#and then after that you either die or get stuck in said corpse. you can’t even die in your own body
too-much-tma-stuff · 6 months
Finally Getting Help (pt 12)
“Ya, I have questions,” Jason confirmed, trying not to shift awkwardly in his seat. “I read the slideshow but I don’t seem to fit in either liminals or ghosts, and I have some issues that I think would have been mentioned if they were common?”
“Alright, what are they?” Danny asked tilting his head a little. 
“Well, it’s been better since meeting you, and I know increased aggression was one of the thing mentioned but mine isn’t like Damian’s, or even yours I think. We’ve been calling it Pit Madness. I’ve gotten better at managing it but especially when I got back it was really bad. I… killed a ton of people and I still have a lot of bloodlust that no one is comfortable with.”
“That is unusual, especially directed towards humans. Aside from revenge against whoever killed them dead usually don’t care very much about the living,” Danny said curiously, considering Jason. 
“And I do read as- as dead?” Jason asked, he had been worried about that.
“Well you’re obviously not Dead dead,” Danny said rolling his eyes before he reached across the table. “Here, with touch I can figure out a bit more.” He said and Jason hesitated for a moment before resting his hand in Danny’s.
A cool feeling quickly washed up his arm and over his chest like intangible water. Danny tilted his head to the other side, his brows coming together slowly as he gazed into the middle distance and considered what he was feeling. He let out a hiss and some sort of chitter that couldn’t come from a human throat, then clicked his tongue and the cool feeling dissipated, sinking under Jason’s skin and cooling heat he hadn’t been aware of feeling. 
“Okay, ya that’s weird,” Danny admitted and Jason’s heart dropped. “Best I can equate it to is, like a bone that healed wrong,” Danny said thoughtfully. “You did die before?” He asked, Jason nodded mutely. “Okay, I won’t ask why or how. But best I can tell your soul was shoved back into your body and not given time to get settled back in it’s proper position before whatever was done to bind it in place. So you’re alive but with some.. Spiritual nerve and brain damage. Would you be comfortable telling me how you were resurrected?”
“Well, I resurrected myself apparently. I don’t really remember it but apparently about six months after my death I dug myself out of my grave. Before I could get anywhere the League of Shadows found me and dunked me in the Lazarus pit which is this glowing green stuff that heals the dying and kills the healthy. I don’t remember any of it, it was almost a year before I recovered enough to be myself at all.”
“That actually makes a lot of sense,” Danny said, nodding thoughtfully. “My guess would be at first you came back as a revenant, which is basically when a ghost possesses their own corpse to get revenge, not truly a living being. But then this Lazarus pit resurrected your body and your soul got stuck in your living body again without being prepared or intending for that to happen. 
“That’s what I’m guessing happened but I can’t be sure, and I’m not a healer so I don’t really know what to do about it. I’m sure my ghost doctor Frostbite would be happy to take a look at you though! Looks like we’ll be making an appointment for you too,” He joked making Jason chuckle nervously. 
“Well that’s.. Totally fucked up,” Jason said and Danny nodded.
“Ya, dying is basically always fucked up, coming back Specifically for revenge and then getting stuck here long after that’s a motivating factor is messy. I mean, for a human that would be fine, but for people like us,” He gestured between the two of them. “Obsessions are everything so that’s hard. You’ve been cultivating more healthy obsessions I know but you’ll never be the same,” Danny said, and Jason nodded.
He knew as much, he could never go back. Not that he hadn’t always had these sorts of thoughts and inclinations. Once of the reasons Bruce had taken on him and Dick was their murderous inclinations needed to be curbed, for Dick it had work, for Jason… Well it was a combination of a lot of things, it wasn’t really Bruce’s fault it had failed. Other than the fact that he’d let the Joker live far longer than he should have, but that was bleeding-heart-Brucie for you. It was funny, to not really be mad at Bruce anymore, understanding there was nothing else he could have done, and still not be able to forgive him.
Danny must have noticed how Jason had gotten lost in his own head because he reached across the table and covered one of Jason’s clenched hands with his own, soft and cool. “You’re doing really well Jason. It’s a messed up situation but I don't think anyone could have handled it better then you are,” Danny said softly.
Jason didn’t believe it but it felt good to hear and it did settle him a little bit. “Thanks Danny, that means a lot,” he said, giving Danny’s hand a squeeze before pulling back. 
There was a natural break in conversation as the waitress brought their appetizers, and when she left again Jason didn’t know what to say. Thankfully Danny spoke. “Why don’t I tell you a bit about my doctor? Frostbite can be a lot, as much as it would probably be funny to spring him on you I should probably give you a heads up.”
“Ya, ya that sounds good,” Jason agreed, glad to let Danny do the talking for a bit. And when telling him about Frostbite turned into talking about the Yetis, to talking about the Infinite Realms, to Danny info-dumping about space. Well Jason really doesn’t mind, especially with the way it makes Danny light up. It was good to see him happy.
The food was good but Jason didn’t taste much of it, and aside from going “Oh wow!” When he took his first bite of his food Danny didn’t seem to either. At a certain point Jason realized he was going to have to do some talking or Danny was going to keep talking and wouldn’t eat. So he took over, but he didn’t know much about space so he started talking about literature and poetry and Danny listened raptly and finally ate his food.
It was very nice to have someone listen to him like that, it was sort of funny, it looked like it was as fun for Danny to listen to him talk then it had been the other way. Jason thought about how supporting obsessions was important for ghosts to have their obsessions supported. Reading wasn’t Really his obsession, he didn’t think, but it sure was an interest and it felt really good to get to share with someone new. 
By the end of the dinner Jason has well and truly decided that this was a date. Danny was cute, good, and passionate, and a good listener, Oh and strong as Fuck which was always a turn on for Jason. Speaking of powerful…
“Can I ask you another sort of serious question?” Jason asked after they got their dessert. Danny looked up, mouth full and a little smear of chocolate on his top lip, Jason resisted the urge to reach across the table and wipe it off. Danny nodded. “When Damian gave me his little shovel talk he mentioned that you’re going to be a god some day?” He said, tilting his head. Maybe that was a third date sort of conversation but it seemed like it would be important to understanding Danny.
Danny choked a little and swallowed, sighing heavily. “That’s what I’ve been told,” Danny grumbled. “There’s a prophecy apparently, and with how my powers have been progressing even just in the first 2 years since I died, I can already go toe to toe with some Ancients and win so… Ya, I guess it’s probably inevitable, especially since I haven’t stagnated yet. I don’t want to be one really, I didn’t ask for this, but whatever. I probably can’t stop it.” He slumped back in the booth, looking tired. 
Shit Jason shouldn’t have brought that up. “Hey you’ve got time right? That won’t be for a while. Also, what’s an Ancient?” 
“Very old, very powerful spirits. They’re essentially their own pantheon, Ancient is basically just what ghosts call gods.” He said with a shrug.
“Makes sense, I mean gods usually are ancient. Even more reason you don’t have to worry about that right now. I mean you’re far from ancient,” Jason pointed out, earning himself a little smile from Danny. 
“Ya, you’re right,” He agreed and went back to eating his dessert, the conversation moved on to the music they liked.
When the bill came Jason put his card down without letting Danny see what the bill came to and passed it back to the waitress. They lingered in the booth for a while still chatting, unwilling to part ways yet. If Jason didn’t know his family would want Danny home before they went out on patrol he might have suggested they just go to a park and walk for a while. Talk, maybe each take one of his wireless earbuds and take turns picking songs. But he had a feeling Damian really would try to kill Jason if he didn’t get to see Danny home safe. 
Eventually they left, wandering back to Jason’s motorbike and Danny snuggled up to Jason’s back again as they drove back to the manor. The silence was companionable until Jason pulled up, propping the bike up to let Danny get off. He took off his helmet and handed it back to Jason, not letting go immediately when Jason took it so their hands were touching. 
“This was nice, I had fun,” Danny said, blushing a little and looking down.
“It was, we should do it again soon,” Jason agreed, “I’ll text you okay?” 
“You’d better,” Danny teased before walking back towards the manor. 
Damian opened the door for him, shooting Jason a glare before slamming it making him laugh. He was still a child no matter how much he pretended he wasn’t. Jason kicked off on his bike and zoomed off, heading home to get ready for patrol.
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 2 years
Civilian Asset 1.
Polyamorous/femme/female reader x multiple
Summary: Your job was supposed to be easy. Just take a flash drive through customs. Now there's blood under your nails and a threat to your life.
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Master List / Next chapter Warnings: Violence, peril, panic attack/anxiety
Inaccurate military because COD MW is inaccurate (it's a fantasy, friends, and we're treating it like one).
A/N: Don't ask. I don't know what I'm doing here either. Hello, new fandom?
There’s glitter stuck to the blood on your hands.
It all twinkles and shines in the sickly yellow glow of the alley’s one unbroken street light, and you wonder how long it will take the blood to dry, to turn flaky and dark in the crevices of your palm. It’s already going tacky. As the bass inside the club jars your heartbeat out of rhythm, you settle back into the skin under the blood, remembering you have your own, and you don’t want it to join the puddle seeping into the cracks of broken concrete at your knees. You wonder how much time you’ve lost.
Run, he said.
It isn’t the kind of order you sit and think over. It’s a do-or-die command, and you’re struggling to do much of anything as pins and needles creep through your legs. How long have you knelt there? How many songs have rolled through the speakers while you drifted? Probably too many.
He admitted he might’ve been followed. You remember that. And you remember the intel whispered in your ear as you pushed down on the bullet wound in his abdomen, fighting to recall every first aid lesson you learned in high school and college. Pressure – actively bleeding wounds needed pressure, so you’d put your weight on your hands as the party music pulsed through the cracked-open door you thought you’d slip back through after the usual handoff. But instead of taking a thumb drive or notebook and getting a little tipsy before calling it a night, you tried pushing his soul back into his body as the blood welled up between your fingers.
You tried. It wasn’t enough.
The body already smells. You didn’t know corpses stank so quickly after death. Now you do. It was a gut wound. Maybe it’s his last meal you smell, turned half to shit in his bowels.
You need to run. You need to get out of the alley. You need to stand up and wipe the blood off your hands so you can slink onto the Tube without getting the cops called on you.
With a clear series of actions in mind, everything switches to autopilot, and you move without really meaning to. His jeans work as a towel for the worst of gore, and a discarded wad of bar napkins near the door are clean enough to sponge away the red from between your fingers. Rust colored stains linger around your fingernails, but your dress has pockets – something you’d thought absurdly wonderful a few hours ago – and hopefully no one will be looking that closely, anyway.
Your numbed legs wobble as you approach the main street, making you look a little drunk without conscious effort, and you slip into the current of university students and tourists heading to the Underground. You board a train back towards your hostel, and pat your pocket as you sit, subconsciously checking for the intel. Of course, it’s empty, and a spike of panic flairs in the split second it takes you to remember there is no physical evidence this time. Your contact broke the rules and poured dangerous secrets into your naked ears. The mole was compromised. The dead drop became a little more literal and a lot more dangerous, and the man barely had enough time to pass his info on by word of mouth to the next link in the chain. That link, the handler, scurried away with a hole in his gut and just enough time to meet you, the courier, passing along word of the threat like a burning coal to scorch you.
You aren’t supposed to know anything, but you can’t keep your eyes closed and your hands clean, because you’re the only one who knows anything at this point.  Every safeguard between you and immediate danger is dead.
It isn’t supposed to work this way. You’re just a courier, a very literal civilian who can add a USB drive to her collection without suspicion on your way through customs. A digital nomad with lots of stamps in her passport and dozens of good reasons to be in any convenient country. Nobody important, but a very useful mule.
Keeping your eyes off the data you carry is supposed to keep you safe.
In theory.
In practice if keeps the people you deliver to secure. You don’t get names. You get meeting times or dead drop coordinates. But tonight…
Tonight it’s all gone to shit.
And somewhere out there, someone wants you dead.
You don’t even flinch when the man across from you heaves into the middle of the carriage. Everyone else cringes and shouts, but the specs of vomit on the tips of your ankle boots aren’t the worst thing to touch them in the past hour.
Those filthy shoes march with you from the train, up the stairs to the surface, down the lane to the cheap hostel where you’ll have space to fall apart and figure out what the fuck you’re supposed to do. You don’t leave bloody footprints as you move; you check over your shoulder to see if you’ve left a path for the killers to follow. Nothing. Like you’re just one of the backpackers cackling over drinks in the lobby common area.
You’ve never been more grateful for having splurged on a private room as you unlock your door and sprint for the toilet. It’s your turn to puke, and you shake as burning tears and snot stream out with the bile.
Fucking dammit.
Each heave wracks your gut, your chest burns, and your throat is on fire. You know your head will hurt the second the adrenaline wears off – if you live that long – after all this crying.
How do you fix this? Is this something people can fix? You couldn’t even keep enough blood in the man’s body. You literally could not run for a solid – what? – fifteen minutes? Thirty?
You’re going to die.
Another heave locks you in place with a strangled scream as your belly tries to eject your panic and fear. There’s nothing left, though, not even water. You’ve wrung yourself out, so maybe it won’t smell as much when bullets, or knives, or fucking plastic shivs aerate your torso. Maybe it won’t be as awful for whoever finds your body. You’d hate to pass on that curse.
And it hits you, as you pant for breath, a string of saliva dangling from your chin: A lot of other people are going to die if you don’t get yourself together.
That’s enough. Just barely. But you shuffle back from the toilet, wiping your face with toilet paper before climbing the sink. The cool porcelain grounds you, and the cold water on your face and in your mouth helps, too.
The water in the basin turns pink, and you remember the blood in your cuticles and under your nails as it fades and spins down the drain. It hasn’t stained. It lingers along the bed of your nails and the ridges that will turn into hangnails eventually, but if you scrub, you’re sure you can get it off. For a minute, you’d forgotten you could wash blood off skin, that it wouldn’t sink in and brand you. It’s a relief. A stupid relief, sure, but it pulls some steam from the whirlwind of angst trying to launch another round of dry heaves, so that’s good.
A few specs of glitter still flicker up at you, twinkling under the bathroom lights like so many little eyes.
You can do this.
Figure out what it is you’re doing first, though.
You can just leave. Check out of the hostel, get a new plane ticket, and get the fuck out of the country. You can also pretend it didn’t happen, just continue as normal. Your original flight back is booked for the day after tomorrow, which seemed like nothing a few hours ago. Now those hours stretch into oblivion.
The problem is this damn city. London. City of a thousand cameras. The Nanny State. It was almost impossible to get around without getting caught by a few dozen electronic eyes, and if the people powerful enough to take out two trained agents wanted to see who the handler met in the alley outside the club, they probably could.
You should assume as much, at least. So, staying was out. But was it safe to just zip off to the airport? Would they be watching?
There was one other option. The option you’d always been told wasn’t really an option until you had no other choice. They had you memorize a phone number, only to be used in the direst emergency, and insinuated that you should think twice even if you had a knife to your neck. You hope that means it reaches someone important. There’s no time to play climb-the-chain-of-command.
Your shaking fingers punch the wrong numbers three times as you struggle with smooth glass and shattered nerves, but eventually you get the right sequence, you lift the phone to your ear, and the call goes through.
A click. A woman’s voice. “Yes?”
“This is, uh.” You stammer your name, your location, but when you get to the situation, your thoughts start falling apart. “They’re dead. And he may have been followed? And I don’t know what – I don’t know what to do.”
A chair squeaks on the other end of the line, and you can hear the focused frown sharpening the stranger’s words as computer keys rattle. “Take a breath. One thing at a time. I need to understand what’s happening. Now, who’s dead?”
You follow her advice, because breathing is always a good idea, and you’d like to keep doing it as long as possible. Her other instructions help more, though. They give you a sense of direction, a clear path forward.
“The handler. I never know the names, but he – he’d been shot when he came to the meet, and he said his contact died, too.”
“Was he able to complete the hand-off?”
Cool lips coughing up secrets against your ear, a shaking hand fisted in the front of your dress to keep you close, fingers going slack and falling from your arm.
You hesitate, only a beat, and try to wipe the blood from your memory. “Sort of.”
“Sort of isn’t good enough. Did he give you the intel or not.”
“He told me the intel.”
“He… told you.” She confirms, with tone alone, that this is bad news.
But now you can tell her, and everything will be okay. That’s how this is supposed to work, right?
“He said –”
“This line isn’t secure.” She cuts you off, and the bright hope curdles in your chest. It isn’t over, then. “You need to debrief somewhere safe. You need to get out of that hostel and wait for the team I send to retrieve you, understood?”
“Understood.” You want to shake, purge the anxiety from your system like sweat. The fear vibrates inside your bones, but the phone stays steady in your grip. You’ve turned into a statue, a marble shell wrapped around an earthquake. “Where do I go?”
She gives you an address to a safehouse, tells you how to get there without drawing attention to yourself. Hopefully.
“Any advice?” The chaos inside needs an outlet or distraction, and maybe the woman at the other end of the line can hear that, because she plays along.
“Move fast. Keep quiet. Stay alive.”
Shrugging as you pull on new clothes that won’t draw as much attention as your little black dress, you nod along. “I’ve heard worse tips.”
“You’re a step ahead of anyone trying to track you,” the stranger says. She speaks low and slow, like you’re a skittish horse ready to bolt, and even if you feel marginally infantilized, you appreciate the fragile illusion she weaves: that everything’s under control, that you know what you’re doing, that everything will be okay.
With the last of your things stuffed in your backpack, you grab your room key and head for the door. The hostel has remote checkout. You just need to drop your key in the box. “Leaving for the safehouse now.”
“Good. I need to brief the team coming to meet you. Keep your phone handy, and call me when you arrive.”
“Or if something goes wrong?”
“Or if something goes wrong. Be careful.”
The line goes dead, and you begin your trek through the dark. Stepping out of the warm, lively hostel and into the night feels like stripping naked and jumping into the water with sharks. Sure, the hostel wasn’t a great place to defend yourself, the doors were thin and the locks fragile, but it had walls. It felt safe. Now you’re exposed, and the vulnerability creeps over your skin like ants.
You take a night bus in the wrong direction, laying a false trail in case anyone is trying to follow you through camera feeds. Then you cut across ten city blocks on foot to find a new line heading the right way, and sit in the illuminated interior like a product in a butcher’s display. Dead meat. You feel obvious. Foolish. You’re following the woman’s directions to the letter, but inexperience gapes under your feet like an open pit, waiting for you to trip and fall so far down you’ll never get back up again.
Every stranger reads as a predator. Every camera holds malicious eyes.
It takes thirty minutes to walk to the safehouse from the last bus stop, and you make the journey with a white-knuckled grip on the strap of your backpack and a pulse so loud you struggle to hear over the drumming in your ears. The light pollution blots out the stars, it’s a new moon, and the streetlights only make the shadows beyond their miniscule pools of light darker.
By the time you find the safehouse and fish the key out of the little box hidden in the bushes, your hands are shaking again. The tension crackles like static through your nerves, blunting your focus even as your senses sharpen to the point of discomfort. Is the rustle behind you just that plastic bag rolling down the street, or is someone stalking you? The breeze feels like breath on the back of your neck, and every hair stands on end as you wrestle the key into the lock and trip through the door.
You slam it closed behind you, past caring about disturbing neighbors or drawing attention. This is like walking the long dark hallway to pee in the middle of the night as a child. You know there’s a monster behind you, but if you look it will eat you. If you run it will pounce. And once you reach safety, you gasp for air the same way you do after diving to the bottom of the pool. All you did was walk, but you feel as if you nearly drowned.
Your ass meets the floor, knees folding with the door at your back. Quivering fingers press over your mouth, trying to silence the wavering pants that may just turn into sobs if you can’t stuff them back down.
Blindly groping over your head, you find and turn the deadbolt. It takes more energy than it should, and you allow yourself a minute to recover before tugging out your phone and making the promised call.
The woman picks up after the first ring.
“I made it.” You take a deep breath. Let it out again. Your head drops back and your eyes slip shut as your heart gradually stutters down to a reasonable pace. “Locked the door and everything.”
 “Good.” She sounds like she’s smiling, and you wonder if she’s actually amused or doing the whole horse-taming schtick again. “Your escort should arrive inside two hours. Just sit tight, okay?”
You haven’t even turned the lights on. You’re afraid to let anyone know you’re there, and it’s nice to be the one waiting in the dark this time. “I can do that.”
“I’ll let you know when they’re approaching.”
She hangs up without pleasantries. And you’re entirely alone again.
In the silence, you listen to distant traffic and a handful of dogs sounding off on the twilight bark. The world waits outside, but you feel like a weed yanked halfway free of the soil. You fit into that steady rhythm yesterday. Maybe you ferried some secrets to try and make the world a slightly better place, but fuck if you weren’t ordinary.
