#and then i was like. oh shit hold on a minute neil actually posted this. and he could see these tags. joke no longer funny
stellerssong · 8 months
reminder to self to have some fucking couth. neel geighman is LITERALLY on this website and he DOES check his notifs. you cannot doxx yourself on behalf of a joke about horse murder.
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kpg-1126 · 1 year
Next time on . . .
So I know I haven’t been doing the previews of the next chapter lately, mostly because I haven’t written far enough ahead.  So I decided to post the beginning of the next chapter. As a treat.
Mild spoilers from Chapter 6 if you haven’t read it.
Patty’s Living Room - Moments Later
Patty had just put the book down when Allison barged through the door, a nervous ball of energy, and Patty nearly jumped out of her seat.
"Shit, I forgot. Renée is coming over."
"What?" As if Patty's mind wasn't already full enough. "She's coming here?"
"Yeah, yeah. You said it was okay."
Patty scoffed. "When?"
"Last week, when she and Tim were here. We set it all up."
"Are you serious?"
"I mean, I knew you were distracted, but I thought you understood at least the gist of the plan, if not the exact date and time."
"But Allison, aren't you supposed to be working? I thought Bev’s closes late today?"
"Oh, sure, but I told Sam what was up and he said it would be okay."
"Oh." Patty wanted to know what was up, but was a little afraid to ask.
"Hold on," Allison said, "let me run upstairs and grab something. I want to set the mood."
"What? What are you—" Patty’s eyes grew wide. "Also, umm, I just talked to your mother, I'm not sure now is a great—"
"Oh, no worries, I saw her on my way here—she said we could catch up soon."
Patty abruptly shut her mouth and sat back down. What was this all about? What did Allison’s mom want to catch up about? And Renée . . . ?
Patty tilted her head back and took a deep breath, still reeling that Allison should burst through the door just as Patty read that line . . . she didn't even want to think about it actually. So she didn't. She listened to the faint creaking of Allison's footsteps above her, and what sounded like the crashing of a pots and pans. What was she doing up there?
After a few more minutes of chaos, the noises stopped, and Allison was back. Now wearing some sweatpants and a hoodie that Patty was almost certain were her own. Her hair had been put up and she had on no shoes or socks. Which was foolhardy, honestly, considering Neil used to live upstairs. Allison had a bundle of items in her arms wrapped in what might have been an embroidered tablecloth that was straight out of the 1980s. Or was it the 70s? Allison passed Patty and went into the kitchen, laying out the tablecloth, which hung awkwardly over the ends of Patty's small table, and setting up some candles. "Hey, can you toss me your lighter?" Allison said. "I forgot to put yours in my pocket."
"You forgot to what?" Patty asked, nevertheless grabbing her lighter and tossing it to Allison, who lit the candles and arranged them just so. "What is all this?"
"I told you, Renée's coming over."
"Should I go change?" Patty asked, furrowing her brows and motioning her head toward the newly prepped table. "Should you?"
"Oh, no, you're good," Allison said, "she said she likes the ripped jeans." Allison looked down at her own ensemble. "And I put this on especially."
"You goin' for a jog before she gets here?” Patty looked at the newly-lit flames, “You know, the candles will drip wax all over the table if we have to wait very long."
"Oh, no, this was for you." Allison said, indicating her outfit.
"Yeah, true, I did buy those sweats for me."
"You know what I mean," Allison said, raising an eyebrow, and Patty looked away, her mouth nearly hanging open. Just then, the doorbell sounded, and Allison cheerfully went to open it.
"Delivery for Allison O'Connor?" a deep voice said from the doorway.
Patty's eyes shot open wide again as Allison chuckled nervously. "Just trying it out," she called over to Patty as she grabbed the bags of takeout from the guy at the door and brought them into the kitchen, taking them out one by one. “I am not a big fan of McRoberts.” She grabbed some plates and arranged them on the table before carefully scooping pasta from the various containers onto the plates. While Patty just looked on in awe.
Allison was nearly done when the doorbell rang again.
As Patty got up to answer it, she turned to Allison. "Wait," she said, suddenly embarrassed by the realization, "is this some kind of date?"
Allison smiled her crooked smile, but didn't respond. Patty gritted her teeth and forced herself to answer the door. Renée stood there, a bouquet of Calla lilies in blue and pink in her arms, which she handed to Patty, while giving her a lingering once over. "You look nice, as always."
"Thanks, uh—" Patty laid the flowers gingerly on the side table by the door, "I need a cigarette."
Renée laughed. "Mind if I join you?"
Patty's face froze. "I thought you quit?"
"True. I'll have to steal one. You mind?"
"I . . . guess not." Patty said. Allison came closer to the door. Patty shrugged and held up her pack of menthols.
"Oh, you two have fun. I'll get out the wine." Allison said, giggling that stupid giggle that popped up when Renée  was around. "Wait, don't forget your lighter," she said, tossing it back to Patty as Renée  stepped outside. Patty nearly dropped it, but managed to snag it with the other hand as it slipped through her fingers.
Once out on the porch, Patty shook out a cigarette and handed it to Renée, who put it to her lips, leaning forward to allow Patty to light it. Patty then got her own, and looked off down the street as she took a drag, trying not to look at Renée, who was wearing the dress part of a navy blue dress suit, without the jacket, which she had left inside. There were no sleeves, and the faint outlines of her arm muscles brought to Patty's mind Allison's habit of wearing exclusively long sleeves . . . although less so lately. The square cut neckline of Renée 's dress fell just below a long necklace, which settled right above the very hint of cleavage, a blue pendant (was it a sapphire?), which sparkled in the moonlight as Renée turned slightly. Patty, realizing she was staring turned away before she could see Renée smile.
After a minute, Renée interrupted the silence with a quick laugh. "I guess this is a little weird."
"Is it?" Patty said, trying to play it cool, but also desperately wondering what the hell was going on.
Renée smiled sympathetically at Patty's obvious discomfort. "I don't do this very often, to tell you the truth. It's not how I usually—"
Patty laughed awkwardly, almost hoping Renée would stop explaining. "Of course not," Patty said. "So how was lunch the other day?" Patty asked, hoping that maybe a description would clue her in to whatever was going on.
Renée smiled. "Oh, it was great to catch up. We were just talking logistics, you know. Allison was concerned that you wouldn't really be on board with the whole thing."
Patty let out another nervous laugh, but left it at that.
"But here you are," Renée continued.
"Here I am," Patty said with false enthusiasm. Renée smiled a big smile, her perfect, white teeth gleaming in the soft light. Patty cleared her throat. "I guess we had better go back in—seemed like Allison was really setting something up in there."
Renée nodded and stubbed out her cigarette, while Patty did the same. "Thank you, though—I needed that tonight."
Patty pursed her lips and nodded, letting Renée back inside the house. Patty looked around and realized that Allison had turned off all the lights but a small lamp in the corner, the only other illumination being the candles on the table. 
Allison came to greet them, smiling at Renée and giving her a warm hug before pulling back and bringing her hand up to finger Renée's necklace, pulling the pendant away and admiring how it glinted in the low light. "That's exquisite," she said, as Patty frowned, and Allison gently rested the pendant back in the shallow dip just above Renée 's dress and let her fingers linger there, as she turned to Patty and smiled.
Patty thought she could hear the faint sound of sniggering laughter in the distance, but couldn't tell where it was coming from. A thought popped into her head. "What did you just say, Allison?"
"What do you mean?"
"You just said something about Renée's necklace."
"Oh, that it's exquisite," Allison said, her hand moving back up to Renée 's pendant, Renée smiling slyly as she did so, and Allison once again looking at Patty, her eyebrow slightly raised. Then there it was, the laughter in the distance, growing a little louder now.
"You wouldn't say that," Patty said.
"Wouldn't I?" Allison shrugged, her messy ponytail swinging.
"You wouldn't."
"Are you sure?" Renée asked, suddenly joining the conversation.
"Almost certain," Patty said. "And you wouldn’t just randomly smoke a cigarette if you quit recently."
Renée laughed. "I wouldn't?"
"No." Patty said. 
"You're probably right," Allison said, turning toward the front of the house. "It does seem a little strange, doesn't it?"
Patty’s eyebrows furrowed, as she, too, turned toward the front of the house. "Who are you talking to?"
"Don't you see them?" Allison said. "Staring at us intently?"
"Yeah, they're trying to figure out whether this is real. Just like you."
"Hmmph." Patty said. "I'm pretty sure it's not."
"Makes sense," Allison said, nodding.
"But you've been fooled before," Renée added, chuckling. "So who knows?"
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 months
Oh my soul. F1 and aftg is my obsessions. Full stop. Went from aftg to f1 and both are on my mind 24/7 nonstop. Head Canon for me, the foxes definitely attend like Miami gp. And ofcourse neil would be obsessed with McLaren and all the orange. Lando being a little shit would be Neils favourite and timid Oscar would be Matts.
I have! I read the series for the first time in 2019, and I have reread at least twice a year since then and I just adore it. I also read TSC the minute it came out and stayed up all night reading it.
I have all three books and TSC on my Kindle and on the Kindle app on my phone. I have also ordered the special edition of the series from Rainbow crate the day they dropped after saving up for it, and am patiently waiting for them to drop the shipping date because I ordered in March and I'm just so excited to get them 🥺
The series has such a dear place in my heart and I actually reblog a good bit of fanart and posts about AFTG on my main blog where I reblog all my normal/nerdy/tv/book/poetry stuff to keep it seperate from this blog (@lost-within-a-dreamers-dream)!
As for your head canon, I absolutely can see Neil just picking the orange team because "close enough" but in my little word, the funniest thing is that Matt and the girls and maybe Andrew would be the only ones actually interested in F1. Neil doesn't care because it's not exy, but he goes because they've been invited and Andrew seemed interested.
Meanwhile my guy Kevin is in a corner with Neil with an exy match pulled up to try watch, and he's mumbling about there not being decent court near enough to where they're staying and Andrew straight up refuses to drive Kevin to a court because "suffer, Day"
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withoneheadlight · 3 years
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ok i saw this cap of zoë kravitz in hf and she's got such a dreamy expression, she looks so deeply self-absorbed and infatuated by whatever she's imagining and those lines. and i couldn't stop picturing billy exactly like that for days so,
There’s a pretty unusual sound coming off the house when Max comes back home, that summer afternoon.
Full volume. Walls shaking. And she quietly walks to the source of the sound, holding back her breath right in front of Billy's room because, there's this second sound? Stranger and way more unsettling and Max's not sure-sure at first but then Steve Perry’s voice takes off and Billy’s follows it and then he's like, singing along and. Well. Max did know Billy liked Journey but not like, their 'stuff for pussies' but uhm, he does, apparently. Rasps his voice all the way through ‘Faithfully’. Kind of, sighs. Longingly? When it ends? But pfff, ok, big brothers are weird. Definitely weirder after being possessed and then kind of resurrected. Even if it's in a good-weird way but, whatever. So Max's just about to sneak to her room, dutifully rolling her eyes, steps muffled by the first chords of 'Edge of the blade' when―
Click. Click. Billy stops the tape. Click. Takes it out. Tap. Tap. Click. Puts on― Billy puts. On,
Bryan Adams’ Heaven.
And Max―
Being a younger sister is a meticulous kind of full-time, private detective job. You gotta learn how the person you’ve been watching so carefully for years and years works. Hafta develop some sort of―sense about your target. And Billy’s been—un-Billy-like? These past two months. Smiling more. Telling more jokes. Playing ‘You shook me all night long’ in a loop on their drive to school and back, not complaining at all but even joining when’s Max who can’t help but sing along so.
So. She retraces her steps. Knocks. Takes the distracted grunt she gets as a ‘Yeahyeah, c’mon in c’mon in’ and,
Creak. Creak. ‘―baby you’re all that I want’
Billy’s sitting cross-legged on the floor. Radio close to his knees. Cassettes scattered everywhere. Piles and piles of breakwater surrounding Billy’s old, rusty beacon of sound. He’s reading through the song-list of one of the tapes, a smoke locked on the corner of his mouth, bouncing up and down with every little, absent suck he takes, and he looks. He looks―
Self-absorbed and even. Relaxed. Happy. Like whatever he’s thinking about right now is actually carrying his thoughts away to fucking heaven.
‘When you’re lying here in my arms!’
“Billy are you. What―” ‘I'm findin' it hard to believe. We're in heaven’ “What are you doing?”
But there’s this orbit around the sun and then there’s whatever one Billy's been spinning along with the last couple of months so he completely ignores her question. Shakes the tape on his left hand. Picks another one from the pile on his right. Asks her.
“Is Billy Ocean too much? ‘Cause I think it’s too much. But it kind of fits into what I'm trying to say so” he says, shrugs, looking up at Max and waiting for the answer of what she realizes was not really a question. Not at all. So she does her little sister job and just, nods “Right. That’s good. I think it’ll slide just nicely into Bruce Springsteen and―”
“Billy” Max insists, waiting for the charm of the third time to work. It doesn’t. Not really. But keeps Billy's eyes on her long enough to squeeze an “A mixtape?” And, uh. That’s what gets it on. The charm “Are you making a mixtape?”
And it’s like Max just shook Billy out of a daydream. Ash plopping down from his cigarette as his lips try but can’t purse and Max― she’s good. She’s stellar at this detective thing. Recognizes an opening the moment she sees it, right there in front of her, frozen in the middle of shaking Billy Ocean and Bruce Springsteen in the air right before cocktailing them together. Shaken, not stirred, please. Max’s upgraded to James Bond-level just right now.
“You’re making a mixtape for someone”
“But you didn’t have those tapes before. Not even in your secret stash”
“How do yo―?”
“Holy. ShIT. You’ve been listening to somebody else’s music” This is. Oh, God. This. Is. GOLD. Max gotta take a moment. Blink. Breathe. Process. Her hands move by themselves, palms spread toward Billy in a wait-a-minute kind of gesture except. Max’s gonna need way more than a minute for this “You’ve accepted a music recommendation”
“Gosh, you’ve even listened to the tapes enough to. Make―”
“I just can’t believe it”
And Max was glad. Well. As glad as one can be. Bunch weeks ago. Her mom and Neil out for the day. Coming back home a little earlier than she usually does to hear those ugh. Those other noises. Happy screams. Again. After months and months of Billy being basically alone except for her and the party and Steve. And Max’s so glad, of course she is. But she’s also a little sister. And all this investigation work has a high, rightful purpose.
Make her big brother’s life a living. Hell.
“Oh my god, you must be so gone!” Max brings her hands to her mouth. Takes a deep, deep breath that’s more a poorly restrained giggle. Shoots her index at him “Is it Bon Jovi? What I’m seeing right there? Goddam, Billy are you in lo―”
Bam. Bam!
The front door.
What a way to spoil the fun. Max doesn’t have time for this. She’s working.
“BILLY?” comes a voice from the other side “Billy are you in there?”
What a way to make the fun a hundred times better.
She’s starting to move to get to the door, sinsonging “Well, I guess Steve’s gonna find out you’re so stupid in love you’re willingly listening to―” when she realizes Billy’s eyes have widened and he’s jerkingly trying to unfreeze, he’s mumbling something in around his already extinguished cigarette in the ways of “Can’t” and “Find out” and “Surprise” and “Fucking help me!” While literally trying to shove the huge mass of tapes under his bed, his tone like hurryhurryhurry!, like he would start gagging and throwing his lungs out at any given minute, so nervous he looks.
So Max doesn’t go for the door. Yet. She basks in the enjoyment.
“Oh, is it a secret romance or something?” She sighs happily, leaning against the doorframe instead. “‘Cause you look pretty worried”
Steve’s banging the door now, voice wavering a little as he asks-shouts “Billy? Billy answer me! Hey, bab―Are you ok?”
“Max, please” Billy begs. Begs. Crawling over to where a Madonna’s Like a virgin is laying with the tape looping slightly out “He really can’t find out”
“What? That you’re in lo-o-oh-oh-OH―”
Billy stops at the tone, right there on his knees. Spits his forgotten cig to the side. And in the instant it seems to take him to make up his mind they both can hear Steve shout “Ok. I know you’re in there!. I’m coming in now!!”
“Fuck! Yeah. I am. Ok?” he looks like he just realized he’s tripped. Blushes. “Making it, I mean”
And Ohhhhhhh.
“Steve,” Max gasps. Because. Hear it makes it like. Easier. To process “You. And Steve”
B A M!
“Yeah, Max, Yeah. And this is a fucking surprise and he’s gonna―”
‘I've been waitin' for so long. For somethin' to arrive. For love to come along’
Ok. Oh. Okok.
“Door!” Max hastens him.
“You. Door. Run!” She commands, and Billy― sometimes Max can’t honestly understand how he's got the grades he's got, because Billy blinks, looks clueless “C’mon slow ass. Hurry! I’ll hide all this shit”
And Billy finally gets it. Nods. Slow. Then fast. Stumbles up. Literally runs, to get to the door.
Max still gets to hear his labored “Fuck, pretty boy. “That was really hardcore of you. That's how bad you wanted to see me?” And Steve's own breathless “Really?” Before pushing Billy's room door close with her back, and kneeling on the floor to check for stray, incriminating cassettes.
Pretty boy. Maybe Max isn't as clever as she thought she is. Or hasn’t been doing her job right, clearly.
It's when she’s making ‘It’s a kind of magic’ disappear into the rest of the pile that she lays eyes on it. The case. The J-card written almost all the way down to the B-side already. A mixture of songs Billy's heard so many times there are parts where his tapes screech, and others she'd bet her life he wouldn’t have deigned to listen to. Not ever. Definitely not because―no, for, somebody. Bowie and Cher and Cindy Lauper and Bob Seger right next to Metallica and Guns n' Roses and Meatloaf and― there. There. Almost hidden in the back of the spine. A note. A tiny, thin-lettered thing Max really, really shouldn't be reading but―
‘Thanks for driving me back.
Love. Billy’
But. That's what little sisters do too, she guesses. Intrude. Annoy. Snoop. Feel this sudden rush of relief. Of happiness. When Billy laughs softly, on the other side of the door. When Steve laughs back. Maybe a tear. Or two. But just maybe. She’s really good at this little sister thing, after all.
Hopes for stellar.
or: that post s3 where steve lets a camaro-less billy drive him around in his own car "really? again, hargrove?" almost every single day, for months, after he comes back, because "you’re gonna perpetually stick yourself to my ass at least let me do the one thing that frikin’ calms me down" which results in steve resigning himself to deejaying in the shotgun even if "jesus, what's that shit, harrington?" "my car, my rules, sweetheart" which results in billy developing a ‘songs steve harrington is in love with’ mental playlist, realizing he’s probably a little bit in love with the way he loves them and, possibly, a little much love with steve and then stealing steve's tapes one day and,
making a mixtape about it.
(the first of a whole lot, of love letters)
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One- Shot: A Different Side (written as part of my series ‘don’t worry about a thing’ on AO3, link can be found at the bottom of the post as it won’t let me embed it)
Fandom: Good Omens
Characters: GN Reader, Crowley, a very annoying mouse
Warnings and Tags: snakes, animal death/ harm, swearing, uh oh we have a pest control problem, snake crowley, comfort , are they aren’t they
Summary: mouse traps, a skip full of rubbish and a broken down bus. not exactly your dream day, but your favourite demonic entity has a trick up his sleeve and behind his glasses to help you.
Word Count: 2778
Link to original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31055930/chapters/81050182
If there was one word to describe your mood, that word would be vile. Tiny little irritants throughout the day had built to a simmering anger:
-Firstly, your bus into town had broken down about ten minutes away from your stop, meaning that you were forced to trek your way to the shops.
-Secondly, your trip to said shops wasn’t for any kind of retail therapy, but was instead to buy mouse traps. Your usually serene flat had been taken over by a little grey rodent who despite any humane efforts, was refusing to leave. You weren’t usually one for violence towards any living thing, but the little shit was out staying its welcome and had most recently been seen taking a bite out of a loaf of bread.
-When you did eventually get into town, it seemed to be the day for the world’s slowest walkers to take to the streets. Everyone was moving at about two steps per minute and you, being naturally speedy, were constantly waiting for gaps on the pavement to overtake. When you did manage to do this, there would be a whole new couple walking side by side, plodding along at a snail’s pace. You weren’t getting anywhere quick.
All in all, not your finest hour. This all came to a head on Oxford Street, or as you liked to call it, hell.
Your brain felt as though it were made of jelly, your temperature was rising, and someone stopped right in the middle of the street to check their phone. Slamming right into the back of them, you immediately let out something resembling a howl before running to your side off down Old Cavendish Street, somewhere slightly quieter. You leaned against the nearest wall, hot anger bubbling within you for what at the time, seemed like a life or death scenario of you getting out of town with the mousetraps, but in retrospect was just the culmination of various shitty things.
The last thing which you wanted to hear was any sign that you were being perceived, but a teenage boy riding past you on a bike shouting an obnoxious ‘WAHEYYYY’ at you was enough to tip you over the edge. You bashed your head back on the wall, feeling acid tears of anger falling, pedalled down your face by your short temper. Then, another shout came towards you from across the street.
‘Y/N? Is that you?’
You were ready to push yourself off the wall to lunge at this person until your brain caught up with recognition. Tilting your head forwards, your suspicions were confirmed when you saw floppy, ginger hair bouncing over the street atop a leather-clad frame. The sunglasses perched on his nose brought you a feeling somewhere between relief and fear.
You and Crowley had a relationship which can only be described as ‘are they? Aren’t they?’
