#and then codywan and ahsoka and rex visit too
apricusapollo · 10 months
I'm listening to Christmas songs and had a vision of the skywalker family celebrating new year together I'm gonna cry
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blacklilyqueen · 3 years
Lifeday- 12 Days of Rexsoka
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Prompt: 12 Days of Rexsoka Day 12: Lifeday
Summary:  Rex and Ahsoka are celebrating Lifeday with their children, the Skywalkers, Obi Wan and Cody.
Pairing: Rexsoka, Anidala, Codywan
Word Count: 671
Warnings/tags: Happy AU, Every One Lives AU, Order 66 Doesn’t Happen AU
Tagged Blogs: @12-days-of-rexsoka @flybynite19 @rex-is-best​ 
Read it on AO3
“Be careful. Stop running around the house. Delara! Alon!”
“Sorry, mum.”
“Go help dad with the tree, before the others arrive.”
Ahsoka put down the remaining plates. The table was decorated nicely, ten chairs placed around it and little cards placed on every plate marking where everyone was supposed to sit.  She inspected everything again. It was the first year that they would celebrate Lifeday at their home. In the past years they would just visit Anakin, Padmé and the twins. Padmé’s dinners were always perfect, everything was planned right down to the last detail. Ahsoka was sure that she could never live up to that and yet she would make it as perfect as possible.
When everything was done, she went over to the living room, where Rex and the children were busy putting up the last decorations on the tree. He stood up and walked over to her, when he saw her standing in the doorframe. His hands were placed on her hips, when he gave her a little kiss. She smiled leaning closer to him, watching the children decorate the rest of the tree. This Lifeday would be wonderful, she just knew it.
A couple of hours later the guests finally arrived. Obi Wan and Cody showed up first. Rex was glad to see his brother again. The rest of the 501st was either on duty or celebrated at the barracks. Ahsoka wished they could have invited all of them, but all of Torrent Company would be a bit too much for their home. However, Ahsoka, Rex and the children would visit them tomorrow. Delara and Alon had already been so excited to see all of their uncles again and their parents couldn’t wait either. They were already so excited to see Cody and constantly kept asking him questions. Obi Wan wasn’t spared either, but the kids usually got to see him more often.
When the Skywalkers arrived, Cody and Obi Wan finally got to relax and talk to the adults again. As much as Delara and Alon loved their uncles and their aunt, playing with Luke and Leia was way more exciting. Rex was filling up everyone’s glasses, while the kids were playing next to them, constantly peeking over at the pile of presents under the tree.
“Can we already open one before diner, please?” The four of them looked at them with a pleading look on their faces and big eyes.
“No, you know the rules. We wait until we ate.”
The next hours passed by way to quickly. Ahsoka and Anakin were talking about their children and how none of them could have imagined having a life like this a couple of years ago. It was true. During the war Ahsoka wasn’t even sure if she and Rex would ever have a chance of being truly together and now they were living in a beautiful apartment with two wonderful children, she couldn’t even have dreamed about before.
They ate the meal that Rex and Ahsoka had spent hours to prepare. Cheerful chattering filled the room. Stories about old times, the children’s newest achievements or just whatever was going on in their lives right now. The four little ones already began to fidget, when they were finished eating. As always, they were finished way before the adults after they devoured their meals, hoping to finally get to open their presents that way.
When they were finally allowed to do that, they jumped out of their seats and ran forwards the tree. The adults followed them laughingly, sitting down on the couch and watching them open their gifts. Rex had his arm swung around Ahsoka and she rested her head against his chest. They watched the smiles on their children’s faces growing bigger with every present they opened, their eyes sparkling with joy. Ahsoka smiled as she thought about all the future years she would spend with her family. They would be filled with laughter, joy, carefreeness and love  and Ahsoka would cherish every single moment.