The debriefing is the goal, retrieving the intel you carry. Keeping you alive and relatively safe until that can happen makes sense, and you don’t blame the stranger on for focusing on the immediate issues. But you can’t help wondering what happens after that.
You consider for the first time since the alley that even if everything goes well, you might not make it home.
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Personally, I don't see the appeal of Shoko.
Please convince me why I should. I'm curious.
ANONNNNN YOU’RE MISSING OUTTTT WHAT THE HELL 😔😔😔😔 okay i’ll give you a pass because her character writing is very subtle. but she’s just…… so interesting!!!!!!
honestly i have a Lot of things i like abt shoko…… getting the obvious out of the way; she’s Gorgeous. most beautiful woman in the whole wide world. look at her!!!!!!!!!! :((((((((((
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bUT THAT ASIDE . to me, the most interesting thing about shoko is her grief. and her connection to satosugu, obviously, but those go hand in hand!! i’ll die on the hill that she’s extremely similar to the both of them. she was also born with the burden of an ability she didn’t ask for, and she also became a weapon for the jujutsu society to wield. the irony is that she’s a weapon who Heals as opposed to satoru and suguru, but that’s arguably a worse thing to go through. in one of her phanpara voicelines, she mentions that it might be better to be out on the front lines than to stay back not knowing if the others will return in one piece…..
she’s just . stuck in such an awful situation. i think she’s seen far more death and suffering than either satoru or suguru . there’s a good chance she’s had to dissect her dying friends since she was fifteen. no wonder she comes across as so detached!!!!! no wonder she covers everything up with apathy or humour. she’s lost so many friends throughout the years. and she’s had to touch their corpses. i can’t imagine how much that messes you up.
but. yeah . her grief is just so, so silent. it’s almost always either subtextual or shown through visual imagery (usually her cigarettes)… it’s hard to tell what she’s thinking but it’s so obvious she’s suffering when you look at that subtext. her calling suguru childish for thinking nobody would understand him (implying she did), walking out of the room during jjk 0 when yaga declares war on him. picking up smoking again after gojo gets sealed, and she finds out that kenjaku had taken over geto’s body. (which is partially her fault!!! she was supposed to have disposed of it, but gojo tried to show compassion by not forcing her to. and that’s why kenjaku could take over.) the amount of cigarettes she’s smoking when she’s watching gojo fight sukuna….. etc etc . it’s all there. her grief is very silent and compliant and sad. but it’s so obvious that she loved them both.
basically; shoko is flawed, traumatized, desensitized, and kind despite that. just like satoru and suguru. she isn’t able to open her heart to anyone, isn’t able to be honest about how she feels, and she’s resigned herself to her role as a weapon. but she cares. she sticks around and keeps healing and never complains. i think she cares so much that she has to force herself into a state of apathy. she wouldn’t be able to keep going otherwise.
all of this is just my own take on her, but . imo it’s a take that the manga supports!!! we haven’t gotten any glimpses into her headspace aside from chapter 220, but we have more than enough subtext and interactions to analyze her character…. overall, i just think shoko is interesting. and wellwritten, in a subtle way. i hope akutami gives her the spotlight she deserves in future chapters because she has such a silent and unique role in the story…. it’s really hard not to fall in love with her!!!!! :’3 she’s just so cool…
anyway i said i had three reasons for loving shoko and her gorgeous gorgeous face + character writing are two of them . so i’ll end this by mentioning the final thing!!!!!! ….. which is that she’s super funny .
like. she’s a healer . but the first time we see her in the morgue she’s cutting curses open with a chainsaw. she’s disappointed when yuji turns out to be alive because she won’t get to dissect him. the students hesitate calling her for help with their injuries at night because they never know if she’s sober or not. in the light novel she takes gojo to a bar and calls him a big kid. in phanpara she complains when you put her on your team because she doesn’t want to do any work. she cheated her way through med school. she wore sunglasses during her best friend’s unsealing party. she made nanami and haibara give her a shoulder massage after they lost against her and gojo at an arcade game. she then forced a very grumpy suguru into taking a selfie with her. she’s so fucking funny and i love her <333333
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ra1neyd4y · 6 months
everything was so sweet, untill you tried to kill me
Chocking. That’s all that the princess of hell could think of. The fact that she was being chocked and how she was going to free herself. She struggled as much as she could, trying so hard to wiggle free, but alas she was stuck. The princess’ vision blurred with a lack of oxygen.
Just then vaggie realised what was going on. Vaggie tried to run to Charlie, to save her, to save her everything, but lute tackled her, keeping herself occupied from Charlie.
In that moment Charlie’s blurred vision turned to pitch black. To nothing-ness. As Adam released her neck from his hand, he stabbed her through the heart with a spear. “ filthy hell-borne scum.” Adam uttered, walking away from the corpse.
Charlie’s body lay on the ground. Her face that had previously been so full of emotion earlier today lay expressionless, her rosy cheeks turning pale like her skin.
Vaggie wrestled away from lute, running to her princess . “ CHARLIE! CHARLIE NO!” Vaggie screamed out. The moth kneeled next to her love, delicately picking up her body, almost as if Charlie was extremely injured and not dead. That’s because vaggie wanted to believe so bad that she was alive, that she hadn’t just lost that somebody who was her reason to live.
Vaggie let out a stifled sob as she looked at her lovers body. Everything about her was the same as it was earlier that day, except she wasn’t alive anymore. That stifled sob soon became a bloodcurdling scream. As she screamed out, vaggie lunged at Adam, thrusting her spear right through his heart in a fit of rage.
Seeing Adam dead, lute tan up to his body shouting. “SIR! ADAM, SIR!” She sobbed. Little did she know vaggie was right behind her, ready to snatch her life away. Still enraged from her loss, vaggie slaughtered lute. With Adam and lute dead the angels retreated to heaven.
That was when it really started to hit her. Charlie was gone. Gone. Gone forever. No one else had even seen Charlie yet, seen her die. So of course they were a bit confused when vaggie fell to her knees hyperventilating. They all watched her in confusion, unknowing. Vaggie didn’t care that she was being watched. She was so consumed by her grief that nothing else mattered to her. Charlie had picked her up off the streets ( literally) at her lowest, and showed her a sort of kindness she never saw in heaven. After time they became lovers, and everything was so sweet. Until she was gone. And without her Charlie, her princess, there was a hole left in baggies heart. A very big hole that no one would ever be able to fill.
After watching vaggie sob for a good five minutes, Angel approached her. He put his hand on her shoulder and asked “ what happened?”
Vaggie was barely able to choke out an answer, but she was able to pull herself together to muster one word. “ Charlie.”
“ she’s… she’s not dead right..?” Angel didn’t want to think she was gone. She’d stood up for him to Valentino of all people, and most people were too terrified of him to stick up for angel.
“ she’s gone.” Vaggie replied. Gone for good. The girl was trapped in a void, previously Charlie was her light, but now all was dark.
“No…” angel spluttered out. “ she can’t be… gone for good!”
“ I’m sorry. I couldn’t reach her in time.” Vaggie said, blue tears falling down her face at possibly an even faster pace than before.
“ it’s not your fault.” Angel replied, eyes glossing over. “ none of us reached her either, you’re not to blame.”
The next few days were blurred for vaggie. She didn’t eat, all she did was occasionally get up to use the toilet. All she did was lie in bed, thinking of Charlie. How before Charlie would have lay next to her, cuddling but now vaggie was alone. Vaggie moved over to lie on her other side, facing her bedside table.
On her bedside table was a little black box containing two rings. Two rings vaggie had planned to give Charlie after the fight. A proposal that would never happen. That’s what hurt vaggie the most, she never got to propose, never got to show Charlie how much she meant to vaggie. And even worse, no one knew. No one could comfort her about her gone wrong plans.
Vaggie wished night after night that Charlie had survived the attack, and that she would have been able to successfully propose, that they would be married, together forever. But now Charlie’s mortality separated them.
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meteor752 · 2 years
Based on these posts, specifically this one, where the kids all survive but are left on the server
Tw: Death, Abandonment, Description of corpses, killing of dogs, depression, grief, starvation, dying of thirst, suicide (But like a mild way), insomnia, hallucinations, probably something else that I forgot but like this is not a happy story at all
Logbook day 1: Mom and Dad died a week ago now. We buried them by the ravine where dad’s bleeding heart used to be. There wasn’t much to bury though, the dogs had gotten to the majority of what was left of them. For any normal person it would be freaky, but it just felt fitting to have dad look like a maimed corpse just like mom and I always look.
I’ve started writing these just to have something to pass the time. We’re stuck here, so it’s not like I have anything else to do
I’ll keep you updated
Logbook day 3: Wes has finally finished the shelter he’s been working on. Since the majority of our homes were either blown up or burnt down, we decided to just make new ones. Novo and Gertrude are staying together, as are Jassy and Liana. Johnny still hasn’t left the ranch. I see him there sometimes, by his parents graves, either sleeping sobbing or staring into the abyss. I think I’m gonna go check on him
Logbook day 8: The last one of Pearl’s dogs has been killed now. Jassy and Novo have been doing that for a few days. It was Novo’s idea.
Wes talks in his sleep. He’s always done that, but before it was just incoherent mumbling. Now it’s pleas and cries for his fathers. I usually wake him up when it happens, but sometimes I just let him sleep. People like him need their sleep
Logbook day 24: Liana has spent the last few hours trying to fly. I don’t know why she’s doing it, she’s known since she was a kid that she can’t fly, but she’s not stopping. I think she’s just trying to find something to do
Logbook day 88: Jassy and I spent the day raiding the pillager tower. We got some good exorcise out of it, but little progress was done as they just kept on respawning. I only died five times, and Jassy three.
Logbook day 147: I saw a goat today. Hasn’t seen one of those in a while. I went to show Johnny, but he still hasn’t left their grave. There’s vines and moss growing on him now. I left him be
Logbook day 233: My cloak got torn to pieces by a spider earlier. I didn’t care enough to stop it. It’s weird not covering my hair, but I don’t mind it as much anymore
Logbook day 454: Novo and Gertrude had an argument, so Gertrude is staying with us for a few days. She snores, but I don’t mind it. It makes the nights less lonely
Logbook day 896: Saw a frog today. I petted it and it hopped away
Logbook day 1233: Novo has decided to stop sleeping. I don’t know what his reasoning for it is, though to be honest I never know what’s going on with him. Jassy and Gertrude are both joining him, and technically so am I. It would’ve impossible for me not to join
Let’s see how long they last
Logbook day 1246: The sleep strike is over. Novo’s visions got worse and he eventually killed himself. Gertrude said that when he respawned, he fell right to sleep and hasn’t woken up yet. I knew it was a stupid idea
Logbook day 2456: Something strange happened yesterday after I finished the log. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky. It’s been up there for longer than it should’ve, and I would know considering our house is decked with clocks. Gertrude also informed us that the animals don’t breed like they used to, and that the crops don’t seem to grow. I don’t know what’s going on but I don’t like it
Logbook day 2463: It’s official, the world has stopped moving. None of us know why
Logbook day 2657: We ran out of food today. Starving is a painful way to die
Logbook day 3121: I was tasked with getting Johnny away from his dads grave again. He looks more like a zombie than I do nowadays
Logbook day 4555: It’s getting harder to keep track of the days. I’m just guessing at this point
Logbook day 5367: Liana and Jassy married each other today. None of us can legally officiate, but as the child of the winners Novo took it upon himself to do so. We managed to get Johnny to show up, though he didn’t look present at all
Logbook day 8965: Novo has been repeatedly slamming himself into the border, hoping to somehow escape it. It’s tempting to see all the cows and pigs move about outside, when we can’t reach it
Logbook day ????: I don’t know what day it is anymore. I don’t know a lot actually.
Final logbook: We were exploring the undercity for the hundredth time earlier, when we found a rift. It looks like a Nether portal, but bigger, and grander, and just…different. There’s nothing left for us here, hasn’t been for a while, so we’re gathering our few essentials and leaving. I’m not gonna bring this book with me, so this will be the last you hear of me.
Jekiv out
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alumort · 9 months
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Comm for Blapii of their OCs Arden and Silas! ^_^
Nights were perfect for Silas. Quiet, dark, and nobody but him and Arden could be seen around once the sun settled down behind the clouds– at least, that was usually the case, as darkness allowed danger to thrive.
That night, they had a really specific mission to fulfill, not involving any kind of espionage towards different towns in the area. The Eyes had tasked them to… take care of a troublemaker, deemed dangerous for their group.
A shapeshifter just like Silas, though one who wasn't as skilled as him– they couldn't hide their demonic gaze from ones of their own kind, and so he began to run after his target.
“Hey, wait for me!” Arden exclaimed with a huff, staying behind for a second before spreading out his red wings, only then catching up with his partner. “Let's see who catches them first, Sillyas!”
He had stuck out his tongue towards the other man, taking advantage of the small distraction to lunge towards their objective, his fingers turning into sharp claws surrounded by scarlet scales. His golden earrings jingled with his every move, foolishly announcing his presence to their soon-to-be victim.
“Don't call me that, dumbass!” Silas replied, shifting into a wolf-like creature just to follow the other man, knife in his mouth– his canine nose helped him realize the other shapeshifter was trying to lose them, and so he went through another path instead.
It wasn’t hard to get rid of their target once they were cornered by the two men, and their pathetic defensive efforts weren’t enough to even make a single scratch on either of them– everything ended as soon as it had started, their mission was over in an instant. Silas shifted back into his humanoid form to take care of hiding evidence, while Arden began carrying the dead body on his back.
The two brough the body towards Arden’s small home, being the closest one to them at that moment; plus, it was a good place to take care of the corpse, made specifically with a dragonborn in mind.
Arden’s flames always made sure no trace of their target was left behind, and ashes were thrown into a small bag– Silas made sure not a single particle of cinder escaped from his hands, yet he turned around to look at his companion, an accusatory finger pointing at him.
“You distracted me! We’re a team, Arden– we could’ve lost them!” the shapeshifter argued, crossing his arms over his chest as he spoke, with a frown on his face and his tail moving to the sides by how irritated he felt then. Arden just shrugged and stuck out his tongue at him again, playfully pushing him to the side.
“Aw, don’t be like that! Everything’s fine now! Plus, we’ve got some extra time for ourselves now– isn’t that great, Silas?”
A guttural growl escaped from his mouth, and Silas couldn’t help it but push Arden towards a wall, his gaze burning itself into the dragonborn’s red eyes. His ears were lowered in anger and annoyance; usually, his partner’s jokes were funny, but there had been a lot at stake that night. A lot that could be lost.
“You have to be more responsible! If we’re ordered to kill, we can’t let our target escape– if our group needs someone to die, we kill them. We can’t be playing around like fools!” he exclaimed, and then pinned the taller man before he could make any kind of move, though Arden’s scaly yet fluffy tail managed to wrap one of his legs in mere seconds.
A faint blush appeared on Silas’ face– Arden knew well how he felt when he got touched without violence, and the toothy smirk on his face told the demon that his coworker had a plan in mind, as usual.
“Aw, but we’re so skilled, we never fail,” the dragonborn said, his face approaching Silas’ without wasting any time at all. “We can celebrate for a bit. What do you think, handsome?”
Silas didn’t need to be told twice; he leaned toward Arden in no time, and their lips met– there was a certain kind of hunger in their kiss, a desperation, as if making out wasn’t an uncommon occurrence between the two, albeit they had needed to take a break for a while. Still, Silas enjoyed Arden’s sharp fangs carefully biting his lower lip, teasing him for more while his warm breath made him slowly lose his composure.
His hands went to reach the dragonborn’s hair in middle of everything, pulling it down as they kept kissing, obtaining a soft chuckle in response– Arden said nothing as his palms began caressing Silas’ back, slipping under his cloak and trying to touch the skin under his shirt, though it was a quite hard task with all the buttons and his belt.
“Can’t do anything in the hallway, idiot,” Silas teased, only making some distance between them to guide his coworker towards somewhere they could lay on– it was dark enough nobody would see them on the couch, and his desire didn’t want to wait for the bedroom. Arden smirked and began taking off his clothes, and the shapeshifter soon began doing the same, not caring about where his things ended up at.
He was still getting used to having a flat chest, his top surgery scars having fully healed not too long ago– that was why they had to take a break of making love together, as Arden wasn’t willing to accidentally injure Silas. The dragonborn let out a toothy grin as the two were naked on the sofa, his hands still playful yet not daring towards the front of Silas’ body– instead he was the one to pull from his partner’s hair that time, knowing well how much he enjoyed it.
Silas loved feeling his hands on his scalp, with some of his scattered scales scratching him without making him feel in pain– Arden leaned towards him again, biting on his neck with his sharp fangs, trying to find a sensitive spot in order to make him sigh.
“You’re so stupid. I’m the one who leads,” Silas whispered, groaning once his boyfriend began leaving gentle bites on his shoulder, smirking at his reaction. “You’ve been very bad today.”
Arden ignored him and just continued, only stopping as the other man managed to grab his wrists, not letting him break free from his hold afterwards. Silas pushed him back, making the dragonborn lay on his back, his eyes wide in surprise.
“Hey! I was doing something there!” Arden argued, though his complaints ceased as he felt his boyfriend beginning to bite him, perhaps in a revenge of sorts. He wrapped his legs on Silas’ waist, chuckling at him as his skin showed an even bigger blush on his cheeks.
“You’re trying to be funny, but you’re not. You must be quiet, stupid bitch,” Silas replied, knowing well that the other man knew it was part of their routine and not his genuine thoughts. At least his smirk relaxed him, and his pleased sighs on every bite soothed his soul, making his entire being feel a nice warmth across from his horns to his tail. “You’re horrible, Arden. We almost failed today because of you.”
“I had it under control!” his partner chimed in, groaning in annoyance as Silas stopped biting him, a frown appearing on his face when the shapeshifter actually stood up and left him there for a while. “Hey! Where are you going?!”
“Calm down. dumbass. If we don’t use anything, you’ll be in pain until next month,” Silas informed him, quickly trotting towards Arden's room to retrieve a small tube of lube, returning to his spot on the couch in no time.
He opened it up and began applying some of the oily gel on his dick– doctors had managed to give it all the functions he needed and even more, and nobody could realize Silas hadn't been born with one. Arden didn't mind that, too hungry for more pleasure to say anything, simply biting his lower lip with impatience.
“Speed up,” his boyfriend ordered, and Silas huffed, slowly placing the tip of his dick right outside of Arden's entrance– yet not making any other movement at all. “What are you waiting for?!”
“You can't order me around, stupid whore,” the shapeshifter replied, smirking at the annoyed groan that escaped from Arden's mouth.
Before doing anything else, Silas took some more lube out of its tube, and caressed his partner's annus, wanting to make sure no spot was dry– it would help him enter more easily, and Arden let out pleased sighs thanks to his fingers. A double win.
A single nod was enough, and the head of his dick entered Arden's entrance, who let out a pleased sigh in response. Silas began with small thrusts, his eyes falling on his partner's face, which guided him into when to speed up or slow down solely by his expressions alone. The dragonborn let out many pleased sighs every now and then, shifting closer towards Silas as he felt ready for more– and how could he leave him waiting like that, with his skin having a deep blush and his tail excitedly moving to the sides?
Silas pushed himself further towards Arden's entrance, and the dragonborn couldn’t help but moan, throwing his head back by how much he was enjoying everything. Silas had probably managed to find his sweet spot, based on his partner’s blissful expression and half-closed eyes.
“Fuck, Arden– you feel great,” Silas said at one point, never stopping thruting in at any point, drunk with pleasure by then– Arden looked beautiful under him, his skin blushing and with a shade of red so similar to his scales… that was the best view he could have, one he could keep in his mind until the end of time itself.
An electrifying sensation crossed his whole body all at once, being stronger on his dick– with a soft whimper, Silas felt himself coming inside of his partner, feeling himself palpitating still there. For a moment he didn't move until his eyes fell on Arden's member, which was still hard and hadn't suffered any change at all; he had a chance to annoy him, sweet revenge.
“I'm so tired…” Silas mumbled, beginning to shift away from his partner, who lazily pushed himself towards his cock– pleasure had taken over him, and now he couldn't pronounce a single word, with letters replaced by incomprehensible draconic noises.
Though, the shapeshifter didn't need to be a genius to know what his boyfriend wanted, more as he moved his ass up and down in an attempt to please himself.
And how could Silas leave him suffering like that? It didn't take much to convince him to push in once again, and again, as many times as Arden needed him to before becoming a whimpering mess under his body after coming hard. His eyes became unfocused by how much bliss had invaded his soul, tail hitting the floor thanks to how relaxed he had become.
