#and the inhabitants are fae or orc flavored
witchofthesouls · 5 months
There's something that Cybertron doesn't have
But Earth? Oh boy humans went long way to where they are today.. Animals too like birds used to be dinosaurs(some still look like one and others remember they were big and powerful and fear no man) , whales ussd to be way smaller and walked on land, insects used to be way bigger etcetera
Just humans showing pictures of prehistoric animal and modern animal to bots/cons and them either being fascinated(Shockwave would be engrossed for sure) or straight up confused/sceptical
I think they do have a sort of evolution, depending on the universe.
In TFP, there was an off-comment that Seekers descended from Predacons that Starscream denied. In IDW/MTMTE, the biological differences between the Lost Colonies and Cybertron. Cyberverse explored more of their native fauna. Bayverse had the Dynasty of Primes and the hatchlings.
If anything, it's on a scale that's inconceivable to us, especially with the immense differences in lifespan. It varies from the iteration, but a single vorn is their equivalent of a calander year. 1 vorn = 87 Earth years of human perspective.
Shoot, the modern human is only a scratch of Earth's total years, and there are canon Cybertronians older than that and who are active combatants in their own war.
Look at the megafauna of North America. The massive trees still remember the immense animals that once dominated the land. Even when those creatures went extinct, those trees still retain the ecological quirks that relied upon them to spread seeds and propagate.
Think of it this way, Earth is on a scale that's so fast-paced that it's more like a contained, self-sustaining terrarium of terror and wonderment. Like there could have been Cybertronian field scientists and researchers that tracked the evolution of trees on Earth and have a rivalry with Team Shark because sharks came before trees!
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blankrslate07 · 6 years
Ideas for a Fantasy World
(Currently in the making of a fantasy world! Originally started out as Yaoi but ended up adding worldbuilding to it and actual plot, which I’ll get to later on a separate post.)
The world was split into four continents. There are many religions & Gods worshiped in this world, though the most well known one is Aviandri, the First to Spark. There is no gender for this deity; it is said that the world was nothing more than a mud ball until Aviandri came, in their white glory as a gigantic bird. They spread their feathers across the mud and spark them all in fire to harden the mud. Afterwards they broke it into four parts and got rid of the unnecessary parts to make way for water. Soon they gave life to the new continents with their feathers, planting them one by one on the earth for them to turn into plants, animals, and other beings before flying up into the sky above and became the bright sun to guard their creations.
The North Continent is actually lifted above the waters with magical orbs situated around the entire land. This place is where the most devoted followers of Aviandri are located and where the royal family, Scintillam, live. The Scintillams are considered to be the descendants of the great bird deity due to the bright white feathers sprouting over parts of their body and having the strongest types of space magic in the world.  The land if filled with rich materials so many citizens living here have a rather lavish lifestyle. However, they are very strict with rule and regulations especially when it comes with religion. You must be a follower of Aviandri to stay or else you’ll be forcefully kicked out of the continent. Though this rule doesn’t apply to the tourists or those staying temporarily since they are not citizens. The citizens rarely leave the place but when they do they must bring many white feathers with them and throw in on the foreign land they walk on.
The East Continent is filled with life to the brink. This is where orcs, faes, centaurs, elves, etc. live. It can be a rather dangerous place to live in as many things can kill you in an instance if you do something wrong, from the plants to its inhabitants. It is split into four parts. The Winter Zone where ice elementals reside in. The Fall Area where wind elementals usually live in. The Summer Country where fire elementals are and the Spring Fields, where most of its inhabitants are plant & water elementals. There is a prominent deity here that many beings worship. It is the Nurturing Butterfly Goddess Eostrox. It is said that she created the world with a single flower, it grew on the center of it. It grew and grew until it can no longer be contained. Thus Eostrox plucked it from once where and began to nuture the world from then on and still is.
The West Continent is by far the biggest one out of all the four continents. There are different sorts of beings here and split into many countries/kingdoms. However, there is a very concerning problem with a tyrant king that has been seizing other kingdoms through war to satisfy his bloodlust. He has already seized nearly half of the continent but seems to have stopped when he got married to his husband. The husband/fellow ruler managed to make a shaky truce with the other remaining countries left before things got worse and escalate to a full blown war with all of them. The tyrant wasn’t all that happy to stop his reign of terror but still complied to it. Seems that his bloodlust has subsided when he got married. People still fear the places under his rule since they are said to be brutal and filled with many bloody fights. There is even battle pits where the tyrant king and sometimes his husband would join in the bloodbath.
The South continent is the smallest out of the four continents, yet the most advanced one as well. The land is entirely composed of metal and technology. It is guarded/protected in a force field. It is rather secretive as well, citizens almost never leave and when they do it’s very short like a day or two. Tourists and visitors can only get in if the ruler of the continent allows it. All living beings here are androids, from the people to the insects. They all act robotic, logical, emotionless and utterly loyal to the “Motherboard” of the continent. The Motherboard appears as a holographic feminine white figure with a blank face. Though unlike her citizens, she is seems quite  carefree, whimsical and joking. Considers the emotionlessness of her citizens an unfortunate side effect of being turned into androids and wants to fix it. Living emotional beings fascinate her and wants her citizens to still have emotions upon being turned into androids. That’s why she’s often out of her continent to observe emotional beings from other continents in hopes of being able to figure out how to bring them back to her people.
Firework Crystals are clear and have multiple colored dots of lights in them resembling the shape of fireworks. Considered as a holy symbol of Aviandri and placed on various types of clothing of the God’s followers.
Orb Blossoms are flowers that have a bright, marble like fruit on the middle and come with a variety of colors & flavors. Considered as a sacred fruit to represent Eostrox on the East Continent. It is customary to eat its fruits after every meal.
Computers, television and other electronics do exist on other continents but are vastly different from the South’s machines. They are instead composed of magical crystals/stones and plants, powered by a special fluid from the Oceanic Feline.
The Oceanic Feline is a humongous creature that resides in the center of the ocean. It comes up every ten years to feed. All four continents race towards it to collect the fluids it excretes from its back for their machines. It doesn’t seem to mind this, sometimes it is even petted and scratched to please it, thus producing more fluids. The West Continent is the most dependent on the fluids while the South is the least dependent on it.
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