#and then later your kidnapped crew r like
arsonwizard · 1 year
considering how murderbot only explains the absolute bare minimum outside of narration, it’s highly likely that Peri didn’t learn what ART stood for until Amena asked about it in network effect. it absolutely shouldn’t be surprised and yet
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ryuichirou · 7 months
TWST x Horror game setting
comedydoctor18 asked:
Who do you think of the twisted wonderland crew would survive a horror game (or love them a bit too much for everyone's liking) and who would be screaming in terror?
It’s such a good question, I am very sorry it took me so long to write this one. I keep coming back to this ask and smiling at it, it’s so right up our alley…
Also, as you read this, you might say "but Ryu, I meant it as if they sit down and play the game, not they as if they are inside the game", and yes, I kind of got confused there, so please bear with me. I will write a proper list for your actual question later, but for now please accept this slightly off interpretation of it.
I think what I ended up writing is in a way similar to the HC list about the cast getting kidnapped, but the specifics are quite different, so I hope this is going to be a somewhat fun read.
Also, the default state for all of them is “going through some kind of semi-abandoned place with enemies running around”  and doing it solo, simply because otherwise the post would be too huge and take ages to write lol
Riddle would be terrified and pissed off at first, because this is his reaction to any type of intense confusion, but when he finds a place to hide and starts thinking about the situation, he’ll manage to calm himself down somewhat (he’ll still tremble a lot) and plan how to play it smart. If he’s lucky, he’ll survive the game, but he might also start to use his magic too much, overblot and kill all the enemies at once lol
Ace is kind of reckless but he is a fast learner, plus his self-preservation would kick-in. He makes stupid mistakes, but he learns from them. Still, he would have a lot of moments of “wow I almost died just now”. He’ll get scared, but at some point this feeling would shift into frustration and anger, similarly to Riddle. He would still prefer to be stealthy and smart though… as much as he can, of course.
Deuce is surprisingly good at handling monsters. He prefers to kick the shit out of them, because hiding requires more thinking, and it’s very difficult for him to think when he is scared. And he would be super scared, his brain would probably shut off completely at some point, especially if he is all alone. Of course, it’s always better to have someone by your side, but I feel like Deuce would be affected by being alone the most when it comes to his mental state.
Trey though, ironically, has better chances of survival if he is doing it alone. Maybe because if he is alone, he doesn’t have to hold back or to think about making sure the others are safe and well. He has this vibe of a horror game protagonist, who is just a guy with glasses, but somehow is capable of running for an entire day, fighting monsters with some piece of metal he’d found somewhere and healing himself with drinking dubious potions lol
Cater would be super scared, but ironically I think he would have a bigger reaction if he had someone around than if he was alone. He would also his clones to confuse the enemies and try to be as stealthy as possible: he doesn’t want to fight anyone, he just wants to get out of here. It would probably take some time for him to calm down and focus, and if he sees someone, he would cling to them instantly.
Leona is supposed to be a smart and strong guy, but I still think he would fuck up somehow in a very stupid way; but then again, he would also probably spend a couple of days just sleeping somewhere, maybe thinking about the plan, maybe just conserving energy. He has good chances against the enemies, but he doesn’t want to fight them if they’re just going to keep spawning again and again.
Ruggie is a champion of surviving, he is stealthy and resourceful, so he would probably plan ahead and end up having a lot of first aid kids, food, ammo, anything that could be helpful. He won’t use all of this himself of course, but he’ll sure as hell trade if there is someone stronger than him running around… In general, Ruggie has good chances, and he isn’t scared because he doesn’t allow himself to be: he has to act smart and be quick about it.
Jack is super bad at hiding lol his floofy tail is very obvious. So he would go Deuce’s route: fighting everything he sees and trying to kick and bite his way out of the situation. His main downfall is that he is a softie, so if he sees or hears someone who needs help, he’ll prioritise them over his own life. He would be scared, but similarly to Ruggie, he wouldn’t allow himself to be, albeit for a different reason.
Azul is a scheming motherfucker. He is that one shady guy who offers to form an alliance because “we’re stuck here together, right, so why don’t we work together?”. He is also that one guy who backstabs you immediately when you’re no longer needed. He is smart, stealthy, resourceful and super careful, so he has good chances even when he is alone, but mentally he wouldn’t be okay at all: he hates being out of his element and being surrounded by nothing but unpredictable violence. He is surprisingly strong when it comes to physical combat, but also painfully slow… His perfect plan would be to find someone who is physically strong to carry him around and do all the hard work lol like in the Beanfest.
Jade and Floyd are difficult, because in our heads they are just the twins from Outlast…. They are so horror game monster coded for us that it’s difficult to picture them on the other side of the situation. I feel like they would want to join the chaos and have as much fun with it as possible. Of course, they are concerned over their own safety, so he’ll take care of themselves first and foremost, but the moment they feel more comfortable, it’s the Purge, baby. They’ll completely alter the course of events and make sure the game (there isn’t any game, you sick fucks, we’re just trying to survive out here!) lasts as long as they want it to last.
Kalim wouldn’t survive if he is all alone in this lol is what I was going to say, but Kalim has this weird Kalim luck, so he is probably going to survive SOMEHOW. Like he would hide in a bunker and then a huge bang is going to destroy the entire map. It’s almost comedic. Kalim is going to be very scared the entire time though, and also think about Jamil all the time. He’ll try to think what Jamil would have wanted him to do, and the thought of Jamil maybe being out there and needing his help would motivate him to leave his hiding spot and go looking for him… which isn’t the smartest decision, but then again –Kalim’s luck.
Jamil has good chances, but he really needs to use someone as a shield. For the majority of time he’ll hide and avoid combat as much as possible; in the perfect scenario he wouldn’t face any of the enemies at all. But he has the opposite of Kalim’s luck, so he’ll have a very hard time. I can even picture him having a mental breakdown when the enemy catches him, like the laughing-crying type of breakdown, but he has to go through a lot for that to happen.
Vil has very good chances of survival. We’ve seen him during the Beanfest – he is very good at figuring out where to hide, when to attack and how to fight. Plus, he’s physically strong and has good stamina. He would still get scared, but wouldn’t show it much aside from his hands trembling. He’ll also get super messy because he just has to, I want to see him bloody and dirty lol Ironically, his demise would probably be him trying to help someone. I just really like this as a twist… Especially if there was no one to save (no one to appreciate his heroic act) and it was just a trap. He’s perfect for stuff like Dead by Daylight.
Rook – let’s be honest here, this man would survive any type of horror. It’s not like it’s impossible to scare him, but it’s pretty difficult. He is mostly worried about his loved ones than scared for his own safety. This is Rook we’re talking about: Slenderman is scared to see him when he turns around.
Epel is that one virgin that miraculously survived all of this. It’s not going to be easy, it’ll be messy and he’ll get hurt a lot of times. He’ll give up every two hours or so, but then get angry and somehow persevere. His Unique Magic is going to be pretty helpful, but it takes too much energy, and Epel is already weakened and very very scared. But then again, he’ll even get to directly punch a bad guy! And maybe bite them…
Idia is that nerd who knows all the tropes, so on the one hand, he knows that he is probably immune because he is a virgin, but then again, he is that nerd who knows everything, so his chances of dying are pretty high. He’ll give up on his life pretty quickly, though after thinking about how his own thought process is: this is real life, not a videogame or a movie, so of course he’s going to die in about 10 minutes. But when a really dangerous moment happens, he’s going to surprisingly feel such strong desire to survive that he’ll run away successfully… He is fast when he’s running away from someone lol And he is probably good at hiding, plus tries to play it smart. I think he has some chances of survival, but they aren’t very high, if he is all alone by himself.
Ortho wouldn’t die, he would be excited about this experience lol But he would definitely be worried about Idia, so instead of surviving, his goal is going to be finding Idia and making sure he is okay.  If he can’t find him though, he could get very distressed, and then it’s game over for all the monsters and any other fools who are currently trying to survive :(
Lilia wouldn’t have many problems, a lot of times he would have this “heh, I’ve seen worse” type of vibe. I would say that the only thing that’s going to slow him down is that his experience is pretty dated + he is much older now that he used to be, but is this really an issue if he knows modern media quite well and probably is familiar with a lot of horror tropes? So yeah, peepaw isn’t scared at all.
Silver’s sudden sleepy time would sabotage him a couple of times, but in general he is very good both with his combat and survival skills. But he is similar to Jack in terms of wanting to help if he feels like there are other people (or animals) in danger. In a way, he is even worse about it than Jack, because he is very self-sacrificing.
Sebek has good chances of surviving, but he has his problems… First of all, he would be very angry, partially to cover the fact that he is a bit scared: stealth isn’t his stronger suit, but he compensates it with his brute force and combat skills. But then again, he is both angry and a bit scared, so he always jumps to fight even when he is supposed to run away or hide.
Malleus is too overpowered to have any issues with any type of horror game I think lol He wouldn’t be scared, maybe surprised and annoyed? We have to nerf that man somehow lol But anything that isn’t amusing to him would end up being burnt to a crisp by him.
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obanais-koibito · 4 months
~Falling For Him~ Part 1
Bodyguard Giyu x Singer Reader
Tagging: @kimetsu-chan
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Your boss, Haruto, tosses a newspaper onto the table in front of you before sitting down. The newspaper has the mugshot of yet another crazy fan that has broken into your dressing room and attempted to kidnap you. Haruto lets out a deep and frustrated sigh as he supports his chin upon his hands and stares at you.
“Y/n, this is exactly what I am talking about, this is the third time this month someone has shown up and stirred up trouble! You could’ve gotten seriously hurt!”
You let out a groan as you run a hand through your hair, mirroring the sense of frustration Haruto has.
“I know I know but, I don’t think a personal bodyguard following me around is really necessary! It’s kinda creepy!”
Your reply causes Haruto to grunt in annoyance and take off his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“I know you don’t like the idea of someone following you around like a hound dog but it is necessary to keep you safe! People are dangerous and it’s only a matter of time before someone successfully harms or kidnaps you! Just having security is not enough!”
You feel a knot of unease form in your stomach, Haruto had that same look in his eyes whenever he was set on a decision. You knew from his tone and that look that you had no choice…
“This was the final straw, I am hiring you a bodyguard no matter how much you protest, your safety comes first.”
You slump down in your seat and groan, the knot inside your stomach growing.
Your mutter causes Haruto to roll his eyes as he opens his laptop.
“No need to be so upset, I’ll hire the best bodyguard to ensure your safety. You’ll get used to it eventually so calm down and have an open mind. It won’t be as bad as you make it out to be, trust me.”
Here you are, sitting in your dressing room staring into your mirror with a bored and irritated expression. Haruto is currently interviewing bodyguards in his office and it only irritates you further. Why could he not see that you can handle yourself? Sure there are a large quantity of creeps and perverts out there but it was normal for someone such as a singer to experience. Your makeup crew puts the finishing touches on your hair and makeup and leaves you in your dressing room, alone with your thoughts.
You let out a groan and begin to rub your temples in attempt to get rid of the headache that is beginning to form. You hear a ding and you look over at your phone to see a message from Haruto. You sigh and pick your phone up to read the message which says: “I have found a bodyguard fit for your expectations! Come to my office to meet him.”
“Ugh great…perfect timing, I get to go meet some old guy that will follow me around for the rest of my life, I have a headache, and I have rehearsal later. What a perfect day!”
You mutter in a sarcastic tone before taking a deep breath and forcing a smile. You walk out of your dressing room and head over to Haruto’s office. You knock three times on the door and wait until you hear Haruto’s voice.
“Come in!”
His voice sounds from inside and you take another deep breath before turning the doorknob. When you walk inside, you see Haturo sitting down in his chair with a man who is relatively tall and has long black hair pulled back into a ponytail. The man looks at you with a stoic expression and to your surprise, he seems rather young. His dark blue eyes meet yours and you can feel your cheeks heat up.
“This is your new bodyguard, Giyu Tomioka, he scored top of his class and is one of the best bodyguards out there!”
Haruto explains with a grin, Giyu stands up and bows to you before you can hear his soothing and calm voice.
“Hello Y/n-San, I am honored to be working for you.”
He looks back up and sits down once more as he places his hands on his knees. You remain quiet for a couple of seconds before clearing your throat and averting your gaze a bit.
“R-right, thank you…”
“Okay then! Y/n, I have already gone over the rules and schedules for your shows, rehearsals, etc so just go about your day and he will protect you.”
