#and then he grabs rikus hands and falls to his knees and later helps hold him up in the realm of darkness
xxxmasterkali · 4 years
Kingdom Sims Pt. 26
MATURE CONTENT for sexual content, nudity, language and violence.
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Kairi: I..I think..I think I’m pregnant.
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Namine: Oh my god. Kairi, are you sure? Did you take a test?
Kairi: I don’t need to. I know it. I can feel it. I’ve missed my period and I’ve been sick for two weeks. What do I do!?
Namine: Did you tell Sora?
Kairi: Oh no, Sora! I didn’t even think about how he’ll react! What do you think he’s gonna say?!
Tears streamed down Kairi’s face.
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Namine pulled Kairi into a hug.
Namine: Kairi, calm down. It’s gonna be alright. No matter what, Sora will always love you and he’ll be there for you. He might get scared but he will always stay by your side.
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Kairi calmed down a little.
Kairi: You’re right Namine. Thank you. Now I just have to figure out how to tell him. I know he won’t abandon me, but I still don’t know how and when to tell him.
Namine: Well you need to tell him so just do your best and keep in mind that he loves you.
Watching Namine and Kairi, down the hall through a mirror, was Bride Hannah. 
Bride Hannah: Pathetic. Stupid little princess and her stupid little hero. I’ll end their lives somehow and I’ll make them watch as I torture the living hell out of them. 
Later on that evening, Kairi found Sora walking through the foyer. 
Sora: Kairi! How has your day been beautiful? You feeling any better? I know you haven’t felt good the last couple of days but it’ll pass.
Kairi looked down at her feet. 
Kairi: Sora..about that....
Suddenly, Kairi was lifted from the air and tossed to the side by an unseen force. Sora reached for her and was about to run after her, but he was tossed against a wall and pinned to it. Then he felt a burning pain on his chest, he looked down to see a huge gash was carved into his chest. He screamed out in pain. They couldn’t see whatever it was that was doing this to them. There was nothing there. They both reached out their hands for each other, screaming the other’s name and Kairi tried to run to him. Bride Hannah suddenly appeared before her and stood between her and Sora.
Hannah: Hello, princess. You ready to watch your stupid boyfriend die?
Kairi: Don’t you dare touch him! You can’t hurt me and I will stop you!
Hannah: You’re right, I can’t hurt you...but...I can hurt that thing growing inside of you.
Sora and Kairi both gasped.
Sora: Kairi! What-what is she talking about!?
Hannah: Oh you didn’t tell him yet? Here, let me show him what I mean.
Hannah waved her hand at Kairi and Kairi clenched her stomach and dropped to her knees. Kairi cried. Sora was still pinned to wall but struggled to break free and tears fell from his eyes too.
Kairi: No...please. Stop! Don’t hurt them! Please, I’m begging you....
Sora: Kairi! Leave her alone!
Hannah: You might have a heart of pure light, but your unborn child has a heart just like it’s father. Made up of light and darkness. 
Sora: GET AWAY FROM HER!!!!!!! STOP!!!!! If you wanna hurt me then hurt me, but don’t hurt her! Don’t hurt either one of them! LEAVE KAIRI AND MY CHILD ALONE!!!!
Sora clenched his fists as hard as he could and flexed his body the most he could. He was finally able to get out and he raced over to Hannah and pushed her. She lost her grasp on Kairi and the baby.
Sora: Kairi! Go now!
Kairi: I’m not leaving you!
Sora: You need to protect our child, please!
Kairi: Sora...I can’t leave you...
Hannah flung Sora back and Kairi watched in terror. Hannah began to approach Sora, but Kairi jumped between them.
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Hannah: You better listen to your boyfriend because if you don’t, you can say goodbye to your baby.
Kairi: You’re just jealous.
Hannah: What did you say to me!?
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Sora stood up and was about to protect Kairi, but he stopped as he could see the light surrounding Kairi and he could see her eyes we shinning with pure light.
Sora: Ha! It’s the light! The power of light!
Kairi: You heard me. You’re jealous of what Sora and I have. We’ve been through hell and back to be with each other for almost a decade, we’ve been fighting. But we love each other so much that we never gave up fighting! You’re jealous of that! That’s why you’ve been targeting us! And I will do everything in my power to protect my family! You stay the hell away from us!
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The light grew bigger and bigger until it finally covered the entire room and Hannah yelled in pain.
Hannah: No! Too much light! It’s burning!
Sora covered his eyes. The light burned Hannah until she turned to ash on the floor. The bright light dissipated and Sora put his hands down to see Kairi falling to the floor. Sora ran for her and caught her before she hit the floor. She was unconscious and Sora knew she was okay. He tried to process everything that just happened. He could handle any sort of danger but what shocked him the most... Sora picked Kairi up and carried her to bed so she could rest. He laid her down and starred at her, and then his eyes traveled to her stomach. He gently laid his hand over her stomach. 
Sora: I can’t even believe...
Sora needed a moment to process it all. Sora walked down the stairs and as he was about to exit the house, Riku opened the front door.
Riku: Hey! Whoa you look like hell! You’re bleeding! What happened!? 
Sora: Oh, I totally forgot about that...
Riku: You forgot you have a huge gash across your chest and dripping blood?! You need to fill me in!
Sora: Well, Kairi defeated Hannah...
Riku: She did!? How?
Sora: Light...She channeled all the power she had and used it to defeat her for good..she was desperate to protect me and...
Riku: Who else? No one else was here with you guys.
Sora: ...Our baby...
Riku: Come again!? Did you say baby? You got her pregnant you numskull!
Riku smacked Sora upside the head. Sora rubbed the back of his head.
Sora: Hey! I didn’t plan it! I’m just as shocked as you are! I just found out!
Riku: How long has she known? 
Sora: I don’t know. I’m trying to think of how and when! We used protection every...oh wait...
Riku: You didn’t!
Sora: The night I proposed to her...we were on the beach, I forgot to bring anything with me and she said it was okay and I was okay with it too.
Riku: Sora, how could you be so careless and stupid!
Sora: I didn’t think about it! It was the heat of the moment, okay! I feel bad enough! I mean I wanted kids with her, eventually but right now..I don’t know if I’m ready to be a dad. And I still haven’t had a chance to talk to her about it so I have no idea how she feels. 
Riku: Sora, I know this is sudden and i definitely think you should’ve been more responsible but aside from all that, I have no doubt in my mind you would be a great dad! You guys will both be great! 
Sora: I just...I need a minute to think about all of this.
Sora walked outside and sat down on the bench. He starred up at the stars and he did this for at least an hour. Just thinking about everything. Sora put his hand down and covered his face. He was scared. Scared he wouldn’t be good enough.
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Suddenly he felt a hand on his back and head on his shoulder, and he could hear someone crying. He popped his head up to see it was Kairi.
Sora: Kairi! Are you okay? 
Kairi: Yes. Are you?
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Sora: Why didn’t you tell me?
Kairi: I was going to but I wasn’t sure how. I was scared. I’m sorry.
Kairi was about to get up but Sora grabbed her wrist.
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Sora: Kairi, don’t go. You can always tell me anything, it doesn’t matter what it is. Don’t ever be scared to tell me anything.
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Kairi: I know I can but-
Sora: No but’s! Please talk to me when you need to. Whenever something is going on or when you feel any type of way, please express that to me. I don’t care what it is. I will always love you no matter what. It’s gonna be okay and we will get through this. I’m scared too. I’m petrified. But together, we can get through anything.
Sora stood up and pulled her up with me. He pulled into a hug and squeezed her tight.
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Kairi cried onto his shoulder.
Kairi: I’m scared though. Do you think we can do it? Will I be a good mom?
Sora: Of course you will. I question if I’ll be a good dad myself, but we’ll help each other.
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Sora rubbed her back and tried to comfort her as she cried.
Sora: Shh...Kairi, it’s okay. Please don’t cry. You’re going to make me cry. I hate seeing you sad. 
Kairi began to calm down and the tears started to subside. 
Sora: Come on, let’s get to bed.
Kairi: Will you hold me all night long?
Sora: Of course, that shouldn’t even be a question. I always do.
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Sora and Kairi got to their bedroom and Sora pulled Kairi in and kissed her. 
Sora: It’s okay, Kairi. We can do this.
Seconds later, their clothes had been tossed around the room.
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Sora gazed down at her stomach and rubbed his hand over it.
Kairi: I’m gonna be so fat...
Sora: I don’t care, you’re still beautiful no matter what. You always will be to me.
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Kairi pushed Sora down onto the bed and kissed him. No matter what situation they were in, Sora could always make her feel better.
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krisseycrystal · 4 years
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rated: t
fandom: Kingdom Hearts
prompt: “Big Sibling” + Kairi & Isa (& Wayfinder Trio)
requested by: @alounuitte
BIG thanks to my friend who requested KH, specifically Kairi & Isa and “Big Sibling” which is SUCH an interesting take but I am LEGITIMATELY DIGGING IT and y’know what? Hell yeah it’s Isa redemption hours. Hell yeah. I mean, they still got a lot to work through, but it’s happening.
this takes place between KH3 and uh that “year later” thing in RE:mind ENJOY!
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Avidya [Read on AO3]
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When Sora is gone and Kairi doesn’t know what to do with her empty hands because the one that used to hold her right has disappeared and the one who used to hold her left chased after him in the hopes of bringing him back, Kairi puts herself to good use. Riku is Riku and refuses to take her with him, so Kairi takes Sora’s gummi ship and seeks out her own adventures for as long as she thinks it’ll help.
She doesn’t need to--will not--wait for Sora to be found when she can look for him herself.
She just…doesn’t know what to think about the ever-present shadow that stubbornly hovers at her back.
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Kairi swings Destiny’s Embrace in a strong, downward strike. After the wriggly heartless under her boots bursts and dissolves, she spins around. Her mouth is curled into a dark, frowning curve; her keyblade snaps out to strike another leaping at her from her right. The flowers along the edge cut through the shadow’s throat, ripping it into nothing. “I don’t need your help.”
“That was never debated.”
Kairi rolls her eyes. She digs the heel of her boot into soil, grabs the hilt of Embrace with both hands, and shoves it forward into the heartless soldier scrabbling at her. “Then stop following me.”
Isa’s blue hair fans around his shoulders as he moves. He is not used to the keyblade in his hand; he keeps trying to wield it like his usual claymore.
To be honest, she can’t even believe the thing is in his hands at all.
With a growling cry, Kairi cuts the last shadow down and releases a deep sigh. Destiny’s Embrace glitters away, but she would be lying if she tried to say she wasn’t tempted to keep it ready at a moment’s notice with him around.
“There. They’re all gone now,” she says and fists her hands at her sides. “I’m fine. You can go back to Twilight Town.”
Isa doesn’t say a word, so Kairi turns around again. He stands with his arms crossed over his chest, feet shoulder-width apart, a yard or two behind her, like he expects her to be okay with him here in the first place.
“I said,” she stresses and extends her arms at either side, “you can go back. If you were waiting for something like permission, then there it is! You have it! Bye!”
When he still doesn’t say anything, Kairi makes a grand show of rolling her eyes and spinning around to walk down this world’s beautifully forested hill. She doesn’t have the time or patience for him.
So why the hell can she feel him following her descent?
