that defined the franchise is sorely missing here. Instead, we are left with clunky fight scenes that lack excitement and flair, making it difficult to become emotionally invested in the turtles' struggles. While the film tries to inject humor throughout, the jokes mostly fall flat, often resorting to cheap gags and puns that feel tired and uninspired. The humor feels forced and rarely elicits more than a polite chuckle, failing to capture the wit and charm of the earlier films that seamlessly blended humor with action. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III is a lackluster addition to an otherwise beloved franchise. With its weak storyline, underdeveloped characters, subpar visual effects, and uninspired action, the film struggles to hold a candle to its predecessors. Die-hard fans of the turtles might find a shred of enjoyment in the nostalgia factor, but for most viewers, this film is best left in the shadows of the sewer. 6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991) While this film is certainly a whole lot more entertaining than its eventual follow-up which you saw earlier on this list, a huge drawback of this installment is the mediocre dialogue and humor. While the turtles' banter was one of the highlights in the first movie, the sequel's jokes feel stale and forced, eliciting only a few chuckles. The attempts at humor fall flat, and the witty charm that made the turtles so endearing is lost amid repetitive one-liners and overused gags. The special effects, while decent for their time, are noticeably inferior compared to contemporary films. The puppetry used to bring the turtles to life is still impressive, but the overall visual effects fail to match the technical advancements of its era, making the film feel somewhat dated even when viewed in modern times. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze does offer some nostalgic entertainment for fans of the franchise, but it falls short in multiple aspects. Lack of character development, underexplored plotlines, and an overemphasis on action hinders its potential to be a memorable sequel. While it may appeal to younger audiences or die-hard TMNT fans, for others, it remains a forgettable follow-up to a more successful first installment. 5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) For its time, Steve Barron's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles boasts impressive practical effects and puppetry. The suits used to bring the Turtles to life are remarkable, and the action sequences are thrilling, with impressive martial arts choreography. The fights with the Foot Clan and the final showdown with Shredder showcase the Turtles' agility and skills in all their glory. However, the film does suffer from some dated special effects that may not hold up to modern standards. Underneath the action-packed exterior, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles attempts to convey important messages about acceptance, family, and embracing one's unique qualities. The film touches on themes of self-identity and belonging, though these elements are not explored as deeply as they could be. Younger viewers may grasp the surface-level messages, but older audiences might find them somewhat lacking in depth. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a nostalgic journey back to the early '90s, successfully capturing the essence of the comic book series and animated show. While the film falls short in character development and storytelling, it compensates with impressive practical effects and action-packed sequences that will entertain both fans and newcomers alike. Though flawed, it's an enjoyable watch, particularly for those seeking a taste of their childhood heroes on the big screen. Cowabunga, dudes! 4. TMNT (2007) One of the strongest aspects of TMNT was its stunning animation and visually impressive action sequences. The CGI was top-notch, allowing the Turtles to showcase their martial arts skills in breathtaking battles against various villains. The action scenes were fast-paced, and energetic, and brought a sense of nostalgia while embracing modern animation techniques. Moreover, the film's attention to detail in the character designs and environments added depth to the Turtles' world, giving it a fresh and immersive feel. The voice acting was another highlight of TMNT, with each Turtle being brought to life by a talented cast. The distinct personalities of Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello were well-captured, and their interactions demonstrated the chemistry that has made them fan favorites for decades. The voice performances added a layer of charm and humor to the film, making it enjoyable for both new audiences and long-time fans of the franchise. It offered an action-packed, visually impressive ride with strong voice performances that paid homage to the beloved Turtles. However, the film suffered from a lack of focus, underdeveloped character arcs, and an uneven pace, preventing it from reaching its full potential. Even still, it's an entertaining watch for fans of the franchise and newcomers alike. 