There wasn't much space, yet Silas still managed to lay down on Arden's body, slowly calming down to get ready for a good slumber.
Although his breathing hadn’t returned to normal yet, Arden found himself smiling at his partner, ready to speak once again.
“I’m still surprised by how easily you get turned on, Silas,” he exclaimed with laughter in his voice yet still a bit breathless, receiving a slap to the face in response, which did nothing but make him chuckle again.
“You’re an idiot, Arden. But…” the shapeshifter replied, looking him in the eyes as he spoke. For a moment his gaze softened, and a cocky smile decorated his face then. “You’re my idiot. C’mere.”
Arden found himself grinning back, while he leaned towards Silas to steal a gentle kiss from his lips, and soon the two found themselves entwined in each other’s arms, with Silas’ head resting on the other man’s chest– simply listening to his heartbeats until sleep took over them both for the night, tails wrapped firmly without them even realizing it.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
So bear with me. MC sleeps like a rock. A bomb could go off next to them, and they don't wake up. Now, add shallow breathing, and they look like a corpse. You could mistake them for a corpse if you don't check their pulse.
How would the brothers (+ datables if you're not too picky hehe) react to the first time waking them up for school only to think they probably died in their sleep on day one??
Sleeping Like a Corpse!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Lucifer didn’t think much of you when you arrived, now could he be bothered to personally make sure you peeled yourself out of bed in the morning. So naturally, he sent Mammon to go do it.
But when Mammon came back complaining about how you didn’t budge an inch, big bro realized he’d have to take care of it himself, like usual.
He figured slamming your door open would’ve done the trick, but you remain still. And as much as he wants to drag you out of bed by the ankle, he knows how fragile humans can be. He opts for giving you a vigorous shake, and.... you don’t budge.
He calls your name, nothing. He literally pulls you upright by the shoulders and jostles you around like a protein shaker bottle, but you don’t move, and- wait... are you breathing? MAMMOOOOOO-
“Haaah... It’s your first morning with us, and you’re already causing me trouble. If it weren’t for the warmth of your skin, I’d have thought you were dead. Perhaps I should give you an enchanted alarm clock, if you prove to be this difficult to wake every morning.”
Tch, he seriously didn’t get why THE Great Mammon had to do this sorta grunt work! Why should he have to make sure a lousy human gets up for school? It’s not like he’s their babysitter! but we all know he’s a p*ssy so he’s not gonna say that out loud
But that means he’s gonna make sure you know how irritated he is! Mammon bursts into your room, calling you a ‘stinkin’ human’ at the top of his lungs, and... you don’t move a muscle. So his next step is to stomp over and rip your blankets off, and..... you still don’t move.
What the hell? It’s like trying to wake up Belphie! He leans in to try to smack you awake, when he finally notices how it...kinda...looks like you aren’t breathing.
Wait. Wait wait wait-! SURE he didn’t feel like having to watch you, but that didn’t mean he wanted you to die on the first night! Lucifer was gonna KILL him-! Did you die of fright or something?! He didn’t really mean all that stuff he said about eating you, you know?! Hey, snap out of it-!
“What the- You’re ALIVE?! I thought you died in your sleep, dammit! TCH! What’s the big idea, playin’ dead like that?! Ya tryin’ to get me in trouble?!” “-N-no I wasn’t worried about ya!”
Why does HE have to wake you up..? Sure, he has to go to school today anyway for the student council meeting, but what does that have to do with a human..? Couldn’t Lucifer have asked ANYONE else..?
Beyond annoyed when he enters your room. What’s he supposed to do?? Shake you?? Hit you with something???? Levi opts for awkwardly poking your side, and noticing how you don’t react. Great. Ugh... this sucked....
He tries again, then pokes the back of your head, tugs your sleeve, shakes your arm... then you roll over from the movement and he nearly has a heart attack. Not only because you surprised him, but because you.. wait, did you die?!
Stuck between “LMAOOOO ROFLMAO the human died on their first night! What a noob! #fail!” and “KDAKLFHLDSJFKL OH NO HELLO?????”
“WH- Ahhh... I thought you were dead. You know how long Lucifer would've lectured if if you died, right? He'd be so mad, i bet he'd even confiscate my D.D.D.! Normies like you are nothing but trouble. This is why a human shouldn't even be here..."
What a chore... This felt like more of a punishment than anything, and Satan hadn’t even done anything yet. Unless Lucifer already discovered the ink he dripped into his shampoo? Either way, he wasn’t the slightest bit interested in you.
But seeing as he got to hang around you in your most vulnerable state, wouldn’t it be funny if he put a curse on you? He was sure that whatever he chose would become a headache for Lucifer in some way, so the possibilities were endless.
Temporary blindness, backwards speech, rainbow colored skin, extreme bad luck, he didn’t know what to choose! Ah, and there were a few curses he wanted to use on Lucifer that needed to be tested out, so why not experiment on you?
He had plenty of time to pick the perfect one and- ah. Were you.. dead? Did someone beat him to the punch?
“Ah, so you’re alive after all. And here I thought I could harass Lucifer with knowing his human had died in their sleep. Well, it’ll have to wait, I guess...I was really looking forward to the expression on his face...”
What? Lucifer was ACTUALLY letting him go in the cute little human’s room, completely unsupervised? What a bold move, dearest big brother~! There’s no way he’d pass up the chance to take a peek at your sleeping face! You were pretty cute, but he’d like to see if you were worth his attention.
That being said, Asmo creeps into your room like a sneaky toddler, and doesn’t hesitate to grab your shoulder and roll you over to get a good look at your sleeping face. Hmm... Not bad! 
So with that, he hops right into your bed unannounced, bouncing you around and giving you that innocent giggle of his. Aren’t you lucky? You get to be woken up by the endlessly charming Asmo-chan~! The first thing you’ll see is his gorgeous face, and you’ll be blessed with the perfect first school day! 
Why, there are hundreds and thousands of demons who wish they were as lucky as you were right now! He’s seen how they’ll fight tooth and nail for a chance to-..... hey, how come you’re not breathing..? Er, he’s not really into that sort of thing...
“Oh thank goodness! I thought you up and died before I had a chance to get to know you! You know how disappointed I’d be, right? Knowing I wasn’t able to explore the cute human living in our house... it’d be a tragedy!”
Surprisingly, he doesn’t mind that much. Having to go and wake you up reminds him of when Belphie was still around, so it’s familiar and feels kind of nice. What DOESN’T feel nice is that he’s missing valuable time he could be spending inhaling his breakfast, because you won’t wake up.
Hangry Beel enters your room with a bagel in his mouth, so you couldn’t understand what he was saying even if you were awake. Just know he’s calling your name and threatening to eat your breakfast. It’s your loss if you miss out.
Hm... You don’t wake up even after he shakes you, so he’s tempted to just leave. But he knows Lucifer will scold you if he returns downstairs without you, so he’s got to improvise.
It’s fine if he just carries you downstairs, right? He’s just tryin to eat man why can’t you- ...Beel is noticing a distinct lack of breath coming from you when he picks you up. Uhhh
“Oh, you aren’t dead. I was going to ask Lucifer if we could have you for breakfast too, but I guess that’s not an option anymore. He says hurry up and get dressed, and that you should give me your breakfast. Bye.”
He’s in the attic, so same lmao.
Twins! Still gonna strangle and throw you down the stairs in the future tho
Couple goals amirite?
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harleysarchive · 4 years
Among You and Me - Corpse Husband x reader oneshot
Fandom: Corpse Husband, youtubers Warning: Swearing, me being in a good mood when I wrote it so a happy, positive reader, alcohol, hangovers, comfidence boost Pairing: Corspe x reader Summary: You got some extra confidence after having a couple of drinks and write a message to Corpse during his live stream, he answeres you messages and everything continues from there.
Next >
A/N: I was in a super good mood when I started to write this and it shows, I’m sorry if it’s annoying and I don’t know if it’s shit but yeaah. Enjoy! :D
You were watching Corpse Husbands stream among us and was just having a good time. You had had a couple of drinks before the stream so you were in such a great mood. You melted every time he laughed because he couldn’t do the card swipe and just thought of how adorable he was. In your intoxicated mindset you got a confidence boost and opened the stream chat and also instagram. In the stream chat you donated 10$ and wrote “you are the most adorable person on this planet and you deserve the world! Thank you for exciting, love y/n” and hit enter, and also doing the same on Instagram on private messages.
He won’t see that, you thought to yourself and turned on some music to match your good mood and after a while forgetting about your stream that was on. Some days life is just great!
You had fallen asleep and woke up with a hangover, all the positive feelings you had yesterday were gone and now you just wanted to stay in bed all there with some aspirins. Looking at your phone seeing that nothing interesting had happened. You were scrolling through your feed on instagram and saw that you had an unanswered message. You opened it and saw that it was from Corpse.
You flew up in your bed and were staring at your phone.
I can’t believe he answered me, you said. Your hands were shaking and you were too nervous to open the message. Maybe he was annoyed with you for messaging him. Nooo he seems like a nice guy so I don’t think he is.
You opened the message and it read:
“Thank you for your kind words! I saw your donation and the message, means a lot 🖤”
You buried your face into the pillow and screamed for all that you were worth. He answered. You also felt ridiculous for reacting like this but there is no hindering the fangirl when she is out.
Your fingers were shaking but you wanted to reply so badly.
“Thank you! I can’t believe that you actually answered or noticed my message, it made my day honestly. Can’t wait for more content from you!” You hit send and left the bed. You had things to do today and if you were home you were only going to look at your phone all day to see if he would answer you. So to not get tempted you left your phone at home.
You came back to your apartment in the afternoon and we’re dying to check your messages. So you unlocked your phone and went straight to messages. Nothing. You felt a pang of disappointment but you tried to not dwell on it. He had probably many girls messaging him how much they love him and so on. You went to the kitchen and started to cook some dinner. But when you were preparing some vegetables you got a ding from your phone. You went over and saw that you had a message on Instagram. From Corpse. Your heart first stopped and then sped up like crazy. He answered you again! Wtf?!
“That's so kind of you to say, thank you! There will be a new stream tomorrow :)”
“Omg I’m gonna die” you said. Well if you died now you would be okay with it because you had been noticed by Corpse not once but twice.
“Yay can’t wait! I will be glued to the screen!” You answered and immediately felt embarrassed by your response.
Two days later you were waiting for the stream to begin. You had bought some of your favorite ice-cream in honor for tonight. The stream started and you heard Corpse say multiple times that he was super nervous and a shitty impostor. You felt your heart melt for him, he is so sweet and precious. You donated money to him and wrote “you don’t have to be nervous, you are doing great! It’s super entertaining! Love y/n” and hit send. You saw your donation in the chat.
“”you don’t have to be nervous, you are doing great! It’s super entertaining! Love (y/n)” thank you (y/n), that means a lot to hear right now. And I remember your picture from Instagram. Nice to see that you are watching the stream.”
The ice-cream you were about to eat dropped to the floor and you just sat there with an open mouth. He remembered your picture. HE FUCKING REMEMBERED YOUR PICTURE!
The rest of the stream was a fog in your memory because you were still stuck on the moment that he remembered you from your profile picture. Nothing could top that. Nothing. When the stream ended you turned of your computer and were of to bed. But there was no way in hell that you were going to fall alseep after something like that. Your phone lit up again and you saw that you had a new message from instagram. You opened up the app and it was from Corpse!
“I hope you liked the stream today :)” he wrote and again your heart raced like crazy. 
“I did it was super entertaining to watch! I think you are an incredible impostor.” you hit send. Not long after you got a reply.
“Thanks, I am very nervous during the streams and I hope that is not annoying or it bothering those who are watching it.”
“Not at all, well at least for me. I think it makes you more genuine when you confess that you can get nervous even though you are a big youtuber 😊”
 “Well I’m not a big youtuber... but it’s nice to read all your kind words in the chat. It makes me happy.”
“I’m glad that we can help you feel better, and I mean every word I’m sending you.”
You saw that he started to reply, but you had to go to sleep so you turn off the phone and closed your eyes. Surprisingly enough you fell asleep quite quickly, and woke up by the sun hitting your face. Fall has jsut begun and the leaves were turning every beautiful colour of red, yellow and orange. When you brain had woken up more you remembered that Corpse had started to reply to your message. You quickly grabbed your phone and went on instagram. A new message, 8 hours ago. 
Shit, you thought and opened it. It was just a smiley face and nothing else. A little disappointed but then you saw the conversation that the two of you had had. You actually talked to him and he had replied instantly. Your brain must’ve given you some weird confidence and stable fingers at that moment. You didn’t really know what to reply so you just let it be and you didn’t want to annoy him with spamming his dm’s either - but you really, really wanted to.
Corpse POV.
Another day and another sleepless night. That is just my life right now. But the streams helped them make it a little less agonizing. Especially the nice comments I get from everyone and the conversation I had with one of the fans. What was her name again? (Y/N). Right. I wonder if she has answered my message.
I opened up instagram and opened our conversation. Read but no answer. To be fair I only sent a smiley to her. But... Why am I feeling so anxious that she left me on read?
“Yooo, care to hang out today?” Dave sent a message. I answered with a sure and locked my phone and waited for Dave to arrive to my house. But my mind kept on going back to why she didn’t answer me back. Well I know why, but I didn’t like that the conversation were over so quick. 
Dave entered my house and we hung out for a while but he could sense that something was bothering me.
“Hey man, you okay?”
I snapped out of my thought and looked at him. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Except from the usual shit.”
“You sure? You seem a little... lost in thoughts perhaps? Is something bothering you?”
I took a deep breath and shook my head.
“Not even the kind girl from your streams?” he asked with a knowing smirk on his face. I lost all the colour on my face. HOW DID HE KNOW?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“Not even that you recognized her picture from instagram? Like that you haven’t talked to her there?”
“Who is she?”
“A fan that contacted me and were very kind with her words. And I replied to her and after that we have been messaging each other here and there... but she left me on read last night so I guess that’s over...”
“What did you say to her?”
“I sent a smiley because I was too nervous to say anything else.”
Dave made the biggest and loudest face palm. It must’ve hurt his head. 
“You idiot... You can’t expect a reply if you only send her a smiley...”
“I know, but I got nervous.”
“Are you following her?”
“No... Not yet at least.” I said and took up my phone again and went on her profile. It was private. Of course. I hoovered over the follow button but I didn’t dare to press it. Dave gave me a thumbs up and I pressed the follow button. 
Your POV.
You were watching a Among Us highlight video on youtube when your instagram told you that you had a notification. You opened it and saw that Corpse had requested an invite to follow your profile. CORPSE WANTED TO FOLLOW YOU. Holyshitholyshitholyshit. What is even happening?! Of course you accepted it and you started to type a message to him. 
“Welcome to my little boring world. Hope you like what you see 😅”
You could see him typing something.
“I very much do ;)”
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this and I couldn’t stop. It was difficult to get started but after that it was fun :D 
@fanworrior @wibblytimey
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What if paranoid Bella told Carlisle what's going on and enlisted his help? Like if she overheard/learned something that made her think he might help, or if this is the Bella who's stuck in a time loop and figures it's worth a shot and at worse she'd be yeeted right back to the beginning of the loop if the vampire doctor is in cahoots with his scary son?
Anon is referring to Paranoid Bella. Now, Paranoid Bella has tried something like this once before, sort of, Billy called Carlisle on her behalf. It went places so awful I refuse to put them down in words.
Here the question is what if Bella asked Carlisle herself.
Why Paranoid Bella Would Never Do This
She can't trust any of the Cullens, for all she knows, they're in league with Edward. Bella's wearing her tin foil hat and that tin foil hat has kept her alive, dammit. For all she knows, this Dracula's Bride thing is just what vampires do and she's the latest victim.
She would never, ever, trust any of the Cullens. Ever.
Dr. Cullen seems nice as he stitches her up? IT'S A TRAP!
As For Time Loop Bella...
Anon's referring to this post, which... You really want this AU, don't you? I think that's conflating things a little too much here, and gives us way too different of a set up.
That Bella would probably try anything and everything, but she's also reached a point of nihilism where she just doesn't care anymore and might just do it to fuck with these people.
Even if she tells Carlisle, she probably keeps looping, and is well aware of this. Life is misery, pain, and endless.
Kind of misses the spirit of your post (which I assume is to get Paranoid Bella out of the miserable hole she's stuck in).
Bella Takes a Leap of Faith
But alright, Carlisle Cullen seems unusually cool and rational as he stitches her up. Maybe it's the pain talking, or Bella's own increasing desperation with her latest brush with morality, but she realizes just as Edward does that this is untenable.
If Bella keeps hanging around these people, as Edward insists she does (Edward having insisted on this goddamn birthday party at his house), then she will die sooner or later. Either Edward or his family will eat her.
This cannot go on and, as of that moment, Bella doesn't know that Edward is going to attempt to leave her within a few days.
This is the first time she's alone with Carlisle, the head of the coven, and probably the only time she ever will be. This is the only chance she'll ever have to ask for help from someone who can actually do something about it.
Bella interrupts Carlisle's "Edward's just weirdly religious" explanation and tells him that Edward's a lunatic. She needs help.
Carlisle has a, "Wait, what?" moment. He knew she was jumpy, very nervous, but she'd seemed very happy with Edward. Also, from his perspective, Edward is a very noble spirit if very young. Edward went on the human diet and came back, presumably understanding the inherent worth of human life. Edward voted not to murder Bella after the truck.
Yes things have been... weird, and Carlisle was concerned, still is about some parts, but it seemed to be going so well.
It's not.
He sits there in numb horror as Bella tells him all about the times Edward snuck through her window (greasing it to make it silent), to stare at her while she sleeps, the time he threatened to kill himself upon her inevitable death, how he has admitted to following her everywhere and spying on her through the thoughts of those around her, and all about that time he contemplated the murder of his entire Biology class to eat Bella: his personal brand of heroin.
Carlisle's listening to someone talk about a completely different person.
But Bella's insistent, Edward Cullen is Ted Bundy in the making, and Bella now has no other recourse but to turn to Carlisle. HELP. ME.
Well, they don't have much time left.
Edward will be back any moment and Carlisle... there must be some misunderstanding, right? Except, with some of these details, there's no misunderstanding this. If Edward actually said and did all of this: then this is horrible.
Regardless, it's very clear that Bella wants nothing to do with the Cullens and especially with Edward. That makes things very clear: Carlisle has to talk to Edward on Bella's behalf and get him to back the fuck off.
Though Carlisle does warn Bella that, as she knows the secret, she and the coven are technically breaking the law. If she's found out, Bella will either be murdered or turned. It's not necessarily likely anyone will find out but... It's not exactly a great position for the coven to be in, or Bella for that matter.
This is news to Bella.
Bella says she'll think about this vampire business (she's not thrilled) and really doesn't want to join the Cullens, and Carlisle will talk to Edward.
The talk doesn't go well.
Edward denies, denies, denies, and... admits some of it might be true were you to look at it from a the naive angle of a pure young woman who knows nothing of the world. Edward wasn't sneaking into Bella's room to rape/eat her, no, he was protecting her! From spiders! And that time he forced her to ride home with him, he was afraid she wouldn't be able to drive after fainting! And that time he almost murdered all of Biology... That was out of context, Carlisle.
Carlisle grows increasingly horrified as Edward's every answer confirms that he is, in fact, horrifying. This is someone who cares nothing about human life, not truly, and is a predator.
Carlisle immediately tells Edward it's over. Consider this a restraining order from Bella, he is never to speak to her, never to be near her, never to see her ever again.
Edward implodes.
Carlisle now hates him, this is terrible, Bella his true love doesn't love him at all and poisoned Carlisle against him, and she's ruined everything!
Spiraling further into madness, as one does, Edward concludes that Bella was a vile villainess: that this was her plan the entire time. She faked her love for him, faked being this utterly wonderful and perfect being, so that she could destroy his family as well as Edward himself? Why? Because she's the type who wants to see the world burn.
Edward's love turns to utter hatred, he's back in Biology again where this little girl dares to disrupt his life, only it's 1000 times worse. Bella Swan is the greatest evil that has ever walked this Earth.
And now he's a man with nothing to lose.
Carlisle's love for him? Already gone. Carlisle's faith in Edward's humanity? Gone. Why should Edward hold back anymore? Why shouldn't he have what he wants?
Within a few days, by the time Edward was originally going to leave, he sneaks into Bella's house and murders her in her bedroom. He then likely desecrates her corpse so she's unrecognizable, to make her as ugly in death as she should have been in life.