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toestalucia · 4 months
(man at podium) hello. captain & lyria separating effects & this and that post of what i reread of main story today
Suddenly Captain's entire body is overcome with nausea. There's no discernable change to the room, yet Captain is clearly suffering from adverse effects. The captain's body trembles violently despite not being sick. Then the door to the room suddenly swings open. Vyrn: You gotta come quick, Captain! The principal kidnapped Lyria! Captain and Patia are thunderstruck by Vyrn's revelation.
this is the later one but its also the lighter one...<33 but also aaughhhh i think about this one in particular sm.......
Captain whose own life is intertwined with Lyria's, feels the strain of the distance being put between them.
Choice: We have to save them… Eugen: I ain't tryin' to mutiny against captain's orders… But as your elder, I can't let you go out and fight in your condition. You can barely stand. I bet you can't even see straight.
Choice: I said I'm fine… Loki: Get on the ship. Considering how volatile Bestia is, we could be swarmed at any given moment. I'd break down and cry if I witnessed your journey end here. Although Captain heeds Loki's suggestion, the captain more or less has to be dragged onto the Grandcypher.
when the one u share ur life with gets dragged to the otherworld and u immediadetly feel like ur dying ( u literally are slowly dying). also the funniest line loki has ever had WHAT ARE U SAYIINNNGGGGGG (loki fan)
Loki brings Fenrir with him to give the crew some parting words. Fenrir expresses her shock when she sees Captain in such a dejected state. Fenrir: Who's this sad sack? So this is what happens when the girl in blue is taken away from you, huh? Io: Is that all you came to say? Well, if you're done being a meanie-pants, then go back to your own ship!
Loki: I came to pay my respects. You never know, right? This might be the last time I get to see a breathing Captain. Choice1: Not in the mood. Choice2: Shut up. Loki: Ouch. Are you sure you want your last words to be so full of vitriol?
the rest r mika things ill take them on multi later. (mika obsession) + lokis talk about the otherworld is interesting......unique to the otherworld....the otherworld thats a threat to even astrals......(mikas 'im gonna create echidna so i can have the otherworld kill the astrals' excellent plan)
Choice: Our hearts beat as one.
Captain's heart begins to pound at the prospect of battle. But unlike the typical adrenaline rush, this throbbing of the heart signals a far greater danger. Red—the color of blood and danger. It dyes Captain's vision as the world starts to fade.
rip. but also i think about this part a lot too. fatally wounded at the start of act1, falls off an island at the end of act2, literally is so close to dying again in act3.............
Envoy: But you are the worst off, Singularity. The reason your father left you behind to go on his journey is because of those two gods. Can't you see? They deprived you of the family life you deserved. The bonds you've forged with the girl and the dragon are next to be severed. You will lose them beyond a shadow of a doubt. Make no mistake, Singularity. You are the biggest victim in this conflict between deities. You are justified in demanding their destruction. Your revenge is waiting to be served. We Precursors loathe both gods as much as you do. If you plan to strike back against them, then our goals are the same. Will you join hands with us? Choice1: I don't think so. Choice2: Get real. Unprepared for Captain's outright refusal, the envoy scrambles to come up with something to say.
when u go on a big speech but the dude says get real. true king experienced that. anyway the entire initial meeting parts with the otherworld is sooooo........+ i forgot they mention maxwell alrdy when necesaria killed violet knight & spoke to his superiors.........+namedropped some other ones. on one hand i nvr expected society in msq on the other. in hindsight. ofc they were gonna be introduced LOLLL i need to reread the society parts where maxwell shows up....
i did grab the holy seat of genesis stuff too, but i think i wanna grab reptis talk about estalucia first and post it together..........dude i love main story
also. there IS the part where another timelines lyria died because captain got laser'd. im so sad about ebisu too still;_; leave it alone fk u otherworld
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ditttiiiwrecks · 4 years
OT7 Fic Rec Master Post:
 last updated (16/05/2021) 
If my master-list is anything to go by I am clearly obsessed with ot7, so here are some of my favs. 
Some of these stories are linked from Ao3. If any of those fics have been cross posted to Tumblr, please let me know. 
Current Fic Count: 25
Give all these amazing authors some love ♡ & To all the authors, Thank you so much for writing. I am so beyond grateful for all the work and time that you put in to writing these stunning pieces of literary art. 
This list is by no means complete, so if you have any recommendations, send em my way! ♡ Happy Reading!
~Love, @ditttiii  ♡
1) Void by @btssavedmylifeblr
Summary: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all. 
2) Make You Know Love by @btsismybiass 
Summary: Growing up, Jungkook had always shared everything with his brothers; toys, food, clothing, friends, and even girls. The seven were inseparable — secrets were not allowed. Halfway through senior year, Jungkook was sent to a school halfway across the world, though he wouldn’t tell anyone (that didn’t already know) why. Years later, he has an adjoining apartment with his best friend (who is hopelessly in love with him) and 6 brothers he has yet to tell her about. One night, she comes barging into his home unannounced only to be met with a group of sexy foreign strangers.
3) Armed to the Fangs by @jingabitch
Summary: You grew up in the Hunter’s Guild, understanding that it is your sacred duty as a hunter to protect humanity from the vampires that lurk in the dark, draining the life from anyone unlucky enough to be caught. While making the rounds one night, you encounter Taehyung, a fabled born vampire - not that you know that when he tries to entice you into a dark alley. Next thing you know, you’re kidnapped and taken to their home, where you realise that all of them somehow crave your blood and seem to know more about your past than you do. Finding out about where you came from might be the key to setting humanity free.
4) Sanctuary by @softykooky
Summary: some people are lucky enough to be born into a family that loves them. others meet their family in a coffee shop while on the run from the korean ambassador, while they’re holding a man at gunpoint and beating him to a pulp for treason against their syndicate.
5) Eunoia by @wishesunderthestars
Summary: You are a world famous director and you have dedicated your life to your job.You have everything you could ever dream of; wealth, recognision, talent, your friends and family. But loneliness ins’t cured by success. So what happens when you somehow rescue seven hybrids? Can they fill the void?
6) Tangled Hearts by @writersrealmbts
Summary: You have seven hybrids and life with them can be both good and stressful. Some days are better than others, but in the end, you know that they’re always there for you, in more ways than one.
7)  Diamond Tears and Little Wings by @writersrealmbts 
Summary: You’re a fairy, taken in by BTS. You need lots of love and care, otherwise your light will fade and you turn to stone. Between the seven of them, you should never feel unloved. Right?
8) Rose & Thorns by @minniepetals 
Summary: a lone rose, a little broken, until Jungkook came along and the two of you saved each other. and in doing so, Jungkook showed you a world where he shared with his six other mates.
9) The Butter Series by @minniepetals
Summary: their names alone had every men and women turning their heads and falling at their feet. successful, prestigious, handsome, rich and untouchable to anyone that looked their way. and you? you were just an employee who worked for them. who would have known you meant so much more to them than you could ever imagine?
10) Stray Cat Strut by Bang to the Tan (TyphloticHaruspex)
Summary: When your grandmother passes away, she leaves her countryside house in your name. The longer you stay, the harder and harder it becomes to explain away the odd happenings. What kind of secrets does this sleepy town hold? And why do the local animals act so strangely around you?…
11) BACK HOME by @alexlwrites
Summary: : The one where, after living abroad for years, you move back to Korea and your old high school friend Namjoon offers you his place to stay while you get settled, casually forgetting to mention that: a) he still had a massive crush on you. b) he lived with six other guys.
12)  A Hundred Percent Human by Wrienne
Summary: In which you are forced to take care of seven hybrids in a twist of fate. After your estranged mother passes away, you're left with an unwanted will and the heavy burden of responsibility. Although you're desperate not to stray from the familiar path you thought was laid out in front of you with a fully human boyfriend who loves you more than anything, your life is thrown upside down once more after another unfortunate incident (that may or may not have to do with said boyfriend) occurs. Drunk and down on life, you finally decide to deal with the house and the unsavory business your mother left behind. However, to your shock, you find that seven very different hybrids are included with both the house - and the business. Seven hybrids you never even met before - even less agreed to take care of. Set in the not too distant future where infertility has become mankind's greatest issue. Will contain sexual content.
13)  I’ll Still Stay by @sugamoonv
Summary: Y/N, living in a society where hybrids are seen as commonly as pets and working a well-paying job, finally decides to adopt a hybrid for herself. But what happens when instead of one new companion, she leaves with seven? And what happens when nature decides that these companions are meant to be more than that?
14)  The Gateway to Your Heart by @justimajin
Summary:  ❝You gave me the best of me, so you give you the best of you.❞
15)  Like I Do by interlude__dream
Summary:  It's summer in Seoul. You didn't expect much to happen during your nights working at a coffee shop, but somehow, giving one kid a sandwich wrapped up your fate with seven hungry boys more tightly than you could have ever imagined.
16)  w e a r e a l l m a d h e r e by cath_mg
Summary: In which you're a model student who just managed to catch not just one, not two, but all seven 'transfer students' who just happened to visit your university.At the end of the road, will you stay or will you run? Or...
17)  Follow Me Down by ARMY_BRAT
Summary:  It was supposed to be a simple vacation to a foreign land. You certainly didn’t expect to wake up drugged and caged like an animal in the basement of seven beautiful men.
18)  Sharing is Caring by always_bias_wrecked
Summary:  You decide to let the rest of Bangtan watch you and your boyfriend Jimin have sex one time. Now suddenly everyone seems to want a piece of you, and Jimin doesn't seem to mind sharing.
19)  Ruin Me, I Dare You. by porcelainbones
Summary: Where a regular wannabe author discovers the members of the biggest band in the world are her soulmates. All Seven. (not a reader insert)
20) Abundance by @angelicyoongie
Summary: You never expected that you would end up adopting a hybrid, and if someone had told you that you would end up with seven? Well, you would have thought they were crazy. But here you are, with three different packs of hybrids that don’t get along – but all want to stay with you. Yeah, it turns out crazy is an understatement.
21) You Never Walk Alone by @agustdakasuga
Summary: You live a quiet life in your late grandfather’s cabin in the woods. You go to school just to graduate and get your diploma, not to make friends or stand out from the crowd. That was until one day, you enter your home to see a pack of wolves that need shelter.
22)  Accidental Friends by erakun
Summary:  Meet Bangtan, international superstars, the pride of South Korea, the love and hope in the dark of many lives, the role model and celebrity crush of so many people, and a group of people you often stumble across in your day to day life. You become acquaintances, slowly become friends, and- that's it. You are in a platonic friendship with Bangtan. Let me say it again. *clears throat* PLATONIC.
23)  Lifeline by @forgottenpasta
Summary: What happens when a witch curses seven vampires to share one fated mate between them?
24) Restitution  by @cloudteawrites 
Summary: When an estranged uncle leaves you his massive fortune you wonder if the universe is playing a joke on you. when that fortune comes with seven hybrids, you know for sure that it is.
25) The Lore of the Forest by spield
Summary: Nothing ancient and magical is ever really lost. When the descendants and heirs of the myths and legends come together to live a normal life, something - someone - is thrown into their plans. Bringing with them aid, magic and so much more.
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janewatson · 4 years
Helluva Boss Trailer Analysis!
Yes, I watch this.  Yes, I like it.  No, I won’t argue with you about it.
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s just say that I was up when the trailer dropped, and was still up for a bit after.  I’ve watched it so many times now, just absorbing everything, and now it’s time to break it down.
I’ve seen a few breakdowns already, but I noticed that there were a few things people hadn’t mentioned.  So I’m tossing my hat in the ring, let’s see if we can figure out what Vivziepop has in store for us!
I’ll be breaking down by scene, as well as go over voiceovers and predictions real quick, so prepare for a read after the cut!
Ok, first, had to laugh at Millie’s Peppermint Vodka Molotov Cocktail.  Creative, but what a waste of vodka :(  The background is of a beach, but she’s not in beach clothes (let’s face it, a bikini would probably kill Moxxie)
Moxxie is shooting at something while he’s swinging from a rope in a deserted theater.  Piano on the floor, and a sun pattern on the back wall
Blitzø (thanks for the copy/paste, Google) cleaving a blonde in half with a baseball bat.  Damn, he stronk!
Diss Summar’, with the little doodles!  So cute :3
Drunk/drugged/in shock Moxxie, poor Millie, and something big bursting out from the water behind.  Tied to first scene?
Stolas’ ‘Special Access’ bit from the Sneak Peeks, talking about the Harvest Moon festival in Wrath
Moxxie and Blitzø in a green lit room, looks like a two-way mirror on the wall.  Interrogation?
Correction to ‘Diss Season’ XD  Hopefully that means we’ll get an episode before spring, but if they need more time, that’s understandable
Glammed up Stolas at some kind of burlesque, owned by Asmodeus ‘Ozzie’, Prince of Hell’s Lust circle.  Wonder why he’s there...