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The gummi ship’s rockets putter as it comes to a stop. Space is vast and infinite around them, an endless expanse of stars and criss-crossed nebulas that look like the smokey efforts of a child finger painting with watercolor. It’s gorgeous. It’s immense. It’s serene. It’s exactly what Kairi needs right now.
“Okay, dude, we need to talk. It’s been three days. When are you finally gonna get off this ship and leave me alone?”
Kairi’s cheek is bunched against her palm as she lounges in the driver’s seat. Her other wrist hangs loosely over the steering, eyes lifting to the glass dome above them and Isa’s frowning reflection she can see the faint outline of.
Isa doesn’t answer.
Which is exactly half of the problem.
Kairi turns, tossing both of her feet over the side of the pilot’s chair. “Why aren’t you answering me?”
“There’s no answer I have to give that will be satisfactory to you.”
“That’s--” Kairi almost bites her tongue. It’s frustratingly accurate. That pisses her off, too. “Look. I can try, okay? I can try to understand but that’s only if you have a good reason.”
“You speak like you already think I’m not here for a good reason.”
“I have it in good faith that you’re not here for Sora and that’s the only reason I see that’s good right now.” Kairi glares hard into citrine eyes; for some reason, they remind her of acid. “So no, I don’t think you’re here for a ‘good’ reason.”
Isa’s look is enough to communicate a single, humbling word: Exactly.
“You say you’ll try,” he mutters quietly. “But pre-condemning me based upon your presumptions seems to hinder that effort.”
Kairi’s lips slam together.
In echo to her silence, something in Isa softens. He turns to look out at the endless stretch of space surrounding them. There’s a glimmering, sunset-painted world surrounded by flower petals a fair distance away. “If you wish to know, if you care to…” he does not finish that thought; perhaps it’s because he cannot finish it. “…I wish for atonement.”
“…what, now?”
Isa’s sharp, angular features harden. His mouth slips down into a frown. “I said, I--”
“--no, no, I heard what you said! It’s that you actually think that’s going to happen.” Kairi’s voice shakes a little. Her hands ball into fists. There’s a tremulous pause in her speech, a moment that teeters on the edge of something, and then it bursts. “Ugh! I was kind enough to let you join me for a few days, but if I’m being honest? I thought it was because of this. I had a gut feeling it was because of some…misguided attempt like this to get me to forgive you for what you did. And I thought, ‘Sure, why not?’ anyway, because that’s what Sora would have done!”
“--but everytime I look at you, I get so angry!” Kairi’s voice tilts; it tightens and changes. “I guess that makes me a hypocrite, doesn’t it? I want to be angry at you for kidnapping me, for how you treated Sora, but he isn’t even here right now, after he made himself disappear from saving all of us! From saving me by using the power of waking again, and--!”
Kairi’s fist, thrown to the side, knocks against the gummi sheep’s steering. With a violent yank to the right, Kairi and Isa spill over onto the floor and side of the lopsided ship. Kairi’s knee bangs against the other co-pilot chair. Her back crashes against the steel wall of the cockpit siding. With a short cry and hiss, she grabs at her knee with both hands and bows her head over her leg. Her back curls.
After a long moment, Isa slowly rises to his feet first.
He climbs to the steering and sets the gummi ship right side up.
After an even longer moment, Isa walks over to kneel in front of her. “Kairi.”
“…I’m sorry…”
Kairi sniffs and blinks up at him. She hates the way her eyes water and the way her lower lip trembles. She hates how tight her chest is. “I’m sorry,” she gasps again and she hates those words but right now, she thinks she hates herself most. “I’m such an idiot. What right do I have to be angry with you anymore when it’s my fault the two most important people to me are gone?”
Isa’s hand falls on hers and gently pries away her hands from her knee. A big, wide bruise is purpling and mottling, forming a cathartic ring of blue-black.
“I think…” Isa begins and gently releases her hands to cast cure over her knee. “…you will find that you and I are more alike than you think.”
Kairi blinks up at Isa.
“It seems we both must learn to forgive ourselves.”
Kairi takes a deep breath in and feels the way her lungs swell with it, with air. For the first time in three days, the knot in her chest finally begins to loosen.
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“Can you believe it’s already been over a month?”
Kairi winces. Hard.
Ventus straightens up and quickly puts out a hand on her arm. He gives it a gentle squeeze. “Oh, I didn’t mean that in a bad way! Ugh, I’m sorry. I should’ve been more thoughtful…I meant it in like a--”
“--no.” Kairi shakes her head and puts on a brave face. She puts on a good smile and covers his hand with her own. Gently, she pulls it away and sets their hands down on the counter between them. “I know what you mean. You’ve been reunited with your family for over a month now and that’s…really wonderful, Ventus. I’m happy for you. And I know that wherever he is, Sora’s happy, too.”
It’s funny watching the emotions that fly over Ventus’ face at the mention of “family.” He’s so much like Sora and Roxas that way; he wears his heart so visibly. He’s so easy to read.
It is so warm in this kitchen, too, Kairi thinks. So light and airy. Just being here, sitting with friends again after traveling and fighting for so long with no leads, is more rejuvenating than the warm coffee cup she cradles between her hands. Ventus, Aqua, and Terra have done well for themselves, she thinks. They have a lovely epilogue together.
It’ll end soon, she knows. The three have already told her they have plans to help join the search for Sora, intending to dive into the Realm of Darkness as a “just in case.” Just as she has finally decided she intends to take Ansem up on his offer of a year-long sleep so he can study her heart. It’s the most frustrating decision she has ever had to make: to try to help by, of all things, resting, when really she wants to fight, fight, fight--but if something in her slumbering heart holds a key to finding Sora again, well.
She did say she’d do anything.
It’s with an endearing blush that Ventus raises a finger to scratch at his cheek. “Y-yeah. My family…”
Kairi raises an eyebrow. A small smile stretches her face. “What, you don’t agree?”
“You wouldn’t call them that?”
“Oh, no, calling them my family’s perfect! I mean, really, Aqua and Terra have always kind of been big siblings to me, so I guess it makes sense. It’s just funny to hear the word out loud and not in my heart, y’know?” Ventus smiles. He looks over Kairi’s shoulder to the trio awkwardly talking beyond them, in the lounge area of their home, however temporary it may be. “But I guess…what else would you call people who have your back no matter the bad you’ve done?”
Kairi thinks about the month she’s spent searching for Sora. She thinks about all the adventures she’s been on, all of the heartless and unversed and nobodies she’s fought. She thinks about the one person who chose to be there through it all, however much she fought him on it at the start.
And for the first time, she thinks maybe Isa really does deserve the keyblade he wields.
Her eyes land on him, frowning and clearly uncomfortable between Aqua and Terra. Isa looks back and meets her eyes in turn with an expression that bends the scar across his face in a pitiful read of, Please. Save me.
Kairi laughs and takes a long, slow sip of her coffee. She raises her other hand to give him a…friendly gesture.
When he raises his hand to give it back, she thinks maybe there’s truth to what Ventus says.
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thatwitchrevan · 5 years
resolution (pt 1)
In honor of New Year’s and of all the joy Kingdom Heart’s has brought to me in 2019, I’m working on a SoRiKai fluff fic of them spending New Year’s together! It’s meant to have three parts, one from each kid’s POV, but in case I don’t get to finishing and posting the whole thing quite on time I thought I’d go ahead and share this first part! It’s pretty much just fluff and silliness but I feel like that’s perfect for our Destiny Trio being back together on New Years. I’m hoping to post the full fic on ao3 tomorrow or maybe the 2nd at latest, but no promises because I’m terrible at deadlines.
Sora was giddy as he sat down in Riku’s living room with him and Kairi, gathered around the low coffee table with crossed legs on the floor. Kairi opened up the box of the board game she had brought, and Sora helped her set it up as Riku got up and wandered to the kitchen. By the time they’d finished unfolding the board, arranging the pieces, and sorting the cards, Riku had come back with three steaming mugs of hot chocolate, carrying two in one hand and one in the other. He handed one to Sora and one to Kairi before sitting back down with his own. 
Sora smiled and wrapped his hands around the warm mug, relishing the sweet smell of the chocolate. He took a too-large sip too soon, almost burning the edge of his tongue, but it was worth the risk to satisfy his impatience. Riku and Kairi chuckled and shook their heads at him, Kairi setting her own mug down to let it cool first and Riku blowing gently on his. 
“Alright,” Kairi began, grinning brightly as she began shuffling the main deck of cards. “You guys will love this game.” She said it very casually, but there was an underlying certainty to it, and since she had a pretty good idea what her boys liked, she was probably right. She started dealing the cards, one pile for each of them and one for herself. 
“Don’t look at them now - we’ll draw them when we need them.” 
Sora watched as she distributed all the cards, straightening his pile without overturning any once she was done. Kairi sat back and explained the rules of the game, and Sora’s mind drifted a little bit even though he was trying to pay attention - it was just a lot of information at once. He learned better by playing, anyway, so he wasn’t worried. 
He ended up being terrible at it, though. The competition was really between Riku and Kairi, and it was fierce. Riku was engaging in some light-hearted trash talk every time he got an advantage, and Kairi was less overtly aggressive, but she kept grinning smugly at him sideways whenever she got ahead. Sora lagged behind both of them the whole game with little hope of catching up, but he didn’t really care much because it was just so much fun watching them race to the finish, getting increasingly excited with each turn. 
In the end, Riku reached the final square first, but the card he drew set him back two, giving Kairi the opportunity to swoop in and claim the victory. Her eyes gleamed as she slammed her piece on the winning square and jumped up, throwing the remainder on her cards on the board. “YES!” she cried, pumping her fists in the air and giggling. 
Riku laughed, too, playfully shoving her. “Don’t be a sore winner.”
Kairi spun around in an impromptu victory dance. “You’re just grumpy because you lost!”
“Oh yeah?” Riku pushed her again, this time just enough that she fell over into a pile of pillows that they’d thrown in front of the couch. She landed on the soft bed of cushions, still giggling, but her laughter turned into a squeal when Riku scooted closer and started tickling her sides. 
Kairi kicked softly at Riku’s arm and chest, but she’d have to fight a lot harder if she wanted to discourage him. “Stopppppp!” she whined through her laughter. “So-Sora, help!”
Sora grinned and walked on his knees around the table, coming to Kairi’s side. “Good call, Kairi. Tickling you is a two man job!”
Kairi shrieked in pretend protest as the boys ganged up on her, shaking with laughter until the tickling became too tiring to be fun anymore. “Okay, stop for real now,” she breathed through a laugh, and Sora and Riku both stilled and sat back from her immediately, still smirking as she got the last of her giggles out and wiped her eyes. “You guys are the worst,” she complained, punching them both gently in the arm.  
Sora laughed and kissed her on the cheek. “You love us.”
Kairi shook her head, but she was still smiling too much to fool anybody. She turned around to the couch and where her phone was resting and checked the time. “It’s almost midnight.” She grinned at Riku and then at Sora, her eyes twinkling. 
Riku smirked, glancing between her and Sora. “So who gets to kiss who first?”
Sora blushed, but Kairi had an answer immediately. “I want to kiss you both at the same time!”
Riku frowned thoughtfully and took a sip of his cocoa. “How’s that going to work?”
