#and then a brother who's loyal to hien and doma
tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
what if yotsuyu had a brother that was given to a shinobi to be raised and trained shortly before the doman rebellion failed........
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eorzean-wayfinder · 4 years
FFXIVWrite2020-Prompt19-Where the Heart Is
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“Takatori, you are still here?” Kuroji froze hearing the familiar, calm voice behind him. He spun and immediately went to his knees bowing deeply. 
“Yes my lord. There is still much to be done here. Many hands make lighter work as they say.” Kuroji kept his head down as Lord Hien looked around them and crossed his arms. Kuroji sighed heavily, he was in for it now. 
“Didn’t your brother just have a child?” Hien asked. “Were you not going back home for that? I did not expect to see you for some time.” 
Kuroji kept a straight expression as he continued to bow his head. He didn’t correct Hien in that it was his cousin, Sacha might as well be his brother. And yes, he had gone home to welcome his new family member into the world, but there wasn’t much he could do to help them beyond that. He knew little of children and even less about infants. The only family he had left was back in Shirogane and… well and there was Toshiya, a love he hadn’t ever expected to find. But the feelings he had for them warred with the feelings he had for the people of Doma and the man in front of him who he had sworn to follow loyally to the ends of the earth and whom he knew would always have a place in his heart even if it was completely unrequited. 
“They did have a healthy baby boy my lord.” Kuroji replied. “He and his mother are well, as is his father. There isn’t much I can help with an infant so I have come to where I could be of help.” 
Hien nodded as Kuroji spoke and patted the au ra’s shoulder. “We will never turn away your help my friend. However, I will implore you to find where your heart truly lies. I feel you may be stretching yourself too thin.”
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voidsentprinces · 4 years
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Happy Father’s Day to the man who would humbly deny himself a father to any. Saying he was doing his duty and what he felt was right under his oath to his lord. This ancient man lived long enough to see the life times of two Emperors. Training with both Hien and his Father. When things grew dire for Doma, he never lost faith in his lords. Where many other samurai were slain on the battlefield. He took the harsher road that would grant him no honor to the code of Doma. Instead choosing to live and see that Hien survived as well. To see his lord’s house rise once more.
Sacrificing himself selflessly on several occasions. Staying behind to defend the homeland as best he could as Yugiri ferried his people away to an unknown land or unknown terrors. He tried to mentor Hien and see to it the child grew up to be a fine ruler one day.
Fiercely loyal to Doma and its Emperor. He never wavered from the task set before him. Never faltering. When he was finally sent to bring Yugiri home and he ran into the Warrior fighting Garlemald. He didn’t flinch in throwing his all into the conflict and becoming friends with the Warrior. Always willing to be a teacher, even when captured after starting a drunken brawl in Kugane. He saw that the way of the sword was imparted to the officers of law in the trade city.
Was he perfect? Not at all. He had his faults. One could say his stubbornness was both a blessing and a curse. It allowed him to remain a pillar of hope to Hien and Doma in times of need. But also made him ignorant to the suffering of his people at times. Not fully understanding the fear Namai lived under and it didn’t leave him open to the teachings of the Dotharl in the Azim Steppe.
Eventually, he came to understand both these ways. Though he never came to fully accept Dotharl’s teachings. He eventually came to respect their way of life. A bleeding heart at times, seeing that the body of a discarded Dotharl warrior wasn’t set upon by wolves. He meditated and prayed for the Auri he never knew or spoke to. Giving them as much a funeral as he could. Putting the loss of life before even meeting back with his lord.
Seeing himself through the Nadaam and Hien’s victory. Following Hien’s orders to the T when preparing for the retaking of Doma Castle. But, as usual, not without grumblings and a few oppositions himself. Eventually, when victory was near. He sacrificed himself so that Hien and the future of Doma could live...or he tried to.
During his journey, he found himself front and center in the crosshairs of a woman who had lived through all the wrongs of Doma. When she fell into amnesia, he could of easily of striked her down and freed his lord of one of his greatest enemies. Instead he took on the task of caring for Yotsuyu. He even sold his sword to a merchant in Kugane to buy them food and a ticket across the Ruby Sea.
Adopting the amnesiac Yotsuyu and standing firm in his support for her. Seeing that she was no beyond saving. In her hearts of hearts, Gosetsu became the one person who stood against Zenos’ torments, her brother’s spite, and her parent’s greed. The Warrior of Light witnessing a phantom of him coming to her defense in the turmoiled heart of Tsukuyomi.
When the Witch of Doma fell and many Domans probably cheered and gave drinks to the news. Gosetsu would take it the hardest. Approaching Hien soon after and abandoning his post as mentor and samurai. He proceeded to travel the world and pray for those lost in war. This old man’s body could no longer serve as blade to his lord or as a shield to those who needed it. So he became a monk and traveled the world in hopes of gaining a more open mind.
Perhaps one day, he’ll return to the Azim Steppe and truly take in their words and way of life with the respect they deserve. But for now, we salute the man who did as much wrong as he did good. Putting others before himself even in the direst of times. While feigning a grumpy attitude to appear selfish and cantankerous when he was one of the most selfless people in the land.
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