#and then fairy of shampoo became our song
binniesoob · 2 years
this wasn't supposed to make me cry.
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hephaestiions · 4 years
hi! love your work, and i just wanted to ask: why do you write?
what a heartbreaking question. i wish i had a proper answer, but since i don’t, have a piece of my heart instead. 
i was a latchkey kid. both my parents worked till late in the evening, and five year old me spent hours after school walking through the rooms of our two-storey house in the suburbs, pulling clothes out of the cupboards wanting to feel grown-up, mixing up perfumes and shampoo and lotion to make potions, spilling acrylic paint on the tiles instead of the blank side of my father’s unimportant documents that he kept in a separate folder with my name on it for those restless hours when my hands itched to do something, anything. 
i was too young at first to really understand loneliness. i had dolls and i had clothes and i had paint and i had books and i didn’t need my mom or dad, because the world had two floors and a very interesting attic with fancy spiderwebs in all the corners. but little kids grow up, and they talk to their friends about what they did yesterday afternoon and their friends tell them, ‘my mom made me aloo parathas for lunch!’ or ‘my dad and i went to the park’ or ‘my little brother is so annoying, he scattered all my colour pencils across the floor.’ then, little kids, who think they’re all grown up when they’re eight years old, start to understand loneliness a little too well. when their parents come home, exhausted and irritable from a long day with an extra work hour, they throw tantrums and refuse dinner and try not to cry, because where were you, why didn’t you take me to the swings, why don’t i have an annoying little sister?
my parents tried their best to answer those questions when the words and tears spilled. we were at work, because unless we go to work, there won’t be any dinner for you to say you don’t want. we couldn’t take you to the swings because we were at work, but maybe we can go tomorrow evening, it’s a saturday. and about the siblings– well, um, hmm, well you see, god gifts adults whom he has deemed responsible enough with– you get where that one went at least. 
but explanations soothe the brain, not the heart or the soul or the vicious waves of childhood envy that make you want to kidnap other people’s siblings from their homes after sleepovers. and because kidnapping isn’t what we do, not even as lonely eight year olds, i started storytelling. storywriting. story-brainstorming, whatever it is one wants to call pulling out twelve of my mother’s dupattas and tying them around my body and running to the roof in the pouring rain to call myself a rainbow. and then taking it further and further– a rainbow who became best friends with a raindrop, and after they both died (in the clouds and on concrete respectively), they found each other again in rain heaven and went on monsoon laden adventures with fairies and mermaids. a witch in the woods who made potions with rose scented water and perfumes, who found a flower with a scent so strong that she was commissioned by the king to brew him cologne that would never fade. my mother did not appreciate the liberal wastage of expensive gucci perfume for that last one, but she didn’t really know after all. she didn’t know that the witch left the woods for the first time in years to deliver the cologne to the king, she didn’t know about the witch’s bird friends, she didn’t know about the mouse who was a prince in disguise. 
my parents still tell this story to anyone who will listen: i cried and cried and cried when i found out my mother had drunk all of the water from a specific bottle i put near the window because the water had travelled all the way from the himalayas to have a conversation with the window panes about what they’ve seen on their journeys. 
my father bought me a notebook because i scrawled my stories on the walls, on the windowsills, on the backs of not just his unimportant documents, but also the important ones. and the joy, the sheer, unadulterated joy of scrawling your name on the first stiff page of a notebook, of filling up the contents page with headings that now, in retrospect, are far more interesting than the titles i come up with for fic (you’re telling me song lyrics are somehow better than ‘the mermaid who ate a guitar’?)– that joy, even today, is unparalleled. 
i started storytelling because i was a lonely kid in desperate need of company. i started writing because the blankness of my barbie dolls’ eyes in the artificial audience grew a little disconcerting and the whole point of paper is eradicating, annihilating the blankness in favour of smudged graphite and scrawled ink. 
i have other, shorter answers for this question which are all true. i write because it makes me kinder. i write because it makes the world clearer. i write as a coping mechanism, i write as a celebration. i write because my brain doesn’t ever really stop and some ideas are too precious to lose. 
but i mainly write because this world is full of stories. there’s a story to be told in the chewing gum container on my dressing table, a story to be told about the frayed edges of my secondhand copy of hamlet, a story in the half drunk cup of coffee on my desk. and i write because someone needs to tell those stories. 
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monaownsmyass · 5 years
The Night We Met (Mona x MC)
Pairing: Mona x MC
About: Mona and MC meet for the first time since the Mercy Park Crew went their own way. They spend one last night together before Mona is on the run again.
Genre: Romance/ Fluff
Word count: 2103
Note: This story occurs after the final chapter of Ride-Or-Die but instead of getting caught by the cops, Mona is on the run. I have busy for the past few months but I also missed Mona enough to find time to write this short fic lol. My first time writing a fan-fic so please be nice! Thanks for reading! :)
Meet me tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. At our park. You know where.
I glanced down at the familiar writing on the scrap of paper I received just the night before. I took a deep breath and settled down on a bench under a street light at the park. Our park.
I was nervous. Having not seen her in 9 months made me feel a whirlwind of emotions. I was surprised, to say the least, when I found out she wanted to meet up.
Her on the run meant going under the radar. Going under the radar meant no hand phones. No hand phones meant that it was hard to keep in touch. In a way, I think that's what she wanted. Not for her sake. Never hers. She did it for me.
Exchanging random notes and letters every month or so was barely enough. Nothing is ever enough with her. I craved to talk to her more, find out what she's been up to and where she is now. All I get is the bare minimum, saying she's doing alright. I suppose I can't really be mad at that, seeing if the cops ever got hold of the notes she sent, she might as well just hand herself in.
I glanced at the tattered note once again and then at my watch. It was already 7:45p.m.
Maybe she's not gonna show up after all.
I sighed sadly and got up from the bench when I heard a rustling sound from behind me. That sound was then followed by a slightly husky yet smooth sounding voice.
"Hey, gorgeous."
I swirled around to find the girl I've dreamt about every day since we parted.
"I hope you weren't planning on leaving," she spoke with that stupid arrogant smirk that I missed so much.
"Mona," I barely whispered. I was too stunned to do or even say anything else. She was really here. This isn't a dream.