CHERUBS!!!  Also from the Sneak Peeks, we know that this is a commercial, and that the TV showing said commercial gets blown up a few seconds later
Angry Blitzø, probably yelling at Moxxie, being scared shitless by a hellhound behind him.  I think this is a repo/impound/chop-shop guy who took IMP’s van, as in a later scene, they’re shown in a fence with other cars, especially because Blitzø yells ‘RUN’ at the end of the scene
Loona and Blitzø filming someone’s misery (again, probably Moxxie).  They’re in western outfits, but they’re probably still in Hell
Tentacle wrapping around drugged Moxxie and taking him, too fast for Millie to react and stop it.  Again, looks like it’s tied to the first and fifth scenes
Sassy Blitzø, probably talking to the repo-hellhound or punching-bag Moxxie.  Same setting as scene 11
Blitzø running to the window of what looks like a recording studio, with ‘VM’ spray painted on the doors next to him.  He looks distraught, but it’s not clear why
Recently choked-out Moxxie recovering, while being frame by a spiny-tailed Imp wearing what I assume is a serape, since it looks like they’re on the ranch Loona and Blitzø cheered a poor soul, scene 12
DEPRESSED BIRD DADDY.  WHY ARE YOU SAD???  IS IT GONNA MAKE ME SAD??? OH NO I’M NOT READY unless its a flashback, but stilllll
Perturbed Blitzø holding his special flintlock in a western-themed room.  Looks like he has his outfit from scene 12 on, probably the same episode, but whatever happened/is going to happen, it’s not good
Dressed-up Moxxie, who probably jumped bombed a performance, is upstaged by Robo Fizz and most likely a Robo Ozzie, given the designs on its’ head(s).  He looked uneasy even before the Robos popped up, so something else was going on first.
Scaley eye blinking and getting MAD, attached to the tentacle that kidnapped Moxxie?
50% off add for Spring Break victims, complete with coffee stain, and Blitzø‘s horse doodles.  I got a mental image of Moxxie scolding Blitzø for drawing at work, so he BS’d it into an ad.
Either Blitzø is a terrible driver, or they’re trying to speed away from someone.  Repo-hound, maybe?
HUMAN!!!  Almost definitely a human pop-star singing on a Coachella-esque stage!  I tried to fill in her name, but could only get ideas of what some letters were.  Her initials are most likely VM, from the recording studio scene, but the bottoms of some letters could be an E or L, K or R, so we’re left with V~(L/E)(K/R)OSI(K/R)A MA~~.  It also looks like she’s wearing heels, so she may be the person who threw Blitzø in a later scene
Moxxie about to be trampled by what can only be a horse, given his outfit.  Loona and Blitzø are probably filming XD
Shocked Stolas, standing up at table.  Same outfit as the burlesque, but he doesn’t looked surprised enough that it’s the part where Moxxie is upstaged, more something emotionally jarring.  Blitzø kissing someone else, maybe?
Blitzø pushing Moxxie out of the way and pinning him just outside a Hell portal in an alley, most likely Earth.  Blitzø looks mad, and rightly so, as he’s looking a little beat up himself.  Connected to the interrogation scene?
Happy Blitzø turns horrified outside some elevators with Moxxie.  Judging by the water cooler in the back, I think he’s about to slam into the recording studio.  Behind him, Moxxie gives no shits
Blitzø looking miffed, maybe at something Moxxie said.  Looks like the same scene with the repo-hound, as the setting itself looks like an impound lot, with the IMP van smack-dab in the middle of it.  I love that the license plate is IMP-666 though
Unhappy Blitzø (ok, let’s be honest, when IS he happy?)
Moxxie swinging Millie around in the deserted theater, passionately frenching each other
Blitzø getting pushed down by a horned, high-heeled... someone.  Again, might be the pop star from earlier, but there’s horns...  Maybe the pop star is human-passing, and has an alternate demonic form, like the Hazbin Hotel cast?
Western-clad Blitzø pulling his flintlock on someone, most likely before scene 18.  Most definitely Hell, judging by the poster and previous scenes, but I’m digging the décor
Blitzø not getting a break at all during this trailer and being yeeted into a dumpster, which closes on him.  Gonna take a stab and say it’s outside the burlesque Stolas and Moxxie were in, from the colors and posters of Lust Ring, Personal Companion Robo-Fizz, and Angel Dust.
The next scene is of him climbing out of a dumpster to fall into another pile of trash.  He just doesn’t get a break, does he?  It doesn’t look like the dumpster outside the burlesque, but it is similar to the alley with the hell portal, where Blitzø pinned Moxxie.  Maybe not the same scene, but most likely same episode.
Editor being absolutely plastered, teasing all the fun stuff to come in 2021, since 2020 can go f*ck itself.
And that’s a really in-depth breakdown of all the scenes in the trailer!  Now, for the voiceovers.
First, Loona’s asking if anyone ‘Can feel that?’.  Interesting thing to ask, so we’ll have to wait and see what catastrophe happens
Millie gently yelling at Moxxie to ‘DON’T PANIC’
A calm voice announcing an elevator’s departure to the Lust circle of Hell, which is most likely where the burlesque and Robo scenes are.  As to who is going, it’s either Stolas or the IMP crew, or maybe both?
Horny Stolas cooing ‘Oh, Blitzy!’, followed by Loona’s ‘SHUT THE F*CK UP’ from the Loo Loo Land episode.  Finally, I have a high-res clip I can set as my ringtone!
Blitzø yelling  ‘Dammit, Moxxie, this is all your fault!’, which may or may not be true since he scapegoats Moxxie, who replies ‘How is this my fault???’
Pop star asking, ‘Y’all ready to get f*cked up and make some b*tchin’ bad choices?’.  It’s most likely her talking, since the her lips synch up with her scene, and it’s a new voice we haven’t heard before.
Moxxie’s cut off ‘M*THERF*CKER!!!’.  So happy I get to hear Invader Zim go off, poor boy needs it XD
Blitzø being Blitzø and trying to tone down a big deal, stating again that he doesn’t pry into their personal lives, even though he obvious does (see Helluva Boss Pilot for more)
Robo Fizz’s line from Loo Loo Land asking if anybody loved Blitzø.  I’m gonna be honest and say that line choked me up in Loo Loo Land, and so did Blitzø’s response, until ‘But I’m really good with guns now.  DANCE, B*TCH!’
Moxxie ending with ‘That is deeply unsettling’, again from Loo Loo Land.  Throwing shade on Helluva Boss haters, maybe? :3
All right, now, predictions!
Chaos in a theater, with focus maybe on Millie and Moxxie’s relationship, maybe an origin story?  It won’t be the only one, with the tentacle beach monster and drugged Moxxie bits, so we can expect a lot of story and character development from the two of them.
Farm episode!  Blitzø either drags them onto a farm, or there’s a client who invites them, but sh*t will happen.
Really excited to see what happens in the Lust ring, and for the return of Robo Fizz!  Baby boy only got a few minutes of screen time, but is currently my favorite character.
Repo episode of rescuing the IMP van, probably resulting in overall team building and character development.  I really want to see Loona tear a new one into that *sshole-looking hellhound, though.
Pop star episode!  Really excited to meet this new character, I wonder what her name is and how close I was XD  Either Blitzø and Moxxie break into her recording studio to meet her, or she’s a client, but we’ll see!
Trapped on Earth/Run in with Earth authorities episode?  That interrogation room didn’t exactly look Hellish, and they obvious meet some kind of resistance while on Earth that looked like it was gonna get messy...
Stolas episode!  Please please please be flashback and story, I loved Loo Loo Land but really want some more lore and development on his character and maybe relationship with Blitzø.  Bird obviously needs to work through some things, and I really want to watch him grow, ever since I saw him struggle to tell Octavia why he was cheating.  Him stuttering and ultimately being unable to find a reason why really hit home, and I’m glad it was something they included since in media, it’s always ‘Well, she’s really ugly’ or ‘I don’t love him anymore’.  He still has feelings for his wife, but wanted to f*ck Blitzø too.
Even without the trailer, we do know that we’re getting episodes focusing on CHERUB and a Harvest Moon festival, but still.  There’s so much content Vivzie and Co have been working hard to make, and I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us.  Dark comedy aside, there’s so much story they can make just around these four characters, following their growth and happenings around Hell.  It’s such a cool premise and one that hasn’t been washed and worn so many times, like cop or murder shows, and I can see this going on for quite a bit.
Well, here’s to an exciting 2021!  Thank you for all your hard work, Vivizepop, keep it up!
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arce-elliot · 3 years
Magnus Archives - First Impressions (Ep. 1-25)
I’ve been messaging my friend (who has listened to TMA) with little short impressions after I finish each episode. I find them funny so I’m just gonna collect them all in one place.
For context, I knew a good amount about the podcast already and had been spoiled for most major characters/plot points through TikTok.
Under a read more cause it’s long as shit
EP 1 (Anglerfish): Jon: the first ten minutes is going to be exposition My ADHD ass: fucking uGGHHHHHH CAN SOMEONE GET MURDERED PLEASE
EP 2 (Do Not Open): - Hold up hold up is this coffin in episode two THE coffin??? - Like the one someone gets stuck in after the Unknowing??? I want to say Daisy but I might be wrong. - Because if so that continuity is -chefs kiss-
EP 3 (Across the Street): - But wait if he has to watch the table why the fuck is he taking night classes
EP 4 (Page Turner): Statement Giver: I found a book Me: okay so this is the Leitner origin episode okay Ep 4: my friend Michael Crew Me, literally almost spitting out my water: LIGHTNING MAN???? Ep 4: Mary Keay- Me: AND THE KEAYS?????
EP 5 (Thrown Away): love how this dude had his buddy vanish and all he found was a metal heart with his name carved on it and was just like "eh I'll give it to my pal that can access a furnace so they can just melt it" like HUH
EP 6 (Squirm): - this dude is a sleazeball i hope he gets eaten by worms - "This story is concerning" YEAH NO SHIT, JON - Oh Shit Jane Prentiss name drop
Ep 7 (The Piper): - music means you die got it - ngl i forgot what happened in this one i wrote nothing for it lmao there is a War
EP 8 (Burned Out): -  HILLTOP ROAD HILLTOP ROAD THAT'S IMPORTANT RIGHT - "all the bones are in his hands" michael??? with him weird yaoi hands??? - AGNES - oh shit is this the box that fits in the table
EP 9 (A Father's Love): - i know julia kidnaps jon eventually and she's bad HOWEVER she's baby - "hey dad sorry to interrupt your weird ritual or whatever but a monster just broke the front door"
EP 10 (Vampire Killer): - OH TREVOR SWEET - wow he really just walked into this building and was like "i killed five people lmao" - oh awesome! we love describing tongues! disgusting! - !!! elias namedrop - wait he died isn’t he alive later
EP 11 (Dreamer): - oh gertrude?
EP 12 (First Aid): - "he had long black hair" You again? Gerry please take a nap or something - Gerry gives off strong "this may as well happen" energy - Just the image of this goth man covered in burns just waking up, walking to a closet, grabbing a scalpel, stabbing a man who turns to ash and then going back to sleep is quite literally THE funniest thing ever
EP 13 (Alone): me: okay time for episode 13 a new person: speaks me: what the fuck
statement giver: evan LUKAS me, a dumbass: okay me, later: alone lukas alone lukas WAIT
EP 14 (Piecemeal): - this dude is so mean and for what - bye bye fingies
EP 15 (Lost John's Cave): - caving diving ep fucked me uppppp - shit is terrifying
EP 16 (Arachnophobia): - @ Jon how is being covered in spider webs after ONE WEEK a normal occurance
EP 17 (The Boneturner's Tale): - Mike Crew Name drop #2 AND Elias speaking? Damn - Ah shit Leitner Alert - oh shit this dude just broke into the library rude
EP 18 (The Man Upstairs): - Hey! Meat episode! Fucking! Unnecessary!
EP 19+20 (Confession I + Desecrated Host II): - i could hear my brain trying to keep all the shit in these episodes straight - not my fave y’all too many places hurt my brain
EP 21 (Freefall): - Simon Fairchild Time I guess - was there a single fact about this story that was real lmaoooo - WORM TIME WORM TIME
EP 22 (Colony): - M A R T I N my poor baby
EP 23 (Schwartzwald): - Gerard really got to stick himself in every story huh smh main character looking ass
EP 24 (Strange Music):
Statement Giver: I'm not scared of clowns Me: here we go Statement Giver: Nikolai- Me: YUP, HERE WE GO
EP 25 (Growing Dark): - if it's a dark episode without my queen julia I don't want it
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derekmorganscrocs · 4 years
Nancy Drew 2x6? Thoughts While Watching
Technically its the season 2 premiere but I have no idea what to number it
ACE GOT A NOTE FROM HIS MOM AWWW. I want a picnic date on a mountain, no cap.
