#and then i went to drop her downstairs and she was giving me the same cover back 😭😭
delicatetaysversion · 5 months
crying 😃
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russellsppttemplates · 4 months
It is what it is (Lando Norris)
It takes Lando a while to notice how you always assume he has something else to do whenever you need his help
Note: english is not my first language. It's slightly angsty but has a good ending! ✨️ is this good, is this bad? I'm not too sure
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Cw: alludes to the lack of quality time between a couple
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
"Look at you, beautiful girl", Lando twirled you as he stepped inside your bedroom, noticing you were getting ready, "are you going somewhere?".
"Yes, I have an appointment at my optometrist", you smiled, "Anna should be here soon to take me".
"Is it a joint appointment?", Lando squinted.
"No, you muppet", you giggled, "my optometrist needs some exams on my eyes, so I have to today because that's when the ophthalmologist is there and they recommended that I had someone take me there because they want to dilate my pupils and, depending on how it goes, my sight might be a little affected for a couple of hours", you offered, making sure you had everything you needed to take.
"You could've told me and I would've taken you", Lando added, accepting the kiss you placed on his lips.
"I thought you had a meeting this afternoon", you reasoned.
"I do, but I could have moved that around a little and fit everything into the schedule", he reasoned back.
"It's okay, don't worry about that", you mused, "That's Anna - bye, handsome!", you kissed his lips one last time before making your way out and downstairs to meet your friend.
The ride to the office wasn't long, you and Anna taking the time to catch up and learn about the new gossips she had to update on you.
"And how's Lando? I haven't seen him in a while", Anna stated after you sat in the empty waiting room waiting to be called.
"He's been busy lately - he has a meeting today with the team, they're also launching a new collection for Quadrant and they're investing a lot in the social media content, so he's been busy recording a lot of videos and stuff", you offered, never shy whenever it came to talk proudly about your boyfriend's achievements, "and we're also on the countdown for the season to begin, so there's training and meetings and all that".
"Sounds like a busy schedule, no wonder why I haven't seen him - I'm surprised you even see him at all", she joked, grabbing her phone once she remembered she had something to show you.
You were surprised yourself at every bit of time you were able to spend with Lando, as lately it had become near impossible to do so apart from sleeping in the same bed, and even that was rare as he was often travelling between Monaco and England on a weekly basis.
"Ms. Y/N Y/L/N?", the doctor called you before you stepped inside the exam room, starting with the procedures.
The check up itself didn't take long despite the twenty five minute wait for the drops to dilate your pupils, "Don't forget your sunglasses, Y/N!", the secretary reminded you before you stepped outside.
"Thank you, have a good afternoon", you smiled before tapping Anna's shoulder, "Give me your arm so I won't trip", you mumbled.
"Is your sight that bad? The doctor said it should be good enough", Anna worried as she was about to open the door.
"No, it's fine, but if I'm clumsy on any good day, imagine how probable it is for me to fall on some stupid step or raised cobblestone", you argued as you both chuckled, making your way to her car.
Before you went home, your friend stopped by the pharmacy to get you the relief eye drops you'd have to follow the medication regimen with for the next few days, stopping by your favourite bakery so you could enjoy some sweet pastries.
"Can you even read these prescriptions?", Anna asked as she read the regimen you had to comply with.
"Stop making fun of me, you say that as if I'm almost blind", you swatted her arm before reading - trying to - the words, "fucking hell, am I?".
"I can barely read them myself, Y/N! They're so tiny I don't know how they give these to eye patients! Is Lando going to be home soon? That way he can help you with this", she suggested.
"Can I even see the time? At least that", you mumbled as you looked at the large numbers on your phone, "he'll probably take a while still - I can set the alarms on my phone and I'll memorise the different drops", you tapped your head.
Once it was all settled and you assured Anna she was fine to go home and you'd be perfectly well on your own, you walked her to the door before going back to the living room as the sun was no longer shinning outside and you could lay down on the sofa.
The nap you were taking was cut short by the door being shut, making you rub your forehead before an alarm rang. Getting up to head to the bathroom where you kept the supplies, you found Lando taking his trainers off.
"Hi baby, how was your appointment?", he asked as he put the footwear away.
"It was good, need to go and apply my drops", you smiled, turning the light on and grabbing the right box of medication.
"Is that what the alarm was for? I thought we had gotten a new security system I was not aware of", Lando joked as he watched you wash your hands.
"Yes, these instructions are so small to read that Anna thought it would be best to have alarms so I wouldn't mess it up since it's still a little bit blurry", you mused.
"Do you want me to do it?", Lando offered.
"No, it's fine - I'll have to do this for the next 48 hours anyway, so I might as well get used to it", you stopped talking so you could apply them, almost holding your breath until the drops fell.
"My lovie", Lando whispered on your ear once he felt it was okay to approach you, hugging your mid section from behind and kissing your neck as you put your hands on top of his.
You were adding the finishing touches on the present wrapping, the shiny gold string fiddling between your fingers as you tried to tie a bow with it around the paper bag handle, when Lando stepped inside your home office.
"That's looking pretty", he mused as he handed you the tape you were looking for on your desk.
"Thank you", you offered before placing the sticky piece down, "the bag is quite plain and even though the present inside is what will get her attention, it should come in nice wrapping".
"Who is this for?", Lando asked.
"It's for Maya's birthday tonight", you smiled, admiring your work.
"Is that tonight? Fuck, this week has flown by", Lando cursed, "I can't make it - will you let her know, please? I'm sorry I can't go", Lando pouted, "if she has to pay for having made the reservation with me in it, let me know and I'll pay my part!".
"I had already told her I'd be going alone, so she made my reservation without a plus one", you mused, remembering the conversation that came around the time of booking the venue.
Lando was leaving late in the afternoon for a trip with Max, Ria and some of the Quadrant athletes, so like you predicted, he couldn't attend the dinner with you.
"Oh", Lando offered.
"Max told me about your plans and when Maya told me the date, I assumed you wouldn't be able to go", you explained with a tinge of sadness and conformity in your voice.
"Well, it seems you guessed right", Lando chuckled despite the uneasy feeling on his chest.
You seemed sad that he wouldn't be able to join you, but at the same time you didn't? Lando put the topic at the back of his mind for now, heading to the bedroom so he could pack the last minute things.
"I was thinking of wearing this dress", you said once you joined him inside a while later, taking the steamer out of your drawer and setting it up to get out any kinks and wrinkles.
"That one is one of my favourites on you, but then again, they all are, I think", Lando mused, kissing your cheek as you waited for the steamer to be up for use.
"Figured it would be a little cold out tonight, so I chose this one, and that coat over there", you pointed.
"You'll be the most beautiful in that room", your boyfriend complimented, pecking your lips before he let you continue your task.
A couple hours later, Lando found himself restless as he scrolled through the posts and stories of Maya's birthday dinner, "Ria", he called, "what would you think if your partner made plans without you because they figured you wouldn't be able to go anyway?".
Ria exchanged a look with Max and Tara before she spoke, "did they ask me if I could go?", she offered.
"They didn't, but truth be told it's not like you have given them much to believe that you could join them", Lando mumbled the last part.
"I think I'd be a more 'it is what it is' at the start if I saw that it was something out of their reach, but I'm not sure I'd put up with it if it was genuine disinterest from them", Ria explained.
"It's not disinterest! They're just busy and shit at organising their schedules", Lando groaned defensively.
"Okay, okay", Ria calmed the room down once Max squinted his eyes at his bestfriend, "then I guess they would have to make sure they do better", she shrugged, "is everything alright?".
"Yes, yes, sorry for snapping just then", Lando offered her a tight lipped smile.
Everyone carried on with what they were doing before the existencial question, Max seemingly as stuck on it as Lando, "is this an hypothetical thing or are we calling people by their names and working this out?", he whispered to Lando.
"It's fine, just a loose thought I had there", Lando grumbled.
Lina 🤎
Hi, Y/N!
You won't bother, don't worry - I think I miss having someone other than my boyfriend to talk to 😅
Would it be okay if you visited in the afternoon? Our morning routine is still a shitshow (literally and figuratively), so we would appreciate it if you came after her first nap, around two pm?
One of Lando's older couple friends had a baby a couple of weeks ago, and while you were dying to meet their baby boy as soon as he came earthside, you were respectful of their adjustment period so you waited for them to be up for visitors and were ready to comply with whatever schedule they offered.
"It smells nice in here", Lando commented as he stepped inside the kitchen, "what delicious food are you making and can I please have a bite?".
"I made a little tray for us, but the big one is to take for Lina and Theo - I can imagine they don't have much time for cooking, so food is welcomed by them", you smiled, setting the cheese grater down once the measurements were like the recipe stated.
"Are you going to visit today? I have some streaming with Max scheduled for this afternoon", Lando added.
"Lina told me that this afternoon was the only time they could handle some visits - you know how it is with new parents and newborns and all of that -, I didn't want to change their schedule when I have some flexibility with my schedule", you explained, "I'll give the little one a big kiss from you, then?".
"Well, in that case, I should give you two big kisses then - one for you", he kissed your lips once, "and then this one for the little one", he smiled before kissing you again.
You shared lunch in a semi comfortable silence, Lando telling you a bit about the stream they would be doing and you sharing some work updates from your end.
When Lando gets a text in the middle of watching Max send his virtual car to the curb, "who might that be that's brought such a big smile to your face?".
Lando checked the photo to make sure the baby's face was covered despite his friends having already posted him, tuning the phone to show the camera, "Y/N met our friends' baby boy for the first time", Lando gushed.
"That's the little nugget", Max cooed, "she looks very happy with a baby on her arms", he wiggled his eyebrows, "have you met him already?".
"No, I haven't yet! She could only go this afternoon and we had this so...", Lando tsked, admiring the picture one last time before setting the phone back down. The baby was perfectly nestled on your arms, hiding his face on your chest as you looked down at him with a big smile on your face.
Now that he thought about he, he hadn't seen such a big smile in quite some time, and he was really starting to believe he was the reason behind it. He was absent, more than usual and more than the standards of your relationship considering his job.
The air had shifted around you once you came back from meeting Lina's little boy and Lando could only pinpoint it to the subject he thought about earlier.
"Lan, did you hear what I said?", you asked as you showed him another picture of you touching your noise in the little boy's.
"It's just... are we okay, baby?", Lando questioned. Even though it seemed like he was the only one that felt there was something wrong - different at least -, surely you had noticed it too.
"What makes you say that?", you asked.
From the serious tone, your boyfriend mentally slapped himself. Whatever it was, he was on the wrong and you had indeed noticed it too.
"I've noticed you don't ask me for help with stuff like driving you somewhere or accompanying you to places, which is fine if you want to do things on your own, I'm not saying you can't have your own independence, you know I'm not controlling you in that way - obviously! Fuck, I'm rambling! What I mean is, I have been taking notice that you just assume that I'm not available, and your assumptions are not unfounded, and it makes you sad, and I myself am upset that it has reached this point", Lando stated.
"It's not great, I can tell you that, but we knew it would be like this, your schedule is not the regular nine to five - it is what it is, Lan", you argued.
"But it's not, not all the time anyway! I want you to know you can always count on me!", Lando stated, "Y/N, you are one of my priorities and I never want to let you down - I'm going to make sure that from now on I spend more time with you and that I'm by your side a lot more", he rubbed your palm, "damn, I was so stupid, I'm sorry, lovie".
"Lando, these things happen", you attempted, "now we can work on it".
"You can count on me for little and big things in life - you need to go to the post office? I'm there helping you put the letter in the box. Dinner with your friends? I'll find it in the schedule to go and I don't care who I have to tell no to!", he pointed his finger, "I never ever want you to feel like you don't belong in my life or like I don't want to be involved in yours, Y/N - I'm so so so sorry that it took me so long to notice it".
"It's in the past", you smiled, pecking his lips softly, "now, look at this cute little nugget, he's so cute, we have to go there another day so you can meet him, and I think Theo won't mind another traybake".
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darnell-la · 1 month
Can you do a follow up with the project x!wolverine x government employee!reader (it can be smut or not I just really like that story)
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pairing: project x!logan howlett x government employee!reader
warnings: tied up, trapped, sniffing, hunting down, roughly fucked against a tree, pinned, choking, “dragged” through the woods, fucked on the patio, ass slapping, hair pulling, etc.
note: we will be making a part three where they contact Charles's school for mutants to warn them about the government, but the government hacked into their call and found out where Logan was hiding out and keeping y/n.
Logan will be more sweet in the next one as y/n grows out of the fear of him.
follow our Instagram @ darnell.la so we can start posting random videos, photos, edits, and memes of the people we write about!
when y/n woke up, she was dangling from the ceiling by her wrists. It took her a while to realize, she was in a basement full of big freezers and sinks. For a second, she thought she was going to be cut up and frozen to feed to whoever until she saw a man sitting on the stairs, leading upstairs.
“W-Where am I?” Y/n said, voice coming out lower than she expected it to. “Home,” the man spoke before getting up. He came out of the light, now shaking off the figure.
He was shirtless, yet had jeans on. Her heart skipped a beat, and she didn’t know why. Was it because Project X had her tried up in god knows where, or was it the fact she could see all of his chest?
He was sweaty, hairy, ripped, muscles flexed every once in a while, veins popping from his skin and smooth.
“It’s passed midnight, but I bet you’re hungry. Went to the store then cooked us up some food,” he spoke as her eyes traveled all over his body. She felt like she was in a trance.
“Up here, princess,” his voice was closer. She didn’t notice how close he was until his fingers lifted her chin. Even though her feet were a few inches from the ground, he was still towering over her.
“You hungry?” He asked with a head tilt. “Let me go,” she spoke, not knowing what else to say. “No,” he spoke back, voice sounding stern. She could hear the seriousness behind his tone.
“And if you try runnin’ you’ll regret it,” he said, body now touching hers. Y/n quickly went to kick him right between his legs, but he knew what was coming. He surprised her by pulling her leg to the side of his waist. She went to use the other, but he did the exact same thing.
“Relax, princess,” the man smirked down at her as she tried wiggling away, but doing so made her cunt rub up and down his clothes length. She prayed he wouldn’t notice, but he felt the wet spot soaking into his jeans.
“If you act good, I’ll fix that for you,” the man whispered in her ear, pulling her body closer to his. Y/n held bad the whine she almost let out. What was he doing to her?
Logan eventually pulled back and walked to the corner of the room to lower her rope. He then walked back over to the girl as she looked down, not knowing what to say or do to the man.
He wasn’t giving off any type of serial killer vibes. He didn’t seem like he wanted to do any kind of killing. A part of her felt saved than she’d ever had, especially because of her job, but she felt off just letting this man win what he wanted. And that was her.
After y/n’s hands dropped from the ropes, she lifted her knees and connected with his groin. The man fell to the ground in pain as she pushed past him, running up the stairs.
The slightly frightened girl ran towards the front door, thinking she was free until she noticed a device on the lock that needed a code. “Fuckin’ hell,” she shouted before running around the rest of the house to find another way.
“You ain’t gettin’ outta here, bub!” Logan yelled from downstairs, finally getting up from the ground. You would think a mutant like him wouldn’t feel that pain, but he did.
Y/n panicked, thinking she was doomed until she had an idea. A stupid one which she slightly felt bad for doing but she did it anyway.
“Son of a bitch!” Logan finally made it up the stairs to the sound of glass breaking. She was out and running for her life, knowing he’d be furious about his genitals and glass.
Y/n ran as fast as she could through the woods, a bit terrified of the dark and animal noises, but the real animal was back at that house. He is an animal, right? That’s what they said he was.
Y/n had stopped after a few minutes to catch her breath. He’s never been the kind to run.
As she rested, she looked down at her feet, swing scratches and blood, but she’d get over it. She needed to get away.
As the young woman went to take a step to continue, she heard a noise behind her. She quickly looked back but saw nothing. Maybe it was a squirrel or something, she thought.
Y/n turned back around to start walking until he saw the view of an angry Logan in her face. “Where ya goin, bub?” He asked. Y/n instantly screamed at his presence.
Before she could move, the man tangled her to the ground, pushing his hand down the middle of her back to pin her into the dirt.
“No!” Y/n fought in anger, thinking she was actually going to escape. “When I said no, you ain’t listen, now didn’t you?” The man said through his teeth as he forced her to dress up.
“Logan, please! N-Not out here, not out here!” She begged, thinking people would be able to hear this scene going on and go and check, just to see her getting drilled into the ground.
“No one’s out here, princess. Not for another mile or so — You’re all mine out here,” the evil low laugh he let out as he pulled his jeans down was insane. He hadn’t even pulled himself out of his boxers. He wanted to take his time with her out here.
Y/n tried kicking her legs, but what was the point? He could smell her leaking down her folds. He knew she wanted this, and he was going to make her understand.
“I said, no!” Y/n shouted as she swung her elbow back as hard as she could, making him fall back. Y/n crawled away, but only a few inches to look back at him. The fear that grew inside of her was unbelievable.
Logan‘s jaw was dislocated. She popped his jaw.
Y/n’s words got stuck in her throat. She wanted to apologize as the man slowly looked up. He didn’t mean to hurt him. She’s not like that.
Before she could open her mouth, Logan popped his jaw back in place with his hand before moving it around to make sure it was normal.
“You fucked up, bub,” the man said before crawling towards her. It didn’t even look like a crawl. How did he do that? Logan lifted the girl up by her neck and pinned her to the closest tree.
“Ow!” She cried out, feeling the tree bark scratched her ass through her thin and silky nightgown. God, she needed to change soon.
“Logan, ow!” She hoped he’d have sympathy for her, but the way his eyes looked, he was far from it. He wanted to teach her a lesson, and that’s what he was doing.
“N-No, no!” She pushed at the man’s hand, but that did nothing. He ripped her nightgown off like a strand of hair. “Logan!” She shouted, feeling the breeze on her body until his body rubbed against hers.
“You’ve been a bad girl,” Logan growled as he pulled himself out of his jeans. “I don’t like that,” he had as he shifted up and between y/n’s legs until they were lifted off of the ground. Her toes barely touched the dirt.
“I-I can't, Logan,” y/n remembered how he fucked her the last time, and he wasn’t even angry at her. Logan let out a chuckle that he soon cut off after he slammed up into her cunt.
Y/n cried loudly as her arms gripped his shoulders. Logan stared directly at her, his face seemed too serious to look at. He was angry. Very angry. But why? It’s not like the pop in his jaw hurt like any other thing her went through?
“P-Please,” she choked as he pushed her neck into the tree harder, just to get a reaction out of her. “Shut the fuck up,” the man said like the tree wasn’t about to break or come out of the ground from how hard he was pounding into her.
“I can’t,” she whined in pain, but too much pleasure to not tighten around him. The way she squeezed him, egged him on further.
“Oh, you can’t? Does it look like a give a fuck? Huh!? Does it!?” He spat as his pelvis roughly slapped against her clit. She couldn’t think straight. This man was fucking her like some wild animal in the woods. She’s literally being fucked by an animal in the woods.
“F-Fuuuck,” y/n dragged with a broken moan. Logan let her neck go and used both of his hands to grip and hold onto her legs, keeping her up and against the tree, not caring how much she scratched at his shoulders and chest.
The man growled in her ear, cock slipping in and out of her entrance as her asshole puckered. He was huge and slagging around like he wasn’t.
Y/n couldn’t say, but her broken cry warned him she was cumming, and when she did, it was hard. “Goddamnit — Fuck,” the man grunted, pinning his feet to the ground to keep up his hard abuse.
“So fuckin’ good — Fuck!” The man couldn’t keep himself together as his nails dug, into her thighs. Y/n was now crying, not because she was scared, but because of the overstimulation followed by a thrust that wouldn’t slow down.
“Yeah? Yeah, is that the spot, baby?” He asked, knowing it was. “Think this is over just because you came? Think ima stop because you’re drunk on my cock? How did that go last time?”
The girl shook her head, half ass answering his questions. “So cute,” the man chuckled before pulling y/n off of the treat and throwing her over his shoulder to give her a small break.
He wanted his fresh meet alive and functioning when he fucked filled her up. Last time he didn’t get that chase, but he swore to god he would this time.
Because she ran so far, he had to walk it, giving y/n some time to come to life. “Lo-“ y/n cut herself off, still having trouble speaking, but held herself well enough for him to understand.
“No more,” she begged, but he wasn’t having it. “Please, no more,” she begged again as she noticed him passing his car parked several feet from his cabin.
“Logan!” She shouted, now kicking and screaming again. The man grew angry but wanted to take her to the bedroom for what he was about to lay on her.
“Logan!” She shouted, gripping onto the side of his house which was a long wooded stand. “Y/n, stop it!” He let her down with a shout as he began pulling her, but she wouldn’t budge and he didn’t want to accidentally rip her arms off.
“No!” She screamed before he finally pulled her off, causing her to fall on the front steps in front of his house. The way she fell and landed on her hands and knees made him say, fuck it.
“You wanna be fucked like an animal? Fine,” he said as he came up behind her, pulling his cock back out before plunging into her, earning a scream that made him know he hit the right spot instantly.
Logan grew an evil smile across his face as he tugged on her hair, making her arch her back before slapping at her ass, causing her to bruise lightly.
“Little sluts get treated like slut, y/n. You could’ve be fucked nice and sweet on the bed earlier, but no — You wanna run,”
Y/n’s mouth slacked as her eyes crossed from how hard the man was pounding on her. “You see that, bub? Look right up there, right into that camera,” he forced her to look at his security.
“Gonna tie you down and make you watch how dumb you look on my dick,” the man spat, making y/n feel the burn in her eyes, but not from embarrassment. From too much pleasure.
“Yeah — Yeah,” the man repeatedly groaned as y/n squeezed him with a shake in her body. “So fuckin’ pathetic, I might have to give you back,” Logan said, knowing he’d never do such a thing. “Nah,” he added drill in her head that she ain’t goin’ nowhere.
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ / ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ, sᴍᴜᴛ ᴏɴʟʏ
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ғᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ sᴏᴏɴ...
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romanreignseater · 3 months
A Phone Call Away.
Roman Reigns x Black Female Reader
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; oral (female receiving)
“Now that Roman is on a hiatus from the ring, you would think that would stop the busy nature of this man… but boy were you wrong.”
A/N: Is your girl back or WHATTTT?!??! Heyyyy y’all, I missed you guys so much and I missed writing for you guys. Thanks to all of those who checked up on me (I promise those messages didn’t go unseen). I truly appreciate all the love still shown on my stories but I am back and better than ever. School has been really tough for me and I nearly dropped out, but BITCH I pulled through. I’m moving onto my junior year this fall and I couldn’t be happier. To express my happiness, I wrote this about the ONLY Tribal Chief. Mr. Roman Reigns. Hope you enjoy 😘😘😘!!
GIF: @rashyford
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Roman Reigns… or as you like to call him Joe. You’re doting husband and father to your three kids. A man with a multitude of talents, charms, and good looks. You won the lottery with this man and he feels the same about you. Joe has never had a problem making anything happen for you or your kids. Yet, he can seem oblivious to all of you.. and you know why?! It’s because of that damn phone.
Yeah, Joe’s an amazing and caring man. But that phone stays strapped to his ear while attending to you or the kids.
The kids want him to open a Caprisun, he’s on that phone. You want him to take out the trash, he’s on that phone. You want him to change the baby’s diaper, you guessed it… he’s on that phone.
Although these tasks do get done, he never makes eye contact with any of you and seemingly gets annoyed anytime one of you walk up to him. So you weren’t surprised seeing your 5 year old daughter come up to you with an attitude as you were breast feeding.
“Baby girl what happened?!” You questioned as she crossed her little arms and huffed out a deep breath making the strands of her hair on her forehead rise into the air fall back down.
“Papa’s till on the phone.” My god did that little girl look like a spitting image of Joe whenever he caught an attitude. Your baby is one hundred and ten percent a daddy’s girl so to see him not give her the attention she wants made you upset.
“Listen baby okay, mommy’s gonna put your baby brother to sleep and I’ll deal with papa for you. Go upstairs and play with your big sister.” She gave you a sweet little smile and nodded her head in agreement. You watched as she ran up the stairs eager to play dolls with her big sister.