"Sorry for making you wait, I thought it'd be nice to get you a little something or whatever." She gestured to the bouquet of flowers which I've just only noticed.
I glanced at the flowers then back at her. Her willowy figure. Her black hair, now illuminated by the street light. Her jacket that I would so often steal before we ended up in this mess. Her lips. Her face. Her eyes. Her dark eyes which were now staring directly into mine, daring me to make the first move as I once did so many months ago when we kissed for the first time. All of her. It really was Mona. My Mona. And, wow, was she breathtaking.
Suddenly overwhelmed with emotions, I ran and jumped into her arms as my sight became blurry with tears.
"Woah, there!" Mona dropped the flowers in time to catch me. My arms were tightly secure around her neck and my legs wrapped around her waist, hanging on to dear life. I was. I buried my face in the crook of her neck and began to sob quietly.
"Well, looks like someone missed me," she stated in that cocky tone of her.
So overcome with emotions, I didn't even bother to reply with a sarcastic or witty response to fight back her arrogance.
"I did. I missed you," I breath out into her neck. I unwrapped my legs from her waist but still trapped her with my arms. Her arms were still around my waist too, not wanting to let go. "So goddamn much."
Hearing the sadness in my voice, she relaxed a bit in my arms and put away her facade and the wall that she has built around herself.
"I missed you too," sincerity and vulnerability dripping from her voice. "You have no idea how many times I wanted to walk up to your front door and throw all caution in the wind just to see you again."
My heart slammed against my chest at her confession. I pulled back and stared into her eyes only to be met with honesty and grief. I pulled her head to mine and kissed her with as much passion and emotion as I could. I could taste the tears dripping down my cheek, a reminder of the how bittersweet this moment will be when I look back at it.
But for right now, I was thrilled. So thrilled, it was dizzying. I pulled away from her lips with a small giggle, unable to help myself.
"Something funny?" She crooked a brow with a small smile on her beautiful face.
"Just happy to see you," I grinned. "Also, flowers and the place we had our first date and a rendezvous point? When did you become such a romantic?"
"Romantic? Is that what you call it?" she questioned with a playful smile. "I'm just trying to see how long it'll take to get you in bed again."
I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop myself from smiling at her comment. "You can lie all you want, I know you're a huge softly on the inside."
"Agree to disagree, gorgeous," she hummed.
Hearing her nickname for me made my heart swell with happiness. I leaned up and kissed her once again, not wanting this moment to ever end.
She kissed down to my jaw and eventually my neck. I let out a tiny whimper and my hands found their into her hair, tugging on it slightly.
She kissed her way back up to my lips and kissed me with so much intensity, I felt breathless.
Before long, she pulled away and rested her forehead against mine. Both of us catching our breaths back.
"As much as I would love to stay with you here, I actually have another destination in mind," Mona admitted.
"Well then, just lead the way."
We walked to her car, arms around each other. When we got there, she walked over to the passengers side and opened the door for me.
"Wow, I could really get used to this," I teased her.
"Don't get used to it, princess," she replied with a small smile but I could hear the sadness in her undertone.
My heart sunk, knowing it was true. God knows when was the next time I get to see her.
"Hey," she began. "I know what you're thinking. Please, don't. Just enjoy the night."
I nodded. She was right.
"Alright, so let's make the most out of it," I smiled at her as I sat in the passengers seat.
The journey didn't take long but the whole time, Mona held my hand in hers. Her grip firm yet comforting, letting me know she wouldn't let go if she had the choice.
"Okay, princess, we're here."
She insisted on closing my eyes until we actually reached her surprise for me. With a bit of tickling and struggling, I finally gave in. While both of giggled and laughed with Mona's hand around my eyes, we made our way into what I assumed was a small hut or a cabin. I could tell from the squeaky wooden planks as we walked up to the porch and the sound of a door unlocking.
"You can open your eyes now," Mona chided with a smile.
Mona lifted her hands and I was greeted with a pleasant surprise. I was right, we were in a cabin. But it wasn't run down and dingy like what the creaky floor suggested. It was beautiful.
Fairy lights hung from the ceiling and ran down the walls. Bouquets of flowers were in random corners and rose petals were scattered everywhere. Scented candles lit up the room in a soft glow and fragranced the place with a faint smell of lavender. The same scent that was present the first night we spent together. I blushed at the memory.
On one wall of the room, I spotted a table with snacks on it. Above it, a banner with colourful balloons at its side.
PROM, the banner read.
Oh, wow!
"Mona," I said breathlessly.
"Is this... too much?" she questioned, unsure. "I understand if it is, but I thought it'd be nice since your prom was ruined by the Brotherhood and I wanted to make it up to you and-"
I cut her off with a passionate kiss, pouring all me feelings into it.
"Well," she said with a smirk, gaining her confidence back. "You're welcome."
I grinned, shaking me head. "You're too much."
"But you love me anyway."
I do.
She walked over to a radio that was sitting a stool. She played some music and made her way back to me.
"Care for a dance, gorgeous?" She stretched out her hand, offering it to me. I placed my hand in her palm and she brought it up to kiss my knuckles.
"You're such a dork, you big softie," I giggled at her gesture, my cheeks turning red.
"Am not!" She scoffed.
She brought my arms over her shoulder as she held my waist. A familiar song began to play as we swayed to the rhythm.
I am the only traveler, Who has not repaid his debt.
Not long after, my head was on her shoulder while her cheek was resting against my hair, breathing in the scent of my shampoo.
I've been searching for a trail to follow again, Take me back to the night we met.
"Do you remember when we first met?" I asked her.
"How could I not?"
I had all and then most of you, Some and now none of you.
"I always thought you were cute. But I never knew you'd mean so much more."
Take me back to the night we met.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
I don't know what I'm suppose to do, Haunted by the ghost of you.
"How am I suppose to bear all of this when the night is over?" I whispered into her neck, tears forming in my eyes.
"I don't know." She said truthfully. "But we'll figure that out in the morning. Let's enjoy each other now."
Oh, take me back to the night we met.
We held on tighter to each other, our hearts beating against each other. With each other.
When the night was full of terrors, And your eyes were filled with tears.
"I was so scared I was gonna lose you that night," Mona said. "I hope you know I'm sorry for going against you and the crew. But I want you to know I'd do it all again if it meant keeping you safe."
