#and the situations in the Congo and Ukraine and Palestine
bajibitch · 8 months
Democratic Republic of Congo 🇨🇩 | Sudan 🇸🇩
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Links to help and learn more about what’s happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Also do NOT say free Congo 🇨🇬 when referring to the issues happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo 🇨🇩. They are two different places with different flags. Instead say free DRC.
Focuscongo.com • Friendsofthecongo.org
Don’t replace your electronic devices for newer versions and if you need to, you can buy a refurbished one. As someone who’s had the same refurbished phone for seven years, I promise you it isn’t bad. It works the same. Here’s a list of books you can read to learn more, recommended by Friends of the Congo.
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Here’s links so you learn more about what’s happening in Sudan 🇸🇩 Talk about Sudan.
Here’s people and organizations you can donate to:
Help Sudan Tarada Initiative • Help A Family of 11 Leave
Eyes on Sudan • Zubeyda Adam and Family
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The image says:
13,000+ people have been killed. 26,000+ people injured. 10M+ displaced, making Sudan the largest displacement crisis globally. 25M+ need humanitarian assistance and support, 14 million are children. 4M women & girls at risk of sexual violence. 1OK+ cholera cases with 275 associated deaths. 3.5M+ children suffer from acute malnutrition.
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As someone on twitter called out, since it applies here too. Do not say, free Palestine and then slap on free drc, free Ukraine, free list of other places… if you’re not adding ways to help, or providing information on their situation. It doesn’t help the other places because their tags just get filled with information on the genocide of Palestinians, when it should be sharing all of their problems. Don’t use their tag without talking about their situation as well.
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Last thing. Don't let the aesthetic of your blog be the reason you don't speak up about what's happening. You can make a post filled with links and add you’re little banners and whatnot while helping others. And don’t worry about your following count, if they leave then they aren’t worth having around. Also post ways you can help and don’t worry about what you aren’t able to do, negativity does nothing to help. Don’t tell everyone you’re not able to donate, just spread awareness so those who are able can provide.
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araguaneys · 2 months
I cannot believe the complete disinterest, apathy, lack of empathy and disregard of human lives of a lot of people for my country dying. The way we are talked to and talked over, disrespected and gaslighted by probably half the world, or used in THEIR silly politics games of right and left of heartless leaders they keep voting for in democracy/freedom to choose, a luxury we can't have.
So many people only mention us when they want to make a point about themselves, can't help talking about us without mentioning their countries or the us, you cannot decenter yourself you don't care that we're real people you don't know a thing about us or our culture or all we've lost and gone through. And yet all i can't help thinking and imagining ALL THE TIME is how much worse it must be for everyone else who's the same or worse, like every victim of dictatorship, genocide, conflict, poverty, etc in the world and personally everyone else less privileged than me i just want to say i am so sorry this is the world that you got and im always gonna support and defend you.
This is so telling of these people's activism and empathy and how performative it must be for them/you, i really think you dont care about Palestine or Sudan or Congo, Ukraine etc either you may have SOME empathy for them sure but you dont really think of people outside of yourselves and suffering more as truly equal doesn't matter if you're a poc or not if you still have some privilege and you're not in those situations you just fill your mouth with their names so people think you're "a good person" and you're ready to disregard anyone if you think it's "too complicated to get" or from somewhere that gets called a "leftist" government, the idea that a politician might lie and not actually be a leftist doesn't fit in your brain. WE JUST SAW YOU ALL SPENT WEEKS TALKING ABOUT HOW FAKE AMERICAN LIBERALS ARE bc they are, they pretend democrats are left leaning but they're not both republicans and democrats have the same imperialist right wing policies. THEN WHY CANT YOU UNDERSTAND THIS MIGHT HAPPEN IN OTHER COUNTRIES TO A WORSE DEGREE?
Free Venezuela yesterday and today, you SHOULD all be talking about it, trying to help, speaking to venezuelans and trying to understand and stopping misinformation from non venezuelans i'm never gonna forgive or forget you if you don't.