Once your baby boy wasn’t latched on anymore, you went upstairs to place him on the bed you shared with Joe. You placed a pillow fort around him to keep him safe and turned on the baby monitor. You checked on the girls quickly and made your way back downstairs.
You find Joe in the living room with the dogs surrounding him as he watched the NBA Draft. You could overhear him talking about WWE can further the Bloodline story even more before his return. Now assuming he’s talking to Hunter, you placed your hands on his shoulders and began slowing massaging before he turned around to face you as he gave a small smile.
You make your way around the couch and sat next to him. His eyes still glued to the TV as he placed one of his hands on your thigh, caressing it ever so gently. “Joe… you think you c—.”
Joe lifts up the hand that was on your thigh and placed in on your mouth in order to motion him telling you to be quiet. Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head as you couldn’t believe he just shushed you.
After you could his meals, massage his back after a match, wash his laundry, and pushed out his big headed kids.. he had the audacity to shush you.
Two can play at that game.
Knowing how much Joe can’t resist you, you can’t believe you didn’t think of this earlier to get this man off the phone. As Joe moves his finger away from your lips and places it on his own thigh now, you lean back into the headrest of the couch and spread open your legs.
Joe doesn’t take much notice until he hears you fumbling with your pants. He turns his head slightly as witnesses you bare from the waist down and your perfect pink magic spread before his eyes.
You giggled as Joe completely disregarded the draft completely and stared in awe. You lifted up slightly to take the hand that was once on your thigh and placed his hand near your dripping cunt.
On command, Joe automatically makes his thumb prominent and places it on your beating clit, rubbing in a circular motion. You drop your head back and moan as he continues to play with your pussy with his thumb. Dragging your essence up and down your slit. He soon seems to be losing memory of his call and he begins spitting out “yeah’s” and “mhmmm’s” to Hunter giving the most vague answers to his suggestions and questions.
Joe bites his lip as he looks you in your eyes, giving him the cheesiest grin knowing you’ve basically won the battle. “Yeah, I totally understand.” He says into his phone once more before he puts it on speaker and then mute and places his phone on your stomach.
The heat of his phone makes you hiss slightly and then you begin to hiss more as his tongue comes into contact with your drooling heat. He begins eating you out like a true champ. He nuzzled his face deep into your wet heat and flicked your clit with his thumb. Your back began arching off the sofa as you were beginning to reach your climax.
But a loud voice parades inside your mind as you try to enjoy yourself. “Roman, Joe. You there?!” Joe looked up at you and it was almost like his eyes were telling you something. You watched as his hand that was holding your thigh open, comes near his phone as he presses the mute button once more.
You quickly shut your mouth as Joe removes his mouth from you but keeps the assault on your little clit going. “Yeah I’m here. Umm… what’s gonna happen with my wiseman??!” You watched intently as he pressed the mute button again and goes back to town. He takes his tongue deep into you as Hunter is on the phone blabbing about what’s gonna happen with Paul.
Just as he was wrapping his summary of the wiseman’s future, your legs began to shake and sputter as you finally reached your climax. Your legs clamp around his head and breathing heavy. You let out one deep breath as Joe removes your thighs from around his head and looks as you with a devilish smile as you essence coated his entire beard.
He picks his phone up again and removes it from mute. “Yeah, that was a great convo. We got a lot done, but listen boss man duty calls I gotta get into daddy mode. Mama’s had enough for today.”
You shook her head in agreement as Hunter expressed his understanding. They bid each other farewell and Joe threw his phone behind him. You laid with her legs still spread open, pussy on display for his viewing pleasure staring a hole into his eyes. He lifted his brow at you as if to question what the next move was.
“Ummm if you want more of this sir, you’re gonna have to get myself off your face and go play with your baby girl cause you really upset her today baby.” He hung his head low as he understood the damage he’s caused by focusing on his phone too much.
“Alright I will baby.” He playfully closed your legs for you and you giggled as he placed a blanket over you. He stood up and as he went to walk away, he bent down to whisper in your ear.
“Just know when you want that part two, I’m a phone call away.” He reached for his phone and waved in your face as he chuckled on his way up the stairs.
That man crazy as hell..
Not gonna yieeee… I’m happy to be writing again 😂. Shout out to @thesamoanqueen @mzv11 & @msbigredmachine your stories really motivated me to get back into writing and it helped me realize writing isn’t dead 🫶🏾🫶🏾!! (Jey fic next, cause that’s my baby, YEETTTT!!!)
Hope you all enjoyed 💕💕💕!!
MY TAG SQUAD: @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @nayys-world @mzv11 @babybatlover @vogueyonce @harlem11680 @seeingstarks @thewarlordsworld @alyyaanna @southerngirl41 @christinabae @pitlissa22 @thealliasylum @fame-ass-ers @iluvthebloodline @jeyusos-girl @ah-fin3sse @solosikoasgf @msbigredmachine @rollinsland @angelicflower2020 @theogsamoanqueen @saintsvenust
*If you want to be added to my tag list, don’t be afraid to let me know!!
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punkette1026 · 8 months
You Are Not My Mom!
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Lately, you and Joel noticed that Sarah has become withdrawn. You are both at a loss of what to do when an incident at schools reveals how Sarah currently feels towards you and how she feels about her current position in the growing Miller family.
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Bullying, Pregnancy
Pedro Pascal Master List
You Are Not My Mom Masterlist
Author's Notes:
I really hope that you enjoy this one. This one was hard to write. And thank you to @beardedjoel for all the help with this one. And yes I know Sarah is a sweet baby angel, but it will make sense.
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You woke up feeling horrible yet again. You had spent the last hour of the early morning in the fetal position of the bathroom floor. You had tried your best to not wake your sleeping husband in the other room. He had a big day at work later on in the day and you wanted him to get as much rest as he could. He had been working so hard lately to provide for your growing family but promised you that at the end of the day, it would be worth it. However, despite your best attempts to stay quiet, Joel had woken up missing your warmth beside him.
“Jesus doll, why didn’t you wake me?” his sleepy deep voice echoed through the bathroom.
“I…I…shit, you need to rest,” you struggled to say as another bout of nausea hit you.
Joel, the ever-so-loving husband that he was, was by your side in an instant, making sure that he held your hair back for you. “I’m getting real worried about you doll. This is the third time this week that I have found you like this. What time is your appointment on Monday?”
“At nine I think,” you groaned, resting your head back against his chest. “I know work is busy right now, so I understand if you can’t come with me. I can always ask Maria if she can go with me. I promise you that I won’t find out the genders without you.”
Sighing, he pulled you into his arms and placed a gentle kiss on your head, “Like hell I’m going to miss it doll. Tommy can handle things for a while. I need to ask the doctor some questions regarding this whole morning sickness thing anyways. I need to make sure you and the little ones are okay. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you, them, or Sarah. You four are my whole world.”
When it came to the health and safety of his family, Joel didn’t play around. He would drop anything at the drop of a dime if you guys needed something. Looking down at where his hands were rubbing small circles on your belly, you couldn’t help but smile. You couldn’t believe how in just a few short months, your family of three would be a family of five. It came as quite a shock to everyone when the doctor told you that you were expecting twins. Neither side of your family had twins in them so when the doctor announced it, you stared at her like she had two heads and Sarah tried her hardest to keep Joel from passing out. You were all excited though and had plenty of love to go around.
Once you felt well enough to move without feeling sick to your stomach, Joel helped you to your feet and walked you over to the sink to help you clean up. He then guided you back to the bed, making sure that you were sitting up slightly before placing a kiss to your lips. Doing the same thing as he did all the other nights, he went downstairs to grab you some ginger ale and crackers for you. Those always seemed to help settle your stomach. 
While downstairs, he tried his best to keep quiet, however the sound of someone entering the kitchen and turning the lights on startled him. “Dammit Sarah! Give your old man a warning will you,” he whispered loudly clutching his chest. “What are you doing up?”
“Sorry, but it's hard to sleep when you keep dropping things and cussing up a storm,” she groaned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “What are you doing in here?”
“Your mom isn’t feeling good again, so I’m trying to find her some of  those crackers that she likes. Do you know where they are? I know that I saw some here.”
“Oh, those crackers, I umm...I sort of ate them, sorry,” she winced. 
“Really Sarah, I thought I told everyone not to touch them. That’s why I tried to hide them,” he growled. “I guess I’ll just have to go after work and pick up a box or two. We are running low on ginger ale. Do you need anything?”
Sarah shook her head, “No I don’t and why can’t she go to the store herself? She is the one that needs them. I only ate them because dinner was disgusting anyways.”
“Okay first off, watch your tone young lady. Your mom worked hard on that dinner. Second, I don’t want her overdoing it this weekend. I want her to take it easy till her appointment. Which brings me to something that I want to talk about. Come here, sit down,” he told her as he pulled out a chair for her. “Listen Sarah, you know how much I love you and you know how much I enjoy the time we spend together. However, considering how you have been acting lately and how I really need to be here in case your mother gets sick again, I think it’s best that we cancel our brunch date tomorrow.”
Ever since you came into her life when she was five years old, you had always made sure that Joel had put his daughter above everything else. You were the one coming into the family, after all. It had always been her and Joel and you didn’t want Sarah to feel like you were taking her dad away from her. So, you encouraged Joel to do something special with her. That’s why on the first Saturday of the month, Joel would take Sarah out for brunch and to do some shopping. Now with the babies coming, you encouraged it even more as she was going to have to get used to sharing both of your attention.
Joel watched as Sarah’s face fell. “What, no!”
“Will you hush,” he tried to quiet his daughter. “Look I’m sorry to do it Sarah, but I have no choice. You haven’t been on your best behavior lately and that attitude of yours needs to change. I know you are going through some changes, but you need to let us in and help you though. I know your mom is really worried about you too. I promise you though as soon as I see a change in you and your mom starts feeling better, then maybe we can see about rescheduling. Right now, though, it isn’t a good time to reward you, Sarah. I hope you understand that.”
“But...but...ugh! This is so not fair!” she growled as she ripped herself away from the table and away from him. Then like she used to do when she was little, she stomped her feet all the way to her room before slamming the door behind her.
All Joel could do was shake his head in disappointment. That was the type of behavior that he was talking about. Normally Sarah was a great kid. She never talked back and was always fun to be around. She was always one to put a smile on your face. As of late, however, she had this newly found attitude and walked around like she had a chip on her shoulder. Every time he tried to ask her what was going on Sarah would snap at him and storm off. Like he said, something was going to have to change soon. 
Sighing and grabbing the can of ginger ale, Joel ventured back upstairs hoping that you didn’t hear his little spat with Sarah. That was the last thing that he thought would happen at three in the morning. Thankfully when he got back, you were already dozing off. Walking over to your nightstand, he placed the can of ginger ale there just in case you needed it before going over to his side of the bed.
“C’mere,” you called out to him, knowing that you couldn’t fully fall asleep until he was next to you again.
Giving you that dimpled smile that you fell in love with, he got back under the covers and curled himself into you, resting his head on your chest. “Sorry I took so long doll.”
“It’s okay baby. What happened down there? Heard a door slam,” you tiredly whispered, closing your eyes again.
Joel leaned up and placed a kiss underneath your jaw, “Well I was trying to find you your things and I guess I woke Sarah up. We ended up getting into it a little bit when I told her that I’m canceling tomorrow. She didn’t like what I had told her, so she stormed off back to her room. She is not happy with me right now.”
“What, why are you canceling?”
“Because she honestly doesn’t deserve it. Not with the way that she is acting. I told her that until she does, we won’t be doing anything until then. Besides, I want to be here in case your morning sickness starts up again.”
Shaking your head, you sat up a little bit, not wanting to have this conversation laying down. “While I do agree that she needs to change her attitude, I don’t think you should have canceled Joel. That is your special time with her. I’m really worried about her, Joel.”
“I’m really worried about her too Y/N, but I just don’t think we should be rewarding her for her bad attitude and disrespect. All that’s going to do is teach her that she can get away with it. I honestly think that we should have tried to discipline her in some other way already."
I know but we can’t look back, only forward. I really think that you could have used that time with her one on one to find out what is going on with her Joel. And as much as I appreciate it baby, please don’t throw me into the mix. Do not cancel on my behalf. I am fine I swear and besides, Maria and I have plans to start cleaning out the office for the nursery. I don’t need you hovering over me Joel, I got this. What we really need to be focusing on is Sarah.”
Like always, Joel couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. Somehow you always were the voice of reason when it came to his bright ideas. You were always the one to set him straight. “What would I do without you doll?” he smiled at you. “You are right, and I messed up. I’ll talk to Sarah again on the way to school. We really do need to figure this out, I agree. But the question is how? We have both tried talking to her and look at what’s happened so far. If we do go out tomorrow, I don’t think we are going to do much talking. Has she said anything to you lately? I talked to her soccer coach, and she said Sarah has been acting fine at practice.”
“I can’t tell if you are being serious or being funny Joel. You know Sarah hasn’t spoken to me much in weeks. I’m lucky if I can get a hi out of her these days. I don’t know what I did to make her hate me. She won’t even look me in the eye anymore. “All you wanted to know was what the issue was, so you could fix it. You missed how close you and Sarah used to be. She was and will always be your number one girl after all.
“I know doll and I’m sorry. I’m getting really tired of the disrespect towards you. You are her mother and from where I’m standing, you have done nothing wrong and don’t deserve to be treated this way. The only thing that I could think of that could work, is maybe having Tommy or Maria talk to her? It seems like that is the only thing that we haven’t tried yet,” he said tiredly running his hand through his hair. 
That might actually be a good idea, you thought to yourself. You remembered back to when you were her age and knew how hard it could be to talk to your parents. It sometimes helped to talk to someone on the outside how could give you a new perspective on things. “Yes, I definitely think that we should do that. Just please Joel, do not cancel tomorrow. You go have a fun time with Sarah and don’t worry about me alright,” you smiled at him as you cupped his face. You loved that patchy beard of his.
Joel leaned forward and gently placed a kiss to your lips, “I promise doll and I’ll explain it all to Sarah on the way to school later.”
“Good, now let’s get some rest. You have a big day ahead of you, mister, and I need you well rested. I know how hard you and Tommy have worked hard for this chance.” You and Joel knew that this meeting was going to change everyone’s life if all went according to plan.
Pulling you into him again, Joel cuddled his face into your neck, “I’ll be fine doll. You know that I’m used to having barely any little sleep.” He then gently pushed you back down on the bed and hovered over you, “However if you want me to get some sleep, I think we could work something out.”
“You are insatiable Joel Miller, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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The next time you woke up, Joel was long gone. His side of the bed was already cold and the smell of him on his pillow was beginning to fade. You couldn’t help but smile as you stretched out in the bed with that sweet ache between your thighs still there. 
As you sat up and held the sheet to your bare chest, you looked over to check the time and saw a piece of paper waiting for you. Smiling to yourself, you picked it up and you felt your heart skip a beat as you recognized Joel’s sexy handwriting written neatly on the page:
Good morning doll,
You made it hard for me to leave this morning. You looked so beautiful. I still can’t believe you are mine. I feel like the luckiest man in the world. Do me a favor and try to take it easy today please. I’ll call you later as soon as we are done. And as promised, I talked to Sarah this morning as I made coffee. We are planning to have brunch and a movie tomorrow. Hopefully that will open her up. I swear I saw a small smile when I told her. I love you and the kiddos so much. Call me if you need anything please. See you in a bit.
Love your man,
Happy tears ran down your cheeks as you reread his note again. That husband of yours had such a way with words. With every note that he wrote to you over the years, you fell more and more in love with him.
Even the babies felt their daddy’s love as you could feel their flutters in your belly, “I know little ones, I’m already missing him too. Hopefully he will work this out with your sister, and everything will be alright from here on out. Mommy is really worried about her.” And you still wouldn’t stop worrying about her. She would always be your baby girl.
After deciding on a long shower, you slowly got out of bed and got your day started. You were going to do some light cleaning and spend the rest of the day on the couch per Joel's request. However, as you made your way down the stairs to start vacuuming, a knock on your door stopped you in your tracks. You were expecting anyone so you were curious as to who it could be.
“Morning neighbor!” Your sister-in-law greeted you as you opened the door for her.
“Morning Maria!” Not that I'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here? I thought I wasn't going to see you until later tonight.” you asked in surprise. “Didn't you have to work today?”
“Oh well I did, but I decided to take the day off. Perks of being your own boss. Figured that if it was alright with you, we could get a start on cleaning out the nursery or just hang out.”
While you were grateful that she thought of you and was willing to make time for you, you couldn't help but feel like there was an ulterior motive. “Or... Joel asked you to come over, didn't he?” You knew that husband of yours so well.
Maria dramatically sighed and threw her hands up, “I knew it, I told him that you would figure it out. I told him that you were smarter than that. I'm sorry Y/N.”
“Don't worry about it. I should have known that he was going to pull a stunt like this. I'm glad that you are here though. I really need your help with something else,” you said nervously as you walked her over to the couch. “I need your help with Sarah.”
“Yeah of course, what's going on? I know that Joel had mentioned to Tommy that you're having a hard time with her lately. I know being a teenager is hard these days and I certainly do not miss being one.”
“Me either, it was exhausting. But I don't remember being so closed off as her. Neither Joel nor I can get more than a sentence or two out of her. All she does is just stare at that damn phone of hers and stays in her room listening to music. We are at a loss here Maria. We talked it over earlier this morning and we would really appreciate it if you or Tommy could talk to her for us. I really think it would be better if it was you specifically, because I think talking to another woman would help rather than just talking to her mom. I love Tommy and all, but...”
“Sometimes he doesn't take things seriously, I know. Lord help us for when we have kids,” Maria rolled her eyes. “But yes, I would be happy to help. I'll let her know that whatever she tells me will be in confidence but if it's something that I'm concerned with, I will have to tell you guys.”
For the first time in weeks, you breathed a fresh breath of air. You really hoped that Maria was going to be the godsend that you were looking for when it came to getting Sarah to open up. “Thank you, Maria, thank you, thank you. We seriously appreciate it and I'm sure Joel will be happy to hear that you're going to help us.”
Maria just smiled and pulled you into a hug, “you're welcome girly and don't mention it. Now about the nursery...”
Unfortunately, Maria was unable to finish her sentence as your phone interrupted her plans. Thinking it was Joel, you quickly answered it hoping it was good news, “hello?”
“Hello, this is Principal Ramona over at the high school. Are you Y/N Miller?” Okay so it wasn't Joel.
“Umm... Yes, it is. How may I help you, Principal Ramona?”  Your stomach dropped as it was rare for the school to call.”
“Well, I wish I was calling under better circumstances Mrs. Miller, but we unfortunately had an incident with Sarah, and we need you to come down here to the school.”
You knew you had heard her right, but for some reason, your mind wasn't comprehending it, “I... I'm sorry but can you repeat that?”
“Mrs. Miller, I can explain it all when you get here. Sarah is fine so there's no need to worry. We just need you to come here as soon as you can. “We tried calling her father, but there was no answer,” Principal Ramona replied.
You ran your hand through your hair and shook your head in disbelief, “Yes that is to be expected as he is working right now, but I will make it down there as soon as I can. Can you at least tell me what happened?”
“Mrs. Miller, I'd rather just talk about this face to face. So, we will see you soon. Goodbye.”
As soon as you hung up or rather got hung up on. You couldn't help but let out a frustrated groan. “What, what's wrong?” Maria had overheard bits and pieces and from what she could gather, she knew it wasn't good.
“Well, that was the school that called, sounds like Sarah is currently in the principal's office right now. What has gotten into that girl Maria?”
“All right well first I think it's best that you try to calm down. There is no need to freak out yet without knowing any more details. Let's just get to the school and we'll see what happens okay,” Maria said calmly. “Where are your keys I'm driving?”
“They're in the office, I think. Do you think I should call Joel?” Your mind was running 1,000,000 miles a minute, so it was hard to think straight and think of what to do next.
Maria thought about it for a second and knew that it would probably be for the best. “Yeah, I think you should give him a heads up, but let him know that I'm with you and that we have everything under control. I don't need both of you freaking out on me and Tommy.”
That was definitely an understatement. Poor Tommy and Maria had unofficially become your families emotional support people over the years, “Yeah, you're right and thanks again Maria, you're a lifesaver.”
“Don't mention it. Now let's go!”
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The drive to the school was certainly a long one indeed. It was only a 20 minute drive, but the fear of the unknown made it feel like time had slowed. You tried to be calm though as you knew having a level head would only be beneficial to Sarah.
“Did you want me to go with you?” Maria asked as she parked the car.
“No, I think I could handle it. I'll text you though if I need backup. Speaking of which, let me text Joel before I head in.”
‘Hey babe, there's an issue at Sarah school. Sounds like she is fine, but something happened. I have Maria with me. I'll text you when we are done. Love you and good luck!’
As you put your phone away and major way inside the school, the hallways were packed with kids making their way to their next classes. Just the sight and smell alone sent shivers down your spine. You didn’t enjoy high school at all. You remembered all the times you were bullied and sat alone at lunch, and you prayed with all your heart that Sarah was having a better high school experience than you.
Bumping past the sea of students, you finally made it to the office where a young woman was busy typing away at her computer. “Hello, I'm Y/N Miller. I'm here to see Principal Ramona. My daughter Sarah, is in her office I believe,” you said nervously.
“Ahh yes ma’am. She is indeed expecting you. Please have a seat and I will let her know that you are here.”
Nodding your head, you took a seat, nervously tapping your foot. “It’s okay little ones, mommy is going to sort this out with your sister and then we can go home and relax,” you whispered as you felt their flutters start up again.
You then heard a door open up and out walked an older gray-haired woman with too much makeup on her face, “Hello, you must be Mrs. Miller. I’m Principal Ramona. Thank you for coming. Please come in.”
You quickly stood up and shook her hand, “You’re welcome, Principal Ramona, and again, thank you for calling. How is she?”
“Sarah is fine Mrs. Miller. See for yourself,” she opened the door back up and invited you back into her office. 
That’s when you finally got to see Sarah sitting there with her arms crossed looking miserable. “Wait, you called her?!” Sarah said angrily when she saw you. You couldn’t lie when her response had taken you back just a little. “I thought you said that you called my dad?!”
“Sarah Miller, sit down right now! You are in enough trouble as it is,” Principal Ramona scolded her. “Your father was unable to attend our little get together, so I had to call your mother instead. Is that going to be an issue?” It looked like Sarah had mumbled something under her breath, but she eventually gave in and sat back down. “That’s better. Please Mrs. Miller, have a seat. We have a lot to discuss.”
Taking a seat next to your daughter, you tried to reach out and take her hand, but Sarah pulled away and moved her chair away from you. “Sarah, what’s going on? Talk to me baby. You used to do it all the time. Your father and I are really worried about you.” As usual though, she said nothing, but this time, you could see tears in her eyes.
“Don’t worry Mrs. Miller, she hasn’t said much since we brought her in here. From what I have been told by some of her fellow teachers, Sarah has taken quite a turn here. They report that she has become withdrawn, has various missing assignments, and today she got into a confrontation with another student during the passing period and physically assaulted another student.”
“Wait, wait, wait, I’m sorry Principal Ramona, but I’m finding it very hard to believe any of that, especially the assault part. Sarah has never been the fighting type. There has to be some other explanation.” There was just no way none of this happened. There was no way that things were actually this bad at school too.
Principal Ramona just sighed and shook her head, “Well I’m afraid that it is true Mrs. Miller. These are just several complaints from her teachers. We were going to set up a meeting with you and your husband to go over everything, but Sarah’s little transgression beat us to it.”
She then handed you the list of complaints. “I...I...I don’t know what to say Principal Ramona. Sarah, do you want to explain these to me?” Once again, silence. “Alright then, what about the fight? Do you want to tell me what started it or why you hit her? Whatever the reason was Sarah, I’m sure we can figure it out.”
Sarah continued to stare straight ahead, but this time as she frustratedly wiped the tear that fell from her face she spoke, “She...she...ugh, what does it even matter anyway? Can we just go home? I don’t want to be in this stupid place anymore. Everyone sucks!” It may not have been what you wanted to hear, but at least she acknowledged you and this situation finally.
“Sarah sweetheart, I know you are upset, but...”
“But I’m afraid Sarah is right Mrs. Miller,” the principal interrupted you rudely. She didn’t even seem to care that Sarah had almost opened up. “No matter what happened, it doesn’t change the fact that Sarah attacked another student. I’m afraid that I have to take some serious action now.”