3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) The action sequences are where Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles truly shine. The fight choreography and CGI-enhanced battles are a treat for both new and old fans alike. The turtles' unique fighting styles are showcased skillfully, and their camaraderie adds an extra layer of charm to the action scenes. However, the movie's darker tone, aimed at a more mature audience, might alienate younger viewers who were initially drawn to the turtles for their humor and lightheartedness. The film's visual effects are commendable, particularly in bringing the turtles to life with stunning realism. The CGI rendering of New York City and the numerous action sequences are visually engaging and add to the overall spectacle of the film. One of the movie's highlights is the score by Brian Tyler, which pays homage to the iconic theme from the original animated series while introducing a fresh and modern twist. The soundtrack helps elevate the film's emotional moments and action sequences, contributing significantly to the overall viewing experience. 2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016) One of the most praiseworthy aspects of this film is the faithful representation of the Turtles themselves. The motion-capture performances, combined with improved CGI, brought Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael to life with remarkable detail. Their camaraderie, humor, and individual personalities were as endearing as ever, and it was a treat to witness their interactions on the big screen. The action sequences are also a major highlight of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows. The Turtles' acrobatics and combat skills were expertly choreographed, and the use of their signature weapons was thrilling to watch. The dynamic and well-executed CGI battles brought a sense of grandeur to the movie, providing ample entertainment for fans seeking action-packed scenes. Even though I wouldn't say I really love this movie, it is an undeniably good time and left me feeling quite satisfied when all is said and done. There are things that I wanted to see in this movie that I just didn't quite get to see, but that's okay because in 2023 I got them in the form of... 1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem is a thrilling and action-packed animated film directed by Jeff Rowe that successfully brings back the beloved mutant brothers to the big screen. The movie does an excellent job of blending the nostalgia of the classic TMNT franchise with modern storytelling and visuals, resulting in an entertaining and heartwarming experience for both longtime fans and newcomers. The central characters, the four turtle brothers Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, and Donatello, are well-developed and endearing. Their interactions and sibling dynamics are portrayed with heart and humor, making them relatable to the audience. Their desire to be accepted by society and live as normal high schoolers adds a layer of depth to their characters, as they grapple with their identities as both mutants and heroes. April O’Neil’s character arc is also well-handled. As an aspiring journalist dealing with past embarrassment, her journey to overcome anxiety and find her voice is inspiring and well-executed. Ayo Edebiri delivers a commendable performance as April, bringing her to life with a mix of charm and vulnerability. The voice cast of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem is a highlight of the movie. Each actor brings their own flair to their respective characters, making them memorable and iconic. Micah Abbey, Shamon Brown Jr., Nicolas Cantu, and Brady Noon deliver outstanding performances as the turtle brothers, perfectly embodying their personalities and humor. The star-studded cast, including John Cena as Rocksteady, Seth Rogen as Bebop, and Ice Cube as Superfly, adds star power and charisma to the film. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem is a delightful and action-packed film that successfully pays homage to the iconic franchise while injecting fresh and modern elements. The well-rounded characters, stunning animation, and heartfelt performances make it a must-watch for fans of all ages. Although the pacing could be improved in certain areas, the film remains a fun and enjoyable adventure that leaves audiences excited for more turtle-powered escapades. With its heartwarming themes of family, identity, and acceptance, it proves to be a truly “cowabunga” experience.   Read the full article
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13 22
Thank you so much for the ask! I'll do this for marvel, to switch it up a bit.
13. worst blorboficiation
Freaking Thanos. Like, I get loving villains and being obsessed with them, but this one is a little too much for me.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Like... anything to do with Ant-Man and the Wasp? They're treated as subpar characters, when, really the first two movies (because, let's face it, Quantumania sucks) are fantastic as part of the bigger MCU and as stand-alone films. They're funny, they have this witty type of humor and they're feel-good movies.
Ant-Man as well as Ant-man and the Wasp have beautiful and complicated child-parent relationships that we get to see change and evolve throughout the movies and we actually get to see the characters progress and evolve a lot in spite of having so little screen time compared to, let's say, Steve or Tony.
So my favorite part of canon is just... Scott and Hope <3
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dinopant · 2 years
sighs sadly remember final space and how it really did not get its due...