Edward then flees, leaving the coven for good, and returns to his diet of people. Not murderers and rapists anymore though, that pretense is done, because he's fully embraced being a monster.
I imagine out of pettiness he kills women who look like Bella.
Congratulations, anon, you have lost the Twilight Yandere Simulator.
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tressasinterlude · 3 years
𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐓 #𝟑: Female Public Figures Dating Men with Questionable Views That Contradict Their Image & Alleged Politics
𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗥: These rant blog posts are really just reflective of my thoughts at the time that I make them and are posted here because I need an outlet to release all of this shit I have going on my busy ass mind. That’s it and that’s all. Now let’s get into it..
This rant was greatly inspired by none other than Ms. Robyn Rihanna “Tell Your Faves To Pull Up [in regards to social injustices directly affecting black people]” Fenty and her openly colorist boyfriend, A$AP Rocky. Aside from the fact that Rihanna tends to slip under the radar and is never held accountable for her problematic ways due to her conventional beauty (i.e. Her heavy usage of anti-Asian slurs, particularly targeted towards Chris Brown’s ex gf, Karrueche), it’s very alarming that a woman who has an entire makeup brand with a campaign based around the inclusivity of ALL black women is publicly flaunting a beau who once said that DSBW do not look good with red lipstick.
And yes, I’m very much aware that Rakim said this tasteless comment over 8 years ago but from the looks of it, not much has really changed with him. Don’t @ me about it neither because I don’t care.
Also peep how he compares a hypothetical darkskinned woman to a man (Wesley Snipes) while trying to explain how his antiblackness isn’t wrong because he said something about white women as well. Gaslighting at its finest. Don’t you just love it! 😀
Furthermore, you would think that somebody of Rihanna’s level of stature would know not to associate themselves with someone as messy as A$AP Rocky but... Stupid is what stupid does, I guess! I can’t even begin to place the blame on him anymore because he’s revealed his true colors and we all have made the deliberate choice to either accept it or don’t and have discontinued all support for him. Unfortunately, misogynoir is never the dealbreaker for most people and the hatred for [dark-skinned] black women is so engrained in society that it’s frowned upon when we publicly speak out against it. Very ass backwards if you ask me but that’s society for you. Now, enough about that. Let’s focus back on Ms. Vita La Coco.
As a woman who claims to be a girl’s girl and is always presenting herself to be someone who is the epitome of a pro-black feminist bad ass, it just makes her alleged activism come off so disingenuous when she’s also laying down with the same man that actively attacks the demographic she’s supposed to be standing in solidarity with. It’s “Black Lives Matter” on the IG posts but your vagina is getting moist for a man who openly stated he doesn’t relate to what goes on in Ferguson because he lives in Soho & Beverly Hills. Ferguson being the exact place where a 17-year-old black boy’s lifeless corpse laid on the hot concrete for FOUR hours after he was murdered by a police officer. He couldn’t 'relate' to the fate of so many black men, women, and children who are murdered or seriously injured from state-sanctioned violence because they’re poor and he is not or so he thought.
But then again, what can I really expect from a woman who identified as being “biracial” until as recent as roughly 6 years ago? What can I really expect from a woman who called Rachel Dolezal a ‘hero’ for cosplaying as a black woman? I’d be lying if I said my expectations for her were high in this regard because sis has always shown us she was lacking in this department. And just for the record, this is not a personal attack on Rihanna at all for the die-hard Navy stans in the back. I admire her latest fashions and bop my head to her music just like the next person but she’s getting the side-eye from me on this one.
Trust and believe me though, she’s not the only woman who I can call out for being a hypocrite. Of course not! This stone can be cast at a few others. So without further ado, why don’t we bring Ms. Kehlani Parrish to the front of the congregation? Prior to Kehlani’s recent declaration of identifying as a lesbian, her last public relationship with a man was with YG. Yes, the same YG who felt it was necessary to say him & Nipsey had ‘pretty light-skinned’ daughters to raise in the middle of his deceased friend’s memorial. By the way, Nipsey’s daughter is not even light (or at least not in my book anyways.) She’s a very deep caramel tone just like her father which makes what he said even more moronic. Yes, the same YG who thought it was clever idea to use slavery as an aesthetic for a music video to a diss track about 6ix9ine. And yes, also the same YG who has derogatory lyrics targeted at bisexual women. Just to end up sweating the red carpets with one. I swear the jokes just continue to write themselves.
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This raises the question once more; How high of a pedestal can I really put a multiracial woman who has a song titled ‘N*ggas’ and when received backlash for the song in question, she used the ultimate ‘I’m mixed’ copout while not having a visibly black parent in sight?
It’s also kind of suspicious to me that many were not privy to Kehlani’s secret romance with Victoria Monét (pictured bottom right) until Victoria did an interview with Gay Times revealing she fell in love with a girl but they subsequently broke up because Victoria had a boyfriend and that girl was pregnant in a polyamorous relationship. Fans began to speculate because both Victoria & Kehlani previously candidly spoke about their sexual orientations, Kehlani had just had Adeya and they both were seemingly close. Their short-lived fling would later be confirmed when Victoria released the song ‘Touch Me’ on her last project and Kehlani hopped on the remix. Meanwhile, Kehlani’s relationship with Shaina (pictured bottom left) was very overt and all over her Instagram feed from my recollection. And as you can see, Shaina looks absolutely nothing like Victoria. They look like the complete opposite of eachother in every aspect which is kind of alarming(?) to say the least because why is it that the women she proudly claims as her partners tend to have a very racially ambiguous look such as herself but her ‘sneaky links’ on the other hand are undoubtedly black women? Again, it could just be me jumping conclusions. You know, I’m kinda good for that however something tells me I’m not. Y’all be the judge of the material though.
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Last but not least, I’d like to touch on Ms. Raven Tracy very briefly. I was very weary about even including in this segment and if I should just put her in a entirely separate blog post with other women who openly date abusers despite their checkered past (alongside Nicki Minaj & her r*pist murderer of a husband, India Love & Sheck Wes etc.) being this particular blog post was based around the theme of lightskinned/mixed women dating men with extremely problematic views about DSBW. Raven obviously isn’t lightskinned or mixed however I refused to ignore how contradictory her [former] relationship with an alleged (I used this word very loosely and mainly for legality purposes.) serial r*pist while promoting a brand that is all about feminism & body positivity. This also traces back to A$AP Rocky by default being that Ian Connor is his very close friend and he came to Connor’s defense when several women came forward detailing accounts of Connor allegedly s*xually assaulting them. (I wish I could place the actual video of what A$AP Rocky said verbatim but Tumblr only allows one video per blog post. 🙄)
Back in June of this year, Ian & Raven had a back & forth on Twitter after Ian tweeted about Raven “fucking everybody” behind his back. I can only assume that he was alluding to Tori Brixx posting a video of her ex, Rich the Kid & Raven kissing on her story. Disgusted is not even the word to describe my feeling when she admitted she stuck by Ian despite of his many allegations of s*xual abuse because she loved him and her being a empath causes her to want to help everybody. Imagine aiding and abetting a predator and even paying for his bail & legal fees just to turn around and expect sympathy because this same individual cheated on you and exploited you all over Twitter for the public to see. The same man that you would get back with not even a WEEK after the fact & turn off your IG comments because it isn’t our “business” after making it our business...
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That being said, I just genuinely want to know: Why do these women completely go against what they stand for in regards to these men? Maybe it was never genuine from jump street and if that’s the case, why jump on the bandwagon of performative activism? Is it because it’s profitable right now? Is it because disrespecting black women is not an immediate death sentence to your careers and more often than not actually helps you advance even further? I guess that’s the billion dollar question that’ll never truly be answered. I just want the world to stop using black women as their stepping stool to get to where they need to go and then discarding of us when we’re no longer beneficial. Support us all the way or don’t support us at all. We deal with enough disrespect as is so we’d appreciate if y’all would stop straddling the fence and partake in your misogynoir out loud if that’s what you choose to do. We have no use for fake allyship and quite frankly, it’s doing more harm for us than good. Please and thank you!
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shadowworks · 4 years
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Pairing: Mafia!Dabi X Reader
Warnings: dubconish themes, flirting with Hawks, blood, murder, blackmail, fingering. NSFW, quirkless AU!
Word Count: 4.4k
A/N: Alright! This piece is for The Smut Pile Mafia Collab
I have to give my wholehearted thanks to @hisoknen @some-kindofgnome , @pleasantanathema, and @ever-enthralled for reading this over the last couple weeks, and making sure it reads well! I am so happy to have you beautiful souls! Also a special shoutout to Raph for brainstorming with me when I was stuck at the very end. 💕
Edit: This has fanart! Beautiful @maewoahoah created a Mafia!Hawks piece right here and a Mafia!Dabi piece here! She’s very talented! ;)
On this ominous winter evening it begins snowing. 
You readjust your peacoat and step through the frosty glow of the street lamp to your front door. Your muscles ache a little more than usual, your steps a little heavier. It’s been a long and tedious day at work; far less stimulating compared to Toga’s position working for a bootlegger named Tomura. But both jobs pay the rent. You push papers and withhold your scowls towards clients. Now, you want a bath. 
The sound of a muffled radio plays on the other side, and it floods your ears as you walk in with warmth and an iron smell wafting your chilled nose. 
“Folks, I'm goin' down to St. James Infirmary...
Seeeee, my baby there;
She's stretched out on a long, white table
She looks so sweet, so cold, so fair.”
Toga’s playing blues again. It’s a routine she has before the graveyard shift across town. At this time, she’s in the kitchen making something before she goes, but you’re having trouble figuring out what food smells like copper. 
“He-e-e-y,” you call lazily, a sing-songy tone in your voice. 
She doesn’t answer, though you hear the clacking of stiletto heels on wood, which makes you amble down the hall to see what she’s doing. 
“Think you can smuggle some whiskey tonight? I thought we had some, but Keigo probably polished it off last—“
You stop in the doorway. 
There’s a poor bastard lying flat on his back, head twisting too far towards the sink. Ribbons of blood streak down his colorless skin, pouring out from a dark and glossy hole just beneath his jaw. You see it puddle and stain the edges of his hair a sticky red, the only sound besides your heart thudding is the soft thrums from the parlor.
“ When I die please bury me in my high top Stetson hat
Put a twenty dollar gold piece on my watch chain
So the gang'll know I died standing pat.”
You’re in a daze, one where you’re not sure how long you’ve been staring. It doesn’t seem real. Is it real? But it’s not until you hear the sound of heels clicking against the wood floors that you drag your gaze to the noise. 
Toga’s standing near the stove, her features vacant, shoulders slouched, and she’s holding a knife that’s still wet.
What the fuck? 
You want to scream, berate her, seethe what the fuck was she thinking, or if she was thinking for that matter. But the blonde speaks up before you do, with a voice above a whisper. 
“He was going to leave me. Said he was too dangerous.” Toga doesn’t look in your direction, moving to the rim of pooled blood which has stopped spreading out, “I told him I wouldn’t let anyone come between us, but he wouldn’t listen.”
Your jaw goes taut, staring incredulously at her steely face. The lack of emotion gives you a sinking feeling in your stomach.
The man wasn’t a random suit who bled out on your floor, this moron was seeing Toga on and off for months and had been trying to be more present.
Nights spent arriving at your door with flowers and sweets, and driving her to work was becoming a staple in his routine. He preferred staying in Toga’s room if they had the day off, and he always slipped out when the morning frost dusted the grass, a soft bluish hue painting the streets before sunlight. 
But that’s not the problem. See, he was a core member inside the Mafia running the northern side of the city, ‘The League’ they like to call themselves. The only men above this guy was his boss Tomura, and the underboss Dabi. You don’t know the former, but you’ve spent time with the latter.
You’re aware of his sadistic nature that flashes behind those teal eyes, and he doesn’t try to  hide it, either. The sideway glances during a poker match before he fucked someone over , the smile he wore when you asked about the purple bruises on his knuckles. 
So fan-fucking-tastic, the broad has some nerve.
You curl your lip, already shrugging your shoulders from your coat. You toss it over the table and start rolling up your sleeves to the elbows.  
Toga finally turns towards you after catching movement by her side, brows raising confused, “What are you doing?”
“You’re gonna grab his feet and we’re gonna move him onto the rug in the hall.” 
You step in the blood, grabbing him by the rusty black colored jacket and dragging him from the puddle. Of course it leaves drag marks, your heels making tracks alongside, but you can deal with the clean up later. 
Toga hurries over to help, carrying him by the legs and letting you guide the body to the floral rug.
“You don’t want to know what happened?”
You stop. Immediately dropping the dead weight, his blond head lolls off to the side. Your palms sheen with red, but you straighten up and push a beach curl from your cheekbone with the back of your hand.
“Not really. All I want is this fucker out of my house.”
It’s her turn to stare at you incredulously. This is completely out of nowhere for you to be assisting in hiding a dead boyfriend, even if you two are roommates. You’ve only been living together for four months now.
“Toga, I need you to listen, okay?” you say, a bit mockingly, “I can look past the murdering business by pretending you acted in self defense, but if you don’t have the goddamn brains to realize this idiot has friends, then I suggest you don’t stab people!”
Toga flinches slightly at the lilted pitch in your voice, already suggesting panicky, “We can take him to the woods and hide him there?”
“That’ll work.” You don’t think Twice about it.  
Working together, you both hoist him a couple feet onto the rug, refusing to look at his face. You didn’t need to be feeling a pang of guilt. It doesn’t take long for you to roll him towards the front door, as the material wraps around his figure. 
The hardest part is retreating to the car. The moment you push through the door, you see the distance from where you stand and the car parked a little down the sloping street. You both give a hard look to the powdery snow dusting the ground, quiet and enchanting. It would be beautiful...had you not been carrying a corpse.
“Stop being a little bitch and heave!”
“I can’t! You’re making me hold all the weight!”
“He’s off the ground! How the fuck are you holding all the weight?”
“But my arms hurt!”
“Fucking hell, Toga. What if I had stayed at my sister’s tonight? What then?”
“Stop yelling at me! I get it, alright? I shouldn’t have done it in the house!” 
Your bickering toils through the winds, muffled by the falling snow. The burst of cold air is running through your buttoned blouse while crossing to the 1929 Chevrolet causing a shiver to roll down your back. When you reach the car Toga plops the rug down onto the snow first, then you. Your wet fingers feel numb against the metal handle. 
There’s one entrance on each side, which likely will make shimming the body to the backseat  much harder. You pause, looking at the front in thought. 
“I’ll go first,” you say, “when he’s in, you go and grab our coats.”
“Are we burying him?”
“Think the lake’s faster.”
“What if it’s icy? They’ll see the hole if we throw him in.”
You both ponder your options for a little while, this isn’t exactly something you’ve done before...You can’t say the same for Toga, but she seems just as puzzled, almost clueless on how to get rid of her ex. 
Meanwhile, the rolled corpse behind you starts to slip downhill, little by little. The slanting street gives speed and the rug starts to roll.. Red droplets trail behind in its wake. 
You just happen to see it first.
“Toga—Toga, the body! The body!” 
Toga cries out, taking off after the rug as best she can on a frozen sheet. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” 
The graceful snowfall flutters with pain and chaos.
Toga skids against the fresh ice, feet stumbling under her navy blue dress. She falls to the ground with a hard thud, and you see she isn’t stopping. She keeps going alongside the body, sliding until the two disappear under another parked car. 
You don’t have time to think, a chill strikes up your spine in your panic. 
“Toga!” you call out, taking off after her. Unfortunately you find yourself abruptly on your back, pounding hard on the stones and stealing the breath from your lungs. 
If you could sigh right now you would. Or rather, if you could punch Toga right now you would, as rage twists with a throbbing pain in your chest. Was all this worth having a mobster roommate? The odds were piling against her. You have a mind to push her in the lake when you get there.
Several silent minutes go by with you staring up at the cloudy sky. It’s brighter from the illuminating white snow, and despite the icy powder prickling your flesh, you have no choice but to wait for the ache in your chest to fade. 
“Enjoying the view?” 
You hear a new voice, male, and the suave tone tells you who it is before he treads near. He looks over you with half lidded eyes of honey gold. 
He’s very pretty. The drifting snow flakes above his wheat coloured head manage to enhance this, though the uplifted eyes lined in black, and nicely sharp features are the last thing you want to see. You’re nowhere near ready to start lying out of Toga’s mess. 
“That can’t be too comfy down there,” Keigo says, bending forward with an outstretched hand,“C’mon, upsy-daisy.” 
You take his hand, feeling another leather glove hold your waist and lift you onto your feet. When you settle, he starts brushing the caked snow off your back. Mobster or not, he’s at least a gentleman.
“You alright?” he asks, giving you a once over for any fresh scratches.
You give a slow nod, crossing your arms over your chest. Fear’s got the better of you, and you look anywhere but him., “What are you doing here? I thought you were working tonight.”
“Oh I am! You could say I’m on patrol, need to pick up a few things.” 
Your gaze stills to your left, heart skipping. Keigo’s not alone. Standing nearby, a slim figure dressed in black from head to toe is watching you two lazily. A thread of smoke seeps from his parted lips, clouding a handsome face and spikes of black hair. Keigo keeps talking, but you can’t take your eyes off the ghostly presence you know to be Dabi.
“Unfortunately that includes loverboy. He was supposed to be back hours ago, but we figured he’s still fooling around,” a little smirk tugs at his mouth, suggestively “He’s still inside, right?”
You blink, turning back to face Keigo, “I wouldn’t know, I just got home,” you lie. 
“Look at you! You look like you’re about to freeze to death.” He starts suddenly, swiftly slipping his arms out from his heavy coat, revealing a black three piece with pinstripes, and a brighter crimson tie. In one smooth motion he twirls the long, beige coat over your shoulders, letting it rest over your figure.
“Thank you,” you say, before your eyes catch something. 
Dabi moves towards the clumsy skid marks, head tilting down to the red dots in the snow near his polished shoe. You stiffen.
“You sure you’re okay?” 
Your gaze flashes from Dabi’s retreating back to a politely smiling Keigo, “Yeah, I’m fine! I’m really cold is all.”
“Well, we should get you inside. You know you left your door wide open?” Shit, the door. You forgot about the stupid door—
(Dabi looms across the indents in the snow and follows down the hill like a dark shadow against crystals illuminating bright.)
“Ah yeah, I thought I left my purse in the car. It was just for a second, and then I slipped,” You force a smile. Relax. You need to relax. Keigo doesn’t seem convinced, reading something off in your features.
“Is that right?”
(He gets the edge of the old Ford, and notes the specks of red soak wider here. The spots lead underneath.) 
“I know, it’s pretty foolish. It’s um...It’s a good thing you showed up when you did, or...”
Your eyes drift over Keigo’s shoulder. The underboss starts to crouch low. Your pupils shrink, a new wave of panic tingles the back of your neck. Damn him, why was he so clever? 
“Dabi, wait!” you shout, pushing past Keigo’s shoulder. In your hurry you kick up the snowy crystals, rushing to the taller mobster in his long obsidian coat. Dabi quickly turns, standing up.tall before you hook onto his upper arm like a lover. “I saw an animal go under there that looked hurt. You shouldn’t mess with it.”
A smirk that breaks into a grin spreads on his face, a look of amusement blooming from your look of fright. You want to glare at him, though that could be dangerous. Why does he like seeing you scared?
 “An animal, you say?” he parrots back, adopting the same mocking pitch you gave Toga earlier. He’s not in the least bit on edge, and you really don’t like that. He flicks his teal eyes up to look behind you just then, “Good thing I have the city’s best exterminator right here.”
As if on cue, you hear the crunching boots of Keigo walking to the car. “Give me a break with the dirty work, will ya?”
“What, scared of a little pest?” Dabi taunts back coolly.
 “I’m not too fond of getting my knees wet, actually,” Keigo returns quite dryly, sharp eyes studying the long pattern marks. He places his gloved hands on his thighs and drops himself to a crouch in front of the vehicle.
You desperately hope Toga proves you wrong. Maybe she had the common sense to bail while no one was looking. It’s all you can do at this point, while Keigo dips his head underneath. You don’t realize, but your grip on Dabi’s arm presses tighter into the wool.
Keigo inspects below for a moment. There’s a long pause like a winter evening should be. Silent. Calming. You can almost believe in the soothing little lie. Then Keigo coughs a laugh  that echoes through the street. Bursts of manic giggles grow louder from the mobster, leaving you tilting your head at his pushed back hair, confused.
“There’s a pest, alright! I think I caught something—“
Keigo reaches under, and with an impressively strong yank, Toga’s head pops out in a doe eyed stare. Her arms are wrapped around a bundled rug with a fairly familiar head sticking out. 