You sure as hell couldn’t tell if he had any romantic feelings for you, and he gave off vibes so mixed that they were jumbled by this point. People always commented on the electricity between the two of you whenever you were together, but you tried not to get your hopes up and usually just put this down to his magnetising nature.
He’d told you about himself, and you thought that he must have trusted you somewhat to be able to disclose that he was a demon to you.
Then again, maybe he was just overly confident.
In the state you were currently in, you couldn’t decide whether to run into his arms to scream, or run as quickly away from him as was physically possible.
Your body chose neither and just stood there, open mouthed and gawking as the tears continued to fall with no effort from your eyelids. Crowley examined you, peering over the top of his sunglasses to try and decipher the scene before him.
‘Don’t tell me someone’s upset you, because I will find them for you, Y/N’ he started, rearing himself up as he spoke. You jumped in.
‘No, no. Not upset. I swear. Just… pissed off. Massively, massively pissed off. Short fuse today, y’see.’
‘Oh. Well, I know all about that. I’m quick to anger at any given moment but then again, ‘s in my nature. What exactly are you doing down here?’
You looked to your side at the gigantic skip full of building waste, then down to your feet where someone’s puke sat. You looked back up to the demon.
‘It was a quick escape, one that was made before I slapped someone in the face.’
Crowley looked slightly taken aback, not expecting any expression of violence from you considering your usually placid nature.
‘Ooookay. Well, I won’t ask for details but, here.’ He leaned over slightly and brushed away some of the tears which were still running down your face. You could swear that you both stopped breathing for a moment as he touched you but then again, you weren’t in a fit state for rational thinking.
‘Thank you,’ you breathed out. ‘I’m all good, I promise. Just need to breathe.’ You gave a reassuring smile to the demon and noticed him looking down to your hand, holding a flimsy plastic bag containing the mouse traps.
‘What you got there? Looks interesting.’ He said, tilting his head to try and get a closer look. You brought the bag up to your chest.
‘Oh, mouse traps. There’s a little shit thinking that he owns my flat who’s probably currently in my bread bin. Thought I’d stop the problem while I could, considering there’s that saying about seeing mice. Y’know, for every mouse you see, there’s always another one somewhere. Can’t wait to clean that up!’ Your words had somewhat of a bite, being spat like venom.
‘Woah. You really are pissed, aren’t you?’ Crowley responded, half smirking. For some reason, this set you off again.
‘Yes. Yes, actually I am. Because y’know what? This day has been fucking horrific! I genuinely don’t think that I’ve had two consecutive minutes of peace since the second I woke up. I can’t relax because of the mouse, then there was the bus, and the walking, and the pain in my feet, and the twat who decided to check his phone in the middle of Oxford Street. Sorry, who the hell does that? I just feel like I’ve been left out of any plans that the universe had to let people go about their day without a care in the world. So yes, I’m fuming.’ You gave a huff before realising that you were now crying again. Crowley stood slightly dumbstruck, shifting his weight between his feet. You glanced off to the side, watching the shoppers propel themselves down Oxford Street.
The demon then spoke, his voice low and sincere.
‘Can I give you a lift?’
After what felt like a windswept journey in the Bentley, Crowley screeched to a halt outside your flat. Jolting forwards slightly, the plastic bag containing the mouse traps crinkled between your legs.
You’d calmed down quite significantly, but now felt a combination of complete embarrassment that you’d had such an outburst in front of the being that you completely adored, and absolute excitement that he’d even offered you a lift. This wasn’t helped when you heard him say,
‘Let me walk you upstairs. Check that you’re okay.’
You felt fizzy, and as the two of you trudged up to your flat, you felt as though you could lift off any second. As you unlocked your front door, Crowley leaned on the doorframe, peering in to the hallway as you threw your bag on the floor. You suddenly regretted this as when the bag hit the floor, there was a scuttle from under your bedroom door, and the little mouse took one giant sprint off towards the kitchen. You screamed in shock as the little bastard took itself away, and Crowley grabbed onto your arm. This made you jump for a second time.
‘Woah woah there, calm down. It’s just a little mouse, we’ll sort this,’ Crowley sweetly spoke, lulling your heart back to a slightly normal rate. You looked down to his arm resting on yours and couldn’t help but smile slightly.
Crowley had a look on his face which would have read from ten miles away as one with a scheme brewing.
‘Look Y/N, I’m going to do something here which I don’t do very often, and all I’m asking is that you don’t freak out,’ the demon announced.
You couldn’t help but make a sarcastic joke.
‘What’s that then, the housework?’ Smirking, you looked up at Crowley who glared at you through his sunglasses.
‘Fine, you don’t need my help!’ He huffed, obviously taking the piss but you couldn’t help but tease him back into good spirits.
‘No no, sorry Crowley. What have you got for me?’
You stood there for a second, trying to make any sense of what he just said and burning up slightly as you wondered if this was perhaps his way of flirting.
‘A… a snake? You have a snake?’
‘Yes. Well, no. Well… yes. Look it’s complicated, can I just show you?’
Uh oh. Maybe this was him flirting.
You thought for a second before hearing an almighty crash from the kitchen, and from down the hallway you saw an entire loaf of bread fall to the ground, followed by a small army of mice. Again, you let out a scream as Crowley slammed the door shut behind the both of you.
‘How fucking many are there now?!’ You exclaimed, turning to face Crowley who was now quickly shifting between his feet. He suddenly grabbed your shoulders.
‘Look Y/N, tell me quick, do you have a phobia?’
‘Of mice? I think that’s pretty evident Crow-‘
‘No, of snakes. Are you scared of snakes?’
‘What is it with you and these snakes?’ You laughed. The demon then stood dead still and stared right at you.
‘Stay still. Don’t freak out please. I promise this will help.’
Before you knew it, Crowley’s hands had disappeared off your shoulders and he seemed to disappear entirely from before you. Confused, you looked down at the floor.
What you saw took your breath away for what felt like forever.
Rows and rows of black scales suddenly lined your hallway, flowing from side to side as the form made its way towards the kitchen. This didn’t take long, considering the snake’s body seemed to run on forever, there must have been at least 10 metres of the creature occupying your apartment.
You’d never really considered Crowley’s powers before. While you were aware that he was a demon, this thought didn’t control your every interaction with him. He was just Crowley- your friend Crowley- your possibly more than a friend Crowley- your Crowley. Shapeshifting had never been part of the picture.
But it was so, so beautiful.
And snakes were never your favourite but this was just something else.
Squeals of mouse terror came from the kitchen as a massive shadow rose up throughout the whole apartment. Crowley was sitting up on his body, his head pointed towards any mouse that he could detect and a razor sharp stare in his luminescent eyes.
Your favourite part of this whole scenario was laying on the floor in front of you- Crowley’s sunglasses, sans Crowley for the first time ever. You smiled as you bent down to pick them up, your feet planted to the spot due to the inherently overwhelming nature of what was happening. You ran your fingers over the frames feeling the heat that was stored in them.
There was something so human about the lingering warmth to the metal, but that thing that made it so distinctively Crowley was the fact that the heat never seemed to fade.
The floor seemed to move as the scales once again shifted, with Crowley turning round to come back towards you. Cold fear seized your entire body, despite the oddly comforting and protective energy of this gigantic creature. His yellow eyes were right in front of your face before you’d even managed to properly react to him moving towards you.
You blinked and the Crowley that you knew and … ahem… was standing in front you, a live mouse swinging from his hand by the tail.
‘Consider those rodents dispatched.’
The mouse in his hand was thrashing wildly from side to side and while you hated the little shits, you couldn’t help but feel sorry for it. You went to protest but no words came out of your mouth.
You’d just witnessed something- something that couldn’t exactly be described as a miracle but to you- maybe?
Crowley noticed the panic in your eyes directed towards the mouse and realised what he needed to do. The mouse disappeared in another of your blinks.
There were so many pressing questions on your mind, but you only managed to actually articulate one of them.
‘Please tell me you didn’t eat those mice, Crowley?’ Your tone was somewhere between intrigue and massive concern.
The demon scoffed, ‘I prefer oysters normally, Y/N. No, I didn’t eat them. I can assure you though, they won’t be back any time soon.’
Palpable silence hung between the two of you. You naturally seemed to hold out Crowley’s sunglasses to him, staring directly into the eyes which served as a reminder of his other form as you did so.
Crowley went to slowly take the glasses off you, but in a snap decision, you snatched them back. Crowley wasn’t exactly thrilled by this.
‘Hey, don’t play games with those. They’re my-‘
He didn’t stand a chance of finishing his sentence before you jumped in, with your subconscious mind taking a grasp on your mouth. Maybe this was a trick of Crowley’s, but at least some of it came from your heart.
‘Do it again. Turn back.’
The two of you stared at each other as a smirk took over the demon’s face.
‘Really? It seemed to terrify you, dearest.’
The cockiness in his voice only persuaded you to carry on pushing.
‘Not at all! No no, it was just... well it was a shock at first. Obviously. Like who the hell else can do that? But no, not terror. It’s intrigue. I swear.’
You made sure to assert yourself in your voice as your brain convinced you that you would never rest again unless Crowley turned back into a snake. It was almost like the sheer shock had morphed into utter obsession in a matter of seconds.
And maybe you just adored every part of Crowley and him being vulnerable in showing a new side to you? Well...
Again, you blinked and he was gone for a moment, before the black reptile rose up to meet your gaze. He hadn’t continued to question you.
The presence was unexplainable, physically so big in the space but even just the idea of him just seemed to fill up every corner of the place. Moving the sunglasses into your right hand, you tentatively raised up your left.
‘Can... may I? Can I touch?’ You softly asked, mimicking a petting action in the air. Somehow, Crowley let you know that it was okay, pulling your hand towards him with some kind of magnetising energy.
Your fingers lightly brushed the scales on his head and you took a breath so deep you almost triggered hiccups. The texture was confusing, it almost seemed like it was shifting forms by the second- smooth then rough, hard then feather soft, but still always cool as marble. You fully rested your hand down as you glanced along the entire body, once again filling up the entire hallway.
‘Crowley, this is beautiful. I mean that.’ You whispered, transfixed on what you were seeing.
Then, the unimaginable happened. Your hand which had ended up resting on the snake’s head suddenly felt warm.
Was... was he blushing? You decided to test the water slightly more.
‘I didn’t even imagine that anything could be so magnificent but, well. Here you are. So gorgeous.’
Sure enough, another flush felt through your hand.
‘Crowley, are you blushing?’ You giggled. The heat on his face then took another rise, this time enough to hurt you slightly. You drew your hand away instinctually, but with a smile still on your face.
This was now a day worth noting. The day that started with a mouse in a bread bin and some unfortunately placed anger, and ended as the day that you made a snake blush.
And of course, he made you blush too.
A new side of Crowley. One that you couldn’t help but adore.
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simonsrosebud · 4 years
the one where someone doesn’t know who kevin day is, pt. 2
part one three four five
dalton’s apartment becomes a common occurrence over the next month.  kevin kisses dalton into the couch cushions, and then the bed.  and this one time it’s almost the same, except dalton interrupts.  “oh, hey, i’ll be at your game tomorrow- ah,” he breathes as kevin kisses down his neck.
kevin doesn’t like that.  no- he likes that, that dalton is willing to see him  do what he loves and all, but not that he told him right now.  because now he has to stop what he’s doing and explain.  explain that he’s pretty fucking famous in the exy world, that his mother is the creator of the sport, that he’s kevin day- what that entails.
but dalton takes it surprisingly easily.  he thinks it’s because he’s not invested in the sport in the way almost everyone else kevin knows is and just doesn’t get it, or maybe because he actually likes kevin for kevin and just doesn’t care about his past and the weight of his name.
because after kevin’s done dalton kisses away his frown and climbs onto his lap.  “don’t worry, hot shot, you’re still just a history nerd to me.”
kevin upgrades dalton and his friend to his family seats.  his friend seems to know exactly who he is when he goes up to them before warm ups, and by the guys face kevin realizes that dalton definitely didn’t tell his friend who they’d come for.
kevin hugs dalton.  “i’m not out yet,” he whispers.  “otherwise i’d kiss you.”
dalton grins like a child.  “later.”  he shrugs.
andrew mocks him in the car to fox tower after their win.  “invite your boyfriend?”  and he freezes.  “fuck you for thinking i’m an idiot.”
kevin thanks god that nicky rode with matt.  aaron and neil both look at him, though.  “you’re dating someone?”  neil will never not be oblivious.  aaron just sneers.
kevin stays quiet.  he should’ve known better from andrew, after all.  but he pulls out his phone.  come pick me up?
be there in 30, we're walking home from the stadium LOL
it's enough time to go hang out with the rest of the team and the vixens in the lounge, dan would kill him if he didn't show at all.  but he must lose track of time because eventually the door opens and instead of another fox it's dalton.  it's not enough to pause conversations, even though kevin is sure they all at least notice.
when kevin follows him out dalton knocks shoulders with his and smiles.  “are you drunk?  i noticed they were drinking.”
“no.  i’m um, i’m-i’m four months... sober.”
dalton is a pure angel because he smiles at kevin as he drives.  “that’s good, kev, i’m proud of you for that.”  and he doesn’t make him explain, or ask questions.  he takes it at face and lets it go, and it makes kevin want to bask in the feeling he gets from it.  it’s a different kind of trust than he’s used to.
he texts andrew that he’s not coming home for the night.  as soon as they get inside dalton’s place he has his lips on kevin’s.  “looked really hot tonight,” he mumbles and lets kevin walk him backwards towards his room.  “wish you still had your uniform on.  so strong,” and squeals when kevin picks him up.
“stop talking, d”
the next morning dalton drops him off at the stadium for training.  he doesn’t see anyone else there, so he lets dalton grab his face and kiss him before climbing out with a smile.
it fades when he sees nicky and allison staring at him as they exit the stadium.  he forgot it was therapy week for the team.
kevin freezes up.  nicky’s grinning, and allison continues walking to her car.  “wait!”  nicky wiggles his eyebrows when kevin grabs his arm.  “for once in your life, nicky, please don’t tell anyone.”
and it’s weird, because nicky kind of loses his smile.  “are you gay?  or bisexual?”
shrug.  “second.”
“are you serious about not telling people?  you’re obviously not out yet.”  kevin nods, and nicky smiles.  “i won’t tell.  i can keep secrets, you know, when they matter.”
kevin looks to allison, who looks to nicky.  “we’ve all noticed you hanging out with that guy lately.  if a bet about you two boning comes up we’re splitting the pot.”  nicky nods.  “secrets safe with me, then.”
kevin doesn’t tell them that andrew and neil know.  allison’s stubborn and he’s lucky he got her to keep her mouth shut on the first try.
he’s still moody during practice, though.  on their way back, andrew drives right past fox tower and to dalton’s apartment.  kevin doesn’t even realize until the car stops.  “what are-“
“get out.  you’re not allowed back until your mood is gone.”  and kevin could just walk back.  it’s only a fifteen minute walk, honestly, but he doesn’t really want to.  he wants dalton to wrap his body around him so he can take a nap and he wants to just hug him.  he’s realized over time that he’s been incredibly touch starved, and he’s become a fan of bear hugs.
he could feel himself distracted during practice, worrying himself over if he should tell the public that he’s bi to get ahead of it and worrying over what he and dalton are.  if it’s going in a direction that would even give him reason to come out.
so when dalton lets him in with a smile at the unexpected visit, kevin kind of falls into his arms and hugs him.  “can you hold me.”  it’s a different type of vulnerability, but dalton takes it with grace.
and eventually, when dalton’s lying on him with a hand in his hair, he asks, “do you wanna be my boyfriend?”
kevin snaps his head to look at him.  he runs his hand up dalton’s bare back.  “i’ve never been in a real relationship before.  my last one... she was toxic for me.”  triggering would be more accurate.
“that’s okay,” he whispers, his hand slides down to kevin’s face and he drags his thumb down his lip.  “just want you, kev.”
it’s the first time he thinks he’s ever heard something along those lines, and it hits so deep.  he rolls over dalton and kisses him into the mattress.
the foxes have a field day with it.
kevin doesn’t tell them, but he realizes two weeks later that allison was right when she guessed about them starting bets, and it doesn’t help when kevin brings dalton back to the suite only to find the upperclassmen and cousins all spread out on the couches and floor- minus renee and aaron.  he freezes and starts to walk backwards but andrew steps in front of him.  “stay.”
“why.”  but andrew doesn’t answer because he’s already said his piece, and kevin almost ignores him until neil pulls the vice captain card and forces him to stay.
kevin wants to hit him.
“it’s fine, kev,” dalton practically pulls him to the group.  dan greets him first and introduces herself.  “we’re playing never have i ever, drinking edition, if you wanna play, but you’ve got to drink for kevin, too”
and dalton’s wanted kevin’s friends to like him ever since he first saw them, so he doesn’t really want to say no.
“this is a bad idea.  they don’t play nice,” kevin says to dalton.  and he’s right.  the foxes don’t really play the game right, and all they do is go for each other.
kevin starts.
never have i ever payed a guy to knock me out:  neil takes a drink with murder in his eyes.  andrew’s behind him and flicks the back of his head.  he isn’t playing, but he’s not letting neil get wasted without being close by.  and also, he kind of lives there.
never have i ever gone to a peaceful exy banquet:  no one drinks, and for some reason it makes them all burst into laughter.
never have i ever done cracker dust:  dan says that one with a drunk pointed look.  the cousins, neil, and dalton for kevin all drink.
never have i ever had a panic attack over getting a phone:  neil
never have i ever kissed the same gender:  neil, nicky, allison, dalton takes two swigs.
never have i ever dated someone outside of exy:  nicky and dalton for kevin.
never have i ever broken a bone:  kevin, matt, aaron
broken a hand:  kevin
witnessed kevin having a meltdown:  everyone
lived with my dad for two years without telling him he was my dad:  kevin shoots daggers at allison.  dalton drinks for him.
had to get shitfaced to get a tattoo:  kevin
sent neil to west virginia:  kevin
seen kevin’s real smile:  dalton, neil
dated kevin:  dalton.  it settles a few bets all at once.
given kevin a blowjob:  dalton laughs before taking a drink, but that’s the last straw for kevin.  he’s sober as all hell and not letting them take the piss out of him and dalton like this.  “we’re leaving.”  he pulls dalton up.
dalton has an arm around his shoulders and his head ducked by kevin’s.  “s’fun, hm?”
kevin’s not having it.  it was not fun and he had reasons he didn’t want dalton meeting the foxes yet and the whole thing was fucked over because neil pulled the VC card and dalton was too nice to decline it.
neil says, in french.  “you knew he’d find out at some point”
kevin is furious.  “none of you had the right pulling the shit you did tonight.  i’ll fucking kill you.”  and he grabs dalton by the waist to escort him out.
all posts/updates relating to this au can be found in the “OC: dalton miller” tag!
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gravegroves · 3 years
“11. Billy” seems mysterious ! pls I must know more
11. Billy
The actual fic is named so too, as that's the way Billy signs all his postcards. The fic is about Claudia Henderson giving Billy a lift from the hospital to the airport and about the postcards he sends her from his trip. It's eventual Harringrove, but I haven't gotten that far yet. Here's a weird assortment of snippets from the fic:
As they pass the turn-off for Hawkins, the road Claudia would have originally taken to get home, Billy sinks down into his seat beside her, turning his head away from the town sign to stare straight ahead, jaw clenched.
"You from Hawkins, too, Billy?" Claudia ventures, curiosity and concern competing for first place.
"Not from that shithole," Billy mutters. Claudia frowns. "Lived there until yesterday."
"Oh, you're moving?"
Billy barks a harsh laugh and Claudia flinches a little in surprise.
"Got a bedside visit from the old man to tell me not to bother coming back to get my shit. After everything and he's the one that gets to slam the door in my face--" Billy's voice cuts off, his breathing harsh and uneven.
Claudia tightens her hands on the steering wheel.
"Help yourself."
Billy gives her a look that tells her he doesn't have much confidence in her taste, but he opens the glove compartment and pulls out a box of tapes. She can hear the click clack of him looking through them all, reading the labels and discarding them one by one before he stops.
Curious, Claudia looks over. In his hand, Billy holds a familiar, well-loved tape.
"Oh, I haven't listened to them in a while. Pop it in!"
"You like Led Zeppelin?" Billy asks, choked, like his whole world is turning upside down.
Claudia laughs, "Oh yes. I wanted Stairway to Heaven played at my wedding, but my husband wouldn't allow it."
"And you still married him?" Billy grins, somehow brighter and more real than any he's given up so far. Claudia feels a little proud of it somehow.
"Well, he's now my ex husband, if that helps."
Billy's grin only grows wider. None of the usual averted eyes and condolences Claudia typically prepares herself for. It's refreshing. "Good for you."
"You call me when you get where you're going, alright honey?" She says, "Let me know that you're not dead in a ditch somewhere."
Billy nods, folds the paper securely into his threadbare wallet. He looks back through the window at her.
"You're the only person worth anything in that fucking town, Ms Henderson."
She smiles, "Oh, I think we both know that isn't quite true."
His face goes distant. Claudia watches him, silently.
He hesitates again. 
"Thanks, Claudia." He slaps the edge of the open window, straightens up with an air of finality and adjusts the duffle bag on his shoulder.
"You take care, Billy." 
She watches him walk into the airport. He never turns to look back.
Steve is sleeping on the couch when Claudia gets home. The boy is sitting in the sofa chair in front of the muted TV, neck bent at an odd angle, mouth open and drooling on his own shoulder.