Nick and George teamwork is so cute. AW NICKS MOM! “Nice non pagan game night.” I’m sent.
HAHAHA DETECTIVE TAMARA MAKING FUN OF NANCY IS GOLD. Nancy don’t make an enemy of another cop you already did that to McGinnis and that was kinda bad (until he switched on you). TELL NANCY WHAT SHE WANTS TO KNOW TAMARA. SHELL FIND OUT WITHOUT U HOE.
OMG CARSON AND NANCY ACTUALLY HANGING OUT? Aw I kinda love that. The way he just knows exactly what she’s doing.
Ace nancy is about to die stop talking about food. I love you but read the room babe. DON’T HANG UP BITCH-
Georges sister being a fish right activist. Omg me when I stand up to fast(that’s not supposed to be about the fish rights it’s about George just dying against a shelf)- I think Odette may have attached herself to George.
“Did you burn your knuckle hair again?”
“Game night Ace crushes.” Aw I love him.
Bess “did you kill someone” “oh it smells” STOP.
“Tamara already thinks we have a thing for dead bodies” Ace please never ever stop talking.
The way george goes EGH after she picks up the mouth thing.
Pls not us arguing over where in Nancy’s house to do an autopsy.
Aw Carson still views her as a kid, I love. oh she’s so offended.
NOT THE KITCHEN TOOL AUTOPSY. Ace snapping the rubber glove made me snort omfg. He’s everything.
OK CORONER BESS. Nick is so grossed out and I love that he can’t say bug names. Detective crew 1000.
Nick is a genius, and nancy hyping him up is serving me bffs. Pls Hannah is serving angry hippie vibes.
“What like that time that she literally died?” Ok nick. OH COUPLE BOYFRIEND THERAPIES, YES BOYS TALK ABOUT UR GIRLS.
The sheer panic on their faces when someone knocks. Not morgue guy. Oh nancy gaslight him, periodt.
It blinked- (yeah I screamed this what about it.)
Is game night back on tho?
The way ace’s curls look so much better than mine, I’m so jealous. I want to play with his hair. Yes I am obsessed. What about it?
Morgue guy raging is funny. “Kidnapped cadaver”. Ahahha. NO NOT CHARLES’ ARM! It’s a voodoo doll or something- WHY IS THE CORPSE CRUNCH? OH NO HES GONE
The way bess says “come on,” is just perfect I love.
The house freaks me out a lil. Nick reassuring nancy, I really need a nick y’all.
George is freaking me out y’all. Ace platanchoring everyone. ACE AND GEORGE FRIENDSHIP 😭 I LOVE. ACE IS SO SWEET. NO GEORGE OPENING UP. She’s so scared, omg no. “What if I never feel normal again” broke me. Broke. I felt that so much.
Morgue guy going crazy. Babe stop repeating yourself, chill. It’s jus a ghost 🙄.
Ok come on Leo don’t be a pussy- sorry that was aggressive. Bess STOP I CANT HANDLE THIS, “BOXY”??? ACCENT NICK ACCENT NICK!
NOT GEORGES SISTERS. NO. Astronaut cat is so cool. OHNO OH NO OH NO.
RUN RUN- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? No George begging them to hurry and the way her voice breaks. STOP STOP NO- Nick having to hold her back and the way her voice is just breaking and raspy, WOW. NO WAY, Ace is holding back the little sister. SO HE’s GOOD WITH KIDS? Amazing performance by Leah Lewis here, I love her. As an older sister, this is totally an accurate reaction and was excellently acted. just wow.
“Those ghost kids were awesome” thanks for saving me from tears Ace.
NICK IS A ROCK. HI I CANT HANDLE THIS RN BESTIE. Nick stop being such a good guy.
Yo I deadass forgot morgue guy’s name-
Ryan and Carson need to be an old married couple (I suggested arguing over nancy like a divorced couple)
“Lilith is that you??” @ the white eyes corpse
“I thought it was gonna be like a yeti, blow her hair- BODY”
Both mom and Alexis hiding and shrieking as nancy looks around her house for the banging.
Punky Brewster ad, she goes “paget Brewster??”
“Those aren’t human! They’re not supposed to be in there” @whatever the fuck was in that body, said cheerfully and stupidly. 5 seconds later “Bess and Ace were too prepared for that apotoposty. (Pause for thinking)... autopsy.”
Starts calling the bugs “mouthboards” (she actually was calling them that the whole time)
Repeats “blinked” for thirty five seconds before pronouncing the i in any other way she can think of.
Fails at sliding down the railing because she couldn’t run downstairs fast enough before the show came on. Proceeds to crabwalk gallop back to her chair.
“That was scary!” (Said like Dean Winchester in “yellow fever”)
It’s called a vessel. 🖐🙄
“Scotland” but she said it in an awful British accent that was supposed to be Scottish-
“Seriously? Do they just lose Ted once every season now, or?”
*cryptic smooth beatbox dancing to end credit music?* update: she says it’s interpretive dancing...
She wants to know where Ryan is. “Why was he just MIA this whole time?”
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where-s-all-blue · 4 years
How to Where-s-all-blue:
If you are asking for headcanons:
Ensure that I haven't already done headcanons for the character.
Do not just drop the name of the island or the arc, give me names. Each arc drops approx five-hundred new characters that I have to keep track of so by listing the characters you are really making things easier and lessen my headache.
Check whether or not I am taking a pause from the said AU, some of these AUs are the type that people only pay attention to such as the Actor AU that I seem to only get asks about. If I have stated that I'll be taking a break from it, it usually means that I've burnt all out of ideas for that AU for now or wish for people to pay attention to the other AUs that are being put a lot more attention into.
Extra Info Tidbits That Are Important:
R = OP, can also be used by the readers to project themselves into if they feel like it, part of the Heart Pirates Crew.
C = OP's friend who runs nue-nue-nomi, is in the Straw Hat Crew.
K = Mutual friend of both R and C, currently part of the Kuja Pirates, might later on leave it.
Denden Tea = Not so serious Self Insert AU, often makes an appearance in the conversation posts as well to show just how insane it'd be to simply drop yourself into the world and then think that people wouldn't think of you as a weird cryptid creature.
Yes, you are allowed to ask questions about the above mentioned AU as well though there's no guarantee that I myself know what's up with it at this point.
You fancy something on this blog and want to draw/write something related to it? Be my guest! Also you better drop me a link to it so I can reblog it here and your creativity will get the publicity it deserves.
Literally everything else:
I prefer asks over everything else, they're easy to find and notice and won't be lost in the literal sea of people reblogging and liking the posts about Law being stressed, Ace kidnapping kids to be their newest sibling and Luffy adopting people to be his older brother. Also I physically freak out whenever I get a message into DMs so- how about we avoid me throwing my phone across the room in panic and use asks, k?
Always specify what you are commenting/asking/suggesting about/for; I have several fics, posts and AUs, unless you specify what you mean, I can't answer you.
Please try to be polite and patient.
Yes, the ask box is open ALL THE TIME, and it is titled Den Den Mushi. And YES I do plan to answer every single one of them.
For longer questions, you can use the submission function though it doesn't have the anonymous ability to it as far as I am aware of.
If you do not want to have your question be seen, make sure to mention it so I can change the answer into "Private" before posting.
Before asking, please check if I've answered the question before.
While I do not mind being asked for commentary on the arcs, please just assume that I am not fully up to date with the most recent events, (I'm working on an original comic and I have a YouTube channel on top of it so my actual amount of free time is maybe 1/10th of what most have).
I occasionally do mention my other projects here, but I'd appreciate it if the questions that are directed towards them would be taken to their respective blogs such as my artblog or the comic's own blog.
If I forget to tag the above mentioned accordingly (aka R works/not OP) and if I should add a warning to some posts, please do mention about that to me.
Sometimes I show off my actual work work for you because I don't want you to get bored while waiting for me to update or worry that something has happened to me. Sometimes I do that because I am very proud of it and want to share it with people.
There might come brief moments when I am mentioning a shop or sort because as an artist I want to get paid so I can pay my bills and to eat and because these shops have literally items that I've had a hand in designing, I like the idea of shops more than putting up a patreon because that way you'll always get something back from it. Also I suck at figuring out stuff to give for patrons as a return.
Just assume that I have no idea of the actual chapter number I am on, I have an awful number memory. I literally can't even remember the birthday date of any of my siblings despite of loving them dearly.
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dangerdaysdiary · 4 years
From Cassie the Venomous... A Danger Days FAQ
You can find the original post on Cassie’s website here.
Frequently asked 'Danger Days...' Questions Answered!March 18, 2011Now that My Chemical Romance's Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys is out, I'm finding more and more questions about it leading people to this site. I figured it would be beneficial to address some of the ones that are asked most frequently in one place for the benefit of all! I hope this helps! ORIGINAL POST:  November 24, 2010 @ 11:57 P.M. UPDATED: March 18, 2011 @ 9:47 P.M. ____ The Killjoys Fun Ghoul -Corresponding MCR member: Guitarist, Frank Iero -Raygun: Green with horror-style stickers attached to it -Symbol: A smiling face with one eye crossed out and a jagged mouth -Physical Description: Wears a yellow shirt with black-striped accents over which he wears a military vest. In the video for "SING," Fun Ghoul bears a scar on the right side of his face at his mouth. -Mask: Purple and green Frankenstein mask -Additional Information: ... Jet Star -Corresponding MCR member: Guitarist, Ray Toro -Raygun: Blue with red and white details and the text "BECAUSE I SAID SO" -Symbol: Star with a face and a lightening bolt rising from its left side -Physical Description: Wears an eyepatch on his right side. His jacket displays an American flag on its back. -Mask: Black astronaut-style helmet -Additional Information: The original name for Jet Star was "Raygun Jones." Kobra Kid -Corresponding MCR member: Bassist, Mikey Way -Raygun: Red with white details and a decal that says "deluxe" (his raygun was originally named "Demon-shark Deluxe"). -Symbol: the face of a hissing cobra -Physical Description: Wears a red jacket over a yellow-and-black zebra-print shirt -Mask: Yellow helmet with blue and red eye-like details that displays the message “GOOD LUCK” on its visor -Additional Information: In addition to his raygun, Kobra Kid can also be seen using a power glove in the video for “Na Na Na…." Mikey describes Kobra Kid as a "misunderstood" character with a "short temper" who "knows Kung-Fu." Party Poison -Corresponding MCR member: Vocalist, Gerard Way -Raygun: yellow with pink details and "Give Me Money" written in Japanese on its side. -Symbol: pill with an "X" beneath it -Physical Description: Wears a blue jacket with red details, a "dead pegasus" logo on the front and his Killjoy symbol on the back -Mask: yellow domino mask with blue circular details and clown-style eyes or a decorated "mousekat" helmet. -Additional Information: Party Poison was among the Danger Days... characters active on Twitter preceding the album's release. The Killjoys' names, which Mikey Way told NME are "themed after designer drugs," started as the names of their rayguns, but later turned into character names. The band has said that their Killjoy personas are not characters they are playing, but how they picture themselves in the future. Are the Killjoys Dead? Currently, as a result of the “SING” video, the Killjoys are presumed dead. However, a picture from Gerard Way of “Party Poison” in what appears to be an unzipped body bag (left) captioned “Killjoys never die” has many fans questioning how dead they truly are. UPDATE: April 10, 2011 Dr. Death Defying tweeted: that "there are four acceptable levels of dead after posting an ode to Party Poison, whom he called "dearly departed." More information will follow if the four levels of dead are explained further. Dr. Death Defying Played by Steve Righ? of Mindless Self Indulgence, Dr. Death Defying is the smooth-talking narrator who filters in-and-out of Danger Days…. He is a D.J. for 109 F.M., WKIL, a pirate radio station that operates in the Zones. He is recognized by his “Slaughtermatic Sounds” jacket, which also says “Jackals” and “Philly,” his aviator sunglasses and the bandanna he wears tied around his head. Dr. Death Defying uses an electric wheelchair because of an apparent injury to his left leg, to which an electric brace is strapped. In an hour-long video “listening party” hosted by the D.J., the character implied that he is a veteran, possibly of the Helium Wars, which have been alluded to vaguely. Show Pony and the Girl Show Pony, the character who can be recognized by his "NOISE" half-shirt, blue-and-white polka-dot tights & helmet and rollerskates is the companion of Dr. Death Defying, the narrator of Danger Days... (played by Steve from Mindless Self Indulgence). Show Pony is played by performer Ricky "Rebel" (Twitter | Reverbnation). Rebel opened for My Chemical Romance as Show Pony at the band's Hollywood album release show. The actress who plays the Killjoy girl in the videos, whose character name has thus far only been "the Girl," goes by Grace Jeanette. She, too, is an actress and a musical performer. The Girl's role in the Danger Days world appears to be a significant one; as, she was kidnapped by Better Living Industries for a stull-unknown reason. The Zones and Battery City
