#and then I tought meeting over a dating app ofc
Wolfstar Dating-App Meet-Cute
Sirius and Remus match on a dating app
Sirius is very into the frail, “hot” nerd look
Remus is very into Sirius’s everything, but thinks there’s no chance in hell he ever has a shot with the guy. He just stares at his profile and fantasizes. He can’t bring himself to swipe it away, scared that it’ll be the last time he ever sees those beautiful tattoos and the silky black hair and the cute earrings paired with that confident smile… sigh. And he can’t just take a picture and moon over that, that’d be totally creepy!
So whenever he opens the app, it’s to Sirius’s dating profile which in consequence means he can’t swipe anymore.
Oh well, he didn’t really think this dating app thing would work to begin with.
Until- on the third day of opening and closing the app he accidentally gives the guy a superlike!
Remus is mortified! This is so embarrassing! Now Sirius will think he actually believes he has a chance! Only weirdos give superlikes! Ahhh! He screams into his pillow.
He’s so distracted in fact that he doesn’t notice the app telling him “It’s a match!”. At least not until he gets a notification! From Sirius!
Because, meanwhile, Sirius has been absolutely elated that the cutest guy on the app has given him a superlike! Jackpot! Of course he’s going to text him immediately!
Remus can’t believe his eyes. This must me a dream.
But he obviously can’t ghost the guy! He deserves better! Who is Remus to make him upset!!! No one’s probably ever ghosted Sirius! And he will definitely not be the one to start!
So they talk.
And they bond over their mutual love for dogs and political activism.
Turns out there’s a LGBTQIA+ demo in their city in a few days!
And Sirius wants to go with him!
And if it’s for queer rights Remus can’t possibly say no, right? It’s for the greater good!
So they meet. And Remus is extremely shy at first because Sirius in real life is a thousand times prettier and cooler than on his profile. How is that even possible!
Luckily Sirius thinks Remus’s initial nervousness only makes him cuter!
And Sirius is excellent in bringing people out of their shell. Remus doesn’t even need much coaxing!
He accidentally starts heavily flirting with Sirius after only a few minutes. He just doesn’t realize that’s what he’s doing. He’s only saying what’s on his mind! Sirius deserves to know that the color of his eyes looks lovelier than the summer sky!
So Sirius falls. And Remus does to. How could he not?
They fall madly in love with each other and after a few months they move in together. Then they adopt a dog. They go to every queer and human rights rally in their vicinity.
And obviously they delete the dating app. They will never need it again.
A few months in, Remus comes clean about the accidental superlike and three-day-pining over Sirius’s pictures.
Five minutes later, Sirius is still laughing.
“Did you ever wonder why my profile was still there, even after 3 days?”
“Um, no? What do you mean?”
“If I hadn’t liked you, you wouldn’t have been able to see it anymore!”
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