#and then a couple quotes from my own for funnies to rep the creative writing side of my college educationšŸ˜‚
I have such a cool idea for my grad cap and if I can pull it off Iā€™m gonna be so excited
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percabethfeelsfandom Ā· 3 years
How Iā€™d rate the Gods/Goddesses(riordanverse)
This is my rating based off the way Rick Riordan portrayed them in the Riordanverse. The traditional myths have been taken into account but do not make up my entire opinion.Ā 
10/10 would give my life for this goddess. In all aspects of the word, this goddess is a goddess. I want a novella of her watching over the hearth and watching out for her family and the heroes. I imagine her being a very comforting presence and warm like a hug, and maybe this is me projecting my mummy issues but I just want her to hug me.Ā 
A solid 7.35/10 for Mr D. Naturally he was a bit annoying, but we were never under the pretence that he he was meant to be anything more than what he provided and I respect that. Him caring about his kids at camp, and staying relatively loyal to his wife is always a plus. And I like his relatively humble beginnings being a hero and becoming a god and then not causing that much trouble in the series. Unlike some other pieces of shit.Ā 
4/10. Mans had no right blaming Lukeā€™s thirst for mass genocide on 16 year old Annabeth. Not cool man. Not cool. He gets the points he got because he did genuinely care about Maia, and Luke, but he lost the rest of them by having a blatant favourite (who literally caused so much destruction). However I do still like his line about family in sea of monsters and never giving up on them. Nice meaning. But he was still a shitty father and only intervened out of self interest most of the time.Ā 
2/10. I hate how low I have to rank her. But my god did Rick do her dirty in his depiction. Just the misogyny, the lack of depth, and the untouched potential she has as a character, as a goddess, THE OLDEST GOD/GODDESS and Rick really made her throw rose petals around the battle fields on one of (what was meant to be) the biggest fights of the riordanverse. Absolute robbery. If Iā€™m not mistaken as well, she was a huge contributor to the issues and obstacles percabeth went through and we do not Stan. HOWEVER, I love her as a goddess normally, and what she could represent if sheā€™s written properly.Ā 
8/10. I have no qualms with this man. I too prefer the company of inanimate objects to people and get stressed about social interaction. And I too have mummy issues. So me and Hephaestus are on the same page. Let this man tinker away in his little bunker. He never went out of his way to make things harder for demigods, and was helpful when they came to him for help which I can also respect. (Point deduction because it was on his land that Bianca diedā€¦if Iā€™m not mistaken).Ā 
-12/10. This man was introduced as a bully, and gives off the vibes of every phobic, known to humanity. I do not vibe. I do not agree. I do not stan. ALSO his motorbike seat is apparently made from "Caucasian human skinā€!!!!!!???? We as children never questioned this? We just went sure aight move on?! Please this man has the biggest small dick energy if I ever saw it and I despite him so much. Mans was also never helpful. Ever. I donā€™t think. I think Mars was better than him though so Iā€™ll give him that.Ā 
9.99/10 all hail queen of the lesbians. Mad respect to this woman. In what she stands for, who she protects and in her actions. Sheā€™s what I embody when I stand up for myself in fights and when I speak to have my voice heard. I like Rickā€™s depiction of her and I love seeing her and her hunters pop up in his books. Would love a couple books on the hunters and their adventures. Also I love archery. And Iā€™m biased to the moon because I love the night so she gets extra points for all of that too.Ā 
Prior to Trials of Apollo 7/10, after TOA 9.90/10. Yes itā€™s a big jump but my god did Lester grow on me. Prior to TOA he was pretty average. He was funny, always provided a good laugh to the plot and was always helping the demigods which I loved. But I know heā€™s an asshole full of himself so I canā€™t give him any higher than that until he had some character development, which we got in TOA (specifically after Burning Maze). And I really like who he is now and the type of character Rick shaped him out to be. In the myths heā€™s a big creep, and I still stand by that idea, hence why he doesnā€™t get a full 10.Ā 
3.5/10ā€¦ughhh I hate to say this. But part of it is the same reasoning I gave about Aphrodite. I just have so many issues with the way sheā€™s portrayed and itā€™s not accurate to what I believe in my heart she should represent. And as a child of Athena, I feel like Rick then did her entire legacy dirty. She has her moments, but since I canā€™t even fully recall one right now, it just proves my point. As a goddess as a whole though, what she represents is everything I aspire to be in life. Sheā€™s my entire aesthetic of hard work, creativity, and strength and grit, without taking away of being a powerful female. Zeusā€™ lead strategist like shit, Rick could have done so much. But he did not. And I am thus sad about it.Ā 