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aeligsido · 2 years
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nothing you confess (could make me love you less)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody, CT-7567 | Rex (mentioned), Anakin Skywalker (mentioned), Padmé Amidala (mentioned), Sheev Palpatine (mentioned) Additional Tags: Minor Character Death, in the past, and it's Palpatine so who cares, Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side, Padmé Amidala Lives, Minor Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Emperor CC-2224 | Cody, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Post-Order 66 (Star Wars), the clones are dechiped, Good for them, Rex Anakin and Padmé are in a Queer Platonic Relationship, does it shows? no. will i tell it anyway? yes., Massage, it's going to turn spicy but then there's fade to black oops, there's really only kissing on page lmao, Established CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, when you wake up from a medically induced coma and suddenly your bf is an Emperor, just a normal day in Obi-Wan's life, no beta we die like the Republic Series: Part 3 of CodyWan Kiss Bingo Challenge 2022 Summary:
"Order 66 had been a disaster. Not that Obi-Wan had been awake to see it — he was then too busy being sedated by his own medic and “taking a well-deserved nap”, as Pearl had put it. And when his men had deemed it safe to wake him up from his unwanted medical coma, it had been too late to stop the Vode from taking over the Empire Palpatine had constructed right under their noses.
At least, they all agreed about the fact that a dead Palpatine was miles better than an alive one."
OR: Obi-Wan has a few questions for his boyfriend, ex-Commander turned Emperor of the Galaxy, Cody.
For the prompt “kiss on the stomach” for @codywankissbingo​!
Obi-Wan would prefer if things were terrible.
If it had been the case, then he could have at least hated the situation properly.
As it was, though — well. Things weren’t perfect. But it still was way better than the war, and somehow, they — the Jedi — were treated better than under the Senate and the Republic. Not that Jedi were Jedi to be well treated or anything, but things had gotten worse and worse with time. They hadn’t been as respected as they were at the beginning of the Republic, eons ago, and they could barely sneeze without the Senate’s approval.
But now — well, they never doubted the loyalty of the Vode before, and they definitely couldn’t start now.
Order 66 had been a disaster. Not that Obi-Wan had been awake to see it — he was then too busy being sedated by his own medic and “taking a well-deserved nap”, as Pearl had put it. And when his men had deemed it safe to wake him up from his unwanted medical coma, it had been too late to stop the Vode from taking over the Empire Palpatine had constructed right under their noses.
At least, they all agreed about the fact that a dead Palpatine was miles better than an alive one.
Except Anakin, but he was slowly coming around, and besides, he was too busy with his children to really protest. The last time Obi-Wan visited them, Rex had assured him that he and his best men were taking good care of all of them — Anakin, Padmé, Ahsoka, and the twins. Considering Leia had been strapped to his chest then, her head carefully held by the now-Commander, and that Jesse and Ahsoka had been playing with Luke behind them, Obi-Wan was more than willing to believe Rex. They all needed the rest, anyway.
Obi-Wan sighed contently as the hands massaging his back went over one particular hard knot. A kiss was dropped on his shoulder, and Obi-Wan opened his eyes.
Cody had always looked at him with something soft in his eyes, but the utter devotion he showed now was at the same time surprising and kind of terrifying. Obi-Wan didn’t know how to react to it. He wasn’t used to it, simply, maybe. Obi-Wan had known Cody loved him before everything; of course he did! They were dating! But he somehow missed the depth of this love and how far Cody was willing to go for him.
“Everything’s alright, cyare?”
Obi-Wan hummed. “I was just thinking.”
Cody’s thumb caressed his neck, and Obi-Wan felt himself shudder under the touch. “Do you want to share?” he offered, gaze still on him, always on him.
[Read more on AO3.]
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glimmerglanger · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 - Day 16
THE END OF THE OOF!AU! It’s complete! The rest of whumptober shall be one-shots and (i think) a pair of interconnected prompts. Thanks for going on this ride, I’ll be posting it over on ao3 later, for ease of keeping track of it in the future.
General Information: Post Order 66 Vader-Captures-Obi-Wan AU. Happy(ish) ending. Codywan. Past one-sided Vaderwan.
WARNINGS: Very minor for this part, mentions of everything they’ve been through and discussions of battle, but that’s about it.