“We could both kiss her on the cheek?” Sora suggested. 
Kairi shook her head. “Nah, we’ll just mash our faces together. It’ll be super romantic.”
Riku snorted lightly, but neither he nor Sora offered any objections. The boys set their cocoa down as Kairi set up an audible countdown on her phone and they all three scooted closer to each other, knees brushing as they formed a rough circle and leaned in close. 
“Ten, nine, eight,” the phone counted. The kids looked around at each other, all giggling.
“Seven, six, five, four.” Kairi grabbed Sora and Riku each by the hand. The boys glanced at each other and joined their hands as well. 
“Three, two, one.” 
All three leaned in at once, smushing their cheeks together as their lips met in the center. Sora bumped his forehead against Kairi’s, making them both giggle even more, but the three of them mostly succeeded in kissing each other on the corners of their mouths. 
Despite their best efforts, though, it only lasted for a second before they all dissolved into laughter and backed away. Kairi flopped back against the couch, shaking with laughs so hard she had to hold her side. “Well, that sort of worked.”
Riku chuckled dryly and leaned back, folding up a knee to rest his arm on top of it. “It’s not the most effective way. Or the most dignified.” 
Sora rocked back and forth a little, feeling too flustered and silly to sit still. At the same time, he felt too tired to do anything with all that energy. He let out a big yawn, stretching his arms over his head. 
Riku and Kairi had shifted closer to each other, holding hands with their backs against the couch, and from what Sora had caught of that conversation it sounded like they were deciding on another board game to play, but when Sora yawned they both looked at him and smiled with light exasperation. 
“Well,” Kairi sighed. “I guess we’d better get to bed before somebody gets cranky on us.”
Sora made a face that didn’t really help his defense, but he got up to go to bed anyway. Riku and Kairi both stood up with him automatically, but Sora waved his hand. “You guys play whatever game you were talking about, and you can join me later.”
Kairi frowned, looking between Riku and Sora like she was conflicted. Then she figured something out, bouncing on her heels. “How about this? We’ll come tuck you in and say goodnight, and then we’ll play our game.”
Riku rolled his eyes. “How old is Sora, five? Are we his parents?”
But Sora grinned and grabbed them each by the hand. “Yeah, Kairi’s right! You have to kiss me goodnight or I won’t be able to sleep.”
Riku gave a big sigh for show as Kairi and Sora drug him by hand to his room. Sora was, of course, already in his pajamas, so he just climbed into the bed and scooted down to the end, leaving room for Kairi in the middle and Riku on the other side. 
Kairi pulled the covers up to Sora’s chin and kissed his forehead. “Sleep tight, you big baby. I love you.”
Sora squeezed her hand and murmured ‘love you, too,’ before she pulled away to make room for Riku. 
Riku kissed him almost exactly where Kairi had. “Love you, Sora. Happy New Year.” 
Sora tried to reply, but it was drowned out by a yawn. Kairi and Riku laughed at him, and they turned off the light as they left the room, letting the door remain cracked open. 
Sora fell asleep to the sound of them setting up their next board game, laughing and joking as they played. About an hour later he was woken by them both climbing into bed beside him, snuggling up close and falling asleep.
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squiishiichaos · 5 years
How about buff kairi giving both sora and riku( the two being dorks who keep dancing around each other) love advice since she's with olette?
(So, I’mma assume this takes place in the part of Buff!Kairi AU I have yet to write.  In fact, I’mma write a scene that’s supposed to take place later in that AU, because I fucking love the image in my head.
Anyway, for anyone who doesn’t know what Buff!Kairi is, there’s a whole AU I wrote one chapter of and no one cares, so, fuck it.  Let’s begin this shit.)
She could admit–kind of–that at first, watching someone as put together and valiant as Riku get flustered over a fucking selfie had been…cute?  Unexpected?  Kairi wasn’t sure what the correct word was, but it didn’t matter anymore. 
By now, watching that blush stand stark against the pale contrast of his skin made her want nothing more than to feed her companion to the Heartless.  
Fucking Sora.  He’s distracting him again.  You’d think after all the bullshit and endless fights that the Brunet might one day grow up enough to stop sending risque selfies to Riku while they were in the middle of a make-or-break fight, but no, of fucking course not.  Because Sora was just as desperate for Riku to confess as Riku looked for breath right now. 
This is ri-goddamn-diculous.   I’m ending it.
Stomping her way across the battlefield, knocking heartless aside with a sweeping strike of her Lone Survivor greatsword, she hardly stopped to entertain the big body that attempted to barrel her over.  Simply held her sword out to the side as a pike for it to impale itself on before casually chucking it over her head and into another pack of shadows clumsily drawing toward her.   
On the same note that one might think Riku’d eventually get up the courage to confess after collecting an entire folder of flustered Sora pics, it’d be nice if the goddamn heartless got a clue, too.  They’d been whittling this pack down for the past few minutes now, and she was starting to get bored.   Where was Olette to keep her on her toes with messages not meant to be seen when she was in the thick of it?  Why couldn’t it be her phone that was chiming off?
Oh, well.   You’ve got a job to do, Kai.  Time to fuck some shit up.  And by some shit, she meant Riku.
Just so we’re clear. 
Batting another few heartless into non-existence, she finally tapered her gait to stand beside Riku and get a good look at what exactly was driving him mad in the middle of the field, and–in fairness–she could admit that if Olette was ever stupid enough to send her something so mindlessly provocative over a fucking phone, no amount of love would keep her from committing murder.  At that point, it would be justified. 
Much like Sora’s many other photos–the ones she’d glimpsed, anyway–he had snapped it likely right after a fight.    The remnants of a brawl lingered in the red flush dusted across sun-kissed cheeks, off-setting the blue sky in his eyes.   A glassy exhaustion had them closed half-way, lending a more sultry feel than the dirt and ichor stains on what she could see of his clothes suggested.    Speaking of clothes, his undershirt dipped an inch lower than normal, exposing more of his defined pecks for Riku’s private viewing; the collar of his jacket hanging off his arms and exposing the smooth skin of unmarked shoulders.   
With his head tilted back and gaze focused down at the lowered camera, his mouth was parted with just a slight peak of tongue at the edge of his lips, like he had been caught at the end of licking his lips.   His expression might have been meant to seem breathless, but considering who his intended party was, Kairi had no doubt that he had meant to look as fuckable as possible while playing it off as an accident post massacre. 
Below that disaster of a picture, the words, I’m so hot, Riku… just added icing on the cake.   
How much more obvious could he be?
“This…Kairi, how do I respond to this?!   I’m…I don’t…” Riku swallowed thickly and she had to act quick to slice down the Big Body that almost rolled him into a pancake.  It might have been a more productive conversation if she hadn’t.  “Like, who even does this?!”
“Your boyfriend.”
“He is not my–”
“He’s about to be.”   Sheathing Lone Survivor, Kairi punted the shadow that came racing toward them and quickly stole Riku’s phone from his hand in the ensuing chaos.   
Whipping him around by the lapels of his jacket, she elbowed another Heartless off her shoulder and kicked yet another one back to the abyss.  Keeping her guard high, she pulled out Lone Survivor and stabbed her into the ground to her immediate left before dragging Riku into her personal space.   When he attempted to draw back and resume his place on the field, she took the opportunity to grab at the ruffled locks of his hair and further mar them in a clenched fist.   
A hiss parted through his lips as she pulled the strands askew and quickly disheveled the rest of it.   Satisfied with that presentation, she grabbed at his wrist, and with a wrench of her arm, spun him around on his heel.   He yelped in protest, dismissed as she kicked his leg out to knock another Shadow back to its death.    
Grabbing at his other arm, she ran her nails up his skin just hard enough to leave behind red lines on his pale skin.   At the edge of his biceps, she grabbed the sleeves of his jacket and gave a hearty tug until they revealed the broad plains of his shoulders.   She made sure to rake her nails down the skin there, too, as she tore off the cloth and threw it atop another heartless zooming toward them, steering it back toward its encroaching allies. 
Once more manhandling him, he finally regained enough composure to tear his arm away just as her fingers caught at the fabric of his white undershirt and yanked it out from his pants in one foul swoop.   He clambered back with a sound not unlike a bewildered banshee.  “What are you doing?” 
Huh.  She didn’t know his voice could go that high.  Hell.  “Helping you.”
“H-helping me?!  Helping me how?!”
“Trust me, Riku.”
“How the fuck am I supposed to trust you–” he paused with another undignified shriek as she swung Lone Survivor in a sweeping slice just above where his head had been– “when you’re literally undressing me in the middle of a battle?!”
“Tell me, Riku.  You think that picture from Sora was an accident?”
“I mean, he is–”
“No, Riku.  The answer is no.” 
“But…” He trailed off, standing there idle while his brain tried to catch up and she was left to finish off the leftovers.   At least finally–finally–it appeared the scores of Heartless were finally depleting.  Finally.   
Too bad her patience was, too.   “Look.  He is playing you right now, and you’re too fucking dense to win this game on your own.  Either let me help you or lose.  It’s your call.” 
“Playing me how?”
“Holy Kingdom Hearts, how the fuck have you survived this long?”
“Hey!”  His offense fell on deaf ears.  
“I am so done with both your shits.  Come here.” 
“Kairi, I don’t–” Before he could finish his thought, she had already grabbed him by the arm and swung him around with a pivot.   Throwing him to the ground, he landed in exactly the type of stance she was hoping for. 
With his torso supported on his elbows, that startled green gaze looked at her from atop a blush that stood a prominent red against the pale white of his skin and hair.  It continued down his neck, disappearing beneath the rumpled fabric of his shirt, but was already gone where defined abs peaked out from beneath the drawn up edge of his askew undershirt. 
In the fall, his pants had slipped just the tiniest bit down his hips, allowing a sneak peak at sharp hip bones before vanishing beneath dark fabric.   With one knee slightly bent and the other stretched out, the material was pulled just tight enough to hug his legs and show what years of intense training could do to a man.  
Looking a bit scandalized and more than a little startled, she snapped a quick shot of his gaping mouth and flustered expression, then opened up his messages and attached it to a new thread.    
A shot like this really only needed two words. 
You’re welcome.
“You can thank me later, Riku,” she said as she dropped his phone back in his lap and collected Lone Survivor back into her hand.  “We still have a few more rooms to clear before he recovers from shock and begs you to come home.”
“Wh…what did you do?”
“I won you the game.  Like I said–thank me later.”  
It wasn’t until two hours–and several dead armies–later that Kairi finally received a message from Olette.   
Unlike her normally wordy texts, this one was nothing more than a crying face holding up two thumbs up.   Not a second later, it was followed up by a picture of Sora–mouth covered by his hand and eyes wide, blush evident even with an obstruction in the way–gaping at the phone in his hand.  
You’re my fucking hero, Kai!
Better be.
No, you’re not.  Not yet.
All social media was quiet for the rest of the night.   
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Endless Darkness
On the day of the Keyblade War, Aqua stands with the light keyblade wielders and faces down Master Xehanort and his Seekers across a sea of desert and stone. The old man is grinning smugly, his gold eyes alight in triumph as he looks back at them. There is no remorse for the pain he has caused them all with his convoluted plan.
