#and then I don't have hiking shoes. and i know i won't get hiking shoes bcs spoons bcs money etc
seraphim-soulmate · 1 year
it's strange beyond belief going from thinking "oh I need a new bag" -> finding one on the street that's in pretty good condition and going "yes fuck yes thank GOD I really needed a bag"
thinking "oh I need a new bag"" -> "well I guess I'll add it to my dad's wishlist and we can talk about whether or not he wants to buy it" -> "oh shit he bought the bag for me without me having to convince him of the pros of having this bag. I have a bag that I like and that suits all my needs now and I didn't have to mentally agonize over it"
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summer scions!! I absolutely love the new portraits for all their smug happy expressions. Except Y'shtola, who is not going to deign to give a camera a proper saucy look because that's silly. Urianger is smirking twice as hard on her behalf.
Glam review under the cut!
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I unlocked Alphinaud first of the twins and didn't know Alisaie had a little necktie yet, so I'm deducting a point from my first impression because the sheer delight that he had a silly little necktie of some sort no matter the situation delighted me so thoroughly. Since they're still engaging in matchy twin dressing to some degree, I have to assume they either like it and won't admit it after digging in so hard, or Ameliance sent them off with cute outfits and matching backpacks, and they still don't really shop for themselves.
He's got the practical watch/compass gloves which are good for a technically proficient Sage and probably the most practical gear he's ever worn except for when he was poncho Alphy, but wearing ankle-length jeans seem like the least weather-appropriate choice of the Scions if we assume their average skin coverage is a good weathervane for the temperature in Tural. I chalk it up to teenage awkwardness.
8/10 unless he and Alisaie chose their outfits themselves, in which case it's a 9/10
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I think Alisaie is the only Scion to keep a single piece of their default gear, and those are her usual gloves. She's colour-matched around it.
Because of the gloves and boots, she looks the most ready for hardcore hiking, somehow, and her matching Alphinaud with a cute button down shirt with rolled up sleeves along with that particular choice of baggier shorts (when she normally wears more form fitting shorts) do give me the closest to butch vibes it's probably likely to get for main characters. So I'm giving her an extra point I stole from Alphinaud for the lesbian vibes.
9/10 or 10/10 if she made these choices all by herself.
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Everything about this cracks me up, from his portrait above to the image of him tanking open shirted once he pulls mobs.
Believe it or not, he's getting an additional point for those shoes simply because the competition in practicality in tanking is G'raha.
I had a moment of excitement when I thought the necklace was pink because that's always a cute Ryne/Minfillia thing fanartists give him with ribbons and such, but once I got zoomed in on him it was red, so I guess he's just been shopping. Although, the turquoise shorts are her eye colour and the actual large diamond shapes are secretly Mothercrystal coded in those colours, which just cracks me up that you can pick out one of the worse days of his life (Urianger's grand Warrior of Darkness plan) in his Chill Summer Beach Vibes look.
Douchebag beach bro shell bracelet as well, which really makes me double down on him and Urianger spending way too much on tourist bait along the stalls in the Famous Turali Market. The hat and sunglasses are giving him one of the Most tourist-y looks thematically reflecting how a lot of the Scion guys were just here to hang out, narratively or literally. Maybe he's trying not to get such an intense tan again, which is the only reason he's not entirely topless.
11/10 I could not stop laughing when I got him and Urianger to 100 and Beheld The Brilliance in the same moment.
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Please note the raised sunglasses in Urianger's portrait, which are not the model his character uses.
I am delighted that I had been incorporating that island watch into my healer glams on both the logic you need to know your clock positionals but also they're largely the smarty pants jobs (WHM being vibes only aside - it gets its own glams :P). And here's Urianger and Alphinaud both using watches.
Now, I had a moment of being vaguely disappointed he had trousers not a skirt or something else swishy and androgynous, but then I did realise that I, a nonbinary weirdo who relates to Urianger since he made me nonbinary, have actually gone to a couple of garden parties dressed in some variation of this exact outfit of light trousers and a nice button up. Plus, the earrings are in both ears, so no "Google, which ear is the gay one?", these are just straight up cute femme dangly earrings with his favourite little dudes on.
More importantly, the colours he's repping are those of Lopporit Radio. He probably tunes in every night for his broadcasts :')
Mirrored sunglasses for the guy notorious for keeping thoughts and plans close to his chest and choosing deliberately to be enigmatic even when it serves zero purpose except for I guess gender affirming care. (The gender is Weird Bitch.)
I can't tell how I feel about those dad sandals. I suppose it depends if he's wearing them like a fashion model (brand new and clean with perfect pedicured feet) or if those are REALLY dad at the beach-like and, since I'm not a foot person, this for me is only a choice between "not off-putting" and "AURGH".
9/10 the proximity to Thancred hauls him up several points of misgivings I had, and the lopporit shout outs are killing me :')
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I unlocked Y'shtola last and holy fuck I am a lesbian. I don't even recognise where those boots come from, so either a really expensive glam or something I just have not stumbled on. She has toe rings I think? And painted nails? I have no idea if the garter (?) is part of the boots glam or a custom thing as result of not recognising the boots and how much of them is normal. I feel like they customised a lot on her anyway - the back of her top has purple beads that match her staff (not dyable on the real piece)
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and I think the necklace has to be part of the top instead of a separate necklace piece with the way it hangs, AND the bracelets are a glove piece with the original summer glam, but I assume they're layered with the false nails, also in the glove slot. All in all it's giving the sort of effort which is starting to creep up to what I'd expect from the modding community not the game. I mean, not THAT good but getting close. Baby steps towards what fandom can make :P
She really is god's favourite meow meow.
Anyway I can't really judge this fairly because it's really hot and I love her so I'm just going to give it 100/10 and move on. :)
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how did I get a picture where Estinien looks like he's stooping to get in the frame...
The fact he has Azure Dragoon Blue Top and then Violently Nidhogg Fuchsia shorts is the colour theory that absolutely killed me. When he lights up during his burst and starts glowing pink all over his shorts are like. Taking him over like the eye once did I think.
love a guy who can embrace his past trauma and dress to match all that has passed before and all that he intends to do now (kill something large and tasty, grill it on the beach, fall asleep with a beer in hand until the waves come in and wake him up).
I gave him that wooden bracelet in the glam he has on my desktop screen so once again I'm feeling weirdly vindicated.
Other details: no ponytail despite the warm weather because he's got enough ventilation. The fact there's cactaurs on his shirt when he's on record for eating them is amazing. We should imagine he's wearing his jobstone like that pendant (since he's one of the only guys with a confirmed jobstone despite being the Guy Without A Job notoriously that one time.)
Unlike Thancred's hat and sunglasses combo, which seems fun and boisterous somehow, he seems the most walled off of all the sunglasses wearers even though he's not the most mysterious. The visor really helps make it a sort of wall. Maybe just because his terse upfront personality and somehow despite his clothes horse habits THIS amount of whimsy seems the most out of character at first glance, but he DOES look uncomfortable to me.
Somehow I find everything about this outfit excellent for his character but also like maybe he was forced into it, everyone cornering him and telling him the Scion Beach Party was a mandatory work event and he was not allowed to beg off of it and he did put some work in expressing himself but also is going to go find a much quieter corner to lurk in for the day, when not competing with Thancred (can't grill, loves it) for the barbeque (Estinien can grill, would only do it because the threat of Thancred doing it wrong is too high).
confused 7/10 mostly because I think Krile is blackmailing him and not because I don't love everything about this.
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Here's how G'reenha Tia can still win -
Anyway here's the deducted point for tanking in flip flops (PERFECTLY acceptable BLM gear btw but he's Mr Versatile.)
(I joke but the main character of my novels is a flip-flop wearing menace who could and would tank in them)
Between the padlock and key necklace and the woven bracelet right after we all went feral over the Thavnarian bracelets for couples thing so recently (and Corvos is just across the water!) he's absolutely dripping cutie pie love interest coding yet again.
(Also yes I know the lock and key thing is very funny because we were introduced to him learning he was a fancy key to a big door.)
Gains a point back because the other green g'raha thing is I'm pretty sure people use this shirt glam because it kinda looks like it has weed on it.
Don't quote me on that, vibes only.
Anyway he came colour coordinated (with his original eye colour and hair colour not the bright Allagan dalamud red dye that goes with his normal outfit) so so precise and neat, like he's going to some sort of formal event, and even with flip flops he really does seem incredibly put together like the twins or Y'shtola, just for full outfit cohesiveness.
As someone who would hold G'raha's hand on the romantic gondola vibe, 10/10.
3 out of 10 and a huge cringe if you would not. He's got to stop Striving.
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Hey it's the star of the show!! Adorable hairstyle out, cute plot-important earring on, and wearing her exact character colours but adorable beach wear :)
I love that she looks kind of like she went to the girls for advice and got the top from Y'shtola and the shorts from Alisaie, and she probably was very serious and stressed about getting this right even though there's no rules and no one's judging her -
Anyway the ballet shoes are adorable and go with all the cute picto spins and twirls :)
I think the strict colour scheme does speak to the slight lack of fleshing out she got so far in the story (we don't really have any real character reason that picto in particular spoke to her and this glam isn't one of the many fun takes people had on how to dress to meet that brief ). I don't think DT did more than just repeat that she's serious and sweet and trying really hard to get out of her shell and be more fun and creative and also she's been practicing dodging really hard she shouts mid-Trust combat (bless her). But ALSO getting out of the shell is really hard and she only found out everything and got some closure in the final level 100 quests so there wasn't really much to do with her after that.
This is like her First Non-Plot-Critical Whimsy Moment and losing the hood or any cat ears entirely (and there are perfectly functional cat ears to wear in game) is a good step considering we know she wears it precisely because she needed a sort of advance PR campaign to make her look cute and approachable before she opened her mouth and started bringing down the vibe (serious scary children are SO funny though and i love that for her). Having the same top as Y'shtola is a good thing for trying to make her less childish and have her trying to show that now as she takes this huge step out from the background. I mean, it still has a slight sense of her costuming herself and pushing herself out of comfort zones as she always does, but it's 100% in character so I adore it.
1000/10 because Krile is great and there's so much going on here and it's so fun when a character's whole personality is a costume and then they're like aurgh wait do I even want that??
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r0ttoncandydreamz · 5 months
Things that FUCKING SUCK about being fat:
I can't wrap a regular sized towel completely around myself.
The chafing between my thighs hurts sooo bad.
I can't keep up with my boyfriend when we go out for walks and especially when we go hiking. It's so embarrassing, he literally has to keep stopping and waiting for me to finally catch up.
It's hard finding clothes at the store that actually fit. And I can guarantee, it won't be anything nice either, sweatpants and maybe hoodies..
18" necklaces are chokers on me.
I have to get wide shoes.
Not fitting in socks made out of certain materials, some of them cut into my ankles...
Struggling to fit in high-top sneakers. Forget about calf height boots.
Feeling disgusting for eating in front of people. I know people see me and think "That's why you're fat." "I'm so glad I don't look like that."
Small bathroom stalls can be a nightmare.
I love swimming, but not in front of people.
Feeling insecure and disgusting all the time.
I'm soooo tired of being this size, it's time for a change.
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syoddeye · 27 days
this but it's kate and her wife roleplaying...
oh ho HO kelsi, my number #1 laswell enabler. apologies for the delay. a little unedited something something. 675 words.
cw: light gunplay, roleplay, mild degradation, fingering, restraints
"Fuck, Kate," you bite your lip and taste iron. Feel it, too. The cold drag of her sidearm over your hip. "What has gotten into you? Is that your gun?"
"That's Station Chief Laswell, to you." 
You frown at your faint reflection in the car window. "Station Chief isn't–"
It earns you a pinch. When you squeal, she kisses your shoulder. "Hush. This was your idea."
"I know, but we–"
Another pinch. "I said hush. Hands on the car. I won't say it twice."
You pout over your shoulder but obey. She chuckles.