Alt 3. Comfort
Comfort came in many shapes. Dreamless sleep was one of the first true comforts Obi-Wan received in so long. Obi-Wan had known it would help, and he thanked Ahsoka for the gift of it, when he finally left his quarters, Cody at his side, a hand now resting against his side. He could feel the point of contact settling Cody’s emotions, a piece of reassurance, physical, that he was there and alright.
Ahsoka looked miserable, when Obi-Wan thanked her, shame tinging her signature through the Force. She only felt worse when he assured her that he was fine, and so he left it. 
Sleep helped. Talking with Cody helped more, feeling some of the agony drain out of him made it easier for Obi-Wan to breathe as the day stretched onwards, as they cut across the black to meet up with this rebellion of Ahsoka’s.
The troopers watched him, when he went to the mess to get breakfast, such as it was. Their emotions curled against him, worry and concern and all the things Cody felt, written across all of their minds.
He sat with them and ate, talking, and reached out, hesitantly, to grip Crys’ shoulder after he finished. Crys froze, for just a moment, and then reached up, fingers brushing Obi-Wan’s wrist and--
The emotions swirling around and through them didn’t disappear, didn’t ease, magically, into nothing. But they settled, somewhat, became less ragged. Cody watched him, close by - always close by - and Obi-Wan nodded at him with a smile that didn’t hurt, quite so much.
Obi-Wan watched Rex move among the troopers, throughout the day, speaking with them in quiet voices. He could track Rex without even looking, without being in the same room, because flares of emotion followed him everywhere he went.
Ahsoka, he noted, did not mingle so freely. She stayed near the bridge, feeling tense and guilty when Obi-Wan made his way back. There were things he knew he ought to say, to explain, but it felt difficult to say them, with a dozen troopers in the room.
He noticed, awake enough to process it, that they never left him completely alone. There were always a few in any room, even if they weren’t talking to him, even if they weren’t looking at him. 
They felt...eased, in the Force, when he initiated conversations, when he reached out and touched them, shoulders or backs, even if it cut up into them at the same time.
“Finally,” Bones said, late in the day, when Obi-Wan went to the medical bay. He felt… well enough, but it was easier to recall that Cody had been gut-shot, not long ago, with his head no longer so clouded. Cody seemed intent on following him; he followed all the way to the med-bay, and into Bones’ frowning care.
Cody shot Obi-Wan a look, even as Bones grumbled him over onto a bed, plucking at his blacks. “I’m fine,” Cody insisted with a little scowl, and Bones rolled his eyes eloquently, lifting the bacta patch over his stomach.
“Have you been changing this yourself?” he said, scowl getting fiercer, and Obi-Wan turned, planning to give them some privacy, before Cody jerked a hand towards him, freezing before he closed fingers around Obi-Wan’s wrist.
Obi-Wan hesitated, for just a moment, and then inhaled, exhaled, eased back and covered Cody’s hand with his.
He sat still, through Bones’ ministrations, his emotions unknotting a little with each cautious breath he took.
“You’ve helped so much,” Obi-Wan said, after a quiet evening meal, standing beside Rex, who was staring out a viewport with a haunted look on his face. His emotions felt raw, flayed open, and Obi-Wan winced, leaning a shoulder against the wall. “How are you doing?”
Rex didn’t blink for a long moment, and then shook himself hard, looking over. “General,” he said, scrubbed a hand over his face, “I’m not doing much.”
“Yes, you are,” Obi-Wan said, managing a smile. “They’re doing so much better, it’s--”
“Don’t think that’s much because of me,” Rex said, mouth crooking, rueful and tired. He gave Obi-Wan a pointed look that was indecipherable. Obi-Wan blinked at him, and Rex shook his head. He said, “Nevermind. You should get some rest, General.”
And resting, Obi-Wan thought, might be a problem, once more, but Ahsoka followed him into his quarters and sat on the side of his bed, eyes sad when he said, “Really, I’m not a youngling, you don’t need to--”
“I want to,” she said, fingers soft across his brow, “just let me help you, this time.”
And he slept, dreamless and deep, and when he woke up, Cody was wedged into the chair by his bed, chin bent forward against his chest, brow furrowed, his hand on the sheets, fingers stretched towards Obi-Wan’s, but not touching.