Her blood boils just looking at him. This man is the cause of her agony, and that of Terra and Ventus. She longs to destroy him just as he destroyed her. She longs to rip him apart piece by piece and make him feel the agony she has felt over the past ten years because of him. Unfortunately, she is not the one meant to strike him down—Sora is—so she will just have to settle for watching him die. Besides, reaching Terra is a more important priority at this point.
She thinks she can see him, somewhere among the line of Seekers. They all have their hoods up so she cannot say for sure, but she is familiar enough with his shape and posture to take a good guess at which one he is.
When it begins, the sky darkens until it looks like night has fallen. Heartless and other monsters manifest themselves and launch themselves at the keyblade wielders, who begin to fight them.
Aqua ignores them all and makes a beeline toward Terra. Seeing her, he turns and runs, away from the main fight. She follows him. She knows that it is probably a trap, but she does not care at this point. All of her being is roaring, raging, focused on her need to get to him. And besides, she is not alone; she can feel Ventus a few steps behind her, begging her to slow down and think for a moment.
‘Terra!’ she snarls. ‘Stop running from me!’
It does not matter—he keeps running all the same. Muttering under her breath, she conjures up a dark lasso and throws it at him. It catches him around the waist and sends him off his feet. A strong feeling of satisfaction rises within her at his howl of anger. Good. The darkness runs up his body, paralyses him. Not for long, for he too is a darkness-wielder, but long enough. She lunges at him just as he breaks free.
Her tackle sends him sprawling. Enraged, he snarls at her words that make Ventus’s eyes widen; she simply smiles dangerously and grabs at his neck, squeezing until he is gasping for air. She ignores Ventus’ cries of shock and snarls at him, ‘Give us back Terra, or I swear I will crush you.’
His mouth moves to form a resounding ‘no’. She sees red, and her grip on him tightens.
Ventus’ voice cuts through her rage and brings her back to herself. ‘Aqua, wait! Don’t kill him! It’s Terra’s body!’
Of course… She shakes her head at herself. How could she have forgotten? Their main focus is rescuing Terra. They cannot free Terra if she has destroyed his body.
She does not realise that he is rendered unconscious until she loosens her grip and he does not fight back. Curious… She supposes that she must have been choking him for longer than she thought. 
She looks to Ventus, who is gazing at her with new eyes. ‘What now? How can we reach Terra?’
Ventus shrugs helplessly. Neither of them has the Dive to the Heart ability, and Riku and Sora are nowhere to be seen. It seems impossible. Frustrated, she kicks at the sandy ground and turns away.
‘We will have to carry him further away from the battle, at least,’ she decides, and moves to haul him to his feet.  
Suddenly, as she hooks his arm across her neck and shoulder, a set of images assail her mind: Three wayfinders in outstretched hands; her face, gold-eyed and silver-haired; and Ventus’ face. Her eyes widen in surprise.
‘Terra!’ She grabs Ven’s hand and puts it in Terra’s grasp. ‘Look, Ven! He is trying to reach us.’
Ventus’ eyes widen as he sees the images she has seen. Neither of them knows what they mean, but it becomes clearer as they are assailed with more images.
‘He’s… confused,’ Ventus says slowly. 
They look at one another with the same thought in mind. They must help him before Xehanort consumes him. But first, Aqua decides, they must carry him to a place of safety. They cannot be on this world when the X-Blade is forged.
‘No,’ Ventus says when she voices her thought. ‘We can’t abandon them! It wouldn’t be right.’
Right? She almost scoffs at that word. Since when has doing the ‘right’ thing ever helped them in any way? And besides, all three of them could be lost if they remain in the Graveyard any longer. The much wiser course would be to escape now, while they still can.
Still, she reluctantly yields to Ven’s intense glare and settles back down beside Terra-Xehanort’s prone form. ‘All right,’ she says grudgingly. ‘But first we must help Terra.’
‘Yeah.’ Ventus’ eyes blaze with determination. 
The two of them move to sit at Terra’s—Xehanort’s—side. They look at each other and nod, knowing without a doubt what they must do. They close their eyes and concentrate, until they move past the images flashing before their minds and into the muddled thoughts behind them.
Terra… Aqua’s breath hitches as she is flooded by his turbulent feelings. We are here.
Let us help you, Ventus adds.
What… I… Who...?
Listen to us. We will guide you. You are your own person, you are not Xehanort or part of Xehanort.  
Xehanort? No… I am nothing… no one… part of him…
You are you, they tell him in unison. Unique from Xehanort.
But the memories… they are not mine…
They are, they tell him. Your memories are your own. You only have to claim them.
I… I…
He falters. They concentrate harder, giving him what strength they have, until--
Blinking and squinting, they find themselves standing on Terra’s heart-station. They see Terra immediately. He lies in the centre of the station, covered in shadows of darkness, groaning faintly as if he is in pain. (The painful echo in Aqua’s heart confirms it.)
Aqua falls to her knees beside him. As she does so she sees the chains on his hands and feet. Made of darkness, she thinks. They have a strange luminosity to them.
He does not answer. His eyes are closed; his head lolls slightly as she desperately shakes his shoulders.
‘Terra, can you hear me? Please answer me!’
‘What a sight,’ a familiar voice says mockingly from behind them.
Immediately she knows who it is. How can she not? It has haunted her dreams for months on end now. Slowly she rises and turns to face him.
‘Foolish Master,’ Xehanort says. ‘Still as misguided as ever. You cannot win. He belongs to me—as do you.’
She doesn’t lower her keyblade. ‘I do not belong to you,’ she says flatly. ‘And neither does Terra.’
‘Yeah,’ Ventus says, glaring at him. ‘Terra belongs with us and we’re going to prove it!’
He laughs. ‘Then do,’ he sneers.
They attack him, but again and again he covers himself with a dark shield before they can make contact with him. Each time she hears Terra cry out in pain.
‘You see?’ he says smugly. ‘You cannot defeat me without first putting him down.’
No… Shaking with rage, she swipes at him again, with the same result as before.
‘There is no other way,’ Xehanort says. ‘Put him out of his misery or leave him with me. From the look of him,’ he adds casually, ‘I am sure he would prefer the first option.’
She glares at him, hating that he dared to read her mind. ‘There is always a way! I won’t let you take him from us again!’
Frantically she searches her mind for something, anything, that could help. But all she can think of is Terra. Terra… That’s it!
Terra! We need you!
Xehanort glares at her, astounded. ‘You fool. Terra cannot hear you now!’
‘He can!’ she retorts back. ‘I know it!’ Terra! We can fight him together—the three of us!
She crouches before Terra, not caring about what Xehanort is doing. Ventus follows suit. Our hearts are connected. The three of us can do it! Now break free and help us!
For a long moment she holds her metaphorical breath as she waits. Please… she begs. Just come back to us. I believe in you. Ven believes in you. Just… come… back!
She caresses his cheek, willing him to wake up. Somewhere around her, she feels Ven do the same thing. Together they concentrate. And then they feel it: a glimmer of light, terribly faint, but there.
Terra! The word is shouted in unison.
Aqua… Ven… The words are filled with weariness and pain.
We’re here. Let us help you.
Shock, disbelief, and finally hope blossom.
How?... He’s strong…
The three of us are stronger. Now fight back!
I… I…
They feel him steel himself, and immediately bolster his light, showering him with memories. The day they met… the days they trained Ven on the summit… the days and nights they spent together, watching the stars. The night Aqua gave them their wayfinders, and the promise they made to one another.
By the time they are done, she can feel the tears staining his cheek. The chains disappear in a burst of light.
No! Xehanort’s voice echoed around the platform, furious and frustrated.
Aqua kisses Terra on the crown of his head and stands up to face the old Keyblade Master. ‘Leave, now,’ she says coldly. ‘Or pay the price.’
Xehanort’s eyes flash. ‘Then face the powers of hell!’
Before any of them can react, the station shakes violently. Darkness erupts from Xehanort’s figure, and spreads throughout the area, tainting it. With a thrill of horror, Aqua realises that the old keyblade master is about to destroy this heart-station and take them all down with it.
Aqua, Ven, you must go! Terra’s voice sounds in her mind, strained and panicking. This is not worth it!
She’s waited too long and lost too much to give up now. He and Ven are the only family she has left, and she will not lose either of them again if she can help it.
Of course, Ven refuses to leave them behind. She keeps a tight hold of both of their hands as the darkness rises higher and higher, spreads until the platform is consumed by it. With a thrill she feels the floor beneath them disappear, leaving them stranded in air.
They fall.
Sometime later, Aqua finds herself drifting back into consciousness on the sandy ground of the Keyblade Graveyard. Opening her eyes, she spies Terra’s still-comatose form. Her heart freezes as she senses the emptiness within him. No… Terra? 
She turns at the sound of a ragged familiar voice, and sees his Ventus’ face on the other side of her. His blue eyes are exhausted; his face is filled with love and concern as he looks at her.  
‘You stayed with us,’ she croaks out. 
‘It’s what friends do,’ he responds simply. ‘I would never leave you and Terra when I thought you were in danger.’
‘Thank you,’ she says simply. There is nothing else to say.  
Her eyes stinging with tears, she grabs hold of his hand, and reaches to take Terra’s. Both of them, here with her… it’s a dream come true. Is it truly over at last? She prays that it is. 
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alounuitte · 6 years
hey i actually wrote something (finally)
It’s hot that day, a fervent sort of dry heat that seems to sink into her skin and smolder like embers in her chest. Too hot to move, too hot to even think clearly - but she has work to do, and even in the narrow space that slips in between one hour and another she can’t justify wasting any time for the unexpected autumn heat.
When she rises, the world shifts and spins dizzily around her, and she covers her eyes with her hands, waiting for the dizzy spell to pass. She’s gotten used to the chill in the air and the cold frosty mornings, and the sudden shift in the weather must have put her off-balance. Rubbing her eyes sleepily, she stumbles into the bathroom down the hall to shower, hoping the water will help cool her off and clear her head.
It seems as if it takes her too long to ready herself, as if her limbs are leaden and her hands too stiff to move. She dresses slowly, pulling on a tank top and shorts to escape the heat and pulling her hair up off the back of her neck. Groaning, she tries to stretch out and limber up her worn-out muscles, curling her hands into fists until the ache in her clumsy fingers fades.
There’s a dull pain beginning to pound the rhythm of her heartbeat behind her eyes, and she grimaces, pressing the heels of her hands to her brow.
The fresh air will help, she tells herself, setting her shoulders. Surely it can’t be so stuffy outside as it is in here, and she’ll feel cooler, more clear-headed.
With that reassurance to herself, she slips downstairs and heads for the courtyard.
Lea is already warming up in the courtyard when she gets there, demonstrating his forms to the blank wall. “Morning,” he says when he catches sight of her, and grins. “Thought you weren’t going to show!”
She casts him a withering look and wonders, a little bitterly, if he even notices the heat; he still seems comfortable enough in his scarf and jacket.
“Training’s supposed to start at seven, in normal time,” he says, lowering his keyblade. “Got it memorized?”
“You’re late every day,” she says, rolling her eyes, and regrets it; the pain in her head turns sharp and makes her ears ring for a few seconds. “Come on,” she says, trying to shake it off. “I’m here now. Let’s get to work.”
He hesitates, raising an eyebrow. “You don’t want to do some warm-ups?”