“How serious are we talking about?”
“Well, since this is Sarah’s first violation, I’m willing to take that into consideration. So, I think a week’s suspension should do. During that time, Sarah will be responsible for completing all her missing assignments that her teachers are willing to let her make up. I also haven’t spoken to her soccer coach yet, but I would assume that a suspension from the team will also be put in place.”
Sarah’s eyes grew wide as she immediately stood up, “What, no please! I’m sorry, okay, I’m really sorry. I’ll take the suspension, but don’t take away soccer!”
“Principal Ramona, look I understand that what Sarah did was wrong, and I promise that she will be punished, but you said that this was her first violation. Surely, we can think of something else. Like maybe detention every day for the next month and she still gets to do soccer. It seems that it’s the only thing that is making her happy at the moment.”
However, it seemed that the principal had already made her mind up, “I’m sorry Mrs. Miller, but that simply will not do. I would expect our parents to understand our rules and regulations. Maybe next time Sarah will think about the consequences of her actions and not act so irrational.”
“I didn’t act irrationally! She got into my face and got what she deserved. She has been....never mind, but this is still not fair! I hate this school!” Sarah said, getting upset once again. She then grabbed her things and stormed out of the office. She didn’t even seem to care that she pushed you out of her way.
Your cheeks grew red with embarrassment at your daughter’s outburst, “ I am so sorry Principal Ramona. Her father and I will work on this behavioral issue. I just wish that you would reconsider. Are we sure we don’t know anything else about the fight?” The more information you had to share with Joel, the better. 
“Unfortunately, no one would say what it was about. Both Sarah as well as the girl and group of friends refuse to say anything. I have already sent the other girl home, so I’m afraid that we cannot ask her again.”
“So that’s it then? My daughter gets suspended without any further investigation. What if she was defending herself? What about the other girl, was she punished?” You couldn’t believe this. 
Principal Ramona shook her head in disapproval, “Mrs. Miller, I cannot disclose that information. But please, let’s not make this harder than it has to be. My mind has already been made up. Now here is a folder of all her missing assignments. My receptionist will be in touch to schedule a meeting between us as well as your husband to discuss Sarah returning to school.”
“Yes, I’m sure my husband would definitely like to discuss this further. Thank you for being such a caring and understanding educator,” you said sarcastically as you snatched the folder from her hand. You didn’t even tell her goodbye as you left in search of your daughter. Thankfully you found her by the front door waiting for you, “You okay there kiddo? That principal of yours isn’t very friendly. I can see why you don’t like her.”
“Look, can we just go home now,” she pouted as she pushed open the door. “Where are you parked?”
“Well Maria brought me here and it’s parked over there. Look Sarah despite whatever grudge is that you have against me at the moment. You do know that I’m here to help you right. I love you so much and I don’t...”
“Just stop will you. I’m not in the mood. I just want to go home,” she snapped at you, storming off towards Maria’s direction. All you could do was just shake your head as you followed behind her. There had to be a better way to get through to her. Hopefully a little one on one with Maria would still work.
Once you got back to the car, Sarah was already buckled up and didn’t even bother to greet her aunt. “That bad huh?” Maria asked, knowing that she just got the cold shoulder. 
“A week's suspension and a possible suspension from the soccer team too,” you sighed as you got in. “The principal was a real bitch. Now Joel and I need to have another meeting with her soon.”
“Well, that sucks. I know Joel isn’t going to be too happy. How about you, are you feeling okay?” She noticed you rubbing your head and taking deep breaths. 
“Yes, just have a headache coming on,” you weakly smiled. As Maria started the car, you pulled out your phone to make sure that you updated Joel. 
Hey babe, so Sarah is suspended. Got into some sort of a fight and there are some other issues that she has been having as well. I have it covered though. I’ll just have her work on some homework and do  some chores till you get home and we can discuss any further punishment. Love you!
Once you sent him the message, you leaned your head back and closed your eyes. Your day of relaxation was not going according to plan at all.
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By the time that you got home, you didn’t even realize that you had dozed off. Maria had gently nudged your arm and when you opened your eyes, to your surprise, Joel was standing there by his truck waiting.
Once the car was parked, you were quick to get out and walk over to him in confusion, “Hey, what are you doing here? I thought I said I had it covered. What about the meeting?”
Joel wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug. What you didn’t see was him glaring at Sarah as she stayed back hiding behind the car. “Yeah, well none of that matters right now. I told them that Tommy was going to handle things while I attended to a family emergency.”
“Well as upset as I am, I'm glad that you are here. Let's just try to be calm about this okay. This isn’t the ideal situation for anyone right now.” You didn’t want this to become a shouting fest and end up getting nowhere.
“Fine, but I'm not very happy with her right now.” He then motioned for Sarah to come over. Sarah didn't dare look at her father as she got closer. Her eyes remained on the ground the entire time. “Living room NOW, Sarah. We'll be in shortly.” Sarah just nodded and walked inside without saying a word.
“Do you want me to leave? I can come back later when Tommy gets home,” Maria then approached. She didn’t want to overstep her bounds by hanging around. 
Joel shook his head and gave her an appreciative smile, “No you can stay and thank you for everything Maria.”
“Don't mention it. That's what family does. I can still talk to her if you guys need me too. I don't mind.”
“That would be great. I think we are going to need all the help that we can get,” you sighed as you all turned to go join Sarah.
Doing exactly what she was told, Sarah sat on the couch waiting. It broke your heart to see what was happening. All you wanted to do was take her into your arms and tell her that everything was going to be okay. 
Instead you took a seat next to her while Joel sat on the coffee table in front of her. Maria decided to sit at the bar behind in case she needed to step in. “Sarah,” Joel led off. “First off, I don't think I have to tell you how disappointed I am with you right now. We are going to sit here and talk it out. We have played enough games with you.”
“Your father is right Sarah. We have let this go on long enough. If there is something that you need to get off of your chest, go ahead and do it. I'm sure we will understand. Does it have to do with school? You seemed pretty unhappy to be there.”
Joel nodded in agreement and reached out to take her hand, “Please Sarah. I don't like seeing this side of you. The disrespect, the fighting, this isn't my little girl. Where is the happy-go-lucky, always positive daughter that usually gets after me when I’m in a bad mood? We want her back Sarah, and we can't do that unless you tell us what is wrong.”
“You don’t get it do you?” Sarah mumbled quietly and ripped her hand from Joel. “I don't want to talk about it, and I certainly don't want to talk to you about it Y/N!”
“Sarah!” Maria gasped behind you.
“Stop asking me what's wrong. Stop trying to get me to talk to you. I don’t want anything to do with you. You are NOT my mom, so stop trying to act like it!” She then got up and ran to her room, leaving all three of you behind stunned.
Joel immediately turned towards you, “Y/N doll…I…”
“No Joel, just go. You need to go be with her,” you choked out. It felt like someone stabbed you in the heart and ripped it out of you. 
“But doll…”
Maria came over around the couch and pulled you up to her, “No Joel, Y/N is right. Go to Sarah. I got this.”
“Please,” you cried into Maria's chest. 
With a hurt look on his face, Joel nodded and headed down the hall, leaving you to break down in Maria's arms. 
Storming his way down the hallway, Joel ripped the bedroom door open. “You have some nerve, Sarah Miller. What the hell was that?” Sarah just continued to sit on her bed and pulled her squish mellow closer to her. “Never in my life have I heard you say something so disrespectful. I have taught you better than that. Can't you see that she is trying her hardest here? Hell, we all are. We are really worried about you Sarah.” He then went and took a seat on her bed next to her, “I really need you to try and work with me Sarah. I’m not doing this anymore. I’m not going to lose my happiness because you are determined to make our lives miserable. I’m also too drained to yell or scream at you if that is what you are afraid of, so we are just going to sit here and talk.”
“And if I don’t want to talk?”
Joel sighed and ran his hands down his tired face, “Then we will sit here Sarah. I am prepared to do whatever it is to get through to you, even if that means just sitting here waiting. You wanted my undivided attention, while now you have it.”
Sarah finally looked up and made eye contact with her father. A tinge of guilt overcame her as she could see the disapproval on his face. “The…the fight today, it was...it was nothing dad. I just got tired of that girl running her mouth, so I did what I thought was right. I was tired of her and her friends treating me like crap. They are the biggest bullies in the school. I was only defending myself; I swear.”
“Jesus Sarah, then why didn’t you say anything? If you would have told me or Y/N that you were being bullied, we would have put an end to it. We would have gone straight to the school and talked it over with the principal.”  
“Because it would have just made things worse dad! They would have called me a snitch and made my life even worse. I’d rather just handle things myself. I don’t need my parents handling things for me. I’m not a little kid,” she huffed.
“But yet here you are acting like one Sarah. Instead of being the bigger person and saying something, you just made things worse for yourself. Now does this bullying situation have to do with how you have been acting around your mother and the whole not my mom thing? Because let’s face it Sarah, no matter what you may think, Y/N is and will always be your mother,” Joel said sternly.
Sarah stayed quiet for a second like she was pondering her answer, but eventually gave him a small nod. “Yeah, I guess.”
How could this be Y/N’s fault? “Then I need you to explain to me how this is your mother’s fault Sarah? What could she have possibly done to get you bullied at school?”
He watched as Sarah got up and walked over to her desk where she picked up a binder that had a whole bunch of family photos on the front cover. “It’s because of this dad,” she said, handing it to him. “I was in English class when that group of girls walked by and saw my binder. They asked me if that was my sister in the picture with me and you. I said no, that was my mom, and they began to make all sorts of comments. They asked if I was adopted, because I didn't look like her and that she was too pretty to be my mom. How mom must have been disappointed to have a daughter like me.” The last part caused Sarah to burst into tears.
Joel quickly took her into his arms, “Come here baby girl, I got you. Just let it out.” Oh, how much he wanted to go to the school right now and give them and those girls a piece of his mind. How dare they choose his daughter of all people to pick on! Someone was going to pay when this was all said and done. Right now, though, he had to focus all his attention on his daughter.
“Sarah baby, I need you to listen to me okay. I know for a fact that nothing that they said is true. You are a beautiful girl, and we are damn lucky to have you in our lives. They are just insecure little girls. That's why they pick on others. Their parents never taught them better.”
“But…but…it's true!” Sarah cried harder. “No matter what we say or do, Y/N will never actually be my real mom. No matter how much we both want it. I’ll always just be her step daughter. When those babies are born, they are going to be a part of you and her. I'll only be just yours, dad. I'm the odd one out.”
Joel’s heart broke as he heard the pain in his daughter's voice, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but be disappointed again with her listening to what her peers thought instead of listening to what she knew was the truth. “Now you listen, and you listen good. Blood does not mean shit. It doesn’t always make you family. So, what if you don’t have Y/N’s blood running in your veins? You know that Y/N doesn't care that biologically you aren't hers. She still loves you just as much as she loves those babies. She would die for you if she had to. If she didn’t care, she wouldn’t have tried to convince me to keep our date for tomorrow, she wouldn’t have gone to the school to fight for you, and she certainly wouldn’t be in the living room with her heart broken right now. You are her little girl, Sarah. Did you know that for your birthday, she was going to give you her great grandmother’s locket? That locket has been passed down to every first born daughter and she was finally ready to give it to you and that when you have a daughter of your own, you could give it to her. I’m sorry Sarah, but I don’t think she would do all of those things if she didn’t believe that she was your mom. To me, you are the luckiest girl in the world to have her in your life Sarah. ”
Sarah listened to every word that her father said and knew that it was true, despite how she made things out to be. She knew that she should have never listened to those girls. They only wanted to cause trouble. “I'm sorry dad, I really am. I didn't mean to be a jerk to you and especially mom. I guess I just let everything get the best of me. I promise that it won't happen again.”
“Good, and if anything like this happens again, I want you to tell us so we can put an end to this. Now your punishment…”
Sarah's head shot up in disbelief, “What, I'm still being punished?”
“Oh yes you are,” Joel smiled. “You got into a fight at school today young lady.”
“Yeah, I guess that's fair. What is it?”
He got up and took her phone off of her desk, “Well you won't be needing this for a while. I'm also going to need you to unplug this computer and put it in the kitchen. If you need a computer, you can use your mom's laptop, only for homework though.”
“Okay I will. Should I apologize to mom now?”
“No, I need to go check on her first. When things calm down a bit more, then you can. I love you Sarah, but please, don't let this happen again.”
“I know dad and I won’t, I promise,” she then gave Joel a big hug before he left to check on you.
When he got back to the living room, you and Maria were nowhere to be found. Thinking that you went upstairs, he ran up only to be greeted by an empty room.
‘What the fuck?’ he thought to himself as he ran back downstairs. 
He was confused beyond hell on where you could be. That's when sitting on the kitchen counter, he saw a note waiting for him. It read:
Joel baby,
You know that I love you with all my heart and nothing is going to change that. But I think that it's for the best that I leave for the night. I don't need to be here causing added drama or tension. I never meant to do anything to make Sarah think or feel like she wasn't my daughter Joel. Just let her know that I'm sorry and if she wants to talk, I'll be there for her. I really hope that we can get past this. I love you Joel and I'll see you in the morning.
Your doll
“Son of a bitch!” Joel shouted as he crumbled up the paper in his hand. There was no way that you just did that.
“Dad, is everything okay?” Sarah asked, peeking out from her room.
“I don't know, just…just stay here. I'll be right back,” then without another word, he ran out of the house leaving a confused Sarah behind.
Like a mad man, he ran next door to his brother's house and began banging on the door, “Y/N! Y/N!” he shouted. “Please let me in. We need to talk!” He then tried to open the door, but it was locked. “Please doll, I know that you are hurting, but it's not what you think. I talked to Sarah, and we sorted this whole thing out!”
He paused for a second when he heard the lock move, however instead of you, it was an angry Maria behind the door, “Jesus Joel, will you calm down! Someone is going to call the police.”
“I'm sorry Maria, but I really need to see Y/N please. I can't believe you let her leave like that!” he snapped at her.
“Look Joel, I didn’t have a choice! After you left to be with Sarah, Y/N just broke down and began having a panic attack. I couldn’t get her to calm down. She said that she couldn't stay there and that she needed to leave. So, I helped pack her an overnight bag and brought her over. This really isn’t healthy for her or the babies Joel.”
“I know Maria and that's why I need to speak with her. I need to let her know that it's okay for her to come home now. I talked to Sarah, and everything is okay. I need her to come home, so Sarah can apologize,” Joel pleaded with her. “If she doesn’t want to come home tonight, then that's fine. I just need to explain things to her.”
Maria just gave him a sympathetic smile and hugged him, “I'm glad that you worked things out Joel, but I'm still not going to let you in. Y/N is asleep right now. She ended up not feeling well again, so I sent her to bed. Maybe when she wakes up, I'll tell her that you came for her okay. Just go home for now.”
Joel tried to reach out and stop the door from closing, but it was too late. Maria had already closed and locked it. He didn't mean to, but his emotions got the best of him, and he punched the door as hard as he could. He didn't even care if his knuckles and hand were throbbing as he walked back to his house. It was better than the ache in his heart that he was having.
When he got back, Joel found Sarah standing there with your note in her hand and tears pouring down her face. “Did she really leave dad?”
“Come here,” he called out to her and held her, “Yes, she did baby girl, but she'll be back later or in the morning. She just wasn't feeling good and went to Maria's to lie down and give us some space. Once she gets back, we can get things between you two all sorted out. I don't want this to worry you, okay. Everything is going to be fine.”
“Okay. I love you dad.” 
“I love you two baby girl. Now why don't you go to your room and work on some homework. I'll see about making us some lunch or something in a second.”
Sarah just nodded and walked back to her room feeling more guilty than before. Despite what Joel had said. Grabbing her book bag, she went to go sit at her desk and work, but that's when a turned over picture frame caught her eye. Flipping it over, she saw that it was a picture of you and her that Joel had taken at the courthouse when you officially adopted her when she was seven. 
That's when she knew what she had to do. She had to get her mom back and get things back to where they needed to be. So, hoping that Joel wouldn’t be too mad at her, Sarah opened her window and climbed out. She then nervously walked across the lawn to Maria's. However instead of heading to the front door, she tried the guest room window first to see if you were in there.
Thankfully there you were asleep on the bed with a cold compress on your head. Taking a deep breath, Sarah nervously tapped on the window hoping you would stir. It took a couple of attempts, but after the third or fourth try, you finally woke up and pulled the compress off your eyes.
Rolling over, you looked towards the window and Sarah was staring at you. “What the heck?” you said out loud as you got up and went over to the window. “Sarah, wh-what are you doing here?”
“Hey mom, can we talk?”   
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w2soneshots · 4 months
Ibiza -W2S
words: 1.2k+
warnings: alcohol consumption.
summary: you spend the day on a yacht while your boyfriend and his mates film hide & seek. You deal with his mean drunkenness. Then when you get back to the villa you take care of him.
notes: this is based off of this request!! I think drunk Harry’s hilarious😭. Don’t forget to reblog! Enjoy this extra lone one💓✨
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Liked by gkbarry_, ksi and 561,308 others
y/username: Ibiza 2024!🌴🍹🌺☀️💘
Tagged: @wroetoshaw @behzingagram @faithloisak @taliamar @freyanightingale
wroetoshaw: 🔥🔥
faithloisak: you cutie
taliamar: stunning girl🫶🏼
y/nfanpage21: pahaha the second pic😭
user31096420: another iconic sidemen holiday
user91837410: she's so fit
A few days ago we arrived in Ibiza. It was initially just going to be the boys because they were planning a few sidemen videos. But they decided that there hasn't been a proper holiday with everyone for years since, Ethan and Faith had Olive, Me and Harry got married, as well as Simon and Talia so we cleared our schedules and booked tickets.
We're here for a week and plan on doing as much relaxing as we can but the boys still need to film their videos. Today they're filming a hide and seek on a huge yacht. We're all staying in a massive villa that's really close to the sea line. "Morning." Harry yawned. My sleepy face curved into a content smile. "Good morning." I whispered before kissing his soft lips. Harry wrapped his arms around my torso. "Do we have to get up?" He dug his head into my neck. "Yes Haz. The boats booked for eleven." I replied. He groaned.
Eventually I got him up and we began getting ready. I pulled on a bikini that wouldn't give me offensive tan lines, since I'm planning on laying in the sun all day. Then popped on a cute cover up. Once I'd sorted my hair and covered myself in suncream I headed downstairs where everyone was sat eating breakfast. I said "good morning." then grabbed a plate of fresh fruit along with a smoothie.
After breakfast we all collected the last of our things then just as the taxis pulled up we left. Harry helped Ethan get Olives stuff into the boot while I carried the baby for Faith while she clipped in the car seat. It's only a ten minute drive so we were soon being dropped off at the dock. The day before yesterday we spent a few hours on a smaller boat but today (since they're filming a video) the yacht is massive. The crew also flew in yesterday to film this video so they met us here.
We were told not to grab our things from the taxis because the staff on board would get it for us. When we got onto the yacht we were immediately given drinks and a quick toor. The woman brought us up some stairs. "And these are the tanning loungers." Me and the girls looked at each other with a smile. "This is where I'm going to be spending the rest of the day." Talia joked, but she was being fully serious and I felt exactly the same.
The boys wondered off to film the intro for the video and all four of us girls lay down on a lounger, while Olive slept next to Faith in a little travel cot under one of the large umbrellas. I chatted quietly with Talia, Freya started reading her book and Faith soaked up the sun. We could hear the boys screaming, shouting and laughing as they filmed. Vik was the seeker and wasn't doing the best job which was obvious from what we could see from the top deck, but I'm sure that will make the video even funnier.
Once Harry, Ethan and Josh had been found we caught them peering up at us quite a few times. "You all look like creeps you know!" I shouted. The girls laughed from beside me and the boys faces turned a bright shade of red. "You just look too good in that bikini babe!" Harry shouted back sarcastically. I smirked with a shake of my head. Then returned to tanning.
After almost three hours the boys finally finished filming so we had some lunch. As the day went on we jumped into the sea, played mafia and just sat around enjoying each other's company. Everyone began actually drinking as it started to get later. Accept me, Faith, JJ and Tobi because I had had like one or two but really couldn't be arsed with a hangover, Faith needed to look after Olive and JJ and Tobi don't drink.
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y/username just posted a new story!
I sat next to Harry as he swayed back and forth slightly. "You alright?" I asked. He was clearly very drunk. "What? Oh. Shut up I'm fine." He replied. I raised my eyebrows in disbelief. I looked around the group, all eyes on us. I burst into a fit of laughter. "Alright big man I think it's time you get to bed." I tried to help him stand. "No!" He shouted. I sighed tiredly. "Here. I'll help." Tobi got up from his seat. We decided to all call it a night so left the ship and got taxi's back to the villa.
"Here you go mate." JJ murmured as him and Tobi lay an almost asleep Harry on our bed. "Thanks boys." I smiled as they walked out with a quick "good night." I pulled Harry's clothes off, leaving him in just his boxers. Then I placed a glass of water on his nightstand, along with some paracetamol for his hangover. Thankfully Harry usually isn't physically sick when he has a hangover so there was no need for a bucket. After I took a quick shower I slipped into bed, next to him.
The next morning I got up decently early to make everyone breakfast. Faith was already downstairs since Olive had been awake for quite awhile and she didn't want to wake Ethan up since he was hungover and he woke up early yesterday for Olive. "Good morning you cutie." I greeted Olive in my high pitched baby voice, that seems to just appear whenever I'm around animals or babies. She giggled with the sweetest little smile.
"Morning." Faith also smiled as I sat down next to her on the couch. "So last night Harry seemed to be a little..." "mean." I finished her sentence. "Well yea." She breathed out a laugh. "He's a mean drunk. It really doesn't bother me to be honest. I find it hilarious." I chuckled. "I'm glad, I was a little concerned." "The first time we went out together it was a bit of a shock to the system but over the years I realised that it's just how he reacts to alcohol."
After a good chat with Faith I headed back upstairs to check on Harry. I slowly opened to door to see Harry front down on the bed with his face turned towards the door. I walked towards him and squatted in front of him. "Harry." I whispered as my hand gently stroked his face. He groaned. "Have some paracetamol love." I grabbed the pack from the nightstand. "My head hurts." He slowly opened one of his eyes. I smiled at him "I know. Sit up for me."
He pushed himself up and turned over so he was sitting against the headboard. He took the tablet along with almost the entire glass of water. "Was I mean?" He asked quietly. I laughed "Uhm... I've had much worse." He groaned as he covered his face with his hands. "Sorry." He mumbled. "Don't be. You were completely gone with the fairies." I said sarcastically. He chuckled but then winced, probably from the pounding headache. "Go back to sleep. I'll have breakfast downstairs when you're ready." I quickly pecked his forehead. "You're too good to me." He replied as he returned to his previous position.
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Sad Conrad request. Surprising him at the beach house and being there through the hard moments with his mom
Grab your tissues, this is a sad one
Warnings: mention of cancer/death
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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‘’She won’t get better. It’s too late,’’ a crying Conrad said through the phone one late evening of May.
You sat up in your bed, giving him your best attention as your heart clenched.
These past few months, Susannah had been trying a new treatment for her cancer. She initially didn’t want to do it, but she would do anything for her boys. It’s been tough for her and the boys, physically and emotionally, but Susannah was a fighter. If she could beat cancer once, she could do it again, right?
Today, she had an appointment with her oncologist to see if the treatment was working. Conrad had been very stressed over it, calling you more often just to hear your reassuring words. You stayed optimistic for his sake, but you couldn’t lie to him. There were chances the treatment did not work.
‘’S-she’s gonna die.’’ His voice cracked at the last word, causing a tear to slip down your face.
That night, you almost booked a flight to Boston just to hold him in your arms.
When June came, you all went to Cousins’ beach for the last time. The last summer, her last summer.
On the day of the Fishers’ arrival, you sat on Conrad’s perfectly made bed and waited for him to walk through his door. It felt strange to be alone in their holiday house. Susannah had helped you plan the surprise for Conrad, mailing you a double of the keys a week before their arrival. He had been taking care of her so well during her treatment, she wanted to thank him in a special way.