She wakes him gently, coaxes him half asleep out of the chair and down the hall into the tiny guest bedroom.
He collapses onto the bed, out like a light before she can bid him goodnight. The boy never seems to get enough sleep, so she's happy to leave him there instead of sending him back to that lonely, empty house of his. She throws a blanket over him, knows it's not her place to pet his hair and give him hugs unless he asks it of her. So instead she makes sure his feet are covered, knows by now that if Steve's feet get too cold that it'll wake him and keep him up until they're warm again.
Before going to bed herself, Claudia checks on her son. She notices the light coming from under his door and sighs a little before she gently knocks. There's no reply. She cracks the door open and peers in. Dustin is tucked into bed, his bedside lamp on and a book collapsed over his face.
With a small smile and a shake of her head, she moves into the room. Gently peels the book away, marking the page with a bookmark before placing it on the bedside table. She tugs one stray arm down -- knows her Dusty has a tendency to sleep with his arms above his head and wakes up with them half numb and hurting -- before she tucks him in and kisses his curly head.
She turns off the light and closes the door on the way out, ready for bed herself and happy knowing her boys are safe and sound and close.
The last time Claudia cried herself to sleep was the day she accepted that Mews wasn't coming home. She's an easy crier, it doesn't take much. She'd cried as she picked up Tews from the shelter and again the first time she woke up with him sleeping at the foot of her bed. 
This time is different. When the first sob escapes her, it feels like it's being wrenched out of her by force, like a cork out of a bottle, leaving her helpless to stop the grief from pouring out. She feels like she might explode from the emotions if she doesn't let it happen, so she just… lets it all out. Bawls into a pillow, hugs it to her chest when she can manage to breathe without great heaving keens and stares into the dark.
She cries for Dustin, her darling boy who's been so brave for so long, for Steve with his absent parents and desperate need for company, for Billy and the kind of life that leads a boy to wherever he is now. Maybe even a little for herself.
Being a single mother hasn't always been easy. Claudia has gone without more times than she can count, but that's on her. She brought Dustin into this world and for that she owes him the best life she can give him. Even when that means divorcing her no-good husband. Even when she struggled to make ends meet and put food on the table. Things are okay now, but there was a time not too long ago when her tiny family had been one injury away from losing everything.
Even then, she knows things could've been so much worse.
She imagines Gene doing to Dustin what she suspects Neil Hargrove has done to Billy. Or abandoning him to a lonely hell like the one Lorne and Kate Harrington have left Steve in and she buries her face into the pillow yet again.
Claudia is definitely not the only good person in Hawkins, but she thinks there are far fewer than she might've once thought.
Billy doesn't call. 
Claudia knows there could be a multitude of reasons for why that is, the most likely of which being that Billy simply doesn't want to. She still feels a little ball of worry forming in her stomach.
The first post card arrives two months later. It's short and to the point, but Claudia feels such immense relief that each word feels precious to her.
Not dead yet. Prague is nice.
Claudia clears the cork board she has up for reminders and shopping lists and pins the picture of a beautiful European town where she can see it every day.
Karen Wheeler is someone Claudia knows by association. They've exchanged the usual niceties while picking up their kids from each other's houses and should they pass on the street they smile and nod to each other at the very least. Claudia knows Karen Wheeler, but they aren't friends and they certainly don't frequent the same social circles.
Claudia likes her book clubs, her cats, her knitting. She enjoys a quiet and comfortable existence after a life of too much family drama and financial strain.
Karen Wheeler likes… well, none of those things. Which simply means that conversation doesn't exactly flow between them unless they're talking about their sons.
Today, talking at length seems unavoidable. Dustin and his friends are insisting that they need another fifteen minutes to finish up their English presentation and Karen is standing at the front door looking done up and impatient.
Claudia, of course, invites her inside for a cup of coffee while they wait for the children to finish up.
It's as they're both sitting at the dining table that Karen spots the cork board.
"Is that Billy Hargrove?" She points to the latest photo he'd sent her, tacked over the letter that came with it. Claudia opens her mouth to respond, but instead watches, speechless as Karen gets up and untacks them both before bringing them both back to the table.
Claudia swallows down an annoyed comment and smiles politely.
"Yes, that's Billy." She says, before going on to explain how she came about meeting the boy.
"He sends you postcards?" Karen's eyebrows shoot up towards her hairline, corner of her mouth twitching and giving Claudia a look she can't quite discern.
"It's more of a favour to me," She laughs "I asked him to let me know if he made it safely so I didn't have to worry and since then he's been nice enough to keep my mind at ease. You do hear about such awful things happening to young travellers, it's good to keep track."
"That's… that's very sweet of you, Claudia."
Claudia wraps her hands around her mug and frowns a little. "Someone needs to care about that boy."
"Oh, of course." Karen says, looking slightly taken aback.
"If his parents won't, then that someone might as well be me."
Karen hums and goes back to looking at the photo. "He's rather good looking, don't you think?" 
Frowning at the incredibly odd change in subject, Claudia opens her mouth to answer when the words really begin to sink in. She closes her mouth and stares. 
Unaware of Claudia's scrutiny, Karen continues. "Did he send other photos? I'd love to see them."
Claudia opens her mouth again and knows she's about to tell a lie. She's interrupted by Mike sulkily appearing in the doorway to the kitchen.
Karen gets up. "All finished?" She asks and doesn't seem bothered at all when Mike ignores her and disappears out into the hallway to put his shoes on.
"Thank you so much for the coffee, Claudia. Please, don't get up, I'll let us out."
She rummages around her purse before she takes out a pen and piece of paper. She scribbles something Claudia quickly realises is her address and phone number before she slides it across the table. She clears her throat.
"You're right to be so worried for Billy, he needs all the support he can get. Maybe… maybe I could write to him as well? The more people that care, the better."
It's only when the front door closes that Claudia realises that the photo is gone.
There is a moment where she stares at the spot where the picture should be, right beside the letter, completely dumbstruck by the sheer audacity of Karen Wheeler. And she might have let it go under different circumstances, but Claudia has been on this earth long enough to know when to trust her gut, and her gut is telling her to not let Karen get her hands on any piece of Billy Hargrove, no matter how small.
Emboldened, she snatches the piece of paper off the kitchen counter and runs to the front door. When she steps out onto the driveway the Wheelers have already gotten into the car.
Claudia marches up to the car without hesitation and knocks on the window. Karen looks surprised for a second, then rolls it down.
Without a word, Claudia sticks her hand in, palm flat and face up.
They stare at each other.
The other woman tries for confusion for a few seconds, before she, rather guiltily, reaches into her purse and takes out the photo.
Claudia snatches it out of her hand before she can give it over and the woman flinches slightly.
"I don't think this will be necessary." She tosses the crumpled piece of paper through the open window, turns about and marches back up to the house without a backward glance.
She doesn't miss Mike's "What just happened?" Drifting out into the evening air, but she's too angry, too… something to care in that moment.
When she's back in the kitchen she calls Steve and invites the boy to dinner with her and Dusty.
I have much more, but I don't want to flood peoples feed. So I'll leave it at that.
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eyes-of-mischief · 2 years
weekly fic recs | 16
prompt: social media
fandoms: aftg, bnha, dc, mdzs, hq, tgcf
Reputation by lemonicee
The rise and fall of the Minyard-Josten Rivalry.
  Usually when Neil starts shit in a post-game press interview, he does it on purpose. This time, he really just meant for it to be a joke.
“How do you feel about the possibility of ending up on a team with a former Fox teammate?” is the next question.
“Great,” Neil answers, sincere. “I would love to play with Matt or Kevin again.”
“What about Minyard? Would you sign with Atlanta?”
Neil says, “Andrew? He’s a nightmare.”
He knows it’s a joke. His team knows it’s a joke. Andrew will know it’s a joke.
The press does not seem to know that it’s a joke.
Retweet by pawnofkings
Neil @Jos10: Warning: I don’t know how to use this app
Andrew Minyard @AMinyard: As evidenced by the fact that your tweets are the most boring, inane shit on the entire platform
Neil @Jos10: I may not know how to use Twitter but I know how to use my fists to come beat ur ass
but you ain't got my number (no, you can't pin me down) by orphan_account
neil josten versus the internet, a story told over 15 years
(featuring andrew minyard, a hug, and terrible journalism)
#TEAMKIKO by OneSweetMelody
all hail the raven king @ onetwopunch Counting down the hours til Kevin Day returns to the coup #cawcawmothafuckers
wifey @fckevinday looks like someone is still holding out for the impossible @ onetwopunch
all hail the raven king @ onetwopunch @fckevinday I’m being a realist, Kevin ditching the Ravens for the PU Foxes was a mistake _____ The Foxes and Ravens play in the NCAA Exy Championships. The Internet reacts.
Q. A. B. by jihnari
One month after @hawks_unofficial's initial viral post, the blog titled "Quirk Analysis Blog for the Future", otherwise known as "Q. A. B.", has gone from an average of 10 views per post to an average of 20,000 views per post. Midoriya Izuku does not know how to view the impressions analysis for his suddenly popular blog, and only notices that sometimes, people actually comment on his posts now. He does not google himself or his moniker and thus does not see the rise in online articles and speculation. He is unaware that the "kyuu-ei-bee" he begins to hear about in passing refers to his own blog. He does not have a Twitter account. At the time, Midoriya Izuku is 15 years old.
Izuku (accidentally) starts a cult.
And Now I See Daylight by DancingInTheStorm
AnalysisOverload Current mood: HERO CON HERO CON HERO CON HERO CON
AnalysisOverload reblogged AnalysisOverload  Okay, let’s talk HeroCon. 
Look around, and you’ll see a lot of discrimination—against people whose Quirk is debilitating, against people whose Quirks scare us, against people who have trouble controlling their Quirk, against people who don’t have a Quirk at all. It’s easy to feel alone in a sea of discrimination.
Enter HeroCon:X. 
A social media fic following Deku post-graduation. 
awake and (un)afraid, asleep or by driedupwishes
“You,” Shoto says, picking his head up from where his screen is filled with The Worst Photograph Ever, curtesy of Shinsou, Jiro, Kaminari, his brother, and nearly everyone they know. “You are so dead to me.”
Kirishima blinks, mouth half open while Izuku mutters oh god, it’s too late, isn’t it on the other end of the phone, before Kirishima is leaning into his space to see his screen.
“Oh,” he says, in response to the photo someone in the crowd of civilians watching the fight had taken of them. “Oh, that’s-” he cuts himself off for a minute, leaning back to eye Shoto’s face while on the other side of the phone Izuku smothers what is probably a laugh, and then changes tracks.
“It’s super manly to love and support your friends,” Kirishima tells Shoto haughtily, as if this whole thing isn't his fault in the first place.
or: Kirishima and Shoto accidentally start trending on Twitter and in retaliation Shoto decides to make an Instagram to showcase all his Hero Deku merchandise, so that everyone knows how much he loves his boyfriend Izuku, and no one expects how quickly it will all spiral out from there
Anti-Social by Unpretty
Batman needs a Robin.
#gotham is trending by helenabertinellis
ahhhhh, i'm back in gotham. can't wait to get back to a supervillain attack every other day. i've missed this.
[the city of gotham, it's vigilantes, and resident billionaires - as seen through social media]
No Retakes! by WinteRey
Hinata kept a smile as he sang, not stopping until he finished the whole song. After he did, he was about to thank everyone for the nice words when someone beyond the camera view—by now, infamously omniscient in all of his livestreams—piped in.
“Huh,” it was uttered absentmindedly, as if not intentionally said out loud. “I forgot that you can actually sing.”
Or, the Kagehina quarantine slash live-streaming fanfiction no one asks for.
Japan's most subscribed by NeverNothing
Kuroo Tetsurou @blacktetsurou changed his bio : volleyball player, co-owner of Bouncing Ball Corp. and so much more ;)
the spider-man conspiracy by tempestaurora
The screen showed Peter Parker, sixteen years old and determined to prove the identity of Spider-Man over the course of the three-part documentary he was making, unknowing that it would become viral within days of the first part being released. Behind the camera, way off screen, was Harley Keener, Tony Stark’s other prodigy child, grinning like crazy as Peter started the documentary. Only a few people knew what was to come, and those few people were about to have a great few weeks.
“My name is Peter Parker, and with the help of my friends, Ned Leeds, Harley Keener, and my Aunt, May Parker, who provided me with a lot of red yarn for this project, we’re going to uncover the identity of Spider-Man.”
"what if peter just decided to fuck with everyone who didn’t know he was spider man and make a documentary about him trying to uncover the Truth."
call me, beep me by myung
Wen Qing ✓ @qingwenn
Listen, kids. You might think you know everything there is to know about yourself but you really don’t. Be willing to grow and learn from your mistakes. Yes this is about the fact that I once dated a man and am now married to a woman.
life, drama and action by Akai__hana
Wei Ying✓@wei_wuxian how mad do you think Lan Zhan is going to be when he finds out that i’ve broken all the mugs we own yinandyang @istanwuxian @wei_wuxian i don’t even want to ask but…..how????
or where wangxian are internet's power couple
all i need is your love by peerlessnut (awhalenamedblue)
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mourntheantagonist · 4 years
Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!! It’s Finally the Day to share my piece for the @harringroveheart-on !! (If you didn’t already see it posted on ao3 yesterday)I went with the prompt: secret admirer!! enjoy some flangst and have a wonderful day whether you celebrate the holiday or not!! ❤️
read on ao3
Billy needs a job.
He’s two months fresh out of the hospital but that doesn’t matter. The local pool was closed for the winter and Neil was adamant that he get out and find work as soon as he was able to walk, despite the fact that he could only do so for only short periods at a time.
And he’s forced to take what he can get. January wasn’t the best time of year to be looking for work in Hawkins. He told himself he’d apply at any place with a help wanted sign displayed in their window. And he did. Application after application. Stellar fucking resume. The only problem was that not many people were looking to hire on the guy who looked just minutes away from death each time they saw him. Didn’t want to put the guy with the hideous scars and the sickly frame in front of customers. Though, they’d usually let him off with the same similar speech about how he “just wasn’t what they were looking for.”
Luckily for Billy, there was one place that was just as desperate as he was. Li’s Kitchen. The local Chinese restaurant that had just needed to make several layoffs to keep themselves from closing. They quickly hired him on to wash dishes in the back because he was ready and willing to work for minimum wage. Making just $3.35 an hour, it was enough and at least it got Neil off of his back.
So he’d haul his ass into work every day on the dot. Walking the full half-mile distance through snowy paths to the restaurant since the Camaro was still out of commission. Trudging along, praying he didn’t slip because his ribs were still fragile and just a simple impact of a good fall could break them again. The walk was simply exhausting. By the time he’d enter through those double doors and set off the bell hung above, he’d be completely out of breath and exhausted and his shift hadn’t even started yet. But fortunately it was just washing dishes. How hard could it be?
Apparently. Pretty fucking hard for a guy who could hardly stand up straight. The heat radiating from the hot steam of the water making him lightheaded almost instantaneously. The boiling hot water against his arms and hands sending him back to those days flayed out in the sun as the ultraviolet rays burned through the skin. The liquid dripping from his face that he couldn’t differentiate from steam or sweat taking him back to the sauna. Feeling his insides heat up and burn like fire inside his gut. Trapped in a prison that was his own body. He just wanted to crawl into a bucket of ice.
His only saving grace was that this time it was winter, and he wasn’t actually flayed. Just overheated and weak. He'd take his breaks behind the restaurant digging his feet into deep snow and letting the chill breeze cool him down. Lighting up a cigarette to get his body to an equilibrium of hot and cold. But the good feeling only lasted as long as he stood outside, immediately getting the same sick to his stomach feeling as soon as he walked back in. Hunched over the sink in the kitchen just trying to move fast enough and stay standing.
He figured he was lucky enough to get the job, that he couldn’t afford to disappoint, because then he’d be entirely out of options. Unemployed and still stuck under his father’s roof on Cherry Lane, this time accompanied by a deeper rage. If Billy didn’t have a job to get to, Neil would have no reason to hold back anything. No reason not to leave bruises or cuts. But it was getting harder and harder as the days progressed. Never enough time in the day to rest and recover enough to brave the next one. He was running on borrowed energy and excessive amounts of caffeine.
There came a moment when he nearly passed out into the sink full of porcelain plates. His breathing became shallow as his vision got blurry and dark. His head spun and his balance faltered and he needed a fucking drink of water.
One of the servers caught him just before he was about to go down. A man older than him but not by much. Same build as him before the accident but easily with an additional five inches on him. Billy was probably at least ten pounds lighter now that a bulk of his muscle had wasted away in that hospital bed. Making him easy to catch.
“You look like shit hargrove.” is what the man says, but Billy barely registers it because everything is muffled. The sounds of running water into the metal sink being the loudest noise he can hear. The man tosses one of Billy's arms over his shoulder and hauls him into the break room. Billy’s doing exactly zero of the work. Letting his legs fall limp and his feet drag against the tile floor. He sits him down in one of the metal chairs and hands him a small cup of water from the jug. “Drink you’re dehydrated” he says, tilting the bottom of the cup upwards so that it’s forced into Billy's mouth and down his throat. “The dinner rush is almost out, I’ll take care of the rest of the dishes, you just stay in here and try not to pass out again, sound like a plan?”
Billy nods his head and drinks the rest of the water in the cup before letting his head fall into his hands and his eyes fall shut as he tries to regain his composure. Cool himself down and slow his heart rate.
By the time his coworker — Zachary, he remembers — comes back into the break room he’s better. Not quite ready to get back to the sink and the hot steam cloud that comes with his job, but better.
“When’s the last time you’ve eaten kid?” Kid. Sounds really odd coming from someone who could be no older than thirty.
“I had toast this morning.” Billy hadn’t actually been eating much lately. Not finding the time in the day to sit down to have a meal in between work and recovering from said work. His hours conflicted with family dinner so he was left to fend for himself. Neil made it very clear that what was in the cupboards did not belong to him. So all he had to his name was a single loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter.
“Well guess what. It’s closing time and you’re not leaving here without a meal. So go sit down at one of the tables and pick anything you want from the menu.” Does Billy have pride? Yes. But is his stomach turning and his mouth watering at just the thought of some orange chicken? Also yes. So instead of arguing with him about how he can take care of himself, which is debatable at this point, he just says thank you and finds himself a table in the corner. He doesn’t expect Zachary to follow him all the way there and sit down right across from him.
“Don’t worry about paying. My dad will cook it up for free.”
Oh right. Zachary Li... The owner’s son.
And suddenly things went from awkward to outright uncomfortable for Billy. Because he was sitting here eating dinner with another man who would be footing the bill. Sure, Zachary was just his coworker and in his mind the exchange had absolutely no weight to it, but to billy it was so fucking heavy. The thought of Neil barging in to see the display and not giving two seconds to read the situation before he started throwing punches. Because it didn’t matter if it was a date or just dinner with a coworker. If it looked a certain way, then that’s how it was.
But the other thing was he couldn’t just get up now. Not without an explanation. So he sucked it up and said he’d have the orange chicken, earning a scowl followed by a laugh and a nod because of course he’d order that and none of the authentic chinese food dishes. But then he ordered the same thing because they both have fallen victim to american colonization.
And chef Li made a damn good orange chicken.
And this one did not disappoint. But it’s not like he really had the chance to taste it since he was too busy inhaling it. Finishing his entire plate before Zachary had even made a dent. And Billy was slightly embarrassed by it. But zachary said nothing. Just continued with his own meal without acknowledging that Billy had scarfed his own down in no time at all. Making other dry conversation with Billy and constantly refilling his water glass with the pitcher every time it got below half full.
When he’s just about finished is when chef Li brings out a small plate with fortune cookies sitting on top, one for each of them. They each take their own and crack them open.
“What’s it say? I got an inch of time is an inch of gold for the thousandth time. I swear elizabeth is getting lazy with these”
Billy looks down at his, and can’t help but laugh.
“A beautiful, smart, and loving person will be coming into your life.”
Hahaha. Hilarious.
“Well then we better hope that these things come true. Though I have a lot of time and have not seen any gold fall into my lap yet.” he laughs and pops the cookie into his mouth, Billy does the same. “Hey dad, you gonna open one?”
“Sure.” he says. Pulling one from the container in the back and breaking it open quite aggressively. “Allow compassion to guide your decisions. Boring.”
They both just laugh. But then Zachary gets this weird look in his eyes. “Hey dad? What if Billy made the fortune cookies instead?”
“Who would wash the dishes?”
Zachary just shot him a look. Yeah, Billy's medical condition and clear exhaustion didn’t go unnoticed by the staff. That must have been what that look meant.
“Read that fortune again, Dad.”
He looks down at the slip of the paper in his hand and almost instantly tosses it to the floor.
“You’re a pain in my ass Zach. alright then Billy, you available in the mornings? I can have Elizabeth show you the ropes tomorrow and if you’re any good you won’t have to wash dishes anymore. That will be my ungrateful son's job.”
“No ‘hey’ nothing. Have compassion, remember?” he swats Zach with the towel that hung over his shoulder.
Billy just stayed silent for the whole exchange. Only nodding his head when asked if he was free in the mornings. He wanted to tell them to fuck off. To tell them he could do his job perfectly fine. A bold faced lie, but still. However, he also recognized that he couldn’t continue the way he was going. He was three shifts away from an ambulance ride to the emergency room, and that would just piss off Neil further.