And ofc free the entire world from their oppressors because i can at least imagine how awful it must be i can at least leave my ideologies aside and listen to someone's struggle without thinking it all must be propaganda if it doesn't align with my experiences you really can't say the same for a lot of people.
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seohyun0306 · 7 months
Babies are dying in Palestine. Children are being hacked to pieces in Congo. Women are being mass raped in Sudan to the extent that they have to take medicine to prevent pregnancy once the inevitable happens. Gaza is being starved. Children in Congo are used as slave labour. Sudan is going through famine.
People are being butchered, starved, bombed and raped en masse and yet all you see is people from first world countries whining. You see Americans lose their heads over ridiculous issues. You see the British more focused on the affairs of their royal family than the active genocides all over the world. You see Ukrainians receive billions and billions of dollars in military assistance, you see them being supplied with tonnes of weapons and equipment when the situation in Ukraine is a hundred times better than the aforementioned countries.
America is draining its coffers supplying foreign countries with unimaginable amounts of money when their own people are starving and have no access to healthcare. While the people of Maui are still suffering the aftermath of an earthquake with little to no governmental assistance.
The poorest, most vulnerable countries are the only ones truly standing up against this unfathomable evil. Only the oppressed understand the plight of the oppressed. Every struggle helps other struggles. Every single atrocity currently happening is linked to the actions of a handful of colonial and imperialist powers.
Not for the first time, the western world has dismally failed the oppressed. We have no sympathy for anything that happens in the global north because we get no sympathy or assistance from them. We are entitled to feel that rage. We are entitled to feel that apathy. The world has failed those that need to be fought for and when the time inevitably arrives, they will find no love, no sympathy and no assistance from us. Die mad about it.
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A link between Palestine and Congo, explained and why Donald Trump is evil
As someone who has been keeping an eye on the events of the Congo situation AND the Israel-Palestine conflict, I never knew that Dan Gertler now only owned the mines in the Congo but he also is sending money to israel and Donald Trump (surprise) continues to give this fucking monster his money back.
As I mentioned before, Palestine is not the only country that will suffer from another Trump Presidency. Ukraine and Congo will suffer if he wins again.
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jewishbarbies · 6 months
Taylor - and most celebrities, let's be honest - hasn't spoken about the horrible conflicts or inhumane treatment of people in Ukraine, China, Syria, Afghanistan, Armenia, the Congo, Sudan, Yemen, Iran...and many of them have high death tolls, higher than Gaza, along with other terrible atrocities. why do y'all (meaning random anons and so-called pro-palestine people) DEMAND she and other famous celebs speak on Palestine, but not on everything else? why do you ONLY care about this one situation being given attention? why do you only demonize Israel and Jews? think on that before you send annoying messages to Jewish bloggers.
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gryficowa · 4 months
I know a lot of free Palestine people want to believe that it's possible not to be anti-Semitic on this issue, the problem is that a lot of things have become complicated, calling Zionists terrorists or the like is considered anti-Semitic by a fucked up historical fact
So in short, propaganda was once spread that Jews are murderers, and therefore today it is considered anti-Semitic, so we live in such an absurdity that talking about Israel's crimes is anti-Semitic, because you know, Israelis = Zionists = Jews (Zionist logic) , and since it was once propaganda to dehumanize Jews, it is clear that that today is also (Sarcasm)
So yes, this is the case where anti-Semitic propaganda has become true and saying it is wrong because of the historical context, that is, when we talk about Israel's crimes, we are saying something anti-Semitic, even though it is true and is happening before our eyes