“I’m fine,” she says, holding out her hand to call up her own keyblade. “Unless you’re not ready?”
Lea shrugs easily and lifts his blade. “Whatever you say,” he says, and lunges at her.
Even outside, in the fresh air, she struggles to keep her focus as they spar; she feels like the haze of heat has gotten into her head, muddling her thoughts, slowing her reflexes. For each blow she lands she takes another two, and her footing is clumsy, ungainly. She missteps as she takes a swing and feels her balance fail, one leg going out from under her and bringing her with a jolt to the ground. The flagstones are surprisingly cool to the touch, and for a moment she doesn’t move, just sits there with her hands pressed against the ground, a little relieved by the reprieve.
“Whoa, hey,” Lea says, drawing back quickly. “You sure you’re alright? You’re off your game today.”
“It’s just the weather,” she says, climbing unsteadily to her feet. “I guess it’s getting to me.”
She recalls her keyblade, dropped on the ground a few feet away, but he doesn’t raise his arm to meet her; he looks her up and down with his brows drawn together. “The weather, huh,” he says in a flat voice.
“Come on,” she says, and swings at him, knocking him in the shoulder. “We don’t have time to just sit around, you know!”
“Hey, hang on,” he protests, stepping back. “Maybe you oughta -“
“Just because I got a late start doesn’t mean I’m turning into a slacker,” she says, and manages a thin smile. “Are you going to fight me, or not?”
“I’m just saying,” he argues, holding up both hands. “You don’t look so hot. Or, well, actually, you do, which is kinda my point here! You’re not exactly dressed for the cold, are you?”
“You don’t need to make such a big deal out of it,” she insists, and waves her keyblade around, exasperated. “I want to keep training, so if you’d rather not, just tell me and I’ll practice by myself.”
“Alright, alright,” he says, still frowning, but he raises his keyblade anyways.
She starts to feel sweat breaking over her brow as they spar, and her head is spinning again before long. It’s hard even to breathe in this smothering heat, but she grits her teeth, trying to push through the haze clouding her thoughts. She can’t let something like this get the better of her. People are counting on her.
The thought distracts her and she fumbles, nearly dropping the keyblade and barely recovering her grip. Lea knocks her back a step, and then another, and she feels the ground jolt sickeningly underneath her as her balance wavers.
Lunging forward, she manages to land a blow to his chest that makes him grunt and stagger back, but her legs are unsteady and weak underneath her, and the ringing in her ears is back. She puts a hand to her head, pushing her damp bangs back from her face and rubbing at her temples, but it doesn’t seem to help.
She’s vaguely aware, as she struggles to reorient herself, that someone - Lea, it must be Lea - is speaking, saying her name, but he sounds very far away, and when she tries to respond her mouth doesn’t seem to want to answer. The courtyard swims in front of her eyes and she screws them shut, but she still feels like everything around her is shifting and tilting one way and the other.
With a clatter, her keyblade slips out of her fingers and falls to the ground. As her legs give out and she falls to her knees on the flagstones, the last thing she remembers thinking is that she’ll have to work twice as hard to catch up now. She can’t let everyone down by falling behind because of this.
She drifts in and out of uneasy sleep, only vaguely aware of the shifting light from the windows and the sounds of life continuing outside the half-closed door. Several times she wakes to people in the room - Merlin appears once or twice and asks her questions she forgets as soon as she’s answered, and there’s a woman she recognizes only dimly who brings hot tea and cold water and offers them up with a gentle smile.
It’s evening by the time she awakes to catch strains of conversation outside her door, and it’s gone cold again, a draft cutting through the thin sheet and making her shiver. She blinks slowly and rubs her eyes, listening.
“…too hard,” a voice she knows murmurs, “we should have been…”
“You shouldn’t,” another answers. “There’s so much…”
The voice becomes too hushed again to make out. She must still be dreaming, she thinks, and turns over in bed to wrap her arms around herself. She’s still asleep, after all, imagining the sounds of their voices to comfort her. They’re worlds away right now, already fighting, while she lays in bed asleep.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbles into the pillow, and tries to push herself up. “There’s no time… for me to rest now.”
Stumbling a little, she gets to her feet and shuffles unsteadily towards the door. She’s wasted a whole day this way, while everyone else works harder than ever to prepare for what’s ahead - and there’s so much preparing to do, so much she’s missed, so much she has to catch up on so that she can stand with them when the time comes. She can’t spare an hour, much less a day. She has to get back to work.
The door creaks as she pulls it open and steps into the hallway, and a few feet away she sees them as they both lift their heads to look up at her.
“Kairi!” Sora says, and scrambles to his feet. “You’re awake!”
“What…are you…?” she manages weakly, blinking at him. “Why are you here?”
“We came back to see you, of course,” Riku says, folding his arms and giving her a fierce look. “As soon as we heard what happened -“
“I’m fine,” she says, shaking her head. “You didn’t need to do that, you’re both -“
Sora pulls her into a hug and buries his face in her shoulder. “We were worried,” he says insistently. A moment later he lifts his head, frowning, and lays the back of his hand across her brow. “Kai, you’re burning up - you should get back in bed…”
“I can’t just keep sleeping,” she protests faintly. “I have training to do.”
“The hell you do,” Riku replies, resting his hands on her shoulders from behind to turn her around. “Not after you collapsed partway through already.”
“I don’t - want - “ she manages as he pushes her forward, but trying to shake him off is futile; her arms feel like jelly, and her legs are beginning to shake as well. Slumping a little, she allows him to steer her back to bed.
“Don’t you worry about us,” Sora says cheerfully, and sits down next to her bed. “We can stay with you until you’re better!”
“But you both have so much to do,” she argues. “Your missions - that’s so much more important…”
“We have time here,” Riku reminds her as he settles himself at the foot of the bed, resting a hand on her knee. The sharpness is gone from his voice, and the fire from his gaze, replaced with gentle affection. “And so do you. That’s why you came here.”
She hunches her shoulders and draws the sheet around herself. Merlin’s sway over time isn’t unlimited; even during training it flows onwards outside of the bubble he’s created, and even if he does the same to her room, how long would it be before those two would be content she’d recovered? A day? A week? Time they didn’t have, not with so many people in so many worlds counting on them. Not with people waiting for them.
“You should go,” she murmurs. “I’ll be fine. I can take care of myself.”
“Not a chance,” Riku says firmly.
“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you have to,” Sora adds, and leans his head back against the mattress, grinning up at her upside-down. “We’re here to look out for you, too.”
“You two,” she says, shaking her head, and closes her eyes. “You’re both such idiots.”
Riku laughs quietly, and Sora reaches up to grab her hand. Despite herself, she’s smiling a little as she drifts back to sleep.
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Hearts of Ice and Fire - Ch9
Title : Hearts of Ice and Fire
Word Count : 3585
Summary :  Prince Sora of the Destine Isles has been kidnapped by Maleficent. Held in a cell, he comes into contact with the Prince Maleficent has been training his whole life, Riku. As Sora unpicks Riku’s attitudes, Riku finds himself reconsidering everything he has been taught.
(By the way, the A03 version has italics and stuff if that helps. Can’t put links in apost otherwise it doesn’t show up in searches!! >o<)
Chapter Nine:
Riku waited at the end of the hallway until the changing of the guard.
The imp in front of Prince Sora’s cell was waiting for a companion to swap with.
A companion that wouldn’t come. Riku had seen to that.
He couldn’t kill it. Not after - he just tied it up in a kitchen counter. It didn’t matter if any of them blabbed now. He would be long gone by morning.
The imp was getting impatient.
Eventually, it stormed down the corridor, grumbling to itself.
That’s when Riku snuck down the corridor and into the cell.
“Are you-”
He pressed a hand to Sora’s mouth. Sora nodded as he understood.
Riku wrapped a cloak around the shorter boy, pulling the hood up for him.
He kissed Sora’s forehead and whispered.
“Stay close.” Sora did. His hands brushed against Riku’s as they walked.
Riku would have found it endearing, even romantic, if it wasn’t so distracting.
They moved through the servant’s passageways. Down thin, musty staircases that hadn’t been used since Riku was a child and liked to explore.
Riku had memorised the guard’s pattens. When they appeared in a corridor, he would wait, drenching the two of them in the shadows. A count of ten. Darting like ghosts to the opposite corridor.
Down more passages. Eventually reaching ground level.
The counting. Sora’s hand. It helped. It took his mind off of - all of that.
They paused at the door to the kitchen. There was the sound of clattering coming from inside.
Damn imps with their damn midnight snacks.
He pushed the door open, standing away from it.
The imp called out.
He masked the candlelight from the kitchen with the shadows.
The imp squeaked.
“That’s not funny, Patrick,” it grumbled.
Riku forced the shadows into a thin, spindly figure on the wall.
The imp’s breathing grew laboured.
An alarm bell sounded.
The imp flew out of the room, his eyes frantic as he pulled on a helmet.
He flew straight past Sora and Riku.
Sora stared at Riku, who shrugged, and tugged the Prince into the kitchen.
There was an imp sized door to the castle grounds, and they both squeezed through it.
The night was cold. There were no stars; not even the moon was out.
Sora’s fingers found Riku’s.
Riku took a breath, then pushed into the darkness.
The alarm was for the Prince. He knew that.
A swarm of imps appeared suddenly in front of them.
“Prince Riku,” one sneered. “You’ve recaptured the Prince. Take him back to his cell.”
He closed the shadows over them in a dome. It was easy for him. To manipulate them like this.
It must have been the sheer terror flooding through him.
For a moment, he feared Sora would freeze up. That he would be horrified at what Riku could do.
But he charged forward.
Riku followed.
Their boots kicked up dust as they sprinted. Riku's eyes fixed on a huge barren tree. They were stationed every ten metres or so - ghosts from when the palace had life in and outside of it.He had climbed it once and stared down at the wall of the courtyard.
He hadn't found the courage in him to jump.
Just make it to that tree. Just run to that tree.
It slowly ebbed bigger and bigger.
There were yells behind them. Riku blindly through up the shadows around them. It was hardly inconspicious.
Sora was starting to fall behind. After his imprisonment, he wasn’t used to running for his life.
Had he ever been?
Riku grabbed his hand and pulled him along.
The tree got closer.
Riku dropped to one knee and helped spring Sora onto one of the branches before he began climbing himself.
The imps - a hoarde of them, were approaching like a tonardo. A blur of fangs and wings and red eyes.
Riku pulled the shadows towards him, prepping himself for a massacre of a fight.
If he could only buy Sora enough time to escape.
Riku took a breath.
And found his stomach somersaulting into his mouth. The wind suddenly pressed against his face and he was airborne.
He twisted as he flew, but only saw the tree that they had been climbing in it’s usual place.
Except now he realised that the face-like lumps on the trees face were actually it’s face.
The tree had thrown him!
He hit the ground heavily a few moments later.
Thankfully, it was dusty, and the skid he made helped to soften the impact. His head rung like a bell and he blinked the pain away.
“You still with me?” he asked, turning to try to see Sora.
The Prince was a few feet away from him, sitting upright and looking dazed.
“I think so?” he said, clambering to shaky feet.
“We have to keep moving,” Riku said, standing as well and starting forwards.
“We won’t get far on foot, Riku,” Sora said.