I smiled sadly at her statement.
"I was scared I was gonna lose you too." I placed my hand over her midriff. The exact place where the bullet pierced through her skin.
When you had not touch me yet, Oh, take me back to the night we met.
I pulled back a little and looked into her eyes. Her dark eyes bore right back into mine.
"I love you. So, so much."
Her eyes glistened in the candle light. "I love you too. Don't you dare forget it."
We kissed. That kiss was nothing like I've ever experienced before. Giving her my all, and she giving me hers. It was fireworks and roller coaster but longing and regret. It was butterflies and melancholy. It was everything. It was a mess.
I had all and then most of you, Some and now none of you.
Our kiss became more heated as we slowly stumbled our way to the bed which was also covered in rose petals.
She gently pushed me into the bed and fell on top of me. Lips, hands and body, all clashing in a frenzy. Fingertips caressing one another.
Mona's fingers found their way under my shirt. She looked up at me, asking me if this was okay.
"Take me," I spoke breathlessly. "I'm all yours. Always. Especially tonight."
Take me back to the night we met.
She nodded and proceeded to remove every article of fabric from my body. I returned the favour and she took me to heaven and back.
"I love you," was the last thing I mumbled before falling asleep in her arms.
I don't know what I'm suppose to do, Haunted by the ghost of you.
I woke up to an empty bed and a note in Mona's place.
Morning gorgeous,
I'm sorry for leaving you so soon. I'll be back to you before you know it. I promise. Also, I love you too.
Yours, Mona.
Unable to help myself, I felt tears in my eyes and I lost it. I sobbed as I clutched the note to my chest.
Take me back to the night we met...
(More fics!)
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harrisongslimited · 5 years
An Impossible Task - John Wick Fanfic
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A/N - Welcome to the slow burn portion of our show. This was so much fun to write. I hope you are enjoying it because I’m having a great time writing it!
T/W - swearing, drinking, sexuality
Chapter 5
John offered to drive her car into the city and Cassie agreed. She really disliked going into the city -- the noise, the traffic, the people – she just wasn’t used to it. John wanted to drive so it would give him something else to concentrate on.  He couldn’t get Cassie out of his thoughts; it was like a song playing over and over in his head. Part of him understood. Cassie was an attractive woman with a delicate sensuality that intrigued him. Yet part of him felt like he was betraying Helen, even though the note she left him said he should find “someone to love”. But how could he get into a relationship with Cassie? With anyone, really. Cassie didn’t know about him. She didn’t know what he did and he didn’t want her to. She had probably saved his life and now he owed her. Owed her as if she had his marker.
Cassie’s cell phone went off when they were about 10 minutes away from the hotel. She answered it with a sigh and said, “Hello?”
“Cassie? It’s Deloris. Where are you?” she asked urgently.
“Hi Deloris, what’s up? Are you okay?”
“The police were here looking for you. They asked if I’d seen you so I told them I saw you and your brother yesterday. They need to talk to you. They said it’s important.”
“Okay Deloris. Don’t worry. Everything is fine,” Cassie reassured her. “I’ll call them.”
“It’s Braxton PD.”
“Thank you so much Deloris. Please don’t worry. It’s nothing to worry about, okay? You take care and I’ll talk to you later.”  
Cassie hung up with Deloris and then told John what she had said. “Are the police after you?”
“No,” he answered.
“How did you end up at Braxton Memorial?”
John shook his head. “I don’t know.”
“Somebody is after you then, right?”
“I don’t know,” he said.
“Do you really not know or are you just not telling me?”
John looked at her. “I really don’t know.”
 After the valet took the car, John and Cassie, together with the dog, walked into downtown Manhattan’s Continental Hotel and went directly to the front desk. The concierge greeted John warmly. “Mr. Wick, nice to see you again. You’ll be staying with us…?”
“…An indefinite amount of time,” John answered, evenly. Cassie watched as John passed him a gold coin in a very precise manner. She thought it odd, but shrugged her shoulders.
“Very well. Do you need help with any baggage?”
“No. But do you still have the bag I left here last time?”
“Of course. I will have it sent up to your room. It is room number 405.”
John turned to Cassie. “Cassie this is Charon. Charon, Cassie.”
Charon bowed slightly to Cassie. “Cassie,” he said.
“Nice to meet you, Charon,” Cassie responded.
“Will you be taking the dog with you, sir, or would you like me to take care of him?”
“If you could take care of him, I’d appreciate it.”
“No problem, sir,” Charon answered.
“Thank you,” John said and turned to leave. He told the dog to stay and he obeyed perfectly.
Cassie wondered what kind of hotel this was. A long term residence type of hotel? It seemed very high class with oak paneling on the walls and almost antique fixtures.There was a light gold hue over the entire hotel.
John escorted Cassie to the lounge and ordered a glass of red wine for her. Again, Cassie watched as a gold coin was passed to the bartender.
Cassie rolled ideas around in her mind. “Was this a token kind of system for members maybe? Was it a different type of currency she didn’t know about?”
“I’ll be right back,” John said, breaking her concentration. “Just make yourself comfortable.”
Cassie thanked him and watched as he walked away. She looked around at her surroundings and immediately felt like a sore thumb. Everyone, men and women alike, were dressed in business suits and Cassie was in jeans and a sweater, with a winter jacket by her side. This was obviously some kind of executive hotel.  The server brought her the glass of wine and she gratefully took a sip, the liquid warming her as it went down her throat.
 As John walked away from her, his thoughts centered on the red sweater Cassie was wearing that curved around her figure so perfectly and those jeans that form fit around her lovely hips and thighs. He closed his eyes momentarily to shut out the image of her, but it simply wouldn’t go away. That hand running down his forehead and into his hair. The pure scent of her. The pitch of her voice. The risk she took helping him get out of the hospital, going on sheer, blind faith.
Was he being given a second chance? John knew he didn’t even deserve a first chance. That chance with Helen. But now was he being given another shot at a normal life? A normal life in the face of everything he had gone through? Was he being given a chance to choose…between retirement or a permanent ticket to serve the high table, between finding out how he ended up at the exit of Braxton Community Medical Center half dead or letting it go and leaving the service? But what had they told him? No one gets out and comes back in expecting to leave again. It just didn’t work that way.