So instead of speaking up, he silently agreed, and suddenly found himself walking the same distance he did every day, this time at seven in the morning when the rest of his house was still asleep. Another bonus. Less he had to see Neil, the better. And he’d be home in time for family dinner, the only meal he was welcome to join. And as much as he hated sitting across the table from his Dad, Susan's cooking served as a pleasant enough distraction.
Liz gladly showed him how to make the cookies. Constantly expressing how much she hated making them and is happily giving up the job to billy. That didn’t make him feel too great about it.
But then it really wasn’t bad. Just tedious. Slightly boring and mindless. Made his hands ache after a couple hours of folding the fortunes and squeezing out the batter, but it was ten times less painful than doing the dishes. He got to make them while sitting down at a table before the place even opened. No crowded kitchen or hot running water. The only heat he experienced came from opening and closing the oven, and that only happened for seconds at a time.
And the best part.
He got to make the fortunes.
Typing out several sheets of sample fortunes on a typewriter, cutting them into slips using the paper guillotine. It was definitely strange they never bothered to check his work. They had way too much trust in a guy like Billy to write fortunes. Free will to throw anything in there.
Did he ever veer away from the script posted to the wall? No. But the fact that he could was so funny to him.
He never once considered he would actually want to throw something else into those fortune cookies, until that first tuesday in the middle of his shift right as they opened for lunch and he saw a familiar figure enter through the glass doors into the restaurant. Bell chiming behind him. Craning his head upwards so he could get a closer look he recognizes Steve, picking up a to-go order still wearing the dark green family video vest. Steve didn’t even notice him. Just grabbed his white paper bag, dropped the bill on the counter, and walked out the door. Flashing a smile at Liz who was up running the counter.
But Billy, he saw Steve. He stared at Steve for the duration of his time in the store because he was totally and completely whipped. Totally entranced for long enough that the cookies he was folding had already hardened, and Zach was giving him a weird look when Billy visibly shook at the sound of the bell chiming for the second time, pulling him from the trance.
“So harrington, huh? He’s your fortune?”
Billy got all wide eyed and jerked his head to the right to look at him. Completely zoned out and unprepared to defend himself, instead just stuttering out a string of nonsensical “I”s and “no”s and “it’s not”s. Failing miserably to get the lies past his tongue.
“Relax dude. I don’t really give a shit. Elizabeth, however, might. Girl doesn’t stop talking my ear off about you.”
But that just goes in one ear and out the other. Billy still continues to stutter out as best of a denial he can but his heart is racing, his stomach is churning, his palms are sweating, and the cookies are burning!
“Shit.” it’s the first full sentence he’s been able to get out. Rushing over to the oven and pulling out the hot pan of nearly completely blackened circles.
And Zach is just standing there laughing. Waving the smoke out of his face as Billy tries to blow out the miniature fire he caused on one of the cookies.
“Still gonna try and deny it?” he says.
“Fuck off. Seriously.”
Zach just backs away. Hands in the air. “Okay, okay. I’ll mind my own business. Lover boy.”
Billy promptly tosses one of the finished cookies at his face. “Whatever you think you saw. Keep it to your fucking self, alright?”
“Got it. Loud and clear.” But he’s still fucking giggling and Billy is currently contemplating murder. Eyes darting to the array of knives in close reach. Shakes the feeling. Killing the boss's son probably wouldn’t look good on evaluation.
Did he tell anyone? No. Did he tease billy relentlessly about it every fucking day. Of course he fucking did. Especially on days Steve walked into the restaurant for a to-go order. Nudging him in the arm with a little “Guess who’s here?” in a sing-songy voice.
And to think Billy thought having someone know and not crucify him would be a good thing. He'd rather he just hate crime him behind the restaurant instead of the constant, and I mean constant, ribbing.
Eventually moving on from teasing behind the wall of the kitchen to suggesting he go out and take the payment to actually pushing him out the swinging doors to do it. “Talk him up Hargrove. Put on the moves.”
There were no moves. But there was a conversation. A good one. A nice one. They just talked about themselves and caught up. Not really seeing much of each other once he was out of the hospital. Only having seen Steve in passing on days he’d bring max by for visiting hours. But they never actually talked much during that time. He’d come up to the room with her saying “Thought it’d be nice to see another familiar face.”
And it was.
Billy was not paying much attention to this conversation. Answering Steve's questions and asking his own, but he was definitely distracted by how close their hands were to each other, both rested on the counter, supporting themselves. If you asked Billy after the conversation what they talked about, he could only recall two things. One; he works at family video, not really substantial. And two; he said he looked good.
“You look good Billy.”
Yup, Billy was completely gone.
So maybe the constant teasing wasn’t completely terrible. Especially now that he’s given him such a stupid stupid stupid idea that he’s one hundred percent going to go through with because it’s about fucking time he wrote some fortunes of his own. He had several typed out and ready to be placed into a cookie whenever they received another call for an order for ‘Harrington.’ The first one was innocent enough. Pulled straight off the list of sample fortunes.
“You always bring others happiness.”
Just something simple. He just saw it on the list and it made him smile. Thought it would be nice to see Steve smile too.
The next few were similar to that one. Pulled straight off of the list but tailored specifically toward Steve.
“You are working hard.”
“Have a beautiful day.”
“You look pretty.”
But that last one was different. Because on the back of the last one he wrote in ballpoint pen.
- The cookie maker ♡
And that’s when it became a thing that they were both aware of. Now it was a romantic gesture and not just an act of kindness or a series of coincidental fortunes. Now steve was on the lookout for who made the fortunes at Li’s kitchen, but at the same time trying to keep the mystery alive so that the fortunes would keep coming.
Billy started writing out his own.
“I like your hair.”
“You have a terrific ass.”
“Somebody’s got a crush on you.”
Zach wrote that last one.
Then they got deeper.
“You make me happy when I don’t think that’s possible.”
“You make the pain go away.”
Steve never failed to blush at each and every fortune with the signature heart on the back.
But it was dragging on. And Steve was getting impatient. Started to ask around, eventually learning that robin had seen Elizabeth Li making them one time.
Elizabeth Li is sixteen. Absolutely not.
And now he feels bad for letting it drag on this long. Taking himself to the restaurant to let her down gently. When he walks through, Billy is standing behind the counter. Confused because he didn’t usually order on Wednesdays, and especially not this late in the day.
Was that a weird thing to know?
“Do you have an order to pick up?” Billy asks.
“No. Not today. I was actually hoping I could talk to Elizabeth, is she around?”
And Billy's heart just sinks to the floor. The slight smile that was on his face now completely gone and shattered to pieces.
“Yeah. I’ll go get her.” he says, with a heavy heart, disappointment clear in his voice.
He sends her out to the front and lingers in the back, ear pressed to the door trying to listen in like some creep.
“Look, elizabeth. I’m really flattered and I appreciate the fortune cookies, but you’re way too young for me. I’m sorry.”
Is Billy supposed to be worried or relieved?
He can’t even see her face but he knows she’d be giving him her death stare right about now.
He can hear her say it through clenched teeth and he shouldn’t find it so funny but it is.
“Yeah. Okay, sorry about that. I’ll definitely stop doing that. Have a good day Steve.” And she just walks away from the counter and Billy barely jumps backwards in time to not get a door slammed in his face.
“You better fucking fix this Hargrove. I am not going to go down for this for you.”
Zach had just walked into the kitchen from the break room. Chef Li and the rest of the staff are just minding their own business.
“What did I miss?”
Elizabeth is all up in Billy’s personal space. Inches away from his chest looking up at him from her height of just five feet and three inches.
“Steve fucking Harrington thinks I’m his little secret admirer.”
Her face is red in anger but Zach’s is red from laughing so hard.
“Now that’s fucking funny.”
“If you don’t tell Steve, I will. I covered for you out of the kindness of my heart, but I’m not that kind.”
“Isn’t that the truth.”
“Shut up Zach!”
Zach was laughing. Billy however, was suddenly not. Head now bowed, sighing heavily.
“I can’t do that.” It was a quiet and sudden change of tone that altered the mood of the situation entirely. The only people who could hear were just the three of them because the sound couldn’t overpower the noises of chopping vegetables and the clanking of pots and pans and the sizzle of cooking meat.
“Why not?”
“Fuck you. You know why.”
“Well what was your plan Romeo?! Were you just never going to tell him?” she threw her hands in the air like he was being ridiculous. The only thing that was ridiculous was that he ever went through with it in the first place.
“I don’t know. Okay? I don’t fucking know.”
Zach came up from behind him and offered a reassuring hand to his shoulder. “Look dude, my little sister is a bitch but she’s right. You have to tell him. I’ll have your back when you do.”
“What?” Billy jerks his head back down to look at Liz.
“Tell him. Tomorrow.” Her arms were crossed and she clearly wasn’t taking a no for an answer.
“Fuck the both of you. My shift is over.” Billy pushed past her and out of the restaurant. Leaving his jacket behind and walking home through the cold weather. His converse getting wet from the slushy snow, soaking through to his socks making him even colder all over. He’s internally freaking out and his heart would be beating out of his chest if his nervous system wasn’t operating at a decreased rate due to potential hypothermia.
He can’t even think. Just kicking his feet against the wet pavement letting the breeze take him over. If he dies, he doesn’t have to tell him.
Headlights pass him by as he slowly walks the distance home, nobody caring about the guy who cheated death just months ago inching closer back to that point instead of further away. Nobody stops to offer him a ride or even check to see if he’s okay, and he’s not even sure if he even wants to make it home. It would be preferable to just fall asleep in one of the bushes outside than having to make his day even worse by introducing Neil into it. Sitting at a dinner table, making nice and pretending like everything that was going well for him won’t come to an end twenty four hours from now. All the joy of making those little fortune cookies and just imagining the look on Steve’s face every time. The look he knew for sure was one of happiness despite never seeing it because it wasn’t a coincidence Steve’s lunch orders became more and more frequent.
But in his peripheral a set of headlights did seem to slow. That was either a sign he was meeting his savior, or potentially his kidnapper. Honestly at this point they are the same thing.
You have got to be kidding me.
“Hey Harrington.” His teeth are chattering and his voice is shaky as he says it. Is it the cold? Or are his nerves finally beginning to work at the worst time possible?
“What the hell are you doing out here?”
“Walking home.”
“You’ll die out here.”
“If only.” He says it under his breath but Steve still hears it. Letting the car come to a complete stop rather than the slow pacing he was doing before.
“Get in. I’ll take you home.”
Billy just waves him off. “I’ll be fine on my own.” And he continues walking at his slow pace.
“I wasn’t fucking asking. Get the hell in Hargrove. Before I drag you in here.”
Billy stops and sighs. Kicking more slush into the air. “Fine.”
He walks around to the passenger side and lowers himself into the seat. Groaning as his body aches from the motion. Steve doesn’t acknowledge it. Just puts the car back into drive and heads towards Cherry Lane. Silence in the car as Billy breathes into his hands trying to warm them up. He’s pale. Looks like he’s never seen the sun before. His face is flushed. Even in the state like this Steve carries the same sentiment from that first conversation at the restaurant.
“You look good, Billy.”
He doesn’t say that. But he’s thinking it.
They eventually pull up to the white house with the screened in porch, and Billy grows visibly tense in his seat. He’s not moving. Just darting his eyes from the clock in the car and back to the house with the lights on.
“Everything okay?” Steve asks. But Billy’s eyes continue to move back and forth as his breathing quickens slightly more as each second ticks by. Showing no sign that he heard the words that came out of Steve’s mouth. He reaches over the center console and grabs his hand. “Hey.”
Billy looks over like a deer in the headlights. Eyes ever so slightly glossy. Clearing his throat he tries to speak.
“Can you take me somewhere else?” He asks.
He doesn’t want to go home. Can’t begin to even think about seeing his Dad today. He just wants to crawl under his covers and go to sleep. Dream of a reality that isn’t his own. Not this fucked up shit show he’s stupidly gotten himself into.
“I don’t know. Anywhere but here?”
Neither of them realize Steve is still holding his hand. Not until he squeezes it tighter, recognizing the pain in Billy’s voice. Not for what it meant but just that it was there. He didn’t need to nor want to know why Billy didn’t want to go home. Just wanted to make it so he didn’t have to.
“Is my house okay?”
Billy hesitates, but nods.
And they turn the car around.
- : -
Billy wakes up the next morning on Steve’s couch to the sound of a microwave’s hum followed by a loud ‘ding’ that echoes off the walls. He just remembers walking through the door of Steve’s house and immediately laying down on the first soft surface he could find. Remembers Steve saying he’d be upstairs if he needed anything before quickly drifting off into sleep without a care in the world.
He went to sleep without a pillow and a blanket, and woke up with both.
Billy rubs away at his eyes while Steve enters the living room from the kitchen with two plates in his hands.
“I made you a hot pocket if you want one.” He sets the plate onto the coffee table before he takes a seat in the chair beside the couch. Billy sits himself up and takes the plate, cooling it off with a quick blow of his breath before biting into it. “You have work today?”
“Yeah, at eight. What time is it?”
“Only seven fifteen. I have to be in at eight thirty so I can drop you off if you want.”
“You don’t have to.”
“It’s seriously not a problem man, and no offense but you don’t look like you’d make the walk from here to there.”
Billy laughs.
“I thought you said I looked good.”
Shit. It’s weird that he remembers that.
But Steve blushes. “Well yeah, just not ‘two mile hike’ good. But you’ll get there.”
“Why are you working anyway? Shouldn’t you still be recovering?”
Billy frowns. “My Dad is making me.”
Oh. That’s why he doesn’t want to go home.
The situation is awkward now. Silent as they finish their breakfasts and drive off in the Beemer. Pulling up outside the restaurant fifteen minutes before his shift starts. Billy suddenly reminded of what he’s supposed to do today as soon as he looks at the sign out front.
“Uh, hey. Listen. Come by the restaurant for to-go. On me y’know, as a thank you.”
“You don’t have to-“
Billy cuts him off.
“Yes. I do.”
- : -
When Billy walks into the kitchen in the same clothes as yesterday nobody says anything. Nothing about his undone hair or his or his early arrival to work. Instead he’s met with apologies exiting the mouths of the two Li children as they corner him in the break room.
“We’re sorry about yesterday. It wasn’t fair for us to do that to you. Elizabeth said she won’t tell Steve.”
They were waiting for him to yell, or at the very least get his anger out some way.
But instead Billy smiled. Barely there with just the slight upturn at the corners of his mouth but it was there, so distinct from his natural grimace. “It’s fine.” He says.
Zachary and Elizabeth are entirely confused. Looking in between each other like ‘did you just see what I just saw?’
“What has you so chipper?”
His smile just grew slightly wider.
“Spent the night at Steve’s last night.”
The two’s eyes grew to the size of saucers.
“You what!?” They both said in unison.
“Jesus! Not like that. I just slept on his couch.”
Billy could see the cogs turning in each of their heads. Trying to figure everything out like it was some complicated math problem. “I think I’m going to tell him. Today.”
Billy nodded, threw on his skull cap, and left the dumbfounded siblings where they stood. He had a fortune to write, and cookies to bake.
He was so meticulous this time. Making sure they were perfectly round circles, folded exactly in half. Throwing nonsense fortunes into each one. Avoiding the one sitting by itself on the table beside him. Too afraid to throw it into a cookie, each time he tossed in another basic off the list fortune was just Billy trying to talk himself out of it.
But he inches closer and closer to reaching the point of no return. First by putting in Steve’s lunch order. Next by finally slipping the fortune into a cookie. Next by slipping the cookie into Steve’s bag, and finally at the strike of noon, handing the bag to Steve, insisting he pay for it while Billy continuously denies him. Telling him to go enjoy his meal and stop arguing with him.
When Steve walked out the door Billy thought he could stop holding his breath. But he couldn’t let it out. Thought the anticipation lied with handing the meal to Steve, now feeling his breath caught even more now that he had. It was the anticipation of not knowing. He had to know.
But Steve left with the cookie still intact.
So he had to wait.
- : -
Steve brought his lunch into Family Video. The same thing he always ordered. Feeling a warm sensation in his chest at the knowledge that Billy knew his order. Fried rice and soup dumplings. Robin was there, waiting to mooch off of his food since she never bothered to bring her own lunch, but would also refuse to let Steve buy her anything.
If he didn’t know any better he’d think she liked him.
But he did know better not even to entertain that idea. She was just the girl who liked to eat Steve’s food because that’s just what she did. She’s standing there with her grabby hands, ready to start digging into his rice. She peruses through the contents of the bag and pulls out the plastic containers and the one fortune cookie that he always got.
“Did you let her down easy?” Robin asks, waving the cookie in his face.
“Yes. She was weird about it. But I guess she took it well.”
“Well that’s good. Can I have this one then?”
“Sure. Go for it. I don’t like them all that much anyway. I just like them for the fortunes.”
“Well then let’s see what Steve Harrington’s fortune is today, shall we?”
Robin cracks it open and gently pulls the slip of paper out from inside. Popping the cookie into her mouth as she pulls it taut so she can read it.
Her eyes squint. She pulls it closer to her face, just inches away like she can’t see what she’s reading. Like she’s confused.
“What’s it say?”
“Umm.” She just shakes her head. Mouth still full with the fortune cookie as she passes it along to Steve.
He takes it from her hesitantly, and a look of confusion washes over his face as he reads the words.
“I’m not Elizabeth Li.”
“What?” He says it mostly to himself, because what the fuck?
He turns it over and is expecting to see the same little signature. The vague ‘the cookie maker’ with the tiny heart.
Well the heart is still there.
But it says something else.
- Billy ♡
“Holy shit.”
- : -
It’s a painstakingly long rest of his shift. Doing the same old boring jobs like cleaning up, manning the front counter, and bussing tables when he’d finished the daily batch of cookies. It usually felt like a long five hours, but today it was excruciating. He could feel Zach and Liz’s eyes on him the whole time. Like they were watching intently so they didn’t miss the moment where he inevitably exploded from all the anxiety in his chest.
Billy’s constantly playing out different scenarios in his head. Steve barging into the store and punching him in the face being the one that’s the most prevalent. Occasionally letting himself get slightly hopeful and imagining the opposite.
But there was a third scenario he considered. That Steve just wouldn’t come back at all. Let him down by not even bringing him up. Robbing him of the closure he needs. He’d rather Steve just punch him in the face. That was a kind of rejection he could handle. One that gave him a reason to let go. Not one that left him hanging on by a single thread.
His shift is quickly coming to an end and he’s debating on how desperate he is to wait and linger around the restaurant with his small shred of hope that he comes back. His neck hurts from jerking his head towards the door every time the bell chimed. Hoping to see the boy with the chestnut hair walk through only to be greeted by another local he refused to learn the name of.
He’s losing his goddamn mind and he needs a fucking cigarette.
His shift comes to an end and he clocks out. Escaping to the back of the restaurant behind the dumpsters, lighting up a Marlboro Red and sinking his weight against the brick siding of the building. Feeling himself shiver when the heat of the flame warms the tip of his nose. Breathing in the smoke trying to regain some sense of calm that completely left his body as soon as he handed the bag to Steve. Too many hours on this high alert feeling that he can’t even recall what relaxation feels like anymore. Just accepts the burning in his lungs in the cold outside weather with just the hum of low traffic and the sound dripping gutters as the closest thing he’s going to get to that for the time being.
Finishing his cigarette, he tosses the bud into a puddle. Dragging a hand over his face as he prepares to walk back into the crowded restaurant that would feel completely empty because it was lacking the one fucking person he wanted to see.
He could go see him.
No he couldn’t. The ball already was in Steve’s court.
He opens the door and Zach is standing right there like he was waiting for him.
“What the fuck dude?”
“No. Shut up. Someone is in the break room waiting for you.”
Billy doesn’t get the chance to register his words before he’s being grabbed by the collar of his shirt and dragged and pushed into the room, where Steve is sitting at the table.
Just looking at him. Studying him.
“Look, Steve –“
“Stop.” He cuts him off. Continues to stare before hesitantly reaching into his jacket pocket to pull out what looks to be a ziplock plastic bag. Opening it and dumping the contents of it out on the table all while Billy is left standing there unable to speak, couldn’t even if Steve would let him. The ability to get words out being entirely suppressed by the sight of about ten slips of paper spread out on the table in front of Steve. Steve just looking back down at them and not looking back at Billy. Lost in another trance. He starts moving them around on the table. Moving them away from each other so that none are touching each other and they are all completely exposed. Steve smiles. Gets up from the chair.
Walks over to where Billy stands with his back pressed against the door, holding tightly to the handle for a quick escape. Steve moves so slowly, like he’s forging his plan with each step until their chests are just inches away from each other. Steve’s looking down, away from Billy’s gaze. Taking Billy’s hand in his, causing him to shudder. “You know I rushed over as soon as I could. Thanks for the lunch Billy.” Billy’s just silent and completely still against the door. Steve’s hold on him is loose yet he feels entirely restrained. “I can’t believe it was you.”
“I’m sorry.” Billy practically chokes on the words, prompting Steve to finally turn his eyes up toward him. Seeing how his eyes have grown glossy and his face has turned a pinkish color.
“What for?”
“That it was me.”
Steve squeezes his hand tighter, brings another to Billy’s cheek gently and Billy feels like he’s being suffocated under the touch. Like instead the hand is wrapped around his throat and pushing against his airway. But he leans into it. Steve’s touch is so soft and he lets his eyes fall shut to burn the sensation into his memory.
“Don’t apologize for that.”
