#and the whole marauders era
murderoushag · 2 years
me, an active participant in too many aspects of fandom culture trying to figure out what to do in my free time like
"okay do i want to read fanfiction right now, or write it?"
"or do i want to draw? i have like three regulus wips right now"
"or should i finally finish the remus edit i started making and then stopped"
"or maybe just closet cosplay and make silly little videos for myself?"
"or continue my google doc of every single taylor swift song and how it relates to the marauders?"
"or finally make that regulus kinnie playlist i keep saying i'll make?"
"maybe even just put on my jegulus playlist and sit and come up with headcanons?"
"or instead of reading fanfiction i can look around tumblr and ao3 for hours for more fics to add to my horribly long to read list"
"or, i could always ignore all my other instincts and spend hours scrolling through tumblr and/or tiktok."
"or finally actually formulate those two pages of notes from one ff chapter into a comprehensible comment"
like damn, there's never anything to do but now there's like way too much.
it could just be the adhd.
✨we'll never know✨
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bri-cheeses · 15 days
*Dorcas introducing Marlene to the Skittles for the first time*
Dorcas: “This is Regulus. Yes, he does bite. Do not mention James or Sirius around him.”
Dorcas: “This is Evan-and-Barty. Do Not separate them unless you are prepared to face the consequences.”
Dorcas: “And this is Pandora. She can see the future sometimes and has predicted horrible deaths for all of us, but we don’t like to worry about that.”
Dorcas: “What do you think, babe?” :3
Marlene: “… I think I’ve just unknowingly started dating a cult member”
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fiasco95 · 4 months
The Marauders and friends at a theme park.
Regulus: In my defence, I looked away for 1.8 seconds. And then he was just gone!
Regulus, sighing: You know what, I can handle this.
Sirius: How are you going to do that.
James, materialising out of nowhere: WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT
Regulus: Found him.
Not James and Regulus already wearing matching shirts that each says; “If lost please return to Regulus Black.” And “I am Regulus Black. I don’t want him back. (Jokes aside, please do return him.)”
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courfee · 11 days
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it's been exactly a year since the last chapter of Operation Walburga's Arbitrary No Kissing Ever Rule and I still miss it. This scene is probably one of my favourite things I've ever written and I've wanted to draw it for forever, so now seemed like an appropriate time
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wolvesandshine · 7 months
Barty: What’s your love language
Evan: Murder
Barty: *kills someone* Do I get a kiss for a job well done?
Evan: *heart eyes*
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oh dorlene, no one gets you like i do…
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my official petition to make the girl, so confusing remix ft lorde the new dorlene anthem 💚
i wanted to make a whole mv but i don’t have the energy lmao
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corwnvus · 1 year
Yeah I finished this in like one day 😅
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
slap - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 228
"Oh my god," James murmured, looking resolutely away from the middle of the room.
But as the bass thudded around them and the party continued, he found it more difficult to do so.
Because Regulus had, for the first time in a long time, gotten absolutely plastered. And now?
He was dancing with Barty on a table.
The two boys moved together so closely that it seemed like they were of one mind, their hips rolling together an their chests touching, matching grins on their faces. Regulus's hair was a little mussed and his shirt was riding up, and he was currently biting his bottom lip, eyes closed, his hands on Barty's waist.
And James was entranced. Because really, who wouldn't be? Regulus looked like some sort of fallen angel, dressed in all black, his beautiful skin tinged pink with drink and exertion as he moved.
But the worst part?
Every once in a while, Regulus glanced over. Looked at James. Threw him a seductive smirk that was so un-Regulus and so tempting that James almost melted to the floor with it.
"So...are you looking over there because you want to slap Crouch or snog Reg?" Remus asked from next to James, snapping him back to reality.
Clearing his throat and looking over to where Barty looked to be thoroughly enjoying himself, James shrugged and chuckled. "Both."
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trohpi · 2 months
“James likes girls, Barty. Real girls—”
“Fuck off with that self-deprecating bullshit, Reg,” Barty scoffs. “You are a real girl, and given how Potter was just ogling your arse for the better part of the past hour, he certainly doesn’t care that you’ve got a dick.”
Reggie splutters. “He was not—”
“Oh, yes he was,” Dorcas cuts in. “Why do you think Sirius was so pissed at him when the game ended?”
“Because he cost Gryffindor the win, obviously,” she huffs, cheeks red as she crosses her arms across her chest.
“Yeah, because he was too busying eye-fucking his best friend’s little sister to pay attention to the Quaffle,” Barty grins, and Reggie’s jaw drops.
“There was no eye-fucking!”
“There most certainly was, darling,” Pandora says and Evan hums in agreement.
“That boy saw your thighs wrapped around that broomstick and all thoughts flew out the window.”
Barty snickers. “All thoughts except your thighs wrapped around his broomstick—”
Reggie throws her pillow at him, face burning as her traitorous friends cackle. “I hope you all die a slow, painful death.”
“Aw, we love you too, Reg,” Pandora croons.
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theprongspotter · 8 months
Sirius: Would you come rescue me if I got kidnapped?
Remus: No, I'd only need to give them a day and they'd give you right back anyway.
c: @littlewhispersofsolitude
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bimoonphases · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic July 24 - prompt 24: Kid Fic [word count 954]
Sirius checked his tie in the mirror by the main door for the third time. He had hated suits and ties since childhood, when he had been forced to wear them, but this time there was no escaping it. He needed to make the best impression. He was terrified.
“Are you planning to seduce the headmistress, my love?”
Remus looked him up and down with a smile while he put on his own jacket. Sirius’s eyes widened.
“Is it too much? Do I need to change?”
“Pads,” Remus said softly. “We’ve just been called up to the school, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”
“We’ve been called there because our daughter punched another kid.”