But Cassie. How did Cassie fit in all this? John wanted her…he felt the want way down in his soul. But he also knew he continued to mourn Helen. How did he justify that?
Cassie took another sip of wine and thought about what she was going to do about the police at her front door. Was John going to throw her out in the lake and see if she could swim or was he going to put her in the boat? Well, at the very least, she was alive. John hadn’t killed her in the middle of the night, which was a good thing, she laughed to herself. But what could the police possibly want with her…or was it John they wanted? Was he a missing person or a wanted man?
Her little voice said neither, but it didn’t take her any further than that. He was mixed up in some stupid shit, that she knew, but it didn’t diminish her wild thoughts about him. His strong, muscular arms wrapping around her body, the feel of his powerful chest pressed against hers, sweeping that long, black hair out of his face, those thick, athletic thighs between her own, and those full lips coming down to meet hers.
Cassie shifted in her chair and looked around as if someone could read her thoughts. She never fantasized about a patient that way. Never. And she had taken care of some very handsome, charismatic men. So what made John Wick different?
Pheromones. Fairies brought the pheromones and bewitched her. That was it, she laughed to herself.  Some kind of magical invisible mist that made her want him. Made her care about him. She had no other explanation and that would have to do for now.
Buried in fantasy land, she didn’t see John approach her. Cassie looked up when she heard him order a bourbon from the server and sat down across from her. He was dressed in a dark charcoal suit with a black turtleneck sweater and Cassie’s breath caught in her throat. His black hair was combed back and around his ears. Cassie stomped on her own foot and bit her lip.
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” she exclaimed to herself, finally closing her mouth after it dropped open.
 “Thank you very much for dinner but I had better get going home,” Cassie told him as they finished eating at the Continental’s restaurant. “I’ve got a 90 minute drive in front of me, Deloris and the police to deal with. But before I go, let me check your wounds. I want to make sure there’s no infection and that they are healing well.”
“Fine, but I’m going to go back with you to straighten this out with the police,” John said.
“That’s not necessary, John.”
“Yes it is,” he answered, standing up from the table. “I’m not going to let you drown on my behalf. I’m sure it’ll be fixed quickly. It’s probably just a case of clearing the report Edwin Baker made about a man with no ID.”
“But John, you told Edwin your name. Why would the police still be interested in this?”
They stood from the table and once again Cassie felt self-conscious in her jeans and sweater. It seemed to  her that every guest there was on a mission. They all walked with purpose. No one was slacking, and no one seemed to know anyone else. For the number of people in the hotel, it was exceptionally quiet and anonymous.
“I don’t know,” John finally answered her. “I don’t know why they would still be interested in this.”
When Cassie rounded the table, John touched her elbow to lead her to the elevator. When he touched her, she felt a storm break out in her body. Her blood pressure sky-rocketed, her brain became foggy and her knees wanted to fold. In response, she tripped over the carpeting and falling backwards, landed in John’s arms.
Horrified, she looked up to see soft, milk chocolate eyes shining down at her and lips curled up into a slight smile.
“One,” she said holding up her index finger. “may I remind you. One glass of wine. I’m clearly as clumsy stone straight as I would be drunk.”
John laughed and holding her by the waist, leaned her back up to her feet. He held on a second longer than he needed to and her hair brushed the side of his face. A light, fruity scent floated to him from her shampoo and closing his eyes, he took a deep breath.
John felt intoxicated with the feel of her in his arms -- it nearly overwhelmed him. It had been so long, so long since he held Helen and made love to her. Could he even think Cassie might want him? He stood close to her as the elevator door closed and he pushed number 4.  Thoughts of Cassie wanting him, loving him, flooded his mind and body so strongly, he almost couldn’t control it. It felt like he had no control over his own body, over the automatic reaction to her closeness, to the smell of her shampoo, to the thoughts of her lazily running a tender hand through his hair, to wondering what she would be like with her naked body underneath his. John swallowed hard as he felt growing feelings in his pants.
Cassie turned to look at him and smiled when he took her elbow to lead her out of the elevator and down to his room.  She had no idea what she was doing to him. No idea.
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Hoping for Home~ Ch. 3- Coming Home
Summary: Sixteen years ago Libby Scott was supposed to become Queen of Cordonia, but Fate had other plans. Catch up here (ya know ya wanna).
Song for this chapter: “Coming Home” by Gwyneth Paltrow
Disclaimer: I don’t own the TRR characters, they own me
Tags: @fullbeaumonty @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley @leelee10898 @ao719 @hopefulmoonobject @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @choiceswreckedme @indiacater @noey718-blog @carabeth @daniv2278 @cosigottahavefaith  @gibbles82  @innerpostmentality @blackcoffee85 @perfectprofessorherokid  @darley1101 @jovialyouthmusic @liamxs-world @thequeenofcronuts @blznbaby @stopforamoment @zilch3382 @wannabemc2 @jlouise88
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   Two days had passed since Libby's impromptu dinner with Drake, and they had been some of the hardest of her life. There had been so much talking. She talked with the twins about her past answering any and all questions they had.
   Will hadn't had many, except he wanted to know the names of his potential fathers. Libby had found him asleep at his computer desk later, articles about Maxwell and Liam and anything Cordonia-related splashed across his screen.
  Emma had been much more receptive, hungrily taking in the story of how she and her brother had come to be. “It sounds like a fairy tale. King's and assassins and, Mom, you're a Duchess! It's so exciting.” Emma had mused, and Libby didn't have the heart to tell her life in Cordonia was anything but a fairy tale.
    Drake and McKenzie had been back to her house on both days. She and Drake had talked about any and everything under the sun that didn't involve their shared past.  She complained about the harder parts of business ownership and he'd told her all about working on his mother's family ranch.
    Last night he'd come bearing a bottle of single malt whiskey and the throbbing in her head reminded her that they had indeed finished it.  
  As she made her way into the living room, headed for the kitchen, she found the pull out couch she'd made up for Mack and Drake had been put away. The linens and pillows we're folded and neatly stacked on the armchair and McKenzie smiled from her seat on the couch watching TV.