Her other hand breaks away from toying with the zipper of your dress to grab the back of your neck and push down. It forces you to lean forward, and your ass meets her pelvis. She luxuriates in the feeling, grinding in a slow couple of circles before slipping a leg between yours. The hand on your neck guides you to slightly perch on her thigh while the barrel of the handgun helps her ruck your dress open from its high slit. 
"Am I in trouble?" You hesitantly ask.
"Yes," she breathes, hiking the garment to your waist. "This dress. You were explicitly told not to wear it."
"It just–fuck, Kate–!" your voice thins to a reedy whine as the air hits your bare cunt. It's chilly for all of a second before she adjusts her stance, bending you further until you have no choice but to press back on her thigh. The solid mass of her muscle meets your pussy, and the coarse texture of her slacks makes you hiss. You've been wet since that first glass of wine, and it's a miracle the material of your dress didn't give you away.
"And no panties? Need it that bad, hm? You were just going to give it up to anyone who found you like this?"
Fuck, you're losing the plot, fast. Both of you are, judging by how hard Kate works her leg against your core. The dulled, quiet slick noise of your pussy staining her trousers makes your stomach clench. Her breath is labored, and yours comes out in little pants. You can't remember if you're supposed to fight back or not.
The cold metal of her gun withdraws, and her empty hand returns, snaking around and underneath the bunched fabric. She swipes through your slippery folds and groans softly in your ear. Your head dips, forehead skimming the car. You press a palm over your mouth as she spreads your lips, then tucks two fingers into your hole with no fuss, no resistance. She works them in and closes the distance behind you, bucking shallowly. Your cunt squeezes, as needy as Kate said.
As if reading your mind, Kate pants in your ear, "Yeah, she needs it." She pumps her fingers a few more times before slowly pulling them out. She ignores your frantic, whispered complaints, instead sharply patting your swollen clit.
"You have the right to remain silent," She starts suddenly, wrenching you backward and the door to the backseat open. "Anything you say can and will–"
Still stunned stupid from your wife's fingers between your legs, you stumble into the car, eyebrows twisted in bemusement. "You don't arrest–hey! You don't Mirandize–!"
Kate hauls her weight over you and hooks the door shut with the toe of her shoe. She reclines on her haunches, loosening her tie. Under the dull dome light, she looks stern. Her scowl sends a shiver down your spine. "You said you wanted to roleplay, correct?"
You swallow. "Y-Yes."
"Yes, you did," She whips the silk off from around her neck and waits until your wrists come up in offering. "And I said I'd oblige you, if you didn't what?"
"Didn't get technical."
Kate tests the knot, fastening your wrists together, then unbuttons the top buttons of her shirt. "That's right. Because you tend to get caught up in thought, don't you, baby?" She smirks at your nod.
"Mhmm, you do. But don't worry, I'm going to empty that pretty little head of yours."
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picksnrolls · 2 months
Hat Tax
Warnings- 18+.Smut.Mdni.RPF
Pairing- Caitlin Clark x Natasha Cloud
Caitlin stood at the elevator door watching the numbers tick up from 2 heading up to 15. She'd been hanging out with a few other basketball players and various people tied to the league and it's sponsors, at the rooftop bar in the hotel doing most of the athlete hosting. 
“Hey girl, I thought I saw you leave a while ago." Natasha walked up to her after walking into the hall from a different door. They embraced in a quick hug that ended a bit too soon. 
“Tash! I thought you left too, saw you walk out with Sophie.. was a little sad might not see you before I leave." Caitlin flashed a playful pout. “You heading home now?" 
The doors opened to the elevator, both stepping in. Natasha hit the lobby button, her hand hovering waiting for Caitlin to say which floor she was going to with a non-committal shrug. 
"Lobby for me too.”
" What, you comin’ with me?” Cloud responded with her own playful wink. "Nah.. let me stop playin’. ”
"I've gotta go to the front desk real quick. But uhh.. you can come back up and hang with me if you want.” Caitlin smiled again before heading to the lobby front desk after the doors opened. 
Natasha blinked back a hint of surprise but stayed right by the elevator door. There was a vibe she thought she was feeling between them, staying for a little while couldn't really hurt. 
“Can I get you anything? Minibar should be restocked, you can grab whatever you want.” Caitlin watched the Mercury player walk in and come to a halt, taking in the size of the one bedroom suite. 
Of course this would be the room she had. 
Caitlin plucked the red Phillies cap from Natasha's head and popped it onto her own with a shrug and a grin. “Hat tax." 
“Oh alright, I see you now." Natasha abandoned the want for a drink, her attention now fully on the girl moving around the space putting the few things she had been holding down, taking shoes off, readjusting the red cap on her head.
“I can always order up room service if you want." She said while settling down on the couch, skirt hiking up just the tiniest bit, showing off more porcelain muscular thighs. 
Natasha felt a little jolt as she stole a few glances of the sight sat before her. “Nobody else is staying up here with you? Or..?" 
“Nope. Just me." 
Earlier in the day she and Sophie had joked about whether or not either of them would be hooking up with anyone before the weekend was over, while she didn't think it wasn't a possibility, and still wasn't exactly sure how or why she was up in Caitlin Clark's hotel suite, the potential was becoming a little more real. 
“You can come sit, ya know. You can get comfortable, unless you have somewhere to be? I hear All Star Weekend can get..  I don't know, it's my first so..”
Natasha sat close enough so their knees knocked but shifted so there was some space between them. There was a little spark of.. something.. but she wasn't about to assume anything. Her eyes bounced from the expanse of uncovered legs to the neck she wanted to be nipping. The way Caitlin was biting her lower lip had her questioning her own resolve. 
“You know you're trouble right now." 
“What.. why? I promise I won't keep your hat." Caitlin wasn't usually this bold but the energy of the game and everything that happened so far had her confidence still running high. “Those boots though.. " 
“My Timbs?" 
“What size? They look like they'll fit, lemme try them on?" Caitlin sprung up from the couch.
“Taking my clothes one piece at a time?" Natasha didn't know why but she kicked them off. Watching as her boots were now on Caitlin's feet paired with her skirt and that white top, she was turned on and itching to touch every inch of exposed skin. 
“I can rock this, whaddya think?" CC did a hip sway. The boots and skirt didn't exactly match but the air between them was getting hotter by the second. 
 The thought of hooking up with the 8 year vet hadn't crossed her mind, even after inviting her to stay but in that moment, when their eyes locked while she was standing over her still wearing the boots, Caitlin desperately wanted to. The ache building between her legs taking her by surprise. 
Her inexperience started to show as she pitched forward to kiss Natasha, the brim of the hat slamming into the bridge of her nose. Caitlin instantly panicked, taking a step back.  "Fuck! I'm sorry.  I.. “
" Let's take that off? We can try that again if you're sure you wanna?” The hat hit the floor with a thump and the boots were kicked off and left next to the couch. 
The kiss was heavy and slow, the space between them closed as Natasha pulled her in tight, wanting to feel everything she could while still standing and both still fully clothed. 
Caitlin tried to rush things along again, gripping the hem of Natasha's sweatshirt and tugging upwards, the button up still layered over it causing it to bunch up. She flushed with a bit of embarrassment. 
“Someone's a little eager." Natasha said with a hiccup of a laugh.  
Caitlin’s blush spread from her neck to her cheeks, her inexperience showing again. "Sorry.. I just.. “
"Have you done this before?” Natasha ran her fingers up the back of Caitlin's bare leg stopping just under the line of the  leather skirt. The feeling better than she could have anticipated. 
"No.. this? No. Wait yeah.. I've been with other.. “ The blush started to clear but the thumping in her center steadily increased.
“Taaash.. fuck.. stop teas-"  Caitlin sucked in a harsh breath as she was pushed over the edge, her fingers digging into braided scalp and the rumpled sheets beneath their naked bodies tugged to the brink of tearing.  Her moans were half silenced by the taste of her own juices on the fingers being slid into her mouth. 
They had been going at it for hours at this point. Starting at the couch, Caitlin claiming the first orgasm out of Natasha while on her knees. They stripped each other down to underwear. Cait in a matching lacy grey bra and thong set, Tash in matching black sports bra and boxer briefs. 
Watching Caitlin sink to her knees tugging the boxers down, big dark doe eyes waiting for permission had Tasha wide eyed with her own arousal. Once granted she held nothing back and what she lacked in experience and skill she more than made up for with enthusiasm. It hadn't taken long after Tasha fisted dark hair to both hold on and guide the rookie. 
The pair moved to the bedroom, having shed the rest of what was left on their bodies, Caitlin's back hitting the bed with the guard landing on top, fitting between her legs. 
“I did not have this on my radar but I got a feeling you did. You do seem to get whatever it is you want." 
“Shut up I do not!" Caitlin emphasized her words with a firm squeeze of her ass. “But I did feel a little sad when I left the bar thinking I wouldn't see you again before the break. And then there you were.. " 
Natasha kisses and lightly suckled her way down the length of Caitlin's body while her hands explored. She tweaked both nipples, squeezed and massaged both tits, enjoying the size and response to her actions. When she reached the area just above her hair line she looked up waiting for permission. A quick nod came but she waited still. 
" I need more, I wanna hear you say it.”
Caitlin whined a bit, verbalizing the things she wanted in bed had never come easy. She sighed at the kisses being pressed into her inner thighs but whined again when they stopped. 
"Tash.. please..”
"Please? Please what babygirl? What do you want and like?” Natasha held down the hips that were trying to roll up, her center searching for some relief. She knew the effects she was having but would wait until she got what she wanted.
" Touch me.”
" How?”
" I.. with your mouth?”
" Is that all?” Natasha was barely able to hold back, the sweet scent pulling her in inch by inch.
“I want your fingers inside me.. FUCK!" 
Caitlin was so worked up she yelped at the first pass of Natasha's tongue through her dripping folds, it was a miracle she didn't cum right there. After being edged for what felt like an eternity, she was finally allowed to fall over the edge. The instant bliss was unlike anything she'd felt before. The sheer force of the orgasm had her shaking and mumbling and seeing stars.
The pair switched up a few more times, Caitlin cumming while riding Natasha's thigh, Natasha taking a quick explosive ride on Caitlin's face. The time had gone by in a blink but both women finally collapsed side by side in the middle of the king sized bed, trying their best to avoid any of the wet spots they each left behind. 
“Babygirl!” Natasha said with a light laugh. "That was.. I woulda never thought you could give head like that.. damn.." 
“Nah.. now you're just saying that.." Caitlin buried her face in the pillow, not really sure how to take that specific compliment but she'd let it feed her ego for the time being. 
Caitlin's eyes flew open at the sound of a ringing that wasn't familiar to her, then she felt the warmth of the body pressed into her side. "Tash.. hey.. is that your phone?”
She burrowed back down under the covers and was just about to doze off when she heard the sound of her phone ringing and buzzing on the nightstand beside her. Without thinking she hit answer and Kate's face lit up the screen. 
"Hey.. what time is it?” She wiped some of the sleep from her eyes. Her hair still in a sleep rumpled mess. 
"Like 8:15”  Natasha answered and rolled into frame, not realizing she wasn't the one being asked or that it was a FaceTime. "Oh shit!”
"Who is that? What is.. where are you? Did you hookup with-" 
Caitlin had hit end call before Kate could finish her sentence. She tossed her phone aside and laid there trying not to panic. 
" Tell her or don't. Either is okay with me, whatever works for you, okay?” Natasha pressed a soft kiss to Caitlin's forehead, a look of sincerity written on her face. 
“Okay.. You want to stay for breakfast? We can order. Coffee's actually uhm pretty good here. "  Caitlin sat up, the sheet falling down to pool in her lap. 
“Babygirl. I bet you a red Phillies cap that the coffee doesn't taste anywhere as good as you. I do have to head out though. Got a flight in a couple hours and haven't packed yet because *somebody* kept me out all night.”
" I've never done *this* before.. like hookup with someone spontaneously. So I.. or do we.. is this..?”