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The Killjoys world centers around Battery City and its surrounding concentric Zones. The map to the left shows how the Zones are laid out in relation to the city. Utopian Battery City is central, corporate, clean and the center of manufacturing. It is where Battery Towers is located. Battery City, California is the setting for My Chemical Romance's "SING" video, to give you a better perception of what it looks like. The setting for the "Na Na Na..." video is in the Zones, which are a more lawless, desert terrain in which the Killjoys live, run and fully embrace their freedom. The Zones are dirty, wild and dangerous-- the opposite of Battery City. Geographic landmarks include: Route Guano, which is the road on which Gerard has said, "the shit happens." It is where Jet Star and Kobra Kid are "ghosted" by an exterminator in the Danger Days... track "Jet-Star and The Kobra Kid/Traffic Report." "The Getaway Mile," which may be a specific location, is mentioned in the song "Bulletproof Heart." There is also a place which Dr. Death Defying on Twitter called "Wolfblood Beach." Better Living Industries Better Living Industries (Also known as BLI, BL/ind, or BL industries) is the corporation that controls Battery City. The corporation strives to bring about structure in a post-apocalyptic world. It is known for producing emotion-eliminating medications as well as every other manufactured product one can acquire in 2019. BLI crosses over from the Killjoys world and into real life. The made-up corporation has its own  web site with products that you can actually purchase, a mission statement and a "Zone Report" in both Japanese and English.  Also, MCR takes it a step further by having changed the name under which their music is published to "Better Living Industries Music," which you can see in the liner notes of Danger Days.... BLI also overtakes the edited version of Danger Days..., whiting out the internal album art, taking away the lyrics and putting its smiling face logo (above right) all over it. The Danger Days: California 2019 Edition box set is packaged in a BLI box and the 3-song The Mad Gear & Missile Kid E.P. that comes with it is printed on a disc made to look like a BLI brand CD-R. Check out some BL/ind commercials and "Fact News" reports. Dead Pegasus Dead Pegasus is a 2019 oil company. Korse, Draculoids and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
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Korse is an exterminator for BL/ind's SCARECROW Unit. In the videos, he is played by comic writer Grant Morrison. The "SING" video has raised speculation among fans that Korse could possibly a robot of some sort; as, he is seemingly "activated" in his chamber by the push of a button. Some also speculate, based on Gerard Way's character sketches and his indicating that Korse suffers from "Zone sickness," that he may stay in the  chamber shown in the "SING" video for medical reasons. Grant Morrison revealed to MTV that Korse is "intimately connected with the Killjoys and their secret history," which has yet to be revealed. The SCARECROW Unit of BL/ind is a sort of police force. Korse leads it, and The Draculoids are the other exterminators that appear to be of lower ranking than Korse. They're a "clean-up crew" for the Zones, getting rid of the things and people who do not comply with the monochromatic standards of Better Living Industries. The Mad Gear And Missile Kid
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The Mad Gear and Missile Kid is My Chemical Romance's alter-ego band for Danger Days... Mad Gear is what MCR imagined the Killjoys would listen to in 2019. Fans who ordered the California 2019 Box Set received a bonus E.P. of the three tracks MCR recorded as The Mad Gear And Missile Kid: 1. F.T.W.W.W. (acronym for "fuck this whole wide world") 2. "Mastas Of Ravenkroft" 3. "Black Dragon Fighting Society" The genesis of TMG&MK came with the writing of "Black Dragon Fighting Society," which was originally recorded for the pre-Danger Days album the band "scrapped." "F.T.W.W.W." and "Mastas of Ravenkroft" followed as songs created specifically for TMG&MK. Gerard Way told Alternative Press that the MCR is interested in creating a full album as The Mad Gear and Missile Kid and that they would like to play shows as the alter-ego band on off-days of tours in the future. EVENTS in the Zones 2012: The Great Fires 2017: The Pig Bomb ?: Helium Wars
-- If there's something about which you are confused that you would like added to this post, let me know! Consider this a perpetual draft that will update as often as you, Reader, need it to. Also, please don't hesitate to submit corrections! I have compiled the information in this post using knowledge I've gained from interviews of the band by several sources. Suggested Reading to Expand your Killjoys Knowledge: The Twitter development of the Zones presented in a linear fashion. A full interview transcript series posted by Coup De Main Magazine. XoXo c.
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Title: Gifted (Sequel to Giftless)
Imagine that you are Stark’s niece and you secretly share a strong relationship with Loki since he entered the crew. One day you get hurt so bad during a mission that you are about to die.  Loki knows a spell that will save you and share his immortality with you but you and he will be linked forever sharing thoughts, pain, emotions…
RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS:  Also on AO3 click here
Tony was waiting in the sittingroom of the compound for you when the portal materialized. /Told you we should have set the portal to my apartment/ you grumbled at Loki when Tony barreled into you, yanking you from Loki’s grip as he held you tightly to him. You couldn’t help laughing at Tony, though. He would never change.
“Kat! We were so worried. You guys were gone for so long with no word!” Tony exclaimed, panic in his ton. 
You sighed and finally got free of his arms. [There was trouble] you signed at him. He had lived here and been friends with Veronica too, of course, since this was his tower. He’d actually been friends with her before you had moved in to the tower, before your parents had died. He may have even had a crush on her at one point.
“What trouble? Why are you signing?” Tony demanded, automatically signing along with his words. Veronica hadn’t been gone long and the habit stuck from living with her. Old habits died hard. 
You looked over at Loki. /Can you tell him what happened? It will take me forever to sign the whole thing/ Loki nodded his reply. /Thanks, I want to see if Veronica is home. Can you two survive alone together that long?/
/We will be fine, darling/ Loki answered with a smile. The smile was supposed to be reassuring, but you didn’t trust Tony not to punch Loki in the face again.
[Loki will tell you] you signed to Tony. You used magic to change back to human clothes. You had missed your jeans in Asgard. You got used to wearing dresses there, but you were still way more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt. You kissed Tony’s cheek, then kissed Loki which earned you a growl from Tony, then went to see if Veronica happened to be in the tower. She wasn’t officially part of the team anymore, but she still had suites here and stopped by often to visit. Instead of knocking on her door, she had a doorbell that would flash the lights inside. You pressed it and waited. You only had to wait a moment before she came to the door. [You’re here!] you signed excitedly.
[Kat!] she replied with a grin. You had been friends in the couple years you had both lived in the tower together. She tried to hide how lonely she was, but she had become your friend when you made an effort to sign out the conversations around you, and be her voice when she wanted to jump in and the loud supers weren’t noticing.
[Can you come in? you need help] She stepped back to let you in with no hesitation. [Thanks]
[What trouble?] she asked. Even though she wasn’t officially on the team right now, due to her very pregnant belly, she was still one of you and jumped right back in to emergency mode as easily as any of the rest of you. You briefly explained about your lack of ability to speak.
[Do you have any ASL books I can borrow?] your ASL was still really good, but you needed a wider vocabulary and needed to brush up on it. She pulled a few volumes from her bookshelf and handed them to you. You made your apologies after that. You had left Tony and Loki alone for too long already. She laughed at that and shooed you away to go rescue one or both of them.
She was right to shoo you off. You got back to them just in time. Loki was finishing his story about your kidnapping and how you had saved yourelf. “You were supposed to protect her!” Tony roared. You sighed and set the books down on your end table before calmly walking up to the boys. Tony pulled his hand back to punch Loki in the face. You swept in between them, shoving Loki back a step. Tony pulled his punch in time. You wouldn’t have let him hit you, but you were glad he stopped anyway. That meant his temper could be dealt with. “Don’t protect him, Kat,” Tony snarled at you, reaching to shove you out of the way.
[Stop trying to hit him] you signed angrily. [This isn’t his fault]
/Please do not do that again, darling. u\I would hate to have to hurt him for punching you/
/He won’t punch me/ you thought back at Loki. /Not when he’s mad at you. Besides, you won’t protect yourself and I don’t want to have to heal your nose when he breaks it. I like your nose the way it is/
“The hell it’s not!��� Tony roared. His hands were too busy singing his reply as he spoke that he couldn’t form a fist again. That was a good thing. “He was supposed to protect you. You were supposed to go there and heal!”
[I did heal. You know Balder is bad. This is Balder’s fault. If you want to hit someone, hit me for getting kidnapped] you weren’t comfortable using telepathy with humans. You had burned out someone’s mind once already and didn’t want to hurt someone you loved like that, so you were sticking to sign with the humans, unless telepathy was one of their powers. Loki promised to help you later learn how to speak to the others via telepathy.
Tony just pulled you into a hug instead. “Like yI would ever hurt you, imp,” he replied. “He says they are researching how to fix this,” you felt him gesture to Loki when he said that. You nodded against his chest. “We should tell Fury…” he hedged. You sighed, but nodded again. The three of you went to find Fury. He was in his office, so he wasn’t hard to find.
You hadn’t been in his office since you were grounded for turning all of the Avengers’ costumes pink one summer. You weren’t glad to be back either. That was almost as unpleasant of an experience as the day you got grounded for an entire summer for escaping your guards for an entire day. This place did not have good memories. “Soldiers,” Fury greeted you when you entered.
“We have a report to give, and we’re not soldiers,” Tony announced. You and Loki wisely let him take charge. He was highly regarded by Fury and much more used to dealing with him.  Even if they did manage to piss each other off most of the time. 
"Then give it,” Fury replied curtly. Tony told the story this time. You were glad you didn’t have to do it. Loki chimed in additional details when they were needed. Fury looked at you when they were done. “You know what I’m going to ask, Kat,” he told you gently. Fury wasn’t usually gentle, but he had experience with uncontrollable powers in the past. You nodded, you knew exactly what he wanted. There was only one thing he could ask for at that juncture. You shoved Tony into one of the chairs. You didn’t want to have to catch his heavy ass when he passed out. You saw the glimmering green shield around Loki. He’d be safe.
/Careful, darling. They are human/ you nodded and opened your mouth, whispering just loudly enough for them to hear you. They were both unconscious slumped on Fury’s desk a moment later.
It took them a few minutes to come back around, during which you were teaching Loki the annoying hand-clapping game you had taught to Thor. There was nothing to do but wait for them to come to, so you might as well have some fun.
“That was…educational…” Fury commented after he had come around. You went over to them now that they were awake and healed their bleeding ears. You could have done that earlier, but you hadn’t wanted them to think you was exaggerating. “I will put R&D on looking for a solution. In the meantime, your classes start again day after tomorrow. We have told the university that you were on a mission for us. You will inform them of this development and that Loki will be accompanying you as translator. You will also be sticking to a work schedule from here on and the number of emergency healings you get called on will be very strictly monitored. I do not want the incident of a couple weeks ago to happen again,” Fury ordered. You nodded meekly, not daring to go against his temper. “Dismissed, all of you,”
You swept from his office as quickly as possible. None of you wanted to be there longer than you had to be. You tapped Tony’s arm to get his attention. [You ok?] you asked. He nodded.
“Yeah, I’m fine. That’s some curse you got from Balder…” he added. You rolled your eyes. That was an understatement.
[How’s Pepper? Did she heal?]
“She was a whiny baby for a week,” Tony whined. “She claimed she couldn’t do anything for himself and demanded I take care of her. For everything.“ you laughed at his put-upon tone and Pepper taking advantage of Tony. “She’s in the office this morning, but she’ll be back by dinner.” you nodded your understanding. “Oh, your actor friends will be here tomorrow. Fury is actually letting Tom and Kelly into the compound for your birthday party,” you nodded and grinned. It was always fun getting to see your nice normal human friends. They just happened to be famous actors. You really couldn’t do anything normally if your only human friends were actors. 
You and Loki spent the day pouring over the ASL books. You could study a whole lot faster now that you were soulbond. Everything one of you learned, the other did too. It was a great side effect.
Tony kept checking his watch as the afternoon wore on. You smirked at how adorable he was, waiting anxiously for Pepper to get back. Right before dinner, Pepper returned. Tony jumped up from the couch to go greet her, wrapping Pepper in a too tight hug. You laughed at Pepper’s yelp of pain. You took pictures of them to immediately post to Facebook. “Tony! Let go!“ Pepper yelped, a cat-tail appearing on her and puffing up.  She was still getting used to having magic and didn’t always control her shapeshifting. Tony didn’t let go until Pepper had kissed him. You was glad they were more comfortable with their relationship being in the open. Pepper came over to you when she saw you. You stood and hugged her too. "Kat! You’re back!” she greeted you. You nodded. “How was your trip?” you started signing a reply, but then stopped when you remembered that Pepper hadn’t lived here long enough to have learned.