    Libby followed the smell of fresh brewed coffee and pancakes to find Drake over the stove wearing her brown and tan fox apron as he scrambled some eggs.
   “Who are you?” She asked him.
   He wiped his hands on the apron and poured her a cup of coffee which she accepted, walking past him to the fridge in search of cream.
    “It's me and Mack's last day here, so I wanted to thank you for sharing your home with us the past couple of days.” He said simply.
   Libby swiped a piece of bacon from the stack next to the stove when something caught her eye on the fridge. A cheap magnetic “grocery list” pad hung on the door and she noticed Drake had scrawled 'eggs, bacon, orange juice’ at the top. At the bottom he'd written three phone numbers. He noticed her confusion so he piped up, “The top one is mine. Then Liam's. Maxwell's is at the bottom. Just in case.”
    After breakfast Libby tore off the page that hung on the fridge. Drake refused to let her help him and Mack wash the dishes so she excused herself, taking her coffee with her to sit on the back porch.
     Her hands flew over her phone as she punched in the last number on the paper. It rang twice and then there was an answer.
   Libby froze her heart pounding so hard in her chest she thought her ribs may break.
    “Hello? Is somebody there?”
   Her head was spinning as she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.
  “Okay I'm hanging up now. Have a nice evening.”
   Libby panicked. “M-Maxwell? Maxwell Beaumont?” She squeaked.
   She heard his familiar chuckle through the phone. “You're speaking to him. May I ask who's calling?”
   Her eyes went wide. What was she supposed to say?
   “Sorry I didn't mean to bother you. I-I just..” she stammered but he interrupted her.
   “Libby? Is that you?” he sounded mystified.
   “How did you get this number? Hello? Libby?”
    In all of her life she had never smashed the end call button so fast.
     Chest heaving and eyes as wide as sand dollars she gulped her coffee, kicking herself for even attempting that call. She peered inside her French doors to see Drake was still washing dishes, so she picked up her phone and made another call.
   “Libby! I'm so happy to hear from you! How're the twins?” Hana’s bright voice answered.
   “They're great. How's Abel? How're you?”
   “Everything is fantastic here, Abel and me included.”
   “Good...guess what I'm looking at right now.” Libby laughed.
   “Um...a coffee mug?”
   Libby could visualize Hana checking her wristwatch, noting the early hours in the States.
   “Drake Walker. Washing my dishes.”
   “OHMIGAWD! Libby, I didn't say a word! How did he find you?”
  “Relax, Hana. It was total coincidence. But seeing him again has made me think… the twins are turning 16 in 6 weeks. It's Cordonian custom to introduce noble heirs to court before their 16th birthday right?”
  “Spot on, Lib.” She was quiet a few moments before she continued. “Are you sure about this?”
  “I'm not sure about anything anymore, to be honest. Seeing Walker has really messed things up around here,but the twins want to know. Can you pull off a ball in 6 weeks time?”
  “Consider it planned, Duchess.” Hana giggled. “I can't wait to see you. Um, but do you want me to invite-?”
  “The King and Queen, of course. The Duke and Duchess of Ramsford. And it's Lord. The whole court, Hana. I'm prepared to face them.” Libby lied.
Ramsford, Cordonia - present day
     Maxwell stared down at his phone, heart slamming against his ribs. His first thought had been to immediately dial the number back. If it really was Libby she likely wouldn't answer anyway. He had played this game with her before, and although he was persistent, in the end he'd conceded.
    He frowned at his glass of red wine, suddenly feeling like tonight this just wasn't going to be strong enough. He plucked a bottle of bourbon from his bar cart pouring himself a few fingers worth, sipping it slowly as his mind traveled to thoughts of Libby Scott.
Ramsford, Cordonia 16 years ago
        “...your quickstep is a little…” Maxwell started.
   “Slow. Again.” Bertrand commanded and Libby and Maxwell once more got into the starting position.
   Not that he needed to be told to wrap his arms around her. He was more than happy to dance with her as many times as his brother saw fit.
  Everything about Libby Scott was intoxicating-Her laugh, her shampoo, the way the ballroom lights twinkled in her eyes- and Maxwell was suiting up for a hangover he may never recover from.
  She'd stolen his heart right away, on that first night in New York. In the beginning he had thought it was only a school boy crush, but all the time they'd spent together during the social season had solidified something within him, and now he couldn't get enough.
   He found himself becoming less and less willing to share her, hoarding every second they could possibly be together. He was even starting to resent Bertrand for hanging around so much, although the two of them were training her in all manner of courtly etiquette.
   Bertrand's phone rang as Maxwell and Libby spun.
  “I have to take this, but don't stop dancing. Lady Scott must be in perfect form by the time the engagement tour begins.”
   As soon as his brother was gone, Maxwell pulled her closer, much closer than was appropriate for a courtly dance.
   “I thought he would never leave.” He whispered in her ear, earning himself a small laugh from his beloved. She twisted her face to meet his, their lips and noses brushing as she spoke.
  “And what will you do with me, Lord Beaumont, now that our babysitter is gone?”
  He smirked and pressed his lips to hers, savoring the taste.
  Her actions begged to deepen the kiss, and he parted his mouth to oblige, their tongues rolling together in a frenzy.
  No longer were they twirling, they were simply standing in the near center of the ballroom with their bodies clasped so closely together that Maxwell couldn't tell where he ended and Libby began. The rest of the world melted away as he tangled his long slender fingers through her fiery hair. Time seemed to stand still in that moment, until the sound of someone loudly clearing their throat dragged Maxwell back to reality.
   The couple parted with a loud *smack,* whirling around to find Bertrand looking somewhere between angry and appalled.
   He squared his shoulders and adjusted his blazer sleeves. “Lady Libby, I believe that's enough practice for right now. I'd like to have a moment alone with my little brother, please.”
   En route to Cordonia - Present day
    Will tapped Emma's shoulder as he slouched down in his seat. She pulled her earbuds out and quirked a brow at him.
  “What do you think they're gonna be like?” he asked, fiddling with his fingers, his voice barely above a whisper. Emma snuggled down into her chair, now level with her twin.
   “Well you read all about them. You tell me.”