They visited a planet, days later, deep in Wild Space, where Ahsoka said they’d meet some members of the rebellion, and found a market there. Obi-Wan winced at the idea of taking Ahsoka’s credits to buy clothes that fit, but she insisted. And it did feel good, to pull on robes of tan and cream, almost, but not quite, the uniform he’d worn for so many years.
He looked at himself in a reflection, afterwards, and almost recognized what he saw. 
Cody did a double-take upon seeing him - he’d bought clothes, too, well… armor, to be more precise - and Obi-Wan crooked him a smile, asked, “What do you think?”
“Looks good,” Cody said, without a pause to consider, and Obi-Wan looked away, swallowing. He doubted, very much, that was true, but… But it felt like a step towards normal, a step back to himself. 
He liked having boots again, anyway.
Ahsoka’s rebel friends were a motley mix, the old and young, those who remembered what the Republic had been and those who had never known it in anything but dreams. One of them recognized Obi-Wan - somehow - and blurted, looking surprised, “General Kenobi.”
Obi-Wan crooked his mouth, nodding; it felt different, when the troopers called him by his title. It stung, hearing it from some stranger with wide, hungry eyes. “We heard you were dead,” the man said, taking a step towards him, looking him up and down.
“Not yet,” Obi-Wan said, tensing when the man reached out towards him and--
“We should discuss your resources,” Cody said, flat, easing a step forward, in front of Obi-Wan, his shoulders a hard, straight line. “And what you’ve been doing so far, against the Empire.”
The man’s smile froze in place, just for a moment, but he eased back, and Obi-Wan breathed easier, reaching out to touch Cody’s back, tapping a thank-you against his armor. Tensions were higher than he liked through the meeting, but, in the end, the experience they brought to the table carried the day.
Too few of the people in the rebellion had ever fought a war.
He let them keep calling him General. Perhaps, he thought, it was a title he needed to wear, at least for a while longer. For everyone in the galaxy, not just the troopers. And, anyway, they agreed to put him in touch with someone who could provide him with a prosthetic arm.
There was a comfort to familiarity, too. Obi-Wan had felt that, even on Tatooine, growing used to his little hut, to the sand and the heat. The Recompense grew familiar, over time. She’d never replace the Negotiator, but she… filled a gap.
She must have for the troopers, as well. They stayed with the ship, planned their missions - there were so many missions to plan - from her halls. And, when one of the higher ranking members of the rebellion suggested they give her up, Obi-Wan said, “No, I’m afraid that won’t be possible.”
His men had lost enough. They weren’t going to lose anymore.
Besides, there was plenty of room in her halls for more troopers, as they started hitting bases on the edges of the Empire, freeing the lost and the trapped, those enslaved in their own heads.
He watched, as time passed, the way the survivors of the 212th took their brothers in, soothed them, held them through the inevitable nightmares and the horror, and felt warmth spread through him, deep and true.
And there was comfort, too, in looking over and finding Cody by his side, as they liberated outposts, pushed back Imperial forces, and undid the great wrongs done across the galaxy. There was comfort in soothing Cody when nightmares woke him, as so often they did, in listening to the words that spilled forth from him, when he could not contain them anymore, in threading their fingers together, holding his hand.
There’d been damage done to all of them, deep and terrible, but Obi-Wan knew how to heal from such injuries. He showed the others, as best he could, feeling them fight towards healing just as diligently as they’d fought for everything else the galaxy tried to deny them.
Anakin had captured him, brought him in alone and with no one. And he would have died, slowly and in agony, had he remained alone. But Anakin had brought his men, too. Put them together.
And together, they’d always been stronger than they were apart.
He considered that, standing on the bridge of the Recompense, looking over at Cody as he frowned at the next base they planned to assault. “You’re thinking loudly,” Cody said, after a moment, glancing up at him. “Everything alright?”
“It will be,” Obi-Wan said, quiet; his voice had never returned, not fully. He’d stopped waiting for it. Cody shifted, concern ever and always on his face and in his emotions. Obi-Wan reached out to him and he reached back, automatic, fingers threading together.