/Lo?/ you called, drawing Loki’s attention from his book.
“Sorry, Pep,” Tony jumped in while Loki was getting to his feet to come see what the trouble was. "I forgot you don’t sign. I’m sorry! Everyone here learned when Veronica was living here permanently. I forgot you haven’t been here that long. It feels like you’ve always lived here!” Tony added at Pepper’s puffed up anger. Pepper was always around, but not around around and hadn’t known Veronica well.  “Anyway, Kat can’t talk. It’s nice to hear the quiet, actually,“ Tony stuck his tongue out at you. You reached up at grabbed it, glaring at him. Stupid uncle. Tony made a protesting noise, and spluttered, but couldn’t get his tongue back from you.
"What is the matter, Tony?” Loki asked pleasantly. “Does a cat have your tongue?” he asked with mischief in his eyes. You saw the flash of green magic and suddenly Pepper was roaring in laughter. You looked over your shoulder at Loki, raising your eyes in question, until you felt the cat-ears on your head. You let go of Tony’s tongue to reach up to feel them.
/Loki!/ you shouted indignantly. Loki just laughed and kissed you.
“I could not help it, darling. The joke was too good,” he explained when he broke the kiss.
“Stop that,” Tony growled at you. “Just because you’re dating doesn’t mean you want to see it or know about it.” You just gestured between himself and Pepper. “That’s different,” he growled. You rolled your eyes. Stupid uncle.
/Put it back/ you thought at Loki.
“I will not,” he replied pleasantly. you glared at him.
“Tony, her ears are prettier than mine!“ Pepper whined, tugging on Tony’s sleeve to get his attention. It wasn’t like Pepper, but sometimes the cat instincts took over, which was adorable, no matter how much she hated it.  You looked over at them at laughed. A minute later your phone dinged. Pepper had taken a picture and posted it to Facebook. You giggled and immediately made it your profile picture.
"Never, Pep,” Tony replied exasperated. He pulled Pepper to his side and started petting Pepper’s fluffed up cat-ears until his fiancé calmed, or forgot that he was joking. Pepper was such a handful and it amused you to no end that she’s the one Tony fell in love with.
"I will show you how to remove them yourself,” Loki placated you. He took your hand and magically showed you the process for shapeshifting. “I suggest you do not try to shift forms without me around until you get the hang of it,” he added. You nodded, closed your eyes, and concentrated. The cat ears were gone in a moment later. You grinned at Loki when you had successfully done it. He gave you a smile in return. “Well done, darling,”
Your phone dinged again a moment later. You reached into your pocket. You had a text from Tom, the actor who played Loki in the Avengers movies. -It looks like you’re back in town. Nice cat ears. Kelly and I got here a day early. Want to meet us for tea?-
-Of course we do. Just let us know where- you typed back. You showed your phone to Loki so he could read the messages.
“What?” Tony asked.
“It appears we are going out to meet our friends for tea,” Loki explained. He used magic to change his clothes to jeans and a button down shirt. It was the closest you got him to casual when we were going out. You did manage to get him to wear a t-shirt out of the compound when we went to the amusement park, but that had been stupidly hard work. You stepped up on a box made of air so you could reach Loki’s hair to tie it into a manbun for him. You left the magenta-red streak free, tucking it behind his ear. Loki turned around to kiss you when you were done. “It is nice to kiss you when we are the same height,” he commented.
“Stop that!” Tony snarled, but you couldn’t help but laughing when Pepper kissed him a moment later.
“Also, what’s with your hair? Did you try dying it again?” Tony demanded. You shook your head.
“Lady Kathryn has gifted me with a lock of her hair, and I have done the same. It is a sign of love. Do not make fun, Tony,” Loki explained, speaking firmly to defend you. You smiled and reached up to touch the lock of Loki’s hair which grew among your own hair, tucking it back behind your ear.
Your phone dinged again when you stepped off the invisible box you had been standing on, which you promptly vanished, this time with the location of the coffeeshop Tom wanted to meet you at. “Kat, don’t stay out too late. The kids want to watch Superhero Musical in honor of your return,” Tony told you when you showed Loki the text.
You nodded. [We won’t] you signed at him. Loki offered you a hand. You placed your hand in his and teleported the pair of you from the room before Loki had the chance it. You grinned at him when you arrived, proud of yourself. He laughed and leaned down to kiss you in reply.
You entered the coffeeshop and saw Tom and Kelly already waiting at a table for four. They had drinks for you already too. You waved and made your way through the crowded shop to sit with them. Loki pulled out your chair for you. Always the gentleman. Well, except for yesterday, but that was different.
“How have you been? We heard you were on a mission for the Avengers. It’s been all over the news, people speculating on what it was,” Tom asked you once you were settled.
[Can you tell him what happened?] you signed to Loki. You hadn’t appreciated how difficult this meeting would be. You extra couldn’t use telepathy on Tom and Kelly. They didn’t have powers.
“What’s wrong?” Tom asked, signing the words as he said them. You gaped at him. You hadn’t expected him to know how to sign, especially not ASL, BSL maybe, but not ASL. He laughed. “It’s a skill I picked up over the years. It seemed useful at the time.” you laughed again.
[How are you not married already?] you signed at him. He was very nearly perfect. He looked away with color in his face. You jumped on him. [Who is she?] you demanded, all excitement. He just looked at Kelly.
“Do not tell the press,” he told you firmly. You nodded and made the age-old gesture of zipping your lips. He laughed. “So, what happened while you were gone?” you sighed, but explained how you had been cursed with a power that hurt people when you spoke. Loki jumped in to add that it was Balder who had done it. Both Tom and Kelly appreciated that. They knew who Balder was from his actions here on Earth. “All your magic and you can’t fix this?” Tom asked Loki.
Loki shook his head sadly. “Not yet. We are researching, but we do not know how Balder did this…”
[I’m fine. It’s just a little inconvenient] you reassured them.
You chatted about your lives and what you’d been up to for an hour or so before you all had to go. You got delayed when the press got ahold of the fact that all four of you were there. You got stopped and had to take pictures. You posed nicely for exactly one picture. The rest of the pictures just included you being silly goofballs. You escaped before you had to sign every single slip of paper people could find.
When you arrived back in the commonroom, the group was already gathered for the movie. “C'mon, you two!” they called when you reappeared. You laughed, and you and Loki both used magic to change into pajamas for the movie. Everyone else was already in their pajamas. Tony growled when you were only wearing a tank top and pajama pants, but you glared at him in reply. He was only wearing pajama pants. Everyone was wearing pajamas, including Loki once he had seen that that’s what everyone was wearing. You made your way over to Pepper first, while Loki settled himself on the couch. You looked over the scar on Pepper’s chest, you could see the top of it just above the top of her tank top. It was light, not nearly as bad at the one on Loki’s. You touched it gently, investigating it as a healer.
“I’m fine, Kat. You saved my life that day. I can handle a little beauty mark,” Pepper reassured you, laughing.  You sighed. You should have done better.
“Don’t you dare start thinking that you should have done better,” Tony snapped at you, knowing you too well. “You nearly died saving her life. I love you both and I am so grateful you both survived that day. You would have died, Kat, if you had done any more,” Tony reminded you. You nodded, but still went to curl up with Loki. You touched the scar on his chest too. Both wounds had been made my Balder. Tony had been wounded in the exact same manner, but you had enough power that day to heal Tony without a scar. Loki you had healed in the middle of battle, his scar was deep and obvious. 
"You saved both of our lives that day, darling,” he told you softly. “I wear the proof of our battle with pride,” he added gently.
“Enough being sad!” one of the super kids called. They started the movie a minute later. Loki pulled you onto his lap and wrapped a blanket around the two of you. You laid your head on his chest so you could watch the movie in peace and listen to all of the kids sing along.
You sat up and stared when they all started signing along to the songs. Most of them were clumsy and missed half the words, except Veronica who was leading the sign-singing. It was amazing that they were willing to try, willing to make you feel included. You laughed and wrestled your arms out of the blanket so you could join along. The duet was hilarious with everyone trying to both sign and sign along to their parts.
Loki used magic and made two clones of himself, one male and one female so he could lead the song. You laughed the loudest at his antics. He also got the loudest applause when the song was over.
You stayed up late with our friends watching Avengers movies to the point where everyone fell asleep in the common room in a big heap of blankets, pillows, and tangled limbs. The Facebook page was overflowing with comments from the community the next morning. You blamed Fury for the pictures, especially when Tony, Loki, and you were the only ones whose faces could be seen in the pictures. You were the only ones whose secret identities were compromised.
That didn’t mean you didn’t have a separate Facebook page for your superhero alter-ego. You had to give the fans a safe way to contact you for fanmail or they got weird. All of you had social media pages for our superhero alter-egos. Except Loki, who didn’t bother with an alter-ego.
You didn’t have to worry about Fury’s pictures that night, though. It was a comfort to be surrounded by your silly super family, cuddled between Loki and Tony in your heap of pillows and blankets. You were pretty sure your frozen toes were on Tony’s stomach too. He didn’t complain. He was just glad to have you home.
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opotakuism · 5 years
Does pudding have children in your descendants au?
In case I forgot to mention, for a change, I decided to keep Sanjina character with male!Pudding. Also, Sanjina had bad luck with guys UNTIL she recently ends up with Zoro again. So I will explain the past of all Sanjina’s children, as one of them as Pudding’s child.
In Descendant AU, Ichiji wanted his heir so he secretly used Sanjina’s DNA substances and combined with his DNA, artificially created a perfect son Vinsmoke Sage, who isn’t either physically nor mentally deformed thanks to the modified inheritance from his father. When this truth revealed, Kau kingdom and other countries were repulsed by his “pure-blood inheritance” idea, and the news left Sanjina no choice but entitled as “Empress” of Germa, despite she’s away from the country. When Sage was two, Sanjina returned to knock some sense to Ichiji for his dictatorial tactics and his harsh treatment towards Sage. She took Sage outside Germa, letting him stay in Thousand Sunny until...
Sanjina married Pudding, had a son named Remy. But two problems occurred, is that Sanjina felt HEAVILY ill because the toxin was malfunctioning and was in verge of death(because her mother Sora drank the same to prevent the modification when she was pregnant). Another, is that Pudding was obsessive man who NEVER wanted to let Sanjina and Remy return to Germa OR Thousand Sunny. While Law was there and completely cured Sanjina, Pudding’s yandere side, and list of MURDERS he committed was exposed, and was sent to Whole Cake Chateau Book Prison. Sanjina DIVORCED with him and Remy was taken to Thousand Sunny with Sage. Everything seemed fine as her crew accept her sons as their family but..........
Two years later, Sanjina unknowingly captured the attention of former Celestial Dragon named Shaluliel, brother of Charloss. While her crews went to Shabaody Archipelago for shopping and groceries, Sanjina was left alone in a ship cooking. But she was kidnapped by slave traders who were paid by Shaluliel. Due to her experiences with meeting horrible men, she did not trusted him, believed that all male Celestial Dragons were sexually deviant scumbags. Initially, Shaluliel believed he will regain his “godhood” and able to make her his... but spending time with this badass yet kind-hearted woman, he got softened and both bonded. Later, they had a beautiful daughter who resembled her, named their baby “Sora”. However, Sanjina missed her crew and her sons. Despite the heartache, Shaluliel released her, allowing her and Sora to her crews and sons.
Years go by, she raised her children well despite being a single mother. Whenever she journeys to hazardous adventures, she often call her close acquaintances from Totto Land, mostly Katakuri, to take care of them until she comes back. At that time, Katakuri has a daughter named Kalamay and she developed good friendship with Sanjina’s children; supporting their interest in cooking, defending Remy from bullies, and hang out with Sage. When back in Sunny, Sanjina’s kids look up to Zoro as their father figure. As Sanjina taught them chivalry and how to fight without using their arms, Zoro spend times with them, thus bringing him and Sanjina back together. When Sage was 12, he was mentally mature, asked his mother about returning to Germa. Sanjina supports his choice and at the same time gave her brothers a motherly THREAT not to let Ichiji ABUSE him or whatsoever. As Sage learns to become an heir to Germa throne, Sanjina and her crew visits Baratie where she introduced Zeff and the chefs her children. Zeff and the chefs spoils them a lot, as the old Red Leg often gives Remy pep talk when he felt insecure of his third eye. 