His eyes are still closed when Steve moves forward and kisses him. Shooting open as soon as lips make contact and he suddenly stiffens like a board. It’s quick and chaste and he doesn’t get the opportunity to kiss back before it’s over.
“You can’t… you don’t –“
“But I do.”
“This isn’t a joke, Steve.”
“I agree.”
Billy’s left standing there. Rubbing at his lips that were just touching Steve with the pad of his thumb.
“I don’t know what to do.”
Steve smirks, moves back into Billy’s space so his breath is hot against his mouth.
“You could kiss me, asshole.”
Billy doesn’t need to be asked twice.
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I have a fic request, pretty please! Andreil (ofc!) Anyway Neil not answering his phone (cuz it died, again, oops) and Andrew losing his shit and hunting him down!
Okay it’s 2am and this is finally, finally being posted. It should have gone up like a week ago but Tumblr wouldn’t let me answer asks at the time. I’ve changed this around so many times and I don’t know if this is what you were hoping for but I tried my best! I tweaked it a little too, so sorry.
Full Masterlist.
This is Josten, I don’t want to talk to you so don’t leave a message.
This is Josten, I don’t want to talk to you so don’t leave a message.
Andrew had now called Neil’s phone about twenty fucking times and he still hadn’t answered; he always answered when Andrew called him. Everyone was in the lounge at the court since it had been at least four hours since anyone had heard from him. Nicky was almost in tears, Dan and Matt looked like they were two seconds away from calling in a search party and of course Aaron the asshole looked like he didn’t care that Neil was missing. Abby was tucked underneath Coach’s arm, her face etched with worry and taking comfort from the man. It was about fucking time they got their shit together. The man in question cleared his throat just when Andrew was about to leave and search the campus himself. “Minyard sit the fuck down, we will find him we just have to piece some things together first.”
All he did was sneer at the command but stayed nonetheless. He was itching to pull out his knives and bury them in something but Renee gave him a look as if she knew exactly what he was thinking and she shook her head at him. Nicky really was crying now and Andrew had to force himself not to roll his eyes. Yes they all cared about Neil, they were all his family, but with the reactions they were giving it was like they expected the worst. Andrew could not think like that, wouldn’t think like that because even though he hated when the idiot said it, he had to believe that Neil was fine.
“Who was the last person to see him?” Allison spoke up from the other side of the room, and so now it looked like she was getting worried. When they’d first gathered here it had only been an hour and she figured he’d turn up in the next few minutes. Oh how wrong she was. Matt forced out an answer, his leg bouncing non-stop, just like it had been after the riot two years ago and Neil had been taken to Baltimore.
“Uh I did. We walked to our first class together after morning practice.” Well that didn’t really help because the junkie had his Spanish class right after that one and then he usually went on his run after that. No one would have seen him at Fox Tower after that, because no one else was free. Actually that was wrong because-
“He was talking in Japanese. He was talking in fucking Japanese.” Because the coward that was Kevin Day had one of his classes cancelled and he’d told everyone he’d go back to the dorms and figure out a new drill they could do, not that anyone really cared. Before he could do a repeat performance of choking Kevin out, Renee was on him in a flash, restraining him from any movement. When Kevin turned to look at Andrew, he’d gone as white as a sheet, as if he realised what he’d just said and visibly swallowed. Andrew was going to kill him, and then bury his body where nobody would find it. Just as soon as the good Christian girl let go of him.
“What the fuck do you mean he was talking in Japanese, Day?” Andrew’s voice was low and smooth, promising a whole lot of pain if Kevin didn’t respond in the way he was expected to. The spineless coward looked around the room at the foxes, eyes lingering on his father, before turning back to Andrew and wringing his hands in front of him.
“When I got back to the dorms, Neil was already there. I was going to ask him if he wanted to help me come up with new drills and plays when I heard it. He didn’t sound like he normally did, it was like he was someone else and was talking in whispered Japanese like he was worried about someone hearing him.”
The fucking stupid asshole.
He was dealing with Moriyama bullshit and hadn’t even bothered to tell Andrew. They had agreed on no more lies, to trust one another. Looks like Andrew had made a mistake on that front but really, it was bound to happen. That was a lie, Neil was most likely in meltdown mode and had forgotten he had people who could help him now. Nicky was hysterical now and started yelling at Kevin, tears falling down his cheeks. “Well you speak Japanese too dickwad, what the fuck was he actually saying or are you going to wait another four hours to tell us that?”
“I don’t know what he was talking about! There were a few quick ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers and an ‘of course’ but he wasn’t actually giving information. He probably didn’t want to get into trouble.”
Oh Andrew was going to enjoy being responsible for the death of the great Kevin Day. Just as he was about to fight Renee to get to him, the sound of the door opening pushed through his senses and he swivelled to see Neil walk into the room. Nicky gave a cry of relief, getting onto his feet and joining Matt as they ran over to fuss over the redhead. Neil tried meeting Andrew’s gaze and smile, but all he could do was glare at the sight of those piercing blues. Andrew was quite angry with him, and he’d soon find that out. Wymack was also quite angry by the looks of it, arms now crossed over his chest and a face like thunder. “Where in the actual fuck have you been, Josten? And don’t give me any of your usual bullshit because it’s not going to be good enough.”
Andrew watched Neil gently extricate himself from his cuddly giants and sighed as he looked around the room at everyone. It was Wymack who’d asked for answers yes, but Neil didn’t look at anyone other than Andrew, as if it was just the two of them.
“Ichirou called. He wanted an update on his assets and to make sure we weren’t doing anything stupid. He also wanted to reiterate what would happen if we didn’t manage to attract pro teams that weren’t to his liking. I told him that he wouldn’t be let down.”
Aaron piped up for the first time since they’d all walked into the court hours ago. “It’s been literal hours Josten, a text to say ‘I’m still alive, unfortunately’ would have been great. I’ve wasted my whole day.”
“I know how long it’s been, jackass.” Neil snapped, glaring daggers into Aaron’s skull. Andrew was still vibrating with anger and couldn’t hold it back any longer.
“Everyone get the fuck out.” When they all just stared at him, not moving, he emphasised his point by unsheathing a knife and giving a firm, “Now.”
Nicky and Kevin moved like lightning and were the first to leave. Allison smirked for some stupid reason, winking at Neil as she strode out of the room. Matt and Dan looked weary but still left, Aaron on their heels. Renee gave them both gentle smiles and nodded her head. Wymack gave Neil a stern look like he wanted to say more but thought better of hit, rubbing his forehead and mumbling about being ‘too old for this shit’. Abby gave Neil a few motherly touches, which the redhead flinched away from for the first time in a long time, and then she too was gone.
Now that they were alone Neil tried explaining with an, “Andrew I...” but he trailed off, seemingly lost for words. He didn’t have a chance to think of anything else before Andrew flung himself at his stupid junkie, fists gripping at Neil’s- no Andrew’s –t-shirt and burying his head into his chest. He smelt of apples and sweetness and god, Andrew felt like he could finally fucking breathe.
“You didn’t answer your fucking phone. Why didn’t you answer the phone?” Neil’s arms moved, one wrapping around Andrew’s waist the other holding the back of his neck, keeping him against his chest.
“Ichirou had a few extra words before the call ended. He said he was ‘sorry for my loss’. I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about at first but then I remembered. It’s the anniversary of mom’s death. I turned my phone off after and just ran. I came back when I turned my phone back on and saw the missed calls.”
As much as he hated Mary Hatford, he knew why Neil still mourned her sometimes. He was slowly beginning to understand that what his mother had done to him was wrong, that she had abused him for years, but she was all he had known and was the only safe thing for him. He hated it but kept quiet, not wanting to get into an argument on the matter right now. “Just let me know you’re alright next time. Kevin heard your call, heard the Japanese. I thought, I thought...”
Neil suddenly cupped his face in his scarred hands, tilting his head back so they were looking at each other, before leaning in to press their foreheads together. “I’m right here ‘Drew and I’m not going to disappear again. I’m right here.”
The kiss that followed was soft, gentle and slow, so unlike them but it was what they needed just then. They need to be able to feel everything and to be able to feel each other. Andrew didn’t want to let go, he wanted to stay and kiss Neil until his lips went numb but exhaustion was a bitch. He pulled back, looking at Neil’s lips which were swollen from their kisses and he had a pretty red flush that had blossomed on his cheeks.
“Come on, let’s go. I’m hungry and you owe me ice cream after what you just pulled.” Neil just laughed and nodded, taking one of Andrew’s hands in his own and linking their fingers together, walking them both towards the door.
“Whatever you want ‘Drew, whatever you want and I’ll give it to you.”
If you want to be on my aftg tag list then just hit me up, folks:)
Tags: @incorrect-the-foxhole-court @junkiejosten10 @oreosndscones @koholania @skunked-up-kicks @shutuptheooo @hannahoftheinternet @palmettofoxesthings @jostenlovesminyard @fangirl0503 @stop-breathing-its-annoying @incorrect-the-foxhole-court @intoomanyfandomsstuff @imstupidremember @fancyclodpaintercookie @heccccccccc @prettyboysareindemand @acetheticbitchass @meatiors @princeofexy @emilyfairchild @kmskms123kms  @yourtypicalbookworn @sadboyayeron @b00kworm  @booksandbeanbags
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akegatacchi · 5 years
Sense8 AU!aftg
In the honor of absolutlynothing I’ve decided to put out there one of the many au I have on my phone and archive it there
Big shout out to @a-m-peengoo and @bluesuederose for participating in this mess with genius lines and always be there to bear my 36 ideas per hour. We did a masterpiece girls.
Here we go it’s gonna be long
The cluster:
Kevin: Nomi. He’s just a fuckin hacker who’s running away from his family (riko). When he’s bored, he spends nights crashing the Pentagon system for fun, and makes every screen in the White House play Best Exy Actions Compilation (the longest and hardest part is choosing one compilation to play).
Dan: Will. One of them have to keep them under control. Plus, Dan with a gun i can’t even-
Matt: Riley. Soft, blue strand of hair, a heart of gold, maternal. As a DJ. Yes. SO SOFT (he still knows how to box)
Allison: Capheus. Listen. Imagine Allison in high heels, skin tight leather pants, driving a bus. Also, a F1 pilot champion who can drive anything (even if it’s the first time)
Andrew: Wolfgang. Duh. Do I need to explain myself. Just think abt him saying “This is Berlin. Those are my people. And we go to our knees for no one”.Boy he does NOT like this situation, at all. Will keep the others out with sheer willpower and no blockers. The cluster’s deadliest weapon. PLUS HELLO???? ANDREW IN A PASTEL PINK BOMBER SHOOTING ON A HELICOPTER WITH A BAZOOKA????
Aaron: Felix? Sorta? not a senseate but a great doctor. Senses bullshit and when someone is in Andrew’s body real quick  (Andrew: says more than 2 sentences and is pleasant. Aaron:.....who’s that bitch where is my brother) . Later helps to manufacture blockers.
Neil: Kala. A pharmacist that uses his skill for arson and may or may not be running away from mafia/family matter and currently hiding in India. Him saying “Bring it, bitch” to Riko is my sexuality and Andrew’s. Can create explosives from a Fanta can and spices I mean it’s already canon in aftg. (plus andreil would work even better bc technically Neil can’t even touch Andrew for real)
Nicky: Lito. The drama, the sass. Also the scene where he discovers the Twinyard in Germany are his cousins would be hilarious. The scene where Lito seduces the nurse but with Nicky (“engaging into heterosexual activity? me????”) or the scene where Lito screams in the museum but with Nicky
Erik as Hernando. That’s it that’s the post.
Renee: Sun. I mean, a korean fighter lady in prison trying to be a better person and had a silent bffs relationship with a german gangster? Come on. Also. Allison in a bus and Renee doing art martials stuff. 
Riko: whispers i guess he can eat Allison’s high heels
Now the ~scenes~ (it’s just shitposting):
Aaron, on the verge on several break downs: wait so you have like … DJ Blue Matt and F1 pilot Allison Reynolds in your head? since when? ANDREW SINCE WHE-
Neil: what’s a better use of a multiple thousands dollars education than precise arson?????
Aaron: why does your boyfriend always end up burning things up?
Andrew: he lits up my heart as well
Kevin, shocked and betrayed: is there a better sport than exy?
Allison: you’re - you’re like the spirit of Lucy Liu. In Charlie’s Angels. I watch it once a day. Renee:.....that’s sweet actually :) 
Neil: does a molotov cocktail
Matt: I tHoUgHt yOu wErE a PhArMaCiSt
Neil: Yes? That’s PHYSICS
Matt: no that’s ARSON NEIL
Kevin: breaks into the Pentagon virtually
Neil: breaks into the Pentagon physically
Matt, again: i thought you were a PHARMACIST!!!! Neil: Yes I am??? That’s irrelevant
A senseate sibling, escaping, grabbing a vehicle at random: someone knows how to drive that?
Allison, in stilettos : no, but I sure will soon
Just Allison driving Renee around to fight people
Everytime someone mocks a senseate sibling Neil or Nicky shows up to roast them. Sometimes they do it both at the same time. It’s apocalyptic. The sass. The drama. 
They can also bullshit their way out of any situation. Neil is such a smooth liar and Nicky is just ridiculous. The FBI agent charged to arrest them somehow ends up crying abt childhood trauma while hugging a teddy bear.
Neil, caught in the act of making a string of explosives by the FBI guy: uuuuuuh….Nicky?
Nicky, currently dealing with a white mom in retail: somehow convince the FBI to buy christmas lights
(Yes Nicky works in retail bc his family cut ties with him but he hopes to be an actor.ON BROADWAY)
(From retail to actor to cluster negotiator real quick)
A  fuckin moron to Allison: a hottie like you driving a bus? what is this, hooker on wheels?
Neil: please let me have this one
Allison: seats back and enjoys Neil roasting him
Nicky: brings the popcorn
Nicky, to the FBI guy: You can’t arrest me Daryl I’m your long lost little brother
The FBI guy, a white man: My name is not Daryl Neil: THAT’S WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO BELIEVE
The FBI guy, texting Neil (don’t ask): I guess I’m still in love with my ex
Nicky: aaaaaw we have to help this sweetheart
Neil: do you want me to burn his current boyfriend’s car, buddy?
A fuckin homophobe: ready to get your ass kicked, faggot?
Andrew: appears through Nicky
Nicky, smiling: fuck yeah, baby 
Andrew, between two bazooka shot, to Neil:  we’re nothing
Nicky, through Andrew, all cheery: Hi!!!! :D
(Aaron jumps like a scared cat)
Andrew: ready to kill ppl for mafia business
All the senseate siblings in the back minus Renee, eating popcorn and enjoying the show: Kick ass, Drew!
Andrew, on the hospital bed: has an emotional moment with Aaron
Aaron: sir or ma'am, idk who you are but it’s family only, I will ask you, as his doctor, to leave my brother’s body
Aaron: Andrew is2g if you’re making psychic love to that fuckin red hair rn i will-
Andrew each time a senseate is hurt: Aaron it’s for you
(Just Aaron doing med tutorials for a whole cluster while Andrew repeats it with a bored tone to everyone)
(Aaron, sighs: it is Neil again? Just let him bleed for a few minutes)
Neil, making bomb with kitchen stuff: If it means losing you then no
Andrew, falling in love: oh
Bad guy: You have no weapon, blondie!
Allison, with Renee and Dan behind her: Think again, sweetheart
They made a little “honorary cluster member” badge to Aaron (he does not cry STFU NEIL)
Dan and Neil both knows by heart the laws of different countries…..for very different reasons.
Luther: humiliates Nicky once again
Renee: calmly breaks his hand at dinner while smiling like an angel, all the while stopping Andrew from killing him with the other hand
Neil, a pharmacist: blowing shit up and arson
Aaron, a doctor, watching him: yk what hold my beer I know several ways to stop a man’s heart
The whole “You don’t know how to use a gun” “No, but you do” with andreil or matt and dan
Just Drew and Renee kicking some mafia asses together as buddies
(While Neil blows some shit up in the background and Allison/Nicky cheer)
Matt has the perfect ear too
Him and Kevin are the remote operation/communication team but one day all the fighters/criminals of the cluster are busy so they both start to fight as well and fuck they are good at it
Nicky: I expected this from Biceps Matt but Kevin??? You can land a kick like that???
Speaking of Kevin, they all call him “nerd” or “einstein”
Allison: so the nerd can fight uh
Aaron, counting down on his fingers: so you have F1 Pilot Superstar Allison Reynolds, former gold medalist and tech genius Kevin Day, a human diapason, a multilingual arsonist, World no.1 Taekwondo Champion Renee Walker, a cop, an actor…..what are you there for??
Andrew, literally a mafia king:....ice cream and crime?
Neil to Andrew, after the whole debacle with his father is out: You did know there were mafia out of Germany too, right?
Andrew: I can’t even have that for myself fuck this family
Dan, every time before each “mission”: okay guys I know we need to do it but I’d like to remind ALL of you *looks pointly at Neil and Andrew* it’s STILL illegal and morally dubious
Neil: …….like I said to Nicky, irrelevant *without missing a beat blows up the entire building and puts on stolen Gucci shades*
Neil: ok saint theresa why were you the one to suggest we explode Riko’s brain off then
Dan: ...don’t turn the conversation around me it’s about you
Allison “guess we’re detourning a place next” Reynolds and Kevin “It’s not that hard to pilot” Day
(Kevin: But why are you on a plane to Russia? I thought you were in India last time?
Neil:....don’t ask)
Aaron to Andrew, where they are trapped and betrayed: your boyfriend wouldn’t happen to know how to poison a whole room with gaz?
Neil: I was born for this moment
(Andrew: just bc you’re my brother doesn’t mean you have the right to dirty talk my boyfriend)
Andrew: be gay, do crime and eat ice cream
(before they know abt Neil’s past, when Andrew is angsty bc he caught feelings)
Andrew: You  shouldn’t get close to me, it’s dangerous, i’m mafia
Neil: oh haven’t you heard-
Jeremy, bouncing out of nowhere: Hey Kev ! Love how you BI-nary code ahah have you heard of the ARCHIPELAGO 
Neil, sipping tea: so my father is the Butcher
Matt:  okokokok coolcoolcoolcool yk what arson doesn’t sound like a bad idea after all
(this one is not funny sorry) but Neil taking over each time someone is hurt bc he is used to deal with it
“Give the pain to me”
Andrew and Aaron like to fuck around a lot with the whole sensate stuff (since only one of them is a sensate)
Bad guy: only one of you is a sensate, which one is it?
Twinyard, in a perfect and flat tone: try to guess
A bad guy is spying on Andrew and waiting to kill him in Germany, via a cam, thinking he’s safe BUT SUPRISE MOTHERFUCKER it was aaron dressed as Andrew in a mafia meeting and now you have to deal with a 5 feet tall mafia boy
For real tho they are a little protective of the normal doctor who heal them every time (yes even Neil but don’t tell him) so you bet something like that happens one day:
Aaron: comes home from work angry
Andrew, cleaning up blood or counting money: whassup shithead?
Aaron: There’s this older doctor he’s great and all but he’s a fuckin asshole to me he belittles me everyday bc i’m young and we lost a patient today bc he rathers humiliate me than let me save him 
Andrew, a dangerous glint in his eyes and a whole cluster behind him: oh?
Kevin, opens his computer and digs up dirt on him: give me a sec
Allison: I can roll over him with my truck
Neil: there is so many ways to mix two meds and kills him ON ACCIDENT
Dan: let’s see how he deals in prison
Nicky: oh this is going to be fun
Kevin, reciting facts like he’s reading a grocery list: so yeah he smuggles meds from the hospital so local drug dealers, illegally sells meds for himself on the black market, does tax evasion, is friend with a local senator and both of them are involved with minors….i have already several reservation at X hotel btw and cases of work harassment on nurses and interns, threats to others older doctors in serve, and OH. OH. We have a spanking kink on our hands too.
Every members of the cluster, turning to Nicky and Neil:....go wild
Nicky, giggling: not that’s it’s a shame when it’s consensual but not here so - let’s start with the spanking :D
Neil: Can I make him cry
No violence is used but the doctor is found on the floor drowning in his own tears after a few minutes and after an hour he’s resigned and leaving the country
Andrew was dressed as Aaron for that (that being: smuggling Neil and Nicky into the hospital to meet the doctor through him)  and sends him a selfie of a 5 feet surgeon and the man crying on the floor 
It’s their best memory as a family (Aaron hates Neil a little less after that)
Neil to Nicky: why did you stop me from pushing towards suicide??? He’s gonna do that in another country
(Kevin: no if I can help it)
Nicky: bc we don’t do that to people!
Neil, Andrew, Aaron, Allison:...........right
Neil: killing even indirectly is no good but destroying their life and humiliating them publically is good?
Nicky: YES!
Matt and Dan: WAIT NO
(Allison: don’t brother Neil you’ll just hurt your head)
(Neil, close to tears: but...but...but arson?? Andrew, with knives out: alright fuckers who broke his heart?)
Matt and Dan bc they’re fuckin weak to Neil: ITS OK BUDDY ARSON IS GOOD
I have to end on this note:
Storyline wise, Neil would have make the perfect Wolfgang too….if Wolfgang was a twink.
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Harringrove ABO Masterlist
someone asked for an abo masterlist, so here it is! 
this list isn’t sorted in any particular order, other than by date posted, which is the default on ao3. (newest -> oldest) i also didnt include every single fic in the abo tag because this list was already going to be a large post. if there are any fics i missed that someone thinks should be included, feel free to send an ask or to just reply to this post! :^) ♥  -cade 
updated: April 16th, 2020
Carnal by mrhiddles (1/1 | 4,001 | Explicit)
Steve goes into heat when Billy pulls up to school. Billy's the only one who can help him, or so Steve says.