You heard the door open downstairs, Conrad and Jeremiah’s voices soon filling the house. A know formed in your stomach, excited and nervous at the same time. Susannah’s voice mixed with the two, asking Conrad to take the bags upstairs.
The stairs creaked under his steps, listening as he took his mother’s bags to her room first, then his own. You held your breath as you saw the doorknob turn, soon revealing the boy you had missed so much with one bag over his shoulder and his suitcase in his other hand.
A mix of complete surprise and confusion spread on his face when he saw you sitting there on his bed.
‘’Hi.’’ You stood and a smile curled on Conrad’s lips for the first time in a while.
He dropped his bag and the suitcase’s handle and rushed over to you, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you from the ground. You wrapped your own arms around his neck as your legs did the same to his waist, finally in each other‘s hold.
‘’What are you doing here? You said you wouldn’t be here until Sunday.’’
You pulled back slightly, pushing that one piece of hair from his pretty eyes. You missed him and the soft smile he only kept for you. ‘’I drove here two days early to surprise you.’’
‘’Consider me surprised,’’ he said, closing the space between you and kissing you for the first time since spring break. Without breaking the kiss, Conrad took you to his bed, toppling on it in a mess of tangled limbs. ‘’How did you get in? Did you pick our backdoor?’’
His eyebrows drew closer. ‘’My mom?’’
You nodded.
For a very short moment, Conrad was happy. And it was all because of you — with the help of Susannah.
As the summer went by, and Conrad was turning into a shell of his person. He was barely ever leaving the beach house or his mother’s side, wanting to spend as much time with her as possible before the end.
Since her last scan, the cancer had spread. She was getting more sick each day, becoming more tired and frail every time you saw her. Her blond hair was gone, replaced by a bandana that covered her bald head.
It was sad to watch.
‘’I hate to make this all about me, but who am I supposed to talk to? What am I supposed to do if my mom’s not there?’’ Conrad asked one night you were sitting on the back porch, his feet dipped in the pool water.
‘’You can talk to me. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.’’ You put your hand on his shoulders and he started to sob as you felt your own tears blurring your vision.
‘’She’s too young to die. She’ll never come to my college graduation or Jere’s high school graduation.’’
A few weeks later, you and Conrad were watching a movie in the living room, when Susannah came to get a glass of water. Conrad had fallen asleep against you, too tired to stay up late like he used to these days. You asked if she needed your help, but she smiled and said she was okay.
Before going back to her room, she came to the living room and put her hand on your arm. ‘’Thank you for being there for Connie. He doesn’t say, but he’s taking it the hardest. When I… He’s gonna take it the hardest.’’ She looked down at her son, a sad smile on her lips and tears welling in her eyes. ‘’Please take care of him.’’
When Susannah took her last breath, the weather was gloomy and dark outside, reflecting perfectly the feeling of the coming weeks.
You got the call at 3am and drove down to Boston, to the Fishers’ home. A red-eyed teary Jeremiah answered the door. You gave him a long hug, then headed to Conrad’s room. Laurel and her kids were there, all grieving the loss of a close friend — a non-blood-related family member.
As you entered Conrad's room, the somber atmosphere weighed heavily. The curtains were shut, plunging the room into semi-darkness, illuminated by the smallest crack of light coming from the top of the window. On the bed was Conrad, still in his clothes from last night, crying in silence and holding the old shark plushie his mother got him as a child. It had seen better days and was missing one eye, he hadn’t let go of it since coming home from the hospital.
His shoulders stiffened when he heard the door opening, about to rudely shoo out whoever had come to check on him, but relaxed when he saw you. Your hair was gathered in a loose ponytail, strands framing your face, and your shirt was an old one of Conrad’s, but none of that mattered to him. There was no one else he wanted to see beside his mom than you.
Lifting his head from the shark plushie, the steady flow of tears on his face. breaking your heart. His blue eyes, once vibrant, were now red and swollen from hours of crying, just like his brother’s.
You opened your mouth to speak, but words seemed inadequate in the face of such profound loss. So you said nothing.
You laid with him on the bed, wrapping your arms around his shoulder and pulling him into you like you had done these past months. The second his face met your chest, his sobs filled the room, finally allowing himself to let go now that you were there to catch him.
Rare were the times you had seen Conrad, but it was heartbreaking every time. You rubbed circles around his back and rested your cheek on his head, feeling his tears soak your shirt as he cried, silent tears falling from your own eyes.
You stayed like that for what felt like hours — just the two of you laying on his bed. Laurel didn’t bother checking on him, knowing he was well taken after with you. It was a weight off her shoulders, one less thing she needed to worry about.  
As the night was starting to fall outside, you felt Conrad's breathing even out, telling you he had fallen asleep. You didn't know how long he had been up for, but he must've been exhausted — in every way.
You carefully reached out to grab the soft blanket from behind him, trying to not wake him, but Conrad tightened his grip on you as he sensed your movement, afraid of losing the anchor that kept him grounded. 
‘’Don’t leave me too,’’ he mumbled, his voice so small and weak you didn't hear it.
You stayed still, frozen by his words. The vulnerability in his voice pierced your heart, and you realized that even in his sleep, his fear of abandonment lingered. 
Gently, you brushed your fingers through his hair, softly whispering back to him in reassurance.  ‘’I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I'll be right here when you wake up.’’
You vowed to be there for him, to support him through the darkest hours of his journey, and you planned on keeping that promise you made to Susannah, even if it meant staying up all night holding him or skipping a few days of classes at college. 
With great care, you shifted your position, sliding out from under him just enough to reach the blanket. As you draped it over both of you, he instinctively clung tighter to you, seeking the comfort of your presence.
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully @aerangi @hallecarey1
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yothangie · 4 months
Missing their kids event
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HJver. SH ver. YH ver. YS ver. SN ver. MG ver. WY ver. JH ver.
pairing: Dad!Hongjoong x 6 year old daughter ft. Fem! mom reader
wrd count: 597
genre: dad!ateez, angst with fluff at the end,
Warnings: crying, idol hongjoong, school
Ateez dad masterlist join the taglist
He’s been working so hard for the group's comeback, for a few days he hasn’t been home and that puts a worry on your 6 year old daughter. The school was giving out student of the month awards and your child was picked from her class.
You had told Hongjoong in advance so he can have that day off for his daughter, he was sure to have it cleared, but as the comeback was near he hasn’t been home lately or been calling you. 
“Mama are you sure appa is coming” your daughter says 
“ I’m sure he will go sit down with your other classmates” 
The ceremony has started but no Hongjoong, you tried texting and calling but no response. 
You decided to message his fellow members to see if hongjoong is still alive, unfortunately they also didn’t answer. 
As your daughter's name was called you can see her looking in your direction, her smile dropping when she sees her dad not present. 
She went back to her seat looking down, a single tear slipped from her cheek.
When the ceremony was over she went walking to your seat slipping her head in your lap. 
“He didn’t come” she sniffled.
“Its okay my love he's probably busy”
“Can we go home now” she asked 
You took the certificate from her and carried her back to the car. 
You were hoping hongjoong would be home by then but as expected the house was empty. 
“Mama can i nap” your daughter asked 
“Of course lets get you changed first.”
After changing your daughter and tucking her in you decided to start dinner early. 
As you were cooking you heard the door unlocked, you knew who it was. 
Hongjoong came into the kitchen and went behind you resting his head on your shoulder. 
He leaned in to kiss your cheek only for you to pull away
“You really messed up today” you looked at him
“ i know im sorry-”
“Don’t apologize to me, it wasn't me who you let down”
He got the hint and with that he went into your daughter’s room who was asleep with dried tears. 
He gently stroked the girl's head, feeling guilty he had let his little girl down.
“Angel wake up” he whispered 
The girl stirred in her sleep turning her back to him. 
He ended up shaking her just a little bit hoping she would wake up
She slowly started to wake up looking around locking eyes with her dad
She let out a pout turning her back to him again
“Angel are you mad at me”
“Yes” she sniffled 
“Im sorry, I was at work-”
“You’re always working” 
He sighs picking her up sitting her on his lap wiping the tears that were starting to spill 
“Please don’t be mad Angel” 
“You promised” 
“I know please forgive me, I took the week off so i can spend time with you” he says 
“Its not the same” she pouted 
“I know Angel, why don’t you show me your award” Hongjoong sets her daughter down as she goes to her little desk grabbing the piece of paper. 
Hongjoong grabs smiling as he reads his daughters name printed on the certificate 
“I'm proud of you my Angel” he patted the girls hair 
“I got you a little cake to celebrate want to go eat it” he asked 
The girl quickly nodded, Hongjoong scooped up the girl in his arms giving her kisses on the cheek, carrying her downstairs. 
“I promise from now on any award you receive i will be there in the front row” 
Taglist: @reooreo @starhwahwa @nnnarchives @enbymingi @nvdhrzn @strawberry-cube @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @soso59love-blog @alexwritesfics @pai-fe @kkumiikumii @blackb3ll @marvelfanatic4life
214 notes · View notes
sugawarassoulmate · 5 months
More of shitty boyfriend daishou?????
tbh i didn't think anyone cared about him!! i never get requests for daishou 😅
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words: 725
cw: fem!reader, cheating, unprotected sex, minors dni
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he's still around, being the world's worst boyfriend. and honestly, reader's probably getting fed up of it at this point. he's never breaking up with mika, no matter what he whispers in your ear when the two of you are together.
you start to pull away a bit. you brush off his advances, laughing them off a simple joke, and you're making sure you're never alone with him for too long. he tries to put the moves on you but you're out the door before he can fully sink his teeth in. he tries to walk you to your dorm one night but you tell him you're meeting a friend instead.
after a while, daishou stops trying and you think he's gotten the hint. you wondered if the two of you could ever become friends once the awkwardness died down but the guilt of seeing mika's sweet face whenever she kissed her boyfriend killed that thought for you.
everything seemed fine. no more late night phone calls or sending nudes through snapchat. you and daishou could stand to be in the same room without palpable tension. his words to you were brief and while it hurt at first, you figured it was best than to continue the mess you were in before.
so when daishou approached you at a party — a get together between some of his teammates and other friends from campus, really — you didn’t think he had ulterior motives. his girlfriend was here and gave you a big hug. "it's been so long! we should hang out," she said, giving your hands a firm, loving squeeze.
you accept when daishou asks to talk somewhere quieter, thinking that he deserves some closure too.
"fuck, i need you to be quiet," he breathes, clamping his free hand over your mouth while the other keeps you pinned to the wall of the upstairs bathroom. you hadn't slept with anyone since giving daishou some distance all those months ago. the feeling of his long cock bruising your cunt had you shaking with pleasure.
you wanted to shout, to cry about how good he was fucking you but it all came out as a babble under his palm. it's probably for the best, you can only hope mika isn't getting suspicious downstairs wondering where her boyfriend ran off to.
"you can't deny of me of this like that again," a cocky grin slithers across daishou's face as he latches as the skin of your neck. "went fucking crazy not being in this pussy."
it's hard to ignore the tight feeling in your stomach when you hear those words, trying not to put so much weight into them but you've missed him too.
you didn't give much thought to date someone else — not like you and daishou were dating anyways — but you had given him so much of your attention, you didn't even know if you could flirt with another person.
there was no one else that caught your interest, just him. and it felt pathetic to admit it, having feelings for some guy that would rather juggle between two people than commit. but you can enjoy being a selfish person at least for now if it meant getting to enjoy the feeling on him.
knowing that time isn't on either of your sides, daishou fucks you harder. his hand drops from your mouth to lightly squeeze your neck, the dizziness only adding to your euphoria.
with your fingers in daishou's dark hair, you cum around his cock. any feelings of guilt you had wash away as you're overcome with the thought of "just daishou" over and over again.
"that's my girl, you're gonna take my cum, yeah?" he coos. "don't let a single drop go to waste."
even after he cums, daishou doesn't stop his pace, fucking his seed deep inside you. "ahh sugu, it's so much," you whine, feeling his cum running down your thigh when he finally pulls out.
daishou does his best to clean you up with toilet paper, flushing away the evidence.
when the two of you finally make it back downstairs, mika seems blissfully unaware that daishou had been gone for so long. she pulls you into a conversation about her classes and you try to follow along, ignoring the feeling of her boyfriend's cum pooling in your underwear.
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©sugawarassoulmate 2024 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 8 months
Slice Of Normal
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Summary: The reader has just moved to Montana to live with her estranged father and out of a place where she no longer feels welcome. But it's been a long time since the pair have lived together and while Beau might think things can slip back to normal, it's not quite that easy...
Pairing: dad!Beau x daughter!reader
Word Count: 5,000ish
Warnings: language, family angst, divorce, mention of murder case
A/N: Here's a little Beau and daughter!reader for the first time!
“Hey, kiddo,” said your dad as you tossed your backpack in the backseat. “How was school?”
“Fine,” you forced out, pilling into the front, glaring out the windshield. You felt his heated stare but he dropped it, pulling out of the line of cars at pick up and heading for home. He tapped his fingers against the wheel, words clearly on the tip of his tongue. But once again he didn’t say anything. 
Sometimes it was like living with a damn stranger.
Two years ago, life was normal. Your parents were married. Dad had a good job as a cop. Mom was doing her consulting. Every day you went home to two parents. You had the same friends you had your whole life. You got a starbucks with your mom every Saturday morning and you made homemade pizzas for dinner. You watched trash reality shows with your dad and you’d both get way too invested in the petty drama. It was all perfectly normal.
Until he went to work one day and it went to hell. Dad’s partner was killed and he blamed himself for not stopping it. He was…strange after that. He still asked about school and your day, still watched your shitty shows with you. But there was no joy in him. He felt guilty and dad wasn’t much of one for sharing his own feelings. You knew he’d get better with time. 
That’s when things got strange with mom too. She started to pick fights with him. She kept trying to force him to go to some expensive trauma therapist. All three of you knew he was hurting but she was the only one that said he was broken. You’d never forget the look on his face when she barked it at him in a fight. 
Watching one parent fall out of love with another in front of your own eyes was your own strange experience. You knew in that moment she’d left a mark on him, one that’d make him shutdown even more, hold even more feelings back from her. There’d be more fights. More snide comments. She’d get fed up and divorce him.
Four months after the shootout, she handed him the divorce papers and a flip switched in him. He started to fight back, the both of them bickering and arguing so much you found yourself storming downstairs and yelling at them both to act like adults. Dad moved out not long after that and within a month mom had a new boyfriend.
You stuck it out until last week before you knew you’d go crazy if you stayed in that house, your house, with her and that guy for one more second. 
Which meant moving halfway across the country to fucking Montana to live with a guy you hadn’t seen in person in six months.
“Mom’s marrying her boyfriend,” you said when he stopped at a red light. You didn’t look at him, sure he once again didn’t know what to say. “That’s why I wanted to move here. He doesn’t give two shits about me but he fakes it real good when she’s around.”
“Your mother should know-”
“She doesn’t listen to me when I try to talk and I’m sick of it. I know you know she’s like that,” you said, turning your head. He glanced down, gaze back on the road. “She’s a bitch.”
“Hey. Don’t talk about your mother like that.”
“Why not?” you scoffed. “She is one. You of all people know she is.”
“Mom is not a bitch,” he said, hitting the gas when the light turned, getting you off a busy street and heading for the outskirts of town. “Y/N, we raised you better than to call people names.”
“You’re defending her? You? She only drove you out of your own home, own family.” He gripped the wheel tighter, clenching his jaw. “Jesus christ. You still love her, don’t you. Why the hell would-”
“I am the reason…I moved out and I left. I refused to acknowledge the shit going on in my head and all mom tried to do was get me help. Do not blame her for-”
“Bullshit,” you scoffed. “I’d get out of her ass if I were you. Some other guy is fucking it now and she’s never taking you back.”
He pulled over fast, shaking his head at you. His green eyes narrowed, mouth opening just as his car radio crackled to life.
“Arlen,” he growled into the radio, frowning at you, a clear message to not say another word right now. 
“Chief we got reports of a murder-suicide at the Breckenridge Ranch. Jenny and Pop are taking lead but are requesting your presence,” said a woman’s voice on the other end. 
“I’ll be there in twenty.” He clipped the radio back in, taking a deep breath. “Y/N you are going to listen to me and I mean listen to me because I am about to have a very long night and we are not dropping this discussion. I don’t care for the way you speak and I do not like the way you talk about your mom. You don’t like her boyfriend, fiance, fine. But you’ll at least respect him. You don’t like you mother? Then at a minimum you will respect her. You do not call people bitch. You are grounded until further notice.”
“Wow,” you said, rolling your eyes. “I’m on your side and I’m the asshole. My old dad would have understood that but you? I don’t know who the fuck you are. Go ahead and ground me. I literally don’t care. You’re a fucking stranger.”
He was pissed. Very pissed. He turned back on the road and did a u-turn, heading back into town. You raised an eyebrow but he held up a finger. “No. You want to swear at me? Call me a stranger? Fine. I’m going to work. You’re a big enough girl to have a potty mouth then you don’t mind a little murder scene, hmm? You want to know what the fuck I do all day? Well now’s your chance to see, maybe I’ll be less of a damn stranger that way.”
You kept quiet, staring out the window for the next twenty minutes. You swallowed when he drove past a cruiser at the ranch entrance and yellow tape, driving silently down the dirt road. 
“Stay in the truck,” he said when he parked behind another cruiser outside a nearby barn. You bit the inside of your lip, hearing him shift around behind you. A few seconds later you had your backpack in your lap. “Do your homework.”
“I thought you wanted me to see dead bodies,” you mumbled, fisting one of the straps. His heavy sigh filled the space, a twinge of guilt in your gut.
“I never want that for you. We’ll get dinner out somewhere in a few hours. We need to talk. Not fight. Talk,” he said, pausing a beat before opening his door.
“Why didn’t you take me home?” you asked. He slid out, his shoulders sagging with his back to you.
“Because I’m scared you won’t be there when I get back.” He turned around, plucking his hat from the center console. You stared at him as he frowned. “I know you ran away from home two weeks ago, kid. We are not letting that happen again. Understand?”
You gave a small nod, the door closing loudly in the small space before you shut your eyes.
Maybe you should have just stayed in Texas.
Three Hours Later
You’d finished your homework awhile ago and were watching videos on your phone when you saw your dad approach the truck. He said something to a blonde cop lady and another guy, giving them a quick wave.
“Sorry it took so long,” he said, back in the truck, tossing his hat in the back.
“S’fine.” He was backed out and heading for the road quickly, rubbing his hand against his jaw. “Are you okay?”
“Me? Yeah. Why?”
“You were at a murder scene…” you said, catching a quick twitch of his lip. “Do dead bodies not scare you?”
“Not really. Sometimes you see bad things but a vast majority of the time, murders are…” he bit his bottom lip, shaking his head. “There are scenes that are gruesome but most murders are not something out of a horror film, at least to me. You get desensitized to it somewhat. Even the bad ones, it doesn’t tend to bother me. They were a person and unfortunately they lost their life in a violent way. My job is to act on their behalf and get them the justice they deserve. They aren’t scary bodies. It’s a soul that’s gone that I can help is the way I look at it.”
He cleared his throat as he pulled back onto the road.
“But Helena is much safer than Houston. Not as many murders or any of that.” You hummed, glancing out the window. “Y/N, I know you’re upset with me right now but I want you to be careful. Something is…happening. I don’t know what it is but be careful. No going out at night alone. Keep the doors and windows locked all the time. Be smart, alright?”
“Ok,” you said quietly. “That wasn’t a murder-suicide, was it.”
“It was a very good attempt at making it look like one. If my officers weren’t as good at their jobs, they would have written it up as one instead of what it was. A double murder. My gut says it wasn’t random though which means it’s less likely anyone else winds up hurt.” 
“S’good,” you mumbled before the air went quiet. He only tapped the steering wheel, no rhythm to it. Tap tap. Tap tap. 
He had no problem talking about work since you’d moved in a week ago. God, the first day he’d talked too much, trying to fill the awkward silences. Maybe he’d been gone too long and this is what your relationship was now.
You closed your eyes, resting your head on the glass, wishing he’d never left in the first place. 
You jerked and flashed open your eyes when he shook your shoulder. The inside of the truck smelled like grease and the brown bag on the dash confirmed your suspicions. He nodded out the window and you turned, finding you were at a fairly deserted park. You left your backpack behind and crawled out, walking over to the nearest picnic table. A moment later he was sat across from you, pulling out a box of chicken nuggets, fries and two packets of sauce.
“Thanks,” you said quietly, taking the food from him as he took out a bigger box and more fries for himself.
“Well, I figured your McDonald’s go to hadn’t changed at least.” You shrugged, the two of you eating without saying another word. But it didn’t last, the food soon gone, the trash bundled up and tossed in a nearby can. 
Your dad sighed when he returned to his seat, resting his forearms against the faded wood top.
“Y/N. I…I left you and mom. If there’s anyone you should hate-”
“Why do you keep lying for her?” you interrupted. He swallowed thickly, breathing out a slow breath. “You left because she tossed you out. You didn’t leave because you wanted to.”
“...She had every right to.” You rolled your eyes, his hand raising. “Please. Just listen. Mom tried to get me help and I was the one that was an asshole about it. I blamed myself, I still do. She did what you’re supposed to for a partner. I pushed her away and us not being together anymore is because of me.”
You shook your head, a frown forming on his face. “I lived in that house too. I know you or at least I used to. I knew you were hurting and we couldn’t fix it. But I got that. It was something you had to go through, at your pace. You did the same thing when grandpa died. You got all quiet and pushed it down. And mom…she was a bitch back then too and tried to force you to get better faster all because she didn’t like having a grieving husband. You are supposed to help your partner, not hurt them more. Your problem has always been that you’re too in love with her to see that she hurts you. Just for one second imagine that was my husband that did that to me. Imagine he tried to force me into therapy less than a week after my best friend died because I was fucking sad and didn’t want to talk about it. Imagine my partner made me feel even worse and like I was the problem during one of the lowest moments of my life. Imagine that he was the one that made me feel like all of it was my fault when I was grieving. You’d tell me to leave his ass so I’m asking you to please, please stop defending her. I’m not a little kid anymore, dad.”
“No, you’re clearly not,” he said quietly, staring down at his lap. “I just don’t want you to hate your mother. Her heart was in the right place, even if that’s not how I process things.”
“I don’t hate her. I just don’t like her anymore. I told her so many times I didn’t like her boyfriend and she wouldn’t listen to me. You would have listened to me. S’why I ran away. I was trying to come here.” 
He pursed his lips and you waited, giving him time to respond the way he wanted to. 
“I wish…I wish mom and I had handled things differently. But what happened, happened. I would like to see you attempt to reconcile with your mom but I won’t force it.”
“Thank you,” you said, a quick nod coming from him.
“But…you are also a bit thick headed.” You frowned. “I know you are a teenager and dad isn’t the cool guy anymore but I reached out every single day and you definitely didn’t answer. I invited you to visit so many times and you never would. So cut your mom some slack because if you’re giving me that treatment, I can only imagine it’s the same for her.”
“Fine,” you grit out, trying to ignore how he may have had a point about why your relationship had soured. You sort of started ignoring him but you’d been busy and he needed space to work through his crap, hadn’t he?
“And for the record, it’s possible to still love someone but not want to be married to them ever again.” You stared at him, his shoulders sagging. “I don’t want to deal with an attitude all the time and you don’t want me to be a grump that hounds you every day. Can we try a clean slate? Pretend this afternoon didn’t happen?”
“Alright. We can try.”
The Next Day
You rubbed your jaw as you sat on the hard bench outside of the principal’s office. You had to hand it to Mara Hoyt. The little bitch knew how to throw a right hook. You guess that’s what happened when the star softball pitcher decided she hated your guts all because her boyfriend said hi to you on your first day.
On her own, you could have handled that. But this school was cliche central and the mean popular girl got all her mean popular friends to start bullying you after that. You were honestly surprised it took a whole eight days for things to get physical.
She was already in the office with her parents, crying the blues about how awful you were and bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Shit, you hadn’t even touched the girl yet you were the one the school resource officer threw a pair of cuffs on. 
The sharp skid of a rubber sole against linoleum made both you and the officer turn your heads, your dad staring at you both wide eyed.
“Todd, get those cuffs of her or so help me,” growled your dad, storming over. 