So, when we fight for Palestine, we will still be labeled an anti-Semite, because the context that is taking place means that we cannot avoid it, other Jews are also harassed for supporting Palestine, and by Zionists, because Zionists believe that these Jews hate themselves for being Jews (Sounds legit, no big deal)
This is simply the strangest situation because of the context itself, so because there was once propaganda about murderous Jews (Jeez, it sounds like the title of a horror movie created by a person on acid), today talking about Israel murdering civilians is anti-Semitic (Yes, here there is a spiral of absurdity)
So yes, we cannot not be anti-Semites in this situation, because history is fucked up and any reaction to the crimes is wrong, because Israel is a Jewish state, so you can't say that Israel murders civilians, because there was a stereotype that Jews are murderers, so saying that Israel murders is anti-Semitic
So yes, you already know why they call us all anti-Semites and it's fucked up, because it means that genocide goes unpunished when it's committed by a Jewish country, compare it to Sudan, Armenia, Congo and what Brima did to the Muslim minority, criticizing the crime here is recognized considered exemplary because it is not made by Jews (Absurd, but we live in such times), so you can criticize it (Even Russia, which attacks Ukraine), but dare you talk about Israel and its crimes, they will try to cover your mouth (And the Palestinians themselves)
So do you understand what happened here? Zionists have become stereotypical Jews and are outraged that other Jews despise them
The only way is to say how absurd it is that you can talk about what is happening in Congo, in Armenia, in Sudan, in Burma and in Ukraine, but you are a criminal for talking about Palestine
So there, you can't be an anti-Semite, because, as I mentioned, accusing Jews of crimes is anti-Semitic, even if these crimes are committed by ancestors who did shit
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giothefuwafan · 22 days
Antelope.. ik.. Is You.. LET me explain.. i was literally crying silenty After you unfriended me.. how could you do It..? Falselly accusing me of Being an Antisemetic while i am not. YOU SHOULD Realize that MOST of Israelis are Zionists and support the genocide. (Of course not all of them are like that.) But MOST of them are. Just think. Think about all the Palestinian family out there, no food, no water. Childrens hear bombs EVERYDAY INSTEAD of HAVING a childhood and playing.. Why Palestian ppl question me of help them? Becouse They Need help. MOST of them are not Bots. PALESTINE Is living the same Situation of UKRAINE. And other countries such as Venezuela, Congo. Sudan.. the uyghurs.. ecc.. how would you feel, if Your country would have a genocide rn? (The Philippines..) How would you feel?? Is all fault of Israeli goverment if They give Israeli ppl a bad name. And also, falselly ACCUSE someone is wrong. Zionism Is not Antisemetism. Zionists are believed that Palestinians are Animals. And Is not the first time that you falselly accused someone of antisemetism. YOU falselly ACCUSED @obsessedpianist of antisemetism. While She would never do that. And ik becouse i TALKED to her in DM and She was awares about that antizionism Is not antisemetic. She would never be racist to ANYONE. I don't recognize you anymore antelope. I'm Sorry.. but you kinda dissapointed me..
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linnorabeifong · 9 months
Just a reminder
Bad things happen everywhere all the time and often at the same time. We aren’t perfect and can’t know about everything and I don’t expect everyone to have the solutions. But we should raise awareness when we can.
Palestine is facing a genocide at the hands of Israel.
Yemen is facing famine and civil war and a blockade by Saudi Arabia.
Ukraine is still at war. Russia is still attacking them. They’re still facing bombings.
Sudan is facing a war. People there face mass killing and displacement.
In Congo mining is expanding because the cell phones and computers and electric cars we use require cobalt. Many Congolese mine this cobalt with no protective gear whatsoever. Cobalt is toxic to touch and breathe; their health is in danger. Many Congolese face extreme poverty and have been displaced.
Over 100,000 Armenians have had to flee Nagorno-Karabakh.
🇵🇸 🇾🇪 🇺🇦 🇸🇩 🇨🇩 🇦🇲
May peace and prosperity find all the people currently suffering.
Rb with any conflicts, or crises I’m missing or any corrections/ updates on the situations mentioned.
You have power to help people. Even if it is something small. Talk about conflicts. Keep current on events. Vote wisely. Boycott.