    Will fingered his shoelace, twirling it between his fingers. After a few moments he replied, “I think that King Liam is pragmatic. I like a lot of the equality policies he's put into place since he became king. The general consensus throughout Cordonia seems to be that he's a wise and fair king.
   Lord Beaumont finished fourth in his class at Cordonia University. He speaks seven languages and he has a Master's degree in political science. A minor in accounting. So he seems intelligent. I found a few articles about him in Trend Magazine back around the time we were born. He's been married twice. There were rumors that he was a drunk and a party guy.” Will shrugged.
   “It sounds like we'd be lucky to have either man be our dad.” Emma told him. “But they're still just articles. The authors likely don't know Lord Beaumont or the King personally. We should be open to giving them both a chance when we meet them.”
   Will sighed heavily, his head lolling to the side as he peered out window.
  “I don't mean to be rude, but you know I have met both the King and Lord Beaumont. Liam is my godfather and Max is my uncle. A lot of what you read on click it and in Trend or wherever else is bullshit.” McKenzie said.
   Will whipped his head in her direction as Emma giggled.
  “Well then, tell us what they're really like.” The blonde girl prompted.
    McKenzie picked at a loose thread in the hole on her jeans.
   “The King is….he has a boyish charm. Everyone adores him. He's fiercely determined and very guarded. I don't mean physically, but his emotions. Even when he's sad he still smiles.
    Uncle Max is seriously the funniest guy in the world. He's constantly like, making silly faces and telling bad jokes, or dancing to music that isn't there. But he's also very serious. Like two sides of a coin. And when you talk to him, he actually hears you. Like he isn't just waiting for his turn to talk ya know?”
   Will stared at her a moment.
   “I just wanna know, ya know? Like who are we? Where did we come from? Why did Mom keep this secret for so long? Last week I barely knew Cordonia was a place and now, I might be the crown prince. You might be the princess. Our mom is a freaking Duchess?” He shook his head. “I'm so pissed off at her.”
   He slammed his knuckles into the armrest causing his sister to jump.
  “Hey. It's okay. I'll be with you the whole time. I won't let my dad take me Away. And Emma will be there too, so you won't ever be alone.” McKenzie told him reaching over Emma to place a hand on Will's thigh.
   He smiled at her. “Thanks. I'm thankful for that.”
   “And Abel. I can't wait to see him.” Emma gushed referring to Hana's son. He and Hana had visited the twins and Libby every summer and Emma had always been particularly close to Abel.
  Will rolled his eyes. “Of course you're excited to see him. You totally have a  crush on Mr-Im-perfect-at-everything.”
  “Hush! All he's ever tried to be is your friend, Will. It's not his fault he beats you at every game.” Emma scolded as her brother mumbled under his breath.
  Libby peered over the back of her seat at her twins.
  “Hey guys look out the window. We're about to fly over Cordonia. They view is breathtaking. It's always been my favorite part of flying in.” She told them.
   Emma lunged across her brother's lap plastering her face against the window. Will reluctantly peeked out too as Libby and McKenzie grinned.
   The waters surrounding Cordonia were pristine and the perfect shade of inviting blue.
   “Wooooooow. It's like something from a storybook. Isn't it beautiful, Will?!” Emma squealed.
   Her brother scoffed, “it's something alright.”
   Libby eyed her son. Although she could tell he was impressed she allowed him to continue to brood. She wished for the millionth time that she knew how to reach him.
  “Can we see Valtoria from here?”he asked.
  Libby shook her head. “Unfortunately it's too far from the airport. But we'll be there soon enough. You're going to love it in particular, Will. Valtoria is heavily wooded, perfect for camping. And there's an outdoor fun park, complete with it's very own paintball field right on the estate grounds.”
   For the first time in days Will actually smiled as he turned from the window to face his mother.
   “Cool.” He commented.
   Emma sat back in her seat as the pilot announced their descent. “Well I can't wait to see it, Mom. Or Aunt Hana, Uncle Mark, and Abel. We've never been to their house before.”
   “Actually,” McKenzie said. “Although they have their own holdings in Whipstaff, a county within Valtoria, Aunt Hana and Uncle Mark live in your house. The estate at Valtoria belongs to the Duchess.”
    The blonde girl smiled as she buckled her seat belt, gripping each armrest. “Even better.”
Cordonian Capital- present day
    Liam snapped his head up from his desk as his wife entered his study, her heels clicking across the marble floors as she marched straight up to his desk. His first instinct told him she was angry, but as she slammed an elegant piece of heavy card stock down on the mahogany surface he caught a wry grin forming at the edges of her lips.
   “Hello, Darling. What have we here?” He asked sliding the paper from under her polished nails.
   “An invitation that you are going to be very interested in seeing.” She remarked, clicking her tongue.
  Liam read over the document three times before he finally looked up at Olivia whose arms were now neatly folded over her chest. “Heirs..?” he said aloud. “There are two of them?”
   The queen nodded. “Apparently so. She sure did take her sweet time starting a family though. And why haven't we heard about a husband? Or hell, even a wife?”
   He tossed the paper on his desk. “I have a summit meeting in Italy the next morning. I don't think we will be able to make it.”
   He removed his glasses, tossing them aside as well.
    “Liam, as your wife I'm telling you that you had better find a way to reschedule that meeting. But as your friend, I'm telling you that if you don't reschedule it I will kill you and make it look like an accident.” A wide smile plastered itself on Olivia's face as Liam chuckled.
   “Ah, Liv. I thought I smelled a hint of treason in the room.”
   “You never really know with me, dear. I think that’s what keeps things interesting.” she sat on the edge of the desk, smoothing her dress over her knees.
  “We have to be there, Liam. I really want to see Libby, and I’ll be damned if I’m going alone.”
   Liam laced his fingers behind his head and leaned back in his chair.
   “I’ll do my best, Darling.” he told her.
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Flower crown, fairy lights, daisies, 1975, pantone, moodboard, stars, plants, converse, lace, sunrise, overalls, combat boots, winged eyeliner, pastel, tattoos, piercings, messy bun, cry baby, grunge, old books, beaches, 11:11, painting, thunder, storms, love, clouds, coffee, marble (sorry I just can't restrain myself ahahaha)
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
This morning while I was packing my things? I seriously can’t restrain myself, even when my voice was completely broken I sang a bit :3
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
Too many things... Maybe I’d want to know it make it through my studies or if I can achieve my dreams to become a writer and to open my own bookshop ? Or maybe i’ll just ask it if my beloved cat if happy where he is now, or if I could have done something more to help before he died...