“Hey there, Toga!” Keigo exclaims, “When did you become a rat?”
 Dabi tips his head down, drawing the lit cigarette back to his lazy smile. He’s shockingly calm which does nothing to ease your shivering panic. Toga however, seems fine. In fact, she’s moved on to livelier feelings.
“Hey! Does it look like a rat could’ve done this?!” she snaps, shaking the body in her arms. It bangs against the bottom of the car sending loud echoes through the nearly empty street. Specks of blood dribble on the white ground, and a couple more drops spray her cheeks.
You stare up at the clouds, rolling your eyes. Goddamnit Toga.
“Yeah, I guess a rat can’t hold a knife, huh? Ya got me there.” Keigo turns and beams you a smug look, eyes half lidded in an expression that reads, nice try, but you failed.
You scrunch your nose, quietly shooting him back a glare. Asshole might’ve caught you both red handed, but he didn’t have to be so fucking cocky about it. It’s only charming when he has a winning hand at cards. Beside you, Dabi’s shoulders shake with silent laughter, though you don’t have the guts to flash him the same glower. He is second in command after all.   
“Yeah, see? That’s what I thought!” Toga says in victory.
You blink very, very slowly at Toga when she finally meets your vastly unamused gaze,“...Nice work, Toga.” 
It comes suddenly. A fiery warmth ghosts the dip in your waist as Dabi leans in. It’s not unwelcomed, raw and soothing even, but it hardly lasts. His hand curls around Keigo’s coat collar and pulls it off your shoulders. The crisp wind rushes to your exposed arms.
“You got any rat poison on you, Hawks?” Dabi tosses the coat to Keigo. 
He catches it mid air as he rises to stand. “Nah, fresh out. But we have some back at the house.” 
“You want to take care of our rat problem then?”
“Can do, boss man.”
Before you can figure out what they mean–what they have planned for Toga–Dabi’s pristine leather glove presses at the small of your back and directs you toward the pouring light of the open door. “Don’t wait up.”
It’s barely there, but as you shift your eyes to Keigo, his features take on a darkened look toward Dabi.
“Play nice, now,” you hear Keigo say. This time though, the joyous tone is gone. 
A new song hums on the radio when you’re pushed through the threshold, you listen to the richly solemn blues as Dabi closes the door. He turns the lock with a click and pockets the key.
“I forgive you 
'Cause I can't forget you.
You've got me in between the devil and the deep blue sea”
He doesn’t give you a passing glance, instead he turns and strolls down the freshly bare hall. He hasn’t removed his coat, and each room he passes he tilts his head in to search for something, stopping by the parlor. With a twist of a knob, he shuts off the radio.
“Where’d she ice him?” he asks, still not looking at you by the stairwell. 
“In the kitchen.�� You return. No point in hiding it now. 
His steps creak the wood as he ambles further down, knowing full well where to go. He’s been here a handful of times; of course, those were happier evenings filled with drunken laughs.
You watch him stand by the doorway, staring at the vibrant mess of a crime scene. He pops the tip of his cigarette in his mouth before slipping from your line of sight. Dabi’s got the key to the door, so it’s not like you can run away—especially with Keigo just outside. It’s too risky to try and you know it, but it does cross your mind. 
Summing up the courage, you decide to follow Dabi with measured steps, “What are you going to do with Toga?” 
When you face the kitchen, Dabi’s near the table where you threw your coat. He has a hand in one of your pockets, and he’s fishing for something inside. It jingles in his grip as he stuffs it into his own pocket. Your car keys. 
“Are you going to kill her?” you try again, a little irked he’s swiping your things left and right. He doesn’t release your coat either, laying it over the crook of his elbow.  
He draws a final inhale from the dying bud, and crosses to the sink to snuff it out. An exhale of smoke blows out from his lips, “Killing her seems like a favor, don’t you think?”
“I thought it was the other way around.”
He turns, flicking teal eyes sheening with energy at you, “That lunatic’s no longer your concern. Right now, you ought to be more worried about yourself.”
Your features go taut, which in turn makes Dabi’s sadistic smirk return.
 “I didn’t help her kill him.”
“No,” he agrees, taking a few strides around the blood to approach you,“but you were willing to stash the stiff.”
“Yeah, for this very reason. I didn’t want you coming after me!”
Dabi draws dangerously close, mere inches apart as he glances down with lidded eyes, the smell of tobacco perfumes from his shirt collar nestled under a violet tie. He crooks his index finger, embellished with a silver ring, ghosting it under your chin. “How’d that turn out for you, babydoll?”
With a ruthless smile, he breaks the fixed stare and rounds you to the hallway. He seems to be making his way towards the parlor again, but the swish of your peacoat in his arm, set you off.
How dare he? You don’t like how he’s walked inside, claiming what’s yours. You might have your life screwed over, but at the very least you want your coat back as some semblance of control.
You stalk after him, picking up pace to aim for his arm. The clacks of your heels are loud, but you currently couldn’t care less about being sneaky, “Give it fucking back. You’re not keeping that!”
You lunge for the black wool, but as your fingers brush the material on his left elbow, Dabi whips the coat, rotating arms. You’re not fast enough, but you try a second reach for his right arm, huffing out a growl at his stealthy reflexes.
“Dabi, I’m serious! You’re such a—”
In a twirling motion his newly free palm shoves at your shoulder, pinning you against the stairwell’s wall. He’s close, so close, the blue flames in his eyes are absurdly intense. 
“That makes two of us. You’ll get this back when I say so.” 
His voice is low, soft lips almost connecting to yours. You tilt your chin up, glaring at him with fearful, tentative eyes. His gaze flashes with mirth, and he huffs a small laugh at you.
“I’ve always liked this about you. That spark inside you.” He muses. The peacoat spills to the floor. Dabi lifts his slender fingers, pushing back a loose curl from your cheek. 
Your stomach flips, as shocks tickle your skin. There’s been subtle flirting between you two before. You just wrote it off as overthinking the moment. Even though he only called you, babydoll, and he sat next to you at gatherings. How he filled your glass with water instead of booze as the nights waned. Now, you feel foolish for denying the little signs. 
“You have a horrible way of showing girls you like ‘em,” you counter back, your voice’s quiet but leveled. 
“Yeah?” he asks. The arm holding your shoulder tightens, while the other lowers to collect your long skirt. He traces his knuckles on the soft flesh of your thigh. As his hand trails up, his eyes remain fixed on your facial features. “Maybe this will help.”
His slim fingers reach the cotton slip, and it’s easy to pull off to the side, exposing the lips of your warmth. He tests the waters, sweeping the tips of his fingers across your folds. Your mouth parts in a breathless hitch in your throat. Dabi parts his own lips drawing near, ‘til his lips touch yours but not quite pressing together yet. His pierced nose bumps yours.
“Now here’s what’s going to happen,” he starts, just before sinking two fingers between your folds, pumping deep and slow inside. “You’ll go upstairs and pack what you need. When you come down—”
He thrusts particularly hard into you, sending a gasping moan to fall from your open mouth. His voice remains calm, a hint of glee can be detected. Fucking bastard.
“—You’ll be leaving with me. You’ll work for me...Live with me…And you’ll do everything I say. You got it, babydoll?”
He adds a third finger, soaking his knuckles deep with your slick. He’s hitting the right spots, the perfectly deep pressure. Your attention turns hazy as wakes of pleasure tighten just below your stomach. Your hips buck against his thrusting hand, yet still, you manage to nod your head. 
Moans flutter from your lips and vibrate onto his smiling one. To heighten the pleasure he begins swirling your wet clit. “Ah, Dabi...Oh god, Dabi—”
He slows his fingers suddenly, which makes you cry out. He pretends to ignore it. “If you try to escape me...I will hunt you down and hurt you in ways that will marr that pretty skin of yours. I’ll make you scream so loud, and no one will be there to save you. Tell me you understand.”
He curls his knuckles, pressing into a rough spot at the top, pumping fiercely against your slippery, muscular walls. You cry out, squeezing at his shirt collar and coat. “Fuck—I understand, I understand! Baby, right there, ah!”
Dabi gives you no mercy. He tugs and twirls the bud of sensitive nerves, swirling with driven circles that clench your walls in wonderous pressure. You’re close, he’s so close to sending you in high bliss. Your moans get heavier, and your clenching more and more and—
He removes his fingers. Another cry of protest sobs from your mouth only to be swallowed by Dabi’s lips on yours. His tongue massages the moans from your breath, his scent of cigarettes and smoke immerse your senses as you drown in the kiss.
He slowly breaks apart with a wet sound, looking deeply in your lust-glossed eyes. His voice is low and arousingly husky. “Now get your things.”
Before you know it, Dabi pulls away from your shoulders, and turns for the parlor. You try catching your breath, watching his slim, muscular back...Did that happen? Did he rob you of everything? Your home, your life, your orgasm?
Eventually, with light steps you do as you’re told, and turn to climb up the stairs. What choice do you have? He has your life in the palm of his hand. And right before you make it to the top, your hand drawn on the railing, the spinning clicks of your house phone perk your ear.  
A long pause. Then finally, Dabi’s rich voice speaks up from the parlor,
“Hey, I’ll be needing a few guys at Togas...Yeah, we found him….Toga did him in pretty good...No, we’ll need the good bleach for cleanup.”
P.S, this might be a mini series 👀
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Unbearably Mortal (Part 2)
(Alcina Dimitrescu x gender neutral reader)
Part 1
Words: ~2.5 K
Summary: In which a lot of things happen and none of them are good.
A/N: Hey, y’all! Back at it again with another chapter! Hope you enjoy!
“Nope nope nope nope… no way in hell…” You shook your head violently, unable to process what Mary had said. “This is… this is all some sort of elaborate prank, right? You’re messing with me. Yeah.” You swallowed. Your saliva felt like acid.
Mary grimaced. “I’m sorry, but this isn’t a game. This is very much reality.”
“So… what are they then?” You began pacing the floor, anxiety clinging to the pit of your stomach. “You expect me to believe that they’re some sort of weird, blood-sucking vampires?? You must be out of your mind… they don’t exist! They can’t be real!”
Mary stood up and walked over to you, gently placing her hands on your shoulders. With her blocking your path, you were forced to stop pacing and look at her.
“Listen,” She began, eyes gleaming with fear “I have no need to lie to you. Believe whatever you want to believe, for the only thing on the line right now is your head. Jane and I risked our lives to save you. If we were caught, all of us would have died. So, are you going to freak out and get yourself killed, or are you gonna listen to me?”
You were stunned into silence. Mary was being deathly serious. You nodded shakily.
“Good.” Mary breathed a sigh of relief. “If you had a mental breakdown and they heard…” She didn’t finish her sentence. She didn’t need to either; the implication was horrifying enough as it was.
“Thank you, by the way,” you sighed, sitting back down on the bed, “you really didn’t have to save me.”
“Honestly, I’m still scared out of my mind,” she admitted breathily, “but I’m glad you’re better now.”
She hummed, then pursed her lips. Her frown deepened even more. “Well… now what do we do? The Dimitrescu family is notorious for slaughtering any trespassers they find.”
Your eyes widened and your stomach dropped. “Oh no… oh no, no, no…”
You were stuck. You were stuck in a terrifying castle with horrifying, blood-sucking monsters who would gladly turn you into a mangled corpse on their living room floor. You had no way to call for help, and your parents probably didn’t even know what was happening…
Your phone.
You patted your pockets and fished through them. Let’s see: some dirt, a crumpled flight itinerary, your house keys… aha!
“...what’s in the box?” Mary asked, “I don't think I’ve seen anything like it before.”
You blinked. Box? “Oh, this? It’s my phone.” You rotated it slowly in your fingers so she could easily see all its sides. “It’s a bit larger and blockier than your average iPhone because it’s designed to connect directly to the satellite, making it easy to call anyone from anywhere in the world. It cost me a lot of money, but since I was planning on traveling the world after I graduated, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to have it a few years early.”
Mary gave you a completely confused stare. “What’s an… iPhone? Or a sad-del-light? Did you make those up?”
You frowned, your eyebrow twitching in confusion. “Uh… no? I wouldn’t make anything like this up. You… you truly don’t know what modern technology is like?”
She shook her head. “I’ve… never been outside the village. I have no idea what the rest of the world is like.”
“And you don’t have a phone? Internet? Anything??”
“I’m afraid not,” She fidgeted with the hem of her skirt, “the Lords don’t allow anyone to leave the village or write letters to the outside world.”
A chill shot up your spine. “That’s… terrifying…”
Mary nodded, then tilted her head, thinking. She pursed her lips and motioned with her finger for you to come closer. You lean your ear to her.
“What is it?” You whisper.
“There are rumors of a girl who escaped the Lord’s wrath,” she began, “apparently, she managed to leave the village unharmed. There was an old hag who used to moan about how her daughter left her for a new life. She sounded half mad, so no one bothered listening to her.”
Your grandmother. She was talking about your grandmother.
And your mom.
This meant that… your mom knew about these crazy monsters? That she let you come here, to a place where you would most likely die? Alone??
Nothing made sense anymore.
You realized you had zoned out of Mary’s story. You shook your head, bringing your attention back to the present.
“Is that a good idea?”
“Uh, sorry, what?” You blinked. Mary was staring at you like you were an idiot. (Which you were, but that’s not the point.)
“I said,” she repeated, “you need to blend in until we can figure out how to escape.”
“That’s… that’s a pretty good idea. And wait….” you repeated her words in your mind. “We? You want to come too?”
“Goddess, it’s like you’re dense or something.” Mary muttered under her breath. “Of course I want to leave! Are you out of your mi-“
“I get it, I get it,” you huffed, interrupting her, “What do we do now?”
“Now,” she folded her arms, “we need to get you a disguise.” She walked over to a tiny dresser in the far corner and pulled out a neatly-folded maid’s uniform. “I hope you’re my size.”
Turns out you weren’t Mary’s size.
You couldn’t help it; your new friend was practically a walking stick. Your shoulders were too broad, your legs too long; but with Mary’s excellent sewing skills, you were able to make it work… sort of.
“Damn, this uniform is itchy,” you complained, scratching at the neckline.
“You’ll grow used to it after a while,” Mary replied. “Now we need to get to work or-“
“We’ll be made into wine. Got it.” You straightened out your sleeves.
She nodded. “Just follow my lead.”
The two of you walked quickly and quietly out of the servant’s quarters. Your heart was racing. Every time you turned a corner, you half expected a bloodied monster to jump the both of you and tear out your arteries.
You rounded another bend and nearly walked into Mary. She had stopped suddenly and immediately fled to the side of the hallway, bowing deeply at the corridor. You quickly followed her lead.
The moment you bowed your head, a steady buzzing filled your ears.
Swarms of flies flitted through your vision as they flew down the hall, buzzing excitedly. Maliciously. You don’t know how they managed to convey such emotions, but they seemed…. off.
And then, they changed.
The insects spiraled and spun into a large, buzzing mass, sewing themselves into a completely different form; one with a deep black cloak, ghoulishly pale hands, wild blonde hair…
And blood-stained teeth.
Mary curtsied deeply and you were quick to follow suit. “Good evening, Lady Bela,” she said softly, refusing to look up, “how may we be of service?”
Bela gave a bored wave of her hand. “We’re a bit... short-staffed in the kitchens at the moment,” she drawled, “Mother doesn’t want dinner to be served a second too late. She-” Her eyes fell on you and she stopped dead in her tracks. “You smell familiar, human…” she growled.
Oh no, you were dead, you were dead, you were dead. Cold sweat fell from your neck, and your heart raced. Bela stepped closer to you, brows furrowed and hungry eyes glinting.
“They’re new, Lady Bela,” Maria said quickly.
She raised an immaculate brow. “New, you say?”
“Yes, Miss.”
“... I see.”
It was only a moment before she leaned away, but to you, it felt like hours. The Dimitrescu was a terrifyingly deadly whirlwind, one that seemed to stare directly into your soul… maybe even smell your fear. Bela’s lips twitched, giving you a glimpse of sharp fangs.
“Well then, newcomer,” she hissed, amusement dripping in her voice, “if you’re so eager to serve us, I want you to pour the wine.”
Your heart raced in panic, your hands shaking. Pouring the wine meant seeing these monsters at their most bloodthirsty. It meant you would get caught.
I won’t survive, you thought fearfully.
You quickly dropped into a clumsy curtsy before you forgot yourself. “A-as you wish, Lady Bela,” you choke out.
“Hm… we’ll see, won’t we.” She dissolved into a sea of flies and flew down the hallway and out of sight.
You breathed heavily. Your heart was still going a mile a minute. Before you could say anything, Mary grabbed your arm and tugged you along.
“Shh,” she hissed. “Not yet.”
You followed her silently to the kitchen. This whole situation was too hard to process… you’d barely been in Romania for a day and you suddenly had to face the reality of your imminent death.
You felt lightheaded. Your vision swam.
“Where are you, draga mea?” A smooth, enchanting voice swirled in your mind. You felt your pulse hammering in your temples. The voice sounded so close, yet so far away. It was familiar and warm… but it was too hard to tell if it meant anything. You were too woozy, too lightheaded…
“It’s time to wake up, darling,” the voice continued dreamily, “Open your eyes for me?”
“...hey… hey!” A familiar voice hissed, “hello? Are you alright?”
Your eyes snapped open.
Mary stood in front of you, her hands on your shoulders. Once she saw you move, she breathed a sigh of relief. “Are you alright? You haven’t blinked for the past few minutes, nor have you responded to anything or anyone around you.”
“Yeah, I just…” you swallowed thickly. What was wrong with you? “... I just spaced out.” Mary frowned, giving you a suspicious glance, but didn’t push.
You were in the kitchen. Cooks and maids bustled around in an organized fashion, whispering instructions to each other while slicing, cooking, and plating bright red slabs of meat. You definitely didn’t want to know what kind the Dimitrescu’s were eating tonight.
Someone grabbed your arm and you flinched, turning around. It was one of the older cooks, a salt and pepper haired woman with soot-stained clothes and greasy calloused hands. She shoved a a bottle of wine into your hands so fast, you nearly dropped it. She glowered at you.
“As soon as the meal is served, you pop open the bottle and pour for everyone.” She hurriedly rattled off instructions. “When they finish their drink, pour them another. You do not look at them, you do not touch them or their glasses, you don’t even breathe around them. And for the love of the Goddess: Do. Not. Spill.”
You gulped and nodded. You just had to do your job, then leave. That’s all. You could do this.
Or so you told yourself.
The old woman gave you a quick look, and for a moment it seemed she gave you a twinge of a sympathetic smile. But just like that it was gone, replaced by her signature scowl.
“Alright, we go in three…” she held up three fingers covered in burn scars. One second passed. Then another.
The kitchen maids smoothly entered the dining room in one sweeping motion; a flurry of skirts and iron serving trays. You followed them close behind. The maids placed the trays in front of each Dimitrescu before fleeing to the kitchen single file.
And then it hit you.
You were the only maid who was supposed to stay throughout the entire meal.
Without you even knowing it, Bela had assigned you one of the most dangerous jobs at the castle; one where you had to stay, alone, in the same room as four hungry, bloodthirsty vampires.
You quickly began pouring the wine.
You walked around the massive mahogany table, trying your best not to spill the blood-red drink. You poured for Bela first, and you tried your absolute best not to look her in the eye. You didn’t know what you would do if you saw her grinning.
You moved on to the next Dimitrescu: a redhead with glistening fangs. As you poured, she suddenly hissed. In your surprise, you fumbled the bottle. But you didn’t spill.
The last sister (you assumed all three of them were sisters based on their similar appearances) was a brunette with mischievous eyes. You didn’t mean to look at her… you really didn’t…
Based on her low, rumbling cackle, you knew you were doomed.
The last Dimitrescu, the Lady Dimitrescu, was much different than the other three. She was incredibly tall, with a flowing white dress that fell to her ankles, a wide-brimmed hat…
And pearly-white satin gloves.
Why did that seem so familiar?
You shook your head. You had to stop thinking and just pour the wine! You only had one more glass to fill, after all.
The brunette stuck out her foot, and you went down.
You landed on top of the bottle, and it shattered under you. Glass and wine flew everywhere, piercing your clothes, slicing your skin, staining the rug…
And completely drenching the front of Lady Dimitrescu’s immaculate dress.
The air cracked with electricity. “You...” she hissed, in a stranglely familiar voice.
Before you could even beg for forgiveness, the towering terror of a woman stood from the table and grasped you by the collar before you could even blink.
She growled, breath smelling of blood. “You will pay for your insole-“ her breath hitched. Her death grip on you loosened and faded, till you dropped to the floor like a rag doll.
Fearfully, you looked up at her.