" Enjoy Mexico.” Natasha walked back into the room fully dressed, hat in hand, she tossed it onto the bed with a wink. "Message me any time and if you want this to happen again.. and the circumstances are right.. yeah, I'm here for that. No hard feelings either way.”
" I might wanna wear those Timbs again.”
" I might let you..” Natasha yelled back just before the door clicked shut. 
Caitlin flopped back on the bed, phone in hand, blankets pulled up tight and FaceTime’d Kate. The second she answered Kate wanted to know all the details. She held out for a few minutes, fully intending to tell her but making her wait. 
“Was that Natasha? Tash Cloud?! I know her braids anywhere! Phoenix really rolled out the red carpet for you!" 
“Shut up! Wasn't like I planned it.. but if I did, she would have far exceeded.." Caitlin nestled back into her pillows, getting lost in the memories for a little bit longer while Kate confirmed their plans to meet up the next day on the Iowa campus before heading to Mexico for a few days of basketball free vacation. 
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irisintheafterglow · 8 months
Hiii! Im obsessed with your coparenting megumi series. You write all the characters so well!! Are you planning on writing more for it? No pressure just curious! <3
hi anon, thank you for the love !!! and i absolutely will continue writing coparenting megumi, so here's a new little installment :)) hopefully it's not too late in the winter for ice skating <3
cw: swearing, fluff
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in hindsight, you didn't expect them to get so invested in the winter olympics. you'd turned on the channel for megumi and tsumiki to watch while you made dinner, unaware of tsumiki's sudden fascination with the world of ice skating. megumi, ever the little brother he was, begrudgingly watched with his sister but took note of how her face lit up as the skaters danced across the ice. when she burst into the kitchen, slipping and sliding across the floorboards with her fuzzy snowman socks, she could barely sputter out what she wanted this weekend's adventure to be.
"i want to go ice skating," she declared after she caught her breath, grinning so widely that it'd probably hurt her cheekbones. "please." a moment later, megumi slides into the kitchen with half as much grace as his sister but still nodding as enthusiastically.
"where'd this come from?" you smile and tap the wooden spoon against the edge of the pot. "you wanna go to the olympics like the people on tv?"
"that's in the future," tsumiki says matter-of-factly. "first, i need to get more comfortable with balancing on one foot, like a ballerina."
"ballerinas also take classes," you point out. "do you wanna start taking skating lessons? i can talk to satoru and see if-" you're immediately cut off by frantic shouts of please! and i'll do the dishes for a year! that echo off of the cupboards and disturb the peace of your neighbors.
so here you were, freezing your ass off and crisscrossing your laces over the front of your ankle, tying it into a tight bow before checking on the kids. it'd been a few weeks since tsumiki started her lessons, and you were finally able to line up you and satoru's schedules for a free day to take the whole 'family' skating. tsumiki, as expected, is practically bouncing from excitement with her skates already laced and ready to go; megumi, on the other hand, stares at the supposed shoes of death and looks as apprehensive as an emperor penguin hiking an active volcano. though he was willing to watch skating with his sister, you found that getting him to step onto any uneven surface was nearly impossible. your boyfriend is nowhere to be found after mumbling something about dinner not sitting right in his stomach and racing to the bathroom, leaving you to help tsumiki drag her little brother onto the ice.
but, she's gone as soon as her blades hit the ice and it's like you threw a caught tuna back into the ocean. there's no hesitation in the flow of her feet as they propel her forward, carefully crossing over one another around a tight turn. she'd improved astronomically since the first lesson you brought her to, even going so far as to lift one of her legs slightly off the ground and continue to glide.
"are we sure this is safe?" megumi's mumbles are barely audible as he white-knuckle grips the edge of the walls, his feet slowly making unsteady progress. you skate alongside him, not as confidently as tsumiki but not as shakily as megumi. "how many people have died while ice skating?"
"i don't know, but i guarantee you will not be one of them," you reassure him while his left hand finds a home in your right glove. a quick glance around the rink reveals satoru nowhere to be found and tsumiki cautiously practicing a spin in the middle of the ice. "you're doing great, bud. just focus on yourself and don't worry about anyone else."
"what if they knock me over?"
"i won't let them knock you over."
"but what if they try?"
"megumi, you have survived scarier things than assholes at an ice rink. just-"
a whoosh! of cold air flies past your left shoulder and you're about to curse out whoever sped past you when you catch tsumiki with her hands raised in celebration, cheering. your eyes adjust and finally recognize the shape of your boyfriend speeding around the rink, weaving between couples and eventually coming to a hockey-stop right next to you. you're shocked, to say the least, and the first thing that comes out of your mouth after you laugh surprises him.
"what the hell are you wearing?"
"it's my skating gear," he replies, giving you a lopsided smile. "surprised?"
"incredibly," you snort, taking note of the way the long-sleeved compression shirt hugged his muscles and highlighted the shoulders you ever-so-lovingly liked to bite. you knew he'd skated when he could during high school, saying something about wanting his aesthetic to match his hair, but you'd dismissed the idea without a second thought. you guessed he was counting on you to doubt his skating ability. "i can't say i don't like it, though."
"ew," megumi mutters from behind you and satoru peeks over your shoulder to find his unofficial son continue to struggle on the ice.
"hey, bud! you doing okay?" satoru's question is met with another grumble and he shrugs, undeterred. "want me to give you a little bit of help?"
"absolutely not," megumi says adamantly, tightening his hold on your hand as one of his skates veers backward for a split second. satoru disappears without another word, finding tsumiki in the middle and bending down to whisper something in her ear.
you can't hear what they're saying, but whatever satoru says makes her gasp and race over to you and megumi. she hurriedly pries megumi's fingers from your hand and replaces it with hers, quickly saying something about taking over for you. before you can question it, satoru's hand is grabbing yours and lurching you forward, faster than you had ever skated before.
"holy shit! what are you doing?" you half-laugh, half-panic with no choice but to hold on to your boyfriend for dear life. it was exhilarating, moving so quickly with such ease, but you couldn't negate the dread of what would happen if you fell. "i can't skate this fast!"
"i'm making you skate with me, so we're gonna go as fast as i want us to," he replies with a smirk over his shoulder.
"i'm going to kill you if i trip," you swear, but he laughs it off immediately. "brutally."
"like i would ever let you fall," he murmurs. he positions himself at your side while you steady your shaking skates, slowing to a halt in the middle of the ice. with no wall of safety to be found, you maintain your death grip on satoru and hesitantly push yourself forward. "look at you go, pushing off all on your own." the tease in his voice was evident, but you were too busy trying not to eat shit to scold your boyfriend.
"shut up, satoru. i'm focusing." you let go of his hand and feel his patronizing gaze burn into the back of your neck, flinching when he suddenly cuts right in front of you. your flinch throws you off balance and you jolt forward, but he immediately grabs your forearms and sets you back on your feet.
"see? told you i'd never let you fall," he says quietly with a tiny smile that breaks through your frown of concentration. your expression softens and he notices, like he always does. "there you are. think you can forgive me for pulling you out on the ice?"
"as long as we don't go as fast as last time." he grins and locks his fingers in yours. "speed up and i'm gonna hide all your favorite compression shirts."
"oh, so it's serious," he chuckles, pulling you forward and letting you mirror the glide of his skates back and out, side to side. "that's okay," he concludes, leaning over briefly to peck your cheek. "i love you more than my compression shirts."
"what a statement," you deadpan lightheartedly and he shrugs.
"honestly, it's a pretty close competition-"
"alright, that's enough. shut up and skate," you interject and start to move a little faster, his hand in yours warm and safe. "we have to get good at this if tsumiki's headed to the olympics."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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that-basic-simp · 4 months
Girl With The Wave Tattoo PT. II
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A/N: I sincerely and deeply apologize for not getting this out sooner. Tumblr did not notify me that a couple people commented asking for a second part to this. It was only recently that I saw that part two was requested. To those who requested this, I am so sorry for making you wait this long! Mizu X Fem!Reader CW: Deep conversations about trauma and dark/intrusive thoughts WC: 1.0k+
"Hey, Mizu!" I smiled, waving to her.
"Hey, Y/N," she smiled.
"Tea again?"
"You know it," she said, pulling out her wallet.
"I got it," I said.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"Yes, I am sure. I know you've been working hard."
She smiled, shaking her head, "I take it Ise told you?"
"Yes. And the social media posts of your recent tattoos lately."
"Business has been booming. I am grateful."
"I take it you're stressed, though."
"Very much am," she let out a sigh. "Oh, before I forget."
"You free tonight?"
"Yes, you," she chuckled.
"I-I," I found my friend and Ise were standing around the corner, vigorously nodding their heads. "I'm not doing anything tonight."
"Great. I'll meet you here, then?"
"Y-Yeah," I said, finishing up making her tea.
"See you then," she smiled, taking the cup from my hand.
Our fingers brushed over one another's as she grabbed it, heading out of the little cafe. She waved to my friend and Ise before heading out. I stood there, my mouth wide open and my eyes blinked rapidly. My friend came over and hugged me from the side.
"Look at you! Wooing Mizu like that."
"I-I didn't do anything. I-I just treated her with kindness and respected her as a person."
"And those are qualities you don't find a lot these days," Ise said.
"Yes, I remember the story you told me."
"And also, from what I heard from my friend, Mizu is not the easiest person to like. And she struggles to find people to talk to," Ise said.
"I can see why," I said.
"But this is good!" my friend said. "I know how much you've been wanting to date someone."
"I-I'm not sure I want to date Mizu. I mean, she seems nice and all and I do find her attractive, but I-I don't know."
"Just let things happen, Y/N," my friend said. "You don't have to force yourself to like someone if you don't feel like you do."
"Thanks," I said.
"We should also probably get back to work," my friend eyed the line that was starting to gather behind us.
"Oh shit," I said and turned towards the register as my friend and Ise were getting things prepared.
After we closed the cafe, I was walking out right when Mizu was walking towards the building.
"We'll see you later, Y/N," Ise and my friend said.
"Later," I said to them before turning to Mizu.
"H-Hey, Mizu."
"Hey, Y/N," she smiled. "You ready?"
"Where are we going to go?"
"I found an awesome place to show you," she said and walked off towards the outskirts of the city.
We got onto a train that led to the outer parts, where not many people lived and it would be a long hike to reach the next town over. The train stopped and Mizu got up. I followed her off the train and into the woods. The sun was starting to set and it was getting chilly. My work uniform wasn't enough to keep me warm, since I was wearing a short sleeve shirt and jeans.
"Here," Mizu said and wrapped her jacket around me.
"Thank you," I said. "W-What is here? And how did you find this place?"
"I remember a friend of mine, Ringo, told me about this place. How it's mostly woods and it's far enough from the city to where I won't get lost, but also far from the next town over. I came here one evening and started wandering around, trying to find a calm and quiet spot. Then I stumbled upon this," she pulled back some foliage and there was a large cliff ahead of us.
I stepped out of the woods and she followed behind me. I noticed she was wearing a white tank top and shorts with tennis shoes.
"How are you not cold?" I asked.
She chuckled, "The tattoo shop I work in is either freezing or boiling hot. The HVAC needs to be repaired and we're struggling right now to get it fixed. I've been working a lot more hours so that I can use what I get to help pay for the repairs. Don't worry, it's not just me who is doing that. Everyone is chipping in."
"I was gonna say," I said.
"It's the only place I will be a good person to, along with you, Ise, and your friend at the cafe."
"I don't blame you," I said.
"Come, let's sit."
We walked towards the edge of the cliff and sat down, our legs swinging in the air.
"After everything you've been through, I don't blame you for not being nice to those who aren't deserving of it."
"I should be nicer to people. They're just trying to get by and here I am, traumatized from my past."
"The healing process is a long and perilous journey."
"It truly is. I-I don't think I will ever heal."
"I know people say time heals all wounds."
"It's bullshit."
"Time heals the physical wounds, not the mental ones."