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hi! :) I hope you are having a good day! I wanted to ask a question about enneagram 4 (and possibly people with 4 as a heart fix?). 
I've been thinking about how 4s said to view the world as too shallow for them. Could it be a little similar to 7s positive re-framing, but... negative? Like, 4s re-frame the reality in a more negative light to elevate their sense of individuality and superiority (instead of trying to protect yourself from negative feelings like 7s do)?
Something like "yes, this person might be living a more "successful" life, but they don't have the depth that I have, since they clearly haven't been through as much as I have, everything is given to them on a silver platter, their experiences are less valuable and less deep compared to mine".
When I was thinking about it, I got reminded of all the people who say  "lmao you are so unfunny you clearly had a normal childhood" (I have a vendetta against self-depreciating disguised as humor, it's extremely unfunny and makes me uncomfortable). Is that also a 4 thing? Putting down someone for having a better experience, to feel more deep and valuable (and in this case, better sense of humor)? 
Of course, I could be totally wrong about them. Right now, for me, enneagram 4s are one of the hardest types to understand and sympathize with, so I've been thinking about them a lot lately. Thank you a lot!
Yes, that is very 4. 4s feel different from other people, like there is a void they cannot cross, so to cope, they make themselves better by being different, because it at least means they are not as 'basic' as others -- sort of like, "You seem happy. Happiness eludes me. So I am deeper, because a superficial existence doesn't satisfy me. You are too easily pleased/entertained/etc." It's negativity but also defensive -- it would be nice to be as happy as you are, but that isn't possible (because I am broken and you are shallow) so my way is better, even if it frustrates me. The 4 is dwelling in their frustration, and they cope with elitism and over-identifying with their broken-ness (the ways life is unfair to me, the ways I am broken / have been ruined), because no one else has been broken in the same way I am; so I am unique because of my wounds.
The 4 doesn't want to find a support group, or know that how they feel is normal, because that means they are not special anymore -- they don't want to be fixed, because then there might be no distance between them and others, no way for them to stand out and be seen as different. (If you see a "4" posting something inviting others to relate to it, they are an attachment type and not a 4.) 4s feel angry and disgusted if other people are remotely "like me" because their identity is wrapped up in the differences between themselves and others, in not being someone who is 'relatable.' I am me, this is my ugly wound and nobody else has one like mine. But that's okay, because my taste is better than theirs anyway.
I knew a girl once, I wasn't aware she was a 4w3 at the time, who insulted her online friends one day by making a self-congratulating post about how she was so glad to have good taste in everything; she then was confused about why people got upset at her implying that they did not have good taste for "the best things in life" by preferring "basic" things like subpar wine and popular novels. Other types can have some contempt for things they dislike and/or that are basic / mainstream, but with the 4 it comes across so much stronger, and is framed in terms of "things I hate." 4s can sometimes focus more on what they hate than what they love, and build their identity around the things that "I hate so much."
"OMG, I hate her/him/that/this trend/it's so UGH."
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bardicious · 3 years
Notable Witcher Season 2 writing I willingly discard completely from my canon of the show:
Geralt's instant parenting skills
Roach being alive for 33 years.
Eskel's death (though personally I like that it might have been a doppler or something similar and he comes back after the season ends)
The unreasonable amount of Witchers still living. And their fighting skills (that are subpar and henchmen like). My canon has only ever had Coen, Lambert, Eskel, Vesemir, Geralt, and whoever else is still alive (if they become relevant in Season 3, if not than I don't care - they don't exist either)
The other Witchers' armor that can't compare to Geralt's or Vesemir's.
Toxic Masculinity in the Witcher keep! BLEH! (Or I turn it into Toxic Witcher...inity? Cause they've had a hard life and hate outsiders now or something. Idk)
Rience finding the Witcher keep somehow???
Jaskier's fumble while sandpipering
Geralt's whole ass personality, really. (As in, take out all the toxic masculinity, the apparent uncaring of his friend and past lover, his only emotion being "protect ciri")
Anything Rience does past Jaskier's torture scene (cause I really don't get how he got to be anywhere in that story, also let him use more magic! I get it, he likes fire! But I need more, wtf)
Emhyr's whole ass face.