Currently, it is confirmed that Sanjina and Zoro are together and has a daughter named “Azure”, an adorable girl who has blond hair with blue-green streaks, blue eyes like her mother, with normal eyebrow who cannot pronounce words that has r, l in them and also has lack of direction sense like her father, and dreams to be a swordsman like him.
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pleasurextreasure · 5 years
❜cutlass (20/?)
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genre: Aristocrat!reader x Pirate!Jeno, ft. NCT Dream
warnings: all nct Dream members are above 18+, multi-chapter, swear words here and there throughout fic
word count: 1.2k
prompts: in which Jeno is cursed to live for three more years and only loving someone and expecting nothing in return can break it
a/n: slower updates bc uni is starting up... im also sad bc this is coming to an end very soon :c ➵admin kiki
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | Current
Ξ r e q u e s t Ξ
Your heart thrummed quickly as you tried to take everything in. Renjun and you were kidnapped by Sirens, brought to their island, and now you stood before Moira, their Sea Witch. You anticipated to get into some sort of trouble because after all, you were with pirates.
But you never thought it would be this kind of trouble.
“Sea Witch is very taboo amongst my kind,” her voice is as smooth as silk, and for reasons unknown, this disturbs you. “I’m simply a being that resides peacefully in her claimed  territory.”
She moves towards you, her feet gliding on nothing as the distance between you closes. Despite your inner turmoil, you square off your shoulders in an attempt to mask your fear of her. 
“And I’m afraid… you’ve trespassed.” Moira’s smile twists to a menacing one. Dread overwhelms you while Renjun grasps onto your arm, yanking you to stand behind him. “I am one to usually forgive such things-”
“Bullshit,” you spit out. Stepping away from your crewmate, “You cursed Jeno.”
The look of bewilderment Renjun sends you doesn’t go unnoticed, but your heated stare is focused on the sea creature. You’d have to ask for Chenle’s forgiveness later for letting one of the boys finally find out that you knew.
“With justified reason, my dear naive girl.” Moira chides, demeanor unnerved from your cursing at her. “You see, that Captain and his crew had intentions of stealing treasure that is protected on this island. And for that, he was cursed for the selfishness that was portrayed.”
You’re struck speechless. What words could you say to her after that? There was no way of justifying the act of stealing unless intentions were good, but they weren’t in this case.
“I gave him time to redeem himself worthy of living until his aged days, but I knew that from the moment of casting the curse on him, his efforts would prove futile.” She continues on. “What human would possibly care for such a man?”
Moira notices the hardness your eyes take on, and she grins, clearly amused with what she’s seen. “Ah, unless…”
You felt the burning stare of Renjun, whose attention had been fixed on you during the entire exchange. If the fish wasn’t off the hook before, it was surely now. 
“You gave him no time at all.”
“I’m sure he’s had the time to figure out something - it seems to look that way.” She calmly replies, clearly unbothered by how vexed you were. 
Pure rage has taken over you at this point, leaving your mind to be unclear of your body’s actions because you were now taking a step towards the sea creature. Renjun takes hold of you once more, urging you to stop and get behind him. 
“My apologies for being offensive,” Moira hums, tilting her head to the side. “You humans are so easily wounded by mere words. If you are to be hurt… Why, shouldn’t it be by physical injuries?”
Keeping true to her words, Moira lunges forward, grasping the torso area of Renjun’s shirt. With seemingly little effort, she tosses him to the side, the sickening sound of his head colliding against the ground.
“Renjun!” The cry you let out is shrilling. The brief lapse of concentration directed away from her was enough to allow the Sea Witch to continue her attack.
Air escaped you as Moira approached you with unspeakable speed. Her hand was outreached, directed towards her target - your throat. The wave of pain that followed after contact was burning. Tears welled up at the corners of your eyes while you were lifted from the ground, forcefully being brought a foot higher.
Her nimble fingers clenched against your throat, squeezing your jugular. You let out a suffocated cry, trying to gulp in any amount of air for your suffering lungs. You futilely clawed at her hand but quickly realized there was no escape from her deathly grip. 
You look to Renjun’s figure, momentarily forgetting that he wouldn’t be able to help you. The blood that seeped from his head’s wound sent you into a greater frenzy. Your eyes began to glaze over and your vision momentarily darkened, small black dots beginning to make their appearance.
Moira’s grip suddenly loosens, followed closely behind her piercing wail of affliction. You’re able to squirm out of her remaining hold and fall to the floor in a crumpled heap. As you gasp for gulpfuls of air, you tilt your head up to see what’s caused her pain. 
At the entrance, standing in all their savioring glory, was Jeno and his crew. Everyone had their respectful weapons, save for Mark, who you assume was the one to wound Moira.
Jeno gestures for his crew to stay in their spots, a voiceless command of “don’t interfere”. Twirling his cutlass in his hand, he moves towards you both, his eyes focused on your injured figure.
“It seems we have unfinished business that needs to be tended to.” Jeno remarks, as he positions his sword outward, its gleaming steel providing a path to a vulnerable spot.
“Now, there is no need to be so hostile towards me, Captain Jeno. We are acquaintances, after all.” Her tone hit an octave lower, unsettling you.
Your hand unconsciously made its way to your tender throat, gingerly guarding the sore area. You were rooted to your spot, in fear of her attacking you once more despite Jeno’s entrance.
“I’ve no time to associate with the ones who prove useless to me.” Jeno smoothly returns. The tip of his cutlass was directed at her throat, yet she was unfaltered by it. 
“I’m sure I’m a special case, then, seeing as I can take away the one thing that is troubling you these days.” The Sea Witch laughs airily, forefinger gently poking the cold steel of his blade.
Jeno’s resolve seems to waver for a moment. “At what cost?”
“A life, of course. I can’t simply give you back your peace without gaining something in return.” Moira’s smile is twisted, and you felt a familiar sickness settling into your stomach.  Jeno pushes his weapon forward only for it stop centimeters from the area between her eyes. Moira’s finger was the only thing keeping that distance. “Mhm, bad temper indeed.”
You gasped, despite the pain that followed in your throat, as an unseen force brings Jeno to his knees. The Sea Witch bristles with annoyance as she leers at the man. He lets out a painful grunt as his fingers are forced apart, compelling him to drop his cutlass. 
“Maybe I should withdraw my offer and take your life at this very moment.” She maliciously threatens, crouching down to graze his right cheek with the back of her hand. 
The trauma your throat suffered denied you the ability to speak, allowing only whimpers and cries to come out. Your adrenaline found its way back into your system, and the rate of your heartbeats increased. 
Was Jeno going to die in front of you? The thought was terrifying enough but to go as far as witnessing the action, you weren’t sure where that would leave your mentality at. 
“W-wait!” Your eyes enlarged as they fell on who cried out. 
Your feeling of dread only seemed to sink deeper, letting itself pool at the pit of your stomach and making the organ its newfound home as he utters his next words.
“Take mine.”
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abitscrewyvinn · 6 years
A Guide to The Phantom Of The Opera songs
Prologue: This entire show is a flashback some old guy is having.
Overture: Oh look, a chandelier. Carlotta interruptus.
Trumpeting Elephant: My ears are bleeding now. Thanks, Carlotta.
Think of Me: Carlotta gets upstaged by a schizophrenic ballerina.
Angel of Music: Meg is afraid her best friend is fucking crazy.
Little Lotte/Mirror: Insert alternative love interest here.
The Phantom of the Opera: So is Phantom mind controlling her or do he just got mad goth game?
Music of the Night: Soft seduction followed by incredibly rude, loud organ interruption.
I Remember/Stranger than you Dreamed: Christine wakes up in a fucking sewer and doesn’t seem that fucked up about it.
Magical Lasso: Creepy stage crew guy freaks out the kiddos and gets told off by the woman totally not working with Phantom.
Notes: Fuck, we need money.
Prima Donna: Fuck, Carlotta is how we got money and she wants to leave.
Poor Fool: They disobey the Phantom. Shenanigans (and death) ensue.
Why Have You Brought Me Here: Christine are y o u   o k a y ? ?
All I ask of You: Insert love ballad here
All I Ask Of You Reprise: Phantom is sad Christine has a different love interest.
Entr’Acte: Intermission time lads
Six Months Later: Ayyy waddup the theater owners are gay and throwing a big gay party.
Masquerade: We spent all our budget on the costumes for this song. There’s also always that one guy just fucking about as a jester creature we don’t know how he got in here.
Why So Silent: Phantom crashing ur big gay party to be rapey. Oh and he wrote a new opera and he’s gonna kill people unless you do what he wants.
Notes 2: FUCK.
Twisted Every Way: Christine obviously doesn’t want to fucking perform but doesn’t have the idea to just go find a job somewhere the fuck else.
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again: Christine’s depressed because her dad is dead.
Wandering Child: Phantom heard you were depressed and is here to slide into your dms and ask for nudes.
Bravo Monsieur: Christine’s boyfriend is here to cock block the Phantom again.
The Point of No Return: Christine got kidnapped and now he’s holding her hostage. For some reason she's just like yeah this is fine.
Down Once More: Christine’s boyfriend tries to cockblock again and almost dies instead. Christine finally calls him out for being a weird stalker but kisses him anyway because fuck it I guess.
Track Down This Murderer: Angry Mobs R Us,  the Phantom has depression, but the protagonists are trauma bonded now.
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miron-kablam-ram · 6 years
Wedding Day 💙~💜
Muse up and stretched out before getting dressed and leaving the house before Iron could see her and headed down to the boutique. It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding -w0. A few minutes later after she left Iron woke up and looked over to see she wasn’t in bed, for a minute He was admittedly scared that she was kidnapped or just left him for some other colt (marriage day jitters) but He realized the whole bad luck thing and try to think of were to go first. He got dressed and flew over to Twilight’s castle,
Once she made it to the Boutique, Rarity did the hair and light make up before heading down to Twi’s castle where the dress and shoes were. They got there and finished getting dressed. While twi was getting everyone in position/in their seats in an orderly fashion. Shining was helping Iron with the suit and getting his hair to look presentable as Liona follows beside Muse adding a few touches to her like a little glitter at the bottom of her dress and making sure her lip gloss was...well glossy to the right amount.
Muse: “Ladies are we sure this isn’t too much makeup? I’m not really the makeup type.”
R: Oh pish-posh darling, you look fabulous. Besides I know you don’t wear a lot of makeup. That’s why I only put a little here and there. To be honest, dear. You don’t need make up, you’re naturally beautiful.
Muse:?*blushes lightly* T-Thanks Rare.
Liona: I agree you look gorgeous
Liza: Says the one who added glitter
Liona: Hey it’s a good touch
*meanwhile Iron was nervous and pacing a bit in his prep room* “Oh god am I sweating? I think I’m sweating- what if she changes her mind? What if she just runs away and leaves me at the altar? Oh god I’m gonna be alone for the rest of my life-“
Muse: I wonder how Iron is doing in his dressing room? I’m sure Shining is in there keeping him at ease.
Shining actually gives Iron a smack along with Jackel and Phoenix
All: Pull it together man!
Jackel; You two have been together for so long you think she’s having second thoughts?
Shining; You said it yourself you don’t have a lot of money or big muscles so she clearly sees something in you that you might not see
Phoenix: You’re a lot like your father though...I swear he looked just as nervous as you are now...
Iron:“Do you think...he’s proud?...”
Phoenix; The great and amazing Phoenix shall never tell a lie...yes..yes I definitely do
Twi: *came back his dressing room and knocked on the door* It’s time guys, get into position and pair up with your bridesmaid to get ready to walk down the isle and in your spots at the alter.
They do so and Iron still look a bit nervous as I stood there clenching my hand feeling my heart pound. After the groom, bridesmaids and groomsmen went down the isle Twi went to go fetch Muse and her dad saying that it’s time*
Noctis: You look radiant, princess. My little sugarbat. *he said linking arms with her
Muse:Thank you daddy, you look very dashing as well and yes, I am ready.
Spike got the cue to start playing the wedding march as everyone’s eyes were looking towards the doorway waiting to see the beautiful bride walk through. One of the flower girls, sweetie bell, went before her, Fi following behind her. Soon it was Muse’s turn to walk. Shining dusts off Iron’s suit a bit
Shining; Here she comes
Iron: Thanks you guys...for everything
He stood up straight and watched her come down the isle with a tear in his eye remembering the times from their first kiss to when he proposed. She came in through the door and everyone gasped and smiled, Applebloom and Scootaloo walked behind me hold the veil train from dragging on the floor. some even got teary eyed, cough-cough Mom, dad was keeping his cool kinda since we was walking down the isle XD*
Muse:Daddy, you gonna be ok? It’s alright to cry, you’re filled with joyous emotions let it show. I think when men cry at their own wedding or at their child’s wedding is very heartwarming.