“Sir? What are you-”
“How many Arlen’s do you think there are in this town? That’s my daughter,” he grit out. Todd moved at lightning speed the second he had the keys out of his pocket, apologizing to his boss and not you. You had to fight to not roll your eyes. You had a feeling with the way your dad’s face looked murderous that wouldn’t go over well.
“Excuse me,” said the vice principal, coming out to the hall with a stern expression. “Why is she uncuffed? She attacked-”
“Sheriff Beau Arlen,” said your dad with a scary undertone in his voice, neglecting to offer his hand. “Y/N’s father and Chief of police over at the station. We don’t cuff seventeen year old girls unless they’ve committed a crime. Now, if after our discussion and I hear all the facts it turns out she did, I’ll cuff her myself and take her down for booking. Am I clear?”
The vice principal narrowed his eyes but said nothing, holding the door open. You trudged inside, your dad hot on your heels. You sat in the empty chair in front of the desk, Mara doing a good job of looking like a sobbing mess in the one nearby.
“Mr. Arlen?” the principal asked. He hummed, finding a spot along the wall and leaning against it with crossed arms, his eyes shooting to Mara. “I’m afraid we’ll have to suspend Y/N for attacking Mara for five days out of school.”
“And we’re pressing charges, even if you are the sheriff,” said a snotty woman. 
God were you working hard to not flip that whole family off. You were about to open your mouth and try to give your side of the story when you saw your dad’s face and his finger wag at you.
Uh oh. 
“Where do we want to begin? The way this school only got one students side of the story-”
“There are witnesses,” cut in the vice principal, your dad holding up a hand.
“Let me guess, Mara’s friends?” he shot back, clenching his jaw, returning his focus to the principal. “Now I know for a fact my daughter is getting bullied by this girl and her friends every single day since she started last week.”
You swallowed. You hadn’t told him that. How had he known?
He stepped forward, putting his hands on the back of your chair, leaning over it so you felt his chest against the top of your head.
“Do we want to start with the blatant bullying? Or perhaps with Mara?” he asked, turning his head to her, shooting her parents a glare. “You know, the one who actually did the attacking.”
“My daughter did no such thing,” snapped her dad. You felt your dad reach an arm around, gently grasping your forearm and holding it up.
“One girl has only defensive injuries. Bruises, nail marks. The other has scrapped knuckles, two broken fingernails and can’t look me in the eye. Guess which one is which,” growled your dad, his hand still gentle as he lowered your arm to your lap. Mara’s parents didn’t look like they were about to backdown though.
“There are witnesses. This is ridiculous. Mara acted in self-defense then,” said her mom. You glanced at the principal, his words caught in his throat and you couldn’t help but smile for a moment.
“Oh so now her story is changing?” poked your dad.
“No!” said her mom. “Your daughter said something so vile and threatening-”
“To her bully? Did Y/N say something like that to you Mara? Did she say something because her bully’s been so mean to her?”
“Don’t speak to our daughter!” shouted her dad. Mara glanced at you, as if you’d somehow help her. Meanwhile this was turning out to be the best day of your new school yet.
“I don’t hear her denying she was bullying Y/N? In fact, I don’t hear her saying anything. If it’s so abhorrent and you felt in so much danger, why don’t you tell us all what it was that made you act in self-defense, hm?” said your dad, his focus narrowed in on Mara. 
She was so fucked and she knew it. 
“I said don’t-”
“Alec,” interrupted the vice principal, his focus turned onto Mara as well. “Mara. Answer the question.”
But she couldn’t. She was floundering, face turning red under the interrogation. 
“Tell the truth and the Arlen family,” growled your dad, pointed straight back at her parents, “Will not press any charges.”
Mara contorted her face before throwing her hands up. “She called me insecure and said I should get help for that so I got mad and punched and kicked her.”
“And why did she call you that?” cut in your dad, laser focused on Mara. She closed her eyes, lowering her head. “Mara.”
“Because I’ve been bullying her because my boyfriend said hi to her and said we should get to know her because she’s new but I know he just wants to get in her pants so I told all my friends to keep her away from him no matter what.”
“I expect an apology,” he said. She looked up, eyes full of unshed tears. “Oh, not to me.”
“I’m sorry,” she said quietly, barely looking at you.
“Thanks. I don’t accept it and that is perfectly within my rights,” you said. 
“Regardless, Mara you’re suspended for five days out of school. Y/N, you’re suspended for two. We have a zero tolerance policy on fighting,” said the principal.
“She didn’t fight,” said your dad, his voice stern. 
“It’s a rule,” said the principal.
“Fine,” said your dad, grabbing your bicep and pulling you to your feet. “Let’s go get lunch out, maybe catch a movie.”
You couldn’t hide the smile on your face as he led you out, his hand falling away when he looked over his shoulder. “Three more things. One, I fully expect punishments for the students that lied about what they saw. Two, I hear of anymore bullying happening at this school to any kid, I will make it my personal mission in life to get you fired and three? You people get your daughter in therapy sooner than later because that’s the sort of thing that gets her tossed in jail when she’s older.”
He tossed your backpack over his shoulder as he led you out to the hall, hand on your back leading you towards the front doors. You grinned as you stared, his face blank when he opened the door to fresh air.
“That was fucking awesome,” you said, jogging down the steps and over to the truck. “You went full cop mode and scared the shit of her! That was-”
“Are you okay?” he asked when you sat in the passenger seat. You tilted your head when he cupped your cheeks, running his thumb over the scuffed up skin on the left. “We need to clean that.”
He pushed up your short sleeves, finding more bruises, a few older ones, before trailing down to your nicked up arms.
“Y/N, I know you’re a good kid that doesn’t like to get in trouble but promise me something?” You nodded when he fixed your braid behind your ear. “Next time someone touches you without permission, you lay their ass out.”
“You told me I shouldn’t hit people.”
“Yeah, well the little bitch would have deserved it.” Your jaw dropped into a grin, his attempt at holding a blank face faltering, a smile creeping up. “Yeah, I know I said not to call people that but that kid’s a psycho waiting to happen. Promise me?”
“I promise,” you said, getting a kiss on the forehead. “How’d you know I didn’t start the fight?”
“I know you. I also know there would have been no fight because if you had thrown the first punch, that girl would be knocked out.” He stroked your cheek again and sighed. “No headache? Anything like that?”
“She punches like a pussy.” He closed his eyes, shaking his head. “Too far?”
“Just a tad. Come on. Let’s go enjoy your suspension.”
Later That Evening
“Alec’s my second cousin, such a dickhead,” said one of dad’s officer’s, the blonde woman named Jenny you’d seen last night. “Mara’s always been awful.”
“Jenny,” chided your dad in his office, chowing down on some chinese takeout from behind his desk. You gave her a smile, eating from your carton as she set a file down in front of him. “Don’t be a bad influence.”
“If I were her, I would have decked the little shit,” said Jenny. Your dad rolled his eyes and read through the file, Jenny stealing a fortune cookie for herself. She leaned against his desk and offered you a smile. “So besides the school being crap thing and your dad dragging you to murder scenes, how do you like Montana so far?”
“Jenny,” he said again, glancing over the top of the file at her.
“It’s a lot less boring than I thought it’d be,” you said, offering her one of your egg rolls. 
“Thank you,” she said, popping it in her mouth, returning her attention to your dad. “Both vics had traces of a yellow substance in their air passages.”
“Rat poison?” you asked, both of them slowly turning their heads towards you. They stared blankly as you chewed. “It was in that new hunger games movie, they killed a guy with it.”
“Wow,” said Jenny as your dad closed his eyes. “That’s impressive.”
“I don’t even…” he sighed, rubbing his jaw as he flashed open his eyes. “So rat poison killed them. Why make it look like a murder suicide then? This person must have known we’d do autopsies.”
“Unless they didn’t,” you said, earning a glare from him. “Hey, people are dumb. You taught me that when I was like eight.”
“No, she has a point,” said Jenny, picking up her copy of the file and glancing through it. “Who is smart enough to use rat poison but dumb enough to not realize we’d find it and try to cover it up?”
“No one, that’s who,” said your dad. You bit into another eggroll and shrugged. He threw his hand back and groaned. “Fine. What’s your theory?”
“Well, a kid is dumb enough,” you said. “Maybe they watched that movie too.”
“Genius plan except that couple had no kids,” he said. You finished your bite and shrugged. “What?”
“Weren’t you the one that also told me people aren’t always what they seem and not to trust someone just because they were nice? They could have been whackjobs.”
Jenny cocked her head, glancing at your dad. “Kid has a point, Arlen. It was a large property. Entirely possible we missed something.”
“Fine. We’ll check it out first thing,” he said, nodding to you. “You might as well come along Ms. Detective, since you’re out ot school for a few days.”
“Good with me. As long as it’s not early. I don’t do early,” you said, a tiny smirk on his face that told you you’d be up at dawn.
The Next Afternoon
“What’s going to happen to him?” you asked as your dad drove you both home after a long morning. He was quiet for a beat. “Will he go to juvie?”
“Maybe. Maybe a hospital for people like him. Either way, it’s a better situation than he was in,” he said. He tapped the wheel, his lips pursed. “You know I don’t want you to be a cop right?”
“I know. It’s just…it’s easy to talk to you about your work,” you said. He nodded, turning off to the road just a minute drive from the house. 
“So can you rent this movie with the rat poison?” he asked. You stared, his eyes flickering over for just a moment. “I thought Katniss took out the capital. How can they have another movie?”
“It’s a prequel, about Snow.” 
“Whoa, Donald Sutherland Snow? They made a movie about that jackass?” 
“Well, she wrote another book and then they made it into a movie. It was really good cause you can see how he’s a complete narcissist and he goes from this actually mostly likable guy to the jackass in the other movies.”
“Okay, I definitely have to see this.” He pulled into the driveway, your gaze fixed on him when he turned the car off. “Unless you don’t want to watch it?”
“No I just…I miss when I’d make you watch the hunger games and you’d make me watch the dirty dozen and that was our thing.”
“Still our thing,” he said, brushing his thumb over the healing scrape on your cheek. “How’s that feeling today?”
“I told you, I’m fine.”
“I know, I know. I worry.” He opened the door and smiled as he popped out. “Alright little criminal. Go do that homework you ignored all day while I make us something to eat before our movie.”
“Really? Come on. I’m still suspended tomorrow. Can’t I do it over the weekend?” He looked up like he was thinking about it, a small smile crossing his face. “Thank you!”
“You’re helping me with dinner, missy.” You didn’t really mind that fact though. Making dinner together and watching a movie? That was normal for the two of you. 
A few hours later when you were bundled up under a blanket together on the couch and pressing start, you finally felt like it was a normal thursday night, no more tension or awkwardness in the air. And while murder investigations and school fights were certainly interesting, a little slice of normal again felt damn good.
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crushpunky · 1 month
when rafe picked up kook!reader for midsummers (midsummers part two)
Reader took a deep breath and looked at the clock again.
Rafe was going to be here soon to whisk her away to what he had deemed his “Best Midsummer Date Celebration Extravaganza”. He had been hyping himself up for the past week, bragging about how much he had spent on his tux, the dance lesson Rose had convinced (more like forced) him to take, and all of the time he spent cleaning his best dress shoes. She laughed to herself, picturing Rafe practicing his waltz steps in his sparkly shoes.
As she made her way downstairs she checked her phone to see if Rafe had texted. She hadn’t seen him at all the past two days, which was unusual for the pair. They had planned on meeting up but Rafe called her at the last minute saying he must’ve gotten food poisoning from the night before and couldn’t stop throwing up. Despite ordering the same thing as him (as she had for years), Reader felt perfectly fine. She didn’t bother to question it because, as often as Rafe got drunk and partied, he was never one to actually get sick. Luckily, by yesterday evening, he had texted her saying he was still on for Midsummers. 
The doorbell rang as Reader quickly went to answer the door. She had assumed it was one of the neighbors, as Rafe was a lot of things but early was never one of them. However, to her surprise, she opened the front door to the powder blue suit and flushed face of Rafe Cameron. They both locked eyes for a second before looking down at the other's outfit and meeting eyes again.
“Holy shit.” Rafe said, dropping his arm that held a gorgeous bouquet of flowers to his side. Reader felt her cheeks warm as she let out a bashful giggle. She had seen Rafe in a suit a million times, and he looked great every time. This time was different. This time he was picking her up and taking her out on a date. Not “as a date”, but “on a date”.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Cameron.” Reader laughed as Rafe’s eyes continued to look over her dress. Rafe was never shy about his affections, but something about seeing him speechless at the sight of her felt even better than any compliment he could give.
“The um— the blue looks very good…” Rafe stammered. “You look very good.”
“Thank you.” Reader said quietly, still feeling a bit overwhelmed by his reaction. Rafe blinked quickly before pulling the flowers back to his chest.
“Here,” Rafe handed the beautiful bouquet to Reader. “I got them from that shop downtown you like… Wheezy helped me pick them out.”
Reader smiled at the thought of Wheezy directing the tall boy through the flower shop, throwing bunches of flowers into his arms. She had done a great job though; lavender and baby's breath spun with beautiful, soft-hued blue lilies all wrapped together with a dainty baby-blue ribbon.
“Well you did a great job. Or Wheezy did at least.” Reader teased, turning to put the flowers into one of the empty vases that sat near the entryway.
“I told you I’d give you the best night of your life.” Rafe said with a shrug before offering out his arm to her.
“Well it’s off to a great start.” Reader grinned, hooking her arm into his. She looked over at Rafe’s silhouette against the setting sun, soaking in this moment and his sharp features as he led her to his car. Once they got to the passenger side, Rafe opened the door and guided her into her seat. She grinned as he closed the door gently before rushing around to the driver's side.
As she soothed her dress down she caught a glimpse of something on the dash: a white, powdery residue. Her heart dropped. Rafe had come to the door flushed, was he using again? She had sworn she hadn’t seen him high since he asked her to Midsummers… or had she? Maybe he was just getting better at hiding it. It wouldn’t be the first time she had caught him when he said he was clean…
“You ready to go, m’lady?” Rafe grinned, putting the keys into the ignition. Reader however, did not match his excitement.
“Rafe.” Reader said calmly, nearly a whisper.
“What? Are you okay? Did I forget something I can—”
“Are you high right now?” Reader said sharply.
“What?” Rafe scoffed.
“I said, are you fucking high right now?” Reader repeated firmly, turning towards Rafe. He scowled, putting the car into reverse.
“Jesus, I’m not fucking high right now. I would never drive high with you in the car, a’ight?” Rafe shook his head as they left the driveway and started towards the country club.
“Then what’s this shit on the dash, Rafe?” Reader said, trying her best to not allow the tears in her eyes to fall. She knew he was an addict but he had promised her tonight. Promised. Promises were so sacred between them, how could he?
“It’s—” Rafe sighed. “Alright fine, it’s coke. But it’s not mine. It’s Top’s. From this morning. I swear.”
“Do you seriously expect me to—” Reader scoffed.
“Yes! I expect you to believe me because I’ve been fucking clean for an entire week for you!” Rafe shouted. An entire week? For her? Sure.
“I would rather you just tell me if you’re fucking high. You know I hate it when you lie to me.” Reader said sharply. Rafe slammed on the breaks before pulling off to the side quickly.
“I’m not lying.” Rafe whispered, his hands still clenched on the wheel despite his soft tone. “I told you— I promised you— tonight and I’m going to fucking deliver. Ok? I’m not gonna fuck this up for you. I… I couldn’t forgive myself if I did.”
Reader sat there in silence, looking over at Rafe. His blue eyes looked at her sincerely, no sign of any dilated pupils or hazy glare despite what the powder covered surface might imply. He was right, he had promised her, and by the look on his face, she could tell he was struggling.
It all started to fall into line: his sluggishness the past week, his flushed appearance, and his “food poisoning”. He was in withdrawal.
“It wasn’t food poisoning you had, was it?” Reader said with an exhale.
“No. It wasn’t.” Rafe said quietly. Reader reached across the center console to take one of Rafe’s hands into her own. He could feel himself relax under her touch.
“I… I’m sorry, Rafe. I should’ve seen how hard you were trying, I was just being ungrateful and thought this was too perfect and—” Reader rambled, shaking her head.
“No, no, no.” Rafe said, reaching his hands up to cup the sides of Reader’s face, looking directly into her eyes with his own.
“You were right to… doubt me. It wouldn’t be the first time I lied about being clean.” Rafe whispered, running his fingers along her skin slowly as he spoke. In that moment, in his touch, she could feel the Rafe she remembered as a young boy. The Rafe who treated her like she was the best thing in the whole entire world. The Rafe who made her laugh more than he made her cry. The Rafe she had fallen in love with.
“Thank you, Rafe.” Reader said, taking his hands back from her face and holding them gently in her lap.
“You know I would try anything for you.” Rafe said, giving her hands a light squeeze. She could feel her heart swell at his words. He was right. He wasn’t perfect, but he would try to be. For her.
“Well…” Rafe broke the silence, placing one of his hands back onto the steering wheel, keeping the other grasped onto hers. “We should probably get going. We’re already about twenty minutes late.”
“Rafe Cameron! I knew you being early was too good to be true!” Reader teased, causing Rafe to flash her one of his signature grins before peeling back onto the road to the country club.
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orienteddreamerrr · 2 months
Imagine: Jinx helping you?💓
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(This came to mind as I had watched the “Enemy of my Enemy” Arcane clip! This may look a little bit rushed, I mean, it came onto my mind suddenly so I just went for it!)
(Jinx X Fem Reader!)
(All of a sudden, inspiration!)
Rating: PG for…angst and fluff!
All you could see was destruction around you. Bodies of those Piltover soldiers lay lifelessly around you. Another battle against them. Apparently, Jinx had overused her explosives a little, causing a chain reaction with her supply, making the whole building you were in explode. And you had gotten caught in the middle of it. You try to push yourself up with your arms but they felt weak…injured. Laying back down on the ground, you could see someone rush over to you, pulling you into their lap…it was Jinx. “Y/n! It’s okay! I’m here, I’m here!”, You glance up, seeing her worried pink colored eyes stare into your own. You can’t help but smile faintly. All you could do was whisper. “Jinx…I told…you not to overuse your...weapons…your ammunition...”, Jinx frowns slightly, pushing a strand of your hair out of your face. “I know, I know…I got carried away! But don’t worry! I’ll get you back on your feet!”, Jinx cradles your body, standing to her own feet as she carries you, bridal-style, your weight being nothing to her as she carries you back to her private quarters, at the “Last Drop”. Upon entering, she places you onto her bed, analyzing your body for any major wounds you may have.
Since there were none, with only a few cuts and bruises on your arm and head, Jinx grabs this syringe full of Shimmer, injecting it into your shoulder. You could feel the serum working as you cringe, with your cuts and bruises already starting to heal up. “There…that should do it…”, Jinx mutters to herself, proud of her “handiwork” as she puts the syringe away, grabbing a stool to sit nearby you. She grabs her gun, tooling away on it. “Y’know…we should do this more often…”, You sit up, hearing her words as you looks to her. “Saving each other’s ass?”, Jinx chuckles. “Yeah, yeah…something like that…I help you and you help me…a win-win kind of thing…”, You nod to her. “Mmm…I see…but I’m being real Jinx--”, You sit up fully to face her, your legs hanging off the bed. ”I don’t want anything to happen to you…”, Jinx nods, her face turning solemn as she puts her gun off to the side. “Yeah I know…same goes for you…”, She scoots her stool closer to you. “How do yah feel?”, You look to your arm, seeing your cuts were gone, the bruises fading away, also feeling your head to feel no cuts there either. “Better…”, Jinx takes your hand in hers. “No matter what…I’ll be here for you...–”, She gestures to you, wanting you to finish the sentence, as you can’t help but smile. "–And you’ll be here for me…”, Jinx wraps an arm around you, embracing you lightly before letting go, standing to her feet.
“Now, I’m off to go take care of some business…you need rest…the Shimmer will probably dissolve in an hour or two…and you’ll be on your feet in no time!”, She gently grasps your shoulder, making you lay back down onto the bed. “Just lemme know if you need anything…I’ll just be downstairs!”, You could only nod to her, feeling her give you a quick peck on the forehead, watching her as she leaves out the door. You could feel your exhaustion start to develop as your eyes grow heavy, starting to close them as you slowly drift into slumber. You were glad to be on Jinx’s side, being able to help her while she helped you in return. This would be a good outcome for the both of you.
The End!
Hopefully you enjoyed! If you liked it, then I thank you! It may be a bit rushed, but like I said, it went POOF onto my mind!
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fadingdaggerr · 9 months
Could you do Mel x reader where reader normally LOVES all things Christmas and gifting presents to people but this year she’s feeling down and just not as festive so Mel goes out of her way to give reader the most magical Christmas 🎄
Please and thank you! May you have the best day 🫶
frosted hymnal
pairing: melissa schemmenti x gn!reader
summary: generally the request above, however, there is definitely a different tone to this then what was asked for, bit more sad underneath | 4.1k
warnings: grief/loss (thematic - not in depth), hurt and immense comfort throughout to makeup for this sad
translations: bambino (baby), cara (dear), tua stellina (your little star)
note: this one is a bit personal to me, especially in the details and a family tradition i snuck in. i’m also not feeling very festive and ‘hell yeah christmas’ due to similar things i put in which is why this reads more h/c than holiday cheer oops
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Ever since that balmy night in August when you’d gotten a call from your aunt as you ate dinner, laughing at Melissa’s recount of her conversation with Barbara earlier in the day. As the phone cuts her off unexpectedly, you swallow your laughter as you say a greeting into the phone. Immediately, your smile drops and your eyes flick to Melissa’s, already red and a fist clenching and unclenching as you listen.
“Thank you for calling,” you say with a shaky voice, barely making it out before you gasped for breath. Another beat as your aunt says more to you, “yeah, I will. Love you, too. Bye.” The moment the call ends, your head falls into your hands and tears fall. Melissa is immediately next to you, pulling you into her. Her lips press into your hairline, just letting you lean on her and let it all out.
You’d just talked to your grandfather three days before.
For days after, you hardly spoke, ate, or even moved from the bed. Your arms stayed locked around Melissa unless she had to step away, only then would her pillow take her place. She barely knew what to do, most of her family were angry when in mourning, much like herself; she’d broken half her picture frames and almost her hand when she found out about her grandmother. This eerie silence, the lack of anything from you, it was different, and it scared her even if she didn’t want to admit it. It took days to get you downstairs, a week to get you into the sun in the backyard. Melissa just held you until you quietly asked to go with her to the store after two weeks, the same quiet tone that filtered into most gatherings since.
She’d noticed it at Thanksgiving, the silence and the empty stare when no one was interacting with you. First holidays are always the hardest, she’d felt the same when her Nana passed away, but that was years ago and she’d had everyone around her where your family was states away. You spent the holiday pressed into Melissa’s side, only speaking when spoken to, hand gripping hers for dear life. Aunt Deb tried not to look offended when you barely touched the famous apple pie that you usually inhaled.
It had been Grandpa’s favorite.
The silence and the stare never really went away as the table runners went from orange to red and green, apples and pumpkins became evergreens and snowflakes. Melissa tried to stay discreet in how she watched you detangle the gold beads that wrap around the tree, robotic movements and pursed lips. Slowly, she moved from the couch to the spot next to you with her ornaments and hooks, shuffling closer to you to gain your attention.
You turn to look at her for a moment, a tiny smile stretching your lips before your eyes go back to the beads in your lap. The redhead takes the chance to prop her chin on your shoulder, making you turn back to her again, tilting your head back to get a proper look at her. Cold fingers brush her hair behind her ear while you admire her, a low voice speaking to her for the first time in an hour, “hi, pretty.”
“Hi, amore,” she murmurs back, a gentle kiss placed to your shoulder over your sweater, “you’re awfully quiet over here by your lonesome.”
You huff a little laugh through your nose, “I’m sorry, I’ve just been spacing out while I untangle these damned things,” you hold up the beads, “seriously, did you tie these in knots before I put them in the attic last year?”
“All part of my secret plan to keep you here forever,” she jokes as she shoves the ornaments away to help you with detangling.
Melissa delights in the first smile she’s seen from you all day as you shake your head at her answer. Leaning in quickly, you press a kiss to her cheek and quietly say, “like I was planning on going anywhere.”