6/10. I have no issues with Demeter. Kinda boring. I think thatā€™s what most of the fandom thinks as well. She just didnā€™t get enough screen time or development. I have no attachment to her. I think the powers that she has, and has passed on to her kids is cool though so thereā€™s that. But in the series as well she doesnā€™t do much. She also (initially) doesnā€™t fight in the battle of Manhattan so maybe Iā€™m slightly bitter there. But yeah, iā€™m indifferent.Ā 
8.99/10 Okay so hear me out I know this man gets so much bad rep in the myths and thatā€™s part of why he doesnā€™t get a full 9. But I really really love the way heā€™s depicted in the riordanverse, especially with his entire arc with his kids/specially with Nico. Like literally one of my favourite quotes In the entire series is ā€œmy children are so rarely happy, I would like to see you be the exception.ā€ Out of the gods listed here (and excluding Dionysus), he acts like a genuine parent to his kids and tries. And like thereā€™s issues, sure, but he works on them. And since so much of the first series is about how the gods are neglectful, seeing him change and seeing him fight for Nico is my everything.Ā 
7.1/10. Honestly this feels too high considering mans was nearly If not just as bad as Zeus in keeping it in his dam pants. His points come from treating Sally like the queen she is, and trying with Percy (albeit too little too late but I can see the minimal effort). That being said, heā€™s really shitty in the myths so I canā€™t really give him anything higher than this. Heā€™s barely a dad, and sees Percy more as an ally than an actual son or human being that needs attention. I like him more in Fanon and the way that I write him lmao because I humanise him. But I wonā€™t lie heā€™s dilf material, and I still like rickā€™s depiction of him.Ā 
3/10 Iā€™m surprising myself with this rating because tbh I might even push her to 4.5 just because sheā€™s so consistent in her own goals and agenda, and that perseverance is very admirable even if it was at the cost of some of my favourite characters. She was very much two faced though and fucked around stuff that she should have stayed out of. Her hatred for literal children though is a bit problematic. I have no attachment to her but I admire how much she just wants a family. However she just really needs to assess how she approaches that since itā€™s a bit messed up. Ā 
-5/10 I really donā€™t Zeus, his character, him in the myths, everything about him. He gives off the vibes of a man who abuses the power that he was given. And I donā€™t like that. It makes me uncomfortable and I donā€™t like him at all. His treatment of his children, of the demigods, and the way he governs Olympus. Not a fan. I could rule Olympus better and Iā€™m a mentally unstable, serotonin deficient 20 year old with a hyper fixation on greek mythology and Minecraft. However despite not liking his character, I think Rick does a great job at depicting him accurately to how he was in the myths.Ā 
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jobethdalloway Ā· 5 years
RamblingĀ ā€œBooksmartā€ thoughts from my 3 viewings of it (spoilers below!)
1)Ā How much was I like Molly & Amy in high school? My senior quote included a quote from The Hours: "Perhaps there is nothing, ever, that can equal the recollection of having been young together. Maybe it's as simple as that." That, for me, actually sums up a lot of the joys of this movie. It wasn't angsty or taking itself too seriously like Lady Bird; it wasn't about shitting on its main character like Edge of Seventeen; it wasn't about loneliness like Eighth Grade; it wasn't about meanness like most of Mean Girls - it was about all the incredible joys that come with being a teenager, whichever way you choose to teen.
lots of rambling thoughts-
-the chemistry/casting is a huge part of what elevates this to something golden. I just completely accept that Kaitlyn & Beanie have been best friends since birth. sign me tf up. Give them Michael Cera and Jonah Hill's careers!! -Billie Lourd's entrance is one of the funniest things I've ever seen and then every time she popped up was just another miracle of laughter -this is like. soft Daria & Jane. Daria and Jane were a bit before my time but their '90s cynicism was something my friends and I were really drawn to and there weren't a whole lot of teenage girls repped in media who felt like us and we loved them. What I also really liked about that show is that, like this movie, it was not afraid to slap its protagonists on the wrists for judging "cool"/popular kids. Daria and Jane loved each other but the one time you saw them do anything remotely affectionate in the show was in the last (I believe?) episode when Daria hugs Jane and Jane is stunned/seemed kind of uncomfortable with it. I loved the love between Molly and Amy, its openness, it's two-way Ann & Leslie feel -being best friends with the teacher? Seriously, legit. I was super close to my favorite teacher junior year and then she moved away that summer and gave me her phone number so we could keep in touch. /I've been that person who would still meet up with my favorite gym teacher like years after graduating, just to get lunch and catch up -while this genre of comedy is usually a tad too crass for me, I realized it made a huge difference when it's made by/about girls - one of whom is a lesbian!!! It's not just nonstop escalating dick jokes! It doesn't demean or hypersexualize teenage girls!! Groundbreaking!!! It wasn't like, let's be