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transmascpetewentz · 9 months
Was talking abt this with my family and decided this needed to be a post on the webbed site:
A fundamental way that antisemitism operates that makes it so difficult to remove from leftist spaces is by taking the broad scope of problems in the world and finding a couple that can be vaguely tied or related to Judaism in some way, then taking "this is tangentially related to Jews" to mean "Jews are 100% responsible for this." It's particularly this sentiment that I see echoed in most of the antisemitic posts that I see on the dash.
It's one of the reasons, imo, why the west is so focused on Israel as opposed to the situation in the Congo, Sudan, or Ukraine. All four of these situations suck and are very clearly, to any person observing, bad. However, only one of these awful situations where war crimes are being committed is one that I hear about every day, that I am told if I so much as block some tags relating to it that I am a bad person. And that's the one where people can blame The Jews for it.
Despite Russia currently committing what I would call a genocide against Ukrainians, many westerners who preach anti-colonialism are completely silent or worse. I thought that silence meant you are directly complicit? Odd, huh? Does this principle of being against historical imperial powers committing genocide against colonized people not apply when the colonized nation has more than three times the relative Jewish population compared to the colonizer?
Yep. And many of the most prominent antisemitic antizionists are completely pro-Russia because Russia claims to be against quote-unquote "western degeneracy," which is literal Nazi shit. As a Russian who regularly speaks out against slavophobia/russophobia/anti-Russian people sentiment on the left and the right, I am horrified by westerners' complete disregard for human life and basic moral principles to defend my country's genocide.
And this idea of blaming all tangentially-related problems on Jews isn't just showcased in how much people focus on Israel, but also in who gentiles tend to call "zionists" and the attributes that they prescribe onto anyone who is labeled a zionist. Zionism is a political movement with historical basis in Judaism, but the actual definition of zionism is irrelevant to the critique I am about to make. My issue is with how some gentiles define, or don't define, zionism.
I have said this before, but when some leftist gentiles are asked to name a few qualities that all zionists share, they might give a list that's something like this: they are pro-Israel, they support Israel's genocide of Palestinians, they are completely anti-Palestine, and they do not have nuanced takes on I/P. Of course, this is a batshit insane and very ahistorical take on zionism, but I would have less of an issue if these gentiles would stick to that definition and only call people zionists if they shared all of those qualities.
Instead, these same gentiles who claim that all zionists share these opinions will claim that any Jew, convert-in-progress, or ally that doesn't hate Jews is a zionist. This circles back to my first point about how antisemitism takes anything where Jews are involved and turns it into "Jews are The masterminds behind this." And that's exactly what this is. The label of zionist being applied to a non-zionist turns their views from nuanced and neutral to racist and genocidal in the eyes of antisemites.
The idea that all Jews one doesn't like must be behind some child-murdering conspiracy is an antisemitic one, no matter how real the child murder happening in Palestine is. Random Jews, even Israeli Jews, are not responsible for the actions of their government (which is being backed mostly by gentiles overseas, btw). Stop fucking taking any instance of a bad thing being tied to Jews or Judaism and blowing it up into calling Jews the masterminds behind it. There is no global conspiracy, no matter how much you wish there was for your daily dose of emotional support antisemitism.
Reading Comprehension Questions:
What do you think that OP means when they say "The Jews" with both the "t" and "j" capitalized? Is he using that language seriously, or is he trying to get another message across?
Is this a post about Israel and Palestine, or is this a post specifically addressing antisemitism within the pro-Palestine movement on the left? Additionally, does OP give any meaningful indication of his views on I/P within the post?
Why does OP talk for two paragraphs about the situation in Russia and Ukraine? How is OP more qualified than the average Tumblr user to have an opinion on Russia?
Why is OP, despite not being Jewish, making a post about this subject? How might OP be more qualified than the average gentile to make a post about antisemitism?
Does OP blame Palestinians for antisemitism on the left in this post? Does OP single out any specific ethnic or racial group as opposed to just gentiles?
Have I sat with and mentally answered to myself the above questions before I clicked on OP's page to send him an anon telling him to kill himself?