Obi-Wan could shift closer to him without feeling his heart lurch into his throat, could lean against his side, enjoying the warmth of it, the warmth inside his emotion, curling close. Cody made a soft sound, his other arm curling around, and Obi-Wan closed his eyes, just for a moment, resting close to him and feeling, even if he knew the feeling would not last forever, safe.
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aces-to-apples · 4 years
Written for Day 5: Fluff of Codywan Week 2020 @codywanweek
Here on AO3
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Category: Multi Relationship: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, CT-7567 | Rex, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Background Padmé Amidala/CT-7567 | Rex/Anakin Skywalker, Implied/Referenced Future Rexsoka, GFY
For best results please look at this Rex and this Cody before reading.
Another one of the local little chompers marched towards the dais with all the solemnity and determination of a verd’ika plucking their first set of whites off the assembly line. Cody met Rex’s eye and they both very carefully avoided grinning at the sight. Not only could it be bad for their relationship with said locals, it wouldn’t do to let their Jedi think they were, in fact, having a good time up there.
When the kid came to a halt a ‘respectful’ distance away, Cody nodded for them to approach and bent his head to receive the kid’s blessing and subsequent gift. He watched Rex do the same.
The celebration had been going for hours, by that point, and they’d amassed a pile of shiny little wearable trinkets to give any sovereign of Naboo a run for their credits and enough blessings to make them holier than most deities. It’d been a relief, at the start of the night, to hear that—aside from the ceremonial outfits they’d been bullied into wearing—he and Rex were free to redistribute the gifts as they saw fit. Something about sharing luck, or good vibes, or what have you.
Said ceremonial outfits, on the other hand, they were obliged to keep and maintain with honor.
Obi-Wan had smoothed over any offense they’d given with their lacklustre reaction to the news but Rex’s general had been less than subtle in his delight at their new possessions. Tano, at least, had just told them they looked nice and kept her own mocking to a bare minimum.
And it wasn’t that they were grateful, Cody had reflected at the start of the celebration, when he and Rex had stepped out under the light of the moons to deafening cheers, but. It wasn’t quite their style, no matter how well the two of them pulled off the intricate, and admittedly beautiful, get-ups.
Rex, by dint of his Torrent paintjob, had been immediately deemed the locals’ Goddess of War come again and draped accordingly in layers of blue fabric. Some of it was dark and blaster-resistant and some of it pale and so sheer as to be almost nonexistent. Bands of silver, often studded with precious blue stones, were wrapped around his wrists, forearms, biceps, and throat, and a silver cap affixed with yet more jewels and a pale blue veil had been placed on his head with much reverence.
After a great deal of muttered debate, they determined that Cody must be their war deity’s twin, the Goddess of Beauty. Not an insult by any means…
The traditional garb he’d been presented with, by contrast, was deep red with a long flowing cape and headdress of heavy twisted fabric. It came with its own set of jewelry, as well, shining gold and polished red stones, bulky and eye-catching around his wrists and throat and slim and delicate around his forearms and biceps. Something about the placement was culturally significant, but hells if Cody was going to ask what.
They’d already lost the battle against: 1) staying for several days to rest and recuperate, 2) accepting the titles of living incarnations of their local deities and all the celebration that entailed, and 3) keeping both the get-ups and the gifts for themselves.
No way was Cody going to invite more conversation about their cultural practices. He could win against droids and bounty-hunters and half-baked Sith, but apparently, he couldn’t convince a bunch of over-awed, Mid Rim locals that he and Rex weren’t tools of War and Beauty.
Tools of the Republic, sure, but nothing divine.
The leader of the city they’d liberated had just smiled gently and reassured them that belief on their part was not necessary, only acceptance of their gratitude. Which came with lots of shiny metal, sparkly rocks, and a pair of gowns that they had to either accept or throw into a sacrificial fire and publicly reject.
Obi-Wan had stepped in at that point.
He’d assured everyone that they had no interest in disrespecting their culture and asked for a debrief about the ceremony.