N: *was trying not to cry* I-I know babygirl. B-but I want this day to be the best day for my little girl.
soon dad let’s her go and kissed my forehead and looked to Iron and gave a determined ‘take-care-of-my-princess’ nod before taking his seat next to his wife while She took approached the alter, Iron helped her get up there.
Twi: *standing at the podium* We are gathered here today to wed this loving couple, Iron and Muse. Did you two have written vows?
Iron: Yes, Muse...from the day I first met you you’ve done nothing but ruin my loneliness and sorrow and filled it with your love and happiness. When I’m sad you’re there to hold me, when I feel lost you always know how to find me. I vow to be the best husband I can ever be no matter the challenge, there are thousands upon thousands of stars in the sky but you’re the only one I wish to look at
Muse: Oh Iron, that was beautiful.*smiles lovingly with tears in her eyes, luckily She wasn’t wearing mascara as she wiped the tears away* I believe it’s mine turn. From the first day of meeting you, I knew we would be close friends. I’ve never dreamt of having you as a loving partner in crime. You are the love of my life and I can’t see myself with anyone else but you. Our paths intertwining was fate and we’ve blossomed into something beautiful together. I’ll always have your back and I know you’ll have mine, no matter the reason. You’re my King, and I’ll be by your side for as long as I live, as your Queen.
He smiled and wipe a tear away but...He does something meaningful between water elementals, he levitated her tear as well as his and put them together in a heart but keep it levitated next to him for a reason
Twi: By the power invested in me as Princess of Friendship, I know pronounce you husband and wife.
Fi walked up with the rings and handed them over
Iron: *bends down to grab them* Thanks my little soldier *gives a quick salute*
They put the rings on each-others finger but with the ice heart of their tears Iron makes another ring and put it on her other finger
Muse: *blushed and smiled* Aw Iron.
Twi: You may kiss the bride, Iron.
He dips her and kisses as everypony claps*
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loubuggins · 6 years
Lou’s TITANS Review
S1 E1 - Titans
The Titans show was not as bad as the hideous trailer made it out to be, but then again, maybe it reached my standards because I had them so low. I will say that there were moments in this episode that I actually enjoyed. The acting was decent and the special effects were cool to see, but the script was only sub-par. Like most shows or movies that aim to be more “mature,” this episode depended for too much on violence instead of telling a compelling story. Which, in my opinion, they have, but it’s being drowned by the excessive gore and grimdark nature that the show creators are trying way too hard to enforce. I do see potential in the plot, I just hope they will execute it better as the series progresses. I also have many theories surrounding the show, which I go into below the cut.The pilot episode is always one of the worst in any series so it would not be fair to judge the whole series based off of one episode. Therefore, I will continue to keep an open mind in these coming weeks as we continue to dive into this new twist to the Titans’ story.
Please note that this review contains only my opinion and that I am open to other ideas, but I do ask that extreme fans of this show ignore my review, as I am critical of certain aspects of the show.  
Read below the cut for my full review containing a summary of this episode!
The episode begins with the mysterious girl we come to know as Rachel Roth. She walks through a circus tent and ominous music playing in the background along with the odd sound of a joyful crowd in a seeming abandoned place gives away that this is a dream. She makes her way to the circus ring, where we see a flashback of the famous “Flying Graysons.” The family swing on the trapeze in what appears to be a very beautiful display, until the scene takes a sharp turn towards devastation. We see a young boy (Dick Grayson) scream in horror as he watches his parents fall to their deaths. There’s a lot of emotion in this scene and we see the dream come to an abrupt end as Rachel wakes up screaming and panicking.
Rachel’s mother runs in to comfort the young girl and if you listen closely, you’ll hear Rachel mention that she has had this dream before. Judging by her mother’s reaction, it’s clear she has confided in her mother before about this dream. It’s also revealed that Rachel can feel the boy’s pain and grief. It’s not an unusual statement to make about a dream, but this theme will continue to pop up throughout the show.
That morning, the mother wakes up to her alarm and we can tell by her appearance that she is exhausted and under a great deal of stress (Hm...I wonder why?) After taking her medicine she lifts her shirt up to reveal fresh scratch marks on her side. It’s never made clear how she received them, so to take a shot in the dark, I’d say they came from Rachel. When she enters the kitchen (wearing a nurse’s scrubs), we see Rachel quietly eating surgery Trix cereal and a cup of coffee. These may seem like minor details, but they bugged me greatly. Anyone who has seen the animated versions of Raven knows she’s a tea and waffles kind of girl.
Anyway, there is a tense conversation between mother and daughter that reveals the magical power that the girl has. It’s obvious that she can’t control it and it’s revealed that she doesn’t know what it really is or why she has this “darkness inside her.” Her mother seems to know something about Rachel’s powers, but refrains from sharing that information. It’s also worth noting that Rachel mentions being able to feel her mother’s emotions and using that empathy to know that she is lying.
After a dramatic scene between mother and daughter that makes Rachel look like Marvel’s Silver Banshee, we see the teenage girl hop on the bus headed for school. It’s fun to see one of my favorite characters in such a normal setting and I felt some compassion towards the poor girl. It’s clear that she has a good heart, but in typical Raven-fashion, she doesn’t know what to do about her more demonic side. Though she doesn’t appear aware of her demon heritage yet. I honestly would have liked to see more with her in school. We see her bullied on the bus, some random guy stands up for her, but brushes her off when she tries to thank him later in school. The whole thing seemed so insignificant, that they should have either cut the whole scene or added to it. This series seems to have an issue with priorities. If this season is meant to be about Raven, then let the focus be on Raven.
After the very short time in school, we are taken back to Rachel’s home where she is greeted by her mother and a random thug holding a gun to her mother’s head. The man makes Rachel’s mother reveal she is actually not Rachel’s mother, but before she can go further the man shots her point blank. The scene is unnecessarily graphic, as is most of the action scenes in this show. In a fit of rage, Rachel releases her soul-self and attacks the man. This all happens in a bit of a blur and while the CGI could be better, I didn’t find it as horrible as others did. After knocking the man unconscious, Rachel runs off and the focus shifts over to Detective Grayson.
I want to add that I have a theory as to the identity of this woman posing as Rachel’s mother. I believe it is Alice Williams (Roth), Raven’s aunt in the comics and older sister to Arella. In the comics, she is married and living a normal life with her family, but it's not like this show is hesitant to change a character’s backstory. Therefore, I think the woman is Alice Roth since her comic book counterpart is also very religious and she looks similar to Arella in appearance. My only other guess is that she was from Azarath, but I think my Aunt Alice theory makes more sense. It is sad though because I liked Aunt Alice.
Moving on to the bat boy, we see Grayson alone on a stakeout holding the file of some other thug who avoided charges against him for abusing his daughter. In a scene that looks like it came straight from Gabriel Picolo's Titans Zine, Dick looks over apprehensively at a briefcase sitting in his passenger seat. After some hesitation, he finally uses his thumb to unlock the case. Next, we see the thug with his other buddies in an alley (DC loves their alleys) as they begin the process of a drug deal. This is when Grayson, decked out in the Robin costume we have seen so much of, swoop in and fight them like some homicidal maniac. Nothing about this part is in character for the boy wonder. He brutally kills the criminals in an assortment of creative, yet painful ways. In the end, he goes to the man he was supposedly only after and beats him to death, but not before saying “If you ever touch your daughter again, I’ll find you.” This makes no sense once so ever and again, I blame the writers and the entire crew for not catching this mistake. It was very noticeable, and before the scene cuts again, we get the now famous line “F*** Batman.” After the horrendous fight (more like slaughter), we see Dick play the emo song that he so conveniently had on a record while cleaning the blood off one of his throwing R’s. We also get a nice long look at Brenton Thwaites shirtless, because the Robin fangirls need their fix I guess.
Back to Rachel, we get another ridiculous song as she takes a bus to Detriot. She finds her way to a soup kitchen and while she is there, a woman approaches her, offering to take her to a youth shelter. As Rachel is being led down a dark alleyway (seriously DC, again with the alley?), Her reflection (which I’m going to call her demon side) warns her not to follow. Trusting her instincts, Rachel runs away from the woman and attracts the attention of the police in order to escape.
As she waits in an interrogation room, Detective Grayson comes in to talk to her. She instantly recognizes him as the boy from her dream and without beating the bush, pleads for his help. I don’t criticize this though, because Raven was never one for tact. Grayson, however, is rightfully shaken up by her declaration but decides to investigate further. He makes the mistake of leaving the mystery girl alone and while he is gone, she is kidnapped by another cop.
Grayson follows them to an abandoned house, where he finds Rachel tied to a chair and about to have her heart cut out by the Acolyte. Now, this is where things start getting interesting. Before Grayson shows up, the Acolyte shares his villain monologue to Rachel, revealing that he intends to kill her in order to stop Trigon from coming, which is the exact opposite of what I thought his plan was going to be. It would be very different if the so-called “bad guys” of this show try to stop the end of the world from coming, rather than start it, and I honestly wouldn’t mind a refreshing twist to Raven’s story. However, in another surprise turn in events, Rachel loses control and her demon side takes over. Releasing her soul self, she performs a reverse exorcism on the Acolyte and kills him in a very disturbing and unpleasant way. I frankly don’t want to go into the details. By the time Grayson comes in, her soul self is back in her body and Rachel is panicking in her chair, claiming to have no memory of what had just taken place.
During all of this, on the other side of the world in Germany, we have our first look at Starfire (Anna Diop). The alien princess wakes up in a smashed car in the middle of the forest with a dead man beside her at the wheel. Dazed and confused she stumbles out of the car, only to have another vehicle racing down the road with men shooting in her direction. She takes off into the woods and after getting away from them, she somehow ends up at a gas station bathroom. She looks through her purse and it’s clear she has lost her memory, most likely from the accident (that probably was not much of an accident). Out of her purse, she pulls out a key that looks like the kind you would get for a locker or storage unit. The key also has a circular keychain with a picture of a cartoon frog. She also finds her passport, which says she’s an American citizen named Kory Anders. This leads me to believe she has been to America before, so it is possible she has met the boy wonder as well, but that is just my prediction. Not that this detail is of any importance, but the passport also says she is born on November 11th, 1991, which would make her 27 years old in the show. Just a fun fact.
The last item she pulls out is a hotel keycard, which leads her to the hotel the card belongs to (again, who knows how she arrived there). While she is there, a concierge seems to recognize her and Kory finds out she lives on the entire top floor of the hotel. When she arrives on her floor, she looks around to find any clues as to what happened to her before she lost her memory. All she finds is her apartment a mess, a half-packed suitcase, and a cell phone with a picture of her with her and some guy. Oh, and a beaten man tied up in her closet.
The first words out of his mouth were “Okay, don’t hurt me! I’ll tell you! They found her!” It isn’t clear at first who he is speaking about, but it is revealed later to be Rachel. As Starfire tries to retrace her steps, we start to get a taste of her character and what she has been up to up until now. Not a whole lot is made clear except that she was undercover and that she looking for Rachel. My theory is she was working for the JL in an undercover mission. She happened to stumble upon a much bigger scheme that has something to do with Rachel. She tried to do some digging but got too caught up in the crossfire. The crash was supposed to kill her, but she survived. Unfortunately, she lost her memory and doesn’t remember her original mission or the girl who changed it. Her hunt for Rachel will bring her to Robin, who she has already met before, but may not remember. Dick helps her and tries to recover her memories. Again, I think that her passport being American means she has met Dick before.
I have also heard that someone may have hired her to go undercover and find information about Rachel and that someone may have been Bruce. It would make some sense so I could get on board with that theory as well.
In the end, when moving to a store similar to Best Buy and it’s clear from the green animals playing on the TVs in the background that this is Gar’s (Ryan Potter) 3 seconds of fame, and let me tell you, I was not disappointed. The security guard follows a trail of video games down a hall where he finds a large, green tiger, shuffling through the games like how a cat plays with a toy mouse. As a lover of tigers and a major Beast Boy fan, I absolutely adored seeing him growl at the guard and take off with an Xbox game. Ryan says he picked Fallout 74, whatever that is (I’m not a gamer). Still, it was so much fun to watch and I thought Gar was the most in character so far, even if it was for only 3 seconds.
It’s obvious that this show will depend heavily on Ryan’s acting skills and Robin stans in order to stay relevant. Considering I’m only interested in the former, I’d give the series a thumbs down. However, I know from experience that any show’s pilot episode is usually its worst. Therefore, I plan to judge each episode by itself and will judge the season in the end. That said, I’d give this episode a 3 on a scale of 1 - 5, with 5 being the best. I say a 3, because while it gave an interesting storyline, but lacked in execution.
Rating: 3/5
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