Mizu turned towards me, a look of shock on her face.
"What?" I asked.
"I always say the same thing, too."
"Well it's true. If you've been traumatized, no matter how much it hurt you, you can't easily get over that within a week. Or even a year. Hell, not even two years. Your body may be able to heal itself, but the brain and heart can't."
Mizu slowly nodded her head, "E-Exactly."
"I-I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't want this to sound like a therapy session."
"You know, no one understands any of that like you do."
"Yeah. A few people I have talked to have never made me feel safe. Safe in the sense of I can express my thoughts and feelings freely."
"Your thoughts and feelings are valid, Mizu," I said. "No matter what anyone says, they're valid."
"Even the dark thoughts?"
"That's a gray area. But if you don't enact on them, either if they're dark towards yourself or someone else, they're still valid to have."
"Why do you say that?"
"They're your thoughts and feelings. So they should be valid to at least you. I think it's important that they're mainly valid to you, but I do feel you need validation from others on what you're thinking. And I think everything you think, dark, light, whatever it may be, is valid. Unless you enact on the dark thoughts."
"Don't let the intrusive thoughts win," Mizu chuckled.
I chuckled with her as well, "Yeah. Don't let the intrusive thoughts win. But they're still valid."
"Thank you, Y/N," Mizu said.
"You're welcome, Mizu. And this is a great sight. Thank you for bringing me here."
"You're welcome. Want to do something like this again sometime?"
I turned and smiled at her, "I'd love to."
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inspo by @painsandconfusion
[tw chase, past trauma, past hostage situation, revenge, knives, implied murder, psychological whump, dehumanisation]
Whumpee was running through the woods, panting and sobbing and wishing they were anywhere else. They'd already survived that fucking hostage crisis, and now this? Was there something wrong with them? Did they walk under a ladder, shook hands over the threshold? What the fuck was wrong with their life?
"Please, leave me alone!" they screamed. "Please! I didn't do anything!"
Their pursuer didn't respond. They weren't wasting their precious breath like Whumpee.
It didn't take long until Whumpee's shoe caught on a branch. They hit the ground with a loud thunk, making leaves and bugs scatter. They didn't have the chance to scramble to their feet again.
Whoever had been chasing them pushed them right back into the mud with a boot on their back, and all they could do was thrash like a pinned butterfly. "Please!" Whumpee tried again, positively wailing. "Please, let me go! Not again! Not again!"
"Do you have any idea how lucky you are?" The stranger sounded angry, and Whumpee couldn't imagine what the fuck they were talking about.
"I'm not! Evidently, I– please, I'm sorry, I don't understand, please, just let me go!"
"Do you think my friend got to go on little hikes after the incident?" They removed their boot and bent down, hoisting Whumpee up and slamming them against the nearest tree with a knife to their throat. "Do you think they were frolicking around, enjoying life?"
"I don't understand," Whumpee cried. "I don't understand, please..."
"Oh, you don't understand." The stranger looked at them with pure disgust, and Whumpee wanted to scream that they had the wrong person, because surely, there was no way they could've crossed someone so egregiously without even knowing. "Do you never think about the innocent person who died that day? The one the police and all of you let down? You know, the 'sacrifical lamb', as the reporter had called them."
Traumatic memories came flooding back by the dozen at the phrase. It was one they'd blacklisted on every platform, trying to avoid the news coverage as much as possible. "There was nothing I could've done!" Their therapist had said so. "I didn't want anyone to die!"
"Well, someone did." They pressed the blade into Whumpee's flesh, those empty eyes fixed on whatever monster they thought they were hunting. "And it shouldn't have been them. The sacrifice. It should've been anyone else. Anyone."
"No, no, please–"
"'Police treats hostage crisis like a chess game, sacrificing a pawn to save the rest.' Is that any fucking way to treat a human being?"
"I'm not the police–"
"It should've been them. It should've been you."
"Don't render their death useless!" Whumpee blurted out as a last ditch effort to at least get their attention. "If you kill me, if you kill all of us– Then why did your friend die? They saved us! It was unfair, it was horrible, I wish it didn't happen, but–"
"Shut the fuck up!" they snapped. "Shut up! Shut your fucking mouth! They didn't die as a sacrifice! They didn't die for your useless life to go on! They died because you were all incompetent and stupid! They died for nothing! They shouldn't have died!"
Whumpee flinched, their crying continuing with renewed momentum. "Killing me isn't going to bring them back!" they sobbed.
"No, it won't. It certainly fucking won't, because your lives are nowhere near of equal value. But maybe if I get all of you fucking parasites... Maybe then, they'll be able to rest."
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ellies-star · 1 year
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something about july. pt 1
pairing. outdoors staff! ellie williams x pool staff f! reader. 
synopsis. ellie has been working at this summer camp for the last 5 years, and when she spots you for the first time blowing up pool floats with Dina, she knows she's in trouble. ellie and reader find themselves flirting every chance they get, pulling pranks and having a sweet summer fling. warnings. right now it's just fluff and wholesome, use of y/n, friends to lovers trope but eventual 18+. eventual mention and usage of substances, drunk/high kissing, and makeout woot woot.
an. lol so this is my first time writing a fic in a while. wanted smthn that would make you wanna kick your feet and giggle, so i present to you part one of summer camp ellie and reader &lt;3 p.s. apologies in advance, editing as I go lol.
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It's 9:00 am on a Saturday in July, and Ellie pulls up to the campground that's already buzzing with excitement and chatter. Dust flies behind her truck as she drives along the dirt road and gravel through the camp. Window down, the summer breeze and smell of pine fills her car bringing a smile to her lips. Damn I missed this, she thinks.
She immediately recognizes her friends and fellow staff among the small crowd, they work hard to move tables and haul in groceries for this weeks meals, others are organizing gear and supplies for hikes– which she should be doing at this moment.
"You're late Williams!" Ellie looks to her left to find the source of the oh so familiar playful chide. The camp director approaches her car with a grin on her face. She slows down to pull up next to the woman, leaning her left arm out the window.
"Morning Maggie, beautiful start to the week, huh?" She looks at the older woman, salt and pepper hair in a wild bun, navy blue t-shirt with the camp's logo written across the front and back in a faded white. Her busy clipboard propped against her hip cladded in worn-out denim jeans. She embodies camp mom in every single way, and Ellie missed her like no other.
"It would be, if all of my staff got here on time!" She smacks Ellie's arm playfully with her hand. "We got new staff this year, and the boys are already tormenting them!" She turns around to point to Joel and Tommy under the roof of the mess hall on the left. The brothers laughing as they already finish tying one of the new outdoors crew members' shoes to the beam.
Ellie sticks her head out the window to shout to them. "Better hide the ladder once you're done!"
"Don't worry, already on it!" Tommy turns around almost falling off the thing, but shouts back with a grin.
"How could I forget, you're just as bad as they are." Maggie rolls her eyes. Ellie laughs at her response, getting more excited for what's in store. Joel looks passed Tommy, using his hand to shade his eyes.
"Get your ass over here Williams, these boxes ain't gonna move themselves!"
"I'm coming, hold your horses old man!" Ellie shouts back. She shakes her head and diverts her attention back to the lady with places to be.
"Hurry up now, and be nice to the boys! God knows those two won't. See you later chickadee." Maggie pats her car door to send Ellie off, before giving her a wink.
Ellie drives off to park her truck by the pool and other cars shaded beneath the line of ponderosa pine. It's still pretty early, but the sun's hot beams are brutal right now. Stepping out of the truck, she takes off her green flannel and tosses it onto her tattered passenger seat. Seconds after the slam of her truck door, she is greeted by a warm breeze and another friendly face.
"Ellie! You're here!" She turns around to see Dina peering over the wooden pool fence to say hello. Ellie instantly walks to the gate door to meet Dina for a sweaty hug.
"It's good to see ya D!" Ellie laughs squeezing her tight and taking in the smell of her freshly applied sunscreen. She pulls back, and Dina comments like everyone else she’s seen.
"You're like an hour late." Ellie scoffs.
"I know! Don't blame me, blame Florence." Ellie groans pointing to her overheated white 1999 Ford Ranger. Dina rolls her eyes in response, but gets a burst of excitement. She almost forgot what made her so giddy in the first place. She grabs Ellie's shoulders with force and locks eyes. There’s a shift in the air between them with a sense of seriousness. Ellie doesn't know what to think, but stands confused and leaning back slightly. "What is it Dina..."
"Ellie, we got new swim staff."
"I know, I met them at the last meeting?"
"No Ellie, you didn't meet this one." Ellie quirks a brow looking at Dina with a puzzled eye.
"Dina what are you talking about–"
"Ellie she's cute, and gay." Dina emphasizes, cutting her off to nod her chin to hint what's behind her– or more importantly who.
"Again, what are you talking about?" Dina turns around and pulls Ellie to her side to reveal the sight by the other end of the pool.
As a few other new staff members begin to move away from the shed, behold there you are barely out of reach of the pool structures shade, glistening in the sun. Your skin tanned and kissed by freckles, and exposed in your yellow bikini top and denim shorts. Your hair tied up in messy ponytail, loose pieces stick to your back from sunscreen and sweat.
"oh, that's what you're talking about..." Ellie's eyes widen. Dina looks at Ellie and giggles like a school girl.
It's funny, while Ellie gawks at you, you look quite silly bent over struggling to blow up pool floaties alongside Jesse. She can hear you arguing with him over how many blow up balls versus rings you need.
Dina knows what she's doing, and already feels the need to play matchmaker.
Grabbing Ellies hand and giving her a devilish grin, she begins to pull her along the edge of the pool towards the two of you. "Jesse look whose here!" Dina announces giggling.
Ellie's heart quickens, her nerves sinking in. The thing is, she hasn't talked to a pretty gay girl in, let's be honest, a while. And on top of that, she's also an over thinker. So she has indeed already exhausted every encounter or issue that could errupt after talking to you.
"What are you doing?!" Ellie whisper panics trying to pull away without looking too suspicious, Dina just snickers in response as they both now stand in front of the two pool staff attempting to blow up a giant turtle floaty.
You hardly notice the two girls that come up, you are too caught up in your mission to find the other air pump in the ridiculous wooden chest of a mess overflowing with pool toys and goggles.
Jesse looks up before his face falls into a big smile. "Aye you finally made it!" He beams while standing up. Ellie tries to focus on giving him a hug, but all she can think about is who this mysterious girl in a small yellow bikini is.
Your back was to the three of them before you turn around. You briefly scan the over the two girls before locking eyes with the one you've never seen before. You first notice her tank top, Patagonia baggies and dirty blue vans. Her shoulder length auburn hair was tied half up half down, but a few pieces escaped framing her face. Freckles sprayed across her nose and cheeks, and her green eyes never left yours.
Everything about her screamed gay, and hot.
Dina and Jesse watch as the two of you stare blankly at one another, unsure what to say– Ellie is afraid to take a breath from the looks of it, her cheeks are showing the slightest shade of pink.
"Y/N this is Ellie! We grew up going to camp together with Jesse, and now she's been working in outdoors for about 5 years now!" Dina grins after her introduction, nudging Ellie's arm with her elbow to say hello.
But all she could think was holy shit, cute girl cute girl cute girl...
"Uh, hi yeah I'm Ellie, nice to meet you." She sticks her hand out, showing off her right forearm; covered in the most gorgeous tattoo you've ever seen.
"Hi Ellie, i'm Y/N." You smile, shaking her hand– it's a little sweaty which you blame on the heat, but she blames on you. Your eyes flicker back to her arm. "I really like your tattoo! It's really pretty." You beam as you let her hand go.
You're really pretty. She makes a note to herself to never wear a long sleeve around you ever.
"Oh thanks, I got it a few years ago." She replies, unsure of what to add. God why do pretty girls make my brain go dumb?
Just as Dina was about to intervene, Tommy calls for Ellie over the fence. "Ellie, Joel needs your help planning the first 3 day hikes, Mia can't go!" He shouts before walking back towards the outdoors tent.