The Case Where Billy Hargrove Turned Out To Be Not Your Average Alpha by Anonymous (1/1 | 3,249 | Teen+)
“I don’t spend heats with alphas.” Steve said, his gaze avoiding Billy’s.
Billy faltered at that, his brows furrowing in confusion. “I thought you’d spent your heats with people before?” Billy asked.
“Well yeah, but not with alphas.” Steve huffed.
“So— You’re a faggot?” Billy asked, his eyes widening.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Perfectly Unnatural by ImNeitherNor (1/1 | 3,255 | Explicit)
‘You’re not an alpha in this house, boy. You’re not strong. You’re not even responsible with your sister. You don’t respect Susan. I thought I taught you enough in California.’
Neil’s words clang around Billy’s skull and burn the inside of his bones as he sits on the hood of his Camaro. The metal below his ass is warm from the engine just having been turned off, but the lights still spill out across the cliff. This place, nestled at the top and shrouded by trees, catches the wind just right. The wind bites through his jean jacket, settling close to his skin. The cherry red glow of his cigarette gives a false sense of warmth and puts Billy’s teeth on edge.
‘You’re unnatural.’
warnings: references to childhood abuse
Puppy Pile by Strawberry_Sweetheart (1/1 | 2,432 | Not Rated)
Steve forgets about his heat and thinks he has enough time to make a grocery run before it really hits.
He seems to have miscalculated.
Luckily, Billy is there’s to get him home safe.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
One Last Time by Strawberry_Sweetheart (1/1 | 3,157 | Not Rated)
It came with a phone call late at night, just past the witching hour. It was deathly quiet and dark, a new moon withholding any moonlight to chase the shadows away, and in that silence the piercing ring of the telephone downstairs cut through their dreams. A sleepy noise and wiggle came from the lump under Billy, shifting until it escaped Billy’s arms and legs that held it hostage.
this is a requested fic for Alpha El + Billy and Steve being good parental figure types and helping her figure things out
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
So messed up, I want you here by Boudoir_Writer (1/1 | 3,942 | Explicit)
“I turned you bitch, Harrington.” His voice is gravel and petrol, his limbs and heart lead. “We’re never going to be done.”
warnings: dubcon
Smoke by Carerra_os (1/1 | 468 | General)
Billy is ditching class for a smoke break when Steve comes along. -
Originally this was written for You're Extra Special, Something Else. However that story went in a different direction.
Black silk and wild flowers by Catharrington (1/1 | 3,015 | Explicit)
Steve’s birthday was really just another day. The only thing that made it special was his fathers insistence on going to a party thrown for just him, a party filled with starving alphas with fat wallets all rutting against themselves to buy their own little omega. Steve hates what his father makes him do. Steve hates his birthday. Until Billy Hargrove crawls through his window to remind him it’s not all bad, silver lining in the clouds and shit, and brings him a present.
Drop (The Game) by MissGillette (3/3 | 42,080 | Explicit)
Billy has wanted a piece of Steve since spotting him on the school parking lot his first day. So when Steve flees the bathroom at Tina's Halloween party, distressed and about to drop, Billy does the only logical thing: follow the scent.
The Lucky One by wingedbears (1/1 | 6,881 | Mature)
In a world where on one arm is your soulmate's name, and the other's is your enemy's, omega Billy has to learn to let shit go.
Princess of the apocalypse by Boozombie (2/2 | 15,034 | Explicit)
Steve just wanted to keep his kids safe, and Billy knows how to use that.
warnings: rape/non-con
Princess that runs his world by Boozombie (3/3 | 11,747 | Not Rated)
Billy takes Steve to wash up and plans to get him alone for a date. Steve wants to bring his pack along.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, rape/non-con elements
lately i feel like i've been losing (my mind) by ToAStranger (1/1 | 3,162 | Explicit)
Billy hasn't felt right since the summer straight out of a horror movie. His instincts are all off. And Steve Harrington keeps looking at him.
Pothos by moonflowers (1/1 | 6,714 | Explicit)
He felt like the rabbit and the fox all at once, the thrill of chasing and being chased, a circle, whole. He might’ve felt stupid about it, if it hadn’t been so intense. Robin always told him he fell for people too easy – and fine, she was right – but this was something else. Or maybe not yet, but oh man he was starting to think he wanted it to be. And it was probably idiotic of him to get his hopes up, but he couldn't help but think maybe Billy did too; watching Steve from behind a tired and quietly angry veneer, a little twist of hope just visible through the mask.
Dubious Hijinks by Corvin (1/1 | 3,998 | Teen+)
Steve needs a buffer between him and the alpha his dad picked for him. The best option he can think of is an uncooperative Billy Hargrove.
with them indiana boys (on them indiana nights) by ToAStranger (1/1 | 4,842 | Teen+)
The thing is, when Billy first saw Steve Harrington, he knew.  
He grew up knowing.  It was hard not to, with all of those hormones and instincts running through his fucking veins.  He knew, one day, he’d run across someone that smelled so right, so fucking perfect that he’d want nothing more than to bury his face against their scent gland and breathe in until the smell becomes a taste becomes a sensation becomes--
Well.  The thing is, he’s always known.
None Brighter Than Your Eyes by Doodsxd (1/1 | 9,991 | Explicit)
Sex Ed course came once again, and, for the first time, Billy listened.
He listened, because it started to match and make sense with what Max’s little troup told him over and over again.
Apparently, it was biology which dictated that omega jewelry wasn’t just a futility or decoration, or even a signal that the omega was taken. It wasn’t a trade, sex for jewelry, like Neil had taught him all his life. No: scientists had found back in the sixties that omega jewelry has a soothing effect, especially during heat, as a reminder of love and affection; something tangible and available at all times, even when no one is.
warnings: graphic depictions of violence
"is that what you want, princess?" by greeneyedsourwolf (1/1 | 4,008 | Explicit)
Steve asks Billy if he wants to spend their first heat together.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Pool Time Stress by AMemoryDelayed (1/1 | 2,610 | Explicit)
Steve's been visiting the pool pretty frequently. He can't help it when he'd been carted along that one time. He can't stand to watch Billy eye other women. It makes him regret it too, and yet. He's excited when Billy barely even moves his gaze over to him. He gives Steve the slightest of grins from where he's sat at. He doesn't make any other sign to warn him of what's to come beyond that. Steve knows though.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Thanks Phyllis by Corvin (1/1 | 11,764 | Explicit)
Steve wants to start a family and asks Billy for help. What was supposed to be a purely professional exchange turns a lot more intimate than he expected.
Everything falls back by Crowweb (1/1 | 1,302 | Teen+)
Billy isn't home like he's supposed to and Steve gets a bad feeling through their bond. The alpha turns up beaten up after a couple of hours.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, blood
push him down (spread him out) by tol_sirion (1/1 | 3,529 | Explicit)
“It’s embarrassing.” Steve whines and covers his face instead.
Billy tuts. “None of that, now,” he says, and Steve slowly looks up, hands falling to each side of his head instead. “Just one more picture. One more, and I’ll give you what you want.”
And maybe it’s cruel, holding it over Steve like that. Like only if Steve is good and does what Billy says, he’ll finally get dicked down the exact way he wants, and not a minute before.
Woke Up Thirsty by trashcangimmick (1/1 | 3,256 | Explicit)
Billy shows up at the Byers house looking for Maxine. Instead, he finds Steve Harrington and a kind of surprising proposition.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Grace Me With Nothing But Patience by itscrybabyharrington (icanspelliero) (1/1 | 6,587 | Explicit) 
It started off as an itch beneath the surface of his skin, no matter how hard Steve pressed his nails could never dig through, could never scratch the discontent that simmered just beneath.
Tommy says it’s nothing, signs of an early rut approaching, meds wearing off after taking them for so long. Only Steve knows Tommy is full of shit and this doesn’t feel like a rut.
warnings: underage, offensive language used, homophobia
Buzzcut Season by Senowolf (1/1 | 6,332 | Teen+)
Steve always waits for Billy to come back to him.
I Wanna Be Loved by harringrovecryptid (13/13 | 51,993 | Explicit)
"Brenner Relations" was one of the most lucrative businesses in the modern age. But only its clients and staff actually knew how it made its money. Billy Hargrove found himself being one of those people. But the deeper he got involved with the shady industry, the more secrets he began to uncover regarding the omegas that are considered company property.
warnings: graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con elements
Assigned Alpha by Kiram (2/2 | 3,415 | Explicit)
Steve used to just be an unknown secondary gender till Billy Hargrove rolled into town. Steve’s stuck in a rock and a hard place and is inevitable forced to fold and give into his nature. Billy likes bugging Steve while simultaneously protecting him.
war song by themundaneweirdo (1/1 | 1,789 | General)
Steve misses his soldier.
Don't Take Your Time With Me by trashcangimmick (1/1 | 6,864 | Explicit)
Billy is usually a light sleeper. But when he’s drunk, it’s a completely different story.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, rape fantasy, implied/referenced sexual assault, implied/referenced child abuse
I Can Do That by captainwingdings (1/1 | 1,971 | Explicit)
Billy wants to help out with Steve's heat, so he shows him a taste of what he can do.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Hot Blooded by captainwingdings (1/1 | 4,463 | Explicit)
The new guy from California catches Steve Harrington's attention for more than one reason. Not only was he hot as hell and didn't know how to button his shirts, but he was the strangest omega that Steve had ever seen. 
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Moaning Lisa Smile by trashcangimmick (1/1 | 3,735 | Explicit)
Billy maybe kind of hides the fact that he’s an Omega because he’s too queer, and too pretty, and would rather not deal with a bunch of idiot Alphas trying to screw the gay out of him. But Steve’s not an Alpha. Steve is also very pretty.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, consent issues
Sweet Dream (Saccharine) by Highsmith (1/1 | 16,039 | Explicit)
Billy and Steve aren't friends, until they are, and they're not more than that, because the world doesn't work that way.
warnings: implied/referenced child abuse, recreational drug use
Pressing the accelerator down by Etnoe (1/1 | 6,229 | Explicit)
Heat season takes a toll of two alphas who can't find anyone to share a rut with. Aside, of course, from each other.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Keeping a bit of you by peirypatt (1/1 | 697 | General)
Over the years Steve's room has had several changes and seen many trends and phases, but there was only one thing that didn't belong to Steve inside his bedroom. A denim blue jacket.
It came naturally to us by peirypatt (1/1 | 650 | General)
Saying that Steve and Billy held hands in 1999 for the first time would be wrong and right at the same time. It's complicated, and at the same time, it's not.
Don't Belong To Anyone (Else) by sparkleeye (2/2 | 31,145 | Explicit)
And he does, just Billy’s fucking luck, because Harrington licks his lips and hoarsely goes, “I fucking knew it, fuck Hargrove, you’re in heat.”
He shudders as Harrington takes a step towards him. The tangy, warm scent of alpha has him struggling to stand upright, already slipping into the too far gone state and it’s fucking Harrington’s fault because he still won’t leave.
Better yet, he knows, he can smell the sweetness of omega, particularly herbal and saccharine like lavender and vanilla - Billy knows he smells like a girly little candle, okay - flooding the air between them. He could push Billy over and take him there, on the floor, push his face down onto the cracked, dusty concrete and fuck him stupid.
aka -- Billy is a stubborn idiot and goes to school during his heat.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Upside Down, You're Turning Me by ImNeitherNor (1/1 | 7,885 | Explicit)
“Let me get this straight. You want me to go into the middle of the fucking woods in below zero temperatures to find someone who is probably high as a kite and just having the time of his damned life?”
“We’re worried--” Max starts and Billy sneers.
“That sounds like a personal problem, Maxine. Steve is a big boy, an alpha, and can handle--” Billy tears his gaze away from Max as Dustin climbs on top of his hood and sits there. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Not moving,” Dustin shrugs and crosses his arms over his chest.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Doctor’s Visit by HalfNakedWriter (1/1 | 2,320 | Explicit)
Steve goes for his 38 week appointment. 
'Cause We Feel Young and Wild by BeautyInChains (1/1 | 1,515 | Explicit)
Soon, is Steve’s best guess. Soon like the subtle itch beneath his skin that intensifies with each passing day. Soon like the voracity of his appetite as his body begins to prepare itself for the upcoming marathon. Soon like the aggression that continues to build and threaten to spill whenever another Alpha so much as glances Billy’s way. Soon like the way he’s been tenting his sheets, his slacks, his gym shorts at so much as a gentle breeze.
So when Billy texts him that morning, an eggplant emoji followed by the fire, peach, and splashing water emojis with not one but three question marks, Steve replies with Soon.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Lost My Mind by trimorning (1/1 | 1,564 | Teen+)
"I don't want to be dramatic."
He doesn’t know what Steve is going to say, which isn’t normal because he’s a predictable kind of mess, so it makes him feel vulnerable.
But its fine, its just Steve so it will undoubtedly be fine. Billy looks back at the other boy, “I can tell you right now, that you are physically incapable of not being dramatic, so continue.”
---- An a/b/o Harringrove one-shot that has little to do with a/b/o and more with Steve's flirty and messy ass. enjoy
Lavender by PoisonousFlower3 (1/1 | 756 | Mature)
"Billy hated being an alpha. He hated how it made his sense of smell stronger and smell the despair that always seemed to linger in this town. He hated how he was always so angry, though he knew that part of it was the abuse from his dad and his temper.
What he didn’t hate was how it let him get a good whiff of Steve whenever he was around."
In which case home starts to include Steve Harrington for Billy.
Red by PoisonousFlower3 (1/1 | 602 | Mature)
"Yeah, maybe things hadn’t started off the best for them but Billy was definitely in love." Another little drabble for two idiots in love
now I got you drunk, hot, and vulnerable (how do you like me now? do i turn you on?) by brawls (brawlite), ToAStranger (1/1 | 6,807 | Explicit)
The first thing Billy notices is the scent.
Heady, sweet, electric. It makes his mouth water, the second he walks in. Makes every bone in his body sing.
Heatstroke by HobbitSpaceCase (1/1 | 8,022 | Explicit)
Billy is out of suppressants and going into Heat. Steve finds him. It's too bad Billy can't have this every time.
warnings: dubcon, sad ending
Steve Forgets by femmesteve (1/1 | 1,242 | Explicit)
Steve forgets his heat and Billy is there to be a jerk and fuck him how he needs.
you scratch my back, i'll bite yours by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 2,363 | Explicit)
Billy rushes Steve's fraternity and gets in, which sucks, only when it doesn't. Drunk Steve has a hard time staying away from what isn't good for him.
bite me, but not too hard by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 3,854 | Explicit)
Steve debates whether or not he should spend his heat tranquilized.
your teeth go deep (it seems) by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 3,554 | Explicit)
Nothing about his life, or his love life, has been simple thus far. The trend continues.
eat me (let it run down your chin) by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 2,837 | Explicit)
Billy ends things with Steve. Sorta.
Nine to five. by Fanflick (9/9 | 34,301 | Explicit)
Steve knew that everything would ultimately come to this, working for his father at a boring office job. It wasn't easy being an omega in hiding, especially now since Steve's boss is the arrogant alpha Billy Hargrove. Now Steve has to work alongside his high school rival while also trying to save enough money to get away from his father. How hard can that be?
warnings: boss/employee relationship
Drunken Things by Rhiw (3/3 | 10,566 | Explicit)
Nancy and Steve break up before Tina's party. Steve finds himself on the rebound, damned and determined to have some fun. Billy just wants to get laid.
Aka: The ABO of Stranger Things no one asked for. Written while drunk, with drunk characters, and lots of angst and smut and shit. Enjoy.
warnings: underage
what a wicked game you played (to make me feel this way) by brawls (brawlite), ToAStranger (14/14 | 119,016 | Explicit)
Billy knew Steve Harrington would ruin him. Steve knew Billy Hargrove was nothing but trouble.
They never expected it to end up like this.
warnings: misogynistic language, ableist language, mentioned dubcon
turn me loose by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 3,321 | Explicit)
Billy is a dominant, powerful alpha with a slew of omegas dying to win his affection. He loves it, lives for it, except when he’s in rut. Steve is an omega and fights it every damn day. But when his body goes into heat, needs to breed, he can’t do anything to stop it. Billy is in rut and Steve is in heat when a freak heatwave knocks out the air conditioning in their shared apartment complex. Open windows and rampant hormones? What could go wrong?
Punch by hati_skoll (1/1 | 2,330 | Teen+)
Steve is dragged off by another alpha, Billy handles it.
A Start by ImNeitherNor (1/1 | 5,574 | Explicit)
The quarry was always Steve’s go to when he needed a place to breathe, an area where the smells weren’t in his face and he could think straight. It was strange how one person’s heat could trigger another. Steve, a slightly cowed alpha after Hargrove rolled in, was done with the overpowering scents and the looks that were being thrown around.
He wasn’t interested in any of it. None.
So, when he pulled up onto the edge of the quarry and stepped out, he almost groaned at the smell that hit him. An omega. An omega in heat. Fuck. This is exactly what he had hoped to get away from. He was ready to slide back in and yank his car in reverse when he looked up and saw, exactly, what car was sitting to the side, shaded by an overcast of trees. If he hadn’t actually looked, it would have slipped away. He blamed his sharper senses, his need to search out the omega.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Slick by hati_skoll (1/1 | 2,028 | Teen+)
Steve gets wet for Billy.
(Less porn inside than implied.)
Hold Me Tight Or Don't by BTSBlossom (1/1 | 4,808 | General)
Billy has some news for Steve, he just doesn't know how to tell him. At least he knows he's got Ms. Byers on his side. She'll be there for Billy if Steve isn't.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, abortion discussion
Wrap Me Up (In Your Love) by LadyMoonveil (1/1 | 1,254 | Teen+)
In which Steve keeps stealing Billy's clothes, and Billy is terrified of the implications when he comes to the realization that Steve is nesting.
After everything that Steve has done for him, all Billy wants to do is be good to his mate. (Even if it means adding things to his wardrobe that sadly isn't denim or leather).
Make me feel special by pizzz_10 (1/1 | 1,577 | Explicit)
A short sweet omega fic where Billy is an omega and Steve is his alpha who loves to spoil him
bück dich by Rebldomakr (1/1 | 966 | Mature)
Billy Hargrove arrives in Hawkins, with Steve Harrington's name written on his neck.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, mild blood/slight gore
sandman by Rebldomakr (1/1 | 2,226 | Explicit)
Steve’s not a fighter. He sucks at it, actually. He’s a little soft, but he isn’t totally weak or awfully tiny. He’s a good Alpha in many of the ways that count! Just because he isn’t running around sleeping with anyone willing, picking fights, and beating people to death doesn’t mean he’s a bad Alpha. And though Billy might do all that, but he isn't a bad Omega.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Silk by Rebldomakr (1/1 | 3,393 | Mature)
In Indiana, Omega suppressants are banned. Billy runs out after a while.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
104 notes · View notes
darkblueboxs · 5 years
What does ‘Viral’ Mean?
Read here or on AO3
Roughly inspired by that post going around about Neil and Kevin as sports commentators. 
Requested by @theloveliestfool​ and @revolutionary-magician​
“…and as Thea is in Canada leading a conference on women in sports this week, my co-host for today’s match is Exy Olympian and former striker for the Seattle Seals, Neil Josten.” Kevin fails to hide a wince as he announces Neil’s name. There are a few whoops from the audience at the mention of the veteran Exy hero, and Neil hopes his reputation will be enough to tide him through the event. He’s grown used to the attention of stadiums full of people by force of his Exy career, but sitting opposite Kevin with a mic between them and the expectation that he will spend the following hours eloquently dissecting the ins and outs of Seattle’s face-off against the Dallas Dingos is a far cry from what he’s used to. Neil thought that his publicity agent Carol had learned better than to leave him unsupervised in front of a microphone of any description, but apparently not. Either that or she considers Kevin to be the supervision, which could be an error of career-ending magnitude. 
Then again, it’s been a while since Neil’s days of furiously rebuking nosy reporters live on-air; maybe he’s about to discover that retirement has mellowed him out.
“It’s a pleasure to be back in Seattle for what I’m sure will be a great start to the season,” Neil says placidly. Apparently, he has retained some of his media training after all.
“A start, it will be. But a great one? I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that the Seals lost by an unprecedented eleven points to the Dingos last season.” Kevin wrinkles his nose. Neil rolls his eyes, making sure that Kevin catches the gesture. He’s well-aware that he’s nobody’s first choice to cover for Thea, but her scheduled replacement is currently sitting in ER with a dislocated shoulder, and Neil has never been great at saying no to Kevin when Exy is involved. He knows he has no chance of imitating Thea’s calm, professional persona nor her and Kevin’s easy back-and-forth, but he’s not going to sit there and be Kevin’s soundboard either.
“True, but with their star striker benched throughout their last game and with several rookies on their defence line, you could hardly have expected them to-!”
“-and here come the players for their warm-up,” Kevin interrupts smoothly. While the crowd cheers on the arriving athletes, Neil takes the pause as an opportunity to flip Kevin off. Kevin makes a choked sound as laughter rolls across the crowd, and points at the replay screens that are playing a live stream of their booth.
Neil almost feels guilty until he notices the puce-like colour Kevin’s face has turned and finds himself choking back a snicker. “So,” Neil continues as the players begin jogging up and down the length of the court. “It sounds like you’ve already placed your bets.”