as gross as possible because dicks are everyone's favorite thing to talk about. the sex jokes felt super real/were derived from very real things (oh, Ling Ling) -that scene in the swimming pool was gorgeous. everything about it. -I liked that Amy had a crush on a girl who wasn't just like Conventional Hot Chick. A straight dude writing/directing this very likely would've done that -I think maybe most poignantly, this movie made me miss high school. So many teen movies are about how high school sucks, how it's the worst, how it's lame, isolating, or scary. This reminded me of all my fun times with my friends and what a great ride we had -my generation's high school movie was Mean Girls. An iconic and hilarious film, but not at all kind to lesbians. Having one of the leads be an out lesbian in this film, to see her be the one who gets to hook up (well, almost / I do think that happened way too fast for her character but whatever) - that is revolutionary. I'm so so so so glad for (and a little jealous of) Gen Z's wlw who get to own this movie. Lesbians aren't the butt of the joke or the freaks anymore. They're the lead you're rooting for. -BILLIE LOURD
(A couple of small quibbles: I realize it's a staple of the genre, but I didn't love the girls getting drugged. I guess it was a creative way of doing that kind of sequence but eh. Also, Molly's comment about porn being like a documentary for an inexperienced lesbian is ... not good!! Yes the Cardi B joke was funny but young wlw, that porn was not made for you in mind and if you must, proceed with caution! And whether you're straight or gay, making out with someone who was mean to you, just to prove a point, is... not the best. Molly had a bunch of set-ups to telegraph that she'd end up with the sweet/desperate rich boy; I would've loved more set-up for the girl Amy ended up with)
2)Ā More things I love:
-how this captures that people stop caring about cliques in senior year. I remember 2 of my gradeā€™s coolest girls like adopting me partway through senior year because we had some classes together and they thought I was funny. Suddenly they were saying hi to me in the hallway amidst all their super cool friends and even though Being Cool had never been a goal of mine I felt so legit bc these two crazy popular girls liked me. I thought of that when Nick exudes nothing but sheer joy at the sight of Molly at his party. Itā€™s so sweet. -Barcelona -I love that this movie doesnā€™t fall into the cliche of making The Cool Boy Our Protagonist Likes into a douche so sheā€™ll go swoon into the arms of the less cool guy who likes her. Nick may be a shameless flirt but he isnā€™t written as someone whoā€™s evil and I like that -I love that they never go ā€œomg, I canā€™t believe Ryanā€™s straight!ā€ The belief that sheā€™s queer is not challenged -Amy grinning like an idiot when Ryanā€™s arm touches her leg :))) -with the close-ups of feminist accoutrement in Mollyā€™s room and the bumper stickers on Amyā€™s car, it really struck me how amazing it is that these are our leads. Characters like this were the least popular ones/people who got made fun of in shows/movies when I was growing up (see: Jessie on Saved By the Bell). I LOVE that unrepentant feminism is such a huge part of them -Billie Lourd takes my breath away -I want to take Hailee Steinfeldā€™s character out of EDGE OF SEVENTEEN and put her in this movie, where Molly and Amy would befriend her and she could date someone who wasnā€™t a sexist dick -I still wish Hope had been a little better developed/hadnā€™t been so mean -I want to hang out with my high school friends
3)Ā Third time seeing this and honestly laughed just as hard as I did the previous two times. The jokes all land and the deliveries, the facial expressions, the camaraderie is all perfect. I like that the notion of pushing past stereotypes is even applied to Amyā€™s parents, when Molly makes a comment about them being Christians who totally accept their lesbian daughter. That was a nice, small touch. (It also comes up again when the pizza delivery man who, while a douche, seems to be being nice in some way by warning them to be safe and turns out to be a wanted criminal).Ā 
Also - is Avril Lavigneā€™s Sk8r Boi a dated reference for this movie? Is Sully? Do the kids not have to sit alphabetically at graduation? Because everyoneā€™s grouped with their friends. Also I went with my gay bff to see this and we died bc the theater kidā€™s extreme reaction when Molly kissed the dude on stage was exactly my friendā€™s reaction from a moment before. And if the party was so late, couldnā€™t they have had dinner with Amyā€™s parents? Theyā€™re so sweet and they put so much effort into that adorable meal (I loved Lisa Kudrow in this omg). Why did they not pick her up from jail? Why did they not take her to the airport?? (These arenā€™t super important questions, I guess, Iā€™m just being kinda nit-picky. I love the last shot/line of the movie)
Iā€™m glad itā€™s where it is not.I do still kinda feel like we couldā€™ve done without the teacher hooking up with the 20-year-old student. Not sure what that brought to the table and I actually thought her saying ā€œhow crazy would that be if I just showed up?ā€ was funny without her actually showing up. At a party with all her students. Did no one else notice her there?Ā 
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