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
Hum..... Being alive I guess? Though I ca’t really say I’m in good health but at least I’m here, happy and alive with my friends and my family?
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
Two days ago, I went shopping with my mom. It had been a very long time since I went with her. It made me very happy to do that with her. (since I live in a different city I usually go with my friends, @le-rire-des-etoiles I’ll always remember when you shut the curtain closed while saing “HIDE” xD It was so true !!!
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
Wow I’ve got like 4 ppl that came up to my mind rn... Which one should I chose :3 I’ll start with the first one that appeared to me. She has long brown hairs (she’ll never do anything to them I tried to convince her to die them in green for a night with a perfectly nice hair coloring which didn’t last more that one shampoo but I’m still trying xD). She has some rectangular glasses because she doesn’t see very well with her brown eyes. She’s kinda small (smaller than me and I consider myself as a Hobbit xD), but as we say, everything small is cute! She’s very energic, she works in a school with some small children. She’s passionate about everything she does, which goes from friends, to work, parties and family. She’s a veeeery bad loser when we play (she can throw the cards at your face when we play Uno xD very funny actually) and we don’t always agree but it’s always nice because we can talk about almost everything without going into a big fight. But still, when she has an opinion, it’s almost impossible to make her changer her mind or even accept you have a different opinion, but it’s almost always on un-important subjects so it’s not a big deal. She’s very friendly and a very good cook too, even if shes kinda desperate that I can’t really make decisions, and I really love her.
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
Yep, it was hard sometimes, but when I consider my friends childhoods, I definitly have a happy one.
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
Last night? We were watching a singing contest at the TV and we tarted crying like babies in front of one man... Still, amazing moment.
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
@snarky-goldfish, @le-rire-des-etoiles and another friend who’s not on tumblr (Xao) because I can’t do that without all of them. They’re the best bunch of friends I’ve ever had and stargazing without all three of them wouldn’t be as fun as it would be with the three of them. @snarky-goldfish would go for the sarcastic or the sexual inuendues, @le-rire-des-etoiles would roll her eyes but go for it with a bunch of fun facts about it, and Xao and I would just listen and laugh while thinking about very sexual things that don’t belong there because we have a dirty mind xD
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
I had once, and we became friends xD But that’s not a thing I normally do, I guess it just depend of the feeling I have with this person?
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
It was like two weeks ago I think ? I was sick AF and so was my best friends so we start chitchatting instead of sleeping because we’re fucked up like that xD
sunrise:pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
“Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.” Troye Sivan.
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
Go in vacation and fuck this world I guess? XD
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
I am, I don’t know how to keep a grudge against someone for a long time. But I learned to be less forgiving or at least, even if I can forgive I never forget. But being always angry about someone is exhausting and I have better things to do.
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
Hum.... Let’s pass this one darling because I’ve already wrote a novel with the answers and I still have like the half to go xD But I can do that in another post :P
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
OMG definitely punk xD I love pastels too, but I’m more like punk and colors everywhere (even if they don’t belong together).
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.
I love tatoos, I’d love to get one but I’m afraid of needles xD And I’m not against piercings even if I won’t have it, It’s leaves marks and I have already enough of them.
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
Not a lot of but I do wear make up. I like to cover my scars, I’m quite insecure about them.
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
But in times of crisis, the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers.
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
OMG that’s gonna be a long one... Let’s begin : Sting (in which he reformed The Police, it was fucking amazing), Tokio Hotel, twice (I loved them and it was some very good concerts), Katy PErry (She was very nice actually), Silbermond (in some ancients roman ruins, I loved it), Tiger Lilies (freak show, scary but amazing), Queen, the Musical (not FReddy Mercury but still great), Within Temptation, twice too (first one was beautiful, the second much less because they wanted us to be seated like WTF), Tarja Turunen (I’m still crying because it was beautiful, and the drummer was amazing), Nightwish, three times (I WANNA GO AGAIN !!!!), Nickelback (I was in the first raw thanks to a friend, it was amazing!!!). Imagine Dragons (Loved it even if I drank a bit too much vodka), Robin des Bois (Loved it and cried a bit), The Script (Still there, once of the most beautiful ones), and I’m going to see Fall Out Boy next week :D
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
I really don’t know...
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?
I saw a porno for the first time when I was 10 and it actually really trauamtized me.
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
Purple/pink because I already tried all the natural colors and I like the purple best :P
11:11:name three wishes and why you wish for them.
Well, it’s said that if we talk about our whishes they don’t come true... So i’ll better stay quiet ;)
painting:what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
Hum..... Two years ago, a friend of mine tried to put make up on me so I would look like the black swann in the Black Swan movie... I ended up as the Joker and it was faaaaar more fun !
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
Kill or abuse someone.
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
Never give up on your dreams from Two Steps From Hell because it’s freaking inspiring and also it doesn’t have lyrics so I won’t grow tired of the voice or anything... But for the one person I’ll end up with the rest of my life... I can’t choose. Normally I would have said my cat but since he’s not here anymore.... I really don’t know ^^
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.
Yes I have. It’s like having a bunch of butterflies in the stomach... I didn’t really understood what was happening to me and the next thing I knew was that I was always smiling and feeling happy. I blushed a lot too but it’s kinda normal for me xD I don’t reallly know what it felt when I realised it, I was just really happy and I wanted to share my happiness too. It wa like seeing the sun everyday even if it was raining. It was the first time I was in love so yeah... it sounds a bit childish ^^
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
Fuck yeah I’m a girl and I’ve gone with realy short hair in which I put some hair gel for years ! Even if I’m strating to let them grow now (the last one was too short, they were like 5mms long at the back... too short), I’ll always like short hair :D
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
Well given that I don’t like coffee, I’ll say they’re iced green tea... But It’s trust @snarky-goldfish and @le-rire-des-etoiles to order me something because they know me by heart and they’ll go for something I wouldn’t have even try (and mostly liked) without them.