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dzthenerd490 · 2 months
News Post
Israel strikes five schools in week of ‘massacres’ | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
A Palestinian American raises more than $1 million to feed his family and others in Gaza : NPR
Pro-Palestine protesters call for the end of U.S. aid to Israel (statesman.com)
Clearing Gaza rubble could take 15 years, UN agency says | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
‘I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine’: what a JD Vance vice presidency could mean for the world (theconversation.com)
Russia conscripts 150,000 troops as Ukraine says it needs more (nbcnews.com)
Ukraine needs 25 Patriot air defense systems and more F-16 warplanes, President Zelenskyy says | AP News
Ukraine war latest: Russia withdrew its last patrol boat from occupied Crimea, Ukraine's navy says (kyivindependent.com)
UNICEF says 50,000 seek refuge in Sudan's Qadarif (yahoo.com)
Arab and African states warn of dire food situation in Sudan (thenationalnews.com)
Israel in Talks Over Withdrawing From Egypt-Gaza Border, Officials Say - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Egypt arrests suspect over anti-Sisi billboards at Faisal Street (newarab.com)
As Rwanda votes, tensions with neighbouring DR Congo deepen over M23 | Armed Groups News | Al Jazeera
At least 40 die after heavy rains pound eastern Afghanistan, destroying houses and cutting power | AP News
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littlelillycatsworld · 4 months
oh look little privileged white girl has issues grow up💀
how did you want me to react?
are you not tired yet?
your right I am white and privileged because I was adopted into a loving family and my parents both had very well paying Jobs.
but you know what I use my privilege to support Palestine, Congo, Ukraine and BLM.
I've went on protests that almost got my scholarship removed. I refused to go to class with my whole uni year for a whole month until my uni showed public support for Gaza
I risked my scholarship my job, place at uni and so much more to show support. I am in a much more delicate situation compared to the rest of the people who go to my uni since their parents pay for everything. whilst mine didn't.
so yes I am privileged to have the experiences and everything else that I have, but I worked for it. I used my skills my money to make everything happen.
so please go outside and ask yourself what have you done for the world recently since you want to throw stones in a glass house if your not careful things will begin to crack.
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letshelpsaveeveryone · 8 months
Links to posts:
How to donate money to get someone out of Gaza
How to donate e-sims to people in Gaza
Situation in Palestine🇵🇸
Situation in Congo🇨🇩
Situation in Syria🇸🇾
Situation in Haiti🇭🇹
Situation in Lebanon🇱🇧
Situation on Sudan🇸🇩
Situation in Yemen🇾🇪
Situation in Somalia🇸🇴
Situation in Afghanistan🇦🇫
Situation in Cameroon🇨🇲
Situation in Myanmar🇲🇲
Situation in Iran
Situation in Iraq🇮🇶
Situation in Tigray
Situation in Armenia🇦🇲
Situation in Libya🇱🇾
Situation in the Central African Republic🇨🇫
Situation in Ethiopia🇪🇹
Situation in Nigeria🇳🇬
Situation in Pakistan🇵🇰
Situation in Puerto Rico🇵🇷
Situation in Zimbabwe🇿🇼
Situation in South Africa🇿🇦
Situation in Kurdistan
Situation in East Turkestan
Situation in Hawaii
Situation in Bangladesh🇧🇩
Situation in Guatemala🇬🇹
Situation in Ukraine🇺🇦
Situation in Kashmir
Situation in Venezuela🇻🇪
Situation in The Gambia🇬🇲
Situation in Northern Ireland🇮🇪
Situation in Taiwan🇹🇼
Situation in Tibet
Situation in Manipur🇮🇳
Situation in Guam🇬🇺
Situation in Western Sahara🇪🇭
Situation in West Papua
Situation in Senegal🇸🇳
Situation in Kenya🇰🇪
Situation in Argentina🇦🇷
Situation in Barbados🇧🇧
Situation in Belarus
Situation in Bolivia🇧🇴
Situation in Bosnia🇧🇦
Situation in Cambodia🇰🇭
Situation in Cuba🇨🇺
Situation in Cyprus🇨🇾
Situation in Djibouti🇩🇯
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Antisemitism is bad
Islamophobia is bad
Zionism is bad
Killing innocent people and taking hostages is bad
Blowing up civilian occupied places is bad
Genocide is bad
Hamas is bad
Israeli government is bad
Freeing hostages is good
Supporting Palestinian is good
Freeing Palestine is good
Hamas is NOT Palestine
Supporting Palestinians does not mean I support Hamas.