Any too ridiculous comic relief bit with Jaskier (they went way too much into it at several inappropriate times - which they've done in Season 1 and I've happily ignored in those instances too + though Im not saying I can't see Jaskier making jokes to lighten up tense moods - thats something I happily accept in his character and is in my keep list)
Yennefer and Ciri making it all the way back to Cintra... (feels like it makes light of Ciri's journey outside of there).
Triss' sudden wig, and Ciri's.
Lots of costuming choices this season.
Triss' attraction to Geralt and their whole thing... felt awkward honestly.
Alternatively Witcher Season 2 writing I will be keeping for angst purposes, things I like despite everything, and things I love.
Jaskier accepting Geralt's apology and Geralt not giving him a better one (thats really just on par with their relationship)
Geralt and Jaskier's entire rocky relationship
Jaskier's drinking problem before and after Rience (clearly started either after Geralt abandoned him or possibly another result of how the war and the persecution of the Elves has hit him hard)
Jaskier's destroyed lute (I miss you, I love you, but aaaangst)
Jaskier's sense of humor at the wrong place and the wrong time. What can I say, the man hides his tension and fear well.
Yennefer's everything. She's perfect. I love her.
Ciri, my love. You're doing wonderful.
Jaskier is fantastic too accept for how they did him dirty.
Lambert, Coen, Eskel's Netflix looks (yall are all lovely, and we don't need no game!canon versions).
Deathless Mother/Baba Yaga - I GUESS - she's the main villain of this Season so I have to keep her, but I wish she weren't so anti climatic. (She needs rewriting)
Every Witcher has their own personal medallion (I think it's really neat)
Jaskier and Yennefer bbfs. <3
Rience, my beloved.
One more, just for good luck, Witcher headcanons I add in to make myself happy and angsty:
Jaskier's torture burns are not healed up and he hasn't showed anyone the marks.
Jaskier's general ptsd after Rience tortures him.
Rience mildly (or a lot?) obsessed/attracted with Jaskier. (Why, yes, Jaskier, he is a big fan)
Rience finding Geralt, Yen, and Ciri by mistake and then attacking them.
Eskel is alive, and he's got a goat, he just hasn't made it back to the keep yet.
There are more Witcher schools (just in case there aren't in the Netflix version)
All the Witchers, including Geralt have scars on their faces.
Geralt starts showing facial hair.
Jaskier isn't human, but he doesn't know about it.
Stregabor is dead (I hate him - I hate Vilgefortz and Emhyr too but unfortunately they're too important to sacrifice to the canon gods)
Triss gets a change of heart, and makes up with Ciri. (no book/game canon Triss here, I know she's awful)
A year and a half passed - since Jaskier saw Geralt last. (I don't know how much time really past, but it needs to be more for me cause this all happening at once is too much)
The Deathless Mother is the reason Yen lost her powers.
The Deathless Mother's grip on Yen being so powerful Yen doesn't realize herself, how little in control she was. She believes it was her decision to sacrifice Ciri, and on some level it was, but she would never have done so if her mind was all hers.
Ciri and Yen bond for more time before Yen ultimately tries to sacrifice her. It's her budding love of the child that fights the Deathless Mother's grip in the end, but not quick enough to stop completely from her goal. Geralt still stops her. They still fight and don't quite make up for the finale.
Lastly (only one point), things I know f*ck all what to do with:
Jaskier's purpose for being in Kaer Morhen (WHY DOES GERALT GET HIM OUT OF JAIL???? NO REALLY? WHY?) I haven't the faintest how to place Jaskier there in a way it makes sense. Because the way Geralt's been acting, there's no real reason for him to have gone to jail break Jaskier (who was in trouble, but when he got there, Geralt didn't seem to care anyway, sooooo....)
This list is not at all concise enough. I have more thoughts and rewrites, mentally speaking. But Imma leave it at this.
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