Riku turned to him. His mind could barely decipher the words. His heart was pounding too loudly for them to register.
“Right,” he looked around, but everywhere looked more desecrate than usual.
But there were the stables. And just outside it, the horse and carriage he had ridden in the previous day.
He rushed towards them, his fingers fumbling to unlock the horse from the carriage. It reared as it was freed, and he could barely hold on to it.
Sora caught the horse’s nose in his hands and gently blew on it’s snout. It stopped bucking, though it breathed heavily. It’s eyes darted nervously to Riku.
Sora followed it’s gaze and stared at Riku. A look of comprehension came across his face.
Then he swung into the horses saddle.
“Get behind me,” Sora said. “I’ll ride her.”
“I could-” Riku heard the screeching of the imps and swallowed his pride. He swung up behind the Prince. “I mean - I would have…”
“You can’t ride,” Sora said over his shoulder as he kicked the horse into motion. “That much is obvious from the way it behaves with you.”
Riku frowned, and held onto Sora’s waist. It was true. He had never sat astride a horse. The motion of it beneath him now felt strange.
“The books made it sound easy,” he said, glancing behind them. It looked as thought bats were coming over the castle wall. If only. It was the imps - in pursuit.
Sora gave a dry laugh at that, and spurred the horse forward.
“Watch my back,” Sora said. Then he turned slightly. “After all, you are my loyal guard, aren’t you?”
And he winked.
Riku didn’t breathe for a moment and almost slipped from the horse.
He held on tighter to Sora and muttered a response, checking behind them for the pursuing imps.
“It’s a long way to the Destine Isles,” Sora said. “I don’t think this horse will be able to manage a hot pursuit all the way there.”
“It won’t have to,” Riku said. He pointed to the east - to their right. The sky was starting to turn gold and rose. “The sun’s coming up. They won’t last in it.”
“Will you?” Sora asked, turning again - just enough so that Riku could see the smile on his face.
“What’s got you in such a joking mood?” he grumbled. He finally felt his hold on the shadows starting to ebb with the coming dawn. He kept a handful of it in a sweaty palm just in case.
“I’m free,” Sora replied, with a breathless laugh. “We’re free, Riku.”
Was he? Free?
Was this what freedom felt like?
Because it was terrifying.
Something grabbed the back of Riku’s cloak. He turned and blasted his darkness into an imp’s face.
It flew away, screeching.
The other’s were starting to slow. They were eyeing the sunrise and the Princes. To chase them was certain death.
To return was mostly certain death.
They quickly began to turn tail and head back to the castle.
“They’re going,” Riku said.
Sora nodded, and kicked the horse again.
“Have you got a plan?” he asked. “I hope you’ve got a plan, because I don’t have a plan.”
“I have…a boat…in Neverland,” Riku said. “We can use that to get to the Destine Isles.”
“Can you sail?” Sora asked.
“No,” Riku admitted. “But it’s a boat.”
“Well, as long as it’s small I’ll be able to do it,” Sora said. There was a pound of hoofbeats, before he asked. “I suppose this is from another villain?”
“Captain Hook,” Riku responded. “But he’s a gentleman, really.”
“He’s an old codfish - that’s what my cousin said.” Sora said.
“Well he’s the one helping you get home,” Riku said, albeit lamely.
Sora looked up at the sky; the stars were just visible, and muttered “second star to the right”, and adjusted their course.
More hoof beats.
“We should keep moving, yeah? To put as much ground between us and them?” Sora asked.
“I guess so?” Riku shrugged. “This is my first time breaking a prisoner out of a castle.”
“This is my first time escaping from a castle,” Sora said.
“You’re sure we’re going the right way?” Riku asked.
“Second star to the right, straight on till morning,” Sora replied.
“But it is morning.” Riku said.
Sora shrugged.
“Sorry, but what’s your plan on how to get there?” he asked. When there was no reply, he pressed. “And who’s the Prince here?”
“Don’t go getting a bigger head than usual,” Riku muttered.
Sora laughed, and they kept riding.
It seemed like forever before they found a small stream and Sora said that he had to “water the horse.” The sun was high in the sky now, though its rays seemed to struggle to reach them.
They decided to pull the tarp from the horse’s saddle over them to protect them from dust and the sun. They faced each other under it, their eyes still wild from the adventure.
“Thank you,” Sora whispered. He kissed Riku with chapped lips.
Riku shrugged.
“I just - I had to get you out of there,” he said.
“You risked everything for me,” Sora said.
Riku shrugged again. What more was there to say? He found Sora’s hands under the cotton tarp, and pulled them to his mouth.
“Let’s face it,” he said, running his lips across Sora’s knuckles , “I didn’t have a whole lot before I met you.”
And it was true.
Riku barely slept. Every time he closed his eyes, he imagined the imps finding them. Him trying to fight them off. Failing.
Watching as Sora cried out.
It didn’t help that Sora’s hair tickled Riku’s face, and Sora insisted on pressing himself as close as he could to Riku.
The light was beginning to dwindle when Sora asked-
“Are you awake?”
“You couldn’t sleep either?” Riku murmured.
Sora’s hair moved. Riku guessed it was a shake of his head.
“Then we should get moving,” Riku said.
Sora nuzzled into Riku’s neck, wrapping his arms tighter around him.
“We’ve still got a long way to go,” Riku said, his hands on Sora’s wrists. Ready to entangle himself.
He didn’t.
“Did you mean it?” Sora said. “Last night?”
Riku rubbed his thumbs on the back of Sora’s hands.
“I think so,” he said.
“Riku, you deserve so much more,” Sora whispered. His eyes seemed to shine. “I’m going to give you so much more.”
“Let’s just get you back home first,” Riku said. He thought about kissing the Prince. His head dipped forward.
But he couldn’t quite make it.
He did, however, gather the strength to untangle himself from Sora.
“We don’t want to lose our head start,” Riku said.
He pulled the tarp back into itself, and pushed it into the saddlebags.
Sora sat up slowly, stretching, and looked around with a slightly awed expression.
“It feels weird…being outside,” he said. His eyes were glassy.
“Are you…okay?” Riku asked.
“This is where you lived all this time?” he asked. His voice was still distant.
“This…is home,” Riku said. “Or…it was…”
Sora was still staring, looking slightly horrified.
“We should get going,” Riku said. His hand on the horse’s bridle. It shuffled uncomfortably.
Sora nodded, and swung himself onto the horse. The movement was so graceful.
Sora held out a hand to Riku, his eyes glittering.
“Hop on then, Princess,” he said with a crooked grin.
Riku felt his face warm, and frowned.
“I will take you straight back to Maleficent,” he muttered.
Sora laughed, and started the horse off on a trot.
“I’m just - ecstatic,” Sora said. “I can’t wait to show you around!”
“Sora, there’s going to be a war,” Riku said, but the Prince didn’t seem to hear him.
He sighed - nothing was going to get through to him when he was like this - then wrapped his arms around Sora and rested his head on the Prince’s back.
“So…that thing with the shadows - and the…you can do that?” Sora asked.
“Yeah, Maleficent taught me,” Riku said.
The shadow piercing Jafar. Blood. The image was still bright in Riku’s mind. He didn’t have the strength to push it away, however much it horrified him.
Sora nodded.
“That…key,” Riku said. “What does it unlock?”
“The treasury,” Sora said.
“You gave me the key to the treasury?!” Riku pulled away from him, incredulous.
“Well, it’s not like you could use it,” Sora shrugged.
“You’re…crazy,” Riku said, with a breathless laugh.
“But you love me anyway,” Sora said. He half turned and Riku could see him grinning.
Riku swallowed.
“Yeah,” he whispered.
Sora titled his head back so that it rested against Riku’s chest, smiling up at him.
He had killed for this boy. It would haunt him.
It was worth it. To see that smile.
They carried on riding. Riku watched the sky slowly fade from orange to blue. Pinpricks of stars came out. He tried to find constellations, but found it was a lot harder than books had made out.
“So, you know constellations?” he asked Sora.
“Hm? Oh no, but everyone knows its the second star to the left and straight on till morning to get to Neverland,” Sora said. “Look.”
Riku followed his finger to a particularly bright star.
And then he looked back. The way seemed clear, but the imps would be out by now and they would be seen for miles.
What would Maleficent be thinking now? Would she be plotting to kill him?
Would she be the tiniest part upset?
Why did he care?
As the night wore on, trees began to appear, as they crossed from Maleficent’s territory into Neverland.
By midnight, they were surrounded by a dense forest.
An owl hooted above them, and small creatures scurried to and fro in the under brush.
A more familiar screech came from their left, and the horse reared in terror as an imp flew from above them, it’s claws outstretched as it dropped like a stone towards Sora.
Riku’s stomach lurched.
The shadows threw the imp away.
He had barely blinked. Had acted on instinct.
Sora was busy trying to calm the horse. He looked up fearfully into the branches.
Riku pushed himself down from the horse.
“They’ll be tracking the hoof prints - we should go on foot from here,” he said.
“But-” Sora looked to the horse.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if Maleficent could track its mind,” Riku said.
Sora looked between the two once more, then sighed and slipped down from the saddle. Riku caught his waist and eased him to the floor.
“Do you think he’ll be okay?” Sora whispered.
Riku shrugged, and brushed the hair from Sora’s face.
Sora sighed, then patted the horse’s rear. It went crashing into the forest.
“We’ll go this way,” Sora said, linking his hand with Riku’s and pulling him the opposite direction.
They pushed through the trees, squinting for any sign of the sea.
“Won’t they follow our tracks?” Sora asked, holding a branch out of the way for Riku.
“Uh, maybe,” Riku said. “I think we need to walk through a river. That will hide our footprints.”
“Right,” Sora murmured. “Do you - know where you’re going?”
“Away from Maleficent?” Riku said.
They slipped past a particularly large tree. Sora turned to raise an eyebrow at Riku.
“So…we’re lost in here?” Sora asked.
“Of course not,” Riku said, pushing past the Prince. “We just need to keep walking. We’ll find the ocean eventually, right?”
“I don’t think that’s how it works,” Sora said. “What if we’re walking in the complete wrong direction?”
They carried on through the trees. There seemed to be a small mud path that had been well-trodden to hide their prints. It was a small reassurance, however, and Riku was sure he kept seeing yellow eyes in the trees. Waiting.
He squeezed Sora’s fingers, as increased their pace.
Until Sora stopped suddenly.
“What is it?” Riku snapped, already thinking of five different possibilities.
“Look,” Sora said.
One of the eyes Riku had seen was floating by Sora.
He clenched his fist, ready to fight the imp off.
And then the eye flitted around Sora, and hovered in front of his face. Just one eye. An eye that had made a jingling noise as it had flown.
“It’s a fairy, Riku,” Sora said. The yellow light reflected in his eyes, and he was grinning.
The fairy made another jingling sound, and got close enough to Riku’s face for him to see a tiny, furious girl.
Then the fairy whizzed around him, and buried itself in Sora’s hair.
He giggled as it flew through the mess of hair. The fairy made Sora’s face glow. Riku’s heart pounded. He loved him.
He was definitely doing the right thing.
“We’re trying to find the sea,” Sora said to the fairy. “Riku’s going to take me home. He has a boat - but we need a little help finding it. Do you know where it is?”