Wanting to free the hostages does not mean I support Israel.
For the love of god why do people not understand this? Why do people keep using gatchas and acting like you can only care about one thing?
Why does our government send billions to Israel but not to their own citizens?
Homelessness here is rampant. Towns are destroyed in fires. Indigenous people are freezing to death. POC communities are terrorized daily. Lgbtq people are losing rights. Women are losing rights. Working class people can barely afford to live by themselves.
But sure, send that much needed money to a country that is playing this war so carelessly.
Ukraine is still being invaded. There’s a genocide going on in Congo.
The only side that needs support are the civilians. They’re the ones suffering in this situation. Not just Palestinians and the Israeli hostages, but the working class people who live in countries that don’t support them.
People are fucking dying and all these governments see is statistics.
It is so frustrating how people in power lack basic empathy.
Every day I open social media or turn on the news I see suffering. I see videos of kids being injured, trapped, and grieving.
But Israel and the western world don’t see that. To them those people are just consequences of war. You’d think that after seeing their people slaughtered and kidnap they would want to prevent others from experiencing the same thing, right? Well they don’t care. They don’t give a fuck.
That’s the problem: politicians don’t give a fuck.
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jaskierx · 8 months
people are so stupid my god. i’m on tumblr mostly as a lurker for fandoms i like, but irl i’ve been part of several local protests for gaza and palestine, with a number of displaced palestinians who live here (in a western european country) and only a handful of young people even care about the boycott. which isn’t to say it’s not a good idea but it simply isn’t well known enough. what every serious person i know who has been active in this cause asks us to do is the support the bds movement + + put pressure on your politicians + donate to good aid orgs if you can. me loving and supporting ofmd is so insignificant. it’s a joke. don’t get me wrong taika signing that letter is being a clown and i don’t ‘stan’ him, but that’s a general rule for me. celebrities are not our friends. but you can think he makes good art without thinking he’s perfect. and you can post on social media too. is complaining about tumblr blogs also not breaking the strike 🙃
right like at the end of the day, boycotting starbucks isn't going to end the atrocities, and spending $5 in starbucks isn't going to progress them. yelling at ordinary people living their lives and telling them they're participating in genocide because you've decided their tumblr posts don't show enough evidence that they're sticking to the boycott or bc they didn't follow a poorly coordinated 'global strike' that didn't even originally call for a social media blackout is fucking bonkers behaviour
there is always a humanitarian crisis somewhere in the world. there are multiple genocides taking place. human beings treat each other terribly. it's a fucking tragedy what's happening in palestine, and ukraine, and sudan, and the congo, and armenia, and literally everywhere else where people are suffering and starving and dying. but that doesn't mean that the people who are lucky enough to not be in that situation are never allowed to experience joy ever again, or that we have to give up all hobbies and comforts and sources of entertainment
what people post on their personal blogs has absolutely no fucking bearing on what activism they do or don't do. nobody owes you proof of shit. you can't just decide people are evil bc they haven't posted the exact combination of words you wanted them to write
and we can't just flagellate ourselves until the world is a perfect place. proselytising on tumblr doesn't help anybody except yourself and all you're doing is showing your ass by preaching compassion and humanity in one breath then telling people to kill themselves in the next
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whatifsandspheres · 7 months
One of the things I hate about these recent conflicts in cultural terms, not in terms of lives lost or inhumanity, is the fact that instead of getting more people to question and stop believing in countries and nations it's gotten people to double down on nationalism and statism. Especially for younger people I had hoped the result would be a shift toward a new paradigm where even more people would-- together with the help of technology-- realize how outdated and backwards, uncivilized and inherently divisive borders and nation states are and how the state needs to not only be ripped from the nation, but that all its contrived organs of government be vivisected from its tumorous parasitic bodies and washed clean, some put into use, others discarded. When I say things like nobody deserves to