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
Writing. I’m fed up with my studies and I really need a way to clear my mind and not t explode. So writing it is ! Because I’ll always like it more than sports xD
So here you go Sweetheart @roxas-j-frost ! There was a hell lot of questions but I’ve managed to answer them all !! Yeepee !!! I really had fun with that and I hope you’ll like my answers !!!
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Shipmas Drabble || 𝓢𝓵𝒆𝓲𝓰𝓱 ℬ𝒆𝓵𝓵𝓼 ♡
Prompt: Sleigh Bells (Shipmas Challenge) Ship: Wine Laced Kisses (Reese x Quinn) Accompanying Art
The holidays were, for all their silver linings and excuses to be close to your loved ones, already kind of exhausting for everyone’s favorite YouTubers. Between fretting over the likely possibility of having to speak with family, trying to swallow down depression or anxiety for the sake of projecting holiday cheer, not entirely understanding the concept of something so happy and festive in the first place... the list went on, altered slightly for each and every member of their little family. The whole ordeal was a touch overwhelming, despite when it was cheerful and enjoyable, but more than that, it left the ‘parent’ of the group even more fretful than usual.
Such thoughts fluttered through said-figment’s mind as they relaxed on the apartment’s sofa, one fishnet-covered leg crossed over the other. One arm was propped up to hold their wine glass, and the other was gently sprawled across their girlfriend’s shoulders, gloved fingers toying with a stray strand of brunette hair. Quinn had recently found a holiday-themed CD at the thrift store during one of the pair’s various shopping escapades, and while quite a few of the songs had been religious and.. quietly ignored (their host pushed to the background of their shared mind where they wouldn’t have to hear any of that nonsense), Reese wasn’t that bitter about it. After all, the cheer filled tunes were, while vaguely inappropriate once you got into their host’s backstory, well-intentioned and harmless. 
And so, those were easily ignored in favor of sipping red wine and cuddling on the sofa, thoughts wandering aimlessly over the varying things that they needed to double-check and keep in mind during the festive season. Once in a while, Reese got kind of bitter over being the person that held their family together, but in moments like this, they honestly had to remember that it wasn’t a task they did alone - even when it felt that way. After all, Vincent was going to be buzzing around just as much as they were, making sure that everyone else was happy despite his own problems. The boy’s figment, and one of Reese’s best friends, would be doing something similar - granted, Glitch was quieter about fretting and stuck mostly to the shadows when he did it, and one could argue the motives all day long, but the fact stood that no matter how much the dark figment hated this particular holiday, he was going to be ‘keeping an eye’ on the group just as much as Reese and his host... They weren’t alone in their worry, not at the end of the day, and that became even more prevalent during this time of year. 
‘ Just hear those sleigh bells jingling,      Ring ting tingling too.           Come on, it's lovely weather,                For a sleigh ride together with you... ’
Overly chipper music abruptly cut off the fretful thoughts, causing the generally-apathetic figment to look up from their wine with a raised eyebrow. They’d been successfully tuning out the various carols from that bloody CD, but there was something about this one - and it wasn’t even religious! - that had cut through every other sound in the room and rattled through their skill nearly as bad as Glitch’s ringing did. 
‘ Outside the snow is falling,      And friends are calling yoo hoo.           Come on, it's lovely weather,                For a sleigh ride together with you... ’
The song continued to play, and a pale nose almost immediately scrunched up with distaste at it. Sure, some of the songs had been irritating, and some of them had required Reese ensure Riley didn’t have to listen (because they insist on not explaining to Quinn that it honestly bugged them..), but this? This was just flat-out annoying.
‘ Giddy yap, giddy yap, giddy yap,      Let's go, let's look at the show,           We're riding in a wonderland of snow... ’
Alright, Reese was finally starting to understand why Glitch hated holiday music so damn much, because this was just awful. They’d always assumed it was due to how cheerful the songs typically were, or perhaps that the hate had formed due to the religious implications as with their host, or... something relevant like that. Now? They were almost certain it was just because, once you really got into those classic carols, they were so annoying that even apathy wanted to give way to fury. 
‘ Giddy yap, giddy yap, gidd yap,      It's grand, just holding your hand.           We're gliding along with a song,               Of a wintry fairy land... ’
Why? Why in the bloody Hell did this song even exist?
‘ Our cheeks are nice and rosy,      And comfy cozy are we.              We're— ’
Violet eyes flashed a far more vivid shade of purple in those moments, and the hand that had been toying with Quinn’s hair dropped the strands in favor of waving careful-but-irritable fingers in the direction of Riley’s old CD-player. And thus, the music abruptly glitched out - a reminder, perhaps, that Reese was almost as capable of such things as the other figments were, despite rarely flashing that ability - and caused the digital bar that read the Track Number to flash a violet shade of purple for just a second or two.
That very brief moment passed, and then the bar returned to normal, the device left unharmed by the supernatural interference, as the song skipped over to the next carol. It would likely be vaguely annoying still, but at least it wasn’t going to drive them mad by the end of it.
                                        “𝙶𝚊𝚑, 𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝.”
The words fell past their lips between a sip of red wine, tone remaining calm and mostly apathetic despite the phrase. After all, Reese wasn’t the type to get loud when they were annoyed anyways, and they did make sure - even when the thought occurred to them - not to raise their voice around Quinn.
                   “ Grating your nerves, sweetie? ”
Her soft question was met with the gentle quirk of a smile, those same fingers returning to twirling a strand of her hair even as trails of half-transparent smoke encircled them from the surge of power. 
                                                      “𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝚝𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑, 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎.”
With that calm reassurance, Reese could feel their girlfriend relaxing into their side once more, briefly nuzzling a black-clad shoulder. In the meantime, they took another sip of wine and waved their other hand dismissively, causing that paranormal smoke to fizzle out and vanish as quickly as it had appeared. 
                    “ No more sleigh bells, then. ”
Chuckling softly, for a second allowing compassion to bleed over into their protective apathy, Reese gave a nod, turning their head to press a kiss to the top of Quinn’s. A gentle sigh, breathing in the scent of her shampoo as it mixed with the alcohol on their lips, and then that gentle voice was entirely in-tact once more.
       “𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙻𝚞𝚌𝚒𝚏𝚎𝚛, 𝚗𝚘 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚜.” 
Reese’s Dialogue (for mobile users)
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