She turns her head back and shouts that she's coming before turning back to look at you, a small smile forms on her lips. "I gotta go before Joel kills me, but uh– it was nice meeting you."
You offer a smile and a "you too" in return as she heads back towards the pool gate. She looks back one last time and you give a little wave.
Of course this small interaction made her chest flutter, and knees weak. She fought every fibre in her body to not look back at you. As she walked towards the group of boys all she could think to herself was: I'm in trouble for sure.
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melanieph321 · 1 year
Ruben Dias - Lost in Sardinia Part 4/8
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
*Mentioning of very rough smut*
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Summary - Ruben is on a getaway in Sardinia. There he meets a girl named Fiorella. She starts to wonder why Ruben won't tell her what exactly he is getting away from, or even what his real name is.
It was like riding one of those mechanical bulls at a street fair, but safer and less bouncy.
"You sure I'm not too heavy?"
Ruben had carried Fiorella on his back for the past hour, without taking a break or even asking to take a break.
"Nah, you're good." His body vibrated against her chest as he spoke. "And you, do you need me to put you down?"
"No, I'm good...up here."
Fiorella did have the slightest urge to pee. However, asking Ruben to put her down, let her pee and then let her climb back up again, seem like too much of a bother.
"Wow." She gasped as Ruben jumped to adjust her position on his back.
"Sorry." He chuckled.
Fiorella wrapped her arms around his shoulders with the sudden fright. "No, I'm sorry, for not wearing the right shoes for a hike."
"Beginners mistake." He laughed.
"I'm sure it's my first and last time going on a hike."
"Don't say that." Ruben pinched her thigh. "Once we get down this mountain and your blisters have healed, you'll be longing back to the waterfalls."
"Maybe, but then I'll make sure to call a taxi that can take me there."
The vibration that came with Rubens laughter was very soothing. Fiorella let her arms wrap a little tigher around his shoulders. She felt comfortable enough to rest her head against him, dozing off to the rocking of her own body. She was nudged awake though, by the sound of a road and passing cars.
"We're almost there." He said, feeling Fiorella's body twich awake.
"Ruben, you can let me down now."
"You sure?"
The sun was setting in the sky, it was getting dark.
"Yes. I can walk the rest of the way."
Ruben lowered himself towards the ground, releasing her thighs from his grip.
Fiorella slid down his back but squirmed as her feet stirred the gravel.
"Your blisters, are they still sore?" Ruben let her find balance by supporting herself against him.
"Yes, but where almost there." She said, making an effort to stand up straight. "Where's almost home."
Either way, Ruben wouldn't let Fiorella's arm go until they had descended down the final slope.
The path to the village opened up before them, the city lights glimmering in the night.
"Come, I know a place we can rest."
Fiorella led the way towards the village, towards her uncles restaurant, however they stumbled upon the place being packed with people, forcing her and Ruben to wait outside.
"Huh, it must be a game on or something."
Fiorella's uncle had invested alot of money in buying flat screen TV's for the saloons, quickly turning his restaurant into the most popular sports bar in town.
"I don't really watch football that much, but if you want to we..."
"It's okay." Ruben protested. Somthing came across his face, a peculiar expression.
"Okay...we could just stand here then." Fiorella smiled. Ruben however, just looked at her funny.
"Nothing." He shrugged.
"Not nothing. Why were you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?"
Fiorella eyes narrowed. "Don't look at me funny just because I don't know how to go on a hike."
Ruben grinned, showing off all of his white teeth. "Fiorella I'm not staring at you because you don't know how to go on a hike."
"Aha! So you were staring?"
He rolled his eyes. "Yes, I guess you can say that I was staring at you just now."
He batted his eyes, a bit hesitant at first but then he smiled and said, "Forgive me for thinking of the ways you would've wanted me to kiss you."
Fiorella snorted. "And what ways would that be?"
He grinned. "Well there are three ways, soft, hard or a bit of both."
Shivers ran down Fiorella's spine. She was looking up at Ruben, he was about two heads taller than herself. The thought of ever kissing him hadn't crossed her mind, not until he brought it up just now. How would that even be possible with their significant height difference?
"How about I suprise you?" He said.
Fiorella nodded. "Yes, yes, surprise me."
He bent down and kissed her. Hard.
Ruben's lips against Fiorella's felt like being lit on fire whilst standing in the rain. She was aware of the burning, but at the same time there was nothing to worry about. She gave into him. Ruben wrapped his arms around her waist, challenging her not so stable footing. Soft moans escaped their lips and if it wasn't for three drunk teenagers stumbling out of the restaurant, Fiorella was sure that their kiss would've lasted forever.
"They seem to be enjoying themselves." She said watching the teens light a cigarette and pass it between them.
"It must be a good game on." She looked to Ruben who's eyes were fixated somewhere bellow her nose.
"Like I said, I don't really watch football, but maybe we could order some..."
"It's getting late." He said, clearing his throat.
"Um, I know but..."
"I should probably head back."
He backed away, creating distance between them. His head shifted nervously to the three teenagers, as if they were about to attack him.
"Ruben." Fiorella frowned. "If there was something I did..."
"No, it was nothing, you did nothing." He leand forward, pecking her lips.
"I don't want this day to end." She sighed. Fiorella's eyelids were closed. Slowy reopening them, Ruben's gaze was on her, searching her face.
"Come with me then." He convinced.
Lured along to the marina, Fiorella found herself in an unexpected situation as she stepped foot onto Ruben's boat. Having only seen the outside from the docks, she was surprised to find sheer luxury within. The boat's interior was adorned with intricately carved wooden furniture, plush velvet cushions, and delicate crystal chandeliers that sparkled as they swayed gently with the movements of the boat. Fiorella couldn't help but feel a tinge of suspicion. How could Ruben, a mere tourist from Portugal, afford such opulence? Was he that good at hiking that they paid him enough to buy luxurious boats?
Any doubts that lingered within her were momentarily forgotten as Ruben, charming and suave, took charge and began to undress, stripping himself of his shirt almost immediately as they stepped foot on deck.
"Sit?" He said, in a very commending voice.
"Where?" Fiorella shifted her head. He had dragged her passed what would be the boat's saloon. The only where else to sit would be....
"On the bed."
Ruben pointed towards the dark room ahead.
Fiorella entered the small cabine, her hands trembling as she pushed open the door.
She set herself down on the matress. Ruben appeared in the door, his shoulders square in the frame. His eye were dark as he watched her.
"Take off your panties and give them to me."
Fiorella's lips parted in a silent gasp, a cold but pleasuring sensation running down her back. She was still wearing jeans, by asking her to take off her panties, was Ruben asking her to strip for him completely?
"Why are you hesitating?" He asked.
"Ruben, I'm not..."
He saw her hands on the zipper, hesitating to pull it down. He stepped forward, his sudden presence disturbing her peace. With a forceful hand to her chest he nudged her to lay down on the matress while he helped her with her unzipp, followed by peeling the pants down her legs, all in one swift motion.
Fiorella hesitated to raise her body from the mattress. She took her time. Once she sat back up again, Ruben had backed away to stand in the doorframe again, but this time he stood with a hand down his shorts, cupping whatever he was containing in there.
"Now your panties." He said. "Take them off."
Fiorella tugged the thin fabric at her hips, rolling it down the cress of thigs.
"Not so fast." He objected.
Fiorella exhaled as her heart had jumped in her chest. He had scared her. However she did what she was told, tugging her underwear slowly down her legs.
As the the fabric got tangled between her ankles, Fiorella raised her knees to unleash herself. Suddenly a shadow swept the room and he was there, Ruben, standing in front of her at the edge of the bed.
Fiorella got tossed to lay on her back again, this time with Ruben's hands pressing down on her knees, forcing her legs too spread as wide as they possibly could.
He was rougher than she thought he would be. Rougher and less patient. He was hard, really hard. At some point he had taken himself out of his pants, perhaps whilst Fiorella was laying on her back, staring up at the sealing.
Ruben held his dick in his hand, very eager to please his aching desires.
"Ruben, I'm not...."
She wasn't ready for him. Fiorella had caught a glimpse of Ruben's size and judging by the way he had it resting in his grip, she would need more time to adjust to him, she would need more time to foreplay.
Foreplay wasn't happening, however. Ruben guided himself towards her entrance, his flesh slapping against her thigh upon releasing the grip he had around it. He was angry. Somthing told Fiorella that Ruben was angry, but not at her. However he was using her to get rid of some of his frustration. Raising his hips his tip slid down her folds, finding her entrance and crashing against her hips with one deep thrust.
Fiorella bit down on her lip until she tasted blood. She squinted her eyes withstanding the violent pain that came with the first few thrusts.
"Fuck, you feel so good." Ruben groaned. He hovered above her body, fucking her like his dick was drawn to her pussy like a magnet.
"You take me so well Fiorella, let me keep going."
He could tell her discomfort from her twisted expression, however, he was begging her to give into him, to let him have her the way that he wanted, just this once.
It was like when he had kissed her, however, this time Fiorella hadn't been given any options of the way she would have wanted him. Ruben was giving it to her hard, mercilessly. A bit terrifying, how deep he could go. Bending down to burry his face in the crook if her neck, Ruben allowed his thrusts to reach new depths, depths that Fiorella believed she could no longer endure.
"Please Ruben, I can't..."
"I'm almost there." He grunted...."Please let me finish."
"Okay." She whispered, her body limb and already exhausted.
Ruben dug into her hips until his body shuddered. He was two strokes away from shooting his seed into her. But to Fiorella's suprise he had enough  self-control to pull himself out, ejaculating somewhere away from her, somewhere where she couldn't see him. But he could see her, laying naked and merciless on his bed.
His footsteps rounded the bed, leaving Fiorella to catch her breath. She heard water being turned on somewhere in the distance and understood that Ruben was preparing to take a shower. Perhaps he understood that Fiorella was to weak to stand. And so she drifted off to sleep, waking up after what seemed to be a few moments later, when she felt her body being pressed against somthing warm.
Ruben's slow breath was against her ear.
"There was blood on the sheets, was this your first time?"
Fiorella nodded her head, mumbling somthing inaudible as a response.
They lay quiet, no one moving, until Ruben's arm around Fiorella's body shrugged to reopen her eyes.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"It's okay." She muttered, her body so exhausted that even breathing seemed difficult. For a second she thought of dying. Is that what was happening, was she going to die in Ruben's arms, his warm embrace causing less fear to stirr her heart.
"I'm sorry, it won't happen again."
Ruben's voice was but a faint whisper in her approaching dreams. Fiorella was slowly drifting back to sleep, perhaps only imagining his soft kisses upon her skin, up her arms and in between her neck.
"I'm sorry Fiorella. I won't lose my control with you, ever again...."
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spaceacerat · 2 months
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are these not normal? they were in your tags from this post
Hello! I wasn't sure if you mean blisters, or random moments of pain, so I'll assume both! I tried to separate the sections.
TW: medical neglect, medical abuse from doctors (I think it counts as that anyways, especially under the cut), mentions of skin-based injuries
(I apologize, this ended up turning into a scrambled medical rant because I have a lot of big feelings about how kids/teens/young adults can be completely ignored for even very noticeable signs of disability or issues and grow up suffering for it. I'm also just very tired and feeling weird and am in a ranty mood wanting my pain and suffering to be heard 😭)
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On the case of blisters, I have little frame of reference for how often normal people blister, but my partners never seem to. Whenever I look into it, normal people apparently blister from shoes being too tight, or hiking or something very strenuous.
If your skin blisters with heat or certain fabrics, from wearing shoes even if they fit, clothing, sleeping, sitting, standing, or walking, or comes off easily from a mild bump into something, it is Not Normal.
My old PCP, when I finally asked him about it, was stunned, and did a biopsy when I had blisters I didn't have to pop. He thinks it's Epidermolysis bullosa simplex, but I can't get an official diagnosis without a genetic test that insurance doesn't cover apparently, and the dermatologist I went to was useless.