live in the "holy land" it's not because the Palestinians don't deserve and haven't proven they deserve to live in their ancestral land, no. I say it because I know the hate and the fervor that the Zionists have and how they will perpetuate a Nazi-like trans-generational animosity toward whoever stands in the way of their self-entitlement. Just like before the official formation of the state of Israel and the attacks on Jewish communities in other parts of the world in order to artificially create migration of Jewish people to Palestine-- the Zionist hate resembles the Nazi hate. The divisions between Ukraine and Russia have always been present from what I've read, but Western Europe seriously exploited them. After this I see polarization, not union as there could potentially have been before 2014. The way the UN is handling these situations in failing to enforce ceasefires without any conditions, unconditional ceasefires, shows it hardly serves the global interests at all, and it exposes itself as a farce of a governing body for all but USA and it's favored partners. The Congo basin and surrounding countries are overflowing with violence and the world leadership seems to be more interested in securing a slice of the mineral wealth that those people are being massacred and genocidally slaughtered. Nobody is casting into doubt the state? The nation as a concept which has only failed and failed and failed even if it managed to drag civilization this whole way limping and leeching off of humanity? It's a vestige, it needs to be euthanized. We are a global species. Borders don't protect diversity, they nurse hegemony that's too lethargic and weak to compete with how dignified our cultures can coexist with each other when we aren't artificially pitted against each other with excuses and false pretenses. I'm disappointed in the youth, but it's the older generations like mine which are truly to blame.
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aingeal98 · 11 months
Idk man but like. There were people who insisted the Russia Ukraine situation was too complicated to support one side and then dedicated their time to making Ukrainians and their supporters seem as evil as possible while mocking anyone who thought it was fucked up Russia wanted to slaughter them all and calling them stupid childish liberals. And it was blatantly clear to everyone with a brain not full of propaganda that these people did not care about the Ukrainians at all and saw them as subhuman. They're still doing in now with Iran, because the girls beaten to death by the morality police are an acceptable sacrifice to them.
And now there's people insisting the Israel Palestine situation is too complicated to support one side and then dedicating their time to making Palestinians and their supporters seem as evil as possible while mocking anyone who thinks it's fucked up how Israel wants to slaughter them all and calling them stupid childish leftists... So I hate to break it to them but no one is believing you care about Palestinians when you can't even acknowledge what Israel has done and is currently doing to them. Just like you rightfully didn't believe tankies cared about Ukrainians. Your dehumanisation and appalling lack of morals doesn't suddenly become justified because the team you hate is supporting the resistance this time and YOUR team is supporting the fascists. You're both awful because it should never be about teams in the first place lol. Tankies and Biden fanatic Liberals/Centrists hate each other more than they care about any human life as anything other than a news update they can use to mock "the other side" with. Caring about atrocities is met with sneering disdain, tankies say liberals only care because it serves American interests. Liberals say that leftists only care because it goes against American interests. The idea that there are people who can be horrified by both Ukraine and Palestine, as well as Syria, the Congo, Armenia and many other atrocities happening, is a thought that neither side can acknowledge. Because if they stop making sweeping generalisations about The Enemy they'll be forced to confront the evil rotting their own mentality.
They're usually more polite and well adjusted than Republicans. Republicans will just come out and say that everyone who's not them deserves to die. These two groups will go "Yes obviously we don't want anyone to die BUT-"
Take away the bullshit and the core is the same. Callous indifference towards any suffering innocents not belonging to their "in group", often masked with false righteous fury. Yes we support these people losing their liberties and lives but look at the slogan they picked to protest their right to be considered humans deserving of dignity and respect. Isn't it a little too distasteful? A little too ominous towards their oppressors? Let's ignore the dead bodies and fascist governments and spend the day talking about that instead.
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