Her demeanor had completely changed. Where once stood a cold-hearted monster was a shocked, crying… woman. Tears streaked down her face, dripping from her chin as she sunk to the floor. She didn’t look like a monster, she looked… human.
The lady reached out a gloved hand, then flinched as if burned. She looked lost and confused and sad; unable to process what she was looking at… or rather, who she was looking at.
A chill ran up your spine, fearful tendrils snaking through your system as you both stared into each other’s eyes.
And then, Lady Dimitrescu uttered a single word, barely a whisper at all, and your stomach dropped. Your world spun.
You couldn’t move. Couldn’t think. Everything you had ever known was completely useless, and your life would end at any moment, you were sure. You felt like crying, you felt like throwing up.
She said your name.
Lady Dimitrescu, one of the most powerful supernatural beings in the world, who couldn’t possibly know who you were, had said your name.
It was too much. There were too many strong emotions, too many near-death experiences in one day. Your body was bloody and exhausted, your energy spent.
You collapsed on the dining room floor, and your vision faded to black.
159 notes · View notes
thetravelerwrites · 4 years
Alexei (Part 2) Lemon
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Rating: Mature Relationships: Female Human/Male Satyr Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Satyr, Arranged Marriage, Fake Marriage, Strangers to Lovers, Reader Insert, Illness Words: 6143
A commission for @thebimess​​! A sudden illness changes the nature of the reader's and Alexei's relationship. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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You left the next morning before Alexei woke, as usual, but the walk to the bathhouse, which was only across the street, was more difficult than it had been before. Within an hour, you felt exhausted and weak, as if there were steel bands constricting your chest, preventing you from taking a full breath. There was a sharp pain in your side every time you breathed in.
“You don’t sound well,” Your work neighbor, Ellie, said. “There’s a nasty whistle when you take a breath. Are you alright, lovie?”
“Yes, I’m alright,” You lied. “Don’t worry about me, I can carry on.”
“If you say so.”
At some point during the day, you were called out of the laundry room.
“Am I in trouble?” You asked the matron.
“No, dearie,” The matron said, looking concerned. “We went and called on your husband to take you home. You’ve looked like you’re going to fall into the tubs all day.”
“I can work, Madam, I’m fine,” You protested.
“Nonsense,” She said. “Let your husband take you home. The last thing I need is a corpse on my working floor, you got me, missy?”
“Yes, Madam,” You said.
Alexei stood up from where he was sitting in the front room. As soon as he saw you, his face pinched in concern.
“You’re terribly pale,” Alexei said, coming close. “What’s happened?”
“Nothing,” You gasped. “I just have a little cold or something, it’s nothing to worry about.” It was unfortunate that at that moment, your feet decided to trip over themselves and you stumbled into him.
“Oy, oy,” He said, helping you right yourself. He put a hand to your head. “My word, you are boiling, pet! Let’s get you back home and lay you down. Madam, thank you for sending for me. Will you need compensation for the time she’s not working?”
“We’ll figure that out later. Get that child in a bed.”
“Yes, Madam.”
Alexei managed to drag you back to your room and helped you out of your short cloak and shoes. He steered you toward your bedroll and lay you down in it. As soon as your body hit the blankets, it gave out and you lost consciousness.
When you woke, it was dark. You had a wet rag on your forehead, your body feeling as though you’d been trampled by horses. Though you were bundled up, you felt like you were going to freeze. Breathing was like being stabbed with knives. As you inhaled and exhaled, there was a gravelly rasp that you could feel in your lungs. You made a sound of discomfort, and suddenly Alexei’s face came into your field of vision.
“You’re awake,” He said, taking the rag from your head. “Can you sit up? You need to drink.”
“Help me,” You croaked. He wedged his arm under your shoulders and lifted you. Your body screamed in agony and you gave a pained cry. “I can’t breathe,” You told him. “I feel like I’m drowning.”
“I know,” He said, his face scrunching in sympathy. “The physician has been ‘round to see you. You have pneumonia, he says.”
“Pneumonia?” You repeated.
“Yes,” He said, tipping a cup of water for you to drink. “He doesn’t think you’re infectious, since no one you’ve been around has developed symptoms. He left me some medicine to give you, powdered willow bark and peppermint.”
“That must have been expensive,” You wheezed. “How much did it cost you?”
“Let me worry about the expense,” He said, urging you to drink more. “Just concentrate on getting better.”
“But my job…” You protested. “I’ll be sacked...”
“Stop fussing,” He admonished. “I’ll take care of it. I’ll take care of everything. Just rest.”
“I’m cold,” You said piteously, beginning to cry.
“I know,” He said again, stroking a strand of your hair from your forehead. “It’s the fever. I can’t make you warmer or you could die.”
“It hurts,” You said. “Let me die.”
“Don’t say that. You’ll be alright,” He soothed, laying you carefully back on the bedroll. “Let me get your medicine.”
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Every day, Alexei woke you four times a day for your breathing treatment, which consisted of steeping the peppermint leaves in boiling water and having you inhale the vapor, and to take some fluids, usually water, tea, or broth. He stuck to this schedule without fail, and while it irritated you, you knew somewhere in your subconscious that he was saving your life. The peppermint vapor helped ease your breathing some and the willow bark prevented the fever from becoming dangerous, but it still felt as though you were dying.
Five days in, he woke you for your treatments.
“No, I can’t,” You cried weakly.
“Yes, you can,” He said patiently. “But I want to show you something first. Let’s sit you up, pet.” He lifted you up gingerly and sat behind you so that you were resting with your back to his front and your head on his shoulder. “Can you open your eyes?”
Your eyes felt glued together, but you managed to pry them open. “What do you want to show me?”
“Look,” He said, pointing at the wall where the fireplace was. “Can you see?”
It took a moment for your eyes to focus, but when it did, you saw flowers. Hundreds, thousands of tiny flowers painted on the wall. It was a field, a meadow, and a sweet little cottage sat in the middle next to a small pond. Every color you could think of waved in the painted breeze. It was dusk, and the sky was pink-gold with fluffy clouds of silver floating along it. Little ducks, chickens, and baby goats gathered around the steps to the cottage, and there, a woman who looked much like you stood scattering seeds from a basket on her arm. She wore a crown of flowers on her head.
“Oh,” You breathed, a tear rolling down your cheek as your body trembled weakly against his. “It’s beautiful.”
He rubbed his hands up and down your arms. “I’m glad you like it. I worked on it while you were sleeping. I was going to just paint a small piece of wood with flowers and fruit for you to carry in your pocket, but… it didn’t feel good enough.”
“I would have loved that, too,” You said. “Won’t you get in trouble with the landlord for this?”
“I asked permission,” He said softly into your hair.
You began to sob. “It’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I just wish I weren’t dying so I could enjoy it properly.”
“You’re not going to die, love,” He said, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and rocking you gently side-to-side. “I won’t let you. You have a fiance to piss off; you can’t die before then. I’m looking forward to the day when I can watch you tell him to stick that contract where the sun don’t shine.”
You laughed through your tears. “Why couldn’t I haven’t been promised to you instead?”
He laughed, too. “You’re too independent and headstrong for me, love. I like women who can’t fend for themselves. They don’t realize what I twat I am.”
You chuckled. You spent a few minutes in silence, staring at the lovely gift Alexei had made for you. And then it was time for tea and treatments before he let you rest again, all the while he stroked your hair and hummed a soft tune under his breath.
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It took eight days for the fever to break. Thankfully, you were unconscious for most of it, since consciousness was nothing short of torture. You couldn’t eat and could barely swallow. Every breath was like your lungs were catching fire over and over again.
Once the fever broke and you were able to stand up, Alexei paid a substantial amount to rent you a private bathing room with soaps, shampoos, fruit, cheese, and wine. Every luxury had been seen to and Alexei had spared no expense. When you offered to pay him back, he simply ruffled your hair and told you not to worry about it, saying that you’d earned a nice day for yourself.
He asked your coworker, Ellie, to help you wash up and to watch over you, since you were still weak and had a terrible cough. It was nice to have another friend sitting with you to talk; you hadn’t really had a girl-friend before.
Thanks to Alexei, you didn’t end up dying, but recovery was painfully slow. By the time the six months of the marriage was up, you’d only just started to feel like your old self again, but you still tired easily and couldn’t push yourself for too long.
The two of you packed your room to travel back to Red Landing, selling the furniture you’d purchased when first arriving in Dunmountain.
“Are you ready to go back?” Alexei asked as he helped you up into the driver’s box.
“Not really,” You said. “I’m not looking forward to facing my parents. Or Gregory. Just because I know he’ll be utterly obnoxious about it.”
“Well, don’t worry about a thing, pet,” He said. “If the bastard tries to make off with you like a prowler in the night, I’ll be there to stop him.”
You smiled at him. “Thank you. I’m glad to have you as a friend, Alexei. I’m sorry if I ever insinuated that you weren’t.”
“Water under the bridge, my pet,” He said, patting your hand before trotting around the mule and hopping up to sit next to you. “Shall we?”
“Eh?” You said with a noncommittal shrug. Laughing, he took that as a yes and snapped the mule to movement.
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The trip back was comfortable, despite your nerves, and took far less time than the trip to Dunmountain had, since you were walking for half of that one. The two of you either slept in the vardo or rented a room at an inn. After six months of sharing a space, sleeping in the same room was second nature by now, so there was no reason to rent two rooms.
When you reached the boundaries of Red Landing, you wrapped your arms around yourself and took a large breath.
“You’ll be alright, pet,” Alexei said. “If things get too badly out of hand, I have no qualms about loading us back up and doing a legger.”
You smiled. “That’s good to know, I’ll keep it in mind.” You pointed at the crossroads. “Take a left at this fork.”
He nudged the mule left, and it took you out of the marketplace and down the residential track.
“Here. We’re here.”
He stopped the wagon in front of a modestly built wooden house with shuttered windows open in the breeze; your mother had always said that glass was an unnecessary luxury and not worth the cost. There was a simple garden and an apple tree planted next to the walkway up to the front door surrounded by a low stone wall and a wooden gate, which was open.
“That’s odd,” You said as Alexei helped you down. “The gate is never left open.”
“Could they be expecting someone?” He asked.
“I don’t know,” You replied. “All of the windows are open, too. That’s unusual.”
“It’s a nice day,” Alexei said. “They could just be enjoying the fresh air.”
You shook your head. “No, this isn’t like them.”
“Do you think something could be wrong?” He asked, taking you by the forearm and stopping you cautiously.
Before you could respond, your mother appeared at one of the windows, crying out.
“Oh!” She said, her hands to her mouth. “You came back! John, she’s back!”
She disappeared from the window and a few seconds later, the door flew open. She launched herself out of it and into your arms, brushing past Alexei to do so.
“Oh, I’m so happy to see you!” She cried into your shoulder. “I didn’t know if you’d ever return.”
Your father, a gruff looking man with a short beard, came out too. He was less talkative than your mother, but he gathered you up in his arms and held you tight for a moment, releasing you with nary a word, though a small tear fell down his cheek and disappeared into his whiskers.
“Hi, Papa,” You said. “Hi, Mama.”
“Oh, darling, we were hoping you’d come back! We left the windows open, so we could hear you coming. They’ve been open every day since you disappeared.”
You sighed, feeling guilty. “I’m sorry I vanished on you without saying anything. But you understand why I had to do that, don’t you?”
You mother regarded you warily. “Darling… you know how important the investment is for us. We had so many plans.”
“Mother,” You said sternly. “I’m not marrying that man.”
“Be reasonable,” She pleaded. “We can do so much once our business gets off the ground. For you, as well.”
“I don’t think there’s anything unreasonable about wanting to be treated like a human being and not a possession to be sold,” You said, your voice raised. “What happened to you two? What happened to working for what you want? What happened to never trusting a gift? Do I mean so little to you that you’d make a deal with the devil so that you don’t have to work anymore?”
“I can’t believe how ungrateful you are!” Your mother replied, scowling. “Do you know how long we had to wait for this? Do you know what we sacrificed for you?”
“I never asked you to sacrifice anything for me!”
Your mother slapped you. “Don’t raise your voice to your mother!”
Suddenly you were yanked back. Alexei had pulled you behind him and stood between you and your parents.
“I understand family matters can get heated,” He said evenly. “But I must insist that you not strike my wife. She’s still recovering from being quite ill.”
“Wife?” Your father repeated, the first thing he’s said since you returned. “What’s this about a wife? Who are you?”
You heard that but not that I was ill? You thought bitterly.
“My name is Alexei,” He said, his voice deep and imposing. “I’m your daughter’s husband.”
There was an awkward silence as your parents took that information in.
“Why don’t you come in and we can… discuss this,” Your father said, motioning for your mother to follow him inside.
Before you could follow after them, Alexei stopped you. He touched your chin and tilted your head, examining the cheek where your mother had struck you.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You replied. “Let’s get this over with. It’s going to be painful, either way.”
He grimaced and opened his mouth to say something, but thought the better of it and shut it again, stepping aside to let you pass.
Inside, your mother was setting out tea. Your father sat in his usual chair with his arms folded, looking at Alexei unfavorably. You frowned at him. It’s a little late to be playing the concerned father, isn’t it, Papa?
Your mother sat down next to your father across the table from you. You took the marriage license from your bag as she set out the teacups and unfolded it showing them.
“You can inspect it and send a letter to the magistrate, if you wish.”
Your mother cleared her throat, not looking at the document. “So… how did the two of you… meet?”
You tried to answer, but you felt your mouth dry up.
“She took shelter from the rain in my carriage one night, actually,” Alexei said, laughing a little. “I didn’t even notice her until the next day halfway through my journey. But when I did, it was love at first sight. I did everything I could from that moment on to woo her.”
“How soon after you met did you marry?”
“Three days.”
Both your mother and father’s eyes shot to you suspiciously. You felt the weight of their scrutiny, but didn’t flinch.
“What is it about our daughter you fell in love with?”
You were slightly concerned that Alexei wouldn’t be able to come up with anything, but to your surprise, he answered without hesitation.
“She’s a self-starter, fiercely independent, and has an amazing work ethic, which I imagine is thanks to you.” He gestured at your parents. “She’s headstrong and funny and makes faces when I tease her and is genuinely fun to be around. Not a dull day since I met her.” He turned to look at you fondly. “She’s spent all of our marriage taking very good care of me. Better care than anyone ever has. She’s the only family I’ve ever had, and that means more to me than I can ever express. I count myself blessed to have met her, and doubly blessed to be her husband.”
You couldn’t help but smile softly. He sounded so sincere.
“What about you, dear?” Your mother asked, still looking unmoved. “What is it about Alexei you fell in love with?”
You sat and thought. “I’ll admit, when first the idea of marrying Alexei was presented, I didn’t want to do it.” You didn’t mention that it was you who brought it up. “But Alexei has never been anything but kind to me. He’s silly and talented and he laughs a lot and is never bothered by anything. Not until…”
You stared at your hands, trying to recall the time you’d been ill. “I got sick. Very sick. I almost died, I think. He took care of me. It took a long time for me to get better, and he was there the entire time. He painted an entire wall with flowers and ducks and pretty things for me to look at, just because I’d said I wanted a little painting to brighten up our room. He spend a lot of money for several months on medicine to help me get better. He never got mad at me, never impatient, never frustrated. He didn’t give up on me even when I wanted to die so that the pain would stop. He’s my husband, but he’s also my best friend, and I’m lucky to have him as both.”
That was a hell of a revelation to come to sitting right in front of your parents being interrogated about your fake marriage. Without looking at each other, Alexei flipped his hand and reached for yours, and you took it. He squeezed your fingers firmly. Don’t worry, He seemed to say. Just say the word and we can run.
“So, are you a man of means, Alexei?” You mother asked. “Can you take care of our daughter financially?”
“She’s more than capable of doing that herself, you know,” He said levelly. “But yes. I’m a fairly well known painter and I have a decent nest egg set aside to build a home. If the underlying question is, ‘am I going to give you money in exchange for your daughter as if she were goods to be bartered for,’ the answer is no.”
Your father got red in the face and your mother sputtered. You didn’t even try to hide your smug smile.
“Darling,” Your mother said, turning to you and pleading. “It’s not too late to fix this. You can still annul the marriage and marry Gregory. He’ll straighten up after he’s married, most men do!”
You sighed and rubbed your temples in frustration. “Look,” You said, pulling out your coin purse. “This is all the money I took, plus a little more. Since money seems to be the only thing you care about, take this. I don’t owe you anything anymore.”
“I can’t believe you’re doing this to us,” Your mother said angrily, shoving the license back across the table. “After everything we’ve done for you.”
“What? What have you done for me, Mother? You did what you were supposed to do when people have children? Had a child and then raised that child? You don’t get a reward for doing what you’re supposed to do; you taught me that, for God’s sake!”
Your father slammed his hand down on the table and you jumped, letting out a startled squeak. He stood up, his eyes dark.
“Perhaps…” He said slowly. “It’s best if you leave.”
You felt stung. “Happily,” You said, snatching the license from the table and stuffing it in your bag. “I have a feeling that I won’t be back this time.”
“Are we off, then, my pet?” Alexei asked casually, standing and reaching to take your bag.
“Yes,” You said through your teeth. “For good.”
“As you wish, pet,” He replied, taking your hand and wrapping it around his arm. “There’s a lovely tavern a little east of here we might stay. It’s less…” He turned back and looked your parents up and down pointedly. “Money-hungry.”
You asked Alexei if you could ride in the vardo and he was agreeable. As soon as Alexei snapped the reins and the mule lurched forward, you began to sob. You knew he could hear you, because the window near the driver’s box was open. He whistled loudly as the cart rolled, perhaps to disguise or drown out your weeping so you felt less awkward about crying noisily on a crowded street. You appreciated it.
The vardo stopped, you assumed in front of the tavern Alexei spoke of, though he didn’t hop down right away, simply sat in the driver’s box and continued to whistle as you cried. After a time, you pulled yourself together and forced yourself to stuff down the rest of your tears.
“Alexei, I’m alright now,” You said faintly.
He stopped whistling. “I’ll give you some coin. Would you mind getting us a room while I see to the mule and wagon?”
“Sure,” You said tonelessly. You climbed out of the vardo as he came around and held out your hand. Before he handed you the money, he took your chin and tilted your head up, looking at you in concern.
“Are you sure you’re alright, pet?”
You nodded but you didn’t meet his eye.
“I’ll see you inside. Wait for me downstairs and I’ll buy us dinner, alright?”
You nodded again and walked off wordlessly.
Inside, you paid for the room and bought two mugs of ale. Alexei came in after a few minutes and bent down.
“Anything you want specifically?”
“Doesn’t matter,” You replied flatly.
He walked off, and after several minutes he came back, picked up his mug and took your hand, pulling you to your feet.
“Come on, pet,” He said. “I’m having it sent up to our room. You look like you need rest. It’s been a long… trying day, and you’re still not well yet.”
You didn’t argue and allowed yourself to be led upstairs. Once inside, he put your mugs on the provided table while you sat down on the very small bed. You pulled the license back out and stared at it.
“I suppose we should find a magistrate in the morning,” You said. “Six months is up. You held up your end of the bargain. We can have this annulled as early as tomorrow afternoon and be on your way.”
He sat next to you. “Is this a conversation we should have now?”
“There’s no reason not to. I have to think about where I’m going to go.”
“Go?” He echoed.
“I’m not going home, clearly,” You said. “I have an aunt up north, but I don’t know if she’d be any more interested in taking me in than my parents were at listening to me.”
“You could always stay with me,” He said. “Annulling the marriage doesn’t mean we stop being friends.”
“It’s improper for a man and a woman to live together if they’re not married.”
“Who cares what’s improper? We’re adults, we can do what we like.”
“It’s alright, Alexei, I’ll figure something out. I’m resourceful, you know that.”
“I do know that,” He said, reaching over and taking the license, inspecting it. “What if…” He said slowly. “What if we didn’t annul the marriage? What if we stayed married?”
“What are you talking about?” You asked looking up at him. He opened his mouth to speak, but was saved from answering by a knock at the door.
“That’s our dinner, I expect.” He stood up and opened the door, taking a tray from whoever delivered it and closing the door again, putting the tray down on the table.
“Alexei,” You said, standing up. “What do you mean, stay married?”
“Well…” He said, not looking at you and bending over the table, busying himself with placing the food out. “It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement. And we’re good friends, we take care of each other. I can’t think of a single good reason not to stay together.”
“Well, I mean…” You started. “It’s not like we love each other, right?”
He didn’t answer, just continued fussing with the food. You stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder and gently pushing him upright.
“Right?” You asked again.
He met your gaze, his face a little sad and anxious, and took a big breath.