I would give advice on how to deal with it if anyone is ever interested, but what works for me probably won't work for everyone.
I don't know how it's supposed to be dealt with according to medical science, and I'm apparently (according to a partners nurse mother) very lucky I haven't gotten an infection. After all, I do it the broke person "here's my value pack of sewing pins and some paper towels" way, not the "I have access to medical resources and specialized sterile needles/bandages" way.
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In regards to feeling pain most of the time, I've had one of my partners ask what level of pain I'm usually at, and I shrugged and went "Ehh, most of the time a 1-2, sometimes a pang of 3, a 4-5 if something specific hurts, at worst a 6-9 if somethings wrong like a migraine or whatever." He then wisely told me "You know what level normal people are at most of the time? A zero. Most people aren't in pain unless something is wrong."
I suppose that put things into perspective regarding my health, after years of just dealing with random bouts of sudden health issues I had to deal with usually completely on my own growing up.
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(side note, watching something like lord of the rings as a kid, which involved a lot of scenes of them all just walking or running, would make me cringe because "holy shit they must be in so much pain :( they're so brave, and so strong for still walking and running for hours when they surely have blistered by now! I hope they have plenty of sewing needles to pop them when they stop to rest!" because my dumbass couldnt even walk around an amusement park for a day without limping badly and slowly while being told to hurry up by an older sibling, and these guys were walking and running for months on uneven terrain. Still jealous about that >:( )
(more ranting under the cut but about other things I've come to realize weren't normal [AKA specifics about the skin disorder/medical issues] or just makes me mad because suddenly I just feel the need to about my personal medical crap. Maybe someone will see it and see themselves in it. Sorry about that 😅)
in reference of the tag, I meant how I blister. I came out of the womb missing skin, and have always blistered around my body very easily. The docs claimed it was eczema when I was a baby, and they didn't bother looking into it further, but from the few people I have met who have that, they don't show any of my symptoms. Meanwhile I grew up thinking it was completely normal, and that everyone was just walking around in pain and ignoring it better than me.
I can't wear tennis shoes/heels/sandals/flipflops/crocs because the backs always rub my ankles raw and they're too soft so every step they rub around my toes, (or flip-flops would just tear the skin between my toes) but I had to grow up wearing tennis shoes all the time. That meant every night after school I'd come home and have to pop the blisters to drain them before I could sleep. Now I wear flat combat boots with two pairs of socks and it's so much better, but still not perfect, since I can't really walk outside in the summer.
I've blistered from walking, sitting, lying down, being outside in the heat, sweating, sleeping with my thighs touching, all sorts of things. Skin can also come off entirely if I get scratched or bumped into something. One time my leg got stuck at a bent angle because I fell asleep without popping the blister behind my knee, and it dried to the point where I couldn't pull it apart without pain.
Something else about that is that I'm allergic to adhesives and latex. The few times I've 'had' to wear bandaids were hellish, as it would remove the entire top layer of skin with it since it blistered under it. When I had to do an allergy test with the adhesive (dermatologist decided it had to be an allergy, because he's a dumbass), I made them cut them and put them on my arms instead of my back, where they promptly blistered after a few hours and I had to peel them off myself with a leather belt between my teeth to keep from chipping a tooth (because when I say it was incredibly painful, thats a massive understatement).
No one around me cared that I was suddenly having to lean against walls and furniture to get around because my legs wanted to give out from under me due to sudden muscle weakness and a pounding heart/chest pains/dizziness, or the few migraines I got in middle school that made me throw up a few times which weirdly made the migraine go away after enough times doing that. Or my limping from blisters, or the medication side effects that showed up when I started taking antipsychotics.
On note of medication, none of the psychs I went to told me about medication side effects. I was 13 when I started Seroquel (my guess is because they wanted to sedate me because of a whole fiasco, my partners nurse mother was shocked when she found out I was on it at such a young age for what were incredibly mild bipolar 2 symptoms). It caused me to pass out a few times, and I just had to keep taking it despite it actually making my depression/hypomania incredibly bad through the rest of middle and high school, because I wasn't aware I should tell my doctor it was making me worse. Never got bloodwork for it either.
After a while I switched meds, but was still having the worst depressive symptoms and my hypomania got even worse. One of the ones a doc had me try basically short circuited my brain. I had a five second memory if that, was shuffling around leaning against everything trying to stay upright, could barely think or talk outside of slurred words... My family saw this, and just went "You good?" and when I half-muttered a 'yeah' because I couldn't think straight enough to realize I should say no, they just shrugged and asked if I could do the dishes. I shook my head and went back to bed, passing out for 10 hours. Refused to ever take that medication again once I woke up, despite my psych trying to tell me I had to give it at least two weeks to start working properly. Fuck that.
When I show signs that something is wrong and I mention it to someone, and everyone brushes it off, it becomes normalized in the brain. But it's not. Now that I have partners who grew up going to the doctor for their problems, they're horrified, especially when they see me actively struggling with it. I had an episode (sudden muscle weakness/chest pains/pounding heart/dizzy) last month in front of them, and they were seriously debating taking me to a hospital but I kept refusing and saying it would pass because it always did and I wasn't afraid. It did eventually pass after about 7 hours, but not before scaring the shit out of them.
And these were the same signs I showed at work, twice, neither time I went home. I worked as a janitor during one of them, my manager saw but didn't think to do anything. I still managed to clean, but I did lie down and pass out in one of the back offices for a few minutes and just got up and went right back to work because I didn't want to get in trouble.
Also, a shout out to the laundromat I was forced to continue working at when I had covid!! I thought I was dying but they wouldn't let me take work off until I had a positive test, so I was forced to work the place completely alone for 8 hours during the first three days of major symptoms because I was desperate to keep the job and didn't know I could just refuse or call someone!! I mean, have you ever had to wash/dry/fold 200+ pounds of laundry completely alone in one night while every part of you thinks you're dying, and then on top of that having to deal with customers/machine issues, lift heavy trash bags, and clean dusty airvents and the rest of the place aka bathrooms and floors?? It's incredibly awful!! I did my damndest to keep my hands washed to the point where the skin came off a bit on one of my fingers and wearing a mask constantly while trying to keep my distance. Worst three days ever.
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wrenreid · 2 years
Just Acting
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18+ content in this story | all chapters in ML
Chapter Thirteen
This is the last day of the trip. Thank the Lord. You need to get out of here and not deal with Matthew any longer.
You're trying to push the kiss out of your mind. It didn't happen. But it fucking did. It sadly did. You laugh and think a horrible thought. That's more than you've gotten out of Jordan. Shit, Jordan. You need to text him.
Joe is making breakfast while the rest of you are deciding what you want to do for the rest of the day until you have to leave.
You all sit around the table and eat the waffles, bacon, and eggs Joe had whipped up for you guys. You drink your orange juice contently. Matthew is at the end of the table. You don't strain your neck to look at him at all.
After today, you don't have to see him as Matthew. You'll see him as Spencer when you're filming and Spencer when you're together trying to please your bosses. At least you actually like the Spencer side of him. Awkward genius definitely trumps asshole actor.
You put away your dishes into the sink, and head outside with the girls. You decide to take a hike together. You're dressed in biker shorts, an oversized t shirt, and your white sneakers. You tie your shirt wavy hair in a half up half down style.
The four of you walk and talk as the wind grazes your skin. The sun shines above you guys, making its way to the top of the sky as noon grows near.
"You doing better?" Paget asks.
"Yeah I am actually." You shoot her a smile.
You've decided to put this whole Matthew thing behind you. Yes, it happened, but it won't ever happen again. So it doesn't matter. Right? You just wish you could stop thinking about it.
After about an hour, you girls decide to head back to the house. You find the guys swimming in the lake. Matthew jumps off the cliff as you approach the picnic tables. You take off your shoes, just in case someone splashes, and set them on the other side of the table.
"Y/n, can you come here?" Joe asks from the little cliff. He's looking at something on the ground.
"Uh sure." You get up and walk over to him. "What do you...?" You don't even get to finish your sentence because you're falling into the lake. Falling isn't the best term, obviously, you were pushed. When you come up, you yell. "I will get you, old man!"
The others are laughing. Your clothes are soaked. You hate it. But this is a chance to show them you can have fun. You swim around, laughing and talking with your friends.
You swim then walk out of the lake, dripping water from your clothes and hair. Your shirt is completely see through now. You strip it off, ringing it out. Everyone else is getting out now, since it's almost time to go home. You head upstairs, trying and failing to not drip water everywhere, and hop in the shower to rinse off. You don't really wash your hair thoroughly, just get the lake water off of your body. You change into jeans and an old band t shirt and your white sneakers.
"Honestly, I don't think I want to leave this place,” you say, looking around.
"Me either. It's so nice out here," Aisha says, slipping on her shoes. The two of you head downstairs.
When you get to the bottom, you catch Matthew's eyes from the top of the steps as he leaves his room. You look away again, focusing your attention to the others.
Before you know it, it's time for everyone to get back to Los Angeles. You, Adam, and Aisha say your goodbyes and head to his car. Aisha and Adam pile into the front seats, and you sit behind the passenger's.
You check your phone. 2 missed calls and 6 text messages from Jordan, your sister freaking out because you weren't responding, and Jess making jokes about how you'd be spending the next 3 days with Matthew.
"Sorry Jordan. Joe said no phones for the weekend,” I send him.
To be honest, you really hadn't thought about texting Jordan the entire time. It's not a bad thing, you assure yourself. You only didn't think about him because you were busy with your friends. Is it bad though? That you didn't think about your boyfriend the entire time until you and Matthew were...
Fuck. You kissed Matthew. He kissed me. But you kissed him back while you have a boyfriend.
You're not entirely thrilled about going back into the fast city, but it'll be great to get back into your regularly scheduled life. You watch the opposite of three days ago happen, as you see the quiet lakeside views turn back into crazy LA from the window of Adam's car.
You three arrive at his place. "Bye y'all!" You wave with a grin.
"Bye Y/n, see you tomorrow?"
"Yep," you smile.
You get into your car and start your way to Dunkin. You know Jess will be there. It's 5pm, so she should be getting off soon.
It's 5:30 by the time you get to Dunkin. Jess gets off at 5:30. You catch her grabbing her things just in time.
"Y/n!! You're back!" She gives you a hug.
"Yes! I was wondering if you wanted to come over since it's been a while?"
"Definitely! You want to get a coffee first don't you?"
"You know me so well," you say.
You order your usual, you both get into your cars and head to your apartment.
"So how was the weekend?" She asks, eyebrows wiggling.
"It was good. Other than Matthew being a dick, it went well,” you tell her.
"What'd he do?"
"Just being rude and annoying. It wasn't horrible I guess, most of the time we ignored each other."
And we made out on his bed.
"Well that's good,” Jess says.
"Yeah it was just a bit stressful when I was around him. But I did have fun."
I sat in his lap...
"That's great! You definitely needed to have fun for once,” she chuckles.
"I have fun."
"Do you though?" Her eyebrow raises accusingly.
"Work is fun,” you tell her
"Okay ,I get that acting is great, but it can't be like an amazing adventure."
You roll your eyes. "You hungry?"
"Yes. Starving,” she says dramatically.
You order takeout, and it gets to your apartment in about twenty minutes.
Jess and you enjoy your noodles and chicken as you talk more about your weekends. She saw Jacklyn again, and their relationship is getting more serious.
She decides to spend the night, and you two watch some tv until you need to turn in for the night. The two of you fall asleep on your bed around 1am.
Spencer has been walking with a pep in his step ever since he admitted his feelings to Delilah and to himself. Opening up is one hell of a risk, like jumping off a cliff with no safety net. There's absolutely nothing to stop the fall from going too far, nothing but your own willpower of self protecting. Spencer has gotten pretty good at that in his life time.