“And I’m sure there’s an explanation for that.”
Sirius sighed and followed Remus out of their cottage and through the streets leading to the primary school. He really was terrified. Everybody in the village had come to know Remus, his gentle demeanour, his willingness to help every time there was a medical problem because he had ‘studied medicine a long time ago’ which only meant he was able to distract the muggles long enough to use small healing charms on them. Sirius, on the other hand, knew he was the the handsome stay-at-home husband of Mr Lupin, the one who picked up his kids on a motorbike and wrote them excuses to skip school after a full moon. And now that Estelle had apparently punched a kid, he would be the father who didn’t know how to raise his own daughter. Anwell had never done anything like that since he had started school. Despite his black hair and almost silver eyes, the boy had Remus’s countenance, always his head in a book and helping others. While Estelle, despite being barely six and having a head of curly brown hair almost identical to Remus’s, had Sirius’s temper. Sirius shivered as they went through the school gates. What if he had failed in making her forget those three first months of her life in an abusive family? Worse, what if he had somehow managed to raise a mini version of his own mother, prone to violence and cruelty?
Remus took him by the hand as they walked inside the building, a helpful secretary immediately pointing them in the direction of the headmistress’s office. Sirius swallowed and tried to appear calm as Remus knocked.
“Come in.”
As they walked in, the headmistress rose from her seat and came to shake their hands. Estelle was in a chair in front of her desk, arms crossed.
“Misters Lupin, thank you for coming in,” the headmistress smiled. “Please, sit down.”
They took their places, on each side of their daughter. Sirius’s heart felt as if it was beating in his throat.
“Now, Mister Lupin and Mister Lupin,” the headmistress started. “In this school we condemn violence in all its forms. Estelle punched one of her classmates, and the only reason I’ve asked you here before deciding on a punishment is because she refuses to tell us why. I believe in hearing both sides, and Michael said he was just playing outside when Estelle punched him.”
“Why did you do it?” Remus asked, turning to the little girl.
Estelle stared resolutely at the floor, her lips a thin line.
“Estelle Hope Euphemia Lupin,” Sirius sighed. “Tell us what happened, will you?”
Estelle shook her head and Sirius’s heart beat faster.
“She’s never done anything like this, I don’t understand,” he said quickly. “There must be something else.”
“I agree, I hoped her fathers could get her to tell us what,” the headmistress nodded.
“Come on, ma petite étoile, dis-nous,” Sirius switched to French in the hopes to have a reaction, but without success.
He looked at Remus over their daughter’s head when there was a knock on the door.
“Come in,” the headmistress said.
The door opened and Anwell walked in, his hand firmly around another boy’s arm.
“Hi Dad, hello Papa,” he smiled. “Headmistress, Michael has something to confess,” he added with all the seriousness his ten years of age could muster.
“I was chasing Violet to lift her skirt,” the boy said. “She was crying, it was funny.”
Sirius shuddered. So little, and yet… He looked at his daughter.
“Is this why you didn’t tell us?” he asked.
Finally, Estelle looked up at him, her eyes filled with anger.
“Violet is still crying in the bathroom and doesn’t want to come out,” she said. “I wasn’t going to tell on her.”
Sirius just nodded, and the headmistress sighed.
“Well, in these circumstances… You can all go. Not you Michael, you’re staying and I’m calling your parents. And Violet’s.”
Sirius waited until they were out of the building to take Estelle in his arms.
“I’m so proud of you,” he whispered in her hair as she hugged him back.
“I am too,” Remus nodded. “Of the both of you. We should never resort to violence, but some people only understand that language.”
“How did you convince Michael to tell what had really happened?” Sirius asked, putting Estelle back on the ground.
“It was easy,” Anwell shrugged. “I just told him Estelle would punch him again if he didn’t and make him spit out all his new teeth.”
“I could do with some of the old ones too,” Estelle smiled, taking her brother’s hand.
Sirius watched them skip in the direction of home, a mixture of pride and dread in his veins.
“Don’t you think…” Remus started delicately.
“Yes. They definitely have some Black in them,” Sirius nodded, before taking his husband’s hand. “Thankfully, there’s a lot of Lupin in there to contrast it.”
They kissed in front of the school before hurrying after their children.
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weirdddgirl · 3 months
My question is.
Why did we stop making Barty a Ravenclaw, blonde and freckled. Don’t get me wrong I love the punk rock version but the goodie too-shoes easily scared and a wicked genius Ravenclaw version of Barty. I could rant about goodie too-shoes Barty all night to be honest.
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likeprongstostars · 1 year
fanart for art heist baby by @otrtbs
my masochistic tendencies made me reread ahb and i haven't been this sad and this inspired in a while so enjoy while it lasts
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sevenate-9 · 1 month
barty, walking in in full vampire costume, puffy sleeved white shirt and cape swirling when he does a spin and points at his magically sharpened fangs: eh? pretty nice, no?
evan: i told you to be in fancy dress. we're having dinner with my parents!
barty: well, yeah, but. halloween was yesterday.
barty: so.
evan: sometimes i think there's a library in between the pages we're on.
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courfee · 8 months
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I've spent a lifetime giving you my heart I swear that I'll be yours forever 'til forever falls apart
part 2 of my submission for @sillylovesongsfest for the assigned prompted song Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and FINNEAS
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wolvesandshine · 3 months
Yes yes James is a hardcore Quidditch fanatic and all but consider. Regulus is also on the Quidditch team and if you think James is bad? Regulus is fucking obsessed.
He’s the one who gets up at 5am to go running to build up endurance even though he hates mornings. He’s the one who stays up at night coming up with Quidditch strategies cause he refuses to lose. He’s the ruthless captain everyone hates but is secretly grateful for cause he’s the sole reason they even have a Quidditch streak to boast about.
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