“When we first got married,” He began slowly. “It was a laugh, something funny and silly to occupy my time. Teasing you was amusing, and I got someone to cook and clean for me as a bonus. I figured that at the end of the six months, I’d just walk away with the money having done my part and never have to see you again. I’d be one step closer to my goal of building a house for myself. I didn’t expect to end up as friends.” He dropped his eyes and took one of your hands in his. “I grew up alone. I expected to live my life alone, and I was happy with that. But when you got sick…”
“Alexei, it’s okay,” You said softly, squeezing his hand.
He shook his head, grimacing as if in pain. “When you got sick, I know I kept telling you to keep your chin up and that you’d be fine, but deep down I was panicking. I wasn’t sure if you’d make it and I was terrified…” His voice shook. “…that I was going to lose the only family I’d ever had. I didn’t sleep at night and watched you all the time to make sure you were still breathing. Whenever I’d try to rouse you to drink and you wouldn’t wake, my heart would stop. I was willing to spend every penny I’d ever earned to fix it. I didn’t want to be alone anymore, and I wanted more than anything for you to live. I wanted you to stay with me. I still do.” He looked up at you again, and there were unshed tears in his eyes. “So stay with me.”
Stunned and moved to silence, you nodded slowly.
He swallowed hard, leaned in, and kissed you. He seemed jumpy, as if he worried you might slap him and he’d need to hop back quickly, but you didn’t slap him. You stepped closer and put your arms around his shoulders, pulling him to you. He sighed in relief and deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling your body flush with his. He was only slightly shorter than you, so you had to tilt your head down a little to kiss him, but it was nice. It was comfortable.
Ignoring the food now, he took you to the bed, shedding his vest, tunic, and undershirt. He’d worn his best clothes to meet your family, but now they were left in a pile with your dress on the floor. He unstrung your bodice and you slid it off, pulling your chemise off after it. God, why did being a woman come with so many damn layers?
Finally, you were both undressed and crawled into the bed together, your limbs tangling together. He laid you down on the threadbare blanket and kissed you deeply, touching your body and spreading your legs with his knees. After a moment, though, he stopped and popped up in his hands, peering down at you.
“Are you feeling alright?” He asked, looking concerned. “I may have been a little overeager when you didn’t push me away, but are you well enough to… do this… with me? Are you feeling tired or sick?”
You giggled softly, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs. “I feel incredible,” You said. “Better than I have in a long time. It’s alright, Alexei. I want this. We never had a wedding night, after all.”
He laughed. “I think you’d have thrown a pan at my head if I tried.”
“You’re right,” You replied, pulling him down for another kiss.
He took his time exploring your body, touching and kissing and sucking. He nipped at your skin as he made his way down your belly, tickling your sides to make you giggle and squirm.
“I wish I’d known how soft your body was,” He murmured. “And how warm. I’d have confessed my feelings sooner if I could’ve just curled up next to you at night.”
“Flatterer,” You said, smirking down at him.
“Honest,” He said, kissing your hipbones. “To think, so many cold nights with this beautiful body lying mere feet away. It’s enough to chill a man’s heart.”
“Or something else,” You snickered.
“Speaking of which,” He replied, spreading your legs and kissing lower. His lips touched your… lips… and you inhaled at the new sensation. It wasn’t a bad feeling, just strange since you’d never felt it before. You looked down at him as he teased you, and he looked back up at you. You bit your lip and watched him as he finally pressed his tongue to your pearl, and he watched your flushed, thrilled reaction with fascinated intensity.
Shivers rippled through your body and you let your head fall back onto the pillow as he went to work pleasuring you, gripping your inner thighs tightly to keep your legs wide open. His beard tickled the sensitive skin as he pressed his face firmly into the hollow, pushing his tongue deeply inside you and wiggling it up and down. You moaned and tilted your hips so that he could get even deeper.
“Alexei, please,” You rasped, pulling his hair.
He raised back up, wiping his beard and reaching between his own legs to gently stroke himself. He kissed his way back up your body and braced on one hand as he pressed his cock to your entrance, pushing inside you. Your body opened to his eagerly, taking him in to the hilt. He moved slowly at first as he kissed you over and over, making a loose fist in your hair, but when you wrapped your legs around his and thrust your hips up to meet him, he began to speed up.
His lips never left your skin and neither did his hands. It was as if he couldn’t touch you enough, couldn’t get enough of how your skin tasted, and gripped you as if you’d evaporate if he let go. There was a strange, anxious tension in his body that you could feel in his muscles as he slammed into you over and over.
You were getting closer to the peak of your pleasure, you could tell he was, too, because he buried his head in the crook of your neck and clung to you as if he were drowning. His movements were precise and rigorous. His grunting grew louder and faster, joining with your moans and gasps. You gripped his back and dug your nails into his skin, whimpering “yes! yes!” over and over.
He suddenly popped up on his hands, thrusting frenetically before giving a shout and going completely rigid, his forehead pressed against yours. You cried out right afterward, grinding your clit against his body and riding out your orgasm as he released inside you.
The two of you were locked in place, gasping for air. He finally collapsed sideways, sliding wetly out of you, and drew in deep breaths. When the two of you had cooled down and caught your breath, he pulled you into his body, your back to his front, and locked his arms around you.
“Pet?” He said softly.
“In case I hadn’t made it clear, I do love you,” He said.
You laughed. “You couldn’t have done much more to make it plain short of shouting it out the window.”
“Do you want me to? Because I will!” He made to release you and reach up to open the window, and you grabbed him back, giggling.
“You silly thing!” You told him, rolling over to look at his face. “In case you were wondering, I love you, too.”
“Oh, that’s good,” He said with a smile, stroking your hair. “Was a little worried.”
“Well, don’t be.” You went in for a soft kiss, and then another, and another. “I’ll stay. Wherever you go, I’ll be with you. Because I want to be.”
He cuddled you in and the two of you slept.
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A short few hours travel brought you to a meadow with a small pond. The field was full of flowers of all sizes and colors.
“I know this place!” You said as Alexei helped you down off of the driver’s box. “This is from the painting!”
“Very perceptive, my love,” He said, grinning. “I’ve owned this little stretch of land for a while. I think I finally have enough money to build our home. We might be sleeping in the vardo for awhile until it’s finished, though.”
“I don’t mind,” You said, turning and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “I love it here. I wouldn’t even care if we slept in a tent as long as we could live here.”
He chuckled and kissed your temple. “I think we can do better than that, Pet,” He said. “Welcome home.”
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zintranslations · 3 years
Kaleidoscope of Death, Ch. 131
Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu Link to Chinese / Novel Updates
Chapter 131: Ghosts
Behind the elevator door was a dim corridor that looked no different from normal. Yet, dispersed through the air was the faint, identifiably gamy scent of blood. It was reminding Lin Qiushi that things weren't as simple as they seemed.
Lin Qiushi took a step forward, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. When he got outside of the apartment, however, just as he turned a corner, he saw three identical little girls in dresses standing before him.
They stood around a huge birthday cake, on which was stuck a thicket of white candles. The cake appeared to be on the verge of melting, and the red liquid that kept dripping out of it was precisely the source of the scent that Lin Qiushi smelled. Worse was that on the top of the cake, a woman's severed head had been placed. Her eyes remained open, watching Lin Qiushi and refusing to be resigned to her fate; she even batted her eyes at Lin Qiushi.
The tableau was grotesque and chilling. Seeing them, Lin Qiushi remembered the door he'd passed with the Fitcher's Bird hint. Without question, these were the triplets that Lin Qiushi had once met inside the door…
The triplets stood in the entrance, heads twisting about to face Lin Qiushi. Stiff smiles tugged up their faces, and from their lips poured the little happy birthday ditty. One of the girls slowly lifted a hand and pointed at the top of his head, and she said, "Xiao-gege, won't you eat cake with us?"
Hearing her question, Lin Qiushi didn't dare answer. He turned around and left for another exit.
Good thing that the triplets only watched him go with no intent of pursuing.
Lin Qiushi ran quickly. It was a moment's work to get to the door, but just as he was about to go out, he recalled what one of the triplets had done—she'd pointed to the top of his head. What did this gesture mean? Could there be something on the ceiling?
Honestly, under circumstances such as these, nobody would be happy to look up at the ceiling. Yet Lin Qiushi still got out his cell phone, turned on the flashlight, and slowly looked up, casting the beam of light in his hand toward the ceiling. He kept his motions slow, ready to run at any moment, but what made him breathe out a sigh of relief was that the ceiling was completely clear. There was nothing on it—
When he saw this, Lin Qiushi put his phone away, exhaled, and left the building. But right before he let the foyer, a sense of danger that was difficult to describe suddenly assaulted the top of his head. On instinct, Lin Qiushi's feet stepped back. And it was precisely at this second that a corpse fell straight down from the building rooftop, smashing onto the ground at Lin Qiushi's feet. It was obvious that had he not stayed his feet right here, he'd have been hit by this corpse.
The corpse fell from above and broke into pieces. The skull looked like a watermelon dropped from up high, splattering all over the ground. But judging from its outer apparel and the thing in its hand, this was precisely the man who'd blockaded the door of Lin Qiushi's apartment with an axe. Lin Qiushi didn't know why he'd fallen.
Lin Qiushi skirted around his corpse and quickly entered the residential district. He stepped across the gravel path and cast a glance back at the apartment behind him. There he saw, crouched against the outer wall of the apartment, a human figure crawling slowly downward from above, unheeding of gravity. Through the faint light coming from the hallways, Lin Qiushi could just manage to make out who the person was…it was Wang Xiaoyi, who'd had her skull split clean in half. Wang Xiaoyi clambered slowly down from the wall to where Cheng Wen's corpse had fallen, burying her face in that body and beginning to chew, as if a beast that had spotted a meal.
Lin Qiushi only took one look before turning away. Perhaps it was the hot weather, perhaps it was the sheer intensity of the developments so far, but all up and down his body he was covered in sweat. Perspiration dripped from his chin as Lin Qiushi walked along the district, taking in his surroundings. For a moment he felt struck; he sensed that there was no safe place here, and out of every shadow-wrapped corner a monster could emerge.
Lin Qiushi headed for the exit, and saw to his surprise two people standing at the district entrance. Lin Qiushi saw their faces, and even clearly remembered their names—Xiong Qi, Xiao Ke. They were two of the people Lin Qiushi had met inside his very first door.
Xiong Qi and Xiao Ke seemed to have spotted Lin Qiushi also, waving their arms at him from afar and calling, "hurry up, get over here!"
Lin Qiushi's footsteps were hesitant. He couldn't be sure whether the two people who'd appeared here were ghosts or not.
"Baijie told us to come get you," Xiao Ke called to him. "It's too dangerous where you live. Baijie had us come to take you to her—"
Lin Qiushi began to frown. He looked behind him, but both Wang Xiaoyi and Cheng Wen had disappeared into the night. The inky black apartment complexes, however, still gave off a strong sense of unease. Lin Qiushi approached, but didn't get too close.
"Baijie had you come get me?" Lin Qiushi asked Xiao Ke.
"Yeah," Xiao Ke said. "She didn't want anything happening to you, so she sent us especially."
"Where is she now?" Lin Qiushi asked.
"Her? She's at her home, waiting for us to head over," Xiao Ke answered. "Get in. We'll explain everything in the car." Then she pulled open the car door, gesturing for Lin Qiushi to quickly get inside.
Lin Qiushi got to the car door and glanced inside.
Xiao Ke was still urging him from behind and seemed to be in quite a rush. Lin Qiushi, however, noticed something, and his foot, halfway lifted to enter the car, suddenly halted.
"What's with you?" Xiao Ke asked. "That thing is coming, stop wasting time."
"If you really came at Baijie's request, then you must know her real name?" Lin Qiushi's foot retracted. With his eyes to the ground, his feet carried him slowly backwards.
Xiao Ke's brows furrowed. "I know her real name, I just can't say it here. Something else will hear it. Hurry up already…" When she saw the unmoving Lin Qiushi however, her voice got more and more angry, and in the end was practically roaring as she said, "I'm telling you to get in! There's not much time left!!"
As soon as he saw this, Lin Qiushi turned and ran, ignoring Xiao Ke and Xiong Qi's yells. Xiao Ke could only watch Lin Qiushi go, a sharp screech leaving her mouth. And just as Lin Qiushi turned the corner back into the micro-district, a large shadow appeared on the other end of the street.
It was a gigantic woman. Her figure was strange, and in her hands she dragged along a long-handled axe. Slowly, she approached Xiao Ke and Xiong Qi.
Both Xiao Ke and Xiong Qi looked to be in terrorized despair. They hurried into the car, trying to start the engine and leave, but at this precise moment the car was turned to paper paste. Seated inside, the two naturally couldn't leave.
The woman approached the two and raised her arms, lifting the axe high up above her head. Then, she brought it down, splitting Xiao Ke right into two.
And Xiong Qi was next. The two of them were bisected at the waist, horrible wails coming out of their mouths. Yet they weren't dying. They continued struggling on the ground.
Lin Qiushi hid in a corner of the micro-district and saw it all. He had a hand up to cover his mouth, scared that the sound of his breathing would be too loud and attract the attention of the giant woman outside. This monster was the one that had formed out of the religious statue in the old temple from Lin Qiushi's first door. After she killed Xiong Qi and Xiao Ke with her axe, she looked all around. But failing to discover Lin Qiushi, she took her axe and left.
Split in halves, Xiong Qi and Xiao Ke did not die. They lied on the asphalt road keening. Xiao Ke was spitting all the most poisonous cuss words, and seemed to be cursing Lin Qiushi.
Lin Qiushi didn't know what happened to Xiong Qi and Xiao Ke inside the door after he'd left, but judging by the experience he'd accumulated, these two weren't some do-gooders either. Rather, they seemed like the sorts of veterans who got close to newbies with ulterior motives in mind. But luckily Lin Qiushi and met Ruan Nanzhu, and so had managed to avoid it all. As for their fates inside the door at the end, Lin Qiushi didn't know…
The reason he'd discovered something was off about Xiao Ke was that just now, under the streetlight, he'd seen only his own shadow being cast. Xiao Ke and Xiong Qi underneath the same light did not make any sort of shadow. This was what had tipped Lin Qiushi off, and so he'd decisively turned, and managed to dodge the entire ordeal.
It was in this moment that Lin Qiushi gained a better understanding of what "No Solution" meant in the hint. There was no solution to this door; the path to live hidden inside could be the tiniest detail, yet that was the way to survive. Of course, whether or not they could discover it was based on their own luck.
Lin Qiushi stood there in the residential block not knowing where to go. He knew he ought to go though, because that happy birthday song was getting louder and clearer, rapidly approaching him.
So Lin Qiushi stood up, trotting carefully out of the neighborhood. He glanced back, and sure enough, saw those triplets pushing the cake and heading in his direction. The skull on the top of the cake pivoted in a slow circle and tossed a hateful glower his way.
But Lin Qiushi was already used to such a glare. He stared impassively back, even eyeing back some contempt of his own.
The triplets began to giggle despite this. They stood at the neighborhood entrance and watched as Lin Qiushi disappeared again into the darkness at the other end of the road. Getting up on tiptoes, they hugged the skull at the top of the cake and gave it each a kiss, happily calling Mama, Mama, Mama.
Lin Qiushi walked along the asphalt with only the fuzzy light of the streetlamps lighting the path beneath his feet.
What had been lively shops all around were closed. This felt like a whole other world, one that knew only death and terror.
Lin Qiushi stared at his phone for a good while. He wanted to give Ruan Nanzhu a call and ask how he was doing, but was also worried about Ruan Nanzhu facing down a critical moment—and this call of his could mean Ruan Nanzhu's life, just like that.
After momentary consideration, Lin Qiushi sent Ruan Nanzhu a text, asking how he was doing.
It took a while later for the other side to reply: I'm playing hide-and-seek with something weird.
Though the words were flippant, it was easy to read the deadly intent between the lines. Lin Qiushi laughed, pained: Hide-and-seek? Which door of yours is that?
Ruan Nanzhu: Second.
Lin Qiushi: What was the hint?
Ruan Nanzhu: The hint was…hide-and-seek.
Lin Qiushi, "…" A few simple words sent a layer of cold sweat dotting over his back again. He was even growing agitated; he wanted so badly to go to Ruan Nanzhu's side right now and experience everything with him. This sort of intention though was difficult to manifest at a time like this. Lin Qiushi looked at his watch and saw that it was 2AM—there were still three to four hours before daybreak.
She's coming. Gotta go babe, I love you—this was the last text Ruan Nanzhu sent to Lin Qiushi that night.
Reading that message, Lin Qiushi's heart was filled to the brim with anxiety. But he didn't know where Ruan Nanzhu was, nor what Ruan Nanzhu was going through; how utterly helpless he was in this moment. There was nothing he could do.
Lin Qiushi followed the road and kept moving ahead. There didn't seem to be an end, until Lin Qiushi came upon an intersection. From far away, Lin Qiushi could see a person crouching in the center of the intersection. That person had their back to him, their head down as they stuffed a burning furnace before them full of something.
When Lin Qiushi saw this person he didn't dare get too close. Observing from afar, he discovered that the person was burning hell money for the dead.
The joss paper, burned to ashes, spiraled upwards into the inky night sky. As preparation to enter the doors, Lin Qiushi had learned quite a number of folk lore and legends. He knew that hell money, once burned to ashes, had its specific meanings, like that if it made a spiral, then the people in hell had received it…
As Lin Qiushi hesitantly watched the scene before him and debated whether or not to turn back, he heard a chilling set of footsteps coming from behind him.
Lin Qiushi looked back. Through the darkness of night, he saw coming from the other end of the road a giant figure. The figure was backlit, and though it couldn't be clearly seen, judging by its silhouette it was precisely that female ghoul that had split both Xiong Qi and Xiao Ke in half earlier.
The surrounding area was empty, and there was nothing Lin Qiushi could hide behind. With no other option available to him, Lin Qiushi could only move forward, sticking to the wall as he tried to cross the intersection before him.
As he walked, he kept a careful eye on the old man burning joss paper in the middle of the road. He'd likely seen this person before too, but because it had been such a long time, he didn't really remember.
Just as he was about to cross the intersection, he saw the old man stick a hand into the burning cinders. His body began to charcoal immediately after. Lin Qiushi, however, caught the soft words coming out of his mouth. He was saying: "The dead, the dead…only the dead can escape." Right after, his entire upright body became a charred corpse, and the monster behind them seemed to have sniffed out the odd scent around here, and so quickened her footsteps.
The monster was enormous, and as for the axe in her hand, the head sometimes would glance off the ground, and the noise of metal grinding against stone would sound.
Lin Qiushi didn't dare linger here any longer, sprinting full speed ahead. As he ran, he didn't neglect to keep an eye on his surroundings, and so discovered something changing around him.
White lanterns and flower wreathes had appeared on the front door of the shops, just like at a memorial service.
The thing that halted Lin Qiushi's footsteps was a black coffin placed by the roadside. It had suddenly appeared, lying straight and neat right there on the pavement.
The monster behind him seemed to have detected Lin Qiushi's presence as well, and came running for him. If she continued at the same speed, Lin Qiushi would be caught in minutes.
Panting, Lin Qiushi stared at the black coffin in front of him. A crazy idea surfaced in his mind. He knew there was no time to hesitate, so he walked straight over to the coffin and pushed the top open with all his might.
Lin Qiushi thought the coffin would be empty. Only upon opening it did he discover there was a corpse inside. Strangely enough, the corpse seemed a bit familiar, like he'd seen it somewhere before—but Lin Qiushi couldn't care about all that. With a clench of his teeth he crawled right in, and sealed the coffin lid above him.
Through the coffin, Lin Qiushi could hear the monster's footsteps grow closer and closer, finally coming to a stop somewhere in his vicinity. Her nose was twitching as she tried to sniff out of the air which direction her prey had gone off in.
Then it seemed like some smell had interrupted her search. With a low, strange call, the monster left, her sounds slowly fading.
Lin Qiushi lied in the coffin, expression mostly frozen. It seemed that the corpse beside him had just died, for its flesh was still soft, and even carried with it a bit of lingering body heat. Lin Qiushi internally chanted pardon me, pardon me as he waited for the sounds outside to disappear.
Just as he got ready to lift the coffin lid above him, however, he felt a hand suddenly catch him by the arm.
When he was caught, Lin Qiushi almost yelled, but another hand came up and covered his mouth, keeping the noise contained in his throat.
"It hasn't left yet."
And the corpse behind him was actually speaking. Though it was quiet, Lin Qiushi's eyes still went wide when he heard that voice—he was more than familiar with that cadence, it was Li Dongyuan!