But this one would be different. Hopefully. She was everything he wanted. Yes, his past was rocky... more like rocks with shards of glass poking out at you and you can't escape from getting your feet cut, but he wanted this. He wanted her. Finally, for the first time in a long time, he wanted someone who was right. Maeve would want this, he reminds himself. She would want me to be happy again.
And he is happy again. Delilah is smart, passionate, kind, funny, easy to talk to, and caring. She listens to him when he rambles on about random topics that live in his magnificent brain. And, she would never let him do something he wasn't comfortable with. He finds it hard to talk about emotions and do things that reflect his emotions, but she won't push him. She knows his past; she knows about Maeve, and Cat, and everyone else. It doesn't bother her. She just wants to make sure he knows he's safe and that he's comfortable.
Spencer smiles, making his drive to the FBI headquarters in Quantico, Virginia. He used to take the metro, but driving alone and getting to think and think out loud without strangers giving him dirty looks or trying to mug him was nice.
As he steps out of the elevator, Spencer gets greeted with the sight of his boss and very close friend, Emily Prentiss. She's filling up a mug with coffee in the corner of the bullpen.
"Good morning, Dr. Chirpy," she says with a smile.
Everyone's been noticing Spencer's new aura of cheerfulness, and they're definitely suspecting a girl is involved. He'll tell them who she is eventually, but it's fun for him to see them itch with anticipation and wonder.
Eventually, everyone else arrives at work, and the team spills into the briefing room to start the new case.
"Hey, Jenna!"
"Can you take these stacks upstairs to Sophie in room 13?" Delilah stands up, papers in hand. She meets Jenna at the doorway of her office and handed them to her.
"Yeah, sure thing!" Jenna takes them from her with a smile.
Delilah paused, making sure she wasn't imagining things. "Is that my perfume?" She sniffs.
"Oh um," Jenna furrows her eyebrows in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry. It just smelled really good, and I forgot to use some this morning..."
"It's okay. Just ask, and you can use it anytime,” Delilah says, a slightly awkward smile on her face.
Jenna relaxes her stance, "Okay." With that, she leaves to do as she was asked.
Delilah sat back in her desk chair, getting back to work. Spencer is away in Washington state at the moment. He had texted her from the jet, letting her know he wouldn't be able to see her for a while. She didn't like it when Spencer left, not because she wanted him with her at all times like a clingy girl, but because she couldn't make sure he was safe when he was miles and miles away.
Delilah knew that she would have to get used to him leaving every week. Which she was almost fine with, because the times they did spend together were perfect because they were together.
"Miss Reign?" Jenna knocks at Delilah's half open office door, dressed in a grey pencil skirt and a purple blouse.
"Please, Delilah," she smiles at her assistant.
"Sorry. Delilah," Jenna says.
"There's a guy here to see you. Last name Reid."
Delilah looks at her a lottle confused. "Send him in."
"Hey," Spencer says, coming into her office.
"I thought you weren't coming home for another few days,” she says, a smile growing on her face.
"Well, criminals are unpredictable so..." he shrugs.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. It's just been a rough couple of days,” he answers.
She grabs his face. "I'm glad you're home safe."
"Me too...so that I can see you." Spencer pulls her in by the waist, planting a gentle kiss on her mouth.
"As much as I love this, I can't commit pda at work."
"Commit? Sounds like you're a criminal..." he presses his lips to Delilah's again, moving his mouth against hers.
"Yeah, yeah,” she rolls her eyes, kissing him back.
"I handcuff criminals you know.”
"Spencer!" She laughs-gasps, pulling away from his lips. He's never said anything like that before, and she kind of liked it. "I have work to do, Dr Reid."
He gives her a pouty face, pushing out his lower lip and batting his gorgeous hazel eyes.
"Oh come on, none of that." Delilah says, pointing to his handsome frowny expression.
He drops his pout, "When do you get off?"
"In twenty."
"I can deal with that. I'll be down the block,” he says.
"Okay," she says before Spencer leans in and gives her one more soft kiss. He makes his way out of her office, then out of the lobby and down the block to a coffee shop.
When she sits down, Delilah sees Jenna looking at her through the naked window of her office. She had left up the blinds so that she didn't feel so claustrophobic in her office. Jenna looked away quickly when she met Delilah's gaze.
She knew it was very unprofessional to kiss your (boyfriend?) at work, especially in front of your employees. He definitely makes her want to do things she normally wouldn't.
When she finally was getting ready to leave the office, she saw Jenna come through the front door.
"Where'd you run off to?" Delilah asks.
"I needed some water. I got you some too."
"Oh okay. Thank you." She normally would be like 'ask if you can leave next time bit..." but she didn't really care at the moment, and she got her some water so it was fine this time.
"Okay you two can clear out," Delilah says to Jenna and Marcos, the manager her father hired a while back.
They leave, and Delilah gets to go meet Spencer at the coffee shop.
You choose not to say anything to Matthew in between scenes or after you're done filming for the night. You're not necessarily mad at him anymore, you can't be since you reacted upon what he did. It's a clean slate between you two now. Or at least you try to make it one.
"Knock knock," Matthew's voice rings from outside of your trailer door. You're already dressed back in your clothes, a hoodie and running shorts since it's pretty late at night.
"Come in,” you say.
"Look I knocked!" He grins.
"Sort of,” you correct. “Do you need something?"
"You, me, tomorrow night. Or should I say, Spencer, Delilah, tomorrow night. Eight o'clock."
"We're hanging out?"
"We're hanging out,” he nods. “Like we talked about.”
You sigh softly. Okay.”
"I'll see you then,” Matthew says then exits your trailer.
chapter fourteen
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @scarredelirium @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz @tiredbut-here @skulzombiw @lena-1895 @eevee0722 @danis-stuff-is-here @kylakins88 @daydreamingqueen1 <3
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manga-and-stuff · 2 years
Helpful things
Since the Shoe Spike Post seemed very helpful to a lot of people, I wanted to make another post like it. This one has other helpful things most people don't seem to be aware of. None of this is sponsored or anything, so no affiliate links and I'll try to avoid specific brands wherever possible.
1: Removable shoe spikes, aka crampons (again)
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Yeah, I am starting with the shoe spikes again. Price: $10-$30 These will go a long way to help with ice and snow. The first two are more suited for hiking and slopes, while the lower ones are meant for cities and generally even ground.
Drawbacks: Remember to take these off indoors. They'll ruin hardwood floors, and you won't have much grip on tiled floors and the like.
2: Cane ice-spikes (also again)
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Thanks to @dunmeritude for making me aware of these. Price: ~$10
Basically the same concept as the shoe spikes. With the models shown here, you can flip the spikes up for use on regular floors.
Drawbacks: Same as the shoe spikes.
3: Magnetic USB-Charging cables
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Now for something completely different... Price: $10-$35 depending on the brand and features
Pretty simple concept: The little magnetic plug stays in your phone or whatever device, and the cable connects to it via the magnet.
The two biggest benefits of these is the fact that your device's charging port won't wear out, and you won't get any dirt into it either. I've had one of these on my phone for almost 5 years now, and the charging port is still in like new condition.
Drawbacks: Only your magnetic cables will be compatible with the plug in your phone. You can pull the plug out and use a regular cable, but that's pretty fiddly.
4: Remote controlled power sockets
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Price: $20-$60, depending on the brand and features
These allow you to turn power sockets on and off with a remote control... as the name suggests. Some are compatible with smartphones and home automation stuff. They are great when you want to automate your home a little bit without all the hassle (or listening devices) that usually come with home automation. I control basically everything in my room with a handful of remotes and sockets similar to these.
Drawbacks: Different brands are usually not compatible with each other and don't lose the remote...
5: Magnetic Shoe lace fasteners, aka Zubits
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Probably the most unusual item on this list, so they're going to require a bit more explaining. I also have to go with a brand on this one because these are patented. Price: $15-$25, depending on size and magnet strength
The biggest benefit for me is that these open your shoes much more than usual, which makes it much easier to get in and out of them. They are also much easier and faster to use than regular laces, and the tying strength stays consistent. Installation is also pretty easy, you just have to thread your regular laces through the holes, make a knot, so they don't slip out and cut off the rest of the laces. I've been using these for years as well and the magnets have yet to come undone on their own, and I like my shoes tied tightly.
This probably sounds like a sponsor read, but nope, these really are that good.
They come in three different sizes/magnet strengths.
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Drawbacks: I honestly can't think of any...
Well, I hope this post will be at least as helpful as the first one. If you know of any more helpful things like these, please feel free to add them as well.
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portraitoftheoddity · 2 years
Besides shoes you can wear, is there any other gear or supplies you'd recommend for beginner hikes? I usually just take a water bottle or 2, depending on how long I think the hike will take
So, the official answer is "always bring the 10 Essentials", but if you're a beginner doing a relatively short hike on a well-trafficked and well-marked trail and you aren't deep in the backwoods, you can get by with a simpler list to start, and then expand your gear as you start taking on longer hikes that take you further out.
Basically, you want to pack for the worst case scenario. If the worst case scenario if you get injured or lost on a particular trail is that you wait for an hour for someone an ATV to come get you or you walk a little further until you hit one of several nearby roads, you won't need to pack as much as if you could end up waiting several hours for a search & rescue team to reach you, or even spending the night alone in the wilderness waiting for a search party because you lost the trail.
I recommend, to start, for easier, well-trafficked trails:
Comfortable Backpack. No draw-string bags -- something with actual shoulder straps and preferably a waist-strap too so that most of the weight sits on your hips. Your back will thank you!
Water. I always bring at least 1 liter, usually more because I drink like a fish. Gatorade is a valid substitute, especially in summer when you're sweating.
Food. Bring some snacks, even if you anticipate being home by lunch -- granola bars, trail mix, and jerky are all good; you'll want something that won't spoil or melt in your pack, and these foods all give you a pretty dense boost of sugar, protein and salt. If you wind out being out longer than you expected, you'll have something to eat, and if you work up an appetite, you'll be less cranky because, hey-- snacks!
Extra clothing layer. I typically layer when I hike so I can strip down layers if I'm sweating or add them back if I cool off, and keep one more layer than I think I need in my pack so if it gets cold, or if there's A Situation™ and I have to wait around without movement to keep me warm, I have something to put on. If you're hiking a trail with elevation gain, it will almost inevitably be cooler at the top than it is at the trailhead. A light rain shell or a cheap plastic poncho if there's even the slightest chance of rain is also good call, and doesn't take up much space.
Ziploc baggie. Good for trash, but also invaluable if it rains or if you have a tricky water crossing to keep your phone dry. Phones love jumping in rivers. Don't ask me why.
Printed trail map. Don't rely on just your phone -- phones break, batteries run out, and signals drop. Having a paper copy of a trail map on you is safest, so if some of the trail blazes get confusing or you run into a fork in the trail, you know where to go. I also keep a small compass attached to my pack.
Simple first aid. Keep a baggie with some bandaids, an antiseptic wipe, a couple blister pads, and a dose of your preferred over the counter painkiller on hand. The most common issue you're likely to run into as a beginner are blisters on your feet, or some bumps and scrapes from tripping. For longer hikes, you may want to add more supplies, such as an ACE bandage.
Whistle. Easy to clip to your pack, and very light -- If you're hurt or lost, you can blow on a whistle a lot louder and longer than you can yell. Three short blasts is a signal for 'hiker in distress!'
Depending on the length of the trail and how much you expect to sweat, you may want to bring sunscreen with you, or just apply sunscreen and bug spray in the parking lot before you set out. I personally always carry a travel-size tube, but I am also the kind of white person who burns if I even think about sunshine.
So, that's what you're carrying. As far as what to wear:
Cotton is a nice, breathable, natural fabric that soaks up water like a fucking sponge. If you've ever done laundry and found your jeans were still damp at the end of the dryer cycle when the rest of your clothes were done, this is why. If your cotton clothes get wet on the trail from rain, sweat, or slipping in a water crossing -- they are gonna stay wet. And that can range from uncomfortable to downright dangerous if hypothermia becomes a factor (big issue up here in the White Mountains).