“Betting on match outcomes while commentating would be very unprofessional.”
“So that’s a yes?”
“Sounds like you’re rooting for your old team. I’m sure you’re aware that impartiality is a vital quality in any sports commentator, Josten.”
Neil rolls his eyes again as pointedly as he can. Only Kevin Day would criticise his co-host live on-air. “Call it a healthy investment in the match’s outcome.”
Kevin snorts derisively at that, and Neil resists the urge to flip him off again. Carol will ensure that any profanity fines ESPN is hit with because of him will come straight out of Neil’s paycheck.
Kevin rattles through a several prepared talking points while the players warm up; shot statistics, playing history, starting players and strategies. Neil is quick to point out when Kevin isn’t doing a player justice – “Yes, Janice had a low shot rate last season, but remember she was recovering from a broken ankle through her last three matches” – and cuts in with a snarky comment whenever Kevin looks set to be going off on a tangent. He hears a lot of laughter from the crowd and assumes that one of the team mascots is doing some sort of routine to rouse them. Every time he interrupts Kevin, Kevin sends him an arch look, as though he can’t decide whether to be irritated by the interruption or grateful for Neil’s input.
“…and with the three minute buzzer sounding, we are counting down the seconds until we get to see how wrong Kevin is about my old team live on-air, so stay with us folks, because it’s going to be a great,” Neil flicks a pointed look in Kevin’s direction, “great start to the season.”
Kevin huffs. “You always did have a talent for talking big, Josten.”
“And you always had a talent for being an ass,” Neil laughs. “Glad to see we’ve both found ways to put our skills to use.”
“Neil, you can’t say ass on-air!” Kevin slaps a hand over the mike, but it’s too late.
“You just did.” Neil says, unperturbed. What are they going to do, fire him? This isn’t his job. “You heard it here, folks! Kevin Day swore!”
Kevin puts his head in his hands. “This was a mistake.”
“And I believe, ladies and gentlemen, that the refs have just bolted the doors to the court. Dingos have the first serve, assuming, of course, their offensive dealer can remember how to hold his own racket.”
“That’s uncalled for.”
Neil shrugs. “He broke three ankles, two wrists and ended the Bobcat goalie’s career in his first season. That guy isn’t playing exy, he’s throwing himself repeatedly at the nearest flat surface to see what or who he can crush against it.”
“…point.” Kevin admits, somewhat guiltily, as the dealer approaches the starting line.
Three minutes in, the Seals score their first point. Neil smiles at Kevin with more teeth than strictly necessary. “Great game.”
“Screw you, Josten.”
“Watch your fuckin’ mouth, Day, this isn’t HBO.”
Kevin shakes his head at him, but the corner of his mouth twitches.
They spend the first quarter bickering, with occasional interludes of actual sports commentary. Neil knows that nothing he’s saying sounds much like the kinds of commentators he’s used to hearing on television, but it’s entertaining to him at least. Even after all these years, Kevin still has a way of talking to Neil like he’s a toddler throwing a tantrum and Kevin is the long-suffering parent, and if anything, it eggs Neil on.
Kevin doesn’t smirk, exactly, when the Dingos equalise at the beginning of the second quarter, but it’s close.
“Wow, looks like the Dingo’s number seven has finally figured out where the goal is,” Neil says flatly, and it’s Kevin’s turn to roll his eyes.
“I must say, his footwork does remind me of a certain striker I used to play with.”
“His footwork is sloppy as hell.”
“Oh, you want to make this personal, Day?” The Seal’s backliners crowd the Dingo striker and the ball tumbles from his racket. “I’m sure the crowd would love to hear about the-”
“-the time you-”
“-bet Andrew a hundred bucks you could score on him blindfolded. And drunk.”
“What? That never happened.” The referee’s whistle blows, calling a foul on the Seal’s backliner.
“I have video evidence. Do you think the fans would like it? Fair warning, you did not stay standing long.” Neil waves his phone at Kevin.
“Stop causing a distraction! We’re meant to be commentating on the match.” Kevin reaches out to snatch Neil’s phone, and his elbow catches the edge of Neil’s mug.
It wobbles on the edge of the desk and tips, pouring lukewarm tea all over Kevin’s lap.
“Shit,” says Kevin, jumping to his feet. “I mean, uh, darn.” Neil cackles. Kevin gives him a black look. “This is your fault.”
“Oh, look Kevin. The Seals just scored again.”
Kevin picks up his own mug. The black look hasn’t left his eyes. His drink sloshes ominously within.
Neil sobers. “You wouldn’t.”
Kevin arches an eyebrow. “Oh?”
Neil tightens his grip on the edge of the table. “Kevin Day, I will call your wife.”
“So? I’ll call your husband.”
Neil sucks a breath in through his teeth. “Shit.”
Kevin pours the coffee on him. It is not pleasant.
The second half is far more entertaining, as both of them, sitting in sticky caffeine concoctions, quickly abandon what remains of their professionalism.
“And with that pass, number eleven proves once and for all that a career in Exy is possible even for those born tragically without any semblance of cognitive thought.”
“An accomplishment that my co-host has been demonstrating unacknowledged for decades.”
“I’m touched.”
They both take a five-minute interlude to cuss out a particularly bad call from one of the referees that puts the Dingo’s offensive dealer on the bench. The ref sends a dirty look in the direction of the commentator’s booth and receives two of equal ferocity in return.
The last quarter starts with both teams sitting at eight points, which doesn’t change for most of the quarter. Neil has to admit that the most satisfying part of his day so far is watching Kevin’s haughty, distanced persona fall apart as Neil goads him into cheering on the Dingos. For every positive comment he makes about a team or player, Neil will trade him a negative one, and vice versa, and together they find a strange balance of insults and praise that carries them through the last quarter. With a minute to go before overtime, a Seal backliner tips the ball from a Dingo’s net and sends it shooting across the court.
“No way, no way, shit, where’s the defence? Where’s the defence?!” Kevin shouts, his grip like a vice around Neil’s arm as he’s swept away by the tension.
“Come on, number eighteen, you beautiful bastard,” Neil says, no longer paying the slightest bit of attention to what his mouth is doing. The ball lands squarely in the net of the Seal’s star striker. She spins in the direction of the goal, rebounds off the wall with less than a second on the clock-
The goal lights up red, and for several seconds the only sounds from the booth are yelling.  
One of the interns delivers a sheet of post-match statistics to slot in alongside Kevin’s prepared post-match talking points, but neither of them are coherent enough to follow them for several minutes. Neil’s pulse is hammering in his neck as his heart tips around with the kind of adrenaline rush he hasn’t felt since-
Well. Since he retired.
He meets Kevin’s eyes across the microphone. Kevin is panting like he just played four quarters himself.
Neil is the first to recover. “Is it always like this?”
Kevin is quiet for a moment. He clears his throat. “It was nice working with you again, Josten.”
“Do you think I got you fired?”
Kevin pops Neil around the back of the head, and the audience laughs.
“What does viral mean?”
Carol rolls her eyes in near-perfect synchronicity with Kevin. “It means that someone edited a video titled ‘Day and Josten’s Epic Roast Fest,’ uploaded it to YouTube – do not ask me what YouTube is, Neil, or I swear – and from YouTube it was shared to twitter, where several of your former teammates retweeted it, garnering thousands of likes and shares, followed by reposts to Facebook, Tumblr and so on and so forth. We estimate the compilation received somewhere around 1.2 million hits within a day of posting, and most interestingly, they aren’t all Exy fans. Search results for both your names have spiked along with Seals and Dingos searches, meaning you’ve not only brought this game under the Exy world’s radar but the non-sporting world too.”
“Okay, and?” Neil glances from his agent to Kevin, who’s expression remains unreadable. “That’s fine and all, but why am I here? Did I really get you fired or what?”
Kevin lets out a huff of breath. “Despite your best efforts, no. I’m not fired. The producer isn’t wild about some of the… language we used, but it turns out we got quite a lot of fan-mail. Apparently, we’re hilarious.”
“It helps that you’ve drawn a lot of interest in the teams, which means new fans, which means more money,” adds Carol. “Greasing the wheels, so to speak.”
“What wheels?” says Neil, nonplussed.
Kevin looks to the ceiling like he’s asking it for help. “They’d like us to make a regular segment of it. Not for ESPN, the profanity wouldn’t slide on daytime TV, but they want us to do some live-streams, test the waters, see if we can hold an audience and take it from there.”
Neil opens his mouth to ask what a live-stream is, but Kevin sends him a sharp look that convinces him otherwise. “What about your slot with Thea?”
“She’s about to be taking some time off anyway.” Kevin’s cheeks turn a little pink. “Maternity leave.”
Neil short-circuits. “Huh.”
“Most people would say something like ‘congratulations’ now, Neil,” says Carol dryly.
“So, what do you think?” Kevin asks. “Ready to make a fool of yourself on a national stage?”
Neil grins. “Can I throw coffee at you every week?”
“And here I thought retirement would soften you,” says Carol. She smiles tiredly at them. “More fool me.”
They shake on it.
Text from Andrew: Did you forget they had cameras on you, or did you mean to give the son of Exy the finger on national television?
Text from Andrew: Sir and King very confused. Can’t figure out where your voice is coming from.
Text from Andrew: If Day kills you, I’m not coming down there to save your ass.
Text from Andrew: Junkies.
Thanks for reading, let me know what you think or hmu with a request!
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magniloquent-raven · 5 years
Ooh for your prompts: Fluffy Elmax sleepover with cuddling for #16 pls :') xoxox
i had such a good time writing this omg thank you!!! tho there’s a couple bits that threaten to be angst because im physically incapable of writing pure fluff lmao. it’s just tiny bits tho. just a smidge.
also, because s4 isn’t out yet i uh. kinda just did a time skip but didn’t rly change anything about how s3 left off? i know we know hopper’s alive but like. i guess he’s just still in russia in this fic LMAO rip. don’t think about it too hard
posted on ao3 as well :)
Max’s watch timer beeps obnoxiously again. 8:36. El’s late. She hits snooze.
“When’s your friend supposed to be here, sweetie?”
“Soon, mom. You know, you and Neil don’t have to wait up.” They do this every time. Like Max isn’t almost seventeen and perfectly capable of being alone in her own damn house for five minutes. At this rate they’re going to be late for whatever thing it is they’re going to, and Neil will be even more of a bitch than usual.
Her mom glances over at him. He’s sitting in his armchair looking surly, checking his watch pointedly. Asshole.
“Well…I don’t think—”
Max hears a car pull up out front. “Oh, thank fuck,” she mutters, turning on her heel and marching out to greet the Byers’.
Joyce climbs out of the passenger seat as Max strides across the lawn. “Max, honey!” she waves, grinning bright, “How are you?” There’s always a…tone to how she asks that. Questions lurking under the surface that they don’t talk about. It makes Max’s insides all squirmy thinking about it, though she is on some level grateful for the concern.
Max stands on the curb, tugging on her earring. A habit by now. It’s both a comfort and a reminder. She got one hell of a lecture the day she came out of the bathroom with blood running down her neck and a safety pin in her earlobe, but she didn’t regret it for a second.
El slides out of the driver’s seat, her smile crinkling the corners of her eyes. Max watches her stand and adjust her shirt. She always looked good in yellow. “I’m good,” Max responds after a beat, and it’s honest for once.
The door behind her creaks. Probably her mom and Neil coming out of the house, hopefully to leave, finally. She doesn’t turn around, just steps into Joyce’s waiting arms and presses her face into her shoulder. Max is taller than her now, by a couple inches, so it hurts her neck a little, but it’s worth it.
Will’s still tucked away in the backseat, peering through the window, Max waves at him when she peeks up over Joyce’s shoulder.
Then El distracts her. “Your hair,” she says, gently tugging on a lock behind her ear. Max steps back from Joyce, and runs a hand through it, cheeks pink. Three years ago she’d hacked off all her hair with a pocket-knife, woke up the morning of Billy’s funeral with strands still stuck to her neck, locks hanging ragged across her forehead. Her mother had thrown a fit.
“Yeah, I cut it again,” Max says, like that wasn’t obvious. She’d let it grow out uneven and messy for a while, but she broke out the scissors again about a month ago. It’s neater than her last haircut, but not by much.
El’s hand is in Max’s hair again, dangerously close to her face. Max’s knees wobble a little.
“Bitchin’,” she says solemnly, after a few seconds of consideration.  
Max’s grin is blinding.
Her mother cuts in, before she can respond, gives her the usual talk about staying in the house and making sure she’s got her emergency numbers memorized. Then she bids them all a hasty, distracted goodbye. Her mom was never very comfortable about the Byers’. Probably something about Joyce’s too-knowing gaze, or the fact that El glares daggers at Neil every time he’s within range.
She’s doing it now. Watching him get into his truck with a quiet rage in her eyes. Joyce puts a hand on her elbow, and it doesn’t move until Neil’s truck has turned the corner at the end of the street.
“We should get going,” Joyce says, checking her watch. “Will wanted to be at Claudia’s an hour ago but we got caught up at Mike’s house, and, well, you know how it is,” she flutters her hands, approximating a shrug.
She hugs El goodbye, then pulls Max in for another one. “Call us if you need anything,” she says, pulling back and putting her hands on Max’s shoulders. That sad glint is in her eye again, and Max knows the offer extends beyond tonight.
“Thanks, Joyce, we will.”
By the time she’s taken the corner at the end of Cherry Lane Max’s watch is beeping again.
El glances down at it, a pinch between her eyebrows. “…Was that for me?”
The confusion melts off her face, replaced by a cheeky grin. “It was!”
Max shuts the alarm off, cheeks burning. “Why were you guys at Mike’s for so long?” she asks. eager to change the subject. If the guys are meeting up at Dustin’s the delay wasn’t because Will and Mike were catching up, and, well, Mike and El’s relationship is…of interest to Max. For reasons.
El purses her lips. It’s a face that tells Max they’re gonna need to be sitting and cozy for this conversation because it’s gonna be a long one. So, she links their arms and pulls her inside.
An hour later they’re huddled under a throw blanket on the couch. El is giggling, face in her hands, and Max is wheezing around a mouthful of skittles.
“Oh, that’s so not funny,” she chokes out, trying not to spew candy everywhere, which brings about a fresh wave of laughter. El’s shoulders are shaking, brushing against Max’s and making her warm all over. God damn, she’s missed this.
“Then why are you laughing,” El replies, poking her side and smiling from ear-to-ear.
She’s beautiful, Max thinks. Her braid is half-undone, letting her hair curl around her face in gentle waves, and her eyes are bright. She looks happy, and Max holds on to that, keeps it all for herself because she did that, she made that happen. She might not have everything she wants from El, but she’ll take whatever she can get. Whatever El wants to give. And sometimes just her smiles are enough, enough to make Max’s chest constrict and her heart glow, because for now, she’s happy too.
She laughs again, in leu of a response. How can she not, when she feels so light she could float away, high on the soft strawberry scent of El’s shampoo and the way her cheek dimples when she grins. But she can’t say that, so she says, “Because it’s Mike,” and pokes El right back. “I’m legally obligated to laugh at his misfortune.”
They have a complicated friendship, which mostly boils down to her being willing to bail him out when he’s in shit, but only if she gets to make fun of him while she does it.
El wrinkles her nose a little, but her smile doesn’t dim, “You two are weird.”
She’s pretty sure it used to bother El, how much Mike and Max fought. Max can’t help but wonder if they’d have gotten along better if she wasn’t in love with his girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend. Because she’d dumped him for good this time. Four months ago, apparently, though Mike was, until a few hours ago, under the impression it was temporary.
Max almost feels bad for him. Except she doesn’t. Apparently, he was a dick about the whole thing, so at least she has a solid reason not to.
“You love us,” Max scoffs. El may have broken up with Mike, but she’ll always love him in some way or another.
El’s expression softens, turns fond and sweet. She’s thinking about Mike, Max is sure, but the smile is still directed as her. Small victories. “I do,” she says quietly.
They order a pizza after that, and watch movies into the wee hours of the morning. By 3am Max’s throat is raw, and her stomach hurts from laughing (and too much pizza). It’s the most fun she’s had in a while. The Byers’ don’t visit as often as any of them would like.
Max isn’t even tired, but El’s head has been dropping onto her shoulder on and off for the past hour so she suggests they call it a night.
She knows that when the boys sleep over at each other’s houses they’ll take the floor, or the couch in the basement, anything but actually sharing a bed. As El wraps an arm around her waist and snuggles up with her under the blankets, Max takes a moment to wonder if that would be better or worse than this.
It always seemed so miserable to Max, how much boys have to limit themselves.  
But also…well, it might be easier sometimes. She wouldn’t have to deal with wanting things she shouldn’t want because El would be over there, and not right up in her space, hands warm and breath tickling Max’s ear. This is different than sitting thigh-to-thigh on the couch, it blurs the line more, and it’s the ambiguity that’s driving Max crazy.
She wasn’t tired before, but she’s wide-awake now.
Time creeps by strangely this late at night. Max isn’t sure how long she lays there, staring at the ceiling, trying to calm her pounding heart. El’s breath is steady, quiet, and her eyes are closed. Max is sure she’s asleep, she was so tired before.
Before she can stop herself her hand creeps up, brushes a strand of hair from El’s face.
Moonlit, she’s ethereal. There’s always been something otherworldly about El, with her big, dark eyes, always watching, boring holes into you with their intensity. Shadows play across her cheek, and Max tracks them for a while, absurdly jealous of moonlight.
She traces patterns on El’s forearm, the one resting on Max’s stomach, keeping her touch light so as not to wake her.
More time passes, and Max’s head feels heavy with sleep that won’t come. She’s groggy, leaning back but unable to keep her eyes closed.
She starts talking. Whispering. Remembering the times she read Wonder Woman comics to El until she fell asleep, and hoping, somewhere in her foggy brain, that it might work on herself too.
“You know… I always knew we’d be good friends. The second I heard your name I wanted to know you,” she murmurs, and draws a star on El’s wrist. “Didn’t know how badly I wanted until I saw you though. You were terrifying, and I loved it. And now…” Her eyes slide closed as she thinks. “You’re the best person I’ve ever met. You’re beautiful. Everything about you. And I love you…more than I should.” She sighs, sits in silence and cards her fingers through El’s hair. It’s getting so long.  
El’s hand closes around her wrist.
Max’s eyes fly open, and she stills, heart pounding. “Uh.” El’s eyes are open, looking up at her, she’s awake, she’s awake, oh fuck– “Um. Did—did I wake you up, I’m—sorry if I woke you—”
“It’s okay.” The corners of her mouth turn up, slow and careful, “I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
“Oh.” Is all Max can manage, staring down at El with wide eyes, waiting for her to…do something. Max’s palms are sweating. She doesn’t know what to expect.
El moves her hand, puts Max’s palm against her cheek and shuffles forward until they’re nose to nose.
She tastes like toothpaste and kiwi lip balm, and kisses as sweetly as she smiles. Her hands end up in Max’s hair, fingers gentle but demanding, guiding her forward. If Max wasn’t already laying down, she’d need to be because her knees are jelly.
“Oh,” El echoes when she pulls back, laughter in her voice. She presses a chaste kiss to the corner of Max’s mouth, careful and deliberate. Then her expression softens, sobers. “I was jealous of you. At first. Didn’t…know what it was. Know why. So, I ignored you. And… I’m sorry.”
Max shakes her head, “Ancient history. It’s okay.”
“No, I,” El stops, furrows her brow, “You were so happy. Free. I wanted that. And then, then you helped me have that. So. Thank you.” She cups Max’s face, fingertips tracing along her cheekbone, and Max’s heart sings. “And I love you too.”
They kiss again, and Max decides that El sleeping on the floor would’ve been a terrible idea.
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mindflayedr-blog · 5 years
You Make It Easy - Billy Hargrove // p.1
Setting: December of 1984
➳ You struggle to not fall for the boy next door, but what you don’t know is that he already fell for you.
Whew this is my first imagine after a while, I really hope this doesn’t suck yikes!! I really fell completely in love with Billy this season so i’ll prob make hella fics about him oop- // also this will be like a mini series I guess, I’ve already written the second part so I’ll be posting it sometime tomorrow, the rest is still a work in progress. I don’t know how many chapters there will be in total **there may be some mistakes, i proof read this several times but i might’ve missed some things**
Word count: 2k oops
Warnings: cursing, some mentions violence and abuse, and it’s kinda sad 
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Your dad parked the moving truck in front of a new house in Hawkins, Indiana. You step out of the car and sniffed the cold Indiana air, taking in the new surroundings. The neighborhood was nice and family oriented, there were a couple of kids playing tag and some were drawing on the sidewalks. Light snow fell from the sky making the surroundings feel peaceful and calm. You looked around trying to familiarize yourself with your new neighborhood when a guy with curly dirty blond hair caught your eye. He was sitting on the porch steps of his own home which was situated next to yours. He was wearing a jean jacket with blue jeans. Underneath the jacket was a plain white shirt and a plain gold chain adorned his neck. You stared at him as he took a puff out of his cigarette. He looked ethereal, the sunlight hit him so perfectly that he looked like he was glowing. You didn’t realize how hard you were staring until he turned to look at you, making you jump and immediately turn your attention to the boxes that were needed to be put inside.
You focused your attention to the boxes in the truck, trying hard to forget how embarrassed you were. You pulled out a box that belonged to your new room, you slightly struggled at how heavy it was. 
“Need help with that?” An unfamiliar voice spoke behind you. Who the hell?