The inside of the coffin was too dark; Lin Qiushi couldn't see anything. He was being held tightly by the corpse that sounded just like Li Dongyuan behind him, and his heart was beating so wildly that it felt like it was going to leap right out of his throat.
"It hasn't left yet," the person behind him said once again. Lin Qiushi kind of understood his meaning this time, that there was no need to keep struggling.
The silence continued for maybe another ten minutes or so, until Lin Qiushi heard a woman's furious roar. Only a thin plank of coffin wood separated them from this roar, so it was obvious that this thing was close—like it was practically right next to him. Had Lin Qiushi climbed out of the coffin earlier, he'd likely have been struck and killed like Xiong Qi and Xiao Ke had been earlier.
Then the woman's voice got further and further away. The corpse holding onto Lin Qiushi from behind also released him, and Lin Qiushi shoved open the coffin lid above his head. Finally, he could see the face of the person lying next to him—it was precisely that Li Dongyuan, who should already be dead.
"It's been a while." The corners of Li Dongyuan's eyes curved up as he showed Lin Qiushi a smile.
Lin Qiushi stared hard at him, like if he stared hard enough, he could force that face to change with sheer willpower.
"What are you looking at me like that for?" Li Dongyuan too sat up in the coffin and tidied his hair. "I saved you just now, you know. Are you not going to thank me?"
Lin Qiushi, "so are you…"
"Dead." Though Lin Qiushi hadn't finished speaking, Li Dongyuan had already guessed what he wanted to say, and was laughing heartily. "I'm dead."
Lin Qiushi watched him doubtfully, but Li Dongyuan just grabbed Lin Qiushi by the hand and pressed it to his chest. Sure enough, it was quiet there, with absolutely no sensation of a beating heart.
"You really are dead?" Lin Qiushi wiped at his face with a hand. "Then why are you here? Where is here, anyways?"
Though he heard Lin Qiushi's questions, Li Dongyuan only smiled without answering. He pointed above his head and said, "there's still a while until daybreak. Would you like to sleep some more?"
Lin Qiushi, "sleep where? In the coffin?"
Li Dongyuan, "the coffin's safer than all that running around you were doing."
Lin Qiushi wanted to say something more, but began to hear the sound of footsteps again. This time, without needing Li Dongyuan to do so, he closed the coffin lid on his own.
In the dark, the two people's gazes met. Lin Qiushi had too many questions he wanted to ask; he wanted to question Li Dongyuan about the situation they were in, but Li Dongyuan didn't seem keen on answering any of those questions.
"I know what you want to ask," Li Dongyuan said as such. "But I can't give you answers, because I don't really understand myself."
"Do you remember your own death?" Lin Qiushi asked.
"Of course I do," Li Dongyuan said. "I even remember jumping out of the building." A touch of loneliness bled into his voice. "Who knows how that girl's doing though."
"Zhuang Rujiao?" Lin Qiushi said. "She's doing great. She took over White Deer for you."
After a moment's silence, Li Dongyuan's laugh was bitter.
"How is that great?"
Seeing the young girl under his care grow up was not actually anything like a happy experience, because growth inevitably came with a painful price to pay.
So the two quieted down again. Lin Qiushi stared at the coffin lid above his head, spacing out. He didn't dare say too much, because that thing was still prowling about around him.
Time ticked on by seconds, by minutes. Then it was nearly five, and daybreak seemed imminent.
Drowsiness coiled around Lin Qiushi. He wanted to stay strong, but had never felt such urge to sleep as this.
"Sleep," came Li Dongyuan's voice. "I'll see you tomorrow night."
Lin Qiushi closed his eyes and fell deeply asleep.
This sleep was spectacularly deep. By the time he woke again, the sky was already bright. He got up and saw that he was lying in his own bed, with Chestnut on the pillow beside him, watching him like a good little pet.
There were no monsters, no blood. The door was also perfectly fine. Everything that occurred the night before was all as if a strange nightmare. Lin Qiushi let out a long breath, picked up his phone, and once again dialed a number.
After a few seconds of waiting, a completely unsurprising voice recording sounded on the other side. The phone number that went through during the night had become unconnected once more. Lin Qiushi flipped through his messages and also couldn't see the text Ruan Nanzhu sent him.
"Fine," Lin Qiushi said to himself. "See you tonight."
[Ch. 130] | [Ch. 132]
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army-author · 3 years
things you said in no man’s land | jhs
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❝ in the middle of no man’s land, following a brutal battle, you come across the prince of the enemy nation. he’s wounded and weak. you could simply kill him. yet an unspoken feeling stops you from doing so... ❞
➝ pairing: prince hoseok x princess reader
➝ prompt: enemies to lovers
➝ genre: angst; fantasy au
➝ word count: 1.5k
➝ warnings: mentions of war and death; depictions of injury
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The fighting is pointless.
In no man’s land, surrounded by a sea of dead bodies on either side, both your men and the men of your enemy, you can clearly see the folly of endless warring. The smell of mud and blood cloys the air, clinging to your nostrils.
Looking around, the horizon is empty, apart from the shapes of dead horses and dead riders. The stragglers of your army have retreated. The opposing side has done the same, returning to the safety of camp, where new strategies will be devised, new recruits will be deployed, and new morales will be invigorated for another grisly battle. The idea makes you nauseous. Your body is exhausted, magic drained from your veins after blasting spells at the opposite side, cruel sparks crackling from your fingers. When you started learning magic, you had wanted to use it to heal and strengthen.  Now you use it for the opposite, your inherent gift weaponised for war.
As the princess of the White Dragons, you were destined to the lead the war when the fraught peace with the Black Lions ended in a flurry of bloody border disputes. You had been trained to fight from a young age, both with the sword and with your magic.
The thought makes you ill. You spit on the mud, where the trickles of water from the last rain shower run red. You know that you should not be standing in no man’s land. Even with the battle over for now, if anyone from the Black Lions were to see you, all it would take is a well aimed crossbow bolt to the head and you’d be gone. Let them, you think. You don’t want to fight any more.
You walk through the mud, searching in the hopes that you’ll spot a survivor you can help back to camp. But the bodies before you are all corpses now.
Then, you spot a shape heaving before you. Someone managed to live after all. But this body is on the wrong side of no man’s land. A Black Lions’ survivor, dragging himself through the dirt. As he gets to shaking feet, you freeze. His dark hair is buffeted off his face by a weak breeze, revealing his features, stained with dried blood, but still recognisable. Jung Hoseok, the Black Lion’s crown prince.
Standing before you is the heir of your enemy, weak and wounded. All it would take is you drawing your sword, and in one swift motion, you could end his life. With their prince defeated, the Black Lions would retreat, giving temporary peace. But for how long? A few months? Then what?
Hoseok turns to you, and recognition flashes in his troubled eyes. Blood trickles down his face from a wide gash on his forehead.
“Well, princess,” he says in a weak voice, raising his hands to you, “It would seem that the gods are on your side today. Here I am, weaponless before you. Kill me if you wish.”
You swallow, drawing your sword from its sheath. He sways in front of you as you walk towards him. You raise your blade. With one clean cut you could chop through his vital arteries, and watch the life drain from him.
- ✽ ✽ ✽ -
Many years before new war, the Black Lions had met at the White Dragons’ palace for peace negotiations. The peace had not lasted long, but those fleeting years are your most fond childhood memories.
When the Black Lions had arrived at the palace, you remember spotting Hoseok for the first time. He had been hiding behind his father. He was only a young child at the time, around the same age as you. Being young and naive, you had not understood the conflict between your families. All you saw him as was a new playmate. So you ran up to him, and stuck out your hand in greeting, before proceeding to ask him if he wanted to play hide and seek with you. He had been hesitant at first, but after his father gave him a nod, Hoseok had followed you, leaving the adults to negotiate over borders.
You had run through the palace, ducking in and out of the many rooms with Hoseok, giggling as you went. You were happy to have a new friend.
When your father had later corrected you, explaining that no heir of the Black Lions could be a friend of yours, you had worked yourself into a flurry of tears, hiding yourself in your room for days. You didn’t understand why the kind boy couldn’t be your friend.
- ✽ ✽ ✽ -
You drop your sword to the ground in front of Hoseok. “I can’t do it,” you tell him.
His eyes search yours, confused.
“I can’t kill someone so defenceless,” you say, “It doesn’t feel right.”
Hoseok grimaces, “You White Dragons, with your self-assured sense of honour...” A groan escapes his lips, as he grasps at his side. You see blood staining his fingers. “Even if you do not kill me now, I don’t believe I have much time left. If you go now, you’re simply leaving me to a worse fate.” At those words he sinks down to the mud with a hiss of pain. Blood is seeping into his cloak, bubbling up from under his chain mail.
Without realising what you are doing, you instinctively kneel down next to him, lifting up his chain mail and his undershirt to expose a gaping wound on his stomach. You hold up your hands to his wound, and begin to murmur the words of a healing incantation.
“What are you doing?” Hoseok’s voice is steeped in confusion.
You ignore him, concentrating on the wound before you, as you knit shattered ribs, correct the flow of blood, and lace skin together again. The incantation drains you of the last of your energy; the damage is almost too much for you to repair. You’re left gasping for air as you finish, leaving an ugly scar on Hoseok’s skin.
“Why?” his dark irises search your own.
“I...” You shake your head, unsure how to explain yourself, “I don't… want to fight any more… I know it’s naive to think in such a way, but I was reminiscing on when you and I were children, and we played hide and seek in the palace. I struggle to see the man that young boy grew into as an enemy… Even though I should.” A sudden sob shudders through you. “I’ve seen too many people die today. I can’t bear to see another.”
You close your eyes, feeling tears stinging your eyelids. You should not be showing this side of yourself to Hoseok of all people. He could simply pick up the sword you dropped, and end you in an instant. Still you keep your eyes shut, lips trembling on unspoken words.
You feel a warmth on your hand, and pry your wet eyes open to see Hoseok’s hand on yours. You glance up to him, seeing a strange expression contorting his face. “I understand,” he murmurs. His thumb rubs a soft circle on your palm.
You stare at him, and he stares back, as if surprised by his own actions.
“I wish we could stop the war,” you tell him, “I know its naive to hope for such things, but I cannot help this feeling.”
Hoseok nods, “At least I know there’s hope for your nation once you ascend to the throne. The White Dragons will have a kind  and just ruler.”
“I know the same will be true of the Black Lions once you become king,” you reply softly.
Hoseok’s grip on your hand grows tighter. You get the sense that he wants to say more, but he keeps his mouth shut. His eyes search your own, his cheeks flushed. You feel a seed of hope root itself inside you. Maybe someday there will be peace between your nations, heralded by a new generation of royals.
Despite knowing that you should quell such feelings, a shiver runs through you when Hoseok offers you a sad smile. You refuse to name the emotion, instead pulling Hoseok to his feet, standing firm in the empty space between enemy camps.
As you part ways, you to the White Dragons, and he to the Black Lions, the stubborn emotion persists in your chest, heavy on your heart. You know it will only become more problematic over time. You try to ignore it, and leave it unnamed.
But it has a name. It’s name is love.
- ✽ ✽ ✽ -
One day, the warring nations will declare peace once more.
On that day, Hoseok will get down on one knee, and ask the kind princess who healed him on the battlefield for her hand in marriage. She’ll say yes.
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ayato [VAMPIRE ENDING]
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ーー Screams echo through the castle halls.
No, not just inside the castle either.
When we stepped outside,
I realized those sounds were coming from all across the Demon World.
The final thing,
Karlheinz-san left behind...
It was a new world,
where a newborn species would live.
This world does not need demons nor humans.
Therefore, he will end them.
My body would not stop shaking. 
However, I managed to keep going,
because Ayato-kun was there besides me.
His kindness transmitted through our connected hands,
is what pulled me back,
right before I got swallowed by the dark pits of despairーー
Male Vampire A: Gyaaaah!
Female Vampire A: No...Nooooooo!!
ー The scene shifts to the burning forest
Yui: Oh no...!! This is horrible...!!
Ayato: Is this...Is this the world he wished for?
All for this sake...!
New race, my ass. Fuck all of this...
Yui: Ayato-kun...
???: Ayato-kun! Bitch-chan!!
Ayato: ...!?
Yui: ( This voiceーー )
ー The other Sakamaki’s approach them
Ayato: You guys...
...Look at that. Still refusin’ to die, huh?
Laito: Nfu~ Of course we’re alive.
Kanato: I actually agree with Laito for once. We are not that weak to be done in by a few flames.
Ayato: Heh...Guess that’s true.
Yui: ( Thank god...I’m so glad to see everyone alive...! )
Reiji: More importantly...What is going on? The evening gala’s entire venue has gone up in flames.
Subaru: Che...There’s piles of corpses everywhere you look.
Yui: ( No way... )
Reiji: So? Where is Father? We must update him on the status quo.
Ayato: That...won’t be necessary.
Reiji: ...What do you mean?
Ayato: He died.
Reiji: ...
Shuu: ...Died?
Ayato: Yeah.
Reiji: This is not the time to joke around...
There is no way that man would die.
Ayato: It’s not a joke. He’s no longer around.
...And it was exactly what he wished for.
Reiji: ...
Ayato: Also...Kanato, Laito.
Kanato: Yes?
Ayato: Mom died as well.
Kanato: ...
Laito: ...I see...Okay...
???: That man...has passed away...?
ー The Mukami’s appear
Ruki: In that case...Sakamaki Ayato. Does that mean...You are Adam?
Yui: ( ...Did the Mukami’s know about this as well, perhaps...? )
Azusa: Eve...Ayato-san turned out...to be your Adam, huh...?
Kou: ...We...
Yuma: ...Ugh.
Reiji: Adam? What exactly are you talking about? Explain this at once!!
Yui: Wellーー
In the following minutes,
we told them everything which had happened up till now.
Including the full details,
on the plan their Father - Karlheinz-san - wished for.
And thenーー
Reiji: ...Unbelievable...You claim that was Father’s wish...?
Ruki: And Adam and Eve were born right now...
Ayato: Adam? Eve? My ass!
I’m Yours Truly and Chichinashi is Chichinashi! Simple as that.
Shuu: ...Sounds like something you would say...
And? What are we going to do now? We can’t just sit around and do nothing forever, can we?
Ruki: We’re returning to the human world. Then I can think, about my path in life...
Kou: You mean ‘ours’, right?
Yuma: Exactly. Don’t talk as if you’re all by yerself now.
Ruki: ...You guys...
Azusa: ...Ruki...It’s just like they said. We’re brothers, remember?
Ruki: ...Yeah, you’re right.
There you have it...So long.
ー The Mukami’s leave
Yui: ( ...Guys... )
Ayato: They left...
Shuu: They sure did...I mean, it fits them so I see no problem? Pwaah...
ーー So, Ayato. What’s your plan?
Ayato: Well...
Yui: ( Right, we can’t stay stuck in place forever either. )
( We have to think about the future. )
Ayato: ...
I’ll stay here. With Yui by my side as well.
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Laito: Look at you talk, Ayato-kun! I’m impressed!
Kanato: ...Well, I suppose that’s fine. However, as you can see, Eden has been completely destroyed.
Ayato: ...Hehe. Oi oi, who do you think I am?
Don’t underestimate the Great Ayato-sama!
Yui: ( Ah...! Eden has stopped crumbling apart...? )
Reiji: ...I see.
If Father’s magic is what caused this destruction, then I suppose you can use your newly earned powers to stop it...? 
Ayato: Haah, haah...I could have done this much with ease even without that jerk’s powers!
Subaru: ...I wonder...
Ayato: Aah!? What didya say!?
Reiji: Good grief...We just went through all of that, and look at you guys going at it again...
Yui: ( Reiji-san may say that but...I’m happy to have met up with everyone and be able to talk to them like this... )
Ayato: ...Tsk. ...Oi! Chichinashi!
Yui: Y-Yes!?
Ayato: Why do you look so relieved? Now that everything’s settled, you gotta get ready!
Women love that sorta stuff but they always take forever, don’t they?
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: Haah? You really don’t get it at all, do you?
Laito: Nfu~ You’re so dense, Bitch-chan.
It’s a little broken down, but when a guy asks you to live together in a castle like Eden...
There’s only one thing that could imply, right?
Yui: ...Um...
Ayato: Aah, god! You know...
ーー I obviously mean we have to get everythin’ ready for the wedding ceremony!
Yui: ...!
The two of us will...?
Ayato: Y-Yeah! I’ll make an exception for you. Only ‘cause I’ve got no other choice though!
Laito: ...Looks like someone can’t be honest with himself.
Ayato: Aah!? Excuse me!?
Laito: Oh, nothing~! Nfu~!
Yui: ( Ayato-kun and I will... )
( Oh no, this feels like a dream... )
Shuu: ...I mean, suit yourself.
Subaru: I don’t mind if that means less trouble for us.
Reiji: If you do not burden me, then please be my guest.
But, well...Since I am the only person here with some common sense, allow me to say one thing.
ーー Congratulations.
Yui: ( Reiji-san... )
Ayato: I decided I’m gonna do this shit so l will, regardless of what you guys say!
Ah, right. I guess I wouldn’t mind employin’ you guys as my servants at the castle?
Reiji: I kindly refuse. Haah...I am leaving now.
Ayato: Aah? Where exactly?
Reiji: Does that matter?
Honestly...Any place will do.
Father is no longer around. In that case, I see no reason for me to stay here.
ー Reiji leaves
Ayato: That’s why I asked wheーー
Subaru: I’m dippin’ as well.
I didn’t exactly live with you guys out of my own free will anyway. See you.
ー Subaru leaves as well
Shuu: I’ll go too then...Pwaah...Guess I’ll finally get some peace and quiet...
ー Shuu follows suit
Yui: ( They all left. Which leaves... )
Ayato: What ‘bout you two?
Laito: Hmー Let me think. I guess I could stick around.
There’s so much fun to be had with a newlywed couple, don’t you think~? Right, Kanato-kun?
Kanato: I’m afraid I can’t agree. I’m leaving as well.
ー Kanato leaves
Laito: Eehー Boring! Oh well...I guess it can’t be helped this time.
See you~! Ah! Send me an invitation to the ceremony, okay~?
ー Laito follows after Kanato
Yui: Ah...
...They all left.
Ayato: Hmph! A huge weight lifted off my shoulders, honestly!
Now it’s finally just the two of uー Woah.
...Come on, let’s go.
Yui: Y-Yeah...!
ー Ayato steps closer
Ayato: ...Nn...
Yui: Wha...!?
Ayato: Guess I’ll kiss you before that at least.
Yui: ...B-Before? You already did, Ayato-kun...
Ayato: Shush!
Well, I guess kisses aren’t half bad.
Okay! Now we’re headed off for real.
Yui: Yeah...!
Ayato-kun pulled me by my hand,
as I once again faced Eden.
This place is currently in ruins.
However, in my eyes,
it looked more beautiful than anything.
I wonder why?
That question immediately disappeared from my mind.
The answer,
more than anything, or anyone,
was right next to me after allーー
Ayato: ーー Oi, why are you takin’ forever?
Come here already.
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“I won’t let you go, no matter what happens. You better don’t take my love lightly.”
“I hope you made up your resolve when choosin’ me, Chichinashi? ...’Cause you’re mine forever now.”
Yui: ( Aah...What a peaceful day. )
( I’m so glad...Our ceremony is today. )
Ayato: Oi, whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout? Did you have other stuff on your mind when I’m here right in front of you?
Geez, I can never leave my guard down with you.
Yui: Fufu...Sorry...
Ayato: Hmph...
Those guys just filled their belly and went on their merry ways afterwards. Same goes for those darn Mukami’s.
Who knows what those dudes have been up to this whole time, but for these occasions, they all show up all of a sudden.
Well, I guess it makes sense for them to show up, seein’ as I’m basically the King here now.
Yui: ( I wonder if I’m the only one...Who believes they’re actually looking out for us? )
Ayato: Oi, let me tell you, just in case.
Yui: Yes?
Ayato: I’m not with you ‘cause that’s part of his stupid plan.
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Ayato: I don’t give a damn ‘bout becomin’ the ‘saviors’ he talked of.
The Demon World’s a hot mess. But...
You’re right here in front of me.
That’s why I want to touch you. Want to embrace you.
Don’t want to let you go. Want you by my side...
In short, um...How do I say this...?
Aah, right!
ーー I love you, Yui.
...I love you...
No matter what becomes of the world, let’s be together.
That’s simply how I feel.
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Yui: ( ...Ayato-kun... )
( I love you too. )
( From here on out, I’ll only ever trust you...and continue to love you. )
( Together...Forever... )
ーー THE END ーー
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