The fairy flew back to Riku, and gave him a questioning glance. Riku blinked back at her.
“Please?” Sora pressed. He turned those huge eyes onto the fairy.
She glared at Riku for anther moment, before she flew a few feet away. The circle of light bobbed up and down.
“I think she wants us to follow her,” Sora said, starting forward.
“You think?” Riku asked.
Sora missed the sarcasm as he clambered through the trees to follow the light.
Riku sighed, but followed the pair.
It wasn’t like they had been doing very well on their own.
How could following a fairy make anything worse?
0 notes
sevenseasmelody · 7 years
Happy Birthday
I would like to say Happy Birthday to my favorite boy in this series ;D. He one of the character I can relate to myself. Wrote up a drabble for him. Happy Birthday once again Riku may you continue to makes other smile aside from me.
"Thanks for the hard work. Riku, Iori." The director thank the both of them when the fliming for the variety show, a cooking programme has ended.
"Riku seem to be enjoying the cake. Your expression was great there." the director complimented.
"You think so... Thanks." Riku rubbed the back of his head, lowering it slghtly to high his embarrassment. Riku's heart throbbed with happiness against his chest upon hearing the compliment. When a familiar voice broke his thoughts.
"Nanase-san. You got cream at the side of your mouth. You are our centre. Please be mindful of your appearance. Don't get head over heel just because someone praise you."
"Can't you say something nice or praise me for once. You aren't cute at all that way." Riku retorted, lips pursing into a pout.
"I like the way I am. I don't need to be cute. I don't want to hear that coming from you." Iori answered calmly, he couldn't help but find Riku's reaction adorable as he walked in front along the road back to their dormitory as there was no other schedule after the fliming. Perhaps a cup of warm honey milk drink will drown a certain Red Head Centre fury.
Iori turned around after they left the studio,s walking a few block down the street, pass a isolated dead end, stopping when he heard Riku calling out to him.
"What is it Nanase-san. Did you forget something back at the studio?" Iori question, turning around to face the red head, raising his brow in confusion.
Riku shook his head "No. It not that Iori. Did you hear the sound of someone crying?"
It was when Riku mention and Iori focus, did he caught the faint sound of crying not far from where they are standing.
"I heard it to Nanase-san. It seem to be coming from the alley way." Iori shifted his gaze in the direction where the sound was coming from.
"Let check it out Iori." Riku made his way into the alley way before Iori could say another word. Iori sighed, following behind Riku into the Alley way.
The both of the come to a stop when they saw a long black hair girl, around the age of four to five, wrapping her arm around her knees crying alone in the alley.
"W-Whose t-there!" the girl exclaimed, fear apparent in her voice while shifting her gaze in their direction, as if realizing their presence. Taking both Iori and Riku by surprise.
"Don't worry we are not bad people. I am Riku and this is Iori." The girl calmed down upon hearing their name.
"Wait... Are you Nanase Riku and Izumi Iori from Idolish7?" The girl question.
"Yes we are." Riku answered.
"My brother and I. We are big fan of yours. My brother would always play me your music whenever I feel down and it always cheer me up. My name's Natsuhiko Ayame "
"Thank you for the support Ayame." Riku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, a tint red covered his cheek. "I am glad we could cheer you up with our songs." A smile brighten on the red head feature.
"Nanase-san your face is red like a tomato like you are being confess to or ask to go out on a date."
Riku's cheek puffed up, lips pursing into a pout upon hearing Iori's answer
"What are you doing out here alone Ayame? Your eyes, they can't see am I right?" Iori ask the question that was on his mind since they met the little girl.
Riku turn towards Iori upon hearing his question "Iori. Isn't that a rude question to ask?" Riku retorted.
Ayame shook her head. "It isn't rude Riku-san, Iori-san is right. My eyes are blind ever since I was born. I am here alone... because I ran away from the hospital...." Ayame's body tremble as she spoke. "I-I am afraid of the operation tomorrow to recover my sight." tears began to well up in Ayame's eyes, flowing down her cheek.
Iori was lost when he saw Ayame crying. He was never good at handling situation's like this. Especially with girls.
It was at that moment a familiar voice rang out beside him, Riku was singing their Unit song 'Fly Away' Iori quickly join in with the Red Head.
Upon hearing the song, Ayame stop crying. Clapping her hand when they were finish.
"Thank you Riku-san, Iori-san." Ayame thank the both of them, wiping the stray tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes.
"Y-You don't have to thank me. I just recalled that you mention hearing our song always cheer you up. I was just hoping by doing that that it'll help you cheer up." just like how Tenn would always do for him. Seeing a shadow of his past self in Ayame.
Ayame nodded her head as a smile spread across her lips as Riku smile himself.
Iori watch from the side, Nanase's wish, always trying his best to bring a smile to other's face was what filled his voice with that magic.
"Ayame. Take the operation, when you get better come and see me and Iori and the rest of our member perform live in our concert." Riku encouraged with a hand on her shoulder.
Ayame hesitated for a moment, feeling the warm supporting hand on her shoulder before she nodded. "I have always wanted to see your dance. I'll go for the operation so I could see how all of you look and watch your dance as well."
"It a promise then. I leave the front seat for you." Riku reach out his hand, hooking pinky with Ayame as a bright smile form on both their faces.
Iori smile seeing the warm scene playing out in front of him, he was about to remind Riku they had to help Ayame back to the hospital or they would be running late for an arrangement for dinner together with the team if the do not hurry.
"Ayame!" a voice came from behind the both of them.
Iori and Riku turn around to see a short black hair male about the age of six to eight, panting while standing behind them, he rushed towards Ayame pulling her into a hug.
"I finally found you! Don't run off by yourself again. We were all so worried when you disappeared suddenly." An image of Tenn scolding him whenever Riku exert himself flashes through Riku's mind when he saw the scene play out in front of him.
The boy soon turn back towards them seeming surprised to see Riku and Iori.
"My name is Natsuhiko Ichiro. T-Thank you for helping my sister. Sorry for the trouble she cause." The boy introduce himself bowing apologetically at the both of them.
Riku shook his head, waving his hand. "Ayame isn't any trouble. Glad you found her." Riku assured
"That right." Riku reach into his pocket pulling out his pen and notebook, tearing out a piece of paper signing on it before placing it in Ayame's hand. "This is the ticket for today special concert. As a souvenier"
Ayame felt the paper in her hand smiling as she held it close to her chest. "Thank you Riku-san, Iori-san."
She waved at the both of them, while holding her brother's hand following her brother back to the hospital.
"Get well soon Ayame! It a promise i see you at our next concert." Riku waved as Ayama and Ichiro waved back before their figure disappear into the street.
Riku glanced at the watch on his hand. "Ah! We are going to be late for the gathering." he was about to run when he felt a hand grabbing onto his wrist.
"Nanase-san. You know your own body condition. We shouldn't run." Iori reminded
"I be fine with a bit of running. I won't want to keep the other waiting." Riku spoke excitedly at the thought of eating together with the other member. Iori only sighed as he nodded while following behind Riku as the both of them left the alleyway to the arranged venue with their member.
A month later, at the date of their concert.
"Good Evening! Idolish7!" Riku's voice echoed through his microphone, while he scanned through the crowd
"Let all have a fun night tonight! We'll be bringing our song Restart Pointer. Enjoy!"
Loud cheers burst out from among the crowded as the light dimmed shining on the other member one by one befor the spot light shine on Riku. Who began singing and dancing. He spotted two familiar character amongst the crowed whose eyes were fixed on him. Riku smile widen, giving it his all till the concert ends.
When they were about to leave. Tsumugi handed Riku a letter. Two young kids left this for you and Iori.  
Riku open the letter and began reading the content.
Riku-san, Iori-san
The operation was a sucess and my eye sight has recovered. I am finally able to see Idolish7 singing and performing with my own eyes. You all shine brightly like a rainbow. I am glad I got the chance to see it myself. It all thanks to you and Iori with the encouragement back then or I wouldn't have the courage to go for the operation.
Regards, Ayame.
Riku smile as he kept the letter.
"Rikkun who sent that letter." Tamaki question.
"A Secret. Let go. Sougo and the other are waiting for us." Riku quickly leave making a mental note to give iori the message as well.
0 notes
ashroseevans · 7 years
Kingdom Hearts Cinderella 5
I paced around at the foot of the stairs, trying to think of another way out. I couldn't break a window because then Tifa would know that I had left. I also didn't want to ruin my dress. I huffed just as I heard my phone start to buzz. I ducked to look under the dryer and tried to reach my phone with just my hand. It was no use. I looked around the laundry room and found a broomstick. I grabbed it and used it to kick my phone out to where I could easily use it. Immediately I grabbed my phone and saw who was calling. Hatori. I slid my phone across the screen and answered it.
"Andi! Where are you? I'm waiting for you outside," she said.
"I need you to come inside. Tifa locked me in the basement," I said quickly.
The line went dead and I sighed, waiting. Minutes later, i saw the door open with Hatori standing there, her key blade at her side. I face palmed.
"You know, you could have done this yourself," she said as she walked up the stairs. "Good thing Tifa doesn't know about these."
"I was panicking. It didn't cross my mind," I said and hugged her.
She rolled her eyes, still grinning triumphantly. "Come on, let's get going."
I nodded and we walked to her car and got in. Before she started driving, she handed me a red bag.
"It's for your phone," she said and pulled out into the street, heading towards the school. "There's also a gift in there from me, too."
I nodded again and opened up the bag, sliding my phone into the bag. I noticed a small wrapped gift and took it out. It was a keychain. It had a moon and a star hanging from a ring with three beads, blue, yellow, and white.
"Oh, Hatori! It's beautiful!"
"It's for your key blade," she said. "It's a bit of a motivator for asking Riku to dance."
I smiled at her. "Thank you."
It wasn't long before we arrived at the dance venue. Since we were so late, we had to park in the back, but it wasn't too bad. When we got to the doors a couple of tuxedoed doormen opened them for us.
"Fancy," I muttered to Hatori as we were directed to the ballroom.
As we opened the final doors, I froze, looking out at the throes of people. Hatori turned to look at me.
"What's wrong?"
"I feel sick..." I said.
"Oh. That's just the nerves," she said and grabbed my wrist. "Come on."
She started pulling me down the stairs and I noticed that I couldn't hear any more chatter from the partygoers. I froze again and looked around. Everyone was staring at me. At my dress. Did they recognize me? Did they wonder why I was here? Or did they wonder who I was?
* * *
"See someone you want to ask to dance?" Sort asked.
I sighed. He was really prodding to see if I saw Andi anywhere. I scanned the crowd slowly. "No, not yet," I said just as I saw movement out of the corner or my eyes by the door.
I turned my attention towards the doors and two girls walked towards the stairs. One of them had black hair and wore a black dress while the other wore a soft pink dress and her hair was blonde. There was something familiar about the girl in black, however.
"Someone didn't get the dress code," Sora said when he looked at the two girls.
I smacked the back of his head. "I don't think it matters. She looks beautiful."
* * *
"Come on, Andi!" Hatori hissed.
But I couldn't move. Fear and self-consciousness locked my limbs and I looked out over the crowd of people.
"Just close your eyes. Pretend they aren't there," Hatori said and I looked at her.