You turned around and saw him, the same guy you were just staring at. Your hands trembled and your arms began to give in and drop the box you are holding, but thankfully he was there to catch it. You could feel your cheeks burning up in embarrassment, but he didn’t comment on it.
“Um… I.. I got it… th-thanks.” You stuttered out a reply as you tried to take back the box. 
He laughed at your attempt at getting back the box and spoke, “Bullshit, you clearly almost dropped it. C’mon let me help you.”
“I don’t want to bother you, s-seriously. It’s… um… fine.” 
He shook his head no and started to head towards your front door with the box, “Where does this go to?” He asked, stopping at the entrance of your house. 
“Oh, how nice! You’ve already made a friend, Y/N! I knew you’d settle right in.” Your mom smiled at you while stepping out of the truck. “Mom please not now.” You thought to yourself. 
You took a deep breath and made your way towards the curly haired boy, ignoring your mom’s comment. “That belongs in my room, here I’ll show you,” You said as you led him upstairs and into a room towards the left of the stairs. “Just put it there, thanks.”
“No problem, I’m Billy by the way and I take it that your name is Y/N.” Billy said as he gently placed the box on the carpeted floor of your room. 
“Yup, that’s my name,” You stood there and gave him a small awkward smile, “Sorry for staring at you by the way. I do that a lot when I space out.” You said, giving Billy a bullshit excuse, hoping he’d believe it. 
“Right, like you weren’t captivated by my beauty.” He teased giving you a sly smile to which you rolled your eyes at. 
“Captivated? More like repulsed. Did you not see me scramble away?”
“Whatever you say Y/N, give it a month and you’ll fall in love with me.” Billy smirked at you jokingly, making you roll your eyes once more. You acted annoyed but those words were now imprinted onto your brain. Would it be really that easy to fall in love with him?
“With that attitude? Never. Anyway, there’s more boxes downstairs, less talking more helping.” You dismissed the topic at hand and herded him outside. Give it a month and you’ll fall in love with me. That sentence echoed in your head for the rest of the day.
That was how you met Billy Hargrove, the charming boy next door that you became fast friends with and the same charming boy who stole your heart, even though you refused to admit it. That same week that you moved in, he brought you to every place in Hawkins he knew. He took you to the record shop, to the nearby lake, to the hilltop that overlooked the town, to every little place he found beautiful. School was out until January so you two were able to hang out everyday and explore Hawkins. Hanging out everyday of course included endless conversations. You two talked about every little thing but you noticed that he never talked about his family or his family life. Billy avoided the topic of family like a plague. Whenever you would ask about his mom, his sister, or his dad he’d quickly change the topic, and you never once pressed him for an answer, until one night. 
It was around 9 p.m you heard screaming coming from the Hargrove residence. You couldn’t make out the words, but it was two voices. One was the ever so familiar voice of Billy Hargrove and the other was what you guessed was his dad. You bite your nails nervously, hoping that Billy was okay. You glued yourself close to your kitchen window trying to piece together what was happening next door.
“Worthless piece of shit!” Billy’s dad screamed loud and clear, it was the first coherent phrase you heard after listening in for about 20 minutes. The scream is then followed by what it sounded like a slap and then after that a few grunts of pain and more incoherent screaming followed by total silence. By then you were worried, maybe this is why Billy never mentioned his family. 
You rushed out to your front porch hoping you see your friend outside. As soon as you opened your front door, Billy was there as if he summoned by command. He staggered outside his house while rubbing his jaw, wincing through the pain. His lip was busted and a bruise was forming under his eye. As soon as he saw you standing by your front porch, he began to walk towards you. You were the only person he could think of to go to for comfort.
“Billy what happened? Are you okay?” You rushed towards him, engulfing him with a big hug. He leaned into your touch, finding peace and security in your embrace.
“Hey since you’re here can you help me clean this shit off?” He pointed at his bloody face, “I can’t have my face looking like this. It’s my best feature.” He gave you a small smile, wincing afterwards. Despite him being clearly hurt he still managed to smile at the sight of you and crack a joke. You didn’t smile however, instead you carefully caressed his soft face, trying not to break down at the sight of him. He didn’t deserve any of this. Not even an ounce.
You assisted him inside your house, you were glad your parents weren’t home because they’d definitely be asking one hundred and one questions right about now. You helped him walk to your dining room and there he sat on one of your dining chairs. You hurried to the bathroom for the first aid kit and a damp washcloth. You sat in front of him and softly rubbed away the dried blood by his mouth. You stared at his eyes and saw how tired and worn out he was, you figured this wasn’t the first time this has happened.
“Stop looking at me like that.” Billy said icily, snatching the washcloth away from you and doing the job himself.
“Like what? Give me that.” You retorted and snatched the cloth back, returning to what you were doing.
“Like you pity me, I don’t need pity.” 
“Billy that’s not what this is, I care about you. I’m just… I’m just worried. I’m worried about you. Does he do this to you a lot?” You asked him, you glanced at his blue eyes briefly before opening the first aid kit to retrieve some alcohol wipes. Billy blinked at you as if he couldn’t believe that you actually care, but eventually he speaks up. 
“He.. he does this… every other day, but I thought I could go a whole week without being his personal punching bag, guess I was wrong though. Turns out he doesn’t give a shit about how the new neighbors would think of him.” Billy answers, wincing as you gently cleaned up his wounded lip with an alcohol wipe. 
“Can I ask why he did it? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to of course.” You said as you finished cleaning up his face, it looked better than it was before, but of course the bruises remained. 
“No it’s fine, he got pissed because I forgot to pick up Max, my sister, at the arcade. She was supposed to be home an hour ago but I was with friends so I forgot.” 
“Why didn’t he just do it himself? He has a damn car doesn’t he? Did he forget that he is in fact a father?”
Billy chuckled at your response, the corners of his eyes crinkling. Despite the bruises and wounds, he still managed to look like an angel.
“Neil’s a lazy piece of shit, all he does is go to work for a few hours and come back home to either drink, sleep, or beat the shit out of me. He doesn’t give two shits about Max and I.” Billy took a deep breath and looked down, his eyes not meeting yours. He looked so vulnerable and so broken, all you wanted to do was hold him forever. “So because of that,” Billy continued, “I’m in charge of taking care of Max. It’s me and Susan actually, but mostly me. Apparently I’m the fucking father and mother now.” 
You tucked a loose curl behind Billy’s ear, trying to comfort him. You didn’t know what to say, what would you even say to someone who’s pouring their heart out to you? So all you did was listen. You sat there in silence listening urging him to continue, letting you know that you’re here for him.
“It’s just complete fucking bullshit, I hate living there. I want to get away from here some day, but right now I’m stuck in this shit hole town and I’ll just have to deal with it.” Billy finished with an angry huff. He lifted his head up and looked at you, you saw that there were tears forming in his eyes that were threatening to fall. Billy tried blinking them away but failed.
“Next time he does this to you, come over right away and don’t hesitate. I don’t care how late or how early it is, I want you to come here, so you can be safe.” You said softly so only he can hear.
The tears that Billy tried to blink away finally fell from his eyes and he sobbed. You could tell that all the pent up anger and sadness took over him. He reached for you and held you tight as if any second now you’d slip away. You held him tightly in return, reassuring him that you’re here. A few tears fell from your eyes but you wiped them away quickly, trying to be strong for Billy. 
“Hey it’s okay, it’s alright. I’m here okay? I’m here for you, always. All the time.” 
“Thank you Y/N,” Billy’s voice was muffled, his head was on the crook of your neck, “I’ve never told anyone this and now you’re here to listen to me and I just… thank you. Thank you for being here.” 
That was the first time you’ve ever felt something towards Billy other than friendship. It was new and scary since this is your best and only friend and feeling this way might ruin everything, but despite that you’ve decided to suppress the feeling and stayed close friends with him. Never uttering a word about how you felt towards him and labeling your relationship as strictly platonic. What you didn’t know, however, was that Billy felt the same way too, ever since the day you moved in next door.
YIkesssss i really hope that didn’t suck, im honestly lowkey nervous about this fic. I’ll post part two soon :))
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xsixxx · 5 years
Bad Influence, chapter one
Authors note: Hi ok so I’ve never done one of these before (full on fan fic virgin) so please go easy on me. I’ve got a rough plan as to what this story is gonna be, but be prepared to commit & be in it for the long haul, sorry! I hope you enjoy it, feedback is welcome encouraged & also I’d love to do requests if you have any! Thanks for reading 🖤
Warnings: Erm none I don’t think, probs just a bit of language & sexual references
I have no tags as I have no followers as I’ve literally made this blog last night 😂 But hopefully in the future, this is where my tags will go, send me an ask if you want tagging!
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Spring ‘81
“That was un-fucking-believable! I can’t wait for them to play again!” Maddie yelled, jumping on my back as we left the Starwood.
“Get off”, I grumbled, pushing her off, irritated by her constant childlike excitement that never seemed to fade. “Play again? You barely saw them play this time, they were too busy fighting with the crowd!”
Maddie giggled, “well yeah, that’s part of the fun, Beth! Yanno, it’s their whole image!”
“I thought their image was tight pants & make up”, I said, rolling my eyes. I was already bored of Mötley Crüe. I’d spent the last hour watching them awkwardly & drunkenly, stumble though their set, as well as stumble on stage in the high heels they clearly didn’t know how to walk in. They stopped every 5 minutes to fight someone in the audience or take a swig of Jack from the bottle they were sharing between the 4 of them. To say they weren’t my kind of scene was an understatement, but to my music-loving little sister, they were gods & she had no intention of shutting up about them any time soon.
“Did you see the bassist swing his guitar into that guys head?!” Maddie carried on, still riding that post-gig high. “& when the drummer dived off the stage onto the other guy?! Man, they’re so fucking metal”, she laughed.
“Um hm”, I mumbled, tuning her out & power walking ahead, until I spotted her sparking up a cigarette out the corner of my eye.
“What the hell, Maddie?! Put it out!” I yelled. “Daddy will kill you!”
She laughed, taking a long drag & blowing the smoke directly into my already angry face. “Chill out Beth, he won’t!”
“You’re right, he won’t, he’ll kill me for letting you. I’m supposed to look after you, now put it out!” I tried swiping the cigarette from smirking lips, but Maddie was too quick, dodging me. She laughed again, but noted the growing annoyance on my face &, after taking a few quick drags, she dropped it on the floor & stubbed it out with the tip of her white stiletto.
“Great, now you smell like an ash tray! I can’t risk daddy smelling smoke on you, we’re gonna have to go somewhere to kill some time until he’s gone to bed”, I groaned, thinking of the college paper I’d got waiting for me at home, that I’d already put off to accompany Maddie to this stupid gig at my fathers request. I inwardly cursed them both as I pushed open the door to the overcrowded diner. I was immediately hit by the smell of yet more smoke, partnered with bacon & coffee. The grubby dinner was harshly lit & loud, with the buzz of a Saturday night in West Hollywood. We sat down in one of the few remaining booths, just as an middle aged waitress came up & asked for our order.
“I’ll take some blueberry pancakes & a Jack & Coke please”, Maddie smiled, sitting up straighter & sticking out her chest a little, in a feeble attempt to appear older than her 18 years.
“No she won’t,” I cut in sharply, shooting her a look that told her not to keep pushing me tonight. “We’ll both just take a coffee please, thank you.” The waitress smirked at Maddie & winked, before nodding at me & walking off.
“Maddie, quit while you’re ahead”, I snapped, having had enough of her rebellion for one night. She rolled her eyes & looked away from my glare. Suddenly, something behind me caught her attention because her mouth instantly dropped open & I noticed her cheeks flush a girlish pink.
“Holy shit Beth it’s them, it’s fucking Mötley Crüe!” She whispered, her eyes growing wide & following them as the walked past our table to a booth a few down from where we were sat. “Holy shit, holy shit, I can’t believe it!”
“Mads, seriously, they’re just some guys that have played a couple of crappy shows at the Starwood, they’re not famous. Get a hold of yourself”, I scoffed. I fished in my bag for my textbook just as the waitress came over with our coffee. I thanked her & opened up my book, mentally patting myself on the back for thinking ahead & bringing some sort of study aid with me, being as I couldn’t get started on my paper tonight. I started reading, but Maddies out loud commentary on everything the leather-clad band were doing repeatedly cut in to my studying.
“Oh my god look at them! The bassist is so flirting with that waitress! What th- He’s just started bashing the drummers head on the table!” She laughed. “Beth look! Beth, you’re not looking!”
I sighed & glanced up from my book towards the foursome, just in time to see one of them with long, curly brown hair inhale a cigarette through his nose & blow it out of his mouth. “Charming”, I muttered, getting back to my studies as Maddie giggled like a schoolgirl.
“Do you think I should go over there?” She asked seriously, looking at me with eager eyes.
“Absolutely not!” I snapped, thinking of the heart attack our dad would have if he knew his precious Madeline had hung out with four drunk 20-somethings, dressed head to toe in leather & studs. I looked at Maddie, looking longingly over at this literal motley crew & knew her mind was already made up. “Mads, I mean it!” I hissed at her, as I watched her stand up, playing deaf to my protests.
“I’ll be back in a sec..” & she let her sentence trail off & she strutted over to their table.
“Goddamn it.” I shoved my book back in my bag, zipped it up, left my coffee to go cold & walked over to their table, just as one of them with teased black hair & smeared black lines on his cheekbones pulled Maddie down on to his lap. She was giggling & telling them all how great the show was.
I stopped next to her, hand on my hip & cleared my throat, a little too patronisingly. All five of them looked up at me.
“Maddie, come on, we’ve gotta get home”, I said, making sure that my eyes were conveying to her the anger that I was trying to keep from seeping into my voice.
“Calm down, doll”, the one who’s lap my sister was perched on said, “come join us for a little bit, we’re just getting to know your friend here”. He flashed an arrogant smirk at me that made my skin crawl & my knees go weak all at the same time. I watched his hand slither around Maddies waist & saw her blush once again & giggle.
“She’s not my friend, she’s my little sister & we’re heading home now. Maddie, let’s go.”
“I don’t want to!”, she whined, pouting her lips at me
“Let her have some fun!” exclaimed the beautiful blonde, who I recalled being the singer. “Why don’t you sit down?”, he said, as he grabbed my hand & pulled me into the seat next to him, opposite Maddie & the handsy one with the devilish smirk. “What’s your name?” Handsy asked, downing a shot of Jack.
“Erm, Elizabeth.” I said, a little flustered by how forward they were.
“Lizzy, pleasure to meet you, I’m Nikki Sixx”, he said, removing his hand from stroking my sisters waist & offering it to me for a hand shake.
“Beth, not Lizzy,” I replied, ignoring his outstretched hand. He smirked again, returning his hand, now to my sisters ass. “This is Vince Neil, our singer”, he said, looking at the blonde next to me, “Mick Mars, guitarist”, he nodded towards a slightly older looking man who was sipping from a hip flask before stashing it back in his leather trench coat, “& this is our drummer, To-“
“I’m Tommy, Tommy Lee!”, cut in the boyish, curly haired brunette that I saw smoking through his nose earlier. He was almost as exciteable as Maddie as he stood up & leaned across the table to shake my hand. I instinctively shook it, despite my reservations to shake Nikkis hand. I don’t know what it was, but something about Tommy just felt friendly & warm. I smiled at him as he sat back down.
“So what did you think of the show?” Tommy quizzed, practically bouncing in his seat.
“I loved it! You guys fucking killed it up there.” Maddie gushed, going pink again, as I noticed Nikki grip firmly on her ass as she praised them.
Pig, I thought.
“& what about you Lizzy?” Nikki drawled, that smirk playing on the corners of lips as he followed my eyeline to his hand, reading my mind.
“Not really my sorta thing. Too heavy.” I stated, refusing to break my glare at Nikki. They all laughed at my answer.
“Thank you!” said Nikki, that smirk plastered across his face once again.
“Beth isn’t really into this kinda scene”, Maddie babbled, “she’s always too busy studying to have any actual fun.. I don’t think she even knows how to!” I knew she was only poking fun, but her words irritated & embarrassed me all the same. I gave her a swift kick under the table, only for Nikki to jump as I realised too late that my Dr Marten had instead come in contact with his leg. I blushed awkwardly & he saw, a flash of mischief playing in those pale green eyes as he enjoyed my discomfort.
“You don’t have to play footsie with me doll,” he laughed arrogantly, “just let me know if you’re interested & I’ll swap your sister out for you.”
“Pig,” I mumbled, out loud this time, which only caused him to laugh more.
“Not a fucking chance Sixx, finders keepers.” Grinned Vince, draping his arm around my neck. He looked at me with eyes I knew most girls wouldn’t resist & he gently twisted a piece of my hair around his finger. “So babe, you’re not a fan huh? How can I change your mind?”, he purred, staring at my lips as I scoffed at his advances.
“Write better music”, I laughed. Nikkis head shot round from whispering god knows what in to my little sisters ear & glared at me. “You’ve got a problem with my music?” He snapped, not looking for an answer, but an arguement.
“Told you, it’s not my sort of thing”, I shrugged, not caring if I offended him.
“Of course it’s not”, his voice & his face relaxing slightly, “girls like you never want to admit they like our music. It’s too raw for their clean cut, I’m-too-good-for-everyone image.” He smirked.
“‘Girls like me’?!” I fired back, feeling my face growing hot. “You don’t know the first thing about me.”
“I know all about you, Princess. I’ve fucked enough girls like you to know exactly how it goes.” he started, that smirk growing by the second. “First you pretend my music & my lifestyle is beneath you, like you’re too good to party with us. Then you start to get bored & realise how dull your self-obsessed life actually is & you crave some excitement. Then suddenly, a bad boy in your bed seems like a pretty fucking good idea, because I’ll tell you now Princess, we might wear lipstick, but we’ll fuck you better than your preppy jock boyfriends ever could.” Nikki sat back, that smirk wider than ever, as his band mates sniggered around him. I looked at Maddie, who was desperately trying to stifle her girlish giggle.
I saw red. I was ready to slap that smug face & storm out, but that egotistical smile triggered something in me that made me feel bold & brave. I sat there & smirked right back at him. “First of all, you don’t know me. Second, I’m not ‘too good’ to party with you, more like too busy, studying to get a real job so I’m not stuck playing half-assed gigs for 20 people in the Starwood every other weekend for no pay. Second, being ‘self-obsessed’ has taught me one thing.. I fuck me better than you ever could, so what use are you to me?” I heard Tommy laugh out loud before clapping a hand over his mouth. “But yanno,” I continued without breaking eye contact with Nikki, “a bad boy does seem fun..”, I turned to look at Vince, entangled my fingers in his hair & kissed him. I felt him freeze up, then immediately relax & pull me eagerly on to his lap, holding the back of my neck & pulling me in closer. He tasted like whiskey & cigarettes. I pulled away & looked over at Nikki, that smile suddenly gone from his face. Everyone else at the table was staring at me with their mouths open, except for Vince who was smiling from ear to ear. “You’re right about one thing though Nikki.. I am bored.” & with that, I stood up. “Maddie, we’re leaving.”
I grabbed my sisters hand & pulled her up off the devils lap & strutted away, my head high & my heart racing.
“Fucking bitch”, I heard Nikki mumble.
I pushed open the door to the diner & the brisk midnight air hit me in the face. It was a welcome relief. I stood there for a second, my heart still thumping away in my chest from the adrenaline. “Cigarette.” I said to Maddie, extending my hand without looking at her. She obliged, handing one to me, her eyes wide like she was seeing me for the first time. I lit it & took a long drag, the nicotine flooding my system & calming my nerves.
“Who are you?!” Maddie whispered with a smile, finally finding her voice.
“Please, I smoked way before you did, you fucking teenager.” I laughed, rolling my eyes. “I just know how to hide it from daddy better than you.”
“What in the fuck just happened in there?! You just full on tongued the fucking front man of Mötley Crüe! What have you done with my sister?!” She cackled, absolutely bursting with excitement & laughter once again.
“Hey, there were no tongues, ew!” I laughed, “Urgh I don’t know, that goddamn bassist just got to me, I didnt like how he spoke as if he knew me. I wanted to shock him or something, I don’t know..” I let my sentence trail off. In all honesty, I’m wasn’t sure why I kissed Vince. Nikkis voice was ringing in my ears, mocking me & a part of me just wanted prove him wrong.
“I don’t care why you did it, I’m so fucking proud! My dorky big sister, the groupie!” Joked Maddie, jumping up on my shoulders once again.
“I don’t think so, if I never saw that band again, it’d be too soon. Especially that Nikki Sixx.” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Speak of the devil & he shall appear.” Came a velvet smooth voice from behind me. I turned to see the devil in the form of Nikki, leaning against the wall, sparking up a cigarette. He took a drag & walked towards us, fixing his eyes on mine as he walked up to my little sister. He put his fingers under her chin, tilted her head up & pressed his lips against hers. I watched her melt against him, wrapping her arms around his neck & kissing him back. Anger flooded back through me. Who does this asshole think he is? For just a second before he pulled away, his eyes opened & stared at me once again, hoping to see my reaction. Then he removed himself from my sister, flashed a conceited smile my way before looking back at Maddie.
“I hope to see you at one of my gigs soon, doll”, he murmured to her, lazily kissing her on the cheek & turning to walk back inside. “You too Lizzy.” he said.
“It’s Beth,” I shot back, irritated all over again.
“I know,” he said, smirking at me one last time before the door shut behind him.
God, I hated him.
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