Half of The Apartment and two glasses of wine later, you both finally get the beads untangled and wrapped around the tree. Basic ornaments went first, then the intricate ones that had been gifted by Barbara from the craft store were next, followed by the more personal ones with names, dates, and pictures within. A fireplace ornament with a photo of you two in it made you pause and let a little smile on your face, but it dropped when you remembered who had taken the picture and hand written your names on the bottom. Melissa sees the warmth in you go cold, taking the ornament from your hands and placing it on a branch for you, front and center.
“Hon, we can hold off on this if you need us to,” she says with a gentle tone, as if the right volume would shatter you into pieces. Melissa had watched you sluggishly place ornaments on the tree, for every three she got on there, you’d only put up one. The blank stare that had appeared at Thanksgiving was even more pronounced, and every conversation about holidays and holiday shopping had been borderline dismissed unless absolutely necessary.
The sigh she gets as an initial answer is less than desirable for a response. You turn away to grab a penguin on skis, breathing out a real answer, “it’s fine, babe, really. I just want to get this over with.”
That was certainly not what she expected. She normally had to hold you back from decorating before Halloween even ended, by the last trick-or-treater you already had a plan for the decor for the winter months. Sure you’d brought down the boxes for her, not letting her help at all since she always complains about her back afterwards, and yeah, you pulled out the Ella Fitzgerald Christmas album, but only at her request. There was no bounce in your steps, no obnoxious lovely singing of carols, not even the reindeer antler headband had made an appearance when decorating. As much as she poked fun at you for all of it, she found herself missing it more than anything at this moment. Simply hungering for your unbridled joy during the season.
Even though her own shoulders deflate, Melissa steps towards you, arms wrapping around your middle. Immediately she feels you give into her, leaning fully and melting into her arms. Her lips pressed to the side of your head, “it’ll get done anyways. Why don’t we take a break? We have the weekend, honey.”
“Can we just finish it now?” you murmur as if you’re afraid she’ll get mad. In truth, you just want it to be over so that you don’t have to think about it anymore, pretend the holiday isn’t even happening. You turn in her arms and move your hands to hold her face, “I just want to lay down and watch movies with you all weekend and eat the cookie dough that’s in the freezer.”
“That dough is for my students, so keep your grubby little hands away from it,” she jokes to lighten your mood, which works fractionally given your soft laugh. She leans to kiss your cheek, “how about I’ll make some brownies while you wrap this up?” She gestures to the remaining ornaments on the coffee table. Your nod and smile have more life to them, making her grin and press a short kiss to your lips, pulling away despite your insistence to make it last.
She watches you from the doorway for a moment, watching you stare at the tree as you mentally mapped where the ornaments should go, almost akin to your usual behavior. Melissa takes the distraction and runs with it, calling your aunt as she pulls out cocoa powder and sugar.
Melissa keeps her voice low as she asks your aunt questions, and slows down as she repeats her address for your aunt. The next call she makes is to her own mother, knowing that Giorgia is near god-level when it comes to sewing, having made every blanket and bunny for her grand and great-grandchildren.
The night ends with only half of the brownie she gave you being eaten while you lay on top of Melissa, head tucked into her neck and a tight grip on her shirt. She resides herself to the knowledge her back will hurt in the morning, but your steady breathing and weight against her was enough to not care.
The last day of school before winter break arrives, finally. The next two weeks were going to give Melissa the peace she had been waiting for, especially for you. Half of her lunch today was spent worrying about you when you came in late with redlined eyes, evidence of your tears in the corner of your eye. You waved off concerned glances and questioning looks, just giving a look to your girlfriend that you would tell her later. Under the table, she knocks her foot with yours and keeps it there, a silent I got you.
Getting out of the car, you immediately turn when Melissa doesn’t join you, “where are you going?”
“I gotta run over to Ma’s, I’ll be back in twenty minutes,” she says, crossing her fingers that you won’t press more, “I promise.” Your eyes give her a once over before you nod and turn back towards the house. She pipes up again, trying to ease the guilt of not being able to spill the beans, “no kiss?”
You laugh from your spot at the front door, calling over your shoulder, “you can come collect when you get home, ditcher.”
At her mother’s she is given the creation already wrapped since it was “perfect” and looking would be “questioning the genius at work,” so she doesn’t peek, knowing her mother adored you too much to have screwed this up. Pulling into the driveway, she moves quickly to not gain your attention, slipping inside to run upstairs before the door even shuts. She hides the box in the spare bedroom closet, praying that you won’t feel the need to remake the whole bed over the weekend.
As she descends and joins you back in the kitchen, she sees your rigid posture as you stand over the stovetop. Soup. You always make soup when you’re sad, always watching it simmer and bubble, stirring near constant like the spoon is pushing your thoughts around and not the vegetables. Before she can wrap herself around you, you’re already turned to the side with an arm out, inviting her into your embrace. Melissa quickly accepts, taking the moment to bury herself in your neck, holding your waist tight as one of your hands rests on her back, the other still stirring.
“What happened at lunch?” she asks from her hiding place, pressing a soft kiss to your jaw.
Your blunt nails scratch her upper back as you speak, “Tamika gave me a card and was telling me all about her Christmas plans this year.” There it was. Tamika lived with her grandparents, and Melissa remembers from when she was her student that the girl was very close with her grandfather, always talking about their weekend adventures. You sigh as you play with amber waves, “I just needed time to cool down before I came to lunch. If I came in crying, I would probably still have Janine glued to my hip right now.”
Melissa just squeezes you tighter, “text me next time, won’t you? I could’ve been there for you, you don’t have to do this ‘suffer in silence’ bullcrap.”
“I know-”
“I don’t wanna hear it. You need me, you get me. Got it?” Despite her serious words, her tone is soft, telling you that she means every word, and that these words are coming from her heart.
“Yes ma’am,” you mumble, kissing her hair as she tucks into you more.
Christmas Eve at the Schemmenti house was loud, very, very loud. Melissa’s eyes were drawn to you every few minutes, gauging your reactions and facial expressions, knowing full well you’ll put on a face for everyone else that only she can see through. Her heart beat speeds up as she sees no sign of anything on your face as the nieces and nephews are practically climbing you like a jungle gym, all vying for your uninterrupted attention. When Giorgia finally allows everyone into the kitchen again, you enter with Michael over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes, plopping him into his booster seat as he giggles and squirms.
Falling into your designated seat in between the toddler and Melissa, you’re met immediately with a hand squeezing your thigh. You can feel the silent question in her touch, responding with your own squeeze of her hand, an answer telling her that yes, you’re okay. Giorgia captures your attention as she passes the bolognese over to you, but Melissa’s eyes stay on you and the crinkles around your eyes.
“Bambino,” Girogia says later on, pulling your eyes away from the kids playing together, “you’ve barely touched the tiramisu, I know it’s your favorite. Not even a second slice?” Leave it to Giorgia to ask you how you are without actually saying the words.
“Ma,” Melissa begins to warn, but stops as your hand falls on top of her on the table.
“I’m okay, mamma,” you say with a little smile at her concern, “I just don’t wanna eat too much of one thing and not get to enjoy the rest.” Unconvinced, but knowing not to pry, she cuts out another square of the desert and puts it on your plate. There is no room for refusal, so you dig your fork in and pray to whoever may be watching that neither woman notices your hand shaking. As the kids open their singular gifts for Christmas Eve, there’s a notable lack of smile on your face, unless one of the kids is looking right at you. The smile seems to come out easiest for them, but Melissa can see how quickly it falls once the attention is gone. She wonders if you’ve been doing the same around her when she’s been able to get a smile from you the last few days.
Everyone began leaving shortly after, most of the kids getting tired and cranky. Though she was half asleep in her father’s arms, Nicolette made a point to drag herself over to you to hug tightly before she left, barely wanting to let go. Vinny has to pry her off of you with a promise that she’ll see you in a week for New Year’s, though you end up having to give her a pinky promise to seal the deal. Melissa thinks that may have been the most you’ve smiled in months.
Once the kids and cousins are all gone, the redhead allows herself to drape across you, mumbling into your ear, “ready to go home?” She gets a nod as a response, your eyes shutting as you bask in her touch for a few selfish seconds. Saying goodbye to Giorgia, though never a want, was a must by the end of the night, your off-behavior making it that two Schemmenti women had eagle eyes set on you. Two big kisses to the cheek and a ciao set you free from the house, Melissa’s hand only ever disconnects from yours as you get into the car.
That night, Melissa and you lay in bed watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas while you braided little sections of her hair, releasing them and rebraiding every few minutes. Your fingers trailed from her hair for her forehead, gently gliding down to her chin to tilt her face up towards you. Her lips stretch into a smile as she watches you look down at her in adoration, eyes soft and searching over her face. Leaning over her in your lap, you relish in her smile growing at the sudden closeness.
She pushes up, pressing her lips to your shortly. Sitting up and turning to face you, she kissed you again, pushing you back into the pillows. Melissa’s hands gripped your hips while yours came to her face, thumbs gently caressing her warm skin. Whining as she pulls away becomes laughter when she presses kisses across your face, settling a last kiss to your lips.
You stay cupping her face as you take your turn to stare up at her. In a quiet voice, as if you were afraid to ruin the moment, you say, “I’m sorry for being such a downer lately.”
A kiss to your cheek, “you’re not a downer, you’re grieving. It just feels different this year and it sucks. You can be all sad, and I get to hug and spoil you without you complaining about it.”
“Name one time I complained about you kissing me, I’ll wait,” you say with fake indignation, before she can answer, you cut her off, “you can’t, don’t even try.” When she laughs, you feel it as you still hold her face, staring up at her dumbfounded.
“What?” she asks when she notices that difference in your gaze.
Your thumb brushes over her bottom lip, catching slightly, “I just love you so, so much.”
“I love you, too,” her lips press to your thumb. Her eyes shift to the clock on her nightstand, 12:02 AM stares back at her, “merry Christmas, baby.”
Your only response is pulling her down to kiss her again.
The sun wasn’t even up yet, why the fuck did she think this was a good idea?
The better part of the early morning was spent desperately searching how to get her laptop connected to the TV, and God forbid the sound works one of these times. Melissa is just about to scream into a throw pillow before the screen lit up and the tester video finally played through the speakers. She got her present for you all situated, wondering how the ones for her got there without you waking her up, she’d both fallen asleep and woken up on top of you. After what felt like six hours but was only two, she slowly moves upstairs to wake you up, but is met with you groggily sitting up in bed.-
“I’m surprised you’re up already,” she says as she moves closer to you, her arms raising to rest on your shoulders. Your own go around her waist, pulling her in until she’s straddling your lap, hands pushing under her shirt to warm against her torso.
“It was too quiet, no one was snoring in my face,” you mumble, smile stretching across before wincing as she smacks your shoulder, “you wound me, I may never recover.”
She can’t hide her laugh, “if this ends with you saying the cure is taking my shirt off, it is too fucking cold in here and you can stay wounded.”
“I thought you loved me,” you huff as you flop back down on the bed.
Melissa leans over you, “would breakfast and presents work?”
“She really does love me,” you say with a giggle as you push up to kiss her quickly before patting her thigh to ease her off of you.
When you walk downstairs, you almost completely walk past the TV without noticing half your family on the screen, waving as they see you. Nearly jumping out of your skin makes them laugh, but your attention goes to Melissa. She just points at the laptop, showing you that the call is live, that your family is sorta-here for the holiday. There’s heavy effort that goes into making sure you don’t start crying on the spot, overwhelmed by the work that you know Melissa put into getting everyone on the call together.
“Merry Christmas guys,” you say, waving at your nephews as they start cramming into the camera, desperately trying to reach you through the screen.
“Aunt Mellie said we surprising you,” the oldest one yells, grinning with a front tooth growing in.
You smile, hands almost reaching like you wanted to grab him, “oh, you did, you totally did, buddy.” Turning back to Melissa you walk into her opening arms, needing to express the love for her that felt like Coke and Mentos in your chest. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” you murmur into her neck as she sways you from left to right.
The rest of the morning is spent watching the kids open their presents from you and Melissa on the video call, listening to your cousins, aunts, and uncles update you on everything, and staring at Melissa as she talked easily with your family. She’s so good with them, and more importantly, they’re good with her, most of the little kids already prefer her to you anyways. Who are you to complain, you already know she’s the best.
When everyone hangs up, the tears in your eyes are no longer sad, but happy, carefree. Melissa put an arm around your shoulders, “have a good morning, hon?”
“You did all that for me,” it’s not really a question, moreso a statement of disbelief.
She nods, “I got one more thing, even though it does break the ‘only a stocking’ rule.” Your face screams unimpressed, she’s the one who said if it couldn’t fit in a stocking, neither of you could get it for the other. Before you can argue she amends her statement, “there was no purchase involved, cross my heart.” That seems to get the irritation off your face.
From behind the tree, she pulls out a box in ice blue wrapping paper, paper you recognized from her mother’s house. You eye her carefully, but her face gives nothing away, only the fidgeting of her sleeves says that this was a big deal to her. Carefully, you undo every piece of tape, pulling out a which box. Melissa’s hand urges you to open the box, nodding at you even though her eyes stay trained on the lid until your hand begins to open it.
In the box is a teddy bear, a worn-maroon color, tortoise shell buttons for eyes. Your thumb runs over the fabric, eyes flicking across it as the bear starts to feel familiar. Raising it to your nose and inhaling, there’s a lingering scent of wood and shoeshine, and this indescribable smell that brought you back to hanging clothes on the line at your grandparents house. It was his shirt, it was your grandfather’s lucky shirt. He’d worn this shirt the day you were born, when each of the grandkids graduated high school or college, and to every anniversary date with grandma.
Tears fall down your cheeks freely. Looking up at Melissa, she seems unsure of what to do, finding it hard to look at you while you look at the bear. Flying out of your seat, you launch yourself at Melissa, knocking her backwards onto the couch, “thank you. Thank you so much. This is so... you’re too perfect, thank you.”
“I’m glad you like it,” she answers as she holds you to her tightly.
“I love it,” you press a kiss to her skin. You trace your finger over the stitching on the arm, recognizing the pattern, “did your mom do this?”
“She did. I called your aunt and asked her to send a shirt, and gave it to Ma at a dinner a few weeks ago to make into a bear or rabbit or whatever she could with the material,” Melissa clears her throat, “this way, you can give the old man a hug whenever you need one.” The sincerity and adoration in her gift, her words, her actions, were all too much. She felt a choked sob against her as fresh tears fell, mutterings of I love you from both of you.
The cocoa on the table went cold, the breakfast she was going to make completely forgotten. Melissa was never one to care this much about what she got from or gave to other people during the holidays, truthfully she threw out almost everything anyone by you or Barbara gave her, save for the pencils from her students. Sure the novelty items were great, and the scratch tickets weren’t bad either, but she liked the look on your face seeing that bear more than anything she’d ever get.
This was everything. You in her arms, holding onto her, kissing her face everywhere as the appreciation and love for her overflowed into the living room. Nothing else has or will ever matter as much as this, as much as you with her in this moment.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” she whispers into the space between you.
“Merry Christmas, gorgeous,” you answer, closing that space.
happy holidays my angels, love u all ❄️
as always, feedback appreciated <3
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thedeviltohisangel · 4 months
“You’re mine.” “I’m yours. Only yours.”
with bucky being respectfully and consensually possessive of cass when harding or some random slimy gross man flirts with her on base or after the war. just her reassuring him that there is no man on earth quite like bucky egan and she'd be a fool to let him think otherwise
I went with slimy gross man after the war. I kind of wanted to do Cass' first time out post twins? Let us dive in...
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Cass looked at the two snuffling little babies in their bassinets with a deep sigh. Was it really worth an entire night away from them? Could she really handle going out to dinner without them? Getting drinks and dancing all the while knowing they were at home and probably missing her?
"Baby, I know that look on your face." John came out of their closet adjusting his cufflinks. "Both Alice and Joan are staying with them and Butter is here as their guard dog. Everything will be fine." Butter nudged at her hand, Cass moving it to scratch behind his ear as he rested against her thigh.
"I know I can't stay cooped up forever but what if they need something that only I can give them? What if they think I've abandoned them for a martini and some music?" Her husband brought her into his arms and kissed her lips like he wanted to do more.
"We don't have to go if you aren't comfortable. You say the word and we put our pajamas on and dance to the record player downstairs and watch these two until we fall asleep." He meant it. The reservation would be forgotten and they'd have their date night right here in this house. All John really wanted was to hold her and tell her how much he loved her. Anywhere he could do that was alright in his book.
"No, you've been looking forward to this for days and I bought a new dress and we haven't had time with just ourselves in so long." He lovingly patted her bottom.
"You make me so happy," he whispered, "I love you so much, Cass. So much."
"I love you, too, my Johnny. More than words could ever really describe." Love had taken on a new meaning for them both since the birth of their children. It had expanded in a way to include the new additions and demonstrate what the love of a parent was but contracted to tighten around this inner circle. It was denser and covered more, provoked a new level of protectiveness in them they weren't aware even existed. And watching Cass become a mother to their babies and John become a father in kind...they didn't know there was another inch of the other to fall in love with but they were finding new ways every day.
"My beautiful wife going to let this old lad take her out for dinner and dancing?" It was so normal that it hurt his chest. Sometimes John had to remind himself the war was over and he could simply take Cass out to dinner or for a nightcap.
"And she wants dessert."
"My wife can have her cake and eat it too."
Dinner was perfect. They giggled and sat on the same side of the booth so they could kiss and cuddle whenever they pleased. John had her laughing so hard she couldn't breathe and he had buried his blushing face in her neck more than once with the way her tongue was playing with the straw of her drink.
They felt like little kids, lightheaded on love and drunk on their sips of cocktails, as he led her into the bustling club down the street. They could hear the band from outside and Cass ached to have John twirl her around on the dancefloor and kiss him senselessly while they were sweaty and their hearts thrummed.
"A reserved table? Lieutenant Colonel, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to get lucky tonight." She nodded politely as the host left, John holding her hand to help her up the tiny step of the raise floor that their table was on.
"Oh, I've gotten plenty lucky. Got the most gorgeous woman in the entire world on my arm tonight. The cutest little babies in the entire world sleeping peacefully at home. A mischievous dog who I sometimes have staring contests with but do love at the end of the day." Cass pulled him so he stood between her legs.
"Wait until I tell him you said that."
"He'll be indifferent." She giggled and kissed him. "You stay put, Mrs. Egan. I'm going to get you something to drink." Two pecks to her lips and he was slipping through the crowd to the bar. Her jaw dropped into her hand as she dreamily watched her husband from afar. She thinks he had a face that could launch a thousand ships.
"Aren't you a ravishing young lady." Her back straightened abruptly as she turned towards the unfamiliar male voice to her left.
"Excuse me?"
"Can I buy you a drink? Offer you a dance?" Cass looked down at her engagement ring and wedding band to be sure they were still snugly on her finger.
"No," she answered simply. In her mind she was praying this man took his leave before John returned. He never responded well to someone making her uncomfortable.
"Come on, sweets, it's just one drink." The man moved to touch her hand and she pulled it back quickly. Undeterred, he took a step closer. "Either you dance with me willingly or unwillingly. Your choice you little-"
"I beg of you, please finish that sentence." Drinks abandoned at the bar, John stood behind the man with a murderous tinge to his blue eyes. "Go ahead. Finish the sentence. Tell me what you were about to call my wife." Both John and Cass were aware that she could handle herself. He had seen it firsthand and heard the stories of just how capable she was at handling herself. But she couldn't help the soar of her heart whenever he was like this. Her shield. Her partner. Her protector.
"Look, man, I didn't know she was-" The rest of the excuse died in his throat as John palmed the back of his head and pushed until the man's forehead bounced off the edge of the table.
"Didn't know she was my wife? Because you don't respect her enough on her own?" John dropped the grip on his hair he had and the man folded onto the floor. He crouched down and looked him in the eye. "I belong to her. And it enrages me when people disrespect her. Even more when it's pieces of shit like you."
"I'm sorry, I-" John tutted his tongue.
"Not to me. You look her in the eyes and apologize and if I don't think you mean it, we'll do this song and dance until either I crack your fucking skull or I believe you. Got it?" The man nodded and nearly whimpered his apology to Cass. John looked at her, silently asking if it was enough or if she needed him to say it again. She tilted her head to the right to signal to let him go which John did so reluctantly.
"C'mere, my love," Cass beckoned until her arms were around his neck. "Thank you for protecting me."
"You're mine," he whispered sinfully against her lips, his kisses a featherlight touch as they traced her skin.
"Yours. Only yours," she whispered back.
John made sure to kiss her in a way where no one would question they belonged to each other the rest of the night.
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finnsbubblegum · 2 years
Becoming Mrs. Miller {Part 3: The Proposal} (Joel Miller x Reader)
Pairing: pre-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, use of (y/n), reader as mother figure, domestic joel, period talk (lmk if i missed any)
Summary: It had been a few months since you moved in with Joel and Sarah, you were slowly  becoming a mother figure to Sarah. Joel realized how much he loved you and asked you to marry him.
Words count: 1k A/N: Hi! This is a part 3 of Becoming Mrs. Miller. But it can also be read as a standalone. I might make more chapters too! Stay tuned and hope you like it!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
It had been three months since you moved in with Joel and Sarah. You were washing the dishes and you heard Sarah scream from upstairs. You dropped the plate and ran upstairs. 
“What’s wrong?” You tried to catch your breath.
“Baby? Open the door. What’s going on?” Joel was already there knocking the bathroom door.
“I want (y/n)!” Sarah cried.
Joel gestured to you to talk to her. He crossed his arms and leaned on the wall.
“Sarah? Darling? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” You moved closer to the door so she could hear you.
“I-I think I’m dying.” She cried.
You guessed she just got her first period. You chuckled and looked at Joel.
“I think I left the tap open. Why don’t you help me turn it off?” Joel understood this was women's thing so he went to the kitchen.
“Sarah? Will you open the door for me?” You held the door handle.
“Is dad there?” 
“No. He’s downstairs.”
Sarah unlocked the door and let you in. She sat on the toilet seat and showed you her underwear.
“Am I gonna die?” She looked at you with tears welling in her eyes.
“No, baby. You just got your first period.” You smiled and crouched to be the same height as her.
“What’s that?”
“It’s uh- It’s normal. Every woman has it every month. As a woman, we bleed for a few days every month. Sometimes it’s 5 days or 7 days. It depends. Then the cycle goes on, and you will get it again next month.”
“So I’m not gonna die, right?”
“No, honey. You’re not gonna die. You’re a woman now.” You chuckled and caressed her back.
“So, if you get your period, you wear this.” You took your pads from the cabinet and passed it to her.
“What is this?” Sarah got confused.
“It’s a sanitary pad. It’s to absorb the blood. You wear it like this.” You taught Sarah how to wear it. 
“There’s actually other types like tampons and others. But I prefer this one. I can buy you the others and see which one you feel comfortable with.” 
Sarah nodded.
“Does your stomach hurt?” You hold Sarah's shoulder.
“Kind of.” She squeezed her stomach.
“Okay. Why don’t you lay on your bed and I’ll get you something.” You tapped her shoulder and left to the kitchen.
“Everything’s good?” Joel was worried.
“Yeah, everything’s fine. Sarah just got her first period. She’s an adult now.” You smirked.
“Oh.” Joel put his hands on his pocket awkwardly. 
You found the medicine box and got painkillers for Sarah. 
“I gotta give her this.” You showed the painkillers to Joel and moved your way upstairs.
“Hey, here. Drink this. It’ll help relieve the pain.” You sat on the edge of Sarah’s bed. 
Sarah got up and drank the medicine you gave her. 
“Thank you, (y/n). I wouldn’t know what to do if you weren’t here. Dad would have freaked out.”
You smiled and stroked her hair.
“Why don’t you get some sleep? Find me if you need anything, allright?” You tucked in Sarah.
“Okay, good night (y/n).” Sarah closed her eyes.
“Good night.” You kissed her forehead and closed the door slowly.
You walked to your bedroom. Joel flinched and hurriedly closed the drawer beside the bed.
“Did I just catch you doing something?” You raised one of your eyebrows.
“No.” Joel’s eyes moved from side to side avoiding eye contact.