My father had said that same thing to me on his wedding night. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
"Don't you dare let me trip," I hissed at Hatori.
"I won't," she replied.
We walked down the stairs. My heart was still pounding in my ears and I could hear whispers moving through the crowd of bodies. When we reached the bottom of the stairs, Hatori let go of my arm and I opened my eyes.
"That was so embarrassing..." I groaned.
"Eh you've been through worse," Hatori shrugged.
I sighed.
"Let's go. We have a couple of boys to find," she laughed and walked off.
I followed her and scanned the crowd, looking for Riku's silver hair. It wasn't long before we found him talking to a bunch of other boys. I groaned. I wouldn't be able to talk to him while he was around other people.
"Well, go on," Hatori whispered to me. "Go talk to him!"
I shook my head and locked my knees. "He's talking to people," I hissed back.
"So? Go on already!"
I shook my head again and didn't move.
She sighed and got behind me. "I guess I'm going to have to make you," she said and shoved me forward.
I stumbled in Riku's direction. I tried to right myself before I ran into him, but I couldn't, not in time. Everything I tried; locking my knees, trying to stop my legs from moving; just ended up tripping me up even more. Stupid high heels! How do people wear these damn things?! I swear on my life I'll never wear anything like them again! My cheek hit something soft and I started falling. Whoever I ran into turned around and caught me under my arm and helped me steady myself. I looked up at my savior.
"Hey, are you okay?" Riku asked.
I dodged and blushed a bit. "I'm sorry. I don't wear heels often. They're kind of tripping me up."
He shrugged. "It's okay. No big deal."
"I guess. Thank you for helping me" i said and patted down my dress with my free hand. "I guess I'll uh... go."
I turned around, sliding my arm through the circle of Riku's hand. I was hyper aware of his fingers on my skin as goose flesh raised on my arm. When his hand reached my wrist, it tightened, not letting me free. I turned to look at him.
"What is it, Riku?" I asked.
He gave me a small smile. "I guess my mask doesn't go a good job hiding my identity."
I shook my head. "I'd notice your silver hair anywhere," I confessed.
His smile got bigger and I blushed.
"So what is it?" I asked again.
He closed the distance between us, sliding is hand down to take mine. He bent his head down so he was close enough to speak normally in my ear. I locked eyes with him.
"Will you dance with me?"
"Aren't you the ladies' man..." I said and nodded at his request.
He grinned. "Come on. Let's go someplace where we can talk and dance."
I nodded again and he led me out of the ballroom towards one of the balconies that surrounded the room for those couples who wanted a little more privacy. It was rather secluded and it certainly was a lot quieter without all the people talking all at once. I walked over to the edge and poked over the railing.
"I can see everyone from up here," I said and tried to pick out Hatori and Roxas from the crowd.
* * *
I walked up behind the girl I brought up to the balcony with me. She felt so familiar, like I should know who she was. Even her voice resonated with me. I moved next to her and put my hands on the railing, one of mine covering hers. They felt so small and cold.
"Yeah, it's pretty cool. Just be careful not to fall. I don't know if I'd be quick enough to catch you."
He looked at me like she was about to smack me. "I'm not that stupid."
"I never said that you were," I answered as she backed away from the railing.
I moved away and looked at her. I smirked and bowed deeply. She giggled. "What are you doing?"
"I was going to ask for a dance, but I think I'll just take it now since you interrupted my show," i said and took her hand, guiding it to my shoulder and then taking the other.
"Forceful, aren't you, Riku?"
I smirked a bit. "You know me, huh?" I said as I started swaying it the beat of the slow song that started to play. "But I don't seem to know you. What's your name?"
She looked up at me, her blue eyes boring into mine. She shook her head. "I don't think I'm ready to tell you," she said.
I frowned slightly. "It's strange though. I feel like I should already know who you are. You seem so familiar." I ran my fingers through her curled hair. "When I think I can place who you are, I second guess myself, thinking that I'm just being hopeful."
She feels like Anti, but her eyes, I thought. They're different...
"Who do you want me to be?" He asked and I could almost hear her trying to sound coy.
I chuckled and put my hand on the side of her face, brushing my thumb on her mask, just under her eyes. "You feel like someone very special to me, even sound like her, but your eyes..."
"My eyes what? Who do I feel like to you?" she asked, sounding curious and almost hopeful.
Kiss her.
I shook my head. "Just someone important to me. Someone that I want to protect," I told her and leaned in. "You're beautiful, you know that?"
She blushed and shook her head. "I'm not one boys are jumping all over themselves to compliment," She said and then locked eyes with me.
"Please tell me who you are and I'll say it to you as many times as you want after tonight," I said and leaned in more.
I could have sworn that I knew her. Holding her like this... it felt like we were two puzzle pieces finally coming together. I had to have seen her before. "Please tell me."
She hesitated a moment, but her eyes closed and she tilted her head up ever so slightly. "My name is—"
She was cut off by the sound of her phone ringing. She jerked back and dug through her handbag. "Oh no... not now... not now!" she muttered as she pulled out the device and silenced her alarm. "Riku, I'm so sorry. But I have to go I'm so sorry.
She turned on her heel and started running towards the door. I quickly taught her wrist.
"Wait," I said and looked at her.
She turned back for just a moment. "What is it?"
"Will I see you again?"
She nodded. "I hope so."
I gave her a small smile and let go of her arm. "Without the masks."
She smiled sadly before she ran off again. I just stood there and watched.
* * *
Hatori watched as Riku took Andi away, wondering where they were going. She expected that he had some sort of inkling as to who Andi really was. He wouldn't have dragged just anyone away, right? She sighed.
Time to start looking for Sora, she thought and turned around to scan the crowd.
She walked all over the dance floor, by the punch bowls and doors too. She even tried walking to the top of the stairs to get a bird's eye view. She sighed.
How hard could it be to find someone with spiky hair? She thought and scanned the crowd once more.
That's when she spotted him in the center of the dance floor, looking around. She quickly rushed down the stairs and weaved through the other dancers paired off for the slow one. When she reached Sora, he took a deep breath before tapping him on the shoulder.
"Sora?" she said.
He turned and looked at her. "Hey."
She chewed her lip "Um... would you like to dance?"
"I'm sorry. I can't. I'm looking for someone,' he replied.
"Hatori. Have you seen her?"
Hatori felt her heart speed up. Should I tell him? No... if Andi comes by... it could ruin everything we did to keep her identity a secret. "Well..." she started, "what's one dance with someone other than her?"
He frowned a moment, thinking. "You're right. I guess it couldn't hurt."
She smiled a bit as Sora awkwardly put his hands on her hips. She curled her arms around his neck and they started swaying. They danced in silence for a while before Hatori spoke.
"So why are you looking for m-Hatori?" She asked.
"Riku may have caught wind that I like her. It was probably just a guess. But he dared me to ask her to dance," he said. Hatori noticed that he was blushing faintly.
"Why are you embarrassed?"
"Well I mean... it's not exactly as if she likes me back. She's Andi's friend and backs her up. It's almost like she hates me, too. Honestly though, I'm surprised that she doesn't call me Roxas like she does," he sighed. "And she's Axel's little sister. He'd probably kill me if he found out. I mean... if he was here..."
"He died... protecting you, didn't he?"
Sora just nodded.
"He wouldn't kill you," she said. "Not if you treated her well and didn't hurt her." She looked up at him. "And while she might have Andi's back, that doesn't mean she hates you took. She's just trying to protect her friend. And Andi... she calls you Roxas because she wants to group you in with the Nobodies that you killed... including her father."
He looked to the side. "She shouldn't sympathize with the Nobodies. They were evil."
"She just cares about her father and the promise he made to her. But..." Hatori's voice faded.
Sora looked at Hatori puzzled. "How do you know all of this? About her father and the promise?"
"How do you know about the promise?"
"Who are you?"
* * *
I left Riku on the balcony feeling like I was about to cry. He almost kissed me! It was such a perfect moment! I was going to tell him who I was and he was going to kiss me!
I sighed and pulled out my phone and dialed Hatori as I ran down into the ballroom. Hatori didn't answer so I called again, scanning the bodies for her blonde hair. I found her with Roxas and rushed towards her, hanging up the phone. I grabbed her arm.
"We need to go, now," I said "I'm going to be late!" I showed her the time on my phone.
She gasped. "Oh no..." she looked at Roxas. "I'm so sorry, Sora. But I have to go."
"Why? Can't you tell me who you are first?"
"I'm sorry, there's no time," she said.
Without waiting for him to say anything, the two of us started running up the stairs, me practically dragging Hatori by her wrist.
"WAIT!" I heard someone shout.
On instinct I found myself pausing and turning. Riku was rushing up the stairs. Hatori rushed passed me and reversed the grip on my arm. She started to drag me.
"Come on," she hissed.
"Wait!" Riku called again.
Hatori jerked my arm and pulled me forward. I felt my bag fall from my shoulder and fall down the stairs. I tried to grab it as it fell, but it was no use.
"Leave it!" Hatori said.
I groaned and turned, running behind Hatori. We rushed through the doors and to her car. She slammed her key into the ignition and we drove off. Hatori, high on adrenaline, laughed.
"Oh. My. God," she said.
I said nothing.
"You okay?" She asked, glancing at me.
I shook my head. "He almost kissed me, Hatori." I slumped my head.
She pulled the car into a spot down the street and we got out and started walking the rest of the way home. "I know how you feel. I almost told Sora who I was."
"Ugh. I hate this! I just want to be a normal girl for once! Not have to leave dances early on disguise myself!" I said and pulled my mask off as we walked inside. "I want to wear this dress as me and not someone unrecognizable."
She sighed and the second the door closed we heard the sound of a car parking in the driveway. "Oh shit she's home."
We rushed to the basement and when Hatori closed it, I used my keyblade to lock it again. Not having time to properly call it back, I threw it across the room where it landed behind a pile of laundry. I pushed Hatori towards a hiding spot.
"Hide!" I hissed.
She ducked behind the stairs and within seconds, Tifa opened the door.
"Good you're still here," he said and threw down a pile of clothes and a brush. "Chance out of that hideous dress before Kairi sees you. And fix your hair too!"
I only nodded in response.
"Good. Now be a good little girl and stay down here for the night," she said and slammed the door behind her as she walked away.
* * *
I watched as she disappeared through the door. I was so close to stopping her. I sighed and felt something flop against my shoes. I looked down and saw her bag. It must have rolled down the stairs. I picked it up and looked inside, hoping to find some sort of ID, but the only thing I found was a keychain.
"Riku!" I turned and saw Sora. "Do you have any idea what just happened?"
I shook my head. "I didn't even get her name..."
"Neither did I," Sora said and then looked at my hands. "What are you holding?"
I showed him. "She dropped it on her way out."
"Is it a regular one or is it for a keyblade?" Sora asked.
"Only one way to find out," I said and walked outside. Sora followed.
Once we were in the parking lot, I summoned my keyblade. Without a word, I took off my keychain and put on the one that I found. Instantly my keyblade changed. It had the basic design of the Kingdom Key, only there were some subtle differences. The hilt and the guard were replaced with a crescent moon. The top with the key was replaced with a star halfway through the shaft. The shaft was decorated with stars and moons.
"I guess that answers that," Sora said.
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