Athletic wear made of "moisture-wicking" or "quick-dry" material is gonna be ideal. You don't need to blow a huge amount of money on hiking-specific brands; your workout clothes may be just fine (I got one of my favorite hiking tops at Walmart for like, $8). Just check the tags to make sure they're not made of cotton. Lightweight, breathable clothes made of nylon, polyester, and merino wool are all decent options that will dry quickly, and you'll be more comfortable than you'd be in sweaty, chafing jeans. I also recommend a nice thick pair of wool socks.
Happy hiking!
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purplesurveys · 6 months
1 - What have you been up to so far today? Is that a typical thing for you to do on this particular day of the week?  It was definitely a busier Saturday than usual; I never spend the weekend squeezing in like 10 errands in a day unless I have a work event to begin with.
2 - Did you get a decent night’s sleep last night? How many hours sleep do you consider a decent amount?  It was okay! I fell asleep a little earlier than I thought I would, so it was nice to get a few extra hours in. The only thing I didn't like was that I woke up disoriented; I thought it was Monday and that I was running late for work, so I pretty much woke up with my heartbeat spiking.
3 - What is one silly thing that really gets on your nerves?  When people try to make small talk at the start of work calls. That was fine during the pandemic, but at this point, I swear I won't take it against you if you don't ask me how my weekend was or where I traleved during the Christmas break.
4 - Who was the last person you saw who wasn’t family? What did you guys end up doing together?  I saw my workmates and other agencies when we had to go to our client's office for a face-to-face meeting. We essentially went through like 70+ slides to brief the client on the final flow of our large-scale event this Sunday.
5 - Do you prefer hot or cold drinks overall?  Cold. I hate feeling like my tongue's getting burned.
6 - Do you own a decent set of waterproofs? If so, what do you use them for the most? If not, do you think that would be something you’d find useful?  Waterproof...what? Clothes? Phone case? Shoes? Hahaha. Anyway I don't think I own anything that's waterproof.
7 - Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?  I just need to finish this doughnut I'm eating lol, maybe take another survey after this...then I'll need to turn in early because I have an early start tomorrow.
8 - How often do you get your hair cut? When hairdressers were closed due to COVID, did you try cutting it yourself at home?  Probably like once a year. I never cut my hair during the Peak Pandemic Era – it helped that I had it trimmed literally a week before it all began, not knowing it was going to start.
9 - What did you wear the last time you left the house? Is that different to what you’re wearing at the moment? I went out today and haven't changed out of my outfit yet so I'll just enumerate what I have on – a purple cropped top + jeans.
10 - Would you rather have a relaxing beach holiday or a more active holiday in the mountains?  I'd love the beach as I can't remember the last time I had a beach trip + the mountains sound super isolating. It also reminds me of hiking, and there is no activity I hate more.
11 - Do you know how to tie a tie?  No. I kept the knot on my school necktie for like 14 years so that I could just always wear it like a necklace, lol.
12 - How old were you when you first had a sleepover at someone’s house? Did you miss home?  I think I was like 15 or 16 when I had my first sleepover. No, I was just mostly excited to finally be in a sleepover lol as I was never allowed prior. Woes of being a firstborn Asian daugher – you're 100% Test Subject A.
13 - How often do you spend time with your extended family? I would say once a month. We live very near each other.
14 - When you get up in the morning, do you have a set routine?  Yup. It's nothing special but it is my routine that I like to follow; any missing step and I'll get super bothered hahaha. Anyway, I'm an early waker, so I usually allot an hour to properly wake up and stay in bed catching up on social media/news.
Around 30 minutes before work, that's when I make my bed, take a quick shower and brush my teeth, fix myself a cup of iced coffee, then spend the remaining minutes clearing up emails that came the night before. They're simple things but it helps me SO MUCH to start work in a good/relaxed mood.
15 - Do you remember the last time you cried? Were they sad or happy tears?  Happy tears! I cried a little bit this afternoon watching a video of this kid reacting to Cody's win from last Sunday. I didn't cry watching him cry, but then he said "Everybody helped, everyone helped him" which was what broke me. That was such a wholesome thing to hear!
16 - What do you have planned once you finish this survey?  I really want to take one more of these but we'll see.
17 - What was the last thing you cooked? Did you cook from scratch or just heat something up? I don't cook. I buy most of my food.
18 - Are you a fan of hot chocolate? Do you like it plain or do you prefer to add things like whipped cream or marshmallows?  I'm picky. It needs to be like artisan hot chocolate and I'm usually willing to pay more for premium options as most hot chocolates here are really just Milo :(
19 - What caused your last injury?  Cooper nicked a bit of my fingernail when he got a little too excited play-wrestling with me for his toy.
20 - How many tattoos and piercings do you have? Do any of them have an interesting story behind them?  Zero tattoos. I got my earlobe piercings when I was a few months old so there isn't really a deeper story behind them haha.
21 - What kind of flowers do you like the best? When was the last time someone bought those for you?  I've always liked peonies. I can't remember the last time I got flowers.
22 - What’s the smallest thing you’ve ended a relationship over?  I've only experienced a failed relationship once.
23 - Would you rather order a starter (appetiser) or a dessert? Or would you be able to manage a full three courses? Appetizers. I don't like sweet things too much, so it's rare that I ask to stay long enough for dessert.
24 - How do you get most of your news, if you pay attention to it at all?  These days, Reddit.
25 - Have you or a member of your family been diagnosed with COVID yet?  My mom and sister had it simultaneously but fortunately they were asymptomatic as it could've possibly gotten. I got the worst experience of the bunch.
26 - Are you a vegetarian? If so, what persuaded you to stop eating meat? If not, is it something you’d ever consider?  No. I would consider it, yes, but I honestly don't have faith in myself to commit to it.
27 - Do you prefer rice or pasta? RICE. A day legitimately feels incomplete without rice...
28 - Is anything you’re wearing a gift? Who bought it for you?  Nah.
29 - What’s the dominant colour in the room you’re in at the moment?  White.
30 - Did you do laundry yet today? If not, do you need to do any before you go to bed?  Nope and nope.
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BTHB 2023 - Fill 10 - Near-Death Experience
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The ending to this one possessed me and wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it. The Andrew mentioned belongs to @brinkofdiscovery!
TWs: car accident, near death experience, panic attacks
The early, early morning was crisp, the winter chill having set in only a few nights before. Snow still dotted the downtown sidewalks where the sun hadn't touched yet, and Bastian's bicep brushed up against Mariano's shoulder with every step they took. "So this place doesn't suck?" Bastian asked, one sparkling eyebrow raised.
"No. Andrew is...interesting, but I can't imagine his taste in breakfast is any worse than ours." Mariano said, as dry as ever.
"Isn't that the twink from work who's into you?" Bastian asked after a moment of silence, looking fully at Mariano now. "The one with red hair? Glasses? One of the two adults there?" He was pretty sure Mariano had mentioned him before.
Mariano thought for a moment, the crunch of their shoes in the snow filling the quiet, pre-dawn air. "He's not a twink." He finally said, as though that had been the crux of the question. "I think people would call him a twunk, if anything."
"Yes, yes, that's the Andrew." Mariano said, finally cracking a small grin. "And we don't know if he's into me. He might just be nervous sometimes. It's not like he's a prospect anyway, while I'm his manager."
"For you." Bastian grinned, even as Mariano elbowed him. "What? If we happen to meet on a hookup app then you working with him won't stop me from taking my shot." They paused as they approached a curb and Bastian pressed the crosswalk signal button. "I don't have to worry about the ethics of you being his boss, because he'll be too busy thinking about me."
The crosswalk sign ahead of them changed, the little "walk" signal flashing. Together they stepped off onto the street. "Careful," Mariano murmured, putting more focus into each step. "It doesn't look like they've salted these roads yet."
Bastian shrugged, casually offering Mariano an elbow to steady himself with. "That's why I keep telling you to ditch those dumb tennis shoes. Just get some boots--you like to hike, it's not like they'll go to waste."
"I know that," Mariano said with a grimace, one hand reaching for Bastian's arm as his shoe hit another patch of ice. "But you've seen the price of leather these days. I need to make sure I get something I'll want to wear until I die."
"C'mon," Bastian rolled his eyes as they stepped onto the sidewalk. "Just let me get you a pair and stop being stupid about shit. You know--"
The roar of an engine cut through their conversation. A tall, souped-up van, complete with a kayak on top, raced down the road behind them. They glanced back as the engine revved, the reflection of what had to be the stalest green light in the city lighting up the snow and ice. It was going way too fast.
The light turned yellow. The brake lights painted the snow behind the van crimson. It kept hurtling forward.
Bastian and Mariano barely had time to turn before Bastian realized that it was starting to skid towards them. It wasn't going to stop. There was no way it was going to stop.
Time seemed to slow down as Bastian tried to scramble backwards, his own boots betraying him. He slipped after only a step or two, his feet disappearing out from beneath him as he fell towards the otherwise empty street. The van hit the curb with a bang and tipped, still hurtling towards Mariano roof-first.
He hadn't moved.
Bastian's eyes slammed shut as he hit the ground and slid. The screech of metal-against-concrete ended with a sickening clatter-crash. Silence swallowed everything up again.
Dazed, it took Bastian a second to get his eyes open again. The van lay still, wheels still spinning and headlights still on. The engine cut off. Sitting up, Bastian saw the driver trying to right themself. The top edge of the passenger side had sliced into the brick wall.
He didn't see Mariano.
Staggering to his feet, Bastian lurched towards the accident as the lights inside nearby apartment buildings began to flick on. "Mariano?" Bastian called, voice shaking. "Hey...Mariano?"
There was no answer.
Bastian fell forwards, catching himself on the brick wall that had been hit. Where was Mariano? He met eyes with the driver, whose face went ghost-white as they realized they were only looking at one person. Their hand rose to their face as they crouched on the driver's side window, covering their mouth.
"No." Bastian started, his knees giving out. He saw the crushed remains of the kayak smashed up against the brick, right where Mariano's waist would have been. He could smell blood. "No. No!"
Falling to his elbows, Bastian grit his teeth in a snarl. They had just been walking to breakfast. Mariano had just been there. He was just there. His head spun, pulling him fully down onto the icy pavement. Mariano had just been right next to him.
A tiny, shuddering exhale made Bastian's eyes snap up.
Silver met unseeing black. Right there, in the tiniest alcove that Bastian had ever seen, with his arms still over his head, was Mariano. He was pinned between the building and the van and the kayak. His jacket had been caught by the splintering fiberglass, leaving him dangling less than a quarter inch off the pavement. The ends of his hair had gotten tangled up in it too, draping around an ashen face that seemed frozen in shock.
Mariano's eyes wandered over Bastian with the same silent wonder.
"H...hey." Bastian said, as people began hurrying out. Someone was shouting to call emergency services.
"...Hey." Mariano said, his voice distant and even. Bastian saw him cautiously examining his chest then stomach, as though he couldn't believe what he was feeling.
Bastian carefully reached one hand out. He could smell blood. "Did...are...are you okay?" He didn't want to believe someone could be so lucky.
Mariano was just barely able to reach far enough to reach Bastian. He was shaking like a leaf. "Yeah. Yeah...I'm..." He started, holding onto Bastian with a trembling smile. "I think I just scraped my knee. When the...when the boat caught me."
Bastian squeezed Mariano's hand as he started laughing, covering his face with his free hand. "I..." Mariano covered his eyes, pushing his glasses up to his forehead. "I think I should call out today."
"Yeah," Bastian said, squeezing his hand back. Mariano's breathing had picked up, sharp and shallow, his laughter sounding more hysterical. "Yeah, I think that'd be good. Just...y'know, hang in there. They'll have you out soon."
Mariano's laughter redoubled, hiding his face as whatever was happening in his head gripped him. Nothing seemed like it would get him to let go of Bastian. Even when the emergency workers arrived, rushing in and asking questions, Mariano never let go.
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