“What is it? Porn magazine?” You teased him.
“Ugh- It’s nothin’.” 
“It’s okay. I won’t force you to show me.” You laughed and made your way to the bathroom.
You took a few minutes doing your nighttime skincare before going to bed. You sighed as you climbed to bed. Joel was sitting on the bed with his hands behind his head leaning on the headboard.
“Thank you.” Joel suddenly thanked you.
“For what?” You held your head with your hands to look at him.
“For everythin’. You take care of Sarah like your own. I wouldn’t know what to do if you weren’t here. I would have freaked out.” 
“Sarah told me that.” You chuckled.
“She did?” 
“Baby..” Joel’s heart was beating faster.
“Thank you for showing up in my life. Sometimes I wish I met you sooner.” He sounded so serious so you got up into a sitting position.
“You’re beautiful, you’re kind, pure, loving, and…you’re the most perfect woman I’ve ever met. You’re like an angel that God has sent to me. And of course the sex with you is AMAZING.” He chuckled.
You giggled and your eyes were watery. You were touched by his praise.
“I don’t want to lose you. I want to keep you mine forever. I know Sarah is a lot happier since you’re around. I am too. And today, what you did to Sarah..it-it made me even sure that you will be the best mother and wife in this world.” He took your hand and kissed it.
Happy tears falling down your cheeks. You knew where this was going. Joel wiped your tears with his thumb. Joel turned to the drawer next to the bed and extended his hand to open it. He took out a navy blue velvet ring box.
You gasped and closed your mouth with both of your hands.
“Joel..” You cried.
“I was actually going to propose to you in a more romantic way. Fancy dinner, roses, balloons, and a band. Not just in our bedroom with nothin’. But I couldn’t wait anymore. I want to put a ring on your finger and make you mine forever. I love you so much. (y/n), will you marry me?” He opened the ring box to you.
“Yes!Yes! It’s always yes!” You jumped to him and hugged him tightly.
“Thank you.” Tears falling down from Joel’s eyes as he kissed you.
Joel took your left hand and put the ring on your ring finger.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you.” You raised your hand up and admired the ring he gave you.
“Spent two hours in the store for that.” Joel put his hand on the back of his neck.
“Well, that two hours is well spent.” You smiled at him.
Joel kissed your temple, put his arms around you and laid down on the bed with you.
“So, I’m officially Mrs. Miller now?” You caressed his chest.
Joel chuckled and rested his chin on top of your head.
To be continued...
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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heeluvviee · 1 month
one; summer house
pairing; conrad!heeseung (17) x belly!reader (16) x jeremiah!jake (17) x cam cameron!jungwon (16)
genre; mostly written + smau, tsitp au, romance, angst, fluff, heartbreak, unrequited love, childhood friends to lovers, love square, love triangle, non-idol au
synopsis; every summer, your family returns to jina's beach house at cousins beach, a tradition since childhood. this year, as you reconnect with jina's sons, heeseung and jake, you notice a change in their interactions with you. gazes lingering longer, hugs feeling tighter, sparking a summer filled with unexpected feelings and the potential for long-awaited romance. leaving you to wonder if this season might be the one where everything changes, maybe to finally bring the romance you've always secretly hoped for all these years.
wc: 9.4k
《 previous | masterlist | next 》
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every summer, my family and i would pack up and travel to cousins beach. it's tradition, one that i looked forward to all year long. we have been going here since i was a baby. since before i was even born. the summer house belonged to my mom's best friend, jina, and we shared it with her family. all year long, i would count the days until i'm at that beach, at that house. the summer house is made up of lots of things. the beach, the swimming pool late at night, movie nights with the moms. but the boys. the boys most of all.
jina has two boys- heeseung and jake. heeseung's dad died before he was even born and eventually, jina remarried and had jake with mr. sim. heeseung was the older one, by a year and a half. he had that honey type of tan that made him look breathtaking and a smirky mouth that i always found my self staring at. sometimes even imagining what it would be like to kiss it. he was everything i wasn't- confident, outgoing, and effortlessly cool. jake, though- he was my friend. he's the type of boy who still hugged his mother and held her hand, not ever being embarrassed. he was way flirty though. he had that puppy golden retriever like personality. he’s easygoing, playful, quick to laugh. the one all the girls at school like.
it's the same every year, and i loved it. the house was my world. as if winter didn’t even count. summer was what mattered. like i don’t really begin living until june, until i’m at that beach, in that house.
for me, everything good, everything magical happens between the months of june and august.
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"chae, i thought you came here to help me pack." i laughed and jokingly rolled my eyes as chaewon continued to yap about boys, parties, balala.
"fine. here's a tip: don't bring that speedo. it doesn't do shit for your new boobs!!"
"kim chaewon!!" i exclaimed, nudging her playfully.
kim chaewon, my bestest and longest friend, was the literal definition of the it girl. she's a natural flirt, always drop dead gorgeous she made heads turn wherever she went. she's effortlessly popular, attracting guys like moths to a flame, boyfriend after boyfriend. her short, blonde hair, sparkling eyes, flawless skin, and perfect body made her the center of attention wherever she went. being around her was like being in the shadow of a celebrity, and sometimes, it really made me feel invisible.
"i'm just saying, babes," chaewon says with a mischievous grin. "if you wanna get heeseung's attention this summer, you gotta pack cute things. don't bring a swimsuit that looks like you're trying out for the swim team."
i tackled her with a laugh, and we both broke into a fit of giggles. my room was a mess, clothes and belongings scattered everywhere as i tried to pack my suitcase. posters of my favorite artists all over the walls, and fairy lights and vines hung around my bed, giving the room a cozy feel despite the chaos.
"y/n!! we’re leaving in the next 10 minutes!!!" my mom’s voice echoed from downstairs.
"okay, okay, before you go," chaewon said, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, " you have to tell me your wish for this summer. like, what is the one thing you want to happen." she looked at me wiggling her eyebrows.
i shrugged nonchalantly, "i don't know." even though the truth was far from that. i've been wishing for the same thing every summer, hoping it might come true someday.
chaewon snorted in disbelief. "you little liar. yes, you do. you want a hot make-out with lee heeseung!! you want his tongue in your mouth you dirty little slut!!"
"shut up, chae!" i blushed furiously, shoving her away playfully.
"i'm just saying!! like, you've been in love with him since we were 12. it's kinda obvious."
"whatever," i replied, trying to sound nonchalant even though i felt a pang of disappointment. "he doesn't even see me in that way at all no matter what i do."
"girl, he'll see you alright. whether he wants to or not. look at you—" chaewon gestured to me with a dramatic flair. "you look a lot different than last summer, y/n. i mean, just look at you."
her words lingered as i glanced at my reflection, wondering if this summer might be different after all. the thought was both exciting and nerve-wracking. chaewon was heading to madrid for the next few weeks until the end of june just in time for my birthday at cousins.
"do you really think he'll notice?" i asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
she walked over and put her arm over my shoulder, giving me a reassuring smile. "trust me, y/n. he will. and if he doesn't, he's a fool."
just then, sunghoon peeked into my room. "hey, are you two done with your little girly shit? we're gonna be late."
"almost, sunghoon!" i called back, giving chaewon a meaningful look.
"okay, y/n. you got this. and don't forget, have fun! it's summer. anything can happen."
i smiled, feeling a wave of determination. "thanks, chae. i'll miss you."
"i'll miss you too," she said, pulling me into a hug. "but don't worry. we'll catch up soon, and you can tell me what happens with you-know-who while i'm gone."
as she left, i felt a mix of emotions. excitement for the summer ahead, a little nervous to see heeseung, and a lingering sense of being overshadowed by chaewon's dazzling presence. but maybe, just maybe, this summer would be different. maybe this summer, i'll finally step out of her shadow and into the light, my own light.
with a deep breath, i zipped up my suitcase, ready to face whatever the summer had in store.
as i reflected on my feelings for heeseung and the upcoming summer, i couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.
"alright, let's go," i said to sunghoon, determination and excitement in my eyes.
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i loved this drive, where the salty air started to tickle my nose, signaling we were nearing the town. seeing the familiar streets and the old diner again felt like coming home after an endless journey, memories flooding my mind of past summers.
as we pull into a small gas station, sunghoon parked the car to fill up the tank. my mom and i get out to stretch our legs, heading into the store for snacks. the scent of gasoline mixed with the salty sea breeze created a unique aroma. the gas station was small and a bit rundown, but it had a certain nostalgia with its faded signs and ancient gumball machine by the door.
inside, the flourescent lights flickered slightly, and the cool air gave me a relieving welcome from the heat outside. i grab a coke, hot cheetos, sour patch kids, and nerds clusters, my hands overflowing with sugary and spicy treats. the shelves are packed with a wide selection of snacks and drinks, the hum of the refridgerator units providing a constant background noise.
mom watches me with an amused expression as she hands over her card to pay, then heads to the bathroom. as i stuff a handful of cheetos into my mouth, i catch the cashier’s eye. he's smiling at me, and i glance around, wondering if there's someone behind me he could be looking at. but the aisle is empty, and his attention is undeniably on me.
at school, boys barely notice me. chaewon was always the center of attention, always drawing people in with her charm and looks. i had learned to be okay with just being… there. but here, in this tiny gas station, i felt seen.
i make my way to the counter, still munching on Cheetos, and the cashier’s gaze lingers on me.
"hey, are you new this summer? i'm jay," he says with a friendly grin.
"me? no, i've been coming to cousins since i was a baby."
"i definitely would've remembered you. thought i knew every pretty girl in town."
i feel a blush creeping up, and i quickly wipe cheese powder off my face with the back of my hand. his attention was flattering but it was also unfamiliar.
"so, are you going to the bonfire tonight? first of the season," jay asks, his grin widening.
be cool, y/n, i remind myself silently.
"oh yeah um… maybe."
my mother returns from the bathroom and gives me a curious look, which i pretend to not see. she gently brushes my hair out of my face lovingly.
"after we get settled, do you want to go to whale of a tale with me so I can pre-sign stock before the signing tomorrow night? remember how you used to sit on my lap when I did signings there? you insisted on drawing a little whale on every book I signed."
"um no, i don't remember that." i admit, feeling a bit embarrassed as we stand at the counter. my mom, yeji, had just come out with her latest book, and it's clear to see how excited she is for the signing. she's so passionate about her work, and i admire her for it.
"i’ll make you a deal. i’ll let you be in charge of picking out tonight’s dessert if you come with me and keep me company."
jay looks at me expectantly as we start walking away.
"so, i’ll see you later?" he asks.
i push mom out the store, avoiding jay's gaze. "what’s later?" she asks.
"nothing." i mumble, and we head back to the car where sunghoon is scrolling on his phone. my brother is about to be a senior after this summer and will soon be leaving for college. it feels like everything is changing too quickly.
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when we arrived at the summer house, jake comes running to us with his arms wide open. he put both his arms up in the air and yelled, “sunghoon!”
sunghoon and mom get out of the car, hugging jake tightly. i follow, dragging my bag behind me. as I step out, i spot him—heeseung, coming from the pool gate. time seems to slow as our eyes meet. he looks different, almost like he’s changed since I last saw him.
jake does a double-take when he notices me, his confusion obvious as if he doesn't even recognize me. he starts to walk over but hesitates when he sees heeseung approaching me.
heeseung stands close, his breath warm on my face. his hair is freshly dyed red, still wet from swimming. he smiles, and then he pulls me into a hug.
"i liked you better with glasses," he murmurs, his lips brushing my ear.
i push him away slightly, trying to hide my surprise. "well, too bad. i like me better without them."
we share a moment of silence, just smiling at each other. the way he looks at me feels new, intense. there was something familiar in his gaze, but also something more, something i can't quite place.
our moment was quickly interrupted when jake suddenly picked me up in a tight hug. "y/nnie, i missed you so much! i've been waiting all day for you." he ruffles my hair when he puts me back down.
"hi, jakey." i smile up at him. he has grown so much taller since last summer.
"wow y/n, something seems different about you." he kept staring at me as if he didn't know who I was.
"don't be silly, jake. it's probably the contacts," i reply, self-consciously touching my face. do I really look that different without my glasses?
"nope no, you just look different, you know. you came back all grown up!" jake insists, his eyes filled with admiration.
heeseung watched our exchange silently, his expression unreadable. there was a tension between us, something unspoken but noticeable. jake’s admiration made me feel self-conscious, and i wondered if heeseung noticed it too.
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as we settled into the house, the familiar sounds and smells of summer surrounded us. the cicadas buzzing, the scent of the ocean mixed with the pine trees, and the distant laughter of kids playing on the beach. this place held so many memories, both good and bad. it was here that our parents had decided to divorce, and the pain of that summer still lingered. but it was also a place of healing and new beginnings.
after unloading the car, i headed up to my room. as i started unpacking my things, my mind wandered off. the way heeseung had looked at me, the way jake had seemed to notice me—it was different. i let out a long breath, feeling as if i've been holding it in for an eternity. my heart was beating so loudly that I could hear its rhythmic thumping in my ears. everything was the same but not. they had looked at me like I was a real girl, not just somebody’s little sister. chaewon was right; maybe there was something different about me this summer.
i lay on my bed and let out a deep sigh, sinking into the familiar softness of the mattress. the room was scented with a faint hint of lavender from the sachets jina always put in our drawers. the bedspread, with its texture of soft cotton, felt cool against my back. the beach-themed decorations, seashells, and calming blues. i tossed my belongings into the drawers absentmindedly, the sound of fabric adding to the quiet of the room.
jina entered the room with a warm smile. "oh my gosh, look at you, y/n! you've always been lovely, honey, but oh, look at you now. you've blossomed into such a beautiful young woman."
her words made me feel both embarrassed and touched. jina had always been like a second mother to me, her presence comforting and her praise genuine. "thanks, jina," i said softly.
she hugged me tightly. "i’m so proud of you. and remember, you’re beautiful inside and out."
when jina went back downstairs, just a few minutes later, the creak of the door caught my attention, and i turned to see my best friends—ning ning, niki, and beomgyu—coming in.
"y/n! oh my gosh girl, i've missed you so much!" ning ning exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she rushed over to envelop me in a hug. her perfume, a sweet floral scent, filled the air around us.
beomgyu, always the funny one, grinned teasingly, "damn girl, look at you, all grown up and mysterious! what’s with the new look?"
niki, who's mostly quiet but the sweetest guy ever, gave me an appreciative nod. “can’t say I don’t approve.”
i laughed, feeling a wave of comfort wash over me. "thanks, guys. it's really good to see you too."
as we began catching up, sharing stories from the past year, i couldn’t help but glance out the window occasionally, hoping to catch a glimpse of heeseung. my thoughts kept drifting back to that intense moment earlier.
"so, when's chae coming?" beomgyu asked, his voice tinged with hopeful curiosity. he's had the hots for chaewon for as long as I could remember, though she’d never shown him much interest, always saying he wasn’t her type.
"oh yeah, she's at madrid with her parents." i replied. "she won't be here until before my birthday."
ning nudged me playfully. "so, what's this i hear about you having a crush on heeseung? tell!"
i felt my face heat up. "what? no! who told you that?"
"jake mentioned it," niki said with a smirk. he said you were acting all weird around heeseung earlier."
i groaned, covering my face with my hands. "great, now jake's spreading rumors."
"come on, y/n, we know you," beomgyu teased. "just admit it already."
my friends and I continued our conversation, the atmosphere light and full of laughter. we talked about everything that had happened over the past year, from ning ning's new painting hobby to niki's adventures in photography and beomgyu's latest pranks.
"do you guys remember that time chaewon convinced beomgyu to dress up as a mermaid for the beach party?" ning ning laughed, causing everyone to burst into giggles.
"yeah! and he actually did it!" i added, recalling the memory vividly. beomgyu's crush on chaewon had always been a source of endless amusement for us.
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after a while, we decided to head down to the pool. maybe a swim could help escape the thoughts swirling in my mind. the pool area was just as i remembered it: crystal-clear water shimmering under the golden sun, surrounded by lush greenery and the faint aroma of blooming flowers that jina tended to daily. the hot tub bubbling invitingly nearby.
the sight that greeted me was exactly what I had missed: jake, splashing around with an energy that was as infectious as ever that made it impossible not to smile at, and heeseung lounging at the edge, his red hair now dried and messy, looking relaxed and at ease. (and so fucking hot.)
i walked out, feeling a bit self-conscious in my new bikini chaewon had picked out (that was very much revealing). trying to act casual, i walked towards the pool. jake's eyes lit up when he spotted me and waved enthusiastically. “y/nnie! Come join us!”
i waved back, giving a small smile as i approached the pool. heeseung’s gaze met mine once again, and the corner of his mouth curved up into a small, knowing smile. it sent a shiver down my spine, but i quickly tried to shake off the feeling.
"hey, heeseung," i said, trying to keep my voice steady.
"hey," he replied, his tone soft with a hint of something unspoken that made my heart race. "you look great. really."
i felt my cheeks flush at the compliment, but i managed to respond with a casual, "thanks. i guess the summer heat agrees with me."
jake gave me and ning ning a playful shove towards the pool. "come on, guys! swim with me!"
we laughed and jumped into the cool water, pulling niki and beomgyu in with us, feeling a refreshing contrast to the warm summer air. the sound of water splashing and the smell of sunscreen filled the air as we swam, played, and laughed as if no time had passed at all. we had races, played pool volleyball, and even had a contest to see who could do the best cannonball.
amidst the fun, i couldn’t ignore the moments when heeseung’s gaze would find mine, lingering with an intensity that made me wonder what was going on in that pretty little head of his. he would swim over occasionally, subtly bumping into me or giving a compliment that left my heart fluttering.
as the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, we gathered around the poolside, sharing snacks and stories. the atmosphere was filled with the warm, comforting laughter of friends. ning ning was lounging in the pool chair next to mine. "y/n, how was your sophomore year? i want to know everything. you know, any boys we should know about." she wiggled her eyebrows at me, a playful glint in her eye.
i nodded, feeling the comfort of old friends around me. "well, there’s not much to tell. just the usual school stuff and a few new hobbies. and nope there wasn't really any guys."
beomgyu eyed me curiously. "nahhh, something interesting must have happened. come on, spill!"
i chuckled, appreciating their interest. as i began to recount some of my favorite moments from the past year, i noticed heeseung quietly listening, his eyes never straying far from me. there was something in his gaze that felt almost protective, as if he was hanging on every word i said.
the evening carried on with more laughter and stories, the transition from day to night marked by the soft glow of fairy lights being turned on. the stars began to twinkle above, and the warm summer night wrapped us in a comforting embrace.
as the conversation continued, i caught heeseung's eye again. this time, he gave me a smile that seemed to hold a thousand words. my thoughts wandered to the past year and my feelings for him. was there something more between us, or was it just my imagination? the uncertainty gnawed at me, but for now, i just wanted to enjoy the moment and everyone's company.
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the summer night wrapped around the pool with a comforting embrace, its surface shimmering softly from the gentle glow of string lights that wrapped around the trees above. the air was alive with the hum of crickets and the occasional splash from the pool.
at the elegant outdoor dining table, the bouillabaisse gleamed invitingly under the ambient light. aach bowl was brimming with vibrant colors—chunks of fish, mussels, and shrimp mixed together in a rich, saffron-infused broth. the aroma of garlic, tomatoes, and herbs traveled through the air, going with the soft scents of the night. alongside the bouillabaisse were platters of fresh baguettes, bowls of crisp garden salad, and trays of roasted vegetables, their edges caramelized to perfection. the table was a lively scene of post-swim hunger, surrounded by friends and family savoring the meal and each other’s company.
jina, dressed in a flowing floral sundress, sat at the end, her glass of wine a steady companion as she observed the lively conversation around her. her eyes sparkled with delight as she watched the group interact.
“i can't believe you guys are working this summer,” ning ning exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise. “i thought the only plans you had were beach days and parties.”
jake grinned, his smile almost as bright as the pool lights. “yeah, well, change of plans, ning. sunghoon and i are trying something new this summer. gonna get those racks.”
beomgyu nodded, his eyes flicking between Jake and Sunghoon. “it sounds like a good idea. both of you could take a break from hoeing around.”
niki raised an eyebrow, glancing at heeseung, noticing his quiet demeanor. “and what about you, heeseung? any big summer plans?”
heeseung shrugged casually, his voice low. “i’m just focusing on myself this summer. no big plans. just taking it easy.”
jina leaned in with a sparkle of excitement in her eyes. “oh, speaking of plans, y/n! I almost forgot to tell you! I managed to get you an invitation to the debutante ball.”
a murmur of surprise passed through the group. i looked at jina, confusion evident on everyone's faces and probably mine. “wait, is that the big dance where you dress up and curtsy?”
jina crossed her arms, a determined look on her face. “i really think you’d enjoy it. tt’s not just about dressing up. it’s a chance to meet people and do something different.”
beomgyu looked intrigued. “what even is a debutante ball?”
jina smiled and took a sip of her wine. “it’s kind of like a fancy coming-out party. it’s where girls are formally introduced to society, and it’s a pretty big social event.”
ning ning’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “it sounds fun! you get to wear beautiful dresses and dance with cute boys.”
i could feel my face twisting into a frown. “i don’t know… i’m really not into all the etiquette stuff.”
jina leaned in, her tone encouraging. “it’s not just about etiquette. it’s about growing up and finding your place in the world.”
heeseung, glancing over from the corner of his eye, added with a hint of rudeness, "the whole deb scene is bullshit. it’s for sheep."
sunghoon, not missing a beat, added, “yeah, maybe the debutante ball would do you some good.”
i shot my brother and heeseung a look before turning back to jina with a hesitant nod. “i’ll think about it. but don’t get your hopes up, okay?”
jina's smile was warm and understanding. “that’s all I ask.”
my mom turned to me, concern all over her face. “are you sure you want to do this, honey, it doesn't really sound like you? but, whatever you decide, i’m sure you’ll make the best of it. and if you do go, we’ll all be here to support you.”
i smiled at my mother’s supportive stance. “thanks, mom. i’ll definitely think about it.”
ning ning's excitement returned. “omg, you’ll have me and chaewon to help you with your outfits, your dress! omg, your escort too! it’s gonna be so much fun.”
as the conversation shifted back to lighter topics, the group continued to enjoy their meal. laughter and chatter filled the warm air, going with the calm sounds of the night. the tension around the debutante ball eased, replaced by the warmth of the evening and the comfort of shared moments.
i can't help but feel a mix of anticipation and dread about the debutante ball. would it really be a chance for me to grow and find my place, or just another event where i felt out of place? the future seemed uncertain, but at least i know i had the support of my family and friends.
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when ning ning, beomgyu, and niki left to go home, i walked back outside from cleaning up dinner, the cool night air brushing against my skin. the pool was still and silent. i stopped short when i spotted heeseung sitting on the edge of the pool, a joint dangling from his lips and a beer in hand. i'd never seen him do either of these things before—so relaxed, so detached. but damn, he looked so good. especially with that cherry red hair.
i stood there for a moment, taking in the scene, before putting my towel down and diving into the pool with a splash. when i rose up to the surface, i took a deep breath, trying to shake off the surprise, and swam towards him. the water felt refreshing on my skin, a big contrast to the tension building inside me.
“hey, heeseung,” i called out, attempting to sound casual despite the nervousness i feel fluttering in my chest.
he glanced down at me, his expression unreadable. he took a slow drag from the joint, his eyes lingering on mine, and then took a swig from his beer, all the while keeping his eyes locked on mine. the smoke curled around him, mixing with the scent of chlorine.
“hey, y/n,” he replied, his voice surprisingly calm.
i tried to keep my voice steady as i swam closer to him, but my curiosity got the better of me. “i thought you said smoking pot changes the way your brain processes information.”
he raised an eyebrow, taking another drag and blowing out a cloud of smoke. “so does your cell phone.”
“you said marijuana messes with white matter,” i called out, trying to make sense of what I was seeing.
heeseung tilted his head slightly, a smirk forming on his lips. “do you even know what white matter is?”
i moved closer, my hand brushing against the edge of the pool. “you said our brains are still developing and that—”
“god, do you memorize every single thing I ever said?” he interrupted, his tone a mix of amusement and frustration.
i paused, treading water, considering my response. “get over yourself.”
heeseung gaze softened, though he still held his casual demeanor. “look, i said a lot of stuff. and i’m not an athlete anymore.”
a flashback of heeseung in his element went through my mind, scoring touchdowns and leading his team. i remember the determination in his eyes, the confidence in his stride. seeing him now, so different, was unsettling.