Wear the outfits, sit on the thrones, and let people fawn over them at least a little bit, had basically been the long and short of it. But, hey, they were comfortably cushioned, well-fed, and kept hydrated throughout the whole thing, so it could have been worse. Sharp-toothed little ankle-biters shyly kissing their foreheads and handing them shiny bits and bobs before scampering off weren’t much of a hardship.
“How’re you fellas doing?” Skywalker asked, strolling up to the dais with a grin that had yet to falter all night. “Getting into the spirit of the thing? Really feeling the divinity flow through you?”
Plenty vode had wandered over to check on them over the course of the night, mostly to heckle, but the Jedi had visited just as frequently. And for similar reasons, too.
The way Rex’s general had been eyeing him all night, Cody was almost worried for Rex’s safety. He’d heard plenty of complaints from Obi-Wan about Skywalker’s willingness to eat damn near anything; who was to say that he hadn’t acquired a taste for Mandalorian-adjacent flesh and wouldn’t gobble poor Rex up in just a few bites.
He was pretty sure Commander Tano was having some kind of intermittent crisis over at their table as well.
It was his responsibility, as both Marshal Commander and ori’vod, to bring his concerns to his superior officer and then ruthlessly mock all three of them. After Skywalker eventually got tired of making Rex blush and wandered away whistling a jaunty tune to a very raunchy cantina song, that was.
“So does that ‘angel’ of his know the two of you have started sharing blankets since your last stop-over on Coruscant or should I start planning your funeral now?” Cody said archly, watching his vod’ika visibly consider punching him. “I’ll be sure to wear this and lie about how smart and good-looking you are, like a proper vod.”
Rex pressed a hand over his eyes and groaned. “Angel knows,” he admitted, darting an unsubtle glance at his general’s shebs. “What I am afraid of, though, is that next time we stop over on Coruscant she’s gonna have a whole new wardrobe just like this one and it will just happen to be in my size.”
“Well, hey, get a full-coverage veil and you’re probably good to step out with them,” Cody said with false sympathy, gleefully imagining the uproar that would cause. “Just make sure they’re made out of that fabric that’s designed to ruin holos. Pakod.”
The ol’ boy made a sound like a malfunctioning mouse-droid.
“Is it too much to believe that I’d like to spend whatever leave I get wearing as few clothes as possible?” he wailed, quietly, with a desperation that made Cody think this was an argument he and the senator had gotten into before. With this revelation in mind, he snapped a few holos of his own while Rex was distracted and vowed to get them to the senator if Skywalker’s brain cell was too lonely to manage it. “Isn’t it enough that I have this already?”
“Oh, dear me,” a low voice said from behind Cody’s left ear, “I can’t imagine how terrible it must be to have two attractive, attentive lovers who wish to shower you with tokens of their affection. Truly, Captain, your misery must be exquisite.”
Cody turned his head to press a sloppy kiss to Obi-Wan’s cheek in gratitude for the pitiful sound his words had drawn out of his favorite brother.
“General,” Rex whined pathetically, “they keep getting me plants. Alive ones, dead ones, prickly ones, poisonous ones. My quarters are being taken over by non-sentient invaders.”
Obi-Wan made a little noise of patently fake sympathy. “My old master’s quarters were like that as well,” he commiserated, pressing a kiss to the sensitive skin behind Cody’s ear. The noise of the locals around them changed in pitch, but Cody’d had enough to drink over the course of the evening to not feel worried by the change. If he was lucky, Obi-Wan would be shoved into a pretty outfit like this next. “It drove me mad that he never formally answered, let alone turned down, any of the suits. Just let the poor, smitten beings keep sending him gifts. So uncivilized.”
“Speaking of uncivilized,” Cody said, wondering if he could get away with pulling Obi-Wan down onto his lap.
Rex rolled his eyes. “If I don’t get to canoodle in public with my Jedi then you don’t get to with yours,” he huffed, leaning over to push Obi-Wan a few inches away. “Leave room for the Force, sirs.”
“‘Leave room for the Force’?” Obi-Wan repeated, nonplussed, while Cody found himself hung up on, “Canoodle?”