“well, i still think you should quit,” i said, trying to sound firm despite the vulnerability i felt.
heeseung’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “what will you give me if i do?”
what the fuck-
the air between us suddenly felt charged with tension. i hesitated, my mind racing as I tried to find the right words. “n-nothing,” i said finally, turning away slightly. “you should quit for yourself.”
for a moment, the tension lingered in the air. our eyes met again, but just like that, the little spark between us felt like it had been extinguished. i got tired of treading water for so long and sat up on the edge next to where heeseung sat, the joint between his fingers and the beer bottle nearly empty. he seemed lost in thought, but then he looked at me with a hint of concern.
“why are you considering this debutante thing?” he asked suddenly, breaking the silence.
i was taken aback by the question. “i don’t know,” i said honestly. “it’s not like I have anything else going on.”
heeseung shook his head slightly, taking a slow drag from his joint. “but it’s not you. don’t let my mom make you into her little doll just because she never had a daughter.”
i kicked my legs in the water, gazing up at the moon. “i don’t mind it. sometimes I wish I was her daughter.”
heeseung’s eyes softened. “you’re better off with yeji, trust me.”
i watched him take another hit, the smoke curling around his face. “why are you acting so different?”
heeseung looked startled by my blunt question. it was always a little disarming, the way I could cut through his defenses. “i—i’m not,” he stammered.
“yes, you are,” i insisted. “what's going on? you know you can tell me.”
heeseung’s cool facade began to slip, his eyes reflecting the struggle behind his calm exterior. i could tell he wanted to open up, to share the weight he had been carrying. his mouth opened slightly, as if he was about to speak, but then—
sunghoon and jake burst out onto the porch, dressed up and ready for a night out. the sudden intrusion broke the moment between us.
"wow, look at you two,” sunghoon teased, his eyes darting between us. “looks like you’re having quite the heart-to-heart.”
jake, always the more light-hearted of the two, grinned. he looked over at me. “come on, we’re heading out to the bonfire. don’t you want to join us?”
"um yea-"
"um no. don't you have your little movie night with the moms? they're getting it ready for you, y/n." sunghoon butts in, clearly not wanting me to come with.
sunghoon and jake then started talking about the party, pulling heeseung with them towards the car. i stole one last glance at heeseung. there was something more he wanted to say, something he was holding back. it was clear that the conversation we’d started wasn’t over.
as they left, i felt a mix of frustration and concern. what was heeseung hiding? and why did it feel like our connection was slipping away just when i wanted-no, needed-it most? the night air felt heavier, now charged with unanswered questions and lingering tension.
i dried up and walked back inside, rejecting the movie night, saying i was tired. i laid in bed, wearing an oversized t-shirt, my eyes fixed on the familiar ceiling of the summer house. the room was dimly lit by the soft glow of my bedside lamp, casting long shadows on the walls. even from here you could hear the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore. my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, each one more confusing than the last.
i grabbed my phone, the cold metal a stark contrast to the warmth of the room. hesitating for a moment, i finally decided to facetime chaewon. the call connected, and chaewon’s surprised face appeared on the screen, a makeup brush in hand. her background bustling with the organized chaos of her vanity, scattered with makeup products and jewelry.
"y/n? you never call me on the first night," chaewon said, raising an eyebrow, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern.
i avoided the question, my curiosity getting the best of me. "where are you going?"
"to dinner," chaewon replied, leaning closer to the screen. "what’s wrong?"
i sighed, twirling a strand of hair around my finger. "tonight, heeseung and i were talking by the pool, just the two of us. it felt… different."
"good different?!" chaewon’s excitement was through the roof. "see, i told you!"
"i don’t know," i continued, my voice uncertain. "jake and sunghoon came down, and they all just left to go to this thing at the beach."
"why didn't you go with them?" chaewon asked, her tone turning serious.
i hesitated, lying, "like i care about a beach bonfire. and sunghoon probably would've made a fit if i went with them."
"he doesn’t own the beach!" chaewon exclaimed, rolling her eyes.
"well, i did talk to this one guy at the gas station, and he mentioned it to me. jake also asked if i wanted to go with them," i admitted.
"see?! come on, girl. go have fun!"
"but, i don’t like that guy. or jake," i muttered.
"that’s not the point. heeseung will be there. go to the bonfire, get in his eyeline. let him see you all dressed up looking cute."
i mulled over the idea, my reluctance slowly fading. i sat up abruptly. "all right! shut up. i'll go."
chaewon looked into the camera, judging my attire. "is that what you’re wearing?"
"it’s fine! nobody dresses up for bonfires."
"how do you know when you’ve never even been to one?" chaewon challenged.
"i’ve seen what the guys wear!" i defended.
chaewon sighed dramatically. "look in your duffel bag. i gifted you my secret weapon. not to keep, obvs, just to borrow."
i opened the duffel bag, finding chaewon’s favorite body-con dress, tight as a second skin. "no way in hell."
"y/n. who got five promposals, you or me?"
my voice softened. "i didn’t even get one. people kept saying i look so different from last year, but not a single person asked me."
i held the dress against my body, glancing at my reflection with uncertainty. memories of last summer flooded back, the feeling of being invisible among the crowd, and the ache of not being noticed. but this summer, things felt different. heeseung seemed different.
gosh, ever since i got here, i just can't stop thinking about heeseung.
with a sigh, i then went to jina's room and rummaged through her drawers. i opened tubes of lipstick, tried one on, wiped it off, then tried another. opening the medicine cabinet, i noticed numerous prescription bottles but ignored them, focusing on the perfumes instead. i sprayed several before settling on one that smelled of jasmine and vanilla
wearing chaewon’s dress, i tiptoed down the stairs. the lights from the tv flickered in the dark living room, playing the famous hitchhiking scene from it happened one night. yeji and jina laughed together, their heads close, looking cozy on the couch.
i felt a pang of longing, tempted to stay and let this night be like every other first night at the summer house. but then it would be like every other first night at cousins beach. i took a deep breath and slipped out the back door unnoticed, the cool night air hitting my skin as I stepped into the unknown.
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as i walked towards the beach, the scent of the sea grew stronger, mingling with the earthy aroma of the sand and the distant laughter of people gathering around the bonfire. i thought about heeseung and our conversation by the pool earlier. his smile, the way his eyes lit up when he talked—it all felt different, special even. but doubt eventually crept in, making me wonder if i was reading too much into it.
i reached the beach and saw the flickering flames of the bonfire in the distance. the sounds of the waves crashing, the crackling of the fire, and the soft murmur of conversations filled the air. my heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness. part of me wanted to turn back, to retreat into the safety of the summer house. but another part of me, the part that longed for something new, pushed me forward.
the beach was alive with a bonfire, a crowd of teens, and a keg. i felt out of place in chaewon’s tight dress, while the other girls wore cutoffs and crop tops. the waves crashed rhythmically, and the salty breeze tugged at my hair, making me shiver slightly.
i’m gonna kill chaewon, i thought, crossing my arms over my chest. the dress felt like a spotlight, drawing attention I didn't want.
i scanned the beach but didn’t see my brother, heeseung, or jake anywhere. feeling alone, i stood on the beach until jay, the guy from the gas station, spotted me. his eyes lit up, and he hurried over, a red solo cup in his hand, stumbling slightly on the uneven sand.
"whoa, where are you coming from?" he slurred, his breath reeking of beer.
"um, another party," i lied, trying to sound casual.
"sweet. here, take my beer." he thrust the cup towards me, spilling some in the process.
"no, i’m okay," i said, stepping back as he accidentally sloshed beer on my dress.
"oh shit, i'm so sorry!" jay exclaimed, trying to wipe it off with his sleeve.
"chaewon’s gonna kill me," i muttered, feeling the damp fabric cling to my skin.
"who’s chaewon?" he asked, genuinely curious.
"my best friend," i answered, my eyes scanning the crowd for heeseung.
jay, inching closer, asked, "so what, you have a boyfriend back home or something?"
before i could answer, i spotted sunghoon walking past with his arm over a girl. relief washed over me. "sunghoon!"
he looked at me, did a double take, and then asked, "ummmm what are you doing here? and what are you wearing?"
jay jumped in, "i invited her. who the fuck are you?"
"her brother. she’s fifteen, you pedo," sunghoon replied, making jay jump away from me.
sunghoon tried to drape his hoodie over my shoulders, but i flung it back at him. "i’m almost sixteen!"
sunghoon frog-marched me down the beach toward their bonfire, the girl trailing after us. "let go of me!" i protested.
"quit embarrassing yourself!" sunghoon snapped.
i twisted away from him, tripping and falling into the sand. he tried to help me up, but i pushed him away, spitting sand out of my mouth. everyone was staring at me.
my eyes landed on heeseung, who was kissing a pretty girl in a red sox cap and cutoffs. when he pulled away, she wiped her lipstick off his mouth. he took a sip of beer and then saw me.
"y/n?" heeseung looked surprised.
"but—but you hate the red sox!" i stammered.
heeseung looked away, embarrassed and regretful.
the girl stepped forward. "who are you?"
"who are you?!" i choked out.
red sox girl smirked. "karina… heeseung took me to the deb ball last summer. how do you know him?"
i turned to heeseung, my voice trembling. "but—i thought you said deb balls were bullshit and all debs were sheep!"
karina glared at him.
heeseung, looking flustered, muttered, "god.. you’re such a brat."
"well, you’re an asshole," i shot back, close to tears after seeing him rolling his eyes at me.
everyone at the bonfire was staring at me when jake walked over, throwing his arms around me and heeseung. "y/n, you came! we can all hang out tonight!"
i shrugged away from him, my face burning with embarrassment.
sunghoon stepped in. "i’m about to take her home."
"what about wonyoung? you can’t leave now," jake pointed out.
sunghoon glanced at wonyoung, contemplating.
"just let y/n hang. what’s the big deal? she’s already here," jake said, waving at someone calling him over. "brb!"
sunghoon turned to y/n. "stay right here and don’t talk to anybody."
i flipped him off and wandered, determined to find some peace on my own.
i sat alone on the beach, my dress bunched awkwardly as i wiped tears from my eyes.
i never should’ve come. maybe some things change, but not this. lee heeseung will never love me back.
a voice interrupted my thoughts. "hey, is that you?"
startled, i looked up to see a cute guy standing nearby. he had a sweet smile and dimples on his cheeks, wearing a stylish hoodie.
"um, who are you?" i asked, confused.
"it's me, jungwon! from the school olympics in freshman year? you placed second in the poem recitation."
i pulled down my dress to cover my thighs. "oh! yeah! you dressed up for the costume contest. weren’t you… a wizard or something?"
he chuckled. "i was charon, ferryman of the dead."
"oh! um, i'm y/n!" i replied, feeling a bit more at ease. "you can sit down if you want."
jungwon hesitated. "oh, i was on my way out." he then smiled and sat down next to me. "but i’ll hang for a bit."
"are you new this summer?"
"nah, i’m from here. you?"
"i’ve been coming to cousins ever since i was a baby."
jungwon looked puzzled. "how have we not seen each other until now? i would’ve remembered you. i mean, your poem was really, uh, memorable."
i rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile. "yeah, i stick pretty close to home when i’m here."
"how come?" jungwon asked, his voice sweet.
"i guess because i don’t really know anybody, other than my family."
jungwon's smile was warm. "well, now you do."
i smiled back at him, feeling a shiver run through me. i should’ve taken sunghoon's jacket after all. jungwon noticed and shrugged out of his hoodie, handing it to me.
"here, take this," he said gently.
i hugged my knees to my chest and pulled the hoodie over my knees, feeling a little warmer in more ways than one.
we sat on the beach, talking like old friends, which we kind of were.
"hey, so did… did everybody see me fall down before?" i asked.
jungwon hesitated. "um, yeah… sort of."
"my brother’s such a jerk," i muttered.
"who are those other guys?" jungwon asked casually. "is one of them your, um, boyfriend?"
i shook my head dismissively. "no way. they’re family friends. my mom’s best friend’s sons. it’s their house we stay at every summer." i looked over at them. "they’re just mad that i’m here."
"well, i’m glad you came," jungwon said sincerely. "i didn’t want to come because i knew it was just going to be people getting drunk, and i don’t really drink."
"me either," i replied. "so how do you know all these summer people if you’re local?"
"my mom works at the country club. i grew up around them."
i suddenly remembered something. "hey, do you know anything about the debutante thing at the country club? it’s dumb, right?"
jungwon considered my question. "well, it’s definitely steeped in tradition and a bit old-fashioned, if that’s what you mean."
"yeah, that’s what i thought," i said, though it wasn't exactly what i meant.
"but it’s not all bad," jungwon added. "they do a big fundraiser for women’s health, and they raised the most money in massachusetts last year. oh yeah, and stray kids came! look." he dug in his pocket for his phone and proudly showed me his wallpaper—a picture of him and some of the members.
"oh my gosh, that’s awesome!" i said, genuinely impressed.
jungwon looked at the time on his phone. "oh man, it’s late. i really don’t want to leave, but i have to be up early tomorrow. i’m interning on a whale-watching boat."
he hesitated, about to ask me something, but we were interrupted by a loud commotion. i turned around to see heeseung drunk and arguing with jay, who had a six-pack of craft beer under his arm.
"who cares? there’s plenty of beer. why are you starting shit?" karina said, rolling her eyes.
heeseung ignored her, stepping closer to jay. "they’re our beers. get the fuck out of here and go drink your cheap-ass shitty beer."
as karina walked away, jay got in heeseung's face. "say that again."
i jumped up. "i’ll be right back! don’t go anywhere!" i told jungwon before running over. in the scuffle, i was accidentally elbowed in the face and fell in the sand. heeseung turned, horrified, checking to see if i was okay. jay took advantage and landed a blow. heeseung, enraged, swung at jay, who got another punch in. jay's buddies joined the fight, and jake and sunghoon ran to help.
jungwon rushed to me, touching my face worriedly. "are you okay?"
"yeah," i said, stunned.
police lights flashed on the beach. "cops!" someone shouted, and everyone scattered in different directions. jungwon grabbed my hand and we ran down the beach toward the cars.
jake shoved heeseung into the back seat and got into the driver’s seat. "let’s go, y/n."
i glanced at jungwon. "jungwon can give me a ride home. right, jungwon?"
"yeah, it’s no problem," jungwon replied.
jake shook his head. "you can’t get into a car with a guy you just met."
"uh—actually, we sort of know each other. freshman year olympics? so we’re not like total strangers," jungwon said.
"no offense, but no. y/n, we’re going," jake insisted.
"just get in, y/n," heeseung said from the back seat.
i threw heeseung a dirty look.
jungwon sighed. "you should go. the whaling boat i intern on leaves at dawn from the piers every morning. would you maybe be interested in coming one day? i could introduce you to my favorite whale, jonah."
i could feel my face light up. "um, yes. sure! how else will you get your hoodie back?"
we grinned at each other, both nervous.
this could be my summer wish. this night, this boy.
in a truly impulsive move, i got up on my tiptoes and gave jungwon a sweet peck on the lips before jumping into the car. i was thrilled and delighted with myself, riding on pure adrenaline. the boys were dumbfounded. jake peeled out, and jungwon watched them drive off, completely awestruck.
jake slammed on the brakes. "fuck, we forgot sunghoon." he reversed the car, parked, and jumped out. "watch heeseung!"
i leaned my head back, my long hair hanging loose. i touched my fingers to my lips. it was quiet in the car. dark. heeseung reached out and touched my hair, running his fingers along the bottom.
"your hair is like a little kid’s, the way it’s always so messy," heeseung said.
i held my breath. our eyes met in the rearview mirror, everything between us unspoken.
"heeseung…" i started.
we were interrupted by a knock at the window. it was the cops, with sunghoon and jake in tow.
"have you kids been drinking?" one of the cops asked.
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the dimly lit entryway was bathed in the eerie glow of the old chandelier, casting long shadows on the walls. the grandfather clock in the corner ticked loudly, a reminder of the late hour and the tension that filled the room. the room smelled faintly of damp wood and the lingering scent of dinner.
my mother, standing tall in her maroon robe, faced the two imposing police officers. her expression was a mix of worry and frustration. we stood behind her, huddled together in a cluster of nervous energy. sunghoon’s eyes darted around, avoiding mom's gaze, while jake shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. heeseung leaned against the wall, clearly drunk, his shirt torn and a fresh cut on his cheek. i stood slightly apart, pulling my borrowed hoodie tighter around me.
"officers, thank you. it won’t happen again, i can promise you that much," she said, her voice strained but polite.
"tell mr. sim the chief wants to set a tee time with him when he’s back in town," one of the cops said, his tone lighter than the situation warranted.
she tried not to grimace. "absolutely. sorry again for the trouble. have a good night, officers."
as she closed the door, i could feel my heart racing, the guilt and fear bubbling up inside me. she turned to face us, her eyes flashing with anger. "how could you guys be so irresponsible?" yeji demanded, her voice sharp.
"mom, it wasn't a big deal. seriously. the cops were just looking to break up the bonfire," sunghoon said, trying to sound casual. i remembered the bonfire vividly, the warmth of the flames, the laughter of friends–a brief escape from my usual routine.
"not a big deal? i would say getting picked up by the cops for underaged drinking is a pretty big deal, sunghoon!" yeji retorted, her voice rising. her anger wasn’t just about tonight; it was about the countless times we’d pushed her limits. Her hair swung around as she glared at us, emphasizing each word.
sunghoon sniffed. "w-were you guys smoking tonight?"
yeji shot him a look. "keep your voice down! jina's asleep on the couch."
"but I wasn’t yelling. you were," sunghoon whispered, silenced by another look.
"by the way, yeji, was the dd tonight and i didn't drink, i swear," jake added quickly. Hhs sincerity was clear, but it did little to calm our mother’s fury.
my mother turned to heeseung, who was clearly drunk, swaying on his feet with his shirt torn and a cut on his cheek. "what’s with him?!" she asked the group before focusing on heeseung. "you’re the oldest. what the hell’s gotten into you?"
before he could answer, she noticed me. "and when did you leave the house without telling anybody? and what in the world are you wearing?" she demanded.
i pulling the hoodie tighter around me. "it’s chae's, and why am i the only one not allowed to go out?" i asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
"it’s not that you’re not allowed. it’s that you should have told us you were going. how did you even get there?"
"i walked," i hesitated.
"jesus. you know better than to walk that far down the beach alone late at night!" she exclaimed.
"i was fine! can you stop treating me like a kid!" i retorted.
"if you want to be treated like an adult, you need to act like one," my mother said firmly.
"then maybe you guys should too," heeseung suddenly said.
we all looked at each other, confused.
"what does that mean?" yeji asked.
heeseung just shrugged and didn’t answer.
"guys, i don’t want to be the nagging mom. it’s even less fun for me than it is for you. don’t put me in that position," she said, her voice softer now, filled with a weariness that made me ache with guilt. she turned to me and Sunghoon. "we are guests in this house. remember that. and the next time i call you, you better pick up the phone."
we nodded guiltily.
"i hope you realize that this night could’ve ended a lot differently if your family wasn’t your family," she said to jake and heeseung.
"sorry, yeji," jake said.
"just-go to bed, guys," yeji sighed, her shoulders slumping as she turned away.
heeseung moved to follow me, jake, and sunghoon upstairs, but yeji stopped him. "i don’t understand what’s going on with you," i could hear her scolding him as i walked upstairs.
"gee, i don’t know, yeji. what could possibly be going on with me?" heeseung replied, staring at her in challenge.
she swallowed nervously, glancing over at the couch where jina slept. "hee…" she began.
heeseung brushed past her and up the stairs. she didn’t follow.
as we trudged upstairs, i couldn’t shake the feeling of dread. the night wasn’t over, not really. the tension lingered, a shadow that would follow us into our dreams.
i crawled into bed, the events of the night replaying in my mind. the cool sheets felt soothing against my skin, a stark contrast to the warmth of the bonfire still lingering on my clothes. as i settled beneath the covers, i heard the familiar two little knocks on the wall next to my bed—a secret signal jake and i had since we were kids.
we’d come up with it during a summer storm, hiding under our bedsheets, when we wanted to talk without our parents hearing. i knocked back twice, and a moment later, jake's light flickered off, leaving him in the dark. i smiled, remembering our whispered conversations through the wall, our childhood secrets shared in the quiet of the night.
the house gradually wound down for the night. sunghoon was brushing his teeth in the bathroom, his reflection in the mirror showing the meticulous care he took in his nightly routine. yeji, clad in glasses, busily updated her instagram, her face illuminated by the screen's glow. she smiled at the amount of likes and comments she was getting, a small step to branching out her books. jina was asleep on the couch, a peaceful look on her face, her hands clasped gently. heeseung quietly draped a blanket over her, his face betraying a complexity of emotions that remained unexplained—worry, exhaustion, perhaps something deeper.
back in my room, i couldn’t shake the restless feeling that kept me awake. the house was silent, but my mind buzzed with thoughts. unable to sleep, i pulled out my phone and texted the groupchat. my fingers were trembling with excitement.
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the night wore on, and as the first light of dawn approached, i decided to get out of bed. i picked up jungwon’s hoodie and noticed the debutante invitation on my bedside table. my fingers traced the elegant calligraphy of my name: park y/n. the weight of the paper and the intricate design made it feel important, a symbol of the change I was about to embrace.
reflecting on how things could change whether i wanted them to or not, i realized that maybe it was time for me to change too. memories of past summers, filled with the same routines and familiar faces, made me long for something new. i picked up the rsvp card and checked the "accepts with pleasure" box. with a determined breath, i put on jungwon’s hoodie and headed out to the beach.
as the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, i found heeseung sitting alone in the sand, his silhouette outlined by the dim glow of the early morning. i sat down next to him, and we both stared out at the sea in silence. the cool breeze of the ocean brushed against my skin, and the sound of waves filled the silence.
“last night was…” i began, struggling to find the right words.
“a shitshow,” heeseung replied, his tone resigned.
“amazing,” i corrected, my voice softer.
heeseung glanced at me with a mix of amusement and concern. “you’re gonna have a black eye tomorrow.”
“it’s already tomorrow,” i replied, touching the tender spot near my eye. “do you even remember anything from last night? you were pretty wasted.”
his expression was serious as he replied, “i always remember everything when i drink.”
i wondered if that meant he remembered our moments in the car. as heeseung reached into his pocket for a cigarette, i sideeyed him.
“let me have a puff,” i said.
“no way! yeji would actually kill me,” heeseung replied, his voice laced with genuine concern.
“okay then, if I can’t smoke, you can’t smoke,” i countered.
heeseung's laughter was a rare, genuine sound, and it made his face light up in a way that i hadn’t seen before. “same old y/n,” he said with a chuckle.
i hugged my knees to my chest, a smile slowly spreading across my face. i touched my bruise, realizing i was different now—changed by the night’s events.
“let’s go pick up some of the good muffins before everybody wakes up,” heeseung suggested, his tone almost nostalgic.
a flicker of the old heeseung appeared, but i felt a pull towards something new. i stood up, shaking my head with a new plan.
“i’ve got somewhere i need to be. don’t let sunghoon eat all the muffins,” i said, my voice filled with determination.
i dashed to the side of the house where my bike was propped up and quickly mounted it. as i pedaled away, my long hair flying behind me, the first light of day began to emerge. the streets were quiet, the air crisp and filled with the promise of a new day. the upbeat tune of “xo” by enhypen played in my mind as i rode.
i thought this summer was going to be like all the other summers. but it’s not. because I won’t let it be.
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○ sam note - hi!! finally the first chapter is posted i really hope you guys like it! tsitp is one of my favorite books and i love the show so so much. i recently rewatched it again (for the 50th time) and i wanted to turn it into a fic!! this first chapter is pretty much the same as the episode because there were so many important scenes and good moments that i just couldn't help but add as it is the first chapter. the next chapters will be pretty different though! stream xo and brought the heat back
taglist (open); @sunghoonnsupremacy @llvrhee @ilychee08 @iren3luvv @chocminteu
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