No longer quite so flustered, Rex shrugged. “Skywalker talks like a scandalized opera singer, sometimes, and Ahsoka says that when she catches the lads giving each other a tune-up. How’s the kid doing, by the way?”
“Well,” Obi-Wan said ruefully, “she’s seventeen and in the middle of a war and puberty. Thus far, I believe she’s coped by placing you all in the ‘dear friends and family whom deserve her utmost respect’ category of her mind, rather than allowing herself to see you as attractive young men. Tonight seems to be causing some kind of breakdown in that line of thinking.”
Cody turned to give Rex his full attention and clapped him on the shoulder. “Cheers, vod’ika, keep it up and you might have a full set soon!”
In response, Rex covered his face with both hands and groaned again.
“Remind me to send the good captain some appropriate literature about age of consent laws, would you, dear?” Obi-Wan murmured into his ear. He most assuredly was not leaving room for the Force between them. “Until then, I believe you mentioned being uncivilized?”
Cody made a mental note to remind him as requested before standing up, bowing at the local assembly, and following Obi-Wan wherever he led.
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gracelingdesolate · 7 years
obiwan and ahsoka too! also luke! fucj!
obi wan
do I like them: yES
5 good qualities:
super fucking smart
animals love him
he’s literally the best jedi???
3 bad qualities:
is a Jedi™
believes yoda’s bs
questions shit but never fucking acts out even when he should
favourite episode/etc: all of them i fucking loved him in the lawless like bruh holy shit he was so good i’m
otp: okay so i ship codywan but i also ship obitine so here we are
brotp: anakin bc they were super tight? after obiwan stopped being all Master and they got on more even levels of respect they were good
ot3: none
best quote: “You can kill me, but you will never destroy me.” i just fcuknfign love him
head canon: i assume in order to talk to qui gon’s ghost he had to do the same trial thing as yoda and you know. obviously it was about anakin. haha. //dies 
do I like them: FUCK YEAH
5 good qualities:
dual wielding (again i just fucking………..love………..)
clever and determined as hell
makes her own decisions and fuck the jedi
3 bad qualities:
thinks she knows better than ppl with more experience sometimes
forgave yoda (but this is mainly bc i’m a salty bitch)
favourite episode/etc: again…….. all of them the wrong jedi arc holy shit just…. damn everything about it is just so good from her escape from prison to her teamup with ventress to her straight up telling the council to fuck itself? iconic.
otp: steela! i also ship her with kaeden from the ahsoka novel fjdnkgj
brotp: brotp with riyo!! i love their eps together they’re so cute. also rex bc like yes
ot3: none
notp: rexsoka. i will fucking snap the neck of any shithead that puts it on my dash i swear to god it’s pedophiliac and disgusting ughghgh same goes for anisoka he’s her master ffs
best quote: “I’m no Jedi.” Fuck Me Up
head canon: she has definitely met luke and leia and helped luke with the vader deal by telling him what he was like when he was anakin, which helped luke decide that vader still had good in him
do I like them: MY SON
5 good qualities:
amazing pilot
fashion taste is on point
cares so much about everyone
believed there was still good in vader despite everything
3 bad qualities:
gets really salty really fast
became a hermit after kyle ron fucked his new jedi order over
favourite episode/etc: return of the jedi like omg what an Icon he shows up late to save han, walks in late to sign up for a mission he didn’t even hear, endor??? amazing, strolled on in to visit vader, resisted the dark side and brought anakin back. amazing
otp: han. honestly i was stunned when i rewatched a new hope it was Gay As Hell
brotp: he has so many bros good god
ot3: none
notp: do ppl ship him with leia? bc no that’s Bad shouldn’t even have to say it
best quote: “Your thoughts betray you, Father. I feel the good in you, the conflict. You couldn’t bring yourself to kill me before and I don’t believe you’ll destroy me now.” honestly where does he get all this hope and can i have some
head canon: he went around learning about who anakin skywalker was before he confronted vader again bc hell if you’re gonna have that much faith in such a horrible person you have to have some serious proof that they aren’t actually that horrible and it just……… made him really sad seeing who anakin was and then watching him fall
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